biology Crossword Puzzles

Unit 3 2013-09-28

Unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. raiskama
  2. märkima
  3. otse
  4. ime
  5. kergesti
  6. kirjandus
  7. bioloogia
  8. kujutlemine
  1. kandiline
  2. ajaviide
  3. ümmargune
  4. õigekiri
  5. looduslik
  6. harjutamine
  7. karistama

15 Clues: imeotsemärkimaajaviideraiskamaõigekirikergestikandilineümmargunelooduslikkirjanduskaristamabioloogiaharjutaminekujutlemine

Get to 30 week 4 crossword 2022-05-11

Get to 30 week 4 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the scientific study of the behaviour of animals.
  2. the study of the nature of god and religious belief.
  3. the study of the development, structure and human society.
  4. the body of terms used with a particular technical application in a subject or study.
  5. the study of living organisms.
  6. the system of contrastive relationships among the speech sounds.
  1. the science dealing with X-rays.
  2. the science which deals the physical structure of the earth.
  3. the branch of biology and medicine concerned with the study of embryos and their development.
  4. the branch of biology that deals with the relation of organisms.
  5. the scientific study of crime and criminals.
  6. a regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure.

12 Clues: the study of living organisms.the science dealing with X-rays.the scientific study of crime and criminals.the scientific study of the behaviour of animals.the study of the nature of god and religious belief.a regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure.the study of the development, structure and human society....

BIOLOGY CH. 1& 2 2024-09-05

BIOLOGY CH. 1& 2 crossword puzzle
  1. the study of life
  2. projects to learn about science
  3. an example of something
  4. CREATURES tiny living things
  1. people who study biology
  2. a type of animal
  3. to be alive
  4. tests done by scientists
  5. any kind of picture

10 Clues: THINGSto be alivea type of animalthe study of lifeany kind of picturean example of somethingpeople who study biologytests done by scientistsCREATURES tiny living thingsprojects to learn about science

School subjects & jobs 2021-05-11

School subjects & jobs crossword puzzle
  1. ιστορία
  2. μαθητής/τρια
  3. βιολογία
  4. αγγλικά
  5. αγρότης
  6. σεφ
  7. άλγεβρα
  8. καθηγητής/τρια
  9. τραγουδιστής
  1. γιατρός
  2. γεωμετρία
  3. πυροσβέστης
  4. γεωγραφία
  5. ψαράς
  6. γυμναστική
  7. νοσοκόμος/-α
  8. γεωμετρία
  9. πληροφορική

18 Clues: σεφψαράςγιατρόςιστορίααγγλικάαγρότηςάλγεβραβιολογίαγεωμετρίαγεωγραφίαγεωμετρίαγυμναστικήπυροσβέστηςπληροφορικήμαθητής/τριανοσοκόμος/-ατραγουδιστήςκαθηγητής/τρια

Agricareers Crossword 2023-07-24

Agricareers Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. breaks down meat into its primal cuts
  2. drives a vehicle used in packaging. Requires a certification to operate
  3. handles machines in need of maintenance
  4. oversees the production of products
  5. develops machinery in relation to agriculutre
  6. provides compensation for the damages done to produce
  7. gives advice on food and diet
  8. study of plant biology
  9. cultivation of trees
  10. cuts down trees and marks them for controlled forest fire protection
  11. studies the field of animals as a science
  12. removes sheep wool
  13. helps in the labour of a farm
  14. animal doctor
  15. keeps bees
  16. studies animals in their natural habitat
  1. development of medical tools in the field of biology
  2. gives advice on improving the work environment and improving standards
  3. advisor for the management of business
  4. studies the relationship between animals, plants and the environment
  5. manages the companies financial and advertising affairs
  6. gives advice on food and diet for animals
  7. produces a fermented product out of grapes
  8. soil scientist
  9. creates chemicals in relation to how they interact with biology
  10. study of relationships between animals, plants and the environment
  11. general handling of the company or branch of company
  12. polices areas and protects them from risks
  13. sells meat
  14. catches fish with a rod
  15. studies the market in relation to agriculture
  16. grower of plants

32 Clues: sells meatkeeps beesanimal doctorsoil scientistgrower of plantsremoves sheep woolcultivation of treesstudy of plant biologycatches fish with a rodgives advice on food and diethelps in the labour of a farmoversees the production of productsbreaks down meat into its primal cutsadvisor for the management of business...

Spelling Words 2021-11-30

Spelling Words crossword puzzle
  1. The study of the stars.
  2. A story told about the life of someone written by that same person.
  3. Someone who studies hydrology.
  4. The study of rocks.
  5. The study of math using shapes and distances.
  6. Someone who studies biology.
  7. The study of water.
  8. Someone who travels into space.
  9. The study of maps.
  1. A medicine used to fight infections.
  2. Someone who studies geology.
  3. To slide on water.
  4. A story told about the life of someone.
  5. The study of living things.
  6. Instrument used to measure the density of liquids.
  7. Someone who studies astrology.

16 Clues: To slide on water.The study of maps.The study of rocks.The study of water.The study of the stars.The study of living things.Someone who studies geology.Someone who studies biology.Someone who studies hydrology.Someone who studies astrology.Someone who travels into space.A medicine used to fight infections.A story told about the life of someone....

Cours, Classes 2024-11-12

Cours, Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Music Education
  2. Physical Education
  3. chorus
  4. Spanish
  5. physics
  6. English
  7. computer science
  8. history
  9. biology
  10. algebra
  1. chemistry
  2. geometry
  3. French
  4. band
  5. Fine Arts
  6. geography
  7. math

17 Clues: bandmathFrenchchorusSpanishphysicsEnglishhistorybiologyalgebrageometrychemistryFine ArtsgeographyMusic Educationcomputer sciencePhysical Education

vocab 2018-01-09

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. to make lively or give spirit to
  2. being full of life and good spirits
  3. the part of Earth that supports life
  4. a written account of another person's life
  5. a specialist in biology
  6. the act of reviving
  7. the study of life
  8. to restore to life
  1. any living thing other than a human
  2. a feeling of strong dislike
  3. having the appearance of life
  4. 2 organisms living together (fungus+algae=lichen)
  5. a person or thing that survives
  6. to be alive
  7. a community of plants and animals

15 Clues: to be alivethe study of lifeto restore to lifethe act of revivinga specialist in biologya feeling of strong dislikehaving the appearance of lifea person or thing that survivesto make lively or give spirit toa community of plants and animalsany living thing other than a humanbeing full of life and good spiritsthe part of Earth that supports life...

Ologies 2023-11-01

Ologies crossword puzzle
  1. biology study of life in the ocean
  2. the study of all types of animals and everything about them
  3. study of microscopic life forms
  4. study of reptiles and amphibians
  5. study of ticks, mites, and spiders
  6. the study of living things and everything about it
  7. study of insects
  8. study of water on earth
  1. study of viruses and viral diseases
  2. study of fish
  3. study of mammals
  4. study of plants and everything about them
  5. study of parasites
  6. study of earths moon and its geology
  7. study of fungi and yeasts

15 Clues: study of fishstudy of mammalsstudy of insectsstudy of parasitesstudy of water on earthstudy of fungi and yeastsstudy of microscopic life formsstudy of reptiles and amphibiansbiology study of life in the oceanstudy of ticks, mites, and spidersstudy of viruses and viral diseasesstudy of earths moon and its geology...

Las Asignaturas 2017-10-27

Las Asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. physics
  2. biology
  3. art
  4. lunch
  5. music
  6. computer class
  7. French
  8. hour
  9. writing
  10. gym class/physicial education (no spaces)
  1. science
  2. history
  3. chemistry
  4. technology
  5. class
  6. school subjects
  7. math
  8. Spanish
  9. schedule
  10. religion
  11. English

21 Clues: artmathhourclasslunchmusicFrenchsciencehistoryphysicsbiologySpanishwritingEnglishschedulereligionchemistrytechnologycomputer classschool subjectsgym class/physicial education (no spaces)

Vocabulary 2013-01-08

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. books
  2. movies
  3. pizza
  4. backpack
  5. videogames
  6. hamburger
  7. chess
  8. music
  9. notebooks
  10. art
  11. shoes
  1. biology
  2. icecream
  3. paper
  4. sports
  5. English
  6. animals
  7. party
  8. ruler
  9. vegetable
  10. Spanish
  11. computer
  12. fruit
  13. dictionary

24 Clues: artpaperbookspizzapartyrulerchessmusicfruitshoessportsmoviesbiologyEnglishanimalsSpanishicecreambackpackcomputervegetablehamburgernotebooksvideogamesdictionary

Subjects 2022-11-19

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. természet
  2. övé(lány)
  3. rajz
  4. azé
  5. fizika
  6. edzés
  7. miénk
  8. ének
  9. biológia
  10. enyém
  11. hittan
  12. tiéd/tiétek
  1. tesi
  2. földrajz
  3. övéké
  4. töri
  5. matek
  6. angol
  7. övé(fiú)
  8. magyar
  9. info
  10. kémia
  11. ebéd

23 Clues: azétesirajztöriinfoénekebédövékématekangoledzésmiénkkémiaenyémfizikamagyarhittanföldrajzövé(fiú)biológiatermészetövé(lány)tiéd/tiétek

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. schedule
  2. book
  3. Spanish
  4. stadium
  5. backpack
  6. computer science
  7. test;quiz
  8. physics
  9. female teacher
  10. english
  11. music
  1. science
  2. desk
  3. library
  4. window
  5. history
  6. art
  7. math
  8. homework
  9. test
  10. female student
  11. biology

22 Clues: artdeskbookmathtestmusicwindowsciencelibraryhistorySpanishstadiumbiologyphysicsenglishschedulehomeworkbackpacktest;quizfemale studentfemale teachercomputer science

En La Clase 1 2020-02-05

En La Clase 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish
  2. French
  3. algebra
  4. health
  5. female teacher
  6. male student
  7. biology
  8. chemistry
  9. English
  10. math
  11. geography
  1. art
  2. calculus
  3. band
  4. geometry
  5. class
  6. PE
  7. the teacher (male)
  8. science
  9. physics
  10. history
  11. music

22 Clues: PEartbandmathclassmusicFrenchhealthSpanishalgebrabiologysciencephysicshistoryEnglishcalculusgeometrychemistrygeographymale studentfemale teacherthe teacher (male)

in the class 2020-01-30

in the class crossword puzzle
  1. health
  2. music
  3. band
  4. teacher(f)
  5. chorus
  6. teacher(m)
  7. histiry
  8. geometry
  9. PE
  10. geography
  11. english
  12. spanish
  13. calculus
  1. chemistry
  2. class
  3. biology
  4. math
  5. science
  6. student
  7. art
  8. algebra
  9. french
  10. physics

23 Clues: PEartmathbandmusicclasshealthchorusfrenchbiologysciencestudenthistiryalgebraenglishspanishphysicsgeometrycalculuschemistrygeographyteacher(f)teacher(m)

french unit 3 lhs 2023-10-13

french unit 3 lhs crossword puzzle
  1. chemistry
  2. dictionary
  3. small marker
  4. eraser
  5. class
  6. Spanish
  7. to write
  8. physique et sportive PE
  9. algebra
  10. door
  11. paper
  1. science
  2. to study
  3. french
  4. book
  5. music
  6. math
  7. pencil
  8. biology
  9. to say
  10. english

21 Clues: bookmathdoormusicclasspaperfrencheraserpencilto saysciencebiologySpanishenglishalgebrato studyto writechemistrydictionarysmall markerphysique et sportive PE

Interro 2.1-2.2 Practice 2024-12-13

Interro 2.1-2.2 Practice crossword puzzle
  1. German
  2. French
  3. chorus
  4. algebra
  5. Tuesday
  6. geometry
  7. Monday
  8. 35
  9. 57
  10. 42
  11. health class
  1. technology/computer class
  2. biology
  3. art class
  4. 68
  5. Thursday
  6. geography
  7. Sunday
  8. Friday
  9. Saturday

20 Clues: 68355742GermanFrenchchorusMondaySundayFridaybiologyalgebraTuesdayThursdaygeometrySaturdayart classgeographyhealth classtechnology/computer class

Module 2 La escuela 2022-04-21

Module 2 La escuela crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. algebra
  3. health
  4. music
  5. physics
  6. art
  7. geography
  8. government
  1. economy
  2. musical theater
  3. chemistry
  4. world history
  5. geometry
  6. anatomy
  7. band
  8. chorus

16 Clues: artbandmusichealthchoruseconomybiologyalgebraanatomyphysicsgeometrychemistrygeographygovernmentworld historymusical theater

Vocabulary Unit 1 2024-12-10

Vocabulary Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Gebiet, Region
  2. Abendessen
  3. bunt, farbenfroh
  4. Stundenplan
  5. Deutsch
  6. unheimlich
  7. Frühling
  1. Geschichte
  2. reisen
  3. Musik
  4. Biologie
  5. Zeichenunterricht
  6. Unterrichtsfach
  7. Chemie
  8. Italienisch
  9. Unterrichtsstunde

16 Clues: MusikreisenChemieDeutschBiologieFrühlingGeschichteAbendessenunheimlichStundenplanItalienischGebiet, RegionUnterrichtsfachbunt, farbenfrohZeichenunterrichtUnterrichtsstunde


'NMI SPECIAL PROJECT crossword puzzle
  1. /coming
  2. / young
  3. /rate
  4. /living
  5. / organisms
  6. / person
  7. / small
  1. /study
  2. /usual
  3. /any
  4. /region
  5. /circular
  6. / ancient
  7. /mental
  8. /island

15 Clues: /any/rate/study/usual/coming/region/ young/living/mental/island/ small/ person/circular/ ancient/ organisms

School subjects 2017-09-21

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Sport
  2. Biologie
  3. Erdkunde
  4. Geschichte
  5. Theater
  6. Deutsch
  7. Informatik
  8. Englisch
  1. Philosophie
  2. Kunst
  3. Naturwissenschaft
  4. Französisch
  5. Religion
  6. Musik
  7. Mathematik

15 Clues: SportKunstMusikTheaterDeutschBiologieErdkundeReligionEnglischGeschichteMathematikInformatikPhilosophieFranzösischNaturwissenschaft

Les Matières Scolaires 2017-05-30

Les Matières Scolaires crossword puzzle
  1. German
  2. French
  3. English
  4. Maths
  5. Japanese
  6. History
  7. Geography
  8. Art
  1. Drama
  2. Science
  3. Physics
  4. ICT
  5. Biology
  6. Chemistry
  7. PE

15 Clues: PEICTArtDramaMathsGermanFrenchSciencePhysicsBiologyEnglishHistoryJapaneseChemistryGeography

capitulo 2 2014-10-19

capitulo 2 crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. class
  3. sciences
  4. art
  5. chemistry
  6. physics
  7. latin
  8. english
  9. easy
  1. course
  2. geometry
  3. biology
  4. algebra
  5. calculus:
  6. big

15 Clues: artbigeasyclasslatincoursebiologyhistoryalgebraphysicsenglishgeometryscienceschemistrycalculus:

Vocabulary week 34 2022-08-25

Vocabulary week 34 crossword puzzle
  1. rymden
  2. skogen
  3. vetenskap
  4. biologi
  5. blyertspenna
  6. kroppsdelar
  1. misstag
  2. växter
  3. teknik
  4. pärm
  5. sudd
  6. kemi
  7. djur
  8. häfte
  9. fysik

15 Clues: pärmsuddkemidjurhäftefysikväxterteknikrymdenskogenmisstagbiologivetenskapkroppsdelarblyertspenna

Rio Jones 2023-11-15

Rio Jones crossword puzzle
  1. bibliophile
  2. Astroids
  3. scheme
  4. Antithesis
  5. Monochromatic
  6. geology
  7. graphic
  1. dynasty
  2. Tropical
  3. Automatic
  4. biology
  5. Logic
  6. bibliography
  7. narcotic
  8. telescope

15 Clues: LogicschemedynastybiologygeologygraphicAstroidsTropicalnarcoticAutomatictelescopeAntithesisbibliophilebibliographyMonochromatic

TVMA 103 2017-04-20

TVMA 103 crossword puzzle
  1. reduction below normal in the normal of erythrocytes or in the quantity of hemoglobin in the blood
  2. the percentage of erythrocytes in whole blood
  3. highly fatal, zoonotic viral infection of the central nervous system
  4. record produced by electrocardiography; also called ECG and EKG
  5. introduction of a substance into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease
  6. examination of an animal's body after death to determine the actual cause of death
  7. a monosaccharide in certain foodstuffs; major source of energy for many living organisms
  1. parasitic worms that have an elongated and flat body
  2. process of centrifugal force for separating substances of different densities
  3. hazardous to biology
  4. test used to look for parasitic infections
  5. branch of biology dealing with microscopic forms of life
  6. non-segmented, cylindrical, parasitic worms which invade the intestinal tract
  7. branch of anatomy that deals with the minute structure of microscopic plant and animal tissues
  8. something that makes a substance unusable for its intended purpose
  9. term used to describe a parasite's eggs
  10. disease that can be transmitted between humans and animals
  11. percentage of packed red cells in a given amount of blood
  12. branch of biology dealing with the structure, function, multiplication, pathology, and life history of cells
  13. not malignant; favorable for recovery

20 Clues: hazardous to biologynot malignant; favorable for recoveryterm used to describe a parasite's eggstest used to look for parasitic infectionsthe percentage of erythrocytes in whole bloodparasitic worms that have an elongated and flat bodybranch of biology dealing with microscopic forms of lifepercentage of packed red cells in a given amount of blood...

The Study of Life 2024-08-01

The Study of Life crossword puzzle
  1. collection of all the ecosystems on Earth
  2. the study of life
  3. study of animals
  4. small structures that exist within cells and carry out cellular functions
  5. fortunate accident or a lucky surprise
  6. large molecule, typically formed by the joining of smaller molecules
  7. all the living things in a particular area together with the abiotic, nonliving parts of that environment
  8. study of the biology of the nervous system
  9. biology study of biological processes and their regulation at the molecular level, including interactions among molecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins
  10. group of similar cells carrying out related functions
  11. smallest and most fundamental unit of matter
  12. study of the structure and function of microorganisms
  1. organism with cells that have nuclei and membrane-bound organelles
  2. single-celled organism that lacks organelles and does not have nuclei surrounded by a nuclear membrane
  3. study of life’s history by means of fossils
  4. study of plants
  5. study of the chemistry of biological organisms
  6. chemical structure consisting of at least two atoms held together by one or more chemical bonds
  7. smallest fundamental unit of structure and function in living things
  8. set of populations inhabiting a particular area
  9. ability of an organism to maintain constant internal conditions
  10. collection of related tissues grouped together performing a common function

22 Clues: study of plantsstudy of animalsthe study of lifefortunate accident or a lucky surprisecollection of all the ecosystems on Earthstudy of the biology of the nervous systemstudy of life’s history by means of fossilssmallest and most fundamental unit of matterstudy of the chemistry of biological organismsset of populations inhabiting a particular area...

Школьные предметы 2021-01-16

Школьные предметы crossword puzzle
  1. русский язык
  2. предмет
  3. музыка
  4. шахматы
  5. окружающий мир
  6. школа
  7. география
  8. история
  9. технология (труды)
  1. информатика
  2. биология
  3. наука
  4. английский язык
  5. рисование
  6. физкультура
  7. математика
  8. чтение

17 Clues: наукашколамузыкачтениепредметшахматыисториябиологиярисованиегеографияматематикаинформатикафизкультурарусский языкокружающий миранглийский языктехнология (труды)

10.26 2016-10-26

10.26 crossword puzzle
  1. ecological community of living things
  2. the set of rules for written language
  3. the written account of somebody's life
  4. medicine that destroys bacteria
  5. the earth's surface, atmosphere, sea & living things
  6. the study of the heart and its functions
  7. pertaining to life
  8. the study of handwriting
  9. removal of a sample of tissue
  1. study of life
  2. account of one's life written by that person
  3. the writing made by a heart monitor
  4. lively, animated
  5. a person that studies living things
  6. the branch of biology dealing with animals

15 Clues: study of lifelively, animatedpertaining to lifethe study of handwritingremoval of a sample of tissuemedicine that destroys bacteriathe writing made by a heart monitora person that studies living thingsecological community of living thingsthe set of rules for written languagethe written account of somebody's life...

Unit 1 2022-11-10

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. sae, ffa, and extension education activities
  2. production of plants and animals
  3. science of soil management and crops
  4. combination of biology and chemistry
  5. characteristics of elements
  6. science of plants
  7. application of science to solve a problem
  1. food that has been grown without chemical pesticides
  2. growing and management of living things in water
  3. refers to commercial firms that have developed in support of agriculture
  4. space and mass around us
  5. growing and managing crops
  6. science of insects
  7. plants grown for their appearance or beauty
  8. basic science of plants and animals

15 Clues: science of plantsscience of insectsspace and mass around usgrowing and managing cropscharacteristics of elementsproduction of plants and animalsbasic science of plants and animalsscience of soil management and cropscombination of biology and chemistryapplication of science to solve a problemplants grown for their appearance or beauty...

第一单元 2021-10-11

第一单元 crossword puzzle
  1. Refers to the process of gas exchange.
  2. So a prediction is a statement about the future.
  3. Is an optical instrument
  4. Biology changes its original seat
  1. The body tube is a hollow tube through which light travels from the objective to the ocular.
  2. Biology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms and their vital processes.
  3. To press the slide
  4. A glass that reflects a clear image.
  5. Refers to the phenomenon and trend of things
  6. When observing the microorganisms, where are the microorganisms

10 Clues: To press the slideIs an optical instrumentBiology changes its original seatA glass that reflects a clear image.Refers to the process of gas exchange.Refers to the phenomenon and trend of thingsSo a prediction is a statement about the future.When observing the microorganisms, where are the microorganisms...

sandra johnson 3.01 crossword 2023-03-02

sandra johnson 3.01 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The science and practice of growing, processing and marketing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants
  2. Plant hormones that quicken fruit ripening, and prevent seed germination and stem elongation.
  3. the part of biology that deals with animals
  4. retains leaves and remains green year-round
  5. a plant that lives more than two years
  6. plant is swollen or filled with moisture
  7. a plant that completes its life cycle in one year
  8. The science and practice of growing, managing and harvesting trees for building materials and other products.
  9. a plant that completes its life cycle in two years
  1. loses leaves during the dormant season
  2. Plant hormones that work with auxins to stimulate cell division
  3. plant is limp because it does not have enough moisture
  4. Plant hormones that stimulate growth in stem and leaf by cell elongation
  5. the part of biology that deals with plants
  6. The science and practice of growing field crops such as cotton, wheat, tobacco, corn, and soybeans.
  7. Plant hormones that speeds up plant growth by stimulating cell enlargemen
  8. the branch of science that deals with both plant and animal organisms and life processes

17 Clues: loses leaves during the dormant seasona plant that lives more than two yearsplant is swollen or filled with moisturethe part of biology that deals with plantsthe part of biology that deals with animalsretains leaves and remains green year-rounda plant that completes its life cycle in one yeara plant that completes its life cycle in two years...

3.01 Plant Physiology 2023-03-02

3.01 Plant Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. plant is swollen or filled with moisture
  2. Plant hormones that quicken fruit ripening, and prevent seed germination and stem elongation
  3. The science and practice of growing, processing, and marketing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants
  4. plant hormones that speeds up plant growth by stimulating cell enlargement
  5. loses leaves during the dormant season
  6. a plant that lives more than two years
  7. Zoology is the part of biology that deals with ___
  8. the branch of science that deals with both plant and animal organisms and life processes
  1. Forestry is the science and practice of growing, managing, and harvesting ____
  2. Plant hormones that stimulate growth in steam and leaf by cell elongation
  3. Botany is the part of biology that deals with ___
  4. Plant hormones that work with auxins to stimulate cell division
  5. keeps leaves and remains green year-round
  6. Inhibitors, Cytokinins, Gibberellins, and Auxins are types of plant _____
  7. plant is limp because it does not have enough moisture
  8. A plant that completes its life cycle in one year
  9. The science and practice of growing field crops such as cotton, wheat, tobacco, corn, and soybeans

17 Clues: loses leaves during the dormant seasona plant that lives more than two yearsplant is swollen or filled with moisturekeeps leaves and remains green year-roundBotany is the part of biology that deals with ___A plant that completes its life cycle in one yearZoology is the part of biology that deals with ___...

en la universidad 2020-08-11

en la universidad crossword puzzle
  1. blackboard
  2. paper
  3. journalism
  4. philosophy
  5. stadium
  6. building
  7. table
  8. Spanish
  9. desk
  10. female professor
  1. backpack
  2. bookstore
  3. Psychology
  4. library
  5. soccer
  6. film
  7. gym
  8. biology
  9. scholarship
  10. male friend
  11. biochemistry
  12. English
  13. homework

23 Clues: gymfilmdeskpapertablesoccerlibrarystadiumbiologySpanishEnglishbackpackbuildinghomeworkbookstoreblackboardPsychologyjournalismphilosophyscholarshipmale friendbiochemistryfemale professor

en la universidad 2020-08-11

en la universidad crossword puzzle
  1. homework
  2. male friend
  3. film
  4. paper
  5. building
  6. backpack
  7. blackboard
  8. biology
  9. gym
  10. soccer
  11. bookstore
  1. journalism
  2. desk
  3. scholarship
  4. library
  5. philosophy
  6. biochemistry
  7. Spanish
  8. English
  9. stadium
  10. table
  11. female professor
  12. Psychology

23 Clues: gymdeskfilmpapertablesoccerlibrarySpanishEnglishstadiumbiologyhomeworkbuildingbackpackbookstorejournalismphilosophyblackboardPsychologyscholarshipmale friendbiochemistryfemale professor

Education 2020-05-18

Education crossword puzzle
  1. czas wolny
  2. spinacz
  3. zadanie domowe
  4. wychowawca
  5. klub pływacki
  6. ocena
  7. semestr
  8. stołówka
  9. piórnik
  10. uczeń
  11. plastyka
  12. biologia
  1. plac zabaw
  2. lekcja
  3. charakter pisma
  4. zakreślacz
  5. kolega z klasy
  6. plan lekcji
  7. czytać
  8. kalkulator

20 Clues: ocenauczeńlekcjaczytaćspinaczsemestrpiórnikstołówkaplastykabiologiaplac zabawczas wolnywychowawcazakreślaczkalkulatorplan lekcjiklub pływackizadanie domowekolega z klasycharakter pisma

ersdfnhiu54 Sam Baker 2020-10-15

ersdfnhiu54 Sam Baker crossword puzzle
  1. Tuesday
  2. to think
  3. hamburger
  4. algebra
  5. geography
  6. gusta He/she likes
  7. autumn
  8. gusta I like
  9. watermelon
  10. Sunday
  1. biology
  2. classes
  3. Spanish
  4. Wednesda
  5. English
  6. period
  7. dreams/hopes
  8. to clean
  9. August
  10. happy

20 Clues: happyperiodAugustautumnSundaybiologyclassesSpanishTuesdayEnglishalgebraWednesdato thinkto cleanhamburgergeographywatermelondreams/hopesgusta I likegusta He/she likes

Final Project 2021-05-13

Final Project crossword puzzle
  1. automobile
  2. biology
  3. psychic
  4. credible
  5. consensus
  6. fallacy
  7. grammer
  8. bilateral
  9. common
  10. neuron
  11. triangle
  12. subconscious
  1. rupture
  2. quadrant
  3. ecology
  4. chronicle
  5. pedal
  6. synonym
  7. proceed
  8. amble
  9. jury
  10. infinite
  11. uniform
  12. transcontinental

24 Clues: jurypedalamblecommonneuronruptureecologybiologypsychicsynonymproceedfallacygrammeruniformquadrantcredibleinfinitetrianglechronicleconsensusbilateralautomobilesubconscioustranscontinental

en la clase vocabulario 2019-11-11

en la clase vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. class
  3. student
  4. calculus
  5. science
  6. music
  7. geography
  8. male teacher
  9. spanish
  10. history
  11. french
  12. band
  13. chemistry
  1. math
  2. fisica
  3. health
  4. english
  5. geometry
  6. biology
  7. algebra
  8. chorus
  9. female teacher
  10. physics

23 Clues: artmathbandclassmusicfisicahealthchorusfrenchstudentenglishsciencebiologyspanishalgebrahistoryphysicscalculusgeometrygeographychemistrymale teacherfemale teacher

el crucigrama-maribel 2023-09-21

el crucigrama-maribel crossword puzzle
  1. psychology
  2. computerscience
  3. tohavebreakfast
  4. bookstore
  5. totherightof
  6. whichones?
  7. buisnessadministration
  8. library
  9. whereto?
  10. which?
  11. biology
  12. mathematics
  1. totheleftof
  2. why?
  3. because
  4. nextto;besides
  5. english
  6. toarrive
  7. tohavedinner
  8. ecomony
  9. history
  10. physiscs
  11. wastebasket
  12. chemistry

24 Clues: why?which?becauseenglishecomonyhistorylibrarybiologytoarrivephysiscswhereto?bookstorechemistrypsychologywhichones?totheleftofwastebasketmathematicstohavedinnertotherightofnextto;besidescomputersciencetohavebreakfastbuisnessadministration

En Classe Vocab Crossword Puzzle 2024-08-07

En Classe Vocab Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. chair
  2. map
  3. pencil case
  4. biology
  5. cafeteria
  6. male friend
  7. eraser
  8. grade
  9. English
  10. book
  1. notebook
  2. girl
  3. window
  4. history
  5. door
  6. boy
  7. music
  8. female friend
  9. computer science
  10. pencil
  11. chemistry
  12. homework (singular)

22 Clues: boymapgirldoorbookchairmusicgradewindowpencileraserhistorybiologyEnglishnotebookcafeteriachemistrypencil casemale friendfemale friendcomputer sciencehomework (singular)

科目 Subjects of School 2012-05-27

科目   Subjects of School crossword puzzle
  1. Chinese
  2. History
  3. Mathematics
  4. Music
  5. Design & Technology
  6. English
  7. Physics
  8. French
  9. Drama
  1. Science
  2. Arts
  3. Chemistry
  4. Geography
  5. Biology
  6. Computer
  7. Physical Education

16 Clues: ArtsMusicDramaFrenchScienceChineseHistoryBiologyEnglishPhysicsComputerChemistryGeographyMathematicsPhysical EducationDesign & Technology

School subjects in Spanish. 2022-01-10

School subjects in Spanish. crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. Maths
  3. Drama
  4. Biology
  5. Art
  6. Science
  7. Geography
  8. P.E.
  9. French
  1. History
  2. Technology
  3. Chemistry
  4. German
  5. I.T.
  6. English

15 Clues: ArtI.T.P.E.MusicMathsDramaGermanFrenchHistoryBiologyScienceEnglishChemistryGeographyTechnology

German crossword translation German to English 2022-04-12

German crossword translation German to English crossword puzzle
  1. sport
  2. bio
  3. klasse
  4. latein
  5. chor
  6. dann
  7. Zeit
  1. Erdkunde
  2. morgen
  3. Zuerst
  4. mittagessen
  5. fach
  6. mathe
  7. kunst
  8. Wann

15 Clues: biofachchordannWannZeitsportmathekunstmorgenZuerstklasselateinErdkundemittagessen

Fields of environmental science 2022-02-03

Fields of environmental science crossword puzzle
  1. The study of insects.
  2. Study of places and relationships between people and their environment
  3. Field of science dealing with fossils.
  4. Science dealing with the atmosphere and its phenomena, including weather
  5. Scientific study of the solid parts of the Earth.
  1. Study of the climate and how it changes over time
  2. The study of the physical, chemical and biology features of the ocean.
  3. The study of all living things
  4. The study of substances (elements and compounds)
  5. The study of relationships between living things and their physical environment
  6. Field of biology which studies the animal kingdom

11 Clues: The study of insects.The study of all living thingsField of science dealing with fossils.The study of substances (elements and compounds)Study of the climate and how it changes over timeField of biology which studies the animal kingdomScientific study of the solid parts of the Earth....

Mein Lieblingsfach 2020-03-30

Mein Lieblingsfach crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. P.E.
  3. Geography
  4. interesting
  5. Biology
  6. R.E.
  7. French
  8. Art
  9. D.T.
  10. useful
  11. Spanish
  12. Chemistry
  13. History
  14. Maths
  1. useless
  2. difficult
  3. complicated
  4. Drama
  5. Science
  6. fascinating
  7. English
  8. easy
  9. German
  10. Physics

24 Clues: ArtP.E.easyR.E.D.T.MusicDramaMathsFrenchGermanusefuluselessScienceEnglishBiologySpanishPhysicsHistorydifficultGeographyChemistrycomplicatedfascinatinginteresting

Education 2020-05-18

Education crossword puzzle
  1. stołówka
  2. zakreślacz
  3. przerwa
  4. robienie notatek
  5. geografia
  6. język angielski
  7. uczyć się języka angielskiego
  8. plac zabaw
  9. kolega z klasy
  10. chemia
  11. fizyka
  1. korytarz
  2. charakter pisma
  3. kalkulator
  4. piórnik
  5. biologia
  6. historia
  7. ocena
  8. czytać
  9. spinacz

20 Clues: ocenaczytaćchemiafizykaprzerwapiórnikspinaczkorytarzstołówkabiologiahistoriageografiazakreślaczkalkulatorplac zabawkolega z klasycharakter pismajęzyk angielskirobienie notatekuczyć się języka angielskiego

Education 2020-05-18

Education crossword puzzle
  1. biologia
  2. charakter pisma
  3. czas wolny
  4. kalkulator
  5. wychowawca
  6. spinacz
  7. uczeń
  8. czytać
  9. kolega z klasy
  10. plac zabaw
  11. piórnik
  12. semestr
  1. zakreślacz
  2. klub pływacki
  3. stołówka
  4. zadanie domowe
  5. plan lekcji
  6. ocena
  7. lekcja
  8. plastyka

20 Clues: uczeńocenaczytaćlekcjaspinaczpiórniksemestrbiologiastołówkaplastykazakreślaczczas wolnykalkulatorwychowawcaplac zabawplan lekcjiklub pływackizadanie domowekolega z klasycharakter pisma

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. schedule
  3. homework
  4. library
  5. science
  6. music
  7. spanish
  8. computer science
  9. biology
  10. desk
  1. female teacher
  2. book
  3. window
  4. art
  5. history
  6. male teacher
  7. quiz
  8. stadium
  9. backpack
  10. student
  11. english
  12. math
  13. physics

23 Clues: arttestbookquizmathdeskmusicwindowlibraryhistorystadiumsciencespanishstudentenglishbiologyphysicsschedulehomeworkbackpackmale teacherfemale teachercomputer science

Las Asignaturas 2017-10-27

Las Asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. computer class
  3. physics
  4. school subjects
  5. lunch
  6. schedule
  7. music
  8. math
  9. biology
  10. English
  1. chemistry
  2. religion
  3. gym class/physicial education (no spaces)
  4. writing
  5. hour
  6. history
  7. French
  8. art
  9. class
  10. technology
  11. Spanish

21 Clues: arthourmathlunchclassmusicFrenchsciencewritinghistoryphysicsSpanishbiologyEnglishreligionschedulechemistrytechnologycomputer classschool subjectsgym class/physicial education (no spaces)


  1. EPS
  8. FILM
  9. JOUER
  10. COURIR
  12. DANSER
  6. BD
  7. NAGER
  8. SVT
  10. LIRE


The Word Within the Word - Jake Woodcock 2024-02-13

The Word Within the Word - Jake Woodcock crossword puzzle
  1. recede
  2. audiophile
  3. capture
  4. century
  5. bibliography
  6. biography
  7. aquarium
  8. centrifugal
  9. dismiss
  10. Government
  11. credit
  12. bellicose
  1. excise
  2. dictionary
  3. autobiography
  4. transport
  5. neologism
  6. technician
  7. appendicitis
  8. anthropology
  9. herbicide
  10. scribble
  11. adhesive
  12. biology

24 Clues: recedeexcisecreditcapturecenturydismissbiologyaquariumscribbleadhesivetransportneologismbiographyherbicidebellicosedictionaryaudiophiletechnicianGovernmentcentrifugalbibliographyappendicitisanthropologyautobiography

Spanish Crossword- Chantel 2023-02-10

Spanish Crossword- Chantel crossword puzzle
  1. maths
  2. to dance
  3. literature
  4. to run
  5. english
  6. to swim
  7. the class
  8. to draw
  9. speech and writing
  1. study
  2. spanish
  3. talk
  4. to sing
  5. art
  6. schedule
  7. geography
  8. biology
  9. teach
  10. lunch
  11. physical education

20 Clues: arttalkmathsstudyteachlunchto runspanishto singenglishbiologyto swimto drawscheduleto dancegeographythe classliteraturephysical educationspeech and writing

La escuela 2023-03-19

La escuela crossword puzzle
  1. physics
  2. paper
  3. book
  4. computer room
  5. auditorium
  6. geometry
  7. male teacher
  8. backpack
  9. pencil
  10. exam
  11. primary school
  12. algebra
  13. professor
  1. secondary school
  2. language lab
  3. reading
  4. biology
  5. classroom
  6. chemistry
  7. notebook
  8. female teacher

21 Clues: bookexampaperpencilphysicsreadingbiologyalgebrageometrybackpacknotebookclassroomchemistryprofessorauditoriumlanguage labmale teachercomputer roomprimary schoolfemale teachersecondary school

Emma and Summer 2024-09-10

Emma and Summer crossword puzzle
  1. eyes
  2. fish
  3. onegod
  4. world
  5. face
  6. organicfood
  7. germ
  8. eatsbacteria
  9. oaktree
  10. life
  11. studyanimals
  1. waterbottle
  2. protein
  3. killsacid
  4. soil
  5. studyofhumans
  6. Tesla
  7. talk
  8. zoomsin
  9. meat
  10. bonding
  11. camera
  12. wheels
  13. gymnastics

24 Clues: eyessoilfishtalkmeatfacegermlifeTeslaworldonegodcamerawheelsproteinzoomsinbondingoaktreekillsacidgymnasticswaterbottleorganicfoodeatsbacteriastudyanimalsstudyofhumans

Level up 7 W&P 2 2023-09-30

Level up 7 W&P 2 crossword puzzle
  1. headmaster
  2. home _________ (kotitalous)
  3. upper __________ school (yläkoulu)
  4. kemia
  5. student ________ (OPO)
  6. kuvaamataito
  7. ______ teacher (luokanohjaaja)
  8. käsityö
  9. historia
  1. biologia
  2. fysiikka
  3. ruotsi
  4. uskonto
  5. school _______ (todistus)
  6. liikunta
  7. maantieto
  8. matematiikka
  9. välitunti
  10. ________ school (alakoulu)
  11. _____ education (terveystieto)

20 Clues: kemiaruotsiuskontokäsityöbiologiafysiikkaliikuntahistoriamaantietovälituntiheadmastermatematiikkakuvaamataitostudent ________ (OPO)school _______ (todistus)________ school (alakoulu)home _________ (kotitalous)_____ education (terveystieto)______ teacher (luokanohjaaja)upper __________ school (yläkoulu)

School Subjects 2024-05-18

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. физкультура
  2. русский язык
  3. информатика
  4. робототехника
  5. английский язык
  6. религиозное образование
  7. физика
  8. музыка
  9. казахский язык
  10. химия
  1. изобразительное искусство
  2. естествознание
  3. биология
  4. гражданское образование
  5. география
  6. французский язык
  7. математика
  8. история

18 Clues: химияфизикамузыкаисториябиологиягеографияматематикафизкультураинформатикарусский языкробототехникаестествознаниеказахский языканглийский языкфранцузский языкгражданское образованиерелигиозное образованиеизобразительное искусство

Vocabulaire: Jeu de Mots Croisés 2013-05-06

Vocabulaire: Jeu de Mots Croisés crossword puzzle
  1. shorts
  2. biology
  3. morning
  4. book
  5. binder
  6. today
  7. laptop
  8. test
  9. dictionary
  10. Spanish
  11. week
  12. eraser
  1. pen
  2. sneakers
  3. computer science
  4. notebook
  5. German
  6. calculator
  7. math
  8. dismissal
  9. physics
  10. cell phone
  11. night

23 Clues: penbooktestmathweektodaynightshortsGermanbinderlaptoperaserbiologymorningSpanishphysicssneakersnotebookdismissalcalculatordictionarycell phonecomputer science

Las Asignaturas 2017-10-27

Las Asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. class
  2. music
  3. physics
  4. hour
  5. science
  6. computer class
  7. religion
  8. schedule
  9. school subjects
  10. English
  11. math
  12. Spanish
  1. chemistry
  2. gym class/physicial education (no spaces)
  3. technology
  4. lunch
  5. art
  6. history
  7. biology
  8. French
  9. writing

21 Clues: arthourmathclassmusiclunchFrenchphysicssciencehistorybiologywritingEnglishSpanishreligionschedulechemistrytechnologycomputer classschool subjectsgym class/physicial education (no spaces)

Classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

Classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. music
  3. window
  4. physics
  5. espánol spanish
  6. science
  7. library
  8. male teacher
  1. book
  2. female teacher
  3. biology
  4. female student
  5. art
  6. backpack
  7. computer science
  8. male student
  9. stadium
  10. english
  11. homework
  12. test
  13. test;quiz

21 Clues: artbooktestmusicwindowhistorybiologyphysicsstadiumenglishsciencelibrarybackpackhomeworktest;quizmale studentmale teacherfemale teacherfemale studentespánol spanishcomputer science

Classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

Classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. library
  3. schedule
  4. test
  5. female student
  6. music
  7. test
  8. book
  9. biology
  10. desk
  11. window
  12. Spanish
  1. computer science
  2. English
  3. homework
  4. female teacher
  5. math
  6. history
  7. physics
  8. backpack
  9. art
  10. stadium
  11. male teacher

23 Clues: artmathtesttestbookdeskmusicwindowEnglishsciencelibraryhistoryphysicsstadiumbiologySpanishhomeworkschedulebackpackmale teacherfemale teacherfemale studentcomputer science

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. book
  3. physics
  4. art
  5. homework
  6. stadium
  7. desk
  8. window
  9. history
  10. backpack
  1. female teacher
  2. computer science
  3. male/female student
  4. male teacher
  5. music
  6. test;quiz
  7. biology
  8. spanish
  9. english
  10. math
  11. library

21 Clues: artbookdeskmathmusicwindowsciencephysicsbiologyspanishstadiumenglishlibraryhistoryhomeworkbackpacktest;quizmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

Classes and School Supplies 2021-04-15

Classes and School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. libary
  2. male/female student
  3. history
  4. test/quizz
  5. physics
  6. stadium
  7. English
  8. female teacher
  9. science
  10. backpack
  11. window
  1. biology
  2. book
  3. test
  4. schedule
  5. Spanish
  6. male teacher
  7. math
  8. desk
  9. music
  10. art

21 Clues: artbooktestmathdeskmusiclibarywindowbiologySpanishhistoryphysicsstadiumEnglishscienceschedulebackpacktest/quizzmale teacherfemale teachermale/female student

die Fächer 2022-11-10

die Fächer crossword puzzle
  1. Computers
  2. Irish
  3. Geography
  4. PE
  5. French
  6. Biology
  7. Business
  8. Art
  9. TechDrawing
  10. English
  11. Music
  12. Metalwork
  1. Science
  2. Religion
  3. Chemistry
  4. SPHE
  5. German
  6. Woodwork
  7. HomeEc
  8. CSPE
  9. Spanish
  10. History
  11. Physics
  12. Maths

24 Clues: PEArtSPHECSPEIrishMusicMathsGermanHomeEcFrenchScienceBiologySpanishHistoryPhysicsEnglishReligionWoodworkBusinessComputersChemistryGeographyMetalworkTechDrawing

La Escuela 2021-11-04

La Escuela crossword puzzle
  1. the gym
  2. English
  3. geography
  4. science
  5. chemistry
  6. a prayer
  7. a bible
  8. P.E.
  9. the class
  1. the cafeteria
  2. geometry
  3. the laboratory
  4. biology
  5. a church
  6. math
  7. the library
  8. history
  9. the school
  10. literature
  11. spanish

20 Clues: mathP.E.the gymEnglishsciencebiologyhistorya biblespanishgeometrya churcha prayergeographychemistrythe classthe schoolliteraturethe librarythe cafeteriathe laboratory

School Subjects 2023-01-04

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. matemaatika
  2. loodusõpetus, teadus
  3. saksa keel
  4. geograafia
  5. ajalugu
  6. arvutiõpetus
  7. prantsuse keel
  8. hispaania keel
  9. ühiskonnaõpetus
  10. eesti keel
  1. meediaõpetus
  2. ärijuhtimine
  3. kirjandus
  4. kehaline kasvatus
  5. näitekunst
  6. füüsika
  7. vene keel
  8. bioloogia
  9. keemia
  10. inglise keel

20 Clues: keemiaajalugufüüsikakirjandusvene keelbioloogiasaksa keelgeograafianäitekunsteesti keelmatemaatikameediaõpetusärijuhtiminearvutiõpetusinglise keelprantsuse keelhispaania keelühiskonnaõpetuskehaline kasvatusloodusõpetus, teadus

les matières en français 2024-05-23

les matières en français crossword puzzle
  1. German
  2. geometry
  3. drawing
  4. algebra
  5. technology
  6. history
  7. swimming
  8. ELA/English
  9. spelling
  10. Latin
  11. PE
  12. math
  1. physics
  2. lunch
  3. science
  4. handwriting
  5. chemistry
  6. art
  7. calculus
  8. French
  9. biology
  10. recess
  11. Spanish
  12. languages

24 Clues: PEartmathlunchLatinGermanFrenchrecessphysicssciencedrawingalgebrabiologyhistorySpanishgeometrycalculusswimmingspellingchemistrylanguagestechnologyhandwritingELA/English

ch2 vocab 2023-09-20

ch2 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. totheleftof
  2. biology
  3. economics
  4. to arrive
  5. computerscience
  6. because
  7. tohavebreakfast
  8. mathematics
  9. english
  10. physics
  11. chemistry
  12. psychology
  1. tohavedinner
  2. history
  3. library
  4. businessadministraciones
  5. whichones?
  6. wastebin
  7. totherightof
  8. why?
  9. besides
  10. thebookstore
  11. whereto
  12. which

24 Clues: why?whichhistorylibrarybiologybecausebesideswheretoenglishphysicswastebineconomicsto arrivechemistrywhichones?psychologytotheleftofmathematicstohavedinnertotherightofthebookstorecomputersciencetohavebreakfastbusinessadministraciones

unit 5 2024-03-06

unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. stołówka
  2. biblioteka
  3. matematyka
  4. biologia
  5. korytarz
  6. sala komputerowa
  7. sklepik
  8. pokój nauczycielski
  9. historia
  1. klasa
  2. plac zabaw
  3. sala gimnastyczna
  4. sekretariat
  5. parcownia chemiczna
  6. plastyka
  7. szatnia
  8. boisko
  9. muzyka
  10. geografia
  11. w-f
  12. informatyka

21 Clues: w-fklasaboiskomuzykaszatniasklepikstołówkaplastykabiologiakorytarzhistoriageografiaplac zabawbibliotekamatematykasekretariatinformatykasala komputerowasala gimnastycznaparcownia chemicznapokój nauczycielski

School 2024-04-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. bioloģija
  2. matemātika
  3. spāņu valoda
  4. māksla
  5. angļu valoda
  6. pretī
  7. pāri
  8. iekšā
  9. zem
  10. priekšā
  11. blakus
  12. reliģijas mācība
  1. literatūra
  2. aiz
  3. datorzinātnes
  4. vēsture
  5. latviešu valoda
  6. krievu valoda
  7. sports
  8. ģeogrāfija
  9. dabaszinības
  10. uz

22 Clues: uzaizzempāripretīiekšāsportsmākslablakusvēsturepriekšābioloģijaliteratūramatemātikaģeogrāfijaspāņu valodaangļu valodadabaszinībasdatorzinātneskrievu valodalatviešu valodareliģijas mācība

Greek and Latin roots 2024-09-09

Greek and Latin roots crossword puzzle
  1. water
  2. eat
  3. root
  4. eat
  5. lacking something
  6. air
  7. light
  8. one
  9. fungus
  10. skin
  11. together
  12. food
  13. small
  1. water
  2. within
  3. two
  4. see
  5. tree
  6. self
  7. animals
  8. life
  9. large
  10. between
  11. the study of

24 Clues: eattwoseeeataironeroottreeselflifeskinfoodwaterwaterlightlargesmallwithinfungusanimalsbetweentogetherthe study oflacking something

las clases 2021-01-04

las clases crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish
  2. psycology
  3. algebra
  4. choir
  5. Chemistry
  6. PE
  7. band
  8. theater
  1. calculus
  2. Biology
  3. Math
  4. music
  5. dance
  6. art
  7. Englis

15 Clues: PEartMathbandmusicdancechoirEnglisSpanishBiologyalgebratheatercalculuspsycologyChemistry

las clases 2021-01-04

las clases crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish
  2. psycology
  3. algebra
  4. choir
  5. Chemistry
  6. PE
  7. band
  8. theater
  1. calculus
  2. Biology
  3. Math
  4. music
  5. dance
  6. art
  7. English

15 Clues: PEartMathbandmusicdancechoirSpanishBiologyalgebraEnglishtheatercalculuspsycologyChemistry

Antonyms and synonyms 2020-04-20

Antonyms and synonyms crossword puzzle
  1. winter
  2. relaxed
  3. modern
  4. white
  5. science
  6. offline
  7. ancient
  1. Buddy
  2. death
  3. blue
  4. rainy
  5. work
  6. Hater
  7. north
  8. bad

15 Clues: badblueworkBuddydeathrainyHaternorthwhitewintermodernrelaxedscienceofflineancient

Kpl 4 2021-04-26

Kpl 4 crossword puzzle
  1. tehdä
  2. valita
  3. liikunta
  4. puhe
  5. huomata
  6. tavata
  7. saada
  1. lähteä
  2. tarkoittaa
  3. historia
  4. kuluttaa
  5. tietää
  6. biologia
  7. tuntea
  8. matikka

15 Clues: puhetehdäsaadalähteävalitatietäätunteatavatahuomatamatikkahistoriakuluttaaliikuntabiologiatarkoittaa

Kpl 4 2021-04-26

Kpl 4 crossword puzzle
  1. tehdä
  2. valita
  3. liikunta
  4. puhe
  5. huomata
  6. tavata
  7. saada
  1. lähteä
  2. tarkoittaa
  3. historia
  4. kuluttaa
  5. tietää
  6. biologia
  7. tuntea
  8. matikka

15 Clues: puhetehdäsaadalähteävalitatietäätunteatavatahuomatamatikkahistoriakuluttaaliikuntabiologiatarkoittaa


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. biologija
  2. šport
  3. likovna
  4. angleščina
  5. tehnika
  6. fizika
  7. kemija
  1. geografija
  2. računalništvo
  3. slovenščina
  4. matematika
  5. nemščina
  6. zgodovina
  7. glasba
  8. naravoslovje

15 Clues: športglasbafizikakemijalikovnatehnikanemščinabiologijazgodovinageografijamatematikaangleščinaslovenščinanaravoslovjeračunalništvo

At school 2022-01-21

At school crossword puzzle
  1. Slöjd
  2. Engelska
  3. Musik
  4. Bild
  5. Religion
  6. Biologi
  7. Fysik
  8. Idrott
  9. Historia
  1. Hemkunskap
  2. Samhällskunskap
  3. Teknik
  4. Geografi
  5. Kemi
  6. Matematik

15 Clues: BildKemiSlöjdMusikFysikTeknikIdrottBiologiEngelskaReligionGeografiHistoriaMatematikHemkunskapSamhällskunskap

school 2023-12-07

school crossword puzzle
  1. pauze
  2. veertiende
  3. lokaal
  4. negentiende
  5. moeilijk
  6. langer
  7. les
  1. zevende
  2. biologie
  3. samen
  4. lesgeven
  5. problemen
  6. straf
  7. duits
  8. altijd

15 Clues: lespauzesamenstrafduitslokaallangeraltijdzevendebiologielesgevenmoeilijkproblemenveertiendenegentiende

Vocab 2024-01-19

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. pen
  2. field
  3. weak
  4. book
  5. happy
  6. long
  7. map
  8. large
  1. folder
  2. band
  3. pencil
  4. class
  5. fast
  6. biology
  7. kind

15 Clues: penmapbandweakbookfastkindlongfieldclasshappylargefolderpencilbiology


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. italien
  2. théâtre
  3. musique
  4. technologie
  5. SVT
  6. Physique
  7. allemand
  8. cuisine
  1. EPS
  2. histoire
  3. Chimie
  4. couture
  5. mathématiques
  6. géographie
  7. anglais

15 Clues: EPSSVTChimieitalienthéâtrecouturemusiqueanglaiscuisinehistoirePhysiqueallemandgéographietechnologiemathématiques

School subjects 2024-03-14

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. elämänkatsomustieto
  2. musiikki
  3. äidinkieli
  4. yhteiskuntaoppi
  5. kuvataide
  6. maantieto
  7. liikunta
  8. käsityö
  1. fysiikka
  2. kemia
  3. matematiikka
  4. biologia
  5. historia
  6. uskonto
  7. ruotsi

15 Clues: kemiaruotsiuskontokäsityöfysiikkamusiikkibiologiahistorialiikuntakuvataidemaantietoäidinkielimatematiikkayhteiskuntaoppielämänkatsomustieto

Las Clases 2023-09-06

Las Clases crossword puzzle
  1. Trigonometry
  2. Art
  3. German
  4. Geography
  5. Orchestra
  6. Biology
  1. CulinaryArts
  2. History
  3. Reading
  4. Business
  5. RoughDraft
  6. Choir
  7. Chemistry
  8. Unit
  9. Project

15 Clues: ArtUnitChoirGermanHistoryReadingProjectBiologyBusinessChemistryGeographyOrchestraRoughDraftCulinaryArtsTrigonometry

almost perfect 2023-10-19

almost perfect crossword puzzle
  1. sages mother
  2. the guy who logan got in a fight with
  3. is the holiday that laura visited her family for
  4. tims girlfriend
  5. what logan and his friends do for fun with eachother
  6. sage and logans first hour class together
  7. what logan had to do
  1. what grade logans in
  2. what logan wants to do after highschool
  3. the guy that lauras dating
  4. the girl that liked logan
  5. what logan and sage did for 10 seconds
  6. what logan felt when he found out about sage
  7. where laura lives
  8. what logan had to disect in biology
  9. tammi's boyfriend

16 Clues: sages mothertims girlfriendwhere laura livestammi's boyfriendwhat grade logans inwhat logan had to dothe girl that liked loganthe guy that lauras datingwhat logan had to disect in biologythe guy who logan got in a fight withwhat logan and sage did for 10 secondswhat logan wants to do after highschoolsage and logans first hour class together...

Biology Crossword Puzzle (Group 1) 2021-03-30

Biology Crossword Puzzle (Group 1) crossword puzzle
  1. The study of the structure of cells, tissues, and organs at the microscopic level
  2. Fe del Mundo’s invention
  3. The process of natural selection is used to change the characteristics of a species over several generations
  4. The Father of Biology
  5. The science of classification, with a focus on living and extinct organisms
  6. The branch of science that studies the human body's structure
  7. The concept of proposing a speculative explanation for a phenomenon or a small group of phenomena observed in nature
  8. The Father of Experimental Physiology
  9. Also referred to as Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  10. The study of living things and their vital processes
  11. The study of animals
  12. The biological study of living things' form and structure
  1. The study of cells as fundamental units of living things
  2. The study of how the human body works
  3. An instrument for observing small objects, including cells
  4. Robert Hooke’s contribution to biology, and book which was published in 1665
  5. The study of the interactions between living organisms, such as humans, and their physical environment
  6. This is where the specimen is placed for observation (usually mounted on a glass slide)
  7. The study of the evolution of life on Earth through the use of fossils.
  8. The study of an embryo's and fetus' formation and development

20 Clues: The study of animalsThe Father of BiologyFe del Mundo’s inventionThe study of how the human body worksThe Father of Experimental PhysiologyAlso referred to as Deoxyribonucleic AcidThe study of living things and their vital processesThe study of cells as fundamental units of living thingsThe biological study of living things' form and structure...

Vocab 2018-01-09

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. feeling of strong dislike
  2. person or thing that survives
  3. community of plants and animals with similar characteristics
  4. act of reviving
  5. part of Earth that supports life
  6. specialist in biology
  7. having the appearance of life
  8. to restore to life
  9. living thing other than a human
  1. full of life and good spirits
  2. study of life
  3. written account of another person's life
  4. organisms living together (fungus + algae = lichen)
  5. be alive
  6. make lively or give spirit to

15 Clues: be alivestudy of lifeact of revivingto restore to lifespecialist in biologyfeeling of strong dislikefull of life and good spiritsperson or thing that surviveshaving the appearance of lifemake lively or give spirit toliving thing other than a humanpart of Earth that supports lifewritten account of another person's life...

Go for it 6 kpl 9 2020-02-21

Go for it 6 kpl 9 crossword puzzle
  1. elämänkatsomustieto
  2. ympäristöoppi
  3. fysiikka
  4. historia
  5. uskonto
  1. musiikki
  2. kemia
  3. maantieto
  4. äidinkieli
  5. ruotsi
  6. matematiikka
  7. käsityö
  8. kuvataide
  9. biologia
  10. liikunta

15 Clues: kemiaruotsikäsityöuskontomusiikkibiologiafysiikkaliikuntahistoriamaantietokuvataideäidinkielimatematiikkaympäristöoppielämänkatsomustieto

school vocab 2021-01-06

school vocab crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. cooking
  3. chemistry
  4. computers
  5. English
  6. gym
  1. biology
  2. physics
  3. dance
  4. technology
  5. French
  6. Spanish
  7. music
  8. theater
  9. math

15 Clues: gymmathdancemusicFrenchbiologyphysicshistorycookingSpanishtheaterEnglishchemistrycomputerstechnology

school subjects 2019-02-28

school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. fizika
  2. tjelesni
  3. geografija
  4. likovni
  5. kemija
  6. vjeronauk
  7. matematika
  1. glazbeni
  2. psihologija
  3. sociologija
  4. biologija
  5. hrvatski
  6. informatika
  7. povijest
  8. engleski

15 Clues: fizikakemijalikovniglazbenihrvatskitjelesnipovijestengleskibiologijavjeronaukgeografijamatematikapsihologijasociologijainformatika

Spanish vocab contract 2022-11-03

Spanish vocab contract crossword puzzle
  1. practice
  2. lunch
  3. party
  4. dinner
  5. class
  6. quiz
  7. auditorium
  8. never
  1. almost
  2. sports
  3. art
  4. music
  5. biology
  6. movies
  7. breakfast

15 Clues: artquizmusiclunchpartyclassneveralmostsportsdinnermoviesbiologypracticebreakfastauditorium

Ch.5 Vocab No Articles 2023-02-27

Ch.5 Vocab No Articles crossword puzzle
  1. cook
  2. resume
  3. stylist
  4. biology
  5. soldier
  6. florist
  7. barber
  1. physics
  2. salary
  3. war
  4. mailcarrier
  5. writer
  6. art
  7. english
  8. chorus

15 Clues: warartcookresumesalarywriterchorusbarberphysicsstylistbiologysoldierfloristenglishmailcarrier

words 09-20 2023-09-21

words 09-20 crossword puzzle
  1. irodalom
  2. üvölt
  3. farok
  4. fizika
  5. 2:30(du)
  6. futott
  7. zebra
  1. teendők
  2. nyelvtan
  3. feltalál
  4. biosz
  5. holnap
  6. latin
  7. került vmennyibe
  8. szombat
  9. rajzolt

16 Clues: bioszüvöltfaroklatinzebraholnapfizikafutottteendőkszombatrajzoltnyelvtanfeltalálirodalom2:30(du)került vmennyibe

Get to 30 week 4 crossword 2022-05-11

Get to 30 week 4 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the scientific study of the behaviour of animals.
  2. the study of the nature of god and religious belief.
  3. the study of the development, structure and human society.
  4. the body of terms used with a particular technical application in a subject or study.
  5. the study of living organisms.
  6. the system of contrastive relationships among the speech sounds.
  1. the science dealing with X-rays.
  2. the science which deals the physical structure of the earth.
  3. the branch of biology and medicine concerned with the study of embryos and their development.
  4. the branch of biology that deals with the relation of organisms.
  5. the scientific study of crime and criminals.
  6. a regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure.

12 Clues: the study of living organisms.the science dealing with X-rays.the scientific study of crime and criminals.the scientific study of the behaviour of animals.the study of the nature of god and religious belief.a regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure.the study of the development, structure and human society....

La vida escolar - School Life 2022-11-14

La vida escolar - School Life crossword puzzle
  1. orchestra
  2. chemistry
  3. FACS
  4. science
  5. math
  6. spanish
  7. history
  8. choir
  1. art
  2. geography
  3. physical education
  4. biology
  5. band
  6. english
  7. subjects

15 Clues: artFACSbandmathchoirbiologysciencespanishenglishhistorysubjectsorchestrachemistrygeographyphysical education

School- Ziad Soliman 2022-02-03

School- Ziad Soliman crossword puzzle
  1. Study
  2. reading
  3. Running
  4. equations
  5. living things
  6. practice
  7. draw
  8. acting
  1. Shapes
  2. Singing
  3. revision
  4. language
  5. Clothes
  6. history
  7. Calculator

15 Clues: drawStudyShapesactingSingingreadingRunningClotheshistoryrevisionlanguagepracticeequationsCalculatorliving things

Speak 2021-12-09

Speak crossword puzzle
  1. He invited Melinda to a party after a basketball game
  2. Store where Melinda's mother worked
  3. Melinda asked her dad to buy these for her
  4. They were scabbed over from being chewed on
  5. Part-time job for Heather
  6. Inspiration for Ivy's art project
  7. Melinda warned others about him
  8. Heather told Melinda they could no longer be this
  9. Turkey ___ were part of Melinda's project
  10. Teacher who was xenophobic, bigoted, and unjust
  11. People Melinda called after being raped
  12. Melinda's dad's transportation to the airport
  13. Exclusive group of girls who performed good deeds
  14. She gave Melinda a card on Valentine's Day
  1. Melinda tried to warn her about Andy
  2. Nickname Melinda has for Andy
  3. Subject of dissection in Biology
  4. Only teacher Melinda talked to
  5. Melinda wrote a warning about Andy on the bathroom ___ door
  6. Biology teacher who created interesting assignments
  7. She helped Melinda draw a more realistic tree
  8. Place where Melinda got stuck for skipping class
  9. Melinda did not do this very much
  10. The school ___ kept changing
  11. Event at which Rachel broke up with Andy
  12. Kind of supplies Melinda's parents gave her for Christmas
  13. Her books were banned in the library; her poster picture was in Melinda's closet
  14. David was Melinda's ___ partner in Biology class

28 Clues: Part-time job for HeatherThe school ___ kept changingNickname Melinda has for AndyOnly teacher Melinda talked toMelinda warned others about himSubject of dissection in BiologyInspiration for Ivy's art projectMelinda did not do this very muchStore where Melinda's mother workedMelinda tried to warn her about Andy...

TVMA 103 2017-04-20

TVMA 103 crossword puzzle
  1. not malignant; favorable for recovery
  2. parasitic worms that have an elongated and flat body
  3. highly fatal, zoonotic viral infection of the central nervous system
  4. process of centrifugal force for separating substances of different densities
  5. branch of anatomy that deals with the minute structure of microscopic plant and animal tissues
  6. the percentage of erythrocytes in whole blood
  7. disease that can be transmitted between humans and animals
  8. introduction of a substance into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease
  9. reduction below normal in the normal of erythrocytes or in the quantity of hemoglobin in the blood
  1. record produced by electrocardiography; also called ECG and EKG
  2. non-segmented, cylindrical, parasitic worms which invade the intestinal tract
  3. branch of biology dealing with microscopic forms of life
  4. something that makes a substance unusable for its intended purpose
  5. examination of an animal's body after death to determine the actual cause of death
  6. branch of biology dealing with the structure, function, multiplication, pathology, and life history of cells
  7. a monosaccharide in certain foodstuffs; major source of energy for many living organisms
  8. percentage of packed red cells in a given amount of blood
  9. term used to describe a parasite's eggs
  10. hazardous to biology
  11. test used to look for parasitic infections

20 Clues: hazardous to biologynot malignant; favorable for recoveryterm used to describe a parasite's eggstest used to look for parasitic infectionsthe percentage of erythrocytes in whole bloodparasitic worms that have an elongated and flat bodybranch of biology dealing with microscopic forms of lifepercentage of packed red cells in a given amount of blood...

Agricareers Crossword 2023-07-24

Agricareers Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. keeps bees
  2. gives advice on food and diet for animals
  3. produces a fermented product out of grapes
  4. grower of plants
  5. development of medical tools in the field of biology
  6. study of plant biology
  7. studies the relationship between animals, plants and the environment
  8. creates chemicals in relation to how they interact with biology
  9. manages the companies financial and advertising affairs
  10. provides compensation for the damages done to produce
  11. polices areas and protects them from risks
  12. handles machines in need of maintenance
  13. animal doctor
  14. develops machinery in relation to agriculutre
  15. cultivation of trees
  16. breaks down meat into its primal cuts
  17. catches fish with a rod
  18. sells meat
  19. study of relationships between animals, plants and the environment
  1. gives advice on improving the work environment and improving standards
  2. soil scientist
  3. Economist – studies the market in relation to agriculture
  4. studies animals in their natural habitat
  5. oversees the production of products
  6. cuts down trees and marks them for controlled forest fire protection
  7. removes sheep wool
  8. drives a vehicle used in packaging. Requires a certification to operate
  9. studies the field of animals as a science
  10. general handling of the company or branch of company
  11. gives advice on food and diet
  12. helps in the labour of a farm
  13. advisor for the management of business

32 Clues: keeps beessells meatanimal doctorsoil scientistgrower of plantsremoves sheep woolcultivation of treesstudy of plant biologycatches fish with a rodgives advice on food and diethelps in the labour of a farmoversees the production of productsbreaks down meat into its primal cutsadvisor for the management of business...

Agricareers Crossword 2023-07-24

Agricareers Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. keeps bees
  2. gives advice on food and diet for animals
  3. produces a fermented product out of grapes
  4. grower of plants
  5. development of medical tools in the field of biology
  6. study of plant biology
  7. studies the relationship between animals, plants and the environment
  8. creates chemicals in relation to how they interact with biology
  9. manages the companies financial and advertising affairs
  10. provides compensation for the damages done to produce
  11. polices areas and protects them from risks
  12. handles machines in need of maintenance
  13. animal doctor
  14. develops machinery in relation to agriculutre
  15. cultivation of trees
  16. breaks down meat into its primal cuts
  17. catches fish with a rod
  18. sells meat
  19. study of relationships between animals, plants and the environment
  1. gives advice on improving the work environment and improving standards
  2. soil scientist
  3. Economist – studies the market in relation to agriculture
  4. studies animals in their natural habitat
  5. oversees the production of products
  6. cuts down trees and marks them for controlled forest fire protection
  7. removes sheep wool
  8. drives a vehicle used in packaging. Requires a certification to operate
  9. studies the field of animals as a science
  10. general handling of the company or branch of company
  11. gives advice on food and diet
  12. helps in the labour of a farm
  13. advisor for the management of business

32 Clues: keeps beessells meatanimal doctorsoil scientistgrower of plantsremoves sheep woolcultivation of treesstudy of plant biologycatches fish with a rodgives advice on food and diethelps in the labour of a farmoversees the production of productsbreaks down meat into its primal cutsadvisor for the management of business...

biologist crosswords 2022-12-06

biologist crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. Darwin
  2. franklin
  3. de Lamark
  4. naturalist
  5. offspring
  6. fleming
  7. organisms
  1. Goodall
  2. Watson
  3. crick
  4. Johann Mendel
  5. Mexica
  6. Pasteur
  7. Mcclintok
  8. berg
  9. Eastwood
  10. van Leeuwenhoek

17 Clues: bergcrickWatsonDarwinMexicaGoodallPasteurflemingfranklinEastwoodde LamarkMcclintokoffspringorganismsnaturalistJohann Mendelvan Leeuwenhoek