biology Crossword Puzzles

Biomedical 2017-10-18

Biomedical crossword puzzle
  1. researcher
  2. examine substances
  3. biology
  4. help a patient
  5. crime investigate
  6. investigators
  7. reports
  8. review
  9. organ donors
  1. animal care
  2. diagnose
  3. technician
  4. collect samples
  5. modeling software
  6. therapist
  7. manager
  8. database
  9. guide
  10. creator
  11. diagnose

20 Clues: guidereviewbiologymanagercreatorreportsdiagnosedatabasediagnosetherapistresearchertechniciananimal careorgan donorsinvestigatorshelp a patientcollect samplesmodeling softwarecrime investigateexamine substances

biologist crosswords 2022-12-06

biologist crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. Darwin
  2. franklin
  3. de Lamark
  4. naturalist
  5. offspring
  6. fleming
  7. organisms
  1. Goodall
  2. Watson
  3. crick
  4. Johann Mendel
  5. Mexica
  6. Pasteur
  7. Mcclintok
  8. berg
  9. Eastwood
  10. van Leeuwenhoek

17 Clues: bergcrickWatsonDarwinMexicaGoodallPasteurflemingfranklinEastwoodde LamarkMcclintokoffspringorganismsnaturalistJohann Mendelvan Leeuwenhoek

Eliška Schönfeldová 2024-09-27

Eliška Schönfeldová crossword puzzle
  1. tancování
  2. vaření
  3. přírodopis
  4. fyzika
  5. tělocvik
  6. počítač
  7. hudebka
  8. výtvarka
  9. angličtina
  10. voda
  11. room učebna
  1. škola
  2. hockey lední hokej
  3. dějepis
  4. basketbal
  5. domácí úkol
  6. přírodopis
  7. matematika

18 Clues: vodaškolavařenífyzikadějepispočítačhudebkatělocvikvýtvarkatancováníbasketbalpřírodopispřírodopismatematikaangličtinadomácí úkolroom učebnahockey lední hokej

Ologie CrossWord 2021-09-01

Ologie CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. Study of the cell biology
  2. The study of the properties of matter
  3. The structure and function of living things
  4. Study of the Immune System
  5. Someone who studies different climates
  6. The study of fish
  7. The study of chemistry in living things
  8. Study of ticks, mites, and spiders
  1. The study of heredity
  2. The study of bacteria
  3. The study of plants
  4. The study of space and everything in space
  5. Study of the organisms and how they interact with the environment
  6. The study of living things
  7. The study of water on Earth

15 Clues: The study of fishThe study of plantsThe study of heredityThe study of bacteriaStudy of the cell biologyThe study of living thingsStudy of the Immune SystemThe study of water on EarthStudy of ticks, mites, and spidersThe study of the properties of matterSomeone who studies different climatesThe study of chemistry in living things...

vocab 2018-01-09

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. to be alive
  2. to make lively or give spirit to
  3. having the appearance nof life
  4. felling of strong dislike
  5. the act of reviving
  6. a written account of another person's life
  7. 2 organisms living together (fungus+algae=lichen)
  1. to restore to life
  2. being full of life and good spirits
  3. a community of plants or animals with similar characteristics
  4. the part of earth that supports life
  5. living thing other than a human
  6. a person or thing that survives
  7. a specialist in biology
  8. / the study of life

15 Clues: to be aliveto restore to lifethe act of reviving/ the study of lifea specialist in biologyfelling of strong dislikehaving the appearance nof lifeliving thing other than a humana person or thing that survivesto make lively or give spirit tobeing full of life and good spiritsthe part of earth that supports life...

Unit 1 2022-11-10

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. sae, ffa, and extension education activities
  2. production of plants and animals
  3. science of insects
  4. growing and managing crops
  5. growing and management of living things in water
  6. application of science to solve a problem
  7. science of soil management and crops
  1. refers to commercial firms that have developed in support of agriculture
  2. combination of biology and chemistry
  3. space and mass around us
  4. plants grown for their appearance or beauty
  5. basic science of plants and animals
  6. characteristics of elements
  7. food that has been grown without chemical pesticides
  8. science of plants

15 Clues: science of plantsscience of insectsspace and mass around usgrowing and managing cropscharacteristics of elementsproduction of plants and animalsbasic science of plants and animalscombination of biology and chemistryscience of soil management and cropsapplication of science to solve a problemplants grown for their appearance or beauty...

Module 3a 2021-11-02

Module 3a crossword puzzle
  1. астрономия
  2. физика
  3. экономика
  4. история
  5. политика
  6. психология
  7. инженерное дело
  8. биология
  1. лингвистика
  2. информатика
  3. наука о Земле
  4. химия
  5. антропология
  6. социология
  7. география
  8. экология

16 Clues: химияфизикаисторияполитикаэкологиябиологияэкономикагеографияастрономиясоциологияпсихологиялингвистикаинформатикаантропологиянаука о Землеинженерное дело

Spotlight9 school words 2020-10-06

Spotlight9 school words crossword puzzle
  1. läksyt
  2. jakso
  3. oppia
  4. lukukausi
  5. valmistua
  6. opiskella
  7. kouluaine
  8. kemia
  1. lukujärjestys
  2. luokka-aste,arvosana
  3. luokkakaveri
  4. biologia
  5. välitunti
  6. matematiikka
  7. historia
  8. oppilas,opiskelija

16 Clues: jaksooppiakemialäksytbiologiahistoriavälituntilukukausivalmistuaopiskellakouluaineluokkakaverimatematiikkalukujärjestysoppilas,opiskelijaluokka-aste,arvosana


HISTORY OF BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. he developed the binomial nomenclature system
  2. he independently developed a theory of natural selection similiar to Darwin's
  3. the idea that all living organisms are composed of cells
  4. the study of living organisms
  5. he made significant contributions to the study of evolution and the classification
  1. Father of biology
  2. the branch of biology concerned with the molecular basis of biological activity
  3. the study of heredityand the variation of inherited characteristics
  4. he proposed one of the first theories of evolution
  5. the change in species over time

10 Clues: Father of biologythe study of living organismsthe change in species over timehe developed the binomial nomenclature systemhe proposed one of the first theories of evolutionthe idea that all living organisms are composed of cellsthe study of heredityand the variation of inherited characteristics...

Les études 2013-03-31

Les études crossword puzzle
  1. physiology
  2. accounting
  3. art,design
  4. management
  5. advertising
  6. journalism
  7. history
  1. math
  2. english
  3. biology
  4. business
  5. philosophy
  6. chemistry
  7. psychology
  8. law

15 Clues: lawmathenglishbiologyhistorybusinesschemistryphysiologyaccountingphilosophypsychologyart,designmanagementjournalismadvertising

Spanish Vocab Words 2022-11-15

Spanish Vocab Words crossword puzzle
  1. Easy
  2. Fun
  3. Chemistry
  4. Not Useful
  5. Biology
  6. Useful
  7. Health
  8. Art
  9. Boring
  1. Chorus
  2. Literature
  3. Difficult
  4. Government
  5. Cooking
  6. P.E.

15 Clues: FunArtEasyP.E.ChorusUsefulHealthBoringCookingBiologyDifficultChemistryLiteratureGovernmentNot Useful

we 2020-08-27

we crossword puzzle
  1. такой же
  2. провалить экзамен
  3. все еще
  4. информатика
  5. физкультура
  6. математика
  7. экзамен
  8. физика
  1. курс
  2. успешно сдать экзамен
  3. литература
  4. в точности
  5. химия
  6. история
  7. носитель языка
  8. встреча выпускников
  9. география
  10. языки
  11. биология

19 Clues: курсхимияязыкифизикаисториявсе ещеэкзаментакой жебиологиягеографиялитературав точностиматематикаинформатикафизкультураноситель языкапровалить экзаменвстреча выпускниковуспешно сдать экзамен

OCS HORT1 Unit 3.01 C 2023-05-17

OCS HORT1 Unit 3.01 C crossword puzzle
  1. Trees/shrubs that shed their leaves during dormant seasons
  2. Biannual Plants complete its life cycle in __ years
  3. Trees/shrubs that keep their leaves and stay green year-round
  4. Plant hormones that encourage stem and leaf elongation
  5. Plant that lives more than 2 years and returns year after year
  6. Wilted is when the plant is ___ because it does not have enough moisture
  7. Cytokinins are plant __ that work with auxin hormones to trigger cell division
  8. Botany is the part of biology that deals with __
  9. Period plants rest or grow very little in response to an unfavorable condition such as extreme heat or cold
  1. Turgid Plant is swollen or filled with __
  2. Science of growing, managing, and harvesting trees for building materials and other products.
  3. Horticulture is the growing, and marketing fruits, __, and ornamental plants
  4. Another word for Decorative
  5. Annual Plants completes its life cycle in __ year
  6. Biology is the branch of __ that deals with both plant and animal organisms and life processes
  7. Science of growing field crops such as cotton, wheat, tobacco, corn and soybeans.
  8. Zoology Part of biology that deals with ___
  9. Plant hormones that speed up plant growth by sparking cell enlargement

18 Clues: Another word for DecorativeTurgid Plant is swollen or filled with __Zoology Part of biology that deals with ___Botany is the part of biology that deals with __Annual Plants completes its life cycle in __ yearBiannual Plants complete its life cycle in __ yearsPlant hormones that encourage stem and leaf elongation...

Biomedical Engineer 2023-01-31

Biomedical Engineer crossword puzzle
  1. Something used to aid people with an injury
  2. a person who designs and builds machines
  3. A mechanism such as a phone and computer
  4. a Biological threat to safety
  5. changes in something established
  6. the process of forming new substances
  7. DNA, Molecules, what makes us whole
  8. a distinctive symptom or characteristic
  9. The Safety and Well being of others
  1. relating to both biology and medicine
  2. he branch of science and technology
  3. treatment for the deceased
  4. machinery and equipment
  5. made or produced by humans

14 Clues: machinery and equipmenttreatment for the deceasedmade or produced by humansa Biological threat to safetychanges in something establishedhe branch of science and technologyDNA, Molecules, what makes us wholeThe Safety and Well being of othersrelating to both biology and medicinethe process of forming new substances...

Spanish Vocab 2022-10-25

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. scissors
  2. Music
  3. Social Studies last word
  4. Math
  5. chemistry
  6. English
  7. Backpack
  8. Paper
  9. History
  10. Biology
  1. Geography
  2. orchestra
  3. Choir
  4. Band
  5. PE last word
  6. Science
  7. Diversity

17 Clues: BandMathChoirMusicPaperScienceEnglishHistoryBiologyscissorsBackpackGeographyorchestrachemistryDiversityPE last wordSocial Studies last word

Schulfächer 2019-10-17

Schulfächer crossword puzzle
  1. civics
  2. French
  3. science
  4. chemistry
  5. economics
  6. biology
  7. physics
  1. computer technology
  2. environmental science
  3. wood/workshop
  4. home economics/cooking
  5. German
  6. geography
  7. art
  8. English
  9. history
  10. PE

17 Clues: PEartGermancivicsFrenchEnglishsciencehistorybiologyphysicsgeographychemistryeconomicswood/workshopcomputer technologyenvironmental sciencehome economics/cooking

School 2023-01-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. bioloģija
  2. sporta soma
  3. ķīmija
  4. penālis
  5. sports
  6. baltā tāfele
  7. kalkulators
  8. vēsture
  1. fizika
  2. lineāls
  3. mūzika
  4. vizuālā māksla
  5. plakāts
  6. ģeogrāfija
  7. matemātika
  8. mācību grāmata
  9. angļu valoda

17 Clues: fizikamūzikaķīmijasportslineālsplakātspenālisvēsturebioloģijaģeogrāfijamatemātikasporta somakalkulatorsangļu valodabaltā tāfelevizuālā mākslamācību grāmata

ma journée scolaire 2024-05-06

ma journée scolaire crossword puzzle
  1. german
  2. in the afternoon
  3. biology
  4. récréation breaktime
  5. DT
  6. geographie
  7. PE
  8. music
  9. maths
  10. in the morning
  1. french
  2. Digital literacy
  3. history
  4. science
  5. spanish
  6. physics
  7. chemistry
  8. english

18 Clues: DTPEmusicmathsfrenchgermanhistorybiologysciencespanishphysicsenglishchemistrygeographiein the morningDigital literacyin the afternoonrécréation breaktime

第一单元 2021-10-11

第一单元 crossword puzzle
  1. Refers to the process of gas exchange.
  2. So a prediction is a statement about the future.
  3. Is an optical instrument
  4. Biology changes its original seat
  1. The body tube is a hollow tube through which light travels from the objective to the ocular.
  2. Biology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms and their vital processes.
  3. To press the slide
  4. A glass that reflects a clear image.
  5. Refers to the phenomenon and trend of things
  6. When observing the microorganisms, where are the microorganisms

10 Clues: To press the slideIs an optical instrumentBiology changes its original seatA glass that reflects a clear image.Refers to the process of gas exchange.Refers to the phenomenon and trend of thingsSo a prediction is a statement about the future.When observing the microorganisms, where are the microorganisms...

SCIENCE 2022-02-01

SCIENCE crossword puzzle
  1. the phrasal verb of perform experiments
  2. the science of how characteristics are passed through generations
  3. people who volunteer so drugs can be tested on them
  4. a scientist of astronomy
  5. to confirm a theory
  6. a scientist of zoology
  7. a scientist of chemistry
  8. a scientist of physics
  1. a company that produces drugs
  2. unwanted reaction from drugs
  3. a scientist of botany
  4. The science of how solids, liquids and gases react
  5. a scientist of biology
  6. The science of forces, heat, light, sound etc
  7. the science of the moon and other plants
  8. the science of people animals and plants
  9. the science of animals and their behaviour
  10. a scientist of genetics
  11. the science of plants and their structures

19 Clues: to confirm a theorya scientist of botanya scientist of biologya scientist of zoologya scientist of physicsa scientist of geneticsa scientist of astronomya scientist of chemistryunwanted reaction from drugsa company that produces drugsthe phrasal verb of perform experimentsthe science of the moon and other plants...

Go for it! 6 Kpl 9 kuvasanasto 2022-04-08

Go for it! 6 Kpl 9 kuvasanasto crossword puzzle
  1. ympäristöoppi
  2. uskonto
  3. biologia
  4. kemia
  5. elämänkatsomustieto
  1. äidinkieli(suomi)
  2. yhteiskuntaoppi
  3. maantieto
  4. käsityö
  5. liikunta
  6. historia
  7. fysiikka
  8. musiikki
  9. ruotsi
  10. matematiikka
  11. kuvataide

16 Clues: kemiaruotsikäsityöuskontoliikuntahistoriafysiikkabiologiamusiikkimaantietokuvataidematematiikkaympäristöoppiyhteiskuntaoppiäidinkieli(suomi)elämänkatsomustieto

Days of the week & 2018-10-23

Days of the week & crossword puzzle
  1. geografia
  2. Wtorek
  3. Czwartek
  4. język angielski
  5. Sobota
  6. informatyka
  7. matematyka
  1. biologia
  2. wychowanie fizyczne
  3. wychowanie fizyczne
  4. religia
  5. historia
  6. religia
  7. Piątek
  8. Sroda
  9. Niedziela
  10. plastyka, sztuka
  11. informatyka
  12. Poniedziałek

19 Clues: SrodaWtorekPiątekSobotareligiareligiabiologiahistoriaCzwartekgeografiaNiedzielamatematykainformatykainformatykaPoniedziałekjęzyk angielskiplastyka, sztukawychowanie fizycznewychowanie fizyczne

Days of the week & School subjects 2018-10-23

Days of the week & School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Piątek
  2. Czwartek
  3. Wtorek
  4. plastyka, sztuka
  5. biologia
  6. religia
  7. Poniedziałek
  8. religia
  9. wychowanie fizyczne
  10. geografia
  1. informatyka
  2. Sobota
  3. historia
  4. Niedziela
  5. wychowanie fizyczne
  6. Sroda
  7. język angielski
  8. informatyka
  9. matematyka

19 Clues: SrodaPiątekSobotaWtorekreligiareligiahistoriaCzwartekbiologiaNiedzielageografiamatematykainformatykainformatykaPoniedziałekjęzyk angielskiplastyka, sztukawychowanie fizycznewychowanie fizyczne

Las clases 2022-11-30

Las clases crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. geography
  3. technology
  4. calculus
  5. spanish
  6. math
  7. Latin
  8. lunch
  9. studyhour
  10. chemistry
  11. health
  1. algebra
  2. science
  3. french
  4. german
  5. choir
  6. biology
  7. drama
  8. geometry
  9. art
  10. orchestra
  11. physical education
  12. band
  13. English
  14. nutrition

25 Clues: artbandmathchoirdramaLatinlunchfrenchgermanhealthalgebrasciencehistorybiologyspanishEnglishgeometrycalculusgeographyorchestrastudyhourchemistrynutritiontechnologyphysical education

Les Cours- HenryW 2023-01-13

Les Cours- HenryW crossword puzzle
  1. History
  2. Biology
  3. Geometry
  4. Physics
  5. English
  6. Band
  7. MiddleSchool
  8. Business
  9. Chorus
  10. Classes
  11. SchoolClasses
  12. P.E.
  13. Schedule
  14. ComputerScience
  1. Orchestra
  2. Science
  3. ElementarySchool
  4. Art
  5. Library
  6. Cafeteria
  7. HighSchool
  8. Homework
  9. Algebra
  10. Math
  11. French

25 Clues: ArtBandMathP.E.ChorusFrenchScienceHistoryBiologyLibraryPhysicsAlgebraEnglishClassesGeometryHomeworkBusinessScheduleOrchestraCafeteriaHighSchoolMiddleSchoolSchoolClassesComputerScienceElementarySchool

Las cosas y clases de una escuela 2023-01-13

Las cosas y clases de una escuela crossword puzzle
  1. door
  2. history
  3. biology
  4. window
  5. computer
  6. notebook
  7. stadium
  8. map
  9. paper
  10. chair
  1. big desk
  2. library
  3. clock
  4. house
  5. algebra
  6. schedule
  7. dictionary
  8. pen
  9. science
  10. eraser
  11. trash
  12. art
  13. bookbag
  14. homework
  15. class

25 Clues: penartmapdoorclockhousetrashclasspaperchaireraserwindowlibraryalgebrasciencehistorybiologystadiumbookbagbig deskschedulecomputernotebookhomeworkdictionary

classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. english
  2. spanish
  3. female teacher
  4. window
  5. desk
  6. math
  7. backpack
  8. history
  9. art
  10. schedule
  11. stadium
  12. library
  1. biology
  2. female\male student
  3. test
  4. science
  5. music
  6. homework
  7. book
  8. physics
  9. test\quiz
  10. computer science

22 Clues: arttestdeskbookmathmusicwindowenglishbiologyspanishsciencephysicshistorystadiumlibraryhomeworkbackpackscheduletest\quizfemale teachercomputer sciencefemale\male student

Vocabulary 2023-03-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Escritorio
  2. Enseñar
  3. Biblioteca
  4. Estante
  5. El campo
  6. Matemáticas
  7. Recordar
  8. Física
  9. Estudiar
  10. Historia
  11. Borrador
  12. Geografía
  1. Estomago
  2. Practicar
  3. Deberes
  4. Trabajo
  5. La batería
  6. Afortunado
  7. Diccionario
  8. Música
  9. Pizarra
  10. Conductor
  11. Biología
  12. Aprender

24 Clues: MúsicaFísicaEnseñarDeberesTrabajoEstantePizarraEstomagoEl campoRecordarEstudiarBiologíaHistoriaAprenderBorradorPracticarConductorGeografíaEscritorioBibliotecaLa bateríaAfortunadoMatemáticasDiccionario

Madison's Awesome Word Search 2013-09-20

Madison's Awesome Word Search crossword puzzle
  1. archy
  2. cent
  3. bell
  4. miss
  5. logy
  6. cred
  7. bio
  8. anthropo
  9. auto
  10. dict
  11. neo
  12. cise
  13. cide
  14. ad
  1. scrib
  2. centri
  3. itis
  4. biblio
  5. ard
  6. audi
  7. aqua
  8. cap
  9. port
  10. cede
  11. ician

25 Clues: adbioardcapneocentbellitismisslogycredautoaudiaquaportdictcedecisecidescribarchyiciancentribiblioanthropo

School Courses 2013-11-16

School Courses crossword puzzle
  1. Calculus
  2. FCS
  3. Spanish
  4. The Sciences
  5. Mathematics
  6. Arithmetic
  7. French
  8. Geometry
  9. Computer Science
  10. The languages
  11. Music
  12. Chemistry
  1. Biology
  2. Social Studies
  3. Physical Education
  4. History
  5. Art
  6. Algebra
  7. English
  8. Geography
  9. Physics
  10. German
  11. Latin

23 Clues: FCSArtMusicLatinFrenchGermanBiologySpanishHistoryAlgebraEnglishPhysicsCalculusGeometryGeographyChemistryArithmeticMathematicsThe SciencesThe languagesSocial StudiesComputer SciencePhysical Education

School Courses 2013-11-16

School Courses crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. Geometry
  3. Calculus
  4. Physical Education
  5. Algebra
  6. FCS
  7. Spanish
  8. French
  9. Latin
  10. History
  11. Geography
  12. The languages
  1. Art
  2. Mathematics
  3. Social Studies
  4. Arithmetic
  5. Physics
  6. German
  7. The Sciences
  8. Computer Science
  9. English
  10. Biology
  11. Chemistry

23 Clues: ArtFCSMusicLatinGermanFrenchPhysicsAlgebraEnglishSpanishBiologyHistoryGeometryCalculusChemistryGeographyArithmeticMathematicsThe SciencesThe languagesSocial StudiesComputer SciencePhysical Education

Crossword 2015-02-02

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 목적
  2. 민주주의,민주정치
  3. 전기
  4. 계획, 계획하다
  5. 표면
  6. 이익, 흥미
  7. 정신
  8. 후배,손아래에
  9. 생물학
  10. 순서, 명령
  1. 위험
  2. 운동, 연습하다
  3. 정부, 정치의
  4. 가망, 전망, 약속
  5. 장례식
  6. 비교
  7. 해군대장
  8. 육군장군
  9. 날,가장자리
  10. 선배, 손위에

20 Clues: 위험목적전기비교표면정신장례식생물학해군대장육군장군이익, 흥미날,가장자리순서, 명령정부, 정치의선배, 손위에후배,손아래에운동, 연습하다계획, 계획하다민주주의,민주정치가망, 전망, 약속

Crossword 2015-02-02

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 위험
  2. 육군장군
  3. 날,가장자리
  4. 전기
  5. 정신
  6. 목적
  7. 후배,손아래에
  8. 이익, 흥미
  9. 생물학
  10. 가망, 전망, 약속
  11. 선배, 손위에
  12. 장례식
  1. 해군대장
  2. 순서, 명령
  3. 정부, 정치의
  4. 운동, 연습하다
  5. 민주주의,민주정치
  6. 비교
  7. 표면
  8. 계획, 계획하다

20 Clues: 위험전기비교정신표면목적생물학장례식해군대장육군장군순서, 명령날,가장자리이익, 흥미정부, 정치의후배,손아래에선배, 손위에운동, 연습하다계획, 계획하다민주주의,민주정치가망, 전망, 약속

Vocabulario de las clases 2021-12-03

Vocabulario de las clases crossword puzzle
  1. clock
  2. university
  3. paper
  4. homework
  5. table
  6. psychology
  7. physical education
  8. eraser
  9. chemistry
  10. map
  11. semester
  1. library
  2. house
  3. quiz
  4. English
  5. laboratory
  6. cafeteria
  7. test
  8. trash
  9. biology
  10. door
  11. literature
  12. stadium
  13. choir
  14. art

25 Clues: artmapquiztestdoorhouseclocktrashpapertablechoireraserlibraryEnglishbiologystadiumhomeworksemestercafeteriachemistrylaboratoryuniversitypsychologyliteraturephysical education

Vocabulario Practica 2023-09-21

Vocabulario Practica crossword puzzle
  1. psicologia
  2. cena
  3. english
  4. derecho
  5. libreria
  6. mathematics
  7. historia
  8. biology
  9. llegar
  10. demas
  11. which
  1. ones a qual
  2. porque
  3. ciencias
  4. fisica
  5. economy
  6. to? a donde
  7. chemistry
  8. aqua
  9. biblioteca
  10. negocio
  11. Izquierda
  12. porque
  13. desayuno

24 Clues: cenaaquademaswhichporquefisicaporquellegareconomyenglishderechonegociobiologycienciaslibreriahistoriadesayunochemistryIzquierdapsicologiabibliotecamathematicsones a qualto? a donde


'NMI SPECIAL PROJECT crossword puzzle
  1. dcdv
  2. jj
  3. sdcdc
  4. dcd
  5. dcdvd
  6. dvdcv
  7. dcvdcd
  1. polyps dcc
  2. dvdc
  3. ddvdc
  4. vxcvcdv
  5. ddc
  6. dvcd
  7. dcvdvd
  8. ddcdcv

15 Clues: jjdcdddcdcdvdvdcdvcdddvdcsdcdcdcdvddvdcvdcvdcddcvdvdddcdcvvxcvcdvpolyps dcc

School Subjects 2017-09-25

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. sciences
  2. art
  3. calculus
  4. arithmetic
  5. fisica PE
  6. spanish
  7. geography
  1. chemistry
  2. biology
  3. mathematics
  4. english
  5. geometry
  6. music
  7. history
  8. algebra

15 Clues: artmusicbiologyenglishspanishhistoryalgebrasciencescalculusgeometrychemistryfisica PEgeographyarithmeticmathematics

French 1 Classes (no accent marks) 2021-01-07

French 1 Classes (no accent marks) crossword puzzle
  1. Wednesday
  2. Thursday
  3. Tuesday
  4. choir
  5. computer class
  6. biology
  7. chemistry
  1. Friday
  2. math
  3. English
  4. Monday
  5. French
  6. history
  7. orchestra
  8. PE

15 Clues: PEmathchoirFridayMondayFrenchEnglishTuesdayhistorybiologyThursdayWednesdayorchestrachemistrycomputer class

Tell me about your school 2021-09-10

Tell me about your school crossword puzzle
  1. biologie
  2. (school)directeur
  3. scheikunde
  4. gymzaal
  5. Frans
  6. docent
  7. geschiedenis
  1. gang
  2. bibliotheek
  3. kantine
  4. natuurkunde
  5. gym
  6. aardrijkskunde
  7. wiskunde
  8. kluisje

15 Clues: gymgangFransdocentkantinekluisjegymzaalbiologiewiskundescheikundebibliotheeknatuurkundegeschiedenisaardrijkskunde(school)directeur

My school 2021-11-25

My school crossword puzzle
  1. biológia
  2. informatika (rövidítés)
  3. fizika
  4. testnevelés (rövidítés)
  5. informatika
  6. állampolgári ismeretek
  7. tudományok
  8. hittan
  9. történelem
  1. testnevelés
  2. rajz
  3. kémia
  4. technika (dizájn és technológia)
  5. angol
  6. ének-zene
  7. földrajz
  8. hittan (rövidítés)
  9. francia
  10. matek

19 Clues: rajzkémiaangolmatekfizikahittanfranciabiológiaföldrajzének-zenetudományoktörténelemtestnevelésinformatikahittan (rövidítés)állampolgári ismeretekinformatika (rövidítés)testnevelés (rövidítés)technika (dizájn és technológia)

Jameson Nutcracker Scavenger Hunt - 2022 2022-11-23

Jameson Nutcracker Scavenger Hunt - 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. last book of the Old Testament
  2. city that Jonah preached in
  3. Area of Biology that studies plants
  4. Baby Moses floated in this river
  5. Bible character that survived the lion's den
  6. Bball score: 3 each: 3pointer layups, foul shots
  7. The largest country in Great Britain
  8. distance from home plate to 1st base (2 words)
  9. Continent that is a large island
  10. farthest south US state
  11. Elijah defeated 450 of these (3 words)
  1. first 9 stmts in Jesus' sermon on the mount
  2. length of a football field in feet (2 words)
  3. Area of Biology that studies animals
  4. ________ took place on this mountain
  5. Man that baptized Jesus (3 words)
  6. height of a bball rim (2 words)
  7. square root of 81
  8. Farthest Northern US State
  9. The capital of _______

20 Clues: square root of 81The capital of _______farthest south US stateFarthest Northern US Statecity that Jonah preached inlast book of the Old Testamentheight of a bball rim (2 words)Baby Moses floated in this riverContinent that is a large islandMan that baptized Jesus (3 words)Area of Biology that studies plantsArea of Biology that studies animals...

Monica's amazing biology crossword puzzle 2020-05-22

Monica's amazing biology crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. mass that occupies a space
  2. something that has yet not been tested correct
  3. a rich soil consisting of sand, and organic materials
  4. study of human beings and there way of life
  5. science of life
  6. subject such as biology
  7. study of animals
  8. the resting state in how animals pass the winter
  9. the science of powered limbs
  1. the region of the body the thorax and pelvis
  2. the process of releasing spores out into the world
  3. stuffing animals and adding lifelike effects
  4. lacking affinity for water
  5. study of the human body
  6. a substance used to kill a microorganism
  7. science of life process
  8. forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus
  9. study/science of heredity
  10. study of organisms and there surroundings
  11. study of plant

20 Clues: study of plantscience of lifestudy of animalsstudy of the human bodyscience of life processsubject such as biologystudy/science of hereditymass that occupies a spacelacking affinity for waterthe science of powered limbsa substance used to kill a microorganismstudy of organisms and there surroundingsstudy of human beings and there way of life...

Angelo Perez's High School Teachers 2022-12-06

Angelo Perez's High School Teachers crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish II
  2. Transitional English
  3. IB Math: Application & Interpretations I
  4. Physics assistant
  5. English III assistant no. 1
  6. Human Geography assistant
  7. Civics (from August 2021 to March 2022)
  8. Biology assistant
  9. Earth and Space Science
  10. Civics assistant
  11. Geometry assistant (main teacher throughout the 2022–2023 year)
  12. Sociology
  13. Chemistry
  14. Algebra I assistant
  15. Exploring Computer Science
  16. English I + II assistant
  17. Art I
  1. English II
  2. Algebra I
  3. Physical Education I + II
  4. Human Geography
  5. IB Math: Application & Interpretations II
  6. Physics
  7. Psychology
  8. English III
  9. Biology
  10. Seminar IV
  11. Seminar I
  12. Physical Education: Competitive Team Sports
  13. U.S. History
  14. English I
  15. Spanish I
  16. English III assistant no. 2
  17. Physical Education: Senior Leaders
  18. Music I

35 Clues: Art IPhysicsBiologyMusic IAlgebra ISeminar ISociologyChemistryEnglish ISpanish IEnglish IISpanish IIPsychologySeminar IVEnglish IIIU.S. HistoryHuman GeographyCivics assistantPhysics assistantBiology assistantAlgebra I assistantTransitional EnglishEarth and Space ScienceEnglish I + II assistantPhysical Education I + IIHuman Geography assistant...

En La Clase Vocab. 2023-03-16

En La Clase Vocab. crossword puzzle
  1. Book
  2. Homework
  3. Quiz
  4. Biology
  5. Geometry
  6. Exam
  7. Stapler
  1. Chemistry
  2. Door
  3. Backpack
  4. Example
  5. Clock/Watch
  6. Scissors
  7. Science
  8. Tape

15 Clues: DoorBookQuizTapeExamExampleBiologyScienceStaplerBackpackHomeworkGeometryScissorsChemistryClock/Watch

sds 2021-04-26

sds crossword puzzle
  1. биология
  2. история
  3. папка
  4. химия
  5. фломастер
  6. мелок
  7. география
  1. наука
  2. английский
  3. линейка
  4. театр. кружок
  5. точилка
  6. французский
  7. математика
  8. клей

15 Clues: клейнаукапапкахимиямелоклинейкаисторияточилкабиологияфломастергеографияанглийскийматематикафранцузскийтеатр. кружок

Les matières scolaires 2024-06-13

Les matières scolaires crossword puzzle
  1. music
  2. French
  3. Spanish
  4. biology
  5. IT
  6. chemistry
  7. art
  8. sciences
  1. geography
  2. physics
  3. history
  4. English
  5. German
  6. religous studies
  7. PE

15 Clues: ITPEartmusicFrenchGermanphysicshistoryEnglishSpanishbiologysciencesgeographychemistryreligous studies

Day11 2018-11-22

Day11 crossword puzzle
  1. [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt ]
  2. [baɪˈɒlədʒi]
  3. [ˈwenzdeɪ]
  4. [ˈdekeɪd]
  5. ['kemɪstrɪ]
  6. [ˈsentʃərɪ]
  7. [ˈhɪstri]
  8. ['i:kwəl]
  9. [ˈfɪnɪʃ]
  1. [dʒɪ'ɒgrəfɪ]
  2. ['saɪəns]
  3. ['feɪvərɪt]
  4. [ˈsætədeɪ]
  5. [ˈju:sfl]
  6. ['fɪzɪk(ə)l]

15 Clues: [ˈfɪnɪʃ]['saɪəns][ˈdekeɪd][ˈju:sfl][ˈhɪstri]['i:kwəl][ˈwenzdeɪ][ˈsætədeɪ]['feɪvərɪt]['kemɪstrɪ][ˈsentʃərɪ][dʒɪ'ɒgrəfɪ][ˈsʌbdʒɪkt ][baɪˈɒlədʒi]['fɪzɪk(ə)l]

Przedmioty szkolne 2021-12-09

Przedmioty szkolne crossword puzzle
  1. ​plan lekcji
  2. muzyka
  3. ​język angielski
  4. ​języki obce nowożytne
  5. matematyka
  6. ​chemia
  7. wychowanie fizyczne
  8. technika
  9. ​język francuski
  10. historia
  1. ​literatura
  2. geografia
  3. przyroda
  4. informatyka
  5. ​biologia
  6. ​wiedza o społeczeństwie
  7. fizyka
  8. ​zajęcia teatralne
  9. plastyka

19 Clues: muzykafizyka​chemiaprzyrodatechnikaplastykahistoriageografia​biologiamatematyka​literaturainformatyka​plan lekcji​język angielski​język francuski​zajęcia teatralnewychowanie fizyczne​języki obce nowożytne​wiedza o społeczeństwie

Spanish Vocab Choice Board 2024-03-29

Spanish Vocab Choice Board crossword puzzle
  1. to pass a test
  2. raise hand
  3. gym
  4. physics
  5. library
  6. computer lab
  7. literature
  8. cafeteria
  9. geography
  1. cafeteria
  2. lab
  3. hallway
  4. history
  5. biology
  6. principal's office
  7. classroom
  8. math
  9. chemistry
  10. bathrooms
  11. take an exam

20 Clues: labgymmathhallwayhistorybiologyphysicslibrarycafeteriaclassroomchemistrybathroomscafeteriageographyraise handliteraturetake an examcomputer labto pass a testprincipal's office

Biology 2013-05-30

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. An organic molecule that absorbs light of certain wavelengths.
  2. Main photosynthetic pigments in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria.
  3. Distance between crests of two successive waves of radiant energy.
  4. Makes sugars from carbon dioxide and water (sunlight energy)
  5. Packets where electromagnetic energy of light is organized.
  6. Main energy carrier between reaction sites in cells.
  7. A chloroplast's inner membrane system, often folded as flattened sacs that form a continuous compartment in the stroma.
  8. Organic pigments that are found in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts of plants and some other photosynthetic organisms
  1. Any light-driven phosphorylation reaction.
  2. They make their own food by using the environment.
  3. Organelle of photosynthesis in plants and some protist.
  4. The semifluid matrix between the thylakoid membrane and the two outer membranes of a chloroplast
  5. Reaction in which light energy breaks down a molecule.

13 Clues: Any light-driven phosphorylation reaction.They make their own food by using the environment.Main energy carrier between reaction sites in cells.Reaction in which light energy breaks down a molecule.Organelle of photosynthesis in plants and some protist.Packets where electromagnetic energy of light is organized....

Biology 2020-04-23

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding
  2. evolutionary change within a species or small group of organisms, especially over a short period
  3. the influence of closely associated species on each other in their evolution.
  4. is the transfer of genetic variation from one population to another.
  5. is a group of linked ideas intended to explain something and have evidence to prove it.
  6. the state or process of a species, family, or larger group being or becoming extinct
  1. variation in the relative frequency of different genotypes in a small population
  2. is the change of characteristics of a species over time
  3. is a change in a DNA sequence.
  4. also called cryptic coloration, is a defense or tactic that organisms use to disguise their appearance
  5. sharp lowering of a population's gene pool because of an environment
  6. the close external resemblance of an animal or plant (or part of one) to another animal, plant, or inanimate object.
  7. is the process whereby groups from the same common ancestor evolve and accumulate differences,

13 Clues: is a change in a DNA the change of characteristics of a species over timesharp lowering of a population's gene pool because of an environmentis the transfer of genetic variation from one population to another.the influence of closely associated species on each other in their evolution....

biology 2022-10-29

biology crossword puzzle
  1. a mitochondrial enzyme localized in the inner membrane, where it catalyzes the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate,
  2. a series of biochemical reactions in photosynthesis not requiring light to proceed
  3. an important “energy molecule” found in all life forms
  4. a pigment that gives plants their green color
  5. a coenzyme that functions as a universal electron carrier,
  6. functional and structural units of protein complexes involved in photosynthesis.
  1. series of biochemical reactions in photosynthesis requiring light energy that is captured by light-absorbing pigments
  2. A series of chemical reactions that occurs as part of the dark reactions of photosynthesis,
  3. a series of four protein complexes that couple redox reactions, creating an electrochemical gradient that leads to the creation of ATP
  4. the set of compounds that have an intense color and are used in the coloring of other materials.
  5. converts sunlight into energy
  6. a disk-shaped, membranous sac containing chlorophyll, in which the light reaction of photosynthesis occurs, found in blue-green algae and in the chloroplasts of green plants.
  7. The cells and tissues that support and give structure to organs, glands, or other tissues in the body

13 Clues: converts sunlight into energya pigment that gives plants their green coloran important “energy molecule” found in all life formsa coenzyme that functions as a universal electron carrier,functional and structural units of protein complexes involved in photosynthesis.a series of biochemical reactions in photosynthesis not requiring light to proceed...

Biology 2023-01-06

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. set of reactions in photosynthesis that do not require light energy; energy from ATP and NADPH is used to build high-energy compounds such as sugar; also called the Calvin cycle
  2. clusters of proteins that span the thykloid membrane and allow hydrogen to pass through it
  3. clusters of chlorophyll and proteins found in thylakoids
  4. carrier molecule that transfers high-energy electrons from chlorophyll to other molecules
  5. fluid portion of the chloroplast; outside of the thylakoids
  6. saclike photosynthetic membranes found in chloroplasts
  7. principal pigment of plants and other photosynthetic organisms
  8. the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis in which energy from ATP and NADPH is used to build high-energy compounds such as sugar
  1. set of reactions in photosynthesis that use energy from light to produce ATP and NADPH
  2. light-absorbing molecules used by plants to gather the sun's energy
  3. compound used by cells to store and release energy
  4. process used by plants and other autotrophs to capture light energy and use it to power chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and energy-rich carbohydrates such as sugars and starches
  5. series of electron carrier proteins that shuttle high-energy electrons during ATP generating reactions

13 Clues: compound used by cells to store and release energysaclike photosynthetic membranes found in chloroplastsclusters of chlorophyll and proteins found in thylakoidsfluid portion of the chloroplast; outside of the thylakoidsprincipal pigment of plants and other photosynthetic organismslight-absorbing molecules used by plants to gather the sun's energy...

Biology 2022-09-21

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. a system of interlocking and interdependent food chains
  2. an animal or person that eats food of both plant and animal origin
  3. an animal which feeds on dead organic material, especially plant detritus
  4. an animal that feeds on flesh
  5. a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
  1. a hierarchical series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source of food
  2. Any of the sequential stages in a food chain, occupied by producers at the bottom and in turn by primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers
  3. physical rather than biological; not derived from living organisms
  4. relating to or resulting from living things, especially in their ecological relations
  5. an animal that feeds on plants
  6. an organism that produces organic compounds from simple substances such as water and carbon dioxide; an autotroph
  7. the state of being diverse; variety
  8. an organism that derives the organic compounds and energy it needs from the consumption of other organisms; a heterotroph

13 Clues: an animal that feeds on fleshan animal that feeds on plantsthe state of being diverse; varietya system of interlocking and interdependent food chainsphysical rather than biological; not derived from living organismsan animal or person that eats food of both plant and animal origin...

Biology 2023-03-29

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Used to calculate diversity in an area
  2. Series of intermediate communities form
  3. The first to colonize a new area
  4. Organisms interecting in an environment
  5. When two niches overlap
  6. N=(M*n)/m
  1. A measure of the different species in an area
  2. B=D
  3. The role that an organism occupies in an ecosystem
  4. Species with exponential growth
  5. Offspring resulting from two different types of animal
  6. a group of similar living organisms
  7. How plants get nutriens

13 Clues: B=DN=(M*n)/mHow plants get nutriensWhen two niches overlapSpecies with exponential growthThe first to colonize a new areaa group of similar living organismsUsed to calculate diversity in an areaSeries of intermediate communities formOrganisms interecting in an environmentA measure of the different species in an area...

biology 2024-05-03

biology crossword puzzle
  1. A chemical substance found in mucus which can kill pathogens.
  2. Substances that can kill bacteria or inhibit their cell processes.
  3. Disease caused by genetics or lifestyle, cannot be passed from person to person.
  4. Too much or too little of a specific nutrient in the diet
  5. A protein on the surface of a cell that the immune system uses to recognise pathogens.
  1. Disease caused by pathogen that can be passed from person to person.
  2. A type of white blood cell that can kill pathogens.
  3. An organism which carries a pathogen from one person to another.
  4. A microorganism thar causes disease
  5. A fake drug used to compare results in clinical trials.
  6. When a vaccine is used to protect a person from a specific pathogen.
  7. A disease caused by a lack of a nutrient in the det
  8. When many people over a large area are affected by the same pathogen

13 Clues: A microorganism thar causes diseaseA type of white blood cell that can kill pathogens.A disease caused by a lack of a nutrient in the detA fake drug used to compare results in clinical trials.Too much or too little of a specific nutrient in the dietA chemical substance found in mucus which can kill pathogens....

Biology 2024-06-20

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. what you want from a off a waitress
  2. class where the animal has hair or fur
  3. the 7 characteristics of living things
  4. breathing
  1. baby making process
  2. fishies
  3. all organisms are divided into five of these
  4. slimy and scaly
  5. birds
  6. 3rd to last of the 7 levels
  7. 3rd of the 7 levels
  8. rank between family and species
  9. likes Jimmy

13 Clues: birdsfishiesbreathinglikes Jimmyslimy and scalybaby making process3rd of the 7 levels3rd to last of the 7 levelsrank between family and specieswhat you want from a off a waitressclass where the animal has hair or furthe 7 characteristics of living thingsall organisms are divided into five of these

biology 2024-05-19

biology crossword puzzle
  1. 33
  2. 9
  3. 20
  4. 29
  5. 37
  6. 1
  7. 10
  1. 32
  2. 12
  3. 21
  4. 41
  5. 1
  6. 25
  7. 4
  8. 22

15 Clues: 91143212213320294137251022

Biology 2023-11-07

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. The jelly-like substance inside the cell, where all the reactions happen in the cell.
  2. The shape DNA forms, two strands wrapping around each other
  3. Part of a cell that controls it, contains all the genetic information needed to grow and reproduce. Contains chromosomes
  4. Mapped all the genes in a human, used to help search for links between genes and diseases
  5. The green part of a plant cell that contains chlorophyll and carries out photosynthesis (absorbs sunlight to make food for the plant).
  6. The tough outer covering surrounding plant cells.
  1. A large compartment full of liquid that is only found in plant cells.
  2. A section of DNA that codes for a particular trait, e.g. eye colour
  3. What DNA is made of,t here are four of the AGCT
  4. The boundary that controls what can enter and leave the cell.
  5. All of the genetic information that makes up an organism
  6. Thin strands of DNA, can be broken down into smaller parts called genes
  7. Controls the cell. Contains genes which tell the cell what to look like and what job to do.
  8. Found in chromosomes, has a double-helix structure

14 Clues: What DNA is made of,t here are four of the AGCTThe tough outer covering surrounding plant cells.Found in chromosomes, has a double-helix structureAll of the genetic information that makes up an organismThe shape DNA forms, two strands wrapping around each otherThe boundary that controls what can enter and leave the cell....

Ábhair Scoile 2016-10-11

Ábhair Scoile crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. Art
  3. Maths
  4. English
  5. Irish
  6. Accounting
  7. TechGraph
  8. Engineering
  9. CSPE
  10. HomeEc
  11. Woodwork
  12. Religion
  13. Chinese
  14. Biology
  1. Metalwork
  2. Home Ec
  3. Computers
  4. Geography
  5. Music
  6. Business
  7. History
  8. PE
  9. German
  10. French
  11. Science

25 Clues: PEArtCSPEMathsIrishMusicHomeEcGermanFrenchHome EcEnglishHistoryScienceChineseBiologyBusinessWoodworkReligionMetalworkChemistryComputersGeographyTechGraphAccountingEngineering

School Courses 2013-11-16

School Courses crossword puzzle
  1. Algebra
  2. Geography
  3. German
  4. Social Studies
  5. The languages
  6. Computer Science
  7. Physics
  8. Spanish
  9. The Sciences
  10. Physical Education
  1. Mathematics
  2. English
  3. Geometry
  4. Biology
  5. Calculus
  6. Arithmetic
  7. FCS
  8. Music
  9. History
  10. French
  11. Art
  12. Chemistry
  13. Latin

23 Clues: FCSArtMusicLatinGermanFrenchEnglishAlgebraBiologyHistoryPhysicsSpanishGeometryCalculusGeographyChemistryArithmeticMathematicsThe SciencesThe languagesSocial StudiesComputer SciencePhysical Education

School Courses 2013-11-16

School Courses crossword puzzle
  1. Art
  2. Biology
  3. Latin
  4. Mathematics
  5. German
  6. History
  7. Physical Education
  8. The languages
  9. FCS
  10. French
  1. Spanish
  2. Geography
  3. Social Studies
  4. Algebra
  5. Music
  6. Computer Science
  7. Calculus
  8. English
  9. Chemistry
  10. Geometry
  11. Arithmetic
  12. The Sciences
  13. Physics

23 Clues: ArtFCSLatinMusicGermanFrenchSpanishAlgebraBiologyEnglishHistoryPhysicsCalculusGeometryGeographyChemistryArithmeticMathematicsThe SciencesThe languagesSocial StudiesComputer SciencePhysical Education

School Courses 2013-11-16

School Courses crossword puzzle
  1. Geography
  2. Physical Education
  3. Computer Science
  4. History
  5. Social Studies
  6. Spanish
  7. Chemistry
  8. Art
  9. Calculus
  10. Music
  1. Arithmetic
  2. Geometry
  3. Mathematics
  4. French
  5. FCS
  6. German
  7. The Languages
  8. Biology
  9. Algebra
  10. Physics
  11. English
  12. The Sciences
  13. Latin

23 Clues: FCSArtLatinMusicFrenchGermanBiologyAlgebraPhysicsHistoryEnglishSpanishGeometryCalculusGeographyChemistryArithmeticMathematicsThe SciencesThe LanguagesSocial StudiesComputer SciencePhysical Education

School Courses 2013-11-16

School Courses crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. Music
  3. The Languages
  4. Geography
  5. Physical Education
  6. Physics
  7. FCS
  8. History
  9. Chemistry
  10. Latin
  11. Arithmetic
  1. The Sciences
  2. Algebra
  3. German
  4. Biology
  5. Social Studies
  6. Spanish
  7. Calculus
  8. French
  9. Geometry
  10. Mathematics
  11. Computer Science
  12. Art

23 Clues: FCSArtMusicLatinGermanFrenchAlgebraBiologyEnglishSpanishPhysicsHistoryCalculusGeometryGeographyChemistryArithmeticMathematicsThe SciencesThe LanguagesSocial StudiesComputer SciencePhysical Education

Tarea 3 Vocabulary Choice Board 2022-09-10

Tarea 3 Vocabulary Choice Board crossword puzzle
  1. to arrive
  2. sciences
  3. to walk
  4. to dance
  5. to have dinner
  6. literature
  7. library
  8. eraser
  9. book
  10. to carry
  11. to sing
  1. class
  2. bookstore
  3. calculator
  4. cafeteria
  5. Monday
  6. art
  7. biology
  8. casa house
  9. to look for

20 Clues: artbookclassMondayeraserto walklibrarybiologyto singsciencesto danceto carryto arrivebookstorecafeteriacalculatorliteraturecasa houseto look forto have dinner

My school 2021-11-25

My school crossword puzzle
  1. földrajz
  2. matek
  3. informatika
  4. órarend
  5. francia
  6. technika (dizájn és technológia)
  7. hittan
  1. testnevelés
  2. biológia
  3. informatika (rövidítés)
  4. fizika
  5. ének-zene
  6. rajz
  7. angol
  8. testnevelés (rövidítés)
  9. történelem
  10. tantárgy
  11. hittan (rövidítés)
  12. állampolgári ismeretek
  13. kémia
  14. tudományok

21 Clues: rajzmatekangolkémiafizikahittanórarendfranciabiológiaföldrajztantárgyének-zenetörténelemtudományoktestnevelésinformatikahittan (rövidítés)állampolgári ismeretekinformatika (rövidítés)testnevelés (rövidítés)technika (dizájn és technológia)

La Clase 2021-12-01

La Clase crossword puzzle
  1. school
  2. student
  3. biology
  4. student-desk
  5. calendar
  6. wall
  7. backpack
  8. marker
  9. science class
  10. pencil sharpener
  11. eraser
  1. teacher
  2. window
  3. spanish
  4. library
  5. chair
  6. pen
  7. highlighter
  8. map
  9. office
  10. whiteboard
  11. pencil
  12. math class

23 Clues: penmapwallchairwindowschoolofficepencilmarkereraserteacherspanishlibrarystudentbiologycalendarbackpackwhiteboardmath classhighlighterstudent-deskscience classpencil sharpener

At the summerhouse 2020-10-17

At the summerhouse crossword puzzle
  1. opintoretki
  2. selittää
  3. luonto
  4. kansallispuisto
  5. aiheuttaa
  6. keitto
  7. sattua,tapahtua
  8. kesämökki
  9. hirvi
  10. kukka
  11. pikkuruinen
  1. onnettomuus
  2. rikkaruoho
  3. vaeltaminen
  4. pinaatti
  5. onneksi
  6. metsä
  7. villieläimet
  8. syvä
  9. maistua
  10. ihmetellä
  11. vierailu
  12. biologia
  13. aikana

24 Clues: syvämetsähirvikukkaluontokeittoaikanaonneksimaistuapinaattiselittäävierailubiologiaaiheuttaaihmetelläkesämökkirikkaruohoonnettomuusvaeltaminenopintoretkipikkuruinenvillieläimetkansallispuistosattua,tapahtua

Las asignaturas 2020-05-24

Las asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. Visual Art
  2. Dance
  3. Drama
  4. Geography
  5. Italian
  6. Studies of religion
  7. Physics
  8. Chemistry
  9. Science
  10. Music
  11. Spanish
  1. Physical Education (PDHPE)
  2. French
  3. Mathematics
  4. Sport
  5. Computer Studies
  6. English
  7. German
  8. Biology
  9. Design and Technology
  10. History

21 Clues: DanceDramaSportMusicFrenchGermanItalianPhysicsEnglishBiologyScienceHistorySpanishGeographyChemistryVisual ArtMathematicsComputer StudiesStudies of religionDesign and TechnologyPhysical Education (PDHPE)

Las clases 2023-04-24

Las clases crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish
  2. French
  3. sociology
  4. newspaper
  5. foods
  6. government
  7. history
  8. psychology
  9. orchestra
  10. biology
  11. geography
  12. band
  1. oceanography
  2. calculus
  3. business
  4. math
  5. science
  6. chemistry
  7. technology / computers
  8. meteorology
  9. writing
  10. theatre
  11. chorus
  12. English
  13. health

25 Clues: mathbandfoodsFrenchchorushealthSpanishsciencewritingtheatrehistorybiologyEnglishcalculusbusinesschemistrysociologynewspaperorchestrageographygovernmentpsychologymeteorologyoceanographytechnology / computers

UNIT 3 2013-09-27

UNIT 3 crossword puzzle
  1. harjutamine
  2. ajahätta jääma
  3. kodundus
  4. bioloogia
  5. õpetaja pailaps
  6. loodusteadus
  7. homme samal ajal
  8. otsusele jõudma
  1. kirjandus
  2. usuõpetus
  3. raske;keeruline
  4. koduklass
  5. õigekiri
  6. ajaraiskamine
  7. ajaviide
  8. üldkogunemine
  9. ime

17 Clues: imekodundusõigekiriajaviidekirjandususuõpetuskoduklassbioloogiaharjutamineloodusteadusajaraiskamineüldkogunemineajahätta jäämaraske;keerulineõpetaja pailapsotsusele jõudmahomme samal ajal

Le materie scolastiche - School subjects. 2014-02-03

Le materie scolastiche - School subjects. crossword puzzle
  1. philosophy
  2. chemistry
  3. art history
  4. international relations
  5. physics
  6. psychology
  7. foreign languages
  1. mathematics
  2. sociology
  3. music
  4. literature
  5. school subject
  6. political sciences
  7. computer science
  8. economics
  9. biology
  10. history

17 Clues: musicphysicsbiologyhistorysociologychemistryeconomicsphilosophyliteraturepsychologymathematicsart historyschool subjectcomputer scienceforeign languagespolitical sciencesinternational relations

Spanish 2018-02-21

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. Somali
  2. American Sign Language
  3. Photography
  4. Biology
  5. To come
  6. Computer Science
  7. Camera
  8. Geometry
  1. Dictionary
  2. To prefer
  3. History
  4. To eat lunch
  5. Statistics
  6. Calculator
  7. Geography
  8. German
  9. Physics

17 Clues: SomaliGermanCameraHistoryBiologyTo comePhysicsGeometryTo preferGeographyDictionaryStatisticsCalculatorPhotographyTo eat lunchComputer ScienceAmerican Sign Language

Unit 3.01 Notes 2023-03-02

Unit 3.01 Notes crossword puzzle
  1. A plant that completes its life cycle in two years.
  2. Plant is swollen or filled with moisture.
  3. Plant hormones that stimulate growth in stem and leaf by cell elongation.
  4. The science and practice of growing, processing and marketing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants.
  5. Plant is limp because it does not have enough moisture.
  6. The science and practice of growing field crops such as cotton, wheat, tobacco, corn and soybeans.
  7. The part of biology that deals with plants.
  1. The branch of science that deals with both plants and animals and the life processes.
  2. A plant that lives more than two years.
  3. The science and practice of growing, managing and harvesting trees for building materials and other products.
  4. The part of biology that deals with animals.
  5. Keeps leaves and remains green year-round.
  6. A plant that completes its life cycle in one year.
  7. Plant hormones that speeds up plant growth by stimulating cell enlargement.
  8. Plant hormones that speeds up plant growth by stimulating cell enlargement.

15 Clues: A plant that lives more than two years.Plant is swollen or filled with moisture.Keeps leaves and remains green year-round.The part of biology that deals with plants.The part of biology that deals with animals.A plant that completes its life cycle in one year.A plant that completes its life cycle in two years....

#FoundmyGuyaux 2016-12-16

#FoundmyGuyaux crossword puzzle
  1. Jared’s favorite sport.
  2. Emily got accepted to the medical school in _____, SC.
  3. Place where Emily and Jared are going on their honey moon.
  4. The Bride.
  5. Emily’s dad teaches _____ at the University of Nevada, Reno.
  6. One of Emily and Jared’s favorite books.
  7. Number of siblings Emily has (including spouses).
  8. Jared’s dad works as a _____ fabricator.
  9. Emily’s Home State.
  1. Jared was in a _____ study group that Emily led.
  2. Place Emily and Jared first met.
  3. Color of Emily’s eyes.
  4. Word that literally means “mimicking biology”.
  5. Place where Jared proposed.
  6. Jared is interested in studying comparative _____.
  7. Jared went to _____ to buy Emily’s engagement ring.
  8. Day Jared proposed to Emily.
  9. Jared’s Home State.
  10. Emily’s favorite sport is _____.
  11. Instrument that Emily plays.
  12. The groom.

21 Clues: The Bride.The groom.Jared’s Home State.Emily’s Home State.Color of Emily’s eyes.Jared’s favorite sport.Place where Jared proposed.Day Jared proposed to Emily.Instrument that Emily plays.Place Emily and Jared first met.Emily’s favorite sport is _____.One of Emily and Jared’s favorite books.Jared’s dad works as a _____ fabricator....

Monica's amazing biology crossword puzzle 2020-05-22

Monica's amazing biology crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. mass that occupies a space
  2. something that has yet not been tested correct
  3. a rich soil consisting of sand, and organic materials
  4. study of human beings and there way of life
  5. science of life
  6. subject such as biology
  7. study of animals
  8. the resting state in how animals pass the winter
  9. the science of powered limbs
  1. the region of the body the thorax and pelvis
  2. the process of releasing spores out into the world
  3. stuffing animals and adding lifelike effects
  4. lacking affinity for water
  5. study of the human body
  6. a substance used to kill a microorganism
  7. science of life process
  8. forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus
  9. study/science of heredity
  10. study of organisms and there surroundings
  11. study of plant

20 Clues: study of plantscience of lifestudy of animalsstudy of the human bodyscience of life processsubject such as biologystudy/science of hereditymass that occupies a spacelacking affinity for waterthe science of powered limbsa substance used to kill a microorganismstudy of organisms and there surroundingsstudy of human beings and there way of life...

Biology 2021-07-23

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Removes waste products
  2. Holds the DNA of the cell
  3. Type of cell with no cell wall
  4. Control what goes in and out of cell
  5. Sorts the materials of the cell
  6. Traps energy from sunlight for use
  1. Creates proteins for cell building materials
  2. Controls the functions of the cell
  3. Type of cell with chloroplast
  4. Protects from mechanical forces
  5. Creates energy
  6. Stores water
  7. Holds the organelles in place

13 Clues: Stores waterCreates energyRemoves waste productsHolds the DNA of the cellType of cell with chloroplastHolds the organelles in placeType of cell with no cell wallProtects from mechanical forcesSorts the materials of the cellControls the functions of the cellTraps energy from sunlight for useControl what goes in and out of cell...

Biology 2021-09-03

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. :Converts DNA to amino acids
  2. :The rough ER abbreviation
  3. :The common name for Deoxy Ribonucleocapsid
  4. :The name of the player from Legend of Zelda
  5. :A cell with membrane bound organelles.
  1. :A cell without membrane bound organelles.
  2. :A fluid that holds the organelles in a cell
  3. :The macromolecule related to fats
  4. :The macromolecule responsible for enzymes.
  5. :The smooth ER abbreviation
  6. :The common name for Ribonucleocapsid
  7. :A rigid casing for plant cells and prokaryotes.
  8. :A chain of proteins that speeds up chemical reactions.

13 Clues: :The rough ER abbreviation:The smooth ER abbreviation:Converts DNA to amino acids:The macromolecule related to fats:The common name for Ribonucleocapsid:A cell with membrane bound organelles.:A cell without membrane bound organelles.:The macromolecule responsible for enzymes.:The common name for Deoxy Ribonucleocapsid...

Biology 2022-01-26

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to grow new cells to replace damaged or lost body components
  2. the number of molecules of a substance in a given volume
  3. The third phase of mitosis when the chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell
  4. the second phase of mitosis when the chromosomes align in the centre of the cell
  5. the movement of water molecules across a membrane is response to conertration differences
  1. a structure within a cell that carries out specific functions to support the life of the cell
  2. the first phase of mitosis when the nucleus and
  3. the stage in the cell cycle when the contents of the nucleus separate into two identical cells
  4. the stage in the cell cycle when a cell grows and carries out it’s usual functions as well as making a copy of its DNA and organelles to prepare for cell division
  5. the stage in the cell cycle when the cytoplasm and organelles separate cells
  6. the fourth phase of mitosis when the membrane surrounding the nucleus
  7. the movement of molecules from an area of high conertration to an area of low conertration until they are evenly distributed
  8. membrane disappear and chromosomes form

13 Clues: membrane disappear and chromosomes formthe first phase of mitosis when the nucleus andthe number of molecules of a substance in a given volumethe fourth phase of mitosis when the membrane surrounding the nucleusthe ability to grow new cells to replace damaged or lost body components...

Biology 2022-02-02

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. the region of the body between the thorax and the pelvis.
  2. powerhouse of the cell, produces energy from oxygen and sugar.
  3. when plants capture energy from sunlight and/or water and use it to produce its own food.
  4. an organelle in the cytoplasm of a living cell, small particle in the cell on which proteins are assembled.
  5. a complex protein produced by cells that acts as a catalyst.
  6. a part of the cell responsible for growth and reproduction.
  7. is reproduction without the fusion of gametes.
  1. a threadlike strand of DNA that carries genes.
  2. Set of chemical reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down materials as it carries out its life processes.
  3. organisms interacting with their physical environment.
  4. change in living things over time. Adaptation. an inherited trait that gives an advantage to an organism and is passed on to offspring.
  5. connection to the bones forming the human wrist, or to an animal that would be their forelimb.
  6. A group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.

13 Clues: a threadlike strand of DNA that carries reproduction without the fusion of gametes.organisms interacting with their physical environment.the region of the body between the thorax and the pelvis.a part of the cell responsible for growth and reproduction.a complex protein produced by cells that acts as a catalyst....

Biology 2021-12-16

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. - second stage of cellular respiration in which acid is broken down into carbon dioxide in a series of energy - extracting reactions
  2. - process by which cells release energy in the absence of oxygen
  3. - energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things.
  4. - amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsuis
  5. - an organic acid that probably occurs in all living cells
  6. - process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen.
  7. - a double-membrane-bound organelle found in most eukaryotic organisms.
  1. - first set of reactions in cellular respiration during which a molecule of glucose is broken down into 2 molecules of acid.
  2. - a series of proteins and organic molecules found in the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
  3. - The innermost compartment of the mitochondria
  4. - a chemical byproduct of anaerobic respiration
  5. - process that doesn’t require oxygen
  6. - process that requires oxygen

13 Clues: - process that requires oxygen- process that doesn’t require oxygen- The innermost compartment of the mitochondria- a chemical byproduct of anaerobic respiration- an organic acid that probably occurs in all living cells- process by which cells release energy in the absence of oxygen...

Biology 2022-01-11

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. The two stages of protein synthesis are ___ and translation.
  2. What enzyme breaks down lipids?
  3. A type of monosaccharide.
  4. In an animal cell, what organelle contains the DNA?
  5. A characteristic controlled only by environmental factors
  6. Tubes of the circulatory system that carry oxygen-depleted blood towards the heart.
  1. Is oxygenated blood lighter or darker in colour?
  2. What does one gene encode?
  3. A hormone that controls the menstrual cycle and human reproduction.
  4. What organelle keeps a cell rigid by pushing outwards?
  5. A process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one.
  6. A main structure of the eye.
  7. What type of cells are unspecialised?

13 Clues: A type of monosaccharide.What does one gene encode?A main structure of the eye.What enzyme breaks down lipids?What type of cells are unspecialised?Is oxygenated blood lighter or darker in colour?In an animal cell, what organelle contains the DNA?What organelle keeps a cell rigid by pushing outwards?...

Biology 2017-09-07

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. group of organisms
  2. acts as fuel
  3. arranged in an orderly way
  4. natural changes that occur during life
  5. individual life form
  6. inherited characteristic
  1. reaction to a stimulus
  2. study of living organisms
  3. conditions in which living things operate
  4. production of offspring
  5. internal conditions to maintain life
  6. addition of mass to an organism
  7. event that evokes a specific function in an organ or tissue

13 Clues: acts as fuelgroup of organismsindividual life formreaction to a stimulusproduction of offspringinherited characteristicstudy of living organismsarranged in an orderly wayaddition of mass to an organisminternal conditions to maintain lifenatural changes that occur during lifeconditions in which living things operate...

Biology 2013-04-03

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. combining and overlapping of many food chains
  2. thin zone of the earth that supports all life
  3. all the organisms living in a certain area
  4. all the members of one species that live in the same area
  5. all the living and nonliving parts of an environment
  6. organism that gets food by eating other organisms
  7. not dead
  1. an organism's role in its environment
  2. model of the flow of energy through an ecosystem
  3. place where an organism lives
  4. organism that feeds on dead organisms
  5. organism that makes its own food
  6. study of the relationship between living things and their environment

13 Clues: not deadplace where an organism livesorganism that makes its own foodan organism's role in its environmentorganism that feeds on dead organismsall the organisms living in a certain areacombining and overlapping of many food chainsthin zone of the earth that supports all lifemodel of the flow of energy through an ecosystem...

Biology 2013-05-30

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Main energy carrier between reaction sites in cells.
  2. They make their own food by using the environment.
  3. Makes sugars from carbon dioxide and water (sunlight energy)
  4. Distance between crests of two successive waves of radiant energy.
  5. Packets where electromagnetic energy of light is organized.
  1. Any light-driven phosphorylation reaction.
  2. Organic pigments that are found in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts of plants and some other photosynthetic organisms
  3. The semifluid matrix between the thylakoid membrane and the two outer membranes of a chloroplast
  4. Reaction in which light energy breaks down a molecule.
  5. Organelle of photosynthesis in plants and some protist.
  6. An organic molecule that absorbs light of certain wavelengths.
  7. A chloroplast's inner membrane system, often folded as flattened sacs that form a continuous compartment in the stroma.
  8. Main photosynthetic pigments in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria.

13 Clues: Any light-driven phosphorylation reaction.They make their own food by using the environment.Main energy carrier between reaction sites in cells.Reaction in which light energy breaks down a molecule.Organelle of photosynthesis in plants and some protist.Packets where electromagnetic energy of light is organized....

Biology 2023-11-07

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Part of a cell that controls it, contains all the genetic information needed to grow and reproduce. Contains chromosomes
  2. Mapped all the genes in a human, used to help search for links between genes and diseases
  3. The boundary that controls what can enter and leave the cell.
  4. The green part of a plant cell that contains chlorophyll and carries out photosynthesis (absorbs sunlight to make food for the plant).
  5. The jelly-like substance inside the cell, where all the reactions happen in the cell.
  6. The shape DNA forms, two strands wrapping around each other
  1. Controls the cell. Contains genes which tell the cell what to look like and what job to do.
  2. A large compartment full of liquid that is only found in plant cells.
  3. What DNA is made of,t here are four of the AGCT
  4. Found in chromosomes, has a double-helix structure
  5. A section of DNA that codes for a particular trait, e.g. eye colour
  6. The tough outer covering surrounding plant cells.
  7. Thin strands of DNA, can be broken down into smaller parts called genes
  8. All of the genetic information that makes up an organism

14 Clues: What DNA is made of,t here are four of the AGCTThe tough outer covering surrounding plant cells.Found in chromosomes, has a double-helix structureAll of the genetic information that makes up an organismThe shape DNA forms, two strands wrapping around each otherThe boundary that controls what can enter and leave the cell....

Biology 2023-11-24

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Site of photosynthesis
  2. Name for a white blood cell
  3. Virus that infects plants
  4. What liquid tests for CO2
  5. Enzyme that digests lipids
  6. Gradient for osmosis
  7. Name for disease where you have a lower blood count
  1. When the active site loses its shape, causing the enzyme substrate complex to be unable to form
  2. Site of protein synthesis
  3. Enzyme that digest proteins
  4. The type of nutrition that fungi use
  5. Appendages that come off of bacterium
  6. Name of the thing that holds the cut gene

13 Clues: Gradient for osmosisSite of photosynthesisSite of protein synthesisVirus that infects plantsWhat liquid tests for CO2Enzyme that digests lipidsEnzyme that digest proteinsName for a white blood cellThe type of nutrition that fungi useAppendages that come off of bacteriumName of the thing that holds the cut gene...

biology 2023-12-11

biology crossword puzzle
  1. an organism that can produce its own food using light, water, carbon dioxide, or other chemicals
  2. living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide
  3. a green pigment, present in all green plants and in cyanobacteria, responsible for the absorption of light to provide energy for photosynthesis
  4. an animal or person that only eats food of animal origin
  5. an animal or person that only eats food of plant origin
  6. plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water
  1. an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur
  2. an organism that eats other plants or animals for energy and nutrients
  3. consists of all the food chains in a single ecosystem
  4. an animal or person that eats food of both plant and animal origin
  5. a plastid that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place
  6. group of organisms linked in order of the food they eat, from producers to consumers, and from prey, predators, scavengers, and decomposers
  7. the source of energy for use and storage at the cellular level

13 Clues: consists of all the food chains in a single ecosysteman animal or person that only eats food of plant originan animal or person that only eats food of animal originthe source of energy for use and storage at the cellular levelan animal or person that eats food of both plant and animal origin...

Biology 2022-06-09

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. graph, another term for pie chart.
  2. the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium
  3. law, describes a phenomena that in the scientific community has found to be provably true.
  4. graph, a diagram in which the numerical values of variables are represented by the height or length of lines or rectangles of equal width.
  5. a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue.
  6. Variable, a variable whose variation does not depend on that of another.
  1. a supposition or proposed explanation
  2. graph, graph that uses lines to connect individual data points.
  3. variable, a variable whose value depends on that of another.
  4. the regions of surfaces
  5. biological community
  6. study of
  7. an individual animal
  8. theory, A theory is a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world that has been constructed using the scientific method

14 Clues: study ofbiological communityan individual animalthe regions of surfacesgraph, another term for pie chart.a supposition or proposed explanationthe tendency towards a relatively stable equilibriumvariable, a variable whose value depends on that of another.graph, graph that uses lines to connect individual data points....

Biology 2024-03-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. the study of living things
  2. a chiefly freshwater fish of the salmon family
  3. an animal that lives by killing and eating other animals
  4. a living thing that reproduces, grows, and needs oxygen
  5. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  6. a place where an organism makes its home
  7. the total of individuals occupying an area
  1. the place where organisms live or occupy
  2. the upper limit beyond which trees do not grow (as on mountains) called also tree line
  3. a body of water that is surrounded by land
  4. producing offspring that are similar to the parent organism
  5. a situation where two or more people or things communicate with each other or react to each another
  6. a community or group of living organisms that live in and interact with each other in a specific environment

13 Clues: the study of living thingsthe place where organisms live or occupya place where an organism makes its homea body of water that is surrounded by landthe total of individuals occupying an areaa chiefly freshwater fish of the salmon familya living thing that reproduces, grows, and needs oxygenan animal that lives by killing and eating other animals...

Biology 2022-11-09

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. use light energy to make two molecules needed for the next stage of photosynthesis, It has to have light to preform its job.
  2. the source of energy for use and storage at the cellular level.
  3. the set of compounds that have an intense color and are used in the coloring of other materials.
  4. photosystem structures within the thylakoid membrane that harvest light and convert it to
  5. the functional units for photosynthesis, defined by a particular pigment organization and association patterns
  6. a coenzyme that functions as a universal electron carrier, accepting electrons and hydrogen atoms to form NADPH, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.
  7. the cycle of chemical reactions where the carbon from the carbon cycle is fixed into sugars.found in eukaryotic cells
  1. energy. does not require light to preform its job
  2. an enzyme that directly generates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) during the process of cellular respiration.
  3. any of the membranous disks of lamellae within plant chloroplasts that are composed of protein and lipid and are the sites of the photochemical reactions of photosynthesis
  4. the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.
  5. the fluid filling up the inner space of the chloroplasts which encircle the grana and the thylakoids.
  6. a coenzyme that functions as a universal electron carrier, accepting electrons and hydrogen atoms to form NADPH, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.

13 Clues: energy. does not require light to preform its jobthe source of energy for use and storage at the cellular level.photosystem structures within the thylakoid membrane that harvest light and convert it tothe set of compounds that have an intense color and are used in the coloring of other materials....

Biology 2023-01-30

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Malaria affects this part of the body
  2. gland secreting tears
  3. largest bird in the world
  4. BMD testing is done to diagnose this
  5. Pregnant women usually becomes deficient in this
  6. largest organ in human body
  1. The green pigment present in the leaves
  2. gas essential for photosynthesis process
  3. The deficiency this leads to dental caries
  4. energy currency of the cell
  5. smallest living bird
  6. The process by which water moves through a semi-permeable membrane from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration
  7. which insect spreads chikungunya

13 Clues: smallest living birdgland secreting tearslargest bird in the worldenergy currency of the celllargest organ in human bodywhich insect spreads chikungunyaBMD testing is done to diagnose thisMalaria affects this part of the bodyThe green pigment present in the leavesgas essential for photosynthesis processThe deficiency this leads to dental caries...

Biology 2022-09-29

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. high degree of all organisms
  2. lens- light threw specimen
  3. subdivisons
  4. method- how natural worlds work
  5. magnify image
  6. the study of life
  7. 6 major categories
  1. light microscope- shines threw specimen
  2. pose a question
  3. bacteria
  4. proposed explanation
  5. source- light bulb
  6. smallest unit that can preform life process

13 Clues: bacteriasubdivisonsmagnify imagepose a questionthe study of lifesource- light bulb6 major categoriesproposed explanationlens- light threw specimenhigh degree of all organismsmethod- how natural worlds worklight microscope- shines threw specimensmallest unit that can preform life process

biology 2022-09-21

biology crossword puzzle
  1. organisms that make their own food
  2. a non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment.
  3. an organism that mainly eats meat
  4. a detailed description of the species within a community and their relationships with each other
  5. diversity is the variation of life forms present in different ecosystems
  6. an organism that feeds on dead and decomposing organic matter.
  1. the position on the food web
  2. an organism that eats both plants and meat
  3. an organism that mainly eats plants
  4. Organisms that need to feed on other organisms to obtain their energy
  5. the sequence of transfers of matter and energy in the form of food from organism to organism
  6. a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms as well as weather and landscapes, work together to form a bubble of life
  7. a living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment

13 Clues: the position on the food weban organism that mainly eats meatorganisms that make their own foodan organism that mainly eats plantsan organism that eats both plants and meata living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environmenta non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment....

Biology 2024-10-04

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. A type of cell
  2. Your favorite subject in school
  3. SWSD's very mascot
  4. When cells do not multiply correctly
  5. Smaller part of an element
  6. Outside protective layer, not wall
  7. Basic unit of life
  1. All the individuals of a species
  2. Fluid within a cell
  3. A system of the environment
  4. A subunit within a cell
  5. Group of tissue in the body
  6. The building blocks / code

13 Clues: A type of cellSWSD's very mascotBasic unit of lifeFluid within a cellA subunit within a cellThe building blocks / codeSmaller part of an elementA system of the environmentGroup of tissue in the bodyYour favorite subject in schoolAll the individuals of a speciesOutside protective layer, not wallWhen cells do not multiply correctly

Biology 2024-11-25

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. system the system that pumps blood with nutrients
  2. the ability to use feedback mechanisms to regulate the internal environment of the body and keep it constant
  3. rate increases the amount of gas exchange between the human body and the environment
  4. membrane semi permeable barrier
  5. a functional unit of DNA that codes for proteins
  6. releases a hormone to allow glucose into cells
  7. differentiation a process that creates unique cells from stem cells
  8. adjusts the body temperature by shivering or sweating
  1. rate increases during exercise allowing nutrients to pump throughout the body more
  2. system exchanges gasses between the environment and the human body
  3. produces ATP for the cell
  4. a hormone that binds to a receptor opening a protein channel
  5. cells undifferentiated cells that can be used to create new cells
  6. a small sugar that can be used to make energy for the cell

14 Clues: produces ATP for the cellmembrane semi permeable barrierreleases a hormone to allow glucose into cellsa functional unit of DNA that codes for proteinssystem the system that pumps blood with nutrientsadjusts the body temperature by shivering or sweatinga small sugar that can be used to make energy for the cell...

OCS HORT1 Unit 3.01 2023-05-17

OCS HORT1 Unit 3.01 crossword puzzle
  1. Processing, growing, and marketing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants
  2. Science of growing field crops such as cotton, wheat, tobacco, corn and soybeans.
  3. Branch of science that deals with both plant and animal organisms and life processes
  4. Trees/shrubs that shed their leaves during dormant seasons
  5. Trees/shrubs that keep their leaves and stay green year-round
  6. Plant that completes its life cycle in one year
  7. Plant hormones that work with auxin hormones to trigger cell division
  8. Plant is limp because it does not have enough moisture
  9. Plant that lives more than 2 years and returns year after year
  1. Part of biology that deals with plants
  2. Another word for ornamental
  3. Plant is swollen or filled with moisture
  4. Part of biology that deals with animals
  5. Science of growing, managing, and harvesting trees for building materials and other products.
  6. Plant that completes its life cycle in two years
  7. Plant hormones that encourage stem and leaf elongation
  8. Plant hormones that speed up plant growth by sparking cell enlargement
  9. Period plants rest or grow very little in response to an unfavorable condition such as extreme heat or cold

18 Clues: Another word for ornamentalPart of biology that deals with plantsPart of biology that deals with animalsPlant is swollen or filled with moisturePlant that completes its life cycle in one yearPlant that completes its life cycle in two yearsPlant hormones that encourage stem and leaf elongationPlant is limp because it does not have enough moisture...

Les matières scolaires 2015-09-20

Les matières scolaires crossword puzzle
  1. Art
  2. German
  3. History
  4. Spanish
  5. PE
  6. French
  7. Design and Technology
  8. Geography
  9. Chemistry
  1. Physics
  2. English
  3. PSE
  4. ICT
  5. Biology
  6. Business

15 Clues: PEPSEArtICTGermanFrenchPhysicsEnglishHistorySpanishBiologyBusinessGeographyChemistryDesign and Technology

Kay Roden 2023-11-06

Kay Roden crossword puzzle
  1. primary
  2. Speak
  3. earth
  4. skin
  5. birth
  6. anccient/primitive
  7. blood
  8. green
  1. fasten
  2. carry
  3. well/good
  4. star
  5. plants
  6. write
  7. life

15 Clues: starskinlifecarrySpeakearthbirthwritebloodgreenfastenplantsprimarywell/goodanccient/primitive

School vocabulary 2024-09-24

School vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Mathe
  2. Biologie
  3. Lehrer
  4. Geshichte
  5. Sport (2 Wörter)
  6. Chemie
  1. Hausmeister
  2. regal
  3. Erkunde
  4. Physik
  5. Französich
  6. Natruwissenschaften
  7. Waschbecken
  8. Schulleiter
  9. Kunst

15 Clues: regalMatheKunstPhysikLehrerChemieErkundeBiologieGeshichteFranzösichHausmeisterWaschbeckenSchulleiterSport (2 Wörter)Natruwissenschaften