biology Crossword Puzzles

English-SpanishMarcus2 2017-12-15

English-SpanishMarcus2 crossword puzzle
  1. Football
  2. Sleep
  3. Cat
  4. December
  5. Car
  6. Saturday
  7. English
  8. Tiger
  9. Beach
  10. Mi bicicleta tiene....ruedas
  1. Poppa tiene ....nietos
  2. Pen
  3. Yo tengo.....hermano
  4. Biology
  5. Thankyou
  6. Rice
  7. Fly (verb)
  8. Yo tengo.....anos
  9. Ara es mi.....
  10. Red

20 Clues: PenCatCarRedRiceSleepTigerBeachBiologyEnglishFootballThankyouDecemberSaturdayFly (verb)Ara es mi.....Yo tengo.....anosYo tengo.....hermanoPoppa tiene ....nietosMi bicicleta tiene....ruedas

Spanish Crossword 2015-11-15

Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Saturday
  2. To be
  3. White
  4. Screen
  5. Skirt
  6. Sunday
  7. Art
  8. Color
  9. Laser Printer
  10. Yellow
  11. Neither
  12. History
  1. Spanish
  2. Pants
  3. Hello
  4. Exam
  5. Biology
  6. To wear
  7. Computer Class
  8. Lunch
  9. Look
  10. @
  11. Computer
  12. sock
  13. Music

25 Clues: @ArtExamLooksockPantsHelloTo beWhiteLunchSkirtColorMusicScreenSundayYellowSpanishBiologyTo wearNeitherHistorySaturdayComputerLaser PrinterComputer Class

german 2024-10-17

german crossword puzzle
  1. diploma
  2. gym
  3. easy
  4. art class
  5. biology class
  6. physics class
  7. useful
  8. lecture
  9. seminar
  1. school subject
  2. medicine
  3. math class
  4. chemistry class
  5. computer science
  6. lecture hall
  7. scholarship
  8. useless
  9. to take a class
  10. cafe
  11. college/university

20 Clues: gymeasycafeusefuldiplomauselesslectureseminarmedicineart classmath classscholarshiplecture hallbiology classphysics classschool subjectchemistry classto take a classcomputer sciencecollege/university

Chapter 2 2023-09-20

Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. to the right of
  2. mathematics
  3. bookstore
  4. computer science
  5. why
  6. economics
  7. which ones
  8. english
  9. which
  1. to the left of
  2. phycology
  3. physics
  4. biology
  5. next to;besdies
  6. where to
  7. library
  8. wastebasket
  9. because
  10. to have dinner
  11. chemistry
  12. history

21 Clues: whywhichphysicsbiologylibrarybecauseenglishhistorywhere tophycologybookstoreeconomicschemistrywhich onesmathematicswastebasketto the left ofto have dinnerto the right ofnext to;besdiescomputer science

Chapter 2 2023-09-20

Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. to the right of
  2. mathematics
  3. bookstore
  4. computer science
  5. why
  6. economics
  7. which ones
  8. english
  9. which
  1. to the left of
  2. phycology
  3. physics
  4. biology
  5. next to;besdies
  6. where to
  7. library
  8. wastebasket
  9. because
  10. to have dinner
  11. chemistry
  12. history

21 Clues: whywhichphysicsbiologylibrarybecauseenglishhistorywhere tophycologybookstoreeconomicschemistrywhich onesmathematicswastebasketto the left ofto have dinnerto the right ofnext to;besdiescomputer science

À l'école 2023-09-26

À l'école crossword puzzle
  1. French
  2. library
  3. geography
  4. cafeteria
  5. pencil
  6. calculator
  7. biology
  8. locker
  9. lunch
  10. book
  11. history
  1. math
  2. notebook
  3. to teach
  4. to organize
  5. orchestra
  6. middle school
  7. de papier sheet of paper
  8. pen
  9. English
  10. Spanish
  11. to study

22 Clues: penmathbooklunchFrenchpencillockerlibraryEnglishSpanishbiologyhistorynotebookto teachto studygeographyorchestracafeteriacalculatorto organizemiddle schoolde papier sheet of paper

Biology; Scope and branches 2024-04-09

Biology; Scope and branches crossword puzzle
  1. Animals who lay eggs
  2. Study Related to Inheritance
  3. Study of Parasite
  4. The process of producing genetically identical individuals of an organism
  1. Father of biology
  2. Study of Tissues
  3. Study of plants
  4. Study of birds
  5. Term used by scientists instead of Biology.
  6. Study of Viruses

10 Clues: Study of birdsStudy of plantsStudy of TissuesStudy of VirusesFather of biologyStudy of ParasiteAnimals who lay eggsStudy Related to InheritanceTerm used by scientists instead of Biology.The process of producing genetically identical individuals of an organism

All crossword about Molecular genetics 2020-01-13

All crossword about Molecular genetics crossword puzzle
  1. aid the search for treatments/cures for various genetics diseases.
  2. link a gene sequence to a specific phenotype. Molecular genetics is
  3. The field of study is based on the merging of several
  4. methodology for linking mutations to genetic conditions that
  5. search for mutations in a gene or induce mutations in a gene
  1. genetics is a sub-field of genetics that applies
  2. "investigative approach" to determine the structure and
  3. biology molecular biology biochemistry and biotechnology.
  4. in biology: classical Mendelian inheritance
  5. function of genes in an organism’s genome using genetic

10 Clues: in biology: classical Mendelian inheritancegenetics is a sub-field of genetics that appliesThe field of study is based on the merging of several"investigative approach" to determine the structure andfunction of genes in an organism’s genome using geneticbiology molecular biology biochemistry and biotechnology....

Alma 2022-10-02

Alma crossword puzzle
  1. horse
  2. musical
  3. multi-disciplinarian
  4. horsy
  5. dad's memories
  6. not that normal
  7. absent
  8. dad's feelings
  9. mountain sport
  10. Anglo-...
  1. best cousin
  2. spanish
  3. perseverant
  4. favourite subject
  5. funny
  6. nice
  7. sign at birth
  8. Dragon

18 Clues: cousinperseverantsign at birthdad's memoriesdad's feelingsmountain sportnot that normalfavourite subjectmulti-disciplinarian

BRADLEY 2023-01-18

BRADLEY crossword puzzle
  1. river
  2. brown hair
  3. rain
  4. to fish (ends in -ar)
  5. sports
  6. raccoon
  7. soccer
  8. biology
  1. cat
  2. tree
  3. giraffe
  4. green eyes
  5. fish
  6. snow
  7. soccer
  8. to cook (ends in -ar)
  9. mountain
  10. pudding
  11. water

19 Clues: cattreefishsnowrainriverwatersoccersportssoccergirafferaccoonpuddingbiologymountaingreen eyesbrown hairto fish (ends in -ar)to cook (ends in -ar)

Majors and Concentrations 2022-01-26

Majors and Concentrations crossword puzzle
  1. learns to protect on a digital platform
  2. the scientific study of mind and behavior
  3. works with chemicals and beakers
  4. spends a lot of time with a calculator
  5. studies the ocean
  6. synthesizes math science and creativity to build things
  1. studies how to effectively target consumers
  2. synthesizes biology and chemistry
  3. clinicals are part of the program
  4. studies the past
  6. the study of living organisms

12 Clues: studies the paststudies the!the study of living organismsworks with chemicals and beakerssynthesizes biology and chemistryclinicals are part of the programspends a lot of time with a calculatorlearns to protect on a digital platformthe scientific study of mind and behaviorstudies how to effectively target consumers...

School Classes 2022-11-19

School Classes crossword puzzle
  1. math
  2. art
  3. orchestra
  4. geometry
  5. social studies
  6. physical education
  7. algebra
  8. biology
  1. history
  2. chemistry
  3. band
  4. science
  5. English
  6. spanish

14 Clues: artmathbandhistoryscienceEnglishspanishalgebrabiologygeometrychemistryorchestrasocial studiesphysical education

Review Chapter Part 3 (.2) 2024-08-27

Review Chapter Part 3 (.2) crossword puzzle
  1. lunch
  2. computer science
  3. art
  4. chemistry
  5. german
  6. history
  7. english
  8. french
  9. biology
  1. math
  2. science
  3. PE
  4. workshop
  5. spanish

14 Clues: PEartmathlunchgermanfrenchsciencehistoryenglishspanishbiologyworkshopchemistrycomputer science

V1 CH 4 ONE Education 2021-03-16

V1 CH 4 ONE Education crossword puzzle
  1. computer science
  2. geography
  3. English
  4. Spanish
  5. social studies
  6. French
  7. lunch
  8. Spanish
  1. chemistry
  2. dismissal
  3. biology
  4. recess
  5. art class
  6. phys ed
  7. math
  8. science

16 Clues: mathlunchrecessFrenchbiologyEnglishSpanishphys edscienceSpanishchemistrydismissalart classgeographysocial studiescomputer science

Spanish Vocab 2022-11-14

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. art
  3. geography
  4. physical education
  5. orchestra
  1. subjects
  2. choir
  3. english
  4. band
  5. my school
  6. history
  7. chemistry
  8. FACS
  9. I have
  10. I take

15 Clues: artbandFACSchoirI haveI takeenglishbiologyhistorysubjectsmy schoolchemistrygeographyorchestraphysical education

Chapter 1 Vocabulary 2021-08-30

Chapter 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. shows what something looks like in real life
  2. a procedure done to learn new things
  3. a hands-on way to learn about biology
  4. always changing or moving
  5. changing images that show changes or movement
  1. any type of picture
  2. the study of life and living things
  3. a scientist who studies biology

8 Clues: any type of picturealways changing or movinga scientist who studies biologythe study of life and living thingsa procedure done to learn new thingsa hands-on way to learn about biologyshows what something looks like in real lifechanging images that show changes or movement

À Commencer 2021-12-02

À Commencer crossword puzzle
  1. school
  2. physical education
  3. business administration
  4. architecture
  5. philosophy
  6. fashion design
  7. class, course
  8. biology
  9. history
  1. computer science
  2. political science
  3. useless
  4. cafeteria (high school)
  5. law
  6. chemistry
  7. foreign languages
  8. psychology

17 Clues: lawschooluselessbiologyhistorychemistrypsychologyphilosophyarchitectureclass, coursefashion designcomputer sciencepolitical scienceforeign languagesphysical educationcafeteria (high school)business administration

Subjects 2022-03-02

Subjects crossword puzzle
  2. DAILĖ
  3. RUSŲ K.
  6. ETIKA
  4. ANGŲ K.


Science Assessment 2020-12-07

Science Assessment crossword puzzle
  1. A food ______ shows what animals eat.
  2. The number of different kinds of animals.
  3. Biology is the study of ________ things.
  4. The coldest biome is _________ ice.
  5. Food for plants.
  6. Animal at top of food web.
  7. The living and the non-living.
  1. The biome where you find a lot of water.
  2. The forest that covers most of Canada.
  3. Biodiversity does this when animals vanish.
  4. The study of living things.
  5. The number of one type of animal.
  6. Two animals doing stuff with each other.
  7. The biome with the most grass.
  8. The biome where you find a lot of sand.
  9. Dangerous in life, Important in food webs.

16 Clues: Food for plants.Animal at top of food web.The study of living things.The biome with the most grass.The living and the non-living.The number of one type of animal.The coldest biome is _________ ice.A food ______ shows what animals eat.The forest that covers most of Canada.The biome where you find a lot of sand....

Science Assessment 2020-12-07

Science Assessment crossword puzzle
  1. Biology is the study of ________ things.
  2. The biome where you find a lot of sand.
  3. A food ______ shows what animals eat.
  4. The number of different kinds of animals.
  5. The living and the non-living.
  6. The number of one type of animal.
  7. The biome with the most grass.
  1. The study of living things.
  2. Two animals doing stuff with each other.
  3. Dangerous in life, Important in food webs.
  4. The forest that covers most of Canada.
  5. The coldest biome is _________ ice.
  6. Food for plants.
  7. Animal at top of food web.
  8. Biodiversity does this when animals vanish.
  9. The biome where you find a lot of water.

16 Clues: Food for plants.Animal at top of food web.The study of living things.The living and the non-living.The biome with the most grass.The number of one type of animal.The coldest biome is _________ ice.A food ______ shows what animals eat.The forest that covers most of Canada.The biome where you find a lot of sand....

School subjects 2019-04-16

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. фізична культура
  2. праця
  3. історія
  4. світова література
  5. українська мова
  6. читання
  7. екологія
  1. російська мова
  2. географія
  3. основи здоров‘я
  4. малювання
  5. інформатика
  6. математика
  7. музика
  8. біологія
  9. англійська

16 Clues: працямузикаісторіячитаннябіологіяекологіягеографіямалюванняматематикаанглійськаінформатикаросійська моваоснови здоров‘яукраїнська мовафізична культурасвітова література

School subjects 2020-03-12

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. ajalugu
  2. eesti keel
  3. informaatika
  4. vene keel
  5. kehaline kasvatus
  6. keemia
  7. inglise keel
  8. prantsuse keel
  9. muusika
  1. bioloogia
  2. maateadus
  3. matemaatika
  4. kunst
  5. füüsika
  6. soome keel
  7. saksa keel

16 Clues: kunstkeemiaajalugufüüsikamuusikabioloogiamaateadusvene keeleesti keelsoome keelsaksa keelmatemaatikainformaatikainglise keelprantsuse keelkehaline kasvatus

Animals 2023-03-26

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. living
  2. stone
  3. separation
  4. babies
  5. mean teacher
  6. landscapes
  1. leveling up
  2. mexicans
  3. iceland
  4. changing
  5. monkey
  6. study of life
  7. water
  8. sand
  9. trees

15 Clues: sandstonewatertreeslivingmonkeybabiesicelandmexicanschangingseparationlandscapesleveling upmean teacherstudy of life

School Subject Items 2021-04-04

School Subject Items crossword puzzle
  1. microphone
  2. microscope
  3. airplane
  4. constitution
  5. paint brush
  6. newton's cradle
  7. buildings
  8. book
  9. telescope
  1. map
  2. periodic table
  3. The president
  4. brain
  5. money
  6. calculator

15 Clues: mapbookbrainmoneyairplanebuildingstelescopemicrophonemicroscopecalculatorpaint brushconstitutionThe presidentperiodic tablenewton's cradle

School subjects 2023-09-25

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. matematiikka
  2. kuvataide
  3. kotitalous
  4. maantiede
  5. ruotsi
  6. yhteiskuntaoppi
  7. historia
  8. uskonto
  1. oppilaan ohjaus
  2. terveystieti
  3. kemia
  4. liikunta
  5. fysiikks
  6. biologia
  7. käsityö

15 Clues: kemiaruotsikäsityöuskontoliikuntafysiikksbiologiahistoriakuvataidemaantiedekotitalousmatematiikkaterveystietioppilaan ohjausyhteiskuntaoppi

Techniques in Molecular Biology 2018-01-08

Techniques in Molecular Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Carrier of foreign DNA
  2. Technique for separation and visualization of biomolecules
  3. DNA binding domain containing Zinc
  4. Carrier of Large DNA fragment (Abbreviation)
  5. Artificial membranes forming vesicles which are used to deliver gene intracellularly
  6. Radio /fluorescent labeled pieces of DNA
  7. Visualization tool in molecular biology
  8. Scientist behind sequencing DNA technique
  9. First cloned cat
  10. A large population of identical molecules
  1. A confirmatory test for HIV infection
  2. A technique producing monoclonal antibodies
  3. A tool that restricts the entry of bacteriophages in bacteria
  4. Inherited difference in pattern of restriction enzyme digestion (Abbreviation)
  5. Has properties of two different DNA carriers
  6. Antibiotic resistance gene carrier in bacteria
  7. Molecular glue
  8. Common organism used in molecular biology
  9. Marker DNA which can serve as molecular fingerprint of an individual (Abbreviation)

19 Clues: Molecular glueFirst cloned catCarrier of foreign DNADNA binding domain containing ZincA confirmatory test for HIV infectionVisualization tool in molecular biologyRadio /fluorescent labeled pieces of DNAScientist behind sequencing DNA techniqueCommon organism used in molecular biologyA large population of identical molecules...

Kyran's Krossword puzzle 2024-08-29

Kyran's Krossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A statement to predict the answer to you question
  2. The study of life
  3. mandate Taking care of God's creation
  4. How someone understands the world
  5. A presentation of a object or belief
  6. The gather
  7. Technology that can help the function of life
  8. A scientific idea
  9. The study of the ethical state of biology
  1. how someone sees the world
  2. of God The image humans are made in
  3. A person's belief on how the world functions
  4. rules by which each thing in creation abide
  5. taking care of the world around us
  6. method The base way to answer scientific questions
  7. the act of conserving

16 Clues: The gatherThe study of lifeA scientific ideathe act of conservinghow someone sees the worldHow someone understands the worldtaking care of the world around usof God The image humans are made inA presentation of a object or beliefmandate Taking care of God's creationThe study of the ethical state of biology...

Biology Crossword Puzzle (Group 1) 2021-03-30

Biology Crossword Puzzle (Group 1) crossword puzzle
  1. The Father of Biology
  2. An instrument for observing small objects, including cells
  3. The study of the interactions between living organisms, such as humans, and their physical environment
  4. The study of living things and their vital processes
  5. The science of classification, with a focus on living and extinct organisms
  6. This is where the specimen is placed for observation (usually mounted on a glass slide)
  7. The branch of science that studies the human body's structure
  8. The concept of proposing a speculative explanation for a phenomenon or a small group of phenomena observed in nature
  9. The study of an embryo's and fetus' formation and development
  1. Also referred to as Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  2. The study of animals
  3. The study of the structure of cells, tissues, and organs at the microscopic level
  4. The study of the evolution of life on Earth through the use of fossils.
  5. Robert Hooke’s contribution to biology, and book which was published in 1665
  6. The study of how the human body works
  7. The study of cells as fundamental units of living things
  8. The process of natural selection is used to change the characteristics of a species over several generations
  9. Liquids from titrations and filtrates from filtering operations are caught in this container
  10. The Father of Experimental Physiology
  11. The biological study of living things' form and structure
  12. Fe del Mundo’s invention

21 Clues: The study of animalsThe Father of BiologyFe del Mundo’s inventionThe study of how the human body worksThe Father of Experimental PhysiologyAlso referred to as Deoxyribonucleic AcidThe study of living things and their vital processesThe study of cells as fundamental units of living thingsThe biological study of living things' form and structure...

AP Biology Chapter 1 Vocabulary Crossword 2023-07-27

AP Biology Chapter 1 Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. smallest and most fundamental unit of matter (1 word)
  2. study of the structure and function of microorganisms (1 word)
  3. smallest and most fundamental unit of life (1 word)
  4. structures that exist within cells to carry out cellular functions (1 word)
  5. individual living entity (1 word)
  6. level of organization that consists of related interacting organs (2 words)
  7. chemical structure consisting of at least two atoms held together by chemical bond(s) (1 word)
  8. study of the chemistry of biological organisms (1 word)
  9. study of the biology of the nervous system (1 word)
  10. study of animals (1 word)
  11. collection of related tissues the perform a similar function (1 word)
  1. nuclei having cells (1 word)
  2. study of biology at the molecular level (2 words)
  3. the study of living organisms (1 word)
  4. single-celled organism that lacks nuclei (1 word)
  5. study of plants (1 word)
  6. larger molecule - usually formed by joining multiple smaller molecules (1 word)
  7. ability of an organism to maintain constant internal conditions (1 word)
  8. study of life's history through fossils (1 word)
  9. set of population within a location (1 word)
  10. all individual's of a species within an area (1 word)
  11. living and nonliving parts in an area (1 word)
  12. collection of all the ecosystems on Earth (1 word)
  13. an explanation for an observation that can be tested (1 word)

24 Clues: study of plants (1 word)study of animals (1 word)nuclei having cells (1 word)individual living entity (1 word)the study of living organisms (1 word)set of population within a location (1 word)living and nonliving parts in an area (1 word)study of life's history through fossils (1 word)study of biology at the molecular level (2 words)...

Ecology review 2024-04-05

Ecology review crossword puzzle
  1. interacting group of species in a location starts with co geographic area where plant, animals, and other organisms work together to form a bubble of life work together
  2. organism that harbors another organism host
  3. living organism that shapes its environment biotic
  4. organism that eats other organisms like carnage
  5. organism benefits from the other para
  6. organism that eats the dead remains of animals scavenge organism that decomposes dead remains fungi
  7. branch of biology that deals with relations of an organism to one another and i's surroundings. a branch of biology
  8. position of an organism in the food chain think of a leader board in biology
  9. that make their own food pro
  10. regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere the earth natural home of an environment plant or animal starts with hab
  11. organism that is hunted prey
  1. organism that eats plants and animals omni
  2. non living organism that shapes the environment abiotic
  3. the organisms of the same group of species that live in a specific area population
  4. organism that could produce their own nutritional needs producer
  5. individual living thing that carries on activities of life has organs
  6. other animals predator
  7. chain sequence of organisms gain energy from each other chain
  8. web food chains web
  9. organism deriving nutritional needs from other organisms hetero
  10. organism that only eats plants herbs

21 Clues: other animals predatorweb food chains webthat make their own food proorganism that is hunted preyorganism that only eats plants herbsorganism benefits from the other paraorganism that eats plants and animals omniorganism that harbors another organism hostorganism that eats other organisms like carnage...

Jesse Cadogan 2023-11-07

Jesse Cadogan crossword puzzle
  1. Prevents the growth of bacteria
  2. - Thin layer of the earth's surface that supports life
  3. Instrument used for viewing small objects
  4. Drug that reduces Inflammation
  5. Research for treatment
  6. So small its invisible
  7. Medicine that is taken to cure a poison
  1. Protein Component of the body that recognizes foreign substances and kills them
  2. A small computer
  3. A hero who does bad things for the right reasons
  4. - the study of life
  5. - Holds many flora and fauna
  6. tiny piece of electric circuits on a piece of small silicon
  7. Technology for biology
  8. An oven that cooks things quickly

15 Clues: A small computer- the study of lifeResearch for treatmentTechnology for biologySo small its invisible- Holds many flora and faunaDrug that reduces InflammationPrevents the growth of bacteriaAn oven that cooks things quicklyMedicine that is taken to cure a poisonInstrument used for viewing small objects...

B… 2023-06-17

B… crossword puzzle
  1. Bible
  2. biochemistry
  3. biotechnology
  4. benefactor
  5. baptism
  6. biodiversity
  7. barbiturate
  1. biology
  2. barbarity
  3. banquet
  4. bicentennial
  5. bombardment
  6. benefit

13 Clues: Biblebiologybanquetbenefitbaptismbarbaritybenefactorbombardmentbarbituratebiochemistrybicentennialbiodiversitybiotechnology

Schulfächer und Wochentage 2014-09-21

Schulfächer und Wochentage crossword puzzle
  1. Tuesday
  2. Monday
  3. History
  4. Saturday
  5. Biology
  6. Sunday
  7. Art
  1. German
  2. Wednesday
  3. Math
  4. Thursday
  5. Friday
  6. PE

13 Clues: PEArtMathGermanMondayFridaySundayTuesdayHistoryBiologyThursdaySaturdayWednesday

School subjects 2022-02-14

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. chemistry
  3. P.E.
  4. R.E.
  5. french
  6. art
  1. biology
  2. D.T.
  3. ICT
  4. german
  5. history
  6. russian
  7. physics

13 Clues: ICTartD.T.P.E.R.E.germanfrenchbiologyhistoryrussianphysicsgeographychemistry

German Subjects 2023-10-25

German Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. architecture
  3. foreignlanguage
  4. physics
  5. biology
  6. business
  1. naturalscience
  2. computerscience
  3. psychology
  4. medicine
  5. history
  6. chemistry
  7. art

13 Clues: arthistoryphysicsbiologymedicinebusinesschemistrypsychologymathematicsarchitecturenaturalsciencecomputerscienceforeignlanguage

School 2024-04-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. Ołówek
  2. Ławka lub stolik
  3. Angielski
  4. Gumka
  5. Uczeń
  6. Książka lub podręcznik
  7. Krzesło
  8. Zajęcia
  9. Linijka
  1. Pióro
  2. Klej
  3. Nożyczki
  4. Zeszyt lub notatnik
  5. Matematyka
  6. Nauczyciel(ka)
  7. Biologia

16 Clues: KlejPióroGumkaUczeńOłówekKrzesłoZajęciaLinijkaNożyczkiBiologiaAngielskiMatematykaNauczyciel(ka)Ławka lub stolikZeszyt lub notatnikKsiążka lub podręcznik

Kouluaineita - School subjects 2022-11-17

Kouluaineita - School subjects crossword puzzle
  8. KEMIA


education 2014-03-14

education crossword puzzle
  1. musica
  2. lezione
  3. chimica
  4. day giornata scolastica
  5. geografia
  6. instruire
  7. scienze
  8. school scuola elementare
  9. verificare
  10. school lasciare la scuola
  1. school asilo
  2. matematica
  3. università
  4. school scuola secondaria
  5. storia
  6. intervallo
  7. frequentare
  8. artistica

18 Clues: musicastorialezionechimicascienzegeografiainstruireartisticamatematicauniversitàintervalloverificarefrequentareschool asiloday giornata scolasticaschool scuola secondariaschool scuola elementareschool lasciare la scuola

Majors and Concentrations 2022-01-26

Majors and Concentrations crossword puzzle
  1. studies the past
  2. studies the ocean
  4. spends a lot of time with a calculator
  5. the study of living organisms
  1. studies how to effectively target consumers
  2. the scientific study of mind and behavior
  3. clinicals are part of the program
  4. synthesizes biology and chemistry
  5. learns to protect on a digital platform
  6. works with chemicals and beakers
  7. synthesizes math science and creativity to build things

12 Clues: studies the paststudies the!the study of living organismsworks with chemicals and beakersclinicals are part of the programsynthesizes biology and chemistryspends a lot of time with a calculatorlearns to protect on a digital platformthe scientific study of mind and behaviorstudies how to effectively target consumers...

Biology Syllabus Review 2023-08-12

Biology Syllabus Review crossword puzzle
  1. it makes up 40% of the EOC questions
  2. this is an assailant drill
  3. this type of assessment can be a surprise or announced with time
  4. this technology is absolutely not allowed in class
  5. this drill happens when a neighboring school is under a code red
  6. An I, stands for __, and in the gradebook it means you have an extension on the assignment
  7. this drill happens when there's a fire somewhere oncampus
  8. you write class notes here
  9. the study of life; also what you will be learning about in this class
  10. when we do labs or activities this is EXTREMELY important so that no one gets hurt
  11. the teacher's last name
  12. you use this to give yourself more time in CW or HW assignment
  1. even though this is a high school class, this art supply is used all the time here
  2. homework is USUALLY due by this day
  3. if it's work that start in class it's considered __
  4. who is responsible for their missing assignments
  5. Personal ipads or laptops can't be used in class but you can use ___
  6. looking up answers online, in Google, through pictures, or in notes without the teacher's permission is considered
  7. the Biology EOC makes up __% of your FINAL grade in Biology
  8. tests/projects make up __ % (percent)
  9. where the list of assignments IN ORDER will be found in Google Classroom

21 Clues: the teacher's last namethis is an assailant drillyou write class notes herehomework is USUALLY due by this dayit makes up 40% of the EOC questionstests/projects make up __ % (percent)who is responsible for their missing assignmentsthis technology is absolutely not allowed in classif it's work that start in class it's considered __...

Le Materie 2023-01-25

Le Materie crossword puzzle
  1. Tech.
  2. Math
  3. Science
  4. Home.Ec.
  5. English
  6. Lunch
  1. Computers
  2. Art
  3. Phys.Ed.
  4. Music
  5. Subjects
  6. Biology
  7. Italian
  8. History/Social Studies

14 Clues: ArtMathMusicTech.LunchScienceBiologyItalianEnglishPhys.Ed.SubjectsHome.Ec.ComputersHistory/Social Studies

Unit 2 Vocabulary 2022-02-04

Unit 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Bioloģija
  2. Astronauts
  3. avārija
  4. Maršruts
  5. Lāpa
  6. Mobilais telefons
  7. planēta
  8. Atbilde
  1. Elektronika
  2. Parole
  3. Silts
  4. Kamera
  5. mūžīgs
  6. Ekrāns

14 Clues: LāpaSiltsParoleKameramūžīgsEkrānsavārijaplanētaAtbildeMaršrutsBioloģijaAstronautsElektronikaMobilais telefons

Science Teachers 2021-07-23

Science Teachers crossword puzzle
  1. always outside the dinner hall at lunch
  2. organised the wildlife park trip
  3. has a wife who works at school
  4. there are two science teachers with this name
  5. has taught biology for many years and is leaving to bake cakes
  6. a chemistry teacher with cool Earrings
  1. is the head of biology
  2. has a PhD
  3. teaches chemistry and loved drones
  4. is the head of science
  5. was here this year then moved away
  6. is head of physics
  7. has a dog called eric
  8. in in charge of the duke of Edinburgh award

14 Clues: has a PhDis head of physicshas a dog called ericis the head of biologyis the head of sciencehas a wife who works at schoolorganised the wildlife park tripteaches chemistry and loved droneswas here this year then moved awaya chemistry teacher with cool Earringsalways outside the dinner hall at lunchin in charge of the duke of Edinburgh award...

Chapter 2 Vocab 2022-08-16

Chapter 2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. office
  2. cafeteria
  3. gym
  4. hymnal
  5. church
  6. school
  7. laboratory
  8. georgraphy
  9. chemistry
  10. congregation
  11. english
  12. library
  13. choir
  1. missionary (male)
  2. hymn
  3. science
  4. biology
  5. christian
  6. preacher
  7. math
  8. spanish
  9. geometry
  10. believer
  11. bible
  12. prayer
  13. literature
  14. history

27 Clues: gymhymnmathbiblechoirofficehymnalchurchschoolprayersciencebiologyspanishenglishhistorylibrarypreachergeometrybelievercafeteriachristianchemistrylaboratorygeorgraphyliteraturecongregationmissionary (male)


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  2. (HISTORY)
  3. (BIOLOGY)
  4. culinarios (FOOD STUDIES)
  5. (FRENCH)
  6. (MATHS)
  7. (ENGLISH)
  10. (MUSIC)
  11. (SCIENCE)
  12. (CHINESE)
  1. (SPORT)
  3. (ART)
  4. (ICT)
  7. (SPANISH)
  8. (ITALIAN)
  10. (COOKING)
  11. (PHYSICS)
  12. sociales (SOCIAL STUDIES)
  13. física (PE)


EN EL COLEGIO 2022-11-17

EN EL COLEGIO crossword puzzle
  1. Strict (masculine)
  2. Business
  3. To work
  4. To talk
  5. Difficult
  6. Physics
  7. To explain
  8. To rest
  9. Nice/Friendly (masculine)
  10. Geometry
  11. To take
  1. Biology
  2. To ask a question
  3. Teacher (male)
  4. Lunch
  5. Wellness
  6. Fun (masculine)
  7. Boring (masculine)
  8. To study
  9. Spanish

20 Clues: LunchBiologyTo workTo talkPhysicsTo restSpanishTo takeBusinessWellnessTo studyGeometryDifficultTo explainTeacher (male)Fun (masculine)To ask a questionStrict (masculine)Boring (masculine)Nice/Friendly (masculine)

Spanish4.1 crossword 2020-02-10

Spanish4.1 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. workshop
  2. it's difficult
  3. it's easy
  4. some
  5. calculator
  6. ruler
  7. notebook
  8. folder
  9. to come
  10. lunch
  11. an
  12. pencil
  13. paper
  14. little
  1. biology
  2. a lot
  3. to have
  4. pen
  5. science
  6. german
  7. backpack
  8. shoes
  9. clock
  10. clothing
  11. art

25 Clues: anpenartsomea lotrulershoesclocklunchpapergermanfolderpencillittlebiologyto havescienceto comeworkshopbackpacknotebookclothingit's easycalculatorit's difficult

Classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

Classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. male teacher
  3. biology
  4. schedule
  5. English
  6. science
  7. physics
  8. math
  9. library
  10. book
  11. statdium
  12. computer science
  13. backpack
  1. female teacher
  2. desk
  3. spanish
  4. window
  5. test;quiz
  6. homework
  7. musica music
  8. test
  9. art
  10. male female stutdent

23 Clues: artdeskmathtestbookwindowhistoryspanishbiologyEnglishsciencephysicslibraryschedulehomeworkstatdiumbackpacktest;quizmale teachermusica musicfemale teachercomputer sciencemale female stutdent

spanish 2021-10-22

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. Sciences
  3. Art
  4. Class
  5. Geography
  6. Calculator
  7. Accounting
  8. Computer science
  9. Archeology
  10. Major
  11. Eraser
  12. Stadium
  13. Test
  1. de empresas Business administration
  2. Desk
  3. Spanish
  4. de clase Classmate
  5. de cuarto Roommate
  6. Course
  7. Library
  8. Student
  9. Cafeteria
  10. House
  11. Biology
  12. Economics

25 Clues: ArtDeskTestClassHouseMajorCourseEraserPhysicsSpanishLibraryStudentBiologyStadiumSciencesGeographyCafeteriaEconomicsCalculatorAccountingArcheologyComputer sciencede clase Classmatede cuarto Roommatede empresas Business administration


SCHOOL REVISIONS crossword puzzle
  1. - Règles (règlement)
  2. - Ciseaux
  3. - Récréation
  4. - Colle
  5. - Mascotte
  6. - Mathématiques
  7. - Premier
  8. - cantine
  9. - Cour de récré
  10. - Fête de fin d'année (USA)
  1. - Casier
  2. - Anglais
  3. - Salle
  4. - Devoir (obligation)
  5. - 10eme
  6. - Devoir (conseil)
  7. - Règle
  8. - Harcèlement
  9. - Salle de classe
  10. - 99
  11. - S.V.T
  12. - E.P.S

22 Clues: - 99- Salle- Colle- 10eme- Règle- S.V.T- E.P.S- Casier- Ciseaux- Anglais- Premier- cantine- Mascotte- Récréation- Harcèlement- Mathématiques- Cour de récré- Salle de classe- Devoir (conseil)- Règles (règlement)- Devoir (obligation)- Fête de fin d'année (USA)

Vocabulary 115-118 2023-03-24

Vocabulary 115-118 crossword puzzle
  1. richtig/korrekt
  2. gesteuerte Übung
  3. etw (richtig) schreiben
  4. Unterhaltung
  5. Rechnung
  6. Verstehen
  7. Lücke
  8. verpflichtend
  9. (jdn/etw) igonieren
  10. Lücke im Text
  1. Zusammenfassung
  2. Dialog
  3. Übersicht
  4. die Naturwissenschaften
  5. Rechtschreibung
  6. Biologie
  7. Wortschatz
  8. Aufmerksamkeit
  9. (etw) verlangen
  10. Muster
  11. Summe
  12. Hausaufgaben

22 Clues: SummeLückeDialogMusterBiologieRechnungÜbersichtVerstehenWortschatzUnterhaltungHausaufgabenverpflichtendLücke im TextAufmerksamkeitZusammenfassungrichtig/korrektRechtschreibung(etw) verlangengesteuerte Übung(jdn/etw) igonierendie Naturwissenschaftenetw (richtig) schreiben

School And Education by Camilla Zanotti 2014-02-24

School And Education by Camilla Zanotti crossword puzzle
  4. ZAINO
  9. PORTA
  12. SEDIA
  13. FISICA
  14. BANCO
  2. PENNA
  5. MAPPA
  10. LIBRO
  11. ARTE


№8 Words 2023-10-18

№8 Words crossword puzzle
  1. біологія
  2. біолог
  3. екран
  4. смартфон
  5. камера
  6. астроном
  7. науковець
  8. планета
  9. астрономія
  10. ноутбук
  11. виявити
  12. фізика
  1. хімія
  2. цифровий
  3. миша
  4. математик
  5. винаходити
  6. широкосмуговий доступ
  7. спостерігати
  8. хімік
  9. математика
  10. наука
  11. клавіатура
  12. пароль
  13. фізик
  14. сила тяжіння

26 Clues: мишахіміяхімікекраннаукафізикбіологкамерапарольфізикапланетаноутбуквиявитицифровийбіологіясмартфонастрономматематикнауковецьвинаходитиматематикаклавіатураастрономіяспостерігатисила тяжінняширокосмуговий доступ

Lista #2 de Vocabulario 2023-09-21

Lista #2 de Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. Business administration
  2. Wastebasket
  3. Mathematics
  4. Library
  5. English
  6. Chemistry
  7. Computer Science
  8. Next to; Besides
  9. Psychology
  10. To the right of
  1. To have breakfast
  2. To the left of
  3. Physics
  4. To arrive
  5. Because
  6. History
  7. To have dinner
  8. Biology
  9. Economy
  10. Bookstore

20 Clues: PhysicsBecauseHistoryLibraryEnglishBiologyEconomyTo arriveChemistryBookstorePsychologyWastebasketMathematicsTo the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; BesidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

School subjects 2024-12-03

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Französisch
  2. Deutsch
  3. das (Schul-)Fach
  4. Kunst
  5. Mathe
  6. Geschichte
  7. Biologie
  8. Erdkunde
  1. Werken
  2. Informatik
  3. Mittagessen
  4. die Schulveransammlung
  5. Naturwissenschaften
  6. Sport

14 Clues: KunstMatheSportWerkenDeutschBiologieErdkundeInformatikGeschichteFranzösischMittagessendas (Schul-)FachNaturwissenschaftendie Schulveransammlung

School subjects 2024-12-03

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. das (Schul-)Fach
  2. Werken
  3. Kunst
  4. Geschichte
  5. Sport
  6. Mittagessen
  1. Mathe
  2. Biologie
  3. Deutsch
  4. Naturwissenschaften
  5. die Schulveransammlung
  6. Erdkunde
  7. Informatik
  8. Französisch

14 Clues: MatheKunstSportWerkenDeutschBiologieErdkundeInformatikGeschichteFranzösischMittagessendas (Schul-)FachNaturwissenschaftendie Schulveransammlung

LES MATIERES 2015-03-24

LES MATIERES crossword puzzle
  1. maths
  2. biology
  3. science
  4. english
  5. technology
  6. history
  1. music
  2. pe
  3. geography
  4. german
  5. french
  6. spanish
  7. art

13 Clues: peartmusicmathsgermanfrenchbiologyspanishscienceenglishhistorygeographytechnology

My family and home 2022-11-23

My family and home crossword puzzle
  1. Schwester
  2. Nachbar
  3. Bruder
  4. Familie
  5. Tochter
  6. Sohn
  1. Naturwissenschaft
  2. Biologie
  3. Tante
  4. Gebäude
  5. Kreis
  6. Stiefmutter
  7. Onkel

13 Clues: SohnTanteKreisOnkelBruderNachbarGebäudeFamilieTochterBiologieSchwesterStiefmutterNaturwissenschaft

Spelling List: 111 - 115 Crossword 2023-05-19

Spelling List: 111 - 115 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. adherent
  2. credible
  3. audience
  4. applicable
  5. capable
  6. cohesive
  1. adhesive
  2. chronology
  3. geology
  4. deniable
  5. author
  6. anthropology
  7. actuality

13 Clues: authorgeologycapableadhesiveadherentdeniablecredibleaudiencecohesiveactualitychronologyapplicableanthropology

History of Biology 2024-09-17

History of Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Double-hekix structure Of DNA in 1953
  2. "On the Origin of Species 1859"
  3. binomial nomenclature system
  1. coined the term "cell"
  2. Circulation of blood
  3. Father of Biology
  4. theory of natural selection
  5. studied anathomy through dissections of animals
  6. detailed study of biology
  7. first theories of evoluion

10 Clues: Father of BiologyCirculation of bloodcoined the term "cell"detailed study of biologyfirst theories of evoluiontheory of natural selectionbinomial nomenclature system"On the Origin of Species 1859"Double-hekix structure Of DNA in 1953studied anathomy through dissections of animals

Darwin-Natural Selection 2023-01-23

Darwin-Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. relating to biology or living organisms.
  2. denotes the theory of evolution
  3. process of change in all forms over generations
  4. gradual development of social forms
  5. the branch of biology
  6. relating to natural phenomena.
  7. action or process of adapting
  8. hybrid delay
  9. Theory of natural selection
  1. species can change over time,
  2. to do what is necessary to survive
  3. phrase that originated from Darwin
  4. People are subject to natural selectiongradual development of society and social forms
  5. the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed

14 Clues: hybrid delaythe branch of biologyTheory of natural selectionspecies can change over time,action or process of adaptingrelating to natural phenomena.denotes the theory of evolutionto do what is necessary to survivephrase that originated from Darwingradual development of social formsrelating to biology or living organisms....

Techniques in Molecular Biology 2018-01-08

Techniques in Molecular Biology crossword puzzle
  1. First cloned cat
  2. Technique for separation and visualization of biomolecules
  3. DNA binding domain containing Zinc
  4. A tool that restricts the entry of bacteriophages in bacteria
  5. Antibiotic resistance gene carrier in bacteria
  6. Marker DNA which can serve as molecular fingerprint of an individual (Abbreviation)
  7. Has properties of two different DNA carriers
  8. A large population of identical molecules
  9. Visualization tool in molecular biology
  10. Molecular glue
  11. Carrier of foreign DNA
  12. In situ DNA hybridization technique (Abbreviation)
  1. A technique producing monoclonal antibodies
  2. A confirmatory test for HIV infection
  3. Artificial membranes forming vesicles which are used to deliver gene intracellularly
  4. Scientist behind sequencing DNA technique
  5. Carrier of Large DNA fragment (Abbreviation)
  6. Radio /fluorescent labeled pieces of DNA
  7. Common organism used in molecular biology
  8. Inherited difference in pattern of restriction enzyme digestion (Abbreviation)

20 Clues: Molecular glueFirst cloned catCarrier of foreign DNADNA binding domain containing ZincA confirmatory test for HIV infectionVisualization tool in molecular biologyRadio /fluorescent labeled pieces of DNAScientist behind sequencing DNA techniqueA large population of identical moleculesCommon organism used in molecular biology...

bio/scrib by kenny 2022-05-17

bio/scrib by kenny crossword puzzle
  1. a diet that helps people live longer.
  2. a piece of writing from a doctor.
  3. to write down or record
  4. the zone of the planet where theirslife
  5. sloppy writing that is hard to read.
  6. a person who wrights things down
  7. a piece of writing.
  8. a set of papers with writing
  9. The biologist study living things
  10. biology is for the study of living things
  11. man made story about someone else
  1. the study of the nervous system
  2. I made a story about myself.
  3. the man used antibiotic to save his life
  4. a short dedication written in a book.
  5. how to living organisms live together
  6. a short bit of writing
  7. a written agreement to buy or read
  8. to write or say something or someone.
  9. they remove the living tissue

20 Clues: a piece of writing.a short bit of writingto write down or recordI made a story about myself.a set of papers with writingthey remove the living tissuethe study of the nervous systema person who wrights things downa piece of writing from a doctor.The biologist study living thingsman made story about someone elsea written agreement to buy or read...

Vinz German Crossword Puzzle 2013-02-04

Vinz German Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Choir
  2. lazy
  3. anyway
  4. read
  5. ambitious
  6. homework or home-lessons
  7. brought
  8. good
  9. lessons
  10. hard or heavy
  11. grades
  12. math
  1. Chemistry
  2. light
  3. Biology
  4. French
  5. bad
  6. Latin
  7. hand out
  8. Geometry
  9. simple
  10. English
  11. Band
  12. music

24 Clues: badlazyreadgoodBandmathChoirlightLatinmusicFrenchanywaysimplegradesBiologybroughtEnglishlessonshand outGeometryChemistryambitioushard or heavyhomework or home-lessons

german words 2013-02-04

german words crossword puzzle
  1. lazy
  2. Ag class
  3. science class
  4. german
  5. notes
  6. light
  7. bad
  8. biology
  9. religion class
  10. band
  1. read (past)
  2. economics/business
  3. handed out
  4. lessons
  5. Grades
  6. homework
  7. geometry
  8. heavy
  9. good
  10. brought with
  11. anyway
  12. woods class
  13. easy

23 Clues: badlazygoodeasybandnotesheavylightGradesgermananywaylessonsbiologyAg classhomeworkgeometryhanded outread (past)woods classbrought withscience classreligion classeconomics/business

Spanish lesson 2 2021-10-19

Spanish lesson 2 crossword puzzle
  1. desk
  2. science
  3. door
  4. magazine
  5. pen
  6. money
  7. clock
  8. map
  9. student
  10. chair
  11. wall
  12. book
  13. spanish
  14. ground
  15. coarse
  1. eraser
  2. shoe
  3. calculator
  4. paper
  5. class
  6. biology
  7. library
  8. dictionary
  9. pencil
  10. window
  11. answer
  12. clothes

27 Clues: penmapdeskshoedoorwallbookpaperclassmoneyclockchaireraserpencilwindowanswergroundcoarsesciencebiologylibrarystudentspanishclothesmagazinecalculatordictionary

Spanish Pg. 40-41 Crossword Puzzle 2020-10-05

Spanish Pg. 40-41 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Semester
  2. Course
  3. Library
  4. Economics
  5. Geography
  6. Computer Science
  7. Cafeteria
  8. Class
  9. School
  10. Trimester;Quarter
  11. Accounting
  12. Music
  13. Quiz
  1. Laboratory
  2. Spanish
  3. Physics
  4. House;Home
  5. Art
  6. Homework
  7. Stadium
  8. Classmate
  9. Bookstore
  10. University;college
  11. Biology
  12. Sciences

25 Clues: ArtQuizClassMusicCourseSchoolLibrarySpanishPhysicsStadiumBiologySemesterHomeworkSciencesEconomicsGeographyCafeteriaClassmateBookstoreLaboratoryHouse;HomeAccountingComputer ScienceTrimester;QuarterUniversity;college

Les cours & les lieux dans l'école 2023-02-21

Les cours & les lieux dans l'école crossword puzzle
  1. Latin
  2. study hall
  3. physics
  4. in room ___
  5. in the gymnasium
  6. technology
  7. history
  8. in the library
  9. math
  1. musicale music class
  2. Spanish
  3. chemistry
  4. art class
  5. biology
  6. German
  7. science
  8. in the cafeteria
  9. languages
  10. gym class
  11. French
  12. English

21 Clues: mathLatinGermanFrenchSpanishbiologyphysicssciencehistoryEnglishchemistryart classlanguagesgym classstudy halltechnologyin room ___in the libraryin the cafeteriain the gymnasiummusicale music class

Lista #2 de Vocabulario 2023-09-21

Lista #2 de Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. Business administration
  2. Wastebasket
  3. Mathematics
  4. Library
  5. English
  6. Chemistry
  7. Computer Science
  8. Next to; Besides
  9. Psychology
  10. To the right of
  1. To have breakfast
  2. To the left of
  3. Physics
  4. To arrive
  5. Because
  6. History
  7. To have dinner
  8. Biology
  9. Economy
  10. Bookstore

20 Clues: PhysicsBecauseHistoryLibraryEnglishBiologyEconomyTo arriveChemistryBookstorePsychologyWastebasketMathematicsTo the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; BesidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

Lista #2 de Vocabulario 2023-09-21

Lista #2 de Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. Business administration
  2. Wastebasket
  3. Mathematics
  4. Library
  5. English
  6. Chemistry
  7. Computer Science
  8. Next to; Besides
  9. Psychology
  10. To the right of
  1. To have breakfast
  2. To the left of
  3. Physics
  4. To arrive
  5. Because
  6. History
  7. To have dinner
  8. Biology
  9. Economy
  10. Bookstore

20 Clues: PhysicsBecauseHistoryLibraryEnglishBiologyEconomyTo arriveChemistryBookstorePsychologyWastebasketMathematicsTo the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; BesidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

ela vocab cross word bad clues 2023-05-15

ela vocab cross word bad clues crossword puzzle
  1. could happen
  2. ghost
  3. mind
  4. to not have passion
  5. study of life
  6. difference
  7. mesmerized
  8. honest
  9. in a trance
  10. city
  1. confused
  2. overly much 18
  3. chop
  4. to scout
  5. rundown
  6. past
  7. sad
  8. blood
  9. not sane
  10. disagree

20 Clues: sadchopmindpastcityghostbloodhonestrundownconfusedto scoutnot sanedisagreedifferencemesmerizedin a trancecould happenstudy of lifeoverly much 18to not have passion

Ariel's crossword making factory 2013-05-16

Ariel's crossword making factory crossword puzzle
  1. microorganism
  2. a rotating line
  3. reduced in volume
  4. short lasting
  5. done , used
  6. steep
  7. unexpectedly
  8. surrounded with folds
  9. excellence
  1. pale
  2. self centered
  3. transform
  4. nature of body
  5. reechoed
  6. big statue
  7. inexpressible
  8. biology substance
  9. constant
  10. clearness

19 Clues: palesteepreechoedconstanttransformclearnessbig statueexcellencedone , usedunexpectedlyself centeredmicroorganisminexpressibleshort lastingnature of bodya rotating linereduced in volumebiology substancesurrounded with folds

Spanish/Cristian Roque 2023-09-21

Spanish/Cristian Roque crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. psychology
  3. Biology
  4. because
  5. wastebasket
  6. business administration
  7. to arrive
  8. To the right of
  1. Chemistry
  2. Next to;besides
  3. history
  4. library
  5. computer science
  6. economics
  7. physics
  8. Bookstore
  9. To have dinner
  10. to have breakfast
  11. Mathematics

19 Clues: EnglishhistorylibraryphysicsBiologybecauseChemistryeconomicsBookstoreto arrivepsychologywastebasketMathematicsTo have dinnerNext to;besidesTo the right ofcomputer scienceto have breakfastbusiness administration

Spanish 2023-09-21

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. To arrive
  2. Biology
  3. Next to; beside
  4. Chemistry
  5. Because
  6. Wastebasket
  7. To have breakfast
  8. Business administration
  9. Physics
  1. History
  2. English
  3. Computer Science
  4. To the left of
  5. Bookstore
  6. Psychology
  7. Totherightof
  8. Economy
  9. To have dinner
  10. biblioteca Library

19 Clues: HistoryEnglishBiologyBecauseEconomyPhysicsTo arriveBookstoreChemistryPsychologyWastebasketTotherightofTo the left ofTo have dinnerNext to; besideComputer ScienceTo have breakfastbiblioteca LibraryBusiness administration

Subject and Sport ( Môn học và thể thao 2021-10-10

Subject and Sport ( Môn học và thể thao crossword puzzle
  1. Economics
  2. Foreign languages
  3. Chemistry
  4. Biology
  5. Engineer
  6. Geography
  7. Psychology
  1. Sociology
  2. Physical Education
  3. Literature
  4. Fine Arts
  5. History
  6. Math
  7. Physics

14 Clues: MathHistoryPhysicsBiologyEngineerSociologyEconomicsFine ArtsChemistryGeographyLiteraturePsychologyForeign languagesPhysical Education

Les matières à l'école 2021-05-27

Les matières à l'école crossword puzzle
  1. Social Studies
  2. Italian
  3. Science
  4. Geography
  5. Music
  6. History
  7. French
  1. Physical Education
  2. Biology
  3. Chemistry
  4. Art
  5. Computer Science
  6. Math
  7. Spanish

14 Clues: ArtMathMusicFrenchItalianBiologyScienceHistorySpanishChemistryGeographySocial StudiesComputer SciencePhysical Education

Class Must-Dos 2024-06-14

Class Must-Dos crossword puzzle
  1. paper
  2. math
  3. biology
  4. binder
  5. dictionary
  6. notebook
  1. for
  2. listen
  3. to read
  4. you need
  5. book
  6. pencil
  7. I must
  8. organize

14 Clues: formathbookpaperlistenpencilbinderI mustto readbiologyyou needorganizenotebookdictionary

Ologies 2022-10-17

Ologies crossword puzzle
  1. Fish
  2. Heart
  3. Birds
  4. Teeth
  5. Urinary Problems
  6. Skin
  7. Respiration
  1. Movement
  2. Muscles
  3. Horses
  4. Male studies
  5. Animals
  6. Blood
  7. Life and living things
  8. Cancer

15 Clues: FishSkinHeartBirdsTeethBloodHorsesCancerMusclesAnimalsMovementRespirationMale studiesUrinary ProblemsLife and living things

How to talk about science and paleonthology 2021-10-31

How to talk about science and paleonthology crossword puzzle
  1. een paleontoloog
  2. fossiel
  3. een archeoloog
  4. wetenschap
  5. chemie
  6. oplossing
  7. paleontologie
  1. onderzoeken
  2. een bot
  3. fysica
  4. zeldzaam
  5. een fysicus
  6. bioloog a biologist
  7. een chemicus
  8. biologie
  9. wetenschapper

16 Clues: fysicachemieeen botfossielzeldzaambiologieoplossingwetenschaponderzoekeneen fysicuseen chemicuswetenschapperpaleontologieeen archeoloogeen paleontoloogbioloog a biologist

Project 1 - Unit 3D - School subjects 2022-01-18

Project 1 - Unit 3D - School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. pracovní činnosti
  2. hudební výchova
  3. náboženská výchova
  4. matematika
  5. informatika
  6. občanská výchova
  7. angličtina
  8. přírodopis
  1. fyzika
  2. francouzština
  3. český jazyk
  4. výtvarná výchova
  5. chemie
  6. věda
  7. tělesná výchova
  8. dějepis

16 Clues: vědafyzikachemiedějepismatematikaangličtinapřírodopisčeský jazykinformatikafrancouzštinahudební výchovatělesná výchovavýtvarná výchovaobčanská výchovapracovní činnostináboženská výchova

Biology Crossword Puzzle (by Group 1) 2021-03-30

Biology Crossword Puzzle (by Group 1) crossword puzzle
  1. The study of an embryo's and fetus' formation and development
  2. The process of natural selection is used to change the characteristics of a species over several generations
  3. The biological study of living things' form and structure
  4. The study of living things and their vital processes
  5. Robert Hooke’s contribution to biology, and book which was published in 1665
  6. This is where the specimen is placed for observation (usually mounted on a glass slide)
  7. The study of the evolution of life on Earth through the use of fossils.
  8. An instrument for observing small objects, including cells
  1. Liquids from titrations and filtrates from filtering operations are caught in this container
  2. The Father of Experimental Physiology
  3. The study of cells as fundamental units of living things
  4. The study of the structure of cells, tissues, and organs at the microscopic level
  5. The study of animals
  6. The study of how the human body works
  7. Also referred to as Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  8. The study of the interactions between living organisms, such as humans, and their physical environment
  9. Fe del Mundo’s invention
  10. The Father of Biology
  11. The science of classification, with a focus on living and extinct organisms
  12. The branch of science that studies the human body's structure
  13. The concept of proposing a speculative explanation for a phenomenon or a small group of phenomena observed in nature

21 Clues: The study of animalsThe Father of BiologyFe del Mundo’s inventionThe Father of Experimental PhysiologyThe study of how the human body worksAlso referred to as Deoxyribonucleic AcidThe study of living things and their vital processesThe study of cells as fundamental units of living thingsThe biological study of living things' form and structure...

Biomed crossword - Techniques in Molecualr Biology 2018-01-07

Biomed crossword - Techniques in Molecualr Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Marker DNA which can serve as molecular fingerprint of an individual (Abbreviation)
  2. A large population of identical molecules
  3. Visualization tool in molecular biology
  4. Has properties of two different DNA carriers
  5. Molecular glue
  6. Scientist behind sequencing DNA technique
  7. DNA binding domain containing Zinc
  8. Radio /fluorescent labeled pieces of DNA
  9. Inherited difference in pattern of restriction enzyme digestion (Abbreviation)
  1. A technique producing monoclonal antibodies
  2. blot A confirmatory test for HIV infection
  3. First cloned cat
  4. Technique for separation of biomolecules
  5. A tool that restricts the entry of bacteriophages in bacteria
  6. Artificial membranes forming vesicles which are used to deliver gene intracellularly
  7. Antibiotic resistance gene carrier in bacteria
  8. Carrier of Large DNA fragment (Abbreviation)
  9. Carrier of foreign DNA
  10. In situ DNA hybridization technique (Abbreviation)
  11. Common organism used in molecular biology

20 Clues: Molecular glueFirst cloned catCarrier of foreign DNADNA binding domain containing ZincVisualization tool in molecular biologyRadio /fluorescent labeled pieces of DNATechnique for separation of biomoleculesA large population of identical moleculesScientist behind sequencing DNA techniqueCommon organism used in molecular biology...

bio/scrib by kenny 2022-05-17

bio/scrib by kenny crossword puzzle
  1. a diet that helps people live longer.
  2. a piece of writing from a doctor.
  3. to write down or record
  4. the zone of the planet where theirslife
  5. sloppy writing that is hard to read.
  6. a person who wrights things down
  7. a piece of writing.
  8. a set of papers with writing
  9. The biologist study living things
  10. biology is for the study of living things
  11. man made biography about someone else
  1. the study of the nervous system
  2. I made a autobiography about myself.
  3. the man used antibiotic to save his life
  4. a short dedication written in a book.
  5. how to living organisms live together
  6. a short bit of writing
  7. a written agreement to buy or read
  8. to write or say something or someone.
  9. they remove the living tissue

20 Clues: a piece of writing.a short bit of writingto write down or recorda set of papers with writingthey remove the living tissuethe study of the nervous systema person who wrights things downa piece of writing from a doctor.The biologist study living thingsa written agreement to buy or readI made a autobiography about myself....

Biology Crossword 2022-09-07

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the science of heredity
  2. a form of life composed of cells
  3. element required for breathing
  4. aquatic eukaryotic organisms
  5. a plastid containing chlorophyll
  6. a plants origin
  7. natural external factors surrounding an o
  8. a branch of biology
  9. a class of individuals having some common
  10. a microscopic structure containing a mem
  11. a system, or group of interconnected elements
  1. the process of converting CO2 and water
  2. a multicellular organism that produces
  3. biologicl diversity among/within plant species
  4. plant science
  5. organisms that live by decomposing and
  6. element humans exhale
  7. the green coloring matter of leaves and
  8. method of studying nature
  9. change in genes from generation to generation
  10. one-celled organisms
  11. oxygen producers
  12. science of embryos
  13. reproductive body of an oraganism
  14. the ascending axis of a plant

25 Clues: plant sciencea plants originoxygen producersscience of embryosa branch of biologyone-celled organismselement humans exhalethe science of hereditymethod of studying natureaquatic eukaryotic organismsthe ascending axis of a plantelement required for breathinga form of life composed of cellsa plastid containing chlorophyll...

School subjects 2018-02-01

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Glazbena kultura
  2. engleski jezik
  3. raspored sati
  4. informatika
  5. povijest
  6. Tehnička kultura
  7. vjeronauk
  8. Sat razrednika
  1. evidencija,dnevnik
  2. hrvatski jezik
  3. biologija
  4. likovna kultura
  5. geografija
  6. njemački jezik
  7. TZK
  8. fizika

16 Clues: TZKfizikapovijestbiologijavjeronaukgeografijainformatikaraspored satihrvatski jezikengleski jeziknjemački jezikSat razrednikalikovna kulturaGlazbena kulturaTehnička kulturaevidencija,dnevnik

School subjects 2019-02-24

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Biologie
  2. Sport
  3. Englisch
  4. Naturwissenschaften
  5. Kunst
  6. Theater
  7. Geschichte
  1. Religion
  2. Mathe
  3. Deutsch
  4. Chemie
  5. Geographie
  6. Informatik

13 Clues: MatheSportKunstChemieDeutschTheaterReligionBiologieEnglischGeographieGeschichteInformatikNaturwissenschaften

Les matières - School subjects 2014-01-19

Les matières - School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Maths
  2. Physics
  3. Technology
  4. Biology
  5. PE
  6. History
  1. Chemistry
  2. Art
  3. Science
  4. French
  5. ICT
  6. Geography
  7. English

13 Clues: PEArtICTMathsFrenchSciencePhysicsBiologyEnglishHistoryChemistryGeographyTechnology

Courses/Days of the Week Choice Board Activity 2021-10-08

Courses/Days of the Week Choice Board Activity crossword puzzle
  1. wednesday
  2. biology
  3. saturday
  4. when
  5. history
  6. friday
  7. humanities
  1. Sunday
  2. phyisics
  3. when
  4. chemistry
  5. tuesday
  6. sciences
  7. accounting

14 Clues: whenwhenSundayfridaytuesdaybiologyhistoryphyisicssaturdayscienceschemistrywednesdayaccountinghumanities

asdasdad 2018-02-16

asdasdad crossword puzzle
  1. asdasf
  2. f
  3. dfg
  4. gdfg
  5. jj
  6. aw
  7. tyu
  1. rtyrt
  2. kgh
  3. aa
  4. rtt
  5. kyu
  6. adsasd

13 Clues: faajjawkghdfgrttkyutyugdfgrtyrtasdasfadsasd

Subjects in School 2023-07-04

Subjects in School crossword puzzle
  1. จิตรกรรม
  2. วรรณกรรม
  3. พีชคณิต
  4. วิทยาศาสตร์
  5. เทคโนโลยี
  6. ฟิสิกส์
  7. ประวัติศาสตร์
  1. ภูมิศาสตร์
  2. คณิตศาสตร์
  3. ชีววิทยา
  4. ภาษาอังกฤษ
  5. คอมพิวเตอร์
  6. ดนตรี

13 Clues: ดนตรีพีชคณิตฟิสิกส์จิตรกรรมวรรณกรรมชีววิทยาเทคโนโลยีภูมิศาสตร์คณิตศาสตร์ภาษาอังกฤษวิทยาศาสตร์คอมพิวเตอร์ประวัติศาสตร์

History of Biology 2024-09-21

History of Biology crossword puzzle
  1. father of Biology
  2. study of living organisms
  3. wrote "De humani corpis"
  4. coined the term "cell"
  5. developed the binomial nomenclature system
  1. discovered the double-helix structure of DNA
  2. developed the cell theory
  3. the change in species over time
  4. the study of heredity
  5. discovered the circulation of blood

10 Clues: father of Biologythe study of hereditycoined the term "cell"wrote "De humani corpis"developed the cell theorystudy of living organismsthe change in species over timediscovered the circulation of blooddeveloped the binomial nomenclature systemdiscovered the double-helix structure of DNA

Biology Crossword Puzzle (Group 1) 2021-03-30

Biology Crossword Puzzle (Group 1) crossword puzzle
  1. The study of an embryo's and fetus' formation and development
  2. The process of natural selection is used to change the characteristics of a species over several generations
  3. The biological study of living things' form and structure
  4. The study of living things and their vital processes
  5. Robert Hooke’s contribution to biology, and book which was published in 1665
  6. This is where the specimen is placed for observation (usually mounted on a glass slide)
  7. The study of the evolution of life on Earth through the use of fossils.
  8. An instrument for observing small objects, including cells
  1. Liquids from titrations and filtrates from filtering operations are caught in this container
  2. The Father of Experimental Physiology
  3. The study of cells as fundamental units of living things
  4. The study of the structure of cells, tissues, and organs at the microscopic level
  5. The study of animals
  6. The study of how the human body works
  7. Also referred to as Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  8. The study of the interactions between living organisms, such as humans, and their physical environment
  9. Fe del Mundo’s invention
  10. The Father of Biology
  11. The science of classification, with a focus on living and extinct organisms
  12. The branch of science that studies the human body's structure
  13. The concept of proposing a speculative explanation for a phenomenon or a small group of phenomena observed in nature

21 Clues: The study of animalsThe Father of BiologyFe del Mundo’s inventionThe Father of Experimental PhysiologyThe study of how the human body worksAlso referred to as Deoxyribonucleic AcidThe study of living things and their vital processesThe study of cells as fundamental units of living thingsThe biological study of living things' form and structure...

hi 2022-10-23

hi crossword puzzle
  1. english
  2. chemistry
  3. i love
  4. easy
  5. algebra
  6. music/band
  7. french
  8. art
  1. i have
  2. history
  3. i like
  4. biology
  5. PE
  6. I study
  7. choir

15 Clues: PEarteasychoiri havei likei lovefrenchenglishhistorybiologyI studyalgebrachemistrymusic/band

School subjects 2015-04-13

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. náboženství
  2. chemie
  3. výtvarná výchova
  4. fyzika
  5. francouzština
  6. hudební výchova
  7. TV
  8. přírodopis
  1. anglický jazyk
  2. zeměpis
  3. dějepis
  4. občanská výchova
  5. matematika
  6. přírodní vědy
  7. informatika

15 Clues: TVchemiefyzikazeměpisdějepismatematikapřírodopisnáboženstvíinformatikapřírodní vědyfrancouzštinaanglický jazykhudební výchovaobčanská výchovavýtvarná výchova

Ecology review 2024-04-05

Ecology review crossword puzzle
  1. interacting group of species in a location starts with co geographic area where plant, animals, and other organisms work together to form a bubble of life work together
  2. organism that harbors another organism host
  3. living organism that shapes its environment biotic
  4. organism that eats other organisms like carnage
  5. organism benefits from the other para
  6. organism that eats the dead remains of animals scavenge organism that decomposes dead remains fungi
  7. branch of biology that deals with relations of an organism to one another and i's surroundings. a branch of biology
  8. position of an organism in the food chain think of a leader board in biology
  9. that make their own food pro
  10. regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere the earth natural home of an environment plant or animal starts with hab
  11. organism that is hunted prey
  1. organism that eats plants and animals omni
  2. non living organism that shapes the environment abiotic
  3. the organisms of the same group of species that live in a specific area population
  4. organism that could produce their own nutritional needs producer
  5. individual living thing that carries on activities of life has organs
  6. other animals predator
  7. chain sequence of organisms gain energy from each other chain
  8. web food chains web
  9. organism deriving nutritional needs from other organisms hetero
  10. organism that only eats plants herbs

21 Clues: other animals predatorweb food chains webthat make their own food proorganism that is hunted preyorganism that only eats plants herbsorganism benefits from the other paraorganism that eats plants and animals omniorganism that harbors another organism hostorganism that eats other organisms like carnage...

Ecology review 2024-04-05

Ecology review crossword puzzle
  1. interacting group of species in a location starts with co geographic area where plant, animals, and other organisms work together to form a bubble of life work together
  2. organism that harbors another organism host
  3. living organism that shapes its environment biotic
  4. organism that eats other organisms like carnage
  5. organism benefits from the other para
  6. organism that eats the dead remains of animals scavenge organism that decomposes dead remains fungi
  7. branch of biology that deals with relations of an organism to one another and i's surroundings. a branch of biology
  8. position of an organism in the food chain think of a leader board in biology
  9. that make their own food pro
  10. regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere the earth natural home of an environment plant or animal starts with hab
  11. organism that is hunted prey
  1. organism that eats plants and animals omni
  2. non living organism that shapes the environment abiotic
  3. the organisms of the same group of species that live in a specific area population
  4. organism that could produce their own nutritional needs producer
  5. individual living thing that carries on activities of life has organs
  6. other animals predator
  7. chain sequence of organisms gain energy from each other chain
  8. web food chains web
  9. organism deriving nutritional needs from other organisms hetero
  10. organism that only eats plants herbs

21 Clues: other animals predatorweb food chains webthat make their own food proorganism that is hunted preyorganism that only eats plants herbsorganism benefits from the other paraorganism that eats plants and animals omniorganism that harbors another organism hostorganism that eats other organisms like carnage...

Final Project Braelyn Pipkin 2022-05-10

Final Project Braelyn Pipkin crossword puzzle
  1. each of a pair of foot-operated levers used for powering a bicycle or other vehicle propelled by the legs
  2. the arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence
  3. The branch of biology
  4. relating to visual art, especially involving drawing, engraving, or lettering
  5. the branch of medicine or biology that deals with the anatomy, functions, and organic disorders of nerves and the nervous system.
  6. a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word
  7. knowing everything
  8. Something that is doing something by itself with little human interactions
  9. between nations
  10. Relating to a belief in many gods
  11. move from one place to another
  1. the study of life
  2. relating to the soul or mind
  3. a system of elected representatives
  4. make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act
  5. a body of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case
  6. to make one's way quickly
  7. a state of disorder due to absence or non recognition of authority
  8. to go forth
  9. devoid of or antagonistic to sociable instincts
  10. publicly acknowledge someone as a participant in the production of
  11. Many colors
  12. To conclude or decide from something known or assumed
  13. a continuing sound, especially of a person's voice, that is unchanging in pitch and without intonation

24 Clues: to go forthMany colorsbetween nationsthe study of lifeknowing everythingThe branch of biologyto make one's way quicklyrelating to the soul or mindmove from one place to anotherRelating to a belief in many godsa system of elected representativesdevoid of or antagonistic to sociable instinctsTo conclude or decide from something known or assumed...

Integrerquiz - Famous Scientists 2024-10-02

Integrerquiz - Famous Scientists crossword puzzle
  1. Sir Isaac, Physics
  2. Leonhard, Mathematics
  3. Niels, Physics
  4. Marie, Chemistry
  5. Carl, Biology
  6. Gregor, Biology
  1. Nicolaus, Astronomy
  2. Ada, Computer Science/Mathematics

8 Clues: Carl, BiologyNiels, PhysicsGregor, BiologyMarie, ChemistrySir Isaac, PhysicsNicolaus, AstronomyLeonhard, MathematicsAda, Computer Science/Mathematics

Espanol Vocab 2022-10-25

Espanol Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. science
  3. history
  4. orchestra
  5. PE
  6. math
  1. biology
  2. band
  3. geography
  4. music
  5. diversity
  6. choir
  7. chemistry

13 Clues: PEbandmathmusicchoirbiologyEnglishsciencehistorygeographydiversityorchestrachemistry

science vocab 2013-05-20

science vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force
  2. ( used with a singular verb ) Physics. the branch of physics that deals with sound and sound waves.
  3. the scientific study of historic or prehistoric peoples and their cultures by analysis of their artifacts, inscriptions, monuments, and other such remains, especially those that have been excavated.
  4. the science dealing with the atmosphere and its phenomena, including weather and climate.
  5. the science or branch of biology dealing with animals.
  6. the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere.
  7. the branch of physical geography dealing with the ocean.
  8. the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena, especially with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and behavior.
  9. the science of soil management and the production of field crops.
  1. the science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter. Compare element
  2. the science of the forms of life existing in former geologic periods, as represented by their fossils.
  3. the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.
  4. the science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that the earth has undergone or is undergoing.
  5. the branch of zoology dealing with fishes.
  6. the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases.
  7. the science of plants; the branch of biology that deals with plant life.

16 Clues: the branch of zoology dealing with fishes.the science or branch of biology dealing with animals.the branch of physical geography dealing with the ocean.the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and forcethe science of soil management and the production of field crops.the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases....