biology Crossword Puzzles

Biologists 2022-12-06

Biologists crossword puzzle
  1. scientists who study living things and their environments
  2. branch of biology dealing with plants
  3. Eastwood Canadian botanist
  4. the process of producing an organism from one cell of a single parent
  5. carson ecologist
  6. Mexican American botanist
  7. scientists that study heredity
  1. Greek Philosopher
  2. Branch of biology dealing with animals
  3. the place in which something lives
  4. the young of a particular organism
  5. the study of heredity

12 Clues: carson ecologistGreek Philosopherthe study of heredityMexican American botanistEastwood Canadian botanistscientists that study hereditythe place in which something livesthe young of a particular organismbranch of biology dealing with plantsBranch of biology dealing with animalsscientists who study living things and their environments...

Les Matières 2014-05-07

Les Matières crossword puzzle
  1. maths
  2. geography
  3. sport
  4. science
  5. biology
  1. french
  2. chemistry
  3. art
  4. philosophy
  5. ICT
  6. physics
  7. music
  8. history
  9. english

14 Clues: artICTmathsmusicsportfrenchphysicshistoryenglishsciencebiologychemistrygeographyphilosophy

History 2015-02-22

History crossword puzzle
  1. Matematika
  2. Atradimas
  3. Tyrinėjimas
  4. Įvykis
  5. Šimtmetis
  6. Mokslas
  7. Išradimas
  1. Muzika
  2. Karas
  3. Architektūra
  4. Inžinerija
  5. Revoliucija
  6. Menas
  7. Biologija

14 Clues: KarasMenasMuzikaĮvykisMokslasAtradimasŠimtmetisBiologijaIšradimasMatematikaInžinerijaTyrinėjimasRevoliucijaArchitektūra

History 2015-02-22

History crossword puzzle
  1. muzika
  2. arhitektūra
  3. išradimas
  4. dailė
  5. revoliucija
  6. karas
  1. matematika
  2. amžius
  3. tyrinėjimas
  4. inžinerija
  5. mokslas
  6. įvykis
  7. atradimas
  8. biologija

14 Clues: dailėkarasmuzikaamžiusįvykismokslasatradimasišradimasbiologijamatematikainžinerijaarhitektūratyrinėjimasrevoliucija

Science Words 2022-08-31

Science Words crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 1
  3. 6
  4. 12
  5. 9
  6. 3
  7. 8
  1. 11
  2. 7
  3. 2
  4. 13
  5. 10
  6. 14
  7. 5

14 Clues: 7421695381113121014

u3,f7 2018-10-29

u3,f7 crossword puzzle
  1. päevakohane
  2. raiskama
  3. kandiline
  4. ümmargune
  5. raske
  6. märkama
  7. blond
  8. õigekiri
  1. ime
  2. kirjandus
  3. ajaviide
  4. bioloogia
  5. karistama
  6. kergesti

14 Clues: imeraskeblondmärkamaajaviideraiskamakergestiõigekirikirjanduskandilineümmargunebioloogiakaristamapäevakohane

Unit 3 revision 2023-12-11

Unit 3 revision crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 13
  3. 2
  4. 7
  5. 3
  6. 12
  7. 6
  1. 5
  2. 14
  3. 9
  4. 11
  5. 1
  6. 8
  7. 4

14 Clues: 5921738461410111312

top 9 kpl 7 koulusanat 2024-12-10

top 9 kpl 7 koulusanat crossword puzzle
  1. käytävä
  2. ammattikorkeakoulu
  3. lukukausi
  4. lukujärjestys
  5. yliopisto
  1. talonmies
  2. yhteiskuntaoppi
  3. kemia
  4. päiväkoti
  5. koe
  6. rehtori
  7. oppitunti
  8. kuvataide
  9. biologia

14 Clues: koekemiakäytävärehtoribiologiatalonmiespäiväkotilukukausioppituntikuvataideyliopistolukujärjestysyhteiskuntaoppiammattikorkeakoulu

Biologists 2022-12-16

Biologists crossword puzzle
  1. the branch of biology that deals with the study of heredity
  2. Ecologist who was also a writer who wrote the book Silent Spring
  3. Chemicals in the body that are used in almost everything cells do
  4. Chemicals used to kill unwanted organisms, such as insects
  5. The process of producing an organism from one cell of a single parent
  6. scientists who study things that deal with heredity
  1. investigated the effect of the location of genes
  2. Rod shaped structure in the cells that is made up of genes
  3. scientists who specialize in biology
  4. She inspired other women to become botanists
  5. 1900s he made the greatest single contribution to the study of heredity
  6. Branch of biology dealing with the study of plants

12 Clues: scientists who specialize in biologyShe inspired other women to become botanistsinvestigated the effect of the location of genesBranch of biology dealing with the study of plantsscientists who study things that deal with heredityRod shaped structure in the cells that is made up of genesChemicals used to kill unwanted organisms, such as insects...

Animal Characteristics 2020-09-13

Animal Characteristics crossword puzzle
  1. SmallestGroupOfClassification
  2. CreatesEnergy
  3. NoBodyPartToCreateImage
  4. TheStudyOfLife
  5. WheelShaped
  6. ObtainsEnergyFromOutsideSources
  1. ManyCells
  2. OrganizingLivingThings
  3. LargestGroupOfClassification
  4. CellWithNucleusAndOrganelles
  5. ArrangementOfPartsToCreateMirrorImages
  6. NoOrganelles
  7. OneLineOfSymmetry
  8. TheStudyOfAnimals

14 Clues: ManyCellsWheelShapedNoOrganellesCreatesEnergyTheStudyOfLifeOneLineOfSymmetryTheStudyOfAnimalsOrganizingLivingThingsNoBodyPartToCreateImageLargestGroupOfClassificationCellWithNucleusAndOrganellesSmallestGroupOfClassificationObtainsEnergyFromOutsideSourcesArrangementOfPartsToCreateMirrorImages

Unit 1 2021-11-26

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Französisch
  2. Englisch
  3. Informatik
  4. Geography
  5. turne
  1. Musik
  2. Deutsch
  3. Wissenschaft
  4. Biologie
  5. Geschichte
  6. Pause
  7. Mathe
  8. Physik
  9. zeichen

14 Clues: MusikPauseMatheturnePhysikDeutschzeichenBiologieEnglischGeographyGeschichteInformatikFranzösischWissenschaft

History 2015-02-22

History crossword puzzle
  1. muzika
  2. amžius
  3. dailė)
  4. inžinerija
  5. įvyki)
  6. kara)
  7. biologija
  8. arhitektūra
  1. atradimas
  2. matematika
  3. tyrinėjimas
  4. išradimas
  5. mokslas
  6. revoliucija

14 Clues: kara)muzikaamžiusdailė)įvyki)mokslasatradimasišradimasbiologijamatematikainžinerijatyrinėjimasrevoliucijaarhitektūra

School subjects 2022-11-09

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. DigitaleGrundbildung
  2. Deutsch
  3. Religion
  4. Mathematik
  5. Berufsorientierung
  6. BSP
  1. Chemie
  2. TEW
  3. TXW
  4. Musik
  5. Bielogie
  6. Geografie
  7. BE
  8. Physik

14 Clues: BETEWTXWBSPMusikChemiePhysikDeutschBielogieReligionGeografieMathematikBerufsorientierungDigitaleGrundbildung

Schoolsubjects 2014-02-12

Schoolsubjects crossword puzzle
  1. pauze
  2. muziek
  3. biologie
  4. wiskunde
  5. Engels
  6. gym
  7. lezen
  8. leerkracht
  1. natuurkunde
  2. geschiedenis
  3. schrijven
  4. lesrooster
  5. aardrijkskunde
  6. drama

14 Clues: gympauzelezendramamuziekEngelsbiologiewiskundeschrijvenlesroosterleerkrachtnatuurkundegeschiedenisaardrijkskunde

subjects 2022-01-09

subjects crossword puzzle
  1. languages
  2. technology
  3. it
  4. geography
  5. art
  6. english
  7. maths
  1. religion
  2. Businessstudies
  3. history
  4. biology
  5. pe
  6. science
  7. history
  8. music

15 Clues: peitartmusicmathshistorybiologysciencehistoryenglishreligionlanguagesgeographytechnologyBusinessstudies

Unit 3 Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-08

Unit 3 Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Computer
  2. Science
  3. Math
  4. Chemistry
  5. Geography
  6. Biology
  7. Whiteboard/Chalkboard
  8. Office Desk
  1. French
  2. Chair
  3. Door
  4. English
  5. History
  6. Student Desk
  7. Table

15 Clues: DoorMathChairTableFrenchScienceEnglishHistoryBiologyComputerChemistryGeographyOffice DeskStudent DeskWhiteboard/Chalkboard

The Study of... 2024-10-09

The Study of... crossword puzzle
  1. Drugs
  2. Eyes
  3. Life & Living Things
  4. Animals
  5. Dogs
  6. Hormones
  7. Cats
  8. Structure & Function of Cells
  9. Birds
  1. Brain & Spinal Cord
  2. Fish
  3. Animal Behavior
  4. Skin
  5. Respiration
  6. Blood
  7. Horses
  8. Ears & Hearing
  9. Heart

18 Clues: FishSkinEyesDogsCatsDrugsBloodHeartBirdsHorsesAnimalsHormonesRespirationEars & HearingAnimal BehaviorBrain & Spinal CordLife & Living ThingsStructure & Function of Cells

La Clase 2023-09-21

La Clase crossword puzzle
  1. Because
  2. chemistry
  3. which ones?
  4. the dinner
  5. whereto?
  6. bookstore
  7. Mathematics
  8. English
  9. biology
  10. to the left
  11. the computer
  1. why?
  2. Which?
  3. de empresas businessadministration
  4. to the right
  5. physics
  6. Economy
  7. next to
  8. History

19 Clues: why?Which?BecausephysicsEconomyEnglishbiologynext toHistorywhereto?chemistrybookstorethe dinnerwhich ones?Mathematicsto the leftto the rightthe computerde empresas businessadministration

Dawid - powtórzenie (15.04) 2024-04-15

Dawid - powtórzenie (15.04) crossword puzzle
  1. stopy
  2. kościół
  3. wrzesień
  4. plan lekcji(t)
  5. religia
  6. biologia
  7. sławny(f)
  1. nauczyciel
  2. sto(100)
  3. godzina
  4. sobota
  5. lepszy
  6. poludnie(12:00)
  7. sześćdziesiąt(60)
  8. tydzień
  9. zwierzę
  10. do widzenia
  11. lewa

18 Clues: lewastopysobotalepszykościółgodzinatydzieńzwierzęreligiasto(100)wrzesieńbiologiasławny(f)nauczycieldo widzeniaplan lekcji(t)poludnie(12:00)sześćdziesiąt(60)

Les matières 2022-09-30

Les matières crossword puzzle
  1. math
  2. chinese
  3. technology
  4. spanish
  5. music
  6. biology
  7. physics
  1. french
  2. chemistry
  3. history
  4. visual arts
  5. P.E.
  6. geography
  7. german

14 Clues: mathP.E.musicfrenchgermanhistorychinesespanishbiologyphysicschemistrygeographytechnologyvisual arts

Les sujets d'école 2022-01-09

Les sujets d'école crossword puzzle
  1. computers
  2. history
  3. English
  4. music
  5. art
  1. math
  2. biology
  3. technology
  4. physical education
  5. physics
  6. science
  7. chemistry
  8. Spanish
  9. French

14 Clues: artmathmusicFrenchbiologyhistoryphysicsscienceEnglishSpanishcomputerschemistrytechnologyphysical education

Classification 2021-10-11

Classification crossword puzzle
  1. Branch of biology for identifying the organism
  2. heterotrophic multicellular
  3. Pavo cristatus
  4. acellular and inactive microorganisms
  5. Father of Biology
  1. scientific indicators for the identification of species
  2. amoeba
  3. single celled organism
  4. species may be known with different names
  5. basic level of classification

10 Clues: amoebaPavo cristatusFather of Biologysingle celled organismheterotrophic multicellularbasic level of classificationacellular and inactive microorganismsspecies may be known with different namesBranch of biology for identifying the organismscientific indicators for the identification of species

Classification 2021-10-11

Classification crossword puzzle
  1. Branch of biology for identifying the organism
  2. heterotrophic multicellular
  3. Pavo cristatus
  4. acellular and inactive microorganisms
  5. Father of Biology
  1. scientific indicators for the identification of species
  2. amoeba
  3. single celled organism
  4. species may be known with different names
  5. basic level of classification

10 Clues: amoebaPavo cristatusFather of Biologysingle celled organismheterotrophic multicellularbasic level of classificationacellular and inactive microorganismsspecies may be known with different namesBranch of biology for identifying the organismscientific indicators for the identification of species

Invert Zoology 2024-09-17

Invert Zoology crossword puzzle
  1. the study of the evolutionary history of a species
  2. a taxon that consists of all of the descendants of a common ancestor
  3. a trait that was present in the ancestor of a group (aka ancestral)
  4. any group of species that we designate
  5. animals that neither possess nor develops a vertebral column, derived from the notochord
  6. the study of the form and structure of living things
  7. the branch of biology that investigates relationships among species to understand the history of life
  8. derived traits that are shared among a group and used as evidence of common ancestry
  9. group known to be phylogenically outside of the interest group
  1. the branch of BIOLOGY the reconstructs the evolutionary history of species
  2. where one species diverges into two on a phylogenetic tree (a branching point)
  3. non-motile
  4. a trait found in descendants that different from the ancestral (aka derived)
  5. group of primary interest
  6. a principle that suggests the simplest explanation of observed data is the preferred explanation
  7. the study of prehistoric life based on fossils
  8. features shared by two or more species that inherited it from a common ancestor
  9. evolution type that suggests that independently evolved traits subjected to similar selective pressures may become superficially similar
  10. the field devoted to the classification of organisms

19 Clues: non-motilegroup of primary interestany group of species that we designatethe study of prehistoric life based on fossilsthe study of the evolutionary history of a speciesthe study of the form and structure of living thingsthe field devoted to the classification of organismsgroup known to be phylogenically outside of the interest group...

3.01 notes 2023-03-02

3.01 notes crossword puzzle
  1. forestry is the science and practice of growing, managing, and __________ for building materials and other products
  2. a plant that completes its life cycle in two years
  3. plant hormones that quicken fruit ripening, and prevent seed germination and stem elongation
  4. agronomy is the science and practice of growing _________ such as cotton, wheat, tobacco, corn, and soybeans
  5. lose leaves during the dormant season
  6. a plant that lives more than two years
  7. the science and practice of growing, processing, and marketing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants
  8. plant hormones that work with auxins to stimulate cell division
  9. Evergreen retains leaves and remains ____ year-round
  1. a plant that completes its life cycle in one year
  2. plant hormones that speed up plant growth by stimulating cell enlargement
  3. biology is the branch of science that deals with both plant and ______ and life process
  4. plant hormones that stimulate growth in stem and leaf by cell elongation
  5. Turgid plant is swollen or filled with ________.
  6. the part of biology that deals with plants
  7. zoology is part of _______ that deals with animals

16 Clues: lose leaves during the dormant seasona plant that lives more than two yearsthe part of biology that deals with plantsTurgid plant is swollen or filled with ________.a plant that completes its life cycle in one yeara plant that completes its life cycle in two yearszoology is part of _______ that deals with animals...

Classes and School Supplies 2021-04-14

Classes and School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. schedule
  2. test
  3. desk
  4. physics
  5. English
  6. male/female student
  7. Spanish
  8. test; quiz
  9. book
  10. male teacher
  11. computer science
  12. biology
  13. backpack
  14. music
  1. math
  2. library
  3. female teacher
  4. history
  5. stadium
  6. window
  7. science
  8. art
  9. homework

23 Clues: artmathtestdeskbookmusicwindowlibraryphysicsEnglishhistorystadiumSpanishsciencebiologyschedulehomeworkbackpacktest; quizmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

WOW! 6 Unit 10 2018-02-16

WOW! 6 Unit 10 crossword puzzle
  1. füüsika
  2. vaene
  3. lõuna
  4. kehaline kasvatus
  5. lõpetama; lõppema
  6. vaidlema
  7. kirjandus
  8. lühidalt
  9. ametlik
  10. geograafia
  11. kuni
  12. pidin
  1. digitaalne
  2. näima, tunduma
  3. vähemalt
  4. algkool
  5. keemia
  6. sõltuma
  7. bioloogia
  8. hõimu
  9. diktofon
  10. keskpäev
  11. range
  12. vahetus
  13. laisk

25 Clues: kunivaenelõunahõimurangelaiskpidinkeemiafüüsikaalgkoolsõltumaametlikvahetusvähemaltvaidlemadiktofonkeskpäevlühidaltbioloogiakirjandusdigitaalnegeograafianäima, tundumakehaline kasvatuslõpetama; lõppema

La Escuela Crossword Puzzle Ethan Schemmel 2022-04-22

La Escuela Crossword Puzzle Ethan Schemmel crossword puzzle
  1. Government
  2. Technology
  3. Spanish
  4. Health
  5. Algebra
  6. World History
  7. PreCalculus
  8. Band
  9. English
  10. Geometry
  11. Anatomy
  1. Driver’s Ed
  2. Economy
  3. Nutrition
  4. Creative writing
  5. Geography
  6. Chemistry
  7. Psychology
  8. Journalism
  9. Physics
  10. Music
  11. Biology
  12. Choir
  13. Art
  14. Math

25 Clues: ArtBandMathMusicChoirHealthEconomySpanishAlgebraPhysicsBiologyEnglishAnatomyGeometryNutritionGeographyChemistryGovernmentTechnologyPsychologyJournalismDriver’s EdPreCalculusWorld HistoryCreative writing

En la clase 2023-09-20

En la clase crossword puzzle
  1. chemistry
  2. english
  3. computer science
  4. library
  5. economics
  6. bookstore
  7. because
  8. physics
  9. to the left of
  10. business
  11. history
  1. to have breakfast
  2. next to
  3. to have dinner
  4. biology
  5. mathematics
  6. psychology
  7. to arrive
  8. to the right of
  9. wastebasket

20 Clues: next toenglishbiologylibrarybecausephysicshistorybusinesschemistryeconomicsbookstoreto arrivepsychologymathematicswastebasketto have dinnerto the left ofto the right ofcomputer scienceto have breakfast

latin greek root words america 2023-11-13

latin greek root words america crossword puzzle
  1. many
  2. center
  3. under
  4. half
  5. to carry, a gate
  6. 100
  7. to speak,say
  8. life
  9. against
  10. to watch
  11. to write
  1. hear
  2. far away
  3. between,among
  4. time
  5. to throw
  6. water
  7. two
  8. fear
  9. around
  10. super

21 Clues: 100twohearmanytimehalffearlifeunderwatersupercenteraroundagainstfar awayto throwto watchto writeto speak,saybetween,amongto carry, a gate

First Day 2024-08-29

First Day crossword puzzle
  1. karta
  2. bild
  3. biologi
  4. tyckte,tänkte
  5. mellannamn
  6. göra ont
  7. expedition
  8. någon
  9. mentor
  10. första
  11. kemi
  12. från Wales
  13. idrott
  1. imorgon
  2. perfekt
  3. schema
  4. flytta
  5. inte förrän
  6. självklart
  7. fysik
  8. matematik
  9. NO

22 Clues: NObildkemikartanågonfysikschemaflyttamentorförstaidrottimorgonperfektbiologigöra ontmatematikmellannamnexpeditionsjälvklartfrån Walesinte förräntyckte,tänkte

Roots 2021-05-28

Roots crossword puzzle
  1. the person from the country
  2. Another Latin word for see
  3. you know about it
  4. Something we learn in biology
  5. A synonym for building
  2. the subject we learned about photosynthesis
  3. the things on bikes
  4. born in a certain place
  5. Viewers in an event

10 Clues: SOUNDSyou know about itthe things on bikesViewers in an eventA synonym for buildingborn in a certain placeAnother Latin word for seethe person from the countrySomething we learn in biologythe subject we learned about photosynthesis

Voc_School subjects 2024-12-03

Voc_School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. schwer, schwierig, hart
  2. das (Schul-)Fach
  3. Mathe
  4. Werken
  5. Französisch
  6. Sport
  7. Biologie
  8. Erdkunde
  9. weil
  1. Kunst
  2. die Schulveransammlung
  3. Informatik
  4. Naturwissenschaften
  5. Geschichte
  6. Mittagessen
  7. Deutsch

16 Clues: weilKunstMatheSportWerkenDeutschBiologieErdkundeInformatikGeschichteFranzösischMittagessendas (Schul-)FachNaturwissenschaftendie Schulveransammlungschwer, schwierig, hart

French Crosswors 2022-10-10

French Crosswors crossword puzzle
  1. Professor(Feminine)
  2. The classroom
  3. 50
  4. 70
  5. Friends (Feminine)
  6. Students
  7. easy
  8. for me
  9. Music
  10. agree or okay
  11. difficult
  1. 40
  2. Professors (Plural)
  3. Singular Course
  4. A class
  5. 60
  6. Biology
  7. History
  8. Calculus

19 Clues: 40605070easyMusicfor meA classBiologyHistoryStudentsCalculusdifficultThe classroomagree or okaySingular CourseFriends (Feminine)Professors (Plural)Professor(Feminine)

Spanish 2021-08-23

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. Biology
  2. Chemistry
  3. Art
  4. Education
  5. Spanish
  6. Social Studies
  7. Geography
  1. Geometry
  2. PE
  3. Science
  4. Algebra
  5. English
  6. Literature
  7. History

14 Clues: PEArtBiologyScienceAlgebraEnglishSpanishHistoryGeometryChemistryEducationGeographyLiteratureSocial Studies

Module 2 2022-04-21

Module 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Musicaltheater
  2. worldhistory
  3. biology
  4. anatomy
  5. health
  6. ushistory
  7. art
  8. choir
  9. physics
  1. chemistry
  2. geovernment
  3. arts
  4. naturales naturalscience
  5. sociales
  6. band

15 Clues: artartsbandchoirhealthbiologyanatomyphysicssocialeschemistryushistorygeovernmentworldhistoryMusicaltheaternaturales naturalscience

classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. mathmatics
  2. professor
  3. english
  4. physics
  5. science
  6. book
  7. biology
  1. library
  2. spanish
  3. art
  4. female student
  5. backpack
  6. history
  7. music

14 Clues: artbookmusiclibraryspanishenglishphysicssciencehistorybiologybackpackprofessormathmaticsfemale student

subjects 2024-04-22

subjects crossword puzzle
  1. hittan
  2. fizika
  3. biológia
  4. rajz
  5. földrajz
  6. tesi
  1. informatika
  2. kémia
  3. állampolgári ismeretek
  4. ének
  5. történelem
  6. technika
  7. matek
  8. magyar

14 Clues: énekrajztesikémiamatekhittanfizikamagyarbiológiatechnikaföldrajztörténeleminformatikaállampolgári ismeretek

Spanish Crossword 2014-01-20

Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Biology
  2. Ruler
  3. History
  4. Dictionary
  5. Shop,workshop
  6. To have
  7. paper
  8. Clothes
  1. Backpack
  2. Chemistry
  3. Shoes
  4. Pen
  5. School Subjects
  6. Folder
  7. English

15 Clues: PenShoesRulerpaperFolderBiologyHistoryEnglishTo haveClothesBackpackChemistryDictionaryShop,workshopSchool Subjects

Vocabulario 2012-11-07

Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. for
  2. practico
  3. primero
  4. the class
  5. study
  6. I need
  7. ensenar
  8. schedule
  9. almuerzo
  1. easy
  2. fun
  3. favorito
  4. let's see
  5. biologia
  6. aburrido

15 Clues: forfuneasystudyI needprimeroensenarpracticofavoritobiologiaaburridoschedulealmuerzothe classlet's see

School Subjects and Supplies 2024-04-10

School Subjects and Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. German
  2. gym
  3. history
  4. period
  5. biology
  6. boring
  7. grade-level
  1. interesting
  2. I like
  3. 7th
  4. I learn
  5. grade
  6. favorite subject
  7. Social Studies
  8. subject
  9. art

16 Clues: 7thgymartgradeI likeGermanperiodboringI learnhistorybiologysubjectinterestinggrade-levelSocial Studiesfavorite subject

Voc_School subjects 2024-12-03

Voc_School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Deutsch
  2. Werken
  3. Mathe
  4. Naturwissenschaften
  5. das (Schul-)Fach
  6. Mittagessen
  7. Erdkunde
  8. Geschichte
  1. weil
  2. Französisch
  3. Informatik
  4. die Schulveransammlung
  5. Kunst
  6. Sport
  7. Biologie
  8. schwer, schwierig, hart

16 Clues: weilMatheKunstSportWerkenDeutschBiologieErdkundeInformatikGeschichteFranzösischMittagessendas (Schul-)FachNaturwissenschaftendie Schulveransammlungschwer, schwierig, hart


LATIN AND GREEK ROOTS crossword puzzle
  1. to do
  2. strength
  3. mother
  4. flower
  5. throw
  6. to hear
  7. against
  1. death
  2. to voice
  3. respectful
  4. feeling
  5. faith
  6. bend
  7. power
  8. study of
  9. to break

16 Clues: benddeathto dofaithpowerthrowmotherflowerfeelingto hearagainstto voicestrengthstudy ofto breakrespectful

Voc_School subjects 2024-12-03

Voc_School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Naturwissenschaften
  2. Kunst
  3. Werken
  4. Geschichte
  5. Erdkunde
  6. die Schulveransammlung
  7. Informatik
  1. Französisch
  2. Sport
  3. das (Schul-)Fach
  4. Mathe
  5. schwer, schwierig, hart
  6. weil
  7. Mittagessen
  8. Deutsch
  9. Biologie

16 Clues: weilSportMatheKunstWerkenDeutschErdkundeBiologieGeschichteInformatikFranzösischMittagessendas (Schul-)FachNaturwissenschaftendie Schulveransammlungschwer, schwierig, hart

Skolämnen 2022-03-29

Skolämnen crossword puzzle
  1. technology
  2. religious studies
  3. physics
  4. german
  5. english
  6. history
  7. social studies/civics
  8. wood work/needle work
  9. chemistry
  10. swedish
  1. maths
  2. PE
  3. biology
  4. french
  5. geography
  6. cooking/domestic science/home economics
  7. spanish
  8. art
  9. music

19 Clues: PEartmathsmusicfrenchgermanbiologyphysicsenglishspanishhistoryswedishgeographychemistrytechnologyreligious studiessocial studies/civicswood work/needle workcooking/domestic science/home economics

Spanish Vocab Crossword 2024-03-26

Spanish Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Hallway
  2. to pass a test
  3. Classroom
  4. Bathroom
  5. Chemistry
  6. to take an exam
  7. to raise your hand
  8. Cafeteria
  9. Math
  10. Geography
  11. History
  12. Gym
  1. Lab
  2. Literature
  3. Principal's office
  4. Library
  5. Biology
  6. Cafeteria
  7. Computer Lab
  8. Physics

20 Clues: LabGymMathHallwayLibraryBiologyPhysicsHistoryBathroomClassroomCafeteriaChemistryCafeteriaGeographyLiteratureComputer Labto pass a testto take an examPrincipal's officeto raise your hand

Lieblingsfächer 2013-08-29

Lieblingsfächer crossword puzzle
  1. religious education
  2. Woolwork, metalwork
  3. favourite subject
  4. health education
  5. biology
  6. information Technology (Computing)
  7. home economics
  8. English
  9. physics
  10. German
  11. French
  12. art
  1. history
  2. geography
  3. maths
  4. science
  5. social studies
  6. Dutch
  7. chemistry
  8. music
  9. subject
  10. sport

22 Clues: artmathsDutchmusicsportGermanFrenchhistorysciencebiologyEnglishsubjectphysicsgeographychemistrysocial studieshome economicshealth educationfavourite subjectreligious educationWoolwork, metalworkinformation Technology (Computing)

Classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

Classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. library
  3. backpack
  4. male/female student
  5. male teacher
  6. test/quiz
  7. music
  8. art
  9. math
  10. biology
  1. window
  2. history
  3. test
  4. physics
  5. desk
  6. female teacher
  7. spanish
  8. English
  9. science
  10. schedule
  11. stadium
  12. computer science
  13. homework

23 Clues: artbooktestdeskmathmusicwindowhistorylibraryphysicsspanishEnglishsciencestadiumbiologybackpackschedulehomeworktest/quizmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. female student
  2. male student
  3. spanish
  4. stadium
  5. schedule
  6. library
  7. male teacher
  8. biology
  9. window
  10. computer science
  1. math
  2. science
  3. test
  4. book
  5. art
  6. desk
  7. history
  8. female teacher
  9. test/quiz
  10. backpack
  11. english
  12. physica
  13. homework

23 Clues: artmathtestbookdeskwindowsciencespanishstadiumhistorylibraryenglishphysicabiologyschedulebackpackhomeworktest/quizmale studentmale teacherfemale studentfemale teachercomputer science

En la clase (uses el and la) 2022-10-16

En la clase (uses el and la) crossword puzzle
  1. homework
  2. semester
  3. exam
  4. physics
  5. university
  6. library
  7. accounting
  8. econimics
  9. Spanish
  10. computer science
  11. art
  12. schedule
  1. school
  2. sciences
  3. class
  4. trimester
  5. bookstore
  6. cafeteria
  7. quiz
  8. stadium
  9. biology
  10. house
  11. classmate
  12. course
  13. music
  14. geography

26 Clues: artexamquizclasshousemusicschoolcoursephysicsstadiumbiologylibrarySpanishhomeworksciencessemesterscheduletrimesterbookstorecafeteriaclassmateeconimicsgeographyuniversityaccountingcomputer science

1st 9 weeks prefixes and roots review 2020-09-14

1st 9 weeks prefixes and roots review crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. to hear
  3. two
  4. foot
  5. life
  6. after
  7. good
  8. heat
  9. night
  10. earth
  11. opposite
  12. water
  13. small
  14. end
  15. around
  1. half
  2. backward
  3. light
  4. air
  5. against
  6. kind
  7. before
  8. star
  9. under
  10. time
  11. bad

26 Clues: twoairbadendhalfbookfootlifekindgoodheatstartimelightafternightearthunderwatersmallbeforearoundto hearagainstbackwardopposite

Práctica del vocabulario del capítulo 2 2023-01-30

Práctica del vocabulario del capítulo 2 crossword puzzle
  1. class
  2. literature
  3. library
  4. whiteboard
  5. window
  6. door
  7. eraser
  8. history
  9. university
  10. algebra
  11. biology
  12. Spanish
  13. paper
  1. trash
  2. calculator
  3. chemistry
  4. chair
  5. large desk
  6. study hall
  7. homework
  8. art
  9. English
  10. notebook
  11. map
  12. house

25 Clues: artmapdoortrashclasschairhousepaperwindoweraserlibraryEnglishhistoryalgebrabiologySpanishhomeworknotebookchemistrycalculatorlarge deskstudy hallliteraturewhiteboarduniversity

Práctica del vocabulario del capítulo 2 2023-01-30

Práctica del vocabulario del capítulo 2 crossword puzzle
  1. class
  2. literature
  3. library
  4. whiteboard
  5. window
  6. door
  7. eraser
  8. history
  9. university
  10. algebra
  11. biology
  12. Spanish
  13. paper
  1. trash
  2. calculator
  3. chemistry
  4. chair
  5. large desk
  6. study hall
  7. homework
  8. art
  9. English
  10. notebook
  11. map
  12. house

25 Clues: artmapdoortrashclasschairhousepaperwindoweraserlibraryEnglishhistoryalgebrabiologySpanishhomeworknotebookchemistrycalculatorlarge deskstudy hallliteraturewhiteboarduniversity

Unidad 2 2B Vocab 2023-09-28

Unidad 2 2B Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. how/what
  2. Sunday
  3. shoe
  4. lunch
  5. high school
  6. history
  7. Thursday
  8. biology
  9. pants
  10. math
  11. Monday
  12. Tuesday
  1. Wednesday
  2. Saturday
  3. skirt
  4. Telephone
  5. blouse
  6. socks
  7. art
  8. clothing
  9. Friday
  10. t-shirt
  11. schedule
  12. look
  13. English

25 Clues: artshoelookmathskirtsockslunchpantsblouseSundayFridayMondayt-shirthistorybiologyEnglishTuesdayhow/whatSaturdayclothingscheduleThursdayWednesdayTelephonehigh school

№8 Words 2023-10-23

№8 Words crossword puzzle
  1. ноутбук
  2. прохолодний
  3. астрономія
  4. дуже жаркий, гарячий
  5. математик
  6. біолог
  7. математика
  8. ім'я користувача, логін
  9. пароль
  10. дуже холодний
  11. холодний
  1. фізик
  2. астроном
  3. фізика
  4. хімія
  5. теплий
  6. широкосмуговий доступ
  7. спостерігати (або уважно дивитися)
  8. жаркий
  9. хімік
  10. біологія
  11. клавіатура

22 Clues: фізикхіміяхімікфізикатеплийбіологжаркийпарольноутбукастрономбіологіяхолоднийматематикастрономіяматематикаклавіатурапрохолоднийдуже холоднийдуже жаркий, гарячийширокосмуговий доступім'я користувача, логінспостерігати (або уважно дивитися)

Spanish words 2024-03-22

Spanish words crossword puzzle
  1. gym
  2. lab
  3. bathroom
  4. hallway
  5. to raise hand
  6. history
  7. computer lab
  8. literature
  9. to fail a test
  1. chemistry
  2. cafeteria
  3. to take an exam
  4. library
  5. to pay attention
  6. biology
  7. geography
  8. math
  9. Classroom
  10. to take notes
  11. physics

20 Clues: gymlabmathlibrarybiologyhallwayhistoryphysicsbathroomchemistrycafeteriageographyClassroomliteraturecomputer labto raise handto take notesto fail a testto take an examto pay attention

School Lessons 2016-04-07

School Lessons crossword puzzle
  1. физика
  2. французский язык
  3. география
  4. русский язык
  5. математика
  6. safety ОБЖ
  7. естествознание
  8. литература
  1. музыка
  2. история
  3. английский язык
  4. труд, технология
  5. химия
  6. биология
  7. классный час
  8. ИЗО

16 Clues: ИЗОхимиямузыкафизикаисториябиологиягеографияматематикаsafety ОБЖлитературарусский языкклассный часестествознаниеанглийский языкфранцузский языктруд, технология

Life Science 2022-08-26

Life Science crossword puzzle
  1. biologists learn new things
  2. study biology
  3. good way to learn biology concepts
  4. changing or moving
  1. study of life
  2. movement
  3. shows what something looks like

7 Clues: movementstudy of lifestudy biologychanging or movingbiologists learn new thingsshows what something looks likegood way to learn biology concepts

espanol vocab 2023-09-19

espanol vocab crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. calculus
  3. field
  4. literature
  5. physics
  6. nurse
  7. theatre
  1. laboratory
  2. coach
  3. lockers
  4. trigonomitry
  5. orquestra
  6. counselor
  7. the court of tennis
  8. dance

15 Clues: coachfielddancenurselockersbiologyphysicstheatrecalculusorquestracounselorlaboratoryliteraturetrigonomitrythe court of tennis

bio 2024-02-27

bio crossword puzzle
  1. who studies living things
  2. living things
  3. earth
  4. nerve system
  1. natural food
  2. self
  3. removes tissue
  4. wrote biology someone
  5. medicine

9 Clues: selfearthmedicinenerve systemnatural foodliving thingsremoves tissuewrote biology someonewho studies living things

All crossword about 2020-01-13

All crossword about crossword puzzle
  1. and plants grow and develop. Developmental biology
  2. adult organism.
  3. biology is the study of the process by which
  4. developmental biology.
  5. the late 20th century the discipline largely transformed into
  1. and the growth and differentiation of stem cells in
  2. encompasses the biology of regeneration asexual reproduction

7 Clues: adult organism.developmental biology.biology is the study of the process by whichand plants grow and develop. Developmental biologyand the growth and differentiation of stem cells inencompasses the biology of regeneration asexual reproductionthe late 20th century the discipline largely transformed into

Sustainability Glossary 2018-05-21

Sustainability Glossary crossword puzzle
  1. the way to do something
  2. seriously at risk of extinction
  3. the process of eroding or being eroded
  4. Any of the worlds main mass of land
  5. not alive
  6. Another word for plants
  1. the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives
  2. All the visible features of an area of land
  3. weather in an area
  4. relating to biology
  5. Any such living thing other than a human
  6. Used by scientists
  7. Another word for animals

13 Clues: not aliveweather in an areaUsed by scientistsrelating to biologythe way to do somethingAnother word for plantsAnother word for animalsseriously at risk of extinctionAny of the worlds main mass of landthe process of eroding or being erodedAny such living thing other than a humanAll the visible features of an area of land...

Science Department 2014-04-30

Science Department crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 11
  3. 10
  4. 4
  5. 2
  6. 8
  7. 1
  8. 7
  1. 14
  2. 13
  3. 5
  4. 12
  5. 3
  6. 9

14 Clues: 6534281791413111012

Français I - 10 octobre 2016 2016-10-10

Français I - 10 octobre 2016 crossword puzzle
  1. class
  2. class
  3. music
  4. geography
  5. Latin
  6. French
  7. physics
  8. subject
  1. history
  2. biology
  3. literature
  4. art/drawing
  5. English
  6. calculus
  7. chemistry

15 Clues: classclassmusicLatinFrenchhistorybiologyEnglishphysicssubjectcalculusgeographychemistryliteratureart/drawing

education 2014-03-14

education crossword puzzle
  1. musica
  2. lezione
  3. chimica
  4. day giornata scolastica
  5. geografia
  6. instruire
  7. scienze
  8. school scuola elementare
  9. verificare
  10. school lasciare la scuola
  1. school asilo
  2. matematica
  3. università
  4. school scuola secondaria
  5. storia
  6. intervallo
  7. frequentare
  8. artistica

18 Clues: musicastorialezionechimicascienzegeografiainstruireartisticamatematicauniversitàintervalloverificarefrequentareschool asiloday giornata scolasticaschool scuola secondariaschool scuola elementareschool lasciare la scuola

TB p. 54 and WB p. 72 2019-12-13

TB p. 54 and WB p. 72 crossword puzzle
  1. luokka-aste
  2. elämänkatsomustieto
  3. kemia
  4. musiikki
  5. fysiikka
  6. ruotsin kieli
  7. historia
  8. järjestelmä
  1. maantieto
  2. matematiikka
  3. uskonto
  4. ranskan kieli
  5. espanjan kieli
  6. biologia
  7. käsityöt

15 Clues: kemiauskontomusiikkibiologiafysiikkakäsityöthistoriamaantietoluokka-astejärjestelmämatematiikkaranskan kieliruotsin kieliespanjan kielielämänkatsomustieto

Vocabulario: Ch. 2: Las Materias (Classes) 2024-02-05

Vocabulario: Ch. 2: Las Materias (Classes) crossword puzzle
  1. Geography
  2. Phys Ed/ Gym Class
  3. Tech Ed
  4. Biology
  5. Psychology
  6. Math
  7. Science
  1. Computers
  2. Spanish
  3. English
  4. Chemistry
  5. Economics
  6. History
  7. Art
  8. Music

15 Clues: ArtMathMusicSpanishEnglishTech EdHistoryBiologyScienceComputersGeographyChemistryEconomicsPsychologyPhys Ed/ Gym Class

Kpl 9 kuvasanasto ristikko 2023-01-25

Kpl 9 kuvasanasto ristikko crossword puzzle
  1. liikunta
  2. äidinkieli(suomi)
  3. kuvataide
  4. matematiikka
  5. musiikki
  6. ruotsi
  7. biologia
  8. maantieto
  1. uskonto
  2. elämänkatsomustieto
  3. fysiikka
  4. historia
  5. käsityö
  6. kemia

14 Clues: kemiaruotsiuskontokäsityöliikuntafysiikkahistoriamusiikkibiologiakuvataidemaantietomatematiikkaäidinkieli(suomi)elämänkatsomustieto

Vocab 2018-04-23

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. in-the-evening
  3. German
  4. geography
  5. in-the-morning
  6. in-the-afternoon
  7. biology
  8. homework
  9. chemistry
  1. musicale music
  2. now
  3. recess
  4. art-class
  5. physics
  6. computer-science
  7. today
  8. Spanish
  9. tomorrow
  10. test
  11. history
  12. physical-education

21 Clues: nowtesttodayrecessGermanphysicsSpanishbiologyhistorytomorrowhomeworkart-classgeographychemistrymathematicsmusicale musicin-the-eveningin-the-morningcomputer-sciencein-the-afternoonphysical-education

Przedmioty szkolne 2021-12-09

Przedmioty szkolne crossword puzzle
  1. ​języki obce nowożytne
  2. ​plan lekcji
  3. historia
  4. fizyka
  5. przyroda
  6. ​chemia
  7. ​biologia
  8. ​język angielski
  9. informatyka
  10. matematyka
  1. plastyka
  2. ​język francuski
  3. muzyka
  4. ​wiedza o społeczeństwie
  5. ​literatura
  6. and technology technika
  7. wychowanie fizyczne
  8. subjects przedmioty szkolne
  9. geografia
  10. ​zajęcia teatralne

20 Clues: muzykafizyka​chemiaplastykahistoriaprzyroda​biologiageografiamatematyka​literaturainformatyka​plan lekcji​język francuski​język angielski​zajęcia teatralnewychowanie fizyczne​języki obce nowożytneand technology technika​wiedza o społeczeństwiesubjects przedmioty szkolne

Las Clases 2022-01-24

Las Clases crossword puzzle
  1. college
  2. fun
  3. aide
  4. science
  5. Spanish
  6. P.E.
  7. choir
  8. band
  9. art
  10. ELA
  11. theatre
  12. culinary arts
  13. history
  1. horrible
  2. athletics
  3. interesting
  4. difficult
  5. wood shop
  6. leadership
  7. algebra
  8. easy
  9. boring
  10. biology
  11. orquestra
  12. math

25 Clues: funartELAaideeasyP.E.mathbandchoirboringcollegesciencealgebraSpanishbiologytheatrehistoryhorribleathleticsdifficultwood shoporquestraleadershipinterestingculinary arts


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. BAND
  8. CHOIR
  10. DRAMA
  4. ART
  5. DANCE
  10. MUSIC
  12. HEALTH


Brayden Stokes - Spanish Vocab Crossword 2022-04-11

Brayden Stokes - Spanish Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. law
  3. physics
  4. library
  5. English
  6. foreign language
  7. binder
  8. book
  9. math
  10. music
  11. history
  12. ruler
  13. laboratory
  1. physical education
  2. calculator
  3. biology
  4. locker
  5. pencil
  6. chemistry
  7. blackboard
  8. compulsory subject
  9. desk
  10. bookbag
  11. classroom
  12. break

25 Clues: artlawdeskbookmathbreakmusicrulerlockerpencilbinderphysicsbiologylibraryEnglishbookbaghistorychemistryclassroomcalculatorblackboardlaboratoryforeign languagephysical educationcompulsory subject

ابحث عن معاني 2023-03-06

ابحث عن معاني crossword puzzle
  1. تجرية
  2. اخترع
  3. علم الأمراض
  4. اِعتلال نفسي
  5. أحنط
  6. إسعاف أولي
  7. علم الأحياء
  8. هبوط اضطراري
  1. اِنشطار الشخصية
  2. أعراضيَ
  3. الأيض
  4. احمرار الدم
  5. اعتلال عصبي
  6. تحت الأحمر
  7. اِعتلال الذاكرة
  8. اختبر
  9. انسان آلي
  10. اِعصار قمعي
  11. اِعصار حلزوني
  12. بشرة

20 Clues: أحنطبشرةالأيضتجريةاخترعاختبرأعراضيَانسان آليتحت الأحمرإسعاف أولياحمرار الدماعتلال عصبيعلم الأمراضاِعصار قمعيعلم الأحياءاِعتلال نفسيهبوط اضطرارياِعصار حلزونياِنشطار الشخصيةاِعتلال الذاكرة

En la clase 2020-02-09

En la clase crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. physics
  3. calculous
  4. small
  5. class
  6. big
  7. math
  8. high school
  9. biology
  10. literature
  11. male teacher
  12. hard
  13. optional
  1. geomotry
  2. science
  3. social studiesel
  4. female teacher
  5. male student
  6. chemistry
  7. popular
  8. history
  9. obligated
  10. level
  11. algebra

24 Clues: bigmathhardsmallclasslevelsciencephysicspopularbiologyhistoryalgebrageomotryoptionalgeographycalculouschemistryobligatedliteraturehigh schoolmale studentmale teacherfemale teachersocial studiesel

Classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

Classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. Physics
  3. window
  4. Biology
  5. Male teacher
  6. Test; quiz
  7. Computer science
  8. desk
  9. Schedule
  10. Spanish
  11. English
  12. libary
  13. Female teacher
  1. backpack
  2. Math
  3. stadium
  4. Homework
  5. Art
  6. History
  7. Science
  8. Test
  9. book
  10. Male/female student

23 Clues: ArtMathdeskTestbookMusicwindowlibaryPhysicsstadiumBiologyHistoryScienceSpanishEnglishbackpackHomeworkScheduleTest; quizMale teacherFemale teacherComputer scienceMale/female student

School Subjects 2024-01-14

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. földrajz
  2. német
  3. biológia
  4. történelem
  5. rajz
  6. kézműves, technika (többesszám)
  7. kórus
  8. olvasás
  9. kémia
  10. írás
  11. fizika (1.i=y)
  12. természetismeret, természettudomány
  1. magyar
  2. digitális kultúra
  3. fogalmazás
  4. etika
  5. irodalom
  6. nyelvtan
  7. órarend
  8. hittan
  9. zene, ének
  10. testnevelés

22 Clues: rajzírásnémetetikakóruskémiamagyarhittanórarendolvasásföldrajzbiológiairodalomnyelvtanfogalmazástörténelemzene, énektestnevelésfizika (1.i=y)digitális kultúrakézműves, technika (többesszám)természetismeret, természettudomány

LU7 Theme 2 words and phrases 2024-11-27

LU7 Theme 2 words and phrases crossword puzzle
  1. historia
  2. biologia
  3. espanjan kieli
  4. kirjallisuus
  5. opettaja
  6. koulutus
  7. kuvaamataito
  8. käsityö
  9. lukukausi
  10. liikunta
  11. rehtori
  12. fysiikka
  1. lukujärjestys
  2. saksan kieli
  3. terveydenhoitaja
  4. oppilas, opiskelija
  5. kouluaine
  6. todistus
  7. uskonto
  8. kemia
  9. maantieto
  10. ruotsin kieli
  11. välitunti
  12. matematiikka

24 Clues: kemiauskontokäsityörehtorihistoriabiologiatodistusopettajakoulutusliikuntafysiikkakouluainemaantietovälituntilukukausisaksan kielikirjallisuuskuvaamataitomatematiikkalukujärjestysruotsin kieliespanjan kieliterveydenhoitajaoppilas, opiskelija

End of school year puzzle. 2022-06-03

End of school year puzzle. crossword puzzle
  1. molecules that store energy
  2. The force that is around celestial bodies
  3. plates going apart
  4. dead matter that is older and under pressure
  5. A dome with life in it
  6. the rock that is mand out of 7 down
  7. plates coming together
  8. matter that is dead
  9. where the plates meet
  1. the rover that travels on #4 down
  2. the red planet
  3. What broken down rock turns into
  4. is Something that is physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and biology.
  5. We are based on this
  6. is something we need you to need to conserve in a drought.
  7. is the opposite of water

16 Clues: the red planetplates going apartmatter that is deadWe are based on thiswhere the plates meetA dome with life in itplates coming togetheris the opposite of watermolecules that store energyWhat broken down rock turns intothe rover that travels on #4 downthe rock that is mand out of 7 downThe force that is around celestial bodies...

Biology Chapter 1 Vocabulary 2023-08-17

Biology Chapter 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Concern to protect the enviorment
  2. represents an idea
  3. God's law to fill the earth and have dominion over it
  4. based on repeated statements
  5. A questionnaire based quiz
  6. How someone views the world
  7. conserving recources in nature
  8. a systematic observation
  1. way of explaining
  2. the use of biology to develop new products
  3. the study of ethical, social,and legal issues that arise in biomedical research
  4. We are made differently and set apart from any other creature
  5. an idea based on limited evidance
  6. the process of observing or looking closely
  7. study of life
  8. an untested guess or idea

16 Clues: study of lifeway of explainingrepresents an ideaa systematic observationan untested guess or ideaA questionnaire based quizHow someone views the worldbased on repeated statementsconserving recources in natureConcern to protect the enviormentan idea based on limited evidancethe use of biology to develop new products...

Exploring Life Science 2021-08-10

Exploring Life Science crossword puzzle
  1. A hands-on activity to learn about biology.
  2. Changing images that show change & movement.
  3. The study of life and living things.
  4. Shows what something looks like in real life.
  1. Always changing or moving.
  2. A scientist who studies biology.
  3. A procedure done to learn new things.
  4. Any type of picture.

8 Clues: Any type of picture.Always changing or moving.A scientist who studies biology.The study of life and living things.A procedure done to learn new things.A hands-on activity to learn about biology.Changing images that show change & movement.Shows what something looks like in real life.

Les cours 2023-10-27

Les cours crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. economy
  3. study
  4. business administration
  5. philosophy
  6. history
  1. psychology
  2. class
  3. gym
  4. biology
  5. chemistry
  6. computer science
  7. homework
  8. math

14 Clues: gymmathclassstudybiologyeconomyhistoryhomeworkgeographychemistrypsychologyphilosophycomputer sciencebusiness administration

erm sigma 2024-09-24

erm sigma crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 13
  3. 6
  4. 7
  5. 1
  6. 12
  7. 11
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 9
  4. 8
  5. 10
  6. 4
  7. 14

14 Clues: 2395864711310141211

Stem Contract 2021-09-27

Stem Contract crossword puzzle
  1. The state of being technical
  2. Relating to the future
  3. To disagree
  4. When a peson is engrossed with one thing.
  5. Zoology that deals with geographical distribution of animals.
  6. A person who replaces a teacher when they are not present.
  7. A condition as to having low body temperature.
  8. A technical issue
  9. A definite way of writing
  10. A human with supernatural abilities.
  11. Relationships between the body and the mind.
  1. Agriculture using advanced technology.
  2. To have a lack of excitement
  3. A branch of biology that deals with relations of organisms.
  4. A woman in charge of a post-office.
  5. Excessively sensitive or overally sensitive.
  6. The study of humanity through biology

17 Clues: To disagreeA technical issueRelating to the futureA definite way of writingThe state of being technicalTo have a lack of excitementA woman in charge of a post-office.A human with supernatural abilities.The study of humanity through biologyAgriculture using advanced technology.When a peson is engrossed with one thing....

RGMu3abc 2018-11-06

RGMu3abc crossword puzzle
  1. przedszkole
  2. uczeń/uczennica
  3. uczeń (młodszy)
  4. chemia
  5. nauki ścisłe / nauka
  6. szkoła średnia
  7. geografia
  8. szkoła podstawowa
  9. zeszyt
  10. biologia
  11. j. angielski
  1. gumka
  2. gimnazjum
  3. klej
  4. plastyka
  5. uniwersystet
  6. słownik
  7. nauczyciel
  8. podręcznik (also: students' book)
  9. bibliotekarz
  10. zeszyt ćwiczeń

21 Clues: klejgumkachemiazeszytsłownikplastykabiologiagimnazjumgeografianauczycielprzedszkoleuniwersystetbibliotekarzj. angielskiszkoła średniazeszyt ćwiczeńuczeń/uczennicauczeń (młodszy)szkoła podstawowanauki ścisłe / naukapodręcznik (also: students' book)

BTG 2 2019-09-11

BTG 2 crossword puzzle
  1. vijand
  2. dolfijn
  3. biologie
  4. uiterlijk
  5. chips
  6. leeuw
  7. duur
  8. tapijt
  9. omschrijven
  10. teleurgesteld
  11. stiefvader
  12. kasteel
  13. vakantie
  1. beslissen
  2. koelast
  3. taal
  4. gelukkig
  5. ananas
  6. raden
  7. spier
  8. grootmoeder
  9. brein
  10. boven
  11. geschiedenis
  12. vak
  13. dak

26 Clues: vakdaktaalduurradenspierbreinbovenchipsleeuwvijandananastapijtkoelastdolfijnkasteelgelukkigbiologievakantiebeslissenuiterlijkstiefvadergrootmoederomschrijvengeschiedenisteleurgesteld

Types of classes 2020-10-20

Types of classes crossword puzzle
  1. dance
  2. art
  3. meals and nutrition
  4. chemistry
  5. social studies
  6. biology
  7. technology
  8. theater
  9. music
  10. health
  11. mathematics
  1. physical education
  2. construction
  3. French
  4. Spanish
  5. band
  6. car technology
  7. interior design
  8. military
  9. science
  10. algebra
  11. English
  12. history

23 Clues: artbanddancemusicFrenchhealthSpanishsciencealgebraEnglishhistorybiologytheatermilitarychemistrytechnologymathematicsconstructioncar technologysocial studiesinterior designphysical educationmeals and nutrition

mis clases 2020-10-28

mis clases crossword puzzle
  1. to dance
  2. band
  3. spanish
  4. theater
  5. french
  6. history
  7. music
  8. pe
  9. art
  10. foods and nutrition
  11. algebra
  12. biology
  13. construction
  14. chemistry
  15. english
  16. health
  1. military
  2. interior design
  3. science
  4. automotive
  5. social studies
  6. technology
  7. mathematics

23 Clues: peartbandmusicfrenchhealthspanishsciencetheaterhistoryalgebrabiologyenglishmilitaryto dancechemistryautomotivetechnologymathematicsconstructionsocial studiesinterior designfoods and nutrition

Spanish class 2021-04-14

Spanish class crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. test/quiz
  3. backpack
  4. homework
  5. library
  6. window
  7. female teacher
  8. test
  9. computer science
  10. math
  11. desk
  1. biology
  2. schedule
  3. art
  4. english
  5. male/female student
  6. stadium
  7. male teacher
  8. music
  9. spanish
  10. physics
  11. history
  12. science

23 Clues: artbooktestmathdeskmusicwindowbiologylibraryenglishstadiumspanishphysicshistoryscienceschedulebackpackhomeworktest/quizmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. backpack
  2. test;quiz
  3. homework
  4. physics
  5. book
  6. male teacher
  7. English
  8. math
  9. science
  10. library
  1. history
  2. computer science
  3. biology
  4. music
  5. stadium
  6. art
  7. scheduled
  8. male/female student
  9. test
  10. window
  11. desk
  12. Spanish
  13. female teacher

23 Clues: arttestbookdeskmathmusicwindowhistorybiologystadiumphysicsEnglishscienceSpanishlibrarybackpackhomeworktest;quizscheduledmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. window
  2. schedule
  3. English
  4. desk
  5. test
  6. homework
  7. female teacher
  8. math
  9. computer science
  10. biology
  1. library
  2. person
  3. history
  4. stadium
  5. art
  6. male teacher
  7. male or female student
  8. backpack
  9. physical
  10. Spanish
  11. test;quiz
  12. science
  13. music
  14. book

24 Clues: artdesktestmathbookmusicpersonwindowlibraryhistorystadiumEnglishSpanishsciencebiologyschedulebackpackphysicalhomeworktest;quizmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale or female student

Unit 14: La escuela 2022-03-28

Unit 14: La escuela crossword puzzle
  1. office
  2. homework
  3. auditorium
  4. coach
  5. geography
  6. sharpener
  7. detention
  8. calculator
  9. stapler
  10. library
  11. french
  1. principal
  2. glue
  3. chemistry
  4. biology
  5. grade
  6. computer science
  7. notebook
  8. stamp
  9. meeting
  10. ruler
  11. envelope
  12. choir
  13. japanese
  14. band
  15. german

26 Clues: gluebandgradecoachstamprulerchoirofficegermanfrenchbiologymeetingstaplerlibraryhomeworknotebookenvelopejapaneseprincipalchemistrygeographysharpenerdetentionauditoriumcalculatorcomputer science

PVCC Materie Vocabolario 2024-06-26

PVCC Materie Vocabolario crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. History
  3. Christian Education
  4. Health
  5. Physical Education
  6. Food Technology
  7. Geography
  8. Wood Tech
  9. Chemistry
  10. Technology
  11. Drama
  12. Art
  13. Philosophy
  1. Science
  2. Biology
  3. Mathematics
  4. Psychology
  5. Humanities
  6. Physics
  7. Music
  8. Economics
  9. Religion
  10. Subjects
  11. IT
  12. Languages

25 Clues: ITArtMusicDramaHealthEnglishScienceHistoryBiologyPhysicsReligionSubjectsGeographyEconomicsWood TechChemistryLanguagesPsychologyHumanitiesTechnologyPhilosophyMathematicsFood TechnologyPhysical EducationChristian Education

Spanish Test 2024-11-06

Spanish Test crossword puzzle
  1. : shirt
  2. : magazine
  3. : jersey, polo, t-shirt
  4. : sock
  5. : window
  6. : wall
  7. : @
  8. :clock, watch
  9. : biology
  10. : door
  11. : school
  12. : desk
  13. : notebook
  14. :ruler
  15. : (computer) mouse
  1. : marker
  2. : mathematics
  3. : blackboard
  4. : computer
  5. : eraser
  6. : newspaper
  7. : chair
  8. : desk
  9. : keyboard
  10. : pencil

25 Clues: : @: sock: wall: door: desk: desk:ruler: shirt: chair: marker: eraser: window: school: pencil: biology: magazine: computer: keyboard: notebook: newspaper: blackboard: mathematics:clock, watch: (computer) mouse: jersey, polo, t-shirt

Classes 2020-10-14

Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Health
  2. Physical education
  3. Social studies
  4. Military
  5. Automobile technology
  6. Mathematics
  7. Construction
  8. Natural science
  9. Theator
  10. Art
  11. Chemistry
  1. Interior design
  2. Band
  3. Technology
  4. Music
  5. Algebra
  6. French
  7. Meals and nutrition
  8. Spanish
  9. History
  10. Biology
  11. English
  12. Dance

23 Clues: ArtBandMusicDanceHealthFrenchAlgebraSpanishHistoryBiologyEnglishTheatorMilitaryChemistryTechnologyMathematicsConstructionSocial studiesInterior designNatural sciencePhysical educationMeals and nutritionAutomobile technology

classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. male/female student
  2. science
  3. music
  4. physics
  5. homework
  6. art
  7. test
  8. stadium
  9. history
  10. biology
  11. male teacher
  12. window
  1. English
  2. math
  3. desk
  4. book
  5. scheduled
  6. library
  7. test;quiz
  8. backpack
  9. Spanish
  10. computer science
  11. female teacher

23 Clues: artmathdeskbooktestmusicwindowEnglishsciencelibraryphysicsSpanishstadiumhistorybiologyhomeworkbackpackscheduledtest;quizmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

Vocabulary Practice Crossword 2022-01-18

Vocabulary Practice Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. German
  2. school supplies
  3. science
  4. difficult
  5. French
  6. pencil
  7. backpack
  8. lunch
  9. biology
  10. history
  11. calculator
  12. easy
  13. notebook
  1. matemáticas
  2. shoes
  3. paper
  4. any/nothing
  5. computing
  6. clothes
  7. ruler
  8. dictionary
  9. file
  10. clock
  11. pen
  12. heap/pile

25 Clues: penfileeasyshoespaperrulerclocklunchGermanFrenchpencilclothessciencebiologyhistorybackpacknotebookcomputingdifficultheap/piledictionarycalculatormatemáticasany/nothingschool supplies

Ch.3 Etudes 2016-12-17

Ch.3 Etudes crossword puzzle
  1. class
  2. school
  3. geography
  4. engineering
  5. grade
  6. physics
  7. teaching
  8. sociology
  9. major
  10. biology
  11. literature
  12. languges
  13. studies
  1. college
  2. to learn
  3. required
  4. accounting
  5. high school
  6. computer science
  7. chemistry
  8. profession
  9. subjucts
  10. calculus
  11. English
  12. math

25 Clues: mathclassgrademajorschoolcollegephysicsbiologyEnglishstudiesto learnrequiredteachingsubjuctscalculuslangugesgeographysociologychemistryaccountingprofessionliteratureengineeringhigh schoolcomputer science

English-SpanishMarcus2 2017-12-15

English-SpanishMarcus2 crossword puzzle
  1. Football
  2. Sleep
  3. Cat
  4. December
  5. Car
  6. Saturday
  7. English
  8. Tiger
  9. Beach
  10. Mi bicicleta tiene....ruedas
  1. Poppa tiene ....nietos
  2. Pen
  3. Yo tengo.....hermano
  4. Biology
  5. Thankyou
  6. Rice
  7. Fly (verb)
  8. Yo tengo.....anos
  9. Ara es mi.....
  10. Red

20 Clues: PenCatCarRedRiceSleepTigerBeachBiologyEnglishFootballThankyouDecemberSaturdayFly (verb)Ara es mi.....Yo tengo.....anosYo tengo.....hermanoPoppa tiene ....nietosMi bicicleta tiene....ruedas

Spanish Crossword 2015-11-15

Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Saturday
  2. To be
  3. White
  4. Screen
  5. Skirt
  6. Sunday
  7. Art
  8. Color
  9. Laser Printer
  10. Yellow
  11. Neither
  12. History
  1. Spanish
  2. Pants
  3. Hello
  4. Exam
  5. Biology
  6. To wear
  7. Computer Class
  8. Lunch
  9. Look
  10. @
  11. Computer
  12. sock
  13. Music

25 Clues: @ArtExamLooksockPantsHelloTo beWhiteLunchSkirtColorMusicScreenSundayYellowSpanishBiologyTo wearNeitherHistorySaturdayComputerLaser PrinterComputer Class