biology Crossword Puzzles


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. čeština
  2. přírodovědné.předměty
  3. angličtina
  4. výtvarná.výchova
  5. fyzika
  6. tělocvik
  1. hudební.výchova
  2. němčina
  3. občanská.nauka
  4. dějepis
  5. chemie
  6. matematika
  7. biologie

13 Clues: chemiefyzikaněmčinačeštinadějepisbiologietělocvikmatematikaangličtinaobčanská.naukahudební.výchovavýtvarná.výchovapřírodovědné.předměty

Subjects 2023-01-01

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. ดนตรี
  2. วิทยาศาสตร์
  3. ชีววิทยา
  4. คอมพิวเตอร์
  5. ภาษาอังกฤษ
  6. ศิลปะ
  7. ภาษาจีน
  1. การเขียน
  2. สังคมศึกษา
  3. ภาษาสเปน
  4. การละคร
  5. คณิตศาสตร์
  6. การอ่าน

13 Clues: ดนตรีศิลปะการละครการอ่านภาษาจีนการเขียนชีววิทยาภาษาสเปนสังคมศึกษาคณิตศาสตร์ภาษาอังกฤษวิทยาศาสตร์คอมพิวเตอร์

science 2023-08-22

science crossword puzzle
  1. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  2. bbbbbbbbbbbb
  3. ananananananan
  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  5. ssssssssssssss
  6. ttttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  7. ccccccccccccc
  8. bbbbbbbbbbbbb
  1. pppppppppppppp
  2. tttttttttttttt
  3. plplplplplplplpl
  4. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  5. cccccccccccccccccc

13 Clues: bbbbbbbbbbbbcccccccccccccbbbbbbbbbbbbbppppppppppppppttttttttttttttanananananananssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaplplplplplplplpleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccccccccttttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

AL COLEGIO 2024-05-17

AL COLEGIO crossword puzzle
  1. facilities
  2. Geography
  3. subject
  4. folder
  5. calculator
  6. Biology
  7. Spanish
  1. bookbag
  2. lab
  3. workbook
  4. Chemistry
  5. ruler
  6. library

13 Clues: labrulerfolderbookbagsubjectlibraryBiologySpanishworkbookChemistryGeographyfacilitiescalculator


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle


Espanol Vocab 2022-10-25

Espanol Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. science
  3. history
  4. orchestra
  5. PE
  6. math
  1. biology
  2. band
  3. geography
  4. music
  5. diversity
  6. choir
  7. chemistry

13 Clues: PEbandmathmusicchoirbiologyEnglishsciencehistorygeographydiversityorchestrachemistry

science vocab 2013-05-20

science vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force
  2. ( used with a singular verb ) Physics. the branch of physics that deals with sound and sound waves.
  3. the scientific study of historic or prehistoric peoples and their cultures by analysis of their artifacts, inscriptions, monuments, and other such remains, especially those that have been excavated.
  4. the science dealing with the atmosphere and its phenomena, including weather and climate.
  5. the science or branch of biology dealing with animals.
  6. the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere.
  7. the branch of physical geography dealing with the ocean.
  8. the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena, especially with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and behavior.
  9. the science of soil management and the production of field crops.
  1. the science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter. Compare element
  2. the science of the forms of life existing in former geologic periods, as represented by their fossils.
  3. the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.
  4. the science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that the earth has undergone or is undergoing.
  5. the branch of zoology dealing with fishes.
  6. the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases.
  7. the science of plants; the branch of biology that deals with plant life.

16 Clues: the branch of zoology dealing with fishes.the science or branch of biology dealing with animals.the branch of physical geography dealing with the ocean.the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and forcethe science of soil management and the production of field crops.the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases....

Week 24 Vocabulary DF 180 2022-02-09

Week 24 Vocabulary DF 180 crossword puzzle
  1. a famous person
  2. the study of plants and animals
  3. as a result
  4. resist or remain undamaged
  5. heat under pressure above its boiling point
  6. a suffix that means one that works with
  1. prefix meaning over or above
  2. a substance that is released in the body of a person who is feeling a strong emotion
  3. complete with regard to every detail
  4. heated water in the earth's crust
  5. one who studies biology
  6. grows well
  7. a prefix that means water

13 Clues: grows wellas a resulta famous personone who studies biologya prefix that means waterresist or remain undamagedprefix meaning over or abovethe study of plants and animalsheated water in the earth's crustcomplete with regard to every detaila suffix that means one that works withheat under pressure above its boiling point...

128-131 2023-03-24

128-131 crossword puzzle
  1. angeboren, erblich
  2. wissenschaftlich, akademisch
  3. Stimmung, Laune
  4. Biologie
  5. (Körper-)Zelle
  6. erben
  7. erschaffen, entwickeln
  8. eliminieren
  9. Methode, Verfahren
  10. Freude, Vergnügen
  1. Analyse, Untersuchung
  2. Studie, Untersuchung
  3. Entdeckung
  4. Preis, Stipendium
  5. Tagung, Konferenz
  6. Krankheit
  7. Projekt
  8. Gen, Erbfaktor
  9. übertragen, überführen
  10. Expert(in)

20 Clues: erbenProjektBiologieKrankheitEntdeckungExpert(in)eliminierenGen, Erbfaktor(Körper-)ZelleStimmung, LaunePreis, StipendiumTagung, KonferenzFreude, Vergnügenangeboren, erblichMethode, VerfahrenStudie, UntersuchungAnalyse, Untersuchungübertragen, überführenerschaffen, entwickelnwissenschaftlich, akademisch

Crossword Puzzle 2023-01-10

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. high school
  2. physics
  3. class
  4. science
  5. PE
  6. orchestra
  7. geometry
  8. French
  9. chorus
  10. schedule
  11. library
  12. history
  13. cafeteria
  14. elementary school
  15. school subject
  1. computer science
  2. homework
  3. biology
  4. algebra
  5. math
  6. business
  7. English
  8. middle school
  9. band
  10. art

25 Clues: PEartmathbandclassFrenchchorusphysicssciencebiologyalgebraEnglishlibraryhistoryhomeworkbusinessgeometryscheduleorchestracafeteriahigh schoolmiddle schoolschool subjectcomputer scienceelementary school

classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. female student
  2. music
  3. science
  4. spanish
  5. test,quiz
  6. physics
  7. art
  8. computer science
  9. male student
  10. library
  11. book
  12. backpack
  13. english
  14. desk
  1. test
  2. female teacher
  3. homework
  4. math
  5. biology
  6. history
  7. stadium
  8. window
  9. male teacher
  10. schedule

24 Clues: arttestmathbookdeskmusicwindowbiologyhistorysciencespanishstadiumphysicslibraryenglishhomeworkschedulebackpacktest,quizmale studentmale teacherfemale teacherfemale studentcomputer science

Classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

Classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. male teacher
  2. math
  3. spanish
  4. physics
  5. science
  6. female student
  7. library
  8. book
  9. test/ quiz
  10. computer science
  1. biology
  2. male student
  3. music
  4. stadium
  5. schedule
  6. backpack
  7. test
  8. window
  9. homework
  10. female teacher
  11. desk
  12. english
  13. art
  14. history

24 Clues: artmathtestdeskbookmusicwindowbiologystadiumspanishphysicsscienceenglishlibraryhistoryschedulebackpackhomeworktest/ quizmale studentmale teacherfemale teacherfemale studentcomputer science

Ngā kaupapa ako me ngā wāhi o te kura 2022-09-05

Ngā kaupapa ako me ngā wāhi o te kura crossword puzzle
  1. canteen
  2. languages
  3. botany
  4. gym
  5. social studies
  6. science
  7. classroom
  8. technology
  9. swimming pool
  10. mathematics
  11. health
  1. history
  2. drama
  3. physical education
  4. the arts
  5. economics
  6. field
  7. playground
  8. biology
  9. french
  10. music
  11. lab
  12. english
  13. reading
  14. writing

25 Clues: labgymdramafieldmusicbotanyfrenchhealthhistorycanteenbiologyenglishsciencereadingwritingthe artslanguageseconomicsclassroomplaygroundtechnologymathematicsswimming poolsocial studiesphysical education

Vocabulario 2023-12-13

Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. friend
  2. biology
  3. funny
  4. chemistry
  5. german
  6. redhead
  7. skinny
  8. school
  9. also
  10. blonde
  11. funny
  12. pretty
  13. how
  1. little
  2. enough
  3. how many
  4. brunette
  5. short
  6. fat
  7. boring
  8. who
  9. what
  10. tall
  11. hard
  12. easy
  13. much
  14. all
  15. same

28 Clues: fatwhoallhowwhattallhardeasyalsomuchsamefunnyshortfunnylittlefriendenoughgermanboringskinnyschoolblondeprettybiologyredheadhow manybrunettechemistry

Vocabulario 2 2023-09-21

Vocabulario 2 crossword puzzle
  1. To have breakfast
  2. Wastebasket
  3. To arrive
  4. History
  5. Chemistry
  6. Economics
  7. To the left of
  8. Next to; beside
  9. Computer science
  10. Buisness administration
  11. English
  1. To the right of
  2. Physics
  3. Library
  4. Bookstore
  5. To have dinner
  6. Because
  7. Biology
  8. Psychology
  9. Mathematics

20 Clues: PhysicsLibraryHistoryBecauseBiologyEnglishTo arriveBookstoreChemistryEconomicsPsychologyWastebasketMathematicsTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to; besideComputer scienceTo have breakfastBuisness administration

Spanish CrossWord 2023-09-21

Spanish CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. psychology
  4. English
  5. Bookstore
  6. to have breakfast
  7. To the left of
  8. wastebasket
  9. Computer Science
  10. Mathematics
  11. To have dinner
  12. History
  1. Because
  2. To the right of
  3. Biology
  4. Business administration
  5. Economics
  6. Library
  7. Next to:Besides
  8. to arrive

20 Clues: BecauseBiologyPhysicsEnglishLibraryHistoryChemistryEconomicsBookstoreto arrivepsychologywastebasketMathematicsTo the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofNext to:BesidesComputer Scienceto have breakfastBusiness administration

Teacher 2023-09-20

Teacher crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. Wastebasket
  3. Because
  4. Psycology
  5. To have dinner
  6. History
  7. Business administration
  8. Economics
  9. Biology
  10. English
  11. Mathematics
  1. To have breakfast
  2. Library
  3. Computer science
  4. Next to; besides
  5. Bookstore
  6. To the right of
  7. Chemistry
  8. To the left of
  9. To arrive

20 Clues: LibraryPhysicsBecauseHistoryBiologyEnglishBookstorePsycologyChemistryEconomicsTo arriveWastebasketMathematicsTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofComputer scienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

Nojui 2024-04-22

Nojui crossword puzzle
  1. tiltas
  2. geografija
  3. susigędęs, drovus
  4. šlapias
  5. visada
  6. istorija
  7. kelias
  8. prancūzų k.
  9. koncertas
  10. valtis
  11. anglų k.
  1. apsirengti (du žodžiai)
  2. dailė (trys žodžiai, be tarpų)
  3. sausas
  4. biologija
  5. ekonomika
  6. vokiečių k.
  7. pusryčiauti
  8. pavojingas
  9. susijaudinęs
  10. atvykti
  11. laimingas

22 Clues: sausastiltasvisadakeliasvaltisšlapiasatvyktiistorijaanglų k.biologijaekonomikakoncertaslaimingasgeografijapavojingasvokiečių k.pusryčiautiprancūzų k.susijaudinęssusigędęs, drovusapsirengti (du žodžiai)dailė (trys žodžiai, be tarpų)

French school vocab 2024-12-05

French school vocab crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. glue
  3. eraser
  4. folder
  5. scissors
  6. pencil sharpener
  7. cafeteria
  8. clock
  9. chemistry
  10. notebook
  11. student
  12. binder
  13. english
  14. lunch
  15. pencil
  1. student's desk
  2. marker
  3. trash can
  4. toilet
  5. door
  6. library
  7. biology
  8. ruler
  9. gym
  10. calculator

25 Clues: gymbookdoorgluerulerclocklunchmarkertoileteraserfolderbinderpencillibrarybiologystudentenglishscissorsnotebooktrash cancafeteriachemistrycalculatorstudent's deskpencil sharpener

Subjects at school 2023-07-30

Subjects at school crossword puzzle
  1. fyzika
  2. angličtina
  3. zeměpis
  4. chemie
  5. ruština
  6. čeština
  1. přírodopis
  2. hudební výchova
  3. tělesná výchova
  4. výtvarná výchova
  5. informatika
  6. dějepis
  7. matematika
  8. španělština

14 Clues: fyzikachemiezeměpisdějepisruštinačeštinapřírodopisangličtinamatematikainformatikašpanělštinahudební výchovatělesná výchovavýtvarná výchova

School subjects 2024-12-03

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. das (Schul-)Fach
  2. Biologie
  3. Kunst
  4. Mathe
  5. Französisch
  6. Werken
  7. Mittagessen
  8. Sport
  9. Geschichte
  1. Naturwissenschaften
  2. Deutsch
  3. die Schulveransammlung
  4. Erdkunde
  5. Informatik

14 Clues: KunstMatheSportWerkenDeutschBiologieErdkundeInformatikGeschichteFranzösischMittagessendas (Schul-)FachNaturwissenschaftendie Schulveransammlung

School subjects 2024-12-03

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Sport
  2. Französisch
  3. Werken
  4. Mittagessen
  5. Biologie
  6. Naturwissenschaften
  7. die Schulveransammlung
  8. Kunst
  1. Informatik
  2. Deutsch
  3. das (Schul-)Fach
  4. Erdkunde
  5. Geschichte
  6. Mathe

14 Clues: SportMatheKunstWerkenDeutschErdkundeBiologieInformatikGeschichteFranzösischMittagessendas (Schul-)FachNaturwissenschaftendie Schulveransammlung

Unit 3 Project 1 2022-01-26

Unit 3 Project 1 crossword puzzle
  1. egyenruha
  2. informatika
  3. rajz
  4. testnevelés
  5. tantárgy
  6. biológia
  7. év
  1. ének-zene
  2. történelem
  3. matek
  4. francia
  5. szünet
  6. hittan

13 Clues: évrajzmatekszünethittanfranciatantárgybiológiaének-zeneegyenruhatörténeleminformatikatestnevelés

Karthik's Positive Aspects and Traits 2021-03-03

Karthik's Positive Aspects and Traits crossword puzzle
  1. a gaming station I have
  2. a regular habit
  3. the act of looking into positive things
  4. something that I'm a pro at
  5. Handscomb a former player of the Melbourne Stars
  6. something that I know all about
  7. an Australian developed cricket league
  1. Not to lie
  2. also something that I am a Nerd at
  3. a passion I have
  4. another gaming station I have
  5. something that I am a nerd at Identifying
  6. also something that I know all about

13 Clues: Not to liea regular habita passion I havea gaming station I havesomething that I'm a pro atanother gaming station I havesomething that I know all aboutalso something that I am a Nerd atalso something that I know all aboutan Australian developed cricket leaguethe act of looking into positive thingssomething that I am a nerd at Identifying...

Ecology 2014-02-11

Ecology crossword puzzle
  1. where it all happens
  2. the people who study ecology
  3. study of plants
  4. ecology is the scientific discipline of this
  5. area where the organisms find their food
  6. where the word ecology comes from
  1. environment
  2. study of animals
  3. the branch of biology that studies the structure and function of cells
  4. what does ecology help?
  5. what has interaction among them and

11 Clues: environmentstudy of plantsstudy of animalswhere it all happenswhat does ecology help?the people who study ecologywhere the word ecology comes fromwhat has interaction among them andarea where the organisms find their foodecology is the scientific discipline of thisthe branch of biology that studies the structure and function of cells

School Subject Puzzle 2024-02-04

School Subject Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. study how yogya native speak
  2. study how to draw picture
  3. study physic, biology, and chemistry
  4. study about numbers, plus, minus, times
  5. study about the
  6. study animals growth, plant type
  1. study how to speak and write Indonesia well
  2. study how to speak in foreign language
  3. study Pancasila,rights and obligations
  4. study exercise, movement in sports
  5. study how to move beautifully

11 Clues: study about thestudy how to draw picturestudy how yogya native speakstudy how to move beautifullystudy animals growth, plant typestudy exercise, movement in sportsstudy physic, biology, and chemistrystudy how to speak in foreign languagestudy Pancasila,rights and obligationsstudy about numbers, plus, minus, times...

Vocabulario colegio 2019-09-24

Vocabulario colegio crossword puzzle
  1. drawing
  2. marker
  3. computing/it
  4. classroom
  5. chemistry
  6. ruler
  7. home
  8. swimming
  9. child
  10. physics
  11. pencil case
  12. folder
  1. eraser
  2. library
  3. language
  4. pen
  5. biology
  6. pencil sharpener
  7. swimming pool
  8. pencil
  9. man
  10. court (for sports)
  11. chess
  12. woman

24 Clues: penmanhomerulerchesschildwomanerasermarkerpencilfolderlibrarydrawingbiologyphysicslanguageswimmingclassroomchemistrypencil casecomputing/itswimming poolpencil sharpenercourt (for sports)

School, studying and skills 2021-12-15

School, studying and skills crossword puzzle
  1. toekomst
  2. VWO
  3. uitwisseling
  4. aanmelding
  5. vaardigheid
  6. geneeskunde
  7. op kamers
  8. college geld(7,3)
  9. vak
  10. kennis
  11. natuurkunde
  1. vakgebied (5,2,5)
  2. studie (6,6)
  3. HBO (10,2,7,7)
  4. rechtsgeleerdheid
  5. colleges
  6. toelating
  7. scheikunde
  8. biologie
  9. vrijwilligerswerk (9,4)
  10. stage
  11. HAVO
  12. tussenjaar (3,4)

23 Clues: VWOvakHAVOstagekennistoekomstcollegesbiologietoelatingop kamersscheikundeaanmeldingvaardigheidgeneeskundenatuurkundestudie (6,6)uitwisselingHBO (10,2,7,7)tussenjaar (3,4)vakgebied (5,2,5)rechtsgeleerdheidcollege geld(7,3)vrijwilligerswerk (9,4)

AP CLASSES 2022-05-16

AP CLASSES crossword puzzle
  1. sounds good
  2. people still take this?
  3. more essays
  4. modern
  5. code
  6. hola
  7. grammar
  8. motion
  1. moles
  2. constitution
  3. cells
  4. ni hao
  5. percentage
  6. Leonardo Da Vinci
  7. Sigmund Freud
  8. essays
  9. poems
  10. derivative
  11. urban and ruralk
  12. guten tag
  13. bonjour

21 Clues: codeholamolescellspoemsni haomodernessaysmotiongrammarbonjourguten tagpercentagederivativesounds goodmore essaysconstitutionSigmund Freudurban and ruralkLeonardo Da Vincipeople still take this?


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  2. (SCIENCE)
  4. (PHYSICS)
  5. (SPORT)
  7. (CHINESE)
  9. (MUSIC)
  10. (RELIGION)
  12. (BIOLOGY)
  13. (HISTORY)
  1. (ICT)
  2. (SPANISH)
  3. (FRENCH)
  6. (PE)
  8. (ART)
  10. (MATHS)
  11. (ITALIAN)
  12. (COOKING)
  13. (ENGLISH)


Review Crossword 2023-02-02

Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. matemática
  2. chinês
  3. biologia
  4. geografia
  5. mais feio
  6. educação física
  7. mais forte
  8. mais louco
  9. menor
  10. mais esperto
  11. história
  12. mais preguiçoso
  1. mais fácil
  2. química
  3. maior
  4. pior
  5. física
  6. espanhol
  7. mais jovem
  8. mais quente
  9. mais escuro
  10. mais rápido

22 Clues: piormaiormenorchinêsfísicaquímicabiologiaespanholhistóriageografiamais feiomais fácilmatemáticamais jovemmais fortemais loucomais quentemais escuromais rápidomais espertoeducação físicamais preguiçoso

128-131 solutions 2023-03-24

128-131 solutions crossword puzzle
  1. Projekt
  2. Freude, Vergnügen
  3. übertragen, überführen
  4. Preis, Stipendium
  5. erschaffen, entwickeln
  6. Biologie
  7. Tagung, Konferenz
  8. Krankheit
  9. Entdeckung
  10. erben
  11. Studie, Untersuchung
  1. Expert(in)
  2. angeboren, erblich
  3. Analyse, Untersuchung
  4. Methode, Verfahren
  5. wissenschaftlich, akademisch
  6. Stimmung, Laune
  7. Gen, Erbfaktor
  8. (Körper-)Zelle
  9. eliminieren

20 Clues: erbenProjektBiologieKrankheitExpert(in)EntdeckungeliminierenGen, Erbfaktor(Körper-)ZelleStimmung, LauneFreude, VergnügenPreis, StipendiumTagung, Konferenzangeboren, erblichMethode, VerfahrenStudie, UntersuchungAnalyse, Untersuchungübertragen, überführenerschaffen, entwickelnwissenschaftlich, akademisch

Spanish Vocabulary 2023-09-20

Spanish Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Wastebasket
  2. Buisness Administration
  3. Biology
  4. To arrive
  5. Mathematics
  6. To have dinner
  7. Psychology
  8. Chemistry
  9. Next to;besides
  10. Economics
  11. Library
  12. To have breakfast
  1. Computer Science
  2. Physics
  3. To the left of
  4. English
  5. To the right of
  6. History
  7. Because
  8. Bookstore

20 Clues: BiologyPhysicsEnglishHistoryBecauseLibraryTo arriveBookstoreChemistryEconomicsPsychologyWastebasketMathematicsTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to;besidesComputer ScienceTo have breakfastBuisness Administration

Crossword Puzzle 2023-09-21

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Mathematics
  2. Business Administration
  3. Chemistry
  4. English
  5. Bookstore
  6. History
  7. To the left of
  8. Economics
  9. Biology
  10. Because
  11. Computer Science
  1. Psychology
  2. To have dinner
  3. To arrive
  4. Physics
  5. To have breakfast
  6. To the right of
  7. next to;beside
  8. Library
  9. Wastebasket

20 Clues: PhysicsEnglishHistoryLibraryBiologyBecauseTo arriveChemistryBookstoreEconomicsPsychologyMathematicsWastebasketTo have dinnernext to;besideTo the left ofTo the right ofComputer ScienceTo have breakfastBusiness Administration

Capitulo 2 2023-09-21

Capitulo 2 crossword puzzle
  1. why?
  2. bookstore
  3. wastebasket
  4. economics
  5. chemistry
  6. left
  7. psychology
  8. to arrive
  9. biology
  10. which ones
  11. where to
  12. mathematics
  13. english
  14. right
  15. besides
  1. history
  2. to have breakfast
  3. library
  4. business administration
  5. computer science
  6. why?
  7. which
  8. physcis
  9. to have dinner

24 Clues: why?why?leftwhichrighthistorylibraryphyscisbiologyenglishbesideswhere tobookstoreeconomicschemistryto arrivepsychologywhich oneswastebasketmathematicsto have dinnercomputer scienceto have breakfastbusiness administration

Les Mots-Croisés : Les Matières 2023-09-25

Les Mots-Croisés : Les Matières crossword puzzle
  1. Biology
  2. Mathematics
  3. test
  4. difficult
  5. boring
  6. homework
  7. major
  8. easy
  9. Psychology
  10. preschool
  11. Literature
  12. Bachelor's degree
  1. elementary school
  2. Law
  3. History
  4. German
  5. Chemistry
  6. Japanese
  7. Computer Science
  8. French
  9. Business
  10. university
  11. high school
  12. medicine
  13. work

25 Clues: LawtesteasyworkmajorGermanFrenchboringBiologyHistoryJapanesehomeworkBusinessmedicineChemistrydifficultpreschooluniversityPsychologyLiteratureMathematicshigh schoolComputer Scienceelementary schoolBachelor's degree

subjects 2024-04-22

subjects crossword puzzle
  1. hudobná výchova
  2. umenie a design
  3. náboženská výuka
  4. zemepis
  5. informatika
  6. anglictina
  1. telesná výchova
  2. veda
  3. matematika
  4. francúzština
  5. chémia
  6. dejepis
  7. občianská výuka
  8. fizika
  9. biológie

15 Clues: vedachémiafizikadejepiszemepisbiológiematematikaanglictinainformatikafrancúzštinatelesná výchovahudobná výchovaumenie a designobčianská výukanáboženská výuka

Spanish Crossword 2020-11-06

Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. literature
  2. to research
  3. evaluation
  4. Ask for help
  5. calculus
  6. to act
  7. pass a test
  8. to debate
  9. grades
  10. to record videos
  1. to write essays
  2. nice
  3. dance
  4. organized
  5. Orchestra
  6. to analyze
  7. to train
  8. pass a class
  9. Biology
  10. unfair

20 Clues: nicedanceto actunfairgradesBiologyto traincalculusorganizedOrchestrato debateliteratureevaluationto analyzeto researchpass a testAsk for helppass a classto write essaysto record videos

School And Education by Camilla Zanotti 2014-02-24

School And Education by Camilla Zanotti crossword puzzle
  7. ZAINO
  10. STORIA
  12. PORTA
  13. SEDIA
  4. PENNA
  6. MAPPA
  7. LIBRO
  11. BANCO
  12. ARTE


Les Cours 2023-01-12

Les Cours crossword puzzle
  1. chorus
  2. computer science
  3. class
  4. elementary school
  5. PE
  6. algebra
  7. English
  8. math
  9. business
  10. middle school
  11. history
  12. orchestra
  13. school subject
  14. band
  15. homework
  1. physics
  2. schedule
  3. art
  4. cafeteria
  5. science
  6. library
  7. biology
  8. geometry
  9. high school
  10. French

25 Clues: PEartmathbandclasschorusFrenchphysicssciencelibrarybiologyalgebraEnglishhistoryschedulegeometrybusinesshomeworkcafeteriaorchestrahigh schoolmiddle schoolschool subjectcomputer scienceelementary school

Les Cours 2023-01-12

Les Cours crossword puzzle
  1. Geometry
  2. Cafeteria
  3. Band
  4. Science
  5. Algebra
  6. PE
  7. English
  8. Computer Science
  9. Business
  10. Physics
  11. Chorus
  12. Class
  1. High School
  2. School Subject
  3. Library
  4. History
  5. Art
  6. Middle School
  7. Homework
  8. Elementary School
  9. French
  10. Biology
  11. Schedule
  12. Orchestra
  13. Math

25 Clues: PEArtBandMathClassFrenchChorusLibraryHistoryScienceBiologyAlgebraEnglishPhysicsGeometryHomeworkScheduleBusinessCafeteriaOrchestraHigh SchoolMiddle SchoolSchool SubjectComputer ScienceElementary School

Schule Puzzle 2023-01-09

Schule Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. Art
  3. elective
  4. break
  5. Biology
  6. Science
  7. Math
  8. Chemistry
  9. grade school
  10. Music
  11. school
  12. schedule
  13. Geography
  1. Choir
  2. favorite class
  3. History
  4. grade/class
  5. Core class
  6. top level high school
  7. student
  8. Social Studies
  9. hour
  10. Debate

23 Clues: ArtMathhourChoirbreakMusicDebateschoolHistoryPhysicsBiologystudentScienceelectivescheduleChemistryGeographyCore classgrade/classgrade schoolfavorite classSocial Studiestop level high school

La vie scolaire 2022-08-04

La vie scolaire crossword puzzle
  1. course
  2. french
  3. physics
  4. english
  5. chemistry
  6. history
  7. high school
  8. computer science
  9. class
  10. german
  11. science
  12. languages
  13. physical education
  1. public school
  2. geography
  3. art
  4. sports
  5. biology
  6. private school
  7. spanish
  8. math
  9. music
  10. middle school
  11. economics

24 Clues: artmathclassmusiccoursefrenchsportsgermanphysicsenglishbiologyhistoryspanishsciencegeographychemistryeconomicslanguageshigh schoolpublic schoolmiddle schoolprivate schoolcomputer sciencephysical education

translate to spanish 2023-09-20

translate to spanish crossword puzzle
  1. to arrive
  2. computer science
  3. history
  4. business administration
  5. next to; besides
  6. physics
  7. chemistry
  8. English
  9. to have dinner
  10. wastebasket
  11. to the left of
  12. mathematics
  13. because
  1. biology
  2. to the right of
  3. physcology
  4. bookstore
  5. library
  6. to have breakfast
  7. economy

20 Clues: biologyhistorylibraryeconomyphysicsEnglishbecauseto arrivebookstorechemistryphyscologywastebasketmathematicsto have dinnerto the left ofto the right ofcomputer sciencenext to; besidesto have breakfastbusiness administration

En la Clase 2023-09-21

En la Clase crossword puzzle
  1. To arrive
  2. To the right of
  3. To the left of
  4. To have breakfast
  5. Computer Science
  6. Economy
  7. Mathematics
  8. Because
  9. Biology
  10. English
  11. Bookstore
  1. Business Administration
  2. Library
  3. To have dinner
  4. Psychology
  5. Chemistry
  6. Next to
  7. Wastebasket
  8. Physics
  9. History

20 Clues: LibraryNext toPhysicsEconomyBecauseHistoryBiologyEnglishTo arriveChemistryBookstorePsychologyWastebasketMathematicsTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofComputer ScienceTo have breakfastBusiness Administration

My favorite things 2022-05-20

My favorite things crossword puzzle
  1. movie genre
  2. color
  3. card game
  4. icecream
  5. fruit
  6. book genre
  7. video game
  8. anime
  9. teacher
  1. dessert
  2. console
  3. social app
  4. entertainment app
  5. vacation destination
  6. holiday
  7. subject
  8. season
  9. streaming app
  10. summer activity
  11. shoes
  12. water activity
  13. chocolate

22 Clues: colorfruitshoesanimeseasondessertconsoleholidaysubjectteachericecreamcard gamechocolatesocial appbook genrevideo gamemovie genrestreaming appwater activitysummer activityentertainment appvacation destination

Ledford 7 grade words Raine Hunter 2021-09-27

Ledford 7 grade words Raine Hunter crossword puzzle
  1. a supernatural person
  2. to go forth
  3. a compound word
  4. animal with 2 legs
  5. a group of people given the verdict of a case
  6. figure out from evidence
  7. mythical creature
  8. with more than one nation
  9. going on currently
  10. single tone
  11. study of life
  12. figurw with at least 3 straight sides
  13. against the government
  1. the branch of medicine or biology that deals with the anatomy, functions, and organic disorders of nerves and the nervous system.
  2. person account of their own life
  3. clear see through
  4. to give credit
  5. structure system of english language
  6. bike with 3 wheels
  7. word with simular meaning
  8. mistaken belief
  9. not conconscious
  10. animal with 4 legs
  11. to walk
  12. study of behavior of animals
  13. persisting for a long time
  14. more than one
  15. ruler

28 Clues: rulerto walkto go forthsingle tonemore than onestudy of lifeto give credita compound wordmistaken beliefnot conconsciousclear see throughmythical creaturebike with 3 wheelsanimal with 2 legsanimal with 4 legsgoing on currentlya supernatural personagainst the governmentfigure out from evidenceword with simular meaningwith more than one nation...

Les matieres 2022-10-20

Les matieres crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. art
  3. chemistry
  4. mathematics
  5. college
  6. middle school
  7. french
  1. computer science
  2. physics
  3. drama
  4. history
  5. P.E
  6. high school
  7. english

14 Clues: artP.Edramafrenchbiologyphysicshistorycollegeenglishchemistrymathematicshigh schoolmiddle schoolcomputer science

Earthday 2021-04-27

Earthday crossword puzzle
  1. Protects lands from strong tsunamis and typhoons.
  2. Eats, sleeps, communicates, works, and reproduce.
  3. First people to invent technology
  4. Covers up most of Earth's surface.
  5. Floating cotton candy that cries from time to time.
  6. 4.543 billion years
  7. Gas produced by respiration.
  8. Earth's heat source
  9. Creator of Earth
  10. The basic unit of a chemical element.
  11. The study of Earth.
  1. April 22
  2. Lives in bodies of water.
  3. The ability to get and use energy, reproduce, grow, and respond to change.
  4. harmful and poisonous to the environment
  5. coolest marine biology teacher.
  6. Going green
  7. Force that attracts a body toward the center of the Earth.
  8. Study of marine life.
  9. What we breathe to survive.
  10. Imaginary horizontal line across the center of the Earth.
  11. Where money comes from.

22 Clues: April 22Going greenCreator of Earth4.543 billion yearsEarth's heat sourceThe study of Earth.Study of marine life.Where money comes from.Lives in bodies of water.What we breathe to survive.Gas produced by respiration.coolest marine biology teacher.First people to invent technologyCovers up most of Earth's surface....

School subjects 2015-11-26

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. muzyka
  2. lekcje teatralne
  3. biologia
  4. matematyka
  5. historia
  6. informatyka
  1. chemia
  2. fizyka
  3. język angielski
  4. plastyka
  5. geografia
  6. język francuski
  7. język hiszpański
  8. wf

14 Clues: wfmuzykachemiafizykaplastykabiologiahistoriageografiamatematykainformatykajęzyk angielskijęzyk francuskilekcje teatralnejęzyk hiszpański

SCIENCE 2020-01-08

SCIENCE crossword puzzle
  1. spaceship
  2. invent
  3. astronomy
  4. theory
  5. galaxy
  6. atomic
  7. gene
  1. astronaut
  2. telescope
  3. high-tech
  4. submarine
  5. rocket
  6. scientific

13 Clues: geneinventrockettheorygalaxyatomicspaceshipastronauttelescopehigh-techsubmarineastronomyscientific

School subjects 2020-04-06

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. economia
  2. chimica
  3. scienze motorie
  4. storia
  1. informatica
  2. biologia
  3. scienze
  4. matematica
  5. letteratura
  6. fisica
  7. geografia
  8. musica
  9. arte

13 Clues: artefisicamusicastoriascienzechimicabiologiaeconomiageografiamatematicainformaticaletteraturascienze motorie

Affixes and their meanings 2021-10-01

Affixes and their meanings crossword puzzle
  1. prisoner
  2. against
  3. female
  4. trapeze
  5. not normal
  6. 9th grade science, frogs
  7. female, not tiger but
  8. world
  9. the head of
  1. selfish
  2. self
  3. study
  4. universe
  5. not
  6. height
  7. fighting against
  8. head

17 Clues: notselfheadstudyworldfemaleheightselfishagainsttrapezeprisoneruniversenot normalthe head offighting againstfemale, not tiger but9th grade science, frogs

Biology Std - 9 Intro Quiz 2023-03-26

Biology Std - 9 Intro Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Applied biology which includes the study of effects of radioactivity on living beings
  2. Raising crops and livestock; an application of biology
  3. Study of chemicals and reactions that take place inside an organism
  4. The study of viruses
  1. Technique of producing silk by raising silkworms
  2. Father of zoology
  3. Science of naming, grouping and classifying plants and animals
  4. The study of of formation and development of embryo in plants and animals
  5. Study of life processes
  6. An organized body of knowledge supported by observation and experimentation derived from the study of a natural phenomena of the entire material universe

10 Clues: Father of zoologyThe study of virusesStudy of life processesTechnique of producing silk by raising silkwormsRaising crops and livestock; an application of biologyScience of naming, grouping and classifying plants and animalsStudy of chemicals and reactions that take place inside an organism...


  1. Biologi
  2. Menguraikan
  3. Kakek Qaireen
  4. Dikali
  1. Tumbuh
  2. aku tidak suka menari
  3. Hidup
  4. Mengatur
  5. Bergerak
  6. tanaman
  7. Sekali
  8. Matematika
  9. membutuhkan air
  10. Anak perempuan
  11. Ditambah

15 Clues: HidupTumbuhSekaliDikaliBiologitanamanMengaturBergerakDitambahMatematikaMenguraikanKakek QaireenAnak perempuanmembutuhkan airaku tidak suka menari

Les cours - féminins 2024-02-01

Les cours - féminins crossword puzzle
  1. chemistry
  2. history
  3. physics
  4. music
  5. dance class
  6. geometry
  7. computer science
  8. geography
  9. chorus
  1. biology
  2. natural science
  3. EPS
  4. phys ed, PE
  5. study hall
  6. algebra

15 Clues: EPSmusicchorusbiologyhistoryphysicsalgebrageometrychemistrygeographystudy hallphys ed, PEdance classnatural sciencecomputer science


SUBJECTS AT SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. A
  2. A
  3. L
  4. P.E
  5. T
  6. H
  7. E
  1. B
  2. C.E
  3. The full name of Math
  4. G
  5. M
  6. C
  7. P
  8. S

15 Clues: BAAGLMCPSTHEC.EP.EThe full name of Math


VOCABULARY TEST crossword puzzle
  1. une carte (un plan)
  2. la poubelle
  3. Anglais
  4. cahier
  5. un crayon à papier
  6. Chimie
  7. règle
  8. bureau
  9. SVT
  1. fenêtre
  2. stylo
  3. Géographie
  4. sciences
  5. Education Sport
  6. Histoire (la matière scolaire)
  7. gomme
  8. porte

17 Clues: SVTstylorèglegommeportecahierChimiebureaufenêtreAnglaissciencesGéographiela poubelleEducation Sportun crayon à papierune carte (un plan)Histoire (la matière scolaire)

My School 2017-10-15

My School crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. high school teacher (woman)
  3. high school teacher (man)
  4. Maths
  5. language
  6. Geography
  7. V.A.
  1. Science
  2. Biology
  3. the yard
  4. court, field
  5. co-ed school
  6. Physics
  7. Greek
  8. the lab
  9. English
  10. building

17 Clues: V.A.GreekMathsScienceBiologyPhysicsthe labEnglishthe yardlanguagebuildingChemistryGeographycourt, fieldco-ed schoolhigh school teacher (man)high school teacher (woman)


VOCABULARY TEST crossword puzzle
  1. gomme
  2. Anglais
  3. bureau
  4. un crayon à papier
  5. Géographie
  6. Education Sport
  7. la poubelle
  8. porte
  1. sciences
  2. règle
  3. fenêtre
  4. Histoire (la matière scolaire)
  5. stylo
  6. Chimie
  7. une carte (un plan)
  8. SVT
  9. cahier

17 Clues: SVTrèglegommestyloportebureauChimiecahierfenêtreAnglaissciencesGéographiela poubelleEducation Sportun crayon à papierune carte (un plan)Histoire (la matière scolaire)


VOCABULARY TEST crossword puzzle
  1. stylo
  2. sciences
  3. cahier
  4. Chimie
  5. SVT
  6. un crayon à papier
  7. règle
  8. Histoire (la matière scolaire)
  1. la poubelle
  2. Education Sport
  3. bureau
  4. une carte (un plan)
  5. Géographie
  6. gomme
  7. Anglais
  8. fenêtre
  9. porte

17 Clues: SVTstylogommeporterèglebureaucahierChimieAnglaisfenêtresciencesGéographiela poubelleEducation Sportun crayon à papierune carte (un plan)Histoire (la matière scolaire)

science 2023-06-28

science crossword puzzle
  1. human body
  2. monster
  3. liquid to gas
  4. explosive
  5. scrape
  6. up
  7. table
  1. force
  2. air to liquid
  3. apple
  4. particles
  5. smoke
  6. doesn't work
  7. matter
  8. water

15 Clues: upforceapplesmoketablewatermatterscrapemonsterparticlesexplosivehuman bodydoesn't workair to liquidliquid to gas

Vocabulary Wiktoria 2023-11-17

Vocabulary Wiktoria crossword puzzle
  1. biologia
  2. matematyka
  3. oni potrafią pisać
  4. ja potrafię pływać
  5. lekcja
  6. geografia
  7. schody
  8. on potrafi tańczyć
  1. historia
  2. spać
  3. ja potrafię śpiewać
  4. okno
  5. ona potrafi latać
  6. informatyka
  7. muzyka
  8. wf
  9. ty potrafisz skakać
  10. my potrafimy gotować
  11. drzwi

19 Clues: wfspaćoknodrzwimuzykalekcjaschodyhistoriabiologiageografiamatematykainformatykaona potrafi lataćoni potrafią pisaćja potrafię pływaćon potrafi tańczyćja potrafię śpiewaćty potrafisz skakaćmy potrafimy gotować

Senderos 1 L2 Las clases 2022-01-13

Senderos 1 L2 Las clases crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. Spanish
  3. Chemistry
  4. computer science
  5. sciences
  6. History
  1. Music
  2. Geography
  3. biology
  4. Literature
  5. English
  6. art
  7. Math

13 Clues: artMathMusicPhysicsbiologySpanishEnglishHistorysciencesGeographyChemistryLiteraturecomputer science

school בית ספר 2020-06-11

school בית ספר crossword puzzle
  1. ספרדית
  2. בית ספר
  3. מדע
  4. ביולוגיה
  5. צרפתית
  6. גיאוגרפיה
  7. אומנות
  8. פיזיקה
  1. מתמטיקה
  2. אנגלית
  3. היסטוריה
  4. כימיה
  5. מחשבים

13 Clues: מדעכימיהאנגליתספרדיתמחשביםצרפתיתאומנותפיזיקהמתמטיקהבית ספרהיסטוריהביולוגיהגיאוגרפיה

School subjects 2024-07-04

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. ének
  2. tesi
  3. etika
  4. történelem
  5. informatika
  6. földrajz
  1. kémia
  2. fizika
  3. természettudomány
  4. matek
  5. biológia
  6. hittan
  7. francia nyelv

13 Clues: énektesikémiamateketikafizikahittanbiológiaföldrajztörténeleminformatikafrancia nyelvtermészettudomány

Science 2023-09-10

Science crossword puzzle
  1. The study of celestial objects like stars, planets, and galaxies in the universe.
  2. The study of weather patterns and atmospheric phenomena.
  3. The branch of biology that focuses on the inheritance of traits and genetic variation.
  4. The study of living organisms, including their structure, function, and interactions.
  5. The study of fossils and ancient life forms to understand Earth's history.
  6. The scientific study of behavior and mental processes in humans and animals.
  1. The branch of science that deals with the composition, properties, and behavior of matter.
  2. The study of plants, including their classification, structure, and growth.
  3. The branch of science that deals with the composition, properties, and behavior of matter.
  4. The branch of biology that focuses on the study of animals and their behaviors.
  5. The science that explores the oceans, including their composition and currents.
  6. The science that explores the Earth's structure, composition, and processes.
  7. The study of the relationships between organisms and their environments.
  8. The study of the fundamental forces and properties of matter and energy.
  9. The study of human societies, cultures, and origins.

15 Clues: The study of human societies, cultures, and origins.The study of weather patterns and atmospheric phenomena.The study of the relationships between organisms and their environments.The study of the fundamental forces and properties of matter and energy.The study of fossils and ancient life forms to understand Earth's history....

Subjects 2022-09-20

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. tělesná výchova
  2. hudební výchova
  3. anglický jazyk
  4. fyzika
  5. zeměpis
  6. informatika
  1. náboženství
  2. výtvarná výchova
  3. český jazyk
  4. přírodní vědy
  5. dějepis
  6. přírodopis
  7. matematika
  8. chemie
  9. občanská výchova

15 Clues: fyzikachemiedějepiszeměpispřírodopismatematikanáboženstvíčeský jazykinformatikapřírodní vědyanglický jazyktělesná výchovahudební výchovavýtvarná výchovaobčanská výchova

French Words 2020-11-10

French Words crossword puzzle
  1. math
  2. geography
  3. to work
  4. newspaper
  5. biology
  6. english
  7. to eat
  1. to sing
  2. to study
  3. chocolate
  4. to read
  5. internet
  6. to sleep
  7. to draw
  8. call

15 Clues: mathcallto eatto singto readto workto drawbiologyenglishto studyinternetto sleepchocolategeographynewspaper

Revision 2021-10-03

Revision crossword puzzle
  1. биология
  2. прогуливать
  3. собор
  4. за
  5. директриса
  6. убирать (в комнате)
  7. глажка
  1. работа по дому
  2. стирка
  3. напротив
  4. одноклассник
  5. протирание пыли
  6. накрывать (на стол)
  7. достопримечательность
  8. рядом

15 Clues: засоборрядомстиркаглажкабиологиянапротивдиректрисапрогуливатьодноклассникработа по домупротирание пылинакрывать (на стол)убирать (в комнате)достопримечательность

French 1A Vocabulary 2021-08-12

French 1A Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. To speak
  2. A house
  3. Birthday
  4. Biology
  5. There is
  6. To like
  7. French
  1. Everyone
  2. Hand
  3. A lot
  4. At my house
  5. A female cousin
  6. The morning
  7. A classroom
  8. A Pencil
  9. Yes
  10. Really
  11. To have

18 Clues: YesHandA lotReallyFrenchA houseBiologyTo haveTo likeEveryoneTo speakA PencilBirthdayThere isAt my houseThe morningA classroomA female cousin

Subjects 2022-04-13

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. anglais
  2. mathématiques
  3. physique
  4. arts plastiques
  5. français
  6. géographie
  1. allemand
  2. musique
  3. histoire
  4. chimie
  5. SVT
  6. espagnol
  7. EPS

13 Clues: SVTEPSchimiemusiqueanglaisallemandhistoirephysiqueespagnolfrançaisgéographiemathématiquesarts plastiques

School subjects 2017-10-10

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Musik
  2. Informatik
  3. Sport
  4. BildnerischeErziehung
  5. Mathe
  6. Geschichte
  1. Deutsch
  2. Naturwissenschaften
  3. Englisch
  4. Design/Technologie
  5. Geografie
  6. Französisch
  7. Biologie

13 Clues: MusikSportMatheDeutschEnglischBiologieGeografieInformatikGeschichteFranzösischDesign/TechnologieNaturwissenschaftenBildnerischeErziehung

Spanish HW crossword 2020-10-06

Spanish HW crossword crossword puzzle
  1. sciences
  2. geography
  3. spanish
  4. accounting
  5. schedule
  6. quiz
  7. biology
  8. laboratorio
  9. computerscience
  10. music
  11. cafeteria
  12. semester
  1. course
  2. trimester;quarter
  3. house;home
  4. class
  5. classmate
  6. art
  7. physics
  8. economics
  9. university;college
  10. schoool
  11. library
  12. exam
  13. homework
  14. bookstore
  15. stadium

27 Clues: artquizexamclassmusiccoursephysicsspanishschooollibrarystadiumbiologysciencesschedulehomeworksemesterclassmateeconomicsgeographybookstorecafeteriahouse;homeaccountinglaboratoriocomputersciencetrimester;quarteruniversity;college

Spanish Vocab 2020-10-06

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. computer science
  2. school
  3. geography
  4. trimester
  5. art
  6. cafeteria
  7. bookstore
  8. economics
  9. music
  10. course
  11. labortary
  12. physics
  13. semester
  14. schedule
  15. class
  1. university
  2. sciences
  3. library
  4. house
  5. de clase classmate
  6. staduim
  7. homework
  8. quiz
  9. spanish
  10. accounting
  11. biology
  12. test/exam

27 Clues: artquizhousemusicclassschoolcourselibrarystaduimspanishbiologyphysicsscienceshomeworksemesterschedulegeographytrimestercafeteriabookstoreeconomicstest/examlabortaryuniversityaccountingcomputer sciencede clase classmate

FRENCH 2020-02-11

FRENCH crossword puzzle
  4. pe
  1. fRENCH
  5. sPANISH
  7. ART
  8. CHOIR
  14. MATH


Spanish 1 School Courses 2020-11-24

Spanish 1 School Courses crossword puzzle
  1. Home Economics
  2. German
  3. Physics
  4. Algebra
  5. Calculus
  6. English
  7. Sciences
  8. Computer Science
  9. Math
  10. French
  11. Music
  12. Other subjects
  13. History
  14. other subjects
  1. Physical Education
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology
  4. Geography
  5. School courses
  6. Social Sciences
  7. Geometry
  8. Latin
  9. Arithmetic
  10. Spanish
  11. Art
  12. Languages

26 Clues: ArtMathLatinMusicGermanFrenchBiologyPhysicsAlgebraEnglishSpanishHistoryCalculusGeometrySciencesChemistryGeographyLanguagesArithmeticHome EconomicsSchool coursesOther subjectsother subjectsSocial SciencesComputer SciencePhysical Education

En la escuela 2021-10-15

En la escuela crossword puzzle
  1. Biology
  2. English
  3. Backpack
  4. History
  5. Cellphone
  6. Literature
  7. Weightlifting
  8. Calculator
  9. Laptop
  10. Eraser
  11. Information Technology
  1. Pen
  2. Chair
  3. Scieces
  4. Notebook
  5. Art
  6. Pencil case
  7. Book
  8. Chemistry
  9. Desk
  10. Paper
  11. Mathematics
  12. Physics
  13. Spanish
  14. Geography
  15. Music
  16. Pencil

27 Clues: PenArtBookDeskChairPaperMusicPencilLaptopEraserSciecesBiologyEnglishHistoryPhysicsSpanishNotebookBackpackChemistryCellphoneGeographyLiteratureCalculatorPencil caseMathematicsWeightliftingInformation Technology

SP II- U4 Quiz 2023-01-31

SP II- U4 Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. headphones
  3. search
  4. phone case
  5. tablet
  6. newspaper
  7. invention
  8. phone call
  9. internet
  10. charger
  11. media
  12. upload
  1. chemistry
  2. wifi
  3. radio
  4. text message
  5. e-mail
  6. cell phone
  7. discovery
  8. smartwatch
  9. computer
  10. download
  11. television
  12. magazine
  13. social media

25 Clues: wifiradiomediae-mailsearchtabletuploadbiologychargercomputerdownloadinternetmagazinechemistrydiscoverynewspaperinventionheadphonescell phonephone casesmartwatchphone calltelevisiontext messagesocial media

Chapter 4 - 3bb 2023-02-17

Chapter 4 - 3bb crossword puzzle
  1. schadelijk
  2. leder
  3. schildpad
  4. overstroming
  5. vulkaan
  6. gebied
  7. handgemaakt
  8. biologie
  9. verdwijnen
  10. milieuvriendelijk
  11. ijsberg
  12. handgemaakt
  13. biologisch
  14. overwegen
  15. pool-
  16. grens
  17. natuurbrand
  1. tropisch
  2. boer
  3. onvoorspelbaar
  4. vervuiling
  5. modderstroom
  6. kwaliteit
  7. lawine
  8. gif
  9. afval
  10. sneeuwstorm
  11. bepaald
  12. druk
  13. boodschap

30 Clues: gifboerdruklederafvalpool-grenslawinegebiedvulkaanbepaaldijsbergtropischbiologieschildpadkwaliteitboodschapoverwegenvervuilingschadelijkverdwijnenbiologischsneeuwstormhandgemaakthandgemaaktnatuurbrandmodderstroomoverstromingonvoorspelbaarmilieuvriendelijk

Las ciencias 2023-03-16

Las ciencias crossword puzzle
  1. chemistry
  2. the biologist
  3. the scientist
  4. studies
  5. the chemist
  6. discovers
  7. a new compound
  8. the astronomer
  9. does/makes
  10. a new species
  1. biology
  2. astronomy
  3. writes
  4. the physicist
  5. a new planet
  6. an experiment
  7. physics
  8. the mathematician
  9. a formula
  10. invents
  11. a new machine

21 Clues: writesbiologyphysicsstudiesinventschemistryastronomydiscoversa formuladoes/makesthe chemista new planetthe biologistthe physicistan experimentthe scientista new machinea new speciesa new compoundthe astronomerthe mathematician

School and education by Alessio Vulpinari 2014-02-24

School and education by Alessio Vulpinari crossword puzzle
  1. biologia
  2. ufficio
  3. chimica
  4. quaderno
  5. penna
  6. scuola
  7. dramma
  8. forbici
  9. astuccio
  10. professore
  11. tedesco
  12. geografia
  13. spagnolo
  1. economia
  2. storia
  3. informatica
  4. francese
  5. preside
  6. maestra
  7. musica
  8. temperino
  9. diritto
  10. matita
  11. bidello
  12. fisica
  13. matematica
  14. colla
  15. arte

28 Clues: artepennacollastoriamusicascuoladrammamatitafisicaufficiopresidechimicamaestraforbicidirittobidellotedescoeconomiabiologiafrancesequadernoastucciospagnolotemperinogeografiaprofessorematematicainformatica

Anna Teply - French Crossword 2017-03-13

Anna Teply - French Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. He/it is...
  2. Difficult
  3. Music
  4. Intelligent(f)
  5. quart :15, a quarter past
  6. German
  7. Midnight
  8. What is she like?
  9. In the morning
  1. Biology
  2. Noon
  3. Math
  4. English
  5. Computer Science
  6. Easy
  7. The time
  8. History
  9. In the evening
  10. PE(gym)
  11. Open

20 Clues: NoonMathEasyOpenMusicGermanBiologyEnglishHistoryPE(gym)The timeMidnightDifficultHe/it is...Intelligent(f)In the eveningIn the morningComputer ScienceWhat is she like?quart :15, a quarter past

En La Clase 2023-09-20

En La Clase crossword puzzle
  1. Wastebasket
  2. History
  3. Economics
  4. English
  5. BookStore
  6. Computer Science
  7. To the left of
  8. Next to; Besides
  9. To have breakfast
  1. Library
  2. Why?
  3. Which ones
  4. Physics
  5. To the right of
  6. Biology
  7. Mathematics
  8. Psychology
  9. To have dinner
  10. Chemistry
  11. Where to?
  12. Because
  13. Which?

22 Clues: Why?Which?LibraryPhysicsHistoryBiologyEnglishBecauseEconomicsBookStoreChemistryWhere to?Which onesPsychologyWastebasketMathematicsTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; BesidesTo have breakfast

Capitulo 1 2023-09-21

Capitulo 1 crossword puzzle
  1. wastebasket
  2. business administration
  3. history
  4. physics
  5. Biology
  6. economy
  7. Mathematics
  8. Chemistry
  9. to have breakfast
  10. To the right of.
  11. where to
  12. to arrive
  1. bookstore
  2. library
  3. English
  4. psycology
  5. because
  6. computer science
  7. next to or beside
  8. to have dinner
  9. to the left of

21 Clues: libraryEnglishbecausehistoryphysicsBiologyeconomywhere tobookstorepsycologyChemistryto arrivewastebasketMathematicsto have dinnerto the left ofcomputer scienceTo the right to or besideto have breakfastbusiness administration

Les Fournitures scolaires et l'école 2024-02-29

Les Fournitures scolaires et l'école crossword puzzle
  1. le portable
  2. l'education civique
  3. la calculatrice
  4. la trousse
  5. le dictionnaire
  6. le francais
  7. l'agrafeuse
  8. le stylo
  9. la gomme
  1. le crayon
  2. la biologie
  3. la science
  4. le cahier
  5. les ciseaux
  6. l'anglais
  7. le taille-crayon
  8. le surligneur
  9. les maths
  10. l'EPS
  11. la regle

20 Clues: l'EPSla reglele stylola gommele crayonle cahierl'anglaisles mathsla sciencela troussele portablela biologieles ciseauxle francaisl'agrafeusele surligneurla calculatricele dictionnairele taille-crayonl'education civique

German Unit 3? 2024-03-29

German Unit 3? crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Notebook
  4. Geography
  5. Break
  6. History
  7. To Cost
  8. Biology
  9. Computer Science
  10. Social Studies
  11. Math
  12. Schedule
  1. Economics
  2. Scissors
  3. Pencil Case
  4. Art
  5. Politics
  6. Binder
  7. Ruler
  8. To Need
  9. School Supplies
  10. Calculator
  11. Colored Pencil
  12. Ethics
  13. To Buy

25 Clues: ArtMathRulerBreakBinderEthicsTo BuyPhysicsTo NeedHistoryTo CostBiologyScissorsPoliticsNotebookScheduleEconomicsChemistryGeographyCalculatorPencil CaseColored PencilSocial StudiesSchool SuppliesComputer Science

Le Cours 2024-10-08

Le Cours crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. philosophy
  3. studies
  4. foreign languages
  5. history
  6. physics
  7. art
  8. class
  9. humanities
  10. biology
  11. business administration
  12. chemistry
  13. homework
  1. economics
  2. diploma/degree
  3. psychology
  4. physical education
  5. gymnasium
  6. computer science
  7. political science
  8. school
  9. mathematics
  10. scholarship, grant
  11. grade
  12. cafeteria

25 Clues: artclassgradeschoolstudieshistoryphysicsbiologyhomeworkeconomicsgeographygymnasiumcafeteriachemistryphilosophypsychologyhumanitiesmathematicsdiploma/degreecomputer sciencepolitical scienceforeign languagesphysical educationscholarship, grantbusiness administration

La Vida Escolar 2020-04-05

La Vida Escolar crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. English
  3. pencils
  4. PE
  5. clock,watch
  6. a
  7. math
  8. dictionary
  9. computer
  10. biology
  11. clocks,watches
  1. pen
  2. notebook
  3. calculator
  4. backpack
  5. art
  6. pencil
  7. German
  8. some
  9. history
  10. some
  11. lunch
  12. computer science
  13. paper
  14. folder
  15. school supplies
  16. shoes

27 Clues: aPEpenartsomesomemathlunchpapershoespencilGermanfolderscienceEnglishpencilshistorybiologynotebookbackpackcomputercalculatordictionaryclock,watchclocks,watchesschool suppliescomputer science

Chapter 4 (1st half) 2022-05-02

Chapter 4 (1st half) crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. work shop
  3. biology
  4. chemistry
  5. english
  6. art
  1. math
  2. spanish
  3. history
  4. computer science
  5. french
  6. lunch
  7. german

13 Clues: artmathlunchfrenchgermanspanishsciencehistorybiologyenglishwork shopchemistrycomputer science

Biology 2011-12-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. non parasitc worms
  2. individual filament of a fungus, with an elongated mass of cytoplasm
  3. has a bivalve
  4. one bacterial cell passes DNA to a 2nd cell
  5. the organism that transmits malaria to humans
  6. smaller cell breaks away from larger cell in yeast
  7. most common parasitic worm in the united states
  1. what system do cnidaria and comb jellies have that sponges lack?
  2. What part of the body can a tapeworm affect
  3. most animal species are in this phylum
  4. The spore producing structures of fungi
  5. These organisms, love environments with salt

12 Clues: has a bivalvenon parasitc wormsmost animal species are in this phylumThe spore producing structures of fungiWhat part of the body can a tapeworm affectone bacterial cell passes DNA to a 2nd cellThese organisms, love environments with saltthe organism that transmits malaria to humansmost common parasitic worm in the united states...

Biology 2011-12-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. non parasitc worms
  2. individual filament of a fungus, with an elongated mass of cytoplasm
  3. has a bivalve
  4. one bacterial cell passes DNA to a 2nd cell
  5. the organism that transmits malaria to humans
  6. smaller cell breaks away from larger cell in yeast
  7. most common parasitic worm in the united states
  1. what system do cnidaria and comb jellies have that sponges lack?
  2. What part of the body can a tapeworm affect
  3. most animal species are in this phylum
  4. The spore producing structures of fungi
  5. These organisms, love environments with salt

12 Clues: has a bivalvenon parasitc wormsmost animal species are in this phylumThe spore producing structures of fungiWhat part of the body can a tapeworm affectone bacterial cell passes DNA to a 2nd cellThese organisms, love environments with saltthe organism that transmits malaria to humansmost common parasitic worm in the united states...

BIOLOGY 2013-12-09

BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. Mistakes in replication may cause ...
  2. A ... is a sequence of bases on a DNA molecule coding for a sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain.
  3. Adenine,cytosine,guanine and ...
  4. Each of the two DNA molecules now contains one old strand and one new strand.
  5. Mrna, Trna and ...
  1. Dna is one type of nucleic acid called ...
  2. a mononucleotide contains a phosphate group, an organic group and a ... sugar.
  3. Rna has ... but Dna doesnot.
  4. The two chains of nucleotides are held together by ...
  5. Part of protein synthesis, takes place in the nucleus.
  6. All the genes in an individual or species are known as the ...
  7. Part of protein synthesis,takes place on the ribosomes.

12 Clues: Mrna, Trna and ...Rna has ... but Dna doesnot.Adenine,cytosine,guanine and ...Mistakes in replication may cause ...Dna is one type of nucleic acid called ...The two chains of nucleotides are held together by ...Part of protein synthesis, takes place in the nucleus.Part of protein synthesis,takes place on the ribosomes....

Biology 2014-10-15

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. study information carefully
  2. answer your hypothesis
  3. the first step of the scientific method
  4. make a chart
  1. the study of the areas of science that deal with living things
  2. the study of living things
  3. an organized collection of knowledge about the world
  4. something that is done to test a hypothesis
  5. information
  6. method/what scientists use to solve problems
  7. educated guess
  8. paying close attention to something

12 Clues: informationmake a charteducated guessanswer your hypothesisthe study of living thingsstudy information carefullypaying close attention to somethingthe first step of the scientific methodsomething that is done to test a hypothesismethod/what scientists use to solve problemsan organized collection of knowledge about the world...

Biology 2013-09-26

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Cell division that creates genetically identical clones
  2. Blood Cell Carries oxygen through the body
  3. Body system responsible for movement of blood
  4. needed for photosynthesis
  5. Cell division that creates gametes
  6. Movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration
  1. Controls what goes in and out of the cell
  2. Body system responsible for breathing
  3. used to transport products of photosynthesis up and down the plant
  4. Site of respiration
  5. Male parts of a flower
  6. Female parts of a flower

12 Clues: Site of respirationMale parts of a flowerFemale parts of a flowerneeded for photosynthesisCell division that creates gametesBody system responsible for breathingControls what goes in and out of the cellBlood Cell Carries oxygen through the bodyBody system responsible for movement of bloodCell division that creates genetically identical clones...

Biology 2013-10-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. diffusion of a solvent from a more dilute solution to a more concentrated solution through a membrane that's permeable to the solvent
  2. the movement of particles from regions of higher density to lower density
  3. process by which a cell membrane surrounds a particle and encloses particle in a vesicle to bring the particle into the cell
  4. diffusion the transport of substances through a cell membrane along a concentration gradient with aid of carrier proteins
  5. transport the movement of a chemical substances, across cell membrane, against a concentration gradient
  6. potassium pump carrier protein that uses ATP to actively transport sodium ions out of a cell and potassium ions into the cell
  1. transport the movement of substances across a cell membrane without the use of energy by the cell
  2. solution solute concentration is lower than the solute concentration inside a cell
  3. gradient a difference in the concentration of a substance across a distance
  4. solution solute concentration is higher than the solute concentration inside a cell
  5. solution solute concentration is equal to the solute concentration inside a cell
  6. process by which a substance is released from the cell through a vesicle that transports the substance to the cell surface and then fuses with the membrane to let the substance out

12 Clues: the movement of particles from regions of higher density to lower densitygradient a difference in the concentration of a substance across a distancesolution solute concentration is equal to the solute concentration inside a cellsolution solute concentration is lower than the solute concentration inside a cell...

Biology 2015-09-10

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. reproduction not involving the fusion of gametes.
  2. have no nucleus.
  3. fission a cell splitting into 2 to reproduce
  4. a substance forming the cell walls of a bacteria.
  5. a genetic structure in a cell that can replicate independently
  1. makes its own food.
  2. cells that have no nucleus
  3. a medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms.
  4. a hairlike appendage found on bacteria
  5. an appendage that allows bacteria to swim.
  6. relating to, involving, or requiring an absence of free oxygen
  7. relating to, involving, or requiring free oxygen

12 Clues: have no nucleus.makes its own food.cells that have no nucleusa hairlike appendage found on bacteriaan appendage that allows bacteria to swim.fission a cell splitting into 2 to reproducerelating to, involving, or requiring free oxygenreproduction not involving the fusion of gametes.a substance forming the cell walls of a bacteria....

Biology 2020-04-12

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. The removal of unwanted products of metabolism
  2. The position of an allele within a DNA molecule
  3. Plant tissue that contains airspaces
  4. This device allows one to check their blood glucose concentration
  5. A chip which is used to find out which genes are expressed within cells
  6. A cell that possesses two complete sets of chromosomes
  1. Plant growth regulator which is found mostly in young leaves and seeds
  2. This is made when Schwann cells wrap themselves around the axon
  3. The splitting of glucose
  4. This can increase the chances of a mutation
  5. This protein makes up the thin filaments in a striated muscle
  6. Environmental factor caused by living organisms

12 Clues: The splitting of glucosePlant tissue that contains airspacesThis can increase the chances of a mutationThe removal of unwanted products of metabolismThe position of an allele within a DNA moleculeEnvironmental factor caused by living organismsA cell that possesses two complete sets of chromosomes...

Biology 2020-04-12

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. The removal of unwanted products of metabolism
  2. The position of an allele within a DNA molecule
  3. Plant tissue that contains airspaces
  4. This device allows one to check their blood glucose concentration
  5. A chip which is used to find out which genes are expressed within cells
  6. A cell that possesses two complete sets of chromosomes
  1. Plant growth regulator which is found mostly in young leaves and seeds
  2. This is made when Schwann cells wrap themselves around the axon
  3. The splitting of glucose
  4. This can increase the chances of a mutation
  5. This protein makes up the thin filaments in a striated muscle
  6. Environmental factor caused by living organisms

12 Clues: The splitting of glucosePlant tissue that contains airspacesThis can increase the chances of a mutationThe removal of unwanted products of metabolismThe position of an allele within a DNA moleculeEnvironmental factor caused by living organismsA cell that possesses two complete sets of chromosomes...

Biology 2020-04-12

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. The removal of unwanted products of metabolism
  2. The position of an allele within a DNA molecule
  3. Plant tissue that contains airspaces
  4. This device allows one to check their blood glucose concentration
  5. A chip which is used to find out which genes are expressed within cells
  6. A cell that possesses two complete sets of chromosomes
  1. Plant growth regulator which is found mostly in young leaves and seeds
  2. This is made when Schwann cells wrap themselves around the axon
  3. The splitting of glucose
  4. This can increase the chances of a mutation
  5. This protein makes up the thin filaments in a striated muscle
  6. Environmental factor caused by living organisms

12 Clues: The splitting of glucosePlant tissue that contains airspacesThis can increase the chances of a mutationThe removal of unwanted products of metabolismThe position of an allele within a DNA moleculeEnvironmental factor caused by living organismsA cell that possesses two complete sets of chromosomes...