biology Crossword Puzzles

Biology crossword 2014-04-14

Biology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. this plant has prop root
  2. root system of eudicots and gymnosperm
  3. reproductive organ at the carpel
  4. tissue that located under the epidermal tissue
  5. other name of Daucus Carota
  6. leaf tissue that contains palisade and spongy parenchyma
  7. water and mineral absorption from
  8. where the cells having elongated and enlarge growth
  9. the outer layers of leaf
  10. smaller roots
  11. pores which arranged like stripes ______ strip
  12. water and mineral can penetrate this tissue trough pores
  13. result of leaf modification
  14. kind of flower that only has stamen or carpel
  15. the deepest part of root
  1. roots in mangrove, pandan
  2. one of the stem structure
  3. leaf tissue
  4. singular
  5. a plant with taproot system
  6. flowermthat have both stamens and carpel
  7. monocots are the plants with this roon system
  8. process of food making in plants
  9. photosynthesis place but take more chloroplast
  10. flower ornamental,usually green and protects the flower bud durng the development
  11. root cap
  12. made of xylem and phloem
  13. female reproductive organ of the flower
  14. flower ornamental that has a very attractive colors
  15. the structure is similar with the structure of root

30 Clues: singularroot capleaf tissuesmaller rootsthis plant has prop rootthe outer layers of leafmade of xylem and phloemthe deepest part of rootroots in mangrove, pandanone of the stem structurea plant with taproot systemother name of Daucus Carotaresult of leaf modificationreproductive organ at the carpelprocess of food making in plants...

(Foundation) Biology 2013-12-09

(Foundation) Biology crossword puzzle
  1. An indirect evidence that starts with the letter B
  2. Non-living part
  3. Living part
  4. They convert organic material into simple minerals and nutrients
  5. A structure that develops into the spinal chord
  6. Scientists that classify all organisms into groups
  7. Written in italics and the second letter is in upper case in the binomial name
  8. The most commonly used identification tool
  9. Another term for consumers
  10. Written in italics and the first letter is in lower case in the binomial name
  1. Another term for producers
  2. Level of classification
  3. Top carnivores, or top of the food web
  4. A series of food chains
  5. A linear relationship between a producer and consumers
  6. Consumer decomposing organic matter
  7. There are 3 of these in the level of classification
  8. Consists of abiotic and biotic Factors
  9. The Species and Genus make up this name
  10. There are 5 of these in the level of classification

20 Clues: Living partNon-living partLevel of classificationA series of food chainsAnother term for producersAnother term for consumersConsumer decomposing organic matterTop carnivores, or top of the food webConsists of abiotic and biotic FactorsThe Species and Genus make up this nameThe most commonly used identification tool...

Biology Crossword 2014-01-30

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. supply raw materials for growth and repair of structures such as skin and muscle.
  2. down food; absorbs nutrients.
  3. helps protect the body from disease
  4. is the process in which a stimulus produces a response that opposes the original stimulus.
  5. are substances in food that supply the energy and raw materials that your body uses for growth, repair and maintenance.
  6. is the physical breakdown of large pieces of food into smaller pieces.
  7. the relatively constant internal physical and chemical conditions that organisms maintain despite changes in internal and external changes.
  8. Works with skeletal system to produce voluntary movement.
  9. organic molecules that the body needs in very small amounts.
  10. the most important nutrient.
  11. Inorganic nutrients that the body needs.
  1. Agroup of different types of tissies that work together to perform a single function or several realted functions.
  2. is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperatura of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.
  3. Nerve impulses are transmitted throughout the body.
  4. Recognizes and coordinates the body`s response to changes in its internal and external environments.
  5. brings in oxygen needed for celular respiration and removes excess carbon dioxide from the body.
  6. Is a group of organs that perform closely related functions.
  7. Movements of the body are posible because of…
  8. are a major source of energy for the body.
  9. enzymes break down food into small molecules.
  10. Supports the body; protects internal organs.
  11. Guards against infection and injury and ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
  12. transports oxygen, nutrients and hormones to cells.
  13. the tissue that lines the interior and the exterior body surface.
  14. A type of tissue that provides support for the body and connects its parts.

25 Clues: the most important nutrient.down food; absorbs nutrients.helps protect the body from diseaseInorganic nutrients that the body needs.are a major source of energy for the body.Supports the body; protects internal organs.Movements of the body are posible because of…enzymes break down food into small molecules....

Biology Crossword 2014-05-10

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell during this phase.
  2. This part of the microscope gives the distance needed between the eyepiece and objecvtive.
  3. When the magnification is 100 what is the objective lens.
  4. This system is made up of the heart, blood vessels and blood.
  5. Holds the slide in place.
  6. This is the "Power House" of the cell.
  7. Levels of organization of increasing or decreasing complexity.
  8. Using this doctors can tell the difference between cancerous tumors or just fluid filled cysts.
  9. This tissue allows the stomach to squeeze and churn food then, break it down.
  10. These cells are controversial.
  11. This is cause by the respiratory system.
  12. This system takes in food, breaks it down then, takes away the remaining waste from the body.
  13. The movement of water across a cell membrane towards an area where dissolved substances are at a higher concentration.
  14. The substance or object you put on your slide.
  15. You are given an injection before you are scanned in this imaging technology.
  16. This tissue is made up of tightly packed cells.
  17. These cells store energy as glycogen.
  18. A group of 2 or more types of tissue that preform a specific task.
  19. This is the last stage of mitosis.
  20. This is like the transportation system of the cell.
  21. These cells can produce certain types of cells.
  22. This is the most complex tissue in the body.
  23. Removal of living tissue for diagnostic examination.
  24. The movement of dissolved substances from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.
  25. This disease is caused by the circulatory system.
  26. This type of egg begins to divide within 24 hours.
  1. The cell wall is only included in this type of a cell.
  2. The process of cell division.
  3. This imaging technology gives you a 3-D photograph of the person.
  4. This system is made up of the lungs, bronchi and trachea.
  5. These cells produce green pigment also known as, chlorophyll.
  6. This scanner is shaped like a doughnut and examines dense tissues.
  7. A digestive system disease which causes difficulty swallowing.
  8. This kind of technology gives a black and white picture of foreign objects in your body.
  9. This tissue supports and connects the bodies organs.
  10. This part assembles parts of the ribosomes.
  11. Image of the breast produced by an x-ray.
  12. Site of protein.
  13. In this stage DNA duplicates.
  14. Something that is living.

40 Clues: Site of protein.Holds the slide in place.Something that is living.The process of cell division.In this stage DNA duplicates.These cells are controversial.This is the last stage of mitosis.These cells store energy as glycogen.This is the "Power House" of the cell.This is cause by the respiratory system.Image of the breast produced by an x-ray....

Biology Unit 2014-11-12

Biology Unit crossword puzzle
  1. A unicellular organism that for example, mushrooms release to reproduce.
  2. DNA strands.
  3. Stimulates the growth of sperm producing cells
  4. The control center of the cell.
  5. Binds with Cytosine
  6. Two parents create a living being.
  7. Stimulates cells to produce testosterone
  8. A part of the organism breaks off due to injury and becomes a new organism.
  9. An organelle that packages proteins into vesicles.
  10. Male glands that create sperm and testosterone
  11. Holds two chromatids together to form a chromosome.
  12. Only one parent is required for reproduction.
  13. A cell with one set of chromosomes.
  14. A center inside of the nucleus where DNA replication happens.
  15. An organelle found only in plant cells where photo synthesis occurs.
  16. Chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell
  17. Interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis
  18. A part inside of the cell.
  19. Breaks down unnecessary substances with enzymes.
  20. New plants grow from special roots and stems
  21. First stage of mitosis
  22. Fertilization that occurs inside the female's body
  23. The powerhouse of the cell.
  24. An organism grows on top of another one and can break off to form a new individual.
  25. A location on a DNA strand that holds information for creating proteins.
  26. Two replicated chromatids
  27. Chromosomes line up in the center
  28. Binds together with Guanine
  29. Cell asexually reproduces by dividing in half
  30. One of the four base pairs in a DNA strand that binds with Thymine
  31. Two organisms are attracted to each other and create a new organism
  32. A cell with two sets of chromosomes (half from each parent cell).
  33. Proteins are created in this organelle.
  34. Two parent cells with half the chromosomes divide into four daughter diploid cells with different genetic information.
  1. One of the four bases in RNA, and binds with Adenine
  2. They appear during cell division to pull the chromosomes apart.
  3. A sperm cell embeds itself in an egg cell
  4. Tube that connects the testes with the urethra
  5. A parent cell divides into two daughter cells that have the same genetic information.
  6. Pairs of chromosomes that have genes in similar locations
  7. Binds with Adenine
  8. Two chromatids put together.
  9. A cell used for sexual reproduction
  10. Fertilization that occurs outside the female's body
  11. The transportation system of the cell.
  12. Deoxyribonucleic acid
  13. The organelle which acts like a storage container.
  14. An organism with the exact same genetic information of it's parent
  15. Pollen fertilizers a plant
  16. Long coiled tube that stores and transports sperm to the testes
  17. Male hormone controls secondary male sexual characteristics
  18. The last stage of mitosis
  19. The process where a cell divides into two.
  20. Fertilized egg
  21. Ribonucleic acid
  22. The stage a cell will spend most of it's life in
  23. A cell that has the ability to become many different cells.
  24. A packaged protein.
  25. Powder from plants that create sperm cells

59 Clues: DNA strands.Fertilized eggRibonucleic acidBinds with AdenineBinds with CytosineA packaged protein.Deoxyribonucleic acidFirst stage of mitosisTwo replicated chromatidsThe last stage of mitosisA part inside of the cell.Pollen fertilizers a plantThe powerhouse of the cell.Binds together with GuanineTwo chromatids put together....

BIOLOGY I 2014-11-07

BIOLOGY I crossword puzzle
  1. Macromolecule used as insulation (blubber)
  2. The study of interactions between an organism and its environment
  3. Proteins that start the chemical reactions in our body
  4. Safety eyewear worn during laboratory activities
  5. A pure substance that consists entirely of one type of atom
  6. Data based on observations
  7. Number of electrons needed to fill an atom's second energy level
  8. Polymer composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
  9. A structured procedure for collecting information to test a hypothesis
  10. Atom of the same element that has a different number of neutrons
  11. Consumers that only eat plants
  12. Substance enzymes act upon to start a reaction
  13. A group of ecosystems that share similar climates and organisms
  14. The tendency for water molecules to stick to other water molecules
  15. Nutrient cycle that involves the burning of fossil fuels
  16. A substance with a pH less than seven
  1. Large molecule formed by smaller molecules
  2. A group of organisms that can produce fertile offspring
  3. Another term for compounds that contain carbon
  4. All of the chemical reactions that occur within an organism
  5. Type of organism that only eats animals that are already dead
  6. The movement of organisms out of a range
  7. The smallest particle of an element
  8. Type of population growth where resources are unlimited
  9. Type of bond formed when atoms transfer electrons
  10. Substance dissolved in a solvent
  11. Variable in an experiment that is measured
  12. The study of standards for what is right and what is wrong
  13. Reproduction that involves one parent
  14. The study of life
  15. The elements or compounds that enter into a chemical reaction
  16. Non-living factor in an ecosystem
  17. Any substance that forms hydroxide (OH-) ions

33 Clues: The study of lifeData based on observationsConsumers that only eat plantsSubstance dissolved in a solventNon-living factor in an ecosystemThe smallest particle of an elementReproduction that involves one parentA substance with a pH less than sevenThe movement of organisms out of a rangeMacromolecule used as insulation (blubber)...

biology crossword 2013-07-16

biology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the response of a plant when it is touched
  2. the response of a plant to a particular chemical
  3. hormone that promotes cell division
  4. get longer
  5. testosterone and eostrogen are examples of these
  6. any of a group of hormones that causes flowering
  7. region of actively dividing plant cells forming new tissue
  8. cutting off the top branches of a tree to stimulate growth
  9. we react to these
  10. C2H6
  11. not derived from living organisms
  12. a hormone that causes the elongation of plant cells
  1. this is where the plant turns towards the light
  2. a group of similar cells grouped together
  3. downward growth of plant roots is positive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  4. the process of cutting a tree back to ground level to stimulate growth
  5. this is where the organism turns in a particular direction
  6. acid plant hormone that promotes leaf detatchment
  7. bud a bud that grows from the plant stem
  8. derived from living organisms

20 Clues: C2H6get longerwe react to thesederived from living organismsnot derived from living organismshormone that promotes cell divisionbud a bud that grows from the plant stema group of similar cells grouped togetherthe response of a plant when it is touchedthis is where the plant turns towards the lightthe response of a plant to a particular chemical...

Biology Crossword 2013-09-11

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. trees with dense hard wood
  2. grasses used for lawn coverings
  3. part of plant which grows above ground
  4. organisms which are consumers of other organisms
  5. leaf stalk
  6. cells which make food from sunlight
  7. small blade on a compound leaf
  8. the study of living things.
  9. plant whose stem stays relatively soft
  10. pressure caused by retaining water
  11. loss of water vapor from leaves and stems
  12. trees which lose their leaves each fall and are bare during winter
  13. layer of cells which “cuts” the connection between leaf and petiole
  14. grasses used as food by livestock
  15. large vein running down center of leaf blade
  16. grasses grown for grains used for food
  17. organisms capable of making their own food
  18. creeping stem that grows above ground
  19. flat green portion of leaf
  1. process of converting sunlight to energy (food)
  2. study of plants
  3. tissue which allows plant to grow in diameter
  4. a plant in the pea family
  5. middle portion inside a leaf
  6. a close fitting cover that wraps around the base of a stem
  7. burning sugar for energy
  8. plants that live several years and develop a large amount of wood.
  9. area where organisms live
  10. living things
  11. part of system with definite form and function
  12. the fluid medium for molecules of cells
  13. vascular tissue which transports water and minerals upward from roots
  14. part of plant which grows below ground
  15. miniature organs
  16. crescent shaped cells which expand and contract to open stoma
  17. study of animals
  18. where leaves grow from the stems
  19. flowering plants which produce seeds covered by fruit
  20. - grasses
  21. tiny openings in the skin of leaves
  22. living material which performs specific tasks for organs
  23. - vascular tissue which transports food down from the leaves

42 Clues: - grassesleaf stalkliving thingsstudy of plantsminiature organsstudy of animalsburning sugar for energya plant in the pea familyarea where organisms livetrees with dense hard woodflat green portion of leafthe study of living things.middle portion inside a leafsmall blade on a compound leafgrasses used for lawn coverings...

Biology revision 2013-09-21

Biology revision crossword puzzle
  1. Focuses light onto the retina
  2. A method of preventing microbes from entering the body
  3. Fat is stored here and around organs as adipose tissues
  4. A field of vision only seen by each eye individually
  5. Aids growth and repair
  6. Refracts light as it enters the eye
  7. A key factor of a healthy lifestyle
  8. Strokes and kidney failure are results of this
  9. 2nd class proteins
  10. The rate which cells use energy
  11. When coronary arteries are blocked and blood can't be pumped around the body efficiently
  12. Increases the risk of heart disease
  13. Number of kj you use whilst doing physical exercise
  14. A non-cancerous, removeable tumor
  15. The parasite that causes malaria
  16. Can cause diseases like malaria
  17. A quick source of energy
  18. Can cause diseases like athletes foot
  19. Long chains of amino acids
  20. Where carbohydrates are stored as glycogen
  21. Can cause diseases like cholera
  1. A muscle or gland that receives a nerve impulse
  2. Something that triggers a reaction
  3. A slow source of energy
  4. Keeps you hydrated
  5. Junction between two neurons
  6. Delivers oxygen to tissues
  7. Formed when protein is broken down by protease
  8. The formation of a blood clot in a vessel
  9. Contains light receptors
  10. The amount of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your _ _ _ _ _ is under when it is pumped around your body
  11. Can cause diseases like measles
  12. Carrier of a disease
  13. A type of protein energy malnutrition
  14. Carries impulses from the eye to the brain
  15. Turns carbohydrates into glucose
  16. A cancerous tumor caused when cells go out of control
  17. Prevents diseases
  18. Microorganism that causes harm
  19. Prevents constipation
  20. Number of kj you use
  21. Controls how much light enters the pupil
  22. A field of vision seen by both eyes at once
  23. Broken down by lipase to form fatty acids and glycerol
  24. 1st class protein as well as fish

45 Clues: Prevents diseasesKeeps you hydrated2nd class proteinsCarrier of a diseaseNumber of kj you usePrevents constipationAids growth and repairA slow source of energyContains light receptorsA quick source of energyDelivers oxygen to tissuesLong chains of amino acidsJunction between two neuronsFocuses light onto the retinaMicroorganism that causes harm...

Biology Vocabulary 2015-06-11

Biology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The second phase of mitosis, when the chromosomes align in the centre of the cell
  2. The movement of molecules or other particles from an area od high concentration to an area of low concentration until they are evenly distributed
  3. The fourth phase of mitosis, when the membrane surrounding the nucleus re-forms, creating two new nuclei
  4. The number of molecules of a substance in a given volume
  5. imaging technology Technologies that are used to make images of cells, tissues, and organs
  6. A structure within a cell that carries out specific functions to support the life of the cell; functions include bring in nutrient, removing wastes, generating and releasing energy for the cell to use, making substances that the cell needs, and reproducing
  7. The first phase of mitosis, when the nucleus and nuclear membrane disappear and chromosomes form
  8. The process by which nutrients diffuse or are moved from the digestive system to the blood
  9. The stage in the cell cycle when the contents of the nucleus separate into two identical copes
  10. cycle The continuous series of events in the life of a cell in which it is born, grows, reproduces, and dies
  11. Specialized cells working together to perform a function; the four major types of human tissue are muscle tissue, connective tissue, nervous system, and epithelial tissue
  12. The third phase of mitosis, when the chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cells
  1. exchange The process of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
  2. blood cells Blood cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
  3. Tiny blood vessels that play an important role in gas exchange
  4. The stage in the cell cycle when cytoplasm and organelles divide into two identical, separate cells
  5. The ability to grow new cells to replace damaged or lost body components
  6. system A group of organs that interact with each other to perform a common task; the circulatory system includes the heart, arteries, and veins
  7. Different tissues working together to perform a specific task; connective, nervous, and epithelial tissues make up the brain
  8. The stage in the cell when a cell grows and carries out it usual functions, as well as making a copy of its DNA and organelles to prepare for cell division
  9. The movement of water molecules across a membrane in response to concentration differences
  10. differentiation The series of events through which stem cells develop into specialized cells
  11. Air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs

23 Clues: Air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occursThe number of molecules of a substance in a given volumeTiny blood vessels that play an important role in gas exchangeexchange The process of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxideThe ability to grow new cells to replace damaged or lost body components...

Biology Crossword 2015-02-13

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Domain; all organisms have a nucleus
  2. Substance that is part of plant cell walls
  3. Organism that gets energy from the food it eats
  4. Domain; live in some very extreme environments
  5. Kingdom with multicellular, photosynthetic autotrophs
  6. Heterotrophs; Example is a mushroom
  7. Kingdom corresponding with the domain Archaea
  8. Layer around the cell membrane in algae, plants, and some bacteria
  9. Organism whose cells have a nuclei
  10. Domain; unicellular and prokaryotic
  11. Kingdom; multicellular and heterotrophic, example is a monkey
  1. Eukaryotic organisms that cannot be classified as animals, plants, or fungi
  2. Unicellular organism with no nucleus
  3. Organism that can use energy from the sun and use it to make its own food
  4. What forms the cell walls of many bacteria
  5. Place where chlorophyll is and where photosynthesis takes place
  6. Kingdom that corresponds to the domain Bacteria
  7. One cell; Single Cell
  8. Most inclusive taxonomic category
  9. Complex Carbohydrate that makes up the cell walls for of fungi

20 Clues: One cell; Single CellMost inclusive taxonomic categoryOrganism whose cells have a nucleiHeterotrophs; Example is a mushroomDomain; unicellular and prokaryoticUnicellular organism with no nucleusDomain; all organisms have a nucleusWhat forms the cell walls of many bacteriaSubstance that is part of plant cell walls...

Biology Vocabulary 2015-05-28

Biology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the first pair of legs that bear large claws.
  2. groups of individuals each castes has a body form specialized for its role
  3. the posterior part of the body
  4. part of the exoskeleton that covers the cephalothorax
  5. tough external covering
  6. air enters and leave the tracheal tubes through here
  7. formed by fusion of the head with the thorax
  8. organs that contain silk glands
  9. a mouthpart adapted for biting and grinding food
  10. the stage in which an insect changes from larva to adult
  11. organs that have layers of respiratory tissue
  1. contains fangs and are used to stab and paralyze prey
  2. structures such as legs and antennae that extend from the body wall
  3. flipperlike appendages used for swimming
  4. the skin of echinoderms that is stretched over an internal skeleton
  5. how arthropods breath
  6. protein and carbohydrates are called this
  7. are used to grab prey
  8. immature forms lack functional sexual organs
  9. lies just behind the head and houses most of the internal organs

20 Clues: how arthropods breathare used to grab preytough external coveringthe posterior part of the bodyorgans that contain silk glandsflipperlike appendages used for swimmingprotein and carbohydrates are called thisformed by fusion of the head with the thoraximmature forms lack functional sexual organsthe first pair of legs that bear large claws....

Biology B1 2015-02-22

Biology B1 crossword puzzle
  1. Proteins found on the surface of cells
  2. Vision where both eyes focus on the same thing
  3. White blood cells that produce antibodies
  4. A clot within a blood vessel
  5. Type of characteristic determined by genes
  6. Hormone that regulates body glucose levels
  7. The physical expression of a gene
  8. A nerve cell
  9. Organ that secretes hormones
  10. Drug found in tobacco smoke
  1. Chemicals that kill or prevent the growth of bacteria
  2. The pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts
  3. Different version of a gene
  4. Maintaining a constant environment in the body
  5. The response of a plant to gravity
  6. A disease caused by bacteria
  7. Drugs that increase brain activity (e.g. Caffeine)
  8. A parasitic microorganism that causes disease
  9. Glands or muscles that carry out a response
  10. Food made up of amino acids used for growth and repair

20 Clues: A nerve cellDifferent version of a geneDrug found in tobacco smokeA disease caused by bacteriaA clot within a blood vesselOrgan that secretes hormonesThe physical expression of a geneThe response of a plant to gravityProteins found on the surface of cellsWhite blood cells that produce antibodiesType of characteristic determined by genes...

Biology Vocabulary 2015-06-16

Biology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The ability to grow new cells to replace damaged or lost body components
  2. The stage in the cell when a cell grows and carries out it usual functions, as well as making a copy of its DNA and organelles to prepare for cell division
  3. Different tissues working together to perform a specific task; connective, nervous, and epithelial tissues make up the brain
  4. The third phase of mitosis, when the chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cells
  5. The continuous series of events in the life of a cell in which it is born, grows, reproduces, and dies
  6. The first phase of mitosis, when the nucleus and nuclear membrane disappear and chromosomes form
  7. The fourth phase of mitosis, when the membrane surrounding the nucleus re-forms, creating two new nuclei
  8. The process by which nutrients diffuse or are moved from the digestive system to the blood
  9. Technologies that are used to make images of cells, tissues, and organs
  10. The stage in the cell cycle when cytoplasm and organelles divide into two identical, separate cells
  11. The stage in the cell cycle when the contents of the nucleus separate into two identical copes
  12. The movement of molecules or other particles from an area od high concentration to an area of low concentration until they are evenly distributed
  1. The series of events through which stem cells develop into specialized cells
  2. The second phase of mitosis, when the chromosomes align in the centre of the cell
  3. Specialized cells working together to perform a function; the four major types of human tissue are muscle tissue, connective tissue, nervous system, and epithelial tissue
  4. Air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs
  5. A structure within a cell that carries out specific functions to support the life of the cell; functions include bring in nutrient, removing wastes, generating and releasing energy for the cell to use, making substances that the cell needs, and reproducing
  6. A group of organs that interact with each other to perform a common task; the circulatory system includes the heart, arteries, and veins
  7. Blood cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
  8. The number of molecules of a substance in a given volume
  9. The process of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
  10. Tiny blood vessels that play an important role in gas exchange
  11. The movement of water molecules across a membrane in response to concentration differences

23 Clues: Air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occursThe number of molecules of a substance in a given volumeThe process of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxideBlood cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide in the bloodTiny blood vessels that play an important role in gas exchange...

Biology Crossword 2015-04-25

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Captures energy from sunlight or chemicals and uses it to make food from inorganic molecules
  2. Temporary cytoplasmic projections use for movement/feeding
  3. All Earth's ecosystems, all of the Earth where life exists
  4. Cells without nucleus
  5. When the cell grows, replicates its DNA
  6. trait Trait controlled by more than one gene
  7. Eats for food and energy
  8. Cells with membrane bound nucleus, and membrane bound nucleus
  9. Structure in fungi and plants that contains spores
  10. All the organisms in a given in a given area and all the abiotic factors that they interact with each other
  11. A direct ecological relationship between organism of two different species
  1. External skeleton, protects and supports the body
  2. Loss of water from the plant's leaves
  3. skeleton Layers of muscle together with water in the gastro vascular cavity that enables movement
  4. Diagram that shows evolutionary relationships among organisms
  5. Chromosomes line up at equator, each connected to a spindle
  6. Internal structural support system in an animal
  7. Two pedal locomotion
  8. Cell uptake of material by enfolding the cell membrane
  9. Cell release of material, opposite action of endocytosis
  10. Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane
  11. Process of maintaining a relatively stable internal environment
  12. Smallest unit that can join with others to make a polymer (man subunits join)
  13. nomenclature two-word naming system
  14. The study of how organisms interact with the environment

25 Clues: Two pedal locomotionCells without nucleusEats for food and energynomenclature two-word naming systemLoss of water from the plant's leavesWhen the cell grows, replicates its DNAtrait Trait controlled by more than one geneInternal structural support system in an animalExternal skeleton, protects and supports the body...

Biology 1 2016-01-26

Biology 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a particular section group or type of people or animals living in an area
  2. an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide
  3. the sub-units of protein
  4. dense organelle present in most Eukaryota cells typically a single rounded structure bounded by a double membrane containing the genetic material
  5. regulation ad maintenance of constant internal conditions in an organisms
  6. tissues that connect supports binds or separates other tissues or organs
  7. organisms that make their own food usually the energy the sunlight to make sugar
  8. variety of life within an area
  9. a complex carbohydrate that plants make
  10. the molecule that provides energy for a cells activities
  11. one of the nucleic acids made up of nucleotides made from DNA
  12. an atom or molecule with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons
  13. collection of organisms and non living things, such as climate, soil, water, and rock in a area
  14. a large community of plants and animals that occupies a distinct region
  1. the basic unit of a chemical element
  2. the process by which plants capture light energy from the sun and convert it into sugar
  3. any individual living thing
  4. a biochemical that stores information needed to build proteins
  5. a molecule that stores genetic information in all organisms
  6. a type of biochemical including fat and oils that does not dissolve in water
  7. a biochemical composed of one or more simple sugars bonded together that is used to provide ad store energy
  8. a proteins that make it possible for certain chemical reactions to occur quickly
  9. all organisms ad the part of earth
  10. organisms of a ecological food chain that receive energy by consuming other organisms
  11. basic unit of life

25 Clues: basic unit of lifethe sub-units of proteinany individual living thingvariety of life within an areaall organisms ad the part of earththe basic unit of a chemical elementa complex carbohydrate that plants makethe molecule that provides energy for a cells activitiesa molecule that stores genetic information in all organisms...

biology crossword 2016-09-17

biology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. instrument that has a magnifying lens for inspecting objects too small to see with ones eye
  2. The maintenance or growth of dispersed cells in a medium after removal from the body
  3. an act or instance of noticing
  4. as budding, fission, or spore formation, not involving the union of gametes.
  5. mere assumption or guess
  6. living organisms from nonliving matter
  7. to devolope gradually
  8. knowledge of the physical world
  9. A manipulated variable is the independent variable in an experiment.
  10. dependent variable
  1. reproduction involving the union of gametes.
  2. the sum of the physical and chemical processes in an organism
  3. any trial or test of a hypothesis under carefully managed conditions
  4. decimal measuring system based on the meter
  5. guess or conjecture
  6. the act or process of inferring
  7. the physiological system of higher animals, to maintain internal stability
  8. a usually microscopic structure containing nuclear and cytoplasmic matiral
  9. the science of life or living matter in all its forms
  10. a plural of datum.

20 Clues: a plural of datum.dependent variableguess or conjectureto devolope graduallymere assumption or guessan act or instance of noticingthe act or process of inferringknowledge of the physical worldliving organisms from nonliving matterdecimal measuring system based on the meterreproduction involving the union of gametes....

biology crossword 2016-09-17

biology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a plural of datum.
  2. the physiological system of higher animals, to maintain internal stability
  3. decimal measuring system based on the meter
  4. knowledge of the physical world
  5. the act or process of inferring
  6. living organisms from nonliving matter
  7. A manipulated variable is the independent variable in an experiment.
  8. to devolope gradually
  9. reproduction involving the union of gametes.
  10. The maintenance or growth of dispersed cells in a medium after removal from the body
  11. dependent variable
  12. the science of life or living matter in all its forms
  1. mere assumption or guess
  2. any trial or test of a hypothesis under carefully managed conditions
  3. as budding, fission, or spore formation, not involving the union of gametes.
  4. an act or instance of noticing
  5. instrument that has a magnifying lens for inspecting objects too small to see with ones eye
  6. guess or conjecture
  7. the sum of the physical and chemical processes in an organism
  8. a usually microscopic structure containing nuclear and cytoplasmic matiral

20 Clues: a plural of datum.dependent variableguess or conjectureto devolope graduallymere assumption or guessan act or instance of noticingknowledge of the physical worldthe act or process of inferringliving organisms from nonliving matterdecimal measuring system based on the meterreproduction involving the union of gametes....

Biology Vocab 2016-09-18

Biology Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Tool that provides an enlarged image of an object
  2. Using one of the five senses to gather information
  3. The subject that is used for a standard of comparison
  4. Based on observable characteristics using the five senses
  5. basic unit of life
  6. When a hypothesis has been tested repeatedly over and over and it is supported by evidence
  7. Use and application of living things and biological processes
  8. The factor that can be changed or manipulated in an experiment
  9. An average
  10. A testable explanation for observations and questions about the natural world
  11. Scientific facts combined with well tested hypotheses
  12. Regulations and maintenance of constant internal conditions in an organism
  13. transmits electrons through thin slices of specimen
  1. Inherited traits that are selected over time because it allows organisms to better survive in their environment
  2. Using knowledge to identify and explain observations in advance
  3. scans surfaces with a beam of electrons
  4. Any variable that remains the same for both the experimental and control groups
  5. Change in a species overtime; process of biological change by which descendants come to differ from their ancestors
  6. Variety of life within an area
  7. The most variable conditions or levels for growth, reproduction, or success
  8. The factor that responds to changes in other variables in an experiment
  9. Based on measurable characteristics
  10. Used to see living or preserved specimens and provide clear images
  11. Scientific study of all forms of life
  12. Development of ideas based on observations
  13. All chemical processes that break down materials within an organism

26 Clues: An averagebasic unit of lifeVariety of life within an areaBased on measurable characteristicsScientific study of all forms of lifescans surfaces with a beam of electronsDevelopment of ideas based on observationsTool that provides an enlarged image of an objectUsing one of the five senses to gather information...

Biology Vocab 2016-09-18

Biology Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Use and application of living things and biological processes
  2. The factor that can be changed or manipulated in an experiment
  3. Scientific facts combined with well tested hypotheses
  4. All chemical processes that break down materials within an organism
  5. An average
  6. Change in a species overtime; process of biological change by which descendants come to differ from their ancestors
  7. basic unit of life
  8. transmits electrons through thin slices of specimen
  9. Inherited traits that are selected over time because it allows organisms to better survive in their environment
  10. Used to see living or preserved specimens and provide clear images
  11. Any variable that remains the same for both the experimental and control groups
  12. Using knowledge to identify and explain observations in advance
  1. Based on measurable characteristics
  2. scans surfaces with a beam of electrons
  3. A testable explanation for observations and questions about the natural world
  4. Scientific study of all forms of life
  5. The factor that responds to changes in other variables in an experiment
  6. Development of ideas based on observations
  7. Based on observable characteristics using the five senses
  8. The subject that is used for a standard of comparison
  9. Regulations and maintenance of constant internal conditions in an organism
  10. Using one of the five senses to gather information
  11. Tool that provides an enlarged image of an object
  12. When a hypothesis has been tested repeatedly over and over and it is supported by evidence
  13. The most variable conditions or levels for growth, reproduction, or success
  14. Variety of life within an area

26 Clues: An averagebasic unit of lifeVariety of life within an areaBased on measurable characteristicsScientific study of all forms of lifescans surfaces with a beam of electronsDevelopment of ideas based on observationsTool that provides an enlarged image of an objectUsing one of the five senses to gather information...

SNC2D Biology 2016-06-08

SNC2D Biology crossword puzzle
  1. An organelle that covers and protects the nucleus
  2. Contains chlorophyll and where photosynthesis takes place
  3. Produces Proteins
  4. reponsible for transporting the sugar produced in photosynthesis from the leaves to the other parts of the plant
  5. A plant tissue that moves substance form the roots to the leaves; it is also responsible for transporting sugars from the leaves to other parts of the plant
  6. A phase of mitosis, where the chromosomes condenses, mitotic spindles form, and the nuclear structures and envelope disintegrate
  7. The most common form of medical imaging that uses high-energy radiation
  8. Two identical copies of the chromosome
  9. Regulated or controlled cell death
  10. A phase of mitosis, where the sister chromatids separate at the centromere, and the separated chromosomes are pulled to opposite ends of the cell
  11. An organelle that transports materials like protein around the cell
  12. Type of muscle used to move the arms and the legs
  13. Last Phase mitosis, where the cell divides the cytoplasm into two portions
  14. A body system which consists of skin, hair, nails, and glands that protects the body
  15. An animal tissue than forms glands that produce hormones, enzymes, and sweat
  16. A long piece of coiled DNA and proteins
  17. The shortest phase, where the cell produces organelles and structures need for cell division
  18. responsible for the movement of water and minerals from the roots to the leaves
  19. Basic unit of life
  20. A phase of mitosis, where each chromosome becomes completely condensed and start moving toward the centre of the cell; the mitotic spindle becomes complete
  21. A body system which consists of tendons ligaments, and muscles that helps provide movement
  22. A body system which consists of nerves and neurons that transmit signals between different parts of the body
  23. A cell division produces that produces two identical daughter cells during prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase phase.
  24. Smaller Parts of a cell
  25. The process of splitting the cytoplasm
  26. An organelle that controls all of the cell's activities
  1. Where the cell spends most of its life and when the cell is preparing for cell division
  2. A body system that has the function of reproduction
  3. A body system that consists of the heart, bloods vessels, and blood
  4. An animal tissue that supports and protects structures, forms blood, and stores fat
  5. A jelly-like substance that fills up the cell and surrounds the organelles
  6. A body system that has the function of ingestion, digestion, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of solid wastes
  7. An organelle that provides instructions for the cells activities (growth, reproduction)
  8. A plant tissue that forms the protective outer covering
  9. A body system that protects body from disease through circulating fluids called lymph
  10. A body system which consists of bones and cartilage that supports and protects the body
  11. A phase where the cell creates an entire copy of the DNA of the cell
  12. A body system that has the main function of exchanging gases throughout the body
  13. ...uses powerful magnets and radio waves to produce detailed images of the body
  14. A body system that has the function of eliminating wastes
  15. A membrane-bound organelles that store nutrients, wastes, and other substances used by the cell
  16. A body system that controls growth, metabolism, and development
  17. An animal tissue that allows movement
  18. A phase where the cell grows and produces new proteins and organelles
  19. An animal tissue that responds to stimuli and transmits information
  20. A plant tissue that is responsible for growing new parts of the plant
  21. All cells must perform tasks to...
  22. The 'powerhouse' of the cell; an organelle that supplies energy or ATP for the cell
  23. Organelles where digestion occurs
  24. Type of muscle found in the blood vessels, the stomach, and other organs
  25. A small sack that stores and transports substances throughout the cell
  26. Most nuclei contain a small dense area that produces the ribosomes called the...
  27. Modifies, sorts, and packages proteins for transport throughout or out of the cell
  28. Type of muscle only found in the heart
  29. Made up of firm protein filaments and tubules that gives cells its shape in plants, fungi, and most bacteria
  30. A plant tissue responsible for providing support for the stem, storing food and water, and photosynthesis
  31. ...uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of body tissues and organs

57 Clues: Produces ProteinsBasic unit of lifeSmaller Parts of a cellOrganelles where digestion occursRegulated or controlled cell deathAll cells must perform tasks to...An animal tissue that allows movementTwo identical copies of the chromosomeType of muscle only found in the heartThe process of splitting the cytoplasmA long piece of coiled DNA and proteins...

Biology Crossword 2016-06-09

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. cell Cells that does not undergo apoptosis; reproduces uncontrollably
  2. Pinching of the cell membrane
  3. Imaging produces images of organs and tissues within the body
  4. The balance that your body works to maintain
  5. Cells look different and perform different functions; before specialization
  6. Make leaves green; photosynthesis
  7. Enzymes that destroy wastes
  8. All the components inside the cell membrane
  9. Openings on the underside of leaves
  1. Unspecialized cells
  2. One-way tubes that transport water
  3. Make a person immune to infection by vaccination
  4. The power house of the cell!
  5. Cells develop in different ways to perform different functions
  6. Self-destruction of cells
  7. Cell division
  8. Storage space in a cell
  9. Long piece of coiled DNA and proteins
  10. Two-way tubes that transport sugar
  11. Basic component of life

20 Clues: Cell divisionUnspecialized cellsStorage space in a cellBasic component of lifeSelf-destruction of cellsEnzymes that destroy wastesThe power house of the cell!Pinching of the cell membraneMake leaves green; photosynthesisOne-way tubes that transport waterTwo-way tubes that transport sugarOpenings on the underside of leaves...

Biology Crossword 2016-06-09

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. One-way tubes that transport water
  2. Make leaves green; photosynthesis
  3. Self-destruction of cells
  4. The power house of the cell!
  5. Long piece of coiled DNA and proteins
  6. Make a person immune to infection by vaccination
  7. Storage space in a cell
  8. Cells develop in different ways to perform different functions
  9. Openings on the underside of leaves
  10. Two-way tubes that transport sugar
  1. Cell division
  2. Cells look different and perform different functions; before specialization
  3. Enzymes that destroy wastes
  4. Basic component of life
  5. Pinching of the cell membrane
  6. The balance that your body works to maintain
  7. All the components inside the cell membrane
  8. Unspecialized cells
  9. Imaging produces images of organs and tissues within the body
  10. cell Cells that does not undergo apoptosis; reproduces uncontrollably

20 Clues: Cell divisionUnspecialized cellsBasic component of lifeStorage space in a cellSelf-destruction of cellsEnzymes that destroy wastesThe power house of the cell!Pinching of the cell membraneMake leaves green; photosynthesisOne-way tubes that transport waterTwo-way tubes that transport sugarOpenings on the underside of leaves...

Human Biology 2018-03-27

Human Biology crossword puzzle
  1. the outer part of the kidney
  2. part of urinary system that is longer in males than females
  3. which part of digestive system is involved in absorption
  4. name the enzyme that digests starch
  5. organ where urine is stored
  6. what is the passive movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration called
  7. takes urine from the kidney to the bladder
  8. area of lungs where gas exchange takes place
  9. mucous and __________ are involved in removing dust from the respiratory system
  1. does transporting carbon dioxide in the blood raise or lower the pH
  2. the filtering unit of the kidney.
  3. in which part of digestive system is most water absorbed
  4. name the enzyme that digests protein in the stomach
  5. part of kidney that is connected to the ureter
  6. the kidney's regulation of the water/salt balance contributes to this
  7. substance that is not present in the urine of a healthy person
  8. blood cells and __________ are not removed from the blood during glomerular filtration
  9. name the substance that emulsifies fats
  10. folds in mucosa in bladder that allow for stretching
  11. which part of the respiratory system is involved with producing sound

20 Clues: organ where urine is storedthe outer part of the kidneythe filtering unit of the the enzyme that digests starchname the substance that emulsifies fatstakes urine from the kidney to the bladderarea of lungs where gas exchange takes placepart of kidney that is connected to the uretername the enzyme that digests protein in the stomach...

Biology Crossword 2020-01-27

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. muscle at the floor of the mouth that mixes food with saliva and pushes it back to the mouth to be swallowed
  2. cells that engulf and destroy bacteria and debris
  3. muscular rings that can contract to block the passage of materials
  4. eating disorder; a person eats large quantities of food and then intentionally vomits it out
  5. eating disorder; self-imposed starvation and refusal to maintain normal body weight
  6. antimicrobial molecules that communicate with immune system cells and stimulate the development of a fever
  7. triggers the production of antibodies, which bind mast cells
  8. fluid component of blood that transports cells, platelets, and numerous types of dissolved chemicals
  9. herbivore with a complex, four-chambered organ that specializes in the digestion of grass
  10. cell fragments that collect near a wound
  11. absence of one or more essential elements of the immune system
  12. biochemical that causes blood vessels to dilate
  13. blood pressure that reflects the force exerted on artery walls when the ventricles contract
  14. the outermost layer, and it consists partly of dry, dead cells that help keep invaders outside the body
  15. measure the energy stored in food
  16. forms the external entrance to the nasal cavity, functions in breathing, immunity, and the sense of smell
  1. immune reaction to a harmless substance
  2. tube that connects the bladder with the outside of the body
  3. fatty deposits inside the walls of arteries reduce blood flow to the brain, heart, limbs or kidneys
  4. enzyme that digests proteins
  5. windpipe; tube just beneath the larynx
  6. muscular bag that receives food from the esophagus
  7. an immediate, localized reaction to an injury or to any pathogen that breaches the body’s barriers
  8. rhythmic waves of contraction that propel food in one direction
  9. inflammation of the alveoli, usually resulting from an infection with bacteria, viruses, or fungi
  10. white blood cells that participate in inflammation
  11. a type of cancer in which red bone marrow produces too many white blood cells
  12. blood pressure when the ventricles relax
  13. a Y-shaped protein composed of two heavy and two light polypeptide chains
  14. blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart

30 Clues: enzyme that digests proteinsmeasure the energy stored in foodwindpipe; tube just beneath the larynximmune reaction to a harmless substancecell fragments that collect near a woundblood pressure when the ventricles relaxbiochemical that causes blood vessels to dilatecells that engulf and destroy bacteria and debris...

General Biology 2020-01-30

General Biology crossword puzzle
  1. The colorless fluid , forms when plasma seeps out of the blood vessels and into the interstitial fluid
  2. It covers the glottis so that food enters the esophagus, not the lungs
  3. They are white blood cells that participate in the inflammation
  4. A tube that connects the bladder with the outside of the body
  5. A muscular bag that receives food from the esophagus
  6. A two-opening digestive tract
  7. A plug of solidified blood
  8. An eating disorder which a person eats large quantities and then intentionally vomits or uses laxatives shortly afterward
  9. The hormone that stimulates the production of sodium channels in the nephron
  10. teaches the immune system to recognize specific components of pathogen without actually causing illness
  11. They control the concentration of ions in their body fluids as the environment changes
  12. A heart chamber that pumps blood out of the heart
  13. It is a specialized cardiac cells that sets the tempo of the heartbeat
  14. They are antimicrobial molecules that communicate with immune system cells and stimulate the development of a fever
  15. This houses the nerve endings, sweat, and oil glands and the blood vessels
  1. A large containing masses of lymphocytes and macrophages that destroy pathogens in the blood
  2. The cells that engulfs and digests foreign material and cell debris
  3. Blood from the right side of the heart exchanges gases at the lungs and return it to the heart
  4. A mixture of water, mucus, salts hydrochloric acids and enzymes produced by the stomach lining
  5. A small immune organ in the chest
  6. It delivers blood to the kidneys
  7. The lines the inside of the heart and all of the body’s vessels
  8. A network of tiny blood vessels that connect an arteriole and a venule.
  9. They are muscular rings that can contract to block the passage of materials
  10. It is the widening of blood vessels that occurs when the same muscles relax
  11. It is an accessory organ that stores bile until the chyme triggers its release into the small intestine
  12. a biochemical that dilates blood vessels and increases the permeability
  13. They eat decomposing organic matter
  14. The body’s tiniest blood vessels
  15. are large vessels that conduct blood away from the heart

30 Clues: A plug of solidified bloodA two-opening digestive tractIt delivers blood to the kidneysThe body’s tiniest blood vesselsA small immune organ in the chestThey eat decomposing organic matterA heart chamber that pumps blood out of the heartA muscular bag that receives food from the esophagusare large vessels that conduct blood away from the heart...

Molecular biology 2019-12-03

Molecular biology crossword puzzle
  1. part of the metabolism that builds simple molecules into more complex ones
  2. an unsaturated fatty acid contains less _______ than a saturated one
  3. molecule that carries energy in the cell
  4. a polymer of glucose, used as a storage form for glucose in animals
  5. an enzyme that breaks down maltose to two glucose molecules
  6. one of the factors that limit photosynthesis
  7. are small lipids containing rings that are all derived from cholesterol
  8. forms part of the plasma membrane, contains two fatty acids
  9. one of the colors used by chlorophyll
  10. the loose association of amino acids in a polypeptide chain with each other, usually through H-bonds. e.g. alpha helix, beta pleated sheet
  11. a fatty acid that has been modified to remove the kink
  12. biological catalysts, composed of protein, that speed up chemical reactions
  13. water-"loving"
  1. monosaccharide found in milk
  2. enzymes work by lowering the ______________ needed to start a reaction
  3. to permanently change the 3 dimensional structure of a protein
  4. starch is made up of two molecules:amylose and _____
  5. the tertiary structure of a protein made by both alpha helixes and beta pleated sheets
  6. monomer of carbohydrates
  7. the bond that forms between two amino acids joined by dehydration synthesis
  8. a chemical that resists changes in pH

21 Clues: water-"loving"monomer of carbohydratesmonosaccharide found in milkone of the colors used by chlorophylla chemical that resists changes in pHmolecule that carries energy in the cellone of the factors that limit photosynthesisstarch is made up of two molecules:amylose and _____a fatty acid that has been modified to remove the kink...

Biology Crossword 2020-03-27

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. membrane every cell has one to let things in and out
  2. site of photosynthesis
  3. loosely packed DNA
  4. bond two molecules share their electrons
  5. unit of DNA
  6. site of protein synthesis
  7. type of passive transport
  8. macromolecule that serves many jobs
  9. diffusion of water across membranes
  10. a macromolecule made of fatty acids
  1. type of organisms do not have a nucleus
  2. can make their own energy
  3. brings amino acids to the ribosome
  4. a 2-ringed nitrogen base
  5. gametes have half of the needed genetic info
  6. eat to take in energy
  7. contains both the dominant and recessive allele
  8. with oxygen
  9. adenosine triphosphate
  10. the main hub of the cell
  11. a positive atom component
  12. process to copy body cells

22 Clues: with oxygenunit of DNAloosely packed DNAeat to take in energysite of photosynthesisadenosine triphosphatea 2-ringed nitrogen basethe main hub of the cellcan make their own energya positive atom componentsite of protein synthesistype of passive transportprocess to copy body cellsbrings amino acids to the ribosomemacromolecule that serves many jobs...

Biology Crossword 2021-01-26

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Physical/non living factors that shape an ecosystem.
  2. Forces of attraction between positive and negative regions of nearby molecules.
  3. what can a populations adjust to with small changes but not large or long term ones?
  4. Main source of energy for living things.
  5. looks like an ATP but as 2 phosphorus (not 3).
  6. What can cause entire population to “crash”?
  7. Mix tubes of water and any non-dissolved material that don’t settle.
  8. process that passes matter from one organism or part of the biosphere to another.
  9. body surfaces, line body cavities, and hollow organs. They provide a variety of functions, but mostly protection.
  10. During aerobic respiration the _____ cycle generates high energy electrons that are passed to the electron transport chain to generate lots of ATP.
  11. Ecosystems with the same climate and similar communities.
  12. what is the first step of cellular respiration and anaerobic respiration (AKA fermentation)?
  13. what do plant cells have that animal cells do not?
  14. obtain energy from food consumed.
  15. on communication & cooperation among specialized cells.
  16. Groups of the same species in an area.
  17. Amount of living within a trophic level.
  1. Use light to make sugars & starches.
  2. what tissue controls body movements, send and receive signals.
  3. Area where an organism lives
  4. One member benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed most.
  5. Biological influences on an organism.
  6. which cell has a bigger vacuole
  7. Chemical fuel of living things
  8. Similar to predators - feed at expense of host.
  9. Found in plants, algae, fungi & prokaryotes.
  10. the three biggest factors that affect photosynthesis arew water, temperature, and _____?
  11. what increases as two or more organisms of the same species trying to reproduce at the same time.
  12. Adhesion between water and the sides of a tube causing it to rise against gravity.
  13. Regulates what enters and leaves the cell.
  14. what Happens in yeast & a few microorganisms?
  15. the products of the Krebs Cycle are ATP,NADH,FADH2 and ___?
  16. Predator & prey populations regulate each other.
  17. Formed when one or more electrons are transferred from one atom to another.
  18. what system provides Support and protection
  19. Made up of many cells.
  20. How an organism uses its environment.
  21. fiber structures allow it to contract, making the organism move.
  22. Make their own food.
  23. what tissue connects, supports and separates all other types of tissue?

40 Clues: Make their own food.Made up of many cells.Area where an organism livesChemical fuel of living thingswhich cell has a bigger vacuoleobtain energy from food consumed.Use light to make sugars & starches.Biological influences on an organism.How an organism uses its environment.Groups of the same species in an area....

Biology 1 2021-01-25

Biology 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Range of 0-14, starting with acids and ending in bases
  2. Support and protection
  3. Coordinate and move the organism
  4. multi-cellular organism
  5. stores material
  6. Population size does not matter, like natural disasters and human activity
  7. group of tissues that work together
  8. requires Oxygen
  9. what chlorophyll is
  10. use of chemicals to make sugar
  11. biological catalysts, speed up reaction
  1. state of balanced internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained by organisms.
  2. Allow organism to move, fibers contract
  3. main source of energy for living things
  4. whenever glucose is present
  5. animals,obtain energy by eating
  6. smallest unit of an element that retains the properties of that element.
  7. Wall Found in plants, algae, fungi, and prokaryotes
  8. where Calvin Cycle occurs
  9. ecosystems with same climate and similar communities
  10. moved around and ecosystem
  11. Connects, supports, and separates types of tissues
  12. organisms occupation within habitat
  13. der Waals forces Forces of attraction between positive and negative regions of nearby molecules.
  14. Single-cellular organism

25 Clues: requires Oxygenstores materialwhat chlorophyll isSupport and protectionmulti-cellular organismSingle-cellular organismwhere Calvin Cycle occursmoved around and ecosystemwhenever glucose is presentuse of chemicals to make sugaranimals,obtain energy by eatingCoordinate and move the organismgroup of tissues that work together...

Biology Crossword 2021-01-27

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. organelle near nucleus in an animal cell.
  2. Constrain to population size.
  3. without air.
  4. As known as the nuclear membrane.
  5. Connects all other types of tissue.
  6. All living things are composed of cells.
  7. leave to find a different habitat.
  8. pigment that runs photosynthesis.
  9. Protection.
  10. Cell changes from one type to another.
  1. Reaction product used to regulate.
  2. Also known as the citric acid cycle.
  3. Send and receive signals.
  4. Organism make their own food.
  5. small molecules bond together.
  6. chemical fuel for living things.
  7. Dark reaction or light independent.
  8. particles move from high to low concentration.
  9. how an organism uses it's environment.
  10. Process that passes matter from an organism to the biosphere.
  11. speeds up a reaction.
  12. atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons.
  13. attraction between molecules of the same substance.
  14. balanced conditions maintained by living things.
  15. attraction between molecules of different substances.

25 Clues: Protection.without air.Send and receive signals.speeds up a reaction.Organism make their own food.Constrain to population size.As known as the nuclear membrane.Reaction product used to regulate.pigment that runs photosynthesis.Dark reaction or light independent.Connects all other types of tissue.Also known as the citric acid cycle....

Biology thing 2020-09-03

Biology thing crossword puzzle
  1. c
  2. g
  3. j
  4. o
  5. a
  6. n
  7. s
  8. t
  9. i
  10. u
  1. k
  2. m
  3. r
  4. h
  5. q
  6. e
  7. l
  8. b
  9. d
  10. f
  11. p

21 Clues: kcmrgjhqeolbdanstfipu

biology vocabulary 2020-12-18

biology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. two different alleles
  2. the product of reproduction, a new organism produced by one or more parents.
  3. individual entity
  4. respiration, set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert chemical energy
  5. stage in the cell cycle where all the genetic material is condensing into chromosomes
  6. system, a complex network of cells and proteins that defends the body against infection.
  7. selection, the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change
  8. acid, molecule composed of two polynucleotide chains
  9. membrane-bound
  10. selection, process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.
  11. final phase of cell division
  12. square, graphical representation of the possible genotypes of an offspring arising from a particular cross or breeding event.
  13. organism's reproductive cells
  14. regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action.
  15. first stage of cell division
  16. infection
  1. are organisms that need to eat food to obtain their energy
  2. unit of heredity
  3. the process in which ribosomes in the cytoplasm or endoplasmic reticulum
  4. cell division that results in two daughter cells
  5. bond, attraction between a partially positively charged hydrogen atom
  6. organisms capable of creating simple carbohydrates such as glucose, from gaseous carbon dioxide.
  7. pairs, two chemical bases bonded to one another forming a "rung of the DNA ladder."
  8. organic molecules
  9. replication, the process by which DNA makes a copy of itself during cell division.
  10. the action or process of mutating.
  11. fatty acids
  12. portion of the cell cycle that is not accompanied by observable changes under the microscope, and includes the G1, S and G2 phases
  13. acid, organic compounds that combine to form proteins.
  14. arrangement or organization

30 Clues: infectionfatty acidsmembrane-boundunit of heredityindividual entityorganic moleculestwo different allelesarrangement or organizationfinal phase of cell divisionfirst stage of cell divisionorganism's reproductive cellsthe action or process of mutating.cell division that results in two daughter cells...

biology genetics 2021-01-11

biology genetics crossword puzzle
  1. dystrophy, the group of disorders in which muscle size and strength gradually decrease over time
  2. an inherited disorder in which blood fails to clot normally because of deficiency or abnormality of one of the clotting factors
  3. the study of structure and function of the cell
  4. a diagram showing the relationship between people in the family
  5. a dominant allele doesn´t completely mask the effects of a recessive allele: __________ dominance
  6. a group of inherited disorders in which there is little or no production of melanin
  7. an organism with non-identical pairs of genes (alleles) for a specific trait
  8. an organism with identical pairs of genes (alleles) for a specific trait
  9. a dominant allele completely masks the effects of the recessive allele: ___________ dominance
  10. same genotype and phenotype in the F1 generation
  1. an inherited blood disorder in which the body produces an abnormal from of haemoglobin
  2. syndrome, a chromosomal disorder caused by an error in cell division that results in an extra 21st chromosome
  3. the branch of science which deals with the study of heredity
  4. fibrosis, an inherited disorder that affects the production of mucus, sweat and digestive enzymes
  5. observable characteristics or traits of organism
  6. the branch of genetics which studies structure and function of chromosomes
  7. genetically identical individual that is earned by asexual reproduction
  8. type, a homozygous male AB-type and heterozygous B type female have children. Which blood type will their children most likely have (the blood type with the highest percentage)
  9. neither allele can mask the effects of the other, they are both dominant
  10. organisms which have 2n chromosomes (plants)

20 Clues: organisms which have 2n chromosomes (plants)the study of structure and function of the cellobservable characteristics or traits of organismsame genotype and phenotype in the F1 generationthe branch of science which deals with the study of hereditya diagram showing the relationship between people in the family...

AS BIOLOGY 2020-12-17

AS BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. The bond formed by a condensation reaction between two amino acids.
  2. What group replaces one of the three fatty acids in a triglyceride, to make the molecule a phospholipid?
  3. Glucose is an example of a ___________ sugar.
  4. In mitosis, after DNA replication, chromosomes consist of two sister _________.
  5. The enzyme found within HIV, which is important for its replication, is called reverse ______________.
  6. To test for a non-reducing sugar you must first add hydrochloric acid to your sample and _______ .
  7. DNA bound to histone protein is called ____________.
  8. When the a chemical bond involves the sharing of a pair of electrons. What is the bond called?
  9. Animal cells contain membrane bound organelles. These cells are also know as what?
  10. In graphical analysis, the stage will show an increase in total cell count.
  11. What reaction is used in digestion. Resulting in the breaking down of large insoluble molecules into small soluble molecules?
  1. These bonds are individually very weak.
  2. Cancer is the result of _________________ cell division.
  3. What test would you perform to test for the presence of lipid?
  4. This reagent is used to test for the presence of proteins.
  5. Mitosis results in two genetically ____________ daughter cells.
  6. This is a disaccharide consisting of fructose and glucose.
  7. What group consists of an oxygen bonded to a hydrogen?
  8. A triplet within a stand of mRNA can be called a ______________.
  9. In which organelle, in the cell, does aerobic respiration occur?
  10. Red What is the colour of the precipitate formed for a positive reducing sugar test?
  11. In the stage, chromosomes condense, the nuclear pore disintegrates.
  12. The centre of the cell is known as what?
  13. Non-competitive inhibitors bind to the ___________ site of an enzyme.
  14. Tertiary structure proteins have hydrogen bonds, disulfide bridges and __________ bonds.

25 Clues: These bonds are individually very weak.The centre of the cell is known as what?Glucose is an example of a ___________ sugar.DNA bound to histone protein is called ____________.What group consists of an oxygen bonded to a hydrogen?Cancer is the result of _________________ cell division.This reagent is used to test for the presence of proteins....

Developmental Biology 2021-02-26

Developmental Biology crossword puzzle
  1. female gamete
  2. product of fertilisation
  3. cleavage happens vertically and equally
  4. splitting of cells
  5. connection between mother and foetus
  6. powerhouse of the cell
  7. spreading of cells
  8. example of holoblastic equal cleavage
  9. example of haemochorial placenta
  10. small cells due to unequal division
  1. also known as cleavage
  2. egg which has high amount of yolk
  3. cavity of blastula
  4. virginal reproduction
  5. fusion of male and female pronuclei
  6. outermost layer
  7. extra embryonic membrane
  8. nutritive component of zygote
  9. rearrangement of cells
  10. product of cleavage

20 Clues: female gameteoutermost layercavity of blastulasplitting of cellsspreading of cellsproduct of cleavagevirginal reproductionalso known as cleavagepowerhouse of the cellrearrangement of cellsproduct of fertilisationextra embryonic membranenutritive component of zygoteexample of haemochorial placentaegg which has high amount of yolk...

Biology Terms 2017-05-23

Biology Terms crossword puzzle
  1. pair of genes that control the same characteristics as chromosomes
  2. could switch a gene on or off
  3. made by a gene whose effect could be hidden
  4. converts light energy from the sun into chemical energy (glucose)
  5. Selection Individual with physical or behavioral traits that better suit the environment will survive and reproduce more successfully
  6. a population's genes and frequencies change over time
  7. a change in DNA or chromosomes
  8. a trait that appears in offspring and covers a different trait the child could have received
  9. a phenotype that shows both traits of an allele pair
  10. to pass physical or mental characteristics genetically generation to generation
  1. observable traits
  2. individuals with two different alleles
  3. Evolution a species diverges into multiple species a species diverges into multiple species
  4. used to detect genetic disorders
  5. the generalization an organism has two genes that separate while making gametes
  6. a chromosome attaches to another chromosome
  7. a chart with the genetic history of a family over generations
  8. the two letters that represent a gene's allele pair
  9. Evolution species come from different origins but have developed similar features
  10. individuals with two of the same alleles

20 Clues: observable traitscould switch a gene on or offa change in DNA or chromosomesused to detect genetic disordersindividuals with two different allelesindividuals with two of the same allelesmade by a gene whose effect could be hiddena chromosome attaches to another chromosomethe two letters that represent a gene's allele pair...

Biology Review 2017-06-01

Biology Review crossword puzzle
  1. separates waste and extra water from the blood
  2. gene mutations that involve changes in one or a few nucleotides(2 words)
  3. the father of evolution who proposed a theory for natural selection(2 words)
  4. bubble like structures in lungs that provide large amounts of surface area
  5. chemical or agent in the environment that causes mutations
  6. organisms that are best adapted to an environment survive and reproduce more than others(2words)
  7. heritable changes in genetic information
  8. the decoding of mRNA into protein
  9. the blastopore becomes the mouth
  10. process of removing ammonia waste
  1. long chains of amino acids
  2. a single imaginary plane divides the body into left and right sides(2 words)
  3. enzyme that unwinds the double helix in DNA
  4. the concentration sense organs and nerve cells at the anterior end.
  5. a nucleic acid that consists of a long chain of nucleotides
  6. a hollow, muscular organ that pumps blood around the body
  7. reads along each naked strand of DNA adding complementary nucleotides(2 words)
  8. making RNA from sequence of DNA bases
  9. heart chamber that receives oxygen poor blood
  10. chordates with a backbone
  11. a hollow nerve chord that runs along the back part of the body
  12. organs that exchange oxygen
  13. heart chamber that pumps out oxygen rich blood
  14. enzyme that lays down the primer
  15. splices together the ends of newly synthesized DNA

25 Clues: chordates with a backbonelong chains of amino acidsorgans that exchange oxygenthe blastopore becomes the mouthenzyme that lays down the primerthe decoding of mRNA into proteinprocess of removing ammonia wastemaking RNA from sequence of DNA basesheritable changes in genetic informationenzyme that unwinds the double helix in DNA...

Biology crossword 2017-06-03

Biology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. largest organ in the human body
  2. provides a stable platform for a microscope
  3. part of a plant that grows the quickest
  4. only found used in animal cell mitosis
  5. responds to stimuli and sends signals
  6. system of the body containing the lungs
  7. System of the body containing the heart
  8. during mitosis the chromosomes line up at the center of a cell
  9. when damaged cells commit suicide
  10. medical imaging used to look at a baby
  11. the type of tumour that does not spread
  12. jelly-like substance that fills cells
  1. a group of similar cells
  2. done without thinking about it
  3. powerhouse of the cell
  4. Oxygenates  blood
  5. the largest stage of a cell's life
  6. forms a protective covering around a plant
  7. supports slide for observation
  8. when water and solute have the same concentration
  9. long piece of coiled DNA
  10. supports and protects body and allows movement

22 Clues: Oxygenates  bloodpowerhouse of the cella group of similar cellslong piece of coiled DNAdone without thinking about itsupports slide for observationlargest organ in the human bodywhen damaged cells commit suicidethe largest stage of a cell's liferesponds to stimuli and sends signalsjelly-like substance that fills cells...

Biology crossword 2017-06-11

Biology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for rainfall
  2. The measure of a chemicals acidity
  3. Where an organism is in the food chain
  4. Something that eats the prey
  5. An animal that eats both meat and plants
  6. People use ______ to power most things
  7. The noun for identifying
  8. Something that does not eat meat
  9. It can be used to unlock doors
  10. An organism that lives off a host
  11. A group of similar organisms
  1. A mushroom is a _____
  2. The weather conditions of an area
  3. An organism like algae
  4. A person or thing that consumes
  5. the process where light is turned into energy
  6. Something that only consumes meat
  7. A small area in a habitat
  8. The bottom of the food chain
  9. There are helpful and not so helpful types of _______
  10. Where more than one organism is competing for the same thing
  11. The study of organisms and their environment
  12. The how hot something is
  13. Something that is transformed into energy during the process of photosynthesis
  14. Something that is eaten by the predator
  15. A trap that you fall down a hole
  16. What the higher layer of the crust is made up of

27 Clues: A mushroom is a _____An organism like algaeThe noun for identifyingThe how hot something isAnother word for rainfallA small area in a habitatThe bottom of the food chainSomething that eats the preyA group of similar organismsIt can be used to unlock doorsA person or thing that consumesSomething that does not eat meatA trap that you fall down a hole...

Biology Crossword 2017-06-13

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. twogroupscombined
  2. conlusion
  3. framingerror
  4. exchangeofgenes
  5. notsexchromosome
  6. twin
  7. changingtosomethingnew
  8. mutationatonepoint
  9. resultinparentgenes
  10. geneticmakeup
  11. set of 4
  12. geneticmakeup
  1. movingspots
  2. britishnaturalist
  3. englishgeologist
  4. rnamessenger
  5. numberofproteinsassociated
  6. dnachart
  7. fibers
  8. passingtraits
  9. unpairedchromosome
  10. 3nucleotide

22 Clues: twinfibersdnachartset of 4conlusionmovingspots3nucleotidernamessengerframingerrorpassingtraitsgeneticmakeupgeneticmakeupexchangeofgenesenglishgeologistnotsexchromosomebritishnaturalisttwogroupscombinedmutationatonepointunpairedchromosomeresultinparentgeneschangingtosomethingnewnumberofproteinsassociated

Biology Terms 2019-04-09

Biology Terms crossword puzzle
  1. A method of preventing infections
  2. Multicellular organisms in the eukarya domain
  3. A disease that affects a large amount of people in a small area
  4. The second deadliest disease in the world
  5. Most of the bacteria we encounter with on a daily basis
  6. A disease that affects a large number of people on multiple continents
  7. An animal that carries a disease without being affected by it
  8. The study of affects of a diseases on a population
  9. A harmful infectious invader
  10. A weapon made from a pathogen
  11. Helpful bacteria that lives in the gut
  1. Bacteria that like to grow together in clumps
  2. A drug that treats a fungal infection
  3. A local branch of the immune system where cells gather
  4. A single celled organism
  5. The cause of an overuse of antibacterials
  6. The study of bacteria
  7. A bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics
  8. A field of science dedicated to studying viruses
  9. An organism that thrives inside of another organism

20 Clues: The study of bacteriaA single celled organismA harmful infectious invaderA weapon made from a pathogenA method of preventing infectionsA drug that treats a fungal infectionHelpful bacteria that lives in the gutThe cause of an overuse of antibacterialsThe second deadliest disease in the worldBacteria that like to grow together in clumps...

Biology Unit 2019-05-06

Biology Unit crossword puzzle
  1. used to move and grab food
  2. like a city block the 3rd smallest level of human body
  3. the biggest level in the human body
  4. protects the cell and provides strength
  5. produces energy "powerhouse of the cell".
  6. multiple cells
  7. the 2nd biggest level in the human body
  8. consists of a single cell
  9. sacs for storage,digestion,waste, and removal
  10. Cell wall, chlororplast, large vacuole, box, no spaces
  11. takes in carbon dioxide
  12. system where you break up your food
  13. The 2nd smallest level in the human body like a house
  14. lives in either water or soil,feeds on bacteria
  1. Uses photosynthesis, lives in freshwater
  2. Lives mostly in freshwater feeds on bacteria, 2 nuclei
  3. has no cell wall no cloroplast smaller vacuole and round
  4. sensed stuff
  5. surrounds cell; Control entrance
  6. any of a number of organized or specialized structures within a living cell.
  7. Takes in oxygen
  8. Lives in freshwater, uses photosynthesis
  9. green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.
  10. whip-like tail
  11. The control center. stores the cells DNA
  12. removes waste
  13. hair-like structures used to move

27 Clues: sensed stuffremoves wastemultiple cellswhip-like tailTakes in oxygentakes in carbon dioxideconsists of a single cellused to move and grab foodsurrounds cell; Control entrancehair-like structures used to movethe biggest level in the human bodysystem where you break up your foodprotects the cell and provides strength...


BIOLOGY  CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. การผสมกลับ
  2. ลักษณะเด่น
  3. สภาพของยีนส์​ที่ต่งกันเช่นTt
  4. การกลายพันธุ์​
  5. ลักษณะด้อย
  6. ประเภทหรือชนิดของยีนส์เช่นtt, TT, Tt
  7. เซลล์ที่เกิดจากการรวมกันของเซลล์สืบพันธุ์เพศผู้เซลล์สืบพันธุ์เพศเมียที่จะเจริญไปเป็นเอ็มบริโอ
  8. สิ่งมีชีวิตสายพันธุ์ผสม
  9. ยีนที่เป็นคู่กับแสดงลักษณะเดียวกัน
  10. บิดาแห่งวิชาพันธุศาสตร์
  11. เซลล์สืบพันธุ์เพศผู้
  1. ทำหน้าที่ควบคุมและถ่ายทอดข้อมูล เกี่ยวกับ ลักษณะทางพันธุกรรมต่าง ๆ
  2. กระบวนการการผลิตประชากรที่มีลักษณะทางพันธุกรรมเหมือนกัน
  3. การพัฒนาการ
  4. ลักษณะทางพันธุกรรมของสิ่งมีชีวิตที่กำหนดให้เห็น
  5. โครโมโซมที่เหมือนกันทั้งชายเเละหญิง
  6. การผสมทดสอบ
  7. เซลล์ไข่ของเพศหญิง
  8. เซลล์สืบพันธุ์เซลล์ที่มีจำนวนโครโมโซม 1 ชุด
  9. หน่วยควบคุมลักษณะทางพันธุกรรมเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของโครโมโซม

20 Clues: การผสมกลับลักษณะเด่นลักษณะด้อยการพัฒนาการการผสมทดสอบการกลายพันธุ์​เซลล์ไข่ของเพศหญิงเซลล์สืบพันธุ์เพศผู้สิ่งมีชีวิตสายพันธุ์ผสมบิดาแห่งวิชาพันธุศาสตร์สภาพของยีนส์​ที่ต่งกันเช่นTtยีนที่เป็นคู่กับแสดงลักษณะเดียวกันโครโมโซมที่เหมือนกันทั้งชายเเละหญิงประเภทหรือชนิดของยีนส์เช่นtt, TT, Ttเซลล์สืบพันธุ์เซลล์ที่มีจำนวนโครโมโซม 1 ชุด...

Biology Crossword 2019-06-13

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Cells that divide and form solid tumors
  2. Ability to see detail in an image
  3. Parent cells divide into two or more daughter cells
  4. Pumped from the left side to the organs to the body
  5. An organelle found in the center of a cell
  6. Carries blood to the heart
  7. The total image appears larger than the object
  8. Tissues that connect other tissues to organs
  9. Composed of four different stages
  10. Small infection that replicates in the cell
  11. Permits movement in the body and maintains good posture
  12. used for sharp focusing
  13. Transports blood throughout the body
  14. Supports the Microscope
  15. Enters the right atrium from the vena cava
  16. Cells that develop into other cell types
  17. Beams of electron to amplify magnification
  18. Connects veins to arteries
  19. Protects the body from external damage.
  20. A change that occurs in the DNA
  21. Reformatting of the nuclear membrane
  22. A thick solution that fills a cell
  23. Exchanges respiratory gasses between an organism
  24. Increase in size and produce RNA and synthesize Protein
  1. Structural Layer surrounding the cell
  2. Abnormal growth in cells
  3. Found in the brain and spinal cord
  4. Single-celled life forms
  5. Delivers blood to parts of the body
  6. Glands that produce hormones and chemical substances
  7. Replicating DNA
  8. The formation of the cell plate between two daughter cells
  9. Eyepiece lenses, used for total magnification
  10. Rids the body of toxins
  11. Powerhouse of the cell
  12. Composed of four different tissue types
  13. rotates the objective lenses
  14. Produces egg cells,sperm and nourishes an unborn child
  15. Lining that allows for smooth blood flow
  16. Fibres and nerves that transmit pulses throughout the body
  17. Chromatin condenses into visible chromosomes
  18. Glucose is broken down in a chemical process
  19. The membrane surrounding the cytoplasm
  20. Soft tissue muscle in animal bodies
  21. Chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the cell
  22. Carries blood away from the heart
  23. Ability to distinguish structures of the object from the background
  24. Beams of intense energy used to kill cancer cells
  25. Constantly synthesizing RNA
  26. Centromeres divide
  27. Grows and produces protein
  28. the cell is in inactive or non-cycling state

52 Clues: Replicating DNACentromeres dividePowerhouse of the cellRids the body of toxinsused for sharp focusingSupports the MicroscopeAbnormal growth in cellsSingle-celled life formsCarries blood to the heartConnects veins to arteriesGrows and produces proteinConstantly synthesizing RNArotates the objective lensesA change that occurs in the DNA...

biology terms 2017-12-19

biology terms crossword puzzle
  1. specialised functions within a cell
  2. complete set of DNA
  3. results in two daughter cells
  4. where two chromatids forming the chromosome are joined
  5. goes through process of reproduction
  6. microscopic single celled organism
  7. can be dominant and recessive
  8. makes protein
  9. threadlike strands in DNA
  10. controls growth and reproduction
  11. final stage of meiosis or mitosis
  12. second stage of cell division
  13. a cell with two sets of chromosomes
  14. cells used during sexual reproduction
  15. nucleus divides in sexually reproducing organisms
  16. building blocks of life
  1. half the diploid number of cells
  2. exists as a part of the centrosome
  3. any cell of living organisms besides reproductive cells
  4. a cell that contains a nucleus surrounded by membrane
  5. resting phase between devision of cells
  6. outside layer that protects the cell
  7. main component of chromosomes
  8. sequence of nucleotides in DNA
  9. first stage of cell division
  10. cell death
  11. a map of chromosomes
  12. molecule composed of amino acids
  13. fibre network of filaments

29 Clues: cell deathmakes proteincomplete set of DNAa map of chromosomesbuilding blocks of lifethreadlike strands in DNAfibre network of filamentsfirst stage of cell divisionresults in two daughter cellsmain component of chromosomescan be dominant and recessivesecond stage of cell divisionsequence of nucleotides in DNAhalf the diploid number of cells...

cellular biology 2017-12-12

cellular biology crossword puzzle
  1. + O2 → CO2 +
  2. Transport-the movement of substances across a cell membrane in such a way that it does not require energy, substances move down a concentration gradient (from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration).
  3. organelle that makes proteins for a cell, found in plants, animals and bacteria.
  4. of energy for a cell
  5. Membrane-A semi-permeable membrane that helps to control what goes into and out of a cell.
  6. + H20 → C6H12O6 + O2
  7. organelle that contains DNA and controls the activities of the cell.
  8. organelle found only in plant cells that uses the sun’s energy to make sugar in a process called photosynthesis.
  9. structures found in a cell that perform a specific function for that cell.
  10. by which sugar is broken down to produce energy in the absence of oxygen.
  11. Transport-the movement of substances across a cell membrane in such a way that it requires energy, substances move against a concentration gradient (from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration).
  12. movement of water from areas of high concentration of water (low solute concentration) to areas of low concentration of water (high solute concentration)
  13. Protein-proteins that are found in the cell membrane that help to carry large molecules into and out of the cell.
  1. organelles that stores substances, such as water, for a cell.
  2. not require oxygen
  3. Gradient-The gradual change in the concentration of a solute between different regions of a solution.
  4. organelle found in plant and animal cells that breaks down sugar to produce energy (ATP) in a process called cellular respiration.
  5. Respiration-process by which a molecule of glucose is broken down to produce energy in the form of ATP, occurs mostly in mitochondria
  6. by which the sun’s energy is used to make a molecule of glucose, occurs in chloroplasts
  7. Bilayer-the main structural component of the cell membrane, composed of two layers of phospholipids that are arranged tail-to-tail
  8. oxygen
  9. organelle that breaks down or digests substances for a cell.
  10. type of active transport that moves substances out of the cell through the use of membrane-bound vesicles.
  11. type of active transport that moves substances into a cell using the cell membrane, there are two types – phagocytosis and pinocytosis.

24 Clues: oxygen+ O2 → CO2 +not require oxygenof energy for a cell+ H20 → C6H12O6 + O2organelle that breaks down or digests substances for a cell.organelles that stores substances, such as water, for a cell.organelle that contains DNA and controls the activities of the which sugar is broken down to produce energy in the absence of oxygen....

Biology vocab 2018-01-25

Biology vocab crossword puzzle
  1. / deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosome
  2. / nucleic acid present in all living cells
  3. RNA / a molecular component of a ribosome, the cell's essential protein factory
  4. / a step in protein biosynthesis wherein the genetic code carried by mRNA is decoded to produce the specific sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain
  5. splicing / The editing of the nascent precursor messenger RNA transcript into a mature messenger RNA
  6. / A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides located on one end of transfer RNA
  7. base / an organic molecule with a nitrogen atom that has the chemical properties of a base.
  8. / The protein-coding region in the DNA
  9. / a compound consisting of a nucleoside linked to a phosphate group. Nucleotides form the basic structural unit of nucleic acid
  10. / a colorless crystalline compound with basic properties, forming uric acid on oxidation.
  1. / an agent of substance that can bring about a permanent alteration to the physical composition of a DNA gene such that the genetic message is changed
  2. helix / a pair of parallel helices intertwined about a common axis, especially that in the structure of the DNA molecule.
  3. / a colorless crystalline compound with basic properties.
  4. / a sequence of three nucleotides that together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule
  5. / a virus that parasitizes a bacterium by infecting it and reproducing inside it.
  6. / A noncoding, intervening sequence of DNA within a gene that is transcribed into mRNA but is removed from the primary gene transcript and rapidly degraded during maturation of the RNA product
  7. RNA / Small RNA molecules that carry amino acids to the ribosome for polymerization into a polypeptide
  8. / when a DNA gene is damaged or changed in such a way as to alter the genetic message carried by that gene
  9. RNA / An RNA molecule transcribed from the DNA of a gene, and from which a protein is translated by the action of ribosomes
  10. / an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light mic

20 Clues: / The protein-coding region in the DNA/ nucleic acid present in all living cells/ a colorless crystalline compound with basic properties./ A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides located on one end of transfer RNA/ a virus that parasitizes a bacterium by infecting it and reproducing inside it....

Biology Crossword 2018-01-27

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. One of a pair of genes taking up a specific spot on a chromosome that controls that specific trait
  2. Process of programmed death of a cell that occurs in multicellular organisms
  3. The basic structural, functional and biological unit of all living organisms
  4. Nucleic acid that contains genetic information for cell growth, division and function
  5. Membrane-bound organelle found in eukaryotic cells
  6. Simple bacteria cell
  7. Phase of the life cycle of a cell where it grows in size, replicates DNA and prepares for cell division
  8. Cell division happening in sexually reproducing organisms where two nuclear divisions occur with no cell replication
  9. Complex cell, animal, plant, fungi
  10. A structure in the cell that performs a special task for the cell
  11. Section of the chromosome where the microtubules of the spindle attach
  12. First stage of cell division
  13. A specific sequence of DNA usually found on a chromosome
  14. Outer layer of a plant cell
  15. Process where one cell divides and becomes two indentical cells, with equal chrosomes as original cell
  1. The number, shape, type, size of a chromosome of an organism
  2. Responsible for moving and separating the chromosomes during nuclear division
  3. Genetic material of an organism
  4. Very different or irregular cells that pass on their genetic material
  5. Phase of mitosis where chromosomes are at their most condensed stage
  6. Synthesises proteins in cells
  7. Cell of a living organism that isn't a reproductive cell
  8. A structure than contains genetic material in the cell
  9. Final stage of cell division, complete separation of the chromosomes
  10. Created by ribosomes
  11. Cylinder shaped organelle located near the nucleus, involved in nuclear division
  12. Cells used to produce a new organism in sexual reproduction
  13. A cell or organism consisting of two sets of chromosomes
  14. A cell with only half the number of homologous chromosomes in somatic cells

29 Clues: Simple bacteria cellCreated by ribosomesOuter layer of a plant cellFirst stage of cell divisionSynthesises proteins in cellsGenetic material of an organismComplex cell, animal, plant, fungiMembrane-bound organelle found in eukaryotic cellsA structure than contains genetic material in the cellCell of a living organism that isn't a reproductive cell...

Biology Crossword 2018-01-29

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a type of cell division that results in four daughter cells each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell
  2. Specific complement of chromosomes present in a cell
  3. Position where the chromatids are held together
  4. any of a number of organized or specialized structures within a living cell.
  5. Eggs or sperm cells
  6. Nucleic acid containing the four bases
  7. Any cell or organisms without a membrane-bound nucleus
  8. Located outside the plasma membrane
  9. Process invovled in the production of new cells genetically identical with the original cell.
  10. Inherited instructions carried around by a chromosome
  11. Sum total of the genes present in a cell or an organism
  12. stage of mitosis during which chromosomes align
  13. having a single set of unpaired chromosomes
  1. Helps plants and animals survive
  2. cell or organism with a membrane bound nucleus
  3. In the mitotic cell cycll period of cell growth
  4. refers to cells of the body other than germline cells
  5. organelle containing RNA
  6. a thread-like structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells carrying genetic information in the form of genes.
  7. Stage of mitosis in which the chromosomes contract
  8. The different forms of a particular gene
  9. Stage of mitosis in which new nuclear membranes form
  10. each of a pair of minute cylindrical organelles near the nucleus in animal cells
  11. the death of cells which occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism's growth

24 Clues: Eggs or sperm cellsorganelle containing RNAHelps plants and animals surviveLocated outside the plasma membraneNucleic acid containing the four basesThe different forms of a particular genehaving a single set of unpaired chromosomescell or organism with a membrane bound nucleusIn the mitotic cell cycll period of cell growth...

biology crossword 2020-10-12

biology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a material composed of two or more elements or compounds that are physically mixed
  2. smallest unit of most compounds
  3. substance in which the solute dissolves
  4. compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms
  5. indicates H+ ions in solution
  6. when moving electrons travel about the nuclei of both atoms
  7. macromolecules containing hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus
  8. elements or compounds that enter into a chemical reaction
  9. attraction between molecules of different subtances
  10. attraction between molecules of the same substance
  1. substance consisting entirely of one type of atom
  2. macromolecules that contain nitrogen, carbon hydrogen, and oxygen
  3. weak acids or bases that can react with strong acids or bases
  4. energy needed to start a chemical reaction
  5. Basic unit of matter
  6. compound that produces hydroxide ions in solution
  7. substance formed by the combination of two or more elements
  8. group of biological molecules not soluble in water
  9. single sugar molecules
  10. at center of atom

20 Clues: at center of atomBasic unit of mattersingle sugar moleculesindicates H+ ions in solutionsmallest unit of most compoundssubstance in which the solute dissolvesenergy needed to start a chemical reactioncompounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atomssubstance consisting entirely of one type of atomcompound that produces hydroxide ions in solution...

Biology crossword 2020-10-22

Biology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. many glucose grouped together
  2. Genetic code to all human life
  3. polymer consisting a laarrge number of amino acids
  4. the 4 major elements to life
  5. Acids Complex organic substance presented in all living things.
  6. store energy in the body
  7. chain of many monomers
  8. used for energy in the body containing sugars and starches
  9. a long chain of fatty acids make a good waterproof covering.
  10. a single sugar
  1. fat contains the maximum number of hydrogen atom
  2. the 4 types of DNA
  3. acids exist in all living things the protein the makes up 75% of your body.
  4. fat at least one double carbon bond
  5. fats oils and wax's
  6. a pure substance that cant be chemically broken.
  7. a chain of polymers
  8. part of the lipid category that is a liquid.
  9. many sugars
  10. glucose and fructose combined make.
  11. A single-stranded nucleic acid transcribed from DNA.
  12. type of protein found within a cell.
  13. gives you long lasting energy
  14. a type of sugar
  15. acids the building blocks of fat in our bodies

25 Clues: many sugarsa single sugara type of sugarthe 4 types of DNAfats oils and wax'sa chain of polymerschain of many monomersstore energy in the bodythe 4 major elements to lifemany glucose grouped togethergives you long lasting energyGenetic code to all human lifefat at least one double carbon bondglucose and fructose combined make....

Biology Vocabulary 2020-11-01

Biology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. compound that releases hydroxide ions in solution
  2. mixture containing nondissolved particles distributed within a solid, liquid, or gas
  3. double sugar formed from the combination of two simple sugars
  4. compound, primarily those compounds that contain carbon
  5. waxy or oily organic compound that stores energy in its bonds
  6. organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio; human body's main source of energy
  7. small compound that can be joined together with other small compounds to form polymers
  8. one of a number of special protein catalysts contained in living organisms
  9. compound that releases hydrogen ions in solution
  10. process by which large compounds are constructed by joining smaller compounds
  11. reactant affected by an enzyme
  12. synthesis, reaction in which small molecules join to form a large molecule, removing water in the process
  13. substance that is dissolved in a mixture
  14. large polymer
  15. homogeneous mixture in which one substances is dissolved in another
  16. substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction without being changed or used up by the reaction
  1. large molecule formed when many monosaccharides link together
  2. acid, nucleic acid that stores and transmits genetic information from one generation of an organism to the next by coding for the production of a cell's proteins
  3. large compound formed by combinations of monomers
  4. simple carbohydrate, also known as single sugar
  5. scale, measurement system that ranges from 0 to 14 and indicates the relative concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in a substance
  6. bond, covalent bond that joins two amino acids
  7. unit of a nucleic acid that is made up of a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base
  8. acid, nucleic acid made of a single chain of nucleotides that acts as a messenger between DNA and the ribosome and carries out the process by which proteins are made from amino acids
  9. catabolic reaction that splits apart molecules with the consumption of water
  10. reaction, chemical reaction that occurs when the hydrogen ions of a strong acid react with the hydroxide ions of a strong base to form water and a salt
  11. complex polymer of amino acids that builds and repairs cells
  12. compound, compounds that do not contain carbon
  13. substance composed of two or more elements or compound that are mixed together but not chemically combined
  14. acid, substance that has an amino group on one end and a carboxyl group on the other; makes up the building blocks for proteins
  15. substance in which a solute is dissolved to produce a solution
  16. compound found in animal fats, meats, and dairy products that can build cells but, in excess, can be a risk factor in heart disease
  17. site, region on an enzyme that can bind with a specific substrate or substrates
  18. acid, large, complex organic molecule that stores and transmits genetic information

34 Clues: large polymerreactant affected by an enzymesubstance that is dissolved in a mixturebond, covalent bond that joins two amino acidscompound, compounds that do not contain carbonsimple carbohydrate, also known as single sugarcompound that releases hydrogen ions in solutionlarge compound formed by combinations of monomers...

Biology Crossword 2020-11-03

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A cell with a nucleus
  2. A cell without a nucleus
  3. Power plants of the cell
  4. site for photosynthesis
  5. A unicellular organism
  6. A specialized part of a cell
  7. Building blocks of life.
  8. Everything inside the cell membrane
  9. A central organelle that houses the DNA
  10. responsible for photosynthesis
  11. An eyelash-like appendage
  12. Organelle used for protein synthesis
  13. Hollow cylinders (cytoskeletal structure)
  1. Thin actin chains (cytoskeletal structure)
  2. things with one cell
  3. small, spherical compartment
  4. things with multiple cells
  5. Water loving
  6. A whip-like appendage
  7. Water hating
  8. Permeable only to certain small molecules
  9. Cellular scaffolding in the cytoplasm
  10. secretory, excretory, and storage

23 Clues: Water lovingWater hatingthings with one cellA cell with a nucleusA whip-like appendageA unicellular organismsite for photosynthesisA cell without a nucleusPower plants of the cellBuilding blocks of life.An eyelash-like appendagethings with multiple cellssmall, spherical compartmentA specialized part of a cellresponsible for photosynthesis...

BIOLOGY & ART 2019-02-11

BIOLOGY & ART crossword puzzle
  1. A woman noted for courage and daring action, or noted for special achievement in a particular field.(n.)
  2. An area of grassland, often used for hay or for grazing of animals.(n.)
  3. The synthesis of organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water (with the release of oxygen) using light energy absorbed by plants.(n.)
  4. An animal that feeds on grass and other plants.(n.)
  5. A medieval gentleman-soldier, usually high-born, who serves his lord.(n.)
  6. A drain or pipe, especially one that is underground, used to carry away surface water or sewage.(n.)
  7. A swift, long-legged, black-spotted cat, of southwest Asia and Africa. (n.)
  8. The art or practice of shaping figures or designs in the round or in relief, as by carving marble or modeling clay.(n.)
  9. Any of various animals that crawl or creep.(n.)
  10. Living solely or chiefly in or on the water.(adj.)
  1. A person who writes plays(n.)
  2. The chemical and mechanical breakdown of foods into simple substances that can be absorbed by the body.(n.)
  3. To be in an inactive or dormant state or period.(v.)
  4. An organized company of singers, especially one performing church music or singing in a church.(n.)
  5. The period of this revival, roughly the 14th through the 16th century, marking the transition from medieval to modern times.(n.)
  6. A substance or agent used to kill pests, such as unwanted or harmful insects or weeds.(n.)
  7. A substance or material used as coloring.(n.)
  8. An animal or plant that lives in or on another (the host) from which it obtains nourishment.(n.)
  9. A female ballet dancer(n.)
  10. A public performance of music or dance, especially by a solo performer.(n.)

20 Clues: A female ballet dancer(n.)A person who writes plays(n.)A substance or material used as coloring.(n.)Any of various animals that crawl or creep.(n.)Living solely or chiefly in or on the water.(adj.)An animal that feeds on grass and other plants.(n.)To be in an inactive or dormant state or period.(v.)...

Biology Crossword 2018-11-22

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. places where organisms live
  2. The process in animal cells that includes oxidizing the tissue
  3. two animals that directly affect each other are called
  4. _______ is the reason that no more than a certain animal can live in a certain ecosystem
  5. the “powerhouse” of your cell
  6. eats dead animals and plants
  7. How inhabitable landscape becomes a forest
  8. ______________ is how a plant makes food.
  9. squirrels, not lions or bears
  10. the part of the place where food is made
  11. the amount of 1 species in one area
  12. people leaving somewhere
  13. people moving somewhere
  1. _______ is a group of animals
  2. Where 2 simbiots that when they interact, both are helped.
  3. the category under ecosystem, but above population
  4. A substance that is formed after a chemical reaction
  5. Eat other things for energy
  6. a ________ factor is one of the reasons there is a carrying capacity
  7. The first species to come after a volcanic eruption, wildfire, etc., examples are lichen
  8. _________ is a large area where many organisms interact
  9. When ________ are mixed, it creates a reaction
  10. Where simbiots that one gains, the other is negatively affected
  11. Where one simbiot gains, and the other is not affected
  12. lions, not bears or squirrels
  13. organisms get this to help them survive in their ecosystems.
  14. ______ is when one animal eats on another.
  15. bears, not lions or squirrels
  16. Make their own food

29 Clues: Make their own foodpeople moving somewherepeople leaving somewhereplaces where organisms liveEat other things for energyeats dead animals and plants_______ is a group of animalsthe “powerhouse” of your celllions, not bears or squirrelsbears, not lions or squirrelssquirrels, not lions or bearsthe amount of 1 species in one area...

biology science 2018-12-20

biology science crossword puzzle
  1. (.....) blood cells that produce the anti bodies remain in the blood
  2. the non specific defence system prevents micro organisms from entering the body (.....)are antibacterial chemicals
  3. semmelweis was a (......) in the 1850s
  4. initially causes a flu like illness
  5. the (........) is deystroyed before it has a chance to make you ill
  6. (.......) is spread by vectors
  7. an example of a pathogen
  8. the white blood cell produces (..........)
  9. once the pathogens affect the cells they (........) in numbers
  10. what is a viral disease showing symptoms of fever and a red skin rash
  1. if the body is reinfected the (......) cells recognise the antigens to be able to cure the illness faster
  2. vaccines involve introducing a small amount of (....) or inactive form of a pathogen to a person
  3. (....) immunity is when a large proportion of the population is immunised greatly reducing the spread of that pathogen
  4. the mucus and cilia waft pathogens upwards in the (.......)
  5. you are (immune) once the pathogen is deystroyed
  6. poisin from the body
  7. pathogens are engulfed by the white blood cells
  8. measles and (....) black spot are spread by droplet infection
  9. (..........) and tmv are spread by contaminated food
  10. eukaryotic organisms

20 Clues: poisin from the bodyeukaryotic organismsan example of a pathogen(.......) is spread by vectorsinitially causes a flu like illnesssemmelweis was a (......) in the 1850sthe white blood cell produces (..........)pathogens are engulfed by the white blood cellsyou are (immune) once the pathogen is deystroyed...

Biology Terms 2018-06-21

Biology Terms crossword puzzle
  1. combination of genes in an organism
  2. body chromosomes
  3. Traits that are expressed
  4. study of micro organism
  5. Traits that are hidden
  6. study of heredity
  7. made up of gene located inside the nucleus
  8. of characteristic from parents to offspring
  9. combinations of 2 same alleles
  10. Study of tissue
  11. study of relationship between living and non-living organism
  1. external appearance of an organism
  2. study of bacteria
  3. study of viruses
  4. study of cells
  5. naming,growing and classifying living things
  6. mating of 2 organism that differs in only one character
  7. Study of plants
  8. container of genes
  9. study of organs
  10. combinations of 2 different alleles
  11. study of animals

22 Clues: study of cellsStudy of plantsstudy of organsStudy of tissuestudy of virusesbody chromosomesstudy of animalsstudy of bacteriastudy of hereditycontainer of genesTraits that are hiddenstudy of micro organismTraits that are expressedcombinations of 2 same allelesexternal appearance of an organismcombination of genes in an organism...

BIOLOGY TERMS 2019-03-07

BIOLOGY TERMS crossword puzzle
  1. behaviour/the forming of groups for defence and finding resources
  2. shift/the onset of the period of rhythm is changed.
  3. female breeds with many males while male care for offspring.
  4. when resources becomes limited.
  5. external resemblance of an unrelated animal.
  6. secreted in the pineal gland that induces sleep.
  7. hunts and kill another species for resources.
  8. resets the biological clock on a regular basis.
  9. amount of random turning of species
  10. regulates plant growth and elongation of cells.
  11. inside the blood system of the host.
  12. behaviour/behaviour that determines who gains access to resources.
  13. male-female partnerships of species.
  14. that are active at dawn or dusk.
  1. range/a geographical area that provides animals essential resources.
  2. rhythmically natural phenomenon that acts as a cue which synchronizes an organism's biological rhythms.
  3. behaviour in which an animal eats of plant material.
  4. process of finding a way from one place to another.
  5. transfer of substance to another plant for fertilization.
  6. more authority and influence over others.
  7. of species by by other over time.
  8. pigment that regulates the development of flowering plants.
  9. clock/It controls the timing activities of plants and animals.
  10. a close relationship through courtship and sexual activity.
  11. plants that takes two years to complete life cycle.
  12. of plants and animals to length of day and night.
  13. behaviour by which an animal positions in a way in relation to its surroundings.
  14. response/plant response that is independent of stimulus direction.
  15. type of mutualism when one or both parent may not survive.
  16. association between organisms in which one is not harmed or affected.

30 Clues: when resources becomes limited.that are active at dawn or dusk.of species by by other over time.amount of random turning of speciesinside the blood system of the host.male-female partnerships of species.more authority and influence over others.external resemblance of an unrelated animal.hunts and kill another species for resources....

BIOLOGY VOC 2021-05-25

BIOLOGY VOC crossword puzzle
  1. sac The fluid-filled sac that contains and protects a fetus
  2. The process of transferring pollen grains from the male to the female part
  3. The baby more than eight weeks after development
  4. The process of combining the male and female gamete
  5. A diploid cell that from the fusion of two haploid gametes
  6. Male hormone
  7. cord A tube that connects you to your baby during pregnancy
  8. The ability to detect changes in the surrounding environment.
  9. The process of increasing in physical size
  10. The ability to pass genetic information onto their next generation
  1. twins Results from the fertilization of a single egg splits in two
  2. Type of cell division results in four daughter cells
  3. Long DNA molecule that found inside the nucleus of the cell
  4. twins Result from the fertilization of two separate eggs
  5. Four phases of mitosis
  6. The female part of the flower
  7. The process of release energy from food
  8. Getting rid of waste
  9. Surround the reproductive parts of flowers and attract insects
  10. Type of cell division results in two daughter cells

20 Clues: Male hormoneGetting rid of wasteFour phases of mitosisThe female part of the flowerThe process of release energy from foodThe process of increasing in physical sizeThe baby more than eight weeks after developmentThe process of combining the male and female gameteType of cell division results in two daughter cells...

moderm biology 2021-06-09

moderm biology crossword puzzle
  1. mal estado de salud
  2. organismo que vive sobre otra especie o en su interior
  3. órgano más grande del cuerpo
  4. Estado febril
  5. personas que diagnostican, tratan y ayudan a prevenir dolencias
  6. partícula vírica infecciosa
  7. Que causa o produce enfermedad
  8. nombre habitual que se atribuye o significa cuanto concierne al ser humano
  9. ciencia que estudian los seres vivos
  10. utilizado para producir un cambio favorable en las enfermedades ya sea para aliviarlas o sanarla
  11. Transmisión de una enfermedad por contacto con el agente patógeno que la causa
  12. accion de alimentar
  13. Enfermedad que ataca a un gran número de personas en un mismo lugar y durante un mismo período de tiempo.
  14. propagación mundial de una nueva enfermedad.
  15. nombre genérico para designar a todos y cada uno de los individuos de la especie
  16. enfermedad
  17. rama de la biología que estudia las plantas
  18. ciencias que tienen por objeto el estudio de la naturaleza
  19. repetición de un fragmento de cromosoma a continuación del fragmento original
  20. Que hace daño o es perjudicia
  21. ciencia que estudia la composición, estructura y propiedades de la materia
  22. microorganismos procariotas
  23. Persona que ejerce la farmacia o se dedica a expender y preparar medicamentos en una farmacia.
  24. Tratamiento que se sirve para aliviar una enfermedad
  25. ciencia de la salud dedicada a la prevención y diagnóstico de enfermedades
  26. producen el sudor y regulan la temperatura de nuestro cuerpo.
  27. Que está manchado de sangre o mezclado con ella
  1. fallecer
  2. se utiliza para referirse a bacterias, virus, hongos y protozoos microscópicos que pueden provocar enfermedades
  3. Alteración leve o grave del funcionamiento normal de un organismo
  4. Daño o desgracia que afecta a gran parte de una población y que causa un perjuicio grave
  5. proceso por el que se consiguen, de forma asexual copias idénticas de un organismo
  6. ser vivo y conjunto de órganos de un ser vivo.
  7. Organismo microscópico animal o vegetal.
  8. Que no puede verse a simple vista.
  9. infante
  10. Sustancia nutritiva para mantener las funciones vitales
  11. desarrollo del embrión
  12. aumento temporal en la temperatura del cuerpo
  13. sistema formado por elementos naturales y artificiales
  14. capacidad de mantener una condición interna estable
  15. cualidad esencial de los seres vivos
  16. salida de determinada cantidad de sangre
  17. individuo
  18. parte física de un ser
  19. estar viviendo
  20. falta de flujo de sangre
  21. manchar o teñir con sangre
  22. género de bacterias en forma de bastón
  23. Que es maligno y se presenta con una gran intensidad.
  24. Parte de la biología que estudia las relaciones de los seres vivos entre sí y con el medio en el que viven

51 Clues: infantefallecerindividuoenfermedadEstado febrilestar viviendomal estado de saludaccion de alimentardesarrollo del embriónparte física de un serfalta de flujo de sangremanchar o teñir con sangrepartícula vírica infecciosamicroorganismos procariotasórgano más grande del cuerpoQue hace daño o es perjudiciaQue causa o produce enfermedad...

Fascinating biology 2021-06-18

Fascinating biology crossword puzzle
  1. tissue that transports water in plants
  2. the molecule that breaks down glucose in respiration
  3. finger like projections in small intestine that help the nutrients to be absorbed
  4. fluid connective tissue
  5. a type of carbohydrate transported in plants
  6. arc, the path taken by reflex action
  7. process by which digested nutrients passing into the bloodstream through small intestine
  8. reacting to a stimulus
  9. the unit of excretory system
  10. chewed food
  11. the organisms that cannot produce their own food
  12. moving from one place to another
  13. the path of food transport through phloem in plants
  14. removal of metabolic waste from our body
  15. organs of respiration in fish
  1. taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
  2. process of taking in food
  3. glucose is stored as this in liver and muscles
  4. the unit of nervous system
  5. breaking down nutrients to release energy
  6. process of absorbed nutrients getting used by body cells
  7. an organism making its own kind by laying eggs/ giving birth
  8. organs of locomotion in amoeba
  9. action, a sudden and immediate response to stimulus

24 Clues: chewed foodreacting to a stimulusfluid connective tissueprocess of taking in foodthe unit of nervous systemthe unit of excretory systemorgans of respiration in fishorgans of locomotion in amoebamoving from one place to anotherarc, the path taken by reflex actiontissue that transports water in plantsremoval of metabolic waste from our body...

Biology test 2021-10-12

Biology test crossword puzzle
  1. the action or fact of forming a united whole.
  2. a group of organs working to do one task like the digestive system
  3. all the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country.
  4. not consisting of or deriving from living matter.
  5. the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, typically microscopic and consisting of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane.
  6. a group of atoms bonded together
  7. a chemical substance that neutralizes alkalis, dissolves some metals, and turns litmus red; typically, a corrosive or sour-tasting liquid of this kind.
  8. a particle smaller than an atom
  9. any of the distinct types of material of which animals or plants are made, consisting of specialized cells and their products.
  10. able to dissolve other substances.
  1. a molecule containing a very large number of atoms, such as a protein, nucleic acid, or synthetic polymer.
  2. a particular area or place considered together with its inhabitants.
  3. an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
  4. a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
  5. relating to or derived from living matter.
  6. the action or process of adhering to a surface or object.
  7. the regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth (or analogous parts of other planets) occupied by living organisms.
  8. a part of an organism that is typically self-contained and has a specific vital function, such as the heart or liver in humans.
  9. a main or important element or ingredient to which other things are added.
  10. an extremely small amount of a thing or quality.

20 Clues: a particle smaller than an atoma group of atoms bonded togetherable to dissolve other substances.relating to or derived from living matter.the action or fact of forming a united extremely small amount of a thing or quality.not consisting of or deriving from living individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form....

Biology Vocabulary 2021-09-27

Biology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Positively Charged
  2. the weighted average mass of all the natural isotopes of that element
  3. gain or lose electrons
  4. same numbers of protons; different number of neutrons.
  5. made up of two or more atoms that are bonded together
  6. what gets dissolved
  7. Negatively Charged
  8. made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom that are held together by covalent bonds
  9. share electrons
  10. an atom with a charge
  11. substance made of two or more different elements bonded together
  1. substance made of one type of atoms
  2. shows the location of all electrons in an atom
  3. sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus
  4. attracted
  5. No charge
  6. what does dissolving
  7. uniform mixture
  8. polar molecule
  9. other types of molecules
  10. Number The number of protons in the nucleus

21 Clues: attractedNo chargepolar moleculeuniform mixtureshare electronsPositively ChargedNegatively Chargedwhat gets dissolvedwhat does dissolvingan atom with a chargegain or lose electronsother types of moleculessubstance made of one type of atomsNumber The number of protons in the nucleusshows the location of all electrons in an atom...

Cell biology 2021-09-27

Cell biology crossword puzzle
  1. divides by mitosis and meiosis
  2. give proteins to rough ER, modifies and packages proteins
  3. contains hereditary material
  4. contain digestive enzymes to hydrolyze macromolecules
  5. helps bacteria stick to each other for genetic exchange
  6. region of naked DNA
  7. carries out most of photosynthesis
  8. protein synthesis
  9. help detoxify alcohol, form bile and breakdown fats
  10. aerobic respiration and energy
  1. assemble microtubles for division
  2. divide by binary fission
  3. large amount of digestive enzymes
  4. absorb sun for photosynthesis
  5. site of metabolism
  6. modifies and synthesizes proteins
  7. protects cell from outside environment
  8. contains integral/peripheral proteins and active/passive transports in and out
  9. for movement
  10. fluid filled for nutrient storage, detoxification and waste export

20 Clues: for movementprotein synthesissite of metabolismregion of naked DNAdivide by binary fissioncontains hereditary materialabsorb sun for photosynthesisdivides by mitosis and meiosisaerobic respiration and energyassemble microtubles for divisionlarge amount of digestive enzymesmodifies and synthesizes proteinscarries out most of photosynthesis...

Biology 1 2021-09-09

Biology 1 crossword puzzle
  1. the sum total of all processes in an organism that convert energy and matter from outside sources and use that energy and matter to sustain the organism's life functions
  2. a suggested, testable answer to a well-defined scientific question or a possible, testable explanation for observations
  3. an explanation of some part of the natural world that has been thoroughly tested and is supported by a significant amount of evidence from observations and experiments
  4. the variable manipulated by the experimenter
  5. special structures that allow living organisms to sense the conditions of their internal or external environment
  6. The collected body of data from experiments and observations
  7. the group in an experiment that experiences no manipulation (does not contain the independent variable)
  8. observations that are not easily counted or measured, such as color or texture
  9. organisms that are able to make their own food
  10. organisms that eat only plants
  11. organism that is internally warmed by a heat-generating metabolic process
  12. the sum total of all processes in an organism that break down chemicals to produce energy and simple chemical building blocks
  13. the maintenance of stable internal conditions
  14. process by which two parents produce genetically different offspring (offspring receives a combination of DNA from two parents)
  15. the variable responding to the manipulated variable
  16. an abrupt and marked change in the DNA of an organism compared to that of its parents
  17. a microscope that passes a beam of electrons over the surface of a specimen
  18. the process by which physical and biological characteristics are transmitted from the parent (or parents) to the offspring
  19. observations involving numbers, such as counting or measuring
  1. a factor that changes an experiment
  2. living creatures that are too small to see with the naked eye
  3. logical interpretation based on prior knowledge, experience, or evidence
  4. the metric system (abbreviated SI), which is the most widely used system of measurement in science
  5. a microscope that transmits a beam of electrons through a thinly sliced specimen
  6. organisms that eat both plants and other organisms
  7. organisms that depend on other organisms for their food
  8. the process by which green plants and some other organisms use the energy of sunlight and simple chemicals to produce their own food
  9. organism that lacks an internal mechanism for regulating body heat
  10. a microscope that shines light through a specimen using two lenses to magnify an image
  11. the sum total of all processes in an organism that use energy and simple chemical building blocks to produce large chemicals and structures necessary for life
  12. process by which a single organism produces genetically identical offspring (offspring receives all DNA from one parent)
  13. organisms that only organisms other than plants
  14. the group in an experiment that is manipulated (contains the independent variable)
  15. the idea that long ago, very simple life forms spontaneously appeared through chemical reactions
  16. a description of a natural relationship or principle, often expressed in mathematical terms, and supported by a significant amount of evidence

35 Clues: organisms that eat only plantsa factor that changes an experimentthe variable manipulated by the experimenterthe maintenance of stable internal conditionsorganisms that are able to make their own foodorganisms that only organisms other than plantsorganisms that eat both plants and other organismsthe variable responding to the manipulated variable...

Biology Definitions 2021-09-10

Biology Definitions crossword puzzle
  1. the sum total of all processes in an organism that use energy and simple chemicle building blocks to produce large chemicals and structures necessary for life
  2. group, the group in an experiment that is manipulated (contains the independent variable)
  3. a factor that changes in an experiment
  4. organisms that eat only plants
  5. reproduction, process by which two parents produce genetically different offspring (offspring receives a combination of DNA from two parents)
  6. law, a description of a natural relationship or principle, often expressed in mathematical terms, and supported by a significant amount of evidence
  7. a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world that has been constructed using the scientific method, and which brings together many facts and hypotheses
  8. reproduction, process by which a single oranism produces genetically identical offspring(offspring recieves all DNA from one parent)
  9. organisms that depend on other organisms for their food
  10. the data measured, collected, perceived or noticed, especially during an experiment
  11. living creatures that are too small to see with the naked eye
  12. the mainenance of stable internal conditions
  13. organisms that only eat organisms other than plants
  14. organisms that eat both plants and other organisms
  15. the sum total of all processes in an organism that convert energy and matter from outside sources and use that energy and matter to sustain the organisms life functions
  16. the idea that long ago, very simple life forms spontaneouslyappeared through chemical reactions
  1. electron microscope, a microscope that passes a beam of electrons over the surface of a specimen
  2. organism that is internally warmed by a heat-generating metabolic process
  3. the sum total of all processes in an organism that break down chemicals to produce energy and simple chemical building blocks
  4. a suggested testable answer to a well-defined scientific question or a possible testable explanation for observations
  5. organisms that are able to make their own food
  6. the collected body of data from experiments and observations
  7. special structures that allow living organisms to sense the conditions of their internal or external enviroment
  8. an abrupt and marked change in the DNA of an organism compared to that of its parents
  9. group, the group in an experiment that experiences no manipulation (does not contain the independent variable)
  10. the process by which preen plants aand some other organisms use the energy of sunlight and simple chemicals to produce their own food
  11. electron microscope, microscopes that use a particle beam of electrons to visualize specimens and generate a highly-magnified image
  12. light microscope, a microscope that shines light through a specimen using two lenses to magnify an image
  13. system of units, the metric system (abreviatedd SI), which is the most widely used system of measurement in science
  14. the process by which physical and biological characteristics are transmitted from the parent (or parents) to the offspring
  15. logical interpretation based on prior knowledge, experience, or evidence

31 Clues: organisms that eat only plantsa factor that changes in an experimentthe mainenance of stable internal conditionsorganisms that are able to make their own foodorganisms that eat both plants and other organismsorganisms that only eat organisms other than plantsorganisms that depend on other organisms for their food...

Biology crossword 2021-11-17

Biology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Enzyme that joins plasmid with human DNA
  2. A hard external skeleton in arthropods
  3. Gives the endoplasmic reticulum its rough edges
  4. Muscle wall that separates the left and right chamber
  5. any substance taken into the body than modifies chemical reaction in the body
  6. Movement of water through the cell membrane
  7. Having two identical alleles of a particular gene
  8. Many organelles that are in the cytoplasm
  9. What is the process of biological classification
  10. Breakdown of the alveoli by weakening the walls of the alveoli
  11. When populations of a species are in decline, their numbers may be conserved
  12. Loss of water vapour from plant leaves
  13. Wave of contraction in the alimentary canal
  14. Needed to make DNA in the plants
  15. Enzyme that removes hydrogen from a substance
  16. A spontaneous genetic change in which new alleles are formed
  17. Process when red blood cells burst
  18. Process that results in a serious oxygen shortage in the water
  19. Chest pains when the blood supply to the heart is reduced
  1. This is combined with 3 molecules of an organic acid called fatty acid
  2. Change in internal or external environment of an organ
  3. Removal of nitrogen-containing part of amino acids to form urea
  4. Cells in the trachea that secretes mucus
  5. A process to slow down the rate of oxidation of sugar in the plant
  6. Term used when the mass of living organisms is being considered
  7. Bacterial DNA in the form of a circular strand
  8. Enzymes in tears
  9. Polysaccharide that forms a food storage substance in animal cells
  10. Junction between 2 neurones
  11. Nuclear division giving rise to genetically identical cells
  12. The change in adaptive features of a population over time
  13. Sac containing enzymes that break down egg membrane
  14. Process where energy is obtained from food
  15. A reaction that split large molecules into smaller ones
  16. Movement of sucrose and amino acids in the phloem
  17. The fusion of gamete nuclei
  18. Process of getting energy from ammonia
  19. Removal of toxic substances from organisms
  20. Blood vessel that carries blood away from heart
  21. Chemical substance on the surface of all cells
  22. This respiration does not involve oxygen
  23. Sheet of tissue that separates the thorax and the abdomen

42 Clues: Enzymes in tearsJunction between 2 neuronesThe fusion of gamete nucleiNeeded to make DNA in the plantsProcess when red blood cells burstA hard external skeleton in arthropodsLoss of water vapour from plant leavesProcess of getting energy from ammoniaEnzyme that joins plasmid with human DNACells in the trachea that secretes mucus...

Biology IGCSE 2021-11-15

Biology IGCSE crossword puzzle
  1. The _____ of an organism is its features.
  2. what are the organelles that are only present in the cytoplasm of plant cells
  3. How does a water vapour molecule move out of the air space of a leaf into the atmosphere on a dry day
  4. A ______ resource is one that can be removed from the environment without running out.
  5. What nucleotide is paired with Adenine
  6. _____ can be used to control fertility.
  7. which blood cell need glucose
  8. Keeps its concentration low when continual removal of oxygen by blood capillaries in the capillary lining
  9. Alcohol is a _______ drug, which slows down reaction time and reduces inhibitions.
  10. Medication that prevents the formation of blood clot in the arteries
  11. Proteins are broken down to remove the ______ by the process of deamination.
  12. ______ is an example of habitat destruction: it can lead to extinction, soil erosion, and etc.
  13. A membrane that is outside of the lung and the inside of the thorax that are lined with a smooth membrane
  14. What is the name of the test for vitamin C
  15. What is the process of mechanical digestion in the mouth by means of the teeth
  16. Change in the external or internal environment of an organism
  17. How Are leaf veins constructed in dicotyledon leaves
  18. The _____ is the site of breakdown of alcohol and other toxins.
  19. Bacterium that was identified as a cause of food poisoning
  20. What is the word to describe a plant tissue lacking water
  21. What do you call a substance that removes the hydrogen in a substance
  1. A substance when cell wall are thickened and impregnated with
  2. ______ can be used to extract fruit juices.
  3. Genetic engineering includes the _____ of human genes into bacteria to produce human insulin.
  4. if a ______ occurs in a gamete, it will affect all the cells of the individual that develops to form a zygote.
  5. Oestrogen and progesterone are secreted by ______ glands.
  6. What is the any part of the plant is called when it uses or store food
  7. What do you call the chemical compound that an enzyme works on
  8. The inheritance of sickle-cell anemia can be predicted using _____ diagrams.
  9. What do you call the transport of sugars and amino acids in plants
  10. A black pigment in the eye that absorbs light
  11. Plasma with the fibrinogen removed
  12. Process when food molecules are combined with oxygen
  13. Organisms that reproduce ________ use mitosis to create more cells.
  14. How is energy transferred between trophic levels?
  15. What do you call a group of organisms that can reproduce successfully to produce fertile offspring?
  16. A Fluid when plasma is leaked to surrounding tissue
  17. What do you call the abnormal coloration of leaves which is caused by nitrate and magnesium ion deficiency
  18. Device that measures the rate of respiration by seeing how oxygen is taken up
  19. In which process is excess amino acids converted to form glycogen and urea in the liver
  20. What do you call a group of cells with similar structures working together to perform a shared function.
  21. Made in the liver when excess amino acids are broken down

42 Clues: which blood cell need glucosePlasma with the fibrinogen removedWhat nucleotide is paired with Adenine_____ can be used to control fertility.The _____ of an organism is its features.What is the name of the test for vitamin C______ can be used to extract fruit juices.A black pigment in the eye that absorbs light...

Biology Vocabulary 2021-12-14

Biology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Disorder in which some of the body's cells lose the ability to control growth
  2. Threadlike structure of DNA and protein that contains genetic information in eukaryotes, chromosomes are found in the nucleus;in prokaryotes, they are found in the cytoplasm
  3. Division of the cytoplasm to form two separate daughter cells
  4. Reproduction involving the union of gametes
  5. Region of a chromosome where the two sister chromatids attach
  6. Substance found in eukaryotic chromosomes that consist of DNA tightly coiled around histones
  7. Series of events in which a cell grows, prepares for division, and divides to form two daughter cells
  8. Developing stage of a multicellular organism
  9. Cells that are able to develop into any type of cell in the body
  10. Phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell
  11. Structure in an animal cell that helps to organize cell division
  12. one of the two identical sister parts of a duplicated chromosome
  13. Phase of mitosis in which the distinct individual chromosomes begin to spread out into a tangle of chromatin
  14. Reproduction, as budding, fission, or spore formation, not involving the union of gametes.
  15. Mass of rapidly dividing cells that can damage surrounding tissue
  16. Stage of early development in mammals that consist of a hollow ball of cells
  17. Unspecialized cells that can give rise to one or more types of specialized cells
  1. The division of a cell into two daughter cells with the same genetic material
  2. One of a group of external regulatory proteins that stimulate the growth and division of cells
  3. Cell with limited potential to develop into many types of differentiated cells
  4. Process in which cells become specialized in structure and function
  5. One of a family of proteins that regulates the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells
  6. Period of the cell cycle between cell division
  7. Process of programmed cell death
  8. Phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes line up across the center of the cell
  9. First and longest phase of mitosis in which the genetic material inside the nucleus condenses and the chromosomes become visible
  10. Cells that are capable of developing into some but not all the body's cells
  11. Part of eukaryotic cell division during which the cell nucleus divides

28 Clues: Process of programmed cell deathReproduction involving the union of gametesDeveloping stage of a multicellular organismPeriod of the cell cycle between cell divisionDivision of the cytoplasm to form two separate daughter cellsRegion of a chromosome where the two sister chromatids attach...

biology bonus 2021-12-14

biology bonus crossword puzzle
  1. The process by which cells become specialized
  2. Cell division that produces gametes
  3. Very large molecules that make up living things
  4. division of the chromosomes or division of the two copies of DNA
  5. Cells with half the genetic information of the original cells
  6. Distinguishing quality or characteristic
  7. The way in organism looks or the treat the organism possesses
  8. The actual genes of an organism possesses
  9. Cells with a full set of genetic information of the original cells
  10. Mutations that produce changes in a single gene
  11. One or more bases are inserted into a DNA sequence
  12. Recessive genes present on the X chromosome `
  1. The delivery of characteristics from parents to offspring
  2. Having different alleles for a trait
  3. The process that living things use to maintain stable conditions
  4. When cancer cells spread to new body parts
  5. The scientific study of heredity
  6. what an organism's chromosomes look like
  7. The differences of DNA between different organisms of the same species
  8. One or more bases are deleted from a DNA sequence

20 Clues: The scientific study of heredityCell division that produces gametesHaving different alleles for a traitwhat an organism's chromosomes look likeDistinguishing quality or characteristicThe actual genes of an organism possessesWhen cancer cells spread to new body partsThe process by which cells become specialized...

Cell Biology 2021-12-13

Cell Biology crossword puzzle
  1. a small sphere in the center of the nucleus; it makes ribosomes
  2. the powerhouse of the cell (organelle)
  3. a storage sac in the cell; in PLANT cells, a large one holds water
  4. tiny hair-like structures on the outside of some cells
  5. a thick and strong extra layer around the outside of PLANT cells (cell part)
  6. the process in PLANT cells where they use sunlight energy to make glucose; happens in the chloroplasts
  7. water molecules moving across a membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
  8. cell __________; a barrier that goes around the cell and separates the inside of a cell from the outside (cell part)
  9. the garbage collector of the cell; it breaks down worn out cell parts (organelle)
  10. __________ transport; needs ATP energy to move molecules against the concentration gradient
  11. a passageway for proteins; it has ribosomes attached to it (organelle)
  12. long tails on the outside of some cells that help the cell move or swim
  1. molecules moving from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
  2. the jelly-like fluid inside a cell; the organelles float around in it (cell part)
  3. cellular ______________; the process of making ATP energy in the mitochondria from glucose and oxygen
  4. it does photosynthesis in PLANT cells; it is what makes plant leaves green (organelle)
  5. _______ body; where proteins get customized before being sent out of the cell
  6. ___________ transport; molecules move on their own (without energy) through the cell membrane or through protein channels
  7. the "brain" or control center of the cell; it has the DNA inside (organelle)
  8. the tangled, spread out form of DNA
  9. microtubules and microfilaments; it helps the cell keep its shape
  10. tiny organelles that makes proteins; either floating freely or attached to the rough ER
  11. a passageway for proteins; it doesn't have ribosomes attached (organelle)

23 Clues: the tangled, spread out form of DNAthe powerhouse of the cell (organelle)tiny hair-like structures on the outside of some cellsa small sphere in the center of the nucleus; it makes ribosomesmicrotubules and microfilaments; it helps the cell keep its shapea storage sac in the cell; in PLANT cells, a large one holds water...

Molecular Biology 2021-12-17

Molecular Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Is the product of glycolysis.
  2. Glucose is converted to pyruvate in the cytoplasm.
  3. The property of water molecules sticking to other water molecules
  4. Important structural component for cell wall of plant cells
  5. The process in which large molecules are broken down by enzyme-catalyst.
  6. The linking of two monomers.
  7. Is the use of prokaryotes to create yoghurts and cheese.
  8. Serves as a form of energy storage in animals for glucose and carbohydrates
  9. Used as long-term storage in plants
  10. The synthesis of polypeptides on ribosomes.
  11. Catabolism of a cell without oxygen.
  12. One of the two components of starch, and is a polysaccharide
  13. Are membrane-bound compartments inside the chloroplasts.
  1. The breakdown of a compound due to reaction with water
  2. Created with two or more simple sugars linked together.
  3. The production of carbon compounds in cells using light energy.
  4. Are enzymes that are involved in DNA replication and transcription.
  5. Protein within our circulatory system that carries oxygen throughout the body and CO2 from our organs and tissues back to the lungs.
  6. The process by which RNA is formed.
  7. Refers to the attachment of a phosphate group to a molecule.
  8. 3 RNA bases
  9. The process in which large molecules are made from smaller molecules to store energy.
  10. Created with two simple sugars linked together.
  11. This DNA process occurs when a cell is preparing for mitosis
  12. The process by which proteins unfold and lose their shape.
  13. Formed from one glycerol and three fatty acids

26 Clues: 3 RNA basesThe linking of two monomers.Is the product of glycolysis.The process by which RNA is formed.Used as long-term storage in plantsCatabolism of a cell without oxygen.The synthesis of polypeptides on ribosomes.Formed from one glycerol and three fatty acidsCreated with two simple sugars linked together....

Biology retrieval 2021-12-16

Biology retrieval crossword puzzle
  1. movement of water in plant
  2. Inflammatory disease
  3. an adaptation of the aveoli
  4. you cant catch it
  5. PH2
  6. a disease you can spread to others
  7. Form scabs
  8. stops back flow of blood
  9. Dirty water
  10. discovered antiseptic
  11. cells Open and close allowing access to the stomata
  1. Means world
  2. discovered by Edward Jenner
  3. Dirty food
  4. patrol body looking for pathogens
  5. How plants transport water
  6. breaks this down into amino acids
  7. Brings back blood to the heart
  8. for growth and repair
  9. Hungarian Dr that discovered hand washing
  10. What makes leaves green
  11. a plant fungal disease
  12. What you are vaccinated with
  13. Adisease that is spread world wide
  14. a plant viral disease
  15. Takes blood from the heart to the body

26 Clues: PH2Dirty foodForm scabsMeans worldDirty wateryou cant catch itInflammatory diseasefor growth and repaira plant viral diseasediscovered antiseptica plant fungal diseaseWhat makes leaves greenstops back flow of bloodmovement of water in plantHow plants transport waterdiscovered by Edward Jenneran adaptation of the aveoliWhat you are vaccinated with...

Developmental biology 2022-03-28

Developmental biology crossword puzzle
  1. lumen of the neural tube forms this part of the brain
  2. cells that are present at the junction of surface ectoderm cells and neural tube cells
  3. failure of sacral and vagal neural crest cells to migrate can lead to
  4. intermediate mesoderm gives rise to
  5. failure of the neural tube to close can lead to
  6. structure that becomes the nerve cord
  7. Nervous system originates from this germ layer
  8. mesoderm that along with the neural crest cells forms the face and skull
  9. in adult mammals, the nerve cord becomes
  10. Foxd3 inhibits expression of this protein in the glial precursor cells
  1. an embryo undergoing the process of neurulation can be called as
  2. protein responsible for differentiation of ectoderm in to the three different layers
  3. somites are formed from this layer of mesoderm
  4. dorsolateral pathway mainly leads to formation of
  5. this protein establishes a secondary signalling centre in the floor plate
  6. absence of Kit protein can lead to
  7. neural crest cells that form the wall of large arteries
  8. mesoderm layer that is farthest from the notochord
  9. cells that attach to the notochord during neural plate folding
  10. chordamesoderm forms the

20 Clues: chordamesoderm forms theabsence of Kit protein can lead tointermediate mesoderm gives rise tostructure that becomes the nerve cordin adult mammals, the nerve cord becomessomites are formed from this layer of mesodermNervous system originates from this germ layerfailure of the neural tube to close can lead to...

Biology Crossword 2022-04-01

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. deals with nonliving things
  2. Which organelle contains a network of channels that involve ribosomes and work to release proteins?
  3. Which organelle has a rod-like structure, form spindle fibers during cell division, and is located near the nucleus?
  4. an organism whose presence, absence or abundance reflects a specific environmental condition.
  5. the ability for a living thing to carry out stable living conditions and go through its life process
  6. a liquid capable of dissolving other substances
  7. a species selected to act as an ambassador, icon or symbol for a defined habitat, issue, campaign or environmental cause.
  8. a large molecule that has multiple bonds
  9. molecules that are "water fearing"
  10. an organelle found only in animal cells
  11. species selected for making conservation-related decisions
  12. true or false? dogs are biotic
  13. Which organelle is located inside the cytoplasm, and serve as being the storage units for water, protein, and carbohydrates?
  14. Which organelle is located within the center of the cell, and contains DNA?
  15. true or false? plants are abiotic
  16. a cell with no nucleus and no membrane bound organelles
  1. a group of organisms of the same species occupying a particular space at a particular time that can potentially interbreed
  2. very complex, large molecules
  3. Which organelle packages, modifies, and assembles proteins out of the cell?
  4. Which organelle produces ATP, converts food into energy, and aids in cellular respiration?
  5. Which non-membrane bound organelle is responsible for making proteins, and can either be free floating in the cytoplasm, or be attached to the rough ER?
  6. deals with living things
  7. Which organelle is found in plant cells ONLY and uses photosynthesis to produce food/energy?
  8. the dissolved substance within a solution
  9. Which organelle is located inside the nucleus and produces ribosomes?
  10. a group or association of populations of two or more different species occupying the same geographical area at the same time
  11. a cell with a nucleus and membrane bound organelles
  12. Which organelle is a jelly-like substance that holds all the organelles in place?
  13. Which organelle surrounds the cell membrane, is found ONLY in plants, and serves as support and protection towards the cell?
  14. Which organelle also contains a network of transport channels but DO NOT contain ribosomes but rather aids in the break-down of toxins?
  15. an example of an abiotic factor would be

31 Clues: deals with living thingsdeals with nonliving thingsvery complex, large moleculestrue or false? dogs are biotictrue or false? plants are abioticmolecules that are "water fearing"an organelle found only in animal cellsa large molecule that has multiple bondsan example of an abiotic factor would bethe dissolved substance within a solution...

Biology 6 2022-02-17

Biology 6 crossword puzzle
  1. a phylum or group of phyla that comprises the single-celled microscopic animals, which include amoebas, flagellates, ciliates, sporozoans, and many other forms. They are now usually treated as a number of phyla belonging to the kingdom Protista.
  2. reproduction also can be asexual by
  3. free swimming or fixed to an object
  4. mouth pore through a short tube is called
  5. its slipper shape is maintained by the flexible and firm outer covering called
  6. a representative ciliate is the
  7. some can change form, depending upon environment they are in this ability is called
  8. indigestible wastes pass out of the ciliate by the
  9. any of a group of spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including molds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools.
  10. is a unicellular fungus that causes dough to rise
  11. regulation of water and elimination of excess water is done by organelle called
  12. includes all organisms that are not animals, plants , or fungi
  1. feed on in living organisms
  2. histolytica that causes severe diarrhea called
  3. in human history caused more deaths than any other disease
  4. can contaminate water and cause diarrhea
  5. spread by the tsetse fly which only lives in Africa
  6. which type of movement is it
  7. feed on dead organic material
  8. all are one-celled
  9. a simple, nonflowering, and typically aquatic plant of a large group that includes the seaweeds and many single-celled forms.
  10. short hair like structures
  11. food gets swept into the indentation called
  12. sexual reproduction called
  13. they can respond to a stimulus; this action is called

25 Clues: all are one-celledshort hair like structuressexual reproduction calledfeed on in living organismswhich type of movement is itfeed on dead organic materiala representative ciliate is thereproduction also can be asexual byfree swimming or fixed to an objectcan contaminate water and cause diarrheamouth pore through a short tube is called...

Biology Crossword 2022-02-28

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. most common pigments
  2. carrier molecule
  3. Lose energy as they move down the chain
  4. Chlorophylls and carotenoids are grouped in clusters of hundreds of pigments
  5. produced in the calvin cycle
  6. organic compounds
  7. - organisms able to make their own food
  8. compounds that absorb light
  1. - converting CO2 and water to sugar using sunlight
  2. NADPH is good at donating these
  3. energy in ATP is released when this is removed
  4. dioxide CO2
  5. - responsible for collecting sunlight
  6. other accessory pigments
  7. -organisms that must get their food from other sources
  8. reaction organic compounds (carbohydrates) formed from CO2 and ATP and NADPH
  9. another word for glucose
  10. form stacks called grana
  11. made of many colors in the visible spectrum
  12. cycle light energy from the sun is converted to chemical energy, stored in ATP and a carrier molecule called NADPH

20 Clues: dioxide CO2carrier moleculeorganic compoundsmost common pigmentsother accessory pigmentsanother word for glucoseform stacks called granacompounds that absorb lightproduced in the calvin cycleNADPH is good at donating these- responsible for collecting sunlightLose energy as they move down the chain- organisms able to make their own food...

Biology Test 2022-05-16

Biology Test crossword puzzle
  1. The type of cell with a nucleus
  2. 3rd phase of mitosis where the spindles have begun to pull chromosomes apart
  3. A collection of tissues with a similar function
  4. Made of a phosphate group, a sugar, and a nitrogenous base; DNA
  5. The group of organs that work together to complete a function
  6. Long term energy storage; fats
  7. Provides quick energy; pasta
  8. When the earth blocks the light from the sun to the moon
  9. 2nd phase of mitosis where the chromosomes are lined up in the middle
  1. When the moon gets in the way of the sun and a shadow is casted on earth
  2. A collection of cells with a similar function
  3. 1st phase of mitosis where the chromosomes are in the nucleus, not yet lined up
  4. a living entity whether single or multicellular
  5. 4th phase of mitosis where the nuclei are beginning to form
  6. specialized structures within the cell that have a specific function
  7. The type of cell without a nucleus
  8. The amount of offspring an organism has
  9. 2 or more atoms that are connected by a chemical bond
  10. The smallest fundamental unit of life
  11. Made of amino acids; meat and beans

20 Clues: Provides quick energy; pastaLong term energy storage; fatsThe type of cell with a nucleusThe type of cell without a nucleusMade of amino acids; meat and beansThe smallest fundamental unit of lifeThe amount of offspring an organism hasA collection of cells with a similar functionA collection of tissues with a similar function...

Biology Test 2022-05-16

Biology Test crossword puzzle
  1. The type of cell without a nucleus
  2. 2 or more atoms that are connected by a chemical bond
  3. The group of organs that work together to complete a function
  4. Long term energy storage; fats
  5. specialized structures within the cell that have a specific function
  6. Made of a phosphate group, a sugar, and a nitrogenous base; DNA
  7. 2nd phase of mitosis where the chromosomes are lined up in the middle
  8. The smallest fundamental unit of life
  9. 1st phase of mitosis where the chromosomes are in the nucleus, not yet lined up
  10. The amount of offspring an organism has
  1. Provides quick energy; pasta
  2. Made of amino acids; meat and beans
  3. A collection of cells with a similar function
  4. When the moon gets in the way of the sun and a shadow is casted on earth
  5. The type of cell with a nucleus
  6. a living entity whether single or multicellular
  7. 3rd phase of mitosis where the spindles have begun to pull chromosomes apart
  8. A collection of tissues with a similar function
  9. When the earth blocks the light from the sun to the moon
  10. 4th phase of mitosis where the nuclei are beginning to form

20 Clues: Provides quick energy; pastaLong term energy storage; fatsThe type of cell with a nucleusThe type of cell without a nucleusMade of amino acids; meat and beansThe smallest fundamental unit of lifeThe amount of offspring an organism hasA collection of cells with a similar functiona living entity whether single or multicellular...

Biology resit 2022-05-16

Biology resit crossword puzzle
  1. gland that produces fight/flight hormones
  2. layer of skin where fat is stored
  3. closed by a sphincter until urination occurs
  4. used to warn others of approaching predators
  5. sense detected by the tongue
  6. elastic organ collecting urine
  7. divided into the cortex and medulla
  8. form of blood carried by veins
  9. chemical messages moving around the body
  10. system that controls body functions
  11. yellow fluid containing waste products
  12. a tube attached to each kidney
  13. divided arteries
  14. speeds up when the autonomic nervous system reacts to danger
  15. organs of touch around the face and mouth
  1. tiny tubule in the medulla
  2. hormones that do not require transport
  3. _____or flight response to danger
  4. structure that produces sound
  5. field of ______. Area visible to an animal
  6. waterproof top layer of skin
  7. nervous system that responds to danger
  8. tube that takes oxygen to the lungs
  9. hormones transported away from site of release
  10. tiny organs of gas exchange
  11. strongest and thickest part of the skin
  12. part of the brain that regulates balance
  13. divided veins
  14. branch off the trachea
  15. contains valves to prevent backflow of blood
  16. gland that controls hormone function
  17. prey species have these on the side of the head

32 Clues: divided veinsdivided arteriesbranch off the tracheatiny tubule in the medullatiny organs of gas exchangewaterproof top layer of skinsense detected by the tonguestructure that produces soundelastic organ collecting urineform of blood carried by veinsa tube attached to each kidney_____or flight response to dangerlayer of skin where fat is stored...

biology vocab 2022-05-18

biology vocab crossword puzzle
  1. when an animal or plant has offspring
  2. events that occur in the animal kingdom
  3. a group of substances that are essential
  4. unit of living organisms
  5. a method of cell division
  6. particles in the cytoplasm of cells
  7. unit of composed dna
  8. organisms in an ecosystem
  9. appears in nucleus during cell division
  10. makes up skeleton
  1. preserved from a long time ago
  2. a change in chromosomes of a gene or cell
  3. producing the same phenotype
  4. protoplasm of cell membrane
  5. occurs during reproduction
  6. a mature fertilized plant
  7. any carnivorous animal
  8. any agent that can cause disease
  9. group of complex proteins
  10. functional unit such as a lung or kidney

20 Clues: makes up skeletonunit of composed dnaany carnivorous animalunit of living organismsa method of cell divisiona mature fertilized plantgroup of complex proteinsorganisms in an ecosystemoccurs during reproductionprotoplasm of cell membraneproducing the same phenotypepreserved from a long time agoany agent that can cause disease...

Biology Review 2022-05-13

Biology Review crossword puzzle
  1. controls amount of light in microscope
  2. stores food and water for the cell
  3. doesn't let anything pass through it
  4. blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood
  5. type of muscle found in the esophagus
  6. where cellular respiration takes place
  7. reaction that happens without thinking
  8. also known as the windpipe
  9. type of stem cell that can become any type
  10. part of the blood responsible for clotting
  11. where red blood cells are produced
  12. mitosis stage where chromosomes are at equator
  1. stage where DNA is replicated
  2. body system that produces hormones
  3. plant tissue responsible for transport
  4. structures that make proteins
  5. where gas exchange occurs in the lungs
  6. produces insulin
  7. particles move from high to low concentration
  8. organ system that includes skin
  9. connects sister chromatids
  10. all living things are made up of these
  11. type of cell that doesn't have a cell wall

23 Clues: produces insulinconnects sister chromatidsalso known as the windpipestage where DNA is replicatedstructures that make proteinsorgan system that includes skinbody system that produces hormonesstores food and water for the cellwhere red blood cells are produceddoesn't let anything pass through ittype of muscle found in the esophagus...

Biology vocabulary 2021-06-06

Biology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. is a chemical element with the symbol C and atomic number 6.
  2. is any substance that is consumed to provide nutritional support to an organism.
  3. an entity capable of carrying on life functions.
  4. is the ability to do work, It may exist in kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, or other forms.
  5. an atom is the smallest unit of ordinary matter that makes up a chemical element.
  6. is the brittle or crumbly surface layer that covers the Earth's surface.
  7. an animal that feeds on plants.
  8. it is a major group of living organisms, such as trees, flowers, herbs, shrubs, weeds, et.
  9. it is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms.
  10. it is the smallest part of a substance that retains the chemical and physical properties of a substance.
  1. an animal that feeds on flesh.
  2. is plant materials used as biofuels.
  3. are large biomolecules and macromolecules consisting of one or more long chains of amino acid residues.
  4. is a molecule consisting of two chains of polynucleotides wrapped around each other.
  5. is the chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8.
  6. is an organic compound of formula n, consisting of a linear chain of several hundred to several thousand linked.
  7. is a simple sugar with the molecular formula C₆H₁₂O₆.
  8. is any natural space and what it contains living organisms, plants, animals, or non-living materials.
  9. energy It is the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object.
  10. is a polymeric carbohydrate composed of glucose units.

20 Clues: an animal that feeds on animal that feeds on plant materials used as entity capable of carrying on life a simple sugar with the molecular formula C₆H₁₂O₆.is a polymeric carbohydrate composed of glucose a chemical element with the symbol C and atomic number 6....

Biology vocabularye 2021-06-06

Biology vocabularye crossword puzzle
  1. is an organic compound of formula n, consisting of a linear chain of several hundred to several thousand linked.
  2. to change in form, appearance, or structure, metamorphose.‏
  3. it is a major group of living organisms, such as trees, flowers, herbs, shrubs, weeds, et.
  4. an entity capable of carrying on life functions.
  5. is the ability to do work, It may exist in kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, or other forms.
  6. it is the smallest part of a substance that retains the chemical and physical properties of a substance.
  7. an animal that feeds on plants.
  8. is a simple sugar with the molecular formula C₆H₁₂O₆.
  9. an atom is the smallest unit of ordinary matter that makes up a chemical element.
  10. is a chemical element with the symbol C and atomic number 6.
  11. is the brittle or crumbly surface layer that covers the Earth's surface.
  1. is any substance that is consumed to provide nutritional support to an organism.
  2. is any natural space and what it contains living organisms, plants, animals, or non-living materials.
  3. is plant materials used as biofuels.
  4. an animal that feeds on flesh.
  5. is a molecule consisting of two chains of polynucleotides wrapped around each other.
  6. is a polymeric carbohydrate composed of glucose units.
  7. energy it is the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object.
  8. are large biomolecules and macromolecules consisting of one or more long chains of amino acid residues.
  9. is the chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8.
  10. it is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms.

21 Clues: an animal that feeds on animal that feeds on plant materials used as entity capable of carrying on life a simple sugar with the molecular formula C₆H₁₂O₆.is a polymeric carbohydrate composed of glucose change in form, appearance, or structure, metamorphose.‏...

biology bonus 2022-01-03

biology bonus crossword puzzle
  1. What kind of cells does mitosis produces?
  2. What contains a nucleus and membrane-bound structures?
  3. What is the microscopic opening in the leaves of plants that allows for gas exchange and water loss?
  4. what increases genetic variance when natural selection selects for tow more extreme phenotypes when each have specific advantages?
  5. What are the cells that can become more than one type of cell?
  6. What is it called when you group thing into levels based upon similarities?
  7. What happens during the G1 phase of the cell cycle?
  8. What is a disorder in which body cells lose the ability to control cell division?
  9. What occurs at the same time as telophase?
  1. DNA makes up genes which make up...
  2. What makes up the sides of the DNA molecules?
  3. When both alleles are expressed but neither one is dominant over the other?
  4. When all organisms have died?
  5. What are the preserved remains or impression of an organism?
  6. What controls all function of cells
  7. What is the resulting cell called after fertilization?
  8. The delivery of characteristics from parent to offspring?
  9. All living things are made of...
  10. What type of mutation allow one or more bases to be inserted into a DNA sequence?
  11. The way an organism looks or the trait the organism possesses?
  12. When cancer cells spread to new parts of the body?

21 Clues: When all organisms have died?All living things are made of...DNA makes up genes which make up...What controls all function of cellsWhat kind of cells does mitosis produces?What occurs at the same time as telophase?What makes up the sides of the DNA molecules?When cancer cells spread to new parts of the body?...

BIOLOGY TEST 2022-01-04

BIOLOGY TEST crossword puzzle
  1. fluid that fills the spaces between the cells
  2. gland located in the loop of duodenum
  3. muscles that make the heart
  4. emergency hormone
  5. chemical substance secreted by endocrine gland
  6. hormone that regulates salt and water balance
  7. state of mental strain
  8. receiving chambers of the heart
  9. master gland
  10. female hormone
  1. gland, like a cap over the kidneys
  2. valve inbetween the left auricle and left ventricle
  3. lower chambers of the heart
  4. hormone that regulates metabolic activities
  5. membrane covering the heart
  6. biological term for RBC
  7. hyposecretion of thyroxine in children
  8. natural pacemaker of the heart
  9. period between 10-19 yrs of age in one's life
  10. lowers the blood sugar

20 Clues: master glandfemale hormoneemergency hormonelowers the blood sugarstate of mental strainbiological term for RBClower chambers of the heartmembrane covering the heartmuscles that make the heartnatural pacemaker of the heartreceiving chambers of the heartgland, like a cap over the kidneysgland located in the loop of duodenum...

Biology Vocabulary 2022-10-17

Biology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the study of living organisms
  2. A cell with membrane-bound organelles
  3. Builds muscle (CHON)
  4. part of an organism that has a vital function
  5. Biochemical energy is converted into ATP
  6. Perform the functions of life
  7. Group of cells
  8. High to low concentration
  9. Glucose, Fructose
  10. Nonliving, infective agent
  11. Source of nuclear energy
  1. Regulation of an organism's internal environment.
  2. Group of vital body parts that work together
  3. Light energy to chemical energy
  4. DNA and RNA (CHONP)
  5. the carrier of genetic information.
  6. Protein cell of a Virus
  7. System of molecules that perform functions of life
  8. Single-celled organism
  9. Fats (CHO)
  10. Low to high concentration
  11. any of a number of specialized structures within a living cell
  12. an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
  13. A protein that catalyzes a reaction without being changed.

24 Clues: Fats (CHO)Group of cellsGlucose, FructoseDNA and RNA (CHONP)Builds muscle (CHON)Single-celled organismProtein cell of a VirusSource of nuclear energyLow to high concentrationHigh to low concentrationNonliving, infective agentthe study of living organismsPerform the functions of lifeLight energy to chemical energythe carrier of genetic information....

biology vocab 2022-10-06

biology vocab crossword puzzle
  1. -basic unit of matter
  2. -electrons are shared between atoms
  3. -the attraction between molecules of the same substance
  4. -is a homogeneous mixture
  5. -a pure substance consisting of all the same types of atom.
  6. -when electrons are gained or lost ____ are formed
  7. -the parts of the mixture are very evenly mixed (milk,blood,etc.)
  8. -any compound that forms OH- ion concentration than pure water
  9. -an attraction between molecules of different substances
  10. -cells that prevent sharp,sudden changes in pH
  1. -electrons are shared unequally resulting in a a molecule which has roles.
  2. -the electrons are shared equally
  3. -the chemical combination of two or more elements in definite proportion
  4. -the parts of the mixture are unevenly mixed (oil + water, chicken noodle soup)
  5. - transferred from one atom to another
  6. -a mixture of water and undissolved materials
  7. -the substance that does the dissolving (water)
  8. -two or more elements or compounds that are physically mixed together but not chemically combined (trail mix)
  9. -the substance that gets dissolved (salt)
  10. -any compound that forms H+ ions in a solution

20 Clues: -basic unit of matter-is a homogeneous mixture-the electrons are shared equally-electrons are shared between atoms- transferred from one atom to another-the substance that gets dissolved (salt)-a mixture of water and undissolved materials-any compound that forms H+ ions in a solution-cells that prevent sharp,sudden changes in pH...

Biology Project 2022-10-05

Biology Project crossword puzzle
  1. small, membrane-enclosed organelles that contain enzymes involved in a variety of metabolic reactions, including several aspects of energy metabolism
  2. the material of which the chromosomes of organisms other than bacteria (i.e., eukaryotes) are composed. It consists of protein, RNA, and DNA
  3. a microscopic network of protein filaments and tubules in the cytoplasm of many living cells, giving them shape and coherence
  4. wall, surrounds the plasma membrane of plant cells
  5. reticulum, a network of membranous tubules within the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell, continuous with the nuclear membrane. It usually has ribosomes attached and is involved in protein and lipid synthesis
  6. a membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes
  7. occurring in pairs and involved in the development of spindle fibers in cell division
  8. endoplasmic reticulum, synthesizes lipids, phospholipids as in plasma membranes, and steroids
  9. the gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of cell
  10. a minute particle consisting of RNA and associated proteins found in large numbers in the cytoplasm of living cells. They bind messenger RNA and transfer RNA to synthesize polypeptides and proteins
  11. a space or vesicle within the cytoplasm of a cell, enclosed by a membrane and typically containing fluid
  12. Endoplasmic, produce proteins for the rest of the cell to function
  1. a microscopic double layer of lipids and proteins that bounds cells and organelles and forms structures within cells
  2. apparatus, a complex of vesicles and folded membranes within the cytoplasm of most eukaryotic cells, involved in secretion and intracellular transport
  3. help transport materials that an organism needs to survive and recycle waste materials
  4. increase the surface area of the cell exposed to the lumen to enhance absorption and secretion
  5. a plastid that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place
  6. the positively charged central core of an atom, consisting of protons and neutrons and containing nearly all its mass
  7. an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. It has a double membrane, the inner layer being folded inward to form layers
  8. a slender threadlike structure, especially a microscopic appendage that enables many protozoa, bacteria, spermatozoa
  9. any of several organized or specialized structures within a living cell
  10. a short eyelash-like filament that is numerous on tissue cells of most animals and provides the means for locomotion of protozoans of the phylum Ciliophora
  11. The aqueous solution of a cell's cytoplasm consists of water, organic molecules, and inorganic ions
  12. membrane, a double layer that encloses the cell's nucleus, where the chromosomes reside

24 Clues: wall, surrounds the plasma membrane of plant cellsthe gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of cella membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymesEndoplasmic, produce proteins for the rest of the cell to functionany of several organized or specialized structures within a living cell...

Biology A 2022-11-07

Biology A crossword puzzle
  1. occurs when there is more water either inside or outside the cell
  2. lacks nucleus
  3. read mRNA
  4. a mutation that doesn´t affect the amino acids produced
  5. half of a gene
  6. the removal of a nucleotide from the DNA strand
  7. mixes well with water
  8. the physical trait shown
  9. follows the natural concentration gradient
  10. the A nucleotide
  11. the addition of a nucleotide to the DNA strand
  12. fights against the concentration gradient
  13. none of the recessive gene is shown
  14. the G nucleotide
  15. the powerhouse of the cell
  16. scared of water
  1. has a nucleus
  2. the addition of deletion of one nucleotide
  3. the C nucleotide
  4. X and Y chromosomes
  5. the cells ¨brain¨
  6. genes that are more likely to be shown
  7. blotches of both traits
  8. equal on both sides
  9. includes cell walls
  10. the genes you carry
  11. when the genes get passed from parent to child
  12. gains water
  13. the ¨weaker gene¨
  14. cell the cells we are made of
  15. the G nucleotide
  16. contains chlorophyll
  17. mixed genes
  18. loses water
  19. the end of the DNA strand.
  20. equal concentration gradient
  21. last name Jones
  22. ¨blended¨ traits
  23. when 2 heterozygous parents mix
  24. ¨pure breed¨

40 Clues: read mRNAgains watermixed genesloses water¨pure breed¨has a nucleuslacks nucleushalf of a genelast name Jonesscared of waterthe C nucleotidethe G nucleotidethe A nucleotidethe G nucleotide¨blended¨ traitsthe cells ¨brain¨the ¨weaker gene¨X and Y chromosomesequal on both sidesincludes cell wallsthe genes you carrycontains chlorophyll...

Cell Biology 2022-11-01

Cell Biology crossword puzzle
  1. cells divide for growth and _______
  2. what does the enzyme catalase break down?
  3. a type of enzyme reaction, when large molecules are broken down into smaller molecules
  4. the transfer of genetic information from one organism to another
  5. provides structure and support for a cell
  6. loops of DNA that are found in bacterial cells
  7. another word for cell division
  8. an enzyme is specific to only one type of s____________
  9. the two types of stem cells are adult stem cells and ____________ stem cells
  10. a small section of DNA that codes for a protein
  11. a product that is made by genetic engineering and is used to treat type 1 diabetes
  1. the enzyme that breaks down starch into maltose
  2. site of chemical reactions
  3. found in all living cells, they speed up chemical reactions
  4. the type of washing powder that DOES contain enzymes
  5. the enzyme that builds up glucose-1-phosphate into starch
  6. stem cells are used to treat d__________
  7. the shape of DNA
  8. the base of DNA that pairs with guanine
  9. caused by uncontrolled cell division
  10. thin threads that attach to chromosomes during cell division
  11. part of the cell that controls all cell activities
  12. site of protein synthesis
  13. how many bases of DNA are there?
  14. cells that can specialise (differentiate) into a range of cell types

25 Clues: the shape of DNAsite of protein synthesissite of chemical reactionsanother word for cell divisionhow many bases of DNA are there?cells divide for growth and _______caused by uncontrolled cell divisionthe base of DNA that pairs with guaninestem cells are used to treat d__________what does the enzyme catalase break down?...

Biology A 2022-11-06

Biology A crossword puzzle
  1. mixed genes
  2. occurs when there is more water either inside or outside the cell
  3. includes cell walls
  4. last name Jones
  5. the G nucleotide
  6. ¨blended¨ traits
  7. the end of the DNA strand.
  8. the powerhouse of the cell
  9. loses water
  1. the addition of deletion of one nucleotide
  2. read mRNA
  3. contains chlorophyll
  4. genes that are more likely to be shown
  5. the A nucleotide
  6. follows the natural concentration gradient
  7. lacks nucleus
  8. the physical trait shown
  9. scared of water
  10. ¨pure breed¨
  11. a mutation that doesn´t affect the amino acids produced

20 Clues: read mRNAmixed genesloses water¨pure breed¨lacks nucleuslast name Jonesscared of waterthe A nucleotidethe G nucleotide¨blended¨ traitsincludes cell wallscontains chlorophyllthe physical trait shownthe end of the DNA strand.the powerhouse of the cellgenes that are more likely to be shownthe addition of deletion of one nucleotide...

biology project 2022-01-07

biology project crossword puzzle
  1. what do we do to the extracted cells in order to multiply by mitosis.
  2. how does the cell get its energy?
  3. What forms at the beginning of prophase?
  4. helps in the storage of materials inside the cell.
  5. It plays an important role in cell division.
  6. during interphase the cell grows and ____.
  7. jelly like substance inside the cell in which all the organelles are embedded.
  8. carry the genetic information.
  9. what happens to the chromatins in prophase?
  10. control center of the cell.
  1. synthesizes ribosomes.
  2. what instrument is used to observe the chromosomes
  3. only present in plant cells.
  4. present in animal cells only. It is responsible for breaking down the cell debris.
  5. what type of solution should we place the cells for them to spread
  6. what is the power house of the cell?
  7. extract ____ blood cells from the collected blood sample.
  8. every chromosome is two chromatids joint by a?
  9. how many stages is interphase divided into?
  10. what is the second stage of interphase called?
  11. characterized by their ability to multiply rapidly in vitro
  12. what is interphase responsible for in a cell?
  13. in the final stage of interphase what does the cell prepare itself for?
  14. help in protein synthesis
  15. mitosis is a continuous process of cell division that occurs in the somatic cell during which a diploid mother cell duplicates and divides to give 2 __ diploid daughter cells.

25 Clues: synthesizes in protein synthesiscontrol center of the cell.only present in plant cells.carry the genetic does the cell get its energy?what is the power house of the cell?What forms at the beginning of prophase?during interphase the cell grows and many stages is interphase divided into?...

Biology Crossword 2022-01-27

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a plant growth regulator (plant hormone) that stimulates cell elongation
  2. the net movement of molecules or ions from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration down a gradient, as a result of the random movements of particles
  3. the loss of water vapour from a plant to its environment, by diffusion down a water potential gradient; most transpiration takes place through the stomata in the leaves
  4. a lipid whose molecules are made up of a glycerol molecule and three fatty acids
  5. a nitrogenous excretory product produced in the liver from the deamination of amino acids
  6. a device that uses a biological material such as an enzyme to measure the concentration of a chemical compound
  7. in the environment in which it is found
  8. a green pigment responsible for light capture in photosynthesis in algae and plants
  9. the probability of an organism surviving and
  10. a haploid cell specialised for fertilisation
  1. protection against infectious diseases, gained either actively or passively
  2. having two identical alleles of a gene
  3. a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands in times of stress or excitemen
  4. enzymatic release of energy from organic compounds in living cells
  5. tissue containing sieve tubes and other types of cell, responsible for the translocation of assimilates such as sucrose through a plant
  6. the variety of ecosystems and species in an area and the genetic diversity within species
  7. an illness in which the pancreas does not make sufficient insulin, or where cells do not respond appropriately to insulin
  8. damage to the brain caused by bursting or blockage of an artery
  9. a length of DNA that codes for a particular protein or polypeptide
  10. nitrogen-containing purine base found in DNA and RNA

20 Clues: having two identical alleles of a genein the environment in which it is foundthe probability of an organism surviving anda haploid cell specialised for fertilisationnitrogen-containing purine base found in DNA and RNAdamage to the brain caused by bursting or blockage of an arteryenzymatic release of energy from organic compounds in living cells...

Biology Crossword 2022-01-27

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A process where the heart wall simply flutters rather than contracting as a whole and then relaxing as a whole
  2. The inhibitor that closely resembles the chemical structure and molecular geometry of the substrate
  3. The study and practice of classification which involves placing organisms in a series of taxonomic units (taxa)
  4. The process, which occurs in living cells that releases energy stored in organic molecules such as glucose
  5. A nucleotide that replaces thymine in RNA
  6. A process in plant metabolism where the enzyme RuBisCO oxygenates RuBP, wasting some of the energy produced by photosynthesis
  7. The ability to distinguish between two separate
  8. A modified form of parenchyma with extra cellulose deposited at the corners of the cells
  9. The process by which the normal value of potential difference +70 mV is returned due to the outward movement of potassium ions
  10. The regulation of the internal conditions of a cell or organism within a set point
  11. The bulk uptake of liquid
  12. The process by which diploid precursor cells undergo meiotic division to become haploid gametes
  13. The DNA made by joining pieces from two or more different sources
  1. The process during which the sister chromatids separate at the centromere and are pulled to the edge of the cell
  2. The first stage of protein synthesis that occurs in the nucleus
  3. Phagocytic white blood cells that patrol the surfaces of the airways scavenging small particles such as bacteria and fine dust particles
  4. A kind of phagocyte and form about 60% of the white cells in the blood
  5. The evolution of new species from existing ones
  6. Large biological molecule such as protein, polysaccharide or nucleic acid
  7. The role of an organism in an ecosystem

20 Clues: The bulk uptake of liquidThe role of an organism in an ecosystemA nucleotide that replaces thymine in RNAThe ability to distinguish between two separateThe evolution of new species from existing onesThe first stage of protein synthesis that occurs in the nucleusThe DNA made by joining pieces from two or more different sources...

Biology 6 2022-02-15

Biology 6 crossword puzzle
  1. a phylum or group of phyla that comprises the single-celled microscopic animals, which include amoebas, flagellates, ciliates, sporozoans, and many other forms. They are now usually treated as a number of phyla belonging to the kingdom Protista.
  2. reproduction also can be asexual by
  3. free swimming or fixed to an object
  4. mouth pore through a short tube is called
  5. its slipper shape is maintained by the flexible and firm outer covering called
  6. a representative ciliate is the
  7. some can change form, depending upon environment they are in this ability is called
  8. indigestible wastes pass out of the ciliate by the
  9. any of a group of spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including molds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools.
  10. is a unicellular fungus that causes dough to rise
  11. regulation of water and elimination of excess water is done by organelle called
  12. includes all organisms that are not animals, plants , or fungi
  1. feed on in living organisms
  2. histolytica that causes severe diarrhea called
  3. in human history caused more deaths than any other disease
  4. can contaminate water and cause diarrhea
  5. spread by the tsetse fly which only lives in Africa
  6. which type of movement is it
  7. feed on dead organic material
  8. all are one-celled
  9. a simple, nonflowering, and typically aquatic plant of a large group that includes the seaweeds and many single-celled forms.
  10. short hair like structures
  11. food gets swept into the indentation called
  12. sexual reproduction called
  13. they can respond to a stimulus; this action is called

25 Clues: all are one-celledshort hair like structuressexual reproduction calledfeed on in living organismswhich type of movement is itfeed on dead organic materiala representative ciliate is thereproduction also can be asexual byfree swimming or fixed to an objectcan contaminate water and cause diarrheamouth pore through a short tube is called...

Biology Revision 2022-04-22

Biology Revision crossword puzzle
  1. Drooping or inelastic through lack of water.
  2. Molecules that make up a cell membrane.
  3. Made of cellulose material.
  4. A statement that can be tested.
  5. Controls all of the activities of a cell and contains DNA.
  6. Passive process where molecules move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.
  7. The variable that the experimenter changes or compares.
  8. Solution that has a high solute concentration
  9. Passive process where water molecules move across a semi permeable membrane from areas of high water concentration to areas of low water concentration.
  10. Packages proteins ready for exiting a cell.
  1. Protein that allows bulk water into a cell.
  2. The structure in a plant cell where photosynthesis takes place.
  3. Solution which is equal in water concentration to a cell.
  4. Cell structure that allows substances to enter and exit a cell.
  5. A swollen or distended cell.
  6. Cell structure which is the source of energy production of a cell.
  7. Solution that has a low solute concentration.
  8. The variable that the experimenter is measuring or recording.
  9. The variables that need to be kept the same in an experiment.
  10. Process in plant cells where the membrane pulls away from the cell wall in a hypertonic solution.
  11. Synthesises proteins
  12. Stain used to turn starch blue/black.

22 Clues: Synthesises proteinsMade of cellulose material.A swollen or distended cell.A statement that can be tested.Stain used to turn starch blue/black.Molecules that make up a cell membrane.Protein that allows bulk water into a cell.Packages proteins ready for exiting a cell.Drooping or inelastic through lack of water....

Biology crossword 2022-04-29

Biology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Variable which we measure with
  2. Fourth type of classification
  3. Holds up the stigma
  4. seventh type of classification
  5. Produces pollen
  6. The process of pollen from one flower getting to the stigma of another flower
  7. What cell walls are made of
  8. sixth type of classification
  9. Multicellular, tissue and organs, have nuclei without cell walls
  10. Catches pollen grains
  11. Holds up the anther
  12. Multicellular, apart from yeast, live in or on dead matter with nuclei and cell walls with Chitin
  13. Attracts insects
  1. When pollen fuses with an ovum
  2. Unicellular cells without nuclei and a flexible cell wall
  3. Third type of classification
  4. Mostly unicellular with nuclei and some have cell walls
  5. Where photosynthesis occurs
  6. Multicellular, tissue and organs, have chloroplasts with nuclei and cellulose cell walls
  7. First type of classification
  8. Second type of classification
  9. Variable which you change
  10. Fifth type of classification

23 Clues: Produces pollenAttracts insectsHolds up the stigmaHolds up the antherCatches pollen grainsVariable which you changeWhere photosynthesis occursWhat cell walls are made ofThird type of classificationFirst type of classificationsixth type of classificationFifth type of classificationFourth type of classificationSecond type of classification...

Marine Biology 2022-05-11

Marine Biology crossword puzzle
  1. any organism living in the ocean, but away from the shore and ocean bottom
  2. a coral reef that forms along the shoreline
  3. a limestone ridge that is formed from hard coral
  4. water in the open ocean divided into different zones based upon how much sunlight reaches that depth of water
  5. any organism that lives on the bottom of the ocean
  6. microscopic algae that live inside of and have a symbiotic relationship with coral
  7. when a group of fish swims together in the same direction in a synchronized manner
  8. cetaceans that have teeth these include beaked whales, porpoises, and dolphins
  9. animals with a backbone or spinal column
  10. when a group of fish lives together for social aspects
  1. when ocean water reaches the lowest point along the shore due to the gravitational pull of the moon and sun
  2. a shallow body of water that remains within rocks along the intertidal zone during low tide
  3. the branch of science that investigates the organisms that live in salt water
  4. when animals move to a new place based upon the seasons
  5. the area of the ocean shore found between the high tide and the low tide
  6. the gently sloping section of shallow seawater that goes from the shore into the ocean
  7. a small, soft-bodied, single animal that secretes a limestone shell that forms coral reefs
  8. a coral reef that is separated from the shoreline by a deep channel of water
  9. animals with no backbone or spinal column
  10. tide when ocean water reaches the highest point along the shore due to the gravitational pull of the moon and sun
  11. the portion of the ocean that slopes between the edge of the continental shelf and the deep sea floor
  12. the ability of an animal to find the location of an object by making a sound and hearing the sound reflected
  13. a ring-shaped coral reef, often formed from the sinking of a volcanic island
  14. a large area of sea typically divided into geographic locations
  15. coral polyps that grow together in a group
  16. cetaceans that filter feed and have baleen plates instead of teeth

26 Clues: animals with a backbone or spinal columnanimals with no backbone or spinal columncoral polyps that grow together in a groupa coral reef that forms along the shorelinea limestone ridge that is formed from hard coralany organism that lives on the bottom of the oceanwhen a group of fish lives together for social aspects...