biology Crossword Puzzles
Molecular Biology 2023-01-09
- Spaces where the samples for electrophoresis are placed
- Nucleotide that binds to adenine in RNA
- Electrophoresis separates samples by _____
- Shape of DNA
- Enzyme that cuts DNA at specific sites to form fragments
- PCR step where primers bind to the DNA
- Enzyme that helps reform phosphodiester bonds
- Enzyme used to cut DNA in CRISPR
- Gel that is used during electrophoresis
- DNA strand that is also known as the coding strand
- Plasmid DNA with the target gene
- RNA to Protein
- Site that is used by Cas9 to locate the cut site
- When an organism takes in genetic material from the environment
- Monomers that are used to build DNA during PCR
- Nucleotides bond to one another through ____________
- Enzyme that is used when plasmid closes without target gene
- PCR step where DNA is separated into two strands
- Nucleotide that binds to guanine
- Three nucleotide sequence that codes for an amino acid
- Staggered cut ends are also known as _____________
- The process by which DNA is converted to protein
- DNA to RNA
23 Clues: DNA to RNA • Shape of DNA • RNA to Protein • Nucleotide that binds to guanine • Enzyme used to cut DNA in CRISPR • Plasmid DNA with the target gene • PCR step where primers bind to the DNA • Nucleotide that binds to adenine in RNA • Gel that is used during electrophoresis • Electrophoresis separates samples by _____ • Enzyme that helps reform phosphodiester bonds • ...
Molecular Biology 2023-01-09
- Enzyme that is used when plasmid closes without target gene
- Nucleotides bond to one another through ____________
- Enzyme used to cut DNA in CRISPR
- Gel that is used during electrophoresis
- Nucleotide that binds to guanine
- Plasmid DNA with the target gene
- RNA to Protein
- Spaces where the samples for electrophoresis are placed
- Nucleotide that binds to adenine in RNA
- Site that is used by Cas9 to locate the cut site
- PCR step where primers bind to the DNA
- Staggered cut ends are also known as _____________
- When an organism takes in genetic material from the environment
- DNA to RNA
- DNA strand that is also known as the coding strand
- Enzyme that cuts DNA at specific sites to form fragments
- Shape of DNA
- The process by which DNA is converted to protein
- PCR step where DNA is separated into two strands
- Three nucleotide sequence that codes for an amino acid
- Monomers that are used to build DNA during PCR
- Electrophoresis separates samples by _____
- Enzyme that helps reform phosphodiester bonds
23 Clues: DNA to RNA • Shape of DNA • RNA to Protein • Enzyme used to cut DNA in CRISPR • Nucleotide that binds to guanine • Plasmid DNA with the target gene • PCR step where primers bind to the DNA • Gel that is used during electrophoresis • Nucleotide that binds to adenine in RNA • Electrophoresis separates samples by _____ • Enzyme that helps reform phosphodiester bonds • ...
Molecular Biology 2023-01-09
- Enzyme that is used when plasmid closes without target gene
- Site that is used by Cas9 to locate the cut site
- PCR step where primers bind to the DNA
- RNA to Protein
- Three nucleotide sequence that codes for an amino acid
- Enzyme that helps reform phosphodiester bonds
- DNA to RNA
- Shape of DNA
- Spaces where the samples for electrophoresis are placed
- Electrophoresis separates samples by ______
- Plasmid DNA with the target gene
- Nucleotides bond to one another through ______
- The process by which DNA is converted to protein
- PCR step where DNA is separated into two strands
- When an organism takes in genetic material from the environment
- Enzyme that cuts DNA at specific sites to form fragments
- Gel that is used during electrophoresis
- Nucleotide that binds to guanine
- Nucleotide that binds to adenine in RNA
- Staggered cut ends are also known as _______
- Monomers that are used to build DNA during PCR
- Enzyme used to cut DNA in CRISPR
- DNA strand that is also known as the coding strand
23 Clues: DNA to RNA • Shape of DNA • RNA to Protein • Plasmid DNA with the target gene • Nucleotide that binds to guanine • Enzyme used to cut DNA in CRISPR • PCR step where primers bind to the DNA • Gel that is used during electrophoresis • Nucleotide that binds to adenine in RNA • Electrophoresis separates samples by ______ • Staggered cut ends are also known as _______ • ...
Biology crossword 2023-01-19
- splitting of cells to create new somatic cells
- means Deoxyribonucleic Acid
- usually affect no more than a single amino acid
- heritable changes in genetic information
- diffusion of water across a membrane
- protein is made by adding amino acids to a growing peptide chain
- simple sugar
- produce changes in a single gene
- polar head and non polar tails
- moving molecules out of the cell
- mRNA is made from the DNA
- produce changes in whole chromosomes
- made up of monosaccharide polymers
- joins the Okazaki fragments together to make one strand
- series of short segments on the lagging strand
- shift the reading frame for every
- synthesized disdcontinually against the overall direction of replication
- synthesized as a single strand from the point of origin toward the replication fork
- unwinds and separates the 2 DNA strands by breaking the weak hydrogen bonds
- large molecules move materials into the cell
- involve changes in one or a few nucleotides
- a balanced internal condition of cells
- splitting of cells to create gametes
- molecules move from area of high to low concentration
- stands for Adenosine Triphosphate
25 Clues: simple sugar • mRNA is made from the DNA • means Deoxyribonucleic Acid • polar head and non polar tails • produce changes in a single gene • moving molecules out of the cell • shift the reading frame for every • stands for Adenosine Triphosphate • made up of monosaccharide polymers • diffusion of water across a membrane • splitting of cells to create gametes • ...
- Are Cyclic Hydrocarbons usually composed of four rin
- These enzymes break proteins down into amino acids in the small intestine.
- is a very important factor in enzyme activity
- breaks lactose, the sugar in milk, into glucose and galactose.
- Makes up the major part of ribosomes, which is where proteins are made.
- reserve amino acids for the body until ready for use.
- are proteins that act as biological catalysts by accelerating chemical reactions.
- This also occurs in the saliva, and breaks the sugar maltose into glucose.
- are substances that stop/ slow the enzymatic reaction
- are carrier proteins that move molecules from one place to another in the body.
- Are Lipids with a phosphate group
- Transfers amino acids to ribosomes during protein synthesis
- are the sites of PROTEIN SYNTHESIS
- refers to a decrease in enzyme-related processes, enzyme production or enzyme activity
- of a protein refers to the regularly repeating local structures that are stabilized by hydrogen bonds
- pertains to the linear sequence of amino acids that make up a polypeptide chain or a protein.
- is SINGLE STRANDED and does not have to stay in the nucleus!
- A large group of structural proteins maintains and protects the structure of the animal body.
- helps change starches into sugars.
- Carries copies of instructions for the assembly of amino acids into proteins from DNA to the rest of the cell (serve as “messenger”)
- is the alteration of the shape of enzyme. The substrate does not anymore fit to the active site; there will be no reaction.
- Long-chain carboxylic acids that are insoluble in water
- is needed to turn reactant into product
- are biomolecules comprised of amino acid residues joined together by peptide bonds.
- are specialized proteins that defend the body against antigens or foreign invaders.
- proteins are responsible for muscle contraction and movement.
- binds to the active site and prevents the attachment of the of the partner substrate
- This group of enzymes help digest fats in the gut.
- are messenger proteins that help coordinate certain bodily functions.
- occurs in the NUCLEUS
30 Clues: occurs in the NUCLEUS • Are Lipids with a phosphate group • helps change starches into sugars. • are the sites of PROTEIN SYNTHESIS • is needed to turn reactant into product • is a very important factor in enzyme activity • This group of enzymes help digest fats in the gut. • Are Cyclic Hydrocarbons usually composed of four rin • ...
- Are Cyclic Hydrocarbons usually composed of four rin
- These enzymes break proteins down into amino acids in the small intestine.
- is a very important factor in enzyme activity
- breaks lactose, the sugar in milk, into glucose and galactose.
- Makes up the major part of ribosomes, which is where proteins are made.
- reserve amino acids for the body until ready for use.
- are proteins that act as biological catalysts by accelerating chemical reactions.
- This also occurs in the saliva, and breaks the sugar maltose into glucose.
- are substances that stop/ slow the enzymatic reaction
- are carrier proteins that move molecules from one place to another in the body.
- Are Lipids with a phosphate group
- Transfers amino acids to ribosomes during protein synthesis
- are the sites of PROTEIN SYNTHESIS
- refers to a decrease in enzyme-related processes, enzyme production or enzyme activity
- of a protein refers to the regularly repeating local structures that are stabilized by hydrogen bonds
- pertains to the linear sequence of amino acids that make up a polypeptide chain or a protein.
- is SINGLE STRANDED and does not have to stay in the nucleus!
- A large group of structural proteins maintains and protects the structure of the animal body.
- helps change starches into sugars.
- Carries copies of instructions for the assembly of amino acids into proteins from DNA to the rest of the cell (serve as “messenger”)
- is the alteration of the shape of enzyme. The substrate does not anymore fit to the active site; there will be no reaction.
- Long-chain carboxylic acids that are insoluble in water
- is needed to turn reactant into product
- are biomolecules comprised of amino acid residues joined together by peptide bonds.
- are specialized proteins that defend the body against antigens or foreign invaders.
- proteins are responsible for muscle contraction and movement.
- binds to the active site and prevents the attachment of the of the partner substrate
- This group of enzymes help digest fats in the gut.
- are messenger proteins that help coordinate certain bodily functions.
- occurs in the NUCLEUS
30 Clues: occurs in the NUCLEUS • Are Lipids with a phosphate group • helps change starches into sugars. • are the sites of PROTEIN SYNTHESIS • is needed to turn reactant into product • is a very important factor in enzyme activity • This group of enzymes help digest fats in the gut. • Are Cyclic Hydrocarbons usually composed of four rin • ...
Biology Crossword! 2022-12-12
- The organelle in which respiration takes place
- The part of the leaf which transports water
- How glucose is stored in plants
- The variable which is changed
- The point at which levels of Respiration and Photosynthesis are the same
- The water plant used in many tests
- The alcohol used to remove chlorophyll from leaves
- The protective layer on the top of the leaf
- The thing that makes plants green
- organelle that controls the cell's DNA
- The organelles which produce enzymes
- The chemical name for the liquid used in Photosynthesis
- A cell with an adaption
- The site of photosynthesis
- The reaction in which the plant produces Water
- The waste gas produced in Respiration
- The outer organelle found in plants (which can provide structure)
- Mineral needed for the reaction which produces Glucose
- The reaction in which the plant produces oxygen
- The part of the leaf which transports sugars
- How particles move through a substance
21 Clues: A cell with an adaption • The site of photosynthesis • The variable which is changed • How glucose is stored in plants • The thing that makes plants green • The water plant used in many tests • The organelles which produce enzymes • The waste gas produced in Respiration • How particles move through a substance • organelle that controls the cell's DNA • ...
Cell Biology 2022-09-16
- contains the items in the cell
- used to produce proteins
- example of a lipid
- cell which contains a nucleus
- makes proteins
- used as short term energy
- packages/folds proteins
- contains genetic information
- a function of lipids
- site of photosynthesis
- example of a protein
- contains carbon,hydrogen, oxygen
- moves items in the cell
- example of a carbohydrate
- used as long term energy
- multiple monomers bonded together
- destroys invaders in the cell
- single molecule
- smallest unit of nucleic acid
- makes energy
- repairs cells, movement
- controls the cell
- contains genetic information
- stores water and waste
- protects the cell
- element found in protein
- cell which does not contain a nucleus
27 Clues: makes energy • makes proteins • single molecule • controls the cell • protects the cell • example of a lipid • a function of lipids • example of a protein • stores water and waste • site of photosynthesis • repairs cells, movement • packages/folds proteins • moves items in the cell • used to produce proteins • element found in protein • used as long term energy • used as short term energy • ...
Biology Basics 2023-06-20
- Larger more complex structure made of monomers
- Small basic sub-units that make up polymers
- Applies scientific and mathematic principles to solve problems
- Water fearing; a substance that does not have an affinity for water
- What gets dissolved in a solution
- An explanation of an observed phenomenon based on research
- The smallest part of an element that still has the properties of that element
- Water loving; a substance that has an affinity for water
- Broad concept or principle that describes how something occurs in nature
- An objective, verifiable observation
- Uses numbers and measurements to quantify something
- Describes qualities using the senses
- What is deliberately changed or manipulated in an investigation
- Large organic molecules that make up all living things
- Uniform homogenous mixture of two or more substances
- What does the dissolving in a solution
- Anything that has mass and occupies space
- Group(s) being tested
- Aspects of an experiment that are kept constant/consistent
- Single sugar molecule; the monomer of carbohydrates
- Large sugar molecule; the polymer of carbohydrates
- Measure of how difficult it is to stretch or break the surface of a liquid/resist an external force
- The application of scientific discoveries to meet human needs and goals through the development of products and processes
- A statement based on repeated experimental observation that describes an aspect of the world
- Most basic unit of life
- What changes in response to the IV; what is measured
- Standard/”normal” group used for comparison
27 Clues: Group(s) being tested • Most basic unit of life • What gets dissolved in a solution • An objective, verifiable observation • Describes qualities using the senses • What does the dissolving in a solution • Anything that has mass and occupies space • Small basic sub-units that make up polymers • Standard/”normal” group used for comparison • ...
biology & chemistry 2023-07-24
31 Clues: 화학 • 진화 • 증기 • 물질 • 탄소 • 산소 • 수소 • 생물학 • 화합물 • 나트륨 • 유전자 • 혼합물 • 유독한 • 동일한 • 망원경 • 현미경 • 빛 광선 • 포유동물 • 저장 저장소 • 액체 액체의 • 세포 작은방 • 녹다 녹이다 • 멸종된 사라진 • 살아있는 생물인 • 요소 성분 원소 • 복제하다 복제생물 • 번식하다 재생하다 • 분리하다 떼어놓다 • 산 산성의 신맛의 • 흡수하다 열중시키다 • 거르다 여과하다 여과장치
Biology Lab 2023-02-24
- Dinosaurs with long arms 5:16
- Dinosaur with 3-fingered hand 4:13
- What does black and yellow banding on corals mean 10:00
- Dinosaurs with grasping hands 3:59
- Fingers on one T-rex hand 15:00
- What happens to corals when the temperature of the ocean increases 10:57
- Amount of species established in the great lakes over the past 2 centuries 4:09
- Bird hipped dinosaurs 8:35
- Spot in the deep ocean that have no oxygen 8:20
- Where were Zebra mussels first introduced 2:25
- Type of netting used to catch fish in shallow water 6:30
- One of the oldest animals in the deep sea 11:13
- More fragile corals 4:20
- What does algae feed to corals 11:40
- Fish that eats cement 18:25
- Method that T-Rex cools off 10:00
- Gastric ____ is a non-lethal method of examining the stomach contents of fish 6:40
- Place in Mexico that had a fishing ban 14:05
- species that is non-native and causes economic and ecological harm 4:24
- Reason why fish have become smaller in size 6:12
- Algae live ____ within the tissue of the coral 11:15
- How much a shark is worth in its lifetime 16:22
- Dinosaurs with 3-toed foot 4:08
- Number of microbial species 7:40
- Where are rusty crayfish native to 5:30
- What killed all of the Sea urchins in Jamaica 10:00
- Flying animal that dinosaurs gave rise to 4:39
27 Clues: More fragile corals 4:20 • Bird hipped dinosaurs 8:35 • Fish that eats cement 18:25 • Dinosaurs with long arms 5:16 • Dinosaurs with 3-toed foot 4:08 • Fingers on one T-rex hand 15:00 • Number of microbial species 7:40 • Method that T-Rex cools off 10:00 • Dinosaur with 3-fingered hand 4:13 • Dinosaurs with grasping hands 3:59 • What does algae feed to corals 11:40 • ...
Biology Crossword 2023-04-20
- When an allele of a gene overrules the other
- Having two different alleles
- Matches with Adenine
- Matches with Cytosine
- Having two identical versions of the same gene
- Cell division
- The growing stage of a cell, preparing for cell division
- Genetic info
- Process of splitting the parent cell into two daughter cells
- Matches with Thymine
- Nitrogen containing base
- Attached to the nitrogenous base of a phosphate
- Breeding experiment between two organisms
- The fourth stage in cell division
- The last stage in cell division
- The creation of protein by cells
- The allele being overruled
- The changing of a structure of a gene
- Translating the sequence of a messenger RNA (mRNA)
- Gap phases in the Interphase
- Following a lock and key principle
- Copying a segment of DNA into RNA
- Structural support for DNA Double-Helix
- The first stage in cell division
- Matches with Guanine
- Physical structure of DNA
- The third stage in cell division
- Used in the construction of nucleotides
28 Clues: Genetic info • Cell division • Matches with Adenine • Matches with Guanine • Matches with Thymine • Matches with Cytosine • Nitrogen containing base • Physical structure of DNA • The allele being overruled • Gap phases in the Interphase • Having two different alleles • The last stage in cell division • The creation of protein by cells • The first stage in cell division • ...
biology crossword 2023-04-14
- a biome of or pertaining to land as in terrestrial ecosystem
- the first species to populate an area
- reestablisment of a damaged ecosystem in an area were the soil was left intact
- a gradual increase in average global temperature
- symbiotic association between a fungus and a photosynthetic organism
- permanently dark layer of the oceans
- release of harmul materials into the enviroment
- a biome that occurs in water
- a species has an unusually large effect on its ecosystem
- a zone of the ocean were light penetration is high
- the tidal mouth of a large river
- no two species can occupy the same niche in the same habitat
- succession that occurs on surfaces were no soil exists
- a group of ecosystems that share similar climates and organisms
- an opening in the sea floor out of which heated mineral-rich water flows
- a stable community that no longer goes through major ecoogical changes
- destruction of forests
- the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat
- plants and animals that have migrated to places there not native
- too many people in an area
- a system of interlocking and independent food chains
21 Clues: destruction of forests • too many people in an area • a biome that occurs in water • the tidal mouth of a large river • permanently dark layer of the oceans • the first species to populate an area • release of harmul materials into the enviroment • a gradual increase in average global temperature • a zone of the ocean were light penetration is high • ...
Biology mix 2023-04-14
- well if you have this condition, youre likely to die!
- i am high towards the artery end of the capillaries and i force fluid out to form tissue fluid
- they dont require ATP when assisting with facilitated diffusion but do require it when assisting active transport
- when a solution has a higher water potential than the cell. so water moves in via osmosis so animal cells swell and burst and plant cells become turgid
- a group of organs, tissues, and cells involved in gas exchange
- the process by which materials are taken into a cell by a membrane surrounding it and forming a vesicle
- bony flap that protects the gills from harm
- enzymes lower this energy
- a diagnosis where the heartbeat is too slow
- the initial hypothesis for how enzymes fit substrates
- i am higher at the venule end of the capillaries
- to prevent electrical imbalance and a pH change, i come in to save the day~!
- carry small ions and polar molecules through the membrane
- i carry genetic info out from the nucleus to the ribosome for translation of proteins
- a type of plant that loves the dry heat!{just like caroline}
- are an example of inorganic ions that enzymes require and are also a part of balancing the electrical change when hydrogen carbonate ions leave the red blood cell
- large organic and permanently bound to the enzyme
- i link the cytoplasm of neighbouring cells
- the process by which 2 types of proteins are involved to move large molecules across a membrane
- a result of how co2 affects the blood
- the process by which materials are secreted from the cell
- insects use this to change the volume of their bodies and allow air in and out through the spiracles
- a diagnosis where the heartbeat is too fast 120 bpm
- a state at which the water potential is equal between the cell and solution
- an intracellular enzyme that converts hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen
- the measure of water uptake by the plant but this can trick you cuz not all water is lost by transpiration!
- the model that suggested the enzyme changed its shape to fit the substrate
- a solution in which the concentration of water is lower than the cell, causes animals cells to shrivel and plant cell will go flaccid and PLASMOLYISE
- a type of plant that lives well in water conditions
- so I am found in the trachea, and i hold airways open, prevent them collapsing and withstand pressure from inhalation and exhalation
- water enters through this part of the root
- and extracelluar enzyme that breaks protiens to amino acids and peptide bonds
- inorganic ions that enzymes require to function properly
33 Clues: enzymes lower this energy • a result of how co2 affects the blood • water enters through this part of the root • i link the cytoplasm of neighbouring cells • bony flap that protects the gills from harm • a diagnosis where the heartbeat is too slow • i am higher at the venule end of the capillaries • large organic and permanently bound to the enzyme • ...
Biology Vocab 2023-04-19
- Uses the FOIL method
- Phase that prepares for division
- Smallest part of the DNA
- Is the classic punnett square
- When the chromosomes meet in the middle
- Two of the same, ex: TT or tt
- Pairs with Guanine
- House part of the backbone to DNA
- Part of the backbone of DNA
- Helix DNA Structure
- Genetic Information contains Uracil
- Double checks the growth that happened during G1
- Gets shown
- The cell separates
- Creates two identical daughter cells
- The other half of a pair, A->T
- When the organelles separate
- Gene that does not get expressed
- Mistakes in the DNA replication
- When the Proteins create more with translation and transcription
- Pair to T
- Bases Thymine, Uracil, Adenine, Guanine, and Cytosine
- Nitrogenous bases that pairs with A
- Two different genes, ex: Tt
- Chromosomes become visible
- Uses codon chart
- Pairs with Cytosine
- Most of the growing happens in this phase
- Genetic Information contains Thymine
- Chromosomes split
31 Clues: DNA->RNA • Pair to T • Gets shown • Uses codon chart • Chromosomes split • Pairs with Guanine • The cell separates • Pairs with Cytosine • Uses the FOIL method • Helix DNA Structure • Smallest part of the DNA • Chromosomes become visible • Two different genes, ex: Tt • Part of the backbone of DNA • When the organelles separate • Is the classic punnett square • Two of the same, ex: TT or tt • ...
Biology Crossword 2023-05-09
- An organism that is consumed
- The process by which green plants and other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water.
- To become rotten/decayed
- Denitrification → Loss in drainage water → Absorption and protein synthesis → Nitrogen fixation → Nitrification → Decomposition
- The process of reducing nitrate and nitrite to gaseous forms of nitrogen
- An organism that makes its own organic food substances
- A place where an organism lives
- A class of things of the same kind and with the same name
- A network of interconnected food chains
- The process by which ammonium compounds are converted to nitrates
- A process in living organisms involving the production of energy
- Photosynthesis → Feeding → Respiration → Decomposition → Formation of fossil fuels and combustion
- Free-living soil bacteria
- A graphical representation showing the relationship between different organisms in an ecosystem
- A group of organisms of the same species that live together
- Fourth in rank
- Made up of all the populations of different species living and interacting with one another
- An organism that consumes another organism
- The study of organisms and how they interact with the environment around them
- A community of organisms interacting with one another and with their environment
20 Clues: Fourth in rank • To become rotten/decayed • Free-living soil bacteria • An organism that is consumed • A place where an organism lives • A network of interconnected food chains • An organism that consumes another organism • An organism that makes its own organic food substances • A class of things of the same kind and with the same name • ...
Biology crossword 2023-05-14
- where does glycolysis occur
- full name of NADPH
- what is the synthesis of atp by the transport of a phosphate group from from a phosphorylated intermediate to adp
- where is ADH from
- what is the name of a growth regulator in germination
- ion which depolarises the sarcolemma
- where does light dependent stage occur at
- what are cells that can convert 1 type of energy to another
- name a pigment which have the colour orange
- process which requires hydrostate pressure
- what biological molecule is thin filament made of
- triphosphate full name of ATP
- blood vessels associated with nephrons from the renal artery
- example of C3 plants
- name an organelle which have double envelope membrane
- other name of krebs cycle
- process in which water is form in all 4 repiration process
- name the process in which liver cells convert glycogen to glucose
- name an anaerobic reaction apart from glycolysis
- how does electron return to stroma
- presence of glucose and ketones in urine is called
- where is osmoregulator found
- in which period are axons unresponsive
- name of a substrate linked to phosphorylation
- what are the names of light harvesting clusters
- which enzyme catalyses of hydrolysis of the ACH molecule
- process in which amide group is removed
- name a region of reabsorption excluding collecting duct
- functional unit of a kidney
- a line of which attachment for action filament
- mention a redox indicator apart from DCIP
- pyruvate experiences dehydrogenation
- how does pyruvate enter mitochondria
- name the band which only thick myosin filaments is present
- what is myelin made up o
- what ion is used in the collecting duct
- name a pigement with an RF value of 1
- name a steroid hormone for females for the building up of oestrogen in the bodys
- example of C4 plants
39 Clues: where is ADH from • full name of NADPH • example of C3 plants • example of C4 plants • what is myelin made up o • other name of krebs cycle • where does glycolysis occur • functional unit of a kidney • where is osmoregulator found • triphosphate full name of ATP • how does electron return to stroma • ion which depolarises the sarcolemma • pyruvate experiences dehydrogenation • ...
Biology Crossword 2023-05-17
- Organisms that have hair or subcutaneous fat and mammary glands are
- Hydra, corals, and jellyfish belong to Phylum
- The sponges belong to Phylum
- Change in a species over time
- Organisms with bilateral symmetry, dry and scaly skin, shelled terrestrial eggs, and endothermic body heat are
- An organism that only eats meat
- A well tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations
- the Scientific study of animals
- Proposed the theory of evolution
- Organisms that are aquatic with scales, gills, and paired fins are
- The substances that speed up a reaction
- Inherited characteristic that increases chances of survival
- an organism that sustains its energy by eating
- Organisms with bilateral symmetry, endothermic body heat, both aquatic and terrestrial life stages, lack of scales and claws are
- The scientific study of life
- The catalyst for reactions in living things
- An organism that only eats plants
- Flatworms belong to Phylum
- An organism that eats both plants and animals
- big compounds are made by joining smaller ones together
- an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide.
- elements or compounds that enter into a reaction
- the substances that are changed by the chemical change
- The Galapagos finch species are an excellent example of....
- Preserved remains or evidence of an ancient organism.
25 Clues: Flatworms belong to Phylum • The scientific study of life • The sponges belong to Phylum • Change in a species over time • An organism that only eats meat • the Scientific study of animals • Proposed the theory of evolution • An organism that only eats plants • The substances that speed up a reaction • The catalyst for reactions in living things • ...
Biology Review 2023-05-14
- A device used to determine respiration rate in living organisms
- A form of cellular respiration that takes place in the presence of and produces carbon dioxide, water and ATP.
- The homeostatic maintenance of a stable core temperature.
- The removal of a hydrogen atom.
- reaction.
- The amount of additional oxygen required after a burst of anaerobic
- A plant hormone which causes the elongation of cells.
- pills Hormonal pills which inhibit ovulation and prevent pregnancy.
- Folds of the inner mitochondrial membrane that provide a large surface area for oxidative phosphorylation.
- The junction between two nerve cells or a nerve cell and an effector.
- A neurone that carries nerve impulses from the CNS to the effectors.
- A hormone secreted by alpha cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.
- A device which can be used for chemical testing or to measure liquid volume.
- The fluid interior of chloroplasts that contains the enzymes required for
- of the kidney.
- An anaerobic process that takes place in the cytosol of the cell and breaks down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate.
- A hormone secreted by beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas that decreases blood glucose concentration.
- An enzyme that catalyses the reaction of RuBP and carbon dioxide.
- The removal of small molecules, water and ions from the blood in the
- A graph which plots biological activity of a system against the
- gradient. Catalysed by ATP synthase.
- Protein molecules that accept and release electrons.
- A type of neurotransmitter that is used for communication between
- The cytoplasm shared by muscle fibres.
- The formation of ATP involving photosystem I .
- to restore the body to a resting state. The synthesis of ATP through the movement of protons down their
- The enzyme rubisco has both carboxylase and oxygenase activity
- The synthesis of ATP from reduced coenzymes and oxygen in transport chain of aerobic respiration.
- The splitting of a molecule of water in the presence of light.
- A type of protein filament found in myofibrils.
- The inner region of the kidney consisting of renal pyramids made up of nephrons.
- A series of electron carrier proteins that transfer electrons in a oxidation-reduction reactions.
- A tube that carries urine to the bladder from the kidneys.
- stacked to form grana and contain the chlorophyll.
- of light.
- A plant’s growth response to light.
- An internal or external change or factor which triggers a response.
- acid A plant hormone that stimulates stomatal cloning.
- Builds carbohydrates from smaller molecules and is an energy-consuming process.
- The growth response of a plant to a directional stimulus.
- The initiation of a process by the absorption of photons of light energy.
- Blood vessels that drain the kidneys.
- A membrane channel used for the selective transport of water in and out of thecell.
43 Clues: reaction. • of light. • of the kidney. • The removal of a hydrogen atom. • A plant’s growth response to light. • gradient. Catalysed by ATP synthase. • Blood vessels that drain the kidneys. • The cytoplasm shared by muscle fibres. • The formation of ATP involving photosystem I . • A type of protein filament found in myofibrils. • ...
biology terms. 2023-05-26
- any net directional change or any cumulative change in the characteristics of organisms or populations over many generations.
- the genetic information responsible for the development and function of an organism.
- the smallest unit that can live on its own and that makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the body.
- any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleusAdaptation
- the process by which a cell makes an RNA copy of a piece of DNA.
- small single-celled organisms.
- the creation of proteins by cells that uses DNA, RNA, and various enzymes.
- having inherited the same versions (alleles) of a genomic marker from each biological parent.
- A tissue with red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and other substances suspended in fluid called plasma.
- The study of the structure of a plant or animal.
- The process by which a single parent cell divides to make two new daughter cells.
- A structure found inside the nucleus of a cell.
- the transport of molecules that require the use of energy.
- one of two or more versions of DNA sequence (a single base or a segment of bases) at a given genomic location.
- the structure in a cell that contains the chromosomes.
- Organisms that are more adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and pass on the genes that aided their success.
- a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life.
- the study of the formation and development of an embryo and fetus.
- the male or female reproductive cell that contains half the genetic material of the organism.
- Body's command center.
- A group or layer of cells that work together to perform a specific function.Genetics the scientific study of genes and heredityOrganelle
- A state of balance among all the body systems needed for the body to survive and function correctly.
22 Clues: Body's command center. • small single-celled organisms. • A structure found inside the nucleus of a cell. • The study of the structure of a plant or animal. • the structure in a cell that contains the chromosomes. • the transport of molecules that require the use of energy. • the process by which a cell makes an RNA copy of a piece of DNA. • ...
Biology Syllabus 2023-08-16
- what your chromebook should be EVERY DAY
- a "unique" supply for this class
- my teacher's name
- "...for my personal ____."
- We will make ____!
- We will complete ____!
- these MUST be in the pockets (part 2)
- We will be ____!
- We will use ____ language!
- don't cover your head
- We will be ____!
- in order to have freedom for snacks and drinks, get this in the bin!
- only remove it from the classroom if you've signed it out
- We will have ____!
- this is NEVER tolerated - leave it outside
- "Mrs. Schulze has high _____..."
- assignments are not always for a grade, but sometimes just for ____
- these MUST be in the pockets (part 1)
- We will be ____!
- lab tables are for ____ ONLY
- We will ____ learning!
- when shoudl you check PowerSchool?
- don't cover your eyes
- assignments show Mrs. Schulze your ____ of the content
- grades are built on this system
- your grade is based on the ____ of your work
- what homework should be
27 Clues: We will be ____! • We will be ____! • We will be ____! • my teacher's name • We will make ____! • We will have ____! • don't cover your eyes • don't cover your head • We will ____ learning! • We will complete ____! • what homework should be • "...for my personal ____." • We will use ____ language! • lab tables are for ____ ONLY • grades are built on this system • ...
Biology Basic 2023-08-18
- a homogenous mixture formed when a substance is dissolved in another substance
- tension property of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force, due to the cohesive nature of its molecules.
- an organism reaction to a stimulus
- any substance that forms hydrogen ions (H+) in water and has a pH below 7.
- production of offspring by an organism
- larger more complex structures made of monomers
- organism’s regulation of its internal environment to maintain conditions suitable for survival
- anything that possesses all the characteristics of life
- any substance that forms hydroxide ions (OH-) in water and has a pH above 7.
- changes in traits of a populations of a species over time
- changes an organism undergoes in its lifetime before reaching its adult form
- water-loving; having an affinity for water
- process that results in mass being added to an organism; may include formation of new cells or new structures
- attraction of molecules of one kind for molecules of a different kind
- ability of like molecules to stick together
- large organic molecules (carbon-containing) that make up all living things
- substance in which another substance is dissolved
- measure of how acidic or basic a solution is; the scale ranges from below 0 to above 14
- ability to cause change; organisms use energy to perform biological functions.
- small, basic sub-units
- the study of life that seeks to provide an understanding of the natural world
- inherited characteristic of a species that develops over time in response to an environmental factor, enabling a species to survive
- basic unit of life
- substance dissolved in a solvent
- water-fearing; having the tendency to repel water
25 Clues: basic unit of life • small, basic sub-units • substance dissolved in a solvent • an organism reaction to a stimulus • production of offspring by an organism • water-loving; having an affinity for water • ability of like molecules to stick together • larger more complex structures made of monomers • substance in which another substance is dissolved • ...
Biology Crossword 2024-06-08
- I'm like a demolition crew, putting in energy to break down a large building into smaller pieces
- I'm so unique because I can form a tetrahedral structure, as well as form a variety of other structures like rings and chains. What am I?
- I'm like a zombie, neither alive nor dead. I infect you, to turn your own body parts into a clone of myself. What am I?
- I'm the phase of the cell cycle where chromosomes condense and the nuclear envelope dissolves. What am I?
- I'm like the factory which produces proteins.
- I'm the molecular scissors that cut DNA, helping researchers have fun with genetic play. What am I?
- I'm like a manuscript that continues to get passed down each generation, providing information, and each generation new information is added and some does not pass down.
- I'm the enzyme that adds complementary RNA nucleotides during transcription, like a molecular scribe. What am I?
- I'm the organelle responsible for degrading cellular waste and recycling biomolecules, like a cellular custodian/janitor.
- I'm the process by which DNA results in two identical DNA molecules.
- I'm the theory that explains how I used to be an independent small business owner, but now I work for a corporation, except the corporation is a eukaryotic cell.
- I'm a bird and when I eat _____ I get too heavy to fly so I convert it to fat.
- I may lead to genetic disorders, genes rearranged in a dance.
- I'm the phase of the cell cycle that photocopy's DNA
- I'm the type of genetic mutation where a segment of a chromosome is lost during cell division. What am I?
- I'm like a matchmaker for substrates, I create an ideal environment to help quicken the process by lowering the activation energy it takes to get to know each other. What am I?
- I may lead to genetic disorders, an extra piece in the sequence, a repeat.
- I'm the cellular process where a eukaryotic cell engulfs large particles or cells. What am I?
- I'm the process by which mRNA is synthesized from a DNA template.
- I'm the type of cellular transport where substances move against their concentration gradient. What am I?
- I'm the enzyme that synthesizes RNA primers during DNA replication, laying the groundwork for DNA polymerase to commence. What am I?
- I'm the cellular structure responsible for sorting and modifying proteins for secretion, like a molecular post office with parcels in transition. What am I?
- I'm the cellular structure that contains hydrolytic enzymes for breaking down cellular waste. What am I?
- Sometimes the body needs a lot of energy, and sometimes it needs very little energy, when the body needs a burst of energy I'm here to help make ATP.
- I strengthen cell walls.
- Your dog kept eating the first few or last few pages of your assignment, so you decided to add blank pages on either side, except your assignment is a chromosome, what are the blank pages?
- I'm like a keyboard, but one of the keys has been substituted causing the wrong note. What am I?
- I cause a shift in the reading frame.
- I'm the enzyme that joins a type of fragments starting with an O, during DNA replication. What am I?
- I'm like the third wheel who keeps binding to the couple, causing a buzz kill and decreasing the couple's activity, except the couple is the substrate. What am I?
30 Clues: I strengthen cell walls. • I cause a shift in the reading frame. • I'm like the factory which produces proteins. • I'm the phase of the cell cycle that photocopy's DNA • I may lead to genetic disorders, genes rearranged in a dance. • I'm the process by which mRNA is synthesized from a DNA template. • ...
Molecular Biology 2024-06-04
- Bonding pair of Adenine in DNA
- Organism or genetic material formed by combining DNA from different sources
- Method to rapidly reproduce a specific DNA segment
- Activates GFP
- Sequence of three nucleotides that codes for an amino acid
- Commonly used polymerase in PCR
- non-toxic substance used in the visualization of DNA
- Common host used for genetic engineering
- Technique involving the sudden exposure to high temperatures
- What end of the electrophoresis box will DNA move towards?
- Building block of proteins
- The sealing of phosphodiester bonds with DNA ligase
- An enzyme cutting at CGGT/A will create what kind of cut?
- PCR step at which temperature is reduced to 50 - 60°C
- Process involving the cutting of a plasmid and the target gene
- Organism containing and expressing foreign DNA
- Introduction of foreign DNA into a host organism
- Technique used to separate DNA fragments by size
- Process by which RNA is synthesized under the direction of DNA
- Process by which mRNA is produced
- Organism that is genetically identical to another organism
- Replaces Thymine in RNA
- DNA molecule often used as a vector in genetic engineering
- Nucleic acid molecule used in the coding, regulation, and expression of genes
- What is all the genetic information of an organism called?
- Genetic engineering software
- Molecule containing genetic instructions used for development and function of all living organisms
- Bonding pair of Guanine
- heating of DNA to break hydrogen bonds
- Commonly used fluorescent marker
30 Clues: Activates GFP • Replaces Thymine in RNA • Bonding pair of Guanine • Building block of proteins • Genetic engineering software • Bonding pair of Adenine in DNA • Commonly used polymerase in PCR • Commonly used fluorescent marker • Process by which mRNA is produced • heating of DNA to break hydrogen bonds • Common host used for genetic engineering • ...
Biology Crossword 2023-09-03
- Acts as the cells skeleton and muscles
- Break down polymers into monomers
- The study of living things and their interactions
- Dense region in nucleus that holds other organelles
- Modifies,sorts,and packages proteins into vesicles
- Converts light energy from the sun into chemical energy
- Maintain structure
- Obtain food/nutrients
- Transporting materials around the body
- Control center, contains DNA
- Fluid outside the nucleus that holds other organelles
- Wall Supporting layer outside the cell membrane
- Specialized cytoskeleton that helps during cell division
- The cell mebrane is...
- Converts chemical energy into usable energy
- Make Proteins
- Stores materials needed by the cell
- Respond to stimuli
- The monomer for Nucleic acids is...
- Creates offspring
20 Clues: Make Proteins • Creates offspring • Respond to stimuli • Maintain structure • Obtain food/nutrients • The cell mebrane is... • Control center, contains DNA • Break down polymers into monomers • Stores materials needed by the cell • The monomer for Nucleic acids is... • Acts as the cells skeleton and muscles • Transporting materials around the body • ...
Biology Terms 2023-09-13
- organelle, site of cellular respiration, creates ATP
- place on an enzyme that binds to substrate
- macromolecule, made of monosaccharides, source of energy for living things
- the study of living things
- organelle, site of photosynthesis, creates glucose
- organelle, full of enzymes to break down substances
- type of cellular transport that does not require energy includes diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis
- organelle, boundary of the cell, decides what comes in and out
- organelle, used for structure and support in some cells, plants and fungi
- organelle, control center of the cell, hold DNA
- protein that speeds up biological reactions by lowering the activation energy
- type of cellular transport that requires energy, includes solute pumping, endocytosis, and exocytosis
- macromolecule, made of nucleotides, stores genetic information
- organelle, folds transports and exports proteins (rough) or lipids (smooth)
- basic unit of structure and function in living things
- organelle, makes proteins, created in the nucleus
- organelle, used to store substances, plants have one large, animals have many small
- organelle, modifies sorts and packages proteins into vesicles
- small subunit, used to build polymers
- macromolecule, made of a glycerol and fatty acids used for energy storage and membranes
20 Clues: the study of living things • small subunit, used to build polymers • place on an enzyme that binds to substrate • organelle, control center of the cell, hold DNA • organelle, makes proteins, created in the nucleus • organelle, site of photosynthesis, creates glucose • organelle, full of enzymes to break down substances • ...
Biology vocab 2023-09-27
- Extensive membranous network in eukaryotic cells, continuous with the outer nuclear membrane and composed of ribosome-studded (rough) and ribosome-free (smooth) regions.
- Organelle that stores materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates
- Organelle found in plant and algae cells where photosynthesis occurs
- Organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur.
- Conversion of light energy from the sun into chemical energy.
- No nucleus
- Process by which cells break down simple food molecules to release the energy they contain.
- Proteins that speed up chemical reactions
- Modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids for storage or transport out of the cell.
- Process by which a cell releases large amounts of material
- Organelle containing digestive enzymes
- process by which a cell takes material into the cell by infolding of the cell membrane
- A selectively-permeable phospholipid bilayer forming the boundary of the cells
- Process by which ATP is synthesized by using chemicals as an energy source
- Macromolecules containing hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus
- Adenosine triphosphate, main energy source that cells use for most of their work
- Chains of amino acids
- Starches and sugars present in foods
- Has a nucleus
- Energy-rich organic compounds, such as fats, oils, and waxes, that are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
- Organelle where proteins are assembled
- Part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction
22 Clues: No nucleus • Has a nucleus • Chains of amino acids • Starches and sugars present in foods • Organelle where proteins are assembled • Organelle containing digestive enzymes • Proteins that speed up chemical reactions • Process by which a cell releases large amounts of material • Conversion of light energy from the sun into chemical energy. • ...
Cell Biology 2023-09-06
- Multicellular colony of green algae, Hollow sphere
- Hair like projections, Extends from the plasma membrane
- membrane Controls what enters and exits
- Makes glucose/sugar
- Conversion of light to chemical energy
- Single celled organism that lacks a cell membrane
- The basic unit of life
- Controls cell activity
- Made up of one cell
- Made up of more than one cell
- Responsible for making protein
- Whiplike tails found in one cell
- False-foot, temporary bulge of cytoplasm used for feeding and movement
- Stores materials
- A protist that has characteristics of plants and animals, Eyespot
- Power plant of the cell, makes energy
- Holds organelles in place
- apparatus Recives,sorts,sends through the membrane
- Type of protist that has no cell wall or permanent shape
- Organism having cells with a nucleus and membrane bound oragnelle
- A protist with cilia that lives in fresh water
- wall Keeps plant cells extra protected
22 Clues: Stores materials • Makes glucose/sugar • Made up of one cell • The basic unit of life • Controls cell activity • Holds organelles in place • Made up of more than one cell • Responsible for making protein • Whiplike tails found in one cell • Power plant of the cell, makes energy • Conversion of light to chemical energy • membrane Controls what enters and exits • ...
Cell biology 2023-09-07
- Have no cell wall or permanent shape and moves by using Pseudopod a
- Plants use this to gather energy
- A rigid structure sorounding the cell
- A single‐celled organism that lacks a membrane‐bound nucleus and specialized organelles.
- Contains DNA
- Basic unit of life
- Made of many cells
- False feet
- The oposite of a Prokaryote
- Made of one cell
- Captures sunlight
- Protein is made here
- Eats to gain energy
- A tiny structure inside the cell designed to carry out a specific function
- A jelly like substance
- Lives in a pinapple under the sea
- This cell structure stores many things in the cell
- This is where energy is created
- The process of using oxygen to gain energy
- uses photosynthesis to gain energy
20 Clues: False feet • Contains DNA • Made of one cell • Captures sunlight • Basic unit of life • Made of many cells • Eats to gain energy • Protein is made here • A jelly like substance • The oposite of a Prokaryote • This is where energy is created • Plants use this to gather energy • Lives in a pinapple under the sea • uses photosynthesis to gain energy • A rigid structure sorounding the cell • ...
Biology Crossword 2023-11-21
- mutation Genetic mutation caused by deletion or insertion in a DNA sequence
- A mutation that involves the loss of one or more nucleotides from a segment of DNA
- Ribosome "read" the mRNA and use the information to build proteins
- Helix Pair of parallel helices intertwined about a common axis
- Nucleotide changes and causes an amino acid to change
- DNA is copied to create an identical strand of DNA
- An inter cellular structure made of both RNA and protein
- An alteration in the nucleic acid sequence
- Protein chin is translated into its native tree-dimensional structure
- Nucleotide changes but amino acid doesn't
- A mutation where one nucleotide is replaced by another
- DNA is copied as mRNA which can then travel outside the nucleus
- Nucleotide change creates/destroys a start or stop codon
- Arrangement or organization of parts to form an organism, system, or living thing
- Large, complex molecules that play many critical roles in the body
- Fundamental molecule that serves as building blocks for proteins
- three nucleotide sequence that codes for an amino acid
- mutation Affects a single nucleotide
- A mutation that involves the addition of one or more nucleotides from a segment of DNA
- Self replicating material that is presented in nearly all living organisms
20 Clues: mutation Affects a single nucleotide • Nucleotide changes but amino acid doesn't • An alteration in the nucleic acid sequence • DNA is copied to create an identical strand of DNA • Nucleotide changes and causes an amino acid to change • A mutation where one nucleotide is replaced by another • three nucleotide sequence that codes for an amino acid • ...
biology crossword!!! 2023-11-13
- Special cells
- A microscopic membrane of lipids and proteins which forms the external boundary of the cytoplasm of a cell or encloses a vacuole
- Tools that zooooooooom in on stuff
- Makes up your blood
- Helps you get the nutrients from the food you eat
- The boundary between the cell inside and outside
- Helps you get rid of waste
- Living things that contain more than one cell
- The rest of the cell
- Makes up your muscles
- Any of the distinct types of material of which animals or plants are made
- A set of things working together as parts of a mechanism
- A minute particle consisting of RNA and associated proteins found in large numbers in the cytoplasm of living cells
- The powerhouse of the cell - converts
- Helps your blood around your body
- The brain of the cell
- Your bones system
- What plants are made of
- Living things that contain only one cell
- The things that make up living things
- Helps you breathe
- Makes up your nerves
- A network of membranous tubules within the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell
- What animals are made of
- What fungi are made of
- Where photosynthesis occurs
- Stores the waste and nutrients
- You use this to move
- The study of living things
- You use this to feel
30 Clues: Special cells • Helps you breathe • Your bones system • Makes up your blood • Makes up your nerves • The rest of the cell • You use this to move • You use this to feel • Makes up your muscles • The brain of the cell • What fungi are made of • What plants are made of • What animals are made of • Helps you get rid of waste • The study of living things • Where photosynthesis occurs • ...
Molecular biology 2023-11-20
- The process by which the body breaks down substances and gets energy from food.
- found in cells of plants and other organisms that performs photosynthesis.
- Powerhouse of the cell organelle that is the site of ATP (energy) production.
- Source of nourishment
- the second process of photosynthesis
- an organism that cannot make its own food.
- The initial stage of photosynthesis which traps light energy to produce
- An energy-rich organic compound made of the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
- Process by which cells release energy in the absence of oxygen.
- Energy-rich organic compound, such as a fat, oil, or wax, that is made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
- The process of producing cellular energy without oxygen.
- The process that breaks down complex molecules of food into smaller molecules so the body can use them. Glucose Simple sugar that is an important energy source in living organisms; component of many carbohydrates.
- The process by which plants and other organisms capture the energy in sunlight and use it to make food.
- An organism that makes its own food.
- Process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen.
- Makes proteins for the cell.
- 6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2
- The amount of energy required to maintain minimum essential life functions.
- The process of producing cellular energy involving oxygen.
- The basic unit of life.
- Combined with or having undergone a chemical reaction with oxygen.
- is Required for the structure, function, repair and regulation of the body's cells, tissues, and organs.
- Is the molecule that carries energy to the place where the energy is needed in the body.
- Control center of the cell.
- Major storage form of energy.
25 Clues: Source of nourishment • The basic unit of life. • Control center of the cell. • Makes proteins for the cell. • 6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2 • Major storage form of energy. • An organism that makes its own food. • the second process of photosynthesis • an organism that cannot make its own food. • The process of producing cellular energy without oxygen. • ...
Biology crossword 2023-11-21
- Synthesizes lipids
- Break down excess or worn out cell parts
- Moves molecules and helps digest materials
- Tail like organelle that helps the cell move
- vacuole large membrane bound organelle found in plant cells that store water
- imparts colors such as red, yellow, and orange
- Site of protein synthesis in the cell
- Produces and assembles cells ribosomes
- membrane Provides protection for the cell
- Contains the instructions needed for an organism to develop
- Gel like fluid found inside cells
- The cells control center
- Produces energy through photosynthesis and oxygen
- an organelle found in cells that generates energy
- apparatus factory that processes ER and transport them to their destinations
- Moves water relative to the cells regular movements
- Photosynthesis and the production and storage of metabolites
- Produces proteins for the rest of the cells
- helps the cell to love and gives it shape
- Allows DNA to be accurately copied during cell division
20 Clues: Synthesizes lipids • The cells control center • Gel like fluid found inside cells • Site of protein synthesis in the cell • Produces and assembles cells ribosomes • Break down excess or worn out cell parts • helps the cell to love and gives it shape • Moves molecules and helps digest materials • Produces proteins for the rest of the cells • ...
biology crossword 2023-11-21
- the cellular machinery responsible fro making protein
- ugu on the codon chart
- proteins that help speed up metabolism
- a natral source of phosphorous and element that provides a quarter of all the nutreints that plants need for their growth and development
- unicellular organisms that have no nucleus
- the shape of dna
- plasma memebrane
- group 15 on the periodic table
- ribonucleic acid
- the basic building block of nucleic acid
- membrane enclosed organelles that contain an array of enzymes capable of breaking down all types of bioogical polymers
- another word for dna
- it detects any harmful substances
- the molecule that carries genetic information for the devopment of a organism
- the power house of the cells
- ccc on the codon chart
- the sugar that is found in milk
- somthing living
- they make there own food
- a all cell based organisms containing nucleus
- the building block of protein
- a non metallic element that is the simplest and lightest of the elements
- a process that plants use sunlight and water and carbon dioxide to make oxygenand energy in the form of sugar
- after transcription
- the basic physical and functional unit of heredity
- before translation
- when dna is double
- long term energy source
- a semifluid substance of a cell thst is external to the nuclear membrane and internal to the cellular membrane.
- guu on the codon chart
30 Clues: somthing living • the shape of dna • plasma memebrane • ribonucleic acid • before translation • when dna is double • after transcription • another word for dna • ccc on the codon chart • ugu on the codon chart • guu on the codon chart • long term energy source • they make there own food • the power house of the cells • the building block of protein • group 15 on the periodic table • ...
Biology Final 2024-05-13
- one of the three domains of life, which contains all organisms with a nucleus
- fan-shaped arrangement of bones in a fish's fin
- observable change in the allele frequencies of a population over a few generations
- isolation between populations due to physical barriers
- protective bony plate that covers a fish's gills
- science of classifying and naming organisms
- effect of genetic drift that occurs after a small number of individuals colonize a new area
- ability of a trait to be passed from one generation to the next
- protein that binds to lipids inside a skin cell, forming a waterproof layer within the skin
- regulation and maintenance of constant internal conditions in an organism
- study of the distribution of organisms around the world
- inherited trait that is selected for over time because it allows organisms to better survive in their environment
- selection type in which two opposite, but equally uncommon, phenotypes are selected over the most common phenotype
- any animal having, at some stage in development, a hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slits and tail
- theory that states that the geologic processes that shape Earth are the same throughout time
- evolutionary history of a group of related species
- process of the body maintaining a stable internal temperature under various conditions
- method of organizing species by evolutionary relationships in which species are grouped according to the order that they diverged from their ancestral line
- process by which committed cells acquire the structures and functions of highly specialized cells
- group of cells that work together to perform a similar function
20 Clues: science of classifying and naming organisms • fan-shaped arrangement of bones in a fish's fin • protective bony plate that covers a fish's gills • evolutionary history of a group of related species • isolation between populations due to physical barriers • study of the distribution of organisms around the world • ...
Biology crossword 2024-02-08
- what means "a ball".
- What means "creeping thing".
- what translates to "earth pig".
- 85% of snakes are what.
- boas and pythons are what type of snakes.
- What is the largest living land animal.
- what is the name of all huffed animals.
- what translates to "the little armored one".
- What means "the lizard of the Nile".
- Lizard What does "El Legarto" mean
- what are limbless reptiles.
- What means "to roll".
- what are defined as large, tailless monkeys.
- What is called "the spiny anteater".
- What are Alligators and crocodiles called.
- There are over 400 kinds of what type of snakes.
- what are wild, untamable, and bad-tempered beasts.
- What is sort of like a porcupine but with softer quills.
- what is the name of one of their four stomachs.
- what translates to "the pouched one".
- What are toothless reptiles in a shell.
- What are generally larger than rabbits.
- What is a Gila Monster.
- What means "flat foot".
- What translates to "to gnaw".
25 Clues: what means "a ball". • What means "to roll". • 85% of snakes are what. • What is a Gila Monster. • What means "flat foot". • what are limbless reptiles. • What means "creeping thing". • What translates to "to gnaw". • what translates to "earth pig". • What is called "the spiny anteater". • What means "the lizard of the Nile". • Lizard What does "El Legarto" mean • ...
Biology Crossword 2024-07-03
- Organelle that carries out photosynthesis
- A substance stored in the Gallbladder
- Type of cell that carries water in plants
- Veins have this, arteries don't
- Purpose is to clot blood
- What a lymphocyte releases when it recognises an antigen
- Air sacs in the lungs
- Process where plants lose water from their stomata
- An organism whose cells have a nucleus is called
- Process by which light is converted into energy
- Enzyme that breaks down starch
- This organism feeds through saprotrophic feeding
- What a plant's cell wall is made of
- Connects the stigma to the ovary in a plant
- This makes up 55% of the blood
- A reactant of respiration
- Used for growth and repair
- The largest artery in the body
- Cells that move debris up and out of airways
- Type of muscle in between the ribs
20 Clues: Air sacs in the lungs • Purpose is to clot blood • A reactant of respiration • Used for growth and repair • Enzyme that breaks down starch • This makes up 55% of the blood • The largest artery in the body • Veins have this, arteries don't • Type of muscle in between the ribs • What a plant's cell wall is made of • A substance stored in the Gallbladder • ...
Molecular Biology 2023-11-06
- The process by which plants and other organisms capture the energy in sunlight and use it to make food.
- The process of producing cellular energy involving oxygen.
- An energy-rich organic compound made of the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
- RxN The initial stage of photosynthesis which traps light energy to produce ATP.
- The process by which the body breaks down substances and gets energy from food.
- Chemical Formula 6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2
- Simple sugar that is an important energy source in living organisms; component of many carbohydrates.
- Source of nourishment.
- An organism that makes its own food.
- Makes proteins for the cell.
- Required for the structure, function, repair and regulation of the body's cells, tissues, and organs.
- Energy-rich organic compound, such as a fat, oil, or wax, that is made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
- The basic unit of life.
- The process that breaks down complex molecules of food into smaller molecules so the body can use them.
- (Adenosine Triphosphate) Is the molecule that carries energy to the place where the energy is needed in the body.
- Powerhouse of the cell, organelle that is the site of ATP (energy) production.
- Found in cells of plants and other organisms that performs photosynthesis.
- Process by which cells release energy in the absence of oxygen.
- (Basal Metabolic Rate) The amount of energy required to maintain minimum essential life functions.
- RxN The second step of photosynthesis which utilizes the energy from ATP to produce glucose.
- The process of producing cellular energy without oxygen.
- Major storage form of energy.
- Control center of the cell.
- An organism that cannot make its own food.
- Respiration Process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen.
- Combined with or having undergone a chemical reaction with oxygen.
26 Clues: Source of nourishment. • The basic unit of life. • Control center of the cell. • Makes proteins for the cell. • Major storage form of energy. • An organism that makes its own food. • An organism that cannot make its own food. • Chemical Formula 6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2 • The process of producing cellular energy without oxygen. • ...
biology photosynthesis 2023-10-23
- the process of moving ions (e.g. protons) to the other side of a biological membrane, and as a result, an electrochemical gradient is generated
- a collection of proteins bound to the inner mitochondrial membrane and organic molecules, which electrons pass through in a series of redox reactions, and release energy.
- When a photon raises a chlorophyll electron to a higher energy level, that energy, and ultimately an electron, has to go somewhere. That somewhere, ideally for the photosynthesizing organism, is known as the Primary Electron Acceptor
- each of a number of flattened sacs inside a chloroplast, bounded by pigmented membranes on which the light reactions of photosynthesis take place, and arranged in stacks or grana.
- initial carbon fixation takes place in mesophyll cells and the Calvin cycle takes place in bundle-sheath cells.
- specialized pores or openings present in the epidermis of plant cells
- (in green plant cells) a plastid that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place.
- an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide.
- a biochemical mechanism in plants by which chlorophyll absorbs light energy for photosynthesis. There are two such mechanisms ( photosystems I and II ) involving different chlorophyll-protein complexes.
- The series of biochemical reactions in photosynthesis that require light energy that is captured by light-absorbing pigments (such as chlorophyll) to be converted into chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH.
- adapted in plants to perform photosynthesis under stress
- a fat-soluble pigment found naturally in plants
- the process by which plants fix atmospheric carbon to form organic compounds
- are accessory pigments that are typically yellow, red and orange
- a stack of coin-shaped thylakoids in the chloroplasts of plant cells
- an essential part of the photosynthetic process in plants, algae, and some bacteria
- the supportive tissue of an epithelial organ, tumor, gonad, etc., consisting of connective tissues and blood vessels.
- an organism deriving its nutritional requirements from complex organic substances.
- the set of compounds that have an intense colour and are used in the colouring of other materials
- the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a byproduct.
20 Clues: a fat-soluble pigment found naturally in plants • adapted in plants to perform photosynthesis under stress • are accessory pigments that are typically yellow, red and orange • a stack of coin-shaped thylakoids in the chloroplasts of plant cells • specialized pores or openings present in the epidermis of plant cells • ...
Biology vocabulary 2023-10-24
- Cell that can divide for long periods of time while remaining undifferentiated
- Pattern of growth, DNA replication, and cell division that occurs in a eukaryotic cell.
- Process by which offspring are produced from a single parent
- Last phase of mitosis when a complete set of identical chromosomes is positioned at each pole of the cell.
- Substance that produces or promotes the development of cancer
- Second phase of mitosis when spindle fibers align the chromosomes along the cell equator
- Common name for a class of disease characterized by uncontrolled cell division
- Process by washing the cell cytoplasm divides
- To spread by transferring a disease-causing agent from the disease to other parts of the body
- Programmed cell death
- Process by which unspecialized cell develop into their mature form and function
- Long, continuous thread of DNA that consists of numerous genes and regulatory information
- Canoes tumor in which cells break away and spread to other parts of the body, causing harm to the organism’s health
- Region of condescended chromosome that looks pinched; where spindle fibers attach during meiosis and mitosis
- Loose combination of DNA and proteins that is present during interphase
- First phase of mitosis when chromatin condenses, the nuclear envelope breaks down, the nucleolus disappears, and the centrosomes and centrioles migrate to opposite sides of the cell
- Process by which a cell divides its nucleus and contents
- Repeating nucleotide at the ends of DNA molecules that do not form genes and help prevent the loss of genes
- A sexual reproduction in which a cell divides into two equal parts
- Third phase of mitosis during which chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite sides of the cell
- Protein that organizes chromosomes and around which DNA wraps
- One half of a duplicated chromosome
- Broad group of proteins that stimulate cell division
- Having no dangerous effect on health
24 Clues: Programmed cell death • One half of a duplicated chromosome • Having no dangerous effect on health • Process by washing the cell cytoplasm divides • Broad group of proteins that stimulate cell division • Process by which a cell divides its nucleus and contents • Process by which offspring are produced from a single parent • ...
Biology Terms 2024-01-29
- magnifies the object 10x; also called the eyepiece
- Sac used for storage of waste and fluid
- Stores, modifies and packages proteins made in the ER
- Flat part of the microscope where you place the slide
- structural components of the microscope; what you hold when carrying the microscope
- part of the plant that contains the male or female reproductive structures
- moves the stage up and down; used on low-power objective lens only
- Basic unit of structure and function of all living thing
- Rigid structure in plant cells that is the outermost part of the cell; it provides support for the cell
- moves the stage slightly to get the object into sharp focus; used second when trying to get a clear image
- where an offspring is produced by 2 parents, and it is genetically unique from both parents
- A network of canals which carry around cell materials; rough (proteins)and smooth (lipids)
- part of the plant that grows underground, anchors the plant, absorbs water and minerals from oil and is often used to store sugar
- Contains chlorophyll that is used to trap sun's energy and use it to create sugar
- Sac containing many enzymes; used to fight against bacteria and viruses
- lens that condenses and directs the light at the specimen being viewed.
- Double layered lipid barrier that surrounds the whole cell and regulates what mat enters/ exit the cell
- rotates, allowing the objective lenses to be changed
- Control centre of the cell; contains genetic material of the cell
- part of the plant where photosynthesis takes place, chloroplasts are found here
- Regulates the amount of lightreaching thr object being viewed
- Component of a cell; each has its own structure and function
- where an offspring is produces by one parent, and is genetically identical to the parent
- supports the plants leaved and flowers and provides a way to transport materials the plant needs
- used to magnify the object; usually 3 or 4 of them
- Liquid inside the cell
- Power house of the cell; site where glucose is metabolized into usable energy in the body (ATP)
- Large sac to fill with water; aids in turgor pressure for the cell
- Organelle responsible for simple protein production
- Sac that is used to protect proteins travelling the cytoplasm; "vehicle for proteins"
30 Clues: Liquid inside the cell • Sac used for storage of waste and fluid • magnifies the object 10x; also called the eyepiece • used to magnify the object; usually 3 or 4 of them • Organelle responsible for simple protein production • rotates, allowing the objective lenses to be changed • Stores, modifies and packages proteins made in the ER • ...
Biology Crossword 2024-01-11
- genetic code
- parts of DNA that is A, T, C, or G
- system that protects body against disease
- protein on surface of organs/pathogens, identifies the substance
- system that moves blood around body
- hormone that regulates blood glucose
- differences in traits
- type of respiration that occurs without oxygen
- where cellular respiration takes place
- tightly coiled DNA
- disease-causing agent
- protein that speeds up reactions
- drug that kills bacteria
- source of energy
- molecule that has carbon and hydrogen
- internal balance in the body
- disease that lowers white blood cell count
- where proteins are made
- where DNA is stored
- sugars are a type of this molecule
20 Clues: genetic code • source of energy • tightly coiled DNA • where DNA is stored • disease-causing agent • differences in traits • where proteins are made • drug that kills bacteria • internal balance in the body • protein that speeds up reactions • parts of DNA that is A, T, C, or G • sugars are a type of this molecule • system that moves blood around body • ...
Biology Crossword 2024-03-24
- niche, refers to the specific role an organism plays within its ecosystem
- succession, type of ecological succession in which plants and animals first colonize a barren
- an organism that decomposes
- the long-term weather pattern in a region
- an interacting group of various species in a common location
- resource, usable energy derived from replenishable sources
- the increase in concentration of a substance
- the study of the relationships between organisms and their environment
- factor, a non-living element of the environment that influences the way organisms and ecosystems function.
- resource, resources are limited in supply and cannot be used sustainably
- any type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two biological organisms
- organisms that can produce their own food, using materials from inorganic sources
- species, a species that has a disproportionately large effect on the communities in which it lives
- new microorganisms joining another population
- factor, non-living factors that impact an ecosystem
- the weight or total quantity of living organisms of one animal or plant species
- level, the level of an organism is the position it occupies in a food web
- interactions between organisms of two different species in which each organism benefits from the interaction in some way.
- species, the first to colonize a barren ecosystem
- capacity, the maximum population size of a biological species
- organisms that depend on other sources of organic carbon for their energy and nutrients
- factor, a resource or environmental condition which limits the growth distribution or abundance of an organism or population within an ecosystem
- factor, the living parts of an ecosystem
- a distinct geographical region with specific climate vegetation, and animal life
- a type of symbiotic relationship or long-term relationship between two species where one member the parasite gains benefits that come at the expense of the host member.
- energy at each trophic level in an ecosystem.
26 Clues: an organism that decomposes • factor, the living parts of an ecosystem • the long-term weather pattern in a region • the increase in concentration of a substance • new microorganisms joining another population • energy at each trophic level in an ecosystem. • species, the first to colonize a barren ecosystem • factor, non-living factors that impact an ecosystem • ...
biology crossword 2024-04-02
- a hybrid that is heterozygous for one two different genes
- the division of cells
- the phase where the cell prepares for divison
- ___ molecules
- a pair of traits that is specific to one gene
- pairs with adenine
- pairs with cytosine
- a pair of nitrogen bases that complement eachother
- pairs with Guanine
- groups that make up DNA
- double stranded, that genetic material
- when the cells make protein
- second phase of mitosis
- final stage of mitosis
- a change in DNA
- fourth phase of mitosis
- a trait that is more common over another trait
- a process where RNA makes DNA
- the backbone in DNA
- first stage in mitosis
- the shape of DNA
- single stranded that carries genetic material
- a pair a genes that are not specific to one gene
- cell checkpoint decides if it can proceed with process
- more cell growth
- pairs with thymine
- turning mRNA into protein
- third phase of mitosis
- makes up DNA
- a hybrid that is heterozygous for one gene
- a trait that is less common than another trait
31 Clues: makes up DNA • ___ molecules • a change in DNA • the shape of DNA • more cell growth • pairs with adenine • pairs with thymine • pairs with Guanine • the backbone in DNA • pairs with cytosine • the division of cells • first stage in mitosis • third phase of mitosis • final stage of mitosis • groups that make up DNA • second phase of mitosis • fourth phase of mitosis • turning mRNA into protein • ...
Biology Vocabulary 2024-04-02
- The matching pair (for nitrogen bases)
- Part of a nucleotide
- A nitrogen-base and pairs with Thymine
- Turning DNA into mRNA
- Genetic Information
- Another way of saying DNA is double stranded
- A nitrogen-base and pairs with Guanine
- Turning mRNA into amino acids (protein)
- The last step of the cell cycle, division of cytoplasm, 2 new identical cells are formed
- Nuclear cell division process
- Turning DNA into protein (through transcription and translation)
- Cell growth in the cell cycle in interphase
- The second step of Mitosis (chromosomes line up in the middle, attached to spindle fibers)
- The fourth step of Mitosis (2 new nuclei form)
- The first step of Mitosis (chromosomes become visible and the nucleus disappears)
- Monohybrid is 1 trait, Dihybrid is 2 traits
- A nitrogen-base and pairs with Cytosine
- The uppercase letter in a punnet square
- A random change in the sequence of a gene
- The third step of Mitosis (Chromosomes begin to separate)
- Same alleles (big big, little little)
- The lowercase letter in a punnet square, and needs 2 to express trait
- A nitrogen-base and pairs with Adenine
- Bases Part of a nucleotide
- A single unit that makes up DNA (Deoxyribose sugar, phosphate, 4 Nitrogen Bases)
- Different alleles (big small)
- A part of a nucleotide
- The longest stage of the cell cycle. Cell grows and prepares for M-phase
28 Clues: Genetic Information • Part of a nucleotide • Turning DNA into mRNA • A part of a nucleotide • Nuclear cell division process • Different alleles (big small) • Bases Part of a nucleotide • Same alleles (big big, little little) • The matching pair (for nitrogen bases) • A nitrogen-base and pairs with Thymine • A nitrogen-base and pairs with Guanine • ...
Biology - Classification 2024-03-05
- unicellular or multicellular eukaryote that is stationary, absorbs nutrients from organic materials in the environment and has cell walls that contain chitin
- taxonomic group of related phyla or divisions
- taxonomic term used instead of phylum to group related classes of plants and bacteria
- taxonomic method that models evolutionary relationships based on shared derived characters and phylogenetic trees
- the branch of biology that deals with the form of living organisms, and with relationships between their structures.
- Linnaeus’s system of naming organisms
- taxonomic group of related classes
- diagram with branches that represents the hypothesized phylogeny or evolution of a species or group
- evolutionary history of a species
- any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus
- taxonomic group of closely related species with a common ancestor
- group of organisms or objects based on a set of criteria that helps organize, communicate, and retain information
- hereditary changes in groups of living organisms over time
- prokaryotes whose cell walls do not contain peptidoglycan
- branch of biology that identifies, names, and classifies species based on the natural relationships
- taxonomic group that contains one or more related orders
- taxonomic group of one or more kingdoms
- named group of organisms, such as a phylum, genus, or species
- unicellular, multicellular, or colonial eukaryote whose cell walls may contain cellulose
- inherited morphological or biochemical feature that varies among species and can be used to determine patterns of descent
- model that uses comparisons of DNA sequences to estimate phylogeny and rate of evolutionary change
- taxonomic group that contains related families
- taxonomic group of similar, related genera that is smaller than an order and larger than a genus
23 Clues: evolutionary history of a species • taxonomic group of related classes • Linnaeus’s system of naming organisms • taxonomic group of one or more kingdoms • taxonomic group of related phyla or divisions • taxonomic group that contains related families • taxonomic group that contains one or more related orders • prokaryotes whose cell walls do not contain peptidoglycan • ...
Biology Vocab 2024-04-14
- base principle in DNA replication
- chromosomes line up
- division of cytoplasm *not mitosis*
- the process in which cells make protein
- DNA structure
- gas
- phase of the cell cycle
- made from nucleotide
- apple, tree, car, gas
- trait "stronger" than the other?
- first step in mitosis
- opposite traits
- chromosomes are split up
- weaker trait?
- tree
- Duplication, deletion, insertion
- mRNA to protein
- M phase in the cell cycle
- car
- two nuclei form
- component in lipid bilayer of the cell membrane
- DNA to mRNA
- crosses involving one or two traits
- apple
- a carbohydrate
- same traits
- bases in DNA
- grow phases in the cell cycle
28 Clues: car • gas • tree • apple • DNA to mRNA • same traits • bases in DNA • weaker trait? • DNA structure • a carbohydrate • mRNA to protein • two nuclei form • opposite traits • chromosomes line up • made from nucleotide • apple, tree, car, gas • first step in mitosis • phase of the cell cycle • chromosomes are split up • M phase in the cell cycle • grow phases in the cell cycle • Duplication, deletion, insertion • ...
Biology Vocab 2024-04-14
- base principle in DNA replication
- chromosomes line up
- division of cytoplasm *not mitosis*
- the process in which cells make protein
- DNA structure
- gas
- phase of the cell cycle
- made from nucleotide
- apple, tree, car, gas
- trait "stronger" than the other?
- first step in mitosis
- opposite traits
- chromosomes are split up
- weaker trait?
- tree
- Duplication, deletion, insertion
- mRNA to protein
- M phase in the cell cycle
- car
- two nuclei form
- component in lipid bilayer of the cell membrane
- DNA to mRNA
- crosses involving one or two traits
- apple
- a carbohydrate
- same traits
- bases in DNA
- grow phases in the cell cycle
28 Clues: car • gas • tree • apple • DNA to mRNA • same traits • bases in DNA • weaker trait? • DNA structure • a carbohydrate • mRNA to protein • two nuclei form • opposite traits • chromosomes line up • made from nucleotide • apple, tree, car, gas • first step in mitosis • phase of the cell cycle • chromosomes are split up • M phase in the cell cycle • grow phases in the cell cycle • Duplication, deletion, insertion • ...
Biology Crossword 2024-04-04
- final stage of mitosis
- RNA copy of DNA
- different traits
- DNA to mRNA
- covers recessive trait
- G1 G2 S phase
- pairs with Guanine
- Pairs with Cytosine
- change in DNA sequence
- makes up DNA
- Creates Protein
- 3rd phase in mitosis
- both traits are the same
- Apple Tree Car Garage
- pairs with Adenine
- Pairs with Thymine
- opposite nitrogenous bases
- smallest part of nucleotide
- 1st phase of mitosis
- Genetic Material
- structure of DNA
- cell splits in 2
- Hidden by Dominant trait
- starts with prophase
- deoxyribose
- 2nd stage in mitosis
- punnet square
- Growth
28 Clues: Growth • DNA to mRNA • deoxyribose • makes up DNA • G1 G2 S phase • punnet square • RNA copy of DNA • Creates Protein • different traits • Genetic Material • structure of DNA • cell splits in 2 • pairs with Adenine • Pairs with Thymine • pairs with Guanine • Pairs with Cytosine • 1st phase of mitosis • starts with prophase • 2nd stage in mitosis • 3rd phase in mitosis • Apple Tree Car Garage • ...
Biology Vocabulary 2024-04-04
- Two types of Punnet Squares, not the dominance ones
- Opposite of recessive
- The chromosomes begin to separate in this phase
- Adenine, Thymine, ang Guanine are examples of _____
- two bases that pair up are _________
- Frameshift, Point, and chromosomal ________
- Pairs with Guanine
- A base exclusive to DNA
- The process of making protein withhin your body
- One of the main parts of the DNA, not Deoxyribose sugars
- The first letter in I Pour Milk And Tea
- Pairs with Thymine and Uracil
- Don't have too much ______ or you'll get diabetes
- Two different alleles paired together
- DNA has a ______________ structure
- Two alleles that are the same paired together
- Seperated chromosome reach the pole of the cell
- DNA is made of ________
- A trait that is only shown when there is a pair of the same letters
- RNA->Amino acid chain
- Pairs with Cytosine
- The process of cell division(NOT DNA division)
- The first phase in the process of cell division
- nucleic acids
- The final phase of cell division
- The WHOLE cycle of cell division
27 Clues: DNA->RNA • nucleic acids • Pairs with Guanine • Pairs with Cytosine • Opposite of recessive • RNA->Amino acid chain • DNA is made of ________ • A base exclusive to DNA • Pairs with Thymine and Uracil • The final phase of cell division • The WHOLE cycle of cell division • DNA has a ______________ structure • two bases that pair up are _________ • Two different alleles paired together • ...
Biology Crossword 2024-09-26
- Adenine & Guanine-structure made up of 2 rings
- Occurs in the cytoplasm, mRNA to copied to make protein
- The complete set of genes or genetic material in a cell
- A permanent change in the DNA sequence of a gene.
- to make
- Cytosine & thymine - structure made up of 1 ring
- living
- A section of DNA that carries the information on how to make one protein
- non-living
- The substance on which an enzyme acts
- A single strand of DNA tightly coiled around special proteins
- Several units put together to make one large unit
- Copying a strand of DNA to make more DNA
- Ribonucleic Acid; used to make proteins
- transfer rna
- one cell
- The visual appearance of the chromosomes in the cell of a organism.
- To break down or destroy
- Different variations of the same gene
- message rna
- Deoxyribonucleic Acid; genetic information
- Characteristics
- The type of molecule that makes up DNA & RNA
- one or more cells
- Sequences of 3 bases on the rRNA
- Occurs in nucleus, DNA is copied to make mRNA
- Sequence of 3 bases on the mRNA
- One individual unit
- ribosomonoal rna
- The process of producing genetically identical individuals.
30 Clues: living • to make • one cell • non-living • message rna • transfer rna • Characteristics • ribosomonoal rna • one or more cells • One individual unit • To break down or destroy • Sequence of 3 bases on the mRNA • Sequences of 3 bases on the rRNA • Different variations of the same gene • The substance on which an enzyme acts • Ribonucleic Acid; used to make proteins • ...
Biology 1 2024-09-20
- Cells that do not contain their genetic material inside a nucleus, includes bacteria and archaea
- Polymers composed of monomers called nucleotides
- Found in eukaryotic cells, an extensive network of vesicles (sacs made of membrane) called cisternae that are continuous with the nuclear envelope
- A series of “banana-shaped” membrane sacs (cisternae) that receives proteins from the ER to modify and send to other locations, can also make polysaccharides
- Building blocks of polypeptides and proteins
- Have a membrane-bound structure called a nucleus to enclose their DNA, can reproduce both sexually and asexually
- Formed by the peptide bonding of amino acids to each other in long chains, not synonymous with the term “protein”
- Biologically functional molecules that typically consist of 1 or more polypeptides (the polymer form) folded and coiled into a 3-D structure
- A double-stranded genetic material that individual inherits from one generation to the next, resides in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells
- The “little sausage-like” organelle that is involved in cellular respiration, which is a process that generates ATP
- The strictly eukaryotic organelle where photosynthesis occurs, light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll, a green pigment, found in the _____, Sugars (glucose) are produced, and oxygen gas is released
- Found only in eukaryotic cells, contains most of the genes in the eukaryotic cell and is surrounded by a nuclear envelope
- Is responsible for transferring the protein making instructions of DNA to the protein making machinery, ribosomes
- A large molecule that is composed of many similar identical building blocks linked by covalent bonds
- A network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells
- A membranous sac of hydrolytic enzymes that an animal uses to digest macromolecules
- Makes up most of the dry weight of any organism, compounds containing carbon are called organic compounds, organisms are distinguished by and composed of four main types of organic compounds
- Are the only known prokaryotic domain with the ability to cause illness in humans, found in a variety of shapes – rods, circles, spirals, etc.
- The repeating units of similar identical building blocks that are linked by covalent bonds that compose polymers
- The protein making “machines” of the cell
- Mix poorly, if at all, with water despite having some polar regions containing oxygen, they mostly consist mainly of carbon and hydrogen
- Include both sugars and polymers of sugars, characterized by their carbonyl (C=O) and hydroxyl (-OH) groups, most sugar names also end in “-ose”
- Has several functions including protection, maintaining cell shape, prevent excessive uptake of water
- Large vesicles derived from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi complex
- not known to be infectious to humans, typically live in very extreme environments/needs extreme environments to survive
25 Clues: The protein making “machines” of the cell • Building blocks of polypeptides and proteins • Polymers composed of monomers called nucleotides • A network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells • Large vesicles derived from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi complex • ...
- The third stage of mitosis. When the chromosomes split apart
- The process where stem cells transform into different cells in your body
- Different methods that can be used to take pictures of internal bodily structures
- The state where evrything in the body is working normally while doing physical tasks
- When these cells divide, the expand the plants surface area
- A group of organs that help each other to carry out basic functios throughout the body
- "Organs" if the Cell
- The smallest blood vessels. Only about 1 cell thick
- The tissue that is created by meristematic cells
- Internal tissues of leaves
- A part of an organism that is tasked to carry out the basic functions of the body
- Tissues that transport organic compounds inside plants
- The process of restoring lost body parts
- Movement of matter from an aera of high concentration to an area of low concentration
- Pores on the surface of leaves that control the flow of gases
- Strategies that health officials use to treat patients
- Checking the DNA of your cells. This can be used to trace back ancestory or health problems.
- How much matter is in a given space
- The process of cell division
- The process of your body becoming immune to a certain diseases and/or viruses
- The act of assimliating 1 substance into another substance
- The basic unit of life
- The first stage of mitiosis. When the DNA duplicated
- cells Cells that inhabit our blood. Contains hemoglobin
- Organs systems that rely on each other to carry out their jobs are...
- A large collective of healthy cells. Usually used to form organs
- Vascular tissues located inside plants that help move water around the plant
27 Clues: "Organs" if the Cell • The basic unit of life • Internal tissues of leaves • The process of cell division • How much matter is in a given space • The process of restoring lost body parts • The tissue that is created by meristematic cells • The smallest blood vessels. Only about 1 cell thick • The first stage of mitiosis. When the DNA duplicated • ...
Molecular Biology 2024-10-08
- the basic unit of structure and function in all organisms
- thin, flexible outer layer that holds the cell together and controls which materials enter and leave the cell
- store water, salt, protein and carbohydrates in the cell
- the process by which cells break down sugar to release stored energy
- organelles that release energy from glucose
- a structure inside a cell that carries out a certain function
- organisms whose cells lack a distinct nucleus and organelles
- broken down quickly to release energy
- large structure inside the cell that controls many functions of the cell
- the process in which the cells of plants and some other organisms use the energy of sunlight to make food
- a protective layer that surrounds the cell membrane of plant cells
- organisms whose cells have a distinct nucleus and organelles
- a structure in the nucleus of a cell that contains the cell's genetic material
- the compounds that provide energy and building materials for living things
- organelles that make food for a plant cell
- fats from animals, oils from plants
- made up of amino acids/controls all chemical reactions in organisms
- any living thing
- the fluid that fills most of the space in a cell
- cell structures that make proteins
20 Clues: any living thing • cell structures that make proteins • fats from animals, oils from plants • broken down quickly to release energy • organelles that make food for a plant cell • organelles that release energy from glucose • the fluid that fills most of the space in a cell • store water, salt, protein and carbohydrates in the cell • ...
Biology Vocab 2024-11-04
- the community of plants and animals that occur naturally in an area, often sharing common characteristics specific to that area
- any organism that breaks down or eats decaying material for its energy source
- trash or debris
- consists of all the food chains in a single ecosystem
- a graphical representation showing the relationship between different organisms in an ecosystem
- a relationship between the two living species in which one organism is benefitted at the expense of the other
- Not associated with or derived from living organisms
- a person who consumes a product or service
- a type of relationship between two living organisms in which one organism benefits from the other without harming it
- a place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted
- the natural home or environment of a plant, animal, or other organism
- the policy or advocacy of maintaining strict neutrality in foreign affairs
- the region of the planet where organisms live
- a community of living organisms (plants, animals and microbes) in a particular area
- structure or arrangement in zones
- a close, prolonged association between two or more different biological species
- a maker or manufacturer of something
- the whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or region
- the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment
- the variety of all living things and their interactions
- a relationship in which both species are mutually benefited.
- Consisting of living organisms
- the act or process of trying to get or win something
- a type of biological interaction where one species causes harm to another organism without any cost or benefits to itself.
24 Clues: trash or debris • Consisting of living organisms • structure or arrangement in zones • a maker or manufacturer of something • a person who consumes a product or service • the region of the planet where organisms live • Not associated with or derived from living organisms • the act or process of trying to get or win something • ...
Biology Crossword 2024-10-21
- Enclose genetic information in a nucleus.
- Contains catalase and oxidases.
- A small negatively charged particle.
- Short structures anchored within a cell that aid in attachment, sensory, and movement.
- A pure substance with only one type of atom.
- An organelle filled with digestive enzymes.
- Atoms that have lost or gained electrons
- Do not enclose their genetic information in a nucleus.
- The smallest unit of most compounds
- The smallest basic unit of matter.
- A network of membranous tubules within the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell
- A substance formed when two or more elements cometogether.
- A complex of vesicles and folded membranes within the cytoplasm of most eukaryotic cells
- Gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of a cell.
- The Study of Life
- Carry out specific functions.
- A large membrane-enclosed structure
- A thin, flexible barrier
- The basic unit of life
- The living planet that all living things share.
- Organism builds up or breaks down materials.
- Long structures anchored within a cell that aid in movement.
- Specializes in manufacturing proteins.
- The powerhouse of the cell.
- A signal to which an organism responds.
25 Clues: The Study of Life • The basic unit of life • A thin, flexible barrier • The powerhouse of the cell. • Carry out specific functions. • Contains catalase and oxidases. • The smallest basic unit of matter. • A large membrane-enclosed structure • The smallest unit of most compounds • A small negatively charged particle. • Specializes in manufacturing proteins. • ...
Biology crossword 2024-09-11
- organelle, full of enzymes to break down substances
- macromolecule, made of nucleotide and stores genetic info
- organelle, the site of photosynthesis, creates glucose
- process of building monomers into polymers
- organelle, site of cellular respirations creates ATP
- small subunit used to build polymers
- passive transport process, causes water to move toward the hypertonic side of a membrane
- Place on an enzyme that binds into a substance
- protein that speeds up biological reactions by lowering the activation energy
- source of energy for all living things
- organelle used for structure and support in some cells, plants, and fungi
- macromolecule made of amino acids, used for transporting, enzymes, and cell structures
- organelle modifies sorts and packages proteins into vesicles
- organelle, folds, transports, and exports proteins or lipids
- Study of all living things
- type of cellular transport requires energy including solute pumping
- basic unit of structure and function in living things
- organelle, control center of the cell, holds DNA
- type of cellular transport that does not require energy, includes diffusion and osmosis
- organelle, the boundary of the cell, decides what comes in and out
- macromolecule made of glycerol and fatty acids, used for energy storage
21 Clues: Study of all living things • small subunit used to build polymers • source of energy for all living things • process of building monomers into polymers • Place on an enzyme that binds into a substance • organelle, control center of the cell, holds DNA • organelle, full of enzymes to break down substances • organelle, site of cellular respirations creates ATP • ...
Biology Crossword 2024-10-20
- The amount of chromosomes in a human
- The reproduction method of bacteria
- The caps at the end of a chromosome
- Genetic syndrome where someone has an extra x chromosome
- The point on the chromosomes that links the chromotids
- The gamete cell of men
- The phase where the chromatids are pulled to the opposite ends of the cell
- The phase where the cell replicates DNA
- A genetic disorder where mucus forms in some bodily organs
- A cell type with all of the chromosomes
- The place in the nucleus where DNA is stored
- A cell type with half of the chromosomes
- How the cell divides
- The phase where the cell forms a furrow and begins to seperate
- A disorder caused by too few or too many chromosomes
- The result of uncontrolled cellular division
- Type of genetic disorder where an extra chromeosome appears
- The reproduction method of gametes
- Reproductive cell
- The phase where the chromatids are lined in the middle of the cell
- The beginning of cell division
- Genetic disorder where someone is missing an x chromosome
- The reproduction method of somatic cells
- The gamete cell of women
- The chromosome for men
- Body cell
26 Clues: Body cell • Reproductive cell • How the cell divides • The gamete cell of men • The chromosome for men • The gamete cell of women • The beginning of cell division • The reproduction method of gametes • The reproduction method of bacteria • The caps at the end of a chromosome • The amount of chromosomes in a human • The phase where the cell replicates DNA • ...
BIOLOGY 1 2024-10-28
- Organel yang berfungsi mencerna makanan
- Basa nitrogen yang terdiri dari Guanin dan Adenin
- Bagian sel yang hanya ada pada tumbuhan
- Sel yang memiliki tiga set kromosom
- Kematian sel terprogram
- Pigmen hijau
- Bagian untai DNA yang menandai proses inisiasi
- Monomer dari Protein
- Kromosom seks
- Kromosom menempatkan diri di bidang ekuator
- Pasangan Adenin pada DNA
- Proses memasukkan zat atau molekul yang banyak ke dalam sel
- Pembelahan biner
- Jumlah ikatan hidrogen antara Guanin dan Sitosin
- Bagian untai RNA yang akan dihilangkan pada saat RNA Processing
- Kromosom yang berisi informasi terkait tubuh manusia
- informasi yang tersimpan di dalam kromosom
- Proses penerjemahan pesan yang dibawa oleh RNA-duta
- Organel sel yang berfungsi untuk melindungi isi sel
- Bentuk asam amino dari kodon start
- Unit utama yang menyusun membran plasma
- Oosit primer akan melakukan proses ini
- Inti sel
- Bagian isi sel yang terdiri dari padatan dan cairan
- Larutan yang konsentrasi pelarutnya lebih banyak
- Cairan dalam sitoplasma
- Crossing over terjadi pada saat fase ini
- Sel Telur
- Contoh organisme yang tidak memiliki membran inti
- Aku adalah sel yang tidak punya membran inti
- Organel yang bertugas untuk oksidasi makanan
- Proses pembentukan mRNA menggunakan enzim RNA Polimerase
- Ribonucleic Acid
- Tahap ini ditandai dengan pemisahan kromatid
- Struktur yang terbentuk dari rRNA yang berfungsi untuk sintesis protein
36 Clues: Inti sel • Sel Telur • UAG UGA UAA • Pigmen hijau • Kromosom seks • Pembelahan biner • Ribonucleic Acid • Monomer dari Protein • Cairan dalam sitoplasma • Kematian sel terprogram • Pasangan Adenin pada DNA • Bentuk asam amino dari kodon start • Sel yang memiliki tiga set kromosom • Oosit primer akan melakukan proses ini • Unit utama yang menyusun membran plasma • ...
Marine Biology 2024-11-25
- The perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction.
- An effect whereby a mass moving in a rotating system experiences a force acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation.
- The net motion of fluid as the result of a balance between Coriolis and turbulent drag forces.
- A seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain, or from the northeast between October and April.
- The layer of the earth's atmosphere above the troposphere.
- A form of oxygen that is more reactive than the oxygen found near the surface.
- A wind blowing steadily towards the equator from the northeast in the northern hemisphere or the southeast in the southern hemisphere, especially at sea.
- A spiral or vortex.
- The region of the atmosphere above the mesosphere and below the height at which the atmosphere ceases to have the properties of a continuous medium.
- The interface between the troposphere and the stratosphere.
- A self-contained convective zone in a fluid in which upward motion of warmer fluid in the center is balanced by downward motion of cooler fluid at the periphery.
- The rising of water along the equator from about 200 m to the surface.
- Each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei, and hence differ in relative atomic mass but not in chemical properties.
- The dry, cold prevailing winds that blow around the high-pressure areas of the polar highs at the North and South Poles.
- A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation.
- A consequence of the Coriolis effect.
- An ocean current flowing westward near the equator, predominantly controlled by the winds.
- A substance enclosed under pressure and able to be released as a fine spray.
- The interface between the stratosphere and the ionosphere.
- The layer in a fluid where there is a force balance between pressure gradient force, Coriolis force and turbulent drag.
- The region of the earth's atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere.
- A wind blowing from the west.
- The layer closest to the surface.
- A rising of seawater, magma, or other liquid.
24 Clues: A spiral or vortex. • A wind blowing from the west. • The layer closest to the surface. • A consequence of the Coriolis effect. • A rising of seawater, magma, or other liquid. • The interface between the stratosphere and the ionosphere. • The layer of the earth's atmosphere above the troposphere. • The interface between the troposphere and the stratosphere. • ...
Biology vocab 2024-11-11
- consistent physical and chemical conditions maintained by the cell
- cycle that generates high-energy sugars
- solution with a PH of more than 7
- solution with a greater concentration of solutes
- compound used by cells to store and release energy
- attraction between the molecules of different substances
- organelle that breaks down materials into useable molecules
- substance that is dissolved in a solution
- basic unit of all forms of life
- organism whose cells contain a nucleus
- organelle that converts energy stored in food into energy useable by the cell
- diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane
- primary pigment used by plants and other photosynthetic organisms
- process by which particles move from areas of higher to lower concentration
- solution with a PH of less than 7
- attraction between molecules of the same substance
- water channel protein in a cell
- elements or compounds that enter into a chemical reaction
- element that contains different numbers of neutrons
- basic unit of matter
- substance formed by the combination of two or more atoms
- network of protein filaments that give the cell its structure
- place where lipid components of the membrane are assembled
- fluid portion of the cell outside of the nucleus
- thin, flexible barrier that surrounds all cells
- group of cells that perform a similar function
- protein catalyst that speeds up biological reactions
- light-absorbing molecules used by plants to gather the sun's energy
- sac-like photosynthetic membranes found in chloroplasts
- product of an enzyme-influenced reaction
- organelle that stores material
- compound that prevents sharp, sudden changes in PH
- solution with a lesser concentration of solutes
- type of mixture in which all components are evenly distributed
- pure substance of only one type of atom
- protein whose shape fits a specific molecular messenger
- dissolving substance in a solution
- structure that contains the cell's genetic information
- smallest unit of most compounds
- protein on the thylakoid membrane that allows H+ atoms to pass through
- unicellular organism that lacks a nucleus
- process used by autotrophs to capture light energy and use it for power
- fluid portion of the chloroplast
- atom that has a positive or negative charge
- negatively charged particle
- group of tissues that work together to perform similar functions
- solution with equal concentration
- cluster of chlorophyll and proteins found in thylakoids
- specialized structure in a eukaryotic cell
- material composed of two or more types of atoms that are not chemically combined
- organelle, the site of protein synthesis
51 Clues: basic unit of matter • negatively charged particle • organelle that stores material • smallest unit of most compounds • basic unit of all forms of life • water channel protein in a cell • fluid portion of the chloroplast • solution with a PH of more than 7 • solution with equal concentration • solution with a PH of less than 7 • dissolving substance in a solution • ...
MCERT Biology 2024-11-12
- Animals that are multicellular, and get their energy from consuming other organisms
- One complete heartbeat
- Denominator of magnification question
- Produces antibodies when it recognises a foreign antigen
- The protoctista pathogen Plasmodium causes ___
- Organ that secretes insulin and glucagon
- Carries oxygenated blood(also rich in urea) to the kidneys for excretion
- Provides the force for the transport of mucus
- Sense organs
- Cell division phase when centromeres divide
- The heart contracting
- Organ that converts glucose to glycogen
- Fungi cell walls are made of ___
- Water potential is higher outside the cell than inside
- Structure that separates oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
- Allows the sterile nutrients to enter the fermenter
- Carries oxygenated blood to the liver
- Structure that prevents backflow of blood from the ventricle to the atrium
- C-shaped rings of this substance help to keep the trachea open
- The gap where two neurones meet
- 78% of inspired air
- Disease that can be treated with insulin injections
- The maintenance of a constant internal environment in the body - despite changes in the external environment
- Animals store their carbohydrates as ___
- The ability of an organism or organ to detect and respond to external stimuli
- A substance that increases the rate of reaction but doesn't change itself even after the end of the reaction
- The scientific term for breathing in
- Microorganism that causes infectious diseases
- Provides a source of oxygen
- Where the chromosomes are found in the cells
30 Clues: Sense organs • 78% of inspired air • The heart contracting • One complete heartbeat • Provides a source of oxygen • The gap where two neurones meet • Fungi cell walls are made of ___ • The scientific term for breathing in • Denominator of magnification question • Carries oxygenated blood to the liver • Organ that converts glucose to glycogen • ...
Biology Crossword 2024-11-13
- A reaction that takes in heat from its surroundings
- Needs oxygen, like when cells use oxygen to make energy
- A resting phase where the cell is not dividing
- The process where the cell’s cytoplasm splits to make two new cells
- The process of making mRNA from DNA
- The sugar in RNA
- A set of three bases on tRNA that matches up with mRNA during protein making
- The last stage of mitosis when two new nuclei form
- The two strands of DNA run in opposite directions
- The series of stages a cell goes through as it grows and divides
- Transfer RNA that brings amino acids to the ribosome to build proteins
- A chain of amino acids that forms a protein
- The part of the cell cycle when the cell is growing and getting ready to divide
- A reaction that gives off heat
- The process of making a copy of DNA
- Does not need oxygen, like when cells make energy without oxygen
- The flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein
- The first growth phase in the cell cycle before DNA is copied
- The sugar in DNA
- The part of the cell cycle when DNA is copied
- A group of three bases on mRNA that tells which amino acid to add in a protein
- The process of using mRNA to build a protein
- The process of making proteins from the instructions in mRNA
- When proteins or DNA have lose their shape due to heat or chemicals
- When cells grow uncontrollably, which can cause tumors
- Messenger RNA that carries genetic info from DNA to the ribosome/is involved in translation
- Part of mitosis where chromosomes are pulled apart to opposite sides of the cell
- The process where a cell’s nucleus divides to make two identical nuclei
- The first stage of mitosis when chromosomes become visible
29 Clues: The sugar in DNA • The sugar in RNA • A reaction that gives off heat • The process of making mRNA from DNA • The process of making a copy of DNA • A chain of amino acids that forms a protein • The process of using mRNA to build a protein • The part of the cell cycle when DNA is copied • A resting phase where the cell is not dividing • ...
- Kelas hewan yang termasuk reptil dan burung
- Sel yang menghasilkan hormon
- organisme yang hidup di dua habitat
- proses dimana tumbuhan mengambil air dari tanah
- Jaringan yang berfungsi dalam transportasi
- Jaringan yang menghubungkan otot dan tulang
- gen yang mengontrol sifat tertentu
- Sel yang membawa oksigen dalam darah
- Tumbuhan yang tidak berbunga
- Ilmu yang mempelajari hewan dan perilakunya
- Bagian dari DNA yang menyimpan informasi genetik
- tumbuhan yang memiliki batang yang Lunak
- Proses di mana hewan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan
- Proses di mana informasi genetik diteruskan
- struktur penyimpanan makanan dalam sel
- Proses pembentukan sel baru dari sel induk
- Gas yang dibutuhkan tumbuhan untuk fotosintesis
- Proses di mana sel membelah menjadi dua sel anak
- Proses pengambilan makanan oleh organisme
- Proses di mana sel memecah makanan untuk energi
- Struktur yang mengontrol masuk dan keluarnya zat dalam sel
- Proses penguraian bahan organik oleh mikroorganisme
- proses dimana Organisme mengeluarkan zat sisa
- Klasifikasi di bawah genus
- Jaringan yang mengangkut air dan mineral
- Tumbuhan yang berkembang biak dengan spora
- Klasifikasi di bawah filum
- Organisme yang memakan bahan organik
- Jaringan yang menghubungkan seluruh bagian tubuh
- Makhluk hidup yang dapat hidup di lingkungan ekstrem
- Organisme yang hanya memakan tumbuhan
- Bagian dari sistem saraf yang mengontrol refleks
- Proses di mana tumbuhan membuat makanan dari cahaya
- Proses di mana sel memecah lemak untuk energi
- Organisme yang mampu beradaptasi dengan suhu ekstrem
- Struktur dalam sel yang berfungsi sebagai pusat kontrol
- Sel yang berfungsi dalam sistem kekebalan tubuh
- Proses pembentukan sel gamet
- Bagian dari sel yang menghasilkan energi
- Klasifikasi tertinggi dalam taksonomi
- Organisme yang memerlukan oksigen
- Proses pengambilan glukosa oleh sel
- Proses pengubahan air menjadi uap
- Proses pembentukan glukosa dari karbon dioksida
- Sel yang berfungsi dalam pertahanan tubuh
- Tumbuhan yang memiliki biji tertutup
- proses pembentukan sel gamet
- Proses di mana sel membagi diri secara seksual
- Proses penyerapan nutrisi oleh tanaman dari tanah
- kelas hewan yang termasuk reptil dan burung
50 Clues: Klasifikasi di bawah filum • Klasifikasi di bawah genus • Sel yang menghasilkan hormon • Proses pembentukan sel gamet • Tumbuhan yang tidak berbunga • proses pembentukan sel gamet • Organisme yang memerlukan oksigen • Proses pengubahan air menjadi uap • gen yang mengontrol sifat tertentu • organisme yang hidup di dua habitat • Proses pengambilan glukosa oleh sel • ...
Cellular Biology 2025-01-07
- an organelle in which proteins are processed, sorted, or modified
- the site for the production of lipids (fats) and hormones; also responsible for detoxification, or breakdown, of toxic chemicals
- a place on the lipid bilayer that allows materials to move from one side of the membrane to the other, usually without using any energy
- the living material of the cell found within the plasma membrane
- units of hereditary data that dictate the activity and structure of the cell
- structures in which cellular proteins are assembled
- the pumping of molecules across the cell membrane that requires the use of energy
- structures on which genetic information in the nucleus is organized
- a place on the lipid bilayer that moves materials forcefully from one side of the membrane to the other, requiring energy
- the intracellular fluid made of water, dissolved ions, and proteins
- the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until equilibrium is reached; a type of passive transport
- the molecules that make up the flexible membrane that surrounds the contents of the cell
- a state in which the number of molecules is equal on both sides of a membrane
- attracted to water molecules
- the thin layer responsible for separating the internal structures of the cell from its surrounding environment, as well as providing support for the cell; also called the cell membrane
- the site for the production of proteins for the cell secretions and cell membrane
- the thin layer responsible for separating the internal structures of the cell from the surrounding environment, as well as providing support for the cell; also called the plasma membrane
- the most basic unit of life, responsible for carrying out functions of life
- repels water moleculesosmosis: the diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane; a type of passive transport
- the type of cell that contains membrane-bound organelles and has a distinct nucleus
- reticulum: an internal network of membranes extending throughout the cytoplasm
- the type of cell that lacks a nucleus and contains its genetic information in the cytoplasm
- the movement of molecules across the cell membrane that does not require the use of energy
23 Clues: attracted to water molecules • structures in which cellular proteins are assembled • the living material of the cell found within the plasma membrane • an organelle in which proteins are processed, sorted, or modified • structures on which genetic information in the nucleus is organized • the intracellular fluid made of water, dissolved ions, and proteins • ...
- Apa nama saluran yang menghubungkan tenggorokan dan paru-paru?
- udara, Apa yang digunakan burung untuk bernapas saat terbang?
- Apa yang mengatur laju pernapasan manusia?
- Apa yang dihirup oleh manusia saat bernapas?
- Apa nama cabang dari trakea menuju paru-paru?
- Apa yang terjadi pada tubuh saat kekurangan oksigen?
- Apa nama bagian atas sistem pernapasan?
- Apa otot utama yang terlibat dalam pernapasan?
- Apa istilah untuk proses pengambilan udara ke dalam paru-paru?
- Apa organ utama dalam sistem pernapasan?
- Apa yang melindungi saluran pernapasan dari partikel asing?
- Apa yang terjadi pada otot tulang rusuk saat inhalasi?
- Apa bagian terkecil dari paru-paru yang berfungsi untuk pertukaran gas?
- Apa yang dikeluarkan saat bernapas?
- Apa yang terjadi pada tekanan udara di paru-paru saat inhalasi?
- gas, Apa fungsi utama sistem pernapasan?
- Apa istilah untuk proses pengeluaran udara dari paru-paru?
- Apa yang terjadi pada tubuh saat bernapas dengan cepat?
- Apa istilah untuk pernapasan pada hewan air?
- Apa yang terjadi pada volume paru-paru saat inhalasi?
20 Clues: Apa yang dikeluarkan saat bernapas? • Apa nama bagian atas sistem pernapasan? • gas, Apa fungsi utama sistem pernapasan? • Apa organ utama dalam sistem pernapasan? • Apa yang mengatur laju pernapasan manusia? • Apa yang dihirup oleh manusia saat bernapas? • Apa istilah untuk pernapasan pada hewan air? • Apa nama cabang dari trakea menuju paru-paru? • ...
7C Biology 2025-01-29
- a living thing
- the liquid part in the middle of the cell
- part of the cell that produces energy
- vertebrate that can have scales
- animals without a backbone
- the shape of an animal cell
- fish use these to get oxygen from the water
- food travels down this tube to the stomach
- a cell is said to be '.........' if it has a specific job or function
- largest organ of the body
- unique body feature that birds have
- kingdom including mushrooms and moulds
- lab equipment used to look at cells
- animals with a backbone
- you have 206 of them
- living things that use the sun to make food
- a muscle used to pump blood
- plant cells have these, but not animal cells
- animals with fur
- contains the DNA in a cell
- all humans are part of the same 'group'. This group is called a...
- the organ protected by the cranium
- an example of this group of animals is a newt
- provides support for the human body and allows movement
- largest bone in the body
25 Clues: a living thing • animals with fur • you have 206 of them • animals with a backbone • largest bone in the body • largest organ of the body • contains the DNA in a cell • animals without a backbone • a muscle used to pump blood • the shape of an animal cell • vertebrate that can have scales • the organ protected by the cranium • lab equipment used to look at cells • ...
Biology terms 2025-01-29
- Total amount of water on a planet
- A community of living organisms
- Chemical element with the Symbol N
- A living thing that has an organized structure
- Living or once living components of a community
- Biochemical process in which the cells of an organism obtain energy by combining oxygen and glucose
- The rate of production of new individuals per unit of population
- Convert waste into a reusable material
- An organism that eats soley meats
- The joint action of two or more factors
- An organism that eats plants and animals
- The study of the relationships between living organisms
- A diagram that shows the transfer of energy in an ecosystem
- Organism the mostly feeds on plants
- The outermost layer of the earth
- One in which energy can be transferred between the system and its surroundings
- Any organism that breaks down or eats decaying material for its energy source
- All the nonliving factors present in an ecosystem
- The number of organisms that an ecosystem can support
- A chemical process that occurs in plants, algae and some types of bacteria
- A blanket of gases that surrounds earth
- Organisms that make their own food
- Part of the world where life can exist
- A group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time
- A directional predictable change in community structure over time
- Consists of all the food chains in a single ecosystem
- Another term for death
- System that is completely isolated from its environment
- The community of plants and animals that occur naturally in an area
- An organism that cannot produce its own food and must eat other plants to gain energy
- A chemical compound made up of carbon atom and two oxygen atoms
- An interacting group of various species
- You breath it
33 Clues: You breath it • Another term for death • A community of living organisms • The outermost layer of the earth • Total amount of water on a planet • An organism that eats soley meats • Organisms that make their own food • Chemical element with the Symbol N • Organism the mostly feeds on plants • Part of the world where life can exist • Convert waste into a reusable material • ...
Biology Review 2025-02-07
- "Organelle where photosynthesis occurs.",
- "Packages and distributes proteins.",
- "Shows energy flow from one organism to another.",
- "Powerhouse of the cell, produces ATP.",
- "Cell division process that creates identical daughter cells.",
- "Process plants use to make food from sunlight.",
- "Organism that consumes others for energy.",
- "Site of protein synthesis.",
- "Position in a food chain or web.",
- "Organism that eats other organisms.",
- "Gel-like substance inside the cell.",
- "Rigid outer layer in plant cells.",
- "Variety of life in an ecosystem.",
- "Movement of molecules against concentration gradient.",
- "Breaks down waste in the cell.",
- "Large region with specific climate and organisms.",
- "Diffusion of water across a membrane.",
- "Community of living and nonliving things.",
- "Period of the cell cycle when the cell grows and DNA replicates.",
- "Organism that makes its own food.",
- "Movement of molecules from high to low concentration.",
- "Control center of the cell, contains DNA.",
- "Natural home of an organism.",
- "Breaks down dead matter for nutrients.",
24 Clues: "Site of protein synthesis.", • "Natural home of an organism.", • "Breaks down waste in the cell.", • "Variety of life in an ecosystem.", • "Position in a food chain or web.", • "Organism that makes its own food.", • "Rigid outer layer in plant cells.", • "Packages and distributes proteins.", • "Organism that eats other organisms.", • "Gel-like substance inside the cell.", • ...
Biology Vocabulary 2025-02-09
- A type of gene that blocks another gene when present
- Power House of the cell
- Scientific name for a living thing
- A characteristic that makes you who you are
- Thread structure that contains DNA. You get 23 from mom and dad
- Living things respond to changes in their environment or _______.
- Plants make this sugar and animals use it
- A gene that will only show in an offpsring if two of them are present
- Process animals do to make energy
- A segment of dna that codes for something
- Acid found in the nucleus of your cell. Like a blueprint
- The type of energy respiration makes
- Traits can be inherited and also determined by your ______.
- Basic building block of all living things
- The study of how living things pass one their traits
- Process plants do to make energy
- A type of respiration using oxygen, very efficient
- The ability of organisms to regulate themselves
- A scientific name for a baby
- Brain of the cell contains DNA
20 Clues: Power House of the cell • A scientific name for a baby • Brain of the cell contains DNA • Process plants do to make energy • Process animals do to make energy • Scientific name for a living thing • The type of energy respiration makes • Basic building block of all living things • Plants make this sugar and animals use it • A segment of dna that codes for something • ...
Biology | IX 2025-02-11
- Suspended in the stroma are stack-like structures called.....
- Similar in structure and have different functions
- Small, membrane-bound spherical sacs which facilitate the metabolism, transport and storage of molecules
- ......... extends from caecum up the right side of the abdomen
- Chromosomes with equal arms
- Transfer of the digested portion of food into blood from digestive canal called....
- It is the major organ of Circulatory system
- Closely related species are grouped together into.......
- In plants, the wall is composed of ......
- It is the site of aerobic respiration
- The lower Chambers of heart called .....
- ............ is the first part of small intestine
- It is a type of cancer that affect the blood and bone marrow.
- In blood color of plasma is pale..........
- Colour less plastids called....
- Cells commit suicide collectively called......
- The chromatids attached to each other at.......
- a type of supporting connective tissue
- a disease that affect the blood haemoglobin
- The part located at the end of stomach called....
20 Clues: Chromosomes with equal arms • Colour less plastids called.... • It is the site of aerobic respiration • The lower Chambers of heart called ..... • In plants, the wall is composed of ...... • In blood color of plasma is pale.......... • It is the major organ of Circulatory system • Cells commit suicide collectively called...... • ...
BIOLOGY TTS 2025-03-02
- Saraf yang berperan dalam mengontrol organ dalam tubuh secara otomatis
- Saraf yang berfungsi menghubungkan otak dengan organ tubuh termasuk indra
- Bagian otak yang mengatur keseimbangan dan koordinasi gerakan tubuh
- Zat yang dapat menyebabkan ketergantungan dan perubahan pada sistem saraf
- Penyakit yang menyebabkan kelumpuhan akibat infeksi virus yang menyerang sistem saraf
- Gangguan saraf akibat cedera atau tekanan berlebihan pada saraf tepi
- Bagian sistem saraf yang terdiri dari otak dan sumsum tulang belakang
- Bagian otak yang berfungsi mengontrol suhu tubuh dan keseimbangan hormonVagus Saraf yang mengontrol aktivitas jantung dan pernapasan
- Penyakit autoimun yang menyerang selubung mielin pada neuron
- Gangguan saraf yang ditandai dengan tremor dan kesulitan mengontrol gerakan
- Bagian otak yang berfungsi dalam berpikir dan mengingat
- Zat adiktif yang berasal dari tanaman tembakau
- menghubungkan otak dengan sumsum tulang belakang
- Penyakit yang ditandai dengan penurunan fungsi otot akibat gangguan saraf motorik
- Bagian sistem saraf tepi yang mengatur gerakan tidak sadar
- Gerak yang dilakukan tanpa disadari sebagai respons terhadap rangsangan
- Gangguan saraf akibat rusaknya sel-sel otak yang menyebabkan hilangnya ingatan
- Sel penyusun sistem saraf yang berfungsi menghantarkan impuls
- Penyakit akibat penurunan zat dopamin di otak yang menyebabkan tremor
- Saraf yang membawa impuls dari sistem saraf pusat ke otot atau kelenjar
- Jenis neuron yang menghubungkan neuron sensorik dan motorik
- Senyawa dalam narkotika yang dapat menyebabkan euforia berlebihan
- Zat dalam rokok yang menyebabkan kecanduan
- Sel saraf yang berfungsi membawa impuls dari reseptor ke sistem saraf pusat
- Penyakit akibat peradangan pada selaput otak
- Zat psikoaktif yang dapat menimbulkan efek halusinasi
- Gerak yang melibatkan otak dalam merespons rangsangan
- Bagian sistem saraf tepi yang mengatur gerakan sadar
- Zat psikotropika yang sering digunakan sebagai obat tidur dan penenang
29 Clues: Zat dalam rokok yang menyebabkan kecanduan • Penyakit akibat peradangan pada selaput otak • Zat adiktif yang berasal dari tanaman tembakau • menghubungkan otak dengan sumsum tulang belakang • Bagian sistem saraf tepi yang mengatur gerakan sadar • Zat psikoaktif yang dapat menimbulkan efek halusinasi • Gerak yang melibatkan otak dalam merespons rangsangan • ...
Biology Project 2025-03-03
- Algal colony that is attached to something
- hyphae branches that produce spores
- hyphae that grow within the material the fungus is growing on and digest food and support the fungus
- Any fungus that is known to reproduce asexually
- The end result of the fusion of gametes
- when specialized cells are different size and form
- Its slipper shape is maintained by the flexible and firm outer covering
- Sexual reproduction of a fungus that is not known
- means first animals
- Body of a plantlike organism that does not have leaves, roots, and stems
- This causes severe diarrhea called dysentery which can lead to death
- small pockets that hold up the Thallus
- Causes African Sleeping Sickness,Spread by the tsetse fly,enters bloodstream and may infect central nervous system
- Live in cool, moist environments in organic matter such as compost piles and rotting wood
- special cells that anchor the algea to something and appear rootlike
- when two identical specialized cells unite and form a diploid zygote
- Two filaments line up next to each other; tube connecting adjacent cells
- regulation of water and elimination of excess water is done by what organelle
- where the motile gametes are produced
- Simple colony of a slender chain of algea cells growing end to end
- Where the nonmotile gamete or egg is produced
- the hyphae that "stand" up above the medium and oxygen,produce spores and spread the fungus
- Aerial hyphae that connect groups of hyphae together
- Unicellular and formerly classified as a protozoa
- "farming of the ocean, ponds, lakes" for food for people and fish
25 Clues: means first animals • hyphae branches that produce spores • where the motile gametes are produced • small pockets that hold up the Thallus • The end result of the fusion of gametes • Algal colony that is attached to something • Where the nonmotile gamete or egg is produced • Any fungus that is known to reproduce asexually • ...
Life at school 2021-01-29
sts 2020-04-07
- branch of science that deals with the structure of matter and how the fundamental constituents of the universe interact.
- study of Body parts
- Came from the latin word “Modo”
- study of body function
- state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc
- basic unit of classification and a taxonomic rank of an organism, as well as a unit of biodiversity
- Father of Evolution
- Father of Genetics
- study of medicine
- any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques
- Copernicus’ book
- - total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species
- weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
- called plant science, plant biology or phytology
- the place where papyrus was invented
- sometimes called biological chemistry
- Father of Human Medicine
- Father of Microbiology
- limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in water
- from the greek word “demokratia”
- a member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms which have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus, including some which can cause disease.
- island where Darwin stayed and theorized about evolution
- Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer, sometimes described as a polymath, from Pisa.
- study of parasites
- Father of Biology
- air-breathing vertebrates covered in special skin made up of scales, bony plates, or a combination of both
- Galileo’s book that is published in 1610
- branch of science that deals with microorganisms.
- science and art of cultivating plants and livestock
- farming of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants, algae, and other organisms.
- set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment
- variations in ecosystems within a geographical location and its overall impact on human existence and the environment.
- technology that utilizes biological systems, living organisms or parts of this to develop or create different products
- Largest Christian Denomination
- also known as smart card
- Father of Physiology
- the variety and variability of life on Earth
- branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, and distribution of all animals, both living and extinct, and how they interact with their ecosystems
- Father of Taxonomy
- study of diseases
- profession that breeds animals
- artificial device that replaces a missing body part
- Founder of the Copernican Revolution
- Oldest civilization
- Imaginary location of genes
- "studying the biology of animals that are under the control of humankind".
- Father of Pathology
- branch of biology concerning interactions among organisms and their biophysical environment, which includes both biotic and abiotic components
- also known as artificial selection
- meaning middle age
- vertebrate animals constituting the class Mammalia, and characterized by the presence of mammary glands which in females produce milk for feeding their young, a neocortex, fur or hair, and three middle ear bones
- Father of Anatomy
- taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, as well as viruses, in biology
- part of the genetic makeup of a cell, and therefore of any individual, which determines one of its characteristics
54 Clues: Copernicus’ book • study of medicine • study of diseases • Father of Anatomy • Father of Biology • Father of Taxonomy • Father of Genetics • meaning middle age • study of parasites • study of Body parts • Father of Evolution • Oldest civilization • Father of Pathology • Father of Physiology • study of body function • Father of Microbiology • also known as smart card • Father of Human Medicine • ...
STS 2020-04-07
- a member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms which have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus, including some which can cause disease
- Imaginary location of genes
- branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, and distribution of all animals, both living and extinct, and how they interact with their ecosystems
- variations in ecosystems within a geographical location and its overall impact on human existence and the environment.
- study of medicine
- any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques
- weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
- Father of Evolution
- taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, as well as viruses, in biology
- Father of Microbiology
- island where Darwin stayed and theorized about evolution
- called plant science, plant biology or phytology
- farming of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants, algae, and other organisms.
- set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment
- technology that utilizes biological systems, living organisms or parts of this to develop or create different products
- sometimes called biological chemistry
- profession that breeds animals
- air-breathing vertebrates covered in special skin made up of scales, bony plates, or a combination of both
- from the greek word “demokratia”
- branch of science that deals with the structure of matter and how the fundamental constituents of the universe interact.
- A Fundamental and relatively sudden change in political power and political organization
- study of parasites
- also known as smart card
- part of the genetic makeup of a cell, and therefore of any individual, which determines one of its characteristics
- branch of science that deals with microorganisms.
- artificial device that replaces a missing body part
- study of body function
- also known as artificial selection
- branch of science that involves the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter
- Largest Christian Denomination
- Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer, sometimes described as a polymath, from Pisa.
- Copernicus’ book
- the place where papyrus was invented
- Father of Pathology
- Oldest civilization
- the variety and variability of life on Earth
- study of Body parts
- studying the biology of animals that are under the control of humankind
- - total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species
- Galileo’s book that is published in 1610
- Father of Human Medicine
- vertebrate animals constituting the class Mammalia, and characterized by the presence of mammary glands which in females produce milk for feeding their young, a neocortex, fur or hair, and three middle ear bones
- Father of Anatomy
- Father of Physiology
- limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in water
- Father of Genetics
- Founder of the Copernican Revolution
- Came from the latin word “Modo”
- Father of Biology
- branch of biology concerning interactions among organisms and their biophysical environment, which includes both biotic and abiotic components
- meaning middle age
- basic unit of classification and a taxonomic rank of an organism, as well as a unit of biodiversity
- study of diseases
- state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc
- science and art of cultivating plants and livestock
- Father of Taxonomy
56 Clues: Copernicus’ book • study of medicine • Father of Anatomy • Father of Biology • study of diseases • Father of Genetics • meaning middle age • study of parasites • Father of Taxonomy • Father of Pathology • Oldest civilization • study of Body parts • Father of Evolution • Father of Physiology • study of body function • Father of Microbiology • Father of Human Medicine • also known as smart card • ...
French Cours 2024-12-03
Unit 5 and 6 2020-05-28
19 Clues: Bit • Fish • Post • Brace • Biology • thinking • Evidence • thinking • thinking • Geography • Information • intelligence • Neighborhood • Don’t server’s • Extraterrestrial • decision decision • Say something and it do • The something of something • up with Sinónimo of keep Up
April SOL Terms 2024-05-01
- The results of the experiment were considered _______ due to a procedural error.
- in biology, this describes a body that is aerodynamic
- decomposition or rotting
- synonymous with: ideal, best
- to gather or collect
- to separate or set apart from other
- describes a chemical reaction that absorbs heat
- maintaining internal equilibrium
- many bacteria use these to move
- a gradual decrease or deterioriation
- combining multiple amino acids into proteins is an example of _________.
- synonymous with movement
- in biology, this is the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce
13 Clues: to gather or collect • decomposition or rotting • synonymous with movement • synonymous with: ideal, best • many bacteria use these to move • maintaining internal equilibrium • to separate or set apart from other • a gradual decrease or deterioriation • describes a chemical reaction that absorbs heat • in biology, this describes a body that is aerodynamic • ...
Brain teaser 2018-11-19
14 Clues: HQ • skill • enzyme • wonder • product • Investor • intranet • division • Humungus • Catalyze • Health trend • peder Holk Nielsen • Annual Report Team • transformative innovation
Chapter 2 French Crossword 2012-02-17
Botany Intr 2023-02-08
- is the set of populations inhabiting a particular area
- is the branch of biology concerned with the scientific study of plants including their physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance
- are individual living entities
- system is a higher level of organization that consists of functionally related organs
- are arranged into molecules
- tree is a diagram showing the evolutionary relationships among biological species based on similarities and differences in genetic or physical traits or both
- is the study of the biology and the evolution of plants in the geologic past
- together form tissues
- anatomy is microscopic plant structure (cells and tissues)
- means, "the science of life"
10 Clues: together form tissues • are arranged into molecules • means, "the science of life" • are individual living entities • is the set of populations inhabiting a particular area • anatomy is microscopic plant structure (cells and tissues) • is the study of the biology and the evolution of plants in the geologic past • ...
- The branch of botany that studies the arrangement and external forms of plant organs
- Root is part of?
- The study of all living organisms that are too small to be seen by the human eye
- The science that studies the structure of living things.
- This division of biology deals with the study of animals
- The branch of Biology that studies living systems
- What zoologists observe and learn when writing research articles and reports
- The branch of botany that studies plants purely
- This division of biology deals with the study of plants
- The part of the plant that has the function of photosynthesis
10 Clues: Root is part of? • The branch of botany that studies plants purely • The branch of Biology that studies living systems • This division of biology deals with the study of plants • This division of biology deals with the study of animals • The science that studies the structure of living things. • The part of the plant that has the function of photosynthesis • ...
School And Education By Alessia Battistini 2014-02-24
Subjects 2024-08-21
17 Clues: tysk • kjemi • fransk • fysikk • musikk • spansk • engelsk • biologi • svømming • geografi • historie • matematikk • Kunst & håndverk • RLE (to ord i ett) • vitenskap/naturfag • valgfag (to ord i ett) • kroppsøving (to ord i ett)
biology unit 2021-02-11
- protein synthesis takes place
- stores water, waste, and nutrients
- determines how the cell will function
- animal, plant, fungus, or bacterium
- big brain
- donor
- series of connected flattened sacs
- break down macromolecules
- the basic structures of all living organisms
- region found within the cell nucleus
- contain the instructions
- group of organs that work together
- cell powerhouse
- use energy from sunlight to make sugar
- genetic makeup
- controls the entry's and exits of cell
- membranous organelle
- sorts and packages
- provided strength
- fills the space between
20 Clues: donor • big brain • genetic makeup • cell powerhouse • provided strength • sorts and packages • membranous organelle • fills the space between • contain the instructions • break down macromolecules • protein synthesis takes place • group of organs that work together • stores water, waste, and nutrients • series of connected flattened sacs • animal, plant, fungus, or bacterium • ...
Biology game 2021-02-17
- are the channels through which blood is distributed to body tissues
- the force that the blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels
- pumps blood throughout your circulatory system
- to cause the coagulation of the blood
- it transports the oxygenated blood to the lungs to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide
- you use this to chew your food
- blood vessels that carry blood low in oxygen from the body back to the heart
- substances that provided the energy and matter needed by the body
- last tube where water is taken out of eaten food
- they are located between the veins and the arteries
- delivers oxygen
- substances that provide the nutrients necessary for life
- provides the functional blood supply to all body tissue
- a bag like organ that helps dissolve food
- blood vessels that deliver oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the tissues of the body
- is the tube food goes down to reach the stomach
- swallowing
- chemical reactions that allow animals to obtain and use the nutrients
- helps get rid of harmful things
- long tube where nutrients are taken from food
20 Clues: swallowing • delivers oxygen • you use this to chew your food • helps get rid of harmful things • to cause the coagulation of the blood • a bag like organ that helps dissolve food • long tube where nutrients are taken from food • pumps blood throughout your circulatory system • is the tube food goes down to reach the stomach • last tube where water is taken out of eaten food • ...
Biology Crossword 2021-03-10
- preserved remains
- founder of evolution
- principle within stratigraphy
- average individual
- method of dating
- change in the characteristics
- reduction in population
- enzyme produced by bacteria
- form of isolation
- principle of genetic variation
- method for making copies of DNA
- non-extreme trait value
- selective breeding
- alteration in the nucleotide sequence
- influence by more than one gene
- gene that is transferred naturally
- reduction of genetic variation
- photographs of all chromosomes
- founder of lamarckian evolution
- stock of different genes
20 Clues: method of dating • preserved remains • form of isolation • selective breeding • average individual • founder of evolution • non-extreme trait value • reduction in population • stock of different genes • enzyme produced by bacteria • principle within stratigraphy • change in the characteristics • reduction of genetic variation • photographs of all chromosomes • ...
Biology Terms 2021-03-20
- Movement of molecules
- Multi-cellular organism
- Complex sugar
- A group of similar cells
- A catalyst
- Basic unit of life
- Required to make new cells
- A gas required for respiration
- A type of diffusion
- Controls what the cell does
- Instrument used to magnify
- Enzyme in our saliva
- A single cell organism
- When cells are no longer firm
- When food is broken down
- Made of a solute and solvent
- Any living thing
- Process in which pants make food
- made up of different tissues
- Powerhouse of the cell
20 Clues: A catalyst • Complex sugar • Any living thing • Basic unit of life • A type of diffusion • Enzyme in our saliva • Movement of molecules • A single cell organism • Powerhouse of the cell • Multi-cellular organism • When food is broken down • A group of similar cells • Instrument used to magnify • Required to make new cells • Controls what the cell does • Made of a solute and solvent • ...
Biology crossword 2019-11-25
- requires oxygen
- the breakdown of gluclose by enzymes
- alcohol found in acoholic drinks
- H2O
- how plants grow
- converts ADP to ATP
- in the normal operation of living systems.
- gets coverted to oxygen by plants
- what we breathe
- produces 34 atp
- your muscles produce ATP through this
- the act of breathing
- structures within cells that produce energy
- needed for producing light
- sugar
- part of plant that conducts photosynthesis
- liquid in chloroplast
- first step in photosynthesis
- flattened sac in a chloroplast
- ATP and NADPH are used in this cycle to make sugar
- doesn't require oxygen
- bacteria,yeast,archea and muscle cells perform this
- long chains of chemical reactions that take
23 Clues: H2O • sugar • requires oxygen • how plants grow • what we breathe • produces 34 atp • converts ADP to ATP • the act of breathing • liquid in chloroplast • doesn't require oxygen • needed for producing light • first step in photosynthesis • flattened sac in a chloroplast • alcohol found in acoholic drinks • gets coverted to oxygen by plants • the breakdown of gluclose by enzymes • ...
Biology Review 2021-01-13
- a mass of microspores in a seed plant appearing usually as a fine dust.
- plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavouring, food, medicine, or perfume.
- Photosynthesis uses energy from light to convert water and carbon dioxide molecules into _____
- The sexual phase is the gametophyte
- a large, diverse group of eukaryotic, photosynthetic organisms that are not necessarily related to each other.
- division of the plant kingdom including primitive forms of plant life showing a simple plant body.
- The pollen producing part of a flower, usually with a slender filament supporting the anther.
- single-celled algae
- process by which green plants transform light energy into chemical energy.
- plant kingdom amphibians even though these plants live in soil, and they require water for sexual reproduction.
- The____ of higher plant seeds protects the embryo against adverse environmental conditions.
- he gametophyte of a pteridophyte (such as a fern) that is typically a small flat green thallus attached to the soil by rhizoids.
- allowing plants to absorb energy from light.
- The nonsexual phase is the sporophyte.
- The outer parts of the flower (often green and leaf-like) that enclose a developing bud.
- reproductive cell capable of developing into a new individual without fusion with another reproductive cell.
- plant that reproduces by means of an exposed seed and whose seeds are enclosed by mature ovaries, or fruits.
- The____contain (or in the case of gymnosperms and monocotyledons, have access to) the stored food reserves of the seed.
- any of a group of spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including moulds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools.
- plants that produce flowers and bear their seeds in fruits
- One of the leaflike, seed-bearing structures that constitute the innermost whorl of a flower.
21 Clues: single-celled algae • The sexual phase is the gametophyte • The nonsexual phase is the sporophyte. • allowing plants to absorb energy from light. • plants that produce flowers and bear their seeds in fruits • a mass of microspores in a seed plant appearing usually as a fine dust. • process by which green plants transform light energy into chemical energy. • ...
Biology Revision 2020-12-18
- a clot on the move.
- joins chunks of DNA together.
- the feeling of lactate in the muscle during vigorous exercise.
- the site of exchange between the blood and tissue cells.
- unable to have children.
- an instrument used to measure blood pressure.
- building simple molecules into complex ones.
- first stage of respiration.
- where parts of a chromosome are deleted.
- the use of the genme to inform drug choices.
- a womans fertile period.
- the bond binding amino acids together.
- where genes in a chromosome are flipped.
- the use of computer programmes to analyse and compare genomes.
- a chamber is relaxed.
- part of the brain which can control heart rate.
- the channel in a blood vessel.
- hormone made in pituitary gland which promotes sperm production.
- the good form of cholesterol.
- sends blood away from heart to rest of body.
20 Clues: a clot on the move. • a chamber is relaxed. • a womans fertile period. • unable to have children. • first stage of respiration. • joins chunks of DNA together. • the good form of cholesterol. • the channel in a blood vessel. • the bond binding amino acids together. • where parts of a chromosome are deleted. • where genes in a chromosome are flipped. • ...
Biology Revision 2020-12-18
- Glucose is stored as this in the liver
- How a clot is formed
- Produces testosterone directly into the blood stream
- A chamber is contracting
- High blood pressure
- Where the eggs develop
- Has four chambers
- Where fertilisation takes place
- A chamber is relaxed
- The site of exchange between the blood and the tissue cells
- Cells they divide by mitosis
- A period
- A blood clot
- The smooth lining of the lumen of a blood vessel
- Formed by meiosis in the ovaries
- First stage in cellular respiration
- Cells they divide by meiosis
- Sends blood from the heart to the rest of the body
- Sperm are produced here
- A scan that takes place at 8-14 weeks
- The good form of cholesterol which transports excess LDL to the liver for elimination
- Carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart and have valves to prevent back flow of blood
- The lining of the uterus
- An egg
- A drug which reduces LDL levels
- The valves in the4 aorta and the pulmonary artery
- Hormone made in the pituitary gland and promotes the interstitial cells to make testosterone
27 Clues: An egg • A period • A blood clot • Has four chambers • High blood pressure • How a clot is formed • A chamber is relaxed • Where the eggs develop • Sperm are produced here • A chamber is contracting • The lining of the uterus • Cells they divide by meiosis • Cells they divide by mitosis • Where fertilisation takes place • A drug which reduces LDL levels • Formed by meiosis in the ovaries • ...
Biology 2 2020-03-20
- The two-carbon nitrogen ring bases
- the man propose the law of inheritance
- An inflammation of the papillary layer.
- Stabilize and separate strands
- responsible for translation and process our cell use to make proteins
- Pairing of adenine and thymine requires how many hydrogen
- In the function of the Integumentary system, what is the first line of defense against Bacteria and Viruses
- Covers the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
- proves the bacteria change their molecular structures.
- breaks down materials
- Attracted to every hair follicle.
- protein that allows the transport of substances to membrane
- Consists of alveolar tissue. Contains smaller capillaries, lymphatics, and sensory neurons.
- Core, dead cells contain soft keratin and air to provide flexible.
- Anchors epidermal accessory structures hair follicles, sweet glands.
- Where does Dna replication takes place
- Also called as the building blocks of life
- Messenger carrying the information in order for a gene to synthesize protein
- As an organ, and is an alternative name for skin.
- Is translated into proteins
- one-carbon nitrogen ring bases
- is transcribe to rna
- Another term called for NA Polymerase I
- Covers most of the body, Has four layers of keratinocytes.
- It is the sensory detection?
- Protein that serves the function of moving other materials within an organism
- Sensory nerves at base of hair follicle that detect slight movement of hair.
- when does Dna replication takes place.
- dna molecule has nitrogenous bases
- join okazaki fragments and fill up spaces or nucleutides
30 Clues: is transcribe to rna • breaks down materials • Is translated into proteins • It is the sensory detection? • Stabilize and separate strands • one-carbon nitrogen ring bases • Attracted to every hair follicle. • The two-carbon nitrogen ring bases • dna molecule has nitrogenous bases • Where does Dna replication takes place • the man propose the law of inheritance • ...
Brain Biology 2020-04-07
- if it's broken you can't talk
- controls breathing and reflexes
- if this is damaged you may not be good at sports
- the largest of the three parts of brain
- controls your heartbeat
- controls drives
- lobe responsible for spatial relationships & pain
- lobe responsible for short term memory and hearing
- directs sensory input to different parts of brain
- regulates emotions
- sends signals to create voluntary movements
- area that helps with language comprehension
- responsible for hormone regulation
- lobe of the brain that controls vision
- hemisphere interpreting usual and spacial info
- hemisphere responsible for language
- lobe of the brain which helps with reasoning & judgement
- receives info about sensation in skin, joints, etc
- system controlling emotions
- Part of the brain that stores long term memory
20 Clues: controls drives • regulates emotions • controls your heartbeat • system controlling emotions • if it's broken you can't talk • controls breathing and reflexes • responsible for hormone regulation • hemisphere responsible for language • lobe of the brain that controls vision • the largest of the three parts of brain • sends signals to create voluntary movements • ...
Biology Vocabulary 2020-01-27
- Two or more atoms joined together
- The number of protons and electrons
- One atom transfers electrons to another
- Represents a compound
- Electrons outside the nucleus
- Atom with a neutral charge
- A charged atom
- When atoms share electrons
- Chart displaying all the elements
- Pure substance, a type of atom
- Outer most layer of orbitals
- Represents atoms going into a reaction and coming out as a different atom/element
- Process of forming and breaking bonds
- Atom with a positive charge
- Short representation of an element
- The number of protons and neutrons
- Atom with a negative charge
- Atoms that have different numbers of neutrons than they should in nucleus
- A compound formed by covalent bonds
- The smallest unit of all matter
20 Clues: A charged atom • Represents a compound • Atom with a neutral charge • When atoms share electrons • Atom with a positive charge • Atom with a negative charge • Outer most layer of orbitals • Electrons outside the nucleus • Pure substance, a type of atom • The smallest unit of all matter • Two or more atoms joined together • Chart displaying all the elements • ...
Biology 2 2020-01-27
- Circulatory / Doesn't mix with interstitial fluid
- Muscle / Wall of Heart; thick layer
- / Exchange water and dissolved substances with the fluid that surrounds the body's cells
- / Measure of food's energy content
- / Promotes reabsorption of Na to the bloodstream
- / It also causes Anemia
- / Tube that connects the bladder with the outside of the body
- / Reaction in which the cells clump together
- / Weakening of an artery wall that creates a bulge, or distention, of the artery
- / Vomit; Destroying intestines, esophagus and teeth
- / part of the throat behind the mouth and nasal cavity, and above the esophagus and larynx
- / exchanges these gases with the environment
- / Tiny sac with a wall of Epithelial tissue
- / Major excretory organs in the urinary systems
- / Contribute to the tendency of becoming overweight
- / Inflammation; Allergies
- / Attack infected or cancerous cell
- / Destroy bacteria and debris
- / Molecule that stimulates as immune reaction by B and T cells
- / One-cell-thick layer of squamous epithelium
- Nervosa / Condition of having as refusal to maintain normal body weight
- Hormone / Triggers the reabsorption of more water at the nephron and collecting duct
- / Physical and chemical breakdown of food
- shock / Life-threatening reaction in which mast cells release allergy mediators throughout the body
- / Take in food; entry of food in the digestive tract
- / A disorder in which neither T cell nor B cells function
- / Basic structural unit of your kidneys and filter fluid
- / Two elastic bands of tissue that vibrate as air from the lungs
- / Kills immune cells, can make the disease work leading to AIDS
- / Keeps the blood moving
30 Clues: / It also causes Anemia • / Inflammation; Allergies • / Keeps the blood moving • / Destroy bacteria and debris • / Measure of food's energy content • / Attack infected or cancerous cell • Muscle / Wall of Heart; thick layer • / Physical and chemical breakdown of food • / Tiny sac with a wall of Epithelial tissue • / Reaction in which the cells clump together • ...
Biology revision 2021-05-13
- delivers blood to the heart
- 'skin' of a leaf
- engulf the microbe by phagocytosis then digest it
- required for active transport
- moves sugar up and down the plant
- site of all chemical reactions
- pore which allows gas exchange in a leaf
- where proteins are made
- controls balance and muscular co-ordination
- a group of a single species
- where pollen is produced
- glucose is what kind of energy?
- fights off infection
- supplies the heart muscle with blood
- only found in a bacterial cell
- aerobic respiration finishes in the...
- moves water up the plant
- biological catalysts
- haemoglobin + oxygen =
- bacteria reproduce … and fast
- lollipop like structures
- where eggs are produced
- thymine pairs with...
- has a thick muscular wall as blood is under great preasure coming from the heart
- released by endocrine glands
- the movement of water in and out of a cell
- testis produce...
27 Clues: 'skin' of a leaf • testis produce... • biological catalysts • fights off infection • thymine pairs with... • haemoglobin + oxygen = • where proteins are made • where eggs are produced • moves water up the plant • lollipop like structures • where pollen is produced • delivers blood to the heart • a group of a single species • released by endocrine glands • required for active transport • ...
Biology terms 2020-06-05
- , ________ segmentation - A body plan in animals in which there is a linear repetition of functional units, which are added at the posterior end (e.g. annelids).
- , A high energy organic molecule used to store energy in living organisms.
- , A class of echinoderms; feather stars and sea lilies.
- , A class of cnidarians that includes sea anemones and corals.
- , A chordate animal (Superclass Gnathostomata) that has a backbone of vertebrae which develop around, and replace, the notochord during development.
- , 2 words, A fixed ring of meristematic cells which occurs in plants with secondary growth. It produces secondary xylem on the inside and produces secondary phloem towards the outside.
- , A higher level taxon (grouping) used in classifying organisms; below phyla.
- , A form of metabolism that requires oxygen.
- , A eukaryotic Kingdom of organisms including mushrooms and yeast.
- , A embryonic cavity in animals which becomes the gut.
- , A class of insects which all have wings.
- , A eukaryotic Kingdom of organisms including worms, insects, mammals and humans.
- , A free living organism that is morphologically very different from the embryo and adult.
- , A contractible sac at the base of a tube foot, in the water vascular system of echinoderms.
- , A cell containing only one copy of every chromosome.
- , A developmental stage some insect life cycles between the larva and the adult; it is non-feeding, immobile and sometimes encapsulated or in a cocoon.
- , A single celled organism moving and feeding using pseudopodia (i.e. false feet).
- , A class of echinoderms, the sea cucumbers.
- , A class of flatworms; the tapeworms.
- , A eukaryotic Kingdom of organisms including algae.
- , A form of asexual reproduction in which a complete organism forms from small fragments of its body.
- , A class of Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms); endoparasitic flukes.
- , A class of arthropods that includes spiders, scorpions, ticks and mites.
- , A crystal of calcium carbonate me; it is first formed within a cell, enlarging to a plate beneath the skin; forming the skeleton of echinoderms.
- , A eukaryotic Kingdom of organisms including mosses, ferns, trees and shrubs.
- , A class of cnidarians that has polyps as the dominant life stage; for example, Hydra or Obelia.
- , A body cavity with one opening to the outside; it functions as a digestive and circulatory system.
- , A fungus that forms a relationship with a plant, increasing nutrient supply to the plant and receiving carbohydrate from the plant.
- , A class of Platyhelminthes; ectoparasitic flukes.
- , ____________respiration - A form of metabolism that does not require oxygen.
- , A haploid cell which can combine with another gamete to undergo fertilisation (i.e. sperm, eggs).
- , A class of cnidarians; the box jellies.
- , A container or capsule made by animals to protect eggs and young.
- , A circulatory system in which blood flows through a series of vessels and is kept separate from other fluids inside an animal's body.
- , A class of echinoderms which includes the sea urchins and sand dollars.
- , A class of Phylum Platyhelminthes; free living flatworms.
- , A cell containing only two copies (or a pair) of every chromosome.
- , A class of echinoderms; brittle stars.
- , A genus of conifer, Pinus, used for timber and paper.
- , A cylindrical rod below the nerve chord and above the gut in all chordates that provides support and lateral flexibility to the body.
- , A group of higher vascular plant phyla that have seeds, pollen grains and wood but not flowers. It includes cycads and conifers.
- , A high energy organic molecule used to store energy in living organisms.
- , A depression, forming into a pore, in the growing embryo.
- , 2 words, A fluid filled body cavity, surrounded by muscles, that gives support and shape to the body of organisms.
- , A circulatory system in which blood flows partly through a series of vessels but mingles with other fluids inside an animal's body at some times.
- , A descriptive generalisation about how some aspect of the natural world behaves under stated circumstances.
- , A cells specialised for receiving, conducting and transmitting information to other cells; the basic unit of the nervous system.
- , A herbaceous plant, may be a monocot or a dicot plant.
- , A cell in a cnidarian that contains a nematocyst (stinging cell).
- , A group of segmented worms, including earthworms, leeches and marine worms.
50 Clues: , A class of flatworms; the tapeworms. • , A class of echinoderms; brittle stars. • , A class of cnidarians; the box jellies. • , A class of insects which all have wings. • , A form of metabolism that requires oxygen. • , A class of echinoderms, the sea cucumbers. • , A class of Platyhelminthes; ectoparasitic flukes. • ...
Biology Crossword 2020-10-08
- / an organ or cell that can respond to signals
- / used to describe something that does not require oxygen
- respiration / aerobic process
- / higher osmotic pressure than a substance
- / outcome of chemical reactions
- / colorless fluid
- cycle / series of chemical reactions
- / provides most of the chemical energy
- / organelle that stores DNA
- / substance that produces color
- / maintaining internal status
- / acceptor of energized electrons
- / organic compound that provides energy
- / movement of high concentration to low
- / same osmotic pressure as a substance
- / relating or requiring oxygen
- membrane / membrane that separates the interior from exterior
- / protoplasm within a living cell
- / contains amino acids
- / enlarges the rate of chemical reaction
- / organelles that conduct photosynthesis
- / living organism that produces organic substances
- / metabolic process
- / movement of low concentration to high
- / vesicle within the cytoplasm
25 Clues: / colorless fluid • / metabolic process • / contains amino acids • / organelle that stores DNA • / maintaining internal status • / relating or requiring oxygen • respiration / aerobic process • / vesicle within the cytoplasm • / outcome of chemical reactions • / substance that produces color • / protoplasm within a living cell • / acceptor of energized electrons • ...