books Crossword Puzzles

Books Crossword 2021-02-04

Books Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what a book is written on
  2. an online book
  3. a book about yourself
  4. another word for writing
  5. a section of a book
  6. a made up story
  7. the writer of the book
  8. a place that you can borrow books from
  1. someone who publishes the book to the public
  2. a fact book
  3. a long piece of writing about one topic
  4. a book with a hard cover
  5. a book with a paper cover
  6. what you write books with
  7. a book that defines words
  8. the words which form a book

16 Clues: a fact bookan online booka made up storya section of a booka book about yourselfthe writer of the booka book with a hard coveranother word for writingwhat a book is written ona book with a paper coverwhat you write books witha book that defines wordsthe words which form a booka place that you can borrow books from...


MY LIBRARY GLOSSARY crossword puzzle
  1. - Written permission to use the library.
  2. - Where books are stored in a library.
  3. - Alphabetical reference list.
  4. - Connected to the internet.
  5. - Silent.
  6. -Printed works.
  7. - Keeper of the books.
  8. - Large reference book.
  9. - Be engaged in learning.
  10. - You need this to borrow books.
  11. - Receive on loan.
  12. - Overdue fee.
  13. - A book to be consulted for information.
  14. - List of all items found in a library.
  1. - Historical records.
  2. - Non-factual literature.
  3. - A distinct group of books.
  4. - Descriptive term used when searching.
  5. Desk - Location where you check out books.
  6. - Account of a person’s life.
  7. - Publication issued regularly.
  8. - Fact finding.
  9. - Extend a loan on a book.
  10. - One place to browse.
  11. - Give permission to use.
  12. Date - The day you must return a book.
  13. Number - Indicates where a book is located.

27 Clues: - Silent.- Overdue fee.- Fact finding.-Printed works.- Receive on loan.- Historical records.- Keeper of the books.- One place to browse.- Large reference book.- Non-factual literature.- Be engaged in learning.- Give permission to use.- Extend a loan on a book.- A distinct group of books.- Connected to the internet.- Account of a person’s life....

Revision Books 2023-02-04

Revision Books crossword puzzle
  1. пролистать
  2. учебник
  3. пьеса
  4. энциклопедия
  5. инструкция
  6. заполнить
  7. комикс
  8. ужастик
  1. читать вслух
  2. сказка
  3. роман
  4. читать дальше
  5. журнал
  6. искать в словаре
  7. перевернуть (стр.)
  8. вычеркнуть

16 Clues: романпьесасказкажурналкомиксучебникужастикзаполнитьпролистатьвычеркнутьинструкциячитать вслухэнциклопедиячитать дальшеискать в словареперевернуть (стр.)

Famous Books 2024-06-20

Famous Books crossword puzzle
  1. The husband of a Lady (____ of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien)
  2. A round sweet treat (If You Give a Mouse a ____ By Laura Joffe Numeroff)
  3. London and Paris are... (A Tale of Two ____ by Charles Dickens)
  4. A violent end (To ____ a Mockingbird by Harper Lee)
  5. Often the partner of Thirst (The ___ Games by Suzanne Collins)
  6. Lilac and Lavender are shades of (The Color _____ by Alice Walker)
  7. Opposite of big (_____ Women by Louisa May Alcott)
  1. They make up a Pride (singular) (The ____, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis)
  2. What Hershey's Kisses are made of (Charlie and the _____ Factory by Roald Dahl
  3. A place with a playground and walking trails (Jurassic ____ by Michael Crichton)
  4. Made by a spider (Charlotte's ___ by E. B. White)
  5. A person who steals things (The Lightning ____ by Rick Riordan)
  6. Opposite of Out (Alice's Adventures __ Wonderland by Lewis Carroll)
  7. A name that sounds like "hairy" (_____ Potter by J.K. Rowling)
  8. It's not good, it's ... (The ____ Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald)
  9. A group of lions (___ and Prejudice by Jane Austen)

16 Clues: Made by a spider (Charlotte's ___ by E. B. White)Opposite of big (_____ Women by Louisa May Alcott)A violent end (To ____ a Mockingbird by Harper Lee)A group of lions (___ and Prejudice by Jane Austen)The husband of a Lady (____ of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien)Often the partner of Thirst (The ___ Games by Suzanne Collins)...

Library 2024-09-10

Library crossword puzzle
  1. A category or type of book, such as mystery or romance
  2. A genre of books that are imaginary or invented.
  3. An alphabetical list found at the end of books.
  4. The name of a book or story.
  5. A person who works in a library.
  6. The individual sheets of paper in a book.
  7. Fundamental to both literacy and libraries.
  8. A set of related books written by the same author.
  9. Books used for factual information.
  1. Books based on factual information.
  2. The entity responsible for printing and distributing books.
  3. The front and back of a book, often featuring artwork and the title.
  4. A person who writes books.
  5. – A collection of historical documents and records.
  6. When you borrow a book from the library for a period of time.
  7. Where books are stored in a library.

16 Clues: A person who writes books.The name of a book or story.A person who works in a library.Books based on factual information.Books used for factual information.Where books are stored in a library.The individual sheets of paper in a book.Fundamental to both literacy and libraries.An alphabetical list found at the end of books....

Never Let A Ghost Borrow Your Library Book 2021-09-14

Never Let A Ghost Borrow Your Library Book crossword puzzle
  1. Never let a ____ borrow your library book.
  2. Always keep your books in a ____ place.
  3. Do not ____ anything while reading your book.
  4. Do not use your library book as a ______.
  5. ____ your books!
  6. When you are finished with your book, ____ the book back to the Library.
  7. V.O.G = Very Official ________
  8. _____ your book if you are not finished with it yet and need to keep it longer.
  1. ___ your books when you carry them so you do not drop them.
  2. Always use a ______ to keep your place in the book.
  3. Do not let your ____ eat your library books.
  4. Always return your books on _____.
  5. Do not _____ in a book with crayons, pencils, or markers.
  6. Do not take your books out in the rain or put them in the _____.
  7. Don't turn the pages too _____ because then you'll hear that terrible ripping sound!
  8. Do not let a baby ____ on your books.
  9. Do not ___ ear the pages.
  10. Do not leave your books out in the ______.

18 Clues: ____ your books!Do not ___ ear the pages.V.O.G = Very Official ________Always return your books on _____.Do not let a baby ____ on your books.Always keep your books in a ____ place.Do not use your library book as a ______.Never let a ____ borrow your library book.Do not leave your books out in the ______.Do not let your ____ eat your library books....

La Escuela 2022-12-15

La Escuela crossword puzzle
  1. used to cut
  2. map
  3. art
  4. school
  5. door
  6. to write with
  7. room of books
  8. english
  9. bag for your books
  10. biology
  11. school table
  12. paper
  1. schedule
  2. math
  3. music
  4. used to measure
  5. gym
  6. test
  7. keep your books/backpack
  8. calculator
  9. sit

21 Clues: gymmapartsitmathtestdoormusicpaperschoolenglishbiologyschedulecalculatorused to cutschool tableto write withroom of booksused to measurebag for your bookskeep your books/backpack

BOOKS PUZZLE 2021-06-04

BOOKS PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. the most important character
  2. a version that is unique
  3. not available for the public
  4. where the story takes place
  5. the one that goes before the book
  6. the final part of the story
  7. the bad person
  8. the first part of the story
  9. where there sell books
  1. the small edition
  2. Genre about fiction
  3. where the words are write
  4. the second part of the story
  5. one type of cover
  6. the other type of cover
  7. the person that writed the book

16 Clues: the bad personthe small editionone type of coverGenre about fictionwhere there sell booksthe other type of covera version that is uniquewhere the words are writewhere the story takes placethe final part of the storythe first part of the storythe most important characterthe second part of the storynot available for the public...

Books + Wine 2023-09-15

Books + Wine crossword puzzle
  1. Literature describing imaginary events
  2. Gives access to free library services
  3. Writing without metrical structure
  4. The glass serving vessel for wine drinks
  5. Used to seal wine bottles
  6. A top-charting, popular book
  7. Wine compounds that affect dryness and mouthfeel
  8. Group that meets and discusses literature-- often with wine!
  9. wine that lacks sweetness
  1. Everyday wine, not sparkling or fortified
  2. Protective book binding-- not paperback
  3. Abbreviation for the local library system
  4. The most widely grown wine grape worldwide
  5. Wine expert in fine restaurants
  6. The first sparkling wine produced in America-- an Ohio flagship
  7. Spiced, warm wine served as punch

16 Clues: Used to seal wine bottleswine that lacks sweetnessA top-charting, popular bookWine expert in fine restaurantsSpiced, warm wine served as punchWriting without metrical structureGives access to free library servicesLiterature describing imaginary eventsProtective book binding-- not paperbackThe glass serving vessel for wine drinks...

Books, Books and more Books! 2018-09-14

Books, Books and more Books! crossword puzzle
  1. Harry Potter's owl
  2. Surname of author who wrote War Horse
  3. Title of a book about a boy with a facial disfigurement
  4. There is a fault in these. A book by John Green that was also made into a movie.
  1. Fantasy books spine label have this colour
  2. Number of towers in the 2nd Lord of the Rings book by JRR Tolkien
  3. A family member who is a gangsta
  4. Title of the first book in the Cherub series
  5. Character in a story who follows the Little Red Riding Hood
  6. The lightning thief's first name

10 Clues: Harry Potter's owlA family member who is a gangstaThe lightning thief's first nameSurname of author who wrote War HorseFantasy books spine label have this colourTitle of the first book in the Cherub seriesTitle of a book about a boy with a facial disfigurementCharacter in a story who follows the Little Red Riding Hood...

La Escuela 2022-12-15

La Escuela crossword puzzle
  1. used to cut
  2. map
  3. art
  4. school
  5. door
  6. to write with
  7. room of books
  8. english
  9. bag for your books
  10. biology
  11. school table
  12. paper
  1. schedule
  2. math
  3. music
  4. used to measure
  5. gym
  6. test
  7. keep your books/backpack
  8. calculator
  9. sit

21 Clues: gymmapartsitmathtestdoormusicpaperschoolenglishbiologyschedulecalculatorused to cutschool tableto write withroom of booksused to measurebag for your bookskeep your books/backpack


OUR WEST SCHOOL LIBRARY crossword puzzle
  1. The online library catalog
  2. When a book has one or more sequels
  3. Section for made-up stories
  4. To bring back library books you are done with
  5. Respect each other, enter prepared, act responsibly, and do your best
  6. One who writes the words of a book
  7. Section for dictionaries, thesauruses, encyclopedias
  8. Your library teacher
  9. What is kept in the section for books for "everyone"
  10. Where to put books you are returning
  1. Section for fact-filled books
  2. One who draws the pictures for a book
  3. Bring this electronic device each week
  4. Super awesome book-filled space where you are ALWAYS welcome
  5. Section for books about real people's lives
  6. Section for books with stories told comic-book style
  7. To want to keep your library book another week
  8. Where to put books you are renewing

18 Clues: Your library teacherThe online library catalogSection for made-up storiesSection for fact-filled booksOne who writes the words of a bookWhen a book has one or more sequelsWhere to put books you are renewingWhere to put books you are returningOne who draws the pictures for a bookBring this electronic device each week...

Inkheart: Mo's bookbinding 2023-04-17

Inkheart: Mo's bookbinding crossword puzzle
  1. pest that eats books
  2. the person that binds the books
  3. creates picture to go in books
  4. paper
  5. first thing you see on a book cover
  6. old books that are made from cow skin
  1. helps you remember where you last read
  2. a person who writes books
  3. protects the book from getting damaged
  4. keeps all the pages in place
  5. people who want Mo's service
  6. stores and organizes books
  7. commonly used binding in books
  8. mended
  9. opposite of the pages

15 Clues: papermendedpest that eats booksopposite of the pagesa person who writes booksstores and organizes bookskeeps all the pages in placepeople who want Mo's servicecommonly used binding in bookscreates picture to go in booksthe person that binds the booksfirst thing you see on a book coverold books that are made from cow skin...

unit 4 crossword Brian Budenz 2019-11-11

unit 4 crossword Brian Budenz crossword puzzle
  1. synonym for covenant
  2. list of inspired books of the Bible
  3. Testament forty six books of the Bible recording history of salvation
  4. first five books of Moses
  5. Parts of OT removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture
  6. Sacred scripture
  7. Study of Ancestry
  8. good news of God's mercy and love revealed in life, death, and Resurrection
  9. person elected by God to call to others to repent
  10. Testament Twenty seven books of the Bible
  1. of the Word portion of Mass including reading the scripture and homily
  2. books of the Bible included in the Jewish canon
  3. Greek for Five Books
  4. one who proclaims the good news
  5. Sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery
  6. what was the fist Catholic Bible in English
  7. hypothetical original source of the Pentateuch
  8. The Latin word for "common"
  9. Reflecting the perspective of Jews in Judah
  10. a version of the Septuagint produced by Origen

20 Clues: Sacred scriptureStudy of AncestryGreek for Five Bookssynonym for covenantfirst five books of MosesThe Latin word for "common"one who proclaims the good newslist of inspired books of the BibleTestament Twenty seven books of the Biblewhat was the fist Catholic Bible in EnglishReflecting the perspective of Jews in Judah...

The Bible 2018-08-16

The Bible crossword puzzle
  1. How many books in the old testament?
  2. What are the first four books of the new testament called?
  3. Who is the history of the old testament about?
  4. What kind of books are Job through Song of Solomon?
  5. The second division of the bible.
  6. What is the first book of history in the old testament?
  7. What kind of information do you find in the NT epistles?
  8. What is the last prophetical book in the old testament?
  1. How many books in the bible?
  2. How many books in the new testament?
  3. The first division of the bible.
  4. What new testament book tells the history of the church?
  5. Who were the epistles written to?
  6. What new testament book is prophetical about our future?
  7. What is the first prophetical book in the old testament?
  8. What event takes place first in the old testament?
  9. What is the last book of history in the old testament?
  10. How many authors wrote the old testament books?
  11. Whose birth, ministry, and death is the new testament about?
  12. How many authors wrote the new testament books?

20 Clues: How many books in the bible?The first division of the bible.Who were the epistles written to?The second division of the bible.How many books in the new testament?How many books in the old testament?Who is the history of the old testament about?How many authors wrote the old testament books?How many authors wrote the new testament books?...

Organisation & Lending 2019-02-12

Organisation & Lending crossword puzzle
  1. Borrow the book for longer. (5)
  2. A 'story' in a magazine or journal. (7)
  3. To place yourself on a waitlist for a book. (4)
  4. You will NOT find these on a fiction spine. (7)
  5. Number of weeks you can borrow a game. (3)
  6. We use this classification system for factual books. (12)
  7. 200s on factual books, are what subject? (8)
  8. This image on a spine represents the War section. (7)
  9. LGBTQ+ books have this around the base of the spine. (7)
  10. The labels on this area of a book, give us lots of information. (5)
  1. The number of books, magazines or DVDs you can borrow. (9)
  2. Freyberg Library is organised into these. (6)
  3. Image that shows material with a New Zealand focus. (10)
  4. These books have flags on the spine. (8)
  5. ... friendly books have a yellow label. (8)
  6. Slot in the Circulation Desk is for... (7)
  7. True, real life. (7)
  8. This 'Living Room' has spooky books in it. (6)
  9. Make believe, imaginary. (7)
  10. The label on a book that means it has a Maori focus. (6)

20 Clues: True, real life. (7)Make believe, imaginary. (7)Borrow the book for longer. (5)A 'story' in a magazine or journal. (7)These books have flags on the spine. (8)Slot in the Circulation Desk is for... (7)Number of weeks you can borrow a game. (3)... friendly books have a yellow label. (8)200s on factual books, are what subject? (8)...

Book Classifications 2023-09-07

Book Classifications crossword puzzle
  1. Books that explain natural phenomena.
  2. Imaginary stories with characters and events.
  3. Stories about love and relationships.
  4. Books about past events and civilizations.
  5. Real-life books with facts and information.
  6. and Photography Books showcasing visual creativity.
  7. Books about faith, spirituality, and beliefs.
  1. Books that offer advice and guidance.
  2. Life stories of real people.
  3. Books that involve solving puzzles or crimes.
  4. Books set in magical or mythical worlds.
  5. Fiction Imaginative tales with futuristic technology.
  6. Guides for preparing delicious meals.
  7. Short, expressive verses and poems.
  8. Books about exploring different places.

15 Clues: Life stories of real people.Short, expressive verses and poems.Books that offer advice and guidance.Books that explain natural phenomena.Stories about love and relationships.Guides for preparing delicious meals.Books about exploring different places.Books set in magical or mythical worlds.Books about past events and civilizations....

Books 2 2015-05-07

Books 2 crossword puzzle
  1. The author gives us (sight) ..... into the life of a typical Polish family.
  2. (admit) ....., the book has a few flaws. Still, it’s a great read.
  3. It is a (grip) ..... read, it will haunt you.
  4. This book is (put) ..... , it is electrifying.
  5. I was put off by the book’s (thick) ......,it had over 500 pages.
  6. The characters are totally (believe) ...... Many readers will identify with them.
  7. The book is a great (literature) ..... achievement, it’s a triumph.
  8. The (portrait) ..... of the Polish society is absolutely brilliant.
  9. The author (use) ..... the slang, I find it discouraging.
  1. The storyline is very (intrigue) ...... .It has many twists and turns.
  2. The language of the author is very (distinct) ..... . It is unmistakeable.
  3. The protagonist is (like) ...... Though she keeps making mistakes, she has a big heart.
  4. This is a book of great (original) .....and wit.
  5. In my opinion the author should (simple) ..... the plot. There are so many descriptions and details that you can’t follow the story.
  6. The book is hilarious. You will break into (laugh) ..... all the time.
  7. The book is bound to scare you to (die) ..... .

16 Clues: It is a (grip) ..... read, it will haunt you.This book is (put) ..... , it is electrifying.The book is bound to scare you to (die) ..... .This is a book of great (original) .....and wit.The author (use) ..... the slang, I find it discouraging.I was put off by the book’s (thick) ......,it had over 500 pages....

Books Crossword 2021-02-04

Books Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. someone who publishes the book to the public
  2. a book about yourself
  3. a section of a book
  4. a long piece of writing about one topic
  5. the writer of the book
  6. a fact book
  1. an online book
  2. a book that defines words
  3. a place that you can borrow books from
  4. what a book is written on
  5. a book with a paper cover
  6. the words which form a book
  7. a made up story
  8. a book with a hard cover
  9. another word for writing
  10. what you write books with

16 Clues: a fact bookan online booka made up storya section of a booka book about yourselfthe writer of the booka book with a hard coveranother word for writinga book that defines wordswhat a book is written ona book with a paper coverwhat you write books withthe words which form a booka place that you can borrow books from...

Unit 4 Review Game-Ledo 2019-11-11

Unit 4 Review Game-Ledo crossword puzzle
  1. wrote The Epistles
  2. another name for Sacred Scripture
  3. Greek for going out
  4. perspective of believers in the northern kingdom of Israel
  5. perspective of Jews in Judah
  6. Greek for second law
  7. means "rule" in Greek and Latin
  8. number of books in the Bible
  9. Judges is part of this group of books
  10. number of books in New Testament
  11. Psalms is part of this group of books
  1. wrote the Acts of the Apostles
  2. translated Scripture into Latin
  3. the purest text of the Bible
  4. priesthood after Babylonian Exile
  5. book of Deurteronomy
  6. another name for a Gospel writer
  7. shortest gospel
  8. Jeremiah is part of this group of books
  9. Greek for origins
  10. six number of books in Old Testament
  11. gospel that starts out with genealogy of Christ
  12. the Book of Revelation is attributed to him

23 Clues: shortest gospelGreek for originswrote The EpistlesGreek for going outbook of DeurteronomyGreek for second lawthe purest text of the Bibleperspective of Jews in Judahnumber of books in the Biblewrote the Acts of the Apostlestranslated Scripture into Latinmeans "rule" in Greek and Latinanother name for a Gospel writernumber of books in New Testament...

Library Scavenger Hunt 2013-05-19

Library Scavenger Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. list of chapters & their page numbers
  2. person who writes a book
  3. person who wrote Harry Potter books
  4. person who wrote Tintin books
  5. list of books
  6. person who draws the pictures
  7. name of a book
  8. dictionary at the back of the book
  9. storybooks
  10. Dewey number 741
  11. books written by Ted Prior
  1. list of subjects & the pages on which they are found
  2. books that are true
  3. Dewey number 912
  4. number that tells you where a book goes in the library
  5. company that produces & markets the book
  6. Dewey number 560
  7. easy chapter books
  8. who owns the information & the date it is produced
  9. number that identifies the book in the library
  10. back of the book that holds the book together
  11. Dewey number 641
  12. Dewey number 821
  13. book written by Roald Dahl
  14. number that tells you the subject of the book

25 Clues: storybookslist of booksname of a bookDewey number 912Dewey number 560Dewey number 641Dewey number 821Dewey number 741easy chapter booksbooks that are trueperson who writes a bookbook written by Roald Dahlbooks written by Ted Priorperson who wrote Tintin booksperson who draws the picturesdictionary at the back of the book...

Unit 4 Review Game 2019-11-07

Unit 4 Review Game crossword puzzle
  1. Who wrote majority of the epistles?
  2. The study of ancestry or a chronological list of ancestors
  3. From the Greek for 5 books; the Torah
  4. One who proclaims the good news
  5. The Old Testament books that comprise the stories of the prophets who cast judgment and warn of divine retribution while calling Israel to repentance
  6. The list of the inspired books of the Bible
  7. A version of the Septuagint produced by origin
  8. The books in the Bible included in the Canon
  9. The earliest books written in the New Testament were the _____.
  10. What does canon literally mean?
  11. A person selected by God to call others to repentance in order to avoid dire consequences
  12. A type of sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery
  1. From the Latin word common; the name of St. Jerome's translation of the bible from the original languages into Latin
  2. The forty-six books that make up the Bible recording the history of salvation
  3. What literary form is Revelation?
  4. The portion of the Mass that includes the reading of the scripture and the homily
  5. An event or person in scripture pointing to a later event or person that has similar virtues or other qualities as its fulfillment
  6. A synonym for covenant
  7. The twenty-seven books of the Bible written by sacred authors in the apostolic era
  8. How many books are in the Old Testament?
  9. The 5 books of moses

21 Clues: The 5 books of mosesA synonym for covenantOne who proclaims the good newsWhat does canon literally mean?What literary form is Revelation?Who wrote majority of the epistles?From the Greek for 5 books; the TorahHow many books are in the Old Testament?The list of the inspired books of the BibleThe books in the Bible included in the Canon...

Library Scavenger Hunt 2013-05-19

Library Scavenger Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. person who writes a book
  2. Dewey number 821
  3. dictionary at the back of the book
  4. easy chapter books
  5. Dewey number 560
  6. number that tells you where a book goes in the library
  7. person who wrote Harry Potter books
  8. person who draws the pictures
  9. list of chapters & their page numbers
  10. number that identifies the book in the library
  11. storybooks
  12. person who wrote Tintin books
  13. back of the book that holds the book together
  1. number that tells you the subject of the book
  2. Dewey number 741
  3. company that produces & markets the book
  4. list of books
  5. name of a book
  6. books that are true
  7. books written by Ted Prior
  8. Dewey number 912
  9. who owns the information & the date it is produced
  10. Dewey number 641
  11. book written by Roald Dahl
  12. list of subjects & the pages on which they are found

25 Clues: storybookslist of booksname of a bookDewey number 741Dewey number 821Dewey number 560Dewey number 912Dewey number 641easy chapter booksbooks that are trueperson who writes a bookbooks written by Ted Priorbook written by Roald Dahlperson who draws the picturesperson who wrote Tintin booksdictionary at the back of the book...

Unit 4 crossword Brian Budenz 2019-11-11

Unit 4 crossword Brian Budenz crossword puzzle
  1. hypothetical original source of the Pentateuch
  2. person elected by God to call to others to repent
  3. synonym for covenant
  4. Study of Ancestry
  5. books of the Bible included in the Jewish canon
  6. good news of God's mercy and love revealed in life, death, and Resurrection
  7. Sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery
  8. of the Word portion of Mass including reading the scripture and homily
  9. Reflecting the perspective of Jews in Judah
  10. Testament Twenty seven books of the Bible
  11. Testament forty six books of the Bible recording history of salvation
  1. Parts of OT removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture
  2. first five books of Moses
  3. Greek for Five Books
  4. a version of the Septuagint produced by Origen
  5. what was the fist Catholic Bible in English
  6. list of inspired books of the Bible
  7. one who proclaims the good news
  8. The Latin word for "common"
  9. Sacred scripture

20 Clues: Sacred scriptureStudy of AncestryGreek for Five Bookssynonym for covenantfirst five books of MosesThe Latin word for "common"one who proclaims the good newslist of inspired books of the BibleTestament Twenty seven books of the Biblewhat was the fist Catholic Bible in EnglishReflecting the perspective of Jews in Judah...

unit 4 crossword Brian Budenz 2019-11-11

unit 4 crossword Brian Budenz crossword puzzle
  1. good news of God's mercy and love revealed in life, death, and Resurrection
  2. synonym for covenant
  3. Testament Twenty seven books of the Bible
  4. Study of Ancestry
  5. person elected by God to call to others to repent
  6. Parts of OT removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture
  7. Reflecting the perspective of Jews in Judah
  8. a version of the Septuagint produced by Origen
  1. Sacred scripture
  2. The Latin word for "common"
  3. hypothetical original source of the Pentateuch
  4. list of inspired books of the Bible
  5. books of the Bible included in the Jewish canon
  6. of the Word portion of Mass including reading the scripture and homily
  7. Sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery
  8. what was the fist Catholic Bible in English
  9. first five books of Moses
  10. one who proclaims the good news
  11. Greek for Five Books
  12. Testament forty six books of the Bible recording history of salvation

20 Clues: Sacred scriptureStudy of Ancestrysynonym for covenantGreek for Five Booksfirst five books of MosesThe Latin word for "common"one who proclaims the good newslist of inspired books of the BibleTestament Twenty seven books of the Biblewhat was the fist Catholic Bible in EnglishReflecting the perspective of Jews in Judah...

bookbinder 2023-04-17

bookbinder crossword puzzle
  1. the writer of book
  2. thing that produces books
  3. a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically.
  4. middle of the story or highest amount of
  5. the part getting closer to climax
  6. place to work
  7. the cover of books
  8. what the book tells
  9. to repair
  10. how books are created
  11. the back half of a book
  12. things he uses to repair books
  13. something you read out of
  14. a book of all words
  1. type of book eating animal
  2. mo's job
  3. what the book is called
  4. to restore
  5. the material in the book
  6. when you build again
  7. the front half o the book
  8. the beggining of a story
  9. the edge that hols the pages together
  10. the thing holding books in libary
  11. place were you put books
  12. a big book used in school
  13. what is on the pages of the book
  14. lacing the book

28 Clues: mo's jobto repairto restoreplace to worklacing the bookthe writer of bookthe cover of bookswhat the book tellsa book of all wordswhen you build againhow books are createdwhat the book is calledthe back half of a bookthe material in the bookthe beggining of a storyplace were you put booksthing that produces booksthe front half o the book...

bookbinder 2023-04-17

bookbinder crossword puzzle
  1. the writer of book
  2. thing that produces books
  3. a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically.
  4. middle of the story or highest amount of
  5. the part getting closer to climax
  6. place to work
  7. the cover of books
  8. what the book tells
  9. to repair
  10. how books are created
  11. the back half of a book
  12. things he uses to repair books
  13. something you read out of
  14. a book of all words
  1. type of book eating animal
  2. mo's job
  3. what the book is called
  4. to restore
  5. the material in the book
  6. when you build again
  7. the front half o the book
  8. the beggining of a story
  9. the edge that hols the pages together
  10. the thing holding books in libary
  11. place were you put books
  12. a big book used in school
  13. what is on the pages of the book
  14. lacing the book

28 Clues: mo's jobto repairto restoreplace to worklacing the bookthe writer of bookthe cover of bookswhat the book tellsa book of all wordswhen you build againhow books are createdwhat the book is calledthe back half of a bookthe material in the bookthe beggining of a storyplace were you put booksthing that produces booksthe front half o the book...

What you find in a library 2017-02-15

What you find in a library crossword puzzle
  1. a creative design
  2. you put your books in it
  3. you write on it with white board markers
  4. real life
  5. you type on them
  6. to tell the time
  7. what holds books
  8. made up story's
  9. what you do with books
  10. what chairs go under
  1. the person whos incharge of the library
  2. pictures in books
  3. made from trees to write on
  4. to tell the meaning of the word
  5. borrow from a library
  6. what you read
  7. what you sit on
  8. to cool you down

18 Clues: real lifewhat you readwhat you sit onmade up story'syou type on themto tell the timewhat holds booksto cool you downpictures in booksa creative designwhat chairs go underborrow from a librarywhat you do with booksyou put your books in itmade from trees to write onto tell the meaning of the wordthe person whos incharge of the library...

The Bible 2024-08-17

The Bible crossword puzzle
  1. How many books in the old testament?
  2. What is the last prophetical book in the old testament?
  3. The first division of the bible.
  4. What kind of books are Job through Song of Solomon?
  5. What is the first prophetical book in the old testament?
  6. How many books in the new testament?
  7. Who were the epistles written to?
  8. What is the first book of history in the old testament?
  1. What event takes place first in the old testament?
  2. The second division of the bible.
  3. What new testament book is prophetical about our future?
  4. What are the first four books of the new testament called?
  5. How many authors wrote the new testament books?
  6. How many authors wrote the old testament books?
  7. What new testament book tells the history of the church?
  8. Who is the history of the old testament about?
  9. How many books in the bible?
  10. What kind of information do you find in the NT epistles?
  11. Whose birth, ministry, and death is the new testament about?
  12. What is the last book of history in the old testament?

20 Clues: How many books in the bible?The first division of the bible.The second division of the bible.Who were the epistles written to?How many books in the old testament?How many books in the new testament?Who is the history of the old testament about?How many authors wrote the new testament books?How many authors wrote the old testament books?...

Unit 4 Crossword Brian Budenz 2019-11-11

Unit 4 Crossword Brian Budenz crossword puzzle
  1. first five books of Moses
  2. good news of God's mercy and love revealed in life, death, and Resurrection
  3. Reflecting the perspective of Jews in Judah
  4. Study of Ancestry
  5. person elected by God to call to others to repent
  6. hypothetical original source of the Pentateuch
  7. Parts of OT removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture
  8. Sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery
  9. Testament Twenty seven books of the Bible
  10. Sacred scripture
  1. The Latin word for "common"
  2. synonym for covenant
  3. a version of the Septuagint produced by Origen
  4. one who proclaims the good news
  5. books of the Bible included in the Jewish canon
  6. Greek for Five Books
  7. what was the fist Catholic Bible in English
  8. Testament forty six books of the Bible recording history of salvation
  9. of the Word portion of Mass including reading the scripture and homily
  10. list of inspired books of the Bible

20 Clues: Sacred scriptureStudy of Ancestrysynonym for covenantGreek for Five Booksfirst five books of MosesThe Latin word for "common"one who proclaims the good newslist of inspired books of the BibleTestament Twenty seven books of the BibleReflecting the perspective of Jews in Judahwhat was the fist Catholic Bible in English...

Unit 4 Review Game -Cooper 2019-11-07

Unit 4 Review Game -Cooper crossword puzzle
  1. who assembled the Bible
  2. he leads the conquest of Canaan
  3. religious observances
  4. this is the story of King David
  5. from the Greek for 5 books, the Torah
  6. the temple is rebuilt
  7. which NT books are written earliest
  8. census of all the tribes of Israel
  9. editor who revised all 5 books
  10. used the name Elohim for God
  11. the books of the Bible included in the Jewish canon of Scripture
  12. number of books in wisdom
  13. how many books are in the OT
  14. used the name Yahweh for God
  1. heroic Jewish women saves Israel by a clever strategy
  2. tells the story of the Israelites' escape from Egypt
  3. Deuteronomy
  4. the NT does what to the OT
  5. who wrote the Epistles
  6. synonym for covenant
  7. tells the story of creation
  8. this is the tragic story of King Saul
  9. continues the story of Ezra
  10. repeats some of the laws in the earlier books
  11. David's son, Solomon, who commits idolatry
  12. becomes Queen of Persia and saves the Jewish exiles

26 Clues: Deuteronomysynonym for covenantreligious observancesthe temple is rebuiltwho wrote the Epistleswho assembled the Biblenumber of books in wisdomthe NT does what to the OTtells the story of creationcontinues the story of Ezraused the name Elohim for Godhow many books are in the OTused the name Yahweh for Godeditor who revised all 5 books...

Language Arts Crossword 2022-05-05

Language Arts Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A genre of books with dragons and magic
  2. What you do after writing a rough draft of a story.
  3. Small rectangular objects with words in them. We read them from left to right in English.
  4. A kind of writing that often rhymes; written in stanzas
  5. A genre of books (in the future) that portray the world in a new type of society. The world operates much differently.
  6. A kind of writing (a genre) which involves the supernatural or ghosts.
  7. A kind of writing that is true.
  8. An online book often read by the author or professional. (plural)
  9. A genre of writing that has true historic events and fictional characters or events. (Two words)
  10. A kind of writing (a genre) which might include a detective or many twists and turns.
  11. A place you can go to check out books for free. Usually at least one in each city.
  1. A word for pictures in books
  2. A type of covering for books. Often more expensive than the other. When a book first hits the market it is sold like this.
  3. What books are printed on.
  4. A kind of writing that is not true.
  5. Not a hardcover book. The opposite of a hardcover.
  6. A genre of books / stories about love.
  7. A funny kind of books. Starts with an H
  8. A book written about a person.
  9. A person who writes a book is called an _________.

20 Clues: What books are printed on.A word for pictures in booksA book written about a person.A kind of writing that is true.A kind of writing that is not true.A genre of books / stories about love.A genre of books with dragons and magicA funny kind of books. Starts with an HNot a hardcover book. The opposite of a hardcover....

Library Crossword 2021-03-12

Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What are factual books called?
  2. What genre of books are about a person?
  3. What day is KS3 Book Club?
  4. What genre of books can have aliens and robots?
  5. What day is KS4 Book Club?
  6. What are books stored on?
  7. What genre of books will make you laugh?
  8. What do you read?
  9. What is the online library called?
  1. What club runs on a Monday?
  2. Where can you borrow books?
  3. What club runs on Wednesdays?
  4. What genre of books can have Elves, Vampires and Magic?
  5. What are story books called?
  6. What is a genre of book that might scare you?

15 Clues: What do you read?What are books stored on?What day is KS3 Book Club?What day is KS4 Book Club?What club runs on a Monday?Where can you borrow books?What are story books called?What club runs on Wednesdays?What are factual books called?What is the online library called?What genre of books are about a person?What genre of books will make you laugh?...

Library Crossword 2023-10-31

Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a building or room containing a collection of books
  2. list of alphabetical words; usually found at the back of nonfiction books
  3. person who draws or creates pictures for a book
  4. genre of books where the reader follows a character as they attempt to solve a puzzle or crime
  5. books based on true stories or facts
  6. an alphabetical list of topics and their page number(s) where they can be found in a book; usually located at the back of a nonfiction book
  7. books are considered this when they are not returned on time
  8. person who writes a book
  9. genre of books that contain magical elements
  1. Mrs. Carroll's favorite football team
  2. to return books, you can drop them into the book _____
  3. list of chapters or sections given at the front of a book is called the table of __________
  4. books that are created by the imagination (not factual)
  5. genre of books that includes stories from the past are called __________ fiction
  6. to extend the due date for a book
  7. the main name of a book
  8. book's binding, which is visible when placed on a bookshelf

17 Clues: the main name of a bookperson who writes a bookto extend the due date for a bookbooks based on true stories or factsMrs. Carroll's favorite football teamgenre of books that contain magical elementsperson who draws or creates pictures for a booka building or room containing a collection of booksto return books, you can drop them into the book _____...

Books in the Bible 2023-09-05

Books in the Bible crossword puzzle
  1. New Testament is all about ____
  2. Books in the New Testament
  3. the Bible is divided into __ groups
  4. This is another name for the Books of the Law.
  5. Only prophecy book in New Testament
  6. __ letters written by apostle Paul
  7. These are known as the books of everyday wisdom.
  1. Books in the Bible
  2. ___ wrote the Books of the law.
  3. The Prophetic books has Major and ___ Prophets.
  4. Books in Old Testament
  5. the Old Testament is divided into __ categories
  6. The ___ books tell the history of the nation of Israel
  7. __, Mark, Luke, and John are the gospel books

14 Clues: Books in the BibleBooks in Old TestamentBooks in the New TestamentNew Testament is all about _______ wrote the Books of the law.__ letters written by apostle Paulthe Bible is divided into __ groupsOnly prophecy book in New Testament__, Mark, Luke, and John are the gospel booksThis is another name for the Books of the Law....

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

The Bible and The Holy Scriptures 2013-05-11

The Bible and The Holy Scriptures crossword puzzle
  1. The Bible contains seventy____ books
  2. Sense
  3. Bible index
  4. Latin version of the bible declared authoritative by the Council of Trent
  5. The Book of Job, The Book of Psalms, The Book of Proverbs, etc
  6. Osee, Joel & Micheas are ___ prophets
  7. First five books of the Bible
  8. Author of a canonical gospel
  9. Last books of the Bible
  10. Language of most of New Testament
  1. Synonym for Torah
  2. Books written before the Incarnation of our Lord
  3. Inspired by
  4. "Catechesis of prayer"
  5. Isaias, Jeremias & Daniel are ___ prophets
  6. List of inspired books
  7. Language of most of Old Testament
  8. Sense
  9. Synonym for Holy Scripture
  10. First book of the bible

20 Clues: SenseSenseBible indexInspired bySynonym for Torah"Catechesis of prayer"List of inspired booksFirst book of the bibleLast books of the BibleSynonym for Holy ScriptureAuthor of a canonical gospelFirst five books of the BibleLanguage of most of Old TestamentLanguage of most of New TestamentThe Bible contains seventy____ books...

Unit 2- Nicholas Garcia 2023-10-13

Unit 2- Nicholas Garcia crossword puzzle
  1. The meaning of “testament”
  2. First 5 books of the Bible and means law
  3. Numbers of books in New Testament
  4. Someone who writes a gospel, 4 of them
  5. the acronym for the three stages of a text
  6. Hebrew word for the prophetic books
  7. Hebrew for wisdom texts
  8. Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament LXX 70 translation
  9. Hidden, the name the non Catholics use for the 7 books that Catholics call the deuteron cannon.
  1. What Mathew, Mark, and Luke have in common
  2. means good news
  3. Longest gospel
  4. Authored the most books in the New Testament
  5. Numbers of books in the Old Testament
  6. Greek word used in the New Testament for "proclamation"
  7. The acronym for 4 major prophets
  8. Shortest gospel
  9. Measuring rod
  10. Greek word for the Torah

19 Clues: Measuring rodLongest gospelmeans good newsShortest gospelHebrew for wisdom textsGreek word for the TorahThe meaning of “testament”The acronym for 4 major prophetsNumbers of books in New TestamentHebrew word for the prophetic booksNumbers of books in the Old TestamentSomeone who writes a gospel, 4 of themFirst 5 books of the Bible and means law...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

Library Search 2017-05-15

Library Search crossword puzzle
  1. Dewey# 636.8
  2. Author of Geronimo Stilton books
  3. Dewey# 001.9
  4. Call# for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  5. Author of Curious George books
  6. Section to find Shel Silverstein's poetry books
  7. Dewey# 031
  8. Dewey# 741.5
  1. Section to find Harry Potter
  2. Author of The Hobbit
  3. Section to find Amulet series
  4. Series by Ursula Vernon
  5. Section to find The Maestro Plays
  6. Dewey# 567.9
  7. Call# for Horrible Harry books
  8. Call# for Magic Tree House books
  9. Series by C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of ____

17 Clues: Dewey# 031Dewey# 636.8Dewey# 001.9Dewey# 567.9Dewey# 741.5Author of The HobbitSeries by Ursula VernonSection to find Harry PotterSection to find Amulet seriesAuthor of Curious George booksCall# for Horrible Harry booksAuthor of Geronimo Stilton booksCall# for Magic Tree House booksSection to find The Maestro Plays...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

bookbinder crosword 2023-04-18

bookbinder crosword crossword puzzle
  1. valuable only to collectors and libraries
  2. what are on pages
  3. the first page of a book
  4. the first book ever
  5. the books mo read out of.
  6. where books are stored to be shared
  1. an idiom for a very avid reader
  2. what are in most books
  3. where the books are stored in a collection
  4. what mo gets in return for his work
  5. how most books are divided
  6. the job of repairing books
  7. what an author writes on
  8. what mo uses to fix books
  9. the longest book series ever

15 Clues: what are on pagesthe first book everwhat are in most bookswhat an author writes onthe first page of a bookwhat mo uses to fix booksthe books mo read out most books are dividedthe job of repairing booksthe longest book series everan idiom for a very avid readerwhat mo gets in return for his workwhere books are stored to be shared...

Bible Facts Crossword Puzzle 2020-09-15

Bible Facts Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for the Bible.
  2. Is at the heart of religion.
  3. Name for the Pope and the Bishops.
  4. Songs.
  5. Jewish first 5 books.
  6. Word for the origin of all things.
  7. the second part of the bible.
  8. Inspired to write the Bible by the ______.
  9. Ruth, Esther, and _____ are female authors.
  1. Good news.
  2. Wise sayings.
  3. God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  4. "hidden" books of the Protestant Bible.
  5. Greek word meaning "books". Bible is named after
  6. Person who wrote the Pentateuch.
  7. The first 5 books of the bible.
  8. A.D means ______ (Year of our God).
  9. The official list of books in the bible.
  10. Matthew, Mark,_____, and John.
  11. Two primary tongues of the scriptures.Hebrew & _.

20 Clues: Songs.Good news.Wise sayings.Jewish first 5 books.Another name for the Bible.Is at the heart of religion.the second part of the bible.Matthew, Mark,_____, and John.The first 5 books of the bible.Person who wrote the Pentateuch.Name for the Pope and the Bishops.Word for the origin of all things.A.D means ______ (Year of our God)....

Fahrenheit 451 Part Two 2022-09-30

Fahrenheit 451 Part Two crossword puzzle
  1. what Montag thinks of books
  2. what Faber says books smell like
  3. Mildred considers family
  4. The book Montag stole
  5. Montag hears the jingle of Denham's
  6. Clarisse asks Montag is he is ....
  7. Faber reads the book of Montag
  8. how Mrs. Phelps reaction to poem
  9. Faber says books have these
  10. a retired English professor
  11. Faber says Montag is looking for what in books?
  1. what the firetruck resembles
  2. the current president
  3. Montag keeps repeating on subway
  4. Montag compares the women to
  5. the novels takes place in a
  6. Mildred says books are not ...
  7. Faber considers himself
  8. what Montag reads to the women
  9. whose address is on the slip
  10. where he first sees Faber

21 Clues: the current presidentThe book Montag stoleFaber considers himselfMildred considers familywhere he first sees Faberwhat Montag thinks of booksFaber says books have thesea retired English professorwhat the firetruck resemblesMontag compares the women towhose address is on the slipMildred says books are not ...what Montag reads to the women...

Books 2021-04-21

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Books written by well-known authors, that have become a must read in school (e. g. "Hamlet").
  2. Mystery books, often involving police and an investigation of a crime (e. g. "Sherlock Holmes").
  3. Books about an unreal world (e. g. "Harry Potter").
  4. Books about travelling to different interesting places.
  5. Books about scary and sometimes mystical events (e. g. "Pet Sematary").
  1. Books involving a love story.
  2. Books with a little amount of words, but a lot of pictures (e. g. "Marvel").
  3. Books about space and other planets.
  4. Books about war, soldiers and attacks.

9 Clues: Books involving a love story.Books about space and other planets.Books about war, soldiers and attacks.Books about an unreal world (e. g. "Harry Potter").Books about travelling to different interesting places.Books about scary and sometimes mystical events (e. g. "Pet Sematary")....

books 2013-04-03

books crossword puzzle
  1. Pride and Prejudice is a ___________________. It's not very challenging but it's really enjoyable.
  2. The last Nicholas Sparks book is a_____________________. Everybody is reading it.
  3. The last book I read was a__________________. I couldn't know what would happen next.
  4. I always read an English book with a ________________ in order to check the meaning of the unknown words.
  5. I always give up when the book is_________________________and I can't understand the story.
  1. Harry Potter is a real_________________. You can't put it down.
  2. I can't believe the books my brother reads. The stories are terrible and the characters are not interesting. I think they're all________________.
  3. Manga is a Japanese ________________________.
  4. Our teacher allowed us to use the online_________________to do the project

9 Clues: Manga is a Japanese ________________________.Harry Potter is a real_________________. You can't put it down.Our teacher allowed us to use the online_________________to do the projectThe last Nicholas Sparks book is a_____________________. Everybody is reading it.The last book I read was a__________________. I couldn't know what would happen next....

BOOKS 2023-02-22

BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. The One and Only ___
  2. ___ of the Lost Cities
  3. Percy ___
  4. Harry ___
  5. A ___ In Time
  1. The Lion, the Witch and the ___
  2. When You ___ Me
  3. Spy ___ (by Stuart Gibbs)
  4. Diary Of A ___ Kid

9 Clues: Percy ___Harry ___A ___ In TimeWhen You ___ MeDiary Of A ___ KidThe One and Only ______ of the Lost CitiesSpy ___ (by Stuart Gibbs)The Lion, the Witch and the ___

BOOKS 2025-01-11

BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. a person who writes poems
  2. a person who writes plays
  3. and events
  4. books about imaginary characters and events
  5. the name of a book
  6. a long printed story about imaginary
  1. writing that is about real events and facts
  2. writer of a book, article, play
  3. style, especially in the arts, that have some

9 Clues: and eventsthe name of a booka person who writes poemsa person who writes playswriter of a book, article, playa long printed story about imaginarywriting that is about real events and factsbooks about imaginary characters and eventsstyle, especially in the arts, that have some

Books 2025-01-20

Books crossword puzzle


shondelles and jacintas crossword library quiz 2017-02-15

shondelles and jacintas crossword library quiz crossword puzzle
  1. the level of your voice
  2. displayed on the walls
  3. you sit on them
  4. where teachers work and children cant go
  5. a helpful worker in the library
  6. you place books on
  7. to take home books
  8. something you work on
  1. different topics
  2. you write on them then rub off, you can also display work
  3. you do it with a book
  4. a creative person who draws in books to match the writing
  5. stories that are made up
  6. you read them quietly
  7. true facts and stories
  8. someone who helps you learn
  9. you _____ from books
  10. its name can be found on the cover
  11. you type on it
  12. something you must not break

20 Clues: you type on ityou sit on themdifferent topicsyou place books onto take home booksyou _____ from booksyou do it with a bookyou read them quietlysomething you work ontrue facts and storiesdisplayed on the wallsthe level of your voicestories that are made upsomeone who helps you learnsomething you must not breaka helpful worker in the library...

Apple Books 2020-06-09

Apple Books crossword puzzle
  1. Access your book anywhere
  2. Section of story
  3. Where you left off
  4. Save and read later
  5. A collection
  6. List of all books
  7. White on black text
  1. What's popular
  2. Popular book club leader
  3. Making your book known
  4. Online source for books
  5. Outside part of a book
  6. A recorded book
  7. Inside part of a book
  8. Where you find the written word

15 Clues: A collectionWhat's popularA recorded bookSection of storyList of all booksWhere you left offSave and read laterWhite on black textInside part of a bookMaking your book knownOutside part of a bookOnline source for booksPopular book club leaderAccess your book anywhereWhere you find the written word

Popular Books 2024-02-13

Popular Books crossword puzzle
  1. Shakespearean Tragedy that follows a Scottish king.
  2. This beloved horror novel features a hotel with a mind of its own.
  3. This feminist novel made Alice Walker the first African American woman to win a Pulitzer prize for fiction.
  4. This popular franchise features the boy who lived
  5. This children's book follows a little girl with telekinesis.
  6. These Dystopian novels feature a killing tournament to entertain the wealthy class ultimately resulting in resistance.
  7. Horror Novel that follows a modern prometheus.
  1. Jane Austen’s most beloved story featuring Ms. Bennet and Mr. Darcy.
  2. This popular mystery novel takes place on a train stranded in a snowstorm.
  3. Fantasy Novels that revolve around a ring
  4. This modern vampire romance series has sold 160 million copies world wide.
  5. Novel Set in the 1920’s explaining the illusions of the American Dream
  6. This dystopian story features a state where women are owned for childbearing purposes.
  7. This World War Two story is narrated by death.
  8. This novel exploring the destructive impacts of slavery features a haunted house in Cincinnati.

15 Clues: Fantasy Novels that revolve around a ringThis World War Two story is narrated by death.Horror Novel that follows a modern prometheus.This popular franchise features the boy who livedShakespearean Tragedy that follows a Scottish king.This children's book follows a little girl with telekinesis....

books 2013-01-07

books crossword puzzle
  1. the thing which you often hide from others
  2. c.s lewis is the author
  3. the author of this book worked as an aerospace engineer as well as indian administrator
  4. it is translated from bengali to english
  1. it is a travel adventure with fun and humour.
  2. an adventure novel written by robert louis steveson
  3. story of a girl set at a progressive boarding school
  4. known for its numerical value
  5. it is a tragic comedy by william shakesphere

9 Clues: c.s lewis is the authorknown for its numerical valueit is translated from bengali to englishthe thing which you often hide from othersit is a tragic comedy by william shakesphereit is a travel adventure with fun and adventure novel written by robert louis stevesonstory of a girl set at a progressive boarding school...

Books 2014-02-27

Books crossword puzzle
  1. A book with maps in it
  2. A book of facts
  3. This tells you what the book is about
  4. The person who writes the book
  5. These are inside the book cover
  1. A book that tells you what words mean
  2. A story book
  3. The people in a story
  4. The person who draws the pictures for the book

9 Clues: A story bookA book of factsThe people in a storyA book with maps in itThe person who writes the bookThese are inside the book coverA book that tells you what words meanThis tells you what the book is aboutThe person who draws the pictures for the book

Books 2021-06-03

Books crossword puzzle
  1. punane
  2. kott
  3. kool
  4. valge
  1. kollane
  2. koer
  3. kast
  4. must
  5. kass

9 Clues: koerkastkottmustkoolkassvalgepunanekollane

Books 2022-03-31

Books crossword puzzle
  1. book about two silly people stopped by animals
  2. young girl with special powers
  3. children are being turned into mice
  4. A group of friends discover dragons aren't all that bad
  1. A fox plots to bring down 3 farmers
  2. Bilbo goes on an adventure with some dwarves and finds a special ring
  3. book about a boy wizard
  4. a young boy searches for his father in a feline way
  5. a young boy discovers he is actually the son of a greek god

9 Clues: book about a boy wizardyoung girl with special powersA fox plots to bring down 3 farmerschildren are being turned into micebook about two silly people stopped by animalsa young boy searches for his father in a feline wayA group of friends discover dragons aren't all that bada young boy discovers he is actually the son of a greek god...

books 2022-08-15

books crossword puzzle
  1. he is like a monster know because he wore the ring for to long.
  2. A huge beast who guards treasure.
  3. A young girl who has to run with her family from the great depression
  4. a strong man who died trying to beat a steam drill
  1. a huge man who has a blue ox
  2. a small man but he pretends to be giant
  3. A place where everyone is mind controlled to be happy and where IT lives.
  4. Where Auggie and his family live.
  5. a young girl who had a puppy named toto

9 Clues: a huge man who has a blue oxA huge beast who guards treasure.Where Auggie and his family live.a small man but he pretends to be gianta young girl who had a puppy named totoa strong man who died trying to beat a steam drillhe is like a monster know because he wore the ring for to long....

books 2022-08-15

books crossword puzzle
  1. A huge beast who guards treasure.
  2. A place where everyone is mind controlled to be happy and where IT lives.
  3. Follow the yellow brick road
  4. Died trying to beat a steam drill
  5. Had an ox friend named Babe
  1. Longing for his Precious
  2. A young girl who has to run with her family from the great depression
  3. Had a puppy named Toto
  4. Where Auggie and his family live.

9 Clues: Had a puppy named TotoLonging for his PreciousHad an ox friend named BabeFollow the yellow brick roadA huge beast who guards treasure.Died trying to beat a steam drillWhere Auggie and his family live.A young girl who has to run with her family from the great depressionA place where everyone is mind controlled to be happy and where IT lives.

Books 2023-04-23

Books crossword puzzle
  1. mysterious or supernatural event
  2. daugther of a king
  3. woman wearing a black cap and a pointed hat
  4. someone who wrote books
  1. a sheet of paper in a book
  2. an imaginary creature
  3. together they make a sentence
  4. people in a story
  5. the creation of an author

9 Clues: people in a storydaugther of a kingan imaginary creaturesomeone who wrote booksthe creation of an authora sheet of paper in a booktogether they make a sentencemysterious or supernatural eventwoman wearing a black cap and a pointed hat

BOOKS 2024-04-18

BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. Ziraldo is the (?) of "O Menino Maluquinho".
  2. This book (?) is very beautiful.
  3. A (?) is formed by sentences.
  4. There are 224 (?) on the book "Diary of a wimpy kid".
  5. I love to study about (?).
  6. "Pinocchio" is my favorite (?).
  1. When I want to read I go to the (?)
  2. His favorite literary (?) is adventure.
  3. Monica and Magali are (?) of "Monica's Gang".

9 Clues: I love to study about (?).A (?) is formed by sentences."Pinocchio" is my favorite (?).This book (?) is very beautiful.When I want to read I go to the (?)His favorite literary (?) is adventure.Ziraldo is the (?) of "O Menino Maluquinho".Monica and Magali are (?) of "Monica's Gang".There are 224 (?) on the book "Diary of a wimpy kid".

Elementary Book Crossword 2024-05-13

Elementary Book Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the name of the book
  2. the author of Cat in the Hat
  3. a type of book that gives information
  4. Has a trunk also Piggy's friend
  5. a place where you can buy books
  6. Main character's first name of J.K. Rowling's books
  7. Creator of Fly guy
  8. a place where you can borrow books
  1. Genre of books that have magic
  2. Genre of books that have possible real life stories
  3. a part of the book where the call number is located
  4. person who writes the book
  5. Creator of Pigeon books
  6. a popular graphic by Dav Pilkey
  7. something to hold your spot in a book
  8. Genre of books that make you laugh

16 Clues: Creator of Fly guythe name of the bookCreator of Pigeon booksperson who writes the bookthe author of Cat in the HatGenre of books that have magica popular graphic by Dav PilkeyHas a trunk also Piggy's frienda place where you can buy booksGenre of books that make you laugha place where you can borrow bookssomething to hold your spot in a book...

Library Week Crossword 2024-02-20

Library Week Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A person's life story.
  2. An electronic version of something you read.
  3. Books are arranged on these.
  4. Taking out a book from the library.
  5. Stories that are made up.
  6. Fiction stories that are scary.
  7. Name of a book.
  8. Factual books.
  9. Book of words.
  1. A company that prints books.
  2. Abbreviation of International Standard Book Number.
  3. The author of Harry Potter series.
  4. Something you read.
  5. Person that works in the library.
  6. Person who draws pictures for books.
  7. Writer of a book.
  8. A place you borrow books.
  9. Library book deadline

18 Clues: Factual books.Book of words.Name of a book.Writer of a book.Something you read.Library book deadlineA person's life story.Stories that are made up.A place you borrow books.A company that prints books.Books are arranged on these.Fiction stories that are scary.Person that works in the library.The author of Harry Potter series....

Library Week Crossword 2024-02-20

Library Week Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A person's life story.
  2. An electronic version of something you read.
  3. Books are arranged on these.
  4. Taking out a book from the library.
  5. Stories that are made up.
  6. Fiction stories that are scary.
  7. Name of a book.
  8. Factual books.
  9. Book of words.
  1. A company that prints books.
  2. Abbreviation of International Standard Book Number.
  3. The author of Harry Potter series.
  4. Something you read.
  5. Person that works in the library.
  6. Person who draws pictures for books.
  7. Writer of a book.
  8. A place you borrow books.
  9. Library book deadline

18 Clues: Factual books.Book of words.Name of a book.Writer of a book.Something you read.Library book deadlineA person's life story.Stories that are made up.A place you borrow books.A company that prints books.Books are arranged on these.Fiction stories that are scary.Person that works in the library.The author of Harry Potter series....

Books 2023-03-27

Books crossword puzzle
  1. People who write books
  2. A smart girl who's parents do not care about her .
  3. The book which was written by David Williams and is about naughty children.
  4. The author who wrote charlie and the chocolate factory.
  5. The person who wrote harry potter
  1. The book where there is a girl lost in Wonderland.
  2. The classic story where there is a wolf chasing a red girl.
  3. famous williamshakespear British old poets who wrote Romeo and Juliet
  4. Huge loving giant by Roald Dahl

9 Clues: People who write booksHuge loving giant by Roald DahlThe person who wrote harry potterThe book where there is a girl lost in Wonderland.A smart girl who's parents do not care about her .The author who wrote charlie and the chocolate factory.The classic story where there is a wolf chasing a red girl....

Books 2021-07-15

Books crossword puzzle
  1. something spoken or written.
  2. Stories that describe imaginary events or people.
  3. To gain knowledge or skills.
  4. Events told for entertainment.
  5. To look at and understand printed words.
  1. Book that helps understand meaning of words.
  2. Place for reading and learning.
  3. Printed matter on pages that are bound or glued together.
  4. One side of a sheet of paper.

9 Clues: something spoken or written.To gain knowledge or skills.One side of a sheet of paper.Events told for entertainment.Place for reading and learning.To look at and understand printed words.Book that helps understand meaning of words.Stories that describe imaginary events or people.Printed matter on pages that are bound or glued together.

Books 2022-07-14

Books crossword puzzle
  1. a series of fiction book written by Liz Pichon
  2. a person who reads a lot
  3. elizabethdami
  4. James and the giant____
  5. The secret Island
  1. The magic of the lost temple
  2. Author of Harry Potter
  3. Dr.Seuss
  4. a book by Roald Dahl

9 Clues: Dr.SeusselizabethdamiThe secret Islanda book by Roald DahlAuthor of Harry PotterJames and the giant____a person who reads a lotThe magic of the lost templea series of fiction book written by Liz Pichon

Fahrenheit 451 2023-11-30

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. How you get to work
  2. The main theme
  3. Author
  4. The substance used to burn books
  5. Has a strong passion for books
  6. What kills the books
  7. The genre
  8. Mechanical killer
  1. Montag's weapon of choice
  2. What you put in your ear
  3. Montag's wife
  4. They are outlawed
  5. Montag's partner in crime
  6. Book haters
  7. Controller of the public
  8. Speeding car
  9. Captain
  10. Uniform symbol

18 Clues: AuthorCaptainThe genreBook hatersSpeeding carMontag's wifeThe main themeUniform symbolThey are outlawedMechanical killerHow you get to workWhat kills the booksWhat you put in your earController of the publicMontag's weapon of choiceMontag's partner in crimeHas a strong passion for booksThe substance used to burn books

OUR LIBRARY 2024-09-19

OUR LIBRARY crossword puzzle
  1. most popular books
  2. where you borrow books
  3. recent additions from Textile students
  4. what the year 13s should do in the Library
  5. we R also this
  6. this year
  7. card game
  8. the most amazing library helpers
  9. finished the book?
  10. imaginary
  11. pages glued and bound
  12. take home to read
  13. everyone welcomed
  14. hot off the press
  1. made me read it
  2. busiest place in the school
  3. our school
  4. we R always this
  5. where books are displayed
  6. common occurance
  7. real
  8. we especially need to be this R

22 Clues: realthis yearcard gameimaginaryour schoolwe R also thismade me read itwe R always thiscommon occurancetake home to readeveryone welcomedhot off the pressmost popular booksfinished the book?pages glued and boundwhere you borrow bookswhere books are displayedbusiest place in the schoolwe especially need to be this Rthe most amazing library helpers...

books 2022-08-15

books crossword puzzle
  1. Longing for his Precious
  2. A young girl who has to run with her family from the great depression
  3. Where Auggie and his family live.
  4. Had a puppy named Toto
  1. Had an ox friend named Babe
  2. Died trying to beat a steam drill
  3. A huge beast who guards treasure.
  4. A place where everyone is mind controlled to be happy and where IT lives.
  5. Follow the yellow brick road

9 Clues: Had a puppy named TotoLonging for his PreciousHad an ox friend named BabeFollow the yellow brick roadDied trying to beat a steam drillA huge beast who guards treasure.Where Auggie and his family live.A young girl who has to run with her family from the great depressionA place where everyone is mind controlled to be happy and where IT lives.

Books 2022-07-18

Books crossword puzzle
  1. the author of the Harry Potter series
  2. a book that is on a screen
  3. a murder mystery book set on a train
  4. an adventure book series written by Enid Blyton
  5. a book with a hard cover
  1. the author of the lion,the witch and the wardrobe
  2. a book about a selfish girl who discovers the wonders of the outside world
  3. the author of the Murder most unladylike series
  4. Wilson author of the tracy beaker series

9 Clues: a book with a hard covera book that is on a screena murder mystery book set on a trainthe author of the Harry Potter seriesWilson author of the tracy beaker seriesthe author of the Murder most unladylike seriesan adventure book series written by Enid Blytonthe author of the lion,the witch and the wardrobe...

Books 2020-05-19

Books crossword puzzle
  1. this is what you think or believe about something(onpoiin)
  2. this one of the sections in the book that usually have a number or a title (crheatp)
  3. this person writes books( aruoht)
  4. you can put books on this (sfhel)
  1. the words and the pictures on this help you decide if you want to read it (ovcer)
  2. this is the las part of the book(den)
  3. this pictures are done with a pen or a pencil (dsraingw)
  4. this is the name the writer gives to the book (iltet)
  5. you turn this as you read (psgae)

9 Clues: you turn this as you read (psgae)this person writes books( aruoht)you can put books on this (sfhel)this is the las part of the book(den)this is the name the writer gives to the book (iltet)this pictures are done with a pen or a pencil (dsraingw)this is what you think or believe about something(onpoiin)...

Books 2021-02-01

Books crossword puzzle
  1. a bear in children’s books
  2. famous character that Agatha Christie made
  3. books that have a hidden answer
  1. this happens in most mystery books, after the culprit is caught
  2. well known adult horror author from Maine
  3. a genre with legends
  4. not real
  5. ______ Rockwell
  6. Sherlock ________

9 Clues: not real______ RockwellSherlock ________a genre with legendsa bear in children’s booksbooks that have a hidden answerwell known adult horror author from Mainefamous character that Agatha Christie madethis happens in most mystery books, after the culprit is caught

Books 2021-03-20

Books crossword puzzle
  1. it's a roaldaplh story a poor family has a very ric friends in the end
  2. son of a greek god a trouble maker
  3. a mouse who thinks it's stronger than this beast
  4. fairies goblins and gnomes
  5. A book lover who has evil parents
  1. yellow brick road
  2. book by doctor Seuss everything rymes
  3. famous person falls in a dumpster
  4. mysteries

9 Clues: mysteriesyellow brick roadfairies goblins and gnomesfamous person falls in a dumpsterA book lover who has evil parentsson of a greek god a trouble makerbook by doctor Seuss everything rymesa mouse who thinks it's stronger than this beastit's a roaldaplh story a poor family has a very ric friends in the end

Books 2021-10-31

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Nağıl
  2. Maraqlı
  3. Roman
  4. Könül,qəlb
  5. Xəfiyyə,dedektiv
  6. mark İşarələmək
  1. Eqoist
  2. Macəra
  3. allow İcazə vermək
  4. Şirin
  5. print Çap etmək

11 Clues: NağılRomanŞirinEqoistMacəraMaraqlıKönül,qəlbprint Çap etməkmark İşarələməkXəfiyyə,dedektivallow İcazə vermək

Books 2016-10-19

Books crossword puzzle
  1. subject of discussion
  2. A figure of speech with the words like and as
  3. A word so formed
  4. a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a
  1. Obvious and intertional exaggeration
  2. The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities
  3. Time in place of a story
  4. The highest or most interest point
  5. is expressed by your point of view and the level of formality in your writing.

9 Clues: A word so formedsubject of discussionTime in place of a storyThe highest or most interest pointObvious and intertional exaggerationA figure of speech with the words like and asThe use of symbols to represent ideas or qualitiesis expressed by your point of view and the level of formality in your writing....

Books 2023-08-20

Books crossword puzzle
  1. A long, fictional story
  2. The main female character in a book
  3. Provides information about a place you are visiting
  4. A series of three books
  5. The story of a book
  1. Tells you how to cook particular dishes
  2. A person's story of his/her own life
  3. Uses pictures and speech bubbles to tell stories
  4. A book about a person's life, written by another person

9 Clues: The story of a bookA long, fictional storyA series of three booksThe main female character in a bookA person's story of his/her own lifeTells you how to cook particular dishesUses pictures and speech bubbles to tell storiesProvides information about a place you are visitingA book about a person's life, written by another person

Books 2025-02-19

Books crossword puzzle
  1. American Poet mentioned in "Breaking Bad"
  2. Asimov famous series
  3. A Sci-Fi/Fantasy author who challenged racist and sexist codes in the genre. She wrote the "Earthsea" series.
  4. "Rage, rage against the dying of the ..." (poem by D. Thomas)
  1. Detective created by Agatha Christie
  2. Japanese manhwa
  3. "Don't judge a book by its..." (idiom)
  4. Book by Paul Coelho : "The ..."
  5. This 19th French author was of Afro-Caribbean ancestry.

9 Clues: Japanese manhwaAsimov famous seriesBook by Paul Coelho : "The ..."Detective created by Agatha Christie"Don't judge a book by its..." (idiom)American Poet mentioned in "Breaking Bad"This 19th French author was of Afro-Caribbean ancestry."Rage, rage against the dying of the ..." (poem by D. Thomas)...

yo crossword example 2021-03-13

yo crossword example crossword puzzle
  1. a type of books that wrte about life
  2. fiction a type of books that is not but about science
  3. writing a type of books that like manual
  4. a type of books that has a sad ending
  5. fiction a type of books that is history like humanity
  1. a type of books that is write for children with some real things
  2. fiction a type of books that may happen in real life
  3. a type of books that has a happy ending/can make you laugh
  4. a type of books that maybe not real
  5. a type of books that is writing other people life
  6. a type of books that is not real and about adventure
  7. a type of books that usually write for children
  8. a type of books that teaches you a story

13 Clues: a type of books that maybe not reala type of books that wrte about lifea type of books that has a sad endingwriting a type of books that like manuala type of books that teaches you a storya type of books that usually write for childrena type of books that is writing other people lifea type of books that is not real and about adventure...

Banned Books 2017-09-21

Banned Books crossword puzzle
  1. Blank the Spy Banned because she records suspicious activity and keeps a running list of observations on virtually everyone she knows.
  2. Blank Nona banned because the character created noodles through magic.
  3. Why have the Harry Potter books been banned?
  4. Banned books week is celebrated in what month.
  5. Blank and the Giant Peach His parents are killed and he's sent to live with his two evil aunts. A gigantic fruit grows in their yard and crushes his aunts. There, he meets life-size insects and they all go on adventures together. What is the name of this book?
  1. Blank the Wild Things Are Banned in the South parts of the U.S. because the fact that Max was “sent to bed without his supper" was akin to child abuse.
  2. Blank Women, the book was banned due to portraying strong female characters?
  3. Blank web which famous children's book was banned in America because talking animals were seen to be ungodly?
  4. The blank one of Doctor Seuss books banned because it offended forestry workers?
  5. The blank banned because of this statement in the book "A witch is always a woman. I do not wish to speak badly about women. Most women are lovely. But the fact remains that all witches are women. There is no such thing as a male witch."
  6. Litte blank Ridding Hood which classic was banned because school districts objected to the use of alcohol in the illustration?
  7. The blank blank Pigs banned because it might offend believers of the Muslim faith.
  8. Blank Steig Author of Sylvester and the Magic Pebble banned in 1977, police associations in 12 states urged the libraries to remove the book because it portrays police as pigs.
  9. Blank Martin Jr. Brown Bear Brown Bear banned because an author with the same name as this book’s author wrote a different book about Marxism.
  10. Blank Blume author of such adolescent girl books as Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret, Superfudge, and Freckle Juice has landed on the challenge book list almost more times than any other author?

15 Clues: Why have the Harry Potter books been banned?Banned books week is celebrated in what month.Blank Nona banned because the character created noodles through magic.Blank Women, the book was banned due to portraying strong female characters?The blank one of Doctor Seuss books banned because it offended forestry workers?...

Classic Books 2012-04-04

Classic Books crossword puzzle
  1. Keats wrote about a story about what kind of day?
  2. Girl who followed a white rabbit
  3. This logical and analytical boy is said to be a walking
  4. The color of the hat of the man who kept a nosy primate
  1. Author of peachy fantastic stories about large things
  2. Girl who went to see a green city
  3. Boy who traveled on a raft with Jim
  4. Author whose name is a color and can spin a good story
  5. Author who writes about two aphibian friends
  6. First name of a confused domestic
  7. A magical Island with pirates, Indians, and boys
  8. Author who writes about bugs and does odd things with the pages
  9. A wonderouos land of yellow and green
  10. Author who wrote about a little house of long ago
  11. Mother to the lost boys

15 Clues: Mother to the lost boysGirl who followed a white rabbitGirl who went to see a green cityFirst name of a confused domesticBoy who traveled on a raft with JimA wonderouos land of yellow and greenAuthor who writes about two aphibian friendsA magical Island with pirates, Indians, and boysKeats wrote about a story about what kind of day?...

80.Books 2023-06-18

80.Books crossword puzzle
  1. - A place where books are kept and can be borrowed.
  2. - The outside of a book that protects the pages inside
  3. - A person or animal in a book or story
  4. - A book that tells the story of someone's life, written by that person
  5. - A type of book that is based on real events or people
  6. - A category or type of book, such as mystery or science fiction
  1. - A type of book that is not based on real events or people
  2. - A group of books that are related and tell a continuing story
  3. - A picture in a book that helps tell the story
  4. - The person who wrote a book
  5. - A long work of fiction that tells a story
  6. - A section of a book that is usually numbered or titled
  7. - The name of a book
  8. - A book that tells the story of someone's life
  9. - The sequence of events that make up a story

15 Clues: - The name of a book- The person who wrote a book- A person or animal in a book or story- A long work of fiction that tells a story- The sequence of events that make up a story- A picture in a book that helps tell the story- A book that tells the story of someone's life- A place where books are kept and can be borrowed....

Bestselling Books 2024-08-21

Bestselling Books crossword puzzle
  1. J.K. Rowling, wizarding world
  2. J.R.R. Tolkien, adventure fantasy
  3. Yuval Noah Harari, human history
  4. F. Scott Fitzgerald, American dream
  5. Stephen King, horror, supernatural
  6. Ray Bradbury, dystopian future
  1. Frank Herbert, science fiction epic
  2. Gillian Flynn, psychological thriller
  3. Malcolm Gladwell, success factors
  4. Paulo Coelho, philosophical journey
  5. Stephenie Meyer, vampire romance
  6. George Orwell, political satire
  7. Jane Austen, classic romance
  8. Joseph Heller, absurd war
  9. George Orwell, dystopian future

15 Clues: Joseph Heller, absurd warJane Austen, classic romanceJ.K. Rowling, wizarding worldRay Bradbury, dystopian futureGeorge Orwell, political satireGeorge Orwell, dystopian futureStephenie Meyer, vampire romanceYuval Noah Harari, human historyMalcolm Gladwell, success factorsJ.R.R. Tolkien, adventure fantasyStephen King, horror, supernatural...

kids books 2018-12-18

kids books crossword puzzle
  1. clownfish that gets lost at sea and marlin tries to find him
  2. princess who kisses a frog and turns into a frog
  3. a family saves people's life fighting almost everyday
  4. little spider who saves wilburn's life
  5. forced to work fell in love with the prince
  6. duck who thought it was ugly and its a swan
  1. little elephant with big ears and can fly
  2. little lion who's dad dies and becomes king of the jungle
  3. black and white cat with a red and white stripped hat
  4. lion,zebra,giraffe,hippo who get lost try to find their way back home
  5. talks to animals and lived with seven dwarfs
  6. mermaid with a red head and can sing really good
  7. green and fluffy and stole christmas
  8. girl who goes into war as a boy to save her dad's life
  9. little penguin who likes to dance and enjoys it

15 Clues: green and fluffy and stole christmaslittle spider who saves wilburn's lifelittle elephant with big ears and can flyforced to work fell in love with the princeduck who thought it was ugly and its a swantalks to animals and lived with seven dwarfslittle penguin who likes to dance and enjoys itmermaid with a red head and can sing really good...

kids books 2018-12-18

kids books crossword puzzle
  1. little elephant with big ears and can fly
  2. black and white cat with a red and white stripped hat
  3. forced to work fell in love with the prince
  4. girl who goes into war as a boy to save her dad's life
  5. mermaid with a red head and can sing really good
  6. a family saves people's life fighting almost everyday
  7. talks to animals and lived with seven dwarfs
  8. little penguin who likes to dance and enjoys it
  9. green and fluffy and stole christmas
  1. lion,zebra,giraffe,hippo who get lost try to find their way back home
  2. clownfish that gets lost at sea and marlin tries to find him
  3. duck who thought it was ugly and its a swan
  4. little spider who saves wilburn's life
  5. little lion who's dad dies and becomes king of the jungle
  6. princess who kisses a frog and turns into a frog

15 Clues: green and fluffy and stole christmaslittle spider who saves wilburn's lifelittle elephant with big ears and can flyduck who thought it was ugly and its a swanforced to work fell in love with the princetalks to animals and lived with seven dwarfslittle penguin who likes to dance and enjoys itprincess who kisses a frog and turns into a frog...

Authors & Books 2021-12-01

Authors & Books crossword puzzle
  1. How many books are in the Harry Potter Series?
  2. Who was the author of the Harry Potter Series?
  3. Who died in Bridge To Teribithia?
  4. What type of text is this called someone else writes a book about another person?
  5. What type of book is about greek warriors and myths?
  6. Who is the author of the Grug books?
  7. Who was the author of BUSTING?
  1. Who was the author of the Narnia series?
  2. What is the spell Hermione uses to unlock the doors?
  3. Who created the book serie Sky Dragon?
  4. Who is the main character in Bridge To Teribithia?
  5. Name a book written by David Walliams?
  6. Complete the title Rise Of The _ _ _ _ _ _?
  7. Finish the title Green Eggs and _ _ _?
  8. Where is Platform 9/3 quarters?

15 Clues: Who was the author of BUSTING?Where is Platform 9/3 quarters?Who died in Bridge To Teribithia?Who is the author of the Grug books?Who created the book serie Sky Dragon?Name a book written by David Walliams?Finish the title Green Eggs and _ _ _?Who was the author of the Narnia series?Complete the title Rise Of The _ _ _ _ _ _?...

Mostly Books 2023-05-19

Mostly Books crossword puzzle
  1. Pooh's little friend
  2. Boxcar children author
  3. The dirty dog
  4. Town of Madeline
  5. Uncle to Frodo
  6. Youngest little Pepper
  7. French girl orphans
  8. Author of Baby Island
  1. Fruit for Sal
  2. Dahl fruit
  3. 101 dogs
  4. Frog animal class
  5. Curious Monkey
  6. Ramona's sister
  7. Detective Nancy

15 Clues: 101 dogsDahl fruitFruit for SalThe dirty dogCurious MonkeyUncle to FrodoRamona's sisterDetective NancyTown of MadelineFrog animal classFrench girl orphansPooh's little friendAuthor of Baby IslandBoxcar children authorYoungest little Pepper

famous books 2024-01-09

famous books crossword puzzle
  1. its wearing a hat
  2. intestine
  3. Anne is of this
  4. james and the .........
  5. dragon
  6. diary of ..... kid
  7. has a lightning scar
  8. its very hungry
  9. oposite of a frown
  10. this is annyas
  1. charlie go's to the ........ factory
  2. gorilla detective
  3. son of a god
  4. siblings that are girls
  5. Pennywise

15 Clues: dragonintestinePennywiseson of a godthis is annyasAnne is of thisits very hungryits wearing a hatgorilla detectivediary of ..... kidoposite of a frownhas a lightning scarjames and the .........siblings that are girlscharlie go's to the ........ factory

Famous Books 2024-04-29

Famous Books crossword puzzle
  1. Voltaire's satire.
  2. Sylvia Plath's semi-autobiographical novel.
  3. First part of Dante's Divine Comedy.
  4. Tolstoy's epic about Napoleonic wars.
  5. Orwell's novella criticizing totalitarianism.
  6. Novel about a sea captain's revenge on a whale.
  7. German legend retold by Goethe.
  8. Heller's satirical novel on absurdity of war.
  1. Shelley's novel of a creature created by science.
  2. Ancient Greek epic poem.
  3. Tragic play by Shakespeare.
  4. Old English epic poem.
  5. Abbreviation for Tolkien's fantasy series.
  6. F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel about the American dream.
  7. Bram Stoker's tale of a vampire.

15 Clues: Voltaire's satire.Old English epic poem.Ancient Greek epic poem.Tragic play by Shakespeare.German legend retold by Goethe.Bram Stoker's tale of a vampire.First part of Dante's Divine Comedy.Tolstoy's epic about Napoleonic wars.Abbreviation for Tolkien's fantasy series.Sylvia Plath's semi-autobiographical novel....