chemistry Crossword Puzzles

Spanish Vocab 7 2013-12-12

Spanish Vocab 7 crossword puzzle
  1. drivers' education
  2. French
  3. grammar
  4. physics
  5. library
  6. auditorium
  7. cafeteria
  8. lunch
  9. locker
  10. Latin
  11. 7th period
  12. newspaper
  13. 8th period
  14. study hall
  15. classroom
  16. government
  17. gym
  18. bathroom
  19. Spanish
  20. technology
  21. business
  1. 2nd period
  2. literature
  3. band
  4. home economics
  5. geometry
  6. 1st period
  7. 9th period
  8. clinic
  9. algebra
  10. office
  11. art
  12. 10th period
  13. yearbook
  14. PE
  15. English
  16. biology
  17. 4th period
  18. 5th period
  19. social studies
  20. 6th period
  21. 3rd period
  22. drama
  23. chorus
  24. chemistry

45 Clues: PEartgymbandlunchLatindramaFrenchclinicofficelockerchorusalgebragrammarphysicslibraryEnglishbiologySpanishgeometryyearbookbathroombusinesscafeterianewspaperclassroomchemistry2nd periodliterature1st period9th periodauditorium4th period5th period7th period6th period3rd period8th periodstudy hallgovernmenttechnology10th periodhome economics...

Review 3 2013-08-06

Review 3 crossword puzzle
  1. because
  2. call off
  3. wellbeing
  4. very good, rhymes with date
  5. move apart
  6. a store where you buy tools
  7. look at two things to find what is the same of different about them
  8. what you say when you are sorry, an ____
  9. go away
  1. weigh something with this
  2. to be careful
  3. to cut paper with
  4. physics, chemistry, biology
  5. to make something different
  6. it rhymes with might, starts with the letter after p
  7. danger, _____ exit
  8. why you do something
  9. bigger than a book with lots of pictures
  10. wellbeing, if it's not good you see the doctor
  11. where you go to exercise

20 Clues: becausego awaycall offwellbeingmove apartto be carefulto cut paper withdanger, _____ exitwhy you do somethingwhere you go to exerciseweigh something with thisphysics, chemistry, biologyto make something differentvery good, rhymes with datea store where you buy toolsbigger than a book with lots of pictureswhat you say when you are sorry, an ____...

Item 9: Crossword Puzzle 2014-11-23

Item 9: Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Portending evil
  2. An omen
  3. To pollute
  4. Not sure
  5. Laughter or amusement
  6. To long for
  7. Showing friendliness
  8. A favorable opinion of ones importance
  9. To bring to existence
  10. To beg
  11. Difficult to control
  12. A sign of forewarning
  1. To move up
  2. Ones who practices medieval chemistry
  3. Confused
  4. To think or meditate in silence
  5. Desire to inflict injury
  6. To grant a franchise
  7. To shorten
  8. Secret
  9. To make larger
  10. To give
  11. The quality of lacking higher values
  12. An uproar
  13. Depressed, gloom
  14. To dispose of personal property
  15. Ridicule or mock
  16. Courage
  17. To glorify

29 Clues: SecretTo begAn omenTo giveCourageConfusedNot sureAn uproarTo move upTo shortenTo polluteTo glorifyTo long forTo make largerPortending evilDepressed, gloomRidicule or mockTo grant a franchiseShowing friendlinessDifficult to controlLaughter or amusementTo bring to existenceA sign of forewarningDesire to inflict injuryTo think or meditate in silence...

chem 2015-08-11

chem crossword puzzle
  1. 20
  2. 13
  3. 25
  4. 11
  5. 12
  6. 9
  7. 59
  8. 58
  9. 56
  10. 47
  11. 46
  12. 3
  13. 10
  14. 15
  15. 14
  16. 26
  17. 17
  18. 6
  19. 28
  20. 7
  21. 24
  22. 44
  23. 43
  24. 29
  25. 52
  26. 48
  27. 1
  28. 19
  29. 27
  1. 38
  2. 51
  3. 36
  4. 41
  5. 2
  6. 8
  7. 34
  8. 50
  9. 32
  10. 49
  11. 54
  12. 23
  13. 55
  14. 30
  15. 33
  16. 37
  17. 57
  18. 53
  19. 60
  20. 39
  21. 40
  22. 4
  23. 5
  24. 16
  25. 42
  26. 22
  27. 45
  28. 35
  29. 18
  30. 31
  31. 21

60 Clues: 289345671382051364113253450321112495423553059335837575360395647464010164215142617282224453544431829523148211927

Lab Week 2015 Puzzle 2015-04-17

Lab Week 2015 Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. On the end of a pipette
  2. All tied up
  3. I like the song "wheels on the bus go round and round"
  4. Electrolytes done here
  5. A little "Buggy" department
  6. Something sweet
  7. All the better to see you with
  8. Keep it cool
  9. Personal protective equipment
  10. Not your average Q-tip
  11. Can't live without it
  1. Think alphabet soup
  2. Lab person in the know
  3. You get the point
  4. Has wings but doesn't fly
  5. Pointy on one end, plunger on the other
  6. Instruments can't run without it
  7. Taking up space
  8. Sample used for testing
  9. Not an oven

20 Clues: All tied upNot an ovenKeep it coolSomething sweetTaking up spaceYou get the pointThink alphabet soupCan't live without itLab person in the knowElectrolytes done hereNot your average Q-tipOn the end of a pipetteSample used for testingHas wings but doesn't flyA little "Buggy" departmentPersonal protective equipmentAll the better to see you with...

Module9 2016-05-02

Module9 crossword puzzle
  1. marķieris
  2. stingrs
  3. konkurence
  4. absolvēt
  5. politika
  6. fakti
  7. angļu-valoda
  8. kūtrs
  9. gleznošana
  10. analizēt
  11. bībeles-mācība
  12. dzīvelīgs
  13. brīvprātīgo-darbs
  14. vispārējas-izglītības-skola
  15. datora-kabinets
  16. ekonomika
  17. personālās-finanses
  18. ņirgāšanās
  19. tehnoloģijas
  20. projektors
  21. vidusskola
  22. studijas
  23. filozofija
  1. sports
  2. relaksēties
  3. bērnudārzs
  4. nopietns
  5. matemātika
  6. kaušanās
  7. drāma
  8. teatris
  9. koris
  10. ideja
  11. saraksts
  12. ģeogrāfija
  13. kalkulācijas-stunda
  14. agresīvā-uzvedība
  15. pamatskola
  16. informācija
  17. sporta-zāle
  18. ķīmija
  19. stimulēt
  20. publiskā-skola
  21. atrisināt-problēmas
  22. pilsonības-macība
  23. piederēt
  24. krīts
  25. šahs
  26. trokšņains
  27. proces

50 Clues: šahsdrāmakorisidejafaktikūtrskrītssportsķīmijaprocesstingrsteatrisnopietnskaušanāsabsolvētsarakstspolitikaanalizētstimulētpiederētstudijasmarķierisdzīvelīgsekonomikabērnudārzsmatemātikakonkurenceģeogrāfijapamatskolagleznošanaņirgāšanāsprojektorsvidusskolatrokšņainsfilozofijarelaksētiesinformācijasporta-zāleangļu-valodatehnoloģijasbībeles-mācība...

Lab Week 2016 2016-04-14

Lab Week 2016 crossword puzzle
  1. not your average q-tip
  2. lactate dehydrogenase
  3. cryoprecipitate
  4. partial thrombin time
  5. drug of abuse
  6. delicate and likes to hide
  7. not a type of TV
  8. therapeutic drug
  9. usually present in urine
  10. specific gravity
  11. small coin(r)
  1. pH of most urine is
  2. has wings
  3. morphology
  4. when you need it, we make sure it's right for you
  5. chocolate, yellow, or black
  6. all the better to see you with
  7. motile protozoan
  8. stop spreading germs
  9. you get the point
  10. microorganisms
  11. round and round it goes
  12. rapid plasma regain
  13. can't do our jobs without them

24 Clues: has wingsmorphologydrug of abusesmall coin(r)microorganismscryoprecipitatemotile protozoannot a type of TVtherapeutic drugspecific gravityyou get the pointpH of most urine israpid plasma regainstop spreading germslactate dehydrogenasepartial thrombin timenot your average q-tipround and round it goesusually present in urinedelicate and likes to hide...

AUSOM JULY 17 2017-05-29

AUSOM JULY 17 crossword puzzle
  1. Shaded lower section of an iOS device's screen
  2. Company founded by Charles Geschke & John Warnock in 1982
  3. List of audio files
  4. Indexed computer information
  5. Voltage drop (5,3)
  6. Attaching location details to a photo
  7. Erase information on a disk drive
  8. User account with limited access
  9. Ethernet (1,1,1)
  1. search engine
  2. Preparing a blank disk drive for use
  3. Computer instructions
  4. One computer connecting to another
  5. Portable document (1,1,1)
  6. Mains power (1,1)
  7. Unexpected software or hardware problem
  8. Backup computer power source (1,1,1)
  9. Problem caused by programming error
  10. Rechargeable battery chemistry
  11. High-level computer language used in scientific computing

20 Clues: Ethernet (1,1,1)Mains power (1,1)Voltage drop (5,3)List of audio search engineComputer instructionsPortable document (1,1,1)Indexed computer informationRechargeable battery chemistryUser account with limited accessErase information on a disk driveOne computer connecting to anotherProblem caused by programming error...

La clase #1 2022-02-17

La clase #1 crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. semester
  3. English
  4. text/exam
  5. chemistry
  6. blackboard
  7. accounting
  8. desk
  9. economics
  10. sciences
  11. Spanish
  12. seat
  13. wastebasket/trash can
  14. course
  15. window
  16. bookstore
  17. cafeteria
  18. eraser
  19. history
  20. archeology
  21. teacher
  22. biology
  23. laboratory
  24. computer science
  25. table
  26. foreign languages
  1. student
  2. paper
  3. mathematics
  4. library
  5. schedule
  6. humantities
  7. psychology
  8. door
  9. university/college
  10. geography
  11. class
  12. physics
  13. clock/watch
  14. test/quiz
  15. art
  16. sociology
  17. map
  18. homework
  19. calculator
  20. literature
  21. trimester/quarter
  22. classmate
  23. music
  24. chalk
  25. journalism
  26. bookbag/backpack
  27. house/home
  28. pen

54 Clues: artmappenbookdoordeskseatpaperclassmusicchalktablecoursewindoweraserstudentlibraryEnglishphysicsSpanishhistoryteacherbiologysemesterschedulescienceshomeworktext/examchemistrygeographyeconomicstest/quizsociologybookstorecafeteriaclassmatepsychologyblackboardaccountingcalculatorliteraturejournalismarcheologyhouse/homelaboratorymathematicshumantities...

Intro1A Sem1 Vocabulary List 1 (Interchange Unit 1) 2022-04-29

Intro1A Sem1 Vocabulary List 1 (Interchange Unit 1) crossword puzzle
  1. 独特な
  2. 体育
  3. 珍しい
  4. ~が上手だ
  5. 続く
  6. うまくいく
  7. 文学
  8. 化学
  9. 顧客
  10. ~はどうですか
  11. (子供を)育てる
  1. 歴史
  2. ~に慣れる
  3. 物理
  4. 学校の教科
  5. (会社などの)部、課
  6. かっこいい
  7. 面白い、興味深い
  8. 地理
  9. ~を紹介する
  10. 本当は、実際は
  11. 有名な
  12. 生物学
  13. 学期

24 Clues: 歴史物理地理体育続く文学学期化学顧客独特な有名な珍しい生物学~に慣れる学校の教科かっこいい~が上手だうまくいく~を紹介する本当は、実際は~はどうですか面白い、興味深い(子供を)育てる(会社などの)部、課

Sip N Solve 2024-06-05

Sip N Solve crossword puzzle
  1. Number of siblings the groom has
  2. Years they have dated
  3. Number of siblings the bride has
  4. Groom's favorite movie studio
  5. Groom's major
  6. Road where the couple first kissed
  7. Class that they met in
  8. Gemstone of engagement ring
  9. State where they got engaged
  10. Couple's birth month
  11. Mascot of bride's college
  1. The division where the groom works
  2. Their first road trip destination
  3. Bride's occupation
  4. Groom's favorite author
  5. Name of the venue
  6. Honeymoon destination
  7. City of their first apartment together
  8. City where the bride and groom met
  9. Bride's major
  10. The month they got engaged
  11. Couple's favorite outdoor activity
  12. Couple's cat's name

23 Clues: Groom's majorBride's majorName of the venueBride's occupationCouple's cat's nameCouple's birth monthYears they have datedHoneymoon destinationClass that they met inGroom's favorite authorMascot of bride's collegeThe month they got engagedGemstone of engagement ringState where they got engagedGroom's favorite movie studio...

Sip and Solve 2024-09-17

Sip and Solve crossword puzzle
  1. Sport Katie played in high school
  2. Ben's favorite baseball team
  3. Ben's favorite author
  4. Workplace where the couple met
  5. Ben's favorite sporting activity
  6. Company Ben works for
  7. What the couple was doing in Korea
  8. How long the couple was long distance
  9. First broadway musical they saw together
  10. Ben's favorite cocktail
  11. Katie's favorite movie
  1. Ben's major
  2. Department Katie works in
  3. Katie's favorite musical
  4. Where the couple volunteers
  5. Where Ben proposed
  6. The couple's favorite free time activity
  7. The couple's least favorite type of cuisine
  8. Style of private school Katie attended
  9. Katie's favorite holiday
  10. Age gap between them

21 Clues: Ben's majorWhere Ben proposedAge gap between themBen's favorite authorCompany Ben works forKatie's favorite movieBen's favorite cocktailKatie's favorite musicalKatie's favorite holidayDepartment Katie works inWhere the couple volunteersBen's favorite baseball teamWorkplace where the couple metBen's favorite sporting activity...

chemistry 2022-01-21

chemistry crossword puzzle
  1. the element that has 17 protons and electrons and 18 neutrons
  2. one of the five senses you should never use within a lab
  3. it it will relite
  1. dioxide the gas that if you put a burning splint in it will extinguish
  2. one of the 5 senses that you are encouraged to use
  3. the gas that if you put a slightly burning splint
  4. number the number in the top right of any element on the periodic table

7 Clues: it it will relitethe gas that if you put a slightly burning splintone of the 5 senses that you are encouraged to useone of the five senses you should never use within a labthe element that has 17 protons and electrons and 18 neutronsdioxide the gas that if you put a burning splint in it will extinguish...

chemistry 2017-09-20

chemistry crossword puzzle
  1. / are elements that have similar physical or chemical properties
  2. reaction / A process that produces a chemical change is called a
  3. / a group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction
  1. / the basic unit of a chemical element
  2. change / change occurs when the physical properties are changed, such as size or shape
  3. / a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a mixture
  4. / each of more than one hundred substances that cannot be chemically interconverted or broken down into simpler substances and are primary constituents of matter

7 Clues: / the basic unit of a chemical element/ are elements that have similar physical or chemical propertiesreaction / A process that produces a chemical change is called a/ a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a mixturechange / change occurs when the physical properties are changed, such as size or shape...

Chemistry 2017-09-20

Chemistry crossword puzzle
  1. substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances
  2. Formulas a combination of chemical symbols & numbers that indicate which elements & how many atoms of each element are present in a compound
  1. a small space at the center of an atom which contains protons and neutrons
  2. the smallest particle of an element
  3. change occurs when the physical properties are changed, such as size or shape
  4. Mendeleev a Russian scientist discovered a set of patterns that seemed to apply to all elements
  5. Moseley discovered a way to measure the positive charge in the nucleus to determine the atomic number

7 Clues: the smallest particle of an elementsubstances that cannot be broken down into simpler substancesa small space at the center of an atom which contains protons and neutronschange occurs when the physical properties are changed, such as size or shapeMendeleev a Russian scientist discovered a set of patterns that seemed to apply to all elements...

Chemistry 2018-02-05

Chemistry crossword puzzle
  1. / The amount of matter in something
  2. / Matter that has a definite volume but no a definite shape
  3. / Anything that has mass and volume
  1. / The fourth state of matter, like a gas but consisting of charged particles
  2. / Matter that has no definite volume or shape
  3. / Matter that has a definite shape and Volume
  4. / Amount of space an object or substance takes up

7 Clues: / The amount of matter in something/ Anything that has mass and volume/ Matter that has no definite volume or shape/ Matter that has a definite shape and Volume/ Amount of space an object or substance takes up/ Matter that has a definite volume but no a definite shape/ The fourth state of matter, like a gas but consisting of charged particles

Chemistry 2023-07-31

Chemistry crossword puzzle
  1. gh
  2. ef
  3. mn
  4. cd
  1. kl
  2. ij
  3. ab

7 Clues: klijghefabmncd

CHEMISTRY! 2023-07-05

CHEMISTRY! crossword puzzle
  1. the compound name of HCl
  2. when there’s not enough oxygen
  3. sub-atomic particle on the outside of an atom
  1. seperation method used to seperate liquids with similar boiling point
  2. when there’s enough oxygen
  3. name of the compound NH3
  4. scientific word for burning

7 Clues: the compound name of HClname of the compound NH3when there’s enough oxygenscientific word for burningwhen there’s not enough oxygensub-atomic particle on the outside of an atomseperation method used to seperate liquids with similar boiling point

chemistry 2024-09-25

chemistry crossword puzzle
  1. point temperature where liquid turns to gas
  2. used for transferring small amounts of liquid
  3. is made of solute and solvent
  4. a substance that cannot be broken down into any other substance
  1. mixture where you cannot see different substances
  2. contains at least two elements
  3. contains at least to substances

7 Clues: is made of solute and solventcontains at least two elementscontains at least to substancesused for transferring small amounts of liquidpoint temperature where liquid turns to gasmixture where you cannot see different substancesa substance that cannot be broken down into any other substance

Guess the teacher 2024-01-10

Guess the teacher crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry teacher
  2. French teacher
  3. Games teacher
  4. 6th to 8th std Team coordinator
  1. Biology teacher
  2. 9th tamil teacher
  3. 10th English teacher

7 Clues: Games teacherFrench teacherBiology teacherChemistry teacher9th tamil teacher10th English teacher6th to 8th std Team coordinator

School Subjects 2016-09-30

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. If you like anime you might like this
  2. Listen to, Sing to, Play to
  3. Science and Maths =
  4. Most Chaoxianzu students learn this
  5. Many students like this subject especially for games
  6. The International Language
  7. Important if you run a country
  8. Maps, Weather, Population
  1. 1 2 3 4
  2. The biggest Language in the World
  3. Atoms, Molecules
  4. Plants, Animals, Humans
  5. China has many years of this

13 Clues: 1 2 3 4Atoms, MoleculesScience and Maths =Plants, Animals, HumansMaps, Weather, PopulationThe International LanguageListen to, Sing to, Play toChina has many years of thisImportant if you run a countryThe biggest Language in the WorldMost Chaoxianzu students learn thisIf you like anime you might like this...




Newport 2022-06-13

Newport crossword puzzle
  1. packing which has cores
  2. material used in bonding process
  3. supplier of some tubes
  4. area where we store columns prior to shipping
  5. one of our checkout columns
  6. units of loading pressure
  1. one of our performance metrics
  2. member of site staff
  3. first step in our factory
  4. customer who visited site in 2019
  5. name of one of the new employees
  6. one other chemistry site
  7. major equipment bought recently

13 Clues: member of site staffsupplier of some tubespacking which has coresone other chemistry sitefirst step in our factoryunits of loading pressureone of our checkout columnsone of our performance metricsmajor equipment bought recentlymaterial used in bonding processname of one of the new employeescustomer who visited site in 2019...

James Watt 2012-11-28

James Watt crossword puzzle
  1. studied here
  2. first invention
  3. one of his interests
  1. Month he was born
  2. Month he died
  3. was buried here
  4. Was Born here

7 Clues: studied hereMonth he diedWas Born herewas buried herefirst inventionMonth he was bornone of his interests

Nature of Science 2020-09-15

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. a description made using the five senses
  2. an educational guess
  3. a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
  4. aims to accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon.
  5. The sciences concerned with the study of inanimate natural objects, including physics, chemistry, astronomy, and related subjects.
  6. systematic and scientific approach to research in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables, and controls and measures any change in other variables
  7. a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses
  8. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
  1. a number that is fixed and known, unlike a variable which changes with the context
  2. an interdisciplinary academic field that draws on ecology, geology, meteorology, biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics to study environmental problems
  3. the variable (often denoted by x ) whose variation does not depend on that of another.
  4. study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment
  5. the variable (often denoted by y ) whose value depends on that of another.
  6. a sample that remains the same

14 Clues: an educational guessa sample that remains the samea description made using the five sensesa conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.the variable (often denoted by y ) whose value depends on that of another.a number that is fixed and known, unlike a variable which changes with the context...

a subject 2023-06-25

a subject crossword puzzle
  1. The subject that explores the natural world, including topics like biology, chemistry, and physics.
  2. The subject that explores the properties and interactions of different substances and teaches you about atoms and molecules.
  3. Science The subject that involves learning about computers, technology, and programming.
  4. The subject that deals with numbers, calculations, and problem-solving.
  5. The subject that deals with numbers, calculations, and problem-solving.
  6. The subject that introduces you to the study of matter, energy, and the laws that govern the physical world.
  7. The subject that involves learning about music, playing instruments, and singing.
  8. Science The subject that teaches you about government systems, different political parties, and the role of citizens in decision-making.
  1. The subject that focuses on learning the English language, including reading, writing, and speaking skills.
  2. The subject that teaches you about different places, countries, and the Earth's physical features.
  3. The subject that focuses on ethics, values, and moral principles.
  4. Education The subject that focuses on physical activities, sports, and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  5. The subject that involves artistic expression through various mediums like drawing and painting.
  6. The subject that explores important events from the past and helps you understand how things have changed over time.
  7. Studies The subject that studies human society, history, geography, and culture.

15 Clues: The subject that focuses on ethics, values, and moral principles.The subject that deals with numbers, calculations, and problem-solving.The subject that deals with numbers, calculations, and problem-solving.The subject that involves learning about music, playing instruments, and singing....

Crossword puzzle on Mary Shelley and Frenkestein 2020-12-08

Crossword puzzle on Mary Shelley and Frenkestein crossword puzzle
  1. University in Germany where some parts of the story take place
  2. Her mother was a...
  3. revolution her parents were influenced by
  4. A subject Mary and her husband were interested in
  5. Frankestein's name
  1. Mary's father's name
  2. Her father's job
  3. The form of the novel
  4. 'The Modern'
  5. The young explorer's name

10 Clues: 'The Modern'Her father's jobFrankestein's nameHer mother was a...Mary's father's nameThe form of the novelThe young explorer's namerevolution her parents were influenced byA subject Mary and her husband were interested inUniversity in Germany where some parts of the story take place

#Ava.D & Allegra's crossword! 2019-05-08

#Ava.D & Allegra's crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. you study living things
  2. is something that can guide you somewhere
  3. is a living being
  4. can be an exersise
  5. a big bit of land
  1. to keep things going
  2. things that you can use
  3. is studying the earths climate
  4. is sun,rain and wind
  5. you study chemistry

10 Clues: is a living beinga big bit of landcan be an exersiseyou study chemistryto keep things goingis sun,rain and windthings that you can useyou study living thingsis studying the earths climateis something that can guide you somewhere

harry potter 2020-08-12

harry potter crossword puzzle
  1. a type of cat that has many colors
  2. the most normal family
  3. "you know who"
  4. the main objective in the main wizards sport
  5. a non-magic user
  1. the top wizard school
  2. the main sport of wizards
  3. son of the "potters"
  4. a nocturnal bird
  5. the chemistry teacher

10 Clues: "you know who"a nocturnal birda non-magic userson of the "potters"the top wizard schoolthe chemistry teacherthe most normal familythe main sport of wizardsa type of cat that has many colorsthe main objective in the main wizards sport

Words with /c/ spelt ch sheet 2 2021-04-11

Words with /c/ spelt ch sheet 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a person who is highly educated
  2. repairs and maintains machinery
  3. where food is digested
  4. pain in a tooth
  5. a small lizard that changes colour
  6. a group of instrumentalists
  1. a branch of science
  2. a sovereign head of state
  3. a distinct compound or substance
  4. putting a particular idea into effect

10 Clues: pain in a tootha branch of sciencewhere food is digesteda sovereign head of statea group of instrumentalistsa person who is highly educatedrepairs and maintains machinerya distinct compound or substancea small lizard that changes colourputting a particular idea into effect

EHS Staff 2021-10-07

EHS Staff crossword puzzle
  1. only make Spanish teacher
  2. History teacher who uses Cornell Notes
  3. Nickname is Mr. Salami
  4. History teacher whose name is a flower
  5. English teacher who looks like a student
  1. is always on a golf cart
  2. Math teacher, students call him aloe vera
  3. new English teacher
  4. Chemistry teacher
  5. varsity football coach

10 Clues: Chemistry teachernew English teacherNickname is Mr. Salamivarsity football coachis always on a golf cartonly make Spanish teacherHistory teacher who uses Cornell NotesHistory teacher whose name is a flowerEnglish teacher who looks like a studentMath teacher, students call him aloe vera

Crossword 2013-04-07

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A place where people learn
  2. Somewhere you buy medicines
  3. Another word for pain
  4. A winter festival
  5. A person in a story
  1. A group of people singing together
  2. Another word for plan or idea
  3. Somewhere your food ends up
  4. A type of science
  5. When a sound that bounces back

10 Clues: A type of scienceA winter festivalA person in a storyAnother word for painA place where people learnSomewhere your food ends upSomewhere you buy medicinesAnother word for plan or ideaWhen a sound that bounces backA group of people singing together

Silliker Australia Crossword 2013-04-09

Silliker Australia Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. New centre of excellence for food
  2. Number of Silliker Australia locations
  3. Merieux Nutrisciences head office location
  4. Techincal & Scientific Services expertise
  5. Chairman of Silliker Australia Board
  1. Silliker alliance in Asia
  2. Merieux Nutrisciences country presence
  3. Dairy testing facility in Melbourne
  4. Silliker AU head office suburb
  5. Newest Silliker AU location

10 Clues: Silliker alliance in AsiaNewest Silliker AU locationSilliker AU head office suburbNew centre of excellence for foodDairy testing facility in MelbourneChairman of Silliker Australia BoardMerieux Nutrisciences country presenceNumber of Silliker Australia locationsTechincal & Scientific Services expertiseMerieux Nutrisciences head office location

Puzzle 28 2021-12-06

Puzzle 28 crossword puzzle
  1. loyalty or devotion to some person, group or cause
  2. something done or granted out of goodwill
  3. the interaction of one personality with another
  4. lasting and permanent
  1. to observe an event with festivities
  2. greatly loved
  3. excessively sweet
  4. every time without exception
  5. to stir up feelings
  6. a limitless time

10 Clues: greatly loveda limitless timeexcessively sweetto stir up feelingslasting and permanentevery time without exceptionto observe an event with festivitiessomething done or granted out of goodwillthe interaction of one personality with anotherloyalty or devotion to some person, group or cause

Jordyn's Science Properties 2023-10-13

Jordyn's Science Properties crossword puzzle
  1. a substance that dissolve easily in liquids
  2. physical properties you can touch
  3. physical properties you can feel
  4. example of chemical property
  5. result of burning
  6. the study of matter
  1. combination of two or more chemical materials
  2. speed when two or more substances combine
  3. thermal conductivity
  4. are attracted to metal

10 Clues: result of burningthe study of matterthermal conductivityare attracted to metalexample of chemical propertyphysical properties you can feelphysical properties you can touchspeed when two or more substances combinea substance that dissolve easily in liquidscombination of two or more chemical materials

Chemistry Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-07

Chemistry Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. anything that takes up space
  2. carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, sulffer
  3. mass divided by volume
  4. how mush something flows
  5. solute+solvent
  1. study of matter and how it changes
  2. proteins/lipids/carbs/nucleic acids
  3. something that flows
  4. first element on the periodic table
  5. something that has a definite volume

10 Clues: solute+solventsomething that flowsmass divided by volumehow mush something flowsanything that takes up spacestudy of matter and how it changesproteins/lipids/carbs/nucleic acidsfirst element on the periodic tablesomething that has a definite volumecarbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, sulffer

lesson ph\wh/hard ch and soft ch 2024-04-11

lesson ph\wh/hard ch and soft ch crossword puzzle
  1. ________ store you go to it will still be expensive.
  2. something you do with your mouth.
  3. a picture.
  4. an instrument.
  5. something you use to transport stuff in your backyard.
  6. experiments you do.
  1. talking in a quiet voice.
  2. a type of doctor.
  3. an animal.
  4. someone who drives you around.

10 Clues: a instrument.a type of doctor.experiments you do.talking in a quiet voice.someone who drives you around.something you do with your mouth.________ store you go to it will still be expensive.something you use to transport stuff in your backyard.

Scientific Revolution-Nicole Guzman-DeFusco 2024-05-12

Scientific Revolution-Nicole Guzman-DeFusco crossword puzzle
  1. Dissected human bodies
  2. Belief that God created the universe
  3. inventor of the geocentric theory
  4. Theory that planets revolve around the sun
  5. Robert____ was the Father of Chemistry
  6. theory of an earth-centered universe
  1. Evangelista Torricelli invented the
  2. Newton’s theory of
  3. Invented the telescope
  4. Galileo’s findings went against_____ teachings

10 Clues: Newton’s theory ofDissected human bodiesInvented the telescopeinventor of the geocentric theoryEvangelista Torricelli invented theBelief that God created the universetheory of an earth-centered universeRobert____ was the Father of ChemistryTheory that planets revolve around the sunGalileo’s findings went against_____ teachings

Word Puzzle 2024-07-28

Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. to cause someone to admire or respect you
  2. right now, no delay
  3. a scientist studying chemistry
  4. very surprising
  5. a poster or billboard about a new product / service
  1. link something with another
  2. a person / organization that produces new products
  3. new creation of something
  4. unable to move
  5. a pool

10 Clues: a poolunable to movevery surprisingright now, no delaynew creation of somethinglink something with anothera scientist studying chemistryto cause someone to admire or respect youa person / organization that produces new productsa poster or billboard about a new product / service

Branches of Science 2024-07-28

Branches of Science crossword puzzle
  1. study of living things
  2. study of behaviour of people
  3. study of matter, motion and energy
  4. study of outer space
  5. study of societies
  6. study of matter and its changes and components
  1. study of plants
  2. study of extinct animals
  3. study of diseases and injuries
  4. study of land and features of Earth

10 Clues: study of plantsstudy of societiesstudy of outer spacestudy of living thingsstudy of extinct animalsstudy of behaviour of peoplestudy of diseases and injuriesstudy of matter, motion and energystudy of land and features of Earthstudy of matter and its changes and components

School Subjects 2024-07-07

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. - Study of language and literature
  2. - Study of matter and its properties
  3. - Study of living organisms
  4. - Study of past events
  1. Education - Study of fitness and sports
  2. - Study of the Earth's surface
  3. - Study of creative works
  4. - Study of the natural world
  5. - Study of musical forms
  6. - Study of numbers and equations

10 Clues: - Study of past events- Study of musical forms- Study of creative works- Study of living organisms- Study of the natural world- Study of the Earth's surface- Study of numbers and equations- Study of language and literature- Study of matter and its propertiesEducation - Study of fitness and sports

Engineering Crossword 2024-03-21

Engineering Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What ancient civilization, known for its advanced knowledge in mathematics and astronomy, developed the concept of zero?
  2. First name of the notable alumni who became the first female NASA astronaut from UW-Madison.
  3. How many tracts in BME can you take at UW-Madison?
  4. How many times have the Engineering Centers Flooded this academic year?
  5. Which is the First word of the name of the building the Engineering Career Services is located in?
  6. In chemistry, what term refers to a substance that accelerates a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process?
  7. What is the first Greek letter for the name of the professional chemistry fraternity on campus?
  8. Which famous scientist came up with the theory of general relativity?
  1. What legendary Greek mathematician is often credited with the discovery of the Pythagorean theorem?
  2. What geological phenomenon occurs when a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust creates seismic waves?
  3. How many Badger Markets are there in Madison, WI?
  4. What's Bucky’s full first name?
  5. What is the first word of the building with 3d printers/sewing machines?
  6. What is the name of the building where Mills and Lathes are located?

14 Clues: What's Bucky’s full first name?How many Badger Markets are there in Madison, WI?How many tracts in BME can you take at UW-Madison?What is the name of the building where Mills and Lathes are located?Which famous scientist came up with the theory of general relativity?How many times have the Engineering Centers Flooded this academic year?...

Look at the question. What's the subject? 2019-02-28

Look at the question. What's the subject? crossword puzzle
  1. Comment allez-vous?
  2. What is a semi-quaver?
  3. What makes for a happy couple?
  4. How are mountains formed?
  5. Paint a picture of a tree
  1. Shall we play football today?
  2. What is mass?
  3. How do trees use sunlight?
  4. Compare these two novels
  5. Why was Napoleon so popular?
  6. What happens to demand if prices go up?
  7. What is 2+2?
  8. What happens if we burn magnesium in air?

13 Clues: What is 2+2?What is mass?Comment allez-vous?What is a semi-quaver?Compare these two novelsHow are mountains formed?Paint a picture of a treeHow do trees use sunlight?Why was Napoleon so popular?Shall we play football today?What makes for a happy couple?What happens to demand if prices go up?What happens if we burn magnesium in air?

5th Six Weeks Menu project 2024-03-26

5th Six Weeks Menu project crossword puzzle
  1. multiple elements put together
  2. root word, dealing with chemistry
  3. simple substance, that cannot be broken dow
  4. states matter cannot be created or destroyed
  5. root word, meaning within
  1. root word, meaning life
  2. a reaction to something
  3. root word, meaning mass
  4. root word, meaning beyond, outside
  5. root word, meaning standing, placed, staying
  6. root word, meaning iron
  7. causes a response
  8. root word, meaning sharp, oxygen, acid

13 Clues: causes a responseroot word, meaning lifea reaction to somethingroot word, meaning massroot word, meaning ironroot word, meaning withinmultiple elements put togetherroot word, dealing with chemistryroot word, meaning beyond, outsideroot word, meaning sharp, oxygen, acidsimple substance, that cannot be broken dow...

5th Six Weeks Menu project 2024-03-26

5th Six Weeks Menu project crossword puzzle
  1. multiple elements put together
  2. root word, dealing with chemistry
  3. simple substance, that cannot be broken dow
  4. states matter cannot be created or destroyed
  5. root word, meaning within
  1. root word, meaning life
  2. a reaction to something
  3. root word, meaning mass
  4. root word, meaning beyond, outside
  5. root word, meaning standing, placed, staying
  6. root word, meaning iron
  7. causes a response
  8. root word, meaning sharp, oxygen, acid

13 Clues: causes a responseroot word, meaning lifea reaction to somethingroot word, meaning massroot word, meaning ironroot word, meaning withinmultiple elements put togetherroot word, dealing with chemistryroot word, meaning beyond, outsideroot word, meaning sharp, oxygen, acidsimple substance, that cannot be broken dow...

You are what you eat 2013-04-22

You are what you eat crossword puzzle
  1. Very tiny part of something
  2. Gradually disappearing in a liquid
  3. A way to stay fit and active
  4. A particular way, somethings should work
  5. Found inside Earth
  6. A way of resting
  7. Our body needs from food
  8. A subject that includes scientific experiment
  1. A gear in a car
  2. process of passing food through body
  3. A type of nutrition
  4. A negative charge in an atom
  5. An important part of Digestive System
  6. Chemical Symbol is N
  7. Similar to religion

15 Clues: A gear in a carA way of restingFound inside EarthA type of nutritionSimilar to religionChemical Symbol is NOur body needs from foodVery tiny part of somethingA way to stay fit and activeA negative charge in an atomGradually disappearing in a liquidprocess of passing food through bodyAn important part of Digestive System...

Matthew Creaser P.5 1/23/17 Pope Francis 2017-01-23

Matthew Creaser P.5 1/23/17 Pope Francis crossword puzzle
  1. A long, close-fitting garment worn by members of the clergy or others participating in church services
  2. A Latin-American dance
  3. A highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move; a clever action or accomplishment
  4. Helped
  5. About
  6. A very large church
  7. The act of revealing
  1. A type of sickness
  2. The act of resigning
  3. A type of science
  4. The consideration of some subject
  5. The sight of something desired
  6. A principle of a church
  7. Sad
  8. The quality or condition of being humble

15 Clues: SadAboutHelpedA type of scienceA type of sicknessA very large churchThe act of resigningThe act of revealingA Latin-American danceA principle of a churchThe sight of something desiredThe consideration of some subjectThe quality or condition of being humbleA highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move; a clever action or accomplishment...

Matthew Creaser P.5 1/23/17 Pope Francis 2017-01-23

Matthew Creaser P.5 1/23/17 Pope Francis crossword puzzle
  1. The sight of something desired
  2. A Latin-American dance
  3. The consideration of some subject
  4. The quality or condition of being humble
  5. The act of resigning
  6. A type of sickness
  7. Helped
  8. A type of science
  9. A long, close-fitting garment worn by members of the clergy or others participating in church services
  1. The act of revealing
  2. Sad
  3. About
  4. A principle of a church
  5. A very large church
  6. A highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move; a clever action or accomplishment

15 Clues: SadAboutHelpedA type of scienceA type of sicknessA very large churchThe act of revealingThe act of resigningA Latin-American danceA principle of a churchThe sight of something desiredThe consideration of some subjectThe quality or condition of being humbleA highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move; a clever action or accomplishment...

Lab Week 2017 2017-04-18

Lab Week 2017 crossword puzzle
  1. container for used needles
  2. Used to spin down centrifuge
  3. Lab tech
  4. device used to perform differentials
  5. Department where potassium is performed
  6. Device used to measure small volumes of liquid
  7. troponin TAT in minutes
  1. Department where PT's are performed
  2. Department where CBC's are performed
  3. another word for drawing blood
  4. cleaning solution used in lab
  5. Focus of the THR 2026 Vision
  6. Month THPS opened
  7. computer system used in lab
  8. number of minutes to spin down a urinalysis

15 Clues: Lab techMonth THPS openedtroponin TAT in minutescontainer for used needlescomputer system used in labUsed to spin down centrifugeFocus of the THR 2026 Visioncleaning solution used in labanother word for drawing bloodDepartment where PT's are performedDepartment where CBC's are performeddevice used to perform differentials...

lab week 2016 2016-02-18

lab week 2016 crossword puzzle
  1. department where cholesterol is preformed
  2. new computer system
  3. blood collectors
  4. who is the lab director
  5. how old was the hospital this year
  6. where are cbc's preformed
  1. what department are blood cultures preformed in
  2. this department deals with creating tissue blocks
  3. what company picks up our sendouts
  4. department where blood is typed
  5. how many pathologist do we have
  6. used to spin down tubes
  7. Norman works in this department
  8. container for used needles
  9. time clock program

15 Clues: blood collectorstime clock programnew computer systemused to spin down tubeswho is the lab directorwhere are cbc's preformedcontainer for used needlesdepartment where blood is typedhow many pathologist do we haveNorman works in this departmentwhat company picks up our sendoutshow old was the hospital this year...

HS10-13 2021-09-13

HS10-13 crossword puzzle
  1. game played with a white and black ball
  2. one language from Congo
  3. language from France and parts of Africa
  4. language of the government in the USA
  5. day of the week with no school
  6. Social Studies teacher on this team
  7. one language from Congo
  8. BAI on this team
  9. our state in the USA
  1. language from Mexico and Central America
  2. this month
  3. ELA teacher on this team
  4. Math teacher on this team
  5. Chemistry teacher
  6. our city in Kentucky
  7. ESL teacher on this team

16 Clues: this monthBAI on this teamChemistry teacherour city in Kentuckyour state in the USAone language from Congoone language from CongoELA teacher on this teamESL teacher on this teamMath teacher on this teamday of the week with no schoolSocial Studies teacher on this teamlanguage of the government in the USAgame played with a white and black ball...

Science crossword 2022-03-15

Science crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Finding the meaning of things
  2. a table of the elements
  3. has a lot to do with science eg life stock cropping irrigation a subject at high school
  4. a procedure to be followed
  5. used over a Bunsen burner
  6. exploring new things
  7. movement
  1. used for heating stuff
  2. the end of a experiment
  3. Who made the crossword? He’s 🍑y
  4. following a procedure to find out the results
  5. something to do with chemicals
  6. thinking on what could happen
  7. life
  8. a classroom for science

15 Clues: lifemovementexploring new thingsused for heating stuffthe end of a experimenta table of the elementsa classroom for scienceused over a Bunsen burnera procedure to be followedFinding the meaning of thingsthinking on what could happensomething to do with chemicalsWho made the crossword? He’s 🍑yfollowing a procedure to find out the results...

Stephanie Kwolek 2022-03-17

Stephanie Kwolek crossword puzzle
  1. The school she wanted to attend
  2. Kevlar provided this
  3. Company she worked at
  4. Something kevlar is usually used in
  5. Event happening to her in 2014
  6. Earned this in 1946
  7. The Dupont company's medal
  8. Helped make their jobs easier and better
  9. A highly strong fiber
  1. The state she was born in
  2. Her original plan for a job
  3. Stephanie Kwolek's middle name.
  4. Her dad, who died when she was 10
  5. Stephanie Kwolek's mom
  6. Stephanie Kwoleks's major

15 Clues: Earned this in 1946Kevlar provided thisCompany she worked atA highly strong fiberStephanie Kwolek's momThe state she was born inStephanie Kwoleks's majorThe Dupont company's medalHer original plan for a jobEvent happening to her in 2014The school she wanted to attendStephanie Kwolek's middle name.Her dad, who died when she was 10...

Kaia's Birthday 2022-03-08

Kaia's Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. What is your dream major?
  2. You're in love with..?
  3. Guy who has crush on sasa?
  4. Your favourite subject
  5. What is your favourite tv show?
  6. Who is your favourite character from greys?
  7. you
  8. What is your favourite thai bl?
  1. Last guy you had a crush on?
  2. Who is your favourite singer?
  3. Something you struggle with
  4. Which niki song is your favourite?
  5. not you?
  6. What is the name of your favourite dog?
  7. What is your dream university?

15 Clues: younot you?You're in love with..?Your favourite subjectWhat is your dream major?Guy who has crush on sasa?Something you struggle withLast guy you had a crush on?Who is your favourite singer?What is your dream university?What is your favourite tv show?What is your favourite thai bl?Which niki song is your favourite?...

Unit 10 Weeks 2-3 2023-04-26

Unit 10 Weeks 2-3 crossword puzzle
  1. someone who moves into a new country
  2. someone who works with chemicals
  3. the cooling of substances in a closed space
  4. consumed quickly
  5. after earning a Ph.D
  6. impossible to separate
  7. the study of living things
  1. mixing two substances can create a chemical ___________
  2. treatment for injured muscles or joints
  3. scientist who studies microscopic living things
  4. someone who studies living things
  5. two wheeled machine used for riding
  6. someone who fixes machines
  7. able to move around; not permanent
  8. chemistry that deals with living things

15 Clues: consumed quicklyafter earning a Ph.Dimpossible to separatesomeone who fixes machinesthe study of living thingssomeone who works with chemicalssomeone who studies living thingsable to move around; not permanenttwo wheeled machine used for ridingsomeone who moves into a new countrytreatment for injured muscles or joints...

Science 2022-09-07

Science crossword puzzle
  1. The study of matter and its changes.
  2. Takes up space and has mass.
  3. Solid to liquid
  4. Solid to gas
  5. Liquid to solid
  6. Gas to liquid
  7. Uniform composite
  8. Has two or more elements in it.
  1. Type of matter that starts with a P.
  2. No uniform composites
  3. Gas to solid
  4. Liquid to gas
  5. Components are not chemically bonded together.
  6. Atoms are the same and grouped together.
  7. Can be used to create more than one substance.

15 Clues: Gas to solidSolid to gasLiquid to gasGas to liquidSolid to liquidLiquid to solidUniform compositeNo uniform compositesTakes up space and has mass.Has two or more elements in it.Type of matter that starts with a P.The study of matter and its changes.Atoms are the same and grouped together.Components are not chemically bonded together....

Science 2013-05-22

Science crossword puzzle
  1. made up of atoms
  2. two or more elements
  3. atoms attach using this kind of bond
  4. negative charge
  5. smallest piece of matter
  6. when you can't see the parts
  7. the thickness
  8. makes a positive charge
  9. study of matter
  10. how much matter is in a object
  1. the gravitational pull on an object
  2. 2 or more elements and atoms
  3. when you can't see the mixture's parts
  4. something that is pure
  5. how much space an object holds
  6. you can see the parts
  7. are in the middle of the atom
  8. how it looks

18 Clues: how it looksthe thicknessnegative chargestudy of mattermade up of atomstwo or more elementsyou can see the partssomething that is puremakes a positive chargesmallest piece of matter2 or more elements and atomswhen you can't see the partsare in the middle of the atomhow much space an object holdshow much matter is in a object...

phon- photo- tele- 2014-04-07

phon- photo- tele- crossword puzzle
  1. Far
  2. Light
  3. Communicating from far away
  4. Sound
  5. Study of sounds used in speaking
  6. A device for transmitting sound
  7. Hearing sound through an earpiece that goes on your head
  8. A portable telephone
  9. A device used to make sound louder
  10. Chemistry action of light
  11. A TV broadcast
  1. Hearing sound through your ear
  2. Using a scope to see things close up
  3. Plants using light as a source of energy
  4. Using light to copy paper
  5. Having a conference faraway
  6. An image of a person or object
  7. Mail that goes faraway

18 Clues: FarLightSoundA TV broadcastA portable telephoneMail that goes farawayUsing light to copy paperChemistry action of lightCommunicating from far awayHaving a conference farawayHearing sound through your earAn image of a person or objectA device for transmitting soundStudy of sounds used in speakingA device used to make sound louder...

phon- photo- tele- 2014-04-07

phon- photo- tele- crossword puzzle
  1. Sound
  2. Study of sounds used in speaking
  3. An image of a person or object
  4. Using a scope to see things close up
  5. Communicating from far away
  6. Hearing sound through an earpiece that goes on your head
  7. Far
  8. Using light to copy paper
  9. A device for transmitting sound
  10. A TV broadcast
  11. Hearing sound through your ear
  1. A portable telephone
  2. Chemistry action of light
  3. Light
  4. Plants using light as a source of energy
  5. Having a conference faraway
  6. A device used to make sound louder
  7. Mail that goes faraway

18 Clues: FarSoundLightA TV broadcastA portable telephoneMail that goes farawayChemistry action of lightUsing light to copy paperCommunicating from far awayHaving a conference farawayAn image of a person or objectHearing sound through your earA device for transmitting soundStudy of sounds used in speakingA device used to make sound louder...

phon- photo- tele- 2014-04-07

phon- photo- tele- crossword puzzle
  1. Hearing sound through your ear
  2. A TV broadcast
  3. Plants using light as a source of energy
  4. A portable telephone
  5. Using light to copy paper
  6. Sound
  7. Communicating from far away
  8. Study of sounds used in speaking
  9. Hearing sound through an earpiece that goes on your head
  1. A device for transmitting sound
  2. Using a scope to see things close up
  3. Chemistry action of light
  4. Having a conference faraway
  5. Light
  6. Mail that goes faraway
  7. An image of a person or object
  8. A device used to make sound louder
  9. Far

18 Clues: FarLightSoundA TV broadcastA portable telephoneMail that goes farawayChemistry action of lightUsing light to copy paperHaving a conference farawayCommunicating from far awayHearing sound through your earAn image of a person or objectA device for transmitting soundStudy of sounds used in speakingA device used to make sound louder...

phon- photo- tele- 2014-04-07

phon- photo- tele- crossword puzzle
  1. Sound
  2. Plants using light as a source of energy
  3. Far
  4. Chemistry action of light
  5. Hearing sound through your ear
  6. Communicating from far away
  7. Hearing sound through an earpiece that goes on your head
  1. Using light to copy paper
  2. An image of a person or object
  3. Having a conference faraway
  4. Mail that goes faraway
  5. Light
  6. Using a scope to see things close up
  7. A device for transmitting sound
  8. A portable telephone
  9. A device used to make sound louder
  10. A TV broadcast
  11. Study of sounds used in speaking

18 Clues: FarSoundLightA TV broadcastA portable telephoneMail that goes farawayUsing light to copy paperChemistry action of lightHaving a conference farawayCommunicating from far awayAn image of a person or objectHearing sound through your earA device for transmitting soundStudy of sounds used in speakingA device used to make sound louder...

phon- photo- tele- 2014-04-07

phon- photo- tele- crossword puzzle
  1. Using light to copy paper
  2. A TV broadcast
  3. Hearing sound through an earpiece that goes on your head
  4. Having a conference faraway
  5. A device used to make sound louder
  6. Sound
  1. A device for transmitting sound
  2. Study of sounds used in speaking
  3. Hearing sound through your ear
  4. An image of a person or object
  5. Plants using light as a source of energy
  6. Communicating from far away
  7. Far
  8. Chemistry action of light
  9. Mail that goes faraway
  10. Using a scope to see things close up
  11. A portable telephone
  12. Light

18 Clues: FarLightSoundA TV broadcastA portable telephoneMail that goes farawayUsing light to copy paperChemistry action of lightCommunicating from far awayHaving a conference farawayHearing sound through your earAn image of a person or objectA device for transmitting soundStudy of sounds used in speakingA device used to make sound louder...

phon- photo- tele- 2014-04-07

phon- photo- tele- crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry action of light
  2. Communicating from far away
  3. A TV broadcast
  4. Using light to copy paper
  5. Hearing sound through your ear
  6. A portable telephone
  7. A device used to make sound louder
  8. Sound
  9. Using a scope to see things close up
  1. Light
  2. Plants using light as a source of energy
  3. Having a conference faraway
  4. An image of a person or object
  5. A device for transmitting sound
  6. Study of sounds used in speaking
  7. Mail that goes faraway
  8. Hearing sound through an earpiece that goes on your head
  9. Far

18 Clues: FarLightSoundA TV broadcastA portable telephoneMail that goes farawayChemistry action of lightUsing light to copy paperCommunicating from far awayHaving a conference farawayAn image of a person or objectHearing sound through your earA device for transmitting soundStudy of sounds used in speakingA device used to make sound louder...

Molly's Change in Matter Vocabulary Crossword 2024-05-15

Molly's Change in Matter Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. trail mix, seawater, mud, Kool aid
  2. A characteristic that can be observed during a chemical reaction
  3. The amount of space something takes
  4. cannot be broken down into a smaller substance is a pure substance
  5. Thermal energy being transferred
  6. two or more atoms put together
  7. _+_--> CH3COONa+H20+CO2
  8. Has mass and takes up space
  1. Doesn't change composition
  2. Releases heat
  3. smallest unit of matter
  4. study of matter
  5. the ability to do something
  6. Molecules of the same substance sticking together
  7. The average kinetic energy of the atoms
  8. NaHco3+CH3COOH -->_
  9. Absorbs heat
  10. Has weight

18 Clues: Has weightAbsorbs heatReleases heatstudy of matterNaHco3+CH3COOH -->_smallest unit of matter_+_--> CH3COONa+H20+CO2Doesn't change compositionthe ability to do somethingHas mass and takes up spacetwo or more atoms put togetherThermal energy being transferredtrail mix, seawater, mud, Kool aidThe amount of space something takes...


LAB WEEK 2013 CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. Container for used needles
  2. Department where CBC's are performed
  3. Used to slow blood flow when drawing blood
  4. Lab Tech
  5. Stain used to identify bacteria
  6. Cleaning solution used in the lab
  7. Another word for sugar
  1. Device that measures small volumes of liquid
  2. Department where PT's are performed
  3. Department where cholesterol is performed
  4. Computer system used in lab
  5. Another word for drawing blood
  6. Department where ABO's are performed
  7. Used to spin down tubes
  8. Time clock program

15 Clues: Lab TechTime clock programAnother word for sugarUsed to spin down tubesContainer for used needlesComputer system used in labAnother word for drawing bloodStain used to identify bacteriaCleaning solution used in the labDepartment where PT's are performedDepartment where CBC's are performedDepartment where ABO's are performed...

Lab Week Crossword 2016-04-05

Lab Week Crossword crossword puzzle


Lesson 7 2021-12-03

Lesson 7 crossword puzzle
  1. to look or feel sorry, gloomy
  2. five cents
  3. an empty space in which to hold things
  4. to be unsure
  5. an organization
  6. another word for the fall season
  7. a lovely view
  1. A vertical structure that supports another structure
  2. another word for curiosity
  3. the study of God’s creation biology, chemistry, etc
  4. a spaceship for air travel
  5. to owe money or a favor
  6. to climb or move upward
  7. someone who watches out for or cares for you
  8. another word for soft and discreet

15 Clues: five centsto be unsurea lovely viewan organizationto owe money or a favorto climb or move upwardanother word for curiositya spaceship for air travelto look or feel sorry, gloomyanother word for the fall seasonanother word for soft and discreetan empty space in which to hold thingssomeone who watches out for or cares for you...

bmw 2023 ny food 2022-12-25

bmw 2023 ny food crossword puzzle
  1. indian TV - 11
  2. Frozen flavored sugar water or a famous beverage - 5
  3. security or time-keeper? - 8
  4. Indian harley - 6
  5. beach or boat shelter? - 6
  6. 90's kids first motor vehicle - 5
  7. Drink or a movie ? - 11
  8. first music on the go - 7
  1. Chicken or mutton _______ ? - 8
  2. is fence chemistry or security - 8
  3. Indian Motor cycle or key-board? - 6
  4. Laddu is made of - 8
  5. Thoothukudi european sweet - 8
  6. place for tea and snacks - 7
  7. a famous tea snack - 6

15 Clues: indian TV - 11Indian harley - 6Laddu is made of - 8a famous tea snack - 6Drink or a movie ? - 11first music on the go - 7beach or boat shelter? - 6security or time-keeper? - 8place for tea and snacks - 7Thoothukudi european sweet - 8Chicken or mutton _______ ? - 890's kids first motor vehicle - 5is fence chemistry or security - 8...

Clark Zhang Crossword 2022-12-10

Clark Zhang Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. parents favorite region in italy
  2. favourite 4 legged friend
  3. February vacation
  4. my favourite tv show we watched as a family
  5. hunter's degree
  6. mom wouldnt be very good on this family tv show
  7. molly's favourite holiday
  1. molly's degree
  2. mom sounds like this character from modern family
  3. city from which you bought Mollys 2020 Christmas gift
  4. a tv show you shoulnt watch with grandma
  5. hunter's favourite holiday
  6. best birthday month
  7. forever will be remembered as being bad
  8. dads favorite city

15 Clues: molly's degreehunter's degreeFebruary vacationdads favorite citybest birthday monthfavourite 4 legged friendmolly's favourite holidayhunter's favourite holidayparents favorite region in italyforever will be remembered as being bada tv show you shoulnt watch with grandmamy favourite tv show we watched as a family...

Anatomy 2023-02-01

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. grey matter
  2. rapid sequence of changes in the voltage
  3. chemical messengers
  4. control, motor, sense, homeostasis
  5. includes brain and spinal cord
  6. period of time where nothing can happen
  7. carries info through nervous system
  8. works with potassium to create a pump
  1. part of the nervous system split in two
  2. short extention from cell body
  3. carries action potential from axon hillock
  4. white matter
  5. contains the nucleas
  6. the star of the nervous system, helps us think
  7. alter the brain chemistry when taken

15 Clues: grey matterwhite matterchemical messengerscontains the nucleasshort extention from cell bodyincludes brain and spinal cordcontrol, motor, sense, homeostasiscarries info through nervous systemalter the brain chemistry when takenworks with potassium to create a pumppart of the nervous system split in twoperiod of time where nothing can happen...

class crossword 2023-06-07

class crossword crossword puzzle
  1. drew el fintan in spanish?
  2. who dated eimear in yr 8?
  3. who slipped in the middle of english?
  4. who sends the best jawline photos?
  5. weston best bilogy techer?
  6. who farted in the middle of english?
  7. who dated cailan and theo?
  8. and aaron best bromance?
  9. best pickup lines?
  1. who had the best mullet?
  2. most photogenic (not)
  3. and toby who was the best class couple?
  4. who chucked himself down the stairs?
  5. who has the mlst rizz?
  6. purvis best chemistry teacher?
  7. who broke the brush?
  8. who broke their collar bone?
  9. who revises too much?

18 Clues: best pickup lines?who broke the brush?most photogenic (not)who revises too much?who has the mlst rizz?who had the best mullet?who dated eimear in yr 8?and aaron best bromance?drew el fintan in spanish?who dated cailan and theo?weston best bilogy techer?who broke their collar bone?purvis best chemistry teacher?who sends the best jawline photos?...

School Subjects 2016-09-30

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. The International Language
  2. The biggest Language in the World
  3. 1 2 3 4
  4. Plants, Animals, Humans
  5. Atoms, Molecules
  1. Most Chaoxianzu students learn this
  2. Listen to, Sing to, Play to
  3. Science and Maths = ?
  4. Important if you run a country
  5. China has many years of this
  6. If you like anime you might like this
  7. Maps, Weather, Population
  8. Many students like this subject especially for games

13 Clues: 1 2 3 4Atoms, MoleculesScience and Maths = ?Plants, Animals, HumansMaps, Weather, PopulationThe International LanguageListen to, Sing to, Play toChina has many years of thisImportant if you run a countryThe biggest Language in the WorldMost Chaoxianzu students learn thisIf you like anime you might like this...

Catalyst 2013-10-23

Catalyst crossword puzzle
  1. What did they have to redo to the Litch house?
  2. What toy caused Mikey's death?
  3. Kates boyfriend.
  4. Mikey is Teri's ____
  5. Rude to people, does not like Kate.
  1. What college does Kate obsess over?
  2. Where is Mikey found dead?
  3. The name of Kate's car.
  4. What has Teri stolen of Kate's?
  5. What Kate and Teri become.
  6. Kate's favorite subject.
  7. People whose house burned down.
  8. Kates brother.

13 Clues: Kates brother.Kates boyfriend.Mikey is Teri's ____The name of Kate's car.Kate's favorite subject.Where is Mikey found dead?What Kate and Teri become.What toy caused Mikey's death?What has Teri stolen of Kate's?People whose house burned down.What college does Kate obsess over?Rude to people, does not like Kate....

School C/S Story 2023-10-03

School C/S Story crossword puzzle
  1. Female teacher's ethnicity.
  2. My male teacher's last name.
  3. Age of students of the female teacher.
  4. My female teacher's last name.
  5. One class that Male teacher teaches
  6. youngest daughter's age.
  7. Marital status of female teacher.
  1. Height of female teacher.
  2. Color eyes of male teacher.
  3. Marital status of male teacher.
  4. The subject the female teacher teaches.
  5. My teacher's wife's name.
  6. The name of 15 yr old.

13 Clues: The name of 15 yr old.youngest daughter's age.Height of female teacher.My teacher's wife's name.Color eyes of male teacher.Female teacher's ethnicity.My male teacher's last name.My female teacher's last name.Marital status of male teacher.Marital status of female teacher.One class that Male teacher teachesAge of students of the female teacher....

Science Crossword Puzzle Gold Grade 2023-03-24

Science Crossword Puzzle Gold Grade crossword puzzle
  1. a subatomic particle, symbol n or n⁰ , which has a neutral charge, and a mass slightly greater than that of a proton.
  2. Rows and columns arrangement of the chemical elements. It is widely used in chemistry, physics, and other sciences, and is generally seen as an icon of chemistry.
  3. Non-tangible substances that cannot be seen or felt, but can be smelt.
  4. an electron in the outer shell associated with an atom
  5. A hard, shiny material that possess good thermal and electrical conductivity
  6. In-between the last two, more conductive than one but not as much as the other,and look similar but are also brittle and fragile.
  7. a lasting attraction between atoms or ions that enables the formation of molecules and crystals.
  1. a small, dense nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons.
  2. a subatomic particle with a negative one elementary electric charge.
  3. Tangible objects that you can grab, touch, or feel.
  4. A substance that takes the shape of whatever it's in.
  5. diagrams that show the bonding between atoms of a molecule
  6. Lack certain properties, are insanely brittle & fragile, and cannot conduct electricity.
  7. a particle that consists of a nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by a cloud of electrons.

14 Clues: Tangible objects that you can grab, touch, or feel.A substance that takes the shape of whatever it's electron in the outer shell associated with an atoma small, dense nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons.diagrams that show the bonding between atoms of a moleculea subatomic particle with a negative one elementary electric charge....

Homework 2013-02-04

Homework crossword puzzle
  1. the science of life or living
  2. vary or change
  3. a place for scientific experiments
  4. the weight or size of something
  5. to measure someones temperature often when sick
  6. the process of something
  7. the end of something
  8. the stuff needed for the task
  9. opposite of dangerous
  1. chemical reactions
  2. check or mark
  3. hot or cold
  4. the science that deals with physical history
  5. what you tell mum to turn up in the car
  6. searching for information
  7. a guess
  8. watching
  9. seeing the size of something
  10. crescent shaped body
  11. science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force

20 Clues: a guesswatchinghot or coldcheck or markvary or changechemical reactionscrescent shaped bodythe end of somethingopposite of dangerousthe process of somethingsearching for informationseeing the size of somethingthe science of life or livingthe stuff needed for the taskthe weight or size of somethinga place for scientific experiments...

Homework 2013-02-04

Homework crossword puzzle
  1. the weight or size of something
  2. the process of something
  3. vary or change
  4. watching
  5. to measure someones temperature often when sick
  6. a place for scientific experiments
  7. chemical reactions
  8. the end of something
  9. science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force
  1. crescent shaped body
  2. what you tell mum to turn up in the car
  3. searching for information
  4. check or mark
  5. the science that deals with physical history
  6. opposite of dangerous
  7. the science of life or living
  8. the stuff needed for the task
  9. seeing the size of something
  10. hot or cold
  11. a guess

20 Clues: a guesswatchinghot or coldcheck or markvary or changechemical reactionscrescent shaped bodythe end of somethingopposite of dangerousthe process of somethingsearching for informationseeing the size of somethingthe science of life or livingthe stuff needed for the taskthe weight or size of somethinga place for scientific experiments...

Chemical Reaction Crossword 2013-12-18

Chemical Reaction Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. takes up space
  2. when reaction complete
  3. material release energy when burned
  4. substance you have to begin with
  5. chemist uses to control rates
  6. make or become different
  7. the formula of a form
  8. energy releases
  9. # placed in front of chemical formula
  10. two or more elements
  11. used to decrease rate of reaction
  12. cells in body contain biological catalysts
  1. 2 elements in different compounds trade spots
  2. material increases rate of reaction
  3. breaks down compounds
  4. attraction between 2 atoms
  5. solid forms solution during chemical reaction
  6. energy not absorbed
  7. rapid reaction between oxygen & substance
  8. study of matter and how it changes

20 Clues: takes up spaceenergy releasesenergy not absorbedtwo or more elementsbreaks down compoundsthe formula of a formwhen reaction completemake or become differentattraction between 2 atomschemist uses to control ratessubstance you have to begin withused to decrease rate of reactionstudy of matter and how it changesmaterial release energy when burned...

WHO IS WHO ? 2015-03-07

WHO IS WHO ? crossword puzzle
  1. : Both glasses
  2. : Gayatri angkut 06 Jurusan Umum
  3. : anak kembar
  4. : ungu 10' biru 45'
  5. : 80's kid
  6. : kacamata pink
  7. :3◦ 30' - 3◦ 43' LU
  8. : Pasangan margo
  9. : beheLIKErudungEARTH
  10. : duo saman
  11. : jomblo banget
  12. : Pulang Pergi
  13. : COOH-1000mikro
  14. : kursi pinggir terakhir
  15. : s4pink
  16. : disney + organic chemistry
  17. : ungu-putih , hijau-peach
  18. : ASUSS200E
  19. : Anak Ke-dua
  20. : kerudung kacamata
  21. : tutigajuh
  22. : If You Know What I Mean
  23. : LFCMacbethVegan
  1. : Adek Penari
  2. : Liquid Vaping
  3. : kembar tiga
  4. : Satu SMA
  5. : padang
  6. : Papadadang
  7. : February Ceria
  8. : Adek Kentang
  9. : Aripin
  10. : punggung kami biasanya memakai biru coklat
  11. : Hidup Mager

34 Clues: : padang: s4pink: Aripin: Satu SMA: 80's kid: duo saman: ASUSS200E: tutigajuh: Papadadang: Adek Penari: kembar tiga: anak kembar: Anak Ke-dua: Hidup Mager: Both glasses: Pulang Pergi: Adek Kentang: Liquid Vaping: kacamata pink: jomblo banget: Pasangan margo: February Ceria: COOH-1000mikro: LFCMacbethVegan: ungu 10' biru 45':3◦ 30' - 3◦ 43' LU...

chem 2015-08-11

chem crossword puzzle
  1. 46
  2. 11
  3. 28
  4. 30
  5. 43
  6. 15
  7. 31
  8. 34
  9. 7
  10. 57
  11. 36
  12. 45
  13. 59
  14. 55
  15. 13
  16. 3
  17. 44
  18. 49
  19. 10
  20. 37
  21. 29
  22. 25
  23. 33
  24. 6
  25. 12
  26. 50
  27. 4
  28. 32
  29. 26
  30. 39
  31. 60
  32. 8
  33. 38
  34. 17
  1. 27
  2. 42
  3. 2
  4. 24
  5. 5
  6. 35
  7. 40
  8. 56
  9. 58
  10. 23
  11. 48
  12. 47
  13. 21
  14. 14
  15. 20
  16. 54
  17. 41
  18. 16
  19. 9
  20. 18
  21. 1
  22. 53
  23. 51
  24. 22
  25. 19
  26. 52

60 Clues: 257391648462742112824304335154031345658235748364559472114551320544441491610183729255351332212501932522639603817

chem 2015-08-11

chem crossword puzzle
  1. 15
  2. 34
  3. 35
  4. 23
  5. 28
  6. 56
  7. 47
  8. 9
  9. 51
  10. 57
  11. 60
  12. 22
  13. 7
  14. 2
  15. 58
  16. 31
  17. 41
  18. 8
  19. 46
  20. 11
  21. 21
  22. 53
  23. 27
  24. 36
  25. 6
  26. 17
  27. 42
  1. 1
  2. 45
  3. 20
  4. 54
  5. 29
  6. 44
  7. 38
  8. 24
  9. 55
  10. 25
  11. 5
  12. 30
  13. 49
  14. 59
  15. 39
  16. 37
  17. 26
  18. 40
  19. 50
  20. 33
  21. 10
  22. 4
  23. 3
  24. 32
  25. 52
  26. 14
  27. 19
  28. 43
  29. 12
  30. 18
  31. 48
  32. 16

59 Clues: 1957243864515205434294435382423285647552530495159573960372622405033103258523141141943124618112148531627361742

Science 2014-03-04

Science crossword puzzle
  1. the study of living things
  2. similar image
  3. amount
  4. elements combine to form new...
  5. normal, everyday
  6. a form of energy made by the movement of particles
  7. similar poles repel, while opposite poles attract
  8. unexpected
  9. force that pulls everything toward it
  10. the study of how the universe works
  11. dirty marks
  1. disadvantage
  2. occur all around us
  3. something which can be used again
  4. therefore
  5. instruments, equipment
  6. scientists have discovered 109 of these
  7. almost completely
  8. possibility
  9. the study of what things are made of
  10. the air all around us
  11. small pieces
  12. the building blocks of the universe

23 Clues: amountthereforeunexpectedpossibilitydirty marksdisadvantagesmall piecessimilar imagenormal, everydayalmost completelyoccur all around usthe air all around usinstruments, equipmentthe study of living thingselements combine to form new...something which can be used againthe study of how the universe worksthe building blocks of the universe...

What's My Name 2014-04-19

What's My Name crossword puzzle
  1. have a picture of their 3 sons and wife on their locker
  2. work weekend nights
  3. wears a fro
  4. second shift phlebotomist
  5. microbiology expertise
  6. will be our weekend phlebotomist
  7. hematology senior tech
  8. use to be an engineer
  9. winneberger medical director
  10. poc coordinator
  11. has 2 girls named emily and sophie
  12. blood bank senior tech
  13. lab manager
  1. normally works monday 12pm to 10pm
  2. our only red head
  3. chemistry senior tech
  4. lab director
  5. night phlebotomist
  6. lives in euless
  7. last name is thomas
  8. phlebotomy supervisor
  9. preop phlebotomist
  10. works at chf clinic
  11. from kenya
  12. lab photographer

25 Clues: from kenyawears a frolab managerlab directorlives in eulesspoc coordinatorlab photographerour only red headnight phlebotomistpreop phlebotomistwork weekend nightslast name is thomasworks at chf clinicchemistry senior techphlebotomy supervisoruse to be an engineermicrobiology expertisehematology senior techblood bank senior tech...

Channel 2016 TV Show Crossword 2015-12-08

Channel 2016 TV Show Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. That club with the singing kids.
  2. It’s not natural.
  3. The Good _________
  4. Bart and Homer
  5. Rhymes with cannibal
  6. What comes before the happily ever after (abbreviated).
  7. Whose anatomy?
  8. You have 206 of them.
  9. Game of chairs for royal people?
  10. More than two of them, but less than three.
  11. It all started with a _________.
  1. He’s a family guy.
  2. The _________ Diaries
  3. What kind of minds?
  4. This chemistry teacher has gone (breaking) bad.
  5. British detective with a funny hat
  6. They’ll be there for you.
  7. This is the story of how I met your _________.
  8. The running dead?
  9. _________ is dish best served cold.

20 Clues: Bart and HomerWhose anatomy?It’s not natural.The running dead?He’s a family guy.The Good _________What kind of minds?Rhymes with cannibalThe _________ DiariesYou have 206 of them.They’ll be there for you.That club with the singing kids.Game of chairs for royal people?It all started with a _________.British detective with a funny hat...

education 2016-04-13

education crossword puzzle
  1. Quickly.
  2. This happens when your final grades aren't sufficient to go to the next grade.
  3. Another word for mandatory.
  4. Subject that teaches you about the earth.
  5. Combination of chemistry and physics.
  6. When your mark is not sufficient.
  7. Another way to say you have the day off.
  8. To allow.
  9. From another country.
  10. Third of a schoolyear.
  1. Opposite of easy.
  2. Schedule of all your classes.
  3. You get one after graduation.
  4. School for toddlers.
  5. Combination of schools.
  6. First language.
  7. Specific type of pen.
  8. Another word for smart.
  9. The grade you get when you pass a test.
  10. Scholarship for college.

20 Clues: Quickly.To allow.First language.Opposite of easy.School for toddlers.Specific type of pen.From another country.Third of a schoolyear.Combination of schools.Another word for smart.Scholarship for college.Another word for mandatory.Schedule of all your classes.You get one after graduation.When your mark is not sufficient....

Lab Week 2017-04-25

Lab Week crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for sugar
  2. Right now
  3. Computer system used in lab
  4. Not your average Qtip
  5. Department where Cholesterol is performed
  6. Another word for drawing blood
  7. Lab Tech
  8. Department that performs PAPs
  9. Can't live without it
  10. Used to slow blood flow when drawing blood
  11. Department where PT's are performed
  1. Round and round it goes
  2. Some lab garbage
  3. Stain used by Microbiology
  4. Device used to perform differentials
  5. Container for used needles
  6. A little 'buggy' department
  7. Specimens must pass through here first
  8. Not a 'vampire'
  9. Department where ABO's are performed
  10. Slide Interpreter
  11. This department likes both red and white

22 Clues: Lab TechRight nowNot a 'vampire'Some lab garbageSlide InterpreterNot your average QtipCan't live without itAnother word for sugarRound and round it goesStain used by MicrobiologyContainer for used needlesComputer system used in labA little 'buggy' departmentDepartment that performs PAPsAnother word for drawing blood...

How Much Do You Know About TOK? 2017-04-25

How Much Do You Know About TOK? crossword puzzle
  1. self-expression
  2. scientific method
  3. Spanish and French
  4. biology,chemistry, and physics
  5. weather
  6. moral values
  7. out of comfort zone
  8. sight, smell, and taste
  9. course about critical thinking
  10. short-term or long-term
  11. no doubts
  12. academic integrity
  13. top-down process
  1. "We know that..."
  2. "I know that..."
  3. psychology and social anthropology
  4. calculus
  5. thinking outside the box
  6. logic
  7. curiosity
  8. intellectual, physical, and emotional
  9. written by the winners
  10. values local and global issues
  11. range of perspectives
  12. collaboration
  13. weighing strengths and weaknesses
  14. anger and joy
  15. respecting others
  16. trust
  17. either subjective or objective

30 Clues: logictrustweathercalculuscuriositycollaborationself-expression"I know that...""We know that..."written by the winnersscientific methodsight, smell, and tasteshort-term or long-termno doubtstop-down processacademic integritymoral valuesanger and joyrespecting others...

Queens Science Academy Staff 2017-11-02

Queens Science Academy Staff crossword puzzle
  1. Head of studies
  2. Most obvious pregnant staff
  3. JSS 3 form tutor
  4. Immediate past SS1 form tutor
  5. Facility manager
  6. Home economics teacher
  7. Headgirl best friend
  8. The teacher that uses physics lab for all his lessons
  9. Head of Science department
  10. The female teacher that accompanied the student to NISSMUN
  11. Economics teacher
  1. Most fair in complexion in JSS 3
  2. BIGGI of the school
  3. The school first principal
  4. Key stage coordinator Senior section
  5. ICT coordinator
  6. Assistant exam office
  7. School head girl
  8. Chemistry teacher
  9. Immediate past acting principal
  10. Most fair in complexion in JSS 1
  11. School librarian

22 Clues: Head of studiesICT coordinatorSchool head girlJSS 3 form tutorFacility managerSchool librarianChemistry teacherEconomics teacherBIGGI of the schoolHeadgirl best friendAssistant exam officeHome economics teacherThe school first principalHead of Science departmentMost obvious pregnant staffImmediate past SS1 form tutorImmediate past acting principal...

Branches of Science and Scientists 2019-02-27

Branches of Science and Scientists crossword puzzle
  1. the study of insects
  2. The study of chemicals
  3. The study of the earth
  4. Studies minerals
  5. Invented the bunsen burner
  6. The study of living organisms
  7. the study of fossils
  8. the study of animals
  9. The study of matter and its motion and behaviour through space and time
  10. the study of earthquakes
  11. invented the Nobel prize
  1. Studies mammals
  2. the study of plants
  3. the study of the ocean
  4. Studies the remains of human life
  5. the study of space
  6. Studies water and the water cycle
  7. the study of birds
  8. A physicist who had long white hair
  9. the study of volcanoes

20 Clues: Studies mammalsStudies mineralsthe study of spacethe study of birdsthe study of plantsthe study of insectsthe study of fossilsthe study of animalsThe study of chemicalsThe study of the earththe study of the oceanthe study of volcanoesthe study of earthquakesinvented the Nobel prizeInvented the bunsen burnerThe study of living organisms...

LonG tItLe, yOu WiLl NevEr gEt ThIs/ school subjects, sciences and school events no caps 2019-11-18

LonG tItLe, yOu WiLl NevEr gEt ThIs/ school subjects, sciences and school events no caps crossword puzzle
  1. politics, society, history
  2. when you go out to somewhere with your school or class
  3. reading, writing
  4. sport and exercise
  5. half the school year
  6. the study of life
  7. computers, coding
  8. the study of(motion, matter, space gravity ect)
  1. when someone comes to your school to teach
  2. making tech, robots
  3. deep talking and thoughtfulness
  4. another language
  5. algorithms, numbers
  6. earth science, study of oceans
  7. once every two weeks the school comes together
  8. when you are allowed to stay at home
  9. elements, periodic table
  10. outer space, stars, galaxy
  11. study of terrestrial planet, earth study, rocks
  12. (no more subjects/ science anymore:( )snack

20 Clues: another languagereading, writingthe study of lifecomputers, codingsport and exercisemaking tech, robotsalgorithms, numbershalf the school yearelements, periodic tablepolitics, society, historyouter space, stars, galaxyearth science, study of oceansdeep talking and thoughtfulnesswhen you are allowed to stay at home...

word review 2021-03-17

word review crossword puzzle
  1. a sport
  2. a magic place
  3. a period of 24 hours
  4. a famous romance
  5. the first chapter is about...
  6. they try to teach you a lot of things
  7. the opposit of long
  1. when you end an activity you say...
  2. a subject in school
  3. almost everyone wears it
  4. you should do it before it´s too late
  5. a meeting face to face before starting a job
  6. a period of 30 days
  7. light an invention
  8. you are a ...
  9. nationality
  10. a period of 52 weeks
  11. a school object
  12. it has a horn
  13. a period of 7 days

20 Clues: a sportnationalityyou are a ...a magic placeit has a horna school objecta famous romancea period of 7 daysa subject in schoola period of 30 dayslight an inventionthe opposit of longa period of 24 hoursa period of 52 weeksalmost everyone wears itthe first chapter is about...when you end an activity you should do it before it´s too late...

month + week + subject 2020-12-12

month + week + subject crossword puzzle
  1. the eighth month
  2. the fifth month
  3. 数学
  4. the twelfth month
  5. the fourth month
  6. 历史
  7. the first day of a week
  8. the third day of a week
  9. the first month
  10. the fourth day of a week
  11. 音乐
  12. the third month
  1. the fifth day of a week
  2. 美术
  3. the last day of a week
  4. the sixth month
  5. the second day of a week
  6. 化学
  7. the second month
  8. the sixth day of a week
  9. 语文
  10. the tenth month
  11. the seventh month
  12. the ninth month
  13. the eleventh month

25 Clues: 美术化学数学语文历史音乐the fifth monththe sixth monththe tenth monththe first monththe ninth monththe third monththe eighth monththe second monththe fourth monththe twelfth monththe seventh monththe eleventh monththe last day of a weekthe fifth day of a weekthe sixth day of a weekthe first day of a weekthe third day of a weekthe second day of a week...

Education 2 2020-11-22

Education 2 crossword puzzle
  1. saksa
  2. examination ylioppilastutkinto
  3. biologia
  4. secondary school lukio
  5. economics kotitalous
  6. councelling opo
  7. school lopettaa koulu
  8. päiväkoti
  9. yliopisto
  10. to school käydä koulua
  11. matematiikka
  12. uskonto
  13. luokkatoveri
  14. opiskelija
  15. education liikunta
  16. yhteiskuntaoppi
  17. school peruskoulu
  18. kuvataide
  19. subjects kouluaineita
  20. for a school hakea kouluun
  21. secondary school yläaste
  22. kirjallisuus
  1. ammattikorkeakoulu
  2. maantieto
  3. historia
  4. tongue öidinkieli
  5. pakollinen
  6. oppilas
  7. elämänkatsomustieto
  8. talonmies
  9. fysiikka
  10. esikoulu
  11. education terveystieto
  12. in tulla hyväksytyksi
  13. vapaaehtoinen
  14. kemia
  15. ruotsi
  16. school ammattioppilaitos
  17. käsityö
  18. system koulutusjärjestelmä
  19. keittäjä
  20. valmistua
  21. school aloittaa koulu
  22. school lopettaa koulu kesken

44 Clues: saksakemiaruotsioppilasuskontokäsityöhistoriabiologiafysiikkaesikoulukeittäjämaantietotalonmiespäiväkotiyliopistokuvataidevalmistuapakollinenopiskelijamatematiikkaluokkatoverikirjallisuusvapaaehtoinencouncelling opoyhteiskuntaoppitongue öidinkielischool peruskouluammattikorkeakoulueducation liikuntaelämänkatsomustietoeconomics kotitalous...

spanish vocabulario 2020-09-10

spanish vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. sociology
  2. library
  3. adminstration
  4. quiz
  5. history
  6. pen
  7. geography
  8. student
  9. roommate
  10. chemistry
  11. physics
  12. staduim
  13. business
  14. biology
  15. computer science
  16. house
  17. forenign languages
  18. backpack
  19. door
  20. quarter
  21. music
  22. schedule
  23. major
  24. sciences
  25. bookstore
  26. college
  27. seat
  1. semester
  2. wastebasket
  3. dormitory
  4. laboratory
  5. class
  6. humanities
  7. desk
  8. book
  9. economics
  10. cafeteria
  11. course
  12. journalism
  13. literature
  14. teacher
  15. mathematics
  16. blackboard
  17. spanish
  18. test
  19. classmate
  20. window
  21. accounting
  22. homework
  23. eraser
  24. psychology
  25. map
  26. english
  27. table
  28. paper
  29. chalk
  30. clock;watch
  31. art

58 Clues: penmapartdeskquizbooktestdoorseatclasshousemusicmajortablepaperchalkcoursewindoweraserlibraryhistoryteacherstudentspanishphysicsstaduimbiologyquarterenglishcollegesemesterroommatebusinesshomeworkbackpackschedulesciencessociologydormitoryeconomicscafeteriageographychemistryclassmatebookstorelaboratoryhumanitiesjournalismliteratureblackboard...

Unit 2 Spanish Vocab Words 40-41 2020-10-07

Unit 2 Spanish Vocab Words 40-41 crossword puzzle
  1. economics
  2. clock
  3. chair
  4. quiz
  5. music
  6. desk
  7. book
  8. mathematics
  9. literature
  10. cafeteria
  11. art
  12. bookstore
  13. window
  14. journalism
  15. school
  16. student(female)
  17. chalk
  18. table
  19. course
  20. trimester
  21. semester
  22. map
  23. homework
  24. humanities
  25. accounting
  26. computerscience
  27. eraser
  1. geography
  2. bookbag
  3. sciences
  4. sociology
  5. schedule
  6. test
  7. foreignlanguages
  8. English
  9. university
  10. pen
  11. paper
  12. chemistry
  13. house
  14. teacher
  15. biology
  16. physics
  17. class
  18. psychology
  19. trashcan
  20. door
  21. student(male)
  22. classmate
  23. blackboard
  24. courses
  25. calculator
  26. Spanish
  27. stadium
  28. laboratory
  29. library
  30. history

57 Clues: penartmaptestquizdeskbookdoorclockchairmusicpaperhouseclasschalktablewindowschoolcourseeraserbookbagEnglishteacherbiologyphysicscoursesSpanishstadiumlibraryhistorysciencesscheduletrashcansemesterhomeworkeconomicsgeographysociologychemistrycafeteriabookstoreclassmatetrimesteruniversityliteraturepsychologyblackboardjournalismcalculatorlaboratory...

Lab Week Crossword 2021 2021-04-14

Lab Week Crossword 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. Accredits laboratories performing testing
  2. Nickname of our new chemistry analyzers
  3. an escape of fluid into a body cavity
  4. a clumping of red cells
  5. A place for doing tests and research
  6. signs and symptoms
  7. Prolongs the clotting time of blood
  8. A highly contagious respiratory disease
  9. Rapid onset
  10. immeditately
  11. reference lab
  1. assess the resilience of a vein
  2. Main protein found in blood
  3. biological culture media
  4. Device sometimes used to collect blood
  5. condition in the decrease of RBCs
  6. Used to disinfect countertops
  7. Personal protective equipment
  8. a person receiving medical treatment
  9. involved in clotting
  10. Person from Prevea who picks up samples

21 Clues: Rapid onsetimmeditatelyreference labsigns and symptomsinvolved in clottinga clumping of red cellsbiological culture mediaMain protein found in bloodUsed to disinfect countertopsPersonal protective equipmentassess the resilience of a veincondition in the decrease of RBCsProlongs the clotting time of bloodA place for doing tests and research...

Science Crossword 2020-10-21

Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. substance that has two or more elements in it
  2. does not allow water to pass through
  3. does not allow light through
  4. our planet
  5. earth's star
  6. active during the night
  7. weather conditions
  8. substances used in chemistry experiments
  1. unit of energy or work
  2. top layer of land on the Earth's surface
  3. it is measure in Newtons (N)
  4. belonging to or living in water
  5. single celled organism
  6. group of atoms
  7. Mixture of 2 or more metals
  8. everything that exists
  9. how much room something takes up
  10. found in the nucleus
  11. living beings that fly
  12. Helps us breathe

20 Clues: our planetearth's stargroup of atomsHelps us breatheweather conditionsfound in the nucleusunit of energy or worksingle celled organismeverything that existsliving beings that flyactive during the nightMixture of 2 or more metalsit is measure in Newtons (N)does not allow light throughbelonging to or living in waterhow much room something takes up...

Unit 3, Lessons A + B: The verb Avoir, School subjects, Telling time 2021-05-19

Unit 3, Lessons A + B: The verb Avoir, School subjects, Telling time crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry class = La ______
  2. Dance class = La ______
  3. You guys have = Vous ______
  4. Midnight = ________
  5. To have = _______
  6. Spanish class = L'_______
  7. Computer class = L' _________
  8. I have = J'___
  9. It's ten o'clock = Il est _________.
  10. You have = Tu ___
  11. Geometry class = La _______
  12. Physics class = La ______
  13. Calculus class = Le ______
  1. History class = L' _______
  2. PE = L'_____
  3. We have = Nous _____
  4. What time is it? = _________?
  5. French class = Le ________
  6. Homework = Les ________
  7. Biology class = La ______
  8. Noon= ______
  9. English class = L'______
  10. The teacher = Le/La ______
  11. It's one o'clock = Il est ________
  12. German class = L'_______
  13. They have = Elles ____
  14. Algebra class = L' _______
  15. Art class = Les _________

28 Clues: PE = L'_____Noon= ______I have = J'___To have = _______You have = Tu ___Midnight = ________We have = Nous _____They have = Elles ____Dance class = La ______Homework = Les ________English class = L'______German class = L'_______Biology class = La ______Spanish class = L'_______Art class = Les _________Physics class = La ______...

El clima 2021-11-03

El clima crossword puzzle
  1. Autumn
  2. Thursday
  3. Tuesday
  4. music
  5. English
  6. mathematics
  7. December
  8. It is good weather
  9. May
  10. It is sunny
  11. Monday
  12. it snows
  13. August
  14. Friday
  15. October
  16. algebra
  17. It is snowing
  18. Spanish
  19. It is windy
  20. Spring
  21. July
  22. band
  23. January
  24. June
  25. science
  1. it rains
  2. religion
  3. biology
  4. Winter
  5. geometry
  6. chemistry
  7. Summer
  8. anatomy
  9. Wednesday
  10. Saturday
  11. Sunday
  12. September
  13. It is raining
  14. April
  15. November
  16. history
  17. fisica physical education
  18. literature
  19. geography
  20. February
  21. It is hot
  22. noon
  23. March
  24. It is cold

49 Clues: MaynoonJulybandJunemusicAprilMarchAutumnWinterSummerSundayMondayAugustFridaySpringbiologyTuesdayanatomyEnglishhistoryOctoberalgebraSpanishJanuaryscienceit rainsreligionThursdaygeometrySaturdayDecemberit snowsNovemberFebruarychemistryWednesdaySeptembergeographyIt is hotliteratureIt is coldmathematicsIt is sunnyIt is windyIt is rainingIt is snowing...

Spelling Week 6 2021-08-17

Spelling Week 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Grateful
  2. A word that hurts others
  3. someone who predicts things
  4. Looking good in a photo
  5. Make sure you do this with care
  6. A partical that has no mass
  7. Someone who takes photos
  8. Im full of hope
  9. Sensitive to photos
  10. I predict this
  11. chemistry for photos
  12. A sort of sacrifice
  13. Your not lying
  14. It hurts
  1. You walk like a model
  2. Don't forget
  3. A lens with a focal point
  4. Extreme sensitivity to photos
  5. Copy your photo
  6. Coming out of the printer
  7. An item
  8. Happily
  9. a place to keep meanings
  10. Formally accuse
  11. Something that can fly

25 Clues: An itemHappilyGratefulIt hurtsDon't forgetI predict thisYour not lyingCopy your photoIm full of hopeFormally accuseSensitive to photosA sort of sacrificechemistry for photosYou walk like a modelSomething that can flyLooking good in a photoA word that hurts othersSomeone who takes photosa place to keep meaningsA lens with a focal point...