diabetes Crossword Puzzles

YOGA PUZZLE 2021-05-15

YOGA PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. weight loss
  2. improves back pain
  3. cure diabetes
  4. improves height
  1. writer of yoga sutra
  2. improves digestion
  3. improves blood pressure

7 Clues: weight losscure diabetesimproves heightimproves digestionimproves back painwriter of yoga sutraimproves blood pressure


  1. Salah satu gangguan pada kulit
  2. Sesak nafas/penyumbatan saluran pernafasan
  3. Kelenjar keringat
  4. Tempat penyaringan darah di ginjal
  5. Menghasilkan ekskresi berupa getah empedu
  6. Lapisan terluar kulit
  1. Alat ekskkresi tempat pemebentukan urin
  2. Hasil ekskresi paru- paru
  3. Struktur fungsional pemebntuk urin
  4. Penyakit kencing manis / diabetes

10 Clues: Kelenjar keringatLapisan terluar kulitHasil ekskresi paru- paruSalah satu gangguan pada kulitPenyakit kencing manis / diabetesStruktur fungsional pemebntuk urinTempat penyaringan darah di ginjalAlat ekskkresi tempat pemebentukan urinMenghasilkan ekskresi berupa getah empeduSesak nafas/penyumbatan saluran pernafasan

Nutrition 2023-04-13

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. restriction to lose weight
  2. amount of energy
  3. complex molecules /chain of amino acids
  4. iron is an essential
  1. somebody who doesn't eat meat
  2. disease when pancreas is not producing insulin
  3. fat / overweight
  4. dairy products are high in
  5. plant that has a seed
  6. stability

10 Clues: stabilityfat / overweightamount of energyiron is an essentialplant that has a seedrestriction to lose weightdairy products are high insomebody who doesn't eat meatcomplex molecules /chain of amino acidsdisease when pancreas is not producing insulin

Medtronic Products 2022-09-04

Medtronic Products crossword puzzle
  1. mobile app for diabetes
  2. world's first smart stapler
  3. Capsule endoscopy innovative product
  4. intraoperative imaging system
  1. Remote patient monitoring
  2. world’s smallest pacemaker
  3. Rechargeable Deep Brain Stimulation system
  4. energy based vessel sealing devices
  5. ventilator design free from Medtronic, during Covid-19
  6. microwave abalation generator

10 Clues: mobile app for diabetesRemote patient monitoringworld’s smallest pacemakerworld's first smart staplermicrowave abalation generatorintraoperative imaging systemenergy based vessel sealing devicesCapsule endoscopy innovative productRechargeable Deep Brain Stimulation systemventilator design free from Medtronic, during Covid-19

W05 Medicine Crossword 2020-12-13

W05 Medicine Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to stream small drops on someone
  2. to suggest something
  3. feel like everything's spinning
  4. to tell someone to take medicine
  5. something that is going to happen
  1. injection to fight a virus
  2. the body can't use glucose
  3. someone who prepares drugs
  4. organs used for breathing
  5. substance used as medicine
  6. sweet thick liquid

11 Clues: sweet thick liquidto suggest somethingorgans used for breathinginjection to fight a virusthe body can't use glucosesomeone who prepares drugssubstance used as medicinefeel like everything's spinningto stream small drops on someoneto tell someone to take medicinesomething that is going to happen

Ristikko 2024-03-01

Ristikko crossword puzzle
  1. sokeriaineenvaihdunnanhäiriö
  2. valtimonkovettumatauti
  3. paha kolesteroli
  4. yleisin riskitekijä muistisairauksiin
  5. oireyhtymä, jossa muisti sekä tiedonkäsittely on heikentynyt
  6. yleisin muistisairaus
  7. maksan sisälle on kertynyt ylimääräistä rasvaa
  1. voi puhjeta raskauden aikana ja alistaa myöhemmin tyypin 2 diabetekselle
  2. solut eivät reagoi insuliiniin normaalisti
  3. suojaa muistisairauksilta ja auttaa välttämään muitakin sairauksia
  4. yleisin altistava tekijä tyypin 1 diabetekselle

11 Clues: paha kolesteroliyleisin muistisairausvaltimonkovettumatautisokeriaineenvaihdunnanhäiriöyleisin riskitekijä muistisairauksiinsolut eivät reagoi insuliiniin normaalistimaksan sisälle on kertynyt ylimääräistä rasvaayleisin altistava tekijä tyypin 1 diabetekselleoireyhtymä, jossa muisti sekä tiedonkäsittely on heikentynyt...

drug running 2022-06-07

drug running crossword puzzle
  1. brain damage, head ache, kidney damage.
  2. prevents infections in people exposed.
  3. causes slowed thinking, and short term memory
  4. causes sleepiness.
  5. kills bacteria and helps with infections.
  6. increase of awarness or sense.
  7. euphoria pain relief death.
  8. panic self injury weakness and disyness.
  9. helps people who are nervous.
  10. gives adrenaline, increase agression.
  1. dangerously slow breathing, siezure.
  2. relives pain.
  3. increases alertness helps ADHD victims.
  4. loss of cordination drowsiness
  5. helps relive minor allergic reactions.
  6. injected confusion, loss of memeory.
  7. low glucose treats diabetes.
  8. neutralises stomach acid relief from heartburn.
  9. opens airways to make breathing easier.

19 Clues: relives pain.causes sleepiness.euphoria pain relief death.low glucose treats diabetes.helps people who are nervous.loss of cordination drowsinessincrease of awarness or sense.dangerously slow breathing, siezure.injected confusion, loss of memeory.gives adrenaline, increase agression.prevents infections in people exposed....

Medical conditions 2022-11-09

Medical conditions crossword puzzle
  1. medical term for pink eye
  2. abnormal cell growth
  3. eating disorder
  4. broken bone
  5. inability to sleep
  6. itchiness, rashes, fever
  7. memory loss
  8. STI that causes ulcers, sores, and warts
  9. blood sugar level too high
  10. overweight, excessive body weight
  1. caused by a blow or hit to the head
  2. STI that can cause infertility
  3. STI caused by a parasite
  4. fever,chills, muscle aches, high temperature
  5. inflammation of lung airways
  6. medically cannot see
  7. shortness of breath,loss of taste or smell
  8. inflammation of the larynx, voice box
  9. medically unable to hear

19 Clues: broken bonememory losseating disorderinability to sleepabnormal cell growthmedically cannot seeSTI caused by a parasiteitchiness, rashes, fevermedically unable to hearmedical term for pink eyeblood sugar level too highinflammation of lung airwaysSTI that can cause infertilityoverweight, excessive body weightcaused by a blow or hit to the head...

sistem endokrin 2023-05-10

sistem endokrin crossword puzzle
  1. stimulan tiroid
  2. Hormon yang menstimulasi sel-sel limfosit
  3. zat dalam darah yang diregulasi PTH
  4. organ kelenjar adrenal bersifat (simetris kanan kiri) dalam tubuh manusia
  5. zat untuk regulasi gula darah
  6. Hormon ___ mempunyai fungsi utama sintesis protein
  7. dampak kekurangan insulin
  8. zat dalam darah yang diregulasi PTH
  9. ketidakseimbangan hormon dapat menunda _____
  10. fungsi utama pankreas adalah dalam sistem ____
  1. letak timus di belakang
  2. salah satu hormon yang diproduksi adrenal
  3. mikronutrien yang produksinya distimulasi PTH
  4. produksi tiroid eksesif
  5. kelenjar reproduksi bilateral pria
  6. vas _______
  7. feedback _______
  8. letak kelenjar adrenal di atas
  9. letak tiroid dibawah ____
  10. Fungsi kelenjar timus adalah produksi dan pematangan

20 Clues: vas _______stimulan tiroidfeedback _______letak timus di belakangproduksi tiroid eksesifletak tiroid dibawah ____dampak kekurangan insulinzat untuk regulasi gula darahletak kelenjar adrenal di ataskelenjar reproduksi bilateral priazat dalam darah yang diregulasi PTHzat dalam darah yang diregulasi PTHsalah satu hormon yang diproduksi adrenal...

bioteknologi 2023-02-10

bioteknologi crossword puzzle
  1. terjadinya eutrofikasi disebabkan oleh menumpuk nya
  2. antibodi terhadap virus
  3. virus yang menyerang tumbuhan tembakau
  4. kadar protein lebih tinggi merupakan
  5. proses yang bisa menggunakan metode pencampuran dengan klorin untuk pembersihan
  6. penyebab adanya penumpukan NO3 diperairan
  7. berperan dalam perbanyakan plasmid
  8. bakteri yang dapat menguraikan limbah organik
  9. obat yang di suntikkan pada penderita diabetes
  1. sifat dari thoibacillius ferrooxidan
  2. bina n pembuatan hormon insulin menggunakan
  3. bakteri dalam pemisahan logam
  4. genetik solusi dari eutrofikasi ialah
  5. pemisahan DNA oleh enzim
  6. makanan berkadar protein tinggi
  7. penyambung potongan aon
  8. enzim ligase
  9. gen pengobatan penyakit/kelainan genetik
  10. contoh scp

19 Clues: contoh scpenzim ligaseantibodi terhadap viruspenyambung potongan aonpemisahan DNA oleh enzimbakteri dalam pemisahan logammakanan berkadar protein tinggiberperan dalam perbanyakan plasmidsifat dari thoibacillius ferrooxidankadar protein lebih tinggi merupakangenetik solusi dari eutrofikasi ialahvirus yang menyerang tumbuhan tembakau...

Factors affecting Health and Wellbeing 2020-11-22

Factors affecting Health and Wellbeing crossword puzzle
  1. A negative emotional feeling
  2. An unhelpful relationship
  3. Asthma diabetes are not acute conditions
  4. Not being with others
  5. Environmental factor: to live in
  6. How they may inherit an illness
  7. The people and places around them
  8. The wages or payments they get
  9. A person's heritage and culture
  10. Economic factor of work
  1. A helpful relationship
  2. Their beliefs
  3. How much time they spend being active
  4. Alcohol, drugs, tobacco
  5. Time with others
  6. Bills and things they buy
  7. The food they eat
  8. Washing facilities affect personal?
  9. Environmental factor in the air

19 Clues: Their beliefsTime with othersThe food they eatNot being with othersA helpful relationshipAlcohol, drugs, tobaccoEconomic factor of workAn unhelpful relationshipBills and things they buyA negative emotional feelingThe wages or payments they getHow they may inherit an illnessEnvironmental factor in the airA person's heritage and culture...

farmakologija 2020-03-31

farmakologija crossword puzzle
  1. rabe se u liječenju DM tip 2
  2. šećerna bolest
  3. antagonisti hormona
  4. jedan od načina liječenja dijabetesa
  5. metoda kontracepcije
  6. jedan od glavnih simptoma dijabetesa
  7. najvažniji muški spolni hormon
  8. stimuliraju lučenje
  9. ima oblik leptira
  10. najčešća nuspojava inzulinske terapije
  11. upravlja lučenjem hormona štitnjače
  1. znak ___ je zadah po acetonu
  2. u nekih žena može spriječiti ovulaciju
  3. propadanja sitnih krvnih žila bubrega
  4. može nastati kao posljedica manjka paratireoidnog hormona
  5. manjak hormona štitnjače
  6. promjene na malim krvnim žilama uzrokovane kronično povišenom razinom šećera u krvi
  7. diabetes mellitus tipa ___ prije nazivan juvenilnim
  8. štitnjača luči _____

19 Clues: šećerna bolestima oblik leptiraantagonisti hormonastimuliraju lučenjemetoda kontracepciještitnjača luči _____manjak hormona štitnjačeznak ___ je zadah po acetonurabe se u liječenju DM tip 2najvažniji muški spolni hormonupravlja lučenjem hormona štitnjačejedan od načina liječenja dijabetesajedan od glavnih simptoma dijabetesa...

drug running 2022-06-07

drug running crossword puzzle
  1. brain damage, head ache, kidney damage.
  2. prevents infections in people exposed.
  3. causes slowed thinking, and short term memory
  4. causes sleepiness.
  5. kills bacteria and helps with infections.
  6. increase of awarness or sense.
  7. euphoria pain relief death.
  8. panic self injury weakness and disyness.
  9. helps people who are nervous.
  10. gives adrenaline, increase agression.
  1. dangerously slow breathing, siezure.
  2. relives pain.
  3. increases alertness helps ADHD victims.
  4. loss of cordination drowsiness
  5. helps relive minor allergic reactions.
  6. injected confusion, loss of memeory.
  7. low glucose treats diabetes.
  8. neutralises stomach acid relief from heartburn.
  9. opens airways to make breathing easier.

19 Clues: relives pain.causes sleepiness.euphoria pain relief death.low glucose treats diabetes.helps people who are nervous.loss of cordination drowsinessincrease of awarness or sense.dangerously slow breathing, siezure.injected confusion, loss of memeory.gives adrenaline, increase agression.prevents infections in people exposed....

bioteknologi 2023-02-10

bioteknologi crossword puzzle
  1. terjadinya eutrofikasi disebabkan oleh menumpuk nya
  2. antibodi terhadap virus
  3. virus yang menyerang tumbuhan tembakau
  4. kadar protein lebih tinggi merupakan
  5. proses yang bisa menggunakan metode pencampuran dengan klorin untuk pembersihan
  6. penyebab adanya penumpukan NO3 diperairan
  7. berperan dalam perbanyakan plasmid
  8. bakteri yang dapat menguraikan limbah organik
  9. obat yang di suntikkan pada penderita diabetes
  1. sifat dari thoibacillius ferrooxidan
  2. bina n pembuatan hormon insulin menggunakan
  3. bakteri dalam pemisahan logam
  4. genetik solusi dari eutrofikasi ialah
  5. pemisahan DNA oleh enzim
  6. makanan berkadar protein tinggi
  7. penyambung potongan aon
  8. enzim ligase
  9. gen pengobatan penyakit/kelainan genetik
  10. contoh scp

19 Clues: contoh scpenzim ligaseantibodi terhadap viruspenyambung potongan aonpemisahan DNA oleh enzimbakteri dalam pemisahan logammakanan berkadar protein tinggiberperan dalam perbanyakan plasmidsifat dari thoibacillius ferrooxidankadar protein lebih tinggi merupakangenetik solusi dari eutrofikasi ialahvirus yang menyerang tumbuhan tembakau...


BAB 3: KOORDINASI & GERAK BALAS crossword puzzle
  1. kapilari darah mengecut
  2. __ hormon aldosteron dirembes apabila air banyak
  3. diabetes __ yang disebabkan kurang ADH
  4. dadah yang melegakan kegelisahan
  5. hormon yang mengawal penyerapan semula air
  6. penyakit disebabkan air banyak dalam badan
  7. kapilari darah mengembang
  8. jaringan kapilari darah dlm kapsul Bowman
  9. kapsul ___ berbentuk cawan dan terdapat di korteks
  1. kelenjar yang merembes hormon aldosteron
  2. kelenjar yang merembes hormon ADH
  3. merangsang pertumbuhan & pemanjangan sel
  4. merangsang pematangan buah
  5. dadah yang menyebabkan halusinasi
  6. bahagian dalam ginjal
  7. bahagian luar ginjal
  8. Parkinson disebabkan kekurangan rembesan __
  9. tekanan osmosis darah __ apabila kehilangan air
  10. Pergerakan bahan yang tidak terturas spt. urea

19 Clues: bahagian luar ginjalbahagian dalam ginjalkapilari darah mengecutkapilari darah mengembangmerangsang pematangan buahdadah yang melegakan kegelisahankelenjar yang merembes hormon ADHdadah yang menyebabkan halusinasidiabetes __ yang disebabkan kurang ADHkelenjar yang merembes hormon aldosteronmerangsang pertumbuhan & pemanjangan sel...

Endocrine System 2021-11-04

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. blood glucose levels drop below 60mg/dL
  2. decreased production of TH
  3. insulin-dependent diavetes mellitus
  4. enlargement of the thyroid
  5. autoimmune disorder, causing exophthalmos
  1. excessive production of TH
  2. over secretion of growth hormone in childhood
  3. characterized by moon face
  4. insulin-independent diabetes mellitus
  5. excessive growth hormone production in adults
  6. insufficient production of steroids

11 Clues: excessive production of THcharacterized by moon facedecreased production of THenlargement of the thyroidinsulin-dependent diavetes mellitusinsufficient production of steroidsinsulin-independent diabetes mellitusblood glucose levels drop below 60mg/dLautoimmune disorder, causing exophthalmosover secretion of growth hormone in childhood...

KANSANTAUTI 2019-03-04

KANSANTAUTI crossword puzzle
  1. Vakava allerginen reaktio, jossa useat elimet oireilevat äkisti yhtäaikaa
  2. Hengitysteiden sairaus, joka johtuu ruummiillisesta rasituksesta
  3. Liian korkea ___ lisää riskiä sairastua sydän- ja verisuontitautiin
  4. Syömisen jälkeen ___ kohoaa
  5. Verensokeritauti
  6. Astmalääke nautitaan tästä
  1. Syöpää aiheuttava aine
  2. tunne mm. diabeteksen oire
  3. Yksi yleisimmistä sydän- ja verisuonitaudeista
  4. Terveelliset ___ vähentävät riskiä sairastua erilaisiin tauteihin
  5. Hengitysteiden sairaus

11 Clues: VerensokeritautiSyöpää aiheuttava aineHengitysteiden sairaustunne mm. diabeteksen oireAstmalääke nautitaan tästäSyömisen jälkeen ___ kohoaaYksi yleisimmistä sydän- ja verisuonitaudeistaHengitysteiden sairaus, joka johtuu ruummiillisesta rasituksestaTerveelliset ___ vähentävät riskiä sairastua erilaisiin tauteihin...

Tandem 2023-08-10

Tandem crossword puzzle
  1. 20-45 degree angle
  2. Pump and CGM that work together
  3. Holds insulin
  4. first word of both pump models
  5. Suspend for lows
  1. Steel needle
  2. Connects patient to pump
  3. Soft canula infusion set
  4. Can adjust for highs and lows
  5. Device that delivers insulin
  6. Used in the pump to help manage diabetes

11 Clues: Steel needleHolds insulinSuspend for lows20-45 degree angleConnects patient to pumpSoft canula infusion setDevice that delivers insulinCan adjust for highs and lowsfirst word of both pump modelsPump and CGM that work togetherUsed in the pump to help manage diabetes

Medical Terminology 2013-03-21

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. subcostal subcutaneous parathyroid periosteum prolapse
  2. dermatology pathology pediatrics radiology surgery
  3. neurosurgeon orthopedist pulmonologist oncologist gastroenterologist
  1. hypertension hyperthyroidism postpartum dyspnea
  2. quadriplegia tricuspid
  3. dysphagia dysplasia antepartum epidural hemiplegia
  4. dysmenorrhea fibroids sarcoidosis lymphoma mononucleosis
  5. malignant metacarpal metastasis intervertebral Hypoglycemia
  6. jaundice cholelithiasis cirrhosis diverticulosis goiter
  7. angiography thoracentesis phlebotomy
  8. transurethral neoplastic benign ultrasonography prenatal

11 Clues: quadriplegia tricuspidangiography thoracentesis phlebotomyhypertension hyperthyroidism postpartum dyspneadysphagia dysplasia antepartum epidural hemiplegiadermatology pathology pediatrics radiology surgerysubcostal subcutaneous parathyroid periosteum prolapsejaundice cholelithiasis cirrhosis diverticulosis goiter...

Ant-Hyperglycemics 2020-06-10

Ant-Hyperglycemics crossword puzzle
  1. ___-___ inhibitors inhibit conversion of startch to sugar
  2. Protein that regulates Blood sugar
  3. Increased blood sugar
  4. Chronic Disease effecting Blood sugar
  5. Mikes alter ego name
  1. AKA Insta-Glucose
  2. Cell failure that leads to type 2
  3. Increased basal and prandial insulin production
  4. AKA Glucophage
  5. Some medications reduce BS drastically causing _________
  6. Stored form of glucose

11 Clues: AKA GlucophageAKA Insta-GlucoseMikes alter ego nameIncreased blood sugarStored form of glucoseCell failure that leads to type 2Protein that regulates Blood sugarChronic Disease effecting Blood sugarIncreased basal and prandial insulin productionSome medications reduce BS drastically causing _________...

Ant-Hyperglycemics 2020-06-10

Ant-Hyperglycemics crossword puzzle
  1. ___-___ inhibitors inhibit conversion of startch to sugar
  2. Protein that regulates Blood sugar
  3. Increased blood sugar
  4. Chronic Disease effecting Blood sugar
  5. Mikes alter ego name
  1. AKA Insta-Glucose
  2. Cell failure that leads to type 2
  3. Increased basal and prandial insulin production
  4. AKA Glucophage
  5. Some medications reduce BS drastically causing _________
  6. Stored form of glucose

11 Clues: AKA GlucophageAKA Insta-GlucoseMikes alter ego nameIncreased blood sugarStored form of glucoseCell failure that leads to type 2Protein that regulates Blood sugarChronic Disease effecting Blood sugarIncreased basal and prandial insulin productionSome medications reduce BS drastically causing _________...

cooking and the medicine 2022-11-01

cooking and the medicine crossword puzzle
  1. People can become very __________, or get diseases like diabetes.
  2. This _____ then also help with anxiety and depression.
  3. into _____ sticks.
  4. To _____ weight.
  5. The _____ feel full.
  6. This can then ______ help with anxiety and depression.
  1. Tried ____ diets.
  2. The _____ spicy flavors of Bibimbap.
  3. ______ and minerals.
  4. He wants to be a _______.
  5. ________ foods to eat.

11 Clues: Tried ____ diets.To _____ weight.into _____ sticks.______ and minerals.The _____ feel full.________ foods to eat.He wants to be a _______.The _____ spicy flavors of Bibimbap.This _____ then also help with anxiety and depression.This can then ______ help with anxiety and depression.People can become very __________, or get diseases like diabetes.

Things I Assume V Knows About 2024-08-02

Things I Assume V Knows About crossword puzzle
  1. Failed Mexican procedure where V lost a kidney
  2. 3:15 Shade
  3. Rather Freeze than eat a vegetable
  4. Jesus Christ!
  5. 2 square patties, American cheese, bacon, and diabetes
  1. Butler Vodka
  2. Plug it then down the hatch
  3. BBQ Seating
  4. Fastfood Chain Eskew Owns
  5. Phalanges Contraband
  6. Made Allen jealous by showing SSpeir and not him

11 Clues: 3:15 ShadeBBQ SeatingButler VodkaJesus Christ!Phalanges ContrabandFastfood Chain Eskew OwnsPlug it then down the hatchRather Freeze than eat a vegetableFailed Mexican procedure where V lost a kidneyMade Allen jealous by showing SSpeir and not him2 square patties, American cheese, bacon, and diabetes

Benefits of Exercise 2021-04-15

Benefits of Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Can brighten up your
  2. Can give you an opportunity to
  3. Can help combat
  4. Lowers your risk of a
  5. Improves your
  1. Reduces the chances of getting
  2. Reduces likelihood of type 2
  3. Can increase your ... levels
  4. Exercise releases

9 Clues: Improves yourCan help combatExercise releasesCan brighten up yourLowers your risk of aReduces likelihood of type 2Can increase your ... levelsReduces the chances of gettingCan give you an opportunity to

Disability 2015-07-29

Disability crossword puzzle
  1. Psychiatric Disability
  2. Hard of Hearing
  3. Physical Disability
  4. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  1. Speech and Language Disability
  2. People who can't see
  3. Learning Disability
  4. Medical Disability involving low blood sugar

8 Clues: Hard of HearingLearning DisabilityPhysical DisabilityPeople who can't seePsychiatric DisabilitySpeech and Language DisabilityAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderMedical Disability involving low blood sugar

Nicholas 2021-03-11

Nicholas crossword puzzle
  1. Adrenal Damage That Causes Not Enough of what hormone in Addison's Disease
  2. Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar caused by many things, the main one being
  3. A disorder cause by either an over or underproduction of Thyroid Hormone
  4. Mellitus, A disease caused by Insulin not working or being produced enough
  5. A disorder caused by to much growth hormone but in an adult Pituitary Dwarfism, A disorder opposite of gigantism that causes people to be shorter due to a lack of Growth Hormone
  6. Hormone, Myxdema is a disease cause by a lack of what hormone
  7. Hypersecretion Androgens is caused by having an excess amount of what hormone
  8. A disorder that causes a child to grow to much due to too much Growth Hormone
  9. Hirituism is a disorder in females cause by excess male hormones, the biggest hormone is
  10. Diabetes Insipidus is when you have problems with what hormone
  1. Syndrome, A disorder caused by to much Cortisol
  2. Disease, A disease cause by an over production of Thyroid Hormone
  3. A disease cause be a lack of Vitamin D
  4. Hormone, Tetany comes from an underproduction of what hormone
  5. Affective Disorder, When your body lack Serotonin you get this disorder
  6. Having to much of this hormone causes Hyperaldosteronism
  7. Hormone, A severe deficiency of what hormone causes Cretinism (Severe Deficiency)

17 Clues: A disease cause be a lack of Vitamin DSyndrome, A disorder caused by to much CortisolHaving to much of this hormone causes HyperaldosteronismHormone, Myxdema is a disease cause by a lack of what hormoneHormone, Tetany comes from an underproduction of what hormoneDiabetes Insipidus is when you have problems with what hormone...

Diabetes Crossword 2024-03-11

Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Excess hunger
  2. Excess thirst
  3. High blood sugar
  1. After a meal
  2. Excess urination
  3. High blood pressure

6 Clues: After a mealExcess hungerExcess thirstExcess urinationHigh blood sugarHigh blood pressure

Documentary 2022-03-21

Documentary crossword puzzle
  1. Children love this item
  2. How tall a person is
  3. How heavy a person is
  4. A food expert
  5. To throw up
  6. You suffer from if you are down
  7. What is a GP?
  8. converting kg to Lb
  9. McDs is sold in over 100
  10. The name of the documentarian
  1. The name of the clown
  2. An area in New York
  3. A heart expert
  4. If you want the largest meal
  5. An area for Chinese people
  6. Not small or large
  7. Too much sugar causes this
  8. British call them chips
  9. To have no energy

19 Clues: To throw upA food expertWhat is a GP?A heart expertTo have no energyNot small or largeAn area in New Yorkconverting kg to LbHow tall a person isThe name of the clownHow heavy a person isChildren love this itemBritish call them chipsMcDs is sold in over 100An area for Chinese peopleToo much sugar causes thisIf you want the largest meal...

bioteknologi 2023-02-10

bioteknologi crossword puzzle
  1. terjadinya eutrofikasi disebabkan oleh menumpuk nya
  2. antibodi terhadap virus
  3. virus yang menyerang tumbuhan tembakau
  4. kadar protein lebih tinggi merupakan
  5. proses yang bisa menggunakan metode pencampuran dengan klorin untuk pembersihan
  6. penyebab adanya penumpukan NO3 diperairan
  7. berperan dalam perbanyakan plasmid
  8. bakteri yang dapat menguraikan limbah organik
  9. obat yang di suntikkan pada penderita diabetes
  1. sifat dari thoibacillius ferrooxidan
  2. bina n pembuatan hormon insulin menggunakan
  3. bakteri dalam pemisahan logam
  4. genetik solusi dari eutrofikasi ialah
  5. pemisahan DNA oleh enzim
  6. makanan berkadar protein tinggi
  7. penyambung potongan aon
  8. enzim ligase
  9. gen pengobatan penyakit/kelainan genetik
  10. contoh scp

19 Clues: contoh scpenzim ligaseantibodi terhadap viruspenyambung potongan aonpemisahan DNA oleh enzimbakteri dalam pemisahan logammakanan berkadar protein tinggiberperan dalam perbanyakan plasmidsifat dari thoibacillius ferrooxidankadar protein lebih tinggi merupakangenetik solusi dari eutrofikasi ialahvirus yang menyerang tumbuhan tembakau...

Suomalaisten kansantaudit 2022-11-03

Suomalaisten kansantaudit crossword puzzle
  1. Aiheuttajana voi olla esimerkiksi vääränlainen työskentelyasento.
  2. Hengitystiet ahtautuvat.
  3. "En muista mitään"
  4. Korkea verenpainen lisää riskiä sairastua tämän tautiryhmän tauteihin.
  5. Verisuonissa oleva paine.
  1. Syöpää aiheuttavia tekijöitä kutsutaan
  2. Vaaraton aine aiheuttaa reaktion iholla, hengitysteissä tai suolistossa.
  3. Sitä käytetään, jos on diabetes
  4. Sairastumisen aiheuttaa perintöaineksen vaurioituminen.
  5. aiheuttavia tekijöitä kutsutaan
  6. nousee, kun syöt

11 Clues: nousee, kun syöt"En muista mitään"Hengitystiet ahtautuvat.Verisuonissa oleva paine.Sitä käytetään, jos on diabetesaiheuttavia tekijöitä kutsutaanSyöpää aiheuttavia tekijöitä kutsutaanSairastumisen aiheuttaa perintöaineksen vaurioituminen.Aiheuttajana voi olla esimerkiksi vääränlainen työskentelyasento....

crossword 2023-01-16

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. if you have this you need insulin
  2. cannot survive without resuscitation
  3. caused by a hard hit
  4. cause of bacteria
  5. in the same position for a long time
  6. red dots on skin
  7. cause of using too much alchohol
  1. you need hydration
  2. sudden exhaustion reaction
  3. amputation is required
  4. dark mark on the skin

11 Clues: red dots on skincause of bacteriayou need hydrationcaused by a hard hitdark mark on the skinamputation is requiredsudden exhaustion reactioncause of using too much alchoholif you have this you need insulincannot survive without resuscitationin the same position for a long time

happy birthday dad 2023-01-31

happy birthday dad crossword puzzle
  1. true crime
  2. what you'll get when you finish all this candy
  3. opposite of sad
  4. your hobby
  5. what you signed up to be 20ish years ago
  1. youre a perfect ___ for your kids
  2. who is the ___? (our video together)
  3. its yours today
  4. ___ or hardly working?
  5. you aren't old, just ___
  6. being handy and caring

11 Clues: true crimeyour hobbyits yours todayopposite of sad___ or hardly working?being handy and caringyou aren't old, just ___youre a perfect ___ for your kidswho is the ___? (our video together)what you signed up to be 20ish years agowhat you'll get when you finish all this candy

Week 6 quiz 2024-02-02

Week 6 quiz crossword puzzle
  1. - ___ which one of the following is not a modifiable risk factor
  2. Type 2 diabetes has the equivalent risk of a cardiovascular event as no diabetes but ___ CV event
  1. The first major step to prevent CVD is to identify ____
  2. Which of the following is not an anti-hyperglycaemia drug class that has been investigated during CVOT.
  3. At least ___% of people with Type 2 diabetes will die of a cardiovascular event.

5 Clues: The first major step to prevent CVD is to identify ____- ___ which one of the following is not a modifiable risk factorAt least ___% of people with Type 2 diabetes will die of a cardiovascular event.Type 2 diabetes has the equivalent risk of a cardiovascular event as no diabetes but ___ CV event...

Super Grocer Trivia 2017-01-14

Super Grocer Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Prescription called in by a doctor
  2. Narcotics medication stored here
  3. Most expensive cold sore medication
  4. Medical condition with high sugars
  5. Super Grocer secondary pharmaceutical wholesaler
  1. Ferrous Gluconate colour
  2. The pills go into this
  3. The device to adminster aerosol inhalers
  4. Super Grocer founder's first name
  5. Medical condition with high purine
  6. Ferrous Sulphate colour

11 Clues: The pills go into thisFerrous Sulphate colourFerrous Gluconate colourNarcotics medication stored hereSuper Grocer founder's first namePrescription called in by a doctorMedical condition with high purineMedical condition with high sugarsMost expensive cold sore medicationThe device to adminster aerosol inhalers...

Diabetes Complications 2022-09-01

Diabetes Complications crossword puzzle
  1. a condition of unable to see
  2. blood supply to the brain is reduced
  3. open wound in lower limb that is difficult to heal
  1. loss of kidney function
  2. blood flow to the heart is blocked
  3. state of elevated blood pressure

6 Clues: loss of kidney functiona condition of unable to seestate of elevated blood pressureblood flow to the heart is blockedblood supply to the brain is reducedopen wound in lower limb that is difficult to heal

Health Review 2022-05-26

Health Review crossword puzzle
  1. Responsible for the "fight or flight" response
  2. Health condition that effects the lungs
  3. Muscles of upper arm
  4. Bones in the hand
  5. Main nervous system
  6. Filters toxins from the blood
  7. Bones that protect the organs
  8. The human head
  9. Slamming a volleyball in a downward forceful action
  1. Medicine used to treat Diabetes
  2. Big organs used for digestion
  3. Main bone in the shin
  4. Command center of the body
  5. Muscle on back of thigh
  6. Nerve cells
  7. Bones in the foot
  8. Sport played with 2 rackets and a "birdie"
  9. Being physically active
  10. Thigh bone

19 Clues: Thigh boneNerve cellsThe human headBones in the footBones in the handMain nervous systemMuscles of upper armMain bone in the shinMuscle on back of thighBeing physically activeCommand center of the bodyBig organs used for digestionFilters toxins from the bloodBones that protect the organsMedicine used to treat Diabetes...

drug running 2022-06-07

drug running crossword puzzle
  1. brain damage, head ache, kidney damage.
  2. prevents infections in people exposed.
  3. causes slowed thinking, and short term memory
  4. causes sleepiness.
  5. kills bacteria and helps with infections.
  6. increase of awarness or sense.
  7. euphoria pain relief death.
  8. panic self injury weakness and disyness.
  9. helps people who are nervous.
  10. gives adrenaline, increase agression.
  1. dangerously slow breathing, siezure.
  2. relives pain.
  3. increases alertness helps ADHD victims.
  4. loss of cordination drowsiness
  5. helps relive minor allergic reactions.
  6. injected confusion, loss of memeory.
  7. low glucose treats diabetes.
  8. neutralises stomach acid relief from heartburn.
  9. opens airways to make breathing easier.

19 Clues: relives pain.causes sleepiness.euphoria pain relief death.low glucose treats diabetes.helps people who are nervous.loss of cordination drowsinessincrease of awarness or sense.dangerously slow breathing, siezure.injected confusion, loss of memeory.gives adrenaline, increase agression.prevents infections in people exposed....

Disorders of the Endocrine System 2023-03-31

Disorders of the Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. dwarfism
  2. mellitus
  3. affective disorder
  1. feminization syndrome
  2. insipidus
  3. disease
  4. syndrome

7 Clues: diseasedwarfismsyndromemellitusinsipidusaffective disorderfeminization syndrome

Diabetes 2013-05-31

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. een groot tekort of te weinig ervan
  2. om je te helpen
  3. is een suikterziekte
  1. een gevolg van diabetes

4 Clues: om je te helpenis een suikterziekteeen gevolg van diabeteseen groot tekort of te weinig ervan

Diabetes 2018-09-01

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. disease
  2. abnormal kidney
  1. abnormal nerve cells
  2. diabeticketoacidosis

4 Clues: diseaseabnormal kidneyabnormal nerve cellsdiabeticketoacidosis

Lesson 5. Health Risks & Diseases 2024-01-22

Lesson 5. Health Risks & Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. Celiac disease is an allergy, not a food intolerance, to this
  2. Type 2 diabetes is when the body does not make enough insulin, thus becoming _________ to insulin.
  3. Term for listening to what your body needs
  4. An approach to eating where you can honor your cravings and also add other nutrients to balance it out
  5. Use of steroids can impact this part of your health, including high blood pressure
  6. Term for being fully aware and present while eating
  7. Type of asthma triggered by physical activity and is possible to be grown out of (2 words)
  8. Steroids are a type of hormone commonly used to promote growth of muscles
  1. An accumulation of this can lead to heart attack or stroke
  2. Food and nutrition are limited in some way with eating disorders, affecting mental and physical health
  3. Immune system's reaction to an allergen
  4. Body's chemical response to certain foods
  5. Type 1 diabetes is where the immune system attacks islet cells here
  6. Exercise obsession can happen when a person is addicted to this release, but causes harm to them
  7. Prefix root mal
  8. Malnutrition doesn't always mean a person is not getting enough nutrients, but can also be when a person gets too _____ of certain nutrients

16 Clues: Prefix root malImmune system's reaction to an allergenBody's chemical response to certain foodsTerm for listening to what your body needsTerm for being fully aware and present while eatingAn accumulation of this can lead to heart attack or strokeCeliac disease is an allergy, not a food intolerance, to this...

Science 2022-04-11

Science crossword puzzle
  1. tempat air diserap dan sisa makanan dibusukkan pada sistem pencernaan
  2. bertemunya sperma dan ovum
  3. Persilangan dengan satu sifat beda
  4. tempat terjadinya fotosintesis
  5. penyakit dimana ditemukannya glukosa pada urin
  6. Kelompok hewan berambut
  7. aliran darah keluar jantung, darah bertekanan kuat
  1. tempat terjadinya pertukaran darah
  2. tempat terjadinya filtrasi darah
  3. unit penyusun ginjal
  4. lokasi beradanya gen
  5. gas rumah kaca
  6. Bagian mata yang berfungsi membentuk bayangan
  7. Pertemuan antara putik dan sebuk sari

14 Clues: gas rumah kacaunit penyusun ginjallokasi beradanya genKelompok hewan berambutbertemunya sperma dan ovumtempat terjadinya fotosintesistempat terjadinya filtrasi darahtempat terjadinya pertukaran darahPersilangan dengan satu sifat bedaPertemuan antara putik dan sebuk sariBagian mata yang berfungsi membentuk bayangan...

regub2 2017-12-02

regub2 crossword puzzle
  1. the organ that produces glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids
  2. precursor of many hormones
  3. chemicals released by cells in body that impact on gene expression/protein state
  4. receptor location
  5. Distant cell
  6. translators of hormone activity
  1. type of protein activation
  2. On the same cell
  3. example of hormone chemical structure
  4. Classification based on solubility & receptor location
  5. Adjacent cells
  6. affinity of receptors for hormones
  7. type of hormone deficiency or defect
  8. Immuno Assay

14 Clues: Distant cellImmuno AssayAdjacent cellsOn the same cellreceptor locationtype of protein activationprecursor of many hormonestranslators of hormone activityaffinity of receptors for hormonestype of hormone deficiency or defectexample of hormone chemical structureClassification based on solubility & receptor location...

First Aid 2016-05-16

First Aid crossword puzzle
  1. professional medical help
  2. life main aim of first aid
  3. acronym for injury management and assessment
  4. life threatening condition where heart ceases to function
  5. acronym used when assessing emergency situation
  6. cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  7. person injured
  1. condition where body is unable to produce enough insulin
  2. caused by dehydration
  3. a type of course
  4. exposure to very low temperature
  5. helps asthmatics
  6. to immobile arm
  7. open wound with red liquid flowing out

14 Clues: person injuredto immobile arma type of coursehelps asthmaticscaused by dehydrationprofessional medical helplife main aim of first aidcardiopulmonary resuscitationexposure to very low temperatureopen wound with red liquid flowing outacronym for injury management and assessmentacronym used when assessing emergency situation...

r2 2017-12-02

r2 crossword puzzle
  1. translators of hormone activity
  2. type of protein activation
  3. type of hormone deficiency or defect
  4. example of hormone chemical structure
  5. On the same cell
  1. affinity of receptors for hormones
  2. the organ that produces glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids
  3. Classification based on solubility & receptor location
  4. Immuno Assay
  5. receptor location
  6. precursor of many hormones
  7. Adjacent cells
  8. Distant cell
  9. chemicals released by cells in body that impact on gene expression/protein state

14 Clues: Immuno AssayDistant cellAdjacent cellsOn the same cellreceptor locationprecursor of many hormonestype of protein activationtranslators of hormone activityaffinity of receptors for hormonestype of hormone deficiency or defectexample of hormone chemical structureClassification based on solubility & receptor location...

Motivational Interviewing and Managing Diabetes 2013-04-08

Motivational Interviewing and Managing Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. must be realistic and client centered/directed
  2. need to build rapport
  3. clients but adhere to this
  4. Main element to managing diabetes
  5. Needed to help clients make better choices
  6. we must offer this to the client and respect it
  7. Without this it’s pointless set goals
  8. every client needs a good system to help adjust to change
  9. the client is the only one
  10. Helps manage glucose levels in the body
  1. must be respected and included in the clients plan
  2. Burn calories and keeps you heart healthy
  3. Clients must have or make this in order to complete activities
  4. needed to make the client feel understood
  5. MI has proven to be adequate
  6. it's inevitable, and patients must adjust rapidly to it
  7. developed by Rollnick and Miller to motivate behavioral changes
  8. client must be able to balance w/diabetic requirements

18 Clues: need to build rapportclients but adhere to thisthe client is the only oneMI has proven to be adequateMain element to managing diabetesWithout this it’s pointless set goalsHelps manage glucose levels in the bodyBurn calories and keeps you heart healthyneeded to make the client feel understoodNeeded to help clients make better choices...

Diabetes crossword 02/13/24 2024-02-13

Diabetes crossword 02/13/24 crossword puzzle
  1. What is the brand name for Canagliflozin
  2. minimum structure of drug needed to retain biological activity
  3. derivative of phenylalanine
  4. Measurement of glucose uptake in response to insulin infusions
  5. target receptor of Sulfonylureas
  6. Ion that stimulates the release of insulin in beta cells
  7. Drug that targets gluconeogenesis
  8. Channel that is depolarized by the activation of PKA
  9. The pH at which 50% of a drug is ionized
  10. One of the triggering factors for developing Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis
  1. Insulin that precipitates at the injection site and causes slow release over 24 hours
  2. Transcription factor in insulin dependent tissues targeted by Thiazolidinediones
  3. Medication class that increases insulin independently of glucose levels
  4. What is the analog of human amylin
  5. SGLT2 inhibitors cause this type of DKA
  6. disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia
  7. What long-acting insulin has the lowest risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia
  8. How many days is the half-life of semaglutide

18 Clues: derivative of phenylalaninetarget receptor of SulfonylureasDrug that targets gluconeogenesisWhat is the analog of human amylinSGLT2 inhibitors cause this type of DKAWhat is the brand name for CanagliflozinThe pH at which 50% of a drug is ionizedHow many days is the half-life of semaglutidedisease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia...


LAB WEEK CROSSWORD crossword puzzle


Unit 2 Child Development vocab 2022-11-08

Unit 2 Child Development vocab crossword puzzle
  1. occurs before 39 weeks of pregnancy
  2. Tightening of a muscle
  3. Multiples who come from 2 or more ovum
  4. development, conception to birth
  5. Multiples who come from 1 ovum
  6. Inability to produce sugar
  7. Mild Postpartum mood disorder
  8. Developing a feeling of affection
  1. Defect caused by abnormalities
  2. Movements felt by Mother
  3. Organ filled with blood vessels
  4. 3 copies of chromosome 21
  5. Female reproductive glands
  6. Rate of Death
  7. Loss of fetus after 20 weeks of pregnancy
  8. permanantly unble to conseive biological child
  9. First Stage of labor

17 Clues: Rate of DeathFirst Stage of laborTightening of a muscleMovements felt by Mother3 copies of chromosome 21Female reproductive glandsInability to produce sugarMild Postpartum mood disorderDefect caused by abnormalitiesMultiples who come from 1 ovumOrgan filled with blood vesselsdevelopment, conception to birthDeveloping a feeling of affection...

Introduction to Healthcare 2022-11-16

Introduction to Healthcare crossword puzzle
  1. seniors insurance plan
  2. responsible for the safety of food and drugs
  3. Antibiotic to treat bacteria
  4. Used to treat Diabetes
  5. A fixed amount for services
  6. Designs organizational structure (abbrev.)
  7. Garbage In, Garbage Out
  8. Field that Diagnosis Mental Health Disorders
  9. A digital version of a patient’s paper chart
  10. Microorganisms that causes disease
  1. amount you owe for health care services
  2. Formal name for Medical billing (abbrev.)
  3. The study of drugs
  4. low income insurance
  5. Drugs that do not require a prescription
  6. Medicaid, Medicare, Tri-Care examples
  7. a progress note example

17 Clues: The study of drugslow income insuranceseniors insurance planUsed to treat DiabetesGarbage In, Garbage Outa progress note exampleA fixed amount for servicesAntibiotic to treat bacteriaMicroorganisms that causes diseaseMedicaid, Medicare, Tri-Care examplesamount you owe for health care servicesDrugs that do not require a prescription...

Overview of the Human Body 2023-09-20

Overview of the Human Body crossword puzzle
  1. Illness that doesn't produce enough insulin
  2. Outer part of the eye
  3. Breathing in
  4. Natural Sugar
  5. Breathing out
  6. A group of cells that perform a similar task
  7. Where two bones meet
  8. Physical and chemical processes
  1. Skin, natural protective covering
  2. The building blocks of the body
  3. Black circle in the center of the iris
  4. Name for the condition where all body systems are balanced and work together
  5. Narrow
  6. Objective information about a person's health
  7. Protects against foreign substances
  8. Widen
  9. Provide movement for body

17 Clues: WidenNarrowBreathing inNatural SugarBreathing outWhere two bones meetOuter part of the eyeProvide movement for bodyThe building blocks of the bodyPhysical and chemical processesSkin, natural protective coveringProtects against foreign substancesBlack circle in the center of the irisIllness that doesn't produce enough insulin...


BIOTEKNOLOGI KELAS 9 crossword puzzle
  1. bakteri yang digunakan dalam pembuatan keju
  2. hormon insulin untuk mencegah penyakit
  3. protein utama pada susu
  4. yang ditemukan dalam hewan ruminansia
  5. salah satu bidang dalam bioteknologi
  6. penemu antibiotik penisilin
  7. produk bioteknologi kesehatan
  8. agen penyebab penyakit adalah
  1. jamur candida sp berperan dalam pembuatan
  2. jamur yang mengubah kedelai menjadi tempe
  3. tabung pertemuan ovum dan sperma di dalam tabung
  4. teknologi yang memanfaatkan organisme makhluk hidup
  5. jenis bioteknologi
  6. contoh bioteknologi di bidang pertanian
  7. teknik yang diterapkan pada bioteknologi modern
  8. ragi yang mengubah ketela menjadi tapai
  9. wine terbuat dari ekstrak buah ?

17 Clues: jenis bioteknologiprotein utama pada susupenemu antibiotik penisilinproduk bioteknologi kesehatanagen penyebab penyakit adalahwine terbuat dari ekstrak buah ?salah satu bidang dalam bioteknologiyang ditemukan dalam hewan ruminansiahormon insulin untuk mencegah penyakitcontoh bioteknologi di bidang pertanianragi yang mengubah ketela menjadi tapai...

Introduction to Healthcare 2022-11-16

Introduction to Healthcare crossword puzzle
  1. Drugs that do not require a prescription
  2. A digital version of a patient’s paper chart
  3. Medicaid, Medicare, Tri-Care examples
  4. Used to treat Diabetes
  5. The study of drugs
  6. amount you owe for health care services
  7. Garbage In, Garbage Out
  8. A fixed amount for services
  9. DX Behavioral and Mental Health Disorders
  1. Caused by bacteria
  2. A microorganism that causes diseases
  3. low income insurance
  4. responsible for the safety of food and drugs
  5. seniors insurance plan
  6. Designs organizational structure (abbrev.)
  7. Formal name for Medical billing (abbrev.)
  8. a progress note

17 Clues: a progress noteCaused by bacteriaThe study of drugslow income insuranceUsed to treat Diabetesseniors insurance planGarbage In, Garbage OutA fixed amount for servicesA microorganism that causes diseasesMedicaid, Medicare, Tri-Care examplesamount you owe for health care servicesDrugs that do not require a prescription...

CDP Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-10

CDP Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Type of sugar
  2. Most ___ people don't become diabetic
  3. Organ that makes insulin
  4. Simple solution to a complex problem
  5. Form of carbohydrate
  6. Can have lots of sugar
  7. Eating these raises the BGL
  8. Diabetes that requires insulin immediately
  1. Key that unlocks cells
  2. About 95% of diabetics have this kind
  3. A consistent _____helps meds work well
  4. Unfairly blames diabetics
  5. Physical activity improves insulin _____
  6. Sugar free may not be _____ free
  7. Neither type is permanently _____
  8. Many _____ people get T2D
  9. Excess blood glucose makes the blood _____

17 Clues: Type of sugarForm of carbohydrateKey that unlocks cellsCan have lots of sugarOrgan that makes insulinUnfairly blames diabeticsMany _____ people get T2DEating these raises the BGLSugar free may not be _____ freeNeither type is permanently _____Simple solution to a complex problemAbout 95% of diabetics have this kind...

Bio 3.5 ~ Biotechnology 2023-03-03

Bio 3.5 ~ Biotechnology crossword puzzle
  1. genetically modified organisms
  2. characteristic of the genetic code
  3. Paternity Testing
  4. Clone plants
  5. The first cloned species
  6. attachment of primers in a biochemical process
  7. a protein produced by bacteria that cleaves DNA at specific sites along the molecule
  8. Taq DNA polymerase
  9. Gene technology
  1. non-target species affected by DNA modification
  2. genetically identical things
  3. Treats Diabetes
  4. Insulin production
  5. Method that Hydra use to form clones
  6. The part altered in a bacteria cell
  7. Duplicate large amounts of DNA
  8. Seals the sticky ends together

17 Clues: Clone plantsTreats DiabetesGene technologyPaternity TestingInsulin productionTaq DNA polymeraseThe first cloned speciesgenetically identical thingsgenetically modified organismsDuplicate large amounts of DNASeals the sticky ends togethercharacteristic of the genetic codeThe part altered in a bacteria cellMethod that Hydra use to form clones...

Vocabalary 2023-09-21

Vocabalary crossword puzzle
  1. stage
  2. prenatal test
  3. tubes
  4. stage
  1. fluid
  2. stage
  3. diabetes
  4. pregnancy
  5. sac

9 Clues: sacfluidstagestagetubesstagediabetespregnancyprenatal test

Set 1 2024-08-09

Set 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Common complication of diabetes affecting the eyes
  2. Device used to monitor blood glucose levels
  3. Hormone that regulates blood sugar levels
  1. Term for high blood sugar
  2. Type of diabetes usually diagnosed in childhood

5 Clues: Term for high blood sugarHormone that regulates blood sugar levelsDevice used to monitor blood glucose levelsType of diabetes usually diagnosed in childhoodCommon complication of diabetes affecting the eyes

Health Crossword 2019-01-07

Health Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A disease related to insulin and blood glucose
  2. Resuscitation: Done to restore blood circulation:
  3. thrust: Heimlich maneuver
  4. Rain: Highly acidic rain
  5. Poison for insects
  6. A neurological disorder
  1. A doctor who works on one topic
  2. Hands only CPR: Skin doctor
  3. A machine used for chemical reactions
  4. Pits to hold waste
  5. layer: Shield from UV rays
  6. effect: Trapping of heat

12 Clues: Pits to hold wastePoison for insectsA neurological disorderRain: Highly acidic raineffect: Trapping of heatthrust: Heimlich maneuverlayer: Shield from UV raysHands only CPR: Skin doctorA doctor who works on one topicA machine used for chemical reactionsA disease related to insulin and blood glucoseResuscitation: Done to restore blood circulation:

Body parts, organs and ilnesses 2023-12-05

Body parts, organs and ilnesses crossword puzzle
  1. control center
  2. usually caused by a blockage in the coronary arteries
  3. absorb salt and water from food
  4. difficulty in breathing
  1. high levels of blood glucosel
  2. produces enzymes
  3. takes oxygen from the environment and transfer it to the bloodstream
  4. breaks down fat
  5. pumps blood
  6. holds food
  7. the biggest organ of the body
  8. remove waste products from the blood

12 Clues: holds foodpumps bloodcontrol centerbreaks down fatproduces enzymesdifficulty in breathinghigh levels of blood glucoselthe biggest organ of the bodyabsorb salt and water from foodremove waste products from the bloodusually caused by a blockage in the coronary arteriestakes oxygen from the environment and transfer it to the bloodstream


SISTEM ENDOKRIN crossword puzzle
  1. penyakit kekurangan hormon insulin
  2. hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar paratiroid
  3. hormon yang dihasilkan kelenjar pankreas
  4. hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar timus
  5. penyakit kelebihan hormon somatotrof
  1. hormon reproduksi wanita
  2. hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar tiroid
  3. hormon yang dihasilkan kelenjar korteks adrenal
  4. hormon reproduksi pria
  5. penyakit kelebihan hormon tiroid
  6. letak kelenjar paratiroid
  7. hormon yang dihasilkan kelenjar medula adrenal

12 Clues: hormon reproduksi priahormon reproduksi wanitaletak kelenjar paratiroidpenyakit kelebihan hormon tiroidpenyakit kekurangan hormon insulinpenyakit kelebihan hormon somatotrofhormon yang dihasilkan kelenjar pankreashormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar timushormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar tiroidhormon yang dihasilkan kelenjar medula adrenal...

RECAP - A2 Types & needs of sport & physical activity participants 2023-10-17

RECAP - A2 Types & needs of sport & physical activity participants crossword puzzle
  1. Unable to see
  2. Improve fitness, body composition, prevent illness
  3. adults 50+ year old
  4. Unable to listen
  5. Decrease stress levels, improve mood, improve self-confidence
  6. 18-49 year old
  7. 12-17 year old
  8. 5-11 year old
  1. Long-term health condition (sugar levels)
  2. Impairment of body limbs
  3. Long-term health condition (breathing)
  4. Meet new people, decrease loneliness, have fun

12 Clues: Unable to see5-11 year old18-49 year old12-17 year oldUnable to listenadults 50+ year oldImpairment of body limbsLong-term health condition (breathing)Long-term health condition (sugar levels)Meet new people, decrease loneliness, have funImprove fitness, body composition, prevent illnessDecrease stress levels, improve mood, improve self-confidence

Vocabulary 2019-01-10

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. high pressures and temperatures
  2. sugar in the blood
  3. absorbs the Sun's ultraviolet radiation
  4. compressions often with artificial ventilation
  5. used for waste management purposes
  6. only CPR without mouth-to-mouth breaths.
  1. rain elevated levels of hydrogen ions
  2. treat skin disorders.
  3. control pests
  4. A professional person
  5. convulsions associated with abnormal electrical activity
  6. Effect radiation emitted from the planet's surface.

12 Clues: control pestssugar in the bloodtreat skin disorders.A professional personhigh pressures and temperaturesused for waste management purposesabsorbs the Sun's ultraviolet radiationcompressions often with artificial ventilationonly CPR without mouth-to-mouth breaths.rain elevated levels of hydrogen ions...

Easter Hunt 2021-05-08

Easter Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. Everyone likes eating it
  2. First equinox of the year
  3. Midday meal
  4. You need a map to find it
  5. When you have too much sugar in your blood
  6. Movement when you trace criminals or find eggs
  1. Rings in churches
  2. You gain it after a big meal
  3. Christ
  4. Where you find Easter eggs
  5. Likes eating carrots
  6. Before Monday

12 Clues: ChristMidday mealBefore MondayRings in churchesLikes eating carrotsEveryone likes eating itFirst equinox of the yearYou need a map to find itWhere you find Easter eggsYou gain it after a big mealWhen you have too much sugar in your bloodMovement when you trace criminals or find eggs

stages in the life cycle 2013-04-06

stages in the life cycle crossword puzzle
  1. very young child
  2. signs of age
  3. secrete milk
  4. boy or girl
  5. disease of children caused by vitamin D deficiency
  6. caries soft decayed area in the tooth
  7. disorder causing excessive thirst and the production of large amounts of urine
  1. state of being a ____
  2. vascular disease
  3. more than average fatness
  4. disease disease affecting the kidney
  5. a lack of vitality
  6. leaving/left a job
  7. fully developed or grown

14 Clues: boy or girlsigns of agesecrete milkvascular diseasevery young childa lack of vitalityleaving/left a jobstate of being a ____fully developed or grownmore than average fatnessdisease disease affecting the kidneycaries soft decayed area in the toothdisease of children caused by vitamin D deficiency...

Succes !!! 2016-01-28

Succes !!! crossword puzzle
  1. Deze ... worden vernietigd als je suikerziekte hebt
  2. Suikergehalte in je bloed
  3. Een ander woord voor suikers
  4. Hormoon
  5. Als je suikerziekte hebt, dan moet je zeker en vast een goede ... hanteren
  6. Suikers
  7. Kan een mogelijke oorzaak zijn van suikerziekte
  8. Gezond en gevarieerd eten
  1. Aantasting van de bloedvaten door opstapeling van suikers, vetten, ...
  2. Een ander woord voor alvleesklier
  3. Te weinig
  4. Hormoon
  5. Teveel
  6. Veelvuldige plassen
  7. Een ander woord voor suikerziekte

15 Clues: TeveelHormoonHormoonSuikersTe weinigVeelvuldige plassenSuikergehalte in je bloedGezond en gevarieerd etenEen ander woord voor suikersEen ander woord voor alvleesklierEen ander woord voor suikerziekteKan een mogelijke oorzaak zijn van suikerziekteDeze ... worden vernietigd als je suikerziekte hebt...

regub2 2017-12-02

regub2 crossword puzzle
  1. Adjacent cells
  2. type of protein activation
  3. translators of hormone activity
  4. example of hormone chemical structure
  5. precursor of many hormones
  6. type of hormone deficiency or defect
  7. the organ that produces glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids
  1. On the same cell
  2. receptor location
  3. Classification based on solubility & receptor location
  4. affinity of receptors for hormones
  5. Immuno Assay
  6. chemicals released by cells in body that impact on gene expression/protein state
  7. Distant cell

14 Clues: Immuno AssayDistant cellAdjacent cellsOn the same cellreceptor locationtype of protein activationprecursor of many hormonestranslators of hormone activityaffinity of receptors for hormonestype of hormone deficiency or defectexample of hormone chemical structureClassification based on solubility & receptor location...

Pharma Fun Quest 2023-12-05

Pharma Fun Quest crossword puzzle
  1. World's Vaccine Supplier
  2. Largest Insulin Market Share Holder
  3. first Indian company to have a Biosimilar approved by the USFDA
  4. Vaccine Adjuvant Enhancing Immune Response
  5. Most Profitable Drug
  6. First COVID-19 Vaccine to Receive WHO Approval
  7. USFDA-Approved rDNA Insulin
  8. Indian Biosimilar Entry
  1. The "Pen" for Diabetes
  2. World’s First Marketed Insulin Analogue
  3. First COVID-19 Vaccine to Receive WHO Approval
  4. First Licensed Monoclonal Antibody
  5. India’s firstIndigenous Innovative mAb
  6. World’s first modern, pharmaceutical medicine
  7. Designer Baby Technique

15 Clues: Most Profitable DrugThe "Pen" for DiabetesDesigner Baby TechniqueIndian Biosimilar EntryWorld's Vaccine SupplierUSFDA-Approved rDNA InsulinFirst Licensed Monoclonal AntibodyLargest Insulin Market Share HolderIndia’s firstIndigenous Innovative mAbWorld’s First Marketed Insulin AnalogueVaccine Adjuvant Enhancing Immune Response...

Pharma Fun Quest 2023-12-05

Pharma Fun Quest crossword puzzle
  1. First COVID-19 Vaccine to receive WHO approval
  2. Indian Biosimilar Entry
  3. First Indian company to have a Biosimilar approved by the USFDA
  4. World’s first modern, pharmaceutical medicine
  5. Most Profitable Drug
  6. World's Vaccine Supplier
  7. USFDA-Approved rDNA Insulin
  8. Designer Baby Technique
  1. First Licensed Monoclonal Antibody
  2. India’s first indigenous innovative mAb
  3. World’s First Marketed Insulin Analogue
  4. Largest Insulin Market Share Holder
  5. Vaccine adjuvant enhancing immune response
  6. The "Pen" for Diabetes

14 Clues: Most Profitable DrugThe "Pen" for DiabetesIndian Biosimilar EntryDesigner Baby TechniqueWorld's Vaccine SupplierUSFDA-Approved rDNA InsulinFirst Licensed Monoclonal AntibodyLargest Insulin Market Share HolderIndia’s first indigenous innovative mAbWorld’s First Marketed Insulin AnalogueVaccine adjuvant enhancing immune response...

TRS Jan 2020 2020-02-28

TRS Jan 2020 crossword puzzle
  1. close fitting
  2. strong smelling vapour
  3. coarse
  4. thing that serves as a symbol
  5. to set on fire
  6. a metal wind instrument used mainly used in jaaz band
  7. to enclose as if in a capsule
  1. you could have lived in water if you had this
  2. fear of water
  3. winners of championships are generally given this of the original
  4. to cheat or to fool
  5. a 'sweet' decease
  6. kindness
  7. ________ stone gathers no mass

14 Clues: coarsekindnessclose fittingfear of waterto set on firea 'sweet' deceaseto cheat or to foolstrong smelling vapourthing that serves as a symbolto enclose as if in a capsule________ stone gathers no massyou could have lived in water if you had thisa metal wind instrument used mainly used in jaaz band...

Chapter 12 Vocabulary 2023-10-24

Chapter 12 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A food guidance system with a set of online tools to help people plan nutritious meals to fit their individual needs.
  2. A protein found in wheat and other grains that can cause health problems. Some children have sensitivities or intolerances to the protein.
  3. The offending substance that causes an allergy.
  4. A hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. People with diabetes cannot produce this.
  5. A condition in which the body cannot properly control the level of sugar in blood. People with this condition cannot produce insulin.
  6. The intake of more food than is needed by the body to function properly.
  7. The fear of something new when encountering unfamiliar foods for the first time.
  1. A lack of proper nutrition from one's diet.
  2. The most severe allergic reaction that can potentially be fatal.
  3. The body's negative reaction to a particular substance.
  4. This means not eating enough food to keep a healthful body weight and activity level.
  5. The science of food and how the body uses the foods taken in.
  6. The chemical substances in food that help build and maintain the body.

13 Clues: A lack of proper nutrition from one's diet.The offending substance that causes an allergy.The body's negative reaction to a particular substance.The science of food and how the body uses the foods taken in.The most severe allergic reaction that can potentially be fatal.The chemical substances in food that help build and maintain the body....

assignment 3 2015-03-04

assignment 3 crossword puzzle
  1. doesn't dissolve in water
  2. large bio molecules
  3. what does obesity lead to
  1. fat at room temperature
  2. saturated fats
  3. being over Wight
  4. where are unsaturated fats
  5. digests fats

8 Clues: digests fatssaturated fatsbeing over Wightlarge bio moleculesfat at room temperaturedoesn't dissolve in waterwhat does obesity lead towhere are unsaturated fats

Medical Impairments 2022-01-13

Medical Impairments crossword puzzle
  1. inflamed liver
  2. excessive number of platelets in the blood
  3. presence of excess sugar in the urine
  4. faster than normal heart rate
  5. underactive thyroid
  6. bone disease that thins and weakens the bones
  7. elevated uric acid level
  8. slower than normal heart rate
  1. name for kidney stones
  2. enlarged heart
  3. a disease involving high blood sugar
  4. disease of the heart muscle
  5. presence of gallstones
  6. increase in the number of red blood cells in the body
  7. the presence of blood in urine
  8. enlarged liver
  9. loss of cognitive functioning

17 Clues: inflamed liverenlarged heartenlarged liverunderactive thyroidname for kidney stonespresence of gallstoneselevated uric acid leveldisease of the heart musclefaster than normal heart rateloss of cognitive functioningslower than normal heart ratethe presence of blood in urinea disease involving high blood sugarpresence of excess sugar in the urine...

Urinary Crossword! 2024-04-29

Urinary Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. _______ in urine suggest the metabolism of fat (for example in an uncontrolled case of Type 1 diabetes)
  2. Hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary to aid water reabsorption by the kidney
  3. A type of epithelial cell making up the final barrier of the Bowman's capsule
  4. Reabsorption and secretion which takes place through cells is termed _______________
  5. In the RAAS system, renin converts __________ to Angiotensin I
  6. The type of nephron that sit mostly in the cortex, making up around 80% of all nephrons
  1. Released when oxygen delivery to renal cortex is reduced, stimulating bone marrow progenitor cells to differentiate into erythrocytes
  2. Production of urine
  3. The type of dehydration most commonly caused by chronic vomiting/diarrhoea. Salt loss > Water loss and plasma osmolality decreases
  4. In Diabetes _________, a lack of action of ADH reduces water reabsorption from the collecting duct, resulting in polyuria of dilute urine and excessive thirst
  5. Name of the nerve which contracts the external urethral sphincter while the bladder is filling
  6. In the formation of Vitamin D, cholecalciferol is converted to 25,hydroxycholecalciferol in the _______
  7. The medical term used to describe no urine output

13 Clues: Production of urineThe medical term used to describe no urine outputIn the RAAS system, renin converts __________ to Angiotensin IA type of epithelial cell making up the final barrier of the Bowman's capsuleHormone secreted by the posterior pituitary to aid water reabsorption by the kidney...

Deurali Janta Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd 2022-08-04

Deurali Janta Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd crossword puzzle
  1. Used to treat high blood sugar levels caused by type 2 diabetes.
  2. Superior PPI,starts with letter E
  3. Contains both prebiotic and probiotic
  4. The M of CMC
  5. Sympathomimetic decongestant
  6. Empaglifozin
  7. Treats symptoms of functional dyspepsia.
  8. Superior calcium with calcitriol
  1. Pregabalin with Methylcobalamin
  2. It can nill the allergy
  3. G of PG
  4. Rabeprazole of DJPL
  5. Mupirocin
  6. Combination therapy of levocitrizine and montelukast
  7. First neplease company awarded with WHO.
  8. A potent second generation cephalosporin
  9. Person who saves lives

17 Clues: G of PGMupirocinThe M of CMCEmpaglifozinRabeprazole of DJPLPerson who saves livesIt can nill the allergySympathomimetic decongestantPregabalin with MethylcobalaminSuperior calcium with calcitriolSuperior PPI,starts with letter EContains both prebiotic and probioticFirst neplease company awarded with WHO.A potent second generation cephalosporin...

Rafi 7C 2019-11-07

Rafi 7C crossword puzzle
  1. buah berwarna oren
  2. manis, sangat bermanfaat untuk menurunkan tekanan darah
  3. sangat bermanfaat untuk menanggulangi penyakit anemia
  4. sayur bervitamin C
  5. sayur mirip apel
  6. sangat bermanfaat untuk anti kanker
  7. sangat bermanfaat untuk mengobati penyakit asam urat
  8. mint, sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan mata
  9. buah ber warna kuning
  10. makanan khas jogja
  1. buah dari mesir
  2. sangat bermanfaat untuk sebagai anti kanker
  3. kol, sangat bermanfaat untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol
  4. sangat bermanfaat untuk menjaga kesehatan mata
  5. kedelai, sangat bermanfaat untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol
  6. buah yang enak
  7. kol, sangat bermanfaat untuk mengendalikan diabetes melitus

17 Clues: buah yang enakbuah dari mesirsayur mirip apelbuah berwarna orensayur bervitamin Cmakanan khas jogjabuah ber warna kuningsangat bermanfaat untuk anti kankersangat bermanfaat untuk sebagai anti kankermint, sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan matasangat bermanfaat untuk menjaga kesehatan matasangat bermanfaat untuk mengobati penyakit asam urat...

Health & Wellness Crossword Puzzle 2020-04-27

Health & Wellness Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Salmonella bacteria attack this organ
  2. Misuse of antibiotics can cause this
  3. Through natural selection, organisms ______ to their environment
  4. High blood pressure
  5. Insect that transmits malaria
  6. Penicillin comes from this
  7. Long chains of sugar molecules
  1. HIV attacks the ______ system
  2. Diabetes-related hormone
  3. Genetically-determined characteristics
  4. Immune system response
  5. Leading cause of blindness
  6. Decreased urine, dizziness, and dry mouth are common signs of this
  7. Brain structure involved in memory
  8. Smallest blood vessel
  9. Skeletal piece
  10. Stored fat is transformed into this when we need to use it

17 Clues: Skeletal pieceHigh blood pressureSmallest blood vesselImmune system responseDiabetes-related hormoneLeading cause of blindnessPenicillin comes from thisHIV attacks the ______ systemInsect that transmits malariaLong chains of sugar moleculesBrain structure involved in memoryMisuse of antibiotics can cause thisSalmonella bacteria attack this organ...

Symptoms & Illnesses 2021-04-23

Symptoms & Illnesses crossword puzzle
  1. makes you sneeze and eyes water
  2. causes your back to hurt
  3. destroys your immune system
  4. causes your ear to hurt
  5. causes your head to hurt
  6. effects your blood sugar
  7. spot where insect bit you
  8. damage the intestines
  9. when the nose bleeds
  10. disease of the lungs
  1. area on body that hurts & is discolored
  2. causes your ear to hurt
  3. make you blow your nose
  4. destroys your brain
  5. disease of the heart
  6. is related to Covid 19
  7. makes you feel very hot, cold and weak
  8. make it hard to swallow

18 Clues: destroys your braindisease of the heartwhen the nose bleedsdisease of the lungsdamage the intestinesis related to Covid 19causes your ear to hurtmake you blow your nosecauses your ear to hurtmake it hard to swallowcauses your back to hurtcauses your head to hurteffects your blood sugarspot where insect bit youdestroys your immune system...

AMS Holiday Party Puzzle 2024-01-11

AMS Holiday Party Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Beware of this starting January 1st
  2. Enzyme system that metabolizes warfarin (3 letters)
  3. Age, serum creatinine, ________
  4. All ________ Meeting (every other Thursday)
  5. fluid important for INRs and vampires
  6. Type of hole (Medicare)
  7. First Zoom, now this
  8. Color of warfarin 2.5 mg tablet
  9. apixaban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran, ________
  1. Most common type of valve (holy?)
  2. Dual or triple therapy? Add this
  3. Best ________ Alert (BPA)
  4. D in CHA2DS-VASc score
  5. Non-oral anticoagulant (brand name)
  6. Advanced ________ Solutions (ACS)
  7. Medication previously used to deal with rodents
  8. Anticoag ________-Term Use

17 Clues: First Zoom, now thisD in CHA2DS-VASc scoreType of hole (Medicare)Best ________ Alert (BPA)Anticoag ________-Term UseAge, serum creatinine, ________Color of warfarin 2.5 mg tabletDual or triple therapy? Add thisMost common type of valve (holy?)Advanced ________ Solutions (ACS)Beware of this starting January 1stNon-oral anticoagulant (brand name)...

Carboidratos 2021-03-31

Carboidratos crossword puzzle
  1. são conhecidos como carboidratos.
  2. Os _______________ são macronutrientes classificados como energéticos, pois fornecem energia para o nosso organismo.
  3. Tratamento da diabetes: insulina injetável e dieta _________.
  4. doença causada pela produção insuficiente ou má absorção de insulina.
  1. A __________ (açúcar comum) e a frutose também são carboidratos simples e são conhecidos pelo seu sabor adocicado
  2. São fontes de_________________ imediata, digeridos e absorvidos rapidamente fazendo com que o corpo.
  3. São encontrados em todas as plantas, pois constitui a parede celular das células vegetais e compõe as fibras alimentares.

7 Clues: são conhecidos como carboidratos.Tratamento da diabetes: insulina injetável e dieta _________.doença causada pela produção insuficiente ou má absorção de insulina.São fontes de_________________ imediata, digeridos e absorvidos rapidamente fazendo com que o corpo....

childhood obesity 2022-12-08

childhood obesity crossword puzzle
  1. State of being very fat or overweight.
  2. Mother,Father
  3. Factor contributing to Obesity
  4. The energy value food is measured in
  5. Being made fun of
  6. Percentile that is considered overweight.
  1. Percentile that is considered Obese.
  2. How much you weigh
  3. drink that contain processed sugar
  4. Working out.
  5. losing weight due to food limitation
  6. When you eat too much sugar.

12 Clues: Working out.Mother,FatherBeing made fun ofHow much you weighWhen you eat too much sugar.Factor contributing to Obesitydrink that contain processed sugarPercentile that is considered Obese.losing weight due to food limitationThe energy value food is measured inState of being very fat or overweight.Percentile that is considered overweight.

Burnout 2023-10-22

Burnout crossword puzzle
  1. spying on you
  2. main earner in a family
  3. not enough of something
  4. a risk if you work too much
  5. volume of work
  6. risk if you eat too much sugar
  1. health industry
  2. what you eat
  3. rate of people leaving jobs
  4. what the law gives you
  5. an organisation to protect workers
  6. who cab be affected by stress and burnout

12 Clues: what you eatspying on youvolume of workhealth industrywhat the law gives youmain earner in a familynot enough of somethingrate of people leaving jobsa risk if you work too muchrisk if you eat too much sugaran organisation to protect workerswho cab be affected by stress and burnout

What do these words have in common? 2024-01-31

What do these words have in common? crossword puzzle
  1. first admitted to association in 1987
  2. provides information regarding this disease
  3. provide to Veterans and Seniors
  4. event which takes place when school gets out
  5. Junior members
  6. Contest for grade school children
  1. how new members are attracted
  2. annual breakfast with
  3. provide to graduating seniors
  4. one of the 8 primary causes
  5. collect, clean and distribute
  6. spring event grand prize $10K

12 Clues: Junior membersannual breakfast withone of the 8 primary causeshow new members are attractedprovide to graduating seniorscollect, clean and distributespring event grand prize $10Kprovide to Veterans and SeniorsContest for grade school childrenfirst admitted to association in 1987provides information regarding this disease...

DreaMed Diabetes 2020-05-25

DreaMed Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Was a defender for Beitar Holon
  2. has a daughter names Lian
  3. has a chinese cat
  1. enrolled in pilot's course
  2. has a pet snake
  3. was head of the Agudat Hastudentim

6 Clues: has a pet snakehas a chinese cathas a daughter names Lianenrolled in pilot's courseWas a defender for Beitar Holonwas head of the Agudat Hastudentim

Diabetes crossword 2018-08-08

Diabetes crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Type 1 is a type of ___________ disorder
  2. Chronic complication of Diabetes Mellitus
  1. Earliest manifestation of diabetic nephropathy
  2. Renal complication of DM
  3. Injectable medication of DM
  4. Indicator of effectiveness of treatment

6 Clues: Renal complication of DMInjectable medication of DMIndicator of effectiveness of treatmentType 1 is a type of ___________ disorderChronic complication of Diabetes MellitusEarliest manifestation of diabetic nephropathy

Diabetes puzzle 2016-09-23

Diabetes puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Saxagliptin does not cause ..... gain
  2. A third generation Sulphonylurea
  3. Saxagliptin is
  1. cell function Saxagliptin also improves ....
  2. commonest adverse effect of Saxagliptin
  3. Euglycemic agent

6 Clues: Saxagliptin isEuglycemic agentA third generation SulphonylureaSaxagliptin does not cause ..... gaincommonest adverse effect of Saxagliptincell function Saxagliptin also improves ....

Diabetes Workshop 2022-08-21

Diabetes Workshop crossword puzzle
  1. lowers blood glucose level
  2. is one of the poor diabetes control complication
  3. is the rapid onset insulin
  1. produce glucose
  2. is an ultralong insulin
  3. produces insulin

6 Clues: produce glucoseproduces insulinis an ultralong insulinlowers blood glucose levelis the rapid onset insulinis one of the poor diabetes control complication

Iron 2021-03-29

Iron crossword puzzle
  1. storage form of iron
  2. Transports iron from mucosal cell to the blood stream
  3. prevents loss of hemoglobin
  4. formed by partial degradation of ferritin
  5. one moleculr can transport two iron atoms
  6. decreases iron absorption
  7. synthesis of this protein decrease during anemia
  1. ferroxidase
  2. poor source of iron
  3. Heme containing protein
  4. good aource of iron
  5. component of bronze diabetes

12 Clues: ferroxidasepoor source of irongood aource of ironstorage form of ironHeme containing proteindecreases iron absorptionprevents loss of hemoglobincomponent of bronze diabetesformed by partial degradation of ferritinone moleculr can transport two iron atomssynthesis of this protein decrease during anemia...

IRON 2021-03-29

IRON crossword puzzle
  1. poor source of iron
  2. rich source of iron
  3. ferroxidase
  4. heme containing protein
  5. decrease iron absorption
  6. can hold two iron atoms during transport
  1. component of bronze diabetes
  2. synthesis of this protein decrease during anemia
  3. prevents loss of hemoglobin
  4. transports iron from mucosal cell to blood stream

10 Clues: ferroxidasepoor source of ironrich source of ironheme containing proteindecrease iron absorptionprevents loss of hemoglobincomponent of bronze diabetescan hold two iron atoms during transportsynthesis of this protein decrease during anemiatransports iron from mucosal cell to blood stream

PHT 115 Drug List 3 Crossword Puzzle 2015-04-18

PHT 115 Drug List 3 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. I treat GERD
  2. I treat bacterial infections
  3. I'm a cardiac glycoside agent
  4. I'm a selective estrogen receptor modulator
  5. I'm a nasal antiallergy agent
  1. I treat duodenal ulcers
  2. I treat hypertension
  3. I'm considered a narcotic analgesic
  4. I treat Diabetes Type II
  5. I'm classified as an antipsychotic

10 Clues: I treat GERDI treat hypertensionI treat duodenal ulcersI treat Diabetes Type III treat bacterial infectionsI'm a cardiac glycoside agentI'm a nasal antiallergy agentI'm classified as an antipsychoticI'm considered a narcotic analgesicI'm a selective estrogen receptor modulator

OLAHRAGA 2024-01-18

OLAHRAGA crossword puzzle
  1. contoh aktivitas fisik senam
  2. aktifitas yang mudah dilakukan
  3. olahraga menggunakan tangga
  4. aktivitas fisik berat di gym
  5. manfaat aktivitas fisik teratur
  1. berapa menit aktivitas fisik sedang
  2. aktifitas yang sudah dilakukan
  3. penyakit gula
  4. olahraga menggunakan tali dan lompatan
  5. aktifitas fisik teratur berfungsi untuk antibodi yang dimaksud

10 Clues: penyakit gulaolahraga menggunakan tanggacontoh aktivitas fisik senamaktivitas fisik berat di gymaktifitas yang sudah dilakukanaktifitas yang mudah dilakukanmanfaat aktivitas fisik teraturberapa menit aktivitas fisik sedangolahraga menggunakan tali dan lompatanaktifitas fisik teratur berfungsi untuk antibodi yang dimaksud

medisch 2019-01-26

medisch crossword puzzle
  1. Hij heeft een inzinking.
  2. De overheid promoot borstonderzoek voor vrouwen.
  3. Dit zijn vervelende koortsblaasjes.
  1. suikerziekte
  2. Zij heeft vraatzucht.
  3. een stukje weefsel wegnemen
  4. Veel vrouwen kiezen bij de bevalling voor deze verdoving.
  5. Oudere mensen kunnen aan botontkalking lijden.
  6. Dit zijn te vroeg geboren baby's.
  7. magerzucht

10 Clues: magerzuchtsuikerziekteZij heeft vraatzucht.Hij heeft een inzinking.een stukje weefsel wegnemenDit zijn te vroeg geboren baby's.Dit zijn vervelende koortsblaasjes.Oudere mensen kunnen aan botontkalking lijden.De overheid promoot borstonderzoek voor vrouwen.Veel vrouwen kiezen bij de bevalling voor deze verdoving.

Balanced Diet 2021-04-17

Balanced Diet crossword puzzle
  1. excess sugar leads to this
  2. dairy products give you this
  3. too much junk food
  4. improper diet can cause
  5. how many food groups are there
  1. essentials for vitamins
  2. there are good and bad types
  3. protein helps in forming this
  4. provides fiber
  5. balanced diet provides this

10 Clues: provides fibertoo much junk foodessentials for vitaminsimproper diet can causeexcess sugar leads to thisbalanced diet provides thisthere are good and bad typesdairy products give you thisprotein helps in forming thishow many food groups are there

Endocrine System 2022-05-03

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. group of cells that produce hormones
  2. Main system that coordinates chemicals
  3. disease that does not produce enough insulin
  4. hormones
  1. causes a decrease in function
  2. substance that controls bodily functions
  3. Helps the body maintain stable equilibrium
  4. controls how body uses carbohydrates
  5. network of nerves
  6. smallest structure

10 Clues: hormonesnetwork of nervessmallest structurecauses a decrease in functiongroup of cells that produce hormonescontrols how body uses carbohydratesMain system that coordinates chemicalssubstance that controls bodily functionsHelps the body maintain stable equilibriumdisease that does not produce enough insulin

Animales marinos 2023-02-28

Animales marinos crossword puzzle
  1. la circunferencia del círculo
  2. tienen alta proteína provienen de las gallinas
  3. vehículo de 2 llantas mortalika
  4. vehículo de cuatro llantas
  5. mamífero grande
  6. muy amigable
  1. alta puede causar dolor
  2. marca de celulares o trastorno de la infancia
  3. en sangre alta padece diabetes
  4. baile de 2016

10 Clues: muy amigablebaile de 2016mamífero grandealta puede causar dolorvehículo de cuatro llantasla circunferencia del círculoen sangre alta padece diabetesvehículo de 2 llantas mortalikamarca de celulares o trastorno de la infanciatienen alta proteína provienen de las gallinas

Diabetes 2016-04-29

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. opens cell to store sugar
  2. means too much sugar in the blood
  1. produces insulin
  2. high blood sugars can make you

4 Clues: produces insulinopens cell to store sugarhigh blood sugars can make youmeans too much sugar in the blood

Diabetes 2023-04-25

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. besiwoeiths
  2. aoijbiohbah
  1. dioegha
  2. when bla blad

4 Clues: dioeghabesiwoeithsaoijbiohbahwhen bla blad

How much do you know about NovoNorm® 2018-01-28

How much do you know about NovoNorm® crossword puzzle
  1. This is the active ingredient of NovoNorm®
  2. This country had the highest sales (in 2017) of NovoNorm® in the world (Clue: close neighbour of India)
  3. NovoNorm® acts on the _____ cells of the pancreas to increase the insulin secretion
  4. NovoNorm® is the only _____ in the Novo Nordisk diabetes portfolio (Clue: the rest are injectables)
  1. NovoNorm® is used to control blood _____ during mealtime
  2. NovoNorm® is used to treat patients with type 2 _____
  3. The tagline of NovoNorm® is time to _____, time to treat

7 Clues: This is the active ingredient of NovoNorm®NovoNorm® is used to treat patients with type 2 _____NovoNorm® is used to control blood _____ during mealtimeThe tagline of NovoNorm® is time to _____, time to treatNovoNorm® acts on the _____ cells of the pancreas to increase the insulin secretion...

Gangguan pada Sistem Ekskresi 2022-05-14

Gangguan pada Sistem Ekskresi crossword puzzle
  1. suatu kondisi kulit yang ditandai dengan terjadinya penyumbatan dan peradangan pada kelenjar sebasea (kelenjar minyak)
  2. Penyakit yang terjadi akibat ginjal tidak dapat melakukan penyaringan protein (albumin)
  3. Kondisi berubahnya sel-sel hati menjadi jaringan fibrosa
  4. batu ginjal adalah gangguan yang terjadi akibat terbentuknya endapan garam kalsium di dalam ... renalis
  1. penyakit yang ditandai dengan adanya sel-sel darah merah pada urine
  2. penyakit rusaknya nefron terutama pada bagian-bagian glomerulus ginjal
  3. Penyakit diabetes yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya hormon ADH sehingga ekskresi urin meningkat adalah diabetes ...

7 Clues: Kondisi berubahnya sel-sel hati menjadi jaringan fibrosapenyakit yang ditandai dengan adanya sel-sel darah merah pada urinepenyakit rusaknya nefron terutama pada bagian-bagian glomerulus ginjalPenyakit yang terjadi akibat ginjal tidak dapat melakukan penyaringan protein (albumin)...

Benefits of Exercise - HEAL007 2021-04-15

Benefits of Exercise - HEAL007 crossword puzzle
  1. Can increase your ..... levels
  2. Can give you an opportunity to .....
  3. Lowers your risk of a .....
  4. Exercise releases .....
  1. Can help combat .....
  2. Reduces the likelihood of type 2 .....
  3. Improves your .....
  4. Reduces the chances of getting .....
  5. Can brighten up your .....

9 Clues: Improves your .....Can help combat .....Exercise releases .....Can brighten up your .....Lowers your risk of a .....Can increase your ..... levelsReduces the chances of getting .....Can give you an opportunity to .....Reduces the likelihood of type 2 .....

crucigrama bienestar y autocuidado 2023-08-20

crucigrama bienestar y autocuidado crossword puzzle
  1. productos alterados.
  2. cubre los requerimientos de energía y nutrientes.
  1. se manifiesta mediante vasos sanguíneos.
  2. se extrae de alimentos.
  3. aumenta el riesgo de infartos.
  4. presión arterial elevada.
  5. exceso de azúcar.
  6. no produce suficiente insulina.
  7. niveles excesivos de grasa.

9 Clues: exceso de azúcar.productos alterados.se extrae de alimentos.presión arterial elevada.niveles excesivos de grasa.aumenta el riesgo de infartos.no produce suficiente insulina.se manifiesta mediante vasos sanguíneos.cubre los requerimientos de energía y nutrientes.