diabetes Crossword Puzzles

naumova 2023-12-26

naumova crossword puzzle
  1. persistent disease
  2. attack heart damage
  3. removal of a limb
  4. bone disease
  1. is a disease where there is a deficiency of one hormone
  2. pancreatic hormone
  3. method of treating oncology
  4. type of headache
  5. group of benign and malignant tumors

9 Clues: bone diseasetype of headacheremoval of a limbpancreatic hormonepersistent diseaseattack heart damagemethod of treating oncologygroup of benign and malignant tumorsis a disease where there is a deficiency of one hormone

Energy/Metabolism and Diabetes 2023-01-24

Energy/Metabolism and Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. diffuses into stoma/stomata
  2. photosynthetic pigment; reflects green light
  3. disease
  4. protein signaling glucose uptake
  5. blood glucose levels below normal
  1. occurs in mito and produces ATP
  2. product of cellular respiration
  3. occurs in chlorophlast
  4. protein signaling release of glucose

9 Clues: diseaseoccurs in chlorophlastdiffuses into stoma/stomataoccurs in mito and produces ATPproduct of cellular respirationprotein signaling glucose uptakeblood glucose levels below normalprotein signaling release of glucosephotosynthetic pigment; reflects green light


BIOTEKNOLOGI crossword puzzle
  1. Proses pembentukan organisme baru yang secara alamiah tidak mungkin terjadi di alam dapat diperoleh dengan cara…..
  2. Pada tahap persiapan kultur jaringan, digunakan alat yang berfungsi untuk sterilisasi alat dan bahan yang disebut…..
  3. Spergilus wenti merupakan mikroorganisme yang digunakan dalam pembuatan…
  4. Ilmuwan yang dikenal sebagai Bapak Bioteknologi adalah ..
  5. Penggunaan makhluk hidup dan hasil-hasilnya untuk menyediakan barang dan jasa merupakan pengertian…
  6. Organisme yang mengandung gen dari spesies lain disebut…..
  7. Penerapan teknologi rekayasa genetika pada manusia pertama kali adalah pada penderita …
  8. Pemuliaan tanaman untuk memperoleh bibit unggul dengan cara memindahkan gen tertentu dari suatu species lain dengan perantaraan mikroorganisme dinamakan ...
  1. Mikroorganisme yang bermanfaat untuk memisahkan logam dari bijihnya yaitu ...
  2. Gen yang diberikan pada sapi segar agar produksi susu sapi meningkat adalah…..
  3. Tahapan penanaman eksplan yang sudah steril ke dalam atau diatas medium buatan pada botol kultur adalah….
  4. salah satu produk dari bioteknologi konvensional?
  5. Mikroorganisme yang dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan tempe yaitu ...
  6. Nata de coco merupakan produk bioteknoloogi yang memanfaatkan mikroorganisme....
  7. Suatu perkebunan membutuhkan tanaman yang mempunyai kemampuan atau daya tahap terhadap hama atau penyakit. Teknik bioteknologi yang dapat dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut adalah ...
  8. Teknik yang bisa digunakan untuk membantu penderita diabetes mellitus adalah…
  9. salah satu contoh bioteknologi konvensional yaitu ...
  10. Suatu teknik reproduksi hewan dengan cara menggabungkan inti sel somatis dengan sel telur yang telah dihilangkan intinya dalam bioteknologi dinamakan ...
  11. Dalam teknik kultur jaringan, bagian tumbuhan yang ditumbuhkan dalam media kultur dinamakan ...
  12. Pupuk buatan yang mempunyai fungsi untuk menyuburkan daun yaitu ....

20 Clues: salah satu produk dari bioteknologi konvensional?salah satu contoh bioteknologi konvensional yaitu ...Ilmuwan yang dikenal sebagai Bapak Bioteknologi adalah ..Organisme yang mengandung gen dari spesies lain disebut…..Mikroorganisme yang dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan tempe yaitu ...Pupuk buatan yang mempunyai fungsi untuk menyuburkan daun yaitu .......

Diabetes puzzle 2016-09-23

Diabetes puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Euglycemic agent
  2. commonest adverse effect of Saxagliptin
  3. Saxagliptin does not cause ..... gain
  4. ..... cell function Saxagliptin also improves
  1. Saxagliptin is
  2. A third generation Sulphonylurea

6 Clues: Saxagliptin isEuglycemic agentA third generation SulphonylureaSaxagliptin does not cause ..... gaincommonest adverse effect of Saxagliptin..... cell function Saxagliptin also improves

Diabetes Mellitus 2023-07-24

Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. _____ is one of the sign & symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis.
  2. Insulin level is _____ in TIDM.
  3. Diabetic _____ is commonly seen in type T1DM.
  1. _____ may lead to relative insulin deficiency in T2DM.
  2. In TIDM, autoimmune destruction of _____ occurs, causing absolute insulin deficiency.
  3. Anti-islet cell Ab is _____ in T2DM.

6 Clues: Insulin level is _____ in TIDM.Anti-islet cell Ab is _____ in T2DM.Diabetic _____ is commonly seen in type T1DM._____ may lead to relative insulin deficiency in T2DM._____ is one of the sign & symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis.In TIDM, autoimmune destruction of _____ occurs, causing absolute insulin deficiency.

Motivational Interviewing and Managing Diabetes 2013-04-08

Motivational Interviewing and Managing Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. we must offer this to the client and respect it
  2. every client needs a good system to help adjust to change
  3. clients but adhere to this
  4. MI has proven to be adequate
  5. must be respected and included in the clients plan
  6. client must be able to balance w/diabetic requirements
  7. the client is the only one
  8. Clients must have or make this in order to complete activities
  9. it's inevitable, and patients must adjust rapidly to it
  1. Needed to help clients make better choices
  2. Without this it’s pointless set goals
  3. developed by Rollnick and Miller to motivate behavioral changes
  4. Helps manage glucose levels in the body
  5. Burn calories and keeps you heart healthy
  6. needed to make the client feel understood
  7. Main element to managing diabetes
  8. need to build rapport
  9. must be realistic and client centered/directed

18 Clues: need to build rapportclients but adhere to thisthe client is the only oneMI has proven to be adequateMain element to managing diabetesWithout this it’s pointless set goalsHelps manage glucose levels in the bodyBurn calories and keeps you heart healthyneeded to make the client feel understoodNeeded to help clients make better choices...

vocab 2023-04-11

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. illness-over-a-long-period-of-time
  2. not-enough-insulin
  3. reaction-to-food
  4. Not-eating hiv/aids
  5. Over-eat-then-purge Food intolerance
  6. emotional-tension
  7. Over-eating Stress
  1. sexual-disease
  2. not-able-to-digest-food
  3. poor-eating-behavior

10 Clues: sexual-diseasereaction-to-foodemotional-tensionnot-enough-insulinpoor-eating-behaviornot-able-to-digest-foodillness-over-a-long-period-of-timeOver-eating StressNot-eating hiv/aids...

Fetal Effects of Maternal Diabetes 2023-11-03

Fetal Effects of Maternal Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Risk of sudden fetal death in diabetic pregnancies
  2. Fetal heart condition associated with maternal diabetes
  1. Effect of maternal hyperglycemia on fetal insulin production
  2. Abnormal fetal growth condition
  3. Type of congenital anomaly related to diabetes

5 Clues: Abnormal fetal growth conditionType of congenital anomaly related to diabetesRisk of sudden fetal death in diabetic pregnanciesFetal heart condition associated with maternal diabetesEffect of maternal hyperglycemia on fetal insulin production

Connectedness Through Food 2021-09-10

Connectedness Through Food crossword puzzle
  1. Even mild ______________ can lead to mental health symptoms, such as irritability and loss of concentration.
  2. _____________ and nutrition are key parts of obesity treatment.
  3. acids, _________ _________ are also critical to your brain health.
  4. Amino acids are the building blocks of _____________.
  1. The act of consuming food together and the ___________ of interactions with people is important.
  2. Connections, Research has shown that individuals with ________ _______________have a greater decrease in HbA1c and blood glucose.
  3. Eating together with friends and family, creates a positive effect on __________ and happiness.
  4. Coaches, Training individuals dealing with type 2 diabetes to become peer coaches for diabetes management helped decrease HgbA1C levels among the _________ __________ and those in the peer coached groups.
  5. Complex carbohydrates provide a more stable and consistent flow of _______ to your brain.

9 Clues: Amino acids are the building blocks of _____________._____________ and nutrition are key parts of obesity treatment.acids, _________ _________ are also critical to your brain health.Complex carbohydrates provide a more stable and consistent flow of _______ to your brain....

Hemoglobin 2016-02-24

Hemoglobin crossword puzzle
  1. is the protein molecule in red blood cells.
  2. 2 diabetes Known as adult-onset diabetes
  1. Hormone produced in the pancreas.
  2. Pancreas doesn't make enough insulin.

4 Clues: Hormone produced in the pancreas.Pancreas doesn't make enough insulin.2 diabetes Known as adult-onset diabetesis the protein molecule in red blood cells.

Diabetes 2021-01-26

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Perintöaines.
  2. Vie happea ja ravintoa sydänlihakselle.
  3. Jos se on koholla, on riski sairastua sydän- ja verisuonitautiin.
  1. Alentaa verensokeritasoa.

4 Clues: Perintöaines.Alentaa verensokeritasoa.Vie happea ja ravintoa sydänlihakselle.Jos se on koholla, on riski sairastua sydän- ja verisuonitautiin.

Motivational Interviewing and Managing Diabetes 2013-04-08

Motivational Interviewing and Managing Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Clients must have or make this in order to complete activities
  2. need to build rapport
  3. developed by Rollnick and Miller to motivate behavioral changes
  4. it's inevitable, but patients must adjust rapidly to it
  5. must be respected and included in the clients plan
  6. Without this it's pointless set goals
  7. MI has proven to be adequate
  8. client must be able to balance w/diabetic requirements
  9. every client needs a good system to help adjust to change
  1. Main element to managing diabetes
  2. Needed to help clients make better choices
  3. clients but adhere to this
  4. Burn calories and keeps you heart healthy
  5. we must offer this to the client and respect it
  6. needed to make the client feel understood
  7. Helps manage glucose levels in the body
  8. the client is the only one
  9. must be realistic and client centered/directed

18 Clues: need to build rapportclients but adhere to thisthe client is the only oneMI has proven to be adequateMain element to managing diabetesWithout this it's pointless set goalsHelps manage glucose levels in the bodyBurn calories and keeps you heart healthyneeded to make the client feel understoodNeeded to help clients make better choices...

Motivational Interviewing and Managing Diabetes 2013-04-08

Motivational Interviewing and Managing Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Burn calories and keeps you heart healthy
  2. it's inevitable, and patients must adjust rapidly to it
  3. Clients must have or make this in order to complete activities
  4. Without this it’s pointless set goals
  5. Needed to help clients make better choices
  6. needed to make the client feel understood
  7. Main element to managing diabetes
  8. every client needs a good system to help adjust to change
  9. Helps manage glucose levels in the body
  1. must be realistic and client centered/directed
  2. MI has proven to be adequate
  3. developed by Rollnick and Miller to motivate behavioral changes
  4. the client is the only one
  5. we must offer this to the client and respect it
  6. need to build rapport
  7. clients but adhere to this
  8. must be respected and included in the clients plan
  9. client must be able to balance w/diabetic requirements

18 Clues: need to build rapportthe client is the only oneclients but adhere to thisMI has proven to be adequateMain element to managing diabetesWithout this it’s pointless set goalsHelps manage glucose levels in the bodyBurn calories and keeps you heart healthyneeded to make the client feel understoodNeeded to help clients make better choices...

Nathan Bedford Forrest 2022-05-19

Nathan Bedford Forrest crossword puzzle
  1. his rank
  2. home state
  3. his birthday
  4. Cause of death
  1. how many horses were shot out from under him?
  2. his hometown
  3. What side he was on in the civil war
  4. movie character based off him
  5. his kill count

9 Clues: his rankhome statehis hometownhis birthdayhis kill countCause of deathmovie character based off himWhat side he was on in the civil warhow many horses were shot out from under him?

RIstikko 2024-03-01

RIstikko crossword puzzle
  1. oireyhtymä jossa muisti ja tiedonkäsittely
  2. jonkin sairauden hoitoa jota voi toteuttaa itse
  3. Yleisin muistisairaus
  4. yleinen nimitys muistisairaalle ihmiselle
  5. altistaa kaksinkertaisesti muistisairauskille
  1. aiheuttaa lihasjäykkyyttä ja vapinaa
  2. vanhalta nimeltään sokeritauti
  3. hoita jota järjestetään potilaalle joka tarvitsee 24h palvelua
  4. altistaa muistisairaudelle

9 Clues: Yleisin muistisairausaltistaa muistisairaudellevanhalta nimeltään sokeritautiaiheuttaa lihasjäykkyyttä ja vapinaayleinen nimitys muistisairaalle ihmiselleoireyhtymä jossa muisti ja tiedonkäsittelyaltistaa kaksinkertaisesti muistisairauskillejonkin sairauden hoitoa jota voi toteuttaa itsehoita jota järjestetään potilaalle joka tarvitsee 24h palvelua


NUTRITION CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. A hormone produced by the thyroid gland that regulates metabolism and energy production
  2. A B-vitamin important for preventing neural tube defects in early pregnancy
  3. This mineral is crucial for nerve function, muscle contraction, and maintaining a steady heart rhythm
  4. A trace element important for regulating blood sugar levels and supporting insulin function
  5. A condition where blood glucose levels are elevated, often requiring medication or lifestyle changes
  6. A fatty acid essential for brain health and commonly found in fish oil
  7. A hormone released by the pancreas to lower blood sugar levels
  8. ACIDS, The building blocks of proteins
  9. The body's preferred source of energy, especially during exercise and physical activity
  10. The process of removing waste products from the blood when the kidneys aren't functioning properly
  1. E, An antioxidant nutrient known for supporting immune function and skin health
  2. A condition characterized by low bone density, often associated with aging or certain medical conditions
  3. The body's largest organ, responsible for detoxification and metabolic processes
  4. A carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, but is important for digestive health
  5. The process of converting food into energy within the body's cells
  6. K, This nutrient is important for blood clotting and bone health. It's often found in leafy greens
  7. A type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and usually resolves after childbirth
  8. An essential mineral that supports nerve function, muscle contraction, and heart rhythm
  9. A type of medical imaging that uses sound waves to create images of the body's internal structures
  10. A chronic inflammatory bowel disease affecting the lining of the digestive tract

20 Clues: ACIDS, The building blocks of proteinsA hormone released by the pancreas to lower blood sugar levelsThe process of converting food into energy within the body's cellsA fatty acid essential for brain health and commonly found in fish oilA B-vitamin important for preventing neural tube defects in early pregnancy...


SHAWN'S CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. a long irregularly shaped gland that is behind your stomach and is part of the digestive system
  2. Resistance when cells in the muscles,fat,and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t easily take up glucose from your blood
  3. Diabetes when your body doesn’t give that much insulin when you are pregnant
  4. when the level of glucose in your blood drops below the normal level
  5. when your body doesn't have that much or doesn’t that much insulin
  6. A condition in which the person or animal has over excessive flesh
  7. when damage to the nerve causes pain and or tingling in your limbs
  8. your kidney function progressively gets worse
  9. any substance that causes immune system to produce antibodies against it
  1. a lump of fatty tissues that is caused because you have shots in the same place
  2. when your body can’t tell the difference between own blood cells and new foreign blood cells so the body accidentally attacks your own
  3. a person or animal that has excessive flesh
  4. excessive of glucose in your bloodstream
  5. the long word for carbs is
  6. the study of genes and how traits gets passed down from generations
  7. a type of sugar in your body that is the major source of energy for your cells
  8. a hormone that lowers the level of glucose in your body
  9. a type of chemical where the liver breaks down fat
  10. a nutrient in your body that your body needs to grow for it to properly function
  11. an organ that produces and releases substances into the bloodstream

20 Clues: the long word for carbs isexcessive of glucose in your bloodstreama person or animal that has excessive fleshyour kidney function progressively gets worsea type of chemical where the liver breaks down fata hormone that lowers the level of glucose in your bodywhen your body doesn't have that much or doesn’t that much insulin...

Pharmacology Trivia 2013-06-06

Pharmacology Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Will slow heart rate
  2. Decrease LDL
  3. An inotrope
  4. An ACEI
  1. Used to treat hypertension
  2. Blocks calcium channels
  3. DOC in diabetes

7 Clues: An ACEIAn inotropeDecrease LDLDOC in diabetesWill slow heart rateBlocks calcium channelsUsed to treat hypertension

Week 10 Drug Cards (Generic) 2022-11-07

Week 10 Drug Cards (Generic) crossword puzzle
  1. treats fungal infections
  2. for sedation
  3. treats ADHD
  4. treats type 2 diabetes
  1. treats inflammation
  2. treats anxiety & alcohol withdrawal symptoms
  3. treats gout

7 Clues: treats gouttreats ADHDfor sedationtreats inflammationtreats type 2 diabetestreats fungal infectionstreats anxiety & alcohol withdrawal symptoms

Time To Play 2015-10-05

Time To Play crossword puzzle
  1. discovered nucleus
  2. diseases present since birth
  3. movement of oesophagus to push food
  4. study of heredity
  1. division of nucleus
  2. bony covering of brain
  3. father of microbiology
  4. deficiency causes diabetes insipidus

8 Clues: study of hereditydiscovered nucleusdivision of nucleusbony covering of brainfather of microbiologydiseases present since birthmovement of oesophagus to push fooddeficiency causes diabetes insipidus

ESL Level 3 2021-11-03

ESL Level 3 crossword puzzle
  1. coma
  2. diabetes, heart disease are ____
  3. helps the body get rid of waste
  4. can't breathe through your nose
  5. 5 feet and 3 inches
  6. medicine with no prescription needed
  7. too much body fat causing health issues
  1. the amount you pay before insurance pays
  2. yearly visits to the doctor
  3. Trouble walking, speaking, numbness
  4. this doctor performs surgeries
  5. too many people
  6. Another word for salt

13 Clues: comatoo many people5 feet and 3 inchesAnother word for saltyearly visits to the doctorthis doctor performs surgerieshelps the body get rid of wastecan't breathe through your nosediabetes, heart disease are ____Trouble walking, speaking, numbnessmedicine with no prescription neededtoo much body fat causing health issues...

um pch vocab?? 2019-01-07

um pch vocab?? crossword puzzle
  1. a string heated container
  2. heating of the earth by gases
  3. rainfall made with acid
  4. a shield that protects us from UV
  5. CPR
  6. used on crops
  7. focused on a particular subject
  1. huge pits
  2. upward pulls into the diaphragm
  3. a medical practitioner that treats skin disorders
  4. CPR without mouth to mouth
  5. causes lose of consciousness
  6. a disease that means theres too much sugar in the blood

13 Clues: CPRhuge pitsused on cropsrainfall made with acida string heated containerCPR without mouth to mouthcauses lose of consciousnessheating of the earth by gasesupward pulls into the diaphragmfocused on a particular subjecta shield that protects us from UVa medical practitioner that treats skin disorders...

Sistem Ekskresi Manusia 2023-03-18

Sistem Ekskresi Manusia crossword puzzle
  1. Proses pertama pada pembentukan urine
  2. Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  3. Nama lain dai kulit ginjal
  4. Proses/tahapan urin sesungguhnya terbentuk
  5. Organ ekskresi utama pada manusia
  1. Peradangan pada hati
  2. Gangguan pada yang biasanya menyerang bagian wajah
  3. melitus Penyakit kelebihan gula didalam tubuh
  4. Lapisan kulit yang menyimpan cadangan makanan
  5. Jaringan lemak
  6. Gelembung paru-paru
  7. Penyerapan kembali
  8. Anyaman pembuluh-pembuluh darah darah kapiler yang berupa gumpalan-gumpalan

13 Clues: Jaringan lemakPenyerapan kembaliGelembung paru-paruPeradangan pada hatiNama lain dai kulit ginjalOrgan ekskresi utama pada manusiaProses pertama pada pembentukan urineProses/tahapan urin sesungguhnya terbentukmelitus Penyakit kelebihan gula didalam tubuhLapisan kulit yang menyimpan cadangan makananGangguan pada yang biasanya menyerang bagian wajah...

Fats 2022-11-09

Fats crossword puzzle
  1. Raises cholesterol, increases heart disease
  2. Improves cholesterol,is a fat,Decreases risk of heart disease
  1. Decrease risk of coronary disease
  2. Is a fat,improves cholesterol,Decrease type 2 diabetes
  3. Raise cholesterol,increase type 2 diabetes

5 Clues: Decrease risk of coronary diseaseRaise cholesterol,increase type 2 diabetesRaises cholesterol, increases heart diseaseIs a fat,improves cholesterol,Decrease type 2 diabetesImproves cholesterol,is a fat,Decreases risk of heart disease

ADH and Urea Baby! 2020-02-10

ADH and Urea Baby! crossword puzzle
  1. is a hormone that increases water permeability in collecting ducts.
  2. ADH stimulates reabsorption of urea in this part of the nephron to maximize corticopapillary osmotic gradient.
  3. excess nitrogen is converted to this molecule which is then excreted by the kidneys.
  4. is decrease with release of ADH while urine osmolarity is increase.
  5. is a common treatment for central diabetes insipidus.
  6. is characterized by excessive free water retention and euvolemic hyponatremia with continued urinary Na excretion.
  7. pituitary ADH is synthesize by the hypothalamus and stored and secreted in this area of the brain.
  8. is a drug that is known to cause nephrogenic diabetes insipidus where V2 receptors are damage and don't respond to ADH analogue
  1. is the amino acid that is converted to urea and ornithine in the urea cycle.
  2. are the channels upregulated by ADH binding to V2 and increasing H20 permeability at the collecting duct.
  3. is the pathway used by ADH when binding V2 receptors to increase water reabsorption.
  4. is a condition characterized by inability to concentrate urine.
  5. is the pathway used by ADH when binding V1 receptors and inducing vascular smooth muscle contraction.
  6. urea is metabolized by this organ and then excreted by the urine.

14 Clues: is a common treatment for central diabetes insipidus.is a condition characterized by inability to concentrate urine.urea is metabolized by this organ and then excreted by the urine.is a hormone that increases water permeability in collecting ducts.is decrease with release of ADH while urine osmolarity is increase....

Path Final Review 2019-05-30

Path Final Review crossword puzzle
  1. A form of cellular adaptation occurs due to a sedentary life style.
  2. This type of adaptation occurs due to increasing in size due to an increase in cell size.
  3. This disorder is described by hyperpigmentation of the cheeks, temples, and forehead, is associated with an erythema and is commonly associated with pregnancy.
  4. The following condition has symptoms of fever, tachycardia, low blood pressure, severe abdominal pain that radiates to the flank and back, respiratory distress and abdominal distention.
  5. This disease is a disorder of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.
  6. What is the most common etiology of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
  7. ______________ is when the body works to maintain a steady state.
  8. A skin manifestation is a small flat area of altered pigmentation.
  1. What change is blood chemistry is the primary issue with diabetes?
  2. Thsi is the scientific term for 'gallstones'.
  3. What symptom occurs when bilirubin builds up in the blood stream.
  4. Term is defined as: sequence of cellular and tissue events that take place at initial contact with a causative agent until the disease is expressed.
  5. Polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia are symptoms of which disease?
  6. This substance is responsible for the creation of gallstones.

14 Clues: Thsi is the scientific term for 'gallstones'.What is the most common etiology of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?This substance is responsible for the creation of gallstones.What symptom occurs when bilirubin builds up in the blood stream.______________ is when the body works to maintain a steady state....

health body 2024-02-01

health body crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes is the most common known underlying cause of gastroparesis. Diabetes can damage nerves,
  2. rapid breathing
  3. deficiency of glucose in the bloodstream.
  4. cancer that forms in epithelial tissue
  5. deficiency of platelets in the blood. This causes bleeding into the tissues, bruising, and slow blood clotting after injury.
  6. an instrument for recording the thoracic movements or volume change during respiration.
  7. comprise many different groups of muscles that run between the ribs, and help form and move the chest wall.
  1. a branch of medical science that is focused on the study and diagnosis of disease
  2. surgical removal of a part or the whole of the stomach.
  3. a type of cancer that occurs in the developing cells of a fetus or child
  4. inflammation of the stomach and intestines, typically resulting from bacterial toxins or viral infection and causing vomiting and diarrhea.
  5. a symptom that involves one-sided paralysis.
  6. a treatment, typically using ultrasound shock waves, by which a kidney stone or other calculus is broken into small particles that can be passed out by the body.
  7. the death of most or all of the cells in an organ or tissue due to disease, injury, or failure of the blood supply.

14 Clues: rapid breathingcancer that forms in epithelial tissuedeficiency of glucose in the bloodstream.a symptom that involves one-sided paralysis.surgical removal of a part or the whole of the stomach.a type of cancer that occurs in the developing cells of a fetus or childa branch of medical science that is focused on the study and diagnosis of disease...

Endocrine 2023-03-09

Endocrine crossword puzzle
  1. Hormone secreted by the pancreas to help transfer glucose from the blood across cell membranes into the cells
  2. An organic compound with a carbonyl group attached to two carbon atoms. It is built up during illness, after injury, and during pregnancy
  3. Below which blood glucose level (in mg/dL) is considered hypoglycemia
  4. This is the "master gland"
  5. Produces and secretes insulin to aid in the digestion of food in the duodenum
  6. Extremely high levels of sugar can lead to Diabetic ______
  7. These glands secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine and also helps regulate water and electrolyte levels
  1. These glands secrete their products into the interstitial fluid, the products are diffused into capillaries
  2. This is a symptom of hypoglycemia
  3. Type of diabetes in which the pancreatic cells fail to function properly and insulin is not screted normally
  4. These glands secrete their products into ducts, and the ducts carry the secretions to the target site
  5. When the intake of this is balanced with insulin production, the body can effectively use this as an energy source
  6. Type of diabetes in which the body's cells fail to utilize insulin properly
  7. When treating a patient with DKA, the patient may be ____ or violent

14 Clues: This is the "master gland"This is a symptom of hypoglycemiaExtremely high levels of sugar can lead to Diabetic ______When treating a patient with DKA, the patient may be ____ or violentBelow which blood glucose level (in mg/dL) is considered hypoglycemiaType of diabetes in which the body's cells fail to utilize insulin properly...

SNPhA Crossword 2015-12-05

SNPhA Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. RPh
  2. Region I and II conference location
  3. Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, immunizations, stroke, Chronic Kidney Disease and legislation are example of...
  4. SNPhA National conference location
  5. Region III, IV, and V conference location
  6. Where was the first SNPhA meeting held
  7. Theme for this newsletter
  8. This crossword is located in the ____
  9. Current SNPhA National President
  1. The act of helping others
  2. Competition for sustainable project development
  3. Acronym for points
  4. "____ is a virtue"
  5. Wellbeing
  6. SNPhA's target population

15 Clues: RPhWellbeingAcronym for points"____ is a virtue"The act of helping othersSNPhA's target populationTheme for this newsletterCurrent SNPhA National PresidentSNPhA National conference locationRegion I and II conference locationThis crossword is located in the ____Where was the first SNPhA meeting heldRegion III, IV, and V conference location...

Animal Nutrition 2020-12-10

Animal Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Obesity may be related to this disease
  2. amino acid that can be synthesized in body
  3. Polysaccharide found in plant fiber
  4. Polysaccharides are chains of simple _____.
  5. Serious loss of water in the body
  6. Another name for fat or overweight.
  7. Another name for dietary fiber
  1. __________ are made of amino acids.
  2. Related to the heart
  3. An important liquid nutrient
  4. amino acid that must be supplied in diet
  5. Common disaccharide
  6. Device to measure calories
  7. Common Monosaccharide
  8. Nutrient that supplies energy

15 Clues: Common disaccharideRelated to the heartCommon MonosaccharideDevice to measure caloriesAn important liquid nutrientNutrient that supplies energyAnother name for dietary fiberSerious loss of water in the body__________ are made of amino acids.Polysaccharide found in plant fiberAnother name for fat or overweight.Obesity may be related to this disease...

Biology 2023-06-01

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. a kind of pigment in chloroplasts
  2. which is made with amino acids
  3. which belongs to monosaccharide
  4. which test for simple sugars
  5. which stores cell sap
  6. where most respiration happens
  7. where photosynthesis happens
  8. which uses as biological catalyst
  9. which can lead to several disease as diabetes
  1. which contains DNA
  2. which holds the cell together
  3. a process that doesn’t need energy to happen
  4. where most chemical reactions happen
  5. a type of polysaccharide
  6. belongs to polysaccharide
  7. which joins amino acids together

16 Clues: which contains DNAwhich stores cell sapa type of polysaccharidebelongs to polysaccharidewhich test for simple sugarswhere photosynthesis happenswhich holds the cell togetherwhich is made with amino acidswhere most respiration happenswhich belongs to monosaccharidewhich joins amino acids togethera kind of pigment in chloroplasts...

18 September 2023-09-18

18 September crossword puzzle
  1. varian jagung yang digunakan untuk sayur
  2. biasanya sering dikonsumsi penderita diabetes
  3. olahan bawang bombay yang digoreng
  4. olahan umbi yang digoreng dan teksturnya renyah
  5. bahan baku macaroon
  6. jenis tepung terigu untuk cake
  1. jenis padi yang habitatnya di area berair
  2. jenis tepung terigu untuk mie, pasta
  3. serealia yang dapat digunakan untuk bioetanol
  4. jenis umbi untuk asam urat
  5. bahan dasar tepung terigu
  6. jagung yang bulat, keras dan licin
  7. salah satu umbi akar
  8. bahan baku kecap manis
  9. salah satu contoh serealia

15 Clues: bahan baku macaroonsalah satu umbi akarbahan baku kecap manisbahan dasar tepung terigujenis umbi untuk asam uratsalah satu contoh serealiajenis tepung terigu untuk cakejagung yang bulat, keras dan licinolahan bawang bombay yang digorengjenis tepung terigu untuk mie, pastavarian jagung yang digunakan untuk sayur...

Nutrients 2012-03-14

Nutrients crossword puzzle
  1. When someone is to skinny
  2. Replaces the sweat in your body.
  3. Builds and repairs body tissues.
  4. When your body lacks fluids.
  5. When you feel unwell.
  6. Carries oxygen around.
  7. Helps you do day to day tasks.
  1. A substance that is made up of nutrients.
  2. Provides lots of energy.
  3. Found in plant foods and fruits.
  4. Provides body warmth.
  5. Helps strengthen bones.
  6. Commonly known as salt.
  7. When you have to much or not enough sugar.
  8. When you are overweight.

15 Clues: Provides body warmth.When you feel unwell.Carries oxygen around.Helps strengthen bones.Commonly known as salt.Provides lots of energy.When you are overweight.When someone is to skinnyWhen your body lacks fluids.Helps you do day to day tasks.Found in plant foods and fruits.Replaces the sweat in your body.Builds and repairs body tissues....

Anatomy Chapter 3 2022-11-01

Anatomy Chapter 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Missing enzyme causes build up of amino acid
  2. Cilia in respiratory track become paralyzed
  3. Uncontrolled cell growth
  4. One-celled,animal-like
  5. Kills bacteria
  6. Chemicals kill dividing cells
  7. Divisions of cells for reproduction with half as many chromosomes
  8. Facilitate and speed up chemical reactions
  1. Used for cellular respiration
  2. One-celled or multi-celled
  3. reproduction Cells make identical copies of themselves
  4. Bacteria cells with no nucleus or organelles
  5. Division of cytoplasm
  6. Symptoms of thirst and excess urination
  7. Slow growing tumor

15 Clues: Kills bacteriaSlow growing tumorDivision of cytoplasmOne-celled,animal-likeUncontrolled cell growthOne-celled or multi-celledUsed for cellular respirationChemicals kill dividing cellsSymptoms of thirst and excess urinationFacilitate and speed up chemical reactionsCilia in respiratory track become paralyzed...

Sistem Pencernaan 2022-10-27

Sistem Pencernaan crossword puzzle
  1. Penyerapan sari makanan
  2. Membantu menelan makanan
  3. Zat makanan yang berfungsi sebagai sumber energy
  4. Gerakan pada tenggrokan dalam proses pencernaan
  5. Enzim di mulut yang membantu pencernaan kimiawi
  6. Makanan yang mengandung Vitamin A
  7. Zat pembangun tubuh dan pengganti sel yang rusak
  1. Gigi yang berfungsi mengunyah makanan
  2. Penyerapan air
  3. Bakteri yang membantu membusukkan sisa pencernaan
  4. Protein hewani
  5. Vitamin yang larut dalam lemak
  6. Enzim yang berfungsi membunuh kuman penyakit yang masuk bersama makanan
  7. Kelebihan karbohidrat (gula) dalam tubuh
  8. Penyimpanan feses sebelum di buang

15 Clues: Penyerapan airProtein hewaniPenyerapan sari makananMembantu menelan makananVitamin yang larut dalam lemakMakanan yang mengandung Vitamin APenyimpanan feses sebelum di buangGigi yang berfungsi mengunyah makananKelebihan karbohidrat (gula) dalam tubuhGerakan pada tenggrokan dalam proses pencernaanEnzim di mulut yang membantu pencernaan kimiawi...

Coding terms 2019-09-14

Coding terms crossword puzzle
  1. keeps a blood vessel open
  2. abnormal growth of tissues that may or may not be cancerous
  3. metabolic disorder with high blood sugar
  4. test for AAPC credentials
  5. another word for cancer
  6. when your head hurts
  7. pumps blood through the body
  1. broken bone
  2. where the metatarsals are located
  3. also known as blood poisoning
  4. the joint connecting the hand with the forearm
  5. removal of the thyroid
  6. laboratory examination of samples of body tissue
  7. neck pain
  8. Continuous positive airway pressure

15 Clues: neck painbroken bonewhen your head hurtsremoval of the thyroidanother word for cancerkeeps a blood vessel opentest for AAPC credentialspumps blood through the bodyalso known as blood poisoningwhere the metatarsals are locatedContinuous positive airway pressuremetabolic disorder with high blood sugarthe joint connecting the hand with the forearm...

lichamelijke/verstandelijke beperking 2014-12-04

lichamelijke/verstandelijke beperking crossword puzzle
  1. reuk zicht en gehoor.
  2. defect van orgaan of orgaan functies.
  3. onomkeerbare aandoening zonder herstel
  4. grote bewegingen.
  5. hebben te maken met onze hersenen en zenuwbanen
  6. je hebt zelfstandigheid en ............
  7. beperktheid van de geestelijke functies.
  8. als je iets niet kunt.
  1. ander woord voor suikerziekte
  2. aard van de ziekte of stoornis
  3. ander woord voor botontkalking.
  4. een bepaalde vraag naar ondersteuning op bepaald gebied.
  5. het verstand hoe noem je dat ook wel anders?
  6. vermindering mogelijkheden activiteit en gedrag
  7. aandoening die zich uit bij aanvallen.

15 Clues: grote bewegingen.reuk zicht en gehoor.als je iets niet kunt.ander woord voor suikerziekteaard van de ziekte of stoornisander woord voor botontkalking.defect van orgaan of orgaan functies.onomkeerbare aandoening zonder herstelaandoening die zich uit bij aanvallen.je hebt zelfstandigheid en ............beperktheid van de geestelijke functies....

SNPhA Crossword 2015-12-05

SNPhA Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Theme for this newsletter
  2. Wellbeing
  3. Competition for sustainable project development
  4. Region III, IV, and V conference location
  5. Acronym for points
  6. RPh
  1. Region I and II conference location
  2. SNPhA's target population
  3. Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, immunizations, stroke, Chronic Kidney Disease and legislation are example of...
  4. Current SNPhA National President
  5. "____ is a virtue"
  6. Where was the first SNPhA meeting held
  7. The act of helping others
  8. SNPhA National conference location
  9. This crossword is located in the ____

15 Clues: RPhWellbeing"____ is a virtue"Acronym for pointsTheme for this newsletterSNPhA's target populationThe act of helping othersCurrent SNPhA National PresidentSNPhA National conference locationRegion I and II conference locationThis crossword is located in the ____Where was the first SNPhA meeting heldRegion III, IV, and V conference location...

Coding terms 2019-09-14

Coding terms crossword puzzle
  1. abnormal growth of tissues that may or may not be cancerous
  2. keeps a blood vessel open
  3. removal of the thyroid
  4. also known as blood poisoning
  5. neck pain
  6. laboratory examination of samples of body tissue
  7. when your head hurts
  8. another word for cancer
  1. broken bone
  2. pumps blood through the body
  3. test for AAPC credentials
  4. where the metatarsals are located
  5. the joint connecting the hand with the forearm
  6. Continuous positive airway pressure
  7. metabolic disorder with high blood sugar

15 Clues: neck painbroken bonewhen your head hurtsremoval of the thyroidanother word for cancertest for AAPC credentialskeeps a blood vessel openpumps blood through the bodyalso known as blood poisoningwhere the metatarsals are locatedContinuous positive airway pressuremetabolic disorder with high blood sugarthe joint connecting the hand with the forearm...

3.1 2020-08-31

3.1 crossword puzzle
  1. may cause oliguria
  2. test performed using a 12-hour urine
  3. catheter is inserted up to the bladder
  4. major inorganic component
  5. bacterial enzyme that converts urea to ammonia
  6. excellent sediment preservative
  7. ideal specimen for routine urinalysis
  1. effect of standing unpreserved urine on glucose
  2. urine pH that causes cast disintegration
  3. analyte tested using an afternoon specimen
  4. preservative that floats on urine surface
  5. associated with diabetes insipidus
  6. routinely used preservation method
  7. most commonly received urine specimen
  8. major component of urine

15 Clues: may cause oliguriamajor component of urinemajor inorganic componentexcellent sediment preservativeassociated with diabetes insipidusroutinely used preservation methodtest performed using a 12-hour urinemost commonly received urine specimenideal specimen for routine urinalysiscatheter is inserted up to the bladder...

Alimentação 2022-11-28

Alimentação crossword puzzle
  1. nutrientes com função plástica
  2. substâncias simples que nutrem as células
  3. onde estão contidos os nutrientes
  4. nutrientes que protegem do frio
  5. produtos derivados do leite
  6. nutrientes que fornecem energia
  7. frutas e legumes são ricos em...
  1. doença em que há excesso de açúcar no sangue
  2. organismo geneticamente modificado
  3. o cálcio e o fósforo são...
  4. substâncias adicionadas aos alimentos
  5. o feijão e o grão são ...
  6. aumento excessivo da gordura corporal
  7. função das fibras
  8. congelação e desidratação por sublimação

15 Clues: função das fibraso feijão e o grão são ...o cálcio e o fósforo são...produtos derivados do leitenutrientes com função plásticanutrientes que protegem do frionutrientes que fornecem energiafrutas e legumes são ricos em...onde estão contidos os nutrientesorganismo geneticamente modificadosubstâncias adicionadas aos alimentos...

Kelompok 5B 2023-11-13

Kelompok 5B crossword puzzle
  1. Kelimpahan dubnium di kerak bumi
  2. negara yang unsur niobium nya melimpah
  3. Unsur yang memiliki simbol Nb
  4. Tantalum berbahaya bagi selaput....
  5. Simbol dari Tantalum
  6. Niobium memiliki efek samping karena merupakan zat toxic, toxic adalah?
  7. penampilan dari dubnium
  8. manfaat dari dubnium adalah hanya untuk.....
  1. Unsur yang memiliki simbol V
  2. klasifikasi dari dubnium adalah logam.......
  3. Vanadium berguna untuk para penderita penyakit....
  4. Biloks tantalum
  5. lebih dari 50℅ tantalum dimanfaatkan untuk pembuatan produk ini
  6. negara yang mensuplai 70℅ vanadium yang diproduksi
  7. simbol dari Dubnium

15 Clues: Biloks tantalumsimbol dari DubniumSimbol dari Tantalumpenampilan dari dubniumUnsur yang memiliki simbol VUnsur yang memiliki simbol NbKelimpahan dubnium di kerak bumiTantalum berbahaya bagi selaput....negara yang unsur niobium nya melimpahklasifikasi dari dubnium adalah logam.......manfaat dari dubnium adalah hanya untuk........

Three Macronutrients 2024-02-29

Three Macronutrients crossword puzzle
  1. 15g of carbs then check blood sugar after 15 minutes
  2. your body needs it
  3. commercial prepared
  4. form of carbohydrates
  5. not getting enough protein
  6. __ per gram
  7. known as body fat
  8. lack of sugar molecules in body
  1. liquid form of fat
  2. affects how your body turns food into energy
  3. made from amino acids (building block)
  4. stored in cells for energy
  5. has lots of protein from cows
  6. has a fibrous coating, reduces digestion rate
  7. ____ of juice or soda

15 Clues: __ per gramknown as body fatliquid form of fatyour body needs itcommercial preparedform of carbohydrates____ of juice or sodastored in cells for energynot getting enough proteinhas lots of protein from cowslack of sugar molecules in bodymade from amino acids (building block)affects how your body turns food into energy...

All About Riley 2024-03-11

All About Riley crossword puzzle
  1. Middle School Riley’s favorite music genre
  2. Riley’s home state
  3. Riley’s favorite animal
  4. what Riley dresses up as for Halloween every year
  5. Riley's most recent employer
  1. the holiday Riley was born on!
  2. Riley’s favorite Thai restaurant in Seattle
  3. Riley’s height (in words)
  4. Riley’s favorite band
  5. name that Riley likes to refer to herself as
  6. Riley’s favorite state fair treat
  7. where Riley met Ivy!
  8. first name of Riley’s borderline stalker
  9. Riley’s health condition
  10. Riley’s favorite outdoor activity

15 Clues: Riley’s home statewhere Riley met Ivy!Riley’s favorite bandRiley’s favorite animalRiley’s health conditionRiley’s height (in words)Riley's most recent employerthe holiday Riley was born on!Riley’s favorite state fair treatRiley’s favorite outdoor activityfirst name of Riley’s borderline stalkerMiddle School Riley’s favorite music genre...

Vocabulary Assignment 2018-01-03

Vocabulary Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. a neurological disorder
  2. a disease in which the insulin hormone is impaired
  3. a medical procedure also known as CPR
  4. a person who concentrates on a particular activty
  5. place to burying trash
  1. known as the Heimlich maneuver
  2. CPR without mouth to mouth breaths
  3. an atmosphere heating phenomenon
  4. precipitation that contains acid
  5. skin specialists
  6. substance that destroys insects
  7. an atmospheric layer
  8. a heated container used for reactions

13 Clues: skin specialistsan atmospheric layerplace to burying trasha neurological disorderknown as the Heimlich maneuversubstance that destroys insectsan atmosphere heating phenomenonprecipitation that contains acidCPR without mouth to mouth breathsa heated container used for reactionsa medical procedure also known as CPR...

Vocabulary Assignment 2018-01-03

Vocabulary Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. precipitation that contains acid
  2. substance that destroys insects
  3. an atmospheric layer
  4. a medical procedure also known as CPR
  5. a disease in which the insulin hormone is impaired
  6. a person who concentrates on a particular activty
  7. a neurological disorder
  1. known as the Heimlich maneuver
  2. CPR without mouth to mouth breaths
  3. an atmosphere heating phenomenon
  4. place to burying trash
  5. skin specialists
  6. a heated container used for reactions

13 Clues: skin specialistsan atmospheric layerplace to burying trasha neurological disorderknown as the Heimlich maneuversubstance that destroys insectsprecipitation that contains acidan atmosphere heating phenomenonCPR without mouth to mouth breathsa medical procedure also known as CPRa heated container used for reactions...

Phamacy Review 2018-05-11

Phamacy Review crossword puzzle
  1. antipsychotic
  2. antagonist
  3. for type 1 diabetes
  4. antidepressant
  5. to for rapid treatment of insulin shock
  6. of time between stopping RIMA adnMOA and starting SSRi/SNRI antidepressant
  7. as antipsycotic
  1. Concerta and Biphentin
  2. to treat migraine headaches
  3. antipsychotic
  4. many stages of sleep
  6. for Plan B and implanted birth control
  7. four stages

14 Clues: antagonistfour stagesantipsychoticantipsychoticantidepressantas antipsycoticfor type 1 diabetesmany stages of sleepConcerta and BiphentinTSH, LH. LTH, ACTH, FSHto treat migraine headachesfor Plan B and implanted birth controlto for rapid treatment of insulin shockof time between stopping RIMA adnMOA and starting SSRi/SNRI antidepressant

Pharmacology drugs 2021-08-26

Pharmacology drugs crossword puzzle
  1. prevent the adhesion of blood platelets
  2. can cause deep vein thrombosis
  3. normalise gastric acid
  4. adverse effect of diuretics
  5. slows bowel motility
  6. cause muscles to relax
  7. treatment of Status Asthmaticus
  1. can cause gastric irritation
  2. prevents formation of clots
  3. relaxes the smooth muscle in the lungs
  4. can treat urticarial reactions
  5. lack of it causes diabetes mellitus
  6. increase the volume of urine excreted by the kidneys

13 Clues: slows bowel motilitynormalise gastric acidcause muscles to relaxprevents formation of clotsadverse effect of diureticscan cause gastric irritationcan cause deep vein thrombosiscan treat urticarial reactionstreatment of Status Asthmaticuslack of it causes diabetes mellitusrelaxes the smooth muscle in the lungsprevent the adhesion of blood platelets...

Emergency/First Aid Crossword 2022-09-13

Emergency/First Aid Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. severe allergic reaction
  2. reduced blood and oxygen to organs
  3. Reduced bloodflow to the heart
  4. over consumption of a substance
  5. follow BEFAST
  6. this is what you do for a bone, muscle, or joint injury
  7. disturbed electrical activity in the brain
  1. over consumption of alcohol
  2. trauma to the neck or spine
  3. exposure to hot environment
  4. there is type 1 and type 2
  5. inhaler
  6. frozen skin and tissues

13 Clues: inhalerfollow BEFASTfrozen skin and tissuessevere allergic reactionthere is type 1 and type 2over consumption of alcoholtrauma to the neck or spineexposure to hot environmentReduced bloodflow to the heartover consumption of a substancereduced blood and oxygen to organsdisturbed electrical activity in the brain...

Crossword Puzzle 2023-03-19

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. ratio of weight to height
  2. deliberate intimidation
  3. another word for edible roots of plants
  4. the largest and strong herbivorous animal
  5. a unit of energy to express food value
  6. the body's ability to fight diseases
  7. life-threatening reaction to milk allergy
  1. a plant eating animal
  2. a lifestyle disease related to insulin resistance
  3. an eating disorder
  4. long life span
  5. a seasonal tropical fruit
  6. a yellow coloured local fruit

13 Clues: long life spanan eating disordera plant eating animaldeliberate intimidationratio of weight to heighta seasonal tropical fruita yellow coloured local fruitthe body's ability to fight diseasesa unit of energy to express food valueanother word for edible roots of plantsthe largest and strong herbivorous animallife-threatening reaction to milk allergy...

Foot and Ankle 2024-03-27

Foot and Ankle crossword puzzle
  1. Number of arches
  2. The Hallucis has how many IP Joints
  3. Separates the rearfoot from the midfoot
  4. Most Common complication of Diabetes Mellitus
  5. Injury to the tendon
  1. Contains two sesamoid bones
  2. High Arch
  3. Inversion, Adduction, and dorsiflexion
  4. muscles originating from the region of the foot
  5. Primary function
  6. calcaneus and talus make up the
  7. Lateral compartment muscles are the
  8. All joints of the foot and ankle are

13 Clues: High ArchNumber of archesPrimary functionInjury to the tendonContains two sesamoid bonescalcaneus and talus make up theThe Hallucis has how many IP JointsLateral compartment muscles are theAll joints of the foot and ankle areInversion, Adduction, and dorsiflexionSeparates the rearfoot from the midfootMost Common complication of Diabetes Mellitus...

Safety in the Environment 2019-01-07

Safety in the Environment crossword puzzle
  1. huge garbage lots
  2. Earths natural protection from ozone
  3. glucose amounts aren’t stable
  4. emergency rescue if your choking
  5. the Earth warming
  6. rain that has a ph below 7
  7. a specialist of skin
  8. the brain doesn’t work like how it’s supposed to
  1. cpr emergency rescue without mouth breathing
  2. emergency rescue to save someone’s life
  3. a professional at a specific job
  4. sterilizes surgery tools
  5. liquid insect killer

13 Clues: huge garbage lotsthe Earth warmingliquid insect killera specialist of skinsterilizes surgery toolsrain that has a ph below 7glucose amounts aren’t stablea professional at a specific jobemergency rescue if your chokingEarths natural protection from ozoneemergency rescue to save someone’s lifecpr emergency rescue without mouth breathing...

BASICS 2023-05-24

BASICS crossword puzzle
  1. is from USV
  2. belongs to a class of Biguanide
  3. is transported into cells by Insulin
  4. cells of the pancreas secrete Insulin
  5. is called glycated hemoglobin test
  6. is a carbohydrate metabolic disorder.
  7. decreases insulin resistance.
  1. brand is Galvus
  2. a phase 4, open label , multicentric Indian trial
  3. decrease salt & water retention.
  4. is from MSD
  5. is the class of telmisartan
  6. is a HORMONE that control blood sugar.
  7. is from the sun

14 Clues: is from USVis from MSDbrand is Galvusis from the sunis the class of telmisartandecreases insulin resistance.belongs to a class of Biguanidedecrease salt & water retention.is called glycated hemoglobin testis transported into cells by Insulincells of the pancreas secrete Insulinis a carbohydrate metabolic disorder....

Animal conservation 2023-12-14

Animal conservation crossword puzzle
  1. two entities coming together to vote
  2. Many Endangered species are at risk of _
  3. Animals are divided into different _
  4. The _ United States of America
  5. small growth or decay by one unit
  1. proposing a theory/project
  2. This problem _ us
  3. Right before possible extinction animals are _
  4. Common Sense
  5. type 1 or type 2 _
  6. All peoples votes were _
  7. Yellowstone has _, many different animals
  8. _, In other words "Non-wasteful"

13 Clues: Common SenseThis problem _ ustype 1 or type 2 _All peoples votes were _proposing a theory/projectThe _ United States of America_, In other words "Non-wasteful"small growth or decay by one unittwo entities coming together to voteAnimals are divided into different _Many Endangered species are at risk of _Yellowstone has _, many different animals...

examen geriatrie 2016-02-07

examen geriatrie crossword puzzle
  1. Panty's voor 75+
  2. Roze olifanten zien
  3. gaan slapen bij zonsopgang
  4. Voertuig voor bejaarden
  5. Verzetje voor de mannen
  6. druk, drukker, drukst
  7. (geen) schuurmiddel
  8. Washandjes van de geriatrie
  9. Transportmiddel
  10. Stopje
  11. Huisje wel tevree
  12. apotheek in het klein
  13. engelse afkorting
  14. 15/30
  15. Prikje in de buik
  1. Armspieroefeningen
  2. Ouderdomsziekte
  3. dagkrant
  4. De vooruitgang van de achteruitgang
  5. Stinkend water
  6. Pissen in een potje
  7. Absorberende broek
  8. spetters die in het rond vliegen
  9. wederkerend trimestrieel probleem
  10. draaien en keren
  11. het gebruik vandaal medicijnen tegelijkertijd
  12. Vochtophoping
  13. Wacht op plaatsing
  14. Vrijheidsberoving

29 Clues: 15/30StopjedagkrantVochtophopingStinkend waterOuderdomsziekteTransportmiddelPanty's voor 75+draaien en kerenHuisje wel tevreeengelse afkortingPrikje in de buikVrijheidsberovingArmspieroefeningenAbsorberende broekWacht op plaatsingRoze olifanten zienPissen in een potje(geen) schuurmiddeldruk, drukker, drukstapotheek in het klein...

Know Your Meds 2018-10-18

Know Your Meds crossword puzzle


diet and health 2015-01-26

diet and health crossword puzzle
  1. A type of fish
  2. Can be boiled or scrambled
  3. An eating disorder
  4. Helps you to feel full
  5. This food group includes rice and pasta
  6. A common cause of allergy in children
  7. Keeps bones and teeth strong and healthy
  8. A green vegetable
  9. All meals should be this
  1. Food group containing eggs
  2. A yellow fruit
  3. The most important meal of the day
  4. Needed for hydration
  5. This type of fat clogs your arteries
  6. A type of pasta
  7. A source of protein
  8. This is caused by overeating
  9. A healthy way to cook
  10. A food loved by children
  11. Can be caused by being overweight

20 Clues: A yellow fruitA type of fishA type of pastaA green vegetableAn eating disorderA source of proteinNeeded for hydrationA healthy way to cookHelps you to feel fullA food loved by childrenAll meals should be thisFood group containing eggsCan be boiled or scrambledThis is caused by overeatingCan be caused by being overweight...

Final Exam Crossword 2020-12-16

Final Exam Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. complication of peptic ulcer disease
  2. surgery less invasive for severely obese people
  3. inflammation of the gastric mucosa
  4. inflammation from gluten
  5. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
  6. difficulty swallowing
  7. Body Mass Index
  8. straining with bowel movements
  9. Estimated Energy Expenditure
  1. blood clot
  2. inflammation of the pancreas
  3. liquidy bowel movement
  4. Blockage
  5. occlusion of blood flow in non-coronary arteries
  6. function is to store bile
  7. >85th percentile and <95th percentile
  8. inflammation of the liver
  9. at risk in overweight or obese patients
  10. yellowish staining of the skin
  11. condition of chronically elevated blood pressure
  12. type of cariostatic food

21 Clues: Blockageblood clotBody Mass Indexdifficulty swallowingliquidy bowel movementinflammation from glutentype of cariostatic foodfunction is to store bileinflammation of the liverinflammation of the pancreasEstimated Energy Expenditureyellowish staining of the skinstraining with bowel movementsinflammation of the gastric mucosa...

Final Exam Review 2022-05-24

Final Exam Review crossword puzzle
  1. This device symbolizes Shelby throughout
  2. beg or plead
  3. Clairee's nephew that she takes in
  4. thrifting or saving
  5. Ouiser's dog
  6. lessen or diminish
  7. owner of the hair salon
  8. M'Lynn's husband
  9. This is imperfect to create a "slice of life."
  10. the name of Clairee's daughter-in-law
  11. These change to reflect changes in life
  1. harsh or sharp
  2. the name of Annelle's baby
  3. one of Shelby's wedding colors
  4. Shelby's medical condition
  5. the transplant surgery M'Lynn and Shelby undergo
  6. a grouch(Ouiser in a nutshell)
  7. to disturb
  8. Truvy's husband
  9. absurd or ridiculous
  10. Sometimes they are the people you choose

21 Clues: to disturbbeg or pleadOuiser's dogharsh or sharpTruvy's husbandM'Lynn's husbandlessen or diminishthrifting or savingabsurd or ridiculousowner of the hair salonthe name of Annelle's babyShelby's medical conditionone of Shelby's wedding colorsa grouch(Ouiser in a nutshell)Clairee's nephew that she takes inthe name of Clairee's daughter-in-law...

NS Revision - June 2021 2021-06-05

NS Revision - June 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. these eat plants & animals
  2. cannot dissolve solute any further
  3. used to test for starch
  4. affects how your body controls glucose
  5. ensures strong teeth & bones
  6. foods necessary for growth & repair
  7. water in its gaseous state
  8. indigestible substance to keep bowel healthy
  9. interaction of living & non-living things
  10. gives plants their green colour
  1. stunted growth & swollen belly
  2. food-making process in plants
  3. particles tightly packed & vibrate
  4. pouring off oil from water
  5. speeds up rate of dissolving
  6. found in river habitat
  7. disease caused by lack of vitamins & minerals
  8. breaks down dead plants & animals
  9. given off by plants daily
  10. cannot dissolve in water

20 Clues: found in river habitatused to test for starchcannot dissolve in watergiven off by plants dailypouring off oil from waterthese eat plants & animalswater in its gaseous statespeeds up rate of dissolvingensures strong teeth & bonesfood-making process in plantsstunted growth & swollen bellygives plants their green colour...

Abeyta 2020-02-25

Abeyta crossword puzzle
  1. New ford released in 1927
  2. new activity for families on Sunday
  3. flu that killed millions
  4. Wagon that kids played with
  5. teacher who taught evolution
  6. new type of ship to provide air cover
  7. book by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  8. kids building blocks
  9. man who built the first cars for ford
  1. African-American sound film
  2. craft with yarn and needles
  3. famous baseball player
  4. kids toy cars
  5. man who debunked jazz
  6. place to store food found in most homes
  7. first movie theaters
  8. famous movie actor
  9. burgalows found in homes
  10. Helps people with diabetes
  11. large buildings found in New York

20 Clues: kids toy carsfamous movie actorfirst movie theaterskids building blocksman who debunked jazzfamous baseball playerflu that killed millionsburgalows found in homesNew ford released in 1927Helps people with diabetesAfrican-American sound filmcraft with yarn and needlesWagon that kids played withbook by F. Scott Fitzgeraldteacher who taught evolution...

Bio 2024-01-24

Bio crossword puzzle
  1. = saccharomyces
  2. = dalam populasi
  3. = pinisilin
  4. = hasil dari
  5. = yang mampu mengonsumsi
  6. = urutan perkembangan
  7. = apa manfaat
  8. = perubahan strutur
  9. =jenis makanan
  10. = dapat dibuat
  11. = jenis respirasi
  12. = jenis mikroba
  13. = istilah antibodi
  14. = ngengat
  15. = teori yang
  16. = hewan apa
  17. = perubahan makhluk
  18. = darwin menemukan
  19. = nama bakteri yng mampu
  20. = penerapan teknologi
  1. =teori evolusi
  2. = menurut lamarck
  3. = meningkatnya kadar
  4. = mekanisme isolasi
  5. = fenomena dimana terdapat
  6. = siapakah
  7. = sel tanaman
  8. = yng menghasilkan
  9. = produk bioteknologi
  10. = perkembangan
  11. = teori abiogenesis
  12. = nama enzim
  13. = siapa yang
  14. = ganggang
  15. = jenis bahan bakar
  16. = siapa yang
  17. siapakh
  18. = gas yang dipakai
  19. = isolasi mencegah
  20. = proses pembentukan

40 Clues: siapakh= ngengat= siapakah= ganggang= pinisilin= hewan apa= hasil dari= nama enzim= siapa yang= siapa yang= teori yang= sel tanaman= apa manfaat=teori evolusi= perkembangan=jenis makanan= dapat dibuat= saccharomyces= jenis mikroba= dalam populasi= menurut lamarck= jenis respirasi= yng menghasilkan= istilah antibodi= gas yang dipakai...

Set 4 2024-08-09

Set 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Type of fat linked to increased diabetes risk
  2. Low blood sugar level
  3. Risk factor for type 2 diabetes involving weight
  1. Hormone that raises blood sugar levels
  2. Group of cells in the pancreas that make insulin

5 Clues: Low blood sugar levelHormone that raises blood sugar levelsType of fat linked to increased diabetes riskGroup of cells in the pancreas that make insulinRisk factor for type 2 diabetes involving weight

Pencegahan diabetes mellitus 2024-03-25

Pencegahan diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Untuk mencegah diabetes, makanan harus mengandung ______ yang lengkap dan seimbang
  2. Makanan yang harus dihindari yang mengandung
  1. Kelebihan berat badan
  2. mellitus Penyakit yang dimana memiliki kadar gula tinggi di darah
  3. Penyebab dibetes dikarenakan _____ tidak bekerja dengan baik

5 Clues: Kelebihan berat badanMakanan yang harus dihindari yang mengandungPenyebab dibetes dikarenakan _____ tidak bekerja dengan baikmellitus Penyakit yang dimana memiliki kadar gula tinggi di darahUntuk mencegah diabetes, makanan harus mengandung ______ yang lengkap dan seimbang

Creative study assignment chapter 7 2022-02-18

Creative study assignment chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. thymus gland
  2. diabetic ketoacidosis
  3. growth hormone
  4. antidiuretic hormone
  5. antidiuretic hormone
  6. pituitary gland
  7. removal of one or both adrenal glands
  8. hormone that regulates immune response
  9. removal of the parathyroid glands
  10. glucose
  11. diabetes mellitus
  12. pancreas
  13. adrenocorticotropic hormone
  14. ketone bodies
  15. carbon dioxide
  16. removal of the thymus
  17. secretes triiodothyronine thyroxine & calcitonin hormones that regulate metaboloism
  18. thirst
  19. blood sugar
  1. hormone that influences growth
  2. removal of the pancreas
  3. removal of the pituitary gland
  4. fasting blood sugar
  5. hormones secret by the adrenal cortex
  6. glucose tolerance test
  7. oxytocin
  8. secrets testosterone
  9. computed tomography
  10. removal of the thyroid
  11. thyroid gland

30 Clues: thirstglucoseoxytocinpancreasblood sugarthymus glandketone bodiesthyroid glandgrowth hormonecarbon dioxidepituitary glanddiabetes mellitusfasting blood sugarcomputed tomographyantidiuretic hormoneantidiuretic hormonesecrets testosteronediabetic ketoacidosisremoval of the thymusglucose tolerance testremoval of the thyroidremoval of the pancreas...

Karbohidrat 2023-02-01

Karbohidrat crossword puzzle
  1. kandungan karbohidrat
  2. jenis karbohidrat yang tidak mudah diserap oleh tubuh
  3. senyawa yang dihasilkan jika karbohidrat bereaksi dengan asam
  4. penyakit kekurangan karbohidrat
  5. salah satu disakarida
  6. gula dalam darah akan memasuki sel tubuh dengan bantuan...
  7. salah satu penyusun karbohidrat
  8. penyakit kelebihan karbohidrat
  9. karbohidrat diserap tubuh dalam bentuk...
  10. salah satu sumber karbohidrat
  11. nama lain karbohidrat
  1. hasil hidrolisis oleh insulin tersimpan sebagai cadangan yang disebut...
  2. karbohidrat yang terdiri dari banyak molekul gula
  3. salah satu pembentuk karbohidrat
  4. polihidroksil-aldehida atau polihidroksil-keton
  5. salah satu fungsi karbohidrat
  6. rasa karbohidrat
  7. tempat terjadi proses pemecahan karbohidrat
  8. dapat memutar cahaya terpolarisasi
  9. wujud karbohidrat

20 Clues: rasa karbohidratwujud karbohidratkandungan karbohidratsalah satu disakaridanama lain karbohidratsalah satu fungsi karbohidratsalah satu sumber karbohidratpenyakit kelebihan karbohidratpenyakit kekurangan karbohidratsalah satu penyusun karbohidratsalah satu pembentuk karbohidratdapat memutar cahaya terpolarisasi...

ICD-10 Guidelines 2022-07-22

ICD-10 Guidelines crossword puzzle
  1. Bipolar Disorder, unspecified
  2. Anemia, unspecified
  3. Diverticulitis of large intestine w/ hemorrhage
  4. Acquired absence of kidney
  5. Lacrimal cyst, bilateral
  6. MRSA
  7. Morbid Obesity
  8. BMI is 38.7
  9. Congestive Heart Failure, unspecified
  10. GI hemorrhage
  11. Long-Term use of anticoagulant
  12. CKD, Stage 3
  13. Hypertensive heart disease with heart failure
  1. Breast Cancer, Left inner quadrant
  2. Urinary frequency
  3. Abnormal weight loss
  4. Pain related to psychological factors
  5. Diabetes
  6. Chemotherapy Treatment
  7. COPD
  8. 35th week of pregnancy
  9. ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) involving other coronary artery of anterior wall
  10. Atrial fibrillation
  11. Hyponatremia
  12. Pregnancy, incidental
  13. Hypertensive Kidney Disease
  14. Hypertension

27 Clues: COPDMRSADiabetesBMI is 38.7HyponatremiaCKD, Stage 3HypertensionGI hemorrhageMorbid ObesityUrinary frequencyAnemia, unspecifiedAtrial fibrillationAbnormal weight lossPregnancy, incidentalChemotherapy Treatment35th week of pregnancyLacrimal cyst, bilateralAcquired absence of kidneyHypertensive Kidney DiseaseBipolar Disorder, unspecified...

Jeannine 2023-04-04

Jeannine crossword puzzle
  1. State of birth
  2. 1st Pug name
  3. Bookworm
  4. # of husbands
  5. Fav radio station
  6. Fav puzzle
  7. Rings’ stone
  8. Thief of _____
  9. Brother - Douglas _____ Hunter
  10. Sister-Aunt
  11. My name is not _____
  12. Frequently lost & found
  13. High School
  14. Last vehicle owned
  15. NMN child
  16. Fav Dessert
  17. Weed inhibitor
  18. Son (as a boy)
  1. Jerry
  2. Vacation spots
  3. Interest shared with Maureen
  4. First lodger
  5. Father of her kids
  6. Fav Stores
  7. Dooley breed
  8. Cutthroat player of
  9. Occupation
  10. # of biological children
  11. 60’s family vehicle
  12. Maiden Name
  13. Chronic disease
  14. Succulent pot
  15. Fav music

33 Clues: JerryBookwormNMN childFav musicFav StoresFav puzzleOccupationSister-AuntMaiden NameHigh SchoolFav DessertFirst lodger1st Pug nameDooley breedRings’ stone# of husbandsSucculent potVacation spotsState of birthThief of _____Weed inhibitorSon (as a boy)Chronic diseaseFav radio stationFather of her kidsLast vehicle ownedCutthroat player of...

Oct 31 2023-11-03

Oct 31 crossword puzzle
  1. Pink pal
  2. Heartache medication
  3. Teakwood
  4. Late night Mushroom Za
  5. I love you
  6. Fun on the 20th floor
  7. Little birdy
  8. Spirit mammal
  9. Spread the gospel
  10. Forbidden touch
  11. Hot tomoato oil
  12. Shines bright
  13. To ride
  14. Achoo!
  15. Woof
  16. New Orleans regret
  1. “We have a problem”
  2. Spirit bird
  3. Bonefire bliss
  4. Risked it
  5. MP3 on repeat
  6. Drowning in
  7. Bignet Paradise
  8. Headache medication
  9. Let it sit with a view
  10. Extra extra hot
  11. Woof ;)
  12. Largest cricket stadium
  13. Frequently injured while driving
  14. Drawn to first
  15. Starz TV show
  16. Risk it
  17. Cause of diabetes

33 Clues: WoofAchoo!Woof ;)Risk itTo ridePink palTeakwoodRisked itI love youSpirit birdDrowning inLittle birdyMP3 on repeatSpirit mammalStarz TV showShines brightBonefire blissDrawn to firstBignet ParadiseExtra extra hotForbidden touchHot tomoato oilSpread the gospelCause of diabetesNew Orleans regret“We have a problem”Headache medicationHeartache medication...

Sistem Pertahanan Tubuh 2024-06-06

Sistem Pertahanan Tubuh crossword puzzle
  1. Respon berlebihan zat tidak berbahaya IMUNODEFISIENSI Sistem imun lemah
  2. Komponen vaksin
  3. Protein pendukung antibodi
  4. Sistem pertahanan tubuh
  5. Organ pematangan limfosit
  6. Protein lawan virus
  7. Kekebalan dari luar
  8. Reaksi tubuh terhadap infeksi
  9. Sel darah putih
  10. Protein pelawan patogen
  11. Tempat penyimpanan sel darah putih Limpa
  12. Jenis sel darah putih besar
  13. Sistem imun menyerang tubuh
  1. Imunitas non-spesifik
  2. Kondisi menyerang pankreas
  3. Sel imun pengingat
  4. Perlindungan oleh bakteri usus
  5. Sel darah putih pemangsa
  6. Infeksi yang di sebarkan bakteri tuberkolosa
  7. Tempat perkembangan limfosit
  8. Menelan dan mencerna patogen
  9. Virus yang menyebabkan penyakit AIDS
  10. Bagian dari sistem limfatik Limfa
  11. Imunitas spesifik

24 Clues: Komponen vaksinSel darah putihImunitas spesifikSel imun pengingatProtein lawan virusKekebalan dari luarImunitas non-spesifikSistem pertahanan tubuhProtein pelawan patogenSel darah putih pemangsaOrgan pematangan limfositKondisi menyerang pankreasProtein pendukung antibodiJenis sel darah putih besarSistem imun menyerang tubuh...

SPANISH 4 VOCAB 2020-09-07

SPANISH 4 VOCAB crossword puzzle
  1. basic foods
  2. unease, discomfort
  3. symptoms
  4. health
  5. it's necessary that
  6. it's strange that
  7. degenerative diseases
  8. insomnia
  9. diabetes
  10. malnutrition
  11. immunization
  12. crecimiento growth
  13. Contagious
  14. it's urgent that
  15. migraine
  16. it's recommended that
  17. Development
  18. mortality rate
  19. obesity
  20. danger
  21. malaria
  22. pneumonia
  23. Well-being
  1. food security
  2. infant mortality
  3. climate change
  4. maintain a healthy weight
  5. to take advantage of
  6. it's advisable that
  7. sobrepeso overweight
  8. An Outbreak
  9. nutrition
  10. it's disgraceful that
  11. it's necessary that
  12. varicela chicken pox
  13. Stress
  14. to threaten
  15. Smallpox
  16. flu
  17. BMI; body mass index
  18. moral imperative
  19. coronary disease

42 Clues: fluhealthStressdangerobesitymalariasymptomsinsomniadiabetesSmallpoxmigrainenutritionpneumoniaContagiousWell-beingbasic foodsAn Outbreakto threatenDevelopmentmalnutritionimmunizationfood securityclimate changemortality rateinfant mortalityit's urgent thatmoral imperativecoronary diseaseit's strange thatunease, discomfortcrecimiento growth...

florentino roldan serrano 2020-05-20

florentino roldan serrano crossword puzzle
  1. when the cavea hurts a lot
  2. who cares for women
  3. unveils in the carina
  4. container testicles
  5. when you are married
  6. and viceral pleura in the lungs
  7. when you cut yourself with an object
  8. stenosis narrowing of artery walls
  9. likes eating asucares
  10. tubes are in the lung
  1. where the food passes trachea
  2. what happens when consuming spicy
  3. when you are short of breath
  4. The motor of the human being
  5. and upper limb bandage
  6. when you do excessive exercise
  7. when consuming medications
  8. when you sleep poorly
  9. of which most people suffer
  10. halves the thorax

20 Clues: halves the thoraxwho cares for womencontainer testicleswhen you are marriedwhen you sleep poorlyunveils in the carinalikes eating asucarestubes are in the lungand upper limb bandagewhen the cavea hurts a lotwhen consuming medicationsof which most people sufferwhen you are short of breathThe motor of the human beingwhere the food passes trachea...

BMW 2014-08-10

BMW crossword puzzle
  1. Systeemfysiologie (37.5%)
  2. Bio-informatica
  3. Anatomie
  4. Genetica
  5. Wiskunde
  6. Celfysiologie
  7. Ontstaansmechanismen van ziekten (atherosclerose)
  8. Immunologie (angry)
  9. Celbiologie
  10. Moleculaire Biologie
  11. Ontstaansmechanismen van ziekten (lever)
  12. Religie
  13. Ontstaansmechanismen van ziekten (ademhaling)
  14. Systeemfysiologie (47.5%)
  15. Biochemie
  16. LAS
  17. Virologie
  18. Biologie
  1. Immunologie (cutie)
  2. Filosofie
  3. Medische sociologie
  4. Ontstaansmechanismen van ziekten (pijn, diabetes)
  5. Fysica (2e jaar, man)
  6. Antibiotica
  7. Chemie
  8. Ontwikkelingsbiologie
  9. Economie
  10. Stralingsfysica (roze slides)
  11. Systeemfysiologie (15%)
  12. Neurofysiologie
  13. Methoden in biomedisch onderzoek
  14. Bacteriologie
  15. Stralingsfysica (blauwe slides)
  16. Medische beeldvorming (cowboy)
  17. Metabolisme (BE)
  18. Fysica (2e jaar, vrouw)
  19. Fysica (1e jaar)
  20. Metabolisme (NL)

38 Clues: LASChemieReligieAnatomieGeneticaWiskundeEconomieBiologieFilosofieBiochemieVirologieAntibioticaCelbiologieCelfysiologieBacteriologieBio-informaticaNeurofysiologieMetabolisme (BE)Fysica (1e jaar)Metabolisme (NL)Immunologie (cutie)Medische sociologieImmunologie (angry)Moleculaire BiologieFysica (2e jaar, man)Ontwikkelingsbiologie...

BMW 2014-08-10

BMW crossword puzzle
  1. Fysica (2e jaar, vrouw)
  2. Celbiologie
  3. Ontstaansmechanismen van ziekten (lever)
  4. Metabolisme (BE)
  5. Statistiek
  6. Biologie
  7. Ontstaansmechanismen van ziekten (pijn, diabetes)
  8. Systeemfysiologie (37.5%)
  9. Biochemie
  10. Genetica
  11. Wiskunde
  12. Bacteriologie
  13. Medische beeldvorming (cowboy)
  14. Systeemfysiologie (47.5%)
  15. Celfysiologie
  16. Fysica (2e jaar, man)
  17. Bio-informatica
  1. Chemie
  2. Economie
  3. Metabolisme (NL)
  4. LAS
  5. Stralingsfysica (roze slides)
  6. Ontwikkelingsbiologie
  7. Religie
  8. Antibiotica
  9. Systeemfysiologie (15%)
  10. Neurofysiologie
  11. Ontstaansmechanismen van ziekten (ademhaling)
  12. Immunologie (cutie)
  13. Fysica (1e jaar)
  14. Medische sociologie
  15. Moleculaire Biologie
  16. Filosofie
  17. Anatomie
  18. Immunologie (angry)
  19. Methoden in biomedisch onderzoek
  20. Virologie
  21. Ontstaansmechanismen van ziekten (atherosclerose)
  22. Stralingsfysica (blauwe slides)

39 Clues: LASChemieReligieEconomieBiologieGeneticaWiskundeAnatomieBiochemieFilosofieVirologieStatistiekCelbiologieAntibioticaBacteriologieCelfysiologieNeurofysiologieBio-informaticaMetabolisme (NL)Metabolisme (BE)Fysica (1e jaar)Immunologie (cutie)Medische sociologieImmunologie (angry)Moleculaire BiologieOntwikkelingsbiologieFysica (2e jaar, man)...

Farmakologija - ponavljanje 2020-03-31

Farmakologija - ponavljanje crossword puzzle
  1. jedan od načina liječenja dijabetesa
  2. najčešća nuspojava inzulinske terapije
  3. štitnjača luči _____
  4. manjak hormona štitnjače
  5. stimuliraju lučenje
  6. metoda kontracepcije
  7. može nastati kao posljedica manjka paratireoidnog hormona
  8. promjene na malim krvnim žilama uzrokovane kronično povišenom razinom šećera u krvi
  9. znak ___ je zadah po acetonu
  10. diabetes mellitus tipa ___ prije nazivan juvenilnim
  11. ima oblik leptira
  12. antagonisti hormona
  13. jedan od glavnih simptoma dijabetesa
  1. šećerna bolest
  2. prekinuti snošaj, sterilizacija, mehaničke su _____ metode kontracepcije
  3. u nekih žena može spriječiti ovulaciju
  4. propadanja sitnih krvnih žila bubrega
  5. rabe se u liječenju DM tip 2
  6. najvažniji muški spolni hormon
  7. upravlja lučenjem hormona štitnjače

20 Clues: šećerna bolestima oblik leptirastimuliraju lučenjeantagonisti hormonaštitnjača luči _____metoda kontracepcijemanjak hormona štitnjačerabe se u liječenju DM tip 2znak ___ je zadah po acetonunajvažniji muški spolni hormonupravlja lučenjem hormona štitnjačejedan od načina liječenja dijabetesajedan od glavnih simptoma dijabetesa...

Spelling Week 4 2022-05-13

Spelling Week 4 crossword puzzle
  1. (noun) one part in a hundred
  2. pressure (noun) blood moving around the body
  3. (noun) Rules to judge
  4. (noun) how to choose
  5. (noun) the good things
  6. (adverb) last thing
  7. (noun) A fat in the body
  8. (verb) noise while sleeping
  9. (noun) study of number
  1. (noun) an amount – no number
  2. (adverb) also, in addition
  3. (noun) a sickness sugar in the blood
  4. (noun) Math problem and answer
  5. (adverb) the first thing
  6. (noun) Signs you are sick
  7. (adverb) the last thing
  8. (noun) illness, sickness
  9. (noun) A scary dream
  10. (noun) overweight
  11. (verb/noun) a short sleep in the day

20 Clues: (noun) overweight(adverb) last thing(noun) how to choose(noun) A scary dream(noun) Rules to judge(noun) the good things(noun) study of number(adverb) the last thing(adverb) the first thing(noun) illness, sickness(noun) A fat in the body(noun) Signs you are sick(adverb) also, in addition(verb) noise while sleeping(noun) an amount – no number...

Know Your Meds 2018-10-18

Know Your Meds crossword puzzle


ADH and Urea Baby! 2020-02-10

ADH and Urea Baby! crossword puzzle
  1. is a hormone that increases water permeability in collecting ducts.
  2. ADH stimulates reabsorption of urea in this part of the nephron to maximize corticopapillary osmotic gradient.
  3. excess nitrogen is converted to this molecule which is then excreted by the kidneys.
  4. is decrease with release of ADH while urine osmolarity is increase.
  5. is a common treatment for central diabetes insipidus.
  6. is characterized by excessive free water retention and euvolemic hyponatremia with continued urinary Na excretion.
  7. pituitary ADH is synthesize by the hypothalamus and stored and secreted in this area of the brain.
  8. is a drug that is known to cause nephrogenic diabetes insipidus where V2 receptors are damage and don't respond to ADH analogue
  1. is the amino acid that is converted to urea and ornithine in the urea cycle.
  2. are the channels upregulated by ADH binding to V2 and increasing H20 permeability at the collecting duct.
  3. is the pathway used by ADH when binding V2 receptors to increase water reabsorption.
  4. is a condition characterized by inability to concentrate urine.
  5. is the pathway used by ADH when binding V1 receptors and inducing vascular smooth muscle contraction.
  6. urea is metabolized by this organ and then excreted by the urine.

14 Clues: is a common treatment for central diabetes insipidus.is a condition characterized by inability to concentrate urine.urea is metabolized by this organ and then excreted by the urine.is a hormone that increases water permeability in collecting ducts.is decrease with release of ADH while urine osmolarity is increase....

SNPhA Crossword 2015-12-05

SNPhA Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, immunizations, stroke, Chronic Kidney Disease and legislation are example of...
  2. SNPhA's target population
  3. Wellbeing
  4. Region I and II conference location
  5. Where was the first SNPhA meeting held
  6. This crossword is located in the ____
  7. Theme for this newsletter
  8. "____ is a virtue"
  1. Current SNPhA National President
  2. Competition for sustainable project development
  3. Region III, IV, and V conference location
  4. Acronym for points
  5. RPh
  6. The act of helping others
  7. SNPhA National conference location

15 Clues: RPhWellbeingAcronym for points"____ is a virtue"SNPhA's target populationThe act of helping othersTheme for this newsletterCurrent SNPhA National PresidentSNPhA National conference locationRegion I and II conference locationThis crossword is located in the ____Where was the first SNPhA meeting heldRegion III, IV, and V conference location...

Bioteknologi 2022-03-14

Bioteknologi crossword puzzle
  1. bagian tanaman yang diambil pada kultur jaringan
  2. Hasil dari pengolahan kedelai menggunakan Rhizopus
  3. produk bioteknologi konvensional dari susu
  4. pembentukan hewan yang sama persis
  5. Tempat penyisipan gen pada bakteri
  6. Jamur ragi
  7. Ciri khas biotek konvensional
  8. Tumbuhan penuh yang digunakan dalam kultur jaringan
  9. hormon yang diberikan pada penderita diabetes
  1. Nama belakang bapak bioteknologi konvensional
  2. Proses penyesuaian pada kultur jaringan
  3. Hal yang menentukan sifat makhluk hidup
  4. Teknik bioteknologi konvensional
  5. Teknologi rekayasa genetika menggunakan Cas9
  6. Nama domba yang sama persis dengan induknya

15 Clues: Jamur ragiCiri khas biotek konvensionalTeknik bioteknologi konvensionalpembentukan hewan yang sama persisTempat penyisipan gen pada bakteriProses penyesuaian pada kultur jaringanHal yang menentukan sifat makhluk hidupproduk bioteknologi konvensional dari susuNama domba yang sama persis dengan induknyaTeknologi rekayasa genetika menggunakan Cas9...

Diëten 2023-01-03

Diëten crossword puzzle
  1. Dieet bij ondervoeding
  2. Als je te weinig eten krijgt
  3. Process wat het voedsel ondergaat, zodat het word opgenomen
  4. Dieet bij overgewicht
  5. Voedings en eetpatroon aanpassen.
  6. Gevolg van te veel ongezond voedsel eten.
  7. gebruiken peuters/kinderen als machtsstrijd tegen volwassenen.
  1. melksuiker
  2. Een oorzaak waarom een kind iets niet wil eten.
  3. Een eiwit
  4. Maagklepje van baby sluit niet goed aan.
  5. Gevolg van veel lucht in de darmen.
  6. Stofwisselingsziekte
  7. Onder andere gevolg, bij overgewicht
  8. Bijvoorbeeld slabbers, etc. worden ... hulpmiddelen benoemd

15 Clues: Een eiwitmelksuikerStofwisselingsziekteDieet bij overgewichtDieet bij ondervoedingAls je te weinig eten krijgtVoedings en eetpatroon aanpassen.Gevolg van veel lucht in de darmen.Onder andere gevolg, bij overgewichtMaagklepje van baby sluit niet goed aan.Gevolg van te veel ongezond voedsel eten.Een oorzaak waarom een kind iets niet wil eten....


  1. penyebab diare
  2. penyakit yang tidak ditularkan kepada orang lain
  3. penyakit yang gejalanya timbul bintik-bintik berisi cairan
  4. penyakit karena digigit nyamuk aides aegypti
  5. penyakit kekurangan vit C
  1. penyebab penyakit kudis
  2. kebiasaan baik untuk menghindari keracunan makanan
  3. nama lain penyakit flu
  4. penularan penyakit TBC
  5. penyakit tekanan darah tinggi
  6. penyakit yang ditularkan kepada orang lain
  7. singkatan siswa cari jentik
  8. penyakit karena kadar gula darah meningkat
  9. hewan yang menjadi perantara penyakit DBD
  10. penyakit akibat makan tanpa cuci tangan

15 Clues: penyebab diarenama lain penyakit flupenularan penyakit TBCpenyebab penyakit kudispenyakit kekurangan vit Csingkatan siswa cari jentikpenyakit tekanan darah tinggipenyakit akibat makan tanpa cuci tanganhewan yang menjadi perantara penyakit DBDpenyakit yang ditularkan kepada orang lainpenyakit karena kadar gula darah meningkat...

Patina Crossword 2024-04-24

Patina Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Disease Patina's mom had
  2. Nickname for Patina's old best friend
  3. Patina's best friend
  4. Patina and Maddy's old school
  5. New school Patina and Maddy go to
  1. Nickname for Patina
  2. Teaches the girl relay team ballroom dancing
  3. Main character
  4. Jo A track star Patina looks up to
  5. Hair product Patina's mom smells like
  6. Patina and Maddy go to this on Sunday
  7. What Pataina calls her mom
  8. Patina's little sister
  9. Nickname for Maddy
  10. Tony Patina and Maddy's new guardians

15 Clues: Main characterNickname for MaddyNickname for PatinaPatina's best friendPatina's little sisterDisease Patina's mom hadWhat Pataina calls her momPatina and Maddy's old schoolNew school Patina and Maddy go toJo A track star Patina looks up toHair product Patina's mom smells likeNickname for Patina's old best friend...

Foodtech 2023-11-10

Foodtech crossword puzzle
  1. vitamin d
  2. aboriginal meat
  3. lack of fairness or justice
  4. not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces
  5. develops when more bone is broken down than replaced.
  6. Christmas celebration
  7. a cuisine that combines elements of different culinary traditions that originate from different countries
  8. fairness
  1. deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake, imbalance of essential nutrients or impaired nutrient utilization.
  2. fat
  3. mineral
  4. celebration food
  5. very sweet
  6. vitamin c
  7. an eating disorder

15 Clues: fatmineralfairnessvitamin dvitamin cvery sweetaboriginal meatcelebration foodan eating disorderChristmas celebrationlack of fairness or justicedevelops when more bone is broken down than replaced.not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces...

Pathology ch. 11 review 2022-08-08

Pathology ch. 11 review crossword puzzle
  1. A rare disorder that causes the body needs to urinate too often to keep up with. Leads to body-fluid imbalance (2 words)
  2. Chronic disease of bone interferes with the body's normal recycling process, in which new bone tissue gradually replaces old bone with unhealthy pieces (2 words)
  3. an organ that produces gametes; a testis or ovary
  4. A cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes (2 words)
  5. A pea-sized conical mass of tissue behind the third ventricle of the brain, secreting a hormone-like substance (2 words)
  6. Produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and other essential functions, located on kidneys (2 words)
  7. An autoimmune disorder that can cause hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid (2 words)
  8. A deficiency of one or more of the pituitary hormones
  9. A lymphoid organ situated in the neck of vertebrates that produces T cells for the immune system (2 words)
  10. Type of gland located behind the thyroid at the bottom of neck that helps maintain the right balance of calcium in the bloodstream and tissues (2 words)
  11. The body's chemical messengers
  12. A loss of bone mineral density which weakens bones
  13. Abnormal growth of the hands, feet, and face, caused by overproduction of growth hormone by the pituitary gland
  14. Organ located inside the abdomen, just behind the stomach. Break down sugars, fats, and starches, while helping digestive system by making hormones.
  15. A disorder caused by the body's exposure to an excess of the hormone cortisol, affecting all organs and tissues (2 words)
  16. A group of diseases that affect how the body uses blood sugar (2 words)
  17. Softening of the bones, typically through a deficiency of vitamin D or calcium
  1. a hormone that the pancreas makes to help regulate blood glucose (sugar) levels
  2. Disease of children caused by vitamin D deficiency, characterized by imperfect calcification, softening, and distortion of the bones typically resulting in bow legs
  3. (AKA adrenal insufficiency) An uncommon disorder that occurs when the body doesn't produce enough of certain hormones (2 words)
  4. Condition in which calcium levels in the kidneys are increased
  5. a hormone produced in the pancreas, which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood
  6. Major endocrine gland which is important in controlling growth, development, and functioning of the other endocrine glands (2 words)
  7. Causes bones to become weak and brittle
  8. Overactive thyroid gland

25 Clues: Overactive thyroid glandThe body's chemical messengersCauses bones to become weak and brittlean organ that produces gametes; a testis or ovaryA loss of bone mineral density which weakens bonesA deficiency of one or more of the pituitary hormonesCondition in which calcium levels in the kidneys are increased...

hypoglycemia 2022-02-02

hypoglycemia crossword puzzle
  1. body's glycogen stores
  2. is a condition in which the blood glucose level is lower than normal level.
  3. disorders can commonly experience low blood sugar
  4. using a glucose monitor is key.
  5. of the pancreas can cause excessive insulin to be released
  6. or orange juice are good to treat low blood sugar levels
  7. blood sugar is defined as below 70 mg/dL.
  8. symptom for tiredness
  9. carbohydrates are important to keep on diabetic patient.
  10. gel can be applied to the patient's mouth if in a diabetic coma.
  11. hypoglycemia is also known as postprandial hypoglycemia
  12. carbohydrates can contribute to hypoglycemia.
  13. blood sugar 15 minutes after treatment
  14. of glucagon can be used to treat hypoglycemia
  15. alcohol drinking can cause hypoglycemia
  16. hypoglycemia can lead to seizure, loss of consciousness and death.
  17. blood to analyze blood sugar levels
  18. of hepatic gluconeogenesis is the mechanism of action of metformin.
  19. is the body's main source of energy.
  20. diabetes with less insulin can lead to uncontrolled diabetes.
  21. diabetes experiences hypoglycemia most commonly.
  22. acids/ glycerol are non-carbohydrate compounds.
  23. is the number one factor in this condition in those non diabetic.
  24. or meal can keep normal blood sugar levels
  1. is the most severe outcome for those with this condition.
  2. hepatitis can result due to inability to degrade medications effectively.
  3. brain injury can occur if extremely low blood sugar
  4. is a device used to monitor blood sugar levels.
  5. turns non-carbohydrate compounds and turns them into glucose.
  6. brain damage can happen in a short time.
  7. hypoglycemia happens just hours after patients eat.
  8. may occur in those with severe untreated hypoglycemia.
  9. 15 grams of fast-acting carbs
  10. symptom for desire to eat
  11. bypass surgery patients can experience reactive hypoglycemia
  12. is a pathway which breaks down glucose into pyruvate and free energy (ATP).
  13. deficiencies may cause key hormones not to regulate glucose production
  14. can occur if blood glucose levels are 41-49mg/dL.
  15. is one of the most common, increasingly chronic health conditions in America.
  16. is an example of an antihyperglycemia agent.
  17. over-production can result in low blood sugar.
  18. BG levels avoid hospital visits
  19. food that is made of sugar substitutes.
  20. agents will lower glucose levels
  21. 15 minutes then test blood glucose again
  22. sugar foods or drinks, treat hypoglycemia.
  23. glucose monitors (CGM) are an option of diabetics.
  24. symptom of released of liquid from body's sweat gland
  25. symptom of involuntary movement
  26. disorders should be evaluated due to lack of proper diet.

50 Clues: symptom for tirednessbody's glycogen storessymptom for desire to eat15 grams of fast-acting carbsusing a glucose monitor is key.BG levels avoid hospital visitssymptom of involuntary movementagents will lower glucose levelsblood to analyze blood sugar levelsis the body's main source of energy.blood sugar 15 minutes after treatment...

Quality Crossword Challenge 2021-12-09

Quality Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. This fall scale screens patients for potential fall risk
  2. A diabetic eye exam looks at this part of the eye for damage caused by diabetes
  3. Otherwise known as Patient-Centered Medical Home
  4. Acronym for health effectiveness data and information set
  5. This number in a blood pressure reading should be 139 or less to be considered controlled
  6. Children ages 3 through 17 should receive this type of counseling at least once per year to discuss healthy eating habits
  7. This number in a blood pressure reading should be 89 or less to be considered controlled
  8. Feature in Athena to track gaps in care
  9. This colon cancer screening tool is good for up to three years and can be done at home
  10. An A1c should be less than this number to be considered controlled in Commercial payer programs
  11. The number of well visits a child should receive within the first 15 months of life
  1. This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month
  2. The PHQ2 screens for this condition
  3. This screening is used to detect cervical cancer
  4. This colon cancer screening tool is good for a maximum of 10 years
  5. Chronic disease of focus that results in too much sugar in the blood & can lead to heart disease, kidney damage, eye disease, etc.
  6. Women ages 16 through 24 who are identified as sexually active should be screened for this STD yearly

17 Clues: The PHQ2 screens for this conditionFeature in Athena to track gaps in careThis month is Breast Cancer Awareness monthThis screening is used to detect cervical cancerOtherwise known as Patient-Centered Medical HomeThis fall scale screens patients for potential fall riskAcronym for health effectiveness data and information set...

hypoglycemia 2022-02-02

hypoglycemia crossword puzzle
  1. body's glycogen stores
  2. is a condition in which the blood glucose level is lower than normal level.
  3. disorders can commonly experience low blood sugar
  4. using a glucose monitor is key.
  5. of the pancreas can cause excessive insulin to be released
  6. or orange juice are good to treat low blood sugar levels
  7. blood sugar is defined as below 70 mg/dL.
  8. symptom for tiredness
  9. carbohydrates are important to keep on diabetic patient.
  10. gel can be applied to the patient's mouth if in a diabetic coma.
  11. hypoglycemia is also known as postprandial hypoglycemia
  12. carbohydrates can contribute to hypoglycemia.
  13. blood sugar 15 minutes after treatment
  14. of glucagon can be used to treat hypoglycemia
  15. alcohol drinking can cause hypoglycemia
  16. hypoglycemia can lead to seizure, loss of consciousness and death.
  17. blood to analyze blood sugar levels
  18. of hepatic gluconeogenesis is the mechanism of action of metformin.
  19. is the body's main source of energy.
  20. diabetes with less insulin can lead to uncontrolled diabetes.
  21. diabetes experiences hypoglycemia most commonly.
  22. acids/ glycerol are non-carbohydrate compounds.
  23. is the number one factor in this condition in those non diabetic.
  24. or meal can keep normal blood sugar levels
  1. is the most severe outcome for those with this condition.
  2. hepatitis can result due to inability to degrade medications effectively.
  3. brain injury can occur if extremely low blood sugar
  4. is a device used to monitor blood sugar levels.
  5. turns non-carbohydrate compounds and turns them into glucose.
  6. brain damage can happen in a short time.
  7. hypoglycemia happens just hours after patients eat.
  8. may occur in those with severe untreated hypoglycemia.
  9. 15 grams of fast-acting carbs
  10. symptom for desire to eat
  11. bypass surgery patients can experience reactive hypoglycemia
  12. is a pathway which breaks down glucose into pyruvate and free energy (ATP).
  13. deficiencies may cause key hormones not to regulate glucose production
  14. can occur if blood glucose levels are 41-49mg/dL.
  15. is one of the most common, increasingly chronic health conditions in America.
  16. is an example of an antihyperglycemia agent.
  17. over-production can result in low blood sugar.
  18. BG levels avoid hospital visits
  19. food that is made of sugar substitutes.
  20. agents will lower glucose levels
  21. 15 minutes then test blood glucose again
  22. sugar foods or drinks, treat hypoglycemia.
  23. glucose monitors (CGM) are an option of diabetics.
  24. symptom of released of liquid from body's sweat gland
  25. symptom of involuntary movement
  26. disorders should be evaluated due to lack of proper diet.

50 Clues: symptom for tirednessbody's glycogen storessymptom for desire to eat15 grams of fast-acting carbsusing a glucose monitor is key.BG levels avoid hospital visitssymptom of involuntary movementagents will lower glucose levelsblood to analyze blood sugar levelsis the body's main source of energy.blood sugar 15 minutes after treatment...

Biology vocab 2019-05-17

Biology vocab crossword puzzle
  1. No cure for this disease
  2. disease that disrupts ability to process sugar
  3. controls cell through cell cycle
  4. level of acid
  5. molecule made of more subunits
  6. opposite of exocytosis
  7. protein that catalyzes chemical reactions
  1. organelle that transports things
  2. prokaryotic and infects cells to reproduce
  3. process of speeding a reaction
  4. when DNA is copied within each cell
  5. when a vesicle carries things out of the cell
  6. Cell result of a cell dividing
  7. process of a cell separating
  8. x and y

15 Clues: x and ylevel of acidopposite of exocytosisNo cure for this diseaseprocess of a cell separatingprocess of speeding a reactionCell result of a cell dividingmolecule made of more subunitsorganelle that transports thingscontrols cell through cell cyclewhen DNA is copied within each cellprotein that catalyzes chemical reactions...

CNA AUA terms_2 2021-05-06

CNA AUA terms_2 crossword puzzle
  1. giving or showing constant support.
  2. lack of water
  3. contaminated stethoscope
  4. keep information private
  5. surgical asepsis (two words-no space)
  6. an organism that causes disease
  7. abbreviation for infectious virus. Affects the liver
  1. to record patient information
  2. not recommended or ill-advised
  3. disease often requiring insulin and FSBS checks
  4. prefix meaning above or high
  5. medical asepsis(two words-no space)
  6. medical abbreviation meaning before a meal
  7. medical abbreviation meaning two times a day
  8. prefix meaning below or low

15 Clues: lack of watercontaminated stethoscopekeep information privateprefix meaning below or lowprefix meaning above or highto record patient informationnot recommended or ill-advisedan organism that causes diseasegiving or showing constant support.medical asepsis(two words-no space)surgical asepsis (two words-no space)...

health crossword 2023-05-18

health crossword crossword puzzle
  1. overweight people suffer from this
  2. disease that infects insulin
  3. how many babies die a year
  4. a feeling of vomit
  5. someone who helps a doctor
  6. a sickness with sneezing,coughing and congestion
  7. alexa has this in alexa and katie
  8. medicine used to treat infections
  1. something to do with your heart
  2. when oxygen cannot get to you heart
  3. infection that spreads easily
  4. disease spread by mosquitos
  5. a qualified practitioner of medicine (a physician)
  6. disease that infects lungs
  7. someone who helps a docotr
  8. infectious disease

16 Clues: a feeling of vomitinfectious diseasedisease that infects lungshow many babies die a yearsomeone who helps a docotrsomeone who helps a doctordisease spread by mosquitosdisease that infects insulininfection that spreads easilysomething to do with your heartalexa has this in alexa and katiemedicine used to treat infections...

Kruiswoordraadsel 2015-05-11

Kruiswoordraadsel crossword puzzle
  1. Wat te maken heeft met het suikergehalte in je bloed
  2. Een periode waarin weinig nieuws te melden is/ groene groente
  3. Afkorting voor ongeveer
  4. Tegenovergestelde van behendig
  5. Richtlijn voor het uitvoeren van een handeling
  6. Dagdromer
  1. Plant met veel stekels
  2. Maatmeter
  3. Afkorting voor 'Federal Bureau of Investigation'
  4. Een ander woord voor wegschieten
  5. In korte tijd kunnen hiermee een groot aantal projectielen afgevuurd worden
  6. eten/ nadruk leggen op iets omdat je er trots op bent
  7. Grote overwinning
  8. Antoniem van plomp
  9. Voorkomend of voorbehoedend

15 Clues: MaatmeterDagdromerGrote overwinningAntoniem van plompPlant met veel stekelsAfkorting voor ongeveerVoorkomend of voorbehoedendTegenovergestelde van behendigEen ander woord voor wegschietenRichtlijn voor het uitvoeren van een handelingAfkorting voor 'Federal Bureau of Investigation'Wat te maken heeft met het suikergehalte in je bloed...

Day 05 + Day 06 2023-09-15

Day 05 + Day 06 crossword puzzle
  1. --- with a vendor 상인과 흥정하다
  2. the first --- of the report 보고서의 초고
  3. a --- between age and height 나이와 키의 상관관계
  4. offer practical --- 실질적 도움을 제공하다
  5. a --- earthquake 파괴적인 지진
  6. --- conscience 죄책감
  1. for no --- reason 분명한 이유 없이
  2. an --- attack 천식 발작
  3. protect the cultural --- 문화 다양성을 보호하다
  4. --- of primitive man 원시시대의 후손
  5. --- draw a --- line 수평선을 긋다
  6. --- with your feelings 당신의 감정을 나타내는
  7. suffer from ---: 당뇨병에 걸리다
  8. --- conservation 생물의 다양성 유지
  9. a --- of friendship 우정 어린 유대

15 Clues: --- conscience 죄책감an --- attack 천식 발작a --- earthquake 파괴적인 지진suffer from ---: 당뇨병에 걸리다--- with a vendor 상인과 흥정하다for no --- reason 분명한 이유 없이--- draw a --- line 수평선을 긋다--- conservation 생물의 다양성 유지a --- of friendship 우정 어린 유대--- of primitive man 원시시대의 후손offer practical --- 실질적 도움을 제공하다--- with your feelings 당신의 감정을 나타내는...

Tarea 8 2023-11-12

Tarea 8 crossword puzzle
  1. Es uno de los factores de riesgo para la enfermedad isquémica cardíaca.
  2. nervioso central: El sistema nervioso central puede sufrir daños graves e irreversibles debido al consumo de drogas
  3. El azúcar principal que es la fuente de combustible del cuerpo. La glucosa se transporta a través de la corriente sanguínea para brindarle energía a todas las células del cuerpo1.
  4. Es una placa de material graso que se forma en las paredes de las arterias de mediano y de gran calibre, lo cual produce una disminución o una obstrucción del flujo sanguíneo1.
  5. Las alteraciones del humor son frecuentes con el consumo de droga1.
  6. Es importante realizar chequeos regulares para controlar la presión arterial, los niveles de colesterol y de azúcar en sangre
  7. Una dieta equilibrada puede ayudar a proteger el corazón, mejorar la presión arterial y el colesterol, y reducir el riesgo de diabetes.
  8. Hormona liberada junto con la insulina desde las células beta, que disminuye los niveles de glucosa durante las comidas
  9. Evitar el tabaco es fundamental para prevenir la arterioesclerosis y la enfermedad isquémica cardíaca.
  10. Es la enfermedad que ocasiona la cardiopatía isquémica.
  11. La obstrucción de los vasos sanguíneos debido a la ateroesclerosis es una causa frecuente de infarto de miocardio1
  1. El consumo de drogas puede aumentar la probabilidad de adquirir enfermedades graves como trastornos vasculares, cirrosis y hepatitis
  2. Es uno de los factores que contribuyen a generar lesiones en las paredes de las arterias, lo que puede llevar a la ateroesclerosis1.
  3. Un consumidor dependiente puede experimentar una pérdida de autoestima y un sentimiento de culpa.
  4. Se produce cuando la estenosis de la arteria coronaria es tan grave que causa un desequilibrio entre el aporte de oxígeno al miocardio y sus necesidades.
  5. Condición que se presenta cuando el nivel de glucosa en la sangre es más alto de lo normal1
  6. Ocurre como consecuencia de la obstrucción de una arteria coronaria.
  7. Compuestos ácidos producidos en el organismo cuando las células no tienen suficiente energía proveniente de la glucosa y la obtienen de las grasas2
  8. Hormona liberada por las células beta del páncreas que disminuye los niveles de glucosa durante las comidas1.
  9. Es un tipo de isquemia crónica, pero transitoria.
  10. El consumo de drogas produce cambios neuroquímicos y funcionales permanentes en el cerebro.
  11. Las concentraciones elevadas de colesterol en la sangre son un factor de riesgo para la ateroesclerosis1.
  12. Realizar ejercicio regularmente ayuda a controlar el peso y reduce el riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas y diabetes.
  13. Son los vasos sanguíneos que llevan el oxígeno y los nutrientes del corazón al resto del organismo1.
  14. Mantener un peso saludable puede prevenir la diabetes y reducir el riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas1.

25 Clues: Es un tipo de isquemia crónica, pero transitoria.Es la enfermedad que ocasiona la cardiopatía isquémica.Las alteraciones del humor son frecuentes con el consumo de droga1.Ocurre como consecuencia de la obstrucción de una arteria coronaria.Es uno de los factores de riesgo para la enfermedad isquémica cardíaca....

Enfermedades 2023-12-13

Enfermedades crossword puzzle
  1. enfermedad crónica que afecta el hígado
  2. crónicas son aquellas que tienen una duración prolongada y una progresión lenta
  1. grupo de trastornos que se caracterizan por la producción excesiva de aclaramiento disminuido de lipoproteínas
  2. es la fuerza que ejerce la sangre contra las paredes de las arterias al ser bombeada desde el corazón.
  3. problema físico mental que representa una persona al cual puede indicar una enfermedad o afección.
  4. enfermedad crónica cuyo origen es de naturaleza multifactorial por el inminente envejecimiento.
  5. enfermedad que se considera como multifactorial y compleja en la que interviene un factor de riesgo para desarrollar diabetes mellitus y hipertensión arterial.
  6. siglas de hipertensión arterial.

8 Clues: siglas de hipertensión arterial.enfermedad crónica que afecta el hígadocrónicas son aquellas que tienen una duración prolongada y una progresión lentaenfermedad crónica cuyo origen es de naturaleza multifactorial por el inminente envejecimiento.problema físico mental que representa una persona al cual puede indicar una enfermedad o afección....

Endocrine System 2014-11-29

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. attributed to excessive production of cortisol
  2. condition resulting from uncontrolled diabetes
  3. sugar in the blood
  4. state of excessive pituitary gland activity
  5. condition affecting nerves causing muscle spasms
  6. narrow strip connecting two larger body parts
  7. pertaining to the cortex
  8. abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
  9. total of all chemical processes
  10. condition resulting from deficiency of thyroxine
  11. inflammation of a gland
  1. enlargement of the extremities
  2. excessive thirst
  3. enlargement of the thyroid gland
  4. excessive calcium in the blood
  5. excessive thyroid hormones
  6. abnormal accumulation of acid products
  7. run together
  8. secreted by an endocrine gland
  9. disease of adrenal gland

20 Clues: run togetherexcessive thirstsugar in the bloodinflammation of a glandpertaining to the cortexdisease of adrenal glandexcessive thyroid hormonesenlargement of the extremitiesexcessive calcium in the bloodsecreted by an endocrine glandtotal of all chemical processesenlargement of the thyroid glandabnormal protrusion of the eyeball...


MEDICINE AND DRUGS crossword puzzle


examen geriatrie 2016-02-07

examen geriatrie crossword puzzle
  1. Roze olifanten zien
  2. dagkrant
  3. Verzetje voor de mannen
  4. Voertuig voor bejaarden
  5. gaan slapen bij zonsopgang
  6. Transportmiddel
  7. Wacht op plaatsing
  8. Vochtophoping
  9. Ouderdomsziekte
  10. Absorberende broek
  11. Stinkend water
  12. spetters die in het rond vliegen
  13. apotheek in het klein
  14. 15/30
  15. engelse afkorting
  1. (geen) schuurmiddel
  2. draaien en keren
  3. Washandjes van de geriatrie
  4. het gebruik vandaal medicijnen tegelijkertijd
  5. druk, drukker, drukst
  6. De vooruitgang van de achteruitgang
  7. Huisje wel tevree
  8. Prikje in de buik
  9. Armspieroefeningen
  10. Stopje
  11. Panty's voor 75+
  12. Pissen in een potje
  13. Vrijheidsberoving
  14. wederkerend trimestrieel probleem

29 Clues: 15/30StopjedagkrantVochtophopingStinkend waterTransportmiddelOuderdomsziektedraaien en kerenPanty's voor 75+Huisje wel tevreePrikje in de buikVrijheidsberovingengelse afkortingWacht op plaatsingArmspieroefeningenAbsorberende broek(geen) schuurmiddelRoze olifanten zienPissen in een potjedruk, drukker, drukstapotheek in het klein...

Cardio & Crosswords (use a “-“ for spaces) 2021-11-02

Cardio & Crosswords (use a “-“ for spaces) crossword puzzle
  1. semilunar + near pulmonary artery
  2. double layered sac encasing heart
  3. aka bicuspid valve
  4. meaning fast
  5. clot
  6. outer layer of the heart wall
  7. aka heart attack
  8. plug or blockage
  9. portable ECG
  10. dyspnea on extertion
  11. area where the heart lies
  12. aka exercise testing
  1. aka blood pressure cuff
  2. aka EKG
  3. complete stopping of heart
  4. aka high blood pressure
  5. growth
  6. fixes irregular heart beats
  7. pericardial sac is inflamed
  8. catheterization
  9. atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  10. instrument to measure pressure
  11. ventricular tachycardia
  12. diabetes mellitus
  13. swollen and dilated (veins)

25 Clues: clotgrowthaka EKGmeaning fastportable ECGcatheterizationaka heart attackplug or blockagediabetes mellitusaka bicuspid valvedyspnea on extertionaka exercise testingaka blood pressure cuffaka high blood pressureventricular tachycardiaarea where the heart liescomplete stopping of heartfixes irregular heart beatspericardial sac is inflamed...

Cuadro ortográfico #10 2022-01-28

Cuadro ortográfico #10 crossword puzzle
  1. gran riqueza
  2. madurez en decisiones
  3. pendiente profunda
  4. aumentar
  5. enfermedad por exceso de azúcar
  6. vencer una resistencia
  7. insomnio
  8. cambiar de dirección; girar
  9. no ha sido tocado
  10. antiguo
  11. sobresale por su importancia
  12. restante
  13. arteria principal
  14. renta
  1. falta de seguridad
  2. abertura entre el quicio y la puerta
  3. comprobar que es verdad
  4. persona que se mantiene firme a una idea
  5. aviso a una persona para contar algo
  6. una casualidad
  7. terco
  8. se queda en el mismo lugar siempre
  9. lugar para que las fieras tengan a sus crías
  10. intranquilidad y tristeza
  11. bloquear al enemigo

25 Clues: tercorentaantiguoaumentarinsomniorestantegran riquezauna casualidadno ha sido tocadoarteria principalfalta de seguridadpendiente profundabloquear al enemigomadurez en decisionesvencer una resistenciacomprobar que es verdadintranquilidad y tristezacambiar de dirección; girarsobresale por su importanciaenfermedad por exceso de azúcar...