diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Cuadro ortográfico 10 2022-01-28

Cuadro ortográfico 10 crossword puzzle
  1. Intranquilidad o tristeza
  2. Lugar cubierto
  3. Empleo que se gana mucho dinero haciendo poco
  4. Pendiente muy profunda
  5. Gran riqueza
  6. Se cita a alguien
  7. Cambiar de dirección
  8. Falta de seguridad
  9. Bloqueo militar
  10. Dicho con doble sentido
  11. Hacer que algo se haga mayor
  12. Lugar muy antiguo
  13. Sobra
  1. Idea firme
  2. Dicho de una persona
  3. Despierto en la hora de sueño
  4. Hacer fuerza para vencer una resistencia
  5. Sobresaliente
  6. Enfermedad que se da por consumir mucha azúcar.
  7. Comprobar
  8. Arteria más grande del cuerpo
  9. Se queda en un lugar
  10. No fue dañado
  11. Una abertura estrecha entre 2 cosas
  12. Que tiene prudencia

25 Clues: SobraComprobarIdea firmeGran riquezaSobresalienteNo fue dañadoLugar cubiertoBloqueo militarSe cita a alguienLugar muy antiguoFalta de seguridadQue tiene prudenciaDicho de una personaCambiar de direcciónSe queda en un lugarPendiente muy profundaDicho con doble sentidoIntranquilidad o tristezaHacer que algo se haga mayorDespierto en la hora de sueño...

The Boscombe Valley Mystery 2022-01-20

The Boscombe Valley Mystery crossword puzzle
  1. Motive for the murder
  2. For whom Lestrade works(2 words)
  3. Where Boscombe Valley is
  4. Mr.Turners daughter
  5. The place of the murder(2 words)
  6. Where Mr.McCarthy and Mr.Turner met
  7. Illegally distilled whiskey
  8. The kind of criminal Mr.Turner was formerly
  9. A dispute
  1. Sherlock writes down Mr.Turners ____
  2. The murder weapon
  3. Mr.Turner was part of the ____ Gang
  4. The illness Mr.Turner suffers from
  5. The kind of cigars the offender smokes
  6. The murderer is ____ handed
  7. The murderer(2 words)
  8. The story starts at his house
  9. Who James was already married to
  10. The last name of the victim
  11. In the end James and Alice get ____

20 Clues: A disputeThe murder weaponMr.Turners daughterMotive for the murderThe murderer(2 words)Where Boscombe Valley isThe murderer is ____ handedThe last name of the victimIllegally distilled whiskeyThe story starts at his houseFor whom Lestrade works(2 words)The place of the murder(2 words)Who James was already married to...

Nutrition 2022-12-07

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. when you get way too much
  2. carbs that sugars
  3. waxy fat
  4. born with it
  5. energy in food
  6. worst fat for you
  7. prevents cancer
  8. fat or water soluble
  9. like calcium or magnesium
  10. need a lot
  11. sugar not getting into cells
  1. from fish
  2. the key to unlock each cell
  3. carbs that take longer to digest
  4. sugar your cells need
  5. need a little
  6. not as bad for you as we once thought
  7. place for cancer if you don't get enough fiber
  8. breaking down nutrients to use
  9. makes insulin
  10. when you don't get enough
  11. fat from plants

22 Clues: waxy fatfrom fishneed a lotborn with itneed a littlemakes insulinenergy in foodprevents cancerfat from plantscarbs that sugarsworst fat for youfat or water solublesugar your cells needwhen you get way too muchwhen you don't get enoughlike calcium or magnesiumthe key to unlock each cellsugar not getting into cellsbreaking down nutrients to use...

Unseen Dictation Vocab 2023-02-08

Unseen Dictation Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. 改善(v.)
  2. 提供(v.)
  3. 疾病(n.)
  4. 風險(n.)
  5. 早餐(n.)
  6. 纖維(n.)
  7. 肺(n.)
  8. 有氧運動(n.)
  9. 礦物質(n.)
  10. 減少(v.)
  11. 熱量(n.)
  1. 維生素(n.)
  2. 循環(n.)
  3. 碳水化合物(n.)
  4. 蛋白質(n.)
  5. 含有(v.)
  6. 不滿意的(adj.)
  7. 增加(v.)
  8. 過重的(adj.)
  9. 營養(n.)
  10. 強化(v.)
  11. 鈣(n.)
  12. 心臟(n.)
  13. 糖尿病(n.)
  14. 肌肉(n.)
  15. 血液(n.)

26 Clues: 鈣(n.)肺(n.)循環(n.)改善(v.)提供(v.)含有(v.)疾病(n.)增加(v.)風險(n.)營養(n.)早餐(n.)強化(v.)纖維(n.)心臟(n.)肌肉(n.)減少(v.)血液(n.)熱量(n.)維生素(n.)蛋白質(n.)糖尿病(n.)礦物質(n.)有氧運動(n.)碳水化合物(n.)過重的(adj.)不滿意的(adj.)

Darren 2023-01-30

Darren crossword puzzle
  1. years how long ive had diabetes
  2. my birthday
  3. fav subject
  4. my favorite thing to do
  5. why you fell in love with me
  6. my dogs name
  7. my favorite color
  8. my middle name
  9. my eye color
  10. what i do bc i love you
  1. fav artist (music)
  2. my height
  3. how many pounds i weight
  4. how old i was when i really meet you
  5. what i like doing before bed
  6. what would i do for nikki
  7. fav music type
  8. how i act towards you
  9. what i like doing in minecraft discord and roblox with you
  10. my type
  11. my future wife and favorite person

21 Clues: my typemy heightmy birthdayfav subjectmy dogs namemy eye colorfav music typemy middle namemy favorite colorfav artist (music)how i act towards youmy favorite thing to dowhat i do bc i love youhow many pounds i weightwhat would i do for nikkiwhat i like doing before bedwhy you fell in love with meyears how long ive had diabetes...

Sistem Ekskresi 2023-05-09

Sistem Ekskresi crossword puzzle
  1. mengandung air, larutan garam, dan urea
  2. zat penurun gula darah
  3. sirkulasi
  4. mengandung garam empedu, garam mineral, kolesterol, bilirubin dan biliverdin
  5. penyakit yang ditandai adanya gula dalam urine
  6. lapisan terdalam pada kulit
  7. salahsatu yang dikeluarkan pada sistem ekskresi
  8. menentukan cerah atau gelap kulit
  9. penyakit hati
  10. mengandung air, urea, hormon, amonia, asam urat, garam mineral, zat warna empedu
  1. sesuatu yang disaring organ sistem ekskresi
  2. ada sepasang
  3. ...ginjal (penyakit)
  4. sensor tubuh
  5. pengeluaran zat yang masih dibutuhkan tubuh
  6. pengeluaran sisa makanan dalam bentuk yang lebih padat
  7. pembuangannya tidak keluar dari tubuh
  8. lapisan terluar pada kulit
  9. ekskresi merupakan pengeluaran zat sisa...
  10. salahsatu penyakit kulit

20 Clues: sirkulasiada sepasangsensor tubuhpenyakit hati...ginjal (penyakit)zat penurun gula darahsalahsatu penyakit kulitlapisan terluar pada kulitlapisan terdalam pada kulitmenentukan cerah atau gelap kulitpembuangannya tidak keluar dari tubuhmengandung air, larutan garam, dan ureaekskresi merupakan pengeluaran zat sisa......

FoHS 2.04 (B) Vocabulary and 4.01 Character Traits 2023-11-14

FoHS 2.04 (B) Vocabulary and 4.01 Character Traits crossword puzzle
  1. Treatment
  2. the quality of being honest
  3. Myocardial Infarction
  4. ability to say or do things without offending others
  5. willingness to admit mistakes in order to correct them
  6. understanding others feelings
  7. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  8. Symptoms
  9. Urinary Tract Infection
  10. Upper Respiratory Infection
  11. Signs and Symptoms
  12. Diabetes Mellitus
  13. History
  14. tuberculosis
  1. the ability to be easily modified
  2. Transient Ischemic Attack
  3. tolerance and understanding, dealing with a situation without frustration
  4. concern for the sufferings and misfortune of others
  5. Coronary Artery Disease
  6. positive attitude and enjoy your work
  7. Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  8. Shortness of Breath
  9. Diagnosis

23 Clues: HistorySymptomsTreatmentDiagnosistuberculosisDiabetes MellitusSigns and SymptomsShortness of BreathMyocardial InfarctionCoronary Artery DiseaseUrinary Tract InfectionTransient Ischemic Attackthe quality of being honestUpper Respiratory InfectionHuman Immunodeficiency Virusunderstanding others feelingsthe ability to be easily modified...

Steff's Medical Bonanza 2024-05-10

Steff's Medical Bonanza crossword puzzle
  1. The overlapping of a baby's skull during birth
  2. Keyhole surgery
  3. A common blood disorder in Europeans
  4. A lung infection
  5. The Sweet Tooth's disease
  6. Dead and dying tissue
  7. An eye doctor
  8. The sundowning disease
  9. The longest bone in the body
  10. The most fatal skin cancer
  11. The yellowing of one's skin
  1. Medical lingo for low appetite
  2. The person who puts you under
  3. The soft part of a baby's skull
  4. The happy hormone
  5. A pathologist's bread and butter
  6. The rescue inhaler
  7. The most common inflammatory skin condition
  8. An infectious illness from poor AC
  9. When you don't know what infectious illness you have

20 Clues: An eye doctorKeyhole surgeryA lung infectionThe happy hormoneThe rescue inhalerDead and dying tissueThe sundowning diseaseThe Sweet Tooth's diseaseThe most fatal skin cancerThe yellowing of one's skinThe longest bone in the bodyThe person who puts you underMedical lingo for low appetiteThe soft part of a baby's skullA pathologist's bread and butter...

Stroke Forum Crossword_2024 2024-07-17

Stroke Forum Crossword_2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Stroke is an.
  2. Stroke may cause a swallowing disorder.
  3. Weakness.
  4. Bad lifestyle choice that increases stroke risk.
  5. Difficulty standing or walking.
  6. Clot busting medication called.
  7. What month is world stroke day?
  8. Causes the same symptoms as a stroke, but the symptoms go away quickly and do not cause lasting damage to the brain.
  1. Common risk factor.
  2. Fasting glucose test.
  3. Slurred.
  4. Hemorrhagic stroke caused by?
  5. Temperature above 37.5 you administer?
  6. Ischemic stroke caused by?
  7. Changes in vision.
  8. Common antiplatelet.
  9. D4B specializes in___care.
  10. Stroke happens in what part of the body.
  11. Facial.
  12. How to monitor for atrial fibrillation?

20 Clues: Facial.Slurred.Weakness.Stroke is an.Changes in vision.Common risk factor.Common antiplatelet.Fasting glucose test.Ischemic stroke caused by?D4B specializes in___care.Hemorrhagic stroke caused by?Difficulty standing or walking.Clot busting medication called.What month is world stroke day?Temperature above 37.5 you administer?...

Health Crossword 2021-05-23

Health Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Keeps bones healthy
  2. Keeps doctor away
  3. physical workout
  1. natural antibiotic
  2. high blood sugar
  3. Rich in Vitamin C
  4. Good source of proteins

7 Clues: high blood sugarphysical workoutRich in Vitamin CKeeps doctor awaynatural antibioticKeeps bones healthyGood source of proteins

Preeclampsia Puzzle 2022-10-23

Preeclampsia Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. potential complication
  2. defining feature
  3. potential symptom
  4. preeclampsia normally develops after ____ weeks of pregnancy
  1. second defining feature
  2. ultimate treatment
  3. one risk factor

7 Clues: one risk factordefining featurepotential symptomultimate treatmentpotential complicationsecond defining featurepreeclampsia normally develops after ____ weeks of pregnancy

HoRMoNIJYYSTÖ 2020-03-17

HoRMoNIJYYSTÖ crossword puzzle
  1. sairaus, joka johtuu tyroksiinin vajaaerityksestä kasvuiässä
  2. elin, joka tuottaa sekä hormoneja että ruuansulatusentsyymejä
  3. sairaudesta on kaksi erilaista muotoa, liittyy sokeritasapainoon
  4. saa aikaan maidon erittymisen
  5. muodostuu puhjenneesta munarakkulasta ja erittää...
  6. nostaa veren kalsiumpitoisuutta
  7. säätelee aivolisäkkeen etulohkon hormonieritystä omilla kudoshormoneillaan
  8. Langerhansin saarekkeet haimassa erittävät tätä hormonia
  9. vähentää virtsan poistumista kehosta ....
  10. vähentää veren kalsiumpitoisuutta
  11. hormonien erityksen ylipomo!
  12. glukoosi muuttuu insuliinin vaikutuksesta = varastosokeri
  1. erittyy stressitilanteessa
  2. saa aikaan mm. matalan äänen ja parrankasvun
  3. kasvuhormonin tieteellinen nimi
  4. kasvuhormonia erittyy liikaa aikuisiässä. Seuraus?
  5. AINOA hormoni, joka laskee veren glukoosipitoisuutta
  6. valmistaa glukokortikoideja, jotka vapauttavat glukoosia maksasta
  7. saa aikaan väsymyksen tunteen
  8. hormoni, joka saa aikaan synnytyssupistelut
  9. naissukupuolihormonien yhteisnimitys

21 Clues: erittyy stressitilanteessahormonien erityksen ylipomo!saa aikaan maidon erittymisensaa aikaan väsymyksen tunteenkasvuhormonin tieteellinen niminostaa veren kalsiumpitoisuuttavähentää veren kalsiumpitoisuuttanaissukupuolihormonien yhteisnimitysvähentää virtsan poistumista kehosta ....hormoni, joka saa aikaan synnytyssupistelut...

Farmakologija - ponavljanje 2020-03-31

Farmakologija - ponavljanje crossword puzzle
  1. metoda kontracepcije
  2. šećerna bolest
  3. prekinuti snošaj, sterilizacija,
  4. su metode ____ kontracepcije
  5. antagonisti hormona
  6. jedan od načina liječenja dijabetesa
  7. jedan od glavnih simptoma dijabetesa
  8. najvažniji muški spolni hormon
  9. najčešća nuspojava inzulinske terapije
  10. stimuliraju lučenje
  1. promjene na malim krvnim žilama uzrokovane kronično povišenom razinom šećera u krvi
  2. znak ___ je zadah po acetonu
  3. ima oblik leptira
  4. propadanja sitnih krvnih žila bubrega
  5. upravlja lučenjem hormona štitnjače
  6. rabe se u liječenju DM tip 2
  7. diabetes mellitus tipa ___ prije nazivan juvenilnim
  8. manjak hormona štitnjače
  9. štitnjača luči _____
  10. u nekih žena može spriječiti ovulaciju
  11. može nastati kao posljedica manjka paratireoidnog hormona

21 Clues: šećerna bolestima oblik leptiraantagonisti hormonastimuliraju lučenjemetoda kontracepciještitnjača luči _____manjak hormona štitnjačeznak ___ je zadah po acetonurabe se u liječenju DM tip 2su metode ____ kontracepcijenajvažniji muški spolni hormonprekinuti snošaj, sterilizacija,upravlja lučenjem hormona štitnjačejedan od načina liječenja dijabetesa...

Mathematik 2023-06-13

Mathematik crossword puzzle
  1. Minuend - Subtrahend
  2. Nene die ersten drei Zahlen von PI
  3. Welches Dreieck besitzt diese Formel u=3*a
  4. Alpha,Beta
  5. Punkt vor.........................
  6. Wie wird ein Parallelogramm noch genannt
  7. Divident / Divisor
  1. 0°< 90°
  2. Wie viele Ecken hat ein Quader
  3. Steht ein Plus vor einer Klammer bleiben die Rechenzeichen
  4. Es gibt 2 Katheten und eine ?
  5. Steht ein Minus vor einer Klammer werden die Rechenzeichen
  6. 10*10+8-5
  7. Faktor * Faktor
  8. Wie viele cent sind 1,87 €
  9. a = 360°
  10. Summand + summand
  11. Welche Fläche hat die Fläche A = a * b
  12. Wei wird eine Raute noch gennant
  13. Max ist 10 Kekse was hat er dann.Scherz

20 Clues: 0°< 90°a = 360°10*10+8-5Alpha,BetaFaktor * FaktorSummand + summandDivident / DivisorMinuend - SubtrahendWie viele cent sind 1,87 €Es gibt 2 Katheten und eine ?Wie viele Ecken hat ein QuaderWei wird eine Raute noch gennantNene die ersten drei Zahlen von PIPunkt vor.........................Welche Fläche hat die Fläche A = a * b...

National Medical Laboratory Week 2013 2013-04-23

National Medical Laboratory Week 2013 crossword puzzle
  1. The lab is often seen pushing one of these around the Hospital
  2. Lab Tech's are not ________
  3. Lab Techs have great hand _______
  4. A magnifying Instrument
  5. used to monitor diabetes
  6. White Uniform worn in the Lab
  7. National Medical _________ Week
  8. causes infection
  9. Liquid "Gold"
  10. You ____ because we are here!
  11. punctures the vein to acquire blood
  12. Our ______ is You!
  1. holds blood samples for testing
  2. Used to process blood samples
  3. Used to measure blood loss
  4. The Labs score in the 2012 OLA accreditation
  5. blue band used to find a vein
  6. used to disinfect the skin
  7. blood indicator of Cardiac Arrest
  8. a Frequently transfused product

20 Clues: Liquid "Gold"causes infectionOur ______ is You!A magnifying Instrumentused to monitor diabetesUsed to measure blood lossused to disinfect the skinLab Tech's are not ________Used to process blood samplesblue band used to find a veinWhite Uniform worn in the LabYou ____ because we are here!holds blood samples for testing...

LABORATORY WEEK 2017 2017-04-18

LABORATORY WEEK 2017 crossword puzzle


Know Your Meds 2018-10-18

Know Your Meds crossword puzzle


Happy Yam Day 2024-02-24

Happy Yam Day crossword puzzle
  1. phonetically correct east coast city
  2. true mvp of august 2023
  3. emotive rodent(?)
  4. this creature does not honk and yet
  5. daijoubu
  6. a menace from the north
  7. pixelated feline pet
  8. shared favorite from evermore
  9. nail clipping song
  10. aladdin's friend but cutesy
  11. directed by taika waikiki
  12. nathan's drug
  13. number one ramen
  14. pre-bedtime attack
  15. love letter sender
  16. hey, jason!
  1. spell his name right
  2. a piece of louisiana in sf
  3. iconic awkward silence
  4. "do not ever call me that again"
  5. diabetes medication
  6. a fluffy friend who made it on main
  7. ___ cookie
  8. "not me calling the annotate function on zoom ___"

24 Clues: daijoubu___ cookiehey, jason!nathan's drugnumber one ramenemotive rodent(?)nail clipping songpre-bedtime attacklove letter senderdiabetes medicationspell his name rightpixelated feline peticonic awkward silencetrue mvp of august 2023a menace from the northdirected by taika waikikia piece of louisiana in sfaladdin's friend but cutesy...

vocab crossword puzzle 2024-02-15

vocab crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. placenta
  2. germinal stage
  3. embryonic stage
  4. amniotic fluid
  5. blastocyst
  6. amniotic sac
  7. diagnostic prenatal test
  8. menstruation
  9. lanugo
  10. conception
  11. hcg hormone
  12. fetus
  13. full term pregnancy
  14. neural tube
  15. maternal fetal care doctor
  16. fallopian tubes
  17. group b strep
  1. gestational diabetes
  2. adoption
  3. placenta previa
  4. amniocentesis
  5. cervix
  6. artificial insemination
  7. preterm labor
  8. morning sickness
  9. infertility
  10. glucose
  11. prenatal development
  12. prenatal testing
  13. folic acid
  14. ovulation
  15. screening prenatal test stillborn
  16. ovum
  17. folate
  18. in vitro fertilization
  19. miscarriage
  20. preeclampsia
  21. embryo

38 Clues: ovumfetuscervixfolatelanugoembryoglucoseadoptionplacentaovulationblastocystfolic acidconceptioninfertilityhcg hormonemiscarriageneural tubemenstruationpreeclampsiaamniocentesispreterm laborgroup b strepgerminal stageplacenta previaembryonic stagefallopian tubesmorning sicknessprenatal testingamniotic sacamniotic fluidfull term pregnancy...

Sistem Koordinasi 2024-05-22

Sistem Koordinasi crossword puzzle
  1. mengatur keseimbangan tubuh
  2. mempercepat penghantaran impuls
  3. rabun jauh
  4. disekresikan ke pembuluh darah
  5. gangguan pendengaran
  6. di pangkal lidah
  7. diatur oleh sumsum tulang belakang
  8. jika produksi insulin terganggu
  9. peka terhadap tekanan
  10. kadarnya diatur oleh parathormon
  11. kekurangan growth hormone
  12. menurunkan kadar glukosa darah
  13. rest and digest
  1. menghasilkan glukagon
  2. lapisan otak
  3. neuron saat tidak menghantarkan impuls
  4. indera pendengaran
  5. mengatur intensitas cahaya yang masuk ke mata
  6. merangsang sekresi ASI
  7. menghasilkan hormon paling banyak
  8. mendukung kerja sel neuron
  9. bagian otak besar
  10. radang sel saraf
  11. dari reseptor ke sistem saraf pusat
  12. saraf yang keluar dari otak

25 Clues: rabun jauhlapisan otakrest and digestdi pangkal lidahradang sel sarafbagian otak besarindera pendengarangangguan pendengaranmenghasilkan glukagonpeka terhadap tekananmerangsang sekresi ASIkekurangan growth hormonemendukung kerja sel neuronmengatur keseimbangan tubuhsaraf yang keluar dari otakdisekresikan ke pembuluh darah...

BORED TO DEATH 2024-08-28

BORED TO DEATH crossword puzzle
  1. Your home town
  2. Her house caught on fire
  3. Made with ground beef and mashed potatoes
  4. Well just to be clear
  5. Wonderful man on our street
  6. Cards Still paying them off
  7. Name for Jeff's crack
  8. asshole presidential candidate and felon
  9. Princess
  10. Where we last went on vacation
  11. They fired him
  12. Name for Jeff's towing vehicle
  13. we take it for diabetes
  1. Jeff hates to do this
  2. Where we go on Sunday
  3. Name for Jeff's boat
  4. Our paster
  5. Always depressed and grumpy
  6. Our chiropractor
  7. Your favorite family restaurant
  8. Monster
  9. Your baby boy vehicle
  10. Your mentor

23 Clues: MonsterPrincessOur pasterYour mentorYour home townThey fired himOur chiropractorName for Jeff's boatJeff hates to do thisWhere we go on SundayWell just to be clearName for Jeff's crackYour baby boy vehiclewe take it for diabetesHer house caught on fireAlways depressed and grumpyWonderful man on our streetCards Still paying them off...

Fruits 2024-08-01

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. king of the jungle
  2. a planet with ring
  3. a disease of sugar
  4. a disease
  1. a vegetable is red
  2. a vehicle of air
  3. air with w startimng
  4. A fruit is red

8 Clues: a diseaseA fruit is reda vehicle of aira vegetable is redking of the junglea planet with ringa disease of sugarair with w startimng

crossword 2023-10-29

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ,A hormone that regulates blood sugar
  2. 1 ,Type of diabetes often diagnosed in children
  1. ,Organ damaged by diabetes, filters blood
  2. ,High blood ___ levels are a sign of diabetes

4 Clues: ,A hormone that regulates blood sugar,Organ damaged by diabetes, filters blood,High blood ___ levels are a sign of diabetes1 ,Type of diabetes often diagnosed in children

28th May 2020-05-28

28th May crossword puzzle
  1. Joints in Syphilis
  2. Only absolute indication for Dialysis
  3. MC cause of death in Friedrich’s Ataxia
  4. Drug approved for LEMS & MS to improve walking speed
  5. 6th disease
  6. 5th disease
  1. Joints in Diabetes
  2. CMT Type 3
  3. 3rd MC Neurocutaneous syndrome
  4. Tumour marker for Granulosa cell tumour of the ovary

10 Clues: CMT Type 36th disease5th diseaseJoints in SyphilisJoints in Diabetes3rd MC Neurocutaneous syndromeOnly absolute indication for DialysisMC cause of death in Friedrich’s AtaxiaDrug approved for LEMS & MS to improve walking speedTumour marker for Granulosa cell tumour of the ovary

Potential Treatments From Stem Cell Therapy 2014-02-25

Potential Treatments From Stem Cell Therapy crossword puzzle
  1. Destruction or degeneration of brain cells
  2. Brain disorder caused by degenerating dopamine neurones
  3. damage to the heart
  4. Inability to concieve offspring
  1. Disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells
  2. tooth loss
  3. hair loss
  4. Injury of spinal cord by trauma
  5. Metabollic disease relating to high blood sugar
  6. visual impairment

10 Clues: hair losstooth lossvisual impairmentdamage to the heartInjury of spinal cord by traumaInability to concieve offspringDestruction or degeneration of brain cellsMetabollic disease relating to high blood sugarBrain disorder caused by degenerating dopamine neuronesDisease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells

Diabetes Mellitus & Surgical Site Infections 2012-03-14

Diabetes Mellitus & Surgical Site Infections crossword puzzle
  1. Caused by nerve damage
  2. In oranges and lemons
  3. High blood glucose level
  4. Diabetes that is insulin dependent
  1. breakdown in lower extremity
  2. Hormone produced by the pancreas
  3. Treatment for bacterial infections
  4. An infection that occurred within 30 days of surgery
  5. Sweet, made by bees
  6. Redness of the skin

10 Clues: Sweet, made by beesRedness of the skinIn oranges and lemonsCaused by nerve damageHigh blood glucose levelbreakdown in lower extremityHormone produced by the pancreasTreatment for bacterial infectionsDiabetes that is insulin dependentAn infection that occurred within 30 days of surgery

Diabetes Mellitus & Surgical Site Infections 2012-03-14

Diabetes Mellitus & Surgical Site Infections crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes that is insulin dependent
  2. High blood glucose level
  3. Hormone produced by the pancreas
  4. Sweet, made by bees
  5. An infection that occurred within 30 days of surgery
  1. Caused by nerve damage
  2. Skin breakdown in lower extremity
  3. Redness of the skin
  4. oranges and lemons
  5. Treatment for bacterial infections

10 Clues: oranges and lemonsRedness of the skinSweet, made by beesCaused by nerve damageHigh blood glucose levelHormone produced by the pancreasSkin breakdown in lower extremityDiabetes that is insulin dependentTreatment for bacterial infectionsAn infection that occurred within 30 days of surgery

Childhood Obesity Symptoms 2022-12-09

Childhood Obesity Symptoms crossword puzzle
  1. difficulty in emptying the bowels
  2. BMI between 85th and 94th percentiles
  3. BMI 95th percentile or above
  4. you can get type 2 _____
  1. you can have high ______
  2. you need to change your _______
  3. activity requiring physical effort
  4. Body Mass Index
  5. the loss of body fat
  6. feeling tired or exhausted

10 Clues: Body Mass Indexthe loss of body fatyou can have high ______you can get type 2 _____feeling tired or exhaustedBMI 95th percentile or aboveyou need to change your _______difficulty in emptying the bowelsactivity requiring physical effortBMI between 85th and 94th percentiles

Youth Health 2018-02-22

Youth Health crossword puzzle
  1. sugar
  2. growth
  3. when you’re diagnosed with anxiety or depressing
  4. genetics
  5. the need to excercise
  1. when youve been affected by something you can’t help
  2. when you feel a certain way
  3. acting a certain way
  4. when you believe in so,etching specific
  5. when you have a good network of people

10 Clues: sugargrowthgeneticsacting a certain waythe need to excercisewhen you feel a certain waywhen you have a good network of peoplewhen you believe in so,etching specificwhen you’re diagnosed with anxiety or depressingwhen youve been affected by something you can’t help




xx 2024-08-30

xx crossword puzzle
  1. Deficiency of Vitamin C
  2. Caused due to lack of Iodine
  3. Body building nutrient
  4. non communicable disease caused due to malfunction of organ
  5. causes common cold in humans
  6. caused due to lack of protein in the body
  1. Dietary fibre
  2. disease causing germs
  3. Deficiency of Iron in body
  4. bow shaped legs

10 Clues: Dietary fibrebow shaped legsdisease causing germsBody building nutrientDeficiency of Vitamin CDeficiency of Iron in bodyCaused due to lack of Iodinecauses common cold in humanscaused due to lack of protein in the bodynon communicable disease caused due to malfunction of organ

inequalities faced by aboriginals today- matrix activity 5 2014-06-02

inequalities faced by aboriginals today- matrix activity 5 crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of alive
  2. what you go to school for
  3. indigenous Australians
  4. company that informs you about indigenous health
  5. whenyou aren't sick
  1. when your body cant process glucose
  2. what aboriginals don't have enough of
  3. something you do to earn money
  4. where you go to learn
  5. cardiac arrest

10 Clues: cardiac arrestopposite of alivewhenyou aren't sickwhere you go to learnindigenous Australianswhat you go to school forsomething you do to earn moneywhen your body cant process glucosewhat aboriginals don't have enough ofcompany that informs you about indigenous health

Veggiedag 2 2015-02-12

Veggiedag 2 crossword puzzle
  1. een synoniem voor suikerziekte
  2. een vetachtige stof
  3. een actie die je wil aanzetten tot een handeling
  1. belangrijke stoffen in je lichaam
  2. landbouwtak verantwoordelijk voor de productie van vlees
  3. het verbruiken van goederen
  4. een teveel aan
  5. doelmatig, met veel en snel resultaat
  6. een synoniem voor vervoer
  7. over de hele wereld

10 Clues: een teveel aaneen vetachtige stofover de hele wereldeen synoniem voor vervoerhet verbruiken van goedereneen synoniem voor suikerziektebelangrijke stoffen in je lichaamdoelmatig, met veel en snel resultaateen actie die je wil aanzetten tot een handelinglandbouwtak verantwoordelijk voor de productie van vlees

Thomas Edison 2022-05-03

Thomas Edison crossword puzzle
  1. Edison's second favorite pastime.
  2. Edison's age when he had hearing problems.
  3. Edison's favorite pastime.
  4. His first name.
  5. Edison died because of this disorder.
  1. The cause of Edison's deafness.
  2. Famous for inventing this.
  3. Edison invented this communication device.
  4. Edison began his career selling this.
  5. State that Edison was born in.

10 Clues: His first name.Famous for inventing this.Edison's favorite pastime.State that Edison was born in.The cause of Edison's deafness.Edison's second favorite pastime.Edison began his career selling this.Edison died because of this disorder.Edison invented this communication device.Edison's age when he had hearing problems.

Muisti - ja aineenvaihduntasairaudet 2024-03-01

Muisti - ja aineenvaihduntasairaudet crossword puzzle
  1. yleisin muisti sairaus
  2. tyypillisimpiä oireita näköhäiriöt, sekavuus ja kömpelyys.
  3. aiheuttaa lihasjäykyyttä ja vapinaa
  4. sairaus, joka aiheuttaa vakavia muistia aiheuttavia sairauksia
  1. kehon slouissa tapahtuvaa rakentamista ja hajottamista
  2. tila, jossa maksasolujen sisälle kertyy ylimääräistä rasvaa
  3. altistaa muistisairauksille
  4. oireryhmä, jossa tiedonkäsittely ja muisti heikentyneet
  5. raskauden aikana todettuja kohotettuja verensokeriarvoja
  6. sokeriaineenvaihdunta sairaus

10 Clues: yleisin muisti sairausaltistaa muistisairauksillesokeriaineenvaihdunta sairausaiheuttaa lihasjäykyyttä ja vapinaakehon slouissa tapahtuvaa rakentamista ja hajottamistaoireryhmä, jossa tiedonkäsittely ja muisti heikentyneetraskauden aikana todettuja kohotettuja verensokeriarvojatyypillisimpiä oireita näköhäiriöt, sekavuus ja kömpelyys....

diet 2015-09-08

diet crossword puzzle
  1. milk,yoghurt,cheese
  2. disease where bones curve into legs
  3. not enough insulin which causes blood sugar levels to increase
  4. releases energy
  5. greasy foods
  1. carrots,cucumber,lettuce
  2. lack of protein causes the liver to enlarge. This causes the belly to swell
  3. fish,milk,meat
  4. being overweight
  5. running,jumping

10 Clues: greasy foodsfish,milk,meatreleases energyrunning,jumpingbeing overweightmilk,yoghurt,cheesecarrots,cucumber,lettucedisease where bones curve into legsnot enough insulin which causes blood sugar levels to increaselack of protein causes the liver to enlarge. This causes the belly to swell

Gezondheid 2014-05-05

Gezondheid crossword puzzle
  1. zorgen dat iets schoon/proper is
  2. centrum voor leerlingenbegeleiding
  3. stoffen waaruit ons lichaam is opgebouwd
  4. een ander woord voor diabetes
  5. gezonde lucht die we inademen
  6. helpt je bij een slechte tandhygiëne
  1. een beroep uit de gezondheidszorg
  2. een ander woord voor jeugdpuistjes
  3. het verteren van voedsel
  4. eerste hulp bij ongelukken

10 Clues: het verteren van voedseleerste hulp bij ongelukkeneen ander woord voor diabetesgezonde lucht die we inademenzorgen dat iets schoon/proper iseen beroep uit de gezondheidszorgeen ander woord voor jeugdpuistjescentrum voor leerlingenbegeleidinghelpt je bij een slechte tandhygiënestoffen waaruit ons lichaam is opgebouwd

Perfume Party 2020-08-25

Perfume Party crossword puzzle
  1. what Kim's son was diagnosed with
  2. a flower with a thorn
  3. when life give you lemons make
  4. makes suds
  5. was once a Caterpillar
  1. moisturizes the lip
  2. high blood pressure and diabetes cause this.
  3. what we are her to make
  4. Name of Company
  5. oil derived from trees native to Morocco

10 Clues: makes sudsName of Companymoisturizes the lipa flower with a thornwas once a Caterpillarwhat we are her to makewhen life give you lemons makewhat Kim's son was diagnosed withoil derived from trees native to Moroccohigh blood pressure and diabetes cause this.

Teka Teki Silang 2022-05-29

Teka Teki Silang crossword puzzle
  1. terapi untuk penderita kanker
  2. kondisi gula darah tidak terkendali
  3. Sadar dari pingsan
  4. Tes Buta Warna
  5. organ yang menghasilkan insulin
  1. Jawaban sementara yang masih harus di buktikan
  2. gerakan memutar lengan bawah untuk menelungkupkan telapak tangan
  3. organisasi yang menaungi dokter di seluruh indonesia
  4. Atlas Anatomi Manusia
  5. Hilang Ingatan

10 Clues: Hilang IngatanTes Buta WarnaSadar dari pingsanAtlas Anatomi Manusiaterapi untuk penderita kankerorgan yang menghasilkan insulinkondisi gula darah tidak terkendaliJawaban sementara yang masih harus di buktikanorganisasi yang menaungi dokter di seluruh indonesiagerakan memutar lengan bawah untuk menelungkupkan telapak tangan

Sistem Ekskresi 2023-10-03

Sistem Ekskresi crossword puzzle
  1. tempat pertukaran udara
  2. lapisan kuli paling atas
  3. penyaringan darah
  4. organ berperan dalam merombak sel darah merah yang telah tuu dan rusak
  5. hasil dari reabsorpsi
  6. lapisan kulit yang terdapat lemak
  1. organ ekskresi yang mengeluarkan karban dioksida
  2. rusaknya ginjal pada glomerulus
  3. hasil ekskresi organ hati
  4. diabetes melitus disebabkan kurangnya hormon

10 Clues: penyaringan darahhasil dari reabsorpsitempat pertukaran udaralapisan kuli paling atashasil ekskresi organ hatirusaknya ginjal pada glomeruluslapisan kulit yang terdapat lemakdiabetes melitus disebabkan kurangnya hormonorgan ekskresi yang mengeluarkan karban dioksidaorgan berperan dalam merombak sel darah merah yang telah tuu dan rusak

Sistem Pencernaan manusia 2022-10-18

Sistem Pencernaan manusia crossword puzzle
  1. usus dua belas jari
  2. yang dibutuhkan tubuh membawa sel
  3. kondisi feses keras sehingga sulit di keluarkan
  4. kelenjar endrokrin yang memiliki insulin
  5. mineral sedikit mengandung
  1. pada pangkal faring terdapat katup pernapasan
  2. salah satu pencernaan di dalam mulut
  3. akibat kekurangan vitamin C
  4. mengkonsumsi karbohidrat berlebihan menyebabkan
  5. salah satu jenis karbohidrat adalah

10 Clues: usus dua belas jarimineral sedikit mengandungakibat kekurangan vitamin Cyang dibutuhkan tubuh membawa selsalah satu jenis karbohidrat adalahsalah satu pencernaan di dalam mulutkelenjar endrokrin yang memiliki insulinpada pangkal faring terdapat katup pernapasanmengkonsumsi karbohidrat berlebihan menyebabkan...

Tanaman Obat 2023-03-15

Tanaman Obat crossword puzzle
  1. membuat gundukan di sekitar tanaman
  2. pewarna alami berwarna kuning
  3. tanaman toga bagian batang berwarna cokelat
  4. umbi lapis termasuk cara perkembang biakkan
  5. perkembangbiak kan tanaman dengan menggunakan biji
  6. bagian umbi toga
  1. tumbuhan berwarna hitam
  2. tumbuhan bunga yang dapat mengobati diabetes
  3. bagian daun yang dapat mengobati keputihan
  4. bagian tanaman berbentuk biji

10 Clues: bagian umbi togatumbuhan berwarna hitampewarna alami berwarna kuningbagian tanaman berbentuk bijimembuat gundukan di sekitar tanamanbagian daun yang dapat mengobati keputihantanaman toga bagian batang berwarna cokelatumbi lapis termasuk cara perkembang biakkantumbuhan bunga yang dapat mengobati diabetes...


PEMAKANAN SIHAT crossword puzzle
  1. memberikan tenaga
  2. meningkatkan ketahanan badan
  3. boleh menyebabkan diabetes jika diambil secara berlebihan
  4. merupakan aras kedua dalam Piramid Makanan
  1. penting untuk tumbesaran
  2. merupakan sajian yang dimakan pada waktu pagi
  3. merupakan contoh makanan karbohidrat
  4. perlu diambil dalam kuantiti yang sederhana
  5. perlu diambil dalam kuantiti yang sedikit
  6. penting sebagai penebat haba

10 Clues: memberikan tenagapenting untuk tumbesaranmeningkatkan ketahanan badanpenting sebagai penebat habamerupakan contoh makanan karbohidratperlu diambil dalam kuantiti yang sedikitmerupakan aras kedua dalam Piramid Makananperlu diambil dalam kuantiti yang sederhanamerupakan sajian yang dimakan pada waktu pagi...

Studeo TE03 kpl 3.5 ja 3.6 2024-03-01

Studeo TE03 kpl 3.5 ja 3.6 crossword puzzle
  1. Usein geenivirheen aiheuttama
  2. Yleisnimitys oireyhtymälle, jossa muistitoiminnoissa ja tiedonkäsittelyssä on vaikeuksia
  3. Synonyymi metabolialle
  4. Elimistön solut eivät reagoi insuliiniin enää normaalisti
  1. Sokeriaineenvaihdunnan häiriö
  2. Yhtenä oireena vapina
  3. Oireena mm. lähimuistin heikkeneminen, uuden oppimisen vaikeus ja käytöshäiriöt
  4. Hormoni, joka säätelee sokeriaineenvaihduntaa
  5. Tila, jossa maksasolujen sisälle kertyy ylimääräistä rasvaa
  6. Hiilihydraatit pilkotaan sokereiksi

10 Clues: Yhtenä oireena vapinaSynonyymi metabolialleSokeriaineenvaihdunnan häiriöUsein geenivirheen aiheuttamaHiilihydraatit pilkotaan sokereiksiHormoni, joka säätelee sokeriaineenvaihduntaaElimistön solut eivät reagoi insuliiniin enää normaalistiTila, jossa maksasolujen sisälle kertyy ylimääräistä rasvaa...

Systems Review Med Term & Pharm Part 2 2021-11-08

Systems Review Med Term & Pharm Part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Where hair developes
  2. Excessive urination at night
  3. The outer layer of the skin
  4. A fancy word for chest pain
  5. NC05's mascot
  6. This medication opens up airways
  7. The other name for Flovent
  8. These drugs metabolize carbohydrates
  9. The clue for this is Phren/o
  1. Glucose in the urine
  2. A chronic disease of the liver
  3. An infectious skin condition on the face
  4. A mature egg
  5. Only an RT can do this test
  6. The act of giving birth
  7. The Endocrine system secretes this
  8. This system protects our organs
  9. Frequent urination is a sign of this

18 Clues: A mature eggNC05's mascotGlucose in the urineWhere hair developesThe act of giving birthThe other name for FloventOnly an RT can do this testThe outer layer of the skinA fancy word for chest painExcessive urination at nightThe clue for this is Phren/oA chronic disease of the liverThis system protects our organsThis medication opens up airways...

Systems Review Med Term & Pharm Part 2 2021-11-08

Systems Review Med Term & Pharm Part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Frequent urination is a sign of this
  2. The act of giving birth
  3. A mature egg
  4. An infectious skin condition on the face
  5. Where hair developes
  6. Excessive urination at night
  7. The clue for this is Phren/o
  8. This system protects our organs
  1. This medication opens up airways
  2. A fancy word for chest pain
  3. A chronic disease of the liver
  4. NC05's mascot
  5. The outer layer of the skin
  6. Glucose in the urine
  7. The other name for Flovent
  8. The Endocrine system secretes this
  9. Only an RT can do this test
  10. These drugs metabolize carbohydrates

18 Clues: A mature eggNC05's mascotGlucose in the urineWhere hair developesThe act of giving birthThe other name for FloventA fancy word for chest painThe outer layer of the skinOnly an RT can do this testExcessive urination at nightThe clue for this is Phren/oA chronic disease of the liverThis system protects our organsThis medication opens up airways...

Pharmacy Medical Spanish 2015-01-23

Pharmacy Medical Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. Robitussin es para la
  2. causado por un infeccion viral
  3. Significado de Hbg <10
  4. Para que es el acetaminofeno
  5. Riesgo trabajando el la minas
  6. problema de leucocitos
  7. Antibiotico para el sifilis
  8. tapada Sintoma de sinusitis
  1. En Abril pueden inducer una allergia
  2. La presion 160/110
  3. Alka-Seltzer es para
  4. El sidnificado de H1Ac >9%
  5. Tos productiva, fiebre, fever, flema, pleuresia, taquicardia, crepitaciones
  6. El medicamento ibuprofeno es para
  7. 2+ convulsions en diagnostico de
  8. Carafate es para las
  9. el paciente tiene fiebre esto puede indicar
  10. Dolor en las manos

18 Clues: La presion 160/110Dolor en las manosAlka-Seltzer es paraCarafate es para lasRobitussin es para laSignificado de Hbg <10problema de leucocitosEl sidnificado de H1Ac >9%Antibiotico para el sifilistapada Sintoma de sinusitisPara que es el acetaminofenoRiesgo trabajando el la minascausado por un infeccion viral2+ convulsions en diagnostico de...


MNB FINAL REVIEW crossword puzzle
  1. acid, prevents neural defects
  2. heartbeat, confirm pregnancy
  3. PID prevention
  4. degree of thinning
  5. distress, newborn risk if opioid given close to delivery
  6. never been pregnant
  7. block, local anesthetic blocks nerve pathways
  8. diabetes, second trimester contains glucose
  9. sensing that the baby has dropped
  10. risk of internal monitoring during labor
  11. condom birth control method
  1. first fetal movements
  2. organ that supplies food and nutrients and excretes waste
  3. HPV causes this cancer
  4. one of the 4 "Ps" involving the pelvis
  5. period 2 weeks late, tired with n/v
  6. phase at which to ph the fetal scalp
  7. reverses opioids

18 Clues: PID preventionreverses opioidsdegree of thinningnever been pregnantfirst fetal movementsHPV causes this cancercondom birth control methodheartbeat, confirm pregnancyacid, prevents neural defectssensing that the baby has droppedperiod 2 weeks late, tired with n/vphase at which to ph the fetal scalpone of the 4 "Ps" involving the pelvis...

Baby Taber 2013-04-23

Baby Taber crossword puzzle
  1. bilirubin encephalopathy
  2. name of the handsome guy in your group
  3. type of stool after meconium
  4. date of our graduation
  5. cause of jaundice
  6. type of feeding with offensive odor
  7. month in which we will graduate
  8. type of diabetes mellitus during pregnancy
  9. amniotic fluid in excess of 2000ml
  10. bilirubin is passed in it
  11. diamond shaped fontanel
  1. also known as stillbirth
  2. number of days jaundice should disappear by
  3. type of intervention for jaundice
  4. jaundice appearing within the first 24 hours
  5. act of attaching to the breast
  6. relatively insoluble bilirubin
  7. size of baby for a diabetic mother

18 Clues: cause of jaundicedate of our graduationdiamond shaped fontanelalso known as stillbirthbilirubin encephalopathybilirubin is passed in ittype of stool after meconiumact of attaching to the breastrelatively insoluble bilirubinmonth in which we will graduatetype of intervention for jaundicesize of baby for a diabetic mother...

First Aid 2015-01-16

First Aid crossword puzzle
  1. basic life support
  2. need to act F.A.S.T
  3. another word for a bruise
  4. check this before you check breathing
  5. condition that causes seizures
  6. condition where insulin levels are abnormal
  7. severe allergic reaction
  8. used as a barrier to infection
  1. could occur from sunlight,hot water or fire
  2. used to stop bleeding
  3. first thing checked on arrival of scene
  4. 30.........2 breaths
  5. needs inhaler
  6. may obstruct airway in unconscious casualty
  7. can be used to reduce swelling on soft tissue injury
  8. used for a small cut
  9. break or crack in the bone
  10. foreign object lodged in airway

18 Clues: needs inhalerbasic life supportneed to act F.A.S.T30.........2 breathsused for a small cutused to stop bleedingsevere allergic reactionanother word for a bruisebreak or crack in the bonecondition that causes seizuresused as a barrier to infectionforeign object lodged in airwaycheck this before you check breathing...

Taalschat blok 3 2016-01-04

Taalschat blok 3 crossword puzzle
  1. iemand die diabetes (suikerziekte) heeft
  2. het in evenwicht brengen, het weer goed maken
  3. beroep(s) maken
  4. eigentijds maken
  5. opgewonden en zenuwachtig reageren
  6. maar af en toe
  7. indruk
  8. vervelend bijverschijnsel
  9. mening van een tweede deskundige
  1. een aanwijzing geven
  2. eenheid brengen, normaliseren
  3. zodat er weinig of geen contact is met de omgeving
  4. akkoord gaan met een tussenoplossing
  5. maken
  6. om inzicht te krijgen
  7. zelfverzekerd zijn, in staat zijn om voor jezelf op te komen
  8. duur verlengen
  9. iemand die het stelen niet kan laten
  10. iemand die zijn mening aanpast als hem dat voordeel oplevert

19 Clues: makenindrukduur verlengenmaar af en toeberoep(s) makeneigentijds makeneen aanwijzing gevenom inzicht te krijgenvervelend bijverschijnseleenheid brengen, normaliserenmening van een tweede deskundigeopgewonden en zenuwachtig reagerenakkoord gaan met een tussenoplossingiemand die het stelen niet kan lateniemand die diabetes (suikerziekte) heeft...


MNB FINAL REVIEW crossword puzzle
  1. first fetal movements
  2. condom birth control method
  3. degree of thinning
  4. organ that supplies food and nutrients and excretes waste
  5. diabetes, second trimester contains glucose
  6. reverses opioids
  7. period 2 weeks late, tired with n/v
  8. PID prevention
  1. block, local anesthetic blocks nerve pathways
  2. sensing that the baby has dropped
  3. phase at which to ph the fetal scalp
  4. acid, prevents neural defects
  5. never been pregnant
  6. heartbeat, confirm pregnancy
  7. risk of internal monitoring during labor
  8. distress, newborn risk if opioid given close to delivery
  9. one of the 4 "Ps" involving the pelvis
  10. HPV causes this cancer

18 Clues: PID preventionreverses opioidsdegree of thinningnever been pregnantfirst fetal movementsHPV causes this cancercondom birth control methodheartbeat, confirm pregnancyacid, prevents neural defectssensing that the baby has droppedperiod 2 weeks late, tired with n/vphase at which to ph the fetal scalpone of the 4 "Ps" involving the pelvis...

Atividade Física e Saúde 2021-06-19

Atividade Física e Saúde crossword puzzle
  1. é quem está sempre sentado.
  2. enfraquece e perde elasticidade.
  3. ocasionada pela má postura.
  4. consequências trazidas pelo sedentarismo.
  5. órgão afetado pelo acúmulo de gordura.
  6. excesso crônico de açúcar no sangue.
  7. nutriente que pode causar obesidade.
  8. prática corporal que previne o sedentarismo.
  9. fator que favorece ao sedentarismo.
  10. fator importantes na prevenção de doenças.
  1. nome dado a pressão alta.
  2. tipo de gordura existente no sangue.
  3. ausência ou diminuição de atividade física.
  4. um dos sintomas do sedentarismo.
  5. acúmulo excessivo de gordura corporal.
  6. organização mundial de saúde.
  7. tipo de distúrbio do sono.
  8. podem avaliar as condições de saúde.

18 Clues: nome dado a pressão alta.tipo de distúrbio do sono.é quem está sempre sentado.ocasionada pela má postura.organização mundial de saúde.enfraquece e perde elasticidade.um dos sintomas do sedentarismo.fator que favorece ao sedentarismo.tipo de gordura existente no sangue.excesso crônico de açúcar no sangue.nutriente que pode causar obesidade....

Glucerna Challenge 2016-07-27

Glucerna Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Risk factors for diabetes are: physically inactive, __________, family history and high blood sugar level.
  2. ______________helps maintain patient's blood glucose control throughout the day and providing adequate energy and prevent overeating.
  1. 1% reduction in HbA1c reduces diabetes-related deaths by 21%, risk of ___________complications by 37% and myocardial infarction by 14%.
  2. _______________is a meal that provides Type 2 diabetic patient their body fuel.
  3. Glucerna® is the ____________ MRP meeting recommendations by Malaysia Medical Nutrition Therapy (Diabetes) guidelines

5 Clues: _______________is a meal that provides Type 2 diabetic patient their body fuel.Risk factors for diabetes are: physically inactive, __________, family history and high blood sugar level.Glucerna® is the ____________ MRP meeting recommendations by Malaysia Medical Nutrition Therapy (Diabetes) guidelines...

Health vocab 2024-02-06

Health vocab crossword puzzle
  1. - (of a disease) not harmful in effbronchodilator -
  2. - inflammation or swelling of one or more joints
  3. - surgical repair or unblocking of a blood vessel, especially a coronary artery.
  4. - the fact of occurring again
  5. - a drug or other compound that inhibits the physiological effects of histamine, used especially in the treatment of allergies.
  6. - a substance that causes an allergic reaction.
  7. - A chronic disease in which the bronchial airways in the lungs become narrowed and swollen, making it difficult to breathe.
  8. - A substance that has many effects in the body.
  9. - occurs when something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts.
  10. - a type of medication that make breathing easier by relaxing the muscles in the lungs and widening the airways (bronchi).
  11. - (of a disease) very virulent or infectious.
  12. - a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.
  13. - a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.
  1. - a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans, which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. The lack of insulin causes a form of diabetes.
  2. - an examination of tissue removed from a living body to discover the presence, cause, or extent of a disease.
  3. - a diminution of the seriousness or intensity of diseases
  4. - degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone, most common from middle age onward. It causes pain and stiffness, especially in the hip, knee, and thumb joints.
  5. - the treatment of disease by the use of chemical substances, especially the treatment of cancer by cytotoxic and oradiation therapyationtherapy
  6. - any disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue, especially rheumatoid arthritis.
  7. factor - characteristics at the biological, psychological, family, community, or cultural level that precede and are associated with a higher likelihood of negative outcomes.
  8. - a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
  9. therapy - the treatment of disease, especially cancer, using X-rays or similar forms of radiation.
  10. - raised, often itchy, red bumps (welts) on the surface of the skin
  11. - Diabetes is a chronic, metabolic disease characterized by elevated levels of blood glucose (or blood sugar), which leads over time to serious damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves.

24 Clues: - the fact of occurring again- (of a disease) very virulent or infectious.- a substance that causes an allergic reaction.- inflammation or swelling of one or more joints- A substance that has many effects in the body.- (of a disease) not harmful in effbronchodilator -- a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue....

Preeclampsia Puzzle 2022-10-23

Preeclampsia Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. potential complication
  2. defining feature
  3. potential symptom
  4. preeclampsia normally develops after ____ weeks of pregnancy
  1. second defining feature
  2. ultimate treatment
  3. one risk factor

7 Clues: one risk factordefining featurepotential symptomultimate treatmentpotential complicationsecond defining featurepreeclampsia normally develops after ____ weeks of pregnancy

Tour 2020-05-28

Tour crossword puzzle
  1. University location for TDC (abvr.)
  2. ___ de Cure
  3. Town where TDC is held
  1. 34 ____ living with diabetes
  2. ADA CEO
  3. _____ Triggs
  4. Go ___ Rider!

7 Clues: ADA CEO___ de Cure_____ TriggsGo ___ Rider!Town where TDC is held34 ____ living with diabetesUniversity location for TDC (abvr.)

Reading vocabulary pre teach 2024-02-12

Reading vocabulary pre teach crossword puzzle
  1. liked by many people
  2. actions you follow regularly
  3. an expert in knowledge of science
  4. with a lot of strength
  1. prepare for exercise
  2. stop from happening
  3. do it again
  4. an illness or sickness
  5. a disease that causes high blood sugar

9 Clues: do it againstop from happeningprepare for exerciseliked by many peoplean illness or sicknesswith a lot of strengthactions you follow regularlyan expert in knowledge of sciencea disease that causes high blood sugar

Healthy Living 2022-04-10

Healthy Living crossword puzzle
  1. Complication affecting the gall bladder
  2. High blood pressure
  3. Contains healthy fats
  4. Low-impact exercise for coordination
  5. Disease affecting blood sugar levels
  6. Contains billions of probiotics
  1. Medical condition that can cause obesity
  2. Contains omega-3 fatty acids
  3. You need 60-90 minutes a week
  4. Health issue related to obesity
  5. Related to depression or boredom

11 Clues: High blood pressureContains healthy fatsContains omega-3 fatty acidsYou need 60-90 minutes a weekHealth issue related to obesityContains billions of probioticsRelated to depression or boredomLow-impact exercise for coordinationDisease affecting blood sugar levelsComplication affecting the gall bladderMedical condition that can cause obesity

Donderdag Veggiedag! 2014-02-11

Donderdag Veggiedag! crossword puzzle
  1. het fokken van vee
  2. vervoer, overbrenging
  3. synoniem van wereldwijd
  4. het verbruik van producten, voedsel ...
  5. iemand die geen vlees eet
  6. iets wat teveel moeite kost om een uiteindelijk doel te bereiken
  1. synoniem van suikerziekte
  2. een (grote) openbare actie
  3. aanmoedigen, prikkelen
  4. vetachtige stof die een bestanddeel is van alle dierlijke vetten

10 Clues: het fokken van veevervoer, overbrengingaanmoedigen, prikkelensynoniem van wereldwijdsynoniem van suikerziekteiemand die geen vlees eeteen (grote) openbare actiehet verbruik van producten, voedsel ...vetachtige stof die een bestanddeel is van alle dierlijke vetteniets wat teveel moeite kost om een uiteindelijk doel te bereiken

Donderdag Veggiedag oplossing 2015-02-11

Donderdag Veggiedag oplossing crossword puzzle
  1. belangrijke stoffen in je lichaam
  2. doelmatig, met veel en snel resultaat
  3. een teveel aan...
  4. synoniem voor vervoer
  5. een bepaalde hoeveelheid voeding/drank
  1. landbouwtak verantwoordelijk voor de productie van vlees
  2. een vetachtige stof
  3. een synoniem voor suikerziekte
  4. een actie die je aanzet tot een handeling
  5. over de hele wereld

10 Clues: een teveel aan...een vetachtige stofover de hele wereldsynoniem voor vervoereen synoniem voor suikerziektebelangrijke stoffen in je lichaamdoelmatig, met veel en snel resultaateen bepaalde hoeveelheid voeding/drankeen actie die je aanzet tot een handelinglandbouwtak verantwoordelijk voor de productie van vlees

Anatomy 2022-10-28

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. transport doesn’t require energy
  2. plant-like disease
  3. cause bacterial infection
  4. membrane surround the cytoplasm of a cell
  5. the fluid inside the cell
  6. transport requires energy
  1. cause disease by shutting down a cell
  2. disease characterized by elevated levels of blood glucose
  3. animal-like one called disease
  4. synthesize proteins
  5. smallest structural and functional unit of an organism

11 Clues: plant-like diseasesynthesize proteinscause bacterial infectionthe fluid inside the celltransport requires energyanimal-like one called diseasetransport doesn’t require energycause disease by shutting down a cellmembrane surround the cytoplasm of a cellsmallest structural and functional unit of an organism...

Thomas Edison 2022-05-03

Thomas Edison crossword puzzle
  1. Edison died because of this disorder.
  2. The cause of Edison's deafness.
  3. Edison invented this communication device.
  4. Famous for inventing this.
  1. State that Edison was born in.
  2. Edison's age when he had hearing problems.
  3. Edison's second favorite pastime.
  4. Edison's favorite pastime.
  5. Edison began his career selling this.
  6. His first name.

10 Clues: His first name.Edison's favorite pastime.Famous for inventing this.State that Edison was born in.The cause of Edison's deafness.Edison's second favorite pastime.Edison died because of this disorder.Edison began his career selling this.Edison's age when he had hearing problems.Edison invented this communication device.


PJPK TINGKATAN 1 - PEMAKANAN crossword puzzle
  1. Kesan kurang pengambilan vitamin C
  2. Berfungsi untuk membekalkan tenaga
  3. Berfungsi untuk membina sel tubuh badan
  4. Contoh makanan yang membekalkan protein
  1. Nama penyakit kesan malnutrisi
  2. Berfungsi meningkatkan sistem pertahanan badan
  3. Contoh mineral bagi mikronutrien
  4. Contoh sumber makanan karbohidrat
  5. Nama penyakit kesan berlebihan pengambilan karbohidrat
  6. Kesan berlebihan pengambilan lemak

10 Clues: Nama penyakit kesan malnutrisiContoh mineral bagi mikronutrienContoh sumber makanan karbohidratKesan kurang pengambilan vitamin CBerfungsi untuk membekalkan tenagaKesan berlebihan pengambilan lemakBerfungsi untuk membina sel tubuh badanContoh makanan yang membekalkan proteinBerfungsi meningkatkan sistem pertahanan badan...

Test your Preeclampsia IQ! 2023-07-03

Test your Preeclampsia IQ! crossword puzzle
  1. A complication of Preeclampsia.
  2. Preeclampsia is also known as ____.
  3. Most common medical complication during pregnancy.
  4. Preeclampsia higher in....
  5. A symptom of Eclampsia.
  1. Risk factor for Preeclampsia.
  2. Suspected organ origin of Preeclampsia.
  3. Preeclampsia after pregnancy is known as ____.
  4. Principle of Lateral Flow Assay: Biomarker-___ conjugation.
  5. Biomarker used in PEScreen.

10 Clues: A symptom of Eclampsia.Preeclampsia higher in....Biomarker used in PEScreen.Risk factor for Preeclampsia.A complication of Preeclampsia.Preeclampsia is also known as ____.Suspected organ origin of Preeclampsia.Preeclampsia after pregnancy is known as ____.Most common medical complication during pregnancy....

The urinary system 2024-03-10

The urinary system crossword puzzle
  1. One of the parameters measured in blood
  2. Low amount of urine
  3. It stores urine
  4. Adjective that refers to the kidney
  5. Enzyme produced by the kidneys
  6. Chronic kidney disease
  1. Medical examination of urine sample
  2. One of chronic kidney disease risk factors
  3. Synonym for urinary stones
  4. Excessive loss of body water

10 Clues: It stores urineLow amount of urineChronic kidney diseaseSynonym for urinary stonesExcessive loss of body waterEnzyme produced by the kidneysMedical examination of urine sampleAdjective that refers to the kidneyOne of the parameters measured in bloodOne of chronic kidney disease risk factors

Special Dietary Needs 2013-10-02

Special Dietary Needs crossword puzzle
  1. no meat
  2. Gluten intolerant
  3. Only eat egg,milk and honey
  4. Can eat egg and no milk
  1. gluten in blood is too high
  2. Is life threatening
  3. Sugar in milk
  4. Can have milk and no eggs
  5. Dont eat meat even honey

9 Clues: no meatSugar in milkGluten intolerantIs life threateningCan eat egg and no milkDont eat meat even honeyCan have milk and no eggsgluten in blood is too highOnly eat egg,milk and honey

kansantaudit 2022-11-01

kansantaudit crossword puzzle
  1. saa selän lihakset
  2. hengitys vaikenee _kohtauksessa
  3. Ihmisen papilloomavirus
  4. lyhenne, voi aiheutua huonosta työasennosta, myös verbi joka ei liity tähän
  5. yleisempiä vanhoilla ihmisillä, muunmuassa tiedon käsittelyn heikkeneminen
  1. jumiin
  2. lisääntyy hallistsemattomasti
  3. sairaukia, joiden tekijänä korkea veren sokeripitoisuus
  4. tavallisesti haitaton aine aiheuttaa kutinaa

9 Clues: jumiinsaa selän lihaksetIhmisen papilloomaviruslisääntyy hallistsemattomastihengitys vaikenee _kohtauksessatavallisesti haitaton aine aiheuttaa kutinaasairaukia, joiden tekijänä korkea veren sokeripitoisuusyleisempiä vanhoilla ihmisillä, muunmuassa tiedon käsittelyn heikkeneminen...

Livsstil 2021-04-26

Livsstil crossword puzzle
  1. andet ord for body mass index
  2. Det findes i Pasta, brød og ris
  3. Proteiner er opbygget af dem
  1. det findes i kød
  2. Emnet
  3. Formel på kulhydrater
  4. Dette binder vand
  5. en meget normal livsstilsygdom
  6. det findes i mælk, smør

9 Clues: Emnetdet findes i kødDette binder vandFormel på kulhydraterdet findes i mælk, smørProteiner er opbygget af demandet ord for body mass indexen meget normal livsstilsygdomDet findes i Pasta, brød og ris

kansantaudit 2022-11-01

kansantaudit crossword puzzle
  1. saa selän lihakset
  2. hengitys vaikenee _kohtauksessa
  3. Ihmisen papilloomavirus
  4. lyhenne, voi aiheutua huonosta työasennosta, myös verbi joka ei liity tähän
  5. yleisempiä vanhoilla ihmisillä, muunmuassa tiedon käsittelyn heikkeneminen
  1. jumiin
  2. lisääntyy hallistsemattomasti
  3. sairaukia, joiden tekijänä korkea veren sokeripitoisuus
  4. tavallisesti haitaton aine aiheuttaa kutinaa

9 Clues: jumiinsaa selän lihaksetIhmisen papilloomaviruslisääntyy hallistsemattomastihengitys vaikenee _kohtauksessatavallisesti haitaton aine aiheuttaa kutinaasairaukia, joiden tekijänä korkea veren sokeripitoisuusyleisempiä vanhoilla ihmisillä, muunmuassa tiedon käsittelyn heikkeneminen...

Nervous System 2023-02-14

Nervous System crossword puzzle
  1. autoimmune disease can cause joint pain
  2. activity without thinking
  3. body not able to process glucose
  4. voluntary movements
  5. cables for the brain
  1. blood vessel bursts
  2. made up of the brain and spinal cord
  3. bodies command center
  4. has two types of systems

9 Clues: blood vessel burstsvoluntary movementscables for the brainbodies command centerhas two types of systemsactivity without thinkingbody not able to process glucosemade up of the brain and spinal cordautoimmune disease can cause joint pain

Childhood Obesity Symptoms 2022-12-09

Childhood Obesity Symptoms crossword puzzle
  1. difficulty in emptying the bowels
  2. BMI between 85th and 94th percentiles
  3. BMI 95th percentile or above
  4. you can get type 2 _____
  1. you can have high ______
  2. you need to change your _______
  3. activity requiring physical effort
  4. Body Mass Index
  5. the loss of body fat
  6. feeling tired or exhausted

10 Clues: Body Mass Indexthe loss of body fatyou can have high ______you can get type 2 _____feeling tired or exhaustedBMI 95th percentile or aboveyou need to change your _______difficulty in emptying the bowelsactivity requiring physical effortBMI between 85th and 94th percentiles

JROTC 2021-04-11

JROTC crossword puzzle
  1. SFC Vild shut down
  2. Area 51 dry lake bed
  3. Wendy Windstock expert at
  4. used for books at Papermill
  5. partial curl ups work
  1. Lake Mead fills this river
  2. muscles can turn to into this
  3. JC Penny provided these
  4. You could pay taxes with
  5. caused by too much sugar

10 Clues: SFC Vild shut downArea 51 dry lake bedpartial curl ups workJC Penny provided theseYou could pay taxes withcaused by too much sugarWendy Windstock expert atLake Mead fills this riverused for books at Papermillmuscles can turn to into this

Woordenschat 'Donderdag Veggiedag' 2015-02-11

Woordenschat 'Donderdag Veggiedag' crossword puzzle
  1. landbouwtak verantwoordelijk voor de productie van vlees
  2. een vetachtige stof
  3. een bepaalde hoeveelheid voeding/drank
  4. een actie die je aanzet tot een handeling
  5. een teveel aan...
  6. een synoniem voor suikerziekte
  1. synoniem voor vervoer
  2. doelmatig, met veel en snel resultaat
  3. over de hele wereld
  4. belangrijke stoffen in je lichaam

10 Clues: een teveel aan...een vetachtige stofover de hele wereldsynoniem voor vervoereen synoniem voor suikerziektebelangrijke stoffen in je lichaamdoelmatig, met veel en snel resultaateen bepaalde hoeveelheid voeding/drankeen actie die je aanzet tot een handelinglandbouwtak verantwoordelijk voor de productie van vlees

Caffeine 2024-01-31

Caffeine crossword puzzle
  1. drug
  2. a less known item to have caffeine
  3. Blooms what?
  4. can reduce risk of this medical condition
  1. mixing energy drinks and alcohol
  2. nervousness, jitteriness
  3. caffeine enhances this type of performance
  4. somebody who is ACTIVE and trying to hurt you
  5. one of the most drank caffeine items
  6. your awesome instructor

10 Clues: drugBlooms what?your awesome instructornervousness, jitterinessmixing energy drinks and alcohola less known item to have caffeineone of the most drank caffeine itemscan reduce risk of this medical conditioncaffeine enhances this type of performancesomebody who is ACTIVE and trying to hurt you


MNB FINAL REVIEW crossword puzzle
  1. acid, prevents neural defects
  2. HPV causes this cancer
  3. reverses opioids
  4. PID prevention
  5. risk of internal monitoring during labor
  6. sensing that the baby has dropped
  7. never been pregnant
  8. one of the 4 "Ps" involving the pelvis
  9. degree of thinning
  10. condom birth control method
  1. organ that supplies food and nutrients and excretes waste
  2. first fetal movements
  3. block, local anesthetic blocks nerve pathways
  4. diabetes, second trimester contains glucose
  5. period 2 weeks late, tired with n/v
  6. heartbeat, confirm pregnancy
  7. phase at which to ph the fetal scalp
  8. distress, newborn risk if opioid given close to delivery

18 Clues: PID preventionreverses opioidsdegree of thinningnever been pregnantfirst fetal movementsHPV causes this cancercondom birth control methodheartbeat, confirm pregnancyacid, prevents neural defectssensing that the baby has droppedperiod 2 weeks late, tired with n/vphase at which to ph the fetal scalpone of the 4 "Ps" involving the pelvis...

HOMEOSTASIS 2022-11-02

HOMEOSTASIS crossword puzzle
  1. hormone in plants
  2. a change which initiates a response
  3. detects a stimulus
  4. a hormone to absorb maximum water
  5. move through pumps by active transport
  6. sensory neurone in hypothalamus
  7. a condition where blood glucose remains high
  8. hormone to lower blood glucose level
  9. organ to produce insulin
  1. a device to measure blood glucose
  2. formation of urine in Bowman's
  3. glycogen breaks down to glucose
  4. urine stored temporarily
  5. carries urine from kidney to bladder
  6. production of urea
  7. coenzyme to activate protein kinase A
  8. movement of water molecules
  9. removal of amino group

18 Clues: hormone in plantsproduction of ureadetects a stimulusremoval of amino groupurine stored temporarilyorgan to produce insulinmovement of water moleculesformation of urine in Bowman'sglycogen breaks down to glucosesensory neurone in hypothalamusa device to measure blood glucosea hormone to absorb maximum watera change which initiates a response...

biologi 2023-05-17

biologi crossword puzzle
  1. kelenjar adrenal terletak di atas
  2. hormon androgen yang paling penting pada pria
  3. sel - sel yang terdapat pada pulau pankreas
  4. nama lain kelenjar timus
  5. organ reproduksi eksternal wanita
  6. hormon yang dihasilkan kelenjar timus
  7. hormon tsh terdapat pada kelenjar
  8. kelenjar adrenal memproduksi hormon
  9. fungsi hormon paratiroid mengatur
  1. diabetes melitus disebabkan karena kekurangan hormon
  2. letak kelenjar tiroid
  3. hormon yang dihasilkan oleh folikel de graaf
  4. tumor yang dapat berkembang pada kelenjar tiroid
  5. selain insulin, pankreas menghasilkan
  6. gangguan karena kelebihan hormon dari timus
  7. berapa jumlah kelenjar paratiroid dalam tubuh
  8. kelenjar kelamin pada pria
  9. kelenjar tiroid menghasilkan hormon
  10. hormon acth terdapat pada kelenjar

19 Clues: letak kelenjar tiroidnama lain kelenjar timuskelenjar kelamin pada priakelenjar adrenal terletak di atasorgan reproduksi eksternal wanitahormon tsh terdapat pada kelenjarfungsi hormon paratiroid mengaturhormon acth terdapat pada kelenjarkelenjar tiroid menghasilkan hormonkelenjar adrenal memproduksi hormonselain insulin, pankreas menghasilkan...

Medical Spanish: Disease States 2015-01-23

Medical Spanish: Disease States crossword puzzle
  1. La presion 160/110
  2. Causado por una infeccion viral
  3. Para que es el acetaminofeno?
  4. Dos o mas convulsions es diagnostico de
  5. Tos productiva, fiebre, flema, pleuresia, taquicardia, crepitaciones
  6. Carafate es para las
  7. El medicamento ibuprofeno es para
  8. Alka-Seltzer es para
  9. Dolor en las manos
  1. Riesgo trabajando el las minas
  2. Simptoma de sinusitis
  3. Robitussin es para la
  4. El sidnificado de H1Ac >9%
  5. Antibiotico para el sifilis
  6. Problema de leucocitos
  7. En Abril pueden inducer una allergia
  8. el paciente tiene fiebre, esto puede indicar
  9. Significado de Hbg <10

18 Clues: La presion 160/110Dolor en las manosCarafate es para lasAlka-Seltzer es paraSimptoma de sinusitisRobitussin es para laProblema de leucocitosSignificado de Hbg <10El sidnificado de H1Ac >9%Antibiotico para el sifilisPara que es el acetaminofeno?Riesgo trabajando el las minasCausado por una infeccion viralEl medicamento ibuprofeno es para...

Chapter 12 2023-08-22

Chapter 12 crossword puzzle
  1. Helps your body use sugar for energy
  2. insufficient
  3. eating too much
  4. provide nourishments
  1. lack of proper nutrition
  2. help for food
  3. of energy and nutrients
  4. occurs when blood sugar is too high

8 Clues: insufficienthelp for foodeating too muchprovide nourishmentsof energy and nutrientslack of proper nutritionoccurs when blood sugar is too highHelps your body use sugar for energy

QMA Lesson 21 2023-07-25

QMA Lesson 21 crossword puzzle
  1. Low blood sugar
  2. Thyroid hormone
  3. Produces enzymes that aid in digestion and insulin
  4. Breaks down carbohydrates
  5. Released when blood sugar levels are low
  6. Medication that can raise blood sugar level
  7. Administer 30 minutes before meal
  1. Failure of pancreas to produce insulin
  2. Substance needed to make thyroid hormones
  3. Breaks down protein
  4. Breaks down fats
  5. High blood sugar
  6. Cells are starved of glucose and start to break down fats for energy
  7. Master gland

14 Clues: Master glandLow blood sugarThyroid hormoneBreaks down fatsHigh blood sugarBreaks down proteinBreaks down carbohydratesAdminister 30 minutes before mealFailure of pancreas to produce insulinReleased when blood sugar levels are lowSubstance needed to make thyroid hormonesMedication that can raise blood sugar level...

Hoe overleeft Rosa in New York? 2021-11-14

Hoe overleeft Rosa in New York? crossword puzzle
  1. Welke ziekte heeft Rosa?
  2. Rosa wil de ...academie doen.
  3. IN welke stad woont Neuz?
  4. Rosa heeft een ...test gedaan.
  5. Neuz werkt in een ...
  6. In welk land werkt Bob?
  1. Welke voertuig neemt Rosa naar New York?
  2. Waar lift Neuz naar toe?
  3. Waar gaat Rosa naartoe met het vliegtuig?
  4. Welk huisdier heeft Vita?
  5. Met welk voorwerp verwonde vita zich?
  6. Via welk platvorm communiceert Rosa met haar vrienden.
  7. Rosa is ... jaar.
  8. Vita slaapt altijd tot ... uur.

14 Clues: Rosa is ... jaar.Neuz werkt in een ...In welk land werkt Bob?Waar lift Neuz naar toe?Welke ziekte heeft Rosa?Welk huisdier heeft Vita?IN welke stad woont Neuz?Rosa wil de ...academie doen.Rosa heeft een ...test gedaan.Vita slaapt altijd tot ... uur.Met welk voorwerp verwonde vita zich?Welke voertuig neemt Rosa naar New York?...

BE HEALTHY 2022-11-10

BE HEALTHY crossword puzzle
  1. Form of aerobic exercise
  2. Responsible for making insulin
  3. Abbreviation for Dietary Approaches to Stop
  4. Physical activity for better health
  5. Another name of high blood pressure
  6. Another name of salt
  7. Low blood sugar
  8. One of the simplest forms of sugar
  1. A type of fat
  2. Hormone for blood sugar regulation
  3. Diabetic patients have to count before eating
  4. Found in food and known to cause gout
  5. Specialist in nutrition
  6. Risk factor of diabetes

14 Clues: A type of fatLow blood sugarAnother name of saltSpecialist in nutritionRisk factor of diabetesForm of aerobic exerciseResponsible for making insulinHormone for blood sugar regulationOne of the simplest forms of sugarPhysical activity for better healthAnother name of high blood pressureFound in food and known to cause gout...

Random Crossword #2 2024-03-23

Random Crossword #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Sohail's youngest child
  2. Athar went to school in this southern CA city
  3. Sara Lee makes delicious ___ cake
  4. Black tea popular in South Asia
  5. She's a chaplain at a hospital
  6. Usman's wife
  7. Anees's sister
  1. American crime drama about a homicide detective
  2. Asma's daughter
  3. He participates in bike rides that raise money for diabetes research
  4. Fyrdose will attend college in this city
  5. She bakes beautiful, delicious cakes
  6. Local masjid
  7. Second youngest Siddiqee grandchild

14 Clues: Local masjidUsman's wifeAnees's sisterAsma's daughterSohail's youngest childShe's a chaplain at a hospitalBlack tea popular in South AsiaSara Lee makes delicious ___ cakeSecond youngest Siddiqee grandchildShe bakes beautiful, delicious cakesFyrdose will attend college in this cityAthar went to school in this southern CA city...

SNPhA Crossword 2015-12-09

SNPhA Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Current SNPhA National President
  2. Acronym for points
  3. "____ is a virtue"
  4. Where the first SNPhA meeting was held
  5. Region I and II conference location
  6. This crossword is located in the ____
  1. The act of helping others
  2. Wellbeing
  3. SNPhA's target population
  4. Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, immunizations, stroke, Chronic Kidney Disease and legislation are example of...
  5. SNPhA National conference location
  6. RPh
  7. Theme for this newsletter
  8. The host of the Region III, IV, & V Conference in "The Land”

14 Clues: RPhWellbeingAcronym for points"____ is a virtue"The act of helping othersSNPhA's target populationTheme for this newsletterCurrent SNPhA National PresidentSNPhA National conference locationRegion I and II conference locationThis crossword is located in the ____Where the first SNPhA meeting was held...

chapter 5 2023-11-21

chapter 5 crossword puzzle
  1. the metabolism part of pharmacokinetics
  2. dosage form is ideal for a patient who is vomiting
  3. where an otic medication would be placed
  4. into a muscle
  5. to prevent blood clots
  6. to treat emergency asthma attacks or allergic reactions
  7. a topical dermal product
  8. a method for delivering a large amount of fluid
  1. into the skin
  2. to treat migraines
  3. under the skin
  4. into a vein
  5. a type of liquid dosage form is hydroalcoholic
  6. to treat diabetes

14 Clues: into a veininto the skininto a muscleunder the skinto treat diabetesto treat migrainesto prevent blood clotsa topical dermal productthe metabolism part of pharmacokineticswhere an otic medication would be placeda type of liquid dosage form is hydroalcoholica method for delivering a large amount of fluid...

Endocrine System 2020-12-10

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. a condition caused by insufficient insulin Hormone.
  2. secreates insulin
  3. A condition caused by deficiency of throxin
  4. controlled the secondary sexual characters in males.
  5. by ovaries.
  1. called master gland.
  2. called the emergency hormone
  3. butterfly shaped gland in the neck
  4. hormone

9 Clues: hormoneby ovaries.secreates insulincalled master gland.called the emergency hormonebutterfly shaped gland in the neckA condition caused by deficiency of throxina condition caused by insufficient insulin Hormone.controlled the secondary sexual characters in males.

Penyakit Tidak Menular (Puskesmas Tempel 1) 2022-11-18

Penyakit Tidak Menular (Puskesmas Tempel 1) crossword puzzle
  1. Dekatnya Turi dan Sleman
  2. Terlalu banyak konsumsi minuman manis menyebabkan
  3. Leukimia
  4. Negara yang penduduknya berumur panjang
  1. Zat dalam rokok
  2. Individu dengan usia 12-18 tahun
  3. Kebiasaan orang yang malas gerak
  4. Asuransi Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN)
  5. Penyakit menular, diinfeksi oleh

9 Clues: LeukimiaZat dalam rokokDekatnya Turi dan SlemanIndividu dengan usia 12-18 tahunKebiasaan orang yang malas gerakPenyakit menular, diinfeksi olehNegara yang penduduknya berumur panjangAsuransi Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN)Terlalu banyak konsumsi minuman manis menyebabkan

Fat america 2020-05-21

Fat america crossword puzzle
  1. pumps blood.
  2. ongoing pandemic.
  3. this can increase with weight gain.
  4. The title of the presentation.
  5. percentage of obese people in a group of 700 million.
  6. what does obesity reduce?
  1. a food you can eat at mcdonalds.
  2. is obesity topical?
  3. the disease mentioned.
  4. can get from genetics or complications.
  5. a hormone diabetic people dont produce

11 Clues: pumps blood.ongoing pandemic.is obesity topical?the disease mentioned.what does obesity reduce?The title of the presentation.a food you can eat at mcdonalds.this can increase with weight gain.a hormone diabetic people dont producecan get from genetics or complications.percentage of obese people in a group of 700 million.

vet 2017-01-19

vet crossword puzzle
  1. aldf;la a alfdaad;a
  2. lakjdf; a;fja fljafj
  3. aj;j ajj ajj
  4. aj;df a;l allj a
  5. ajb; a a a a a
  1. ajdf;af aa aj;j;j
  2. aklj;jal alja al;j
  3. lakjdf al;jkjl a
  4. asd;jf alfj alfda;js
  5. laf;ja aldfa aladjl
  6. aj;dflaj aldfja flaj

11 Clues: aj;j ajj ajjajb; a a a a alakjdf al;jkjl aaj;df a;l allj aajdf;af aa aj;j;jaklj;jal alja al;jaldf;la a alfdaad;alaf;ja aldfa aladjllakjdf; a;fja fljafjasd;jf alfj alfda;jsaj;dflaj aldfja flaj

Endocrine System 2022-04-24

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. chemical substances that act like messenger
  2. regulates calcium/phosphorus metabolism
  3. utilization of glucose
  4. creates melatonin
  5. controls rate of metabolism
  6. secretes substances for use in the body
  1. stimulates cells or tissues into action
  2. glands that secrete products through ducts
  3. when your blood glucose is too high
  4. study of endocrine glands and hormones.
  5. where medical treatment is provided

11 Clues: creates melatoninutilization of glucosecontrols rate of metabolismwhen your blood glucose is too highwhere medical treatment is providedstimulates cells or tissues into actionregulates calcium/phosphorus metabolismstudy of endocrine glands and hormones.secretes substances for use in the bodyglands that secrete products through ducts...

(0_0) 2022-03-08

(0_0) crossword puzzle
  1. C shape
  2. oxygen sacks
  3. has your tongue in
  4. tube from windpipe to lungs
  5. affects how body turns food into sugar
  1. when cells grow uncontrollably
  2. muscle that helps you breath
  3. mega sacks

8 Clues: C shapemega sacksoxygen sackshas your tongue intube from windpipe to lungsmuscle that helps you breathwhen cells grow uncontrollablyaffects how body turns food into sugar

Hoe overleeft Rosa in New York? 2021-11-14

Hoe overleeft Rosa in New York? crossword puzzle
  1. Welke ziekte heeft Rosa?
  2. Rosa wil de ...academie doen.
  3. In welke stad woont Neuz?
  4. Rosa heeft een ...test gedaan.
  5. Neuz werkt in een...
  6. In welk land werkt Bob?
  1. Welk voertuig neemt Rosa naar New York?
  2. Waar lift Neuz naartoe?
  3. Waar gaat Rosa naartoe met het vliegtuig?
  4. Welk huisdier heeft Vita?
  5. Met welk voorwerp verwondde vita zich?
  6. Via welk platvorm communiceert Rosa met haar vrienden?
  7. Rosa is ... jaar.
  8. Vita slaapt altijd tot ... uur.

14 Clues: Rosa is ... jaar.Neuz werkt in een...Waar lift Neuz naartoe?In welk land werkt Bob?Welke ziekte heeft Rosa?Welk huisdier heeft Vita?In welke stad woont Neuz?Rosa wil de ...academie doen.Rosa heeft een ...test gedaan.Vita slaapt altijd tot ... uur.Met welk voorwerp verwondde vita zich?Welk voertuig neemt Rosa naar New York?...

Metabolism 2022-12-06

Metabolism crossword puzzle
  1. Condition where sugar is high in blood.
  2. The action of taking in oxygen.
  3. organ that aides in digestion.
  4. Biproduct of meat.
  5. Gas that is exhaled.
  6. Gas needed for cellular respiration.
  1. Molecules needed for creation of energy.
  2. Catalyst that breaks down food
  3. Substances used to aid in athletic performance
  4. Biproduct of energy being made.
  5. Breaks down from Protein.
  6. Moods that break down to glucose.
  7. Where energy is made.
  8. Condition where alveoli are restricted.

14 Clues: Biproduct of meat.Gas that is exhaled.Where energy is made.Breaks down from Protein.Catalyst that breaks down foodorgan that aides in digestion.Biproduct of energy being made.The action of taking in oxygen.Moods that break down to glucose.Gas needed for cellular respiration.Condition where sugar is high in blood....

Miles 2023-02-28

Miles crossword puzzle
  1. _______ eating all the pizza.
  2. ______ eating that pizza?
  3. I eat ___ Pieces of pizza.
  4. I love __ eat food.
  5. The ______ of overeating pizza is diabetes.
  6. The pizza place is over _____.
  7. The pizza got ___ pepperoni bit off.
  1. ____ the best pizza place ever!
  2. _____ pizza is that?
  3. I love to eat food ___.
  4. This pizza has ______ my life forever.
  5. I have eaten pizza since way back ____.
  6. _____ house is the best place to eat pizza.
  7. That pizza is better ____ that one.

14 Clues: I love __ eat food._____ pizza is that?I love to eat food ___.______ eating that pizza?I eat ___ Pieces of pizza._______ eating all the pizza.The pizza place is over _____.____ the best pizza place ever!That pizza is better ____ that one.The pizza got ___ pepperoni bit off.This pizza has ______ my life forever....

voortplanting 2024-05-03

voortplanting crossword puzzle
  1. 10 weken na bevruchting (minimensje)
  2. samenhangend geheel van cellen met mensenpotentie
  3. mannelijk voortplantingscel
  4. heeft chromosoom 21 drie keer
  5. mannelijk klier die de sperma of urine-uitvoer regelt
  6. buis met bloedvaten en voedingstoffen
  1. afbeelding van inwendige lichaam
  2. ziekte waardoor er te veel glucose in het bloed aanwezig is
  3. ...straling, straling met hoge energieinhoud
  4. lichaamsvreemde stoffen
  5. ...verhoogd het risico op complicaties
  6. snede in de buik om het kind te bevrijden
  7. gelukhormoon
  8. ernstige vorm van overgewicht

14 Clues: gelukhormoonlichaamsvreemde stoffenmannelijk voortplantingscelheeft chromosoom 21 drie keerernstige vorm van overgewichtafbeelding van inwendige lichaam10 weken na bevruchting (minimensje)buis met bloedvaten en voedingstoffen...verhoogd het risico op complicatiessnede in de buik om het kind te bevrijden...straling, straling met hoge energieinhoud...

Medtronic 2023-08-10

Medtronic crossword puzzle
  1. Device that delivers insulin
  2. CGM used with a pump
  3. Standalone CGM
  4. Sends readings to pump or phone
  5. Steel needle
  6. 30-45 degree angle
  7. Used in the pump to help manage diabetes
  1. Part of the CGM system that attaches to the skin
  2. 90 degree angle, with serter or manual insertion
  3. Good for patients with needle anxiety
  4. Newest infusion set
  5. Connects patient to pump
  6. Holds insulin
  7. Pump and CGM that work together

14 Clues: Steel needleHolds insulinStandalone CGM30-45 degree angleNewest infusion setCGM used with a pumpConnects patient to pumpDevice that delivers insulinSends readings to pump or phonePump and CGM that work togetherGood for patients with needle anxietyUsed in the pump to help manage diabetesPart of the CGM system that attaches to the skin...

Patinas track life 2024-05-15

Patinas track life crossword puzzle
  1. What place she got
  2. What are Lu,patina,sunny,ghost
  3. Patina’s personality
  4. word to describe someone who wants to win
  5. Her beliefs in
  6. What are sunny lu and Ghost to each other
  7. what coach whitt made patina's group do
  1. What patina felt after she got 2nd place
  2. How her mom lost her legs
  3. The sport patina plays
  4. Who is patina towards maddy
  5. The color of the cupcakes from her dads recipe
  6. Her motivation
  7. mom The real reason she runs
  8. Who she lost

15 Clues: Who she lostHer motivationHer beliefs inWhat place she gotPatina’s personalityThe sport patina playsHow her mom lost her legsWho is patina towards maddyWhat are Lu,patina,sunny,ghostmom The real reason she runswhat coach whitt made patina's group doWhat patina felt after she got 2nd placeword to describe someone who wants to win...

Um vírus incomoda muita gente 2022-09-01

Um vírus incomoda muita gente crossword puzzle
  1. aumento da doença espalhadas por muitos países
  2. antiga doença causada pelas pulgas
  3. causadas por bactérias, vírus ou parasitas
  4. vírus comum causado pela proximidade com as pessoas
  5. método para impedir que o vírus circule
  6. doença com baixa imunidade
  7. transmitida, principalmente, por via sexual
  8. causada por mosquitos
  1. medicamento usado contra as bactérias
  2. medicamento utilizado contra o vírus
  3. infecção nos pulmões
  4. doença conhecida na época dos faraós
  5. aumento da doença numa determinada região
  6. utilizado para higienize

14 Clues: infecção nos pulmõescausada por mosquitosutilizado para higienizedoença com baixa imunidadeantiga doença causada pelas pulgasmedicamento utilizado contra o vírusdoença conhecida na época dos faraósmedicamento usado contra as bactériasmétodo para impedir que o vírus circuleaumento da doença numa determinada região...

SahajaYoga Game 2020-04-03

SahajaYoga Game crossword puzzle
  1. Overactive chakra causes diabetes
  2. Nabhi Chakra quality
  3. looks after right Mooladhara
  4. This always help to cool down attention.
  5. Mothers palace in Italy.
  6. Use For shoe beating.
  1. Shri Krishna's sister.
  2. Worshipped on a day in mid January
  3. Seat of attention in our body.
  4. I am shiva
  5. Pilgrim at the seashore
  6. Can be used to to treat Left side imbalances
  7. This substance is related to footsoaking
  8. Sahaja yoga international health center is located here.

14 Clues: I am shivaNabhi Chakra qualityUse For shoe beating.Shri Krishna's sister.Pilgrim at the seashoreMothers palace in Italy.looks after right MooladharaSeat of attention in our body.Overactive chakra causes diabetesWorshipped on a day in mid JanuaryThis always help to cool down attention.This substance is related to footsoaking...