earth day Crossword Puzzles

The Beginning of Time 2018-03-08

The Beginning of Time crossword puzzle
  1. Adam and Eve took a bite
  2. The first Book of the Bible
  3. Adam's wife
  4. Adam's first son
  5. God gave this to man over all the earth
  6. God called this "Day"
  7. God made this on the second day
  8. The first day,God created the heavens and the...
  1. Son killed by Cain
  2. God said it is not good for a man to be
  3. Author of Genesis
  4. Was cursed by God
  5. Snake that tempted Eve
  6. The first man created by God
  7. God made the sun, moon, and stars on this day
  8. The day God created male and female
  9. The serpent had to crawl on this
  10. Garden where Adam and Eve lived
  11. Adam's third son
  12. Eve was made from Adam's

20 Clues: Adam's wifeAdam's first sonAdam's third sonAuthor of GenesisWas cursed by GodSon killed by CainGod called this "Day"Snake that tempted EveAdam and Eve took a biteEve was made from Adam'sThe first Book of the BibleThe first man created by GodGod made this on the second dayGarden where Adam and Eve livedThe serpent had to crawl on this...

Earth Day 2019 2019-04-17

Earth Day 2019 crossword puzzle
  1. Waste Powder goes to _____ use
  2. Sturgis process water treatment site
  3. Sponsored Adopt-A-Highway
  4. GEH&S reduction achieved
  5. EH&S Initiatives
  6. Blue Bins
  7. Single Stream Bin color
  1. Mixing of waste stream items
  2. Environmentally unfriendly solution for waste
  3. ZWL site
  4. Everyone's involvement option
  5. GEH&S goal not on track
  6. Recently banned import of waste
  7. A Core EH&S Focus
  8. Cardboard Bin color

15 Clues: ZWL siteBlue BinsEH&S InitiativesA Core EH&S FocusCardboard Bin colorGEH&S goal not on trackSingle Stream Bin colorGEH&S reduction achievedSponsored Adopt-A-HighwayMixing of waste stream itemsEveryone's involvement optionWaste Powder goes to _____ useRecently banned import of wasteSturgis process water treatment site...

Earth Day Vocabulary 2022-05-02

Earth Day Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. growing plants
  2. to become too hot
  3. Coal, oil, natural gas, and other fuels that are ancient remains of plants and animals.
  4. planting trees to replenish those cut down
  5. involving many countries around the world
  6. an organized, public display of disapproval
  7. to use something differently instead of throwing it away
  1. environmental damage by one person
  2. to harm
  3. harmful substance that affect the environment
  4. prepared food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises
  5. relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition
  6. to care for, to prevent damage
  7. the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism
  8. to use something again

15 Clues: to harmgrowing plantsto become too hotto use something againto care for, to prevent damageenvironmental damage by one personinvolving many countries around the worldplanting trees to replenish those cut downan organized, public display of disapprovalharmful substance that affect the environment...

Earth day crossword!!! 2024-04-25

Earth day crossword!!! crossword puzzle
  1. every organism on earth needs this liquid to survive
  2. The first layer of the earth
  3. Makes up 71% of earth
  4. CO2 and other types of human waste that destroy the earth
  5. The third layer of earth
  6. The second layer of the earth
  7. The fourth layer of earth
  8. We breath this in
  1. Another word for natural
  2. to protect or save
  3. One of the layers of our atmosphere
  4. Third planet from the sun
  5. There are seven of these landmasses on earth
  6. The opposite of artificial
  7. A florist sells these

15 Clues: We breath this into protect or saveMakes up 71% of earthA florist sells theseAnother word for naturalThe third layer of earthThird planet from the sunThe fourth layer of earthThe opposite of artificialThe first layer of the earthThe second layer of the earthOne of the layers of our atmosphereThere are seven of these landmasses on earth...

Earth Day Crossword 2024-04-18

Earth Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The destruction of earth's trees.
  2. A place where garbage is hauled and burned
  3. Resources that can be replenished or replaced through careful management.
  4. Please put your trash in the trash can. Don't ____.
  5. A popular color on Earth Day
  6. Turns fruit and vegetable waste into rich soil for gardening
  7. What we are here to celebrate (two words)
  1. Turning off lights helps conserve ______.
  2. Using a resource in such a way that it is not depleted or damaged
  3. Raw materials supplied by nature. (Two words.)
  4. To contaminate the environment with man-made waste
  5. Many people plant these on Earth Day
  6. Chemicals, industrial waste, and sewage are often allowed streams, rivers, oceans, polluting this
  7. A place where garbage is hauled and buried
  8. To use less

15 Clues: To use lessA popular color on Earth DayThe destruction of earth's trees.Many people plant these on Earth DayTurning off lights helps conserve ______.What we are here to celebrate (two words)A place where garbage is hauled and burnedA place where garbage is hauled and buriedRaw materials supplied by nature. (Two words.)...

The Beginning of Time 2018-03-08

The Beginning of Time crossword puzzle
  1. Son killed by Cain
  2. God called this "Day"
  3. The first day,God created the heavens and the...
  4. Was cursed by God
  5. Adam and Eve took a bite
  6. Snake that tempted Eve
  7. Author of Genesis
  8. God made the sun, moon, and stars on this day
  9. Adam's first son
  1. Adam's wife
  2. The serpent had to crawl on this
  3. Adam's third son
  4. God made this on the second day
  5. God said it is not good for a man to be
  6. The first Book of the Bible
  7. God gave this to man over all the earth
  8. The first man created by God
  9. The day God created male and female
  10. Eve was made from Adam's
  11. Garden where Adam and Eve lived

20 Clues: Adam's wifeAdam's third sonAdam's first sonWas cursed by GodAuthor of GenesisSon killed by CainGod called this "Day"Snake that tempted EveAdam and Eve took a biteEve was made from Adam'sThe first Book of the BibleThe first man created by GodGod made this on the second dayGarden where Adam and Eve livedThe serpent had to crawl on this...

genesis 1 2021-02-22

genesis 1 crossword puzzle
  1. God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters _________ the waters.
  2. / And the evening and the morning were the _________ day.
  3. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the _________ and the morning were the second day.
  4. And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered _________ unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
  5. And God saw the light, that it was _________: and God divided the light from the darkness.
  6. And to every beast of the earth, and to _________ fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
  7. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called _________. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
  8. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was _________ the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
  9. And God _________ the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
  10. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose _________ is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
  11. And God _________, Let there be light: and there was light.
  12. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, _________ their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
  13. And God made the _________, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
  1. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and _________, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
  2. In the _________ God created the heaven and the earth.
  3. And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw _________ it was good.
  4. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have _________ over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
  5. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the _________ of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
  6. And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the _________ to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
  7. And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was _________ good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
  8. And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to _________ light upon the earth: and it was so.
  9. And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living _________ after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
  10. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion _________ the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
  11. the evening and the _________ were the fourth day.
  12. And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly _________ the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
  13. And the earth brought forth _________, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
  14. And the evening and the morning were the _________ day.
  15. And God _________ the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
  16. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to _________ the night: he made the stars also.
  17. So God _________ man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
  18. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the _________,

31 Clues: the evening and the _________ were the fourth day.In the _________ God created the heaven and the earth.And the evening and the morning were the _________ day.And God _________, Let there be light: and there was light./ And the evening and the morning were the _________ day....

White Stars Astronomy 2017-04-10

White Stars Astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. revealed as ebb and flow of water on beaches and banks- 2 high and two low each day
  2. visible moon between quarter moon and full moon- almost full
  3. visible moon between the new and quarter moons
  4. study of the stars, ancient study of influence of stars of human life
  5. constellations on the ecliptic
  6. path sun appears to travel around the earth, zodiac constellations found here
  7. one half of the imaginary line that divides the earth in eastern and western hemispheres
  8. knowledge and laws of the stars, modern science of cosmos
  9. time it takes for a planet to complete one full orbit around the sun
  10. moon fully illuminated
  11. = sun stands, when sun appears to stand still in heavenns; longest day in summer and longest nights in winter
  12. imaginary points on and line through the earth around which it rotates
  13. no moon visible
  14. time it takes for moon to complete one full orbit around the earth
  1. move around the sun, orbit
  2. to move around an axis
  3. surrounding the pole star
  4. pull of sun on earth, of earth on us, of moon on water on earth
  5. = half sphere of earth
  6. highest high tides and lowest low tides due to alignment of sun and moon with earth
  7. attractive force exerted by anything with mass
  8. another name for the north star
  9. lowest low and high tides due to moon and sun being at 90 degrees form each other in relationship to the earth.
  10. imaginary line the divides northern and southern hemispheres of earth
  11. time it takes for a planet to rotate on its axis
  12. = equal night, time when days and night are equal length
  13. getting smaller, dimmer
  14. getting bigger, brighter

28 Clues: no moon visibleto move around an axis= half sphere of earthmoon fully illuminatedgetting smaller, dimmergetting bigger, brightersurrounding the pole starmove around the sun, orbitconstellations on the eclipticanother name for the north starvisible moon between the new and quarter moonsattractive force exerted by anything with mass...

The Beginning of Time 2018-03-08

The Beginning of Time crossword puzzle
  1. Adam and Eve took a bite
  2. The first Book of the Bible
  3. Adam's wife
  4. Adam's first son
  5. God gave this to man over all the earth
  6. God called this "Day"
  7. God made this on the second day
  8. The first day,God created the heavens and the...
  1. Son killed by Cain
  2. God said it is not good for a man to be
  3. Author of Genesis
  4. Was cursed by God
  5. Snake that tempted Eve
  6. The first man created by God
  7. God made the sun, moon, and stars on this day
  8. The day God created male and female
  9. The serpent had to crawl on this
  10. Garden where Adam and Eve lived
  11. Adam's third son
  12. Eve was made from Adam's

20 Clues: Adam's wifeAdam's first sonAdam's third sonAuthor of GenesisWas cursed by GodSon killed by CainGod called this "Day"Snake that tempted EveAdam and Eve took a biteEve was made from Adam'sThe first Book of the BibleThe first man created by GodGod made this on the second dayGarden where Adam and Eve livedThe serpent had to crawl on this...

The Moving Earth 2023-09-15

The Moving Earth crossword puzzle
  1. an imaginary pole that the Earth spins around
  2. time of day when the Sun appears to go up
  3. time of day when Earth faces the Sun
  4. another word for movement
  5. a photo that shows stars appearing to move in circles
  6. the real name of the North Star
  7. time of day when Earth does not face the Sun
  8. the number of hours in a day
  1. an astronomer from the 1400s
  2. another word for spinning
  3. an astronomer from the 1500s
  4. a machine launched into space to take photos
  5. a person who travels to outer space
  6. a word that means one full circle around the Sun
  7. the path that a planet travels on
  8. time of day when the Sun appears to go down

16 Clues: another word for spinninganother word for movementan astronomer from the 1400san astronomer from the 1500sthe number of hours in a daythe real name of the North Starthe path that a planet travels ona person who travels to outer spacetime of day when Earth faces the Suntime of day when the Sun appears to go up...

Astronomy 2022-05-04

Astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. line of latitude in southern hemisphere; 23.5 degrees
  2. Sun shines on a tropic, depending on tilt and revolution during the year, “sun stands still”
  3. position of Earth around the sun
  4. turning around another object (1 Earth revolution = 365 1/4 days)
  5. an imaginary line through the center of Earth (or another planet)
  6. longitude line that runs through Greenwich, England; 0 degrees
  7. First day of Autumn, equal daylight and night time, sun shines on the Equator
  8. turning on an axis (1 Earth rotation = 24 hours)
  9. autumn and spring; the sun's rays are directed on the Equator giving equal amounts of daylight and darkness
  10. lines that run east/west on the globe ex. Equator longitude lines that run north/south on the globe ex.
  11. Sun shines on the equator, occurs twice a year, “equal night”
  1. First day of Summer, the longest day of sunlight, the sun shines on the Tropic of Cancer
  2. is the study of galaxies, stars, planets, and other celestial objects
  3. line of latitude in northern hemisphere; 23.5 degrees
  4. First day of Spring, equal daylight and night time, sun shines on the Equator
  5. First day of winter, shortest day of sunlight, sun shines on the Tropic of Capricorn
  6. long of longitude where each day begins; 180 degrees

17 Clues: position of Earth around the sunturning on an axis (1 Earth rotation = 24 hours)long of longitude where each day begins; 180 degreesline of latitude in southern hemisphere; 23.5 degreesline of latitude in northern hemisphere; 23.5 degreesSun shines on the equator, occurs twice a year, “equal night”...

GD Science Project - Gisele 2023-02-15

GD Science Project - Gisele crossword puzzle
  1. The ___________ hours that Earth takes to make one full rotation is equal to 1 day.
  2. The change in Earth's distance between the Sun does NOT create ________.
  3. Waxes grows, _____ shrinks.
  4. Shadows also gradually change _________ throughout the day.
  5. Seasons are caused by direct or __________ rays.
  6. Throughout the day, the Sun appears to move from ____ to west across the sky.
  7. The sun always illuminates one half of the Moon's surface, but the portion visible from Earth varies as the Moon ______ around Earth on its orbit.
  8. The ______ cycle between new moon, waxing crescent, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, waning crescent.
  9. The size of stars can appear ______ the closer they are to Earth.
  1. Groton-Dunstable's mascot
  2. An object must be very _______ to pull hard enough on objects to cause a change.
  3. When it is ____, the part of Earth you are on faces toward the Sun.
  4. _______ is a pull force that pulls objects to the center of Earth.
  5. Your changing shadow is caused by Earth's _________.
  6. Distances between Earth and stars are called _______.
  7. The farther an object is away from Earth, the ________ the force of Gravity is on them.
  8. Giant balls of gas that produce their own light and heat energy.
  9. We get direct rays during __________.
  10. Earth's ____ is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees.

19 Clues: Groton-Dunstable's mascotWaxes grows, _____ shrinks.We get direct rays during __________.Seasons are caused by direct or __________ rays.Earth's ____ is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees.Your changing shadow is caused by Earth's _________.Distances between Earth and stars are called _______....

RECYCLING IS FUN! 2021-02-24

RECYCLING IS FUN! crossword puzzle
  1. air, clean water,
  2. recycle,
  3. geothermal,
  4. soil,
  5. reuse,
  6. decompose,
  7. layer, paper,
  8. wind
  9. worms, energy,
  1. fuel,
  2. cardboard,
  3. ores,
  4. metal,
  5. landfill,
  6. trash,
  7. bottles,
  8. healthy,
  9. fauna,
  10. earth day,

19 Clues: windfuel,ores,soil,metal,trash,fauna,reuse,recycle,bottles,healthy,landfill,cardboard,earth day,decompose,geothermal,layer, paper,worms, energy,air, clean water,

Earth Day- ACG 2024 2024-04-02

Earth Day- ACG 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. this shines in the sky and radiates heat
  2. what you should do with unwanted bottles or plastic
  3. our planet
  4. a large body of water
  5. water is often packaged in this recyclable material
  6. turning off the lights helps conserve ______
  7. earth is our _______
  8. instead of making the earth dirty, we should keep it _______
  9. a clear, healthy liquid we drink
  10. april 22nd is...
  1. what some soda comes in that can be recycled
  2. dirt used when planting flowers
  3. the air we breathe
  4. to use again
  5. many people plant these on earth day
  6. warming of the planet is called _____ change
  7. unwanted garbage on the ground is called ____
  8. this color is associated with taking care of the planet
  9. this type of electricity uses energy from sunlight
  10. the month earth day is in

20 Clues: our planetto use againapril 22nd is...the air we breatheearth is our _______a large body of waterthe month earth day is indirt used when planting flowersa clear, healthy liquid we drinkmany people plant these on earth daythis shines in the sky and radiates heatwhat some soda comes in that can be recycledwarming of the planet is called _____ change...

Revision 2023-11-03

Revision crossword puzzle
  1. horizontal lines on earth
  2. longest latitude
  3. longest and shortest day
  4. Earth orbiting Sun
  1. elongated circle
  2. vertical lines on earth
  3. equal day and night
  4. moon sun and earth in line
  5. tilted on 23.5 degrees
  6. half of a sphere
  7. the curved path of celestial body
  8. extreme points on earth

12 Clues: elongated circlehalf of a spherelongest latitudeEarth orbiting Sunequal day and nighttilted on 23.5 degreesvertical lines on earthextreme points on earthlongest and shortest dayhorizontal lines on earthmoon sun and earth in linethe curved path of celestial body

space puzzle 2022-02-16

space puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. For _____ hours of the day, our side of the Earth faces the sun. This causes shadows.
  2. The Earth is spinning on an axis. This is what causes ____ and night.
  3. The Earth ____ around the sun
  4. The sun is a _____ sized star. constellations Stars form clusters called ______.
  5. It takes the Earth ________ hours to do one rotation on its axis.
  6. The pull of gravity is called your ______.
  7. When the moon looks like it is getting bigger, it is a ______ moon.
  8. ______ on the Earth change during the day due to the rotation and tilt of the Earth.
  1. _____ is a force of attraction between two or more objects.
  2. Earth’s orbit around the sun is what causes the ____.
  3. There are _____ moon phases.
  4. There are _______ seasons.
  5. When the moon looks like it is getting smaller, it is a ______ moon.
  6. The Earth is ______ on its axis at an angle of 23.5 degrees. This is what causes the amount of daylight we get during the year.
  7. Different constellations are visible at different times of the year due to the earth’s _____ path around the sun.
  8. The Earth rotates on an _____.
  9. The Earth’s gravity is what keeps us from floating off into _____.

17 Clues: There are _______ seasons.There are _____ moon phases.The Earth ____ around the sunThe Earth rotates on an _____.The pull of gravity is called your ______.Earth’s orbit around the sun is what causes the ____._____ is a force of attraction between two or more objects.It takes the Earth ________ hours to do one rotation on its axis....

Solar system 2023-11-08

Solar system crossword puzzle
  1. provides earth with seasons
  2. the planet with an eccentricity of 0.047
  3. the trend between distance from the sun and period of revolution
  4. the 2nd smallest planet
  5. the planet with the greatest density
  6. group of planets furthest from the sun
  7. a solar system model where the sun is in the center
  8. a solar system model where the sun and planets revolve around the earth
  9. the deflection of objects to the right as they travel north
  10. the planet that spins the fastest
  11. provides earth with day and night
  1. the planet that would float in water
  2. the planet with the longest day
  3. the planet closest to the sun
  4. group of planets with a smaller diameter
  5. the planet with the longest year
  6. refers to the size of the planet
  7. these change throughout the year which proves that earth revolves around the sun
  8. made a pendulum to prove that earth rotates

19 Clues: the 2nd smallest planetprovides earth with seasonsthe planet closest to the sunthe planet with the longest daythe planet with the longest yearrefers to the size of the planetthe planet that spins the fastestprovides earth with day and nightthe planet that would float in waterthe planet with the greatest densitygroup of planets furthest from the sun...

Earth and Space 6th Grade Science 2022-10-27

Earth and Space 6th Grade Science crossword puzzle
  1. part of the universe and home to our solar system
  2. the Earth completes one of these every 24 hours
  3. when the moon appears to be growing in size
  4. when day and night are equal
  5. when more than half of the moon is visible
  6. the imaginary line the Earth rotates on
  7. the Earth makes one of these around the sun once every 365 1/4 days
  8. of Earth causes the change in the seasons
  9. when the sun, Earth and moon are lined up in this order
  1. when the moon appears to be shrinking in size
  2. when the sun, moon and Earth are lined up in this order
  3. shortest day in the northern hemisphere
  4. when less than half of the moon is visible
  5. longest day in the northern hemisphere
  6. natural force of attraction between any two massive bodies

15 Clues: when day and night are equallongest day in the northern hemisphereshortest day in the northern hemispherethe imaginary line the Earth rotates onof Earth causes the change in the seasonswhen less than half of the moon is visiblewhen more than half of the moon is visiblewhen the moon appears to be growing in size...

Earth's Rotation and The Sun 2012-11-19

Earth's Rotation and The Sun crossword puzzle
  1. One of the things the sun provides Earth with (4 letters)
  2. The shape of Earth's orbit around the sun
  3. Another word for revolution
  4. Which hemisphere is the United States in? (N or S)
  5. Another word for rotation
  6. How much of Earth experiences day at the same time?
  7. The pattern of night and day is caused by this
  8. The sun is this type of object.
  9. What size star is the sun?
  1. The number of years it takes the Earth to complete one revolution.
  2. What direction does Earth rotate?
  3. Another thing the sun provides Earth with (5 letters)
  4. How many hours does it take the Earth to complete one rotation?
  5. The sun is the _____ star to Earth.
  6. The third planet away from the sun
  7. Earth spins at a 23.5 degree angle on this imaginary line

16 Clues: Another word for rotationWhat size star is the sun?Another word for revolutionThe sun is this type of object.What direction does Earth rotate?The third planet away from the sunThe sun is the _____ star to Earth.The shape of Earth's orbit around the sunThe pattern of night and day is caused by thisWhich hemisphere is the United States in? (N or S)...

moon phases and seasons 2012-09-05

moon phases and seasons crossword puzzle
  1. it's a pole at the botem of the earth
  2. when the moon is the bright's
  3. it's a emgiry line in the mittle of the earth called a
  4. they are the thing's keep the earth on a tilt
  5. when te night is pich black
  6. in the solasistem there are 9
  1. it's when one day it's cold and the next day it's hot it's called
  2. it is when the earth gose around the sun one a year
  3. when the moon covers up the sun
  4. at the top of the earth
  5. it's like when we have winte it's called
  6. up the earth
  7. keep's us from floting away
  8. it's when like it rain's and the next day it's sunny it's called

14 Clues: up the earthat the top of the earthkeep's us from floting awaywhen te night is pich blackwhen the moon is the bright'sin the solasistem there are 9when the moon covers up the sunit's a pole at the botem of the earthit's like when we have winte it's calledthey are the thing's keep the earth on a tilt...

Seasons Crossword Puzzle 2021-01-04

Seasons Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. After spring comes ____ in the northern hemisphere
  2. The hemisphere where you live
  3. 24 hours
  4. Imaginary line that runs through Earth
  5. 365 1/4 days
  6. If its ___ in the Northern Hemisphere then its summer in the Southern Hemisphere
  7. First day of fall
  8. Path an object takes when revolving around another
  9. _____ comes before winter in the southern hemisphere
  10. Earth is _____ 23.5 degrees
  1. Object orbiting another object
  2. Australia is in the _______ hemisphere
  3. Longest day of the year
  4. First day of spring
  5. When Houston is facing away from the Sun its ___
  6. Objects spinning on its axis
  7. Shortest day of the year

17 Clues: 24 hours365 1/4 daysFirst day of fallFirst day of springLongest day of the yearShortest day of the yearEarth is _____ 23.5 degreesObjects spinning on its axisThe hemisphere where you liveObject orbiting another objectAustralia is in the _______ hemisphereImaginary line that runs through EarthWhen Houston is facing away from the Sun its ___...

Our Place in Space 2024-01-26

Our Place in Space crossword puzzle
  1. When your side of the Earth has rotated away from the sun.
  2. Imaginary revolving canopy of Earth containing all the constellations
  3. When a hemisphere of the Earth is tilted most away from the Sun.
  4. The name of our solar system's star.
  5. Brightest star in the Orion constellation
  6. One revolution of the Earth
  7. The name of Earth's Moon: The ______.
  8. 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. When the sun is in line on its ecliptic orbit with the celestial equator.
  9. longest or shortest day of the year when the Sun is the highest or lowest in the sky.
  10. How long it takes Earth to return to face the stars in the same direction as they were the night before.
  11. One rotation of the Earth
  1. The name of our galaxy.
  2. All of the existing matter and space. The ____.
  3. groups of stars in the sky that our ancestors connected together to make images.
  4. The distance light travels in a year. Used to measure long distances in space.
  5. Apparent path on the celestial sphere the Sun takes throughout the course of a year.
  6. Bright star closest to the north celestial pole
  7. When a hemisphere of the Earth is tilted most toward the Sun.
  8. A single spin of an object.
  9. How long it takes Earth to return to face the Sun in the same direction as it was the day before.

20 Clues: The name of our galaxy.One rotation of the EarthOne revolution of the EarthA single spin of an object.The name of our solar system's star.The name of Earth's Moon: The ______.Brightest star in the Orion constellationBright star closest to the north celestial poleAll of the existing matter and space. The ____....

STD-10 - SS - SEASONS AND TIME 2020-07-16

STD-10 - SS - SEASONS AND TIME crossword puzzle
  1. During which Seasons plants grow and flowers bloom?
  2. In which climatic zone different seasons occur mostly.
  3. Winter .......... Day is the shortest day and night in the Northern Hemisphere.
  4. Which is the mean longitude?
  5. …….. are the result of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun
  6. 82 ½ degree East latitude passes through the ………. of India
  7. Circling of the Earth in its own axis is called ……….
  8. The shortest day of the year
  9. The ………. was established without taking into account the landmass of the earth.
  10. ………. Meridian is the other name of Greenwich Meridian
  11. 180-degree latitude is known as ……….
  1. The rotation of the Earth around the Sun is called ……….
  2. The Sun’s movement from Tropic of Cancer to Tropic Capricorn is known as ……….
  3. The distance between the two time zones is ………. degrees
  4. The longest day of the year
  5. The ………. is decided with the help of noontime
  6. The season which occurs while the Sun moves from Tropic of Cancer to Tropic of Capricorn
  7. How may time zones are there in the world?
  8. Where is the Sun’s position in the longitude on 23rd September and 21st March?
  9. The year, which has 366 days, is known as ……….
  10. During which season, plants shed their leaves

21 Clues: The longest day of the yearWhich is the mean longitude?The shortest day of the year180-degree latitude is known as ……….How may time zones are there in the world?The ………. is decided with the help of noontimeThe year, which has 366 days, is known as ……….During which season, plants shed their leavesDuring which Seasons plants grow and flowers bloom?...

Earth, Sun and Moon Crossword 2012-09-30

Earth, Sun and Moon Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. How long the Earth takes to complete one rotation. 1 ______.
  2. The smallest of the Earth, Sun and Moon.
  3. The planet that was recently called a dwarf planet.
  4. The circular path of the Earth around the Sun.
  5. A complete orbit, takes 365 days
  6. The shortest day of the year is called the _______ solstice.
  7. The Earth is ________ away from the Sun than from the Moon.
  1. The largest of the Earth, Sun and Moon.
  2. It separates the inner planets and outer planets.
  3. The closest planet to the sun.
  4. The Earth spinning on its axis.
  5. The longest day of the year is called the _______ solstice.
  6. The only planet in the Solar System that can support life.

13 Clues: The closest planet to the sun.The Earth spinning on its axis.A complete orbit, takes 365 daysThe largest of the Earth, Sun and Moon.The smallest of the Earth, Sun and Moon.The circular path of the Earth around the Sun.It separates the inner planets and outer planets.The planet that was recently called a dwarf planet....

creation 2024-09-08

creation crossword puzzle
  1. – The guy who built the ark
  2. – Each of these marks a stage in creation
  3. – What covered the earth in Noah's story
  4. – The creature that tempted Eve
  5. – Flowed out of Eden and split into four
  6. – Where Adam and Eve first lived
  7. – Created to fly above the earth
  8. – To rule the day
  1. – Where God created light on the first day
  2. – Babel, a structure with a linguistic twist
  3. – What man was formed from
  4. – A lush paradise in Eden
  5. – What Eve was made from
  6. – The first woman
  7. – What separates day from night
  8. – The creatures of the land
  9. – The first human created on the sixth day

17 Clues: – The first woman– To rule the day– What Eve was made from– A lush paradise in Eden– What man was formed from– The guy who built the ark– The creatures of the land– The creature that tempted Eve– What separates day from night– Where Adam and Eve first lived– Created to fly above the earth– What covered the earth in Noah's story...

Science Ch 8 Lessons 1 & 2 2021-09-13

Science Ch 8 Lessons 1 & 2 crossword puzzle
  1. The imaginary line that Earth spins around.
  2. When the sun shines on our part of Earth
  3. Earth always tilts in the _____ direction on its axis.
  4. The spinning of Earth is called ___________.
  5. The season when flowers bloom and birds return.
  6. These shadows mean the sun is lower in the sky.
  7. The ______ of Earth causes the seasons.
  1. The part of Earth that tilts away from the sun is
  2. Earth takes one _____ to orbit the sun.
  3. There is day and night because Earth ______ on its axis.
  4. The season with the most hours of daylight.
  5. There are fewer hours of daylight in _____.
  6. The season when animals must keep warm.
  7. When the sun shines on the other side of Earth
  8. The path Earth takes around the sun.

15 Clues: The path Earth takes around the sun.Earth takes one _____ to orbit the sun.The season when animals must keep warm.The ______ of Earth causes the seasons.When the sun shines on our part of EarthThe imaginary line that Earth spins around.The season with the most hours of daylight.There are fewer hours of daylight in _____....

Semester One 2017-06-28

Semester One crossword puzzle
  1. Created earth.
  2. in a story in the Old Testament including a whale.
  3. Killed his own mother.
  4. it happened in Ghana.
  5. the day Jesus resurrected
  6. Son of God
  7. the first women on earth
  8. Betrayed Jesus
  9. the Sunday before good Friday.
  10. God gave him the 10 Commandments.
  11. wrote a gospel of the New Testament
  1. he built the ark
  2. the day Jesus died.
  3. a country in west Africa.
  4. wrote a gospel of the New Testament
  5. wrote a gospel of the New Testament
  6. the start of lent.
  7. the first man on earth
  8. the leader of Rome.
  9. wrote a gospel of the New Testament

20 Clues: Son of GodCreated earth.Betrayed Jesushe built the arkthe start of lent.the day Jesus died.the leader of happened in Ghana.Killed his own mother.the first man on earththe first women on eartha country in west Africa.the day Jesus resurrectedthe Sunday before good Friday.God gave him the 10 Commandments.wrote a gospel of the New Testament...

Match the colors and Days 2023-05-03

Match the colors and Days crossword puzzle
  1. First day weekly.
  2. Opposite of dark.
  3. Sixth day weekly.
  4. Possess, own something.
  5. Like something more.
  6. Fifth day weekly.
  7. Third day weekly.
  8. Mon-Fri.
  9. Valuable, shiny.
  10. Seven-day period.
  11. Sky, water color.
  12. Light shade red.
  13. Opposite of light.
  14. Grass, tree color.
  1. Neutral black, white.
  2. Purity, no color.
  3. Red, yellow mix.
  4. Fourth day weekly.
  5. Last day weekly.
  6. Warm passion color.
  7. Bright sun color.
  8. Second day weekly.
  9. Earth, tree color.
  10. Blue, red mix.
  11. Dark absence of light.

25 Clues: Mon-Fri.Blue, red mix.Red, yellow mix.Last day weekly.Valuable, shiny.Light shade red.Purity, no color.First day weekly.Opposite of dark.Sixth day weekly.Fifth day weekly.Third day weekly.Bright sun color.Seven-day period.Sky, water color.Fourth day weekly.Second day weekly.Earth, tree color.Opposite of light.Grass, tree color.Warm passion color....

The Earth and Beyond Gr 5 NST 2016-10-25

The Earth and Beyond Gr 5 NST crossword puzzle
  1. Plants do this not to blow away
  2. Found in top layer of Earth's surface
  3. Our main source of energy
  4. Soil contains... that plants need to grow.
  5. Water is a common...
  6. Earth spins around its own...
  7. Without ... we will suffocate
  8. The pathway around the sun is...
  1. Earth ... the Sun
  2. Rotation is the same as...
  3. Earth takes 365 & 1/4 days to... an orbit.
  4. the sun rises in the...
  5. The surface of the Earth
  6. Makes day and night possible
  7. The second layer of land
  8. 24 Hours

16 Clues: 24 HoursEarth ... the SunWater is a common...the sun rises in the...The surface of the EarthThe second layer of landOur main source of energyRotation is the same as...Makes day and night possibleEarth spins around its own...Without ... we will suffocatePlants do this not to blow awayThe pathway around the sun is......

Le Jour de la Terre 2023-04-17

Le Jour de la Terre crossword puzzle
  1. Earth
  2. Soil
  3. Packaging
  4. Tree
  5. Renewable
  6. Climate change
  7. Recycle
  8. Windmill
  9. Pollute
  1. Fast fashion
  2. Greenhouse gas
  3. Earth day
  4. Landfill
  5. Animals
  6. Plant
  7. Microplastics
  8. Conserve
  9. Compost

18 Clues: SoilTreeEarthPlantAnimalsRecycleCompostPolluteLandfillConserveWindmillEarth dayPackagingRenewableFast fashionMicroplasticsGreenhouse gasClimate change

The Creation 2017-09-13

The Creation crossword puzzle
  1. The earth was without form and ....
  2. created in God's image
  3. space and water were created on the ...... day
  4. fish and .... were created on the fifth day
  5. everything God made was very ....
  6. Adam and Eve had the first ........
  7. sun, moon and stars were made on the ...... day
  8. the ..... were made on the third day of creation
  9. Adam and Eve's first home
  10. tree of .... was the best tree
  1. they were to fill the earth with their ....
  2. Adam gave names to all the .......
  3. God rested on the ....... day
  4. the darkness he called .....
  5. On first day: Let there be .....
  6. Adam was instructed to rule over all ......
  7. they were united to become one .....
  8. they could not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and ....

18 Clues: created in God's imageAdam and Eve's first homethe darkness he called .....God rested on the ....... daytree of .... was the best treeOn first day: Let there be .....everything God made was very ....Adam gave names to all the .......The earth was without form and ....Adam and Eve had the first ........they were united to become one ........

earth and space science crossword 2022-12-05

earth and space science crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the phase between the full moon and a new moon
  2. moon passes between the earth and sun
  3. the curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft
  4. movement of the earth around the sun
  5. longest day of the year
  6. a weaker high and low lides that occur when the sun and moon are not in the same line as the earth
  7. on the opposite side of the Earth from the sun
  8. very high tides cause on new moons or full moons
  1. earth passes between the sun and the moon
  2. changes in the water levels
  3. describe the movement of the earth on the axis
  4. month with the longest day in it
  5. brightest object in the night sky
  6. all of space and matter and energy contained in it
  7. between the earth and the sun
  8. shapes observed in a repeated pattern of changes
  9. the large dark flat areas on the moon visible from earth.
  10. object in the middle of the solar system

18 Clues: longest day of the yearchanges in the water levelsbetween the earth and the sunmonth with the longest day in itbrightest object in the night skymovement of the earth around the sunmoon passes between the earth and sunobject in the middle of the solar systemearth passes between the sun and the moonthe phase between the full moon and a new moon...

Science Voc 2024-10-09

Science Voc crossword puzzle
  1. When sunlight hits the Earth at a slanted angle, resulting in cooler temperatures and less intense light.
  2. An imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, located at 0 degrees longitude.
  3. An imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, located at 0 degrees latitude.
  4. The time it takes for an object to complete one full orbit around another object.
  5. When sunlight hits the Earth directly, often leading to warmer temperatures and more intense light.
  6. The angle at which sunlight hits the Earth, which affects how much heat and light a location receives.
  7. The longest day of the year, occurring around June 21, marking the start of summer.
  8. The time in September when day and night are approximately equal in length, marking the start of fall.
  9. The time it takes for the Earth to complete one full orbit around the Sun, which is about 365 days.
  10. The point in Earth's orbit where it is closest to the Sun.
  11. The path that one object in space takes around another object, like the path of the Earth around the Sun.
  12. The time it takes for the Earth to make one full rotation on its axis, which is about 24 hours.
  1. Tides that occur when the Sun and Moon are aligned, causing higher high tides and lower low tides.
  2. The height of an object above sea level or the Earth's surface.
  3. The point in Earth's orbit where it is farthest from the Sun.
  4. The shortest day of the year, occurring around December 21, marking the start of winter.
  5. The time in March when day and night are approximately equal in length, marking the start of spring.
  6. A measure of how much an orbit deviates from being a perfect circle; the higher the eccentricity, the more elongated the shape.
  7. Tides that occur when the Sun and Moon are at right angles to each other, leading to lower high tides and higher low tides.
  8. An elongated, oval shape that describes the orbits of planets around the Sun.

20 Clues: The point in Earth's orbit where it is closest to the Sun.The point in Earth's orbit where it is farthest from the Sun.The height of an object above sea level or the Earth's surface.An elongated, oval shape that describes the orbits of planets around the Sun.The time it takes for an object to complete one full orbit around another object....

Physical science crossword 2023-09-21

Physical science crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The extreme of either day or night
  2. The effect that the earth's rotation has on moving objects
  3. The amount that air pushes on something
  4. One of the ways the earth moves
  5. Viva Le _______
  6. The pretty nighttime sky
  7. Non localized wind
  8. A belt of fast moving wind
  9. Very large wind and rain
  10. The balance of day and night
  11. The process that traps heat on earth
  12. Cold wind over the sea
  13. The atmospheric layer above 80 Km
  14. The most neutral zone on earth
  15. Wind in a close area
  1. The height where airplanes fly
  2. What is used to measure atmospheric pressure
  3. The atmospheric layer where meteor showers happen
  4. What is happening in the atmosphere locally
  5. The movement of air
  6. Wind over land
  7. The hottest zone on earth
  8. a wind that does not travel far
  9. The ever going area in space
  10. The gasses around the earth
  11. The part of the atmosphere where humans live
  12. The layer that is slowly disintegrating
  13. The coldest regions on earth

28 Clues: Wind over landViva Le _______Non localized windThe movement of airWind in a close areaCold wind over the seaThe pretty nighttime skyVery large wind and rainThe hottest zone on earthA belt of fast moving windThe gasses around the earthThe ever going area in spaceThe coldest regions on earthThe balance of day and nightThe height where airplanes fly...

Astronomy Unit Exam 2024-02-12

Astronomy Unit Exam crossword puzzle
  1. space rock that orbits the sun
  2. the theory that explains how our moon was formed
  3. the force that governs all movement in the universe
  4. the largest planet
  5. top layer of the sun
  6. the greater the ________ the weaker the gravitational force
  7. space rock that hits the Earth's surface
  8. how many stars are in our solar system
  9. smallest planet closest to the sun
  10. process of a star making energy where hydrogen is turned into helium
  11. space rock that burns up completely in our atmosphere
  1. moon phase when the sun, Earth and moon make an L shape
  2. movement of Earth on its axis
  3. first day of winter (December 20-23)
  4. the distance between the Earth and the sun
  5. moon is between the sun and the Earth and the moon's shadow falls on the Earth
  6. center of the sun
  7. first day of spring (March 20-23)
  8. movement of planets around the sun
  9. Earth is between sun and moon and sun's light not reaching the moon

20 Clues: center of the sunthe largest planettop layer of the sunmovement of Earth on its axisspace rock that orbits the sunfirst day of spring (March 20-23)smallest planet closest to the sunmovement of planets around the sunfirst day of winter (December 20-23)how many stars are in our solar systemspace rock that hits the Earth's surface...

Earth, the Moon, and the Sun 2018-11-28

Earth, the Moon, and the Sun crossword puzzle
  1. The Earth _____________ around the sun.
  2. The Earth _____________ on an axis and is the reason for day and night.
  3. an imaginary line that the Earth rotates around
  4. A hot glowing ball of gas
  5. When the Earth is not facing the sun
  6. A synonym for rotation
  1. A ____________ revolves around planets
  2. The ____________ of the Earth causes days
  3. the planet that we live on
  4. A satellite ______________ something in space.
  5. There are four ________________ in 1 year
  6. When the Earth is facing the sun
  7. The __________ of the Earth causes seasons

13 Clues: A synonym for rotationA hot glowing ball of gasthe planet that we live onWhen the Earth is facing the sunWhen the Earth is not facing the sunA ____________ revolves around planetsThe Earth _____________ around the sun.The ____________ of the Earth causes daysThere are four ________________ in 1 yearThe __________ of the Earth causes seasons...

Earth, Moon, Sun 2022-10-13

Earth, Moon, Sun crossword puzzle
  1. light-colored, mountainous, heavily cratered areas of the Moon.
  2. depression on the lunar surface formed from space material impact.
  3. occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun and the Moon casts a shadow on Earth, blocking Earth's view of the sun.
  4. dark-colored, smooth plain on the Moon.
  5. layer of loose, ground-up rock on the lunar surface.
  6. farthest point in the Moon's orbit around Earth.
  7. closest point in the Moon's orbit around Earth.
  8. when Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, and the Earth's shadow falls on the Moon.
  9. first day of winter; usually occurs on December 21st.
  1. First day of fall; usually Sept. 21st
  2. the moon orbits the Earth in the same amount of time as it takes the Moon to spin once on its axis.
  3. plane that contains Earth's orbit around the Sun.
  4. first day of summer; usually occurs on June 21.
  5. First day of Spring; usually occurs on March 21st.
  6. amount of sunlight that is reflected by a surface
  7. mate rial that falls back to the lunar surface after being blasted out by the impact of a space object.
  8. alley-like structure that meanders across some of the Moon's maria; resembles dry riverbeds
  9. long trail of ejecta that radiates outward from a crater.

18 Clues: First day of fall; usually Sept. 21stdark-colored, smooth plain on the Moon.first day of summer; usually occurs on June 21.closest point in the Moon's orbit around Earth.farthest point in the Moon's orbit around Earth.plane that contains Earth's orbit around the Sun.amount of sunlight that is reflected by a surface...

Earth In Space Review Puzzler 2021-01-27

Earth In Space Review Puzzler crossword puzzle
  1. divides Earth into N and S Hemispheres
  2. longest and shortest day of the year
  3. movement of Earth around the Sun
  4. year with 366 days
  5. winter, spring, summer, autumn
  6. spinning of Earth on its axis
  1. 365 1/4 days
  2. 90 degrees North and South latitude
  3. name for March Equinox
  4. equal day and equal night
  5. division of Earth in two equal parts
  6. 23.5 degrees slant of the Earth
  7. source of Earth's energy
  8. imaginary line passing through N and S Poles

14 Clues: 365 1/4 daysyear with 366 daysname for March Equinoxsource of Earth's energyequal day and equal nightspinning of Earth on its axiswinter, spring, summer, autumn23.5 degrees slant of the Earthmovement of Earth around the Sun90 degrees North and South latitudelongest and shortest day of the yeardivision of Earth in two equal parts...

Earth Cleanroom Day 2022-04-19

Earth Cleanroom Day crossword puzzle
  1. an acronym for equipment worn to minimize hazards
  2. when an acid and base react quantitively with each other
  3. device used to accurately transfer volumes
  4. a controlled environment
  5. a negatively charged ion
  1. the element that forms the most compounds
  2. measure the mass of atoms or molecules
  3. a substance that increased the rate of a reaction
  4. the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction
  5. measurable in nanometers
  6. Stanford's premier isotope analysis facility
  7. used to remove layers from surface of sample
  8. one morphology of nanoscale objects
  9. world-class nanofabrication center

14 Clues: measurable in nanometersa controlled environmenta negatively charged ionworld-class nanofabrication centerone morphology of nanoscale objectsmeasure the mass of atoms or moleculesthe element that forms the most compoundsdevice used to accurately transfer volumesStanford's premier isotope analysis facilityused to remove layers from surface of sample...

Earth Day Puzzle 2024-04-24

Earth Day Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Convert waste into reusable material
  2. Water, air, or a place with harmful or poisonous substances
  3. The sun's rays as a source of energy from which power for domestic or industrial use may be generated
  4. A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
  5. Short for ozone layer
  6. The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
  1. To keep safe from injury, harm, or destruction
  2. Decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer
  3. A place to dispose of refuse and other waste material by burying it and covering it over with soil
  4. Produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents
  5. The envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet
  6. Protect something from harm or destruction
  7. Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level
  8. A species having no living members

14 Clues: Short for ozone layerA species having no living membersConvert waste into reusable materialProtect something from harm or destructionTo keep safe from injury, harm, or destructionAble to be maintained at a certain rate or levelDecayed organic material used as a plant fertilizerWater, air, or a place with harmful or poisonous substances...

Group Project : Motions of the Earth 2024-10-10

Group Project : Motions of the Earth crossword puzzle
  1. The part of Earth where India is located
  2. The extra day is added to this month in a leap year
  3. The amount of time Earth takes to orbit the sun
  1. The movement of the Earth causing day and night
  2. The year with 366 days
  3. The rays from the sun fall less directly in this season
  4. Pole The place where the sun never sets in June
  5. The imaginary line on which the Earth spins
  6. The longest day in the Northern Hemisphere happens in this month
  7. The number of hours Earth takes to complete one rotation
  8. This divides the Earth into two equal parts
  9. The Northern and Southern divisions of the Earth
  10. The Earth’s movement around the sun

13 Clues: The year with 366 daysThe Earth’s movement around the sunThe part of Earth where India is locatedThe imaginary line on which the Earth spinsThis divides the Earth into two equal partsThe movement of the Earth causing day and nightPole The place where the sun never sets in JuneThe amount of time Earth takes to orbit the sun...

Happy Earth Day 2019-03-18

Happy Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. to make land or water dirty
  2. a natural resource that can be replenished naturally
  3. a decayed mixture of plants
  4. sending out gas
  5. the area in which something exists or lives
  6. trash left lying in an open place
  1. to avoid wasteful activities or behaviors
  2. everything that exists in an environment
  3. the air that surrounds the earth
  4. related to the sun
  5. to make something new from already used materials
  6. the place where a plant or animal lives naturally
  7. an area where waste materials are buried underground
  8. no longer existing

14 Clues: sending out gasrelated to the sunno longer existingto make land or water dirtya decayed mixture of plantsthe air that surrounds the earthtrash left lying in an open placeeverything that exists in an environmentto avoid wasteful activities or behaviorsthe area in which something exists or livesto make something new from already used materials...

Earth Day 2023 2023-04-20

Earth Day 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. Greenhouse _______ are heating up our atmosphere
  2. A place where is garbage is burned
  3. To use again
  4. The natural world containing land, water, air and other resources
  5. Material dangerous to health
  6. Poisonous
  1. Conventional fuel for heating
  2. To use less
  3. Theme for earth day: _______ in Our Planet
  4. PM’s 5 point agenda in COP26
  5. Replenishable resources
  6. PM’s Mission in COP26
  7. A place where garbage is buried
  8. Turns fruit and vegetable waste into rich manure

14 Clues: PoisonousTo use lessTo use againPM’s Mission in COP26Replenishable resourcesPM’s 5 point agenda in COP26Material dangerous to healthConventional fuel for heatingA place where garbage is buriedA place where is garbage is burnedTheme for earth day: _______ in Our PlanetGreenhouse _______ are heating up our atmosphere...

WWF Earth Hour Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-24

WWF Earth Hour Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. (it’s a movement for our ______)
  2. (assist in)
  3. (the time of day which Earth hour takes place)
  4. (does not contain toxic chemicals)
  5. (animal logo on WWF)
  6. (the month Earth hour takes place)
  7. (decayed plant and vegetable waste)
  8. (contamination of the surrounding)
  9. (resources that are always available)
  10. (something unwanted)
  11. (an __________ change to shape our future)
  12. (protecting something)
  13. (animals that are at risk of extinction)
  14. (a living thing that grows in the earth)
  15. (animals that live in the wild)
  16. (reuse)
  17. (the planet on which we live)
  1. (World Wide Fund for Nature)
  2. (multiple nations)
  3. (the time Earth hour takes place)
  4. (ensure our own health, happiness, prosperity and even ________)
  5. (a ________ for positive environmental impact, driving major legislative changes)
  6. (a celestial body orbiting around the Sun)
  7. (all over the world)
  8. (keep safe)
  9. (raising awareness of nature loss and _______ change)
  10. (day where Earth hour takes place every year)
  11. (something is happening)
  12. (something needed to operate electricity)
  13. (harmless to environment)
  14. (products of the earth)
  15. (surrounding)

32 Clues: (reuse)(assist in)(keep safe)(surrounding)(multiple nations)(animal logo on WWF)(all over the world)(something unwanted)(protecting something)(products of the earth)(something is happening)(harmless to environment)(World Wide Fund for Nature)(the planet on which we live)(animals that live in the wild)(it’s a movement for our ______)...

The Solar System 2024-10-29

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Rotation or —— is when an object moves on its axis.
  2. The moon takes 28 days/1 —- to rotate on its axis.
  3. It takes the Earth 1 year to —- around the sun.
  4. Marks the beginning of summer and winter.
  5. Revolution or —— is when an object moves around another object.
  6. What is responsible for the orbit of planets around the sun?
  7. The —- is a natural satellite of the earth.
  8. The moon takes 28 —-/1 month to revolve around Earth.
  1. The —- receives the most direct sunlight.
  2. The rotation of the Earth causes day and —-.
  3. The tilt of the Earths axis , relative to the Sun determine the Earths —-
  4. Tilt mostly toward/away from the Sun.
  5. 12 hour of day and 12 hours of night.
  6. The rotation of the Earth on its axis takes 24 —-/1 day.
  7. The revolution of the Earth around the sun takes 365 days/1—.

15 Clues: Tilt mostly toward/away from the Sun.12 hour of day and 12 hours of night.The —- receives the most direct sunlight.Marks the beginning of summer and winter.The —- is a natural satellite of the earth.The rotation of the Earth causes day and —-.It takes the Earth 1 year to —- around the sun.The moon takes 28 days/1 —- to rotate on its axis....

Earth Day 2021 2021-04-22

Earth Day 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. when something is cultivated without harmful chemicals nor pesticides; it’s not harvested commercially, and prevents depletion of soil, it’s considered ___
  2. reduce, reuse, ___
  3. planned ___: a policy of producing consumer goods that rapidly become obsolete and so require replacing - found commonly in the tech space, namely with Apple and iPhones
  4. a damaging synthetic material, made from oil, used commonly fast fashion clothing items
  5. harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged
  1. a transparent, organic material that can be recycled an infinite number of times
  2. the color associated with the Earth (hint: it’s in our channel name!)
  3. when a person tries to recycle an item they’re not sure can be recycled, it’s called ___
  4. decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer
  5. ___ footprint: the amount of ___ dioxide and other compounds emitted due to the consumption of fossil fuels by a company
  6. a more sustainable organic fabric than cotton
  7. commonly referred to as mother ___
  8. a car that can use either fuel or electricity to run is called a ___
  9. when an item is not single use, it’s ___

14 Clues: reduce, reuse, ___commonly referred to as mother ___when an item is not single use, it’s ___a more sustainable organic fabric than cottondecayed organic material used as a plant fertilizera car that can use either fuel or electricity to run is called a ___the color associated with the Earth (hint: it’s in our channel name!)...

Astronomy: Earth-Sun-Moon Review! 2021-11-19

Astronomy: Earth-Sun-Moon Review! crossword puzzle
  1. Strength of gravity = distance + ___
  2. Seasons happen because of earth's axis ___
  3. How long it takes moon to orbit the Earth
  4. Moon is getting "smaller"
  5. Winter Solstice is ___ 21 or 22
  6. Tides happen because of the moon's ___
  7. The longest day is the summer ___
  8. Moon block sunlight from Earth = ___ eclipse
  1. partial shadow from an eclipse
  2. Spring Equinox is ___ 21 or 22
  3. Moon and sun in a straight line = ___ tide
  4. Earth blocks sunlight from moon = ___ eclipse
  5. Ocean rises or lowers twice a day
  6. Full shadow from an eclipse
  7. When we have equal daylight and darkness
  8. Moon is getting "bigger"
  9. Moon phase, means "swollen"
  10. How long it takes Earth to orbit the sun

18 Clues: Moon is getting "bigger"Moon is getting "smaller"Full shadow from an eclipseMoon phase, means "swollen"partial shadow from an eclipseSpring Equinox is ___ 21 or 22Winter Solstice is ___ 21 or 22Ocean rises or lowers twice a dayThe longest day is the summer ___Strength of gravity = distance + ___Tides happen because of the moon's ___...

Earth Day 2022-03-17

Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. The act of converting waste into reusable material.
  2. Decayed organic material used as plant fertilizer.
  3. At risk.
  4. Hard, brittle substance that can be endlessly recycled.
  5. The presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.
  6. A latin word, also known as the blue planet.
  1. The process of reducing irrigation through planting water hardy plants.
  2. Protecting something from harm or destruction.
  3. Wild animals of any region.

9 Clues: At risk.Wild animals of any region.A latin word, also known as the blue planet.Protecting something from harm or destruction.Decayed organic material used as plant fertilizer.The act of converting waste into reusable material.Hard, brittle substance that can be endlessly recycled....

earth day 2024-05-07

earth day crossword puzzle
  1. you need it to grow plants
  2. nitrogen is made of oxogen and ____
  3. our planet
  4. used as plant fertilizer
  5. we rotate around it
  1. april 22 of every year
  2. you throw it out(most of the time)
  3. green stuff on the ground
  4. pet or friend?

9 Clues: our planetpet or friend?we rotate around itapril 22 of every yearused as plant fertilizergreen stuff on the groundyou need it to grow plantsyou throw it out(most of the time)nitrogen is made of oxogen and ____

Earth Day 2013-04-23

Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. round planet where we live
  2. chemicals or trash that make the Earth dirty
  3. to use something again
  4. turning the materials from trash into something new
  5. help clean the air
  6. a color that means earth friendly
  1. to use something less
  2. trying to protect or preserve something
  3. trash that people leave on the ground

9 Clues: help clean the airto use something lessto use something againround planet where we livea color that means earth friendlytrash that people leave on the groundtrying to protect or preserve somethingchemicals or trash that make the Earth dirtyturning the materials from trash into something new

Earth Day 2022-04-26

Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for animal
  2. A thing that we use to make water bottles
  3. the outer part of earth
  4. A liquid that human and the Earth Have
  5. What a sun is
  1. the things inside of a solar system
  2. another word for plant
  3. the middle of the earth
  4. Planet with water and Human

9 Clues: What a sun isanother word for plantAnother word for animalthe middle of the earththe outer part of earthPlanet with water and Humanthe things inside of a solar systemA liquid that human and the Earth HaveA thing that we use to make water bottles

Earth Day 2022-04-29

Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. The colour of leaves
  2. the 3rd R in 3Rs
  3. Power
  4. garbage
  5. Sun power
  6. Gone with the...
  1. Dogs, Cats, Ducks,...
  2. lightning
  3. people grow it on lawns

9 Clues: PowergarbagelightningSun powerthe 3rd R in 3RsGone with the...The colour of leavesDogs, Cats, Ducks,...people grow it on lawns

When Is Earth Day? 2024-02-23

When Is Earth Day? crossword puzzle
  1. We are going on a ____________ trip tomorrow.
  2. Let's go to the ____________ Center.
  3. ____________ Day is May 1st.
  4. The ____________ show is this weekend.
  5. ____________ Day is April 22nd.
  6. ____________ Day is October 3rd.
  7. Can I ____________ this skirt?
  8. ____________ Day is May 8th.
  9. Please put the ____________ pot outside.
  10. Let me tell you a ____________ about Easter.
  1. Happy ____________ Jitae!
  2. ____________'s Day is May 5th.
  3. ____________ Day is August 15th.
  4. ____________ Day is June 6th.
  5. Today is the dance ____________.
  6. I'm ____________ing to music.
  7. ____________ is Christmas Day?
  8. When is the ____________?
  9. ____________ Day is May 15th.
  10. I'm going to the BTS ____________.
  11. ____________ the students did their homework.
  12. ____________ Day is April 5th.

22 Clues: Happy ____________ Jitae!When is the ____________?____________ Day is May 1st.____________ Day is May 8th.____________ Day is June 6th.I'm ____________ing to music.____________ Day is May 15th.____________'s Day is May 5th.____________ is Christmas Day?____________ Day is April 5th.Can I ____________ this skirt?____________ Day is April 22nd....

Earth Day 2022-04-20

Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. Fire in the wild
  2. Plants and animals
  3. Reduces reuse -------
  4. Landform with big rock hills
  5. Landform with no water
  1. Toxic gas and oil spills
  2. Turns OC2 into O2
  3. Landform with lots of water
  4. Mammals, reptiles, amphibians

9 Clues: Fire in the wildTurns OC2 into O2Plants and animalsReduces reuse -------Landform with no waterToxic gas and oil spillsLandform with lots of waterLandform with big rock hillsMammals, reptiles, amphibians

Earth day 2022-04-24

Earth day crossword puzzle
  1. water falling from clouds
  2. A place with many trees
  3. Conflict between nations,...
  4. Vehicle almost everyone has
  1. Used to make legos,...
  2. A weapon used in wars
  3. Our planet
  4. Hot and dangerous thing
  5. The thing we breath

9 Clues: Our planetThe thing we breathA weapon used in warsUsed to make legos,...A place with many treesHot and dangerous thingwater falling from cloudsVehicle almost everyone hasConflict between nations,...

EARTH DAY 2015-06-19

EARTH DAY crossword puzzle
  1. We Study Earth from the sky in these
  2. Blowing Air
  3. What to do with bottles and cans
  4. Planting these help create co2
  5. Part of our atmosphere
  6. one of the nine Things circling the sun
  1. What we need to protect
  2. where our garbage goes
  3. What to do with our left over food

9 Clues: Blowing Airwhere our garbage goesPart of our atmosphereWhat we need to protectPlanting these help create co2What to do with bottles and cansWhat to do with our left over foodWe Study Earth from the sky in theseone of the nine Things circling the sun

Earth Day 2023-02-20

Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. Take trash and make it in to something new
  2. The whole mass of air surrounding the earth
  3. Farm animals
  4. To make something smaller or make less
  1. The planet we live in
  2. More than necessary
  3. To use something more than once
  4. Large body of water
  5. Near the area you live in

9 Clues: Farm animalsMore than necessaryLarge body of waterThe planet we live inNear the area you live inTo use something more than onceTo make something smaller or make lessTake trash and make it in to something newThe whole mass of air surrounding the earth

earth day 2023-04-25

earth day crossword puzzle
  1. energie renouvelable eolienne
  2. all'aria aperta trekking
  3. sprigionata dalla terra geotermica
  4. of pollution inquinamento
  5. do fish eat in the oceans plastic
  1. dall'ONU per sostenibilità ambiente agenda
  2. del sud america amazzonica
  3. da un moto della terra equinozio
  4. che compie la terra e determina dì/notte rotatorio

9 Clues: all'aria aperta trekkingdel sud america amazzonicaenergie renouvelable eolienneda un moto della terra equinoziodo fish eat in the oceans plasticsprigionata dalla terra geotermicaof pollution inquinamentodall'ONU per sostenibilità ambiente agendache compie la terra e determina dì/notte rotatorio

Earth day 2022-04-29

Earth day crossword puzzle
  1. Sun power
  2. the 3rd R in 3Rs
  3. Colour of leaves
  4. it grows on lawns
  5. Dogs, Cats, Ducks,...
  1. lightning
  2. Power
  3. gone with the...
  4. garbage

9 Clues: PowergarbagelightningSun powergone with the...the 3rd R in 3RsColour of leavesit grows on lawnsDogs, Cats, Ducks,...

Earth Day Crossword 2016-04-21

Earth Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Light rainfall
  2. Relating to the whole world
  3. The degree or heat present
  4. An arch of colors displayed in the sky
  5. The process in how plants make energy
  6. The air that surrounds us
  1. The weather conditions current in an area in general or over a long period.
  2. A period of time that receives no rain
  3. The planet on which we live on
  4. A very strong wind
  5. Dry planet that is more Earth-like than any other planet
  6. The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
  7. Submerge or cover an area with excess amount of water
  8. A severe snowstorm with high winds

14 Clues: Light rainfallA very strong windThe air that surrounds usThe degree or heat presentRelating to the whole worldThe planet on which we live onA severe snowstorm with high windsThe process in how plants make energyA period of time that receives no rainAn arch of colors displayed in the skySubmerge or cover an area with excess amount of water...

Happy Earth Day! 2021-04-07

Happy Earth Day! crossword puzzle
  1. Planet furthest from the sun
  2. Force that keeps a planet moving in orbit
  3. A star and the planets orbiting around it
  4. Planet closest to the sun
  5. Planet named after Roman goddess of love and war
  6. Layer of gas that surrounds a planet
  1. Largest planet in our solar system
  2. Now called a dwarf planet
  3. Covers 70 percent of the Earth's surface
  4. Closest star to Earth
  5. Planet named after Roman god of agriculture
  6. Our solar system is part of this galaxy
  7. Third largest planet in our solar system
  8. Nicknamed "The Red Planet"

14 Clues: Closest star to EarthNow called a dwarf planetPlanet closest to the sunNicknamed "The Red Planet"Planet furthest from the sunLargest planet in our solar systemLayer of gas that surrounds a planetOur solar system is part of this galaxyCovers 70 percent of the Earth's surfaceThird largest planet in our solar system...

earth day 51 2021-04-22

earth day 51 crossword puzzle
  1. Google, but also plants trees
  2. Squishy alternative to meat
  3. Carbon emissions?
  4. Clouds get in the way?
  5. Big threat to Indigenous communities (2 words)
  6. Salovey's divestment committee, abbr.
  7. Jars good for canning
  1. Nutty dairy alternative
  2. Grassroots enviro-political movement, or dawn
  3. An Inconvenient Truther
  4. Yale grp not to be confused with another that explores campus secrets
  5. Landmark climate agreement city
  6. School of the Environment hall
  7. House introducer of the GND

14 Clues: Carbon emissions?Jars good for canningClouds get in the way?Nutty dairy alternativeAn Inconvenient TrutherSquishy alternative to meatHouse introducer of the GNDGoogle, but also plants treesSchool of the Environment hallLandmark climate agreement citySalovey's divestment committee, abbr.Grassroots enviro-political movement, or dawn...

Earth Day Crossword 2022-04-20

Earth Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An alternative gaseous fuel source that produces only water and no pollution when it combusts.
  2. A classification of vehicle whose only that does not emit exhaust gas or other pollutants from the onboard source of power.
  3. An annual environment-themed observation held on April 22 each year.
  4. A portmanteau describing the activity of picking up trash while jogging.
  5. The planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect.
  6. Nature's terrestrial oxygen generators.
  7. An apparatus or facility with one or more electrical outlets for recharging the batteries of electric vehicles.
  1. A financial model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible.
  2. The first R of the 3R-V (_____, reuse, recycle, revalue).
  3. A set of atmospheric compounds in Earth's atmosphere that trap heat.
  4. Like gasoline and natural gas, the term for hydrocarbon-containing substances formed underground from the remains of dead plants and animals.
  5. A situation in which urgent action is required to reduce or halt climate change and avoid potentially irreversible environmental damage resulting from it. Oxford's 2019 word of the year.
  6. The concept of meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  7. A process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide.

14 Clues: Nature's terrestrial oxygen generators.The first R of the 3R-V (_____, reuse, recycle, revalue).A process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide.A set of atmospheric compounds in Earth's atmosphere that trap heat.An annual environment-themed observation held on April 22 each year....

Day & Night, Seasons 2024-04-11

Day & Night, Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. when your side of Earth is in sunlight
  2. Earth (and other planets) orbit around the sun
  3. Earth's _____ is the reason for the seasons
  4. Earth (and other planets) spin on an axis
  5. season created by indirect sunlight
  6. tilted _______ the sun makes direct sunlight
  7. one complete revolution around the sun
  8. fraction of Earth always in sunlight
  9. season created by direct sunlight
  1. longest and shortest days of the year
  2. sunlight that transfers more heat
  3. equal lengths of day and night
  4. when your side of Earth is in darkness
  5. sunlight that transfers less heat
  6. tilted ________ the sun makes indirect sunlight
  7. one complete rotation on an axis

16 Clues: equal lengths of day and nightone complete rotation on an axissunlight that transfers more heatsunlight that transfers less heatseason created by direct sunlightseason created by indirect sunlightfraction of Earth always in sunlightlongest and shortest days of the yearwhen your side of Earth is in sunlightwhen your side of Earth is in darkness...

Earth and the Sun 2023-02-15

Earth and the Sun crossword puzzle
  1. The side of the Earth facing the sun
  2. True or false: shadows are always changing
  3. The imaginary line through Earth
  4. Where shadows face in the morning
  5. The Earth moving around the Sun
  6. No shadow present
  7. The Earth is in day and half is in
  8. Very long shadow pointing west
  1. Month with the least daylight hours
  2. Sun is high in the sky and shadows are short
  3. Earth spinning
  4. Where shadows face in the evening
  5. Month with the most daylight hours
  6. Small shadow pointing north
  7. Sun is low and shadows are long

15 Clues: Earth spinningNo shadow presentSmall shadow pointing northVery long shadow pointing westSun is low and shadows are longThe Earth moving around the SunThe imaginary line through EarthWhere shadows face in the eveningWhere shadows face in the morningMonth with the most daylight hoursThe Earth is in day and half is in...

Earth day 2013-04-23

Earth day crossword puzzle
  1. Round planet where we live
  2. trying to protect or preserve something
  3. trash that people leave on the ground
  1. chemicals or trash that make the Earth dirty
  2. turning the materials from trash into something new
  3. a color that means earth friendly
  4. to use something less
  5. help clean the air
  6. to use something again

9 Clues: help clean the airto use something lessto use something againRound planet where we livea color that means earth friendlytrash that people leave on the groundtrying to protect or preserve somethingchemicals or trash that make the Earth dirtyturning the materials from trash into something new

EARTH DAY 2019-12-13

EARTH DAY crossword puzzle
  1. the natural organisms, flora, and fauna that constitute and sustain a particular area
  2. fuel such as coal and oil that is formed naturally over many years from the remains of animals and plants.
  3. harnessing of the Sun’s energy to generate electrical power
  4. multiple drive in a car
  5. trash that is left lying in an open or public place
  1. the physical world, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features of the planet Earth
  2. decaying organic material used as a plant fertilizer
  3. prevention of wasteful use
  4. change waste into reusable material

9 Clues: multiple drive in a carprevention of wasteful usechange waste into reusable materialtrash that is left lying in an open or public placedecaying organic material used as a plant fertilizerharnessing of the Sun’s energy to generate electrical powerthe natural organisms, flora, and fauna that constitute and sustain a particular area...

Seasons 2023-10-25

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. the third season of the year
  2. 365 days (12 months)
  3. 24 hours
  4. the warmest season of the year
  5. the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object
  6. the imaginary line on which earth orbits on
  7. the coldest season of the year
  8. earth source of energy
  9. when the night or day is longer
  1. North Star
  2. imaginary line separating the earth into hemispheres
  3. weather conditions over a long period of time
  4. the season after winter and before summer
  5. four divisions of the year identified by weather patterens
  6. when the hours in the day and night are equal
  7. what causes seasons

16 Clues: 24 hoursNorth Starwhat causes seasons365 days (12 months)earth source of energythe third season of the yearthe warmest season of the yearthe coldest season of the yearwhen the night or day is longerthe season after winter and before summerthe imaginary line on which earth orbits onweather conditions over a long period of time...

April Eco Exclusive 2024-03-18

April Eco Exclusive crossword puzzle
  1. ______ Day, Celebrated April 22nd every year!
  2. This year the Earth Day Celebration has a ______ day scheduled for Sunday May 5th
  3. Green Bay will be installing _____ Meters to track water consumption at the site.
  4. P&G Friends and Family Earth Day Celebration is _______ April 28th
  5. Volunteers get a free _____
  6. Reduce, Reuse, ______
  1. The P&G Friends and Family Earth Day Celebration is held at Izack_____
  2. All containers are required to have a ______ label
  3. Monthly _____ Madness
  4. The event starts at ___ AM and goes till 2PM
  5. The Bay Beach _________ Sanctuary will be bringing critters from 12:00-1:00
  6. Green Bay Environmental ______ has OPLs and tools

12 Clues: Monthly _____ MadnessReduce, Reuse, ______Volunteers get a free _____The event starts at ___ AM and goes till 2PM______ Day, Celebrated April 22nd every year!Green Bay Environmental ______ has OPLs and toolsAll containers are required to have a ______ labelP&G Friends and Family Earth Day Celebration is _______ April 28th...

Vocab 2023-12-03

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the southernmost part of earth
  2. when half of the earth is facing the sun
  3. the act of moving around an axis or center
  4. the word for how cold or hot it is
  5. the earth rotates this way
  6. the northernmost part of earth
  7. when the moon passes in front of the sun
  8. the kind of sunlight that the poles receive
  9. the curved path of a celestial body or spacecraft around a star or planet
  10. the 3 planet in the solar system
  1. the earth has a ___ degree tilt
  2. something that is commonly believed as factual but is not.
  3. the thing that lights up the sky in the day time
  4. the kind of sunlight that the equator receives most of
  5. when half of the earth is facing away from the sun
  6. the star that is above magnetic north
  7. one of the reasons for earth's seasons

17 Clues: the earth rotates this waythe southernmost part of earththe northernmost part of earththe earth has a ___ degree tiltthe 3 planet in the solar systemthe word for how cold or hot it isthe star that is above magnetic northone of the reasons for earth's seasonswhen half of the earth is facing the sunwhen the moon passes in front of the sun...

Earth Day! 2021-04-20

Earth Day! crossword puzzle
  1. A holiday to celebrate our planet and think about ways we can keep it healthy and beautiful
  2. To use again
  3. What shape is the recycle symbol?
  4. What should we turn off when we are finished using?
  5. What we call the process of the earth's temperature rising
  1. What month do we celebrate Earth Day?
  2. The planet we live on
  3. Dr. Seuss' character who reminds us to speak for the trees!
  4. The process of using old food to create soil

9 Clues: To use againThe planet we live onWhat shape is the recycle symbol?What month do we celebrate Earth Day?The process of using old food to create soilWhat should we turn off when we are finished using?What we call the process of the earth's temperature risingDr. Seuss' character who reminds us to speak for the trees!...

Earth Day 2021-04-06

Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. Scents in __________ detergents can absorb into your skin.
  2. Hairy creature that lives in the PNW.
  3. April is when we celebrate ________day.
  4. A fish that spawns yearly.
  5. Shaklee's philosophy is to "Live in harmony with _________."
  6. One bottle of 16 oz concentrated Basic H2 will make 238 ___________ of all-purpose cleaner.
  1. This laundry product was originally developed during WWII.
  2. A large,social mammal that is susceptible to chemical exposure through its diet.
  3. Shaklee was the first company to become certified _____________neutral in the world.

9 Clues: A fish that spawns yearly.Hairy creature that lives in the PNW.April is when we celebrate ________day.Scents in __________ detergents can absorb into your skin.This laundry product was originally developed during WWII.Shaklee's philosophy is to "Live in harmony with _________."...

EARTH DAY 2022-04-22

EARTH DAY crossword puzzle
  1. made from tree
  2. sth green on ground
  3. in the forest
  4. ...change
  5. name of our planet
  1. lots of trees
  2. bad for our planet
  3. colour of tree
  4. eart is a....

9 Clues: ...changelots of treeseart is the forestmade from treecolour of treebad for our planetname of our planetsth green on ground

EARTH DAY 2022-04-22

EARTH DAY crossword puzzle
  1. made from tree
  2. sth green on ground
  3. in the forest
  4. ...change
  5. name of our planet
  1. lots of trees
  2. bad for our planet
  3. colour of tree
  4. eart is a....

9 Clues: ...changelots of treeseart is the forestmade from treecolour of treebad for our planetname of our planetsth green on ground

Earth day 2022-04-21

Earth day crossword puzzle
  1. You hear with it....
  2. Animal that lives in Africa is....
  3. On the neck is.....
  4. It is a kind of fruit a....
  1. 365 days are in one ....
  2. Not left but....
  3. What colour is the grass?
  4. We .....our homeworks.
  5. My mum and my....

9 Clues: Not left but....My mum and my....On the neck is.....You hear with it....We .....our homeworks.365 days are in one ....What colour is the grass?It is a kind of fruit a....Animal that lives in Africa is....

Earth Day 2023-05-09

Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. The process of making new products from materials that were used in another product
  2. Cutting down of forests leading to increased erosion and slower soil regeneration
  3. A group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce fertile offspring
  4. species with a small population that are in danger of becoming extinct
  5. An area that provides an organism with it's basic needs for survival
  1. waste materials from industry that are poisonous to humans and other living things
  2. A natural resource that is not replaced in a useful time frame
  3. convert waste into reusable material
  4. The total surroundings of an organism or a group of organisms
  5. The disappearance of all members of a species from earth

10 Clues: convert waste into reusable materialThe disappearance of all members of a species from earthThe total surroundings of an organism or a group of organismsA natural resource that is not replaced in a useful time frameAn area that provides an organism with it's basic needs for survival...

Earth Day 2024-04-05

Earth Day crossword puzzle
  1. Energy extracted from moving air
  2. Agency that protects human health and the environment
  3. Founder of Earth Day
  4. 2024 Earth Day theme
  1. Designed Earth Day flag
  2. State with longest one-way commute to work
  3. This country planted 28 million trees for Earth Day 2011
  4. 100,000 people rode bikes to work in this country for Earth Day 2012
  5. Energy generated from the sun

9 Clues: Founder of Earth Day2024 Earth Day themeDesigned Earth Day flagEnergy generated from the sunEnergy extracted from moving airState with longest one-way commute to workAgency that protects human health and the environmentThis country planted 28 million trees for Earth Day 2011100,000 people rode bikes to work in this country for Earth Day 2012

Earth and Space Crossword 2024-01-17

Earth and Space Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Cycle The time period when the Moon orbits Earth one time and goes through all of its phases. Takes about 29 days.
  2. The driving force of water cycle and is the center of our solar system
  3. Happens in the West (PM)
  4. When water fills every available pore space in soil. New rain has no where to go and flooding is very likely.
  5. The spinning of Earth on its axis.
  6. The movement of one object around another object. Orbit
  7. Has a rocky surface and has a very THIN atmosphere
  8. The evaporation of water from the leaves of a plant into the atmosphere.
  9. Water that falls to Earth as rain, snow, hail, or sleet.
  10. Has a rocky surface and has an atmosphere
  11. The time it takes Earth to revolve around the sun
  1. Water collecting in rivers, oceans, and streams
  2. The flow of water through soil and porous or cracked rock
  3. belt Separates the inner and outer planets.
  4. The time it takes Earth to rotate once on its axis
  5. Causes the rise and fall of ocean tides
  6. Caused by the tilt of Earth on its axis and Earth's revolution around the Sun
  7. ...planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.
  8. water that flows over the ground surface rather than soaking into the ground
  9. Happens in the East (AM)
  10. ...planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
  11. average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time. (What you can expect)
  12. The condition of Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place. Changes day-to-day. (What you get)

23 Clues: Happens in the West (PM)Happens in the East (AM)The spinning of Earth on its axis.Causes the rise and fall of ocean tides...planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.Has a rocky surface and has an atmospherebelt Separates the inner and outer planets....planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.Water collecting in rivers, oceans, and streams...

Eclipses and Tides 2018-11-26

Eclipses and Tides crossword puzzle
  1. When the Sun appears to have a dark shadow on a small fraction of the Moon’s surface.
  2. When the Moon in front of the Sun looks like a dark disk on top of a larger sun-coloured disk.
  3. The planet in which humans live.
  4. The lowest water level of a tidal cycle.
  5. When the Earth completely blocks direct sunlight from reaching the Moon.
  6. Occurs occurs when the moon moves in between the Sun and the Earth, blocking the light of the Sun from reaching Earth.
  7. When the tidal force causes Earth’s oceans to bulge out on the side closest to and farthest from the moon.
  8. When the Earth moves in between the Sun and the Moon and blocks the sunlight that is reflected on the Moon.
  9. When an area experiences two high and two low tides per lunar day.
  1. When the Sun, Moon and Earth are in a direct line.
  2. It is the innermost and darkest part of a shadow, where the light source is completely blocked.
  3. Occurs when only a part of the Moon enters Earth's shadow.
  4. When only the outer shadow of the Earth falls on the Moon’s surface.
  5. The star in which the Earth orbits.
  6. When an area experiences two high and two low tides of different size every lunar day.
  7. A regular pattern of one high tide and one low tide each lunar day.
  8. A celestial body that orbits the Earth.
  9. The partially shaded outer region of a shadow.

18 Clues: The planet in which humans live.The star in which the Earth orbits.A celestial body that orbits the Earth.The lowest water level of a tidal cycle.The partially shaded outer region of a shadow.When the Sun, Moon and Earth are in a direct line.Occurs when only a part of the Moon enters Earth's shadow....

Earth, Moon and Sun 2014-01-28

Earth, Moon and Sun crossword puzzle
  1. When the Earth made one full rotation on its axis one _____ passed.
  2. Is the only planted that supports life.
  3. A _____ eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon.
  4. What changes from the Sun and the Earth every year?
  5. We talked about how Earth, Moon and Sun ______ with each other.
  6. Is an object that revolts around a second object.
  1. A _____ eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and Sun.
  2. When the Earth has made one full revolution (orbit) around its sun one _____ has passed.
  3. Has the longest orbit around the sun.
  4. The temperature is around 5500 Celcius.
  5. What changes because the Earth rotates around its axis?
  6. One day is 24 _____ hours long.
  7. Only _______ have walked on the moon.
  8. The Earth was formed 4.54 ______ years ago.
  9. Has the shortest orbit around the sun.

15 Clues: One day is 24 _____ hours long.Has the longest orbit around the sun.Only _______ have walked on the moon.Has the shortest orbit around the sun.The temperature is around 5500 Celcius.Is the only planted that supports life.The Earth was formed 4.54 ______ years ago.Is an object that revolts around a second object....

The Reason for the Seasons 2024-01-19

The Reason for the Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. The shortest day of the year
  2. September 23rd
  3. The half of the Earth that is North of the Equator
  4. Earth's orbital movement around the Sun
  5. March 21st
  1. Southernmost part of the Earth
  2. The one day of the year when the Earth is at it's maximum tilt towards the Sun
  3. The half of the Earth that is South of the Equator
  4. The Earth's _______ is the reason for the seasons
  5. Imaginary line Earth spins around
  6. Northernmost part of the Earth
  7. The spinning of the Earth around its axis
  8. Imaginary line splitting the Earth into two hemispheres

13 Clues: March 21stSeptember 23rdThe shortest day of the yearSouthernmost part of the EarthNorthernmost part of the EarthImaginary line Earth spins aroundEarth's orbital movement around the SunThe spinning of the Earth around its axisThe Earth's _______ is the reason for the seasonsThe half of the Earth that is South of the Equator...

Science Vocabulary Review 2024-01-01

Science Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. it takes the Earth 365 days to __________ around the Sun
  2. True or False - The Sun moves around the Earth.
  3. In general, the ________ a star, the larger and brighter it will appear
  4. the Earth's _________ creates day and night
  5. the Earth's revolution around the Sun creates the __________
  6. constellations appear to move during the year because of the Earth's __________ around the sun
  7. the side of the Earth facing the Sun is experiencing ________
  1. 365 days is equivalent to one __________
  2. The Sun appears to be the largest star because it is the ________ star to the Earth
  3. every 24 hours the Earth __________
  4. blue stars are ___________ than red stars
  5. the Earth is tilted on its ___________
  6. the side of the Earth facing away from the Sun is experiencing _______
  7. group of stars
  8. the star closest to Earth

15 Clues: group of starsthe star closest to Earthevery 24 hours the Earth __________the Earth is tilted on its ___________365 days is equivalent to one __________blue stars are ___________ than red starsthe Earth's _________ creates day and nightTrue or False - The Sun moves around the takes the Earth 365 days to __________ around the Sun...

When is _____? 2023-04-04

When is _____? crossword puzzle
  1. It is a day to help the Earth.
  2. It is a scary day. People wear costumes.
  3. People sing, dance, or perform in front of everyone.
  4. It is the day for kids.
  5. We listen to music.
  6. The school plays sports.
  7. Our class goes somewhere.
  8. In America, people make colored eggs.
  1. It is the day for love.
  2. We get older. We eat cake.
  3. In Korea, this day is called Chuseok.
  4. Santa

12 Clues: SantaWe listen to music.It is the day for love.It is the day for kids.The school plays sports.Our class goes somewhere.We get older. We eat cake.It is a day to help the Earth.In Korea, this day is called Chuseok.In America, people make colored eggs.It is a scary day. People wear costumes.People sing, dance, or perform in front of everyone.

Patterns of Earth and Sky Crossword 2022-10-20

Patterns of Earth and Sky Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A constellation that we have identified on the mysterious artifact
  2. Information that supports an answer to a question
  3. A constellation observable in the winter
  4. A huge object in space that gives off heat and light
  5. A constellation observable in the summer
  6. An arrangement of stars as seen from Earth
  7. A scientist who studies stars, planets, and other objects in the universe
  8. Year We have one of these every 4 years in order to keep our calendar consistent
  9. The only star in our solar system
  1. An attempt to find out about something
  2. An object that is visible at day and night
  3. The invisible force that keeps us on the ground
  4. Something that changes within an investigation
  5. Earth does this to the sun and the moon does it to Earth
  6. The length of time it takes Earth to orbit the sun one time
  7. A period of time that is 24 hours long and includes daytime and nighttime
  8. The Earth does this once per day
  9. Year The distance that stars are measured

18 Clues: The Earth does this once per dayThe only star in our solar systemAn attempt to find out about somethingA constellation observable in the winterA constellation observable in the summerYear The distance that stars are measuredAn object that is visible at day and nightAn arrangement of stars as seen from Earth...

Earth, Moon and Sun 2014-01-28

Earth, Moon and Sun crossword puzzle
  1. One day is 24 _____ long.
  2. A _____ eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon.
  3. We talked about how Earth, Moon and Sun ______ with each other.
  4. What changes because the Earth rotates around its axis?
  5. Has the longest orbit around the sun.
  6. When the Earth has made one full revolution (orbit) around its sun one _____ has passed.
  1. A _____ eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and Sun.
  2. Only _______ have walked on the moon.
  3. The Earth was formed 4.54 ______ years ago.
  4. What changes from the Sun and the Earth every year?
  5. Has the shortest orbit around the sun.
  6. Is the only planted that supports life.
  7. The temperature is around 5500 Celcius.
  8. Is an object that revolts around a second object.
  9. When the Earth made one full rotation on its axis one _____ passed.

15 Clues: One day is 24 _____ long.Only _______ have walked on the moon.Has the longest orbit around the sun.Has the shortest orbit around the sun.Is the only planted that supports life.The temperature is around 5500 Celcius.The Earth was formed 4.54 ______ years ago.Is an object that revolts around a second object....

Earth's Postitons 2017-04-24

Earth's Postitons crossword puzzle
  1. when day and night are of approximately equal in duration all over the planet
  2. 365.25 days; the time it takes Earth to revolve around the sun
  3. the solstice that marks the onset of winter,shortest day,
  4. 24 hours; caused by the Earth's rotation includes times of darkness and light
  5. the period of darkness in each twenty-four hours; the time from sunset to sunrise
  6. a half of the earth, usually as divided into northern and southern halves by the equator
  1. the solstice that marks the onset of summer,longest day
  2. an imaginary line drawn around the earth equally distant from both poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres
  3. the path an object follows as it revolves around another object
  4. imaginary line that extends out of the earth from the North and South pole
  5. to turn like a top;spin,this movement by Earth causes day and night
  6. something that repeats continuously in the same pattern
  7. summer,winter,spring,fall; caused by the Earth's tilt of 23.5 degrees as it revovles
  8. to move around another object, this is caused by Earth's tilt on its axis

14 Clues: the solstice that marks the onset of summer,longest daysomething that repeats continuously in the same patternthe solstice that marks the onset of winter,shortest day,365.25 days; the time it takes Earth to revolve around the sunthe path an object follows as it revolves around another object...

Earth Day Movement Crossword 2023-11-27

Earth Day Movement Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. tiny plastic particles that are increasingly polluting our planet
  2. the action of clearing a wide area of trees
  3. What had been catching on fire and brought more attention to climate change
  4. A prolonged period of excessive heat, often combined with excessive humidity
  5. A result of the Environmental protests
  6. the production and discharge of gases into the atmosphere, especially from factories or machines
  7. Energy transfer in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles that release energy when absorbed by an object
  8. founded Zero Hour, a youth environmentalist group
  1. harmful substances or chemicals in the environment
  2. The number of people who protested environmental destruction on 22 April 1970
  3. the variability of species on our planet
  4. major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among others, that occur over several decades or longer
  5. To convert waste into reusable material
  6. What the congress was on the first Earth Day because so many of the members were involved with the protests
  7. energy derived from nontraditional sources
  8. Senator who led the first Earth Day
  9. the total amount of greenhouse gases that are generated by our actions
  10. The state that held a dolphin themed Earth Day
  11. made as an effect of the first Earth day
  12. what an organization does when they market themselves as environmental but aren't

20 Clues: Senator who led the first Earth DayA result of the Environmental protestsTo convert waste into reusable materialthe variability of species on our planetmade as an effect of the first Earth dayenergy derived from nontraditional sourcesthe action of clearing a wide area of treesThe state that held a dolphin themed Earth Day...

Genesis 1- In the Beginning 2022-07-09

Genesis 1- In the Beginning crossword puzzle
  1. God gave plants and trees to humans for _____ v.29
  2. God filled the waters with fish and the skies with ______ v.20
  3. human beings will ______ over the animals v.26
  4. In the _______ God created the heavens and the earth v.1
  5. the dry ground was called ____ v.10
  6. the water was called ____ v.10
  7. God blessed the fish and the birds and told them to be fruitful and ________.v.22
  8. The sun and the moon and the stars were signs to mark the _______, days, and years v.14
  9. God created day and night on the ______ day v.5
  10. God made the sun, moon, and stars on what day? v.19
  11. What else did God feed with the plants and trees? v.30
  12. the waters beneath the sky flowed together in one place so dry ______ would appear v.9
  13. The _____ of the plants and trees produced trees and plants of the same kind v.12
  14. Then he separated the light from the ______ v.4
  15. God _________ the human beings v.28
  16. God called the space ___ V.7-8
  17. God called the light "day" and the darkness "_____"v.5
  1. God said "Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing ________ of the same kind v.24-25
  2. the larger light _______ the day and the smaller light ________ the night v.16
  3. God said " Let the ground sprout with _________ v.11
  4. Then God said "Let us make human beings in our _____ v.26
  5. The earth was ______ and empty and darkness covered deep waters v.2
  6. the lights were made to separate the light from the _________v.17-18
  7. God _______ the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth v.6
  8. God created great sea __________v.21
  9. God made the fish and birds on the ______ day V.23
  10. On what day did God create plants and trees? v. 13
  11. God said "Let there be ____"v.3
  12. God created the sky on the ________ day v.8
  13. God created human beings male and ______ v.27
  14. these lights were made to shine ____ on the earth v.15
  15. The _____ of God was hovering over the surface of the waters v.2
  16. What day did God create the animals and humans? v.31

33 Clues: the water was called ____ v.10God called the space ___ V.7-8God said "Let there be ____"v.3the dry ground was called ____ v.10God _________ the human beings v.28God created great sea __________v.21God created the sky on the ________ day v.8God created human beings male and ______ v.27human beings will ______ over the animals v.26...

Science 2016-11-16

Science crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of unfair
  2. matter that flows
  3. slows down the transfer of heat
  4. matter that has a fixed shape
  5. all living things do this
  6. the point at which things melt
  7. what scientists do to find out things
  8. used to measure temperature
  9. this orbits the sun
  10. all living things do this
  1. the earth rotates on this
  2. how liquids flow
  3. allows heat to transfer quickly
  4. the point at which things freeze
  5. opposite of living
  6. the earth orbits this
  7. opposite of day
  8. one of the five senses
  9. unit of measure for temperature
  10. there are 24 of these in one day
  11. one of the five senses
  12. this transfers to other things
  13. you need to manage these to stay safe

23 Clues: opposite of dayhow liquids flowmatter that flowsopposite of unfairopposite of livingthis orbits the sunthe earth orbits thisone of the five sensesone of the five sensesthe earth rotates on thisall living things do thisall living things do thisused to measure temperaturematter that has a fixed shapethe point at which things melt...

Social Studies Final Review Part 1 2012-06-05

Social Studies Final Review Part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. / shows the boundaries of countries, states or cities
  2. / shows the landforms and bodies of water of an area
  3. / day with the least hours of sunlight
  4. / latitude line that circles the Earth halfway between the North and South Pole
  5. / measure the distance north and south of the Equator
  6. / day with the most hours of sunlight
  7. / shows directions on a map
  1. / shows a specific theme of a map: Vegetation, Population, etc.
  2. / takes the Earth 365 ¼ days to circle the sun
  3. / thin rocky shell
  4. / indicates the subject of the map
  5. / is the study of the Earth and its people
  6. / a longitude line that stretches from the North to the South Pole through Greenwich, England
  7. / measure the distance east and west of the Prime Meridian
  8. / when day and night are of equal length
  9. / lists and explains symbols
  10. / explains the distance on the map
  11. / is mostly solid, it is made up of magma
  12. / takes the Earth 24 hours to complete a rotation on its axis
  13. / inner is made of solid iron, the outer is liquid metal

20 Clues: / thin rocky shell/ lists and explains symbols/ shows directions on a map/ indicates the subject of the map/ explains the distance on the map/ day with the most hours of sunlight/ day with the least hours of sunlight/ when day and night are of equal length/ is mostly solid, it is made up of magma/ is the study of the Earth and its people...

The Creation Genesis Chapter 1 2018-02-02

The Creation Genesis Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. And over _____ the earth (26)
  2. It was _____ good (31)
  3. The evening and the morning were the _____ day (31)
  4. After his kind, cattle, and _____ thing (24)
  5. Whose _____ was in itself (12)
  6. Divided the waters which were _____ the firmament (7)
  7. The moving _____ that hath life (20)
  8. To give _____ upon the earth (15)
  9. God called the firmament _____ (8)
  10. The herb _____ seed (11)
  11. The evening and the morning were the _____ day (23)
  12. The earth _____ without form (2)
  13. And the _____ and the morning (8)
  14. For _____, and for days, and years (14)
  15. And the fruit _____ yielding fruit (11)
  16. _____ created the heaven and the earth (1)
  17. God saw every thing that _____ had made (31)
  18. The greater light to _____ the day (16)
  19. Fowl that may _____ above the earth (20)
  20. Whose seed is in _____ (11)
  21. To you it shall be for _____ (29)
  22. God saw the light, that _____ was good (4)
  23. The waters called he _____ (10)
  24. Which were _____ the firmament: and it was so (7)
  25. The Spirit _____ God (2)
  26. God created great _____ (21)
  27. And it was _____ (9)
  28. _____ and female created he them (27)
  29. He made the _____ also (16)
  30. And let the dry _____ appear (9)
  31. The earth was without _____ (2)
  1. The evening and the morning were the sixth _____ (31)
  2. The earth was without form, and _____ (2)
  3. Let _____ be for lights (15)
  4. Replenish the earth, and _____ it (28)
  5. God _____ the heaven and the earth (1)
  6. And _____ was upon the face of the deep (2)
  7. The first Book of Moses called _____ (title)
  8. The darkness he called _____ (5)
  9. The _____ light to rule the night (16)
  10. I have given you every _____ bearing seed (29)
  11. A firmament in the _____ of the waters (6)
  12. Moved upon the face of the _____ (2)
  13. And _____ that may fly (20)
  14. I have given every _____ herb for meat (30)
  15. _____ fruitful, and multiply (28)
  16. Let the _____ land appear (9)
  17. The evening and the morning were the _____ day (5)
  18. Let us make man in our _____ (26)
  19. God said, _____ there be light (3)
  20. Male and _____ created he them (27)
  21. Over the fowl of the _____ (28)
  22. Wherein there _____ life (30)
  23. Darkness was _____ the face of the deep (2)
  24. _____the beginning (1)
  25. And _____ of the earth after his kind (24)
  26. And God made _____ great lights (16)
  27. Gathered together unto _____ place (9)
  28. The First Book of _____ (title)
  29. And God _____ (29)
  30. There is _____ (30)

61 Clues: And God _____ (29)There is _____ (30)And it was _____ (9)It was _____ good (31)_____the beginning (1)The herb _____ seed (11)The Spirit _____ God (2)And _____ that may fly (20)Whose seed is in _____ (11)He made the _____ also (16)Let _____ be for lights (15)God created great _____ (21)And over _____ the earth (26)Let the _____ land appear (9)...

Earth's Postitons 2017-04-24

Earth's Postitons crossword puzzle
  1. to turn like a top;spin,this movement by Earth causes day and night
  2. to move around another object, this is caused by Earth's tilt on its axis
  3. summer,winter,spring,fall; caused by the Earth's tilt of 23.5 degrees as it revovles
  4. 24 hours; caused by the Earth's rotation includes times of darkness and light
  5. the solstice that marks the onset of summer,longest day
  6. the path an object follows as it revolves around another object
  1. the period of darkness in each twenty-four hours; the time from sunset to sunrise
  2. an imaginary line drawn around the earth equally distant from both poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres
  3. something that repeats continuously in the same pattern
  4. the solstice that marks the onset of winter,shortest day,
  5. a half of the earth, usually as divided into northern and southern halves by the equator
  6. imaginary line that extends out of the earth from the North and South pole
  7. when day and night are of approximately equal in duration all over the planet
  8. 365.25 days; the time it takes Earth to revolve around the sun

14 Clues: something that repeats continuously in the same patternthe solstice that marks the onset of summer,longest daythe solstice that marks the onset of winter,shortest day,365.25 days; the time it takes Earth to revolve around the sunthe path an object follows as it revolves around another object...

Earth Motions in Space 2022-09-22

Earth Motions in Space crossword puzzle
  1. Day
  2. Axis
  3. Sphere
  4. Counter-clockwise
  5. Spins
  6. Earth
  1. Rotation
  2. Revolves
  3. Sun
  4. Space
  5. Night

11 Clues: DaySunAxisSpinsSpaceNightEarthSphereRotationRevolvesCounter-clockwise

Jacobsatmosphere 2023-01-10

Jacobsatmosphere crossword puzzle
  1. the mesosphere blocks these hurling objects
  2. layer of atmosphere closest to Earth's surface
  3. day to day conditions of atmosphere
  4. 94% of the Earth is made up of oxygen, magnesium, and this
  5. layer that contains the most ozone
  6. makes up 78% of atmosphere
  7. the gas zone around the Earth
  8. the average conditions in an area
  9. the atmospheric pressure is greatest near this
  10. gas that protects us from UV rays
  1. the life zone of Earth
  2. what we breathe, makes up 21% of atmosphere
  3. atmosphere and air gets THIS as we get higher and higher
  4. the solid parts of the Earth, also called Lithosphere
  5. middle layer of the atmosphere
  6. the "top" layer of the atmosphere which is the hottest
  7. harmful radiation from the sun
  8. all the water on Earth
  9. _air has the greatest pressure because molecules move less

19 Clues: the life zone of Earthall the water on Earthmakes up 78% of atmospherethe gas zone around the Earthmiddle layer of the atmosphereharmful radiation from the sunthe average conditions in an areagas that protects us from UV rayslayer that contains the most ozoneday to day conditions of atmospherethe mesosphere blocks these hurling objects...

Semester One 2017-06-28

Semester One crossword puzzle
  1. God gave him the 10 Commandments.
  2. the day Jesus resurrected
  3. Son of God
  4. the day Jesus died.
  5. the Sunday before good Friday.
  6. a country in west Africa.
  7. wrote the third gospel of the New Testament
  8. in a story in the Old Testament including a whale.
  9. the leader of Rome.
  10. wrote the fourth of the New Testament
  1. the start of lent.
  2. the first man on earth
  3. Betrayed Jesus
  4. wrote the second of the New Testament
  5. it happened in Ghana.
  6. write the first gospel of the New Testament
  7. Killed his own mother.
  8. Created earth.
  9. the first women on earth
  10. he built the ark

20 Clues: Son of GodBetrayed JesusCreated earth.he built the arkthe start of lent.the day Jesus died.the leader of happened in Ghana.the first man on earthKilled his own mother.the first women on earththe day Jesus resurrecteda country in west Africa.the Sunday before good Friday.God gave him the 10 Commandments.wrote the second of the New Testament...

Earth, Sun and Moon System 2020-12-20

Earth, Sun and Moon System crossword puzzle
  1. The season that comes after Summer.
  2. Seeing an increasing amount of the Moon's sunlit side.
  3. One of the different apparent shapes of the moon as seen from Earth.
  4. An imaginary line around the middle of the Earth.
  5. Seeing a decreasing amount of the Moon's sunlit side.
  6. The "north star", which Earth's axis appears to point to.
  7. Where sunlight is partially blocked during an eclipse.
  8. It takes Earth about 365 days to do this motion around the sun.
  9. Longest day of the year.
  10. A _______ eclipse occurs when the Moon is directly between the Sun and Earth.
  11. It takes Earth about 24 hours to do this motion on its axis.
  12. The apparent shape of a moon when less than half is sunlit.
  1. When one hemisphere is tilted the most towards the sun.
  2. A ________ eclipse occurs when only part of the moon or sun is blocked.
  3. Where sunlight is totally blocked during an eclipse.
  4. The apparent shape of a moon or planet when more than half is sunlit.
  5. A ________ eclipse occurs when all of the moon or sun is blocked.
  6. Shortest day of the year.
  7. When neither hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and day and night are equal amounts of time.
  8. A _______ eclipse occurs when the Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon.

20 Clues: Longest day of the year.Shortest day of the year.The season that comes after Summer.An imaginary line around the middle of the Earth.Where sunlight is totally blocked during an eclipse.Seeing a decreasing amount of the Moon's sunlit side.Seeing an increasing amount of the Moon's sunlit side.Where sunlight is partially blocked during an eclipse....

Moon Phases, Tides and Seasons 2024-11-18

Moon Phases, Tides and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Moon A sliver of the moon is visible.
  2. Tide The largest tidal range during new and full moons.
  3. The movement of Earth around the sun in a year.
  4. The imaginary line Earth rotates around.
  5. Quarter The moon is half illuminated and increasing.
  6. When day and night are of equal length.
  7. Changes in weather and daylight caused by Earth’s tilt and orbit.
  8. Tide The lowest level of water during a tidal cycle.
  9. Quarter The moon is half illuminated and decreasing.
  10. The moon phase where the illuminated portion is decreasing.
  11. The angle of Earth’s axis that causes seasons.
  1. Phases The different shapes of the moon as seen from Earth.
  2. Tide The smallest tidal range during first and last quarter moons.
  3. Moon More than half of the moon is visible but not full.
  4. The spinning of Earth on its axis, causing day and night.
  5. Pull The force exerted by the moon and sun on Earth.
  6. The path Earth takes around the sun.
  7. The rise and fall of sea levels caused by gravitational forces.
  8. Moon When the entire face of the moon is illuminated.
  9. The moon phase where the illuminated portion is increasing.
  10. Moon When the moon is completely dark and not visible.
  11. The longest or shortest day of the year.
  12. Tide The highest level of water during a tidal cycle.

23 Clues: The path Earth takes around the sun.Moon A sliver of the moon is visible.When day and night are of equal length.The imaginary line Earth rotates around.The longest or shortest day of the year.The angle of Earth’s axis that causes seasons.The movement of Earth around the sun in a year.Pull The force exerted by the moon and sun on Earth....

Creation 2012-07-30

Creation crossword puzzle
  1. Controls the night
  2. Cr____on
  3. God said let there be
  4. B__s_ed
  5. The light part of the day
  6. What we breath
  7. Creepy crawlies
  8. First man
  9. On the seventh day god
  1. The huge place we live in
  2. Creatures that roam the land
  3. Controls the day
  4. Seed Bearing or fruit bearing
  5. The dark part of the day
  6. Young people
  7. The man in the sky
  8. The planet we live on
  9. First woman
  10. S___n
  11. Little light in the sky at night

20 Clues: S___nB__s_edCr____onFirst manFirst womanYoung peopleWhat we breathCreepy crawliesControls the dayControls the nightThe man in the skyGod said let there beThe planet we live onOn the seventh day godThe dark part of the dayThe huge place we live inThe light part of the dayCreatures that roam the landSeed Bearing or fruit bearing...

Introduction to Global Systems 2023-01-30

Introduction to Global Systems crossword puzzle
  1. dark ocean zone with no photosynthesis
  2. biome that has been changed by humans
  3. any living part of the environment
  4. all the organisms living in one environment
  5. group of organisms that product offspring
  6. day to day changes in temperature
  7. gases that trap heat in the atmosphere
  8. sunlit region near the surface of the ocean
  9. wetland formed when a river meets an ocean
  10. all the water on, in and around the earth
  1. solid earth, rocks, continents, ocean floor
  2. a group of individuals of the same species
  3. any nonliving part of the environment
  4. all the life on earth
  5. layer of gases that surrounds the earth
  6. average temperature,precipitation over time
  7. different populations living in the same area
  8. study of interactions between organisms
  9. regional climate community on land

19 Clues: all the life on earthday to day changes in temperatureany living part of the environmentregional climate community on landbiome that has been changed by humansany nonliving part of the environmentdark ocean zone with no photosynthesisgases that trap heat in the atmospherelayer of gases that surrounds the earthstudy of interactions between organisms...

Unit 1 Vocabulary 2022-09-23

Unit 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Earth is not tilted toward or away from the Sun. This season comes after summer.
  2. the rise and fall of Earth's water
  3. Earths path as it revolves around the sun
  4. The time at which the tide reaches its highest level at any moon phase
  5. looks like darkness. has no light reflected
  6. moving around another object in space
  7. the moon's shape when more than half is illuminated
  8. The Northern Hemisphere of the Earth is tilted in toward the sun.
  9. this phase of the moon occurs about 7 days after a new moon
  10. in spring and fall and the Earth has equal day and night
  11. Type of tide when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are lined up and high tides are higher and low tides are lower than usual
  12. When the Moon appears to get smaller
  1. imaginary line that passes through the Earth's center from the North to the South
  2. In summer and winter and the Earth has the longest day/shortest night or the shortest day/longest night
  3. The Northern Hemisphere of Earth is tilted away from the sun.
  4. spinning on an axis
  5. When the Moon appears to get bigger
  6. The partial or total blocking of one object in space by another
  7. short period of climate change in an area caused by the tilt of Earth's axis as Earth revolves around the sun. (winter, summer, autumn, spring)
  8. The shape of Earth's orbit
  9. the phase of the moon when the moon is between Earth and sun
  10. the phase of the moon when Earth is between the moon and sun
  11. the state of the tide when at its lowest level at any moon phase
  12. the moon's shape when less than half of it is illuminated
  13. Type of eclipse blocking of sunlight to the moon that occurs when Earth is directly between the sun and the moon
  14. Earth is not tilted toward or away from the Sun. This season comes after winter.
  15. Type of tide when the Sun, Earth and Moon make a right angle and the high tides are lower than usual and the low tides are a little higher than usual.
  16. Type of eclipse which occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Sun and Earth and casts a shadow over part of Earth

28 Clues: spinning on an axisThe shape of Earth's orbitthe rise and fall of Earth's waterWhen the Moon appears to get biggerWhen the Moon appears to get smallermoving around another object in spaceEarths path as it revolves around the sunlooks like darkness. has no light reflectedthe moon's shape when more than half is illuminated...