farming Crossword Puzzles

Farming 2021-01-19

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. the cultivation of ornamental plants
  2. better control of weeds pest and disease
  3. The breeding and rearing of fish
  1. enough food to feed their families
  2. The rearing of silkworms
  3. farming Cheese,butter ect are examples of
  4. farming Raising and adopting of domesticated

7 Clues: The rearing of silkwormsThe breeding and rearing of fishenough food to feed their familiesthe cultivation of ornamental plantsbetter control of weeds pest and diseasefarming Cheese,butter ect are examples offarming Raising and adopting of domesticated

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. the step in which we water plants
  2. the farming in which the crops are change
  3. the help to cut crops
  1. this is sown in winter
  2. in which bird reared
  3. the exclusive about harm health
  4. the farming deals with art

7 Clues: in which bird rearedthe help to cut cropsthis is sown in winterthe farming deals with artthe exclusive about harm healththe step in which we water plantsthe farming in which the crops are change

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. the step in which we water plants
  2. the farming in which the crops are change
  3. the help to cut crops
  1. this is sown in winter
  2. in which bird reared
  3. the exclusive about harm health
  4. the farming deals with art

7 Clues: in which bird rearedthe help to cut cropsthis is sown in winterthe farming deals with artthe exclusive about harm healththe step in which we water plantsthe farming in which the crops are change

Farming Crossword 2016-08-07

Farming Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. produced without pesticides
  2. wandering freely
  3. any animals raised on the farm
  4. to gather a crop when it finishes growing
  1. farming vehicle
  2. unit used to measure land
  3. gardeners class shed
  4. machine run by rotating propellers
  5. barrier to keep cattle in
  6. type of farm relating to milk production
  7. a baby cow

11 Clues: a baby cowfarming vehiclewandering freelygardeners class shedunit used to measure landbarrier to keep cattle inproduced without pesticidesany animals raised on the farmmachine run by rotating propellerstype of farm relating to milk productionto gather a crop when it finishes growing

Intensive Farming 2014-12-04

Intensive Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Farmers grow these to sell at a market
  2. A substance used to make you grow faster
  3. Has a harmful or poisonous effect on an ecosystem
  4. Being cut down to make room for crops
  5. The maximum amount of that something can contain
  6. A solution sprinkled onto plants and crops to help them grow
  1. Some are beneficial to help plants grow
  2. Focused on a certain area or subject to make an influence on
  3. A breed of animals that are used to produce milk and meat
  4. A substance used for killing insects and other things that could hurt crops
  5. How some people make a living in a rural community

11 Clues: Being cut down to make room for cropsFarmers grow these to sell at a marketSome are beneficial to help plants growA substance used to make you grow fasterThe maximum amount of that something can containHas a harmful or poisonous effect on an ecosystemHow some people make a living in a rural community...

Fire-stick Farming 2023-07-01

Fire-stick Farming crossword puzzle
  1. month
  2. nutrients
  3. cover
  4. sun
  5. tree
  6. condensation
  7. explosion
  8. stars
  9. place
  1. gust
  2. flourish
  3. growth
  4. plant
  5. dirt
  6. fauna
  7. move
  8. matches
  9. grey

18 Clues: sungusttreedirtmovegreymonthcoverplantfaunastarsplacegrowthmatchesflourishnutrientsexplosioncondensation

A Better Life? - text vocab crossword 2024-11-18

A Better Life? - text vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. To search widely for food, a practice diminished with settled farming
  2. A measure of skeletal strength impacted by diet in early farming societies
  3. Adjective describing illnesses that spread more readily with increased population density
  4. Severe hunger, sometimes resulting from failed crops or dependency on a single food source
  5. Means of earning a living, transformed by agricultural practices
  6. Health condition caused by an imbalanced or insufficient diet, common in early farming communities
  1. The process of taming plants and animals for human use
  2. Organisms that thrived in unsanitary farming conditions, causing disease
  3. The biological group including humans, significant for their adaptation during agricultural advances
  4. burial ... Earth structures for the dead, indicating complex societies in farming cultures
  5. ... crops - Staple foods like wheat and maize, providing calories but few nutrients
  6. Excess food production that allowed for population growth and trade
  7. Describing the settled lifestyle adopted with agriculture
  8. A lack of essential nutrients, often seen with limited crop variety

14 Clues: The process of taming plants and animals for human useDescribing the settled lifestyle adopted with agricultureMeans of earning a living, transformed by agricultural practicesExcess food production that allowed for population growth and tradeA lack of essential nutrients, often seen with limited crop variety...

Rice Farming 2023-06-13

Rice Farming crossword puzzle
  1. farming can provide jobs and income for the people in Asia
  2. type of farming is farming a crops for own consumption.
  3. is another word for farming
  4. is one of the natural disaster that can destroy rice farming
  1. soil is one of the most fertile soil for rice
  2. is one of major rice production country
  3. 188 is one of Brunei HYV rice variety
  4. is a staple food for people in Asia
  5. is food that Brunei achieve self-sufficiency
  6. type of farming is farming a crop for sale

10 Clues: is another word for farmingis a staple food for people in Asia188 is one of Brunei HYV rice varietyis one of major rice production countrytype of farming is farming a crop for saleis food that Brunei achieve self-sufficiencysoil is one of the most fertile soil for ricetype of farming is farming a crops for own consumption....

FARMING 2021-01-18

FARMING crossword puzzle
  1. which step help the plant to grow
  2. the prosses of loosening and upturning the soil is called_______
  3. what helps the insects not to attack on crops?
  1. mixed farming is also called
  2. what is done to collect grains?
  3. farming don't use fertilizers pesticides and more sprays like this
  4. this spray helps to take out the weeds________

7 Clues: mixed farming is also calledwhat is done to collect grains?which step help the plant to growthis spray helps to take out the weeds________what helps the insects not to attack on crops?the prosses of loosening and upturning the soil is called_______farming don't use fertilizers pesticides and more sprays like this

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. the step in which we water plants
  2. the farming in which the crops are change
  3. the help to cut crops
  1. this is sown in winter
  2. in which bird reared
  3. the exclusive about harm health
  4. the farming deals with art

7 Clues: in which bird rearedthe help to cut cropsthis is sown in winterthe farming deals with artthe exclusive about harm healththe step in which we water plantsthe farming in which the crops are change

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. the step in which we water plants
  2. the farming in which the crops are change
  3. the help to cut crops
  1. this is sown in winter
  2. in which bird reared
  3. the exclusive about harm health
  4. the farming deals with art

7 Clues: in which bird rearedthe help to cut cropsthis is sown in winterthe farming deals with artthe exclusive about harm healththe step in which we water plantsthe farming in which the crops are change

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. the step in which we water plants
  2. the farming in which the crops are change
  3. the help to cut crops
  1. this is sown in winter
  2. in which bird reared
  3. the exclusive about harm health
  4. the farming deals with art

7 Clues: in which bird rearedthe help to cut cropsthis is sown in winterthe farming deals with artthe exclusive about harm healththe step in which we water plantsthe farming in which the crops are change

Farming 2021-01-19

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Crops sown in rainy season.
  2. Helps in cutting crops in field.
  3. The loosening of soil
  4. The rearing of silkworm.
  1. The cutting and collecting grains.
  2. placing of seeds at cross marks.
  3. Raising domestic birds for their eggs.

7 Clues: The loosening of soilThe rearing of silkworm.Crops sown in rainy season.placing of seeds at cross marks.Helps in cutting crops in field.The cutting and collecting grains.Raising domestic birds for their eggs.

farming 2020-09-22

farming crossword puzzle
  1. grazing practiced in densely populated areas
  2. animals are confined in a given area with rope
  3. commercial animal feeds
  1. animals allowed to move freely while grazing
  2. grazing where animal feed on part of pasture
  3. chicken that lay eggs
  4. animals raised in agricultural setting

7 Clues: chicken that lay eggscommercial animal feedsanimals raised in agricultural settinganimals allowed to move freely while grazinggrazing practiced in densely populated areasgrazing where animal feed on part of pastureanimals are confined in a given area with rope

Agriculture 2020-12-07

Agriculture crossword puzzle
  1. Keeping hens and other fowl is related to
  2. From where do the Greenhouse farming facilities getting the maximum product.
  3. Shifting cultivation is which type of cultivation
  4. Which farming is mostly seen in developing regions?
  5. Rearing of animals and obtaining different products is known as
  6. All these occupations depend on which factor?
  7. Generally in which climate sheep and goat rearing is done.
  8. What is pisciculture?
  9. Which occupation is undertaken to obtain honey and wax.
  1. In agriculture what is considered to be the main and important function.
  2. silk thread is obtained through?
  3. By which transport quality and price of the product is determined
  4. What type of capital investment is necessary for Commercial farming.
  5. In the past which method is used for agricultural activities.
  6. Which two countries are famous for horticulture.

15 Clues: What is pisciculture?silk thread is obtained through?Keeping hens and other fowl is related toAll these occupations depend on which factor?Which two countries are famous for horticulture.Shifting cultivation is which type of cultivationWhich farming is mostly seen in developing regions?Which occupation is undertaken to obtain honey and wax....

Farming Systems and Food Shortages 2023-03-16

Farming Systems and Food Shortages crossword puzzle
  1. Ploughing is an example of a ________
  2. When crops are produced or animals kept to be sold for a profit
  3. The cultivation of crops is called ____ farming
  4. Farmers who move seasonaly from area to area
  5. High inputs or yields per hectare
  6. Low inputs or yields per hectare
  7. The products of a farming system
  8. Effect of loss of productivity
  9. Things which go into a farming system
  1. Enough crops produced and animals kept to sustain themselves
  2. The rearing of cattle is an example of _____ farming
  3. Effect of a diet lacking the necessary nutrients
  4. in which an area of ground is cleared of vegetation and cultivated for a few years and then abandoned for a new area until its fertility has been naturally restored.
  5. Farmers who use the same area of land each year
  6. Low weight proportional to height

15 Clues: Effect of loss of productivityLow inputs or yields per hectareThe products of a farming systemHigh inputs or yields per hectareLow weight proportional to heightPloughing is an example of a ________Things which go into a farming systemFarmers who move seasonaly from area to areaThe cultivation of crops is called ____ farming...

The First Humans and Ancient Egypt 2014-11-17

The First Humans and Ancient Egypt crossword puzzle
  1. A country with clear borders where government is in the hands of a small group of people
  2. In order of time
  3. How people divide power aong each other
  4. The scientist who came up with the Evolution Theory
  5. Example of a place where the introduction of farming had an enormous impact on society
  6. English word for Hunebedden
  7. How people make a living and divide up their income
  8. King of all Egypt
  9. This form of living first appeared around 7000 BC
  10. A sall settlement where the people live mostly from farming
  1. Place where the oldest traces of farming were found
  2. Historical evidence
  3. The theory that God created the world in 6 days
  4. Place where fertile land was discovered between 5000 and 4000 BC by hunters and gatheres
  5. The place where many cave paintings were found

15 Clues: In order of timeKing of all EgyptHistorical evidenceEnglish word for HunebeddenHow people divide power aong each otherThe place where many cave paintings were foundThe theory that God created the world in 6 daysThis form of living first appeared around 7000 BCPlace where the oldest traces of farming were found...

Yields and Agriculture - Ellie 2020-08-24

Yields and Agriculture - Ellie crossword puzzle
  1. The science of managing forests
  2. Changing between farming land
  3. Livestock consume wild vegetation
  1. Farming for a profit
  2. Crops are grown to sell for a profit
  3. Business of agricultural production
  4. Farming where livestock are herded
  5. Farming for only local benefits
  6. Farming which maximises yields

9 Clues: Farming for a profitChanging between farming landFarming which maximises yieldsThe science of managing forestsFarming for only local benefitsLivestock consume wild vegetationFarming where livestock are herdedBusiness of agricultural productionCrops are grown to sell for a profit

Vocab #8 2024-04-09

Vocab #8 crossword puzzle
  1. is the relationship between a soul to plants
  2. method of farming crops
  3. tiered tower
  4. is a large Mexican altepltl anthe d center of Mexico City
  5. found commonly at the entrShintof a Shinto shrine
  6. city in Purvian Andes
  7. Mesoamerican culture that expanded in Mexico
  8. indigenous people of Mesoamerica
  1. narrow strip of land with sea on either side of the land
  2. mountain range in South America
  3. japans belief system
  4. farming on a hill
  5. artificial floating islands
  6. largest empire in pre-coAmericaAmericak

14 Clues: tiered towerfarming on a hilljapans belief systemcity in Purvian Andesmethod of farming cropsartificial floating islandsmountain range in South Americaindigenous people of Mesoamericalargest empire in pre-coAmericaAmericakis the relationship between a soul to plantsMesoamerican culture that expanded in Mexico...

all oui 5 2021-01-18

all oui 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Rabi crops are sown in winter?
  2. crops commercial farming is also known as?
  3. croping mixed farming is also known as?
  4. the methord of collecting grains from the farm?
  5. farming in this farming animals are reared and crops are grown?
  1. combine harvester is small in size?
  2. _______ break large lumps of clay into small particles?
  3. large feild is ploughed by a tractor?
  4. fish farming is also known as?
  5. shape of a tool like c?

10 Clues: shape of a tool like c?Rabi crops are sown in winter?fish farming is also known as?combine harvester is small in size?large feild is ploughed by a tractor?croping mixed farming is also known as?crops commercial farming is also known as?the methord of collecting grains from the farm?_______ break large lumps of clay into small particles?...

Trade Across Continents 2022-06-29

Trade Across Continents crossword puzzle
  1. farming
  2. trade
  3. crop
  4. resources
  5. exploit
  6. slaves
  7. crops
  1. native
  2. europeans
  3. tomatoes
  4. exploration

11 Clues: croptradecropsnativeslavesfarmingexploittomatoeseuropeansresourcesexploration


  1. Crop that needs two hundred and ten frost free days and bright sunshine
  2. land used for growing crops
  3. varieties of farming activity
  4. farming practiced in forested areas
  5. type of farming done to earn money
  1. Cultivation of grapes
  2. a faming done without genetic modification
  3. Crop that needs well drained loamy soil and gentle slopes
  4. a type of farming practiced in semi-arid and arid regions of Sahara
  5. compulsory input of farming system

10 Clues: Cultivation of grapesland used for growing cropsvarieties of farming activitycompulsory input of farming systemfarming practiced in forested areastype of farming done to earn moneya faming done without genetic modificationCrop that needs well drained loamy soil and gentle slopesa type of farming practiced in semi-arid and arid regions of Sahara...

Supply and Demand 2021-09-07

Supply and Demand crossword puzzle
  1. rivalry
  2. buying units
  3. reward
  4. property individuals land
  5. economic unit
  6. business desire
  7. system societies method
  8. custom and tradition
  9. interaction of producers and consumers
  10. buyers meetup
  11. flow diagram flow of resources
  12. economy government and private
  13. information passed
  14. 3 big questions command
  1. personal gain
  2. farming farming for profit
  3. collect taxes
  4. agriculture enough needs for own
  5. gross domestic product
  6. economy supply and demand
  7. States free enterprise
  8. economy government control
  9. Korea command economy
  10. economy family method

24 Clues: rewardrivalrybuying unitspersonal gaincollect taxeseconomic unitbuyers meetupbusiness desireinformation passedcustom and traditionKorea command economyeconomy family methodgross domestic productStates free enterprisesystem societies method3 big questions commandproperty individuals landeconomy supply and demandfarming farming for profit...

Jason Corbett- Biotech Voc. Crossword 2015-02-23

Jason Corbett- Biotech Voc. Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Penicillin, for example
  2. Separate but the same
  3. Only the good will reproduce
  4. Moral Principles or values
  5. Natural order
  6. Modifications to genes
  7. All the genes
  1. Farming fish
  2. A combination
  3. Geneticists do this
  4. Wolf -> dog
  5. Farming
  6. Soiled, unpurified
  7. Renewable fuel
  8. Organism with a modified genome

15 Clues: FarmingWolf -> dogFarming fishA combinationNatural orderAll the genesRenewable fuelSoiled, unpurifiedGeneticists do thisSeparate but the sameModifications to genesPenicillin, for exampleMoral Principles or valuesOnly the good will reproduceOrganism with a modified genome

Supply and Demand 2021-09-07

Supply and Demand crossword puzzle
  1. rivalry
  2. buying units
  3. reward
  4. property individuals land
  5. economic unit
  6. business desire
  7. system societies method
  8. custom and tradition
  9. interaction of producers and consumers
  10. buyers meetup
  11. flow diagram flow of resources
  12. economy government and private
  13. information passed
  14. 3 big questions command
  1. personal gain
  2. farming farming for profit
  3. collect taxes
  4. agriculture enough needs for own
  5. gross domestic product
  6. economy supply and demand
  7. States free enterprise
  8. economy government control
  9. Korea command economy
  10. economy family method

24 Clues: rewardrivalrybuying unitspersonal gaincollect taxeseconomic unitbuyers meetupbusiness desireinformation passedcustom and traditionKorea command economyeconomy family methodgross domestic productStates free enterprisesystem societies method3 big questions commandproperty individuals landeconomy supply and demandfarming farming for profit...

3rd Hour Crossword - The Midwest and the South 2023-05-11

3rd Hour Crossword - The Midwest and the South crossword puzzle
  1. a farm machine
  2. a type of cow that gives milk
  3. part of USA with flat land for farming
  4. part of USA that is hot for growing sugarcane
  5. to put seeds in the ground
  6. spun from cotton and used to sew clothes
  7. a building where things are made
  8. a person who grows sugarcane and cotton
  9. a crop that is grown to make clothing
  10. a crop grown in Minnesota
  11. are cut down to make furniture
  12. a big farm machine that cuts the grain
  1. a building material that comes from trees
  2. a kind of farm building
  3. word to describe the 5 lakes in the midwest
  4. a word for farming
  5. a crop that is grown in the south
  6. land that is very flat and good for farming
  7. a grain that is grow for people and animals to eat
  8. the number of states in the Midwestern USA

20 Clues: a farm machinea word for farminga kind of farm buildinga crop grown in Minnesotato put seeds in the grounda type of cow that gives milkare cut down to make furniturea building where things are madea crop that is grown in the southa crop that is grown to make clothingpart of USA with flat land for farminga big farm machine that cuts the grain...


  1. Soil component
  2. Crop growth stage
  3. Crop storage places
  4. Farming technique
  1. Farming season
  2. Crop protection method
  3. Crop selection factor
  4. Crop rotation benefit
  5. Farming tool
  6. Soil nutrient

10 Clues: Farming toolSoil nutrientFarming seasonSoil componentCrop growth stageFarming techniqueCrop storage placesCrop selection factorCrop rotation benefitCrop protection method

Animal Welfare 2020-03-06

Animal Welfare crossword puzzle
  1. One drawback of free range farming
  2. An example of stereotypy, often seen in big cats
  3. One positive aspect of free range farming
  4. Farming in small areas with poor animal welfare
  5. Inappropriate use of normal behaviour towards itself, others, or objects
  6. Animals should be free from this
  7. Altered activity levels (low)
  1. An example of misdirected behaviour
  2. Second positive of free range farming
  3. Altered activity levels (high)
  4. Repetitive movements in caged animals

11 Clues: Altered activity levels (low)Altered activity levels (high)Animals should be free from thisOne drawback of free range farmingAn example of misdirected behaviourSecond positive of free range farmingRepetitive movements in caged animalsOne positive aspect of free range farmingFarming in small areas with poor animal welfare...

Ancient India 2018-03-14

Ancient India crossword puzzle
  1. Type of system used to map and sort the Ancient Indian city.
  2. Founder of Buddhism.
  3. Joins with Ganges into the Bay of Bengal.
  4. Belief in many Gods.
  5. Government system used by Ancient Indians.
  6. Sacred river (to Hindus).
  1. Farming season ends this month.
  2. Civilization along the Indus River.
  3. Valley, good for farming.
  4. Range that divides India from the North.
  5. Kush Range that divides India from the Northwest.
  6. Desert that occupies the Lower Indus Valley.
  7. Farming season begins this month.
  8. Wet season in India.
  9. Range that divides India from the Northeast.

15 Clues: Founder of Buddhism.Belief in many Gods.Wet season in India.Valley, good for farming.Sacred river (to Hindus).Farming season ends this month.Farming season begins this month.Civilization along the Indus River.Range that divides India from the North.Joins with Ganges into the Bay of Bengal.Government system used by Ancient Indians....

SS Vocab 2021-04-22

SS Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Wandering around in search of food and shelter instead of staying in one spot
  2. Something left over when needs have been met
  3. Farming food to sell
  4. An African group that speaks the language Maa
  5. An area with little or no moisture
  6. A land becoming more dry and less productive
  7. A shortage of rainfall in a region
  8. Not having enough to meet someone's needs
  9. Hard:bridges and buildings
  10. Shared culture
  11. The practice of a nation conquering territory
  1. In short supply
  2. The cutting down of trees
  3. Power to one person or small group
  4. The spreading of cultural beliefs
  5. Someone who hunts and gathers plants to live on
  6. Natural processes wearing away land's materials
  7. Farming enough food to only live on
  8. Applying water to land

19 Clues: Shared cultureIn short supplyFarming food to sellApplying water to landThe cutting down of treesHard:bridges and buildingsThe spreading of cultural beliefsPower to one person or small groupAn area with little or no moistureA shortage of rainfall in a regionFarming enough food to only live onNot having enough to meet someone's needs...

Mallory Rohr Inca Crossword 2021-01-29

Mallory Rohr Inca Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Where they did there terrace farming.
  2. Sapa Inca had all the?
  3. It was full of people.
  4. They do this to the dead.
  5. The criminal had to?
  6. The ruler of the Inca.
  7. If the criminals tried to escape they would?
  8. This is one of the jobs.
  9. The nobles did not have?
  10. What covers the rulers face.
  11. They where there only animal.
  12. The ruler would be passed down to a?
  13. They where well known?
  1. They have this once a month.
  2. They where not allowed on the road.
  3. They had to stay home alone.
  4. They do this for farming.
  5. They help rule the empire.
  6. They only went to school.
  7. The punishments are?
  8. The noble started a testing?
  9. They had these in their homes.
  10. The name of their god.
  11. The city of the inca.
  12. They built there city on a central?

25 Clues: The criminal had to?The punishments are?The city of the inca.Sapa Inca had all the?It was full of people.The ruler of the Inca.The name of their god.They where well known?This is one of the jobs.The nobles did not have?They do this to the dead.They do this for farming.They only went to school.They help rule the empire.They have this once a month....

Early Humans 2023-02-10

Early Humans crossword puzzle
  1. time period when farming started
  2. growing your food
  3. being very good at something for the clan
  4. people in charge who make laws
  5. record of events before written language
  6. shelter for nomadic people
  7. creating images out of wood or bone
  8. worshiping a higher being
  9. Otzi is an example of one
  10. yummy in soup
  11. catching food in a river
  12. not living in one place
  13. place to keep your arrows
  14. groups of animals
  15. name of the Iceman
  16. one of the first grains farmed
  1. used to make hummus
  2. weapon fired with a bow
  3. speaking to communicate
  4. finding your food
  5. growing food
  6. earliest writing on clay tablets
  7. a group of families
  8. smallest unit in a clan
  9. mummified body found in the alps
  10. group of clans in houses
  11. made of stone to make work easier
  12. crescent where farming started

28 Clues: growing foodyummy in soupfinding your foodgrowing your foodgroups of animalsname of the Icemanused to make hummusa group of familiesweapon fired with a bowspeaking to communicatesmallest unit in a clannot living in one placegroup of clans in housescatching food in a riverworshiping a higher beingOtzi is an example of oneplace to keep your arrows...

Characteristics of Civilizations 2024-04-17

Characteristics of Civilizations crossword puzzle
  1. farming allows humans to have more than they need
  2. Ex. of strong government in NYC (our top leader
  3. term for bringing water to crops
  4. an advanced culture or complex society
  5. another word for farming
  6. to grow your own crops
  7. thousands of years old
  8. Ex.teacher, doctor, lawyer, cashier, etc.
  9. Ex.NYC,LA,Chicago,etc.
  10. this ancient civilization settled by Yangtze and Yellow River
  11. what river did the ancient Egyptians settle near
  12. to make a wild plant or animal useful
  1. Ex.Churches, mosques, temples, etc.
  2. class is created by specialization of labor
  3. used to record laws, knowledge, stories, etc.
  4. disadvantage of settling near a river valley
  5. leaders, law and order, organization,etc.
  6. Ex.Brooklyn Museum, galleries, Broadway, theaters, etc.
  7. the opposite of settling down in cities
  8. makes life better and work easier
  9. civilizations do what with their surplus
  10. the first civilizations settled near these

22 Clues: to grow your own cropsthousands of years oldEx.NYC,LA,Chicago,etc.another word for farmingterm for bringing water to cropsmakes life better and work easierEx.Churches, mosques, temples, make a wild plant or animal usefulan advanced culture or complex societythe opposite of settling down in citiescivilizations do what with their surplus...

Dairy Farming 2013-08-14

Dairy Farming crossword puzzle
  1. / a cow can only produce milk once it has had a .....
  2. / cows need to drink a lot of clean .....
  3. / milk is ..... to make sure there are no germs
  4. / This cow is brown and produces creamy milk
  5. / if the milk isn't transported to towns fast enough, it goes ...
  1. / This breed of cow is black and white
  2. / This milk product is delicious on a toasted sandwich
  3. / A group of cows are ...
  4. / the main product we get from dairy farming
  5. / cows eat a lot of juicy .....
  6. / the best climate for cows is one with lots of ...

11 Clues: / A group of cows are .../ cows eat a lot of juicy ...../ This breed of cow is black and white/ cows need to drink a lot of clean ...../ the main product we get from dairy farming/ This cow is brown and produces creamy milk/ milk is ..... to make sure there are no germs/ the best climate for cows is one with lots of ......

6.0_U1_SKYCRAPER FARMING 2022-09-19

6.0_U1_SKYCRAPER FARMING crossword puzzle
  1. (ADJ.) relating to towns and cities
  2. (N)a plant such as wheat, rice, or fruit that is grown by farmers and used as food
  3. (a.) unhealthy and weak because you have not had enough food or the right type of food
  4. (V) decrease, reduce
  5. (ADJ.) pointing up in a line that forms an angle of 90° with a flat surface
  1. (V)to increase or improve something and make it more successful
  2. (ADJ) usual, traditional
  3. (N) the amount of profits, crops etc that something produces
  4. (N) a situation in which there are a lot of problems that must be dealt with quickly so that the situation does not get worse or more dangerous = emergency
  5. (N.) someone who has been forced to leave their country, especially during a war, or for political or religious reasons
  6. (N.)someone who publicly supports someone or something

11 Clues: (V) decrease, reduce(ADJ) usual, traditional(ADJ.) relating to towns and cities(N.)someone who publicly supports someone or something(N) the amount of profits, crops etc that something produces(V)to increase or improve something and make it more successful(ADJ.) pointing up in a line that forms an angle of 90° with a flat surface...

Organic farming 2020-03-19

Organic farming crossword puzzle
  1. fight against smth
  2. natural fertiliser
  3. a wild plant that you do not want to grow in your garden
  4. mixture put on plants to help them grow more successfully
  5. natural substances that help animals/plants to grow
  6. different vehicls
  1. not using artificial chemicals when keeping animals or growing plants for food
  2. Chemicals to kill insects/bugs
  3. have been using for a long time; usual; traditional
  4. all the living things in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment
  5. animal droppings that help plants to grow in a natural way

11 Clues: different vehiclsfight against smthnatural fertiliserChemicals to kill insects/bugshave been using for a long time; usual; traditionalnatural substances that help animals/plants to growa wild plant that you do not want to grow in your gardenmixture put on plants to help them grow more successfully...

CHURCH 2024-11-05

CHURCH crossword puzzle
  1. Living creature, not plant
  2. Sheep caretaker, guide
  3. Observer, onlooker
  4. Self-governing, independent
  5. Non-expert, ordinary person
  6. Unwilling, hesitant
  7. Accord, mutual consent
  8. Tool, put into action
  9. Convert others, evangelize
  10. Not part-time, permanent
  11. Farming, animal care
  1. Water-saving technique, farming method
  2. Repeating design, motif
  3. Task, job to do
  4. Community service, public aid
  5. Wicked, immoral
  6. Grow, increase in size
  7. Rise and fall, tide
  8. One who cures, doctor

19 Clues: Task, job to doWicked, immoralObserver, onlookerUnwilling, hesitantRise and fall, tideFarming, animal careTool, put into actionOne who cures, doctorSheep caretaker, guideAccord, mutual consentGrow, increase in sizeRepeating design, motifNot part-time, permanentLiving creature, not plantConvert others, evangelizeSelf-governing, independent...

Unit II Review - River Valley Civilizations 2023-10-22

Unit II Review - River Valley Civilizations crossword puzzle
  1. An event that changes the course of history
  2. Ranked by status
  3. One of two important Mesopotamian rivers
  4. Hieroglyphics and cuneiform are both types of _______
  5. A historical thinking skill; the reason a document was created
  6. The most common image in Neolithic cave art
  7. The creation of small canals to support farming
  8. Turning point in history associated with farming
  9. Another name for the Huang He River
  10. A concept in Chinese history were the gods give and take power
  1. One of two important Mesopotamian rivers
  2. Another name for the Indus River Valley civilization
  3. Self-governing city and its surrounding territory
  4. Taming plants and animals
  5. Moving from place to place to follow food
  6. Important Egyptian river
  7. One of the first written legal codes
  8. Another word for farming
  9. A Mesopotamian temple
  10. Another word for a "complex society"
  11. Natural barrier in northern China
  12. Geographic context is location + features = ______________
  13. Seasonal winds

23 Clues: Seasonal windsRanked by statusA Mesopotamian templeImportant Egyptian riverAnother word for farmingTaming plants and animalsNatural barrier in northern ChinaAnother name for the Huang He RiverOne of the first written legal codesAnother word for a "complex society"One of two important Mesopotamian riversOne of two important Mesopotamian rivers...

Natural Resources and Industry in Canada 2024-11-21

Natural Resources and Industry in Canada crossword puzzle
  1. this industry takes resources from the earth
  2. the industry that takes minerals and metals from the earth
  3. this industry is about technology, education, and media for example
  4. vegetables or fruit grown on a farm
  5. a product from a dairy farm
  6. plains area with the most farming in Canada
  7. this industry creates products from resources
  8. another word for farming
  9. used for making steel
  10. used to create hydroelectricity
  11. the region that has the most mining in Canada
  12. some farming, forestry, and fishing (salmon)
  1. this industry sells products and provides services
  2. another word for fishing
  3. resources that can run out
  4. used to make metals and batteries
  5. it can be created from water, gas, oil, and wind
  6. resources that do not run out
  7. used to create fuel
  8. harvested from oceans and lakes for food
  9. diamonds, rubies, granite for example

21 Clues: used to create fuelused for making steelanother word for fishinganother word for farmingresources that can run outa product from a dairy farmresources that do not run outused to create hydroelectricityused to make metals and batteriesvegetables or fruit grown on a farmdiamonds, rubies, granite for exampleharvested from oceans and lakes for food...

chapter10 2022-03-08

chapter10 crossword puzzle
  1. agriculture - Farming methods that preserve long-term productivity of land and minimize pollution
  2. rotation - prevents land from being exhausted
  3. - the process by which previously
  4. farming - Commercial gardening and fruit farming
  5. - The growing of fruits, vegetables, and flowers
  6. - the farming of products for sale off the farm
  7. Subsistence ag - A form of subsistence agriculture in which farmers must expend a relatively large amount of effort to produce the maximum feasible yield from a parcel of land
  8. - seasonal movement of livestock (herding) between mountains and lowland pastures
  9. cropping - Harvesting twice a year from the same field
  10. lands become arid and unusable for farming
  1. tillage - System of planting crops on ridge tops, in order to reduce farm production costs and promote greater soil conservation
  2. - A large farm in tropical and subtropical climates that specializes in the production of one or two crops for sale, usually to a more developed country
  3. - A flooded field for growing rice
  4. nomadism - A form of subsistence agriculture based on herding domesticated animals
  5. cultivation - A form of subsistance agriculture in which people shift activity from one field to the other
  6. - A patch of land cleared for planting through slashing and burning
  7. - an area surrounding the milk source where milk is supplied without spoiling
  8. - comm ag. char. by steps in the food industry
  9. agriculture - Agriculture designed primarily to provide food for direct consumption by the farmer and the farmer's family
  10. revolution - advances in technology that allowed for the mass production of chemical fertilizers
  11. hunting+gathering to planting+sustaining
  12. desert - areas with little or no access to healthy and affordable food or limited or no access to fresh fruits and vegetables

22 Clues: - the process by which previously- A flooded field for growing ricehunting+gathering to planting+sustaininglands become arid and unusable for farmingrotation - prevents land from being exhausted- comm ag. char. by steps in the food industry- the farming of products for sale off the farmfarming - Commercial gardening and fruit farming...

Global 9 Vocabulary Set A 2023-10-24

Global 9 Vocabulary Set A crossword puzzle
  1. Farming
  2. An object made by a human being; an item of historical interest
  3. Centers of early civilization because they contained rich soils from annual floods
  4. Tame and control animals; use animals for work and food supply
  5. Old Stone Age; wandering in search of food; hunting and gathering
  6. Man-made body of water; creates faster, shorter trade routes
  1. Wanderers or nomads who hunt and gather food supplies
  2. Farming A farming system that is in the form of steps going up a mountain
  3. The land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
  4. A group of related families
  5. Tool to bring water to crops
  6. Raised fields constructed along lake shores in Mesoamerica to increase agricultural yields
  7. New Stone Age; start of farming, domestication of animals and permanent settlements
  8. A person who moves from place to place in search of food
  9. Seasonal winds; Brings wet or dry season

15 Clues: FarmingA group of related familiesTool to bring water to cropsSeasonal winds; Brings wet or dry seasonThe land between the Tigris and Euphrates RiversWanderers or nomads who hunt and gather food suppliesA person who moves from place to place in search of foodMan-made body of water; creates faster, shorter trade routes...

Environmental Science - Chapter 12 Vocabulary 2022-05-03

Environmental Science - Chapter 12 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The guarantee of an adequate and reliable food supply for all people at all time
  2. A type of farming that relies on human and animal power, along with hand tools and non motorized machines
  3. The introduction of new technologies, crop varieties, and farming practices to the developing world in the third quarter of the twentieth century
  4. The use of both biological and chemical methods to control pests safely and economically
  5. The use of organisms to battle pests and weeds
  6. Land that is suitable for farming
  7. A huge warehouse or pen designed to deliver energy - rich feed to livestock or poultry; also called concentrated animal feeding operations or factory farms
  8. A type of farming that relies on technology and chemicals to increase yields and reduce costs
  1. The use of genetic engineering to increase the value of products
  2. A type of sustainable agriculture in which only biological methods are used
  3. The raising of aquatic organisms for food in a controlled environment
  4. The amount of a crop produced in a given area
  5. A shortage of essential nutrients
  6. Farming that does not deplete soil faster than it forms
  7. A process in which scientists directly manipulate an organism's DNA
  8. An organization that preserves the seeds of diverse plants in case of a global crop collapse
  9. An insect or another animal that transfers pollen from one plant to another

17 Clues: A shortage of essential nutrientsLand that is suitable for farmingThe amount of a crop produced in a given areaThe use of organisms to battle pests and weedsFarming that does not deplete soil faster than it formsThe use of genetic engineering to increase the value of productsA process in which scientists directly manipulate an organism's DNA...

Chapter 9 Crossword puzzle 2022-10-25

Chapter 9 Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. tropical Savanna
  2. grassland plain
  3. Tropical forest
  4. Low grass lands in South America
  5. river in south central South America
  6. organization of a society
  7. Attracts people
  1. farming with flat surfaces and more effective farming
  2. Largest mountains in South America
  3. Used for clearing forest or farming
  4. one of the largest rivers in South America
  5. reason to migrate away from something

12 Clues: grassland plainTropical forestAttracts peopletropical Savannaorganization of a societyLow grass lands in South AmericaLargest mountains in South AmericaUsed for clearing forest or farmingriver in south central South Americareason to migrate away from somethingone of the largest rivers in South America...

Basic Farming 2021-02-02

Basic Farming crossword puzzle
  1. controlling weeds
  2. plants begin to carry out photosynthesis
  3. the application of water to crops
  4. a flower is produced and seed-bearing organ is pollinated
  5. the placement of seeds
  1. deemed to be pests
  2. once pollination occurs, a seed is produced
  3. happens once the crop is ripened
  4. occurs when the seed is sprouting
  5. adds nutrients to crop growth
  6. once the seed development is complete

11 Clues: controlling weedsdeemed to be peststhe placement of seedsadds nutrients to crop growthhappens once the crop is ripenedoccurs when the seed is sproutingthe application of water to cropsonce the seed development is completeplants begin to carry out photosynthesisonce pollination occurs, a seed is produced...

Omani Farming 2017-02-27

Omani Farming crossword puzzle
  1. A mountain range known as "Green Mountain".
  2. Compounds and nutrients used to help food crops grow.
  3. People from other countries that work abroad.
  4. In Arabic this fruit is known as "Roma".
  5. Who gives farmers free booklets, tools, and seeds?
  1. A common piece of machinery used in farming.
  2. The giant mountain in front of the University of Nizwa.
  3. The most common type of foreign laborer found in agriculture in Oman
  4. Chemicals used on food crops to keep bugs and insects away.
  5. How old is the Omani Farmer Mohammed Al Riyami?
  6. Food that people buy at the supermarket.

11 Clues: In Arabic this fruit is known as "Roma".Food that people buy at the supermarket.A mountain range known as "Green Mountain".A common piece of machinery used in farming.People from other countries that work abroad.How old is the Omani Farmer Mohammed Al Riyami?Who gives farmers free booklets, tools, and seeds?...

Organic Farming 2021-05-12

Organic Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Organic farmers don't use these
  2. Another thing organic farmers don't use
  3. Another store for buying organic foods
  4. Eating organic foods will improve this
  1. A good store for buying organic foods
  2. Look for this on organic foods
  3. Organic farmers raise these besides crops
  4. United States Department of Agriculture
  5. Organic farmers produce less of this
  6. Genetically Modified Organism
  7. Organic food is All-

11 Clues: Organic food is All-Genetically Modified OrganismLook for this on organic foodsOrganic farmers don't use theseOrganic farmers produce less of thisA good store for buying organic foodsAnother store for buying organic foodsEating organic foods will improve thisUnited States Department of AgricultureAnother thing organic farmers don't use...

Agriculture 2021-05-07

Agriculture crossword puzzle
  1. substance used for destroying pests
  2. "get big or get out"
  3. crops that are grown without the use of synthetic inorganic fertilizers
  4. single crop on the same land
  5. forms of government support that are meant to help businesses like farms survive
  6. type of farming that relies on technology and chemicals
  7. kills insects
  8. introducing organisms to crops with the intention of battling pests
  1. access to enough safe, nutritious foods for a healthy active lifestlye
  2. amount of water used worldwide on agriculture
  3. wearing away of a fields top layer of soil
  4. lack of access to nutritious food
  5. introduction of machines to farming
  6. large scale industrial plant that raises animals
  7. kills fungi
  8. practice of farming
  9. contains humus, living creatures, and inorganic material
  10. kills plants
  11. artificial process of applying controlled amounts of water

19 Clues: kills fungikills plantskills insectspractice of farming"get big or get out"single crop on the same landlack of access to nutritious foodsubstance used for destroying pestsintroduction of machines to farmingwearing away of a fields top layer of soilamount of water used worldwide on agriculturelarge scale industrial plant that raises animals...

Natural Resource Crossword Puzzle 2014-05-06

Natural Resource Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The Oil _____ industry is found in Alberta
  2. Miner have unhealthy _____ from inhaling pollutants
  3. A ______ is 75% water
  4. One of the two types of farming
  5. _____ mines use deep shafts and vertical tunnels
  6. _____ rain is a threat to forests
  7. ______forests are close to roadways
  8. Only Russia and _____ have more forests than Canada
  9. Agriculture fits in the sector of the economy
  10. The number one crop grown in Canada
  11. Number of distinct categories of the economy
  12. Hardwood comes from _____ trees
  13. Type of fish found in freshwater
  14. Forest cover close to _______ of Canada’s total area
  15. Photoelectric cells are also known as ____ cells
  16. East coast fishing is done in the _____ ocean
  17. Crude oil can be refined into this
  1. _____ cutting is less harmful than clear cutting
  2. Most ______ farms in Canada specialize in one type of farming
  3. Geothermal uses energy from _______
  4. One type of animal farming
  5. A human will day within ____ without water
  6. Softwoods come from _____ trees
  7. West coast fishing is done in the _____ ocean
  8. Human ______ is between 77-83% water
  9. Manufacturing is an example of a ______ industry
  10. A town where farming had a negative impact on drinking water
  11. Type of fossil fuel
  12. This is the fuel used in nuclear reactors
  13. Minerals do _____ appear on the surface

30 Clues: Type of fossil fuelA ______ is 75% waterOne type of animal farmingOne of the two types of farmingSoftwoods come from _____ treesHardwood comes from _____ treesType of fish found in freshwater_____ rain is a threat to forestsCrude oil can be refined into thisGeothermal uses energy from _____________forests are close to roadways...

agriculture words 2024-08-20

agriculture words crossword puzzle
  1. The science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil and producing crops
  2. Commercial agriculture conducted on large-scale farms
  3. The practice of growing different types of crops in the same area in sequential seasons
  4. The activity of growing crops and raising livestock
  5. The practice of integrating trees and shrubs into agricultural land
  6. Farming practices that meet current needs without compromising future resources
  1. Providing financial services like loans, credit, and deposits
  2. A farming organization where members pool resources for mutual benefit
  3. Small loans provided to low-income farmers
  4. Chemicals like pesticides and herbicides used in agriculture
  5. A seasonal wind that brings rain, crucial for farming in certain regions
  6. Storing harvested crops in safe conditions before selling
  7. The current value at which agricultural goods are bought and sold
  8. The state of soil's capacity to function as a vital living system
  9. Government forgiveness of the debt owed by farmers

15 Clues: Small loans provided to low-income farmersGovernment forgiveness of the debt owed by farmersThe activity of growing crops and raising livestockCommercial agriculture conducted on large-scale farmsStoring harvested crops in safe conditions before sellingChemicals like pesticides and herbicides used in agriculture...

DEEP TIME HISTORY 1/2020 2020-01-22

DEEP TIME HISTORY 1/2020 crossword puzzle
  1. this was the first life form on earth
  2. having a steady crop of food led to this
  3. waste product from plants helped other forms of life succeed on Earth
  4. an animal that only eats plants
  5. this climate event made rainfall for farming become unreliable
  6. having no rules and laws, civilization could lead to this
  7. the first civilization began in this area
  8. an animal that only eats other animals
  1. beside controlling plants for farming what other life forms were humans able to control
  2. the first plant that made farming possible
  3. the other main river of Mesopotamia
  4. one of the two main rivers of Mesopotamia
  5. this invention helped bypass rainfall as a major need for farming
  6. an animal that eats both plants and animals

14 Clues: an animal that only eats plantsthe other main river of Mesopotamiathis was the first life form on earthan animal that only eats other animalshaving a steady crop of food led to thisone of the two main rivers of Mesopotamiathe first civilization began in this areathe first plant that made farming possiblean animal that eats both plants and animals...

DEEP TIME HISTORY 1/2020 2020-01-22

DEEP TIME HISTORY 1/2020 crossword puzzle
  1. one of the two main rivers of Mesopotamia
  2. having no rules and laws, civilization could lead to this
  3. beside controlling plants for farming what other life forms were humans able to control
  4. an animal that eats both plants and animals
  5. an animal that only eats plants
  6. this climate event made rainfall for farming become unreliable
  7. the first civilization began in this area
  1. the first plant that made farming possible
  2. having a steady crop of food led to this
  3. this was the first life form on earth
  4. an animal that only eats other animals
  5. the other main river of Mesopotamia
  6. this invention helped bypass rainfall as a major need for farming
  7. this waste product from plants helped other forms of life succeed on Earth

14 Clues: an animal that only eats plantsthe other main river of Mesopotamiathis was the first life form on earthan animal that only eats other animalshaving a steady crop of food led to thisone of the two main rivers of Mesopotamiathe first civilization began in this areathe first plant that made farming possiblean animal that eats both plants and animals...

Neolithic Revolution 2021-09-29

Neolithic Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. Farming and having livestock
  2. When Males and Females split jobs
  3. Making animals tame
  4. Largest creature in the world at the time
  5. When cavemen stopped hunting and gathering
  6. Two people giving each other goods
  7. Used to make farming easier
  8. Best social studies teacher
  1. Our closest ancestors at the time
  2. Early form of man
  3. Planting seeds
  4. When people who come together and make a more populated home
  5. Oldest and Biggest Neolithic farm
  6. What early people did to help their communities
  7. Invention of man allowing ability to move heavy things

15 Clues: Planting seedsEarly form of manMaking animals tameUsed to make farming easierBest social studies teacherFarming and having livestockOur closest ancestors at the timeWhen Males and Females split jobsOldest and Biggest Neolithic farmTwo people giving each other goodsLargest creature in the world at the timeWhen cavemen stopped hunting and gathering...

DEEP TIME HISTORY 1/2020 2020-01-22

DEEP TIME HISTORY 1/2020 crossword puzzle
  1. the first plant that made farming possible
  2. the other main river of Mesopotamia
  3. this waste product from plants helped other forms of life succeed on Earth
  4. one of the two main rivers of Mesopotamia
  5. this was the first life form on earth
  6. this climate event made rainfall for farming become unreliable
  7. the first civilization began in this area
  8. an animal that eats both plants and animals
  1. having no rules and laws, civilization could lead to this
  2. having a steady crop of food led to this
  3. an animal that only eats plants
  4. this invention helped bypass rainfall as a major need for farming
  5. beside controlling plants for farming what other life forms were humans able to control
  6. an animal that only eats other animals

14 Clues: an animal that only eats plantsthe other main river of Mesopotamiathis was the first life form on earthan animal that only eats other animalshaving a steady crop of food led to thisone of the two main rivers of Mesopotamiathe first civilization began in this areathe first plant that made farming possiblean animal that eats both plants and animals...

Industrial Revolution 2024-01-27

Industrial Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. apprentice a very poor person who works for a master while he is taught a trade, often without pay.
  2. Where the Industrial Revolution began.
  3. trades in produces
  4. using planting one crop
  5. Another word for farming.
  6. new ideas people have for making things
  7. place where imports and exports take place via ship
  8. a disease cased by bacteria or germs from dirty water
  9. Watt improved the steam engine
  10. a disease caused by germs from being in contact with human waste in drinking water
  1. farming for your family
  2. Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny.
  3. people moving from rural to urban areas
  4. consists of factories
  5. Industries people creating clothes in their homes
  6. Newcomen discovered the steam engine
  7. system fenced off farming.
  8. Africa Where the slaves came from.
  9. territory ruled by foreigners
  10. a disease cased by lice, fleas and rat fleas

20 Clues: trades in producesconsists of factoriesfarming for your familyusing planting one cropAnother word for farming.system fenced off farming.territory ruled by foreignersWatt improved the steam engineAfrica Where the slaves came from.Newcomen discovered the steam engineWhere the Industrial Revolution began.Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny....

UNIT 5 2023-04-04

UNIT 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Thunen Model/ used to explain the spatial organization of agriculture and how it is influenced by transportation costs
  2. domestication - The mutual relationship between non-humans and the humans who have an influence on them.
  3. - act of running a ranch, which is essentially an extensive farm for the sole purpose of raising livestock and crop
  4. Cultivation - a plot of land was cultivated temporarily and is abandoned to allow vegetation to grow freely while the cultivator moves to another plot.
  5. Herding - The continual movement of livestock in search of forage for animals.
  6. Nomadism - The caring for animals in order to extract subsistence livelihoods.
  7. Farming-Food production that is primarily grown to sustain the farmer and their family.
  8. discouragement and unsupportive of increasing the birth rate.
  9. theory/ population growth will eventually and inevitably outnumber food production , leading to global famine.
  10. fishing/ Large amounts of fishing in an area.
  11. agriculture/ Food production is grown with the intention of making profit
  12. revolution/ traditional medieval farming to more productive efficient, and mechanical methods of farming
  13. culture/ The growth of a single crop or organism especially on agricultural or forest land.
  14. rural settlements/ Homes and other structures evenly distributed across the landscape
  15. rural settlements/ Homes and other structures evenly distributed across the landscape
  1. agriculture/ Mediterranean agriculture is the practice of crop cultivation undertaken in areas with Mediterranean climates
  2. encourages people to have babies and increase the birth rate
  3. rural settlements/Houses and farm buildings of each family are situated close to each others
  4. modified organisms/ changes have been made to the genome of a plant or animal
  5. Malthusians/ Malthus did not account for new farming techniques and food preservations
  6. Cropping/ practice of growing one kind of crop
  7. - tillage between rows of crops of plants
  8. business sector encompassing farming and farming-related commercial activities
  9. Crop/ Crops that are grown and not considered necessary for human survival. Ex: sugarcane, tobacco, tea
  10. cultivation of seafood
  11. Crop/ A food that is regularly consumed/used. Ex: cotton, rubber
  12. insecurity/ household's inability to consistently obtain enough food for each member to lead an active, healthy life
  13. Gardening/ Cultivation on suburban land and utilizes heavy fertilizers

28 Clues: cultivation of seafood- tillage between rows of crops of plantsfishing/ Large amounts of fishing in an area.Cropping/ practice of growing one kind of cropencourages people to have babies and increase the birth ratediscouragement and unsupportive of increasing the birth rate.Crop/ A food that is regularly consumed/used. Ex: cotton, rubber...

UNIT 5 2023-04-04

UNIT 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Cultivation - a plot of land was cultivated temporarily and is abandoned to allow vegetation to grow freely while the cultivator moves to another plot.
  2. rural settlements -Homes and other structures evenly distributed across the landscape
  3. - discouragement and unsupportive of increasing the birth rate.
  4. malthusians - Malthus did not account for new farming techniques and food preservations
  5. - act of running a ranch, which is essentially an extensive farm for the sole purpose of raising livestock and crop
  6. agriculture - Food production is grown with the intention of making profit
  7. Nomadism - The caring for animals in order to extract subsistence livelihoods.
  8. Crop - Crops that are grown and not considered necessary for human survival. Ex: sugarcane, tobacco, tea
  9. - tillage between rows of crops of plants
  10. Cropping - practice of growing one kind of crop
  11. Thunen Model - used to explain the spatial organization of agriculture and how it is influenced by transportation costs
  12. rural settlements - Homes and other structures evenly distributed across the landscape
  13. agriculture - Mediterranean agriculture is the practice of crop cultivation undertaken in areas with Mediterranean climates
  14. culture - The growth of a single crop or organism especially on agricultural or forest land.
  15. cultivation of seafood
  1. Farming-Food production that is primarily grown to sustain the farmer and their family.
  2. modified organisms - changes have been made to the genome of a plant or animal
  3. Crop - A food that is regularly consumed/used. Ex: cotton, rubber
  4. revolution - traditional medieval farming to more productive efficient, and mechanical methods of farming
  5. - business sector encompassing farming and farming-related commercial activities
  6. Herding - The continual movement of livestock in search of forage for animals.
  7. Gardening - Cultivation on suburban land and utilizes heavy fertilizers
  8. fishing -Large amounts of fishing in an area.
  9. - encourages people to have babies and increase the birth rate
  10. theory - population growth will eventually and inevitably outnumber food production , leading to global famine.
  11. insecurity - household's inability to consistently obtain enough food for each member to lead an active, healthy life
  12. rural settlements - Houses and farm buildings of each family are situated close to each others
  13. domestication - The mutual relationship between non-humans and the humans who have an influence on them.

28 Clues: cultivation of seafood- tillage between rows of crops of plantsfishing -Large amounts of fishing in an area.Cropping - practice of growing one kind of crop- discouragement and unsupportive of increasing the birth rate.- encourages people to have babies and increase the birth rateCrop - A food that is regularly consumed/used. Ex: cotton, rubber...

Economic sectors 2024-05-29

Economic sectors crossword puzzle
  1. Fuel produced from agricultural and forestal waste
  2. Process of industrial relocation
  3. Area of a town/city where all or many factories are located
  4. Fossil fuel known as the liquid "black gold"
  5. Factories involved in the first transformation of raw materials
  6. Livestock farming system in which animals live in a reduced space
  7. Plant-sourced raw material used in the textile industry
  8. Initials of an area which includes 200 nautical miles of sea from the coast of a country
  1. Farming system in which farmers grow more than one crop species
  2. Renewable energy from the internal heat of the Earth
  3. Rural landscape that includes both concentrated and dispersed settlements
  4. Farming technique in which a field is not cultivated for a certain period of time
  5. Heavy chemical element used in nuclear power plants
  6. Livestock farming system in which herds are moved in different seasons
  7. Type of mine where materials are extracted from the surface

15 Clues: Process of industrial relocationFossil fuel known as the liquid "black gold"Fuel produced from agricultural and forestal wasteHeavy chemical element used in nuclear power plantsRenewable energy from the internal heat of the EarthPlant-sourced raw material used in the textile industryArea of a town/city where all or many factories are located...

Chicken & Egg 101 2024-08-28

Chicken & Egg 101 crossword puzzle
  1. The part of the chicken industry focused on meat production
  2. A common breakfast food made from eggs
  3. The process used to ensure eggs are safe to eat
  4. A common method of cooking eggs, often sunny-side up
  5. The process of raising chickens until they reach market weight
  6. The type of chicken farming that uses natural feed
  7. The term for chickens raised specifically for laying eggs
  8. The protein-rich food commonly consumed for breakfast
  9. The type of building where layer hens are housed
  10. A type of facility where hens lay eggs
  11. The place where eggs are processed and packaged
  12. The term for cleaning and sorting eggs
  13. The type of farming where chickens are bred to produce eggs
  14. The process used to remove contaminants from eggs
  1. A common condition in eggs that can affect health
  2. The nutrient in chicken that helps build muscle
  3. The focus of modern poultry farming
  4. Help ensure the safety and quality of eggs
  5. The stage where chickens are cleaned and packaged
  6. A common dish made from eggs and milk
  7. Food product made from chickens
  8. A major state in the USA known for poultry production
  9. A method of egg production with more natural conditions
  10. The type of farm where chickens are raised for meat
  11. A product made by cooking eggs in a hot pan

25 Clues: Food product made from chickensThe focus of modern poultry farmingA common dish made from eggs and milkA common breakfast food made from eggsA type of facility where hens lay eggsThe term for cleaning and sorting eggsHelp ensure the safety and quality of eggsA product made by cooking eggs in a hot panThe nutrient in chicken that helps build muscle...

Farming Systems and Food Shortages 2023-03-16

Farming Systems and Food Shortages crossword puzzle
  1. Ploughing is an example of a ________
  2. When crops are produced or animals kept to be sold for a profit
  3. The cultivation of crops is called ____ farming
  4. Farmers who move seasonaly from area to area
  5. High inputs or yields per hectare
  6. Low inputs or yields per hectare
  7. The products of a farming system
  8. Effect of loss of productivity
  9. Things which go into a farming system
  1. Enough crops produced and animals kept to sustain themselves
  2. The rearing of cattle is an example of _____ farming
  3. Effect of a diet lacking the necessary nutrients
  4. A form of farmingin which an area of ground is cleared of vegetation and cultivated for a few years and then abandoned for a new area until its fertility has been naturally restored.
  5. Farmers who use the same area of land each year
  6. Low weight proportional to height

15 Clues: Effect of loss of productivityLow inputs or yields per hectareThe products of a farming systemHigh inputs or yields per hectareLow weight proportional to heightPloughing is an example of a ________Things which go into a farming systemFarmers who move seasonaly from area to areaThe cultivation of crops is called ____ farming...

The story of village of Palampur IX Std Eco Chapter 1. 2020-05-09

The story of village of Palampur IX Std Eco Chapter 1. crossword puzzle
  1. a farm machinery
  2. a non farming activity
  3. money borrowed
  4. unit of measurement of land in india
  5. payment made to labourers
  6. factor of production whose supply is fixed
  7. an example of fixed capital
  8. crops grown in winter
  1. a state where modern farming is followed
  2. excess harvest sold in the market
  3. chemicals used in farming
  4. example of working capital

12 Clues: money borroweda farm machinerycrops grown in wintera non farming activitychemicals used in farmingpayment made to labourersexample of working capitalan example of fixed capitalexcess harvest sold in the marketunit of measurement of land in indiaa state where modern farming is followedfactor of production whose supply is fixed

Food 2022-08-25

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Fertile ... or clayey soils is ideal for growing rice
  2. A high total annual ... above 1000mm is required for rice to grow well
  3. ... boats use a net that is dragged along the sea bed.
  4. This is used to protect the rice plants from pests and weeds in the field
  5. The main areas of fishing in Brunei are the South China sea and the Brunei ...
  6. Land ... is when the farm is divided and passed down by inheritance from one generation to another
  7. This is practiced along hill slopes to create flat land for rice cultivation
  8. ... fish farming is carried out in both land ponds as well as cages in rivers
  9. Fish ... are placed in the open seas away from the land
  10. This is one of the traditional method of fishing
  11. Farming of aquatic animals also known as fish farming
  12. Purse ... use nets which surround the fish and then closed at the bottom trapping the fish
  13. ... cropping is growing of more than one crop in the same plot within a year
  14. This is when rice seedlings are transferred from the nursery to the regular flooded fields during rainy season
  1. The soil in Brunei is mostly ... since most of the soil is acidic
  2. ... rice farming is when rice is grown for sale
  3. Subsistence rice farmers use water ... to plough their land
  4. The main fishing port in Brunei is ... Port
  5. Only 2% of land in Brunei is ... which is suitable for farming
  6. The waters are located away from the coast such as the South China Sea is called ... fishing areas
  7. Freshwater areas such as rivers, streams, lakes and ponds are called ... fishing areas
  8. Commercial rice farmers use ... to plough their land
  9. Shallower waters near the coast is called ... fishing areas
  10. Long ... use a long line called the main line with hooked and baited branch lines dropping down the main line
  11. Commercial rice farmers use combine ... to harvest their rice crop
  12. ... fishing is fishing that produce output without affecting the fish population for future generations
  13. Only one main type of crop is grown
  14. ... rice farming is when rice is grown for own use or for family members
  15. ... farming is when farmers use large amount of inputs to increase farm yield
  16. Green ... is the use of high-yielding varieties of rice seeds, modern irrigation and chemical fertilisers to increase farm production
  17. Marine ... are reared in ponds dug on land
  18. Subsistence rice farmers use ... to harvest their rice crop during dry season

32 Clues: Only one main type of crop is grownMarine ... are reared in ponds dug on landThe main fishing port in Brunei is ... Port... rice farming is when rice is grown for saleThis is one of the traditional method of fishingCommercial rice farmers use ... to plough their landFertile ... or clayey soils is ideal for growing rice...

CWD: Earth's Resources-Soil 2021-04-11

CWD: Earth's Resources-Soil crossword puzzle
  1. medium soil particles
  2. an agriculture that does not cause degradation of the soil faster than it forms
  3. the typical composition of soil in a given area
  4. a lack of necessary nutrients required for humans and animals
  5. man-made steps on hillsides and mountains
  6. a pest control method that help control the organisms that threaten crop productivity via other organisms
  7. agriculture that uses humans and animals (does not need fossil fuels) to grow crops
  8. large soil particles
  9. an organism which helps plants reproduce
  10. a huge warehouse/pen of livestock/poultry that provides energy-rich food for their growth
  11. a farming method where a "wall" of tall trees/plants is used to slow the wind through a given area
  12. agriculture that relies on mechanized farming equipment, fossil fuels, human-made chemicals, and irrigation to grow crops
  13. a distinct layer of soil
  14. the process where rocks and minerals are broken down into smaller particles
  15. the introduction of new genes into organisms to produce more valuable products via engineering
  16. chemicals that kill organisms that utilize plants humans value
  17. occurs when too many plants have been eaten by animals to allow for sufficient re-growth
  18. an agriculture that does not use synthetized chemicals in the production of crops
  19. a system comprised of wastes and remains of organisms, disintegrated rock, gases, water, nutrients and microorganisms
  1. when use of a controlled environment produces desired aquatic organisms
  2. when any combination of various occurrences results in a loss of soil productivity (greater than ten percent)
  3. a revolution of agriculture through new technology, crop varieties, and farming practices
  4. a farming method where the soil is turned over before planting
  5. mixture of all particle sizes in equal distribution
  6. organisms that have been genetically engineered
  7. upper soil horizons have a build-up of salts
  8. man-made provision of water to crops
  9. a pest control method that help control the organisms that threaten crop productivity via the combination of chemical and biological pest controls
  10. very small soil particles
  11. land that is suitable for growing crops
  12. a farming method where a hillside is plowed perpendicular to the slope
  13. a collection of diverse seeds of plants
  14. the engineering of an organism's DNA
  15. the amount of a crop produced in a given area
  16. the cross-section of the soil horizons of a given area
  17. a farming method with the planting of different crops at the same time in a given area with various benefits depending on the crops
  18. a farming method where crop types are alternated in a given area/field
  19. the hard, solid rock (due to bound particles) beneath the surface materials which are made up of loose particles
  20. a farming method where crops are planted in between main crop plantings that protect the field
  21. the rendering of soil that no longer supports plant growth or the ecosystem

40 Clues: large soil particlesmedium soil particlesa distinct layer of soilvery small soil particlesman-made provision of water to cropsthe engineering of an organism's DNAland that is suitable for growing cropsa collection of diverse seeds of plantsan organism which helps plants reproduceman-made steps on hillsides and mountains...

Class 9 Chapter no. 15 Improvement in food resources 2022-09-01

Class 9 Chapter no. 15 Improvement in food resources crossword puzzle
  1. Micro-nutrient
  2. Abiotic stress
  3. Water resource
  4. Fish breeding season
  5. Commercial plant nutrients
  6. Biotic stress
  1. Animal-based farming
  2. Rainy season
  3. Animal feed
  4. Fish farming
  5. Example of Rabi crop
  6. Unwanted plants
  7. Dairy animals

13 Clues: Animal feedRainy seasonFish farmingDairy animalsBiotic stressMicro-nutrientAbiotic stressWater resourceUnwanted plantsAnimal-based farmingExample of Rabi cropFish breeding seasonCommercial plant nutrients

Chapter 9 part 2 2023-05-23

Chapter 9 part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. grain A type of grass cultivated for its edible grains, such as wheat, corn, rice, oats, or barley, which are used for human or animal consumption.
  2. A traditional irrigation system used in rice cultivation, particularly in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries, involving flooded terraces or fields.
  3. A large agricultural estate dedicated to the cultivation of cash crops, typically owned by a single individual or corporation, often involving the use of hired labor.
  4. A farming machine used for cutting mature crops, such as wheat, barley, or oats, during the harvesting process.
  5. cropping A farming practice where two or more consecutive crops are grown on the same field within a single growing season, taking advantage of favorable climate conditions and increasing agricultural productivity.
  6. agricultural land Highly fertile and productive land suitable for intensive agriculture, characterized by favorable soil quality, topography, and climatic conditions.
  7. A plot of land used in shifting cultivation, typically cleared by slashing and burning vegetation before planting crops.
  8. subsistence agriculture A form of farming characterized by high labor inputs relative to land area, often practiced in densely populated regions where farmers work small plots of land to meet their own subsistence needs.
  9. revolution A period of significant advancements in agricultural technology, including the development of high-yield crop varieties, improved irrigation systems, and the use of fertilizers and pesticides, aimed at increasing global food production during the mid-20th century.
  10. The cultivation of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants for commercial or personal use, often involving intensive cultivation techniques and specialized knowledge.
  11. farming The practice of growing fruits and vegetables for market consumption on small-scale farms, often located near urban areas, with an emphasis on timely harvest and direct delivery to local markets.
  12. agriculture A type of farming focused on producing enough food to meet the needs of the farmer and their immediate family, often using simple tools and traditional farming methods.
  13. The geographic region surrounding a dairy processing facility within which milk can be economically sourced and transported.
  1. nomadism A traditional form of livestock farming where herders move their animals seasonally in search of grazing land and water, adapting to changing environmental conditions.
  2. The integration of agricultural production, processing, distribution, and marketing activities within a single industry or company.
  3. A flooded field used for the cultivation of rice, also known as a rice paddy.
  4. A large agricultural machine used for harvesting crops, such as wheat or corn, by cutting, threshing, and cleaning the grain in a single operation.
  5. A type of extensive livestock farming where animals, such as cattle or sheep, are raised on large grazing areas, typically with minimal crop cultivation.
  6. tillage A cultivation technique where crops are grown on raised ridges or beds, leaving furrows in between, which helps with water management, erosion control, and seedbed preparation.
  7. The process by which fertile land becomes increasingly arid, losing its productivity and biodiversity, often due to human activities, climate change, or improper land management.
  8. A traditional form of livestock farming where herders move their animals between different grazing areas or altitudes seasonally, adapting to the availability of forage and changing climatic conditions.
  9. & Burn agriculture Another term for shifting cultivation, referring to the practice of clearing land by cutting and burning vegetation before planting crops.
  10. rotation The practice of systematically alternating the types of crops grown in a particular field or area to optimize soil health, manage pests and diseases, and maximize crop yields.
  11. rice Rice cultivation in flooded fields or paddies, where the soil is saturated with water to support the growth of the crop.
  12. cultivation Also known as slash-and-burn or swidden agriculture, it is a traditional farming method involving clearing land by cutting and burning vegetation, cultivating crops for a few years, then moving to a new plot as the old one regenerates.

25 Clues: A flooded field used for the cultivation of rice, also known as a rice paddy.A farming machine used for cutting mature crops, such as wheat, barley, or oats, during the harvesting process.A plot of land used in shifting cultivation, typically cleared by slashing and burning vegetation before planting crops....

Class 9 Chapter no. 15 Improvement in food resources 2022-09-01

Class 9 Chapter no. 15 Improvement in food resources crossword puzzle
  1. micro-nutrient
  2. abiotic stress
  3. water resource
  4. fish breeding season
  5. commercial plant nutrients
  6. biotic stress
  1. animal-based farming
  2. rainy season
  3. animal feed
  4. fish farming
  5. example of Rabi crop
  6. unwanted plants
  7. dairy animals

13 Clues: animal feedrainy seasonfish farmingdairy animalsbiotic stressmicro-nutrientabiotic stresswater resourceunwanted plantsanimal-based farmingexample of Rabi cropfish breeding seasoncommercial plant nutrients

Agricultural Production 2024-06-21

Agricultural Production crossword puzzle
  1. The degree of profit.
  2. The farming of fish and sea plants.
  3. Extended non-seasonal periods without rain.
  4. The farming of broadacre crops and livestock.
  5. Goods that can be traded, usually in bulk.
  6. Animals farmed for profit.
  7. Income after expenses.
  1. Crops grown on a large scale.
  2. Collection of grown product.
  3. The amount produced per area.
  4. The farming of fruit, vegetables and flowers.
  5. To place seed in the ground.
  6. Anything put into an enterprise.

13 Clues: The degree of profit.Income after expenses.Animals farmed for profit.Collection of grown product.To place seed in the ground.Crops grown on a large scale.The amount produced per area.Anything put into an enterprise.The farming of fish and sea plants.Goods that can be traded, usually in bulk.Extended non-seasonal periods without rain....

Farming Group 3 2021-01-22

Farming Group 3 crossword puzzle
  1. I am the area where you grow the crops if you delete my first letter I become 1 of your body part.
  2. Scattering of seeds by hand all over the field is called.
  3. it used to control agricultural pest.
  4. it is used to cut off the branches and of small trees.
  5. Pesticides increases the food production.
  6. the process of cutting and collecting grain from the crop.
  7. Mattok is a threshing tool.
  8. for levelling the soil which tool we use.
  1. letters spell Eat Who I am.
  2. The farming tools make our work simpler and easier
  3. There is ice in my name I need a lot of water to grow guess my name buddy.
  4. what is the meaning of term Rabi an Arabic word
  5. What are the monsoon crops.
  6. Manures are use as source of plant nutrient.
  7. refers to the supplying water to the dry land as supplementation of rain water.
  8. It helps in cutting crops in field.
  9. I am the time to gather crops if you cut my last 3 letters , I become some thing which you wear.
  10. You are grind me and make dough my first
  11. Sowing is the process of planting.

19 Clues: letters spell Eat Who I am.What are the monsoon crops.Mattok is a threshing tool.Sowing is the process of planting.It helps in cutting crops in used to control agricultural pest.You are grind me and make dough my firstPesticides increases the food production.for levelling the soil which tool we use....

agriculture in india 2024-09-02

agriculture in india crossword puzzle
  1. - A method of crop protection that compensates farmers for losses due to natural calamities
  2. The process of artificially providing water to crops.
  3. - The introduction of this farming technology, such as tractors and harvesters, modernized Indian agriculture
  4. - A type of farming that aims to maintain resources for future generations, avoiding depletion.
  5. - the large-scale farming of a single crop, often in tropical regions
  6. - This scheme provides financial assistance directly to farmers
  1. The practice of growing food crops and raising livestock on the same farm.
  2. - A soil type that is rich in nutrients and found in the northern plains, ideal for growing crops
  3. Farming done for personal consumption, not for sale
  4. - A method of agriculture that uses no chemical fertilizers or pesticides, focusing on eco-friendly practices
  5. - The unpredictable weather pattern caused by climate change, often affecting agricultural output
  6. - This change introduced high-yield variety seeds and modern farming techniques to increase food production in India
  7. A type of crop grown for profit rather than consumption, like cotton or sugarcane
  8. - A key food crop grown in India, especially in the northern regions, used to make bread.

14 Clues: The process of artificially providing water to crops.Farming done for personal consumption, not for sale- This scheme provides financial assistance directly to farmersThe practice of growing food crops and raising livestock on the same farm.- the large-scale farming of a single crop, often in tropical regions...

Food, Farming and land use 2021-07-22

Food, Farming and land use crossword puzzle
  1. at the bottom
  2. at the top
  3. a warrior
  4. tasty
  5. a community
  6. we walk on
  7. second from the top of the feudal system.
  8. very popular food
  1. a bad time
  2. a large land holder
  3. growing crops
  4. the practice of farming and food.
  5. a vegetable
  6. a country
  7. a hierarchy

15 Clues: tastya countrya warriora bad timeat the topwe walk ona vegetablea hierarchya communitygrowing cropsat the bottomvery popular fooda large land holderthe practice of farming and food.second from the top of the feudal system.

village of palampur 2020-05-09

village of palampur crossword puzzle
  1. excess farm production sold in the market
  2. crops grown in winter season
  3. factor of production whose supply is fixed
  4. an example of fixed capital
  5. a crop from which jaggery is made
  1. a farm machinery
  2. chemicals used in farming
  3. money borrowed
  4. unit of measurement of land in india
  5. a non farming activity
  6. a state where modern farming methods are followed
  7. payment to labourers

12 Clues: money borroweda farm machinerypayment to labourersa non farming activitychemicals used in farmingan example of fixed capitalcrops grown in winter seasona crop from which jaggery is madeunit of measurement of land in indiaexcess farm production sold in the marketfactor of production whose supply is fixed...

Food, Farming and land use 2021-07-22

Food, Farming and land use crossword puzzle
  1. at the bottom
  2. at the top
  3. a warrior
  4. tasty
  5. a community
  6. we walk on
  7. second from the top of the feudal system.
  8. very popular food
  1. a bad time
  2. a large land holder
  3. growing crops
  4. the practice of farming and food.
  5. a vegetable
  6. a country
  7. a hierarchy

15 Clues: tastya countrya warriora bad timeat the topwe walk ona vegetablea hierarchya communitygrowing cropsat the bottomvery popular fooda large land holderthe practice of farming and food.second from the top of the feudal system.

Charger History: Benchmark 1 Review 2016-09-21

Charger History: Benchmark 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. people who move from place to place, like hunter-gatherers
  2. ____ boundaries such as rivers, oceans, deserts, or mountain ranges
  3. The climate is colder on top of a _________.
  4. Egyptians _____ bodies so their souls could travel to the afterlife.
  5. Not too hot, not too cold. Great for farming.
  6. Type of farming in which trees are burned to clear land for crops
  7. vertical line at 0 degrees longitude
  8. The _______ and Euphrates rivers supported life in Mesopotamia.
  9. lines that run sideways on a map & measure distance to the equator
  10. lines that run up and down on a map and measure distance to the Prime Meridian
  11. The ______ land bridge connected Asia to North America for hunter gatherers to cross.
  1. temperatures near this major line of latitude are very warm
  2. the gradual change from hunting-gathering to farming
  3. Ancient Egyptian tombs that tourists still visit today.
  4. Farming societies built up ______ food, so people could specialize in other jobs.
  5. Egyptians believed that this body helped judge a person for the afterlife.
  6. The _____ River allowed Egyptians to travel and trade.

17 Clues: vertical line at 0 degrees longitudeThe climate is colder on top of a _________.Not too hot, not too cold. Great for farming.the gradual change from hunting-gathering to farmingThe _____ River allowed Egyptians to travel and trade.Ancient Egyptian tombs that tourists still visit today.people who move from place to place, like hunter-gatherers...

village of palampur 2020-05-09

village of palampur crossword puzzle
  1. excess farm production sold in the market
  2. crops grown in winter season
  3. factor of production whose supply is fixed
  4. an example of fixed capital
  5. a crop from which jaggery is made
  1. a farm machinery
  2. chemicals used in farming
  3. money borrowed
  4. unit of measurement of land in india
  5. a non farming activity
  6. a state where modern farming methods are followed
  7. payment to labourers

12 Clues: money borroweda farm machinerypayment to labourersa non farming activitychemicals used in farmingan example of fixed capitalcrops grown in winter seasona crop from which jaggery is madeunit of measurement of land in indiaexcess farm production sold in the marketfactor of production whose supply is fixed...

Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes (5.1-5.3) 2024-02-17

Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes (5.1-5.3) crossword puzzle
  1. - American original
  2. - Manual harvest tool
  3. - Columbian trade
  4. - Harvesting machine
  5. - Indus Valley staple
  6. - Fertile Crescent crops
  7. - Seed planting innovation
  8. - Plant growth enhancer
  9. - English land privatization movement
  10. - African native crop
  11. - Agrarian game-changer; radical change
  12. - Nutrient contamination
  13. - Survival farming
  1. - Maize ancestor
  2. - Farming chemicals
  3. - Asian origin crop
  4. - Tool automation
  5. - Revolution; Britain, mid-1700s
  6. - City growth
  7. - Cultural origin
  8. - Species variety
  9. - Weed elimination chemical
  10. - Water drainage issue
  11. - Crop succession practice
  12. - Valley civilization
  13. - Pest control substance

26 Clues: - City growth- Maize ancestor- Columbian trade- Tool automation- Cultural origin- Species variety- Survival farming- American original- Farming chemicals- Asian origin crop- Harvesting machine- Manual harvest tool- Indus Valley staple- African native crop- Valley civilization- Water drainage issue- Plant growth enhancer- Fertile Crescent crops...

1st Hour Agriculture in the North 2018-04-24

1st Hour Agriculture in the North crossword puzzle
  1. made it difficult to farm because farmers thought it would break their plows(2)
  2. what had flourished instead of farming
  3. had rocky soil in which made farming difficult(2)
  4. Invented the mechanical reaper(2)
  5. gave farmers access to new markets
  6. a revolutionary farming product that hasn’t been meantioned
  1. Despite all the improvements in agriculture why hadn’t the north done this
  2. the farmers hadn’t moved here because of the soil(2)
  3. The same company that makes tractors, also made the first Steele tipped plow(2)
  4. the growing of food and farming techniques

10 Clues: Invented the mechanical reaper(2)gave farmers access to new marketswhat had flourished instead of farmingthe growing of food and farming techniqueshad rocky soil in which made farming difficult(2)the farmers hadn’t moved here because of the soil(2)a revolutionary farming product that hasn’t been meantioned...

David Mangum Crossword Puzzle 2014-02-20

David Mangum Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Exact duplicate or copy
  2. Injection of a liquid substance at microscopic level
  3. Introducing DNA from one unrelated organism to another
  4. Genetic engineering or splicing fragments into DNA
  5. Act of contaminating or being contaminated
  6. To tame
  7. Farming with special medicines to help crops grow better
  8. Bioful intended as a substitute for diesel
  1. Farming of plants and animals that live in water
  2. Science that uses small living things to make medicine
  3. A map of genes
  4. Offspring of two plants or animals
  5. Moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior
  6. Science or activity of farming
  7. A haploid set of chromosomes

15 Clues: To tameA map of genesExact duplicate or copyA haploid set of chromosomesScience or activity of farmingOffspring of two plants or animalsAct of contaminating or being contaminatedBioful intended as a substitute for dieselFarming of plants and animals that live in waterGenetic engineering or splicing fragments into DNA...

Greece vs Rome 2021-02-12

Greece vs Rome crossword puzzle
  1. Greeks traveled by
  2. Greeks build close to Mediterranean sea
  3. Romans had a lot of for farming
  4. popular trade of Greeks
  5. Romans wore
  6. Greeks ate a lot
  7. Romans made for acting only men could do
  8. Romans worshiped
  9. art Romans did about their gods/goddesses
  10. Greeks Worshiped
  1. Greeks wore
  2. Greeks pets
  3. popular trade of Romans
  4. roman pets
  5. Romans kids played frequently
  6. Romans traveled by
  7. art Greeks made
  8. lack of for farming
  9. Romans ate a lot
  10. Greeks kids played

20 Clues: roman petsGreeks woreGreeks petsRomans woreart Greeks madeGreeks ate a lotRomans worshipedRomans ate a lotGreeks WorshipedGreeks traveled byRomans traveled byGreeks kids playedlack of for farmingpopular trade of Romanspopular trade of GreeksRomans kids played frequentlyRomans had a lot of for farmingGreeks build close to Mediterranean sea...

Yields and agriculture 2020-08-24

Yields and agriculture crossword puzzle
  1. Farming specifically for profit
  2. Business involving agricultural production
  3. A process in which livestock are allowed to eat the natural and wildlife outdoors
  4. Agricultural crop grown for profit
  5. The science and research of conserving and repairing woodlands and forests
  1. agriculture for family need
  2. Agricultural production system using small inputs of labor relative to land size
  3. A process in which land is cultivated for a few years and then abandoned to allow it to naturally restore its fertility
  4. Intensive farming
  5. herding of livestock to find land to graze

10 Clues: Intensive farmingagriculture for family needFarming specifically for profitAgricultural crop grown for profitBusiness involving agricultural productionherding of livestock to find land to grazeThe science and research of conserving and repairing woodlands and forestsAgricultural production system using small inputs of labor relative to land size...

Food Security 2020-10-08

Food Security crossword puzzle
  1. rare or very little
  2. when you do not have sufficient access to something you are at a...
  3. diving searching through bins or rubbish for food
  4. to carelessly dispose results in
  5. another word for farming
  6. the start of all wars
  7. the opposite of being secure
  8. to be let down or demeaned is called
  9. farming to work land and farms too hard is over...
  10. an adverse state of living or lack of money is to be in...
  1. to be easily reached or acquired
  2. change something that is killing the planet
  3. deserts a place lacking access to fresh food and water
  4. deflation when money has no value
  5. faming farming in the city
  6. loss food that is not eaten creates a lack or...
  7. to feel safe
  8. the amount of people living or in an area
  9. an abbreviation for a term. Hint- Genetically...
  10. shortages the opposite of water shortages

20 Clues: to feel saferare or very littlethe start of all warsanother word for farmingfaming farming in the citythe opposite of being secureto be easily reached or acquiredto carelessly dispose results indeflation when money has no valueto be let down or demeaned is calledthe amount of people living or in an areachange something that is killing the planet...

Matthew's code crossword 2024-10-17

Matthew's code crossword crossword puzzle
  1. farming
  2. take in
  3. natural reaction
  4. someone with a great soul
  5. able to be listened too
  6. remake
  7. to break
  8. transfer
  9. plant leaves collectively
  10. to reflect
  11. a rocket sent in the air
  1. solid, able to be touched
  2. make bigger
  3. change weirdly
  4. respect with warm approval
  5. farming tech
  6. star explosion
  7. full of kindness
  8. sound, especially recorded sound.
  9. move from port to port
  10. record
  11. throw back without absorbing
  12. to bend light waves
  13. send a sharp blow

24 Clues: remakerecordfarmingtake into breaktransferto reflectmake biggerfarming techchange weirdlystar explosionnatural reactionfull of kindnesssend a sharp blowto bend light wavesmove from port to portable to be listened tooa rocket sent in the airsolid, able to be touchedsomeone with a great soulplant leaves collectivelyrespect with warm approval...

APES Unit 6 2024-01-16

APES Unit 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Type of crops planted over areas of field or pasture during crop rotation or with crops
  2. The most overfed, malnourished country in the world
  3. Type of farming that uses polycultures, relies more on small mechanical tools and animal power, natural fertilizers like compost, no large scale irrigation
  4. Type of farming that uses forms of sustainable farming and agribusiness
  5. Grow more than one crop in the same field at the same time
  6. Growing fish and shellfish in sea pens or tanks
  1. Growing two different crops (ex. Corn and squash) in the same plot at the same time
  2. is a significant world issue that leads to fishery collapse
  3. Name of land that is available for farming
  4. Type of farming that uses monocultures, machines, large scale irrigation fixtures, chemical fertilizers and pesticides with the goal of producing the highest yield and profit
  5. Type of grazing where you move herds over long distances to reduce overgrazing and allow plants in one area to recover before being grazed again
  6. Widespread food shortage and mass starvation
  7. When people catch non-target species including juveniles, sharks, turtles, whales/dolphins/seals
  8. Planting more than one species in the area
  9. planting strips of crops between rows of trees or shrubs to reduce runoff/erosion
  10. The type of food made by splicing chromosomes from multiple species together to create a new breed with desirable characteristics

16 Clues: Name of land that is available for farmingPlanting more than one species in the areaWidespread food shortage and mass starvationGrowing fish and shellfish in sea pens or tanksThe most overfed, malnourished country in the worldGrow more than one crop in the same field at the same timeis a significant world issue that leads to fishery collapse...

UOI -5 HOW WE ORGANIZE Ourselves 2021-01-19

UOI -5 HOW WE ORGANIZE Ourselves crossword puzzle
  1. farming done for profit.
  2. The rearing of silkworms.
  3. used to cut out small trees an branches.
  4. The first step of agriculture farming.
  5. commonly used fertilizers.
  6. which farming uses animals like cows,baffoloes,goats etc.
  1. helps in cutting the crops in field.
  2. The crops that are sown in winter.
  3. The farming which deals with art,sience,technolygy.
  4. The suppling off the water to the dry land.

10 Clues: farming done for profit.The rearing of silkworms.commonly used fertilizers.The crops that are sown in winter.helps in cutting the crops in field.The first step of agriculture farming.used to cut out small trees an branches.The suppling off the water to the dry land.The farming which deals with art,sience,technolygy....

Geography Grade 4 Term 3 2024-06-23

Geography Grade 4 Term 3 crossword puzzle
  1. is food that has been changed in some way, such as frozen, dried, cooked or
  2. to keep and take care of animals.
  3. is an activity/ practice of looking for animals and killing them for food.
  4. is an activity/ practice that involves looking for animals that live in water (fish) for food.
  5. is when farmers grow crops and raise animals to sell. (farming)
  6. is breeding animals for their meat and milk. (farming)
  1. is food that that is in the same state as it was when it left the farm. (food)
  2. is a place where animals are killed for their meat.
  3. is when farmers/families produce food for themselves and their families. (farming)
  4. birds/chickens that are reared for their meat and eggs.
  5. are reared for their milk. (farming)
  6. is when farmers grow plants such as wheat, maize or vegetables on a farm. (farming)

12 Clues: to keep and take care of animals.are reared for their milk. (farming)is a place where animals are killed for their breeding animals for their meat and milk. (farming)birds/chickens that are reared for their meat and when farmers grow crops and raise animals to sell. (farming)...

Washington State Chp. 8 Vocab 2019-02-21

Washington State Chp. 8 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a material prepared by chemical or mechanical means from wood for use in making paper and cellulose products
  2. soil or land that is capable of producing abundant vegetation or crops
  3. someone who explores an area for mineral deposits
  4. when a person or an organization declares in law unable to pay their debts
  5. farming farming for a profit, where food is produced by advanced technology in order to sell it in the market
  6. a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something
  1. trees that are grown in order to produce wood
  2. wooden boards or logs that have sawed and cut for use
  3. a naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be profitably extracted
  4. a track or set of tracks made of steel rails along which a passenger and freight trains run
  5. a person who manages a large farm where cattle or other animals are bred and raised
  6. farming when farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families
  7. the process or industry of obtaining coal or other minerals from a mine
  8. the watering of land to make it ready for agriculture
  9. farming a method of farming in dry areas without the aid or irrigation, using drought-resistant crops and conserving moisture
  10. goods that are carried by ships, trains, trucks, or airplanes

16 Clues: trees that are grown in order to produce woodsomeone who explores an area for mineral depositswooden boards or logs that have sawed and cut for usethe watering of land to make it ready for agriculturea thing that motivates or encourages one to do somethinggoods that are carried by ships, trains, trucks, or airplanes...

I'd Fight God For Corn 2022-02-28

I'd Fight God For Corn crossword puzzle
  1. an area that does not or cannot grow food
  2. becoming a desert through unnatural and natural means
  3. the commercialization of agriculture the practice of cultivating crops and raising livestock
  4. the practice of slashing and burning land to improve soil health
  5. a form of rice farming mostly practiced in africa
  6. planting different crops on the same soil
  7. an estate for agriculture
  8. a region of a geographic location known for producing milk
  9. a form of tilling that created raised beds for crop
  10. a period in which certain crops were created
  11. the transformation of agriculture
  12. moving farming grounds in relation to season
  13. burning plants in the area to improve soil health moving in rotation of plantations
  14. an outstanding amount of effort farming to make the most of the field
  1. agriculture done to protect the environment
  2. when crops are raised to sustain the farmer's family or life
  3. a cyclical nomadic lifestyle
  4. cropping different plants in the same year for different seasons
  5. the production of crops/livestock for profit
  6. the practice of maintaining a garden
  7. a plant with juicy kernels of love and scientifically the best vegetable to exist
  8. a small farm that produces crops specifically for local companies or restaurants

22 Clues: an estate for agriculturea cyclical nomadic lifestylethe transformation of agriculturethe practice of maintaining a gardenan area that does not or cannot grow foodplanting different crops on the same soilagriculture done to protect the environmenta period in which certain crops were createdmoving farming grounds in relation to season...

environment 2023-02-15

environment crossword puzzle
  1. the goal of equitable climate solutions, "climate _______" (7)
  2. black substance mined for profit (3)
  3. death of a species (10)
  4. september 2019 event organised by fridays for the future: "climate _______" (7)
  5. alternative energy source derived from light (5)
  6. most common greenhouse gas [abbrev.] (3)
  7. when a company misleads about the environmental sustainability of their products (12)
  8. an artificial contaminant now present in all bodies of water on earth (13)
  9. place where global agreement on climate change was made (5)
  10. alternative energy source derived from lava (10)
  11. fear arising from knowledge of the climate crisis, "climate ___" (7)
  12. a brown substance, walked on (4)
  13. alternative energy source derived from air (4)
  1. environmental practices that can be supported over time (11)
  2. alternative energy source derived from atomic decay (7)
  3. it's depleting in the atmosphere (5)
  4. a method of farming that mimics natural systems (12)
  5. a far-right ideology which believes that overpopulation is the cause of the climate crisis, and can be solved by genocide (9)
  6. farming a single plant variety across large areas of land(8)
  7. world's best known carbon sink (5)
  8. industrial farming of animals, known as the _______ farming method (7)
  9. they're melting! (3-4)
  10. singapore's climate plan, known as the _____ plan (5)
  11. alternative energy source derived from water (5)
  12. global ___ (7)

25 Clues: global ___ (7)they're melting! (3-4)death of a species (10)a brown substance, walked on (4)world's best known carbon sink (5)it's depleting in the atmosphere (5)black substance mined for profit (3)most common greenhouse gas [abbrev.] (3)alternative energy source derived from air (4)alternative energy source derived from light (5)...

Farming Crossword 2024-04-10

Farming Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a nutrient added to the soil to help growth
  2. the collecting of crops
  3. the plant's initial form
  4. 4wheeled vehicle mainly found in farming
  5. Dangerous chemicals used for warding away animals that can harm the crops
  1. humans in the farming industry
  2. animals used for farming
  3. a place to sell crops
  4. The plants in farming
  5. the practice of applying controlled amounts of water to land to help grow crops

10 Clues: a place to sell cropsThe plants in farmingthe collecting of cropsanimals used for farmingthe plant's initial formhumans in the farming industry4wheeled vehicle mainly found in farminga nutrient added to the soil to help growthDangerous chemicals used for warding away animals that can harm the crops...

desertification 2016-07-11

desertification crossword puzzle
  1. sustainable farming
  2. climatic areas more affected by desertification
  3. effect worsened by desertification
  4. too many cows or other animals eating grass in a area
  5. to prepare and use land for growing crops
  6. process that comes before desertification
  1. it may increase soil salinity
  2. soil densification as air is displaced from the pores
  3. No-till may preserve the land
  4. removal of forests or trees
  5. the green ones prevent desertification
  6. their contruction may help to anchor the soil
  7. farming tool with sharp blades for cutting and turning over the earth
  8. thin layer that covers the earth

14 Clues: sustainable farmingremoval of forests or treesit may increase soil salinityNo-till may preserve the landthin layer that covers the eartheffect worsened by desertificationthe green ones prevent desertificationto prepare and use land for growing cropsprocess that comes before desertificationtheir contruction may help to anchor the soil...

Factory Farming 2022-01-20

Factory Farming crossword puzzle
  1. an area of land
  2. treating something or someone with violence
  3. a large self-service store
  4. You consume of animals
  5. a living organism that feeds
  1. is drawn from an animal
  2. a building where goods are amnufacured
  3. a state where you are in pain
  4. being traped
  5. A female bird lands them

10 Clues: being trapedan area of landYou consume of animalsis drawn from an animalA female bird lands thema large self-service storea living organism that feedsa state where you are in paina building where goods are amnufacuredtreating something or someone with violence

Organic Farming 2021-05-11

Organic Farming crossword puzzle
  1. less energy
  2. organic fertilizers
  3. Biodiversity
  4. usda
  1. no agrochemicals
  2. reduced soil
  3. local resources
  4. Less water
  5. croprotation
  6. Non GMO's

10 Clues: usdaNon GMO'sLess waterless energyreduced soilcroprotationBiodiversitylocal resourcesno agrochemicalsorganic fertilizers

Farming Industry 2024-06-05

Farming Industry crossword puzzle
  1. The practice of growing crops and raising animals for food, wool and other products.
  2. Type of farming that uses a lot of labor, expensive and produces a lot on a small piece of land.
  3. Land where grapevines are grown for the purpose of making wine.
  4. Farming drought is when there is not enough rain, making conditions harder for crops to grow and animals to find food.
  1. Type of farming where large areas of land, use little labor and produce products
  2. Watering crops with pipes or canals instead of having to rely on rainfall.
  3. Land used for agriculture, including growing crops or raising livestock
  4. The amount of a crop harvested from a particular area
  5. Animals raised on farms for various purposes like food, wool, work, or other farm needs.
  6. Places outside cities with lots of open land, farms and small amounts of people.

10 Clues: The amount of a crop harvested from a particular areaLand where grapevines are grown for the purpose of making wine.Land used for agriculture, including growing crops or raising livestockWatering crops with pipes or canals instead of having to rely on rainfall.Type of farming where large areas of land, use little labor and produce products...

Fishing and Forestry 2022-10-31

Fishing and Forestry crossword puzzle
  1. trees
  2. the total of all products
  3. hunting fish
  4. second main producer
  5. all resources on earth
  6. people who protect enviornments
  7. third main producer
  1. main industry
  2. fossil fuels
  3. comes from trees
  4. main producer
  5. farming
  6. cultivation or farming in an area

13 Clues: treesfarmingfossil fuelshunting fishmain industrymain producercomes from treesthird main producersecond main producerall resources on earththe total of all productspeople who protect enviornmentscultivation or farming in an area

Yields and Agriculture - Adila 2020-08-24

Yields and Agriculture - Adila crossword puzzle
  1. planting or caring for forests
  2. big input of effort and resources
  3. pasturage
  4. small input of effort and resources
  5. selling crops
  6. profit from farming
  1. farming for money
  2. switching areas for new soil
  3. personal usage of farming
  4. moving around for pasturage

10 Clues: pasturageselling cropsfarming for moneyprofit from farmingpersonal usage of farmingmoving around for pasturageswitching areas for new soilplanting or caring for forestsbig input of effort and resourcessmall input of effort and resources

Agriculture 2023-12-24

Agriculture crossword puzzle
  1. Farming in which crops are raised and livestock are kept on the farm to have animal products
  2. --- agriculture is also known as Slash and burn
  3. Coarse grains are also called
  4. Rubber plantation is famous in
  5. Farming in which organic materials and natural pesticides are used
  6. fibre requires frost free days to grow
  7. cultivation of grapes
  8. The practice of ploughing against the slopes on the hill
  1. Type of farming to meet family needs is known as
  2. country usually practices Commercial agriculture
  3. Advertising is an example of activities.
  4. -- herding in which herdsmen move place to place with their livestock
  5. one primary activity
  6. type of soil is good for growing wheat
  7. a leading producer of rice
  8. is also knowh as a paddy

16 Clues: one primary activitycultivation of grapesis also knowh as a paddya leading producer of riceCoarse grains are also calledRubber plantation is famous intype of soil is good for growing wheatfibre requires frost free days to growAdvertising is an example of activities.--- agriculture is also known as Slash and burn...

test 2021-12-21

test crossword puzzle
  1. Neolithic
  2. harvest
  3. hunting
  4. plants
  5. farming
  6. tools
  1. arts
  2. domestication
  3. gathering
  4. animals

10 Clues: artstoolsplantsharvesthuntinganimalsfarmingNeolithicgatheringdomestication

Latin America Vocabulary 2020-03-13

Latin America Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Ancient civilization (1200-1500AD)
  2. farming farming system
  3. helada a zone of permanent snow and ice
  4. tropical grassland
  5. high, flat plains
  6. templada a temperate climate zone
  7. the variety of life in the world
  8. Factories built by US companies in Mexico
  9. A Spanish conqueror
  10. planting young trees or seeds
  11. area of grassland and rich soil
  12. Ancient civilization of the Yucatán Peninsula
  13. an urban area
  14. immigrant Someone who has moved to their destination
  15. (1400 B.C.E. to 500 B.C.E.) earliest known Mexican civilization
  1. fría a colder climate zone
  2. mixed race
  3. of tordesillas A 1494 agreement between Portugal and Spain
  4. caliente the warmest climate zone
  5. Large farms
  6. country country in the process
  7. allows open trade with US, Mexico, and Canada
  8. zonation vegetation zone
  9. cutting down of trees
  10. and burn A farming method
  11. An attempt by one country to establish settlements
  12. system Rural estates in Spanish colonies in New World
  13. a steep slope
  14. Ancient civilization (1200-1521AD)
  15. A military dictator
  16. tropical grassy plain
  17. reform the process of breaking up large landholdings

32 Clues: mixed raceLarge farmsa steep slopean urban areahigh, flat plainstropical grasslandA Spanish conquerorA military dictatorcutting down of treestropical grassy plainfarming farming systemzonation vegetation zoneand burn A farming methodplanting young trees or seedsfría a colder climate zonecountry country in the process...

Dairy 101 Crossword 2024-08-28

Dairy 101 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A type of plant-based milk made from nuts
  2. A popular cheese variety often used in pizza
  3. Dairy product made by curdling milk
  4. The process of ensuring a uniform texture in milk
  5. A type of dairy product often used in dishes
  6. Largest U.S. state in dairy production
  7. The U.S. state famous for its dairy farms, besides Wisconsin
  8. A dairy product used in baking and cooking
  9. Equipment used to milk cows
  10. Alternative to cow's milk
  1. Term for a person who manages dairy cows
  2. Nutrient commonly found in dairy that supports muscle health
  3. Process that kills harmful bacteria and pathogens in milk
  4. The type of farming focused on producing milk
  5. The ingredient in dairy that some people have trouble digesting
  6. Animal often used in dairy farming
  7. Nutrient found in dairy that supports strong bones
  8. Common dairy product used as a spread
  9. The general term for products like cheese, yogurt, and milk
  10. Another popular dairy product made from fermented milk
  11. State known for cheese production

21 Clues: Alternative to cow's milkEquipment used to milk cowsState known for cheese productionAnimal often used in dairy farmingDairy product made by curdling milkCommon dairy product used as a spreadLargest U.S. state in dairy productionTerm for a person who manages dairy cowsA type of plant-based milk made from nuts...

Unit 5 Crossword Puzzle Sapir Gazit Period 6 2024-04-18

Unit 5 Crossword Puzzle Sapir Gazit Period 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Rotating planting locations as soil depletes.
  2. Highly developed, economically dominant regions.
  3. Hot, humid near the equator.
  4. Large estate focused on cash crops.
  5. Paddy cultivation in flooded fields.
  6. Genetically Modified Organisms in agriculture.
  7. Cultivating crops and livestock.
  8. Settlements arranged along a path.
  9. Raising livestock on large grazing areas.
  10. Less developed, economically subordinate regions.
  11. Moving livestock for grazing.
  12. Worldwide production and distribution network.
  13. High-yield farming using advanced methods.
  14. Growing for personal consumption.
  15. Increasing production through new technologies.
  16. Maximizing output through intensive resources.
  1. Revolution Industrialization of agriculture in 19th century.
  2. Large-scale farming for profit.
  3. Cultivating cereal crops.
  4. Producing only for one's needs.
  5. Plants grown for edible seeds/grains.
  6. Scattered, isolated farm dwellings.
  7. Compact, closely spaced dwellings.
  8. Mild, rainy winters, hot, dry summers.
  9. Large commercial agricultural businesses.
  10. Transfer of plants, animals between continents.
  11. Production for sale and profit.
  12. Raising cattle, processing milk.
  13. Low-input farming over large areas.
  14. Underground plant parts (e.g., potatoes).

30 Clues: Cultivating cereal crops.Hot, humid near the equator.Moving livestock for grazing.Large-scale farming for profit.Producing only for one's needs.Production for sale and profit.Cultivating crops and livestock.Raising cattle, processing milk.Growing for personal consumption.Compact, closely spaced dwellings.Settlements arranged along a path....

Grade 9 Unit Test 2012-11-21

Grade 9 Unit Test crossword puzzle
  1. common in dense cities, fruits,vegetabels,poultry and dairy, type of farming
  2. fish farming
  3. processing raw materials
  4. needles
  5. type of mineral, gold, copper, iron
  1. highly mechanized, few workers, type of farming
  2. fruits/vegetables
  3. kills weeds but is harmful to wildlife
  4. everything but fossil and metallic minerals
  5. leaves fall off in the winter
  6. highest produced agricultural product

11 Clues: needlesfish farmingfruits/vegetablesprocessing raw materialsleaves fall off in the wintertype of mineral, gold, copper, ironhighest produced agricultural productkills weeds but is harmful to wildlifeeverything but fossil and metallic mineralshighly mechanized, few workers, type of farming...

types of farming 2014-01-26

types of farming crossword puzzle
  1. Farming without chemicals
  2. Only growing enough food to feed yourself
  3. Cultivating crops
  4. Farming both crops and animals
  1. Growing produce to sell
  2. Rearing animals
  3. Farming that requires lots of input
  4. Farming that uses lots of land with few things on it
  5. Genetically enhancing crops of livestock

9 Clues: Rearing animalsCultivating cropsGrowing produce to sellFarming without chemicalsFarming both crops and animalsFarming that requires lots of inputGenetically enhancing crops of livestockOnly growing enough food to feed yourselfFarming that uses lots of land with few things on it