general knowledge Crossword Puzzles

general knowledge 2012-11-05

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Little Wonder's room number NPS
  2. Where were the Olympics held 2012
  3. 7 times 8
  4. How many stars are on the nz flag?
  5. What's colours are on the Guinea flag red yellow and?
  6. Annie Leibovitz is famous as what?
  7. 1 underpar
  8. Reading teachers first name NPS
  9. The 2nd closest planet to the sun?
  1. Capital of New Zealand
  2. What does the C in ANZAC mean?
  3. What colour is the logo on the NPS uniform?
  4. Who sings gangnam style?
  5. What year did the NPS uniform start 200_?
  6. What's another name for a Zucchini?
  7. What is the capital city of Aussie?
  8. New Zealand's national dessert
  9. How many Consonants are in the world?

18 Clues: 7 times 81 underparCapital of New ZealandWho sings gangnam style?What does the C in ANZAC mean?New Zealand's national dessertLittle Wonder's room number NPSReading teachers first name NPSWhere were the Olympics held 2012How many stars are on the nz flag?Annie Leibovitz is famous as what?The 2nd closest planet to the sun?...

General knowledge 2020-10-07

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Walking pace
  2. Detached
  3. Slowly
  4. A broken chord
  5. A sharp or flat in the middle of a bar
  6. A moderate tempo
  7. Relatively fast
  8. Play in the same way
  1. A forceful accent
  2. Lean into the note
  3. Gradually become louder
  4. A pause
  5. Smooth and well-connected
  6. Expressively
  7. Always
  8. The musical term for volume
  9. Fast and lively

17 Clues: SlowlyAlwaysA pauseDetachedWalking paceExpressivelyA broken chordFast and livelyRelatively fastA moderate tempoA forceful accentLean into the notePlay in the same wayGradually become louderSmooth and well-connectedThe musical term for volumeA sharp or flat in the middle of a bar

General Knowledge 2021-08-10

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. National animal of Scotland
  2. And they were?
  3. Shape of a stop sign
  4. The first state
  5. Country that won the first ever World Cup in 1930
  6. Garden tool
  7. The color of Absynthe
  8. This sport has been played on the moon
  1. Spanish artist and sculptor
  2. Area 51 is located in this state
  3. Bloomingdale Senior Highschool's most racist alumni
  4. Planet closest to the sun
  5. Trav's favorite character in the whole show (Game of Thrones)
  6. Where the first Olympics was held
  7. A group of lions
  8. Word most commonly used in crosswords
  9. Who's third law states that 'for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction'?

17 Clues: Garden toolAnd they were?The first stateA group of lionsShape of a stop signThe color of AbsynthePlanet closest to the sunSpanish artist and sculptorNational animal of ScotlandArea 51 is located in this stateWhere the first Olympics was heldWord most commonly used in crosswordsThis sport has been played on the moon...

General Knowledge 2021-08-27

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. a lot of this kind of fruit is grown between Nelson and Motueka
  2. the Maori word for work
  3. the name of the building where NZ Parliament meets
  4. the Maori word for green
  5. the name of the river that runs through nelson City
  6. the name of a street, a stadium and a famous sea battle
  7. the biggest city in new Zealand
  8. the main colour in the NZ flag
  9. first name of New Zealand's Prime Minister
  1. Nelson does not have this kind of public transport
  2. the furthest north city in the South Island
  3. what kind of church is on Church Hill in Nelson city?
  4. the name of the city where Uncle Andy lived before he moved to Auckland, the capital of NZ
  5. the name of the bay where Granny grew up
  6. the Maori name for New Zealand
  7. the name of the Queen of England and NZ
  8. the surname of the explorer after whom the strait between the north and south islands is named

17 Clues: the Maori word for workthe Maori word for greenthe Maori name for New Zealandthe main colour in the NZ flagthe biggest city in new Zealandthe name of the Queen of England and NZthe name of the bay where Granny grew upfirst name of New Zealand's Prime Ministerthe furthest north city in the South Island...

General Knowledge 2023-10-17

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Odo I was from this royal Breton line
  2. A tuber in the family araceae similar to yams
  3. A trap
  4. The last name of the famous rapper who made "IGOR"
  5. Nitrogen triple bonded to carbon
  6. Known for their groundbreaking 1997 album, "Ok Computer"
  7. A spice usually imitated due to its price and rarity
  1. To make, or provide an item
  2. a famous level in the game "Geometry Dash" known for its short length and fast gameplay
  3. A city, and a famous western ballad
  4. Radius * 2
  5. French city with the first industrial strike in France
  6. Pb, #82, 207.2±1.1
  7. Understood without being stated
  8. The official language of Andorra
  9. The most used sound in english
  10. Composes rocket fuels and early snythetic dyes

17 Clues: A trapRadius * 2Pb, #82, 207.2±1.1To make, or provide an itemThe most used sound in englishUnderstood without being statedThe official language of AndorraNitrogen triple bonded to carbonA city, and a famous western balladOdo I was from this royal Breton lineA tuber in the family araceae similar to yamsComposes rocket fuels and early snythetic dyes...

General Knowledge 2023-03-26

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. What Oreos Are (7)
  2. Annoying Biting Insects (8)
  3. Striped Bear (5)
  4. Nicknamed the Outback (9)
  5. Luke's Father (6)
  6. Superhero with Anger Issues (4)
  7. What we Make With 4 Across (5)
  8. Lucas, One of the Producers of Star Wars (11)
  9. Ancient ______ (6)
  1. Another word for ship (6)
  2. Artist of Juice (5)
  3. Cute (8)
  4. A Country Bordering France (5)
  5. What we Take From Trees (3)
  6. Investigation Department (3)
  7. What Sea Pirates Sail On (9)
  8. Company That Makes Animated Movies (5)

17 Clues: Cute (8)Striped Bear (5)Luke's Father (6)What Oreos Are (7)Ancient ______ (6)Artist of Juice (5)Another word for ship (6)Nicknamed the Outback (9)Annoying Biting Insects (8)What we Take From Trees (3)Investigation Department (3)What Sea Pirates Sail On (9)A Country Bordering France (5)What we Make With 4 Across (5)Superhero with Anger Issues (4)...

general knowledge 2020-07-08

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. penguins live there(9)
  2. the god of war(4)
  3. best football players whith diego in them
  4. capital city of the U.S.A(15)
  5. fastest man in the world
  6. second largest planet(6)
  7. best England cricket player
  8. known as the blue planet(5)
  9. dwarf planet(5)
  1. largest land mammal(8)
  2. largest country in the world(6)
  3. blue planet 8th away from the sun(7)
  4. named after a roman goddess(5)
  5. closest to the sun(7)
  6. biggest bird in britain(17)
  7. 7th from the sun(6)
  8. largest planet(7)

17 Clues: dwarf planet(5)the god of war(4)largest planet(7)7th from the sun(6)closest to the sun(7)largest land mammal(8)penguins live there(9)fastest man in the worldsecond largest planet(6)biggest bird in britain(17)best England cricket playerknown as the blue planet(5)capital city of the U.S.A(15)named after a roman goddess(5)...

General Knowledge 2020-06-18

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. charles is the prince of
  2. queen of england
  3. a prime minister and insurance company
  4. Man's best friend
  5. Flying mammal
  6. Large marsupial
  7. three times two
  1. is made with ice cream and milk
  2. a railway station and a bear
  3. Has a trunk
  4. lives under ground and makes hills
  5. a baby duck
  6. has tusks and looks like a seal
  7. a planet and a chocolate bar
  8. the colour of a cartoon panther
  9. Likes to chase mice
  10. capital of france

17 Clues: Has a trunka baby duckFlying mammalLarge marsupialthree times twoqueen of englandMan's best friendcapital of franceLikes to chase micecharles is the prince ofa railway station and a beara planet and a chocolate baris made with ice cream and milkhas tusks and looks like a sealthe colour of a cartoon pantherlives under ground and makes hills...

General knowledge 2023-12-12

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. a delicious sweet
  2. You listen to it
  3. Drink everyday
  4. animal with a long neck
  5. You use it to carry things with you
  6. South America country where people speak Portuguese
  7. Your use it to charge things
  1. you wear they on your foot when it is cold
  2. Open it to see outside
  3. When you listen to music you _____
  4. you drink coffee with it
  5. You can see yourself on it
  6. Today
  7. you put your head on when you are going to sleep
  8. The place you go to eat
  9. You use it to call people
  10. you use it to take photos

17 Clues: TodayDrink everydayYou listen to ita delicious sweetOpen it to see outsideThe place you go to eatanimal with a long neckyou drink coffee with itYou use it to call peopleyou use it to take photosYou can see yourself on itYour use it to charge thingsWhen you listen to music you _____You use it to carry things with you...


GENERAL KNOWLEDGE crossword puzzle
  7. - A DOZEN


General knowledge 2024-12-19

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. max and who?
  2. who goes CLUCK
  3. Second best game
  4. Edgar is also what
  5. who gets bribed with chocolate in wonka
  6. who goes OH YEAH in a film
  7. what is Ed fav food
  1. best game
  2. worst game
  3. what does daddy pig say
  4. who is in a toilet
  5. marvel or dc
  6. villain of the lorax
  7. who likes cheese
  8. what is in space
  9. who likes chicken nuggets
  10. who is short

17 Clues: best gameworst gamemax and who?marvel or dcwho is shortwho goes CLUCKSecond best gamewho likes cheesewhat is in spacewho is in a toiletEdgar is also whatwhat is Ed fav foodvillain of the loraxwhat does daddy pig saywho likes chicken nuggetswho goes OH YEAH in a filmwho gets bribed with chocolate in wonka

General knowledge 2021-06-24

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Sea What sea lie between Australia and NZ?
  2. Which continent lies in all four hemispheres of the Earth (North, South, East and West)?
  3. Constantinople is the former name of which Turkish city?
  4. Which World War II general became President of France in 1959?
  5. Sea What sea lies between Italy and the Balkans?
  6. Which river flows through the Grand Canyon?
  7. Which U.S. naval base was attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941?
  8. Which country gained independence from the British Empire in 1947?
  1. Greenland is an autonomous territory of which country?
  2. What is the capital city of Syria?
  3. What is the deepest lake in the world?
  4. What is the world's largest desert?
  5. Leningrad is now which modern Russian city?
  6. What was the codename for the Allied evacuation at Dunkirk during World War II?
  7. Which British prime minister declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939?
  8. What is the capital city of Vietnam?
  9. In which country would you visit Machu Picchu?

17 Clues: What is the capital city of Syria?What is the world's largest desert?What is the capital city of Vietnam?What is the deepest lake in the world?Sea What sea lie between Australia and NZ?Leningrad is now which modern Russian city?Which river flows through the Grand Canyon?In which country would you visit Machu Picchu?...

general knowledge 2020-07-08

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. biggest bird in britain(17)
  2. blue planet 8th away from the sun(7)
  3. capital city of the U.S.A(15)
  4. second largest planet(6)
  5. named after a roman goddess(5)
  6. largest land mammal(8)
  7. largest planet(7)
  8. dwarf planet(5)
  9. the god of war(4)
  1. known as the blue planet(5)
  2. best England cricket player
  3. fastest man in the world
  4. 7th from the sun(6)
  5. largest country in the world(6)
  6. penguins live there(9)
  7. best football players whith diego in them
  8. closest to the sun(7)

17 Clues: dwarf planet(5)largest planet(7)the god of war(4)7th from the sun(6)closest to the sun(7)penguins live there(9)largest land mammal(8)fastest man in the worldsecond largest planet(6)biggest bird in britain(17)known as the blue planet(5)best England cricket playercapital city of the U.S.A(15)named after a roman goddess(5)...

General Knowledge 2023-09-25

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Sport where you perform a slam dunk
  2. Largest continent on Earth
  3. Holds the record for the most career goals in professional football
  4. Longest river in the world
  5. Largest organ in the human body
  6. Writer of "Romeo and Juliet"
  7. Harry Potter's pet owl
  8. The Red Planet
  9. Portuguese footballer known for his time with FC Barcelona and Bayern Munich (Last Name).
  10. A musical instrument with strings
  1. Largest desert by area
  2. dioxide Gas plants absorb from the atmosphere during photosynthesis
  3. Country known as The Land of the Rising Sun
  4. Father of modern physics and developed the theory of relativity
  5. Ancient Civilization that built the pyramids of Giza
  6. Capital of France
  7. Someone who teaches and assists students in their learning

17 Clues: The Red PlanetCapital of FranceLargest desert by areaHarry Potter's pet owlLargest continent on EarthLongest river in the worldWriter of "Romeo and Juliet"Largest organ in the human bodyA musical instrument with stringsSport where you perform a slam dunkCountry known as The Land of the Rising SunAncient Civilization that built the pyramids of Giza...

General Knowledge 2024-09-17

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. - controls aeroplanes.
  2. - air transport.
  3. - famous mountain in Japan.
  4. - capital city of Japan.
  5. - what we do after lunch.
  6. - the name of my country.
  7. - color on Japanese flag.
  8. - a sport that starts with letter s.
  9. - a subject were we add and subtract numbers.
  10. - capital city of Egland.
  1. - show what time it is.
  2. - which city do you live in?
  3. - common land disaster in Japan.
  4. - we use it to clean our teeth.
  5. - the room we learn in.
  6. - a sport like basetball.
  7. - treats sick people.

17 Clues: - air transport.- treats sick people.- controls aeroplanes.- show what time it is.- the room we learn in.- capital city of Japan.- what we do after lunch.- the name of my country.- a sport like basetball.- color on Japanese flag.- capital city of Egland.- famous mountain in Japan.- which city do you live in?- we use it to clean our teeth....

general knowledge 2020-07-08

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. blue planet 8th away from the sun(7)
  2. best England cricket player
  3. largest land mammal(8)
  4. capital city of the U.S.A(15)
  5. closest to the sun(7)
  6. fastest man in the world
  7. penguins live there(9)
  8. dwarf planet(5)
  9. named after a roman goddess(5)
  1. best football players whith diego in them
  2. largest country in the world(6)
  3. known as the blue planet(5)
  4. biggest bird in britain(17)
  5. second largest planet(6)
  6. largest planet(7)
  7. 7th from the sun(6)
  8. the god of war(4)

17 Clues: dwarf planet(5)largest planet(7)the god of war(4)7th from the sun(6)closest to the sun(7)largest land mammal(8)penguins live there(9)second largest planet(6)fastest man in the worldbest England cricket playerknown as the blue planet(5)biggest bird in britain(17)capital city of the U.S.A(15)named after a roman goddess(5)...

General Knowledge 2022-03-18

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. colour of Arihants
  2. Name of the poisonous snake
  3. Prayer of forgiveness
  4. Number of Tirthankars
  5. Universal Prayer
  6. Second day of Diwali
  7. Goddess of knowledge
  8. Number of dreams Tirthankar mother sees
  1. 22nd Tirthankar
  2. One of the Jain Principle
  3. 4th Kalyanak
  4. Precious birth
  5. Prayer with the names of all the tirthankar
  6. the divine preaching hall of the Tirthankara
  7. First Ganadhar of Mahavir Swami
  8. Symbol of Mahavir Swami
  9. Number of Kalyanak

17 Clues: 4th KalyanakPrecious birth22nd TirthankarUniversal Prayercolour of ArihantsNumber of KalyanakSecond day of DiwaliGoddess of knowledgePrayer of forgivenessNumber of TirthankarsSymbol of Mahavir SwamiOne of the Jain PrincipleName of the poisonous snakeFirst Ganadhar of Mahavir SwamiNumber of dreams Tirthankar mother sees...

General Knowledge 2022-03-18

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. colour of Arihants
  2. Name of the poisonous snake
  3. Prayer of forgiveness
  4. Number of Tirthankars
  5. Universal Prayer
  6. Second day of Diwali
  7. Goddess of knowledge
  8. Number of dreams Tirthankar mother sees
  1. 22nd Tirthankar
  2. One of the Jain Principle
  3. 4th Kalyanak
  4. Precious birth
  5. Prayer with the names of all the tirthankar
  6. the divine preaching hall of the Tirthankara
  7. First Ganadhar of Mahavir Swami
  8. Symbol of Mahavir Swami
  9. Number of Kalyanak

17 Clues: 4th KalyanakPrecious birth22nd TirthankarUniversal Prayercolour of ArihantsNumber of KalyanakSecond day of DiwaliGoddess of knowledgePrayer of forgivenessNumber of TirthankarsSymbol of Mahavir SwamiOne of the Jain PrincipleName of the poisonous snakeFirst Ganadhar of Mahavir SwamiNumber of dreams Tirthankar mother sees...

General Knowledge 2016-05-31

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. law that states the volume of a gas is inversely related to its pressure
  2. only form with group 1 elements
  3. movement of gas molecules through tine holes in containers
  4. acid which contains hydrogen and another nonmetal
  5. forces that only exist in polar molecules
  6. measure of the amount of kinetic energy possessed by molecules
  7. acid which contains hydrogen, another element, and oxygen
  8. law that states the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature
  9. bond in which valence electrons are shared in a sea of electrons
  10. bond in which valence electrons are shared
  1. number of poles of solute per kilogram of solvent
  2. process in which a hydrate loses its waters of hydration
  3. strongest intramolecular force
  4. maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent
  5. chemistry dealing with carbon-containing compounds
  6. agent in a redox reaction that causes another substance to be reduced
  7. ionic salt that contains waters of hydration

17 Clues: strongest intramolecular forceonly form with group 1 elementsforces that only exist in polar moleculesbond in which valence electrons are sharedionic salt that contains waters of hydrationnumber of poles of solute per kilogram of solventacid which contains hydrogen and another nonmetalchemistry dealing with carbon-containing compounds...

General Knowledge 2024-04-02

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Dog in house that flies
  2. All white dress code
  3. Expensive ingredient
  4. Lost city
  5. Big ol' trees
  6. I'll make a man out of you
  7. Largest shark
  8. Smallest bone
  1. Vanilla pod mum
  2. Home of Angel Falls
  3. Flies fast
  4. Biggest puddle
  5. Strongest bite
  6. Winged greek mythical creature
  7. Flies backwards
  8. Fancy writing
  9. Owl friends

17 Clues: Lost cityFlies fastOwl friendsFancy writingBig ol' treesLargest sharkSmallest boneBiggest puddleStrongest biteVanilla pod mumFlies backwardsHome of Angel FallsAll white dress codeExpensive ingredientDog in house that fliesI'll make a man out of youWinged greek mythical creature

General Knowledge 2013-06-13

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. The number of vowels
  2. The capital of Portugal
  3. A book that is holy to Christians
  4. An animal with a bushy tail
  5. The colour of a butter cup
  6. An instrument with keys
  7. Another name for a story
  1. The chosen name of the Pope
  2. A game played with a bat near the school
  3. The number of colours in the rainbow
  4. 30 times two
  5. The first name of the Irish president
  6. The colour of an adult swan
  7. The headquarters of the Eatser Rising
  8. The longest river in the world
  9. The month with the shortest name

16 Clues: 30 times twoThe number of vowelsThe capital of PortugalAn instrument with keysAnother name for a storyThe colour of a butter cupThe chosen name of the PopeAn animal with a bushy tailThe colour of an adult swanThe longest river in the worldThe month with the shortest nameA book that is holy to ChristiansThe number of colours in the rainbow...

general knowledge 2021-06-22

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Footballer who plays for England and Leeds United
  2. the best rapper in the world NOT!!!! Honey-G
  3. The number of U.S. Presidents assassinated
  4. Portuegse footballer
  5. Trump the 45th U.S. President
  6. Franklin Discovered DNA
  7. Dumbledores bird
  8. Van Halen Wrote the guitar solo for Beat it
  9. Ron Weasley's pet rat
  1. the artist who had the most top ten hits from his album
  2. Musk Musk Founder of SpaceX
  3. Beat a football world record in Germany this year
  4. the country of origin of lambourghini
  5. cricketer who presents Top Gear
  6. Gere played the lead man in Pretty Woman
  7. acid DNA stands for this

16 Clues: Dumbledores birdPortuegse footballerRon Weasley's pet ratFranklin Discovered DNAacid DNA stands for thisTrump the 45th U.S. Presidentcricketer who presents Top GearMusk Musk Founder of SpaceXthe country of origin of lambourghiniGere played the lead man in Pretty WomanThe number of U.S. Presidents assassinated...


GENERAL KNOWLEDGE crossword puzzle
  1. you have in your house and you open it to see the daylight
  2. you put your documents, money, credit cards in it
  3. when you go to sleep you cover yourself with it
  4. where most people live
  5. when there is no battery in your phone you need it
  6. you are
  7. the mother of your mother
  1. you use it when there is no eletricity in your house
  2. food _ _ _ _ _
  3. you use it to clean your teeth
  4. it's a red drink
  5. it's a feline pet
  6. you use it to clean the floor
  7. you use it to lock the door
  8. when you watch a horror movie you feel it
  9. it's a sweet candy that you chew

16 Clues: you arefood _ _ _ _ _it's a red drinkit's a feline petwhere most people livethe mother of your motheryou use it to lock the dooryou use it to clean the flooryou use it to clean your teethit's a sweet candy that you chewwhen you watch a horror movie you feel itwhen you go to sleep you cover yourself with it...

General Knowledge 2021-04-21

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Current president of USA (no spacing)
  2. University that Facebook creator studied in
  3. How many legs do lobster have? (number)
  4. Largest country in the world
  5. Bird that can fly backwards
  6. Flower that can be found in Sabah (large)
  7. 2nd Last colour of the rainbow
  1. Leornado Da Vinci's most famous painting
  2. Extinct species
  3. Pandemic
  4. Capital city of Poland
  5. Things human cannot survive without it
  6. Deaf musician
  7. A place in Germany related to hamburger
  8. Largest Ocean
  9. A bamboo eater (animal)

16 Clues: PandemicDeaf musicianLargest OceanExtinct speciesCapital city of PolandA bamboo eater (animal)Bird that can fly backwardsLargest country in the world2nd Last colour of the rainbowCurrent president of USA (no spacing)Things human cannot survive without itHow many legs do lobster have? (number)A place in Germany related to hamburger...

General Knowledge 2022-10-17

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. The qibla' of muslim
  2. Hardest language of all
  3. Month of the Malaysia Day
  4. The largest man-made wall in the world stretching over 5,000 miles long
  5. Not a frog egg because edible
  6. Who invented light bulb
  7. The city of Love
  8. Largest country in the world
  1. The hardest element in the world
  2. Flower of Japan
  3. The first colonizer in Tanah Melayu
  4. The longest river in the world
  5. Tombs of the Pharaohs
  6. Smelliest cheese in the world
  7. The highest mountain in the
  8. Not a tree but a vegie

16 Clues: Flower of JapanThe city of LoveThe qibla' of muslimTombs of the PharaohsNot a tree but a vegieHardest language of allWho invented light bulbMonth of the Malaysia DayThe highest mountain in theLargest country in the worldSmelliest cheese in the worldNot a frog egg because edibleThe longest river in the worldThe hardest element in the world...

General Knowledge 2022-05-03

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. A yellow fruit.
  2. Famous ship that sank in the Atlantic Ocean.
  3. A muscle that pumps blood around the body.
  4. The chemical element we breath in.
  5. A female chicken.
  6. The name given to hair that grows on the lower part of the face.
  7. The shortest month of the year.
  8. Capital city of France.
  1. The country with a white flag with a red circle.
  2. A small kitchen appliance used to boil water.
  3. The first planet in the Solar System.
  4. God of thunder/ A hammer wielding Marvel character.
  5. Capital city of England.
  6. The piece of cutlery normally used in the right hand.
  7. The brand with three stripes.
  8. The colour that means 'stop' on traffic lights.

16 Clues: A yellow fruit.A female chicken.Capital city of France.Capital city of England.The brand with three stripes.The shortest month of the year.The chemical element we breath in.The first planet in the Solar System.A muscle that pumps blood around the body.Famous ship that sank in the Atlantic Ocean.A small kitchen appliance used to boil water....

General Knowledge 2023-05-18

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. The Shakyamuni Buddha spent 49 days under a tree at the place that is now the _____ Temple.
  2. The Ramayana and Mahabharata are both books written in this language.
  3. In Bangkok, there is a beautiful temple that is called the Temple of the ____ Buddha.
  4. The Incheon Airport is near this city, which is the capital of South Korea.
  5. The MiG company that builds airplanes and Vladimir Putin are from _____.
  6. The sport in which you use a pole to jump over a high bar is called pole _______.
  7. Oda Nobunaga (織田信長) was a ruler from this country.
  8. There are summer and winter types of this. This sports meet happens once every four years.
  1. This country has the most people in the world (Hint: It isn't China anymore).
  2. This is the very fast train in Japan.
  3. The story in which a fisherman rides a turtle to the dragon palace and stays for 300 years (which he thinks is only 3 days) is Urashima _____.
  4. This is a sport in which you use a RACQUET to hit a BALL against a wall.
  5. What color is an emerald?
  6. This is the instrument the Yoshida Brothers play.
  7. The sport in which you run and jump as far as you can into a sand pit is called the long _____.
  8. In this sport, you throw a long, thin pole as far as you can.

16 Clues: What color is an emerald?This is the very fast train in Japan.This is the instrument the Yoshida Brothers play.Oda Nobunaga (織田信長) was a ruler from this country.In this sport, you throw a long, thin pole as far as you can.The Ramayana and Mahabharata are both books written in this language....

General knowledge 2023-10-13

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. called once has produced a child
  2. An animal that can live in hot or cold
  3. I am
  4. A small stuffed toy
  5. Opposite to scruffy
  6. Famous nanny
  7. Who was the famous prime minister in WW2
  8. The smallest coin
  1. Which continent is Thailand in?
  2. The largest flightless bird
  3. A baby can be called an
  4. Famous for a sausage roll
  5. A political party
  6. first time
  7. Who is the patron saint of wales?
  8. French for yellow

16 Clues: I amfirst timeFamous nannyA political partyFrench for yellowThe smallest coinA small stuffed toyOpposite to scruffyA baby can be called anFamous for a sausage rollThe largest flightless birdWhich continent is Thailand in?called once has produced a childWho is the patron saint of wales?An animal that can live in hot or cold...

General Knowledge 2016-08-24

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. son of Zeus and Maia
  2. In the song Waltzing Matilda - What is a Jumbuck
  3. the tank engine Ringo Star narrated which children's TV show
  4. Currency of Greece
  5. No First James Bond Film
  6. Gagarin First Man in Space
  7. If you suffer from epistaxis what is wrong
  8. Longest river in Italy
  9. Largest state in the USA
  1. Flash Who was Barry Allen in DC comics
  2. Animal that translates to water horse
  3. animal that lives in a drey
  4. Royale The First James Bond book.
  5. who killed Gorgon in greek mythology
  6. Mandala The long walk to Freedom is whose autobiography
  7. Disney Who has won the most Oscars

16 Clues: Currency of Greeceson of Zeus and MaiaLongest river in ItalyNo First James Bond FilmLargest state in the USAGagarin First Man in Spaceanimal that lives in a dreyRoyale The First James Bond book.Disney Who has won the most Oscarswho killed Gorgon in greek mythologyAnimal that translates to water horseFlash Who was Barry Allen in DC comics...

General Knowledge 2014-03-12

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. not costa but….
  2. Sin, cos and ….
  3. artist but also someone who moves people along
  4. form of transport- usually fast moving on wheels
  5. something you collect from a station or can be passed
  6. opposite of goodbye
  7. America
  1. a foots cardigan
  2. what girls wear on their eyelashes
  3. when you ask someone something
  4. what you do in bed
  5. J price tag
  6. in the Greek alphabet used in maths begins with d
  7. French for to have
  8. Opposite of found
  9. Pullen

16 Clues: PullenAmericaJ price tagnot costa but….Sin, cos and ….a foots cardiganOpposite of foundwhat you do in bedFrench for to haveopposite of goodbyewhen you ask someone somethingwhat girls wear on their eyelashesartist but also someone who moves people alongform of transport- usually fast moving on wheelsin the Greek alphabet used in maths begins with d...

General Knowledge 2021-06-26

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Tokyo is the capital of this country
  2. A seed of a plant used as food
  3. A very common lustrous material
  4. The lattitude in the middle
  5. An unit to measure distance
  6. Plants use this structure to respire
  7. SI unit of mass
  8. A common material soluble in water
  1. The common nutrient found in meat
  2. Food made by insects
  3. A root of a plant used as food
  4. Oscillates & found in older clocks
  5. Stranger things is shown on this streaming service
  6. A type of fat
  7. A shape which has 3 sides
  8. A transparent material, is very common

16 Clues: A type of fatSI unit of massFood made by insectsA shape which has 3 sidesThe lattitude in the middleAn unit to measure distanceA seed of a plant used as foodA root of a plant used as foodA very common lustrous materialThe common nutrient found in meatOscillates & found in older clocksA common material soluble in water...

General Knowledge 2019-11-14

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. How many colours are there in a rainbow? (5)
  2. Largest members of the cat family? (5)
  3. What planet is second from the sun? (5)
  4. World's largest ocean? (12)
  5. World's fastest land mammal? (7)
  6. On what continent would you not find bees? (10)
  7. Baby seals are called what? (3)
  8. World's longest river in South America? (6)
  9. What is another word for lexicon? (10)
  10. Largest internal organ in the body? (5)
  1. How many taste-buds does a tongue have? (4)
  2. How many VERSIONS of the iPhone are there? (8)
  3. The study of the weather is called what? (11)
  4. World's largest active volcano? (7)
  5. Which planet has the most moons? (7)
  6. Main colour of the Chinese flag? (3)

16 Clues: World's largest ocean? (12)Baby seals are called what? (3)World's fastest land mammal? (7)World's largest active volcano? (7)Which planet has the most moons? (7)Main colour of the Chinese flag? (3)Largest members of the cat family? (5)What is another word for lexicon? (10)What planet is second from the sun? (5)...

General Knowledge 2021-05-03

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Snooker player who made 1st televised 147 break (5)
  2. These mammals can be three toed or two toed (5)
  3. Inventor of football goal nets (6)
  4. Born 287BC, Syracuse, known as "The Father of Mathematics" (10)
  5. The Taj Mahal can be found in this Indian city (4)
  6. Crows and Ravens belong to this family (7)
  7. Gaelic for Blackpool (6)
  8. Subsists through hemophagia (7)
  9. Greek Godess of Motherhood (4)
  1. The binary number 101 as a written denary number (4)
  2. Relating to the liver (7)
  3. An interaction or cooperation giving rise to a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. (7)
  4. This gas accounts for roughly 78% of the Earth's atmosphere (8)
  5. To state one's viewpoint (5)
  6. Somebody who hangs around with musicians (7)
  7. Hybrid fruit crossed tangerine and grapefruit (7)

16 Clues: Gaelic for Blackpool (6)Relating to the liver (7)To state one's viewpoint (5)Greek Godess of Motherhood (4)Subsists through hemophagia (7)Inventor of football goal nets (6)Crows and Ravens belong to this family (7)Somebody who hangs around with musicians (7)These mammals can be three toed or two toed (5)...

General Knowledge 2020-09-20

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. place of the world where lemur species are endemic
  2. coach of Sachin Tendulkar
  3. the unit of mentioning the thickness of startosphereic ozone
  4. one can catch, but not throw
  5. most polluted city in the world
  6. plasgue is caused by
  7. Montreal protocol related to
  8. main constituent of acid rain
  1. location of kanha national park
  2. a plan known as partition plan
  3. itai-itai diesease is caused by
  4. father of Indian environment science
  5. invention of wheel(situation)
  6. richest person in the world (July 2020)
  7. a main cause of soil erosion
  8. who have the largest share in final mangrove areas

16 Clues: plasgue is caused bycoach of Sachin Tendulkarone can catch, but not throwa main cause of soil erosionMontreal protocol related toinvention of wheel(situation)main constituent of acid raina plan known as partition planlocation of kanha national parkitai-itai diesease is caused bymost polluted city in the worldfather of Indian environment science...

general knowledge 2022-02-17

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. ancient greece name for ice/cold
  2. iran's old name
  3. fossilized tree resin that has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since Neolithic times.
  4. indonesian muscle man
  5. abaraham's arabian name
  6. covid's new variant
  7. shoelaces ends
  8. a gun that shoots multiple bullets
  9. indonesia 4th president
  1. dangerous substance with metalic color
  2. chemical compound in peppers
  3. alternative rock genre and subculture that emerged during the mid-1980s
  4. covid's test
  5. apple's rival
  6. "mens sana in corpore ....."
  7. "the eyes never lie ....."

16 Clues: covid's testapple's rivalshoelaces endsiran's old namecovid's new variantindonesian muscle manabaraham's arabian nameindonesia 4th president"the eyes never lie ....."chemical compound in peppers"mens sana in corpore ....."ancient greece name for ice/colda gun that shoots multiple bulletsdangerous substance with metalic color...

General knowledge 2024-04-17

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. He's the 6th president of Indonesia
  2. Christopher Colombus find this continent in 1492
  3. Capital city of Japan
  4. Christ the Redeemer statue is in this country
  5. Capital city of Central Java
  6. Capital city of Bali
  7. United States currency
  8. The iconic tower in Paris
  1. Won the 2024 Fifa world cup
  2. Capital city before IKN
  3. Capital city of Philippines
  4. Japanese currency
  5. Its capital city is in Seoul
  6. Capital city of West Java
  7. The highest mountain in the world
  8. The longest river in the world

16 Clues: Japanese currencyCapital city of BaliCapital city of JapanUnited States currencyCapital city before IKNCapital city of West JavaThe iconic tower in ParisWon the 2024 Fifa world cupCapital city of PhilippinesIts capital city is in SeoulCapital city of Central JavaThe longest river in the worldThe highest mountain in the world...

general knowledge 2021-06-22

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Rapper
  2. acid DNA stands for this
  3. had the most top ten hits from album
  4. Founder of SpaceX
  5. Portuegse footballer
  6. Dumbledores bird
  1. Beat a football world record this year
  2. cricketer who presents Top Gear
  3. The number of U.S. Presidents killed
  4. Wrote the guitar solo for Beat it
  5. the country of origin of lambourghini
  6. Ron Weasley's pet rat
  7. the 45th U.S. President
  8. Plays for England and Leeds United
  9. Discovered DNA
  10. played the lead man in Pretty Woman

16 Clues: RapperDiscovered DNADumbledores birdFounder of SpaceXPortuegse footballerRon Weasley's pet ratthe 45th U.S. Presidentacid DNA stands for thiscricketer who presents Top GearWrote the guitar solo for Beat itPlays for England and Leeds Unitedplayed the lead man in Pretty WomanThe number of U.S. Presidents killedhad the most top ten hits from album...

General Knowledge 2022-09-10

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. The most visited country in the world
  2. The country where you would find the Spanish Steps
  3. The ocean surrounding the Maldives
  4. CS Lewis' real name
  5. The phobia of dogs
  6. The only mammal that can fly
  7. Hermoine's Patronus in Harry potter
  8. The language the Hogwarts motto is written in
  1. The planet that has the most gravity
  2. The capital of Finland
  3. The only planet to spin clockwise
  4. Aureolin is a shade of what colour?
  5. The number of pedals on the modern piano
  6. The country with the longest coastline
  7. The number of valves in the heart
  8. The body's largest organ

16 Clues: The phobia of dogsCS Lewis' real nameThe capital of FinlandThe body's largest organThe only mammal that can flyThe only planet to spin clockwiseThe number of valves in the heartThe ocean surrounding the MaldivesAureolin is a shade of what colour?Hermoine's Patronus in Harry potterThe planet that has the most gravity...

General Knowledge 2022-05-19

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Who's on the 1,000 dollar bill
  2. What bird can fly backwards
  3. Whats the monkeys name in Aladdin
  4. What is a baby swan called
  5. What big cat have the strongest bite
  6. Which African county is not a member of the African Union
  7. How many hearts dose an earthworm have
  1. What planet has the hottest surface temperature
  2. What animals eye is bigger than its brain
  3. What word originated in the late 1800
  4. What is a group of emus called
  5. Whats the capital of United States
  6. What is a pregnant fish called
  7. What animal can jump 5.5 stories
  8. Do Your fingernails grow faster in the cold or hot
  9. Who refused a nobel prize

16 Clues: Who refused a nobel prizeWhat is a baby swan calledWhat bird can fly backwardsWho's on the 1,000 dollar billWhat is a group of emus calledWhat is a pregnant fish calledWhat animal can jump 5.5 storiesWhats the monkeys name in AladdinWhats the capital of United StatesWhat big cat have the strongest biteWhat word originated in the late 1800...

General Knowledge 2022-05-19

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Who's on the 1,000 dollar bill
  2. What bird can fly backwards
  3. Whats the monkeys name in Aladdin
  4. What is a baby swan called
  5. What big cat have the strongest bite
  6. Which African county is not a member of the African Union
  7. How many hearts dose an earthworm have
  1. What planet has the hottest surface temperature
  2. What animals eye is bigger than its brain
  3. What word originated in the late 1800
  4. What is a group of emus called
  5. Whats the capital of United States
  6. What is a pregnant fish called
  7. What animal can jump 5.5 stories
  8. Do Your fingernails grow faster in the cold or hot
  9. Who refused a nobel prize

16 Clues: Who refused a nobel prizeWhat is a baby swan calledWhat bird can fly backwardsWho's on the 1,000 dollar billWhat is a group of emus calledWhat is a pregnant fish calledWhat animal can jump 5.5 storiesWhats the monkeys name in AladdinWhats the capital of United StatesWhat big cat have the strongest biteWhat word originated in the late 1800...

General Knowledge 2016-08-24

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Largest state in the USA
  2. In the song Waltzing Matilda - What is a Jumbuck
  3. Animal that translates to water horse
  4. who killed Gorgon in greek mythology
  5. animal that lives in a drey
  6. No First James Bond Film
  7. son of Zeus and Maia
  1. Disney Who has won the most Oscars
  2. Royale The First James Bond book.
  3. the tank engine Ringo Star narrated which children's TV show
  4. Mandala The long walk to Freedom is whose autobiography
  5. If you suffer from epistaxis what is wrong
  6. Longest river in Italy
  7. Flash Who was Barry Allen in DC comics
  8. Gagarin First Man in Space
  9. Currency of Greece

16 Clues: Currency of Greeceson of Zeus and MaiaLongest river in ItalyLargest state in the USANo First James Bond FilmGagarin First Man in Spaceanimal that lives in a dreyRoyale The First James Bond book.Disney Who has won the most Oscarswho killed Gorgon in greek mythologyAnimal that translates to water horseFlash Who was Barry Allen in DC comics...

General Knowledge 2018-04-12

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Superhero with a hammer
  2. Name of a planet also known as “The Red Planet"
  3. Country in Europe, looks like a boot
  4. First name of spiderman
  5. word used in Harry Potter for someone who is non magical
  6. The innermost colour of a rainbow
  7. Country where Kabul is
  8. Name of the beast in Julia Donaldson's book
  9. Country where Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata can be found in
  1. The city the ancient Greeks besieged for 10 years
  2. Name of tree that acorns come
  3. Young goat
  4. The sport in which you can do slam dunk
  5. Man of steel
  6. Man's best friend
  7. Capital City of Spain

16 Clues: Young goatMan of steelMan's best friendCapital City of SpainCountry where Kabul isSuperhero with a hammerFirst name of spidermanName of tree that acorns comeThe innermost colour of a rainbowCountry in Europe, looks like a bootThe sport in which you can do slam dunkName of the beast in Julia Donaldson's book...

general knowledge 2020-07-08

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. fastest man in the world
  2. dwarf planet(5)
  3. named after a roman goddess(5)
  4. largest planet(7)
  5. best football players whith diego in them
  6. 7th from the sun(6)
  7. known as the blue planet(5)
  1. closest to the sun(7)
  2. penguins live there(9)
  3. blue planet 8th away from the sun(7)
  4. biggest bird in britain(17)
  5. second largest planet(6)
  6. largest land mammal(8)
  7. largest country in the world(6)
  8. the god of war(4)
  9. capital city of the U.S.A(15)

16 Clues: dwarf planet(5)largest planet(7)the god of war(4)7th from the sun(6)closest to the sun(7)penguins live there(9)largest land mammal(8)fastest man in the worldsecond largest planet(6)biggest bird in britain(17)known as the blue planet(5)capital city of the U.S.A(15)named after a roman goddess(5)largest country in the world(6)...

General Knowledge 2021-02-21

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for the moon
  2. The one who rules the country
  3. The one who kill for money
  4. A constellation (A.k.a The hunter)
  5. Father of observational astronomy
  6. Has a trunk
  7. The largest planet in our solar system
  1. Large marsupial
  2. The brightest star in the night
  3. The nearest star
  4. Man's best friend
  5. Nearest planet to sun
  6. Flying mammal
  7. Likes to chase mice
  8. The planet we live in
  9. A solstice (Snow can be seen)

16 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialThe nearest starMan's best friendLikes to chase miceNearest planet to sunThe planet we live inAnother name for the moonThe one who kill for moneyThe one who rules the countryA solstice (Snow can be seen)The brightest star in the nightFather of observational astronomyA constellation (A.k.a The hunter)...

General knowledge 2021-05-10

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Place of worship for Muslims
  2. Modern term for a casual jumper with a hood
  3. Only golf club allowed on the green
  4. American word for aubergine
  5. Capital of New Zealand
  6. Add to compost to aid water retention
  7. Tony who left his heart in San Francisco
  8. The organ in the body that filters fluids
  1. Author of Harry Potter books
  2. The term for a group of crows
  3. Car makers with models called Panda, Punto and 500
  4. Sony’s gaming console to rival Xbox
  5. Surname of Annie, Rovers Return landlady in the 70s/80s
  6. Type of big dog eg Scooby Doo
  7. Grey bird who likes to steal fish!
  8. Leicester’s speedway team

16 Clues: Capital of New ZealandLeicester’s speedway teamAmerican word for aubergineAuthor of Harry Potter booksPlace of worship for MuslimsThe term for a group of crowsType of big dog eg Scooby DooGrey bird who likes to steal fish!Only golf club allowed on the greenSony’s gaming console to rival XboxAdd to compost to aid water retention...

General Knowledge 2022-05-19

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. What big cat have the strongest bite
  2. Whats the capital of United States
  3. What bird can fly backwards
  4. What animal can jump 5.5 stories
  5. What word originated in the late 1800
  6. Which African county is not a member of the African Union
  1. Who's on the 1,000 dollar bill
  2. What planet has the hottest surface temperature
  3. Who refused a nobel prize
  4. Whats the monkeys name in Aladdin
  5. What is a baby swan called
  6. How many hearts dose an earthworm have
  7. What animals eye is bigger than its brain
  8. Do Your fingernails grow faster in the cold or hot
  9. What is a pregnant fish called
  10. What is a group of emus called

16 Clues: Who refused a nobel prizeWhat is a baby swan calledWhat bird can fly backwardsWho's on the 1,000 dollar billWhat is a pregnant fish calledWhat is a group of emus calledWhat animal can jump 5.5 storiesWhats the monkeys name in AladdinWhats the capital of United StatesWhat big cat have the strongest biteWhat word originated in the late 1800...

general knowledge 2023-12-14

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. what is the synonym of the word sorrowful
  2. What is the word to describe you not attending school?
  3. what is the capital city of France?
  4. an animal with a long trunk and tusks
  5. place where you cook at home
  6. what is the second highest mountain in Malaysia?
  7. what is the meaning of 'pink of health'?
  8. what do we call a young dog?
  1. place for men to keep money
  2. what is the antonym of the word 'distracted'?
  3. name the state that borders sabah
  4. a game where we shoot a ball into the net
  5. a game that uses shuttlecock
  6. If sabah is a state, then Malaysia is a...?
  7. what is the longest river in the world?
  8. If you get dehydrated, you must drink plenty of...?

16 Clues: place for men to keep moneya game that uses shuttlecockplace where you cook at homewhat do we call a young dog?name the state that borders sabahwhat is the capital city of France?an animal with a long trunk and tuskswhat is the longest river in the world?what is the meaning of 'pink of health'?what is the synonym of the word sorrowful...

General Knowledge 2024-02-05

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Most misdemeanors need to be committed in our ?
  2. What you need to arrest someone that has been admitted to the hospital
  3. Can a landlord give constent to search a tenants apartment
  4. Baker Acts must be ?
  5. The number of days that an officer must execute a search warrant
  6. Habitual traffic offender is what degree of a crime
  7. Notification given to those in custody which advises their rights
  8. Is displaying your Taser a use of force?
  9. The only kind of charges we can pursue for ? felony
  1. Fingerprint impressions are made by the ? on the pads of the fingers
  2. This group of people have vicarious liability
  3. Youngest age a child can be arrested
  4. Missing persons are required to be entered into teletype within ? hours
  5. Prsioners require care, custody and ?
  6. Who notifies CID
  7. The number of hours a show up must be completed in
  8. Custodial parent of a child born out of wedlock
  9. Can you deceive a person to gain entry into a residence?
  10. Child under the age of ? can not be left in the vehicle more than 15 minutes

19 Clues: Who notifies CIDBaker Acts must be ?Youngest age a child can be arrestedPrsioners require care, custody and ?Is displaying your Taser a use of force?This group of people have vicarious liabilityMost misdemeanors need to be committed in our ?Custodial parent of a child born out of wedlockThe number of hours a show up must be completed in...

General Knowledge 2024-11-28

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Who was the first American President?
  2. Who is the first citizen of India?
  3. How many days are there in a week?
  4. Where did the Olympic Games originate?
  5. Name the largest planet of our Solar System?
  6. Father of Nation
  7. Who designed the National Flag of India?
  8. Which animal is known as the king of the jungle?
  1. What is baby frof called?
  2. How many hours are there in a day?
  3. Which country first used paper money?
  4. National Reptile of India?
  5. Name the National tree of India?
  6. Which animal is known as the 'Ship of the Desert"?
  7. Name the house made of ice?
  8. Name the biggest continent in the world?

16 Clues: Father of NationWhat is baby frof called?National Reptile of India?Name the house made of ice?Name the National tree of India?How many hours are there in a day?Who is the first citizen of India?How many days are there in a week?Who was the first American President?Which country first used paper money?Where did the Olympic Games originate?...

General Knowledge 2020-10-27

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Biggest planet in our Solar System?
  2. Most populated city in the world?
  3. National sport of Japan?
  4. Which band was founded by Trent Reznor
  5. In what part of the body would you find the fibula?
  6. If you have chrysophobia, what are you afraid of?
  7. What is the biggest state in USA?
  8. Capital of Switzerland?
  9. What is a baby elephant called?
  1. National language of Brazil?
  2. Hottest planet in our Solar System?
  3. Where was the Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) born?
  4. Which bird can fly backwards?
  5. In what US State is the city of Nashville in?
  6. Capital of Australia?

15 Clues: Capital of Australia?Capital of Switzerland?National sport of Japan?National language of Brazil?Which bird can fly backwards?What is a baby elephant called?Most populated city in the world?What is the biggest state in USA?Hottest planet in our Solar System?Biggest planet in our Solar System?Which band was founded by Trent Reznor...

General Knowledge 2021-11-22

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Of sailors and ships
  2. An sweet almond paste with egg whites
  3. It's free when it's unscheduled
  4. Run of the mill
  5. A sport that David Beckham played
  6. Shaped and dried dough made from flour and water and sometimes egg
  7. A liquid metal
  1. Military commander
  2. A girls name
  3. A country in Western Europe on the North Sea
  4. Rags to riches character
  5. A large bird eaten in the holidays
  6. A country in Northern Europe
  7. Finelt ground grain used for baking
  8. To clean with a broom

15 Clues: A girls nameA liquid metalRun of the millMilitary commanderOf sailors and shipsTo clean with a broomRags to riches characterA country in Northern EuropeIt's free when it's unscheduledA sport that David Beckham playedA large bird eaten in the holidaysFinelt ground grain used for bakingAn sweet almond paste with egg whites...

general knowledge 2024-06-21

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. What is the capital of Spain?
  2. What artist has the most streams on Spotify?
  3. How many Harry Potter books are there?
  4. Who was known as the "Queen Of Pop?"
  5. Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
  6. What continent doesn't have an active volcano?
  7. What is the tallest mountain?
  8. What is the element with the chemical symbol AU?
  1. What is a group of pandas known as?
  2. Who sings toxic?
  3. Who was the first president of the United States?
  4. Which animal carries its babies in a pouch?
  5. What is the closet planet to the sun?
  6. Which planet has the most moons?
  7. Which rapper is BFF's with Martha Stewart

15 Clues: Who sings toxic?Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?What is the capital of Spain?What is the tallest mountain?Which planet has the most moons?What is a group of pandas known as?Who was known as the "Queen Of Pop?"What is the closet planet to the sun?How many Harry Potter books are there?Which rapper is BFF's with Martha Stewart...


GENERAL KNOWLEDGE crossword puzzle
  1. It a 1983 hit by Michael Jackson
  2. Chair Sedan carried on poles
  3. Bear created by Mary Tourtel
  4. To rub out or remove something
  5. Inventor of a bagless vacuum cleaner
  6. What type of food is Pawpaw
  7. Mel B's nickname in the Spice Girls
  8. Pong Another name for table tennis
  1. Raised type for blind people
  2. White Beatles album that doesn't have a title
  3. The name of Dr Who's time machine
  4. the rarest hair Colour
  5. What do tadpoles turn into
  6. The smallest ocean in the world
  7. Animal that jumped over the moon

15 Clues: the rarest hair ColourWhat do tadpoles turn intoWhat type of food is PawpawRaised type for blind peopleChair Sedan carried on polesBear created by Mary TourtelTo rub out or remove somethingThe smallest ocean in the worldIt a 1983 hit by Michael JacksonAnimal that jumped over the moonThe name of Dr Who's time machine...

General knowledge 2024-07-07

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Engaged in spiritual communication
  2. Time gone by
  3. Coke or pepsi?
  4. court game with a net
  5. Adam's companion
  6. Underwater Disney princess
  7. exerted energy
  8. Capital of France
  9. Fluffy-tailed hopper
  1. Alter to fit
  2. Writer of "Romeo and Juliet"
  3. largest planet in our solar system
  4. Symbol of victory
  5. Morning brew
  6. plant that stores water

15 Clues: Alter to fitTime gone byMorning brewCoke or pepsi?exerted energyAdam's companionSymbol of victoryCapital of FranceFluffy-tailed hoppercourt game with a netplant that stores waterUnderwater Disney princessWriter of "Romeo and Juliet"Engaged in spiritual communicationlargest planet in our solar system

General Knowledge 2024-04-09

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. The country that has the Great Barrier Reef on its coast.
  2. Worlds biggest mountain.
  3. Largest bone in our bodies.
  4. Worlds largest country by land area.
  5. The worlds most populated country.
  6. Creates honey.
  7. The name of an insect and a swimming stroke.
  8. The largest organ for humans.
  9. The only food that wont expire.
  1. Which language says 'Bonjour' for hello?
  2. Known for its ski slopes and chocolate.
  3. Largest city in Australia
  4. A flower that is the symbol for love.
  5. Arachnophobia is the intense fear of what?
  6. Which language says 'hola' for hello?

15 Clues: Creates honey.Worlds biggest mountain.Largest city in AustraliaLargest bone in our bodies.The largest organ for humans.The only food that wont expire.The worlds most populated country.Worlds largest country by land area.A flower that is the symbol for love.Which language says 'hola' for hello?Known for its ski slopes and chocolate....

General Knowledge 2021-03-24

General Knowledge crossword puzzle


General Knowledge 2021-12-27

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Which plants grows in desert?
  2. Brain of Computer
  3. First prime minister of India
  4. Smallest state of India
  5. National tree of India is
  6. York What city is the statue of Liberty in?
  7. Longest River on the Earth
  1. Which animal has hump on its back?
  2. Father of our nation
  3. India lies in which continent
  4. A figure with 8 sides
  5. Fastest animal on Earth
  6. Sensitive organ in our body
  7. Giddha is the folk dance of?
  8. Gir national park in Gujarat is Famous for?

15 Clues: Brain of ComputerFather of our nationA figure with 8 sidesFastest animal on EarthSmallest state of IndiaNational tree of India isLongest River on the EarthSensitive organ in our bodyGiddha is the folk dance of?India lies in which continentWhich plants grows in desert?First prime minister of IndiaWhich animal has hump on its back?...

General knowledge 2022-06-15

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. What is the adjective of grammar?
  2. Opposite of war.
  3. The animals that are kept in farms or homes.
  4. Who develop the theory of relativity?
  5. Which planet is the fifth from the sun?
  6. who discovered that the earth revolves around the sun?
  1. What is the capital of Brazil?
  2. What city is known as "The Eternal City"?
  3. the animals that live in jungle and forest.
  4. What instrument is used for measuring temperature?
  5. which language has the more native speakers
  6. Quixote What is the best-selling novel of all time?
  7. astronomers look through this.
  8. What is the study of plants called?
  9. Total number of oceans in the world is…

15 Clues: Opposite of war.What is the capital of Brazil?astronomers look through this.What is the adjective of grammar?What is the study of plants called?Who develop the theory of relativity?Which planet is the fifth from the sun?Total number of oceans in the world is…What city is known as "The Eternal City"?the animals that live in jungle and forest....

General knowledge 2022-06-15

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. What is the adjective of grammar?
  2. Opposite of war.
  3. The animals that are kept in farms or homes.
  4. Who develop the theory of relativity?
  5. Which planet is the fifth from the sun?
  6. Who discovered that the earth revolves around the sun?
  1. What is the capital of Brazil?
  2. What city is known as "The Eternal City"?
  3. The animals that live in jungle and forest.
  4. What instrument is used for measuring temperature?
  5. which language has the more native speakers
  6. Quixote What is the best-selling novel of all time?
  7. Astronomers look through this.
  8. What is the study of plants called?
  9. Total number of oceans in the world is…

15 Clues: Opposite of war.What is the capital of Brazil?Astronomers look through this.What is the adjective of grammar?What is the study of plants called?Who develop the theory of relativity?Which planet is the fifth from the sun?Total number of oceans in the world is…What city is known as "The Eternal City"?The animals that live in jungle and forest....

General Knowledge 2022-09-30

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. I sit _________ my friend so I can see his face.
  2. When people like something they use these kinds of words & phrases.
  3. A technique used in storytelling.
  4. A contrasting word similar to but.
  5. Another word for maybe
  6. When something is empty or not used.
  7. So & therefore are words used for ________.
  8. If you are under something you are _______ it.
  1. A map of a building with a birds eye view.
  2. An action done quickly and in an energetic way.
  3. Words that are used when you don't like something.
  4. My clock sits ___________ my lamp and my books.
  5. To make somebody or yourself believe that something is true.
  6. To show approval by clapping your hands.
  7. Another word for next to.

15 Clues: Another word for maybeAnother word for next to.A technique used in storytelling.A contrasting word similar to but.When something is empty or not used.To show approval by clapping your hands.A map of a building with a birds eye view.So & therefore are words used for ________.If you are under something you are _______ it....


GENERAL KNOWLEDGE crossword puzzle


General Knowledge 2024-06-05

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Strategic board game
  2. Stringed musical instrument
  3. Tall natural elevation
  4. Large marsupial
  5. Has a trunk
  6. Popular team sport
  1. Center of our solar system
  2. Liquid precipitation
  3. Flying mammal
  4. Keyboard musical instrument
  5. Vast body of saltwater
  6. A type of fragrant flower
  7. Capital of France
  8. Man's best friend
  9. Likes to chase mice

15 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialCapital of FranceMan's best friendPopular team sportLikes to chase miceStrategic board gameLiquid precipitationTall natural elevationVast body of saltwaterA type of fragrant flowerCenter of our solar systemStringed musical instrumentKeyboard musical instrument

General Knowledge 2024-12-21

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. National sport of Japan
  2. World Cup champion x5
  3. Chemical element Fe
  4. Renaissance artist & Ninja Turtle
  5. Angel Falls location
  6. Decorative handwriting
  1. First Disney princess
  2. Most common surname in U.S.
  3. 3 strikes in bowling
  4. Egyptian sun god
  5. Group of crows
  6. Tallest tree type
  7. 4th Greek letter
  8. Granny smiths, Galas
  9. National Ice Cream Month

15 Clues: Group of crowsEgyptian sun god4th Greek letterTallest tree typeChemical element Fe3 strikes in bowlingAngel Falls locationGranny smiths, GalasFirst Disney princessWorld Cup champion x5Decorative handwritingNational sport of JapanNational Ice Cream MonthMost common surname in U.S.Renaissance artist & Ninja Turtle

General knowledge 2024-12-19

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. The best English teacher
  2. The worst subject
  3. The best subject
  4. The best US state
  5. The most difficult game
  6. The strongest boss in Minecraft
  1. the most popular game
  2. The word of the year
  3. Letters on a keyboard
  4. The McDonald's mascot
  5. Hugo has one on him at all times
  6. Painted by Leonardo da vinca
  7. Say sorry and I will let you go
  8. Our family name
  9. The sun is a deadly lazer

15 Clues: Our family nameThe best subjectThe worst subjectThe best US stateThe word of the yearthe most popular gameLetters on a keyboardThe McDonald's mascotThe most difficult gameThe best English teacherThe sun is a deadly lazerPainted by Leonardo da vincaSay sorry and I will let you goThe strongest boss in MinecraftHugo has one on him at all times

General Knowledge 2020-07-21

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Surname of Tesla product architect
  2. Michael -- Former basketball player who played for the Chicago Bulls
  3. Company who owns YouTube
  4. English footballer -- David
  5. Amphibious animal
  6. Famous glue brand
  7. Rough plan
  8. National animal of Scotland
  9. Aston -- car brand
  1. Speedy
  2. Small guitar-like instrument
  3. Harry Potter's school
  4. Key ingredient for porridge
  5. Bird with a brightly coloured beak
  6. Capital city of Oman

15 Clues: SpeedyRough planAmphibious animalFamous glue brandAston -- car brandCapital city of OmanHarry Potter's schoolCompany who owns YouTubeKey ingredient for porridgeEnglish footballer -- DavidNational animal of ScotlandSmall guitar-like instrumentSurname of Tesla product architectBird with a brightly coloured beak...

General Knowledge 2021-04-13

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Where is the Great Sphinx statue located?
  2. What is the form of government where citizens have the right to elect leaders?
  3. foods that safe for dogs.
  4. Something that eat both plants and animals.
  5. The study of earthquakes.
  6. What does the F in FM stand for?
  7. What color used in military uniforms for camouflage purposes
  8. What is Coldest continent on Earth?
  1. Microbe population living in our intestine
  2. Which singer mad the "Moonwalk" dance famous?
  3. Refer to the term dry mouth.
  4. Who is Casper the Friendly Ghost's friend?
  5. A reading disorder called as?
  6. How google get its name?
  7. Fear of darkness

15 Clues: Fear of darknessHow google get its name?foods that safe for dogs.The study of earthquakes.Refer to the term dry mouth.A reading disorder called as?What does the F in FM stand for?What is Coldest continent on Earth?Where is the Great Sphinx statue located?Microbe population living in our intestineWho is Casper the Friendly Ghost's friend?...

General Knowledge 2021-12-27

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Which plants grows in desert?
  2. Brain of Computer
  3. First prime minister of India
  4. Smallest state of India
  5. National tree of India is
  6. York What city is the statue of Liberty in?
  7. Longest River on the Earth
  1. Which animal has hump on its back?
  2. Father of our nation
  3. India lies in which continent
  4. A figure with 8 sides
  5. Fastest animal on Earth
  6. Sensitive organ in our body
  7. Giddha is the folk dance of?
  8. Gir national park in Gujarat is Famous for?

15 Clues: Brain of ComputerFather of our nationA figure with 8 sidesFastest animal on EarthSmallest state of IndiaNational tree of India isLongest River on the EarthSensitive organ in our bodyGiddha is the folk dance of?India lies in which continentWhich plants grows in desert?First prime minister of IndiaWhich animal has hump on its back?...

General Knowledge 2021-12-27

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Saina Nehwal is associated with which sport.
  2. Cataract is the disease of
  3. The first Indian to go to Space.
  4. Bird cannot fly
  5. Agra is situated on the bank of river.
  6. Largest river in the World
  7. Organ purify our blood
  8. India's form of Governance.
  1. Founder of Microsoft.
  2. Capital of Uttarakhand
  3. We get solar energy from
  4. Tea Garden of India
  5. Largest desert in the world
  6. Which insect has colorful wings?
  7. Cry of Lion is called

15 Clues: Bird cannot flyTea Garden of IndiaFounder of Microsoft.Cry of Lion is calledCapital of UttarakhandOrgan purify our bloodWe get solar energy fromCataract is the disease ofLargest river in the WorldLargest desert in the worldIndia's form of Governance.The first Indian to go to Space.Which insect has colorful wings?...

general knowledge 2014-10-22

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. which star is nearest to earth
  2. biggest planet in the solar system
  3. who stole christmas in a dr seuss book
  4. who painted the mona lisa
  5. who picked a peck of pickled pepper
  6. which planet is closest to the sun
  7. what is h2o
  8. what counrty has the largest population
  1. everest the highest mountain on earth
  2. capital of tasmania
  3. backstroke and butterfly are different methods in which sport
  4. who couldnt all the kings horses and all the kings men put together again
  5. fastest land animal
  6. another name for a tidal wave
  7. which counrty has the longest coast line

15 Clues: what is h2ocapital of tasmaniafastest land animalwho painted the mona lisaanother name for a tidal wavewhich star is nearest to earthbiggest planet in the solar systemwhich planet is closest to the sunwho picked a peck of pickled peppereverest the highest mountain on earthwho stole christmas in a dr seuss bookwhat counrty has the largest population...

General knowledge 2023-11-20

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. In which American city is the Golden Gate Bridge located?
  2. Which planet is nearest to the Earth?
  3. What is the name of the supercontinent that existed 200 million years ago?
  4. Which is colder: The North Pole or the South Pole?
  5. Which country is also known as the Netherlands?
  6. In which country would you find the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
  7. What do you call land with water on 3 sides?
  8. Which is the biggest desert in the world?
  9. How many deserts does Africa have?
  1. Falls Which is the largest waterfall in the world?
  2. What do you call a chain of mountains?
  3. America Where are the Andes mountains located?
  4. What do you call when two water streams join?
  5. What is the capital city of Canada?
  6. Which hemisphere does Australia lie on?

15 Clues: How many deserts does Africa have?What is the capital city of Canada?Which planet is nearest to the Earth?What do you call a chain of mountains?Which hemisphere does Australia lie on?Which is the biggest desert in the world?What do you call land with water on 3 sides?What do you call when two water streams join?...

general knowledge 2023-07-06

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. One of the two countries that have a square flag
  2. Which lineage do Tigers, Lions, Leopards and Jaguars belong to?
  3. What fish produces caviar?
  4. What is the main ingredient of cheese?
  5. Largest animal in the world
  6. Which continent is Thailand in?
  7. 1000 kilograms
  8. Main ingredient in a brick
  1. The only mammals that can fly
  2. The roof of the mouth
  3. In which country will you find the leaning tower of Pisa?
  4. Smallest country in the world
  5. A year that has 366 days
  6. What is the capital city of Wales?
  7. The Italian food gnocchi is made of what?

15 Clues: 1000 kilogramsThe roof of the mouthA year that has 366 daysWhat fish produces caviar?Main ingredient in a brickLargest animal in the worldThe only mammals that can flySmallest country in the worldWhich continent is Thailand in?What is the capital city of Wales?What is the main ingredient of cheese?The Italian food gnocchi is made of what?...

General knowledge 2024-11-08

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Jekyll's alter ego
  2. Has a trunk
  3. relating to Sardinia's french neighbour
  4. early Microsoft operating system
  5. Large marsupial
  6. one who has no manners
  1. having little faith in others
  2. heavy metal with atomic number 82
  3. 2007 DreamWorks film about the honey trade
  4. decree ____ preliminary step in divorce
  5. popular kids game hide & ____
  6. Likes to chase mice
  7. Flying mammal
  8. Man's best friend
  9. romantic poet __ Shelly

15 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendJekyll's alter egoLikes to chase miceone who has no mannersromantic poet __ Shellyhaving little faith in otherspopular kids game hide & ____early Microsoft operating systemheavy metal with atomic number 82decree ____ preliminary step in divorcerelating to Sardinia's french neighbour...


GENERAL KNOWLEDGE crossword puzzle
  1. Tertular penyakit menular seksual dan mengalami PTSD merupakan dampak dari…
  2. A rewording of someone written or spoken by someone else
  3. Anti turunan
  4. Suku banyak
  5. Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus HIV
  6. Kanker kelamin wanita
  1. Peringatan dengan ancaman
  2. Algoritma yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi fungsi polinomial atau suku banyak
  3. Saluran sperma dan urine
  4. Teks penilaian suatu karya
  5. Proses pembuahan sel telur oleh sel sperma di luar tubuh sang wanita
  6. Ringkasan isi karya
  7. BINHIT merupakan salah satu ancaman di bidang?
  8. Tells the reader what the paragraph, article, or other section of a text is going to be about
  9. Nama bruder yang mencetuskan 10 keutamaan

15 Clues: Suku banyakAnti turunanRingkasan isi karyaKanker kelamin wanitaSaluran sperma dan urinePeringatan dengan ancamanTeks penilaian suatu karyaPenyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus HIVNama bruder yang mencetuskan 10 keutamaanBINHIT merupakan salah satu ancaman di bidang?A rewording of someone written or spoken by someone else...

General Knowledge 2020-04-09

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. The number after seventy nine
  2. Man's best friend
  3. You buy books here
  4. A lot of people had to go here because of Covid 19
  5. Large marsupial
  6. Flying mammal
  7. When a car or plane hits something
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. This season is very hot but we can go to the beach
  1. We go here to learn new things
  2. riding A sport where you need a horse
  3. Has a trunk
  4. Animal that has a long neck
  5. You have this when your stomach hurts
  6. I sent this to my friend last week

15 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendYou buy books hereLikes to chase miceAnimal that has a long neckThe number after seventy nineWe go here to learn new thingsI sent this to my friend last weekWhen a car or plane hits somethingriding A sport where you need a horseYou have this when your stomach hurts...

General Knowledge 2021-04-12

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. Has a trunk
  3. Large marsupial
  4. Natural fibre
  5. Showy
  6. Suitable
  7. One of the 7 wonders of the world
  1. Grumpy
  2. Hindi word for kidney beans
  3. Pause mark in sentence
  4. Online platform associated with birds
  5. Man's best friend
  6. To communicate
  7. Tic- -Toe
  8. Flying mammal

15 Clues: ShowyGrumpySuitableTic- -ToeHas a trunkNatural fibreFlying mammalTo communicateLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micePause mark in sentenceHindi word for kidney beansOne of the 7 wonders of the worldOnline platform associated with birds

General Knowledge 2021-05-10

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Type of rock
  2. Italian sculptor
  3. Grape of wine
  4. Obscure; confuse
  5. Austro-Bohemian Composer
  6. 19th c prime minister
  1. Greek Philosopher
  2. fruit
  3. Side of triangle
  4. Famous rock
  5. Girls Boarding School
  6. Capital of New York State
  7. —————- ‘Capability’ Brown
  8. Zeus’ wife
  9. apostle

15 Clues: fruitapostleZeus’ wifeFamous rockType of rockGrape of wineSide of triangleItalian sculptorObscure; confuseGreek PhilosopherGirls Boarding School19th c prime ministerAustro-Bohemian ComposerCapital of New York State—————- ‘Capability’ Brown

General Knowledge 2023-06-09

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. The ______ of Liberty, a famous landmark in New York.
  2. The most abundant element in the Earth's ______.
  3. The third ______ from the sun in our solar system.
  4. The continent with the largest ______ of land.
  5. The famous ship that sank in the ______ Ocean.
  6. ______ da Vinci, the Italian artist and inventor.
  7. Mount ______, the highest peak in the world.
  1. Wolfgang Amadeus ______, a famous composer.
  2. The capital city of ______.
  3. Earth's natural ______.
  4. The only continent that is also a ______.
  5. Sir Isaac ______, a famous physicist.
  6. The most popular sport in the ______.
  7. The world's largest ______ rainforest.
  8. The force that pulls objects towards each other is called ______.

15 Clues: Earth's natural ______.The capital city of ______.Sir Isaac ______, a famous physicist.The most popular sport in the ______.The world's largest ______ rainforest.The only continent that is also a ______.Wolfgang Amadeus ______, a famous composer.Mount ______, the highest peak in the world.The continent with the largest ______ of land....

general knowledge 2016-10-27

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Persecute, intimidate, torment, hound, oppress,
  2. Duty, business, job, role, task
  3. Savage, brutal, violent, bad, dangerous,
  4. Adjective Job-related, work, professional, vocational, work-related
  5. Law-making/Acts of Parliament/Rules and Regulations/Bills/Statutes/Laws
  6. Cruel, savage, brutal, ruthless, relentless,
  7. Fierce, harsh, cruel, grim, ruthless, uncompromising
  8. Punishment, price, fine, handicap, forfeit
  1. Unlawful, banned, forbidden, prohibited, criminal,
  2. Mental, emotional, intellectual, inner, cognitive, cerebral
  3. Sentence, ruling, decision, verdict, judgment
  4. Confinement, custody, detention, captivity, incarceration,
  5. Continuous, constant, relentless, lasting, repeated,
  6. Corporal, fleshly, bodily, carnal, somatic, corporeal
  7. Constitution, code, legislation, charter, jurisprudence

15 Clues: Duty, business, job, role, taskSavage, brutal, violent, bad, dangerous,Punishment, price, fine, handicap, forfeitCruel, savage, brutal, ruthless, relentless,Sentence, ruling, decision, verdict, judgmentPersecute, intimidate, torment, hound, oppress,Unlawful, banned, forbidden, prohibited, criminal,...


GENERAL KNOWLEDGE crossword puzzle
  1. There is only ...... ocean in the world.
  2. When it rains, you open this and walk with it above your head.
  3. You can swallow this but you can't chew it.
  4. He is the author of the song "Tien Quan Ca".
  5. This National Park is located 160 kilometers South West of Hanoi.
  6. It is modern music that is popular with young people.
  7. Without plants, there may be ....... and erosion.
  8. Every night, the mother tells her daughter a ....... ....... to lull her to sleep.
  1. World Cup is held every ....... years.
  2. "Sherlock Holmes" is a kind of ....... film.
  3. This animal's baby lives in a pocket on its mother's stomach when it is small.
  4. You should go to this place if you want to see a film.
  5. They are mammals, not fish which are among the most intelligent animals living in the oceans worldwide.
  6. He is famous for his powerful kicking and controlling the ball.
  7. This subject is all about numbers, and everyone has to learn it at school.

15 Clues: World Cup is held every ....... years.There is only ...... ocean in the world.You can swallow this but you can't chew it."Sherlock Holmes" is a kind of ....... film.He is the author of the song "Tien Quan Ca".Without plants, there may be ....... and erosion.It is modern music that is popular with young people....

General knowledge 2022-03-01

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin producing gland in the body
  2. who plays the new batman
  3. what animals horn is made of hair
  4. what animal would you associate with easter
  5. where does tea come from
  6. The fastest animal on land
  7. adam johnny Jackie and martin
  8. what is traditionally eaten the day before lent
  1. which Rugby league is currently on
  2. who is daredevils alter ego
  3. is it a Christmas film
  4. Argentinian soccer player who died in 2020
  5. Where would you find the painting the mona lisa
  6. symbol of slytherin
  7. where would you find the great pyramids

15 Clues: symbol of slytherinis it a Christmas filmwho plays the new batmanwhere does tea come fromThe fastest animal on landwho is daredevils alter egoadam johnny Jackie and martinwhat animals horn is made of hairwhich Rugby league is currently onInsulin producing gland in the bodywhere would you find the great pyramids...

General Knowledge 2024-01-12

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Blue plus yellow
  2. What is this thing you are doing right now
  3. Mario's brother
  4. This is the second most common eye color (hint it is the color of Elijah's eyes)
  5. The first 7 letters of the alphabet
  6. This season has a scary day
  7. Striped horse
  1. The tallest building in the world
  2. The number of class teachers in the school
  3. This animal is used by police to smell criminal
  4. The first name of the poet who wrote macbeth
  5. Used to be a planet
  6. What I am getting soon for my eyes
  7. This is short for deoxyribonucleic acid
  8. Flying mammal

15 Clues: Flying mammalStriped horseMario's brotherBlue plus yellowUsed to be a planetThis season has a scary dayThe tallest building in the worldWhat I am getting soon for my eyesThe first 7 letters of the alphabetThis is short for deoxyribonucleic acidThe number of class teachers in the schoolWhat is this thing you are doing right now...

General Knowledge 2024-04-21

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. The singer known as the 'King of Pop'
  2. The author of 'Harry Potter'
  3. Study of Celestial Beings
  4. Famous Filipino Hero
  5. The movie with the famous line "May the Force be with you"
  6. The planet known as the Red Planet
  7. Longest River in the world
  1. A sport using racquets and shuttlecocks
  2. The number of continents in the world
  3. The chemical element with the symbol 'O'
  4. The ship that famously sank in 1912 (Titanic)
  5. 3 filipino priests
  6. A city of love and lights
  7. Oldest University of The Philippines
  8. EVEREST The tallest mountain in the world

15 Clues: 3 filipino priestsFamous Filipino HeroStudy of Celestial BeingsA city of love and lightsLongest River in the worldThe author of 'Harry Potter'The planet known as the Red PlanetOldest University of The PhilippinesThe number of continents in the worldThe singer known as the 'King of Pop'A sport using racquets and shuttlecocks...

general knowledge 2024-06-21

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. What is the capital of Spain?
  2. What artist has the most streams on Spotify?
  3. How many Harry Potter books are there?
  4. Who was known as the "Queen Of Pop?"
  5. Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
  6. What continent doesn't have an active volcano?
  7. What is the tallest mountain?
  8. What is the element with the chemical symbol AU?
  1. What is a group of pandas known as?
  2. Who sings toxic?
  3. Who was the first president of the United States?
  4. Which animal carries its babies in a pouch?
  5. What is the closet planet to the sun?
  6. Which planet has the most moons?
  7. Which rapper is BFF's with Martha Stewart

15 Clues: Who sings toxic?Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?What is the capital of Spain?What is the tallest mountain?Which planet has the most moons?What is a group of pandas known as?Who was known as the "Queen Of Pop?"What is the closet planet to the sun?How many Harry Potter books are there?Which rapper is BFF's with Martha Stewart...

General Knowledge 2024-11-05

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. What is the smallest planet?
  2. What is the largest organ in the human body?
  3. What is the largest city in NJ?
  4. How big is the human heart?
  5. Jackson, Who is on the twenty-dollar bill?
  6. What is the largest state in the U.S.?
  7. How many teeth does a human have?
  1. What is another name for autumn?
  2. What is the largest country in the world?
  3. What is the mascot for Weequahic High School?
  4. What is the largest bone in the body?
  5. whale, What is the largest mammal in the world?
  6. What is the center of cell called?
  7. What is largest continent in the world?
  8. Ocean, What is the largest ocean?

15 Clues: How big is the human heart?What is the smallest planet?What is the largest city in NJ?What is another name for autumn?Ocean, What is the largest ocean?How many teeth does a human have?What is the center of cell called?What is the largest bone in the body?What is the largest state in the U.S.?What is largest continent in the world?...

general knowledge 2024-12-05

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. a person who makes a living from the land
  2. Name of the British King
  3. A transgender fish found in tropical waters
  4. largest ocean off east coast of australia
  5. a popular fruit in Queensland
  6. Rugby league
  1. close perusal
  2. An Australian Capital city
  3. shop where hungry students go to feed
  4. Australia's highest Mountain
  5. Cyclone that destroyed Darwin
  6. transport vehicle
  7. a practice for mindfulness
  8. toad an unwanted immigrant to the cane fields
  9. America's 47th president

15 Clues: Rugby leagueclose perusaltransport vehicleName of the British KingAmerica's 47th presidentAn Australian Capital citya practice for mindfulnessAustralia's highest MountainCyclone that destroyed Darwina popular fruit in Queenslandshop where hungry students go to feeda person who makes a living from the landlargest ocean off east coast of australia...

General Knowledge 2022-12-23

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Used in theater a lot
  2. Heart, Lungs, Stomach
  3. Who is Darth Vader
  4. Many games require this
  5. Where people can stay for a bit
  6. No one likes it
  7. How many sides does a cube have
  8. _____, Width, and Height
  9. Used in all school subjects
  1. Can be caused by humans and nature
  2. When the zombies come out
  3. It's _____ to make cookies
  4. Who comes to your house occasionally
  5. Very helpful in this Crossword Puzzle
  6. What you use to buy something

15 Clues: No one likes itWho is Darth VaderUsed in theater a lotHeart, Lungs, StomachMany games require this_____, Width, and HeightWhen the zombies come outIt's _____ to make cookiesUsed in all school subjectsWhat you use to buy somethingWhere people can stay for a bitHow many sides does a cube haveCan be caused by humans and nature...

general knowledge 2023-02-12

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. a video watching site
  2. a squeaky toy
  3. happy
  4. i got this on 9/1/22
  5. what we are
  6. in an obvious manner
  1. understanding
  2. a grid where you search for words
  3. my mum hates these
  4. you are doing this
  5. something you sit on
  6. a word for a stupid person
  7. my age
  8. not in an obvious
  9. your age

15 Clues: happymy ageyour agewhat we areunderstandinga squeaky toynot in an obviousmy mum hates theseyou are doing thissomething you sit oni got this on 9/1/22in an obvious mannera video watching sitea word for a stupid persona grid where you search for words

General Knowledge 2023-02-12

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Gitar merupakan alat music yang dimainkan dengan cara…
  2. Saat berjalan di jalan, kita harus berjalan di sebelah…
  3. Saat berada di rumah, tata tertib dipatuhi oleh semua anggota…
  4. Sebagian besar energi yang digunakan manusia sehari-hari berasal dari…
  5. The currency of Indonesia is…
  6. Disebut apakah sesuatu yang harus kita dapatkan…
  7. Lambang dari sila pertama Pancasila merupakan…
  8. The person who teaches the students in school is…
  9. Bunga Tulip berasal dari negara…
  1. Batu baterai yang menghasilkan energi listrik berasal dari energi…
  2. Dalam Bahasa Mandarin 明天 (Ming Tian) memiliki arti…
  3. Disebut apakah sesuatu yang harus manusia lakukan dengan penuh rasa tanggung jawab…
  4. كشف memiliki arti…
  5. Nama alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur besar kecilnya gaya adalah…
  6. Disebut apakah benda yang dapat menghantarkan listrik…

15 Clues: كشف memiliki arti…The currency of Indonesia is…Bunga Tulip berasal dari negara…Lambang dari sila pertama Pancasila merupakan…Disebut apakah sesuatu yang harus kita dapatkan…The person who teaches the students in school is…Dalam Bahasa Mandarin 明天 (Ming Tian) memiliki arti…Gitar merupakan alat music yang dimainkan dengan cara…...

General knowledge 2021-01-20

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. you come here to travel abroad
  2. used to pick up pasta, looks like a pair of forks
  3. synonyms for city centre
  4. name of 'the king of pop'
  5. the number of players on the field for each team in a soccer match
  6. largest country in the world
  1. the currency of the UK
  2. a type of international ID
  3. used to check the time
  4. your aunt's son or daughter
  5. the planet that is closest to the Sun
  6. the subject about population, maps, etc.
  7. most famous japanese wine
  8. longest river in the world
  9. the fastest land animal

15 Clues: the currency of the UKused to check the timethe fastest land animalsynonyms for city centrename of 'the king of pop'most famous japanese winea type of international IDlongest river in the worldyour aunt's son or daughterlargest country in the worldyou come here to travel abroadthe planet that is closest to the Sun...

General Knowledge 2021-07-27

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Country where the Aral Sea is located
  2. Country with 11 time zones
  3. Indian producer who based 3 films on Shakespeare's work (Last Name)
  4. Winner of the smart city award for Union Territories
  5. The Green fungus affects the ____ of a Covid Patient
  6. India saw its best Olympic result in ______
  1. First Ship to circumnavigate the earth.
  2. Car maker from the Czech Republic
  3. Winner of the 2021 Formula 1 Styrian GP (Last Name)
  4. Author of the Illiad
  5. First Indian Female Golfer at the 2021 Olympics (Last Name)
  6. South African Currency
  7. IT minister blocked by Twitter for an hour (Last Name)
  8. Second largest export partner of India
  9. A state in India offering subsidies on EVs

15 Clues: Author of the IlliadSouth African CurrencyCountry with 11 time zonesCar maker from the Czech RepublicCountry where the Aral Sea is locatedSecond largest export partner of IndiaFirst Ship to circumnavigate the earth.A state in India offering subsidies on EVsIndia saw its best Olympic result in ______...

General Knowledge 2022-07-18

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. what is the world's most populated country
  2. Bahan yang digunakan sebagai pengembang adonan kue adalah
  3. In which country is Mount Fuji located
  4. who is the first man that landed on the moon
  5. nama resmi negara Belanda adalah
  6. ilmu Pengetahuan Alam disebut juga ilmu
  7. negara terkaya di dunia adalah
  1. who was the first cartoon character to be given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
  2. In which country is the highest waterfall located
  3. patung Liberty berada di pulau
  4. primata paling cerdas adalah
  5. udara yang bergerak disebut juga
  6. what is the capital city of England
  7. What country has the greatest number of active volcanoes
  8. angkor Wat terletak di negara

15 Clues: primata paling cerdas adalahpatung Liberty berada di pulauangkor Wat terletak di negaranegara terkaya di dunia adalahudara yang bergerak disebut juganama resmi negara Belanda adalahwhat is the capital city of EnglandIn which country is Mount Fuji locatedilmu Pengetahuan Alam disebut juga ilmuwhat is the world's most populated country...

General Knowledge 2022-08-10

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. No longer officially considered as planet.
  2. Kimchi is a popular side dish from?
  3. How many legs does spider have?
  4. How many colors are there in a rainbow?
  5. Animal that cannot stick out its tongue.
  6. Only mammal that's able to fly.
  7. Largest ocean on earth.
  8. Malaysia's national anthem.
  1. koalas and kangaroos are found in...
  2. Animal on Porsche logo.
  3. Currency of Britain.
  4. National flower of Malaysia.
  5. Earth's largest continent.
  6. Baby elephants are called?
  7. Capital of Philippines.

15 Clues: Currency of Britain.Animal on Porsche logo.Capital of Philippines.Largest ocean on earth.Earth's largest continent.Baby elephants are called?Malaysia's national anthem.National flower of Malaysia.How many legs does spider have?Only mammal that's able to fly.Kimchi is a popular side dish from?koalas and kangaroos are found in......

General Knowledge 2022-06-24

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Who gave the theory of Relativity?
  2. National bird of India
  3. Baby frog is known as...
  4. World´s biggest country
  5. It lights but also heats
  6. The white house it´s in USA, the pink house in...
  7. Made in...
  1. Person who won 7 ballon d´or
  2. Capital of Portugal
  3. Hardest substance available on Earth
  4. 2nd planet nearest the sun
  5. Which continent is known as the ‘Dark’ continent?
  6. The smallest continent
  7. Sun rises in the...
  8. House made of ice

15 Clues: Made in...House made of iceCapital of PortugalSun rises in the...National bird of IndiaThe smallest continentWorld´s biggest countryBaby frog is known as...It lights but also heats2nd planet nearest the sunPerson who won 7 ballon d´orWho gave the theory of Relativity?Hardest substance available on Earth...

General Knowledge 2024-04-05

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. ... is the greatest of all time in football
  2. what is the name of United States Currency
  3. in 1942 Christopher Columbus found this continent
  4. The popular film that creates the popular blade name lightsaber
  5. ... is the country that creates many popular cultures like Anime and Manga
  6. ... is the most populated country
  7. what is the capital city of Japan
  8. the place where christian/catholic people worship God
  9. ... is the new Indonesia's capital city
  1. what is the capital city of Philippines
  2. Its capital city is Kuala Lumpur
  3. ... is the longest river in the world
  4. This company was made by Walt Disney
  5. ... is the name of the most iconic tower in Paris
  6. ... is the national language of Chinese

15 Clues: Its capital city is Kuala Lumpur... is the most populated countrywhat is the capital city of JapanThis company was made by Walt Disney... is the longest river in the worldwhat is the capital city of Philippines... is the national language of Chinese... is the new Indonesia's capital citywhat is the name of United States Currency...

general knowledge 2024-06-11

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Conceal from view
  2. Measurement of time
  3. Public walkways
  4. Handheld cutting tool
  5. To come to an end
  6. Essential substance in food
  7. Extreme fear
  8. Desert plants
  1. Deserving respect
  2. Musical performance
  3. Silent performer
  4. Dazzlingly beautiful
  5. Water in frozen form
  6. Not wide
  7. Part of a flower

15 Clues: Not wideExtreme fearDesert plantsPublic walkwaysSilent performerPart of a flowerConceal from viewDeserving respectTo come to an endMusical performanceMeasurement of timeDazzlingly beautifulWater in frozen formHandheld cutting toolEssential substance in food

General knowledge 2024-09-05

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. What do cows drink?
  2. These give birth to live young rather than laying eggs.
  3. A large pale animal that lives in cold places.
  4. A name given to someone who studies birds.
  5. A word used to describe members of the cat family.
  6. This may occur during a storm.
  7. The capital city of France.
  8. A word used to describe members of the dog family.
  1. This is the inverse operation to addition.
  2. The first scary film about a Great White Shark.
  3. Must go at the beginning of every sentence.
  4. A word used to describe members of the horse family.
  5. The head of the Catholic church.
  6. The number of metres in a kilometre.
  7. This is the inverse operation to multiplication.

15 Clues: What do cows drink?The capital city of France.This may occur during a storm.The head of the Catholic church.The number of metres in a kilometre.This is the inverse operation to addition.A name given to someone who studies birds.Must go at the beginning of every sentence.A large pale animal that lives in cold places....

General knowledge 2024-11-21

General knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. The number of bones in the human body
  2. Red & blue color mixed together
  3. "a thing intended"
  4. fictional city in Black Panther
  5. substance that can harm Superman
  6. enemy of Tchalla
  7. mascot of Weequahic High School
  1. The number of days in a year
  2. The largest star
  3. What is the largest organ?
  4. Synonym of the word "happy"
  5. largest city in New Jersey
  6. Another word for Autumn
  7. The largest planet
  8. main character in Black Panther

15 Clues: The largest starenemy of Tchalla"a thing intended"The largest planetAnother word for AutumnWhat is the largest organ?largest city in New JerseySynonym of the word "happy"The number of days in a yearRed & blue color mixed togetherfictional city in Black Panthermain character in Black Panthermascot of Weequahic High School...

Risk Assessment Part II 2020-11-16

Risk Assessment Part II crossword puzzle
  1. A major recognized risk/need factor considered in the RNR. (two words, no space)
  2. Northpointe’s risk assessment tool. (general knowledge)
  3. Who is more likely to achieve Kohlberg’s sixth stage? (general knowledge)
  4. One of the words in the GLM acronym.
  5. The location where a woman was shackled for eight years for fear that she would murder the guards but, when released, she simply began nursing two dolls. (general knowledge)
  6. Ripple or cascading effects occur when an individual chooses an ____________ or maladaptive pathway, leading to criminal activity.
  7. Which learning theorist was cruel and an anti-Semite? (general knowledge)
  8. Milgram focused on this concept in his study. (general knowledge)
  9. A type of task that involves gaining necessary internal and external resources and capabilities. (two words, no space)
  10. Who is credited with releasing the mentally insane from their shackles? (general knowledge)
  11. The principle that states that cognitive social learning strategies should focus on creating a warm, respectful, and collaborative working alliance with the client.
  12. What is a central characteristic lacking in psychopaths? (general knowledge)
  1. A minor non-criminogenic need factor recognized by the RNR. (two words, no space)
  2. What is the topic for next semester? (general knowledge)
  3. An example of primary goods.
  4. The stage or phase at which an individual finalizes their GLP in the GLM.
  5. Whose head is in a jar? (general knowledge)
  6. The principle in the RNR model that focuses on how treatment should be provided.
  7. A type of goods that individuals seek for themselves, including outcomes and experiences. (two words, no space)
  8. The kind of responsivity that is a “fine-tuning” of the cognitive behavioral intervention.
  9. How many outside students are actually in the class? (general knowledge)
  10. One of the words in the GPCSL acronym.
  11. The generation of risk assessment that was focused exclusively on personal judgement or discretion.

23 Clues: An example of primary goods.One of the words in the GLM acronym.One of the words in the GPCSL acronym.Whose head is in a jar? (general knowledge)Northpointe’s risk assessment tool. (general knowledge)What is the topic for next semester? (general knowledge)Milgram focused on this concept in his study. (general knowledge)...

Risk Assessment Part II 2020-11-16

Risk Assessment Part II crossword puzzle
  1. A major recognized risk/need factor considered in the RNR. (two words, no space)
  2. Northpointe’s risk assessment tool. (general knowledge)
  3. Who is more likely to achieve Kohlberg’s sixth stage? (general knowledge)
  4. One of the words in the GLM acronym.
  5. The location where a woman was shackled for eight years for fear that she would murder the guards but, when released, she simply began nursing two dolls. (general knowledge)
  6. Ripple or cascading effects occur when an individual chooses an ____________ or maladaptive pathway, leading to criminal activity.
  7. Which learning theorist was cruel and an anti-Semite? (general knowledge)
  8. Milgram focused on this concept in his study. (general knowledge)
  9. A type of task that involves gaining necessary internal and external resources and capabilities. (two words, no space)
  10. Who is credited with releasing the mentally insane from their shackles? (general knowledge)
  11. The principle that states that cognitive social learning strategies should focus on creating a warm, respectful, and collaborative working alliance with the client.
  12. What is a central characteristic lacking in psychopaths? (general knowledge)
  1. A minor non-criminogenic need factor recognized by the RNR. (two words, no space)
  2. What is the topic for next semester? (general knowledge)
  3. An example of primary goods.
  4. The stage or phase at which an individual finalizes their GLP in the GLM.
  5. Whose head is in a jar? (general knowledge)
  6. The principle in the RNR model that focuses on how treatment should be provided.
  7. A type of goods that individuals seek for themselves, including outcomes and experiences. (two words, no space)
  8. The kind of responsivity that is a “fine-tuning” of the cognitive behavioral intervention.
  9. How many outside students are actually in the class? (general knowledge)
  10. One of the words in the GPCSL acronym.
  11. The generation of risk assessment that was focused exclusively on personal judgement or discretion.

23 Clues: An example of primary goods.One of the words in the GLM acronym.One of the words in the GPCSL acronym.Whose head is in a jar? (general knowledge)Northpointe’s risk assessment tool. (general knowledge)What is the topic for next semester? (general knowledge)Milgram focused on this concept in his study. (general knowledge)...

General Knowledge 2014-01-31

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. USA's first black president.
  2. I was born on the 22nd July 2014.
  3. Known as Man's best friend.
  4. The area which was hit worst in the 2014 floodings.
  5. which lock is home to NESSY
  6. The Stars and Stripes
  7. Chelsea's arch rival.
  1. I am known as two things a cake and a cleaning tool.
  2. I have a face and I tell the time yet I have no words.
  3. The capital of Spain.
  4. what long radio drama is related to a sport.
  5. Who lives in St James' Palace.
  6. Who won the 2010 World Cup?
  7. What is the first word of who is hosting the 2016 Olympics?

14 Clues: The capital of Spain.The Stars and StripesChelsea's arch rival.Known as Man's best friend.Who won the 2010 World Cup?which lock is home to NESSYUSA's first black president.Who lives in St James' Palace.I was born on the 22nd July 2014.what long radio drama is related to a sport.The area which was hit worst in the 2014 floodings....