geometry symbols Crossword Puzzles

Geometry symbols 2024-09-02

Geometry symbols crossword puzzle
  1. grad
  2. L
  3. g
  4. rad
  5. |x-y|
  1. ||
  2. c
  3. degree
  4. ~
  5. °

15 Clues: cLg~°||radgrad|x-y|degree


GEOMETRY SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. equivalence of geometric shapes and size
  2. is "π" sign
  3. is two lines, line segments
  4. angle are used to describe the amount of rotation between two lines or rays that intersect at a common point,
  5. is an angle that measures exactly 90 degrees.
  6. 1 turn =360
  1. is an angle formed by two arcs on the surface of a sphere.
  2. is "c" sign
  3. arcmimute, 1 =60'
  4. formed by two rays
  5. is same shapes, not same size
  6. a Triangle shape
  7. is used to describe the relationships between different shapes and lines
  8. is "deg"sign
  9. infinite line

15 Clues: is "c" signis "π" sign1 turn =360is "deg"signinfinite linea Triangle shapearcmimute, 1 =60'formed by two raysis two lines, line segmentsis same shapes, not same sizeequivalence of geometric shapes and sizeis an angle that measures exactly 90 an angle formed by two arcs on the surface of a sphere....

Mathematicians 2018-02-15

Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. Discovered quaternions
  2. Defined laws of fall and pendulum
  3. leading figure of fractal geometry
  4. Founder of graph theory
  5. Proposed 23 problems for the 20th century
  6. Introduced symbols to algebra
  7. inventor of algebra
  8. Author of elements of geometry
  9. Developer of math behind complex waves.
  10. proved fermat’s theorem
  11. developed field of fluid dynamics
  1. First iranian female mathematician to receive field medal
  2. calculated the size of earth
  3. invented Boolean algebra and logic
  4. Gave general method to find solution of Pell's Equation.
  5. Famous for incompleteness theorem
  6. founder figure of set theory
  7. inventor of planar coordinates
  8. Developed trigonometry
  9. calculated first accurate calculation of pi

20 Clues: inventor of algebraDiscovered quaternionsDeveloped trigonometryFounder of graph theoryproved fermat’s theoremcalculated the size of earthfounder figure of set theoryIntroduced symbols to algebrainventor of planar coordinatesAuthor of elements of geometryFamous for incompleteness theoremDefined laws of fall and pendulum...

Elijah's Geometry Crossword 2022-03-15

Elijah's Geometry Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An angle of 90° to a given line, plane, or surface.
  2. It is a three-sided polygon that consists of three edges and three vertices.
  3. A line that start from point A
  4. In geometry symbols, What symbol is this ( ' ) ?
  5. An angle of 90°
  6. A line from point A to point B
  7. A ____is a unit of measurement for angles defined by the ratio of the length of the arc of a circle to the radius of that circle.
  8. A ___ can be defined as a straight one- dimensional figure that has no thickness and extends endlessly in both directions.
  9. In Geometry a ____ (°) is a way of measuring angles
  1. It is the equivalence of geometric shapes and size
  2. What symbol is this "∥" in Geomey?
  3. It refers to same shapes, not same size.
  4. It is the ___ that formed by two rays meeting at a common end point.
  5. Is sometimes also called a gon or a grade.
  6. In geometry symbols, What symbol is this ( ′' ) ?

15 Clues: An angle of 90°A line that start from point AA line from point A to point BWhat symbol is this "∥" in Geomey?It refers to same shapes, not same size.Is sometimes also called a gon or a grade.In geometry symbols, What symbol is this ( ' ) ?In geometry symbols, What symbol is this ( ′' ) ?It is the equivalence of geometric shapes and size...

Mathematicians 2018-02-15

Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. First iranian female mathematician to receive field medal
  2. calculated first accurate calculation of pi
  3. developed field of fluid dynamics
  4. Founder of graph theory
  5. calculated the size of earth
  6. inventor of algebra
  7. Developer of math behind complex waves.
  8. Gave general method to find solution of Pell's Equation.
  9. Author of elements of geometry
  10. Proposed 23 problems for the 20th century
  1. Discovered quaternions
  2. Introduced symbols to algebra
  3. Defined laws of fall and pendulum
  4. inventor of planar coordinates
  5. invented Boolean algebra and logic
  6. founder figure of set theory
  7. Famous for incompleteness theorem
  8. leading figure of fractal geometry
  9. Developed trigonometry
  10. proved fermat’s theorem

20 Clues: inventor of algebraDiscovered quaternionsDeveloped trigonometryFounder of graph theoryproved fermat’s theoremfounder figure of set theorycalculated the size of earthIntroduced symbols to algebrainventor of planar coordinatesAuthor of elements of geometryDefined laws of fall and pendulumdeveloped field of fluid dynamics...


GEOMETRY SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. π
  2. a line from point A to point B
  3. line that start from point A
  4. arcminute, 1° = 60′
  5. formed by two rays
  6. |x-y|
  7. grads angle unit
  1. ~
  2. Δ
  3. 1 turn = 360°
  4. AB

14 Clues: ~πΔAB|x-y|1 turn = 360°grads angle unitformed by two raysarcminute, 1° = 60′line that start from point Aa line from point A to point B


GEOMETRY SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. °
  2. same shapes, not same size
  3. equivalence of geometric shapes and size
  4. infinite line
  1. is the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle
  2. example AB ∥ CD
  3. |x-y|
  4. '
  5. example 360° = 2π rad

14 Clues: °'|x-y|infinite lineexample AB ∥ CDexample 360° = 2π radsame shapes, not same sizeequivalence of geometric shapes and sizeis the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle

Geometry symbols 2022-03-18

Geometry symbols crossword puzzle
  1. grads angle unit
  2. line that start from point A
  3. |x-y|
  4. formed by two rays
  5. AB
  6. π
  7. 1turn = 360°
  8. Δ
  1. 1turn = 360degree
  2. ~
  3. 1° = 60′
  4. a line from point A to point B

15 Clues: ~πΔAB|x-y|1° = 60′1turn = 360°grads angle unit1turn = 360degreeformed by two raysline that start from point Aa line from point A to point B

Geometry symbols 2024-02-13

Geometry symbols crossword puzzle
  1. '
  2. "
  3. AB
  4. grad
  5. AB
  6. ~
  7. Δ
  1. rad
  2. AB
  3. AB
  4. |x-y|
  5. °

16 Clues: '"~°ΔABABABABradgrad|x-y|


GEOMETRY SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. infinite line
  3. arcsecond, 1′ = 60″
  4. distance between points x and y |x-y|
  5. EXAMPLE: 360° = 2π rad
  6. line that start from point A
  7. line from point A to point B
  2. arcsecond, 1′ = 60″
  3. perpendicular lines (90° angle)
  4. π
  5. same shapes, not same size
  6. triangle shape Δ
  7. 1 turn = 360°
  8. arc from point A to point B

15 Clues: πinfinite line1 turn = 360°TRIANGLE SHAPE Δtriangle shape Δarcsecond, 1′ = 60″arcsecond, 1′ = 60″FORMED BY TWO RAYS ∠EXAMPLE: 360° = 2π radsame shapes, not same sizearc from point A to point Bline that start from point Aline from point A to point Bperpendicular lines (90° angle)distance between points x and y |x-y|


GEOMETRY SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. °
  2. same shapes, not same size
  3. equivalence of geometric shapes and size
  4. infinite line
  1. is the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle
  2. example AB ∥ CD
  3. |x-y|
  4. '
  5. example 360° = 2π rad

14 Clues: °'|x-y|infinite lineexample AB ∥ CDexample 360° = 2π radsame shapes, not same sizeequivalence of geometric shapes and sizeis the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle


GEOMETRY SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. formed by two rays
  2. 1turn = 360°
  3. 1turn = 360degree
  4. line that start from point A
  5. grads angle unit
  6. 1° = 60′
  7. AB
  8. ~
  1. |x-y|
  2. a line from point A to point B
  3. Δ
  4. π

15 Clues: Δπ~AB|x-y|1° = 60′1turn = 360°grads angle unit1turn = 360degreeformed by two raysline that start from point Aa line from point A to point B


  1. Also known as god/grad
  2. The radius of an angle
  3. Same shapes, not same size
  4. A line from point A to B
  5. A shape
  6. Two indistinct line that intersect each other at right angle(90°)
  7. A 90° angle
  8. Formed by two rays
  9. A fixed angle (also called "degree measure")
  10. An eternal line
  1. Equivalent ratio=3.1416
  2. Used in geometry to denote the figure formed by two intersecting lines and a spherical surface.
  3. Line that start from point A
  4. Used for arcseconds
  5. A curve joining two endpoints
  6. The length of the two points
  7. Equivalence of geometric shapes and size
  8. Lines that do not intersect
  9. 1 turn equivalent to 360°
  10. Used for arcminutes

20 Clues: A shapeA 90° angleAn eternal lineFormed by two raysUsed for arcsecondsUsed for arcminutesAlso known as god/gradThe radius of an angleEquivalent ratio=3.1416A line from point A to B1 turn equivalent to 360°Same shapes, not same sizeLines that do not intersectLine that start from point AThe length of the two pointsA curve joining two endpoints...


GEOMETRY SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. arcminute, 1° = 60′
  2. Δ
  3. ~ distance |x-y|
  4. grads angle unit
  5. a line from point A to point B
  6. 1 turn = 360deg
  1. 1 turn = 360°
  2. π
  3. line that start from point A
  4. formed by two rays
  5. AB

14 Clues: πΔAB1 turn = 360°1 turn = 360deg~ distance |x-y|grads angle unitformed by two raysarcminute, 1° = 60′line that start from point Aa line from point A to point B

Geometry Symbols 2022-03-16

Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. |x-y|
  2. Δ
  3. to ≅
  1. °
  2. ~
  3. Π

12 Clues: °~ΠΔto ≅|x-y|

Geometry symbols 2023-09-08

Geometry symbols crossword puzzle
  1. AB
  2. °
  3. AB
  4. ∠ABC
  1. θ
  2. AB
  3. m A B ⌢
  4. ~
  5. AB
  6. ||

15 Clues: θ~°ABABABAB||∠ABCm A B ⌢

Mathematical terms 2023-02-02

Mathematical terms crossword puzzle
  1. Relationship between variables
  2. Combination of numbers and symbols
  3. Study of shapes
  4. Opposite of expanding brackets
  5. Two expressions are equal
  6. Collect, analyse, interpret and present
  7. Same time
  1. Positive multiplied negative
  2. Involves letters in expressions
  3. Numbers
  4. Study of angles
  5. A chance
  6. Opposite of derivation
  7. Sensitivity to change
  8. Rule in calculating
  9. Make easy

16 Clues: NumbersA chanceMake easySame timeStudy of anglesStudy of shapesRule in calculatingSensitivity to changeOpposite of derivationTwo expressions are equalPositive multiplied negativeRelationship between variablesOpposite of expanding bracketsInvolves letters in expressionsCombination of numbers and symbolsCollect, analyse, interpret and present

26 2023-06-06

26 crossword puzzle
  1. - Number expressed with a decimal point
  2. - Repeated addition
  3. - Sharing equally
  4. - Calculus operation that represents the area under a curve
  5. - Combining numbers
  6. - Branch of mathematics involving symbols and equations
  7. - Mathematical statement with an equals sign
  1. - Study of change and motion
  2. - Study of shapes and their properties
  3. - Taking away numbers
  4. - Numerical representation of a part of a whole
  5. - Power to which a number is raised
  6. - Rectangular arrangement of numbers or symbols
  7. - Symbol representing an unknown value
  8. - Balance between two sides of an equation

15 Clues: - Sharing equally- Repeated addition- Combining numbers- Taking away numbers- Study of change and motion- Power to which a number is raised- Study of shapes and their properties- Symbol representing an unknown value- Number expressed with a decimal point- Balance between two sides of an equation- Mathematical statement with an equals sign...

Geometry Symbols 2022-03-17

Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. π
  2. Δ
  3. g
  4. ~
  5. c
  1. | x-y |

11 Clues: πΔg~c| x-y |

Exploring Geometry Symbols 2022-03-11

Exploring Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. π
  2. a part of a line that has a fixed starting point but no end point.
  3. formed by two rays
  4. a straight one- dimensional figure that has no thickness and extends endlessly in both directions
  5. deg
  6. Δ
  7. are line that intersect at a right (90 degrees) angle.
  1. lines in a plane that are always the same distance apart and never intersects.
  2. an angle measured exactly 90 degrees.
  3. the amount of space between two points
  4. is any smooth curve joining two points.
  5. rad
  6. is a piece or part of a line having two endpoints.

16 Clues: πΔdegradformed by two raysan angle measured exactly 90 degrees.the amount of space between two pointsis any smooth curve joining two a piece or part of a line having two endpoints.are line that intersect at a right (90 degrees) angle.a part of a line that has a fixed starting point but no end point....

Amber's Math Project 2013-05-26

Amber's Math Project crossword puzzle
  1. ____’s conjecture, a statement about the most efficient arrangement for pack spheres.
  2. Responsible for framing the skeleton of geometry that has been used for over 2000 years by the Western World.
  3. Ceulen Spent a Major part of his life calculating the numerical value of the mathematical constant value using pi
  4. In number theory, he conjected the quadratic reciprocity.
  5. Responsible for advancing the study of the trigonometric series.
  6. Know for a theorem involving right angle triangles.
  7. Work on mathematical biology, specifically morphogenesis.
  8. Introduced symbols for “is less than” and “is greater than”
  9. _____ in the Conics further development a method that is so similar to analytic geometry.
  10. Worked in the fields of differential equations and Algebraic logic. Also is the author of The Laws of Thought
  11. Often referred to as the “Father of acoustics”.
  12. _____’s dissertation, a line geometry and it’s application to mechanics.
  1. Only Mathematician to have two numbers named after them.
  2. known for contributions to abstract algebra along with theoretical physics.
  3. Made significant advancements in the field of calculus variations.
  4. Developed analytic geometry, uses algebra to describe geometry.
  5. Made fundamental contributions to elliptic functions and number theory, along with other areas.
  6. has the most concepts and theorems named after them.
  7. Substantially contributed to mathematics by advancing the study of trigonometry.
  8. A mathematician who worked in fields like number theory and algebra, sometimes referred to as Princeps Mathematicorum.
  9. Widely credited with being the first computer programer.
  10. _____’s method for approximating the roots of a function.
  11. _____ was the first person known to have evaluated the integral of general power functions.
  12. Invented mechanical calculator and the hydraulic press.
  13. Newmann First to rigorously establish mathematical framework for quantum mechanics.

25 Clues: Often referred to as the “Father of acoustics”.Know for a theorem involving right angle triangles.has the most concepts and theorems named after them.Invented mechanical calculator and the hydraulic press.Only Mathematician to have two numbers named after them.Widely credited with being the first computer programer....

Geometry Symbols 2021-09-06

Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. infinite line
  2. parallel lines
  3. distance between points x and y
  1. deg
  2. ~
  3. line that start from point A
  4. rad
  5. grad

10 Clues: ~degradgradinfinite lineparallel linesline that start from point Adistance between points x and y

Geometry Symbols 2023-09-16

Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. rad
  2. ~
  3. °
  1. π
  2. |x-y|

10 Clues: π~°rad|x-y|

Geometry Symbols 2021-09-04

Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. Equivalence of geometric shapes and size.
  2. Symbol name of π
  3. Line from point A to point B.
  4. Same shapes and not same size.
  5. Symbol name of ∥
  6. Symbol name of ′
  1. Symbol name of ⊥
  2. Symbol name of ″
  3. Symbol name of |x-y|
  4. Line that start from point A.

10 Clues: Symbol name of ⊥Symbol name of ″Symbol name of πSymbol name of ∥Symbol name of ′Symbol name of |x-y|Line from point A to point B.Line that start from point A.Same shapes and not same size.Equivalence of geometric shapes and size.

Geometry Symbols 2021-09-07

Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. ×
  2. [ ]
  3. | A |
  4. A -1
  1. A*
  2. ( )
  3. rank(A)
  4. dim(U)
  5. Poduct A⊗B

10 Clues: ×A*( )[ ]A -1| A |dim(U)rank(A)Poduct A⊗B

Geometry Symbols 2021-02-24

Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. Tend to denote a norm in Mathematics
  2. Is to move something from one side of an equation to another.
  3. Is a scalar value that can be computed from the elements of a square matrix and encodes certain properties of the linear transformation described by the matrix.
  4. Is a matrix that, when multiplied by A results in the identity.
  5. Is an algebraic operation that takes two equal-length sequences of numbers (usually coordinate vectors), and returns a single number.
  1. A scalar function of two vectors, equal to the product of their magnitudes and the cosine of the angle between them.
  2. Is a binary operation on two vectors in three-dimensional space.
  3. Calculate expression inside first
  4. Is a complex square matrix that is equal to its own conjugate transpose
  5. Is generally defined as the quotient space of a vector space having V × W as a basis by the linear subspace spanned by the minimal conditions that are needed for having bilinearity.

10 Clues: Calculate expression inside firstTend to denote a norm in MathematicsIs to move something from one side of an equation to another.Is a matrix that, when multiplied by A results in the identity.Is a binary operation on two vectors in three-dimensional space.Is a complex square matrix that is equal to its own conjugate transpose...

Geometry Symbols 2021-09-06

Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. rad
  2. deg
  3. distance between points x and y
  4. infinite line
  1. grad
  2. line that start from point A
  3. ~
  4. parallel lines

10 Clues: ~raddeggradinfinite lineparallel linesline that start from point Adistance between points x and y


GEOMETRY SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. "A⊗B "
  2. "A* "
  3. "∥ x ∥ "
  4. " ∣ A ∣ "
  5. "[] "
  1. "dim(U)"
  2. "rank(A)"
  3. " . "
  4. "x"
  5. "()"

10 Clues: "x""()"" . ""A* ""[] ""A⊗B ""dim(U)""∥ x ∥ ""rank(A)"" ∣ A ∣ "

Set C 1 2024-05-25

Set C 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Quantity with direction and magnitude
  2. Study of data
  3. Study of change
  4. Inverse of exponentiation
  5. Math with symbols
  1. U-shaped curve
  2. Rate of change
  3. Array of numbers
  4. Area under a curve
  5. Study of shapes

10 Clues: Study of dataU-shaped curveRate of changeStudy of changeStudy of shapesArray of numbersMath with symbolsArea under a curveInverse of exponentiationQuantity with direction and magnitude

Math Crossword 2021-02-02

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. moving a shape but not changing it.
  2. the answer to a multiplication problem.
  3. the number of times a base is multiplied by itself.
  4. a letter that is used to mean different numbers at different times.
  5. the number above a fraction line.
  6. the study of mathematical symbols and the rules of those symbols.
  7. the answer to an additional problem.
  1. the mathematics of a shape size or a position.
  2. rotating a shape.
  3. the number below a fraction line.
  4. a whole number, negative or positive.
  5. a two dimensional flat collection of points.
  6. the distance of a number from zero.
  7. a collection of collected measurements.
  8. a mirror image.

15 Clues: a mirror image.rotating a shape.the number below a fraction line.the number above a fraction line.moving a shape but not changing it.the distance of a number from zero.the answer to an additional problem.a whole number, negative or positive.the answer to a multiplication problem.a collection of collected measurements....

Geometry Symbols Name 2022-09-17

Geometry Symbols Name crossword puzzle
  1. distance between points x and y
  2. perpendicular lines (90° angle)
  3. line that start from point A
  4. = 90°
  5. an angle formed by the intersection of two great circles of a sphere.
  6. line from point A to point B
  1. triangle shape
  2. same shapes,not same size
  3. arcsecond, 1′=60″
  4. the measure of the angle formed by the two rays or arms at a common vertex.
  5. arc from point A to point B
  6. equivalence of geometric shapes and size
  7. 1 turn = 360°
  8. formed by two rays
  9. arcminute, 1° = 60′

15 Clues: = 90°1 turn = 360°triangle shapearcsecond, 1′=60″formed by two raysarcminute, 1° = 60′same shapes,not same sizearc from point A to point Bline that start from point Aline from point A to point Bdistance between points x and yperpendicular lines (90° angle)equivalence of geometric shapes and size...

B. Geometry Symbols 2022-03-12

B. Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. angle measure 90°
  2. the most common unit for measuring angle
  3. arcminute
  4. lines that doesn't intersect
  5. |x-y|
  1. denoted by symbol rad
  2. formed by two rays
  3. line from point A to point B
  4. arcsecond
  5. line that start from point A
  6. grads angle unit

15 Clues: |x-y|arcsecondarcminutegrads angle unitformed by two raysdenoted by symbol radangle measure 90°line from point A to point Bline that start from point Alines that doesn't intersectthe most common unit for measuring angle

Exploring Geometry Symbols 2022-03-11

Exploring Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. deg
  2. lines in a plane that are always the same distance apart and never intersects.
  3. is any smooth curve joining two points.
  4. Δ
  5. a straight one- dimensional figure that has no thickness and extends endlessly in both directions
  6. an angle measured exactly 90 degrees.
  7. are line that intersect at a right (90 degrees) angle.
  8. Rad
  1. a part of a line that has a fixed starting point but no end point.
  2. is a piece or part of a line having two endpoints.
  3. the amount of space between two points
  4. formed by two rays

15 Clues: ΔdegRadformed by two raysan angle measured exactly 90 degrees.the amount of space between two pointsis any smooth curve joining two a piece or part of a line having two endpoints.are line that intersect at a right (90 degrees) angle.a part of a line that has a fixed starting point but no end point....

Exploring Geometry Symbols 2022-03-12

Exploring Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. Δ
  2. arcminute, 1° = 60′
  3. = 90°
  4. same shapes, not same size
  1. vector product
  2. distance between points x and y
  3. °
  4. line from point A to point B
  5. formed by two rays

15 Clues: Δ°= 90°vector productformed by two raysarcminute, 1° = 60′same shapes, not same sizeline from point A to point Bdistance between points x and y

B. Geometry Symbols 2023-09-14

B. Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. from point A to B
  2. c
  3. arcsecond
  4. in the same direction
  5. 3.14...
  6. an angle formed by the intersection of two great circles of a sphere
  7. a line that starts from point A
  8. =360°
  1. arcminute
  2. =90°
  3. using a protractor to accurately measure
  4. formed by two rays
  5. infinite line

15 Clues: c=90°=360°3.14...arcminutearcsecondinfinite linefrom point A to Bformed by two raysin the same directiona line that starts from point Ausing a protractor to accurately measurean angle formed by the intersection of two great circles of a sphere

B. Geometry Symbols 2022-03-10

B. Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. denoted by symbol rad
  2. arcsecond
  3. line that start from point A
  4. |x-y|
  5. arcminute
  6. line from point A to point B
  7. the most common unit for measuring angle
  8. Δ
  1. formed by two rays
  2. line that doesn't intersect
  3. grads angle unit
  4. ~
  5. angle measure 90°

15 Clues: ~Δ|x-y|arcsecondarcminutegrads angle unitangle measure 90°formed by two raysdenoted by symbol radline that doesn't intersectline that start from point Aline from point A to point Bthe most common unit for measuring angle

Exploring Geometry Symbols 2022-03-11

Exploring Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. π
  2. is a piece or part of a line having two endpoints.
  3. formed by two rays
  4. lines in a plane that are always the same distance apart and never intersects.
  5. rad
  6. a straight one- dimensional figure that has no thickness and extends endlessly in both directions
  7. is any smooth curve joining two points.
  8. deg
  1. an angle measured exactly 90 degrees.
  2. Δ
  3. are line that intersect at a right (90 degrees) angle.
  4. a part of a line that has a fixed starting point but no end point.

15 Clues: Δπraddegformed by two raysan angle measured exactly 90 any smooth curve joining two a piece or part of a line having two endpoints.are line that intersect at a right (90 degrees) angle.a part of a line that has a fixed starting point but no end point....

Geometry Mathematics Symbols 2024-09-02

Geometry Mathematics Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. radians angle unit
  2. infinite line
  3. distance between points x and y
  4. line that start from point A
  5. arcminute, 1° = 60'
  6. formed by two rays
  7. gradians/ gons
  1. = 90°
  2. same shapes, not same size
  3. triangle shape
  4. parallel lines
  5. perpendicular lines (90° angle)
  6. 1 turn = 360°
  7. degree
  8. arc from point A to point B

15 Clues: = 90°degreeinfinite line1 turn = 360°triangle shapeparallel linesgradians/ gonsradians angle unitformed by two raysarcminute, 1° = 60'same shapes, not same sizearc from point A to point Bline that start from point Aperpendicular lines (90° angle)distance between points x and y

Geometry terms 2021-01-06

Geometry terms crossword puzzle
  1. polygon with three edges
  2. middle point of a line segment
  3. divide into two parts.
  4. Four 90 degree angles
  5. mirror image
  6. What Mr.G teaches
  7. a vertex
  1. Intersecting a system of lines
  2. a fixed location
  3. 3 sides
  4. equal sides
  5. not congruent but...
  6. A fixed location
  7. a fact or a rule written with math symbols
  8. a branch of mathematics

15 Clues: 3 sidesa vertexequal sidesmirror imagea fixed locationA fixed locationWhat Mr.G teachesnot congruent but...Four 90 degree anglesdivide into two parts.a branch of mathematicspolygon with three edgesIntersecting a system of linesmiddle point of a line segmenta fact or a rule written with math symbols

Math Puzzle 2021-09-20

Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  2. what is the formula used for solving quadratic equation?
  3. ">" this symbols means?
  4. René Descartes introduced what in the 17h century?
  5. what is this formula "y=mx+c"
  6. what formula found in 1594 bye Simon Stevin?
  7. What is this formula "y = x3" for?
  8. How do you solve this equation "a^m x a^n "?
  1. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  2. we can use ..... to solve length of a line segment
  3. when a^0=
  4. How do you solve this equation "a^m : a^n"?
  5. who is the founder of coordinate geometry?
  6. who is the founder of quadratic equation?
  7. who is the founder of indices?
  8. What term did Samuel Jeake introduced in 1696
  9. "<" this symbols means?
  10. who is the founder of linear inequalities?
  11. who is the founder of graph of function?
  12. √ this symbol is a ?

20 Clues: when a^0=√ this symbol is a ?">" this symbols means?"<" this symbols means?what is this formula "y=mx+c"who is the founder of indices?What is this formula "y = x3" for?who is the founder of graph of function?who is the founder of quadratic equation?who is the founder of coordinate geometry?who is the founder of linear inequalities?...

Math Puzzle 2021-09-20

Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What is this formula "y = x3" for?
  2. who is the founder of quadratic equation?
  3. who is the founder of coordinate geometry?
  4. who is the founder of linear inequalities?
  5. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  6. who is the founder of indices?
  7. we can use ..... to solve length of a line segment
  8. How do you solve this equation "a^m x a^n "?
  9. when a^0=
  10. who is the founder of graph of function?
  11. what is the formula used for solving quadratic equation?
  1. René Descartes introduced what in the 17h century?
  2. ">" this symbols means?
  3. How do you solve this equation "a^m : a^n"?
  4. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  5. what is this formula "y=mx+c"
  6. What term did Samuel Jeake introduced in 1696
  7. what formula found in 1594 bye Simon Stevin?
  8. "<" this symbols means?
  9. √ this symbol is a ?

20 Clues: when a^0=√ this symbol is a ?">" this symbols means?"<" this symbols means?what is this formula "y=mx+c"who is the founder of indices?What is this formula "y = x3" for?who is the founder of graph of function?who is the founder of quadratic equation?who is the founder of coordinate geometry?who is the founder of linear inequalities?...

Math Puzzle 2021-09-20

Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What is this formula "y = x3" for?
  2. who is the founder of quadratic equation?
  3. who is the founder of coordinate geometry?
  4. who is the founder of linear inequalities?
  5. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  6. who is the founder of indices?
  7. we can use ..... to solve length of a line segment
  8. How do you solve this equation "a^m x a^n "?
  9. when a^0=
  10. who is the founder of graph of function?
  11. what is the formula used for solving quadratic equation?
  1. René Descartes introduced what in the 17h century?
  2. ">" this symbols means?
  3. How do you solve this equation "a^m : a^n"?
  4. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  5. what is this formula "y=mx+c"
  6. What term did Samuel Jeake introduced in 1696
  7. what formula found in 1594 bye Simon Stevin?
  8. "<" this symbols means?
  9. √ this symbol is a ?

20 Clues: when a^0=√ this symbol is a ?">" this symbols means?"<" this symbols means?what is this formula "y=mx+c"who is the founder of indices?What is this formula "y = x3" for?who is the founder of graph of function?who is the founder of quadratic equation?who is the founder of coordinate geometry?who is the founder of linear inequalities?...

Math Puzzle 2021-09-20

Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what is this formula "y=mx+c"
  2. ">" this symbols means?
  3. who is the founder of indices?
  4. what formula found in 1594 bye Simon Stevin?
  5. √ this symbol is a ?
  6. who is the founder of coordinate geometry?
  7. what is the formula used for solving quadratic equation?
  1. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  2. when a^0=
  3. René Descartes introduced what in the 17h century?
  4. What term did Samuel Jeake introduced in 1696
  5. we can use ..... to solve length of a line segment
  6. who is the founder of graph of function?
  7. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  8. who is the founder of quadratic equation?
  9. What is this formula "y = x3" for?
  10. who is the founder of linear inequalities?
  11. "<" this symbols means?
  12. How do you solve this equation "a^m x a^n "?
  13. How do you solve this equation "a^m : a^n"?

20 Clues: when a^0=√ this symbol is a ?">" this symbols means?"<" this symbols means?what is this formula "y=mx+c"who is the founder of indices?What is this formula "y = x3" for?who is the founder of graph of function?who is the founder of quadratic equation?who is the founder of linear inequalities?who is the founder of coordinate geometry?...

Math Puzzle 2021-09-20

Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What is this formula "y = x3" for?
  2. who is the founder of quadratic equation?
  3. who is the founder of coordinate geometry?
  4. who is the founder of linear inequalities?
  5. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  6. who is the founder of indices?
  7. we can use ..... to solve length of a line segment
  8. How do you solve this equation "a^m x a^n "?
  9. when a^0=
  10. who is the founder of graph of function?
  11. what is the formula used for solving quadratic equation?
  1. René Descartes introduced what in the 17h century?
  2. ">" this symbols means?
  3. How do you solve this equation "a^m : a^n"?
  4. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  5. what is this formula "y=mx+c"
  6. What term did Samuel Jeake introduced in 1696
  7. what formula found in 1594 bye Simon Stevin?
  8. "<" this symbols means?
  9. √ this symbol is a ?

20 Clues: when a^0=√ this symbol is a ?">" this symbols means?"<" this symbols means?what is this formula "y=mx+c"who is the founder of indices?What is this formula "y = x3" for?who is the founder of graph of function?who is the founder of quadratic equation?who is the founder of coordinate geometry?who is the founder of linear inequalities?...

Math Puzzle 2021-09-20

Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. √ this symbol is a ?
  2. who is the founder of graph of function?
  3. who is the founder of quadratic equation?
  4. What is this formula "y = x3" for?
  5. we can use ..... to solve length of a line segment
  6. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  7. what is the formula used for solving quadratic equation?
  8. who is the founder of coordinate geometry?
  9. How do you solve this equation "a^m : a^n"?
  1. who is the founder of indices?
  2. René Descartes introduced what in the 17h century?
  3. what formula found in 1594 bye Simon Stevin?
  4. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  5. who is the founder of linear inequalities?
  6. How do you solve this equation "a^m x a^n "?
  7. what is this formula "y=mx+c"
  8. What term did Samuel Jeake introduced in 1696
  9. "<" this symbols means?
  10. ">" this symbols means?
  11. when a^0=

20 Clues: when a^0=√ this symbol is a ?"<" this symbols means?">" this symbols means?what is this formula "y=mx+c"who is the founder of indices?What is this formula "y = x3" for?who is the founder of graph of function?who is the founder of quadratic equation?who is the founder of linear inequalities?who is the founder of coordinate geometry?...

Math Puzzle 2021-09-20

Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  2. what is the formula used for solving quadratic equation?
  3. ">" this symbols means?
  4. René Descartes introduced what in the 17h century?
  5. what is this formula "y=mx+c"
  6. what formula found in 1594 bye Simon Stevin?
  7. What is this formula "y = x3" for?
  8. How do you solve this equation "a^m x a^n "?
  1. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  2. we can use ..... to solve length of a line segment
  3. when a^0=
  4. How do you solve this equation "a^m : a^n"?
  5. who is the founder of coordinate geometry?
  6. who is the founder of quadratic equation?
  7. who is the founder of indices?
  8. What term did Samuel Jeake introduced in 1696
  9. "<" this symbols means?
  10. who is the founder of linear inequalities?
  11. who is the founder of graph of function?
  12. √ this symbol is a ?

20 Clues: when a^0=√ this symbol is a ?">" this symbols means?"<" this symbols means?what is this formula "y=mx+c"who is the founder of indices?What is this formula "y = x3" for?who is the founder of graph of function?who is the founder of quadratic equation?who is the founder of coordinate geometry?who is the founder of linear inequalities?...

Math Puzzle 2021-09-20

Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what formula found in 1594 bye Simon Stevin?
  2. who is the founder of graph of function?
  3. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  4. what is this formula "y=mx+c"
  5. √ this symbol is a ?
  6. What is this formula "y = x3" for?
  7. who is the founder of indices?
  8. when a^0=
  9. who is the founder of quadratic equation?
  10. How do you solve this equation "a^m : a^n"?
  1. What term did Samuel Jeake introduced in 1696
  2. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  3. who is the founder of linear inequalities?
  4. we can use ..... to solve length of a line segment
  5. René Descartes introduced what in the 17h century?
  6. How do you solve this equation "a^m x a^n "?
  7. ">" this symbols means?
  8. who is the founder of coordinate geometry?
  9. what is the formula used for solving quadratic equation?
  10. "<" this symbols means?

20 Clues: when a^0=√ this symbol is a ?">" this symbols means?"<" this symbols means?what is this formula "y=mx+c"who is the founder of indices?What is this formula "y = x3" for?who is the founder of graph of function?who is the founder of quadratic equation?who is the founder of linear inequalities?who is the founder of coordinate geometry?...

Math Puzzle 2021-09-20

Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  2. √ this symbol is a ?
  3. what is this formula "y=mx+c"
  4. How do you solve this equation "a^m : a^n"?
  5. when a^0=
  6. What term did Samuel Jeake introduced in 1696
  7. we can use ..... to solve length of a line segment
  8. who is the founder of quadratic equation?
  9. who is the founder of indices?
  10. ">" this symbols means?
  11. "<" this symbols means?
  1. How do you solve this equation "a^m x a^n "?
  2. what is the formula used for solving quadratic equation?
  3. what formula found in 1594 bye Simon Stevin?
  4. who is the founder of graph of function?
  5. René Descartes introduced what in the 17h century?
  6. who is the founder of coordinate geometry?
  7. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  8. who is the founder of linear inequalities?
  9. What is this formula "y = x3" for?

20 Clues: when a^0=√ this symbol is a ?">" this symbols means?"<" this symbols means?what is this formula "y=mx+c"who is the founder of indices?What is this formula "y = x3" for?who is the founder of graph of function?who is the founder of quadratic equation?who is the founder of coordinate geometry?who is the founder of linear inequalities?...

Math Puzzle 2021-09-20

Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. René Descartes introduced what in the 17h century?
  2. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  3. what formula found in 1594 bye Simon Stevin?
  4. What is this formula "y = x3" for?
  5. what is the formula used for solving quadratic equation?
  6. when a^0=
  7. who is the founder of coordinate geometry?
  8. who is the founder of linear inequalities?
  9. we can use ..... to solve length of a line segment
  1. How do you solve this equation "a^m : a^n"?
  2. How do you solve this equation "a^m x a^n "?
  3. who is the founder of indices?
  4. who is the founder of graph of function?
  5. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  6. what is this formula "y=mx+c"
  7. ">" this symbols means?
  8. What term did Samuel Jeake introduced in 1696
  9. "<" this symbols means?
  10. who is the founder of quadratic equation?
  11. √ this symbol is a ?

20 Clues: when a^0=√ this symbol is a ?">" this symbols means?"<" this symbols means?what is this formula "y=mx+c"who is the founder of indices?What is this formula "y = x3" for?who is the founder of graph of function?who is the founder of quadratic equation?who is the founder of coordinate geometry?who is the founder of linear inequalities?...

Maths Crossoword 2022-05-25

Maths Crossoword crossword puzzle
  1. 3,4,5 are __________ Triplet
  2. A branch of mathamatics dealing with symbols and the rules of manipulation of those symbols
  3. A fixed and well difined number or other non-changing mathematical object
  4. A branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and manipulation of numbers
  1. A branch of maths that studies the sizes, shapes, positions, angles and dimenstions of object
  2. 2452345
  3. A cubic polynomial has a maximum of _____ zeroes
  4. The graph of a polynomial is known as _____
  5. polynonlial
  6. 345
  7. qwe

11 Clues: 345qwe2452345polynonlial3,4,5 are __________ TripletThe graph of a polynomial is known as _____A cubic polynomial has a maximum of _____ zeroesA fixed and well difined number or other non-changing mathematical objectA branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and manipulation of numbers...

Easter Math 2020-04-11

Easter Math crossword puzzle
  1. the study of continuous change
  2. !
  3. powers
  4. y=mx+b
  5. (0 0)
  6. -x
  7. { }
  8. father of geometry
  9. m
  10. fraction-relation between amounts
  11. P
  12. his method was used by Katherine
  13. ^
  14. direct by induction by contradiction or by contrapositive
  15. I think therefore I am and I graph!
  1. U
  2. adjacent over hypotenuse
  3. song by Pharrell
  4. ( )
  5. __
  6. mathematician in the family
  7. inverse function to exponentiation
  8. what was shown
  9. rectangular array of numbers symbols or expressions
  10. b
  11. _
  12. thorny math problem
  13. yum
  14. x
  15. today
  16. f(x)

31 Clues: U!bm_Px^__-xyum( ){ }f(x)todaypowersy=mx+b(0 0)what was shownsong by Pharrellfather of geometrythorny math problemadjacent over hypotenusemathematician in the familythe study of continuous changehis method was used by Katherinefraction-relation between amountsinverse function to exponentiationI think therefore I am and I graph!...

Easter Math 2020-04-11

Easter Math crossword puzzle
  1. adjacent over hypotenuse
  2. what was shown
  3. (0 0)
  4. inverse function to exponentiation
  5. !
  6. yum
  7. y=mx+b
  8. I think therefore I am and I graph!
  9. b
  10. -x
  11. his method was used by Katherine
  12. { }
  13. fraction-relation between amounts
  14. ^
  15. P
  16. U
  1. m
  2. __
  3. ( )
  4. thorny math problem
  5. mathematician in the family
  6. powers
  7. _
  8. father of geometry
  9. today
  10. the study of continuous change
  11. rectangular array of numbers symbols or expressions
  12. x
  13. f(x)
  14. direct by induction by contradiction or by contrapositive
  15. song by Pharrell

31 Clues: m!_bx^PU__-xyum( )f(x){ }today(0 0)powersy=mx+bwhat was shownsong by Pharrellfather of geometrythorny math problemadjacent over hypotenusemathematician in the familythe study of continuous changehis method was used by Katherinefraction-relation between amountsinverse function to exponentiationI think therefore I am and I graph!...

Math terms 2013-04-30

Math terms crossword puzzle
  1. a symbol to represent a number
  2. a math term for shapes
  3. a math term that says something will probably or not happen or change
  4. a mathmatical expression showing an equal sign
  1. measurement of surface
  2. space inside an object
  3. a math term using numbers and symbols
  4. formed by 2 rays in a parellragram
  5. a combination of numbers and symbols
  6. a math constant equal to 3.14 also the 16th letter of the greek alphabet

10 Clues: measurement of surfacespace inside an objecta math term for shapesa symbol to represent a numberformed by 2 rays in a parellragrama combination of numbers and symbolsa math term using numbers and symbolsa mathmatical expression showing an equal signa math term that says something will probably or not happen or change...

Math Crossword Puzzle 2018-02-26

Math Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Inverse of multiplication
  2. Three-sided shape
  3. Inverse of division
  4. Deals with relationships of sides of triangles
  5. Uses symbols in place of numbers
  1. Eight-sided shape
  2. Inverse of addition
  3. Four-sided shape
  4. Inverse of subtraction
  5. Has to do with points and shapes

10 Clues: Four-sided shapeEight-sided shapeThree-sided shapeInverse of additionInverse of divisionInverse of subtractionInverse of multiplicationHas to do with points and shapesUses symbols in place of numbersDeals with relationships of sides of triangles

Donald Duck in Mathemagic Land Vocabulary Hunt 2021-09-27

Donald Duck in Mathemagic Land Vocabulary Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. tool for making music
  2. wrote "Mathematics is the alphabet by which God has written the universe"
  3. mathematical number
  4. subject in school concerned with understanding numbers and shapes
  5. parallelogram with 4 right angles
  6. Branch of Mathematics concerned with symbols and the rules for manipulating symbols
  7. the "Father of Mathematics"
  8. rectangle with 4 equal sides
  9. set of all points equidistance from the center
  1. five-pointed star
  2. Branch of Mathematics concerned with relationships between points, lines, planes and solids
  3. game played with three balls
  4. One of the ancient cultures that made significant contributions to Mathematics
  5. Elementary school name for rhombus
  6. the form of an object or outside boundry
  7. an interval whose higher note has a sound-wave frequency of vibration twice that of its lower note
  8. physical world collectively
  9. geometric solid with triangle shaped faces
  10. vocal or instrumental sounds (or both)

19 Clues: five-pointed starmathematical numbertool for making musicphysical world collectivelythe "Father of Mathematics"game played with three ballsrectangle with 4 equal sidesparallelogram with 4 right anglesElementary school name for rhombusvocal or instrumental sounds (or both)the form of an object or outside boundry...

Mya Crossword Puzzle 2013-05-07

Mya Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. that two values are not equal.
  2. A sequence made by multiplying by some value each time.
  3. The size of a surface.
  4. The amount of turn between two straight lines that have a common end point
  5. The measure of the amount of space inside of a solid figure
  1. That two things are the same, using mathematical symbols.
  2. Numbers, symbols and operators grouped together that show the value of something.
  3. Use letters or other symbols in place of unknown values.
  4. How steep a straight line is.
  5. One of the most common constants in all of mathematic

10 Clues: The size of a surface.How steep a straight line is.that two values are not equal.One of the most common constants in all of mathematicA sequence made by multiplying by some value each time.Use letters or other symbols in place of unknown values.That two things are the same, using mathematical symbols....

Alg 3 Word Find U1.3 2024-08-19

Alg 3 Word Find U1.3 crossword puzzle
  1. the distance around an object or shape (from geometry)
  2. the two-dimensional space that a shape fills
  3. the form of a polynomial when written from biggest exponent to smallest
  4. a term constructed of a coefficient, base, and exponent
  5. terms with the same base and exponent
  1. the largest exponent of a polynomial
  2. the field of mathematics introducing the manipulation of symbols in calculations and equations
  3. a number without a variable
  4. the number in front of a monomial indicating multiple groups
  5. the field of math primarily concerning shapes and spatial relationships

10 Clues: a number without a variablethe largest exponent of a polynomialterms with the same base and exponentthe two-dimensional space that a shape fillsthe distance around an object or shape (from geometry)a term constructed of a coefficient, base, and exponentthe number in front of a monomial indicating multiple groups...

MATHEMATICS 2024-05-12

MATHEMATICS crossword puzzle
  1. The combination of symbols
  2. Homphone for the head of the school
  3. Sum of 2 or more values in a set
  4. Mathematical Shapes
  5. Free payment on loans
  6. Theorem Ancient Greece mathematician's theorem
  7. The result of addition
  1. A part taken from the whole
  2. Alphabets used in Maths
  3. The meeting point for 2 edges
  4. Measure of a region's size on a surface
  5. 2 dimensional figure with a point called the Centre
  6. Helping letters in an Expression
  7. Outline of shapes
  8. Whole Numbers

15 Clues: Whole NumbersOutline of shapesMathematical ShapesFree payment on loansThe result of additionAlphabets used in MathsThe combination of symbolsA part taken from the wholeThe meeting point for 2 edgesSum of 2 or more values in a setHelping letters in an ExpressionHomphone for the head of the schoolMeasure of a region's size on a surface...

6th Grade Social Studies 2022-10-11

6th Grade Social Studies crossword puzzle
  1. paper got its name from
  2. picture or symbols to represent sounds, ideas or objects
  3. a powerful king
  4. used moldy bread to cover infections
  5. pen
  6. crop grown in Egypt
  7. kind of math that Egyptians used
  8. Nile nickname
  9. ruling family
  10. burial places made of stone
  11. crop grown in Egypt
  12. life after death
  1. used the papyrus the most
  2. Egypt's economy was based on
  3. amuulets to protect the mummy
  4. ruler of the new kingdom
  5. great house
  6. body wrapped in linen
  7. Egyptians were experts at
  8. trade goods for services
  9. 3 kingdoms that Egypt was divided into
  10. god of the dead
  11. Ancient Egyptians were advanced at this

23 Clues: pengreat houseNile nicknameruling familya powerful kinggod of the deadlife after deathcrop grown in Egyptcrop grown in Egyptbody wrapped in linenpaper got its name fromruler of the new kingdomtrade goods for servicesused the papyrus the mostEgyptians were experts atburial places made of stoneEgypt's economy was based onamuulets to protect the mummy...

Demetrius 2013-05-06

Demetrius crossword puzzle
  1. a varible or combination of varibles numbers and symbols
  2. a statement that two mathematical expressions are equal
  3. the measure in square units
  4. the chance of an event occuring
  5. the number of cubic units it takes to fill a solid
  1. varibles that express numbers number relationship and operations
  2. a mathematical sentence that compares two unequal expressions using one of the symbols
  3. 3.14
  4. the mathematics of properties and relationships of points lines angles surface and solids
  5. a quantity that can have different values

10 Clues: 3.14the measure in square unitsthe chance of an event occuringa quantity that can have different valuesthe number of cubic units it takes to fill a solida statement that two mathematical expressions are equala varible or combination of varibles numbers and symbolsvaribles that express numbers number relationship and operations...

Math and Numbers 2023-07-25

Math and Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. Distribution into equal parts.
  2. Fractional value multiplied by 100.
  3. Finding the difference between numbers.
  4. Mathematical statement with an equal sign.
  5. Repeated addition process.
  6. Number divisible only by 1 and itself.
  7. Positive or negative whole number.
  8. Likelihood of an event occurring.
  1. Part of a whole.
  2. Ordered list of numbers or objects.
  3. Combining numbers together.
  4. Study of shapes and properties.
  5. Number with a decimal point.
  6. Using symbols and letters for unknowns.
  7. Mean value of a set of numbers.

15 Clues: Part of a whole.Repeated addition process.Combining numbers together.Number with a decimal point.Distribution into equal parts.Study of shapes and properties.Mean value of a set of numbers.Likelihood of an event occurring.Positive or negative whole number.Ordered list of numbers or objects.Fractional value multiplied by 100....

Math Crossword Puzzle 2023-03-28

Math Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. number written as a whole number with a fraction.
  2. a mathematical statement containing an equal sign
  3. this axis is vertical
  4. having the same amount or value
  5. a set of points in two or three dimensions defining a space.
  6. the area of mathematics where variables are represented by letters and symbols
  7. the use of standard units to size or quantity
  8. a positive number or negative number
  9. a visual diagram used to represent statistical info
  1. how many copies of the base number are multiplied together
  2. a number made by multiplying two whole numbers larger than one
  3. a mathematical rule using symbols
  4. a record of an amount
  5. get smaller in size, number, or quantity
  6. to find a numerical value
  7. mathematics that mainly focuses on lines, points, etc
  8. cannot be counted or measured because it has no end
  9. the bottom of something or the bottom face of a solid
  10. can be determined by using a grid or formula
  11. the amount of turning between two rays

20 Clues: a record of an amountthis axis is verticalto find a numerical valuehaving the same amount or valuea mathematical rule using symbolsa positive number or negative numberthe amount of turning between two raysget smaller in size, number, or quantitycan be determined by using a grid or formulathe use of standard units to size or quantity...

Math and Numbers 2023-08-07

Math and Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. Mathematical statement with an equal sign.
  2. Number with a decimal point.
  3. Number divisible only by 1 and itself.
  4. Distribution into equal parts.
  5. Part of a whole.
  6. Finding the difference between numbers.
  1. Repeated addition process.
  2. Using symbols and letters for unknowns.
  3. Study of shapes and properties.
  4. Combining numbers together.

10 Clues: Part of a whole.Repeated addition process.Combining numbers together.Number with a decimal point.Distribution into equal parts.Study of shapes and properties.Number divisible only by 1 and itself.Using symbols and letters for unknowns.Finding the difference between numbers.Mathematical statement with an equal sign.

Algebra Academic Vocabulary 2023-11-29

Algebra Academic Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a polynomial with 2 terms
  2. a polynomial with 3 terms
  3. this should be done to solve a one-step division problem
  4. Atlanta High what is the name of your school
  5. Greatest Common Factor
  6. algebraic expression that consist of variables adn coefficients
  7. this should be done to solve a one-step subtraction equation
  8. when the leading exponent is to the 1st power
  9. the action of adding something together
  10. the product of a rational number multiplied by itself
  11. what is the name of this class
  12. the act of dividing something
  13. parts of expression seperated by operation symbols
  14. what floor is this class on
  15. the action of subtracting something together
  16. two numbers that you multiply together
  17. symbol used to represent one or more numbers
  18. what is the name of the class after Geometry
  1. a mathematical quantity representing a power
  2. this should be done to solve a one-step addition equaiton
  3. the action of multiplying something together
  4. what I need to do in order to pass this my classes
  5. a number by itself
  6. when the leading exponent is to the 4th power
  7. terms that contain the same variables
  8. when the leading exponent is to the 2nd power
  9. this should be done to solve a one-step multiplication problem
  10. the last day of school before the Christmas Break
  11. the symbols taht seperate the terms
  12. what is the name of the next class after Algebra 1
  13. the numerical part of a term
  14. Least Common Multiple
  15. a polynomial with 1 term

33 Clues: a number by itselfLeast Common MultipleGreatest Common Factora polynomial with 1 terma polynomial with 2 termsa polynomial with 3 termswhat floor is this class onthe numerical part of a termthe act of dividing somethingwhat is the name of this classthe symbols taht seperate the termsterms that contain the same variables...

Geometry Symbols 2022-03-13

Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. lines
  2. line
  3. angle
  4. by two rays
  5. from point A to point B
  1. prime
  2. segment
  3. lines 90% angle
  4. angle
  5. shape

10 Clues: lineprimelinesangleangleshapesegmentby two rayslines 90% anglefrom point A to point B

Geometry Symbols 2023-08-30

Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. What is another name for a translation?
  2. What is another name for a reflection?
  3. What is another name for a rotation?
  4. What transformation does this represent <x,y> ?
  5. What symbol does this stand for ∠?
  1. What do we call transformations that stay CONGRUENT?
  2. What symbol does this stand for ≅?
  3. What symbol does this stand for ∆?

8 Clues: What symbol does this stand for ≅?What symbol does this stand for ∆?What symbol does this stand for ∠?What is another name for a rotation?What is another name for a reflection?What is another name for a translation?What transformation does this represent <x,y> ?What do we call transformations that stay CONGRUENT?

Pythagorean Theorem 2022-05-20

Pythagorean Theorem crossword puzzle
  1. the mathematics of using letters and other symbols are used to represent numbers.
  2. in the pythagorean theorem you find the leg of a right --------
  3. the mathematics of points, lines, curves, and surfaces
  4. the space between two intersecting lines or surfaces at the point where they meet
  5. a ------- plus b ------- equals c -------
  6. the c in the formula for a right triangles side
  1. the inventor of the pythagorean theorem
  2. an angle witch is 90 degrees
  3. a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols
  4. an idea accepted as a demonstrable truth ex: pythagorean -------
  5. a side of a triangle
  6. a mathematical statement where two expressions are the same

12 Clues: a side of a trianglean angle witch is 90 degreesthe inventor of the pythagorean theorema ------- plus b ------- equals c -------the c in the formula for a right triangles sidethe mathematics of points, lines, curves, and surfacesa mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbolsa mathematical statement where two expressions are the same...

Math Vocabulary Test Study Guide 2022-09-20

Math Vocabulary Test Study Guide crossword puzzle
  1. any of the symbols used to write numbers
  2. sleeping line, goes from left to right
  3. number to be subtracted from a number
  4. line that goes straight up and down
  5. result of multiplication
  1. result of subtraction
  2. a number that is divided
  3. study of shapes
  4. diagonal or sloping line
  5. result of addition
  6. a number in which another number is divided
  7. numbers added together to find the sum
  8. numbers that are multiplied

13 Clues: study of shapesresult of additionresult of subtractiona number that is divideddiagonal or sloping lineresult of multiplicationnumbers that are multipliedline that goes straight up and downnumber to be subtracted from a numbersleeping line, goes from left to rightnumbers added together to find the sumany of the symbols used to write numbers...

Geometry Math Symbols 2020-09-16

Geometry Math Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. angle, = 90°
  2. radians angle unit
  3. grads angle unit
  4. prime, ″
  5. equivalent of geometric shape and size
  6. °
  1. same shape but not same size
  2. ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle

12 Clues: °prime, ″angle, = 90°grads angle unitradians angle unitsame shape but not same sizeequivalent of geometric shape and sizeratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle

Geometry Symbols 2022-03-13

Geometry Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. lines
  2. line
  3. angle
  4. by two rays
  5. from point A to point B
  1. prime
  2. segment
  3. lines 90% angle
  4. angle
  5. shape

10 Clues: lineprimelinesangleangleshapesegmentby two rayslines 90% anglefrom point A to point B

Geometry Dash Lite v1.0 2022-01-21

Geometry Dash Lite v1.0 crossword puzzle
  1. first harder level in geometry dash lite
  2. first normal level in geometry dash lite
  3. second easy level in geometry dash lite
  4. first insane level in geometry dash lite
  5. second insane level in geometry dash lite
  6. second harder level in geometry dash lite
  7. second hard level in geometry dash lite
  8. first level of geometry dash lite
  1. first hard level in geometry dash lite
  2. second hardest level in geometry dash lite
  3. hardest level in geometry dash lite
  4. last harder level in geometry dash lite
  5. second normal level in geometry dash lite

13 Clues: first level of geometry dash litehardest level in geometry dash litefirst hard level in geometry dash litesecond easy level in geometry dash litelast harder level in geometry dash litesecond hard level in geometry dash litefirst harder level in geometry dash litefirst normal level in geometry dash litefirst insane level in geometry dash lite...

Unit 3 2018-10-17

Unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. C7I6
  2. The molecular geometry having 2 shared pairs and zero lone pairs of electrons.
  3. C8H10
  4. Multiple covalent bonds.
  5. C4O9
  6. HBr
  7. P2F3
  8. The number of lone pairs of electrons in tetrahedral molecular geometry.
  9. SO2
  1. HCN
  2. HCl
  3. C5Cl3
  4. NBr
  5. Se7I
  6. H2SO4
  7. Molecular geometry having four shared pairs and zero lone pairs.
  8. HI
  9. N2O6
  10. The molecular geometry having 2 shared and 2 lone pairs of electrons.
  11. XeF4
  12. Single covalent bonds.

21 Clues: HIHCNHClNBrHBrSO2Se7IC7I6N2O6C4O9XeF4P2F3C5Cl3H2SO4C8H10Single covalent bonds.Multiple covalent bonds.Molecular geometry having four shared pairs and zero lone pairs.The molecular geometry having 2 shared and 2 lone pairs of electrons.The number of lone pairs of electrons in tetrahedral molecular geometry....

Non-Euclidean Geometry Crossword 2024-05-28

Non-Euclidean Geometry Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Type of Geometry done on a convex surface
  2. In Hyperbolic Geometry, parallel lines are not ____________ throughout
  3. Shape that forms on a sphere when all angles are 90 degrees
  4. Discoverer of Spherical Geometry
  5. Discoverer of Hyperbolic Geometry
  6. Lobachevsky was trying to prove Euclid's _________ postulate with his other postulates
  7. In Hyperbolic Geometry, angles of a triangle sum up to ____ than 180 degrees
  1. Type of Geometry done on a concave surface
  2. In Spherical Geometry, angles of a triangle sum up to ____ than 180 degrees
  3. In Spherical Geometry, all (boundless) straight lines are of ______________
  4. Riemann was trying to define n-___________ space
  5. Shape that forms on a hyperbolic plane when all angles are 90 degrees
  6. In both types of non-Euclidean geometry, Euclid's _____postulate is rejected
  7. In Spherical Geometry, parallel lines always _______
  8. In Hyperbolic Geometry, ________ parallel lines exist for a given line

15 Clues: Discoverer of Spherical GeometryDiscoverer of Hyperbolic GeometryType of Geometry done on a convex surfaceType of Geometry done on a concave surfaceRiemann was trying to define n-___________ spaceIn Spherical Geometry, parallel lines always _______Shape that forms on a sphere when all angles are 90 degrees...

No need title 2022-10-26

No need title crossword puzzle
  1. x²+y²+ax+by+c=0
  2. 3d
  3. numbers that only have 2 factors
  4. people hate it so bad
  5. symbols in linear functions
  6. a thing you can make by drawing the single linear function
  1. flat shape with 8 angles
  2. numbers bellow 0
  3. a²=c²-b²

9 Clues: 3da²=c²-b²x²+y²+ax+by+c=0numbers bellow 0people hate it so badflat shape with 8 anglessymbols in linear functionsnumbers that only have 2 factorsa thing you can make by drawing the single linear function

Kimmy's Math Crossword 2013-05-02

Kimmy's  Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The chance that somthing will happen
  2. The amount of three dimensional space an object occupies
  3. Two things are the same using mathematics symbols
  4. The amount of turn between two straight lines that have a common end point
  1. A special relationship between values
  2. The number of square units a figure covers
  3. Numbers,symbols,and operators grouped together to show the value of something
  4. The area of mathematics that deals with points,lines,shapes and space
  5. A symbol for a number we don't know yet
  6. How steep a straight line is

10 Clues: How steep a straight line isThe chance that somthing will happenA special relationship between valuesA symbol for a number we don't know yetThe number of square units a figure coversTwo things are the same using mathematics symbolsThe amount of three dimensional space an object occupies...

Crossword Fun! 2021-06-16

Crossword Fun! crossword puzzle
  1. area of study that deals with the natural world (as biology or physics)
  2. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
  3. holy, sacred, spiritual
  4. arithmetic, measurement, geometry, fractions, and more
  5. Games
  6. Device; laptop, desktop, tablet
  7. after lunch playtime
  8. assignment given to a student to be completed outside the regular class period
  9. the action of helping or doing work for someone
  10. Villa mascot
  11. oven for burning, baking, or drying pottery
  1. Gaining knowledge or skill
  2. school color
  3. working together to complete a task
  4. you read this
  5. not breakfast or dinner
  6. A person who instructs students
  7. a buddy
  8. making meaning of letters and symbols from books
  9. _____________ Madonna Academy

20 Clues: Gamesa buddyschool colorVilla mascotyou read thisafter lunch playtimeholy, sacred, spiritualnot breakfast or dinnerGaining knowledge or skill_____________ Madonna AcademyA person who instructs studentsDevice; laptop, desktop, tabletworking together to complete a taskScience, Technology, Engineering, Mathoven for burning, baking, or drying pottery...

maths 2024-06-18

maths crossword puzzle
  1. A fixed point used as a reference for locating points in space.
  2. Data collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization.
  3. Mathematical phrase that can contain numbers, variables, and operation symbols.
  4. fewfwefd
  5. hthtre
  6. dwqdwqddytj
  7. The study of shapes, sizes, and properties of figures.
  8. Basic branch of mathematics dealing with numbers.
  9. An equation stating that two ratios are equal.
  10. A statement that can be proven based on previously established statements.
  1. Study of relationships involving lengths and angles of triangles.
  2. gergsdg
  3. fwefwdfwd
  4. A polynomial equation of degree two.
  5. fwefdf
  6. Amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object.
  7. An ordered list of numbers that follow a particular pattern.
  8. dwqdwdw
  9. nttgrg
  10. hth

20 Clues: hthfwefdfhthtrenttgrggergsdgdwqdwdwfewfwefdfwefwdfwddwqdwqddytjA polynomial equation of degree two.An equation stating that two ratios are equal.Basic branch of mathematics dealing with numbers.The study of shapes, sizes, and properties of figures.Amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object....

Mathematics 2023-08-23

Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. Repeatedly adding the same number, like counting in groups.
  2. Numbers that show parts of a whole, like ½ or ⅓.
  3. A question or challenge you solve using math.
  4. Putting numbers together to find the total.
  5. A number sentence with an equal sign, like 2 + 3 = 5.
  6. Finding out how big or small something is using units.
  7. A type of math that deals with shapes and their properties.
  8. Taking away numbers to find the difference.
  1. Sharing or grouping numbers equally.
  2. A sequence of numbers or shapes that repeats.
  3. A tool that helps you do math calculations.
  4. When a shape is the same on both sides of a dividing line.
  5. The space between two lines that meet at a point.
  6. Symbols used for counting and measuring.
  7. A type of math that uses letters and symbols to represent numbers.

15 Clues: Sharing or grouping numbers equally.Symbols used for counting and measuring.A tool that helps you do math calculations.Putting numbers together to find the total.Taking away numbers to find the difference.A sequence of numbers or shapes that repeats.A question or challenge you solve using math.Numbers that show parts of a whole, like ½ or ⅓....

Tek ko_06.22.24 9(vol 2) 2024-06-13

Tek ko_06.22.24 9(vol 2) crossword puzzle
  1. "_____case": a narrow hard-sided box-shaped bag or case used mainly for carrying papers and equipped with a handle
  2. "The Land of the Rising Sun"
  3. "aishteru" in English
  4. "____packed": crowded, packed, or filled to capacity
  5. Japanese "pulled noodles"
  6. "Right Here _____"-Richard Marx
  7. string the following symbols: tungsten, iodine and iron
  8. "to _____": means to determine mathematically in the case of a number or amount
  9. to store cash and credit cards in a very compact fashion for those who do not wish to carry a wallet
  10. meal usually served with coffee or chocolate
  11. term for academic staff at an institution of education
  12. an act or instance of noticing or perceiving.
  13. "....____ ____ ____. There's no other way to say it. And I can't deny it..."-Boyz II Men
  14. string the following symbols: hydrogen, uranium, sulfur, barium and neodymium
  15. string the following symbols: tellurium, potassium and copper
  16. piece of women's or girls' underwear
  1. a geographic region within which the same standard time is used
  2. fresh raw fish or meat sliced into thin pieces and often eaten with soy sauce
  3. Oxford or Cambridge or Harvard
  4. algebra or calculus or geometry
  5. a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances
  6. string the following symbols: sulfur, polonium, uranium and selenium
  7. If 10m=4m+156, then what is m?
  8. Gottfried Leibniz: "Father of ______"
  9. "Noli Me Tangere" or "_____ Me Not"
  10. a Greek name meaning "wisdom"
  11. "_____ Theory": pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers and arithmetic functions
  12. "I Want to Hold Your ____"-The Beatles

28 Clues: "aishteru" in EnglishJapanese "pulled noodles""The Land of the Rising Sun"a Greek name meaning "wisdom"Oxford or Cambridge or HarvardIf 10m=4m+156, then what is m?algebra or calculus or geometry"Right Here _____"-Richard Marx"Noli Me Tangere" or "_____ Me Not"piece of women's or girls' underwearGottfried Leibniz: "Father of ______"...

MATHS 2021-07-28

MATHS crossword puzzle
  1. the operation of resolving a quantity into factors
  2. a type of mathematics in which letters and symbols are used to represent numbers
  3. number, a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction for any integers
  4. branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. F
  1. geometry applied to the computation of lengths, areas, or volumes from given dimensions or angles.
  2. Equations, a type of mathematics in which letters and symbols are used to represent numbers
  3. Numbers, a number that can be expressed as an integer or the quotient of an integer divided by a nonzero integer.
  4. pair, a pair of adjacent angles formed when two lines intersect.

8 Clues: the operation of resolving a quantity into factorspair, a pair of adjacent angles formed when two lines intersect.number, a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction for any integersa type of mathematics in which letters and symbols are used to represent numbers...

Geometry Crossword Puzzle 2024-02-13

Geometry Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. geometry, A geometry of three dimensional space
  2. geometry, Also known as coordinate geometry or Cartesian geometry
  3. angle, An angle which is measured less than 90 degrees
  4. It is sometimes called rubber sheet geometry
  5. a long narrow mark or band
  6. A concept first introduced by the mathematician Felix Hausdorff in 1918
  7. angle, An angle that is equal to 180 degrees
  8. geometry, Deals with flat shapes wich can be drawn on a piece of paper
  9. angle, An angle which is measured than 90 degrees ang less than 180 degrees
  10. Is a point where two or more curves, lines or edges
  1. angles, When the sum of two angles is equal to 90 degrees they are called ____
  2. Is the science and study of quality structure, space and change
  3. angle, A ____ is an angle of exactly 90 degrees or /2 radians corresponding to a quarter turn
  4. a three sided polygon that consist of three edges and three vertices
  5. A plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles
  6. the branch of mathematics concerned with specific functions of angles and their application
  7. geometry, A system that uses one or more numbers or coordinates to uniquely determine the position of the points or other geometric elements on a manifold such as Euclidean space
  8. segment, A part of a straight line that is bounded by two distinct end points
  9. A round plane fugure whose boundary
  10. A branch of mathematics concerned with properties of space such as the distance, shape, size and relative position of figures

20 Clues: a long narrow mark or bandA round plane fugure whose boundaryIt is sometimes called rubber sheet geometryangle, An angle that is equal to 180 degreesgeometry, A geometry of three dimensional spaceIs a point where two or more curves, lines or edgesangle, An angle which is measured less than 90 degrees...

Geometry Cross Word Puzzle 2024-02-13

Geometry Cross Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. geometry, Deals with flat shapes wich can be drawn on a piece of paper
  2. geometry, Also known as coordinate geometry or Cartesian geometry
  3. A plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles
  4. geometry, A system that uses one or more numbers or coordinates to uniquely determine the position of the points or other geometric elements on a manifold such as Euclidean space
  5. Is the science and study of quality structure, space and change
  6. angle, An angle which is measured less than 90 degrees
  7. segment, A part of a straight line that is bounded by two distinct end points
  8. Is a point where two or more curves, lines or edges
  9. It is sometimes called rubber sheet geometry
  1. angles, When the sum of two angles is equal to 90 degrees they are called ____
  2. a long narrow mark or band
  3. angle, An angle which is measured than 90 degrees ang less than 180 degrees
  4. A concept first introduced by the mathematician Felix Hausdorff in 1918
  5. A branch of mathematics concerned with properties of space such as the distance, shape, size and relative position of figures
  6. a three sided polygon that consist of three edges and three vertices
  7. angle, A ____ is an angle of exactly 90 degrees or /2 radians corresponding to a quarter turn
  8. the branch of mathematics concerned with specific functions of angles and their application
  9. angle, An angle that is equal to 180 degrees
  10. A round plane fugure whose boundary
  11. geometry, A geometry of three dimensional space

20 Clues: a long narrow mark or bandA round plane fugure whose boundaryangle, An angle that is equal to 180 degreesIt is sometimes called rubber sheet geometrygeometry, A geometry of three dimensional spaceIs a point where two or more curves, lines or edgesangle, An angle which is measured less than 90 degrees...

3D Objects Adobe Illustrator 2023-09-22

3D Objects Adobe Illustrator crossword puzzle
  1. From dull and unshaded matte___________
  2. Outlines the contours of the object’s geometry
  3. Position: Sets how the object is ___________
  4. Extrude: Determines the object’s_________
  1. Click ________ >3D> Revolve
  2. Place artwork onto the surfaces of a 3D object
  3. Map Art feature uses ______ for mapping
  4. Specifies solid or hollow
  5. Applies the type of edge you choose
  6. Changes the shading color for effects

10 Clues: Specifies solid or hollowClick ________ >3D> RevolveApplies the type of edge you chooseChanges the shading color for effectsFrom dull and unshaded matte___________Map Art feature uses ______ for mappingExtrude: Determines the object’s_________Position: Sets how the object is ___________Place artwork onto the surfaces of a 3D object...

Math 2021-11-18

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of money
  2. A mathematical relationship or rule expressed
  3. A branch of properties and relations of points
  4. More or less
  1. Adding all the sides
  2. The indicated quotient of two expressions
  3. The study of mathematical symbols
  4. Double the numbers

8 Clues: More or lessDouble the numbersThe amount of moneyAdding all the sidesThe study of mathematical symbolsThe indicated quotient of two expressionsA mathematical relationship or rule expressedA branch of properties and relations of points

Ancient Egypt 2021-12-13

Ancient Egypt crossword puzzle
  1. The first era of Ancient Egypt
  2. Picture-like symbols
  3. What they wrote on
  4. Life after death
  5. How did they build those?!
  6. Probably the most well known Pharaoh ever
  7. Build great public words in this era
  8. God of the living and dead
  9. A school discipline Egyptians heavily relied on
  1. Took 2-3 months and was consuming and costly
  2. A very, very important animal
  3. Time to spend money building up our military
  4. helped them build the pyramids
  5. Very largest group of Egyptians
  6. Leaders of Ancient Egypt
  7. Built to honor the gods

16 Clues: Life after deathWhat they wrote onPicture-like symbolsBuilt to honor the godsLeaders of Ancient EgyptHow did they build those?!God of the living and deadA very, very important animalThe first era of Ancient Egypthelped them build the pyramidsVery largest group of EgyptiansBuild great public words in this eraProbably the most well known Pharaoh ever...

School Subjects 2020-11-11

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. books; Poe, Twain, Márquez
  2. an area of advanced mathematics
  3. laws; gravity, intertia
  4. circles, squares; area, diameter
  5. places like countries and cities
  1. running; 5k, 10k
  2. nature and living creatures
  3. a large group of musicians who play different instruments together
  4. facts about past characters and events
  5. a type of mathematics in which numbers are shown by letters and symbols
  6. group of people singing the same piece of music
  7. painting, drawing, sculpting

12 Clues: running; 5k, 10klaws; gravity, intertiabooks; Poe, Twain, Márqueznature and living creaturespainting, drawing, sculptingan area of advanced mathematicscircles, squares; area, diameterplaces like countries and citiesfacts about past characters and eventsgroup of people singing the same piece of music...

MATHEMATICS 2023-12-09

MATHEMATICS crossword puzzle
  1. U-shaped curve in a graph
  2. Equation with a squared variable
  3. Theorem relating the sides of a right triangle
  4. Relationship between two quantities
  5. Finding the area under a curve
  6. Mathematical statement with equality
  7. Study of triangles and angles
  8. Number expressed in base ten
  9. Indicates the power to which a number is raised
  10. Branch dealing with rates of change
  11. Combining numbers
  12. Fraction of a hundred
  13. Mathematical relation between input and output
  14. Number divisible by 1 and itself
  1. Branch of math using symbols
  2. Pair of numbers representing a point's location
  3. Number multiplied by itself to get a square
  4. Array of numbers or symbols
  5. Whole number
  6. Symbol representing an unknown value
  7. Number representing a part of a whole
  8. Finding the difference
  9. Ordered set of numbers
  10. Space between two intersecting lines
  11. Likelihood of an event happening
  12. Study of shapes and their properties
  13. Repeated addition
  14. Mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
  15. Sharing or grouping numbers
  16. Measure of a function's rate of change

30 Clues: Whole numberRepeated additionCombining numbersFraction of a hundredFinding the differenceOrdered set of numbersU-shaped curve in a graphArray of numbers or symbolsSharing or grouping numbersBranch of math using symbolsNumber expressed in base tenStudy of triangles and anglesFinding the area under a curveEquation with a squared variable...

mathematics 2021-08-23

mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. a branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols
  2. the amount of space taken up by a 2D shape
  3. theoretically proven fact which gives reliably exact answers in experiments
  4. a symbol written above and to the right of a mathematical expression to indicate the operation of raising to a power
  5. a statement to be true using definitions, theorems, and postulates
  6. an assignment of values to the unknown variables that makes the equality in the equation true
  7. an unprovable rule
  8. an expression of more than two algebraic terms
  9. the distance around the edge of a shape.
  10. x coordinate
  11. a straight line extending from the center of a circle or sphere to the circumference or surface
  1. the branch of mathematics concerned with the shape of individual objects, spatial relationships among various objects, and the properties of surrounding space.
  2. The "middle" of a sorted list of numbers.
  3. a symbol (usually a letter) standing in for an unknown numerical value in an equation.
  4. a line that intersects a system of lines.
  5. a statement in math in which two things on equal.
  6. y coordinate
  7. a fact or a rule written with mathematical symbols
  8. a number that reflects the chance or likelihood that a particular event will occur
  9. the quality or state of agreeing, coinciding, or being congruent
  10. a collection of quantitative data

21 Clues: y coordinatex coordinatean unprovable rulea collection of quantitative datathe distance around the edge of a shape.The "middle" of a sorted list of numbers.a line that intersects a system of lines.the amount of space taken up by a 2D shapean expression of more than two algebraic termsa statement in math in which two things on equal....

Mathematics symbols geometry 2024-09-02

Mathematics symbols geometry crossword puzzle
  1. angle = 90°
  2. angle
  3. angle
  4. arc from point A to point B
  5. 1 turn = 360deg
  6. segment line from point A to point B
  7. 1 turn = 360°
  1. infinite line
  2. perpendicular lines (90° angle)
  3. arcminute, 1° = 60′
  4. parallel lines
  5. formed by two rays
  6. line that start from point A
  7. prime arcsecond, 1′ = 60″

14 Clues: angleangleangle = 90°infinite line1 turn = 360°parallel lines1 turn = 360degformed by two raysarcminute, 1° = 60′prime arcsecond, 1′ = 60″arc from point A to point Bline that start from point Aperpendicular lines (90° angle)segment line from point A to point B

Euclid 2022-05-04

Euclid crossword puzzle
  1. The Elements
  2. Treatise on geometry
  3. Describe figures of the same size, shape, and structure
  4. Invented the lever
  5. See 5: Series of _ books
  6. city of scientific and literary scholarship
  7. a²+b²=c²
  8. Famous president to study from The Elements
  9. time period where Euclid thrived
  10. Not Euclid's geometry
  11. Profession
  1. Legacy, name
  2. Exposition on the geometry of vision
  3. A name for Euclid, profession
  4. Describe figures of identical shape but different measurements
  5. Egyptian king of Euclid's time
  6. Most celebrated mathematician
  7. Geometry in books 1-8
  8. Laid foundations of ______ mathematics
  9. Establishment founded by Euclid

20 Clues: a²+b²=c²ProfessionLegacy, nameThe ElementsInvented the leverTreatise on geometryGeometry in books 1-8Not Euclid's geometrySee 5: Series of _ booksA name for Euclid, professionMost celebrated mathematicianEgyptian king of Euclid's timeEstablishment founded by Euclidtime period where Euclid thrivedExposition on the geometry of vision...

Math Crossword Puzzle 2013-05-08

Math Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The space between 2 intersectiing lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.
  2. when letters and other symbols sre used to repersent numbers and aquanties.
  3. a number or a constant placed before and multiplying the variable in an algerbracic expression.
  1. Property The product of a number and a sum is equal.
  2. A combination of symbols
  3. Tendency A measure that tells us where the middle of a bunch of data lies.
  4. The size of a surface.
  5. A branch of mathmatics
  6. To equate one thing with another.
  7. A special relationship between values

10 Clues: The size of a surface.A branch of mathmaticsA combination of symbolsTo equate one thing with another.A special relationship between valuesProperty The product of a number and a sum is equal.Tendency A measure that tells us where the middle of a bunch of data lies.when letters and other symbols sre used to repersent numbers and aquanties....


MAPS AND MAPPING crossword puzzle
  1. person who does geometry
  2. measure the angle of the sun above the horizon at local noon to calculate their latitude
  3. displays elevation and landform information, usually indicated by special symbols, called contour lines, or by landform shading
  4. having to do with space, position, or location
  5. longitude and latitude together
  1. mapmakers
  2. shows names, boundaries, and shapes of countries, states counties, cities and towns-any feature established by local,state, or national governments
  3. line that divides the northern hemisphere from the southern hemisphere
  4. focuses on names, symbols, and locations of mamade and natural physical features, such as roads and highways, streams, lakes, coastlines, and oceans
  5. symbolic description of the lay of the land
  6. geographic information system
  7. lines of longitude
  8. simplified image that is a model of the earth's surface
  9. a pattern similar to that of a sundial

14 Clues: mapmakerslines of longitudeperson who does geometrygeographic information systemlongitude and latitude togethera pattern similar to that of a sundialsymbolic description of the lay of the landhaving to do with space, position, or locationsimplified image that is a model of the earth's surface...

math skill puzzle 2013-05-06

math skill puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. is a finite combination of symbols that is well-formed according to rules that depend on the context. Symbols can designate numbers (constants), variables, operations, functions, and other mathematical symbols, as well as punctuation
  2. Not consisting or having fixed patterns; liable to change
  3. The space inside a shape
  4. Difference in size, degree, circumstances, etc.; lack of equality.
  5. amount of space a object takes up
  1. The part of mathematics in which letters and other symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations
  2. The branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids,
  3. A probable event: "revolution was a strong probability
  4. A statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal (indicated by the sign =).
  5. The space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.

10 Clues: The space inside a shapeamount of space a object takes upA probable event: "revolution was a strong probabilityNot consisting or having fixed patterns; liable to changeDifference in size, degree, circumstances, etc.; lack of equality.A statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal (indicated by the sign =)....

Mathemetics words 2024-06-23

Mathemetics words crossword puzzle
  1. branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points , lines ,etc
  2. The total length around a two-dimensional shape
  3. dealing with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols
  4. A polygon with 3 sides and three angles
  1. The likelihood or chance of an event occurring
  2. A statement or proposition that can be proven based on previously established statements and axioms
  3. A round shape with every point equidistant from the centre
  4. A number that divides another number without leaving a remainder
  5. The measure of the space inside a shape
  6. A mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions

10 Clues: The measure of the space inside a shapeA polygon with 3 sides and three anglesThe likelihood or chance of an event occurringThe total length around a two-dimensional shapeA round shape with every point equidistant from the centreA number that divides another number without leaving a remainder...

Algebra 2014-05-18

Algebra crossword puzzle
  1. Drawn on, plotted on, and has ordered pairs on
  2. The size of a surface
  3. Arrangement, pattern, or method of things related to each other
  4. Horizontal # line on a graph
  5. Letter used to show unknown number or value
  6. Math sentence
  7. 1st number in ordered pairs
  8. Sentence which included <,≤,>,≥
  9. root One #multiplied twice to equal a number
  10. Two or more numbers multiplied to give a product
  1. Frequency _______
  2. Numbers/symbols that show how to work things out
  3. Before geometry, after pre-ap math
  4. A number rose to a power
  5. Distance around a shape
  6. Multiplicative factor
  7. One domain is paired with one range
  8. Vertical # line on a graph
  9. Steepness of a line
  10. 2nd number in ordered pairs

20 Clues: Math sentenceFrequency _______Steepness of a lineThe size of a surfaceMultiplicative factorDistance around a shapeA number rose to a powerVertical # line on a graph1st number in ordered pairs2nd number in ordered pairsHorizontal # line on a graphSentence which included <,≤,>,≥Before geometry, after pre-ap mathOne domain is paired with one range...

fsfsffsf 2024-02-25

fsfsffsf crossword puzzle
  1. , The branch of mathematics involving points, lines, planes, and figures.
  2. , The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences.
  3. , The set of rules governing the structure of sentences.
  4. , The study of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter.
  5. , A group of atoms bonded together.
  6. , A branch of mathematics that studies continuous change.
  7. , The ability to read and write fluently.
  8. , Written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.
  1. , A long work of fiction.
  2. A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery or test a hypothesis.
  3. ,Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas.
  4. , A proposed explanation for an observation.
  5. , Understanding the meaning of a text
  6. ,Correspondence of sound between words.
  7. , The study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environments.
  8. ,A short piece of writing on a particular subject.
  9. , The words known and used by a person.
  10. , The correct arrangement of letters in a word.
  11. , A branch of mathematics involving symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols.

19 Clues: , A long work of fiction., Understanding the meaning of a text, A group of atoms bonded together.,Correspondence of sound between words., The words known and used by a person., The ability to read and write fluently., A proposed explanation for an observation., The correct arrangement of letters in a word....

Finish the Math Term! 2023-04-06

Finish the Math Term! crossword puzzle
  1. How likely something is to happen.
  2. A shape with 180 degrees.
  3. Tool used for computing.
  4. The outside of a shape.
  5. The outside of a circle.
  6. The study of shapes.
  1. Two angles that added together equal 180 degrees.
  2. When two or more things are the same.
  3. Two angles that added together equal 90 degrees.
  4. A shape with 360 degrees and no angles.
  5. Math using symbols to represent quantities.
  6. A way to compare to objects.

12 Clues: The study of shapes.The outside of a shape.Tool used for computing.The outside of a circle.A shape with 180 degrees.A way to compare to objects.How likely something is to happen.When two or more things are the same.A shape with 360 degrees and no angles.Math using symbols to represent quantities.Two angles that added together equal 90 degrees....

School Fun 2017-02-16

School Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Lunch
  2. Sports
  3. English
  4. Biology
  5. Economics
  6. Algebra
  7. Literature
  8. Earth
  9. Computers
  10. Gym
  11. History
  1. Cooking
  2. Bus
  3. Science
  4. Foods
  5. Walmart
  6. Chemistry
  7. Geometry
  8. Math
  9. Calculus

20 Clues: BusGymMathLunchFoodsEarthSportsCookingEnglishScienceWalmartBiologyAlgebraHistoryGeometryCalculusChemistryEconomicsComputersLiterature

School Fun 2023-08-20

School Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Lunch
  2. Sports
  3. English
  4. Biology
  5. Economics
  6. Algebra
  7. Literature
  8. Earth
  9. Computers
  10. Gym
  11. History
  1. Cooking
  2. Bus
  3. Science
  4. Foods
  5. Walmart
  6. Chemistry
  7. Geometry
  8. Math
  9. Calculus

20 Clues: BusGymMathLunchFoodsEarthSportsCookingEnglishScienceWalmartBiologyAlgebraHistoryGeometryCalculusChemistryEconomicsComputersLiterature

Math Crossword 2021-09-10

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols.
  2. multiplicative inverse.
  3. any letter that stands for a number.
  4. There are two expressions, one on each side of an equals sign
  5. a number that is not a fraction; a whole number.
  1. is a finite combination of symbols that is well-formed according to rules that depend on the context.
  2. branch of mathematics concerned with the shape of individual objects, spatial relationships among various objects, and the properties of surrounding space.
  3. a single mathematical expression. It may be a single number (positive or negative), a single variable ( a letter ), several variables multiplied but never added or subtracted.
  4. is a number without a variable.

9 Clues: multiplicative a number without a variable.any letter that stands for a number.a number that is not a fraction; a whole number.There are two expressions, one on each side of an equals signa branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols....