hardware and software Crossword Puzzles

G8 2024-07-06

G8 crossword puzzle
  1. A flowchart always begins with a __________
  2. show the direction in which the program is moving
  3. is a collection of programs that tell the hardware what to do
  1. acts as the central coordinator between hardware and software
  2. is a set of sequential steps to solve a problem systematically
  3. This type of OS allows multiple users to access applications or resources that are running on a single network server

6 Clues: A flowchart always begins with a __________show the direction in which the program is movingacts as the central coordinator between hardware and softwareis a collection of programs that tell the hardware what to dois a set of sequential steps to solve a problem systematically...

HARDWARE 2018-05-21

HARDWARE crossword puzzle
  1. apa nama bagian dari panjang bolt
  2. clasifikasi fit yang mudah untuk di rakit
  3. classification yang mudah dibuka oleh tangan
  4. salah satu type receptacle camlok fastener
  5. warna apakah rivet yang dilapisi oleh zinc chomate
  6. kabel yang biasa di gunakan pada flight control
  7. salah satu dari fastener
  8. alat untuk mengencangkan screw
  9. bahan dari rivet
  10. tebal kepala bolt
  11. salah satu rivet yang headnya datar
  12. paku keling biasa disebut
  13. pengelasan material disebut
  14. american standar unified coarse
  1. hurup hurup paduan dari C
  2. alat yang tebuat dari baja yang gunanya untuk menempa
  3. hurup paduan dari M
  4. penempelan material disebut
  5. mechanical screw yang terdiri dari dua threaded terminal dan satu threaded buckle
  6. salah satu dari special purpose bolts
  7. terdiri dari stud,cross pin dan receptacle
  8. digunakan untuk membuat safety wire
  9. national aircraft standar
  10. alat yang digunakan untuk merivet
  11. lebar kepala bolt

25 Clues: bahan dari rivettebal kepala boltlebar kepala bolthurup paduan dari Msalah satu dari fastenerhurup hurup paduan dari Cnational aircraft standarpaku keling biasa disebutpenempelan material disebutpengelasan material disebutalat untuk mengencangkan screwamerican standar unified coarseapa nama bagian dari panjang boltalat yang digunakan untuk merivet...

Hardware 2013-05-28

Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. ingang waar je kabel voor randapparatuur insteekt
  2. één van de bekendste producenten van processoren/computerchips
  3. zorgt ervoor dat je computer zich met het internet kan verbinden
  4. sneller & beter bestand tegen trillingen dan een harde schijf
  5. heeft meer geheugen dan diskette
  6. geheugen om de programma's op je computer sneller te laten draaien
  7. een klein draagbaar toestel waar men mee kan bellen, internetten, enz... Opvolger van PDA
  8. welk geheugen kan, ook indien computer uitstaat, een programma opslaan
  9. plaats waar processor huisvest
  10. één van de bekendste draagbare mp3-spelers op de markt
  11. verzamelnaam voor computerprogramma's
  12. variant van Windows en OS X
  13. bespaart meer energie & is slanker dan LED-tv's
  14. de link tussen je fysische apparaten in je computer en het besturingssysteem
  1. Amerikaanse term voor het opsmukken van de computerbehuizing
  2. aansluiting op je digitale video-camera
  3. driedimensionaal geluid, te horen in bioscoop maar nu ook bij sommige in huis
  4. zeer dunne laptop anno 2013
  5. batterij vaak gebruikt bij draagbare elektronica zoals laptop
  6. apparaat dat je gebruikt om foto's/tekst digitaal om te zetten & op je computer te zetten
  7. een echte guru op gebied van hardware
  8. bekend besturingssysteem ontwikkeld door Bill Gates
  9. technologie die er heeft voor gezorgd dat onze computerschermen slanker zijn geworden

23 Clues: zeer dunne laptop anno 2013variant van Windows en OS Xplaats waar processor huisvestheeft meer geheugen dan disketteeen echte guru op gebied van hardwareverzamelnaam voor computerprogramma'saansluiting op je digitale video-camerabespaart meer energie & is slanker dan LED-tv'singang waar je kabel voor randapparatuur insteekt...

Hardware 2014-03-17

Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. cursor besturen
  2. bestuurt de computer
  3. afkorting Solid State Drive
  4. om je te gegevens bewaren
  5. hier past je uitbreidingskaarrt in
  6. de programma's op je computer
  7. waar je beeld op komt
  8. randapparaat dat voor in- en uitvoer zorgt
  9. 1000 megabyte
  1. hart van de computer
  2. voorziet je computer van internet
  3. snelheid van een processor
  4. je computerkast ombouwen
  5. afkorting van Digital versatile disc.
  6. om te typen
  7. de toestellen
  8. oud extern geheugen
  9. geeft stroom
  10. om je USB-stick in steken
  11. waarmee een dvd gelezen wordt
  12. meeteenheid om de lengte van je scherm te meten
  13. afkorting Gygabyte

22 Clues: om te typengeeft stroomde toestellen1000 megabytecursor besturenafkorting Gygabyteoud extern geheugenhart van de computerbestuurt de computerwaar je beeld op komtje computerkast ombouwenom je te gegevens bewarenom je USB-stick in stekensnelheid van een processorafkorting Solid State Drivewaarmee een dvd gelezen wordtde programma's op je computer...

hardware 2014-03-17

hardware crossword puzzle
  1. beweegt u cursor
  2. staat recht
  3. om in de uitbreidingssleuven te steken
  4. krijgt stroom van de voeding
  5. de titel
  6. om films te zien
  7. afkorting van solid state drive
  8. om in de ...poort te steken
  9. om in u fototoestel te steken
  10. drukt u documenten af
  11. laat het beeld zien
  1. om in het stopcontact te steken
  2. meeteenheid
  3. om muziek te beluisteren
  4. permanaent geheugen
  5. 1000 gigabyte
  6. speelt u films af
  7. geeft stroom aan u pc
  8. ligt
  9. computer "pimpen"

20 Clues: ligtde titelmeeteenheidstaat recht1000 gigabytebeweegt u cursorom films te zienspeelt u films afcomputer "pimpen"permanaent geheugenlaat het beeld ziengeeft stroom aan u pcdrukt u documenten afom muziek te beluisterenom in de ...poort te stekenkrijgt stroom van de voedingom in u fototoestel te stekenom in het stopcontact te steken...

hardware 2014-03-17

hardware crossword puzzle
  1. randapparaat voor zowel invoer als uitvoer
  2. toestel dat tekst ingeeft
  3. toestel dat pijltje kan bewegen en dingen kan aanklikken
  4. Apparaat waar je gegevens permanent op bewaard.
  5. de snelheid van processer
  6. Verbindt alle onderdelen met elkaar , zodat ze kunnen samenwerken.
  7. Digital versatile disc
  8. Voorziet de computer van stroom
  9. Brein van de PC en zorgt voor alle rekenwerk.
  1. In je computer kan je altijd een betere of extra geluidskaart, netwerkkaart, … bijsteken.
  2. blu-ray disk
  3. Ook wel werkgeheugen genoemd. Berekeningen worden tijdelijk in dit geheugen opgeslagen
  4. een centrale computer in een netwerk
  5. Solid State Drive
  6. voorganger van de USB stick
  7. Compact disc read only memory
  8. het engelse woord voor toetsenbord
  9. alle tastbare fysieke delen die je kan vastnemen
  10. een zeer krachtige en stabiele computer
  11. randapparaat voor te kopieren en afdrukken

20 Clues: blu-ray diskSolid State DriveDigital versatile disctoestel dat tekst ingeeftde snelheid van processervoorganger van de USB stickCompact disc read only memoryVoorziet de computer van stroomhet engelse woord voor toetsenbordeen centrale computer in een netwerkeen zeer krachtige en stabiele computerrandapparaat voor zowel invoer als uitvoer...

Hardware 2014-03-17

Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. voorziet de computer van stroom
  2. alle tastbare (fysieke) onderdelen van de computer
  3. de Engelse naam voor toetsenbord
  4. schermgrootte
  5. de snelheid van processor
  6. compact disc read-only memory
  7. biedt plaats om al je interne hardware te bevestigen
  8. een randapparaat dat zowel voor invoer als voor uitvoer zorgt
  9. tekst ingeven
  10. Digital Versatile Disc
  1. centrale computer in een netwerk
  2. de capaciteit van de harde schijf
  3. Blue-Ray-disk
  4. zeer krachtige & stabiele computers
  5. externe hardware
  6. verbindt alle onderdelen met elkaar, zodat ze kunnen samenwerken.
  7. brein van de PC
  8. random-access memory
  9. bewegen van pijltje, bestanden selecteren/verslepen en klikken op knoppen
  10. gegevens aanleveren aan pc
  11. het randapparaat wordt vanuit pc gestuurd

21 Clues: Blue-Ray-diskschermgroottetekst ingevenbrein van de PCexterne hardwarerandom-access memoryDigital Versatile Discde snelheid van processorgegevens aanleveren aan pccompact disc read-only memoryvoorziet de computer van stroomcentrale computer in een netwerkde Engelse naam voor toetsenbordde capaciteit van de harde schijf...

Hardware 2014-03-17

Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. Digital Versatile Disc
  2. een randapparaat dat zowel voor invoer als voor uitvoer zorgt
  3. verbindt alle onderdelen met elkaar, zodat ze kunnen samenwerken.
  4. zeer krachtige en stabiele computers
  5. brein van de PC
  6. externe hardware
  7. voorziet de computer van stroom
  8. de capaciteit van de harde schijf
  1. compact disc read-only memory
  2. alle tastbare (fysieke) onderdelen van de computer
  3. de Engelse naam voor toetsenbord
  4. centrale computer in een netwerk
  5. tekst ingeven
  6. Blue-Ray-disk
  7. de snelheid van processor
  8. random-access memory
  9. het randapparaat wordt vanuit pc gestuurd
  10. bewegen van pijltje, bestanden selecteren/verslepen en klikken op knoppen
  11. biedt plaats om al je interne hardware te bevestigen
  12. schermgrootte
  13. gegevens aanleveren aan de pc

21 Clues: tekst ingevenBlue-Ray-diskschermgroottebrein van de PCexterne hardwarerandom-access memoryDigital Versatile Discde snelheid van processorcompact disc read-only memorygegevens aanleveren aan de pcvoorziet de computer van stroomde Engelse naam voor toetsenbordcentrale computer in een netwerkde capaciteit van de harde schijf...

Hardware 2015-03-04

Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. To start an electronic device (so that it powers up) (phr.V).
  2. Browse the internet or glide over sea waves (V).
  3. When something, for example a PC, is able to do many things in a short period of time (A).
  4. When something happens at low speed (A).
  5. The main part that is used to assemble a computer (N).
  6. Part which is able to manage all of the tasks that a PC have to do (N).
  7. To fill the battery of any device (phr.V).
  8. Essential piece of hardware that gave us the ability to see things (N).
  9. The mobile devices are becoming more so, because of the small components dimensions (A).
  10. Multinational corporation that was founded by Steve Jobs (NME).
  11. Inventor of the GPU, which creates interactive graphics on laptops, workstations or PC (NME).
  12. To fix deeply something into another thing (V).
  1. To turn to a power-saving state, laptops and some animals (V).
  2. Central processing unit (N).
  3. Something that moves at high speed (A).
  4. To swith ON a computer or similar hardware device (phr.V).
  5. Resetting some computer component so that it runs faster than his nominal speed (V).
  6. To set again something usually a hardware component (V).
  7. Adjective used recently to define smart devices that we can take with us (A).
  8. Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Tokyo (NME).
  9. To put things in a particular position (phr.V).
  10. The brand that has sold more computer processors since it was founded (NME).
  11. Acronym that describes a part used in computers to store lot of information (N).
  12. The world's second largest producer of microprocessors (NME).

24 Clues: Central processing unit (N).Something that moves at high speed (A).When something happens at low speed (A).To fill the battery of any device (phr.V).To put things in a particular position (phr.V).To fix deeply something into another thing (V).Browse the internet or glide over sea waves (V).The main part that is used to assemble a computer (N)....

Hardware 2022-03-12

Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. Riyazi və məntiqi əməliyyatları yerinə yetirir,nəcicələri registrlərlə yazan qurğu
  2. Sistem blokunun daxilində yerləşib ana lövhə üzərində olmayan böyük həcmli yaddaş
  3. Periferiya qurğularının qoşulması üçün yuvalar
  4. Ana plata ilə daxili qurğuları nə əlaqələndirir
  5. Fərdi kompüterin əsas hissəsi olub ,daxilində kompüterin işləməsi üçün lazımlı qurğuları saxlayır
  6. Bu porta maksimum 127 qurğu qoşmaq mümkündür
  7. Mikrofon ,qulaqcıq və səsucaldanların qoşulması üçün port
  8. Şimal və Cənub körpüsü də adlanır
  9. Xarici qurğuların işini idarə edir
  10. Mürəkkəb əməliyyatlarla və sürüşgən nöqtəli ədədlərlə işləmək üçündür
  11. Mikroprosessorun əsas xüsusiyyəti
  12. İnformasiya baytlarla ötürülən port
  13. Temperaturu nizamlayır
  1. Kompüteri elektrik enerjisi ilə təmin edir
  2. Eyni vaxtda emal olunan informasiya bitlərinin sayı ilə ölçülür
  3. Elektrik impuluslarını generasiya edir
  4. Vaxt ləngiməsi və ölçüsünü təmin edən vasitədir
  5. Fərdi kompüterlərin ən geniş yayılmış növü
  6. Siqnalları bir tezlikdən digər tezliyə çevirir
  7. İntel firmasının istehsal etdiyi mikroprosessorların köhnə adı
  8. İnformasiya bitlərlə ötürülən port
  9. Lokal şəbəkə portu

22 Clues: Lokal şəbəkə portuTemperaturu nizamlayırŞimal və Cənub körpüsü də adlanırMikroprosessorun əsas xüsusiyyətiXarici qurğuların işini idarə edirİnformasiya bitlərlə ötürülən portİnformasiya baytlarla ötürülən portElektrik impuluslarını generasiya edirKompüteri elektrik enerjisi ilə təmin edirFərdi kompüterlərin ən geniş yayılmış növü...

hardware 2019-02-01

hardware crossword puzzle
  1. an image on a drum.
  2. you can text and ring people on this.
  3. The main circuit board of a microcomputer.
  4. Devices a device that feeds data into a computer, such as a keyboard or mouse.
  5. ink at a sheet of paper. Magnetized
  6. or pointer on a display screen.
  7. you can watch these on t.v as well as on a computer.
  8. in the ink's path direct the ink onto the
  9. the brain of a computer.
  10. to enter data into a computer.
  11. Printer A type of printer that works by spraying
  1. The set of typewriter-like keys that enables
  2. A device that controls the movement of the
  3. in the desired shapes.
  4. A silicon chip that contains a CPU.
  5. Printer A type of printer that utilizes a laser beam to
  6. Another term for display screen.
  7. Storage Devices another word for hard drive.
  8. Universal Service Bus; a type of port on the
  9. Disk a magnetic disk on which you can store
  10. to attach peripherals.
  11. Internal storage areas in the computer.

22 Clues: an image on a drum.in the desired shapes.to attach peripherals.the brain of a computer.to enter data into a computer.or pointer on a display screen.Another term for display screen.A silicon chip that contains a CPU.ink at a sheet of paper. Magnetizedyou can text and ring people on this.Internal storage areas in the computer....

hardware 2019-02-01

hardware crossword puzzle
  1. Devices a device that feeds data into a computer, such as a keyboard or mouse.
  2. Another term for display screen.
  3. Printer A type of printer that works by spraying
  4. to attach peripherals.
  5. Printer A type of printer that utilizes a laser beam to
  6. The main circuit board of a microcomputer.
  7. you can watch these on t.v as well as on a computer.
  8. the brain of a computer.
  9. A device that controls the movement of the
  10. in the desired shapes.
  11. Storage Devices another word for hard drive.
  12. Internal storage areas in the computer.
  13. Universal Service Bus; a type of port on the
  1. ink at a sheet of paper. Magnetized
  2. or pointer on a display screen.
  3. The set of typewriter-like keys that enables
  4. A silicon chip that contains a CPU.
  5. you can text and ring people on this.
  6. Disk a magnetic disk on which you can store
  7. an image on a drum.
  8. in the ink's path direct the ink onto the
  9. to enter data into a computer.

22 Clues: an image on a drum.to attach peripherals.in the desired shapes.the brain of a computer.to enter data into a computer.or pointer on a display screen.Another term for display screen.ink at a sheet of paper. MagnetizedA silicon chip that contains a CPU.you can text and ring people on this.Internal storage areas in the computer....

hardware 2019-02-01

hardware crossword puzzle
  1. the main circuit board of a microcomputer
  2. normally use windows personal computer
  3. a small easy to use portable storage device that attaches to the usb port
  4. an expantion board that enables a computer to manipulate and create sounds
  5. a device that can read text or illustrations
  6. a computer made by apple
  7. a device that controlled the movement of the cursor on a display screen
  8. dvd designed for storage of high definition video of data
  9. memory that stores data
  1. something you can ring and text on
  2. thousand megahertz processor
  3. another term for a display screen
  4. display screens
  5. typwriter keys that you cant on a computer
  6. you store computer data on
  7. internal storage areas in the computer
  8. brain of the computer
  9. a type of port on the computer
  10. represents one million cycles per second
  11. temporarily stores data and instructions

20 Clues: display screensbrain of the computermemory that stores datayou store computer data ona computer made by applethousand megahertz processora type of port on the computeranother term for a display screensomething you can ring and text onnormally use windows personal computerinternal storage areas in the computer...

Hardware 2019-02-01

Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. = it stores permanent data of the computer.
  2. = you can download storage from your computer on to it.
  3. = something that controls the movement on your screen.
  4. = a dvd desinged for storage.
  5. = something you can text and ring people on it.
  6. = an apple computer.
  7. = a printer that produces laser beams.
  8. = something to help you type.
  9. = something you can store data on.
  10. = it checks all of your hardware.
  1. = it can display screens exetra.
  2. = another way of saying storage.
  3. = something that produces sound through the computer.
  4. = its random memory that stores data.
  5. = a silicon chip.
  6. = its so you can see what you are doing on the laptop/computer
  7. = a main circuit.
  8. = a small storage devise.
  9. = what the entire thing is.
  10. = a recording technoligy.

20 Clues: = a silicon chip.= a main circuit.= an apple computer.= a small storage devise.= a recording technoligy.= what the entire thing is.= a dvd desinged for storage.= something to help you type.= it can display screens exetra.= another way of saying storage.= it checks all of your hardware.= something you can store data on....

Stuff 2018-04-05

Stuff crossword puzzle
  1. The computing part of the computer. Also called the "processor," it is made up of the control unit and ALU
  2. used to "maintain the state" of a browser session.
  3. The most widely used hardware interface for attaching peripherals to a computer.
  4. Machinery and equipment
  5. most medium-sized and large companies have one
  6. a scam
  7. Written by one person or a group of contributors, entries contain commentary, observations and opinions and may include images, audio, video, links to other sites, as well as a search facility for finding past entries
  1. used to speed up instruction execution, data retrieval and data updating.
  2. The address that defines the route to a file on an Internet server
  3. widely used for academic and commercial research with access to unpublished data and journals on many subjects
  4. Instructions for the computer
  5. the number of pulses per second measured in bits per second (bps)
  6. The primary method for keeping a computer secure from intruders
  7. The fundamental display element of an electronic screen or bitmapped image
  8. can deliver service via satellite, dial-up, ISDN, private lines and wireless

15 Clues: a scamMachinery and equipmentInstructions for the computermost medium-sized and large companies have oneused to "maintain the state" of a browser session.The primary method for keeping a computer secure from intrudersthe number of pulses per second measured in bits per second (bps)The address that defines the route to a file on an Internet server...

Computer Basics Vocabulary 2023-01-10

Computer Basics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The unit of measurement for computer memory (8 bits).
  2. The ‘brains’ of a computer. It carries out programmatic steps in order to process data.
  3. Portable secondary memory that connects to a computer using a standard USB interface.
  4. Well-defined rules that define how pages are formatted.
  5. An Internet-enabled computer that executes software for providing access to certain Web documents.
  6. Collections of wires that carry information in the form of electrical signals.
  7. A collection of programs that controls how the CPU, memory, and input/output devices work together to execute programs.
  8. Uses intuitive, visual elements to simplify the process of viewing files and executing programs.
  9. A collection of software that spans the internet. It enables the interlinking of documents and resources.
  10. The physical components of the computer, such as the monitor, keyboard, and hard drive.
  1. A worldwide system of computer networks, otherwise known as the physical connection of computers.
  2. Accesses a Web page, interprets the HTML formatting information, and displays that formatted page accordingly.
  3. A device that receives, stores, and processes information.
  4. Represents a connection to another page and is usually displayed on a Web page as underlined, colored text.
  5. Allows the user to communicate with the computer by entering commands and then viewing the results.
  6. Uses high-speed circuitry and is usually built into the CPU.
  7. Memory packaged on separate chips and communicated with the CPU using lower-speed circuitry.
  8. Manages the resources and behavior of the computer itself.
  9. Holds together and allows communication between many of the crucial components of a computer, including the CPU, memory, and connectors for input and output devices.
  10. The programs that execute on the computer, carrying out tasks such as word processing or accessing the Web.

20 Clues: The unit of measurement for computer memory (8 bits).Well-defined rules that define how pages are formatted.A device that receives, stores, and processes information.Manages the resources and behavior of the computer itself.Uses high-speed circuitry and is usually built into the CPU....


TTS INFORMATIKA REZA 7B 1 SEPTEMBER 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. perangkat lunak bahasa Inggris
  2. Tujuan untuk dijual dan berbayar
  3. perangkat keras bahasa Inggris
  4. menghitung
  5. digunakan untuk mencetak gambar,foto,dokumen dalam bentuk media kertas
  1. digunakan sebagai pelengkap untuk bermain
  2. perangkat manusia
  3. gratis untuk digunakan
  4. perangkat masukan
  5. alat output

10 Clues: menghitungalat outputperangkat manusiaperangkat masukangratis untuk digunakanperangkat lunak bahasa Inggrisperangkat keras bahasa InggrisTujuan untuk dijual dan berbayardigunakan sebagai pelengkap untuk bermaindigunakan untuk mencetak gambar,foto,dokumen dalam bentuk media kertas

stevano,justin tts 2023-10-18

stevano,justin tts crossword puzzle
  1. tombol untuk mengahapus huruf/kata adalah
  2. ootak dari komputer
  3. kepanjangan pc adalah?
  4. memposting foto/vidio di sosmed
  5. menyalin file
  6. contoh perangkat keras
  7. alat pencetak data adalah
  8. perangkat lunak
  1. hasil pengolahan data adalah
  2. bahasa inggris kata sandi
  3. yang berfungsi sebagai tombol enter atau memberi perintah
  4. untuk membatalkan perintah/tindakan
  5. gambar latar belakang dekstop addalah
  6. perangkat yang di gunakan untuk mengetik
  7. sistem operasi dari mikroskop

15 Clues: menyalin fileperangkat lunakootak dari komputerkepanjangan pc adalah?contoh perangkat kerasbahasa inggris kata sandialat pencetak data adalahhasil pengolahan data adalahsistem operasi dari mikroskopmemposting foto/vidio di sosmeduntuk membatalkan perintah/tindakangambar latar belakang dekstop addalahperangkat yang di gunakan untuk mengetik...

Begriffe 2018-12-04

Begriffe crossword puzzle
  1. Die F1 Taste bietet etwas das jeder einmal braucht
  2. Er leitet im Netzwerk die Daten an den richtigen PC
  3. Ein anderes Wort für den Bildschirm
  4. Die festen Teile des Computers bezeichnet man als
  5. Organisation, die einen Internetzugang anbietet
  6. Eine Website ode eine eigene
  7. Was bedeutet ESC auf der Tastatur links oben
  8. Taste mit zwei Pfeilen mit der man Abstände einstellt
  9. Das weltweite Computernetzwerk
  1. Eingabe Taste bezeichnet man englisch als
  2. die blinkende Schreibmarke nennt man
  3. Ein elektronischer Brief versendet über das Internet
  4. Gerät im PC um Daten per Telefonleitung zu senden
  5. Mehrere miteinander verbundene PCs bilden ein
  6. Ein Teil der Software z.B. zum Zeichen ist ein
  7. Die Software mit der man Webseiten im Internet sieht
  8. Disketten CDs DVDs Speichersticks sind
  9. Dateien speichert man in einen
  10. Das englische Wort für Aufgabe (computersprache)

19 Clues: Eine Website ode eine eigeneDateien speichert man in einenDas weltweite ComputernetzwerkEin anderes Wort für den Bildschirmdie blinkende Schreibmarke nennt manDisketten CDs DVDs Speichersticks sindEingabe Taste bezeichnet man englisch alsWas bedeutet ESC auf der Tastatur links obenMehrere miteinander verbundene PCs bilden ein...

Computers Jude Johnson 2020-10-01

Computers Jude Johnson crossword puzzle
  1. This is the same RAM. It is volatile memory that stores information on an integrated circuit used by the operating system, software, and hardware. When power is turned off it will erase the contents it has gathered. You can add it in the PCI slots on the motherboard.
  2. what is put in, taken in, or operated on by any process or system.
  3. Card An expansion card that attaches to your PCI slot on the motherboard that enables the computer to input, process, and deliver sound that can be heard through speakers or headphones. It converts digital data to analog sound waves you can hear.
  4. tools, machinery, and other durable equipment.
  5. The logic circuitry that responds to and processes the basic instructions that drive a computer. Has generally replaced the term central processing unit (CPU).
  6. and Mouse External input devices connected to a computer.
  1. Used to provide visual output from a computer. They use CRT and LCD technology.
  2. Card Connects to the motherboard of a computer system and generates output images to display. Also referred to as graphics cards. They include a processing unit, memory, a cooling mechanism and connections to a display device.
  3. One of the most essential parts of a computer system. It holds together many of the crucial components of a computer, including the central processing unit (CPU), memory and connectors for input and output devices.
  4. Supply A hardware component that supplies power to an electrical device. It receives power from an electrical outlet and converts the current from AC (alternating current) to DC (direct current), which is what the computer requires.
  5. data that a computer sends
  6. the programs and other operating information used by a computer.

12 Clues: data that a computer sendstools, machinery, and other durable equipment.and Mouse External input devices connected to a computer.the programs and other operating information used by a computer.what is put in, taken in, or operated on by any process or system.Used to provide visual output from a computer. They use CRT and LCD technology....

IT terms 2023-04-03

IT terms crossword puzzle
  1. contains letters, numbers, and symbols. It is used for entering information into the computer
  2. is a networking device that directs traffic and data between the internet and all devices connected to it.
  3. allows a person to connect an electronic device to a computer. It can also be used for saving data onto a flash drive.
  4. stores information in a computer, such as data for programs and apps. It is the computer’s short-term memory.
  5. system that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs
  6. processes the sounds on the computer and sends them to the speakers or headphones.
  1. used for navigating and clicking on the computer screen. Single and double clicks are used for different functions.
  2. set of computer programs and associated documentation and data. This is in contrast to hardware, from which the system is built and which actually performs the work.
  3. A wired or wireless camera used in transmitting live images over the internet
  4. looks like a TV screen. It shows you what you are doing on your computer

10 Clues: looks like a TV screen. It shows you what you are doing on your computerA wired or wireless camera used in transmitting live images over the internetprocesses the sounds on the computer and sends them to the speakers or headphones.contains letters, numbers, and symbols. It is used for entering information into the computer...

Arquitectura de Computadoras 2024-09-07

Arquitectura de Computadoras crossword puzzle
  1. Procesa información
  2. dispositivo de entrada
  3. cómo se llama la mascota del profesor
  4. parte física
  5. parte intangible
  1. Persona que utiliza aplicaciones
  2. mascota de Gabriel
  3. Interface entre usuario y computadora
  4. Almacena información temporalmente
  5. dispositivo de salida

10 Clues: parte físicaparte intangiblemascota de GabrielProcesa informacióndispositivo de salidadispositivo de entradaPersona que utiliza aplicacionesAlmacena información temporalmenteInterface entre usuario y computadoracómo se llama la mascota del profesor

My Computer Anatomy 2017-09-20

My Computer Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. of Computers Where do you sit in period 2
  2. Group project where one person does all the work
  3. A restricted area where no trespassing is allowed
  4. Describe Dory's memory?
  5. Spy kids on a mission
  6. A forever love, and protection
  7. The only diverse attribute of the universe
  1. Something that feels nice on your hand is known as?
  2. Communication between you and peers
  3. Where is the closest Lowe's
  4. Where would you go to find information?
  5. State your sources
  6. A pen pal buddy
  7. Where were Memories stored in Inside Out
  8. A flu shot against the flu

15 Clues: A pen pal buddyState your sourcesSpy kids on a missionDescribe Dory's memory?A flu shot against the fluWhere is the closest Lowe'sA forever love, and protectionCommunication between you and peersWhere would you go to find information?Where were Memories stored in Inside Outof Computers Where do you sit in period 2...

IT Fun in the Sun 2024-06-06

IT Fun in the Sun crossword puzzle
  1. software platform that houses SCDHHS annual Code of Conduct training
  2. programming that's written to a hardware device's non-volatile memory
  3. one of the world's leading IT certification providers
  4. the laptops and desktops at SCDHHS are... (brand name)
  5. a nonprofit organization known for its flagship certification, the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  6. software platform that assists organizations with training and testing their users on prevention on social engineering attacks
  1. a system within Curam used for Non-MAGI and Long-Term Care cases
  2. recently moved to EP5
  3. a multifactor authentication that tests what you have
  4. a system used by SCDHHS but is administered by SC DSS
  5. peripheral devices will not work if they are not connected to...

11 Clues: recently moved to EP5a multifactor authentication that tests what you haveone of the world's leading IT certification providersa system used by SCDHHS but is administered by SC DSSthe laptops and desktops at SCDHHS are... (brand name)a system within Curam used for Non-MAGI and Long-Term Care cases...

Computer Terms by Katlyn Beach 2015-01-28

Computer Terms by Katlyn Beach crossword puzzle
  1. the software that supports a computers basic function
  2. physical parts or components of a computer
  3. most common "pointing device" used in a pc
  4. first input device developed for the pc
  5. installs in one of the external 5 1/4 inch drive bays in the pc
  6. installs one of 3 1/2 inch internal drive bays
  7. supplies power to pc
  1. the programs and other operating information used by a computer
  2. used to be the only type of display for desktops
  3. installs in one of the external 5 1/4 inch drive bays in the pc
  4. main circuit board in pc
  5. a thin sheet metal enclosure that houses the mother board
  6. speakers and head phones are primarily used
  7. install one of the external drive bays at the front of the pc case

14 Clues: supplies power to pcmain circuit board in pcfirst input device developed for the pcphysical parts or components of a computermost common "pointing device" used in a pcspeakers and head phones are primarily usedinstalls one of 3 1/2 inch internal drive baysused to be the only type of display for desktops...

ability skills 2017-11-15

ability skills crossword puzzle
  1. technology skills relate to hardware
  2. it to get on youtube
  3. knowing how to use EFTPOS, a cash register
  4. how to use a photocopier
  5. technology skills that employers want include things like being able to use a computer for word processing and sending email, or knowing how to use a photocopier.
  1. more specific technology skills relate to software
  2. or video editing software or knowing programming languages.
  3. like being able to use a computer for word processing
  4. with design or video editing
  5. photocopier or scanner, a camera or a recording studio.

10 Clues: it to get on youtubehow to use a photocopierwith design or video editingtechnology skills relate to hardwareknowing how to use EFTPOS, a cash registermore specific technology skills relate to softwarelike being able to use a computer for word processingphotocopier or scanner, a camera or a recording studio....

Mobile app development 2024-09-25

Mobile app development crossword puzzle
  1. It is the process of creating software applications that run on a mobile device, and a typical mobile application utilizes a network connection to work with remote computing resources.
  2. The user interface (UI) is the point of human-computer interaction and communication in a device
  3. Block based programing language is a programing language where the developer drags blocks and gives instructions with it
  4. Designing websites to adapt to a users device
  5. The degree to which something is able or fit to be used
  6. Software bugs are errors, flaws or defects in a computer program or system that cause it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result or to behave in unintended ways.
  7. A computer software that supports the use of visual expressions such as graphics, drawings, animations, and icons in the programming process.
  1. Computer program written to respond to actions generated by a user system
  2. Software or hardware that allows one computer to perform the functions of, or execute programs designed for, another type of computer.
  3. software that allows smartphones, tablets and other devices to run applications and programs.

10 Clues: Designing websites to adapt to a users deviceThe degree to which something is able or fit to be usedComputer program written to respond to actions generated by a user systemsoftware that allows smartphones, tablets and other devices to run applications and programs....

Choice Board-Final Exam 2022-12-11

Choice Board-Final Exam crossword puzzle
  1. a computer operating system with a graphical user interface.
  2. a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors into which other circuit boards can be slotted.
  3. the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
  1. a printed circuit board controlling output to a display screen.
  2. A piece of equipment/hardware which gives out the result of the entered input, once it is processed
  3. type of computer program that is designed to run a computer's hardware and application programs.
  4. An input device is a piece of computer equipment such as a keyboard which enables you to put information into a computer
  5. a high-capacity, self-contained storage device containing a read-write mechanism plus one or more hard disks, inside a sealed unit.
  6. the programs and other operating information used by a computer.
  7. The physical parts of a computer.
  8. an open-source operating system modelled on UNIX.

11 Clues: The physical parts of a computer.an open-source operating system modelled on UNIX.a computer operating system with a graphical user interface.a printed circuit board controlling output to a display screen.the programs and other operating information used by a computer....

Engineers 2019-09-23

Engineers crossword puzzle
  1. Design highways and flow of traffic
  2. are responsible for designing, creating and testing new products for companies.
  3. Designs software, brings concept into reality
  4. Controls cellular, cable, and broad band data
  5. Research, design, develop,test, or supervise the manufacturing and installation of electrical equipment
  6. Makes planes and aircrafts
  7. Makes sure item is of good quality
  8. Design and build tunnels and bridges
  9. Bring innovative projects and designs to market
  10. make food processing machines
  1. Derive instruments from energy and radiation
  2. Makes advances in technology for health
  3. Creates a computer system with all the hardware, but also understand the functions of the technology
  4. Design oil and mining machines
  5. Mechanical, electronical, computer engineering
  6. deals with the physical converting of raw material into paper products
  7. Insulates houses and buildings
  8. Lighting effects for theaters or concerts
  9. Manipulate and study DNA
  10. Responsible for the driving of the engine, and the physical maintenance of the machine

20 Clues: Manipulate and study DNAMakes planes and aircraftsmake food processing machinesDesign oil and mining machinesInsulates houses and buildingsMakes sure item is of good qualityDesign highways and flow of trafficDesign and build tunnels and bridgesMakes advances in technology for healthLighting effects for theaters or concerts...

Richie Hernandez 2020-09-11

Richie Hernandez crossword puzzle
  1. Does most processing in a computer.
  2. collection of instructions to process.
  3. connected together for information.
  4. How a computer stores files.
  5. Grammatical rules to do a task.
  1. an electronic application
  2. Stores data, and information.
  3. program used to operate computer.
  4. refers to the physical parts of acomputer.

9 Clues: an electronic applicationHow a computer stores files.Stores data, and information.Grammatical rules to do a task.program used to operate computer.Does most processing in a computer.connected together for information.collection of instructions to process.refers to the physical parts of acomputer.

things in computer 2022-01-13

things in computer crossword puzzle
  1. card in a computer
  2. DVD
  3. computer
  4. hardware
  1. card
  2. sink fan
  3. drive

7 Clues: DVDcarddrivesink fancomputerhardwarecard in a computer

CABS Kreuzworträtsel 2022-02-11

CABS Kreuzworträtsel crossword puzzle
  1. Wie kann man Speicher darstellen
  2. Speicherbereich aus einzelnen Seiten
  3. Solid State Drive
  4. Nachfolger des BIOS
  5. entwickelte das Konzept des Universalrechners
  6. Datensicherungsvariante mit mehreren Festplatten
  7. Software zwischen Hardware und Anwendungsprogrammen
  1. Datensicherung auf cloud, Festplatte etc.
  2. Rechenwerk und Steuerwerk
  3. Hard Disk Drive
  4. Firmware am Rechner
  5. Abbildung der virtuellen Adressen auf die physischen Adressen
  6. random access memory
  7. Memory Management Unit
  8. Speicherverwaltungssystem, dass 2er Potenzen teilt und zusammenfügt
  9. Rechner ohne Betriebssystem

16 Clues: Hard Disk DriveSolid State DriveFirmware am RechnerNachfolger des BIOSrandom access memoryMemory Management UnitRechenwerk und SteuerwerkRechner ohne BetriebssystemWie kann man Speicher darstellenSpeicherbereich aus einzelnen SeitenDatensicherung auf cloud, Festplatte etc.entwickelte das Konzept des Universalrechners...

SOAI 2023-01-30

SOAI crossword puzzle
  1. solid-state drive
  2. sitema operativo mais conhecido
  3. Central Processing Unit
  4. usado para escrever
  5. parte que gera energia para o computador
  6. saida de som
  7. parte de interliga todos os componentes
  8. Processador de texto
  1. uma das primeiras formas de armazenamento removível usado no computador.
  2. tranferencia de dados
  3. parte fisica do computador
  4. Read Only Memory
  5. Folha de calculo
  6. Parte Digital
  7. parte para exibir imagem
  8. Hard Disk Drive

16 Clues: Parte Digitalsaida de somHard Disk DriveRead Only MemoryFolha de calculosolid-state driveusado para escreverProcessador de textotranferencia de dadosCentral Processing Unitparte para exibir imagemparte fisica do computadorsitema operativo mais conhecidoparte de interliga todos os componentesparte que gera energia para o computador...

Computer Studies 2022-05-01

Computer Studies crossword puzzle
  1. Allows the transmission of data internationally
  2. The way in which hardware is connected in order to exchange data
  3. Device that connects without a cable
  4. connection point for multiple devices on a single network that can identify which network device is connected to which part.
  5. Device used to join multiple networks and intermediate networks so that data can be exchanged
  6. Collection of private computer networks in an organization
  7. Computer network that connects two or more computer systems,
  8. Fisic elements that constitutes a computer system
  9. Portion of a message that is transmitted through a network.
  10. International rules that ensure the transfer of data between systems.
  11. A group of bits
  1. Set of programs that allow the computer to perform certain tasks.
  2. Identifies the device in the network
  3. Model used to facilitate communication across a variety of systems.
  4. Computer system that provides a service to the other computer systems
  5. Converts computer digital signals into audio signals and back.
  6. Global WAN connecting millions of computer systems
  7. Interconnected computer systems that can share resources and data.
  8. Network connection point for devices, data arriving is copied and sent to all the devices on the network.
  9. Computer network that connects computers in a limited area like a room

20 Clues: A group of bitsIdentifies the device in the networkDevice that connects without a cableAllows the transmission of data internationallyFisic elements that constitutes a computer systemGlobal WAN connecting millions of computer systemsCollection of private computer networks in an organizationPortion of a message that is transmitted through a network....


BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. telecommunication in the form of a videoconference.
  2. is a set of instructions data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks It is the opposite of hardware which describes the physical aspects of a computer.
  3. customers have concerns about the security of online banking.
  4. another term for e-commerce.
  5. major items of equipment or their components used for a particular purpose educational hardware.
  6. the use of telecommunication devices to hold discussions between participants in different locations.
  7. commercial transactions conducted electronically on the internet.
  1. refers to magnetic optical or mechanical media that records and preserves digital information for ongoing or future operations.
  2. a method of banking in which transactions are conducted electronically via the internet.
  3. An ATM which stands for automated teller machine is a specialised computer that makes it convenient to manage a bank account holder's funds.
  4. refers to the applications of science data engineering and information for business purposes such as the achievement of economic and organizational goals.

11 Clues: another term for e-commerce.telecommunication in the form of a videoconference.customers have concerns about the security of online banking.commercial transactions conducted electronically on the internet.a method of banking in which transactions are conducted electronically via the internet....

Crossword Puzzle about 1-4 lectures ICT 2022-02-22

Crossword Puzzle about 1-4 lectures ICT crossword puzzle
  1. is software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.
  2. electronic machine that performs input, processing, storing, and output operations according to programmed instructions to carry out specific tasks
  3. an extremaly fast computer
  4. is an act of transmitting messages
  5. system is an abstraction providing data structure on the drive
  1. is allows communication and power to flow throughout the computer system.
  2. is a scientific discipline, which studies the complex human functional capabilities in labor and domestic processes.
  3. a set of commands that performs a specific task on the computer.
  4. the first calculating device that was used in China
  5. brain of computer.
  6. performed functions similar to vacuum tubes but they were smaller, cheaper, and more reliable

11 Clues: brain of computer.an extremaly fast computeris an act of transmitting messagesthe first calculating device that was used in Chinaa set of commands that performs a specific task on the computer.system is an abstraction providing data structure on the driveis allows communication and power to flow throughout the computer system....

Software 2017-02-26

Software crossword puzzle
  1. Sistem operasi berbasis GUI yang bersifat gratis
  2. salah satu distro Linux
  3. Versi terbaru Windows
  4. Software yang harus terinstall pertama kali sebelum menginstall software yang lain
  5. Sistem operasi berbasis teks buatan Microsoft
  6. Dapat digunakan oleh banyak user (pengguna)
  7. Sistem operasi mobile buatan Apple
  8. Nama lain perangkat lunak
  9. Sistem operasi yang digunakan Apple iMac dan Macbook
  10. Aplikasi untuk menjelajah internet buatan Google
  1. Singkatan untuk Graphical User Interface
  2. Versi terbaru Android
  3. Aplikasi grafis buatan Adobe untuk mengedit gambar/foto
  4. Dapat melakukan banyak tugas dalam satu waktu
  5. Salah satu contoh aplikasi keamanan
  6. Aplikasi Microsoft Office untuk membuat presentasi
  7. Penemu Linux
  8. Sistem operasi mobile (smartphone/tablet) buatan Google
  9. Aplikasi untuk menjelajah internet buatan Mozilla
  10. Apliaksi Microsoft Office untuk mengolah angka

20 Clues: Penemu LinuxVersi terbaru AndroidVersi terbaru Windowssalah satu distro LinuxNama lain perangkat lunakSistem operasi mobile buatan AppleSalah satu contoh aplikasi keamananSingkatan untuk Graphical User InterfaceDapat digunakan oleh banyak user (pengguna)Dapat melakukan banyak tugas dalam satu waktuSistem operasi berbasis teks buatan Microsoft...

Software 2018-12-19

Software crossword puzzle
  1. Checks all components are functioning and loads the OS into the RAM.
  2. The process in which the CPU handles tasks
  3. An operating system that has to be extremely reliable.
  4. The hard memory of the computer.
  5. The scheduling service that performs the task closest to completion.
  6. An operating system that has one main, central computer
  7. The scheduling service which gives an equal amount of time to each process.
  8. A piece of software that performs a general task (such as making a poster), typically with heavy user input.
  9. An utility that is required for the computer to communicate with an external device
  1. The operating system that uses the CPU to split its resources across multiple platforms.
  2. The operating system that schedules programsto appear to be doing them simultaneously.
  3. A well-ordered collection of unambiguous and effectively computable operations that, when executed, produce a result and halts in a finite amount of time.
  4. A piece of software that is _____ ___________ has code that cannot be accssed publicly, this sort of software tends to be paid for.
  5. A peice of software that is _____ __________ has its code openly availible to use or alter
  6. A way of expessing low level algorithms in a way that isn't restricted by the syntax of a specific programing language
  7. A peice of software that performs simple tasks and can do so automatically
  8. Generated when there is an error.
  9. Software that is used create a virtual instance of an operating system or device.
  10. A piece of software that converts an algorithm written in a specific language to machine code that the computer can recognise and execute.
  11. The memory of the computer that can be easily formatted.

20 Clues: The hard memory of the computer.Generated when there is an error.The process in which the CPU handles tasksAn operating system that has to be extremely reliable.An operating system that has one main, central computerThe memory of the computer that can be easily formatted.Checks all components are functioning and loads the OS into the RAM....

Software 2021-01-16

Software crossword puzzle
  1. Software that could create multiple copies of itself and requires a network to spread to the connected devices
  2. A utility that moves file clusters on a disk so that they are closer to each other to improve speed up disk access
  3. A computer program that only allows certain types of information to pass through it
  4. A copy of the files in another location so that they could be accessed if the original files have been damaged, lost or stolen
  5. The ease which a device or application could be used
  6. Processes that run at the same time
  7. A link that could be clicked on to go to another location
  8. A type of Utility software that prepares storage media such as a hard disk or USB flash drive for its first use
  9. Utilities that have been used to reduce the size of a file or a set of files
  10. Brocken into pieces
  11. a software which controls the data that travels into and out of the network
  1. A software, possibly a virus that has been secretly installed on a user's computer and could record private information as it is being entered
  2. Tasks running on a computer, including application programs
  3. A change or addition to a computer file, so that it has the most recent information
  4. A proprietary software that is provided free of charge to users
  5. a type of algorithm that can find a solution to a problem quickly and easily
  6. The process of proving a computer system who you are
  7. a group of things together that are of the same type
  8. A computer image stored and printed in the arrangement of bits
  9. The algorithm that the OS uses to allow each running process to use the CPU

20 Clues: Brocken into piecesProcesses that run at the same timeThe process of proving a computer system who you area group of things together that are of the same typeThe ease which a device or application could be usedA link that could be clicked on to go to another locationTasks running on a computer, including application programs...

software 2024-09-20

software crossword puzzle
  1. platform streaming musik
  2. Melakukan pencadangan data
  3. Membuat presentasi interaktif
  4. Melakukan analisis dan visualisasi data
  5. Software untuk kontrol versi kode
  6. melakukan rapat online
  7. Mengedit video untuk film
  8. menulis dan memprogram aplikasi
  9. Membuat dan mengelola blog
  10. platform untuk pengembangan aplikasi web
  11. Meningkatkan keamanan data di internet
  12. Membantu dalam perencanaan perjalanan
  13. Menyimpan dan mengorganisir data
  14. Menganalisis data keuangan
  15. Kolaborasi dan komunikasi tim
  1. Software untuk pemrograman
  2. Membantu dalam riset dan analisis
  3. rekomendasi film dan acara
  4. Aplikasi untuk menulis catatan
  5. Menggambar model 3D dan arsitektur
  6. mengelola dan mengirim email
  7. mengatur pembukaan dan laporan keuangan
  8. dokumen kolaboratif secara online
  9. Memperbaiki kesalahan dalam kode
  10. Perangkat untuk coding secara visual
  11. Mengorganisir koleksi gambar
  12. Memanage proyek dan tugas tim
  13. Sistem operasi buatan Microsoft
  14. manage proyek dan tugas tim
  15. Mengatur jadwal dan kalender

30 Clues: melakukan rapat onlineplatform streaming musikMengedit video untuk filmSoftware untuk pemrogramanMelakukan pencadangan datarekomendasi film dan acaraMembuat dan mengelola blogMenganalisis data keuanganmanage proyek dan tugas timmengelola dan mengirim emailMengorganisir koleksi gambarMengatur jadwal dan kalenderMembuat presentasi interaktif...

Software 2023-09-07

Software crossword puzzle
  1. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mengedit foto dan gambar
  2. bagian dari kode yang digunakan kembali dari berbagai bagian program
  3. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk menjalankan mesin virtual
  4. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mengedit dan menyusun file pdf
  5. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mengelola keuangan pribadi
  6. Perangkat lunak ( aplikasi ) yang digunakan untuk mengolah angka dan data statistik
  7. instruksi yang digunakan untuk menghentikan eksekusi program pada titik tertentu
  8. proses mengubah kode sumber dari bahasa pemrograman tertentu ke bahasa mesin
  9. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk menjalankan permainan video di komputer
  10. Bagian kode yang berisi komentar dan penjelasan mengenai fungsi fungsi dalam perangkat lunak
  11. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mengamankan komputer dari virus dan malware
  12. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk membuat animasi 2D
  1. berapa digit umumnya panjangnya sebuah kode sumber dalam sistem kontrol versi git
  2. istilah yang merujuk pada tindakan menyusun ulang kode agar lebih mudah dimengerti dan dipelihara
  3. intruksi yang mengindikasikan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan oleh program pada suatu titik dalam kode
  4. bahasa pemrograman yang sering digunakan dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak sistem operasi Linux
  5. Istilah yang digunakan untuk memeriksa kode secara menyeluruh untuk menemukan kesalahan atau masalah
  6. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk merancang tata letak halaman
  7. Bahasa pemrograman yang sering digunakan untuk pengembangan aplikasi web dengan source code yang dapat dilihat adalah
  8. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk membuat musik dan komposisi video

20 Clues: Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk membuat animasi 2DPerangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mengedit foto dan gambarPerangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk menjalankan mesin virtualPerangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mengelola keuangan pribadiPerangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk merancang tata letak halaman...

English Crossword Computer Components 2015-11-09

English Crossword Computer Components crossword puzzle
  1. Read Only Memory
  2. main circuit board in the computer
  3. Central Processing Unit
  4. tranfers the heat
  5. other word for motherboard
  6. not touchable programs
  7. device
  1. set of keys to operate a computer
  2. generates a feed of output images to a display
  3. small electronic device for mathematical calculations
  4. Personal Computer
  5. Power Supply Unit
  6. components, mechanical parts of the computer
  7. Random Access Memory
  8. can store data externally

15 Clues: deviceRead Only MemoryPersonal ComputerPower Supply Unittranfers the heatRandom Access Memorynot touchable programsCentral Processing Unitcan store data externallyother word for motherboardset of keys to operate a computermain circuit board in the computercomponents, mechanical parts of the computergenerates a feed of output images to a display...

Zgodovina računalnika - Mina Primožič, Nara Hribar, 1.č 2024-05-28

Zgodovina računalnika - Mina Primožič, Nara Hribar, 1.č crossword puzzle
  1. 3. generacija računalnikov (glavni sestavni del)
  2. programska oprema
  3. računalniški znanstvenik in izumitelj (John)
  4. slovensko podjetje, ki proizvede 1. slovenski mikroprocesor
  5. matematični model stroja Alana Turninga
  6. strojna oprema
  7. 1. generacija računalnikov (glavni sestavni del)
  8. priimek izumitelja diferenčnega stroja
  1. slovenski matematik
  2. integrirani procesorji na silicijevi ploščici
  3. prvi mehanični kalkulator
  4. izumitelj Z2
  5. prvi elektronski digitalni računalnik (ZDA)
  6. ženska zaslužna za razvoj analitičnega stroja
  7. prvo računalo

15 Clues: izumitelj Z2prvo računalostrojna opremaprogramska opremaslovenski matematikprvi mehanični kalkulatorpriimek izumitelja diferenčnega strojamatematični model stroja Alana Turningaprvi elektronski digitalni računalnik (ZDA)računalniški znanstvenik in izumitelj (John)integrirani procesorji na silicijevi ploščici...

IT Crossword 2024-10-07

IT Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Refers to everything with which users interact directly (the external layer of a digital product or service). It's what you see and touch on a web page, app, or device (open webinars, 2021)
  2. Is a programming language that allows users to illustrate processes. It enables developers to explain the process in words that are understandable to humans, as opposed to a traditional text-based computer language that forces the developer to think like a machine. The size of the gap from visual to conventional programming is determined by the visual programming tool, This is a Visual __________ Enviroment
  3. Instead of typing a coding language, you drag and drop jigsaw-like pieces together to build a program.
  4. Hardware or software that permits the user to use a device to be run on another device.
  5. a software interface designed to manage hardware components and assist users in utilizing their mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, similar to how personal computers were used in the past.
  6. Is a computer program written to respond to actions generated by a user or system.In a computing context, is any identifiable occurrence that has significance for system hardware or software. They can be user-generated, such as a mouse click or keystroke, or system-generated, such as a program loading.
  1. Is the process of creating software applications that run on a mobile device, and a typical mobile application utilizes a network connection to work with remote computing resources.
  2. They are very related to the usability, meaning how hard or easy for the users are to find things depending on the organization of the design.
  3. In engineering, Is a design defect in an engineered system that causes an undesired result.
  4. How easy is the UI to use for the user, making it very easy to use means a good/high __________.

10 Clues: Hardware or software that permits the user to use a device to be run on another device.In engineering, Is a design defect in an engineered system that causes an undesired result.How easy is the UI to use for the user, making it very easy to use means a good/high __________....

CIW Puzzle2 2019-03-30

CIW Puzzle2 crossword puzzle
  1. Provide a universal set of standards promoting web page accessibility.
  2. User who publishes negative comments or submits feedback simply to annoy or anger.
  3. Text file that contains information sent between a server and a client to help maintain state and track user activities.
  4. Commands used to format, organize and describe information on a Web page.
  5. Form method attribute where form data is posted to the URL specified by the action attribute.
  6. graphics that use mathematical coordinates with lines, curves and shapes to create images and specify colors.
  7. Renders HTML for display to users.
  8. Service provider that allocates space for your equipment but does not provide the server hardware.
  9. Provides bandwidth and possibly web server space.
  10. Does not allow for inheritance from one class to another.
  1. Provides SaaS, backup services and database connectivity.
  2. Provides visual navigation with menus and screen icons.
  3. When hyperlinks on a Web site gradually become invalid as referenced Web page content, links and page locations change.
  4. HTML 4.01 flavor that allows developers to insert formatting using either CSS or traditional layout instructions.
  5. Software that is hosted centrally on the Internet and accessed by users with a Web browser.
  6. Supports millions of colors, highest image quality - typically used for photographs and complex images.
  7. Distorted messages easily recognizable by people but not computers.
  8. Web image format best suited for line art, custom drawings and navigational images; supports 256 colors; supports transparency, interlacing, and animation.
  9. Type of software that imitates a computer then allows non-native software to run in a foreign environment.
  10. Protects the civil rights of people with disabilities, and includes mandates that electronic information be accessible to people with disabilities.

20 Clues: Renders HTML for display to users.Provides bandwidth and possibly web server space.Provides visual navigation with menus and screen icons.Provides SaaS, backup services and database connectivity.Does not allow for inheritance from one class to another.Distorted messages easily recognizable by people but not computers....

Crossword (Chapter 1 & Chapter 2) 2013-07-17

Crossword (Chapter 1 & Chapter 2) crossword puzzle
  1. the part of the operating system that resides in main memory at all times and performs the most essential tasks, such as managing memory and handling disk input and output.
  2. a type of system developed for the earliest computers that used punched cards or tape for input.
  3. a small computer equipped with all the hardware and software necessary to perform one or more tasks.
  4. a collection of programs used to perform certain tasks. They fall into three main categories: operating system programs, compilers and assemblers, and application programs.
  5. the physical machine and its components, including main memory, I/O devices, I/O channels, direct access storage devices, and the central processing unit.
  6. the creation of a virtual version of hardware or software.
  7. when two or more CPUs share the same main memory, most I/O devices, and the same control program routines.
  8. a situation in which the dynamic allocation of memory creates unusable fragments of free memory between blocks of busy, or allocated, memory.
  9. the historical name given to a large computer system characterized by its large size, high cost, and high performance.
  10. a system that allows each user to interact directly with the operating system via commands entered from a keyboard.
  11. the process of freeing an allocated resource, whether memory space, a device, a file, or a CPU.
  12. a situation in which a fixed partition is only partially used by the program. The remaining space within the partition is unavailable to any other job and is therefore wasted.
  13. the section of the operating system responsible for controlling the use of devices.
  1. memory allocation scheme in which jobs are given as much memory as they request when they are loaded for processing, thus creating their own partitions in main memory.
  2. a node that provides to clients various network services such as file retrieval, printing, or database access services.
  3. a technique that allows a single processor to process several programs residing simultaneously in main memory and interleaving their execution by overlapping I/O requests with CPU requests.
  4. the process of moving a program from one area of memory to another.
  5. the memory unit that works directly with the CPU and in which the data and instructions must reside in order to be processed.
  6. a number that designates a particular memory location.
  7. a dedicated computer system that often resides inside a larger physical system, such as jet aircraft or ships.
  8. a memory allocation scheme in which main memory is sectioned off, with portions assigned to each user.
  9. an empty entry in a list. It assumes different meanings based on the list’s application.
  10. a main memory allocation scheme that searches from the beginning of the free block list and selects for allocation the first block of memory large enough to fulfill the request.
  11. the process of collecting fragments of available memory space into contiguous blocks by moving programs and data in a computer’s memory or secondary storage.
  12. a portion of a program that can run independently of other portions.

25 Clues: a number that designates a particular memory location.the creation of a virtual version of hardware or software.the process of moving a program from one area of memory to another.a portion of a program that can run independently of other portions.the section of the operating system responsible for controlling the use of devices....

Comp Apps- Kendall 2022-04-06

Comp Apps- Kendall crossword puzzle
  1. lets you create and format documents and work with other people
  2. used to communicate something of immediate importance to people within a business or organization
  3. heading on stationery stating a person's or organization's name and address
  4. used to access and view websites
  5. the programs and other operating information used by a computer
  6. make text smaller
  7. a line of text appearing at the bottom of each page
  8. a bunch of rights in certain creative material
  9. a set of related web pages located under a single domain name
  10. the position indicator on a computer display screen where a user can enter text
  11. physical parts of a computer
  1. to make text bigger
  2. a separate bit of text at the top of a printed page.
  3. free online software that allows you to create surveys, quizzes
  4. one written in a formal and a certain stipulated format
  5. A collection of pages arranged in sequence that contain text and images for presenting to an audience
  6. a person's regular occupation, or profession
  7. fast way to communicate to someone within a business or organization
  8. a set of printable or displayable text character s in a specific style and size
  9. Text automatically moves from one line to the next line

21 Clues: WORLD WIDE WEBmake text smallerto make text biggerphysical parts of a computerused to access and view websitesa person's regular occupation, or professiona bunch of rights in certain creative materiala line of text appearing at the bottom of each pagea separate bit of text at the top of a printed page....

Mobile app development 2024-09-25

Mobile app development crossword puzzle
  1. It is the process of creating software applications that run on a mobile device, and a typical mobile application utilizes a network connection to work with remote computing resources.
  2. The user interface (UI) is the point of human-computer interaction and communication in a device
  3. Block based programing language is a programing language where the developer drags blocks and gives instructions with it
  4. Designing websites to adapt to a users device
  5. The degree to which something is able or fit to be used
  6. Software bugs are errors, flaws or defects in a computer program or system that cause it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result or to behave in unintended ways.
  7. A computer software that supports the use of visual expressions such as graphics, drawings, animations, and icons in the programming process.
  1. Computer program written to respond to actions generated by a user system
  2. Software or hardware that allows one computer to perform the functions of, or execute programs designed for, another type of computer.
  3. software that allows smartphones, tablets and other devices to run applications and programs.

10 Clues: Designing websites to adapt to a users deviceThe degree to which something is able or fit to be usedComputer program written to respond to actions generated by a user systemsoftware that allows smartphones, tablets and other devices to run applications and programs....

Crossword Puzzle about 1-4 lectures ICT 2022-02-22

Crossword Puzzle about 1-4 lectures ICT crossword puzzle
  1. an extremaly fast computer
  2. brain of computer.
  3. electronic machine that performs input, processing, storing, and output operations according to programmed instructions to carry out specific tasks
  4. the first calculating device that was used in China
  1. is an act of transmitting messages
  2. is software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.
  3. is a scientific discipline, which studies the complex human functional capabilities in labor and domestic processes.
  4. is allows communication and power to flow throughout the computer system.
  5. a set of commands that performs a specific task on the computer.
  6. system is an abstraction providing data structure on the drive
  7. performed functions similar to vacuum tubes but they were smaller, cheaper, and more reliable

11 Clues: brain of computer.an extremaly fast computeris an act of transmitting messagesthe first calculating device that was used in Chinaa set of commands that performs a specific task on the computer.system is an abstraction providing data structure on the driveis allows communication and power to flow throughout the computer system....

Morris Mozzi 2019-05-29

Morris Mozzi crossword puzzle
  1. sistema di trasmissione di messaggi tra indirizzi specifici via internet.
  2. nei solcial network, chi decide di seguire, come in instagram, le comunicazioni di utente, diventandone seguaci.
  3. La parte fisica, non modificabile, di un calcolatore.
  4. si fa quando si ha finito un lavoro.
  5. programma di elaborazione di testi.
  6. gestisce hardware e software.
  7. errore in una procedura informatica
  8. dati di ingresso.
  9. dispositivo elettronico che permette di visualizzare cifre, lettere e oggetti grafici.
  10. dati di uscita.
  11. fascicolo, archivio.
  1. permette di accedere a svariate funzioni.
  2. dispositivo di un puntamento del computer.
  3. metodo di rappresentazione e verifica degli algoritmi.
  4. elaboratore di testi,programma operativo che consente a un utente di svolgere attività di elaborazione e trattamento di testi.
  5. la scrivania virtuale utilizzata dalla grafica del sistema operativo.
  6. applicazione che permette agli utenti collegati di scambiare frasi e messaggi.
  7. salvataggio dei contenuti di una memoria di massa.
  8. la prima pagina di un sito web.
  9. dispositivo che stampa quando si ha finito un lavoro.
  10. dispositivo che crea atrofia celebrale, dipendenza e problemi a relazionarsi con gli altri. cit. Prof Pensini.
  11. applicazione che svolge una funzione di blocco, controlloe rimozione di altre applicazioni progettate per danneggiare il software.
  12. procedura con cui si accede a una sezione riservata di un sito internet.
  13. disk disco di memoria realizzato nei calcolatori elettronici.
  14. ciò che collega una parte a un altra.

25 Clues: dati di uscita.dati di ingresso.fascicolo, archivio.gestisce hardware e software.la prima pagina di un sito web.programma di elaborazione di testi.errore in una procedura informaticasi fa quando si ha finito un lavoro.ciò che collega una parte a un altra.permette di accedere a svariate funzioni.dispositivo di un puntamento del computer....

computer vocab : Jennifer Avalos 2017-06-05

computer vocab : Jennifer Avalos crossword puzzle
  1. a particular sort of lettering
  2. A program to allow you to view and browse web pages on the internet or files on your computer
  3. as opposed to the programs that manipulate the data.
  4. - a (small) defect or fault in a program
  1. - a notebook computer; a laptop computer
  2. - a specific computer record.
  3. A problem that occurs in the hardware or software
  4. A copy of the original file, folder, or disc.
  5. - a self-contained program or piece of software

9 Clues: - a specific computer record.a particular sort of lettering- a notebook computer; a laptop computer- a (small) defect or fault in a programA copy of the original file, folder, or disc.- a self-contained program or piece of softwareA problem that occurs in the hardware or softwareas opposed to the programs that manipulate the data....

Year 8 ICT Crossword puzzle 2023-09-19

Year 8 ICT Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the type of computer system or smartphone you are using, in relation to the type of software (= computer programs) you can use on it
  2. the fact that you like something or someone more than another thing or person
  3. the instructions that control what a computer does
  4. the physical and electronic parts of a computer, rather than the instructions it follows
  5. a piece of computer software used for showing rows and columns of numbers or other data, and for doing calculations with this data
  6. to make something as good or effective as possible
  7. to keep a road, machine, building, etc. in good condition
  8. the protection of information against being stolen or used wrongly or illegally
  1. to use or control equipment or a machine or to make something work
  2. discovering why something does not work effectively and making suggestions about how to improve it
  3. relating to one thing and not others
  4. to arrange or make changes to a computer system, a piece of computer equipment or software, etc. to make it able to do a particular task or work in a particular way
  5. the way in which information is made available to the user on the screen of a computer, mobile phone, etc.
  6. to help
  7. a series of instructions that can be put into a computer in order to make it perform an operation
  8. a set of computer equipment and programs used together for a particular purpose
  9. to make changes to a text or film, deciding what will be removed and what will be kept in, in order to prepare it for being printed or shown
  10. someone who uses a product, machine, or service
  11. to study or examine something in detail in order to discover or understand more about it
  12. information stored on a computer as one unit with one name

20 Clues: to helprelating to one thing and not otherssomeone who uses a product, machine, or servicethe instructions that control what a computer doesto make something as good or effective as possibleto keep a road, machine, building, etc. in good conditioninformation stored on a computer as one unit with one name...

Computer Fundamentals 2023-07-22

Computer Fundamentals crossword puzzle
  1. Engine The first programmable computer designed by Charles Babbage.
  2. A mechanical computing device used for calculations.
  3. System A type of software responsible for managing computer hardware resources and providing a user interface.
  1. A type of software used for calculations.
  2. The first electronic digital computer, developed during the first generation of computers.
  3. The number system with digits ranging from 0 to 7.
  4. The process of converting source code into machine code.
  5. Classification based on size, smaller than Mainframe Computers.
  6. A device that replicates itself and spreads to other computers.
  7. The abbreviation for "Graphical User Interface."

10 Clues: A type of software used for calculations.The abbreviation for "Graphical User Interface."The number system with digits ranging from 0 to 7.A mechanical computing device used for calculations.The process of converting source code into machine code.Classification based on size, smaller than Mainframe Computers....

Amendola termini 2022-01-21

Amendola termini crossword puzzle
  1. Operativo gestisce le risorse hardware e software fornendo servizi
  2. programma che può causare danni al computer
  3. periferiche per connettere
  4. profilo di un utente
  5. computer piccoli e leggeri
  6. entrare con frode in un sistema senza pagarle
  7. ciascuna delle pagine che compongono una presentazione
  8. archivio di dati disposti in modo organizzato
  9. Esecuzione di più programmi simultaneamente
  10. computer portatili
  11. onsente di visualizzare informazioni testuali immagini suono e video
  12. sistema operativo più conosciuto al mondo
  13. mini computer tascabile
  14. la più grande rete di computer
  15. unità di misura dell'informazione
  16. disk Unità di memorie di massa di dimensioni superiori del floppy disk
  17. memoria di sola lettura che permanente
  1. tipo di sistema operativo di grande potenza
  2. posta elettronica ossia messaggi inviati tramite computer
  3. riconoscimento del file
  4. parti fisiche del computer
  5. disegno di dimensioni ridotte che richiama la funzione ad essa associata
  6. carattere che sostituisce un altro carattere
  7. dispositivo per smistare messaggi in una rete locale
  8. dispositivo che si inserisce nella porta USB per navigare in internet
  9. Software gratuito
  10. codice segreto per accedere a informazioni riservate
  11. è una memoria temporanea di lettura scrittura che si svuota
  12. singolo documento di lavoro individuato da un nome
  13. dispositivi che permettono la comunicazione esterna
  14. non corrisponde al pagamento
  15. collegamento tra un documento e l'altro

32 Clues: Software gratuitocomputer portatiliprofilo di un utentericonoscimento del filemini computer tascabileperiferiche per connettereparti fisiche del computercomputer piccoli e leggerinon corrisponde al pagamentola più grande rete di computerunità di misura dell'informazionememoria di sola lettura che permanentecollegamento tra un documento e l'altro...

Amendola termini 2022-01-21

Amendola termini crossword puzzle
  1. Operativo gestisce le risorse hardware e software fornendo servizi
  2. programma che può causare danni al computer
  3. periferiche per connettere
  4. profilo di un utente
  5. computer piccoli e leggeri
  6. entrare con frode in un sistema senza pagarle
  7. ciascuna delle pagine che compongono una presentazione
  8. archivio di dati disposti in modo organizzato
  9. Esecuzione di più programmi simultaneamente
  10. computer portatili
  11. onsente di visualizzare informazioni testuali immagini suono e video
  12. sistema operativo più conosciuto al mondo
  13. mini computer tascabile
  14. la più grande rete di computer
  15. unità di misura dell'informazione
  16. disk Unità di memorie di massa di dimensioni superiori del floppy disk
  17. memoria di sola lettura che permanente
  1. tipo di sistema operativo di grande potenza
  2. posta elettronica ossia messaggi inviati tramite computer
  3. riconoscimento del file
  4. parti fisiche del computer
  5. disegno di dimensioni ridotte che richiama la funzione ad essa associata
  6. carattere che sostituisce un altro carattere
  7. dispositivo per smistare messaggi in una rete locale
  8. dispositivo che si inserisce nella porta USB per navigare in internet
  9. Software gratuito
  10. codice segreto per accedere a informazioni riservate
  11. è una memoria temporanea di lettura scrittura che si svuota
  12. singolo documento di lavoro individuato da un nome
  13. dispositivi che permettono la comunicazione esterna
  14. non corrisponde al pagamento
  15. collegamento tra un documento e l'altro

32 Clues: Software gratuitocomputer portatiliprofilo di un utentericonoscimento del filemini computer tascabileperiferiche per connettereparti fisiche del computercomputer piccoli e leggerinon corrisponde al pagamentola più grande rete di computerunità di misura dell'informazionememoria di sola lettura che permanentecollegamento tra un documento e l'altro...

crucigrama 2020-11-30

crucigrama crossword puzzle
  1. interconexión de nodos conectados en el centro
  2. conjunto de dispositivos conectados por cables
  3. Topologia de red que no hace uso de cables
  4. forma en que se conectan los dispositivos
  1. medio de transmisión usado en redes de datos
  2. transportan ondas electromagnéticas sin cables
  3. programas requeridos para administrar y poner en funcionamiento el hardware
  4. piezas que permiten el establecimiento físico de la red
  5. los que procesan el flujo de datos
  6. red informática de pocos metros

10 Clues: red informática de pocos metroslos que procesan el flujo de datosforma en que se conectan los dispositivosTopologia de red que no hace uso de cablesmedio de transmisión usado en redes de datostransportan ondas electromagnéticas sin cablesinterconexión de nodos conectados en el centroconjunto de dispositivos conectados por cables...

hardware 2019-02-01

hardware crossword puzzle
  1. and data.
  2. A device that controls the movement of the
  3. Computers that normally use windows.
  4. A phone that combines computing,
  5. Memory that temporarily stores data and instructions.
  6. The main circuit board of a microcomputer.
  7. A recordable DVD
  8. BRAIN of the computer
  9. or pointer on a display screen.
  10. to enter data into a computer.
  1. and networking features.
  2. something that enables
  3. Another term for display screen
  4. Memory that stores data
  5. Internal storage areas in the computer.
  6. is a permanent part of the computer.
  7. The physical components of the computer
  8. A format of DVD designed for the storage of high definition
  9. A computer made by Apple.
  10. as the monitor and system unit.
  11. a type of port on the computer to attach peripherals.

21 Clues: and data.A recordable DVDBRAIN of the computersomething that enablesMemory that stores dataand networking features.A computer made by Apple.to enter data into a computer.Another term for display screenas the monitor and system unit.or pointer on a display screen.A phone that combines computing,Computers that normally use windows....

hardware 2019-02-01

hardware crossword puzzle
  1. or pointer on a display screen.
  2. to attach peripherals.
  3. Devices a device that feeds data into a computer, such as a keyboard or mouse.
  4. Another term for display screen.
  5. A silicon chip that contains a CPU.
  6. Printer A type of printer that utilizes a laser beam to
  7. you can text and ring people on this.
  8. The set of typewriter-like keys that enables
  9. in the ink's path direct the ink onto the
  10. the brain of a computer.
  1. to enter data into a computer.
  2. an image on a drum.
  3. you can watch these on t.v as well as on a computer.
  4. Storage Devices another word for hard drive.
  5. A device that controls the movement of the
  6. ink at a sheet of paper. Magnetized
  7. Internal storage areas in the computer.
  8. The main circuit board of a microcomputer.
  9. Disk a magnetic disk on which you can store
  10. Printer A type of printer that works by spraying
  11. Universal Service Bus; a type of port on the
  12. in the desired shapes.

22 Clues: an image on a drum.to attach peripherals.in the desired shapes.the brain of a computer.to enter data into a computer.or pointer on a display screen.Another term for display screen.ink at a sheet of paper. MagnetizedA silicon chip that contains a CPU.you can text and ring people on this.Internal storage areas in the computer....

hardware 2021-10-28

hardware crossword puzzle
  1. Electrical boxes are sized by their length-width-depth or their ________inch capacity.
  2. Assembly of two or more insulated conductors.
  3. Current carrying ability of a conductor.
  4. Broad category name for switches and receptacles.
  5. Name of a fitting used to connect a cable to a box.
  6. Type of boxes that can be joined together to make larger boxes.
  7. Name of the group of devices that have multiple devices on the same bracket or strap.
  8. When there are 2 receptacle outlets on the same bracket it is called a ___________receptacle.
  9. An overcurrent protection device that has a link which burns open when it conducts too much current.
  10. Type of connectors used when splicing conductors together.
  11. These are used with screws when it is not possible to establish threads in masonry and sheetrock.
  1. Removable openings in electrical boxes.
  2. Slang electrical term for non-metallic cable.
  3. Type of box used to splice/join 2 or more cables.
  4. Used to support and secure cable to studs and joists.\
  5. Receptacles are configured for their voltage and__________.
  6. type of switch that can change the brightness of a lamp.
  7. Special circuit interrupter that trips at 5 milli-amperes.
  8. An enclosed channel of metal or non-metallic material used to hold/carry electrical conductors.
  9. Initials of the international testing laboratories.
  10. When installing a box in an existing wall, a _________box would be used.
  11. Nails are sized by length and their________size.
  12. Initials of the testing laboratories in the US.

23 Clues: Removable openings in electrical boxes.Current carrying ability of a conductor.Slang electrical term for non-metallic cable.Assembly of two or more insulated conductors.Initials of the testing laboratories in the US.Nails are sized by length and their________size.Type of box used to splice/join 2 or more cables....

Hardware 2013-05-07

Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. variant van Windows en OS X
  2. welk geheugen kan, ook indien computer uitstaat, een programma opslaan
  3. een echte guru op gebied van hardware
  4. apparaat dat je gebruikt om foto's/tekst digitaal om te zetten & op je computer te zetten
  5. Amerikaanse term voor het opsmukken van de computerbehuizing
  6. sneller & beter bestand tegen trillingen dan een harde schijf
  7. batterij vaak gebruikt bij draagbare elektronica zoals laptop
  8. een klein draagbaar toestel waar men mee kan bellen, internetten, enz... Opvolger van PDA
  9. één van de bekendste producenten van processoren/computerchips
  10. plaats waar processor huisvest
  1. bekend besturingssysteem ontwikkeld door Bill Gates
  2. zeer dunne laptops anno 2013
  3. één van de bekendste draagbare mp3-spelers op de markt
  4. de link tussen je fysische apparaten in je computer en het besturingssysteem
  5. geheugen om de programma's op je computer sneller te laten draaien
  6. driedimensionaal geluid, te horen in bioscoop maar nu ook bij sommige in huis
  7. zorgt ervoor dat je computer zich met het internet kan verbinden
  8. aansluiting op je digitale video-camera
  9. heeft meer geheugen dan diskette
  10. bespaart meer energie & is slanker dan LED-tv's
  11. verzamelnaam voor computerprogramma's
  12. technologie die er heeft voor gezorgd dat onze computerschermen slanker zijn geworden
  13. ingang waar je kabel voor randapparatuur insteekt

23 Clues: variant van Windows en OS Xzeer dunne laptops anno 2013plaats waar processor huisvestheeft meer geheugen dan disketteeen echte guru op gebied van hardwareverzamelnaam voor computerprogramma'saansluiting op je digitale video-camerabespaart meer energie & is slanker dan LED-tv'singang waar je kabel voor randapparatuur insteekt...

Hardware 2014-09-18

Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. a drive wear CDs go
  2. random access memory
  3. a device used by graphic designers to do things
  4. the internal components are shoved on it
  5. you type on it
  6. it's a screen you can touch
  7. a printed circuit board that controls the output to a display screen
  8. its a camera
  9. it processes things
  1. inside
  2. song is recorded on it
  3. lets you connect to a network
  4. you look at it
  5. a printer linked to a computer producing good-quality printed material by using a laser to form a pattern of electrostatically charged dots on a light-sensitive drum, which attract toner
  6. makes sound LOUDER
  7. a card that lets you hear sound
  8. permanent storage internally
  9. outside
  10. you click it
  11. read only memory

20 Clues: insideoutsideits a camerayou click ityou look at ityou type on itread only memorymakes sound LOUDERa drive wear CDs goit processes thingsrandom access memorysong is recorded on itit's a screen you can touchpermanent storage internallylets you connect to a networka card that lets you hear soundthe internal components are shoved on it...

hardware 2014-03-17

hardware crossword puzzle
  1. Waar steek je een USB in?
  2. Aanduiding van meeteenheid voor een pc
  3. Brein van een pc
  4. Tastbare toestellen
  5. Digital Versatile DISC
  6. Zeer krachtige en stabiele computers
  7. Snelheid van een processor
  8. Wat is de afkorting van Random Acces Memory?
  9. Biedt plaats om al je interne hardware te bevestigen
  10. Stroom van de computer
  1. Wat steek je in een uitbereidingsgeleuf?
  2. Wat is 1GB en kan in je portefeuille?
  3. Gegevens aanleveren aan pc
  4. Extra uitbereiding van het geheugen van een pc
  5. Miljoenste van een meter
  6. Compact disc read-only memory
  7. Verbindt alle onderdelen met elkaar zodat ze kunnen samenwerken
  8. Afkorting van Solid State Drive
  9. Beweegt het pijltje
  10. Centrale computer in een netwerk

20 Clues: Brein van een pcTastbare toestellenBeweegt het pijltjeDigital Versatile DISCStroom van de computerMiljoenste van een meterWaar steek je een USB in?Gegevens aanleveren aan pcSnelheid van een processorCompact disc read-only memoryAfkorting van Solid State DriveCentrale computer in een netwerkZeer krachtige en stabiele computers...

Hardware 2015-03-04

Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. Acronym that describes a part used in computers to store lot of information (N).
  2. To set again something usually a hardware component (V).
  3. Browse the internet or glide over sea waves (V).
  4. When something, for example a PC, is able to do many things in a short period of time (A).
  5. Part which is able to manage all of the tasks that a PC have to do (N).
  6. To start an electronic device (so that it powers up) (phr.V).
  7. Resetting some computer component so that it runs faster than his nominal speed (V).
  8. Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Tokyo (NME).
  9. Inventor of the GPU, which creates interactive graphics on laptops, workstations or PC (NME).
  10. To swith ON a computer or similar hardware device (phr.V).
  11. Multinational corporation that was founded by Steve Jobs (NME).
  12. To fix deeply something into another thing (V).
  1. The world's second largest producer of microprocessors (NME).
  2. To fill the battery of any device (phr.V).
  3. To turn to a power-saving state, laptops and some animals (V).
  4. To put things in a particular position (phr.V).
  5. The main part that is used to assemble a computer (N).
  6. Something that moves at high speed (A).
  7. Adjective used recently to define smart devices that we can take with us (A).
  8. Essential piece of hardware that gave us the ability to see things (N).
  9. When something happens at low speed (A).
  10. The mobile devices are becoming more so, because of the small components dimensions (A).
  11. The brand that has sold more computer processors since it was founded (NME).
  12. Central processing unit (N).

24 Clues: Central processing unit (N).Something that moves at high speed (A).When something happens at low speed (A).To fill the battery of any device (phr.V).To put things in a particular position (phr.V).To fix deeply something into another thing (V).Browse the internet or glide over sea waves (V).The main part that is used to assemble a computer (N)....

Hardware 2016-05-29

Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. flüchtiger Speicher
  2. Teil auf Hauptplatine
  3. Basic Input Output System
  4. Platine
  5. Abk. für Personal Computer
  6. bereitet Daten zur Berechnung vor
  7. Speicherbereich innerhalb eines Prozessor
  8. Abk.für ein Speichermedium
  9. Anschluss an Grafikkarte
  10. Bussystem
  11. berechnet Daten
  1. Kühlung
  2. Eingabegerät
  3. bildhafte Ausgabe am Bildschirm
  4. Zentraleinheit
  5. Speichermedium
  6. Arbeitsspeicher
  7. Rechensystem des Prozessors
  8. Ausgabegerät
  9. Stromversorgung
  10. nicht flüchtiger Speicher
  11. Bez. für eine PC Größe
  12. Anschluss für Speichermedien

23 Clues: KühlungPlatineBussystemEingabegerätAusgabegerätZentraleinheitSpeichermediumArbeitsspeicherStromversorgungberechnet Datenflüchtiger SpeicherTeil auf HauptplatineBez. für eine PC GrößeAnschluss an GrafikkarteBasic Input Output Systemnicht flüchtiger SpeicherAbk. für Personal ComputerAbk.für ein SpeichermediumRechensystem des Prozessors...

Hardware 2018-05-21

Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. berfungsi memegang stud
  2. menunjukkn materialnya brass
  3. yang berguna sebagai bantalan antara bolt dan nut
  4. digunakan apabila terjadi loads
  5. yang terpenting dalam pemasangan aircraft hardware
  6. seri national dan seri satuan standard yang lebih rapat
  7. merupakan bagian integral dari locking fasteners
  8. classification fot yang mudah untuk dirakit
  9. yang terbuat dari cadmium plated carbon steel
  10. anti korosi(- -)
  1. bolt yang bisannya memerlukan pneumatic hammer
  2. nut yang lebih ringan dari plain nut dan harus dikuni menggunakan auxillary device
  3. yang memiliki kekuatan yang sama dengan bolts
  4. yang terdiri dari stud assembly, grommet dan receptacle
  5. dalam ukuran diamter 1 inch, spesifikasinya 12 thread/inch
  6. untuk proses manufacture pada bulkhead
  7. digunakan apabila kekerasan yang diinginkan dan pelepasan assembly
  8. digunakan untuk externak tension load
  9. american national fine
  10. yang digunakan untuk mengencangkan kontruksi pesawat
  11. biasanya diidentifikasi military standard
  12. alluminium alloy 2024

22 Clues: anti korosi(- -)alluminium alloy 2024american national fineberfungsi memegang studmenunjukkn materialnya brassdigunakan apabila terjadi loadsdigunakan untuk externak tension loaduntuk proses manufacture pada bulkheadbiasanya diidentifikasi military standardclassification fot yang mudah untuk dirakityang memiliki kekuatan yang sama dengan bolts...

EES Disciplines 2023-09-14

EES Disciplines crossword puzzle
  1. Designing and making things that move
  2. Encompasses the entire field of aerodynamics in the earth's atmosphere and in space
  3. The soundness of manmade structures
  4. The organization of materials, people, and equipment in the production process
  5. Combination of chemistry and engineering
  6. Exploration, drilling, and production of oil and gas
  7. Design, maintenance, and repair of nuclear power facilities
  1. Making electricity available
  2. Concerned with the need for clean air and water
  3. The design of machines and systems used in producing food
  4. Combination of biology, engineering, and medicine
  5. The design of non-moving structures
  6. Design of computing software and hardware

13 Clues: Making electricity availableThe soundness of manmade structuresThe design of non-moving structuresDesigning and making things that moveCombination of chemistry and engineeringDesign of computing software and hardwareConcerned with the need for clean air and waterCombination of biology, engineering, and medicine...

Digital Age 2021-01-23

Digital Age crossword puzzle
  1. a social networking service where users can post comments, share photographs, and connect with friends or strangers
  2. are users, who can see your posts, including any likes and comments
  3. a programmable machine
  4. makes fast money transfers possible
  5. a set of pages of information on the internet about a particular subject
  6. includes the use of materials, tools, techniques, and sources of power to make life easier and work more productive
  7. a location on a network server used to store a computer username, password, and other information
  8. a way to take data from elsewhere and put it onto your device
  9. a physical surface on which visual information is presented
  1. a digital tool that allows users to share content with the public
  2. a modern term for a software application
  3. the biggest world-wide communication network of computers
  4. when people spend an unhealthy amount of time on their phones and computers
  5. a wireless and mobile device with a touchscreen interface
  6. the opposite of hardware
  7. an online diary or journal located on a website

16 Clues: a programmable machinethe opposite of hardwaremakes fast money transfers possiblea modern term for a software applicationan online diary or journal located on a websitethe biggest world-wide communication network of computersa wireless and mobile device with a touchscreen interfacea physical surface on which visual information is presented...

TIK 2024-02-21

TIK crossword puzzle
  1. TekaTekiSilang
  2. PeranTIK
  3. Perangkatotak
  4. Buku elektronik
  1. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
  2. Perangkatlunak
  3. Perangkatkeras

7 Clues: PeranTIKPerangkatotakTekaTekiSilangPerangkatlunakPerangkatkerasBuku elektronikTeknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi

computer vocabulary 2022-11-22

computer vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a part of something
  2. computer accessory
  3. server program that allows users to collaborate on and edit the contents of a website
  4. wide area network --> internet
  5. data storage that has usb
  6. saying someone else's work is your own
  7. solid state drive --> does not go spin spin
  1. rule of conduct for good communication on the internet
  2. computer brain
  3. legal claim of media
  4. software and hardware that protects your network and data
  5. unauthorized access to a computer
  6. unsolicited messages
  7. local area network --> connects local (smaller) areas
  8. thing that is used to block unauthorized access
  9. hard disk drive --> goes spin spin
  10. universal serial bus; standardized plug in thingy
  11. can use without copyright under certain circumstances (ie for teaching and news)
  12. random access memory --> computer short term memory

19 Clues: computer braincomputer accessorya part of somethinglegal claim of mediaunsolicited messagesdata storage that has usbwide area network --> internetunauthorized access to a computerhard disk drive --> goes spin spinsaying someone else's work is your ownsolid state drive --> does not go spin spinthing that is used to block unauthorized access...

Ciara's cross word puzzle. 2022-03-19

Ciara's cross word puzzle. crossword puzzle
  1. In which transaction are conducted online.
  2. Recording media or to retain data.
  3. Electronic banking outlet.
  4. conducts over a computer mediated network.
  5. Refers to all technologies the internet wireless networks.
  6. Telephone communication.
  7. The buying and selling of goods.
  1. An online technology.
  2. Analyzes the information and report data.
  3. The programs and routines for a computer.
  4. A way to digitally create 2D and 3D.
  5. A live audio or audiovisual meeting.
  6. Banking machine.
  7. Tools machinery, other durable equipment.
  8. networks A system of interconnected electronic components or circuits.

15 Clues: Banking machine.An online technology.Telephone communication.Electronic banking outlet.The buying and selling of goods.Recording media or to retain data.A way to digitally create 2D and 3D.A live audio or audiovisual meeting.Analyzes the information and report data.The programs and routines for a computer.Tools machinery, other durable equipment....

IT crossword 2024-01-18

IT crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The U in USB means...
  2. The machine you use when you want a digital file on paper
  3. The P in CPU means...
  4. The collective name for computer programs
  5. Allowing me to type up this crossword
  6. A different word for computer screen
  7. The A in VGA
  8. The A in RAM means...
  1. The S in PSU means...
  2. (two words, put a dash between them!), things like windows, iOS, and Linux
  3. It spins and it spins and it spins
  4. The G in GPU means...
  5. accessories for your computer like a mouse and speakers.
  6. The collective name for all physical IT components
  7. A display cable

15 Clues: The A in VGAA display cableThe S in PSU means...The U in USB means...The G in GPU means...The P in CPU means...The A in RAM means...It spins and it spins and it spinsA different word for computer screenAllowing me to type up this crosswordThe collective name for computer programsThe collective name for all physical IT components...

Dazhigov🙂 2021-03-23

Dazhigov🙂 crossword puzzle
  1. dishonestly taking something that belongs to someone else and keeping it
  2. the wrong or improper use of something
  3. Autograph — a handwritten surname, first name, patronymic, initials, or any symbol that serves for authentication. incognito Covertly, secretly, without revealing his name, under an assumed name, a person, usually official, hiding (not for criminal purposes) his real name, living, acting under an assumed name.
  4. someone's right to keep their personal matters and relationships secret
  5. in a law court to judge if a person is guilty of a crime
  6. Absolutely any informative or meaningful content of an information resource or website
  7. confidentiality,integrity,..
  8. portable computer
  9. like software but not so soft
  10. Many computers connected by communication lines and running special software. Information is exchanged through information transmission channels
  11. Originally used only in relation to communication equipment to indicate the communication mode...
  1. the process of encoding information
  2. a police officer who investigates crimes
  3. method or key to secret writing
  4. without official permission
  5. an official document that allows a police officer to search a building
  6. A conditional word or a set of signs intended to confirm the identity or authority. It is often used to protect information from unauthorized access.
  7. the programs, applications and data in a computer system. any parts of a computer system that aren't physical
  8. a criminals breaks it
  9. a set of user data stored in a computer system that is necessary for identifying (authenticating) the user and providing access to their personal data and settings.

20 Clues: portable computera criminals breaks itwithout official permissionconfidentiality,integrity,..like software but not so softmethod or key to secret writingthe process of encoding informationthe wrong or improper use of somethinga police officer who investigates crimesin a law court to judge if a person is guilty of a crime...

Software 2014-05-30

Software crossword puzzle
  1. Información que el usuario introduce y el sistema procesa.
  2. Característica principal de los softwares.
  3. No sirve sin el software, ni el software sin él.
  4. Sistema ______, "despierta" a la computadora para que reconozca todos los elementos conectados a ella.
  1. Software para dibujo de Windows.
  2. ______ de programación. Son para crear otros programas.
  3. Tipo de software en el que el programa realiza una tarea específica.
  4. Sistema operativo, cuyo logo es un pingüino.

8 Clues: Software para dibujo de Windows.Característica principal de los softwares.Sistema operativo, cuyo logo es un pingüino.No sirve sin el software, ni el software sin él.______ de programación. Son para crear otros programas.Información que el usuario introduce y el sistema procesa.Tipo de software en el que el programa realiza una tarea específica....

malware program 2022-11-17

malware program crossword puzzle
  1. is a standalone malware computer program that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers. It often uses a computer network to spread itself, relying on security failures on the target computer to access it. It will use this machine as a host to scan and infect other computers.
  2. is a computer software package that performs a specific function directly for an end user or, in some cases
  3. is a type of computer program that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code. If this replication succeeds, the affected areas are then said to be "infected" with a computer virus, a metaphor derived from biological viruses.
  4. also known as advertisement-supported software, generates revenue for its developers by automatically generating adverts on your screen
  5. data can be a number, symbol, character, word, codes, graphs, etc.
  1. is the protection of internet-connected systems such as hardware, software and data from cyberthreats. The practice is used by individuals and enterprises to protect against unauthorized access to data centers and other computerized systems.
  2. the state of being free from public attention.
  3. is a program designed to detect and remove viruses and other kinds of malicious software from your computer or laptop. Malicious software - known as malware - is code that can harm your computers and laptops, and the data on them.
  4. Ransomware is malware that employs encryption to hold a victim’s information at ransom.
  5. defines any legitimate programs that pose potential risks due to security vulnerability, software incompatibility, or legal violations.
  6. is a type of malicious software -- or malware -- that is installed on a computing device without the end user's knowledge.
  7. Virus is a type of malware that downloads onto a computer disguised as a legitimate program. The delivery method typically sees an attacker use social engineering to hide malicious code within legitimate software to try and gain users' system access with their software.

12 Clues: the state of being free from public attention.data can be a number, symbol, character, word, codes, graphs, etc.Ransomware is malware that employs encryption to hold a victim’s information at ransom.is a computer software package that performs a specific function directly for an end user or, in some cases...

Digital Literacy Terms #3 2017-11-15

Digital Literacy Terms #3 crossword puzzle
  1. the brain of the computer
  2. a system that helps in organizing the files, programs, and projects on the computer
  3. software that is used to access the internet or World Wide Web
  4. block of information that includes word documents, pictures, music, etc.
  5. the display on the monitor/screen
  6. a small, clickable picture that opens programs on the computer
  7. a physical or logical construction that connects different computers together and helps them to communicate
  1. an indicator used to show the current position for user interaction
  2. software that communicates with the computer hardware
  3. the computer screen or display unit

10 Clues: the brain of the computerthe display on the monitor/screenthe computer screen or display unitsoftware that communicates with the computer hardwaresoftware that is used to access the internet or World Wide Weba small, clickable picture that opens programs on the computeran indicator used to show the current position for user interaction...

2.2 Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-11

2.2 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. programs used to create graphic presentations with visual aids, handouts, slides, etc; or for creating text with graphics, audio, and/or video
  2. A program that allows you to use rows and columns of data to manage, predict, and present information.
  3. Applications designed to help individual computer users complete tasks more efficiently. Examples are word processors, spreadsheet programs, and database applications.
  4. A testing environment that isolates untested code changes and outright experimentation from the production environment or repository.
  5. A connection mode that enables a user to access any network system from their workstation and perform tasks on the remote system.
  6. Extensible Markup Language, a way of writing data in a tree-structured form by enclosing it in tags.
  7. 1.) Ensure that the software is compatible with your operating system. 2.) computer hardware meets the application's recommended system requirements. 3.) Special Installation or know issues. 4. That you have a valid agreement or license to install and use the product.
  8. Software that is given away free of charge, but whose author still retains all rights.
  9. a software application for retrieving, presenting and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.
  10. drawing and drafting software that enables users to create and edit blueprints and design drawings quickly and easily
  11. A security feature introduced in Windows Vista to prevent unauthorized changes to Windows.
  12. A window containing various programs that allow you to specify how your computer looks and performs
  13. End User License Agreement is the contract between a user and a company selling software for installation on the user's computer.
  1. a collection of organized data that allows access, retrieval, and use of data
  2. Software used to prepare text documents such as letters, reports, flyers, brochures, and books.
  3. Computer programs that let users to do useful things with their computer.
  4. is similar to word processing but with more emphasis on the formatting and layout of documents than on editing the text.
  5. a set of technologies, such as high definition audio, video, and other interactive elements that enable people to feel or appear as if they were present in a location which they are not physically in.
  6. Time it takes for a bit to travel from its sender to its receiver.
  7. A copyrighted software that can be sampled before it is purchased.
  8. protocol that transmits phone calls over the same data lines and networks that make up the Internet; also called Internet telephony
  9. Each application shares a common look and feel with other applications, helping users to switch between them more easily.
  10. The amount of data that can be transmitted over a network in a given amount of time.
  11. A computer-based method of communication in which users can type and view messages sent to one or more recipients, and view the responses in real time.
  12. A unique, alphanumeric code required by many software programs during installation. The purpose of a product key is to help avoid illegal product installations. Also called the product identification key or CD key.

25 Clues: Time it takes for a bit to travel from its sender to its receiver.A copyrighted software that can be sampled before it is purchased.Computer programs that let users to do useful things with their computer.a collection of organized data that allows access, retrieval, and use of data...

Operating the computer 2014-05-18

Operating the computer crossword puzzle
  1. the most popular operating system
  2. process to start the computer
  3. physical components
  4. blinking line
  1. another name for the monitor
  2. located at the bottom of the screen
  3. small programs
  4. makes your computer work
  5. first screen
  6. does mathematical & logical operations
  7. brain of the computer

11 Clues: first screenblinking linesmall programsphysical componentsbrain of the computermakes your computer workanother name for the monitorprocess to start the computerthe most popular operating systemlocated at the bottom of the screendoes mathematical & logical operations

Sistem Komputer 2022-09-29

Sistem Komputer crossword puzzle
  1. pointing device
  2. perangkat keras
  3. output device untuk menampilkan gambar dan video
  4. jenis keyboard selain qwerty
  5. perangkat penyimpanan utama
  6. perangkat untuk input perintah berupa teks
  1. perangkat penyimpanan portable
  2. papan sirkuit utama tempat meletakkan seluruh komponen komputer
  3. perangkat lunak
  4. kartu grafis komputer
  5. otak komputer

11 Clues: otak komputerpointing deviceperangkat lunakperangkat keraskartu grafis komputerperangkat penyimpanan utamajenis keyboard selain qwertyperangkat penyimpanan portableperangkat untuk input perintah berupa teksoutput device untuk menampilkan gambar dan videopapan sirkuit utama tempat meletakkan seluruh komponen komputer

Units 10-15 2020-05-08

Units 10-15 crossword puzzle
  1. an image that represents an application, a capability, or some other concept or specific entity with meaning for the user
  2. a small computer that can be used in the hand
  3. a program that performs a particular task or set of tasks
  4. a system software for creating and managing databases
  5. place, fit, or push something into something else
  6. system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs
  7. small plastic disk on which sound, especially music, can be recorded. It can also be used to store information which can be read by a computer
  1. memory that requires power to maintain the stored information
  2. the maximum amount that something can contain
  3. a type of compact disc able to store large amounts of data, especially high-resolution audiovisual material
  4. a physical phenomenon produced by the motion of electric charge, which results in attractive and repulsive forces between objects
  5. a collection of fields, possibly of different data types, typically in fixed number and sequence

12 Clues: the maximum amount that something can containa small computer that can be used in the handplace, fit, or push something into something elsea system software for creating and managing databasesa program that performs a particular task or set of tasksmemory that requires power to maintain the stored information...

Cloud Computing 2014-02-03

Cloud Computing crossword puzzle
  1. In simple terms, what does Software as a Service (SaaS) do?
  2. The 3 companies provide ________ As A Service
  3. Which of the 3 companies have the lowest outbound broadband width price per GB?
  4. Jeff Bezos believes in the _______ Minimization Framework
  5. Largest rainforest in the world.
  1. Cloud computing allows companies to move beyond ________ boundaries.
  2. Cloud computing _______ costs because it has a pay-as-you-go system.
  3. Cloud computing is particularly useful for ______.
  4. Cloud computing reduces the need for _________.
  5. Under TCO, cost for subscribers include 1)software acquisition 2)installation 3) space and energy 4)________

10 Clues: Largest rainforest in the world.The 3 companies provide ________ As A ServiceCloud computing reduces the need for _________.Cloud computing is particularly useful for ______.Jeff Bezos believes in the _______ Minimization FrameworkIn simple terms, what does Software as a Service (SaaS) do?...

Puzzle 10 2022-11-08

Puzzle 10 crossword puzzle
  1. - comments about something that you have done which tells you how good or bad it is
  2. - Software Program which causes malfunctioning of the Hardware / Software
  3. - Collaborative effort of a group
  4. - consistency / accuracy often associated with data.
  5. - Risk which has materialized / synonym of Problem
  1. - State of Work Products / documents which are officially approved and becomes the reference point in Project
  2. - Document indicating capability of an organization / person in specific area approved by the authorized person / body.
  3. - Objective
  4. - Time needed to complete a task, often measured in Person Days
  5. - Measurement of performance

10 Clues: - Objective- Measurement of performance- Collaborative effort of a group- Risk which has materialized / synonym of Problem- consistency / accuracy often associated with data.- Time needed to complete a task, often measured in Person Days- Software Program which causes malfunctioning of the Hardware / Software...

Kaitlyn Module 5 Computers Crossword 2022-03-04

Kaitlyn Module 5 Computers Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. cybercriminal who has the same intent as a cracker but does not have the technical skills and knowledge
  2. the ___________ agreement gives the right to use a program or app.
  3. the illegal copying, installation, use, distribution, or sale of software in any way other than that is expressed in the license agreement
  4. a written guidelines that helps determine whether a specific action is ethical/unethical or allowed/not allowed
  5. the process of converting data that is readable by humans into encoded characters to prevent unauthorized access
  6. illegal act that occurs when someone steals software media, intentionally erases programs illegally registers/activates a program or illegally copies a program
  7. the moral guidelines that govern the use of computers, mobile devices, information systems, and related technologies
  8. biometric ________ that authenticates a person’s identity by translating a personal characteristic.
  9. a written plan that describes the steps an organization would take to restore its computer operations in the event of a disaster
  1. a notice that guarantees a user or website is legitimate
  2. Online or Internet-based illegal acts, such as distributing malicious software or committing identity theft
  3. programs that act without a user’s knowledge and deliberately alter the operations of computers and mobile devices AKA malicious software
  4. a written plan that describes the steps an organization would take to restore its computer operations in the event of a disaster
  5. a small text file that a web server stores on your computer
  6. hardware/software that protects a network’s resources from intrusion by users on another network.
  7. a technique intruders use to make their network or Internet transmission appear legitimate to a victim computer or network
  8. a program that displays an online advertisement in a banner or pop-up window on webpages, email, or other internet services

17 Clues: a notice that guarantees a user or website is legitimatea small text file that a web server stores on your computerthe ___________ agreement gives the right to use a program or app.hardware/software that protects a network’s resources from intrusion by users on another network....

Computer terms 2021-02-25

Computer terms crossword puzzle
  1. namable unit of data storage, a single sequence of bytes.
  2. is a piece of computer software or hardware that restricts the data that is allowed to flow through
  3. is an indication of how quickly data travels along with a connection.
  4. to switch a computer off and on again.
  5. a program that you can use to look at and navigate between pages on the world wide web.
  6. unsolicited mail messages sent out in bulk and generally commercial in nature.
  7. a collection of computers that are connected
  1. a graphical representation used to organize a collection of files
  2. a screen in a software program that permits the user to view several programs at once.
  3. an essential wiring that connects computers all around the world.
  4. checks the strings of letters and numbers that have to be typed in on some web pages before something can be saved.
  5. is a piece of software that can be a copy of itself and which attaches itself to some other program in order to survive and replicate.
  6. any device that holds computer data.
  7. was originally coined in the days when computers by converting numbers into sounds.

14 Clues: any device that holds computer data.to switch a computer off and on again.a collection of computers that are connectednamable unit of data storage, a single sequence of bytes.a graphical representation used to organize a collection of filesan essential wiring that connects computers all around the world....

Crossword Puzzle about 1-4 lectures ICT 2022-02-22

Crossword Puzzle about 1-4 lectures ICT crossword puzzle
  1. is software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.
  2. electronic machine that performs input, processing, storing, and output operations according to programmed instructions to carry out specific tasks
  3. an extremaly fast computer
  4. is an act of transmitting messages
  5. system is an abstraction providing data structure on the drive
  1. is allows communication and power to flow throughout the computer system.
  2. is a scientific discipline, which studies the complex human functional capabilities in labor and domestic processes.
  3. a set of commands that performs a specific task on the computer.
  4. the first calculating device that was used in China
  5. brain of computer.
  6. performed functions similar to vacuum tubes but they were smaller, cheaper, and more reliable

11 Clues: brain of computer.an extremaly fast computeris an act of transmitting messagesthe first calculating device that was used in Chinaa set of commands that performs a specific task on the computer.system is an abstraction providing data structure on the driveis allows communication and power to flow throughout the computer system....

Which departments are responsible for the following initiatives? 2014-10-29

Which departments are responsible for the following initiatives? crossword puzzle
  1. Staff Productivity
  2. Meter reading
  3. Evaluating the performance of the workforce
  4. Lighting of recreational grounds
  5. Software and hardware Maintenance
  1. The annual employee awards ceremony
  2. The price charged for electrical energy and services

7 Clues: Meter readingStaff ProductivityLighting of recreational groundsSoftware and hardware MaintenanceThe annual employee awards ceremonyEvaluating the performance of the workforceThe price charged for electrical energy and services

Key Terms 2.3 2024-09-24

Key Terms 2.3 crossword puzzle
  1. A short-distance wireless technology used to interconnect a multitude of different devices.
  2. The register stores information acquired from the arithmetic logic unit.
  3. The smallest unit of measurement used to quantify computer data.
  4. Industry standard form factor for desktop computers.
  5. The piece of hardware that handles a computer's instructions from other hardware and software
  6. An older style of TV/computer monitor that uses a vacuum, electrons, and a phosphorescent screen to project a display.
  7. Part of the system bus, the _____ sends address data from the CPU to the memory in a single direction.
  8. A component that can store an electrical charge.
  1. A semiconductor technology used in most of today's chips or microchips. The CMOS chip can store all of the firmware settings and the internal clock of the computer.
  2. Part of the system bus that controls how the CPU communicates with other hardware devices.
  3. The function where the processor performs arithmetic and logical operations.
  4. Electric Fan that is placed inside the chassis to allow for proper ventilation to prevent components from overheating.

12 Clues: A component that can store an electrical charge.Industry standard form factor for desktop computers.The smallest unit of measurement used to quantify computer data.The register stores information acquired from the arithmetic logic unit.The function where the processor performs arithmetic and logical operations....

CA 1 IGCSE ICT 2021-02-22

CA 1 IGCSE ICT crossword puzzle
  1. An output device that is used to perform functions such as lifting loads or spraying paint on a surface.
  2. known to execute instructions that are placed in the in the computer.
  3. A device that is known to receive data and process data with the purpose of providing information.
  4. an application that allows you to calculate the total of figures in a column
  5. devices that are made to insert data into the computer system are called .......... devices.
  6. The main printed circuit board found in computers and contains electrical components such as the central Processing Unit and memory and also connectors for connecting external hardware devices.
  7. an expansion card that allows a computer to send audio devices such as speakers is called..............
  8. Ram loses its contents because it is............
  1. Physical components of a computer that you can see and touch.
  2. A..............card is known to improve the quality of pictures and videos in a computer.
  3. a group of instructions that control the hardware parts of a computers.
  4. a feature that is scanned by a cashier using an input device in a supermarket
  5. production of information is carried out by ...............devices.
  6. An application that organizes a body of information in manner it will make it easy to use is called a ............. application
  7. contains instruction that is meant to boot the computer.

15 Clues: Ram loses its contents because it is............contains instruction that is meant to boot the computer.Physical components of a computer that you can see and touch.production of information is carried out by ...............devices.known to execute instructions that are placed in the in the computer....

Computer Systems 2024-08-21

Computer Systems crossword puzzle
  1. The instructions and applications that hardware runs
  2. A type of computer that can be used on the go and runs on a battery
  3. A device that stays in one place, like on a desk, and is used for tasks that need a lot of power
  4. The physical parts of a computing system like computers and tablets
  5. A combination of devices and programs that work together to process and manage information
  6. The process of taking in information and performing calculations or operations on it
  7. A large, powerful computer that stays in one place, like on a desk
  1. The act of keeping data safe and organized for later access
  2. The ability to share information quickly and easily through emails, messaging apps, and video calls
  3. A handheld device that combines the features of a phone and a computer
  4. A small, lightweight device that you control by touching its screen
  5. The offering of entertainment like games, movies, music, and social media
  6. A portable computer that you can easily carry around

13 Clues: The instructions and applications that hardware runsA portable computer that you can easily carry aroundThe act of keeping data safe and organized for later accessA large, powerful computer that stays in one place, like on a deskA small, lightweight device that you control by touching its screen...

Technology 2023-05-08

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. a set of computer programs and associated documentation and data
  2. the most important processor in a given computer
  3. an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system
  4. intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to intelligence displayed by humans or by other animals
  5. a file or code, typically delivered over a network, that infects, explores, steals or conducts virtually any behavior an attacker wants
  6. network a set of computers sharing resources located on or provided by network nodes
  7. every aspect of protecting an organization and its employees and assets against cyber threats
  8. an electronic link providing direct access from one distinctively marked place in a hypertext or hypermedia document to another in the same or a different document.
  9. a worldwide system of computer networks
  1. the physical parts of a computer
  2. to transfer
  3. the transmission of information by various types of technologies over wire, radio, optical, or other electromagnetic systems
  4. a type of malicious software, or malware, that spreads between computers and causes damage to data and software
  5. design, construction, and use of machines (robots) to perform tasks done traditionally by human beings
  6. a specific unit of data that's equal to about 1 billion bytes of data

15 Clues: to transferthe physical parts of a computera worldwide system of computer networksthe most important processor in a given computera set of computer programs and associated documentation and dataa specific unit of data that's equal to about 1 billion bytes of datanetwork a set of computers sharing resources located on or provided by network nodes...

Chapter17Puzzle 2013-04-20

Chapter17Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Vista utility that uses a flash drive or secure digital (SD) memory card to boost hard drive performance
  2. Area where you would work at
  3. A recommended update is an added feature or enhancement that is not critical.
  4. To bring back into existence or use
  5. utility to troubleshoot the Microsoft Windows startup process
  6. What tool in windows XP do you use to back up the system state
  7. The portion of an OS that relates to the user and to apps
  8. These updates address critical security or stability issues and are the most critical.
  9. To bring up to current speed
  10. To make the best use of something
  11. copying and archiving of computer data
  1. A database that Windows uses to store hardware and software configuration information, user preferences, and setup information
  2. Rearranges fragmented data so a drive can work more efficiently
  3. This tab is identical to the Services tab in the Task Manager.
  4. A single task
  5. A program that is running under the authority of the shell
  6. A Windows command line utility that is used to manage the IP address assigned to the machine it is running in
  7. These include device drivers, language packs, and other nonessential updates.
  8. The portion of an OS that is responsible for interacting with the hardware

19 Clues: A single taskArea where you would work atTo bring up to current speedTo make the best use of somethingTo bring back into existence or usecopying and archiving of computer dataThe portion of an OS that relates to the user and to appsA program that is running under the authority of the shell...

Software 2018-02-15

Software crossword puzzle
  1. this is one way applications can be installed on computers/phones
  2. what does the X stand for in OSX?
  3. installed or downloaded program which allow the user to perform a specific task
  4. OS that the computers in this room currently use
  5. Web browser which allows a user to search the Internet.
  6. When a user has more than one application opened at a time
  7. use this program to create a presentation using slides for an audience
  8. paint is an example of a ________ application
  1. this acts as a translator between the user and the hardware/software
  2. GUI stands for?
  3. your operating system is an example of this type of software
  4. Apple's mobile OS
  5. what is the current OSX version?
  6. the latest Android OS
  7. name of the program users would type commands into before the GUI was invented

15 Clues: GUI stands for?Apple's mobile OSthe latest Android OSwhat is the current OSX version?what does the X stand for in OSX?paint is an example of a ________ applicationOS that the computers in this room currently useWeb browser which allows a user to search the Internet.When a user has more than one application opened at a time...

Hardware and Software 2021-06-27

Hardware and Software crossword puzzle
  1. device
  2. software
  1. translators
  2. system
  3. fragmentation
  4. device

6 Clues: devicesystemdevicesoftwaretranslatorsfragmentation

National Puzzle Day 2023-01-29

National Puzzle Day crossword puzzle
  1. A powerhouse speaker that delivers high-fidelity sound throughout the room.
  2. Tougher than any smartphone glass.
  3. Current macOS operating system.
  4. A new smart home connectivity standard that Apple helped create.
  5. First party video editing software on Mac.
  6. A new button that gives you quick, physical controls over a variety of functions.
  7. Two HomePod models can now sense this.
  8. The most powerful and efficient chip ever in a pro laptop.
  1. Industry-standard technology that lets you activate your new iPhone digitally.
  2. Automatically adjusts scrolling to match movement of content with refresh rates up to 120Hz.
  3. A wireless connectivity standard more reliable than WiFi.
  4. An iPhone 14 Pro/Pro Max-exclusive feature that is a truly Apple innovation- hardware and software and something in between.
  5. High bandwidth, low-latency memory in a single pool within a custom package.
  6. The Mac mini with M2 Pro can support this many displays simultaneously.

14 Clues: Current macOS operating system.Tougher than any smartphone glass.Two HomePod models can now sense this.First party video editing software on Mac.A wireless connectivity standard more reliable than WiFi.The most powerful and efficient chip ever in a pro laptop.A new smart home connectivity standard that Apple helped create....

Ice Breaker - Payroll 2023-04-25

Ice Breaker - Payroll crossword puzzle
  1. A wireless networking technology that allows users to send voice and data from one electronic device to another via radio waves.
  2. The physical components of a computer including the keyboard, monitor, disk drive, and internal chips and wiring. Hardware is the counterpart of software.
  3. A challenge-response test in the form of an image of distorted text the user must enter that to determine whether the user is human or an automated bot.
  4. A worldwide network based on the TCP/IP protocol that can connect almost any make or model of popular computers from micros to supercomputers.
  5. A measurement of the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network at any given time.
  6. a kind of word processor that does formatting so that printed output looks identical to what appears on your screen.
  7. The process of transferring one or more files from your local computer to a remote computer.
  1. Piece of software designed to update a computer program or its supporting data, to fix or improve it.
  2. The manipulation of data to prevent accurate interpretation by all but those for whom the data is intended.
  3. A set of files saved on your hard disk that help your browser display pages you have already visited more quickly.
  4. A collection of information organized so that a computer application can quickly access selected information; it can be thought of as an electronic filing system.
  5. A program intended to alter data on a computer in an invisible fashion, usually for mischievous or destructive purposes.
  6. A method of preventing unauthorized access to or from a particular network
  7. any software intentionally designed to cause disruption to a computer, server, client, or computer network, leak private information, gain unauthorized access to information or systems, deprive access to information, or which unknowingly interferes with the user's computer security and privacy.
  8. a mouse-based system that contains icons, drop-down menus, and windows where you point and click to indicate what you want to do.

15 Clues: A method of preventing unauthorized access to or from a particular networkThe process of transferring one or more files from your local computer to a remote computer.A measurement of the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network at any given time....

Safety related systems 2023-05-04

Safety related systems crossword puzzle
  1. failure in such systems can result in serious ________, loss of life, or environmental damage.
  2. The development process must adhere to specific safety standards and guidelines to ensure the safety and _________________ of the software used in safety-critical applications.
  3. Safety engineers are responsible for ensuring that the software is designed, ____________, and tested to meet specific safety standards and requirements.
  4. The development of safety-critical systems requires specialized ___________ and skills in the field of safety engineering, which encompasses both hardware and software engineering.
  5. These applications must function correctly and __________ at all times
  6. This involves verification and _____________ processes to ensure that the software meets the required safety standards and regulations.
  7. the development of safety-critical systems requires a highly specialized and regulated ______________ that adheres to specific safety standards and guidelines.
  8. To ensure the safety and dependability of these systems, a high level of _________ is required in the development process.
  1. applications used in medical devices, aviation, nuclear power plants, and _____________ systems, are safety-critical.
  2. This involves using specialized development methodologies, rigorous _________
  3. the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for __________________ (ISO) have developed standards such as IEC 61508, ISO 26262, and DO-178B/C, which provide guidelines for the development of safety-critical systems.
  4. medical _________ that helps regulate the heartbeat of patients with heart conditions.

12 Clues: These applications must function correctly and __________ at all timesThis involves using specialized development methodologies, rigorous _________medical _________ that helps regulate the heartbeat of patients with heart conditions.failure in such systems can result in serious ________, loss of life, or environmental damage....

Topic 10 (IT) Vocab Review 2024-05-03

Topic 10 (IT) Vocab Review crossword puzzle
  1. a pulse of energy
  2. kind of signal that allows for continuous record of information
  3. a small, uniform shape that combine to make a bigger image
  4. electronic devices that let you interact with software
  5. sending electromagnetic signals from point A to point B
  6. programs that encode, decode, and interpret information
  1. information that is sent as a pattern through a circuit
  2. signal that allows for a record of numerical values at a set of continuous time intervals
  3. how often a signal is recorded or converted to digital code
  4. type of code that is made of only 0s and 1s

10 Clues: a pulse of energytype of code that is made of only 0s and 1selectronic devices that let you interact with softwareinformation that is sent as a pattern through a circuitsending electromagnetic signals from point A to point Bprograms that encode, decode, and interpret informationa small, uniform shape that combine to make a bigger image...

Crossword Puzzle about 1-4 lectures ICT 2022-02-22

Crossword Puzzle about 1-4 lectures ICT crossword puzzle
  1. system is an abstraction providing data structure on the drive
  2. an extremaly fast computer
  3. brain of computer.
  4. performed functions similar to vacuum tubes but they were smaller, cheaper, and more reliable
  5. the first calculating device that was used in China
  1. is software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.
  2. is allows communication and power to flow throughout the computer system.
  3. is an act of transmitting messages
  4. is a scientific discipline, which studies the complex human functional capabilities in labor and domestic processes.
  5. electronic machine that performs input, processing, storing, and output operations according to programmed instructions to carry out specific tasks
  6. a set of commands that performs a specific task on the computer.

11 Clues: brain of computer.an extremaly fast computeris an act of transmitting messagesthe first calculating device that was used in Chinaa set of commands that performs a specific task on the computer.system is an abstraction providing data structure on the driveis allows communication and power to flow throughout the computer system....

tts pelajaran TIK SMA 2023-08-25

tts pelajaran TIK SMA crossword puzzle
  1. Batas tepi kertas kiri
  2. Pengaturan batas tepi kertas
  3. Perangkat Lunak
  4. Untuk menyimpan File
  5. Batas tepi kertas kanan
  1. ikon mematikan komputer
  2. Untuk menggerakan kursor
  3. Perangkat Keras
  4. Aikon untk mencetak

9 Clues: Perangkat KerasPerangkat LunakAikon untk mencetakUntuk menyimpan FileBatas tepi kertas kiriikon mematikan komputerBatas tepi kertas kananUntuk menggerakan kursorPengaturan batas tepi kertas

tts pelajaran TIK SMA 2023-08-25

tts pelajaran TIK SMA crossword puzzle
  1. Batas tepi kertas kanan
  2. Aikon untk mencetak
  3. Pengaturan batas tepi kertas
  4. Untuk menggerakan kursor
  5. ikon mematikan komputer
  6. Untuk menyimpan File
  1. Batas tepi kertas kiri
  2. Perangkat Keras
  3. Perangkat Lunak

9 Clues: Perangkat KerasPerangkat LunakAikon untk mencetakUntuk menyimpan FileBatas tepi kertas kiriBatas tepi kertas kananikon mematikan komputerUntuk menggerakan kursorPengaturan batas tepi kertas

Lesson 24 vocab 2016-04-18

Lesson 24 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Wireless technology of high speeds
  2. Communications hardware device that facilitate the transmission of data
  3. Connected personal devices
  4. Network configuration that allows selected outside organizations to access internal information systems
  5. A computer that uses services of another program
  6. Computer expert who invades personal information
  7. Junction of information arrives from connected computers
  8. ISp that provides faster speed
  9. Variation of LAN that uses no physical wires
  10. Network that covers a large geographical area
  11. Handles requests for data
  12. Private use of organizations
  13. All computers on a network are equal
  14. High end programs designed to provide network control
  1. intermediary server of user and the internet
  2. Link from one computer to another through which data can be transferred
  3. Fiber optic telephone line
  4. Internet connection technology that provides transfer of information to a computer at high speed
  5. Device that directs traffic on a network
  6. Device that uses coaxial cable to send and receive data
  7. Examines a fingerprint, voice, or eye
  8. Worlds collection of interconnected commercial and government systems
  9. Compuetr configuration when one or more computers on the network act as a server
  10. A device on the network
  11. combination of hardware and software that creates buffer
  12. Largest network

26 Clues: Largest networkA device on the networkHandles requests for dataFiber optic telephone lineConnected personal devicesPrivate use of organizationsISp that provides faster speedWireless technology of high speedsAll computers on a network are equalExamines a fingerprint, voice, or eyeDevice that directs traffic on a network...