kindness Crossword Puzzles

BIBLE-7 2022-07-10

BIBLE-7 crossword puzzle
  1. mst7:24
  2. mat5:16
  3. prv13:3
  4. ps51:10
  5. MAT15:18
  6. lu9:48
  7. mat4:19
  8. PRV17:28
  9. lu9:48
  10. ps84:10
  1. MAT3:15
  2. PRV16:18
  3. mat3:9
  4. MAT25:13
  5. mat18:4
  6. mat6:21
  7. mat5:19
  8. PS33:12

18 Clues: mat3:9lu9:48lu9:48MAT3:15mst7:24mat5:16mat18:4mat6:21mat5:19prv13:3ps51:10mat4:19PS33:12ps84:10PRV16:18MAT25:13MAT15:18PRV17:28

Alec's Crossword Puzzle 2018-02-13

Alec's Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. inspire someone to do something
  2. to wait without anger
  3. to put up with something
  4. authority
  5. working well together
  6. empathy
  7. trustworthiness
  8. kindness
  1. intelligence
  2. equity
  3. democracy
  4. hospitality
  5. faithful
  6. duty
  7. desire

15 Clues: dutyequitydesireempathyfaithfulkindnessdemocracyauthorityhospitalityintelligencetrustworthinessto wait without angerworking well togetherto put up with somethinginspire someone to do something

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi 2021-05-25

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi crossword puzzle
  1. domesticated
  2. thick bushes
  3. move back and forth
  4. friend
  5. small house
  6. a saying
  7. grand
  8. regain consciousness
  1. definitely
  2. developed by human care
  3. kindness
  4. great extent
  5. happen to
  6. misery
  7. porch

15 Clues: grandporchfriendmiserykindnessa sayinghappen todefinitelysmall housedomesticatedthick bushesgreat extentmove back and forthregain consciousnessdeveloped by human care

Amelie 2021-04-12

Amelie crossword puzzle
  1. large amounts
  2. extra
  3. a french saying
  4. a blessing
  5. having beauty
  6. one who benefits
  7. good things
  8. quiet
  9. bright color
  1. generous
  2. showing thanks
  3. kindness
  4. helpful
  5. helping to do
  6. giving help

15 Clues: extraquiethelpfulgenerouskindnessa blessinggood thingsgiving helpbright colorlarge amountshaving beautyhelping to doshowing thanksa french sayingone who benefits

Kindness to Others 2022-11-13

Kindness to Others crossword puzzle
  1. a boat
  2. a male parent
  3. our Father
  4. a boat that has crashed
  5. shaking of the land
  1. welcoming to people
  2. not cold
  3. person who inhabits a land
  4. holding in esteem
  5. land surrounded by water
  6. sticks burning
  7. our loving organ

12 Clues: a boatnot coldour Fathera male parentsticks burningour loving organholding in esteemwelcoming to peopleshaking of the landa boat that has crashedland surrounded by waterperson who inhabits a land

A2 p300-311 Vocab 2022-02-10

A2 p300-311 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. propero
  2. metuo
  3. obruo
  4. etsi
  5. complures
  6. nanciscor
  7. benevolentia
  8. pergo
  9. inops
  10. callidus
  11. erigo
  12. haereo
  13. dimicatio
  14. regius
  15. succurro
  16. epulae
  1. circumvenio
  2. passim
  3. gratulor
  4. arx
  5. queror
  6. pudor
  7. adipiscor
  8. celeber
  9. populor
  10. labor
  11. aditus
  12. condo
  13. egregius
  14. abdo
  15. sperno

31 Clues: arxetsiabdometuopudorobruolaborpergocondoinopserigopassimqueroraditushaereospernoregiusepulaeproperoceleberpopulorgratulorcallidusegregiussuccurroadipiscorcompluresnanciscordimicatiocircumveniobenevolentia

Synonyms & Antonyms 2022-07-02

Synonyms & Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. contrast (synonym)
  2. common (antonym)
  3. flexible (synonym)
  4. intolerant (antonym)
  5. distraught (synonym)
  6. animosity (antonym)
  7. devious (synonym)
  8. insult (antonym)
  9. procrastinate (synonym)
  10. very bossy (synonym)
  1. easy going (antonym)
  2. extremely funny (synonym)
  3. useless (antonym)
  4. compromise (antonym)
  5. articulate (synonym)
  6. epiphany (synonym)
  7. depart (antonym)
  8. submissive (antonym)
  9. frugal (synonym)
  10. indiscreet (antonym)

20 Clues: depart (antonym)common (antonym)frugal (synonym)insult (antonym)useless (antonym)devious (synonym)contrast (synonym)epiphany (synonym)flexible (synonym)animosity (antonym)easy going (antonym)compromise (antonym)articulate (synonym)submissive (antonym)intolerant (antonym)distraught (synonym)indiscreet (antonym)very bossy (synonym)...

Spanish Crossword 2023-01-19

Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Until Soon
  2. Good Morning
  3. Very Good
  4. Hello
  5. Good Thank you
  6. Greetings
  7. Please
  8. Until later
  9. Good Morning
  1. You’re Welcome
  2. The kindness
  3. How you doing
  4. Bye
  5. Good Night
  6. Thank you
  7. Bue
  8. I doesn’t matter
  9. Until Tomorrow

18 Clues: ByeBueHelloPleaseVery GoodThank youGreetingsUntil SoonGood NightUntil laterThe kindnessGood MorningGood MorningHow you doingYou’re WelcomeGood Thank youUntil TomorrowI doesn’t matter

Vocab word crossword puzzle 2023-05-15

Vocab word crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. watering plants
  2. interrupt
  3. not good, not bad
  4. time with no rain or snow
  5. job
  6. verse poetry
  1. repeated sound
  2. grip
  3. nice
  4. broken
  5. established
  6. experience
  7. ask someone questions
  8. money
  9. fast

15 Clues: jobgripnicefastmoneybrokeninterruptexperienceestablishedverse poetryrepeated soundwatering plantsnot good, not badask someone questionstime with no rain or snow

Mephibosheth restored 2013-02-10

Mephibosheth restored crossword puzzle
  1. Wher was Machir from?
  2. How many sons did Ziba have
  3. David made him Mephibosheth servant.
  4. What did Mephibosheth do when he came to King David?
  5. How did Mephibosheth describe himself to David
  6. For how long was Mephibosheth to eat at this table?
  7. Whos house was Maphibosheth from?
  8. Machir was the son of -
  1. Whos table was Mephibosheth to eat at?
  2. What was Mephibosheth son called?
  3. Jonathan son was called -
  4. What would David do with Saul's land for Mephibosheth
  5. What did David want to show to the house of Saul?
  6. What kind of a dog did Mephibosheth describe himself?
  7. Where was Mephibosheth new home to be?
  8. How many servants did Ziba have?
  9. For whos sake did David want to show this kindness?
  10. Jonathan son was -
  11. How much of Sauls house did Mephibosheth get from David

19 Clues: Jonathan son was -Wher was Machir from?Machir was the son of -Jonathan son was called -How many sons did Ziba haveHow many servants did Ziba have?What was Mephibosheth son called?Whos house was Maphibosheth from?David made him Mephibosheth servant.Whos table was Mephibosheth to eat at?Where was Mephibosheth new home to be?...

Spanish Crossword 2023-01-19

Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Bye
  2. Until Soon
  3. Good Morning
  4. Good Morning
  5. The kindness
  6. How you doing
  7. Thank you
  1. Good Thank you
  2. Until Tomorrow
  3. Bue
  4. Hello
  5. Very Good
  6. Good Night
  7. Greetings
  8. Please
  9. Until later
  10. You’re Welcome

17 Clues: BueByeHelloPleaseVery GoodGreetingsThank youUntil SoonGood NightUntil laterGood MorningGood MorningThe kindnessHow you doingGood Thank youUntil TomorrowYou’re Welcome

The old oak 2024-01-28

The old oak crossword puzzle
  1. take place
  2. separated
  3. loved
  4. treat badly
  5. run away
  6. not brave
  7. loves his/her camera
  8. doing unpaid charity work
  1. opposite of kindness
  2. ex
  3. debt owing money
  4. proprietor
  5. intimidated
  6. client
  7. =pardonner
  8. mine

16 Clues: exminelovedclientrun awayseparatednot bravetake placeproprietor=pardonnerintimidatedtreat badlyopposite of kindnessloves his/her cameradebt owing moneydoing unpaid charity work

Atc prep 2020-10-30

Atc prep crossword puzzle
  1. one side agrees
  2. superiority kindness
  3. the quality of work
  4. keep track of
  5. happy
  6. to receive back
  7. reluctant
  8. certified
  9. materials over other
  10. still
  1. venerable
  2. abandon a claim
  3. moral principles
  4. hopeful
  5. difficulties
  6. destroy
  7. tiresome
  8. uneven to one side

18 Clues: happystillhopefuldestroytiresomevenerablereluctantcertifieddifficultieskeep track ofone side agreesabandon a claimto receive backmoral principlesuneven to one sidethe quality of worksuperiority kindnessmaterials over other

cross word 2013-05-04

cross word crossword puzzle
  1. knowledge
  2. kindness
  3. intelligence
  4. learning
  5. helpless
  6. wonder
  1. health
  2. careful
  3. enjoyment
  4. fairness
  5. strength

11 Clues: healthwondercarefulkindnessfairnesslearninghelplessstrengthknowledgeenjoymentintelligence

cross word 2013-04-30

cross word crossword puzzle
  1. knowledge
  2. kindness
  3. enjoyment
  4. helpless
  5. learning
  1. health
  2. fairness
  3. careful
  4. intelligence
  5. wonder
  6. strength

11 Clues: healthwondercarefulfairnesskindnesshelplessstrengthlearningknowledgeenjoymentintelligence

Abstract noun 2022-02-16

Abstract noun crossword puzzle
  1. wise
  2. judge
  3. please
  4. humble
  5. brave
  6. strong
  1. kind
  2. obey
  3. true
  4. safe
  5. grow

11 Clues: kindwiseobeytruesafegrowjudgebravepleasehumblestrong

garments 2017-09-28

garments crossword puzzle
  1. our righteousness
  2. quality
  3. draped clothes
  4. worship
  5. wrapped garment
  6. not weak
  7. what to wear
  8. for battle
  9. colour
  1. not harsh
  2. not proud
  3. wearing clothes
  4. new commandment
  5. not aggressive
  6. not vindictive
  7. to be saved
  8. after lying down old man
  9. belt

18 Clues: beltcolourqualityworshipnot weaknot harshnot proudfor battleto be savedwhat to wearnot aggressivenot vindictivedraped clotheswearing clothesnew commandmentwrapped garmentour righteousnessafter lying down old man

Amelie's crossword puzzle 2021-04-12

Amelie's crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. large amounts
  2. extra
  3. a french saying
  4. a blessing
  5. having beauty
  6. one who benefits
  7. good things
  8. quiet
  9. bright color
  1. generous
  2. showing thanks
  3. kindness
  4. helpful
  5. helping to do
  6. giving help

15 Clues: extraquiethelpfulgenerouskindnessa blessinggood thingsgiving helpbright colorlarge amountshaving beautyhelping to doshowing thanksa french sayingone who benefits

Meditation 2020-05-22

Meditation crossword puzzle
  1. the number of appropriate objects of meditation, particularly in the Theravada tradition
  2. one of the steps on the Noble Eightfold Path that relates to meditation
  3. Compassion
  4. calming, stilling meditation
  5. one of the steps on the Noble Eightfold Path that relates to meditation
  6. the Indian traditional context for meditation
  7. the posture the Buddha is most often depicted in
  8. things that get in the way of our meditating
  9. Wisdom
  10. a more specific, Buddhist word for meditation
  11. one of the steps on the Noble Eightfold Path that relates to meditation
  1. subjects of meditation, including loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity.
  2. the four (or 8) stages of meditation
  3. Equanimity
  4. Meditation of Loving Kindness
  5. Sympathetic Joy
  6. a secular term often used for meditation in a non-religious context
  7. a general word for meditation
  8. The word for virtue, hugely important to be able to achieve higher stages of meditation, according to Keown.
  9. developed by the Buddha himself, insight meditation

20 Clues: WisdomEquanimityCompassionSympathetic Joycalming, stilling meditationMeditation of Loving Kindnessa general word for meditationthe four (or 8) stages of meditationthings that get in the way of our meditatingthe Indian traditional context for meditationa more specific, Buddhist word for meditationthe posture the Buddha is most often depicted in...

test 2017-01-09

test crossword puzzle
  1. <3
  2. flower
  3. sweet
  4. in buddishm
  5. tasty from the oven
  6. Liisa likes
  7. big water
  1. drink
  2. feeling
  3. gives milk
  4. bets friend to man
  5. expression
  6. in the sky
  7. temerature
  8. Serenity

15 Clues: <3drinksweetflowerfeelingSerenitybig watergives milkexpressionin the skytemeraturein buddishmLiisa likesbets friend to mantasty from the oven

School Rules Crossword 2023-07-27

School Rules Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. walk
  2. report
  3. punctual
  4. procedures
  5. wear
  6. vape
  7. consequences
  1. copy
  2. Kindness
  3. Off
  4. dishonest

11 Clues: OffcopywalkwearvapereportKindnesspunctualdishonestproceduresconsequences


FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT crossword puzzle
  1. love
  2. devotion
  3. humility
  4. tenderness
  5. laugh
  1. moral
  2. still
  3. kindness
  4. restraint
  5. love
  6. calm
  7. virginity

12 Clues: lovelovecalmmoralstilllaughkindnessdevotionhumilityrestraintvirginitytenderness

Cristinas Identity Puzzle 2022-06-22

Cristinas Identity Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. country next to Ukraine
  2. Spinner,A fidget toy that spins
  3. religion that goes to church
  4. thing similar to kindness that starts with R
  5. Mexican Popular food
  1. that is the opposite of shy
  2. where Christians go to pray
  3. opposite of walking
  4. building block game
  5. thing to achieve similar to Kindness

10 Clues: opposite of walkingbuilding block gameMexican Popular foodcountry next to Ukrainethat is the opposite of shywhere Christians go to prayreligion that goes to churchSpinner,A fidget toy that spinsthing to achieve similar to Kindnessthing similar to kindness that starts with R

Louisa 2020-08-24

Louisa crossword puzzle
  1. boy2
  2. girl
  3. q
  4. b
  5. name
  6. n
  1. e
  2. boy
  3. w
  4. mum
  5. dad

11 Clues: ewqbnboymumdadboy2girlname

rt 2021-11-29

rt crossword puzzle
  1. - hvh
  2. -thfh
  3. - ghch
  4. - gcg
  5. -hfv
  6. -hgfvh
  7. - gcn
  1. - hvh
  2. - vh
  3. -nhvhn
  4. - vhv
  5. - hvjh

12 Clues: - vh-hfv- hvh- hvh-thfh- gcg- vhv- gcn- ghch-nhvhn- hvjh-hgfvh

FINE LINE 2022-04-15

FINE LINE crossword puzzle
  1. boring
  2. highh
  3. dadada
  4. desert
  5. sexy
  6. gay
  1. plant
  2. fun sad
  3. sad
  4. even more gay
  5. boring 2
  6. cocoo

12 Clues: sadgaysexyplanthighhcocooboringdadadadesertfun sadboring 2even more gay

Be Kind 2022-05-20

Be Kind crossword puzzle
  1. - peace
  2. human
  3. - equal
  4. - love
  5. - one
  6. - strong
  1. - family
  2. - kind
  3. - believer
  4. hope
  5. - enough

11 Clues: hopehuman- one- kind- love- peace- equal- family- enough- strong- believer

Το κοριτσάκι με τα σπίρτα 2023-11-18

Το κοριτσάκι με τα σπίρτα crossword puzzle
  1. flute
  2. Winter
  3. kindness
  4. matches
  5. poor
  6. love
  7. grandmother
  8. snow
  1. Christmas
  2. girl
  3. star

11 Clues: girlpoorlovestarsnowfluteWintermatcheskindnessChristmasgrandmother

Kindness Matters 2021-10-05

Kindness Matters crossword puzzle
  1. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  2. The process of passing information and understanding from one person to another.
  3. Working together with others to accomplish a goal.
  4. The ability to identify and understand other people's emotions.
  1. The concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
  2. The ability to control your behaviors by considering short and long-term consequences.
  3. The willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, even if you disagree with or disapprove of them.
  4. All those differences that make us unique.

8 Clues: All those differences that make us unique.Working together with others to accomplish a goal.The concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.The ability to identify and understand other people's emotions.The process of passing information and understanding from one person to another....

Choose kindness 2023-12-14

Choose kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Feeling a little angry or bothered by something.
  2. To help or encourage someone.
  3. Someone who shows courage or isn't afraid in difficult situations.
  4. To express disapproval or find fault with someone.
  5. To express a warning of harm or danger to someone.
  1. Someone who doesn't accept or respect ideas or people that are different from their own.
  2. Feeling extremely scared or frightened.
  3. Showing concern and kindness towards other people, being thoughtful and attentive to their needs.

8 Clues: To help or encourage someone.Feeling extremely scared or frightened.Feeling a little angry or bothered by something.To express disapproval or find fault with someone.To express a warning of harm or danger to someone.Someone who shows courage or isn't afraid in difficult situations....

Naren's Kindness 2024-09-19

Naren's Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. money or food given to a beggar
  2. walked in a proud manner
  3. the feeling of cheerful joy
  4. good smell of food
  1. shaking
  2. work for
  3. moved someone deeply
  4. a holy man

8 Clues: shakingwork fora holy mangood smell of foodmoved someone deeplywalked in a proud mannerthe feeling of cheerful joymoney or food given to a beggar

The Happy Prince 2021-07-13

The Happy Prince crossword puzzle
  1. precious stones which were in place of his eyes.
  2. what was his statue covered with?
  3. The son of the ruler
  4. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
  5. something which the bird faced after her service to the prince
  6. many people like this were in his town
  7. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
  1. displaying kindness and concern for others.
  2. he was called this as he was always happy
  3. the animal which helped the prince
  4. feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune
  5. feeling of affection
  6. red precious stone (on the sword of the prince)
  7. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment

14 Clues: feeling of affectionThe son of the rulerwhat was his statue covered with?the animal which helped the princemany people like this were in his townhe was called this as he was always happyfeeling or showing pleasure or contentmentdisplaying kindness and concern for precious stone (on the sword of the prince)...

Marriage Requirements 2021-03-12

Marriage Requirements crossword puzzle
  1. we use a clock for this
  2. a strong feeling of support or allegiance
  3. the fact of being mature
  4. the quality of being friendly and supportive
  5. being faithful and loyal
  1. unable to be destroyed long lasting
  2. the most important thing for marriage
  3. displaying kindness and care for others
  4. to care and support one another
  5. the state of being united as one

10 Clues: we use a clock for thisthe fact of being maturebeing faithful and loyalto care and support one anotherthe state of being united as oneunable to be destroyed long lastingthe most important thing for marriagedisplaying kindness and care for othersa strong feeling of support or allegiancethe quality of being friendly and supportive

Emotiverse 2024-02-29

Emotiverse crossword puzzle
  1. A feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.
  2. A natural attraction or kinship to someone, often instant and based on shared similarities or values.
  3. Strong feelings of love or loyalty.
  4. Recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone.Dedication
  5. Helping someone to grow or develop.
  6. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  7. Not subject to any conditions.
  1. A friendly relationship.
  2. Gentleness and kindness.
  3. A feeling of being drawn to someone romantically or sexually.
  4. Close familiarity or friendship; closeness.
  5. Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.
  6. Unity or agreement of feeling or action.
  7. Agreement or concord in a relationship.

14 Clues: A friendly relationship.Gentleness and kindness.Not subject to any conditions.Strong feelings of love or loyalty.Helping someone to grow or develop.Agreement or concord in a relationship.Unity or agreement of feeling or action.Close familiarity or friendship; closeness.A feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love....

ALL BOUT MEE!!o_O 2019-06-11

ALL BOUT MEE!!o_O crossword puzzle
  1. myself
  2. willing to take risks or to try out new methods
  3. displaying kindness and concern for others
  4. having a quick-witted intelligence
  1. very strange
  2. my brother
  3. showing kindness towards others
  4. causing laughter

8 Clues: myselfmy brothervery strangecausing laughtershowing kindness towards othershaving a quick-witted intelligencedisplaying kindness and concern for otherswilling to take risks or to try out new methods

Story 3 - Choosing a Different Path 2024-12-03

Story 3 - Choosing a Different Path crossword puzzle
  1. Who felt stiff and unsure?
  2. Who showed kindness to the monkey?
  3. What part of monkey was hurting?
  4. What did they make with the paint?
  5. Who helped monkey feel better?
  1. What emotion did sloth show?
  2. Where did they sit to draw?
  3. What activity did the monkey choose?
  4. What did they use to make patterns?
  5. What game did sloth suggest first?

10 Clues: Who felt stiff and unsure?Where did they sit to draw?What emotion did sloth show?Who helped monkey feel better?What part of monkey was hurting?Who showed kindness to the monkey?What game did sloth suggest first?What did they make with the paint?What did they use to make patterns?What activity did the monkey choose?

Mephibosheth restored 2013-02-10

Mephibosheth restored crossword puzzle
  1. What was Mephibosheth son called?
  2. What did David want to show to the house of Saul?
  3. How did Mephibosheth describe himself to David
  4. For whose sake did David want to show this kindness?
  5. Jonathan son was called -
  6. How much of Saul’s house did Mephibosheth get from David
  7. Whose table was Mephibosheth to eat at?
  8. Where was Machir from?
  9. What would David do with Saul's land for Mephibosheth
  10. How many servants did Ziba have?
  1. David made him Mephibosheth servant.
  2. Machir was the son of -
  3. What kind of a dog did Mephibosheth describe himself?
  4. What did Mephibosheth do when he came to King David?
  5. For how long was Mephibosheth to eat at this table?
  6. Whose house was Maphibosheth from?
  7. Where was Mephibosheth new home to be?
  8. Jonathan son was -
  9. How many sons did Ziba have

19 Clues: Jonathan son was -Where was Machir from?Machir was the son of -Jonathan son was called -How many sons did Ziba haveHow many servants did Ziba have?What was Mephibosheth son called?Whose house was Maphibosheth from?David made him Mephibosheth servant.Where was Mephibosheth new home to be?Whose table was Mephibosheth to eat at?...

Values Crossword Puzzle 2020-11-13

Values Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. have empathy for people even if they're in a bad mood
  2. be able to rely on a person and trust them
  3. be kind to people randumb acts of kindness
  4. help out the poor
  5. trust someone that you can talk to when in a tough spot
  6. be passionate and give them a chance
  1. be smart and make good decisions
  2. be an advocate for yourself
  3. be patient don't get moody when something doesn't go your way
  4. be caring and don't lie and cheat
  5. have good manners
  6. be a leader, not a follower
  7. feel confident to step up

13 Clues: have good mannershelp out the poorfeel confident to step upbe an advocate for yourselfbe a leader, not a followerbe smart and make good decisionsbe caring and don't lie and cheatbe passionate and give them a chancebe able to rely on a person and trust thembe kind to people randumb acts of kindness...

D 2020-04-14

D crossword puzzle
  1. consideration
  2. openness
  3. patience
  4. warmth
  5. acceptance
  1. helpfulness
  2. unity
  3. goodness
  4. kindness
  5. tolerance
  6. support

11 Clues: unitywarmthsupportgoodnesskindnessopennesspatiencetoleranceacceptancehelpfulnessconsideration

harry styles 2020-09-30

harry styles crossword puzzle
  1. treatpeoplewith?
  2. louis
  3. youreso
  4. hs2
  5. meetmethere
  6. pearljewelry
  1. vol6
  2. havingyourbaby
  3. eversince?
  4. sugar
  5. coucou

11 Clues: hs2vol6louissugarcoucouyouresoeversince?meetmetherepearljewelryhavingyourbabytreatpeoplewith?

valentines 2022-01-28

valentines crossword puzzle
  1. hut
  2. cards
  3. camel
  4. goat
  5. nap
  6. car
  7. van
  1. deal
  2. job
  3. gyno
  4. boat

11 Clues: hutjobnapcarvandealgynogoatboatcardscamel

la amabilidad 2022-04-23

la amabilidad crossword puzzle
  1. kind
  2. smile
  3. help
  4. kindness
  5. everyone
  1. include
  2. empathy
  3. listen
  4. goodness
  5. heart
  6. amiga

11 Clues: kindhelpsmileheartamigalistenincludeempathygoodnesskindnesseveryone

Kindness is your Superpower 2022-09-25

Kindness is your Superpower crossword puzzle
  1. Even if you don't speak the same language
  2. The action you take when you meet someone
  3. _____ someone's name so you'll remember
  4. when you notice someone
  5. Another word for polite respect
  6. The 1st of the 6s's
  7. The way you behave
  8. _____ contact
  9. The 6s of an _________
  10. Your success
  1. It takes _______ to put yourself out there
  2. Your superpower
  3. The first word you say in the morning
  4. Superheroes are _______
  5. When you open the door, you are _______
  6. When you practice you feel
  7. The opposite of disrespect
  8. This is a _______word

18 Clues: Your success_____ contactYour superpowerThe way you behaveThe 1st of the 6s'sThis is a _______wordThe 6s of an _________Superheroes are _______when you notice someoneWhen you practice you feelThe opposite of disrespectAnother word for polite respectThe first word you say in the morning_____ someone's name so you'll remember...

Kindness 2021-09-28

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Starts with a K and ends with an S
  2. Always be nice and.... your teachers and classmates.
  1. Something you should always give in class.
  2. Don't worry, be...
  3. Sharing is...

5 Clues: Sharing is...Don't worry, be...Starts with a K and ends with an SSomething you should always give in class.Always be nice and.... your teachers and classmates.

Kindness 2021-09-28

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Starts with a K and ends with an S
  2. Always be nice and.... your teachers and classmates.
  1. Something you should always give in class.
  2. Don't worry, be...
  3. Sharing is...

5 Clues: Sharing is...Don't worry, be...Starts with a K and ends with an SSomething you should always give in class.Always be nice and.... your teachers and classmates.

Kindness 2024-03-21

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Haraam
  2. A true Muslim quality
  1. A Muslim is he who’s safe from
  2. Have this for everyone
  3. Big Reward

5 Clues: HaraamBig RewardA true Muslim qualityHave this for everyoneA Muslim is he who’s safe from

BIBLE-4 2022-07-10

BIBLE-4 crossword puzzle
  4. PRIDE
  6. FOOL
  7. ROCK
  2. HAPPY
  6. FOOL


IYKYK ! 2023-09-26

IYKYK ! crossword puzzle
  1. Monk City
  2. Rich in Happiness
  3. Close to the wind
  4. Happy Heart
  5. Big Circle
  6. Big Park
  7. Water Mouth
  8. Buffalo Bride
  1. Some Departs
  2. ETC
  3. Praying
  4. Red Soil
  5. Handsome Golden
  6. Dragon Temple
  7. Kindness
  8. Red Pavilion

16 Clues: ETCPrayingRed SoilKindnessBig ParkMonk CityBig CircleHappy HeartWater MouthSome DepartsRed PavilionDragon TempleBuffalo BrideHandsome GoldenRich in HappinessClose to the wind

Revision U1-U4 2024-11-27

Revision U1-U4 crossword puzzle
  1. 野生
  2. 提供
  3. 仁慈
  4. 朝向
  5. 真正地
  6. 拒絕
  1. 偏向
  2. 黎明
  3. 庇護所
  4. 重複
  5. 自然
  6. 成功

15 Clues: 偏向野生黎明重複提供仁慈朝向自然成功拒絕庇護所真正地

Kindness Week Puzzle! 2021-10-04

Kindness Week Puzzle! crossword puzzle
  1. showing regard for the feelings of others
  2. synonym: when you have an effect on someone
  3. an adjective to describe someone who shows care
  4. another word for wellness
  5. someone who is kind and pleasant is this
  1. 2 words for someone's emotional wellbeing
  2. another word for feelings
  3. show consideration for other people's needs
  4. the opposite of sad; be kind to make someone -----
  5. the theme week we are celebrating
  6. adj. for someone who gives freely
  7. someone who is always willing to lend a hand

12 Clues: another word for feelingsanother word for wellnessthe theme week we are celebratingadj. for someone who gives freelysomeone who is kind and pleasant is this2 words for someone's emotional wellbeingshowing regard for the feelings of othersshow consideration for other people's needssynonym: when you have an effect on someone...

Prefixes and Suffixes 2023-03-05

Prefixes and Suffixes crossword puzzle
  1. - opposite of fold
  2. - to write again
  3. - remove wrapping
  4. - not painful
  5. - fluffy and soft
  6. - without spots
  7. - heat again
  1. - opposite of badness
  2. - easy
  3. - not fair
  4. - accepting an apology
  5. - being kind
  6. - without light
  7. - to wake up again
  8. - attach again
  9. - not equal
  10. - needing help
  11. - brave

18 Clues: - easy- brave- not fair- not equal- being kind- heat again- not painful- attach again- needing help- without light- without spots- to write again- remove wrapping- fluffy and soft- opposite of fold- to wake up again- opposite of badness- accepting an apology

The Christmas Carol 2023-07-18

The Christmas Carol crossword puzzle
  1. The main character's former employer, known for his jolly and generous nature, demonstrating the joy of Christmas and the value of kindness
  2. The act of pardoning others and letting go of resentment and anger, as the main character learns to forgive those who have wronged him.
  3. Supernatural beings that appear to the main character, representing the past, present, and future, showing him the consequences of his actions.
  4. The night before Christmas Day, when the events of the story take place, and the main character is visited by spirits that help him change his ways.
  5. The city where the story is set, bustling with people and serving as the backdrop for the main character’s encounters and reflections.
  6. The central theme of the story, emphasizing the possibility of change and personal growth, as the main character finds redemption through his acts of kindness.
  7. A supernatural being or force that represents a particular virtue or value, guiding and inspiring people to be better versions of themselves.
  8. Bob Cratchit's young son, who is physically challenged but possesses a pure heart and serves as a symbol of hope and the importance of compassion.
  9. The people who are closest to you, such as parents, siblings, and relatives, with whom you share love, support, and cherished memories.
  10. The main character of the story, a grumpy and greedy man who undergoes a transformation to become kind and generous.
  1. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate, which the main character learns to embrace, spreading love and happiness to those around him.
  2. Valuable teachings and messages that can be learned from experiences and stories, such as the importance of kindness and redemption.
  3. The act of giving help, support, and resources to those in need, exemplified through the main character's newfound generosity and care for others.
  4. The optimistic belief in the possibility of a better future, which the main character discovers as he transforms his life and brings hope to others.
  5. A significant change that occurs in the main character, made him from a cold-hearted miser to a compassionate and joyful person.
  6. The act of giving and sharing with others, often expressed through gifts, time, and support, as demonstrated by the transformed the main character.
  7. The feeling of sadness or remorse for past actions or missed opportunities, which the main character experiences as he reflects on his life choices.
  8. A feeling of happiness and delight, experienced by the main character and others as they embrace the spirit of Christmas and the joy of giving.
  9. A deep affection and care for others, manifested through acts of kindness, compassion, and selflessness, as shown in the story.

19 Clues: The main character of the story, a grumpy and greedy man who undergoes a transformation to become kind and generous.A deep affection and care for others, manifested through acts of kindness, compassion, and selflessness, as shown in the story....

Moral Values 2021-01-10

Moral Values crossword puzzle
  1. A great deal of effort or endurance
  2. Show kindness and concern for others
  3. Also called esteem
  4. Impartial and just treatment
  5. Being trustworthy
  1. Ability to compromise and work together
  2. the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery
  3. The action of forgiving
  4. Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
  5. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate

10 Clues: Being trustworthyAlso called esteemThe action of forgivingImpartial and just treatmentA great deal of effort or enduranceShow kindness and concern for othersAbility to compromise and work togetherthe ability to do something that frightens one; braveryThe quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate...

6th Dylan 2020-11-13

6th Dylan crossword puzzle
  1. displaying kindness and concern
  2. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint
  3. the quality of being friendly
  4. to give more
  5. respecting people with different ethnics
  1. the state of being happy
  2. a strong feeling of support or allegiance
  3. enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure.
  4. growth
  5. you accept somebody for who they are

10 Clues: growthto give morethe state of being happythe quality of being friendlydisplaying kindness and concernyou accept somebody for who they arerespecting people with different ethnicsa strong feeling of support or allegianceenjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure....

Cristinas Identity Puzzle 2022-06-22

Cristinas Identity Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. country next to Ukraine
  2. Spinner,A fidget toy that spins
  3. religion that goes to church
  4. thing similar to kindness that starts with R
  5. Mexican Popular food
  1. that is the opposite of shy
  2. where Christians go to pray
  3. opposite of walking
  4. building block game
  5. thing to achieve similar to Kindness

10 Clues: opposite of walkingbuilding block gameMexican Popular foodcountry next to Ukrainethat is the opposite of shywhere Christians go to prayreligion that goes to churchSpinner,A fidget toy that spinsthing to achieve similar to Kindnessthing similar to kindness that starts with R

Mrs. Heyob 2022-03-28

Mrs. Heyob crossword puzzle
  1. structure of language
  2. describing action
  3. process of activity
  4. feel at ease
  5. setting for an event
  6. a statement
  7. showing kindness
  8. to soak thoroughly
  9. The meaning
  1. lesson
  2. basic truth
  3. serious, quiet
  4. Writing
  5. Reading
  6. to sew together
  7. subject
  8. capable of
  9. firmly fixed

18 Clues: lessonWritingReadingsubjectcapable ofbasic trutha statementThe meaningfeel at easefirmly fixedserious, quietto sew togethershowing kindnessdescribing actionto soak thoroughlyprocess of activitysetting for an eventstructure of language


FELICIAN CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Our School
  2. 1855
  3. Judging Fairly
  4. Needy
  5. Way of Working
  6. Where Bl. Angela Died
  7. 1937
  8. Empathy
  9. Patron
  10. Felician Foundress
  11. Birthplace of Bl. Angela
  1. Chrysalis
  2. First Foundation in USA
  3. They "Serve Where Needed"
  4. Serenity
  5. Respect
  6. Consideration of Others
  7. Dealing Peacefully

18 Clues: 18551937NeedyPatronRespectEmpathySerenityChrysalisOur SchoolJudging FairlyWay of WorkingDealing PeacefullyFelician FoundressWhere Bl. Angela DiedFirst Foundation in USAConsideration of OthersBirthplace of Bl. AngelaThey "Serve Where Needed"

Book Awkward - ELA Beatrice Blok 2022-01-17

Book Awkward - ELA Beatrice Blok crossword puzzle
  1. club
  2. studentpeppi
  3. of the clubs
  4. about someone
  5. is real
  6. school
  7. club
  8. are cool
  9. is ok
  1. is bad
  2. is all around
  3. are hard
  4. was created
  5. is the book
  6. is essential
  7. is key

16 Clues: clubclubis okis badschoolis keyis realare hardare coolwas createdis the bookstudentpeppiof the clubsis essentialis all aroundabout someone


KINDNESS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. meat is tender
  2. he felt great affection for his sister
  3. please be gentle
  4. his parents motivated him for his studies
  1. he was madly in love
  2. an intangible asset
  3. sun is warm
  4. the storm caused growing concern

8 Clues: sun is warmmeat is tenderplease be gentlean intangible assethe was madly in lovethe storm caused growing concernhe felt great affection for his sisterhis parents motivated him for his studies

Kindness crossword 2021-11-15

Kindness crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The quality or state of being kind to other people
  2. A day of giving thanks and sacrifice for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year.
  3. Highest mountain on the earth
  1. The process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, habits, and personal development.
  2. Act of an individual or group freely giving time and labor for community service
  3. The quality of being friendly & generous
  4. Gas that constitutes 20.95% of the Earth's atmosphere
  5. An organization whose primary objectives are philanthropy and social well-being

8 Clues: Highest mountain on the earthThe quality of being friendly & generousThe quality or state of being kind to other peopleGas that constitutes 20.95% of the Earth's atmosphereAn organization whose primary objectives are philanthropy and social well-beingAct of an individual or group freely giving time and labor for community service...

Kindness crossword 2024-05-30

Kindness crossword crossword puzzle
  1. We smile when we have this
  2. It's red and it's a symbol for love
  3. This is what people have when they are thankful for something, like food or water
  4. People often generously give stuff away for free to this
  5. Hearts represent it
  1. If you have it, that means that you do good deeds and are friendly to everyone
  2. We do this when we find something funny
  3. We do this when we're happy

8 Clues: Hearts represent itWe smile when we have thisWe do this when we're happyIt's red and it's a symbol for loveWe do this when we find something funnyPeople often generously give stuff away for free to thisIf you have it, that means that you do good deeds and are friendly to everyone...

Naren's Kindness 2024-09-19

Naren's Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Enjoying a special event
  2. Looking at with pleasure
  1. Made pretty with added things
  2. Mischievous behavior
  3. Stopped someone while speaking
  4. Tasting very good
  5. Telling someone off
  6. Asked to come

8 Clues: Asked to comeTasting very goodTelling someone offMischievous behaviorEnjoying a special eventLooking at with pleasureMade pretty with added thingsStopped someone while speaking

sp. contract 2024-01-29

sp. contract crossword puzzle
  1. in a plane
  2. reuse
  3. the sum of
  4. a certain issue
  5. assure
  6. denominator
  7. moving
  1. an idea
  2. degrees
  3. overfilled with joy
  4. punishment or reward
  5. certain one
  6. happening at this moment
  7. kindness
  8. something believed
  9. needing it

16 Clues: reuseassuremovingan ideadegreeskindnessin a planethe sum ofneeding itcertain onedenominatora certain issuesomething believedoverfilled with joypunishment or rewardhappening at this moment

Leadership 2019-04-15

Leadership crossword puzzle
  1. Always looking on the bright side
  2. Believing in yourself regardless of how others view you
  3. Giving up something to help someone else
  4. thinking of others and giving to them regardless of how they act towards you
  5. Accepting your successes quietly
  1. Never giving up no matter how hard it gets
  2. Accepting someones faults/s
  3. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes and feeling what they feel
  4. Caring deeply for someone/something
  5. treating with kindness even if they don't deserve it
  6. Elective at YMS
  7. When you care for someone more than for yourself
  8. Telling the truth no matter what

13 Clues: Elective at YMSAccepting someones faults/sTelling the truth no matter whatAccepting your successes quietlyAlways looking on the bright sideCaring deeply for someone/somethingGiving up something to help someone elseNever giving up no matter how hard it getsWhen you care for someone more than for yourself...

Kindness 2021-09-28

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Starts with a K and ends with an S
  2. Always be nice and.... your teachers and classmates.
  1. Something you should always give in class.
  2. Don't worry, be...
  3. Sharing is...

5 Clues: Sharing is...Don't worry, be...Starts with a K and ends with an SSomething you should always give in class.Always be nice and.... your teachers and classmates.

Kindness 2024-05-30

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Put your arms around someone.
  2. Saying something nice about someone.
  1. Having Regards for someones feelings.
  2. Do something for someone
  3. Open your lips and show your teeth.

5 Clues: Do something for someonePut your arms around someone.Open your lips and show your teeth.Saying something nice about someone.Having Regards for someones feelings.

List 12 Crossward 2013-03-20

List 12 Crossward crossword puzzle
  1. regret
  2. to reach
  3. a person one knows
  4. a person whom has received
  5. a sense of duty
  6. not formal
  7. a ceremony
  8. a follower
  1. a promise
  2. passed from generation
  3. kindness toward guests
  4. wise
  5. kind to animals
  6. respectful
  7. kind
  8. shared by people
  9. agreement
  10. unfriendly
  11. willingness to share
  12. trusting relationship

20 Clues: wisekindregretagreementrespectfulunfriendlya promisewillingness to sharenot formalto reacha followershared by peoplekindness toward guestsa ceremonya sense of dutypassed from generationkind to animalsa person one knowstrusting relationship...

spelling contract 2015-06-02

spelling contract crossword puzzle
  1. in a happy way
  2. not named
  3. in the state
  4. two sided
  5. paid ahead of time
  6. not happy
  7. twice a week
  8. rarely happens
  9. very big
  1. at last
  2. judged early
  3. niceness
  4. have no air
  5. moving
  6. not visible
  7. where streets cross
  8. started in
  9. stated again
  10. not changed
  11. very scary

20 Clues: movingat lastnicenessvery bignot namedtwo sidednot happystarted invery scaryhave no airnot visiblenot changedjudged earlyin the statetwice a weekstated againin a happy wayrarely happenspaid ahead of timewhere streets cross


REVISE YOUR VOCAB! crossword puzzle
  1. inciter fortement
  2. puisque
  3. malgré
  4. en effet
  5. dessinateur
  6. sans limites
  7. gentillesse
  8. aléatoire
  9. de plus
  10. indubitablement
  11. atterrir
  12. en outre, par ailleurs
  13. cibler, viser
  14. ainsi, ce faisant
  15. par conséquent
  1. reconnaissance
  2. efficacement
  3. cependant
  4. tandis que
  5. affiche
  6. sagesse
  7. fournir
  8. blessure
  9. actuellement
  10. mondial
  11. lutter, avoir du mal

26 Clues: malgrépuisqueaffichesagessefournirmondialde plusen effetblessureatterrircependantaléatoiretandis quedessinateurgentillesseefficacementsans limitesactuellementcibler, viserreconnaissancepar conséquentindubitablementinciter fortementainsi, ce faisantlutter, avoir du malen outre, par ailleurs

p.39-40 2022-04-08

p.39-40 crossword puzzle
  1. доставлять
  2. случай
  3. дно
  4. невозможно
  5. герцогиня
  6. поклонник
  7. решить
  8. отказываться
  9. камин
  10. хотя
  11. извиняться
  12. взволнованный
  13. выключиться (о свете)
  1. испуганный
  2. доброта
  3. звук
  4. племянница
  5. предлагать
  6. открывать
  7. свобода
  8. взрыв
  9. внимательно, аккуратно
  10. исследовать
  11. устроить, организовать
  12. вина
  13. It’s a ____ I don’t work for money
  14. ___midday

27 Clues: днозвуквинахотявзрывкаминслучайрешитьдобротасвободаоткрыватьгерцогиняпоклонник___middayиспуганныйдоставлятьплемянницапредлагатьневозможноизвинятьсяисследоватьотказыватьсявзволнованныйвыключиться (о свете)внимательно, аккуратноустроить, организоватьIt’s a ____ I don’t work for money

vocabulario unidad 1 2022-10-04

vocabulario unidad 1 crossword puzzle
  1. never ever
  2. to navigate the internet
  3. to realize
  4. to get along well
  5. to climb
  6. capable
  7. to post
  8. slides
  1. an achievement
  2. toys
  3. lively
  4. open-minded
  5. day-care
  6. kindness
  7. play dough
  8. demanding
  9. to chat online
  10. tag
  11. social media
  12. sad

20 Clues: tagsadtoyslivelyslidescapableto postday-carekindnessto climbdemandingnever everto realizeplay doughopen-mindedsocial mediaan achievementto chat onlineto get along wellto navigate the internet

A Christmas Carol 2024-12-10

A Christmas Carol crossword puzzle
  1. - cascarrabias
  2. rather - preferiría
  3. - deuda
  4. be able to afford - para poder permitirse el lujo
  5. become' - ha convertido
  6. - aldaba
  7. his own good' - per su propio bien
  8. - rama
  9. - de todos modos
  10. them - déjalos
  11. - caballeros
  12. - mandadas
  13. - prisión
  1. - postre
  2. - brillo
  3. - cercano
  4. - Acebo
  5. - carbon
  6. - hervida
  7. - amabilidad
  8. - descolorido
  9. never - nunca ha
  10. be humble - ser humilde

23 Clues: - rama- deuda- Acebo- postre- brillo- carbon- aldaba- cercano- hervida- prisión- mandadas- amabilidad- caballeros- descolorido- cascarrabiasthem - déjalosnever - nunca ha- de todos modosrather - preferiríabecome' - ha convertidobe humble - ser humildehis own good' - per su propio bienbe able to afford - para poder permitirse el lujo

Nouns: Attributes and emotions - II 2017-08-18

Nouns: Attributes and emotions - II crossword puzzle
  1. Good reputation, legacy
  2. Promotion, validation
  3. Exactitude
  4. Strength and durability
  5. Ability to adjust
  6. Kindness
  7. Inner guiding light
  8. Loyalty
  1. Enthusiasm
  2. Looking within
  3. Facility
  4. Argument
  5. Lack of clarity
  6. Capability
  7. Refusal to accept

15 Clues: LoyaltyFacilityArgumentKindnessEnthusiasmExactitudeCapabilityLooking withinLack of clarityAbility to adjustRefusal to acceptInner guiding lightPromotion, validationGood reputation, legacyStrength and durability

Nouns: Attributes and emotions - II 2017-08-18

Nouns: Attributes and emotions - II crossword puzzle
  1. Facility
  2. Kindness
  3. Refusal to accept
  4. Argument
  5. Strength and durability
  6. Good reputation, legacy
  7. Looking within
  8. Lack of clarity
  1. Inner guiding light
  2. Exactitude
  3. Ability to adjust
  4. Enthusiasm
  5. Capability
  6. Promotion, validation
  7. Loyalty

15 Clues: LoyaltyFacilityKindnessArgumentExactitudeEnthusiasmCapabilityLooking withinLack of clarityAbility to adjustRefusal to acceptInner guiding lightPromotion, validationStrength and durabilityGood reputation, legacy

Revision U1-U4 2024-11-27

Revision U1-U4 crossword puzzle
  1. 野生
  2. 提供
  3. 仁慈
  4. 朝向
  5. 真正地
  6. 拒絕
  1. 偏向
  2. 黎明
  3. 庇護所
  4. 重複
  5. 自然
  6. 成功

15 Clues: 偏向野生黎明重複提供仁慈朝向自然成功拒絕庇護所真正地

Ladie's Outing 2012-09-18

Ladie's Outing crossword puzzle
  1. christ Saviour
  2. quiet
  3. discipline
  4. giving
  5. helpful
  1. soft
  2. heart
  3. pray
  4. loyal
  5. Lord
  6. happy

11 Clues: softprayLordheartquietloyalhappygivinghelpfuldisciplinechrist Saviour

Cumberland 2013-12-04

Cumberland crossword puzzle
  1. produce food on it
  2. you ride it
  3. provides you with breakfast
  4. kids
  5. water
  6. red fruit in salad
  7. town
  8. bacon
  9. being polite
  10. silence
  1. angry
  2. to make a fire
  3. detest something
  4. beverage that lifts your heart
  5. steak
  6. huge pile of earth
  7. money
  8. protection
  9. houses and people
  10. after jokes

20 Clues: kidstownangrysteakmoneywaterbaconsilenceprotectionyou ride itafter jokesbeing politeto make a firedetest somethinghouses and peopleproduce food on ithuge pile of earthred fruit in saladprovides you with breakfastbeverage that lifts your heart

Vocabulario unidad 1 2022-10-04

Vocabulario unidad 1 crossword puzzle
  1. to have a good time
  2. to fascinate; like very much
  3. swing set
  4. daycare
  5. demanding
  6. the cell phone
  7. to request
  8. persitant
  1. to chat online
  2. navigate
  3. achievement
  4. never ever
  5. kindness
  6. lively
  7. playful
  8. to feel like doing
  9. to succeed
  10. to post online
  11. quality
  12. to climb

20 Clues: livelyplayfuldaycarequalitynavigatekindnessto climbswing setdemandingpersitantnever everto succeedto requestachievementto chat onlinethe cell phoneto post onlineto feel like doingto have a good timeto fascinate; like very much

Unit 29 Orange Spelling 2022-04-28

Unit 29 Orange Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. Dampness
  2. Greater part/number
  3. Kindness
  4. Field of study
  5. Faithful to a person
  6. Capacity
  7. Belatedness, lateness
  8. Fight, quarrel
  9. Old make-up dresser
  1. Artistry, inspiration
  2. Sightlessness
  3. Order, positioning
  4. A thing that a person does
  5. Illness
  6. Speediness, rapidness
  7. Investigator
  8. Humankind
  9. Family
  10. Occupation, work
  11. Full of exciting and laughter

20 Clues: FamilyIllnessDampnessKindnessCapacityHumankindInvestigatorSightlessnessField of studyFight, quarrelOccupation, workOrder, positioningGreater part/numberOld make-up dresserFaithful to a personArtistry, inspirationSpeediness, rapidnessBelatedness, latenessA thing that a person doesFull of exciting and laughter

crossword 1 2022-11-18

crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. fashion
  2. reflect
  3. anxious
  4. correspondence
  5. pass
  6. duo
  7. delighted
  8. mistake
  9. general
  10. charitable
  11. disguised
  1. meeting
  2. action
  3. bodyguard
  4. hem
  5. kindness
  6. messenger
  7. player
  8. boat
  9. assist
  10. embarrassed
  11. asleep
  12. genuine
  13. hint
  14. brave
  15. deliberate
  16. plan
  17. submissive
  18. debatable
  19. hilarious
  20. hierarchic
  21. assembly

32 Clues: hemduoboathintplanpassbraveactionplayerassistasleepmeetingfashionreflectanxiousgenuinemistakegeneralkindnessassemblybodyguardmessengerdelighteddebatablehilariousdisguiseddeliberatesubmissivehierarchiccharitableembarrassedcorrespondence

Virtues 2021-05-18

Virtues crossword puzzle
  1. love
  2. grit
  3. motivated
  4. reasons
  5. humble
  6. smart
  1. tenacity
  2. accepting
  3. independent
  4. curious
  5. good

11 Clues: lovegritgoodsmarthumblecuriousreasonstenacityacceptingmotivatedindependent

3.1 2024-10-18

3.1 crossword puzzle
  1. kaupungin keskusta
  2. alistaja
  3. holhoava
  4. omahyväinen
  5. kiistelty
  6. ilkivalta
  1. omaelämäkerta
  2. kiltteys
  3. myötävaikutus
  4. sattumoisin
  5. eliitti

11 Clues: eliittikiltteysalistajaholhoavakiisteltyilkivaltasattumoisinomahyväinenomaelämäkertamyötävaikutuskaupungin keskusta

Friends 2023-06-15

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Supportive and understanding presence
  2. Genuine and authentic friendship
  3. Selfless acts of kindness and generosity
  4. Encouraging and motivating each other
  5. Loyal and devoted friendship
  6. Embracing and including each other
  7. Genuine connection and emotional bond
  8. Enjoying camaraderie and shared interests
  9. Dependable and trustworthy friends
  10. Acceptance of each other's flaws and imperfections
  11. Reliable and consistent presence
  12. Nurturing and supportive presence
  13. Valuable companionship and camaraderie
  14. Shared laughter and joy
  15. Deep understanding and empathy
  16. Respectful and mutual admiration
  17. Caring and compassionate nature
  18. Deep emotional connection and understanding
  19. Open and honest communication
  20. Supporting personal growth and development
  21. Uplifting and positive influence
  22. Trustworthy and dependable presence
  23. Bringing positivity and optimism
  24. Empowering each other to reach full potential
  25. Synergy and harmony in friendship
  26. Creating cherished memories together
  27. Inspiring and motivating each other
  1. Thoughtful gestures and consideration
  2. Embracing a spirit of fun and adventure
  3. Reliable and dependable friendship
  4. Empathetic and understanding
  5. Collaborating and working together towards common goals
  6. Expressing gratitude for the friendship
  7. Embarking on exciting adventures together
  8. Generosity and selflessness
  9. Embracing authenticity and being true to oneself
  10. Encouraging each other to pursue dreams and goals
  11. Reliable support and encouragement
  12. Reliability and trustworthiness
  13. Encouraging each other's passions and pursuits
  14. Creating a harmonious and balanced friendship
  15. Warm and welcoming presence
  16. Supporting each other through challenges and setbacks
  17. Dependable and trustworthy companions
  18. Sincere and heartfelt friendship
  19. Encouraging personal growth and development
  20. Fun-filled adventures and memorable experiences
  21. Lifelong friends who stand the test of time
  22. Kindness and thoughtfulness

49 Clues: Shared laughter and joyGenerosity and selflessnessWarm and welcoming presenceKindness and thoughtfulnessEmpathetic and understandingLoyal and devoted friendshipOpen and honest communicationDeep understanding and empathyReliability and trustworthinessCaring and compassionate natureGenuine and authentic friendshipReliable and consistent presence...

Vocabulario Unidad 1 2022-10-04

Vocabulario Unidad 1 crossword puzzle
  1. empathy
  2. to fascinate
  3. to post online
  4. to develop
  5. persistant
  6. to annoy
  7. to dislike
  8. móvil cell phone
  9. to fly kites
  1. passionate
  2. to take place
  3. tag
  4. to feel like doing
  5. to navigate the internet
  6. to succeed
  7. committed
  8. bondad kindness
  9. daycare
  10. toys
  11. to climb

20 Clues: tagtoysempathydaycareto annoyto climbcommittedpassionateto succeedto developpersistantto disliketo fascinateto fly kitesto take placeto post onlinebondad kindnessmóvil cell phoneto feel like doingto navigate the internet

vocabulario unidad 1 2022-10-04

vocabulario unidad 1 crossword puzzle
  1. bondad kindness
  2. cometas to fly kites
  3. to chat online
  4. pillapilla tag
  5. empathy
  6. open-minded
  7. sociales social media
  8. movil the cellphone
  9. playful
  10. proud
  1. to wear a costume
  2. to annoy
  3. quality/characteristic
  4. to climb
  5. lively
  6. demanding
  7. to facisnate/to like very much
  8. to develop
  9. never ever
  10. toys

20 Clues: toysproudlivelyempathyplayfulto annoyto climbdemandingto developnever everopen-mindedto chat onlinepillapilla tagbondad kindnessto wear a costumemovil the cellphonecometas to fly kitessociales social mediaquality/characteristicto facisnate/to like very much

English 2022-03-28

English crossword puzzle
  1. proud and vain
  2. distant
  3. one who resides
  4. showing kindness and courtesy
  5. trial period
  6. appetizing smell
  7. serious and unemotional
  8. self-conscious
  9. tasteful
  10. make smaller
  1. soak thoroughly
  2. the rate or number
  3. tear down
  4. wealth available
  5. stiff
  6. inhabit
  7. prepare in advance
  8. capel of being controlled
  9. exclusive control
  10. sew together

20 Clues: stiffdistantinhabittastefultear downtrial periodsew togethermake smallerproud and vainself-conscioussoak thoroughlyone who resideswealth availableappetizing smellexclusive controlthe rate or numberprepare in advanceserious and unemotionalcapel of being controlledshowing kindness and courtesy

kindness crossword puzzle 2023-01-09

kindness crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. show this to others and you will receive.
  2. "I hope they're okay"
  3. do you want this?
  4. it grew 3 times bigger that day
  5. a warm feeling
  6. this place is...
  1. just checking up on you..
  2. oh please, have manners!
  3. when someone hugs you it shows..
  4. definitely not sour
  5. their shoes??
  6. your feeling towards your favorite people

12 Clues: their shoes??a warm feelingthis place you want this?definitely not sour"I hope they're okay"oh please, have manners!just checking up on grew 3 times bigger that daywhen someone hugs you it this to others and you will receive.your feeling towards your favorite people

Rahab Shows Kindness 2024-04-06

Rahab Shows Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. The number of spies sent out in secret by Joshua
  2. Rahab told the spies that she knew how God had dried up the water of this
  3. The spies used this to climb down from Rahab's roof
  4. The name of Rahab's son that she had later in life (Read Matthew 1:5; Rachab=Rahab; begat=had as a child)
  5. The city where Rahab lived
  6. Where Rahab told the spies to run to and hide in when they left her
  1. The name of the place that God gave to Israel to live in
  2. Rahab told the spies that this part of her people melted when they heard of God's power
  3. What Rahab hid the spies under
  4. The name of the place where the Israelites were living and where Joshua sent spies from
  5. The part of the house where Rahab hid the spies
  6. How many days Rahab told the spies to hide when they left her
  7. The name of Joshua's father

13 Clues: The city where Rahab livedThe name of Joshua's fatherWhat Rahab hid the spies underThe part of the house where Rahab hid the spiesThe number of spies sent out in secret by JoshuaThe spies used this to climb down from Rahab's roofThe name of the place that God gave to Israel to live inHow many days Rahab told the spies to hide when they left her...

Rahab Shows Kindness 2024-04-06

Rahab Shows Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the place that God gave to Israel to live in
  2. The name of the place where the Israelites were living and where Joshua sent spies from
  3. The spies used this to climb down from Rahab's roof
  4. The part of the house where Rahab hid the spies
  5. How many days Rahab told the spies to hide when they left her
  6. Where Rahab told the spies to run to and hide in when they left her
  1. The name of Rahab's son that she had later in life (Read Matthew 1:5; Rachab=Rahab; begat=had as a child)
  2. The name of Joshua's father
  3. The city where Rahab lived
  4. The number of spies sent out in secret by Joshua
  5. What Rahab hid the spies under
  6. Rahab told the spies that she knew how God had dried up the water of this
  7. Rahab told the spies that this part of her people melted when they heard of God's power

13 Clues: The city where Rahab livedThe name of Joshua's fatherWhat Rahab hid the spies underThe part of the house where Rahab hid the spiesThe number of spies sent out in secret by JoshuaThe spies used this to climb down from Rahab's roofThe name of the place that God gave to Israel to live inHow many days Rahab told the spies to hide when they left her...

Cyber Kindness Week 2024-04-12

Cyber Kindness Week crossword puzzle
  1. Focusing on the good in people and situations.
  2. Providing motivation and uplifting words.
  3. Being open-minded and empathetic.
  4. Giving without expecting anything in return.
  5. Working together for common goals.
  6. Understanding others' feelings.
  1. Showing care and concern.
  2. Thinking about how your actions affect others.
  3. Showing appreciation for others' kindness.
  4. Valuing others' opinions and boundaries.
  5. Offering assistance when needed.
  6. Showing behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people.

12 Clues: Showing care and concern.Understanding others' feelings.Offering assistance when needed.Being open-minded and empathetic.Working together for common goals.Valuing others' opinions and boundaries.Providing motivation and uplifting words.Showing appreciation for others' kindness.Giving without expecting anything in return....

fire 2023-11-30

fire crossword puzzle
  1. trip over
  2. so much kindness
  3. to much water
  1. gave kindness
  2. exploded
  3. raze you voice
  4. up to the top

7 Clues: explodedtrip overgave kindnessup to the topto much waterraze you voiceso much kindness

Cumulative Vocabulary Synonym 2018-02-02

Cumulative Vocabulary Synonym crossword puzzle
  1. messenger
  2. skilled
  3. unskilled
  4. irritable
  5. rebuke
  6. escape
  7. kindness
  8. thin
  9. critical
  10. submissive
  11. secretly
  12. drowsiness
  13. guess
  14. required
  1. return
  2. clean
  3. smug or satisfied
  4. messy
  5. pharmacist
  6. shocking
  7. inclination
  8. confused
  9. pause
  10. praise
  11. gloomy
  12. religious
  13. careless
  14. sluggish
  15. following
  16. dictatorship
  17. calm

31 Clues: thincalmcleanmessypauseguessreturnrebukeescapepraisegloomyskilledshockingconfusedkindnesscriticalsecretlycarelesssluggishrequiredmessengerunskilledirritablereligiousfollowingpharmacistsubmissivedrowsinessinclinationdictatorshipsmug or satisfied

Hospitality 2018-04-08

Hospitality crossword puzzle
  1. decency, excellence
  2. tender feeling
  3. spirit of giving
  4. capacity, willingness to endure
  5. friendship, accompaniment
  6. accepting, tolerant
  7. good manners
  8. skill; eagerness
  1. compassion, generosity
  2. acceptance; acknowledgment
  3. mental analysis
  4. admiration given by others
  5. gladly received
  6. heartedness generosity
  7. good feeling
  8. adjustment for different situation, circumstances
  9. companionability
  10. beneficial, beneficent
  11. pleasant and friendly
  12. happiness

20 Clues: happinessgood feelinggood mannerstender feelingmental analysisgladly receivedspirit of givingcompanionabilityskill; eagernessdecency, excellenceaccepting, tolerantpleasant and friendlycompassion, generosityheartedness generositybeneficial, beneficentfriendship, accompanimentacceptance; acknowledgmentadmiration given by others...

4.6.5 + Affixes 2018-05-16

4.6.5 +  Affixes crossword puzzle
  1. anxious
  2. not labeled
  3. to make unhappy
  4. contentedly
  5. do it backwards
  6. institution
  7. fruit of the Spirit
  8. twice a week
  9. too big
  1. to take air out
  2. movement
  3. at last
  4. not different
  5. not often
  6. decide too quickly
  7. money given earlier
  8. between states
  9. out of sight
  10. cross over
  11. say again

20 Clues: anxiousat lasttoo bigmovementnot oftensay againcross overnot labeledcontentedlyinstitutionout of sighttwice a weeknot differentbetween statesto take air outto make unhappydo it backwardsdecide too quicklymoney given earlierfruit of the Spirit

Vocab 6 3-4 2021-11-23

Vocab 6 3-4 crossword puzzle
  1. required
  2. unpleasant
  3. imaginary
  4. harsh
  5. easily seen through
  6. people you are descended from
  7. ill will
  8. messy and dirty
  9. act in a considerate way
  10. not needed
  1. very clean
  2. agreeable
  3. true
  4. does not allow light through
  5. merciful
  6. push away
  7. deep respect
  8. lure
  9. generations of the future
  10. rudeness

20 Clues: truelureharshrequiredmercifulill willrudenessagreeableimaginarypush awayvery cleanunpleasantnot neededdeep respectmessy and dirtyeasily seen throughact in a considerate waygenerations of the futuredoes not allow light throughpeople you are descended from

vocabulario unidad 1 2022-10-04

vocabulario unidad 1 crossword puzzle
  1. demanding
  2. to annoy
  3. toys
  4. to develop
  5. the cellphone
  6. to wear a costume
  7. to fly kites
  8. open-minded
  9. never ever
  10. empathy
  11. to facisnate/to like very much
  1. tag
  2. social media
  3. playful
  4. proud
  5. quality/characteristic
  6. kindness
  7. lively
  8. to climb
  9. to chat online

20 Clues: tagtoysproudlivelyplayfulempathyto annoykindnessto climbdemandingto developnever everopen-mindedsocial mediato fly kitesthe cellphoneto chat onlineto wear a costumequality/characteristicto facisnate/to like very much

Spelling 2024-01-25

Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. Evil
  2. Building of historical
  3. Outline of something
  4. take with authority
  5. identical in form
  6. feeling anger
  7. make disappear
  8. make ammends for
  9. lacking consideration
  1. Highest ranking
  2. Set afire
  3. piece of
  4. Delay by obstruction
  5. Refusal to obey
  6. expressing disapproval
  7. demanding
  8. set of rules
  9. vigorous campaign
  10. depressing
  11. showing kindness

20 Clues: Evilpiece ofSet afiredemandingdepressingset of rulesfeeling angermake disappearHighest rankingRefusal to obeymake ammends forshowing kindnessvigorous campaignidentical in formtake with authorityOutline of somethingDelay by obstructionlacking considerationBuilding of historicalexpressing disapproval

Vocab Crossword 2024-04-26

Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Beauty
  2. Happier
  3. Have you read that book
  4. Able to change
  5. Social institutions
  6. Its fundamental
  7. Show off
  8. Secret
  9. It is suggested or implied
  10. Foreshadowed
  11. Helpful
  12. Lots of meanings
  1. Subtle differences
  2. Dictionary definition
  3. Unnecessary amount
  4. Uneasy about something
  5. Cruel kindness
  6. Shakespeare
  7. You'll only make it worse
  8. Is it practical?

20 Clues: BeautySecretHappierHelpfulShow offShakespeareForeshadowedAble to changeCruel kindnessIts fundamentalIs it practical?Lots of meaningsSubtle differencesUnnecessary amountSocial institutionsDictionary definitionUneasy about somethingHave you read that bookYou'll only make it worseIt is suggested or implied

A comme amitié 2023-09-17

A comme amitié crossword puzzle
  1. Modesty
  2. Loyalty
  3. Sense of humour
  4. Optimism
  5. Honesty
  1. Selfconfidence
  2. Jalousy
  3. Kindness
  4. Generosity
  5. Impatience
  6. Patience

11 Clues: JalousyModestyLoyaltyHonestyKindnessPatienceOptimismGenerosityImpatienceSelfconfidenceSense of humour

Kindness 2022-07-01

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. We do kindness from our?
  2. Comes from the Holy Spirt?
  1. We do not do good deeds to show off to?
  2. These are the little things we do?
  3. Doing good to others is called?

5 Clues: We do kindness from our?Comes from the Holy Spirt?Doing good to others is called?These are the little things we do?We do not do good deeds to show off to?