kindness Crossword Puzzles

Spelling 2024-01-25

Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. Evil
  2. Building of historical
  3. Outline of something
  4. take with authority
  5. identical in form
  6. feeling anger
  7. make disappear
  8. make ammends for
  9. lacking consideration
  1. Highest ranking
  2. Set afire
  3. piece of
  4. Delay by obstruction
  5. Refusal to obey
  6. expressing disapproval
  7. demanding
  8. set of rules
  9. vigorous campaign
  10. depressing
  11. showing kindness

20 Clues: Evilpiece ofSet afiredemandingdepressingset of rulesfeeling angermake disappearHighest rankingRefusal to obeymake ammends forshowing kindnessvigorous campaignidentical in formtake with authorityOutline of somethingDelay by obstructionlacking considerationBuilding of historicalexpressing disapproval

Vocab Crossword 2024-04-26

Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Beauty
  2. Happier
  3. Have you read that book
  4. Able to change
  5. Social institutions
  6. Its fundamental
  7. Show off
  8. Secret
  9. It is suggested or implied
  10. Foreshadowed
  11. Helpful
  12. Lots of meanings
  1. Subtle differences
  2. Dictionary definition
  3. Unnecessary amount
  4. Uneasy about something
  5. Cruel kindness
  6. Shakespeare
  7. You'll only make it worse
  8. Is it practical?

20 Clues: BeautySecretHappierHelpfulShow offShakespeareForeshadowedAble to changeCruel kindnessIts fundamentalIs it practical?Lots of meaningsSubtle differencesUnnecessary amountSocial institutionsDictionary definitionUneasy about somethingHave you read that bookYou'll only make it worseIt is suggested or implied

Kindness 2022-07-01

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. We do kindness from our?
  2. Comes from the Holy Spirt?
  1. We do not do good deeds to show off to?
  2. These are the little things we do?
  3. Doing good to others is called?

5 Clues: We do kindness from our?Comes from the Holy Spirt?Doing good to others is called?These are the little things we do?We do not do good deeds to show off to?

Kindness 2021-07-01

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Kindness 2024-02-06

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. to bring together
  2. to give away for free
  1. not mean but
  2. something easy to do
  3. sent for a special occasion

5 Clues: not mean butto bring togethersomething easy to doto give away for freesent for a special occasion

A comme amitié 2023-09-17

A comme amitié crossword puzzle
  1. Modesty
  2. Loyalty
  3. Sense of humour
  4. Optimism
  5. Honesty
  1. Selfconfidence
  2. Jalousy
  3. Kindness
  4. Generosity
  5. Impatience
  6. Patience

11 Clues: JalousyModestyLoyaltyHonestyKindnessPatienceOptimismGenerosityImpatienceSelfconfidenceSense of humour

Spanish Crossword 2023-01-19

Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Until Tomorrow
  2. How you doing
  3. Please
  4. Good Morning
  5. Hello
  6. Good Thank you
  7. Bue
  1. Until later
  2. Bye
  3. Good Morning
  4. The kindness
  5. Very Good
  6. Until Soon
  7. Good Night
  8. Greetings

15 Clues: ByeBueHelloPleaseVery GoodGreetingsUntil SoonGood NightUntil laterGood MorningThe kindnessGood MorningHow you doingUntil TomorrowGood Thank you

Book Awkward - ELA Beatrice Blok 2022-01-17

Book Awkward - ELA Beatrice Blok crossword puzzle
  1. club
  2. studentpeppi
  3. of the clubs
  4. about someone
  5. is real
  6. school
  7. club
  8. are cool
  9. is ok
  1. is bad
  2. is all around
  3. are hard
  4. was created
  5. is the book
  6. is essential
  7. is key

16 Clues: clubclubis okis badschoolis keyis realare hardare coolwas createdis the bookstudentpeppiof the clubsis essentialis all aroundabout someone

An unusually prom date 2015-05-22

An unusually prom date crossword puzzle
  1. sitta barnvakt
  2. saga
  3. samordna
  4. kämpat
  5. vykort
  6. vänlighet
  7. delta i
  1. balklänning
  2. praktik
  3. avvikelse
  4. omedveten

11 Clues: sagakämpatvykortpraktikdelta isamordnaavvikelseomedvetenvänlighetbalklänningsitta barnvakt

EnglishHomeWork 2022-06-23

EnglishHomeWork crossword puzzle
  1. This photo remember me my childhood.
  2. The test we had yesterday was a hardly one.
  3. This watch is very useful.
  4. My Uncle was a famous singer.
  5. His drawing is the colorless one.
  1. Happily, he got the college scholarship.
  2. My dog is the most faithful.
  3. Veronica have a lot of ability.
  4. I'd like to buy that beautiful painting.
  5. Paul is a kindness person.

10 Clues: This watch is very useful.Paul is a kindness person.My dog is the most faithful.My Uncle was a famous singer.Veronica have a lot of ability.His drawing is the colorless one.This photo remember me my childhood.Happily, he got the college scholarship.I'd like to buy that beautiful painting.The test we had yesterday was a hardly one.

Leadership 2019-04-16

Leadership crossword puzzle
  1. displaying kindness and concern for others
  2. quality of being friendly
  3. has for acting or behaving in a particular way
  4. information about reactions to a product
  5. a good, affirmative, or constructive quality or attribute
  1. the imparting or exchanging of information or news
  2. feeling or showing deference and respect
  3. having strong moral principles; moral uprightness
  4. the quality of being honesty
  5. ready to give help

10 Clues: ready to give helpquality of being friendlythe quality of being honestyfeeling or showing deference and respectinformation about reactions to a productdisplaying kindness and concern for othershas for acting or behaving in a particular wayhaving strong moral principles; moral uprightnessthe imparting or exchanging of information or news...

fire 2023-11-30

fire crossword puzzle
  1. trip over
  2. so much kindness
  3. to much water
  1. gave kindness
  2. exploded
  3. raze you voice
  4. up to the top

7 Clues: explodedtrip overgave kindnessup to the topto much waterraze you voiceso much kindness

Genesis 40 - Baker and Butler's Dream 2022-11-04

Genesis 40 - Baker and Butler's Dream crossword puzzle
  1. Where was Joseph in the start of the story?
  2. Pharaoh the chief baker, just as Joseph has said.
  3. On the third day, it was Pharaoh’s______
  4. “Pharaoh will lift you head by hanging you on a_____”
  5. Chief cupbearer needs to show Joseph______.
  6. What did Joseph tell the chief cupbearer? ______ me and show kindness
  7. How did Joseph felt to spend his life in prison?
  8. “Bids will eat the _____ off your bone
  9. the important number in the story
  1. What did chief cupbearer see 3 of them in his dream?
  2. What did the chief cupbearer put into the cup?
  3. Joseph told them that his _____ come from God
  4. Whose cup was he holding?
  5. What animal were eating from the tray
  6. On the top tray of Baker’s head
  7. What did Joseph offer to do
  8. trays Baker put_______ on his head.
  9. He lifted the_____ of chief cupbearer

18 Clues: Whose cup was he holding?What did Joseph offer to doOn the top tray of Baker’s headthe important number in the storytrays Baker put_______ on his head.What animal were eating from the trayHe lifted the_____ of chief cupbearer“Bids will eat the _____ off your boneOn the third day, it was Pharaoh’s______Where was Joseph in the start of the story?...

Little Things are BIg 2022-01-12

Little Things are BIg crossword puzzle
  1. assistance
  2. NY
  3. Prejudice
  4. white people (no offense)
  1. courtesy
  2. Station
  3. Rican
  4. Citizens
  5. Day
  6. York
  7. Colon

11 Clues: NYDayYorkRicanColonStationcourtesyCitizensPrejudiceassistancewhite people (no offense)

HUMANITY 2024-02-04

HUMANITY crossword puzzle
  1. displaying kindness and concern for others.
  2. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  3. unity
  1. the quality of being well meaning; kindness.
  2. a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering of others and a wish to help them
  3. quality of being willing to share and give to others without expecting anything in return.
  4. mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together
  5. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

8 Clues: unitydisplaying kindness and concern for others.the quality of being well meaning; kindness.the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.the ability to understand and share the feelings of anothermutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together...

Frankenstein 2016-10-25

Frankenstein crossword puzzle
  1. intense
  2. toughening
  3. fulfill
  4. kept from
  5. temptation
  6. emptiness
  7. sad,depressing
  8. predictions
  9. keep
  10. satisfy
  11. about a month
  12. eagerness
  13. dangerous
  14. climates
  15. begin
  1. pardoned
  2. blown
  3. gave
  4. change
  5. heavenly
  6. caution
  7. kindness
  8. desires
  9. continuous
  10. asked
  11. impurities
  12. tool
  13. loneliness
  14. lead
  15. rest

30 Clues: gavetoolkeepleadrestblownaskedbeginchangeintensefulfillcautiondesiressatisfypardonedheavenlykindnessclimateskept fromemptinesseagernessdangeroustougheningtemptationcontinuousimpuritieslonelinesspredictionsabout a monthsad,depressing

IB Latin vocab crossword 1 2019-08-18

IB Latin vocab crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. rapio
  2. I call
  3. to give as a present
  4. kindness, favor
  5. to play
  6. afficio
  7. to accustom (oneself)
  8. at length, finally
  9. ignosco
  10. ideo
  11. pleasing
  1. to owe, ought
  2. divitiae
  3. piget
  4. name
  5. horridus
  6. pudet
  7. honestas
  8. difficulty
  9. a load, burden
  10. I cut
  11. proficiscor
  12. nuper
  13. accuso

24 Clues: nameideorapiopigetpudetI cutnuperI callaccusoto playafficioignoscodivitiaehorridushonestaspleasingdifficultyproficiscorto owe, oughta load, burdenkindness, favorat length, finallyto give as a presentto accustom (oneself)

Chapter 19 Vocabulary Review 2023-01-05

Chapter 19 Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. who
  2. author, increaser, or originator
  3. benefit, kindness, favor
  4. to charm
  5. Greece
  6. household or family
  7. weighty or serious
  8. immortal
  9. judge
  1. evil deed, crime, or sin
  2. proof, evidence, or argument
  3. to prepare
  4. if not or except
  5. against
  6. what
  7. now
  8. to free
  9. certain or definite
  10. but
  11. judgement

20 Clues: whonowbutwhatjudgeGreeceagainstto freeto charmimmortaljudgementto prepareif not or exceptweighty or seriouscertain or definitehousehold or familyevil deed, crime, or sinbenefit, kindness, favorproof, evidence, or argumentauthor, increaser, or originator

Crossword for Seniors 2023-01-30

Crossword for Seniors crossword puzzle
  1. Faith
  2. Friendship
  3. A trip
  4. Compassion
  5. Funds
  6. Assured
  7. The windows to the soul
  8. Sheltered
  9. Coxa joint
  10. Social security
  11. Hinge between the femur, tibia, patella
  12. Well-being
  13. Buddy or mate
  14. relatives
  1. Injury
  2. Concern
  3. Medical Personal
  4. Solitude
  5. Keeping level
  6. Self-reliant
  7. Assistance
  8. Paying attention
  9. Worry
  10. Accommodation

24 Clues: FaithFundsWorryInjuryA tripConcernAssuredSolitudeShelteredrelativesFriendshipCompassionAssistanceCoxa jointWell-beingSelf-reliantKeeping levelAccommodationBuddy or mateSocial securityMedical PersonalPaying attentionThe windows to the soulHinge between the femur, tibia, patella

vocabulario unidad 1 2022-10-04

vocabulario unidad 1 crossword puzzle
  1. bondad kindness
  2. cometas to fly kites
  3. to chat online
  4. pillapilla tag
  5. empathy
  6. open-minded
  7. sociales social media
  8. movil the cellphone
  9. playful
  10. proud
  1. to wear a costume
  2. to annoy
  3. quality/characteristic
  4. to climb
  5. lively
  6. demanding
  7. to facisnate/to like very much
  8. to develop
  9. never ever
  10. toys

20 Clues: toysproudlivelyempathyplayfulto annoyto climbdemandingto developnever everopen-mindedto chat onlinepillapilla tagbondad kindnessto wear a costumemovil the cellphonecometas to fly kitessociales social mediaquality/characteristicto facisnate/to like very much

Vocabulario unidad 1 2022-10-04

Vocabulario unidad 1 crossword puzzle
  1. playful
  2. bien to have a good time
  3. to request
  4. persitant
  5. to fascinate; like very much
  6. lively
  7. to climb
  8. bondad kindness
  9. to post online
  1. to feel like doing
  2. to chat online
  3. daycare
  4. demanding
  5. to succeed
  6. éxito achievement
  7. móvil the cell phone
  8. navigate
  9. swing set
  10. never ever
  11. quality

20 Clues: livelydaycareplayfulqualitynavigateto climbdemandingswing setpersitantto succeednever everto requestto chat onlineto post onlineto feel like doingbondad kindnesséxito achievementmóvil the cell phonebien to have a good timeto fascinate; like very much

Spelling 2016-05-04

Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. full of fear
  2. outside
  3. no hope
  4. made of wheat
  5. similar
  6. full of weak
  7. full of faith
  8. no rest
  9. full of kind
  10. no fear
  1. full of color
  2. sick
  3. steps
  4. to move
  5. to get fit
  6. being aware

16 Clues: sickstepsoutsideto moveno hopesimilarno restno fearto get fitbeing awarefull of fearfull of weakfull of kindfull of colormade of wheatfull of faith

Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle 2017-06-19

Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. area/ freedom
  2. violent / peaceful
  3. tangle/ method
  4. heavy/ light
  5. kindness/ cruelty
  6. skyline/ range
  7. clearly/ silently
  1. - dangerous/ fearful
  2. faint/ clear
  3. - mad/ happy
  4. sore/ abuse
  5. illegal
  6. - drawing out/ cutback
  7. alarm/ calm
  8. flounder/ steady

15 Clues: illegalsore/ abusealarm/ calmfaint/ clear- mad/ happyheavy/ lightarea/ freedomtangle/ methodskyline/ rangeflounder/ steadykindness/ crueltyclearly/ silentlyviolent / peaceful- dangerous/ fearful- drawing out/ cutback

magic fish bones 2020-09-28

magic fish bones crossword puzzle
  1. a person who inherits property
  2. kingdom
  3. kindness
  4. mistrusting
  5. sharp pains
  6. not to look after someone properly
  7. down
  8. sadly
  1. whispered
  2. avoided
  3. given new strength and health
  4. delicious
  5. thin
  6. very thin
  7. old

15 Clues: oldthindownsadlyavoidedkingdomkindnesswhispereddeliciousvery thinmistrustingsharp painsgiven new strength and healtha person who inherits propertynot to look after someone properly

English Vocab 2023-12-01

English Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Alone
  2. depression
  3. Never
  4. Kindness
  1. Confused
  2. Lines in music
  3. Sadly
  4. Shiny
  5. Greed
  6. Cheerful
  7. Shackled

11 Clues: SadlyAloneShinyGreedNeverConfusedCheerfulShackledKindnessdepressionLines in music

English Vocab 2023-12-01

English Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Alone
  2. depression
  3. Never
  4. Kindness
  1. Confused
  2. Lines in music
  3. Sadly
  4. Shiny
  5. Greed
  6. Cheerful
  7. Shackled

11 Clues: SadlyAloneShinyGreedNeverConfusedCheerfulShackledKindnessdepressionLines in music

Sample 2020-09-09

Sample crossword puzzle
  1. dhoeooeo oe
  2. djddkkdkd
  3. goodpd
  4. ololo hehhe
  5. dojgojd gowj
  6. ghggjoog wojgojg
  1. gogoogogo
  2. ldghdh godj
  3. odojg ojd
  4. dojgodow okiod
  5. pjhodfjgo
  6. hguwoodj

12 Clues: goodpdhguwoodjgogoogogodjddkkdkdodojg ojdpjhodfjgodhoeooeo oeldghdh godjololo hehhedojgojd gowjdojgodow okiodghggjoog wojgojg


CROSSWORD - WORKING LIFE crossword puzzle
  1. płomień
  2. odnoszący sukcesy
  3. właściciel mieszkania
  4. wolontariusz, ochotnik
  5. świadek
  6. bieda
  1. uprzejmość
  2. hojność
  3. szanowany
  4. zazdrosny
  5. powołanie

11 Clues: biedahojnośćpłomieńświadekszanowanyzazdrosnypowołanieuprzejmośćodnoszący sukcesywłaściciel mieszkaniawolontariusz, ochotnik

HUMANITY 2024-02-04

HUMANITY crossword puzzle
  1. displaying kindness and concern for others.
  2. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  3. unity
  1. the quality of being well meaning; kindness.
  2. a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering of others and a wish to help them
  3. quality of being willing to share and give to others without expecting anything in return.
  4. mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together
  5. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

8 Clues: unitydisplaying kindness and concern for others.the quality of being well meaning; kindness.the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.the ability to understand and share the feelings of anothermutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together...

NYS CROSSWORD SET 3 2024-11-12

NYS CROSSWORD SET 3 crossword puzzle
  1. the quality of putting others before our own needs
  2. to become conscious or aware, especially spiritually
  3. the quality of being pure , without guilt or wrongdoing
  4. a gentle feeling of liking or fondness towards someone
  5. a state of being conscious and mindful
  6. accepting and allowing differences in opinions or people
  7. to raise one's spirit or mood often through encouragement or positive influence
  8. the quality of being concerned with the soul and its connection to the divine
  9. feeling optimistic about the future and its possibilities
  10. the human race with the ability to show love and kindness
  11. awareness of one's own existence , thoughts and surroundings
  12. displaying elegance , beauty or kindness in one's actions
  13. the natural world , including plants, animals and the environment
  14. giving all your attention to something
  15. showing concern for other's well being
  1. the process of making something new again
  2. the state of being alone, often sought for spiritual Reflection.
  3. the quality of being calm , peaceful and undisturbed
  4. feeling thankful for the benefits one has received
  5. praying, singing and offering praise to God
  6. confidence in something or someone
  7. a person who saves others from harm or sin
  8. treating others the way you want to be treated , with kindness and care
  9. the act of removing impurities
  10. a plentiful quantity or supply of something good
  11. a moral excellence or righteousness
  12. regarded as holy or deserving of reverence
  13. the state of gaining spiritual insight and understanding
  14. having high moral qualities , especially courage and honor
  15. an intense feeling of happiness or elation

30 Clues: the act of removing impuritiesconfidence in something or someonea moral excellence or righteousnessa state of being conscious and mindfulgiving all your attention to somethingshowing concern for other's well beingthe process of making something new againa person who saves others from harm or sinregarded as holy or deserving of reverence...

NYS CROSSWORD SET 3 2024-11-12

NYS CROSSWORD SET 3 crossword puzzle
  1. the quality of putting others before our own needs
  2. to become conscious or aware, especially spiritually
  3. the quality of being pure , without guilt or wrongdoing
  4. a gentle feeling of liking or fondness towards someone
  5. a state of being conscious and mindful
  6. accepting and allowing differences in opinions or people
  7. to raise one's spirit or mood often through encouragement or positive influence
  8. the quality of being concerned with the soul and its connection to the divine
  9. feeling optimistic about the future and its possibilities
  10. the human race with the ability to show love and kindness
  11. awareness of one's own existence , thoughts and surroundings
  12. displaying elegance , beauty or kindness in one's actions
  13. the natural world , including plants, animals and the environment
  14. giving all your attention to something
  15. showing concern for other's well being
  1. the process of making something new again
  2. the state of being alone, often sought for spiritual Reflection.
  3. the quality of being calm , peaceful and undisturbed
  4. feeling thankful for the benefits one has received
  5. praying, singing and offering praise to God
  6. confidence in something or someone
  7. a person who saves others from harm or sin
  8. treating others the way you want to be treated , with kindness and care
  9. the act of removing impurities
  10. a plentiful quantity or supply of something good
  11. a moral excellence or righteousness
  12. regarded as holy or deserving of reverence
  13. the state of gaining spiritual insight and understanding
  14. having high moral qualities , especially courage and honor
  15. an intense feeling of happiness or elation

30 Clues: the act of removing impuritiesconfidence in something or someonea moral excellence or righteousnessa state of being conscious and mindfulgiving all your attention to somethingshowing concern for other's well beingthe process of making something new againa person who saves others from harm or sinregarded as holy or deserving of reverence...

Building Empathy Crossword 2024-04-12

Building Empathy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - An emotional state or reaction
  2. - Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
  3. - Understanding between people, common feeling
  4. - Sympathetic awareness or tolerance
  5. - Feel sorrow for the misfortunes of
  6. - A deep understanding of a person or thing
  7. - An intense feeling of deep affection
  1. - A spontaneous or natural liking or sympathy for someone or something
  2. - A close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well
  3. - Agreement or harmony between people or groups
  4. - The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
  5. - Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone
  6. - Exchange of intimate thoughts and feelings
  7. - Quick and delicate appreciation of others' feelings
  8. - Enthusiasm, affection, or kindness

15 Clues: - An emotional state or reaction- Sympathetic awareness or tolerance- Enthusiasm, affection, or kindness- Feel sorrow for the misfortunes of- An intense feeling of deep affection- A deep understanding of a person or thing- Exchange of intimate thoughts and feelings- Understanding between people, common feeling...

Ava's Spelling 2016-05-04

Ava's Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. made of wheat
  2. steps
  3. full of faith
  4. full of fear
  5. no fear
  6. no hope
  7. to get fit
  8. nice
  9. no rest or sleep
  1. sick
  2. full of color
  3. to be aware
  4. to move
  5. similar
  6. not strong
  7. outside

16 Clues: sicknicestepsno fearto moveno hopesimilaroutsidenot strongto get fitto be awarefull of fearfull of colormade of wheatfull of faithno rest or sleep

My Identity 2020-06-02

My Identity crossword puzzle
  1. sympathetic and kind.
  2. displaying kindness and concern for others.
  3. showing a readiness to give more of something, especially money, than is strictly necessary or expected.
  4. a school pupil.
  5. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  6. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  7. kind and pleasant.
  1. relaxed and tolerant in attitude or manner.
  2. having or showing a quick-witted intelligence.
  3. having or showing creativity or inventiveness.
  4. giving or ready to give help.

11 Clues: a school pupil.kind and pleasant.sympathetic and or ready to give help.relaxed and tolerant in attitude or manner.displaying kindness and concern for others.feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.having or showing a quick-witted intelligence.having or showing creativity or inventiveness....

my little pony 2024-01-23

my little pony crossword puzzle
  1. loyalty
  2. Princess of night
  3. Candence's daughter
  4. Laughter
  5. Rarity's sister
  6. Honesty
  7. The princess of the friendship
  1. Lord of khaos
  2. Twilight's brother
  3. Kindness
  4. The princess of love
  5. Rainbowdash's sister
  6. Applejack's grannie
  7. AppleJack's sister
  8. AppleJack's older brother
  9. Generosity

16 Clues: loyaltyHonestyKindnessLaughterGenerosityLord of khaosRarity's sisterPrincess of nightTwilight's brotherAppleJack's sisterApplejack's grannieCandence's daughterThe princess of loveRainbowdash's sisterAppleJack's older brotherThe princess of the friendship

kindness 2021-06-26

kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Kindness 2021-09-28

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Starts with a K and ends with an S
  2. Always be nice and.... your teachers and classmates.
  1. Something you should always give in class.
  2. Don't worry, be...
  3. Sharing is...

5 Clues: Sharing is...Don't worry, be...Starts with a K and ends with an SSomething you should always give in class.Always be nice and.... your teachers and classmates.

Kindness 2024-02-14

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Crossword 51 - Friendship 2023-10-09

Crossword 51 - Friendship crossword puzzle
  1. Happiness in friendship
  2. Shared in friendship
  3. Acceptance in friendship
  4. Friendly local
  5. Collaborative friendship
  6. Closest friend
  7. Friendly gesture
  8. Warm embrace of friendship
  9. Warm and cordial
  10. Guiding friendship
  11. Mutual admiration
  12. Reliability in friendship
  13. Deep affection
  14. Good friends
  15. Informal friend
  16. Close friendship
  17. Tranquility in friendship
  18. Group of close friends
  19. Thankfulness in friendship
  20. Kindness in friendship
  21. Development in friendship
  22. Oldtimey friend
  23. Openness in friendship
  24. Reliable buddy
  1. Kindred spirit
  2. Group of friends
  3. Gentle affection
  4. Faithfulness in friendship
  5. Strength in friendship
  6. Encouraging friends
  7. Friend in crime
  8. Wise advisor and friend
  9. Motivation among friends
  10. Genuineness among friends
  11. Assistance among friends
  12. Giving in friendship
  13. Sympathy in friendship
  14. Good friend
  15. Cordiality
  16. Bond among women
  17. Enjoyment together
  18. Truthfulness among friends
  19. Essential in friendship
  20. Happy expressions in friendship
  21. Like brothers
  22. Peaceful friendship
  23. Childhood friend
  24. Shared joy in friendship
  25. Unity in friendship
  26. Informal female friend

50 Clues: CordialityGood friendGood friendsLike brothersKindred spiritFriendly localClosest friendDeep affectionReliable buddyFriend in crimeInformal friendOldtimey friendGroup of friendsGentle affectionFriendly gestureWarm and cordialBond among womenChildhood friendClose friendshipMutual admirationGuiding friendshipEnjoyment togetherEncouraging friends...

Family 2024-06-18

Family crossword puzzle
  1. result
  2. daughter in law
  3. where we live
  4. second grandson
  5. granddaughter
  6. daughter
  7. first grandson
  8. son in law
  1. we need
  2. third grandson
  3. all together
  4. son
  5. treat each with this
  6. free for all
  7. mum

15 Clues: sonmumresultwe needdaughterson in lawall togetherfree for allwhere we livegranddaughterthird grandsonfirst grandsondaughter in lawsecond grandsontreat each with this

T_P_S2 2023-07-13

T_P_S2 crossword puzzle
  1. 놀기 좋아하는
  2. 장비
  3. 번개
  4. 대답하다, 반응하다
  5. 과제
  6. 친절
  1. 조각품
  2. 대회
  3. 당황스러운, 쑥스러운
  4. ~에 발이 걸려 넘어지다.
  5. 재앙
  6. ~로 끝나다

12 Clues: 대회장비재앙번개과제친절조각품~로 끝나다놀기 좋아하는대답하다, 반응하다당황스러운, 쑥스러운~에 발이 걸려 넘어지다.

Vocab word crossword puzzle 2023-05-15

Vocab word crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. ask someone questions
  2. poetry
  3. time with no rain or snow
  4. fast
  5. watering plants
  6. getting a job
  7. nice
  1. experience/knowledge
  2. broken
  3. money
  4. repeated sound
  5. interrupt and alter
  6. griping
  7. not good, not bad
  8. established

15 Clues: fastnicemoneypoetrybrokengripingestablishedgetting a jobrepeated soundwatering plantsnot good, not badinterrupt and alterexperience/knowledgeask someone questionstime with no rain or snow

Anchor 4/21/24 2024-04-21

Anchor 4/21/24 crossword puzzle
  1. downpour
  2. barrier
  3. where I live
  4. gateway to city of Canaan
  5. determination
  6. miraculous
  7. shielded
  8. Arabian Gulf
  1. HaYarden in Hebrew
  2. weigh-up
  3. tender hearted
  4. undercover agent
  5. opposite of yes
  6. courageous
  7. Canaanite woman

15 Clues: barrierdownpourweigh-upshieldedcourageousmiraculouswhere I liveArabian Gulfdeterminationtender heartedopposite of yesCanaanite womanundercover agentHaYarden in Hebrewgateway to city of Canaan

Micaela's Crossword 2020-09-22

Micaela's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. like, or appropriate to a child.
  2. consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.
  3. involving mutual assistance in working toward a common goal.
  4. having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked.
  5. showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings.
  6. absorbed in their thoughts.
  7. displaying kindness and concern for others.
  8. feeling, showing, or expressing kindness.
  1. having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
  2. not showing a proper sense of having an obligation to do something.
  3. expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments.
  4. impudent or irreverent, typically in an endearing or amusing way.
  5. causing annoyance, impatience, or mild anger.
  6. showing or involving great activity or vitality.
  7. not properly planned and controlled.

15 Clues: absorbed in their, or appropriate to a child.not properly planned and controlled.feeling, showing, or expressing kindness.displaying kindness and concern for others.causing annoyance, impatience, or mild anger.showing or involving great activity or vitality.showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings....

LOVE 2023-04-19

LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. - A strong and intense emotion or feeling.
  2. - Gentle and caring affection or love.
  3. - A strong but short-lived feeling of love or attraction.
  4. - A close emotional connection between two people.
  5. - A feeling of love and excitement in a relationship.
  6. - A feeling of love, kindness, and comfort.
  7. - Sympathy and concern for the suffering of others.
  8. - A strong belief in the reliability and honesty of someone.
  9. - A peaceful and loving state of mind.
  10. - Love that lasts and withstands challenges and difficulties.
  11. - A feeling of togetherness and connection with someone.
  1. - Love expressed through acts of generosity and compassion.
  2. - Showing or expressing strong feelings of love or desire.
  3. - A deep desire or yearning for someone or something.
  4. - Respect and approval for someone or something.
  5. - A feeling of affection and liking.
  6. - A feeling of being drawn to someone or something.
  7. - Deep love and commitment to someone or something.
  8. - A warm feeling of liking or fondness.
  9. - A peaceful and loving relationship between people.

20 Clues: - A feeling of affection and liking.- Gentle and caring affection or love.- A peaceful and loving state of mind.- A warm feeling of liking or fondness.- A strong and intense emotion or feeling.- A feeling of love, kindness, and comfort.- Respect and approval for someone or something.- A close emotional connection between two people....

vocab Final 2024-02-12

vocab Final crossword puzzle
  1. I'm very calm about everything
  2. someone who is shy
  3. I talked to my brother in a nice and peaceful way
  4. Making someone annoyed by using speech or action
  5. I felt a lot of rage and anger after I died in my video game
  6. his former manager was _________ for fraud
  7. he won't agree to anything so he's ________
  8. Promise success
  9. Skeptical to a fault
  10. Teachers arnt fully exploring what I can do
  11. showing kindness to someone
  1. My friend made a disturbing joke
  2. opposite of polite
  3. A Superhero standing still
  4. Something comparable or related
  5. Opposite of super large
  6. My friend has a cheap car
  7. I stayed ________ from the crowd
  8. Someone who is highly trustworthy and accurate
  9. is a synonym for debatable
  10. to explain
  11. the opposite of approved
  12. the quality of being well and kindness
  13. To stay
  14. investigation or analyzing something to understand it better
  15. something small

26 Clues: To stayto explainPromise successsomething smallopposite of politesomeone who is shySkeptical to a faultOpposite of super largethe opposite of approvedMy friend has a cheap carA Superhero standing stillis a synonym for debatableshowing kindness to someoneI'm very calm about everythingSomething comparable or relatedMy friend made a disturbing joke...

Advisory Strong 2023-09-14

Advisory Strong crossword puzzle
  1. Putting in effort and dedication to achieve your goals.
  2. Ensuring everyone is treated fairly and justly.
  3. Bouncing back from adversity and setbacks.
  4. Treating others the way you want to be treated.
  5. The ability to manage your impulses and emotions.
  6. Being accountable for your actions and obligations.
  7. Acting honestly and ethically, even when no one is watching.
  8. Collaborating and working together with others to achieve a goal.
  1. Guiding and inspiring others to achieve a common goal.
  2. Showing kindness and concern for others in need.
  3. Ensuring everyone gets an equal chance or treatment.
  4. Always telling the truth, even when it's difficult.
  5. Synonymous with kindness and empathy.
  6. Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
  7. Not giving up when faced with challenges.

15 Clues: Synonymous with kindness and empathy.Not giving up when faced with challenges.Bouncing back from adversity and setbacks.Ensuring everyone is treated fairly and justly.Treating others the way you want to be treated.Showing kindness and concern for others in need.Understanding and sharing the feelings of others....

Palm Leadership - Character Counts 2024-11-04

Palm Leadership - Character Counts crossword puzzle
  1. The strength to face fear or challenges.
  2. A strong desire to learn or know more about something.
  3. Concentrating on a task or goal.
  4. The ability to adjust to new conditions or environments.
  5. A feeling of thankfulness and appreciation.
  6. Being accountable for one’s actions.
  7. Working in harmony with others.
  8. Thoughtful concern for others' feelings and needs.
  9. The ability to generate new and unique ideas.
  10. Free from danger or harm; secure.
  1. Firmness of purpose; never giving up.
  2. Being truthful and sincere.
  3. The exchange of thoughts, ideas, and information.
  4. Showing regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others.
  5. Adherence to strong moral principles.
  6. Working together to achieve a common goal.
  7. Willingness to change or compromise.
  8. Thinking Analyzing and evaluating information to make decisions.
  9. Continuing in a course of action despite difficulty.
  10. Showing kindness and concern for others.
  11. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  12. The quality of being friendly and considerate.
  13. Someone who leads the school.

23 Clues: Being truthful and sincere.Someone who leads the school.Working in harmony with others.Concentrating on a task or goal.Free from danger or harm; secure.Willingness to change or compromise.Being accountable for one’s actions.Firmness of purpose; never giving up.Adherence to strong moral principles.The strength to face fear or challenges....

English Words 2021-04-13

English Words crossword puzzle
  1. shared and used by a number of people
  2. make thankful , grateful, or indebted
  3. passing on of traits or physical characteristics from parent to children.
  4. kindness,giving spirit
  5. - Behaving as though one is sorry; showing regret
  6. organization/group of people that share interests and/or a purpose
  7. born and living at about the same time
  8. agreement or partnership between two people, groups, or countries
  9. promise or pledge
  10. kind and generous
  11. history
  1. - a close relationship; a personal connection
  2. -person known slightly
  3. descendants
  4. receive (property, right, a title, etc.) from an ancestor
  5. act of showing kindness, friendliness, or warmth toward guests
  6. who inherits
  7. people who encourage and help
  8. Without ceremony; not formal
  9. To make people feel unfriendly
  10. money, property, or title passed to others when the owner dies
  11. classification or category of male or female
  12. done by past generations

23 Clues: historydescendantswho inheritspromise or pledgekind and generous-person known slightlykindness,giving spiritdone by past generationsWithout ceremony; not formalpeople who encourage and helpTo make people feel unfriendlyshared and used by a number of peoplemake thankful , grateful, or indebtedborn and living at about the same time...

Counselor Classroom 2024-03-18

Counselor Classroom crossword puzzle
  1. Distract Your
  2. Be the reason someone
  3. Growth
  4. Show
  5. Character
  6. Challenge
  7. August Trait
  1. February Trait
  2. To Calm Yourself Down
  3. Make
  4. Dream
  5. Help Stop
  6. March Trait

13 Clues: MakeShowDreamGrowthCharacterHelp StopChallengeMarch TraitAugust TraitDistract YourFebruary TraitTo Calm Yourself DownBe the reason someone

Taylor's crossword puzzle 2013-05-29

Taylor's crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. ruse
  2. crooked
  3. speech
  4. fondness
  5. manifest
  6. kindness
  1. unselfish
  2. bossy
  3. nag
  4. sober

10 Clues: nagrusebossysoberspeechcrookedfondnessmanifestkindnessunselfish

Values 2020-06-13

Values crossword puzzle
  1. a
  2. h
  3. s
  4. k
  5. c
  1. p
  2. i
  3. j
  4. d
  5. f

10 Clues: pijahdsfkc

Suffixes; er, est, ness, ment, ation 2023-03-13

Suffixes; er, est, ness, ment, ation crossword puzzle
  1. Enjoy
  2. Relax
  3. Big
  4. Smile
  5. Carry
  1. Late
  2. Inform
  3. Kind
  4. Earlier
  5. Paint

10 Clues: BigLateKindEnjoyRelaxPaintSmileCarryInformEarlier

文化新时代 2023-09-05

文化新时代 crossword puzzle

10 Clues: 

Eagle 101 crossword puzzle 2024-10-14

Eagle 101 crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 10
  4. 8
  5. 6
  6. 5
  7. 3
  1. 9
  2. 1
  3. 7

10 Clues: 49128675310

group 1 spelling sophia (10) 2024-02-08

group 1 spelling sophia (10) crossword puzzle
  1. kindness
  2. kinda another word for excellent
  3. clues
  4. nice smell
  5. obvious
  6. absent without explanation
  7. resident
  8. already claimed
  1. nice person
  2. listen
  3. kinda another word for brilliant
  4. pleasant smell
  5. not shy
  6. good listener
  7. unsure

15 Clues: clueslistenunsurenot shyobviouskindnessresidentnice smellnice persongood listenerpleasant smellalready claimedabsent without explanationkinda another word for brilliantkinda another word for excellent

Kindness 2021-10-13

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. What food makes you
  2. What elders give us
  1. What everyone deserves
  2. Need to have in God
  3. Everyone needs to do

5 Clues: Need to have in GodWhat food makes youWhat elders give usEveryone needs to doWhat everyone deserves

Kindness 2021-09-28

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Starts with a K and ends with an S
  2. Always be nice and.... your teachers and classmates.
  1. Something you should always give in class.
  2. Don't worry, be...
  3. Sharing is...

5 Clues: Sharing is...Don't worry, be...Starts with a K and ends with an SSomething you should always give in class.Always be nice and.... your teachers and classmates.

Kindness 2021-09-28

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Starts with a K and ends with an S
  2. Always be nice and.... your teachers and classmates.
  1. Something you should always give in class.
  2. Don't worry, be...
  3. Sharing is...

5 Clues: Sharing is...Don't worry, be...Starts with a K and ends with an SSomething you should always give in class.Always be nice and.... your teachers and classmates.

Let's Remember Library Expectations 2024-01-07

Let's Remember Library Expectations crossword puzzle
  1. This tool never makes a noise in the library
  2. Tool helps us locate a title to read
  3. Books should come every other week or so
  4. How one moves in the library
  5. These also should be treated with kindness
  6. What one should never do in the library
  1. Shared and shown to all patrons in the library
  2. Let the librarians know if your book is wet or damaged
  3. This tool never touches another patron
  4. When Mr. B or Miss R are helping others
  5. Best level of communication
  6. Always used correctly

12 Clues: Always used correctlyBest level of communicationHow one moves in the libraryTool helps us locate a title to readThis tool never touches another patronWhen Mr. B or Miss R are helping othersWhat one should never do in the libraryBooks should come every other week or soThese also should be treated with kindness...

Stage 41 2021-09-22

Stage 41 crossword puzzle
  1. fire
  2. different
  3. custom
  4. set up, establish
  5. there is need of
  6. truth
  7. deserve
  1. not yet
  2. blame, fault
  3. find
  4. if anyone, if anything
  5. be lacking, be unavailable
  6. until
  7. act of kindness, favor
  8. that no on, that nothing
  9. instruct, order
  10. duty, piety, family feeling

17 Clues: firefinduntiltruthcustomnot yetdeservedifferentblame, faultinstruct, orderthere is need ofset up, establishif anyone, if anythingact of kindness, favorthat no on, that nothingbe lacking, be unavailableduty, piety, family feeling

Vocab Review 2024-05-17

Vocab Review crossword puzzle
  1. worn out
  2. silly
  3. make better
  4. looking down on
  5. description to help the reader picture something
  6. criticize
  7. politeness
  8. kindness
  1. tired
  2. embarrassed
  3. strength
  4. beep beep she's a sheep
  5. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
  6. friend
  7. always there for you
  8. nervous
  9. guilt

17 Clues: tiredsillyguiltfriendnervousworn outstrengthkindnesscriticizepolitenessembarrassedmake betterlooking down onalways there for youbeep beep she's a sheepPeter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppersdescription to help the reader picture something

help 2021-11-16

help crossword puzzle
  1. error
  2. hostile
  3. termine
  4. fear
  1. HATE
  2. impatient
  3. lies
  4. vengeance
  5. love
  6. bravery

10 Clues: HATElieslovefearerrorbraveryhostiletermineimpatientvengeance

What is the virtue for the month of... 2013-06-25

What is the virtue for the month of... crossword puzzle
  1. june
  2. january
  3. may
  4. october
  5. december
  1. february
  2. march
  3. september
  4. april
  5. november

10 Clues: mayjunemarchapriljanuaryoctoberfebruarynovemberdecemberseptember

rewolinski 2022-12-29

rewolinski crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 9
  3. 1
  4. 7
  5. 4
  6. 2
  1. 10
  2. 8
  3. 3
  4. 6

10 Clues: 85913674210

school 2020-01-16

school crossword puzzle
  1. 3
  2. 9
  3. 4
  4. 5
  5. 8
  6. 10
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 6
  4. 7

10 Clues: 12639745810

bulletin board 2022-08-01

bulletin board crossword puzzle
  1. aug
  2. may
  3. jan
  4. oct
  1. feb
  2. march
  3. april
  4. dec
  5. sept
  6. nov

10 Clues: febdecaugnovmayjanoctseptmarchapril

Nouns with -ity/ness 2022-10-10

Nouns with -ity/ness crossword puzzle
  1. brutal
  2. cruel
  3. happy
  4. generous
  5. electric
  1. ill
  2. kind
  3. popular
  4. equal
  5. useful

10 Clues: illkindcruelhappyequalbrutalusefulpopulargenerouselectric


ROBU CROSSPUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 10
  3. 7
  4. 5
  5. 6
  6. 4
  1. 9
  2. 8
  3. 3
  4. 2

10 Clues: 91873526410

Peace Day - Dia de la Paz 2018 2018-01-30

Peace Day - Dia de la Paz 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. Soñar
  2. Bondad
  3. Imaginar
  4. Respeto
  5. Paloma
  1. Amor
  2. Mundo
  3. Soñador
  4. Paz
  5. Compartir

10 Clues: PazAmorMundoSoñarBondadPalomaSoñadorRespetoImaginarCompartir

PJS 15 - Nominalization 2024-06-07

PJS 15 - Nominalization crossword puzzle
  1. neighbor
  2. stupid
  3. employ
  4. kind
  5. appreciate
  1. donate
  2. courageous
  3. engage
  4. optimistic
  5. helpful

10 Clues: kinddonateengagestupidemployhelpfulneighborcourageousoptimisticappreciate

4.6.5 * Affixes 2018-05-16

4.6.5   *  Affixes crossword puzzle
  1. anxious
  2. unlabeled
  3. out of sight
  4. no movement
  5. institution
  6. contentedly
  7. ok inside or out
  8. twice a week
  9. to take air out
  10. not different
  11. not happy
  1. said again
  2. fruit of the Spirit
  3. too big
  4. at last
  5. where two ways cross
  6. not often
  7. formed opinion too soon
  8. money given earlier

19 Clues: anxioustoo bigat lastunlabelednot oftennot happysaid againno movementinstitutioncontentedlyout of sighttwice a weeknot differentto take air outok inside or outfruit of the Spiritmoney given earlierwhere two ways crossformed opinion too soon

Surahs of the Quran (98-114) 2020-02-22

Surahs of the Quran (98-114) crossword puzzle
  1. The Unity
  2. The Abundance of Good
  3. The Time
  4. The Flame
  5. The Clear Evidence
  6. The Quraish
  7. The Disbelievers
  1. The Shaking
  2. The Elephant
  3. The Help
  4. The Calamity
  5. The Abundance of Wealth
  6. The Assaulters
  7. The Kindness
  8. The Dawn
  9. The Slanderer
  10. The Men

17 Clues: The MenThe HelpThe TimeThe DawnThe UnityThe FlameThe ShakingThe QuraishThe ElephantThe CalamityThe KindnessThe SlandererThe AssaultersThe DisbelieversThe Clear EvidenceThe Abundance of GoodThe Abundance of Wealth

kind 2023-11-05

kind crossword puzzle
  1. A quality often expressed through small acts of goodwill.
  2. Thankfulness for the kindness of others.
  3. A bond that goes beyond mere acquaintances.
  4. Giving without expecting anything in return.
  1. Willingness to lend a hand and provide support.
  2. Understanding and sharing in another's emotions.
  3. Feeling deep sympathy for someone's suffering.
  4. A strong feeling that binds people together.
  5. Treating others with admiration and consideration.
  6. Showing concern and affection for someone's well-being.

10 Clues: Thankfulness for the kindness of others.A bond that goes beyond mere acquaintances.A strong feeling that binds people together.Giving without expecting anything in return.Feeling deep sympathy for someone's suffering.Willingness to lend a hand and provide support.Understanding and sharing in another's emotions....

virtues 2022-08-15

virtues crossword puzzle
  1. August
  2. January
  3. Mar
  4. November
  5. May
  6. October
  1. Apr
  2. December
  3. Feb
  4. September

10 Clues: AprMarFebMayAugustJanuaryOctoberDecemberNovemberSeptember

1-10 2022-11-08

1-10 crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. 2
  3. 8
  4. 5
  5. 10
  1. 1
  2. 7
  3. 6
  4. 4
  5. 3

10 Clues: 17643928510

Vocab Activity 2023-02-08

Vocab Activity crossword puzzle
  1. befuddle
  2. unruly
  3. disgraceful
  4. overcome
  5. remains
  1. lessen
  2. grow
  3. kindness
  4. unshakeable
  5. create

10 Clues: growlessencreateunrulyremainskindnessbefuddleovercomeunshakeabledisgraceful

TKaM Vocab 2024-04-01

TKaM Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Brutal
  2. Hallucination
  3. Vacation
  4. Kindness
  1. Shame
  2. Shave
  3. Grim
  4. Distant
  5. Combative
  6. Hidden

10 Clues: GrimShameShaveBrutalHiddenDistantVacationKindnessCombativeHallucination

English Words 2021-04-13

English Words crossword puzzle
  1. act of showing kindness, friendliness, or warmth toward guests
  2. history
  3. done by past generations
  4. promise or pledge
  5. classification or category of male or female
  6. agreement or partnership between two people, groups, or countries
  7. shared and used by a number of people
  8. money, property, or title passed to others when the owner dies
  9. descendants
  10. organization/group of people that share interests and/or a purpose
  11. kindness,giving spirit
  1. Without ceremony; not formal
  2. people who encourage and help
  3. receive (property, right, a title, etc.) from an ancestor
  4. who inherits
  5. passing on of traits or physical characteristics from parent to children.
  6. To make people feel unfriendly
  7. kind and generous
  8. born and living at about the same time
  9. -person known slightly
  10. - a close relationship; a personal connection
  11. - Behaving as though one is sorry; showing regret
  12. make thankful , grateful, or indebted

23 Clues: historydescendantswho inheritskind and generouspromise or pledge-person known slightlykindness,giving spiritdone by past generationsWithout ceremony; not formalpeople who encourage and helpTo make people feel unfriendlyshared and used by a number of peoplemake thankful , grateful, or indebtedborn and living at about the same time...

Fruits of the Spirit (And maybe some other stuff...) 2013-02-25

Fruits of the Spirit (And maybe some other stuff...) crossword puzzle
  1. Foundation of liberty
  2. Played Mrs. Peacock in WOLBI Clue
  3. Self control
  4. Inner calm of the soul that results from that saving result of our relationship with Christ
  5. Happiness based upon the unchanging promises of God; a sense of well-being
  6. One who is properly related to God through Jesus Christ
  7. Patience to endure other people; courageous endurance
  8. Brooke's Middle Name
  9. Book we studied this past week
  10. Love in action; moral and spiritual excellence which manifests itself in kindness
  1. The devotion of self sacrifice
  2. An act of God whereby he declares a believing sinner righteous in His sight
  3. Greatest show ever; Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster
  4. To purchase something by the payment of a price
  5. Dependability; complete confidence in God
  6. Power under control; humble and gentle attitude that is patiently submissive
  7. Killed Chris Jones *gasp*
  8. Kindness: concern for others
  9. Hello in Spanish
  10. Where you are
  11. Most popular search engine

21 Clues: Self controlWhere you areHello in SpanishBrooke's Middle NameFoundation of libertyKilled Chris Jones *gasp*Most popular search engineKindness: concern for othersThe devotion of self sacrificeBook we studied this past weekPlayed Mrs. Peacock in WOLBI ClueDependability; complete confidence in GodTo purchase something by the payment of a price...

Self-Care 2023-12-26

Self-Care crossword puzzle
  1. Take air into the lungs and then expel it
  2. The activity of keeping a diary or journal
  3. Look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter
  4. An activity done regularly for enjoyment rather than work
  5. Use of free time for enjoyment
  6. Make or become less tense or anxious
  7. Regain energy or spirit
  8. Indulge with every attention, comfort, and kindness
  9. Provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth and health
  10. Relax after a period of work or tension
  11. A short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant
  12. Cease work or movement to relax, sleep, or recover strength
  1. Resume after an interruption
  2. Remove toxic substances
  3. Gently calm or reduce pain or discomfort
  4. Allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of
  5. Cause to absorb water or moisture
  6. A place devoted to overall well-being through various professional services
  7. Quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation and return kindness
  8. Relating to or characterized by deep thought

20 Clues: Remove toxic substancesRegain energy or spiritResume after an interruptionUse of free time for enjoymentCause to absorb water or moistureMake or become less tense or anxiousAllow oneself to enjoy the pleasure ofRelax after a period of work or tensionGently calm or reduce pain or discomfortTake air into the lungs and then expel it...

Artwork 2022-08-03

Artwork crossword puzzle
  1. Not easy work
  2. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes
  3. Works with others to get the job done
  4. Must be earned
  5. How a person shows kindness
  6. Our school
  7. Strives for their best all the time
  8. How something is viewed
  9. Accomplishing a desired aim or result
  10. Intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval
  11. Being grateful for what we have and who we are
  1. Allowing the misgivings of others to stay in the past
  2. Helping others in need
  3. Will step in when they see something not right
  4. Doesn't think of themselves
  5. Can be trusted to do important jobs
  6. The opposite of mean
  7. The quality of the courageous
  8. The ability to wait as long as it takes
  9. Not mindless
  10. The ability to accept apologies and forgive others
  11. Thinking outside the box
  12. Bouncing back from a set back
  13. Being consistently truthful
  14. Many can be seen in the night sky
  15. Not in danger

26 Clues: Our schoolNot mindlessNot easy workNot in dangerMust be earnedThe opposite of meanHelping others in needHow something is viewedThinking outside the boxDoesn't think of themselvesHow a person shows kindnessBeing consistently truthfulThe quality of the courageousBouncing back from a set backMany can be seen in the night sky...

IR Crossword Puzzle 2023-03-13

IR Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
  2. the state, quality, or fact of being innocent of a crime or offense.
  3. the quality or state of being true.
  4. the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.
  5. study the origin, development, and behavior of humans
  6. free from tension and anxiety; at ease.
  7. an intense feeling of deep affection.
  8. amused or pleased expression
  9. sincere; deeply and strongly felt.
  10. freedom from disturbance; tranquility.
  1. a limiting rule or circumstance; a restriction.
  2. a fault, blemish, or undesirable feature.
  3. high renown or honor won by notable achievements.
  4. constructive, optimistic, or confident.
  5. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  6. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
  7. giving or ready to give help.
  8. a sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events intended to appeal to the emotions.
  9. the existence of an individual human being or animal.
  10. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.

20 Clues: amused or pleased expressiongiving or ready to give help.sincere; deeply and strongly felt.the quality or state of being intense feeling of deep affection.freedom from disturbance; tranquility.constructive, optimistic, or from tension and anxiety; at ease.a fault, blemish, or undesirable feature....

Attributes and emotions (Nouns 2) 2017-04-30

Attributes and emotions (Nouns 2) crossword puzzle
  1. Kindness
  2. Excessive pride
  3. Personal standards
  4. Reflecting on one's own actions
  5. Legacy, reputation
  6. Vagueness, lack of clarity
  7. Strong dislike
  1. Aptitude, capabilities
  2. Excessive love for one's own kind
  3. Drive, enthusiasm
  4. Appreciation
  5. Ability to adjust
  6. Inner self
  7. Validation
  8. Exactitude
  9. Freedom

16 Clues: FreedomKindnessInner selfValidationExactitudeAppreciationStrong dislikeExcessive prideDrive, enthusiasmAbility to adjustPersonal standardsLegacy, reputationAptitude, capabilitiesVagueness, lack of clarityReflecting on one's own actionsExcessive love for one's own kind

love 2021-01-21

love crossword puzzle
  1. iyilik
  2. sevecen
  3. yardımsever
  4. dürüst
  1. sevilen
  2. kalp
  3. değer
  4. paylaşmak
  5. saygı
  6. sevgi
  7. sevilen

11 Clues: kalpdeğersaygısevgiiyilikdürüstsevilensevecensevilenpaylaşmakyardımsever


ROBU CROSSPUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 8
  5. 3
  6. 1
  1. 9
  2. 5
  3. 7
  4. 10

10 Clues: 95674283110

A Christmas Carol 2019-11-06

A Christmas Carol crossword puzzle
  1. cheerful
  2. laugh
  3. provied
  4. plead
  1. firm
  2. cloudy
  3. kindness
  4. reddish
  5. speak
  6. happy

10 Clues: firmlaughspeakhappypleadcloudyreddishproviedcheerfulkindness

Character Traits 2023-04-10

Character Traits crossword puzzle
  1. February
  2. November
  3. January
  4. September
  5. October
  1. August
  2. December
  3. May
  4. April
  5. March

10 Clues: MayAprilMarchAugustJanuaryOctoberDecemberFebruaryNovemberSeptember

Vocab Activity 2023-02-08

Vocab Activity crossword puzzle
  1. befuddle
  2. unruly
  3. disgraceful
  4. overcome
  5. remains
  1. lessen
  2. grow
  3. kindness
  4. unshakeable
  5. create

10 Clues: growlessencreateunrulyremainskindnessbefuddleovercomeunshakeabledisgraceful

Helen Johnson 2023-03-31

Helen Johnson crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 1
  4. 9
  1. 8
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 10
  5. 5
  6. 2

10 Clues: 86743512910

Values 2023-08-05

Values crossword puzzle
  1. money
  2. Aretha
  3. team
  4. after
  5. lion
  1. first
  2. grouch
  3. yes
  4. deserved
  5. ma

10 Clues: mayesteamlionmoneyfirstaftergrouchArethadeserved


  2. KEEP THINGS_____
  4. THINK TEAM ____
  5. _____ IT EVERYDAY
  7. BE ____ TO WORK WITH
  3. BE____-MINDED
  7. ___ THE PATIENT


SCRIPTURE-3 2022-07-10

SCRIPTURE-3 crossword puzzle
  4. ROCK
  5. TIRED
  6. READY


appreciation 2024-03-21

appreciation crossword puzzle
  1. (Enduring quality)
  2. (Proficiency in care)
  3. (Feeling towards nurses)
  4. (Understanding others)
  5. (Respect for nurses)
  6. (Patients' reliance)
  7. (Provided to patients)
  8. (Endurance shown)
  9. (Putting others first)
  10. (Essential aspect)
  11. (Showing care)
  12. (Provided to patients)
  1. (Resilience shown)
  2. (Nurse's mission)
  3. (Compassionate trait)
  4. (Symbol of empathy)
  5. (Acts of bravery
  6. (Empathetic quality)
  7. (Commitment to duty)
  8. (Dedicated commitment)

20 Clues: (Showing care)(Acts of bravery(Nurse's mission)(Endurance shown)(Resilience shown)(Enduring quality)(Essential aspect)(Symbol of empathy)(Respect for nurses)(Patients' reliance)(Empathetic quality)(Commitment to duty)(Compassionate trait)(Proficiency in care)(Understanding others)(Provided to patients)(Putting others first)(Dedicated commitment)...

Spelling Words Week 23 2024-03-13

Spelling Words Week 23 crossword puzzle
  1. beyond pretty
  2. darker than anything
  3. absence of light
  4. a scoop
  5. no strength
  6. no age
  7. full of ideas
  8. with elegance
  1. the most important
  2. no shape
  3. no pain
  4. do with care
  5. a disease
  6. very clean
  7. something inspiring
  8. a little sick
  9. full of kindness
  10. a little bit

18 Clues: no ageno paina scoopno shapea diseasevery cleanno strengthdo with carea little bitbeyond prettya little sickfull of ideaswith eleganceabsence of lightfull of kindnessthe most importantsomething inspiringdarker than anything

Coolio crossword 2024-09-25

Coolio crossword crossword puzzle
  1. deceptive attempts for information
  2. responsible us of tech
  3. persons details online
  4. controls on social media
  5. precautions
  6. accountable
  7. group who interact on the internet
  8. kindness
  9. useful
  1. virtual limits
  2. stealing credit card number
  3. manners online
  4. work together
  5. online trail
  6. interconnected online
  7. results
  8. combinations
  9. data that is personal

18 Clues: usefulresultskindnessprecautionsaccountableonline trailcombinationswork togethervirtual limitsmanners onlineinterconnected onlinedata that is personalresponsible us of techpersons details onlinecontrols on social mediastealing credit card numberdeceptive attempts for informationgroup who interact on the internet

Module 8 Week 3 2024-03-05

Module 8 Week 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Fur has it
  2. Presents verb
  3. Denver and Los Angeles
  4. Pictures capture them
  5. Access _____
  6. Watched in secret
  7. Show everyone _____
  8. Most wonderful
  9. Held and moved
  10. Bird verb
  1. Brand new people
  2. Copper coins
  3. Joy
  4. Housewarming _____
  5. Litter of _____
  6. Synonym of 'rushed'
  7. _____ the group
  8. Before
  9. The baby _____
  10. Young gallopers
  11. Narratives
  12. Gave effort

22 Clues: JoyBeforeBird verbFur has itNarrativesGave effortCopper coinsAccess _____Presents verbThe baby _____Most wonderfulHeld and movedLitter of __________ the groupYoung gallopersBrand new peopleWatched in secretHousewarming _____Synonym of 'rushed'Show everyone _____Pictures capture themDenver and Los Angeles

kind 2023-11-05

kind crossword puzzle
  1. A strong feeling that binds people together.
  2. A bond that goes beyond mere acquaintances.
  3. Feeling deep sympathy for someone's suffering.
  4. Treating others with admiration and consideration.
  5. Willingness to lend a hand and provide support.
  1. Understanding and sharing in another's emotions.
  2. Giving without expecting anything in return.
  3. Thankfulness for the kindness of others.
  4. A quality often expressed through small acts of goodwill.
  5. Showing concern and affection for someone's well-being.

10 Clues: Thankfulness for the kindness of others.A bond that goes beyond mere acquaintances.A strong feeling that binds people together.Giving without expecting anything in return.Feeling deep sympathy for someone's suffering.Willingness to lend a hand and provide support.Understanding and sharing in another's emotions....

Colossians 3:12-17 2023-06-01

Colossians 3:12-17 crossword puzzle
  1. to challenge strongly
  2. a settled way of thinking or feeling about something
  3. the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties
  4. an intense feeling of deep affection
  5. readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
  6. being friendly, generous, and considerate
  7. making musical sounds with the voice
  1. having a low view of your own importance
  2. to express gratitude or relief
  3. a strong feeling of sympathy/sadness for others and a desire to help them
  4. the process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim
  5. being kind, tender, or mild-mannered
  6. not being interrupted or annoyed by worry or noise

13 Clues: to challenge stronglyto express gratitude or reliefbeing kind, tender, or mild-manneredan intense feeling of deep affectionmaking musical sounds with the voicehaving a low view of your own importancebeing friendly, generous, and consideratenot being interrupted or annoyed by worry or noisea settled way of thinking or feeling about something...

What is Grace 2023-12-12

What is Grace crossword puzzle
  1. Only those who trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior from sin are_____of God
  2. We must confess Christ and______of our sin to be adopted into God's family
  3. By God's grace we are given_____to believe in Jesus
  4. The whole_______is full of God's grace
  5. Because of God's grace He forgives, justifies, and ____us into His family
  6. God is gracious in_____He does
  7. Every_____thing in the wold is because of God's grace
  8. We need God's_____all the time
  9. God's Spirit____that we belong to God
  10. Grace is God's kindness towards the _____
  1. By God's gace our lives are_______
  2. God gives people_____to seek Him
  3. We cannot do anything to deserve God's____
  4. Because of our sin, we are______from God

14 Clues: God is gracious in_____He doesWe need God's_____all the timeGod gives people_____to seek HimBy God's gace our lives are_______God's Spirit____that we belong to GodThe whole_______is full of God's graceBecause of our sin, we are______from GodGrace is God's kindness towards the _____We cannot do anything to deserve God's____...