kindness Crossword Puzzles

Unit 13 Crossword Puzzle-Synonyms and Antonyms 2017-05-09

Unit 13 Crossword Puzzle-Synonyms and Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. eloquent,articulate
  2. encourage
  3. feature
  4. unfasten,abandon
  5. recede, ebb
  6. enormity,kindness
  7. prophet of doom
  8. misconception
  9. disturbing,alarming
  10. skulk, slink
  1. handle
  2. amiable,cheerful
  3. awaken,enliven
  4. presentation
  5. assert ratify
  6. extension,addition
  7. corrupt,shaddy
  8. ban,disqualify
  9. mutilate,rend
  10. outstrip,undo

20 Clues: handlefeatureencouragerecede, ebbpresentationskulk, slinkassert ratifymutilate,rendmisconceptionoutstrip,undoawaken,enlivencorrupt,shaddyban,disqualifyprophet of doomamiable,cheerfulunfasten,abandonenormity,kindnessextension,additioneloquent,articulatedisturbing,alarming

When I think of you. 2023-04-13

When I think of you. crossword puzzle
  1. Displaying kindness and concern for others.
  2. Having, showing, or expressive of enthusiasm- affection- or kindness.
  3. Inconceivably vast.
  4. Aware of other people's feelings; tolerant and forgiving.
  5. Careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others.
  6. Readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness
  7. Person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
  8. A regular male companion with whom one has a romantic relationship
  1. Feeling or showing love or great care.
  2. Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others
  3. Pleasant; agreeable.
  4. Prone to feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia.
  5. Showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief.
  6. Good-looking.
  7. Easily moved to love.
  8. One of a kind.

16 Clues: Good-looking.One of a kind.Inconceivably vast.Pleasant; agreeable.Easily moved to love.Feeling or showing love or great care.Displaying kindness and concern for others.Readily feeling or showing fondness or tendernessFeeling or showing sympathy and concern for othersCareful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others....

Friend 2023-06-25

Friend crossword puzzle
  1. Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable.
  2. A special bond between people who care about and support each other.
  3. Showing concern and kindness towards a friend's well-being and happiness.
  4. Understanding and sharing the feelings of a friend, being there to support them.
  5. The joyful sound we make when something is funny or amusing.
  1. Working together with friends to achieve a common goal or complete a task.
  2. Giving or lending something to a friend, like toys, snacks, or ideas.
  3. Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.
  4. Treating a friend with kindness, consideration, and honoring their boundaries.
  5. Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.
  6. Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.
  7. Paying attention to what a friend is saying and giving them your full focus.

12 Clues: Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.The joyful sound we make when something is funny or amusing.Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable....

About Me 2018-04-11

About Me crossword puzzle
  1. or ready to give help
  2. and pleasant to people around them
  3. laughter or amusement humorous
  4. loyal and steadfast
  5. kindness towards others
  6. kindness and concern for others
  7. pleasure of satisfaction
  8. or showing pleasure or contentment
  1. to a persons emotions
  2. or proceeding from benevolence

10 Clues: loyal and steadfastor ready to give helpto a persons emotionskindness towards otherspleasure of satisfactionlaughter or amusement humorousor proceeding from benevolencekindness and concern for othersand pleasant to people around themor showing pleasure or contentment

Colossions 2023-05-12

Colossions crossword puzzle
  1. what is soft
  2. what is kindness
  3. what is true
  4. what is humbleness
  5. what is soft
  1. what is being there
  2. what is easy
  3. what is forgiving
  4. what is grateful

9 Clues: what is softwhat is easywhat is truewhat is softwhat is kindnesswhat is gratefulwhat is forgivingwhat is humblenesswhat is being there

6 PH Cole M. 2020-11-13

6 PH Cole M. crossword puzzle
  1. displaying kindness and concern for others
  2. being accountable
  3. the quality of being honest.
  4. friendly, generous, and considerate.
  5. treatment or behavior without favoritism
  6. the ability to do something that frightens one
  1. to be relied on as honest or truthful
  2. feeling of deep admiration
  3. status of being a citizen
  4. having strong moral principles

10 Clues: being accountablestatus of being a citizenfeeling of deep admirationthe quality of being honest.having strong moral principlesfriendly, generous, and be relied on as honest or truthfultreatment or behavior without favoritismdisplaying kindness and concern for othersthe ability to do something that frightens one

identity- Vienna 2022-08-24

identity- Vienna crossword puzzle
  1. ready to face
  2. original ideas to create something
  3. treating people equally
  4. being truthful
  1. relaxed and in the moment
  2. showing kindness to others
  3. of having or showing a friendly,generous and considerate nature
  4. and displaying kindness
  5. being joyful

9 Clues: being joyfulready to facebeing truthfultreating people equallyrelaxed and in the momentshowing kindness to othersand displaying kindnessoriginal ideas to create somethingof having or showing a friendly,generous and considerate nature

Nouns 2016-11-30

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. Happy
  2. Enjoy
  3. Different
  4. Prepare
  5. entertain
  6. Possible
  1. Prefer
  2. Protect
  3. Relax
  4. Imagine
  5. Agree
  6. Kind

12 Clues: KindHappyEnjoyRelaxAgreePreferProtectImaginePreparePossibleDifferententertain

NC grd 2 2021-12-07

NC grd 2 crossword puzzle
  1. word1
  2. Word9
  3. word10
  4. word3
  5. word6
  6. word11
  1. word7
  2. word5
  3. word2
  4. word8
  5. word4
  6. word12

12 Clues: word7word5word1Word9word2word3word8word4word6word10word12word11

English Plus Second Edition - UNIT 7 2022-02-14

English Plus Second Edition - UNIT 7 crossword puzzle
  1. gyenge
  2. erő
  3. törekvő
  4. erőteljes
  5. kedvesség
  1. bámulatos
  2. híres
  3. hírnév
  4. elbűvölő
  5. tehetséges
  6. sikeres
  7. magabiztos

12 Clues: erőhíresgyengehírnévtörekvősikereselbűvölőbámulatoserőteljeskedvességtehetségesmagabiztos

KINDNESS SHARING 07/08/16 2016-07-30

KINDNESS SHARING 07/08/16 crossword puzzle
  1. The first fruit of the Spirit.
  2. The opposite of negative.
  3. The opposite of positive.
  4. The fifth fruit of the Spirit, which is what we will be talking about today.
  5. All things.
  6. God saved us because of His _____ (Titus 3:4-5)
  1. The second fruit of the Spirit.
  2. The third fruit of the Spirit.
  3. What you read from your watch.
  4. The fourth fruit of the Spirit.
  5. The definition of something.
  6. Who can we show kindness to?

12 Clues: All things.The opposite of negative.The opposite of positive.The definition of something.Who can we show kindness to?The third fruit of the Spirit.The first fruit of the Spirit.What you read from your watch.The second fruit of the Spirit.The fourth fruit of the Spirit.God saved us because of His _____ (Titus 3:4-5)...

Personality adjectives 2024-10-15

Personality adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. always doing a lot of work
  2. behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone
  3. smart/ intelligent
  4. showing a lot of love towards someone
  5. always busy doing things, especially physical activities
  6. humorous; causing laughter
  1. giving attention or thought to what you are doing
  2. interested in learning about people or things around you
  3. good/ caring
  4. nervous and uncomfortable with other people
  5. happy to give time, money, food, or kindness to people in need
  6. If you're _______ you are sure about something, someone, or yourself
  7. showing concern for or kindness to others
  8. unwilling to work or be active

14 Clues: good/ caringsmart/ intelligentalways doing a lot of workhumorous; causing laughterunwilling to work or be activeshowing a lot of love towards someoneshowing concern for or kindness to othersnervous and uncomfortable with other peoplebehaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someonegiving attention or thought to what you are doing...

Friend 2023-06-27

Friend crossword puzzle
  1. Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable.
  2. A special bond between people who care about and support each other.
  3. Showing concern and kindness towards a friend's well-being and happiness.
  4. Understanding and sharing the feelings of a friend, being there to support them.
  5. The joyful sound we make when something is funny or amusing.
  1. Working together with friends to achieve a common goal or complete a task.
  2. Giving or lending something to a friend, like toys, snacks, or ideas.
  3. Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.
  4. Treating a friend with kindness, consideration, and honoring their boundaries.
  5. Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.
  6. Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.
  7. Paying attention to what a friend is saying and giving them your full focus.

12 Clues: Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.The joyful sound we make when something is funny or amusing.Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable....

Friend 2023-06-27

Friend crossword puzzle
  1. Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable.
  2. A special bond between people who care about and support each other.
  3. Showing concern and kindness towards a friend's well-being and happiness.
  4. Understanding and sharing the feelings of a friend, being there to support them.
  5. The joyful sound we make when something is funny or amusing.
  1. Working together with friends to achieve a common goal or complete a task.
  2. Giving or lending something to a friend, like toys, snacks, or ideas.
  3. Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.
  4. Treating a friend with kindness, consideration, and honoring their boundaries.
  5. Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.
  6. Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.
  7. Paying attention to what a friend is saying and giving them your full focus.

12 Clues: Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.The joyful sound we make when something is funny or amusing.Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable....

Friendship 2023-06-25

Friendship crossword puzzle
  1. Showing concern and kindness towards a friend's well-being and happiness.
  2. Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.
  3. Treating a friend with kindness, consideration, and honoring their boundaries.
  4. Giving or lending something to a friend, like toys, snacks, or ideas.
  5. Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable.
  6. Paying attention to what a friend is saying and giving them your full focus.
  7. Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.
  1. The feeling of joy and contentment when spending time with friends.
  2. Working together with friends to achieve a common goal or complete a task.
  3. A special bond between people who care about and support each other.
  4. Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.

11 Clues: Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable.The feeling of joy and contentment when spending time with friends....

Can You Comprehend This? 2020-01-25

Can You Comprehend This? crossword puzzle
  1. very angry
  2. disappeared
  3. right away
  4. tied up
  5. stay away from
  6. kind
  7. friendly
  1. twist and turn
  2. idiotic
  3. money-making
  4. unhappy
  5. without permission
  6. elegant
  7. climbed
  8. work

15 Clues: workkindidioticunhappyeleganttied upclimbedfriendlyvery angryright awaydisappearedmoney-makingtwist and turnstay away fromwithout permission

Unit 12: Helping Hand 2024-02-27

Unit 12: Helping Hand crossword puzzle
  1. separated into smaller parts
  2. the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual
  3. something you feel you have to do
  4. take part in something
  5. ability to enter or use something
  6. quality of being great or having distinction
  7. bravery to help when it is scary or difficult
  8. make people suffer, be unkind
  9. save someone from a dangerous situation
  10. ability to withstand great force or pressure
  1. the act of being friendly or helpful
  2. be interested in something or someone
  3. kindness and good will between people
  4. someone you have never met before
  5. keep someone or something safe
  6. have a condition that makes it hard to live normally
  7. an organization that collects money for people who need help

17 Clues: take part in somethingseparated into smaller partsmake people suffer, be unkindkeep someone or something safesomeone you have never met beforesomething you feel you have to doability to enter or use somethingthe act of being friendly or helpfulbe interested in something or someonekindness and good will between people...

Friendship 2023-06-25

Friendship crossword puzzle
  1. The feeling of joy and contentment when spending time with friends.
  2. A special bond between people who care about and support each other.
  3. Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable.
  4. Treating a friend with kindness, consideration, and honoring their boundaries.
  5. Showing concern and kindness towards a friend's well-being and happiness.
  1. Paying attention to what a friend is saying and giving them your full focus.
  2. Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.
  3. Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.
  4. Understanding and sharing the feelings of a friend, being there to support them.
  5. Giving or lending something to a friend, like toys, snacks, or ideas.
  6. Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.
  7. Working together with friends to achieve a common goal or complete a task.

12 Clues: Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable.The feeling of joy and contentment when spending time with friends....

#NeverForget 9/11 2024-10-09

#NeverForget 9/11 crossword puzzle
  1. courageux
  2. commemoration
  3. faire-une-différence
  4. sauter
  5. caserne-de-pompiers
  6. pompier
  7. attaques
  1. événement-spécial
  2. rendre-hommage
  3. véhicules-en-feu
  4. bravoure
  5. sauver
  6. gentillesse
  7. communauté
  8. professeurs
  9. respect
  10. silence
  11. drapeaux

18 Clues: sauversauterrespectsilencepompierbravouredrapeauxattaquescourageuxcommunautégentillesseprofesseurscommemorationrendre-hommagevéhicules-en-feuévénement-spécialcaserne-de-pompiersfaire-une-différence

Character traits 2014-06-02

Character traits crossword puzzle
  1. quality of being friendly, generous and considerate
  2. the feelings of pity and sorrow for someone
  3. the state of having a duty to do something
  4. practice of training people to obey rules or punishment to correct behavior
  5. strength in the face of pain or grief
  6. displaying kindness and concern for others
  7. quality of being honest and strong moral
  1. free of lie and deceit
  2. support, allegiance
  3. helping someone in the time of need
  4. steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
  5. to choose worthy goals and set responsibilities
  6. showing love or care
  7. admire or acknowledging someone of their abilities
  8. kind and pleasant

15 Clues: kind and pleasantsupport, allegianceshowing love or carefree of lie and deceithelping someone in the time of needstrength in the face of pain or griefquality of being honest and strong moralthe state of having a duty to do somethingdisplaying kindness and concern for othersthe feelings of pity and sorrow for someone...

Boy, Were We Wrong About Dinosaurs 2021-04-02

Boy, Were We Wrong About Dinosaurs crossword puzzle
  1. to cause to disappear by rubbing
  2. to point out as similar
  3. check again
  4. 1,000
  5. to make or become different
  6. a public road in a town or city
  7. made an effort
  8. contraction for he would
  9. contraction for have not
  10. a rule that people agree to follow
  11. not afraid
  12. used up
  1. the color of a lemon
  2. having no money; past tense of break
  3. 3rd month of the year
  4. only a little less than
  5. the last day of the school week
  6. process of seeing
  7. to have something in mind
  8. having or showing kindness & warmth to a friend
  9. a series of steps going from one level to another
  10. an outer covering or coat
  11. quality of state of being gentle & considerate
  12. a selection between two or more things
  13. the act of going away

25 Clues: 1,000used upnot afraidcheck againmade an effortprocess of seeingthe color of a lemon3rd month of the yearthe act of going awayto point out as similaronly a little less thancontraction for he wouldcontraction for have notto have something in mindan outer covering or coatto make or become differentthe last day of the school week...

Spiritual Health - Values & Definitions 2024-10-27

Spiritual Health - Values & Definitions crossword puzzle
  1. Understanding how someone else feels.
  2. Doing what you're supposed to do & taking accountability for your actions.
  3. Showing politeness, honor, and care for the people around you.
  4. Helping and being nice without expecting anything in return.
  5. Waiting without getting annoyed.
  6. Giving to people in need.
  7. Telling the truth.
  8. Letting go of anger and resentment.
  1. Doing the right thing when no one is watching.
  2. Speaking up for yourself in an honest and respectful way.
  3. Never giving up.
  4. Forming new and unique ideas.
  5. Facing frightening things with confidence.
  6. Looking on the bright side.
  7. Using your knowledge and experience to make good decisions.
  8. Being thankful for everything you have.
  9. Sticking with someone even when things get difficult.
  10. A desire to explore, investigate, and learn new things.
  11. Showing kindness regardless of whether the person "deserves" it.
  12. Everyone is treated equally.

20 Clues: Never giving up.Telling the truth.Giving to people in need.Looking on the bright side.Everyone is treated equally.Forming new and unique ideas.Waiting without getting annoyed.Letting go of anger and resentment.Understanding how someone else feels.Being thankful for everything you have.Facing frightening things with confidence....

Reconciliation 2018-04-03

Reconciliation crossword puzzle
  1. A wrong action
  2. To admit what you did was wrong
  3. To make amends for our actions
  4. To accept their act of redemption for a sin committed
  5. To become closer to God and the religion
  1. 7 Rites of these are done in the Catholic Church
  2. They administer the sacraments
  3. Telling another of what you have done
  4. The one who forgives all sins
  5. Showing kindness or compassion
  6. he feeling you have when you do something wrong
  7. A type of relationship you have with another
  8. God's will and acts of kindness & forgiveness

13 Clues: A wrong actionThe one who forgives all sinsThey administer the sacramentsTo make amends for our actionsShowing kindness or compassionTo admit what you did was wrongTelling another of what you have doneTo become closer to God and the religionA type of relationship you have with anotherGod's will and acts of kindness & forgiveness...

Friendship 2023-06-27

Friendship crossword puzzle
  1. Showing concern and kindness towards a friend's well-being and happiness.
  2. Paying attention to what a friend is saying and giving them your full focus.
  3. A special bond between people who care about and support each other.
  4. Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.
  5. Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.
  1. The feeling of joy and contentment when spending time with friends.
  2. Giving or lending something to a friend, like toys, snacks, or ideas.
  3. Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable.
  4. Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.
  5. Working together with friends to achieve a common goal or complete a task.
  6. Treating a friend with kindness, consideration, and honoring their boundaries.

11 Clues: Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable.The feeling of joy and contentment when spending time with friends....

Spanish IV Vocab 146 2021-12-13

Spanish IV Vocab 146 crossword puzzle
  1. comfort
  2. to accept
  3. to caress
  4. courage
  5. gossip
  6. to hurt
  7. to kiss
  8. to erase
  9. jealousy
  1. faithfulness
  2. bother
  3. kindness
  4. to hug
  5. to slander
  6. to get angry

15 Clues: botherto huggossipcomfortcourageto hurtto kisskindnessto erasejealousyto acceptto caressto slanderfaithfulnessto get angry

Employee Engagement presents APRIL 2022 2022-03-02

Employee Engagement presents APRIL 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. Quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
  2. Day, Consisting of practical jokes and hoaxes
  3. Brings Flowers
  4. Beans, a bean-shaped candy with a gelatinous center
  5. feeling of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment
  6. Feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness
  7. a reaction by your immune system to something taht does not bother most others
  8. Day, Worldwide event to raise awareness of the environmental issues which face the planet
  9. Flower of April
  10. Were announced by NASA on 4/9/59
  11. April month of Spring
  1. device consisting of a circular canopy or cloth
  2. Feeling or expressing gratitude
  3. convert waste into reusable material
  4. April 17 Sunday
  5. All the descendants of a common ancestor
  6. April Birthstone
  7. Robin, Bird of April
  8. container used to hold or carry things
  9. Awareness, April 2nd Saturday 2022

20 Clues: Brings FlowersApril 17 SundayFlower of AprilApril BirthstoneRobin, Bird of AprilApril month of SpringFeeling or expressing gratitudeWere announced by NASA on 4/9/59Awareness, April 2nd Saturday 2022convert waste into reusable materialcontainer used to hold or carry thingsAll the descendants of a common ancestor...

vocab Final 2024-02-12

vocab Final crossword puzzle
  1. investigation or analyzing something to understand it better
  2. Making someone annoyed by using speech or action
  3. to explain
  4. opposite of polite
  5. someone who is shy
  6. Something comparable or related
  7. I stayed ________ from the crowd
  8. A Superhero standing still
  9. Someone who is highly trustworthy and accurate
  10. I'm very calm about everything
  11. Skeptical to a fault
  12. he won't agree to anything so he's ________
  1. the quality of being well and kindness
  2. I felt a lot of rage and anger after I died in my video game
  3. his former manager was _________ for fraud
  4. the opposite of approved
  5. To stay
  6. something small
  7. Teachers arnt fully exploring what I can do
  8. is a synonym for debatable
  9. showing kindness to someone
  10. My friend has a cheap car
  11. Promise success
  12. I talked to my brother in a nice and peaceful way
  13. Opposite of super large

25 Clues: To stayto explainsomething smallPromise successopposite of politesomeone who is shySkeptical to a faultOpposite of super largethe opposite of approvedMy friend has a cheap caris a synonym for debatableA Superhero standing stillshowing kindness to someoneI'm very calm about everythingSomething comparable or relatedI stayed ________ from the crowd...

Mindfulness 2022-03-14

Mindfulness crossword puzzle
  1. b ljshx h,
  2. ,zx bl,
  3. ñkxj ñjb,
  4. xkjn lkjxb,
  5. lajhscblajshbc,
  6. khdsgvckhsgav,
  7. klaxjcblsbc,
  8. khcvvc
  9. lxjb ljxh b,
  10. dsghcvkhds,
  1. ñaksjcblzxjkbc,
  2. lscbjlsb,
  3. lajscblasbc,
  4. jcsxcb,
  5. zkjxb lj,
  6. lj blj hxb,
  7. xnb lx b,

17 Clues: khcvvcjcsxcb,,zx bl,lscbjlsb,ñkxj ñjb,zkjxb lj,xnb lx b,b ljshx h,xkjn lkjxb,lj blj hxb,dsghcvkhds,lajscblasbc,klaxjcblsbc,lxjb ljxh b,khdsgvckhsgav,ñaksjcblzxjkbc,lajhscblajshbc,

darcycoreverse 2022-03-07

darcycoreverse crossword puzzle
  1. The reason this even began
  2. One of Terri's cats
  3. Family cat
  4. A collection of the greatest minds in all of Amphibia
  5. Anne's squishmallow
  6. The Allknowing
  7. Possessed Lore
  8. Intelligence, strategic expertise, humility.
  9. Power, skill, persistence.
  10. One of the characters Darcy kins
  11. Selflessness, kindness, responsibility.
  12. Sasha's green sword
  13. Anne's favourite colour
  14. Often referred to with "Going Blue" or "Feeling Blue"
  15. Blorbo from Sasha's house.
  16. Constant Suffering
  17. Burning Bright
  1. Bone Soap
  2. What makes Grime question his loyalty to the toad army?
  3. Anne's Warrior Cats OC
  4. Always Spilled.
  5. Sasha's pink sword
  6. One of Anne's crimes
  7. Corelera _
  8. A past obsession of Sasha's
  9. Girzmtov
  10. Anne's sword
  11. Andrias often eats this.
  12. Chess to the max
  13. Quirked up white genderfluid kid with a little bit of swag
  14. FO-R1
  15. Marcy before November 27
  16. Cringe gamer.
  17. Sasha's blue sword

34 Clues: FO-R1GirzmtovBone SoapFamily catCorelera _Anne's swordCringe gamer.The AllknowingPossessed LoreBurning BrightAlways Spilled.Chess to the maxSasha's pink swordSasha's blue swordConstant SufferingOne of Terri's catsAnne's squishmallowSasha's green swordOne of Anne's crimesAnne's Warrior Cats OCAnne's favourite colourAndrias often eats this....

All the things you are & what I love about you :) 2019-11-27

All the things you are & what I love about you :) crossword puzzle
  1. unafraid
  2. imaginative
  3. rhymes with bunny, involves laughing
  4. care for others
  5. give yourself willingly for people
  6. your facial expression that lights up the room
  7. Your sense of style is-
  8. considering people and situations
  9. don't like to lose
  10. showing care to others
  11. you're drop dead-
  12. always down to try new things
  13. full of happiness
  14. showing mercy
  15. confidence and trust in God
  16. a heart that is warm, is a heart that is-
  17. showing kindness for people
  18. called and empowered by God
  1. pretty
  2. talk with God
  3. concern for others
  4. when you're measuring, sifting and mixing you're-
  5. not giving in too easily
  6. putting up with a lot
  7. detail oriented
  8. going above and beyond
  9. eager to learn
  10. physically attractive :)
  11. heart felt intensity
  12. love food
  13. intelligent
  14. awesome to be around
  15. tell me something that makes me-

33 Clues: prettyunafraidlove foodimaginativeintelligenttalk with Godshowing mercyeager to learncare for othersdetail orientedyou're drop dead-full of happinessconcern for othersdon't like to loseheart felt intensityawesome to be aroundputting up with a lotgoing above and beyondshowing care to othersYour sense of style is-not giving in too easily...

English-Danish Crossword 2013-09-30

English-Danish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Inside
  2. Lawyer
  3. Yell/Shout
  4. Brag/Boast
  5. Armchair
  6. Red
  1. Edit newspaper/Magazine
  2. Praise
  3. Vegetable
  4. Sunglasses
  5. Kindness
  6. Nut
  7. Unemployed

13 Clues: NutRedInsidePraiseLawyerKindnessArmchairVegetableSunglassesYell/ShoutBrag/BoastUnemployedEdit newspaper/Magazine

Spelling Words 2021-05-14

Spelling Words crossword puzzle
  1. despair
  2. danger
  3. clean
  4. distance between sides
  5. blue
  6. friendly
  7. no light
  8. unable to defend
  1. not feeling well
  2. excited
  3. short of breathe
  4. no attention
  5. practical
  6. being good
  7. no physical pain
  8. easy to mold
  9. difficult
  10. lacks strength

18 Clues: bluecleandangerexciteddespairfriendlyno lightpracticaldifficultbeing goodno attentioneasy to moldlacks strengthnot feeling wellshort of breatheno physical painunable to defenddistance between sides

Spelling Words 2021-05-14

Spelling Words crossword puzzle
  1. friendly
  2. despair
  3. practical
  4. danger
  5. difficult
  6. lacks strength
  7. blue
  8. no light
  1. distance between sides
  2. not feeling well
  3. being good
  4. easy to mold
  5. clean
  6. no attention
  7. unable to defend
  8. short of breathe
  9. excited
  10. no physical pain

18 Clues: bluecleandangerdespairexcitedfriendlyno lightpracticaldifficultbeing goodeasy to moldno attentionlacks strengthnot feeling wellunable to defendshort of breatheno physical paindistance between sides

National School Counseling Week 2024-10-30

National School Counseling Week crossword puzzle
  1. The power of YET!
  2. A valued relationship
  3. Treating others the way we want to be treated
  4. The name of our school
  5. A word for different feelings
  6. Ability to control our emotions and behavior
  7. The belief that I can do hard things
  1. Understanding when others feel sad or hurt
  2. How we show others we care
  3. Ms. Morgan is our
  4. We are building _______________ with kindness, acceptance and inclusion
  5. What you might do with Ms. Morgan

12 Clues: The power of YET!Ms. Morgan is ourA valued relationshipThe name of our schoolHow we show others we careA word for different feelingsWhat you might do with Ms. MorganThe belief that I can do hard thingsUnderstanding when others feel sad or hurtAbility to control our emotions and behaviorTreating others the way we want to be treated...

Ephesians 2:1-9 2022-10-17

Ephesians 2:1-9 crossword puzzle
  1. kindness & good will towards the hurting joined with a desire to help them
  2. the conviction of truth, belief
  3. to keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction
  4. living
  5. an act, a deed, a thing that is done
  6. to miss the mark, do wrong, & disobey God
  7. not alive anymore
  8. the nature of man prone to sin & opposed to God
  1. wealthy, abounding in resources
  2. good will, loving-kindness, favour not earned
  3. to glory (whether with reason or without)
  4. a step away from truth and uprightness
  5. being passionately committed to another's good
  6. anger shown in punishment

14 Clues: livingnot alive anymoreanger shown in punishmentwealthy, abounding in resourcesthe conviction of truth, beliefan act, a deed, a thing that is donea step away from truth and uprightnessto glory (whether with reason or without)to miss the mark, do wrong, & disobey Godgood will, loving-kindness, favour not earned...

Prefixes and Sufixes Words 2020-07-31

Prefixes and Sufixes Words crossword puzzle
  1. meio dia
  2. bilíngue
  3. desconectar
  4. amavelmente
  5. confortável
  6. atração
  7. retorno
  1. gentileza
  2. infeliz
  3. impossível
  4. antisocial
  5. infinidade

12 Clues: infelizatraçãoretornomeio diabilínguegentilezaimpossívelantisocialinfinidadedesconectaramavelmenteconfortável

Types of Religious Values 2024-11-12

Types of Religious Values crossword puzzle
  1. the deep awareness and sympathy for the suffering others.
  2. the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit.
  3. the feeling of appreciation for the kindness, help, or good things in one’s life.
  4. the ability to face fear, danger, or challenges with confidence and determination.
  5. a deep affection, care, and attachment toward someone or something.
  6. the ability to take ownership of one’s actions, duties, and obligations.
  7. a strong feeling of allegiance, faithfulness, and support toward someone or something.
  8. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
  9. the willingness to give or share freely, without expecting anything in return.
  1. taking responsibility for one’s actions, decisions, and their outcomes.
  2. a strong belief or confidence in something or someone, often without requiring proof.
  3. the process of working together with others toward a common goal.
  4. a state of calm and harmony which is free from conflict or disturbance.
  5. the ability to remain calm and tolerant in the face of challenges and delays.
  6. the consistent effort, dedication, and perseverance put into a task to achieve success.
  7. the act of giving something to others or using something jointly.
  8. the recognition and consideration of the value, rights, feelings, and opinions of others.
  9. the quality of being friendly and considerate toward others.
  10. the act of showing kindness, concern, and empathy toward others.
  11. the firm belief in the reliability, integrity, or ability of someone or something.

20 Clues: the deep awareness and sympathy for the suffering others.the quality of being friendly and considerate toward others.the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit.the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.the act of showing kindness, concern, and empathy toward others....

Types of Religious Values 2024-11-12

Types of Religious Values crossword puzzle
  1. the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit.
  2. a strong belief or confidence in something or someone, often without requiring proof.
  3. the deep awareness and sympathy for the suffering others.
  4. the process of working together with others toward a common goal.
  5. the quality of being friendly and considerate toward others.
  6. the recognition and consideration of the value, rights, feelings, and opinions of others.
  7. the act of giving something to others or using something jointly.
  8. the feeling of appreciation for the kindness, help, or good things in one’s life.
  9. the willingness to give or share freely, without expecting anything in return.
  10. the ability to face fear, danger, or challenges with confidence and determination.
  1. taking responsibility for one’s actions, decisions, and their outcomes.
  2. the ability to remain calm and tolerant in the face of challenges and delays.
  3. the ability to take ownership of one’s actions, duties, and obligations.
  4. a deep affection, care, and attachment toward someone or something.
  5. a state of calm and harmony which is free from conflict or disturbance.
  6. the firm belief in the reliability, integrity, or ability of someone or something.
  7. a strong feeling of allegiance, faithfulness, and support toward someone or something.
  8. the act of showing kindness, concern, and empathy toward others.
  9. the consistent effort, dedication, and perseverance put into a task to achieve success.
  10. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

20 Clues: the deep awareness and sympathy for the suffering others.the quality of being friendly and considerate toward others.the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit.the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.the act of showing kindness, concern, and empathy toward others....

Types of Religious Values 2024-11-12

Types of Religious Values crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to face fear, danger, or challenges with confidence and determination.
  2. a deep affection, care, and attachment toward someone or something.
  3. a strong belief or confidence in something or someone, often without requiring proof.
  4. the willingness to give or share freely, without expecting anything in return.
  5. a state of calm and harmony which is free from conflict or disturbance.
  6. the act of giving something to others or using something jointly.
  7. the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit.
  8. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
  9. taking responsibility for one’s actions, decisions, and their outcomes.
  10. the consistent effort, dedication, and perseverance put into a task to achieve success.
  1. the ability to take ownership of one’s actions, duties, and obligations.
  2. the recognition and consideration of the value, rights, feelings, and opinions of others.
  3. the act of showing kindness, concern, and empathy toward others.
  4. the quality of being friendly and considerate toward others.
  5. the process of working together with others toward a common goal.
  6. the firm belief in the reliability, integrity, or ability of someone or something.
  7. the ability to remain calm and tolerant in the face of challenges and delays.
  8. a strong feeling of allegiance, faithfulness, and support toward someone or something.
  9. the feeling of appreciation for the kindness, help, or good things in one’s life.
  10. the deep awareness and sympathy for the suffering others.

20 Clues: the deep awareness and sympathy for the suffering others.the quality of being friendly and considerate toward others.the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit.the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.the act of showing kindness, concern, and empathy toward others....

Unit 1 2024-01-24

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. листок
  2. падаюча зірка
  3. гніздо
  4. доброта
  5. багаття
  1. трава
  2. листя
  3. світ
  4. поле
  5. гілка
  6. струмок
  7. земля

12 Clues: світполетравалистягілказемлялистокгніздострумокдобротабагаттяпадаюча зірка

tempest acts 2024-04-08

tempest acts crossword puzzle
  1. very favorable
  2. watchfulness
  3. replace by unethical
  4. strongly encouraged
  5. take over without authority
  6. entitled to privilege
  7. brave
  8. forgive
  9. unfaithful
  1. wrongdoing
  2. not trustworthy
  3. hard working
  4. being harmed
  5. legally entitled
  6. correct
  7. bravery
  8. showing kindness

17 Clues: bravecorrectbraveryforgivewrongdoingunfaithfulhard workingwatchfulnessbeing harmedvery favorablenot trustworthylegally entitledshowing kindnessstrongly encouragedreplace by unethicalentitled to privilegetake over without authority

Traits 2023-01-05

Traits crossword puzzle
  1. Finnyás
  2. Kockafejű
  3. önmagával elfoglat
  4. Nagylelkűség
  5. Őszinteség/Becsület
  6. Romantikus
  1. magabiztos
  2. kedvesség
  3. Féltékeny
  4. Tévelygő/változó
  5. hűség
  6. Rendmániás
  7. Optimista

13 Clues: hűségFinnyáskedvességFéltékenyKockafejűOptimistamagabiztosRendmániásRomantikusNagylelkűségTévelygő/változóönmagával elfoglatŐszinteség/Becsület

Types of Religious Values 2024-11-12

Types of Religious Values crossword puzzle
  1. the quality of being friendly and considerate toward others.
  2. the ability to face fear, danger, or challenges with confidence and determination.
  3. the recognition and consideration of the value, rights, feelings, and opinions of others.
  4. the consistent effort, dedication, and perseverance put into a task to achieve success.
  5. the willingness to give or share freely, without expecting anything in return.
  6. the deep awareness and sympathy for the suffering others.
  7. taking responsibility for one’s actions, decisions, and their outcomes.
  8. a strong belief or confidence in something or someone, often without requiring proof.
  9. a strong feeling of allegiance, faithfulness, and support toward someone or something.
  10. the act of giving something to others or using something jointly.
  1. the ability to remain calm and tolerant in the face of challenges and delays.
  2. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
  3. a state of calm and harmony which is free from conflict or disturbance.
  4. the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit.
  5. a deep affection, care, and attachment toward someone or something.
  6. the act of showing kindness, concern, and empathy toward others.
  7. the ability to take ownership of one’s actions, duties, and obligations.
  8. the process of working together with others toward a common goal.
  9. the firm belief in the reliability, integrity, or ability of someone or something.
  10. the feeling of appreciation for the kindness, help, or good things in one’s life.

20 Clues: the deep awareness and sympathy for the suffering others.the quality of being friendly and considerate toward others.the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit.the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.the act of showing kindness, concern, and empathy toward others....

EMPOWER 2022-09-22

EMPOWER crossword puzzle
  1. the opposite of proactive
  2. having responsibility for things
  3. helping when you need to
  4. being kind
  5. doing the right thing to stay ____
  1. turn step backs to triumph
  2. respecting the people and things around you
  3. being able to stop or do something when you need to
  4. come together for a common goal
  5. kindness for other people

10 Clues: being kindhelping when you need tothe opposite of proactivekindness for other peopleturn step backs to triumphcome together for a common goalhaving responsibility for thingsdoing the right thing to stay ____respecting the people and things around youbeing able to stop or do something when you need to

Positivity Scavenger Hunt 2023-04-11

Positivity Scavenger Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. showing behavior that is respectful and considerate
  2. an encounter
  3. kind and pleasant
  1. past tense for revealing facts or ideas
  2. being reliable and setting your own high standards
  3. happy and optimistic
  4. ability to understand and share the feelings of another
  5. being pleasant or agreeable
  6. the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate
  7. displaying kindness and concern for others

10 Clues: an encounterkind and pleasanthappy and optimisticbeing pleasant or agreeablepast tense for revealing facts or ideasdisplaying kindness and concern for othersbeing reliable and setting your own high standardsshowing behavior that is respectful and considerateability to understand and share the feelings of another...

Man-Made Monsters 2021-03-25

Man-Made Monsters crossword puzzle
  1. horror
  2. espectacular
  3. kindness
  4. reason
  5. pile
  6. not respect
  7. Man's best friend
  1. increase
  2. Large marsupial
  3. biologist
  4. Flying mammal
  5. Has a trunk
  6. abstemious
  7. energetic
  8. Likes to chase mice

15 Clues: pilehorrorreasonincreasekindnessbiologistenergeticabstemiousHas a trunknot respectespectacularFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Spelling Words 2021-05-14

Spelling Words crossword puzzle
  1. lacks strength
  2. friendly
  3. short of breathe
  4. distance between sides
  5. practical
  6. easy to mold
  7. being good
  8. no physical pain
  9. not feeling well
  10. unable to defend
  11. blue
  1. no attention
  2. danger
  3. despair
  4. no light
  5. excited
  6. clean
  7. difficult

18 Clues: bluecleandangerdespairexcitedfriendlyno lightpracticaldifficultbeing goodno attentioneasy to moldlacks strengthshort of breatheno physical painnot feeling wellunable to defenddistance between sides

Zenbooda1's Discord Crossword 2024-05-29

Zenbooda1's Discord Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. hoodie
  2. miau
  3. dress
  4. skirt
  5. femboy
  6. pizza
  7. felix
  1. thigh-highs
  2. kindess
  3. astolfo
  4. zenbooda
  5. minecraft

12 Clues: miaudressskirtpizzafelixhoodiefemboykindessastolfozenboodaminecraftthigh-highs

English-Danish Crossword 2013-09-30

English-Danish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Brag/Boast
  2. Unemployed
  3. Yell/Shout
  4. Praise
  5. Sunglasses
  6. Red
  7. Inside
  1. Lawyer
  2. Edit newspaper/Magazine
  3. Vegetable
  4. Armchair
  5. Kindness
  6. Nut

13 Clues: RedNutLawyerPraiseInsideArmchairKindnessVegetableBrag/BoastUnemployedYell/ShoutSunglassesEdit newspaper/Magazine

English-Danish Crossword 2013-09-30

English-Danish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Praise
  2. Kindness
  3. Brag/Boast
  4. Sunglasses
  5. Vegetable
  6. Nut
  7. Yell/Shout
  1. Armchair
  2. Lawyer
  3. Red
  4. Edit newspaper/Magazine
  5. Unemployed
  6. Inside

13 Clues: RedNutLawyerPraiseInsideArmchairKindnessVegetableBrag/BoastUnemployedSunglassesYell/ShoutEdit newspaper/Magazine

Community & Belonging Set 1 2024-09-09

Community & Belonging Set 1 crossword puzzle
  1. respect, kindness
  2. fit in
  3. category
  4. reason
  5. standard
  6. particular
  1. clash
  2. holy
  3. poetry
  4. element
  5. story
  6. follow the norms
  7. good

13 Clues: holygoodclashstorypoetryfit inreasonelementcategorystandardparticularfollow the normsrespect, kindness

tanners crossword about detention 2022-06-06

tanners crossword about detention crossword puzzle
  1. protecion
  2. keep pushing
  3. dog
  4. person
  5. in trouble
  6. seeker
  1. unsafe person
  2. demand change
  3. girl
  4. teacher
  5. hiding
  6. kindness
  7. safety

13 Clues: doggirlhidingsafetypersonseekerteacherkindnessprotecionin troublekeep pushingunsafe persondemand change

Traits 2023-01-05

Traits crossword puzzle
  1. Finnyás
  2. Kockafejű
  3. önmagával elfoglat
  4. Nagylelkűség
  5. Őszinteség/Becsület
  6. Romantikus
  1. magabiztos
  2. kedvesség
  3. Féltékeny
  4. Tévelygő/változó
  5. hűség
  6. Rendmániás
  7. Optimista

13 Clues: hűségFinnyáskedvességFéltékenyKockafejűOptimistamagabiztosRendmániásRomantikusNagylelkűségTévelygő/változóönmagával elfoglatŐszinteség/Becsület

Traits 2023-01-05

Traits crossword puzzle
  1. Finnyás
  2. Kockafejű
  3. önmagával elfoglat
  4. Nagylelkűség
  5. Őszinteség/Becsület
  6. Romantikus
  1. magabiztos
  2. kedvesség
  3. Féltékeny
  4. Tévelygő/változó
  5. hűség
  6. Rendmániás
  7. Optimista

13 Clues: hűségFinnyáskedvességFéltékenyKockafejűOptimistamagabiztosRendmániásRomantikusNagylelkűségTévelygő/változóönmagával elfoglatŐszinteség/Becsület

Chapter 2 ECCLESIOLOGY vocabulary 2016-01-14

Chapter 2 ECCLESIOLOGY vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. means witness
  2. moral conscience present at the heart
  3. third person of the holy trinity
  4. one God in three persons
  5. gifts that move us to respond to the guidance of the Holy Spirit
  1. kindness shown to one who offends
  2. love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modest mess, self-control and chastity.
  3. means free
  4. forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God
  5. gift/ grace from the Holy Spirit
  6. emotions which incline us to good or evil actions
  7. 50th day

12 Clues: 50th daymeans freemeans witnessone God in three personsgift/ grace from the Holy Spiritthird person of the holy trinitykindness shown to one who offendsmoral conscience present at the heartforgiveness of sins and reconciliation with Godemotions which incline us to good or evil actionsgifts that move us to respond to the guidance of the Holy Spirit...

friendship cross word 2020-12-15

friendship cross word crossword puzzle
  1. a relationship between two people.
  2. you show acts of ____ towards people
  3. you are ___ because you support this person
  4. a person's closest friend.
  5. you are open to new ideas
  6. displaying kindness and concern for others.
  1. you ____ this person and care for them
  2. a special connection between two people
  3. you are ___ because you share with others
  4. it is ___ so it makes you laugh
  5. you ____ this person and look up to them
  6. a great interest and pleasure in something.

12 Clues: you are open to new ideasa person's closest is ___ so it makes you laugha relationship between two show acts of ____ towards peopleyou ____ this person and care for thema special connection between two peopleyou ____ this person and look up to themyou are ___ because you share with others...

Fruits of the Holy Spirit 2024-01-21

Fruits of the Holy Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. 2
  2. 12
  3. 4
  4. 11
  5. 8
  6. 7
  1. 10
  2. 9
  3. 5
  4. 3
  5. 1
  6. 6

12 Clues: 925314687101211

20 Word Vocabulary Puzzle 2023-05-15

20 Word Vocabulary Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. shelter
  2. lack of rain
  3. Respected
  4. carelessly fast
  5. great wealth
  6. when many people are together
  7. Deceitful
  8. Untrustworthy
  9. Imitate
  10. Whining
  1. On the top
  2. to refrain from indulging
  3. harmonious
  4. short-lasting
  5. perseverance and kindness
  6. not guilty
  7. Boring
  8. to be cleared of suspicion
  9. Secrecy
  10. lack of romance

20 Clues: BoringshelterSecrecyImitateWhiningRespectedDeceitfulOn the topharmoniousnot guiltylack of raingreat wealthshort-lastingUntrustworthycarelessly fastlack of romanceto refrain from indulgingperseverance and kindnessto be cleared of suspicionwhen many people are together

All About November SuiteSocial! 2023-11-14

All About November SuiteSocial! crossword puzzle
  1. ab
  2. v
  3. b
  4. e
  5. p
  6. g
  7. aa
  8. f
  9. k
  10. m
  11. o
  12. z
  13. q
  14. l
  15. s
  1. x
  2. t
  3. a
  4. ad
  5. j
  6. ac
  7. h
  8. w
  9. n
  10. u
  11. r
  12. c
  13. y
  14. d
  15. i

30 Clues: xtavbepjgfhwkmnurozcyqdlisabadacaa

Texas reveloution 2023-12-15

Texas reveloution crossword puzzle
  1. reason
  2. people who fight back
  3. bring back
  4. convince
  5. solve it
  6. unburden
  7. chasing
  8. severe and difficult
  9. conflict
  1. temporary
  2. additional troops
  3. kindness
  4. address first speech as an elected official
  5. stealing
  6. boat
  7. angry
  8. paycheck
  9. people who served
  10. gave up
  11. people who fight against the government

20 Clues: boatangryreasonchasinggave upkindnessstealingconvincepaychecksolve itunburdenconflicttemporarybring backadditional troopspeople who servedsevere and difficultpeople who fight backpeople who fight against the governmentaddress first speech as an elected official

daniel 2024-03-29

daniel crossword puzzle
  1. 하트
  2. 나는 다이아몬드를 본다
  3. 선함
  4. 나는 타원을 본다
  5. 친절
  6. 삼각형
  7. 온유
  8. 직사각형
  9. 타원
  10. 나는 삼각형을 본다
  11. 믿음
  12. 사랑
  1. 이것은 정사각형입니다
  2. 인내
  3. 다이아몬드
  4. 이것은 별입니다.
  5. 기쁨
  6. 이것은 원입니다
  7. 나는 직사각형을 본다
  8. 원,동그라미
  9. 자제
  10. 정사각형
  11. 평화

24 Clues: 하트인내기쁨선함친절자제온유평화타원믿음사랑삼각형정사각형직사각형다이아몬드원,동그라미이것은 원입니다이것은 별입니다.나는 타원을 본다나는 삼각형을 본다이것은 정사각형입니다나는 직사각형을 본다나는 다이아몬드를 본다

Crossword from Vocabulary - III Tiara Šulčytė 2023-09-25

Crossword from Vocabulary - III Tiara Šulčytė crossword puzzle
  1. Hostile
  2. Tumultuous
  3. Firm
  4. caring
  5. affectionate
  6. vintage
  1. Kindness
  2. Ready to attack
  3. Prosuctive
  4. Genuine
  5. Timid
  6. Companion

12 Clues: FirmTimidcaringHostileGenuinevintageKindnessCompanionProsuctiveTumultuousaffectionateReady to attack

Traits 2023-01-05

Traits crossword puzzle
  1. Finnyás
  2. Kockafejű
  3. önmagával elfoglat
  4. Nagylelkűség
  5. Őszinteség/Becsület
  6. Romantikus
  1. magabiztos
  2. kedvesség
  3. Féltékeny
  4. Tévelygő/változó
  5. hűség
  6. Rendmániás
  7. Optimista

13 Clues: hűségFinnyáskedvességFéltékenyKockafejűOptimistamagabiztosRendmániásRomantikusNagylelkűségTévelygő/változóönmagával elfoglatŐszinteség/Becsület

Traits 2023-01-05

Traits crossword puzzle
  1. Finnyás
  2. Kockafejű
  3. önmagával elfoglat
  4. Nagylelkűség
  5. Őszinteség/Becsület
  6. Romantikus
  1. magabiztos
  2. kedvesség
  3. Féltékeny
  4. Tévelygő/változó
  5. hűség
  6. Rendmániás
  7. Optimista

13 Clues: hűségFinnyáskedvességFéltékenyKockafejűOptimistamagabiztosRendmániásRomantikusNagylelkűségTévelygő/változóönmagával elfoglatŐszinteség/Becsület

Traits 2023-01-05

Traits crossword puzzle
  1. Finnyás
  2. Kockafejű
  3. önmagával elfoglat
  4. Nagylelkűség
  5. Őszinteség/Becsület
  6. Romantikus
  1. magabiztos
  2. kedvesség
  3. Féltékeny
  4. Tévelygő/változó
  5. hűség
  6. Rendmániás
  7. Optimista

13 Clues: hűségFinnyáskedvességFéltékenyKockafejűOptimistamagabiztosRendmániásRomantikusNagylelkűségTévelygő/változóönmagával elfoglatŐszinteség/Becsület

Traits 2023-01-05

Traits crossword puzzle
  1. Finnyás
  2. Kockafejű
  3. önmagával elfoglat
  4. Nagylelkűség
  5. Őszinteség/Becsület
  6. Romantikus
  1. magabiztos
  2. kedvesség
  3. Féltékeny
  4. Tévelygő/változó
  5. hűség
  6. Rendmániás
  7. Optimista

13 Clues: hűségFinnyáskedvességFéltékenyKockafejűOptimistamagabiztosRendmániásRomantikusNagylelkűségTévelygő/változóönmagával elfoglatŐszinteség/Becsület

madaleines identity crossword 2024-03-14

madaleines identity crossword crossword puzzle
  1. when you care about someone.
  2. when you look after someone.
  3. you tell the truth.
  4. when you take care of someone else's property.
  5. something you show towards people.
  1. something you be to make someone laugh.
  2. you show someone kindness.
  3. when you think of someone.
  4. when you receive something unexpected.
  5. taking good care of something.

10 Clues: you tell the show someone kindness.when you think of someone.when you care about someone.when you look after someone.taking good care of something.something you show towards people.when you receive something unexpected.something you be to make someone laugh.when you take care of someone else's property.

Synonyms & Antonyms 2022-07-02

Synonyms & Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. contrast (synonym)
  2. common (antonym)
  3. flexible (synonym)
  4. intolerant (antonym)
  5. distraught (synonym)
  6. animosity (antonym)
  7. devious (synonym)
  8. insult (antonym)
  9. procrastinate (synonym)
  10. very bossy (synonym)
  1. easy going (antonym)
  2. extremely funny (synonym)
  3. useless (antonym)
  4. compromise (antonym)
  5. articulate (synonym)
  6. epiphany (synonym)
  7. depart (antonym)
  8. submissive (antonym)
  9. frugal (synonym)
  10. indiscreet (antonym)

20 Clues: depart (antonym)common (antonym)frugal (synonym)insult (antonym)useless (antonym)devious (synonym)contrast (synonym)epiphany (synonym)flexible (synonym)animosity (antonym)easy going (antonym)compromise (antonym)articulate (synonym)submissive (antonym)intolerant (antonym)distraught (synonym)indiscreet (antonym)very bossy (synonym)...

novel study 2023-05-17

novel study crossword puzzle
  1. act
  2. to do
  3. sport
  4. Coccia writer
  5. loved ones
  6. love
  7. acts
  8. kindness
  9. Walters writer
  10. to feel
  11. LGBTQ2+
  12. action
  1. adult fiction type
  2. brave
  3. school school
  4. mind
  5. the Line book
  6. fire
  7. self
  8. literature work of writing
  9. ships
  10. people
  11. different
  12. sports

24 Clues: actmindfireselfloveactsbraveto dosportshipspeoplesportsactionto feelLGBTQ2+kindnessdifferentloved onesschool schoolthe Line bookCoccia writerWalters writeradult fiction typeliterature work of writing

Valentinstag Wortschatz 2024-01-13

Valentinstag Wortschatz crossword puzzle
  1. chocolate
  2. pink
  3. together
  4. rose
  5. in love
  6. heart
  7. romantic
  8. kindness
  9. Cupid
  10. love lock
  11. happy
  12. give
  13. romance
  14. bouquet
  15. teddybear
  1. Valentine
  2. cuddle
  3. tenderness
  4. sweet
  5. the heartbeat
  6. flower
  7. present
  8. love
  9. red
  10. share
  11. friendship
  12. kiss
  13. candy
  14. hug

29 Clues: redhugpinkroselovekissgivesweetheartshareCupidcandyhappycuddleflowerin lovepresentromancebouquettogetherromantickindnessValentinechocolatelove lockteddybeartendernessfriendshipthe heartbeat

Surahs 2024-09-20

Surahs crossword puzzle
  1. (Help)
  2. (Slanderer)
  3. (Elephant)
  4. (Fountain)
  5. (Time)
  6. (Small Kindness)
  1. (Quraysh)
  2. (Oneness)
  3. (people)
  4. (Abu Lahab)
  5. (Disbelievers)
  6. (daybreak)

12 Clues: (Help)(Time)(people)(Quraysh)(Oneness)(Elephant)(daybreak)(Fountain)(Abu Lahab)(Slanderer)(Disbelievers)(Small Kindness)

Types of Religious Values 2024-11-12

Types of Religious Values crossword puzzle
  1. the act of giving something to others or using something jointly.
  2. the ability to face fear, danger, or challenges with confidence and determination.
  3. a deep affection, care, and attachment toward someone or something.
  4. the process of working together with others toward a common goal.
  5. a strong belief or confidence in something or someone, often without requiring proof.
  6. the quality of being friendly and considerate toward others.
  7. the consistent effort, dedication, and perseverance put into a task to achieve success.
  8. the ability to take ownership of one’s actions, duties, and obligations.
  9. the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit.
  10. the willingness to give or share freely, without expecting anything in return.
  1. the act of showing kindness, concern, and empathy toward others.
  2. the feeling of appreciation for the kindness, help, or good things in one’s life.
  3. the firm belief in the reliability, integrity, or ability of someone or something.
  4. the ability to remain calm and tolerant in the face of challenges and delays.
  5. the deep awareness of and sympathy for the suffering of others.
  6. a strong feeling of allegiance, faithfulness, and support toward someone or something.
  7. taking responsibility for one’s actions, decisions, and their outcomes.
  8. a state of calm and harmony which is free from conflict or disturbance.
  9. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
  10. the recognition and consideration of the value, rights, feelings, and opinions of others.

20 Clues: the quality of being friendly and considerate toward others.the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit.the deep awareness of and sympathy for the suffering of others.the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.the act of showing kindness, concern, and empathy toward others....

Types of Religious Values 2024-11-12

Types of Religious Values crossword puzzle
  1. the deep awareness and sympathy for the suffering others.
  2. the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit.
  3. the feeling of appreciation for the kindness, help, or good things in one’s life.
  4. the ability to face fear, danger, or challenges with confidence and determination.
  5. a deep affection, care, and attachment toward someone or something.
  6. the ability to take ownership of one’s actions, duties, and obligations.
  7. a strong feeling of allegiance, faithfulness, and support toward someone or something.
  8. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
  9. the willingness to give or share freely, without expecting anything in return.
  1. taking responsibility for one’s actions, decisions, and their outcomes.
  2. a strong belief or confidence in something or someone, often without requiring proof.
  3. the process of working together with others toward a common goal.
  4. a state of calm and harmony which is free from conflict or disturbance.
  5. the ability to remain calm and tolerant in the face of challenges and delays.
  6. the consistent effort, dedication, and perseverance put into a task to achieve success.
  7. the act of giving something to others or using something jointly.
  8. the recognition and consideration of the value, rights, feelings, and opinions of others.
  9. the quality of being friendly and considerate toward others.
  10. the act of showing kindness, concern, and empathy toward others.
  11. the firm belief in the reliability, integrity, or ability of someone or something.

20 Clues: the deep awareness and sympathy for the suffering others.the quality of being friendly and considerate toward others.the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit.the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.the act of showing kindness, concern, and empathy toward others....

Lady of Iron Kindness 2024-05-01

Lady of Iron Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Koje su Marini omiljene boje?
  2. U koju biljku Marina voli da kaze da se pretvara kada zeli da izbegne nepotrebne konverzacije,akcije i tome slicno?
  3. Za koji turisticki znak je Marina konstatovala da je lepo ime za osobu?
  4. Sta Marina kaze kad ne razmisli dobro u vezi necega?
  5. Cega se treba paziti na autoputevima francuske?
  6. Poslastica koja Marinu veze za detinjstvo i porodicu?
  7. Gde je marina radila kao tinejdzerka dok je zivela u Pristini?
  8. Sta je Marina rekla kada je vratima zakacila bankinu u Italiji?
  1. Za koji sport je profesor fizickog forsirao Marinu, ali joj nije bio preterano zanimljiv?
  2. Kada se Marina radovala kao dete drugi put u zivotu?
  3. Marinin rekreativni sport.
  4. Ko je Marini omiljena licnost iz sveta sporta?
  5. Koji je Marinin pozdrav u trenutku ushicenja/zapanjenja sa nekom osobom?
  6. Cuvena igrica koju je Mina pokusavala da objasni Marini u toku Dixit igre ali joj Fica nije dozvolio.
  7. Iz cega Marina zeli da ljudi izadju?
  8. Koja dirka/karakter se unosi nakon otkucane sifre za ulazak na vrata?
  9. Marinin omiljeni slatkis.
  10. Rečca koju Marina najcesce koristi?

18 Clues: Marinin omiljeni slatkis.Marinin rekreativni sport.Koje su Marini omiljene boje?Rečca koju Marina najcesce koristi?Iz cega Marina zeli da ljudi izadju?Ko je Marini omiljena licnost iz sveta sporta?Cega se treba paziti na autoputevima francuske?Kada se Marina radovala kao dete drugi put u zivotu?Sta Marina kaze kad ne razmisli dobro u vezi necega?...

Spelling Words 2021-05-14

Spelling Words crossword puzzle
  1. lacks strength
  2. not feeling well
  3. no attention
  4. being good
  5. difficult
  6. danger
  7. short of breathe
  8. practical
  9. easy to mold
  1. no light
  2. no physical pain
  3. friendly
  4. distance between sides
  5. despair
  6. unable to defend
  7. clean
  8. excited
  9. blue

18 Clues: bluecleandangerdespairexcitedno lightfriendlydifficultpracticalbeing goodno attentioneasy to moldlacks strengthno physical painnot feeling wellunable to defendshort of breathedistance between sides

Spelling Words 2021-05-14

Spelling Words crossword puzzle
  1. friendly
  2. despair
  3. practical
  4. danger
  5. difficult
  6. lacks strength
  7. blue
  8. no light
  1. distance between sides
  2. not feeling well
  3. being good
  4. easy to mold
  5. clean
  6. no attention
  7. unable to defend
  8. short of breathe
  9. excited
  10. no physical pain

18 Clues: bluecleandangerdespairexcitedfriendlyno lightpracticaldifficultbeing goodeasy to moldno attentionlacks strengthnot feeling wellunable to defendshort of breatheno physical paindistance between sides

Winter Wonderland 2022-12-01

Winter Wonderland crossword puzzle
  1. song
  2. meek
  3. 2022,12,20
  4. cold
  5. Joy
  6. follow
  7. star
  8. respect
  9. to give
  10. <3
  11. faith
  12. Christmas
  13. control
  14. ring
  1. at the start
  2. free
  3. package
  4. :)
  5. calm
  6. north
  7. wait
  8. red
  9. 25
  10. 31
  11. soul
  12. happy
  13. love
  14. french

28 Clues: :)2531<3redJoyfreesongcalmwaitmeekcoldsoulstarloveringnorthhappyfaithfollowfrenchpackagerespectto givecontrolChristmas2022,12,20at the start

Suffixes 2013-10-25

Suffixes crossword puzzle
  1. to be a child
  2. to eat
  3. width
  4. to make beautiful
  5. to change
  6. to cleanse
  7. to make better
  8. excited
  9. want to
  1. goodness
  2. higher
  3. tasty
  4. kindness
  5. shocking
  6. to mean to do something
  7. knowledge
  8. economic down
  9. to be amazed
  10. state of ready
  11. to be free

20 Clues: tastywidthhigherto eatexcitedwant togoodnesskindnessshockingto changeknowledgeto cleanseto be freeto be amazedto be a childeconomic downto make betterstate of readyto make beautifulto mean to do something

Lesson 4. The Great Judge. 위대한 판사 2015-05-10

Lesson 4. The Great Judge. 위대한 판사 crossword puzzle
  1. 법원
  2. 속이다
  3. 사건
  4. 여행하다
  5. 돌려주다
  6. 땅, 육지
  7. 걷다
  8. 현명한
  9. 친절함, 친절
  10. 마구간
  1. 주인
  2. 판사님, 높은 지위
  3. 태워주다
  4. 수도
  5. 도둑
  6. ~을 두고 가다
  7. 도시
  8. 장면, 현장
  9. 판결
  10. 지나가다
  11. 증인
  12. 그 밖의, 다른
  13. 판사
  14. 둘 다

25 Clues: 주인법원수도도둑사건도시판결걷다증인판사속이다현명한마구간둘 다태워주다여행하다돌려주다지나가다땅, 육지장면, 현장친절함, 친절~을 두고 가다그 밖의, 다른판사님, 높은 지위

1A 2015-10-23

1A crossword puzzle
  1. 더 이상
  2. 모래
  3. 용서하다
  4. 정직한
  5. 중앙의
  6. 상징
  7. 천국
  8. 두통
  9. 산업, 근면
  10. 이웃, 지역
  11. 친절
  12. 켜진, ~위에
  13. 기후
  14. 담소, 채팅하다
  1. 위쪽의
  2. 진보, 전진
  3. 전투
  4. 수수께끼
  5. 헬리콥터
  6. 모두
  7. 퍼즐, 어리둥절하게 하다
  8. 싫어하다
  9. 다이빙하다
  10. 아래의, 아래로
  11. 비슷한
  12. 죽음

27 Clues: 전투모래상징천국두통모두친절죽음기후위쪽의정직한중앙의비슷한더 이상용서하다수수께끼헬리콥터싫어하다다이빙하다진보, 전진산업, 근면이웃, 지역켜진, ~위에아래의, 아래로담소, 채팅하다퍼즐, 어리둥절하게 하다

Lesson 3. handout #2 2023-09-11

Lesson 3. handout #2 crossword puzzle
  1. 운동, 캠페인
  2. 사물함
  3. 올리다, 게시하다
  4. 가장 친한
  5. 친절
  6. 메시지
  7. 극복하다, 이겨내다
  8. 주말(토요일과 일요일)
  9. 마음을 아프게 하는
  10. 다치게 하다
  11. 가치가 있는
  1. 격려하다
  2. 약자를 못살게 구는 사람들
  3. 결론을 내리다
  4. ~에 침입하다
  5. 게시하다, 붙이다
  6. 퍼뜨리다
  7. 행동에 옮기다
  8. 시간을 보내다
  9. (누군가에 대한) 혐오를 보이는

20 Clues: 친절사물함메시지격려하다퍼뜨리다가장 친한다치게 하다가치가 있는결론을 내리다~에 침입하다운동, 캠페인행동에 옮기다시간을 보내다게시하다, 붙이다올리다, 게시하다극복하다, 이겨내다마음을 아프게 하는주말(토요일과 일요일)약자를 못살게 구는 사람들(누군가에 대한) 혐오를 보이는

The Farmer with a Heart of Gold 2024-04-24

The Farmer with a Heart of Gold crossword puzzle
  1. Estresado
  2. Alegre
  3. Corazones más ligeros
  4. Cuidado
  5. Vegetales
  6. Placentero
  7. Famoso
  8. Humanidad
  9. Experiencia
  10. Saludar
  11. Genuino
  12. Comercio
  13. Calidez
  14. Cháchara
  15. Viaje
  1. Oido atento
  2. Calurosamente
  3. Amabilidad
  4. Lo más jugoso
  5. Éxito
  6. Viajero
  7. Exhibir
  8. Lo más fresco
  9. Calidad
  10. Muestras
  11. Prosperar
  12. Puesto
  13. Transaccción
  14. Alegre

29 Clues: ÉxitoViajeAlegreFamosoPuestoAlegreViajeroExhibirCalidadCuidadoSaludarGenuinoCalidezMuestrasComercioChácharaEstresadoVegetalesHumanidadProsperarAmabilidadPlacenteroOido atentoExperienciaTransaccciónCalurosamenteLo más jugosoLo más frescoCorazones más ligeros

Chapter 2 ECCLESIOLOGY vocabulary 2016-01-14

Chapter 2 ECCLESIOLOGY vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. means witness
  2. moral conscience present at the heart
  3. third person of the holy trinity
  4. one God in three persons
  5. gifts that move us to respond to the guidance of the Holy Spirit
  1. kindness shown to one who offends
  2. love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modest mess, self-control and chastity.
  3. means free
  4. forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God
  5. gift/ grace from the Holy Spirit
  6. emotions which incline us to good or evil actions
  7. 50th day

12 Clues: 50th daymeans freemeans witnessone God in three personsgift/ grace from the Holy Spiritthird person of the holy trinitykindness shown to one who offendsmoral conscience present at the heartforgiveness of sins and reconciliation with Godemotions which incline us to good or evil actionsgifts that move us to respond to the guidance of the Holy Spirit...

525 Kindness & Forgiveness* 2024-07-22

525 Kindness & Forgiveness* crossword puzzle
  1. Letting go of anger towards someone who has done wrong.
  2. Another name for Jesus, meaning the chosen one.
  3. Having been pardoned for doing something wrong.
  4. Trying to be like someone or something.
  5. Kindness and favor given by God.
  6. Being nice and caring.
  7. Gentle and caring.
  8. The teachings of Jesus and the story of His life.
  1. One more person or thing.
  2. Making peace after a disagreement.
  3. Every one of two or more people or things.
  4. The creator and ruler of the universe.

12 Clues: Gentle and caring.Being nice and caring.One more person or thing.Kindness and favor given by God.Making peace after a disagreement.The creator and ruler of the universe.Trying to be like someone or something.Every one of two or more people or things.Another name for Jesus, meaning the chosen one.Having been pardoned for doing something wrong....

mid3_V1 2013-09-23

mid3_V1 crossword puzzle
  1. 고요한,진정시키다
  2. 빙산
  3. 마당/구내
  4. 친절
  5. 교도소,감옥
  6. 골짜기
  7. 지속,유지하다.
  8. 못,손톱,발톱
  9. 열대우림
  10. 배경
  11. 안전한,금고
  12. 매일의,일상의
  13. 복종하다
  1. 열심인,열중한
  2. 사실
  3. 능력
  4. 꼬리
  5. 불편한
  6. 얻다,획득하다
  7. 손잡이/처리하다/다루다
  8. 노동
  9. 포장하다.꾸러미
  10. 품질
  11. 임금/급여

24 Clues: 사실능력빙산꼬리친절노동품질배경불편한골짜기열대우림복종하다마당/구내임금/급여교도소,감옥안전한,금고열심인,열중한얻다,획득하다못,손톱,발톱매일의,일상의지속,유지하다.포장하다.꾸러미고요한,진정시키다손잡이/처리하다/다루다

Crossword 2014-04-06

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. erutaerc
  2. deecorp
  3. tnagavartxe
  4. cigam
  5. lufetarg
  6. elihwnaem
  7. suomaf
  8. raeppa
  9. ylthgirb
  10. onaclov
  11. lufesu
  12. llorts
  13. retaeht
  14. nosaer
  1. tnacifingis
  2. ssendnik
  3. edivorp
  4. egaugnal
  5. retirw
  6. tsafkaerb
  7. egaruocne
  8. latnemirted
  9. bmilc
  10. suolaej
  11. tetrauq
  12. ylivaeh
  13. ratiug
  14. drawer
  15. kcatta
  16. puorg

30 Clues: cigambmilcpuorgretirwsuomafraepparatiuglufesullortsdrawerkcattanosaeredivorpdeecorpsuolaejtetrauqylivaehonaclovretaehtssendnikegaugnalerutaerclufetargylthgirbtsafkaerbegaruocneelihwnaemtnacifingislatnemirtedtnagavartxe

Te Wheke a Muturangi 2021-04-28

Te Wheke a Muturangi crossword puzzle
  1. to sink below
  2. to visit
  3. to pound
  4. campfire
  5. to be rough
  6. suckers
  7. to misconceive
  8. to reply
  9. horizon
  10. show kindness
  1. beach
  2. to turn over
  3. to wait
  4. bait
  5. company of people
  6. fish hook
  7. distant
  8. to search
  9. shadow
  10. to catch
  11. pull up

21 Clues: baitbeachshadowto waitdistantsuckerspull uphorizonto visitto poundcampfireto catchto replyfish hookto searchto be roughto turn overto sink belowshow kindnessto misconceivecompany of people

5B lessons 15 - 16 Crossword Puzzle 2024-01-18

5B lessons 15 - 16 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. okas
  2. kaitsevärvus
  3. putukas
  4. imeline, oivaline
  5. arktiline
  6. triibuline
  7. purskuma
  8. vormiriietus
  9. nokkima
  10. ümbrus, keskkond
  11. nokk
  12. muretsema
  13. vaenlane
  14. headus
  1. ime
  2. näide
  3. sädistamine
  4. koiliblikas
  5. ärev, murelik
  6. kogunema
  7. häirima
  8. seepärast
  9. vares
  10. segunema,ühte sulama
  11. mahlakas
  12. tuvi
  13. tähniline, täpiline
  14. (vihma)uss

28 Clues: imeokastuvinokknäidevaresheadusputukashäirimanokkimakogunemapurskumamahlakasvaenlaneseepärastarktilinemuretsematriibuline(vihma)usssädistaminekoiliblikaskaitsevärvusvormiriietusärev, murelikümbrus, keskkondimeline, oivalinetähniline, täpilinesegunema,ühte sulama

School 2024-03-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. Paintbrushes
  2. dog hhh.
  3. Rasibg
  4. mascot
  5. hav fun
  6. Teaching
  7. Our speaker
  8. cooking time
  9. doing books
  10. Cut
  11. play notes
  1. big gag
  2. Fun times
  3. people
  4. Cfgg
  5. high
  6. xfggt
  7. fan
  8. After lunch
  9. transporting
  10. loved big
  11. Schuh
  12. vocab list
  13. supply
  14. food time

25 Clues: fanCutCfgghighxfggtSchuhpeopleRasibgmascotsupplybig gaghav fundog hhh.TeachingFun timesloved bigfood timevocab listplay notesAfter lunchOur speakerdoing booksPaintbrushestransportingcooking time

Spanish Crossword 2023-01-19

Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Good Thank you
  2. I doesn’t matter
  3. Good Morning
  4. The kindness
  5. Please
  6. Until Tomorrow
  7. Good Morning
  8. Until Soon
  9. Bue
  1. You’re Welcome
  2. Good Night
  3. Very Good
  4. Hello
  5. How you doing
  6. Until later
  7. Greetings
  8. Thank you
  9. Bye

18 Clues: ByeBueHelloPleaseVery GoodGreetingsThank youGood NightUntil SoonUntil laterGood MorningThe kindnessGood MorningHow you doingYou’re WelcomeGood Thank youUntil TomorrowI doesn’t matter

BIBLE-2 2022-07-10

BIBLE-2 crossword puzzle
  4. ROCK
  8. PRIDE
  9. FOOL
  3. TIRED
  7. READY


Traits 2023-01-05

Traits crossword puzzle
  1. Finnyás
  2. Kockafejű
  3. önmagával elfoglat
  4. Nagylelkűség
  5. Őszinteség/Becsület
  6. Romantikus
  1. magabiztos
  2. kedvesség
  3. Féltékeny
  4. Tévelygő/változó
  5. hűség
  6. Rendmániás
  7. Optimista

13 Clues: hűségFinnyáskedvességFéltékenyKockafejűOptimistamagabiztosRendmániásRomantikusNagylelkűségTévelygő/változóönmagával elfoglatŐszinteség/Becsület

Traits 2023-01-05

Traits crossword puzzle
  1. Finnyás
  2. Kockafejű
  3. önmagával elfoglat
  4. Nagylelkűség
  5. Őszinteség/Becsület
  6. Romantikus
  1. magabiztos
  2. kedvesség
  3. Féltékeny
  4. Tévelygő/változó
  5. hűség
  6. Rendmániás
  7. Optimista

13 Clues: hűségFinnyáskedvességFéltékenyKockafejűOptimistamagabiztosRendmániásRomantikusNagylelkűségTévelygő/változóönmagával elfoglatŐszinteség/Becsület

Unit 2 2021-06-21

Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Evangelization
  2. Kindness
  3. Patience
  4. , Missionary
  5. Virtues, Salvation
  1. Spirit, Trinity
  2. Creed
  3. Knowledge
  4. Peace
  5. Virtue
  6. Understanding
  7. Fortitude

12 Clues: CreedPeaceVirtueKindnessPatienceKnowledgeFortitude, MissionaryUnderstandingEvangelizationSpirit, TrinityVirtues, Salvation

3unit 2024-02-12

3unit crossword puzzle
  1. įskaitomas
  2. psibisėjęs
  3. istvermė
  4. piktas
  5. gebėjimas
  6. būti liūdnas
  7. klėstėjimas
  1. gerumas
  2. galvos skausmas
  3. bendruominiskumas
  4. savarankiskas
  5. suirzęs

12 Clues: piktasgerumassuirzęsistvermėgebėjimasįskaitomaspsibisėjęsklėstėjimasbūti liūdnassavarankiskasgalvos skausmasbendruominiskumas

Crossword from Vocabulary - III Tiara Šulčytė 2023-09-25

Crossword from Vocabulary - III Tiara Šulčytė crossword puzzle
  1. Hostile
  2. Tumultuous
  3. Firm
  4. caring
  5. affectionate
  6. vintage
  1. Kindness
  2. Ready to attack
  3. Prosuctive
  4. Genuine
  5. Timid
  6. Companion

12 Clues: FirmTimidcaringHostileGenuinevintageKindnessCompanionProsuctiveTumultuousaffectionateReady to attack

Spanish Crossword 2023-01-19

Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The kindness
  2. You’re Welcome
  3. Bye
  4. Good Morning
  5. Until Soon
  6. Please
  7. Good Night
  8. How you doing
  9. Thank you
  10. I doesn’t matter
  1. Greetings
  2. Good Morning
  3. Hello
  4. Until later
  5. Until Tomorrow
  6. Good Thank you
  7. Very Good
  8. Bue

18 Clues: ByeBueHelloPleaseGreetingsVery GoodThank youUntil SoonGood NightUntil laterGood MorningThe kindnessGood MorningHow you doingYou’re WelcomeUntil TomorrowGood Thank youI doesn’t matter

BIBLE-2 2022-07-10

BIBLE-2 crossword puzzle
  4. ROCK
  8. PRIDE
  9. FOOL
  3. TIRED
  7. READY


BIBLE-3 2022-07-10

BIBLE-3 crossword puzzle
  2. TIRED
  6. HAPPY
  7. READY
  3. FOOL
  7. ROCK


BIBLE-6 2022-07-10

BIBLE-6 crossword puzzle
  1. MAT3:15
  2. NAT15:18
  3. LU9:48
  4. MAT25:13
  5. MAT4:19
  6. MAT5:19
  7. MAT6:1
  8. PS33:12
  1. MRK12:27
  2. MAT9:13
  3. PRV16:18
  4. MAT6:24
  5. PS84:10
  6. MAT11:28
  7. PRV13:3
  8. PRV17:28
  9. PS51:10

17 Clues: LU9:48MAT6:1MAT9:13MAT3:15MAT6:24PS84:10MAT4:19PRV13:3MAT5:19PS51:10PS33:12MRK12:27PRV16:18NAT15:18MAT11:28MAT25:13PRV17:28