kindness Crossword Puzzles

Kindness act - Reet 2021-10-27

Kindness act - Reet crossword puzzle
  1. earth's highest
  2. &sharee
  3. and
  4. a person who
  5. organization
  6. quality of being
  7. ability to
  1. quality of being
  2. to help and care
  3. look after
  4. gift to a non
  5. org. Set up to
  6. money for
  7. ones
  8. good doing

15 Clues: andones&shareemoney forlook aftergood doingability toa person whoorganizationgift to a nonorg. Set up toearth's highestquality of beingto help and carequality of being

What we share the most ? 2024-06-05

What we share the most ? crossword puzzle
  1. True
  2. Weather
  3. Songs
  4. Teeth
  5. Old money
  6. What you love the most
  7. Bravoo
  8. Gym
  9. مطل
  10. Medicine
  1. Brown cat
  2. الدولة
  3. Long & black
  4. The way we think
  5. Marshmallow
  6. عطف
  7. Advice
  8. 🥹

18 Clues: 🥹عطفGymمطلTrueSongsTeethالدولةAdviceBravooWeatherMedicineBrown catOld moneyMarshmallowLong & blackThe way we thinkWhat you love the most

Dearingly Beloved 2021-09-05

Dearingly Beloved crossword puzzle
  1. Where Anne studied abroad
  2. The kindness club that Anne started
  3. Founder of Rhode Island
  4. The kindness club that Philip started
  5. The church where Anne and Philip met
  6. Mother of the bride
  7. The site of North America's oldest battle flag still in use
  1. Mother of the groom
  2. Capital of Rhode Island
  3. The site of the 1904 worlds fair
  4. Philip's high school
  5. The town where Anne went to college

12 Clues: Mother of the groomMother of the bridePhilip's high schoolCapital of Rhode IslandFounder of Rhode IslandWhere Anne studied abroadThe site of the 1904 worlds fairThe kindness club that Anne startedThe town where Anne went to collegeThe church where Anne and Philip metThe kindness club that Philip started...

6M BIOL girls, wish you all possess these character strengths! By Mr. Stanley Mak 2022-02-27

6M BIOL girls, wish you all possess these character strengths! By Mr. Stanley Mak crossword puzzle
  1. Candice
  2. Giselle
  3. Nicole Cheong
  4. Rachel Lam
  5. Nicole Lai
  6. Phoebe Woo
  7. Bridget
  8. Elaine
  9. Samantha
  1. Chloe
  2. Hester
  3. Rachel Lui
  4. Lamm
  5. Phoebe Lau
  6. Athena
  7. Karina
  8. May

17 Clues: MayLammChloeHesterAthenaKarinaElaineCandiceGiselleBridgetSamanthaRachel LamRachel LuiPhoebe LauNicole LaiPhoebe WooNicole Cheong

Lesson 25-C 2017-01-05

Lesson 25-C crossword puzzle
  1. integrity
  2. brave
  3. difficult
  4. nighttime
  5. gentleness
  6. without help
  7. bad
  1. clean
  2. sorrowful
  3. ill
  4. compassion
  5. width
  6. without pain
  7. sloppy

14 Clues: illbadcleanbravewidthsloppyintegritysorrowfuldifficultnighttimecompassiongentlenesswithout painwithout help

EMIS Vocabulary Words of the Day 2023-11-14

EMIS Vocabulary Words of the Day crossword puzzle
  1. fondness
  2. superior
  3. make
  4. positive
  5. different
  6. concern
  1. goodwill
  2. brighter
  3. trying
  4. mlk
  5. fun
  6. unexplainable
  7. caring
  8. long term

14 Clues: mlkfunmaketryingcaringconcerngoodwillbrighterfondnesssuperiorpositivedifferentlong termunexplainable

self-love 2023-12-21

self-love crossword puzzle
  1. Female members of a group.
  2. Conscious mental reactions. OR Strong feelings.
  3. Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill
  4. The state of being sober.
  5. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  6. Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul.
  7. A close female friend.
  8. The process of developing or maturing physically, mentally, or spiritually.
  1. The practice of being optimistic in attitude.
  2. Able to achieve efficiently.
  3. Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.
  4. Having an obligation, or having control over.
  5. The state of being happy.
  6. Intense and eager enjoyment
  7. A strong affection for another.
  8. Displaying kindness and concern for others.

16 Clues: A close female friend.The state of being happy.The state of being sober.Female members of a group.Intense and eager enjoymentAble to achieve efficiently.A strong affection for another.Displaying kindness and concern for others.The practice of being optimistic in attitude.Having an obligation, or having control over....

Good Character Traits 2014-06-02

Good Character Traits crossword puzzle
  1. to provide what is useful
  2. a good name and public admiration
  3. free in giving
  4. promptly returns borrowed money
  5. free from fraud and trickery to others
  6. when you let someone borrow objects or stuff which are yours
  7. continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties and failures
  8. control gained by obedience or strict order
  9. follows school rules and state laws
  10. considers new ideas
  1. doing something moral or artistic values
  2. wanting to do something good
  3. when you help others or younger people
  4. completes chores without being asked or said twice
  5. mental and moral strength to fear or difficulty
  6. showing kindness and goodwill to others
  7. listens carefully to others' concerns

17 Clues: free in givingconsiders new ideasto provide what is usefulwanting to do something goodpromptly returns borrowed moneya good name and public admirationfollows school rules and state lawslistens carefully to others' concernswhen you help others or younger peoplefree from fraud and trickery to othersshowing kindness and goodwill to others...

Identity crossword 2022-03-28

Identity crossword crossword puzzle
  1. pranking put not annoying
  2. showing kindness and being
  3. loudly applauding people
  4. speaking clearly and not scared in front of crowds
  1. happy but not as boring word
  2. being honest
  3. being responsible
  4. saying a joke and people laughing at it
  5. showing love
  6. showing love and kindness

10 Clues: being honestshowing lovebeing responsibleloudly applauding peoplepranking put not annoyingshowing love and kindnessshowing kindness and beinghappy but not as boring wordsaying a joke and people laughing at itspeaking clearly and not scared in front of crowds

Solve the crossword puzzles 2022-02-14

Solve the crossword puzzles crossword puzzle
  1. How many flowers did she put on those cars?
  2. What's the noun for 'to be kind'?
  3. What's the English word for 'gezondheid'?
  4. From where did I get this article?
  5. For how much % does the mortality risk decrease?
  6. telling someone something nice, giving a ...
  7. Meaning of this sign '='
  8. Kindness reduces ...
  9. How much money did the Britons donate?
  1. English word for 'kleuterklas'
  2. Which nationality does the florist has?
  3. Opposite of physically
  4. What is the English word for 'ziekten'?
  5. What did the florist place on the cars?
  6. Collecting and analysing numerical data.

15 Clues: Kindness reduces ...Opposite of physicallyMeaning of this sign '='English word for 'kleuterklas'What's the noun for 'to be kind'?From where did I get this article?How much money did the Britons donate?Which nationality does the florist has?What is the English word for 'ziekten'?What did the florist place on the cars?...

Valentine's Day 2020-01-30

Valentine's Day crossword puzzle
  1. Traditional ways people do things.
  2. The physical symbol of love.
  3. Being good and helpful to others.
  4. The relationship between people who like each other.
  5. The day we celebrate loving relationships.
  6. a marriage ceremony
  7. Stating publicly that you intend to marry.
  8. The woman getting married.
  1. The second month of our year.
  2. The connection between two people.
  3. a loving feeling towards someone.
  4. Kindness and compassion toward someone else.
  5. The formal act of making a permanent relationship to someone
  6. What you have when you don't get easily frustrated.
  7. The man getting married.

15 Clues: a marriage ceremonyThe man getting married.The woman getting married.The physical symbol of love.The second month of our year.a loving feeling towards someone.Being good and helpful to others.The connection between two people.Traditional ways people do things.The day we celebrate loving relationships.Stating publicly that you intend to marry....

Fictional and non Fictional Literature 2021-09-10

Fictional and non Fictional Literature crossword puzzle
  1. point of supply
  2. true or real
  3. very horrible or shocking
  4. very brave; bold; courageous
  1. strory; report
  2. decency; kindness
  3. brutally; kindness
  4. more to a much greater extent
  5. very horrible or shocking
  6. savor to delight in; to enjoy

10 Clues: true or realstrory; reportpoint of supplydecency; kindnessbrutally; kindnessvery horrible or shockingvery horrible or shockingvery brave; bold; courageousmore to a much greater extentsavor to delight in; to enjoy

Associate Appreciation Day 2023-11-03

Associate Appreciation Day crossword puzzle
  1. trustworthy
  2. funny
  3. nice
  4. grateful
  5. labor
  6. team
  7. best place to work
  8. thank you
  1. good meals
  2. memories
  3. cpr
  4. schedule
  5. model admire
  6. committed
  7. shows up when scheduled
  8. social hour
  9. love
  10. care associate

18 Clues: cprniceteamlovefunnylabormemoriesgratefulschedulecommittedthank yougood mealstrustworthysocial hourmodel admirecare associatebest place to workshows up when scheduled

friendship 2021-10-20

friendship crossword puzzle
  1. задумчивый
  2. качество
  3. уверенный
  4. терпеливый
  5. доброта
  6. добрый
  7. чувственность, чуткость
  8. чувственный, чуткий
  9. задумчивость
  10. честный
  11. верность
  12. общительный
  13. эгоистичный
  14. терпение
  1. уверенность
  2. верный
  3. скрытный, замкнутый
  4. независимый
  5. поддерживать
  6. щедрость
  7. эгоизм
  8. честность
  9. независимость
  10. щедрый
  11. болтать

25 Clues: верныйэгоизмщедрыйдобрыйдобротачестныйболтатькачествощедростьверностьтерпениеуверенныйчестностьзадумчивыйтерпеливыйуверенностьнезависимыйобщительныйэгоистичныйподдерживатьзадумчивостьнезависимостьскрытный, замкнутыйчувственный, чуткийчувственность, чуткость

chapter 3. 2019-06-23

chapter 3. crossword puzzle
  1. 동굴
  2. 구실, 핑계
  3. (쥐가)갉다
  4. 으르릉거리다
  5. 선행
  6. 사냥꾼
  7. 비록~이지만
  8. 못된 행동
  9. 남아 있다
  10. 목구멍
  1. 잡다
  2. 못된, 악한
  3. 만족하는
  4. 길 잃은
  5. 초원, 목초지
  6. 씩 웃다
  7. 불행
  8. 약자를 못살게 구는 자
  9. 영리한
  10. (동물의)발

20 Clues: 잡다동굴불행선행사냥꾼영리한목구멍만족하는길 잃은씩 웃다못된 행동남아 있다못된, 악한구실, 핑계(쥐가)갉다으르릉거리다비록~이지만(동물의)발초원, 목초지약자를 못살게 구는 자

BHM 2024-02-29

BHM crossword puzzle
  1. Triumph
  2. Triumph
  3. BHM
  4. education
  5. Niceness
  6. volunteer
  7. Rights
  8. Prejudice
  9. Activism
  10. Ethnicity
  11. Oppression
  12. Opportunity
  13. Non war
  14. Non freedom
  15. Walking
  1. Pride
  2. Hatred of races
  3. Non exclusiveness
  4. racism
  5. Non slavery
  6. Physical hatred
  7. Non freedom
  8. Control
  9. Old events

24 Clues: BHMPrideracismRightsTriumphTriumphControlNon warWalkingNicenessActivismeducationvolunteerPrejudiceEthnicityOppressionOld eventsNon slaveryNon freedomOpportunityNon freedomHatred of racesPhysical hatredNon exclusiveness

3.1 2024-10-18

3.1 crossword puzzle
  1. rasisti
  2. runsas määrä
  3. tietoinen
  4. ainoastaan
  5. on perustuen
  6. tapahtuma
  7. ettei
  8. myyntipuhe
  1. oikeus
  2. rohkeasti
  3. loukkaava
  4. kiltteys
  5. saavutus
  6. eliitti

14 Clues: etteioikeusrasistieliittikiltteyssaavutusrohkeastiloukkaavatietoinentapahtumaainoastaanmyyntipuherunsas määräon perustuen

Empathy Crossword Puzzle 2021-10-27

Empathy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of "selfish"
  2. feeling and/or showing concern or sympathy for others
  3. The adjective of the noun "love"
  4. a synonym for "comprehending"
  5. a person who will hear and help with other's problems.
  6. the intent to remove one's doubts and/or fears
  1. Another word for "lovable"
  2. Careful not to cause hurt to others.
  3. having or showing generous, friendly personality
  4. To be able to assist with one's problems
  5. starts with "c", another word for kindness
  6. conscious and aware of something
  7. willingly providing kindness, generosity and selflessness
  8. This month's virtue

14 Clues: This month's virtueopposite of "selfish"Another word for "lovable"a synonym for "comprehending"conscious and aware of somethingThe adjective of the noun "love"Careful not to cause hurt to others.To be able to assist with one's problemsstarts with "c", another word for kindnessthe intent to remove one's doubts and/or fears...

Kindness Crossword 2021-06-26

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Facial expression
  2. Freedom from disturbance
  3. Highest peak
  4. Companionship
  5. Help or money given those in need
  1. Resembled by a heart
  2. Sympathy
  3. This word is a palindrome, can be categorised into good and bad
  4. Give up (something valued) for the sake of other considerations

9 Clues: SympathyHighest peakCompanionshipFacial expressionResembled by a heartFreedom from disturbanceHelp or money given those in needThis word is a palindrome, can be categorised into good and badGive up (something valued) for the sake of other considerations

Kindness Crossword 2021-10-20

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. One of the largest peaks
  3. Likes to chase mice
  4. Man's best friend
  5. flying mammal
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Informal Agreement
  3. Grace said before a meal
  4. Help for the needy

9 Clues: Has a trunkflying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendInformal AgreementHelp for the needyLikes to chase miceGrace said before a mealOne of the largest peaks

Kindness PPT 2022-09-19

Kindness PPT crossword puzzle
  1. the feeling of being unhappy.
  2. The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
  3. Defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  4. The ability to emotionally understand what other people feel and to imagine yourself in their place.
  1. Bonus Question 1. What did the man hang on the old lady's door?
  2. An emotional state or reaction.
  3. To give more of something, this could be money, time, or food without being asked.
  4. Bonus question 2. What was the first image on the second video?
  5. Other people come to you for it.

9 Clues: the feeling of being unhappy.An emotional state or reaction.Other people come to you for it.Bonus Question 1. What did the man hang on the old lady's door?Bonus question 2. What was the first image on the second video?Defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate....

Gratitude 2024-09-30

Gratitude crossword puzzle
  1. a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements
  2. feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful
  3. fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this
  4. the quality of being pleasantly polite, or a willingness to be fair and honest.
  5. friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude
  6. recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something
  7. the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something
  8. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
  9. the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude
  10. regard with great respect
  11. a feeling of great pleasure and happiness
  1. identification of someone or something or person from previous encounters
  2. regard (an object, quality, or person) with respect or warm approval
  3. Aware and appreciative of a benefit; grateful
  4. acceptance of the truth or existence of something
  5. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
  6. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment
  7. protect and care for (someone) lovingly
  8. showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected
  9. modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness
  10. express warm approval or admiration of

21 Clues: regard with great respectexpress warm approval or admiration ofprotect and care for (someone) lovinglya feeling of great pleasure and happinessfeeling or showing pleasure or contentmentAware and appreciative of a benefit; gratefulacceptance of the truth or existence of somethingfriendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude...

Happy Birthday John! 2021-07-01

Happy Birthday John! crossword puzzle
  1. Your humming
  2. Sailboat
  3. Coffee
  4. Grandfather
  5. Fun fashion
  6. Dessert delicacy
  7. Hedging season
  8. Weakness
  9. Quality of you
  10. Obsession
  11. Morning walk
  1. Seaside destination
  2. Digestif
  3. Bike rides
  4. Your virtue
  5. Seafood treat
  6. Apertif
  7. Weeknight dinner
  8. Australian jazz
  9. Yellow landscapes

20 Clues: CoffeeApertifDigestifSailboatWeaknessObsessionBike ridesYour virtueGrandfatherFun fashionYour hummingMorning walkSeafood treatHedging seasonQuality of youAustralian jazzWeeknight dinnerDessert delicacyYellow landscapesSeaside destination

EPIC Gram Crossword 2024-05-23

EPIC Gram Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. questions
  2. Downtimes
  3. Shark
  4. Go Live
  5. Playground
  6. MyChart
  7. Epic University
  8. Classes
  9. job title
  10. Best
  11. State
  12. Heart Hero
  1. Workgroups
  2. Feed the Pig
  3. Nation
  4. Always
  5. Hyperspace
  6. Kangaroo of Kindness
  7. Epic
  8. Prework
  9. july
  10. Assessment
  11. Training

23 Clues: EpicjulyBestSharkStateNationAlwaysGo LiveMyChartPreworkClassesTrainingquestionsDowntimesjob titleWorkgroupsHyperspacePlaygroundAssessmentHeart HeroFeed the PigEpic UniversityKangaroo of Kindness

All About Me 2022-12-22

All About Me crossword puzzle
  1. - displaying kindness and concern for others.
  2. - pleasing in general; delightful
  3. - having or showing a quick-witted intelligence
  4. - able to be relied on as honest or truthful.
  5. - making little or no noise
  6. - showing consideration for the needs of other people
  7. - Character
  1. - tending to work with energy or commitment
  2. - careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others.
  3. - kind and pleasant
  4. - showing kindness toward others.
  5. - feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause
  6. - having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement
  7. - being reserved or having or showing nervousness
  8. friend - honest and speaks from the heart with good intentions.

15 Clues: - Character- kind and pleasant- making little or no noise- showing kindness toward others.- pleasing in general; delightful- tending to work with energy or commitment- feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause- displaying kindness and concern for others.- able to be relied on as honest or truthful.- having or showing a quick-witted intelligence...

Spelling Words Crossword - Inquiry Words 2020-08-20

Spelling Words Crossword - Inquiry Words crossword puzzle
  1. pity or sorrow for someone's misfortunes
  2. providing proper food for good growth/health
  3. someone who's waiting to get sanctuary
  4. people who freely offers to do a task.
  5. sickness affecting a human or many people
  6. practice to maintaining health
  7. displaying kindness and concern for others.
  8. the quality of being well meaning; kindness.
  9. lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
  1. low income/not much money
  2. plastics/chemicals released intothe environment
  3. behaviour that is used to inflict pain on others
  4. having or showing compassion or benevolence.
  5. sympathetic pity and concern for others
  6. extreme scarcity/lack of food.
  7. having or showing a friendly, generous nature.
  8. the act or process of being taught
  9. a state of armed conflict between 2 countries.
  10. someone who has had to flee their country
  11. to understand and share the feelings of another.

20 Clues: low income/not much moneyextreme scarcity/lack of food.practice to maintaining healththe act or process of being taughtsomeone who's waiting to get sanctuarypeople who freely offers to do a task.sympathetic pity and concern for otherspity or sorrow for someone's misfortunessomeone who has had to flee their country...

Spiritual Beauty 2017-04-05

Spiritual Beauty crossword puzzle
  1. leniency, forbearance, quarter
  2. expectation or anticipation
  3. readiness, desire
  4. the quality of having experience, knowledge or good judgement
  5. the quality of being kind and tender
  6. loveliness, splendor, magnificence
  7. feeling or showing gratitude
  8. pardon, clemency, absolution
  9. free and unmerited favor of God
  10. advantage, asset, forte
  11. the action of helping
  12. quiet & tranquility
  13. bravery, fearlessness
  14. the state of being clam, peaceful, untroubled
  1. an intense feeling of deep affection
  2. sympathy and concern for the misfortune of others
  3. thanks, appreciation, indebtedness
  4. to please greatly
  5. having insight
  6. the quality of being friendly generous and considerate
  7. inspiring great admiration, apprehension or fear
  8. persistence, tenacity, determination
  9. holy, favored
  10. kindness and tolerance in judging others
  11. courage, bravery, endurance
  12. perfect happiness, great joy
  13. complete trust
  14. delight, jubilation

28 Clues: holy, favoredhaving insightcomplete trustto please greatlyreadiness, desirequiet & tranquilitydelight, jubilationthe action of helpingbravery, fearlessnessadvantage, asset, forteexpectation or anticipationcourage, bravery, endurancefeeling or showing gratitudepardon, clemency, absolutionperfect happiness, great joyleniency, forbearance, quarter...

vocabulary 2020-10-29

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. It was an exciting game to watch
  2. Her ankle's healing well
  3. I like she's so honest about herself
  4. I'd say he's of medium height
  5. I failed my driving test again
  6. He is a very nervous and insecure person
  7. He's passionate about his music
  8. They try to imitate their favorite film stars.
  9. He was wearing a mask on his face
  10. Stop being so moody and cheer up!
  1. Try not to be pessimistic about everything!
  2. The second child is free and easy-going
  3. He doesn't want to be rich or famous
  4. She's very patient with young children.
  5. supermarkets
  6. Everyone catches his enthusiasm
  7. I was interested in the history of the place
  8. Mukunda escaped from the apartment
  9. It can be noisy living in the city center
  10. Thank you for showing such kindness

20 Clues: supermarketsHer ankle's healing wellI'd say he's of medium heightI failed my driving test againEveryone catches his enthusiasmHe's passionate about his musicIt was an exciting game to watchHe was wearing a mask on his faceStop being so moody and cheer up!Mukunda escaped from the apartmentThank you for showing such kindness...

Sportsmanship Crossword 2023-06-07

Sportsmanship Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. open to being taught and trained in order to improve.
  2. feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful.
  3. the process of working together to the same end.
  4. determination and ambition to achieve something.
  5. firmness of purpose; resoluteness.
  6. impartial and just treatment or behavior without favoritism or discrimination.
  7. work, a great deal of effort or endurance.
  8. able to learn by being taught
  9. admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
  1. the ability to do something that frightens one
  2. concern more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own.
  3. being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  4. a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.
  5. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
  6. give support, confidence, or hope to (someone).
  7. expressing gratitude and relief.
  8. friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests.
  9. the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
  10. displaying kindness and concern for others.
  11. persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
  12. on others, relying on someone or a person who relies on another
  13. ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
  14. having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.

23 Clues: able to learn by being taughtexpressing gratitude and relief.firmness of purpose; resoluteness.being friendly, generous, and, a great deal of effort or endurance.displaying kindness and concern for others.the ability to do something that frightens onegive support, confidence, or hope to (someone)....

Month of Thankfulness 2024-10-16

Month of Thankfulness crossword puzzle
  1. friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude
  2. protect and care for (someone) lovingly
  3. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
  4. the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude
  5. showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected
  6. express warm approval or admiration of
  7. the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something
  8. fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this
  9. Aware and appreciative of a benefit; grateful
  10. identification of someone or something or person from previous encounters
  1. regard (an object, quality, or person) with respect or warm approval
  2. the quality of being pleasantly polite, or a willingness to be fair and honest.
  3. feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful
  4. modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness
  5. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment
  6. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
  7. recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something
  8. a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements
  9. acceptance of the truth or existence of something
  10. regard with great respect
  11. a feeling of great pleasure and happiness

21 Clues: regard with great respectexpress warm approval or admiration ofprotect and care for (someone) lovinglya feeling of great pleasure and happinessfeeling or showing pleasure or contentmentAware and appreciative of a benefit; gratefulacceptance of the truth or existence of somethingfriendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude...

21 Oct.2015 (Wed.) 6:45 2015-10-20

21 Oct.2015 (Wed.) 6:45 crossword puzzle
  1. 추천하다
  2. 성스러운
  3. (특정)가다,향하다
  4. 추가의,여분의
  5. 흥미로운
  6. 종교적인
  7. 그만두다
  8. 불평하다
  9. 엎지르다,흘리다
  10. 포장하다
  1. 예약하다
  2. 친절,상냥함
  3. 사고
  4. 전통적인
  5. 놀랄만한, 굉장한
  6. 잠그다
  7. 그늘
  8. 지하의,지하철(영)
  9. (버튼)누르다
  10. 유사한,비슷한
  11. 우산

22 Clues: 사고그늘우산잠그다예약하다전통적인추천하다성스러운흥미로운종교적인그만두다불평하다포장하다친절,상냥함추가의,여분의(버튼)누르다유사한,비슷한엎지르다,흘리다놀랄만한, 굉장한(특정)가다,향하다지하의,지하철(영)

importance of animals to humans and showing care 2024-03-10

importance of animals to humans and showing care crossword puzzle
  1. important
  2. eggs
  3. seeds
  4. helper
  5. cruelty
  6. bestfriend
  1. domisticated
  2. care
  3. sheep
  4. leather
  5. skin
  6. source
  7. dogs

13 Clues: careeggsskindogssheepseedssourcehelperleathercrueltyimportantbestfrienddomisticated

Celebrating volunteers 2020-06-02

Celebrating volunteers crossword puzzle
  1. Collaboration with each other, partners and stakeholders
  2. Sit in loo or another way to tackle the coronavirus
  3. LGBTQ +parade, affectionately
  4. May be whipped cream be given enthusiastic welcome
  5. An act of goodwill know as an act of
  6. Giving by overhauling
  7. Come to know how
  8. A state of something or room
  9. Set up or I wasted chances
  10. The attachments of companion crafts
  11. You can individually make a difference to your helping A common value which volunteers do
  1. To provide gratification is
  2. Crumbs developing nourishment
  3. Coordinate the wild regions around central Spain
  4. To have clout
  5. Have a way of showing pity or kindness with tenderness by having a
  6. Somethings gotta
  7. Places with palms

18 Clues: To have cloutCome to know howSomethings gottaPlaces with palmsGiving by overhaulingSet up or I wasted chancesTo provide gratification isA state of something or roomCrumbs developing nourishmentLGBTQ +parade, affectionatelyThe attachments of companion craftsAn act of goodwill know as an act ofCoordinate the wild regions around central Spain...

Noun suffixes 2016-11-30

Noun suffixes crossword puzzle
  1. Possible
  2. Protect
  3. Entertain
  4. Agree
  5. Kind
  6. Diffrent
  7. React
  1. Happy
  2. Popular
  3. Imagine
  4. Relax
  5. Prefer
  6. Enjoy

13 Clues: KindHappyRelaxAgreeEnjoyReactPreferPopularImagineProtectPossibleDiffrentEntertain

Noun suffixes 2016-11-30

Noun suffixes crossword puzzle
  1. Prefer
  2. Protect
  3. Imagine
  4. Relax
  5. Happy
  6. React
  1. Agree
  2. Entertain
  3. Possible
  4. Diffrent
  5. Popular
  6. Enjoy
  7. Kind

13 Clues: KindAgreeRelaxEnjoyHappyReactPreferProtectPopularImaginePossibleDiffrentEntertain

Suffixes: ing, ed, er, est, ment, ness, ation 2023-03-14

Suffixes: ing, ed, er, est, ment, ness, ation crossword puzzle
  1. Big
  2. Late
  3. Smile
  4. Bright
  5. Enjoy
  6. Go
  7. Carry
  8. Great
  1. Relax
  2. Paint
  3. Inform
  4. Early
  5. Kind

13 Clues: GoBigLateKindRelaxPaintSmileEarlyEnjoyCarryGreatInformBright

WATCH 2024-10-13

WATCH crossword puzzle
  1. – Something we should offer to others.
  2. – We must always speak the truth.
  3. – What we do, which should be good and helpful.
  4. – Feeling thankful for what we have.
  5. – What we give to others through our actions.
  6. – One's pure inner feeling, emphasized in WATCH
  7. – Selfless acts to help others.
  8. – Maintaining self-control.
  9. – A simple action that reflects joy and kindness.
  10. – We must always treat others with?
  1. – A quality of being sympathetic and understanding.
  2. – Giving to others and showing kindness.
  3. – Letting go when someone apologizes.
  4. – What we say, and they should always be kind.
  5. – What we think, and they should be good.
  6. – Who we are inside, shown by our actions.
  7. – Thinking more of others than oneself.
  8. – A feeling we should show to everyone.
  9. – Always telling the truth.
  10. – How we should act towards others.

20 Clues: – Always telling the truth.– Maintaining self-control.– Selfless acts to help others.– We must always speak the truth.– How we should act towards others.– We must always treat others with?– Feeling thankful for what we have.– Letting go when someone apologizes.– Something we should offer to others.– Thinking more of others than oneself....

Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit 2013-06-13

Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit crossword puzzle
  2. eo;vigfo;ihroireriofjhrofihregiore
  3. aerinerfverhnerfikre
  4. rttgrttr
  5. oihfoihoirehfoirefheirohfriarefiljer erifjn erferferfikergvf
  6. weaufreoifheroifreiof
  7. ao;erwifhjeroiervijerfipojerfopjerfpoijref
  8. eruferofirefoierf/iorejre
  9. earoifherojerpiojervjerpojepvoje/pvojrv/pojev/irv
  1. qwdwewewefwfe
  2. oierfneriervvhnrveg
  3. wefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwef
  4. euifherufhbeuferufhreuf
  5. a.efbreofberafber.fhebru.bregv
  6. wefwefwefwefewfwEFWEFWEFWEFC
  7. aoerufhohefihnerf

16 Clues: rttgrttrqwdwewewefwfeaoerufhohefihnerfoierfneriervvhnrvegaerinerfverhnerfikreweaufreoifheroifreiofeuifherufhbeuferufhreuferuferofirefoierf/iorejrewefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefewfwEFWEFWEFWEFCWEFWEFWEFWEFWEFWEFWEEWAAREFVFRa.efbreofberafber.fhebru.bregveo;vigfo;ihroireriofjhrofihregioreao;erwifhjeroiervijerfipojerfopjerfpoijref...

Happy Birthday John! 2021-07-02

Happy Birthday John! crossword puzzle
  1. Your humming
  2. Sailboat
  3. Coffee
  4. Grandfather
  5. Fun fashion
  6. Dessert delicacy
  7. Hedging season
  8. Weakness
  9. Quality of you
  10. Obsession
  11. Morning walk
  1. Seaside destination
  2. Digestif
  3. Bike rides
  4. Your virtue
  5. Seafood treat
  6. Apertif
  7. Weeknight dinner
  8. Australian jazz
  9. Yellow landscapes

20 Clues: CoffeeApertifDigestifSailboatWeaknessObsessionBike ridesYour virtueGrandfatherFun fashionYour hummingMorning walkSeafood treatHedging seasonQuality of youAustralian jazzWeeknight dinnerDessert delicacyYellow landscapesSeaside destination

Vocabulario unidad 1 2022-10-04

Vocabulario unidad 1 crossword puzzle
  1. to navigate the internet
  2. to post online
  3. to succeed
  4. loyalty
  5. to climb
  6. achievement
  7. persistent
  8. capable
  9. lively
  10. kindness
  1. facinate
  2. demanding
  3. to request
  4. to develop
  5. empathy
  6. toys
  7. to chat online
  8. daycare
  9. proud
  10. never ever

20 Clues: toysproudlivelyloyaltyempathydaycarecapablefacinateto climbkindnessdemandingto requestto succeedto developpersistentnever everachievementto post onlineto chat onlineto navigate the internet

yeah 2014-03-21

yeah crossword puzzle
  8. DWA
  12. AWDDWA
  15. DWADA
  1. rfgegag
  12. dawdasdwa
  13. grdgdfges
  14. FEAFEF


Lesson 3. handout #1 2023-09-07

Lesson 3. handout #1 crossword puzzle
  1. 행동
  2. 아마도
  3. 위대한 사람
  4. 10대
  5. 희생하다
  6. ~을 향하여
  7. 긍정적인
  8. ~에 부응하다, ~을 이행하다
  9. 매일의, 일상의
  10. 그러한
  11. 격려하다
  1. 어려운, 힘든
  2. 사실상
  3. 창조하다, 만들다
  4. 행동을 취하다
  5. 친절, 다정함
  6. 장소
  7. 보통의, 평범한
  8. 목적
  9. 이야기
  10. 불가능한

22 Clues: 행동장소목적사실상아마도이야기10대그러한희생하다불가능한긍정적인격려하다위대한 사람~을 향하여어려운, 힘든행동을 취하다친절, 다정함보통의, 평범한매일의, 일상의창조하다, 만들다~에 부응하다, ~을 이행하다

Lesson 11 David spares Saul's life. 2023-05-22

Lesson 11 David spares Saul's life. crossword puzzle
  1. David hid in a _____.
  2. _____ your enemies.
  3. David showed _____to his enemy Saul.
  4. _____ for those who persecute you.
  5. Saul asked David not to ____ his family.
  6. David did not kill Saul, He was Lord' ___.
  1. Saul and his sons died in ______.
  2. David did not take ____ but showed kindness.
  3. David cut off part of Saul's ____.
  4. ____ was the 2nd king of Israel.
  5. Who was trying to kill David?
  6. David stuck Saul's _____ into the ground.
  7. David took Saul's spear and ___jar.

13 Clues: _____ your enemies.David hid in a _____.Who was trying to kill David?____ was the 2nd king of Israel.Saul and his sons died in ______.David cut off part of Saul's ____._____ for those who persecute you.David took Saul's spear and ___jar.David showed _____to his enemy Saul.Saul asked David not to ____ his family....

aaaa 2019-06-03

aaaa crossword puzzle
  1. 25
  2. 5
  3. 18
  4. 7
  5. 27
  6. 8
  7. 23
  8. 3
  9. 6
  10. 21
  11. 19
  12. 10
  13. 1
  14. 26
  1. 14
  2. 4
  3. 22
  4. 16
  5. 20
  6. 15
  7. 12
  8. 24
  9. 11
  10. 9
  11. 2
  12. 17
  13. 13

27 Clues: 457839261251418221627201512242311211910172613

larissagabrielgustavo 2023-09-15

larissagabrielgustavo crossword puzzle
  1. Machado de assis is a ____
  2. gabriel is a football____
  3. When something good happens, it generates____
  4. when I'm not well, I stay____
  5. luciana ____ at IFRJ
  6. kindness generates_____
  1. When something happens that I _________ I get sad
  2. known person who works with the public
  3. ___are horses with one horn
  4. dogs are_____

10 Clues: dogs are_____luciana ____ at IFRJkindness generates_____gabriel is a football____Machado de assis is a _______are horses with one hornwhen I'm not well, I stay____known person who works with the publicWhen something good happens, it generates____When something happens that I _________ I get sad

The Treasure Tree 2021-09-09

The Treasure Tree crossword puzzle
  1. giggles’ personality
  2. dog
  3. first location
  4. third location
  5. topography
  6. tree
  7. wise
  1. beaver
  2. otter
  3. lion
  4. elephant
  5. honey’s personality
  6. chewy’s personality
  7. beginning
  8. second location

15 Clues: dogliontreewiseotterbeaverelephantbeginningtopographyfirst locationthird locationsecond locationhoney’s personalitychewy’s personalitygiggles’ personality

Righteous Never Forsaken 2019-10-29

Righteous Never Forsaken crossword puzzle
  1. stayed
  2. kindness
  3. journey
  4. busy
  5. worries/distresses
  6. luck/money
  7. news
  8. tired
  9. no husband
  1. spread out
  2. feelings
  3. shock
  4. very poor
  5. no parents
  6. sadness

15 Clues: busynewsshocktiredstayedjourneysadnessfeelingskindnessvery poorspread outluck/moneyno parentsno husbandworries/distresses

Character traits 2023-10-02

Character traits crossword puzzle
  1. scared
  2. generous
  3. thankful
  4. calm
  5. awkward
  6. sad
  7. unafraid
  1. surprised
  2. funny
  3. kindness
  4. honesty
  5. excited
  6. angry

13 Clues: sadcalmfunnyangryscaredhonestyexcitedawkwardkindnessgenerousthankfulunafraidsurprised

Bene & Mal 2023-08-23

Bene & Mal crossword puzzle
  1. gloomy, dreary, melancholy, pitiful
  2. act of kindness
  3. acts which are hurtful, harmful, and criminal
  4. a person who is always dissatisfied
  5. directly under
  1. lack of proper nutrition
  2. something helpful, useful, or valuable
  3. doing or producing good; acts of kindness and charity
  4. something that is an advantage or good
  5. a disease

10 Clues: a diseasedirectly underact of kindnesslack of proper nutritiona person who is always dissatisfiedgloomy, dreary, melancholy, pitifulsomething helpful, useful, or valuablesomething that is an advantage or goodacts which are hurtful, harmful, and criminaldoing or producing good; acts of kindness and charity

cross word puzzle of random things :D 2022-11-01

cross word puzzle of random things :D crossword puzzle
  1. nogin
  2. sunny top
  3. sun
  4. cristmas halloween pins
  5. chelan stickers
  6. icecreem
  7. ding
  8. snow house mouse
  9. pirates
  1. tacky flamingo birds
  2. noob snoob
  3. helmet
  4. hat cat sat
  5. kindness
  6. typing stenciles
  7. candyman
  8. phone
  9. computer sand

18 Clues: sundingnoginphonehelmetpirateskindnesscandymanicecreemsunny topcomputer sandnoob snoobhat cat satchelan stickerstyping stencilessnow house mousetacky flamingo birdscristmas halloween pins

Dua Meanings Parts 1 and 2 2017-03-16

Dua Meanings Parts 1 and 2 crossword puzzle
  1. present
  2. Merciful
  3. my strength
  4. Mustafa
  5. with your kindness
  6. help
  7. Day
  1. Lord
  2. Sajada
  3. Siratal Mustaqim
  4. Alamin
  5. peace
  6. Maujood
  7. Rasool

14 Clues: DayLordhelppeaceSajadaAlaminRasoolpresentMustafaMaujoodMercifulmy strengthSiratal Mustaqimwith your kindness

Righteous Never Forsaken 2019-10-29

Righteous Never Forsaken crossword puzzle
  1. no husband
  2. tired
  3. kindness
  4. stayed
  5. sadness
  6. shock
  7. luck/money
  1. busy
  2. no parents
  3. feelings
  4. journey
  5. worries/distresses
  6. spread out
  7. news
  8. very poor

15 Clues: busynewstiredshockstayedjourneysadnessfeelingskindnessvery poorno husbandno parentsspread outluck/moneyworries/distresses

Leading With Kindness 2021-12-23

Leading With Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. feeling after getting a nice hug
  2. after receiving a gift you feel
  3. feeling of being protected
  4. able to withstand force
  5. the quality of being generous, and considerate
  6. doing something out of great admiration
  7. a type of feeling for our friends and family
  1. gentleness and kindness
  2. being fond of
  3. a sense of admiration for good or valuable qualities
  4. friendly, helpful feeling

11 Clues: being fond ofgentleness and kindnessable to withstand forcefriendly, helpful feelingfeeling of being protectedafter receiving a gift you feelfeeling after getting a nice hugdoing something out of great admirationa type of feeling for our friends and familythe quality of being generous, and considerate...

Core Values and Novels 2024-05-24

Core Values and Novels crossword puzzle
  1. Treating others with kindness and consider
  2. To show perseverance and never giving up
  3. Telling the truth and being trustworthy
  4. Delphine's crush
  5. Protagonist of One Crazy Summer
  6. Kenny's Brother
  7. Showing kindness and compassion for others
  8. Doing the right thing, even when no one is watching
  1. The character who would have been named Afua
  2. Being accountable for your actions and duties
  3. Author of "A rose from concrete"
  4. Protagonist of Esperanza Rising
  5. Being brave and standing up for what is right

13 Clues: Kenny's BrotherDelphine's crushProtagonist of One Crazy SummerProtagonist of Esperanza RisingAuthor of "A rose from concrete"Telling the truth and being trustworthyTo show perseverance and never giving upTreating others with kindness and considerShowing kindness and compassion for othersThe character who would have been named Afua...

Describing personality 2023-10-23

Describing personality crossword puzzle
  1. эгоизм
  2. контролировать
  3. добрый
  4. щедрый
  5. верность
  6. скрытный
  7. чувство
  8. уверенный
  9. задумчивый
  10. эгоистичный
  11. честность
  12. независимый
  13. честный
  14. щедрость
  1. независимость
  2. доброта
  3. общительный
  4. уверенность
  5. юмор
  6. чувствительный
  7. качество
  8. терпеливость
  9. поддерживать
  10. уважать
  11. чувствительность, чуткость
  12. терпение
  13. верный

27 Clues: юморэгоизмдобрыйщедрыйверныйдобротауважатьчувствочестныйкачествоверностьскрытныйтерпениещедростьуверенныйчестностьзадумчивыйобщительныйуверенностьэгоистичныйнезависимыйтерпеливостьподдерживатьнезависимостьконтролироватьчувствительныйчувствительность, чуткость

vocabulario unidad 1 2022-10-04

vocabulario unidad 1 crossword puzzle
  1. fascinate
  2. demanding
  3. proud
  4. to request
  5. to climb
  6. to post online
  7. to navigate the internet
  8. empathy
  9. kindness
  10. toys
  1. persistent
  2. capable
  3. achievement
  4. to develop
  5. daycare
  6. lively
  7. loyalty
  8. to chat online
  9. never ever
  10. to succeed

20 Clues: toysproudlivelycapabledaycareloyaltyempathyto climbkindnessfascinatedemandingpersistentto developto requestnever everto succeedachievementto chat onlineto post onlineto navigate the internet

Dua Meanings Parts 1 and 2 2017-03-16

Dua Meanings Parts 1 and 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Alamin
  2. Siratal Mustaqim
  3. Sajada
  4. help
  5. Day
  6. Rasool
  7. present
  1. my strength
  2. with your kindness
  3. Merciful
  4. Mustafa
  5. Lord
  6. peace
  7. Maujood

14 Clues: DayLordhelppeaceAlaminSajadaRasoolMustafaMaujoodpresentMercifulmy strengthSiratal Mustaqimwith your kindness

7th Oct. 2015 (Wed.) 중2 6:45 2015-10-07

7th Oct. 2015 (Wed.) 중2 6:45 crossword puzzle
  1. 엎지르다,흘리다
  2. 청구하다,요금,청구금액
  3. 방해하다
  4. 폭발하다,터지다(b)
  5. 추천하다
  6. 특이한,드문
  7. 종교적인(r)
  8. 굴(o)
  9. 친절,상냥함
  10. 궁금해하다
  1. 투수
  2. 그만두다(q)
  3. 오해,착오
  4. 비슷한
  5. 힌두교(H)
  6. 성수러운
  7. 예약하다
  8. 불평하다

18 Clues: 투수비슷한방해하다성수러운추천하다예약하다불평하다굴(o)오해,착오궁금해하다힌두교(H)특이한,드문친절,상냥함그만두다(q)종교적인(r)엎지르다,흘리다폭발하다,터지다(b)청구하다,요금,청구금액

Nine fruits of the Holy Spirit 2022-12-18

Nine fruits of the Holy Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. Deep affection - Love
  2. BENEVOLENCE - Kindness
  3. Flower child's parting word - Peace
  4. For ________ sake! - goodness
  5. Something to jump for - Joy
  1. Loyalty or fidelity - faithfulness
  2. Not a virtue, but a learned asset - Patience
  3. Kind manner - gentleness
  4. Willpower - self control

9 Clues: Deep affection - LoveBENEVOLENCE - KindnessKind manner - gentlenessWillpower - self controlSomething to jump for - JoyFor ________ sake! - goodnessLoyalty or fidelity - faithfulnessFlower child's parting word - PeaceNot a virtue, but a learned asset - Patience

Mercy Charism 2023-10-22

Mercy Charism crossword puzzle
  1. A principle that means treating all people fairly and equally
  2. The religious community Catherine McAuley initially joined before founding the Sisters of Mercy
  3. Catherine McAuley's first House of Mercy was established in
  4. The core value that means acting with kindness
  5. The founder of the Sisters of Mercy
  1. The core value that emphasizes showing concern for the well-being of others
  2. The core value that means promoting fairness
  3. Another term for "helping others" or "assisting those in need"
  4. A synonym for "compassion"
  5. The core value that means showing kindness and understanding to those who are suffering

10 Clues: A synonym for "compassion"The founder of the Sisters of MercyThe core value that means promoting fairnessThe core value that means acting with kindnessCatherine McAuley's first House of Mercy was established inA principle that means treating all people fairly and equallyAnother term for "helping others" or "assisting those in need"...

Glossary - Story 1 and poem 2024-02-12

Glossary - Story 1 and poem crossword puzzle
  1. money / wealth
  2. poet
  3. fame
  4. face off
  5. shore
  6. any piece of work
  7. awarded
  1. guard against
  2. make it
  3. kindness
  4. lose
  5. excellent
  6. show
  7. worthless
  8. commitment

15 Clues: losepoetfameshowshoremake itawardedkindnessface offexcellentworthlesscommitmentguard againstmoney / wealthany piece of work

Sympathy 2024-09-01

Sympathy crossword puzzle
  1. tie a long thin piece of fabric around something
  2. kindness
  3. deep sorrow
  4. straight
  5. God-like
  1. kindness of sympathy
  2. pain of sadness
  3. unfriendly

8 Clues: kindnessstraightGod-likeunfriendlydeep sorrowpain of sadnesskindness of sympathytie a long thin piece of fabric around something

Values from the poem Crosspatch 2022-01-05

Values from the poem Crosspatch crossword puzzle
  1. befitting a friend.
  2. to have or use (something) with others.
  3. the state of thinking carefully about something.
  4. a kind deed.
  1. having more concern for others.
  2. the quality of giving or being ready to help.
  3. expressing fondness.
  4. liberal in giving or sharing.
  5. being modest.
  6. displaying kindness and concern for others.

10 Clues: a kind deed.being modest.befitting a friend.expressing fondness.liberal in giving or sharing.having more concern for have or use (something) with others.displaying kindness and concern for others.the quality of giving or being ready to help.the state of thinking carefully about something.

Vocabulary crossword no. 1 2017-02-04

Vocabulary crossword no. 1 crossword puzzle
  1. verschwinden
  2. verfluchen
  3. Predigt
  4. Menschenmenge
  5. flüchtig blicken auf
  6. Bürgersteig
  7. sich schlecht benehmen
  8. sich beruhigen
  9. seufzen
  10. Wert
  11. Zeigefinger
  12. Güte
  13. Anstrengung
  1. Eingang
  2. vermuten
  3. Gottesdienst
  4. wütend anstarren
  5. nicken
  6. Trost
  7. Einfluss
  8. Blinddarm
  9. murmeln
  10. Schicksal
  11. (ver)hungern
  12. sich verschlucken

25 Clues: WertGüteTrostnickenEingangPredigtmurmelnseufzenvermutenEinflussBlinddarmSchicksalverfluchenBürgersteigZeigefingerAnstrengungverschwindenGottesdienst(ver)hungernMenschenmengesich beruhigenwütend anstarrensich verschluckenflüchtig blicken aufsich schlecht benehmen

Forming Abstract Nouns 2020-10-12

Forming Abstract Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. long
  2. brave
  3. criticize
  4. infant
  5. keen
  6. ignore
  7. sleep
  8. young
  9. hot
  10. seize
  11. happy
  12. republic
  13. friend
  14. noble
  15. bore
  1. see
  2. laugh
  3. broad
  4. beautiful
  5. swift
  6. man
  7. king
  8. kind
  9. poor
  10. humble
  11. thief
  12. baptist
  13. child

28 Clues: seemanhotlongkeenkingkindpoorborelaughbroadbraveswiftsleepyoungseizethiefhappychildnobleinfantignorehumblefriendbaptistrepublicbeautifulcriticize

Kata 13 October 2020 2020-10-13

Kata 13 October 2020 crossword puzzle
  1. oltás
  2. hátrány
  3. magvak
  4. kedvesség
  5. könyvelő
  6. viselkedni
  7. mennyiség
  8. áldás
  9. kullancs
  10. növényevő
  11. ... of sth = valami hiánya
  12. péksütemény
  13. megindító
  1. érthetetlen, nem érthető
  2. dallam
  3. Do you ... to know the answer? - Egész véletlenül nem tudod a választ?
  4. előny
  5. napnyugta
  6. húsevő
  7. mindenevő
  8. kikapcsolódás

21 Clues: oltáselőnyáldásdallammagvakhúsevőhátránykönyvelőkullancsnapnyugtakedvességmennyiségmindenevőnövényevőmegindítóviselkednipéksüteménykikapcsolódásérthetetlen, nem érthető... of sth = valami hiányaDo you ... to know the answer? - Egész véletlenül nem tudod a választ?

Sort 52 2023-05-23

Sort 52 crossword puzzle
  1. thinking
  2. night time
  3. of no value
  4. absentmindedness
  5. loyal
  6. horrible
  7. having no money
  8. no fixed address
  9. unwell
  1. frightened
  2. integrity
  3. full of color
  4. how a ballet dancer dances
  5. hurting
  6. not strong
  7. help someone
  8. abundant
  9. desperate
  10. feeling very good
  11. non dangerous

20 Clues: loyalunwellhurtingthinkingabundanthorribleintegritydesperatefrightenednight timenot strongof no valuehelp someonefull of colornon dangeroushaving no moneyabsentmindednessno fixed addressfeeling very goodhow a ballet dancer dances

Greek or Latin Words for Love 2023-11-06

Greek or Latin Words for Love crossword puzzle
  1. Trust
  2. Enduring Love
  3. Pain
  4. Self-Love
  5. Kindness
  6. Playful Love
  7. Love for everyone
  8. To bring together
  9. Loosen, Free
  10. Strengthen greatly
  11. Hope
  1. To be worthy
  2. Obsessive Love
  3. Heart
  4. Peaceful
  5. To Value
  6. Affectionate Love
  7. Romantic, Passion Love
  8. Familiar Love
  9. Faith

20 Clues: PainHopeHeartTrustFaithPeacefulTo ValueKindnessSelf-LoveTo be worthyPlayful LoveLoosen, FreeEnduring LoveFamiliar LoveObsessive LoveAffectionate LoveLove for everyoneTo bring togetherStrengthen greatlyRomantic, Passion Love

Greek or Latin Words for Love 2023-11-06

Greek or Latin Words for Love crossword puzzle
  1. Trust
  2. Enduring Love
  3. Pain
  4. Self-Love
  5. Kindness
  6. Playful Love
  7. Love for everyone
  8. To bring together
  9. Loosen, Free
  10. Strengthen greatly
  11. Hope
  1. To be worthy
  2. Obsessive Love
  3. Heart
  4. Peaceful
  5. To Value
  6. Affectionate Love
  7. Romantic, Passion Love
  8. Familiar Love
  9. Faith

20 Clues: PainHopeHeartTrustFaithPeacefulTo ValueKindnessSelf-LoveTo be worthyPlayful LoveLoosen, FreeEnduring LoveFamiliar LoveObsessive LoveAffectionate LoveLove for everyoneTo bring togetherStrengthen greatlyRomantic, Passion Love

units 6 and 7 2020-06-08

units 6 and 7 crossword puzzle
  1. смерть
  2. принцесса
  3. улучшать,совершенствовать
  4. благотворительность
  5. личность,характер
  6. поведение
  1. доброта
  2. пациент
  3. предок
  4. страдать,терпеть
  5. расход,стоимость, трата
  6. острый
  7. павлин
  8. потрясающий, шокирующий
  9. грубый

15 Clues: предоксмертьострыйпавлингрубыйдобротапациентпринцессаповедениестрадать,терпетьличность,характерблаготворительностьрасход,стоимость, тратапотрясающий, шокирующийулучшать,совершенствовать

Kindness a Virtue 2022-01-02

Kindness a Virtue crossword puzzle
  1. How we feel towards people we love
  2. Highest point of the planet
  3. Put yourself in people's shoes
  4. Willingness to share whatever we have
  5. Another word for soft or gentle
  6. You should do it when people achieve something
  1. This is what a gentle fire gives us.
  2. Selfishness is not a good thing
  3. The feeling that binds all of us together
  4. A feeling of thankfulness
  5. When you have nothing else to do giving these help a lot
  6. How we remember our favourite memories
  7. We need more of this quality in the world

13 Clues: A feeling of thankfulnessHighest point of the planetPut yourself in people's shoesSelfishness is not a good thingAnother word for soft or gentleHow we feel towards people we loveThis is what a gentle fire gives us.Willingness to share whatever we haveHow we remember our favourite memoriesThe feeling that binds all of us together...

Friendship 2023-06-25

Friendship crossword puzzle
  1. Understanding and sharing the feelings of a friend, being there to support them.
  2. Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.
  3. Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.
  4. The feeling of joy and contentment when spending time with friends.
  5. Giving or lending something to a friend, like toys, snacks, or ideas.
  1. Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable.
  2. Moments and experiences shared with friends that create lasting memories.
  3. A special bond between people who care about and support each other.
  4. Treating a friend with kindness, consideration, and honoring their boundaries.
  5. Showing concern and kindness towards a friend's well-being and happiness.
  6. Paying attention to what a friend is saying and giving them your full focus.
  7. Working together with friends to achieve a common goal or complete a task.
  8. Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.

13 Clues: Being friendly, helpful, and considerate towards others.Having fun, being silly, and enjoying activities together.Being there for a friend during both good and challenging times.Believing in someone and knowing they will be honest and reliable.The feeling of joy and contentment when spending time with friends....

The Buzz: Vol. XXVI 2022-12-02

The Buzz: Vol. XXVI crossword puzzle
  1. Which has been the THIRD highest lead-producing town in 2022 to date?
  2. What percentage of total 2022 leads to date have been assigned to Marco?
  3. Which two associates share a birthday this month?
  4. Whose project was named a Design Innovator Award-winner in Serendipity Magazine's Design Market Digest?
  5. Where is our holiday luncheon taking place?
  1. Where was the Raffles Safety Training event held?
  2. Which has been the FOURTH most popular lead source in 2022?
  3. Who was the BIG WINNER in the 2022 Kindness Raffle?
  4. To date, which branch has fielded the most leads in 2022?
  5. How many families in need were we able to help with turkey donations this year?
  6. How many random acts of kindness were tracked during this year's Kindness Week?
  7. Where did Andres recently travel to spend time with his family?
  8. Which eight-year associate got engaged last month?

13 Clues: Where is our holiday luncheon taking place?Where was the Raffles Safety Training event held?Which two associates share a birthday this month?Which eight-year associate got engaged last month?Who was the BIG WINNER in the 2022 Kindness Raffle?To date, which branch has fielded the most leads in 2022?...

Nouns 2022-03-27

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. stupid
  2. citizen
  3. science
  4. ignore
  5. wide
  6. mad
  7. king
  8. child
  9. cruel
  10. adult
  11. dead
  12. free
  13. peculiar
  14. refer
  15. tour
  16. giant
  1. safe
  2. tattoo
  3. race
  4. lively
  5. violent
  6. fellow
  7. kind
  8. member
  9. grow
  10. wise
  11. enter
  12. eager
  13. moral

29 Clues: madsaferacekindwidekinggrowwisedeadfreetourenterchildcrueladulteagerrefermoralgianttattoolivelyfellowstupidignorememberviolentcitizensciencepeculiar

OC 1-6 Review Crossword 2014-11-04

OC 1-6 Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 23
  2. 9
  3. 15
  4. 11
  5. 28
  6. 18
  7. 26
  8. 12
  9. 19
  10. 27
  11. 21
  12. 6
  13. 14
  1. 24
  2. 20
  3. 7
  4. 5
  5. 25
  6. 1
  7. 2
  8. 17
  9. 13
  10. 8
  11. 3
  12. 10
  13. 22
  14. 4
  15. 16

28 Clues: 79512834624202315112825181726121310192722211614

Nêhiyaw nēhiyawēwin: itwēwina (Plains Cree: words) 2022-07-03

Nêhiyaw	nēhiyawēwin: itwēwina (Plains Cree: words) crossword puzzle
  1. hello
  2. honest, trustworthy person
  3. relationship
  4. kindness
  5. understanding
  6. hope
  7. respect
  8. life or culture
  9. it is good
  10. thankfulness
  11. honesty
  1. love
  2. happiness
  3. truth
  4. sharing and caring
  5. knowledge
  6. welcome
  7. sharing
  8. getting along well
  9. cleanliness
  10. peace
  11. conservation, "no harm" ahimsa

22 Clues: lovehopetruthhellopeacewelcomesharingrespecthonestykindnesshappinessknowledgeit is goodcleanlinessrelationshipthankfulnessunderstandinglife or culturesharing and caringgetting along wellhonest, trustworthy personconservation, "no harm" ahimsa

2-3 2024-07-03

2-3 crossword puzzle
  1. 불안해하는 걱정하는 갈망하는
  2. 주름
  3. 공격적인
  4. 동정 공감
  5. 분위기 기분
  6. 사나운 격렬한
  7. 무지한 무식한
  8. 탐욕 욕심
  9. 성급한 참을성없는
  10. 지독한 아주심한
  11. 우울 불경기
  12. 오만한 거만한
  1. 친절 다정함
  2. 이마
  3. 화를내다 분개하다
  4. 자신만만한
  5. 겁먹게하다
  6. 울다(w-)
  7. 신경 용기
  8. 타원형의 달걀형의
  9. 감정

21 Clues: 이마주름감정공격적인자신만만한겁먹게하다동정 공감신경 용기탐욕 욕심친절 다정함분위기 기분울다(w-)우울 불경기사나운 격렬한무지한 무식한오만한 거만한지독한 아주심한화를내다 분개하다타원형의 달걀형의성급한 참을성없는불안해하는 걱정하는 갈망하는

FOURTH 2020-04-08

FOURTH crossword puzzle
  1. fundamental
  2. rear
  3. want
  4. out
  5. trouble
  6. made annually
  7. bruin
  8. retardation
  9. kindness
  1. darkness
  2. nucleus
  3. promised person
  4. bring something better than it is
  5. circumstance
  6. written on any subject
  7. separate human creature devoid of language
  8. enlarge
  9. twist
  10. terrible
  11. job
  12. field

21 Clues: outjobrearwantbruintwistfieldnucleustroubleenlargedarknessterriblekindnessfundamentalretardationcircumstancemade annuallypromised personwritten on any subjectbring something better than it isseparate human creature devoid of language

kaycee petersen spelling october 18 - 22 2021-10-21

kaycee petersen spelling october 18 - 22 crossword puzzle
  1. should have
  2. homophone for threw
  3. could have
  4. close
  5. accept
  6. kindness
  7. small measurement
  8. form of introduction
  9. evidence
  10. would have
  11. an order of things you do
  1. a community
  2. suppose
  3. pillow
  4. realized
  5. news report
  6. liquid
  7. a measurement
  8. to invade
  9. specialty

20 Clues: closepillowliquidacceptsupposerealizedkindnessevidenceto invadespecialtycould havewould havea communityshould havenews reporta measurementsmall measurementhomophone for threwform of introductionan order of things you do

Values 2021-04-19

Values crossword puzzle
  1. Excited
  2. Negative
  3. Smart
  4. Empathy
  5. Deceleration
  6. Do not give up
  7. Don`t Judge
  8. for others Empathetic
  9. Don`t talk behind backs
  10. Code
  11. Friend
  12. Honest
  13. Certificate
  1. Loyal
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Loyal
  4. Yes
  5. Nice
  6. Good
  7. Hero
  8. Fear
  9. Brave
  10. Fast
  11. Accomplish

24 Clues: YesNiceGoodHeroFearFastCodeLoyalLoyalSmartBraveFriendHonestExcitedEmpathyNegativeAccomplishDon`t JudgeCertificateDecelerationDo not give upSherlock Holmesfor others EmpatheticDon`t talk behind backs

To Kill A Mockingbird Vocab Crossword 2016-05-06

To Kill A Mockingbird Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. peacefully
  2. essential skill
  3. depression of spirits
  4. inconspicuous
  5. lacking in importance
  6. unique
  7. native to an area
  8. without deceit
  9. very dry
  10. uncertain
  11. decree
  12. to sharpen
  1. filthy
  2. a parody
  3. board used for mixing paints
  4. kindness
  5. threatening
  6. bright
  7. to pronounce clearly
  8. to mourn

20 Clues: filthyuniquebrightdecreea parodykindnessto mournvery dryuncertainpeacefullyto sharpenthreateninginconspicuouswithout deceitessential skillnative to an areato pronounce clearlydepression of spiritslacking in importanceboard used for mixing paints

Unit 7 vocabulary - Form 6 (English Plus sec ed) 2022-05-13

Unit 7 vocabulary - Form 6 (English Plus sec ed) crossword puzzle
  1. anne
  2. kuulus
  3. enesekindel
  4. kuulsus
  5. kontsert
  6. laulusõnad
  7. meeldejääv (viis)
  8. võluv
  9. edu
  10. ambitsioonikas
  11. lahkus
  12. vokaal
  13. rütm
  14. energiline
  15. ambitsioon, kõrge eesmärk
  16. nõrk
  1. andekas
  2. nõrkus
  3. klassikaline
  4. energia
  5. edukas
  6. kitarr
  7. lahke
  8. traditsiooniline
  9. tugevus
  10. võlu, võluma
  11. süntesaator

27 Clues: eduannerütmnõrkvõluvlahkenõrkuskuulusedukaskitarrlahkusvokaalandekaskuulsusenergiatugevuskontsertlaulusõnadenergilineenesekindelsüntesaatorklassikalinevõlu, võlumaambitsioonikastraditsioonilinemeeldejääv (viis)ambitsioon, kõrge eesmärk

The Fruit of The Spirit 2013-04-06

The Fruit of The Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. delight, cheerfulness
  2. patient, longsuffering
  3. rest, quietness
  4. Defined in 1 Corinthians 13
  5. meekness, humility
  6. the substance of things we hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
  1. the quality of being beneficial, good
  2. temperance
  3. Moral excellence of character, kindness

9 Clues: temperancerest, quietnessmeekness, humilitydelight, cheerfulnesspatient, longsufferingDefined in 1 Corinthians 13the quality of being beneficial, goodMoral excellence of character, kindnessthe substance of things we hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

Crossword Puzzle 2016-05-04

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. / August best friend.
  2. / The bully of the school.
  3. / August old dog.
  4. / The man in charge.
  5. / The kid full of kindness.
  1. Prep / August school.
  2. / August big sister.
  3. / What is this book about.
  4. Wars / August movies to go to.

9 Clues: / August old dog./ August big sister./ The man in charge.Prep / August school./ August best friend./ What is this book about./ The bully of the school./ The kid full of kindness.Wars / August movies to go to.

Unit 13 Crossword Puzzle-Synonyms and Antonyms 2017-05-09

Unit 13 Crossword Puzzle-Synonyms and Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. skulk, slink
  2. assert ratify
  3. enormity,kindness
  4. awaken,enliven
  5. ban,disqualify
  6. prophet of doom
  7. misconception
  8. extension,addition
  9. disturbing,alarming
  10. outstrip,undo
  1. feature
  2. amiable,cheerful
  3. encourage
  4. presentation
  5. eloquent,articulate
  6. mutilate,rend
  7. corrupt,shaddy
  8. unfasten,abandon
  9. handle
  10. recede, ebb

20 Clues: handlefeatureencouragerecede, ebbskulk, slinkpresentationassert ratifymutilate,rendmisconceptionoutstrip,undoawaken,enlivencorrupt,shaddyban,disqualifyprophet of doomamiable,cheerfulunfasten,abandonenormity,kindnessextension,additioneloquent,articulatedisturbing,alarming

Spelling 2021-09-16

Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. racism
  2. consequences
  3. important
  4. escapees
  5. bad
  6. labour
  7. kindness
  8. car
  9. catch
  10. see
  11. influence
  12. dimmigrant
  13. aboard
  14. teleportation
  15. silver
  1. legacy
  2. angry
  3. justice league
  4. sad
  5. colonization
  6. migrate
  7. gogglel
  8. export
  9. history
  10. mining
  11. light
  12. definant
  13. contribute
  14. dockade

29 Clues: sadbadcarseeangrylightcatchlegacyracismexportlabourminingaboardsilvermigrategogglelhistorydockadeescapeeskindnessdefinantimportantinfluencedimmigrantcontributeconsequencescolonizationteleportationjustice league


WORD ADVENTURE crossword puzzle
  1. GEN
  2. T
  3. THO
  4. A
  5. CO
  6. SAT
  7. B
  8. TRE
  9. RES
  10. FUL
  11. IND
  12. RE
  1. ADM
  2. JO
  3. BL
  4. CON
  5. VA
  6. HEL
  7. EMP
  8. GRA
  9. COM
  10. CHE
  11. PL
  12. AC
  13. HA
  14. G
  15. OBL
  16. KIN
  17. DE


self love 2023-10-21

self love crossword puzzle
  1. hhhhhhhhhhh
  2. ooooooooooooooo
  3. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
  4. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  5. pppppppp
  6. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  7. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  8. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
  9. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
  10. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  11. ddddddddddddddd
  12. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  13. vvvvvvvvvvvvvv
  14. kkkkkkkk
  1. ddddddddddddddd
  2. lllllllllll
  3. sssssssssss
  4. iiiiiiiiiiii
  5. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
  6. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
  7. fffffffffffffffff
  8. dddd
  9. sssssssssssssssssss
  10. cccccccccccccccc
  11. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
  12. mmmmmmmmmmm
  13. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  14. qqqqqqqqqqqq
  15. ooooooooooooooooo
  16. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  17. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii

31 Clues: ddddppppppppkkkkkkkklllllllllllssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiqqqqqqqqqqqqvvvvvvvvvvvvvvdddddddddddddddooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvfffffffffffffffffvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv...

Caring Crossword 2021-02-16

Caring Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. showing kindness and concern for others
  2. being able to accept problems or suffering without becoming annoyed
  3. a natural feeling, shown by doing things to help yourself and others
  4. an action you do to make someone's suffering less
  5. about your emotions, what happens inside of you
  6. feeling bad for other people’s situations
  1. being thankful & ready to show thanks and return kindness
  2. to recognize the suffering of others and then take action to help
  3. a feeling shown by doing something that is important to you
  4. seeing things from someone else’s point of view; feeling their feelings

10 Clues: showing kindness and concern for othersfeeling bad for other people’s situationsabout your emotions, what happens inside of youan action you do to make someone's suffering lessbeing thankful & ready to show thanks and return kindnessa feeling shown by doing something that is important to you...

Basic Pali Word 2021-04-01

Basic Pali Word crossword puzzle
  1. blessing
  2. three refuges
  3. enlightened one
  4. gratitude
  5. suffering
  6. beings
  7. merit
  8. all
  1. loving-kindness
  2. beautiful in the middle
  3. good
  4. spiritual friends
  5. path
  6. buddha's teaching
  7. happiness
  8. for the second time
  9. buddha's discple

17 Clues: allgoodpathmeritbeingsblessinghappinessgratitudesufferingthree refugesloving-kindnessenlightened onebuddha's discplespiritual friendsbuddha's teachingfor the second timebeautiful in the middle

Character Traits 2021-11-09

Character Traits crossword puzzle
  1. showing too much curiosity about other people's affairs
  2. acting or done without forethought
  3. quick to notice things
  4. showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened
  5. cheerful and friendly
  6. quick to understand and learn; intelligent
  7. trustworthy and reliable
  8. showing kindness toward others; willing to give
  1. feeling or showing deference and respect
  2. having or showing creativity or inventiveness
  3. inclined to conceal feelings and intentions or not to disclose information
  4. lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure
  5. willing to take risks or try something new
  6. having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
  7. displaying kindness and concern for others

15 Clues: cheerful and friendlyquick to notice thingstrustworthy and reliableacting or done without forethoughtfeeling or showing deference and respectwilling to take risks or try something newdisplaying kindness and concern for othersquick to understand and learn; intelligenthaving or showing creativity or inventiveness...

The Fruit of The Spirit 2013-04-06

The Fruit of The Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. delight, cheerfulness
  2. temperance
  3. Moral excellence of character, kindness
  4. meekness, humility
  1. the quality of being beneficial, good
  2. Defined in 1 Corinthians 13
  3. the substance of things we hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
  4. patient, longsuffering
  5. rest, quietness

9 Clues: temperancerest, quietnessmeekness, humilitydelight, cheerfulnesspatient, longsufferingDefined in 1 Corinthians 13the quality of being beneficial, goodMoral excellence of character, kindnessthe substance of things we hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

The Fruit of The Spirit 2013-04-06

The Fruit of The Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. delight, cheerfulness
  2. rest, quietness
  3. Moral excellence of character, kindness
  4. meekness, humility
  1. Defined in 1 Corinthians 13
  2. temperance
  3. the quality of being beneficial, good
  4. longsuffering, forbearance
  5. the substance of things we hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

9 Clues: temperancerest, quietnessmeekness, humilitydelight, cheerfulnesslongsuffering, forbearanceDefined in 1 Corinthians 13the quality of being beneficial, goodMoral excellence of character, kindnessthe substance of things we hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

The Kindness Project 2021-09-14

The Kindness Project crossword puzzle
  1. to notice
  2. outgoing or putting someone before yourself
  3. spend or receive in exchange
  4. angry or mad
  5. "right now"
  6. "ugh"
  7. hard times
  1. being nice
  2. to have a disagreement
  3. no-one is listening to you
  4. to call out
  5. worsened or more difficult
  6. rough time

13 Clues: "ugh"to noticebeing nicerough timehard timesto call out"right now"angry or madto have a disagreementno-one is listening to youworsened or more difficultspend or receive in exchangeoutgoing or putting someone before yourself

DJ's spelling words 2023-10-03

DJ's spelling words crossword puzzle
  1. charge
  2. wear
  3. letters
  4. recoil
  5. easy
  6. hate
  1. device
  2. care
  3. me
  4. prepared
  5. officer
  6. receive

12 Clues: mecareweareasyhatechargedevicerecoillettersofficerreceiveprepared

"Emotional Turnarounds" 2023-11-11

"Emotional Turnarounds" crossword puzzle
  1. Loneliness
  2. Fear
  3. Jealousy
  4. Sadness
  5. Shame
  6. Disgust
  7. Guilt
  1. Envy
  2. Despair
  3. Anger
  4. Regret
  5. Insecurity

12 Clues: EnvyFearAngerShameGuiltRegretDespairSadnessDisgustJealousyLonelinessInsecurity

ARZ KIYA HAI.... 2021-01-21

ARZ KIYA HAI.... crossword puzzle
  9. LOVE
  17. HEAVEN
  4. GEM
  9. LOVE
  10. LOVER


Unit 13 Crossword Puzzle-Synonyms and Antonyms 2017-05-09

Unit 13 Crossword Puzzle-Synonyms and Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. assert ratify
  2. misconception
  3. presentation
  4. awaken,enliven
  5. eloquent,articulate
  6. enormity,kindness
  7. ban,disqualify
  8. amiable,cheerful
  9. encourage
  1. disturbing,alarming
  2. unfasten,abandon
  3. prophet of doom
  4. extension,addition
  5. corrupt,shaddy
  6. skulk, slink
  7. feature
  8. recede, ebb
  9. mutilate,rend
  10. handle
  11. outstrip,undo

20 Clues: handlefeatureencouragerecede, ebbskulk, slinkpresentationassert ratifymisconceptionmutilate,rendoutstrip,undocorrupt,shaddyawaken,enlivenban,disqualifyprophet of doomunfasten,abandonamiable,cheerfulenormity,kindnessextension,additiondisturbing,alarmingeloquent,articulate

Unit 13 Crossword Puzzle-Synonyms and Antonyms 2017-05-09

Unit 13 Crossword Puzzle-Synonyms and Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. eloquent,articulate
  2. encourage
  3. feature
  4. unfasten,abandon
  5. recede, ebb
  6. enormity,kindness
  7. prophet of doom
  8. misconception
  9. disturbing,alarming
  10. skulk, slink
  1. handle
  2. amiable,cheerful
  3. awaken,enliven
  4. presentation
  5. assert ratify
  6. extension,addition
  7. corrupt,shaddy
  8. ban,disqualify
  9. mutilate,rend
  10. outstrip,undo

20 Clues: handlefeatureencouragerecede, ebbpresentationskulk, slinkassert ratifymutilate,rendmisconceptionoutstrip,undoawaken,enlivencorrupt,shaddyban,disqualifyprophet of doomamiable,cheerfulunfasten,abandonenormity,kindnessextension,additioneloquent,articulatedisturbing,alarming

When I think of you. 2023-04-13

When I think of you. crossword puzzle
  1. Displaying kindness and concern for others.
  2. Having, showing, or expressive of enthusiasm- affection- or kindness.
  3. Inconceivably vast.
  4. Aware of other people's feelings; tolerant and forgiving.
  5. Careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others.
  6. Readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness
  7. Person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
  8. A regular male companion with whom one has a romantic relationship
  1. Feeling or showing love or great care.
  2. Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others
  3. Pleasant; agreeable.
  4. Prone to feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia.
  5. Showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief.
  6. Good-looking.
  7. Easily moved to love.
  8. One of a kind.

16 Clues: Good-looking.One of a kind.Inconceivably vast.Pleasant; agreeable.Easily moved to love.Feeling or showing love or great care.Displaying kindness and concern for others.Readily feeling or showing fondness or tendernessFeeling or showing sympathy and concern for othersCareful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others....