kindness Crossword Puzzles

Visual Arts, February 27, 2022 2022-02-16

Visual Arts, February 27, 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. You have a body; you are a _________.
  2. capital of Israel
  3. Israeli army
  4. kindness
  5. commandment
  6. Israeli national flower
  7. life
  1. Israeli national bird
  2. character trait
  3. Israeli national anthem
  4. Artist Trading Card
  5. Israeli southern desert

12 Clues: lifekindnesscommandmentIsraeli armycharacter traitcapital of IsraelArtist Trading CardIsraeli national birdIsraeli national anthemIsraeli national flowerIsraeli southern desertYou have a body; you are a _________.

Reece Hayden Crossword 2019-03-31

Reece Hayden Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. is cool
  2. big hearted
  3. to display kindness
  4. help's everyone
  5. favourite sport
  6. opposite of short
  1. sporty
  2. funny
  3. loves playing Xbox
  4. very bright

10 Clues: funnysportyis coolbig heartedvery brighthelp's everyonefavourite sportopposite of shortloves playing Xboxto display kindness

hi mate 2015-10-03

hi mate crossword puzzle
  1. 7th fuit of the spirt
  3. .... heart
  4. index and and rude exall
  5. kind....
  6. happy
  1. ......ness
  2. yourname
  3. wait
  4. self control

10 Clues: waithappyyournamekind..........ness.... heartself fuit of the spirtindex and and rude exall


SPELLING WORDS crossword puzzle
  3. A JOB


vocab 2024-04-24

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. - take over with having authority
  2. - bravery
  3. - sorry for ones wrong doing
  4. - very favourable
  5. - correct
  6. - observant
  7. - incapable of being harmed
  1. - brave, courageous
  2. - replace by unethical means
  3. - not trustworthy
  4. - showing kindness
  5. - process by which one is entitled to privilege , rank, or inheritance
  6. - unfaithful and dishonest
  7. - strongly encouraged
  8. - forgive

15 Clues: - bravery- correct- forgive- observant- not trustworthy- very favourable- showing kindness- brave, courageous- strongly encouraged- unfaithful and dishonest- incapable of being harmed- replace by unethical means- sorry for ones wrong doing- take over with having authority- process by which one is entitled to privilege , rank, or inheritance

vocab 2024-04-24

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. - take over with having authority
  2. - bravery
  3. - sorry for ones wrong doing
  4. - very favourable
  5. - correct
  6. - observant
  7. - incapable of being harmed
  1. - brave, courageous
  2. - replace by unethical means
  3. - not trustworthy
  4. - showing kindness
  5. - process by which one is entitled to privilege , rank, or inheritance
  6. - unfaithful and dishonest
  7. - strongly encouraged
  8. - forgive

15 Clues: - bravery- correct- forgive- observant- not trustworthy- very favourable- showing kindness- brave, courageous- strongly encouraged- unfaithful and dishonest- incapable of being harmed- replace by unethical means- sorry for ones wrong doing- take over with having authority- process by which one is entitled to privilege , rank, or inheritance

vocab list 6 joshua schildt 2013-09-07

vocab list 6 joshua schildt crossword puzzle
  1. conquer
  2. put out the fire
  3. remarkable
  4. someone who watches
  5. kindness
  6. rhymes with growl and howl
  1. point of veiw
  2. sell on market
  3. glasses
  4. different colored light
  5. the options may _______ between causes
  6. you _______ a box

12 Clues: conquerglasseskindnessremarkablepoint of veiwsell on marketput out the fireyou _______ a boxsomeone who watchesdifferent colored lightrhymes with growl and howlthe options may _______ between causes

The Tempest Act lll 2023-04-12

The Tempest Act lll crossword puzzle
  1. Taking over without having the authority
  2. Brave or courage
  3. Very favorable
  4. Forgive
  5. Showing kindness
  6. One entitled to a privilege and rank
  7. Not trust worthy
  8. Inability of being harmed
  1. Replaced by unethical means
  2. Sorry for one's wrongdoing
  3. Unfaithful and dishonest
  4. Strongly encourage
  5. Hard working
  6. Watchfulness
  7. Personal fortitude or bravery
  8. Legally entitled to inherit
  9. Correct

17 Clues: ForgiveCorrectHard workingWatchfulnessVery favorableBrave or courageShowing kindnessNot trust worthyStrongly encourageUnfaithful and dishonestInability of being harmedSorry for one's wrongdoingReplaced by unethical meansLegally entitled to inheritPersonal fortitude or braveryOne entitled to a privilege and rank...

Tempest Act lll 2023-04-11

Tempest Act lll crossword puzzle
  1. very favorable
  2. hard-working
  3. replace by unethical means
  4. a person who is legally entitled to inherit
  5. watchfulness
  6. not trustworthy
  7. incapable of being harmed
  8. forgive
  9. personal fortitude or bravery
  1. unfaithful and dishonest
  2. the process is entitled to a privilege
  3. showing kindness
  4. strongly encourage
  5. correct
  6. brave; courageous
  7. sorry for one's wrongdoing
  8. take over without having authority

17 Clues: correctforgivehard-workingwatchfulnessvery favorablenot trustworthyshowing kindnessbrave; courageousstrongly encourageunfaithful and dishonestincapable of being harmedreplace by unethical meanssorry for one's wrongdoingpersonal fortitude or braverytake over without having authoritythe process is entitled to a privilege...

It's Convention Time! 2023-07-12

It's Convention Time! crossword puzzle
  1. This means happy
  2. Start's with M
  3. Jehovah wrote this book
  4. Starts with S
  5. Not fighting
  6. Being nice to others
  7. Starts with G
  1. Jehovah __ you
  2. Trusting in Jehovah
  3. Jesus' friends
  4. Where are we?
  5. God's Name
  6. Theme of the convention
  7. God's son

14 Clues: God's sonGod's NameNot fightingWhere are we?Starts with SStarts with GJehovah __ youStart's with MJesus' friendsThis means happyTrusting in JehovahBeing nice to othersTheme of the conventionJehovah wrote this book

2.1 vocabulary 2021-09-12

2.1 vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. concentration on what someone is doing or saying
  2. someone who you have met and know slightly, but not well
  3. shaking or quivering slightly
  4. causing great physical or mental pain
  5. not typical of a particular person or thing
  6. someone who shows kindness and empathy to others, or is something or some act that expresses kindness or empathy
  1. having warm regard, feelings or love for someone or something
  2. to be familiar with something and accept it as normal
  3. arousing fright or horror
  4. something unplanned or done on impulse

10 Clues: arousing fright or horrorshaking or quivering slightlycausing great physical or mental painsomething unplanned or done on impulsenot typical of a particular person or thingconcentration on what someone is doing or sayingto be familiar with something and accept it as normalsomeone who you have met and know slightly, but not well...

Stems 8 2024-10-10

Stems 8 crossword puzzle
  1. Atmospheric, Pressure-related
  2. Egg white, Protein
  3. Singer, Chanter
  4. Collection, Compilation
  5. Kyanite, Blue mineral
  6. Ruddiness, Crimson
  7. Sailor, Seaman
  8. Pressure gauge, Weather glass
  9. Retract, Withdraw
  10. Void, Emptiness
  11. Tenderness, Pliability
  12. Poison, Toxic compound
  13. Clear out, Abandon
  14. Unpigmented, Leucistic
  1. Pressure recorder, Meteorograph
  2. Consume, Swallow
  3. Aquaculture, Sea farming
  4. Oceanic, Nautical
  5. Absorption, Breakdown
  6. Benevolence, Compassion
  7. Signal, Motion
  8. Empty, Vacant
  9. Blue-green, Aqua
  10. Chant, Spell

24 Clues: Chant, SpellEmpty, VacantSailor, SeamanSignal, MotionSinger, ChanterVoid, EmptinessConsume, SwallowBlue-green, AquaOceanic, NauticalRetract, WithdrawEgg white, ProteinRuddiness, CrimsonClear out, AbandonKyanite, Blue mineralAbsorption, BreakdownTenderness, PliabilityPoison, Toxic compoundUnpigmented, LeucisticCollection, Compilation...

Words Their way 2022-08-31

Words Their way crossword puzzle
  1. lacking concern
  2. liking someone for something
  3. pretty
  4. the act of being friendly
  5. absent of light
  6. full of delight
  7. appreciation
  8. unable to talk
  9. a variety of skills
  10. nice and caring
  11. the act of being kind
  1. imperfection
  2. cautious
  3. no value
  4. great effort or energy
  5. value cannot be determined
  6. overimaginative
  7. imperfect
  8. having elegance
  9. unable to rest
  10. short of breath
  11. meaningless
  12. full of truth

23 Clues: prettycautiousno valueimperfectmeaninglessimperfectionappreciationfull of truthunable to restunable to talklacking concernoverimaginativehaving eleganceshort of breathabsent of lightfull of delightnice and caringa variety of skillsthe act of being kindgreat effort or energythe act of being friendlyvalue cannot be determined...

latin 2022-09-18

latin crossword puzzle
  1. consul,consulis,m.
  2. floreo,florere,florui
  3. tumultus,tumultus,m.
  4. benignitas,-atis,f.
  5. mereo,merere,merui,meritum
  6. adversus or adversum + acc.
  7. amicitia,amicitiae,f.
  8. interim
  9. pietas,pietatis,f.
  1. caecus,-a,-um
  2. curia,curiae,f.
  3. socius,-ii,m.
  4. lugeo,lugere,luxi,luctum
  5. donec
  6. incendium,invendi(i),n.
  7. similis,simile
  8. diversus,-a,-um(or divorsus)
  9. aequor,aequoris,n.
  10. aetas,aetatis,f.
  11. praecipio,praecipere,praecepi,praeceptus

20 Clues: donecinterimcaecus,-a,-umsocius,-ii,m.similis,similecuria,curiae,f.aetas,aetatis,f.consul,consulis,m.aequor,aequoris,n.pietas,pietatis,f.benignitas,-atis,f.tumultus,tumultus,m.floreo,florere,floruiamicitia,amicitiae,f.incendium,invendi(i),n.lugeo,lugere,luxi,luctummereo,merere,merui,meritumadversus or adversum + acc.diversus,-a,-um(or divorsus)...

Colors 2022-05-18

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. power and elegance
  2. warmth and heat
  3. dependability and security
  4. force and passion
  5. Wisdom and brave
  6. nature and growth
  7. neutrality and balance
  8. optimism and happiness
  9. innocence and spirituality
  10. nobility and wealth
  1. open spaces and freedom
  2. purity and silence
  3. strength and support
  4. ceremony and mystery
  5. energy and encouragement
  6. conservative and background color
  7. love and kindness
  8. strength and dominance
  9. achievement and triumph
  10. purity or innocence

20 Clues: warmth and heatWisdom and braveforce and passionlove and kindnessnature and growthpower and elegancepurity and silencepurity or innocencenobility and wealthstrength and supportceremony and mysterystrength and dominanceneutrality and balanceoptimism and happinessopen spaces and freedomachievement and triumphenergy and encouragement...

Vocabulary 2024-12-05

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. face
  2. protective kindness
  3. a race with each person doing a section
  4. pleased
  5. joyful or gleeful
  6. likely
  7. to dismay or shock
  8. respectful
  9. portrayed or showed
  10. delicate to a fault
  11. optical instrument on a submarine
  1. relating to sense of smell
  2. extraordinary
  3. a crafty trick or device
  4. extreme joy
  5. flowers worn on the shoulder or wrist
  6. anything positioned by itself
  7. hidden
  8. a gifted child
  9. thinking about

20 Clues: facehiddenlikelypleasedrespectfulextreme joyextraordinarya gifted childthinking aboutjoyful or gleefulto dismay or shockprotective kindnessportrayed or showeddelicate to a faulta crafty trick or devicerelating to sense of smellanything positioned by itselfoptical instrument on a submarineflowers worn on the shoulder or wrist...

Buddhism practices 2021-03-06

Buddhism practices crossword puzzle
  1. = seated mediation
  2. = Bodhisattva of compassion
  3. = prayer beads
  4. = actions have consequences
  5. = used to pick bones in Japanese funerals
  6. = where monks live
  7. = allows buddhists to celebrate events
  8. = contains relics
  1. = compassion
  2. = worship
  3. = mindfulness of breathing
  4. = symbolises impermanence
  5. = celebrates three key events in buddha's life
  6. = Loving Kindness
  7. = painting of buddha

15 Clues: = worship= compassion= prayer beads= Loving Kindness= contains relics= seated mediation= where monks live= painting of buddha= symbolises impermanence= mindfulness of breathing= Bodhisattva of compassion= actions have consequences= allows buddhists to celebrate events= used to pick bones in Japanese funerals...

Building a Better World 2013-10-29

Building a Better World crossword puzzle
  1. soft
  2. interest
  3. approach
  4. to lift up your cheekbones
  5. giving aid
  6. a group of people
  7. bringing about misfortune
  1. battle
  2. to give up your time to help
  3. to give money
  4. the circumstances, conditions, or subjects by which one is surrounded
  5. synonym for poor
  6. strong feeling towards something
  7. courtesy
  8. affection

15 Clues: softbattleinterestapproachcourtesyaffectiongiving aidto give moneysynonym for poora group of peoplebringing about misfortuneto lift up your cheekbonesto give up your time to helpstrong feeling towards somethingthe circumstances, conditions, or subjects by which one is surrounded

organization 2023-10-09

organization crossword puzzle
  1. Theological school
  2. Christian charitable organization
  3. Universal Christian tradition
  4. Anabaptist Christian group
  5. Local church community
  1. Community of believers
  2. Believer in adult baptism
  3. Protestant denomination
  4. Service to others
  5. Religious group
  6. Acts of love and kindness
  7. Church of England follower
  8. Regional church district
  9. Place of worship
  10. Outreach to spread faith

15 Clues: Religious groupPlace of worshipService to othersTheological schoolCommunity of believersLocal church communityProtestant denominationRegional church districtOutreach to spread faithBeliever in adult baptismActs of love and kindnessChurch of England followerAnabaptist Christian groupUniversal Christian traditionChristian charitable organization

dfjakldjfakjljdlfjdlfjdlkfjdlfjdljfajdhfgyyyyyyyjkkdjfkdfjkdjfdkjfdkjflskjfldskjfkldsjfkldsjfldskjflsdjflksdjflksjfklsdjflskdjflkdsjfldsjfldkjfiojdowijfwoijwoijfeoijweoifjoewjfowijfoiwejfoewijfowiejfowejofijoiejfijfowfjowefjewoijfwoifj9322f89efj9f2398je8j 2024-04-19

dfjakldjfakjljdlfjdlfjdlkfjdlfjdljfajdhfgyyyyyyyjkkdjfkdfjkdjfdkjfdkjflskjfldskjfkldsjfkldsjfldskjflsdjflksdjflksjfklsdjflskdjflkdsjfldsjfldkjfiojdowijfwoijwoijfeoijweoifjoewjfowijfoiwejfoewijfowiejfowejofijoiejfijfowfjowefjewoijfwoifj9322f89efj9f2398je8j crossword puzzle
  1. lacking in warmth and kindness
  2. Clumsy, heavy
  3. Alert or watchful
  4. Happy, joyous
  5. State a fact confidently
  6. agile
  7. Easy to influence
  8. Check the progress and look at
  1. Edge or border
  2. The act of disfiguring
  3. Unfortunate, difficult
  4. Causing death
  5. Gradually become smaller or less
  6. Relating to water
  7. Turn away

15 Clues: agileTurn awayClumsy, heavyCausing deathHappy, joyousEdge or borderAlert or watchfulRelating to waterEasy to influenceThe act of disfiguringUnfortunate, difficultState a fact confidentlylacking in warmth and kindnessCheck the progress and look atGradually become smaller or less

Cyberbullying 2022-05-13

Cyberbullying crossword puzzle
  1. instagram
  2. bully
  3. technology anonymous
  4. report block
  5. youtube kindness
  1. unprovokedkeyboard
  2. bullying
  3. social media
  4. rude depression

9 Clues: bullybullyinginstagramsocial mediareport blockrude depressionyoutube kindnessunprovokedkeyboardtechnology anonymous

The Fruit of the Spirit 2023-10-09

The Fruit of the Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. Mild-mannered
  2. Contentment
  3. Agape
  4. Virtuous
  1. Tolerate Delay
  2. True to the Lord
  3. Compassionate
  4. Temperance
  5. Great Pleasure

9 Clues: AgapeVirtuousTemperanceContentmentCompassionateMild-manneredTolerate DelayGreat PleasureTrue to the Lord

Eliot Taylor 2021-04-09

Eliot Taylor crossword puzzle
  1. one who benefits an individual by money
  2. giving help
  3. having beauty
  4. desiring to do good
  5. possessing kindness
  6. exist in large amount
  7. quiet and calm
  8. full of color
  1. showing thanks
  2. having good effect
  3. helping to do
  4. french saying
  5. good things given in large
  6. something extra
  7. a blessing

15 Clues: a blessinggiving helphelping to dohaving beautyfrench sayingfull of colorshowing thanksquiet and calmsomething extrahaving good effectdesiring to do goodpossessing kindnessexist in large amountgood things given in largeone who benefits an individual by money

English Vocabulary 2023-02-27

English Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Too sweet, overly sweet
  2. Showing kindness/empathy
  3. Threatening and scary
  4. Life-changing
  5. Easily annoyed
  6. To get/gain
  1. Spiteful, purposely mean
  2. A racket
  3. Educated guess
  4. To represent something else
  5. A hole that can never be filled
  6. Being exempt from something
  7. Smart, intelligent
  8. Ravenous eating
  9. Hidden and disguised

15 Clues: A racketTo get/gainLife-changingEducated guessEasily annoyedRavenous eatingSmart, intelligentHidden and disguisedThreatening and scaryToo sweet, overly sweetSpiteful, purposely meanShowing kindness/empathyTo represent something elseBeing exempt from somethingA hole that can never be filled

Scanty 2023-05-02

Scanty crossword puzzle
  1. waste foolishly
  2. too proud
  3. present everywhere
  4. give up, refuse, resign formally
  5. independent
  6. kindness or leniency of punishment
  7. to cause something to continue
  1. to make up for something
  2. to improve
  3. to mention as proof
  4. rough
  5. less than sufficient
  6. force
  7. seize power without any right
  8. polite or formal

15 Clues: roughforcetoo proudto improveindependentwaste foolishlypolite or formalpresent everywhereto mention as proofless than sufficientto make up for somethingseize power without any rightto cause something to continuegive up, refuse, resign formallykindness or leniency of punishment

two year trivia 2023-12-09

two year trivia crossword puzzle
  1. our song
  2. our keyboard emoji
  3. our animal representation
  4. your biggest quality
  5. unofficial first meeting
  6. our first formal ‘date’
  7. your first surprise
  8. your first nickname
  1. our go to food
  2. asset to me
  3. your best feature
  4. My first nickname
  5. when it lacks
  6. date of contact
  7. the recliner seats

15 Clues: our songasset to mewhen it lacksour go to fooddate of contactyour best featureMy first nicknameour keyboard emojithe recliner seatsyour first surpriseyour first nicknameyour biggest qualityour first formal ‘date’unofficial first meetingour animal representation

Leilani´s puzzle 2024-09-16

Leilani´s puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Religion
  2. Grade
  3. Best soccer team ever
  4. Sport
  5. Aspiration
  1. My top moral
  2. My biggest priority
  3. Best football team ever
  4. Favorite city
  5. Age

10 Clues: AgeGradeSportReligionAspirationMy top moralFavorite cityMy biggest priorityBest soccer team everBest football team ever

Animal Farm Crossword 2024-12-11

Animal Farm Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Kindness
  2. Outward Behavior
  3. Attractively Lively
  4. Cruel government
  5. Disregarding Sincerity
  1. Deserved public shame
  2. False justification
  3. Feeling of hostility
  4. Fixed food amount
  5. Cultivatable

10 Clues: KindnessCultivatableOutward BehaviorCruel governmentFixed food amountFalse justificationAttractively LivelyFeeling of hostilityDeserved public shameDisregarding Sincerity

Kwanzaa 2024-12-05

Kwanzaa crossword puzzle
  1. Full of happiness
  2. Liberty
  3. Crops gathered
  4. Group of people
  5. Ritual event
  1. Caring feeling
  2. Trust in belief
  3. Brightness
  4. Showing honor
  5. Being nice

10 Clues: LibertyBrightnessBeing niceRitual eventShowing honorCaring feelingCrops gatheredTrust in beliefGroup of peopleFull of happiness

Crossword Puzzle 2021-12-01

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.
  2. importance, worth, or usefulness of something
  3. being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
  4. high respect; great esteem.
  5. the quality of being trustworthy and reliable.
  6. the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization.
  7. have as one's intention or objective.
  8. he fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
  9. an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.
  1. able to be relied on as honest or truthful.
  2. ability to control one's feelings and overcome one's weaknesses
  3. comprehension, aware of other people's feelings
  4. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
  5. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  6. having a serious, important, or useful quality or purpose
  7. compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority
  8. the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.
  9. moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.

18 Clues: high respect; great esteem.have as one's intention or to be relied on as honest or truthful.importance, worth, or usefulness of somethingthe quality of being trustworthy and reliable.comprehension, aware of other people's feelingsthe quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate....

Independence Day 2021-07-28

Independence Day crossword puzzle
  1. 3colour
  2. sacrifice
  3. dateofIndependence
  4. gotIndependencefrom
  1. fatherofIndia
  2. monthofIndependence
  3. 1PrimeMinisterofIndia
  4. foughtforIndependence

8 Clues: 3coloursacrificefatherofIndiadateofIndependencemonthofIndependencegotIndependencefrom1PrimeMinisterofIndiafoughtforIndependence

Grammar Test Review 2023-05-25

Grammar Test Review crossword puzzle
  1. outside
  2. slowly
  3. nor
  4. kindness
  1. Yay!
  2. my
  3. angry
  4. dancing

8 Clues: mynorYay!angryslowlyoutsidedancingkindness

Attributes of Christ 2023-11-26

Attributes of Christ crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 8
  3. 6
  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 1
  4. 7
  5. 3

8 Clues: 42517836

Family 1 2023-09-05

Family 1 crossword puzzle
  1. events
  2. family
  3. special
  1. lasting
  2. loving
  3. warmth
  4. forever
  5. about

8 Clues: aboutlovingwarmtheventsfamilylastingforeverspecial

Seven weeks in 4B 2021-11-02

Seven weeks in 4B crossword puzzle
  1. "Here I am!"
  2. people
  3. You have a body; you are a _____
  4. Israeli national anthem
  5. kindness
  6. God's law
  7. artist trading card
  8. Israeli national emblem
  1. character trait
  2. Write it before you talk.
  3. Israeli national bird
  4. Israeli national flower
  5. peace

13 Clues: peacepeoplekindnessGod's law"Here I am!"character traitartist trading cardIsraeli national birdIsraeli national flowerIsraeli national anthemIsraeli national emblemWrite it before you talk.You have a body; you are a _____

HIHI 2023-07-18

HIHI crossword puzzle
  1. 1 cách trực tiếp
  2. dạo gần đây
  3. nổi tiếng
  4. sự tự do
  5. chào hỏi
  6. 1 cách gián tiếp
  7. sự tốt bụng
  1. thuộc về truyền thống
  2. hiếm khi
  3. hiếm khi
  4. theo truyền thống
  5. dạo gần đây
  6. vùng núi
  7. truyền thống
  8. sự nổi tiếng

15 Clues: hiếm khihiếm khivùng núisự tự dochào hỏinổi tiếngdạo gần đâydạo gần đâysự tốt bụngtruyền thốngsự nổi tiếng1 cách trực tiếp1 cách gián tiếptheo truyền thốngthuộc về truyền thống

Bible Crossword 2023-08-30

Bible Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This month is dedicated to Mary.
  2. The holy book of Christianity.
  3. The celebration we attend each and every Monday
  4. The bible reflects the voice of the __________ god.
  5. the festival celebrating the birth of Jesus.
  6. The ___________ works of mercy are acts of kindness and charity that Reminds us of our duty as Christians.
  7. The first book in the bible.
  8. The season during which Christians pay special attention to works of Prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
  9. God’s message was first written on __________.
  10. The day when Christians gather to worship and listen to readings from the Bible.
  11. the first man created by god, according to the bible.
  12. This celebration remembers the decent of the holy spirit.
  1. We need to reflect ________ towards others especially by sharing with one another and giving to the poor
  2. Many people have died to spread the _________ of the bible.
  3. To be a child of god we need to follow in the ________ of Jesus Christ.
  4. The bible is over four-___________ years old.
  5. The symbol of Christianity, representing Jesus’ crucifixion.
  6. The day Christians celebrate to remember Jesus’ resurrection from the dead
  7. The bible was written in various ______.
  8. The catholic bible consists of seventy-_________ books.

20 Clues: The first book in the bible.The holy book of Christianity.This month is dedicated to Mary.The bible was written in various ______.the festival celebrating the birth of Jesus.The bible is over four-___________ years old.God’s message was first written on __________.The celebration we attend each and every Monday...

Year 4 Unit 1 2023-03-09

Year 4 Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. friendly, peaceful
  2. a prayer of blessing
  3. having strong feelings of attraction
  4. aggressive quarrelsome
  5. combativeness
  6. kindness generosity
  7. secret lover
  8. to soothe anger or irritation
  1. a person opposed to war
  2. open defiance
  3. before war
  4. someone who gives money
  5. someone who receives money
  6. inflamed with love

14 Clues: before warsecret loveropen defiancecombativenessfriendly, peacefulinflamed with lovekindness generositya prayer of blessingaggressive quarrelsomea person opposed to warsomeone who gives moneysomeone who receives moneyto soothe anger or irritationhaving strong feelings of attraction

Kindness: Actions and consequences 2021-09-27

Kindness: Actions and consequences crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who does not respect others and makes others feel sad.
  2. A toy from Australia.
  3. It comes after making a choice.
  4. Positive sentences about others.
  5. To put myself in someones's shoes
  6. To help others and be open minded.
  7. You make it yourself. it can be good or bad.
  8. Someone who makes others feel happy.
  9. Something bad
  1. Things we do.
  2. To think back to what I did.
  3. To make the right choice even when no one is looking.
  4. Saying thank you and please and listening to others shows this.
  5. Something good

14 Clues: Things we do.Something badSomething goodA toy from Australia.To think back to what I did.It comes after making a choice.Positive sentences about others.To put myself in someones's shoesTo help others and be open minded.Someone who makes others feel happy.You make it yourself. it can be good or bad....

Try a little kindness 2015-10-27

Try a little kindness crossword puzzle
  1. to use ​time doing something or being ​somewhere
  2. rules of a country that say what people can and cannot do
  3. to be ​unable to ​remember a ​fact, something that ​happened, or how to do something
  4. extremely good
  5. rubbish
  6. to get ​involved in an ​activity, participate
  7. disturbe
  1. to have or use something at the same ​time as someone ​else
  2. the ​quality of being ​kind
  3. a ​group of ​people with a ​particular set of ​aims
  4. some
  5. enjoyable, ​attractive, fun
  6. someone who ​lives near you
  7. to ​ask or ​request someone to go to an ​event

14 Clues: somerubbishdisturbeextremely goodthe ​quality of being ​kindenjoyable, ​attractive, funsomeone who ​lives near youto get ​involved in an ​activity, participateto ​ask or ​request someone to go to an ​eventto use ​time doing something or being ​somewherea ​group of ​people with a ​particular set of ​aims...

All about Logan 2019-03-18

All about Logan crossword puzzle
  1. Helping people
  2. Having manners
  3. My favouite footy team
  4. Going exploring
  5. Not feeling anger
  6. In a fairy tale
  1. Having lots of energy
  2. My best friend
  3. Likes to chase mice
  4. Favouite book/movie
  5. Taking risks
  6. Making people laugh
  7. Showing kindness

13 Clues: Taking risksHelping peopleMy best friendHaving mannersGoing exploringIn a fairy taleShowing kindnessNot feeling angerLikes to chase miceFavouite book/movieMaking people laughHaving lots of energyMy favouite footy team

Mindful behaviors 2 2023-06-24

Mindful behaviors 2 crossword puzzle
  1. (Reduce complexity)
  2. (Extend muscles)
  3. (Harmony)
  4. (Express happiness)
  5. (Without criticism)
  6. (Practice mindfulness)
  7. (Be in the moment)
  1. (Value and recognize)
  2. (Finding stability)
  3. (Thoughtful reaction)
  4. (Acts of goodwill)
  5. be (Allow things to be as they are)
  6. eating (Conscious consumption)

13 Clues: (Harmony)(Extend muscles)(Acts of goodwill)(Be in the moment)(Reduce complexity)(Finding stability)(Express happiness)(Without criticism)(Value and recognize)(Thoughtful reaction)(Practice mindfulness)eating (Conscious consumption)be (Allow things to be as they are)

Liam's Crossword 2014-04-01

Liam's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Annoyed.
  2. Very unhappy with something.
  3. The answers.
  4. the number of times.
  1. Kindness.
  2. Proof.
  3. Analyzing numbers.
  4. REALLY mad.
  5. Trusting.
  6. Really happy and energetic.

10 Clues: Proof.Annoyed.Kindness.Trusting.REALLY mad.The answers.Analyzing numbers.the number of times.Really happy and energetic.Very unhappy with something.

Ben vocab exam words 2022-06-18

Ben vocab exam words crossword puzzle
  1. passionate, enthusiastic,
  2. friendly, pleasant
  3. loving and caring
  4. healthy, growing
  5. kindness
  6. happiness
  7. very beautiful
  1. friendly nice character
  2. warmth, warm
  3. kindness
  4. adore love,admire

11 Clues: kindnesskindnesshappinesswarmth, warmvery beautifulhealthy, growingloving and caringadore love,admirefriendly, pleasantfriendly nice characterpassionate, enthusiastic,

English Crossword 2022-11-30

English Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. nice
  2. wanting to do evil
  3. not nice to
  4. not needed
  1. perfect
  2. respect
  3. past generations
  4. dirty
  5. something you need to do
  6. future generations

10 Clues: nicedirtyperfectrespectnot needednot nice topast generationswanting to do evilfuture generationssomething you need to do

Independence Day 2021-07-28

Independence Day crossword puzzle
  1. 3colour
  2. sacrifice
  3. dateofIndependence
  4. gotIndependencefrom
  1. fatherofIndia
  2. monthofIndependence
  3. 1PrimeMinisterofIndia
  4. foughtforIndependence

8 Clues: 3coloursacrificefatherofIndiadateofIndependencemonthofIndependencegotIndependencefrom1PrimeMinisterofIndiafoughtforIndependence

Grammar Test Review 2023-05-25

Grammar Test Review crossword puzzle
  1. outside
  2. slowly
  3. nor
  4. kindness
  1. Yay!
  2. my
  3. angry
  4. dancing

8 Clues: mynorYay!angryslowlyoutsidedancingkindness

Moko the Dolphin 2022-12-06

Moko the Dolphin crossword puzzle
  1. under water
  2. the area
  3. passage of water
  4. small type of boat
  5. noun for dolphins
  6. sea mammal
  7. for travelling underwater
  8. cut apart
  1. curved
  2. animals nose
  3. with kindness
  4. up hope
  5. of breaking waves
  6. towards

14 Clues: curvedup hopetowardsthe areacut apartsea mammalunder wateranimals nosewith kindnesspassage of waterof breaking wavesnoun for dolphinssmall type of boatfor travelling underwater

Morphology Words 2021-04-08

Morphology Words crossword puzzle
  1. voyage A french saying
  2. lots of kindness
  3. a lot of color
  4. very generous
  5. a prayer
  6. showing thanks
  7. giving help
  1. someone who helps usually by giving money
  2. large amounts
  3. extra [money]
  4. calm and quit
  5. good things that are given
  6. having beauty
  7. to achieve something

14 Clues: a prayergiving helplarge amountsextra [money]calm and quitvery generoushaving beautya lot of colorshowing thankslots of kindnessto achieve somethingvoyage A french sayinggood things that are givensomeone who helps usually by giving money

7 Ancient Wonder of the World 2024-12-14

7 Ancient Wonder of the World crossword puzzle
  1. Questioned wonder
  2. Only ancient wonder still standing
  3. Item of Halicarnassus Mausoleum
  4. Demetrius defense celebration
  5. Olympic sculpture
  6. French fortress
  7. Tallest statue ever
  8. Spherical observation
  1. Rebuilt 3 times
  2. First ever boat guidance
  3. Designer behind Lincoln memorial as well as breakfast food
  4. Singapore kindness
  5. Religious rooster
  6. Symmetric palace

14 Clues: Rebuilt 3 timesFrench fortressSymmetric palaceQuestioned wonderOlympic sculptureReligious roosterSingapore kindnessTallest statue everSpherical observationFirst ever boat guidanceDemetrius defense celebrationItem of Halicarnassus MausoleumOnly ancient wonder still standingDesigner behind Lincoln memorial as well as breakfast food

Leadership 2023-04-18

Leadership crossword puzzle
  1. A basic rundown and idea of what you're going to do and how you're going to do it
  2. Doing something that you are afraid to do; being brave
  3. Thinking positively, looking at the bright side.
  4. Someone who has a hard time saying no to others; a people pleaser
  5. Pushing forward to do something, no matter what.
  6. The things in life that you aren't comfortable with and take courage to do
  7. The motto you live your life by
  8. What you want your end result to be
  9. Leading others with respect and kindness.
  10. Judging and/or labeling someone before getting to know them.
  11. Giving your word to do something.
  1. Putting the most important tasks first.
  2. Leading by serving
  3. Difficult Choices you have to make on the path you are taking
  4. The things in life that you feel comfortable with; things you familiar with
  5. Treating people with kindness and understanding.
  6. strong, hardly controllable emotion about something.
  7. Putting something off because you don't want to do it
  8. beliefs and behaviors that you use to live your life. Morals.
  9. Thinking negatively, looking at the bad side.

20 Clues: Leading by servingThe motto you live your life byGiving your word to do something.What you want your end result to bePutting the most important tasks first.Leading others with respect and kindness.Thinking negatively, looking at the bad side.Treating people with kindness and understanding.Thinking positively, looking at the bright side....

Leadership vocab 2023-05-15

Leadership vocab crossword puzzle
  1. - having the knowledge of something whether its an item or actions. Being conscious.
  2. - being able to influence/guide your peers.
  3. - being aware/conscious of something
  4. - two or more people working together to achieve a common goal/benefit.
  5. - the ability to come up with new and original ideas
  6. - believing/relying in/on something or someone because you have a confident hope that they will succeed (whatever that means in the situation).
  7. - the ability to work with your peers
  8. - being sure of yourself and your abilities.
  9. - showing sympathy or encouragement to someone while they are trying to accomplish something
  1. - accepting someone for who they are/treating others with kindness.
  2. - assisting someone in something they want to accomplish
  3. - the constant state of not being too proud or arrogant.
  4. - showing or feeling concern for others
  5. - giving someone a reason/motive to do something
  6. - having quality experience, knowledge, and good judgement. being wise.
  7. - conveying your thoughts and feelings
  8. - the act of being kind
  9. - seeing things in a more positive way "looking on the bright side
  10. - an adviser who's experienced in what they do.
  11. - being true/fair to others. being honest.

20 Clues: - the act of being kind- the ability to work with your peers- conveying your thoughts and feelings- being aware/conscious of something- being able to influence/guide your peers.- showing or feeling concern for others- being sure of yourself and your abilities.- being true/fair to others. being honest....

Bible Crossword 2023-09-12

Bible Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The celebration we attend each and every Monday.
  2. The Bible reflects the voice of the ______ God.
  3. The ______ Works of Mercy are acts of kindness and charity that remind us of our duty as Christians.
  4. The symbol of Christianity, representing Jesus’ crucifixion.
  5. The season during which Christians pay special attention to works of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.
  6. This celebration remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit.
  7. The first book in the Bible.
  8. The Catholic Bible consists of seventy-______ books.
  9. God’s message was first written on ______.
  10. The Bible is over four-______ years old.
  11. The first man created by God, according to the Bible.
  1. The Bible was written in various ______.
  2. The day when Christians gather to worship and listen to readings from the Bible.
  3. We need to reflect ______ towards others, especially by sharing with one another and giving to the poor.
  4. The holy book of Christianity.
  5. To be a child of God, we need to follow in the ______ of Jesus Christ.
  6. Many people have died to spread the ______ of the Bible.
  7. The day Christians celebrate to remember Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
  8. The festival celebrating the Birth of Jesus.
  9. This month is dedicated to Mary.

20 Clues: The first book in the Bible.The holy book of Christianity.This month is dedicated to Mary.The Bible was written in various ______.The Bible is over four-______ years old.God’s message was first written on ______.The festival celebrating the Birth of Jesus.The Bible reflects the voice of the ______ God....

Bible Crossword 2023-08-31

Bible Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The ______ Works of Mercy are acts of kindness and charity that remind us of our duty as Christians.
  2. Many people have died to spread the ______ of the Bible.
  3. The symbol of Christianity, representing Jesus’ crucifixion.
  4. The first book in the Bible.
  5. God’s message was first written on ______.
  6. We need to reflect ______ towards others, especially by sharing with one another and giving to the poor.
  7. The first man created by God, according to the Bible.
  8. The season during which Christians pay special attention to works of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.
  9. The holy book of Christianity.
  10. This celebration remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit.
  11. The celebration we attend each and every Monday.
  1. and Feast Days Crossword
  2. The Catholic Bible consists of seventy-______ books.
  3. This month is dedicated to Mary.
  4. The Bible is over four-______ years old.
  5. The day Christians celebrate to remember Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
  6. The festival celebrating the Birth of Jesus.
  7. To be a child of God, we need to follow in the ______ of Jesus Christ.
  8. The Bible was written in various ______.
  9. The Bible reflects the voice of the ______ God.
  10. The day when Christians gather to worship and listen to readings from the Bible.

21 Clues: and Feast Days CrosswordThe first book in the Bible.The holy book of Christianity.This month is dedicated to Mary.The Bible is over four-______ years old.The Bible was written in various ______.God’s message was first written on ______.The festival celebrating the Birth of Jesus.The Bible reflects the voice of the ______ God....

Bible crosswords 2023-09-06

Bible crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. The Catholic Bible consists of seventy-______ books.
  2. The celebration we attend each and every Monday.
  3. The holy book of Christianity.
  4. The ______ Works of Mercy are acts of kindness and charity that remind us of our duty as Christians.
  5. The season during which Christians pay special attention to works of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.
  6. The Bible was written in various ______.
  7. The symbol of Christianity, representing Jesus’ crucifixion.
  8. The day when Christians gather to worship and listen to readings from the Bible.
  9. We need to reflect ______ towards others, especially by sharing with one another and giving to the poor.
  1. To be a child of God, we need to follow in the ______ of Jesus Christ.
  2. This celebration remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit.
  3. The festival celebrating the Birth of Jesus.
  4. This month is dedicated to Mary.
  5. The Bible is over four-______ years old.
  6. God’s message was first written on ______.
  7. Many people have died to spread the ______ of the Bible.
  8. The day Christians celebrate to remember Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
  9. The first book in the Bible.
  10. The Bible reflects the voice of the ______ God.
  11. The first man created by God, according to the Bible.

20 Clues: The first book in the Bible.The holy book of Christianity.This month is dedicated to Mary.The Bible is over four-______ years old.The Bible was written in various ______.God’s message was first written on ______.The festival celebrating the Birth of Jesus.The Bible reflects the voice of the ______ God....

Bible and Feast Days Crossword 2023-08-30

Bible and Feast Days Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This celebration remembers the decent of the holy spirit.
  2. The celebration we attend each and every Monday
  3. We need to reflect ________ towards others especially by sharing with one another and giving to the poor
  4. To be a child of god we need to follow in the ________ of Jesus Christ.
  5. The catholic bible consists of seventy-_________ books.
  6. Many people have died to spread the _________ of the bible.
  7. The ___________ works of mercy are acts of kindness and charity that Reminds us of our duty as Christians.
  8. The bible was written in various ______.
  1. The bible reflects the voice of the __________ god.
  2. The day when Christians gather to worship and listen to readings from the Bible.
  3. The symbol of Christianity, representing Jesus’ crucifixion.
  4. the festival celebrating the birth of Jesus.
  5. God’s message was first written on __________.
  6. The day Christians celebrate to remember Jesus’ resurrection from the dead
  7. The season during which Christians pay special attention to works of Prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
  8. The first book in the bible.
  9. The bible is over four-___________ years old.
  10. The holy book of Christianity.
  11. the first man created by god, according to the bible.
  12. This month is dedicated to Mary.

20 Clues: The first book in the bible.The holy book of Christianity.This month is dedicated to Mary.The bible was written in various ______.the festival celebrating the birth of Jesus.The bible is over four-___________ years old.God’s message was first written on __________.The celebration we attend each and every Monday...

Patient Experience Crossword Puzzle 2024-02-26

Patient Experience Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Showing enthusiasm or affection
  2. Paying close attention to something
  3. Finding solutions to difficulties
  4. Providing useful or interesting information
  5. Used to emphasize the speaker and one or more other people
  6. The combined action of a group
  7. Providing encouragement or assistance
  8. Sympathetic and compassionate
  9. Understanding and sharing the feelings of others
  10. Providing comfort and confidence
  11. With or in proximity to another person or people
  12. The exchange of information or ideas
  13. Paying attention to sound or speech
  1. Looking directly into someone's eyes
  2. Having the necessary ability or skills
  3. A polite word or sign of welcome
  4. Well-informed and educated
  5. Reacting quickly and positively
  6. A pleased or amused facial expression
  7. Having a strong desire for success
  8. Friendly or hospitable
  9. Providing assistance or support
  10. Willing to fit in with someone's wishes
  11. Showing politeness and consideration toward others
  12. Characterized by kindness and warmth
  13. Featuring new methods or ideas
  14. Pleasant and engaging in manner
  15. Showing sympathy and concern for others
  16. Exhibiting a competent and skillful manner
  17. Tolerant and able to endure delays
  18. Displaying kindness and concern for others

31 Clues: Friendly or hospitableWell-informed and educatedSympathetic and compassionateFeaturing new methods or ideasThe combined action of a groupShowing enthusiasm or affectionReacting quickly and positivelyProviding assistance or supportPleasant and engaging in mannerA polite word or sign of welcomeProviding comfort and confidence...

Honor Credit Union 2023-10-22

Honor Credit Union crossword puzzle
  1. To evaluate
  2. The rule that states - To treat others how they want to be treated
  3. To cultivate ____ and love you must uphold an environment where diversity is celebrated
  4. The mindset that is open to trying new ideas
  5. A readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
  6. Make decisions free from bias and discrimination
  7. Person competent in several different fields
  8. Honor team member that enthusiastically supports Honor Credit Union
  9. To be curious or inquire you must ask ______
  10. Treat others with kindness
  11. Ability to feel and relate to another human being
  1. To help someone by doing a share of the work
  2. To apply _____over rules you must understand the rules and how to mitigate risk
  3. Making the _____, means developing genuine relationships
  4. To add ____ you must understand member needs
  5. When acting with ______ and care you have the direct authority and responsibility to take action
  6. The type of listening with the intent to understand
  7. Know and do what is right - even when no one is watching
  8. Live with honesty
  9. The practice of being or tendency to be optimistic
  10. Using the 5A Service model promotes our commitment of see a _____, Fill a need

21 Clues: To evaluateLive with honestyTreat others with kindnessTo help someone by doing a share of the workTo add ____ you must understand member needsThe mindset that is open to trying new ideasPerson competent in several different fieldsTo be curious or inquire you must ask ______Make decisions free from bias and discrimination...

Kbo Values… 2022-03-19

Kbo Values… crossword puzzle
  1. not restrictive
  2. not holding back
  3. not self-reliance
  4. not cruelty
  1. not hatred
  2. not secretive
  3. not inequality
  4. not exclusion
  5. not judgement
  6. not war

10 Clues: not warnot hatrednot crueltynot secretivenot exclusionnot judgementnot inequalitynot restrictivenot holding backnot self-reliance

Spelling week 34 2021-03-24

Spelling week 34 crossword puzzle
  1. bright
  2. like
  3. dark
  4. help
  5. happy
  1. sick
  2. good
  3. kind

8 Clues: sickgoodlikekinddarkhelphappybright

Movies and their Values 2020-05-16

Movies and their Values crossword puzzle
  1. Monsters University
  2. Do aankhen barah haath
  3. English-Vinglish
  4. Karate-Kid
  5. Tanhaji
  1. Pursuit of Happiness
  2. Avengers:Infinity War
  3. Charlotte's Web
  4. Shikara
  5. Mission Mangal

10 Clues: ShikaraTanhajiKarate-KidMission MangalCharlotte's WebEnglish-VinglishMonsters UniversityPursuit of HappinessAvengers:Infinity WarDo aankhen barah haath

Leilani´s puzzle 2024-09-16

Leilani´s puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Religion
  2. Grade
  3. Best soccer team ever
  4. Sport
  5. Aspiration
  1. My top moral
  2. My biggest priority
  3. Best football team ever
  4. Favorite city
  5. Age

10 Clues: AgeGradeSportReligionAspirationMy top moralFavorite cityMy biggest priorityBest soccer team everBest football team ever

Empathy Crossword Puzzle 2024-07-11

Empathy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A particular attitude or way of viewing something.
  2. The ability to comprehend the feelings of others.
  3. Providing assistance or encouragement to others.
  4. Emotions or sensations experienced by someone.
  1. Sympathy and concern for the sufferings of others.
  2. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  3. The ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
  4. Displaying kindness and concern for others.

8 Clues: Displaying kindness and concern for others.Emotions or sensations experienced by someone.Providing assistance or encouragement to others.The ability to comprehend the feelings of others.Sympathy and concern for the sufferings of others.A particular attitude or way of viewing something.The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate....

Eliot Taylor 2021-04-09

Eliot Taylor crossword puzzle
  1. one who benefits an individual by money
  2. giving help
  3. having beauty
  4. desiring to do good
  5. possessing kindness
  6. exist in large amount
  7. quiet and calm
  8. full of color
  1. showing thanks
  2. having good effect
  3. helping to do
  4. french saying
  5. good things given in large
  6. something extra
  7. a blessing

15 Clues: a blessinggiving helphelping to dohaving beautyfrench sayingfull of colorshowing thanksquiet and calmsomething extrahaving good effectdesiring to do goodpossessing kindnessexist in large amountgood things given in largeone who benefits an individual by money

vocab 2024-04-24

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. - take over with having authority
  2. - bravery
  3. - sorry for ones wrong doing
  4. - very favourable
  5. - correct
  6. - observant
  7. - incapable of being harmed
  1. - brave, courageous
  2. - replace by unethical means
  3. - not trustworthy
  4. - showing kindness
  5. - process by which one is entitled to privilege , rank, or inheritance
  6. - unfaithful and dishonest
  7. - strongly encouraged
  8. - forgive

15 Clues: - bravery- correct- forgive- observant- not trustworthy- very favourable- showing kindness- brave, courageous- strongly encouraged- unfaithful and dishonest- incapable of being harmed- replace by unethical means- sorry for ones wrong doing- take over with having authority- process by which one is entitled to privilege , rank, or inheritance

vocab 2024-04-24

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. - take over with having authority
  2. - bravery
  3. - sorry for ones wrong doing
  4. - very favourable
  5. - correct
  6. - observant
  7. - incapable of being harmed
  1. - brave, courageous
  2. - replace by unethical means
  3. - not trustworthy
  4. - showing kindness
  5. - process by which one is entitled to privilege , rank, or inheritance
  6. - unfaithful and dishonest
  7. - strongly encouraged
  8. - forgive

15 Clues: - bravery- correct- forgive- observant- not trustworthy- very favourable- showing kindness- brave, courageous- strongly encouraged- unfaithful and dishonest- incapable of being harmed- replace by unethical means- sorry for ones wrong doing- take over with having authority- process by which one is entitled to privilege , rank, or inheritance

Prefix/Suffix Review 2021-02-04

Prefix/Suffix Review crossword puzzle
  1. someone who invents things
  2. the state of acting
  3. without
  4. not able
  5. full of hope
  6. before
  1. does not match
  2. not
  3. to not stop
  4. the state of being kind
  5. the study of life
  6. again

12 Clues: notagainbeforewithoutnot ableto not stopfull of hopedoes not matchthe study of lifethe state of actingthe state of being kindsomeone who invents things


BIRDS OF A FEATHER crossword puzzle
  3. LUCK


Advertising 2021-09-28

Advertising crossword puzzle
  1. Has a trunk
  2. synonim of choose
  3. Man's best friend
  4. Likes to chase mice
  5. convince people to buy things
  6. clean the floor
  7. concentrate
  1. Large marsupial
  2. a company and products
  3. something that is sold
  4. verb that means buy
  5. the act of being nice
  6. Flying mammal
  7. an activity

14 Clues: Has a trunkan activityconcentrateFlying mammalLarge marsupialclean the floorsynonim of chooseMan's best friendverb that means buyLikes to chase micethe act of being nicea company and productssomething that is soldconvince people to buy things

The Language of Flowers 2014-05-02

The Language of Flowers crossword puzzle
  1. Symbolizes a promise
  2. Symbolizes kindness in Japan
  3. Symbolizes submission
  4. Give this as a sign of thanks
  5. Symbolizes determination
  6. Means “Good News”
  1. Means devotion
  2. Symbolizes riches
  3. Symbolizes remembrance
  4. Means “Never Give Up”
  5. Symbolizes pure and lofty thoughts
  6. Symbolizes chivalry
  7. Symbolizes innocence
  8. Symbolizes faithfulness

14 Clues: Means devotionSymbolizes richesMeans “Good News”Symbolizes chivalrySymbolizes a promiseSymbolizes innocenceMeans “Never Give Up”Symbolizes submissionSymbolizes remembranceSymbolizes faithfulnessSymbolizes determinationSymbolizes kindness in JapanGive this as a sign of thanksSymbolizes pure and lofty thoughts

Someone Else's Shoes 2018-10-24

Someone Else's Shoes crossword puzzle
  1. - Something that will hold someone down
  2. - Custom
  3. - Group of people around you
  4. - Proof
  5. - Showing care
  1. - A promise
  2. - Donating to ill or old people
  3. - Unable to see
  4. - Equal for both sides
  5. - Doing something on your own
  6. - Rules for the state/nation
  7. - Rightfulness
  8. - Fairness
  9. - No hearing

14 Clues: - Proof- Custom- Fairness- A promise- No hearing- Rightfulness- Showing care- Unable to see- Equal for both sides- Rules for the state/nation- Group of people around you- Doing something on your own- Donating to ill or old people- Something that will hold someone down

Vol.II Vocabulary 2023-11-17

Vol.II Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. friendly
  2. showing kindness
  3. extended communication
  4. to hang over, as of something threatening
  5. the appearance of one's face
  6. gloomy or depressed mood
  1. reject
  2. hate
  3. attempt by employing effort
  4. deep regret
  5. give as a gift
  6. to leave
  7. to obey rules
  8. an overwhelming number or amount

14 Clues: haterejectfriendlyto leavedeep regretto obey rulesgive as a giftshowing kindnessextended communicationgloomy or depressed moodattempt by employing effortthe appearance of one's facean overwhelming number or amountto hang over, as of something threatening

Acts of Kindness 2024-11-26

Acts of Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. you can feel what someone else is feeling
  2. mindful actions that help other living beings
  3. planned in the moment
  1. strong desire to help after feeling empathy
  2. acts of kindness are also called
  3. acts of kindness help build a sense of ___
  4. good actions towards others

7 Clues: planned in the momentgood actions towards othersacts of kindness are also calledyou can feel what someone else is feelingacts of kindness help build a sense of ___strong desire to help after feeling empathymindful actions that help other living beings

Patient Experience Crossword Puzzle 2024-02-26

Patient Experience Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Showing enthusiasm or affection
  2. Paying close attention to something
  3. Finding solutions to difficulties
  4. Providing useful or interesting information
  5. Used to emphasize the speaker and one or more other people
  6. The combined action of a group
  7. Providing encouragement or assistance
  8. Sympathetic and compassionate
  9. Understanding and sharing the feelings of others
  10. Providing comfort and confidence
  11. With or in proximity to another person or people
  12. The exchange of information or ideas
  13. Paying attention to sound or speech
  1. Looking directly into someone's eyes
  2. Having the necessary ability or skills
  3. A polite word or sign of welcome
  4. Well-informed and educated
  5. Reacting quickly and positively
  6. A pleased or amused facial expression
  7. Having a strong desire for success
  8. Friendly or hospitable
  9. Providing assistance or support
  10. Willing to fit in with someone's wishes
  11. Showing politeness and consideration toward others
  12. Characterized by kindness and warmth
  13. Featuring new methods or ideas
  14. Pleasant and engaging in manner
  15. Showing sympathy and concern for others
  16. Exhibiting a competent and skillful manner
  17. Tolerant and able to endure delays
  18. Displaying kindness and concern for others

31 Clues: Friendly or hospitableWell-informed and educatedSympathetic and compassionateFeaturing new methods or ideasThe combined action of a groupShowing enthusiasm or affectionReacting quickly and positivelyProviding assistance or supportPleasant and engaging in mannerA polite word or sign of welcomeProviding comfort and confidence...

Shiloh's identity crossword 2024-03-21

Shiloh's identity crossword crossword puzzle
  1. saying to people about the bright side of things
  2. kind,friendly and patient
  3. thinking about others
  4. good or remarkable
  5. noticeably happy and optimistic
  6. being nice or caring to someone
  7. friendly loves spending time on children
  8. straight to the point
  9. feel or show pity, sympathy, and understanding for people who are suffering
  10. easily get hurt
  11. always thinking of good things
  12. in high alert
  13. showing affection or kindness
  14. having or showing good manners or respect for others
  15. very cheerful and talks a lot
  16. deeply or warmly appreciative of kindness
  1. continuing to do something or to try to do something even though it is difficult
  2. taking care of someone or something
  3. always including others
  4. pay attention
  5. willing to help others
  6. can be trusted
  7. being nervous and quiet
  8. behaving in a polite or friendly way to a guest or new arrival
  9. there always have a listening ear
  10. having or showing fair way of thinking
  11. not showing or feeling excessive pride
  12. you can trust them
  13. being creative
  14. knowing whats it's like

30 Clues: pay attentionin high alertcan be trustedbeing creativeeasily get hurtgood or remarkableyou can trust themthinking about othersstraight to the pointwilling to help othersalways including othersbeing nervous and quietknowing whats it's likekind,friendly and patientshowing affection or kindnessvery cheerful and talks a lot...

Religious Values 2024-11-09

Religious Values crossword puzzle
  1. showing kindness,concern and empathy toward others
  2. a positive feeling shown towards someone or something considered important or held in high regard
  3. a quality of strong affection towards someone
  4. the ability to do something that frightens them
  5. a state of harmony,calmness and the absence of conflict
  6. recognizing and empathizing with the suffering of others
  7. being friendly,generous and considerate
  8. taking responsibility for one’s actions and decisions
  9. the act of people working together towards a common goal
  1. recognizing and appreciating the positive aspects of life
  2. the act of giving to others without expecting anything in return
  3. the ability to wait or to continue doing something despite difficulties
  4. Putting in consistent effort and dedication to achieve goals or complete tasks
  5. taking care of certain tasks or duties and to be accountable for the outcomes one’s actions
  6. trusting in something or someone without needing tangible evidence
  7. Giving a portion of what you have to others
  8. the quality of being honest and having moral principles that you refuse to change
  9. being there for someone through their high and lows
  10. The confidence or belief in something or someone
  11. Being truthful,straightforward and transparent in words and actions

20 Clues: being friendly,generous and considerateGiving a portion of what you have to othersa quality of strong affection towards someonethe ability to do something that frightens themThe confidence or belief in something or someoneshowing kindness,concern and empathy toward othersbeing there for someone through their high and lows...

NYS CROSSWORD SET 1 2024-11-12

NYS CROSSWORD SET 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Unconditional divine blessing / pateince and restraint in difficult times
  2. An amazing event that seems beyond explanation
  3. A deity or supreme being
  4. A feeling of great happiness
  5. The state of calm and tranquility
  6. Sitting quietly to find inner peace
  7. Advice or direction, often spiritual
  8. A feeling of expecting good things
  9. A sense of inner calm and contentment
  10. Offering support or assistance to others
  11. Helping others with good heart
  12. Knowledge and good judgement with experience
  13. Waiting calmly without getting upset
  14. Being boundless
  15. Awareness and focus ok the present moment
  1. Living together in peace and understanding
  2. A gift of good fortune or kindness
  3. Letting go of anger and hurt from others
  4. Coming together as one
  5. Quality of facing fears or challenges bravely
  6. Something that is real and honest
  7. Strong dedication to sometimes or someone
  8. Having a hopeful or optimistic outlook
  9. Respect for oneself and others
  10. Being gentle and caring to others
  11. A state of calm and no conflict
  12. Understanding and caring for someone's pain
  13. Positive statement or belief, often used in spiritual practices
  14. Belief in something even without seeing
  15. A deep feeling of care and connection

30 Clues: Being boundlessComing together as oneA deity or supreme beingA feeling of great happinessRespect for oneself and othersHelping others with good heartA state of calm and no conflictSomething that is real and honestThe state of calm and tranquilityBeing gentle and caring to othersA gift of good fortune or kindnessA feeling of expecting good things...

Values 2021-02-05

Values crossword puzzle
  1. nurturing
  2. being truthful
  3. unconditional positive regard
  4. valuing other people and things
  5. deep feeling of calm
  6. the opposite of pride
  7. joy
  1. bouncing back
  2. being brave
  3. experiencing gratitude
  4. heartfelt kindness

11 Clues: joynurturingbeing bravebouncing backbeing truthfulheartfelt kindnessdeep feeling of calmthe opposite of prideexperiencing gratitudeunconditional positive regardvaluing other people and things

Themes in Literature 2024-02-28

Themes in Literature crossword puzzle
  1. feeling pain
  2. don't break it
  3. mean
  4. treat others how you want to be treated
  5. good and bad
  1. friends
  2. dogs are very ____
  3. Thanksgiving
  4. time
  5. in the air
  6. being brave

11 Clues: timemeanfriendsin the airbeing braveThanksgivingfeeling paingood and baddon't break itdogs are very ____treat others how you want to be treated

Bible Crossword 2023-08-30

Bible Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The first book in the Bible.
  2. The symbol of Christianity, representing Jesus’ crucifixion.
  3. This celebration remembers the decent of the holy spirit.
  4. We need to reflect ______ towards others especially by sharing with one another and giving to the poor
  5. God’s message was first written on ______.
  6. The Catholic Bible consists of seventy-______ books.
  7. The bible was written in various ______.
  8. The festival celebrating the birth of Jesus.
  9. This month is dedicated to Mary.
  1. The celebration we attend each and every Monday.
  2. The Holy book of Christianity.
  3. To be a child of God we need to follow in the ______ of Jesus Christ.
  4. The Bible reflects the voice of the ______ God.
  5. Many people have died to spread the ______ of the Bible.
  6. The ______ Works of Mercy are acts of kindness and charity that remind us of our duty as Christians.
  7. The Season during which Christians pay special attention to works of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.
  8. The day Christians celebrate to remember Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
  9. The day when Christians gather to worship and listen to readings from the Bible.
  10. The Bible is over four-______ years old.
  11. The first man created by God, according to the Bible.

20 Clues: The first book in the Bible.The Holy book of Christianity.This month is dedicated to Mary.The Bible is over four-______ years old.The bible was written in various ______.God’s message was first written on ______.The festival celebrating the birth of Jesus.The Bible reflects the voice of the ______ God....

Bible Crossword 2023-08-30

Bible Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The celebration we attend each and every Monday.
  2. The Bible reflects the voice of the __________ God.
  3. The ___________ Works of Mercy are acts of kindness and charity that Reminds us of our duty as Christians.
  4. The symbol of Christianity, representing Jesus’ crucifixion.
  5. The season during which Christians pay special attention to works of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.
  6. This celebration remembers the decent of the holy spirit.
  7. The first book in the Bible.
  8. The Catholic Bible consists of seventy-_________ books.
  9. God’s message was first written on __________.
  10. The Bible is over four-___________ years old.
  11. The first man created by God, according to the Bible.
  1. The Bible was written in various ______.
  2. The day when Christians gather to worship and listen to readings from the Bible.
  3. We need to reflect ________ towards others especially by sharing with one another and giving to the poor.
  4. The holy book of Christianity.
  5. To be a child of god we need to follow in the ________ of Jesus Christ.
  6. Many people have died to spread the _________ of the Bible.
  7. The day Christians celebrate to remember Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
  8. The festival celebrating the Birth of Jesus.
  9. This month is dedicated to Mary.

20 Clues: The first book in the Bible.The holy book of Christianity.This month is dedicated to Mary.The Bible was written in various ______.The festival celebrating the Birth of Jesus.The Bible is over four-___________ years old.God’s message was first written on __________.The celebration we attend each and every Monday....

Classroom Expectations 2023-08-17

Classroom Expectations crossword puzzle
  1. don't put away your CJ until it has been _____.
  2. this should always be turned in on time.
  3. one of the materials you need for class.
  4. hand, this is what you should lend when someone asks for help.
  5. this is how you should be during all classroom activities.
  6. throw away trash _____ in designated bins.
  7. something that's very important to Ms. Hall in her classroom.
  8. be _____ of the needs of others and treat them with kindness.
  9. you should clean up after _____.
  10. participate in this actively or passively.
  11. this voice is what you should always use in class so as to not disturb others.
  1. is something you should never be doing unless Ms. Hall has said it's okay to do so.
  2. the attitude you should come to class with.
  3. do not damage this.
  4. raise this when you need to speak or ask a question.
  5. how one should enter the classroom.
  6. coming to class _____ helps you to be prepared for class.
  7. make sure to have all of these when you enter class.
  8. only these types of materials should be on your table during class.
  9. show this towards your teacher and classmates.
  10. stand _____ your chair before you leave class.

21 Clues: do not damage should clean up after one should enter the classroom.this should always be turned in on of the materials you need for class.throw away trash _____ in designated bins.participate in this actively or passively.the attitude you should come to class this towards your teacher and classmates....

New Testament 2023-09-22

New Testament crossword puzzle
  1. Book two of the Good News of Christ
  2. two letters from Paul to Corinth correcting errors and confirming their faith
  3. the efficacy of faith united with good works
  4. appeal to a converted master to receive a converted escaped slave with kindness
  5. respecting our Lord and urge to Christian love and conduct
  6. warning against errors and exhorts to certain duties.
  7. letter on the power of divine grace
  8. two letters encouraging a Christian life
  9. two letters to continue in the faith and correction of Christ’s second coming
  10. A letter to Gaius
  11. Book four of the Good News of Christ
  1. warning against false teachers
  2. the beauty of Christian kindness
  3. we are justified by faith and not by rites
  4. Christ is the substance of the ceremonial law
  5. letter on the doctrine of justification by Christ
  6. Two letters instructing the duty of a pastor and encourages his ministry work
  7. Book one of the Good News of Christ
  8. Book three of the Good News of Christ
  9. the labors of the apostles
  10. The future of the Church foretold.
  11. encouragement in the performance of ministerial duties.
  12. Warnings against deceivers.

23 Clues: A letter to Gaiusthe labors of the apostlesWarnings against deceivers.warning against false teachersthe beauty of Christian kindnessThe future of the Church foretold.Book two of the Good News of ChristBook one of the Good News of Christletter on the power of divine graceBook four of the Good News of ChristBook three of the Good News of Christ...

My Little Pony Characters 2021-09-25

My Little Pony Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Master of Chaos
  2. Power of Loyalty
  3. Power of Laughter
  4. Ruler of the Crystal Empire
  5. Power of Generosity
  6. Power of Kindness
  7. Power of Magic
  1. Cutiemark Crusaders
  2. Ruler of Our Town
  3. Sneaky Businessmen
  4. Ruler of Equestria
  5. Power of Honesty
  6. Baby Dragon
  7. Ruler of Dreams

14 Clues: Baby DragonPower of MagicMaster of ChaosRuler of DreamsPower of LoyaltyPower of HonestyRuler of Our TownPower of LaughterPower of KindnessSneaky BusinessmenRuler of EquestriaCutiemark CrusadersPower of GenerosityRuler of the Crystal Empire

Keynote units 1 - 2 2021-04-20

Keynote units 1 - 2 crossword puzzle
  1. famous, trendy or very popular
  2. to bend your head or upper part of your body
  3. to dedicate
  4. the profit
  5. very important
  6. synonym of the word "kindness"
  7. job
  1. to contain
  2. new or developing
  3. a fire
  4. to lead
  5. to save
  6. to become smaller
  7. a crazy person

14 Clues: joba fireto leadto saveto containthe profitto dedicatevery importanta crazy personnew or developingto become smallerfamous, trendy or very popularsynonym of the word "kindness"to bend your head or upper part of your body

Week 2 2024-09-03

Week 2 crossword puzzle
  1. cannot be trusted
  2. disturbing
  3. your teacher runs on this
  4. to say one thing and do another
  5. no fighting
  6. similar in looks
  7. pass along
  1. the goodness in people
  2. kindness
  3. to stop work out of protest
  4. doing excellent
  5. walk away angrily
  6. seriously
  7. the best of your imagination

14 Clues: kindnessseriouslydisturbingpass alongno fightingdoing excellentsimilar in lookscannot be trustedwalk away angrilythe goodness in peopleyour teacher runs on thisto stop work out of protestthe best of your imaginationto say one thing and do another

Compassion and Gratitude 2022-07-25

Compassion and Gratitude crossword puzzle
  1. an expression of sympathy and sadness
  2. not showing gratitude or thanks to others
  3. the quality or state of being kind to others
  4. the willingness to give or to share
  5. a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth.
  6. the ability to recognize and acknowledge the worth of something or someone
  7. focusing on the good and positive things in your life and being grateful for the things you have.
  8. slowing down and paying full attention to something
  1. the desire to help someone when they are in distress
  2. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person
  3. showing or having kindness towards others
  4. the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate
  5. understanding that you have enough value and excellence
  6. learning to forgive others
  7. focusing on what's good in our lives and being thankful for the things we have
  8. being aware of the needs and emotions of others

16 Clues: learning to forgive othersthe willingness to give or to sharean expression of sympathy and sadnessnot showing gratitude or thanks to othersshowing or having kindness towards othersthe quality or state of being kind to othersbeing aware of the needs and emotions of othersslowing down and paying full attention to something...

ELA 2024-03-01

ELA crossword puzzle
  1. Clever
  2. disposition gentle kindness
  3. showing extreme care
  4. written request
  1. Calm Peaceful
  2. pain
  3. nature future event
  4. Milder
  5. curves bends
  6. spread in different directions

10 Clues: painCleverMildercurves bendsCalm Peacefulwritten requestnature future eventshowing extreme caredisposition gentle kindnessspread in different directions

Bible Lesson 23 Test Review 2021-09-22

Bible Lesson 23 Test Review crossword puzzle
  1. The southern kingdom called Judah was comprised of _________ tribes
  2. After Solomon's reign, the nation of Israel was divided into two kingdoms called Judah and ______________
  3. Just before Elijah was taken to heaven, Elisha requested a double portion of his _______________
  4. Elijah was so _______________ he asked the Lord to take his life.
  5. The prophets God raised up to be His spokesmen
  1. The northern kingdom had a total of ____________ kings, all of them evil and ungodly
  2. one who proclaims God's Word with forcefulness
  3. The major characteristic of God that Elisha's miracles demonstrated
  4. Man of of great kindness
  5. The major characteristic of God that Elijah's miracles demonstrated
  6. Man of great courage

11 Clues: Man of great courageMan of of great kindnessone who proclaims God's Word with forcefulnessThe prophets God raised up to be His spokesmenElijah was so _______________ he asked the Lord to take his life.The southern kingdom called Judah was comprised of _________ tribesThe major characteristic of God that Elisha's miracles demonstrated...

Unit 3 2020-02-06

Unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Tinginystė
  2. Nuovargis
  3. Klestėjimas
  4. Būtinumas
  1. Laimė
  2. Sugebėjimas
  3. Dosnumas
  4. Gerumas

8 Clues: LaimėGerumasDosnumasNuovargisBūtinumasTinginystėSugebėjimasKlestėjimas

Independence Day 2021-07-28

Independence Day crossword puzzle
  1. 3colour
  2. sacrifice
  3. dateofIndependence
  4. gotIndependencefrom
  1. fatherofIndia
  2. monthofIndependence
  3. 1PrimeMinisterofIndia
  4. foughtforIndependence

8 Clues: 3coloursacrificefatherofIndiadateofIndependencemonthofIndependencegotIndependencefrom1PrimeMinisterofIndiafoughtforIndependence

ADJECTIVES 2022-11-23

ADJECTIVES crossword puzzle
  1. tiredness
  2. happiness
  3. laziness
  4. generosity
  1. kindness
  2. necessity
  3. prosperity
  4. ability

8 Clues: abilitykindnesslazinessnecessitytirednesshappinessprosperitygenerosity

Friendship 2018-10-19

Friendship crossword puzzle
  1. veligheid
  2. having fun
  3. vriendelijkheid
  4. theelepel
  5. pinten
  1. theelepel
  2. eerlijkheid
  3. vertrouwen
  4. kopjes

9 Clues: kopjespintenveligheidtheelepeltheelepelhaving funvertrouweneerlijkheidvriendelijkheid

Fruit 2024-05-02

Fruit crossword puzzle
  1. 2
  2. 8
  3. 7
  4. 4
  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 6
  4. 5

8 Clues: 13625874

Leadership 2021-08-30

Leadership crossword puzzle
  1. To understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person's perspective
  2. An expression of gratitude towards someone or something
  3. Being considerate, friendly and helpful
  4. Having a deep understanding about people or a situation. Being perceptive
  5. Continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure or opposition
  6. A person trying to make peace, find a solution between disagreements
  7. Persevere, withstand fear or difficulty
  8. Actin and speaking truthfully
  1. The action or process of being received as adequate or suitable
  2. Being held accountable for something or having a duty to fulfill
  3. Being aware of the present moment (thoughts and feelings)
  4. The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation and return kindness
  5. Worthy of being depended for achievement. Able to be trusted by other people
  6. Showing consideration for others
  7. The action or process of being received as adequate or suitable
  8. Ability to control impulses and emotions, especially in difficult situations.
  9. A person's ability to adjust and control their energy level, emotions and behaviors

17 Clues: Actin and speaking truthfullyShowing consideration for othersBeing considerate, friendly and helpfulPersevere, withstand fear or difficultyAn expression of gratitude towards someone or somethingBeing aware of the present moment (thoughts and feelings)The action or process of being received as adequate or suitable...

Kindness is for Everyone! 2023-02-13

Kindness is for Everyone! crossword puzzle
  1. to understand how someone else feels
  2. to show honor and regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others
  3. a synonym for sympathy
  4. to stand together with others and support them
  5. a group of people who share a feeling of fellowship with each other, who may live in the same area or share values with each other
  6. to not exclude others
  1. to care about someone or something very much
  2. a synonym for thankfulness
  3. to stand up against injustice
  4. a companion; a buddy
  5. to show honor, joy, or praise, for example, on a holiday
  6. to understand and appreciate that all people have differences
  7. including a variety of people of various backgrounds and identities
  8. to show good manners

14 Clues: a companion; a buddyto show good mannersto not exclude othersa synonym for sympathya synonym for thankfulnessto stand up against injusticeto understand how someone else feelsto care about someone or something very muchto stand together with others and support themto show honor, joy, or praise, for example, on a holiday...

Spread Kindness, Stop Bullying 2024-10-27

Spread Kindness, Stop Bullying crossword puzzle
  1. a friend who stands up for someone being bullied
  2. someone who is mean to others online
  3. how someone feels when treated kindly
  4. stopping someone from sending you messages
  5. doing something nice to help others
  6. leaving someone out of a group on purpose
  7. turning off notifications from someone who is bothering you
  8. a place to call for advice if you are being bullied
  1. a person who is mean to others on purpose
  2. making sure everyone feels welcome in a group.
  3. keeping personal information safe online
  4. helping someone who is upset or being bullied
  5. what you need to feel when using the internet
  6. acting in a way that hurts others

14 Clues: acting in a way that hurts othersdoing something nice to help otherssomeone who is mean to others onlinehow someone feels when treated kindlykeeping personal information safe onlinea person who is mean to others on purposeleaving someone out of a group on purposestopping someone from sending you messageshelping someone who is upset or being bullied...

“How to raise a Black son in America” 2024-05-31

“How to raise a Black son in America” crossword puzzle
  1. people, kindness
  2. real, true
  3. favoritism
  4. incorrect, erroneous
  1. inexperienced
  2. suppose, expect
  3. benefit, right
  4. inferred, unspoken
  5. submit, relinquish

9 Clues: real, truefavoritisminexperiencedbenefit, rightsuppose, expectpeople, kindnessinferred, unspokensubmit, relinquishincorrect, erroneous

Values from movies 2020-05-11

Values from movies crossword puzzle
  1. Houseful 4
  2. Bhaag Milkha Bhaag
  3. Iron Man 3
  4. Golmal Again
  1. Airlift
  2. Avengers Endgame
  3. Mary Kom
  4. Manjhi: The Mountain Man
  5. Super 30
  6. 3 Idiots

10 Clues: AirliftMary KomSuper 303 IdiotsHouseful 4Iron Man 3Golmal AgainAvengers EndgameBhaag Milkha BhaagManjhi: The Mountain Man

The Power of W.O.W! 2023-02-12

The Power of W.O.W! crossword puzzle
  1. earlier
  2. help
  3. an act of kindness
  4. was wrong about something
  5. someone who committed a crime
  6. supposed
  1. sadly
  2. crimes that involve stealing
  3. blameless
  4. plan

10 Clues: helpplansadlyearliersupposedblamelessan act of kindnesswas wrong about somethingcrimes that involve stealingsomeone who committed a crime