kindness Crossword Puzzles


  3. PIETY
  6. JOY
  7. FAITH
  8. PEACE


The Great Stone Face Complete the Crossword with Noun forms of the words given as clues. 2016-11-11

The Great Stone Face Complete the Crossword with Noun forms of the words given as clues. crossword puzzle
  1. pleasant
  2. perfect
  3. eager
  4. stable
  5. obscure
  6. dense
  7. kind
  1. lofty
  2. great
  3. happy
  4. punctual
  5. like
  6. able
  7. distant
  8. noble
  9. enormous
  10. near

17 Clues: likeablenearkindloftygreathappynobleeagerdensestabledistantperfectobscurepleasantpunctualenormous

VE Part 4 Crossword 2024-04-15

VE Part 4 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. food
  2. angle
  3. stag, deer
  4. hole
  5. wall
  6. riverbank
  7. benefit, kindness, favor
  8. sleep
  9. glory
  10. word
  1. around
  2. rock
  3. sign
  4. pebble
  5. fault, blame, sin
  6. silence
  7. wisdom
  8. care
  9. night
  10. new

20 Clues: newfoodrocksignholewallcarewordanglenightsleepgloryaroundpebblewisdomsilenceriverbankstag, deerfault, blame, sinbenefit, kindness, favor

AS DVL Crossword 1-3 2021-09-28

AS DVL Crossword 1-3 crossword puzzle
  1. before
  2. arrive
  3. sing
  4. bold
  5. kindness
  6. eagle
  7. good
  8. attack
  1. slaughter
  2. obtain
  3. among
  4. help
  5. column
  6. war
  7. camp
  8. dear
  9. twice

17 Clues: warhelpsingboldcampgooddearamongeagletwicebeforeobtainarrivecolumnattackkindnessslaughter

Positivity Behavior Intervention 2023-07-19

Positivity Behavior Intervention crossword puzzle
  1. Trusting in your own abilities
  2. Witnessing a random act of kindness
  3. Sharing a funny joke with friends
  4. Accomplishing a long-term goal
  5. Reading a motivational book
  6. Listening attentively to others
  7. Feeling energized after exercise
  8. Feeling grateful for what you have
  1. Bouncing back from adversity
  2. Successfully overcoming a challenge
  3. Seeing a beautiful sunrise
  4. Completing a meaningful project
  5. Meditating in a peaceful setting
  6. Hearing a beautiful musical piece

14 Clues: Seeing a beautiful sunriseReading a motivational bookBouncing back from adversityTrusting in your own abilitiesAccomplishing a long-term goalCompleting a meaningful projectListening attentively to othersMeditating in a peaceful settingFeeling energized after exerciseSharing a funny joke with friendsHearing a beautiful musical piece...

Carbon Copy February 2022 2022-02-01

Carbon Copy February 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. In the Chinese zodiac what animal is starting in 2022?
  2. One of the sites STEM ambassadors. _____ Bras
  3. One of the sites STEM ambassadors. John ______
  4. One in how many people will experience a mental health problem in any given year.
  5. One of the charities that runs time to Talk Day. _______ Mental Illness
  6. how many STEM ambassadors do we have on the Heanor Site?
  7. One of the charities that runs time to Talk Day.
  8. Example of Random Akts of Kindness. Treat ________
  1. In the Chinese zodiac, how many animals are there?
  2. One of the sites STEM ambassadors. ________ Smith
  3. Example of Random Akts of Kindness. Give a co-worker a __________
  4. Example of Random Akts of Kindness. Plant a ____
  5. February’s action for happiness calendar, “_______ February”
  6. How many people received reward and recognition cards?

14 Clues: One of the sites STEM ambassadors. _____ BrasOne of the sites STEM ambassadors. John ______One of the charities that runs time to Talk Day.One of the sites STEM ambassadors. ________ SmithExample of Random Akts of Kindness. Plant a ____In the Chinese zodiac, how many animals are there?Example of Random Akts of Kindness. Treat ________...

friendship 2021-10-20

friendship crossword puzzle
  1. верный
  2. доброта
  3. честность
  4. добрый
  5. щедрость
  6. уверенность
  7. эгоистичный
  8. терпеливый
  9. уверенный
  1. верность
  2. щедрый
  3. независимость
  4. чувственный, чутки
  5. независимый
  6. честный
  7. терпение
  8. эгоизм

17 Clues: верныйщедрыйдобрыйэгоизмдобротачестныйверностьщедростьтерпениечестностьуверенныйтерпеливыйнезависимыйуверенностьэгоистичныйнезависимостьчувственный, чутки

speaking club 2024-01-04

speaking club crossword puzzle
  1. 동상
  2. 11월에
  3. 설립하다
  4. 노숙자의
  5. 지명하다
  6. named 지명되다
  7. 친절함
  8. 외부의
  1. 자선단체
  2. 어려움에처한
  3. ~전에
  4. 영웅
  5. 기부하다
  6. 돕다
  7. 담요
  8. 친절한
  9. 시작하다

17 Clues: 동상영웅돕다담요~전에친절한친절함외부의자선단체11월에설립하다기부하다노숙자의지명하다시작하다어려움에처한named 지명되다

A Complicated Kindness 2012-05-30

A Complicated Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. uncle hans nickname
  2. to cut off from communication
  3. how many years did Miriams sister and dad die?
  4. the province in canada they live in
  5. nomi's boyfriend
  6. the books main character
  1. the town religion
  2. nomi's sister
  3. my last name!
  4. the first theme in the presentation
  5. another book with the theme of sacrifice
  6. the animal on the coveer of the novel
  7. what class is this?
  8. the authors last name
  9. how many novels has miriam wrote?

15 Clues: nomi's sistermy last name!nomi's boyfriendthe town religionuncle hans nicknamewhat class is this?the authors last namethe books main characterto cut off from communicationhow many novels has miriam wrote?the first theme in the presentationthe province in canada they live inthe animal on the coveer of the novel...

AMI Insurance - Kindness 2019-10-14

AMI Insurance - Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. a person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.
  2. make more beautiful or attractive.
  3. designate or treat (something) as being very or most important.
  4. make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others.
  5. the quality of being kind and .
  6. polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.
  1. the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
  2. the action of renovating a building.
  3. in a way that relates to drama or the performance of drama.
  4. freely offer to do something.
  5. existing or occurring at the beginning.
  6. feeling or showing admiration or respect for someone or something.
  7. an experienced and trusted adviser.
  8. having the characteristics of a hero or heroine; admirably brave or determined.
  9. a keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection.

15 Clues: freely offer to do something.the quality of being kind and .make more beautiful or experienced and trusted adviser.the action of renovating a building.existing or occurring at the beginning.polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.a keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection....

Word of Kindness 2024-12-04

Word of Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. A quality of being caring and warm toward others
  2. Helping others or performing work for a community
  3. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
  4. A duty or obligation to act correctly or help others
  5. An organization that provides help to those in need
  6. To give something, often to help others
  7. Understanding and sharing the feelings of others
  8. Sympathy and concern for the suffering or misfortune of others
  1. A person who works without getting paid, often to help others
  2. The act of giving or sharing with others without expecting something in return
  3. Consideration for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others
  4. The quality of being thankful and showing appreciation
  5. A special time often associated with celebration and giving
  6. A group of people living in the same area or having a shared interest
  7. To assist or help others, often emotionally or physically

15 Clues: To give something, often to help othersA quality of being caring and warm toward othersUnderstanding and sharing the feelings of othersHelping others or performing work for a communityAn organization that provides help to those in needA duty or obligation to act correctly or help othersThe quality of being thankful and showing appreciation...

Town and Community 2019-02-27

Town and Community crossword puzzle
  1. цирк
  2. стоящий
  3. выбор
  4. доброволец
  5. аптека
  6. пренебрегать
  7. перекресток
  8. выздоровление, восстановление
  9. одалживать
  10. тротуар
  11. рынок
  1. вовлекать, привлекать
  2. благотворительность
  3. важность
  4. доброта
  5. кольцевая дорога
  6. бросать, отказываться
  7. памятник
  8. приют
  9. метро

20 Clues: цирквыборприютметрорынокаптекастоящийдобротатротуарважностьпамятникдоброволецодалживатьперекрестокпренебрегатькольцевая дорогаблаготворительностьвовлекать, привлекатьбросать, отказыватьсявыздоровление, восстановление

Cultivating Consciousness: Mindful Living 2023-07-04

Cultivating Consciousness: Mindful Living crossword puzzle
  1. Being present and attentive
  2. Creating harmony in various aspects of life
  3. Recognizing and appreciating blessings
  4. Kindness and empathy towards oneself and others
  5. Embracing things as they are
  6. Focusing on the breath for relaxation
  7. Enduring with calmness and tolerance
  8. eating Paying attention to food and nourishment
  9. Finding tranquility in quietude
  10. Embracing a minimalistic and uncomplicated lifestyle
  1. Contemplation for self-discovery
  2. Nurturing meaningful relationships
  3. Letting go of clinging and craving
  4. Nurturing and prioritizing personal well-being
  5. living Embracing a deliberate and unhurried pace
  6. Acting with kindness and gratitude
  7. movement Bringing awareness to physical activities
  8. Maintaining balance and inner peace
  9. Cultivating inner calm and serenity
  10. Setting purpose and direction

20 Clues: Being present and attentiveEmbracing things as they areSetting purpose and directionFinding tranquility in quietudeContemplation for self-discoveryNurturing meaningful relationshipsLetting go of clinging and cravingActing with kindness and gratitudeMaintaining balance and inner peaceCultivating inner calm and serenity...

Kindness Crossword 2021-06-23

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. give a polite word of recognition or sign of welcome when meeting (someone)
  2. a good or benevolent nature as a person
  3. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment
  4. keep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or danger
  5. look after and provide for the needs of
  6. remain alive
  1. showing courage
  2. a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements
  3. give (money or goods) for a good cause
  4. make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering one's services or resources

10 Clues: remain aliveshowing couragegive (money or goods) for a good causea good or benevolent nature as a personlook after and provide for the needs offeeling or showing pleasure or contentmentkeep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or dangergive a polite word of recognition or sign of welcome when meeting (someone)...

Kindness puzzle 2021-06-23

Kindness puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. expecting for good , to expect with confidence
  2. to excuse or pardon for one's fault
  3. to have a deep feeling of affection towards a person
  4. an expression of gratitude
  5. it comes after sleep
  6. to think that something is true
  1. Earth's highest mountain
  2. a state of happiness or delight
  3. the one who created the universe
  4. the place where God's and angels live

10 Clues: it comes after sleepEarth's highest mountainan expression of gratitudea state of happiness or delightto think that something is truethe one who created the universeto excuse or pardon for one's faultthe place where God's and angels liveexpecting for good , to expect with confidenceto have a deep feeling of affection towards a person

Kindness Crossword 2021-07-11

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a person who is well meaning and kindly
  2. Ability to understand others
  3. give a portion of something to others
  4. knowledge of a situation or fact
  5. freely offer to do something
  6. caring about other people
  1. an adjective for kind
  2. give (money or goods) for a good cause
  3. the highest point
  4. concern for others

10 Clues: the highest pointconcern for othersan adjective for kindcaring about other peopleAbility to understand othersfreely offer to do somethingknowledge of a situation or factgive a portion of something to othersgive (money or goods) for a good causea person who is well meaning and kindly


KINDNESS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. offer one's assistance
  2. give (money or goods) for a good cause
  3. highest peak in the world
  4. the voluntary giving of help
  5. the quality of being generous and considerate
  1. give intellectual, moral, and social instruction to someone
  2. an intense feeling of deep affection
  3. the quality of being thankful
  4. freely offer to do something
  5. a group of players forming one side

10 Clues: offer one's assistancehighest peak in the worldfreely offer to do somethingthe voluntary giving of helpthe quality of being thankfula group of players forming one sidean intense feeling of deep affectiongive (money or goods) for a good causethe quality of being generous and considerategive intellectual, moral, and social instruction to someone

Kindness Crossword 2021-07-04

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to accept something
  2. group of people working together
  3. great joy
  4. series of thoughts
  5. selfless love for others
  6. feeling or desire for something to happen
  1. highest mountain in the world
  2. to be thankful
  3. wisdom or intuition
  4. an intense feeling of deep affection

10 Clues: great joyto be thankfulseries of thoughtsto accept somethingwisdom or intuitionselfless love for othershighest mountain in the worldgroup of people working togetheran intense feeling of deep affectionfeeling or desire for something to happen

Kindness Crossword 2021-10-22

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Your reward for helping others.
  2. Easily available bird feed
  3. Highest Mountain Peak in the world/ NGO for social welfare.
  4. The important virtue of a volunteer.
  5. Highest Act of Kindess.
  1. Indian government-sponsored flagship for public service program conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs.
  2. Common organic fertilizer that keep your plants healthy.
  3. an ability to understand and share the feeling of others.
  4. A group working together for the cause
  5. ONE thing that make this world a better place.

10 Clues: Highest Act of Kindess.Easily available bird feedYour reward for helping others.The important virtue of a volunteer.A group working together for the causeONE thing that make this world a better place.Common organic fertilizer that keep your plants ability to understand and share the feeling of others....

Kindness Crossword 2021-10-19

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what is built in river to produce electricity
  2. climatic change due to on going problem
  3. highest mountain
  4. we should always remain
  5. we should be _ to everyone
  1. everyday people die due to
  2. we should always wear while riding
  3. plants are cut off causing
  4. plants give us
  5. we should _ trees to save life

10 Clues: plants give ushighest mountainwe should always remaineveryday people die due toplants are cut off causingwe should be _ to everyonewe should _ trees to save lifewe should always wear while ridingclimatic change due to on going problemwhat is built in river to produce electricity

Kindness Volunteering 2021-10-30

Kindness Volunteering crossword puzzle
  1. concerned more with the needs of others
  2. a gentle feeling of fondness or liking
  3. support in the form of shared feelings
  4. high moral principles
  5. Earth's highest mountain above sea level
  6. Abstract noun of Warm
  1. Kind Act
  2. the ability to understand the feelings of others
  3. an intense feeling of deep affection
  4. offers self to help

10 Clues: Kind Actoffers self to helphigh moral principlesAbstract noun of Warman intense feeling of deep affectiona gentle feeling of fondness or likingsupport in the form of shared feelingsconcerned more with the needs of othersEarth's highest mountain above sea levelthe ability to understand the feelings of others

Kindness cart 2021-11-06

Kindness cart crossword puzzle
  1. to give
  2. to help for a cause mostly without compensation
  3. to be positive
  4. a favor for someone in need
  5. to be calm and relaxed
  1. place to donate stuff
  2. inclusive of all communities and everyone
  3. NGO named after the highest mountain.
  4. one of the golden words used while requesting
  5. to have faith or belief

10 Clues: to giveto be positiveplace to donate stuffto be calm and relaxedto have faith or beliefa favor for someone in needNGO named after the highest mountain.inclusive of all communities and everyoneone of the golden words used while requestingto help for a cause mostly without compensation

Kindness Crossword 2021-12-22

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Earth's highest mountain above sea level
  2. The quality of being kind and generous
  3. The activity of helping the poor
  4. Letting go off grudges and bitterness
  1. The quality of being thankful
  2. Come forward for a good cause
  3. To teach someone
  4. Virtue of being liberal in giving
  5. Contribute for a good cause
  6. Skill of preparing food

10 Clues: To teach someoneSkill of preparing foodContribute for a good causeThe quality of being thankfulCome forward for a good causeThe activity of helping the poorVirtue of being liberal in givingLetting go off grudges and bitternessThe quality of being kind and generousEarth's highest mountain above sea level

Kindness Crossword 2021-12-22

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. forgiveness showed towards someone.
  2. giving or ready to give help.
  3. a person of a good nature.
  4. a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.
  5. feeling of deep affection.
  1. highest mountain in the world.
  2. a person on good terms.
  3. provision of what is necessary for health.
  4. the quality of being thankful.
  5. showing a readiness to give more of something.

10 Clues: a person on good terms.a person of a good nature.feeling of deep or ready to give help.highest mountain in the world.the quality of being thankful.forgiveness showed towards someone.a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.provision of what is necessary for health.showing a readiness to give more of something.

Kindness Crossword 2022-01-02

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An organisation like Team Everest.
  2. The ability to comprehend someone's feelings and control your actions in synergy with them.
  3. Someone who is considerate of their own actions which affect nature, and help others' with the same.
  4. The highest mountain above sea level.
  5. An adjective that is used romantically, and also for an activity you really like.
  1. Giving to the people that can't afford the same things you can.
  2. Thinking about others before yourself.
  3. You take ___ of pets.
  4. Giving more than what is necessary (synonym of plentiful).
  5. Putting yourself in another's shoes.

10 Clues: You take ___ of pets.An organisation like Team Everest.Putting yourself in another's shoes.The highest mountain above sea level.Thinking about others before yourself.Giving more than what is necessary (synonym of plentiful).Giving to the people that can't afford the same things you can....


KINDNESS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. To treat with kindness
  2. Non-governmental ORGANISATION
  3. To boost someone
  4. Group of people
  5. Trash to treasure
  1. Direct at a target
  2. Work that you admire
  3. Tallest point on earth
  4. The quality of being friendly
  5. Essential point to do work

10 Clues: Group of peopleTo boost someoneTrash to treasureDirect at a targetWork that you admireTo treat with kindnessTallest point on earthEssential point to do workNon-governmental ORGANISATIONThe quality of being friendly


KINDNESS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. The quality of being friendly
  2. To boost someone
  3. To treat with kindness
  4. Work that you admire
  1. Tallest point on earth
  2. Non-governmental ORGANISATION
  3. Group of people
  4. Trash to treasure
  5. Essential point to do work
  6. Direct at a target

10 Clues: Group of peopleTo boost someoneTrash to treasureDirect at a targetWork that you admireTallest point on earthTo treat with kindnessEssential point to do workThe quality of being friendlyNon-governmental ORGANISATION

Kindness Challenge 2022-01-02

Kindness Challenge crossword puzzle


Kindness Crossword 2021-10-17

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. showing consideration for other's needs
  2. a platform for helping people
  3. the quality of being humane
  4. an act of gentleness towards others
  5. the quality of being thankful
  6. helpful, or cooperative attitude
  1. selfless person
  2. opposite of cruelty
  3. to work with people in a group
  4. sympathetic awareness

10 Clues: selfless personopposite of crueltysympathetic awarenessthe quality of being humanea platform for helping peoplethe quality of being thankfulto work with people in a grouphelpful, or cooperative attitudean act of gentleness towards othersshowing consideration for other's needs

Kindness Challenge 2021-10-27

Kindness Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Behaving in a Kind way.
  2. Attractive to hear.
  3. Friendly or Kind Natured.
  4. to Accept or to deal with something without complaining.
  5. a particular point in time.
  1. a person's way of thinking.
  2. ready to able to Forgive.
  3. a Bright Platform for Kindness.
  4. Qualities and Characters of a Person.
  5. Having Respect for Others.

10 Clues: Attractive to hear.Behaving in a Kind way.ready to able to Forgive.Friendly or Kind Natured.Having Respect for Others.a person's way of thinking.a particular point in time.a Bright Platform for Kindness.Qualities and Characters of a Accept or to deal with something without complaining.

Kindness Challenge 2021-10-27

Kindness Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Behaving in a Kind way.
  2. Attractive to hear.
  3. Friendly or Kind Natured.
  4. to Accept or to deal with something without complaining.
  5. a particular point in time.
  1. a person's way of thinking.
  2. ready to able to Forgive.
  3. a Bright Platform for Kindness.
  4. Qualities and Characters of a Person.
  5. Having Respect for Others.

10 Clues: Attractive to hear.Behaving in a Kind way.ready to able to Forgive.Friendly or Kind Natured.Having Respect for Others.a person's way of thinking.a particular point in time.a Bright Platform for Kindness.Qualities and Characters of a Accept or to deal with something without complaining.

Kindness Puzzle 2022-12-20

Kindness Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Make someone stronger and more confident.
  2. The ability to understand the other person.
  3. An organization set up to provide help people
  4. Karthee Vidya is the founder of ------.
  1. A feeling of personal attachment.
  2. Give support, confidence or hope to someone.
  3. The state of being human.
  4. Opposite of "Sad"
  5. Not thinking of yourself as better than others.
  6. Showing concern for or kindness to others.

10 Clues: Opposite of "Sad"The state of being human.A feeling of personal attachment.Karthee Vidya is the founder of ------.Make someone stronger and more confident.Showing concern for or kindness to others.The ability to understand the other person.Give support, confidence or hope to someone.An organization set up to provide help people...

Kindness Challenge 2022-07-12

Kindness Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial(8)
  2. Affectionate or tender (6)
  3. Pyaar(4)
  4. Clever(5)
  5. Pleasing taste (5)
  6. Fair(6)
  1. Like a good comedian(5)
  2. Big Hearted(4)
  3. second word of Highest Mountain(7)

10 Clues: Fair(6)Pyaar(4)Clever(5)SAYCHEESE(5)Big Hearted(4)Large marsupial(8)Pleasing taste (5)Like a good comedian(5)Affectionate or tender (6)second word of Highest Mountain(7)

`Kindness Challenge 2022-07-09

`Kindness Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. feel concern or interest
  2. a thing offered, especially as a gift or contribution
  3. Earth's highest mountain above sea level
  4. the quality of being friendly
  5. the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior towards others
  1. the quality of being pleasingly ingenious and simple; neatness
  2. an act of giving something as a present
  3. a kind act
  4. something that is given to a charity
  5. the voluntary giving of help

10 Clues: a kind actfeel concern or interestthe voluntary giving of helpthe quality of being friendlysomething that is given to a charityan act of giving something as a presentEarth's highest mountain above sea levela thing offered, especially as a gift or contributionthe quality of being pleasingly ingenious and simple; neatness...

Kindness Puzzle 2022-12-14

Kindness Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Always ready to give more than required
  2. Always ready to help
  3. Quality of being kind and gentle
  4. Very Pleasant or attractive
  5. Ability to share other's feelings
  1. Sympathetic and full of concern
  2. A courteous and kind man
  3. Beautiful and attractive
  4. Polite and respectful
  5. Helpful and understanding nature

10 Clues: Always ready to helpPolite and respectfulA courteous and kind manBeautiful and attractiveVery Pleasant or attractiveSympathetic and full of concernQuality of being kind and gentleHelpful and understanding natureAbility to share other's feelingsAlways ready to give more than required

UNIT 3 2023-02-19

UNIT 3 crossword puzzle
  1. metoda
  2. vyděšený
  3. písečná bouře
  4. laskavost
  5. inspirativní
  6. pěší túra
  7. jeskyně
  8. zahrnovat
  1. vybavení
  2. připevnit
  3. divočina
  4. rys/vlastnost
  5. povodeň
  6. udržovat
  7. lavina
  8. zemětřesení
  9. údolí
  10. sopka

18 Clues: údolísopkametodalavinapovodeňjeskyněvybavenídivočinavyděšenýudržovatpřipevnitlaskavostpěší túrazahrnovatzemětřeseníinspirativnírys/vlastnostpísečná bouře

Popular by : Maya Van Weegan 2024-01-15

Popular by : Maya Van Weegan crossword puzzle
  1. Betty
  2. Teen guide
  3. Georgia
  4. grade eight
  5. autuism
  6. pearls
  7. talking
  8. Ariana
  9. barf
  1. brave
  2. Acceptence
  3. battles
  4. sixth grade
  5. babysitting
  6. low
  7. kindness
  8. Lawrence
  9. Kenzie
  10. percervired

19 Clues: lowbarfbraveBettyKenziepearlsArianabattlesGeorgiaautuismtalkingkindnessLawrenceAcceptenceTeen guidesixth gradebabysittinggrade eightpercervired

Simple 2021-10-18

Simple crossword puzzle
  1. showing generosity ,and kindness
  2. down to earth
  3. showing love
  4. considers others more than own
  1. appreciation
  2. a pleasant taste
  3. very friendly and soft
  4. feeling with full of contentment
  5. helping needy
  6. purest form of expression

10 Clues: appreciationshowing lovedown to earthhelping needya pleasant tastevery friendly and softpurest form of expressionconsiders others more than ownshowing generosity ,and kindnessfeeling with full of contentment

Feelings and emotions 8 Anos 2024-05-27

Feelings and emotions 8 Anos crossword puzzle
  1. "com sede"
  2. triste
  3. "bondade, gentileza"
  4. cansado
  5. interessado
  6. fascinado
  7. apaixonado
  8. agradecido
  9. grandioso
  10. "zangado, irritado"
  1. surpreso
  2. ansioso
  3. confiante
  4. chateado
  5. quieto
  6. curioso
  7. medo
  8. "com fome"
  9. feliz

19 Clues: medofeliztristequietoansiosocansadocuriososurpresochateadoconfiantefascinadograndioso"com sede"apaixonado"com fome"agradecidointeressado"zangado, irritado""bondade, gentileza"

Unit 7+revision 2018-03-23

Unit 7+revision crossword puzzle
  1. ühiskond
  2. headus
  3. avastama
  4. loominguline
  5. lummatud
  6. raamatupidaja
  7. tormiline
  8. hertsoginna
  9. näitus
  10. areng
  11. paljastama
  12. toetama
  1. kogemus
  2. raamatukogu mutt
  3. muusik
  4. rikas
  5. võõr-
  6. arheoloogia
  7. usaldusväärne
  8. võluv
  9. esivanemad
  10. põlvkond
  11. pärima

23 Clues: rikasvõõr-võluvarengheadusmuusiknäituspärimakogemustoetamaühiskondavastamalummatudpõlvkondtormilineesivanemadpaljastamaarheoloogiahertsoginnaloomingulineraamatupidajausaldusväärneraamatukogu mutt

KINDNESS 2021-07-10

KINDNESS crossword puzzle
  1. - someone who helps
  2. - to give something
  3. - having pity
  1. - concerned of others
  2. - kindness
  3. - being humane

6 Clues: - kindness- having pity- being humane- someone who helps- to give something- concerned of others

Kindness 2022-12-12

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. An ability to accept things you normally don't
  2. The ability to face danger or your fears
  3. The desire to help someone who needs it
  1. The act of including everyone in a community
  2. How you feel about someone and how you treat them
  3. Understand and share another person's experiences

6 Clues: The desire to help someone who needs itThe ability to face danger or your fearsThe act of including everyone in a communityAn ability to accept things you normally don'tHow you feel about someone and how you treat themUnderstand and share another person's experiences

Kindness 2024-11-13

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. A friendly expression you wear on your face to show happiness or kindness.
  2. A word we use to show appreciation.
  3. To give assistance to someone in need.
  1. Someone you care about and who cares about you.
  2. Something given to another person without expecting anything in return.
  3. To give a part of what you have to someone else.

6 Clues: A word we use to show appreciation.To give assistance to someone in need.Someone you care about and who cares about you.To give a part of what you have to someone else.Something given to another person without expecting anything in return.A friendly expression you wear on your face to show happiness or kindness.

Romans 2:1-5 2022-01-16

Romans 2:1-5 crossword puzzle
  1. n
  2. l
  3. d
  4. f
  5. e
  6. h
  7. j
  8. p
  9. i
  1. o
  2. m
  3. k
  4. c
  5. b
  6. g
  7. a

16 Clues: nomlkdcfbehjgpia

Fruit of the Spirit - Gentleness 2021-03-10

Fruit of the Spirit - Gentleness crossword puzzle
  1. God
  2. Jesus
  3. gentleness
  4. dove
  5. pray
  1. kindness
  2. turtle
  3. mercy

8 Clues: GoddoveprayJesusmercyturtlekindnessgentleness

Culture of Kindness 2021-09-06

Culture of Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. - enthusiasm, affection, or kindness.
  2. - return (material) to a previous stage in a cyclic process.
  3. - the allowing, permitting, or acceptance of an action, idea, object, or person with which one disagrees with.
  4. - serving a useful purpose; tending to build up.
  5. - optimism
  1. - mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
  2. - the quality of being well meaning; kindness.
  3. - assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone.
  4. - sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
  5. - consideration and regard
  6. - being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
  7. - placing yourself in another person's shoes
  8. - a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others, without expecting praise or reward.

13 Clues: - optimism- consideration and regard- enthusiasm, affection, or kindness.- placing yourself in another person's shoes- the quality of being well meaning; kindness.- serving a useful purpose; tending to build up.- return (material) to a previous stage in a cyclic process.- being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness....

Simple 2021-10-19

Simple crossword puzzle
  1. feeling with full of contentment
  2. considers others more than own
  3. showing generosity ,and kindness
  4. very friendly and soft
  5. showing love
  1. appreciation
  2. purest form of expression
  3. helping needy
  4. down to earth
  5. a pleasant taste

10 Clues: appreciationshowing lovehelping needydown to eartha pleasant tastevery friendly and softpurest form of expressionconsiders others more than ownfeeling with full of contentmentshowing generosity ,and kindness

Simple 2021-10-18

Simple crossword puzzle
  1. showing generosity ,and kindness
  2. down to earth
  3. showing love
  4. considers others more than own
  1. appreciation
  2. a pleasant taste
  3. very friendly and soft
  4. feeling with full of contentment
  5. helping needy
  6. purest form of expression

10 Clues: appreciationshowing lovedown to earthhelping needya pleasant tastevery friendly and softpurest form of expressionconsiders others more than ownshowing generosity ,and kindnessfeeling with full of contentment

VOCABULARY 2024-08-28

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. uchodźcy
  2. - dbać
  3. - cukrzyca
  4. - traktować
  5. - natychmiast
  6. - nośić
  7. - zwykły, powszechny
  8. - rozrywka
  9. - wspomnieć
  1. - zapobiegać
  2. - gapić się
  3. - doświadczenie
  4. - uprzejmość
  5. - bronić
  6. - opuścić
  7. - ilość
  8. - mistrzostwa
  9. - zaniepokojony, poddenerwowany

18 Clues: - dbać- ilość- nośićuchodźcy- bronić- opuścić- cukrzyca- rozrywka- gapić się- traktować- wspomnieć- zapobiegać- uprzejmość- natychmiast- mistrzostwa- doświadczenie- zwykły, powszechny- zaniepokojony, poddenerwowany

A2 Crossword p300 2021-09-20

A2 Crossword p300 crossword puzzle
  1. age
  2. kindness
  3. stronghold
  4. eagle
  5. consulship
  6. surround
  7. found
  8. will
  1. hide
  2. obtain
  3. yield
  4. respect
  5. armed
  6. collect
  7. crime
  8. ancient

16 Clues: agehidewillyieldarmedeaglecrimefoundobtainrespectcollectancientkindnesssurroundstrongholdconsulship

ASPECTS OF LOVE 2013-03-07

ASPECTS OF LOVE crossword puzzle
  2. HOLY
  4. RIGHT
  10. FAMILY


El Cucigrama 2020-09-21

El Cucigrama crossword puzzle
  1. The desire to do something
  2. Charming
  3. Opposite to death
  4. Making a baby in bed
  5. Living with your husban / wife
  6. Divorcement
  7. Delightful
  8. A connection
  9. When you decide you dont want to be married anymore
  10. Kindness
  11. genuiene from the heart
  12. Opposite of together
  13. Feeling
  14. Emotional sensative
  15. Nostalgic is a...
  16. An emotional state or reaction
  1. Isolated from everyone elese
  2. Wholeheartedness
  3. when you dont have anyone to be with
  4. Showing kindness, gentleness and affection
  5. Deep expression
  6. When you have a love relationship
  7. Loving
  8. When you think about something while sleeping
  9. When you share things for a divorce
  10. Not in a relationship
  11. Someone who means a lot to you

27 Clues: LovingFeelingCharmingKindnessDelightfulDivorcementA connectionDeep expressionWholeheartednessOpposite to deathNostalgic is a...Emotional sensativeMaking a baby in bedOpposite of togetherNot in a relationshipgenuiene from the heartThe desire to do somethingIsolated from everyone eleseLiving with your husban / wifeSomeone who means a lot to you...

Buddhism topics 2.7 - 2.11 2024-03-06

Buddhism topics 2.7 - 2.11 crossword puzzle
  1. The religious term for a journey of devotion (for instance to the place of the Buddha's death)
  2. It is not really possible to have compassion without this other quality
  3. 'Actions have ...', the principle of kamma
  4. The name of a Buddhist charity that teaches the value of compassion
  5. 'May I be happy. May I be well. May I be safe. May I be ...'
  6. A three-month event observed by monks in the rainy season
  7. Buddhist term for loving-kindness
  1. Creatures that benefit from a sky burial
  2. The best realm to be reborn in if you want to achieve enlightenment
  3. A festival which remembers three key events in the Buddha's life
  4. The type of energy that leaves a body at death
  5. '... Day', a Mahayana festival
  6. 'The four ... states', which include compassion and loving-kindness
  7. A period of time away from everyday life to focus on meditation
  8. Buddhist term for compassion
  9. The number of steps in loving-kindness meditation
  10. The type of actions that come from the three poisons
  11. 'At the hour of death, the king and the beggar are exactly ...'
  12. There may be a ritual to transfer this at a Theravada funeral

19 Clues: Buddhist term for compassion'... Day', a Mahayana festivalBuddhist term for loving-kindnessCreatures that benefit from a sky burial'Actions have ...', the principle of kammaThe type of energy that leaves a body at deathThe number of steps in loving-kindness meditationThe type of actions that come from the three poisons...

leadership 2023-05-09

leadership crossword puzzle
  1. leaders should have ______________
  2. everybody should have kindness
  3. strength of mind
  4. people who notice things fast
  5. a leader should be ________ to his team
  6. is a word for bravery
  7. is the ability to depend on someone
  8. is the ability to keep going in the face of failure
  9. you need a big _______ to become strong
  1. you need mental _____ to overcome obstacles
  2. is something that gives you the strength to push through
  3. facing fear
  4. being honest or having _____
  5. creating new ideas
  6. the person who leads or commands a group
  7. having or shown experience
  8. is the ability to bring something to existence
  9. feeling/ understanding what other people feel
  10. is a word for courage
  11. the capacity to show the influence

20 Clues: facing fearstrength of mindcreating new ideasis a word for braveryis a word for couragehaving or shown experiencebeing honest or having _____people who notice things fasteverybody should have kindnessleaders should have ______________the capacity to show the influenceis the ability to depend on someonea leader should be ________ to his team...

B1 UNIT 3 VOCABULARY. How do you say _____in English? 2021-02-09

B1 UNIT 3 VOCABULARY. How do you say _____in English? crossword puzzle
  1. adjunto
  2. aceptar
  3. administrador
  4. confianza
  5. confiado
  6. responsable
  7. mezcla
  1. promocionado
  2. confiable
  3. aceptable
  4. reto
  5. encantado
  6. bondad
  7. responsabilidad
  8. correcto
  9. bueno
  10. hoja de vida

17 Clues: retobuenobondadmezclaadjuntoaceptarcorrectoconfiadoconfiableaceptableencantadoconfianzaresponsablepromocionadohoja de vidaadministradorresponsabilidad

compassion crossword 2020-06-25

compassion crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Showing someone or something compassion and empathy
  2. When people mean to each other
  3. When someone shows kindness towards you
  4. To know what it's like to feel a certain way
  5. When you know someone can keep a secret
  1. Showing love or kindness towards another
  2. When someone only cares about themselves
  3. when someone doesn't mind if someone is different
  4. People or things that help you with your leaning,etc
  5. When someone is respectful and keeps secrets

10 Clues: When people mean to each otherWhen someone shows kindness towards youWhen you know someone can keep a secretShowing love or kindness towards anotherWhen someone only cares about themselvesWhen someone is respectful and keeps secretsTo know what it's like to feel a certain waywhen someone doesn't mind if someone is different...

Simple 2021-10-18

Simple crossword puzzle
  1. showing generosity ,and kindness
  2. down to earth
  3. showing love
  4. considers others more than own
  1. appreciation
  2. a pleasant taste
  3. very friendly and soft
  4. feeling with full of contentment
  5. helping needy
  6. purest form of expression

10 Clues: appreciationshowing lovedown to earthhelping needya pleasant tastevery friendly and softpurest form of expressionconsiders others more than ownshowing generosity ,and kindnessfeeling with full of contentment

Puzzle 2 - Where does faith in Jesus come from? 2021-12-17

Puzzle 2 - Where does faith in Jesus come from? crossword puzzle
  1. perform an action
  2. no amount, zero
  3. obtain in return for labor or services
  4. preserved from being separated from God
  5. undeserved kindness
  6. pronoun referring to people in general
  1. quality of being friendly
  2. intense feeling of deep affection
  3. given at Christmas or a birthday
  4. preposition; expressing motion in the direction of
  5. creator
  6. do something worthy of reward

12 Clues: creatorno amount, zeroperform an actionundeserved kindnessquality of being friendlydo something worthy of rewardgiven at Christmas or a birthdayintense feeling of deep affectionobtain in return for labor or servicespronoun referring to people in generalpreserved from being separated from Godpreposition; expressing motion in the direction of

unit 2 2017-11-21

unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. elképzel
  2. szégyen
  3. intoleráns
  4. lehetetlen
  5. megkönnyebbült
  6. engedetlen
  7. boldogság
  8. tiszteségtelen
  1. szomoruság
  2. jótékonyság
  3. kedvesség
  4. hihetetlen
  5. felelőtlen
  6. gyerekes
  7. írni,olvasni nem tudó
  8. depresszió
  9. törvénytelen
  10. döbbenet, sokk

18 Clues: szégyenelképzelgyerekeskedvességboldogságszomorusághihetetlenfelelőtlenintoleránslehetetlenengedetlendepressziójótékonyságtörvénytelenmegkönnyebbültdöbbenet, sokktiszteségtelenírni,olvasni nem tudó

Melinda 2023-11-26

Melinda crossword puzzle
  1. game
  2. love
  3. son 9n law
  4. friend
  5. family
  6. grand daughter
  7. fun
  8. hobby
  9. neighbors
  10. grandson
  11. religion
  1. -hobby
  2. son
  3. daughter
  4. husband
  5. -grace
  6. daughter in law
  7. cats
  8. important

19 Clues: sonfungamelovecatshobby-hobbyfriendfamily-gracehusbanddaughtergrandsonreligionneighborsimportantson 9n lawgrand daughterdaughter in law

Lee Family 2020-06-20

Lee Family crossword puzzle
  1. family
  2. be
  3. bedtime
  4. son
  5. sr
  6. dad
  7. gr
  8. show
  1. all
  2. cats
  3. blankets
  4. feline
  5. cat
  6. bedtime reading
  7. daughter
  8. mum

16 Clues: besrgrallsoncatdadmumcatsshowfamilyfelinebedtimeblanketsdaughterbedtime reading

Crosswords! 2024-05-22

Crosswords! crossword puzzle
  1. love
  2. sandwich
  3. friends
  4. may
  1. pickles
  2. happiness
  3. kindness
  4. family

8 Clues: maylovefamilypicklesfriendskindnesssandwichhappiness

Nouns Character 2024-08-25

Nouns Character crossword puzzle
  1. Considerate
  2. Choose
  3. Pleasing
  4. Proud
  5. Patient
  6. Grateful
  7. Serve
  8. Grow
  9. Afraid
  10. Discover
  11. Warm
  12. Young
  1. Reject
  2. Generous
  3. Achieve
  4. Tolerate
  5. Courage
  6. Fail
  7. Kind
  8. Anxious
  9. Arrogant
  10. Humble
  11. Poor

23 Clues: FailKindGrowPoorWarmProudServeYoungRejectChooseHumbleAfraidAchieveCouragePatientAnxiousGenerousToleratePleasingArrogantGratefulDiscoverConsiderate

La familia y las comunidades 2024-09-17

La familia y las comunidades crossword puzzle
  1. parade
  2. baptism
  3. empathy
  4. to instill
  5. unemployment
  6. direction/sense
  7. to track
  8. home
  9. to acquire
  1. bravery
  2. wedding
  3. friendship
  4. spouse
  5. loyalty
  6. trait/feature
  7. hostile
  8. to inherit
  9. to influence
  10. kindness
  11. Chauvinism

20 Clues: homeparadespousebraverybaptismweddingempathyloyaltyhostileto trackkindnessfriendshipto instillto inheritChauvinismto acquireunemploymentto influencetrait/featuredirection/sense

Best School Year Ever Vocabulary Review 2024-09-20

Best School Year Ever Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. leave
  2. croaky
  3. guarantee
  4. anxiety
  5. display
  6. sneaky
  7. kindness to a guest
  8. achievement
  9. flail
  10. agreeable
  1. feelings of compassion
  2. fell
  3. inventive
  4. quit
  5. positivity
  6. pulled
  7. mistrustful
  8. declare
  9. commitments
  10. guiding
  11. aware

21 Clues: fellquitleaveflailawarecroakypulledsneakyanxietydisplaydeclareguidinginventiveguaranteeagreeablepositivitymistrustfulcommitmentsachievementkindness to a guestfeelings of compassion

Kindness 2021-02-08

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. But love your __________________, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Luke 6:35
  2. ______________ is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude 1 Corinthians 13:4
  1. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to ________________, and especially to those who are of the household of faith Galatians 6:10
  2. Be kind and __________________ to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you Ephesians 4:32
  3. She opens her mouth with ____________, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:26
  4. Whoever is generous to the _________ lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed Proverbs 19:17

6 Clues: She opens her mouth with ____________, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:26Whoever is generous to the _________ lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed Proverbs 19:17______________ is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude 1 Corinthians 13:4...

KINDNESS 2022-01-01

KINDNESS crossword puzzle
  1. it pumps blood in your body(4)
  2. Kindness is the first marker of generous people (5)
  3. Soft Cell's Tainted___ was huge hit 40 yrs ago (4)
  1. Imparting, handing over (6)
  2. Assistance in a time of need(4)
  3. What are charitable donations to the poor? (4)

6 Clues: Imparting, handing over (6)it pumps blood in your body(4)Assistance in a time of need(4)What are charitable donations to the poor? (4)Soft Cell's Tainted___ was huge hit 40 yrs ago (4)Kindness is the first marker of generous people (5)

Kindness 2024-02-06

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. a challenge
  2. jump up and down
  3. to be happy
  1. love people
  2. take turns
  3. be kind to each other

6 Clues: take turnslove peoplea challengeto be happyjump up and downbe kind to each other

Kindness 2024-04-27

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. shiver
  2. lifted with great effort
  3. flashed
  4. looked carefully and curiously
  1. shining and shimmering
  2. a species is in danger of extinction

6 Clues: shiverflashedshining and shimmeringlifted with great effortlooked carefully and curiouslya species is in danger of extinction

To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Guides 1-2 2012-10-23

To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Guides 1-2 crossword puzzle
  1. cranky; difficult to get along with
  2. showing gentleness or kindness
  3. sincere; noble; without reserve
  4. pleasantly calm or peaceful
  1. marked by great energy or exertion
  2. favorable; promising success
  3. an act of kindness
  4. to make certain; discover
  5. something out of the ordinary
  6. gross injustice or wickedness
  7. commanded; ordered

11 Clues: an act of kindnesscommanded; orderedto make certain; discoverpleasantly calm or peacefulfavorable; promising successsomething out of the ordinarygross injustice or wickednessshowing gentleness or kindnesssincere; noble; without reservemarked by great energy or exertioncranky; difficult to get along with

Divergent 2020-11-07

Divergent crossword puzzle
  1. Tris and Four's original faction
  2. faction valuing kindness and trust
  3. Dauntless values this trait
  4. Caleb's new faction
  5. Abnegation values this trait
  6. the faction Tris transfers to
  1. Erutide values this trait
  2. the quality of being friendly
  3. faction-less
  4. the quality of being honest
  5. faction valuing honesty

11 Clues: faction-lessCaleb's new factionfaction valuing honestyErutide values this traitDauntless values this traitthe quality of being honestAbnegation values this traitthe quality of being friendlythe faction Tris transfers toTris and Four's original factionfaction valuing kindness and trust

Radiant Positivity 2023-11-20

Radiant Positivity crossword puzzle
  1. Hearts with kindness
  2. Energy and kindness
  3. With a grateful heart, you will find
  4. Touch hearts with positive
  5. Count your blessings with love
  1. Spread love and touch
  2. And a grateful heart
  3. You are a source of positivity
  4. With love and gratitude
  5. Radiate positive energy
  6. Will bring joy and light

11 Clues: Energy and kindnessAnd a grateful heartHearts with kindnessSpread love and touchWith love and gratitudeRadiate positive energyWill bring joy and lightTouch hearts with positiveYou are a source of positivityCount your blessings with loveWith a grateful heart, you will find

Kindness Crossword 2023-10-25

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. type of kindness act
  2. a way to be kind to others
  3. kindness decreases this
  4. what we should be
  1. kindness increases this
  2. kind of impact on people kindness leaves
  3. what being kind costs

7 Clues: what we should betype of kindness actwhat being kind costskindness increases thiskindness decreases thisa way to be kind to otherskind of impact on people kindness leaves

Derivational Relations Sort 2 2020-10-18

Derivational Relations Sort 2 crossword puzzle
  1. having no imperfection or flaw
  2. having qualities of beauty
  3. not relaxed or calm, unable to be restful
  4. the state of being skillful
  5. giving delight
  6. over-imaginative and unrealistic
  7. unable to speak
  8. containing nothing or without contents
  9. having or showing good manners
  10. not having or without light
  11. having greater worth than an amount of money
  1. lacking worth
  2. taking care or caution
  3. able to work a long time without becoming tired
  4. interacting in a way that shows caring of someone's well being and feelings
  5. not being able to breathe or panting from exertion
  6. the state of having no mistakes
  7. showing kindness and goodwill
  8. held with affection or desire
  9. being thankful for the things we have

20 Clues: lacking worthgiving delightunable to speaktaking care or cautionhaving qualities of beautythe state of being skillfulnot having or without lightshowing kindness and goodwillheld with affection or desirehaving no imperfection or flawhaving or showing good mannersthe state of having no mistakesover-imaginative and unrealistic...

Gospel Value - Love 2014-02-05

Gospel Value - Love crossword puzzle
  1. To be so close to each other that you cannot be split apart
  2. To work for just because of the relationship
  3. To have respect and to regard with warmth
  4. Sympathy for someone you know and love
  5. A close relationship
  6. To Idolize
  7. A strong bond between friends
  8. A form of love and to respect
  9. To love and protect
  10. To have loving concern for
  11. To care for in a deep manor
  1. To love and regard with love
  2. A deep feeling of affection
  3. A strong bond with a being
  4. The loving and passion for
  5. To have affection for
  6. Gentleness and Kindness
  7. A deep love and friendship
  8. To care and protect
  9. To live in unison with

20 Clues: To IdolizeTo love and protectTo care and protectA close relationshipTo have affection forTo live in unison withGentleness and KindnessA strong bond with a beingThe loving and passion forA deep love and friendshipTo have loving concern forA deep feeling of affectionTo care for in a deep manorTo love and regard with loveA strong bond between friends...

leadership 2023-05-09

leadership crossword puzzle
  1. a leader should be ________ to his team
  2. is something that gives you the strength to push through
  3. people who notice things fast
  4. the capacity to show the influence
  5. having or shown experience
  6. is a word for bravery
  7. everybody should have kindness
  8. facing fear
  9. feeling/ understanding what other people feel
  1. creating new ideas
  2. is the ability to keep going in the face of failure
  3. is the ability to bring something to existence
  4. is a word for courage
  5. being honest or having _____
  6. you need a big _______ to become strong
  7. the person who leads or commands a group
  8. strength of mind
  9. is the ability to depend on someone
  10. leaders should have ______________
  11. you need mental _____ to overcome obstacles

20 Clues: facing fearstrength of mindcreating new ideasis a word for courageis a word for braveryhaving or shown experiencebeing honest or having _____people who notice things fasteverybody should have kindnessthe capacity to show the influenceleaders should have ______________is the ability to depend on someoneyou need a big _______ to become strong...

To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Guides 1-2 2012-10-23

To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Guides 1-2 crossword puzzle
  1. pleasantly calm or peaceful
  2. gross injustice or wickedness
  3. commanded; ordered
  4. cranky; difficult to get along with
  5. showing gentleness or kindness
  6. sincere; noble; without reserve
  7. marked by great energy or exertion
  1. to make certain; to discover
  2. favorable; promising success
  3. an act of kindness
  4. something out of the ordinary

11 Clues: commanded; orderedan act of kindnesspleasantly calm or peacefulto make certain; to discoverfavorable; promising successgross injustice or wickednesssomething out of the ordinaryshowing gentleness or kindnesssincere; noble; without reservemarked by great energy or exertioncranky; difficult to get along with

The Power of the Words 2024-11-19

The Power of the Words crossword puzzle
  1. отказвам
  2. заинтригуван
  3. убеждавам
  4. има значение
  5. заслужавам
  6. случайно
  7. извинявам се
  8. освен ако
  9. съществувам
  1. повишение
  2. доброта
  3. получавам
  4. критика
  5. вредя
  6. безполезен
  7. напомням
  8. рея се
  9. поколение

18 Clues: вредярея седобротакритикаотказвамнапомнямслучайноповишениеполучавамубеждавампоколениеосвен акобезполезензаслужавамсъществувамзаинтригуванима значениеизвинявам се

CVSR 2020-01-27

CVSR crossword puzzle
  1. THE
  2. ME
  3. JIY
  4. WHAT
  5. YO
  6. HIS
  7. HAY
  8. BOY
  9. HER
  1. GO
  2. THY
  3. GANG
  4. GIRL
  6. LOVE


Unit 3 2020-02-06

Unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. mokytoja
  2. Laimė
  3. naujienos
  4. maistas
  5. Dosnumas
  6. Būtinumas
  7. Sugebėjimas
  8. Gerumas
  1. Tinginystė
  2. Klestėjimas
  3. sportas
  4. Nuovargis
  5. kalbėjimas
  6. Studijuoti
  7. gyvūnai

15 Clues: LaimėsportasmaistasgyvūnaiGerumasmokytojaDosnumasNuovargisnaujienosBūtinumasTinginystėkalbėjimasStudijuotiKlestėjimasSugebėjimas

Sub values 2022-10-14

Sub values crossword puzzle
  1. 14
  2. 1
  3. 13
  4. 9
  5. 8
  6. 15
  7. 11
  8. 4
  1. 3
  2. 10
  3. 2
  4. 12
  5. 5
  6. 7
  7. 6

15 Clues: 312985764101413121511

Adjectives from Noun - Puzzle 2023-08-27

Adjectives from Noun - Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. peace
  2. Crazy
  3. kindness
  4. Danger
  5. Youth
  6. Violence
  7. Anger
  8. Romance
  9. Beauty
  1. Offence
  2. luck
  3. Happiness
  4. Nature
  5. Pain
  6. Guilt

15 Clues: luckPainpeaceCrazyYouthAngerGuiltDangerNatureBeautyOffenceRomancekindnessViolenceHappiness

Bible Crossword 2023-08-30

Bible Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. We need to reflect kindness towards others, especially by sharing with one another and giving to the poor.
  2. The first book in the Bible.
  3. The Spiritual Works of Mercy are acts of kindness and charity that remind us of our duty as Christians.
  4. The Catholic Bible consists of seventy-three books.
  5. God’s message was first written on ______.
  6. The symbol of Christianity, representing Jesus’ crucifixion.
  7. The season during which Christians pay special attention to works of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.
  8. The Bible reflects the voice of the living God.
  9. The day when Christians gather to worship and listen to readings from the Bible.
  10. This month is dedicated to Mary.
  1. The festival celebrating the Birth of Jesus.
  2. Many people have died to spread the message of the Bible.
  3. This celebration remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit.
  4. The Bible was written in various languages.
  5. The day Christians celebrate to remember Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
  6. The holy book of Christianity.
  7. To be a child of God, we need to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
  8. The Bible is over four-thousand years old.
  9. MASS The celebration we attend each and every Sunday.
  10. The first man created by God, according to the Bible.

20 Clues: The first book in the Bible.The holy book of Christianity.This month is dedicated to Mary.The Bible is over four-thousand years old.God’s message was first written on ______.The Bible was written in various languages.The festival celebrating the Birth of Jesus.The Bible reflects the voice of the living God....

Community 2023-10-16

Community crossword puzzle
  1. ready to contribute to others things or problems
  2. Everyone must contribute to grow/maintain a community
  3. being aware of yourself and others
  4. To pay attention to someone when they are speaking
  5. Telling the truth
  6. a Relationship with someone
  7. the belief in someone
  8. willing to try new things or ideas
  1. Feeling or showing that a person matters
  2. Thinking of other people
  3. careful to not hurt others feelings
  4. Being okay with a delay or waiting
  5. being nice or friendly
  6. being sympathetic towards others
  7. showing respect and kindness towards others
  8. being flexible and willing to adapt your ideas

16 Clues: Telling the truththe belief in someonebeing nice or friendlyThinking of other peoplea Relationship with someonebeing sympathetic towards othersBeing okay with a delay or waitingbeing aware of yourself and otherswilling to try new things or ideascareful to not hurt others feelingsFeeling or showing that a person matters...

Let YOUR Penguin Power Shine Bright! 2021-07-20

Let YOUR Penguin Power Shine Bright! crossword puzzle
  1. a feeling of fellowship with others
  2. a prayer asking for God's favor and protection
  3. ability to wait without being annoyed
  4. expressing gratitude and relief
  5. giving one's attention
  6. to understand and share feelings
  7. action of helping or doing for someone
  1. remaining loyal
  2. sympathetically aware of other's feelings
  3. acts rather than talking or thinking
  4. showing the spirit of Christ
  5. a great interest and pleasure in something
  6. being friendly, generous, and considerate
  7. displaying kindness and concern for others
  8. showing politeness in attitude and behavior

15 Clues: remaining loyalgiving one's attentionshowing the spirit of Christexpressing gratitude and reliefto understand and share feelingsa feeling of fellowship with othersacts rather than talking or thinkingability to wait without being annoyedaction of helping or doing for someonesympathetically aware of other's feelings...

KindnessIsForEveryone 2023-11-06

KindnessIsForEveryone crossword puzzle
  1. having or showing high moral standards
  2. to alleviate a person's distress or anguish
  3. looking after your own health
  4. faith in someone or something
  5. desire or willingness to do something
  6. feeling or showing an appreciation
  7. to be friendly and considerate
  8. to relax, sleep, or recover strength
  1. emotional support or encouragement
  2. impossible to stop or prevent
  3. hopefulness or confidence about something
  4. no longer feel angry or resentful
  5. showing kindness to everyone and everything
  6. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment
  7. powerful and difficult to resist or defeat

15 Clues: impossible to stop or preventlooking after your own healthfaith in someone or somethingto be friendly and considerateno longer feel angry or resentfulemotional support or encouragementfeeling or showing an appreciationto relax, sleep, or recover strengthdesire or willingness to do somethinghaving or showing high moral standards...


ABSTRACT NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. wise
  2. kind
  3. child
  4. believe
  5. afraid
  6. neighbour
  7. adult
  8. sad
  9. bored
  10. compete
  11. partner
  12. imagine
  1. member
  2. hate
  3. free
  4. friend
  5. relation
  6. celebrate
  7. lose
  8. poor
  9. ill
  10. happy
  11. dead
  12. ashamed

24 Clues: illsadwisekindhatefreelosepoordeadchildadulthappyboredmemberfriendafraidbelievecompetepartnerashamedimaginerelationcelebrateneighbour

CVSR 2020-01-27

CVSR crossword puzzle
  1. THE
  2. ME
  3. JIY
  4. WHAT
  5. YO
  6. HIS
  7. HAY
  8. BOY
  9. HER
  1. GO
  2. THO
  3. GANG
  4. GIRL
  6. LOVE


Appreciation 2023-09-25

Appreciation crossword puzzle
  1. To recognize and value someone or something.
  2. Sincere and deeply felt appreciation or gratitude.
  3. A gift or favor that brings happiness and well-being.
  1. Showing admiration and consideration for others.
  2. A feeling of kindness, friendliness, and affection.
  3. Feeling thankful and appreciative for what you have.
  4. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  5. An expression of gratitude for someone's kindness.
  6. Expressing gratitude and acknowledgment of someone's actions.
  7. Paying attention to what someone says, showing respect.

10 Clues: To recognize and value someone or something.Showing admiration and consideration for others.An expression of gratitude for someone's kindness.Sincere and deeply felt appreciation or gratitude.A feeling of kindness, friendliness, and affection.Feeling thankful and appreciative for what you have.A gift or favor that brings happiness and well-being....

ENGLISH 2023-01-04

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  1. under
  2. kindness
  3. very sharp
  4. sent for/call
  5. depictism
  6. order
  7. excitement
  8. wet
  9. sudden movement
  10. wash
  1. a kind of gum
  2. hidden
  3. tiny particles
  4. dizziness
  5. images
  6. wallpaintings
  7. confused
  8. ornaments
  9. extravagant/wasteful
  10. calm

20 Clues: wetcalmwashunderorderhiddenimageskindnessconfuseddizzinessdepictismornamentsvery sharpexcitementa kind of gumsent for/callwallpaintingstiny particlessudden movementextravagant/wasteful

a 2019-06-03

a crossword puzzle
  1. 17
  2. 6
  3. 27
  4. 24
  5. 12
  6. 7
  7. 14
  8. 10
  9. 1
  10. 22
  11. 2
  12. 20
  13. 3
  14. 13
  1. 23
  2. 11
  3. 26
  4. 19
  5. 8
  6. 5
  7. 4
  8. 15
  9. 21
  10. 16

24 Clues: 6785142323171127262412191410221520211613

good character traits 2023-02-09

good character  traits crossword puzzle
  1. care for someone
  2. quality of being thankful
  3. of performing consistently well
  4. ability to be relied on as honest
  5. a strong feeling of support
  6. the quality of being friendly
  7. free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere
  1. displaying kindness and concern for others
  2. ability to understand
  3. an organization set up to provide help
  4. feeling or showing deference and respect
  5. the quality of being kind and generous.
  6. of being citizen of particular country
  7. ability to do something that frightens one.
  8. impartial and just, without favoritism

15 Clues: care for someoneability to understandquality of being thankfula strong feeling of supportthe quality of being friendlyof performing consistently wellability to be relied on as honestan organization set up to provide helpof being citizen of particular countryimpartial and just, without favoritismthe quality of being kind and generous....

Kindness 2021-02-08

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. 1 Corinthians 13:4
  2. But love your __________________, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Luke 6:35
  1. Be kind and __________________ to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
  2. is generous to the _________ lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. Proverbs 19:17
  3. opens her mouth with ____________, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:26
  4. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to ________________, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

6 Clues: is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. 1 Corinthians 13:4opens her mouth with ____________, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:26is generous to the _________ lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. Proverbs 19:17...

Kindness 2022-02-14

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. an embrace to express affection
  2. to hand over as a gift
  3. give support or hope to someone
  1. a feeling of expectation for something to happen
  2. a shape on Valentine's Day
  3. a polite expression of praise

6 Clues: to hand over as a gifta shape on Valentine's Daya polite expression of praisean embrace to express affectiongive support or hope to someonea feeling of expectation for something to happen

Vocab crossword 2020-12-08

Vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. wear
  2. sharing
  3. attention
  4. honest
  5. employment
  6. consider
  7. avoid
  8. quickly
  1. kindness
  2. desire
  3. gloomy
  4. near
  5. fake
  6. reluctant
  7. overcome

15 Clues: wearnearfakeavoiddesiregloomyhonestsharingquicklykindnessovercomeconsiderattentionreluctantemployment

Noun & Adjective forms :) 2023-01-16

Noun & Adjective forms :) crossword puzzle
  1. crazy
  2. responsible
  3. weak
  4. independent
  5. resist
  6. juice
  7. truth
  1. danger
  2. important
  3. strong
  4. silent
  5. kind
  6. misery
  7. pain
  8. beauty

15 Clues: kindweakpaincrazyjuicetruthdangerstrongsilentmiserybeautyresistimportantresponsibleindependent

Words of a Leader 2024-03-21

Words of a Leader crossword puzzle
  1. Negotiate
  2. Honest
  3. Kindness
  4. Support
  5. Oneness
  6. Collaboration
  7. Revitalize
  8. Invest
  1. Pioneered
  2. Optimize
  3. Propelled
  4. Reduce
  5. Respect
  6. Oversaw
  7. Mentoring

15 Clues: ReduceHonestInvestRespectSupportOversawOnenessOptimizeKindnessPioneeredPropelledNegotiateMentoringRevitalizeCollaboration

Vocabulario de familia 2023-09-15

Vocabulario de familia crossword puzzle
  1. consistent
  2. resilience
  3. confidence
  4. to acquire
  5. coherent
  6. kindness
  7. to restrict
  8. to approach
  9. bravery
  1. to spread
  2. hostile
  3. educated
  4. to inherit
  5. gratitude
  6. to influence
  7. empathy
  8. to track
  9. humbleness
  10. modesty
  11. to instill

20 Clues: hostileempathymodestybraveryeducatedto trackcoherentkindnessto spreadgratitudeto inheritconsistentresiliencehumblenessconfidenceto acquireto instillto restrictto approachto influence

LOVE PUZZLE 2022-06-15

LOVE PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  4. SAFE
  8. GRACE
  3. WATER
  7. PLACE


Vocab crossword 2020-12-08

Vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. wear
  2. sharing
  3. attention
  4. honest
  5. employment
  6. consider
  7. avoid
  8. quickly
  1. kindness
  2. desire
  3. gloomy
  4. near
  5. fake
  6. reluctant
  7. overcome

15 Clues: wearnearfakeavoiddesiregloomyhonestsharingquicklykindnessovercomeconsiderattentionreluctantemployment