lab safety Crossword Puzzles

TTS PRIMORDIA #3 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #3 crossword puzzle
  1. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  2. buah langka bumi Kalimantan, termasuk suku Moraceae (nangka-nangkaan)
  3. Mata kuliah di Lab.SDL yang mengajarkan cara budidaya yang menggunakan media yang berbeda adalah
  4. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain.
  5. Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman percepatan...
  6. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, ownernya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah
  7. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  8. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  9. salah satu games ice breaking yaitu tebak....
  10. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  11. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan...
  12. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  13. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  14. pometia...., merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  15. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  16. MC Ice Breaking PRIMORDIA 2
  17. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  18. Nama Wakil CO acara
  19. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  20. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  21. tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  22. Nyamplung adalah....yang hidup di pesisir yang berpasir dan berbatu karang, kulit pohonnya dapat digunakan untuk obat.Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi.
  23. jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  24. sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin
  25. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  1. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  2. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  3. Pemateri mental health di rangkaian PRIMORDIA 2
  4. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  5. Slogan untuk jargon HIMADATA
  6. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  7. Nama panggilan pendamping untuk kelompok 14
  8. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  9. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  10. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  11. Nama CO PDD
  12. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  13. Mata kuliah lanjutan yang diajarkan disemester 6 yang berkaitan untuk mendukung proses perancangan penelitian, seperti menentukan sempel.
  14. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetic…tanaman
  15. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  16. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  17. nama pendamping yang membacakan penugasan saat primor 2
  18. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  19. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  20. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  21. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  22. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  23. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  24. tanaman hias yang berwana coklat menyukai dataran rendah hingga sedang dengan nama ilmiah Manilkara kauki adalah sawo....
  25. Satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  26. MC Ice Breaking (cewek) di PRIMORDIA 1
  27. tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut

52 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraMC Ice Breaking PRIMORDIA 2Slogan untuk jargon HIMADATAtempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitinMC Ice Breaking (cewek) di PRIMORDIA 1Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarNama panggilan pendamping untuk kelompok 14...

tech puzzle 2022-08-31

tech puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. something that is dangerous and can cause harm in the work place.
  2. measurement for electricity
  3. keeps things clean and disinfected
  4. area where work is done especially in the science and mathematic fields
  5. teaches and instructs students and other persons in the work area
  6. getting ready to do something
  7. the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles which cause ionization.
  8. sign to be careful
  9. set of instructions that need to be followed at all times in the work area
  10. maximum capability
  11. trash like objects
  12. protection for the eye
  1. identifying and correcting hazardous situations or conditions
  2. where safety objects are stored
  3. Keeping tools, machines and the work environment in the environment in the best possible condition best possible condition
  4. unintentional occurrence
  5. keeping your self and others unharmed by following necessary procedures
  6. a statement or event that indicates a possible or impending danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation
  7. puts fires out
  8. something that needs to be attended to urgently
  9. thinking you can do something without any knowledge of it
  10. objects that are used in the work area
  11. colors that are organized according to situation
  12. another word for fire
  13. makes work easier for the person

25 Clues: puts fires outsign to be carefulmaximum capabilitytrash like objectsanother word for fireprotection for the eyeunintentional occurrencemeasurement for electricitygetting ready to do somethingwhere safety objects are storedmakes work easier for the personkeeps things clean and disinfectedobjects that are used in the work area...

Lab Safety- Emma Chase 2022-08-12

Lab Safety- Emma Chase crossword puzzle
  1. must be tied back and out of your face
  2. must be handled with extreme care
  3. should be used to pick up heated metals and glass
  4. are not to be touched, tasted, or smelled
  5. is a hands on laboratory class
  6. ay accident or injury to the instructor immediately
  7. have been provided and should be worn during laboratory activities
  8. must be personally monitored at all times
  9. or jokes of any kind are not allowed in the laboratory
  1. must be worn to protect eyes
  2. of all chemical waste properly
  3. is what you yell when a lab partner is hurt
  4. glass tubing, especially long pieces, in a vertical position

13 Clues: must be worn to protect eyesof all chemical waste properlyis a hands on laboratory classmust be handled with extreme caremust be tied back and out of your faceare not to be touched, tasted, or smelledmust be personally monitored at all timesis what you yell when a lab partner is hurtshould be used to pick up heated metals and glass...




TTS senior DTMM 2015-10-04

TTS senior DTMM crossword puzzle
  1. As lab kim, kocak, rambut sedang (P)
  2. Dari Jawa Tengah, wakabid kema, tomboy (P)
  3. Dari Tegal, sering di kanopi, suka buka 9gag (L)
  4. SMA Labschool Kebayoran, BP kema, mbul lucu (P)
  5. As lab korosi, deputy of training and competition, cantik (P)
  6. Wakabid minors, putih, kocak (L)
  7. Dari Medan, ngomongnya lucu, cimet (P)
  8. SMA 1 Depok, tinggi kurus, behel (L)
  9. SMA 21 Jakarta, as lab kim, kerudung (P)
  10. SMA 68 Jakarta, keriting, as lab kim (L)
  11. Dari Palembang, unik namanya, bibir merah (L)
  12. Mirip Rinan, Gondrong, sering di kantek (L)
  13. SMA 34 Jakarta, wakabid pendidikan, pacar ka ome (L)
  14. SMA Labschool Kebayoran, BP kema, rambut coklat (P)
  15. Wakabid humas, Kerudungan (P)
  16. asdos gamtek, kacamata, orator pas MADK (L)
  17. SMA 1 Depok, as lab kim, kerudung (P)
  18. SMA gonzaga, BP kema, kalem (L)
  19. As lab kim, dari Padang, kocak (L)
  20. Waketang, SMA 34 Jakarta, tinggi (L)
  21. SMA 3 Depok, Kabid litbang, Paper ke Korea (L)
  22. Deputy of Internal Bonding NACE SC UI, dulu kema immt, mirip eja (L)
  23. Kaca mata, behel, MC pas MADK (L)
  1. As lab kim, SMA 38 Jakarta, kerudung (P)
  2. SMA 34 Jakarta, BP kebendaharaan, mbul lucu (P)
  3. Wakabid kema immt 2014, wakabid humas makrab, kerudung (P)
  4. BP iptek, cimet, pinter (P)
  5. Dari Medan, Keriting, BP minors (L)
  6. MPM Keuangan, kumisan (L)
  7. As lab DT, cimet, pinter (L)
  8. SMA 8 jakarta, behel, minors (L)
  9. SMA 34 Jakarta, minors, rambutnya lurus (P)
  10. SMA 39 Jakarta, wakabid sosma, staff konsumsi makrab (P)
  11. Ulang tahun 25 September, as lab kim, ketua immt 2015 (L)
  12. Anak Prof Bambang, kocak, salah satu kakak asuh (L)
  13. Head of Member Development NACE SC UI, behel, SMA 70 Jakarta (L)
  14. Wakabid adm, behel, cadel (P)
  15. Suka basket, bethel, kodak (P)
  16. Ketang, chairman NACE SC UI, kabid kema immt 2014 (L)
  17. Sekum BEM, kerudung, kakaknya eja (P)
  18. Dari Toraja, tomboy, waketang (P)
  19. SMA 8 Jakarta, kabid kema, behel (L)
  20. SMA 39 Jakarta, Kabid Humas, Paper ke Korea (L)
  21. Wakabid kebendaharaan, ada tanda lahir di mata, rambut ikal (P)
  22. Dulu gondrong, deputy of publication and design NACE SC UI, dulu kebendaharaan immt (L)

45 Clues: MPM Keuangan, kumisan (L)BP iptek, cimet, pinter (P)As lab DT, cimet, pinter (L)Wakabid humas, Kerudungan (P)Wakabid adm, behel, cadel (P)Suka basket, bethel, kodak (P)SMA gonzaga, BP kema, kalem (L)Wakabid minors, putih, kocak (L)SMA 8 jakarta, behel, minors (L)Dari Toraja, tomboy, waketang (P)Kaca mata, behel, MC pas MADK (L)...

Chapter 1 Review 2012-09-30

Chapter 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. You determine whether or not the hypothesis is supported during your
  2. Possible explanation for a set of observations
  3. The part of an experiment to which you can compare the results of the other tests
  4. The many different kinds of living things are all _________________ in some ways.
  5. The type of experiment when only one variable is tested or manipulated at a time
  6. When you explain or interpret things you observe, you are making an
  7. A hypothesis MUST BE:
  8. Scientists study the natural world in many ______________ ways.
  9. Scientists communicate their research so it can be
  10. Good preparation and careful work habits in the lab ensure
  1. Processes that happen in a living thing in order for it to survive
  2. Structure and function of an organism is
  3. The study of living things and how they interact
  4. An observation involving numbers
  5. Any observation other than quantity
  6. The different ways in which scientists study the natural world is called
  7. When living things change and get more complex during their lifetime
  8. Grouping together items that are alike in some way
  9. Using your senses to gather information is called
  10. Making a forecast of what will happen
  11. Used to measure length.
  12. Read procedures carefully and review safety guidelines
  13. Tell the _________________ if something breaks or an accident occurs.

23 Clues: A hypothesis MUST BE:Used to measure length.An observation involving numbersAny observation other than quantityMaking a forecast of what will happenStructure and function of an organism isPossible explanation for a set of observationsThe study of living things and how they interactUsing your senses to gather information is called...

Scientific Experimental Tool 2023-09-05

Scientific Experimental Tool crossword puzzle
  1. Instrument to measure temperature accurately.
  2. Device to view tiny objects by magnifying them.
  3. Dish Shallow, flat dish used for cultivating microorganisms.
  4. Coat Protective garment worn to prevent contamination.
  5. Device for transferring small amounts of liquid.
  6. Paper Indicator paper to test the acidity of solutions.
  7. Glass Handheld lens for enlarging objects for observation.
  8. Tweezer-like tool for grasping small objects.
  1. Goggles Protective eyewear to shield eyes from chemicals.
  2. Cylindrical container for holding and mixing liquids.
  3. Cylinder Precise measuring tool for liquids' volume.
  4. Tube Small tube used for holding and mixing liquids.
  5. Flask Conical-shaped container for mixing and heating.
  6. Device to measure time intervals accurately.
  7. Burner Heat source used for various laboratory experiments.

15 Clues: Device to measure time intervals accurately.Instrument to measure temperature accurately.Tweezer-like tool for grasping small objects.Device to view tiny objects by magnifying them.Device for transferring small amounts of liquid.Cylinder Precise measuring tool for liquids' volume.Tube Small tube used for holding and mixing liquids....

RRL Lab Week 2024 2024-04-11

RRL Lab Week 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. We do these once a month - _____ Checks.
  2. Andrew better not find you without these on!
  3. If this is less than 7 a steak and red wine will fix you right up!
  4. Attention to.
  5. Has an Avatar
  6. Home of Dorothy Gale and a retiring Floridian.
  1. AMR's create a lot of this.
  2. A merry-go-round for blood.
  3. The RRL that hasn't graduated yet - It's still in school.
  4. The committee that we love the most!
  5. Clerical ones are forbidden
  6. The most magical RRL on earth!
  7. Eat a banana to increase this.
  8. The most hated analyzer in the Lab!
  9. A word for I forgot to order it yesterday.

15 Clues: Attention to.Has an AvatarAMR's create a lot of this.A merry-go-round for blood.Clerical ones are forbiddenThe most magical RRL on earth!Eat a banana to increase this.The most hated analyzer in the Lab!The committee that we love the most!We do these once a month - _____ Checks.A word for I forgot to order it yesterday....

Science Crossword 2012-05-31

Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This is dissolved in a solute.
  2. Never pour harmful substances down the (_ _ _ _).
  3. Another name for the safety flame on a Bunsen burner.
  4. What should you wear to be safe? Starts with L.
  5. Starts with B and burns.
  6. We are experimenting in the name of S_ _ _ _ _ _.
  7. When the substance settles to the bottom.
  8. what do you stir mixtures with?
  9. This is used to hold substances.
  10. Unable to dissolve
  11. Particles spread as far as they can.
  12. a separating method using to find the colours within.
  13. Spinning to separate
  14. You check this for cracks when lighting a Bunsen Burner.
  15. These should cover your whole foot.
  16. You do this to exapnd things.
  17. Do not eat this in a lab.
  1. What you twist on a Bunsen burner.
  2. A tube that you experiment in.
  3. When a solid goes straight to a gas, or vice versa.
  4. This should be tied away from the face.
  5. a cylinder used to measure.
  6. Wear these to protect your eyes.
  7. The fourth state of matter. Starts with P.
  8. The state between solid and gas
  9. Safety Glasses are used to (P _ _ _ _ _ T) your eyes
  10. Who should you tell when there is an emergency?
  11. a three legged stand

28 Clues: Unable to dissolveSpinning to separatea three legged standStarts with B and burns.Do not eat this in a lab.a cylinder used to measure.You do this to exapnd things.A tube that you experiment in.This is dissolved in a solute.what do you stir mixtures with?The state between solid and gasWear these to protect your eyes.This is used to hold substances....

Chapter 1 Review 2012-09-30

Chapter 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. Any observation other than quantity
  2. Structure and function of an organism is
  3. The different ways in which scientists study the natural world is called
  4. Read procedures carefully and review safety guidelines
  5. You determine whether or not the hypothesis is supported during your
  6. When you explain or interpret things you observe, you are making an
  7. The study of living things and how they interact
  8. The many different kinds of living things are all _________________ in some ways.
  9. Using your senses to gather information is called
  10. When living things change and get more complex during their lifetime
  11. Scientists communicate their research so it can be
  12. Used to measure length.
  13. Processes that happen in a living thing in order for it to survive
  14. A hypothesis MUST BE:
  1. Tell the _________________ if something breaks or an accident occurs.
  2. Possible explanation for a set of observations
  3. An observation involving numbers
  4. Grouping together items that are alike in some way
  5. The type of experiment when only one variable is tested or manipulated at a time
  6. Making a forecast of what will happen
  7. The part of an experiment to which you can compare the results of the other tests
  8. Good preparation and careful work habits in the lab ensure
  9. Scientists study the natural world in many ______________ ways.

23 Clues: A hypothesis MUST BE:Used to measure length.An observation involving numbersAny observation other than quantityMaking a forecast of what will happenStructure and function of an organism isPossible explanation for a set of observationsThe study of living things and how they interactUsing your senses to gather information is called...

Joint Commission Readiness 2024-01-30

Joint Commission Readiness crossword puzzle
  1. Expiration date for IV fluids removed from outer wrap
  2. At least how far from the ceiling must items be stored in clean utility?
  3. How often do non-violent physical restraints need to be ordered?
  4. How often do crash carts need to be checked?
  5. On the Guthrie Intranet, what tab is the Material Safety Data Sheets located?
  6. Rescue Alert Confine Extinguish
  7. Dry time for purple top Sani wipes
  8. How long are glucometer strips good for?
  9. Dry time for gray top Sani wipes
  10. What does LASA stand for?
  11. What does PASS stand for?
  12. Time frame critical results need to be reported
  1. Where are Guthrie policies kept on the Intranet?
  2. Where you document critical lab communication
  3. Where on the unit is the only truly full oxygen tank located?
  4. Where is the High Risk/High Alert medication list located?
  5. Room where the sterile instrument pre-cleaning instructions are located
  6. Color of the cabinet that in use oxygen tanks are stored
  7. Dry time for orange top Sani wipes
  8. In what situation can verbal orders be taken?
  9. Guthrie's language interpretation device
  10. What department replaces full sharps containers?
  11. When can a fire door be propped open?
  12. Can cardboard boxes be left in clean utility?
  13. What outlets must defibrillators be plugged into?
  14. Where are medication errors reported?
  15. Can the cover of the linen cart be left open?
  16. Where are employee injuries reported?

28 Clues: What does LASA stand for?What does PASS stand for?Rescue Alert Confine ExtinguishDry time for gray top Sani wipesDry time for orange top Sani wipesDry time for purple top Sani wipesWhen can a fire door be propped open?Where are medication errors reported?Where are employee injuries reported?Guthrie's language interpretation device...

SAINS 2024-07-23

SAINS crossword puzzle
  1. Tahapan terakhir kesimpulan
  2. Biologi
  3. Geofisika
  4. Arsitek
  5. Simbol lab X
  6. Donna mengamati planet
  7. hubungan timbal balik
  8. Simbol lab tanda seru
  1. pengukur suhu
  2. Simbol lab tengkorak
  3. Langkah awal metode ilmiah
  4. Kimia
  5. Apel menghitam
  6. Cairan dalam termometer
  7. Biologi

15 Clues: KimiaBiologiArsitekBiologiGeofisikaSimbol lab Xpengukur suhuApel menghitamSimbol lab tengkorakhubungan timbal balikSimbol lab tanda seruDonna mengamati planetCairan dalam termometerLangkah awal metode ilmiahTahapan terakhir kesimpulan

TTS senior DTMM 2015-10-04

TTS senior DTMM crossword puzzle
  1. As lab kim, kocak, rambut sedang (P)
  2. Dari Jawa Tengah, wakabid kema, tomboy (P)
  3. Dari Tegal, sering di kanopi, suka buka 9gag (L)
  4. SMA Labschool Kebayoran, BP kema, mbul lucu (P)
  5. As lab korosi, deputy of training and competition, cantik (P)
  6. Wakabid minors, putih, kocak (L)
  7. Dari Medan, ngomongnya lucu, cimet (P)
  8. SMA 1 Depok, tinggi kurus, behel (L)
  9. SMA 21 Jakarta, as lab kim, kerudung (P)
  10. SMA 68 Jakarta, keriting, as lab kim (L)
  11. Dari Palembang, unik namanya, bibir merah (L)
  12. Mirip Rinan, Gondrong, sering di kantek (L)
  13. SMA 34 Jakarta, wakabid pendidikan, pacar ka ome (L)
  14. SMA Labschool Kebayoran, BP kema, rambut coklat (P)
  15. Wakabid humas, Kerudungan (P)
  16. asdos gamtek, kacamata, orator pas MADK (L)
  17. SMA 1 Depok, as lab kim, kerudung (P)
  18. SMA gonzaga, BP kema, kalem (L)
  19. As lab kim, dari Padang, kocak (L)
  20. Waketang, SMA 34 Jakarta, tinggi (L)
  21. SMA 3 Depok, Kabid litbang, Paper ke Korea (L)
  22. Deputy of Internal Bonding NACE SC UI, dulu kema immt, mirip eja (L)
  23. Kaca mata, behel, MC pas MADK (L)
  1. As lab kim, SMA 38 Jakarta, kerudung (P)
  2. SMA 34 Jakarta, BP kebendaharaan, mbul lucu (P)
  3. Wakabid kema immt 2014, wakabid humas makrab, kerudung (P)
  4. BP iptek, cimet, pinter (P)
  5. Dari Medan, Keriting, BP minors (L)
  6. MPM Keuangan, kumisan (L)
  7. As lab DT, cimet, pinter (L)
  8. SMA 8 jakarta, behel, minors (L)
  9. SMA 34 Jakarta, minors, rambutnya lurus (P)
  10. SMA 39 Jakarta, wakabid sosma, staff konsumsi makrab (P)
  11. Ulang tahun 25 September, as lab kim, ketua immt 2015 (L)
  12. Anak Prof Bambang, kocak, salah satu kakak asuh (L)
  13. Head of Member Development NACE SC UI, behel, SMA 70 Jakarta (L)
  14. Wakabid adm, behel, cadel (P)
  15. Suka basket, bethel, kodak (P)
  16. Ketang, chairman NACE SC UI, kabid kema immt 2014 (L)
  17. Sekum BEM, kerudung, kakaknya eja (P)
  18. Dari Toraja, tomboy, waketang (P)
  19. SMA 8 Jakarta, kabid kema, behel (L)
  20. SMA 39 Jakarta, Kabid Humas, Paper ke Korea (L)
  21. Wakabid kebendaharaan, ada tanda lahir di mata, rambut ikal (P)
  22. Dulu gondrong, deputy of publication and design NACE SC UI, dulu kebendaharaan immt (L)

45 Clues: MPM Keuangan, kumisan (L)BP iptek, cimet, pinter (P)As lab DT, cimet, pinter (L)Wakabid humas, Kerudungan (P)Wakabid adm, behel, cadel (P)Suka basket, bethel, kodak (P)SMA gonzaga, BP kema, kalem (L)Wakabid minors, putih, kocak (L)SMA 8 jakarta, behel, minors (L)Dari Toraja, tomboy, waketang (P)Kaca mata, behel, MC pas MADK (L)...

Lab Week part 2 2017-05-16

Lab Week part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. what we use to protect ourselves
  2. the length of time to complete a test
  3. an abnormal growth of cells
  4. another word for the type of lab we are
  5. what we strive for
  6. the name of the governor of California
  7. the type of laboratory we are
  8. the color of the report slip we write on
  9. we monitor this daily
  10. the name of the vice president of the United States
  11. what we look forward to in the conference room
  1. Paris' new title
  2. the name of Dr. Heard's medical school
  3. an abnormal growth of cells that is malignant
  4. the type of cancer we do tests for
  5. important in any work setting
  6. we test storage conditions for this
  7. we do this testing for accreditation

18 Clues: Paris' new titlewhat we strive forwe monitor this dailyan abnormal growth of cellsimportant in any work settingthe type of laboratory we arewhat we use to protect ourselvesthe type of cancer we do tests forwe test storage conditions for thiswe do this testing for accreditationthe length of time to complete a test...

Lab Week part 2 2017-05-16

Lab Week part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. what we use to protect ourselves
  2. the length of time to complete a test
  3. an abnormal growth of cells
  4. another word for the type of lab we are
  5. what we strive for
  6. the name of the governor of California
  7. the type of laboratory we are
  8. the color of the report slip we write on
  9. we monitor this daily
  10. the name of the vice president of the United States
  11. what we look forward to in the conference room
  1. Paris' new title
  2. the name of Dr. Heard's medical school
  3. an abnormal growth of cells that is malignant
  4. the type of cancer we do tests for
  5. important in any work setting
  6. we test storage conditions for this
  7. we do this testing for accreditation

18 Clues: Paris' new titlewhat we strive forwe monitor this dailyan abnormal growth of cellsimportant in any work settingthe type of laboratory we arewhat we use to protect ourselvesthe type of cancer we do tests forwe test storage conditions for thiswe do this testing for accreditationthe length of time to complete a test...

Lab Employees 2015-04-20

Lab Employees crossword puzzle


National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week Crossword Puzzle 2015-04-09

National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Point on one end, plunger on the other
  2. Yes, we can read what the Doctor wrote on it...usually!
  3. Has wings.
  4. Not your average Q-tip!
  5. Not a type of TV.
  6. Stop the germ spread
  7. A little "buggy" department
  8. Lab person in the know.
  9. All the better to see you with.
  10. You get the point.
  11. Component of blood.
  12. Round and round it goes
  13. Chocolate, Yellow, or Black?
  1. Phlebotomists love to find them, as so often they hide.
  2. When you need it, we make sure it's right for you
  3. This department like both red and white.
  4. Right now!
  5. Not a "vampire".
  6. Some lab garbage.
  7. Pocket purse of hemoglobin
  8. Can't live without it!
  9. A little lab gift.
  10. Couldn't do our jobs without you!

23 Clues: Right now!Has wings.Not a "vampire".Not a type of TV.Some lab garbage.A little lab gift.You get the point.Component of blood.Stop the germ spreadCan't live without it!Not your average Q-tip!Lab person in the know.Round and round it goesPocket purse of hemoglobinA little "buggy" departmentChocolate, Yellow, or Black?All the better to see you with....

Lab Safety Project by Max Kikkawa 2022-01-25

Lab Safety Project by Max Kikkawa crossword puzzle
  1. Always follow the ________ for a lab completely.
  2. A common time for accidents to happen after a lab is mostly over.
  3. Never _____ in a lab! Always be careful and serious.
  4. Place where test tubes are held vertically.
  5. Often used in cooking, this device makes it easy to manually break something down into a powder.
  6. Cracks or _______ in glassware are unsafe; glassware with these should not be heated.
  7. The correct color for the flame of a bunsen burner.
  8. The person who cleans up spills and shattered glass.
  9. Use these to protect your eyes from chemical spills and splashes.
  10. A substance sometimes used by a teacher to clean up chemical spills.
  11. Don't _______ inside of a lab because it could cause contamination. ________ your food outside of the lab.
  12. Uses a bulb to transfer small volumes of fluid in droplets.
  1. Used when somebody gets a large chemical spill or burn in the lab.
  2. Uses alcohol or mercury to measure temperature.
  3. Use a _______ when available in order to contain possible spills.
  4. When you get chemicals in your eyes, wash them in the eye wash station for at least __________ minutes.
  5. A tall container used to accurately measure volume in mL.
  6. Clothing in labs should generally be made out of a sturdy, _______ fabric such as cotton.
  7. A conical glass container for fluids that can be heated.
  8. Don't heat anything on a bunsen burner that could produce a _________.
  9. It is a misconception that you need to _______ a lab thermometer in order to get it to function properly. However, this is not the case, and doing so can lead to the thermometer breaking.
  10. The acid with a relatively high pH that is used to clean chemical spills on skin.

22 Clues: Place where test tubes are held vertically.Uses alcohol or mercury to measure temperature.Always follow the ________ for a lab completely.The correct color for the flame of a bunsen burner.The person who cleans up spills and shattered glass.Never _____ in a lab! Always be careful and serious.A conical glass container for fluids that can be heated....

BC Retreat 2024 2024-11-13

BC Retreat 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. What to do when you run out of ideas
  2. Home of the snails
  3. Best lunchtime views
  4. Someone who might give you a homemade chocolate
  5. Trax line that goes to campus
  6. Biochemistry award for exceptional mentoring
  7. Famous Salt lake Flamingo
  8. Weirdly, Utah’s state bird
  9. Measures mass to charge ratio
  10. Stain on a compass?
  11. Utah's only Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine
  12. Lab that studies RNA
  13. Award held by Matt Miller, Brenda Bass, Paul Sigala, Erhu Chou, and Keren Hilgendorf
  14. Sponsor of EEJ 5th floor conference room
  15. Trax line that goes to the airport
  16. Lab that uses yeast
  17. Type of candy often found in the BC Department office
  18. Distinguished Professor Emeritus
  19. Lab that studies viruses
  20. Popular brewery in Salt Lake City
  1. Mountain range in Utah
  2. One branch of the ‘omics core
  3. Number of labs in the biochemistry department
  4. Utilizing lasers and electromagnetic fields to organize cells
  5. Number of BC labs in BPRB
  6. Did someone say VEGAS?
  7. Commonly catered pizza
  8. Lab that uses phage-display
  9. Someone who’s a big help in ordering lab supplies
  10. Utah’s _______ Zoo
  11. Road to avoid leaving campus at rush hour
  12. Career development training series
  13. Amplify, amplify, amplify
  14. Title of Jon Huntsman's autobiography:_______ to Billionaire
  15. Without her we would have no events
  16. Totally tubular compound separation system
  17. Ordering system for Biochemistry
  18. Who’s that email from?
  19. Name of the Biochemistry newsletter
  20. Big name on campus
  21. Lab that studies neurons
  22. Lab with the largest number of graduate students
  23. Trail system just left over from a REALLY big lake

43 Clues: Home of the snailsUtah’s _______ ZooBig name on campusStain on a compass?Lab that uses yeastBest lunchtime viewsLab that studies RNAMountain range in UtahDid someone say VEGAS?Commonly catered pizzaWho’s that email from?Lab that studies neuronsLab that studies virusesNumber of BC labs in BPRBFamous Salt lake FlamingoAmplify, amplify, amplify...

Computer Lab Rules 2023-11-28

Computer Lab Rules crossword puzzle
  1. What computer part must be wrapped up before leaving the computer lab?
  2. What computer part should you not touch?
  3. What is the computer teacher name?
  4. What do you do to your work or websites before leaving the lab?
  5. What do you do with your hands to get the teachers attention?
  6. What can spill on the computer and damage it?
  7. What item is not allowed in the computer lab?
  8. What is Ms. Stephens goal for every student in the lab?
  1. What do you have to follow in class?
  2. What object in the class must you remain in at all times?
  3. What is sticky and chewable but is not allowed in the lab?
  4. What body part should always be clean before touching the computer?
  5. What computer part must stay on the table at all times?
  6. What do you push in before leaving the computer lab?
  7. What computer part do you have to use gently?

15 Clues: What is the computer teacher name?What do you have to follow in class?What computer part should you not touch?What can spill on the computer and damage it?What computer part do you have to use gently?What item is not allowed in the computer lab?What do you push in before leaving the computer lab?...

Electronics I - Assignment #1 Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-08

Electronics I - Assignment #1 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Value that determines high/low points of waveform
  2. One may file for this IP when thought to have an invention
  3. MOSFET is a type of...
  4. SI unit of capacitance
  5. Format of lab report with less requirements
  6. Measurement with units of inverse second
  7. Circuits are built on this
  8. Component that stores energy in a magnetic field
  9. Last name of "Writing the Laboratory Notebook" author
  10. Reference point in circuit from which voltages are measured
  11. Instrument for measuring electrical potential
  12. Writing instrument used for lab notebooks
  13. Component that stores electrical energy in an electric field
  14. last name of physicist credited for voltage and current laws
  15. Measurement that includes both resistance & reactance
  16. Circuit simulation program
  17. Department's acronym
  18. Two resistors have the same voltage across when connected in...
  19. Section of MATLAB that contains created variables
  20. Current that flows in just one direction
  21. Current whose direction and magnitude changes with time
  22. Safety device that protects circuit from excessive current
  23. Calculation type with ideal values
  24. Analog Discovery connects to PC via...
  25. Where all data is written in during lab
  26. Type of connection where same current flows through multiple components
  1. Programming language used in labs
  2. quantity equal to voltage times current
  3. Company that created the Analog Discovery
  4. Electrical potential difference
  5. Block of code used to perform a single action (makes programs more readable)
  6. device that allows current to flow easily in just one direction
  7. SI unit of inductance
  8. Diagram that shows relation between variables (can be created in MATLAB)
  9. Quantity equal to voltage/resistance
  10. Company that developed MATLAB
  11. passing someone else's work as one's own
  12. point on circuit where at least three branches meet
  13. Increases power of signal
  14. Measurement with units of Ohms
  15. Section of lab for citations
  16. Name of software used with ADK
  17. Programming structure that is repeated until a condition is met
  18. Shape of a signal's graph
  19. Handwriting that is clear and easy to read
  20. the region on a circuit between two elements
  21. SI unit of power
  22. Waveform type most commonly used in labs
  23. # of points deducted each day assignment is late
  24. Test equipment that can display waveforms

50 Clues: SI unit of powerDepartment's acronymSI unit of inductanceMOSFET is a type of...SI unit of capacitanceIncreases power of signalShape of a signal's graphCircuits are built on thisCircuit simulation programSection of lab for citationsCompany that developed MATLABMeasurement with units of OhmsName of software used with ADK...

Lab Week Crossword 2024-04-10

Lab Week Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Where do samples go when you need to isolate spores, molds and fungi?
  2. What section of the lab is responsible for looking at DNA on a molecular level?
  3. Who distributes results to outside clients?
  4. Who dictates a gross description of surgical tissue in the lab?
  5. What is an examination performed to determine cause of death?
  6. Who counts red and white blood cells?
  7. Who organizes personnel information for the entire lab and greets visitors?
  8. Who sorts and distributes specimens from the hospital to the lab?
  9. Who performs autopsies?
  1. Where to surgical fluids go to get analyzed?
  2. What profession could be confused with a vampire?
  3. How do we preserve tissue taken for research?
  4. Who is responsible for transfusions?
  5. Where do organs removed during surgery go to be processed?
  6. What section of the lab looks at genetic chromosomal changes?
  7. Who determines the diagnosis for specimens/tissue?
  8. Where do samples from organs go in order to be placed onto a slide?
  9. How do we send out tissue for consultations and blood samples to reference labs?
  10. Who processes blood gasses?

19 Clues: Who performs autopsies?Who processes blood gasses?Who is responsible for transfusions?Who counts red and white blood cells?Who distributes results to outside clients?Where to surgical fluids go to get analyzed?How do we preserve tissue taken for research?What profession could be confused with a vampire?...

Biology Lab Safety 2022-01-19

Biology Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. When in doubt, always ask _________.
  2. Don't _____ the lab supplies, even the marshmallows
  3. Protect your hands!
  4. Be cautious when touching this when broken
  5. Do not goof off in the classroom
  6. Be careful smelling
  1. Protect your eyes from chemicals
  2. Never touch this unless its an emergency
  3. None of this funny business
  4. Ask a teacher about hazard _________.

10 Clues: Protect your hands!Be careful smellingNone of this funny businessProtect your eyes from chemicalsDo not goof off in the classroomWhen in doubt, always ask _________.Ask a teacher about hazard _________.Never touch this unless its an emergencyBe cautious when touching this when brokenDon't _____ the lab supplies, even the marshmallows

Lab Safety signs 2024-06-07

Lab Safety signs crossword puzzle
  1. A symbol indicating materials that could cause illness or death
  2. Symbol for materials that can explode
  3. Indicates a material that is hazardous to the environment
  4. Sign indicating materials that can catch fire easily
  1. Indicates a chemical substance that can cause skin burns
  2. A sign used to denote where first aid kits are located
  3. Sign that shows where to find the emergency shower
  4. Sign for materials that can cause an allergic reaction
  5. Symbol for substances that are dangerous to inhale

9 Clues: Symbol for materials that can explodeSign that shows where to find the emergency showerSymbol for substances that are dangerous to inhaleSign indicating materials that can catch fire easilyA sign used to denote where first aid kits are locatedSign for materials that can cause an allergic reaction...

connals lab safety 2024-08-19

connals lab safety crossword puzzle
  1. coat Wear a ________
  2. tie your______up before lab
  3. Use the _______ to remove thing from your eyes
  4. Always use______in lab
  5. always wash hands in __________
  1. wear _____ while touching dangerous items
  2. Put dangerous chemicals in the ______________
  3. blanket cover a fire with the ___________
  4. Use the ________ to wipe your hands
  5. wear a _______

10 Clues: wear a _______coat Wear a ________Always use______in labtie your______up before labalways wash hands in __________Use the ________ to wipe your handswear _____ while touching dangerous itemsblanket cover a fire with the ___________Put dangerous chemicals in the ______________Use the _______ to remove thing from your eyes

JFK North 2016-04-24

JFK North crossword puzzle
  1. week
  2. blood bank analyzer
  3. fire
  4. 17 minutes
  5. lab assistant
  6. supervisor's jar
  7. glycohemoglobin
  8. cannot analyze on the DXH analyzer
  1. Not only found in the garden
  2. implemented in 1996
  3. policies' location
  4. Our new name
  5. coagulation test/4 hour stability
  6. request
  7. newest instrument in the lab

15 Clues: weekfirerequest17 minutesOur new namelab assistantglycohemoglobinsupervisor's jarpolicies' locationimplemented in 1996blood bank analyzerNot only found in the gardennewest instrument in the labcoagulation test/4 hour stabilitycannot analyze on the DXH analyzer

science safety 2022-10-01

science safety crossword puzzle
  1. unit of measurement of temperature (7,7)
  2. apparatus used to measure mass
  3. amount of a substance
  4. apparatus for holding a liquid
  5. the curved surface of a liquid in a measuring cylinder
  6. the name of the gas burnt in Bunsen burners
  7. apparatus used to measure volume (8,7)
  8. the colour of the hottest flame of a Bunsen burner
  1. apparatus used to measure time
  2. apparatus developed by German Scientist(6,6)
  3. measure of how to or cold something is
  4. unit of mass
  5. the air hole should be in this position when lighting a Bunsen burner
  6. use to lift small amounts of chemicals in the laboratory
  7. essential safety apparatus in the lab (6,6)

15 Clues: unit of massamount of a substanceapparatus used to measure timeapparatus used to measure massapparatus for holding a liquidmeasure of how to or cold something isapparatus used to measure volume (8,7)unit of measurement of temperature (7,7)essential safety apparatus in the lab (6,6)the name of the gas burnt in Bunsen burners...

Safety 2021-02-08

Safety crossword puzzle
  1. something made to keep you safe
  2. when earthquakes happen you stand under these
  3. protects your skin on hot days
  4. a gas used to reduce oxygen in a fire and put it out
  5. what is the crossword about?
  6. protects the head on construction sites
  1. protect you in a science lab the word starts with gog
  2. being safe online
  3. people that stay with you until death
  4. teacher, someone at school to keep you safe like Mrs Mcgleynne
  5. an illness including cancer, diabetes, etc
  6. people in school that keep you safe and teach things
  7. protect your feet
  8. someone other than a parent to keep you safe
  9. a common incident that occurs on the road often

15 Clues: being safe onlineprotect your feetwhat is the crossword about?protects your skin on hot dayssomething made to keep you safepeople that stay with you until deathprotects the head on construction sitesan illness including cancer, diabetes, etcsomeone other than a parent to keep you safewhen earthquakes happen you stand under these...

Microbiology Crosswords 2024-10-17

Microbiology Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. A protective layer surrounding some bacterial cells.
  2. A technique with oil to improve microscope clarity at high magnifications.
  3. The process of destroying all forms of microbial life.
  4. Single-celled eukaryotes that can be parasitic.
  5. A group of organisms including molds and yeasts.
  6. The ability of an organism to move.
  1. Intracellular inclusions used for storing phosphate.
  2. Technique to prevent contamination of sterile materials.
  3. Rod-shaped bacteria.
  4. A type of bacteria without a cell wall.
  5. A microorganism that causes disease.
  6. A type of staining used to classify bacteria.
  7. Essential practice to prevent accidents in the microbiology lab.
  8. A device used for high-temperature sterilization.
  9. A genus of bacteria that is an intracellular parasite.

15 Clues: Rod-shaped bacteria.The ability of an organism to move.A microorganism that causes disease.A type of bacteria without a cell wall.A type of staining used to classify bacteria.Single-celled eukaryotes that can be parasitic.A group of organisms including molds and yeasts.A device used for high-temperature sterilization....

Lab Safety & Information 2022-01-25

Lab Safety & Information crossword puzzle
  1. porcelain, used to contain small volumes of liquid being evaporated
  2. plastic; worn on face at all times while working in the laboratory
  3. glass, common sizes are 10-mL, 25-mL,used to measure solution volumes accurately, must not be heated
  4. wire frame with porcelain supports, used to support a crucible
  1. most important thing to do when completing a lab
  2. porcelain, may be used to grind crystals and lumpy chemicals into powder
  3. scoop-like utensil used to transfer solids to a weighing paper for weighing, to a cover slip to measure melting point, or a graduated cylinder, or to a watch glass from a flask or beaker through scraping
  4. glass or plastic; common sizes are 50mL, 100mL, 250mL, 400mL; glass beakers may be heated
  5. In this class what you should wash with when you spill a chemical on yourself

9 Clues: most important thing to do when completing a labwire frame with porcelain supports, used to support a crucibleplastic; worn on face at all times while working in the laboratoryporcelain, used to contain small volumes of liquid being evaporatedporcelain, may be used to grind crystals and lumpy chemicals into powder...

Lab Week 2021 2021-04-17

Lab Week 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. An exceptionally high or low lab result
  2. The lab front liners
  3. Wax used for Histology slides
  4. A low hemoglobin
  5. Results a platelet count
  6. Gina and Kendra
  7. Who we really do this for
  8. An unlabeled specimen
  9. Studies tissue samples
  10. Prepares specimens for testing
  1. Lab public relations
  2. LIS
  3. Gives us a closer look
  4. Results a high glucose
  5. Studies bacteria
  6. A needle used for small veins
  7. Shannon and Lauren
  8. Name, DOB, MRN
  9. A list from a shipment
  10. Covid testing
  11. Used to collect a sample of bacteria

21 Clues: LISCovid testingName, DOB, MRNGina and KendraStudies bacteriaA low hemoglobinShannon and LaurenLab public relationsThe lab front linersAn unlabeled specimenGives us a closer lookResults a high glucoseA list from a shipmentStudies tissue samplesResults a platelet countWho we really do this forWax used for Histology slides...

TTS PRIMORDIA #2 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Nama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?
  2. Sumber karbohidrat dan menjadi makanan pokok masyarakat Maluku dan papua yang tinggal di pesisir.
  3. Fathiyah Auliya Adab memiliki jabatan berupa
  4. Nama CO Perlengkapan
  5. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  6. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  7. Anaphalis…, merupakan tanaman endemik zona alpina di berbagai pegunungan tinggi Nusantara, seperti misalnya di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru.
  8. Anggrek…,atau coelogyne pandurate merupakan spesies anggrek yang tumbuh di Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan dan Sumatera.
  9. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu?
  10. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain.
  11. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  12. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  13. Nama Wakil CO acara
  14. Nama CO PDD
  15. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  16. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  17. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  18. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  19. buah langka bumi Kalimantan, termasuk suku Moraceae (nangka-nangkaan
  20. Mata kuliah di Lab.SDL yang mengajarkan cara budidaya yang menggunakan media yang berbeda adalah
  21. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  22. pometia .... , merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis. (Pometia)
  23. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  24. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  25. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  1. Nama Wakil CO Pendamping
  2. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  3. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  4. Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi.
  5. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  6. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  7. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  8. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  9. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  10. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  11. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  12. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  13. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan...
  14. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, ownernya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah
  15. Satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  16. Tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  17. Ketua HIMADATA sekarang
  18. Sterculia foetida, merupakan nama ilmiah dari pohon.
  19. Tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  20. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  21. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  22. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetic…tanaman
  23. Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin
  24. Jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  25. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  26. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  27. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  28. Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman adalah percepatan...

53 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraNama CO PerlengkapanKetua HIMADATA sekarangNama Wakil CO PendampingTempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitinKuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarFathiyah Auliya Adab memiliki jabatan berupa...

TTS PRIMORDIA #2 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  2. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetic…tanaman
  3. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  4. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain.
  5. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  6. Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi.
  7. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan...
  8. Tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  9. Jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  10. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  11. Sterculia foetida, merupakan nama ilmiah dari pohon.
  12. Nama Wakil CO Pendamping
  13. Nama CO Perlengkapan
  14. Fathiyah Auliya Adab memiliki jabatan berupa
  15. Anaphalis…, merupakan tanaman endemik zona alpina di berbagai pegunungan tinggi Nusantara, seperti misalnya di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru.
  16. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  17. pometia .... , merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis. (Pometia)
  18. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  19. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  20. Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman adalah percepatan...
  21. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  22. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  1. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  2. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  3. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  4. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  5. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  6. Mata kuliah di Lab.SDL yang mengajarkan cara budidaya yang menggunakan media yang berbeda adalah
  7. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  8. Ketua HIMADATA sekarang
  9. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  10. Tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  11. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  12. Nama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?
  13. Sumber karbohidrat dan menjadi makanan pokok masyarakat Maluku dan papua yang tinggal di pesisir.
  14. Nama Wakil CO acara
  15. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  16. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  17. Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin
  18. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  19. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  20. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu?
  21. Anggrek…,atau coelogyne pandurate merupakan spesies anggrek yang tumbuh di Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan dan Sumatera.
  22. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  23. Satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  24. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  25. Nama CO PDD
  26. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  27. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  28. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, ownernya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah
  29. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  30. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh

52 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraNama CO PerlengkapanKetua HIMADATA sekarangNama Wakil CO PendampingTempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitinKuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarFathiyah Auliya Adab memiliki jabatan berupa...


RESEARCH CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. common medium for embedding tissue for histology
  2. many small tissue samples in one block
  3. personal protective gear for lab workers
  4. monochromatic stain for resin sections
  5. personal protective gear for lab workers
  6. a safety feature available in all chemical labs
  1. protein produced in response to an antigen
  2. what you should do when the fire alarm goes off
  3. machine used to cut sections from blocks
  4. personal protective gear for lab workers

10 Clues: many small tissue samples in one blockmonochromatic stain for resin sectionspersonal protective gear for lab workersmachine used to cut sections from blockspersonal protective gear for lab workerspersonal protective gear for lab workersprotein produced in response to an antigenwhat you should do when the fire alarm goes off...

Lab Week Crossword 2024-04-04

Lab Week Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Lab and infection control work together for this test
  2. Tests must be completed within 30 minutes
  3. Analyte sensitive to hemolysis
  4. Original street of Scripps Memorial Hospital
  5. Separates the components of blood
  6. Lab phones
  7. National blood supplier
  8. Quick form of transportation
  9. Reason for rejected CBCs
  10. Cardiac biomarker indicating heart damage
  11. Gloves, lab coat, closed toe shoes
  1. Mini tube
  2. Reduces blood flow but aids in blood collection
  3. Prebys
  4. Policies and procedures
  5. Hormone detected in pregnancy tests
  6. Cafeteria
  7. Important timecard action
  8. A sweet treat; grows fastidious bacteria

19 Clues: PrebysMini tubeCafeteriaLab phonesPolicies and proceduresNational blood supplierReason for rejected CBCsImportant timecard actionQuick form of transportationAnalyte sensitive to hemolysisSeparates the components of bloodGloves, lab coat, closed toe shoesHormone detected in pregnancy testsA sweet treat; grows fastidious bacteria...

Microbiology 2023-09-07

Microbiology crossword puzzle
  1. the genetic material that carries information needed to make new cells and new organisms
  2. Lab eye gear
  3. Tool we use to small bacteria
  4. Control center of the cell
  5. Disease that breaks down the body's immune system
  6. organisms that are too small to be seen with unaided eye
  8. The smallest unit that can perform all the processes necessary for life
  9. A protective structure surrounding some fungi and bacteria
  2. A sign of a bacterial infection
  3. Protective gear you wear on your hands
  4. The body's ability to resist infection
  5. Cycle the life cycle of a cell
  6. Study of biology through the microscope
  7. An organism that lives in or on another organism
  8. Contract paper you have to sign to b able to participate

17 Clues: Lab eye gearControl center of the cellTool we use to small bacteriaCycle the life cycle of a cellA sign of a bacterial infectionMICROORGANISM THAT CAUSES DISEASESLIME LAYER AROUND THE BACTERIAL CELLProtective gear you wear on your handsThe body's ability to resist infectionStudy of biology through the microscope...

Lab Week 2017 2017-03-16

Lab Week 2017 crossword puzzle
  1. Instrument in Histology used to cut tissue
  2. What does the M in MRSA stand for?
  3. Procedure used to find compatible blood donors
  4. Emerg specimens are...
  5. Hundreds of these are performed in Hematology each year
  6. Cleaning solution used throughout Lab
  7. What caused the Whooping Cough outbreak?
  8. Cytotechnologist use one of these everyday
  9. Computer system used in the Lab
  10. Universal Donor
  11. Used to spin specimens
  1. Type of Pseudomonas that affects Cystic Fibrosis patients
  2. Department where Urea is performed
  3. Which lab uses the Haemotoxylin and Eosin stain?
  4. Element represented by the letter K
  5. What kind of liquid is in a Light Blue topped tube
  6. What kind of containers are needles disposed into?
  7. Person who draws blood for testing
  8. A lab tech should never do this
  9. Elevated in Diabetics
  10. Blood cell involved in the clotting process
  11. A type of specimen that can be collected for 24 Hours

22 Clues: Universal DonorElevated in DiabeticsEmerg specimens are...Used to spin specimensA lab tech should never do thisComputer system used in the LabDepartment where Urea is performedWhat does the M in MRSA stand for?Person who draws blood for testingElement represented by the letter KCleaning solution used throughout Lab...

Lab Week 2017 2017-03-16

Lab Week 2017 crossword puzzle
  1. Universal Donor
  2. Used to spin specimens
  3. A type of specimen that can be collected for 24 Hours
  4. Cytotechnologist use one of these everyday
  5. Which lab uses the Haemotoxylin and Eosin stain?
  6. Elevated in Diabetics
  7. Hundreds of these are performed in Hematology each year
  8. Computer system used in the Lab
  9. Emerg specimens are...
  10. Element represented by the letter K
  11. What does the M in MRSA stand for?
  12. Cleaning solution used throughout Lab
  1. What caused the Whooping Cough outbreak?
  2. Blood cell involved in the clotting process
  3. Person who draws blood for testing
  4. A lab tech should never do this
  5. Instrument in Histology used to cut tissue
  6. Procedure used to find compatible blood donors
  7. Department where Urea is performed
  8. What kind of containers are needles disposed into?
  9. What kind of liquid is in a Light Blue topped tube
  10. Type of Pseudomonas that affects Cystic Fibrosis patients

22 Clues: Universal DonorElevated in DiabeticsUsed to spin specimensEmerg specimens are...A lab tech should never do thisComputer system used in the LabPerson who draws blood for testingDepartment where Urea is performedWhat does the M in MRSA stand for?Element represented by the letter KCleaning solution used throughout Lab...

Scientific Method & Lab Reports 2022-10-21

Scientific Method & Lab Reports crossword puzzle
  1. the ________ group shows what's "normal"; it shows what happens in everyday life
  2. the section of your lab report that includes the directions, specifically written so that someone can perform them if they wish to use your lab
  3. the __________ question is the question that the lab is attempting to answer
  4. the __________ group is the same as the control group, but is changed by the independent variable
  5. the ______________ variable is the variable that we are changing in the experiment
  6. the section of your lab report that includes the list of items that you used
  7. factors in the experiment that remain the same throughout are referred to as _____________
  8. data that is collected with numbers, often by measuring something
  1. data that is a description, often comes from an observation
  2. the section of your lab report that discusses your data and "answers" your research question
  3. the section of your lab report that includes data, tables, and graphs
  4. the ________ variable is the result that occurs due to the change from the independent variable; we often measure this somehow
  5. a possible explanation for an observation
  6. we use different __________ of the independent variable to get a clearer picture of how the independent variable affects the results
  7. the "name" of your lab report, it concisely describes what your experiment is about
  8. the section of your lab report that includes background information, the research question, and science information talked about in class

16 Clues: a possible explanation for an observationdata that is a description, often comes from an observationdata that is collected with numbers, often by measuring somethingthe section of your lab report that includes data, tables, and graphsthe __________ question is the question that the lab is attempting to answer...

test 2021-09-08

test crossword puzzle
  1. Point on circuit where at least three branches meet
  2. Measurement with units of Ohms
  3. Circuit simulation program
  4. The region on a circuit between two elements
  5. Two resistors have the same voltage across when connected in...
  6. # of points deducted each day assignment is late
  7. Instrument for measuring electrical potential
  8. Section of MATLAB that contains created variables
  9. SI unit of capacitance
  10. Measurement that includes both resistance & reactance
  11. Department's acronym
  12. Writing instrument used for lab notebooks
  13. Shape of a signal's graph
  14. Quantity equal to voltage/resistance
  15. MOSFET is a type of...
  16. Where all data is written in during lab
  17. Last name of "Writing the Laboratory Notebook" author
  18. Component that stores electrical energy in an electric field
  19. Handwriting that is clear and easy to read
  20. Test equipment that can display waveforms
  21. Name of software used with ADK
  22. Current whose direction and magnitude changes with time
  23. Circuits are built on this
  24. Value that determines high/low points of waveform
  25. Analog Discovery connects to PC via...
  26. Block of code used to perform a single action (makes programs more readable)
  1. Company that created the Analog Discovery
  2. last name of physicist credited for voltage and current laws
  3. Calculation type with ideal values
  4. Type of connection where same current flows through multiple components
  5. Waveform type most commonly used in labs
  6. Format of lab report with less requirements
  7. Increases power of signal
  8. Electrical potential difference
  9. Company that developed MATLAB
  10. Section of lab for citations
  11. SI unit of power
  12. SI unit of inductance
  13. Passing someone else's work as one's own
  14. Programming language used in labs
  15. Programming structure that is repeated until a condition is met
  16. Device that allows current to flow easily in just one direction
  17. quantity equal to voltage times current
  18. Measurement with units of inverse second
  19. Diagram that shows relation between variables (can be created in MATLAB)
  20. One may file for this IP when thought to have an invention
  21. Reference point in circuit from which voltages are measured
  22. Current that flows in just one direction
  23. Safety device that protects circuit from excessive current
  24. Component that stores energy in a magnetic field

50 Clues: SI unit of powerDepartment's acronymSI unit of inductanceSI unit of capacitanceMOSFET is a type of...Increases power of signalShape of a signal's graphCircuit simulation programCircuits are built on thisSection of lab for citationsCompany that developed MATLABMeasurement with units of OhmsName of software used with ADK...

Erica Harper's saftey Crossword 2015-10-06

Erica Harper's saftey Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ___ any accidents
  2. ___are never permitted in the storage rooms
  3. long hair , dangling jewelry, and baggy clothes are a ____
  4. ___and equipment instructions must be read carefully before use
  5. never mix in the sinks
  6. long hair must be ___
  7. Horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are
  8. be alert and proceed with
  9. experiments must be closely ___ at all times
  10. when using ___ and other sharp objects always carry tip pointing downward
  11. NO ___ allowed in the lab
  1. this should not be warn without permission from the instructor
  2. one yell out ___ if you or anyone else gets hurt
  3. always work in a well-_____ area
  4. dress____ during lab
  5. keep__ away from face, eyes, and mouth
  6. Experiments are authorized by the
  7. anytime ____ is used students will wear goggles
  8. drill know what to do if there is a ____ during lab
  9. handle all living ___ used in lab in a humane manner

20 Clues: ___ any accidentsdress____ during lablong hair must be ___never mix in the sinksbe alert and proceed withNO ___ allowed in the labalways work in a well-_____ areaExperiments are authorized by thekeep__ away from face, eyes, and mouthHorseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are___are never permitted in the storage rooms...

Lab Week 2017 2017-04-03

Lab Week 2017 crossword puzzle
  1. Procedure used to find compatible blood donors
  2. What kind of containers are needles disposed into?
  3. Which lab uses the Haemotoxylin and Eosin stain?
  4. Used to spin specimens
  5. Cytotechnologist use one of these everyday
  6. What caused the Whooping Cough outbreak?
  7. Person who draws blood for testing
  8. Emergency specimens are...
  9. Hundreds of these are performed in Hematology each year
  10. A type of specimen that can be collected for 24 Hours
  11. Elevated in Diabetics
  12. Blood cell involved in the clotting process
  1. What does the M in MRSA stand for?
  2. Department where Urea is performed
  3. Cleaning solution used throughout Lab
  4. Type of Pseudomonas that affects Cystic Fibrosis patients
  5. What kind of liquid is in a Light Blue topped tube
  6. A lab tech should never do this
  7. Computer system used in the Lab
  8. Universal Donor
  9. Instrument in Histology used to cut tissue
  10. Element represented by the letter K

22 Clues: Universal DonorElevated in DiabeticsUsed to spin specimensEmergency specimens are...A lab tech should never do thisComputer system used in the LabWhat does the M in MRSA stand for?Department where Urea is performedPerson who draws blood for testingElement represented by the letter KCleaning solution used throughout Lab...

Medical Laboratory Week 2017-04-06

Medical Laboratory Week crossword puzzle
  1. Gets to the heart of the matter.
  2. You get the point.
  3. Can't live without it!
  4. Component of blood.
  5. Couldn't do our jobs with out you!
  6. Not a type of TV.
  7. All the better to see you with.
  8. Stop the germ spread.
  9. Point on one end, plunger on the other.
  10. Not a "Vampire"
  11. Not your average Q-tip!
  12. Has wings.
  1. Round and round it goes.
  2. BLOOD CELL Pocket purse of hemoglobin.
  3. Phlebotomists love to find them, as so often they hide!
  4. This department likes both red and white.
  5. Some lab garbage.
  6. Right Now!
  7. Yes, we can read what the Doctor wrote on it...usually!
  8. Lab person in the know.
  9. When you need it, we make sure it's right for you.
  10. A little lab gift.
  11. Chocolate, Yellow, or Black?
  12. A little "buggy" department.

24 Clues: Right Now!Has wings.Not a "Vampire"Some lab garbage.Not a type of TV.You get the point.A little lab gift.Component of blood.Stop the germ spread.Can't live without it!Lab person in the know.Not your average Q-tip!Round and round it goes.Chocolate, Yellow, or Black?A little "buggy" department.All the better to see you with....

National Lab Week 2018 2018-04-16

National Lab Week 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. Phlebotomists love to find them, as so often they hide!
  2. Not a type of TV.
  3. Some Lab garbage.
  4. Can't live without it!
  5. Couldn't do our jobs with out you!
  6. Not a "Vampire".
  7. Yes, we can read what the Doctor wrote on it...usually!
  8. BLOOD CELL Pocket purse of hemoglobin.
  9. This department likes both red and white.
  10. Gets to the heart of the matter
  11. When you need it, we make sure it 's right for you.
  12. Component of blood.
  1. A little "buggy" department
  2. Chocolate, Yellow, or Black?
  3. Stop the germ spread.
  4. Not your average Q-tip!
  5. Round and round it goes.
  6. Has wings.
  7. A little Lab gift.
  8. Lab person in the know.
  9. All the better to see you with
  10. Right Now!
  11. Point on one end, plunger on the other
  12. You get the point.

24 Clues: Has wings.Right Now!Not a "Vampire".Not a type of TV.Some Lab garbage.A little Lab gift.You get the point.Component of blood.Stop the germ spread.Can't live without it!Not your average Q-tip!Lab person in the know.Round and round it goes.A little "buggy" departmentChocolate, Yellow, or Black?All the better to see you with...


LABWEEK CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Round and round it goes.
  2. Not a type of TV.
  3. Point on one end, plunger on the other
  4. A little "buggy" department
  5. Lab person in the know.
  6. You get the point.
  7. Couldn't do our jobs without you!
  8. Some Lab garbage.
  9. What the people of Gondor call The One Ring
  10. Right Now!
  11. Yes, we can read what the Doctor wrote on it...usually!
  12. Can't live without it!
  1. A little Lab gift.
  2. This department likes both red and white.
  3. All the better to see you with
  4. Pocket purse of hemoglobin.
  5. Phlebotomists love to find them, as so often they hide!
  6. Not your average Q-tip!
  7. Not a "Vampire".
  8. Component of blood.
  9. Gets to the heart of the matter
  10. Chocolate, Yellow, or Black?
  11. When you need it, we make sure it's right for you.
  12. Stop the germ spread.
  13. Has wings.

25 Clues: Has wings.Right Now!Not a "Vampire".Not a type of TV.Some Lab garbage.A little Lab gift.You get the point.Component of blood.Stop the germ spread.Can't live without it!Not your average Q-tip!Lab person in the know.Round and round it goes.Pocket purse of hemoglobin.A little "buggy" departmentChocolate, Yellow, or Black?All the better to see you with...

Lab Week Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-11

Lab Week Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Microscopic anatomy
  2. A component of blood
  3. We have parts without the person
  4. The pee patch
  5. Lab person in the know
  6. right now
  7. A little buggy department
  8. Stop the spread of germs
  9. You can't live without it
  10. you use me all day, everyday
  11. Phlebotomists love to find them
  12. You get the point
  13. Not a vampire
  14. Sample of tissue for examination
  1. The department likes both red and white
  2. Not a kind of TV
  3. Loves flowers
  4. Chocolate, yellow or black
  5. The study of cells
  6. All the better to see you with
  7. Gets to the heart of the matter
  8. Round and round it goes
  9. A little lab gift
  10. Point on one end, plunger on the other
  11. Our color is blue
  12. Lab garbage
  13. Yes we can read what the doctor wrote... usually
  14. Not your average Q-tip
  15. Some couples have it, some don't

29 Clues: right nowLab garbageLoves flowersThe pee patchNot a vampireNot a kind of TVA little lab giftOur color is blueYou get the pointThe study of cellsMicroscopic anatomyA component of bloodLab person in the knowNot your average Q-tipRound and round it goesStop the spread of germsA little buggy departmentYou can't live without itChocolate, yellow or black...

Lab Week 2022 2022-04-05

Lab Week 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. Without clotting factors
  2. Search here for test details
  3. Not too tight, not too loose
  4. Only fill this tube halfway
  5. Reconciliation pay
  6. New urine chemistry test at La Jolla
  7. Ate a double-cheeseburger before draw
  8. Vacuum system
  9. Used for hard sticks
  10. Time to complete test; permanent ink
  11. Necessary for drawing
  12. "Lab plastic wrap"
  1. Be fast
  2. Lab director
  3. Used to track out
  4. Helpful people in blue/green
  5. Optimal growing temperatures
  6. Face of the lab
  7. Sticker
  8. An important middle name; our building
  9. Hemolyzed/clotted/delta check

21 Clues: Be fastStickerLab directorVacuum systemFace of the labUsed to track outReconciliation pay"Lab plastic wrap"Used for hard sticksNecessary for drawingWithout clotting factorsOnly fill this tube halfwaySearch here for test detailsNot too tight, not too looseHelpful people in blue/greenOptimal growing temperaturesHemolyzed/clotted/delta check...

FUN ACTIVITY 2023-08-30

FUN ACTIVITY crossword puzzle
  1. physical property of a metal that can be drawn into the thin wire
  2. The basic unit of a chemical element
  3. Purifying liquid by heating and cooling down
  4. Number one thing you need when doing a Lab
  1. Has 22 protons
  2. The class we are taking
  3. the negatively charged particles
  4. the quality of something that can be shaped

8 Clues: Has 22 protonsThe class we are takingthe negatively charged particlesThe basic unit of a chemical elementNumber one thing you need when doing a Labthe quality of something that can be shapedPurifying liquid by heating and cooling downphysical property of a metal that can be drawn into the thin wire

Lab Equipment & Safety 2021-12-06

Lab Equipment & Safety crossword puzzle
  1. tweezers used to pick up a small amount of substance
  2. tongs without a rubber coating, used to pick up very hot containers
  3. when heating these, hold the open end away from yourself and others
  4. used to measure the temperature of a substance
  5. this tester can be used for metals, if it lights up then the metal has good ________
  1. used to hold several test tubes at once
  2. these must be worn in the lab when dealing with heat, glass, or chemicals
  3. these are not allowed in the lab even if they have tight fitting lids
  4. a triangle used to hold a crucible or small dish above a flame, can also be used to hold a funnel for filtration

9 Clues: used to hold several test tubes at onceused to measure the temperature of a substancetweezers used to pick up a small amount of substancetongs without a rubber coating, used to pick up very hot containerswhen heating these, hold the open end away from yourself and othersthese are not allowed in the lab even if they have tight fitting lids...

Lab Safety Crossword 2022-01-17

Lab Safety Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Provides a safe environment when handling dangerous chemicals.
  2. Contains bandages and sterilizing wipes.
  3. Washes chemical off of clothing and skin.
  4. Rinses chemicals out of eyes.
  5. If a test tube were broken, you would put it here.
  6. For chemical waste.
  1. Pull pin, aim, squeeze, and pass over fire.
  2. Provides safety concerns and procedures for handling and storing chemicals.
  3. Wrapped around a person or thing on fire.

9 Clues: For chemical waste.Rinses chemicals out of eyes.Contains bandages and sterilizing wipes.Wrapped around a person or thing on fire.Washes chemical off of clothing and skin.Pull pin, aim, squeeze, and pass over fire.If a test tube were broken, you would put it here.Provides a safe environment when handling dangerous chemicals....

Chemistry Crossword 1 2022-08-29

Chemistry Crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a measure of volume
  2. a measure of length
  3. what you should do at the end of lab
  4. energy of motion
  5. When you write down a measurement, you need the number and the ____
  6. eye protection in lab
  7. "It's so hot out! It's over 25 degrees ____"
  8. Kelvin, Fahrenheit, and Celsius all measure this
  9. the type of energy we give off when we get hot
  10. what you need to bring for lab
  11. "kg" means
  12. CER: _____, evidence, reasoning
  1. 1000 of something
  2. Unit of mass
  3. what we measure with a watch and a calendar
  4. the energy in food and fuel
  5. in lab, we don't sniff we _____
  6. energy phones use
  7. One milliliter is equally to one centimeter_____
  8. What a scale measures when you stand on it
  9. feet, inches, and kilometers all measure this
  10. the unit scientists use for energy
  11. one hundredth of something

23 Clues: "kg" meansUnit of massenergy of motion1000 of somethingenergy phones usea measure of volumea measure of lengtheye protection in labone hundredth of somethingthe energy in food and fuelwhat you need to bring for labin lab, we don't sniff we _____CER: _____, evidence, reasoningthe unit scientists use for energywhat you should do at the end of lab...

Laboratory Professionals Week 2021 2021-04-19

Laboratory Professionals Week 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. When you need it, we make sure it's the right type!
  2. Not a "vampire"
  3. Pocket purse of hemoglobin
  4. Can't live without it!
  5. A "buggy" department
  6. Chocolate, Yellow, or Black?
  7. Blue is all we use!
  8. You get the point
  9. Round and round it goes!
  10. Not your average Q-tip!
  11. Sometimes we can read what the doctor wrote on it
  12. The department that likes red and white
  13. The pee patch
  1. I have wings, but I can't fly
  2. Lab person in the know!
  3. All better to see you with, my dear
  4. We have the parts without the person
  5. What we don't do, someone else will!
  6. Not a type of tv
  7. Some lab garbage
  8. Point of one end, plunger on the other
  9. phlebotomists love to find them!
  10. Stopping the spread of germs
  11. Right now!!!!
  12. A little lab gift
  13. Component of blood

26 Clues: Right now!!!!The pee patchNot a "vampire"Not a type of tvSome lab garbageA little lab giftYou get the pointComponent of bloodBlue is all we use!A "buggy" departmentCan't live without it!Lab person in the know!Not your average Q-tip!Round and round it goes!Pocket purse of hemoglobinChocolate, Yellow, or Black?Stopping the spread of germs...


  1. Type and screens are performed in the _______ bank.
  2. Sani-______ are used to clean counter-tops.
  3. Her office is in the Quality Management/Conference Room.
  4. Payday falls on this day of the week.
  5. This is always on the menu during Lab Week...usually with pepperoni.
  6. In Sunquest, function 'PL' generates a _________ log.
  7. Lutheran provides medical services to anyone, even if they do not have _____________.
  8. If the barcode _______ is not placed correctly, instrument errors can occur.
  9. Used by pathologists to get a closer look.
  10. A good phlebotomist can find this on the first try.
  11. Some techs cannot wear latex ________ due to an allergy.
  12. She is the Administrative Assistant for the Pathology Office.
  13. The name of the Lab computer system.
  14. The recent health scare was caused by the ________ virus.
  1. Dr. Gonzalez's first name.
  2. Last name of the Lab I.T. Supervisor.
  3. The company that installed our track system.
  4. GC/Chlamydia testing is done on this instrument.
  5. A ___________ result needs to be called immediately.
  6. Last name of the CP Evening Supervisor.
  7. The last word in R.A.C.E. is ____________.
  8. Last name of the Point Of Care supervisor.
  9. Last name of the General Lab Evening/Night Supervisor.
  10. Lab I.T. is now called Lab ____________.
  11. NYU stands for New York ______________.
  12. P.P.E. stands for Personal Protective ____________.
  13. Last name of the Hematology Supervisor.
  14. The third word in P.A.S.S. is _________.
  15. Dr. Wong's first name.
  16. Our main reference laboratory.

30 Clues: Dr. Wong's first name.Dr. Gonzalez's first name.Our main reference laboratory.The name of the Lab computer system.Last name of the Lab I.T. Supervisor.Payday falls on this day of the week.Last name of the CP Evening Supervisor.NYU stands for New York ______________.Last name of the Hematology Supervisor.Lab I.T. is now called Lab ____________....

The Donor Puzzle: Matching Mysteries 2024-02-03

The Donor Puzzle: Matching Mysteries crossword puzzle
  1. What is our favorite flower, here at our lab?
  2. Some people have it, some people don't
  3. A staple of office life, this device transforms digital documents into physical form.
  4. Who makes Wednesdays a little bit sweeter
  5. What software do we use to to manage patient data, store test results, and generate reports
  6. Essential for viewing the microscopic world, this instrument brings the small into focus
  7. The intersection of genetics and the body's defense mechanisms.
  8. What UCSF tool do we use to purchase our goods and services
  9. A portion of a sample used for testing or analysis
  11. Someone who voluntarily donates an organ or tissue while still alive
  12. Using a computer to add test results to patient records is a type of ________ entry.
  13. What online database do we use to manage our SOP's
  14. A digital guardian of correspondence and communication in the modern office.
  15. A device of precision, used for transferring small amounts of liquid
  1. The key to a second chance at life
  2. In its whirl, molecules separate, obeying the unyielding laws of density and physics.
  3. A guardian of accuracy, this role demands precision and a meticulous nature, beyond mere observation.
  4. I'm a summary of facts, findings, or recommendations,Given after investigation or study, without reservations. What am I
  5. The lifeblood of experiments, these are often carefully measured and mixed.
  6. Lab test for matching organ donors and recipients
  7. Area maintained with meticulous cleanliness standards
  8. Not just a tally of reds and whites, but a comprehensive profile revealing hydration, infection, and more
  9. The acronym for the organization that manages the national transplant waiting list in the United States
  10. They’re made of nitrile, vinyl, neoprene, or latex
  11. A substance that causes an immune response, leading to the production of antibodies
  12. What is Dr. Raj constantly working on
  13. In a lab as in any place, _________ first!

28 Clues: RIGHT AWAY!The key to a second chance at lifeWhat is Dr. Raj constantly working onSome people have it, some people don'tWho makes Wednesdays a little bit sweeterIn a lab as in any place, _________ first!What is our favorite flower, here at our lab?Lab test for matching organ donors and recipientsA portion of a sample used for testing or analysis...

Lab. 2021-03-01

Lab. crossword puzzle
  1. x-ray dye called contrast is injected into blood vessels
  2. used to listen for the sounds of the heart
  3. the heart is not efficiently pumping from the left ventricle
  4. a prefix suffix or root word meaning pain
  5. a prefix suffix or root word meaning inflammation
  6. a prefix suffix or root word meaning clot
  7. when a part of the heart doesn’t get the blood flow it needs
  8. swollen and dilated veins
  9. the muscular tissue of the heart
  10. works as a pump that pushes blood to the organs, tissues, and cells of your body
  11. you walk on a treadmill or ride a bike to see how hard the heart is working
  1. records heart activity to show a possible pattern for the symptoms the patient may be having.
  2. Abbreviation meaning nothing by mouth
  3. a prefix suffix or root word meaning visual examination with a lighted instrument
  4. Abbreviation meaning potassium chloride
  5. carry oxygen-poor blood back to your heart
  6. place where that oxygen, nutrients, and wastes are exchanged between the blood and the tissues.
  7. when a artery has weakened the wall causing it to swell and turn into a balloon or sack
  8. records the electrical activity of the heart
  9. carry oxygen-rich blood away from your heart
  10. Abbreviation meaning point of maximum impulse of the heart when felt during examination
  11. completely stopping the heart
  12. a prefix suffix or root word meaning surgical repair
  13. Abbreviation meaning atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  14. Abbreviation meaning electrocardiogram

25 Clues: swollen and dilated veinscompletely stopping the heartthe muscular tissue of the heartAbbreviation meaning nothing by mouthAbbreviation meaning electrocardiogramAbbreviation meaning potassium chloridea prefix suffix or root word meaning paina prefix suffix or root word meaning clotcarry oxygen-poor blood back to your heart...

Lab 2024-04-16

Lab crossword puzzle
  1. Protective garment worn to cover the body and clothing during laboratory work
  2. Computer software used in our laboratory
  3. Gram positive cocci in clusters
  4. Ow! That’s too tight
  5. To draw blood !
  6. Used to measure temperature
  7. Antigen used in RPR test
  8. Listeria _________________________
  9. ‘Bad’ Cholesterol
  10. Panic value
  11. Pos or Neg result
  12. Bank where you find O,A,B,AB in bags
  13. Process by which blood forms clots
  14. Device used to read blood smears and gram stains
  15. Gap calculation using NA , K ,CL ,CO2
  1. Drug sometimes illegally produced in a home laboratory
  2. Laboratory tool used to transport a measured volume of liquid
  3. Device used to separate whole blood into cells and serum or plasma
  4. Protective covering for the hand often used in the laboratory
  5. The clumping of cells as aided by agglutins
  6. International normalised ratio
  7. Where all the bugs are
  8. Anticoagulant in lavender tube
  9. Blood in stool
  10. This is the ‘E’ in E.coli
  11. Accrediting agency for the laboratory
  12. Device used to mix or stir substances in a container
  13. Device use for measuring the mass of an object
  14. Where do PAP smears go
  15. Pancreatic enzyme
  16. Liver enzyme
  17. Anticoagulant-warfarin

32 Clues: Panic valueLiver enzymeBlood in stoolTo draw blood !‘Bad’ CholesterolPos or Neg resultPancreatic enzymeOw! That’s too tightWhere all the bugs areWhere do PAP smears goAnticoagulant-warfarinAntigen used in RPR testThis is the ‘E’ in E.coliUsed to measure temperatureInternational normalised ratioAnticoagulant in lavender tube...

Lab Tools and Safety 2021-08-24

Lab Tools and Safety crossword puzzle
  1. usually measure liquid volumes in milliliters (mL)
  2. is used to measure the weight of an object, which is the force of gravity acting on it.
  3. sed to measure time in seconds and minutes
  4. used to measure length
  5. very bottom of the curve of liquid in the cylinder.
  6. Beam Balance used to measure the mass of solid objects. It has three beams that each measure mass to a different unit place (ones, tens, hundreds)
  1. used to view objects that are very far away, such as planets and moons.
  2. seeing objects that are distant, but not as far away as space
  3. measures in U.S. system units, such as ounces and cups.
  4. long, narrow type of glassware in which liquids can be stored and heated.
  5. a tool that detects magnetic fields
  6. used to view objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye, such as cells
  7. Cylinder A graduated cylinder is used to measure the volume of liquids in milliliters (mL) or liters (L)

13 Clues: used to measure lengtha tool that detects magnetic fieldssed to measure time in seconds and minutesusually measure liquid volumes in milliliters (mL)very bottom of the curve of liquid in the cylinder.measures in U.S. system units, such as ounces and cups.seeing objects that are distant, but not as far away as space...


SCIENTIFIC MINDSET! crossword puzzle
  1. the Earth has a _____________ of 23.5 degrees
  2. if gravity wins out, on object in water will _______
  3. the force that pulls us downward the Earth
  4. Earth is a ____________.
  5. without the moon, we couldn't predict the _______
  6. you must have your _____________ everyday.
  7. an event or object that scientists study
  1. out of seat, walking around = #1 cause of _______
  2. the heaviness of an person or thing
  3. This is the force that pushes upward in a liquid
  4. achieved if weight or force is equal
  5. the moon is responsible for these, here on Earth
  6. In the science lab,Mr.G worries about your _______
  7. This friend of the Earth is 237,000 miles away
  8. used to sweep the floor
  9. we follow time with this, due to the moons orbit

16 Clues: used to sweep the floorEarth is a ____________.the heaviness of an person or thingachieved if weight or force is equalan event or object that scientists studythe force that pulls us downward the Earthyou must have your _____________ everyday.the Earth has a _____________ of 23.5 degreesThis friend of the Earth is 237,000 miles away...

Safety 2021-09-24

Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Always wear these when instructed to protect your eyes
  2. These should be reported to the teacher immediately
  3. Use extreme caution when using this tool that can be used to heat a substance
  4. Handle this breakable science lab tool with care. If it is broken, don't pick it up
  5. Follow these directions given by your teacher to be successful
  6. Learn where this is located in the classroom and how to use it in case of an emergency.
  1. Always carry this with two hands
  2. Science students and their parents must sign this in order to participate in labs
  3. Consider all of these to be dangerous
  4. Keep this neat and clean. Put away any materials that are not needed for the lab
  5. Only authorized and approved ____________ should be performed in the lab
  6. Do not touch any equipment, supplies, animals, or other materials in the science room without getting this from the teacher.
  7. This must be tied back to be safe in the lab
  8. Never open these storage areas in the science lab without permission
  9. Handle all ________with care and respect.
  10. This rough behavior is prohibited in the science lab
  11. Keep your hands away from this area of your body when using science materials
  12. Never eat, drink, chew gum, or _______ anything in the science room

18 Clues: Always carry this with two handsConsider all of these to be dangerousHandle all ________with care and respect.This must be tied back to be safe in the labThese should be reported to the teacher immediatelyThis rough behavior is prohibited in the science labAlways wear these when instructed to protect your eyes...

All Things Lab 2016-04-26

All Things Lab crossword puzzle
  1. Chocolate, Yellow, or Black?
  2. some lab garbage
  3. lab person in the know
  4. pocket purse of hemoglobin
  5. Right Now!
  6. component of blood
  7. yes, we can read what the Doctor wrote on it...usually
  8. a little lab gift
  9. not a type of TV
  10. gets to the heart of the matter
  11. this department likes both red and white
  1. stop the germ spread
  2. not a vampire
  3. all the better to see you with
  4. can't live without it
  5. a little "buggy" department
  6. round and round it goes
  7. when you need it, we make sure it's right for you
  8. has wings
  9. point on one end, plunger on the other
  10. phlebotomists love to find them, as so often they hide!
  11. you get the point
  12. not your average Q-tip
  13. couldn't do our jobs without you!

24 Clues: has wingsRight Now!not a vampiresome lab garbagenot a type of TVyou get the pointa little lab giftcomponent of bloodstop the germ spreadcan't live without itlab person in the knownot your average Q-tipround and round it goespocket purse of hemoglobina little "buggy" departmentChocolate, Yellow, or Black?all the better to see you with...

M3E holiday crossword 2023-12-19

M3E holiday crossword crossword puzzle
  1. gets a closer look
  2. lab coats are form of this
  3. observe universal ___
  4. voted worst instrument by M3E lab
  5. red bags for this
  6. staff preferred over bleach
  7. round & round it goes
  8. cardiac marker test performed
  9. both flushes & flows
  1. LIS
  2. stored in Lg flammable cabinet
  3. rejection for Heme/Coag
  4. panels come in basic or complete
  5. lab team front-liners
  6. immediately
  7. kidney waste material
  8. hand protection

17 Clues: LISimmediatelyhand protectionred bags for thisgets a closer lookboth flushes & flowsobserve universal ___lab team front-linerskidney waste materialround & round it goesrejection for Heme/Coaglab coats are form of thisstaff preferred over bleachcardiac marker test performedstored in Lg flammable cabinetpanels come in basic or complete...

Lab Safety and Equipment 2014-08-28

Lab Safety and Equipment crossword puzzle
  1. used to hold a test tube over heat
  2. measures very small amount of liquid
  3. how you must keep your lab work area
  4. cleans lab equipment
  5. you must never do this is the classroom
  6. measures mass/weight
  7. cone shaped used to mix and store chemicals
  1. protects eyes
  2. measures and pours liquids in cylindar shaped
  3. aids in pouring liquids into small containers
  4. used to mix substances
  5. you notify this person when something breaks or spills
  6. measures, pours, mixes, and can heat up

13 Clues: protects eyescleans lab equipmentmeasures mass/weightused to mix substancesused to hold a test tube over heatmeasures very small amount of liquidhow you must keep your lab work areayou must never do this is the classroommeasures, pours, mixes, and can heat upcone shaped used to mix and store chemicalsmeasures and pours liquids in cylindar shaped...

Safety in the lab 2023-11-20

Safety in the lab crossword puzzle
  1. has three legs and used to place vessels being heated
  2. should be cleaned up immediately
  3. value that is important to scientists
  4. corrosive
  5. sign seen at a gas station
  6. causes eyes to burn
  7. verbal or written directions which must be followed
  8. used to carefully pour liquid into narrow vessel
  1. may produce explosive substance
  2. insecticide
  3. test tube, thermometer, beaker are all _____
  4. not permitted in lab as student may become ill
  5. explodes when heated

13 Clues: corrosiveinsecticidecauses eyes to burnexplodes when heatedsign seen at a gas stationmay produce explosive substanceshould be cleaned up immediatelyvalue that is important to scientiststest tube, thermometer, beaker are all _____not permitted in lab as student may become illused to carefully pour liquid into narrow vessel...

Lab safety 2020-06-19

Lab safety crossword puzzle
  1. can be removed using chemical fume hoods
  2. must be worn during using the biological incubators
  3. are high-frequency sound generators
  4. are used for the growth of bacterial cultures
  1. traffic in front of hoods should be decreased
  2. must be worn during sonication

6 Clues: must be worn during sonicationare high-frequency sound generatorscan be removed using chemical fume hoodstraffic in front of hoods should be decreasedare used for the growth of bacterial culturesmust be worn during using the biological incubators

Lab Safety 2017-09-13

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. to infer or estimate by extending what is known
  2. addresses your hypothesis and states whether it was true or not
  3. the variable that reacts to the independent variable
  1. variable that stays the same
  2. group is tested without changing the independent variable
  3. the act of nothing and recording something

6 Clues: variable that stays the samethe act of nothing and recording somethingto infer or estimate by extending what is knownthe variable that reacts to the independent variablegroup is tested without changing the independent variableaddresses your hypothesis and states whether it was true or not

Lab Safety 2022-09-19

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Do not use lab containers for ________.
  2. Listen for _______ _____ at the end of the lab
  3. Do not touch, _______, or smell chemicals unless you are instructed to
  1. __________ should be taken from the laboratory, unless instructed to do so by the teacher.
  2. Never perform experiments or use any __________ without proper instruction. Follow all instructions.
  3. Always ___________ carefully while doing a lab

6 Clues: Do not use lab containers for ________.Listen for _______ _____ at the end of the labAlways ___________ carefully while doing a labDo not touch, _______, or smell chemicals unless you are instructed to__________ should be taken from the laboratory, unless instructed to do so by the teacher....

Lab Safety 2024-09-25

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Pipettes with a bulb in the shaft, that are graduated for a fixed amount.
  2. Tube additive for blood bank analysis.
  3. Containers that serve as waste receptacles for items that can puncture a plastic bag.
  1. Red bags used to identify the contents as biologically hazardous are termed.
  2. Pipettes used to reconstitute calibrators.
  3. Blood culture analyzer that detects microbial growth.

6 Clues: Tube additive for blood bank analysis.Pipettes used to reconstitute calibrators.Blood culture analyzer that detects microbial growth.Pipettes with a bulb in the shaft, that are graduated for a fixed amount.Red bags used to identify the contents as biologically hazardous are termed....

Safety crossword puzzle 2016-08-21

Safety crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. I Will Always Use Care And Follow Teacher ____________
  2. I will always get teacher's __________
  3. I will never Run,____
  1. I Will Inform The Teacher Of Any _________
  2. I Will Always Wear ______________
  3. or ____ around in the lab

6 Clues: I will never Run,____or ____ around in the labI Will Always Wear ______________I will always get teacher's __________I Will Inform The Teacher Of Any _________I Will Always Use Care And Follow Teacher ____________

Lab 2021-07-01

Lab crossword puzzle
  1. second book of the Bible
  2. windstorm
  3. referring to water
  4. eight in Spanish
  5. Bruce Banner’s alter ego
  6. the only blonde Bond
  7. aggressive type of bee
  8. awake at both night and day
  9. shopping conglomerate
  10. the Caped Crusader
  11. Jekyll’s alter ego
  12. gemstone
  13. Belgian breakfast food
  14. to climb a mountain
  15. flies in the wind
  16. fur cap
  17. Nashville NFL team
  18. Tom Cruise’s kind of business
  19. entertainer of the court
  20. shoe brand or goddess of victory
  21. first Roman emperor
  22. opposite of under
  23. the capital of Guinea
  24. evil
  25. longest river in Africa
  26. “Let there be ___ “
  27. one of the four seasons
  28. condiment
  29. famed product of Ancient China
  1. “The Color ___ “
  2. Russian spirit
  3. abbreviation for New Orleans
  4. oily
  5. Norse god of mischief
  6. Indonesian vacation hub
  7. Spanish plantation
  8. to dry yourself with
  9. ruler of Ancient Egypt
  10. as in energy
  11. a baby sheep
  12. famed Snow of Game of Thrones
  13. deer meat
  14. Islam’s holiest tome
  15. “let them eat ___ “
  16. drink of the gods
  17. the upper class
  18. is there anything behind it?
  19. Mongolian ox
  20. disgusting
  21. a proverbial saying
  22. Egyptian lord of the dead
  23. friendly Apple assistant
  24. family
  25. the flower of France
  26. henchman
  27. 27th President
  28. what God created
  29. small nugget of metal
  30. Texas University alum
  31. Lord of the Flies protagonist
  32. Federer’s sport

61 Clues: oilyevilfamilyfur capgemstonehenchmanwindstormdeer meatcondimentdisgustingas in energya baby sheepMongolian oxRussian spirit27th Presidentthe upper classFederer’s sport“The Color ___ “eight in Spanishwhat God createddrink of the godsflies in the windopposite of underreferring to waterSpanish plantationthe Caped CrusaderJekyll’s alter ego...

lab 2024-03-05

lab crossword puzzle
  1. tu parler
  2. il frapper
  3. nous jeter
  4. il batter
  5. tu coper
  6. elle jouer
  7. elle courer
  8. vous aller
  9. elle crusse
  10. vous aurier
  11. je eumer
  12. nous aimer
  1. vous dechoyer
  2. nous lirrer
  3. je mettere
  4. je aider
  5. tu acguerrer
  6. vous marcher
  7. ils couper
  8. je sauter
  9. tu manger

21 Clues: je aidertu coperje eumertu parleril batterje sautertu mangeril frapperje metterenous jeterelle jouervous allerils coupernous aimernous lirrerelle courerelle crussevous auriertu acguerrervous marchervous dechoyer

Jacob Villeneuve Assignment #1 2021-09-12

Jacob Villeneuve Assignment #1 crossword puzzle
  1. The place _ button is where to access source components
  2. Invalid marks should be _ out
  3. "Writing the Laboratory Notebook” is written by Howard M. _
  4. The ADK is equipped with a two-channel _
  5. If the 2231A-30-3 is wired together in _ the channels can be combined
  6. The 2231A-30-3 functions with three isolated _ channels
  7. Pre-labs serve as _ for the full length lab report
  8. Students are each assigned a _ when first entering the lab
  9. Labs that are _ only contains seven out of the ten typically required sections
  10. The AFG1062 is capable of high z load _
  11. There is no _ in the lab
  12. We don't solder using _ solder
  13. When the 2231A-30-3 displays "CC" it is in constant _ mode
  14. User defined _ are utilized in MATLAB programming
  15. The MDO34 is capable of _ from 100 MHz to 1 GHz
  16. The AFG1062 supports _ generators
  17. Multisim is a piece of _ for simulating circuits
  18. The 2231A-30-3 is equipped with _ protection (OTP)
  19. To _ a project, the green play button is utilized
  20. To get credit for lecture, students must respond to weekly _ entries
  21. Attendance is _ in both lab and lecture
  22. The end of each page should be _ and dated
  23. Two _ are deducted each day after material due day
  24. MATLAB can perform mathematical _ and run scripts
  1. The MDO34 can perform _ domain measurements
  2. _ can be defined in MATLAB without establishing a type
  3. A form of the Analog Discovery is _ for the course
  4. The MDO34 comes equipped with a _ analyzer
  5. Double clicking allows for _ to be placed
  6. Email _ must begin with the class name
  7. The MDO34 has a _ display
  8. The ADK connects to computers via _
  9. Lab _ is required to conduct experiments during lab sessions
  10. The notebook should only be written in with a _
  11. The software the ADK uses is _
  12. Quick _ can be input through the command line without creating a script
  13. There are _ distinct sections of notebook keeping
  14. The _ is practically an all-in-one benchtop kit
  15. The MDO34 can use up to _ channels
  16. In order to enter student ID and name onto a project, placing _ is required
  17. To prevent accidentally late work, material should be submitted before the _
  18. The AFG1062 operates up to _ volts peak to peak
  19. The AFG1062 also utilizes a _ counter
  20. Fires in the lab are never put out with _
  21. The ADK power supply can output up to five _
  22. Lab proficiency evaluations occur in the _
  23. The AFG1062 supports up to _ channels
  24. When entering the lab, students must _ in
  25. MATLAB can effectively _ data from arrays
  26. When the 2231A-30-3 is connected to a PC, it can accept various _

50 Clues: There is no _ in the labThe MDO34 has a _ displayInvalid marks should be _ outThe software the ADK uses is _We don't solder using _ solderThe AFG1062 supports _ generatorsThe MDO34 can use up to _ channelsThe ADK connects to computers via _The AFG1062 also utilizes a _ counterThe AFG1062 supports up to _ channels...

NextGen Puzzle 2022-04-25

NextGen Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Multicolor wrap
  2. Compression bandage
  3. Culture tube
  4. A test that checks for foreign invaders
  5. An enzyme present in saliva
  6. Lab equipment that detects color
  7. Phlebotomy target
  1. "You spin me, right round baby"
  2. A type of bandaid
  3. The study of blood
  4. Lab full of Heroes
  5. Lab dish
  6. A type of electrolyte
  7. Counting only White
  8. Series of tests
  9. Counting only Red

16 Clues: Lab dishCulture tubeMulticolor wrapSeries of testsA type of bandaidCounting only RedPhlebotomy targetThe study of bloodLab full of HeroesCompression bandageCounting only WhiteA type of electrolyteAn enzyme present in saliva"You spin me, right round baby"Lab equipment that detects colorA test that checks for foreign invaders

Safety and Equipment 2014-08-12

Safety and Equipment crossword puzzle
  1. Should be worn to protect the eyes in the lab
  2. What you should always do when you are unsure about something in the lab
  3. This should be done everytime you finish using chemicals or bacteria in the lab
  4. This is the last thing you do when you have finished a lab and before you leave
  5. This should only be used on large fires, pointed at their base and never at a person
  6. These rectangular pieces of glass are used with microscopes
  7. What you should do if your clothes catch on fire
  8. After handling chemicals or microorganisms, you should keep your hands from these places
  9. What should be done with long hair in the lab
  10. Instrument with a sharp blade used when disecting
  1. Glassware that should be used to measure exact volumes
  2. Do not use glassware if this occurs
  3. Used to produce and enlarge image of a cell
  4. This is always added to the water, and not the other way around
  5. You should only heat glassware that has one of these two labels stamped on it
  6. This should be read before using any chemical
  7. Do not sniff chemicals in the lab,____ them
  8. Used to hold chemicals that are being heated and should always be slanted away from people

18 Clues: Do not use glassware if this occursUsed to produce and enlarge image of a cellDo not sniff chemicals in the lab,____ themShould be worn to protect the eyes in the labThis should be read before using any chemicalWhat should be done with long hair in the labWhat you should do if your clothes catch on fire...

Intro to Biology 2021-08-10

Intro to Biology crossword puzzle
  1. papers with no name will receive
  2. ________ drink the chemicals in a lab - you will not become a ninja turtle.
  3. when heating chemicals point ______
  4. if you do not understand how to use equipment ____
  5. Minutemen succeed...
  6. the grading category that will count as 60% of my grade
  7. follow all written and verbal________ carefully
  8. Never put chemicals
  1. the study of life
  2. to text my teacher I can use ________
  3. Keep isles ________
  4. the grading category that counts as 40% of my grade
  5. the learning platform we will be using in class this year
  6. all spills or accidents to the teacher
  7. items when first entering a science lab
  8. handle all organisms in a lab whether preserved or living in a _______ manner.
  9. You should not ___________ in the science lab
  10. the best way to contact my teacher
  11. never leave experiments ____________

19 Clues: the study of lifeKeep isles ________Never put chemicalsMinutemen succeed...papers with no name will receivethe best way to contact my teacherwhen heating chemicals point ______never leave experiments ____________to text my teacher I can use ________all spills or accidents to the teacheritems when first entering a science lab...

lab 2022-06-02

lab crossword puzzle
  1. department differentials
  2. dipstick discipline
  3. main street
  4. central area
  5. places for infusion
  6. street
  7. area of study
  8. type of treatment
  9. blood units to nursig
  10. treatment for
  11. serum or plasma
  1. name of building
  2. georgia branch
  3. counting cells
  4. just
  5. where you learn
  6. corporate company
  7. coffee
  8. department for sugar
  9. from the past
  10. path of medication

21 Clues: justcoffeestreetmain streetcentral areaarea of studyfrom the pasttreatment forgeorgia branchcounting cellswhere you learnserum or plasmaname of buildingcorporate companytype of treatmentpath of medicationdipstick disciplineplaces for infusiondepartment for sugarblood units to nursigdepartment differentials

Science Adventures 2022-10-07

Science Adventures crossword puzzle
  1. something you use in a science experiment
  2. something you notice so you say
  3. variable you can change
  4. a graph that uses a line
  5. variable you measure
  6. an informed guess
  7. a solid/liquid
  8. a table that collects information
  9. steps of a experiment
  1. a graph that uses bars
  2. a lab that made a certain liquid change colors
  3. something you ask
  4. a game you play without electronics
  5. a lab where you hit your pencil on the paper as fast as you could
  6. the first part of STEM
  7. a informed explanation

16 Clues: a solid/liquidsomething you askan informed guessvariable you measuresteps of a experimenta graph that uses barsthe first part of STEMa informed explanationvariable you can changea graph that uses a linesomething you notice so you saya table that collects informationa game you play without electronicssomething you use in a science experiment...

Crossword 9/22 2023-09-15

Crossword 9/22 crossword puzzle
  1. a vegetable I just learned about
  2. would you still love me if I was one?
  3. when you're a master at safety
  4. we get this for free on fridays
  5. bean eating girlboss
  6. Natali would take it to watch the Elon v. Mark fight
  7. I'll get to work around 7:45ish
  8. its true
  9. fall girl drink
  10. keeps sending me notifications about my 1:1 with Jim
  11. a type of sandwhich but also used in the lab
  12. ___ girl summer
  13. measured in kd
  14. LIMS mascot
  15. 6642, 6463, 6442, 6462
  16. a place where lab equipment gets drinks
  17. pusheen says this
  18. reason to wear a mask
  19. second best latte type
  20. the artist formerly known as kanye west
  21. stop sending them!!
  22. most popular colors are purple and orange, sometimes red or blue
  23. a smart piece of glassware
  24. the trivia grand prize
  1. vegan sliced cheese
  2. renata's desk chair was missing this for one year
  3. response from patrick
  4. causes grinch fingers
  5. grain if you had to drink a media
  6. pumpkin pie spice
  7. there's a girl version on 4th floor
  8. there are buckets dedicated to this
  9. sashimi or a type of vegan
  10. its not a ufo, its a
  11. probably won't be happening at PD this Oct
  12. you can have negative of this
  13. creamer and yogurt brand
  14. no tangerines allowed in here
  15. ___ girl winter
  16. private meeting
  17. there was a soggy one of these in 127
  18. no in Russia
  19. spooky noise once an hour
  20. a good technique to know
  21. calibrate this meter
  22. what are you hiding?
  23. if there's attrition, you can't do this
  24. just
  25. resource conservation and recovery act
  26. according to RCRA, it must be solid
  27. __ elton john
  28. its not the ____
  29. renata's arch nemesis
  30. what simon did to the watermelon!
  31. going hard __
  32. go to first floor if you need to do this

56 Clues: justits trueLIMS mascotno in Russia__ elton johngoing hard __measured in kdfall girl drink___ girl winterprivate meeting___ girl summerits not the ____pumpkin pie spicepusheen says thisvegan sliced cheesestop sending them!!bean eating girlbossits not a ufo, its acalibrate this meterwhat are you hiding?response from patrickcauses grinch fingers...

NMLP WEEK 2019 2019-04-23

NMLP WEEK 2019 crossword puzzle
  1. Steps to use fire extinguisher
  2. Walk-in customer
  3. This week
  4. Department that grows bugs
  5. Previous LIS
  6. Dangerous Lab results
  7. Department that does Urines
  8. Department that runs HA1c
  9. Popular name for Phlebotomist
  10. Disinfects skin
  11. Personal Protective Equipment
  12. Holds venipuncture tools
  1. Machine that spins fast
  2. "Clean In, Clean Out"
  3. Medical Director of the Lab
  4. Magnifying instrument
  5. Where to locate procedures
  6. Reason for Redraw
  7. Department that types blood
  8. Sections and stains tissue
  9. Sometimes hide from Phlebotomists
  10. Majority of tests seem to be this
  11. Our Lab Information System

23 Clues: This weekPrevious LISDisinfects skinWalk-in customerReason for Redraw"Clean In, Clean Out"Magnifying instrumentDangerous Lab resultsMachine that spins fastHolds venipuncture toolsDepartment that runs HA1cWhere to locate proceduresDepartment that grows bugsSections and stains tissueOur Lab Information SystemMedical Director of the Lab...

Safety 2022-08-21

Safety crossword puzzle
  1. What does the B stand for in S-B-A-R-E-D
  2. Trailing Zero (X.0 mg)
  3. _____ are never to be turned off; they may be silenced for a brief period while the issue is addressed.
  4. What does the E stand for in S-B-A-R-E-D.
  5. MS
  6. You should use what technique with dressing changes, staple/ suture removal.
  7. What does the A stand for in S-B-A-R-E-D
  8. Be sure there is an approved reason for the ________ using the CDC criteria.
  9. Do not use U or u.
  10. Elderly, immobile patients are at greater risk.
  11. It's written on the red orange label. For malfunctioning equipment.
  12. Before and after gloving you should use?
  1. You should wash your hands when there is visible ______.
  2. These are a last resort for violent or nonviolent behavior control.
  3. Braden score of 15 or less automatically generates a ________ consult.
  4. Reliable ______ to identify what the risks are and what preventive measures need to be taken.
  5. In the chain of command who is about unit staff?
  6. Our culture of safety depends upon good __________.
  7. “Have you seen Hannah” is a phrase that can remind fellow staff members to perform good hand ______.
  8. It is important to check the patients ________.
  9. Using _________ communication between team members, when necessary, improves patient safety.
  10. Communication is the number one cause of __________ errors that harm patients.
  11. What should you do to the dressing if not occlusive?
  12. _____ lab values
  13. reports of concerns or suggestions should be reported to ________ for improved patient, guest, and staff safety.
  14. You should clean up spills, trash, etc. in case of a ______?

26 Clues: MS_____ lab valuesDo not use U or u.Trailing Zero (X.0 mg)What does the B stand for in S-B-A-R-E-DWhat does the A stand for in S-B-A-R-E-DBefore and after gloving you should use?What does the E stand for in S-B-A-R-E-D.It is important to check the patients ________.Elderly, immobile patients are at greater risk....

Lab equipment Tessa & Florine 2017-03-16

Lab equipment Tessa & Florine crossword puzzle
  1. to realize chemical reaction with Ionic compound
  2. a table to do experiments
  3. to take little dose of solution
  4. to protect your hands
  5. to do dissolution and water-based solution
  6. to do chemical reaction with little quatity
  7. a piece of clothing you want to wear in the lab
  8. to stock product and its graduations are not exact
  1. to hold a burette
  2. to measure a quantity and its graduations element to do a titration
  3. little cup to weigh solid
  4. long and thin in glass with graduation element to do a titration
  5. to take test tube without burning
  6. to put test tube
  7. to filter a solution
  8. to protect your eyes

16 Clues: to put test tubeto hold a buretteto filter a solutionto protect your eyesto protect your handslittle cup to weigh solida table to do experimentsto take little dose of solutionto take test tube without burningto do dissolution and water-based solutionto do chemical reaction with little quatitya piece of clothing you want to wear in the lab...

Muscatine Monsanto Plant 2017-02-09

Muscatine Monsanto Plant crossword puzzle
  1. where you can send and receive packages
  2. Amine salt
  3. jug line location
  4. if there is a release you may want to look at this
  5. If I need an aerial lift I would go here
  6. cross contamination is a huge concern in this area
  7. where al the waste ends up from the process
  8. you might take these to the central lab
  1. he is the contractor safety representative for Monsanto
  2. plant police
  3. this area is located in the middle of the plant
  4. These are required when entering the CAC process building
  5. where you can find the ammonia tank
  6. You can find chlorine in this area
  7. dial 333 to summons the plant _________
  8. you can find MON 1400 in this area

16 Clues: Amine saltplant policejug line locationYou can find chlorine in this areayou can find MON 1400 in this areawhere you can find the ammonia tankwhere you can send and receive packagesdial 333 to summons the plant _________you might take these to the central labIf I need an aerial lift I would go herewhere al the waste ends up from the process...


LAB WEEK CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Which of our labs is on a hospital campus?
  2. Monday's scrub color
  3. We do PT/INR's on this
  4. What chemistry test is used to monitor kidney function often before chemotherapy?
  5. What does the Sysmex runs most often?
  6. This goes round and round
  7. Name of speciality lab in suite 415 (abbreviation)?
  8. What instrument runs tumor markers?
  9. Sue's favorite holiday
  1. What disease does CA19-9 monitor?
  2. What medication is monitored by PT/INR's?
  3. What was our 1st lab?
  4. What was the 2nd lab opened in Phoenix?
  5. What test does AOSLab run?
  6. What is the hematology analyzer in the Deer Valley office?
  7. What is the name of our lab director?
  8. What office is named for a cactus?
  9. Name of our LIS
  10. We hope this comes to our office everyday!

19 Clues: Name of our LISMonday's scrub colorWhat was our 1st lab?We do PT/INR's on thisSue's favorite holidayThis goes round and roundWhat test does AOSLab run?What disease does CA19-9 monitor?What office is named for a cactus?What instrument runs tumor markers?What does the Sysmex runs most often?What is the name of our lab director?...

WTHS Robotics Chapter 1 - 4 2021-09-03

WTHS Robotics Chapter 1 - 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Robotic system _______ equipment
  2. Run robot in auto mode
  3. Part of robotic system
  4. Joint motor
  5. first safety priority
  6. Dual _____Safety
  7. Fifth safety priority
  8. Part of robotic system
  9. Robotic system____unit
  1. ______check safety
  2. Missing safety equipment in shop
  3. Third safety priority
  4. Second safety priority
  5. How many joints on the robot
  6. Mode that limits cartesian speed T____
  7. Cross checked by two ___
  8. J4,J5,J6 joints
  9. __________ Stop
  10. Fourth safety priority
  11. J1,J2,J3 joints

20 Clues: Joint motorJ4,J5,J6 joints__________ StopJ1,J2,J3 jointsDual _____Safety______check safetyThird safety priorityfirst safety priorityFifth safety priorityRun robot in auto modePart of robotic systemSecond safety priorityPart of robotic systemFourth safety priorityRobotic system____unitCross checked by two ___How many joints on the robot...

Lab Safety 2023-08-22

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. dangerous
  2. deteriorate
  3. trick
  4. make a hole
  1. safety measure
  2. put away

6 Clues: trickput awaydangerousdeterioratemake a holesafety measure

My Friends 2023-03-13

My Friends crossword puzzle
  1. the creator
  2. first inc friend
  3. curly hair
  4. hats
  5. Stunts
  6. Subaru
  7. gymnast
  1. skincare
  2. Dances
  3. outdoor lab friend
  4. INC bestie
  5. Mascara
  6. outdoor lab bestie
  7. Arkansas
  8. texas
  9. Style
  10. INC ONE

17 Clues: hatstexasStyleDancesStuntsSubaruMascaragymnastINC ONEskincareArkansasINC bestiecurly hairthe creatorfirst inc friendoutdoor lab friendoutdoor lab bestie

Lab Safety 2021-08-20

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. to eat
  2. safety measures done before
  3. someone who fails until they can't fail anymore
  1. what happens when mixing chemicals together
  2. careful, safe
  3. to look for information

6 Clues: to eatcareful, safeto look for informationsafety measures done beforewhat happens when mixing chemicals togethersomeone who fails until they can't fail anymore

Lab Week 2017 2017-03-16

Lab Week 2017 crossword puzzle
  1. Blood cell involved in the clotting process
  2. Cytotechnologist use one of these everyday
  3. What does the M in MRSA stand for?
  4. Used to spin specimens
  5. Cleaning solution used throughout Lab
  6. Computer system used in the Lab
  7. Which lab uses the Haemotoxylin and Eosin stain?
  8. A lab tech should never do this
  9. What kind of containers are needles disposed into?
  10. Element represented by the letter K
  11. What kind of liquid is in a Light Blue topped tube
  12. Department where Urea is performed
  13. Elevated in Diabetics
  1. What caused the Whooping Cough outbreak?
  2. Person who draws blood for testing
  3. Instrument in Histology used to cut tissue
  4. Hundreds of these are performed in Hematology each year
  5. Type of Pseudomonas that affects Cystic Fibrosis patients
  6. Procedure used to find compatible blood donors
  7. Universal Donor
  8. A type of specimen that can be collected for 24 Hours
  9. Emerg specimens are...

22 Clues: Universal DonorElevated in DiabeticsUsed to spin specimensEmerg specimens are...Computer system used in the LabA lab tech should never do thisPerson who draws blood for testingWhat does the M in MRSA stand for?Department where Urea is performedElement represented by the letter KCleaning solution used throughout Lab...

Lab Safety Rules Crossword Puzzle 2015-09-02

Lab Safety Rules Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Should not be handled with bare hands when broken
  2. Type of clothing (shirts or pants) that is forbidden
  3. Should never be left unattended
  4. Only these kinds of experiments are allowed
  5. All substances must be disposed of in this manner
  6. All work areas should be kept this way
  7. Everything should be treated as if it were this way
  8. What must never be done to a cord when being unplugged
  9. All animals should ve treated this way
  1. These kinds of objects should not be touhed
  2. Common footwear that s prohibited
  3. You need to thoroughly read these before doing anything else
  4. Chewable substance not permited during lab activities
  5. This is not tolerated, has to do with a racing animal
  6. These should be washed after every experiment
  7. This must always be done to glassware and other tools after being used
  8. Action done by the mouth which is not allowed in a lab
  9. Test tubes should always be pointing towards this when in use

18 Clues: Should never be left unattendedCommon footwear that s prohibitedAll work areas should be kept this wayAll animals should ve treated this wayThese kinds of objects should not be touhedOnly these kinds of experiments are allowedThese should be washed after every experimentShould not be handled with bare hands when broken...

LAB WEEK 2021 2021-04-16

LAB WEEK 2021 crossword puzzle


Cytology Lab Week 2024 2024-04-15

Cytology Lab Week 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. tool/equipment used to look at cells
  2. this lab cultures specimens
  3. application to create or review SOPs
  4. medical professional that diagnoses all pathology cases
  5. Lab equipment used to concentrate specimens by spinning very quickly
  6. a type of pulmonary procedure
  7. title of a lab professional that can review and diagnose under the microscope
  8. digital concept for remotely viewing microscopic images
  9. the smallest living structure that consists of a nucleus, cytoplasm, and an outer membrane
  10. timekeeping system
  11. name of our newest cytology lab
  12. situation in which one or all of our electronic operations cease to function
  13. what does the "E" stand for in EHS
  1. temperature monitoring system
  2. study of inheritance in relation to the structure and function of chromosomes
  3. the letter "M" in MD Anderson stands for?
  4. this lab cuts all our cell blocks
  5. center or brain of a cell
  6. name of the building we will move into in a few years
  7. coccidioidomycosis is caused by what organism
  8. video conference application
  9. Chris Brown drinks a gallon of this every morning
  10. a disease caused by uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body
  11. generalized term to describe an MD

24 Clues: timekeeping systemcenter or brain of a cellthis lab cultures specimensvideo conference applicationtemperature monitoring systema type of pulmonary procedurename of our newest cytology labthis lab cuts all our cell blocksgeneralized term to describe an MDwhat does the "E" stand for in EHStool/equipment used to look at cells...

Stroke Center Certification Visit 2018-03-13

Stroke Center Certification Visit crossword puzzle
  1. attack/The type of CT ordered for a suspected stroke
  2. on the intranet, displays privileging for Staff Physicians and NPs
  3. event/a patient safety event that reaches a patient and results in death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm
  4. based practices our hospital has chosen to which the care of the patient is based upon
  5. for handoff report
  6. education/performance improvement project we are working on as a unit to enhance the care for patients
  7. hygiene/intervention performed by caregivers to prevent the spread of infection
  1. this number to reach the stroke team
  2. of patient specific stroke education
  3. lab must be collected prior to IV tPa administration
  4. value/must be communicated to the LIP within 60 minutes from the time of the result
  5. tPA/medication that must be given within 0-3 hours of last known well
  6. screen/implemented on all suspected stroke patients on admission to determine safety prior to PO intake
  7. admission/discharge planning begins at this time
  8. orders/This method of inputting orders is highly discouraged

15 Clues: for handoff reportthis number to reach the stroke teamof patient specific stroke educationadmission/discharge planning begins at this timeattack/The type of CT ordered for a suspected strokelab must be collected prior to IV tPa administrationorders/This method of inputting orders is highly discouraged...

Chemistry 2022-01-12

Chemistry crossword puzzle
  1. these muscle pumps blood through to body
  2. it helps to see the amount of liquid
  3. it helps to pour chemicals properly
  4. it covers our body
  5. kidney,hearth,lung etc.
  1. a lab equipment helps to carry testubes
  2. a lab equipment
  3. its a tube which is small and tall
  4. its a organ that helps you can breathe
  5. allow blood flow brought the heart
  6. it cleans your eyes in lab
  7. you should wear these while you using the lab
  8. you should put this on your eyes in the lab

13 Clues: a lab equipmentit covers our bodykidney,hearth,lung cleans your eyes in labits a tube which is small and tallallow blood flow brought the heartit helps to pour chemicals properlyit helps to see the amount of liquidits a organ that helps you can breathea lab equipment helps to carry testubesthese muscle pumps blood through to body...

Food Safety Words! 2023-02-08

Food Safety Words! crossword puzzle
  1. Used to check if products are in specifications. Performed in a lab.
  2. _______ is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards.
  3. Removal of foods from the market that are in violation of the FDA regulations.
  4. Improvements to an organization's processes taken to eliminate causes of non-conformities. (two words)
  5. FIFO stands for _____.(four words)
  6. Safe Quality Foods
  7. Substances that cause an allergic reaction.
  8. Basic method to prevent spread of bacteria.(two words)
  1. Tracking numbers of batches to know what raw materials go where. (two words)
  2. Measures conducted by an agency to maintain a high standard of food safety
  3. The process of earning an official document. Examples include Kosher, Non-GMO, Organic and SQF
  4. Caused by consuming contaminated foods or beverages. (two words)
  5. The process by which one substance is transferred from one substance or object to another, with harmful effect. (two words)
  6. A substance used to make something clean and hygienic.
  7. The Government Agency that inspects our food manufacturing plant.

15 Clues: Safe Quality FoodsFIFO stands for _____.(four words)Substances that cause an allergic reaction.A substance used to make something clean and hygienic.Basic method to prevent spread of bacteria.(two words)Caused by consuming contaminated foods or beverages. (two words)The Government Agency that inspects our food manufacturing plant....

Forensics Ch. 1 Crossword Puzzle 2020-04-09

Forensics Ch. 1 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. crime lab unit that analyzes tool mark, weapons & bullets
  2. rights read to someone being arrested
  3. the study of cause of death
  4. evidence that proves something
  5. first to classigy fingerprints
  6. study of dental remains
  7. the most serious crime
  8. crime lab unit that analyzes DNA, hair & bodily fluids
  1. when a person can be placed at a crime scene
  2. noncriminal or private law
  3. revision of the Frye standard
  4. crime lab unit that analyzed chemicals in & on the body
  5. study of sudden and unnatural deaths
  6. study of insects
  7. when a person has the ability to commit a crime
  8. law based on opinion and precedence
  9. general acceptance of scientific evidence standard
  10. father of criminalistics, started first crime lab

18 Clues: study of insectsthe most serious crimestudy of dental remainsnoncriminal or private lawthe study of cause of deathrevision of the Frye standardevidence that proves somethingfirst to classigy fingerprintslaw based on opinion and precedencestudy of sudden and unnatural deathsrights read to someone being arrested...

Safety - 8th grade 2022-09-27

Safety - 8th grade crossword puzzle
  1. Always wear these when instructed to protect your eyes
  2. These should be reported to the teacher immediately
  3. Use extreme caution when using this tool that can be used to heat a substance
  4. Handle this breakable science lab tool with care. If it is broken, don't pick it up
  5. Follow these directions given by your teacher to be successful
  6. Learn where this is located in the classroom and how to use it in case of an emergency.
  1. Always carry this with two hands
  2. Science students and their parents must sign this in order to participate in labs
  3. Consider all of these to be dangerous
  4. Keep this neat and clean. Put away any materials that are not needed for the lab
  5. Only authorized and approved ____________ should be performed in the lab
  6. Do not touch any equipment, supplies, animals, or other materials without this
  7. This must be tied back to be safe in the lab
  8. Never open these storage areas in the science lab without permission
  9. Handle all ________with care and respect.
  10. This rough behavior is prohibited in the science lab
  11. Keep your hands away from this area of your body when using science materials
  12. Never eat, drink, chew gum, or _______ anything in the science room

18 Clues: Always carry this with two handsConsider all of these to be dangerousHandle all ________with care and respect.This must be tied back to be safe in the labThese should be reported to the teacher immediatelyThis rough behavior is prohibited in the science labAlways wear these when instructed to protect your eyes...

Safety - 8th grade 2022-09-27

Safety - 8th grade crossword puzzle
  1. not touch any equipment, supplies, animals, or other materials in the science room without getting this from the teacher.
  2. where this is located in the classroom and how to use it in case of an emergency.
  3. eat, drink, chew gum, or _______ anything in the science room
  4. this breakable science lab tool with care. If it is broken, don't pick it up
  5. this neat and clean. Put away any materials that are not needed for the lab
  6. authorized and approved ____________ should be performed in the lab
  7. all ________with care and respect.
  8. these directions given by your teacher to be successful
  1. should be reported to the teacher immediately
  2. extreme caution when using this tool that can be used to heat a substance
  3. all of these to be dangerous
  4. open these storage areas in the science lab without permission
  5. must be tied back to be safe in the lab
  6. students and their parents must sign this in order to participate in labs
  7. wear these when instructed to protect your eyes
  8. carry this with two hands
  9. your hands away from this area of your body when using science materials
  10. rough behavior is prohibited in the science lab

18 Clues: carry this with two handsall of these to be dangerousall ________with care and respect.must be tied back to be safe in the labshould be reported to the teacher immediatelywear these when instructed to protect your eyesrough behavior is prohibited in the science labthese directions given by your teacher to be successful...

Lab Safety 2021-08-20

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. to eat
  2. safety measures done before
  3. someone who fails until they can't fail anymore
  1. what happens from mixing chemicals together
  2. careful, safe
  3. to look for information

6 Clues: to eatcareful, safeto look for informationsafety measures done beforewhat happens from mixing chemicals togethersomeone who fails until they can't fail anymore

Chemistry Syllabus and Lab Safety Rules 2022-08-25

Chemistry Syllabus and Lab Safety Rules crossword puzzle
  1. what the chemistry curriculum is based on
  2. behavior never allowed in the laboratory
  3. CANNOT bring into lab
  4. where you are when the bell rings
  5. used to protect eyes during lab
  6. what to do with long hair during lab
  7. weekly agenda/assignments found here
  8. percent of grade for tests/quizzes/CERs
  9. method to safely smell chemical fumes
  1. put in caddy before class begins
  2. chemistry content we are starting with
  3. google classroom code
  4. chemistry teacher's last name
  5. when to wear goggles and aprons during lab
  6. person responsible to get make-up work when absent
  7. percent of grade for homework/classwork

16 Clues: google classroom codeCANNOT bring into labchemistry teacher's last nameused to protect eyes during labput in caddy before class beginswhere you are when the bell ringswhat to do with long hair during labweekly agenda/assignments found heremethod to safely smell chemical fumeschemistry content we are starting with...

lab 2022-06-02

lab crossword puzzle
  1. department differentials
  2. dipstick discipline
  3. main street
  4. central area
  5. places for infusion
  6. street
  7. area of study
  8. type of treatment
  9. blood units to nursig
  10. treatment for
  11. serum or plasma
  1. name of building
  2. georgia branch
  3. counting cells
  4. just
  5. where you learn
  6. corporate company
  7. coffee
  8. department for sugar
  9. from the past
  10. path of medication

21 Clues: justcoffeestreetmain streetcentral areaarea of studyfrom the pasttreatment forgeorgia branchcounting cellswhere you learnserum or plasmaname of buildingcorporate companytype of treatmentpath of medicationdipstick disciplineplaces for infusiondepartment for sugarblood units to nursigdepartment differentials

LAB 2023-10-08

LAB crossword puzzle
  1. Medición o valor del objeto o característica de interés de la investigación, representada comúnmente en forma de unidades o conjuntos medibles
  2. Método dónde se pretende encontrar patrones que puedan dar explicación o servir para predecir hechos actuales
  3. Que toma presente las características socioculturales especificas de el pueblo o comunidad en particular que se encuentra bajo estudio, usando dichas variables durante su revisión y para llegar a conclusiones solidas
  4. Investigación que toma como misión recolectar y analizar la información en todas las formas posibles, exceptuando la numérica
  5. Adjetivo que refiere a la naturaleza numérica de datos, métodos, investigaciones y / o resultados.
  6. Método que implica la observación, manipulación y registro de las variables que afectan un objeto de estudio
  7. Aquél en que la información es recolectada sin cambiar el entorno
  8. Instrumento utilizado por los investigadores para registrar aquellos hechos que son susceptibles de ser interpretados
  9. Escala donde el orden de las variables es crítico. La diferencia entre estas variables no está establecida y no es en realidad un aspecto integral de esta escala de medición
  1. Conjunto sistematizo de preguntas listas para ser respondidas por el informante en una entrevista o encuesta
  2. Es aquella que tiene relación causal; no sólo persigue describir o acercarse a un problema, sino que intenta encontrar las causas del mismo
  3. Conjunto total de casos o personas de una población que sean representativas de la población total, tomando aquellos acordes a la observación.
  4. Investigación cualitativa, se refiere al grado de confianza o seguridad con el cual se pueden aceptar los resultados obtenidos por un investigador basado en los procedimientos utilizados para efectuar su estudio.
  5. Cualidad del instrumento que consiste en que este sirva para medir la variable que se busca medir, y no otra, es decir, que sea el instrumento preciso y adecuado
  6. Operaciones, procedimientos o actividades de investigación; también se mencionan como los medios o instrumentos de investigación
  7. Investigación esencial para poder realizar un estudio
  8. Técnica de recolección de datos que se aplica, generalmente de manera oral, a personas de la muestra, a in de recoger su información
  9. Procedimiento dentro de la investigación cuantitativa en la que el investigador recopila información mediante el cuestionario previamente diseñado, sin modificar el entorno ni el fenómeno donde se recoge la informaci
  10. Características que muestran una determinada cantidad de resultados obtenidos por medios de muestras completamente aleatorias y las implicaciones que tienen.
  11. Escala de medición en la cual los números sirven como “etiquetas” solamente para identificar o clasificar un objeto. Una escala de medición nominal normalmente trata sólo con variables no numéricas

20 Clues: Investigación esencial para poder realizar un estudioAquél en que la información es recolectada sin cambiar el entornoAdjetivo que refiere a la naturaleza numérica de datos, métodos, investigaciones y / o resultados.Conjunto sistematizo de preguntas listas para ser respondidas por el informante en una entrevista o encuesta...