lord of the rings Crossword Puzzles

Lighting the Way 2023-04-26

Lighting the Way crossword puzzle
  1. Psalm 8 begins and ends by praising God for this.
  2. Some Psalms are about having this to choose right over wrong.
  3. What did Paul suffer often? 2 Corinthians 11:27
  4. Yet the ____ will hold to his way…Job 17
  5. For You have made him a little lower than the ___ Psalm 8
  6. Where we should keep God’s Word Proverbs 4:20-22
  7. After his trials, how many sons did Job have? Job 42
  8. When I consider Your heavens, the work of your ___ Psalm 8
  9. Psalm 8 is a psalm of ____.
  10. There are ___ of the seas. Psalm 8
  11. God has provided something ___ for us Hebrews 11:32-40
  12. The law of the Lord is ___ Proverbs 19:7-10
  13. The sweet psalmist of Israel.
  14. The middle of Psalm 8 praises God for this.
  1. The ___ of the Lord are true. Proverbs 19:7-10
  2. If you believe in Jesus you should have this life John 3:16
  3. That you may silence the enemy and the ___ Psalm 8
  4. After his trials, Job had 14,000 ____ Job 42
  5. The prophets before us were ____ Matthew 5:10-12
  6. It is impossible to please God without this. Hebrews 11:6
  7. The Lord gave Job ____ as much…Job 42
  8. Everyone brought Job a piece of ___ Job 42
  9. The ___ of the Lord is sure. Proverbs 19:7-10
  10. You have made him have ___ over the works of your hands Psalm 8
  11. The ___ of the Lord is pure. proverbs 19:7-10

25 Clues: Psalm 8 is a psalm of ____.The sweet psalmist of Israel.There are ___ of the seas. Psalm 8The Lord gave Job ____ as much…Job 42Yet the ____ will hold to his way…Job 17Everyone brought Job a piece of ___ Job 42The law of the Lord is ___ Proverbs 19:7-10The middle of Psalm 8 praises God for this.After his trials, Job had 14,000 ____ Job 42...

Uranus and Neptune 2023-02-15

Uranus and Neptune crossword puzzle
  1. neptune is slightly smaller and____ than Uranus
  2. ___of Uranus is tipped so far that its north pole almost lies in its orbital plane.
  3. Astronomers hypothesize Uranus was knocked
  4. Uranus and Neptune have methane so it appears
  5. When was Neptune discovered
  6. They discovered only when____of star behind the rings dimmed
  7. when did the great dark spot disappoint
  8. uranus is the____largest diameter in our solar system
  9. neptune cannot____life
  10. neptune is the only planet of our solar system not visible to the ____
  11. the great dark spot is a
  12. Neptune is the___gas planet
  13. Uranus is the____place from the sun
  14. neptune orbit our Sun, a star, and eight____
  15. Uranus was accidentally discovered
  16. Neptune orbits the sun____km away
  17. brightness and color from the surrounding atmosphere contributing to Uranus's
  18. Uranus has____moons
  19. neptune's atmosphere is made up mostly of hydrogen____and methane
  20. Which moon has retrograde orbit
  21. the core of Uranus
  22. Uranus is 4 times larger than
  23. what particles make up neptune's moons
  1. neptune____made of methane and ammonia ice
  2. neptune's rings are not as visib
  3. How many times larger than Earth is Neptune
  4. Neptune has___moons
  5. How many light and darkness
  6. Which planet contains the great dark spot
  7. when did voyager 2 pass Neptune
  8. Which gas causes the geysers on Triton
  9. The___speeds on Neptune are the most outstanding
  10. Uranus is the_____ temperature in the solar system
  11. astronomers_____that Uranus was knocked sideways by a massive collision
  12. how many main rings does Neptune have?
  13. the internal structure of Uranus
  14. Uranus's moons are
  15. The core of Neptune ia about___times the Earth
  16. Uranus moved in its orbit and the ring blocked the
  17. uranus rings are dominated by chunky boulders and may consist primarily of____

40 Clues: Uranus's moons arethe core of UranusNeptune has___moonsUranus has____moonsneptune cannot____lifethe great dark spot is aWhen was Neptune discoveredHow many light and darknessNeptune is the___gas planetUranus is 4 times larger thanwhen did voyager 2 pass NeptuneWhich moon has retrograde orbitneptune's rings are not as visib...

Danmei / Chinese Novels 2024-03-03

Danmei / Chinese Novels crossword puzzle
  1. What is Shen Yuan's handle name?
  2. What type of food does Moran like?
  3. A cold bottom who likes haitang flowers.
  4. What Peak is Qi QingQi lord of?
  5. What Peak is Wei QingWei lord of?
  6. What family was ShenJiu originally in that he later burned down for what they did to him?
  7. Shen Qing Qiu's Weapon
  8. What Food does Shen Yuan choke on before his death?
  9. The residence to a cat also referred to as Red Lotus Hall ;)
  10. ChuWanning's weapon
  11. What does Luo Binghe rule first (Realm)?
  12. What Peak is Liu QingGe lord of?
  13. What Sect is Yue Qingyuan master of?
  14. What Peak is Shen QingQiu lord of?
  15. How many Peak Lords is there on Cang Qiong Mountain.
  16. Alternate Self of ShiMei
  17. What is Chu Wanning scared of?
  18. Liu BingHe's weapon (1st)
  19. The sect of ERHA.
  20. What Peak is Shang QingHua lord of?
  1. What is the name of the book Shen Yuan is in?
  2. What does OCC stand for?
  3. What is the name of the original Shen QingQiu?
  4. What does Moran hate?
  5. What is Shang Qinghua's handle name?
  6. He has always loved and respected his teacher and has another identity. Liked by a top who thought he was his soulmate.
  7. What type of foods can't Chu Wanning eat?
  8. A dumb top who doesn't understand his feelings and causes misunderstanding.
  9. BingHe's weapon (2nd)
  10. Alternate Self of Chu Wanning/What does Moran call Chu Wanning when he marries him?
  11. What flower does Moran says Chu Wanning smells like and that arouses him?
  12. Alternate Self of Moran
  13. What Peak is Mu Qingfang lord of?
  14. What is the name of the person who transmigrated into Shen Qingqiu's Body?
  15. XueMeng's Weapon
  16. What does Luo Binghe rule secondly(Sect)?
  17. Moran's Weapon
  18. Known as the "Darling of the Heavens". Has a temper like a MXTX character.
  19. What does Liu QingGe always return to Shen QingQiu?

39 Clues: Moran's WeaponXueMeng's WeaponThe sect of ERHA.ChuWanning's weaponWhat does Moran hate?BingHe's weapon (2nd)Shen Qing Qiu's WeaponAlternate Self of MoranWhat does OCC stand for?Alternate Self of ShiMeiLiu BingHe's weapon (1st)What is Chu Wanning scared of?What Peak is Qi QingQi lord of?What is Shen Yuan's handle name?...

Bookish crossword (PJO, HP, ACOTAR, Crave, HoO) 2024-01-09

Bookish crossword (PJO, HP, ACOTAR, Crave, HoO) crossword puzzle
  1. Can't see themselves in a mirror, are allergic to the sun and garlic, drink blood
  2. Main character of the PJO series
  3. High Lord of the Day Court
  4. High Lord of the Spring Court
  5. God of war (Roman)
  6. High Lord of the Dawn Court
  7. Goddess of love and beauty(Roman)
  8. God of the forge (Roman)
  9. The middle Archeron's sister mate's real father's name
  10. The Smart One (Harry Potter)
  11. Goddess of the hunt and protector of young maidens
  12. Youngest Archeron sister
  13. House is known as the house that "gets the leftovers" but it filled with kind, friendly, and awesome people
  14. King of the gods
  15. Goddess of wisdom and battle craft (Roman)
  16. High Lord of the Autumn Court
  17. The funny/dumb one (Harry Potter)
  18. Has scales, horns, and a tail (Hint: think Flint)
  19. Grace's cousin's name
  20. God of blacksmiths, carpenters, and craftsmen
  21. Main love interest of Grace for the rest of the series
  22. Goddess of marriage
  23. Goddess of battle strategy, wisdom, intelligence
  24. Goddess of love and beauty
  25. High Lord of the Winter Court
  26. Goddess of grain and agriculture(Roman)
  27. God of the seas (Roman)
  28. God of archers (Roman)
  29. High Lord of the Night Court
  30. Queen of the Gods (Roman)
  1. God of messengers (Roman)
  2. Middle Archeron's sister
  3. Main love interest Grace in Crave (book 1)
  4. God of the ocean, father of horses
  5. Hogwarts is the school for _____craft and wizardry
  6. High Lord of the Summer Court
  7. Main character of the Crave series
  8. Main character's best friend (PJO)
  9. Tamlin's friend
  10. King of the Gods (Roman)
  11. God of messengers, travelers, thieves, and merchants
  12. Goddess of grain, agriculture, and the harvest
  13. Athena's mortal arch nemesis, who she turned into a spider
  14. House honors bravery, almost to a STUPID degree
  15. Goddess of the hearth, home, and fire
  16. God of war, violence, etc
  17. The Chosen One (Harry Potter)
  18. House honors, wit, and intelligence, and most people in this house are NOT dumb
  19. Red-head with a hairbrush (PJO)
  20. House gets the worst reputation out of all of them but mainly honors ambition and that kind of stuff
  21. Main love interest of the PJO series (for Percy)
  22. Last name of the Blonde hair, British, dude who once was a ferret
  23. Oldest Archeron sister
  24. Goddess of the hunt (Roman)
  25. God of music, poetry, healing, and medicine
  26. Affected by the full moon

56 Clues: Tamlin's friendKing of the godsGod of war (Roman)Goddess of marriageGrace's cousin's nameOldest Archeron sisterGod of archers (Roman)God of the seas (Roman)Middle Archeron's sisterKing of the Gods (Roman)God of the forge (Roman)Youngest Archeron sisterGod of messengers (Roman)God of war, violence, etcAffected by the full moon...

Amos 1+2 Message to the Nations 2022-11-07

Amos 1+2 Message to the Nations crossword puzzle
  1. 1v3 How many transgressions did the Lord hold against Damascus?
  2. 2v6 What did Israel do for silver? (3 words)
  3. 1v13 Who ripped up the pregnant women in Gilead? (3 words)
  4. 2v1 Who burned a king in lime?
  5. 2v12 Who had Israel told to shut up?
  6. 1v14 Which city will burn in the day of the whirlwind?
  7. 1v5 Where will the inhabitants of Syria go?
  8. 1v1 Who was king of Israel?
  1. 2v12 Who had Israel given wine?
  2. 2v2 Who owns the palaces that burn in tumult?
  3. 2v8 What does Israel drink in the house of the Lord? (4 words)
  4. 2v4 Why will the Lord punish Judah? (3 words)
  5. 1v7 What will be devoured in Gaza?
  6. 1v1 Who was king of Judah?
  7. 1v1 Who employed Amos as a herdsman?
  8. 1v12 Who will lose his palaces in Teman?
  9. 2v16 Who will flee away naked?
  10. 1v1 What happened two years after Amos started preaching?
  11. 2v9 Who had the Lord destroyed?
  12. 1v9 Who ignored brotherly covenant and sent Edom into captivity?

20 Clues: 1v1 Who was king of Judah?1v1 Who was king of Israel?2v16 Who will flee away naked?2v1 Who burned a king in lime?2v12 Who had Israel given wine?2v9 Who had the Lord destroyed?1v7 What will be devoured in Gaza?1v1 Who employed Amos as a herdsman?2v12 Who had Israel told to shut up?1v12 Who will lose his palaces in Teman?...

Early Japanese Culture 2020-01-16

Early Japanese Culture crossword puzzle
  1. a person who serves a feudal lord
  2. the system of service based on the relation of the lord to his vassal
  3. a philosophy and religion that split into two sects in Japan
  4. a military governor who ruled Japan
  5. a group of merchants or craftsmen during medieval times
  6. ruler of Japan, considered the Son of Heaven
  7. warlike Chinese group who attacked Japan several times, but were once swept away by a typhoon
  8. city that served as the capital of Japan in 794 AD.
  9. set of basic laws that define the role of government
  1. belief in spirts outside the body
  2. expanse of water with scattered islands
  3. samurai code of conduct
  4. a country from which Japan drew inspiration for organization, language, and culture
  5. type of theatrical play that taught Buddhist ideals
  6. powerful military lord
  7. a belief that humans, animals, plants, rocks, and rivers all have their own spirits
  8. mental exercise to teach spiritual awareness
  9. staple crop of Japan eaten with fish, the other main food of the Japanese people
  10. a religious group
  11. sport involving combat and self-defense
  12. Prince who created a strong constitution for Japan
  13. a warrior who served a Japanese daimyo or lord

22 Clues: a religious grouppowerful military lordsamurai code of conducta person who serves a feudal lordbelief in spirts outside the bodya military governor who ruled Japanexpanse of water with scattered islandssport involving combat and self-defenseruler of Japan, considered the Son of Heavenmental exercise to teach spiritual awareness...

Gospel according to St Mark ch3 2012-06-27

Gospel according to St Mark ch3 crossword puzzle
  1. In what shape were the people and our Lord Jesus sitting in? (Mark 3:34)
  2. Which disciple was the son of Alphaeus (Mark 3:18)
  3. “Assuredly, I say to you, ________ ________ will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter" (Mark 3:28)
  4. What our Lord Jesus Christ asked His disciples to prepare for Him. (Mark 3:9)
  5. Our Lord gave His disciples power to heal ___________ (Mark 3:15)
  6. "For whoever does the will of ________ is My brother and My sister and mother.” (Mark 3:35)
  7. What did our Lord Jesus Christ say to the man who had a withered hand? Stretch out your _______ Mark 3:5
  1. "Then His brothers and His mother came, and standing outside they sent to Him, calling Him." Our Lord Jesus Christ did not have any brothers- in Bible times,c______ were called brothers. (Mark 3:31)
  2. in ch3, our Lord Jesus Christ taught the m____________ of people who followed Him. (Mark 3:7)
  3. The place were our Lord Jesus entered in Mark 3:1
  4. How many disciples did our Lord Jesus Christ appoint in Mark 3:14
  5. Where was our Lord when He appointed His disciples? Mark 3:13
  6. "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that ______________ cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." (Mark 3:24-25)
  7. on which day did our Lord Jesus Christ heal the man's hand? (Mark 3:2)
  8. this disciple had his name changed from ___________ to Peter when he became a disciple. (Mark 3:16)

15 Clues: The place were our Lord Jesus entered in Mark 3:1Which disciple was the son of Alphaeus (Mark 3:18)Where was our Lord when He appointed His disciples? Mark 3:13How many disciples did our Lord Jesus Christ appoint in Mark 3:14Our Lord gave His disciples power to heal ___________ (Mark 3:15)...

The Battle of the Labyrinth 2014-05-02

The Battle of the Labyrinth crossword puzzle
  1. God of the Sea
  2. Another name for a half-blood
  3. Who is Mrs. O'Leary
  4. Percy’s magical sword
  5. Luke is the son of this god
  6. Percy has the ability to control this element
  7. Percy’s best friend
  8. Titan Lord
  9. Lord of the Dead
  1. What is the name of Daedalus used in Camp Half-blood
  2. Percy’s half-brother Tyson is a...
  3. What ability does Annabeth´s hat have
  4. Whom Grover sought
  5. Lord of the Sky
  6. The creator of the Labyrinth
  7. Whom Kampe kept in jail

16 Clues: Titan LordGod of the SeaLord of the SkyLord of the DeadWhom Grover soughtPercy’s best friendWho is Mrs. O'LearyPercy’s magical swordWhom Kampe kept in jailLuke is the son of this godThe creator of the LabyrinthAnother name for a half-bloodPercy’s half-brother Tyson is a...What ability does Annabeth´s hat have...

Romeo & Juliet Characters 2023-12-07

Romeo & Juliet Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Spouse of Lord Montague
  2. Daughter of Lord Capulet
  3. Juliet's 'offical' husband
  4. Father of Romeo
  5. Juliet's main caretaker
  1. Ruler of Verona
  2. Son of Lord Montague
  3. Spouse of Lord Capulet
  4. Romeo's best friend
  5. Father of Juliet
  6. Romeo's cousin
  7. The person who wed Juliet and Romeo
  8. Juliet's cousin that always fights people

13 Clues: Romeo's cousinRuler of VeronaFather of RomeoFather of JulietRomeo's best friendSon of Lord MontagueSpouse of Lord CapuletSpouse of Lord MontagueJuliet's main caretakerDaughter of Lord CapuletJuliet's 'offical' husbandThe person who wed Juliet and RomeoJuliet's cousin that always fights people

Trivia Time 2018-01-23

Trivia Time crossword puzzle
  1. Stage name of The Duke aka Marion Morrison.
  2. How many minutes does it take light to travel from the sun to the earth?
  3. He has friends in low places.
  4. Disney princess who owns a tiger.
  5. Name of Captain Kirk's Starship
  6. Someone who shoes horses.
  7. First man to walk on the moon.
  8. Member of the Royal Family, married to Charles, Prince of Wales
  9. The original capitol of the United States.
  10. Wookie home world.
  11. First president, fake teeth, real powdered hair.
  12. Who shot first at Mos Eisley?
  13. What were Luke's aunt and uncle's job on Tatooine?
  14. The face that launched a thousand ships.
  15. Only NBA player to score 100 points in a single game.
  16. Which planet has the most moons?
  1. Most notorious pirate of all time.
  2. Who wrote the Lord of the Rings?
  3. Christopher George Latore Wallace stage name.
  4. Which kind of bulbs were once used as currency?
  5. Japanese word for goodbye.
  6. How many colors in a rainbow?
  7. Nintendo's famous duo
  8. Only president to be elected 4 times.
  9. All time career leader in wins (MLB)
  10. First appearance of Mario in 1981.
  11. Three hundred and sixty degrees.
  12. Name of Aladdin's buddy.

28 Clues: Wookie home world.Nintendo's famous duoName of Aladdin's buddy.Someone who shoes horses.Japanese word for goodbye.He has friends in low places.How many colors in a rainbow?Who shot first at Mos Eisley?First man to walk on the moon.Name of Captain Kirk's StarshipWho wrote the Lord of the Rings?Three hundred and sixty degrees....

Take Time to be Holy: Lesson 6 2024-02-13

Take Time to be Holy: Lesson 6 crossword puzzle
  1. The guiding cloud looked like this
  2. This was carried at the front of the Israelites when travelling
  3. Where did the Levites camp relative to tabernacle
  4. Moses' sister
  5. Greek: Arithmoi
  6. Greek: Levitikon
  7. Moses' mother
  8. Moses' brother
  9. God send these animals when the Israelites complained about the manna
  10. Miriam was struck with this after questioning God and Moses' marriage
  11. The Israelites were here for 13 months after leaving Egypt
  1. The Israelites were struck with this before eating the animal God sent
  2. First desert Israelites camped after leaving Sinai Num 10:11-13
  3. Moses' father
  4. God used this to signify when to move camp and where to camp
  5. Responsible with putting tabernacle up and down
  6. Greek: Exodos
  7. "Now the people became like those who complain of ________ in the hearing of the Lord; and when the Lord heard it, His anger was kindled, and the fire of the Lord burned among them." Num 11:1
  8. The tabernacle was located in this location of the camp
  9. "I am the Lord. I brought you up out of Egypt to be your God. So be _____, because I am holy." Lev 11:45
  10. The color of manna

21 Clues: Moses' fatherGreek: ExodosMoses' sisterMoses' motherMoses' brotherGreek: ArithmoiGreek: LevitikonThe color of mannaThe guiding cloud looked like thisResponsible with putting tabernacle up and downWhere did the Levites camp relative to tabernacleThe tabernacle was located in this location of the camp...

Name Meaning 2020-06-18

Name Meaning crossword puzzle
  1. Ruler
  2. Affection
  3. Lamp
  4. Pray
  6. Purity
  7. Evening
  8. Respectful
  1. Ornament
  2. Name of a saint
  3. Joy of discrimination
  4. Pride
  5. Storyteller
  6. lord of the mountain
  7. Lord Krishna
  8. The lamp of the family

16 Clues: LampPrayPrideRulerPurityEveningOrnamentAffectionRespectfulStorytellerLord KrishnaName of a saintlord of the mountainJoy of discriminationThe lamp of the familyFLOWER WITH AWESOME SMELL WHITE COLOR FLOWER

THE THEIF LORD 2013-02-06

THE THEIF LORD crossword puzzle


THE THEIF LORD 2013-02-06

THE THEIF LORD crossword puzzle


The Thief Lord 2014-02-03

The Thief Lord crossword puzzle
  1. Hornet's collection
  2. Mosca's descent
  3. Victor twisted his _____ looking for Bo and Prosper
  4. She cares about Prosper
  5. Doesn't like stealing
  6. Scipio has dark _____
  7. Ida's housekeeper gave Riccio ________
  8. Scipio's father
  9. Scipio found two ________ in the canal
  10. The statue that Barbarossa sat on on the merry-go-round
  11. Bo's collection
  12. The children's hideout
  13. The name the children gave Barbarossa after riding the merry-go-round
  14. Hated by the Merciful Sisters
  15. Bo's age
  16. She has two dogs
  1. Merry-go-round statues: mermaid, ________,sea horse, winged lion
  2. Has a brass sea horse
  3. The color of the curtains in the Star Palace
  4. Dottore Mssimo's son
  5. Prosper and Bo's stubborn aunt
  6. As children, Renzo and Morosina _________ hard
  7. Material used for the wing
  8. Riccio's nickname
  9. Conte's name
  10. Contessa's real name
  11. Hornet's real name
  12. Bo's real name
  13. Hornet stole Victor's ________
  14. Scipio's nickname
  15. Prosper's age
  16. Has spiky hair

32 Clues: Bo's ageConte's nameProsper's ageBo's real nameHas spiky hairMosca's descentScipio's fatherBo's collectionShe has two dogsRiccio's nicknameScipio's nicknameHornet's real nameHornet's collectionDottore Mssimo's sonContessa's real nameHas a brass sea horseDoesn't like stealingScipio has dark _____The children's hideoutShe cares about Prosper...

Rotor Clip Crossword Puzzle #1 2022-06-12

Rotor Clip Crossword Puzzle #1 crossword puzzle
  1. ___ clamps expand and contract automatically in response to temperature shifts.
  2. Rotor Clip's press room has some of the most modern presses in the industry, modified to conform to our requirements of speed and performance. Many of these presses __ rings at the rate of 1,000 strokes per minute, while producing several rings with each stroke of the press.
  3. tool use for installation/removal of retaining rings
  4. Through this method, retaining rings undergo a complete transformation to the desired bainitic structure thus eliminating brittleness and ensuring strength. This is accomplished by our heat treating furnaces.
  5. __ rings are axially installed into machined grooves in housings/bores or on shafts to retain assemblies. They provide 360° contact with the groove and without any lug holes.
  6. type of standard finish for steel offering an extended shelf-life for protection against rusting.
  7. __ rings are fasteners that are installed into a groove on a shaft or in a housing or bore creating a shoulder that retains an assembly.
  8. A ___ spring is made from coiled flat wire with waves added to give it a spring effect.
  9. Rotor Clip is certified to the following international __ standards, such as ISO 9001, IATF 16949, AS9100, and ISO 13485:2016.
  1. Rotor Clip's founder first name
  2. Type of steel in which the main alloying element is carbon
  3. Rotor clip made its largest environmental investment to date by constructing a new, 4-MW capacity __ field at our North American headquarters and production facility. Today, 75% of our operations are __ powered.
  4. type steel resistant to tarnishing and rust.
  5. is the branch of engineering dealing with the design, construction, and use of machines.
  6. __ integration is the type of manufacturing process which allows Rotor Clip to streamline its operation by taking direct ownership of various stages of production in-house.

15 Clues: Rotor Clip's founder first nametype steel resistant to tarnishing and rust.tool use for installation/removal of retaining ringsType of steel in which the main alloying element is carbon___ clamps expand and contract automatically in response to temperature shifts....

Moir Post Crossword 2021-05-31

Moir Post Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A villain in Batman who has two sides of a face
  2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, nicknamed "The Beautiful Game." is an adrenaline-pumping activty that connects communities from all walks of life.
  3. This king is said to be the son of a Lion
  4. A play by Shakespeare about a Moor who died for love
  5. Lord of the Greek gods
  6. A new Marvel movie coming out this year
  7. A time traveler that teleports one back in time to the heritage of this world.
  8. This word refers to the dead body of a person or an animal that has not decayed due to specific natural or artificial conditions.
  9. A long awaited reunion that has elevated most of us onto cloud nine.
  1. Most endangered species
  2. This planet is known for its rings
  3. A feeling we yearn for amidst the hustle and bustle of our quotidian lives.
  4. This can make you travel back in time, guffaw, bawl your eyes out and ressurect the dead.
  5. The trickster god in Norse mythology
  6. The two main types of clouds are stratus and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ clouds
  7. A country in Scandinavia famous for pigs and pork

16 Clues: Lord of the Greek godsMost endangered speciesThis planet is known for its ringsThe trickster god in Norse mythologyA new Marvel movie coming out this yearThis king is said to be the son of a LionA villain in Batman who has two sides of a faceA country in Scandinavia famous for pigs and porkA play by Shakespeare about a Moor who died for love...

Romeo and Juliet Crossword 2016-03-17

Romeo and Juliet Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Montague: The head of the Montague family and father of Romeo.
  2. Weapon used to kill Juliet.
  3. Son of Lord Montague
  4. Capulet: The wife of Lord Capulet and mother of Juliet.
  5. a speech given by a character alone on stage.
  6. Juliet's caretaker.
  7. girl Romeo USED to love
  8. Romeo uses this to kill himself
  1. Used to symbolize Romeo and Juliet's love
  2. The apothecary lives in_______
  3. Laurence: Married Romeo and Juliet; made Juliet's potion.
  4. a long speech made by one performer or by one person in the group.
  5. Daughter of Lord Capulet.
  6. William________
  7. party: Where Romeo and Juliet first met.

15 Clues: William________Juliet's caretaker.Son of Lord Montaguegirl Romeo USED to loveDaughter of Lord Capulet.Weapon used to kill Juliet.The apothecary lives in_______Romeo uses this to kill himselfparty: Where Romeo and Juliet first met.Used to symbolize Romeo and Juliet's lovea speech given by a character alone on stage....

First Films Crowssword 2023-08-14

First Films Crowssword crossword puzzle
  1. "Workers leaving the Lumière _________"
  2. The country where the Lumière Brothers and George Melies came from
  3. This inventor (last name) invented the Kinetoscope
  4. Georges Melies film, "A Trip to the ________"
  5. Legend has it when people saw this coming towards them on a Lumière Bros film, they jumped in terror!
  1. The animal Muybridge photographed
  2. Before Lord of the Rings or The Wizard of Oz, Georges Melies was making this genre of movie
  3. the number of "Troublesome Heads" Georges Melies had in his short film
  4. in the 1890s, people had to build their own of these if they wanted to take pictures/film
  5. Another word for "film" - called this because the picture MOVES

10 Clues: The animal Muybridge photographed"Workers leaving the Lumière _________"Georges Melies film, "A Trip to the ________"This inventor (last name) invented the KinetoscopeAnother word for "film" - called this because the picture MOVESThe country where the Lumière Brothers and George Melies came from...

The Law of Tithing 2019-02-21

The Law of Tithing crossword puzzle
  1. I will open the windows of heaven and ______ you out a blessing
  2. Blessings come from _________God's commandments
  3. Tithing principle revealed to Joseph Smith in _____ of 1838]
  4. Tithing envelopes are given to a member of the __________
  5. Paying tithing helps prepare us for and principle of _____
  6. Paying tithing shows ________ to the Lord
  7. Tithing is the key to _______ the windows of heaven
  8. Members who do not pay tithing do not get the ____________
  9. __________from evil is one blessing of paying tithing
  10. Tithing helps to build and maintain _______ and churches
  11. The Lord asks us to pay _____ percent of our increase
  12. Tithing pays for family history and to ________ the dead
  13. If we pay our full tithing we are showing ______ to the Lord
  1. A Bible story about paying tithing is The Widows ________
  2. Tithing money helps to translate and _______ scriptures
  3. Paying tithing with other things than money is tithing in _____
  4. We are commanded to pay tithes and _________
  5. Tithing funds worldwide __________ work
  6. Paying tithing is a matter of ____________.
  7. Meeting at years end with bishop is tithing _______
  8. Tithing pays for __________ and other church education
  9. The law of Tithing was __________ to Joseph Smith in 1838
  10. Would ye ____ the Lord?

23 Clues: Would ye ____ the Lord?Tithing funds worldwide __________ workPaying tithing shows ________ to the LordPaying tithing is a matter of ____________.We are commanded to pay tithes and _________Blessings come from _________God's commandmentsMeeting at years end with bishop is tithing _______Tithing is the key to _______ the windows of heaven...

Lord of the Flies Vocab 2022-05-13

Lord of the Flies Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. an immense number
  2. disbelieving; skeptical
  3. dullness; slowness to apprehend or perceive
  4. hazardous; dangerous
  5. seriously; gravely
  6. regrettably; mournfully
  7. enclosed within; imprisoned
  8. dismaying; intimidating
  9. banned on grounds of morality or taste
  10. expressive of stealth; sly; secretive
  11. completely obvious
  1. mockingly; tauntingly
  2. violently; agitatedly
  3. having or seeming to have no end
  4. spitefully; hatefully
  5. shyly; reservedly
  6. a single or repeated design or color
  7. hatred; ill will

18 Clues: hatred; ill willan immense numbershyly; reservedlyseriously; gravelycompletely obvioushazardous; dangerousmockingly; tauntinglyviolently; agitatedlyspitefully; hatefullydisbelieving; skepticalregrettably; mournfullydismaying; intimidatingenclosed within; imprisonedhaving or seeming to have no enda single or repeated design or color...

festivals 2023-06-02

festivals crossword puzzle
  1. Jayanti - Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi
  2. Chaturthi - Worship of Lord Ganesha
  3. - Christian festival celebrated on 25th December
  4. Yatra - Festival of chariots
  5. - Celebrated in Punjab on the winter solstice
  6. - Festival of lights
  7. - Worship of Lord Shiva
  8. - Islamic festival of sacrifice
  9. - Tamil harvest festival
  10. Day - Celebrated on 26th January
  1. - Birthday of Lord Krishna
  2. - Islamic festival of breaking fast
  3. Puja - Worship of Goddess Durga
  4. - Nine nights of dance and worship
  5. - Festival of colors
  6. Bandhan - Brothers and sisters celebration
  7. - Kerala harvest festival
  8. Day - Celebrated on 15th August
  9. - Sikh festival of harvest
  10. Purnima - Birthday of Gautam Buddha

20 Clues: - Festival of colors- Festival of lights- Worship of Lord Shiva- Tamil harvest festival- Kerala harvest festival- Birthday of Lord Krishna- Sikh festival of harvestYatra - Festival of chariotsPuja - Worship of Goddess DurgaDay - Celebrated on 15th August- Islamic festival of sacrificeDay - Celebrated on 26th January...

Lord Nityananda 2013-01-07

Lord Nityananda crossword puzzle
  1. In which village in West Bengal did Lord Nityananda appear
  2. Who is Lord Nityananda's brother
  3. What is the name of Lord Nityananda's son
  4. What is the name of the chipped rice festival started by Lord Nityananda in Panihati
  1. What colour dhoti does Lord Nityananda wear
  2. What is another name of Lord Nityananda
  3. What was the name of Lord Nityananda's father
  4. What is the name of Lord Nityananda's wife
  5. Who was one of the miscreants that attacked Lord Nityananda
  6. Who is Lord Nityandana in Krishna lila

10 Clues: Who is Lord Nityananda's brotherWho is Lord Nityandana in Krishna lilaWhat is another name of Lord NityanandaWhat is the name of Lord Nityananda's sonWhat is the name of Lord Nityananda's wifeWhat colour dhoti does Lord Nityananda wearWhat was the name of Lord Nityananda's fatherIn which village in West Bengal did Lord Nityananda appear...

Medieval Crossword 2022-04-27

Medieval Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Tournament or combat of two mounted knights, using lances.
  2. Officer of the royal household who served as the monarch’s secretary or notary.
  3. The title of an officer given command in an army or an important garrison
  4. Man responsible for running the day to day affairs of the manor or castle in absence of the lord.
  5. Free man who held land from a lord to whom he paid homage and swore fealty.
  6. formal public acknowledgment of feudal allegiance.
  7. a long weapon,having a wooden shaft and a pointed steel head, formerly used by a horseman in charging.
  8. Lord’s overseer or steward
  9. The highest title attainable by an English nobleman who is not of royal blood.
  10. Normally the king’s eldest son
  1. a man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armor.
  2. Town with the right of self government granted by royal charter.
  3. a vassal or subject.
  4. A method of trial in which the accused was given a physical test which could be met successfully only if they were innocent.
  5. A dry measure of 8 gallons, or 4 pecks.
  6. A room
  7. Badges and clothes provided by a lord for their followers
  8. an oath by which a vassal swore loyalty to his lord

18 Clues: A rooma vassal or subject.Lord’s overseer or stewardNormally the king’s eldest sonA dry measure of 8 gallons, or 4 pecks.formal public acknowledgment of feudal allegiance.an oath by which a vassal swore loyalty to his lordBadges and clothes provided by a lord for their followersTournament or combat of two mounted knights, using lances....

New Zealand 2023-08-25

New Zealand crossword puzzle
  1. A meringue-based dessert
  2. Some ___ reefs are also found in New Zealand
  3. NZ is the sole home of the long-beaked flightless ___
  4. The country is famous for its silver ___ , which is a national symbol
  5. ____ Hillary was a famous mountain climber
  6. Given its beautiful coastline and maritime heritage, ___ is a prominent sport in New Zealand.
  1. ___ Ardern said that climate change is the greatest threat facing the world
  2. ___ Jackson, acclaimed filmmaker known for directing "The Lord of the Rings" film trilogy
  3. ___, including track and field events, is popular in New Zealand
  4. ___, a traditional Maori dance that is typically performed in a group and involves rhythmic movements

10 Clues: A meringue-based dessert____ Hillary was a famous mountain climberSome ___ reefs are also found in New ZealandNZ is the sole home of the long-beaked flightless ______, including track and field events, is popular in New ZealandThe country is famous for its silver ___ , which is a national symbol...

Maria Lluna - Magicians Nephew 2018-03-23

Maria Lluna - Magicians Nephew crossword puzzle
  1. Eve is the mother of?
  2. What did Queen Jadis try to say to Aunt Letty?
  3. What did Aslan tell Digory to get?
  4. Where was the bell that Digory?
  5. Who made the wardrobe?
  6. Polly touched the ___ and disappeared?
  1. What did Queen Jadis steal?
  2. What is Strawberry's new name?
  3. Who gave Andrew the rings?
  4. Who moved the hansom?
  5. Where did the rings come from?
  6. Which animal thought Andrew was a tree?
  7. What did the animals think Andrew was?
  8. Who is Digory the son of?

14 Clues: Eve is the mother of?Who moved the hansom?Who made the wardrobe?Who is Digory the son of?Who gave Andrew the rings?What did Queen Jadis steal?What is Strawberry's new name?Where did the rings come from?Where was the bell that Digory?What did Aslan tell Digory to get?What did the animals think Andrew was?Polly touched the ___ and disappeared?...

Relish the Lord 2024-05-29

Relish the Lord crossword puzzle
  1. the dove descends
  2. forgiveness
  3. JP II, Benedict, Francis
  4. rise again
  5. something amazing happened
  6. see through to the soul
  7. oversees diocese
  8. Jesus is not a snack
  1. three in one
  2. pray, fast, give alms
  3. devotion to Mary
  4. beginning of the year
  5. follower of faith
  6. Jesus' stories
  7. Initiation, Healing, Communion
  8. faith library
  9. welcome to the family
  10. Adam's first experience
  11. Happy Birthday
  12. when Adam met Eve

20 Clues: rise againforgivenessthree in onefaith libraryJesus' storiesHappy Birthdaydevotion to Maryoversees diocesethe dove descendsfollower of faithwhen Adam met EveJesus is not a snackpray, fast, give almsbeginning of the yearwelcome to the familysee through to the soulAdam's first experienceJP II, Benedict, Francissomething amazing happened...

Genesis 20 2021-05-30

Genesis 20 crossword puzzle
  1. The LORD told Abimelech Abraham is a _.
  2. Abraham dwelled between these two places.
  3. the parent Abraham and Sarah shared
  4. God used this to speak to Abimelech.
  5. time of morning Abimelech arose to obey God
  6. Abimelech gave these to Abraham when he restored him his wife.
  7. Abimelech said Abraham was this to Sarah and unto all that were with her.
  8. Abimelech told Sarah he had given a thousand of these to her brother.
  9. one animal Abimelech gave Abraham when he restored him his wife
  10. The LORD suffered Abimelech not to _ Sarah.
  1. When Abraham _, God healed Abimelech and his house.
  2. Abraham sojourned here.
  3. Abimelech asked the LORD, Wilt thou slay also a _ nation?
  4. king of Gerar who took Sarah
  5. The LORD had closed up these because of Abraham's wife.
  6. Abraham thought this was not in Abimelech's place.
  7. what Abimelech would do if he did not restore Abraham's wife to him
  8. Abimelech's _ of heart caused God to withhold him from sinning.
  9. one animal Abimelech gave Abraham when he restored him his wife
  10. Abimelech gave these to Abraham when he restored him his wife.
  11. Abimelech took Sarah in the _ of his hands.
  12. Abraham called Sarah his _.

22 Clues: Abraham sojourned here.Abraham called Sarah his _.king of Gerar who took Sarahthe parent Abraham and Sarah sharedGod used this to speak to Abimelech.The LORD told Abimelech Abraham is a _.Abraham dwelled between these two places.time of morning Abimelech arose to obey GodAbimelech took Sarah in the _ of his hands....

Moir Post Crossword 2021-06-01

Moir Post Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This planet is known for its rings
  2. A long awaited reunion that has elevated most of us onto cloud nine.
  3. Most endangered species
  4. nicknamed "The Beautiful Game." is an adrenaline-pumping activity that connects communities from all walks of life.
  5. A villain in Batman who has two sides of a face
  6. A time traveler that teleports one back in time to the heritage of this world.
  7. The two main types of clouds are stratus and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ clouds
  8. This can make you travel back in time, guffaw, bawl your eyes out and ressurect the dead.
  1. Lord of the Greek gods
  2. a feeling we yearn for amidst the hustle and bustle of our quotidian lives.
  3. A country in Scandinavia famous for pigs and pork
  4. This king is said to be the son of a Lion
  5. A new Marvel movie coming out this year
  6. A play by Shakespeare about a Moor who died for love
  7. The trickster god in Norse mythology
  8. This word refers to the dead body of a person or an animal that has not decayed due to specific natural or artificial conditions.

16 Clues: Lord of the Greek godsMost endangered speciesThis planet is known for its ringsThe trickster god in Norse mythologyA new Marvel movie coming out this yearThis king is said to be the son of a LionA villain in Batman who has two sides of a faceA country in Scandinavia famous for pigs and porkA play by Shakespeare about a Moor who died for love...

Movies 2020-06-19

Movies crossword puzzle
  1. The major downfall at the bar
  2. What is Lieutenant Uhura´s first name?
  3. What was the first ship James T. Kirk served on?
  4. Ironically, Waltz´s son is a _____________
  5. Who plays Bridget Von Hammersmark?
  6. What James Bond movie does the famous spy go to space?
  7. Who spoke the most languages in Inglourious Basterds?
  8. Where was no country for old men mainly shot?
  9. Who played the little boy in ¨the shining¨?
  10. Llewelyn´s last name
  11. Who broke their shoulder right before filming no country for old men?
  1. Who was the first real astronaut to appear in any Star Trek episode?
  2. The real name of Uma Thurman´s character in Kill Bill.
  3. What is the fictional brand of cigarettes in Quentin Tarantino´s movies?
  4. What type of weapons technology does phaser use?
  5. In the beginning of Inglourious Basterds, Hans Landa interrogates a _____________.
  6. Last name of Honey Bunny actress (think toilet)
  7. What character dies in the series finale of Star Trek: Enterprise?
  8. What Hollywood movie star played himself in Zombieland?
  9. First Spanish actor to win an oscar
  10. Who is the only actor to receive an oscar nomination from Lord of the Rings?
  11. What is the bear jew´s real name?
  12. How many years did it take Tarantino to make Inglourious Basterds?

23 Clues: Llewelyn´s last nameThe major downfall at the barWhat is the bear jew´s real name?Who plays Bridget Von Hammersmark?First Spanish actor to win an oscarWhat is Lieutenant Uhura´s first name?Ironically, Waltz´s son is a _____________Who played the little boy in ¨the shining¨?Where was no country for old men mainly shot?...

Ganpati Crossword 2021-09-10

Ganpati Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Lord Ganesha's Head was replaced with which animal's head?
  2. God Ganesha is the son of
  3. Who is the mother of lord Ganesha
  4. Lord Ganesha removes obstacles from one's life hence he was given the name..
  5. Maa Parvati is also known as
  1. What were the names of Ganesha's wives?
  2. Who introduced Ganesh chaturthi in India
  3. Main sweet served during Ganesh chaturthi?
  4. Which animal is the vehicle of Lord Ganesha
  5. for how many days ganesh utsav is celebrated
  6. who is Lord Ganesha's Elder brother
  7. How many sons did Lord Ganesha had?

12 Clues: God Ganesha is the son ofMaa Parvati is also known asWho is the mother of lord Ganeshawho is Lord Ganesha's Elder brotherHow many sons did Lord Ganesha had?What were the names of Ganesha's wives?Who introduced Ganesh chaturthi in IndiaMain sweet served during Ganesh chaturthi?Which animal is the vehicle of Lord Ganesha...

Happy Birthday Frances! 2024-09-25

Happy Birthday Frances! crossword puzzle
  1. Author of The Hunger Games
  2. Which Greek Titan gave the gift of fire to humanity?
  3. Author of 1984
  4. Who says "Unsex me here..."?
  5. Author of The Great Gatsby
  6. Greek god of the sea
  7. Which novel features Roger, Piggy, Jack & Simon
  8. Greek god of the underworld
  9. Greek goddess of the hearth
  10. Greek god of war
  11. Author of Wuthering Heights
  12. Greek god of the forge
  13. Author of The Grapes of Wrath
  14. Who slays the minotaur in Greek mythology?
  15. Where does the wizard live in Wizard of Oz?
  16. Who is the narrator in The Great Gatsby?
  1. Greek goddess of love
  2. What is through C.S Lewis' wardrobe?
  3. Author of The Northern Lights
  4. Author of Journey to the Centre of the Earth
  5. Greek god of wine
  6. Who manipulates Othello?
  7. Greek goddess of the Earth
  8. Author of Jane Eyre
  9. Messenger of the Greek gods
  10. King of the Greek gods
  11. Author of Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus
  12. Who comes from Darkest Peru?
  13. Author of To Kill a Mockingbird
  14. Author of Metamorphosis
  15. Daughter of Zeus & Demeter
  16. Greek goddess of wisdom & warfare
  17. Author of Lord of the Rings
  18. Who sang Wuthering Heights?
  19. Who coined the phrase "I solemnly swear I am up to no good"?
  20. Cathy's one true love

36 Clues: Author of 1984Greek god of warGreek god of wineAuthor of Jane EyreGreek god of the seaGreek goddess of loveCathy's one true loveKing of the Greek godsGreek god of the forgeAuthor of MetamorphosisWho manipulates Othello?Author of The Hunger GamesGreek goddess of the EarthAuthor of The Great GatsbyDaughter of Zeus & DemeterMessenger of the Greek gods...

Medieval Europe Vocab 2022-05-18

Medieval Europe Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. The system, spirit, or customs of medieval knighthood
  2. The everyday spoken language of a region
  3. The Christian “reconquest” of the Iberian Peninsula
  4. Hostility toward or discrimination against Jews
  5. A mounted man-at-arms serving a lord
  6. The study of religious faith, practice, and experience
  7. A narrow inlet of the sea between cliffs or steep slopes
  8. A feudal estate belonging to a vassal
  9. A member of the peasant class tied to the land and subject to the will of the landowner
  10. A group of merchants or craftsmen during medieval times; a group of merchants or craftspeople
  11. The system of service between a lord and the vassals who have sworn loyalty to the lord
  1. People who are sent by a religious organization to spread the faith
  2. Agreement between the pope and the ruler of a country
  3. A group of citizens that meets to decide whether people should be accused of a crime
  4. A low-ranking noble under the protection of a feudal lord
  5. A way of thinking that combined faith and reason
  6. Religious worship service for Catholic Christians
  7. A group of citizens that decides whether an accused person is innocent or guilty
  8. A religious belief that contradicts what the church says is true
  9. A disease that spreads quickly and kills many people

20 Clues: A mounted man-at-arms serving a lordA feudal estate belonging to a vassalThe everyday spoken language of a regionHostility toward or discrimination against JewsA way of thinking that combined faith and reasonReligious worship service for Catholic ChristiansThe Christian “reconquest” of the Iberian Peninsula...

Samurai's Tale Ch 1-10 2023-04-05

Samurai's Tale Ch 1-10 crossword puzzle
  1. The social system in Japan with the emperor at the top and merchants at the bottom.
  2. Ritual suicide a samurai must commit if he dishonors the bushido code.
  3. The kept woman, she is the mother of Katsuyori.
  4. A servant or follower of a noble or wealthy person, especially one that has worked for a person or family for a long time.
  5. Another word for meditation
  6. Also a messenger of Lord Akiyama’s, this happy young man befriends Taro at Iida Castle.
  7. Character who mistreats horses and bully’s Taro.
  8. Also called the “Wakatono,” he is the youngest of Takeda Shingen’s sons.
  9. Samurai with no masters who are often robbers.
  10. Taro's first friend, he had a melon shaped head and was multi-talented for a cook.
  11. Not being satisfied with his life, Taro compares himself to this animal.
  1. As Taro grows, his position within Lord Akiyama’s household evolves, from a cook, to a stable boy and finally he is given this position as a “superior servant” in Iida Castle.
  2. Lord Takeda Shingen is ruler of this province in Japan.
  3. Taro’s dad was a samurai for this lord.
  4. Togan is stabbed after attending this sporting event with Taro.
  5. Son of Takeda Shingen, he is executed in Toko-ji temple by his brother Katsuyori
  6. The narrator of The Samurai's Tale.
  7. Wife of Takeda Shingen and mother of Yoshinobu.
  8. She was the servant of the family and helped hide Taro from the invading samurai.
  9. Lord Akiyama is the governor of this place.
  10. The setting of the Samurai's Tale.

21 Clues: Another word for meditationThe setting of the Samurai's Tale.The narrator of The Samurai's Tale.Taro’s dad was a samurai for this lord.Lord Akiyama is the governor of this place.Samurai with no masters who are often robbers.The kept woman, she is the mother of Katsuyori.Wife of Takeda Shingen and mother of Yoshinobu....

Ganpati Crossword 2021-09-10

Ganpati Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Lord Ganesha's Head was replaced with which animal's head?
  2. God Ganesha is the son of
  3. Who is the mother of lord Ganesha
  4. Lord Ganesha removes obstacles from one's life hence he was given the name..
  5. Maa Parvati is also known as
  1. What were the names of Ganesha's wives?
  2. Who introduced Ganesh chaturthi in India
  3. Main sweet served during Ganesh chaturthi?
  4. Which animal is the vehicle of Lord Ganesha
  5. for how many days ganesh utsav is celebrated
  6. who is Lord Ganesha's Elder brother
  7. How many sons did Lord Ganesha had?

12 Clues: God Ganesha is the son ofMaa Parvati is also known asWho is the mother of lord Ganeshawho is Lord Ganesha's Elder brotherHow many sons did Lord Ganesha had?What were the names of Ganesha's wives?Who introduced Ganesh chaturthi in IndiaMain sweet served during Ganesh chaturthi?Which animal is the vehicle of Lord Ganesha...

Genesis 20 2021-05-30

Genesis 20 crossword puzzle
  1. what Abimelech would do if he did not restore Abraham's wife to him
  2. one animal Abimelech gave Abraham when he restored him his wife
  3. The LORD had closed up these because of Abraham's wife.
  4. Abimelech gave these to Abraham when he restored him his wife.
  5. king of Gerar who took Sarah
  6. the parent Abraham and Sarah shared
  7. Abimelech's _ of heart caused God to withhold him from sinning.
  8. Abimelech gave these to Abraham when he restored him his wife.
  9. God used this to speak to Abimelech.
  10. Abimelech asked the LORD, Wilt thou slay also a _ nation?
  11. one animal Abimelech gave Abraham when he restored him his wife
  1. Abraham dwelled between these two places.
  2. Abimelech told Sarah he had given a thousand of these to her brother.
  3. When Abraham _, God healed Abimelech and his house.
  4. The LORD told Abimelech Abraham is a _.
  5. The LORD suffered Abimelech not to _ Sarah.
  6. Abraham sojourned here.
  7. Abimelech said Abraham was this to Sarah and unto all that were with her.
  8. Abimelech took Sarah in the _ of his hands.
  9. Abraham called Sarah his _.
  10. time of morning Abimelech arose to obey God
  11. Abraham thought this was not in Abimelech's place.

22 Clues: Abraham sojourned here.Abraham called Sarah his _.king of Gerar who took Sarahthe parent Abraham and Sarah sharedGod used this to speak to Abimelech.The LORD told Abimelech Abraham is a _.Abraham dwelled between these two places.The LORD suffered Abimelech not to _ Sarah.Abimelech took Sarah in the _ of his hands....

The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers: Characters/Creatures 2021-08-23

The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers: Characters/Creatures crossword puzzle
  1. the heir to a race of kings from an ancient civilization called Numenor.
  2. Graceful and thin people who live for an indefinite amount of time. Elves are associated with the forest and nature as well as magic.
  3. A powerful wizard, also called Mithrandir. Known for saying the line " You shall not pass!" after falling down a ravine with a Balrog in the beginning of the book.
  4. Creatures half the size of men with round faces and bellies and hairy toes.
  1. Short stocky people who have beards. Known for their ability to forge.
  2. the embodiment of evil throughout The Lord of the Rings and the one who forged the Ring of Power to control the Free people of Middle Earth.
  3. Goblin-like creatures who inhabit mountains and work for Sauron.
  4. These creatures are Ringwraiths and they search for the Ring of Power. Their new form is of a winged horse representing the increased power and reach of Sauron
  5. inherited the Ring of Power from his uncle Bilbo Baggins. He volunteered to bear it all the way into Mordor where it can finally be destroyed.
  6. Used to be known as Smeagol, he was a Hobbit. But after intertwined fates with the Ring of power. It corrupted his mind.

10 Clues: Goblin-like creatures who inhabit mountains and work for Sauron.Short stocky people who have beards. Known for their ability to forge.the heir to a race of kings from an ancient civilization called Numenor.Creatures half the size of men with round faces and bellies and hairy toes....

WMMM crossword(Jess n Ama) 2024-05-14

WMMM crossword(Jess n Ama) crossword puzzle
  1. What app do Michael and Mina use to message each other?
  2. What is Paula's dog suffering from?
  3. What country is Mina from?
  4. How old is Nathan?
  5. How many days is Terrance suspended for being rude to Paula?
  6. What does Micheal not want to do?
  7. Whats the first word that appears when they open the book?
  8. "Muslims are ______"(Alan)
  9. What is Micheal's last name?
  10. Who does Paula like?
  11. What college does Michael want to go to?
  12. What year was WMMM published? 20__?
  1. "islam is ______"
  2. Name of minas dad's restaurant
  3. What color t-shirt is mina wearing when they first meet.
  4. What does Michael's dad want Michael to be when he's older
  5. What does Michael eat on page 186-190?
  6. Who invites Michael to the movie marathon
  7. What does Mina's mom wear on her head normally?
  8. What food does Nathan not like
  9. "____ marble floors, _____ walls and furnishings." (Paula's house)
  10. Who is the owner of the previous fish n chips shop?
  11. Who does Mina dress up as in the Lord of the Rings Movie marathon?
  12. Who was the person who accused Mina's restaurant for funding terroism?
  13. What grade has Michael known Terrence for?

25 Clues: "islam is ______"How old is Nathan?Who does Paula like?What country is Mina from?"Muslims are ______"(Alan)What is Micheal's last name?Name of minas dad's restaurantWhat food does Nathan not likeWhat does Micheal not want to do?What is Paula's dog suffering from?What year was WMMM published? 20__?What does Michael eat on page 186-190?...

T6 2024-04-29

T6 crossword puzzle
  1. What you have if you eat food that went bad
  2. Netflix, for exemple
  3. The area in a city far from downtown
  4. The city where you were born in
  5. Something difficult. It demands a lot from you
  6. Adam Sandler, for exemple
  7. The habilidade do think about original things
  8. When your studies are paid for you by an institution
  9. What bees make
  10. It's not optional
  11. What you are if you can't remember things
  12. Thins that are current, modern
  13. People or things you know very well
  14. When you miss home
  15. What makes you keep moving forth
  1. The best medicine
  2. Things you do for fun; Theater, movies, concerts, etc
  3. The area where you live
  4. When you are not sure of things
  5. You need to cut down on them if you are on a diet
  6. Objective
  7. That's what you are if you don't eat meat
  8. Not black and white
  9. A, B, C, D or E
  10. You have one of these if you love eating candy
  11. Art on the street
  12. The Lord of the Rings, for exemple
  13. A chance you have that you shouldn't miss
  14. Things that exist only in your head

29 Clues: ObjectiveWhat bees makeA, B, C, D or EThe best medicineArt on the streetIt's not optionalWhen you miss homeNot black and whiteNetflix, for exempleThe area where you liveAdam Sandler, for exempleThins that are current, modernWhen you are not sure of thingsThe city where you were born inWhat makes you keep moving forth...

Adult Puzzle 2023-07-25

Adult Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Illusionist and villain in Marvel's "Spider-Man: Far From Home."
  2. Name of the Black family home in Harry Potter, used as Order of the Phoenix headquarters.
  3. Summoning charm in the Harry Potter series.
  4. Fusion of San Francisco and Tokyo in Disney's "Big Hero 6."
  5. Wizard who sells wands in Diagon Alley in Harry Potter.
  6. Disney film featuring classical music and animated segments.
  7. Adjective referring to people or things from Wakanda.
  8. Villainess in Disney's "101 Dalmatians" known for her obsession with fur.
  9. Tragic character corrupted by the One Ring in "The Lord of the Rings."
  10. Planet where the Soul Stone is located in Marvel's "Avengers."
  1. Voldemort's snake and Horcrux in the Harry Potter series.
  2. Epic conclusion of the Avengers' battle against Thanos.
  3. Planet in Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy," home to Nova Corps.
  4. Eastern European city devastated in Marvel's "Avengers: Age of Ultron."
  5. Mind-bending movie where characters enter dreams within dreams.
  6. Dark magical object used by Voldemort to achieve immortality in Harry Potter.
  7. Vizier and antagonist in Disney's "Aladdin."
  8. Mischievous creature with a fondness for shiny objects in the Harry Potter series.
  9. Enchanted prince in Disney's "Beauty and the Beast."
  10. Realm and home of Thor and other Norse gods in Marvel movies.

20 Clues: Summoning charm in the Harry Potter series.Vizier and antagonist in Disney's "Aladdin."Enchanted prince in Disney's "Beauty and the Beast."Adjective referring to people or things from Wakanda.Epic conclusion of the Avengers' battle against Thanos.Wizard who sells wands in Diagon Alley in Harry Potter....

Bible Themed Crosswords 2023-06-16

Bible Themed Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. This Roman came to Jesus on behalf of a servant?
  2. Jesus submitted to this in order to "fulfill all righteousness"?
  3. A sign that God would not destroy the world with water again?
  4. This man walked faithfully with the Lord and was "Taken away"?
  5. The name of the "little maiden" who sent Naaman to the prophet?
  6. The Lord was sent to the wilderness to be?
  7. After he was healed his skin became like that of a young?
  8. The total number of people who were saved on the ark?
  9. The Magi followed this to locate the baby Jesus.
  10. The total number of sons of Jacob who went down with Jacob to Egypt?
  11. Elisha caused this to float?
  12. When you fast, do not look like this?
  13. The Lord gave one of these on the Mount?
  14. The Lord did this to a storm?
  15. This group of Jews did not believe in an afterlife?
  16. Due to a famine, Abram went to this country?
  1. If someone strikes a Christian, they are commanded to turn the other?
  2. A source for the water that flooded the earth?
  3. Blank, and this will be given to you?
  4. Naaman's disease?
  5. Naaman preferred the waters of this location than the Jordan River?
  6. This woman sought to touch this article of clothing of the Lord's for healing?
  7. Known as the prince of this world?
  8. The reason that God destroyed the world in a flood was?
  9. Jesus' family fled here to escape from Herod?
  10. God intervened and stopped man from building one of these by confusing their language? Tower
  11. These could destroy your treasures on earth?
  12. One of the gifts of the magi for Jesus?
  13. The first gospel book begins with this?
  14. The Apostle Paul was from this city?
  15. The final book of the Old Testament?
  16. Where was the LORD when He performed His first miracle?
  17. The Pharisees were not pleased that the Lord did this with tax collectors?
  18. What is the name of the first city named in the Bible?
  19. Enter in at the narrow one of these?
  20. Noah and his family used this to escape the flood?

36 Clues: Naaman's disease?Elisha caused this to float?The Lord did this to a storm?Known as the prince of this world?The Apostle Paul was from this city?The final book of the Old Testament?Enter in at the narrow one of these?Blank, and this will be given to you?When you fast, do not look like this?One of the gifts of the magi for Jesus?...

Happy Birthday Frances! 2024-09-25

Happy Birthday Frances! crossword puzzle
  1. Author of Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus
  2. Which novel features Roger, Piggy, Jack & SImon
  3. Author of The Great Gatsby
  4. Author of Jane Eyre
  5. Who coined the phrase "I solemnly swear I am up to no good"?
  6. Greek god of the forge
  7. Who comes from Darkest Peru?
  8. Author of To Kill a Mockingbird
  9. Author of The Northern Lights
  10. What is through C.S Lewis' wardrobe?
  11. Author of The Grapes of Wrath
  12. Greek goddess of the hearth
  13. Greek goddess of love
  14. Greek goddess of the Earth
  15. Who says "Unsex me here..."?
  16. Author of Wuthering Heights
  17. Who is the narrator in The Great Gatsby?
  18. Who slays the minotaur in Greek mythology?
  1. Cathy's one true love
  2. Author of The Hunger Games
  3. Author of Journey to the Centre of the Earth
  4. Greek goddess of wisdom & warfare
  5. Author of 1984
  6. Daughter of Zeus & Demeter
  7. Greek god of war
  8. King of the Greek gods
  9. Messenger of the Greek gods
  10. Author of Metamorphosis
  11. Greek god of the underworld
  12. Greek god of the sea
  13. Where does the wizard live in Wizard of Oz?
  14. Who sang Wuthering Heights?
  15. Author of Lord of the Rings
  16. Greek god of wine
  17. Which Greek Titan gave the gift of fire to humanity?
  18. Who manipulates Othello?

36 Clues: Author of 1984Greek god of warGreek god of wineAuthor of Jane EyreGreek god of the seaCathy's one true loveGreek goddess of loveKing of the Greek godsGreek god of the forgeAuthor of MetamorphosisWho manipulates Othello?Author of The Hunger GamesAuthor of The Great GatsbyDaughter of Zeus & DemeterGreek goddess of the EarthMessenger of the Greek gods...

Our Town-The Who, the What, the Where 2016-11-04

Our Town-The Who, the What, the Where crossword puzzle
  1. / A kind of party adored by citizens of Verona
  2. / Kinsmen to the Prince; dear friend of Romeo
  3. / Son of Lord Montague.
  4. / Nephew of Lord Capulet
  5. / A festival celebrating the first wheat harvest
  6. / Lord Capulet's daughter.
  7. Paris / Kinsmen to the Prince
  8. / A common age of married women in Verona
  1. / A Noble Family in our town
  2. / Nephew of Lord Montague, and dear friend of Romeo
  3. / Our wonderful town
  4. Escalus / The godly ruler of Verona
  5. / A Noble Family in our town
  6. / The Capulet and Montague clans engage in a bitter ____.
  7. of wax / Common Phrase that means "a perfect man."

15 Clues: / Our wonderful town/ Son of Lord Montague./ Nephew of Lord Capulet/ Lord Capulet's daughter./ A Noble Family in our town/ A Noble Family in our townParis / Kinsmen to the PrinceEscalus / The godly ruler of Verona/ A common age of married women in Verona/ Kinsmen to the Prince; dear friend of Romeo/ A kind of party adored by citizens of Verona...

Romeo & Juliet Characters 2023-12-07

Romeo & Juliet Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Spouse of Lord Montague
  2. Daughter of Lord Capulet
  3. Juliet's 'offical' husband
  4. Father of Romeo
  5. Juliet's main caretaker
  1. Ruler of Verona
  2. Son of Lord Montague
  3. Spouse of Lord Capulet
  4. Romeo's best friend
  5. Father of Juliet
  6. Romeo's cousin
  7. The person who wed Juliet and Romeo
  8. Juliet's cousin that always fights people

13 Clues: Romeo's cousinRuler of VeronaFather of RomeoFather of JulietRomeo's best friendSon of Lord MontagueSpouse of Lord CapuletSpouse of Lord MontagueJuliet's main caretakerDaughter of Lord CapuletJuliet's 'offical' husbandThe person who wed Juliet and RomeoJuliet's cousin that always fights people

Proverbs 15 2021-08-07

Proverbs 15 crossword puzzle
  1. but the cheerful heart has a continual _____.
  2. than _____ a calf with hatred.
  3. A happy heart makes the face _____,
  4. The heart of the righteous weighs its _____,
  5. but a foolish man despises his _____.
  6. but he sets the widow’s _____ stones in place.
  7. to keep them from going down to the _____ of the dead.
  8. but he loves those who _____ righteousness.
  9. The Lord _____ the way of the wicked,
  10. and good news gives _____ to the bones.
  11. The house of the ____ contains great treasure,
  12. The Lord tears down the house of the _____,
  13. but the one who hates _____ will live.
  14. A person finds joy in _____ an apt reply—
  15. Better a small serving of vegetables with ____
  16. The _____ heart seeks knowledge,
  17. but the _____ of fools are not upright.
  18. but the _____ of the fool gushes folly.
  19. Whoever heeds life-giving _____
  20. Stern discipline awaits anyone who leaves the ___;
  21. _____ resent correction,
  22. Plans fail for lack of _____,
  23. but with many _____ they succeed.
  24. A wise son brings joy to his _____,
  25. great _____ with turmoil.
  26. All the days of the _____ are wretched,
  27. The greedy bring ruin to their _____,
  28. _____ and Destruction[a] lie open before the Lord
  29. be at home among the wise.
  30. The way of the _____ is blocked with thorns,
  31. but he hears the _____ of the righteous.
  32. The lips of the wise spread _____,
  1. the one who _____ correction will die.
  2. The Lord _____ the thoughts of the wicked,
  3. A fool spurns a parent’s _____,
  4. and how good is a _____ word!
  5. Wisdom’s _____ is to fear the Lord,
  6. A hot-tempered person stirs up _____,
  7. but whoever has understanding keeps a __ course.
  8. Folly brings ___ to one who has no sense,
  9. so they avoid the ____.
  10. but whoever heeds correction shows _____.
  11. The ____ is far from the wicked,
  12. Light in a _____ eyes brings joy to the heart,
  13. but the one who is _____ calms a quarrel.
  14. The path of life leads upward for the ____
  15. but the prayer of the _____ pleases him.
  16. but a perverse tongue crushes the _____.
  17. but _____ words are pure in his sight.
  18. but heartache _____ the spirit.
  19. The tongue of the wise adorns _____,
  20. Better a little with the ____ of the Lord
  21. but the path of the upright is a _____.
  22. but a _____ word stirs up anger.
  23. but the mouth of a fool feeds on _____.
  24. The _____ of the lord are everywhere,
  25. and humility comes before ____.
  26. A _____ answer turns away wrath,
  27. but the income of the wicked brings _____.
  28. The soothing _____ is a tree of life,
  29. Those who ____ discipline despise themselves,
  30. how much more do _____ hearts!
  31. The Lord detests the sacrifice of the _____,
  32. but the one who ____ correction gains understanding.
  33. keeping _____ on the wicked and the good.
  34. but the mouth of the wicked _____ evil.

66 Clues: so they avoid the ____._____ resent correction,great _____ with turmoil.be at home among the wise.and how good is a _____ word!Plans fail for lack of _____,than _____ a calf with hatred.how much more do _____ hearts!A fool spurns a parent’s _____,but heartache _____ the spirit.Whoever heeds life-giving _____and humility comes before ____....

cwp-640ff8e74ed8c44ac8a802f20c14df9355 2023-03-14

cwp-640ff8e74ed8c44ac8a802f20c14df9355 crossword puzzle
  1. And, lo, the ___ of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them ...
  2. ... which was the son of Abraham, which was the son of Thara, which was the son of ___
  3. He hath put down the mighty from their ___, and exalted them of low degree.
  4. ... Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good ___ of great joy, which shall be to all people.
  5. And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not ___ the Lord thy God.
  6. And ___ came on all that dwelt round about them ...
  7. And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the ___ of the world ...
  8. To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy ___
  9. For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither ___ nor strong drink ...
  10. Every ___ shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low ...
  1. And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a ___ from Caesar Augustus ...
  2. And she coming in that instant gave ___ likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that ...
  3. Which was the son of ___, which was the son of Eliezer, which was the son of Jorim ...
  4. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath ___ me to preach the gospel to the poor ...
  5. ... as they returned, the child Jesus ___ behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it.
  6. ... a certain priest named Zacharias ... and his wife was of the daughters of ___, and her name was Elisabeth.
  7. And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, ___ him.
  8. ... many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was ___ ___ three years and six months ...
  9. And there were in the same ___ shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
  10. And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a ___ upon him ...

20 Clues: And ___ came on all that dwelt round about them ...And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a ___ upon him ...And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, ___ him.To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy ___He hath put down the mighty from their ___, and exalted them of low degree....

Media Crossword 2024-08-21

Media Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. "Cuz @ the end of the day, the ____ gotta end"
  2. Blankman's closest confidant
  3. Finish this line from the movie Life: You goin eat your____?
  4. Please tell your lovers and friends that ____,_____, & ____ had to do it again
  5. "Rob the _____ store and tell 'em make me a grill"
  6. Lord of the Rings: The _____ of the ring
  7. Sketch comedy show created by Keenen Ivory Wayans that included stars such as himself, Kim Coles, Jamie Foxx, Tommy Davidson, T'Keyah Keyman, Jim Carrey, David Alan Grier, etc.
  8. When asked to be feared or loved, Michael Scott responds, "Easy. Both. I want to people to be ____ of how much they love me"
  1. 2813308004 Hit _______ up on the low
  2. In Barbershop, someone stole sips of what beverage that belonged to Terri?
  3. In coming to America, what was the name of the fast food restaurant that Prince Akeem worked at?
  4. What was the name of the radio station Martin worked at?
  5. Who lives on the 5th floor in the show Martin
  6. Dont got chasing _____

14 Clues: Dont got chasing _____Blankman's closest confidant2813308004 Hit _______ up on the lowLord of the Rings: The _____ of the ringWho lives on the 5th floor in the show Martin"Cuz @ the end of the day, the ____ gotta end""Rob the _____ store and tell 'em make me a grill"What was the name of the radio station Martin worked at?...

Lights, Camera, Action! 2023-08-30

Lights, Camera, Action! crossword puzzle
  1. Character played by Ian McKellen in The Lord of the Rings
  2. First foreign-language movie to win Oscar for Best Picture
  3. 1997 film starring Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslett
  4. Film that were both Whoopi Goldberg and Opra Winfrey's debut performances
  5. 2000 Oscar-winning epic set in Rome
  6. Henry _____: Juror Number 8 in 12 Angry Men
  7. Alfred Hitchcock thriller
  8. Riley's imaginary friend in Inside Out
  9. Back to the Future vehicle
  10. Tim Allen's character in Toy Story
  11. Disney's first princess
  12. "A Spoonful of ______ Helps the medicine go down."
  13. Bill Nighy's character in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies
  1. Margaret ________, played the Wicked Witch of the West
  2. Food that Matt Damon's character survives on in "The Martian"
  3. 2004 Sharon Stone superhero film character
  4. 1993 film about a Jamaican Bobsled team
  5. Film with the famous line "You talkin' to me?"
  6. ________ Reeves, actor who plays John Wick
  7. Film that got Tom Hanks his first Academy Award nomination
  8. Wilderness Explorer in Up
  9. "Fish are friends, not ______."
  10. The name of the first Gremlin in the 1984 movie
  11. The voice of Scarlet Overkill in the 2015 movie "Minions"
  12. Actor that owns the Saint Paul Saints
  13. Mr. _____, Captain Hook's sidekick
  14. Dinner enjoyed by two pooches on a date

27 Clues: Disney's first princessWilderness Explorer in UpAlfred Hitchcock thrillerBack to the Future vehicle"Fish are friends, not ______."Tim Allen's character in Toy StoryMr. _____, Captain Hook's sidekick2000 Oscar-winning epic set in RomeActor that owns the Saint Paul SaintsRiley's imaginary friend in Inside Out1993 film about a Jamaican Bobsled team...

Moses and Exodus 13-20 2022-09-19

Moses and Exodus 13-20 crossword puzzle
  1. Mount Sinai was covered with smoke because the Lord descended on it in __________.
  2. Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?
  3. Moses called the place where he struck the rock Massah and __________because they were quarreling and testing God.
  4. What was to be done to any person or animal that touched any part of the mountain the day the Lord spoke to the people?
  5. You shall not commit__________.
  6. You shall not make for yourself an __________in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or the waters below.
  7. What name did the people of Israel give to the bread that was provided to them by God?
  8. Who did Moses appoint to lead the people in battle at Rephidim?
  9. Through what did the Lord say he would speak to Moses and the people?
  10. Who helped Aaron hold up the hands of Moses during the battle at Rephidim?
  11. How long did the Israelites eat the bread?
  12. Whose bones did Moses take with them when they left Egypt?
  13. Which people's country did God lead them away from when they left Egypt?
  14. Where did the Israelites camp after they left the Desert of Sin?
  1. How did the Lord guide the people when it was dark?
  2. Who was the second son of Moses and Zipporah?
  3. Who did the Lord tell Moses to bring with him up to the mountain in Exodus 19:24?
  4. Sister of Aaron and Moses
  5. After they left Rephidim, near what mountain in the desert did they camp?
  6. At what rock did God instruct Moses to strike the rock to get water for the people?
  7. What group of people did Moses appoint after taking advice from his father-in-law?
  8. To what sea did God lead his people?
  9. What did Moses throw in the water at Marah to make it fit for drinking?
  10. Whom did God say he was going to use to demonstrate His Glory?
  11. What food did the Lord provide for the people in the evenings?
  12. Into what desert did Moses lead the people when they left the Red Sea?
  13. Gave Moses some good advice
  14. You shall not give false__________against your neighbor.
  15. After the Israelites won their first battle, Moses called the alter he built "the Lord is my __________."
  16. Jethro was the priest of__________.

30 Clues: Sister of Aaron and MosesGave Moses some good adviceYou shall not commit__________.Jethro was the priest of__________.To what sea did God lead his people?Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?How long did the Israelites eat the bread?Who was the second son of Moses and Zipporah?How did the Lord guide the people when it was dark?...

Moses and Exodus 13-20 2022-09-19

Moses and Exodus 13-20 crossword puzzle
  1. What food did the Lord provide for the people in the evenings?
  2. Sister of Aaron and Moses
  3. To what sea did God lead his people?
  4. How long did the Israelites eat the bread?
  5. What was to be done to any person or animal that touched any part of the mountain the day the Lord spoke to the people?
  6. Through what did the Lord say he would speak to Moses and the people?
  7. After the Israelites won their first battle, Moses called the alter he built "the Lord is my __________."
  8. What did Moses throw in the water at Marah to make it fit for drinking?
  9. Whose bones did Moses take with them when they left Egypt?
  10. Which people's country did God lead them away from when they left Egypt?
  11. Mount Sinai was covered with smoke because the Lord descended on it in __________.
  12. Who helped Aaron hold up the hands of Moses during the battle at Rephidim?
  13. Who did the Lord tell Moses to bring with him up to the mountain in Exodus 19:24?
  14. Jethro was the priest of__________.
  1. How did the Lord guide the people when it was dark?
  2. What group of people did Moses appoint after taking advice from his father-in-law?
  3. At what rock did God instruct Moses to strike the rock to get water for the people?
  4. Whom did God say he was going to use to demonstrate His Glory?
  5. You shall not make for yourself an __________in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or the waters below.
  6. You shall not commit__________.
  7. Gave Moses some good advice
  8. After they left Rephidim, near what mountain in the desert did they camp?
  9. You shall not give false__________against your neighbor.
  10. Moses called the place where he struck the rock Massah and __________because they were quarreling and testing God.
  11. Who was the second son of Moses and Zipporah?
  12. Who did Moses appoint to lead the people in battle at Rephidim?
  13. Into what desert did Moses lead the people when they left the Red Sea?
  14. Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?
  15. Where did the Israelites camp after they left the Desert of Sin?
  16. What name did the people of Israel give to the bread that was provided to them by God?

30 Clues: Sister of Aaron and MosesGave Moses some good adviceYou shall not commit__________.Jethro was the priest of__________.To what sea did God lead his people?Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?How long did the Israelites eat the bread?Who was the second son of Moses and Zipporah?How did the Lord guide the people when it was dark?...

Cinema Vocabulary 2019-03-25

Cinema Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The ___ in Avengers is quite complicated, I didn't know what was happening!
  2. This movie has amazing special ___! Lightsabers look like they were real!
  3. That movie is ____ on the book of the same name by J.K. Rowling.
  4. Originally, the dialogue in Harry Potter was in English, but then it was ____ into other languages.
  5. I love ___ films! I like feeling scared.
  6. I love the ___ from Lord of the Rings, I could listen to it all day!
  7. I think that the __ of Shrek is better than the first part.
  1. That's the best ___ I have ever seen! I was laughing all the movie!
  2. The movie Spiderman was shot on ___ in New York.
  3. My favourite book genre is science- ____
  4. I don't know English so I have to watch this movie with Polish ___.
  5. Cold War was ___ by Paweł Pawlikowski.
  6. A:Did you play an important role? B: No, I was only one of the ___ during the wedding scene.

13 Clues: Cold War was ___ by Paweł Pawlikowski.My favourite book genre is science- ____I love ___ films! I like feeling scared.The movie Spiderman was shot on ___ in New York.I think that the __ of Shrek is better than the first part.That movie is ____ on the book of the same name by J.K. Rowling....

Midlevel times 2021-06-03

Midlevel times crossword puzzle
  1. fighters that fought on behalf of his lord
  2. Latin word that means middle ages
  3. people who lived, worked, and farmed
  4. The plague that happened in 1620
  5. weapon used to capture a castle
  6. A group of people trained for service
  7. received land in return for their services
  1. The 2nd highest ruler in the century
  2. Powerful king and emperor
  3. practice fighting to train knights for battle
  4. Given by a lord to a vassal
  5. a system that formed the political structure
  6. code of honor
  7. house on a manor where the lord lives
  8. a powerful noble

15 Clues: code of honora powerful noblePowerful king and emperorGiven by a lord to a vassalweapon used to capture a castleThe plague that happened in 1620Latin word that means middle agesThe 2nd highest ruler in the centurypeople who lived, worked, and farmedA group of people trained for servicehouse on a manor where the lord lives...

FUN FUND Q4 - L7 Heroes 2022-07-15

FUN FUND Q4 - L7 Heroes crossword puzzle
  1. What event are we enjoying now?
  2. name of probably the team member with a more successful career as a " fashion model"
  3. Who played the poor Gollum on the "Lord of the Rings" movies?
  4. OMG an IP is trying to flood my server!!
  5. name of the islands where Rafa proposed marriage to his fiancee
  6. Poligon with 7 edges.
  1. In TAC we receive a weekly newsletter from him every week informing from "interesting Jiras"
  2. One of the main features handled by the L7 team.
  3. Andras will name us with this word during a busy week.
  4. One of our direct competitors
  5. Name of our L7 team "robinson crusoe" this guy will cross the Atlantic ocean ALONE on a small boat!
  6. Surname of the second human who walwed on the moon.
  7. It could be the name of a zombie movie, but it's actually a 12-week program to accelerate the Technical Assistance Center (TAC) transformation.
  8. In programming we could use it to create a loop.

14 Clues: Poligon with 7 edges.One of our direct competitorsWhat event are we enjoying now?OMG an IP is trying to flood my server!!One of the main features handled by the L7 team.In programming we could use it to create a loop.Surname of the second human who walwed on the moon.Andras will name us with this word during a busy week....

Rama Avatar 2022-04-09

Rama Avatar crossword puzzle
  1. Lord Rama was sent on exile for ________ years.
  2. Lord Rama broke the ___ of Lord Siva to marry Sita devi.
  3. King Dasaratha's eldest son
  4. Lord Rama's mother
  5. Wife of Lord Rama
  6. One of the twins
  1. Sita Devi's father
  2. Capital city of King Dasaratha's kingdom
  3. How many sons did King Dasaratha have?
  4. Where did Ravana keep Sita devi captive?
  5. Head of the Vanara army
  6. Raksasa King

12 Clues: Raksasa KingOne of the twinsWife of Lord RamaSita Devi's fatherLord Rama's motherHead of the Vanara armyKing Dasaratha's eldest sonHow many sons did King Dasaratha have?Capital city of King Dasaratha's kingdomWhere did Ravana keep Sita devi captive?Lord Rama was sent on exile for ________ years....

Intro to Forestry 2021-09-10

Intro to Forestry crossword puzzle
  1. Pipeline that transfers food from the leaves to the rest of the plant.
  2. Green color.
  3. Science of developing, caring for, or cultivating a tree-covered environment.
  4. Top part of the tree that includes branches, twigs, buds, and leaves.
  5. Woody plant that can grow to be 15 feet or higher.
  6. Tree's protection from the outside world.
  7. Anchors a plant and supports the tree.
  8. It is new wood!
  9. Growing part of the trunk.
  10. Part of the plant where photosynthesis takes place.
  11. These contribute to growth in length.
  12. Sugar produced by a plant.
  1. Process of converting CO2 and H20 into glucose and oxygen.
  2. Dead, supporting part of the tree.
  3. Pipeline for moving water from the roots to the leaves.
  4. Example of a Conifer tree.
  5. A tree's age is determined by these.
  6. Example of a Deciduous tree.
  7. ______________ rings means that the tree had a poor growing season.
  8. _____________ rings means that the tree had a good growing season.
  9. Type of tree that bear seeds in cones, have needles and keep them through the winter.
  10. Type of tree that drops their leaves in the Fall.

22 Clues: Green color.It is new wood!Example of a Conifer tree.Growing part of the trunk.Sugar produced by a plant.Example of a Deciduous tree.Dead, supporting part of the tree.A tree's age is determined by these.These contribute to growth in length.Anchors a plant and supports the tree.Tree's protection from the outside world....

cross 4 2024-04-12

cross 4 crossword puzzle
  1. The prophesied 'One' in 'The Matrix' series
  2. Director known for his stylized violence and nonlinear storytelling in films like 'Pulp Fiction'
  3. Director of 'Back to the Future' and 'Forrest Gump'
  4. 1982 scifi film directed by Ridley Scott set in a dystopian future
  1. Wizarding school attended by Harry Potter
  2. 1995 thriller about a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his motif
  3. Director known for films like 'Fight Club' and 'Gone Girl'
  4. Wizard in 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit' trilogies

8 Clues: Wizarding school attended by Harry PotterThe prophesied 'One' in 'The Matrix' seriesDirector of 'Back to the Future' and 'Forrest Gump'Director known for films like 'Fight Club' and 'Gone Girl'Wizard in 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit' trilogies1982 scifi film directed by Ridley Scott set in a dystopian future...

The Middle Ages 2012-11-19

The Middle Ages crossword puzzle
  1. the political, social, and economic system that dominated Europe during the Middle Ages where a lord gave a lesser lord land and protection in exchange for service and loyalty
  2. nomadic people who settled in eastern Europe, near where modern-day Hungary is located
  3. peasants who were tied to the land of the manor, they offered a variety of services in exchange for protection, shelter, food and could not be removed from the land
  4. the code of honor that was supposed to be followed by knights during the Middle Ages
  5. the center of the Middle Ages economy, included all buildings, and lands passed to the vassal
  6. travelling musicians and poets who would sing about the exploits of knights
  7. mounted, armored warriors of the lesser nobility during the Middle Ages
  8. the lands and property given by a lord to his vassal
  9. contests where knights were able to practice their skills
  1. battle where Frankish armies under Charles Martel held back the Muslim invaders
  2. the king of the Franks who accepted Christianity
  3. a lord who offers allegiance to a greater lord in exchange for land
  4. the agreements and pledges made between a lord and his vassal
  5. one of several Germanic tribes that took over after the Western Roman Empire fell
  6. warriors from Scandinavia who attacked many areas of western Europe
  7. bring together, make one of many

16 Clues: bring together, make one of manythe king of the Franks who accepted Christianitythe lands and property given by a lord to his vassalcontests where knights were able to practice their skillsthe agreements and pledges made between a lord and his vassala lord who offers allegiance to a greater lord in exchange for land...

Feudalism and the Manor Economy Topic 7.2 2024-05-01

Feudalism and the Manor Economy Topic 7.2 crossword puzzle
  1. A code of conduct for knights
  2. A medieval nblewoman who had an active hand in running vast lands in southwestern France.
  3. A medieval society in which a network of obligations between a lord and their vassals and servants.
  4. The estate of a lord.
  5. Wandering minstrel poets who sang the praises of the beauty and with of women through the ages.
  1. A military vassal who is a mounted warrior.
  2. Peasant class workers on an estate, bound in service to a lord.
  3. A mock battle to display and develop fighting skills.
  4. An exchange of pledges between a lord and his vassals.
  5. An estate granted by a lord to a vassal, usually from a few acres up to hundreds of square miles.
  6. A lord granted land for service and loyalty to a higher lord.
  7. Where the lord of the manor exercised legal and economic power over the peasants on an estate.

12 Clues: The estate of a lord.A code of conduct for knightsA military vassal who is a mounted warrior.A mock battle to display and develop fighting skills.An exchange of pledges between a lord and his vassals.A lord granted land for service and loyalty to a higher lord.Peasant class workers on an estate, bound in service to a lord....

Resurrection 2023-02-17

Resurrection crossword puzzle
  1. core teaching about Jesus as savior and Lord
  2. essential sign of Christ’s Resurrection
  3. Jesus directed them to continue his mission
  4. The disciples that arrive first in Luke
  5. Opened to humanity
  6. Jesus’ risen presence gave this
  7. who says that Jesus has been raised in Matthew
  8. Reveals Christ’s Glory
  9. Mother of Jesus
  10. how Catholic’s meet the risen Lord
  1. A resurrected body is transformed
  2. Christ will come again
  3. The historical validity of the New Testament texts
  4. Continued to appear to his followers for 40 days
  5. typical meeting the Lord gave to his disciples
  6. first evangelist in Luke’s gospel
  7. August 15
  8. one of the women at Jesus’ grave
  9. son of God
  10. Opens the way to new life

20 Clues: August 15son of GodMother of JesusOpened to humanityChrist will come againReveals Christ’s GloryOpens the way to new lifeJesus’ risen presence gave thisone of the women at Jesus’ graveA resurrected body is transformedfirst evangelist in Luke’s gospelhow Catholic’s meet the risen Lordessential sign of Christ’s Resurrection...

Crossed Homework (B) 2023-01-10

Crossed Homework (B) crossword puzzle
  1. praise, applaud, commend
  2. who won the most recent world cup
  3. old famous soccer Brazilian player who recently died
  4. dull/boring
  5. who lost the most recent world cup finals
  6. petty/worthless
  7. where is the bean
  8. carlsen name of the best chess player
  9. famous nba player to wear the no. 24
  10. passionately
  11. karen
  12. movie that is based on blue people fourty-five how many lbs is a gym bar
  13. "a good idea to do"
  14. precocious/composer/wolfgang
  15. venerable/lord of the rings
  16. venerable/harry potter
  17. tending to start a conflict
  1. type of car/move(synonym)
  2. spanish soccer league containing real madrid and fc barcelona
  3. english soccer league containing arsenal and manchester united
  4. migos member who recently died
  5. genius at a young age
  6. soccer team based in barcelona
  7. respected due to age or wisdom
  8. stubborn
  9. fastest land animal
  10. poor/broke
  11. where is rio de janeiro
  12. never giving up
  13. venerable/star wars
  14. famous nba player to wear the no. 23
  15. extreme anger
  16. characterized by bitterness or resentment
  17. arrogant or pompous

34 Clues: karenstubbornpoor/brokedull/boringpassionatelyextreme angerpetty/worthlessnever giving upwhere is the beanfastest land animalvenerable/star wars"a good idea to do"arrogant or pompousgenius at a young agevenerable/harry potterwhere is rio de janeiropraise, applaud, commendtype of car/move(synonym)venerable/lord of the rings...

Tower of Babel 2024-02-23

Tower of Babel crossword puzzle
  1. the people said, let us build us a blank and a tower
  2. they found a plain in the land of blank
  3. the Lord said, and now nothing will be blank from them
  4. let us make brick and blank them thoroughly
  5. the people journeyed from the blank
  6. blank was used for mortar
  7. whose top may reach unto blank
  8. the whole earth was of one blank
  9. the Lord came blank to see the city and tower
  1. the Lord did blank the language of all the earth
  2. blank 11:1-9
  3. the people could not understand one another's blank
  4. the name of it is called blank
  5. the Lord blank them abroad
  6. the people said, let us make a blank, lest we be scattered
  7. they left blank to build the city

16 Clues: blank 11:1-9blank was used for mortarthe Lord blank them abroadthe name of it is called blankwhose top may reach unto blankthe whole earth was of one blankthey left blank to build the citythe people journeyed from the blankthey found a plain in the land of blanklet us make brick and blank them thoroughlythe Lord came blank to see the city and tower...

The Lord of The Flies 2012-12-20

The Lord of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. where Jack and his gang set up camp
  2. short, fat nerd
  3. place where the fire was
  4. the lord of the flies
  5. where the plane crashed into the island
  6. a mass of land surrounded by water on all sides
  7. a shell that can be found near and in the ocean
  8. The boys who tries to hold on to civility
  1. Ginger who wants to run the island
  2. Author of the book
  3. The hunters of the island
  4. British term for nonsense
  5. The leader of the boys

13 Clues: short, fat nerdAuthor of the bookthe lord of the fliesThe leader of the boysplace where the fire wasThe hunters of the islandBritish term for nonsenseGinger who wants to run the islandwhere Jack and his gang set up campwhere the plane crashed into the islandThe boys who tries to hold on to civilitya mass of land surrounded by water on all sides...

The Lord of the Flies 2022-04-27

The Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. What do the boys use as a signal
  2. Piggy is killed by this
  3. This person's glasses were used to light a fire
  4. Author's surname
  5. Piggy suffers with this illness
  6. Name referring to the twins
  7. Imaginary creature feared by the littluns
  1. Character killed by the other boys
  2. What is the boys' home country
  3. The head of what animal represents the Lord of the Flies
  4. What item brings the boys together
  5. Surname of choirboy Jack
  6. Leader of the hunting group

13 Clues: Author's surnamePiggy is killed by thisSurname of choirboy JackLeader of the hunting groupName referring to the twinsWhat is the boys' home countryPiggy suffers with this illnessWhat do the boys use as a signalCharacter killed by the other boysWhat item brings the boys togetherImaginary creature feared by the littluns...

Saturn 2014-03-26

Saturn crossword puzzle
  1. 6th planet from the Sun
  2. Number of discovered moons on
  3. The cloud top on Saturn
  4. Lightest of elements in the primary constituent of Saturn
  5. First person to see and discover Saturn's rings
  6. The 2nd gap between Saturn's rings
  7. Largest spacecraft to explore Saturn's moons
  1. Saturn's smallest moon and the smallest known body in the Solar System
  2. Day of the week that corresponds with Saturn
  3. The biggest of Saturn's moons
  4. First spacecraft to reach Saturn
  5. Proposed that Saturn has a thin, flat ring
  6. Moon that shows evidence of tectonic activity
  7. Debris left over from comets, asteroids, and shattered moons

14 Clues: 6th planet from the SunThe cloud top on SaturnThe biggest of Saturn's moonsNumber of discovered moons onFirst spacecraft to reach SaturnThe 2nd gap between Saturn's ringsProposed that Saturn has a thin, flat ringDay of the week that corresponds with SaturnLargest spacecraft to explore Saturn's moonsMoon that shows evidence of tectonic activity...

Shivaraatri Cross Word 2021-03-04

Shivaraatri Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. The name of Shivas Trident
  2. Shiva drank the poison that appeared during the Samudra Manthan (churning of ocean) and he came to be known as
  3. the blind son of Shiva
  4. the divine consort of Lord Shiva
  5. Lord Shiva's Bow
  6. The leaves of this tree is dear to Shiva
  1. The three flying cities that Shiva destroyed
  2. Shiva is worshiped in temple in the form of a
  3. This bull serves as Shiva's mount
  4. The divine adobe of shiva
  5. the son born of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu(in the form of Mohini)
  6. A Name of Shiva signifying 'Lord of Dance'

12 Clues: Lord Shiva's Bowthe blind son of ShivaThe divine adobe of shivaThe name of Shivas Tridentthe divine consort of Lord ShivaThis bull serves as Shiva's mountThe leaves of this tree is dear to ShivaA Name of Shiva signifying 'Lord of Dance'The three flying cities that Shiva destroyedShiva is worshiped in temple in the form of a...

Moses and Exodus 13-20 2022-09-19

Moses and Exodus 13-20 crossword puzzle
  1. What food did the Lord provide for the people in the evenings?
  2. Sister of Aaron and Moses
  3. To what sea did God lead his people?
  4. How long did the Israelites eat the bread?
  5. What was to be done to any person or animal that touched any part of the mountain the day the Lord spoke to the people?
  6. Through what did the Lord say he would speak to Moses and the people?
  7. After the Israelites won their first battle, Moses called the alter he built "the Lord is my __________."
  8. What did Moses throw in the water at Marah to make it fit for drinking?
  9. Whose bones did Moses take with them when they left Egypt?
  10. Which people's country did God lead them away from when they left Egypt?
  11. Mount Sinai was covered with smoke because the Lord descended on it in __________.
  12. Who helped Aaron hold up the hands of Moses during the battle at Rephidim?
  13. Who did the Lord tell Moses to bring with him up to the mountain in Exodus 19:24?
  14. Jethro was the priest of__________.
  1. How did the Lord guide the people when it was dark?
  2. What group of people did Moses appoint after taking advice from his father-in-law?
  3. At what rock did God instruct Moses to strike the rock to get water for the people?
  4. Whom did God say he was going to use to demonstrate His Glory?
  5. You shall not make for yourself an __________in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or the waters below.
  6. You shall not commit__________.
  7. Gave Moses some good advice
  8. After they left Rephidim, near what mountain in the desert did they camp?
  9. You shall not give false__________against your neighbor.
  10. Moses called the place where he struck the rock Massah and __________because they were quarreling and testing God.
  11. Who was the second son of Moses and Zipporah?
  12. Who did Moses appoint to lead the people in battle at Rephidim?
  13. Into what desert did Moses lead the people when they left the Red Sea?
  14. Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?
  15. Where did the Israelites camp after they left the Desert of Sin?
  16. What name did the people of Israel give to the bread that was provided to them by God?

30 Clues: Sister of Aaron and MosesGave Moses some good adviceYou shall not commit__________.Jethro was the priest of__________.To what sea did God lead his people?Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?How long did the Israelites eat the bread?Who was the second son of Moses and Zipporah?How did the Lord guide the people when it was dark?...

Saturn 2022-10-27

Saturn crossword puzzle
  1. How many rings does Saturn have
  2. A year
  3. Saturn is about __ earth years
  4. What does Saturn have surrounding its equator.
  5. the diameter of Saturn is
  1. How many moons does Saturn have
  2. Saturn cannot maintain it
  3. Saturn's rings are huge but ____
  4. this is the Gas Saturn is mainly made out of
  5. Saturn is the what planet away from earth
  6. What day of the week was named after Saturn
  7. what roman god does the word Saturn represent.
  8. A day on Saturn is about ___ on earth
  9. Saturn cannot float on _____ because it is made mostly of gas

14 Clues: A yearSaturn cannot maintain itSaturn is about __ earth yearsHow many moons does Saturn haveHow many rings does Saturn haveSaturn's rings are huge but ____the diameter of Saturn isA day on Saturn is about ___ on earthSaturn is the what planet away from earthWhat day of the week was named after Saturn...

Ganesha Chaturthi Crosssword 2023-09-16

Ganesha Chaturthi Crosssword crossword puzzle
  1. Ganesha's father?
  2. Another name for Lord Ganesha that means lord of ganas?
  3. What kind of moon is associated with Ganesha Chaturthi?
  4. What is Ganesha's statue made up of during Ganesha Chaturthi?
  5. Ganesha's Mother?
  6. The main sweet dish served during Ganesha Chaturthi?
  7. How many days is Ganesha Chaturthi celebrated?
  1. The name of Ganesha's vehicle?
  2. A name for Lord Ganesha that means "one -tooth"?
  3. What is Ganesha the remover of?
  4. The name of Ganesha'a brother
  5. Chavathi Ganesha Chaturthi is also called as ___?
  6. Which animal's head does Ganesha have?
  7. Which animal is the vehicle of Lord Ganesha?

14 Clues: Ganesha's father?Ganesha's Mother?The name of Ganesha'a brotherThe name of Ganesha's vehicle?What is Ganesha the remover of?Which animal's head does Ganesha have?Which animal is the vehicle of Lord Ganesha?How many days is Ganesha Chaturthi celebrated?A name for Lord Ganesha that means "one -tooth"?Chavathi Ganesha Chaturthi is also called as ___?...

Proverbs Chapters 9-15(NIV) 2019-05-14

Proverbs Chapters 9-15(NIV) crossword puzzle
  1. A wise son brings_to his father(Prov.10:1)
  2. The_of the Lord are everywhere(Prov.15:3)
  3. Stay away from a_man(Prov.14:7)
  4. The Lord detests men of_heart (Prov.11:20)
  5. He who walks with the wise_wise(Prov.13:20)
  6. _comes before honor(Prov.15:33)
  7. A_heart makes the face cheerful(Prov.15:13)
  8. A good man obtains_from the Lord(Prov.12:2)
  9. A righteous man cares for the needs of his_(Prov.12:10)
  1. An_heart weighs a man down(Prov.12:25)
  2. A_betrays a confidence (Prov.11:13)
  3. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of_(Prov.9:10)
  4. The Lord does not let the_go hungry (Prov.10:3)
  5. A foolish son brings_to his mother
  6. A heart at_gives life to the body(Prov.14:30)
  7. He who guards his lips guards his_(Prov.13:3)

16 Clues: Stay away from a_man(Prov.14:7)_comes before honor(Prov.15:33)A foolish son brings_to his motherA_betrays a confidence (Prov.11:13)An_heart weighs a man down(Prov.12:25)The_of the Lord are everywhere(Prov.15:3)A wise son brings_to his father(Prov.10:1)The Lord detests men of_heart (Prov.11:20)He who walks with the wise_wise(Prov.13:20)...

Genesis 20 2021-05-30

Genesis 20 crossword puzzle
  1. Abimelech told Sarah he had given a thousand of these to her brother.
  2. one animal Abimelech gave Abraham when he restored him his wife
  3. Abimelech asked the LORD, Wilt thou slay also a _ nation?
  4. what Abimelech would do if he did not restore Abraham's wife to him
  5. Abraham sojourned here.
  6. Abraham thought this was not in Abimelech's place.
  7. Abimelech gave these to Abraham when he restored him his wife.
  8. Abraham called Sarah his _.
  9. Abimelech's _ of heart caused God to withhold him from sinning.
  10. the parent Abraham and Sarah shared
  11. The LORD had closed up these because of Abraham's wife.
  1. The LORD suffered Abimelech not to _ Sarah.
  2. king of Gerar who took Sarah
  3. Abimelech gave these to Abraham when he restored him his wife.
  4. Abraham dwelled between these two places.
  5. God used this to speak to Abimelech.
  6. one animal Abimelech gave Abraham when he restored him his wife
  7. Abimelech took Sarah in the _ of his hands.
  8. Abimelech said Abraham was this to Sarah and unto all that were with her.
  9. The LORD told Abimelech Abraham is a _.
  10. time of morning Abimelech arose to obey God
  11. When Abraham _, God healed Abimelech and his house.

22 Clues: Abraham sojourned here.Abraham called Sarah his _.king of Gerar who took Sarahthe parent Abraham and Sarah sharedGod used this to speak to Abimelech.The LORD told Abimelech Abraham is a _.Abraham dwelled between these two places.The LORD suffered Abimelech not to _ Sarah.Abimelech took Sarah in the _ of his hands....

The Lord of the flies 2023-01-10

The Lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. Has asthma and referred to as “round”
  2. The group of boys who like to play, eat, and cry
  3. Always together and do the same things
  4. A called meeting to get important points/ ideas across
  5. The place where the boys got stranded and have to live on until they are rescued
  6. Where the fire burns
  7. Who killed pigs and got meat
  1. Helpful to Ralph; helps the littluns
  2. A way to keep warm and to cook food
  3. Tends to have different ideas than everyone else; really likes hunting
  4. Leader of all the boys
  5. Shell used to hold assemblies
  6. Used to get the attention of boats

13 Clues: Where the fire burnsLeader of all the boysWho killed pigs and got meatShell used to hold assembliesUsed to get the attention of boatsA way to keep warm and to cook foodHelpful to Ralph; helps the littlunsHas asthma and referred to as “round”Always together and do the same thingsThe group of boys who like to play, eat, and cry...

The Lord of the Flies 2024-02-01

The Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. The first leader
  2. The older ones
  3. The younger ones
  4. a symbol of hope and being rescued by the outside world
  5. a boy who dies during the story
  6. A water source
  7. where they spent their time
  1. boy with glasses
  2. where they slept
  3. a type of food being often hunted by the hunters
  4. where they found a lot of necessary resources
  5. a type of food found amongst the woods
  6. a symbol of order/civilization

13 Clues: The older onesA water sourceThe first leaderboy with glasseswhere they sleptThe younger oneswhere they spent their timea symbol of order/civilizationa boy who dies during the storya type of food found amongst the woodswhere they found a lot of necessary resourcesa type of food being often hunted by the hunters...

The Lord of the Flies 2024-02-01

The Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. a type of food being often hunted by the hunters
  2. boy with glasses
  3. where they found a lot of necessary resources
  4. a boy who dies during the story
  5. where they slept
  6. The first leader
  7. A water source
  1. The older ones
  2. The younger ones
  3. a type of food found amongst the woods
  4. a symbol of hope and being rescued by the outside world
  5. where they spent their time
  6. a symbol of order/civilization

13 Clues: The older onesA water sourceThe younger onesboy with glasseswhere they sleptThe first leaderwhere they spent their timea symbol of order/civilizationa boy who dies during the storya type of food found amongst the woodswhere they found a lot of necessary resourcesa type of food being often hunted by the hunters...

Moses and Exodus 13-20 2022-09-19

Moses and Exodus 13-20 crossword puzzle
  1. What food did the Lord provide for the people in the evenings?
  2. Sister of Aaron and Moses
  3. To what sea did God lead his people?
  4. How long did the Israelites eat the bread?
  5. What was to be done to any person or animal that touched any part of the mountain the day the Lord spoke to the people?
  6. Through what did the Lord say he would speak to Moses and the people?
  7. After the Israelites won their first battle, Moses called the alter he built "the Lord is my __________."
  8. What did Moses throw in the water at Marah to make it fit for drinking?
  9. Whose bones did Moses take with them when they left Egypt?
  10. Which people's country did God lead them away from when they left Egypt?
  11. Mount Sinai was covered with smoke because the Lord descended on it in __________.
  12. Who helped Aaron hold up the hands of Moses during the battle at Rephidim?
  13. Who did the Lord tell Moses to bring with him up to the mountain in Exodus 19:24?
  14. Jethro was the priest of__________.
  1. How did the Lord guide the people when it was dark?
  2. What group of people did Moses appoint after taking advice from his father-in-law?
  3. At what rock did God instruct Moses to strike the rock to get water for the people?
  4. Whom did God say he was going to use to demonstrate His Glory?
  5. You shall not make for yourself an __________in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or the waters below.
  6. You shall not commit__________.
  7. Gave Moses some good advice
  8. After they left Rephidim, near what mountain in the desert did they camp?
  9. You shall not give false__________against your neighbor.
  10. Moses called the place where he struck the rock Massah and __________because they were quarreling and testing God.
  11. Who was the second son of Moses and Zipporah?
  12. Who did Moses appoint to lead the people in battle at Rephidim?
  13. Into what desert did Moses lead the people when they left the Red Sea?
  14. Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?
  15. Where did the Israelites camp after they left the Desert of Sin?
  16. What name did the people of Israel give to the bread that was provided to them by God?

30 Clues: Sister of Aaron and MosesGave Moses some good adviceYou shall not commit__________.Jethro was the priest of__________.To what sea did God lead his people?Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?How long did the Israelites eat the bread?Who was the second son of Moses and Zipporah?How did the Lord guide the people when it was dark?...

Moses and Exodus 13-20 2022-09-19

Moses and Exodus 13-20 crossword puzzle
  1. What food did the Lord provide for the people in the evenings?
  2. Sister of Aaron and Moses
  3. To what sea did God lead his people?
  4. How long did the Israelites eat the bread?
  5. What was to be done to any person or animal that touched any part of the mountain the day the Lord spoke to the people?
  6. Through what did the Lord say he would speak to Moses and the people?
  7. After the Israelites won their first battle, Moses called the alter he built "the Lord is my __________."
  8. What did Moses throw in the water at Marah to make it fit for drinking?
  9. Whose bones did Moses take with them when they left Egypt?
  10. Which people's country did God lead them away from when they left Egypt?
  11. Mount Sinai was covered with smoke because the Lord descended on it in __________.
  12. Who helped Aaron hold up the hands of Moses during the battle at Rephidim?
  13. Who did the Lord tell Moses to bring with him up to the mountain in Exodus 19:24?
  14. Jethro was the priest of__________.
  1. How did the Lord guide the people when it was dark?
  2. What group of people did Moses appoint after taking advice from his father-in-law?
  3. At what rock did God instruct Moses to strike the rock to get water for the people?
  4. Whom did God say he was going to use to demonstrate His Glory?
  5. You shall not make for yourself an __________in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or the waters below.
  6. You shall not commit__________.
  7. Gave Moses some good advice
  8. After they left Rephidim, near what mountain in the desert did they camp?
  9. You shall not give false__________against your neighbor.
  10. Moses called the place where he struck the rock Massah and __________because they were quarreling and testing God.
  11. Who was the second son of Moses and Zipporah?
  12. Who did Moses appoint to lead the people in battle at Rephidim?
  13. Into what desert did Moses lead the people when they left the Red Sea?
  14. Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?
  15. Where did the Israelites camp after they left the Desert of Sin?
  16. What name did the people of Israel give to the bread that was provided to them by God?

30 Clues: Sister of Aaron and MosesGave Moses some good adviceYou shall not commit__________.Jethro was the priest of__________.To what sea did God lead his people?Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?How long did the Israelites eat the bread?Who was the second son of Moses and Zipporah?How did the Lord guide the people when it was dark?...

Literary Elements and Devices 2024-02-07

Literary Elements and Devices crossword puzzle
  1. A hint or clue at the beginning of the story that gives insight into events at the end.
  2. Darth Vader in "Star Wars"
  3. She is as strong as a body builder.
  4. "I had spent all day in bed and at this point, the closed blinds were just shaming me."
  5. The feeling that the author creates about the story
  6. I'm so tired, I will drop to the floor.
  7. Where the story takes place.
  8. "Looking out the window, the snow was a white blanket"
  9. Spiderman
  1. The ocean sobbed tears of sorrow
  2. "she happened to be the funniest person I had ever met, and most other people thought so too."
  3. 1st and 3rd are examples of this term.
  4. the main character is fighting their oppressive government
  5. J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings can be seen as a fight between good and evil during the two world wars.
  6. An innocent character is always described as wearing white
  7. Leaving him was a sweet sorrow
  8. "Orwell is showing the reader that with extreme power, oppression is soon to follow"
  9. The author paints a mental picture for the reader.
  10. The sequence of events in a story.
  11. The atmosphere that the author creates for the reader.
  12. When something occurs that is different from what the reader expects.

21 Clues: SpidermanDarth Vader in "Star Wars"Where the story takes place.Leaving him was a sweet sorrowThe ocean sobbed tears of sorrowThe sequence of events in a story.She is as strong as a body builder.1st and 3rd are examples of this term.I'm so tired, I will drop to the floor.The author paints a mental picture for the reader....

Middle Ages - Ch. 10 2015-11-02

Middle Ages - Ch. 10 crossword puzzle
  1. Vassal had this type of authority in his fief
  2. Revived during Middle Ages, led to increase in towns & cities
  3. Men who served in heavily armed cavalry, became the backbone of the aristocracy
  4. Punishment for crimes must be based on these (not random)
  5. Cities & towns became important centers for this because of trade
  6. Agricultural estate run by a lord and worked by peasants
  7. Peasants bound legally to the land they worked
  8. Magna Carta limited king's power to punish people outside of what?
  9. Replaced law codes which varied from place to place
  10. Political & social system in which lords gave protection & land to their vassals in exchange for their service
  1. Christian re-conquest of Spain
  2. New form of representative government developed in Middle Ages
  3. Economic system in which serfs worked land owned by vassals of a lord
  4. Magna carta strengthened idea of this type of government
  5. Gave written recognition to feudal custom of mutual rights & responsibilities between king & vassals
  6. Men who received land in exchange for providing service to his lord
  7. Type of law based on court decisions, customs & usage instead of written codes
  8. Christians spent hundreds of years trying to regain control of Spain from these people
  9. Grant of land from a lord to his vassal
  10. Type of contract which was an agreement between a vassal and his lord

20 Clues: Christian re-conquest of SpainGrant of land from a lord to his vassalVassal had this type of authority in his fiefPeasants bound legally to the land they workedReplaced law codes which varied from place to placeMagna carta strengthened idea of this type of governmentAgricultural estate run by a lord and worked by peasants...

Genesis 20 kids 2021-04-10

Genesis 20 kids crossword puzzle
  1. God came to Abimelech in a _____ by night.
  2. Abraham called Sarah his ______.
  3. King of Gerar who took Sarah.
  4. time of morning Abimelech arose to obey God.
  5. the parent that made Sarah Abraham's sister
  6. Abimelech said Abraham was a covering of the ____ unto all that were with Sarah.
  7. The LORD suffered Abimelech not to ____ Sarah.
  1. Abraham was afraid because he thought the ____ of God is not in this place.
  2. The LORD told Abimelech Abraham is a _____.
  3. If thou restore her not... thou shalt surely ___.
  4. Abimelech asked the LORD if He would also slay a ______ nation?
  5. Abimelech's integrity of _____ caused God to withhold him from sinning.
  6. When Abraham _____, God healed Abimelech and his house
  7. The LORD had closed up these because of Abraham's wife.
  8. Abraham dwelled between Kadesh and ____.
  9. Abimelech gave Sarah's brother a thousand pieces of _____.
  10. Abraham sojourned in ______.

17 Clues: Abraham sojourned in ______.King of Gerar who took Sarah.Abraham called Sarah his ______.Abraham dwelled between Kadesh and ____.God came to Abimelech in a _____ by night.The LORD told Abimelech Abraham is a _____.the parent that made Sarah Abraham's sistertime of morning Abimelech arose to obey God.The LORD suffered Abimelech not to ____ Sarah....

Sara + Josh 2023-05-31

Sara + Josh crossword puzzle
  1. Sara and Josh have been together for ______ years
  2. ______ trail, where Josh spent many childhood days hiking from his backyard in Southern Ontario
  3. ______ Beach, where Josh proposed at sunset on
  4. Kicks and ______, Sara and Josh's soccer team name
  5. Where Sara and Josh walked their first date
  6. Lord of the ______, Sara's favourite movies and books
  7. Princess ______, a beloved movie to Sara and Josh
  1. City where Sara grew up
  2. Josh will only eat bagels from this famous Montreal bagel shop
  3. ______ Coast, where Sara and Josh spent their first weekend away and their mini-moon
  4. Sara and Josh's neighbourhood ice cream spot
  5. Sara and Josh's fluffy old roommate

12 Clues: City where Sara grew upSara and Josh's fluffy old roommateWhere Sara and Josh walked their first dateSara and Josh's neighbourhood ice cream spot______ Beach, where Josh proposed at sunset onPrincess ______, a beloved movie to Sara and JoshSara and Josh have been together for ______ yearsKicks and ______, Sara and Josh's soccer team name...

Bible Study Crossword 2022-09-22

Bible Study Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The Promised Land, the land flowing with ____ and honey
  2. A state of not knowing and innocence
  3. first book of the bible
  4. 4 words, a physical Manifestation of God or Christ
  5. Found the burning bush, led the Israelites out of Egypt and through the wilderness for 40 years
  6. we should make a distinction between the holy and this, Ezekial 22:26
  7. "Be ___ for I am ____"
  8. God made all this, we are His best one
  1. the mountain Moses went up to speak with God
  2. The LORD called to Moses from it and the ground around it was holy
  3. nation under the guidance of Moses, God's chosen people
  4. a chosen race, a holy ____
  5. A state of being not separate
  6. our LORD, the One true ___
  7. Son of Aaron and brother to Nadab, and presented strange fire to the LORD
  8. "You are ____ to the LORD; walk as children of _____"

16 Clues: "Be ___ for I am ____"first book of the biblea chosen race, a holy ____our LORD, the One true ___A state of being not separateA state of not knowing and innocenceGod made all this, we are His best onethe mountain Moses went up to speak with God4 words, a physical Manifestation of God or Christ"You are ____ to the LORD; walk as children of _____"...

moveis 2023-01-16

moveis crossword puzzle
  1. αραχνει ανθροπως
  2. potter μαγος
  3. of the rings
  1. μπλε εξογιουνοι

4 Clues: potter μαγοςof the ringsμπλε εξογιουνοιαραχνει ανθροπως

Movie Villians 2023-10-10

Movie Villians crossword puzzle
  1. What is the surname of Jason on Friday the 13th?
  2. Xenia Onatopp was a villain in which James Bond film?
  3. In 2007s Transformers Movie, who is the leader of the Decepticons?
  4. Who are the most powerful coven of vampires in the Twilight films?
  5. What is name of the gym owned by White Goodman in Dodgeball?
  6. Who is the all-seeing eye and primary antagonist in "The Lord of the Rings"?
  7. What was the name of the nurse in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?
  8. What deadly sin does Davis Mills use to kill John Doe in Seven?
  9. What was Emperor Palpatine's first name?
  1. What is the name of Hans Grubers brother in Die Hard with a Vengeance?
  2. In Citizen Kane - Rosebud is the name of what?
  3. What item is used to kill Annie Wilkes in Misery?
  4. In Disney's "Beauty and the Beast," who is the arrogant suitor of Belle?
  5. What was the name of the leader of the gremlins in the 1984 movie?
  6. Hot Fuzz is set in which village?
  7. What was the name of the sequel to The Silence of the Lambs?
  8. Who leads the Brotherhood of Mutants in the X-Men franchise?
  9. What was the name of Norman Bate's mother?
  10. Jaws meets his end in which James Bond film?
  11. The Silver Shamrock toy company is from which horror franchise?

20 Clues: Hot Fuzz is set in which village?What was Emperor Palpatine's first name?What was the name of Norman Bate's mother?Jaws meets his end in which James Bond film?In Citizen Kane - Rosebud is the name of what?What is the surname of Jason on Friday the 13th?What item is used to kill Annie Wilkes in Misery?...

June 24 2021-06-25

June 24 crossword puzzle
  1. use to clean
  2. planet with rings
  3. tenth month
  4. natural disaster where the earth shakes
  5. how many olympic rings are there
  6. first soft drink to go to space
  7. Largest continent
  8. the sunshine state
  9. how many hearts an octopus has
  1. Country with the most natural lakes
  2. pairs well with cheese
  3. city of lights
  4. dried plums
  5. popular morning drink
  6. deep _____ to reduce stress
  7. sport kicking a ball
  8. largest US state
  9. number of legs on a spider
  10. platform we use for video calls
  11. popular spring break destination

20 Clues: dried plumstenth monthuse to cleancity of lightslargest US stateplanet with ringsLargest continentthe sunshine statesport kicking a ballpopular morning drinkpairs well with cheesenumber of legs on a spiderdeep _____ to reduce stresshow many hearts an octopus hasplatform we use for video callsfirst soft drink to go to space...

Attributes of God (Christianity - for kids) 2024-09-23

Attributes of God (Christianity - for kids) crossword puzzle
  1. God is… (John 4:24)
  2. who alone is… and who lives in unapproachable light (1 Timothy 6:11-16).
  3. It does not depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s…. (Romans 9:16)
  4. Our… in heaven (Matthew 6:9).
  5. For God is not a God of disorder but of… (1 Corinthians 14:33)
  6. The… is with me; I will not be afraid (Psalm 118:6-7).
  7. and who is to come, the… (Revelation 1:8).
  8. You have searched me, LORD, and you… me (Psalm 139:1).
  9. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is… (1 John 4:8)
  1. Do not I… heaven and earth? (Jeremiah 23:23-24).
  2. Be… because I, the LORD your God, am... (Leviticus 19:2)
  3. But the Lord is… (2 Thessalonians 3:3).
  4. God said to Moses, “….. who….” (Exodus 3:14)
  5. the… of the ends of the earth (Isaiah 40:28).
  6. and sends… on the righteous and the unrighteous (Matthew 5:44-45).
  7. his love… forever (Psalm 118:1)
  8. … and upright is the LORD (Psalm 25:8)

17 Clues: God is… (John 4:24)Our… in heaven (Matthew 6:9).his love… forever (Psalm 118:1)… and upright is the LORD (Psalm 25:8)But the Lord is… (2 Thessalonians 3:3).and who is to come, the… (Revelation 1:8).God said to Moses, “….. who….” (Exodus 3:14)the… of the ends of the earth (Isaiah 40:28).Do not I… heaven and earth? (Jeremiah 23:23-24)....

Ramayan 2024-01-19

Ramayan crossword puzzle
  1. Garden Where Sita Was Imprisoned by Ravana in Lanka
  2. ,Another Name of Sita Mata
  3. The Lady Who Was Waiting Patiently for A Glimpse of Rama All Her Life and Offers Him Berries
  4. King of Lanka After Ravana's Death
  5. Greatest Devotee of Lord Ram
  6. Kingdom of Dasaratha, Later Ruled by Rama
  7. Is the King of The Bears in Hindu Texts
  8. Twin Brother of Lakshman
  9. Traditional Author of The Epic Ramayana
  10. Third Wife of King Dashratha
  11. Wife of Lakshman
  12. Father of Sita Mata
  13. Brother of Rama Who Accompanies Him to The Forest
  1. The Demon Who Disguises as A Golden Deer to Help Ravana Kidnap Sita Mata
  2. Forest Mentioned in The Ancient Indian Epic Ramayana
  3. Eldest Son of Ravana, His Birth Cry Sounded Like Thunder
  4. Lord Ram Has to Lift Shiva's ______Bow to Be Eligible to Marry Sita
  5. Brother of Lord Ram Who Rules the Kingdom on His Behalf by Placing Ram's Footwear on The Throne
  6. Father of Lord Ram
  7. River on The Banks of Which Lay the Kingdom of Dasaratha
  8. Younger Brother of Ravana, Known for His Gigantic Size and Appetite
  9. Vanara King of Kishkindha
  10. Vulture Who’s Wings Were Cut Off by Ravana While Abducting Sita
  11. Brother of Vali

24 Clues: Brother of ValiWife of LakshmanFather of Lord RamFather of Sita MataTwin Brother of LakshmanVanara King of Kishkindha,Another Name of Sita MataGreatest Devotee of Lord RamThird Wife of King DashrathaKing of Lanka After Ravana's DeathIs the King of The Bears in Hindu TextsTraditional Author of The Epic Ramayana...

Medieval Europe 2021-02-25

Medieval Europe crossword puzzle
  1. An invader that spoke another language
  2. A famous Emperor who essentially developed the feudal system
  3. A woman whose class is directly below the King and benefits from the King.
  4. Being sold to another Lord
  5. A peasant who was owned by his/her Lord
  6. The structure of life in Medieval Europe
  7. Men who were below the King in the Feudal System and benefited directly from the King.
  8. A warrior
  9. A woman with a 'lower' title of nobility
  1. A time period
  2. A man with a 'lower' title of nobility
  3. The poorest people
  4. What does a Knight have to swear?
  5. A group of states or countries ruled by a single onarch
  6. A former serf
  7. Peasants who work for the Lord on his land in return for safe living conditions

16 Clues: A warriorA time periodA former serfThe poorest peopleBeing sold to another LordWhat does a Knight have to swear?A man with a 'lower' title of nobilityAn invader that spoke another languageA peasant who was owned by his/her LordThe structure of life in Medieval EuropeA woman with a 'lower' title of nobility...

Chapter 5 Vocabulary 2023-09-10

Chapter 5 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. - to separate from others; to separate from other populated areas; to set apart from others.
  2. - the ability of people to do work; work; the tasks that workers perform.
  3. - the system of service between a lord and the vassals who have sworn loyalty to the lord; political order; under feudalism, nobles governed and protected people in return for services.
  4. - a religious group.
  5. - a person under the protection of a lord to whom he has vowed loyalty; a low-ranking noble under the protection of a feudal lord.
  6. - the basic laws of a state that define the role of government and guarentee its obligation to the people; a document that describes how a country will be governed and guarantees people certain rights.
  7. - an unrhythmic poem of five lines. Tanka poems capture nature’s beauty and the joys and sorrows of life.
  8. - to make certain or make sure of.
  9. - belief in spirits outside the body.
  1. - something gained by working for it.
  2. - the act of focusing one’s thoughts to gain a higher level of spiritual awareness.
  3. - a group of merchants or craftsmen during medieval times; a group of merchants or craftspeople.
  4. - sports that involve combat and self-defense.
  5. - payment made to a ruler or state as a sign of submission or for protection.
  6. - belief in Gods, demons, and spirits.
  7. - the chief military commander in feudal Japan.
  8. - a warrior who served a Japanese lord and lived by a strict code of loyalty.
  9. - a chain of islands surrounded by an expanse of water.
  10. - representing; in the place of.

19 Clues: - a religious group.- representing; in the place of.- to make certain or make sure of.- something gained by working for it.- belief in spirits outside the body.- belief in Gods, demons, and spirits.- sports that involve combat and self-defense.- the chief military commander in feudal Japan.- a chain of islands surrounded by an expanse of water....

SAT Vocab Crossword #3 2015-01-16

SAT Vocab Crossword #3 crossword puzzle
  1. In Mulan, the heroine attempts to ____ her family situation by going to war herself
  2. The Game of Thrones TV show can be this sometimes
  3. Perhaps more of a court jester than a modern-day comedian
  4. Hermione Granger could be considered this
  5. Dolores Umbridge 's investigation at Hogwarts
  6. Poker can contain a lot of this
  7. "She take my money when I'm in need. Yeah she's a trifling friend indeed. Oh she's a gold digger way over town. That digs on me."
  8. "It's all about the details"
  9. The elves in the Lord of the Rings are especially this
  10. It's awards show season! What happens there?
  11. In Hannah Montana, Miley Stewart decides to put away her celebrity alter ego because that lifestyle became too ____
  1. freshman, rookie, just got their starter Pokemon, novitiate
  2. Putting your hopes into winning the lottery seems like a ____ choice
  3. The Supreme Court
  4. The Onion newspaper has this type of writing
  5. Romantic comedies can be this
  6. Gatorade is called a "Thirst Quencher," it could also be called a "Thirst ____(er)"
  7. The Magna Carta was this for the formation of succeeding democratic documents in England and the Thirteen Colonies.
  8. You can get nostalgia if something feels
  9. The Greek gods used to have these to tell them about future events

20 Clues: The Supreme Court"It's all about the details"Romantic comedies can be thisPoker can contain a lot of thisYou can get nostalgia if something feelsHermione Granger could be considered thisThe Onion newspaper has this type of writingIt's awards show season! What happens there?Dolores Umbridge 's investigation at Hogwarts...

Devotees of Krishna 2022-09-27

Devotees of Krishna crossword puzzle
  1. The little girl who was madly in love with Krishna that she wore the garland made for the lord before offering it to Him.
  2. A poor devotee of lord Panduranga from Pandarpur who had the fortune of lord Krishna visit his humble abode
  3. A 15th century blind saint, poet and musician, known for his devotional songs dedicated to Lord Krishna
  4. 16th century poet hailed as the 'Pitamaha' of Carnatic music
  5. 13th century Marathi poetess who was a maid all her life
  6. 16th century mystic and poet and born a Rajput princess. Her devotion to Lord Krishna saved her from her in-law's attempts to persecute her.
  7. A warrior turned poet and philosopher from Karnataka. His poems sang about the social evils closely and brought about Bhakthi in equal weight.
  1. 18th century Bengali poet who is known for combining the Bengali folk music Baul and the classical melodies. Popular for his devotional compositions - Krishna Kirtana and Kali Kirtana
  2. A Malayalam poet who worshipped Guruvayoorappa with all his heart. Composer of Jnanappana
  3. 16th century poet and follower of Advaita philosophy, who summarized Bhagavad Puran in 18000 verses.
  4. Sanskrit poet from Odisha; author of Gita Govindam
  5. The hunchbacked lady perfume maker who belief in Krishna made her wait and be cured of her deformities.
  6. The saint who showed the way to lord by serving his parents with devotion and love. Lord Vittala got his name because of this saint.
  7. 16th century Muslim Sufi poet and saint born in Pihani spent most of his life in Vrindavan praising Lord Krishna and Radha.
  8. A minister of Kansa (aka Kamsa); one who escorted Krishna and Balaram to the Capapuja (worship of the bow) organized by Kansa

15 Clues: Sanskrit poet from Odisha; author of Gita Govindam13th century Marathi poetess who was a maid all her life16th century poet hailed as the 'Pitamaha' of Carnatic musicA Malayalam poet who worshipped Guruvayoorappa with all his heart. Composer of Jnanappana...

De puzzelaar 2015-02-26

De puzzelaar crossword puzzle
  1. Nederlandse film over een probleemgezin met o.a. Tatjana Simic & Nellie Frijda
  2. Film over zinkend schip
  3. Tijdstip waarin "Home Alone" zich afspeelt
  4. Voornaam van hoofdrolspeler uit Silence of the Lambs
  5. Muziekfilm uit 1983 met "What a Feeling" als grote hit
  6. Film uit 1978 over Vietnamveteranen met o.a. Robert De Niro & Meryl Streep
  7. In die stad beleven Winona Ryder & Richard Gere een mooie romance met de herfst als uitgelezen seizoen
  8. Ziekte waaraan Dustin Hoffman leidt in Rain Main
  9. Regisseur van E.T.
  10. Zweedse groep die romantisch lied brengt in "Pretty Woman"
  1. Belgische film uit 1993 geregisseerd door Erik Van Looy
  2. Favoriet eten tijdens film
  3. Film met Whitney Houston als zangeres die bescherming nodig heft
  4. Hoofdrolspeler van "De Zaak Alzheimer"
  5. Sint-Bernardhond als hoofdrolspeler in film uit 1992
  6. Amerikaanse zanger die titelsong uit film "Philadelphia" op zich nam
  7. Roadmovie uit 1969 met o.a. Jack Nicholson, Peter Fonda & Dennis Hopper
  8. Belangrijke jaarlijkse filmprijs
  9. Stad waar zich een romantische film afspeelt uit 1953 met o.a. Gregory Peck & Audrey Hepburn
  10. Schrijver van o.a. "In de Ban van de Ring" (verfilmd als "The Lord of the Rings")

20 Clues: Regisseur van E.T.Film over zinkend schipFavoriet eten tijdens filmBelangrijke jaarlijkse filmprijsHoofdrolspeler van "De Zaak Alzheimer"Tijdstip waarin "Home Alone" zich afspeeltZiekte waaraan Dustin Hoffman leidt in Rain MainVoornaam van hoofdrolspeler uit Silence of the LambsSint-Bernardhond als hoofdrolspeler in film uit 1992...

Significant places of Ramayana 2024-02-25

Significant places of Ramayana crossword puzzle
  1. lord rama, lord lakshmana and goddess sita crossed the holy river here
  2. a major and important part of epic ramayana happened
  3. the place where the monkey army placed the stones for lord rama
  4. the place where lord rama went to save goddess sita from ravana
  5. the place to which lord hanuman set fire
  6. the place where lord bharata requested lord rama to come back to his birthplace
  7. lord rama met his biggest devotee and friend lord hanuman here
  1. where lord lakshmana cut off surpanakha's nose
  2. goddess sita's birthplace
  3. lord rama's birthplace
  4. surpanakha met lord rama and fell in love

11 Clues: lord rama's birthplacegoddess sita's birthplacethe place to which lord hanuman set firesurpanakha met lord rama and fell in lovewhere lord lakshmana cut off surpanakha's nosea major and important part of epic ramayana happenedlord rama met his biggest devotee and friend lord hanuman here...

Middle Ages 2022-12-13

Middle Ages crossword puzzle
  1. person who protected the lord and manor
  2. document that limits power of the king
  3. country united under one government
  4. a servant bound to work on a lord's estate
  5. Black Death killed many _____ and serfs
  6. fought against Christians in Crusades
  7. a person granted use of land by the lord
  8. Major city in the Holy Land
  1. most powerful person in the feudal system
  2. owned by a Lord and run by sefs and peasants
  3. a piece of land
  4. fought against Muslims in Crusades
  5. A way the Black Death spread through Europe
  6. most powerful religious leaderin middle ages
  7. a noble who held land

15 Clues: a piece of landa noble who held landMajor city in the Holy Landfought against Muslims in Crusadescountry united under one governmentfought against Christians in Crusadesdocument that limits power of the kingperson who protected the lord and manorBlack Death killed many _____ and serfsa person granted use of land by the lord...

Festivals of India 2021-12-30

Festivals of India crossword puzzle
  1. Celebrating victory of a divine goddess over the demon king Mahishasura
  2. festival is celebrated to commemorate the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana
  3. Birth of Lord Krishna
  4. Festival dedicated to Lord Shiva
  5. festival is celebrated by sisters with colourful, decorative thread on the wrists of their brothers
  6. Sacred sikh festival marks the birth of the first Sikh Guru
  1. resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion
  2. the harvest festival in Tamil Nadu
  3. birth of Lord Rama
  4. Festival of Colours
  5. festival which marks the end of Navratri and DurgaPooja
  6. Festival celebrated in Sep/ Oct for nine nights and ten days
  7. the harvest festival in Kerela
  8. is celebrated by Muslims at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan
  9. Christian Festival on 25th December

15 Clues: birth of Lord RamaFestival of ColoursBirth of Lord Krishnathe harvest festival in KerelaFestival dedicated to Lord Shivathe harvest festival in Tamil NaduChristian Festival on 25th Decemberresurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixionfestival which marks the end of Navratri and DurgaPooja...

Diwali Crossword 2022-10-04

Diwali Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Ravana's sister
  2. Youngest brother of Lord Ram
  3. Number of days of Diwali
  4. First day of Diwali
  5. Small oil lamps
  6. Goddess of Prosperity and Wealth
  7. Hanuman was the son of Vayu, the god of...?
  1. Indian month of Diwali
  2. Number of years Lord Ram was exiled
  3. Kidnapper of Sita
  4. City of Lord Ram's birth
  5. Another name of Hanuman
  6. Decorative patterns
  7. Sanskrit word for Diwali
  8. South Asian sweet

15 Clues: Ravana's sisterSmall oil lampsKidnapper of SitaSouth Asian sweetDecorative patternsFirst day of DiwaliIndian month of DiwaliAnother name of HanumanCity of Lord Ram's birthSanskrit word for DiwaliNumber of days of DiwaliYoungest brother of Lord RamGoddess of Prosperity and WealthNumber of years Lord Ram was exiled...

Shivaraatri Cross Word 2021-03-04

Shivaraatri Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. the divine consort of Lord Shiva
  2. A Name of Shiva signifying 'Lord of Dance'
  3. The divine adobe of shiva
  4. the blind son of Shiva
  5. The three flying cities that Shiva destroyed
  1. Shiva drank the poison that appeared during the Samudra Manthan (churning of ocean) and he came to be known as
  2. The leaves of this tree is dear to Shiva
  3. Lord Shiva's Bow
  4. Shiva is worshiped in temple in the form of a
  5. the son born of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu(in the form of Mohini)
  6. This bull serves as Shiva's mount
  7. The name of Shivas Trident

12 Clues: Lord Shiva's Bowthe blind son of ShivaThe divine adobe of shivaThe name of Shivas Tridentthe divine consort of Lord ShivaThis bull serves as Shiva's mountThe leaves of this tree is dear to ShivaA Name of Shiva signifying 'Lord of Dance'The three flying cities that Shiva destroyedShiva is worshiped in temple in the form of a...

Shivaraatri Cross Word 2021-03-04

Shivaraatri Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. Shiva is worshiped in temple in the form of a
  2. The name of Shivas Trident
  3. the son born of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu(in the form of Mohini)
  4. A Name of Shiva signifying 'Lord of Dance'
  5. Lord Shiva's Bow
  6. This bull serves as Shiva's mount
  1. the divine consort of Lord Shiva
  2. Shiva drank the poison that appeared during the Samudra Manthan (churning of ocean) and he came to be known as
  3. The three flying cities that Shiva destroyed
  4. the blind son of Shiva
  5. The divine adobe of shiva
  6. The leaves of this tree is dear to Shiva

12 Clues: Lord Shiva's Bowthe blind son of ShivaThe divine adobe of shivaThe name of Shivas Tridentthe divine consort of Lord ShivaThis bull serves as Shiva's mountThe leaves of this tree is dear to ShivaA Name of Shiva signifying 'Lord of Dance'The three flying cities that Shiva destroyedShiva is worshiped in temple in the form of a...

Shivaraatri Cross Word 2021-03-04

Shivaraatri Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. Shiva is worshiped in temple in the form of a
  2. The three flying cities that Shiva destroyed
  3. Lord Shiva's Bow
  4. A Name of Shiva signifying 'Lord of Dance'
  1. Shiva drank the poison that appeared during the Samudra Manthan (churning of ocean) and he came to be known as
  2. the divine consort of Lord Shiva
  3. the blind son of Shiva
  4. This bull serves as Shiva's mount
  5. the son born of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu(in the form of Mohini)
  6. The leaves of this tree is dear to Shiva
  7. The divine adobe of shiva
  8. The name of Shivas Trident

12 Clues: Lord Shiva's Bowthe blind son of ShivaThe divine adobe of shivaThe name of Shivas Tridentthe divine consort of Lord ShivaThis bull serves as Shiva's mountThe leaves of this tree is dear to ShivaA Name of Shiva signifying 'Lord of Dance'The three flying cities that Shiva destroyedShiva is worshiped in temple in the form of a...

Shivaraatri Cross Word 2021-03-04

Shivaraatri Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. A Name of Shiva signifying 'Lord of Dance'
  2. the blind son of Shiva
  3. The three flying cities that Shiva destroyed
  4. The divine adobe of shiva
  5. Shiva is worshiped in temple in the form of a
  6. The leaves of this tree is dear to Shiva
  1. Lord Shiva's Bow
  2. the son born of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu(in the form of Mohini)
  3. This bull serves as Shiva's mount
  4. The name of Shivas Trident
  5. the divine consort of Lord Shiva
  6. Shiva drank the poison that appeared during the Samudra Manthan (churning of ocean) and he came to be known as

12 Clues: Lord Shiva's Bowthe blind son of ShivaThe divine adobe of shivaThe name of Shivas Tridentthe divine consort of Lord ShivaThis bull serves as Shiva's mountThe leaves of this tree is dear to ShivaA Name of Shiva signifying 'Lord of Dance'The three flying cities that Shiva destroyedShiva is worshiped in temple in the form of a...

Festivals of India 2021-12-30

Festivals of India crossword puzzle
  1. resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion
  2. Festival celebrated in Sep/ Oct for nine nights and ten days
  3. Celebrating victory of a divine goddess over the demon king Mahishasura
  4. Festival dedicated to Lord Shiva
  5. the harvest festival in Kerela
  6. Islamic festival is celebrated to recognize the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah’s command to sacrifice his son
  7. Birth of Lord Krishna
  8. Christian Festival on 25th December
  1. the harvest festival in Tamil Nadu
  2. Sacred sikh festival marks the birth of the first Sikh Guru
  3. festival is celebrated by sisters with colourful, decorative thread on the wrists of their brothers
  4. birth of Lord Rama
  5. festival is celebrated to commemorate the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana
  6. Festival of Colours
  7. festival which marks the end of Navratri and DurgaPooja
  8. is celebrated by Muslims at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan

16 Clues: birth of Lord RamaFestival of ColoursBirth of Lord Krishnathe harvest festival in KerelaFestival dedicated to Lord Shivathe harvest festival in Tamil NaduChristian Festival on 25th Decemberresurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixionfestival which marks the end of Navratri and DurgaPooja...

Husband and Hope of Israel 2022-11-09

Husband and Hope of Israel crossword puzzle
  1. "When_____was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt" (Hosea 11:1).
  2. “...Turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great_______” (Joel 2:13).
  3. "So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in...my holy______" (Joel 3:17).
  4. "I will have _____ upon her that had not obtained____" (Hosea 2:23).
  5. "...Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be______" (Joel 2:32).
  6. “I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness and in judgment, and in_______” (Hosea 2:19).
  7. "Then shall the children of Judah and...Israel be ______ together..." (Hosea 1:11).
  8. "Come, let us return unto the Lord: for...he will _____ us..." (Hosea 6:1).
  9. "...In me is thine_____" (Hosea 13:9).
  1. "I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used_____" (Hosea 12:10).
  2. "...Upon the servants and upon the _____ ...will I pour out my spirit" (Joel 2:29).
  3. "...I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and...your young men shall see_____" (Joel 2:28).
  4. "For I desired mercy, and not________" (Hosea 6:6).
  5. "...But the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the _____ of the children of Israel" (Joel 3:16).
  6. "And ye shall know that I am in the_____of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God" (Joel 2:27).
  7. “I will heal their backsliding, I will_____them freely” (Hosea 14:4).
  8. "...And I will give her...a door of _____" (Hosea 2:15).
  9. "I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will _____ them from death..." (Hosea 13:14).

18 Clues: "...In me is thine_____" (Hosea 13:9)."For I desired mercy, and not________" (Hosea 6:6)."...And I will give her...a door of _____" (Hosea 2:15)."I will have _____ upon her that had not obtained____" (Hosea 2:23).“I will heal their backsliding, I will_____them freely” (Hosea 14:4)....