my librarian is a camel Crossword Puzzles

MERS-CoV 2020-12-24

MERS-CoV crossword puzzle
  1. The last observation of MERS-CoV was in____Arabia.
  2. Should avoid contact with ____ animals.
  3. The virus can be transmitted from animals to humans.
  4. In humans, ______is common but not always present upon infection with MERS-CoV.
  5. We should practise general _______ measures.
  6. No ____ or specific treatment is currently available.
  7. Bat-to-camel and bat-to-___direct transmission MERS-CoV have not been confirmed
  8. The virus is thought to be originated from___.
  9. The major reservoir for MERS-CoV is Dromedary____.
  10. MERS-CoV will cause _____ when it turns severe.
  11. Naturally infected camel: mild upper respiratory ____ (URT) disease.
  1. The ________period of MERS-CoV is 2-14 days.
  2. The virus causing MERS-CoV is a _______.
  3. MERS-CoV is a _____virus.
  4. Median of incubation period is ____ days.
  5. Avoid cross contamination with uncooked ____.
  6. _____ is supportive and based on the patient’s clinical condition.

17 Clues: MERS-CoV is a _____virus.Should avoid contact with ____ animals.The virus causing MERS-CoV is a _______.Median of incubation period is ____ days.The ________period of MERS-CoV is 2-14 days.We should practise general _______ measures.Avoid cross contamination with uncooked ____.The virus is thought to be originated from___....

Kingswood Crossword 2019-03-28

Kingswood Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Class president.
  2. Kingswood Librarian.
  3. Fraction Decimals and _______.
  4. Middle school drink. Strawberry____.
  5. Color of bricks in Kingswood.
  6. Region of the world we learned about first.
  7. Number of nights we spent at Boyne Highlands.
  8. School's motto which is "Aim high."
  9. Class vice president.
  10. Street Kingswood is on.
  1. Main Character in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.
  2. Metal sculpture outside of art museum.
  3. Nickname for field in the back of Kingswood.
  4. Kingswood gym teacher.
  5. Sixth grade English teacher.
  6. School's motto which is "Enter to learn go forth to serve."
  7. Head of Kingswood school.
  8. Track and _____.
  9. Green and_____ team.

19 Clues: Class president.Track and _____.Kingswood Librarian.Green and_____ team.Class vice president.Kingswood gym teacher.Street Kingswood is on.Head of Kingswood school.Sixth grade English teacher.Color of bricks in Kingswood.Fraction Decimals and _______.School's motto which is "Aim high."Middle school drink. Strawberry____....

Kingswood Crossword 2019-03-28

Kingswood Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Class president.
  2. Class vice president.
  3. Fraction Decimals and _______.
  4. Sixth grade English teacher.
  5. Region of the world we learned about first.
  6. Metal sculpture outside of art museum.
  7. School's motto which is "Enter to learn go forth to serve."
  8. Color of bricks in Kingswood.
  9. Track and _____.
  1. Number of nights we spent at Boyne Highlands.
  2. Nickname for field in the back of Kingswood.
  3. Main Character in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.
  4. School's motto which is "Aim high."
  5. Head of Kingswood school.
  6. Middle school drink. Strawberry____.
  7. Street Kingswood is on.
  8. Kingswood Librarian.
  9. Kingswood gym teacher.
  10. Green and_____ team.

19 Clues: Class president.Track and _____.Kingswood Librarian.Green and_____ team.Class vice president.Kingswood gym teacher.Street Kingswood is on.Head of Kingswood school.Sixth grade English teacher.Color of bricks in Kingswood.Fraction Decimals and _______.School's motto which is "Aim high."Middle school drink. Strawberry____....

Decribing animal 2023-04-01

Decribing animal crossword puzzle
  1. I am big mammmals inthe world and i live in ocean
  2. I like banana , i really like to climb tree
  3. I am yellow and hairy, people can me king of jungle
  4. I am black and white, i can not fly and i live in antartica
  5. i am originally from Australia, i have a pocket to save my baby
  6. I live in desert, my color is brown
  7. I look like a horse, but i have white and black stripses, i live in Africa
  8. I am insect that produces honey
  1. I eat leaves by using my long neck
  2. I am wild mammmals and in live in artic with white fur
  3. I have long body and no legs, my bite can be poisnous
  4. I eat grass, leaves, branches with my trunk
  5. I have a hard skin, i live on river, lakes, iam large and dangerous
  6. I am mollusc, my soft body is protected by a hard Shell
  7. I am very large , i come from Africa, i am a bird but i can not fly , and i have a big egg

15 Clues: I am insect that produces honeyI eat leaves by using my long neckI live in desert, my color is brownI like banana , i really like to climb treeI eat grass, leaves, branches with my trunkI am big mammmals inthe world and i live in oceanI am yellow and hairy, people can me king of jungleI have long body and no legs, my bite can be poisnous...

The Mummy! 2024-12-19

The Mummy! crossword puzzle
  1. "Every time I hook up with you, I get shot!" (4,6)
  2. "The only thing that scares me, Mr O'Connell, are your ____."
  3. Pharaoh's bodyguards
  4. Hear me out...
  5. "I only gamble with my ___, never my money"
  6. The city of the dead
  7. Dr. ___, played by Erick Avari
  1. Librarian actress
  2. Mr Henderson asks for a glass of this
  3. Beetle
  4. Actor originally offered Rick's part
  5. Secret lover of Imhohtep (4-2-5)
  6. Scorpion King actor
  7. Golden book (4-2)
  8. "Well, of course I can ___, if the occasion calls for it"
  9. Winston ___, pilot

16 Clues: BeetleHear me out...Librarian actressGolden book (4-2)Winston ___, pilotScorpion King actorPharaoh's bodyguardsThe city of the deadDr. ___, played by Erick AvariSecret lover of Imhohtep (4-2-5)Actor originally offered Rick's partMr Henderson asks for a glass of this"I only gamble with my ___, never my money"...

Kingswood Crossword 2019-03-28

Kingswood Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Sixth grade English teacher.
  2. School's motto which is "Enter to learn go forth to serve."
  3. Track and _____.
  4. Nickname for field in the back of Kingswood.
  5. Class vice president.
  6. Metal sculpture outside of art museum.
  7. Street Kingswood is on.
  8. Head of Kingswood school.
  9. Class president.
  10. Kingswood Librarian.
  11. Main Character in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.
  1. Fraction Decimals and _______.
  2. Middle school drink. Strawberry____.
  3. Region of the world we learned about first.
  4. School's motto which is "Aim high."
  5. Number of nights we spent at Boyne Highlands.
  6. Color of bricks in Kingswood.
  7. Green and_____ team.
  8. Kingswood gym teacher.

19 Clues: Track and _____.Class president.Green and_____ team.Kingswood Librarian.Class vice president.Kingswood gym teacher.Street Kingswood is on.Head of Kingswood school.Sixth grade English teacher.Color of bricks in Kingswood.Fraction Decimals and _______.School's motto which is "Aim high."Middle school drink. Strawberry____....

Kingswood Crossword 2019-03-28

Kingswood Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Track and _____.
  2. Green and_____ team.
  3. Nickname for field in the back of Kingswood.
  4. Head of Kingswood school.
  5. Fraction Decimals and _______.
  6. Main Character in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.
  7. Sixth grade English teacher.
  8. School's motto which is "Enter to learn go forth to serve."
  9. Class vice president.
  10. Number of nights we spent at Boyne Highlands.
  1. Street Kingswood is on.
  2. Color of bricks in Kingswood.
  3. Middle school drink. Strawberry____.
  4. Region of the world we learned about first.
  5. Metal sculpture outside of art museum.
  6. Kingswood gym teacher.
  7. School's motto which is "Aim high."
  8. Class president.
  9. Kingswood Librarian.

19 Clues: Track and _____.Class president.Green and_____ team.Kingswood Librarian.Class vice president.Kingswood gym teacher.Street Kingswood is on.Head of Kingswood school.Sixth grade English teacher.Color of bricks in Kingswood.Fraction Decimals and _______.School's motto which is "Aim high."Middle school drink. Strawberry____....

Lesson 13 Spelling 2024-11-22

Lesson 13 Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. The police officer needed to see a _____ driver's license.
  2. We read a ____ about a boy named Bud.
  3. The weather over a period of time is the _____.
  4. A sour yellow fruit is called a _____.
  5. If the governor votes no on a law, that is a ____.
  6. Because Santa made noise on the rooftop, we rose to what the ____ was about.
  7. Did you know Mount Rushmore is carved from _____?
  8. My fun uncle took us to play _____ tag.
  9. The blanket ______ me while I sleep.
  10. There are 60 seconds in one _____
  11. The farmer's ____ was half way full of silage.
  1. The heart and brain are _____ organs to stay alive.
  2. The towels and sheets belong in the ____ closet.
  3. The speed _____ in front of the school is 15 mph.
  4. After winning the race, Luke's ____ was boosted.
  5. The front quarter _____ was dented on my car.
  6. We do spelling and vocabulary on a regular _____.
  7. The one-humped _____ walked across the desert.
  8. There have been three ____ deals in the past year.
  9. After enjoying the first book, I wanted to read the _____.

20 Clues: There are 60 seconds in one _____The blanket ______ me while I sleep.We read a ____ about a boy named Bud.A sour yellow fruit is called a _____.My fun uncle took us to play _____ tag.The front quarter _____ was dented on my car.The one-humped _____ walked across the desert.The farmer's ____ was half way full of silage....

Authors 2023-03-28

Authors crossword puzzle
  1. Beyond the Bright Sea
  2. The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate
  3. The Mysterious Benedict Society
  4. The Midwife's Apprentice
  5. The Girl Who Drank the Moon
  6. The Stars Did Wander Darkling
  7. The Ickabog
  8. The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise
  1. Positively Izzy
  2. Fever 1793
  3. The Dark Prophecy
  4. When You Reach Me
  5. It's Not the End of the World
  6. Jennifer Chan is Not Alone
  7. Property of the Rebel Librarian
  8. The Color of My Words

16 Clues: Fever 1793The IckabogPositively IzzyThe Dark ProphecyWhen You Reach MeBeyond the Bright SeaThe Color of My WordsThe Midwife's ApprenticeJennifer Chan is Not AloneThe Girl Who Drank the MoonIt's Not the End of the WorldThe Stars Did Wander DarklingThe Evolution of Calpurnia TateThe Mysterious Benedict SocietyProperty of the Rebel Librarian...

103 2016-08-02

103 crossword puzzle
  1. Jack
  2. Bind
  3. Fire
  4. Mexico
  5. Elephant
  6. Thumbelina
  7. Snowman
  8. Smuck
  1. Car
  2. Blue
  3. Wednesday
  4. Eighteen
  5. Librarian
  6. Pirates
  7. Ostrich
  8. Anchor
  9. Flamingos
  10. Panda
  11. Tongue
  12. Mickey

20 Clues: CarJackBindBlueFirePandaSmuckMexicoAnchorTongueMickeyPiratesOstrichSnowmanEighteenElephantWednesdayLibrarianFlamingosThumbelina

sdSA 2014-07-28

sdSA crossword puzzle
  1. This camel talks about natural, non-natural, expression, voice, accent, movement, mannerisms, affectations, aging, exaggerated, prosthetics, hair, costume and properties (props)
  2. How time can be expanded, contracted or structured through editing.
  3. the central meaning of a text.
  4. Cultural, social, physical context of the story's action.
  5. The events depicted (shown) in the film.
  6. The structural story elements such as the opening, closing, acts and turning points etc.
  7. A recognisable and consistent approach; for example, it might be aesthetic or structural, or it may relate to content and themes.
  1. The camel that talks about atmosphere, background, diegtic and non-diegtic.
  2. The link between effect or outcomes and their causes as they occur in time and space.
  3. A camel that uses words such as key, fill, back, high key, low key colour, intensity, diffused, natural, artificial, direct, reflected and day or night.
  4. The depiction in the medium of film of a series of events in cause and effect relationship occurring in time.
  5. Who is telling the story - or 'whose eyes are we looking through?
  6. story camel that uses such terms as parallel narratives, narrative possibilities, interlinking, interconnected.
  7. ALL the events of the narrative; shown or not.
  8. A camel that is all about joining or combining of media elements, such as shots, to create meaning, such as narrative.
  9. This camel talks about type, angle, movement, use and lens.
  10. Aspects about character/s, that we can’t see or hear. It may also be the actions/reactions and even inactions of those characters, that give us insights into the nature of their character, the narrate
  11. a French term that refers to 'putting into the scene'
  12. The 'type' of film as defined through content and themes; supported through the use of appropriate codes and conventions.

19 Clues: the central meaning of a text.The events depicted (shown) in the film.ALL the events of the narrative; shown or not.a French term that refers to 'putting into the scene'Cultural, social, physical context of the story's action.This camel talks about type, angle, movement, use and lens.Who is telling the story - or 'whose eyes are we looking through?...

Kingswood Crossword 2019-03-28

Kingswood Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Kingswood gym teacher.
  2. Region of the world we learned about first.
  3. Main Character in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.
  4. Fraction Decimals and _______.
  5. Street Kingswood is on.
  6. School's motto which is "Enter to learn go forth to serve."
  7. Number of nights we spent at Boyne Highlands.
  8. Class vice president.
  1. Nickname for field in the back of Kingswood.
  2. Head of Kingswood school.
  3. Class president.
  4. Kingswood Librarian.
  5. Middle school drink. Strawberry____.
  6. Metal sculpture outside of art museum.
  7. School's motto which is "Aim high."
  8. Sixth grade English teacher.
  9. Track and _____.
  10. Green and_____ team.
  11. Color of bricks in Kingswood.

19 Clues: Class president.Track and _____.Kingswood Librarian.Green and_____ team.Class vice president.Kingswood gym teacher.Street Kingswood is on.Head of Kingswood school.Sixth grade English teacher.Color of bricks in Kingswood.Fraction Decimals and _______.School's motto which is "Aim high."Middle school drink. Strawberry____....

Kingswood Trivia 2019-03-17

Kingswood Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Head of Kingswood school
  2. School's motto which is "Aim high"
  3. Middle school drink strawberry ______
  4. School's motto which is "Enter to learn go forth to serve"
  5. Country we learned about first in global studies
  6. Fraction, decimals_____
  7. Class president
  8. Track and ____
  9. Color of bricks in Kingswood
  1. Metal sculpture outside of art museum
  2. Nickname for field in the back of Kingswood
  3. Number of nights we spent at Boyne HIghlands
  4. Class Vice president
  5. Street Kingswood is on
  6. Kingswood gym teacher
  7. Kingswood Librarian
  8. Green and _____ team
  9. Main character in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry
  10. Sixth grade english teacher

19 Clues: Track and ____Class presidentKingswood LibrarianClass Vice presidentGreen and _____ teamKingswood gym teacherStreet Kingswood is onFraction, decimals_____Head of Kingswood schoolSixth grade english teacherColor of bricks in KingswoodSchool's motto which is "Aim high"Metal sculpture outside of art museumMiddle school drink strawberry ______...

Grammar structures 13 2015-06-21

Grammar structures 13 crossword puzzle
  1. Because of cuts tens of people had to be ..... redundant.
  2. He said that ..... it snowed, we would go shopping that evening.
  3. Our house is ..... renovated now.
  4. My hair is the ..... colour as hers.
  5. He was rude to the boss and ..... fired.
  6. I have ..... a brother nor a sister. I’m an only child.
  7. Was it good ..... Poland to join the UE?
  8. I’m hard-working ..... my husband is very lazy.
  9. You know, rarely ..... you see monuments like that in Poland.
  10. You were lucky. You ..... have paid the fine.
  11. You ..... not have said that, it was stupid.
  12. Why do you ..... talking? It gets on my nerves.
  13. I’m afraid you haven’t ..... us the truth before.
  14. The police ..... arrested him. He was caught red-handed.
  1. The shop ..... not open till 10 o’clock.
  2. If you behave like that the boss will ..... his temper.
  3. This song has ..... on. Everybody seems to be humming it nowadays.
  4. I can’t meet with you. I have ..... down with flu.
  5. The librarian ...... me to return the book within four weeks.
  6. Are you ..... of what you have done?
  7. You must ..... in mind that your sister is much older than you.
  8. I think we can meet in a few days’ ..... .
  9. I met a few fantastic people there, one of ..... was Chinese.
  10. Why do we go out so ..... ?
  11. My mother asked my how long I ..... been going out with Mark.
  12. This is the most unusual soup we have ..... eaten.
  13. In ..... of having five children, she cleans the house all by herself.

27 Clues: Why do we go out so ..... ?Our house is ..... renovated now.Are you ..... of what you have done?My hair is the ..... colour as hers.The shop ..... not open till 10 o’clock.He was rude to the boss and ..... fired.Was it good ..... Poland to join the UE?I think we can meet in a few days’ ..... .You ..... not have said that, it was stupid....

Ancient Egypt 2022-10-28

Ancient Egypt crossword puzzle
  1. the first paper was made of this
  2. The longest river in the world
  3. very very hot.
  4. the continent egypt is apart of
  5. a weird way to travel
  6. you need this kind of soil to grow stuff
  7. the first color of the rainbow and water
  8. a coffin for rich people
  9. Egypt's version of a king
  10. pictures and words combined
  11. a popular Halloween costume
  1. is this geometry?
  2. one of he most famous female rulers
  3. a form of hill
  4. the capitol of Egypt
  5. the wetland before a river empties out
  6. the line of rulers usually a family
  7. a long body of water
  8. they really liked these animals
  9. a reward for hard work done by heroes
  10. Egyptian god of underworld/afterlife
  11. where is my nose?

22 Clues: a form of hillvery very this geometry?where is my nose?the capitol of Egypta long body of watera weird way to travela coffin for rich peopleEgypt's version of a kingpictures and words combineda popular Halloween costumeThe longest river in the worldthe continent egypt is apart ofthey really liked these animalsthe first paper was made of this...

Grammar structures 13 2015-06-21

Grammar structures 13 crossword puzzle
  1. My hair is the ..... colour as hers.
  2. I think we can meet in a few days’ ..... .
  3. I’m hard-working ..... my husband is very lazy.
  4. I’m afraid you haven’t ..... us the truth before.
  5. This song has ..... on. Everybody seems to be humming it nowadays.
  6. Our house is ..... renovated now.
  7. If you behave like that the boss will ..... his temper.
  8. I can’t meet with you. I have ..... down with flu.
  9. The librarian ...... me to return the book within four weeks.
  10. Why do we go out so ..... ?
  11. You ..... not have said that, it was stupid.
  12. Why do you ..... talking? It gets on my nerves.
  13. Because of cuts tens of people had to be ..... redundant.
  1. The shop ..... not open till 10 o’clock.
  2. In ..... of having five children, she cleans the house all by herself.
  3. I have ..... a brother nor a sister. I’m an only child.
  4. My mother asked my how long I ..... been going out with Mark.
  5. Are you ..... of what you have done?
  6. You were lucky. You ..... have paid the fine.
  7. You must ..... in mind that your sister is much older than you.
  8. He was rude to the boss and ..... fired.
  9. Was it good ..... Poland to join the UE?
  10. He said that ..... it snowed, we would go shopping that evening.
  11. The police ..... arrested him. He was caught red-handed.
  12. You know, rarely ..... you see monuments like that in Poland.
  13. I met a few fantastic people there, one of ..... was Chinese.
  14. This is the most unusual soup we have ..... eaten.

27 Clues: Why do we go out so ..... ?Our house is ..... renovated now.My hair is the ..... colour as hers.Are you ..... of what you have done?The shop ..... not open till 10 o’clock.He was rude to the boss and ..... fired.Was it good ..... Poland to join the UE?I think we can meet in a few days’ ..... .You ..... not have said that, it was stupid....

Grammar structures 13 2015-06-21

Grammar structures 13 crossword puzzle
  1. Was it good ..... Poland to join the UE?
  2. You know, rarely ..... you see monuments like that in Poland.
  3. Because of cuts tens of people had to be ..... redundant.
  4. He said that ..... it snowed, we would go shopping that evening.
  5. My hair is the ..... colour as hers.
  6. Are you ..... of what you have done?
  7. In ..... of having five children, she cleans the house all by herself.
  8. Why do we go out so ..... ?
  9. I met a few fantastic people there, one of ..... was Chinese.
  10. I have ..... a brother nor a sister. I’m an only child.
  11. You were lucky. You ..... have paid the fine.
  12. You ..... not have said that, it was stupid.
  13. I think we can meet in a few days’ ..... .
  14. This is the most unusual soup we have ..... eaten.
  15. He was rude to the boss and ..... fired.
  1. The shop ..... not open till 10 o’clock.
  2. I can’t meet with you. I have ..... down with flu.
  3. If you behave like that the boss will ..... his temper.
  4. You must ..... in mind that your sister is much older than you.
  5. The librarian ...... me to return the book within four weeks.
  6. I’m hard-working ..... my husband is very lazy.
  7. My mother asked my how long I ..... been going out with Mark.
  8. I’m afraid you haven’t ..... us the truth before.
  9. This song has ..... on. Everybody seems to be humming it nowadays.
  10. The police ..... arrested him. He was caught red-handed.
  11. Why do you ..... talking? It gets on my nerves.
  12. Our house is ..... renovated now.

27 Clues: Why do we go out so ..... ?Our house is ..... renovated now.My hair is the ..... colour as hers.Are you ..... of what you have done?The shop ..... not open till 10 o’clock.Was it good ..... Poland to join the UE?He was rude to the boss and ..... fired.I think we can meet in a few days’ ..... .You ..... not have said that, it was stupid....

Job and professions 2024-02-13

Job and professions crossword puzzle
  1. a person whose occupation is to serve at table in a cafe or a restaurant.
  2. a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts
  3. someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight.
  4. i want to be an … one day because i love making cartoons.
  5. this job usually requires a sewing machine to create clothes.
  6. someone employed to work in a garden.
  7. he/she cooks in a restaurant or a hotel. And they are a professional.
  1. a professional person trained in library science and engaged in library services.
  2. he works the land or keeps livestock, especially on a farm.
  3. tooth doctor.
  4. a man whose kill or occupation is caatching fish.
  5. i am a … . My routine is going to school and studying.
  6. a person trained to compete in Sports.
  7. My dad’s job is to provide security of people, dealing with bad guys, and sometimes does the patrol.

14 Clues: tooth doctor.someone employed to work in a garden.a person trained to compete in Sports.a man whose kill or occupation is caatching fish.i am a … . My routine is going to school and studying.someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight.i want to be an … one day because i love making cartoons....

Animals 2024-06-18

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. fierce family animal
  2. my humps are full of water
  3. dangerous, brown, black, venom
  4. i provide a staple in your family fridge
  5. makes a good stew in a book
  6. Wooley farm animal
  7. water animal
  8. also known as a duckbill
  9. most people use a saddle to ride me
  10. family favorite pet, show, farm
  11. blue tounge, frill neck
  1. not to be mistaken for a shark
  2. Australian coat of arms, bush animal
  3. i have 8 legs
  4. watch out for my barb
  5. hump back, blue
  6. cheekiest animal of them all
  7. second largest bird, but cant fly
  8. spikey, slow mover
  9. dirtiest farm animal
  10. a kangaroo relation

21 Clues: water animali have 8 legshump back, blueWooley farm animalspikey, slow movera kangaroo relationfierce family animaldirtiest farm animalwatch out for my barbblue tounge, frill neckalso known as a duckbillmy humps are full of watermakes a good stew in a bookcheekiest animal of them allnot to be mistaken for a sharkdangerous, brown, black, venom...

animals 2022-10-12

animals crossword puzzle
  1. Horse is a strong animals. It can…..heavy things
  2. The synonym of small is ……
  3. Camel is animal….on desert
  4. The cat runs… catch the mouse
  5. My father works in his office. He is…..busy now
  6. A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)
  7. the animal live……in the zoo.
  8. snake is…’s dangerous
  9. The hen cannot ……high
  10. cat is a …..animal
  11. it is good to drink ice because the weather is so…..
  1. Feather the bird has…..feather.
  2. I can find her pet…..
  3. The mouse …..quickly when the cat want to catch him.
  4. The synonym of beautifully
  5. It is the biggest land animal
  6. the cat…..the mouse. The cat is running very fast.
  7. tiger is a……. animal

18 Clues: cat is a …..animaltiger is a……. animalI can find her pet…..The hen cannot ……highsnake is…’s dangerousThe synonym of small is ……The synonym of beautifullyCamel is animal….on desertthe animal live……in the zoo.It is the biggest land animalFeather the bird has…..feather.The cat runs… catch the mouseA moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)...

Get to Know RAE Staff! 2024-08-08

Get to Know RAE Staff! crossword puzzle
  1. Go Cowboys!
  2. I keep the kiddos fed and happy
  3. I love to go for walks
  4. Word hard, play hard!
  5. I used to be an ART teacher
  6. I have worked on offshore drilling rigs
  7. I have coached football
  8. I am a published author
  9. If it rings, I will answer...
  10. I have been helping students heal for 9 years
  11. I love cats more than dogs
  12. I spend my day with 3 and 4 year olds
  13. I used to drive the school bus
  14. I have eaten camel meat
  15. I have 11 grandchildren
  1. My father-in-law wrote Go My Son
  2. I was in the military
  3. happy living at an amusement park
  4. Creativity is my expertise
  5. Cake decorator
  6. I was on the Perry Como Show for folclorico dancing
  7. Where's the spicy food?!
  8. I am from Baltimore, MD
  9. I am a grandma of 3
  10. I have 8 siblings
  11. Let's go hiking!
  12. Says NO to onions!
  13. I am a Southern Belle from Alabama

28 Clues: Go Cowboys!Cake decoratorLet's go hiking!I have 8 siblingsSays NO to onions!I am a grandma of 3I was in the militaryWord hard, play hard!I love to go for walksI am from Baltimore, MDI have coached footballI am a published authorI have eaten camel meatI have 11 grandchildrenWhere's the spicy food?!Creativity is my expertiseI love cats more than dogs...

prejobs 2024-11-13

prejobs crossword puzzle
  1. She _____ in a cafe.
  2. _______ do you work? In a shoe shop.
  3. She is a shop _____________.
  4. I work ___ ___ school.
  5. Where ____ you work?
  6. A dental assistant works in a ___________.
  7. They _____ waiters.
  8. We ______ in a library.
  9. A nurse works in a ___________.
  10. __ i __ __ a __ i a ___.
  11. A teacher works in a ________.
  12. ______ your job? I'm a bus driver?
  13. A taxi driver works in a _______.
  14. _ _ s _ r _ _ _ _
  15. She ____ a teacher.
  16. _ _ a_ h _ _
  17. He works in a shoe shop.
  18. _ a _ t _ _
  1. _ e _ _ t _ _ _ i _ _
  2. _ t _ _ e _ _
  3. _ e _ _ i _ _
  4. A shop assistant works in a _________.
  5. _ a _ i _ r _ _ e _
  6. A waiter works in a ______.
  7. What's _______ job?
  8. _ e _ _ a _ _ s _ i _ _ _ t
  9. A dental _________ works in a dental practice..
  10. A librarian works in a ____________.
  11. _ _ o _ a s _ i _ a _ _
  12. A receptionist works in a _______.
  13. _ _ r _ _

31 Clues: _ _ r _ __ a _ t _ __ _ a_ h _ __ t _ _ e _ __ e _ _ i _ __ _ s _ r _ _ _ __ a _ i _ r _ _ e _What's _______ job?They _____ waiters.She ____ a teacher.She _____ in a cafe.Where ____ you work?_ e _ _ t _ _ _ i _ _I work ___ ___ school.We ______ in a library._ _ o _ a s _ i _ a _ ___ i __ __ a __ i a ___.He works in a shoe shop....


  1. ...IS USED TO SIT


Welcome to Parkdale 2022-08-31

Welcome to Parkdale crossword puzzle
  1. reset my password
  2. drama teacher
  3. she is a long time substitute teacher at Parkdale
  1. librarian
  2. our principal
  3. she coaches golf
  4. a language taught at Parkdale

7 Clues: librarianour principaldrama teachershe coaches golfreset my passworda language taught at Parkdaleshe is a long time substitute teacher at Parkdale

me 2022-01-21

me crossword puzzle
  1. what cousins call me
  2. show I watched in 2 months
  3. reason I like vans(shoes)
  4. I ____ when bored
  5. skill I'm working on
  1. summer activity when younger
  2. favorite summer job
  3. favorite past time
  4. my closet is ____ organized
  5. favorite book genre

10 Clues: I ____ when boredfavorite past timefavorite summer jobfavorite book genrewhat cousins call meskill I'm working onreason I like vans(shoes)show I watched in 2 monthsmy closet is ____ organizedsummer activity when younger

animals 2022-10-12

animals crossword puzzle
  1. snake is…’s dangerous
  2. the cat…..the mouse. The cat is running very fast.
  3. cat is a …..animal
  4. the animal live……in the zoo.
  5. The mouse …..quickly when the cat want to catch him.
  6. The synonym of beautifully
  7. I can find her pet…..
  8. it is good to drink ice because the weather is so…..
  9. The hen cannot ……high
  1. tiger is a……. animal
  2. Feather the bird has…..feather.
  3. The cat runs… catch the mouse
  4. The synonym of small is ……
  5. It is the biggest land animal
  6. A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)
  7. Horse is a strong animals. It can…..heavy things
  8. Camel is animal….on desert
  9. My father works in his office. He is…..busy now

18 Clues: cat is a …..animaltiger is a……. animalI can find her pet…..The hen cannot ……highsnake is…’s dangerousThe synonym of small is ……Camel is animal….on desertThe synonym of beautifullythe animal live……in the zoo.It is the biggest land animalFeather the bird has…..feather.The cat runs… catch the mouseA moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)...

Getting to Know 7R 2024-09-20

Getting to Know 7R crossword puzzle
  1. I love Taekwondo
  2. I broke my arm by falling down the stairs
  3. I scored 98/100 on my Grade 1 public speaking exam.
  4. I have flown a plan twice
  5. When I am older I am going to get a pet giant African landsnail
  6. I hate vegetables
  7. I can do 30 kick ups
  8. I would like to discover a new medicine
  9. I have supported Brentford since I was 5
  10. Lived in Japan
  1. I do karting
  2. I have a dog called Shadow
  3. I can do the moon walk
  4. I like rollercoasters
  5. I am a quarter Turkish
  6. I have been on Swedish TV
  7. I am learning Mandarin and Dutch
  8. My first word was 'Camel'
  9. I can do a Rubix cube

19 Clues: I do kartingLived in JapanI love TaekwondoI hate vegetablesI can do 30 kick upsI like rollercoastersI can do a Rubix cubeI can do the moon walkI am a quarter TurkishI have flown a plan twiceI have been on Swedish TVMy first word was 'Camel'I have a dog called ShadowI am learning Mandarin and DutchI would like to discover a new medicine...

Crouch Library 2023-06-19

Crouch Library crossword puzzle
  1. a made up story
  2. the main character in Diary of a Wimpy Kid
  3. when you borrow a book from the library
  4. number of books I can check out
  5. a character who is half dog and half man
  6. types of books you place on the blue cart
  7. name of your librarian
  8. a person that writes a story
  9. when you return a book
  10. types of books you place on the orange cart
  11. name of our library website
  1. a person who draws the pictures for a book
  2. our school mascot
  3. informational books
  4. name of the book
  5. a book is turned in late
  6. book that is written about someone
  7. a book in digital format
  8. award given in Texas for best book
  9. book that looks like a comic
  10. number of books I need to read or listen to so I can vote for my favorute Bluebonnet book

21 Clues: a made up storyname of the bookour school mascotinformational booksname of your librarianwhen you return a booka book is turned in latea book in digital formatname of our library websitebook that looks like a comica person that writes a storynumber of books I can check outbook that is written about someoneaward given in Texas for best book...

Wanderers Crossword 2022-01-31

Wanderers Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the only child of the Pages Family
  2. A book set in Avonlea
  3. A room where the bookshops and libraries across the world are kept track of
  4. What people travel into
  5. Ex-Librarian of the Underlibrary
  6. A bookshop in London owned by the Pages Family
  7. Traveling into books
  1. The book in which bookwanderers meet Long John Silver
  2. A book in which there is a late rabbit, a mad queen, and a crazy tea party
  3. The novel Beatrice Pages was trapped in
  4. Wife of former Librarian of the Underlibrary
  5. Long lost member of the Pages Family
  6. The Ex-Reference Librarian who worked in the Underlibrary
  7. The name of hidden libraries across the globe
  8. A friend of the Pages Family

15 Clues: Traveling into booksA book set in AvonleaWhat people travel intoA friend of the Pages FamilyEx-Librarian of the Underlibrarythe only child of the Pages FamilyLong lost member of the Pages FamilyThe novel Beatrice Pages was trapped inWife of former Librarian of the UnderlibraryThe name of hidden libraries across the globe...


CAMEL CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Tame and kept as a pet
  2. A region uninhabited by human beings
  3. South American mammals related to the camels
  4. To drink water because you do not have enough water in your body
  5. The substance under the skin of animals and keeps them warm
  6. A rounded lump that sticks out on the back of an animal.
  7. A camel with two humps
  8. Someone who is very careful about choosing only what they like
  9. The development of the embryo of a mammal
  10. A large group of animals
  1. A camel with one hump
  2. Animals that give birth to babies and feed their young with milk.
  3. An animal that feeds on plants.
  4. An area covered with sand or rocks, where there is very little rain
  5. South American animal that looks like a llama
  6. Recently or only just born
  7. The weather conditions in an area
  8. Having too much loose fat on your body
  9. Rare
  10. A large animal that leaps on its big, strong back legs

20 Clues: RareA camel with one humpTame and kept as a petA camel with two humpsA large group of animalsRecently or only just bornAn animal that feeds on plants.The weather conditions in an areaA region uninhabited by human beingsHaving too much loose fat on your bodyThe development of the embryo of a mammalSouth American mammals related to the camels...

Irregular Plurals 2013-04-11

Irregular Plurals crossword puzzle
  1. We caught two small fury in the trap
  2. I had a sore toe on my left
  3. The will grow up to become an adult
  4. Each book case had three for books
  5. I used a rod to catch some for dinner
  6. Are strong cattle used to pull a plow
  7. I put my shoes on my
  1. My sister and I are the of our parents
  2. I had a small white fury as a pet when I was child
  3. The librarian put the book back on the
  4. The wool for my jumper came from one single
  5. A strong pulled the plow through the soil

12 Clues: I put my shoes on myI had a sore toe on my leftEach book case had three for booksThe will grow up to become an adultWe caught two small fury in the trapI used a rod to catch some for dinnerAre strong cattle used to pull a plowMy sister and I are the of our parentsThe librarian put the book back on theA strong pulled the plow through the soil...

WS Crossword - short vowels (e o u) 2022-03-01

WS Crossword - short vowels (e o u) crossword puzzle
  1. I went to sleep in my ______ last night.
  2. The _____ likes to bark at everyone.
  3. I saw three bird eggs in the _______.
  4. My little sister likes to ______ when she gets mad.
  5. The baby likes to make a _____ tower by putting them on top of each other.
  6. The green ______ hopped into the lake.
  7. My mom told me to _____ picking on my little sister.
  8. My teacher put a _____ mark next to the questions that are correct.
  9. It was a beautiful day. The _____ was shining brightly in the sky.
  10. The camel has a ____ on its back.
  1. The dog liked to _____ for food.
  2. The girl’s ______ was very pretty.
  3. The little girl played with her baby _____ .
  4. The boy got some water out of the ______.
  5. I saw the ____ climbing up the wall.
  6. I ____ the piece of paper with my scissors.
  7. I use a ______ to paint in Art.
  8. I smell a very stinky ________.
  9. The man decided to ______ the wood with his axe.
  10. The water spilled all over the floor, so I used a _____ to dry it up.

20 Clues: I use a ______ to paint in Art.I smell a very stinky ________.The dog liked to _____ for food.The camel has a ____ on its back.The girl’s ______ was very pretty.The _____ likes to bark at everyone.I saw the ____ climbing up the wall.I saw three bird eggs in the _______.The green ______ hopped into the lake.I went to sleep in my ______ last night....

Puzzling Library Possibilities 2022-01-19

Puzzling Library Possibilities crossword puzzle
  1. A spark of imagination
  2. Keeper of information
  3. "Good things come to those who wait."
  4. A novel discussion
  5. Online and in-person
  6. Books to capture your attention
  7. To borrow, or Loan Material
  8. Homework, Genealogy, Research
  9. Helpful Adults and Teens
  10. A Summer tradition with books
  11. Could be dragons. Could be aliens.
  12. Of Stilton and Steinbeck
  13. They make a list and check it twice
  14. All systems go!
  15. 001-999
  16. Stories as far as the eye can see
  17. A famous cat and cataloguer (and owl)
  18. Let the melody guide you
  19. I'm not done with the book
  20. Your Generosity
  1. Libraries ____ our lives
  2. Your ticket to the library
  3. Let's read! Let's sing!
  4. How can we assist?
  5. What's happening at the library?
  6. Coming together as a
  7. Printed, Electronic, Drawn; all are welcome
  8. Cats, Hats and Ham
  9. Stream 'em, Borrow 'em and play 'em.
  10. We wouldn't be here without
  11. Never enough time
  12. Librarian wardrobe
  13. What's their story?
  14. Elementary, my dear watson
  15. How many branches in the tree
  16. "Here I fell asleep."

36 Clues: 001-999All systems go!Your GenerosityNever enough timeHow can we assist?A novel discussionCats, Hats and HamLibrarian wardrobeWhat's their story?Coming together as aOnline and in-personKeeper of information"Here I fell asleep."A spark of imaginationLet's read! Let's sing!Libraries ____ our livesHelpful Adults and TeensOf Stilton and Steinbeck...

Ewelina kulcyzńska 2022-06-02

Ewelina kulcyzńska crossword puzzle
  1. you visited his museum in the netherlands.
  2. my favorite polish person after you.
  3. your rank in my most loved friends list.
  4. on a scale of one to ten, how much do I value you?
  5. a Polish word meaning the kind of relatives you are to me.
  6. number of times you participated in the breakthrough challenge.
  7. someone who loves you to the moon.
  1. name of the most adorable woman ever.
  2. a local animal of my country you'd like to see and ride someday.
  3. fill in (a song you like) : sitting in the ... Of the bay.
  4. you do it very well.
  5. it makes you more beautiful.
  6. someone to whom we owe this friendship.
  7. protagonist of the first movie I've suggested to you.
  8. he doesn't stop saying : tonight is the night!

15 Clues: you do it very makes you more beautiful.someone who loves you to the favorite polish person after of the most adorable woman ever.someone to whom we owe this friendship.your rank in my most loved friends visited his museum in the netherlands.he doesn't stop saying : tonight is the night!...

Csilla 2017-01-25

Csilla crossword puzzle
  1. it yelp and run
  2. it has hump on their body
  3. we can ride on this
  4. it is the king of the animals
  5. it is an angry animal it is live in the water
  6. Géda's favourite animal
  7. it can fly,its beautiful
  8. it has got streaks on their body
  1. it is live in the water and eat fish
  2. it is cute and it is purring
  3. it is black and white
  4. it is live in the water
  5. it is small and cute animals they live in cage
  6. it has a long neck
  7. my favourte animal

15 Clues: it yelp and runit has a long neckmy favourte animalwe can ride on thisit is black and whiteit is live in the waterGéda's favourite animalit can fly,its beautifulit has hump on their bodyit is cute and it is purringit is the king of the animalsit has got streaks on their bodyit is live in the water and eat fish...

WS crossword puzzle - short vowels (e o u) 2022-02-25

WS crossword puzzle - short vowels (e o u) crossword puzzle
  1. I went to sleep in my ______ last night.
  2. The _____ likes to bark at everyone.
  3. I saw three bird eggs in the _______.
  4. My little sister likes to ______ when she gets mad.
  5. The baby likes to make a _____ tower by putting them on top of each other.
  6. The green ______ hopped into the lake.
  7. My mom told me to _____ picking on my little sister.
  8. My teacher put a _____ mark next to the questions that are correct.
  9. It was a beautiful day. The _____ was shining brightly in the sky.
  10. The camel has a ____ on its back.
  1. The dog liked to _____ for food.
  2. The girl’s ______ was very pretty.
  3. The little girl played with her baby _____ .
  4. The boy got some water out of the ______.
  5. I saw the ____ climbing up the wall.
  6. I ____ the piece of paper with my scissors.
  7. I use a ______ to paint in Art.
  8. I smell a very stinky ________.
  9. The man decided to ______ the wood with his axe.
  10. The water spilled all over the floor, so I used a _____ to dry it up.

20 Clues: I use a ______ to paint in Art.I smell a very stinky ________.The dog liked to _____ for food.The camel has a ____ on its back.The girl’s ______ was very pretty.The _____ likes to bark at everyone.I saw the ____ climbing up the wall.I saw three bird eggs in the _______.The green ______ hopped into the lake.I went to sleep in my ______ last night....


  1. a ____ of lemonade
  2. The emperor stays in a ___
  3. The sixth month of the year
  4. Maths is my favourite ______.
  5. It lives in the desert.
  6. Egyptian put mummies in here.
  7. a ______ of milk
  8. a _____ of crisps
  9. A baby chicken
  10. The first month of the year
  11. What do you need to eat the soup?
  1. The Great Wall of China is situated here.
  2. Camels have got one _____ on their back.
  3. Visit to ____if we have toothache
  4. I come from Korea and I'm _______.
  5. I like to draw and paint during this lesson.
  6. The twelfth month of the year
  7. Opposite of FULL
  8. Dato Wira Lee Chong Wei is very famous in this game.
  9. The day after Saturday
  10. There isn't ____ bread in the basket.

21 Clues: A baby chickenOpposite of FULLa ______ of milka _____ of crispsa ____ of lemonadeThe day after SaturdayIt lives in the desert.The emperor stays in a ___The sixth month of the yearThe first month of the yearThe twelfth month of the yearMaths is my favourite ______.Egyptian put mummies in here.Visit to ____if we have toothache...


  1. Camels have got one _____ on their back.
  2. It lives in the desert.
  3. The first month of the year
  4. Maths is my favourite ______.
  5. The twelfth month of the year
  6. There isn't ____ bread in the basket.
  7. Dato Wira Lee Chong Wei is very famous in this game.
  8. a ____ of lemonade
  9. Visit to ____if we have toothache
  1. What do you need to eat the soup?
  2. Opposite of FULL
  3. The emperor stays in a ___
  4. The day after Saturday
  5. The sixth month of the year
  6. I come from Korea and I'm _______.
  7. Egyptian put mummies in here.
  8. a ______ of milk
  9. The Great Wall of China is situated here.
  10. a _____ of crisps
  11. A baby chicken
  12. I like to draw and paint during this lesson.

21 Clues: A baby chickenOpposite of FULLa ______ of milka _____ of crispsa ____ of lemonadeThe day after SaturdayIt lives in the desert.The emperor stays in a ___The first month of the yearThe sixth month of the yearMaths is my favourite ______.Egyptian put mummies in here.The twelfth month of the yearWhat do you need to eat the soup?...

The Armadillo and Camel stories! 2024-03-06

The Armadillo and Camel stories! crossword puzzle
  1. When Painted Jaguar needs help from his mother he says ____
  2. Hedgehog learns how to ________
  3. Which animal is late to the show in the Camel story?
  4. Where does horse take Man in the Camel story?
  5. In the camel story the animals were an ox, dog, camel, and a _____
  6. Can’t curl, but can swim, ________ and solid, that’s him!
  1. Hedgehog becomes an _________ at the end of the story
  2. The Djinn gives the Camel a _______ at the end
  3. Man needed to start planting his ________
  4. In the Armadillo story, Hedgehog comes out eating a ______
  5. Which animal is the strongest?

11 Clues: Which animal is the strongest?Hedgehog learns how to ________Man needed to start planting his ________Where does horse take Man in the Camel story?The Djinn gives the Camel a _______ at the endWhich animal is late to the show in the Camel story?Hedgehog becomes an _________ at the end of the story...

ANIMALS 2020-03-26

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. tall as a tree
  2. the light is blinding me!
  3. predator of the sea
  4. hey can I have some dumplings
  5. clawing cuteness
  6. don't make me sit on you, trust me, you will die
  7. the camera adds ten pounds
  8. and a hop and a hop
  9. you just have to be the largest animal
  1. Man's best friend
  2. Choose one, black or white
  3. slow down
  4. lazy cuteness
  5. how can I not see my footprints in the sand?
  6. why you banging your chest
  7. in the jungle the might jungle
  8. I am as sleek as a...
  9. full moon man
  10. not to big, not to small, just right
  11. this is an easy one (.^.) turn it upside down

20 Clues: slow downlazy cutenessfull moon mantall as a treeclawing cutenessMan's best friendpredator of the seaand a hop and a hopI am as sleek as a...the light is blinding me!Choose one, black or whitewhy you banging your chestthe camera adds ten poundshey can I have some dumplingsin the jungle the might junglenot to big, not to small, just right...

Our School Community 2023-09-18

Our School Community crossword puzzle
  1. They teach me different subjects.
  2. The place where I eat lunch at school.
  3. The librarian is there.
  4. This person works in the kitchen.
  5. The place where I go to have a lesson.
  6. She is in the first-aid room.
  7. The cook prepares this for me everyday.
  8. The place where I play sports.
  1. A place where I can find the headteachers.
  2. The main teacher for my class.
  3. This place has a slide.
  4. Who fixes things at school and opens the gate?
  5. I can find the piano here.

13 Clues: This place has a slide.The librarian is there.I can find the piano here.She is in the first-aid room.The main teacher for my class.The place where I play sports.They teach me different subjects.This person works in the kitchen.The place where I eat lunch at school.The place where I go to have a lesson.The cook prepares this for me everyday....

Animals 2023-06-19

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. My fur is used for wool.
  2. I like ponds and I eat flies.
  3. I'm like a frog but bigger.
  4. I'm the person doing this crossword puzzle.
  5. I'm Brer Fox's enemy.
  6. I live in the dessert.
  7. I'm man's best friend.
  8. I lay eggs.
  1. I'm not really an animal and I'm an invertebrate made of cloth and I can be found in Alex's room.
  2. I'm a big pig.
  3. I eat too much.
  4. I'm clever.
  5. I walk slowly.
  6. I'm a common house pet.
  7. I can fly.
  8. I like cheese.

16 Clues: I can fly.I'm clever.I lay eggs.I'm a big pig.I walk slowly.I like cheese.I eat too much.I'm Brer Fox's enemy.I live in the dessert.I'm man's best friend.I'm a common house pet.My fur is used for wool.I'm like a frog but bigger.I like ponds and I eat flies.I'm the person doing this crossword puzzle....

big crossword 2024-11-01

big crossword crossword puzzle
  1. who is my 4th pbro alphabetically
  2. what was my first major
  3. a sweet treat i love and took some of your pbros to
  4. how many ryans are there in
  5. where do i live now
  6. what was our final destination for our interview
  1. what family tree am i in
  2. where i am from
  3. the best event in the US(imo) that happens in may
  4. the animal that correlates to my class

10 Clues: where i am fromwhere do i live nowwhat was my first majorwhat family tree am i inhow many ryans are there inwho is my 4th pbro alphabeticallythe animal that correlates to my classwhat was our final destination for our interviewthe best event in the US(imo) that happens in maya sweet treat i love and took some of your pbros to

The Pigman 2022-01-12

The Pigman crossword puzzle
  1. what John calls his dad
  2. how Mr. pignati died
  3. pigmans wife
  4. what John and Lorraine type the story on
  5. a snack that bobo likes
  6. the color of eyes John has
  7. an ape that mr.pignati likes
  8. what John's brother's name is
  9. what lorraine's mom calls her
  10. what the Pigman lives in
  11. were John and lorraine type the story
  12. a creepy kid john and lorraine know
  1. a hang out spot for the main characters
  2. a girl that is friends with john
  3. what Lorraine's mom's job is
  4. what they call the librarian
  5. were Mr. Pignati had a heart attack
  6. what John was known for
  7. an old man in my
  8. the author of the book
  9. a kid that drinks and smokes a lot
  10. what John calls his mom
  11. the school name in the book
  12. were Mr. Pignati died

24 Clues: pigmans wifean old man in myhow Mr. pignati diedwere Mr. Pignati diedthe author of the bookwhat John calls his dadwhat John was known fora snack that bobo likeswhat John calls his momwhat the Pigman lives inthe color of eyes John hasthe school name in the bookwhat Lorraine's mom's job iswhat they call the librarianan ape that mr.pignati likes...


  1. a ____ of lemonade
  2. The emperor stays in a ___
  3. The sixth month of the year
  4. Maths is my favourite ______.
  5. It lives in the desert.
  6. Egyptian put mummies in here.
  7. a ______ of milk
  8. a _____ of crisps
  9. A baby chicken
  10. The first month of the year
  11. What do you need to eat the soup?
  1. The Great Wall of China is situated here.
  2. Camels have got one _____ on their back.
  3. Visit to ____if we have toothache
  4. I come from Korea and I'm _______.
  5. I like to draw and paint during this lesson.
  6. The twelfth month of the year
  7. Opposite of FULL
  8. Dr Wira Lee Chong Wei is very famous in this game.
  9. The day after Saturday
  10. There isn't ____ bread in the basket.

21 Clues: A baby chickenOpposite of FULLa ______ of milka _____ of crispsa ____ of lemonadeThe day after SaturdayIt lives in the desert.The emperor stays in a ___The sixth month of the yearThe first month of the yearThe twelfth month of the yearMaths is my favourite ______.Egyptian put mummies in here.Visit to ____if we have toothache...


  1. a ______ of milk
  2. The Great Wall of China is situated here.
  3. Maths is my favourite ______.
  4. The twelfth month of the year
  5. The emperor stays in a ___
  6. I come from Korea and I'm _______.
  7. Egyptian put mummies in here.
  8. Visit to ____if we have toothache
  9. The first month of the year
  1. What do you need to eat the soup?
  2. The day after Saturday
  3. A baby chicken
  4. Camels have got one _____ on their back.
  5. The sixth month of the year
  6. a ____ of lemonade
  7. Opposite of FULL
  8. Dato Wira Lee Chong Wei is very famous in this game.
  9. I like to draw and paint during this lesson.
  10. There isn't ____ bread in the basket.
  11. It lives in the desert.
  12. a _____ of crisps

21 Clues: A baby chickena ______ of milkOpposite of FULLa _____ of crispsa ____ of lemonadeThe day after SaturdayIt lives in the desert.The emperor stays in a ___The sixth month of the yearThe first month of the yearMaths is my favourite ______.The twelfth month of the yearEgyptian put mummies in here.What do you need to eat the soup?...

All saints day 2022-10-22

All saints day crossword puzzle
  1. the animal that you can see in my icon
  2. the place where I am buried
  3. the animal I healed with my sand
  1. my job is
  2. the word my mother heard from St Mary
  3. my name is
  4. wonder maker my other name is

7 Clues: my job ismy name isthe place where I am buriedwonder maker my other name isthe animal I healed with my sandthe word my mother heard from St Marythe animal that you can see in my icon

Jobs 1 2023-08-28

Jobs 1 crossword puzzle
  1. doctor
  2. cashier
  3. butcher
  4. waiter
  5. vet
  6. landscaper
  7. pharmacist
  8. housewife
  9. baker
  10. teacher
  11. nurse
  1. coach
  2. farmer
  3. principal
  4. secretary
  5. librarian
  6. dentist
  7. dancer
  8. painter
  9. construction
  10. zookeeper
  11. chef

22 Clues: vetchefcoachbakernursedoctorfarmerwaiterdancercashierbutcherdentistpainterteacherprincipalsecretarylibrarianzookeeperhousewifelandscaperpharmacistconstruction

Who is it? 2023-11-30

Who is it? crossword puzzle
  1. he is in my bedroom
  2. he is in the school library
  3. he is a pupil, he is wearing a uniform
  4. he is in an office
  1. he is in the school kitchen
  2. he is in a classroom
  3. he is a pupil, he helps, he is in the playground
  4. he is in the school infirmary

8 Clues: he is in an officehe is in my bedroomhe is in a classroomhe is in the school kitchenhe is in the school libraryhe is in the school infirmaryhe is a pupil, he is wearing a uniformhe is a pupil, he helps, he is in the playground

ANL-3010: Reading 5 (What My Bones Knew) 2024-11-04

ANL-3010: Reading 5 (What My Bones Knew) crossword puzzle
  1. The highest point or peak
  2. Harmless or not likely to offend
  3. I have been saving my $, so I can splurge on a diamond ring this Christmas
  4. To shout or yell loudly
  5. The act if of trapping and confronting someone.
  6. To worry or be anxious about something.
  7. My students get top grades because they always _____ to grammar rules.
  8. I can't stand to see a little baby _____... I wan them to look happy!
  1. To move quickly, often with a sense of urgency
  2. Having private knowledge about something.
  3. To search through a place wildly, causing disorder
  4. A librarian might ______ people who are talking.
  5. Expression: Free someone from a responsibility or punishment
  6. Another way to say not enough
  7. Donald Trump wants his MAGA ______ to storm the capital again.
  8. The brave knight could _____ for himself.
  9. As a noun, this is found in a cemetery; as an adjective, it means very serious.

17 Clues: To shout or yell loudlyThe highest point or peakAnother way to say not enoughHarmless or not likely to offendTo worry or be anxious about something.Having private knowledge about something.The brave knight could _____ for himself.To move quickly, often with a sense of urgencyThe act if of trapping and confronting someone....

ART DEPT. STAFF 2022-10-18

ART DEPT. STAFF crossword puzzle
  1. Music: Head Audio Engineer?
  2. Design & Cinema and Digital Media: Lab Technician & Key Control Manager?
  3. California Lighting Technology Center: Executive Assistant and Business Support?
  4. Purchasing Specialist?
  5. Theatre & Dance: Head Electrician?
  6. Music: Librarian?
  7. California Lighting Technology Center: Finance Specialist?
  8. Art & Art History: Librarian, Visual Resources Facility?
  9. Business Assistant?
  10. Theatre & Dance: Asst. Technical Director?
  11. Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Advisor(T&D)?
  12. Academic Personnel Assistant?
  13. Art Studio: Photography and Digital Lab Technician?
  14. Chief Administrative Officer?
  15. Design: Labs Manager & Building Safety Officer?
  16. Design: Design Museum Preparator?
  17. Undergraduate Program Supervisor and Advisor?
  18. Art & Art History: Assistant Librarian, Visual Resources Facility?
  19. Theatre & Dance: Costume Shop Director?
  20. Sr. Graphic Designer?
  21. Music: Events and Production Manager?
  22. Music: Stage Manager?
  23. Theatre & Dance: Cutter/draper, Tailor?
  1. Arts Marketing Specialist?
  2. Music Department: Events and Publicity Manager?
  3. Theatre & Dance: Facility Manager & Audio Supervisor?
  4. Music: Writer and Editor?
  5. Undergraduate Advisor(CDM)?
  6. Design: Shops and Museums Supervisor, Materials Lab Technician?
  7. Art Studio: Printmaking and Painting Lab Technician?
  8. Graduate Program Coordinator(Music)?
  9. Art Studio: Ceramics Lab Technician?
  10. I am an ESA dog and my dad is?
  11. Undergraduate Advisor(Music)?
  12. Finance Manager?
  13. Theatre & Dance: Scene Technician?
  14. Theatre & Dance: Production Manager?
  15. Theatre & Dance: Cutter/draper, Tailor?
  16. Graduate Program Coordinator(Art History)?
  17. Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Advisor(CDM)?
  18. Cinema and Digital Media: Technical and Curricular Support?
  19. Student Marketing Assistant?
  20. Business Assistant?
  21. Design: Continuing Lecturer, Design Collection Curator, Manager?
  22. Academic Personnel Coordinator?

45 Clues: Finance Manager?Music: Librarian?Business Assistant?Business Assistant?Sr. Graphic Designer?Music: Stage Manager?Purchasing Specialist?Music: Writer and Editor?Arts Marketing Specialist?Music: Head Audio Engineer?Undergraduate Advisor(CDM)?Student Marketing Assistant?Undergraduate Advisor(Music)?Academic Personnel Assistant?...

Work place vocabulary 2021-03-14

Work place vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. To stop working because of age.
  2. I love my job!I use my camera to take pictures of lots of interesting things. I am a ............
  3. He/she bakes bread and cakes. He/she is a .....
  4. Set amount paid to a worker, monthly.
  5. Works in a restaurant, and his job is to serve food or drinks to people.
  6. The person who hires people to work for him/her
  7. Money added to a person's wage when he works overtime or on a holiday.
  8. When the employer asks questions before hiring, then he is taking an ........
  1. Works in a school and teaches students.
  2. When a company gives you a job it ..... you.
  3. Operates on a person in a hospital.
  4. To dismiss someone from a job
  5. Hire someone to work for you
  6. Payment for work or services according to the number of hours
  7. I travel to many different countries for my job. I am a .....
  8. What a person does to earn money.
  9. Money paid regularly to somebody because he/she retired because of an illness or because of age.
  10. I work in a library. I stock books and magazines on shelves. I am a .........
  11. I work in a law court. I am a ......
  12. I work in a restaurant. I prepare and cook food for people. I am a ....

20 Clues: Hire someone to work for youTo dismiss someone from a jobTo stop working because of age.What a person does to earn money.Operates on a person in a hospital.I work in a law court. I am a ......Set amount paid to a worker, monthly.Works in a school and teaches students.When a company gives you a job it ..... you....

Personality traits 2021-04-15

Personality traits crossword puzzle
  1. Amy shouln't be a librarian because she is very________ .She can never find the information she needs.
  2. Sam is very short-____and moody. He always gets angry during meetings.
  3. Martha is very ____. She does odd things. She gets up in the middle of the night and writes all her reports.
  4. Michael's assistant is very ____. She types twice as fast as most assitants and she never wastes time.
  5. I alwyas do my job well. My boss never has to worry becuase I am_____
  6. my favorite teacher at school was Mrs.Matthew. She was pretty____ and noone misbehave in her class.
  7. Ed would make a great nurse because he is so __headed. He never gets anxious or upset when things go wrong.
  1. Being a limousine driver isn't a good job for David. He is very____. He can't stand waiting for people at the airport.
  2. A good lawyer has to remember facts. Jerry would be a terrible lawyer because he is very ___
  3. Larry arrives always on time, even when there's traffic. He is a ____ person.
  4. My boos is very___. She gave a big holyday bonus.
  5. I can't stand my boss. He complains about everything I do. He is very ____
  6. Jack writes very good children's stories and he always is thinking about new ideas.
  7. Laura is very hard-____. She works ten hours a day, six days a week.

14 Clues: My boos is very___. She gave a big holyday bonus.Laura is very hard-____. She works ten hours a day, six days a week.I alwyas do my job well. My boss never has to worry becuase I am_____Sam is very short-____and moody. He always gets angry during meetings.I can't stand my boss. He complains about everything I do. He is very ____...

Library 2024-03-20

Library crossword puzzle
  1. Satrya's hobby is ...
  2. .... books on time please!
  3. The Student put book in the ...
  4. Mr. Fathan is a ... (Penjaga Perpustakaan)
  5. My father reads ... every morning.
  1. Fatma needs ... (kamus) to study english.
  2. We can look on the ... to find the books.
  3. We can look the announcement on the ...
  4. The Student must bring ... to go to library.
  5. Andara ... books in the library.

10 Clues: Satrya's hobby is ....... books on time please!The Student put book in the ...Andara ... books in the library.My father reads ... every morning.We can look the announcement on the ...Fatma needs ... (kamus) to study english.We can look on the ... to find the books.Mr. Fathan is a ... (Penjaga Perpustakaan)...

Grade 2 - People Who Help Us 2021-11-29

Grade 2 - People Who Help Us crossword puzzle
  1. He sells flowers.
  2. She helps people who have problems.
  3. She makes bread and cakes.
  4. He makes my hair look nice.
  5. He works at a library and helps find books.
  6. She cooks good food.
  1. She delivers letters to people.
  2. He helps me in the hospital when I'm sick.
  3. He teaches the students in school.
  4. He delivers letters to people.
  5. She takes the food to the people in a restaurant.
  6. He helps to catch bad people.
  7. She puts out fire in houses.
  8. driver She drives me to school in a bus
  9. She makes sure my teeth are good.

15 Clues: He sells flowers.She cooks good food.She makes bread and cakes.He makes my hair look nice.She puts out fire in houses.He helps to catch bad people.He delivers letters to people.She delivers letters to people.She makes sure my teeth are good.He teaches the students in school.She helps people who have problems.driver She drives me to school in a bus...

Valentine's Day Puzzle 2021-02-16

Valentine's Day Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. my name
  2. what my Valentine's mail came in
  3. the state we lived in before
  4. what we are eating for breakfast today
  5. blue dog and leader of the Paw Patrol
  6. the state we live in now
  7. dogs what Mom made for dinner last night
  1. the largest toy in the playroom
  2. what we live in is called a _______
  3. when I start kindergarten I will go to ______
  4. no Pat no don't sit on that!
  5. the orange animal on Haleigh's swing

12 Clues: my namethe state we live in nowthe state we lived in beforeno Pat no don't sit on that!the largest toy in the playroomwhat my Valentine's mail came inwhat we live in is called a _______the orange animal on Haleigh's swingblue dog and leader of the Paw Patrolwhat we are eating for breakfast todaydogs what Mom made for dinner last night...

kelompok 1 2022-11-21

kelompok 1 crossword puzzle
  1. the animals that likes to meow is
  2. the animals that live in the ground are
  3. ainur studaying at
  4. animals that have horns and can run fast are
  5. fruit that has a shell
  6. the tallest building is
  7. jesika sunday school at
  8. animals that have tusksand trunks are
  9. office she got married in
  10. the most expensive fruit in the world is
  11. the desert animal that has a hump on its back is
  1. you recite at
  2. before they become cocoons and butterflies
  3. mother buys rice in
  4. aditya prays at
  5. the fruit that became the icon of the padang sidempuan city
  6. fruit that is green on the outside is brown inside is
  7. when marizal dies marizal will be planted in
  8. vitamin c fruit is
  9. my mother gave brith in

20 Clues: you recite ataditya prays atainur studaying atvitamin c fruit ismother buys rice infruit that has a shellthe tallest building isjesika sunday school atmy mother gave brith inoffice she got married inthe animals that likes to meow isanimals that have tusksand trunks arethe animals that live in the ground arethe most expensive fruit in the world is...

kelompok 1 ainur syafa kelas 7a 2022-11-21

kelompok 1 ainur syafa kelas 7a crossword puzzle
  1. the animals that likes to meow is
  2. the animals that live in the ground are
  3. ainur studaying at
  4. animals that have horns and can run fast are
  5. fruit that has a shell
  6. the tallest building is
  7. jesika sunday school at
  8. animals that have tusksand trunks are
  9. office she got married in
  10. the most expensive fruit in the world is
  11. the desert animal that has a hump on its back is
  1. you recite at
  2. before they become cocoons and butterflies
  3. mother buys rice in
  4. aditya prays at
  5. the fruit that became the icon of the padang sidempuan city
  6. fruit that is green on the outside is brown inside is
  7. when marizal dies marizal will be planted in
  8. vitamin c fruit is
  9. my mother gave brith in

20 Clues: you recite ataditya prays atainur studaying atvitamin c fruit ismother buys rice infruit that has a shellthe tallest building isjesika sunday school atmy mother gave brith inoffice she got married inthe animals that likes to meow isanimals that have tusksand trunks arethe animals that live in the ground arethe most expensive fruit in the world is...

OCCUPATION Crossword 2014-04-30

OCCUPATION Crossword crossword puzzle
  4. PILOT
  9. COOK
  11. NURSE


art 2022-10-18

art crossword puzzle
  1. Art Studio: Photography and Digital Lab Technician?
  2. Music Department: Events and Publicity Manager?
  3. Sr. Graphic Designer?
  4. Theatre & Dance: Cutter/draper, Tailor?
  5. Theatre & Dance: Costume Shop Director?
  6. Chief Administrative Officer?
  7. Art & Art History: Assistant Librarian, Visual Resources Facility?
  8. Finance Manager?
  9. Theatre & Dance: Scene Technician?
  10. Design & Cinema and Digital Media: Lab Technician & Key Control Manager?
  11. I am an ESA dog and my dad is?
  12. Art Studio: Printmaking and Painting Lab Technician?
  13. Academic Personnel Coordinator?
  14. Purchasing Specialist?
  15. Undergraduate Advisor(CDM)?
  16. California Lighting Technology Center: Executive Assistant and Business Support?
  17. Undergraduate Program Supervisor and Advisor?
  18. Design: Design Museum Preparator?
  19. Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Advisor(CDM)?
  20. Theatre & Dance: Cutter/draper, Tailor?
  21. Undergraduate Advisor(Music)?
  22. Music: Librarian?
  23. Theatre & Dance: Production Manager?
  24. Business Assistant?
  1. Student Marketing Assistant?
  2. Design: Labs Manager & Building Safety Officer?
  3. Art & Art History: Librarian, Visual Resources Facility?
  4. Design: Continuing Lecturer, Design Collection Curator, Manager?
  5. Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Advisor(T&D)?
  6. Theatre & Dance: Facility Manager & Audio Supervisor?
  7. Theatre & Dance: Head Electrician?
  8. Academic Personnel Assistant?
  9. Art Studio: Ceramics Lab Technician?
  10. Music: Head Audio Engineer?
  11. Design: Shops and Museums Supervisor, Materials Lab Technician?
  12. Graduate Program Coordinator(Music)?
  13. Arts Marketing Specialist?
  14. Business Assistant?
  15. Theatre & Dance: Asst. Technical Director?
  16. Cinema and Digital Media: Technical and Curricular Support?
  17. Graduate Program Coordinator(Art History)?
  18. Music: Stage Manager?
  19. Music: Writer and Editor?
  20. California Lighting Technology Center: Finance Specialist?
  21. Music: Events and Production Manager?

45 Clues: Finance Manager?Music: Librarian?Business Assistant?Business Assistant?Sr. Graphic Designer?Music: Stage Manager?Purchasing Specialist?Music: Writer and Editor?Arts Marketing Specialist?Music: Head Audio Engineer?Undergraduate Advisor(CDM)?Student Marketing Assistant?Academic Personnel Assistant?Chief Administrative Officer?...

ART DEPT. STAFF 2022-10-18

ART DEPT. STAFF crossword puzzle
  1. Art & Art History: Assistant Librarian, Visual Resources Facility?
  2. Cinema and Digital Media: Technical and Curricular Support?
  3. Finance Manager?
  4. Design: Design Museum Preparator?
  5. Theatre & Dance: Cutter/draper, Tailor?
  6. Theatre & Dance: Cutter/draper, Tailor?
  7. Music: Writer and Editor?
  8. Design: Continuing Lecturer, Design Collection Curator, Manager?
  9. California Lighting Technology Center: Finance Specialist?
  10. Art Studio: Photography and Digital Lab Technician?
  11. Academic Personnel Assistant?
  12. Theatre & Dance: Head Electrician?
  13. Music: Librarian?
  14. Graduate Program Coordinator(Music)?
  15. Business Assistant?
  16. Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Advisor(CDM)?
  17. California Lighting Technology Center: Executive Assistant and Business Support?
  18. Undergraduate Program Supervisor and Advisor?
  19. I am an ESA dog and my dad is?
  20. Theatre & Dance: Production Manager?
  21. Theatre & Dance: Costume Shop Director?
  22. Theatre & Dance: Scene Technician?
  1. Music Department: Events and Publicity Manager?
  2. Music: Stage Manager?
  3. Design & Cinema and Digital Media: Lab Technician & Key Control Manager?
  4. Art Studio: Ceramics Lab Technician?
  5. Art & Art History: Librarian, Visual Resources Facility?
  6. Business Assistant?
  7. Undergraduate Advisor(CDM)?
  8. Student Marketing Assistant?
  9. Music: Head Audio Engineer?
  10. Theatre & Dance: Asst. Technical Director?
  11. Theatre & Dance: Facility Manager & Audio Supervisor?
  12. Purchasing Specialist?
  13. Graduate Program Coordinator(Art History)?
  14. Academic Personnel Coordinator?
  15. Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Advisor(T&D)?
  16. Art Studio: Printmaking and Painting Lab Technician?
  17. Undergraduate Advisor(Music)?
  18. Arts Marketing Specialist?
  19. Design: Shops and Museums Supervisor, Materials Lab Technician?
  20. Design: Labs Manager & Building Safety Officer?
  21. Music: Events and Production Manager?
  22. Sr. Graphic Designer?
  23. Chief Administrative Officer?

45 Clues: Finance Manager?Music: Librarian?Business Assistant?Business Assistant?Music: Stage Manager?Sr. Graphic Designer?Purchasing Specialist?Music: Writer and Editor?Arts Marketing Specialist?Undergraduate Advisor(CDM)?Music: Head Audio Engineer?Student Marketing Assistant?Academic Personnel Assistant?Undergraduate Advisor(Music)?...

TWA 2.3 and 2.4 2021-10-20

TWA 2.3 and 2.4 crossword puzzle
  1. janitor
  2. gossip
  3. compare
  4. leave
  5. sit
  6. talk
  7. nurse
  8. chair
  9. enter
  10. light
  11. carry
  12. run
  1. break
  2. boss
  3. librarian
  4. walk
  5. check
  6. true
  7. secretary
  8. circle
  9. color
  10. buy
  11. president

23 Clues: sitbuyrunbosswalktruetalkbreakcheckleavenursechaircolorenterlightcarrygossipcirclejanitorcomparelibrariansecretarypresident

Ephemerata Crossword Theme: Famous book-folk, fictional and otherwise 2022-12-28

Ephemerata Crossword Theme: Famous book-folk, fictional and otherwise crossword puzzle
  1. Well-known librarian of the Morgan
  2. Old books ____ friends by Rostenberg & Stern
  3. ___ Wylie, who stars as the perpetual grad student in The Librarian: Quest for the Silver Spear (2004)
  4. Word that appears frequently in these clues
  5. What the LOC gave up doing for Twitter
  6. Focus of the book Placing Papers
  7. Why looking at the book scans online just isn't the same!
  8. Author of Burning the Books
  9. Major ingredient in Dickinson's black cake
  10. ______ book day; April 1st.
  1. Name of computer putting reference staff out of business in Desk Set (1957)
  2. Video game in the woodcut style
  3. ____ posey, party girl who had had a eureka moment with classification
  4. Popular conference for rare book and social collections folk
  5. Frequent subject of rare book social media post
  6. What a bibliophile might say you grab life by
  7. Apple of ____; also well-known social media app
  8. ____ the Librarian, The Music Man (1962)
  9. ____ Name of character who made shouting "I'm a librarian!" into a well-known gif
  10. ______ life. Location of virtual libraries circa the 2000s
  11. Format of this publication

21 Clues: Format of this publicationAuthor of Burning the Books______ book day; April 1st.Video game in the woodcut styleFocus of the book Placing PapersWell-known librarian of the MorganWhat the LOC gave up doing for Twitter____ the Librarian, The Music Man (1962)Major ingredient in Dickinson's black cakeWord that appears frequently in these clues...

What Am I? (Animals Around The World) 2025-02-18

What Am I? (Animals Around The World) crossword puzzle
  1. I swing from trees and love eating bananas.
  2. I am the king of the jungle.
  3. I fly at night and I sleep upside down.
  4. I live in the ocean and have sharp teeth.
  5. I am an insect and I love honey.
  6. I have a hard shell on my back and I move very slowly.
  7. I have colourful feathers and I can talk like you.
  8. I have a huge horn on my nose and my skin is thick. I live in Africa and Asia.
  9. I have sharp claws and I say "meowwww".
  10. I have humps on my back, I can go without water for days.
  1. I live in the cold and I waddle when I walk.
  2. I have a long neck, I eat leaves from tall trees.
  3. I hop around with big strong legs, I carry my baby in my pouch.
  4. I have a long trunk and big floppy ears, I'm the largest land animal.
  5. I slither on the ground, I have no legs and some of my kind are poisonous.
  6. I have black and white fur, I eat bamboo, and I live in China.
  7. I say "moooo" and give you milk.
  8. I am small, I trap insects in my web.
  9. I have eight arms, I can squeeze into small places in the water.

19 Clues: I am the king of the jungle.I am an insect and I love honey.I say "moooo" and give you milk.I am small, I trap insects in my web.I fly at night and I sleep upside down.I have sharp claws and I say "meowwww".I live in the ocean and have sharp teeth.I swing from trees and love eating bananas.I live in the cold and I waddle when I walk....


  1. Thought she killed her Plumeria Trees
  2. Married to Carl
  3. Tree Planting
  4. Box
  5. Lives in Hawaii
  6. Married to Scotty
  7. Ship's Baker
  8. Once lived with Kristen Lende on Balboa
  9. Troop #98
  10. Can say "Big D-Little a, Double L,-A-S" very quickly
  11. Is a Georgia Peach
  12. Has 3 Children
  13. Lives in the Shakespeare Festival, not actually IN
  14. Lives in Idaho
  15. Clemente
  16. Went to Santa Ana Valley High School
  1. Was in Sandy's Wedding
  2. Clipper
  3. Married to Buzz
  4. Lives in Lake Arrowhead, well not exactly IN
  5. Had both knees replaced on the same day
  6. Newport Dunes
  7. Alleman
  8. Just got back from an African Safari
  9. Lives in Utah
  10. Taught preschool for close to 100 years
  11. Camp
  12. Celebrated 50 years of marriage last year
  13. Simultaneously has placed her hands upon two Tectonic Plates
  14. Once took her kids to Yosemite with another Swabbie
  15. Didn't recognize her high school boyfriend at Reunion
  16. Was a Librarian (once a Librarian...always a Librarian)
  17. Has a sister in the troop
  18. Peaty
  19. Vic's Boat

35 Clues: BoxCampPeatyClipperAllemanClementeTroop #98Vic's BoatShip's BakerTree PlantingNewport DunesLives in UtahHas 3 ChildrenLives in IdahoMarried to BuzzMarried to CarlLives in HawaiiMarried to ScottyIs a Georgia PeachWas in Sandy's WeddingHas a sister in the troopJust got back from an African SafariWent to Santa Ana Valley High School...

Animals 2024-11-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. I have a long trunk and big ears.
  2. I am the king of the jungle.
  3. I swing from trees and love bananas.
  4. I am slow and carry my home with me.
  5. I live in water and have eight arms.
  6. I am the tallest animal on land.
  7. I have long ears and love carrots.
  8. I have feathers, a beak, and lay eggs.
  9. I hop and have a pouch for my baby.
  10. I carry my house on my back.
  1. I am black and white and live in cold places.
  2. I hiss and slither.
  3. I am pink and love to roll in mud.
  4. I am a big cat with stripes.
  5. I bark and am a loyal friend.
  6. I am a water creature with sharp teeth.
  7. I am a bird, but I cannot fly.
  8. I fly in the sky and sing.
  9. I give you milk and say "moo."
  10. I am a desert animal with a hump.

20 Clues: I hiss and slither.I fly in the sky and sing.I am the king of the jungle.I am a big cat with stripes.I carry my house on my back.I bark and am a loyal friend.I am a bird, but I cannot fly.I give you milk and say "moo."I am the tallest animal on land.I have a long trunk and big ears.I am a desert animal with a hump.I am pink and love to roll in mud....


PROCEDURE GRID crossword puzzle


Blue Group Spelling 2023-07-27

Blue Group Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. a synonym for 'cold'
  2. meaning a 'little wet'
  3. a camel has these
  4. a deep loud sound
  5. meaning the 'bottom' of an animal
  6. a lightning _______ hit the tree
  7. where the air con air comes out of
  8. to walk abnormally with an injury
  1. skaters skate on a __________
  2. to hold onto permanently
  3. to sleep outdoors
  4. a verb for throwing things casually on the ground
  5. a herb that is a popular ice cream flavour
  6. to talk a lot
  7. "There are many light ______ in my house"

15 Clues: to talk a lotto sleep outdoorsa camel has thesea deep loud sounda synonym for 'cold'meaning a 'little wet'to hold onto permanentlyskaters skate on a __________a lightning _______ hit the treemeaning the 'bottom' of an animalto walk abnormally with an injurywhere the air con air comes out of"There are many light ______ in my house"...

Silent GH 2015-07-30

Silent GH crossword puzzle
  1. Past tense of “buy”
  2. If there is no rain, you will have a _________.
  3. A branch of a tree
  4. When you disobey the rules, you are being _________.
  5. A synonym for “completely”
  6. A conjunction
  7. A leave of absence
  8. Something you have in your head but nowhere else.
  9. The past tense of “catch”
  1. This word means “nothing”.
  2. The sound a horse makes.
  3. An area where people live
  4. When my cat was stuck in a tree, I felt ____________.
  5. To describe an impossible task, you might say it is like trying to pass a camel _______ an eye of a needle.
  6. A synonym for snobbish
  7. An adjective that describes being brave and persistent
  8. This is the sound the wind makes in the trees.
  9. This is used in farming.

18 Clues: A conjunctionA branch of a treeA leave of absencePast tense of “buy”A synonym for snobbishThe sound a horse makes.This is used in farming.An area where people liveThe past tense of “catch”This word means “nothing”.A synonym for “completely”This is the sound the wind makes in the trees.If there is no rain, you will have a _________....

Cognitive Abilities Test #2 2022-09-14

Cognitive Abilities Test #2 crossword puzzle
  1. "Nobody lays a finger on my ___"
  2. Slithering danger noodle
  3. Rabbit with horns
  4. Corn flavored candy. Whether or not they're good is debatable
  5. mascot for University of Florida
  6. Is carved on Halloween
  7. Chubby spiked sea animals
  8. Has a goofy laugh both in reality and the Lion King
  9. Has the word "sus" in it and it's a Japanese food
  10. "Wee Wee ___"
  1. The animal star in desert movies
  2. Triangle deliciousness made by Italians
  3. animal with tentacles that stings in the ocean
  4. Common yellow tropical fruit thing
  5. Voted ugliest animal in the world
  6. Sweet yellow orangey tropical fruit
  7. They fly and help Santa break into houses
  8. Baby wolf
  9. Stereotypical cops eat this
  10. freshens the breath for better kiss

20 Clues: Baby wolf"Wee Wee ___"Rabbit with hornsIs carved on HalloweenSlithering danger noodleChubby spiked sea animalsStereotypical cops eat thisThe animal star in desert movies"Nobody lays a finger on my ___"mascot for University of FloridaVoted ugliest animal in the worldCommon yellow tropical fruit thingSweet yellow orangey tropical fruit...

Crossword 2 2022-09-14

Crossword 2 crossword puzzle
  1. animal with tentacles that stings in the ocean
  2. Voted ugliest animal in the world
  3. Is carved on Halloween
  4. Has the word "sus" in it and it's a Japanese food
  5. Rabbit with horns
  6. freshens the breath for better kiss
  7. "Nobody lays a finger on my ___"
  8. The animal star in desert movies
  9. Corn flavored candy. Whether or not they're good is debatable
  1. Slithering danger noodle
  2. Chubby spiked sea animals
  3. Stereotypical cops eat this
  4. mascot for University of Florida
  5. Has a goofy laugh both in reality and the Lion King
  6. Triangle deliciousness made by Italians
  7. "Wee Wee ___"
  8. They fly and help Santa break into houses
  9. Baby wolf
  10. Sweet yellow orangey tropical fruit
  11. Common yellow tropical fruit thing

20 Clues: Baby wolf"Wee Wee ___"Rabbit with hornsIs carved on HalloweenSlithering danger noodleChubby spiked sea animalsStereotypical cops eat thismascot for University of Florida"Nobody lays a finger on my ___"The animal star in desert moviesVoted ugliest animal in the worldCommon yellow tropical fruit thingfreshens the breath for better kiss...

Animals 2021-12-03

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. I'm the king of the Jungle
  2. I'm the tallest animal
  3. I look like a teddy bear with black and white skin
  4. I give milk
  5. I am the national animal of India
  1. I'm huge and most in grey and white skinned with a trunk
  2. I'm known as the faithful animal
  3. I have black and white strips on my body
  4. My favorite vegetable is carrot
  5. I'm called the ship of desert

10 Clues: I give milkI'm the tallest animalI'm the king of the JungleI'm called the ship of desertMy favorite vegetable is carrotI'm known as the faithful animalI am the national animal of IndiaI have black and white strips on my bodyI look like a teddy bear with black and white skinI'm huge and most in grey and white skinned with a trunk

Animals 2021-12-03

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. I'm called the ship of desert
  2. I have black and white strips on my body
  3. I'm huge and most in grey and white skinned with a trunk
  4. I'm the king of the Jungle
  5. I am the national animal of India
  6. I'm known as the faithful animal
  1. I'm the tallest animal
  2. I look like a teddy bear with black and white skin
  3. My favorite vegetable is carrot
  4. I give milk

10 Clues: I give milkI'm the tallest animalI'm the king of the JungleI'm called the ship of desertMy favorite vegetable is carrotI'm known as the faithful animalI am the national animal of IndiaI have black and white strips on my bodyI look like a teddy bear with black and white skinI'm huge and most in grey and white skinned with a trunk

spelling homework 2023-07-17

spelling homework crossword puzzle
  1. who does comedy for a living
  2. a person who went to jail.
  3. a person who plays the piano.
  4. someone who makes things.
  5. who comes over to your house
  6. someone to protect you.
  7. a public_______.
  1. someone who decorates things.
  2. you are___________.
  3. someone who terrorises places.
  4. Miss Donoghue is our librarian.
  5. who explores the world
  6. another word for painter.

13 Clues: a are___________.who explores the worldsomeone to protect you.someone who makes things.another word for painter.a person who went to jail.who does comedy for a livingwho comes over to your housesomeone who decorates things.a person who plays the piano.someone who terrorises places.Miss Donoghue is our librarian.

The zoo 2022-10-24

The zoo crossword puzzle
  1. I love fish. My claws are really really big, during winter I just sleep.
  2. My neck is very long so I can reach the top of the trees.
  3. My bite is the strongest in the world, I am green and I am sure you don't want to swim with me.
  4. I have wings but I can't fly.I give you eggs for your omelette.
  5. I live in the waters of Africa. I am pretty fat and my mouth is enormus.
  6. I am really cute, I have big ears and I can be your pet.
  1. I don't have any legs or arm. Don't get biten by me or you will die.
  2. I can walk for days without drinking water in the desert.
  3. My hair is long and beautiful. I am the king of the savanna.
  4. I am black and white. My favourite food is bamboo.
  5. I am in rivers, in lakes and in the ocean.
  6. My favourite activity is to fly and sing.
  7. I am black and white. I eat grass and I give you milk.
  8. Vampires are my friends.

14 Clues: Vampires are my friends.My favourite activity is to fly and sing.I am in rivers, in lakes and in the ocean.I am black and white. My favourite food is bamboo.I am black and white. I eat grass and I give you milk.I am really cute, I have big ears and I can be your pet.I can walk for days without drinking water in the desert....

Joke 2:0 2014-04-07

Joke 2:0 crossword puzzle
  1. The colour of my eyes
  2. Round things on bikes
  3. country with the longest coastline
  4. the worst herb ever
  5. Marx's most important work (3,7)
  6. Common name for Patella
  7. male swan
  8. Current Home Secretary (7,3)
  9. Biking makes them big
  10. The name of my Pointer
  1. Five in Fijian
  2. French for camel (2,7)
  3. You don't live here (6,4)
  4. Invented by Christopher Cockerill in 1955
  5. The name of my Spaniel
  6. everyone you like has this in their name
  7. Probably the best university in the world
  8. The only wife Henry VIII actually loved (4,7)
  9. you think you have loads, but i have more
  10. The name of my Rotweiller
  11. Capital of Wales
  12. it rings

22 Clues: it ringsmale swanFive in FijianCapital of Walesthe worst herb everThe colour of my eyesRound things on bikesBiking makes them bigFrench for camel (2,7)The name of my SpanielThe name of my PointerCommon name for PatellaYou don't live here (6,4)The name of my RotweillerCurrent Home Secretary (7,3)Marx's most important work (3,7)...

Klondike 2015-12-26

Klondike crossword puzzle
  1. I make collecting easier
  2. Lets make a deal
  3. Another cold land you can make hooks
  4. pick wrong and i will blow up
  5. I take hours to make
  1. you can make shovels here
  2. My land is cold and with pretty trees
  3. I am used to help make energy in bakery
  4. to make me you need wire and pipes
  5. I store water on my back

10 Clues: Lets make a dealI take hours to makeI make collecting easierI store water on my backyou can make shovels herepick wrong and i will blow upto make me you need wire and pipesAnother cold land you can make hooksMy land is cold and with pretty treesI am used to help make energy in bakery

For my Chana Masala 2022-04-09

For my Chana Masala crossword puzzle
  1. One Direction's First Album
  2. My chosen name
  3. The colour of the right half of you big toe
  4. Aurora's surname
  5. Most expensive dessert in O'Looney's
  6. The halfway point of most of my runs
  7. The town in the south of France where I want to live with you
  8. The name of our favourite pub in Lahinch
  1. Your current Eircode
  2. The train that took us from Montreux to Zweisimmen
  3. Whose camel bit me in Morocco
  4. Our favourite beer in Caribou
  5. True vanity
  6. A name which can easily identify a true Alaskan
  7. Michelin-grade restaurant in Galway
  8. Address of Ecola Bible College
  9. My blood type
  10. The name of the vessel to be found at (2)

18 Clues: True vanityMy blood typeMy chosen nameAurora's surnameYour current EircodeOne Direction's First AlbumWhose camel bit me in MoroccoOur favourite beer in CaribouAddress of Ecola Bible CollegeMichelin-grade restaurant in GalwayMost expensive dessert in O'Looney'sThe halfway point of most of my runsThe name of our favourite pub in Lahinch...

Dave Sweatt-Fibers 2021-09-29

Dave Sweatt-Fibers crossword puzzle
  1. comes from a camel,alpaca,and llama
  2. Comes from a sheep
  3. Fibers that are woven together
  4. Fiber that comes from goats
  5. Comes from a coconut
  6. mineral that is synthetic
  7. Not man made
  8. Natural fiber that is toxic to ingest
  1. Fibers that are twisted together
  2. I have curly hair
  3. Comes from a rabbit
  4. Taking a fiber from one place to another
  5. Comes from spiders and the silk worm
  6. Comes from a cocoon
  7. Thin substance from plant,mineral,or animal
  8. A fluffy white ball
  9. Man made, not natural
  10. Fiber from a succulent

18 Clues: Not man madeI have curly hairComes from a sheepComes from a rabbitComes from a cocoonA fluffy white ballComes from a coconutMan made, not naturalFiber from a succulentmineral that is syntheticFiber that comes from goatsFibers that are woven togetherFibers that are twisted togethercomes from a camel,alpaca,and llama...

Pharmacy Staff Fun Facts 2024-10-23

Pharmacy Staff Fun Facts crossword puzzle
  1. - I had a dog that was always mistaken for a coyote
  2. - I have two corgis named Roxy & Rosie
  3. - I played guitar in a soul band
  4. - I am raising my kids in the same house I grew up in
  5. - I have a True Crime Obsession
  6. - I'm going to school to be a firefighter
  7. - I have hiked the Grand Canyon 7 times
  8. - I got a ride home in a police car for stealing a sucker when I was 3 years old.
  9. - My dream vacation is to see the Northern Lights in Iceland.
  10. - I like to crochet
  11. - I stole my parents car
  12. - I give back to the homeless
  13. - I love ziplines but am scared of heights
  14. - I was named after my dad
  15. - I play golf with my hand instead of a club
  16. - My car was attacked by dogs and I had to sacrifice my lunch to get them off
  17. - Cooking is therapeutic for me.
  18. - I know how to play both the piano and violin
  19. - I have a cow. Her name is Queenie and she likes to be brushed.
  20. - I collect a new bracelet for each big vacation I take/important life milestone. It makes it easy to carry a piece of a good memory around with me everyday.
  21. - I love traveling and going to concerts
  22. - I was a 4-H Clogger for 6 years
  23. - I was born in Germany
  1. - Both my husband and I are Pharmacist and we both speak 3 languages fluently.
  2. - I love to bake
  3. - I love shoes and have around 100 pairs
  4. - I was born in India
  5. - My 1st time on an airplane I jumped out!
  6. - I speak 3 languages
  7. - I have a large extended family. My mom is one of 13 and I have over 30 first cousins
  8. - My go-to snack is Twinkies
  9. - My son is named after a Starwars Character
  10. - I was a makeup artist on a movie set
  11. - When I was doing a medical Mission in Mexico, I had to sleep in a hotel room full of spiders because there was nowhere else to sleep.
  12. - I love to read Amish romance books
  13. - I love to vacuum
  14. - My dad is in the Encyclopedia Britannica
  15. - I love Choco Cat
  16. - I rode a famous camel
  17. - I have seen a concert headliner for every letter of the alphabet
  18. - I have ran 12 half marathons

41 Clues: - I love to bake- I love to vacuum- I love Choco Cat- I like to crochet- I was born in India- I speak 3 languages- I rode a famous camel- I was born in Germany- I stole my parents car- I was named after my dad- My go-to snack is Twinkies- I give back to the homeless- I have ran 12 half marathons- I have a True Crime Obsession...

Animals 2021-12-03

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. I'm huge and most in grey and white skinned with a trunk
  2. I'm the king of the Jungle
  3. I am the national animal of India
  4. I have black and white strips on my body
  5. I'm known as the faithful animal
  6. I give milk
  1. I'm called the ship of desert
  2. I'm the tallest animal
  3. My favorite vegetable is carrot
  4. I look like a teddy bear with black and white skin

10 Clues: I give milkI'm the tallest animalI'm the king of the JungleI'm called the ship of desertMy favorite vegetable is carrotI'm known as the faithful animalI am the national animal of IndiaI have black and white strips on my bodyI look like a teddy bear with black and white skinI'm huge and most in grey and white skinned with a trunk

to my bb who is a king 2024-08-09

to my bb who is a king crossword puzzle
  1. another word for eggplant
  2. bb bought me two!
  3. the best shape for a cookie
  4. what bb is to me
  5. "what is a ___?" pls read in slavic accent
  6. a word to describe the hotd finale
  7. sound a sheep makes
  8. what my bb is NOT
  9. what my bb IS, oh yes he is!
  10. a game with "second-serves"
  11. "he's giving carrick"
  12. a fire escape visitor
  13. bbs' fav park snack
  14. if baby was a game of thrones character, she would be a _____
  15. a nickname for chess's knight
  1. letters often prefaced with a "W" or a "P" in bb-land
  2. the worst blind box
  3. a dumb person, or a 1st anniversary dish
  4. a musical daniel, and also a salad
  5. first word of bbs' fav restaurant in the city
  6. bb's fav sea ranch location
  7. "that's true"
  8. a 90s bevvie
  9. a game with actual second-serves
  10. another word for buffalo
  11. there was one time when bb was put in an actual box. what was this box?
  12. what do these words have in common: camel, Wednesday, bb's fv activity
  13. pea, wal, pine, deez

28 Clues: a 90s bevvie"that's true"what bb is to mebb bought me two!what my bb is NOTthe worst blind boxsound a sheep makesbbs' fav park snackpea, wal, pine, deez"he's giving carrick"a fire escape visitoranother word for buffaloanother word for eggplantthe best shape for a cookiebb's fav sea ranch locationa game with "second-serves"...

Mississippi Black Herstory Month 2025-03-14

Mississippi Black Herstory Month crossword puzzle
  1. Electric guitarist
  2. Third wife of Booker T.
  3. Helped charter the NAACP branch in Coahoma County
  4. Known as Pigfoot Mary
  5. Anti-lynching activist
  6. Freedom Fighter
  7. Fought for equal teacher pay
  8. Author of Jubilee
  1. Prentiss Institute Founder
  2. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
  3. Staged a library sit-in
  4. Tougaloo librarian
  5. The Black swan
  6. Was born in McLeod, Mississippi

14 Clues: The Black swanFreedom FighterAuthor of JubileeTougaloo librarianElectric guitaristKnown as Pigfoot MaryAnti-lynching activistStaged a library sit-inThird wife of Booker T.Prentiss Institute FounderRoll of Thunder, Hear My CryFought for equal teacher payWas born in McLeod, MississippiHelped charter the NAACP branch in Coahoma County

Gade 2 Questions 2022-10-03

Gade 2 Questions crossword puzzle
  1. The children play on the beach happily. What is action word.
  2. To make someone believe a lie
  3. very dirty
  4. How you feel when you are looking forward to a happy time
  5. Peter has a pet dog. What is proper noun
  6. Patna and Mumbai are big cities. What is common noun
  7. To stay close to someone and be warm and comfortable.
  8. The _______ designs buildings
  9. The _______ works in library
  1. A ______ of birds (collective noun)
  2. Past tense of write
  3. I am a brightly-coloured bird. I love eating fish. I am __________
  4. 46 + 26 = ____ (number name)
  5. Plural for cherry
  6. A ______ of students (collective noun)
  7. I am know for my beautiful voice. I sing songs at night and also in the day I am ________
  8. Plural for glass
  9. A ______ of ants (collective noun)

18 Clues: very dirtyPlural for glassPlural for cherryPast tense of write46 + 26 = ____ (number name)The _______ works in libraryTo make someone believe a lieThe _______ designs buildingsA ______ of ants (collective noun)A ______ of birds (collective noun)A ______ of students (collective noun)Peter has a pet dog. What is proper noun...

School Days- Unit 5-B 2016-04-04

School Days- Unit 5-B crossword puzzle
  1. librarian
  2. cook
  3. psychologist
  4. stadium
  5. class
  6. cafeteria
  7. look for
  8. vice president
  9. pickon
  10. store
  11. serve
  1. locker
  2. library
  3. principal
  4. flag
  5. counselor
  6. coach
  7. snack machine
  8. field
  9. interpreter
  10. secretary
  11. office
  12. room

23 Clues: flagcookroomcoachfieldclassstoreservelockerofficepickonlibrarystadiumlook forprincipallibrariancounselorsecretarycafeteriainterpreterpsychologistsnack machinevice president

Jobs 2025-01-29

Jobs crossword puzzle
  10. mechanic
  11. referee
  2. PILOT
  4. NURSE


brains 2015-07-09

brains crossword puzzle
  1. Flying mammal
  2. the king's mate
  3. adam ate this
  4. a beautiful flower
  5. Man's best friend
  6. good for health
  7. Likes to chase mice
  1. can sustain in a desert
  2. i use this for my pen
  3. Has a trunk
  4. eats chillis
  5. hens give us this
  6. thing u find in a classroom
  7. put into the wall

14 Clues: Has a trunkeats chillisFlying mammaladam ate thisthe king's mategood for healthhens give us thisMan's best friendput into the walla beautiful flowerLikes to chase micei use this for my pencan sustain in a desertthing u find in a classroom

Immy L's crossword Week 7(ˉ﹃ˉ) 2022-08-31

Immy L's crossword Week 7(ˉ﹃ˉ) crossword puzzle
  1. ……. It is the wind or the fog, it's really cold.
  2. our ……. Is actually a superhero.
  3. i took a walk on the ……
  4. i ……. A camel to school today
  5. i am not ……. To go within 500 feet of Drake because I killed his cat.
  6. i picked a single ……. To give to my grandma.
  1. the ……. Is really bad today
  2. i can ……. The birds singing.
  3. i am ……. At the marketplace.
  4. the pancakes needed ……. So I went to the shop to buy some.
  5. isaac Newton wrote many …….
  6. i read the guide of cheats to Mario Kart 8 …….
  7. i had to take a ……. From playing tennis because my arm was getting sore.
  8. the car put on the emergency ……. But I had already hit and killed the old lady

14 Clues: isaac Newton wrote many …….i took a walk on the ……the ……. Is really bad todayi can ……. The birds singing.i am ……. At the marketplace.i ……. A camel to school todayour ……. Is actually a superhero.i picked a single ……. To give to my grandma....

Animal Crossword Puzzle 2021-12-23

Animal Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Eating shrimp and krill turns me pink
  2. I have humps on my back that can store about 80lbs of fat
  3. Some call me the Watchtower of the Savannah
  4. I can hold my breath underwater but I cannot swim
  5. I look tougher if my mane is big
  6. I am the world's fastest four-legged animal
  1. I have two toes on each foot and I cannot fly even though I'm a bird
  2. I have stripes on my skin and I can grow bigger than a lion
  3. I have the strongest bite of any big cat
  4. Bamboo makes up about 98% of my diet

10 Clues: I look tougher if my mane is bigBamboo makes up about 98% of my dietEating shrimp and krill turns me pinkI have the strongest bite of any big catSome call me the Watchtower of the SavannahI am the world's fastest four-legged animalI can hold my breath underwater but I cannot swimI have humps on my back that can store about 80lbs of fat...

Subject guides 2015-12-15

Subject guides crossword puzzle
  1. work you can find info on what welfare child
  2. of ways to search these guides five
  3. guide what is the fourth tab patents
  4. H & S Construction tab after home books
  5. of librarian for REW hogan
  6. and Communication has a guide sound? art
  7. how many subjects are listed seven
  8. named librarian in exercise science karen
  9. guide : an e-book definition in digital? format
  10. learning spaces tab is manage learners? well
  1. called study know what how
  2. guide how many referencing styles are listed three
  3. engineering has a tab what year projects fourth
  4. merchandising citation style used harvard
  5. guide is used a lot what planner assignment
  6. research guide called finding and obtaining? theses
  7. way to sort guides is by by? popularity
  8. engineering under property for carpentry vocationals

18 Clues: called study know what howof librarian for REW hoganhow many subjects are listed sevenof ways to search these guides fiveguide what is the fourth tab patentsH & S Construction tab after home booksway to sort guides is by by? popularityand Communication has a guide sound? artmerchandising citation style used harvard...

Luke 18 v 18-30 2021-02-05

Luke 18 v 18-30 crossword puzzle
  1. Jesus, seeing that he had become...v24
  2. What is...v27
  3. Eye of a needle...v25
  4. I have kept from my...v21
  1. For it is easier for a ...v25
  2. You know the...v20
  3. wife or...v29
  4. what type of life did the rule want v18
  5. Then who can be...v26
  6. What did he ruler call Jesus v18

10 Clues: wife or...v29What is...v27You know the...v20Then who can be...v26Eye of a needle...v25I have kept from my...v21For it is easier for a ...v25What did he ruler call Jesus v18Jesus, seeing that he had become...v24what type of life did the rule want v18

Year 4 2023-10-24

Year 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Things that I like.
  2. I always wake up early in the _______.
  3. Happy _______ to you.
  4. This animal lives in Dessert.
  5. I always help my parents to do______.
  1. I go _______ at the mall this weekend.
  2. A person that is close to us.
  3. Round object that we kick around.
  4. I buy fish at _______.
  5. There is Mummies burried inside_______.
  6. We should throw the bottle inside _______ bin.
  7. A place where I go to study.

12 Clues: Things that I like.Happy _______ to you.I buy fish at _______.A place where I go to study.A person that is close to us.This animal lives in Dessert.Round object that we kick around.I always help my parents to do______.I go _______ at the mall this weekend.I always wake up early in the _______.There is Mummies burried inside_______....

Jobs 2021-03-15

Jobs crossword puzzle
  1. I go to school every day.
  2. I catch thieves.
  3. I work with computers.
  4. I lead my sports team.
  5. I am surrounded by books.
  6. I create new things.
  7. I create new recepies.
  8. I fly a plane.
  9. I create things like jewlery, clothes...
  10. I work in a school.
  11. I am a proffesional traveller.
  1. I see a lot of fire.
  2. I work in an office. I make phone calls.
  3. I work outside. I water the plants.
  4. I move my body
  5. I play an instrument.
  6. I make bread.
  7. I build complex things.
  8. I work in a kitchen. I feed people
  9. You can see me on the TV or in the cinema.
  10. I show people places of interest.
  11. I protect a building
  12. I have a beautiful voice.

23 Clues: I make bread.I move my bodyI fly a plane.I catch thieves.I work in a school.I see a lot of fire.I create new things.I protect a buildingI play an instrument.I work with computers.I lead my sports team.I create new recepies.I build complex things.I go to school every day.I am surrounded by books.I have a beautiful voice....

Confusing Words 2013-02-06

Confusing Words crossword puzzle
  1. The librarian read_____to us.
  2. I chose the obstacle______on the left.
  3. Attean had killed the____.
  4. At the state____, there are many rides and games.
  5. I do not have a ______ to spare.
  6. I can't believe we won, what an amazing ____.
  7. The geese____away at the sight of my puppy.
  1. I got so_____waiting in the dentist's office
  2. I was not_______to play until I finished my homework.
  3. I saw my Dad attach a_____to the desk.
  4. Open the chimney____or your house will be full of smoke.
  5. The _____ fur on the dog made me itch.
  6. I____my friend a letter.
  7. My____feet were so cold I couldn't feel a slimy worm slide over them.
  8. I gave the taxi driver a tip to go along with the____.
  9. Did you know koala____have two toes?
  10. I hope I won't catch the____.

17 Clues: I____my friend a letter.Attean had killed the____.The librarian read_____to us.I hope I won't catch the____.I do not have a ______ to spare.Did you know koala____have two toes?I saw my Dad attach a_____to the desk.I chose the obstacle______on the left.The _____ fur on the dog made me itch.The geese____away at the sight of my puppy....

Animals Mentioned In the Quran 2016-11-15

Animals Mentioned In the Quran crossword puzzle
  1. Cornfield pest
  2. Animal with a sore throat, from the sound of it
  3. Kermit
  4. I am a man's bestfriend
  5. The animal that resembles 'Slytherin'
  6. MGM beast, Mufasa
  7. I can travel long distances without water
  8. Large African animal
  9. Dawn of the _____
  10. I am black and yellow in colour
  1. Aquatic creature
  2. I travel in packs
  3. I am pink and haram
  4. I am a horned sheep
  5. I have eight legs
  6. I am Shrek's best friend
  7. Shaun the ______
  8. I am big but my food is small
  9. Second Surah from the First Chapter in the Al Quran was named after this animal
  10. I am small, yet I am strong

20 Clues: KermitCornfield pestAquatic creatureShaun the ______I travel in packsI have eight legsMGM beast, MufasaDawn of the _____I am pink and haramI am a horned sheepLarge African animalI am a man's bestfriendI am Shrek's best friendI am small, yet I am strongI am big but my food is smallI am black and yellow in colourThe animal that resembles 'Slytherin'...

Luke 18 v 18-30 2021-02-05

Luke 18 v 18-30 crossword puzzle
  1. You know the...v20
  2. wife or...v29
  3. what type of life did the rule want v18
  4. What did he ruler call Jesus v18
  1. For it is easier for a ...v25
  2. I have kept from my...v21
  3. Jesus, seeing that he had become...v24
  4. What is...v27
  5. Eye of a needle...v25
  6. Then who can be...v26

10 Clues: What is...v27wife or...v29You know the...v20Eye of a needle...v25Then who can be...v26I have kept from my...v21For it is easier for a ...v25What did he ruler call Jesus v18Jesus, seeing that he had become...v24what type of life did the rule want v18

Letter c 2020-06-24

Letter c crossword puzzle
  1. we are having ______
  2. camels ______
  3. _____ says meow
  4. baby can _____
  5. _____ monster
  6. I drive ______
  7. ____ the door
  8. I use ______ to take pictures
  1. _______ is green
  2. I feel ____ in spring
  3. camels eat ______
  4. animal live in desert
  5. I ______ the tree
  6. camel ______ people
  7. There are a lot of cars in the _____

15 Clues: camels ___________ monster____ the doorbaby can _____I drive ___________ says meow_______ is greencamels eat ______I ______ the treecamel ______ peoplewe are having ______I feel ____ in springanimal live in desertI use ______ to take picturesThere are a lot of cars in the _____

Chaptire 5 vocabulaire 2015-03-26

Chaptire 5 vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. My pen ran out of ink so it-
  2. -but the burger was too big
  3. What day is it? HUMPDAY
  4. when she's listening to music she cannot-
  1. after doing farm work I'm so-
  2. So much homework-
  3. Il__en mourceaux
  4. this creature eats lots of flies.
  5. The camel goes to his bed in his room and-
  6. I wanted to put my horse in my suitcase but-

10 Clues: Il__en mourceauxSo much homework-What day is it? HUMPDAY-but the burger was too bigMy pen ran out of ink so it-after doing farm work I'm so-this creature eats lots of flies.when she's listening to music she cannot-The camel goes to his bed in his room and-I wanted to put my horse in my suitcase but-

Ethan's Puzzle #3 2020-11-24

Ethan's Puzzle #3 crossword puzzle
  1. what we were bumpin when we "drowned"
  2. Ethan's favorite material
  3. you ruined my childhood with this
  4. "I don't think I'll do that"
  5. we lost these in the carpet
  6. "Ask me about my Weiner"
  7. "A little bit of heaven, and a little bit of aw yeah"
  1. what was Obie's 1st name
  2. world's largest statue made of iron-ore
  3. yellow slime that Anne enjoys
  4. which brothers had the best wings in atl
  5. Neighbor with doberman
  6. a walkable slice of bliss
  7. Our 1st music event together
  8. "people are inherently _____"

15 Clues: Neighbor with dobermanwhat was Obie's 1st name"Ask me about my Weiner"Ethan's favorite materiala walkable slice of blisswe lost these in the carpet"I don't think I'll do that"Our 1st music event togetheryellow slime that Anne enjoys"people are inherently _____"you ruined my childhood with thiswhat we were bumpin when we "drowned"...

Ethan's Puzzle #3 2020-11-24

Ethan's Puzzle #3 crossword puzzle
  1. Ethan's favorite material
  2. a walkable slice of bliss
  3. "A little bit of heaven, and a little bit of aw yeah"
  4. Neighbor with doberman
  5. Our 1st music event together
  6. yellow slime that Anne enjoys
  1. which brothers had the best wings in atl
  2. "Ask me about my Weiner"
  3. what we were bumpin when we "drowned"
  4. we lost these in the carpet
  5. world's largest statue made of iron-ore
  6. "I don't think I'll do that"
  7. you ruined my childhood with this
  8. "people are inherently _____"
  9. what was Obie's 1st name

15 Clues: Neighbor with doberman"Ask me about my Weiner"what was Obie's 1st nameEthan's favorite materiala walkable slice of blisswe lost these in the carpet"I don't think I'll do that"Our 1st music event together"people are inherently _____"yellow slime that Anne enjoysyou ruined my childhood with thiswhat we were bumpin when we "drowned"...