naruto shippuden Crossword Puzzles

Netiquette Naruto 2023-02-27

Netiquette Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Simboli usati nei messaggi
  2. Bullismo su internet
  3. Diminutivo di applicazione
  4. Enciclopedia libera online per trovare informazioni
  5. Buona educazione su internet
  1. Principale forma di condivisione di video e idee
  2. Caratteri che equivalgono ad urlare
  3. Applicazione per mandare messaggi
  4. wide web Per cosa sta WWW
  5. Motore di ricerca più usata al mondo per cercare info
  6. Quando un contenuto viene copiato ma dato come originale
  7. Piattaforma di Google per le email

12 Clues: Bullismo su internetwide web Per cosa sta WWWSimboli usati nei messaggiDiminutivo di applicazioneBuona educazione su internetApplicazione per mandare messaggiPiattaforma di Google per le emailCaratteri che equivalgono ad urlarePrincipale forma di condivisione di video e ideeEnciclopedia libera online per trovare informazioni...

Netiquette Naruto 2023-02-27

Netiquette Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Simboli usati nei messaggi
  2. Bullismo su internet
  3. Diminutivo di applicazione
  4. Enciclopedia libera online per trovare informazioni
  5. Buona educazione su internet
  1. Principale forma di condivisione di video e idee
  2. Caratteri che equivalgono ad urlare
  3. Applicazione per mandare messaggi
  4. wide web Per cosa sta WWW
  5. Motore di ricerca più usata al mondo per cercare info
  6. Quando un contenuto viene copiato ma dato come originale
  7. Piattaforma di Google per le email

12 Clues: Bullismo su internetwide web Per cosa sta WWWSimboli usati nei messaggiDiminutivo di applicazioneBuona educazione su internetApplicazione per mandare messaggiPiattaforma di Google per le emailCaratteri che equivalgono ad urlarePrincipale forma di condivisione di video e ideeEnciclopedia libera online per trovare informazioni...

Crossword Puzzle for Class EC6 2021-07-23

Crossword Puzzle for Class EC6 crossword puzzle
  1. gallery/museum
  2. teacher/student
  3. homework/presentations
  4. money/time
  5. participate
  6. Naruto/One Piece/Spider Man
  7. done/ready
  1. have nothing
  2. hold
  3. tour
  4. nature
  5. pick

12 Clues: holdtourpicknaturemoney/timedone/readyparticipatehave nothinggallery/museumteacher/studenthomework/presentationsNaruto/One Piece/Spider Man

Anime อนิเมะ 2021-11-15

Anime อนิเมะ crossword puzzle
  1. สมุดโน๊ตสีดำ
  2. ปลาหมึกเช็คชื่อ
  3. ความจริงมีเพียงหนึ่งเดียวเท่านั้น
  4. นายน่ะก็เป็นฮีโร่ได้นะ
  5. มาเป็นอสูรเถอะ
  1. จะเป็นโฮคาเงะให้ได้
  2. แมวหุ่นยนต์ที่ชอบกินโดรายากิ
  3. แข่งทำอาหารทั้งเรื่อง
  4. พระเอกเติมโปรที่จีเอมให้มา
  5. ลูกบอล7ลูกจะได้มังกร

10 Clues: สมุดโน๊ตสีดำมาเป็นอสูรเถอะปลาหมึกเช็คชื่อจะเป็นโฮคาเงะให้ได้ลูกบอล7ลูกจะได้มังกรแข่งทำอาหารทั้งเรื่องนายน่ะก็เป็นฮีโร่ได้นะพระเอกเติมโปรที่จีเอมให้มาแมวหุ่นยนต์ที่ชอบกินโดรายากิความจริงมีเพียงหนึ่งเดียวเท่านั้น

sadklfjdaskl 2024-01-11

sadklfjdaskl crossword puzzle
  1. cville mascot
  2. joon aram champ
  3. "i am once again asking for your financial support"
  4. lonely swingset
  5. nova pasta
  6. single inferno daddy
  7. shawn
  8. pay to win
  9. bard
  1. water purifier
  2. hugh jackman
  3. rice
  4. addicting
  5. chicken and beer
  6. joon 1 trick
  7. pelosi

16 Clues: ricebardshawnpelosiaddictingnova pastapay to winhugh jackmanjoon 1 trickcville mascotwater purifierjoon aram champlonely swingsetchicken and beersingle inferno daddy"i am once again asking for your financial support"

ειρήνη-Μαρία Παπαθανασίου 2021-12-13

ειρήνη-Μαρία Παπαθανασίου crossword puzzle
  1. 5.whose irene's favorite naruto character?
  2. 9. who is irene's favorite MHA favorite character?
  3. 1.what is irene's favorite anime?
  1. 6.who is irene's demon slayer favorite character?
  2. 4.what is irene's best friend's nikname?
  3. 2.who is irene's bestie?
  4. 7. who is irene's attack on titan favorite character?
  5. irene's favorite bungo straight dogs favorite character?
  6. 3.what is irene's nicname?
  7. 8.who is irene's favorite SK& charater

10 Clues: 2.who is irene's bestie?3.what is irene's nicname?1.what is irene's favorite anime?8.who is irene's favorite SK& charater4.what is irene's best friend's nikname?5.whose irene's favorite naruto character?6.who is irene's demon slayer favorite character?9. who is irene's favorite MHA favorite character?...

Anime 2018-10-31

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. Nejznámější anime podle hry.
  2. Krátké příhody staršího muže, který má rád svého méďu.
  3. Anime o krasobruslení a homoerotice.
  4. Anime o lidech, kteří dostanou věci co vidí budoucnost a musí se zabít.
  5. omae wa mou shindeiru.
  6. Anime ve kterém se s člověka stane lidožrout.
  7. Hlavní postava mangy jménem Naruto.
  8. Anime ve kterém 2 lidi hrají hry potom co zemřou o to jaký život budou mít.
  1. Anime o rodině která má nadpřirozené schopnosti a trvá to 200 let a jeden celý vesmír.
  2. Anime o lidech kteří mezi sebou musí bojovat.
  3. Anime o pirátech o kterých jste slyšeli.
  4. Anime o šestičatech kteří se snaží dospět.
  5. Anime ve kterém obří lidi útočí na menší lidi kteří málem umřeli.
  6. Fanoušek mangy a anime.
  7. Hlavní postava Dragon Ball z.

15 Clues: omae wa mou shindeiru.Fanoušek mangy a anime.Nejznámější anime podle hry.Hlavní postava Dragon Ball z.Hlavní postava mangy jménem Naruto.Anime o krasobruslení a homoerotice.Anime o pirátech o kterých jste slyšeli.Anime o šestičatech kteří se snaží dospět.Anime o lidech kteří mezi sebou musí bojovat.Anime ve kterém se s člověka stane lidožrout....

Netiquette Naruto 2023-02-27

Netiquette Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Simboli usati nei messaggi
  2. Bullismo su internet
  3. Diminutivo di applicazione
  4. Enciclopedia libera online per trovare informazioni
  5. Buona educazione su internet
  1. Principale forma di condivisione di video e idee
  2. Caratteri che equivalgono ad urlare
  3. Applicazione per mandare messaggi
  4. wide web Per cosa sta WWW
  5. Motore di ricerca più usata al mondo per cercare info
  6. Quando un contenuto viene copiato ma dato come originale
  7. Piattaforma di Google per le email

12 Clues: Bullismo su internetwide web Per cosa sta WWWSimboli usati nei messaggiDiminutivo di applicazioneBuona educazione su internetApplicazione per mandare messaggiPiattaforma di Google per le emailCaratteri che equivalgono ad urlarePrincipale forma di condivisione di video e ideeEnciclopedia libera online per trovare informazioni...

Personnages Naruto 2022-11-27

Personnages Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Nukenin du village d'Iwa, spécialisé dans l'art de l'explosion
  2. Fille aînée de Hiashi Hyûga
  3. Surnommée "l'Ange de Dieu", elle est la seule femme de l'Akatsuki
  4. Elle est surnommée "Habanero la sanguinaire"
  5. Nukenin de Konoha et compagnon de Kisame
  6. Ninja du village de Suna, et hôte d'Ichibi
  7. Un des sannin légendaires, il est surnommé "l'ermite pervers"
  1. Troisième Hogake
  2. Fidèle assistante de Tsunade
  3. Ami et rival de Hashirama Senju
  4. Membre de l'équipe 10 de Konoha possédant un QI de 200 points
  5. Ninja de Konoha, toujours accompagné d'Akamaru

12 Clues: Troisième HogakeFille aînée de Hiashi HyûgaFidèle assistante de TsunadeAmi et rival de Hashirama SenjuNukenin de Konoha et compagnon de KisameNinja du village de Suna, et hôte d'IchibiElle est surnommée "Habanero la sanguinaire"Ninja de Konoha, toujours accompagné d'AkamaruMembre de l'équipe 10 de Konoha possédant un QI de 200 points...

SAM 2022-01-08

SAM crossword puzzle
  1. Not hungry anymore
  2. baby cat
  3. your country
  4. Red Bird
  5. Best anime
  6. Wake up
  7. Dr. for animals
  8. Very short sleep
  9. He likes bats
  1. Smelly animal
  2. Catching Fish
  3. king of the jungle
  4. One Eye Sailor
  5. Black Bird
  6. Jedi's White Dog
  7. house of animal
  8. black and white bear

17 Clues: Wake upbaby catRed BirdBlack BirdBest animeyour countrySmelly animalCatching FishHe likes batsOne Eye Sailorhouse of animalDr. for animalsJedi's White DogVery short sleepNot hungry anymoreking of the jungleblack and white bear

Citer 2023-03-12

Citer crossword puzzle
  1. sesat sokmo
  2. gear 4
  3. gatal
  4. rambut pacak
  1. sakai
  2. isteri naruto

6 Clues: sakaigatalgear 4sesat sokmorambut pacakisteri naruto

Mariage DM 2022-08-18

Mariage DM crossword puzzle
  1. Anime
  2. Plus haute
  3. voyage
  4. animal Rox
  5. Compléter joke
  6. représentation
  7. Nbr emploi Rox
  8. Couleur shiro
  9. demande mariage
  10. Deuxième prénom de Michael
  11. mèches
  1. personnage didi
  2. Animal que Mich
  3. Phobie
  4. Roxanne prénom
  5. classe dnd rox
  6. Surnom mich
  7. Flamefleur
  8. Rox smash
  9. nbr logements
  10. Livre
  11. Nombre d'années avant que Mich
  12. Deuxième prénom de Philomène
  13. Magic
  14. années ensemble

25 Clues: AnimeLivreMagicPhobievoyagemèchesRox smashPlus hauteFlamefleuranimal RoxSurnom michnbr logementsCouleur shiroRoxanne prénomclasse dnd roxCompléter jokereprésentationNbr emploi Roxpersonnage didiAnimal que Michdemande mariageannées ensembleDeuxième prénom de MichaelDeuxième prénom de PhilomèneNombre d'années avant que Mich

epic naruto quiz 2021-05-26

epic naruto quiz crossword puzzle
  1. mood swing
  2. wrinkly
  3. GOOS
  4. the name itself
  5. ball
  6. whyd you make it so big?
  7. cow
  8. soup
  9. geezer
  10. cause of war
  11. almost lightning jutsu
  12. bro
  13. booba
  14. scarf
  15. oink
  16. armrest
  17. love
  18. drop
  19. booba!
  20. tree barf
  21. gay
  22. woof
  23. ❤️/_\❤️
  24. fly and sting
  25. peg victim
  1. sss
  2. patent
  3. point right point left
  4. twig
  5. shutup or ill kill u
  6. weak
  7. authentic katsu
  8. bird eyes
  9. stinky breath
  10. macbeth
  11. died to bob ross
  12. belly ache
  13. o-o
  14. Kami
  15. FFFF00
  16. tomato
  17. fruit
  18. perfect score
  19. name share
  20. yin
  21. swiffer
  22. bob ross
  23. 10
  24. o-|<
  25. toe stub
  26. human puppet
  27. slime
  28. ^_^

53 Clues: 10ssscowo-obroyingay^_^twigGOOSweakballsoupKamioinkloveo-|<dropwooffruitboobascarfslimepatentgeezerFFFF00tomatobooba!wrinklymacbethswifferarmrest❤️/_\❤️bob rosstoe stubbird eyestree barfmood swingbelly achename sharepeg victimcause of warhuman puppetstinky breathperfect scorefly and stingauthentic katsuthe name itselfdied to bob ross...

naruto vs sauske 2022-06-23

naruto vs sauske crossword puzzle
  1. burn slightly
  2. notice
  3. answer
  4. beauty of form or movement
  5. hungry
  6. rot
  7. at tricking people
  8. be without
  9. refuse to give in to
  10. make known
  11. lumps of frozen rain
  12. stand above or higher than what is around it
  1. go closer to
  2. or sleepy
  3. make known
  4. make a statement of praise
  5. stand for or in place of
  6. very much
  7. make sounds with the voice
  8. have in mind
  9. allow
  10. be more than

22 Clues: rotallownoticeanswerhungryor sleepyvery muchmake knownbe withoutmake knowngo closer tohave in mindbe more thanburn slightlyat tricking peoplerefuse to give in tolumps of frozen rainstand for or in place ofmake a statement of praisebeauty of form or movementmake sounds with the voicestand above or higher than what is around it

Anime 2023-11-08

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. Ninja
  2. Shinichi
  3. Kamehameha
  4. Calcifer
  5. Elementary school kids
  1. CatBus
  2. Mikasa
  3. Devil fruit
  4. Bread
  5. Shinigami

10 Clues: NinjaBreadCatBusMikasaShinichiCalciferShinigamiKamehamehaDevil fruitElementary school kids

all about pedro 2022-12-02

all about pedro crossword puzzle
  1. my cat
  2. november hobby
  3. every five weeks
  4. team 7
  5. Jesper Fahey
  6. like to watch dont like to play
  7. spiker
  8. thursday 7:20
  9. health 9
  10. my home
  1. all summer
  2. the unexpected journey
  3. mr w
  4. how to train your dragon game
  5. everyday except for weekends
  6. amaris 7:15
  7. Big mac
  8. everyday
  9. sasha doesn't like it
  10. nintendo game

20 Clues: mr wmy catteam 7spikerBig macmy homeeverydayhealth 9all summeramaris 7:15Jesper Faheynintendo gamethursday 7:20november hobbyevery five weekssasha doesn't like itthe unexpected journeyeveryday except for weekendshow to train your dragon gamelike to watch dont like to play

Mike's Crossword about Him 2021-08-27

Mike's Crossword about Him crossword puzzle
  1. Hobby
  2. Chips
  3. Computers
  4. School
  5. Jesus
  6. Other Race
  1. Sharingan
  2. Instrument
  3. Call of Duty
  4. Race

10 Clues: RaceHobbyChipsJesusSchoolSharinganComputersInstrumentOther RaceCall of Duty

Pov challenge 2022-03-24

Pov challenge crossword puzzle
  1. ultimate detective
  2. "believe it"-naruto
  3. "kill yourself"
  4. eliminated twice
  5. the un-elimination-able
  6. atua's whore
  7. the host
  1. photo time
  2. redemption
  3. 2nd best dr2 girl
  4. literally just a bear
  5. femboy friday~
  6. taeko yasuhiro
  7. mommy sorry mommy sorry
  8. bug boy

15 Clues: bug boythe hostphoto timeredemptionatua's whorefemboy friday~taeko yasuhiro"kill yourself"eliminated twice2nd best dr2 girlultimate detective"believe it"-narutoliterally just a bearmommy sorry mommy sorrythe un-elimination-able

met ultah part. 2 2024-10-19

met ultah part. 2 crossword puzzle
  1. cowok dan cowok
  2. antonim skibidi
  3. nama lain eek
  4. suami bebeb
  5. babi tengil
  6. si hitam valo
  7. bebeb males ini
  8. saya nggak papa romo
  9. hero ganteng
  10. orang stupid
  1. hari pahlawan
  2. game gila
  3. awas nuklir
  4. tembok cina
  5. omg parutan jago
  6. anak e naruto
  7. hero hidup dan matiku

17 Clues: game gilaawas nuklirtembok cinasuami bebebbabi tengilhero gantengorang stupidhari pahlawannama lain eekanak e narutosi hitam valocowok dan cowokantonim skibidibebeb males iniomg parutan jagosaya nggak papa romohero hidup dan matiku

yes 2020-11-05

yes crossword puzzle
  1. is that _____
  2. sir _______
  4. annoying caca
  5. different
  6. lailas actual bf
  7. very sad death 2
  8. five weenies
  9. my name is _______
  10. lailas 3rd character in jump force
  1. lailas enemy
  2. better than itadori
  3. very sad death 1
  5. peepee
  6. not lailas bf
  7. muda muda
  8. the dog that died in jojos
  9. icy cold fox

19 Clues: peepeeMMMMMMMdifferentmuda mudasir _______YOOOOOOOOOOlailas enemyfive weeniesicy cold foxis that _____annoying cacanot lailas bfvery sad death 1lailas actual bfvery sad death 2my name is _______better than itadorithe dog that died in jojoslailas 3rd character in jump force

Naruto 2022-12-19

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. he is the most powerful uzumacki
  2. naruto is the seventh…
  3. sasukes dad
  1. Naruto’s dad
  2. he is the most powerfull uchiha
  3. hashiramas enemy
  4. Naruto’s insides is a beast called

7 Clues: sasukes dadNaruto’s dadhashiramas enemynaruto is the seventh…he is the most powerfull uchihahe is the most powerful uzumackiNaruto’s insides is a beast called

Skaley 2024-09-06

Skaley crossword puzzle
  1. This was your choice
  2. Our special trip
  3. A sister in short
  4. Baby-talker
  5. Golden handcuffs
  6. Blood seal's vessel
  7. Celebratory dinner tradition
  8. Shark-toothed scythe
  9. Tattoo mommy
  10. Twink
  1. Insufferable legend
  2. Oedipal paradise
  3. Feline menace
  4. 99 + witch
  5. Ramen lover
  6. Internet superstar
  7. Duplicitous butler
  8. The sweetest baby angel to ever live
  9. Pure being
  10. The best drink

20 Clues: Twink99 + witchPure beingBaby-talkerRamen loverTattoo mommyFeline menaceThe best drinkOedipal paradiseOur special tripGolden handcuffsA sister in shortInternet superstarDuplicitous butlerInsufferable legendBlood seal's vesselThis was your choiceShark-toothed scytheCelebratory dinner traditionThe sweetest baby angel to ever live

Misu kvíz 2020-03-03

Misu kvíz crossword puzzle
  1. Kung fu sílus
  2. Japán testőr elnevezés
  3. Japán harcos
  4. magyar homokos stylist
  5. Kína fővárosa
  6. orosz retro autó
  1. Kínai étel
  2. kommunista németország neve
  3. perverz magyar youtuber
  4. japán mese figura
  5. Orbán Viktor városa
  6. Kínai filmsztár
  7. arab valás
  8. legjobb magyar foci csapat
  9. Zsidó étel
  10. moammer kadhafi uralta

16 Clues: Kínai ételarab valásZsidó ételJapán harcosKung fu sílusKína fővárosaKínai filmsztárorosz retro autójapán mese figuraOrbán Viktor városaJapán testőr elnevezésmagyar homokos stylistmoammer kadhafi uraltaperverz magyar youtuberlegjobb magyar foci csapatkommunista németország neve

brielle crossword broskis 2022-05-24

brielle crossword broskis crossword puzzle
  1. even better game
  2. cool person
  3. clashroyale
  4. best naruto character (you cant convince me otherwise)
  5. bestieeeee
  6. best planet
  7. ...
  1. good game
  2. weird show addie likes
  3. worst food on the planet
  4. gamerchan
  5. fortnite battle pass
  6. cool
  7. best word eva
  8. random letter

15 Clues: ...coolgood gamegamerchanbestieeeeecool personclashroyalebest planetbest word evarandom lettereven better gamefortnite battle passweird show addie likesworst food on the planetbest naruto character (you cant convince me otherwise)

4 tash 2019-05-22

4 tash crossword puzzle
  1. deal with god (4,4)
  2. godzilla
  3. better than banksy
  4. white like a ghost
  5. when monday slaps
  6. pitch the ____
  7. only one person smokes weed here
  1. believe it
  2. coffee
  3. outside (3,7)
  4. produces (5,6)
  5. mom
  6. french lover
  7. monday

14 Clues: momcoffeemondaygodzillabelieve itfrench loveroutside (3,7)produces (5,6)pitch the ____when monday slapsbetter than banksywhite like a ghostdeal with god (4,4)only one person smokes weed here


ANIME CROSSWORD LOL crossword puzzle
  1. toilet boi
  2. useless
  3. ramen
  4. smart sweet tooth
  5. icyhot
  6. trash
  7. is not simp worthy
  8. cosplayed as god
  9. emo
  10. good demon
  11. setter
  1. sailor moon
  2. black nichirin
  3. can't communicate
  4. anger issues
  5. average
  6. upside down kakashi
  7. psychopath writer
  8. opposite of ur dad
  9. short libero
  10. it's finger lickin' good
  11. tangerine
  12. broccoli boi
  13. daikon

24 Clues: emoramentrashicyhotsetterdaikonaverageuselesstangerinetoilet boigood demonsailor moonanger issuesshort liberobroccoli boiblack nichirincosplayed as godcan't communicatesmart sweet toothpsychopath writeropposite of ur dadis not simp worthyupside down kakashiit's finger lickin' good

anime 2017-12-06

anime crossword puzzle
  1. stage izumi
  2. note light
  3. naruto
  4. on ice yuri
  1. yato
  2. tail natsu

6 Clues: yatonarutotail natsustage izuminote lighton ice yuri

Only Naruto Fans 2020-12-01

Only Naruto Fans crossword puzzle
  1. he is married to sakura
  2. sasukes secret twin sister who is dead
  3. she is married to sasuke
  4. sasukes older brother
  5. she was murderd by Konohagakure and her son is named nagato
  6. she is married to a hokage and has two kids
  7. his dad is a hokage
  8. he has the nine tailed fox or you can call him his real name kurama trapped in his body
  9. Sakura and Sasukes daughter
  10. she is Zabuzas weapon in fight
  11. she is the wife of the first hokage
  1. sakuras younger sister
  2. he is the leader of the team 7/Naruto,Sasuke and Sakura
  3. Narutos mom
  4. he had incredible vitality as an Uzumaki and he also had access to the Rinnegan, which Madara Uchiha gave to him at quite an early age. Without a doubt, he was among the strongest of the clan.
  5. he is a bounty hunter hunting down the bridge builder
  6. Narutos dad
  7. her dad is a hokage
  8. he is Naruto and Hinatas son
  9. he bekame a hokage and also has two kids and a wife
  10. she is Naruto and Hinatas daughter

21 Clues: Narutos momNarutos dadher dad is a hokagehis dad is a hokagesasukes older brothersakuras younger sisterhe is married to sakurashe is married to sasukeSakura and Sasukes daughterhe is Naruto and Hinatas sonshe is Zabuzas weapon in fightshe is Naruto and Hinatas daughtershe is the wife of the first hokagesasukes secret twin sister who is dead...

Does Raul Knows me? 2021-04-07

Does Raul Knows me? crossword puzzle
  1. favorite flower
  2. future goals
  3. favorite person
  4. first anime
  5. favorite character
  6. second anime
  1. first favorite anime
  2. 1st doggo
  3. Birthday month
  4. favorite color
  5. favorite subject
  6. future husband
  7. favorite season

13 Clues: 1st doggofirst animefuture goalssecond animeBirthday monthfavorite colorfuture husbandfavorite seasonfavorite flowerfavorite personfavorite subjectfavorite characterfirst favorite anime

🐇 Húsvét 🐇 2022-04-12

🐇 Húsvét 🐇 crossword puzzle
  1. Repülő csónak
  2. Ide a királyok is egyedül járnak
  3. Tisza vers írója
  4. Paripa
  5. Peppa
  6. Könnybe lábad a szemed tőle
  7. Legnagyobb manga harcos
  8. Olaszország fővárosa
  1. Szőke herceg
  2. Lila tehén
  3. Macska
  4. Elporladt anyag
  5. Anya kedvenc gyümölcse
  6. Autómárka

14 Clues: PeppaMacskaParipaAutómárkaLila tehénSzőke hercegRepülő csónakElporladt anyagTisza vers írójaOlaszország fővárosaAnya kedvenc gyümölcseLegnagyobb manga harcosKönnybe lábad a szemed tőleIde a királyok is egyedül járnak

Naruto 2021-03-18

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. ő a hatodik hokage
  2. itachi testvére
  3. a 4-dik hokage
  1. ...... hyuga
  2. az akatsuki vezetője
  3. csresznyevirág japánul a neve
  4. uzumaki clanba tartozik

7 Clues: ...... hyugaa 4-dik hokageitachi testvéreő a hatodik hokageaz akatsuki vezetőjeuzumaki clanba tartozikcsresznyevirág japánul a neve

Naruto 2021-04-28

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. revoltado
  2. mae
  3. monstro
  1. arei
  2. sombra
  3. forte
  4. filho

7 Clues: maeareifortefilhosombramonstrorevoltado

Naruto 2021-09-24

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. who was the jonin in charge of team 7
  2. where did Naruto get his chakra from
  1. who is saskues brother
  2. who is Naruto's frenemy
  3. who was inlove with saskue
  4. what is the main charters names
  5. who is the fifth hokage

7 Clues: who is saskues brotherwho is Naruto's frenemywho is the fifth hokagewho was inlove with saskuewhat is the main charters nameswhere did Naruto get his chakra fromwho was the jonin in charge of team 7

Naruto crossword 2021-12-01

Naruto crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 107cm
  2. 9 tailed fox
  3. smartest charcter
  4. gaara´s best frined
  5. god of chakara
  1. narutos best frined
  2. pains signature jutsu
  3. narutos wife
  4. sasukes purple eye
  5. killed the uchiha
  6. gave kakashi his sharingan

11 Clues: 107cmnarutos wife9 tailed foxgod of chakarasmartest charcterkilled the uchihasasukes purple eyenarutos best frinedgaara´s best frinedpains signature jutsugave kakashi his sharingan

Naruto 2020-09-11

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Eyes
  2. Infinite Charka
  3. Narutos main move
  1. Itachi has this
  2. Sasuke
  3. Sand
  4. Leaf

7 Clues: EyesSandLeafSasukeItachi has thisInfinite CharkaNarutos main move

NARUTO 2022-04-05

NARUTO crossword puzzle
  1. Alliance avec l'Akatsuki, devenant l'un des personnages les plus dynamiques de la série (l'avant dernière lettre c'est un K)
  2. Le leader officiel d'Akatsuki (la dernière lettre c'est un O)
  3. Timide, sereine et très polie, utilisant tout le temps les suffixes nominaux appropriés. A toujours eu une admiration de longue date pour Naruto (la troisième lettre c'est un N)
  4. La principale héroïne de la série, bien qu'elle n'y était pas destinée au départ. Ne sert à rien (la quatrième lettre c'est un U)
  1. Apparaît pour la première fois juste avant le début de l'examen Chūnin
  2. Premier mentor des principaux protagonistes de l'histoire. Mondialement connu pour son utilisation du Sharingan (l'avant dernière lettre c'est un H)
  3. Personnage principale de l'animé, devenu le Septième Hokage (la deuxième lettre c'est un A)

7 Clues: Le leader officiel d'Akatsuki (la dernière lettre c'est un O)Apparaît pour la première fois juste avant le début de l'examen ChūninPersonnage principale de l'animé, devenu le Septième Hokage (la deuxième lettre c'est un A)Alliance avec l'Akatsuki, devenant l'un des personnages les plus dynamiques de la série (l'avant dernière lettre c'est un K)...

naruto 2023-08-31

naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Trash
  2. seventh hokage
  3. God of genjutsu
  4. super fast
  1. also trash
  2. best tailed beast
  3. narutos wife

7 Clues: Trashalso trashsuper fastnarutos wifeseventh hokageGod of genjutsubest tailed beast

Naruto puzzle 2022-05-13

Naruto puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. emo boy
  2. ew
  3. Main villian
  4. simp
  5. Brother
  1. big fox
  2. kakashi childhood enemy
  3. Trash
  4. teacher
  5. Pain

10 Clues: ewPainsimpTrashbig foxemo boyteacherBrotherMain villiankakashi childhood enemy

Who made "InsertTextHere" 2018-10-26

Who made "InsertTextHere" crossword puzzle
  1. Treyarch
  2. BillGates
  3. JakePaul
  4. JawedKarim
  1. TimSweeney
  2. MasashiKishimoto
  3. JackDorsey
  4. AkioMorita
  5. SteveJobs

9 Clues: TreyarchJakePaulBillGatesSteveJobsTimSweeneyJackDorseyAkioMoritaJawedKarimMasashiKishimoto

Naruto 22.5. 2024-05-21

Naruto 22.5. crossword puzzle
  2. PESMA
  3. GAJ
  5. UBICE
  2. MOST


ANIME 2022-06-15

ANIME crossword puzzle
  1. LAW
  2. RED
  5. SWORD
  1. EGO
  3. NINJA
  4. FLAME


Netiquette Naruto 2023-02-27

Netiquette Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Simboli usati nei messaggi
  2. Bullismo su internet
  3. Diminutivo di applicazione
  4. Enciclopedia libera online per trovare informazioni
  5. Buona educazione su internet
  1. Principale forma di condivisione di video e idee
  2. Caratteri che equivalgono ad urlare
  3. Applicazione per mandare messaggi
  4. wide web Per cosa sta WWW
  5. Motore di ricerca più usata al mondo per cercare info
  6. Quando un contenuto viene copiato ma dato come originale
  7. Piattaforma di Google per le email

12 Clues: Bullismo su internetwide web Per cosa sta WWWSimboli usati nei messaggiDiminutivo di applicazioneBuona educazione su internetApplicazione per mandare messaggiPiattaforma di Google per le emailCaratteri che equivalgono ad urlarePrincipale forma di condivisione di video e ideeEnciclopedia libera online per trovare informazioni...

Animu, mostly 2017-04-22

Animu, mostly crossword puzzle
  1. Blood red and snow white
  2. What you stole all the good clues about
  3. The important children in Black Bullet
  4. A little blonde sniper
  5. Our first manga
  6. When most medicine just doesn't work
  7. Something you still need to read
  8. Hyperdimensional!
  9. A purple devil
  10. The name of this thing
  11. K, Touhou, or Sekai
  12. Confusing character with a bird eyepatch
  13. What we did with Easter eggs
  14. The 2nd best mother
  1. The best mother
  2. The dragon master
  3. Your favorite rebel
  4. Thrown back in time to save people
  5. The first shown user of a "Code"
  6. You bought a fake one for a party
  7. You hate her, I don't. Not the real thing, though.
  8. What Naruto wants to change, a blonde and evil magical girl, or an anime about the holy grail
  9. Who to call
  10. What we joked about Elma being
  11. Got us into anime
  12. Chaos, or a chat service
  13. Black, gold, and unnatural
  14. Your favorite robot pilot
  15. Not actually in a relationship
  16. The best dragon
  17. More than transgender

31 Clues: Who to callA purple devilThe best motherOur first mangaThe best dragonThe dragon masterHyperdimensional!Got us into animeYour favorite rebelK, Touhou, or SekaiThe 2nd best motherMore than transgenderA little blonde sniperThe name of this thingBlood red and snow whiteChaos, or a chat serviceYour favorite robot pilotBlack, gold, and unnatural...

tss pkwu makanan internasional 2024-03-20

tss pkwu makanan internasional crossword puzzle
  1. makanan khas negara hongkong yang dikukus adalah
  2. makanan khas negara singapura adalah
  3. makanan khas indonesia yang dibakar dan ditusuk adalah
  4. makanan khas indonesia yang disajikan pada malam hari dengan proses di goreng adalah
  5. makanan khas italia yang terkenal adalah..
  6. makanan internasional yang berasal dari indonesia tepatnya di tanah minang sumatra barat adalah
  7. makanan khas negara cina yang bahannya dari hewan yang dibakar disebut
  8. apakah kesukaan makanan film kartun upin-ip
  9. makanan khas negara thailand yang terkenal adalah
  10. makanan kesukaan film animasi naruto adalah
  1. makanan yang dimasak oleh chef spongbob adalah..
  2. makanan khas negara china yang sering kita jumpai adalah
  3. makanan khas negara vietnam adalah
  4. makanan yang berasal dari turki yang sering dijual di indonesia
  5. makanan yang berasal dari negara asia disebut makanan
  6. makanan yang berasal dari negara eropa disebut makanan
  7. makanan khas korea adalah
  8. mskanan khas jepang yang sering ditampilkan pada film naruto
  9. martabak yang berasal dari negara india adalah
  10. makanan yang disajikan dengan sosis dan roti yang dibakar berasal dari negara amerika disebut apakah.

20 Clues: makanan khas korea adalahmakanan khas negara vietnam adalahmakanan khas negara singapura adalahmakanan khas italia yang terkenal adalah..apakah kesukaan makanan film kartun upin-ipmakanan kesukaan film animasi naruto adalahmartabak yang berasal dari negara india adalahmakanan yang dimasak oleh chef spongbob adalah.....

Anime 2022-10-27

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. dragon ball z
  2. demon slayer
  3. naruto
  4. black clover
  1. naruto
  2. one punch man
  3. one peice

7 Clues: narutonarutoone peicedemon slayerblack cloverdragon ball zone punch man

TV Shows 2022-06-03

TV Shows crossword puzzle
  1. rasengan
  2. sofia Vergara
  3. mcu
  4. white American girl abroad
  5. Kerry Washington
  6. they were on a break
  7. steamy historical
  8. drug addict but cute
  1. basic white guy is the Mac
  2. mustache coach
  3. upside down
  4. peter griffin
  5. perdido
  6. treat yo self
  7. Ted danson

15 Clues: mcuperdidorasenganTed dansonupside downsofia Vergarapeter griffintreat yo selfmustache coachKerry Washingtonsteamy historicalthey were on a breakdrug addict but cutebasic white guy is the Macwhite American girl abroad

TV Shows 2022-06-03

TV Shows crossword puzzle
  1. rasengan
  2. sofia Vergara
  3. mcu
  4. white American girl abroad
  5. Kerry Washington
  6. they were on a break
  7. steamy historical
  8. drug addict but cute
  1. basic white guy is the Mac
  2. mustache coach
  3. upside down
  4. peter griffin
  5. perdido
  6. treat yo self
  7. Ted danson

15 Clues: mcuperdidorasenganTed dansonupside downsofia Vergarapeter griffintreat yo selfmustache coachKerry Washingtonsteamy historicalthey were on a breakdrug addict but cutebasic white guy is the Macwhite American girl abroad

Anime Characters 2021-02-26

Anime Characters crossword puzzle
  1. gings son
  2. black hair and issabelles child
  3. human pikachu
  4. human titan
  5. pink alien
  6. all might's secret love child
  7. white haired 12 year old zoldyck
  8. manly rock
  9. boom boom boy
  10. ceils butler
  11. mr.strong man
  1. vampire girl
  2. leaf ninja trader
  3. tamakis crush
  4. satans adorable son
  5. eraser head
  6. niches letter bee
  7. human girl titan
  8. nine tailed fox
  9. copy ninja
  10. rachels friend

21 Clues: gings sonpink alienmanly rockcopy ninjahuman titaneraser headvampire girlceils butlertamakis crushhuman pikachuboom boom boymr.strong manrachels friendnine tailed foxhuman girl titanleaf ninja traderniches letter beesatans adorable sonall might's secret love childblack hair and issabelles childwhite haired 12 year old zoldyck

Films 2023-01-17

Films crossword puzzle
  1. genre of films
  2. seven energies
  3. actor character
  4. genie friend
  5. yellow hair
  6. players of film
  7. end of the movie
  8. filmmaker
  9. Indian's hero
  10. film forming elements
  1. the culmination of the film's problems
  2. story of senior high school student
  3. ocean adventure
  4. Chinese adventure
  5. where the film is shown
  6. the famous producer
  7. short video of film
  8. bald boy
  9. magic wardrobe
  10. nobles and commoners

20 Clues: bald boyfilmmakeryellow hairgenie friendIndian's herogenre of filmsseven energiesmagic wardrobeocean adventureactor characterplayers of filmend of the movieChinese adventurethe famous producershort video of filmnobles and commonersfilm forming elementswhere the film is shownstory of senior high school studentthe culmination of the film's problems

Anime 2023-01-13

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. Too many power-ups
  2. Evil Michael Jackson
  3. McDonald's Isekai
  4. Mach 20 alien
  5. Is that a ____ reference!?!?!
  6. Imploding human fires
  7. Insomniac Vampire
  8. Cleaning product
  9. Slave fighting animals
  1. Skeleton Isekai Isekai
  2. Down bad
  3. Dysfunctional family with secrets
  4. The perfect goal "boobs"
  5. Extreme soccer
  6. Ninja Magic
  7. Amazing story; Horrible fanbase
  8. Horrible ninjas
  9. Peak fiction
  10. Tallboys threaten humanity
  11. Extreme volleyball
  12. Murder book

21 Clues: Down badNinja MagicMurder bookPeak fictionMach 20 alienExtreme soccerHorrible ninjasCleaning productMcDonald's IsekaiInsomniac VampireToo many power-upsExtreme volleyballEvil Michael JacksonImploding human firesSkeleton Isekai IsekaiSlave fighting animalsThe perfect goal "boobs"Tallboys threaten humanityIs that a ____ reference!?!?!...

1 2024-08-27

1 crossword puzzle
  1. Demon maid
  2. Pink-haired ninja
  3. Reindeer doctor
  4. Titan shifter
  5. Half-demon
  6. Strong soldier
  7. Black Swordsman
  8. Uchiha ninja
  9. Sword Servant
  10. Death Note user
  11. Strongest hero
  12. Pirate captain
  1. Master strategist
  2. Armor brother
  3. Goku’s rival
  4. Soul Reaper
  5. Fire Slayer
  6. Bounty hunter
  7. Lazy samurai
  8. Alchemist
  9. Ninja with a fox
  10. Byakugan user
  11. Pokémon trainer
  12. Saiyan warrior
  13. Ackerman

25 Clues: AckermanAlchemistDemon maidHalf-demonSoul ReaperFire SlayerGoku’s rivalLazy samuraiUchiha ninjaArmor brotherTitan shifterBounty hunterByakugan userSword ServantStrong soldierSaiyan warriorStrongest heroPirate captainReindeer doctorBlack SwordsmanPokémon trainerDeath Note userNinja with a foxMaster strategistPink-haired ninja

Facts about your Big 2021-11-16

Facts about your Big crossword puzzle
  1. favorite color
  2. state i am from
  3. favorite type of food
  4. favorite animal
  5. favorite anime
  6. favorite holiday
  1. my hobby
  2. favorite superhero
  3. major
  4. favorite sport
  5. favorite candy
  6. dogs or cats

12 Clues: majormy hobbydogs or catsfavorite colorfavorite sportfavorite animefavorite candystate i am fromfavorite animalfavorite holidayfavorite superherofavorite type of food

NARUTO 2022-02-17

NARUTO crossword puzzle
  1. tells your temperature
  2. a big meeting
  3. need something really badly
  1. a special paper you earn
  2. sofas, chairs, etc.
  3. time you need to come home
  4. put into

7 Clues: put intoa big meetingsofas, chairs, etc.tells your temperaturea special paper you earntime you need to come homeneed something really badly

Naruto 2022-12-19

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. died to plot aka a stick
  2. destroyed the shinobi alience
  3. Sussanno recarnation of indra
  1. made shadow clone
  2. big punch
  3. pervert
  4. killed an itachi clone and gave life to some one named boruto

7 Clues: pervertbig punchmade shadow clonedied to plot aka a stickdestroyed the shinobi alienceSussanno recarnation of indrakilled an itachi clone and gave life to some one named boruto

Naruto 2021-09-24

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. who was the jonin in charge of team 7
  2. where did Naruto get his chakra from
  1. who is saskues brother
  2. who is Naruto's frenemy
  3. who was inlove with saskue
  4. what is the main charters names
  5. who is the fifth hokage

7 Clues: who is saskues brotherwho is Naruto's frenemywho is the fifth hokagewho was inlove with saskuewhat is the main charters nameswhere did Naruto get his chakra fromwho was the jonin in charge of team 7

Naruto 2021-09-24

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. who was the jonin in charge of team 7
  2. where did Naruto get his chakra from
  1. who is saskues brother
  2. who is Naruto's frenemy
  3. who was inlove with saskue
  4. what is the main charters names
  5. who is the fifth hokage

7 Clues: who is saskues brotherwho is Naruto's frenemywho is the fifth hokagewho was inlove with saskuewhat is the main charters nameswhere did Naruto get his chakra fromwho was the jonin in charge of team 7

Naruto 2021-09-24

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. who was the jonin in charge of team 7
  2. where did Naruto get his chakra from
  1. who is saskues brother
  2. who is Naruto's frenemy
  3. who was inlove with saskue
  4. what is the main charters names
  5. who is the fifth hokage

7 Clues: who is saskues brotherwho is Naruto's frenemywho is the fifth hokagewho was inlove with saskuewhat is the main charters nameswhere did Naruto get his chakra fromwho was the jonin in charge of team 7

Magazine 2023-07-01

Magazine crossword puzzle
  1. largest country by land area
  2. harry potter author
  3. capital of egypt
  4. highest mountain in africa
  5. largest dessert
  6. general favorite anime
  7. currency of switzerland
  1. capital brazil
  2. currency japan
  3. this magazine editor
  4. author othello
  5. directed the film godfather
  6. the small planet
  7. monalisa painted
  8. kamehameha

15 Clues: kamehamehacapital brazilcurrency japanauthor othellolargest dessertcapital of egyptthe small planetmonalisa paintedharry potter authorthis magazine editorgeneral favorite animecurrency of switzerlandhighest mountain in africadirected the film godfatherlargest country by land area

Hanachi No Sekai 2021-11-27

Hanachi No Sekai crossword puzzle
  1. Makanan favorit Naruto
  2. Buku komik Jepang
  3. Kaisar Jepang
  4. Asam
  5. Luar biasa, keren
  6. Bunga yang terkenal di Jepang dan mekar pada musim semi.
  7. Harimau
  8. Bahasa Jepang
  9. Mafia asal Jepang
  10. Hujan
  1. Ungu
  2. Aristokrat Jepang dari golongan kesatfia
  3. Kejam, jahat
  4. Ibukota Negara Jepang
  5. Kamu
  6. Teh Jepang
  7. Tahu Jepang, biasanya berbentuk lonjong dan bertekstur lembut
  8. Radio Jepang

18 Clues: UnguAsamKamuHujanHarimauTeh JepangKejam, jahatRadio JepangKaisar JepangBahasa JepangBuku komik JepangLuar biasa, kerenMafia asal JepangIbukota Negara JepangMakanan favorit NarutoAristokrat Jepang dari golongan kesatfiaBunga yang terkenal di Jepang dan mekar pada musim semi.Tahu Jepang, biasanya berbentuk lonjong dan bertekstur lembut

Happy Anniversary 2019-12-13

Happy Anniversary crossword puzzle
  1. # of anniversaries
  2. Sexy leather costume
  3. Not PUBG
  4. Gaming console
  5. "That first ___ feeling"
  6. My first department
  7. Your favourite brand
  8. Your favourite number
  9. "You're under arrest!" costume
  10. Second destination trip
  11. Terrified of these birds
  12. Kakashi's anime show
  13. I hate this colour
  1. _____142
  2. Lunchtime in Cuba
  3. _______ Christmas, first date
  4. Anniversary month
  5. Your cottage location
  6. The Lion King
  7. My favourite colour

20 Clues: _____142Not PUBGThe Lion KingGaming consoleLunchtime in CubaAnniversary month# of anniversariesI hate this colourMy first departmentMy favourite colourSexy leather costumeYour favourite brandKakashi's anime showYour cottage locationYour favourite numberSecond destination trip"That first ___ feeling"Terrified of these birds...

League Of Legends 2020-10-29

League Of Legends crossword puzzle
  1. Satan
  2. "All that lives, I will end!"
  3. My creator, Viktor.
  4. Leona's Sister
  5. Naruto
  6. Depressed.
  7. Ssssss~
  8. Need a haircut?
  9. FBI
  10. Mundo Steroids
  1. Nom Nom Nom
  2. Time
  3. "My Honor Left A Long Time Ago"
  4. Annoying Laugh
  5. Chilly
  6. Poro Loves me
  7. "No more meditation or masters"
  8. Needs to be removed from the game
  9. Family Friendly
  10. Lil' Sis
  11. Stomp Stomp Stomp

21 Clues: FBITimeSatanChillyNarutoSsssss~Lil' SisDepressed.Nom Nom NomPoro Loves meAnnoying LaughLeona's SisterMundo SteroidsFamily FriendlyNeed a haircut?Stomp Stomp StompMy creator, Viktor."All that lives, I will end!""My Honor Left A Long Time Ago""No more meditation or masters"Needs to be removed from the game

Naruto By Connor 2014-04-09

Naruto     By Connor crossword puzzle
  1. A master or teacher
  2. Leader of the Foundation
  3. An upgraded sharingan that allows you to create a black fire that can’t be put out until it burns its target
  4. The Fourth Hokage who saved the Leaf Village from the Nine-Tails rampage
  5. A visual jutsu that allows you to see the chakra network and how it flows in a human
  6. The modern-day Rinnegan user
  1. Minato Sensei’s nickname
  2. An evil clan bent on world domination
  3. Another visual jutsu that not only allows you to see the chakra, but also outside, as colors.
  4. It’s a place where Naruto lives
  5. – Minato’s wife and Naruto’s mom
  6. The visual jutsu which is a mix of the Byakugan and Sharingan
  7. A soldier of the Naruto world.

13 Clues: A master or teacherMinato Sensei’s nicknameLeader of the FoundationThe modern-day Rinnegan userA soldier of the Naruto world.It’s a place where Naruto lives– Minato’s wife and Naruto’s momAn evil clan bent on world dominationThe visual jutsu which is a mix of the Byakugan and Sharingan...

7C IN ONE WORD 2024-04-16

7C IN ONE WORD crossword puzzle
  1. naruto
  2. naughty boy
  3. slay
  4. preppy
  5. naughty girl
  1. funny
  2. Calvo
  3. Gatorade
  4. horses

9 Clues: slayfunnyCalvonarutopreppyhorsesGatoradenaughty boynaughty girl

Naruto crossword 2021-12-07

Naruto crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Narutos kid
  2. Narutos Father
  3. Narutos childhood love
  4. Narutos wife
  5. Narutos monster
  6. Narutos best friend
  7. Narutos pervy teacher
  1. Best eye ever in naruto
  2. Narutos best mode
  3. Narutos teacher
  4. Narutos favorite food

11 Clues: Narutos kidNarutos wifeNarutos FatherNarutos teacherNarutos monsterNarutos best modeNarutos best friendNarutos favorite foodNarutos pervy teacherNarutos childhood loveBest eye ever in naruto

Anime 2021-01-12

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. assasin training
  2. main character: ichigo kurosaki
  3. longest running anime
  4. furry anime
  5. main character: edward elric
  6. Collect animals to fight battles
  7. very old card game
  8. a lot of memes
  9. Basketball
  10. book that kills
  1. con games
  2. Deadmen participating in games
  3. a single punch
  4. Ninjas
  5. titans
  6. action, superheroes, school, training
  7. foodgasm
  8. fire wielding firefighters
  9. stuck in a video game
  10. volleyball

20 Clues: Ninjastitansfoodgasmcon gamesBasketballvolleyballfurry animea single puncha lot of memesbook that killsassasin trainingvery old card gamelongest running animestuck in a video gamefire wielding firefightersmain character: edward elricDeadmen participating in gamesmain character: ichigo kurosakiCollect animals to fight battles...

NAO SEI 2023-05-08

NAO SEI crossword puzzle
  1. Man's best friend
  2. you sit
  3. you lie down
  4. protect gotham city
  5. you see better
  6. extreme right
  7. you put on your feet
  8. samba
  9. autralian simbol
  1. you exercise your mind
  2. tell the news
  3. you put books
  4. put it in the ear
  5. kurama
  6. you search
  7. erases
  8. pirate that stretches
  9. you wear
  10. you wear when it's cold
  11. you read
  12. you exercise

21 Clues: sambakuramaerasesyou sityou wearyou readyou searchyou lie downyou exercisetell the newsyou put booksextreme rightyou see betterautralian simbolMan's best friendput it in the earprotect gotham cityyou put on your feetpirate that stretchesyou exercise your mindyou wear when it's cold

Halloween 2021-10-13

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. white orange yellow treat
  2. ______ slayer
  3. spider's home
  4. big orange vegetable
  5. skeleton head
  6. gravesite
  7. naruto is a ____
  1. house full of ghosts
  2. transforms during full moon
  3. ryuk from death note is a ____
  4. egyptian zombie
  5. green monster
  6. dress up
  7. witches fly on it
  8. sucks blood
  9. green lady with big nose

16 Clues: dress upgravesitesucks bloodgreen monster______ slayerspider's homeskeleton headegyptian zombienaruto is a ____witches fly on ithouse full of ghostsbig orange vegetablegreen lady with big nosewhite orange yellow treattransforms during full moonryuk from death note is a ____

The true anime 2022-11-28

The true anime crossword puzzle
  1. cats+banana
  2. super hero school(Japanese)
  3. dies alot iseaki
  4. no magic but swords
  5. pirate
  6. smart people in love that act dumb
  1. shield iseaki
  2. bad name
  3. handsome but clumsy
  4. slime
  5. hunter
  6. Leaf village anime
  7. leaf village anime 2.0
  8. professors are named after trees.
  9. shield

15 Clues: slimehunterpirateshieldbad namecats+bananashield iseakidies alot iseakiLeaf village animehandsome but clumsyno magic but swordsleaf village anime 2.0super hero school(Japanese)professors are named after people in love that act dumb

anime 2023-09-28

anime crossword puzzle
  1. demon killers
  2. ninjas
  3. wind guy
  4. titans
  1. spys
  2. seven balls
  3. hunter
  4. chainsaw
  5. fighting

9 Clues: spyshunterninjastitanswind guychainsawfightingseven ballsdemon killers

Haha 2023-05-15

Haha crossword puzzle
  1. like many girls
  2. wear many sweaters
  3. like Mingyu
  4. like balls
  5. like twerking
  1. run like naruto with hands in pocket
  2. like valorant
  3. like mario
  4. like too many idols
  5. like webtoon
  6. like studying
  7. very skinny
  8. very good at studying
  9. like scamming

14 Clues: like mariolike ballslike Mingyuvery skinnylike webtoonlike valorantlike studyinglike scamminglike twerkinglike many girlswear many sweaterslike too many idolsvery good at studyingrun like naruto with hands in pocket

Manga and Anime 2013-03-11

Manga and Anime crossword puzzle
  1. Japanese style comic
  2. Osamu Tezuka
  3. Popular pirate anime
  4. Directed by Tatsuya Ishihara
  5. A book of death
  6. Chihiro
  1. Directed by Hayao Miyazaki
  2. Japanese Cartoon
  3. Ichigo Kueosaki
  4. Ninja
  5. super sayain
  6. picachu

12 Clues: NinjaChihiropicachuOsamu Tezukasuper sayainIchigo KueosakiA book of deathJapanese CartoonJapanese style comicPopular pirate animeDirected by Hayao MiyazakiDirected by Tatsuya Ishihara

M4NG4 2022-08-25

M4NG4 crossword puzzle
  1. comic con and guy with weird eye
  2. britannia
  3. tadano
  4. camping
  5. girl with pigtails
  6. ghouls
  1. demon girl
  2. art
  3. a day in the capital
  4. wierd giants
  5. spikey hair dude
  6. astrals

12 Clues: arttadanoghoulsastralscampingbritanniademon girlwierd giantsspikey hair dudegirl with pigtailsa day in the capitalcomic con and guy with weird eye

anime 2014-02-19

anime crossword puzzle
  1. naruto's sensei
  2. naruto's best friend
  3. shinigami
  4. legendary super saijayin
  5. naruto's dad
  6. I will create the perfect world
  1. kame kame ka!!!
  2. goku's wife
  3. menly android
  4. goku's grandauhter
  5. I will kill you kakarot
  6. girly android
  7. hide in leaves worst ninja
  8. liht's wife
  9. chidori!!!

15 Clues: shinigamichidori!!!goku's wifeliht's wifenaruto's dadmenly androidgirly androidkame kame ka!!!naruto's senseigoku's grandauhternaruto's best friendI will kill you kakarotlegendary super saijayinhide in leaves worst ninjaI will create the perfect world

Anime 😎 2024-12-17

Anime 😎 crossword puzzle
  1. Dimple's Anime
  2. Scary book kills everyone
  3. souls taste yummy
  4. maroon and yummy finger
  5. Funny big people
  6. ritual gone wrong
  7. Ninja Man
  8. funny poses
  1. blue spider lily
  2. Quirky Guys and Girls
  3. orange dog
  4. guy loses his family jewels
  5. Trunks' Anime
  6. shinigami
  7. fishing rod

15 Clues: shinigamiNinja Manorange dogfishing rodfunny posesTrunks' AnimeDimple's Animeblue spider lilyFunny big peoplesouls taste yummyritual gone wrongQuirky Guys and Girlsmaroon and yummy fingerScary book kills everyoneguy loses his family jewels

anime 2023-09-05

anime crossword puzzle
  1. chainsaw devil
  2. L
  3. deku
  4. vr RPG
  5. joyboy
  6. hokage
  1. hinokami
  2. curse hunters
  3. the rumbling

9 Clues: Ldekuvr RPGjoyboyhokagehinokamithe rumblingcurse hunterschainsaw devil

Jaapan 2023-05-01

Jaapan crossword puzzle
  1. tuntud anime
  2. jaapani liiklus
  3. kuulsaim ja kõrgeim mägi
  4. jaapani sõdalane
  5. levinud religioon
  1. pealinn
  2. rahvuslik sport
  3. jaapani mafia
  4. rahaühik
  5. üks tuntud jaapani toit
  6. jaapani rahvuslik puuvili

11 Clues: pealinnrahaühiktuntud animejaapani mafiarahvuslik sportjaapani liiklusjaapani sõdalanelevinud religioonüks tuntud jaapani toitkuulsaim ja kõrgeim mägijaapani rahvuslik puuvili

;-/ 2024-10-16

;-/ crossword puzzle
  1. wants to be the tiny giant
  2. gets killed while playing volleyball
  3. who can spiderman never save
  4. “Hard work is worthless for those that don't believe in themselves.”
  5. "hurricane Katrina, more like hurricane ___"
  6. The first person to accept naruto
  7. left his boyfriend to be better at soccer
  8. family of wizards who owned a sub shop (their last name)
  1. "Zoinks!"
  2. fat ___ week
  3. has a show centered around drag
  4. last name of twins who are absolute freaks
  5. he idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more
  6. dies,gets saved by his dog, turns into a devil, gains a new tool
  7. "I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and destroy a certain somebody"
  8. is a pro napper and sowrdsmen
  9. has a symbol on his forehead that means "love"
  10. "I'll make my move and she'll take me – that leaves you free to checkmate the king, Harry!"
  11. Malevolent Shrine

19 Clues: "Zoinks!"fat ___ weekMalevolent Shrinewants to be the tiny giantwho can spiderman never saveis a pro napper and sowrdsmenhas a show centered around dragThe first person to accept narutogets killed while playing volleyballleft his boyfriend to be better at soccerlast name of twins who are absolute freaks"hurricane Katrina, more like hurricane ___"...

Present Simple Naruto Crossword 2021-12-10

Present Simple Naruto Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. He doesn't like to think a lot. He prefers to act. He has a cute pet named Akamaru.
  2. He controls the sand, but he doesn't control his anger ... Better stay away from him!
  3. It seems he doesn't like Naruto, he is always grumpy.
  4. she doesn't give up easily. She is strong and says what she thinks.
  5. She can take control over her enemies with her mind. She doesn't like Sakura, and competes with her over Sasuke's affection.
  1. He is the leader of the village of the Hidden Leaf. He does everything to protect his people.
  2. She is a very shy girl. Does Naruto know she likes him?
  3. he doesn't have parents, he is an orphane.
  4. He doesn't talk much, but he is very intelligent. He is Naruto's master

9 Clues: he doesn't have parents, he is an orphane.It seems he doesn't like Naruto, he is always grumpy.She is a very shy girl. Does Naruto know she likes him?she doesn't give up easily. She is strong and says what she thinks.He doesn't talk much, but he is very intelligent. He is Naruto's master...

Naruto 2021-09-24

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. who was the jonin in charge of team 7
  2. where did Naruto get his chakra from
  1. who is saskues brother
  2. who is Naruto's frenemy
  3. who was inlove with saskue
  4. what is the main charters names
  5. who is the fifth hokage

7 Clues: who is saskues brotherwho is Naruto's frenemywho is the fifth hokagewho was inlove with saskuewhat is the main charters nameswhere did Naruto get his chakra fromwho was the jonin in charge of team 7

Naruto 2023-04-26

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Autor do anime
  2. Protagonista do anime
  3. Profissão que o protagonista deseja ter
  1. Interesse amoroso do protagonista
  2. Sensei do protagonista
  3. Melhor amigo do protagonista
  4. Antagonista do anime

7 Clues: Autor do animeAntagonista do animeProtagonista do animeSensei do protagonistaMelhor amigo do protagonistaInteresse amoroso do protagonistaProfissão que o protagonista deseja ter

NARUTO 2024-04-24

NARUTO crossword puzzle
  2. HE IS A 4# HOKAGE


Otaku Crossword 2022-01-27

Otaku Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What do Naruto with Hinata when he be suspended in the air to the moon light?
  2. Who teld this sentence? "Who don't understand the pain don't meet the real peace"
  3. Which is Mikasas surname?
  4. What is Zeke for Eren?
  5. Where lived Eiji?
  6. Why the demons of Demos Slayer kill people?
  1. Who was the father figure of Naruto?
  2. What is the reason of Maito to kill people?
  3. Which is the Narutos father surname?

9 Clues: Where lived Eiji?What is Zeke for Eren?Which is Mikasas surname?Who was the father figure of Naruto?Which is the Narutos father surname?What is the reason of Maito to kill people?Why the demons of Demos Slayer kill people?What do Naruto with Hinata when he be suspended in the air to the moon light?...

Tentang Aku 2020-04-11

Tentang Aku crossword puzzle
  1. tujuanku
  2. namaku
  3. ayahky
  4. tanggal kelakiranku
  5. Kelasku
  6. kegiatan ku
  7. kakaku
  8. tempat lahirku
  9. tuhanku
  10. hajiku nanti
  11. SD sekolahku
  12. ibuku
  13. nama keluarga ku
  14. kitabku
  15. nama tengah ku
  1. nabiku
  2. hobilu
  3. sayangku
  4. temanky
  5. makanan favouritku
  6. nama akhirku
  7. olahraga sirkus.
  8. kakeku
  9. teman main futsalku.
  10. negaraku
  11. olahraga ku
  12. orang tua
  13. bulan lahirku
  14. nenek ku
  15. film kesukaanku

30 Clues: ibukunabikuhobilunamakuayahkykakekukakakutemankyKelaskutuhankukitabkusayangkutujuankunegarakunenek kuorang tuakegiatan kuolahraga kunama akhirkuhajiku nantiSD sekolahkubulan lahirkutempat lahirkunama tengah kufilm kesukaankuolahraga sirkus.nama keluarga kumakanan favouritkutanggal kelakirankuteman main futsalku.

Escape room 2021-02-24

Escape room crossword puzzle
  1. Anime
  2. Sound made when annoyed/ticked off
  3. Sleepytime
  4. ________ ninja
  5. Vicki's favourite drink
  1. opposite of out
  2. Delicious pizza
  3. Morning!
  4. Cold Fact
  5. three letter word - French for tea
  6. Stodgy deliciousness
  7. Squawkly boy

12 Clues: AnimeMorning!Cold FactSleepytimeSquawkly boy________ ninjaopposite of outDelicious pizzaStodgy deliciousnessVicki's favourite drinkSound made when annoyed/ticked offthree letter word - French for tea

Anime Characters - CSHS 2022-05-24

Anime Characters - CSHS crossword puzzle
  1. fourth member of the phantom Troupe
  2. Last survivor of Star Clan
  3. Sharingan
  4. Has a demon sister
  5. Ninja Assassin
  6. Detroit Smash
  7. nine tail fox inside
  8. Dragon of the darkness flame
  1. Loses cooking battle with his father
  2. Pervy Sage
  3. Fire and Ice
  4. Moon Prism Power Makeup
  5. Women Hokage
  6. Psychic Powers
  7. Fourth Kazekage
  8. Pig Head
  9. Cursed Chains

17 Clues: Pig HeadSharinganPervy SageFire and IceWomen HokageCursed ChainsDetroit SmashPsychic PowersNinja AssassinFourth KazekageHas a demon sisternine tail fox insideMoon Prism Power MakeupLast survivor of Star ClanDragon of the darkness flamefourth member of the phantom TroupeLoses cooking battle with his father

anime 2022-11-28

anime crossword puzzle
  1. gokus worst enemy
  2. vegetas wife
  3. beerus's trainer
  4. vegetas son
  5. nine tailes
  6. gokus oldest son
  7. not a saiyen but he flies
  1. gokus partner
  2. fusion goku vegeta
  3. turns hyper saiyen
  4. god of destruction
  5. when saiyens grow stronger
  6. vegetas partner
  7. gokus youngest son

14 Clues: vegetas sonnine tailesvegetas wifegokus partnervegetas partnerbeerus's trainergokus oldest songokus worst enemyfusion goku vegetaturns hyper saiyengod of destructiongokus youngest sonnot a saiyen but he flieswhen saiyens grow stronger

Naruto crossword the real one 2022-03-21

Naruto crossword the real one crossword puzzle
  1. narutos rival
  2. sasuke learned it from kakashi
  3. main charachter
  4. killed by kakashis thunder blade
  5. The strongest uchiha ever
  6. Kakashis best friend
  7. Mother of chalkra
  9. narutos mom
  10. borutos rival/friend
  1. 1st hokage
  2. nine tails
  3. Group of ninja in black robes
  4. narutos first op jutsu
  5. narutos son
  6. narutos dad

16 Clues: 1st hokagenine tailsnarutos sonnarutos momnarutos dadnarutos rivalmain charachterMother of chalkraWORST NINJA EVER!Kakashis best friendborutos rival/friendnarutos first op jutsuThe strongest uchiha everGroup of ninja in black robessasuke learned it from kakashikilled by kakashis thunder blade

anime 2024-04-24

anime crossword puzzle
  1. Wants to be the best swordsman
  2. hate naruto
  3. wants to be pirate king
  1. likes sakura
  2. does kamehamaha
  3. freinds with all mighty

6 Clues: hate narutolikes sakuradoes kamehamahafreinds with all mightywants to be pirate kingWants to be the best swordsman

sprout crossword 2022-05-16

sprout crossword crossword puzzle
  1. sus
  2. minion
  3. mall
  4. ronald regan
  5. most annoying thing that boys talk about
  6. yellow
  7. bluepilled
  8. vest
  9. no offense
  10. i love
  11. hate
  12. tori
  13. drink
  14. edit
  15. owl
  16. mermaid
  17. lovely day
  18. jumpscare
  19. boing
  1. neoliberalism
  2. walk
  3. factory
  4. pores
  5. cope
  6. joey b
  7. incel
  8. deathbed
  9. leak
  10. blue
  11. food
  12. hint
  13. cocopuff
  14. wife
  15. first US state alphabetically

34 Clues: susowlwalkmallcopeleakbluevestfoodhatehinttoriwifeeditporesinceldrinkboingminionjoey byellowi lovefactorymermaiddeathbedcocopuffjumpscarebluepilledno offenselovely dayronald reganneoliberalismfirst US state alphabeticallymost annoying thing that boys talk about

Aufar Jelek 2021-03-05

Aufar Jelek crossword puzzle
  1. sekolah kita
  2. hobby kamu
  3. makanan kesukaan aku
  4. tempat pertama kali main
  5. rumah aku
  6. tanggal jadian
  7. ponakan aku yang paling cantik
  8. warna kesukaan aku
  1. Anime kesukaan kamu
  2. sebutan motor aku
  3. your favorite food
  4. my bday
  5. kebiasaan kamu
  6. channel tv kesukaan kamu
  7. sebutan untuk pacar tercinta
  8. bulan pertama kali kita chatan
  9. kamu sayang aku ga
  10. nama kucing kamu

18 Clues: my bdayrumah akuhobby kamusekolah kitakebiasaan kamutanggal jadiannama kucing kamusebutan motor akuyour favorite foodkamu sayang aku gawarna kesukaan akuAnime kesukaan kamumakanan kesukaan akuchannel tv kesukaan kamutempat pertama kali mainsebutan untuk pacar tercintabulan pertama kali kita chatanponakan aku yang paling cantik

🌸 A Blossoming Crossword 🌸 2024-02-18

🌸 A Blossoming Crossword 🌸 crossword puzzle
  1. This fruit comes in pairs
  2. Rhymes with awesome
  3. Flowering process
  4. Word for a repeated cultural activity
  5. Country known for cherry blossoms
  6. Season of blooming
  7. Flower parts
  8. Fragile petals
  1. 'tis the ____
  2. Another word for fragrance
  3. Japanese tradition
  4. A pollinator's best friends
  5. Decorative purpose
  6. Place for trees
  7. Think Naruto and pink hair
  8. Squirrel's houses
  9. Aesthetic quality
  10. Color of flowers

18 Clues: Flower parts'tis the ____Fragile petalsPlace for treesColor of flowersFlowering processSquirrel's housesAesthetic qualityJapanese traditionDecorative purposeSeason of bloomingRhymes with awesomeThis fruit comes in pairsAnother word for fragranceThink Naruto and pink hairA pollinator's best friendsCountry known for cherry blossoms...

Anime Crossword - Week 2 2024-10-17

Anime Crossword - Week 2 crossword puzzle
  1. who was the dueler who possessed the spirit of an ancient pharaoh (Yugi-oh)
  2. what is the skill only possessed by the Uchiha clan (Naruto)
  3. what happens to everyone on Earth when a green light struck them (Dr. Stone)
  4. where were the last people left alive (Dr. Stone)
  5. what is the family name for those who have the zodiac animal spirits (Fruits Basket)
  6. what animal was found around the world as stone (Dr. Stone)
  7. which crew member was apart of another pirate crew to save their island (One Piece)
  8. what level did the players stuck in this game need to get to so that they could go back to the real world (Sword Art Online)
  9. which dragon card can be combined to create a 3 headed beast (Yugi-oh)
  10. who was known as "white fang" for his white chakra moves (Naruto)
  11. which member of the zodiac is held to the highest regard (Fruits Basket)
  1. the sensei who taught the hokage and his son (Naruto)
  2. this is based off the legend of the Kitsune (Pokemon)
  3. how many fire brigade companies are there (Fire Force)
  4. he was created in a lab using DNA from a legendary (Pokemon)
  5. which animal was excluded from the Chinese zodiac (Fruits Basket)
  6. what is the name of the 1st ship that the crew sails with (One Piece)
  7. what online game did a serial killer use to kill his victims (Sword Art Online)
  8. which captain has no pyrokinetic abilities (Fire Force)
  9. the character whose name means "sun" and comes from a wealthy family (Sword Art Online)
  10. which Baroque Works agent was actually the princess of Arabasta (One Piece)
  11. which monster was also seen as a spirit by Yugi (Yugi-oh)
  12. who has the nickname "Devil's Footprints" (Fire Force)
  13. this is a popular trainer's best friend (Pokemon)

24 Clues: where were the last people left alive (Dr. Stone)this is a popular trainer's best friend (Pokemon)the sensei who taught the hokage and his son (Naruto)this is based off the legend of the Kitsune (Pokemon)how many fire brigade companies are there (Fire Force)who has the nickname "Devil's Footprints" (Fire Force)...

AC GANDA FIXE 2021-05-07

AC GANDA FIXE crossword puzzle
  1. ser humano
  2. wet bad gang
  3. tem um barrete com sinos
  4. jogo de minerar
  5. personagem careca
  6. cabeça quadrada
  1. skin de cs cara
  2. arquitetura de computadores
  3. tem música triste
  4. roblox
  5. iphone
  6. ps que letra falta

12 Clues: robloxiphoneser humanowet bad gangskin de cs carajogo de minerarcabeça quadradatem música tristepersonagem carecaps que letra faltatem um barrete com sinosarquitetura de computadores

Virus Central! 2023-01-05

Virus Central! crossword puzzle
  1. stole my password!
  2. IA1
  3. your computer should always be...
  4. google
  5. this virus is for you!
  6. ...your face!!
  7. my papers
  8. What's in the box?
  9. its time to clean the 'Windows'
  10. click it Rebecca!
  1. block
  2. a new app
  3. ...a big F
  4. do you think QQ will come to class?
  5. diary
  6. what yu are doing right now
  7. Naruto
  8. iTunes
  9. 123ABC
  10. 100%
  11. Chinese or English?

21 Clues: IA1100%blockdiarygoogleNarutoiTunes123ABCa new appmy papers...a big F...your face!!click it Rebecca!stole my password!What's in the box?Chinese or English?this virus is for you!what yu are doing right nowits time to clean the 'Windows'your computer should always you think QQ will come to class?

me 2019-02-27

me crossword puzzle
  1. favorite sport
  2. favorite snack
  3. favorite movie
  4. im mexican but look
  1. favorite cartoon
  2. tag name
  3. favorite color
  4. favorite dragonball character
  5. favorite naruto character
  6. favorite pizza place
  7. favorite pokemon

11 Clues: tag namefavorite colorfavorite sportfavorite snackfavorite moviefavorite cartoonfavorite pokemonim mexican but lookfavorite pizza placefavorite naruto characterfavorite dragonball character

Kreuzworträtsel 2019-11-11

Kreuzworträtsel crossword puzzle
  1. Asiatisches Essen
  2. ein Kostüm
  3. eine Serie
  4. Hauptstadt in Europa
  1. Monat
  2. Urlaubsort
  3. Kuss
  4. Körperteil
  5. Songtitel

9 Clues: KussMonatSongtitelUrlaubsortein KostümKörperteileine SerieAsiatisches EssenHauptstadt in Europa

Does Karina know me well? 2021-04-06

Does Karina know me well? crossword puzzle
  1. Second oldest cat name
  2. Favorite Color
  3. least favorite subject
  4. Favorite person
  5. first anime i started with
  6. Oldest cat
  7. 1st favorite anime
  1. Younget cat
  2. 3rd favoite anime
  3. wifu now
  4. favorite food
  5. favorite subject
  6. 2nd favorite anime
  7. my first wifu uwu

14 Clues: wifu nowOldest catYounget catfavorite foodFavorite ColorFavorite personfavorite subject3rd favoite animemy first wifu uwu2nd favorite anime1st favorite animeSecond oldest cat nameleast favorite subjectfirst anime i started with

AC GANDA FIXE 2021-05-07

AC GANDA FIXE crossword puzzle
  1. iphone
  2. nosso camionista perferido
  3. tem música triste
  4. wet bad gang
  5. tem um barrete com sinos
  6. cabeça quadrada
  1. hack para noobs
  2. jogo de minerar
  3. best rager da tuga
  4. arquitetura de computadores
  5. personagem careca
  6. skin de cs cara
  7. roblox

13 Clues: iphonerobloxwet bad ganghack para noobsjogo de minerarskin de cs caracabeça quadradapersonagem carecatem música tristebest rager da tugatem um barrete com sinosnosso camionista perferidoarquitetura de computadores

Personagens de Naruto Shipudden NVL 5 2021-04-28

Personagens de Naruto Shipudden NVL 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Flores
  2. Cabelo Branco
  3. usa Pircing
  4. medica hiper forte
  5. guru guru
  1. Mascara
  2. areia
  3. Corvo
  4. é loiro

9 Clues: areiaCorvoFloresMascaraé loiroguru guruusa PircingCabelo Brancomedica hiper forte

Heirs's crossword puzzle 2021-09-10

Heirs's crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. two wheels
  2. Large marsupial
  3. eight legs
  4. orange fruit
  5. can't see at night
  6. Flying mammal
  7. two arms and two legs
  1. green hair my hero academia
  2. four wheels
  3. king of the jungle
  4. Has a trunk
  5. Man's best friend
  6. yellow hair anime kakashi
  7. Likes to chase mice
  8. yellow fruit

15 Clues: two wheelseight legsfour wheelsHas a trunkorange fruityellow fruitFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendking of the junglecan't see at nightLikes to chase micetwo arms and two legsyellow hair anime kakashigreen hair my hero academia