naruto shippuden Crossword Puzzles

all about dc 2022-12-19

all about dc crossword puzzle
  1. zodiak annisa
  2. hobi
  3. makanan favorit
  4. angka kesukaan
  5. merk ac rumah
  1. warna kesukaan
  2. anime kesukaan
  3. singkatan panggilan "dc"
  4. topik magang
  5. bulan kelahiran

10 Clues: hobitopik magangzodiak annisamerk ac rumahwarna kesukaananime kesukaanangka kesukaanmakanan favoritbulan kelahiransingkatan panggilan "dc"

AC GANDA FIXE 2021-05-07

AC GANDA FIXE crossword puzzle
  1. iphone
  2. que letra falta
  3. tem música triste
  4. mãe ser humano
  5. skin de cs cara
  1. jogo de minerar
  2. cabeça quadrada
  3. personagem careca
  4. tem um barrete com sinos
  5. wet bad gang
  6. arquitetura de computadores
  7. roblox

12 Clues: iphonerobloxwet bad gangjogo de minerarque letra faltacabeça quadradaskin de cs carapersonagem carecatem música tristemãe ser humanotem um barrete com sinosarquitetura de computadores

AC GANDA FIXE 2021-05-07

AC GANDA FIXE crossword puzzle
  1. personagem careca
  2. wet bad gang
  3. iphone
  4. tem um barrete com sinos
  5. jogo de minerar
  6. roblox
  7. cabeça quadrada
  1. skin de cs cara
  2. arquitetura de computadores
  3. ser humano
  4. tem música triste
  5. que letra falta

12 Clues: iphonerobloxser humanowet bad gangskin de cs carajogo de minerarque letra faltacabeça quadradapersonagem carecatem música tristetem um barrete com sinosarquitetura de computadores

Naruto Reflection 2021-11-28

Naruto Reflection crossword puzzle
  1. Naruto Displays this trait all throughout the show especially when he gives his statement to become Hokage.
  2. Naruto's feeling of __________ turns into his unrivaled mindset.
  3. When Naruto and Sasuke trained day in and day out making sure the other came along each day.
  4. A great example of this is when Naruto's younger and gets bullied and neglected, but doesn't react negatively.
  5. Occurs every time Naruto and Sasuke learn a new skill or technique.
  1. This happens every time team seven enters a challenging fight with an enemy. (Hint: they work together)
  2. This is an example of the different skills each team member brings to the table so that the others can learn from their expertise.
  3. Who's team sevens leader?

8 Clues: Who's team sevens leader?Naruto's feeling of __________ turns into his unrivaled mindset.Occurs every time Naruto and Sasuke learn a new skill or technique.When Naruto and Sasuke trained day in and day out making sure the other came along each day....

Spécial mangas 2022-08-19

Spécial mangas crossword puzzle
  1. Quel animal ne quitte jamais l'Amiral Commandant en Chef Sengoku ?
  2. Dans Naruto, qui devient un shinobi médical ?
  3. Action qui change la personnalité de Lunch
  4. Comment se nomme une adaptation d'un manga pour la télévision ?
  5. Surnom de Izuku Midoriya
  6. Dans Demon Slayer, combien il y a-t-il de piliers ?
  7. Nom de la première personne que Son Goku rencontre dans Dragon Ball
  8. Qui harcelait Izuku Midoriya durant son enfance ?
  9. Nombre d'enfants de Son Goku
  10. Nom de famille de Naruto
  11. Dans quel pays se vend le plus de mangas chaque année après le Japon ?
  12. Qui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?
  1. Comment s'appelle la Cinquième Lune Inférieure dans Demon Slayer ?
  2. Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon Ball
  3. Dans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?
  4. Quel animal sert de masque à Inosuke Hashibira ?
  5. Dans One Piece, si une autre personne que Barbe Noire mange deux Fruits du Démon, elle ...
  6. Nom de famille de Tanjiro
  7. Quelle catégorie de manga correspond le mieux à un enfant en CE2 ?
  8. Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?
  9. Qui est le Capitaine de l'équipage de Chapeau de paille ?
  10. Quel grade rêve d'obtenir Koby dans One Piece ?

22 Clues: Surnom de Izuku MidoriyaNom de famille de NarutoNom de famille de TanjiroNombre d'enfants de Son GokuQui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon BallAction qui change la personnalité de LunchDans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?Dans Naruto, qui devient un shinobi médical ?Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?...

Spécial mangas 2022-08-19

Spécial mangas crossword puzzle
  1. Quel animal ne quitte jamais l'Amiral Commandant en Chef Sengoku ?
  2. Dans Naruto, quel personnage devient un shinobi médical ?
  3. Action qui change la personnalité de Lunch
  4. Comment se nomme une adaptation d'un manga pour la télévision ?
  5. Surnom de Izuku Midoriya
  6. Dans Demon Slayer, combien il y a-t-il de piliers ?
  7. Nom de la première personne que Son Goku rencontre dans Dragon Ball
  8. Qui harcelait Izuku Midoriya durant son enfance ?
  9. Nombre d'enfants de Son Goku
  10. Nom de famille de Naruto
  11. Dans quel pays se vend le plus de mangas chaque année après le Japon ?
  12. Qui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?
  1. Comment s'appelle la Cinquième Lune Inférieure dans Demon Slayer ?
  2. Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon Ball
  3. Dans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?
  4. Quel animal sert de masque à Inosuke Hashibira ?
  5. Si une autre personne que Barbe Noire mange deux Fruits du Démon, elle ...
  6. Nom de famille de Tanjiro
  7. Quelle catégorie de manga correspond le mieux à un enfant en CE2 ?
  8. Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?
  9. Qui est le Capitaine de l'équipage de Chapeau de paille ?
  10. Quel grade rêve d'obtenir Koby dans One Piece ?

22 Clues: Surnom de Izuku MidoriyaNom de famille de NarutoNom de famille de TanjiroNombre d'enfants de Son GokuQui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon BallAction qui change la personnalité de LunchDans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?Quel grade rêve d'obtenir Koby dans One Piece ?...

Spécial Mangas 2022-08-15

Spécial Mangas crossword puzzle
  1. Nom de la première personne que Son Goku rencontre dans Dragon Ball
  2. Action qui change la personnalité de Lunch
  3. Devient un shinobi médical dans Naruto ?
  4. Surnom de Izuku Midoriya
  5. Quelle catégorie de manga correspond le mieux à un enfant en CM1 ?
  6. Quelle grade rêve d'obtenir Koby dans One Piece ?
  7. Nom de famille de Tanjiro
  8. Qui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?
  9. Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon Ball
  10. Dans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?
  11. Quel animal ne quitte jamais l'Amiral Commandant en Chef Sengoku ?
  1. Quel animal sert de masque à Inosuke Hashibira ?
  2. Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?
  3. Qui harcelait Izuku Midoriya durant son enfance ?
  4. Dans Demon Slayer, combien il y a-t-il de piliers ?
  5. Nom de famille de Naruto
  6. Nombre d'enfants de Son Goku
  7. Dans One Piece, si une autre personne que Barbe Noire mange deux Fruits du Démon, elle va ...
  8. Dans quel pays se vend le plus de mangas chaque année après le Japon ?
  9. Comment se nomme une adaptation d'un manga pour la télévision ?
  10. Qui est le Capitaine de l'équipage de Chapeau de paille ?
  11. Comment s'appelle la lune inférieure numéro 5 dans Demon Slayer ?

22 Clues: Nom de famille de NarutoSurnom de Izuku MidoriyaNom de famille de TanjiroNombre d'enfants de Son GokuQui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon BallDevient un shinobi médical dans Naruto ?Action qui change la personnalité de LunchDans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?...

Animes 2021-05-07

Animes crossword puzzle
  1. ninja copiador
  2. membro da akatsuki
  3. senin sensei pervertido
  4. raposa de nove caldas
  5. ninja renegado
  6. oni
  7. quarta Hokage
  8. jogador de vôlei 1,60
  1. deus pobre
  2. pecado do leão
  3. possui o Sharingan
  4. satesatesate
  5. clã dos touros negros não possui magia

13 Clues: onideus pobresatesatesatequarta Hokagepecado do leãoninja copiadorninja renegadopossui o Sharinganmembro da akatsukiraposa de nove caldasjogador de vôlei 1,60senin sensei pervertidoclã dos touros negros não possui magia

Animes 2021-05-07

Animes crossword puzzle
  1. ninja copiador
  2. membro da akatsuki
  3. senin sensei pervertido
  4. raposa de nove caldas
  5. ninja renegado
  6. oni
  7. quarta Hokage
  8. jogador de vôlei 1,60
  1. deus pobre
  2. pecado do leão
  3. possui o Sharingan
  4. satesatesate
  5. clã dos touros negros não possui magia

13 Clues: onideus pobresatesatesatequarta Hokagepecado do leãoninja copiadorninja renegadopossui o Sharinganmembro da akatsukiraposa de nove caldasjogador de vôlei 1,60senin sensei pervertidoclã dos touros negros não possui magia

Anime Main Characters 2023-02-03

Anime Main Characters crossword puzzle
  1. One Punch Man
  2. Code Geass
  3. Attack on Titan
  4. Demon Slayer
  5. Sword Art Online
  1. Fullmetal Alchemist
  2. Death Note
  3. Naruto
  4. Dragon Ball
  5. One Piece

10 Clues: NarutoOne PieceDeath NoteCode GeassDragon BallDemon SlayerOne Punch ManAttack on TitanSword Art OnlineFullmetal Alchemist

How Well Do You Know Mr. Mills? 2022-06-06

How Well Do You Know Mr. Mills? crossword puzzle
  1. Bachelor's Degree subject
  2. A hobby
  3. Favorite basketball team
  4. The instrument
  5. Siblings
  6. Favorite anime
  1. Tattoos
  2. Doggo
  3. Favorite breakfast food
  4. Favorite American soccer team
  5. The best soccer team in the world
  6. Ethnic background (mostly)
  7. What I'm always drinking
  8. The band
  9. The greatest movie series of all time

15 Clues: DoggoTattoosA hobbyThe bandSiblingsThe instrumentFavorite animeFavorite breakfast foodWhat I'm always drinkingFavorite basketball teamBachelor's Degree subjectEthnic background (mostly)Favorite American soccer teamThe best soccer team in the worldThe greatest movie series of all time

DOOR "3" - LEVEL HARD 2022-06-03

DOOR "3" - LEVEL HARD crossword puzzle
  1. salah satu tujuan hadvad
  2. planet girls
  3. satu
  4. salah satu kota terkenal di Jepang
  5. tokoh anime naruto
  6. lagu populer jepang di indonesia
  1. orang penting dijepang
  2. baju khas jepang
  3. huruf,tepung
  4. moshi moshi
  5. warna penting di jepang
  6. tokoh anime one piece
  7. film laga anime
  8. ya/ baik/ oke...
  9. us

15 Clues: ussatumoshi moshihuruf,tepungplanet girlsfilm laga animebaju khas jepangya/ baik/ oke...tokoh anime narutotokoh anime one pieceorang penting dijepangwarna penting di jepangsalah satu tujuan hadvadlagu populer jepang di indonesiasalah satu kota terkenal di Jepang

Trouver le mot 2024-05-29

Trouver le mot crossword puzzle
  1. Un jour important
  2. Hublot
  3. Bar (mère)
  4. "Mot à trouver"
  5. Uzumaki
  1. Eau pétillante
  2. Deux Septembre
  3. Marie
  4. Chat en commun
  5. Batman et
  6. N°20
  7. Le "presque" meilleur archer de la terre du milieu

12 Clues: N°20MarieHublotUzumakiBatman etBar (mère)Eau pétillanteDeux SeptembreChat en commun"Mot à trouver"Un jour importantLe "presque" meilleur archer de la terre du milieu

Isaac’s identity 2024-05-30

Isaac’s identity crossword puzzle
  1. my favourite anime
  2. my favourite food
  3. my sister
  4. my crush
  5. my Sport
  6. my monkey
  7. my brother
  1. my younger brother
  2. my best friends
  3. my favourite athlete
  4. my older brother

11 Clues: my crushmy Sportmy sistermy monkeymy brothermy best friendsmy older brothermy favourite foodmy younger brothermy favourite animemy favourite athlete

Animes 2021-05-07

Animes crossword puzzle
  1. ninja copiador
  2. membro da akatsuki
  3. senin sensei pervertido
  4. raposa de nove caldas
  5. ninja renegado
  6. oni
  7. quarta Hokage
  8. jogador de vôlei 1,60
  1. deus pobre
  2. pecado do leão
  3. possui o Sharingan
  4. satesatesate
  5. clã dos touros negros não possui magia

13 Clues: onideus pobresatesatesatequarta Hokagepecado do leãoninja copiadorninja renegadopossui o Sharinganmembro da akatsukiraposa de nove caldasjogador de vôlei 1,60senin sensei pervertidoclã dos touros negros não possui magia

Animes 2021-05-07

Animes crossword puzzle
  1. ninja copiador
  2. membro da akatsuki
  3. senin sensei pervertido
  4. raposa de nove caldas
  5. ninja renegado
  6. oni
  7. quarta Hokage
  8. jogador de vôlei 1,60
  1. deus pobre
  2. pecado do leão
  3. possui o Sharingan
  4. satesatesate
  5. clã dos touros negros não possui magia

13 Clues: onideus pobresatesatesatequarta Hokagepecado do leãoninja copiadorninja renegadopossui o Sharinganmembro da akatsukiraposa de nove caldasjogador de vôlei 1,60senin sensei pervertidoclã dos touros negros não possui magia

StarCraft II 2023-07-21

StarCraft II crossword puzzle
  1. mákból elő állított kábítószer
  2. fizikus
  3. Manga szereplő
  4. StarCraft II protos
  5. számítógép tipus
  6. Horror író(Stephen)
  1. Gellért kedvenc tudósa (Albert.......)
  2. sugárzó anyag
  3. kemény anyag
  4. film (.....medve)
  5. StarCraft II faj

11 Clues: fizikuskemény anyagsugárzó anyagManga szereplőStarCraft II fajszámítógép tipusfilm (.....medve)StarCraft II protosHorror író(Stephen)mákból elő állított kábítószerGellért kedvenc tudósa (Albert.......)

Naruto 1 2024-10-05

Naruto 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Team 7's leader
  2. Strongest hidden village
  3. Naruto fav food
  1. Head of the hidden leaf
  2. Naruto's childhood crush
  3. Hero of the Hidden Leaf

6 Clues: Team 7's leaderNaruto fav foodHead of the hidden leafHero of the Hidden LeafNaruto's childhood crushStrongest hidden village

Anime 2015-11-28

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. sdfsfsd
  2. dsfsdfs
  3. sfsds
  4. dsdsd
  1. sdfdf
  2. dfsd
  3. dsfsd
  4. dfsfs

8 Clues: dfsdsdfdfdsfsddfsfssfsdsdsdsdsdfsfsddsfsdfs

HidaShika Crossword puzzle 2013-06-07

HidaShika Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What is summoned from the scroll that Kabuto presents to his Hidan clone?
  2. In Japan deer are famous in this location
  3. Hidan is a
  4. What game was young Shikamaru playing when he met Chouji?
  5. Who do we see Hidan fight first in the series?
  6. One of Shikamaru's specialties.
  7. As kids, Shikamaru, Naruto, Chouji and who else formed a small group of troublemakers that Iruka had to deal with?
  8. Number of A-ranked missions completed by Shikamaru
  9. Who is the first person we see Shikmaru put in his shadow possesion jutsu?
  1. Who initially fights Hidan after he is resurrected?
  2. Who is resurrected with Hidan in the Chikara episodes?
  3. What finally destroys the Hidan clone?
  4. In the 5th movie, who says they spent all night playing shogi with Shikamaru?
  5. The type of jutsu Hidan uses.
  6. What stops Hidan and Kakuzu's fight with Team Asuma?
  7. A Hidan clone is created using a lake and
  8. Hidan's name means?
  9. is the first person Hidan takes down in Fire Country?
  10. Who else is cursed by Hidan?
  11. Shikamaru's name means?
  12. The only time when Shikamaru's shadows are rendered completely ineffective.

21 Clues: Hidan is aHidan's name means?Shikamaru's name means?Who else is cursed by Hidan?The type of jutsu Hidan uses.One of Shikamaru's specialties.What finally destroys the Hidan clone?In Japan deer are famous in this locationA Hidan clone is created using a lake andWho do we see Hidan fight first in the series?...

Spécial Mangas 2022-08-15

Spécial Mangas crossword puzzle
  1. Comment s'appelle la lune inférieure numéro 5 dans Demon Slayer ?
  2. Qui harcelait Izuku Midoriya durant son enfance ?
  3. Surnom de Izuku Midoriya
  4. Dans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?
  5. Dans Demon Slayer, combien il y a-t-il de piliers ?
  6. Action qui change la personnalité de Lunch
  7. Nom de famille de Tanjiro
  8. Quel animal sert de masque à Inosuke Hashibira ?
  9. Qui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?
  10. Comment se nomme une adaptation d'un manga pour la télévision ?
  1. Dans Naruto, qui devient un shinobi médical ?
  2. Nom de la première personne que Son Goku rencontre dans Dragon Ball
  3. Quelle catégorie de manga correspond le mieux à un enfant en CM1 ?
  4. Nombre d'enfants de Son Goku
  5. Qui est le Capitaine de l'équipage de Chapeau de paille ?
  6. Nom de famille de Naruto
  7. Quel animal ne quitte jamais l'Amiral Commandant en Chef Sengoku ?
  8. Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon Ball
  9. Dans One Piece, si une autre personne que Barbe Noire mange deux Fruits du Démon, elle ...
  10. Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?
  11. Dans quel pays se vend le plus de mangas chaque année après le Japon ?
  12. Quelle grade rêve d'obtenir Koby dans One Piece ?

22 Clues: Surnom de Izuku MidoriyaNom de famille de NarutoNom de famille de TanjiroNombre d'enfants de Son GokuQui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon BallAction qui change la personnalité de LunchDans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?Dans Naruto, qui devient un shinobi médical ?Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?...

Spécial Mangas 2022-08-15

Spécial Mangas crossword puzzle
  1. Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?
  2. Qui est le Capitaine de l'équipage de Chapeau de paille ?
  3. Nom de famille de Tanjiro
  4. Dans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?
  5. Nombre d'enfants de Son Goku
  6. Comment se nomme une adaptation d'un manga pour la télévision ?
  7. Quel animal sert de masque à Inosuke Hashibira ?
  8. Dans Demon Slayer, combien il y a-t-il de piliers ?
  9. Comment s'appelle la lune inférieure numéro 5 dans Demon Slayer ?
  10. Qui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?
  11. Action qui change la personnalité de Lunch
  12. Dans Naruto, qui devient un shinobi médical ?
  1. Surnom de Izuku Midoriya
  2. Quelle grade rêve d'obtenir Koby dans One Piece ?
  3. Dans quel pays se vend le plus de mangas chaque année après le Japon ?
  4. Qui harcelait Izuku Midoriya durant son enfance ?
  5. Quelle catégorie de manga correspond le mieux à un enfant en CM1 ?
  6. Nom de la première personne que Son Goku rencontre dans Dragon Ball
  7. Quel animal ne quitte jamais l'Amiral Commandant en Chef Sengoku ?
  8. Nom de famille de Naruto
  9. Dans One Piece, si une autre personne que Barbe Noire mange deux Fruits du Démon, elle va ...
  10. Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon Ball

22 Clues: Surnom de Izuku MidoriyaNom de famille de NarutoNom de famille de TanjiroNombre d'enfants de Son GokuQui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon BallAction qui change la personnalité de LunchDans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?Dans Naruto, qui devient un shinobi médical ?Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?...

pamokos & anime 2022-04-27

pamokos & anime crossword puzzle
  1. pamoka anglu
  2. demon slayer
  3. pora kajus gabriele
  4. best naruto
  5. fizinis
  1. fizinis
  2. matke
  3. high school dxd
  4. lietuviu
  5. pamoka esa informacines technologijos
  6. anime one piece

11 Clues: matkefizinisfizinislietuviubest narutopamoka angludemon slayerhigh school dxdanime one piecepora kajus gabrielepamoka esa informacines technologijos

Naruto 1 alternate crossword game 2024 2024-10-05

Naruto 1 alternate crossword game 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Team 7's leader
  2. Strongest hidden village
  3. Naruto fav food
  1. Head of the hidden leaf
  2. Naruto's childhood crush
  3. Hero of the Hidden Leaf

6 Clues: Team 7's leaderNaruto fav foodHead of the hidden leafHero of the Hidden LeafNaruto's childhood crushStrongest hidden village

for lola 2024-07-19

for lola crossword puzzle
  1. Other funny little crawlies
  2. Gelato store
  3. Isaacle guess
  4. Store you want to visit in Japan
  5. Little grey asshole
  6. Little not-asshole
  7. Twitter vote vs Sans
  8. Funny little crawly
  1. Vinyasa flow
  2. Don't say it thrice
  3. Funny little bird
  4. Your favorite fruit
  5. Ramen Enjoyer

14 Clues: Vinyasa flowGelato storeNYEH HEH HEHIsaacle guessRamen EnjoyerFunny little birdLittle not-assholeDon't say it thriceYour favorite fruitLittle grey assholeFunny little crawlyTwitter vote vs SansOther funny little crawliesStore you want to visit in Japan

Jonah 2022-01-21

Jonah crossword puzzle
  1. favorite movie
  2. favorite cartoon
  3. favorite drink
  4. favorite color
  5. favorite video game
  6. favorite food
  1. favorite band
  2. favorite naruto character
  3. favorite TV show
  4. favorite snack food
  5. the best play ever

11 Clues: favorite bandfavorite foodfavorite moviefavorite drinkfavorite colorfavorite TV showfavorite cartoonthe best play everfavorite snack foodfavorite video gamefavorite naruto character

Spécial Mangas 2022-08-15

Spécial Mangas crossword puzzle
  1. Dans One Piece, si une autre personne que Barbe Noire mange deux Fruits du Démon, elle ...
  2. Quelle grade rêve d'obtenir Koby dans One Piece ?
  3. Dans Demon Slayer, combien il y a-t-il de piliers ?
  4. Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?
  5. Nom de famille de Naruto
  6. Dans quel pays se vend le plus de mangas chaque année après le Japon ?
  7. Qui harcelait Izuku Midoriya durant son enfance ?
  8. Surnom de Izuku Midoriya
  9. Quel animal ne quitte jamais l'Amiral Commandant en Chef Sengoku ?
  10. Comment se nomme une adaptation d'un manga pour la télévision ?
  11. Comment s'appelle la lune inférieure numéro 5 dans Demon Slayer ?
  1. Qui est le Capitaine de l'équipage de Chapeau de paille ?
  2. Action qui change la personnalité de Lunch
  3. Dans Naruto, qui devient un shinobi médical ?
  4. Qui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?
  5. Nom de la première personne que Son Goku rencontre dans Dragon Ball
  6. Dans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?
  7. Quel animal sert de masque à Inosuke Hashibira ?
  8. Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon Ball
  9. Quelle catégorie de manga correspond le mieux à un enfant en CM1 ?
  10. Nombre d'enfants de Son Goku
  11. Nom de famille de Tanjiro

22 Clues: Nom de famille de NarutoSurnom de Izuku MidoriyaNom de famille de TanjiroNombre d'enfants de Son GokuQui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon BallAction qui change la personnalité de LunchDans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?Dans Naruto, qui devient un shinobi médical ?Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?...

Spécial Mangas 2022-08-15

Spécial Mangas crossword puzzle
  1. Nom de la première personne que Son Goku rencontre dans Dragon Ball
  2. Action qui change la personnalité de Lunch
  3. Devient un shinobi médical dans Naruto
  4. Surnom de Izuku Midoriya
  5. Quelle catégorie de manga correspond le mieux à un enfant en CM1 ?
  6. Quelle grade rêve d'obtenir Koby dans One Piece ?
  7. Nom de famille de Tanjiro
  8. Qui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?
  9. Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon Ball
  10. Dans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?
  11. Quel animal ne quitte jamais l'Amiral Commandant en Chef Sengoku ?
  1. Quel animal sert de masque à Inosuke Hashibira ?
  2. Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?
  3. Qui harcelait Izuku Midoriya durant son enfance ?
  4. Dans Demon Slayer, combien il y a-t-il de piliers ?
  5. Nom de famille de Naruto
  6. Nombre d'enfants de Son Goku
  7. Dans One Piece, si une autre personne que Barbe Noire mange deux Fruits du Démon, elle va ...
  8. Dans quel pays se vend le plus de mangas chaque année après le Japon ?
  9. Comment se nomme une adaptation d'un manga pour la télévision ?
  10. Qui est le Capitaine de l'équipage de Chapeau de paille ?
  11. Comment s'appelle la lune inférieure numéro 5 dans Demon Slayer ?

22 Clues: Nom de famille de NarutoSurnom de Izuku MidoriyaNom de famille de TanjiroNombre d'enfants de Son GokuQui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?Devient un shinobi médical dans NarutoEnnemi principal de la saga Dragon BallAction qui change la personnalité de LunchDans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?...

JUTSUS 2021-10-03

JUTSUS crossword puzzle


pamokos & anime 2022-04-27

pamokos & anime crossword puzzle
  1. pamoka anglu
  2. demon slayer
  3. pora kajus gabriele
  4. best naruto
  5. fizinis
  1. fizinis
  2. matke
  3. high school dxd
  4. lietuviu
  5. pamoka esa informacines technologijos
  6. anime one piece

11 Clues: matkefizinisfizinislietuviubest narutopamoka angludemon slayerhigh school dxdanime one piecepora kajus gabrielepamoka esa informacines technologijos

Naruto crossword 2016-12-13

Naruto crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the girl with pink hair
  2. the first name of Kakashi
  3. Hinata is
  4. the brother of Sasuke
  1. the last name of Naruto
  2. wich hokagge became Naruto

6 Clues: Hinata isthe brother of Sasukethe last name of Narutothe girl with pink hairthe first name of Kakashiwich hokagge became Naruto

Spécial Mangas 2022-08-15

Spécial Mangas crossword puzzle
  1. Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?
  2. Quelle catégorie de manga correspond le mieux à un enfant en CM1 ?
  3. Surnom de Izuku Midoriya
  4. Quelle grade rêve d'obtenir Koby dans One Piece ?
  5. Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon Ball
  6. Quel animal sert de masque à Inosuke Hashibira ?
  7. Dans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?
  8. Qui harcelait Izuku Midoriya durant son enfance ?
  9. Quel animal ne quitte jamais l'Amiral Commandant en Chef Sengoku ?
  10. Nom de famille de Naruto
  1. Comment se nomme une adaptation d'un manga pour la télévision ?
  2. Nom de la première personne que Son Goku rencontre dans Dragon Ball
  3. Dans Naruto, qui devient un shinobi médical ?
  4. Action qui change la personnalité de Lunch
  5. Qui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?
  6. Nombre d'enfants de Son Goku
  7. Dans One Piece, si une autre personne que Barbe Noire mange deux Fruits du Démon, elle ...
  8. Dans quel pays se vend le plus de mangas chaque année après le Japon ?
  9. Comment s'appelle la lune inférieure numéro 5 dans Demon Slayer ?
  10. Qui est le Capitaine de l'équipage de Chapeau de paille ?
  11. Dans Demon Slayer, combien il y a-t-il de piliers ?
  12. Nom de famille de Tanjiro

22 Clues: Surnom de Izuku MidoriyaNom de famille de NarutoNom de famille de TanjiroNombre d'enfants de Son GokuQui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon BallAction qui change la personnalité de LunchDans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?Dans Naruto, qui devient un shinobi médical ?Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?...

Spécial Mangas 2022-08-15

Spécial Mangas crossword puzzle
  1. Qui harcelait Izuku Midoriya durant son enfance ?
  2. Quelle catégorie de manga correspond le mieux à un enfant en CM1 ?
  3. Dans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?
  4. Dans quel pays se vend le plus de mangas chaque année après le Japon ?
  5. Dans One Piece, si une autre personne que Barbe Noire mange deux Fruits du Démon, elle ...
  6. Surnom de Izuku Midoriya
  7. Dans Demon Slayer, combien il y a-t-il de piliers ?
  8. Quel animal sert de masque à Inosuke Hashibira ?
  9. Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon Ball
  10. Nom de famille de Naruto
  11. Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?
  12. Quel animal ne quitte jamais l'Amiral Commandant en Chef Sengoku ?
  1. Nom de la première personne que Son Goku rencontre dans Dragon Ball
  2. Comment se nomme une adaptation d'un manga pour la télévision ?
  3. Nombre d'enfants de Son Goku
  4. Nom de famille de Tanjiro
  5. Action qui change la personnalité de Lunch
  6. Quelle grade rêve d'obtenir Koby dans One Piece ?
  7. Qui est le Capitaine de l'équipage de Chapeau de paille ?
  8. Qui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?
  9. Dans Naruto, qui devient un shinobi médical ?
  10. Comment s'appelle la lune inférieure numéro 5 dans Demon Slayer ?

22 Clues: Surnom de Izuku MidoriyaNom de famille de NarutoNom de famille de TanjiroNombre d'enfants de Son GokuQui a massacré le clan Uchiwa ?Ennemi principal de la saga Dragon BallAction qui change la personnalité de LunchDans quelle ville se trouve le lycée Yuei ?Dans Naruto, qui devient un shinobi médical ?Les cheveux de Shoto Todoroki sont rouges et ?...

𝑁𝑎𝑟𝑢𝑡𝑜シ 2020-06-19

𝑁𝑎𝑟𝑢𝑡𝑜シ crossword puzzle
  1. The demon of the kiri villa
  2. She’s in love with Sasuke
  3. The niece of the grand master hokage
  1. The servant of Zabuza
  2. The only survivor of the clan Uchiha
  3. The sensei of Sasuke,Sakura,Naruto
  4. The child that has the fox of nine tails inside

7 Clues: The servant of ZabuzaShe’s in love with SasukeThe demon of the kiri villaThe sensei of Sasuke,Sakura,NarutoThe only survivor of the clan UchihaThe niece of the grand master hokageThe child that has the fox of nine tails inside

AC GANDA FIXE 2021-05-07

AC GANDA FIXE crossword puzzle
  1. best rager da tuga
  2. jogo de minerar
  3. tem música triste
  4. personagem careca
  5. hack para noobs
  1. cabeça quadrada
  2. iphone
  3. roblox
  4. skin de cs cara
  5. arquitetura de computadores
  6. tem um barrete com sinos
  7. the faizeres nosso camionista perferido
  8. wet bad gang

13 Clues: iphonerobloxwet bad gangcabeça quadradaskin de cs carajogo de minerarhack para noobstem música tristepersonagem carecabest rager da tugatem um barrete com sinosarquitetura de computadoresthe faizeres nosso camionista perferido

AC GANDA FIXE 2021-05-07

AC GANDA FIXE crossword puzzle
  1. wet bad gang
  2. tem um barrete com sinos
  3. personagem careca
  4. cabeça quadrada
  5. iphone
  6. tem música triste
  1. skin de cs cara
  2. jogo de minerar
  3. que letra falta
  4. arquitetura de computadores
  5. roblox

11 Clues: iphonerobloxwet bad gangskin de cs carajogo de minerarque letra faltacabeça quadradapersonagem carecatem música tristetem um barrete com sinosarquitetura de computadores

anime mc 2022-01-18

anime mc crossword puzzle
  1. short yellow haired demon
  2. note book of
  3. one for all
  4. green haired 12 year old
  5. titen
  1. one punch
  2. volleyball
  3. slayer of demons
  4. rubbery man
  5. supper sayin
  6. nine tailed fox

11 Clues: titenone punchvolleyballrubbery manone for allnote book ofsupper sayinnine tailed foxslayer of demonsgreen haired 12 year oldshort yellow haired demon

animes 2021-03-16

animes crossword puzzle
  1. raposa e garoto
  2. heroi numero 1
  3. comedor de dedo
  4. primeiro trauma kkkk
  5. animes de espirito
  1. gigaantes pelados
  2. criando itens do zero
  3. demonio respirando
  4. piratas com frutas
  5. hammon e espiritos
  6. porradaria

11 Clues: porradariaheroi numero 1raposa e garotocomedor de dedogigaantes peladosdemonio respirandopiratas com frutashammon e espiritosanimes de espiritoprimeiro trauma kkkkcriando itens do zero

AC GANDA FIXE 2021-05-07

AC GANDA FIXE crossword puzzle
  1. wet bad gang
  2. roblox
  3. tem um barrete com sinos
  4. personagem careca
  5. ser humano
  1. skin de cs cara
  2. jogo de minerar
  3. tem música triste
  4. cabeça quadrada
  5. iphone
  6. arquitetura de computadores

11 Clues: robloxiphoneser humanowet bad gangskin de cs carajogo de minerarcabeça quadradatem música tristepersonagem carecatem um barrete com sinosarquitetura de computadores

personajes anime en hiragana 2022-08-30

personajes anime en hiragana crossword puzzle
  1. いたち
  2. ねずこ
  3. たんじろ
  4. ぜんいつ
  5. きぶつじ
  6. かなえ
  7. ぼると
  8. さすけ
  1. ひなた
  2. いのすけ
  3. みなと
  4. れんごく
  5. ひまわり
  6. おびと
  7. なると
  8. さくら
  9. しのぶ
  10. かかし
  11. さらだ

19 Clues: ひなたみなといたちねずこおびとなるとさくらしのぶかかしかなえぼるとさすけさらだいのすけれんごくひまわりたんじろぜんいつきぶつじ

Present Continues 2023-09-25

Present Continues crossword puzzle
  1. Arul is ... a plate of fried rice
  2. fishing
  3. singing
  4. sedang belajar
  5. We ... writting a letter
  6. sedang melihat
  7. we are ... the music in the classroom
  8. sleeping
  9. sedang bermain
  10. I ... reading a book
  1. sedang berjalan
  2. Gebby is ... a bottle of milk
  3. My brothes is ... on the trampoline
  4. sedang belari
  5. They are ... naruto on television
  6. talking
  7. Mrs.Degesi ... talking about science
  8. dancing
  9. He ... swimming at the pool
  10. you ... playing kite

20 Clues: talkingfishingdancingsingingsleepingsedang belarisedang belajarsedang melihatsedang bermainsedang berjalanyou ... playing kiteI ... reading a bookWe ... writting a letterHe ... swimming at the poolGebby is ... a bottle of milkArul is ... a plate of fried riceThey are ... naruto on televisionMy brothes is ... on the trampoline...

Naruto crossword puzzle 2022-05-15

Naruto crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. This person is from the hyuga clan
  2. This person is lazy
  3. This person controls sand
  4. This person has the same haircut as Rocklee
  5. This person has a dog named Akamaru
  6. This person has a giant fan
  7. This person is from the uchiha clan
  8. This person has alot of scrolls
  9. The main character
  10. This person wears purple and has yellow hair
  1. This person loves chips
  2. This person has a beard
  3. This person has a mask
  4. This person is in love with Sasuke
  5. This person is super fast
  6. This person interacts with bugs
  7. This person is the brother of Hinata

17 Clues: The main characterThis person is lazyThis person has a maskThis person loves chipsThis person has a beardThis person is super fastThis person controls sandThis person has a giant fanThis person interacts with bugsThis person has alot of scrollsThis person is from the hyuga clanThis person is in love with SasukeThis person has a dog named Akamaru...

Anime 2022-09-07

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. asdfa
  2. asdfasdfad asdf
  3. blah bal
  4. asdfasdf asdf asd
  5. asdfasdfas asdf
  6. asdfasdf
  1. asdfasd f
  2. alsdfasdf
  3. blah blah balh

9 Clues: asdfablah balasdfasdfasdfasd falsdfasdfblah blah balhasdfasdfad asdfasdfasdfas asdfasdfasdf asdf asd

anime 2022-09-07

anime crossword puzzle
  1. blah bal
  2. asdfasdf asdf asd
  3. blah blah balh
  4. asdfasd f
  1. asdfasdfas asdf
  2. alsdfasdf
  3. asdfa
  4. asdfasdf
  5. asdfasdfad asdf

9 Clues: asdfaasdfasdfblah balalsdfasdfasdfasd fblah blah balhasdfasdfas asdfasdfasdfad asdfasdfasdf asdf asd

Konoha Ninja 2022-01-25

Konoha Ninja crossword puzzle
  1. Death by 10 Tail
  2. Green Beast
  3. Itachi Brother
  4. Hyuga Clain heir
  5. Uses Ink Scroll
  6. Grandson of Hiruzen
  7. Tomato Hair
  8. Hates Being Called Fat
  9. 2nd Hokage
  10. Has Akamaru
  11. Uchiha Clan Leader
  12. Clan Massacre
  13. Forehead
  14. Pig
  15. 9 Tailed Jinchuriki
  1. Hiruzen
  2. Silent and Bugs
  3. Shinobi
  4. The Copy Cat Ninja
  5. 1st Hokage
  6. Drunk Taijutsu
  7. 1st Chunin Exam Passer
  8. Oink
  9. Healer
  10. Yellow Flash
  11. Book Research

26 Clues: PigOinkHealerHiruzenShinobiForehead1st Hokage2nd HokageGreen BeastTomato HairHas AkamaruYellow FlashBook ResearchClan MassacreDrunk TaijutsuItachi BrotherSilent and BugsUses Ink ScrollDeath by 10 TailHyuga Clain heirThe Copy Cat NinjaUchiha Clan LeaderGrandson of Hiruzen9 Tailed Jinchuriki1st Chunin Exam PasserHates Being Called Fat

Senior Crossword 2023-12-15

Senior Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Top web designer of 2030
  2. Not so little drummer boy
  3. Soldierrrr boy
  4. The baby of the group
  5. Caffeine Dependent
  6. Admiral Engineer
  7. Poet and you know it
  8. Sneaky Comedian
  9. Everyones hype man
  10. Speed demon
  11. Most diverse gift giver
  1. Master Wizard
  2. First Chair
  3. Part time Mom
  4. Surfs Up
  5. Sneak disser
  6. Snoozer but not a loser
  7. All my favorite colors
  8. Naruto on the run
  9. BTS biggest fan

20 Clues: Surfs UpFirst ChairSpeed demonSneak disserMaster WizardPart time MomSoldierrrr boySneaky ComedianBTS biggest fanAdmiral EngineerNaruto on the runCaffeine DependentEveryones hype manPoet and you know itThe baby of the groupAll my favorite colorsSnoozer but not a loserMost diverse gift giverTop web designer of 2030Not so little drummer boy

Happy birthday and met tanggal 2! 2022-03-01

Happy birthday and met tanggal 2! crossword puzzle
  1. tempat makan bareng pertama
  2. ayce di bdg
  3. roti fav
  4. sayur fav rin
  5. rasa susu fav rin
  6. topping terbul fav rin
  7. squidward adalah
  8. buah favorit rin
  9. sayur favorit hai
  1. seger2 di siang hari
  2. nama hotel tempat kita nginep
  3. satuan tekanan
  4. bunga buat kado
  5. anniv kita
  6. suku bangsa naruto kalo di indo
  7. rasa indomie fav hai

16 Clues: roti favanniv kitaayce di bdgsayur fav rinsatuan tekananbunga buat kadosquidward adalahbuah favorit rinrasa susu fav rinsayur favorit haiseger2 di siang harirasa indomie fav haitopping terbul fav rintempat makan bareng pertamanama hotel tempat kita nginepsuku bangsa naruto kalo di indo

Can you name this Christmas character? 2021-10-25

Can you name this Christmas character? crossword puzzle
  1. image 22
  2. image 6
  3. image 21
  4. image 3
  5. image 24
  6. image 10
  7. image 8
  8. image 14
  9. image 28
  10. image 19
  11. image 4
  12. image 15
  13. image 13
  14. image 1
  1. image 26
  2. image 17
  3. image 9
  4. image 11
  5. image 7
  6. image 25
  7. image 2
  8. image 16
  9. image 5
  10. image 27
  11. image 23
  12. image 12
  13. image 18
  14. image 20

28 Clues: image 9image 7image 6image 2image 3image 5image 8image 4image 1image 26image 17image 22image 11image 25image 21image 16image 27image 24image 10image 23image 12image 14image 28image 19image 18image 15image 20image 13

KOMIK 2023-04-13

KOMIK crossword puzzle
  1. komik mahabarata atau ramayana
  2. komik iklan
  3. komik bersifat
  4. nama lain komik pendidikan
  5. cerita bergambar
  6. naruto, komik..
  7. tujuan komik
  8. ciri komik humor
  9. komik dinobatkan sebagai seni ke-
  10. menentukan cerita
  11. nama lain komik online
  1. unsur utama komik
  2. menyampaikan pesan
  3. meningkatkan kemampuan literasi
  4. selain disertai gambar komik juga disertai
  5. nama lain komik
  6. orang yang membuat gambar komik
  7. komik singkat
  8. komik dibagi...macam
  9. komik dagelan
  10. pelaku dan penderita peristiwa

21 Clues: komik iklantujuan komikkomik singkatkomik dagelankomik bersifatnama lain komiknaruto, komik..cerita bergambarciri komik humorunsur utama komikmenentukan ceritamenyampaikan pesankomik dibagi...macamnama lain komik onlinenama lain komik pendidikankomik mahabarata atau ramayanapelaku dan penderita peristiwameningkatkan kemampuan literasi...

Lejea Watts cuzzzz. 2021-10-06

Lejea Watts cuzzzz. crossword puzzle
  1. my clan
  2. the best online game
  3. the laker goat
  4. fav basketball player
  5. middle name
  6. the coach
  1. anime headband
  2. my age
  3. fav month
  4. fav sport

10 Clues: my agemy clanfav monthfav sportthe coachmiddle nameanime headbandthe laker goatthe best online gamefav basketball player

Julian 2021-05-23

Julian crossword puzzle
  1. favorite serie
  2. favorite country
  3. favorite videogame
  4. favorite place to visit
  5. favorite hobbie
  6. favorite animal
  1. favorite movies
  2. favorte sport
  3. favorite food
  4. favorite theme park

10 Clues: favorte sportfavorite foodfavorite seriefavorite moviesfavorite hobbiefavorite animalfavorite countryfavorite videogamefavorite theme parkfavorite place to visit

Animes 2022-04-06

Animes crossword puzzle
  1. good romantic comedy, Miyamura
  2. Volleyball
  3. quirks
  4. Koro-sensei
  5. kame-hame-ha
  6. sasuke, sakura, kakashi, and ______
  7. Nezuko and Tanjiro
  8. Art is different, but good anime
  9. Wholesome BL Anime
  10. still ongoing, luffy
  11. Goal is to find his dad and become something
  1. Ice skating
  2. tall human-eating creatures
  3. she can't talk, very pretty tho
  4. trapped in a video game
  5. Orphans, connie
  6. Gojo, fingers
  7. Grimoires, magic
  8. Gambling

19 Clues: quirksGamblingVolleyballIce skatingKoro-senseikame-hame-haGojo, fingersOrphans, connieGrimoires, magicNezuko and TanjiroWholesome BL Animestill ongoing, luffytrapped in a video gametall human-eating creaturesgood romantic comedy, Miyamurashe can't talk, very pretty thoArt is different, but good animesasuke, sakura, kakashi, and ______...

naruto characters 2021-03-09

naruto characters crossword puzzle
  1. he is from the sand village and it is able to control sand.
  2. Hatake he is the copy cat with one sharingan
  3. Uchiha he killed his own clan
  4. she is one of the Konohagakure's Sannin
  5. Uzumaki always wanted to be hokage and is jinchuriku
  1. Uchiha wanted to kill his own blood
  2. Lee he will never quit and workes hard and he only knows taijutsu
  3. Hyuga she is in the Hyūga clan
  4. Nara he is in the nara clan he is able to use showdow jutsu and it is one of the smartest in the leaf village.
  5. he is one of the Konohagakure's Sannin and it loves righting books.

10 Clues: Uchiha he killed his own clanHyuga she is in the Hyūga clanUchiha wanted to kill his own bloodshe is one of the Konohagakure's SanninHatake he is the copy cat with one sharinganUzumaki always wanted to be hokage and is jinchurikuhe is from the sand village and it is able to control sand....

Naruto Puzzle 2020-12-11

Naruto Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. who was the First Hokage
  2. who is the ninja that killed his entire
  3. who is the mother of all chakra
  4. who started the fourth great ninja war
  5. who was the nine tails sealed inside of
  1. who gained the rinnegan after getting the sage of the six paths power
  2. who did Obito give his Sharingan too
  3. who once destroyed the entire leaf village
  4. which character is the sage of six paths
  5. which character created the Rasengan

10 Clues: who was the First Hokagewho is the mother of all chakrawho did Obito give his Sharingan toowhich character created the Rasenganwho started the fourth great ninja warwho is the ninja that killed his entirewho was the nine tails sealed inside ofwhich character is the sage of six pathswho once destroyed the entire leaf village...

Naruto Crossword 2015-04-15

Naruto Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Last name of the 3rd Hokage
  2. "Mount _______"
  3. Naruto's favorite food
  4. Copy ninja
  5. Masked man
  6. Primary Weapon used in Naruto
  1. Can only perform Taijutsu
  2. Kisame's weapon
  3. Visual power
  4. Immortal ninja

10 Clues: Copy ninjaMasked manVisual powerImmortal ninjaKisame's weapon"Mount _______"Naruto's favorite foodCan only perform TaijutsuLast name of the 3rd HokagePrimary Weapon used in Naruto

AC GANDA FIXE 2021-05-07

AC GANDA FIXE crossword puzzle
  1. tem um barrete com sinos
  2. hack para noobs
  3. roblox
  4. personagem careca
  5. cabeça quadrada
  6. iphone
  7. tem música triste
  1. best rager da tuga
  2. skin de cs cara
  3. wet bad gang
  4. jogo de minerar
  5. the faizeres nosso camionista perferido
  6. arquitetura de computadores

13 Clues: robloxiphonewet bad gangskin de cs carahack para noobsjogo de minerarcabeça quadradapersonagem carecatem música tristebest rager da tugatem um barrete com sinosarquitetura de computadoresthe faizeres nosso camionista perferido

Naruto y boruto 2022-06-06

Naruto y boruto crossword puzzle
  1. mujer que pudo invocar al 10 colas
  2. persona que controlo el 9 colas
  3. doujutsu perteneciente al clan ootsutsuki utilizado por madara, Sasuke
  4. rival del protagonista
  5. hombre que dividió su chakra en 9 para evitar el 10 colas
  6. un sanin conocido como don culebras o vende papas
  7. Doujutsu perteneciente al clan Uchiha que se despierta cuando muere un ser querido
  8. hermano mayor de Sasuke conocido como el rey del genjutsu
  9. hijo del protagonista hokage
  1. hija de el rival del protagonista y hija de la mujer del equipo 7
  2. líder de akatsuki
  3. ninja médico de Konoha
  4. ninjutsu prohibido que revive los muertos
  5. mujer del equipo 7
  6. líder jonin del equipo 7
  7. protagonista de la serie

16 Clues: líder de akatsukimujer del equipo 7rival del protagonistaninja médico de Konohalíder jonin del equipo 7protagonista de la seriehijo del protagonista hokagepersona que controlo el 9 colasmujer que pudo invocar al 10 colasninjutsu prohibido que revive los muertosun sanin conocido como don culebras o vende papas...

Fito 2022-10-23

Fito crossword puzzle
  1. gunung di nusa tenggara barat
  2. mata pelajaran (in English)
  3. Mamalia air
  4. buah khas malang
  5. penenang
  6. negara di benua afrika
  7. dewa mitologi yunani
  8. negara di belahan Amerika selatan
  9. film anime terkenal
  1. olahraga Tim
  2. Kota di Australia
  3. judul lagu Papua
  4. ibukota rusia
  5. penghuni sungai Amazon
  6. hewan endemik Indonesia
  7. planet di tata surya
  8. gunung di pulau Sumatra
  9. ibukota salah satu negara ASEAN
  10. kabupaten di Jawa Timur

19 Clues: penenangMamalia airolahraga Timibukota rusiajudul lagu Papuabuah khas malangKota di Australiafilm anime terkenalplanet di tata suryadewa mitologi yunanipenghuni sungai Amazonnegara di benua afrikahewan endemik Indonesiagunung di pulau Sumatrakabupaten di Jawa Timurmata pelajaran (in English)gunung di nusa tenggara barat...

Red Apples 2022-07-28

Red Apples crossword puzzle
  1. has poofy hair
  2. has long braids
  3. has a girl twin
  4. plays basketball
  5. big brother
  6. likes Naruto
  7. has a white shirt
  8. has a brother named Gabe
  1. a big brother with twin sisters
  2. has glasses
  3. has a twin
  4. loves boba
  5. has a boy twin
  6. has a purple lunchbox
  7. has long hair
  8. has 2 brothers named Samuel and Travis
  9. likes nle choppa
  10. likes youngboy

18 Clues: has a twinloves bobahas glassesbig brotherlikes Narutohas long hairhas poofy hairhas a boy twinlikes youngboyhas long braidshas a girl twinplays basketballlikes nle choppahas a white shirthas a purple lunchboxhas a brother named Gabea big brother with twin sistershas 2 brothers named Samuel and Travis

tes 2021-11-25

tes crossword puzzle
  1. lipring
  2. maknae mmm
  3. aiki rihey
  4. boruto
  5. wheesa
  6. pmon mega
  7. bias nct
  8. gaby
  9. rbw is a
  10. grup kpop 2
  11. fav clothe
  12. city of star
  13. mnk stud form
  14. singkatan gg
  15. prowdmon
  16. fav ty alb
  1. 930
  2. daniel
  3. sy swf
  4. fav snsd song
  5. grup kpop 1
  6. bias pertama
  7. yepunbabo
  8. jab
  9. little mnk
  10. lipj stud
  11. heavy
  12. chungha
  13. fav mmm song
  14. kd food

30 Clues: 930jabgabyheavydanielsy swfborutowheesalipringchunghakd foodbias nctrbw is aprowdmonyepunbabopmon megalipj studmaknae mmmaiki riheylittle mnkfav clothefav ty albgrup kpop 1grup kpop 2bias pertamacity of starfav mmm songsingkatan ggfav snsd songmnk stud form

peliculas y series 2014-02-19

peliculas y series crossword puzzle
  1. pelicula de extraterrestres
  2. pelicula de robots gigantes
  3. pelicula de terror
  4. serie de zombies
  5. pelicula de zombies
  6. serie de brujas
  7. serie de gente amarilla
  1. pelicula de robots asesinos
  2. pelicula de fantasmas
  3. pelicula graciosa de zombies
  4. pelicula de aliens
  5. anime infantil
  6. anime de goku
  7. pelicula de un muñeco asesino
  8. pelicula de un juego virtual

15 Clues: anime de gokuanime infantilserie de brujasserie de zombiespelicula de alienspelicula de terrorpelicula de zombiespelicula de fantasmasserie de gente amarillapelicula de robots asesinospelicula de extraterrestrespelicula de robots gigantespelicula graciosa de zombiespelicula de un juego virtualpelicula de un muñeco asesino

yo 2020-12-18

yo crossword puzzle
  1. a cut of pizza
  2. ancient egpyt cat
  3. a less scary cult
  4. killed a lot of people
  5. good round food
  6. run everything
  7. big pond of water
  8. former ancestor
  1. small colored sweets
  2. a boring color
  3. lol naruto ripoff
  4. tool used to smash
  5. slithers with no arms
  6. baked birthday goods
  7. king of the jungle

15 Clues: a cut of pizzaa boring colorrun everythinggood round foodformer ancestorancient egpyt catlol naruto ripoffa less scary cultbig pond of watertool used to smashking of the junglesmall colored sweetsbaked birthday goodsslithers with no armskilled a lot of people

All about marcus 2020-09-26

All about marcus crossword puzzle
  1. favorite food that is triangular
  2. favorite animal
  3. nickelodeon show with a square sponge
  4. 10th grade name in highschool
  5. activity that involes hooks and bobbers
  6. favorite school subject
  7. padre in english
  8. favorite color
  9. popular song by marmar oso
  10. favorite app that has dancers
  11. sports drink
  1. favorite brand
  2. chip brand
  3. favorite sport
  4. favorite raper
  5. animal that barks
  6. favorite season
  7. number after 14
  8. ear accessorie
  9. my race

20 Clues: my racechip brandsports drinkfavorite brandfavorite sportfavorite raperear accessoriefavorite colorfavorite animalfavorite seasonnumber after 14padre in englishanimal that barksfavorite school subjectpopular song by marmar oso10th grade name in highschoolfavorite app that has dancersfavorite food that is triangular...

animals 2021-12-21

animals crossword puzzle
  1. mans bestfriend
  2. lives in the artic
  3. king of the jungle
  4. yellow and black with a stinger
  5. save the ___
  6. a striped animal that lives in africa
  7. school
  8. animal that lives in woods with antlers
  9. two long teeth
  10. naruto
  1. very long neck
  2. neighs
  3. biggest animal in the ocean
  4. animal that squeaks
  5. eats ants
  6. sleeps 15-20 hours on average
  7. slithers
  8. comes in pink
  9. in twlight
  10. slow and sleeps alot

20 Clues: neighsschoolnarutoslitherseats antsin twlightsave the ___comes in pinkvery long necktwo long teethmans bestfriendlives in the articking of the jungleanimal that squeaksslow and sleeps alotbiggest animal in the oceansleeps 15-20 hours on averageyellow and black with a stingera striped animal that lives in africa...

animals 2021-12-21

animals crossword puzzle
  1. mans bestfriend
  2. lives in the artic
  3. king of the jungle
  4. yellow and black with a stinger
  5. save the ___
  6. a striped animal that lives in africa
  7. school
  8. animal that lives in woods with antlers
  9. two long teeth
  10. naruto
  1. very long neck
  2. neighs
  3. biggest animal in the ocean
  4. animal that squeaks
  5. eats ants
  6. sleeps 15-20 hours on average
  7. slithers
  8. comes in pink
  9. in twlight
  10. slow and sleeps alot

20 Clues: neighsschoolnarutoslitherseats antsin twlightsave the ___comes in pinkvery long necktwo long teethmans bestfriendlives in the articking of the jungleanimal that squeaksslow and sleeps alotbiggest animal in the oceansleeps 15-20 hours on averageyellow and black with a stingera striped animal that lives in africa...

Special naruto 2013-06-16

Special naruto crossword puzzle
  1. / numéro de la team de naruto
  2. / ninjas de la légende
  3. / lieu de formation a la vie et au devoir du ninja
  4. / lune rouge
  5. / sharingan ou byakugan
  1. / village de la brume
  2. / petite fille de Hashirama Senju
  3. / pratique nécessitant du chakra et des incantations
  4. / Escouade spéciale de tactique et d’assassinat
  5. / Partenaire de kisame dans l’akatsuki

10 Clues: / lune rouge/ village de la brume/ ninjas de la légende/ sharingan ou byakugan/ numéro de la team de naruto/ petite fille de Hashirama Senju/ Partenaire de kisame dans l’akatsuki/ Escouade spéciale de tactique et d’assassinat/ lieu de formation a la vie et au devoir du ninja/ pratique nécessitant du chakra et des incantations

Christmas Crossword 2020 2020-09-16

Christmas Crossword 2020 crossword puzzle
  1. Picture 13 (3 words)
  2. Picture 8 (12 words)
  3. Picture 11 (3 words)
  4. Picture 6
  5. Picture 15
  6. Picture 16
  7. Picture 3 (3 words)
  8. Picture 7 (2 words)
  9. Picture 1
  1. Picture 14 (2 words)
  2. Picture 10
  3. Picture 4 (6 words)
  4. Picture 5 (3 words)
  5. Picture 2 (2 words)
  6. Picture 9 (2 words)
  7. Picture 12 (2 words)

16 Clues: Picture 6Picture 1Picture 10Picture 15Picture 16Picture 4 (6 words)Picture 5 (3 words)Picture 2 (2 words)Picture 9 (2 words)Picture 3 (3 words)Picture 7 (2 words)Picture 14 (2 words)Picture 13 (3 words)Picture 8 (12 words)Picture 11 (3 words)Picture 12 (2 words)

naruto characters tamahra cuneo 2017-01-23

naruto characters tamahra cuneo crossword puzzle
  1. shadow clone jutsu
  2. bushy brow
  3. mask
  4. snake sage
  5. lady hokage
  1. sound village ninja, lord orochimaru follower
  2. pink hair
  3. thumbs up bushy brow
  4. toad sage
  5. sharingan

10 Clues: maskpink hairtoad sagesharinganbushy browsnake sagelady hokageshadow clone jutsuthumbs up bushy browsound village ninja, lord orochimaru follower

All about me choice board 2022-01-10

All about me choice board crossword puzzle
  1. My little sisters name
  2. Favorite Class
  3. Favorite Word
  4. Favorite App
  1. Favorite set of cards
  2. Favorite Book Franchise
  3. Favorite VideoGame
  4. Favorite Number
  5. Favorite Anime
  6. My Dog

10 Clues: My DogFavorite AppFavorite WordFavorite ClassFavorite AnimeFavorite NumberFavorite VideoGameFavorite set of cardsMy little sisters nameFavorite Book Franchise

Képregény keresztrejtvény 2021-06-19

Képregény keresztrejtvény crossword puzzle
  1. Garfield gazdája
  2. Fiatal Marvel hős, Tony Stark pártfogoltja.
  3. Marvel szupercsapat.
  4. Marvel főgonosz, Thor öccse.
  5. Erős, zöld és dühös.
  6. Atlantisz királya a DC-ben.
  1. Japán rajzfilm.
  2. DC főgonosz, Batman főellesége.
  3. Híres Japán rajzfilm szereplő.
  4. Batman társa.
  5. Superman felesége.
  6. Superman gyengéje.
  7. Japán képregény.

13 Clues: Batman társa.Japán rajzfilm.Garfield gazdájaJapán képregény.Superman felesége.Superman gyengéje.Marvel szupercsapat.Erős, zöld és dühös.Atlantisz királya a DC-ben.Marvel főgonosz, Thor öccse.Híres Japán rajzfilm szereplő.DC főgonosz, Batman főellesége.Fiatal Marvel hős, Tony Stark pártfogoltja.

Yessi's Riddle 2023-08-30

Yessi's Riddle crossword puzzle
  1. Paris Saint German
  2. olahraga sejenis baseball berasal dari inggris
  3. tukutuk .... tidur
  4. ninja di hari minggu
  5. naruto
  1. visca.....
  2. Inter Miami
  3. detektif
  4. panggilan kevin sanjaya
  5. going merry

10 Clues: narutodetektifvisca.....Inter Miamigoing merryParis Saint Germantukutuk .... tidurninja di hari minggupanggilan kevin sanjayaolahraga sejenis baseball berasal dari inggris

Yessi's Riddle 2023-08-30

Yessi's Riddle crossword puzzle
  1. Paris Saint German
  2. olahraga sejenis baseball berasal dari inggris
  3. tukutuk .... tidur
  4. ninja di hari minggu
  5. naruto
  1. visca.....
  2. Inter Miami
  3. detektif
  4. panggilan kevin sanjaya
  5. going merry

10 Clues: narutodetektifvisca.....Inter Miamigoing merryParis Saint Germantukutuk .... tidurninja di hari minggupanggilan kevin sanjayaolahraga sejenis baseball berasal dari inggris

AC GANDA FIXE 2021-05-07

AC GANDA FIXE crossword puzzle
  1. cabeça quadrada
  2. wet bad gang
  3. personagem careca
  4. tem música triste
  5. roblox
  1. jogo de minerar
  2. lore skin de cs cara
  3. que letra falta
  4. iphone
  5. tem um barrete com sinos
  6. arquitetura de computadores

11 Clues: iphonerobloxwet bad gangjogo de minerarque letra faltacabeça quadradapersonagem carecatem música tristelore skin de cs caratem um barrete com sinosarquitetura de computadores

team 7 2023-04-20

team 7 crossword puzzle
  1. has amazing strength and can hael almost any wound or poison
  2. the leader of team seven and known as the copy ninja
  3. the last name of sakura
  4. He is the nine tale jinchuriki
  5. a Kekki genkai of the Uchihia clan that copies anything it sees
  6. a powerful clan known for fire style and the kekkei genkai sharingan
  1. A seal that is of built up chakra that holds great power
  2. a almost extent clan and known for the kekkei genkai atom chains
  3. the nine tialed fox that is seled in side of naruto
  4. the last living uchihia

10 Clues: the last name of sakurathe last living uchihiaHe is the nine tale jinchurikithe nine tialed fox that is seled in side of narutothe leader of team seven and known as the copy ninjaA seal that is of built up chakra that holds great powerhas amazing strength and can hael almost any wound or poison...

Ich 2021-05-12

Ich crossword puzzle
  1. Mein Hassfach
  2. Mein Kater
  3. Mein Lieblingshund von meinem Onkel
  4. Grund warum mein Lieblingstier die Katze ist
  5. Lieblingscousin
  6. meine Lieblingszahl
  7. Mein bester Freund
  8. Eine meiner Hauptstreamingplattformen
  1. was ich mir seit langem finanzieren will
  2. Meine Lieblingskonsole
  3. Mein schlechtestes Fach
  4. Meine Lieblingsfarbe
  5. Mein Lieblings Anime
  6. Meine Schwester in Köln

14 Clues: Mein KaterMein HassfachLieblingscousinMein bester Freundmeine LieblingszahlMeine LieblingsfarbeMein Lieblings AnimeMeine LieblingskonsoleMein schlechtestes FachMeine Schwester in KölnMein Lieblingshund von meinem OnkelEine meiner Hauptstreamingplattformenwas ich mir seit langem finanzieren willGrund warum mein Lieblingstier die Katze ist

anime characters 2024-01-09

anime characters crossword puzzle
  1. divergent energy
  2. fox clone
  3. chainsaws
  4. rubber
  1. orange hair
  2. colored hair
  3. sun boy
  4. a titan among all
  5. for all

9 Clues: rubbersun boyfor allfox clonechainsawsorange haircolored hairdivergent energya titan among all

Power systems of anime 2021-05-18

Power systems of anime crossword puzzle
  1. One Piece
  2. Jujutsu Kaisen
  3. Akame Ga Kill
  4. Bleach
  1. MHA
  2. JJBA
  3. Black Clover
  4. Hunte X Hunter
  5. Naruto

9 Clues: MHAJJBANarutoBleachOne PieceBlack CloverAkame Ga KillHunte X HunterJujutsu Kaisen

frrttryuhuinbnrvh 2024-10-16

frrttryuhuinbnrvh crossword puzzle
  1. best book
  2. I hate
  3. my pookie
  4. stuck in my head
  1. my fave food
  2. best short friend
  3. least favorite animal
  4. favorite animal
  5. not start
  6. fav anime

10 Clues: I hatebest booknot startfav animemy pookiemy fave foodfavorite animalstuck in my headbest short friendleast favorite animal

Special naruto 2013-06-16

Special naruto crossword puzzle
  1. / lieu de formation a la vie et au devoir du ninja
  2. / petite fille de Hashirama Senju
  3. / lune rouge
  4. / ninjas de la légende
  5. / village de la brume
  1. / pratique nécessitant du chakra et des incantations
  2. / numéro de la team de naruto
  3. / Escouade spéciale de tactique et d’assassinat
  4. / Partenaire de kisame dans l’akatsuki
  5. / sharingan ou byakugan

10 Clues: / lune rouge/ village de la brume/ ninjas de la légende/ sharingan ou byakugan/ numéro de la team de naruto/ petite fille de Hashirama Senju/ Partenaire de kisame dans l’akatsuki/ Escouade spéciale de tactique et d’assassinat/ lieu de formation a la vie et au devoir du ninja/ pratique nécessitant du chakra et des incantations

Naruto Characters 2022-05-20

Naruto Characters crossword puzzle
  1. who can swap body's
  2. who is in the uchiha clan
  3. Who loves spying on girls
  4. who has the nine tailed beast inside of him
  5. who is in the Akatsuki
  1. who loves eating
  2. Almighty push
  3. who loves helping with puppets
  4. who is a healer
  5. who risked his life for kakashi and his lover

10 Clues: Almighty pushwho is a healerwho loves eatingwho can swap body'swho is in the Akatsukiwho is in the uchiha clanWho loves spying on girlswho loves helping with puppetswho has the nine tailed beast inside of himwho risked his life for kakashi and his lover

I don't know 2024-05-21

I don't know crossword puzzle
  1. naruto
  2. Youtuber with ADHD
  3. fav animal
  4. Learning
  5. game with blocks
  6. the planet we live on
  1. Fav Camellia song
  2. not a good game
  3. 9+10
  4. a hole that sucks things into it
  5. fav roblox game
  6. the star that gives us light
  7. mario youtuber

13 Clues: 9+10narutoLearningfav animalmario youtubernot a good gamefav roblox gamegame with blocksFav Camellia songYoutuber with ADHDthe planet we live onthe star that gives us lighta hole that sucks things into it

crossword puzzle's 2024-05-09

crossword puzzle's crossword puzzle
  1. Cheese
  2. Dragon ball
  3. Dat not nice
  4. MS Z!!!
  5. Blox fruits
  6. Grey swetter
  1. Shut up Peyton
  2. My son acts better than u and he is a 1st grader
  3. Split screen
  4. Rat burger's
  5. Naruto back pack
  6. Bapple sauce
  7. Green and brown back pack

13 Clues: CheeseMS Z!!!Dragon ballBlox fruitsSplit screenRat burger'sDat not niceBapple sauceGrey swetterShut up PeytonNaruto back packGreen and brown back packMy son acts better than u and he is a 1st grader

voja i maja 2024-05-14

voja i maja crossword puzzle
  1. mali cvet
  2. vise maja nego voja
  3. vojin nadimak/hrana
  4. voja tepa maji
  5. uhhh, dobwo je judi
  6. otac na broj
  7. maja pise umesto zovi
  8. zajedno su gledali
  1. maja svakog meseca
  2. maja tepa voji
  3. maja i voja rade svako vece
  4. ...godina
  5. igra rečima

13 Clues: mali cvet...godinaigra rečimaotac na brojmaja tepa vojivoja tepa majimaja svakog mesecazajedno su gledalivise maja nego vojavojin nadimak/hranauhhh, dobwo je judimaja pise umesto zovimaja i voja rade svako vece

Aidan's crossword 2022-01-11

Aidan's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. favorite sword
  2. favorite president
  3. favorite manga
  4. most used app
  1. favorite video game franchise
  2. Favorite cat's name
  3. favorite pc game
  4. favorite slogan
  5. favorite anime
  6. strongest subject

10 Clues: most used appfavorite swordfavorite animefavorite mangafavorite sloganfavorite pc gamestrongest subjectfavorite presidentFavorite cat's namefavorite video game franchise

Naruto 2021-03-02

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. wat is de achternaam van Sasuke?
  2. Wie is de hoofdpersonage?
  3. Hoe heet de blauwe jutsu van Naruto?
  4. Wat is de achternaam van Naruto?
  1. Hoe heet de oog dat Sasuke Heeft?

5 Clues: Wie is de hoofdpersonage?wat is de achternaam van Sasuke?Wat is de achternaam van Naruto?Hoe heet de oog dat Sasuke Heeft?Hoe heet de blauwe jutsu van Naruto?

Naruto 2020-12-18

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. look like a shark
  2. the 1 hokage
  3. the best Naruto's friend
  1. blond boy in Akatsuki
  2. the best Gaara's friend
  3. uchiha in Akatsuki

6 Clues: the 1 hokagelook like a sharkuchiha in Akatsukiblond boy in Akatsukithe best Gaara's friendthe best Naruto's friend

Power systems of anime 2021-05-18

Power systems of anime crossword puzzle
  1. One Piece
  2. Jujutsu Kaisen
  3. Akame Ga Kill
  4. Bleach
  1. MHA
  2. JJBA
  3. Black Clover
  4. Hunte X Hunter
  5. Naruto

9 Clues: MHAJJBANarutoBleachOne PieceBlack CloverAkame Ga KillHunte X HunterJujutsu Kaisen

Crossword 2014-03-28

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Chinese currency
  2. Japanese city
  3. First President of Indonesia
  4. ... massacre
  5. Vietnamese economic reforms
  6. A type of noodles
  7. Organisation headed by a korean
  8. One of Beijing's biggest problems
  9. Biggest religion in Indonesia
  10. 5 neighbouring countries
  1. Chinese symbolic animal
  2. Ongoing Japanese manga series
  3. "singing in Japan"
  4. Native religion in Japan
  5. Japanese fighting
  6. Chinese ideology
  7. Japanese quality thinking
  8. Ancient name of Ho Chi Minh City
  9. Chinese martial arts
  10. Indian money
  11. Indonesian "pressed rice"

21 Clues: ... massacreIndian moneyJapanese cityChinese currencyChinese ideologyJapanese fightingA type of noodles"singing in Japan"Chinese martial artsChinese symbolic animalNative religion in Japan5 neighbouring countriesJapanese quality thinkingIndonesian "pressed rice"Vietnamese economic reformsFirst President of IndonesiaOngoing Japanese manga series...

Aufar Jelek 2021-03-05

Aufar Jelek crossword puzzle
  1. warna kesukaan aku
  2. makanan kesukaan aku
  3. rumah aku
  4. nama kucing kamu
  5. hubungan kita udah berapa lama
  6. my bday
  7. bulan pertama kali kita chatan
  8. tanggal jadian
  9. kebiasaan kamu
  10. sebutan motor aku
  11. merk hp kamu
  1. sebutan untuk pacar tercinta
  2. your favorite food
  3. motor kamu
  4. sekolah kita
  5. kamu sayang aku ga
  6. singkatan jurusan aku
  7. hobby kamu
  8. tempat pertama kali main
  9. channel tv kesukaan kamu
  10. ponakan aku yang paling cantik
  11. Anime kesukaan kamu

22 Clues: my bdayrumah akumotor kamuhobby kamusekolah kitamerk hp kamutanggal jadiankebiasaan kamunama kucing kamusebutan motor akuyour favorite foodwarna kesukaan akukamu sayang aku gaAnime kesukaan kamumakanan kesukaan akusingkatan jurusan akutempat pertama kali mainchannel tv kesukaan kamusebutan untuk pacar tercintahubungan kita udah berapa lama...

League Of Legends 2020-10-29

League Of Legends crossword puzzle
  1. Nom Nom Nom
  2. Brurururu, no need for a cup.
  3. Needs to be removed from the game
  4. "No more meditation or masters"
  5. Statue
  6. FBI
  7. My creator, Viktor.
  8. "My Honor Left A Long Time Ago"
  9. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  10. Depressed.
  11. Leona's Sister
  12. Chilly
  13. Stomp Stomp Stomp
  1. Need a haircut?
  2. Ssssss~
  3. Cute till it rages
  4. Time
  5. Annoying Laugh
  6. Satan
  7. "All that lives, I will end!"
  8. Naruto
  9. Family Friendly
  10. Poro Loves me
  11. Lil' Sis
  12. Mundo Steroids

25 Clues: FBITimeSatanStatueNarutoChillySsssss~Lil' SisDepressed.Nom Nom Nom( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Poro Loves meAnnoying LaughMundo SteroidsLeona's SisterNeed a haircut?Family FriendlyStomp Stomp StompCute till it ragesMy creator, Viktor.Brurururu, no need for a cup."All that lives, I will end!""No more meditation or masters""My Honor Left A Long Time Ago"...

Fun Facts about Isaiah 2022-06-25

Fun Facts about Isaiah crossword puzzle
  1. favorite restaurant
  2. favorite animal/pet
  3. favorite anime
  4. favorite country
  1. favorite YouTuber
  2. favorite subject
  3. my girlfriend
  4. favorite color
  5. favorite food

9 Clues: my girlfriendfavorite foodfavorite colorfavorite animefavorite subjectfavorite countryfavorite YouTuberfavorite restaurantfavorite animal/pet

anime 2024-01-17

anime crossword puzzle
  1. - Inventive Dragon Ball character.
  2. - Uchiha clan avenger.
  3. - Saiyan warrior.
  4. Mars - Sailor Scout with fire powers.
  5. - Skilled Attack on Titan warrior.
  6. - Nine-tailed fox host.
  7. - Electric Pokémon.
  1. Boy - Robot boy hero.
  2. - Saiyan prince rival.
  3. - Pink-haired ninja.
  4. Moon - Magical girl leader.
  5. - Straw hat pirate captain.
  6. - Half-demon hero.
  7. - Bounty hunting cowboy.
  8. - Substitute Soul Reaper.

15 Clues: - Saiyan warrior.- Half-demon hero.- Electric Pokémon.- Pink-haired ninja.Boy - Robot boy hero.- Saiyan prince rival.- Uchiha clan avenger.- Nine-tailed fox host.- Bounty hunting cowboy.- Substitute Soul Reaper.Moon - Magical girl leader.- Straw hat pirate captain.- Inventive Dragon Ball character.- Skilled Attack on Titan warrior....

CROSSWORD 2020-09-27

CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. My favorite sport
  2. my hair color
  3. my biggest phobia
  4. my favorite thing to ride
  5. my favorite color
  6. my band instrument
  7. my youtube channel
  8. my star sign
  9. one of my hobbies
  10. an instrument that I used to play
  1. my favorite drink
  2. religion
  3. my eye color
  4. my favorite holiday
  5. an app that I am addicted too
  6. my favorite season
  7. my favorite anime
  8. my nationality
  9. the color of my glasses
  10. my favorite food

20 Clues: religionmy eye colormy star signmy hair colormy nationalitymy favorite foodmy favorite drinkMy favorite sportmy biggest phobiamy favorite colormy favorite animeone of my hobbiesmy favorite seasonmy band instrumentmy youtube channelmy favorite holidaythe color of my glassesmy favorite thing to ridean app that I am addicted too...

Opening Keresztrejtvény 2023-01-13

Opening Keresztrejtvény crossword puzzle
  1. One Piece 2
  2. Kuroko no Basuke 7
  3. Tokyo Ghoul 1
  4. Kaleido Star 3
  5. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 2
  6. Kaguya-sama Love is War 2
  7. Chainsaw Man 1
  8. Mahoutsukai no Yome 1
  9. Soul Eater 2
  1. Sword Art Online 1
  2. Naruto Shippuuden 3
  3. Fire Force 1
  4. Bleach 1
  5. Death Parade 1
  6. Black Clover 10
  7. Haikyuu 6
  8. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 1
  9. Darling in the Franxx 1
  10. Kokkoku 1
  11. Boku no Hero Academia 2

20 Clues: Bleach 1Haikyuu 6Kokkoku 1One Piece 2Fire Force 1Soul Eater 2Tokyo Ghoul 1Death Parade 1Kaleido Star 3Chainsaw Man 1Black Clover 10Sword Art Online 1Kuroko no Basuke 7Naruto Shippuuden 3Mahoutsukai no Yome 1Darling in the Franxx 1Boku no Hero Academia 2Kaguya-sama Love is War 2Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 2Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 1

anime from 1990 to Now 2020-02-27

anime from 1990 to Now crossword puzzle
  1. / from 1999
  2. / from 2012
  3. / from 2018
  4. / from 2007
  5. / from 2015
  6. / from 1998
  7. / from 2014
  8. / from 2017
  9. / from 2002
  10. / from 2020
  11. / from 2011
  12. / from 1994
  13. / from 2004
  14. / from 2001
  15. / from 2008
  16. / from 1993
  17. / from 2016
  18. / from 1996
  19. / from 2009
  1. / from 2000
  2. / from 1991
  3. / from 1990
  4. / from 2006
  5. / from 1995
  6. / from 2013
  7. / from 2003
  8. / from 1992
  9. / from 1997
  10. / from 2019
  11. / from 2005
  12. / from 2010

31 Clues: / from 2000/ from 1999/ from 1991/ from 1990/ from 2012/ from 2018/ from 1995/ from 2015/ from 2013/ from 2003/ from 1992/ from 1997/ from 2014/ from 2017/ from 2002/ from 2019/ from 2020/ from 2005/ from 2011/ from 1994/ from 2004/ from 2001/ from 1993/ from 2016/ from 1996/ from 2009/ from 2007/ from 2008...

Happy Birthday Cakes! 2021-07-30

Happy Birthday Cakes! crossword puzzle
  1. Rachel's middle name
  2. kid that says "believe it"
  3. favorite food
  4. current month
  5. manchester ____
  6. favorite Thai joint
  7. best sport
  8. poopin on a ______
  9. nickname for you and celebratory deserts
  10. best dog in the world
  1. your age
  2. favorite antihero
  3. your home state
  4. hidden message
  5. protagonist of Rachel's favorite show
  6. sh*tty effing puta transportation *ss
  7. you'll meet her soon
  8. singers of the song Rachel always gets wrong
  9. how you currently strengthen your arms
  10. nickname for where we live

20 Clues: your agebest sportfavorite foodcurrent monthhidden messageyour home statemanchester ____favorite antiheropoopin on a ______favorite Thai jointRachel's middle nameyou'll meet her soonbest dog in the worldkid that says "believe it"nickname for where we liveprotagonist of Rachel's favorite showsh*tty effing puta transportation *ss...

video games 2024-04-24

video games crossword puzzle
  1. car game on xbox
  2. battle royal
  3. game about skateboarding
  4. football game
  5. fighting game
  6. block game 3d
  7. green turtles
  8. game that has many other games
  1. italian plumber
  2. game about war
  3. game about a noisy head
  4. dash game about a jumping cube
  5. anime game about naruto
  6. game about a marvel character
  7. game about real life
  8. basketball game
  9. us game about suspicion
  10. game about raising a family
  11. battle royal with special powers
  12. game that school uses

20 Clues: battle royalfootball gamefighting gameblock game 3dgreen turtlesgame about waritalian plumberbasketball gamecar game on xboxgame about real lifegame that school usesgame about a noisy headanime game about narutous game about suspiciongame about skateboardinggame about raising a familygame about a marvel characterdash game about a jumping cube...

Random Quiz 2023-07-10

Random Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. senjata pahlawan nasional
  2. ibukota Indonesia
  3. masalah pada rambut
  4. contoh hewan peliharaan
  5. hewan yang merayap di dinding
  6. alat transaksi
  7. kendaraan roda empat
  1. salah satu bunga merah
  2. salah satu aksesoris ultah
  3. hewan bertelinga panjang
  4. yang biasa ada di kemeja
  5. tokoh anime yang memiliki kyubi
  6. mamalia laut

13 Clues: mamalia lautalat transaksiibukota Indonesiamasalah pada rambutkendaraan roda empatsalah satu bunga merahcontoh hewan peliharaanhewan bertelinga panjangyang biasa ada di kemejasenjata pahlawan nasionalsalah satu aksesoris ultahhewan yang merayap di dindingtokoh anime yang memiliki kyubi

o que a letycia gosta? 2022-02-19

o que a letycia gosta? crossword puzzle
  1. galo que temos
  2. lugar onde mais ama nadar
  3. cor favorita
  4. quer ter um animal
  5. sorvete que mais ama
  6. profissão
  7. raposa de um anime chamado Naruto
  8. onde fica maior tempo do dia
  9. objeto que tem mais medo
  1. lugar onde estuda
  2. lugar onde tem mais medo
  3. gostaria de comprar
  4. galinha que cuidamos
  5. natureza
  6. peça de roupa que mais odeia
  7. pai biológico
  8. sua irmã
  9. mãe biológica
  10. bebida de chocolate

19 Clues: naturezasua irmãprofissãocor favoritapai biológicomãe biológicagalo que temoslugar onde estudaquer ter um animalgostaria de comprarbebida de chocolategalinha que cuidamossorvete que mais amalugar onde tem mais medoobjeto que tem mais medolugar onde mais ama nadarpeça de roupa que mais odeiaonde fica maior tempo do dia...

Úgysem találod ki ;) 2020-06-19

Úgysem találod ki ;) crossword puzzle
  1. Lázár...
  2. ilyen módon szeded a vitamint
  3. légmozgás fizikai megnev.
  4. tágulási hézag, kitöltik
  5. uzumaki...
  6. németül unoka (férfi nem)
  1. mesterséges holdpályán Földkörül keringő
  2. régen a menyasszony fizette
  3. adatsor középértéke
  4. rang,cím
  5. mezőgazd. termék amit termesztenek

11 Clues: Lázár...rang,címuzumaki...adatsor középértéketágulási hézag, kitöltiklégmozgás fizikai megnev.németül unoka (férfi nem)régen a menyasszony fizetteilyen módon szeded a vitamintmezőgazd. termék amit termesztenekmesterséges holdpályán Földkörül keringő