natural disasters Crossword Puzzles

savage earth vocab 2023-07-16

savage earth vocab crossword puzzle
  1. when continents move.
  2. assigns a magnitude number to quantify the size of an earthquake.
  3. conversion of soil into a fluid like mass during an earthquake or ather seismic event.
  4. the point of the earths surface directely above the focus of an earthquake.
  5. one plate being forced beneath another
  6. the action of lessening in severity or intensity.
  7. a series of vibrations induced in the earths crust by the abrupt rupture and rebound of rocks.
  8. the outcome of somthing that could be positive or negative.
  1. set of rules that specify the minimum acceptable level of safety fo constructed objects.
  2. secondary tremors that may follow the largest shock of an earthquake sequence.
  3. involves any alteration to the natural or cultural enviroment. can be predictable, recurrent or cyclic, or unpredictable and erratic.
  4. the basic system and services that are needed to support an economy like transport, communication systems and electricity and water supplies.
  5. an exposed crack or opening in the land casued by an earthquake.
  6. the portion of the earth between the crust and the core.
  7. the use of recources at a rate where no more is used up then is being replaced. conserving recources and for future use.
  8. the natural world, as a whole or in particular geographical area,aspecially as affected by human activity.
  9. to come from diffrent directions to reach the same point.
  10. orgonisation that looks the protect against damage caused by natural disasters.
  11. a sequence of actions, natural and/ or cultural, that shape and change enviroments, places and societies.
  12. huge wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption.

20 Clues: when continents plate being forced beneath anotherthe action of lessening in severity or intensity.huge wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption.the portion of the earth between the crust and the come from diffrent directions to reach the same point.the outcome of somthing that could be positive or negative....

Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy 2022-04-01

Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Something that a nuclear spill can cause
  2. A source of energy that uses turbines to harvest it
  3. Naturally occurring things where you can find minerals or metals.
  4. Fracking is used to get this source of energy, highly abundant and used to heat homes
  5. Very little amounts of this resource is needed to make a large amount of energy
  6. A dark black sedimentary rock that can be burned for fuel
  1. A natural fuel formed from the remains of living organisms.
  2. A source of energy that is derived from the sun
  3. A source of energy that is derived from water
  4. Energy that can be used again and easy to replenish
  5. Energy that cannot be used again or be replenished naturally
  6. One of the most dangerous jobs in the world
  7. Relatively cheap but spills can cause environmental disasters

13 Clues: Something that a nuclear spill can causeOne of the most dangerous jobs in the worldA source of energy that is derived from waterA source of energy that is derived from the sunEnergy that can be used again and easy to replenishA source of energy that uses turbines to harvest itA dark black sedimentary rock that can be burned for fuel...

The Populations 2023-10-13

The Populations crossword puzzle
  1. A Living organism/s leaving their natural habitat an moving somewhere else
  2. A measure how many living organisms are living and how spread out are in a given area
  3. Structure A distribution of people in various ages
  4. Competition, parasitism & disease, stress from over crowding, predation and herbivory
  5. A unrestricted growth of a population when there are unlimited resources
  6. Number of living organisms living in an area
  1. A living organism/s settling in a habitat that they aren't native to
  2. Extreme weather and natural disasters
  3. Keeps a population size to continue growing or stops it
  4. How much space a land or resource can hold for a population
  5. When every organism in a population will have equal resources and chances of surviving
  6. Rates of deaths, births, incomes, disease
  7. Physical system from one area or condition to another.

13 Clues: Extreme weather and natural disastersRates of deaths, births, incomes, diseaseNumber of living organisms living in an areaStructure A distribution of people in various agesPhysical system from one area or condition to another.Keeps a population size to continue growing or stops itHow much space a land or resource can hold for a population...

WGEO Common Assessment Vocabulary 2021-10-28

WGEO Common Assessment Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the area around this part of the globe will have a warm climate.
  2. where the majority of U.S. urban centers were located in 1900.
  3. as countries recognize ____ they pass laws mandating reduced carbon emissions.
  4. attracted people to New York City in the mid-19th century.
  5. collision of which created northeastern border of India.
  6. means consumers will have access to a wide variety of products.
  7. government allows privately owned media.
  8. different architectural styles in different regions is an example of ___.
  9. a region characterized by a focal point, ex: Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
  1. over the last 2 centuries population has shifted from New England to the midwest.
  2. here there is interaction between plants and animals.
  3. climate influenced by rain-shadow effect and low elevation.
  4. only spring and summer months receive greatest amount of solar energy.
  5. helped diffuse Jazz through the USA.
  6. Religion and languages are common characteristics of ___.
  7. why people came to America during the 17th-18th centuries.
  8. barrier to westward expansion.
  9. ____ can help people adapt to the environment by providing warnings for natural disasters
  10. controls the global distribution of a natural resource.
  11. often this government will control the media and limit information.

20 Clues: barrier to westward expansion.helped diffuse Jazz through the USA.government allows privately owned there is interaction between plants and animals.controls the global distribution of a natural resource.collision of which created northeastern border of India.Religion and languages are common characteristics of ___....

STEAM 2023-08-22

STEAM crossword puzzle
  1. physical substance in general
  2. The most important rule in the STEAM lab.
  3. ___ Intelligence, programs that mimic the human brain.
  4. Study of numbers, shapes and spaces.
  5. Scientific ___;a procedure of systematic observation, measurement and experimentation
  6. Application of scientific knowledge
  7. The study, observation and analysis of matter and what happens during chemical reactions.
  8. __ Science is the study of computer and algorithmic processes
  9. ___ Science is the study of Earthquakes, Floods, and Natural Disasters
  10. proposed explanation made with limited evidence as a starting point for further inquiry.
  11. an element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change.
  1. Used to design and build engines, machines and structures.
  2. facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.
  3. branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space and the physical universe
  4. Process of learning about the natural world through observation and experimentation.
  5. Study of living organisms
  6. Expression of Human Creativity
  7. branch of science that deals with matter and energy, and their reactions.
  8. an action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or event
  9. create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of

20 Clues: Study of living organismsphysical substance in generalExpression of Human CreativityApplication of scientific knowledgeStudy of numbers, shapes and spaces.The most important rule in the STEAM lab.___ Intelligence, programs that mimic the human brain.Used to design and build engines, machines and structures....

Disaster management 2020-09-26

Disaster management crossword puzzle
  1. When magma erupts as lava
  2. A way of eliminating or reducing impact disasters
  3. increase in humidity causing visibility problems
  4. overflow of large amount of water
  5. Mass of snow that slides down rapidly
  6. Recent disasters in California and Amazon forest
  7. A big wave
  1. plan devised for outcome other than the usual
  2. Storm in snowy region
  3. Created when tectonic plates shift
  4. long period with no rain
  5. physical harm
  6. Katrina, Nisarga, Rita are types of?
  7. State of isolation and restricted access
  8. effort to meet needs of people affected by disaster

15 Clues: A big wavephysical harmStorm in snowy regionlong period with no rainWhen magma erupts as lavaoverflow of large amount of waterCreated when tectonic plates shiftKatrina, Nisarga, Rita are types of?Mass of snow that slides down rapidlyState of isolation and restricted accessplan devised for outcome other than the usual...

Natural Disasters and Global Problems 2019-02-20

Natural Disasters and Global Problems crossword puzzle
  1. an extreme lack of food
  2. to save someone from a dangerous situation
  3. a person who continues to live, especially after a dangerous event
  4. a large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain
  5. large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry
  6. damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste
  7. a huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land
  1. a fire that is burning strongly and out of control on an area of grass or bushes in the countryside
  2. destructive (synonym)
  3. an extremely violent wind or storm
  4. a period of time with no rain
  5. a violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round
  6. to move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe
  7. the condition of being extremely poor

14 Clues: destructive (synonym)an extreme lack of fooda period of time with no rainan extremely violent wind or stormthe condition of being extremely poorto save someone from a dangerous situationto move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safea large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain...


  1. a small spacecraft , with no one travelling in it, sent into space to make measurements and send back information to scientists on Earth
  2. become less strong and then ended(phrasal verb)
  3. develop gradually ,or make someone or something change and develop gradually
  4. the process by which a plant uses carbon dioxyde from the air , water from the ground, and the energy from the light of the sun to produce its own food an dioxygene
  5. a piece of rock or other matter from space that has landed on Earth
  6. left somewhere with no way of going anywhere else
  1. the driver of a car
  2. a situation in which something cannot continue in its normal way because of problems
  3. a small vehicle that can move over rough ground, often used on the surface of other planets
  4. a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery ,test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a fact
  5. a prolonged period of abnormally, low rainfall, leading to shortage of water
  6. a severe snowstrom with high winds
  7. rain heavily(phrasal verb)
  8. a slight earthquake, an involuntary movement

14 Clues: the driver of a carrain heavily(phrasal verb)a severe snowstrom with high windsa slight earthquake, an involuntary movementbecome less strong and then ended(phrasal verb)left somewhere with no way of going anywhere elsea piece of rock or other matter from space that has landed on Earth...


  1. heavy equipment
  2. a person who holds a first degree from a universityty or other academic institution
  3. an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it
  4. the activity or business of sending out programmes on television or radio
  5. a person who makes a formal application for something, especially a job
  6. a part of a space craft in which the people on it live
  7. a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
  8. an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land
  1. the action of leading a group of people or an organization
  2. (of an area of land or sea) not mapped or surveyed.
  3. (of a structure) suddenly fall down or give way
  4. belonging to or relating to the Netherlands, its people, or its language
  5. verify
  6. a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area.

14 Clues: verifyheavy equipment(of a structure) suddenly fall down or give way(of an area of land or sea) not mapped or surveyed.a part of a space craft in which the people on it livethe action of leading a group of people or an organizationa person who makes a formal application for something, especially a job...

Lærke B 2023-03-07

Lærke B crossword puzzle
  1. udvikling
  2. katastrofer
  3. eksistens
  4. målinger
  5. øge
  6. udregninger
  7. radiation sol stråling
  8. drastisk
  1. bidrager
  2. temperatur
  3. interferens
  4. mellemistid
  5. bøvse
  6. udledning
  7. delikat

15 Clues: øgebøvsedelikatbidragermålingerdrastiskudviklingeksistensudledningtemperaturinterferenskatastrofermellemistidudregningerradiation sol stråling

rune 2019-08-28

rune crossword puzzle
  1. delikat
  2. varme perioder
  3. interferere
  4. udledning
  5. drivhus
  6. kolde perioder
  1. orkan
  2. metan
  3. bøvser
  4. malinger
  5. udregninger
  6. stråling
  7. temperature
  8. drastisk
  9. katastrofer

15 Clues: orkanmetanbøvserdelikatdrivhusmalingerstrålingdrastiskudledningudregningertemperaturekatastroferinterfererevarme perioderkolde perioder

Natural disasters 2016-05-21

Natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. Tidal or siesmic ware
  2. explosion of fall of rock
  3. Flon over the oceans
  1. release energy in earths crust
  2. overflow of water

5 Clues: overflow of waterFlon over the oceansTidal or siesmic wareexplosion of fall of rockrelease energy in earths crust

natural disasters 2016-05-06

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. a opening on the earth surface
  2. sudden shaking of ground
  3. lack of water
  1. instrument used to measure earthquake
  2. waves rolling waves

5 Clues: lack of waterwaves rolling wavessudden shaking of grounda opening on the earth surfaceinstrument used to measure earthquake


NATURAL DISASTERS crossword puzzle
  1. a sudden shaking of the ground
  2. roman god of fire vulcan
  1. to detect waves that travel the earth
  2. tidal waves
  3. dry land

5 Clues: dry landtidal wavesroman god of fire vulcana sudden shaking of the groundto detect waves that travel the earth

Natural Disasters 2016-05-06

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. people who study earthquakes
  2. Tidal or storm waves
  1. A sudden shaking of the Earths surface.
  2. state when the land becomes dry due to lack of rain
  3. An opening on the earths surface which allows lava out.

5 Clues: Tidal or storm wavespeople who study earthquakesA sudden shaking of the Earths surface.state when the land becomes dry due to lack of rainAn opening on the earths surface which allows lava out.

Natural disasters 2016-04-28

Natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. are measured in a richer scale
  2. island is the only active volcano in the Indian subcontinent
  1. is an opening on the earth's surface,which allows hot,molten rocks,ashes and gases to escape from below the surface
  2. is caused by a cyclone
  3. waves high as 15 as meters have to be affected by drought

5 Clues: is caused by a cycloneare measured in a richer scalewaves high as 15 as meters have to be affected by droughtisland is the only active volcano in the Indian subcontinentis an opening on the earth's surface,which allows hot,molten rocks,ashes and gases to escape from below the surface

natural disasters 2016-05-04

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. heavy rain
  2. who studies about earthquakes
  1. measurement of earthquake
  2. a disaster in which lava flows out
  3. a long period of time without rain

5 Clues: heavy rainmeasurement of earthquakewho studies about earthquakesa disaster in which lava flows outa long period of time without rain

Natural Disasters 2017-10-21

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. scale earthquakes are measured on the________
  2. the liquid that comes out of a volcano is called_________
  3. earthquakes cause loss of life and________
  1. those who study earthquakes are called________
  2. the earth's upper layer_________

5 Clues: the earth's upper layer_________earthquakes cause loss of life and________those who study earthquakes are called________scale earthquakes are measured on the________the liquid that comes out of a volcano is called_________

Natural Disasters 2021-02-06

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. a very big destructive wave, sometimes caused by an earthquake
  2. an uncontrolled fire occurring in nature.
  3. an excessive quantity of water in a normally dry area.
  1. a violent movement of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction.
  2. a small storm with rain, thunder and lightning

5 Clues: an uncontrolled fire occurring in nature.a small storm with rain, thunder and lightningan excessive quantity of water in a normally dry area.a very big destructive wave, sometimes caused by an earthquakea violent movement of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction.

Natural Disasters 2021-08-18

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. When water fills a place that is usually dry
  2. a large wave that usually happens after Earthquake
  3. It happens when the tectonic plate moves
  1. when volcano send out lava and hot gas
  2. fire that starts small and spread fast, usually happens in a forest

5 Clues: when volcano send out lava and hot gasIt happens when the tectonic plate movesWhen water fills a place that is usually drya large wave that usually happens after Earthquakefire that starts small and spread fast, usually happens in a forest

natural disasters 2021-11-18

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. when it does not rain for a long time and affects crops and daily life.
  2. when the earth moves very strongly, this sometimes causes small cracks in the floor.
  1. when it rains too much and rivers overflow, this phenomenon generates an accumulation of water that cannot be retained.
  2. when the waves grow too high as a result of a movement of the earth and crash against the beach.
  3. often named after people, these winds spin in a way that destroys a lot.

5 Clues: when it does not rain for a long time and affects crops and daily life.often named after people, these winds spin in a way that destroys a lot.when the earth moves very strongly, this sometimes causes small cracks in the floor.when the waves grow too high as a result of a movement of the earth and crash against the beach....

natural disasters 2022-04-07

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. that last short
  2. to categorizes the disaster
  3. going fast in warm water
  4. hits the ground
  1. water tectonic plates
  2. plates move
  3. that can last long
  4. going fast

8 Clues: going fastplates movethat last shorthits the groundthat can last longwater tectonic platesgoing fast in warm waterto categorizes the disaster

natural disasters 2022-04-07

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. that last short
  2. to categorizes the disaster
  3. going fast in warm water
  4. hits the ground
  1. water tectonic plates
  2. plates move
  3. that can last long
  4. going fast

8 Clues: going fastplates movethat last shorthits the groundthat can last longwater tectonic platesgoing fast in warm waterto categorizes the disaster

natural disasters 2022-04-07

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. that last short
  2. to categorizes the disaster
  3. going fast in warm water
  4. hits the ground
  1. water tectonic plates
  2. plates move
  3. that can last long
  4. going fast

8 Clues: going fastplates movethat last shorthits the groundthat can last longwater tectonic platesgoing fast in warm waterto categorizes the disaster

natural disasters 2022-04-07

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. that last short
  2. to categorizes the disaster
  3. going fast in warm water
  4. hits the ground
  1. water tectonic plates
  2. plates move
  3. that can last long
  4. going fast

8 Clues: going fastplates movethat last shorthits the groundthat can last longwater tectonic platesgoing fast in warm waterto categorizes the disaster

natural disasters 2022-04-07

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. that last short
  2. to categorizes the disaster
  3. going fast in warm water
  4. hits the ground
  1. water tectonic plates
  2. plates move
  3. that can last long
  4. going fast

8 Clues: going fastplates movethat last shorthits the groundthat can last longwater tectonic platesgoing fast in warm waterto categorizes the disaster

Natural disasters 2021-03-29

Natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. Excessive smoke on the planet
  2. Disaster that occur in the mountains
  3. The poles will melt for him ...
  1. Disaster caused by excessive logging
  2. Disaster caused by the earthquake in the ocean

5 Clues: Excessive smoke on the planetThe poles will melt for him ...Disaster caused by excessive loggingDisaster that occur in the mountainsDisaster caused by the earthquake in the ocean


NATURAL DISASTERS crossword puzzle
  1. A particular place getting no rain for a long time.
  2. A sudden shaking in the ground caused by movements or vibration deep inside the earth.
  3. An opening on the earth surface which allows hot, molten rock to come out.
  1. Tidal or storm waves and are also known as ___________.
  2. Earthquakes are measured on _______________.

5 Clues: Earthquakes are measured on _______________.A particular place getting no rain for a long time.Tidal or storm waves and are also known as ___________.An opening on the earth surface which allows hot, molten rock to come out.A sudden shaking in the ground caused by movements or vibration deep inside the earth.

natural disasters 2016-05-15

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. stopped erupted volcanoes
  2. earths upper layer
  3. burst from volcano
  1. measures earthquake
  2. sudden shaking of ground

5 Clues: earths upper layerburst from volcanomeasures earthquakesudden shaking of groundstopped erupted volcanoes

Natural Disasters 2020-10-28

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. 1953 Suva, Fiji, when earth's two tectonic plates aren't touching
  2. 2004 Boxing Day, when two tectonic plates collide into each other
  1. 1980 Mt St Helens, this is formed when hot molten rock, ash and gases escape from an opening in earth's surface
  2. 2009 Black Saturday, mostly happens all around Australia
  3. 1925 Tri-State, this happens when a cloud is filled with rain and then winds spin it into each other the other winds come from another direction

5 Clues: 2009 Black Saturday, mostly happens all around Australia1953 Suva, Fiji, when earth's two tectonic plates aren't touching2004 Boxing Day, when two tectonic plates collide into each other1980 Mt St Helens, this is formed when hot molten rock, ash and gases escape from an opening in earth's surface...

Natural Disasters 2023-03-22

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. a vortex of violent winds and waters
  2. a vortex of violent winds
  1. a large fire started outside
  2. a severe snowstorm
  3. a large and destructive wave of water

5 Clues: a severe snowstorma vortex of violent windsa large fire started outsidea vortex of violent winds and watersa large and destructive wave of water

Natural Disasters 2023-04-24

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. A fire that is in the forest
  2. Strong winds that destroy everything in its path
  3. Water everywhere
  1. Strong winds and an intense amount of rain
  2. The land on a cliff and then it falls

5 Clues: Water everywhereA fire that is in the forestThe land on a cliff and then it fallsStrong winds and an intense amount of rainStrong winds that destroy everything in its path

Natural Disasters 2023-10-17

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. extremely high speed winds
  2. hot lava coming from the inside of the mountains
  1. shaking of the earth
  2. long snow storms with high speed winds
  3. heavy rainfall

5 Clues: heavy rainfallshaking of the earthextremely high speed windslong snow storms with high speed windshot lava coming from the inside of the mountains

Natural Disasters 2024-03-25

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. an instrument used to record data about earthquakes
  2. natural events that can cause great damage
  1. the outermost layer of the planet
  2. a huge ocean wave usually caused by an earthquake on the ocean floor
  3. molten rock inside the earth

5 Clues: molten rock inside the earththe outermost layer of the planetnatural events that can cause great damagean instrument used to record data about earthquakesa huge ocean wave usually caused by an earthquake on the ocean floor

Kvistgaard 2020-04-01

Kvistgaard crossword puzzle
  1. canadisk ø
  2. medfølelse
  3. evne
  4. præstation
  5. tilskuer
  6. luksuriøs
  7. trøst
  1. forbedring
  2. besætningsmedlem
  3. synkefri
  4. rum
  5. ulykke
  6. frygtelig
  7. afdød

14 Clues: rumevneafdødtrøstulykkesynkefritilskuerfrygteligluksuriøsforbedringcanadisk ømedfølelsepræstationbesætningsmedlem

Transportation 2022-10-28

Transportation crossword puzzle
  1. Transport by air is ________.
  2. India India’s national air carrier ________.
  3. Most________ means of Transport.
  1. Flying machine that can land where aeroplanes cannot __________.
  2. Air transport is very useful during the times of natural disasters like_____________.
  3. The official airline of UAE _________.
  4. Indira Gandhi International Airport is located in __________.

7 Clues: Transport by air is ________.Most________ means of Transport.The official airline of UAE _________.India India’s national air carrier ________.Indira Gandhi International Airport is located in __________.Flying machine that can land where aeroplanes cannot __________....

Safety First - Natural Disasters 2017-12-18

Safety First - Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. rotating, funnel-shaped cloud that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground with whirling winds
  2. if caught outside during this weather you are at risk for frost bite and hypothermia
  3. tornadoes can accompany these and hurricanes once on land.
  4. storm is caused by freezing rain
  5. when snow is combined with this and decreased visibility it forms a blizzard
  6. during a flood these can be taken away with as little as 2 feet of water
  1. flooding is caused by spring thawing, snow melt runoffs, flash floods, mudflows and this
  2. another name for tornado
  3. ice storms occur most often during the months of January and
  4. most common natural disaster

10 Clues: another name for tornadomost common natural disasterstorm is caused by freezing raintornadoes can accompany these and hurricanes once on storms occur most often during the months of January andduring a flood these can be taken away with as little as 2 feet of water...

Enviromental and natural disasters 2020-01-31

Enviromental and natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. nuclear power plant explodes affecting Russia
  2. whenheavy rain causes rivers to rise
  3. seaquakes causes it
  4. it’s happening in Australia causing millions of animal deaths
  5. bigger than a tornado.
  6. caused by global warming
  1. black looking liquid, that spills into ocean
  2. when two tectonic plates graze each other.
  3. when all the water evaporates
  4. When gas escapes into the exterior world

10 Clues: seaquakes causes itcaused by global warmingbigger than a tornado.when all the water evaporateswhenheavy rain causes rivers to riseWhen gas escapes into the exterior worldwhen two tectonic plates graze each looking liquid, that spills into oceannuclear power plant explodes affecting Russia...

Natural Disasters and Formations 2021-06-18

Natural Disasters and Formations crossword puzzle
  1. the outer layer of the earth
  2. a violently rotating column of air
  3. the centre of the earth
  4. the second layer of the earth
  5. a deep depression in the deepest part of the ocean
  1. a rupture in the earth's crust that allows hot lava to escape
  2. a large wave formed by underwater earthquakes
  3. a series of mountains that are arranged in a line on high ground
  4. the third layer of the earth
  5. the rubbing or movement of tectonic plates

10 Clues: the centre of the earththe outer layer of the earththe third layer of the earththe second layer of the eartha violently rotating column of airthe rubbing or movement of tectonic platesa large wave formed by underwater earthquakesa deep depression in the deepest part of the oceana rupture in the earth's crust that allows hot lava to escape...

Natural Disasters Teach Ten 2023-10-08

Natural Disasters Teach Ten crossword puzzle
  1. a large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush.
  2. when gas and/or lava are released from a volcano
  3. a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance.
  4. a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.
  1. a system of winds rotating inward to an area of low atmospheric pressure, with a counterclockwise (northern hemisphere) or clockwise (southern hemisphere) circulation; a depression.
  2. a long, narrow, ditch
  3. an overflowing of a large amount of water
  4. the sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.
  5. a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.
  6. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground

10 Clues: a long, narrow, ditchan overflowing of a large amount of watera sudden and violent shaking of the groundwhen gas and/or lava are released from a volcanoa severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.the sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.a large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush....

Natural Disasters Teach Ten 2023-10-08

Natural Disasters Teach Ten crossword puzzle
  1. a large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush.
  2. when gas and/or lava are released from a volcano
  3. a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance.
  4. a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.
  1. a system of winds rotating inward to an area of low atmospheric pressure, with a counterclockwise (northern hemisphere) or clockwise (southern hemisphere) circulation; a depression.
  2. a long, narrow, ditch
  3. an overflowing of a large amount of water
  4. the sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.
  5. a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.
  6. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground

10 Clues: a long, narrow, ditchan overflowing of a large amount of watera sudden and violent shaking of the groundwhen gas and/or lava are released from a volcanoa severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.the sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.a large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush....

Natural Disasters Teach Ten 2023-10-08

Natural Disasters Teach Ten crossword puzzle
  1. a large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush.
  2. when gas and/or lava are released from a volcano
  3. a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance.
  4. a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.
  1. a system of winds rotating inward to an area of low atmospheric pressure, with a counterclockwise (northern hemisphere) or clockwise (southern hemisphere) circulation; a depression.
  2. a long, narrow, ditch
  3. an overflowing of a large amount of water
  4. the sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.
  5. a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.
  6. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground

10 Clues: a long, narrow, ditchan overflowing of a large amount of watera sudden and violent shaking of the groundwhen gas and/or lava are released from a volcanoa severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.the sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.a large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush....

Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-16

Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A sudden shaking of Earth's Surface
  2. To move somewhere safe
  3. The size or strength of something, such as an earthquake or tsunami
  4. ridge An underwater mountain range formed when two plates move apart
  1. A large ocean wave caused by a sudden shift in the seafloor
  2. Boundary The Place where two plates meet
  3. A natural disaster on Earth, such as Earthquake, tornado, or flood
  4. A long, deep indentation in the ocean floor formed when two plates move together
  5. Something we observe to be similar over and over again
  6. A feature that forms on the surface of a planet, such as mountain, channel, or sand dune

10 Clues: To move somewhere safeA sudden shaking of Earth's SurfaceBoundary The Place where two plates meetSomething we observe to be similar over and over againA large ocean wave caused by a sudden shift in the seafloorA natural disaster on Earth, such as Earthquake, tornado, or floodThe size or strength of something, such as an earthquake or tsunami...

Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-16

Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. To examine in detail for a purpose
  2. Most successful, considering the situation
  3. Standards by which something may be judged
  4. A claim supported by evidence
  5. Moving toward the same place
  6. A natural distaster on Earth, such as earthquake tornado or flood
  1. Moving apart in different directions
  2. To move somewhere safe
  3. A sudden shaking of Earth's surface
  4. Something we observe to be similar over and over again

10 Clues: To move somewhere safeMoving toward the same placeA claim supported by evidenceTo examine in detail for a purposeA sudden shaking of Earth's surfaceMoving apart in different directionsMost successful, considering the situationStandards by which something may be judgedSomething we observe to be similar over and over again...

Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-18

Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. To examine in detail for a purpose
  2. Most successful, considering the situation
  3. Standards by which something may be judged
  4. A claim supported by evidence
  5. Moving toward the same place
  6. A natural disaster on Earth, such as earthquake tornado or flood
  1. Moving apart in different directions
  2. To move somewhere safe
  3. A sudden shaking of Earth's surface
  4. Something we observe to be similar over and over again

10 Clues: To move somewhere safeMoving toward the same placeA claim supported by evidenceTo examine in detail for a purposeA sudden shaking of Earth's surfaceMoving apart in different directionsMost successful, considering the situationStandards by which something may be judgedSomething we observe to be similar over and over again...

natural disasters cross word 2023-11-30

natural disasters cross word crossword puzzle
  1. the ground violently shakes
  2. molten rock
  3. causes earthquakes
  4. large rock that spews molten hot liquid
  1. middle of a earthquake
  2. under the crust
  3. smaller tsunamis that aren't as dangerous
  4. another version of magma
  5. waves that can cause destruction
  6. earths surface

10 Clues: molten rockearths surfaceunder the crustcauses earthquakesmiddle of a earthquakeanother version of magmathe ground violently shakeswaves that can cause destructionlarge rock that spews molten hot liquidsmaller tsunamis that aren't as dangerous

Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle 2024-05-23

Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Rapidly rotating column of air.
  2. Rising water levels due to heavy rainfall or melting snow.
  3. Large wave caused by underwater seismic activity.
  4. Sudden shaking of the Earth's surface.
  5. Violent tropical storm with strong winds.
  1. Powerful oceanic disturbance with high waves and strong winds.
  2. A sudden and widespread fire in a forest.
  3. Rapid, destructive flow of snow down a mountain.
  4. Mass movement of rock, soil, and debris down a slope.
  5. Flow of molten rock from a volcano.

10 Clues: Rapidly rotating column of air.Flow of molten rock from a volcano.Sudden shaking of the Earth's surface.A sudden and widespread fire in a forest.Violent tropical storm with strong winds.Rapid, destructive flow of snow down a mountain.Large wave caused by underwater seismic activity.Mass movement of rock, soil, and debris down a slope....

Natural Disasters 2016-05-01

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. are people who study earthquakes
  2. is known as tidal or storm waves.
  3. is caused by dry conditions.
  1. is an opening on the earth's surface.
  2. is an instrument use to measure the earthquake.

5 Clues: is caused by dry conditions.are people who study earthquakesis known as tidal or storm an opening on the earth's an instrument use to measure the earthquake.

natural disasters 2016-05-12

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. no rain or less rain
  2. a sudden shaking of the ground caused by movements
  3. an opening on the earth's surface which allows hot and molten rock
  1. an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits
  2. caused by an undersea earthquake

5 Clues: no rain or less raincaused by an undersea earthquakea sudden shaking of the ground caused by movementsan overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limitsan opening on the earth's surface which allows hot and molten rock

natural disasters 2016-05-14

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. high rainfall
  2. tidle waves
  3. sudden shaking of ground
  1. no rainfall and water
  2. molten rock

5 Clues: molten rocktidle waveshigh rainfallno rainfall and watersudden shaking of ground

natural disasters 2016-05-14

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. no rainfall and water
  2. molten rock from volcano
  1. sudden shaking of ground
  2. tidle waves from sea/ocean
  3. high rainfall

5 Clues: high rainfallno rainfall and watersudden shaking of groundmolten rock from volcanotidle waves from sea/ocean

natural disasters 2016-05-17

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. conditions are caused by
  2. causeloss of life and property
  1. people who study earthquakes are called
  2. hot molten rock is called
  3. tidal or storm waves are also known as

5 Clues: conditions are caused byhot molten rock is calledcauseloss of life and propertytidal or storm waves are also known aspeople who study earthquakes are called

natural disasters 2016-06-05

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. - is an overflow of water that 'submerges' land.
  2. - sudden shaking of the ground caused by movements or vibrations deep inside the earth
  1. - an opening on the earth surface which is hot molten rock ash and gases to escape from the surface
  2. - No rain or less rain than a normal period of time
  3. - undersea earth quake or by a severe hurricane or cyclone

5 Clues: - is an overflow of water that 'submerges' land.- No rain or less rain than a normal period of time- undersea earth quake or by a severe hurricane or cyclone- sudden shaking of the ground caused by movements or vibrations deep inside the earth- an opening on the earth surface which is hot molten rock ash and gases to escape from the surface

natural disasters 2016-05-18

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. . what does the volcanoe represent.
  2. disasters that cause damage to life and property.
  3. tidal or storm waves are called.
  1. who was the first person to make richter scale.
  2. the reading or pattern obtained on the paper is called a.

5 Clues: tidal or storm waves are called.. what does the volcanoe represent.who was the first person to make richter scale.disasters that cause damage to life and property.the reading or pattern obtained on the paper is called a.

Natural Disasters 2016-05-20

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle


Natural Disasters 2021-02-07

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. an excessive quantity of water in a normally dry area.
  2. a violent movement of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction.
  3. a violent and destructive windstorm, with funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground.
  1. the violent discharge of steam and lava.
  2. An uncontrolled fire occurring in nature.

5 Clues: the violent discharge of steam and lava.An uncontrolled fire occurring in excessive quantity of water in a normally dry area.a violent movement of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction.a violent and destructive windstorm, with funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground.

Natural Disasters 2020-06-16

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. It occurs from an earthquake ...
  2. When the earth shakes ...
  1. When lava flows from the volcano it is a ....
  2. When there is a fire in the forest....
  3. When the earth slides ...

5 Clues: When the earth slides ...When the earth shakes ...It occurs from an earthquake ...When there is a fire in the forest....When lava flows from the volcano it is a ....

natural disasters 2021-01-15

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Natural Disasters 2017-10-01

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. an overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry
  2. a storm characterized by the presence of lightning and its acoustic effect
  1. a rapidly rotating column of air
  2. a flame
  3. a rapidly rotating storm system

5 Clues: a flamea rapidly rotating storm systema rapidly rotating column of airan overflow of water that submerges land that is usually drya storm characterized by the presence of lightning and its acoustic effect


NATURAL DISASTERS crossword puzzle
  1. to detect waves that travel the earth
  2. tidal waves
  1. dry land
  2. roman god of fire vulcan
  3. a sudden shaking of the ground

5 Clues: dry landtidal wavesroman god of fire vulcana sudden shaking of the groundto detect waves that travel the earth

Natural Disasters 2016-05-08

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Flying mammal
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Likes to chase mice
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

natural disasters 2016-05-08

natural  disasters crossword puzzle
  1. sudden shaking
  2. giant waves
  3. rock eruption from valcono
  1. a mountain or hill
  2. molten rock

5 Clues: molten rockgiant wavessudden shakinga mountain or hillrock eruption from valcono


NATURAL DISASTERS crossword puzzle
  1. The reading obtained from a seismograph
  2. The most active volcano in Italy
  1. The ring of fire
  2. Under-sea earthquakes that cause destruction on the seashore
  3. Hot fluid material within the earths crust

5 Clues: The ring of fireThe most active volcano in ItalyThe reading obtained from a seismographHot fluid material within the earths crustUnder-sea earthquakes that cause destruction on the seashore

Natural Disasters 2021-10-14

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Natural Disasters 2021-05-23

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. a sudden movement of the Earth
  2. a mountain or hill, usually having a crater
  1. Strong wind,stronger than a storm
  2. lack of rain,shortage of water
  3. a violently destructive windstorm

5 Clues: a sudden movement of the Earthlack of rain,shortage of waterStrong wind,stronger than a storma violently destructive windstorma mountain or hill, usually having a crater

Natural Disasters 2022-01-13

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

natural disasters 2022-04-07

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. that last short
  2. to categorizes the disaster
  3. going fast in warm water
  4. hits the ground
  1. water tectonic plates
  2. plates move
  3. that can last long
  4. going fast

8 Clues: going fastplates movethat last shorthits the groundthat can last longwater tectonic platesgoing fast in warm waterto categorizes the disaster

Natural Disasters 2023-04-24

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. A fire that is in the forest
  2. Strong winds that destroy everything in its path
  3. Water everywhere
  1. Strong winds and an intense amount of rain
  2. The land on a cliff and then it falls

5 Clues: Water everywhereA fire that is in the forestThe land on a cliff and then it fallsStrong winds and an intense amount of rainStrong winds that destroy everything in its path

Natural disasters 2023-05-06

Natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. a sudden shaking of the Earth's surface
  2. to become covered with water
  3. a loud sound and the energy produced by something
  1. a large mass of snow or ice
  2. a powerful flash of light in the sky

5 Clues: a large mass of snow or iceto become covered with watera powerful flash of light in the skya sudden shaking of the Earth's surfacea loud sound and the energy produced by something

natural disasters 2024-02-24

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. /I'm the shape of an ice cream but flat
  2. /I'm the shape of an ice cream
  1. /I run rapidly down mountains
  2. /I rhyme with old buyer
  3. /I make buildings sway (so that Mr ampopho gets scared)

5 Clues: /I rhyme with old buyer/I run rapidly down mountains/I'm the shape of an ice cream/I'm the shape of an ice cream but flat/I make buildings sway (so that Mr ampopho gets scared)

Natural Disasters 2024-08-17

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. November 15, 1991
  2. Super Typhoon
  3. Volcano Jnauary 30, 1911
  1. December 16, 2011
  2. December 03, 2012

5 Clues: Super TyphoonDecember 16, 2011November 15, 1991December 03, 2012Volcano Jnauary 30, 1911

Isabella- Crossword 2021-08-24

Isabella- Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Forøge
  2. Udvikling
  3. Prutte
  4. Afhænger
  5. Esistens
  6. Bidrage
  7. Levested
  1. Orkan
  2. Problematisk
  3. Katastrofe
  4. Målinger
  5. Forstyrre
  6. Drastisk
  7. Udledning

14 Clues: OrkanForøgePrutteBidrageMålingerAfhængerDrastiskEsistensLevestedUdviklingForstyrreUdledningKatastrofeProblematisk

Rasmus Clima 2021-09-02

Rasmus Clima crossword puzzle
  1. kul
  2. Orkaner
  3. Målinger
  4. Jordskælv
  5. emission
  6. Bidrager
  1. Beregninger
  2. løse
  3. Bidrager
  4. katastrofer
  5. udvikling
  6. methan
  7. Iskold
  8. Mellem
  9. Bøvsen

15 Clues: kulløsemethanIskoldMellemBøvsenOrkanerBidragerMålingeremissionBidragerudviklingJordskælvBeregningerkatastrofer

h 2021-08-23

h crossword puzzle
  1. Kredsløb
  2. indblandelse
  3. Tornado
  4. Jordskælv
  5. Drastisk
  6. Udladninger
  7. Udregninger
  8. Eksistens
  1. Debatter
  2. Udehus
  3. Fremtid
  4. Katastrofer
  5. Radioaktivitet
  6. Målinger

14 Clues: UdehusFremtidTornadoDebatterKredsløbDrastiskMålingerJordskælvEksistensKatastroferUdladningerUdregningerindblandelseRadioaktivitet

Insurance Terms 2024-02-22

Insurance Terms crossword puzzle
  1. a fee paid for service after deductible
  2. protects from expenses when not living at home
  3. max amount of cost covered by insurance
  4. money stays in this even when it isn't used
  5. amount paid out of pocket before insurance takes over
  6. cost of insurance per month
  1. protects from lawsuits if anyone is injured on property
  2. depreciated cost of items
  3. protects from theft and natural disasters
  4. percentage of health care service you pay for after deductible is paid

10 Clues: depreciated cost of itemscost of insurance per montha fee paid for service after deductiblemax amount of cost covered by insuranceprotects from theft and natural disastersmoney stays in this even when it isn't usedprotects from expenses when not living at homeamount paid out of pocket before insurance takes over...

Natural Disasters Crossword 2022-07-07

Natural Disasters Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an event that causes great damage
  2. extreme food shortage
  3. funnel shaped cloud with violent winds
  1. high speed winds off the ocean
  2. to make something (often bad) happen
  3. little rainfall leading to a water shortage
  4. to cover with water

7 Clues: to cover with waterextreme food shortagehigh speed winds off the oceanan event that causes great damageto make something (often bad) happenfunnel shaped cloud with violent windslittle rainfall leading to a water shortage

In Order to Live 2023-12-08

In Order to Live crossword puzzle
  1. A person who buys and sells good for assets for others
  2. A deal or trade in something illegal, like humans
  3. People who abandoned their country
  4. Their social ranking system
  5. The Korean word for mother
  1. Yeonmi's home country
  2. Someone how leaves their country to search for asylum because of natural disasters, war, etc..
  3. They escaped to ________ from China
  4. Where Yeonmi and her mother get trafficked, a country

9 Clues: Yeonmi's home countryThe Korean word for motherTheir social ranking systemPeople who abandoned their countryThey escaped to ________ from ChinaA deal or trade in something illegal, like humansWhere Yeonmi and her mother get trafficked, a countryA person who buys and sells good for assets for others...

Sara's Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle 2016-03-26

Sara's Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. An angry pyramid
  2. It can knock you off your feet
  3. A loud noise in the sky
  4. It's a giant wave
  5. Wind that spins
  6. It has lightning and thunder
  7. Lava before it escapes
  1. Makes a storm bright
  2. When a volcano explodes
  3. A desert storm
  4. It follows an earthquake
  5. It will wash you away
  6. It's hot and it runs from a volcano
  7. Comes from a volcano and makes you choke

14 Clues: A desert stormWind that spinsAn angry pyramidIt's a giant waveMakes a storm brightIt will wash you awayLava before it escapesWhen a volcano explodesA loud noise in the skyIt follows an earthquakeIt has lightning and thunderIt can knock you off your feetIt's hot and it runs from a volcanoComes from a volcano and makes you choke

Climate Change 2018-08-28

Climate Change crossword puzzle
  1. Perioder
  2. Jordskælv
  3. Temperatur
  4. Prutter
  5. Stige
  6. Måling
  7. Udregninger
  8. Metan
  1. Eksistens
  2. Katastrofer
  3. Orkan
  4. Bøvse
  5. indblanding
  6. Drastisk
  7. Age Istid

15 Clues: OrkanBøvseStigeMetanMålingPrutterPerioderDrastiskEksistensJordskælvAge IstidTemperaturKatastroferindblandingUdregninger

Najat crossword 2021-08-23

Najat crossword crossword puzzle
  1. drastisk
  2. bevægelse
  3. Katastrofer
  4. klode
  5. eksistens
  6. kredsløb
  7. indblanding
  8. målinger
  9. drivhus
  10. forklaring
  1. udvikling
  2. fossile brændstoffer
  3. Bidrager
  4. stiger
  5. bøvse

15 Clues: klodebøvsestigerdrivhusdrastiskBidragerkredsløbmålingerudviklingbevægelseeksistensforklaringKatastroferindblandingfossile brændstoffer

Crossword Puzzle 2023-09-07

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. conflict: A mental struggle of a character
  2. A character against natural forces (natural disasters), illnesses)
  3. Motivation outside yourself.
  4. A person on a novel, play, or movie
  5. A struggle between two characters
  1. A character against social forces (law, corruption)
  2. Motivation inside yourself.
  3. The subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person’s thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic
  4. A figure of speech that compares two otherwise dissimilar things, often introduced by the words like or as.
  5. A writer of a book, article, or report
  6. A person who narrates something, especially a character who recounts the events of a novel or narrative poem
  7. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable

12 Clues: Motivation inside yourself.Motivation outside yourself.A struggle between two charactersA person on a novel, play, or movieA writer of a book, article, or reportconflict: A mental struggle of a characterA character against social forces (law, corruption)A character against natural forces (natural disasters), illnesses)...

Term 3 Exam Vocab 2021-06-01

Term 3 Exam Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. (compound adj) Someone who is ________ always says please and thank you
  2. (noun) random, scattered objects e.g. on the street after a storm or earthquake
  3. (verb) [NOT OBEY] the rules
  4. (noun) a breakdown of communication, sometimes causing an argument
  5. (verb) [OBEY] they rules
  6. (noun) there is often a ______ of medicine after natural disasters
  7. (article + adj) The people who are not old
  8. (article + adj) The people who are not shy
  9. (noun) 'Show Racism The Red Card' are against __________ in football
  10. (compound adj) People with similar beliefs are __________
  11. (article + adj) The people who have a lot of money
  1. (noun) aid like food and medicine given to help victims of a natural disaster
  2. (compound adj) Someone who is happy to listen to new and different ideas is very ________
  3. (noun) "your hair looks nice today"
  4. (adj) nobody likes an ________ silence
  5. (phrasal verb + prep) [THINK OF/INVENT] new ideas
  6. (verb) Sometimes people ________ or insult others without realising
  7. (compound adj) Society has many ________ problems
  8. (noun) an innovative _______ to an issue
  9. (phrasal verb) [INVENT] a new game
  10. (article + adj) The people who are not cowards
  11. (noun) the transport and communication constructions and facilities of a country/society

22 Clues: (verb) [OBEY] they rules(verb) [NOT OBEY] the rules(phrasal verb) [INVENT] a new game(noun) "your hair looks nice today"(adj) nobody likes an ________ silence(noun) an innovative _______ to an issue(article + adj) The people who are not old(article + adj) The people who are not shy(article + adj) The people who are not cowards...

Natural Disasters 2022-08-08

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. long, high sea wave caused by an earthquake or other disturbance.
  2. a sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  3. an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land.
  1. a fire in scrub or a forest, especially one that spreads rapidly.
  2. a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.

5 Clues: a fire in scrub or a forest, especially one that spreads rapidly.long, high sea wave caused by an earthquake or other overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land....

Natural disasters 2018-12-22

Natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. which century did India face drought majorly
  2. Richter who in invented the richter scale
  3. The word volcano comes from
  1. Tidal or storm waves are also known as
  2. The eruptions of This volcano threw out fine glass rich ash in the atmosphere

5 Clues: The word volcano comes fromTidal or storm waves are also known asRichter who in invented the richter scalewhich century did India face drought majorlyThe eruptions of This volcano threw out fine glass rich ash in the atmosphere


NATURAL DISASTERS crossword puzzle



NATURAL DISASTERS crossword puzzle
  1. tidal or storm waves
  2. a sudden shake of the ground
  1. caused by dry conditions
  2. is a rapidly rotating column of air
  3. flood is an overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry

5 Clues: tidal or storm wavescaused by dry conditionsa sudden shake of the groundis a rapidly rotating column of airflood is an overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry

Natural Disasters 2023-04-10

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. a disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and us
  2. the flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity
  3. by rain, snow, hail, sleet, or thunder and lightning
  1. the amount of precipitation usually measured by the depth in inches
  2. precipitation in the form of small balls or lumps usually consisting of concentric layers of clear ice and compact snowrainfall the amount of precipitation usually measured by the depth in inches

5 Clues: by rain, snow, hail, sleet, or thunder and lightninga disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and usthe amount of precipitation usually measured by the depth in inchesthe flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity...

Natural Disasters 2014-10-05

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. A large tropical storm.
  2. A giant wave.
  1. A mountain with an opening that leads to a magma chamber.
  2. A violent shaking of the Earth.
  3. A violent funnel shaped storm with strong winds.

5 Clues: A giant wave.A large tropical storm.A violent shaking of the Earth.A violent funnel shaped storm with strong winds.A mountain with an opening that leads to a magma chamber.

Natural Disasters 2015-10-29

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. it's when a big wave of snow comes from the mountain
  1. it's time when there is no rains and water
  2. it's a big wave wich comes from the ocean after earthquake
  3. it's a mountain with hole in center. Sometimes lava expends outside from the hole
  4. it's when a big wind-tonnel moves on the ground and break all around it

5 Clues: it's time when there is no rains and waterit's when a big wave of snow comes from the mountainit's a big wave wich comes from the ocean after earthquakeit's when a big wind-tonnel moves on the ground and break all around itit's a mountain with hole in center. Sometimes lava expends outside from the hole

Natural Disasters 2016-05-01

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. An instrument used to detect the earthquake waves from all over the earth.
  2. A sudden shake or movement.
  3. An opening on the earth's surface from which lava erupts.
  1. Tidal waves caused by an undersea earthquake .
  2. An instrument used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake.

5 Clues: A sudden shake or movement.Tidal waves caused by an undersea earthquake .An opening on the earth's surface from which lava erupts.An instrument used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake.An instrument used to detect the earthquake waves from all over the earth.

Natural disasters 2016-05-21

Natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. overflow of water
  2. release energy in earths crust
  1. Flon over the oceans
  2. explosion of fall of rock
  3. Tidal or siesmic ware

5 Clues: overflow of waterFlon over the oceansTidal or siesmic wareexplosion of fall of rockrelease energy in earths crust

natural disasters 2016-05-28

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. caused by dry conditions
  2. sudden shaking movement
  1. wave caused by very high temperature
  2. known as tidal waves
  3. hot lava comes out of it

5 Clues: known as tidal wavessudden shaking movementhot lava comes out of itcaused by dry conditionswave caused by very high temperature

natural disasters 2016-05-14

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. no rainfall and water
  2. molten rock from volcano
  1. sudden shaking of ground
  2. tidle waves from sea/ocean
  3. high rainfall

5 Clues: high rainfallno rainfall and watersudden shaking of groundmolten rock from volcanotidle waves from sea/ocean


NATURAL DISASTERS crossword puzzle
  1. a sudden movement of earth
  2. too much of water on land
  1. lack of rain
  2. molten rocks coming out of the crust
  3. a gigantic wave

5 Clues: lack of raina gigantic wavetoo much of water on landa sudden movement of earthmolten rocks coming out of the crust

natural disasters 2016-05-17

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. conditions are caused by
  2. causeloss of life and property
  3. tidal or storm waves are also known as
  1. people who study earthquakes are called
  2. hot molten rock is called

5 Clues: conditions are caused byhot molten rock is calledcauseloss of life and propertytidal or storm waves are also known aspeople who study earthquakes are called

natural disasters 2016-05-17

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. conditions are caused by
  2. causeloss of life and property
  3. tidal or storm waves are also known as
  1. people who study earthquakes are called
  2. hot molten rock is called

5 Clues: conditions are caused byhot molten rock is calledcauseloss of life and propertytidal or storm waves are also known aspeople who study earthquakes are called


NATURAL DISASTERS crossword puzzle
  1. a sudden shaking of the ground
  2. roman god of fire vulcan
  1. dry land
  2. to detect waves that travel the earth
  3. tidal waves

5 Clues: dry landtidal wavesroman god of fire vulcana sudden shaking of the groundto detect waves that travel the earth

natural disasters 2016-05-10

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. a spiral wind
  2. used to measure earthquakes
  3. no rain for a long period
  1. structures shake,road crackes etc.
  2. through which lava comes out

5 Clues: a spiral windno rain for a long periodused to measure earthquakesthrough which lava comes outstructures shake,road crackes etc.

natural disasters 2016-05-08

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. a scale used to determine the intensity of an earthquake
  2. No rain fall for a long period of time
  3. Sudden shaking of the ground
  1. Hot molten rock
  2. an instrument used to measure the intensity of an earthquake

5 Clues: Hot molten rockSudden shaking of the groundNo rain fall for a long period of timea scale used to determine the intensity of an earthquakean instrument used to measure the intensity of an earthquake

Natural Disasters 2016-05-06

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. people who study earthquakes
  2. Tidal or storm waves
  1. state when the land becomes dry due to lack of rain
  2. An opening on the earths surface which allows lava out.
  3. A sudden shaking of the Earths surface.

5 Clues: Tidal or storm wavespeople who study earthquakesA sudden shaking of the Earths surface.state when the land becomes dry due to lack of rainAn opening on the earths surface which allows lava out.