nature Crossword Puzzles

Nature Crossword 2021-04-11

Nature Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. * no ice
  2. Make a mountain out of a *
  3. Cannot see the * for the trees
  4. * the weather
  1. A shrinking *
  2. * before the storm
  3. In * air
  4. Make * while the sun shines
  5. Out of the *
  6. * of sunshine

10 Clues: * no iceIn * airOut of the *A shrinking ** the weather* of sunshine* before the stormMake a mountain out of a *Make * while the sun shinesCannot see the * for the trees

Nature preserve 2021-04-17

Nature preserve crossword puzzle
  1. a something
  2. a small bird
  3. i like flowers i am also good with toast
  4. how you get from here to there without getting wet
  1. repeat nature visitor
  2. this one has eight and you want none of them to get on you
  3. a white flower
  4. a wooden structure
  5. i like lakes but not big snakes
  6. where are we

10 Clues: a somethinga small birdwhere are wea white flowera wooden structurerepeat nature visitori like lakes but not big snakesi like flowers i am also good with toasthow you get from here to there without getting wetthis one has eight and you want none of them to get on you

Nature Crossword 2021-09-26

Nature Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Big and blue.
  2. Small and with lots of legs.
  3. Small or big, black or brown, and hard.
  4. Small and we can eat it.
  5. Round and yellow.
  1. Pretty and colourful.
  2. Like a cat or a dog.
  3. Small, can fly and sing.
  4. Big and green.
  5. Big and white.

10 Clues: Big and blue.Big and green.Big and white.Round and yellow.Like a cat or a dog.Pretty and colourful.Small, can fly and sing.Small and we can eat it.Small and with lots of legs.Small or big, black or brown, and hard.

Nature puzzle 2021-07-15

Nature puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Season when leaves change colour
  2. Animal with black and white stripes
  3. Used by a bird to grip onto a branch
  4. Yellow fruit that grows in bunches
  5. Spins a web
  6. Insect that makes honey
  1. Big plant that gives shade
  2. Animal with two humps
  3. Cold season
  4. Fruit that keeps the doctor away

10 Clues: Cold seasonSpins a webAnimal with two humpsInsect that makes honeyBig plant that gives shadeSeason when leaves change colourFruit that keeps the doctor awayYellow fruit that grows in bunchesAnimal with black and white stripesUsed by a bird to grip onto a branch

La nature 2022-05-19

La nature crossword puzzle
  1. Séjour du bétail en étable
  2. Endroit où les champs cultivés et les prés sont enclos par des levées de terre ou talus portant des haies et taillis
  3. Ensemble des animaux d'élevage d'une exploitation agricole ou plus largement d'une région ou d'un pays
  4. Commerce de gros de matériaux de construction et d’équipement, et fournitures de quincaillerie, plomberie et chauffage.
  1. Processus de transformation des déchets organiques en présence d'eau et d'oxygène par le biais de micro-organismes
  2. Qui peut être labouré.
  3. Ensemble des pratiques culturales de printemps et d'été des terres arables
  4. équipement permettant aux vaches de se coucher séparément afin d'avoir leur propre place pour dormir ou se reposer.
  5. Amélioration des terres par le fumier, par un fertilisant
  6. Mélange de substances, naturelle ou d'origine synthétique, utilisée en agriculture

10 Clues: Qui peut être labouré.Séjour du bétail en étableAmélioration des terres par le fumier, par un fertilisantEnsemble des pratiques culturales de printemps et d'été des terres arablesMélange de substances, naturelle ou d'origine synthétique, utilisée en agriculture...

Nature 1 2022-10-27

Nature 1 crossword puzzle
  1. mammal
  2. desert
  3. coral reef
  4. landfill
  5. cheetah
  6. carbon dioxide
  1. earthquake
  2. bark
  3. renewable energy
  4. flood

10 Clues: barkfloodmammaldesertcheetahlandfillearthquakecoral reefcarbon dioxiderenewable energy

nature (easy) 2019-04-23

nature (easy) crossword puzzle
  1. kukka
  2. järvi
  3. puu
  4. tähti
  5. kuu
  1. pilvi
  2. metsä
  3. joki
  4. kukkula
  5. aurinko

10 Clues: puukuujokipilvikukkametsäjärvitähtikukkulaaurinko

Describing nature 2023-08-11

Describing nature crossword puzzle
  1. A place in the city filled with grass, trees, lakes and plants.
  2. A piece of land that is higher than everything else around it.
  3. A tall plant
  4. A body of water.
  5. A small green plant, that is sharp and usually covers the ground.
  1. Lets us cross over stuff, like rivers.
  2. A large, flat open area
  3. A living thing that needs the sunlight.
  4. Water moving, over a long distance
  5. The colourful part of a plant

10 Clues: A tall plantA body of water.A large, flat open areaThe colourful part of a plantWater moving, over a long distanceLets us cross over stuff, like rivers.A living thing that needs the sunlight.A piece of land that is higher than everything else around it.A place in the city filled with grass, trees, lakes and plants....

Mother Nature 2024-04-15

Mother Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Trees with fruits provide _____ to monkeys, birds and squirrels.
  2. _______ grow on the branches of trees.
  3. Humans must ______Nature and not destroy it.
  4. The planet we live on and call as home.
  5. It is the home to animals like monkeys, tigers, elephnats and many more.
  1. One word for Forest, oceans, mountains and land.
  2. They like to swing from tree to tree.
  3. Forests are full of _____.
  4. Trees and their leaves give ______ when it is hot.
  5. I grow deep into the earth to support the plant and provide water .

10 Clues: Forests are full of _____.They like to swing from tree to tree._______ grow on the branches of trees.The planet we live on and call as home.Humans must ______Nature and not destroy it.One word for Forest, oceans, mountains and land.Trees and their leaves give ______ when it is hot.Trees with fruits provide _____ to monkeys, birds and squirrels....

Describing nature 2023-10-11

Describing nature crossword puzzle
  1. growing flowers
  2. smells pleasant
  3. impressive
  4. calm and peaceful
  5. bright and exciting
  6. clean and pure
  1. covered in light
  2. delightful to watch
  3. deeply green
  4. extremely tall

10 Clues: impressivedeeply greenextremely tallclean and puregrowing flowerssmells pleasantcovered in lightcalm and peacefuldelightful to watchbright and exciting

Nature Activities 2024-08-20

Nature Activities crossword puzzle
  1. Eating a meal outdoors, usually in a park.
  2. Sleeping outdoors, often in a tent.
  3. Walking in nature on trails or paths.
  4. Growing plants and flowers in a garden.
  1. Scaling rocks or mountains.
  2. Moving through water for fun or exercise.
  3. Catching fish from rivers, lakes, or the sea.
  4. Watching the stars and planets in the night sky.
  5. Observing and identifying birds in nature.
  6. Discovering new places in nature.

10 Clues: Scaling rocks or mountains.Discovering new places in nature.Sleeping outdoors, often in a tent.Walking in nature on trails or paths.Growing plants and flowers in a garden.Moving through water for fun or exercise.Eating a meal outdoors, usually in a park.Observing and identifying birds in nature.Catching fish from rivers, lakes, or the sea....

Nature attack 2024-11-01

Nature attack crossword puzzle
  1. to touch your skin or make a very small hole in it so that you feel a sharp pain
  2. All the people who live in a particular area, city or country; the total number of people who live there
  3. a large insect that lives in hot countries and sometimes flies in large groups, destroying all the plants and crops of an area
  4. a structure made for bees to live in studying the life of bees in the hive
  5. angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack
  6. to run, drive, etc. after somebody/something in order to catch them or it
  1. a large group of insects, especially bees, moving together in the same direction
  2. used to describe the situation that existed at the beginning of a particular period or activity, especially before something was changed
  3. having an allergy to something
  4. a small brown jumping insect that makes a loud high sound by rubbing its wings together

10 Clues: having an allergy to somethingangry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attackto run, drive, etc. after somebody/something in order to catch them or ita structure made for bees to live in studying the life of bees in the hiveto touch your skin or make a very small hole in it so that you feel a sharp pain...

Intelligence and will 2024-06-03

Intelligence and will crossword puzzle
  1. Connected to the irascible appetite
  2. Relates to law of human constitution
  3. Each person their due
  4. Power to make a choice
  5. That which perfects
  6. Power to read into the nature of something
  7. Skill in doing something
  1. Type of thinking that relates to conceptualizing, analyzing, judging and making conclusions
  2. Connected to concupiscible appetite
  3. That which removes the perfect
  4. Relates to nature
  5. Does not relate to nature
  6. Conformance of mind with reality
  7. State of fulfilment

14 Clues: Relates to natureThat which perfectsState of fulfilmentEach person their duePower to make a choiceSkill in doing somethingDoes not relate to natureThat which removes the perfectConformance of mind with realityConnected to the irascible appetiteConnected to concupiscible appetiteRelates to law of human constitution...

Impact of the human on the nature 2022-05-19

Impact of the human on the nature crossword puzzle
  1. There will be a lot of damage
  2. pollute nature
  3. Increases nature damage
  4. Affects humanity, fauna and flora
  5. nature will be extinguished
  6. what do humans do
  1. destroy our natural
  2. It affects our human life
  3. What's good for the whole Earth
  4. harm nature

10 Clues: harm naturepollute naturewhat do humans dodestroy our naturalIncreases nature damageIt affects our human lifenature will be extinguishedThere will be a lot of damageWhat's good for the whole EarthAffects humanity, fauna and flora

Impact of the human on the nature 2022-05-19

Impact of the human on the nature crossword puzzle
  1. There will be a lot of damage
  2. pollute nature
  3. Increases nature damage
  4. Affects humanity, fauna and flora
  5. nature will be extinguished
  6. what do humans do
  1. destroy our natural
  2. It affects our human life
  3. What's good for the whole Earth
  4. harm nature

10 Clues: harm naturepollute naturewhat do humans dodestroy our naturalIncreases nature damageIt affects our human lifenature will be extinguishedThere will be a lot of damageWhat's good for the whole EarthAffects humanity, fauna and flora

Impact of the human on the nature 2022-05-19

Impact of the human on the nature crossword puzzle
  1. There will be a lot of damage
  2. pollute nature
  3. Increases nature damage
  4. Affects humanity, fauna and flora
  5. nature will be extinguished
  6. what do humans do
  1. destroy our natural
  2. It affects our human life
  3. What's good for the whole Earth
  4. harm nature

10 Clues: harm naturepollute naturewhat do humans dodestroy our naturalIncreases nature damageIt affects our human lifenature will be extinguishedThere will be a lot of damageWhat's good for the whole EarthAffects humanity, fauna and flora

Nature Words 2021-06-21

Nature Words crossword puzzle
  1. s_a
  2. r_ck
  3. t_ee
  4. s_n
  5. m_on
  1. riv_r
  2. cl_uds
  3. wat_r
  4. sk_
  5. rainb_w

10 Clues: s_ask_s_nr_ckt_eem_onriv_rwat_rcl_udsrainb_w


NATURE CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Representation of Earth
  2. Opium producer
  3. Prickly-stemmed flower
  4. Bulbous plant
  5. Yellow flowering weed
  1. Plant with showy flowers
  2. Bright yellow flower
  4. Small aromatic evergreen shrub
  5. Flower symbolizing freshness

10 Clues: Bulbous plantOpium producerBLOOM OF NATUREBright yellow flowerYellow flowering weedPrickly-stemmed flowerRepresentation of EarthPlant with showy flowersFlower symbolizing freshnessSmall aromatic evergreen shrub

Nature Puzzle 2022-05-28

Nature Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. air terjun
  2. hujan
  3. jembatan
  4. pulau
  5. laut
  1. gunung
  2. air
  3. danau
  4. pantai
  5. sungai

10 Clues: airlautdanauhujanpulaugunungpantaisungaijembatanair terjun

Nature Crossword 2019-04-25

Nature Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A white cloud - but not in the sky
  2. Drop, Drop, Drop from the sky.
  3. What gets created when there's rain and sun?
  4. What month is Water day?
  5. Cotton candy in the sky
  1. Just like the sea but bigger
  2. A ball in the sky, warming Earth
  3. Falling from trees in Autumn
  4. What month is Earth day?
  5. Just like the sea but smaller

10 Clues: Cotton candy in the skyWhat month is Earth day?What month is Water day?Just like the sea but biggerFalling from trees in AutumnJust like the sea but smallerDrop, Drop, Drop from the sky.A ball in the sky, warming EarthA white cloud - but not in the skyWhat gets created when there's rain and sun?

Awesome Nature 2020-09-08

Awesome Nature crossword puzzle
  1. as far as one knows or sees
  2. to collect several things
  3. look fixedly
  4. unable to move
  5. spinning around and losing one's balance
  6. moving in one direction
  1. something that covers or affords protection
  2. to cause a loud noise
  3. spoken comment
  4. when your body shakes

10 Clues: look fixedlyspoken commentunable to moveto cause a loud noisewhen your body shakesmoving in one directionto collect several thingsas far as one knows or seesspinning around and losing one's balancesomething that covers or affords protection

nature puzzles 2021-04-09

nature puzzles crossword puzzle
  1. a * in the ocean
  2. to lead someone up the * path
  3. to hit the *
  4. out of the *
  5. to * up the wrong tree
  1. a * violet
  2. * a storm
  3. * roots
  4. * to earth
  5. in deep *

10 Clues: * roots* a stormin deep *a * violet* to earthto hit the *out of the *a * in the oceanto * up the wrong treeto lead someone up the * path

Nature watch 2021-04-05

Nature watch crossword puzzle
  1. to get information from book with knowledge
  2. having experience
  3. a person who lives
  4. a person do something for other people
  5. sometimes a written one
  6. keeping building in good condition
  1. something is different from something else
  2. department of the government led by a minister
  3. long time in future
  4. to provide the money to pay for event

10 Clues: having experiencea person who liveslong time in futuresometimes a written onekeeping building in good conditionto provide the money to pay for eventa person do something for other peoplesomething is different from something elseto get information from book with knowledgedepartment of the government led by a minister

Nature B1 2021-10-27

Nature B1 crossword puzzle
  1. ___ away
  2. in a way that becomes quicker and quicker as something that increases becomes larger
  3. to make something stronger
  4. very different to before, or changed very much, and therefore not able to be recognized
  5. a person or animal that lives in a particular place
  1. a substance that is added to food in order to improve its taste or appearance or to keep it fresh and stop it from decaying
  2. to be one of the first people to do something
  3. to provide the money to pay for an event, activity, or organization
  4. affected by pollution
  5. to throw something away or get rid of it because you no longer want or need it

10 Clues: ___ awayaffected by pollutionto make something strongerto be one of the first people to do somethinga person or animal that lives in a particular placeto provide the money to pay for an event, activity, or organizationto throw something away or get rid of it because you no longer want or need it...

Nature Crossword 2013-04-21

Nature Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Where species live
  2. Plants require this to grow
  3. I have leaves of three and you shouldn't touch me!
  4. Plants with woody stems
  5. They produce food through photosynthesis
  1. I am a type of soil that you can shape and mould
  2. am a warm blooded animal
  3. I am a cold blooded animal
  4. If an ecosystem has many species in a given area then it is
  5. The roots of plants grow in

10 Clues: Where species livePlants with woody stemsam a warm blooded animalI am a cold blooded animalPlants require this to growThe roots of plants grow inThey produce food through photosynthesisI am a type of soil that you can shape and mouldI have leaves of three and you shouldn't touch me!If an ecosystem has many species in a given area then it is

Nature & Technology 2015-04-27

Nature & Technology crossword puzzle
  1. the name of a smartphone made by Apple
  2. a powerful electrical discharge made during a thunderstorm
  3. a big rock, one that is at least 30 cm in diameter
  4. a device that can be moved from one place to another, used to create light and to light up open areas
  5. clothes that people wear while they are sleeping
  6. war plane designed to attack targets by dropping weaponry on them
  1. what we do to find out about the natural world. It is the total of physics, chemistry, biology, geology and astronomy
  2. a beverage that comes from Asia, prepared by pouring boiling water over leaves; there are many kinds of it including black, white, green and red.
  3. a large flower with yellow petals and edible seeds
  4. to increase the size of something

10 Clues: to increase the size of somethingthe name of a smartphone made by Appleclothes that people wear while they are sleepinga large flower with yellow petals and edible seedsa big rock, one that is at least 30 cm in diametera powerful electrical discharge made during a thunderstormwar plane designed to attack targets by dropping weaponry on them...

Nature & Nurture 2017-06-30

Nature & Nurture crossword puzzle
  1. The genetic transmission of mental and physical characteristics from one generation to the other.
  2. Anything relating to genes or hereditary.
  3. When people create their own nurture by selecting environments
  4. The name of philosophers that argue that the mind is a blank slate at birth which is then written on.
  5. The aspects of behaviour that are inherited.
  6. The name that refers to a change in genetic activity without changing the genetic code.
  1. The name of the stress model that suggests that psychopathology is caused by biological/genetic vulnerability.
  2. The approach that thinks that nature and nurture are linked to such an extent that separating the two would not make sense.
  3. Any influence on human behaviour that is non genetic.
  4. The aspects of behaviour that are acquired through experience.

10 Clues: Anything relating to genes or hereditary.The aspects of behaviour that are inherited.Any influence on human behaviour that is non genetic.When people create their own nurture by selecting environmentsThe aspects of behaviour that are acquired through experience.The name that refers to a change in genetic activity without changing the genetic code....

MOTHER NATURE 2021-12-30

MOTHER NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. The aftermath of the undersea earthquake.
  2. A condition when there is an unusual dryness of the soil.
  3. A heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail.
  4. The phenomena where there is an overflowing of water on land.
  5. The season where plants start to grow again.
  6. A condition when there is a sudden shaking of the ground caused by the passage of seismic waves through Earth's rocks.
  1. What is the rainiest season of the year?
  2. The increase of average world temperatures as a result of what is known as the green house effect.
  3. In what season does snow fall?
  4. What is the warmest season of the year?

10 Clues: In what season does snow fall?A heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail.What is the warmest season of the year?What is the rainiest season of the year?The aftermath of the undersea earthquake.The season where plants start to grow again.A condition when there is an unusual dryness of the soil.The phenomena where there is an overflowing of water on land....

Extreme Nature 2023-07-25

Extreme Nature crossword puzzle
  1. During the storm ______ lit up the sky.
  2. Near the river there was a big _____. The road was closed for three days.
  3. I was walking outside in a ________. It was very cold, and the wind was very strong.
  4. During the storm there was a loud clap of _______.
  5. The ______ had weakened when it arrived on land, but it still destroyed many houses.
  1. The weather had been very hot before the __________ started.
  2. A _______ begins over land and moves very fast.
  3. The _____ is one of nature's most powerful forces.
  4. A long time outside in extremely bright ______ can burn human skin.
  5. In colder climates a _______ can block the road.

10 Clues: During the storm ______ lit up the sky.A _______ begins over land and moves very fast.In colder climates a _______ can block the road.The _____ is one of nature's most powerful forces.During the storm there was a loud clap of _______.The weather had been very hot before the __________ started....

NATURE 1 2023-10-18

NATURE 1 crossword puzzle
  1. frog
  2. lake
  3. tree
  4. deer
  5. sun
  1. cat
  2. bee
  3. butterfly
  4. fox
  5. dog

10 Clues: catbeefoxdogsunfroglaketreedeerbutterfly

Nature words 2023-09-17

Nature words crossword puzzle
  1. isbre
  2. fjell
  3. fjellkjede
  4. elg
  5. rev
  1. bjørn
  2. gaupe
  3. skog
  4. foss
  5. djerv

10 Clues: elgrevskogfossbjørnisbregaupefjelldjervfjellkjede

Nature words 2024-02-02

Nature words crossword puzzle
  1. tulivuori
  2. vesiputous
  3. luonto
  4. taivas
  5. joki
  1. peak vuorenhuippu
  2. kukkula
  3. metsä
  4. keskustelu
  5. laakso

10 Clues: jokimetsälaaksoluontotaivaskukkulatulivuorikeskusteluvesiputouspeak vuorenhuippu

Crossword Nature 2024-05-07

Crossword Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Remove dust or dirt from something with a bristle brush or other object that performs the same function.
  2. is a concept used to refer to the material world or material universe,
  3. Domestic mammal of the Canidae family,
  4. belong to the group of vertebrates. They are characterized by having their bodies covered in fur.
  5. box or sandbox is an indoor container in which domestic animals deposit their feces and urine.
  1. animals that accompany human beings.
  2. Furniture intended for people to lie on,
  3. loss occurs when new hair does not replace the lost hair.
  4. It is an adjective that qualifies that which is linked to water or that lives in it.
  5. Something that opens or protects against the cold.

10 Clues: animals that accompany human beings.Domestic mammal of the Canidae family,Furniture intended for people to lie on,Something that opens or protects against the cold.loss occurs when new hair does not replace the lost a concept used to refer to the material world or material universe,...

Theme: Nature 2024-07-24

Theme: Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A very large expanse of sea
  2. A large natural elevation of the earth's surface
  3. A piece of land surrounded by water
  4. A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea
  5. A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth
  1. A mountain or hill with a crater through which lava erupts
  2. A barren area of land where little precipitation occurs
  3. A slowly moving mass or river of ice
  4. A deep gorge typically with a river flowing through it
  5. A cascade of water falling from a height

10 Clues: A very large expanse of seaA piece of land surrounded by waterA slowly moving mass or river of iceA cascade of water falling from a heightA large natural elevation of the earth's surfaceA deep gorge typically with a river flowing through itA barren area of land where little precipitation occursA large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth...

Song - Emily Bronte 2013-05-29

Song - Emily Bronte crossword puzzle
  1. another bird mentioned in the poem
  2. meaning of "is changed and careless..." (line 20)
  3. lady is now in ____
  4. speaker refers the death of the lady to ______
  5. she has been _____ by her loved ones
  6. a linnet
  7. speaker's attitude towards nature
  1. speaker believes nature is a _______________
  2. speaker of the poem
  3. lady is referred to a ____ in line 19
  4. location of "lady fair"
  5. "they" (mentioned in line 11)
  6. meaning of "ween"
  7. image "rocky dells" gives ____

14 Clues: a linnetmeaning of "ween"speaker of the poemlady is now in ____location of "lady fair""they" (mentioned in line 11)image "rocky dells" gives ____speaker's attitude towards natureanother bird mentioned in the poemshe has been _____ by her loved oneslady is referred to a ____ in line 19speaker believes nature is a _______________...

How well do you know our TCP'ers 2023-07-13

How well do you know our TCP'ers crossword puzzle
  1. funny remarks
  2. authentic and sincere in their interactions with others
  3. a nature lover
  4. questionable driver
  5. ability to find humor in various circumstances
  6. declutters their physical and mental space
  7. thoughtful and mindful of other's feelings
  8. very critical of their self
  9. knowledge and strategic thinker
  10. is always direct and clear
  11. good sense of humor, comfortable poking fun at self.
  12. incredibly sweet personality
  13. outgoing personality
  14. relaxed and adaptable nature
  15. possesses charm and sweetness
  1. enjoys having fun
  2. Their style appears effortless and natural
  3. sense of humor, playful nature, & enjoyable company
  4. mysterious
  5. remain humble
  6. winning smile
  7. makes others feel at ease
  8. explores creative new ideas
  9. quiet but friendly
  10. They remain grounded and relatable
  11. They confidently express their opinions and needs
  12. social butterfly

27 Clues: mysteriousfunny remarksremain humblewinning smilea nature loversocial butterflyenjoys having funquiet but friendlyquestionable driveroutgoing personalitymakes others feel at easeis always direct and clearexplores creative new ideasvery critical of their selfincredibly sweet personalityrelaxed and adaptable naturepossesses charm and sweetness...

Sustainability glossary 2019-05-13

Sustainability glossary crossword puzzle
  1. forests
  2. helping nature
  3. change weather
  4. a place were you live in
  5. plants
  6. climate
  7. oksiden
  1. you
  2. dead
  3. places
  4. air
  5. a living creature
  6. almost exstikt

13 Clues: youairdeadplacesplantsforestsclimateoksidenhelping naturealmost exstiktchange weathera living creaturea place were you live in

Outdoor Activities 2023-12-19

Outdoor Activities crossword puzzle
  1. natural rock formations or artificial climbing walls using specialized equipment.
  2. treasure-hunting activity using GPS devices to find hidden containers in specific outdoor locations.
  3. to catch fish in rivers, lakes, or oceans using different techniques and equipment.
  4. or trekking in nature, like mountains or trails, enjoying the outdoors and scenic views.
  5. celestial objects like stars, planets, and the moon in the night sky using telescopes or just enjoying the cosmos.
  6. interactive outdoor activity searching for specific items in nature, promoting exploration and observation skills.
  7. Scavenger Hunt
  8. for seashells or treasures along the shoreline of a beach, exploring sandy or rocky areas.
  9. plants, flowers, and vegetables in a garden, involving planting, weeding, and harvesting.
  1. a bicycle for exercise, transportation, or fun, exploring different terrains.
  2. up temporary shelters, such as tents, staying overnight in nature, cooking over a fire, and stargazing.
  3. a small boat called a kayak in rivers, lakes, or coastal waters for an adventurous water experience.
  4. a canoe, often in rivers or lakes, using a single-bladed paddle for a peaceful water experience.
  5. Riding
  6. and identifying birds in their natural habitats using binoculars and field guides.
  7. on horseback for recreation or sport, developing a connection with the horse while exploring trails.
  8. a meal outdoors, usually in a park, bringing food and blankets to enjoy nature while sharing a meal.
  9. Climbing

18 Clues: RidingClimbingScavenger Hunta bicycle for exercise, transportation, or fun, exploring different terrains.natural rock formations or artificial climbing walls using specialized equipment.and identifying birds in their natural habitats using binoculars and field guides....

ACI KID'S PUZZLE 2022-05-14

ACI KID'S PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. surrounding
  2. family
  3. school
  4. domestic
  5. animal
  6. waste
  7. playground
  8. earth
  9. sustainable
  10. industrial
  11. compound
  12. effort
  13. liquid
  14. ecosystem
  15. goal
  16. responsible
  17. nutrient
  18. cleaning
  19. healthier
  20. nature
  1. disposing
  2. living
  3. volunteer
  4. solid
  5. material
  6. pollution
  7. citizen
  8. atmosphere
  9. classroom
  10. dirt
  11. garbage
  12. example
  13. food
  14. organic
  15. commercial
  16. Agricultural
  17. community
  18. environment
  19. erosion
  20. refuse
  21. clean
  22. green

42 Clues: dirtfoodgoalsolidwasteearthcleangreenlivingfamilyschoolanimaleffortliquidrefusenaturecitizengarbageexampleorganicerosionmaterialdomesticcompoundnutrientcleaningdisposingvolunteerpollutionclassroomecosystemcommunityhealthieratmosphereplaygroundindustrialcommercialsurroundingsustainableenvironmentresponsibleAgricultural

Psychology Crossword 2022-10-06

Psychology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. individual is studied in depth
  2. comes before the response
  3. traits you are born with
  4. using experimentation
  5. currently aware of
  6. this person believed in experiencing nurture
  7. created the first laboratory
  8. testable prediction
  9. a blank slate
  10. two variables change together
  11. example of nature
  12. participants dont know what group they are in
  13. how bio and psychological are linked
  14. example of nurture
  1. not currently thinking about but could
  2. charles darwins concept
  3. self reported behaviors
  4. what we dont know we know
  5. i knew it all along phenomenon
  6. process of systematic observation
  7. how we process and store information
  8. represents values of 2 variables
  9. repeat of research study
  10. predicts behavior/events
  11. this person believed in innate nature
  12. how we learn observable behaviors
  13. things you have been taught after birth

27 Clues: a blank slateexample of naturecurrently aware ofexample of nurturetestable predictionusing experimentationcharles darwins conceptself reported behaviorstraits you are born withrepeat of research studypredicts behavior/eventscomes before the responsewhat we dont know we knowcreated the first laboratorytwo variables change together...

Sonnet by John Clare 2016-04-29

Sonnet by John Clare crossword puzzle
  1. This innocent, happy, and carefree word ends the poem
  2. The structure of the poem
  3. This theme runs throughout the poem, through the summer coming again, and the wild flowers growing again
  4. "Summer beaming forth" is an example of this
  5. Clare personifies this object to show how it protects the precious lake
  6. This theme runs throughout the poem, through the bright images and light colours
  7. "Sack clouds sailing" is an example of this
  1. Clare uses this type of language to describe the simple pleasures he sees in nature
  2. This is missing from the poem, which shows how the poet was rushing to get his words out, showing his passion for nature and also the freedom of nature
  3. The number of lines in the poem
  4. This holds the poem together, and creates a soft, soothing tone
  5. "White wool" is an example of this
  6. The poet repeats this phrase to emphasise his love of summer and nature
  7. John Clare was a poet from this literary movement
  8. This colour conveys the purity and brilliance of nature

15 Clues: The structure of the poemThe number of lines in the poem"White wool" is an example of this"Sack clouds sailing" is an example of this"Summer beaming forth" is an example of thisJohn Clare was a poet from this literary movementThis innocent, happy, and carefree word ends the poemThis colour conveys the purity and brilliance of nature...

unit 2 vocabulary review 2021-11-19

unit 2 vocabulary review crossword puzzle
  1. Creates vivid impressions for the leader
  2. Wrote a Psalm of life and The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls
  3. “Trust thyself; every heart vibrates to that iron string”
  4. Short accounts of personal incidents
  5. suited to one’s needs or nature
  6. “If a plant cannot live according to its nature, it dies; and so a man.”
  7. A literary superstar. Wrote “Thanatopsis”
  8. “I took up my abode in the woods”
  9. The underlying message or the central idea of the message
  10. “Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece”
  11. “To him who in the love of nature”
  12. The acknowledged leader of the transcendentalist
  13. Had rhyme schemes
  14. Advocated simple, mindful living and rejected a lifestyle dedicated to the pursuit
  1. Examine the writer's ideas carefully and then making judgement about their value.
  2. one who does not follow generally accepted beliefs, Customs, or practices
  3. Attitude towards his or her subject
  4. In an unhurried and thoughtful manner
  5. An intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated a simple, mindful life.
  6. Low; contemptible; wretched
  7. Believed that people are inherently good and should follow their own beliefs
  8. A group of new england poets whose work normally uplifting and romantically engaged
  9. The day returns but the traveler does not
  10. Disturbance of the emotions
  11. Makes abstract ideas more appealing and easier to gasp
  12. A feeling of doubt
  13. To spread through every part of
  14. To violate a command or law
  15. Acting with sudden or rash energy
  16. Briefly restate the main ideas

30 Clues: Had rhyme schemesA feeling of doubtLow; contemptible; wretchedDisturbance of the emotionsTo violate a command or lawBriefly restate the main ideassuited to one’s needs or natureTo spread through every part of“I took up my abode in the woods”Acting with sudden or rash energy“To him who in the love of nature”Attitude towards his or her subject...

Judaism revision 2024-03-26

Judaism revision crossword puzzle
  1. book in which ten commandments are found
  2. famous existentialist
  3. another root cause of wrongdoing
  4. Deuteronomy chapter requiring Beth Din
  5. no free will
  6. humans have free will
  7. human nature depends on political economy
  1. possible root cause of wrondgoing
  2. pagan idea of ultimate reality
  3. human nature evolved
  4. lack of clear___as reason for unbelief
  5. humans have freedom of action but not will
  6. Hindu idea of ultimate reality

13 Clues: no free willhuman nature evolvedfamous existentialisthumans have free willpagan idea of ultimate realityHindu idea of ultimate realityanother root cause of wrongdoingpossible root cause of wrondgoinglack of clear___as reason for unbeliefDeuteronomy chapter requiring Beth Dinbook in which ten commandments are found...

Emotions and Colors - 01.09 2023-09-01

Emotions and Colors - 01.09 crossword puzzle
  1. Coral (Vitality + Zest)
  2. Blue (Serenity + Peace)
  3. Red (Energy + Life)
  4. Orange (Vibrancy + Optimism)
  5. Green (Harmony + Nature)
  6. Blue (Trust + Reliability)
  7. Dark Blue (Satisfaction + Assurance)
  8. Brown (Strength + Dependability)
  9. Yellow (Radiance + Bliss)
  10. Pink (Love + Gentleness)
  1. Light Green (Refreshment + Delight)
  2. Olive (Modesty + Self-Restraint)
  3. Gray (Calmness + Neutrality)
  4. White (Innocence + Light)
  5. Lavender (Relaxation + Serenity)
  6. Gold (Nobility + Success)
  7. Silver (Contemporary + Innovation)
  8. Purple (Magic + Depth and Enigma)
  9. Terracotta (Nature + Warmth)

19 Clues: Red (Energy + Life)Coral (Vitality + Zest)Blue (Serenity + Peace)Green (Harmony + Nature)Pink (Love + Gentleness)White (Innocence + Light)Gold (Nobility + Success)Yellow (Radiance + Bliss)Blue (Trust + Reliability)Gray (Calmness + Neutrality)Orange (Vibrancy + Optimism)Terracotta (Nature + Warmth)Olive (Modesty + Self-Restraint)...

Romanticism and Descriptive Writing 2023-02-07

Romanticism and Descriptive Writing crossword puzzle
  1. The waves danced underneath the smiling sun
  2. A comparison using 'as' or 'like'
  3. A verse in a poem
  4. 'Boom', 'Crash', 'Bang'
  5. A clear contrast between two things
  6. When something REPRESENTS something else
  7. Another word for 'loneliness' or 'isolation'
  1. A doing word
  2. A text that is not real or based on fact
  3. When nature has a real effect on our emotions
  4. A describing word
  5. These writers loved nature and hated industrialisation
  6. Famous Romantic poet who wrote Daffodils
  7. The mood or tone of a text
  8. The power of ______ - a key Romantic idea
  9. The Rime of the Ancient _______; poem by Coleridge
  10. The clouds were light, fluffy mounds of candyfloss

17 Clues: A doing wordA verse in a poemA describing word'Boom', 'Crash', 'Bang'The mood or tone of a textA comparison using 'as' or 'like'A clear contrast between two thingsA text that is not real or based on factFamous Romantic poet who wrote DaffodilsWhen something REPRESENTS something elseThe power of ______ - a key Romantic idea...

Land Use/First People Review 2020-10-26

Land Use/First People Review crossword puzzle
  1. cannot be remade by nature or people
  2. material added to soil to make it more fertile
  3. things found in nature and used by people
  4. tell about the beginnings of Native Tribes
  5. early family members
  6. wearing away of the earth' surface
  1. movement of water to dry area
  2. can be made again by nature or people
  3. studies ancient cultures
  4. movement of people
  5. objects made by early people
  6. to change
  7. possible explanation
  8. person's child, grandchild, or later relative

14 Clues: to changemovement of peoplepossible explanationearly family membersstudies ancient culturesobjects made by early peoplemovement of water to dry areawearing away of the earth' surfacecannot be remade by nature or peoplecan be made again by nature or peoplethings found in nature and used by peopletell about the beginnings of Native Tribes...

Astrology Crossword Puzzle 2024-03-19

Astrology Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Known for its adventurous and optimistic nature
  2. Known for its humanitarian and progressive nature
  3. A sign known for its nurturing and intuitive nature
  4. This sign values balance and harmony
  5. Characterized by its sensitivity, empathy, and artist
  1. Associated with practicality, organization, and materialism
  2. This sign is known for its duality and adaptability
  3. This sign is often associated with stability and determination
  4. Known for its steadfastness and reliability
  5. Known for its mysterious and intense nature
  6. This sign is characterized by its passion, courage, and leadership
  7. Characterized by its enthusiasm, creativity, and generosity

12 Clues: This sign values balance and harmonyKnown for its steadfastness and reliabilityKnown for its mysterious and intense natureKnown for its adventurous and optimistic natureKnown for its humanitarian and progressive natureThis sign is known for its duality and adaptabilityA sign known for its nurturing and intuitive nature...

Singhania Academy Chapter 1_Human Geography 2023-07-10

Singhania Academy          Chapter 1_Human Geography crossword puzzle
  1. Helped us to discover fire
  2. International Trade
  3. Early Colonial period
  4. aspects of social well-being
  5. Stop and go determinism
  1. Urban studies and planning
  2. The dictates of Nature.
  3. nature gets humanised
  4. Living Organisms
  5. Slave of nature
  6. Mother discipline

11 Clues: Slave of natureLiving OrganismsMother disciplineInternational Tradenature gets humanisedEarly Colonial periodThe dictates of Nature.Stop and go determinismUrban studies and planningHelped us to discover fireaspects of social well-being


NATURE VERSUS NURTURE crossword puzzle
  1. The hereditary material in all organisms
  2. Freud Psychologist that developed the idea of psychoanalysis
  3. Slate Theory that people are born without any preexisting ideas or beliefs, humans learn from experience
  4. Twins Individuals that result from developing in separately fertilized ova and are genetically distinct
  5. Region of the brain that deals with long term memory
  6. Refers to an individual's DNA and genetic makeup
  7. The change in heritable characteristics of biological populations and species
  1. Twins Individuals that develop from a single fertilized ovum and are genetically the same
  2. Region of the brain that deals with emotional processing and memory
  3. Idea that says all people are born with innate, preexisting ideas and beliefs
  4. Skinner Psychologist that studied behaviorism, believed in learned behavior with positive and negative reinforcements
  5. Refers to the environment and individual was raised in
  6. Study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than the genetic code
  7. Psych The study of growth and changes within a person's mind and behavior
  8. Locke Philosopher that created the Blank Slate theory.

15 Clues: The hereditary material in all organismsRefers to an individual's DNA and genetic makeupRegion of the brain that deals with long term memoryRefers to the environment and individual was raised inLocke Philosopher that created the Blank Slate theory.Freud Psychologist that developed the idea of psychoanalysis...


NATURE VERSUS NURTURE crossword puzzle
  1. Individuals that result from developing in separate fertilized ova and are genetically distinct
  2. Refers to an individual's DNA and genetic makeup
  3. Idea that says all people are born with innate, preexisting ideas and beliefs
  4. that people are born without any preexisting ideas or beliefs, humans learn from experience
  5. Refers to the environment and individual was raised in
  6. Region of the brain that deals with long term memory
  1. Psychologist that studied behaviorism, believed in learned behavior with positive and negative reinforcements
  2. Philosopher that created the Blank Slate theory.
  3. Individuals that develop from a single fertilized ovum and are genetically the same
  4. Psychologist that developed idea of psychoanalysis
  5. The study of growth and changes within a person's mind and behavior
  6. Region of the brain that deals with emotional processing and memory
  7. Study of changes in an organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than the genetic code
  8. The change in heritable characteristics of biological populations and species
  9. The hereditary material in all organisms

15 Clues: The hereditary material in all organismsPhilosopher that created the Blank Slate theory.Refers to an individual's DNA and genetic makeupPsychologist that developed idea of psychoanalysisRegion of the brain that deals with long term memoryRefers to the environment and individual was raised in...

Nature & Biodiversity Vocabulary 2021-06-09

Nature & Biodiversity Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the movement of animals from one region to another
  2. the full name for CO2
  3. an area that has a high quantity or quality of something
  4. tiny living things found in water, soil and air.
  5. a young plant raised from a seed
  6. a continuous and directed movement of sea water generated by forces such as wind
  7. the opposite of dry
  8. the adjective form of extinction
  1. a group of cows
  2. another word for preservation
  3. the variety of all living things
  4. the geological process where material is worn away by natural forces like wind and water
  5. decayed organic material used in fertiliser
  6. another term for farming
  7. at risk of extinction

15 Clues: a group of cowsthe opposite of drythe full name for CO2at risk of extinctionanother term for farminganother word for preservationthe variety of all living thingsa young plant raised from a seedthe adjective form of extinctiondecayed organic material used in fertilisertiny living things found in water, soil and air....

Nature & Biodiversity Vocabulary 2021-06-09

Nature & Biodiversity Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the movement of animals from one region to another
  2. the full name for CO2
  3. an area that has a high quantity or quality of something
  4. tiny living things found in water, soil and air.
  5. a young plant raised from a seed
  6. a continuous and directed movement of sea water generated by forces such as wind
  7. the opposite of dry
  8. the adjective form of extinction
  1. a group of cows
  2. another word for preservation
  3. the variety of all living things
  4. the geological process where material is worn away by natural forces like wind and water
  5. decayed organic material used in fertiliser
  6. another term for farming
  7. at risk of extinction

15 Clues: a group of cowsthe opposite of drythe full name for CO2at risk of extinctionanother term for farminganother word for preservationthe variety of all living thingsa young plant raised from a seedthe adjective form of extinctiondecayed organic material used in fertilisertiny living things found in water, soil and air....

Human ın Nature 2022-01-02

Human ın Nature crossword puzzle
  1. an organization or place where you can
  2. staying under water
  3. a tool or machine for making for making holes in a hard
  4. a large amount of snow that falls
  5. long sleeves
  6. a violent storm with very strong winds
  7. when there is not enought rain
  1. often causing severe damage
  2. ıf you go on journey you travel from one place to another
  3. happy about something
  4. to stay in the air for a long time
  5. a large hot dry area
  6. somothing that causes a lot of harm or damage
  7. to move throught water by moving your body
  8. to jump into water

15 Clues: long sleevesto jump into waterstaying under waterhappy about somethinga large hot dry areaoften causing severe damagewhen there is not enought raina large amount of snow that fallsto stay in the air for a long timea violent storm with very strong windsan organization or place where you canto move throught water by moving your body...

Game of Nature 2022-04-19

Game of Nature crossword puzzle
  1. which chemical is present in high amount in yamuna river causing disrupted water supply in Delhi?
  2. which is the most recyclable metal in the world?
  3. which country recorded Most devastating earthquake that occured in the world in terms of magnitude ?
  4. Taj Mahal at Agra may be damaged by which gas ?
  5. what is the name of the climate summit held in November 2021?
  6. term used for particular weather patterns or conditions
  7. Which summit is known as the Greenhouse summit?
  8. Which volcanic eruption produced largest sound waves ever recorded in human history?
  9. 33% of the geographical area of a country should be under
  1. Which award is regarded as the green noble price in the field of environment
  2. Which was the first carbon negative country in the world
  3. gases and vapor ( usually harmful)
  4. term used for things Restored and Replaced by natural forces
  5. A measure of the effect that human activities have on the climate
  6. In which year india was worst hit by tsunami

15 Clues: gases and vapor ( usually harmful)In which year india was worst hit by tsunamiTaj Mahal at Agra may be damaged by which gas ?Which summit is known as the Greenhouse summit?which is the most recyclable metal in the world?Which was the first carbon negative country in the worldterm used for particular weather patterns or conditions...

Game of Nature 2022-04-19

Game of Nature crossword puzzle
  1. gases and vapor ( usually harmful)
  2. 33% of the geographical area of a country should be under
  3. which is the most recyclable metal in the world?
  4. Which volcanic eruption produced largest sound waves ever recorded in human history?
  5. A measure of the effect that human activities have on the climate
  6. what is the name of the climate summit held in November 2021?
  7. term used for particular weather patterns or conditions
  1. Which award is regarded as the green noble price in the field of environment
  2. which chemical is present in high amount in yamuna river causing disrupted water supply in Delhi?
  3. term used for things Restored and Replaced by natural forces
  4. Which was the first carbon negative country in the world
  5. Which summit is known as the Greenhouse summit?
  6. Taj Mahal at Agra may be damaged by which gas ?
  7. which country recorded Most devastating earthquake that occured in the world in terms of magnitude ?
  8. In which year india was worst hit by tsunami

15 Clues: gases and vapor ( usually harmful)In which year india was worst hit by tsunamiWhich summit is known as the Greenhouse summit?Taj Mahal at Agra may be damaged by which gas ?which is the most recyclable metal in the world?Which was the first carbon negative country in the worldterm used for particular weather patterns or conditions...

Nature Codes #1 2017-05-05

Nature Codes #1 crossword puzzle
  1. I’m stuck on at I25 and Colorado on the highway, I’m waiting for a tow truck but the traffic is really bad.
  2. There’s a mattress in the 2 left lanes on I70
  3. On call back from a hang up the caller gives a location in Lakewood
  4. There’s a woman panhandling at York and 6th
  5. This guy just drove away in my car.
  6. I’m not able to get in touch with my aunt to let her know her mother died. I have her address.
  7. Help, some guy just grabbed my friend and pulled her into his car and drove off!!!!!
  1. My neighbors are screaming at each other, it’s a man and a woman, she said something about their baby.
  2. Hi, my wife hasn’t been home in 3 days, she hasn’t answered any calls or texts.
  3. My brother is at his house in Denver and he was a warrant for an assault
  4. This is Bob with the National Weather Service we are activating a siren in the area of 37th and Havana.
  5. The lights at Colfax and Williams are all flashing red.
  6. A women is stealing candy from our store
  7. Hi, this is Becky with DHS I have a teen and his father who need to be a the Family Crisis Center tomorrow at 0900
  8. This is Verizon calling to test lines for this business.

15 Clues: This guy just drove away in my car.A women is stealing candy from our storeThere’s a woman panhandling at York and 6thThere’s a mattress in the 2 left lanes on I70The lights at Colfax and Williams are all flashing red.This is Verizon calling to test lines for this business.On call back from a hang up the caller gives a location in Lakewood...

Scrambled Words (Nature) 2023-11-14

Scrambled Words (Nature) crossword puzzle
  1. htorudg
  2. naeco
  3. wnbaori
  4. kael
  5. dteres
  6. revri
  7. zlirazdb
  1. rooandt
  2. retwa
  3. gceebri
  4. atniuomn
  5. cloar
  6. lhil
  7. onaclov
  8. minatsu

15 Clues: lhilkaelretwacloarnaecorevridteresrooandtgceebrihtorudgonaclovminatsuwnbaoriatniuomnzlirazdb

nature and environment 2023-11-06

nature and environment crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who favors, or specializes, bioecology; such as, an ecologist.
  2. Using the technical language of ecology to make the user seem to be ecologically aware.
  3. The conditions pertaining to a mode of life within a specific habitat
  4. Major damage to the environment, especially when caused by human activity
  5. The science of organisms as affected by the factors of their environments.
  6. A student of, or specialist in, econometrics.
  7. Centering on the environment
  1. The study of the relationships of organisms to their natural environments.
  2. A reference to the interrelationships between plants and animals and their abiotic enviro ments.
  3. The climate as an ecological factor; the climate of a habitat.
  4. Someone who studies, works, or is an expert in the field of economics.
  5. Reflecting ecological conditions in general.
  6. One who actively opposes the pollution or destruction by other means, of the environment.
  7. Designed or tending to destroy the environment.
  8. Destruction or damage of the environment

15 Clues: Centering on the environmentDestruction or damage of the environmentReflecting ecological conditions in general.A student of, or specialist in, econometrics.Designed or tending to destroy the environment.The climate as an ecological factor; the climate of a habitat.The conditions pertaining to a mode of life within a specific habitat...

Hamlet Nature Crossword 2023-12-08

Hamlet Nature Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the author and writer of Hamlet?
  2. What star actor takes part in the move “The Revenant”?
  3. Who is the mother of Hamlet?
  4. What is linked to the moods/themes of the play?
  5. Who did Gertrude marry to make Hamlet disgusted?
  6. How is nature used in the play during the second point of direction?
  7. King What is the second media about?
  8. What does Hamlet represent in the planetary system?
  1. Who says the "tis an unweeded garden" quote?
  2. What flower symbolizes death?
  3. What does Shakespeare use in the text to show the growth of the characters?
  4. What plant Hamlet's mother uses to describe Ophilia's death?
  5. Who says "canker galls the infants of the spring" quote?
  6. How do you best describe the story of Hamlet?
  7. Who created the Ophelia painting discussed in the introduction?

15 Clues: Who is the mother of Hamlet?What flower symbolizes death?Who is the author and writer of Hamlet?Who says the "tis an unweeded garden" quote?King What is the second media about?How do you best describe the story of Hamlet?What is linked to the moods/themes of the play?Who did Gertrude marry to make Hamlet disgusted?...

Nature is wonderful! 2023-03-06

Nature is wonderful! crossword puzzle
  1. fluffy and cuddly, likes to eat leaves
  2. falling water from above
  3. cute and likes cold weather
  4. where you can find dolphins and sharks
  5. round or pointy, sometimes looks like a banana
  6. bright and warm
  7. green and magical
  8. twinkle twinkle
  1. tall and fast
  2. colourful
  3. colourful and smells good
  4. green and tall
  5. tiny, likes honey and flowers
  6. blue or grey, sometimes it cries
  7. a stream of water

15 Clues: colourfultall and fastgreen and tallbright and warmtwinkle twinklegreen and magicala stream of waterfalling water from abovecolourful and smells goodcute and likes cold weathertiny, likes honey and flowersblue or grey, sometimes it criesfluffy and cuddly, likes to eat leaveswhere you can find dolphins and sharks...

Nature and Environment 2024-03-03

Nature and Environment crossword puzzle
  1. is the chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8.
  2. of a species, family, or other larger group having no living members.
  3. is an official national red list of the threatened animals, plants and fungi that are protected by the law in Ukraine.
  4. use again or more than once
  5. Our green Mother.
  6. Synonym Garbage.
  7. of a species seriously at risk of extinction.
  8. is worthless, defective and of no use.
  9. convert waste into reusable material
  10. the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism
  1. the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.
  2. An area of land managed to conserve wildlife or plant habitat or other natural features
  3. the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
  4. a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
  5. What mean SOS?

15 Clues: What mean SOS?Synonym Garbage.Our green Mother.use again or more than onceconvert waste into reusable materialis worthless, defective and of no use.of a species seriously at risk of extinction.the introduction of harmful materials into the the chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8....

Nature of business 2024-10-14

Nature of business crossword puzzle
  1. of trading is a certificate issued to a public company.
  2. shares stocks sold on a public exchange .
  3. partner a person who provides capital for a business but doesn’t take part in managing the business.
  4. involving mutual assistance in working towards a common goal.
  5. order is a paper document similar to a check.
  6. a business where the owner along with its products branding and knowledge in exchange for franchise fee
  7. is an unsecured loan issue ls by a company.
  1. deed is an agreement made with two individuals who intend to run a business together.
  2. is a service issued by a financial institution that allows customers to perform over the telephone a range of financial transactions that don’t involve cash
  3. is a financial gain.
  4. trader means running a business entirely by your self.
  5. exchange for other goods or services without using money.
  6. is a printed document that a company has to issue at the time of issuing investment securities to the public.
  7. of association represents the charter of company.
  8. the action of helping or doing work for some one.

15 Clues: is a financial gain.shares stocks sold on a public exchange .is an unsecured loan issue ls by a company.order is a paper document similar to a check.of association represents the charter of company.the action of helping or doing work for some one.trader means running a business entirely by your self....

Nature and Wildlife 2023-06-10

Nature and Wildlife crossword puzzle
  1. - Dense collection of trees and plants
  2. - Majestic big cat found in savannas
  3. - Colorful arch seen in the sky after rainfall
  4. - Insect known for its vibrant wings and fluttering flight
  5. - Striped big cat known for its strength and agility
  6. - Insect known for pollination and producing honey
  7. - Dry, sandy area with little rainfall and sparse vegetation
  1. - Large natural elevation with steep sides and a peak
  2. - Tall plant with a trunk and branches
  3. - Colorful plant part that attracts bees and butterflies
  4. - Wild canine known for its pack behavior and howling
  5. - Flowing water descending from a height
  6. - Feathered creature that can fly
  7. - Large land mammal with a long trunk and tusks
  8. - Vast body of saltwater covering most of the Earth's surface

15 Clues: - Feathered creature that can fly- Majestic big cat found in savannas- Dense collection of trees and plants- Tall plant with a trunk and branches- Flowing water descending from a height- Colorful arch seen in the sky after rainfall- Large land mammal with a long trunk and tusks- Insect known for pollination and producing honey...

Nature (hard) 001 2023-08-14

Nature (hard) 001 crossword puzzle
  1. Transition area between two different ecosystems
  2. Local extinction of a species in a specific geographic area
  3. Symbiotic relationship where both species benefit
  4. The ecological state of being unique to a particular geographic region
  5. Use of living organisms to remove or neutralize pollutants
  6. Carbon _____ - Process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  1. Resulting from human activities
  2. Ecological _____ - Gradual process of change in a community over time
  3. _____ Level - Position of an organism in a food chain
  4. Habitat ______ - Division of a habitat into smaller, isolated patches
  5. _____ Species - Species that has a disproportionately large impact on an ecosystem
  6. _____ Species - Non-native species that disrupts the balance of an ecosystem
  7. Variety of plant and animal species in an ecosystem
  8. _____ Productivity - Rate at which energy is converted by photosynthetic organisms
  9. _____ Cycle - Movement of elements and compounds through living and non-living components of an ecosystem

15 Clues: Resulting from human activitiesTransition area between two different ecosystemsSymbiotic relationship where both species benefitVariety of plant and animal species in an ecosystem_____ Level - Position of an organism in a food chainUse of living organisms to remove or neutralize pollutantsLocal extinction of a species in a specific geographic area...

Rohans nature crossword 2023-09-05

Rohans nature crossword crossword puzzle
  1. biggest rainforest
  2. one of the most feared animals
  3. eats bananas
  4. you search on it
  5. creates lots of greenhouse gases but not a domesticated animal
  6. popular pet but not a dog
  7. water body with a current that goes to the ocean
  8. likes lots of water and dark conditions
  1. loud animal with wings
  2. most recognised animal from new zealand
  3. food source for monkeys
  4. holds lots of animals and plants
  5. popular fish to eat available at pretty much any fish and chips store
  6. big solid object with branches
  7. long thin plant

15 Clues: eats bananaslong thin plantyou search on itbiggest rainforestloud animal with wingsfood source for monkeyspopular pet but not a dogone of the most feared animalsbig solid object with branchesholds lots of animals and plantsmost recognised animal from new zealandlikes lots of water and dark conditionswater body with a current that goes to the ocean...

Sustainability Crossword 2019-05-12

Sustainability Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A part of nature
  2. Having no life
  3. important parts of stuff
  4. Someone who studies science
  5. You use chemicals
  6. To keep something or
  7. Like a landfall
  8. A type of fitness
  9. Tells you directions
  10. Hot orange
  11. Giving stuff effects
  12. All around us
  13. The plants of a particular time or place
  1. Where animals live
  2. Something you use
  3. Not many left
  4. A type of science
  5. How to make something
  6. A pet or a wild living creature
  7. Interviewing someone

20 Clues: Hot orangeNot many leftAll around usHaving no lifeLike a landfallA part of natureSomething you useYou use chemicalsA type of scienceA type of fitnessWhere animals liveTo keep something orTells you directionsGiving stuff effectsInterviewing someoneHow to make somethingimportant parts of stuffSomeone who studies scienceA pet or a wild living creature...

Summer Vacation 2021-06-24

Summer Vacation crossword puzzle
  1. – to run
  2. vacances – vacation
  3. – June
  4. – a picnic
  5. – July
  6. -flower
  7. – August
  8. – sand
  9. – the ocean
  10. – the mountains
  11. – the beach
  12. – the garden
  13. – the lawn / grass
  14. – to walk
  15. – outside
  16. – to swim
  1. – to garden
  2. – a boat
  3. – nature
  4. – summer
  5. plante – a plant
  6. – a journey
  7. – the sea
  8. – to travel
  9. – a tree
  10. de bain – a swim suit
  11. vacances d’été – summer vacation
  12. – the swimming pool
  13. la glace – some ice cream
  14. – to play
  15. – the park
  16. – a lake

32 Clues: – June– July– sand-flower– a boat– to run– nature– summer– August– a tree– a lake– the sea– to play– to walk– outside– to swim– a picnic– the park– to garden– a journey– to travel– the ocean– the beach– the garden– the mountainsplante – a plant– the lawn / grassvacances – vacation– the swimming poolde bain – a swim suitla glace – some ice cream...

Summer Vacation 2021-06-24

Summer Vacation crossword puzzle
  1. – the garden
  2. – June
  3. – the lawn / grass
  4. – the beach
  5. de bain – a swim suit
  6. – to run
  7. – a tree
  8. – the ocean
  9. – to garden
  10. – to swim
  11. – a picnic
  12. – the park
  13. – August
  14. – a journey
  15. – vacation
  16. -flower
  17. – summer
  1. – July
  2. – to play
  3. – a boat
  4. plante – a plant
  5. – outside
  6. – to travel
  7. – the sea
  8. – summer vacation
  9. – the mountains
  10. – the swimming pool
  11. – nature
  12. glace – some ice cream
  13. – to walk
  14. – a lake
  15. – sand

32 Clues: – July– June– sand-flower– a boat– to run– a tree– nature– August– a lake– summer– to play– outside– the sea– to swim– to walk– a picnic– the park– vacation– the beach– to travel– the ocean– to garden– a journey– the garden– the mountainsplante – a plant– summer vacation– the lawn / grass– the swimming poolde bain – a swim suit...

Newton's Laws RW Crossword 2023-04-27

Newton's Laws RW Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. related to nature
  2. resistance when two surfaces touch
  3. velocity
  4. to slow down
  5. to speed up
  6. not active
  7. increasing in amount over time
  8. to measure something as an amount
  9. outside
  10. characteristic
  11. swiftly moving dinosaur
  1. study of motion in nature
  2. resistance to change in motion
  3. swiftness
  4. sound made by touching teeth together
  5. response to a force, acting again
  6. to put things back again
  7. smallest unit of energy
  8. involving amounts or measurements
  9. to become less or worse

20 Clues: outsidevelocityswiftnessnot activeto speed upto slow downcharacteristicrelated to naturesmallest unit of energyto become less or worseswiftly moving dinosaurto put things back againstudy of motion in natureresistance to change in motionincreasing in amount over timeresponse to a force, acting againto measure something as an amount...

French Greetings 2023-09-06

French Greetings crossword puzzle
  1. - Brothers
  2. - Live
  3. - Hi
  4. - Birthday
  5. - Hello
  6. - Family
  7. - Travel
  8. - Want
  9. - Age
  10. - Friend
  11. - Sixth
  12. - City
  13. - Je
  14. - Food
  15. - Sisters
  16. - How
  17. - Passion
  18. - Music
  19. - Vacation
  1. - English
  2. - Speak
  3. - Sport
  4. - Nice to meet you
  5. - French
  6. - Class
  7. - School
  8. - Hobby
  9. - Teacher
  10. - Art
  11. - Subject
  12. - Tu (informal) / Vous (formal)
  13. - I'm called (My name is)
  14. - Animal
  15. - House
  16. - Book
  17. - Like
  18. - Movie
  19. - Country
  20. - Nature

39 Clues: - Hi- Je- Art- Age- How- Live- Want- Book- City- Food- Like- Speak- Sport- Class- Hobby- Hello- Sixth- House- Movie- Music- French- School- Family- Travel- Friend- Animal- Nature- English- Teacher- Subject- Sisters- Passion- Country- Brothers- Birthday- Vacation- Nice to meet you- I'm called (My name is)- Tu (informal) / Vous (formal)

guillaume 2021-01-21

guillaume crossword puzzle
  1. son ancien métier
  2. pour la nature pas pour sa nature
  3. son lieu de prédilection
  4. bout du menton
  5. pilier du bar
  6. modèle la nature
  7. sa principale qualité
  1. il les observe
  2. deux roues électrique
  3. homme du sud ouest
  4. pas islamiste

11 Clues: pas islamistepilier du baril les observebout du mentonmodèle la natureson ancien métierhomme du sud ouestdeux roues électriquesa principale qualitéson lieu de prédilectionpour la nature pas pour sa nature

Indiana’s Native Nature 2021-11-23

Indiana’s Native Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Rainbow ___.
  2. Loves carrots
  3. The wealthy fellow in Wind in the Willows.
  4. Doe, a ___, a female ___.
  5. You might see him on your Thanksgiving table!
  6. Our nations mascot
  7. What does the ___ say?
  8. HOO am I?
  1. Ball State, ___ and white.
  2. Watch out for this reptile’s noisy tail!
  3. Wisconsin’s mascot
  4. Snapping ___.
  5. Predecessor to a dog
  6. Jeremiah was a ___.
  7. Large teeth and a love of wood

15 Clues: HOO am I?Rainbow ___.Loves carrotsSnapping ___.Wisconsin’s mascotOur nations mascotJeremiah was a ___.Predecessor to a dogWhat does the ___ say?Doe, a ___, a female ___.Ball State, ___ and white.Large teeth and a love of woodWatch out for this reptile’s noisy tail!The wealthy fellow in Wind in the Willows....

Nature of Science 2022-08-18

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. investigation and exploration of natural events and of the new information that results from those investigations
  2. a statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events
  3. factor that can limit the growth of a population
  4. a rule that describes a pattern in nature
  5. an explanation of observations or events that is based on knowledge gained from many observations and investigations
  6. any factor in an experiment that can have more than one value
  7. the factor that you want to test
  1. comparing what you already know with the information you are given in order to decide whether you agree with it.
  2. a logical explanation of an observation that is drawn from prior knowledge or experience
  3. act of using one or more of your senses to gather information and taking note of what occurs
  4. a possible explanation for an observation that can be tested by scientific investigations
  5. the factor measured or observed during an experiment
  6. the factors in an experiment that remain the same
  7. information that is obtained through observation or experimentation
  8. the practical use of scientific knowledge, especially for industrial or commercial use

15 Clues: the factor that you want to testa rule that describes a pattern in naturefactor that can limit the growth of a populationthe factors in an experiment that remain the samethe factor measured or observed during an experimenta statement of what will happen next in a sequence of eventsany factor in an experiment that can have more than one value...

Nature of Data 2023-03-27

Nature of Data crossword puzzle
  1. drive people’s day-to-day lives
  2. Repeating the study with different setting
  3. deals with characteristics
  4. deals with numbers
  5. could be divided and reduced to finer levels
  6. summarize two pieces of information
  7. known facts or things
  1. don’t possess a natural ordering
  2. can be counted and are distinct
  3. contains properties of nominal and ordered data
  4. place things in one of two mutually exclusive categories
  5. Using precise and restrictive operational definitions
  6. can be sorted into groups
  7. refers to each value having a unique meaning.
  8. established ordering

15 Clues: deals with numbersestablished orderingknown facts or thingscan be sorted into groupsdeals with characteristicscan be counted and are distinctdrive people’s day-to-day livesdon’t possess a natural orderingsummarize two pieces of informationRepeating the study with different settingcould be divided and reduced to finer levels...

Nature v. Nurture 2023-05-22

Nature v. Nurture crossword puzzle
  1. a structured system of communication
  2. psychoanalyst
  3. the process by which different kinds of living organisms diversified
  4. the intricacies of raising a child
  5. scientific study of mind and behavior
  6. carries genetic instructions
  7. characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character
  8. reveals the importance of environmental and genetic influences
  1. the customs of a social group
  2. the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction
  3. evolutionary biologist
  4. inheritance
  5. the way in which one conducts oneself, especially toward others
  6. communication or direct involvement with someone or something
  7. a natural or intuitive way of acting or thinking

15 Clues: inheritancepsychoanalystevolutionary biologistcarries genetic instructionsthe customs of a social groupthe intricacies of raising a childa structured system of communicationscientific study of mind and behaviora natural or intuitive way of acting or thinkingthe process of receiving or giving systematic instruction...

Nature of language 2024-06-14

Nature of language crossword puzzle
  1. naming of things by exact reproduction of sounds associated with it
  2. process of clipping end of the word. Eg: examination is clipped to exam
  3. word made by combining other words or part of words in such a way that they overlap
  4. The scientific study of language and its structure.
  5. process of joining two separate words to produce a single form
  6. words ommited after clipping
  7. theory that postulates that children can only use certain linguistic structures when they understand the concept fully
  1. The study of the sounds of human speech.
  2. theory that postulates that human brains have a language acquisition device
  3. theory proposed by B.F Skinner
  4. an innate mechanism that allows children to develop language skills.
  5. a word or idea taken from another language, person, or source and used in one's own language or work.
  6. means of communication
  7. where Chunk of existing words are cut out.
  8. process of clipping beginning of the word. Eg: Telephone is clipped to phone.

15 Clues: means of communicationwords ommited after clippingtheory proposed by B.F SkinnerThe study of the sounds of human speech.where Chunk of existing words are cut out.The scientific study of language and its structure.process of joining two separate words to produce a single formnaming of things by exact reproduction of sounds associated with it...

Shapes in Nature 2023-12-19

Shapes in Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with two intersecting lines, symbolizing various meanings and often found in certain plant structures.
  2. A shape with three sides and three angles, commonly seen in mountains, trees, and certain leaves.
  3. Shape A shape without a specific form or symmetry, often seen in rocks, tree branches, and unique formations in nature.
  4. A shape with six sides and six angles, often seen in honeycomb structures and certain plant formations.
  5. A curving and coiling shape found in seashells, galaxies, and certain plant structures.
  6. A shape characterized by a series of sharp turns, often found in mountain landscapes and certain plant stems.
  7. A shape resembling a curved moon, often seen in certain leaves and hillsides.
  1. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles, often found in elements like windows, doors, and certain rocks.
  2. A round shape found in objects like the sun, moon, and certain fruits, often symbolizing unity and completeness.
  3. A shape with four sides, where opposite sides are parallel and equal in length, seen in crystal formations and leaves.
  4. A shape with points radiating from a center, resembling stars in the night sky and often found in flower formations.
  5. A shape resembling a stretched circle, often seen in fruits, rocks, and certain leaf patterns.
  6. A symbol representing love, shaped like a stylized heart, often found in leaves, clouds, and formations in nature.
  7. A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are of unequal length, seen in elements like trees.
  8. A shape with gentle curves, resembling waves in water or patterns in sand dunes.

15 Clues: A shape resembling a curved moon, often seen in certain leaves and hillsides.A shape with gentle curves, resembling waves in water or patterns in sand dunes.A curving and coiling shape found in seashells, galaxies, and certain plant structures.A shape resembling a stretched circle, often seen in fruits, rocks, and certain leaf patterns....

Nature Center Animals 2024-01-01

Nature Center Animals crossword puzzle
  1. A brown bear that is hard to scare
  2. a baby bear
  3. my decoys don't quack like me
  4. I'm named after a children's toy
  5. I am commonly used by falconers to hunt
  6. wild canine
  7. I'm closely related to salmon
  8. my quills are barbed
  1. a colored reptile that can walk on ceilings
  2. a constrictor snake named after a vegetable
  3. ______ in the headlights
  4. not a crocodile
  5. some mistake my cry for a child's laughter
  6. clean eating bandit
  7. where do you go to see exotic animals

15 Clues: a baby bearwild caninenot a crocodileclean eating banditmy quills are barbed______ in the headlightsmy decoys don't quack like meI'm closely related to salmonI'm named after a children's toyA brown bear that is hard to scarewhere do you go to see exotic animalsI am commonly used by falconers to huntsome mistake my cry for a child's laughter...

Science and Nature 2024-01-26

Science and Nature crossword puzzle
  1. - Distant energy
  2. - Power source
  3. - Floating water
  4. - Star cluster
  5. - Study of life
  6. - Reef builder
  7. - Red planet
  1. - Genetic code
  2. - Moon-related
  3. - Colorful arc
  4. - Erupting mountain
  5. - Ancient remains
  6. - Tiny particle
  7. - Celestial overlap
  8. - Attracts metal

15 Clues: - Red planet- Genetic code- Moon-related- Colorful arc- Power source- Star cluster- Reef builder- Tiny particle- Study of life- Distant energy- Floating water- Attracts metal- Ancient remains- Erupting mountain- Celestial overlap

Hamlet Nature Crossword 2023-12-08

Hamlet Nature Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. How is nature used in the play during the second point of direction?
  2. Who says "canker galls the infants of the spring" quote?
  3. King What is the second media about?
  4. What does Shakespeare use in the text to show the growth of the characters?
  5. Who created the Ophelia painting discussed in the introduction?
  6. Who is the author and writer of Hamlet?
  7. How do you best describe the story of Hamlet?
  1. Who is the mother of Hamlet?
  2. Who did Gertrude marry to make Hamlet disgusted?
  3. What does Hamlet represent in the planetary system?
  4. Who says the "tis an unweeded garden" quote?
  5. What flower symbolizes death?
  6. What plant Hamlet's mother uses to describe Ophilia's death?
  7. What star actor takes part in the move “The Revenant”?
  8. What is linked to the moods/themes of the play?

15 Clues: Who is the mother of Hamlet?What flower symbolizes death?Who is the author and writer of Hamlet?Who says the "tis an unweeded garden" quote?King What is the second media about?How do you best describe the story of Hamlet?What is linked to the moods/themes of the play?Who did Gertrude marry to make Hamlet disgusted?...

Nature and vication 2024-09-10

Nature and vication crossword puzzle
  1. a yellow flower
  2. a big brown animal
  3. the water goes down from the mountains
  4. a thing,that you put when the sun is shining
  5. the green ground
  6. you take this to not be wet
  7. you hike in the
  8. a big thing that grows in forest
  1. a thing that covers a sun
  2. … sugar high
  3. a liquid
  4. a thing that shines
  5. you build this when you are camping
  6. a bigger pond
  7. a sand place

15 Clues: a liquid… sugar higha sand placea bigger ponda yellow floweryou hike in thethe green grounda big brown animala thing that shinesa thing that covers a sunyou take this to not be weta big thing that grows in forestyou build this when you are campingthe water goes down from the mountainsa thing,that you put when the sun is shining

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve 2021-10-12

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve crossword puzzle
  1. One of the functions of reserves, you do it to ecosystems
  2. A place that has a humid and wet climate
  3. An attraction at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
  4. Bukit Timah Nature Reserve helps to protect this species
  5. What herbs in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve produce
  1. How many kilometres Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is away from the city
  2. Where Singapore is on that gives Bukit Timah Nature Reserve one of the richest ecological systems
  3. A name of a butterfly that is endangered
  4. What Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is popular for
  5. Another form of life besides plant and animal life

10 Clues: A name of a butterfly that is endangeredA place that has a humid and wet climateAn attraction at Bukit Timah Nature ReserveWhat Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is popular forWhat herbs in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve produceAnother form of life besides plant and animal lifeBukit Timah Nature Reserve helps to protect this species...

Fill in the balnk 2024-09-26

Fill in the balnk crossword puzzle
  3. INTO
  5. WILL
  1. YOU
  2. AND
  4. DEEP
  5. THEN
  6. LOOK


sustainability SSB David h 2019-05-08

sustainability SSB David h crossword puzzle
  1. nature
  2. a repeated decorative design
  3. grass plants
  4. a distinctive attribute or aspect of something
  5. test treating people equally
  6. tell of someone
  7. someone who mixed chemicals
  8. exercise
  9. a place
  10. someone
  11. habitat
  1. experiment
  2. sunny rain and clouds
  3. moving
  4. building
  5. element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change
  6. tools
  7. relating to society or its organization.
  8. the animals of a particular region, habitat,or geological period
  9. you feel safe

20 Clues: toolsnaturemovinga placesomeonehabitatbuildingexerciseexperimentgrass plantsyou feel safetell of someonesunny rain and cloudssomeone who mixed chemicalsa repeated decorative designtest treating people equallyrelating to society or its organization.a distinctive attribute or aspect of something...

vocab review 2021-01-15

vocab review crossword puzzle
  1. animals that don't live in nature are in ..
  2. a movement focused on protecting wildlife
  3. a cat with spots
  4. a reserve needs a big ... for the animals
  5. plants and animals are both called .......
  6. we use a keyboard and .... for computers
  7. an animal that is almost extinct is ..
  8. a black and white bear
  9. workers wear panda .... in nature reserves
  10. the forest is in the
  1. someone who works in a hospital is a ...
  2. something you can move is ....
  3. a place to take care of animals
  4. someone who works on a nature reserve is a
  5. bigger than a hill.
  6. if you water a plant it will .....

16 Clues: a cat with spotsbigger than a hill.the forest is in thea black and white bearsomething you can move is ....a place to take care of animalsif you water a plant it will animal that is almost extinct is ..someone who works in a hospital is a ...we use a keyboard and .... for computersa movement focused on protecting wildlife...


NATURE and ENVIRONMENT crossword puzzle
  1. ülerahvastatus
  2. a squirrel that can glide in the air
  3. rain happevihm
  4. Estonian Museum of Natural History
  5. release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the ocean
  6. biolagunev
  1. an area of land with a group of energy-producing windmills or wind turbines
  2. prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall
  3. nature reserve
  4. osoonikiht
  5. the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere
  6. tasakaal
  7. solution
  8. liik endangered species
  9. kliima soojenemine

15 Clues: tasakaalsolutionosoonikihtbiolagunevnature reserveülerahvastatusrain happevihmkliima soojenemineliik endangered speciesEstonian Museum of Natural Historya squirrel that can glide in the airprolonged period of abnormally low rainfallrelease of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the ocean...


NATURE and ENVIRONMENT crossword puzzle
  1. ülerahvastatus
  2. Estonian Museum of Natural History
  3. a squirrel that can glide in the air
  4. rain happevihm
  5. tasakaal
  6. prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall
  7. kliima soojenemine
  1. liik endangered species
  2. osoonikiht
  3. the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere
  4. biolagunev
  5. nature reserve
  6. release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the ocean
  7. an area of land with a group of energy-producing windmills or wind turbines
  8. solution

15 Clues: tasakaalsolutionosoonikihtbiolagunevülerahvastatusnature reserverain happevihmkliima soojenemineliik endangered speciesEstonian Museum of Natural Historya squirrel that can glide in the airprolonged period of abnormally low rainfallrelease of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the ocean...

Living With Nature 2014-10-06

Living With Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Pandas like to eat this tree.
  2. An area that gets very little rain.
  3. A type of forest that gets a lot of rain.
  4. What people rode before cars.
  5. A big animal in Canada.
  1. The green bacteria on top of some rivers.
  2. An animal which isn't in Korea anymore.
  3. A rolling stone gathers no _____________.
  4. The tallest mountain in the world.
  5. The largest mammal in the world.
  6. They look like chickens, but are much bigger.
  7. An angry Xmen, also a type of animal.
  8. A white bear.
  9. Where milk comes from.
  10. Where wool comes from.

15 Clues: A white bear.Where milk comes from.Where wool comes from.A big animal in Canada.Pandas like to eat this tree.What people rode before cars.The largest mammal in the world.The tallest mountain in the world.An area that gets very little rain.An angry Xmen, also a type of animal.An animal which isn't in Korea anymore....

Nature (easy find) 2021-10-16

Nature (easy find) crossword puzzle
  1. Full of plants and sometimes water
  2. Foam crashes onto the ground
  3. Large masses made up of many different elements
  4. Dark never-ending nothingness
  5. Rocks crushed to their smallest form across a large amount of space
  6. Mount Everest
  1. Hawaii
  2. It gets its color from the sea
  3. Dark and full of bats
  4. Glistens in the sky at night
  5. Full of hot and bubbly mater
  6. Only habitable place known
  7. The thing that starts the beginning of the food chain
  8. Hot burning balls of hydrogen quadrillions of miles away
  9. A large amount of land that is highly raised from the ground with a very slick and steep edge

15 Clues: HawaiiMount EverestDark and full of batsOnly habitable place knownGlistens in the sky at nightFoam crashes onto the groundFull of hot and bubbly materDark never-ending nothingnessIt gets its color from the seaFull of plants and sometimes waterLarge masses made up of many different elementsThe thing that starts the beginning of the food chain...

Nature of Science 2022-09-07

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. a type of science that studies Earth’s systems and also the systems in space
  2. the process of drawing conclusions from given evidence
  3. examining your data
  4. the final step of the scientific method
  5. a type of science that studies matter and energy
  6. what changes as a result of the independent variable.
  7. a reasonable guess that can be tested and is based on what is known and what is observed
  8. an investigation to learn more
  1. try to explain a pattern seen repeatedly in the natural world
  2. the practical use of science
  3. a type of science that studies living systems and how they interact with each other
  4. any information collected with the senses
  5. the variable that is changed
  6. a way of learning more about the natural world
  7. describes a pattern in nature

15 Clues: examining your datathe practical use of sciencethe variable that is changeddescribes a pattern in naturean investigation to learn morethe final step of the scientific methodany information collected with the sensesa way of learning more about the natural worlda type of science that studies matter and energy...

Nature of Science 2022-08-29

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. magnetic north
  2. the mode of the data
  3. the explanation of the observation
  4. difference between greatest number to least number
  5. of a logical explanation
  6. scientific knowledge
  7. middle number of data
  8. a possible explanation
  1. a rule that describes a pattern
  2. use backers to hold or pour liquids
  3. is the investigation and exploration of natral events
  4. of the act of using one or more senses
  5. comparing what u already know
  6. a statement of what will happen
  7. average data

15 Clues: average datamagnetic norththe mode of the datascientific knowledgemiddle number of dataa possible explanationof a logical explanationcomparing what u already knowa rule that describes a patterna statement of what will happenthe explanation of the observationuse backers to hold or pour liquidsof the act of using one or more senses...

Nature Crossword Puzzle 2020-07-06

Nature Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a raised line of water moving across the sea
  2. feels good when barefoot
  3. body of water
  4. a piece of land surrounded by water
  5. tears from the sky
  6. overgrown hill
  7. fall from sky in cold weather
  8. area of land covered in sand
  9. anchoring trees to the earth
  1. cloudlike mass close to the ground
  2. erupts from mountain
  3. after the rain comes the __________
  4. area of land covered in trees
  5. loud noise in the sky
  6. fall from trees

15 Clues: body of waterovergrown hillfall from treestears from the skyerupts from mountainloud noise in the skyfeels good when barefootarea of land covered in sandanchoring trees to the eartharea of land covered in treesfall from sky in cold weathercloudlike mass close to the groundafter the rain comes the __________a piece of land surrounded by water...

The nature park 2020-01-15

The nature park crossword puzzle
  1. leht
  2. mets
  3. tere tulemast
  4. ämblik
  5. suurepärane
  6. pime
  7. loodus
  8. maakaart
  1. lõvi
  2. juht
  3. igav
  4. igaüks
  5. hirmuäratav
  6. koht
  7. väljasõit

15 Clues: lehtlõvimetsjuhtigavkohtpimeigaüksämblikloodusmaakaartväljasõithirmuäratavsuurepäranetere tulemast

Nature of Science 2023-04-13

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. the internationally accepted system of measurements
  2. an explanation of observations or events that is based on knowledge
  3. a logical explanation for an observation
  4. the factor you observe or measure during an experiment
  5. an interpretation of observation
  6. a statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events
  1. the factor that you want to test
  2. the investigation and exploration of nature events and of the new information that results from those investigations
  3. is the practical use of scientific knowledge
  4. comparing what you already know with the information you are given
  5. any factor that can have more than one value
  6. the result of using one or more of your senses to gather information
  7. a possible explanation for an observation that can be tested
  8. a spoken or written summary of observations
  9. a ride that describes a repeatable pattern in nature

15 Clues: the factor that you want to testan interpretation of observationa logical explanation for an observationa spoken or written summary of observationsis the practical use of scientific knowledgeany factor that can have more than one valuethe internationally accepted system of measurementsa ride that describes a repeatable pattern in nature...

Foróige: Nature & Science 2023-07-01

Foróige: Nature & Science crossword puzzle
  1. How many wings does a bee have
  2. Where is gravity stronger, earth or the moon
  3. What is the tallest animal in the world
  4. What is the hardest natural substance on Earth
  5. What is the biggest planet in our solar system
  6. What is botany the study of
  7. The protective cover of a tree
  1. What is the collective name for a group of crows
  2. The acid you put on chips
  3. The air we breathe
  4. The animal that lives in trees or bushes
  5. What is the biggest animal in the world
  6. The Colour of danger
  7. What is a young bear called
  8. How many hearts does an octopuses have

15 Clues: The air we breatheThe Colour of dangerThe acid you put on chipsWhat is a young bear calledWhat is botany the study ofHow many wings does a bee haveThe protective cover of a treeHow many hearts does an octopuses haveWhat is the biggest animal in the worldWhat is the tallest animal in the worldThe animal that lives in trees or bushes...

Nature of Light 2023-11-28

Nature of Light crossword puzzle
  1. a particle has a definite __________ in space
  2. emission (release) of energy from a source
  3. wave-particle __________ holds that light exhibits properties of both waves and particles
  4. waves can __________ with each other
  5. what happens when waves pass through each other
  6. last name of scientist who performed double-slit experiment
  1. a particle of light
  2. last name of scientist who won Nobel Prize for photoelectric effect
  3. distance between two crests or two troughs on a wave
  4. distance from center line of wave to its crest or trough
  5. all types of electromagnetic radiation form the electromagnetic __________
  6. color of our Sun
  7. number of waves that pass a given point over a certain amount of time
  8. type of radiation that can knock electrons off atoms
  9. unit used for frequency

15 Clues: color of our Suna particle of lightunit used for frequencywaves can __________ with each otheremission (release) of energy from a sourcea particle has a definite __________ in spacewhat happens when waves pass through each otherdistance between two crests or two troughs on a wavetype of radiation that can knock electrons off atoms...

Nature vs. Nurture 2023-09-12

Nature vs. Nurture crossword puzzle
  1. has a heavy basis on you experience life, you learn to fear things
  2. There is a high chance that you would have the same _____ in certain things
  3. two characteristics that you gather through heredity
  4. Your _____ health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
  5. a branch of biology that deals with the heredity and variation of organisms
  6. all of the external or environmental factors that affect human development
  1. based off the examples you were taught
  2. The _____ capabilities of your body are determined by Nature, the genes in your body
  3. the study of your mind and behavior with other people
  4. refers largely to our genetics
  5. Your _____ intellect is determined by heredity and determines you initial reaction to natural surroundings
  6. The transfer of genes from one to another, parents to offspring
  7. you choice of _____ can based upon environment
  8. the way you talk based off your environment
  9. heavily based upon how one’s raised

15 Clues: refers largely to our geneticsheavily based upon how one’s raisedbased off the examples you were taughtthe way you talk based off your environmentyou choice of _____ can based upon environmenttwo characteristics that you gather through hereditythe study of your mind and behavior with other people...

Protect Mother Nature 2023-10-16

Protect Mother Nature crossword puzzle
  1. decayed organic material used as a fertilizer for growing plants
  2. dealing with organisms & their physical surroundings
  3. a material
  4. decaying through the action of living organisms
  5. effective way to prevent pollution
  6. chemical-free
  7. able to be maintained at a certain rate or level
  8. kills all living creatures
  1. a superhero's job
  2. a color
  3. use again
  4. in smaller amount
  5. not harmful to the environment
  6. your surrounding
  7. trying on animals

15 Clues: a coloruse againa materialchemical-freeyour surroundinga superhero's jobin smaller amounttrying on animalskills all living creaturesnot harmful to the environmenteffective way to prevent pollutiondecaying through the action of living organismsable to be maintained at a certain rate or leveldealing with organisms & their physical surroundings...

Nature of Science 2023-12-20

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of matter in an object; often measured in grams or kilograms.
  2. The degree of closeness of measurements to the true or accepted value.
  3. The amount of space occupied by an object.
  4. The measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance.
  5. An explanation for a set of observations or phenomena based on well-supported hypotheses.
  6. The systematic approach to scientific research involving observation, hypothesis formation, experimentation, and conclusion.
  7. The act of gathering information through the senses.
  8. The measurement of how long something is.
  9. The degree of consistency of measurements.
  1. Instruments and tools used in scientific experiments.
  2. The study of the natural world through observation and experimentation.
  3. A statement that describes a consistent and universal relationship observed in nature.
  4. The sum of a set of values divided by the number of values; also known as the mean.
  5. Measured in seconds.
  6. A logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and observations.

15 Clues: Measured in seconds.The measurement of how long something is.The amount of space occupied by an object.The degree of consistency of measurements.The act of gathering information through the senses.Instruments and tools used in scientific experiments.A logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and observations....

Forces of Nature 2024-09-23

Forces of Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Process converting sunlight into chemical energy.
  2. Material settles after being transported by wind or water.
  3. Permanently frozen ground in Arctic regions.
  4. Rotating storm system formed in low-pressure areas.
  5. Study of Earth's crust movement and formation.
  6. Natural progression of species in an ecosystem.
  7. Measure of reflectivity of Earth's surface.
  1. Wearing away of earth by wind or water.
  2. Decomposer organism, often living in symbiosis.
  3. Rain, snow, or sleet falling from the sky.
  4. Liquid turns into vapor due to heat.
  5. Variety of life in ecosystems.
  6. Heat transfer through fluid movement.
  7. Large community of flora and fauna in specific environments.
  8. Area draining into a river or lake.

15 Clues: Variety of life in ecosystems.Area draining into a river or lake.Liquid turns into vapor due to heat.Heat transfer through fluid movement.Wearing away of earth by wind or water.Rain, snow, or sleet falling from the sky.Measure of reflectivity of Earth's surface.Permanently frozen ground in Arctic regions....