nature Crossword Puzzles
Nature Crossword 2021-04-11
10 Clues: * no ice • In * air • Out of the * • A shrinking * • * the weather • * of sunshine • * before the storm • Make a mountain out of a * • Make * while the sun shines • Cannot see the * for the trees
Nature preserve 2021-04-17
10 Clues: a something • a small bird • where are we • a white flower • a wooden structure • repeat nature visitor • i like lakes but not big snakes • i like flowers i am also good with toast • how you get from here to there without getting wet • this one has eight and you want none of them to get on you
Nature Crossword 2021-09-26
10 Clues: Big and blue. • Big and green. • Big and white. • Round and yellow. • Like a cat or a dog. • Pretty and colourful. • Small, can fly and sing. • Small and we can eat it. • Small and with lots of legs. • Small or big, black or brown, and hard.
Nature puzzle 2021-07-15
10 Clues: Cold season • Spins a web • Animal with two humps • Insect that makes honey • Big plant that gives shade • Season when leaves change colour • Fruit that keeps the doctor away • Yellow fruit that grows in bunches • Animal with black and white stripes • Used by a bird to grip onto a branch
La nature 2022-05-19
- Séjour du bétail en étable
- Endroit où les champs cultivés et les prés sont enclos par des levées de terre ou talus portant des haies et taillis
- Ensemble des animaux d'élevage d'une exploitation agricole ou plus largement d'une région ou d'un pays
- Commerce de gros de matériaux de construction et d’équipement, et fournitures de quincaillerie, plomberie et chauffage.
- Processus de transformation des déchets organiques en présence d'eau et d'oxygène par le biais de micro-organismes
- Qui peut être labouré.
- Ensemble des pratiques culturales de printemps et d'été des terres arables
- équipement permettant aux vaches de se coucher séparément afin d'avoir leur propre place pour dormir ou se reposer.
- Amélioration des terres par le fumier, par un fertilisant
- Mélange de substances, naturelle ou d'origine synthétique, utilisée en agriculture
10 Clues: Qui peut être labouré. • Séjour du bétail en étable • Amélioration des terres par le fumier, par un fertilisant • Ensemble des pratiques culturales de printemps et d'été des terres arables • Mélange de substances, naturelle ou d'origine synthétique, utilisée en agriculture • ...
Nature 1 2022-10-27
nature (easy) 2019-04-23
Describing nature 2023-08-11
- A place in the city filled with grass, trees, lakes and plants.
- A piece of land that is higher than everything else around it.
- A tall plant
- A body of water.
- A small green plant, that is sharp and usually covers the ground.
- Lets us cross over stuff, like rivers.
- A large, flat open area
- A living thing that needs the sunlight.
- Water moving, over a long distance
- The colourful part of a plant
10 Clues: A tall plant • A body of water. • A large, flat open area • The colourful part of a plant • Water moving, over a long distance • Lets us cross over stuff, like rivers. • A living thing that needs the sunlight. • A piece of land that is higher than everything else around it. • A place in the city filled with grass, trees, lakes and plants. • ...
Mother Nature 2024-04-15
- Trees with fruits provide _____ to monkeys, birds and squirrels.
- _______ grow on the branches of trees.
- Humans must ______Nature and not destroy it.
- The planet we live on and call as home.
- It is the home to animals like monkeys, tigers, elephnats and many more.
- One word for Forest, oceans, mountains and land.
- They like to swing from tree to tree.
- Forests are full of _____.
- Trees and their leaves give ______ when it is hot.
- I grow deep into the earth to support the plant and provide water .
10 Clues: Forests are full of _____. • They like to swing from tree to tree. • _______ grow on the branches of trees. • The planet we live on and call as home. • Humans must ______Nature and not destroy it. • One word for Forest, oceans, mountains and land. • Trees and their leaves give ______ when it is hot. • Trees with fruits provide _____ to monkeys, birds and squirrels. • ...
Describing nature 2023-10-11
10 Clues: impressive • deeply green • extremely tall • clean and pure • growing flowers • smells pleasant • covered in light • calm and peaceful • delightful to watch • bright and exciting
Nature Activities 2024-08-20
- Eating a meal outdoors, usually in a park.
- Sleeping outdoors, often in a tent.
- Walking in nature on trails or paths.
- Growing plants and flowers in a garden.
- Scaling rocks or mountains.
- Moving through water for fun or exercise.
- Catching fish from rivers, lakes, or the sea.
- Watching the stars and planets in the night sky.
- Observing and identifying birds in nature.
- Discovering new places in nature.
10 Clues: Scaling rocks or mountains. • Discovering new places in nature. • Sleeping outdoors, often in a tent. • Walking in nature on trails or paths. • Growing plants and flowers in a garden. • Moving through water for fun or exercise. • Eating a meal outdoors, usually in a park. • Observing and identifying birds in nature. • Catching fish from rivers, lakes, or the sea. • ...
Nature attack 2024-11-01
- to touch your skin or make a very small hole in it so that you feel a sharp pain
- All the people who live in a particular area, city or country; the total number of people who live there
- a large insect that lives in hot countries and sometimes flies in large groups, destroying all the plants and crops of an area
- a structure made for bees to live in studying the life of bees in the hive
- angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack
- to run, drive, etc. after somebody/something in order to catch them or it
- a large group of insects, especially bees, moving together in the same direction
- used to describe the situation that existed at the beginning of a particular period or activity, especially before something was changed
- having an allergy to something
- a small brown jumping insect that makes a loud high sound by rubbing its wings together
10 Clues: having an allergy to something • angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack • to run, drive, etc. after somebody/something in order to catch them or it • a structure made for bees to live in studying the life of bees in the hive • to touch your skin or make a very small hole in it so that you feel a sharp pain • ...
Intelligence and will 2024-06-03
- Connected to the irascible appetite
- Relates to law of human constitution
- Each person their due
- Power to make a choice
- That which perfects
- Power to read into the nature of something
- Skill in doing something
- Type of thinking that relates to conceptualizing, analyzing, judging and making conclusions
- Connected to concupiscible appetite
- That which removes the perfect
- Relates to nature
- Does not relate to nature
- Conformance of mind with reality
- State of fulfilment
14 Clues: Relates to nature • That which perfects • State of fulfilment • Each person their due • Power to make a choice • Skill in doing something • Does not relate to nature • That which removes the perfect • Conformance of mind with reality • Connected to the irascible appetite • Connected to concupiscible appetite • Relates to law of human constitution • ...
Impact of the human on the nature 2022-05-19
10 Clues: harm nature • pollute nature • what do humans do • destroy our natural • Increases nature damage • It affects our human life • nature will be extinguished • There will be a lot of damage • What's good for the whole Earth • Affects humanity, fauna and flora
Impact of the human on the nature 2022-05-19
10 Clues: harm nature • pollute nature • what do humans do • destroy our natural • Increases nature damage • It affects our human life • nature will be extinguished • There will be a lot of damage • What's good for the whole Earth • Affects humanity, fauna and flora
Impact of the human on the nature 2022-05-19
10 Clues: harm nature • pollute nature • what do humans do • destroy our natural • Increases nature damage • It affects our human life • nature will be extinguished • There will be a lot of damage • What's good for the whole Earth • Affects humanity, fauna and flora
Nature Words 2021-06-21
10 Clues: Bulbous plant • Opium producer • BLOOM OF NATURE • Bright yellow flower • Yellow flowering weed • Prickly-stemmed flower • Representation of Earth • Plant with showy flowers • Flower symbolizing freshness • Small aromatic evergreen shrub
Nature Puzzle 2022-05-28
Nature Crossword 2019-04-25
- A white cloud - but not in the sky
- Drop, Drop, Drop from the sky.
- What gets created when there's rain and sun?
- What month is Water day?
- Cotton candy in the sky
- Just like the sea but bigger
- A ball in the sky, warming Earth
- Falling from trees in Autumn
- What month is Earth day?
- Just like the sea but smaller
10 Clues: Cotton candy in the sky • What month is Earth day? • What month is Water day? • Just like the sea but bigger • Falling from trees in Autumn • Just like the sea but smaller • Drop, Drop, Drop from the sky. • A ball in the sky, warming Earth • A white cloud - but not in the sky • What gets created when there's rain and sun?
Awesome Nature 2020-09-08
10 Clues: look fixedly • spoken comment • unable to move • to cause a loud noise • when your body shakes • moving in one direction • to collect several things • as far as one knows or sees • spinning around and losing one's balance • something that covers or affords protection
nature puzzles 2021-04-09
10 Clues: * roots • * a storm • in deep * • a * violet • * to earth • to hit the * • out of the * • a * in the ocean • to * up the wrong tree • to lead someone up the * path
Nature watch 2021-04-05
- to get information from book with knowledge
- having experience
- a person who lives
- a person do something for other people
- sometimes a written one
- keeping building in good condition
- something is different from something else
- department of the government led by a minister
- long time in future
- to provide the money to pay for event
10 Clues: having experience • a person who lives • long time in future • sometimes a written one • keeping building in good condition • to provide the money to pay for event • a person do something for other people • something is different from something else • to get information from book with knowledge • department of the government led by a minister
Nature B1 2021-10-27
- ___ away
- in a way that becomes quicker and quicker as something that increases becomes larger
- to make something stronger
- very different to before, or changed very much, and therefore not able to be recognized
- a person or animal that lives in a particular place
- a substance that is added to food in order to improve its taste or appearance or to keep it fresh and stop it from decaying
- to be one of the first people to do something
- to provide the money to pay for an event, activity, or organization
- affected by pollution
- to throw something away or get rid of it because you no longer want or need it
10 Clues: ___ away • affected by pollution • to make something stronger • to be one of the first people to do something • a person or animal that lives in a particular place • to provide the money to pay for an event, activity, or organization • to throw something away or get rid of it because you no longer want or need it • ...
Nature Crossword 2013-04-21
- Where species live
- Plants require this to grow
- I have leaves of three and you shouldn't touch me!
- Plants with woody stems
- They produce food through photosynthesis
- I am a type of soil that you can shape and mould
- am a warm blooded animal
- I am a cold blooded animal
- If an ecosystem has many species in a given area then it is
- The roots of plants grow in
10 Clues: Where species live • Plants with woody stems • am a warm blooded animal • I am a cold blooded animal • Plants require this to grow • The roots of plants grow in • They produce food through photosynthesis • I am a type of soil that you can shape and mould • I have leaves of three and you shouldn't touch me! • If an ecosystem has many species in a given area then it is
Nature & Technology 2015-04-27
- the name of a smartphone made by Apple
- a powerful electrical discharge made during a thunderstorm
- a big rock, one that is at least 30 cm in diameter
- a device that can be moved from one place to another, used to create light and to light up open areas
- clothes that people wear while they are sleeping
- war plane designed to attack targets by dropping weaponry on them
- what we do to find out about the natural world. It is the total of physics, chemistry, biology, geology and astronomy
- a beverage that comes from Asia, prepared by pouring boiling water over leaves; there are many kinds of it including black, white, green and red.
- a large flower with yellow petals and edible seeds
- to increase the size of something
10 Clues: to increase the size of something • the name of a smartphone made by Apple • clothes that people wear while they are sleeping • a large flower with yellow petals and edible seeds • a big rock, one that is at least 30 cm in diameter • a powerful electrical discharge made during a thunderstorm • war plane designed to attack targets by dropping weaponry on them • ...
Nature & Nurture 2017-06-30
- The genetic transmission of mental and physical characteristics from one generation to the other.
- Anything relating to genes or hereditary.
- When people create their own nurture by selecting environments
- The name of philosophers that argue that the mind is a blank slate at birth which is then written on.
- The aspects of behaviour that are inherited.
- The name that refers to a change in genetic activity without changing the genetic code.
- The name of the stress model that suggests that psychopathology is caused by biological/genetic vulnerability.
- The approach that thinks that nature and nurture are linked to such an extent that separating the two would not make sense.
- Any influence on human behaviour that is non genetic.
- The aspects of behaviour that are acquired through experience.
10 Clues: Anything relating to genes or hereditary. • The aspects of behaviour that are inherited. • Any influence on human behaviour that is non genetic. • When people create their own nurture by selecting environments • The aspects of behaviour that are acquired through experience. • The name that refers to a change in genetic activity without changing the genetic code. • ...
MOTHER NATURE 2021-12-30
- The aftermath of the undersea earthquake.
- A condition when there is an unusual dryness of the soil.
- A heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail.
- The phenomena where there is an overflowing of water on land.
- The season where plants start to grow again.
- A condition when there is a sudden shaking of the ground caused by the passage of seismic waves through Earth's rocks.
- What is the rainiest season of the year?
- The increase of average world temperatures as a result of what is known as the green house effect.
- In what season does snow fall?
- What is the warmest season of the year?
10 Clues: In what season does snow fall? • A heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail. • What is the warmest season of the year? • What is the rainiest season of the year? • The aftermath of the undersea earthquake. • The season where plants start to grow again. • A condition when there is an unusual dryness of the soil. • The phenomena where there is an overflowing of water on land. • ...
Extreme Nature 2023-07-25
- During the storm ______ lit up the sky.
- Near the river there was a big _____. The road was closed for three days.
- I was walking outside in a ________. It was very cold, and the wind was very strong.
- During the storm there was a loud clap of _______.
- The ______ had weakened when it arrived on land, but it still destroyed many houses.
- The weather had been very hot before the __________ started.
- A _______ begins over land and moves very fast.
- The _____ is one of nature's most powerful forces.
- A long time outside in extremely bright ______ can burn human skin.
- In colder climates a _______ can block the road.
10 Clues: During the storm ______ lit up the sky. • A _______ begins over land and moves very fast. • In colder climates a _______ can block the road. • The _____ is one of nature's most powerful forces. • During the storm there was a loud clap of _______. • The weather had been very hot before the __________ started. • ...
NATURE 1 2023-10-18
Nature words 2023-09-17
Nature words 2024-02-02
Crossword Nature 2024-05-07
- Remove dust or dirt from something with a bristle brush or other object that performs the same function.
- is a concept used to refer to the material world or material universe,
- Domestic mammal of the Canidae family,
- belong to the group of vertebrates. They are characterized by having their bodies covered in fur.
- box or sandbox is an indoor container in which domestic animals deposit their feces and urine.
- animals that accompany human beings.
- Furniture intended for people to lie on,
- loss occurs when new hair does not replace the lost hair.
- It is an adjective that qualifies that which is linked to water or that lives in it.
- Something that opens or protects against the cold.
10 Clues: animals that accompany human beings. • Domestic mammal of the Canidae family, • Furniture intended for people to lie on, • Something that opens or protects against the cold. • loss occurs when new hair does not replace the lost hair. • is a concept used to refer to the material world or material universe, • ...
Theme: Nature 2024-07-24
- A very large expanse of sea
- A large natural elevation of the earth's surface
- A piece of land surrounded by water
- A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea
- A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth
- A mountain or hill with a crater through which lava erupts
- A barren area of land where little precipitation occurs
- A slowly moving mass or river of ice
- A deep gorge typically with a river flowing through it
- A cascade of water falling from a height
10 Clues: A very large expanse of sea • A piece of land surrounded by water • A slowly moving mass or river of ice • A cascade of water falling from a height • A large natural elevation of the earth's surface • A deep gorge typically with a river flowing through it • A barren area of land where little precipitation occurs • A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth • ...
Song - Emily Bronte 2013-05-29
- another bird mentioned in the poem
- meaning of "is changed and careless..." (line 20)
- lady is now in ____
- speaker refers the death of the lady to ______
- she has been _____ by her loved ones
- a linnet
- speaker's attitude towards nature
- speaker believes nature is a _______________
- speaker of the poem
- lady is referred to a ____ in line 19
- location of "lady fair"
- "they" (mentioned in line 11)
- meaning of "ween"
- image "rocky dells" gives ____
14 Clues: a linnet • meaning of "ween" • speaker of the poem • lady is now in ____ • location of "lady fair" • "they" (mentioned in line 11) • image "rocky dells" gives ____ • speaker's attitude towards nature • another bird mentioned in the poem • she has been _____ by her loved ones • lady is referred to a ____ in line 19 • speaker believes nature is a _______________ • ...
How well do you know our TCP'ers 2023-07-13
- funny remarks
- authentic and sincere in their interactions with others
- a nature lover
- questionable driver
- ability to find humor in various circumstances
- declutters their physical and mental space
- thoughtful and mindful of other's feelings
- very critical of their self
- knowledge and strategic thinker
- is always direct and clear
- good sense of humor, comfortable poking fun at self.
- incredibly sweet personality
- outgoing personality
- relaxed and adaptable nature
- possesses charm and sweetness
- enjoys having fun
- Their style appears effortless and natural
- sense of humor, playful nature, & enjoyable company
- mysterious
- remain humble
- winning smile
- makes others feel at ease
- explores creative new ideas
- quiet but friendly
- They remain grounded and relatable
- They confidently express their opinions and needs
- social butterfly
27 Clues: mysterious • funny remarks • remain humble • winning smile • a nature lover • social butterfly • enjoys having fun • quiet but friendly • questionable driver • outgoing personality • makes others feel at ease • is always direct and clear • explores creative new ideas • very critical of their self • incredibly sweet personality • relaxed and adaptable nature • possesses charm and sweetness • ...
Sustainability glossary 2019-05-13
13 Clues: you • air • dead • places • plants • forests • climate • oksiden • helping nature • almost exstikt • change weather • a living creature • a place were you live in
Outdoor Activities 2023-12-19
- natural rock formations or artificial climbing walls using specialized equipment.
- treasure-hunting activity using GPS devices to find hidden containers in specific outdoor locations.
- to catch fish in rivers, lakes, or oceans using different techniques and equipment.
- or trekking in nature, like mountains or trails, enjoying the outdoors and scenic views.
- celestial objects like stars, planets, and the moon in the night sky using telescopes or just enjoying the cosmos.
- interactive outdoor activity searching for specific items in nature, promoting exploration and observation skills.
- Scavenger Hunt
- for seashells or treasures along the shoreline of a beach, exploring sandy or rocky areas.
- plants, flowers, and vegetables in a garden, involving planting, weeding, and harvesting.
- a bicycle for exercise, transportation, or fun, exploring different terrains.
- up temporary shelters, such as tents, staying overnight in nature, cooking over a fire, and stargazing.
- a small boat called a kayak in rivers, lakes, or coastal waters for an adventurous water experience.
- a canoe, often in rivers or lakes, using a single-bladed paddle for a peaceful water experience.
- Riding
- and identifying birds in their natural habitats using binoculars and field guides.
- on horseback for recreation or sport, developing a connection with the horse while exploring trails.
- a meal outdoors, usually in a park, bringing food and blankets to enjoy nature while sharing a meal.
- Climbing
18 Clues: Riding • Climbing • Scavenger Hunt • a bicycle for exercise, transportation, or fun, exploring different terrains. • natural rock formations or artificial climbing walls using specialized equipment. • and identifying birds in their natural habitats using binoculars and field guides. • ...
ACI KID'S PUZZLE 2022-05-14
- surrounding
- family
- school
- domestic
- animal
- waste
- playground
- earth
- sustainable
- industrial
- compound
- effort
- liquid
- ecosystem
- goal
- responsible
- nutrient
- cleaning
- healthier
- nature
- disposing
- living
- volunteer
- solid
- material
- pollution
- citizen
- atmosphere
- classroom
- dirt
- garbage
- example
- food
- organic
- commercial
- Agricultural
- community
- environment
- erosion
- refuse
- clean
- green
42 Clues: dirt • food • goal • solid • waste • earth • clean • green • living • family • school • animal • effort • liquid • refuse • nature • citizen • garbage • example • organic • erosion • material • domestic • compound • nutrient • cleaning • disposing • volunteer • pollution • classroom • ecosystem • community • healthier • atmosphere • playground • industrial • commercial • surrounding • sustainable • environment • responsible • Agricultural
Psychology Crossword 2022-10-06
- individual is studied in depth
- comes before the response
- traits you are born with
- using experimentation
- currently aware of
- this person believed in experiencing nurture
- created the first laboratory
- testable prediction
- a blank slate
- two variables change together
- example of nature
- participants dont know what group they are in
- how bio and psychological are linked
- example of nurture
- not currently thinking about but could
- charles darwins concept
- self reported behaviors
- what we dont know we know
- i knew it all along phenomenon
- process of systematic observation
- how we process and store information
- represents values of 2 variables
- repeat of research study
- predicts behavior/events
- this person believed in innate nature
- how we learn observable behaviors
- things you have been taught after birth
27 Clues: a blank slate • example of nature • currently aware of • example of nurture • testable prediction • using experimentation • charles darwins concept • self reported behaviors • traits you are born with • repeat of research study • predicts behavior/events • comes before the response • what we dont know we know • created the first laboratory • two variables change together • ...
Sonnet by John Clare 2016-04-29
- This innocent, happy, and carefree word ends the poem
- The structure of the poem
- This theme runs throughout the poem, through the summer coming again, and the wild flowers growing again
- "Summer beaming forth" is an example of this
- Clare personifies this object to show how it protects the precious lake
- This theme runs throughout the poem, through the bright images and light colours
- "Sack clouds sailing" is an example of this
- Clare uses this type of language to describe the simple pleasures he sees in nature
- This is missing from the poem, which shows how the poet was rushing to get his words out, showing his passion for nature and also the freedom of nature
- The number of lines in the poem
- This holds the poem together, and creates a soft, soothing tone
- "White wool" is an example of this
- The poet repeats this phrase to emphasise his love of summer and nature
- John Clare was a poet from this literary movement
- This colour conveys the purity and brilliance of nature
15 Clues: The structure of the poem • The number of lines in the poem • "White wool" is an example of this • "Sack clouds sailing" is an example of this • "Summer beaming forth" is an example of this • John Clare was a poet from this literary movement • This innocent, happy, and carefree word ends the poem • This colour conveys the purity and brilliance of nature • ...
unit 2 vocabulary review 2021-11-19
- Creates vivid impressions for the leader
- Wrote a Psalm of life and The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls
- “Trust thyself; every heart vibrates to that iron string”
- Short accounts of personal incidents
- suited to one’s needs or nature
- “If a plant cannot live according to its nature, it dies; and so a man.”
- A literary superstar. Wrote “Thanatopsis”
- “I took up my abode in the woods”
- The underlying message or the central idea of the message
- “Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece”
- “To him who in the love of nature”
- The acknowledged leader of the transcendentalist
- Had rhyme schemes
- Advocated simple, mindful living and rejected a lifestyle dedicated to the pursuit
- Examine the writer's ideas carefully and then making judgement about their value.
- one who does not follow generally accepted beliefs, Customs, or practices
- Attitude towards his or her subject
- In an unhurried and thoughtful manner
- An intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated a simple, mindful life.
- Low; contemptible; wretched
- Believed that people are inherently good and should follow their own beliefs
- A group of new england poets whose work normally uplifting and romantically engaged
- The day returns but the traveler does not
- Disturbance of the emotions
- Makes abstract ideas more appealing and easier to gasp
- A feeling of doubt
- To spread through every part of
- To violate a command or law
- Acting with sudden or rash energy
- Briefly restate the main ideas
30 Clues: Had rhyme schemes • A feeling of doubt • Low; contemptible; wretched • Disturbance of the emotions • To violate a command or law • Briefly restate the main ideas • suited to one’s needs or nature • To spread through every part of • “I took up my abode in the woods” • Acting with sudden or rash energy • “To him who in the love of nature” • Attitude towards his or her subject • ...
Judaism revision 2024-03-26
- book in which ten commandments are found
- famous existentialist
- another root cause of wrongdoing
- Deuteronomy chapter requiring Beth Din
- no free will
- humans have free will
- human nature depends on political economy
- possible root cause of wrondgoing
- pagan idea of ultimate reality
- human nature evolved
- lack of clear___as reason for unbelief
- humans have freedom of action but not will
- Hindu idea of ultimate reality
13 Clues: no free will • human nature evolved • famous existentialist • humans have free will • pagan idea of ultimate reality • Hindu idea of ultimate reality • another root cause of wrongdoing • possible root cause of wrondgoing • lack of clear___as reason for unbelief • Deuteronomy chapter requiring Beth Din • book in which ten commandments are found • ...
Emotions and Colors - 01.09 2023-09-01
- Coral (Vitality + Zest)
- Blue (Serenity + Peace)
- Red (Energy + Life)
- Orange (Vibrancy + Optimism)
- Green (Harmony + Nature)
- Blue (Trust + Reliability)
- Dark Blue (Satisfaction + Assurance)
- Brown (Strength + Dependability)
- Yellow (Radiance + Bliss)
- Pink (Love + Gentleness)
- Light Green (Refreshment + Delight)
- Olive (Modesty + Self-Restraint)
- Gray (Calmness + Neutrality)
- White (Innocence + Light)
- Lavender (Relaxation + Serenity)
- Gold (Nobility + Success)
- Silver (Contemporary + Innovation)
- Purple (Magic + Depth and Enigma)
- Terracotta (Nature + Warmth)
19 Clues: Red (Energy + Life) • Coral (Vitality + Zest) • Blue (Serenity + Peace) • Green (Harmony + Nature) • Pink (Love + Gentleness) • White (Innocence + Light) • Gold (Nobility + Success) • Yellow (Radiance + Bliss) • Blue (Trust + Reliability) • Gray (Calmness + Neutrality) • Orange (Vibrancy + Optimism) • Terracotta (Nature + Warmth) • Olive (Modesty + Self-Restraint) • ...
Romanticism and Descriptive Writing 2023-02-07
- The waves danced underneath the smiling sun
- A comparison using 'as' or 'like'
- A verse in a poem
- 'Boom', 'Crash', 'Bang'
- A clear contrast between two things
- When something REPRESENTS something else
- Another word for 'loneliness' or 'isolation'
- A doing word
- A text that is not real or based on fact
- When nature has a real effect on our emotions
- A describing word
- These writers loved nature and hated industrialisation
- Famous Romantic poet who wrote Daffodils
- The mood or tone of a text
- The power of ______ - a key Romantic idea
- The Rime of the Ancient _______; poem by Coleridge
- The clouds were light, fluffy mounds of candyfloss
17 Clues: A doing word • A verse in a poem • A describing word • 'Boom', 'Crash', 'Bang' • The mood or tone of a text • A comparison using 'as' or 'like' • A clear contrast between two things • A text that is not real or based on fact • Famous Romantic poet who wrote Daffodils • When something REPRESENTS something else • The power of ______ - a key Romantic idea • ...
Land Use/First People Review 2020-10-26
- cannot be remade by nature or people
- material added to soil to make it more fertile
- things found in nature and used by people
- tell about the beginnings of Native Tribes
- early family members
- wearing away of the earth' surface
- movement of water to dry area
- can be made again by nature or people
- studies ancient cultures
- movement of people
- objects made by early people
- to change
- possible explanation
- person's child, grandchild, or later relative
14 Clues: to change • movement of people • possible explanation • early family members • studies ancient cultures • objects made by early people • movement of water to dry area • wearing away of the earth' surface • cannot be remade by nature or people • can be made again by nature or people • things found in nature and used by people • tell about the beginnings of Native Tribes • ...
Astrology Crossword Puzzle 2024-03-19
- Known for its adventurous and optimistic nature
- Known for its humanitarian and progressive nature
- A sign known for its nurturing and intuitive nature
- This sign values balance and harmony
- Characterized by its sensitivity, empathy, and artist
- Associated with practicality, organization, and materialism
- This sign is known for its duality and adaptability
- This sign is often associated with stability and determination
- Known for its steadfastness and reliability
- Known for its mysterious and intense nature
- This sign is characterized by its passion, courage, and leadership
- Characterized by its enthusiasm, creativity, and generosity
12 Clues: This sign values balance and harmony • Known for its steadfastness and reliability • Known for its mysterious and intense nature • Known for its adventurous and optimistic nature • Known for its humanitarian and progressive nature • This sign is known for its duality and adaptability • A sign known for its nurturing and intuitive nature • ...
Singhania Academy Chapter 1_Human Geography 2023-07-10
11 Clues: Slave of nature • Living Organisms • Mother discipline • International Trade • nature gets humanised • Early Colonial period • The dictates of Nature. • Stop and go determinism • Urban studies and planning • Helped us to discover fire • aspects of social well-being
- The hereditary material in all organisms
- Freud Psychologist that developed the idea of psychoanalysis
- Slate Theory that people are born without any preexisting ideas or beliefs, humans learn from experience
- Twins Individuals that result from developing in separately fertilized ova and are genetically distinct
- Region of the brain that deals with long term memory
- Refers to an individual's DNA and genetic makeup
- The change in heritable characteristics of biological populations and species
- Twins Individuals that develop from a single fertilized ovum and are genetically the same
- Region of the brain that deals with emotional processing and memory
- Idea that says all people are born with innate, preexisting ideas and beliefs
- Skinner Psychologist that studied behaviorism, believed in learned behavior with positive and negative reinforcements
- Refers to the environment and individual was raised in
- Study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than the genetic code
- Psych The study of growth and changes within a person's mind and behavior
- Locke Philosopher that created the Blank Slate theory.
15 Clues: The hereditary material in all organisms • Refers to an individual's DNA and genetic makeup • Region of the brain that deals with long term memory • Refers to the environment and individual was raised in • Locke Philosopher that created the Blank Slate theory. • Freud Psychologist that developed the idea of psychoanalysis • ...
- Individuals that result from developing in separate fertilized ova and are genetically distinct
- Refers to an individual's DNA and genetic makeup
- Idea that says all people are born with innate, preexisting ideas and beliefs
- that people are born without any preexisting ideas or beliefs, humans learn from experience
- Refers to the environment and individual was raised in
- Region of the brain that deals with long term memory
- Psychologist that studied behaviorism, believed in learned behavior with positive and negative reinforcements
- Philosopher that created the Blank Slate theory.
- Individuals that develop from a single fertilized ovum and are genetically the same
- Psychologist that developed idea of psychoanalysis
- The study of growth and changes within a person's mind and behavior
- Region of the brain that deals with emotional processing and memory
- Study of changes in an organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than the genetic code
- The change in heritable characteristics of biological populations and species
- The hereditary material in all organisms
15 Clues: The hereditary material in all organisms • Philosopher that created the Blank Slate theory. • Refers to an individual's DNA and genetic makeup • Psychologist that developed idea of psychoanalysis • Region of the brain that deals with long term memory • Refers to the environment and individual was raised in • ...
Nature & Biodiversity Vocabulary 2021-06-09
- the movement of animals from one region to another
- the full name for CO2
- an area that has a high quantity or quality of something
- tiny living things found in water, soil and air.
- a young plant raised from a seed
- a continuous and directed movement of sea water generated by forces such as wind
- the opposite of dry
- the adjective form of extinction
- a group of cows
- another word for preservation
- the variety of all living things
- the geological process where material is worn away by natural forces like wind and water
- decayed organic material used in fertiliser
- another term for farming
- at risk of extinction
15 Clues: a group of cows • the opposite of dry • the full name for CO2 • at risk of extinction • another term for farming • another word for preservation • the variety of all living things • a young plant raised from a seed • the adjective form of extinction • decayed organic material used in fertiliser • tiny living things found in water, soil and air. • ...
Nature & Biodiversity Vocabulary 2021-06-09
- the movement of animals from one region to another
- the full name for CO2
- an area that has a high quantity or quality of something
- tiny living things found in water, soil and air.
- a young plant raised from a seed
- a continuous and directed movement of sea water generated by forces such as wind
- the opposite of dry
- the adjective form of extinction
- a group of cows
- another word for preservation
- the variety of all living things
- the geological process where material is worn away by natural forces like wind and water
- decayed organic material used in fertiliser
- another term for farming
- at risk of extinction
15 Clues: a group of cows • the opposite of dry • the full name for CO2 • at risk of extinction • another term for farming • another word for preservation • the variety of all living things • a young plant raised from a seed • the adjective form of extinction • decayed organic material used in fertiliser • tiny living things found in water, soil and air. • ...
Human ın Nature 2022-01-02
- an organization or place where you can
- staying under water
- a tool or machine for making for making holes in a hard
- a large amount of snow that falls
- long sleeves
- a violent storm with very strong winds
- when there is not enought rain
- often causing severe damage
- ıf you go on journey you travel from one place to another
- happy about something
- to stay in the air for a long time
- a large hot dry area
- somothing that causes a lot of harm or damage
- to move throught water by moving your body
- to jump into water
15 Clues: long sleeves • to jump into water • staying under water • happy about something • a large hot dry area • often causing severe damage • when there is not enought rain • a large amount of snow that falls • to stay in the air for a long time • a violent storm with very strong winds • an organization or place where you can • to move throught water by moving your body • ...
Game of Nature 2022-04-19
- which chemical is present in high amount in yamuna river causing disrupted water supply in Delhi?
- which is the most recyclable metal in the world?
- which country recorded Most devastating earthquake that occured in the world in terms of magnitude ?
- Taj Mahal at Agra may be damaged by which gas ?
- what is the name of the climate summit held in November 2021?
- term used for particular weather patterns or conditions
- Which summit is known as the Greenhouse summit?
- Which volcanic eruption produced largest sound waves ever recorded in human history?
- 33% of the geographical area of a country should be under
- Which award is regarded as the green noble price in the field of environment
- Which was the first carbon negative country in the world
- gases and vapor ( usually harmful)
- term used for things Restored and Replaced by natural forces
- A measure of the effect that human activities have on the climate
- In which year india was worst hit by tsunami
15 Clues: gases and vapor ( usually harmful) • In which year india was worst hit by tsunami • Taj Mahal at Agra may be damaged by which gas ? • Which summit is known as the Greenhouse summit? • which is the most recyclable metal in the world? • Which was the first carbon negative country in the world • term used for particular weather patterns or conditions • ...
Game of Nature 2022-04-19
- gases and vapor ( usually harmful)
- 33% of the geographical area of a country should be under
- which is the most recyclable metal in the world?
- Which volcanic eruption produced largest sound waves ever recorded in human history?
- A measure of the effect that human activities have on the climate
- what is the name of the climate summit held in November 2021?
- term used for particular weather patterns or conditions
- Which award is regarded as the green noble price in the field of environment
- which chemical is present in high amount in yamuna river causing disrupted water supply in Delhi?
- term used for things Restored and Replaced by natural forces
- Which was the first carbon negative country in the world
- Which summit is known as the Greenhouse summit?
- Taj Mahal at Agra may be damaged by which gas ?
- which country recorded Most devastating earthquake that occured in the world in terms of magnitude ?
- In which year india was worst hit by tsunami
15 Clues: gases and vapor ( usually harmful) • In which year india was worst hit by tsunami • Which summit is known as the Greenhouse summit? • Taj Mahal at Agra may be damaged by which gas ? • which is the most recyclable metal in the world? • Which was the first carbon negative country in the world • term used for particular weather patterns or conditions • ...
Nature Codes #1 2017-05-05
- I’m stuck on at I25 and Colorado on the highway, I’m waiting for a tow truck but the traffic is really bad.
- There’s a mattress in the 2 left lanes on I70
- On call back from a hang up the caller gives a location in Lakewood
- There’s a woman panhandling at York and 6th
- This guy just drove away in my car.
- I’m not able to get in touch with my aunt to let her know her mother died. I have her address.
- Help, some guy just grabbed my friend and pulled her into his car and drove off!!!!!
- My neighbors are screaming at each other, it’s a man and a woman, she said something about their baby.
- Hi, my wife hasn’t been home in 3 days, she hasn’t answered any calls or texts.
- My brother is at his house in Denver and he was a warrant for an assault
- This is Bob with the National Weather Service we are activating a siren in the area of 37th and Havana.
- The lights at Colfax and Williams are all flashing red.
- A women is stealing candy from our store
- Hi, this is Becky with DHS I have a teen and his father who need to be a the Family Crisis Center tomorrow at 0900
- This is Verizon calling to test lines for this business.
15 Clues: This guy just drove away in my car. • A women is stealing candy from our store • There’s a woman panhandling at York and 6th • There’s a mattress in the 2 left lanes on I70 • The lights at Colfax and Williams are all flashing red. • This is Verizon calling to test lines for this business. • On call back from a hang up the caller gives a location in Lakewood • ...
Scrambled Words (Nature) 2023-11-14
nature and environment 2023-11-06
- Someone who favors, or specializes, bioecology; such as, an ecologist.
- Using the technical language of ecology to make the user seem to be ecologically aware.
- The conditions pertaining to a mode of life within a specific habitat
- Major damage to the environment, especially when caused by human activity
- The science of organisms as affected by the factors of their environments.
- A student of, or specialist in, econometrics.
- Centering on the environment
- The study of the relationships of organisms to their natural environments.
- A reference to the interrelationships between plants and animals and their abiotic enviro ments.
- The climate as an ecological factor; the climate of a habitat.
- Someone who studies, works, or is an expert in the field of economics.
- Reflecting ecological conditions in general.
- One who actively opposes the pollution or destruction by other means, of the environment.
- Designed or tending to destroy the environment.
- Destruction or damage of the environment
15 Clues: Centering on the environment • Destruction or damage of the environment • Reflecting ecological conditions in general. • A student of, or specialist in, econometrics. • Designed or tending to destroy the environment. • The climate as an ecological factor; the climate of a habitat. • The conditions pertaining to a mode of life within a specific habitat • ...
Hamlet Nature Crossword 2023-12-08
- Who is the author and writer of Hamlet?
- What star actor takes part in the move “The Revenant”?
- Who is the mother of Hamlet?
- What is linked to the moods/themes of the play?
- Who did Gertrude marry to make Hamlet disgusted?
- How is nature used in the play during the second point of direction?
- King What is the second media about?
- What does Hamlet represent in the planetary system?
- Who says the "tis an unweeded garden" quote?
- What flower symbolizes death?
- What does Shakespeare use in the text to show the growth of the characters?
- What plant Hamlet's mother uses to describe Ophilia's death?
- Who says "canker galls the infants of the spring" quote?
- How do you best describe the story of Hamlet?
- Who created the Ophelia painting discussed in the introduction?
15 Clues: Who is the mother of Hamlet? • What flower symbolizes death? • Who is the author and writer of Hamlet? • Who says the "tis an unweeded garden" quote? • King What is the second media about? • How do you best describe the story of Hamlet? • What is linked to the moods/themes of the play? • Who did Gertrude marry to make Hamlet disgusted? • ...
Nature is wonderful! 2023-03-06
- fluffy and cuddly, likes to eat leaves
- falling water from above
- cute and likes cold weather
- where you can find dolphins and sharks
- round or pointy, sometimes looks like a banana
- bright and warm
- green and magical
- twinkle twinkle
- tall and fast
- colourful
- colourful and smells good
- green and tall
- tiny, likes honey and flowers
- blue or grey, sometimes it cries
- a stream of water
15 Clues: colourful • tall and fast • green and tall • bright and warm • twinkle twinkle • green and magical • a stream of water • falling water from above • colourful and smells good • cute and likes cold weather • tiny, likes honey and flowers • blue or grey, sometimes it cries • fluffy and cuddly, likes to eat leaves • where you can find dolphins and sharks • ...
Nature and Environment 2024-03-03
- is the chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8.
- of a species, family, or other larger group having no living members.
- is an official national red list of the threatened animals, plants and fungi that are protected by the law in Ukraine.
- use again or more than once
- Our green Mother.
- Synonym Garbage.
- of a species seriously at risk of extinction.
- is worthless, defective and of no use.
- convert waste into reusable material
- the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism
- the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.
- An area of land managed to conserve wildlife or plant habitat or other natural features
- the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
- a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
- What mean SOS?
15 Clues: What mean SOS? • Synonym Garbage. • Our green Mother. • use again or more than once • convert waste into reusable material • is worthless, defective and of no use. • of a species seriously at risk of extinction. • the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. • is the chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8. • ...
Nature of business 2024-10-14
- of trading is a certificate issued to a public company.
- shares stocks sold on a public exchange .
- partner a person who provides capital for a business but doesn’t take part in managing the business.
- involving mutual assistance in working towards a common goal.
- order is a paper document similar to a check.
- a business where the owner along with its products branding and knowledge in exchange for franchise fee
- is an unsecured loan issue ls by a company.
- deed is an agreement made with two individuals who intend to run a business together.
- is a service issued by a financial institution that allows customers to perform over the telephone a range of financial transactions that don’t involve cash
- is a financial gain.
- trader means running a business entirely by your self.
- exchange for other goods or services without using money.
- is a printed document that a company has to issue at the time of issuing investment securities to the public.
- of association represents the charter of company.
- the action of helping or doing work for some one.
15 Clues: is a financial gain. • shares stocks sold on a public exchange . • is an unsecured loan issue ls by a company. • order is a paper document similar to a check. • of association represents the charter of company. • the action of helping or doing work for some one. • trader means running a business entirely by your self. • ...
Nature and Wildlife 2023-06-10
- - Dense collection of trees and plants
- - Majestic big cat found in savannas
- - Colorful arch seen in the sky after rainfall
- - Insect known for its vibrant wings and fluttering flight
- - Striped big cat known for its strength and agility
- - Insect known for pollination and producing honey
- - Dry, sandy area with little rainfall and sparse vegetation
- - Large natural elevation with steep sides and a peak
- - Tall plant with a trunk and branches
- - Colorful plant part that attracts bees and butterflies
- - Wild canine known for its pack behavior and howling
- - Flowing water descending from a height
- - Feathered creature that can fly
- - Large land mammal with a long trunk and tusks
- - Vast body of saltwater covering most of the Earth's surface
15 Clues: - Feathered creature that can fly • - Majestic big cat found in savannas • - Dense collection of trees and plants • - Tall plant with a trunk and branches • - Flowing water descending from a height • - Colorful arch seen in the sky after rainfall • - Large land mammal with a long trunk and tusks • - Insect known for pollination and producing honey • ...
Nature (hard) 001 2023-08-14
- Transition area between two different ecosystems
- Local extinction of a species in a specific geographic area
- Symbiotic relationship where both species benefit
- The ecological state of being unique to a particular geographic region
- Use of living organisms to remove or neutralize pollutants
- Carbon _____ - Process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
- Resulting from human activities
- Ecological _____ - Gradual process of change in a community over time
- _____ Level - Position of an organism in a food chain
- Habitat ______ - Division of a habitat into smaller, isolated patches
- _____ Species - Species that has a disproportionately large impact on an ecosystem
- _____ Species - Non-native species that disrupts the balance of an ecosystem
- Variety of plant and animal species in an ecosystem
- _____ Productivity - Rate at which energy is converted by photosynthetic organisms
- _____ Cycle - Movement of elements and compounds through living and non-living components of an ecosystem
15 Clues: Resulting from human activities • Transition area between two different ecosystems • Symbiotic relationship where both species benefit • Variety of plant and animal species in an ecosystem • _____ Level - Position of an organism in a food chain • Use of living organisms to remove or neutralize pollutants • Local extinction of a species in a specific geographic area • ...
Rohans nature crossword 2023-09-05
- biggest rainforest
- one of the most feared animals
- eats bananas
- you search on it
- creates lots of greenhouse gases but not a domesticated animal
- popular pet but not a dog
- water body with a current that goes to the ocean
- likes lots of water and dark conditions
- loud animal with wings
- most recognised animal from new zealand
- food source for monkeys
- holds lots of animals and plants
- popular fish to eat available at pretty much any fish and chips store
- big solid object with branches
- long thin plant
15 Clues: eats bananas • long thin plant • you search on it • biggest rainforest • loud animal with wings • food source for monkeys • popular pet but not a dog • one of the most feared animals • big solid object with branches • holds lots of animals and plants • most recognised animal from new zealand • likes lots of water and dark conditions • water body with a current that goes to the ocean • ...
Sustainability Crossword 2019-05-12
- A part of nature
- Having no life
- important parts of stuff
- Someone who studies science
- You use chemicals
- To keep something or
- Like a landfall
- A type of fitness
- Tells you directions
- Hot orange
- Giving stuff effects
- All around us
- The plants of a particular time or place
- Where animals live
- Something you use
- Not many left
- A type of science
- How to make something
- A pet or a wild living creature
- Interviewing someone
20 Clues: Hot orange • Not many left • All around us • Having no life • Like a landfall • A part of nature • Something you use • You use chemicals • A type of science • A type of fitness • Where animals live • To keep something or • Tells you directions • Giving stuff effects • Interviewing someone • How to make something • important parts of stuff • Someone who studies science • A pet or a wild living creature • ...
Summer Vacation 2021-06-24
- – to run
- vacances – vacation
- – June
- – a picnic
- – July
- -flower
- – August
- – sand
- – the ocean
- – the mountains
- – the beach
- – the garden
- – the lawn / grass
- – to walk
- – outside
- – to swim
- – to garden
- – a boat
- – nature
- – summer
- plante – a plant
- – a journey
- – the sea
- – to travel
- – a tree
- de bain – a swim suit
- vacances d’été – summer vacation
- – the swimming pool
- la glace – some ice cream
- – to play
- – the park
- – a lake
32 Clues: – June • – July • – sand • -flower • – a boat • – to run • – nature • – summer • – August • – a tree • – a lake • – the sea • – to play • – to walk • – outside • – to swim • – a picnic • – the park • – to garden • – a journey • – to travel • – the ocean • – the beach • – the garden • – the mountains • plante – a plant • – the lawn / grass • vacances – vacation • – the swimming pool • de bain – a swim suit • la glace – some ice cream • ...
Summer Vacation 2021-06-24
- – the garden
- – June
- – the lawn / grass
- – the beach
- de bain – a swim suit
- – to run
- – a tree
- – the ocean
- – to garden
- – to swim
- – a picnic
- – the park
- – August
- – a journey
- – vacation
- -flower
- – summer
- – July
- – to play
- – a boat
- plante – a plant
- – outside
- – to travel
- – the sea
- – summer vacation
- – the mountains
- – the swimming pool
- – nature
- glace – some ice cream
- – to walk
- – a lake
- – sand
32 Clues: – July • – June • – sand • -flower • – a boat • – to run • – a tree • – nature • – August • – a lake • – summer • – to play • – outside • – the sea • – to swim • – to walk • – a picnic • – the park • – vacation • – the beach • – to travel • – the ocean • – to garden • – a journey • – the garden • – the mountains • plante – a plant • – summer vacation • – the lawn / grass • – the swimming pool • de bain – a swim suit • ...
Newton's Laws RW Crossword 2023-04-27
- related to nature
- resistance when two surfaces touch
- velocity
- to slow down
- to speed up
- not active
- increasing in amount over time
- to measure something as an amount
- outside
- characteristic
- swiftly moving dinosaur
- study of motion in nature
- resistance to change in motion
- swiftness
- sound made by touching teeth together
- response to a force, acting again
- to put things back again
- smallest unit of energy
- involving amounts or measurements
- to become less or worse
20 Clues: outside • velocity • swiftness • not active • to speed up • to slow down • characteristic • related to nature • smallest unit of energy • to become less or worse • swiftly moving dinosaur • to put things back again • study of motion in nature • resistance to change in motion • increasing in amount over time • response to a force, acting again • to measure something as an amount • ...
French Greetings 2023-09-06
- - Brothers
- - Live
- - Hi
- - Birthday
- - Hello
- - Family
- - Travel
- - Want
- - Age
- - Friend
- - Sixth
- - City
- - Je
- - Food
- - Sisters
- - How
- - Passion
- - Music
- - Vacation
- - English
- - Speak
- - Sport
- - Nice to meet you
- - French
- - Class
- - School
- - Hobby
- - Teacher
- - Art
- - Subject
- - Tu (informal) / Vous (formal)
- - I'm called (My name is)
- - Animal
- - House
- - Book
- - Like
- - Movie
- - Country
- - Nature
39 Clues: - Hi • - Je • - Art • - Age • - How • - Live • - Want • - Book • - City • - Food • - Like • - Speak • - Sport • - Class • - Hobby • - Hello • - Sixth • - House • - Movie • - Music • - French • - School • - Family • - Travel • - Friend • - Animal • - Nature • - English • - Teacher • - Subject • - Sisters • - Passion • - Country • - Brothers • - Birthday • - Vacation • - Nice to meet you • - I'm called (My name is) • - Tu (informal) / Vous (formal)
guillaume 2021-01-21
11 Clues: pas islamiste • pilier du bar • il les observe • bout du menton • modèle la nature • son ancien métier • homme du sud ouest • deux roues électrique • sa principale qualité • son lieu de prédilection • pour la nature pas pour sa nature
Indiana’s Native Nature 2021-11-23
- Rainbow ___.
- Loves carrots
- The wealthy fellow in Wind in the Willows.
- Doe, a ___, a female ___.
- You might see him on your Thanksgiving table!
- Our nations mascot
- What does the ___ say?
- HOO am I?
- Ball State, ___ and white.
- Watch out for this reptile’s noisy tail!
- Wisconsin’s mascot
- Snapping ___.
- Predecessor to a dog
- Jeremiah was a ___.
- Large teeth and a love of wood
15 Clues: HOO am I? • Rainbow ___. • Loves carrots • Snapping ___. • Wisconsin’s mascot • Our nations mascot • Jeremiah was a ___. • Predecessor to a dog • What does the ___ say? • Doe, a ___, a female ___. • Ball State, ___ and white. • Large teeth and a love of wood • Watch out for this reptile’s noisy tail! • The wealthy fellow in Wind in the Willows. • ...
Nature of Science 2022-08-18
- investigation and exploration of natural events and of the new information that results from those investigations
- a statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events
- factor that can limit the growth of a population
- a rule that describes a pattern in nature
- an explanation of observations or events that is based on knowledge gained from many observations and investigations
- any factor in an experiment that can have more than one value
- the factor that you want to test
- comparing what you already know with the information you are given in order to decide whether you agree with it.
- a logical explanation of an observation that is drawn from prior knowledge or experience
- act of using one or more of your senses to gather information and taking note of what occurs
- a possible explanation for an observation that can be tested by scientific investigations
- the factor measured or observed during an experiment
- the factors in an experiment that remain the same
- information that is obtained through observation or experimentation
- the practical use of scientific knowledge, especially for industrial or commercial use
15 Clues: the factor that you want to test • a rule that describes a pattern in nature • factor that can limit the growth of a population • the factors in an experiment that remain the same • the factor measured or observed during an experiment • a statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events • any factor in an experiment that can have more than one value • ...
Nature of Data 2023-03-27
- drive people’s day-to-day lives
- Repeating the study with different setting
- deals with characteristics
- deals with numbers
- could be divided and reduced to finer levels
- summarize two pieces of information
- known facts or things
- don’t possess a natural ordering
- can be counted and are distinct
- contains properties of nominal and ordered data
- place things in one of two mutually exclusive categories
- Using precise and restrictive operational definitions
- can be sorted into groups
- refers to each value having a unique meaning.
- established ordering
15 Clues: deals with numbers • established ordering • known facts or things • can be sorted into groups • deals with characteristics • can be counted and are distinct • drive people’s day-to-day lives • don’t possess a natural ordering • summarize two pieces of information • Repeating the study with different setting • could be divided and reduced to finer levels • ...
Nature v. Nurture 2023-05-22
- a structured system of communication
- psychoanalyst
- the process by which different kinds of living organisms diversified
- the intricacies of raising a child
- scientific study of mind and behavior
- carries genetic instructions
- characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character
- reveals the importance of environmental and genetic influences
- the customs of a social group
- the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction
- evolutionary biologist
- inheritance
- the way in which one conducts oneself, especially toward others
- communication or direct involvement with someone or something
- a natural or intuitive way of acting or thinking
15 Clues: inheritance • psychoanalyst • evolutionary biologist • carries genetic instructions • the customs of a social group • the intricacies of raising a child • a structured system of communication • scientific study of mind and behavior • a natural or intuitive way of acting or thinking • the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction • ...
Nature of language 2024-06-14
- naming of things by exact reproduction of sounds associated with it
- process of clipping end of the word. Eg: examination is clipped to exam
- word made by combining other words or part of words in such a way that they overlap
- The scientific study of language and its structure.
- process of joining two separate words to produce a single form
- words ommited after clipping
- theory that postulates that children can only use certain linguistic structures when they understand the concept fully
- The study of the sounds of human speech.
- theory that postulates that human brains have a language acquisition device
- theory proposed by B.F Skinner
- an innate mechanism that allows children to develop language skills.
- a word or idea taken from another language, person, or source and used in one's own language or work.
- means of communication
- where Chunk of existing words are cut out.
- process of clipping beginning of the word. Eg: Telephone is clipped to phone.
15 Clues: means of communication • words ommited after clipping • theory proposed by B.F Skinner • The study of the sounds of human speech. • where Chunk of existing words are cut out. • The scientific study of language and its structure. • process of joining two separate words to produce a single form • naming of things by exact reproduction of sounds associated with it • ...
Shapes in Nature 2023-12-19
- A shape with two intersecting lines, symbolizing various meanings and often found in certain plant structures.
- A shape with three sides and three angles, commonly seen in mountains, trees, and certain leaves.
- Shape A shape without a specific form or symmetry, often seen in rocks, tree branches, and unique formations in nature.
- A shape with six sides and six angles, often seen in honeycomb structures and certain plant formations.
- A curving and coiling shape found in seashells, galaxies, and certain plant structures.
- A shape characterized by a series of sharp turns, often found in mountain landscapes and certain plant stems.
- A shape resembling a curved moon, often seen in certain leaves and hillsides.
- A shape with four equal sides and four right angles, often found in elements like windows, doors, and certain rocks.
- A round shape found in objects like the sun, moon, and certain fruits, often symbolizing unity and completeness.
- A shape with four sides, where opposite sides are parallel and equal in length, seen in crystal formations and leaves.
- A shape with points radiating from a center, resembling stars in the night sky and often found in flower formations.
- A shape resembling a stretched circle, often seen in fruits, rocks, and certain leaf patterns.
- A symbol representing love, shaped like a stylized heart, often found in leaves, clouds, and formations in nature.
- A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are of unequal length, seen in elements like trees.
- A shape with gentle curves, resembling waves in water or patterns in sand dunes.
15 Clues: A shape resembling a curved moon, often seen in certain leaves and hillsides. • A shape with gentle curves, resembling waves in water or patterns in sand dunes. • A curving and coiling shape found in seashells, galaxies, and certain plant structures. • A shape resembling a stretched circle, often seen in fruits, rocks, and certain leaf patterns. • ...
Nature Center Animals 2024-01-01
- A brown bear that is hard to scare
- a baby bear
- my decoys don't quack like me
- I'm named after a children's toy
- I am commonly used by falconers to hunt
- wild canine
- I'm closely related to salmon
- my quills are barbed
- a colored reptile that can walk on ceilings
- a constrictor snake named after a vegetable
- ______ in the headlights
- not a crocodile
- some mistake my cry for a child's laughter
- clean eating bandit
- where do you go to see exotic animals
15 Clues: a baby bear • wild canine • not a crocodile • clean eating bandit • my quills are barbed • ______ in the headlights • my decoys don't quack like me • I'm closely related to salmon • I'm named after a children's toy • A brown bear that is hard to scare • where do you go to see exotic animals • I am commonly used by falconers to hunt • some mistake my cry for a child's laughter • ...
Science and Nature 2024-01-26
15 Clues: - Red planet • - Genetic code • - Moon-related • - Colorful arc • - Power source • - Star cluster • - Reef builder • - Tiny particle • - Study of life • - Distant energy • - Floating water • - Attracts metal • - Ancient remains • - Erupting mountain • - Celestial overlap
Hamlet Nature Crossword 2023-12-08
- How is nature used in the play during the second point of direction?
- Who says "canker galls the infants of the spring" quote?
- King What is the second media about?
- What does Shakespeare use in the text to show the growth of the characters?
- Who created the Ophelia painting discussed in the introduction?
- Who is the author and writer of Hamlet?
- How do you best describe the story of Hamlet?
- Who is the mother of Hamlet?
- Who did Gertrude marry to make Hamlet disgusted?
- What does Hamlet represent in the planetary system?
- Who says the "tis an unweeded garden" quote?
- What flower symbolizes death?
- What plant Hamlet's mother uses to describe Ophilia's death?
- What star actor takes part in the move “The Revenant”?
- What is linked to the moods/themes of the play?
15 Clues: Who is the mother of Hamlet? • What flower symbolizes death? • Who is the author and writer of Hamlet? • Who says the "tis an unweeded garden" quote? • King What is the second media about? • How do you best describe the story of Hamlet? • What is linked to the moods/themes of the play? • Who did Gertrude marry to make Hamlet disgusted? • ...
Nature and vication 2024-09-10
- a yellow flower
- a big brown animal
- the water goes down from the mountains
- a thing,that you put when the sun is shining
- the green ground
- you take this to not be wet
- you hike in the
- a big thing that grows in forest
- a thing that covers a sun
- … sugar high
- a liquid
- a thing that shines
- you build this when you are camping
- a bigger pond
- a sand place
15 Clues: a liquid • … sugar high • a sand place • a bigger pond • a yellow flower • you hike in the • the green ground • a big brown animal • a thing that shines • a thing that covers a sun • you take this to not be wet • a big thing that grows in forest • you build this when you are camping • the water goes down from the mountains • a thing,that you put when the sun is shining
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve 2021-10-12
- One of the functions of reserves, you do it to ecosystems
- A place that has a humid and wet climate
- An attraction at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
- Bukit Timah Nature Reserve helps to protect this species
- What herbs in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve produce
- How many kilometres Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is away from the city
- Where Singapore is on that gives Bukit Timah Nature Reserve one of the richest ecological systems
- A name of a butterfly that is endangered
- What Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is popular for
- Another form of life besides plant and animal life
10 Clues: A name of a butterfly that is endangered • A place that has a humid and wet climate • An attraction at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve • What Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is popular for • What herbs in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve produce • Another form of life besides plant and animal life • Bukit Timah Nature Reserve helps to protect this species • ...
Fill in the balnk 2024-09-26
sustainability SSB David h 2019-05-08
- nature
- a repeated decorative design
- grass plants
- a distinctive attribute or aspect of something
- test treating people equally
- tell of someone
- someone who mixed chemicals
- exercise
- a place
- someone
- habitat
- experiment
- sunny rain and clouds
- moving
- building
- element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change
- tools
- relating to society or its organization.
- the animals of a particular region, habitat,or geological period
- you feel safe
20 Clues: tools • nature • moving • a place • someone • habitat • building • exercise • experiment • grass plants • you feel safe • tell of someone • sunny rain and clouds • someone who mixed chemicals • a repeated decorative design • test treating people equally • relating to society or its organization. • a distinctive attribute or aspect of something • ...
vocab review 2021-01-15
- animals that don't live in nature are in ..
- a movement focused on protecting wildlife
- a cat with spots
- a reserve needs a big ... for the animals
- plants and animals are both called .......
- we use a keyboard and .... for computers
- an animal that is almost extinct is ..
- a black and white bear
- workers wear panda .... in nature reserves
- the forest is in the
- someone who works in a hospital is a ...
- something you can move is ....
- a place to take care of animals
- someone who works on a nature reserve is a
- bigger than a hill.
- if you water a plant it will .....
16 Clues: a cat with spots • bigger than a hill. • the forest is in the • a black and white bear • something you can move is .... • a place to take care of animals • if you water a plant it will ..... • an animal that is almost extinct is .. • someone who works in a hospital is a ... • we use a keyboard and .... for computers • a movement focused on protecting wildlife • ...
- ülerahvastatus
- a squirrel that can glide in the air
- rain happevihm
- Estonian Museum of Natural History
- release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the ocean
- biolagunev
- an area of land with a group of energy-producing windmills or wind turbines
- prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall
- nature reserve
- osoonikiht
- the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere
- tasakaal
- solution
- liik endangered species
- kliima soojenemine
15 Clues: tasakaal • solution • osoonikiht • biolagunev • nature reserve • ülerahvastatus • rain happevihm • kliima soojenemine • liik endangered species • Estonian Museum of Natural History • a squirrel that can glide in the air • prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall • release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the ocean • ...
- ülerahvastatus
- Estonian Museum of Natural History
- a squirrel that can glide in the air
- rain happevihm
- tasakaal
- prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall
- kliima soojenemine
- liik endangered species
- osoonikiht
- the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere
- biolagunev
- nature reserve
- release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the ocean
- an area of land with a group of energy-producing windmills or wind turbines
- solution
15 Clues: tasakaal • solution • osoonikiht • biolagunev • ülerahvastatus • nature reserve • rain happevihm • kliima soojenemine • liik endangered species • Estonian Museum of Natural History • a squirrel that can glide in the air • prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall • release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the ocean • ...
Living With Nature 2014-10-06
- Pandas like to eat this tree.
- An area that gets very little rain.
- A type of forest that gets a lot of rain.
- What people rode before cars.
- A big animal in Canada.
- The green bacteria on top of some rivers.
- An animal which isn't in Korea anymore.
- A rolling stone gathers no _____________.
- The tallest mountain in the world.
- The largest mammal in the world.
- They look like chickens, but are much bigger.
- An angry Xmen, also a type of animal.
- A white bear.
- Where milk comes from.
- Where wool comes from.
15 Clues: A white bear. • Where milk comes from. • Where wool comes from. • A big animal in Canada. • Pandas like to eat this tree. • What people rode before cars. • The largest mammal in the world. • The tallest mountain in the world. • An area that gets very little rain. • An angry Xmen, also a type of animal. • An animal which isn't in Korea anymore. • ...
Nature (easy find) 2021-10-16
- Full of plants and sometimes water
- Foam crashes onto the ground
- Large masses made up of many different elements
- Dark never-ending nothingness
- Rocks crushed to their smallest form across a large amount of space
- Mount Everest
- Hawaii
- It gets its color from the sea
- Dark and full of bats
- Glistens in the sky at night
- Full of hot and bubbly mater
- Only habitable place known
- The thing that starts the beginning of the food chain
- Hot burning balls of hydrogen quadrillions of miles away
- A large amount of land that is highly raised from the ground with a very slick and steep edge
15 Clues: Hawaii • Mount Everest • Dark and full of bats • Only habitable place known • Glistens in the sky at night • Foam crashes onto the ground • Full of hot and bubbly mater • Dark never-ending nothingness • It gets its color from the sea • Full of plants and sometimes water • Large masses made up of many different elements • The thing that starts the beginning of the food chain • ...
Nature of Science 2022-09-07
- a type of science that studies Earth’s systems and also the systems in space
- the process of drawing conclusions from given evidence
- examining your data
- the final step of the scientific method
- a type of science that studies matter and energy
- what changes as a result of the independent variable.
- a reasonable guess that can be tested and is based on what is known and what is observed
- an investigation to learn more
- try to explain a pattern seen repeatedly in the natural world
- the practical use of science
- a type of science that studies living systems and how they interact with each other
- any information collected with the senses
- the variable that is changed
- a way of learning more about the natural world
- describes a pattern in nature
15 Clues: examining your data • the practical use of science • the variable that is changed • describes a pattern in nature • an investigation to learn more • the final step of the scientific method • any information collected with the senses • a way of learning more about the natural world • a type of science that studies matter and energy • ...
Nature of Science 2022-08-29
- magnetic north
- the mode of the data
- the explanation of the observation
- difference between greatest number to least number
- of a logical explanation
- scientific knowledge
- middle number of data
- a possible explanation
- a rule that describes a pattern
- use backers to hold or pour liquids
- is the investigation and exploration of natral events
- of the act of using one or more senses
- comparing what u already know
- a statement of what will happen
- average data
15 Clues: average data • magnetic north • the mode of the data • scientific knowledge • middle number of data • a possible explanation • of a logical explanation • comparing what u already know • a rule that describes a pattern • a statement of what will happen • the explanation of the observation • use backers to hold or pour liquids • of the act of using one or more senses • ...
Nature Crossword Puzzle 2020-07-06
- a raised line of water moving across the sea
- feels good when barefoot
- body of water
- a piece of land surrounded by water
- tears from the sky
- overgrown hill
- fall from sky in cold weather
- area of land covered in sand
- anchoring trees to the earth
- cloudlike mass close to the ground
- erupts from mountain
- after the rain comes the __________
- area of land covered in trees
- loud noise in the sky
- fall from trees
15 Clues: body of water • overgrown hill • fall from trees • tears from the sky • erupts from mountain • loud noise in the sky • feels good when barefoot • area of land covered in sand • anchoring trees to the earth • area of land covered in trees • fall from sky in cold weather • cloudlike mass close to the ground • after the rain comes the __________ • a piece of land surrounded by water • ...
The nature park 2020-01-15
Nature of Science 2023-04-13
- the internationally accepted system of measurements
- an explanation of observations or events that is based on knowledge
- a logical explanation for an observation
- the factor you observe or measure during an experiment
- an interpretation of observation
- a statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events
- the factor that you want to test
- the investigation and exploration of nature events and of the new information that results from those investigations
- is the practical use of scientific knowledge
- comparing what you already know with the information you are given
- any factor that can have more than one value
- the result of using one or more of your senses to gather information
- a possible explanation for an observation that can be tested
- a spoken or written summary of observations
- a ride that describes a repeatable pattern in nature
15 Clues: the factor that you want to test • an interpretation of observation • a logical explanation for an observation • a spoken or written summary of observations • is the practical use of scientific knowledge • any factor that can have more than one value • the internationally accepted system of measurements • a ride that describes a repeatable pattern in nature • ...
Foróige: Nature & Science 2023-07-01
- How many wings does a bee have
- Where is gravity stronger, earth or the moon
- What is the tallest animal in the world
- What is the hardest natural substance on Earth
- What is the biggest planet in our solar system
- What is botany the study of
- The protective cover of a tree
- What is the collective name for a group of crows
- The acid you put on chips
- The air we breathe
- The animal that lives in trees or bushes
- What is the biggest animal in the world
- The Colour of danger
- What is a young bear called
- How many hearts does an octopuses have
15 Clues: The air we breathe • The Colour of danger • The acid you put on chips • What is a young bear called • What is botany the study of • How many wings does a bee have • The protective cover of a tree • How many hearts does an octopuses have • What is the biggest animal in the world • What is the tallest animal in the world • The animal that lives in trees or bushes • ...
Nature of Light 2023-11-28
- a particle has a definite __________ in space
- emission (release) of energy from a source
- wave-particle __________ holds that light exhibits properties of both waves and particles
- waves can __________ with each other
- what happens when waves pass through each other
- last name of scientist who performed double-slit experiment
- a particle of light
- last name of scientist who won Nobel Prize for photoelectric effect
- distance between two crests or two troughs on a wave
- distance from center line of wave to its crest or trough
- all types of electromagnetic radiation form the electromagnetic __________
- color of our Sun
- number of waves that pass a given point over a certain amount of time
- type of radiation that can knock electrons off atoms
- unit used for frequency
15 Clues: color of our Sun • a particle of light • unit used for frequency • waves can __________ with each other • emission (release) of energy from a source • a particle has a definite __________ in space • what happens when waves pass through each other • distance between two crests or two troughs on a wave • type of radiation that can knock electrons off atoms • ...
Nature vs. Nurture 2023-09-12
- has a heavy basis on you experience life, you learn to fear things
- There is a high chance that you would have the same _____ in certain things
- two characteristics that you gather through heredity
- Your _____ health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
- a branch of biology that deals with the heredity and variation of organisms
- all of the external or environmental factors that affect human development
- based off the examples you were taught
- The _____ capabilities of your body are determined by Nature, the genes in your body
- the study of your mind and behavior with other people
- refers largely to our genetics
- Your _____ intellect is determined by heredity and determines you initial reaction to natural surroundings
- The transfer of genes from one to another, parents to offspring
- you choice of _____ can based upon environment
- the way you talk based off your environment
- heavily based upon how one’s raised
15 Clues: refers largely to our genetics • heavily based upon how one’s raised • based off the examples you were taught • the way you talk based off your environment • you choice of _____ can based upon environment • two characteristics that you gather through heredity • the study of your mind and behavior with other people • ...
Protect Mother Nature 2023-10-16
- decayed organic material used as a fertilizer for growing plants
- dealing with organisms & their physical surroundings
- a material
- decaying through the action of living organisms
- effective way to prevent pollution
- chemical-free
- able to be maintained at a certain rate or level
- kills all living creatures
- a superhero's job
- a color
- use again
- in smaller amount
- not harmful to the environment
- your surrounding
- trying on animals
15 Clues: a color • use again • a material • chemical-free • your surrounding • a superhero's job • in smaller amount • trying on animals • kills all living creatures • not harmful to the environment • effective way to prevent pollution • decaying through the action of living organisms • able to be maintained at a certain rate or level • dealing with organisms & their physical surroundings • ...
Nature of Science 2023-12-20
- The amount of matter in an object; often measured in grams or kilograms.
- The degree of closeness of measurements to the true or accepted value.
- The amount of space occupied by an object.
- The measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance.
- An explanation for a set of observations or phenomena based on well-supported hypotheses.
- The systematic approach to scientific research involving observation, hypothesis formation, experimentation, and conclusion.
- The act of gathering information through the senses.
- The measurement of how long something is.
- The degree of consistency of measurements.
- Instruments and tools used in scientific experiments.
- The study of the natural world through observation and experimentation.
- A statement that describes a consistent and universal relationship observed in nature.
- The sum of a set of values divided by the number of values; also known as the mean.
- Measured in seconds.
- A logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and observations.
15 Clues: Measured in seconds. • The measurement of how long something is. • The amount of space occupied by an object. • The degree of consistency of measurements. • The act of gathering information through the senses. • Instruments and tools used in scientific experiments. • A logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and observations. • ...
Forces of Nature 2024-09-23
- Process converting sunlight into chemical energy.
- Material settles after being transported by wind or water.
- Permanently frozen ground in Arctic regions.
- Rotating storm system formed in low-pressure areas.
- Study of Earth's crust movement and formation.
- Natural progression of species in an ecosystem.
- Measure of reflectivity of Earth's surface.
- Wearing away of earth by wind or water.
- Decomposer organism, often living in symbiosis.
- Rain, snow, or sleet falling from the sky.
- Liquid turns into vapor due to heat.
- Variety of life in ecosystems.
- Heat transfer through fluid movement.
- Large community of flora and fauna in specific environments.
- Area draining into a river or lake.
15 Clues: Variety of life in ecosystems. • Area draining into a river or lake. • Liquid turns into vapor due to heat. • Heat transfer through fluid movement. • Wearing away of earth by wind or water. • Rain, snow, or sleet falling from the sky. • Measure of reflectivity of Earth's surface. • Permanently frozen ground in Arctic regions. • ...