nature Crossword Puzzles

9th Grade UNIT 7 CROSSWORD 2014-11-08

9th Grade UNIT 7 CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. not bitter or hostile; friendly
  2. one who loves books
  3. fond of; feeling love towards
  4. a declaration or opinion
  5. a speech, passage, or event coming before the main speech or event
  6. charitable donation to public causes
  7. claim of wrongdoing; charge
  8. unskilled; clumsy
  9. to act hostile towards; provoke
  10. demanding perfection; strict
  1. warlike mood or nature
  2. warlike in nature
  3. to formally withdraw
  4. calm and wise; reasonable
  5. occurring before a war
  6. the central character in a work of literature
  7. one who is hostile towards; one who opposes
  8. to put forth an idea or belief
  9. having to do with the sense of hearing
  10. good natured; cheerful

20 Clues: warlike in natureunskilled; clumsyone who loves booksto formally withdrawwarlike mood or natureoccurring before a wargood natured; cheerfula declaration or opinioncalm and wise; reasonableclaim of wrongdoing; chargedemanding perfection; strictfond of; feeling love towardsto put forth an idea or beliefnot bitter or hostile; friendly...

Road Trip Vol. 1 2024-07-08

Road Trip Vol. 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Designated area for setting up camp.
  2. Cascading water over a cliff.
  3. Carries gear on your back.
  4. Path for hiking or walking.
  5. Tool for navigation and direction.
  6. Protected natural area for public enjoyment.
  7. Untamed, natural landscape.
  8. Guide for finding your way.
  9. Lightweight boat for paddling.
  1. Beautiful, picturesque view.
  2. The outdoors, environment, wildlife.
  3. Start of a hiking path.
  4. Outdoor flame for warmth and cooking.
  5. boots Footwear for long walks in nature.
  6. Campfire treat with marshmallow, chocolate, graham crackers.
  7. Outdoor meal on a blanket.
  8. Portable shelter for sleeping outdoors.
  9. Mobile home for road trips.
  10. bag Warm bed for camping.
  11. Portable light source for camping.

20 Clues: Start of a hiking path.bag Warm bed for camping.Carries gear on your back.Outdoor meal on a blanket.Path for hiking or walking.Untamed, natural landscape.Mobile home for road trips.Guide for finding your way.Beautiful, picturesque view.Cascading water over a cliff.Lightweight boat for paddling.Tool for navigation and direction....

welcome to high scool 2024-09-24

welcome to high scool crossword puzzle
  1. Opinion given to someone on what they should do
  2. a chance, or prospect success
  3. something that comes from nature
  4. to cause something to increase
  5. Cut into pieces
  6. Class in which we store objects of the same nature
  7. mathematical operations
  8. useless waste
  9. a person enrolled in a school
  10. to carry out an action
  1. antonyn of private
  2. the act of collecting money, especially for a charity
  3. the period that starts at about twelve o'clock
  4. envelop a surface or an object
  5. Musical session
  6. a tool for making music
  7. a member of the same class in a school
  8. make a choice
  9. Set of contours
  10. comprehend

20 Clues: comprehendmake a choiceuseless wasteMusical sessionCut into piecesSet of contoursantonyn of privateto carry out an actiona tool for making musicmathematical operationsa chance, or prospect successa person enrolled in a schoolenvelop a surface or an objectto cause something to increasesomething that comes from nature...

mein 2022 2021-12-31

mein 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. quiet
  2. girlfriend
  3. eat
  4. work
  5. exercise
  6. german
  7. nature
  8. success
  1. boyfriend
  2. health
  3. party
  4. love
  5. beer
  6. lose weight
  7. vacation
  8. money
  9. book
  10. netflix
  11. cellphone

19 Clues: eatlovebeerworkbookquietpartymoneyhealthgermannaturenetflixsuccessvacationexerciseboyfriendcellphonegirlfriendlose weight

Unit 8 2019-01-22

Unit 8 crossword puzzle
  1. täht
  2. loodus
  3. pilv
  4. ämblik
  5. puss
  6. kaart
  7. lill
  8. lennuk
  9. tramm
  10. jalgratas
  1. hirmuäratav
  2. tere tulemast
  3. leht
  4. koht
  5. jõgi
  6. laev
  7. mets
  8. kuu
  9. puu

19 Clues: kuupuutähtpilvlehtkohtjõgipusslaevmetslillkaarttrammloodusämbliklennukjalgratashirmuäratavtere tulemast

Ecopuzzle 2012-11-13

Ecopuzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The act of ________ someone to get trow some thing
  2. I am a very ______ person because i alway have things organized and clean
  3. An _______ person lives with nature and with al the resources taking care of it
  4. When you ______ something you had already used
  5. The way of separating the trash that can incorporate to the earth
  6. The process of _______ is the way or using plastic and metal things again
  7. The ________ energy is generated by the power of water
  1. Where you grow food
  2. An alternative for fossil fuels
  3. This is the color of the earth trees and lemon
  4. Mother______ is the mother of all living things
  5. The______ is the place where people animals and nature get together
  6. _______ is the way to express how you think and feel
  7. Better known as NCO2HO
  8. It can not be destructed just transform
  9. the ______ trash is the one that takes longer to incorporate to the soil
  10. To be ______ is to be organized and neat

17 Clues: Where you grow foodBetter known as NCO2HOAn alternative for fossil fuelsIt can not be destructed just transformTo be ______ is to be organized and neatThis is the color of the earth trees and lemonWhen you ______ something you had already usedMother______ is the mother of all living thingsThe act of ________ someone to get trow some thing...

Sustainability 2019-05-02

Sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. social
  2. human
  3. equipment
  4. animal
  5. report
  6. design
  7. sustainability
  8. science
  9. features
  10. geography
  11. fair test
  1. procedures
  2. physical
  3. compass
  4. biotic
  5. environment
  6. settlement
  7. nature
  8. weather

19 Clues: humansocialbioticnatureanimalreportdesigncompassweathersciencephysicalfeaturesequipmentgeographyfair testproceduressettlementenvironmentsustainability

module 5 2023-03-29

module 5 crossword puzzle
  1. loodus
  2. odav
  3. liiv
  4. sild
  5. mootorsaan
  6. sügav
  7. imestama
  8. kuiv
  9. veoauto
  1. nägemine
  2. vulkaan
  3. tuul
  4. kivi
  5. lennuk
  6. läheduses
  7. rahvast täis
  8. väsinud
  9. treener
  10. määrdunud

19 Clues: tuulkiviodavliivsildkuivsügavlennukloodusvulkaanväsinudtreenerveoautonägemineimestamalähedusesmäärdunudmootorsaanrahvast täis

spelling 2016-02-26

spelling crossword puzzle
  1. medical
  2. compute
  3. sure
  4. purse
  5. explore
  6. spray
  7. lawbreaker
  8. characteristic
  9. control
  1. feel
  2. ahead
  3. signal
  4. spices
  5. movables
  6. giving
  7. drape
  8. peak
  9. combination
  10. Mother Earth

19 Clues: feelsurepeakaheaddrapepursespraysignalspicesgivingmedicalcomputeexplorecontrolmovableslawbreakercombinationMother Earthcharacteristic

Not-for-Profit Organization 2021-05-12

Not-for-Profit Organization crossword puzzle
  1. Basis of preparing Receipts and Payment A/c
  2. Hidden Adjustment
  3. Credit balance in Income and Expenditure A/c
  4. Sale of old newspapers are ______ receipts.
  5. Life membership fees should be _____.
  1. _____for depreciation, etc. are not made in receipts and Payment A/c
  2. Nature of Income and expenditure A/c.
  3. Donation accounted as income
  4. Nature of accrued interest
  5. Nature of subscriptions received in advance

10 Clues: Hidden AdjustmentNature of accrued interestDonation accounted as incomeNature of Income and expenditure A/c.Life membership fees should be _____.Basis of preparing Receipts and Payment A/cNature of subscriptions received in advanceSale of old newspapers are ______ receipts.Credit balance in Income and Expenditure A/c...

WAR ON WAST 2019-07-29

WAR ON WAST crossword puzzle
  1. i can be used for fire but you're running out
  2. it is like flora wich means nature but i am the opeset
  3. my habitat is nature
  4. it am a habbitat to animals
  5. one of the three rs
  6. you can not recycle it
  1. I’m like fauna but opiset
  2. your standing on it
  3. i can grow and go from small to large
  4. it canges every season

10 Clues: your standing on itone of the three rsmy habitat is natureit canges every seasonyou can not recycle itI’m like fauna but opisetit am a habbitat to animalsi can grow and go from small to largei can be used for fire but you're running outit is like flora wich means nature but i am the opeset

Unit 7 Vocabulary 2013-03-20

Unit 7 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The central character in a work of literature
  2. Claim of wrongdoing; charge
  3. unskilled; clumsy
  4. To act hostile towards; provoke
  5. Good natured; cheerful
  6. A declaration or opinion
  7. One who loves books
  8. Warlike in nature
  9. To put forth an idea or belief
  10. One who is hostile towards; one who opposes
  11. Demanding perfection; strict
  12. Having to do with the sense of hearing
  1. The formally withdraw
  2. not bitter or hostile; friendly
  3. Charitable to donation to public causes
  4. Occurring before a war
  5. Fond of; feeling love towards
  6. A speech, passage, or event coming before the main speech or event
  7. Warlike mood or nature
  8. Calm and wise; reasonable

20 Clues: unskilled; clumsyWarlike in natureOne who loves booksThe formally withdrawOccurring before a warGood natured; cheerfulWarlike mood or natureA declaration or opinionCalm and wise; reasonableClaim of wrongdoing; chargeDemanding perfection; strictFond of; feeling love towardsTo put forth an idea or beliefnot bitter or hostile; friendly...

Year 6 Spelling Unit 2 List 3 2016-12-12

Year 6 Spelling Unit 2 List 3 crossword puzzle
  1. The world of living things and the outdoors.
  2. To make something smaller.
  3. The state of being quiet and calm.
  4. To accept something given to you.
  5. The state of knowing or having information.
  6. A hole.
  7. An event to receive someone.
  8. Past tense of write.
  9. To regard as true beyond doubt.
  1. Quiet, calm.
  2. An enclosed cavity.
  3. To give enjoyment or pleasure.
  4. A person who participates in physical activity.
  5. To form letters or symbols on a surface.
  6. To separate.
  7. Having the qualities of being physical capable.
  8. Giving pleasure or enjoyment.
  9. The act of separating something.
  10. The act of making something smaller.
  11. Relating to nature.

20 Clues: A hole.Quiet, calm.To separate.An enclosed cavity.Relating to nature.Past tense of write.To make something smaller.An event to receive someone.Giving pleasure or enjoyment.To give enjoyment or pleasure.To regard as true beyond doubt.The act of separating something.To accept something given to you.The state of being quiet and calm....

Perception GCSE revision 2022-02-08

Perception GCSE revision crossword puzzle
  1. Perceived multifunctional possibilities
  2. Gregory says we make these
  3. two eyes depth cue
  4. How the Necker cube works
  5. Name of stimulus used in B&Ns study
  6. Gibson’s experiment with babies
  7. Gibson’s theory is nature
  8. eye muscle focus
  9. Gregory’s theory is this
  10. Our beliefs before we experience
  11. colour or texture…
  12. Stimuli that contradict direct perception
  13. State of readiness
  1. Keeping our original size perception
  2. motion…
  3. objects overlapping
  4. How motivation (hunger) affects perception
  5. one eye depth cue
  6. Gregory’s perceptual prediction
  7. our interpretation of sensory information
  8. Cartoons give perspective
  9. information from surroundings
  10. tiny electrical signals
  11. Gibson’s theory
  12. Opposite of nature
  13. How the Kanizsa triangle works

26 Clues: motion…Gibson’s theoryeye muscle focusone eye depth cuetwo eyes depth cuecolour or texture…Opposite of natureState of readinessobjects overlappingtiny electrical signalsGregory’s theory is thisHow the Necker cube worksGibson’s theory is natureCartoons give perspectiveGregory says we make theseinformation from surroundings...

tous 2024-05-07

tous crossword puzzle
  1. Conserver dans le même état.
  2. Localisation
  3. Parler
  4. Provocation
  5. Résultat de cette action
  6. Installer
  7. Celle de la Terre dure environ 24h
  8. Outil
  9. Transmission, émission et réception à distance, de signes, de signaux, de renseignements de toutes natures
  10. Le jour que l'on est
  1. Objet naturel ou artificiel qui orbite autour d’un corps céleste.
  2. Relai de la diffusion sur un autre canal médiatique.
  3. Tourner autour de quelque chose
  4. Science de la transmission du son à grande distance
  5. Qui concerne la guerre ou les armées
  6. Faire observer
  7. Aux alentours
  8. Compétence
  9. Mars, Terre, Vénus, Mercure
  10. Soviétique URSS
  11. Qui ne provient pas de la nature
  12. Qui provient de la nature

22 Clues: OutilParlerInstallerCompétenceProvocationLocalisationAux alentoursFaire observerSoviétique URSSLe jour que l'on estRésultat de cette actionQui provient de la natureMars, Terre, Vénus, MercureConserver dans le même état.Tourner autour de quelque choseQui ne provient pas de la natureCelle de la Terre dure environ 24h...

Inglise keel (Emily) 2021-05-13

Inglise keel (Emily) crossword puzzle
  1. reede
  2. võlur
  3. köök
  4. mets
  5. kana
  6. teisipäev
  7. kolmapäev
  8. jänes
  9. lahkuma
  10. esmaspäev
  1. sära
  2. kala
  3. sõna
  4. rebane
  5. laupäev
  6. neljapäev
  7. loodus
  8. karu
  9. tekst
  10. kook
  11. pühapäev

21 Clues: särakalasõnaköökmetskanakarukookreedevõlurtekstjänesrebanelooduslaupäevlahkumapühapäevneljapäevteisipäevkolmapäevesmaspäev

Columbia, Mi Encanto 2022-03-30

Columbia, Mi Encanto crossword puzzle
  1. nature
  2. continues
  3. celebrate
  4. happy
  5. MarlyMorning
  6. land
  7. continue
  8. opening
  9. song
  1. people
  2. Charm
  3. name
  4. fall in love
  5. dancing
  6. NightOfCelebration
  7. make up
  8. like
  9. much
  10. always
  11. coffee

20 Clues: namelandlikemuchsongCharmhappypeoplenaturealwayscoffeedancingmake upopeningcontinuecontinuescelebratefall in loveMarlyMorningNightOfCelebration

Unit 4 - 2 basis 2018-02-04

Unit 4 - 2 basis crossword puzzle
  1. fight
  2. smile
  3. government
  4. story
  5. build
  6. emperor
  7. accident
  8. stone
  9. through
  10. star
  1. garden
  2. shoot
  3. quiet
  4. part
  5. adventure
  6. gate
  7. river
  8. way
  9. bird
  10. nature
  11. tomb

21 Clues: waypartgatebirdtombstarshootquietfightsmileriverstorybuildstonegardennatureemperorthroughaccidentadventuregovernment

Enjoy English 6 Unit 1 2016-11-07

Enjoy English 6 Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. путешествовать
  2. люди
  3. родственник
  4. любимый
  5. лес
  6. равнина
  7. деревня
  8. открытка
  9. осень
  1. человек
  2. пустыня
  3. водопад
  4. загородная местность
  5. захватывающий
  6. муж
  7. озеро
  8. знаменитый, известный
  9. особенный, специальный
  10. сад
  11. природа

20 Clues: мужлессадлюдиозероосеньчеловекпустыняводопадлюбимыйравнинадеревняприродаоткрыткародственникзахватывающийпутешествоватьзагородная местностьзнаменитый, известныйособенный, специальный

kruiswoordraadsel Duits 2015-10-26

kruiswoordraadsel Duits crossword puzzle
  1. draaien
  2. ontbreekt
  3. veiligheid
  4. staking
  5. handtekening
  6. heftruck
  7. aard
  8. herkomst
  9. brandstof
  10. rechtdoor
  11. pechstrook
  12. kostbare goederen
  1. gewond
  2. as
  3. losscher brandblusser
  4. éénrichtingstraat
  5. apart
  6. gsm
  7. contant geld
  8. gescheurd

20 Clues: asgsmaardapartgewonddraaienstakingheftruckherkomstontbreektbrandstofgescheurdrechtdoorveiligheidpechstrookhandtekeningcontant geldéénrichtingstraatkostbare goederenlosscher brandblusser

ANGRY TEACHER 2015-01-08

ANGRY TEACHER crossword puzzle
  1. причинять вред
  2. животные
  3. земля
  4. дыра
  5. загрязнение
  6. защищать
  7. дерево
  8. природа
  9. рубить
  10. воздух
  1. вода
  2. стекло
  3. беспокоить
  4. сохранять
  5. планета
  6. убивать
  7. окружающая среда
  8. нефть
  9. энергия
  10. мусор

20 Clues: водадыраземлянефтьмусорстеклодереворубитьвоздухпланетаубиватьэнергияприродаживотныезащищатьсохранятьбеспокоитьзагрязнениепричинять вредокружающая среда

The Environment 2023-11-30

The Environment crossword puzzle
  1. conservation luonnonsuojelu
  2. roskat
  3. salametsästys
  4. hyökyaalto
  5. Maailmanlaajuinen
  6. saastuttaa
  7. Jäte
  8. sukupuuttoon kuollut
  9. tulva
  10. lahjoittaa
  1. säilyttää
  2. energia
  3. biojäte
  4. saaste
  5. kunnioittaa
  6. uusiutuva
  7. päästö
  8. öljy
  9. suojella
  10. roskis

20 Clues: öljyJätetulvaroskatsaastepäästöroskisenergiabiojätesuojellasäilyttääuusiutuvahyökyaaltosaastuttaalahjoittaakunnioittaasalametsästysMaailmanlaajuinensukupuuttoon kuollutconservation luonnonsuojelu

Roots (8th) 2023-08-23

Roots (8th) crossword puzzle
  1. eye
  2. plan
  3. small
  4. equal
  5. long
  6. large
  7. put
  8. break
  9. nature
  10. step
  1. shape
  2. half
  3. house
  4. word/thought
  5. earth
  6. know
  7. hundred
  8. mind/soul
  9. pay
  10. break
  11. kind/birth

21 Clues: eyeputpayplanhalflongknowstepshapesmallequalhouseearthlargebreakbreaknaturehundredmind/soulkind/birthword/thought

jordens vocab crossword 2022-10-14

jordens vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. smile
  2. cry
  3. pastence
  4. nature
  5. ready,set,go
  6. avion
  7. coffin
  8. fears
  9. plant
  10. family
  11. church
  1. modern
  2. elder
  3. rage
  4. christmas
  5. fever
  6. wedding clothes
  7. Jesus
  8. preserve
  9. clothes

20 Clues: cryragesmileelderfeveravionJesusfearsplantmodernnaturecoffinfamilychurchclothespastencepreservechristmasready,set,gowedding clothes

Review with crossword 2024-10-27

Review with crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 공동체
  2. 활성화하다
  3. 무형의
  4. 엄격하게
  5. 붕괴하다, 부패
  6. 매장
  7. 신경세포
  8. 수확
  9. 압박, 압력
  1. 연결망
  2. 소설
  3. 영양
  4. 실재론
  5. 순환, 순회
  6. 불균형
  7. 다양성
  8. 진단
  9. 덧붙이다
  10. 본성
  11. 다르다

20 Clues: 소설영양진단본성매장수확연결망실재론불균형다양성공동체무형의다르다덧붙이다엄격하게신경세포활성화하다순환, 순회압박, 압력붕괴하다, 부패

finnish vocabulary 2023-12-30

finnish vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. (Lake) - A common fishing spot.
  2. (Compass) - An essential tool for navigation during his adventures.
  3. (View) - What he would appreciate during hikes or from his cabin.
  4. (Map) - For navigation and planning routes.
  5. (Camp) - Where he might stay during a fishing trip.
  6. (Nature) - Encompassing all aspects of the natural world he's exploring.
  7. (Campfire) - An essential part of camping and outdoor experiences.
  8. (Trip) - A general term for any kind of outing or adventure.
  9. (Fire-making) - A skill that's useful in the wilderness.
  1. (Hiking) - A Finnish term for a hiking adventure.
  2. (Snack) - Necessary for a day out fishing or hiking.
  3. (Path) - Often found during hikes and nature walks.
  4. (Ice drill) - Used for making a hole when ice fishing.
  5. (Archipelago) - Refers to a group of islands, often a great place for fishing.
  6. (Star) - For the stargazing that might accompany his fishing trips at night.
  7. (Trek) - Refers to hiking or trekking, especially in nature.
  8. (Canoe) - A mode of water transport that might be used on a fishing trip.
  9. (Bird) - For bird watching, which can be part of the outdoor experience.
  10. (Backpack) - Necessary for carrying supplies on a solo exploration.
  11. (Forest) - Many fishing trips also involve walks through the woods.

20 Clues: (Lake) - A common fishing spot.(Map) - For navigation and planning routes.(Hiking) - A Finnish term for a hiking adventure.(Path) - Often found during hikes and nature walks.(Camp) - Where he might stay during a fishing trip.(Snack) - Necessary for a day out fishing or hiking.(Ice drill) - Used for making a hole when ice fishing....

Multiple Intelligence Types 2024-10-23

Multiple Intelligence Types crossword puzzle
  1. A character with a high level of math intelligence
  2. Can learn by manipulating things with their hands
  3. Learns through sounds and tones and singing
  4. Works well in a group or with a team
  5. A character with a high level of self intelligence
  6. Notices details/patterns in nature
  7. Knows what they want or need and can explain it
  1. A character with a high level of nature intelligence
  2. A character with a high level of word intelligence
  3. Likes to learn through written information
  4. A character with a high level of body intelligence
  5. Can draw or study a picture to learn about a topic
  6. Likes solving logic puzzles and/or mysteries

13 Clues: Notices details/patterns in natureWorks well in a group or with a teamLikes to learn through written informationLearns through sounds and tones and singingLikes solving logic puzzles and/or mysteriesKnows what they want or need and can explain itCan learn by manipulating things with their handsA character with a high level of math intelligence...

Eng Quiz 2023-02-02

Eng Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. p
  2. w
  3. j
  4. l
  5. e
  6. a
  7. s
  8. y
  9. b
  10. w
  1. z
  2. o
  3. h
  4. d
  5. h
  6. t
  7. u
  8. v
  9. k
  10. x

20 Clues: zophwdjhtluveaskyxbw

2basis - Unit 4 2021-05-25

2basis - Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. bewaren
  2. vechten
  3. vogel
  4. verwachten
  5. verhaal
  6. lezen
  7. liefde
  8. steen
  9. natuur
  1. hoorde
  2. miljoen
  3. vriendschap
  4. meter
  5. tuin
  6. manier
  7. bord
  8. ster
  9. laag

18 Clues: tuinbordsterlaagvogelmeterlezensteenhoordemanierliefdenatuurbewarenmiljoenvechtenverhaalverwachtenvriendschap

Engelska ord 2023-12-08

Engelska ord crossword puzzle
  1. kvävt
  2. karisma
  3. argumentera
  4. plågad
  5. besöka
  6. beroende
  7. utsträckning
  8. dramatiskt
  9. föreställa
  1. oresonlig
  2. personlighet
  3. undulat
  4. demonstrera
  5. äkthet
  6. girig
  7. jämnlike
  8. ejderdun
  9. påstå

18 Clues: kvävtgirigpåståäkthetplågadbesökaundulatkarismajämnlikeejderdunberoendeoresonligdramatisktföreställademonstreraargumenterapersonlighetutsträckning

Flora and Fauna 2023-10-13

Flora and Fauna crossword puzzle
  1. lehvästö
  2. ravintoketju
  3. pussieläin
  4. selkärangallinen
  5. hakkuu
  6. suo
  7. luonto
  8. loinen
  9. puutavara
  10. petoeläin
  1. sieni
  2. pensas
  3. salametsästys
  4. kasvillisuus
  5. eroosio
  6. lihansyöjä
  7. matelija
  8. levät

18 Clues: suosienilevätpensashakkuuluontoloineneroosiolehvästömatelijapuutavarapetoeläinpussieläinlihansyöjäravintoketjukasvillisuussalametsästysselkärangallinen

Scout Activities 2021-04-29

Scout Activities crossword puzzle
  1. Shooting a Bow
  2. Traveling in Water Without a Boat
  3. Making Water Drinkable Without a Filter
  4. Riding a boat
  5. Walking in Nature
  6. Making things out of Leather
  7. Riding a Bike
  1. Creating a Fire
  2. Sleeping in Nature
  3. Healing Hurt Scouts
  4. The two merit badge guns are rifle and ___
  5. Creation of Baskets
  6. Using Lashings to Build a Structure

13 Clues: Riding a boatRiding a BikeShooting a BowCreating a FireWalking in NatureSleeping in NatureHealing Hurt ScoutsCreation of BasketsMaking things out of LeatherTraveling in Water Without a BoatUsing Lashings to Build a StructureMaking Water Drinkable Without a FilterThe two merit badge guns are rifle and ___

Le temps libre 2017-06-19

Le temps libre crossword puzzle
  1. Meer
  2. Ausflug
  3. Klettern
  4. Reiten
  5. Schwimmbecken
  6. Windsurfen
  7. Joggen
  8. Wandern
  9. Fußball
  1. Inlineskaten
  2. Nordic Walking
  3. Radfahren
  4. Tennis
  5. Natur
  6. Tischtennis
  7. Schifahren
  8. Schwimmen
  9. Segeln
  10. Kajak

19 Clues: MeerNaturKajakTennisReitenSegelnJoggenAusflugWandernFußballKletternRadfahrenSchwimmenSchifahrenWindsurfenTischtennisInlineskatenSchwimmbeckenNordic Walking

Sustainability 2019-05-02

Sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. features
  3. environment
  4. human
  5. report
  6. weather
  7. biotic
  8. compass
  9. sustainability
  10. science
  11. design
  1. social
  2. procedures
  3. animal
  4. equipment
  5. fair test
  6. physical
  7. settlement
  8. nature

19 Clues: humansocialanimalreportnaturebioticdesignweathercompasssciencefeaturesphysicalgeographyequipmentfair testproceduressettlementenvironmentsustainability

vocabulary 2024-02-12

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. puszysty
  2. przyroda
  3. limonka
  4. kelner
  5. postanowienia
  6. przysmak
  7. ból
  8. malina
  9. goleń
  1. kaszel
  2. brokuł
  3. żółtko
  4. wiek
  5. migrena
  6. gadatliwy
  7. surowy
  8. przystawka
  9. ból głowy
  10. kształt

19 Clues: bólwiekgoleńkaszelbrokułżółtkosurowykelnermalinalimonkamigrenakształtpuszystyprzyrodaprzysmakgadatliwyból głowyprzystawkapostanowienia

Dark Romanticism Notes 2021-10-12

Dark Romanticism Notes crossword puzzle
  1. abjection females trapped in domestic roles
  2. Transcendentalists believed humans were this
  3. writing that values feelings over reason
  4. extended metaphor
  5. "beyond"; meditation
  6. Gothic literature had roots here
  7. Allan Poe King of Horror Tales
  8. Savoy English Professor
  1. Hero who is weak and anxiety-ridden
  2. gothic focuses on wilderness and tragedy
  3. hero on a quest for existential purpose
  4. Pit and the Pendulum Poe story
  5. what Dark Romantics believe nature was
  6. Hero who is narcassitc
  7. will help you discover internal truths
  8. Minister's Black Veil" Hawthorne story
  9. where Romantics found God
  10. romantics opposite beliefs from Transcendentalists
  11. Hawthorne irrational thinking and symbolism
  12. Dark Romantics explored the psychological effects

20 Clues: extended metaphor"beyond"; meditationHero who is narcassitcSavoy English Professorwhere Romantics found GodPit and the Pendulum Poe storyAllan Poe King of Horror TalesGothic literature had roots hereHero who is weak and anxiety-riddenwhat Dark Romantics believe nature waswill help you discover internal truthsMinister's Black Veil" Hawthorne story...

Genshin Impact 2023-11-10

Genshin Impact crossword puzzle
  1. goddess of wisdom and nature
  2. the female main character sister
  3. the land of mora and lantern rite
  4. spear
  5. little sword
  6. where the vision hunt degree is active
  7. big sword
  8. element of water
  9. element of ice
  10. god of freedom and wind
  11. element of nature
  1. goddess of justice and water
  2. element of wind
  3. the land of justice and water
  4. goddess of eternity and electricity
  5. magic book
  6. element of lighting
  7. stick shoot arrow
  8. the region of wisdom and intelligence
  9. flying emergency food
  10. the male main character brother
  11. the first region you discover
  12. element of fire
  13. element of rock
  14. god of contracts and rock

25 Clues: spearbig swordmagic booklittle swordelement of iceelement of windelement of fireelement of rockelement of waterstick shoot arrowelement of natureelement of lightingflying emergency foodgod of freedom and windgod of contracts and rockgoddess of justice and watergoddess of wisdom and naturethe land of justice and waterthe first region you discover...

Honors Vocabulary Practice 2023-09-22

Honors Vocabulary Practice crossword puzzle
  1. known widely and usually unfavorably
  2. set straight or right
  3. marked by casual unconcern or indifference
  4. feel hatred or disgust toward
  5. not showing a serious or respectful attitude
  6. make worse
  7. evil in nature
  8. ring or echo with sound
  9. an actively expressed feeling of dislike and hostility
  10. emotionally hardened
  11. characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste
  1. expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively
  2. secret or hidden
  3. characterized by extravagance and profusion
  4. characterized by fantastic and incongruous imagery
  5. tedious or irritating
  6. believing the worst of human nature and motives
  7. politely warm and friendly
  8. weaken or impair, especially gradually
  9. be or do something to a greater degree

20 Clues: make worseevil in naturesecret or hiddenemotionally hardenedset straight or righttedious or irritatingring or echo with soundpolitely warm and friendlyfeel hatred or disgust towardknown widely and usually unfavorablyweaken or impair, especially graduallybe or do something to a greater degreemarked by casual unconcern or indifference...

Unit 2 Vocab Words 2024-10-29

Unit 2 Vocab Words crossword puzzle
  1. the fact of being not complicated
  2. the quality or condition of being clear
  3. to own
  4. a sharing of one's thoughts or emotions
  5. a feeling of thankful appreciation
  6. a person or thing that brings about a certain result
  7. a putting into words
  8. of nature and all matter
  9. knowledge obtained from personal experience or study
  10. any of the features that make something what it is
  1. as much as is needed
  2. of, or having the nature of, an inborn ability, talent, or tendency
  3. duty
  4. seemingly safe, but not really so
  5. careful and exact
  6. the quality or condition of being pure
  7. the condition of being complete
  8. very close
  9. solemn
  10. mutual agreement

20 Clues: dutyto ownsolemnvery closemutual agreementcareful and exactas much as is neededa putting into wordsof nature and all matterthe condition of being completethe fact of being not complicatedseemingly safe, but not really soa feeling of thankful appreciationthe quality or condition of being purethe quality or condition of being clear...

Art of Outlets to Release 2016-06-02

Art of Outlets to Release crossword puzzle
  1. WORDS
  2. DOGS
  3. WOODS
  7. CHEST
  8. WATER
  9. FOOD
  1. CAR
  2. PEERS
  3. LAKE
  6. CALM
  7. ZEN
  8. BOOKS


Adjective suffixes 2023-01-23

Adjective suffixes crossword puzzle
  1. wind
  2. moment
  3. ease
  4. eat
  5. full
  6. spice
  7. mountain
  8. contrast
  9. health
  10. day
  1. danger
  2. britain
  3. beauty
  4. plenty
  5. wealth
  6. history
  7. suit
  8. nature

18 Clues: eatdaywindeasesuitfullspicedangerbeautymomentplentywealthnaturehealthbritainhistorymountaincontrast

Happy Earth Day! 2021-01-19

Happy Earth Day! crossword puzzle
  1. 11
  2. 1
  3. 15
  4. 13
  5. 2
  6. 4
  7. 18
  8. 10
  9. 16
  1. 5
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 6
  5. 14
  6. 17
  7. 7
  8. 12
  9. 3

18 Clues: 598617324111415171312181016

Farming 2023-05-23

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. gyomlál
  2. lapátol
  3. függőágy
  4. terelés
  5. bio
  6. mezőgazdaság
  7. szamár
  8. növény
  1. méhészet
  2. termőtalaj
  3. természet
  4. tehén
  5. kapál
  6. istálló
  7. borjú
  8. mező
  9. karám
  10. trágya
  11. ültet

19 Clues: biomezőtehénkapálborjúkarámültettrágyaszamárnövénygyomlállapátolterelésistállóméhészetfüggőágytermészettermőtalajmezőgazdaság

Caribbean life 2021-12-12

Caribbean life crossword puzzle
  1. Meeresfrüchte
  2. Wiederkehr
  3. entfernt
  4. Orkan
  5. Rhythmus
  6. Hüpfen
  7. Gewalt
  8. Gebühr
  1. entdecken
  2. tauchen
  3. Anfänger
  4. tropisch
  5. Droge
  6. Natur
  7. einfachnur
  8. Schiffswrack
  9. Schönheit
  10. inderNähe

18 Clues: DrogeNaturOrkanHüpfenGewaltGebührtauchenAnfängertropischentferntRhythmusentdeckenSchönheitinderNäheWiederkehreinfachnurSchiffswrackMeeresfrüchte

Opiskelen TAMKissa 2022-03-30

Opiskelen TAMKissa crossword puzzle
  1. field
  2. energetic
  3. training
  4. supervisor
  5. tenacious
  6. more
  7. youth
  8. forward
  9. own
  1. practicalnurse
  2. last
  3. different
  4. clean
  5. nature
  6. seniorcitizen
  7. experience
  8. camp
  9. serve

18 Clues: ownlastcampmorefieldcleanyouthservenatureforwardtrainingenergeticdifferenttenaciousexperiencesupervisorseniorcitizenpracticalnurse

Vocabulario Capitulo 1A 2024-09-23

Vocabulario Capitulo 1A crossword puzzle
  1. climb
  2. rock
  3. desert
  4. nature
  5. compass
  6. thunder
  7. hail
  8. valley
  9. stroll
  1. landscape
  2. beautiful
  3. forest
  4. lightning
  5. approach
  6. refuge
  7. lantern
  8. stop
  9. walk

18 Clues: rockstophailwalkclimbforestdesertnaturerefugevalleystrollcompasslanternthunderapproachlandscapebeautifullightning

Nature 2021-04-16

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Flying mammal
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Likes to chase mice
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Nature 2020-07-21

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. /the gas makes up largest part of air
  2. /the way some animals save energy
  1. /form of energy lost to us
  2. /made of two or more atoms
  3. /the way man get energy

5 Clues: /the way man get energy/form of energy lost to us/made of two or more atoms/the way some animals save energy/the gas makes up largest part of air

nature 2022-02-24

nature crossword puzzle
  1. small animal
  2. animal
  3. when there aren´t clouds
  1. there are a lot of clouds.
  2. it's part of nature

5 Clues: animalsmall animalit's part of naturewhen there aren´t cloudsthere are a lot of clouds.

Nature 2021-09-10

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. is the king of animals
  2. is the national animal of india
  3. is the king of birds
  1. is the national tree
  2. is a the animal which has a trunk

5 Clues: is the national treeis the king of birdsis the king of animalsis the national animal of indiais a the animal which has a trunk

Nature 2019-08-03

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. is green and tall
  2. his song is unique and unmatched
  1. is crystalline
  2. radiant like your look
  3. is soft and relaxinga

5 Clues: is crystallineis green and tallis soft and relaxingaradiant like your lookhis song is unique and unmatched

Nature 2024-02-06

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. spiky weed
  2. Animals with big ears
  3. pretty plants
  1. massive broccoli like plants
  2. black and white animals

5 Clues: spiky weedpretty plantsAnimals with big earsblack and white animalsmassive broccoli like plants

Nature 2022-10-16

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Trees and plants demonstrate ..
  2. ".. Nature"
  1. The environment is important to provide a .. life
  2. Easy to know God through ..
  3. Universe is body of ..

5 Clues: ".. Nature"Universe is body of ..Easy to know God through ..Trees and plants demonstrate ..The environment is important to provide a .. life

NATURE 2023-03-02

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. a loud noise in the sky
  2. light rain in little fine drops
  3. source of water
  1. a flash of light that comes before hearing thunder
  2. the third planet in the solar system

5 Clues: source of watera loud noise in the skylight rain in little fine dropsthe third planet in the solar systema flash of light that comes before hearing thunder

Nature 2023-02-19

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. Large marsupial

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

nature 2024-06-03

nature crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

NAture 2024-08-16

NAture crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

NATURE 2024-05-20

NATURE crossword puzzle
  2. LAGO
  3. RÍO


Nature 2022-10-01

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A very large ball of burning gas in space that is usually seen from the earth as a point
  2. The large round object that circles the Earth and that shines at night by reflecting light from the sun
  1. The planet where we live.
  2. The star that provides light and heat for the earth and around which the earth moves
  3. The space over the Earth where the sun, moon, stars, and clouds appear

5 Clues: The planet where we live.The space over the Earth where the sun, moon, stars, and clouds appearThe star that provides light and heat for the earth and around which the earth movesA very large ball of burning gas in space that is usually seen from the earth as a point...

Nature 2024-10-03

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Scene 1 tekstit 10 ja 11 2021-05-04

Scene 1 tekstit 10 ja 11 crossword puzzle
  1. vaarallinen
  2. villi
  3. poimia
  4. ranskalainen
  5. kokemus
  6. kiivetä
  7. välttää
  8. luonto
  9. yleinen
  1. tutkia, tutustua
  2. kanadalainen
  3. samanlainen
  4. pitäisi
  5. metsä
  6. ympäristö
  7. välissä
  8. herkullinen
  9. pitää parempana
  10. marja

19 Clues: villimetsämarjapoimialuontopitäisivälissäkokemuskiivetävälttääyleinenympäristövaarallinensamanlainenherkullinenkanadalainenranskalainenpitää parempanatutkia, tutustua

Scene 1, text 9: Finland as I see it 2022-02-15

Scene 1, text 9: Finland as I see it crossword puzzle
  1. metsä
  2. rauhallinen
  3. muistuttaa
  4. hellä
  5. syrjäinen,eristäytynyt
  6. mökki
  7. muisto
  8. kuvailla
  9. yllättää
  1. aivan,täysin
  2. kansallisuus
  3. poikkeuksellinen
  4. luonto
  5. pääkaupunki
  6. varautunut
  7. rehellinen
  8. hyväntuulinen
  9. vapaus
  10. eloisa,vilkas

19 Clues: metsähellämökkiluontovapausmuistokuvaillayllättäämuistuttaavarautunutrehellinenrauhallinenpääkaupunkiaivan,täysinkansallisuushyväntuulineneloisa,vilkaspoikkeuksellinensyrjäinen,eristäytynyt

Nature 2016-04-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. root
  2. first plants
  3. tap root
  1. inside seed
  2. seed part

5 Clues: roottap rootseed partinside seedfirst plants

Nature 2020-04-01

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. blood hunter
  2. loves to sither
  3. has long neck
  1. has a horn
  2. bunny hunter

5 Clues: has a hornblood hunterbunny hunterhas long neckloves to sither

nature 2021-01-20

nature crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Nature 2020-06-08

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. has a fury mane.
  2. Can do 8 things at once.
  3. can lick it’s nose.
  1. has patches all the way up it’s long neck.
  2. has to horns that can’t be played.

5 Clues: has a fury mane.can lick it’s nose.Can do 8 things at once.has to horns that can’t be played.has patches all the way up it’s long neck.

NATURE 2020-08-19

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. these are very colourful things but nature also butterfly sit here.
  2. these are living creature.
  1. these are a type of plant which a trunk.
  3. it's a thing that is used in plants and start from letter 'M'

5 Clues: these are living creature.these are a type of plant which a's a thing that is used in plants and start from letter 'M'these are very colourful things but nature also butterfly sit here.WE GET THIS OBJECT FROM RIVER AND SEA ALSO WE GET HYDRATED FROM THIS SUBJECT.

Nature 2020-12-23

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. where we grow plants (4)
  2. We breath (3)
  3. We drink liquid every day (5)
  1. Petroleum is obtained from (11)
  2. Helps to make chlorophyll (8)

5 Clues: We breath (3)where we grow plants (4)Helps to make chlorophyll (8)We drink liquid every day (5)Petroleum is obtained from (11)

Nature 2020-12-23

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. where we grow plants (4)
  2. We breath (3)
  3. We drink liquid every day (5)
  1. obtained from petroleum (11)
  2. Helps to make chlorophyll (8)

5 Clues: We breath (3)where we grow plants (4)obtained from petroleum (11)Helps to make chlorophyll (8)We drink liquid every day (5)

Nature 2020-12-16

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. d
  2. n
  3. r
  1. n
  2. h
  3. r
  4. y

7 Clues: nhdrnry

Nature 2016-05-03

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. plant inside seed
  2. a fruit which has outside seed
  3. fibers root
  1. kharif crop
  2. root is also called-

5 Clues: kharif cropfibers rootplant inside seedroot is also called-a fruit which has outside seed

Nature 2021-11-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. you cannot touch it ever
  2. green ,full of oxygen
  1. appearing blue from space.
  2. we stepped on
  3. house of living beings

5 Clues: we stepped ongreen ,full of oxygenhouse of living beingsyou cannot touch it everappearing blue from space.

Nature 2022-08-26

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A type of soil
  2. a type of plant
  1. the brown part of the tree
  2. connects a tree to the ground
  3. grows on trees

5 Clues: A type of soilgrows on treesa type of plantthe brown part of the treeconnects a tree to the ground

nature 2023-07-13

nature crossword puzzle
  1. jhkhkjhkj
  2. jhjhk
  1. esedsfgd
  2. hjhk
  3. tuiytiu

5 Clues: hjhkjhjhktuiytiuesedsfgdjhkhkjhkj

Nature 2023-03-30

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. they grow on grass and are colorful
  2. they are very tall and can bear fruit
  1. they jump,are hairy and eat carrotsyb
  2. they are in sky and they are white
  3. it is green and grows everywhere

5 Clues: it is green and grows everywherethey are in sky and they are whitethey grow on grass and are colorfulthey jump,are hairy and eat carrotsybthey are very tall and can bear fruit

Nature 2024-04-30

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Green
  2. Yellow
  3. Red
  1. White
  2. Blue

5 Clues: RedBlueWhiteGreenYellow

Nature 2024-05-08

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. n
  2. r
  1. o
  2. s
  3. e

5 Clues: onser

Nature 2024-07-05

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Is rosemary a flower?
  2. When the sun makes energy this is called _____ power?
  3. What tree is Brazil named after?
  1. What are trees that keep their leaves all year?
  2. What is New Zealands natives bird?

5 Clues: Is rosemary a flower?What tree is Brazil named after?What is New Zealands natives bird?What are trees that keep their leaves all year?When the sun makes energy this is called _____ power?

Nature 2024-08-15

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Center of our solar system
  2. Provides shade and oxygen
  3. Flows through valleys
  1. Often has snow at the top
  2. Often given on special occasions

5 Clues: Flows through valleysOften has snow at the topProvides shade and oxygenCenter of our solar systemOften given on special occasions

Nature 2024-01-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. fluffy pillows in the air
  2. creates shade from the sun
  1. cows eat it
  2. creates pollen that gives people bad allergies
  3. wet, and falls from the sky

5 Clues: cows eat itfluffy pillows in the aircreates shade from the sunwet, and falls from the skycreates pollen that gives people bad allergies

nature 2024-03-05

nature crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

NATURE 2024-10-17

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Nature 2024-10-25

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Nature 2024-11-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Cockroaches, moths and beetles are examples of...
  2. The Amazon Forest is the largest ... in the world.
  3. The biggest animal in the world.
  1. A biome where animals like camels live.
  2. The animal group composed of snakes, lizards, turtles and alligators.

5 Clues: The biggest animal in the world.A biome where animals like camels live.Cockroaches, moths and beetles are examples of...The Amazon Forest is the largest ... in the world.The animal group composed of snakes, lizards, turtles and alligators.

kjelleke007 1ste kruiswoordraadsel 2013-04-26

kjelleke007 1ste kruiswoordraadsel crossword puzzle
  1. herfst
  2. lente
  3. sluiten
  4. donder
  5. bliksem
  6. lopen
  7. amuseren
  8. nacht
  1. winter
  2. openen
  3. geven
  4. reportage
  5. zien
  6. neus
  7. oog
  8. natuur
  9. ochtend
  10. film

18 Clues: oogzienneusfilmgevenlentelopennachtwinteropenenherfstdondernatuursluitenbliksemochtendamuserenreportage

The Redeemer in Promise and Sign 2023-06-04

The Redeemer in Promise and Sign crossword puzzle
  1. Our Lord's cousin who proclaimed His coming.
  2. Predicted that the Saviour would come out of ______.
  3. He would be given this to drink. Psalms 21 and 68.
  4. His hands and feet will be (Daniel)__________________.
  5. Was a type of Christ.
  6. Week of years after the prophecy of Daniel the Saviour would be born.
  7. Predicted that the Saviour would be born of a virgin.
  8. The just one killed by his brother, a type of Christ..
  9. The place where the Messiah would be born according to Micheas.
  1. Our Lord was to be from this tribe.
  2. The Saviour would come from this man's family.
  3. It wa necessary for the redeemer to have ____ ____ as well as a Divine Nature.
  4. The Saviour would be known as the Son of _____.
  5. The Redeemer had to have this to repair the offence against an infinite God.
  6. The angel who announced the birth of Jesus.
  7. was promised the Messiah would come from his family.
  8. His garments would be divided.
  9. was the prophet who told David about the future.
  10. Shall be cast for His clothes, Daniel.
  11. Committed Original Sin.
  12. was promised that a Redeemer would come from his race.

21 Clues: Was a type of Christ.Committed Original Sin.His garments would be divided.Our Lord was to be from this tribe.Shall be cast for His clothes, Daniel.The angel who announced the birth of Jesus.Our Lord's cousin who proclaimed His coming.The Saviour would come from this man's family.The Saviour would be known as the Son of _____....

Science Chapter 4 and 1 review 2015-12-11

Science Chapter 4 and 1 review crossword puzzle
  1. The measure of the amount of matter in an object.
  2. Turning lights off when leaving a room is an example of _________.
  3. A piece of land where garbage is dumped.
  4. Rocks that contain a useful or valuable substance.
  5. Something found in nature and is used by people.
  6. Energy from water.
  7. Anything that takes up space and has mass.
  8. Energy from wind.
  9. Energy from the sun.
  10. A tool you can measure mass.
  1. A characteristic of matter that you can sense without changing the kind of matter it is its ___ property.
  2. Natural resources used to provide energy
  3. The measure of how hot or cold matter is.
  4. Using an object more than once is ________ an object.
  5. A unit you can measure mass.
  6. The addition of substances to the environment that may harm living things.
  7. Resources not able to be replenished by nature quickly.
  8. To return something to the way it was before it was changed or damaged.
  9. Using land in a responsible way; changing a landfill to a park
  10. Resources that can be replenished quickly by nature over time.
  11. Using a resource responsibly so that it is not wasted or damaged.

21 Clues: Energy from wind.Energy from water.Energy from the sun.A unit you can measure mass.A tool you can measure mass.Natural resources used to provide energyA piece of land where garbage is dumped.The measure of how hot or cold matter is.Anything that takes up space and has mass.Something found in nature and is used by people....

Church History Crossword - Jordan K. 2017-05-18

Church History Crossword - Jordan K. crossword puzzle
  1. Mary gave _________ to the human Jesus.
  2. There was a major_________ between Augustine and Arius.
  3. __________ began his life as a non-Christian, but later converted.
  4. Augustine was a __________.
  5. __________ focused on the Holy Spirit.
  6. Humankind was created _________.
  7. Jesus was 100% God and 100%__________.
  8. In 451 AD, the Council of __________ took place.
  9. Spiritual nature wants us to _________ things that are right.
  10. The Council of ___________ was in 418 AD.
  11. __________ wanted peace between Arius and Alexander.
  12. If you admit to someone else's point of view,you are making a __________.
  13. Pelagius thought that Christianity was way too __________.
  14. When the church and state are in conflict, we must obey __________.
  15. Arius’ friend was named _________.
  1. Bishop Basil's brother was __________.
  2. Augustine’s book “Confessions was about his _________.
  3. Adam and Eve made the original __________.
  4. The __________ was in 313 AD.
  5. In 361, the Council of __________ took place.
  6. Human nature has a mind of _________.
  7. The Trinity is not a chain with three __________.
  8. A _________ nature pleases God.
  9. The Bishop of __________ was bishop from 370-379 AD.
  10. Constantine’s_________ was a devout Christian.
  11. __________ was against calling Mary the Mother of God.
  12. Constantine __________ the picture of church and state.

27 Clues: Augustine was a __________.The __________ was in 313 AD.A _________ nature pleases God.Humankind was created _________.Arius’ friend was named _________.Human nature has a mind of _________.Bishop Basil's brother was __________.__________ focused on the Holy Spirit.Jesus was 100% God and 100%__________.Mary gave _________ to the human Jesus....

The Nature of the Church 2023-10-15

The Nature of the Church crossword puzzle
  1. The ultimate purpose of the Church
  2. We serve Christ by serving _______
  3. Number of marks Christians believe in that allow the Church to be recognized
  4. A society formed by God
  5. Another word for spiritual; part of the 1st point in the Nature of the Church
  6. Connects back the Church originating with the apostles
  7. Unity in the Church
  8. Jesus' death provided sufficient ______ to save all men
  9. The Church needs _________ in the roles of its members to survive
  10. The visible head of the Church
  11. Imagery used in the New Testament to show the Church's ability to grow
  1. The Church is ______ in origin
  2. The result of imperfections in our human nature
  3. These marks are included in this prayer
  4. Christ identifies his __________ as himself
  5. When we are judged before Jesus it will be on the basis of our _______
  6. Another word for "universal"
  7. The Body of Christ is nurtured through graces received through _______
  8. Number of parts which make up the Nature of the Church
  9. The Church is made of individuals working together to help each other and occasionally members must be ______ to keep the whole healthy

20 Clues: Unity in the ChurchA society formed by GodAnother word for "universal"The Church is ______ in originThe visible head of the ChurchThe ultimate purpose of the ChurchWe serve Christ by serving _______These marks are included in this prayerChrist identifies his __________ as himselfThe result of imperfections in our human nature...

Earth Art 2024-10-07

Earth Art crossword puzzle
  1. Earth artist who creates with all nature
  2. famous American realist painter in Yellowstone
  3. in art, things that are moving, curvy, diagonal
  4. when one organism benefits & one is harmed
  5. one inside another like tree rings
  6. a riverlike shape that goes back n forth & changes
  7. across like land and water
  8. artist famous for Spiral Getty in Utah
  9. a 3D circle like the Earth
  10. Avery minimalist landscape artist; arbitrary color
  11. leaning
  12. when both organisms benefit
  13. in art, things that are still, vertical, horizontal
  1. the feminine personification of planet Earth
  2. up and down like people and trees
  3. a curve continually moving in or out
  4. when an artist strives to make Less say More
  5. any closed regular shape like square or hexagon
  6. the shape of DNA
  7. minimalist landscape painter; concentricity
  8. a close, prolonged association between two or more different biological species
  9. a pattern in nature in trees & plants
  10. a pattern in nature like snowflakes or icicles
  11. when an artist tries to represent things as they are
  12. artist who used her body and the Earth
  13. when an artist changes the appearance artistically
  14. when one organism benefits but doesn't cause harm

27 Clues: leaningthe shape of DNAacross like land and watera 3D circle like the Earthwhen both organisms benefitup and down like people and treesone inside another like tree ringsa curve continually moving in or outa pattern in nature in trees & plantsartist famous for Spiral Getty in Utahartist who used her body and the Earth...

Substance Use 2024-10-07

Substance Use crossword puzzle
  1. What type of questions to ask client
  2. Blames others
  3. Denies a problem with drugs
  4. What progressive nature "I use to feel better"
  5. Not currently actively using
  6. Is considered a CNS depressant
  7. Medication management of alcohol abstinence
  8. If withdrawal is done "cold turkey"
  9. Found in coffee, tea, chocolate, coke, energy drinks
  10. The most common effect of marijuana use
  11. Who is to be included in the treatment plan
  12. Uses drug in larger amounts/longer time called
  1. Mental illness combined with a chemical dependency
  2. Ask when last time used to determine
  3. Used in overdoses
  4. Stopping a drug and starting back at the same dose may cause
  5. Inhalant use disorders also known as
  6. What progressive nature "I'm losing control"
  7. What is a dietary deficiency you might see
  8. Recognizing there is a problem
  9. Removing a drug and its physiologic effects
  10. The reaction to drugs and alcohol seen in older adults.
  11. Combines overuse of substances with other compulsive behaviors like
  12. A risk factor for substance abuse
  13. What progressive nature "I use it to keep from feeling bad"
  14. Don't have a problem with drugs
  15. Name one level of severity.

27 Clues: Blames othersUsed in overdosesDenies a problem with drugsName one level of severity.Not currently actively usingRecognizing there is a problemIs considered a CNS depressantDon't have a problem with drugsA risk factor for substance abuseIf withdrawal is done "cold turkey"Ask when last time used to determineWhat type of questions to ask client...

free word 2024-10-05

free word crossword puzzle
  1. Juice:
  2. Sip:
  3. Shampoo:
  4. Gel:
  5. Bleach:
  6. King:
  7. Hara:
  8. Tablet: .
  9. Rishta:
  10. Soap:
  1. Care:
  2. Tail:
  3. Shampoo:
  4. water:
  5. Gold:
  6. suraksha tea:
  7. Diffuser
  8. Diaper:
  9. Paste:

19 Clues: Sip:Gel:Care:Tail:Gold:King:Hara:Soap:Juice:water:Paste:Bleach:Diaper:Rishta:Shampoo:Shampoo:DiffuserTablet: .suraksha tea:

The Alchemist 2017-11-24

The Alchemist crossword puzzle
  1. the owner of a business, or a holder of property
  2. the action of inheriting
  3. the hooked staff of a shepherd
  4. a person who works as a sailor, especially one below the rank of officer
  5. a college that prepares students to be priests, ministers, or rabbis
  6. a type of cloth or woven fabric
  7. done or existing alone
  8. object of a now unknown nature, possibly used for divination
  9. a strong easterly wind in the Mediterranean region
  10. be absorbed in thought (past tense)
  1. unable to be used up because existing in abundance
  2. the study of the nature of God and religious belief
  3. a person who does not believe in religion or who adheres to a religion other than one's own
  4. object of a now unknown nature, worn on the breastplate of a Jewish high priest
  5. the highest point reached by a celestial or other object
  6. a ceremony at which someone's body is interred; a funeral
  7. a large Eurasian maple with winged fruits, native to central and southern Europe
  8. emit a sharp, clear, ringing sound (past tense)
  9. another term for leaved
  10. a member of a northwestern African Muslim people of mixed Berber and Arab descent

20 Clues: done or existing aloneanother term for leavedthe action of inheritingthe hooked staff of a shepherda type of cloth or woven fabricbe absorbed in thought (past tense)emit a sharp, clear, ringing sound (past tense)the owner of a business, or a holder of propertyunable to be used up because existing in abundance...

Jordan's crossword puzzle 2021-12-07

Jordan's crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Organisms such as earth worms are highly beneficial to farming
  2. can not be used again
  3. components of the environment taken together
  4. a lot of land, not too much labor and wheat and cooking oil is grown
  5. Natural total stock that is useful to human beings
  6. Taking only mature trees
  7. constantly being produced by nature
  8. The number of days during which crops can riph
  9. Any part of total stock that become useful to human beings
  10. Generally to grow crops there should be at least 500mm of total precipitation
  11. someone else can use it
  1. mixtures of all garbage
  2. Ones that do not fit in the categories
  3. are created by nature very slowly
  4. constantly being replenished by nature at a fast rate
  5. the growing season and moisture are the two climate variables that contribute most of the success of farming
  6. Small are, a lot of labor and near large urban area
  7. Clear cut part of the forest
  8. Remove every tree leaving a barren landscape behind
  9. The amount of humus is determined by the amount of moisture and plant growth
  10. Level well drained is generally is the best
  11. never purchased
  12. can be broken down

23 Clues: never purchasedcan be broken downcan not be used againmixtures of all garbagesomeone else can use itTaking only mature treesClear cut part of the forestare created by nature very slowlyconstantly being produced by natureOnes that do not fit in the categoriesLevel well drained is generally is the bestcomponents of the environment taken together...

nature 2018-02-17

nature crossword puzzle
  1. this is a one at five oceans
  2. this is a amazing mountain
  1. you can find this in all planet
  2. this is abundant element on our planet
  3. they give us oxygen

5 Clues: they give us oxygenthis is a amazing mountainthis is a one at five oceansyou can find this in all planetthis is abundant element on our planet

Nature 2020-12-16

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. d
  2. n
  3. r
  1. n
  2. h
  3. r
  4. y

7 Clues: nhdrnry

Nature 2021-05-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. basis of life
  2. can be climbed
  1. beauty and color
  2. animal with big ears
  3. hard and eternal

5 Clues: basis of lifecan be climbedbeauty and colorhard and eternalanimal with big ears

Nature 2022-04-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. pohjavesi
  2. pato
  3. haihtuminen
  4. keskilämpötila
  1. ultraviolettisäteily

5 Clues: patopohjavesihaihtuminenkeskilämpötilaultraviolettisäteily

Nature 2020-06-07

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

nature 2023-12-03

nature crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice