nature Crossword Puzzles
nature 2023-12-03
nature 2023-09-12
5 Clues: replanting forest is called? • the burning hill on mounth bromo? • how many big islands are there in indonesia? • forests in indonesia called the lungs of the world are located in? • The largest flower in the world in indonesia com`es from the region?
nature 2023-09-12
5 Clues: a very large area of sea • a tall plant that has a wooden • a large area of land covered with trees and plants • a substance that consist of very small grains of rock • a raised part of the earth's surface, much larger than a hill
NATURE 2024-02-21
nature 2024-07-22
Nature 2024-11-14
5 Clues: It says "moo" • You cant live without this • The green thing on the grundig • the colorfule thing in the sky • The white cold thing that falls in winter
The Alchemist 2017-11-24
- the owner of a business, or a holder of property
- the action of inheriting
- the hooked staff of a shepherd
- a person who works as a sailor, especially one below the rank of officer
- a college that prepares students to be priests, ministers, or rabbis
- a type of cloth or woven fabric
- done or existing alone
- object of a now unknown nature, possibly used for divination
- a strong easterly wind in the Mediterranean region
- be absorbed in thought (past tense)
- unable to be used up because existing in abundance
- the study of the nature of God and religious belief
- a person who does not believe in religion or who adheres to a religion other than one's own
- object of a now unknown nature, worn on the breastplate of a Jewish high priest
- the highest point reached by a celestial or other object
- a ceremony at which someone's body is interred; a funeral
- a large Eurasian maple with winged fruits, native to central and southern Europe
- emit a sharp, clear, ringing sound (past tense)
- another term for leaved
- a member of a northwestern African Muslim people of mixed Berber and Arab descent
20 Clues: done or existing alone • another term for leaved • the action of inheriting • the hooked staff of a shepherd • a type of cloth or woven fabric • be absorbed in thought (past tense) • emit a sharp, clear, ringing sound (past tense) • the owner of a business, or a holder of property • unable to be used up because existing in abundance • ...
Jordan's crossword puzzle 2021-12-07
- Organisms such as earth worms are highly beneficial to farming
- can not be used again
- components of the environment taken together
- a lot of land, not too much labor and wheat and cooking oil is grown
- Natural total stock that is useful to human beings
- Taking only mature trees
- constantly being produced by nature
- The number of days during which crops can riph
- Any part of total stock that become useful to human beings
- Generally to grow crops there should be at least 500mm of total precipitation
- someone else can use it
- mixtures of all garbage
- Ones that do not fit in the categories
- are created by nature very slowly
- constantly being replenished by nature at a fast rate
- the growing season and moisture are the two climate variables that contribute most of the success of farming
- Small are, a lot of labor and near large urban area
- Clear cut part of the forest
- Remove every tree leaving a barren landscape behind
- The amount of humus is determined by the amount of moisture and plant growth
- Level well drained is generally is the best
- never purchased
- can be broken down
23 Clues: never purchased • can be broken down • can not be used again • mixtures of all garbage • someone else can use it • Taking only mature trees • Clear cut part of the forest • are created by nature very slowly • constantly being produced by nature • Ones that do not fit in the categories • Level well drained is generally is the best • components of the environment taken together • ...
Lesson 22 2014-02-25
19 Clues: vaak • veld • leden • boven • langs • kamer • maart • groep • stenen • roepen • zondag • natuur • zaklamp • adelaar • huiswerk • uitnodigen • informatie • schitterend • waar voor je geld
pollution 2016-02-05
19 Clues: шум • озон • вода • птицы • мусор • воздух • природа • бросать • портить • повреждать • потепление • загрязнять • беспокоить • стеклянный • загрязнение • причинять урон • перерабатывать • мусорная корзина • окружающая среда
Nature 2020-09-16
- reflects the number, variety and variability of living organisms.
- A dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit.
- restricted to a particular area: used to describe a species or organism that is confined to a particular geographical region, for example, an island or river basin.
- the place or type of site where an organism or population naturally occurs.
- A major portion of the living environment of a particular region characterized by its distinctive vegetation and maintained by local climatic conditions
5 Clues: reflects the number, variety and variability of living organisms. • the place or type of site where an organism or population naturally occurs. • A dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit. • ...
Nature 2021-11-22
nature 2023-01-21
nature 2020-03-12
5 Clues: from a ceitical opinion of • housing that someone is living in • Wonderful feelings between two people • a person with whom you are acquainted • find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of
Nature 2023-08-17
Nature 2023-12-06
5 Clues: "An apple grows on a ________." • Flows, and you might see boats on it. • Provides light and warmth in the sky. • "Roses and daisies are types of ______." • "Climbing a _________ can be a challenging adventure."
Nature 2024-09-26
- I fly when I am born, lie when I'm alive, and run when I am dead. What am I?
- I am essential to life, yet I can take your breath away. I am both in you and around you. What am I?
- The more there is the less you see. What is it?
- I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I?
- Lighter than what I am made of, More of me is hidden Than is seen. What am I?
5 Clues: The more there is the less you see. What is it? • I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I? • I fly when I am born, lie when I'm alive, and run when I am dead. What am I? • Lighter than what I am made of, More of me is hidden Than is seen. What am I? • ...
Nature 2024-10-25
Nature 2024-11-08
- A traditional water harvesting method in Gujarat.
- The largest component of air.
- It covers two-thirds of the surface of the Earth.
- It is formed by breaking down of rocks at or near the surface of the Earth through various physical, chemical, and biological processes by various factors such as the sun, water, wind, and living organisms.
- These are made up of minerals.
5 Clues: The largest component of air. • These are made up of minerals. • It covers two-thirds of the surface of the Earth. • A traditional water harvesting method in Gujarat. • ...
The Human Person in the Environment 2022-10-09
- Advocates ethical treatment of animals
- This view believes that humans are the most important species on the planet
- "The orderliness of nature and the harmony of nature with our faculties guide us toward a deeper religious perspective"
- "Human have power over nature."
- He described the universe as living embodiment of nature's order, harmony, and beauty
- Believes that ecological problems can be traced to social problems
- Believes that humankind is a part of greater biological system or community
- Assumes that male-centered view of nature is the root cause of ecological problems
- Conserving our natural resources so that the future generations will still be able to use it
- "Creation-destruction"
10 Clues: "Creation-destruction" • "Human have power over nature." • Advocates ethical treatment of animals • Believes that ecological problems can be traced to social problems • Believes that humankind is a part of greater biological system or community • This view believes that humans are the most important species on the planet • ...
La naturaleza 2023-09-11
19 Clues: law • path • tree • rock • moon • desert • I hope • forest • nature • strange • pick up • control • protect • care for • recycling • government • contaminate • contamination • overpopulation
Studing Spanish test 2024-05-08
19 Clues: río • oso • lobo • hojas • nevar • cueva • húmedo • niebla • piedra • pájaro • granizo • montaña • huracán • lagarto • desierto • noticias • relámpago • naturaleza • climbing escalada deportiva
Unit 2 review 2021-11-18
- An intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated a simple, mindful life
- Short accounts of personal incidents
- To spread through every part of
- Suited to one’s needs or nature; agreeable
- It is about what a person leaves behind when the die
- A writer that try to move people to be nonconformist
- Disturbance of the emotions; agitation; uneasiness
- To briefly restate Thoreau's main ideas
- A poem that says to make the best time of your life
- In an unhurried and thoughtful manner
- One of America's most popular poets
- Image that creates vivid impressions for the reader
- Acting with sudden or rash energy; hasty
- To violate a command or law
- A poem about how and why Thoreau disconnected from the world
- One who does not follow generally accepted beliefs, customs, or practices
- A new england writer, lead a group practicing transcendentalism
- A poem about disobeying laws and why we should just follow our conscience
- A philosophical and literary movement that emphasized living a simple life and celebrating the truth found in nature and in personal emotion and imagination
- Contemptible; wretched
- Examine writers' ideas carefully and then make judgments about their value
- Group of New England poets whose work was morally uplifting and romantically engaging
- Language that makes abstract ideas more appealing and easier to grasp
- He wrote Thanatopis
- A poem about the importance of nature
- A poem about being a nonconformist
- The underlying message or the central idea of a work
- Writer's attitude toward his or her subject
- A feeling of doubt,mistrust, or uncertainty
- A poem about death
30 Clues: A poem about death • He wrote Thanatopis • Contemptible; wretched • To violate a command or law • To spread through every part of • A poem about being a nonconformist • One of America's most popular poets • Short accounts of personal incidents • A poem about the importance of nature • In an unhurried and thoughtful manner • To briefly restate Thoreau's main ideas • ...
Unit 2 crossword puzzle #2 joshua perez 2021-12-01
- Emphasized living a simple life and stressed a close bound towards nature.
- The voice of transcentalism and the sage of concord.
- Attitude towards his or her subject
- An intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated a simple life
- In an unhurried and thoughtful manner
- Were committed to social reform stressed individualism and an appreciation of nature.
- Low contemtible wretched
- Short amounts of personal incidents
- thoreau went and disconnected him self from stuff and lived in the forest and not to worry about news.
- Acting with sudden or rash energy hastly
- He was a all american poet life long naturalist.
- How beautiful nature is and how he endulges in it and how he wants to live his life pure and full.
- Disturbance of emotions agitation uneasiness.
- To spread through every part of
- To violate a command or law
- A feeling of doubt mistrust or uncertainty.
- Was a boy genius professor and poet and was famous because of his literacy.
- That makes abstract ideas more appealing and easier to grab.
- Suited to ones needs or nature agreeable
- That creats a vivid impressions for the reader
- He was an independent spirit defiant nonconformist he brought great social change after his death at age 44
- Examine carefully and make judgments about their value.
- howlife continuous and how we should amke our own path and time just continues
- One who foes not follow generally accepted belief customs or practices
- Briefly restate thoreaus main ideas
- Is the underlying message or central idea of work which can be stated in one sentence.
- 380
27 Clues: 380 • Low contemtible wretched • To violate a command or law • To spread through every part of • Attitude towards his or her subject • Short amounts of personal incidents • Briefly restate thoreaus main ideas • In an unhurried and thoughtful manner • Suited to ones needs or nature agreeable • Acting with sudden or rash energy hastly • A feeling of doubt mistrust or uncertainty. • ...
Properties of Substances 2019-10-21
- substance consisting of only one phase
- matter with a unique and identifiable set of properties
- single, unproven idea which attempts to explain why nature behaves a certain way
- smallest possible unit of an element which retains its properties
- cluster of two or more atoms held together strongly be electrical forces
- the gaseous material formed by evaporation of a liquid which has a boiling point above room temperature
- a state of matter which does not readily change shape
- method to separate a dissolved solid from a liquid solution
- a pure substance made of one type of molecule which has two or more types of atoms
- method to separate liquid-in-liquid solutions
- describes the physical property of a substance which depends solely on the nature of the substance
- method to separate liquids from solids
- method to separate solids from a mechanical mixture, based on their density
- homogenous mixture of two or more substances
- a broad generalization stating how nature behaves in a particular situation
- a part of a system, uniform in composition and properties, which is a distinct region from others in the system
- simplest substance
- homogenous substance with unchangeable composition
- numerical information
- substance consisting of more than one phase
- a tested, refined and expanded explanation of why nature behaves a certain way
- a state of matter which conforms to the shape of their container
- an attempt to put meaning onto an observation
- heterogeneous mixture of two or more substances
- a process where a solvent travels up a piece of paper or column
- non-numaerical information
- a state of matter which experiences drastic changes in volume when heated or subjected to pressure
- anything that has mass an occupies space
28 Clues: simplest substance • numerical information • non-numaerical information • substance consisting of only one phase • method to separate liquids from solids • anything that has mass an occupies space • substance consisting of more than one phase • homogenous mixture of two or more substances • an attempt to put meaning onto an observation • ...
Huhn-Marks 2019-05-01
- apostolic _____ guards and transmits the teachings of the apostles by the spirit
- will never parish or go away
- a series of 16th century schisms
- heresy- Jesus was not God nor equal to God
- heresy that opposed Mary's title "Mother of God"
- Christ's human nature was incorporated into his divine nature--only one nature
- this word translates to "universal"
- what is one of the means the Church possesses to sanctify people
- will never change in its essential parts
- heresy- Christ only had a divine mind and will, not human
- will exist until the end of time
- how do christians participate in the holiness of Christ
- the laying on of _____ reflects the bishop's direct link to the Apostles
- hersy- material world is evil and the key to salvation is a secret
- rejection of Christian faith by someone baptized
- post-baptismal refusal of unity with the pope or refusal of communion with the Church
- apostolic ______ was built and remains on the foundation of the Apostles
- what is the origin of the holiness of the Church
- the church's universality exceeds space and _____
- deliberate and persistent post-baptismal denial of a truth taught by the Church
20 Clues: will never parish or go away • will exist until the end of time • a series of 16th century schisms • this word translates to "universal" • will never change in its essential parts • heresy- Jesus was not God nor equal to God • heresy that opposed Mary's title "Mother of God" • rejection of Christian faith by someone baptized • ...
Dog Breed Bonanza 2024-06-06
- breed with a long body and short legs, also called a weiner dog
- slender fast breed often used in racing
- short-legged herding breed favored by British royalty
- small hound with a keen sense of smell
- fluffy white breed known for its friendly smile
- strong working breed often used in security
- small breed with a wrinkled face and curly tail
- breed known for its long ears and affectionate nature
- a popular retriever known for its friendliness
- small toy breed with a long flowing coat
- breed famous for its spotted coat
- tiny breed named after a Mexican city
- muscular breed with a distinctive pushed-in nose
- a muscular breed known for its playful and energetic personality
- a group of breeds known for their feisty nature
- large, powerful breed known for its protective nature
- Japanese breed known for its loyalty and strength
- a breed known for its curly coat and intelligence
- herding breed often used in police work
- a sled dog breed known for its endurance and blue eyes
20 Clues: breed famous for its spotted coat • tiny breed named after a Mexican city • small hound with a keen sense of smell • slender fast breed often used in racing • herding breed often used in police work • small toy breed with a long flowing coat • strong working breed often used in security • a popular retriever known for its friendliness • ...
Yoga Practice 2023-05-12
- unchanging - true nature/ self
- concentration
- purity/cleanliness
- moderation of sense drive
- non-stealing
- mind stuff
- contentment
- solar plexus chakra
- moon
- seeking pleasure
- posture/seat
- gods
- deeply rooted pattern/ habit - imprints
- powers
- nature
- repetition, as in meditation practice
- corpse pose
- practice
- foot
- hand
- bliss
- 3rd eye chakra
- avoiding pain
- nonviolence
- discernment
- full faith
- king
- obstacles
- sense withdrawl
- truth
- goal of meditation/englightenment
- meditation
- observance (inside yourself)
- twisted, revolved
- void/emptiness
- vigor/vitality
- yoke, union
- great
- breath contol
- the last 3 limbs: concentration, meditation, enlightenment
- thoughts
- non-greed/non-hoarding
- thread
- hand gestures
- throat chakra
- sacral chakra
- digestive fire
- non-attachment
- action/seeds of action
- wise progression, builds to maha
- heart chakra
- discipline, accepting pain (burning desire)
- self study, self reflection, study of spiritual books
- channel
- crown chakra
- purity/ wisdom of gunas
- peace
- root chakra
- nature/changing - finite, constitutuion
- life force/energy
- half
61 Clues: moon • gods • foot • hand • king • half • great • bliss • peace • truth • thread • powers • nature • channel • thoughts • practice • obstacles • meditation • mind stuff • full faith • yoke, union • contentment • corpse pose • nonviolence • discernment • root chakra • non-stealing • posture/seat • heart chakra • crown chakra • concentration • breath contol • hand gestures • throat chakra • sacral chakra • avoiding pain • void/emptiness • vigor/vitality • ...
recycling 2023-03-26
20 Clues: paper • gases • matter • pickup • nature • plastic • product • recycle • factory • process • organic • pathogen • greenhouse • prevention • management • medicament • incineration • verde green dot • limpio clean point • ambiente environment
Vocab List 37 2015-02-11
NATURE 2023-06-16
- A natural high piece of land rising more or less quickly to a high point.
- A moving ridge or swell on the surface of water.
- The general weather conditions of a region, averaged over a series of years.
- A natural stream of water flowing in a definite course.
- A very large mammal that lives in the sea, having a fishlike body.
5 Clues: A moving ridge or swell on the surface of water. • A natural stream of water flowing in a definite course. • A very large mammal that lives in the sea, having a fishlike body. • A natural high piece of land rising more or less quickly to a high point. • The general weather conditions of a region, averaged over a series of years.
Nature 2018-02-17
5 Clues: they give us oxygen • this is a amazing mountain • this is a one at five oceans • you can find this in all planet • this is abundant element on our planet
Nature 2022-04-10
- Using a lot of things enough and not wasting them
- pollution caused by waste oils,garbage that is not recycled and thrown into the water
- It is the recycling of recyclable waste materials that are out of use to the manufacturing processes as raw materials with various recycling methods.
- is odorless and tasteless, which is abundant on Earth and indispensable for the survival of all living things.
- habitat of living things
5 Clues: habitat of living things • Using a lot of things enough and not wasting them • pollution caused by waste oils,garbage that is not recycled and thrown into the water • is odorless and tasteless, which is abundant on Earth and indispensable for the survival of all living things. • ...
NATURE 2023-08-25
Nature 2024-10-10
- I fly when I am born, lie when I'm alive, and run when I am dead. What am I?
- I am essential to life, yet I can take your breath away. I am both in you and around you. What am I?
- The more there is the less you see. What is it?
- Lighter than what I am made of, More of me is hidden Than is seen. What am I?
- I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I?
5 Clues: The more there is the less you see. What is it? • I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I? • I fly when I am born, lie when I'm alive, and run when I am dead. What am I? • Lighter than what I am made of, More of me is hidden Than is seen. What am I? • ...
nature 2024-12-03
Nature versus Nurture 2021-09-30
- nurture-based treatment approach
- 4-6x more likely to develop with family history
- strongest predictor of mental illness
- nature-based treatment approach
- theory influenced by experience or training
- genes may influence how it tastes
- genetic or hormone behaviors
- environment or cultural behaviors
- example of nature x nurture
9 Clues: example of nature x nurture • genetic or hormone behaviors • nature-based treatment approach • nurture-based treatment approach • genes may influence how it tastes • environment or cultural behaviors • strongest predictor of mental illness • theory influenced by experience or training • 4-6x more likely to develop with family history
Japan`s vocabulary 2015-03-09
- a fee that a country charges on imports or exports
- believe in everything in nature
- heroes to be have fell
- center of art, literature, and learning
- surplus when country exports more goods than it imports
- elected legislature
- ethic belief that work in itself is worthwhile
- place where lots of fish and other seafood can be caught
- military leaders
- main language in japan
- japans emperor for most of the 1900s
- destructive waves
- nature spirits
- capital of Japan
- not part of alps
15 Clues: nature spirits • military leaders • capital of Japan • not part of alps • destructive waves • elected legislature • main language in japan • heroes to be have fell • believe in everything in nature • japans emperor for most of the 1900s • center of art, literature, and learning • ethic belief that work in itself is worthwhile • a fee that a country charges on imports or exports • ...
Environment 2022-10-18
- a place where you are planning to go
- to hurt and damage nature
- damage of air, water and nature, which was caused by people
- animals that die out
- warming of our planet
- sea life
- destroy forests
- types of fuels that can finish
- effect caused by heating
- a footprint that factories, transport and people leave after themselves
- a person who thinks about what others
- very bad gases
- energy that doesn't finish
- places with garbage
- to damage flowers
15 Clues: sea life • very bad gases • destroy forests • to damage flowers • places with garbage • animals that die out • warming of our planet • effect caused by heating • to hurt and damage nature • energy that doesn't finish • types of fuels that can finish • a place where you are planning to go • a person who thinks about what others • ...
Class 10 GSEB Social Science 2023-05-17
- Nature has generously donated abundant ____ to India
- Base of Ragas
- An example of close relation with nature
- They composed hymns for praying various natural elements
- Place of archeological importance in Gujarat
- Also known as Kirat
- They made clay utensils and wore cotton cloth
- They came from Africa via Baluchistan
- Area-wise rank of India
- Place for Asiatic lions
- Valuable gifts from fore-fathers
- Having matriarchal system of family
- Caves of Rashtrakuta dynasty
- Way of life
- Where Indian culture flourished
15 Clues: Way of life • Base of Ragas • Also known as Kirat • Area-wise rank of India • Place for Asiatic lions • Caves of Rashtrakuta dynasty • Where Indian culture flourished • Valuable gifts from fore-fathers • Having matriarchal system of family • They came from Africa via Baluchistan • An example of close relation with nature • Place of archeological importance in Gujarat • ...
Social Studies Terms 2022-10-14
12 Clues: made by people • formed by nature • your surrounding • that study geography • the study of the past • found in nature to use • something that happens • a member of a community • where something is found • area with different features • the study of Earth’s surface • shape of the surface of Earth
Happy Birthday Tannie Elisna! :) 2021-01-27
- Not deterred by danger or pain
- A trusted friend
- An aunt
- Showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another
- Remaining loyal and steadfast
- Sincere and honest in nature
- Not concealing one's thoughts or feelings
- Showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement
- Feeling or showing great care
- Displaying kindness and concern
- Showing patience in spite of troubles
- A priceless possession
- Ability to withstand and recover quickly from difficult situations
- Ability to withstand force or pressure
- Truthful and sincere
- Showing a friendly, generous and considerate nature
16 Clues: An aunt • A trusted friend • Truthful and sincere • A priceless possession • Sincere and honest in nature • Feeling or showing great care • Remaining loyal and steadfast • Not deterred by danger or pain • Displaying kindness and concern • Showing patience in spite of troubles • Ability to withstand force or pressure • Not concealing one's thoughts or feelings • ...
Bluffer's Guide to Qualitative Research 2022-02-03
- A perspective challenging assumption.
- perspective of the researcher/order
- A study of interpreting text.
- A perspective to critique structuralism
- Understanding of the world from a stand point.
- A social theory that critiques to transform.
- Study of nature of values.
- Theory of knowledge.
- Study of the consciousness
- A perspective to identify and assess
- Study through immersion through thick description
- Construct reality be interpretations of human behaviour.
- Nature of being.
- interactionism A perspective that studies a society and interactions.
- perspective of an insider to culture
- Inquiry through stories
16 Clues: Nature of being. • Theory of knowledge. • Inquiry through stories • Study of nature of values. • Study of the consciousness • A study of interpreting text. • perspective of the researcher/order • A perspective to identify and assess • perspective of an insider to culture • A perspective challenging assumption. • A perspective to critique structuralism • ...
Word Stem Review 2024-04-09
www week 9 2018-03-07
Disasters 2018-10-23
20 Clues: защита • вулкан • природа • спасать • причина • выживший • жестокий • огромный • разрушать • случаться • появляться • извержение • наводнение • эвакуировать • землетрясение • поиск, искать • предсказывать • предупреждение • сильный, суровый • ущерб, наносить ущерб
Ranskan sanat kpl 3 2017-10-09
21 Clues: he • upea • kiva • myös • suhde • etsiä • perhe • eläin • ystävä • älykäs • luonto • hieman • sininen • kaupunki • musiikki • klassinen • jalkapallo • henkilökuva • saksalainen • hellä,lempeä • pitää kovasti
Unit 8 2019-01-21
22 Clues: juht • lõvi • siin • laev • tore • igav • paat • buss • koht • tume • mets • kaart • igaüks • loodus • ämblik • lennuk • veoauto • kirrong • väljasõit • jalgratas • kõigepealt • hirmuäratav
Biographie - vocabulaire 1 2022-08-19
22 Clues: clair • style • année • crise • musées • nature • dessin • artiste • fabuleux • utiliser • vérifier • mélanger • paysages • émouvant • exprimer • original • solitaire • tournesol • sentiment • biographie • parfaitement • profondément
Vocabulario 2023-01-06
21 Clues: eau • air • forêt • orage • arbres • nature • réduire • menacer • changer • acheter • planter • polluer • animaux • banquise • utiliser • respirer • incendies • économiser • disparaître • déforestation • global réchauffement climatique
Week 4 2022-08-01
20 Clues: down • money • close • metre • happy • paint • broken • expose • unique • mother • pirates • unusual • question • the cake • the flag • own account • interesting • moistureiser • beepbaddybop • to make sure
Summer 2023-08-10
22 Clues: vene • uida • vesi • peli • meri • kesä • kukka • leiri • limsa • kirja • järvi • luonto • nukkua • pelata • aurinko • puhelin • surffata • musiikki • harrastus • koripallo • tietokone • jalkapallo
Scene 1, text 9: Finland as I see it 2022-02-15
19 Clues: ujo • mökki • metsä • hellä • muisto • luonto • yllättää • kuvailla • rehellinen • muistuttaa • varautunut • rauhallinen • pääkaupunki • aivan,täysin • kansallisuus • hyväntuulinen • eloisa,vilkas • poikkeuksellinen • syrjäinen,eristäytynyt
environmental things 2022-05-06
My first apartment 2023-09-05
17 Clues: nahka • luonne • kaappi • asunto • herkkä • verhot • lakana • huomio • säestää • nojatuoli • päiväpeite • mukavuudet • yksittäinen • koristetyyny • vuokraisäntä • mustasukkainen • suojelunhaluinen
Parenting crossword puzzle 2023-05-22
- this can help with anxiety, depression, and ADHD
- to do something within reasonable limits
- when introducing new foods to a picky eater remember to be:
- pressure nature can lower:
- a genetically modified organic
- half of your grains consumed in a day should be:
- in play kids can explore these in a healthy setting
- a model of eating that limits certain foods based on lifestyle
- an emotion one can feel surrounded by nature
- guide, a guide to help guide one's nutrition- overtaking the food pyramid
- model leading by example as a parent
- a harmful reaction to certain foods or items
- play time with kids can help promote this skill that relates to interacting with others
- the recommended hours of screentime for an adult
14 Clues: a genetically modified organic • pressure nature can lower: • model leading by example as a parent • to do something within reasonable limits • an emotion one can feel surrounded by nature • a harmful reaction to certain foods or items • this can help with anxiety, depression, and ADHD • the recommended hours of screentime for an adult • ...
Ancient Chinese Culture 2023-04-14
- kings gave _____ farmland
- Government ruled by officials of proven knowlege or to be worthy of or entitled or liable to rule
- according to Daoism, everything in nature has _________
- a philosopher that lived from 551-479 BC
- the sysem of economic organization in ancient china
- what does the word "Dao" mean
- according to daoism, inferiors must obey and respect their _________
- a succession of people from the same family who play an important role in politics or other things
- The best rulers are the ones who rule the _____
- According to Daoism, people should live very ______ lives in harmony just as nature is
- this form of writing during the Shang dynasty used words other than sounds
- aging dynasties would eventually lose the _______ __ ______
- religion based on respecting your superiors and inferiors
- a religion based on living a simple balanced live just as nature is
- lords gave _____ money, military service, and advice
- The person that was said to create daoism-also is known by Lao-Tzu
- A government helped by wealthy people that the rulers pay back
- lords gave ________ farmland
18 Clues: kings gave _____ farmland • lords gave ________ farmland • what does the word "Dao" mean • a philosopher that lived from 551-479 BC • The best rulers are the ones who rule the _____ • the sysem of economic organization in ancient china • lords gave _____ money, military service, and advice • according to Daoism, everything in nature has _________ • ...
Travel Vocab 2021-03-29
Sustainability 2019-04-29
Topic 4.3 and 4.4 2023-10-31
18 Clues: uein • ahbfw • auwfn • awfun • awuind • jfjnef • uianwf • auifwn • nature • uenfuef • aufnifn • wunafin • awdinwad • aiwfnunf • your mom • aiufnwuwfn • awofnawoifn • thosedelegatedpowers
Caroline Mendoza Vocab Review #2 2021-11-18
- Worked off and on as a pencil maker in his family’s pencil factory.
- Was a fireside poet who wrote the poem “Thanatopsis”.
- were viewed as equals of British poets of the day.
- acting with sudden or rash energy; hasty.
- attitude towards his or her subjects.
- creates vivid impressions for the reader.
- an intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated a simple, mindful life
- low; contemptible; wretched.
- Every day is a new day so we shouldn’t take it for granted, time never stops.
- A feeling of doubt, mistrust, or uncertainty.
- In an unhurried and thoughtful manner.
- Affirm unity with nature
- short accounts of personal incidents.
- believed intuition can lead to knowledge.
- give a brief statement of the main points of (something).
- the underlying message or the central idea of a work, that can be stated in one sentence.
- Do what you want and don’t pay attention to what others think.
- People should distance themselves from the world and focus on their own nature.
- one who does not follow generally accepted beliefs, customs, or practices.
- examine a writer’s ideas then make judgements about their value.
- To violate a command or law
- At age 13 Longfellow became a published poet, and at 15 he entered Bowdoin College in Maine.
- People shouldn’t be afraid of death because it is like lying down to “pleasant dreams”.
- Suited to one’s needs or nature; agreeable.
- disturbance of the emotions ; agitation; uneasiness.
- People should always follow their individual conscience.
- makes abstract ideas more appealing and easier to grasp.
- life is important
- Entered Harvard when he was only 14.
- To spread through every part of
30 Clues: life is important • Affirm unity with nature • To violate a command or law • low; contemptible; wretched. • To spread through every part of • Entered Harvard when he was only 14. • attitude towards his or her subjects. • short accounts of personal incidents. • In an unhurried and thoughtful manner. • believed intuition can lead to knowledge. • ...
Topic 4.3 and 4.4 2023-10-31
18 Clues: uein • ahbfw • auwfn • awfun • awuind • jfjnef • uianwf • auifwn • nature • uenfuef • aufnifn • wunafin • awdinwad • aiwfnunf • your mom • aiufnwuwfn • awofnawoifn • thosedelegatedpowers
Swiss Family Robinson 2024-05-04
18 Clues: жизнь • герой • роман • долго • решать • остров • мокрый • тонуть • выжить • главный • природа • корабль • построить • выращивать • интересный • приключения • один, одинокий • путешествовать
Connnor and Eleni's crossword 2019-05-06
- an enormous area of dry land surrounded by water
- threatened with extinction
- weather conditions in a certain place
- animals life
- not living
- person who studies the world
- related to living things
- the living world without human interference
- a picture of nature
- where an animal or plant lives
- wear away
- different plants
12 Clues: wear away • not living • animals life • different plants • a picture of nature • related to living things • threatened with extinction • person who studies the world • where an animal or plant lives • weather conditions in a certain place • the living world without human interference • an enormous area of dry land surrounded by water
The world of nature 2021-02-12
17 Clues: głód • susza • bryza • dolina • bocian • łabędź • wymarły • niszczyć • strumień • wodospad • środowisko • wyginięcie • śmieci, odpady • zrównoważony/a • zanieczyszczenie • gatunek, gatunki • trzęsienie ziemi
cross word puzzle-nature 2019-12-11
- an area of low land between hills or mountains
- the land beside or near to the sea or ocean
- a large amount of water covering an area
- a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle.
- synonym of sea
- part of a river where the water flows very fast
- a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface
- an extremely large wave in the sea
- a large area of land covered with sand
- a steep high face of rock
- a field covered in grass
- a mountain with a large opening at the top through which gases and lava
- a slide of large masses of snow and ice
- where many trees grow
- a long time when there is little or no rain
- a bend or curve, as in a stream or river
- the top layer of the earth in which plants, trees, etc. grow
17 Clues: synonym of sea • where many trees grow • a field covered in grass • a steep high face of rock • an extremely large wave in the sea • a large area of land covered with sand • a slide of large masses of snow and ice • a large amount of water covering an area • a bend or curve, as in a stream or river • the land beside or near to the sea or ocean • ...
- word for building and carpentry
- bright or colorful
- a path through the wild
- evergreen trees or shrubs
- protective layer of plant
- a state or period of flowering
- a clump of shrubs
- a grassy area typically near a river
- a small ,narrow river
- growing close together
- first stage of flowering
- landform that extends above the surrounding
- solid minerals that form the earth's surface
- without water
- a pleasant, sweet smell
- a giant moody grass
- short, sharp ,high pitched sound of a small bird or a insect
17 Clues: without water • a clump of shrubs • bright or colorful • a giant moody grass • a small ,narrow river • growing close together • a path through the wild • a pleasant, sweet smell • first stage of flowering • evergreen trees or shrubs • protective layer of plant • a state or period of flowering • word for building and carpentry • a grassy area typically near a river • ...
Nature, far and wide. 2022-09-15
17 Clues: typpi • neste • levät • nisäkäs • sivumaku • pitoisuus • pikkukivi • tuholainen • alue, piiri • harva, niukka • parannuskeino • viljellä, jalostaa • kinastella, nahista • sekasorto, myllerrys • tuholaistorjunta-aine • viallinen, puutteellinen • valikoiva, yksinoikeutettu
"t" like in nature 2024-10-28
- Sacred writings or holy texts
- The way one holds their body
- A distinctive trait or aspect
- Severe pain inflicted, often as punishment
- A break, often in a bone
- A small hole caused by a sharp object
- An exciting or daring journey
- Speaking or instructing formally
- A distinctive trait or aspect
- Dampness or water content
- An image or a painting; to imagine something visually
- Chairs, tables, and the like
- The feel or appearance of a surface
- The great outdoors or inherent essence of something
- The arrangement or organization of something
- In a way that is expected or unforced
- Fully developed or grown; showing experience
- Seized or recorded on film
18 Clues: A break, often in a bone • Dampness or water content • Seized or recorded on film • The way one holds their body • Chairs, tables, and the like • A distinctive trait or aspect • Sacred writings or holy texts • A distinctive trait or aspect • An exciting or daring journey • Speaking or instructing formally • The feel or appearance of a surface • ...
A Day in Nature 2024-11-13
- A _____ can be a raccoon's home.
- Worms are good clues to find good ____.
- A spider uses its web to ___ prey.
- A ______ finds clues and information.
- A _____ is a clue for a spider.
- Worms spread ____ to trees and plants to help them grow.
- ____ means different than others.
- A _____ glass helps detectives look closely.
- To keep something safe, you should _____ it.
- A flower has ______ at the top.
- When you walk in the sand, you make _____.
- Squirrels ____ acorns in trees.
- A ____ is a clue for a butterfly.
- Woodpeckers use trees to ____ themselves from bigger animals.
- Ants ____ their home underground.
- ______ is all things not made by people.
- The turtle left _____ in the sand.
- An _______ is home to animals like fish.
18 Clues: A flower has ______ at the top. • Squirrels ____ acorns in trees. • A _____ is a clue for a spider. • A _____ can be a raccoon's home. • A ____ is a clue for a butterfly. • Ants ____ their home underground. • ____ means different than others. • A spider uses its web to ___ prey. • The turtle left _____ in the sand. • A ______ finds clues and information. • ...
Nature of the North Crossword Puzzle 2020-07-11
- the place where your family lives, works, and plays
- a product of technically tying of rope
- to walk through nature or on a trail
- another name for the outdoors
- a hanging tool that you can lay in to relax
- to crawl up a mountain
- typically a single person recreational watercraft
- the opposite of indoors
- an educational event offered at Nature of the North
- the opposite of South
10 Clues: the opposite of South • to crawl up a mountain • the opposite of indoors • another name for the outdoors • to walk through nature or on a trail • a product of technically tying of rope • a hanging tool that you can lay in to relax • typically a single person recreational watercraft • an educational event offered at Nature of the North • ...
Quizlet words unit 4 2018-12-20
- keeping animals for purpose of production
- experiencing something bad
- specific type of plants or animals
- to make nature dirty and harmful
- a gentle wind
- protecting nature
- it has happened 3...
- when your not in a particular place
- bear large white bear found on polars
- up to being as good as hoped
- getting annoyed and angry easily
- looking after someone by paying for them
- when something gets destroyed
- warming when the world becomes warmer
- foot of certain animals, like dogs
15 Clues: a gentle wind • protecting nature • it has happened 3... • experiencing something bad • up to being as good as hoped • when something gets destroyed • getting annoyed and angry easily • to make nature dirty and harmful • specific type of plants or animals • foot of certain animals, like dogs • when your not in a particular place • bear large white bear found on polars • ...
AWL Project List One 2017-03-13
- To move or go forward
- An accepted or professed rule of action or conduct
- To build or form by putting together parts
- Related
- Different in nature or quality
- To change
- A system of rules, procedures, and assumptions used to produce a result
- To become aware of
- Composed of many interconnected parts
- A component of a whole or one of the parts
- Following as an effect or result
- Possible
- Nature; quality; character
- A prominent part or characteristic
- Influence; effect
15 Clues: Related • Possible • To change • Influence; effect • To become aware of • To move or go forward • Nature; quality; character • Different in nature or quality • Following as an effect or result • A prominent part or characteristic • Composed of many interconnected parts • A component of a whole or one of the parts • To build or form by putting together parts • ...
sustainability 2019-05-07
- there are lots of type of them
- away from danger
- I do experiments
- I can put a course to a island
- a part of earth
- a piece of writing where you follow instructions
- is what you are
- danged I am en danged specie
- I can design cloths
- I have north south east west
- its where animals live
- I can be wet or hot also cold
- I am nature
- I am the earth
- you experiment stuff
15 Clues: I am nature • I am the earth • a part of earth • is what you are • away from danger • I do experiments • I can design cloths • you experiment stuff • its where animals live • I have north south east west • danged I am en danged specie • I can be wet or hot also cold • there are lots of type of them • I can put a course to a island • a piece of writing where you follow instructions
ANIMALS 2023-12-02
- - Domestic animals that live with humans.
- - Animal nature coat to keep them warm.
- - Not domesticated animals.
- - Another word for animal teeth.
- - Another word for animal feet.
- - Animal park where kids love to visit.
- - Animals that live in nature.
- - Natural animal home.
- - Animal sharp nails.
- - Provide food to animals.
- - Dense forest with trees, plants and animals.
- - Animal adventure at a jungle.
- - Wooded filled area.
- - Another word for animal foot.
- - Some animals have this rear appendage.
15 Clues: - Animal sharp nails. • - Wooded filled area. • - Natural animal home. • - Provide food to animals. • - Not domesticated animals. • - Animals that live in nature. • - Animal adventure at a jungle. • - Another word for animal feet. • - Another word for animal foot. • - Another word for animal teeth. • - Animal nature coat to keep them warm. • - Animal park where kids love to visit. • ...
P1 Vocab 2024-03-13
- changed in form or appearance
- One who begs or asks humbly
- A liquid condensed from vapor
- A glowing light
- Moving in a wave-like fashion
- To linger or remain nearby
- To deceive
- Having showing or using good judgment
- A strong, protective wall; a defense
- Sorrowfully; mournfully
- To conceal one’s real nature or motives
- One who begs or asks humbly
- Clear; transparent
- The basic nature of a thing
- A poor needy person
- An arm of the sea at the mouth of a river
16 Clues: To deceive • A glowing light • Clear; transparent • A poor needy person • Sorrowfully; mournfully • To linger or remain nearby • One who begs or asks humbly • One who begs or asks humbly • The basic nature of a thing • changed in form or appearance • A liquid condensed from vapor • Moving in a wave-like fashion • A strong, protective wall; a defense • ...
Short and long vowel 2022-03-03
- a type of stone or gem
- a person who plays a sport
- a place full of natural made things
- variety of something
- something we use are nose for
- something you do when you restudy
- the manner you use if you want something
- used to start a car
- a bad action
- an action we do every 2 seconds
- a dark coloured hole in your teeth
- the actin you do using a pick axe
- the human race
- something made from nature
- a bad or dangerous person
- short and fast
- a place where miners work
17 Clues: a bad action • the human race • short and fast • used to start a car • variety of something • a type of stone or gem • a bad or dangerous person • a place where miners work • something made from nature • a person who plays a sport • something we use are nose for • an action we do every 2 seconds • the actin you do using a pick axe • something you do when you restudy • ...
Symbolism Crossword 2023-11-16
- Symbol that indicates courage or leadership
- Symbol that indicates love
- Color that can indicate sadness or peace
- Color that can indicate danger or anger
- Symbol that indicates power
- Symbol that indicates peace
- Color that can indicate warning or concern
- Symbol that indicates anger
- Big ideas that cannot be physically touched
- A symbol does this for a concept
- Symbol that indicates celebration
- Color that can indicate illness, nature, or positivity
- Symbol that indicates death
- Symbol that indicates nature/growth
- Symbol that indicates wisdom
- Symbol that indicates surrender
16 Clues: Symbol that indicates love • Symbol that indicates death • Symbol that indicates power • Symbol that indicates peace • Symbol that indicates anger • Symbol that indicates wisdom • Symbol that indicates surrender • A symbol does this for a concept • Symbol that indicates celebration • Symbol that indicates nature/growth • Color that can indicate danger or anger • ...
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve 2013-06-13
- Many rainforest species have __________________ leaf tips known as drip tips to drain off water quickly
- The Malayan __________________ also known as the flying lemur has membranes between its legs and tail, enabling to glide from tree to tree
- In the closed forest canopy, fruit eating animals are the main _________________ agents. Without them, some plant species with eventually become extinct.
- Animals in the forest ______________________ themselves prevent predators from eating them
- The _______________ layer is made up of forest giants with height soaring to 71-80 metros
- Plant species growing in the swamps have ________________ roots to take in air from the ground and also provide support to the trees
- Bukit Timah is Singapore's ______________ hill.
- Plants depend on ____________________ to make food but with only one percent of it reaches the forest floor, the competition for it in the forest is intense
- ___________________ and discriminate clearing of forests in the early years that led to the extinction of many of the larger mammals
- The forest provides many products useful to Man like ________________ poles for drying our clothes
- The rainforest is able to thrive by storing most of the ________________ in its ecosystem
- The Common ____________ Civet's diet consists mainly of fruits and occasional small animals
- There are ____________-_________________ species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
- _____________ hoist themselves toward the light in the forest canopy by means of twining stems, hooks, tendrils, spines and root suckers
- For a better chance of survival, fruits and seeds move away from the _________________ plant to reduce competition and to expand the range of the species
- Beetles fed on the _________________ of early cycads and were the first to be used by flowering plants before the evolution of nectar that involved bees, flies, butterflies and birds
- The ___________________ has a long tubular mouth and long tongue that allows it to reach far into any mounds
17 Clues: Bukit Timah is Singapore's ______________ hill. • The rainforest is able to thrive by storing most of the ________________ in its ecosystem • The _______________ layer is made up of forest giants with height soaring to 71-80 metros • Animals in the forest ______________________ themselves prevent predators from eating them • ...
cross word puzzle-nature 2019-12-11
- the land beside or near to the sea or ocean
- an extremely large wave in the sea
- a long time when there is little or no rain
- where many trees grow
- part of a river where the water flows very fast
- an area of low land between hills or mountains
- a field covered in grass
- a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface
- a large amount of water covering an area
- synonym of sea
- a bend or curve, as in a stream or river
- a slide of large masses of snow and ice
- a steep high face of rock
- a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle.
- a large area of land covered with sand
- a mountain with a large opening at the top through which gases and lava
- the top layer of the earth in which plants, trees, etc. grow
17 Clues: synonym of sea • where many trees grow • a field covered in grass • a steep high face of rock • an extremely large wave in the sea • a large area of land covered with sand • a slide of large masses of snow and ice • a bend or curve, as in a stream or river • a large amount of water covering an area • the land beside or near to the sea or ocean • ...
NATURE AS A HEALER: 2021-06-27
- word for building and carpentry
- bright or colorful
- a path through the wild
- evergreen trees or shrubs
- protective layer of plant
- a state or period of flowering
- a clump of shrubs
- a grassy area typically near a river
- a small ,narrow river
- growing close together
- first stage of flowering
- landform that extends above the surrounding
- solid minerals that form the earth's surface
- without water
- a pleasant, sweet smell
- a giant moody grass
- short, sharp ,high pitched sound of a small bird or a insect
17 Clues: without water • a clump of shrubs • bright or colorful • a giant moody grass • a small ,narrow river • growing close together • a path through the wild • a pleasant, sweet smell • first stage of flowering • evergreen trees or shrubs • protective layer of plant • a state or period of flowering • word for building and carpentry • a grassy area typically near a river • ...
- a pleasant, sweet smell
- a state or period of flowering
- a giant moody grass
- solid minerals that form the earth's surface
- growing close together
- word for building and carpentry
- a path through the wild
- first stage of flowering
- landform that extends above the surrounding
- a small ,narrow river
- a grassy area typically near a river
- short, sharp ,high pitched sound of a small bird or a insect
- protective layer of plant
- evergreen trees or shrubs
- without water
- a clump of shrubs
- bright or colorful
17 Clues: without water • a clump of shrubs • bright or colorful • a giant moody grass • a small ,narrow river • growing close together • a pleasant, sweet smell • a path through the wild • first stage of flowering • protective layer of plant • evergreen trees or shrubs • a state or period of flowering • word for building and carpentry • a grassy area typically near a river • ...
Crossword labs nature resource 2023-10-06
- given species that live in a particular area
- succession- when a climax community or intermediate community is impacted by a disturbance
- the region on, above, and below the Earth's surface where life exists
- a non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment.
- is a community of living organisms
- selection- a mechanism of evolution
- succession-when a new patch of land is created or exposed for the first time
- key- an important scientific tool, used to identify different organisms, based the organism's observable traits.
- species involved benefit from their interactions.
- constitute the upper trophic levels.
- all the different kinds of life you'll find in one area
- an interacting group of various species in a common location.
- resources that are non living.
- organisms that make their own food
- a relationship between two species in which one obtains benefits from the other
- web- All of the interconnected and overlapping food chains in an ecosystem
- different species in which one organism lives on or in the other organism
17 Clues: resources that are non living. • organisms that make their own food • is a community of living organisms • selection- a mechanism of evolution • constitute the upper trophic levels. • given species that live in a particular area • species involved benefit from their interactions. • all the different kinds of life you'll find in one area • ...
Nature and the Past 2023-10-06
- to give money to a project
- to predict the weather
- extremely hot temperature eg. water at 100C
- the past participle of hit
- dangerous sea animal
- to look for evidence
- the past simple of catch
- to get bigger eg. a disease
- this bird can speak
- opposite of extremely hot
- a place to put criminals
- electricity from clouds in a thunderstorm
- lawyers and judges work here
- how hot or cold a place it feels
- gentle wind by the sea
- to make something illegal
- to do research, studies or investigation
17 Clues: this bird can speak • dangerous sea animal • to look for evidence • to predict the weather • gentle wind by the sea • a place to put criminals • the past simple of catch • opposite of extremely hot • to make something illegal • to give money to a project • the past participle of hit • to get bigger eg. a disease • lawyers and judges work here • how hot or cold a place it feels • ...
LH 4, unit 1, page 195 + 196 2017-09-05
21 Clues: sky • step • view • star • after • built • slave • build • cable • nature • meaning • unknown • destroy • settler • connect • awesome • liberty • paradise • immigrant • playground • sonst noch?whatelse
spelling thing 2020-09-01
20 Clues: fun • mix • cash • harm • maker • after • field • ruler • camera • forest • strain • hostage • question • professor • relaxation • high school • civilization • man with net • incorrect act • american farmer