nature Crossword Puzzles

Latin List 2 2020-09-25

Latin List 2 crossword puzzle
  1. be born
  2. duty, gift
  3. move
  4. nature
  5. fortify
  6. set sail
  7. sailor
  8. merchant ship
  9. custom
  10. change
  1. warship
  2. soon
  3. for
  4. ship
  5. woman
  6. sail
  7. crowd
  8. wall
  9. tell
  10. much

20 Clues: forsoonshipmovesailwalltellmuchwomancrowdnaturesailorcustomchangewarshipbe bornfortifyset sailduty, giftmerchant ship

Factors of Production 2013-12-16

Factors of Production crossword puzzle
  1. стоимость
  2. сырье
  3. длительное пользование
  4. разнообразие
  5. ценность
  6. нанимать
  7. наличие
  8. разнообразный
  9. заработная плата
  10. следующий
  1. природа
  2. цель
  3. доступный
  4. труд
  5. капитал
  6. товары длительного пользования
  7. оборудование
  8. природный
  9. нижеследующий
  10. горючее

20 Clues: цельтрудсырьеприродакапиталналичиегорючееценностьнаниматьстоимостьдоступныйприродныйследующийразнообразиеоборудованиенижеследующийразнообразныйзаработная платадлительное пользованиетовары длительного пользования

Scene 1 Text 1 Words 2021-03-09

Scene 1 Text 1 Words crossword puzzle
  1. ympäri
  2. rauhallinen
  3. hänen
  4. lapsi
  5. luonto
  6. meidän
  7. molemmat
  8. pelaaja
  9. vanhemmat
  10. (oma) poika
  11. minun
  12. sukulainen
  1. ulkomailla
  2. maailma
  3. lapset
  4. koripallo
  5. ammattilainen
  6. työ
  7. joukkue
  8. erilainen
  9. toinen
  10. vaimo

22 Clues: työhänenlapsiminunvaimoympärilapsetluontomeidäntoinenmaailmajoukkuepelaajamolemmatkoripalloerilainenvanhemmatulkomaillasukulainenrauhallinen(oma) poikaammattilainen

Lesson 45 2021-05-05

Lesson 45 crossword puzzle
  1. lago
  2. sol
  3. problema
  4. nuvem
  5. arco íris
  6. floresta tropical
  7. dentro
  8. mar
  9. fora
  10. reciclagem
  1. clima
  2. natureza
  3. chuva
  4. floresta
  5. lixo
  6. planeta
  7. lua
  8. meio ambiente
  9. rio
  10. céu
  11. poluído

21 Clues: solluariomarcéulagolixoforaclimachuvanuvemdentroplanetapoluídonaturezaproblemaflorestaarco írisreciclagemmeio ambientefloresta tropical

Forming adjectives from nouns 2022-11-03

Forming adjectives from nouns crossword puzzle
  1. trick
  2. muscle
  3. stormy
  4. accept
  5. danger
  6. annoy
  7. help
  8. suit
  9. excite
  10. Japan
  1. mystery
  2. believe
  3. ice
  4. volcano
  5. red
  6. meaning
  7. attract
  8. beauty
  9. home
  10. create
  11. luck
  12. nature

22 Clues: iceredhomeluckhelpsuittrickannoyJapanmusclestormybeautyacceptcreatedangerexcitenaturemysterybelievevolcanomeaningattract

Sustainability 2019-05-02

Sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. stripes
  2. statue
  3. paper
  4. summer
  5. school
  6. flowers
  7. create
  8. movments
  9. south
  10. territory
  11. crossings
  1. herb
  2. people
  3. trampoline
  4. sunscreen
  5. strength
  6. rinos
  7. weather
  8. potion
  9. mammal
  10. trees
  11. wildlife

22 Clues: herbrinospapersouthtreespeoplestatuesummerschoolcreatepotionmammalstripesflowersweatherstrengthmovmentswildlifesunscreenterritorycrossingstrampoline

Disasters 2018-10-23

Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. сильный, суровый
  2. наводнение
  3. разрушать
  4. ущерб, наносить ущерб
  5. выживший
  6. эвакуировать
  7. защита
  8. природа
  9. предупреждение
  10. огромный
  11. поиск, искать
  1. жестокий
  2. извержение
  3. предсказывать
  4. вулкан
  5. появляться
  6. землетрясение
  7. причина
  8. случаться
  9. спасать

20 Clues: вулканзащитапричинаприродаспасатьжестокийвыжившийогромныйразрушатьслучатьсянаводнениеизвержениепоявлятьсяэвакуироватьпредсказыватьземлетрясениепоиск, искатьпредупреждениесильный, суровыйущерб, наносить ущерб

Percy Jackson 2022-01-09

Percy Jackson crossword puzzle
  1. médée... ses victimes.
  2. épouse d'Hadès
  3. les fleurs de Lotus provoquent l'...
  4. élément qui relie Percy et son père
  5. nature de la maman de Percy
  6. passeur des enfers
  7. taille des dieux
  8. monstre combattu par Percy au Parthénon de Nashville
  1. monstre qui capture la maman de Percy
  2. fonction du père de Luke auprès des dieux.
  3. papa de Percy Jackson dans le film
  4. vraie nature de la professeure remplaçante
  5. Fille d'Athéna dans le film
  6. monsieur Brunner en est un.
  7. dieu de la foudre

15 Clues: épouse d'Hadèstaille des dieuxdieu de la foudrepasseur des enfersmédée... ses victimes.Fille d'Athéna dans le filmmonsieur Brunner en est un.nature de la maman de Percypapa de Percy Jackson dans le filmélément qui relie Percy et son pèreles fleurs de Lotus provoquent l'...monstre qui capture la maman de Percy...

Environment 2022-10-18

Environment crossword puzzle
  1. energy that doesn't finish
  2. warming of our planet
  3. damage of air, water and nature, which was caused by people
  4. a place where you are planning to go
  5. a footprint that factories, transport and people leave after themselves
  6. very bad gases
  7. sea life
  1. a person who thinks about what others
  2. destroy forests
  3. animals that die out
  4. places with garbage
  5. effect caused by heating
  6. types of fuels that can finish
  7. to hurt and damage nature
  8. to damage flowers

15 Clues: sea lifevery bad gasesdestroy foreststo damage flowersplaces with garbageanimals that die outwarming of our planeteffect caused by heatingto hurt and damage natureenergy that doesn't finishtypes of fuels that can finisha place where you are planning to goa person who thinks about what others...

sustainability 2019-05-07

sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. there are lots of type of them
  2. away from danger
  3. I do experiments
  4. I can put a course to a island
  5. a part of earth
  6. a piece of writing where you follow instructions
  7. is what you are
  8. danged I am en danged specie
  1. I can design cloths
  2. I have north south east west
  3. its where animals live
  4. I can be wet or hot also cold
  5. I am nature
  6. I am the earth
  7. you experiment stuff

15 Clues: I am natureI am the eartha part of earthis what you areaway from dangerI do experimentsI can design clothsyou experiment stuffits where animals liveI have north south east westdanged I am en danged specieI can be wet or hot also coldthere are lots of type of themI can put a course to a islanda piece of writing where you follow instructions


THE EARTH IS IN DANGER crossword puzzle
  1. свежий
  2. дышать
  3. опасный
  4. климат
  5. деятельность
  6. чистый
  7. грязный
  1. озеро
  2. побережье
  3. глубокий
  4. защищать
  5. трудный
  6. природа
  7. фабрика
  8. океан
  9. воздух
  10. умирать

17 Clues: озероокеансвежийдышатьклиматчистыйвоздухопасныйтрудныйприродафабрикагрязныйумиратьглубокийзащищатьпобережьедеятельность

Green Gods 2023-01-31

Green Gods crossword puzzle
  1. love
  2. fire
  3. beauty
  4. reason
  5. messenger
  6. sky
  7. moon
  8. wisdom
  1. earth
  2. sea
  3. death
  4. wine
  5. war
  6. lord
  7. marriage
  8. harvest
  9. nature

17 Clues: seawarskylovefirewinelordmoonearthdeathbeautyreasonnaturewisdomharvestmarriagemessenger

english p3-3 2021-05-19

english p3-3 crossword puzzle
  1. สวมใส่
  2. ดำน้ำ
  3. แว่นตา
  4. สน็อร์กเกิล
  5. เรือแคยัก
  6. พืช
  7. มลพิษ
  8. พายเรือ
  9. สด
  1. กีฬาวินเซิร์ฟ
  2. ธรรมชาติ
  3. สะอาด
  4. สกีน้ำ
  5. เล่นกระดานโต้คลื่น
  6. มอง
  7. แซนวิซ
  8. เมล็ด

17 Clues: สดมองพืชสะอาดดำน้ำมลพิษเมล็ดสวมใส่สกีน้ำแว่นตาแซนวิซพายเรือธรรมชาติเรือแคยักสน็อร์กเกิลกีฬาวินเซิร์ฟเล่นกระดานโต้คลื่น

Newton 2024-01-30

Newton crossword puzzle
  1. loodus
  2. päike
  3. seadus
  4. avastama
  5. haigus
  6. füüsika
  7. teooria
  8. vikerkaar
  9. valgus
  10. kuri
  1. õun
  2. seletama
  3. ülikool
  4. avastus
  5. maakera
  6. teadlane
  7. tähtis

17 Clues: õunkuripäikeloodusseadushaigusvalgustähtisülikoolavastusmaakerafüüsikateooriaseletamaavastamateadlanevikerkaar

revision 2024-04-18

revision crossword puzzle
  1. piti
  2. nadut
  3. pomoć
  4. grčevi
  5. skupo
  6. voda
  7. dovoljno
  8. mišići
  1. dah
  2. tijelo
  3. jeftino
  4. boca
  5. jetra
  6. čisto
  7. mozak
  8. isprati
  9. priroda

17 Clues: dahpitibocavodanadutpomoćjetračistomozakskupotijelogrčevimišićijeftinoispratiprirodadovoljno

ANIMALS 2023-12-03

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. - Domestic animals that live with humans.
  2. - Animal nature coat to keep them warm.
  3. - Not domesticated animals.
  4. - Another word for animal teeth.
  5. - Another word for animal feet.
  6. - Animal park where kids love to visit.
  7. - Animals that live in nature.
  8. - Natural animal home.
  1. - Animal sharp nails.
  2. - Provide food to animals.
  3. - Dense forest with trees, plants and animals.
  4. - Animal adventure at a jungle.
  5. - Wooded filled area.
  6. - Another word for animal foot.
  7. - Some animals have this rear appendage.

15 Clues: - Animal sharp nails.- Wooded filled area.- Natural animal home.- Provide food to animals.- Not domesticated animals.- Animals that live in nature.- Animal adventure at a jungle.- Another word for animal feet.- Another word for animal foot.- Another word for animal teeth.- Animal nature coat to keep them warm.- Animal park where kids love to visit....


RBL TGIF PUZZLE GAME crossword puzzle
  1. N/The light of nature at day
  2. O/The light of nature at night
  3. S/An internal drive towards something
  4. E/Full of adoration
  5. D/To be concerned about something or someone
  1. P/Out of ordinary
  2. P/Synonymous to joy
  3. T/Feelings from the inside
  4. O/Synonymous to happiness
  5. Y/An appreciation
  6. M/A facial expression
  7. S/What an honorable person deserves
  8. C/Synonymous to integrity
  9. G/A room lite up
  10. N/Relationship between two people or more

15 Clues: G/A room lite upP/Out of ordinaryY/An appreciationP/Synonymous to joyE/Full of adorationM/A facial expressionO/Synonymous to happinessC/Synonymous to integrityT/Feelings from the insideN/The light of nature at dayO/The light of nature at nightS/What an honorable person deservesS/An internal drive towards something...

vocab lesson 10 2024-04-10

vocab lesson 10 crossword puzzle
  1. A famous naturalist that studies nature
  2. legal
  3. a chemical used to destroy plants or animals
  4. The science of living organisms.\
  5. very great
  6. A person who studies nature
  7. really liked
  1. A Branch of biology that focuses on animals.
  2. unchangeable
  3. things needed to do something
  4. a section or division of a larger organization such as a government, a company, or a school
  5. to focus on
  6. growth in large numbers
  7. Apposing arguments
  8. Writing on a subject

15 Clues: legalvery greatto focus onunchangeablereally likedApposing argumentsWriting on a subjectgrowth in large numbersA person who studies naturethings needed to do somethingThe science of living organisms.\A famous naturalist that studies natureA Branch of biology that focuses on animals.a chemical used to destroy plants or animals...

Values/Morals 2021-02-23

Values/Morals crossword puzzle
  1. Fortune
  2. Affection
  3. Enjoyable
  4. Quest
  5. Obligation
  6. Fame
  7. Serenity
  8. Wildlife
  1. Data
  2. Relatives
  3. Associates
  4. time Spare time
  5. Variation
  6. Liberty
  7. Standards
  8. Appreciation
  9. Supremacy
  10. Accomplishments

18 Clues: DataFameQuestFortuneLibertySerenityWildlifeRelativesAffectionEnjoyableVariationStandardsSupremacyAssociatesObligationAppreciationtime Spare timeAccomplishments

Discover Nature Through The Bible 2017-05-12

Discover Nature Through The Bible crossword puzzle
  1. begins with Genesis, ends with Revelation
  2. trees,flowers,animals,rocks
  3. see, smell, hear, touch, taste
  4. the Creator
  1. every book has nature
  2. leave behind
  3. God's campground
  4. God's world of nature

8 Clues: the Creatorleave behindGod's campgroundevery book has natureGod's world of naturetrees,flowers,animals,rockssee, smell, hear, touch, tastebegins with Genesis, ends with Revelation

Biographie - vocabulaire 1 2022-08-19

Biographie - vocabulaire 1 crossword puzzle
  1. musées
  2. clair
  3. tournesol
  4. style
  5. vérifier
  6. année
  7. sentiment
  8. émouvant
  9. biographie
  10. dessin
  11. original
  1. solitaire
  2. fabuleux
  3. parfaitement
  4. utiliser
  5. profondément
  6. artiste
  7. nature
  8. mélanger
  9. paysages
  10. exprimer
  11. crise

22 Clues: clairstyleannéecrisemuséesnaturedessinartistefabuleuxutiliservérifiermélangerpaysagesémouvantexprimeroriginalsolitairetournesolsentimentbiographieparfaitementprofondément

La naturaleza Senderos 3 Lec1 2021-04-17

La naturaleza Senderos 3 Lec1 crossword puzzle
  1. volcano
  2. cloud
  3. star
  4. nature
  5. grass
  6. sun
  7. valley
  8. lake
  9. desert
  1. plant
  2. tree
  3. stone
  4. crater
  5. trail/ path
  6. flower
  7. land/soil
  8. moon
  9. jungle
  10. sky
  11. river
  12. forest

21 Clues: skysuntreestarmoonlakeplantstonecloudrivergrasscraterflowerjunglenatureforestvalleydesertvolcanoland/soiltrail/ path

Unit 14 2019-04-03

Unit 14 crossword puzzle
  1. normaalne
  2. kaev
  3. rahe
  4. ilu
  5. süsteem
  6. pealkiri
  7. turism
  8. liiter
  9. pinnas
  10. käsitlema
  11. energia
  12. saun
  1. puu
  2. loodus
  3. lörts
  4. kask
  5. kogu
  6. atmosfäär
  7. vedelik
  8. kohalik
  9. leotama
  10. legend

22 Clues: puuilukaskkaevrahekogusaunlörtsloodusturismliiterpinnaslegendsüsteemvedelikkohalikleotamaenergiapealkirinormaalneatmosfäärkäsitlema

fly high 3 - test 7 2020-02-11

fly high 3 - test 7 crossword puzzle
  1. притеснен
  2. джунгла
  3. внимателен
  4. невероятен
  5. рибар
  6. чадър
  7. костенурка
  8. плаж
  9. боклук
  10. кит
  1. под(нещо)
  2. смел
  3. добре дошли
  4. пясъчен замък
  5. кофа
  6. красив
  7. смея се
  8. заклещен
  9. природа
  10. папагал

20 Clues: китсмелкофаплажрибарчадъркрасивбоклукджунгласмея сеприродапапагалзаклещенпод(нещо)притесненвнимателенневероятенкостенуркадобре дошлипясъчен замък

KDE desktop 2023-05-23

KDE desktop crossword puzzle
  1. - nakkav
  2. - järjekindel, terviklik, kooskõlas
  3. - käivitaja
  4. - edev
  5. - särtsakas, erk, elav
  6. - laialt levinud
  7. - kõps
  8. - jõudlus
  9. - põlvkond
  10. - tundlikkus
  1. - eredus
  2. - arenemine
  3. - süsteem
  4. - lame
  5. - pärand
  6. - töötsoon
  7. - tegevused
  8. - keskkond
  9. - loodus
  10. - töölaud

20 Clues: - lame- edev- kõps- eredus- nakkav- pärand- loodus- süsteem- jõudlus- töölaud- töötsoon- keskkond- põlvkond- arenemine- käivitaja- tegevused- tundlikkus- laialt levinud- särtsakas, erk, elav- järjekindel, terviklik, kooskõlas

Çest parti 2023-09-22

Çest parti crossword puzzle
  1. ich
  2. blau
  3. super
  4. schwarz
  5. Fische
  6. Hallo
  7. Natur
  8. Naja
  9. Klasse
  10. einkaufen
  11. Frau
  1. aber
  2. Musik
  3. Ratten
  4. du
  5. nein
  6. Schildkröten
  7. Sport
  8. rot
  9. Katze
  10. Pizza
  11. ja

22 Clues: dujaichrotaberblauneinNajaFrauMusiksuperHalloSportNaturKatzePizzaRattenFischeKlasseschwarzeinkaufenSchildkröten

sustainability 2019-05-12

sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. something growing from the ground
  2. knowledge
  3. climate outside
  4. telling weather
  5. animals that talk
  1. is environment
  2. tell someone about something
  3. to make sure someone is safe
  4. is nature
  5. something living

10 Clues: knowledgeis natureis environmentclimate outsidetelling weathersomething livinganimals that talktell someone about somethingto make sure someone is safesomething growing from the ground

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve 2013-06-13

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve crossword puzzle
  1. The ___________________ has a long tubular mouth and long tongue that allows it to reach far into any mounds
  2. Beetles fed on the _________________ of early cycads and were the first to be used by flowering plants before the evolution of nectar that involved bees, flies, butterflies and birds
  3. _____________ hoist themselves toward the light in the forest canopy by means of twining stems, hooks, tendrils, spines and root suckers
  4. Plants depend on ____________________ to make food but with only one percent of it reaches the forest floor, the competition for it in the forest is intense
  5. There are ____________-_________________ species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
  6. Many rainforest species have __________________ leaf tips known as drip tips to drain off water quickly
  7. Bukit Timah is Singapore's ______________ hill.
  8. For a better chance of survival, fruits and seeds move away from the _________________ plant to reduce competition and to expand the range of the species
  9. The Malayan __________________ also known as the flying lemur has membranes between its legs and tail, enabling to glide from tree to tree
  1. The _______________ layer is made up of forest giants with height soaring to 71-80 metros
  2. Animals in the forest ______________________ themselves prevent predators from eating them
  3. ___________________ and discriminate clearing of forests in the early years that led to the extinction of many of the larger mammals
  4. The Common ____________ Civet's diet consists mainly of fruits and occasional small animals
  5. In the closed forest canopy, fruit eating animals are the main _________________ agents. Without them, some plant species with eventually become extinct.
  6. Plant species growing in the swamps have ________________ roots to take in air from the ground and also provide support to the trees
  7. The rainforest is able to thrive by storing most of the ________________ in its ecosystem
  8. The forest provides many products useful to Man like ________________ poles for drying our clothes

17 Clues: Bukit Timah is Singapore's ______________ hill.The _______________ layer is made up of forest giants with height soaring to 71-80 metrosThe rainforest is able to thrive by storing most of the ________________ in its ecosystemAnimals in the forest ______________________ themselves prevent predators from eating them...

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve 2013-06-13

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve crossword puzzle
  1. In the closed forest canopy, fruit eating animals are the main _________________ agents. Without them, some plant species with eventually become extinct.
  2. Animals in the forest ______________________ themselves prevent predators from eating them
  3. The ___________________ has a long tubular mouth and long tongue that allows it to reach far into any mounds
  4. The rainforest is able to thrive by storing most of the ________________ in its ecosystem
  5. ___________________ and discriminate clearing of forests in the early years that led to the extinction of many of the larger mammals
  6. Bukit Timah is Singapore's ______________ hill.
  7. For a better chance of survival, fruits and seeds move away from the _________________ plant to reduce competition and to expand the range of the species
  8. The Malayan __________________ also known as the flying lemur has membranes between its legs and tail, enabling to glide from tree to tree
  1. _____________ hoist themselves toward the light in the forest canopy by means of twining stems, hooks, tendrils, spines and root suckers
  2. There are ____________-_________________ species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
  3. Plant species growing in the swamps have ________________ roots to take in air from the ground and also provide support to the trees
  4. The Common ____________ Civet's diet consists mainly of fruits and occasional small animals
  5. Beetles fed on the _________________ of early cycads and were the first to be used by flowering plants before the evolution of nectar that involved bees, flies, butterflies and birds
  6. The _______________ layer is made up of forest giants with height soaring to 71-80 metros
  7. Many rainforest species have __________________ leaf tips known as drip tips to drain off water quickly
  8. The forest provides many products useful to Man like ________________ poles for drying our clothes
  9. Plants depend on ____________________ to make food but with only one percent of it reaches the forest floor, the competition for it in the forest is intense

17 Clues: Bukit Timah is Singapore's ______________ hill.The rainforest is able to thrive by storing most of the ________________ in its ecosystemThe _______________ layer is made up of forest giants with height soaring to 71-80 metrosAnimals in the forest ______________________ themselves prevent predators from eating them...

The Nature of Religion 2024-02-11

The Nature of Religion crossword puzzle
  1. System of morals which guide behaviours and principle beliefs.
  2. Belief in the divine or powers dwelling within the individual.
  3. Belief in God or Gods or system of faith and worship.
  4. Belief in one supreme God who is all-powerful, all-knowing and ever-present.
  5. Any writing that considered to be holy by a religious group.
  6. An adherent of a religion.
  7. Repetitive and patterned behaviour that is prescribed by or tied to a religious institution, belief, or custom.
  8. Divine being or power, which is greater than humankind and the natural world.
  9. Belief in a divine being or powers beyond human existence.
  1. Iconic representation intended to represent a specific religion, or a specific concept within a given religion.
  2. Identification of God with the universe. Belief that God is the same as the universe, not distinct from the universe.
  3. A philosophy of life or conception of the world.
  4. Something which has originated from, or is like God or Gods. Something sacred.
  5. Belief in more than one God.
  6. All-embracing concept believed in by Indigenous Australians of rules for living, moral code and interaction with the natural environment.
  7. Approach to life or system of society which excludes religion.
  8. Reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

17 Clues: An adherent of a religion.Belief in more than one God.A philosophy of life or conception of the world.Belief in God or Gods or system of faith and worship.Belief in a divine being or powers beyond human existence.Any writing that considered to be holy by a religious group.System of morals which guide behaviours and principle beliefs....

Natureza 2022-08-05

Natureza crossword puzzle
  1. vento
  2. nuvem
  3. estrelas
  4. lua
  5. árvore
  6. onda
  7. mar
  8. lago
  9. areia
  10. montanha
  11. terra
  1. rio
  2. planta
  3. sol
  4. natureza
  5. flor
  6. floresta
  7. céu
  8. folha
  9. chuva
  10. neve
  11. ar

22 Clues: arriosolcéuluamarflorondanevelagoventonuvemfolhachuvaareiaterraplantaárvorenaturezaflorestaestrelasmontanha

Natureza 2022-08-05

Natureza crossword puzzle
  1. vento
  2. nuvem
  3. estrelas
  4. lua
  5. árvore
  6. onda
  7. mar
  8. lago
  9. areia
  10. montanha
  11. terra
  1. rio
  2. planta
  3. sol
  4. natureza
  5. flor
  6. floresta
  7. céu
  8. folha
  9. chuva
  10. neve
  11. ar

22 Clues: arriosolcéuluamarflorondanevelagoventonuvemfolhachuvaareiaterraplantaárvorenaturezaflorestaestrelasmontanha

Withee List #2 2022-09-29

Withee List #2 crossword puzzle
  1. enclose
  2. direct
  3. irresponsible
  4. payback
  5. loyal
  6. abandoned
  7. lava
  8. normally
  9. lift
  10. recall
  11. pounds
  12. residence
  1. Jesus
  2. outside
  3. seventh
  4. kangaroo
  5. questionnaire
  6. explained
  7. defy
  8. music
  9. weigh
  10. can't

22 Clues: defylavaliftJesusloyalmusicweighcan'tdirectrecallpoundsencloseoutsideseventhpaybackkangaroonormallyabandonedexplainedresidenceirresponsiblequestionnaire

Greek God & Goddess Domains 2021-11-01

Greek God & Goddess Domains crossword puzzle
  1. magic
  2. travelers
  3. victory
  4. the home
  5. lightning
  6. spring
  7. earthquakes
  8. harvest
  9. festivals
  10. war
  1. hunting
  2. marriage
  3. justice
  4. the underworld
  5. wisdom
  6. fire
  7. healing
  8. the sun
  9. nature
  10. love
  11. beauty

21 Clues: warfirelovemagicwisdomspringnaturebeautyhuntingjusticehealingthe sunvictoryharvestmarriagethe hometravelerslightningfestivalsearthquakesthe underworld

Landscape 2023-01-26

Landscape crossword puzzle
  1. 19
  2. 20
  3. 16
  4. 10
  5. 3
  6. 6
  7. 11
  8. 12
  9. 8
  10. 18
  11. 1
  12. 15
  1. 2
  2. 5
  3. 9
  4. 4
  5. 17
  6. 22
  7. 7
  8. 14
  9. 13
  10. 21

22 Clues: 25943678119201617102211121413211815

SL 7 Vocabulary Revision 2017-09-04

SL 7 Vocabulary Revision crossword puzzle
  1. деревня
  2. существо
  3. общительный
  4. умный
  5. внешность
  6. карьера
  7. окружающая среда
  8. реклама
  9. столовая, буфет
  1. описывать
  2. жаловаться
  3. персонаж
  4. пейзаж
  5. страна
  6. овощ
  7. газета
  8. устройство-новинка
  9. фантазия
  10. завод, фабрика
  11. природа

20 Clues: овощумныйпейзажстранагазетадеревнякарьерарекламаприродаперсонажсуществофантазияописыватьвнешностьжаловатьсяобщительныйзавод, фабрикастоловая, буфетокружающая средаустройство-новинка

SL 7 Vocabulary Revision 2017-09-04

SL 7 Vocabulary Revision crossword puzzle
  1. общительный
  2. описывать
  3. пейзаж
  4. деревня
  5. внешность
  6. природа
  7. реклама
  8. газета
  9. страна
  1. устройство-новинка
  2. столовая, буфет
  3. умный
  4. существо
  5. окружающая среда
  6. завод, фабрика
  7. овощ
  8. карьера
  9. фантазия
  10. персонаж
  11. жаловаться

20 Clues: овощумныйпейзажгазетастранакарьерадеревняприродарекламасуществофантазияперсонажописыватьвнешностьжаловатьсяобщительныйзавод, фабрикастоловая, буфетокружающая средаустройство-новинка

SL 7 Vocabulary Revision 2017-09-04

SL 7 Vocabulary Revision crossword puzzle
  1. жаловаться
  2. природа
  3. пейзаж
  4. фантазия
  5. окружающая среда
  6. газета
  7. завод, фабрика
  8. устройство-новинка
  9. общительный
  10. описывать
  1. внешность
  2. деревня
  3. страна
  4. умный
  5. реклама
  6. столовая, буфет
  7. персонаж
  8. существо
  9. овощ
  10. карьера

20 Clues: овощумныйстранапейзажгазетадеревняприродарекламакарьераперсонажсуществофантазиявнешностьописыватьжаловатьсяобщительныйзавод, фабрикастоловая, буфетокружающая средаустройство-новинка

Vocabulary Crossword 2023-10-20

Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Jungle
  2. Lake
  3. Stone
  4. Sun
  5. Volcano
  6. River
  7. Star
  8. Desert
  9. Crater
  10. Tree
  11. Grass
  1. Valley
  2. Forest
  3. Nature
  4. Plant
  5. Flower
  6. Sky
  7. Trail/Path
  8. Land/Soil
  9. Cloud
  10. Moon

21 Clues: SunSkyLakeStarTreeMoonStonePlantRiverCloudGrassValleyJungleForestNatureFlowerDesertCraterVolcanoLand/SoilTrail/Path

Spanish Vocab 2.2 2023-10-20

Spanish Vocab 2.2 crossword puzzle
  1. cool
  2. floating/boating
  3. clouds
  4. caves
  5. have-fun
  6. watch
  7. Nature
  8. explore
  9. Exciting
  1. hunt
  2. swim
  3. World
  4. be-careful
  5. forest
  6. To-go-fishing
  7. Sun
  8. Beach
  9. countryside
  10. climb
  11. Observe

20 Clues: SunhuntswimcoolWorldcaveswatchBeachclimbforestcloudsNatureexploreObservehave-funExcitingbe-carefulcountrysideTo-go-fishingfloating/boating

Escalier 1 Texte 3 2023-09-19

Escalier 1 Texte 3 crossword puzzle
  1. luonto
  2. mutta
  3. keskusta
  4. koulu
  5. musiikki
  6. etenkin/ennen kaikkea
  7. etsiä
  8. todella
  9. älykäs
  10. pitää kovasti
  11. liikaa
  12. upea
  1. perhe
  2. veli
  3. lähellä
  4. urheilu
  5. silmät
  6. opiskelija
  7. jopa
  8. lapsi
  9. eläimet

21 Clues: velijopaupeaperhemuttakouluetsiälapsiluontosilmätälykäsliikaalähelläurheilutodellaeläimetkeskustamusiikkiopiskelijapitää kovastietenkin/ennen kaikkea

13.3 animales y naturaleza prueba 2024-05-02

13.3 animales y naturaleza prueba crossword puzzle
  1. grass
  2. monkey
  3. ballena whale
  4. desert
  5. tree
  6. nature
  7. trail/path
  8. flower
  9. bird
  10. volcano
  1. rainforest
  2. sea turtle
  3. star
  4. valley
  5. soil/land
  6. river
  7. lake
  8. jungle
  9. cloud
  10. sky

20 Clues: skystarlaketreebirdgrassrivercloudmonkeyvalleydesertjunglenatureflowervolcanosoil/landrainforestsea turtletrail/pathballena whale

Choice Board Vocab 2024-10-17

Choice Board Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. valley
  2. star
  3. land soil
  4. cloud
  5. river
  6. trail; path
  7. flower
  8. lake
  9. stone
  1. nature
  2. sun
  3. desert
  4. grass
  5. plant
  6. crater
  7. tree
  8. sky
  9. jungle
  10. (tropical; rain) forest
  11. moon

20 Clues: sunskytreestarmoonlakegrassplantcloudriverstonenaturedesertvalleycraterjungleflowerland soiltrail; path(tropical; rain) forest


ROMANTICISM QUIZ crossword puzzle
  1. When the man in the poem "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer" "look’d up in perfect silence at the stars" it showed his __________ for nature
  2. this is an element of Romanticism that encourages creative thinking
  3. which poet used the line "look’d up in perfect silence at the stars" in his poem?
  4. ______________ innocence is a major element of Romanticism
  5. Man's best friend
  6. Has a trunk
  7. Flying mammal
  8. The woman in Berry's poem used nature as an _________ from her problems.
  9. Large marsupial
  1. The man in the poem "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer" said he feels "...sick and tired..." this shows his strong _________________.
  2. "Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself" represents which Romantic element?
  3. people often use this as an inspiration for their work
  4. _____________ is famous for his speech " What to the Slave is the 4th of July?"
  5. The speaker in a poem is called the ____________
  6. Likes to chase mice

15 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceThe speaker in a poem is called the ____________people often use this as an inspiration for their work______________ innocence is a major element of Romanticismthis is an element of Romanticism that encourages creative thinking...

Weekend Wonders 2024-05-31

Weekend Wonders crossword puzzle
  1. A container you carry your clothing in for a weekend trip.
  2. Can be a leisure activity or a competitive sport.
  3. When you want to eat breakfast but not too early and lunch but not too late in the day.
  4. Going on a walk to catch a glimpse of aviary animals.
  5. Brisk walk in nature to get the blood pumping!
  6. Leisure activity when you are tired.
  7. Catch some rays, make a sandcastle and get out in nature.
  8. Common on saturday's during the summer where local gardeners and vendors come together to sell to locals.
  1. Fore! But tiny.
  2. You can catch this insect to light up the night sky.
  3. A tasty treat commonly shared around a camp fire.
  4. Roughing it in nature over night.
  5. Having a meal in the park.
  6. You take your car, park outside with a bunch of strangers to watch the Big Screen.
  7. Rides, Elephant ears, Funnel Cakes, games and prizes!

15 Clues: Fore! But tiny.Having a meal in the park.Roughing it in nature over night.Leisure activity when you are tired.Brisk walk in nature to get the blood pumping!Can be a leisure activity or a competitive sport.A tasty treat commonly shared around a camp fire.You can catch this insect to light up the night sky....

Daoism Crossword Puzzle 2024-12-16

Daoism Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The Daoist belief in non-interference and simplicity.
  2. The second of the Three Pure Ones, also known as the Supreme Pure One.
  3. The principle of effortless action and going with the flow.
  4. The highest deities in Daoism known as the Three Pure Ones.
  5. The third of the Three Pure Ones, also known as the Grand Pure One.
  6. The first of the Three Pure Ones, also known as the Jade Pure One.
  7. The sacred text of Daoism.
  1. The balance of opposite forces in nature, such as light and dark.
  2. The Daoist pursuit of spiritual immortality.
  3. The Chinese term for "vital energy" or life force central to Daoism.
  4. This element symbolizes softness and flexibility in Daoism.
  5. The ideal Daoist sage who lives in harmony with nature.
  6. The founder of Daoism
  7. Daoists believe in living in harmony with this.
  8. The Daoist concept of the universal force or "The Way."

15 Clues: The founder of DaoismThe sacred text of Daoism.The Daoist pursuit of spiritual immortality.Daoists believe in living in harmony with this.The Daoist belief in non-interference and simplicity.The ideal Daoist sage who lives in harmony with nature.The Daoist concept of the universal force or "The Way."...

Kerli ristsõna 2017-03-26

Kerli ristsõna crossword puzzle
  1. võõrustama
  2. ülespoole
  3. terve
  4. tavaline
  5. käsitlema
  6. kask
  7. süü
  8. jääma
  9. liiter
  1. tulistama
  2. loodus
  3. fenom
  4. muld
  5. pealkiri
  6. kaev
  7. kohalik
  8. pindala

17 Clues: süümuldkaevkaskfenomtervejäämaloodusliiterkohalikpindalapealkiritavalinetulistamaülespoolekäsitlemavõõrustama

Peter va a Colombia, ch. 1 2024-02-12

Peter va a Colombia, ch. 1 crossword puzzle
  1. compra
  2. malcriado
  3. ciudad
  4. idioma
  5. limpiar
  6. naturaleza
  7. clima
  8. especies
  9. leche
  1. brócoli
  2. cocina
  3. selva
  4. amarillo
  5. avión
  6. pueblo
  7. aspiradora
  8. desierto

17 Clues: selvaaviónclimalechecompracocinaciudadidiomapueblobrócolilimpiaramarillodesiertoespeciesmalcriadonaturalezaaspiradora

Crossword - Level Medium - Nature 2022-11-17

Crossword - Level Medium - Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Beneath the surface
  2. Sound of lightning
  3. One more time
  4. An uncanny feeling
  5. Claiming land
  6. Getting away
  7. Loud piercing cry
  8. Snow detaching from mountain
  1. Water falling down
  2. Orange metal
  3. A state of feeling joy
  4. Hot and humid climate
  5. Lacking color
  6. The flower of a plant
  7. Low temperature
  8. To recall something
  9. A sound that reflects

17 Clues: Orange metalGetting awayLacking colorOne more timeClaiming landLow temperatureLoud piercing cryWater falling downSound of lightningAn uncanny feelingBeneath the surfaceTo recall somethingHot and humid climateThe flower of a plantA sound that reflectsA state of feeling joySnow detaching from mountain

cross word puzzle-nature 2019-12-11

cross word puzzle-nature crossword puzzle
  1. a large area of land covered with sand
  2. a large amount of water covering an area
  3. where many trees grow
  4. a mountain with a large opening at the top through which gases and lava
  5. a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle.
  6. the land beside or near to the sea or ocean
  7. the top layer of the earth in which plants, trees, etc. grow
  8. a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface
  9. a field covered in grass
  1. a slide of large masses of snow and ice
  2. a steep high face of rock
  3. a long time when there is little or no rain
  4. a bend or curve, as in a stream or river
  5. an area of low land between hills or mountains
  6. an extremely large wave in the sea
  7. synonym of sea
  8. part of a river where the water flows very fast

17 Clues: synonym of seawhere many trees growa field covered in grassa steep high face of rockan extremely large wave in the seaa large area of land covered with sanda slide of large masses of snow and icea large amount of water covering an areaa bend or curve, as in a stream or riverthe land beside or near to the sea or ocean...

Animals and Nature A2.2 2024-04-23

Animals and Nature A2.2 crossword puzzle
  1. A bird with long legs that can be pink or white
  2. A big cat with black and orange stripes
  3. The smaller version of an ocean
  4. Tigers are _______________ than cats (2 words)
  5. The trees are very ______
  6. The largest ocean animal
  7. The best animal in the world
  1. A large amount of water built by people
  2. Dolpins are _________ than sharks
  3. The mountains are very _____
  4. good, _______, the best
  5. A large land animal with big teeth
  6. A big cat with a golden colour
  7. An ocean animal with big teeth
  8. A place with no land borders
  9. A large land animal with a long nose
  10. A large amount of water in nature

17 Clues: good, _______, the bestThe largest ocean animalThe trees are very ______The mountains are very _____A place with no land bordersThe best animal in the worldA big cat with a golden colourAn ocean animal with big teethThe smaller version of an oceanDolpins are _________ than sharksA large amount of water in natureA large land animal with big teeth...

The Nature of Religion 2024-02-11

The Nature of Religion crossword puzzle
  1. System of morals which guide behaviours and principle beliefs.
  2. Belief in the divine or powers dwelling within the individual.
  3. Belief in God or Gods or system of faith and worship.
  4. Belief in one supreme God who is all-powerful, all-knowing and ever-present.
  5. Any writing that considered to be holy by a religious group.
  6. An adherent of a religion.
  7. Repetitive and patterned behaviour that is prescribed by or tied to a religious institution, belief, or custom.
  8. Divine being or power, which is greater than humankind and the natural world.
  9. Belief in a divine being or powers beyond human existence.
  1. Iconic representation intended to represent a specific religion, or a specific concept within a given religion.
  2. Identification of God with the universe. Belief that God is the same as the universe, not distinct from the universe.
  3. A philosophy of life or conception of the world.
  4. Something which has originated from, or is like God or Gods. Something sacred.
  5. Belief in more than one God.
  6. All-embracing concept believed in by Indigenous Australians of rules for living, moral code and interaction with the natural environment.
  7. Approach to life or system of society which excludes religion.
  8. Reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

17 Clues: An adherent of a religion.Belief in more than one God.A philosophy of life or conception of the world.Belief in God or Gods or system of faith and worship.Belief in a divine being or powers beyond human existence.Any writing that considered to be holy by a religious group.System of morals which guide behaviours and principle beliefs....

"t" like in nature 2024-10-28

"t" like in nature crossword puzzle
  1. Sacred writings or holy texts
  2. The way one holds their body
  3. A distinctive trait or aspect
  4. Severe pain inflicted, often as punishment
  5. A break, often in a bone
  6. A small hole caused by a sharp object
  7. An exciting or daring journey
  8. Speaking or instructing formally
  1. A distinctive trait or aspect
  2. Dampness or water content
  3. An image or a painting; to imagine something visually
  4. Chairs, tables, and the like
  5. The feel or appearance of a surface
  6. The great outdoors or inherent essence of something
  7. The arrangement or organization of something
  8. In a way that is expected or unforced
  9. Fully developed or grown; showing experience
  10. Seized or recorded on film

18 Clues: A break, often in a boneDampness or water contentSeized or recorded on filmThe way one holds their bodyChairs, tables, and the likeA distinctive trait or aspectSacred writings or holy textsA distinctive trait or aspectAn exciting or daring journeySpeaking or instructing formallyThe feel or appearance of a surface...

Unit 31 2021-05-30

Unit 31 crossword puzzle
  1. something related to a place
  2. Country of NE South America
  3. a phenomena of Earth which contains insects, wild life, trees, plants, and landscape
  4. something from or related to nature
  5. to move freely through a closed system or area
  6. a perfectly round object
  7. courteous, good will
  8. a not so circular line or route
  9. Country of N Europe
  1. of or pertaining to birth
  2. something that is similar to a circle
  3. Republic of W central Europe
  4. something containing grace
  5. quality of being thankful
  6. the perimeter of a circle
  7. a travelling company of acrobats and clowns
  8. a condition
  9. Country of NE Africa

18 Clues: a conditionCountry of N Europecourteous, good willCountry of NE Africaa perfectly round objectof or pertaining to birthquality of being thankfulthe perimeter of a circlesomething containing graceCountry of NE South Americasomething related to a placeRepublic of W central Europea not so circular line or routesomething from or related to nature...

Endocrine System 2022-03-24

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. Hormone gland in the neck
  2. Liking water nature
  3. Brain part important for hormones
  4. Hormone that stimulates secretion of other hormones
  5. Secretion directly to bloodstream
  6. Hormone to make breast grow and produce milk
  7. Secretion to ephitelial surface
  1. Small gland located below the hypothalamus
  2. Disliking water nature
  3. Deficiency of adrenal hormones
  4. Hormone to lower blood sugar levels
  5. Other name for ADH
  6. Secretion of hormone that binds to the secretor
  7. Sleep pattern hormone
  8. Secretion of hormone that binds to cells near the secretor

15 Clues: Other name for ADHLiking water natureSleep pattern hormoneDisliking water natureHormone gland in the neckDeficiency of adrenal hormonesSecretion to ephitelial surfaceBrain part important for hormonesSecretion directly to bloodstreamHormone to lower blood sugar levelsSmall gland located below the hypothalamus...

Eliza's Crossword of Awesomeness 2021-05-28

Eliza's Crossword of Awesomeness crossword puzzle
  1. Small creatures who can jump high.
  2. Green lemon.
  3. Animal that change colour.
  4. A pink fruit.
  5. An animal with a strong shell.
  6. The colour of nature.
  7. What is Gargamel cat's name.
  1. Animal in Mario.
  2. How many apples do they say a smurf is.
  3. An energy drink.
  4. Minecraft mob who blows up.
  5. What colour is a smurf.
  6. What dollar bill is Abraham Lincoln on.
  7. Something green in nature.

14 Clues: Green lemon.A pink fruit.Animal in Mario.An energy drink.The colour of nature.What colour is a smurf.Animal that change colour.Something green in nature.Minecraft mob who blows up.What is Gargamel cat's name.An animal with a strong shell.Small creatures who can jump high.How many apples do they say a smurf is.What dollar bill is Abraham Lincoln on.


  1. Desire.
  2. A concept central to Bentham's political thought.
  3. Pain and pleasure are its sovereign masters.
  4. Not interested in making money.
  5. Pope Francis.
  6. Someone who has written many books.
  7. A Greek letter.
  8. No need for a professional.
  1. They are the only true reality according to Bentham.
  2. The study of the nature of man.
  3. Support.
  4. Lord Kitchener.
  5. Bentham's mummified body still attends its meetings.
  6. It is nothing beyond its individual members.
  7. A positive visual representation of utilitarianism.
  8. The greatest good for the greatest number.
  9. Paley thought that that is what is behind human nature.

17 Clues: Desire.Support.Pope Francis.A Greek letter.Lord Kitchener. No need for a professional.The study of the nature of man.Not interested in making money.Someone who has written many books.The greatest good for the greatest number.Pain and pleasure are its sovereign masters.It is nothing beyond its individual members....

Crossword Puzzle 2020-10-20

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. chapters
  2. large
  3. rain
  4. science
  5. a class ___
  6. art
  7. fall
  8. DVD
  9. 1st day of the week
  10. Gym
  11. smart
  12. meal
  1. superbowl
  2. beef
  3. sunny
  4. headphones
  5. nature
  6. math
  7. weekend
  8. maid

20 Clues: artDVDGymbeefrainmathfallmaidmealsunnylargesmartnaturescienceweekendchapterssuperbowlheadphonesa class ___1st day of the week

La naturaleza Senderos 3 Lec1 2021-04-17

La naturaleza Senderos 3 Lec1 crossword puzzle
  1. desert
  2. volcano
  3. lake
  4. stone
  5. trail/ path
  6. moon
  7. nature
  8. land/soil
  9. sky
  10. valley
  1. forest
  2. flower
  3. tree
  4. jungle
  5. cloud
  6. crater
  7. grass
  8. plant
  9. river
  10. sun
  11. star

21 Clues: sunskytreelakemoonstarcloudgrassstoneplantriverforestflowerdesertjunglecraternaturevalleyvolcanoland/soiltrail/ path

La naturaleza Senderos3 Lec1 2021-04-17

La naturaleza Senderos3 Lec1 crossword puzzle
  1. volcano
  2. cloud
  3. star
  4. nature
  5. grass
  6. sun
  7. valley
  8. lake
  9. desert
  1. plant
  2. tree
  3. stone
  4. crater
  5. trail/ path
  6. flower
  7. land/soil
  8. moon
  9. jungle
  10. sky
  11. river
  12. forest

21 Clues: skysuntreestarmoonlakeplantstonecloudrivergrasscraterflowerjunglenatureforestvalleydesertvolcanoland/soiltrail/ path

spelling thing 2020-09-01

spelling thing crossword puzzle
  1. incorrect act
  2. strain
  3. camera
  4. fun
  5. field
  6. after
  7. forest
  8. maker
  9. man with net
  10. relaxation
  1. question
  2. harm
  3. civilization
  4. mix
  5. hostage
  6. high school
  7. ruler
  8. cash
  9. professor
  10. american farmer

20 Clues: mixfunharmcashrulerfieldaftermakerstraincameraforesthostagequestionprofessorrelaxationhigh schoolcivilizationman with netincorrect actamerican farmer

French Crossword 2020-09-09

French Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. quiet, calm
  2. near
  3. park
  4. bistro
  5. evening
  6. bus station
  7. far
  8. zoo
  9. people
  10. nice, pleasant
  11. cinema
  1. pollution
  2. church
  3. historical
  4. nature
  5. stadium
  6. summer
  7. really
  8. police station
  9. lake

20 Clues: farzoonearparklakechurchnaturesummerreallybistropeoplecinemastadiumeveningpollutionhistoricalquiet, calmbus stationpolice stationnice, pleasant

Sustainability 2019-05-02

Sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. East
  2. rinos
  3. stripes
  4. strength
  5. territory
  6. trampoline
  7. potion
  8. herb
  1. wildlife
  2. movements
  3. weather
  4. beings
  5. statue
  6. paper
  7. sunscreen
  8. school
  9. flowers
  10. summer
  11. mammals
  12. create
  13. crossings
  14. trees

22 Clues: Eastherbpaperrinostreesbeingsstatueschoolsummercreatepotionweatherstripesflowersmammalswildlifestrengthmovementssunscreenterritorycrossingstrampoline

Vocabulario Crossword 2023-03-09

Vocabulario Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. cloud
  2. government
  3. whale
  4. grass
  5. ecologist
  6. hunt
  7. develop
  8. stone
  9. desert
  10. avoid
  11. flower
  1. plant
  2. pollute
  3. law
  4. star
  5. lake
  6. to improve
  7. recycle
  8. protect
  9. nature
  10. to destroy

21 Clues: lawstarlakehuntplantcloudwhalegrassstoneavoidnaturedesertflowerpolluterecycleprotectdevelopecologistgovernmentto improveto destroy

La Primavera 2023-04-05

La Primavera crossword puzzle
  1. flowers
  2. rainbow
  3. green
  4. nature
  5. tulips
  6. garden
  7. to play
  8. spring
  9. sun
  10. April
  11. butterfly
  1. bee
  2. sports
  3. rain
  4. rabbit
  5. mountains
  6. frog
  7. umbrella
  8. trees
  9. May
  10. ladybug
  11. March

22 Clues: beeMaysunrainfroggreentreesAprilMarchsportsrabbitnaturetulipsgardenspringflowersrainbowto playladybugumbrellamountainsbutterfly

ЛЕТО 2024-06-21

ЛЕТО crossword puzzle
  7. VILLE
  8. OCEAN
  9. PLAGE
  10. NUAGE
  1. VENT
  4. LAC
  5. MER
  7. CIEL
  10. FORÊT


Choice Board Vocab 2024-10-17

Choice Board Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. crater
  2. plant
  3. moon
  4. desert
  5. tree
  6. star
  7. jungle
  8. grass
  9. (tropical; rain) forest
  10. sky
  1. trail; path
  2. stone
  3. nature
  4. flower
  5. valley
  6. sun
  7. land soil
  8. river
  9. cloud
  10. lake

20 Clues: sunskymoontreestarlakestoneplantgrassrivercloudnaturecraterflowervalleydesertjungleland soiltrail; path(tropical; rain) forest


  1. It is nothing beyond its individual members.
  2. Desire.
  3. Pain and pleasure are its sovereign masters.
  4. Paley thought that that is what is behind human nature.
  5. The study of the nature of man.
  6. Pope Francis.
  7. The greatest good for the greatest number.
  8. A concept central to Bentham's political thought.
  1. No need for a professional.
  2. Bentham's mummified body still attends its meetings.
  3. They are the only true reality according to Bentham.
  4. Support.
  5. Lord Kitchener.
  6. Someone who has written many books.
  7. A Greek letter.
  8. A positive visual representation of utilitarianism.
  9. Not interested in making money.

17 Clues: Desire.Support.Pope Francis.A Greek letter.Lord Kitchener. No need for a professional.The study of the nature of man.Not interested in making money.Someone who has written many books.The greatest good for the greatest number.It is nothing beyond its individual members.Pain and pleasure are its sovereign masters....

Dán do Lara 2023-05-09

Dán do Lara crossword puzzle
  1. birds
  2. field
  3. rabbits
  4. lark
  5. playing
  6. sweetvoice
  7. bees
  8. daughter
  9. daisies
  10. ashtree
  1. goldfinch
  2. blackbird
  3. fatherlylove
  4. lovely
  5. onfire
  6. nature
  7. animals

17 Clues: larkbeesbirdsfieldlovelyonfirenaturerabbitsplayingdaisiesashtreeanimalsdaughtergoldfinchblackbirdsweetvoicefatherlylove

The nature of science 2019-05-20

The nature of science crossword puzzle
  1. ____ is a measurement of the quantity of matter in an object.
  2. if you want to know the ______ of a solid object, you measure it’s length,width, and height.
  3. A _______ is a possible explanation for a problem using what you know and what you observed.
  4. A _______ is the quantity that can have more then one _______.
  5. variable A _________ variable because it’s value changes according to the changes in the other variables.
  6. ______ is anything that takes up space.
  7. variable an ___________ variable is the microgravity in the variable.
  8. A ____ occurs when the scientists experimentations change how the results are analyzed.
  1. A _____ represents an idea, event, or object to help people to better under stand it.
  2. a _____ isa visual display of information or data.
  3. a ________ variable is the microgravity experiments used the same soil and type of plant.
  4. An _______ is a series of tests of one thing and it’s effects.
  5. A ________ is an exact quantity that people agree to use to compare measurements.
  6. the __ units are from the French.
  7. law A _________ law is a statement about what happens in nature that seems to be true.
  8. A ______ is an explanation of things or events based on knowledge gained from many observations and investigations.
  9. _______ is the mass per unit volume of a material.

17 Clues: the __ units are from the French.______ is anything that takes up space.a _____ isa visual display of information or data._______ is the mass per unit volume of a material.____ is a measurement of the quantity of matter in an object.An _______ is a series of tests of one thing and it’s effects....

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve 2013-06-13

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve crossword puzzle
  1. The forest provides many products useful to Man like ________________ poles for drying our clothes
  2. The Malayan __________________ also known as the flying lemur has membranes between its legs and tail, enabling to glide from tree to tree
  3. In the closed forest canopy, fruit eating animals are the main _________________ agents. Without them, some plant species with eventually become extinct.
  4. Many rainforest species have __________________ leaf tips known as drip tips to drain off water quickly
  5. The ___________________ has a long tubular mouth and long tongue that allows it to reach far into any mounds
  6. _____________ hoist themselves toward the light in the forest canopy by means of twining stems, hooks, tendrils, spines and root suckers
  7. For a better chance of survival, fruits and seeds move away from the _________________ plant to reduce competition and to expand the range of the species
  8. There are ____________-_________________ species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
  9. Bukit Timah is Singapore's ______________ hill.
  10. Plants depend on ____________________ to make food but with only one percent of it reaches the forest floor, the competition for it in the forest is intense
  1. The Common ____________ Civet's diet consists mainly of fruits and occasional small animals
  2. Plant species growing in the swamps have ________________ roots to take in air from the ground and also provide support to the trees
  3. Beetles fed on the _________________ of early cycads and were the first to be used by flowering plants before the evolution of nectar that involved bees, flies, butterflies and birds
  4. Animals in the forest ______________________ themselves prevent predators from eating them
  5. The _______________ layer is made up of forest giants with height soaring to 71-80 metros
  6. The rainforest is able to thrive by storing most of the ________________ in its ecosystem
  7. ___________________ and discriminate clearing of forests in the early years that led to the extinction of many of the larger mammals

17 Clues: Bukit Timah is Singapore's ______________ hill.The _______________ layer is made up of forest giants with height soaring to 71-80 metrosThe rainforest is able to thrive by storing most of the ________________ in its ecosystemAnimals in the forest ______________________ themselves prevent predators from eating them...

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve 2013-06-13

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve crossword puzzle
  1. The Common ____________ Civet's diet consists mainly of fruits and occasional small animals
  2. The ___________________ has a long tubular mouth and long tongue that allows it to reach far into any mounds
  3. The forest provides many products useful to Man like ________________ poles for drying our clothes
  4. ___________________ and discriminate clearing of forests in the early years that led to the extinction of many of the larger mammals
  5. In the closed forest canopy, fruit eating animals are the main _________________ agents. Without them, some plant species with eventually become extinct.
  6. There are ____________-_________________ species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
  7. The Malayan __________________ also known as the flying lemur has membranes between its legs and tail, enabling to glide from tree to tree
  8. The rainforest is able to thrive by storing most of the ________________ in its ecosystem
  1. The _______________ layer is made up of forest giants with height soaring to 71-80 metros
  2. For a better chance of survival, fruits and seeds move away from the _________________ plant to reduce competition and to expand the range of the species
  3. Beetles fed on the _________________ of early cycads and were the first to be used by flowering plants before the evolution of nectar that involved bees, flies, butterflies and birds
  4. _____________ hoist themselves toward the light in the forest canopy by means of twining stems, hooks, tendrils, spines and root suckers
  5. Animals in the forest ______________________ themselves prevent predators from eating them
  6. Plant species growing in the swamps have ________________ roots to take in air from the ground and also provide support to the trees
  7. Many rainforest species have __________________ leaf tips known as drip tips to drain off water quickly
  8. Bukit Timah is Singapore's ______________ hill.
  9. Plants depend on ____________________ to make food but with only one percent of it reaches the forest floor, the competition for it in the forest is intense

17 Clues: Bukit Timah is Singapore's ______________ hill.The _______________ layer is made up of forest giants with height soaring to 71-80 metrosThe rainforest is able to thrive by storing most of the ________________ in its ecosystemAnimals in the forest ______________________ themselves prevent predators from eating them...

ENA 7 Finnish nature 2024-10-21

ENA 7 Finnish nature crossword puzzle
  1. skata
  2. björk
  3. gädda
  4. padda
  5. varg
  6. älg
  7. huggorm
  8. kråka
  1. nyckelpiga
  2. abborre
  3. maskros
  4. gran
  5. tall
  6. pil
  7. hjortron
  8. ås
  9. sädesärla

17 Clues: åspilälggrantallvargskatabjörkgäddapaddakråkaabborremaskroshuggormhjortronsädesärlanyckelpiga

Values/Morals 2021-02-23

Values/Morals crossword puzzle
  1. Fortune
  2. Affection
  3. Enjoyable
  4. Quest
  5. Obligation
  6. Fame
  7. Serenity
  8. Wildlife
  1. Data
  2. Relatives
  3. Associates
  4. time Spare Time
  5. Variation
  6. Liberty
  7. Standards
  8. Appreciation
  9. Supremacy
  10. Accomplishments

18 Clues: DataFameQuestFortuneLibertySerenityWildlifeRelativesAffectionEnjoyableVariationStandardsSupremacyAssociatesObligationAppreciationAccomplishmentstime Spare Time

list 37 2018-11-12

list 37 crossword puzzle
  1. live
  2. hand
  3. mind
  4. sight
  5. under
  6. full of
  7. together
  8. small
  9. out
  1. death
  2. doctrine
  3. nephew
  4. nature of
  5. good
  6. breath
  7. sit
  8. make
  9. light

18 Clues: sitoutlivehandmindgoodmakedeathsightundersmalllightnephewbreathfull ofdoctrinetogethernature of

American Transcendentalism 2024-12-13

American Transcendentalism crossword puzzle
  1. Essay about voicing your disagreement in nonviolent ways
  2. Going against society's expectations
  3. The transcendentalists wanted to abolish this
  4. Essay against conforming to society's expectations
  5. Arrested for not paying taxes
  6. She was the editor of The Dial and died young in a shipwreck
  7. Philosophy that favors freedom of action for individuals over state control
  1. War that Thoreau protested
  2. Literary movement from the 1800's that wrote about nature and social progress
  3. Emerson's metaphor for being nothing and seeing all is becoming a transparent one of these
  4. Wrote the essays "Nature" and "Self-Reliance"
  5. Essay about the spiritual power of being outside

12 Clues: War that Thoreau protestedArrested for not paying taxesGoing against society's expectationsThe transcendentalists wanted to abolish thisWrote the essays "Nature" and "Self-Reliance"Essay about the spiritual power of being outsideEssay against conforming to society's expectationsEssay about voicing your disagreement in nonviolent ways...

sustainability 2018-07-31

sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. is stem
  2. is good for you
  3. is a strong building
  4. is a person studying
  1. a growing thing
  2. something that is cute
  3. something you play with
  4. a person
  5. is nature
  6. the environment

10 Clues: is stema personis naturea growing thingthe environmentis good for youis a strong buildingis a person studyingsomething that is cutesomething you play with

Braiding Sweetgrass 2020-12-03

Braiding Sweetgrass crossword puzzle
  1. prayer for honoring and expressing gratitude for the gifts of nature
  2. sacred to indigenous people, thought of as the hair of Mother Earth
  3. guide or lens in which we can see the sacred
  4. the idea that the relationship with nature is mutual and symbiotic
  1. indigenous principles for harvesting and respecting the gifts of nature
  2. legendary monster that is characterized by endless greed
  3. creation story, show the positive relationship between humans and nature
  4. guide for living positively and harmoniously with nature

8 Clues: guide or lens in which we can see the sacredlegendary monster that is characterized by endless greedguide for living positively and harmoniously with naturethe idea that the relationship with nature is mutual and symbioticsacred to indigenous people, thought of as the hair of Mother Earth...

sustainability 2019-10-31

sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. is animals homes
  2. is hot or cold
  3. is plants
  4. show you where you are going
  5. is art
  6. child protection
  1. are beautiful nature
  2. are the best lines
  3. is explosive
  4. are friendly creatures

10 Clues: is artis plantsis explosiveis hot or coldis animals homeschild protectionare the best linesare beautiful natureare friendly creaturesshow you where you are going

Mark of Athena Book project term one by Abby Funkhouser 2015-09-22

Mark of Athena Book project term one by Abby Funkhouser crossword puzzle
  1. Bog.
  2. A nation of all female warriors.
  3. A short sword.
  4. The silver coin of Ancient Greece.
  5. Silver.
  6. A magical force that disguises things from mortals.
  7. A Greek forest god, half goat, half man.
  8. A possessing spirit.
  9. Gigantic serpent.
  10. A race of creatures that is half horse, half man.
  1. A rare metal that is deadly to monsters.
  2. Spirit of the abyss, father of the giants, Gaea's husband.
  3. The most common form of Roman currency.
  4. Gold.
  5. A female nature deity who animates nature.
  6. Grain spirits.
  7. An elected Roman magistrate and commander of the army.

17 Clues: Bog.Gold.Silver.A short sword.Grain spirits.Gigantic serpent.A possessing spirit.A nation of all female warriors.The silver coin of Ancient Greece.The most common form of Roman currency.A rare metal that is deadly to monsters.A Greek forest god, half goat, half man.A female nature deity who animates nature....

Sky high p. 96 98 itay idan ido 2021-06-10

Sky high p. 96 98 itay  idan ido crossword puzzle
  1. לנוח
  2. ברקים
  3. לב
  4. אלף
  5. צל
  6. לשבור
  7. להאכיל
  8. תענוג
  9. סופה
  1. טרי
  2. עור
  3. חיים
  4. טבע
  5. בכעס
  6. עמק
  7. נתן,איפשר
  8. קרקע

17 Clues: לבצלטריעורטבעאלףעמקלנוחחייםבכעסקרקעסופהברקיםלשבורתענוגלהאכילנתן,איפשר

Mike and Xavier crossword 2019-05-08

Mike and Xavier crossword crossword puzzle
  1. when you talk a lot
  2. like to Make clothing
  3. a really smart people
  4. Mother Nature brought it to us
  5. a nice breeze
  6. a living thing instead of us
  7. plants and trees
  1. h2o water
  2. a plase you bond with
  3. you get it from school
  4. heat and cold and dry and rain
  5. first aid
  6. Test it is something that kids hate

13 Clues: h2o waterfirst aida nice breezeplants and treeswhen you talk a lota plase you bond withlike to Make clothinga really smart peopleyou get it from schoola living thing instead of usheat and cold and dry and rainMother Nature brought it to usTest it is something that kids hate

Chapter 13 2024-01-29

Chapter 13 crossword puzzle
  1. dog
  2. nature
  3. ecology
  4. law
  5. turtle
  6. cow
  7. star
  8. desert
  9. solution
  10. sky
  1. path/trail
  2. jungle
  3. moon
  4. whale
  5. soil/land
  6. cat
  7. valley
  8. danger

18 Clues: doglawcatcowskymoonstarwhalejunglenatureturtlevalleydangerdesertecologysolutionsoil/landpath/trail

Earth Day Quotes 2021-04-21

Earth Day Quotes crossword puzzle
  1. This primatologist said that everything we do has an impact on the planet
  2. What president tells us to take care of our soil?
  3. Where does P.B. Shelley tell us to go?
  4. John Ruskin says nature does this for us
  5. What does G.B.Shaw say is necessary for progress?
  6. What poet cautions us that our planet may become intolerable to live on
  7. This president said that nature is a common language
  8. This African American scientist loves sunrises
  1. Tolstoy says this is the result of the link between man and nature
  2. Who said that planting trees is an act of love?
  3. If thoughtful, who does Margaret Mead say will change the world?
  4. What mother cautions us against being wasteful?
  5. Where is time spent never wasted?
  6. Wisconsin senator Nelson says we must do this for future generations
  7. Pope John Paul II says this is necessary to protect Earth for future generations

15 Clues: Where is time spent never wasted?Where does P.B. Shelley tell us to go?John Ruskin says nature does this for usThis African American scientist loves sunrisesWho said that planting trees is an act of love?What mother cautions us against being wasteful?What president tells us to take care of our soil?What does G.B.Shaw say is necessary for progress?...


ACCOUNTS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Excess of expenditure over income
  2. token payment made to a person who has voluntarily undertaken a service which is normally rendered for a fee
  3. Excess of assets over liabilities of a NPO
  4. Nature of income and expenditure account
  5. amount received as donation by a not for profit organisation under will of a deceased person
  6. nature of items of income and expenditure account
  7. received for a specific purpose is a capital receipt and is shown in the balance sheet
  8. amount paid by the members of the NPO on periodical basis so that their membership remain alive
  9. excess of of income over expenditure
  1. Subscription received in advance during the current year is
  2. Which entities is income and expenditure account prepared
  3. On which basis income and expenditure account is prepared
  4. On which basis receipts and payments account is prepared
  5. title of the account which shows surplus deficit of NPO
  6. nature of receipts and payment account

15 Clues: Excess of expenditure over incomeexcess of of income over expenditurenature of receipts and payment accountNature of income and expenditure accountExcess of assets over liabilities of a NPOnature of items of income and expenditure accounttitle of the account which shows surplus deficit of NPOOn which basis receipts and payments account is prepared...

Zoologist Engineers 2018-03-04

Zoologist Engineers crossword puzzle
  1. What live in zoos
  2. an animals environment
  3. artificial habitat
  1. before building
  2. the freedom of an animal in nature
  3. designer/builder
  4. untouched nature
  5. to become an engineer
  6. an animals habitat
  7. visit animals

10 Clues: visit animalsbefore buildingdesigner/builderuntouched natureWhat live in zoosan animals habitatartificial habitatto become an engineeran animals environmentthe freedom of an animal in nature

Crossword puzzle jackson 13 2013-04-09

Crossword puzzle                                 jackson 13 crossword puzzle
  1. reuse something
  2. to be supportive to nature
  3. clearing a forest
  1. keeping things in nature safe
  2. fuels liquids that harm nature
  3. restoration and protection of the environment
  4. risk of being alive
  5. fresh

8 Clues: freshreuse somethingclearing a forestrisk of being aliveto be supportive to naturekeeping things in nature safefuels liquids that harm naturerestoration and protection of the environment

Hobbesian Effect 2024-11-26

Hobbesian Effect crossword puzzle
  1. Hobbes' description of perpetual conflict in the state of nature.
  2. Philosophy Hobbes aligned with, emphasizing physical matter over spiritual essence.
  3. The basis of legitimacy for authority, according to Hobbes' contract theory.
  4. Adjective describing Hobbes' view of human nature.
  5. Hobbes' preferred form of government for maintaining order.
  6. Hobbes defined this as the absence of external impediments.
  7. Agreement among individuals to form a society and relinquish certain freedoms.
  1. The central authority Hobbes believed was necessary to avoid chaos.
  2. Hobbes' 1651 masterpiece discussing the social contract.
  3. Hobbes' primary motivator for individuals to seek peace.
  4. Hobbes' hypothetical condition where life is 'solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
  5. The primary reason Hobbes argued for the establishment of a sovereign.
  6. What Hobbes believed drives human behavior in the absence of laws.
  7. What Hobbes believed individuals owe the sovereign in return for protection.
  8. The faculty Hobbes believed humans use to escape the state of nature.

15 Clues: Adjective describing Hobbes' view of human nature.Hobbes' 1651 masterpiece discussing the social contract.Hobbes' primary motivator for individuals to seek peace.Hobbes' preferred form of government for maintaining order.Hobbes defined this as the absence of external impediments.Hobbes' description of perpetual conflict in the state of nature....

Unit 31 2021-05-30

Unit 31 crossword puzzle
  1. something related to a place
  2. Country of NE South America
  3. a phenomena of Earth which contains insects, wild life, trees, plants, and landscape
  4. something from or related to nature
  5. to move freely through a closed system or area
  6. a perfectly round object
  7. courteous, good will
  8. a not so circular line or route
  9. Country of N Europe
  1. of or pertaining to birth
  2. something that is similar to a circle
  3. Republic of W central Europe
  4. something containing grace
  5. quality of being thankful
  6. the perimeter of a circle
  7. a travelling company of acrobats and clowns
  8. a condition
  9. Country of NE Africa

18 Clues: a conditionCountry of N Europecourteous, good willCountry of NE Africaa perfectly round objectof or pertaining to birthquality of being thankfulthe perimeter of a circlesomething containing graceCountry of NE South Americasomething related to a placeRepublic of W central Europea not so circular line or routesomething from or related to nature...

Important words about the environment. 2021-03-09

Important words about the environment. crossword puzzle
  1. - The part of the earth that is not covered by water.
  2. - The big city.
  3. - The countryside.
  4. - A variety of plant and animal life in an area.
  5. - A community of living things that live. together.
  6. - Another (nice)name for the earth/nature.
  1. - Something that harms nature.
  2. - The thing that surrounds us.
  3. - What is outside?

9 Clues: - The big city.- What is outside?- The countryside.- Something that harms nature.- The thing that surrounds us.- Another (nice)name for the earth/nature.- A variety of plant and animal life in an area.- A community of living things that live. together.- The part of the earth that is not covered by water.

philiosophy 2016-10-19

philiosophy crossword puzzle
  1. / the study of human existence
  2. / the study of the science off reasoning
  3. / the study of the nature of reality
  4. / the study of the nature of God
  5. / the study of the nature of reality
  1. / the study of knowledge
  2. / the study of social institutions
  3. / the study of being
  4. / the study of the nature of beauty
  5. / the study of moral judgment

10 Clues: / the study of being/ the study of knowledge/ the study of moral judgment/ the study of human existence/ the study of the nature of God/ the study of social institutions/ the study of the nature of beauty/ the study of the nature of reality/ the study of the nature of reality/ the study of the science off reasoning


DIARY OF A TUMBLR KID crossword puzzle
  1. everything but straight
  2. a way of being in-between time and space
  3. nature-centered
  4. not digital
  5. a personal log
  6. wet motion
  1. the system that challenges and dissects constructions
  2. the reality we live in
  3. the start of everything
  4. not physical
  5. women's best friend

11 Clues: wet motionnot digitalnot physicala personal lognature-centeredwomen's best friendthe reality we live inthe start of everythingeverything but straighta way of being in-between time and spacethe system that challenges and dissects constructions

Ralph Waldo Emerson's Work 2013-05-29

Ralph Waldo Emerson's Work crossword puzzle
  1. The human soul and personal ego
  2. Released in 1841, nonconformity and individualism
  3. Beauty of nature, a purple flower
  4. The foundation of Transcendentalism, released anonymously in 1836
  1. America is still heavily influenced by Europe, need a distinct American identity
  2. Literary magazine released in 1840 with cofounders Margaret Fuller and George Ripley
  3. Commemorating the Battle of Concord in the American Revolution
  4. America needs a unique American poet to write about American ideals
  5. Hindu god of creation
  6. People should not overintellectualize life, no utopias
  7. Philisophical view of circles in nature

11 Clues: Hindu god of creationThe human soul and personal egoBeauty of nature, a purple flowerPhilisophical view of circles in natureReleased in 1841, nonconformity and individualismPeople should not overintellectualize life, no utopiasCommemorating the Battle of Concord in the American Revolution...

National Poetry Month 2023-04-24

National Poetry Month crossword puzzle
  1. a form of literary expression that uses aesthetic and rhythmic language to evoke emotion and convey complex ideas.
  2. A type of poem that expresses feelings
  3. A poem that is written to honor someone or something.
  4. A poem that celebrates nature
  5. A type of poetry that focuses on the beauty of nature
  6. The month in which National Poetry Month is celebrated
  7. The author of a poem
  8. A poem that expresses grief or sadness
  1. The repetition of consonant sounds in poetry
  2. A popular Japanese form of poetry that has three lines and a 5-7-5 syllable pattern
  3. A group of lines in a poem
  4. A group of poems in a book or by a poet
  5. A poem with 14 lines and a specific rhyme scheme
  6. A poem that tells a story
  7. A type of poem with three lines and a 5-7-5 syllable pattern
  8. The term used to describe the pattern of beats in a poem

16 Clues: The author of a poemA poem that tells a storyA group of lines in a poemA poem that celebrates natureA type of poem that expresses feelingsA poem that expresses grief or sadnessA group of poems in a book or by a poetThe repetition of consonant sounds in poetryA poem with 14 lines and a specific rhyme scheme...

Pachamama puzzle 2023-01-30

Pachamama puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what spain converted the inca into after an invasion
  2. an animal that we sacrifice to mother nature in two ways
  3. drink used in worship of pachamama
  4. what pachamama turns into when disrespected
  5. the second largest nation in south amarica where pachamama is worshipped as one of the most sacred goddesses
  6. a place that begins with a p where pachamama is worshipped as one of the most sacred goddesses
  7. a long pacific costal nation where pachamama is worshipped as one of the most sacred goddesses
  8. son of Pachamama
  9. mountians where belief of pachamama originates
  10. a place in the equator where pachamama is worshipped as one of the most sacred goddesses
  1. a place that has no ocean access where pachamama is worshipped as one of the most sacred goddesses
  2. daughter of pachamama
  3. what shes the goddess of
  4. another name for Mother Nature
  5. what pachamama creates when nature is disrespected

15 Clues: son of Pachamamadaughter of pachamamawhat shes the goddess ofanother name for Mother Naturedrink used in worship of pachamamawhat pachamama turns into when disrespectedmountians where belief of pachamama originateswhat pachamama creates when nature is disrespectedwhat spain converted the inca into after an invasion...

Outdoors 2024-03-25

Outdoors crossword puzzle
  1. A sport involving clubs and small balls
  2. All you can eat food
  3. Used in exchange of goods
  4. A sport with rackets
  5. When you are too hot
  6. A long walk in nature
  7. An insect that bites
  8. A game with a ball
  1. A very big hill
  2. To be in nature
  3. A video game
  4. A thing that a person or group do
  5. A circular line

13 Clues: A video gameA very big hillTo be in natureA circular lineA game with a ballAll you can eat foodA sport with racketsWhen you are too hotAn insect that bitesA long walk in natureUsed in exchange of goodsA thing that a person or group doA sport involving clubs and small balls

Unit 31 2021-05-30

Unit 31 crossword puzzle
  1. something related to a place
  2. Country of NE South America
  3. a phenomena of Earth which contains insects, wild life, trees, plants, and landscape
  4. something from or related to nature
  5. to move freely through a closed system or area
  6. a perfectly round object
  7. courteous, good will
  8. a not so circular line or route
  9. Country of N Europe
  1. of or pertaining to birth
  2. something that is similar to a circle
  3. Republic of W central Europe
  4. something containing grace
  5. quality of being thankful
  6. the perimeter of a circle
  7. a travelling company of acrobats and clowns
  8. a condition
  9. Country of NE Africa

18 Clues: a conditionCountry of N Europecourteous, good willCountry of NE Africaa perfectly round objectof or pertaining to birthquality of being thankfulthe perimeter of a circlesomething containing graceCountry of NE South Americasomething related to a placeRepublic of W central Europea not so circular line or routesomething from or related to nature...

ACP Vocab 2014-05-28

ACP Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. how long you are expected to live
  2. places where people pray
  3. shared laws or customs around the world
  4. number of people in an area
  5. example cultural diffusion, in texas
  6. average 1 person makes per year
  7. economy with subsistence farming
  1. changing yourself to fit nature
  2. korea with low standard of living and dictator
  3. the natural resource people settle near
  4. spread of ideas from one place to another
  5. helps to spread cultural diffusion
  6. in free enterprise economies, low prices
  7. korea with high standard of living
  8. example of a modification
  9. for flooding and electricity, modification
  10. changing nature
  11. example of cultural diffusion, superhero

18 Clues: changing natureplaces where people prayexample of a modificationnumber of people in an areachanging yourself to fit natureaverage 1 person makes per yeareconomy with subsistence farminghow long you are expected to livehelps to spread cultural diffusionkorea with high standard of livingexample cultural diffusion, in texas...

Spanish Ocean Terms 2021-12-09

Spanish Ocean Terms crossword puzzle
  1. To relax
  2. Beach
  3. Raft
  4. Nature
  5. Water
  6. Flower
  7. Trip
  8. To travel
  9. Sunscreen
  10. To swim
  1. To scuba dive
  2. Reef
  3. Squid
  4. Summer
  5. Sand
  6. Boat
  7. Lighthouse
  8. Shell
  9. Coast

19 Clues: ReefRaftSandBoatTripSquidBeachWaterShellCoastSummerNatureFlowerTo swimTo relaxTo travelSunscreenLighthouseTo scuba dive

Spotlight 8, unit 8, Log on 2017-04-05

Spotlight 8, unit 8, Log on crossword puzzle
  1. tehdä mieli
  2. kierrättää
  3. kasvispitsa
  4. kirpputori
  5. valittaa
  6. huivit
  7. muutama
  8. tuunata
  1. luonto
  2. nopeasti
  3. reilu kauppa
  4. kiusaaminen
  5. ympäristö
  6. käsineet
  7. pari
  8. ryhmäpaine
  9. luomu
  10. harrastus
  11. käyttää uudelleen

19 Clues: pariluomuluontohuivitmuutamatuunatanopeastikäsineetvalittaaympäristöharrastuskierrättääryhmäpainekirpputoritehdä mielikiusaaminenkasvispitsareilu kauppakäyttää uudelleen