nature Crossword Puzzles

Spotlight 8, unit 8, Log on 2017-04-05

Spotlight 8, unit 8, Log on crossword puzzle
  1. tehdä mieli
  2. kierrättää
  3. kasvispitsa
  4. kirpputori
  5. valittaa
  6. huivit
  7. muutama
  8. tuunata
  1. luonto
  2. nopeasti
  3. reilu kauppa
  4. kiusaaminen
  5. ympäristö
  6. käsineet
  7. pari
  8. ryhmäpaine
  9. luomu
  10. harrastus
  11. käyttää uudelleen

19 Clues: pariluomuluontohuivitmuutamatuunatanopeastikäsineetvalittaaympäristöharrastuskierrättääryhmäpainekirpputoritehdä mielikiusaaminenkasvispitsareilu kauppakäyttää uudelleen

hatchet 2021-03-19

hatchet crossword puzzle
  1. odwo
  2. elsrtut
  3. areutn
  4. tesre
  5. nrbia
  6. pltnas
  7. frei
  8. eanpl
  9. csrah
  10. idrb
  1. hathtec
  2. wflo
  3. abitbr
  4. sapre
  5. klae(answer is not kale)
  6. esetlrh
  7. eetscr
  8. smeoo
  9. ishf

19 Clues: odwowflofreiishfidrbtesresaprenrbiasmeooeanplcsrahareutnabitbrpltnaseetscrhathtecelsrtutesetlrhklae(answer is not kale)

Health 2022-09-12

Health crossword puzzle
  1. something developed from nature
  2. where you live in
  3. cleanliness
  4. a long term disease
  5. something you can catch
  6. Qualities passed down through generations
  1. warming of the globe through pollution
  2. a short term disease
  3. a disease that you can't catch
  4. a disease that you can catch
  5. something passed down through generations
  6. Public support for a particular cause

12 Clues: cleanlinesswhere you live ina long term diseasea short term diseasesomething you can catcha disease that you can catcha disease that you can't catchsomething developed from naturePublic support for a particular causewarming of the globe through pollutionsomething passed down through generationsQualities passed down through generations

Spring 2024-03-25

Spring crossword puzzle
  1. Colorful arch after a rain.
  2. Temperature trend in this season.
  3. Start of a new cycle in nature.
  4. Insects associated with spring.
  5. Flowers opening up.
  6. Season of new beginnings.
  1. Outdoor activity in this season.
  2. Everywhere after winter.
  3. What plants do in spring.
  4. Awakening of nature.
  5. Yellow spring flowers.
  6. Rainy weather in this season.

12 Clues: Flowers opening up.Awakening of nature.Yellow spring flowers.Everywhere after winter.What plants do in spring.Season of new beginnings.Colorful arch after a rain.Rainy weather in this season.Start of a new cycle in nature.Insects associated with spring.Outdoor activity in this season.Temperature trend in this season.

The Wicked Cannot Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven 2024-01-27

The Wicked Cannot Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven crossword puzzle
  1. let us always seek God’s ___
  2. we should not do this to the word of God on our own
  3. “..Bad company corrupts good ___”
  4. God has never taught us to do this
  5. an act of the sinful nature
  1. Satan does this to the Word of God
  2. The people of ___ will not inherit Heaven if they pursue the sinful nature
  3. “___ God with your body”
  4. those who live by the sinful nature cannot become this
  5. Let your righteousness surpass that of the ____
  6. it is written “Be ___, because I am ___”

11 Clues: “___ God with your body”an act of the sinful naturelet us always seek God’s ___“..Bad company corrupts good ___”Satan does this to the Word of GodGod has never taught us to do thisit is written “Be ___, because I am ___”Let your righteousness surpass that of the ____we should not do this to the word of God on our own...

8 El medio ambiente 2024-04-12

8 El medio ambiente crossword puzzle
  1. nature
  2. fire
  3. Respiro aire ______
  4. contamination
  5. forest
  6. jungle
  7. to damage something
  1. cliente
  2. cardboard
  3. breathe
  4. Los recursos _______
  5. oil
  6. glass
  7. consumidor
  8. true
  9. barely
  10. árbol
  11. recycle
  12. trash can

19 Clues: oilfiretrueglassárbolnaturebarelyforestjungleclientebreatherecyclecardboardtrash canconsumidorcontaminationRespiro aire ______to damage somethingLos recursos _______

Chapter 9 2023-02-04

Chapter 9 crossword puzzle
  1. stages of the soul. Term was used in Magic Wall story
  2. pervades the world(Jagat)
  3. Knowing God in the true sense is the___
  4. __does not depend on thoughts. Thoughts depend on___
  5. Bhagawan's nature in regard to pervading the world
  1. To find our self we must lose our 'self'
  2. formless and attributeless nature
  3. In the essential nature of God there is no___
  4. Gold____the ornament,Mud__the pot
  5. Illusional reality in the physical world

10 Clues: pervades the world(Jagat)formless and attributeless natureGold____the ornament,Mud__the potKnowing God in the true sense is the___To find our self we must lose our 'self'Illusional reality in the physical worldIn the essential nature of God there is no___Bhagawan's nature in regard to pervading the world...


OUTDOOR EXPLORATION crossword puzzle
  1. A device used for signalling in emergencies or for communication
  2. A long, winding path through nature
  3. A sturdy bag used for carrying gear when on a hike
  4. A waterproof covering worn over clothes
  5. A small, compact tool used for cutting branches and ropes
  1. A tool used for observing distant objects in nature
  2. A sturdy footwear worn for hiking and on rough terrain
  3. A long, slender tool used for hiking and climbing
  4. A protective covering worn on the head to shield from the sun
  5. A device used for capturing images of nature
  6. A piece of fabric used for creating shade outdoors
  7. A device used for finding directions

12 Clues: A long, winding path through natureA device used for finding directionsA waterproof covering worn over clothesA device used for capturing images of natureA long, slender tool used for hiking and climbingA sturdy bag used for carrying gear when on a hikeA piece of fabric used for creating shade outdoors...

www week 9 2018-03-07

www week 9 crossword puzzle
  1. in or not
  2. flat
  3. rock
  4. side
  5. bad
  6. different
  7. nature of
  8. feeling
  9. related to
  1. write
  2. law
  3. know
  4. pull
  5. god
  6. love
  7. break
  8. faith
  9. not
  10. six

19 Clues: lawgodbadnotsixknowflatpullrocksidelovewritebreakfaithfeelingin or notdifferentnature ofrelated to

WORD MAZE 2015-01-10

WORD MAZE crossword puzzle
  1. LOUSY
  2. JUMP
  3. WEARY
  4. WISH
  6. PAUSE
  2. FALSE
  5. JOY
  6. NICE
  8. ADMIT


CM3 theme 3 town and country 2020-01-09

CM3  theme 3  town and country crossword puzzle
  1. Wald
  2. Kirche
  3. Krankenhaus
  4. Natur
  5. Zug
  6. Brücke
  7. Dorf
  8. Baum
  1. Fluss
  2. Geschäft
  3. Bahnhof
  4. Schloss
  5. Motorrad
  6. Fabrik
  7. Bücherei
  8. Kino

16 Clues: ZugWaldKinoDorfBaumFlussNaturKircheFabrikBrückeBahnhofSchlossGeschäftMotorradBüchereiKrankenhaus

Trinitarian Key Words 2021-12-16

Trinitarian Key Words crossword puzzle
  1. The Council of _________ rightly affirmed that Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully human in one person.
  2. “The one true God eternally exists as three persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—equal in nature, equal in glory, and distinct in relations.” This point us toward the eternal _________ of the spirit.
  3. The two natures of Jesus can neither be separated nor confused defines this type of union.
  4. Bishop of Alexandria who administered a vast area while hidden among the desert monks in Egypt and passionately laid the foundations of Constantinople.
  5. Means of similar substance and defines Jesus as having two natures - human nature and divine nature.
  6. Christianity is a ______ faith.
  1. The year in which a rearticulation of Trinitarian theology took place.
  2. Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
  3. The underside of love.
  4. The self emptying act of the Son of God in assuming human nature.
  5. Though not inspired, this statement of biblical truth gives an accurate depiction of Trinitarian beliefs around the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
  6. Because the Triune God is graceful and ___________, let us be caring and ___________ in our relationships with others.
  7. During the time of the early church ________ was affirmed in the West and denied in the East.
  8. Said that Jesus never spoke about himself.
  9. Rejected by Chalcedon as heretical.
  10. Philippians 2:6-11 is representative of the ________ of the Incarnate Son.

16 Clues: The underside of love.Father, Son & Holy Spirit.Christianity is a ______ faith.Rejected by Chalcedon as heretical.Said that Jesus never spoke about himself.The self emptying act of the Son of God in assuming human nature.The year in which a rearticulation of Trinitarian theology took place....

School Subjects 2021-11-18

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. maths
  3. nature
  4. english
  1. russian
  2. crafts
  3. music
  4. pe

8 Clues: peartmathsmusiccraftsnaturerussianenglish

michelle1 2013-04-24

michelle1 crossword puzzle
  1. vinger
  2. links
  3. vlees
  4. drinken
  5. minder
  6. buik
  7. zak
  8. slecht
  9. kip
  10. verkeerslicht
  11. zin
  12. sluiten
  13. betalen
  1. reis
  2. hand
  3. knie
  4. bord
  5. paard
  6. natuur
  7. kruispunt
  8. bericht
  9. schrijven
  10. brood

23 Clues: zakkipzinreishandkniebordbuiklinksvleespaardbroodvingermindernatuurslechtdrinkenberichtsluitenbetalenkruispuntschrijvenverkeerslicht

Earth Hour crossword 2022-02-25

Earth Hour crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 동정심
  2. 아끼다
  3. 에너지
  4. 소등
  5. 인간
  6. 자연
  7. 대륙
  8. 훌륭한
  1. 어둠
  2. care ~을 돌보다
  3. 유산
  4. 환영하다
  5. 시원한/서늘한
  6. 지구
  7. 시간/1시간
  8. 존경
  9. 고대의/아주 오래된
  10. 행성
  11. 그릇
  12. 재미

20 Clues: 어둠유산지구소등인간존경자연행성그릇재미대륙동정심아끼다에너지훌륭한환영하다시간/1시간시원한/서늘한고대의/아주 오래된care ~을 돌보다

Earth Hour crossword 2022-02-25

Earth Hour crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 시간/1시간
  2. 어둠
  3. 동정심
  4. 훌륭한
  5. 자연
  6. 대륙
  7. 행성
  8. 시원한/서늘한
  9. 존경
  10. 에너지
  1. 소등
  2. 재미
  3. 인간
  4. 환영하다
  5. 고대의/아주 오래된
  6. 그릇
  7. 유산
  8. 지구
  9. ~을 돌보다
  10. 아끼다

20 Clues: 소등재미인간어둠그릇유산자연대륙지구행성존경동정심훌륭한아끼다에너지환영하다시간/1시간~을 돌보다시원한/서늘한고대의/아주 오래된

word work 2022-02-23

word work crossword puzzle
  1. hollow
  2. lawbreaker
  3. hole
  4. exact
  5. rock
  6. enjoyable
  7. result of igniting
  8. accuracy
  9. tenderness
  1. correct
  2. human race
  3. nice
  4. sportsperson
  5. sort
  6. wrong
  7. muscular
  8. correction
  9. classic
  10. I
  11. environment
  12. fire
  13. normal

22 Clues: Iniceholesortrockfirewrongexacthollownormalcorrectclassicmuscularaccuracyenjoyablehuman racelawbreakercorrectiontendernessenvironmentsportspersonresult of igniting

word work 2022-02-23

word work crossword puzzle
  1. hollow
  2. lawbreaker
  3. hole
  4. exact
  5. rock
  6. enjoyable
  7. result of igniting
  8. accuracy
  9. tenderness
  1. correct
  2. human race
  3. nice
  4. sportsperson
  5. sort
  6. wrong
  7. muscular
  8. correction
  9. classic
  10. I
  11. environment
  12. fire
  13. normal

22 Clues: Iniceholesortrockfirewrongexacthollownormalcorrectclassicmuscularaccuracyenjoyablehuman racelawbreakercorrectiontendernessenvironmentsportspersonresult of igniting

word work 2022-02-23

word work crossword puzzle
  1. hollow
  2. lawbreaker
  3. hole
  4. exact
  5. rock
  6. enjoyable
  7. result of igniting
  8. accuracy
  9. tenderness
  1. correct
  2. human race
  3. nice
  4. sportsperson
  5. sort
  6. wrong
  7. muscular
  8. correction
  9. classic
  10. I
  11. environment
  12. fire
  13. normal

22 Clues: Iniceholesortrockfirewrongexacthollownormalcorrectclassicmuscularaccuracyenjoyablehuman racelawbreakercorrectiontendernessenvironmentsportspersonresult of igniting

My first apartment 2024-11-01

My first apartment crossword puzzle
  1. säestää
  2. mustasukkainen
  3. päiväpeite
  4. vuokraisäntä
  5. mukavuudet
  6. vuokra
  7. hellä
  8. yksittäinen
  9. huomio
  10. suojelunhaluinen
  1. valtava
  2. luonne
  3. (kokolattia)matto
  4. ilo
  5. undulaatti
  6. asunto
  7. lasku
  8. nauttia suuresti
  9. raivo
  10. kiivetä
  11. nahka
  12. verhot

22 Clues: ilolaskuraivohellänahkaluonneasuntovuokraverhothuomiovaltavasäestääkiivetäundulaattipäiväpeitemukavuudetyksittäinenvuokraisäntämustasukkainennauttia suurestisuojelunhaluinen(kokolattia)matto

To Kill a Mockingbird Vocab 2017-05-15

To Kill a Mockingbird Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Distrustful of human nature.
  2. Gruesome, gloomy, or dark.
  3. Direct and unreserved in speech.
  4. With great anger, hatred or ill-will.
  5. To annoy or anger someone.
  6. A brief, temporary stay.
  7. A special allowance; privilege.
  8. Bitter, stinging, or caustic in nature or speech.
  9. An angry dispute; quarrel.
  10. A feeling of resentment or ill-will.
  1. Someone who pretends to have virtues, morals or religious beliefs that they do not possess.
  2. An unpleasant situation.
  3. Inclined to make trouble; unruly.
  4. Tending to fight; quarrelsome.
  5. A magnificent, decorated tomb.
  6. Not consistent; not in agreement.
  7. One who prepares and sells medicine.
  8. Punishment in return for a wrong.
  9. Characterized by cleverness or originality.

19 Clues: An unpleasant situation.A brief, temporary stay.Gruesome, gloomy, or dark.To annoy or anger someone.An angry dispute; quarrel.Distrustful of human nature.Tending to fight; quarrelsome.A magnificent, decorated tomb.A special allowance; privilege.Direct and unreserved in speech.Inclined to make trouble; unruly.Not consistent; not in agreement....

German Outdoor activities vocab 2024-01-18

German Outdoor activities vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Fire
  2. Path
  3. Rope
  4. Tree
  5. Possibilities
  6. Car
  7. GPS
  8. Grass
  9. Cooling bag
  10. Camping mat
  11. Binoculars
  1. Food
  2. Picknick
  3. Backpack
  4. Stream
  5. Equipment
  6. Nature enthusiast
  7. Map

18 Clues: CarGPSMapFoodFirePathRopeTreeGrassStreamPicknickBackpackEquipmentBinocularsCooling bagCamping matPossibilitiesNature enthusiast

hatchet 2021-03-19

hatchet crossword puzzle
  1. idrb
  2. ishf
  3. eanpl
  4. esetlrh
  5. pltnas
  6. csrah
  7. abitbr
  8. areutn
  9. smeoo
  1. wflo
  2. elsrtut
  3. nrbia
  4. eetscr
  5. frei
  6. hathtec
  7. sapre
  8. klae(answer is not kale)
  9. tesre
  10. odwo

19 Clues: wfloidrbishffreiodwonrbiaeanplsaprecsrahtesresmeooeetscrpltnasabitbrareutnelsrtutesetlrhhathtecklae(answer is not kale)

Greek Gods 2023-03-24

Greek Gods crossword puzzle
  1. The hearth
  2. War
  3. Nature
  4. Fire
  5. The ocean
  6. Rainbows
  7. The dead
  8. Spring
  9. Wine
  10. Messengers
  1. Magic
  2. The harvest
  3. Hunting
  4. Love
  5. Lightning
  6. Sleep
  7. War
  8. Archery
  9. Victory
  10. Marriage

20 Clues: WarWarLoveFireWineMagicSleepNatureSpringHuntingArcheryVictoryRainbowsThe deadMarriageThe oceanLightningThe hearthMessengersThe harvest

Crossword puzzle jackson 13 2013-04-09

Crossword puzzle             jackson 13 crossword puzzle
  1. liquids that harm nature
  2. to clear a forest
  3. able to be reused
  4. risk of extinction
  1. fresh
  2. able to be maintained or supportive to nature
  3. keeping the nature safe
  4. protection and restoration of the environment

8 Clues: freshto clear a forestable to be reusedrisk of extinctionkeeping the nature safeliquids that harm natureable to be maintained or supportive to natureprotection and restoration of the environment

Daoism 2024-10-15

Daoism crossword puzzle
  1. century B.C daoism started
  2. cool,dark,female,submissive
  3. eternal force in nature
  4. harmony between nature and individual
  5. creator of daoism
  6. warm,light,male,aggresive
  1. another word for Daoism
  2. opposing fources presented in nature
  3. De Jing contains ideas of Laozi
  4. a Chinese philosophy based on the writings of laozi

10 Clues: creator of daoismanother word for Daoismeternal force in naturewarm,light,male,aggresivecentury B.C daoism startedcool,dark,female,submissiveDe Jing contains ideas of Laoziopposing fources presented in natureharmony between nature and individuala Chinese philosophy based on the writings of laozi

Que es belleza? 2021-12-16

Que es belleza? crossword puzzle
  1. Nature
  2. Poor
  3. Melody
  4. Beach
  5. The soul
  6. Smile
  7. Animals
  8. Freckles
  1. age
  2. Snow
  3. Space
  4. Music
  5. Jubilant
  6. Flowers
  7. To Love
  8. Fashion
  9. Enraged
  10. The Theme

18 Clues: ageSnowPoorSpaceMusicBeachSmileNatureMelodyFlowersTo LoveAnimalsFashionEnragedJubilantThe soulFrecklesThe Theme

Mi Verano 2024-05-19

Mi Verano crossword puzzle
  1. park
  2. ice cream
  3. nature
  4. watermelon
  5. hamburger
  6. play games
  7. cook
  8. photoshoot
  9. read
  10. rollercoaster
  1. sports
  2. lemonade
  3. tanning myself
  4. smoothie
  5. beach
  6. salad
  7. surfing
  8. healthy

18 Clues: parkcookreadbeachsaladsportsnaturesurfinghealthylemonadesmoothieice creamhamburgerwatermelonplay gamesphotoshootrollercoastertanning myself

Our Oumie 2013-07-27

Our Oumie crossword puzzle
  1. possessing quick intelligence
  2. the year Oumie was born
  3. shows compassion
  4. the best woman in the world
  5. pleasant and gentle
  6. of a good nature
  7. straightforward and candid
  8. having strong emotions
  9. deserving of trust
  10. Oumie's relationship to her children
  11. a brilliant sense of humour
  12. one of a kind
  13. Oumie's starsign
  14. showing of love
  15. characterized by showing faithfulness
  1. causes amazement
  2. the eighth month of the year
  3. Oumie's date of birth
  4. Oumie's relation to Blake
  5. what everyone is saying to Oumie today
  6. Oumie's age
  7. one of Oumie's best qualities
  8. Oumie' relationship to her three siblings
  9. what Oumie is inside and out
  10. all of us
  11. wondrous
  12. calm and composed
  13. Oumie' nature

28 Clues: wondrousall of usOumie's ageone of a kindOumie' natureshowing of lovecauses amazementshows compassionof a good natureOumie's starsigncalm and composeddeserving of trustpleasant and gentleOumie's date of birthhaving strong emotionsthe year Oumie was bornOumie's relation to Blakestraightforward and candidthe best woman in the world...

Philo 173 Crossword para maiba naman 2018-05-03

Philo 173 Crossword para maiba naman crossword puzzle
  1. Zea mays
  2. Land ethic proponent
  3. endemic bull-like animal in Mindoro
  4. current DENR secretary
  5. largest Phil. city (area)
  6. Kant's capacity for choice (Ger.)
  7. Kalayaan Islands' other name
  8. Crater lake
  9. former DENR secretary (2016-2017)
  10. Kant's nationality
  11. capital of Benguet
  12. incovenient truth presentor
  13. nueva _____: Dr. Yasol-Naval's home province
  14. capital of Kalinga
  1. Judeo-Christian Stewardship Attitude to Nature writer
  2. The Green Kant writer
  3. largest Philippine province (area)
  4. Respect For Nature author
  5. Annual April 22 lights-off
  6. recently endangered long-necked mammal
  7. Swamp for migratory birds in Pampanga
  8. Kant's power of self-determination (Ger.)
  9. dambana ng kagitingan mountain
  10. Animal Liberation author
  11. The CaseFfor Animal Rights author
  12. Oryza sativa

26 Clues: Zea maysCrater lakeOryza sativaKant's nationalitycapital of Benguetcapital of KalingaLand ethic proponentThe Green Kant writercurrent DENR secretaryAnimal Liberation authorRespect For Nature authorlargest Phil. city (area)Annual April 22 lights-offincovenient truth presentorKalayaan Islands' other namedambana ng kagitingan mountain...

William Wordsworth 2020-04-10

William Wordsworth crossword puzzle
  1. the work produced in collaboration with Coleridge
  2. the major force used in the creation of a poem
  3. a common man but with greater sensibility
  4. the place where he was born
  5. the period in which man develops his moral character
  6. he was against this kind of artificial language
  7. the sense perception employed in "Daffodils"
  8. the emotion purified in poetic form
  9. all poetry takes its origin from...
  10. synonym of "imagination"
  1. an important person for Wordsworth
  2. Wordsworth's second wife
  3. Wordsworth's view of Nature
  4. Wordsworth's famous Preface
  5. his autobiographical poem
  6. contrary to objective
  7. when he moved to Dorset to live with his sister
  8. a famous golden flower
  9. the year of his death
  10. man's source of pleasure

20 Clues: contrary to objectivethe year of his deatha famous golden flowerWordsworth's second wifeman's source of pleasuresynonym of "imagination"his autobiographical poemWordsworth's view of NatureWordsworth's famous Prefacethe place where he was bornan important person for Wordsworththe emotion purified in poetic formall poetry takes its origin from......

William Wordsworth 2020-04-10

William Wordsworth crossword puzzle
  1. Wordsworth's view of Nature
  2. Wordsworth's second wife
  3. a common man but with greater sensibility
  4. he was against this kind of artificial language
  5. the work produced in collaboration with Coleridge
  6. the year of his death
  7. the period in which man develops his moral character
  8. man's source of pleasure
  9. the place where he was born
  10. the major force used in the creation of a poem
  11. synonym of "imagination"
  1. the emotion purified in poetic form
  2. when he moved to Dorset to live with his sister
  3. Wordsworth's famous Preface
  4. all poetry takes its origin from...
  5. his autobiographical poem
  6. an important person for Wordsworth
  7. the sense perception employed in "Daffodils"
  8. a famous golden flower
  9. contrary to objective

20 Clues: the year of his deathcontrary to objectivea famous golden flowerWordsworth's second wifeman's source of pleasuresynonym of "imagination"his autobiographical poemWordsworth's famous PrefaceWordsworth's view of Naturethe place where he was bornan important person for Wordsworththe emotion purified in poetic formall poetry takes its origin from......

French Vocab 2021-10-06

French Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Eat authentic food
  2. Cathedral
  3. Travel
  4. Visit the city
  5. Take a ferry
  6. Dangerous
  7. Buy artisanal products
  8. Old
  9. Noisy
  10. Visit the coast
  11. Buy a souvenir
  12. Castle
  13. Hotel
  14. Lively/Animated
  15. Visit
  16. Downtown
  17. Boring
  1. Explore nature
  2. Assist at a festival
  3. Library
  4. Watch a match
  5. Take photos
  6. Amusing/Fun
  7. Famous
  8. Modern
  9. Learn history
  10. Go on a walk
  11. Drink a coffee
  12. Safe
  13. Calm
  14. Stadium
  15. Touristic
  16. Crowded

33 Clues: OldSafeCalmNoisyHotelVisitTravelFamousModernCastleBoringLibraryStadiumCrowdedDowntownCathedralDangerousTouristicTake photosAmusing/FunTake a ferryGo on a walkWatch a matchLearn historyExplore natureVisit the cityDrink a coffeeBuy a souvenirVisit the coastLively/AnimatedEat authentic foodAssist at a festivalBuy artisanal products

Root Word Project #3 2022-02-03

Root Word Project #3 crossword puzzle
  1. Respectfully showing difference
  2. Someone who studies works of classical historians
  3. used to call another person from long distances
  4. to form a cluster
  5. ______ Americans
  6. travel between countries
  7. Multiply
  8. Synonymous with contradiction
  9. to travel long distances instantaneously
  10. Beliefs encouraged by a church
  11. fond of company; living in loosely organized communities
  12. Outstandingly terrible
  1. Lack of opinion
  2. phenomenon of the physical world
  3. To unseparate communities that were previously separate due to one groups features
  4. To come together
  5. To carry to another person
  6. the power to read another person's thoughts
  7. predated the telephone in communication
  8. natural desires or skills
  9. Greek ______;Religion
  10. Used to view space
  11. A tree full of fruit
  12. being of nature
  13. Erroneous teachings

25 Clues: MultiplyLack of opinionbeing of natureTo come together______ Americansto form a clusterUsed to view spaceErroneous teachingsA tree full of fruitGreek ______;ReligionOutstandingly terribletravel between countriesnatural desires or skillsTo carry to another personSynonymous with contradictionBeliefs encouraged by a church...

LITUANIE 2024-03-18

LITUANIE crossword puzzle
  1. Capitale culturelle, historique, européenne.
  2. Charmante ville, culture, nature préservée.
  3. Outil pour nettoyer. Rime avec Josh
  4. Centre économique, religieux, industriel.
  5. Charme rural, culture, traditionnelle.
  6. Ville industrielle, verdoyante, accueillante.
  7. Personnage de fiction, révolutionnaire. Rime avec Josh
  8. Planche de bois sciée. Rime avec Josh
  9. Cavité creusée dans terre. Rime avec Josh
  1. le meilleur animal
  2. Mettre des chaussures. Rime avec Josh
  3. Action de tordre. Rime avec Josh
  4. Port maritime, culture balte, pittoresque.
  5. Relatif aux os. Rime avec Josh
  6. Nature préservée, culture, tranquillité.
  7. Industrielle, énergétique, accueillante.
  8. Ville artistique, culturelle, dynamique.
  9. Ville industrielle, culturelle, historique.
  10. Figure de style littéraire. Rime avec Josh
  11. Sens opposé à droite. Rime avec Josh
  12. Enveloppe de graine. Rime avec Josh

21 Clues: le meilleur animalRelatif aux os. Rime avec JoshAction de tordre. Rime avec JoshOutil pour nettoyer. Rime avec JoshEnveloppe de graine. Rime avec JoshSens opposé à droite. Rime avec JoshMettre des chaussures. Rime avec JoshPlanche de bois sciée. Rime avec JoshCharme rural, culture, traditionnelle.Nature préservée, culture, tranquillité....

baumschule crossword puzzle 2022-04-18

baumschule crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. president
  2. surrounding
  3. diversity
  4. mission
  5. maskot
  6. languages
  7. growing
  1. street
  2. IB and ABI
  3. activity
  4. learn
  5. newspaper
  6. symbol
  7. animal
  8. global
  9. color
  10. auditorium

17 Clues: learncolorstreetsymbolanimalglobalmaskotmissiongrowingactivitypresidentnewspaperdiversitylanguagesIB and ABIauditoriumsurrounding

ANJ 13.11. 2023-11-10

ANJ 13.11. crossword puzzle
  1. navštíviť
  2. ochotný
  3. silný
  4. sladký
  5. populárny
  6. tichý
  7. pracovník
  8. kráľovná
  9. veriť
  1. chorý
  2. dnes večer
  3. úsmev
  4. nádej
  5. bežný/všedný
  6. príroda
  7. zločin
  8. ľahko

17 Clues: chorýsilnýúsmevnádejtichýľahkoveriťsladkýzločinochotnýprírodakráľovnánavštíviťpopulárnypracovníkdnes večerbežný/všedný

Term 2 topic words 2019-04-30

Term 2 topic words crossword puzzle
  1. nature
  2. feeling comfortable
  3. observing the world
  4. flowers
  1. study’s things
  2. diffrent weather environment
  3. north west east south
  4. nearly extinct
  5. in nature

9 Clues: natureflowersin naturestudy’s thingsnearly extinctfeeling comfortableobserving the worldnorth west east southdiffrent weather environment

spanish 2022-01-06

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. train
  2. suitcase
  3. forest
  4. ticket
  5. capital/city
  6. nature
  7. to travlel
  8. city
  1. air
  2. library
  3. countryside
  4. insect
  5. plane
  6. airport
  7. lake
  8. river
  9. costa coast
  10. boat

18 Clues: airlakeboatcitytrainplaneriverinsectforestticketnaturelibraryairportsuitcaseto travlelcountrysidecosta coastcapital/city

sustainabity 2019-02-24

sustainabity crossword puzzle
  1. be safe
  2. when you draw pictures of new clothes
  3. storm and cold and hot
  4. a school subject
  5. animal lives here
  6. weather
  1. plants and animals
  2. nature and pollution
  3. i will tell on you
  4. you

10 Clues: yoube safeweathera school subjectanimal lives hereplants and animalsi will tell on younature and pollutionstorm and cold and hotwhen you draw pictures of new clothes

Cool crossword 2022-09-30

Cool crossword crossword puzzle
  1. replacement of nature
  2. the more knowledge, the more
  3. red force
  1. hard to obtain
  2. symbol of most people in the society
  3. the main character
  4. outside the box
  5. source of peace
  6. valuable
  7. gets burned

10 Clues: valuablered forcegets burnedhard to obtainoutside the boxsource of peacethe main characterreplacement of naturethe more knowledge, the moresymbol of most people in the society

sustainability 2018-07-31

sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. people kill them
  2. not hurt
  3. to put in the ground to grow
  4. a object
  5. a man woman or child
  6. the environment
  1. a little circle
  2. free from danger
  3. a person that studies
  4. nature

10 Clues: naturenot hurta objecta little circlethe environmentfree from dangerpeople kill thema man woman or childa person that studiesto put in the ground to grow

UNIT 5-6 2020-06-03

UNIT 5-6 crossword puzzle
  1. the air, water, plants, animals
  2. to take action with respect to a thing
  3. to adjust oneself to the conditions
  4. distortion of nature through factory wastes, technology
  5. amount,cost
  6. species that are facing extinction
  1. place
  2. to use something again
  3. animals,plants
  4. to hurt, violate
  5. impending evil or mischief
  6. to stop the distortion of nature

12 Clues: placeamount,costanimals,plantsto hurt, violateto use something againimpending evil or mischiefthe air, water, plants, animalsto stop the distortion of naturespecies that are facing extinctionto adjust oneself to the conditionsto take action with respect to a thingdistortion of nature through factory wastes, technology

12 Words about me 2020-04-15

12 Words about me crossword puzzle
  1. working Using time and energy to work
  2. causing laughter
  3. showing gentle nature to help others
  4. showing a lot of energy
  5. not showing or feeling nervous
  6. continuing to give something a go
  1. thinking of new ideas
  2. willing to take risks
  3. giving it my best shot
  4. Kind nature
  5. good manners
  6. making sure of avoiding danger

12 Clues: Kind naturegood mannerscausing laughterthinking of new ideaswilling to take risksgiving it my best shotshowing a lot of energymaking sure of avoiding dangernot showing or feeling nervouscontinuing to give something a goshowing gentle nature to help othersworking Using time and energy to work

La naturaleza 2022-12-06

La naturaleza crossword puzzle
  1. flower
  2. beach
  3. waterfall
  4. forest
  5. plant
  6. river
  7. lake
  8. shade
  9. sea
  1. grass
  2. ocean
  3. sun
  4. rock
  5. tree
  6. river
  7. nature
  8. mountain

17 Clues: sunsearocktreelakegrassoceanbeachplantriverrivershadeflowerforestnaturemountainwaterfall

E3 U1 2024-01-04

E3 U1 crossword puzzle
  1. sustainable
  2. species
  3. crisis
  4. contaminate
  5. damage
  6. planet
  7. prohibit
  8. earth
  1. protect
  2. pollution
  3. destroy
  4. trash
  5. threaten
  6. develop
  7. renewable
  8. nature

16 Clues: trashearthcrisisdamagenatureplanetprotectdestroydevelopspeciesthreatenprohibitpollutionrenewablesustainablecontaminate

Wisata 2024-01-26

Wisata crossword puzzle
  1. hotel
  2. transportation
  3. family
  4. plane
  5. drink
  6. food
  7. souvenirs
  1. flight
  2. cheap
  3. sightseeing
  4. friends
  5. nature
  6. city
  7. mountain
  8. hiking
  9. expensive

16 Clues: cityfoodcheaphotelplanedrinkflightnaturefamilyhikingfriendsmountainexpensivesouvenirssightseeingtransportation

Unit. 9~10 2024-03-08

Unit. 9~10 crossword puzzle
  1. 바지
  2. 마시다
  3. 고약한
  4. 머리카락
  5. 끓이다
  6. 맛있는
  7. 자연
  8. 비트
  1. 색칠하다
  2. 내뿜다
  3. 스컹크
  4. 끔찍한
  5. 셔츠
  6. 발견하다
  7. 그림

16 Clues: 바지셔츠그림자연비트내뿜다스컹크끔찍한마시다고약한끓이다맛있는색칠하다머리카락발견하다

Unit 3 Television 2023-08-01

Unit 3 Television crossword puzzle
  1. romantic
  2. different
  3. only
  1. detective
  2. interesting
  3. nature
  4. star
  5. call

8 Clues: starcallonlynatureromanticdetectivedifferentinteresting

POEM 2023-09-27

POEM crossword puzzle
  1. couleurs
  2. nature
  3. sports
  1. temperature
  2. animaux
  3. mois
  4. poème
  5. saisons

8 Clues: moispoèmenaturesportsanimauxsaisonscouleurstemperature

Keshet 2024-05-03

Keshet crossword puzzle
  1. fun
  2. laughter
  3. memories
  4. keshet
  1. nature
  2. camp
  3. friends
  4. summer

8 Clues: funcampnaturesummerkeshetfriendslaughtermemories

Grade 6 Science MidTerm Review 2021-04-09

Grade 6 Science MidTerm Review crossword puzzle
  1. To use resources carefully and to not waste them.
  2. How energy transfers up a food chain.
  3. The process by which plants and plant like organisms make food.
  4. An organism that breaks down dead things for energy.
  5. An organism that eats plants or other animals. It can’t make its own food.
  6. An organism that makes its own food.
  7. All the living and nonliving things in a place and their interactions.
  1. Anything useful or necessary for living being that is found in nature.
  2. Resources that nature can’t replace when they are used up.
  3. Food energy moves from one organism to another
  4. When air, water and soil are contaminated (污染) by harmful materials (材料).
  5. How food chains work together
  6. Resources that nature can replace when they are used.
  7. A green molecule which helps plants do photosynthesis

14 Clues: How food chains work togetherAn organism that makes its own food.How energy transfers up a food chain.Food energy moves from one organism to anotherTo use resources carefully and to not waste them.An organism that breaks down dead things for energy.Resources that nature can replace when they are used....

word work 2022-02-23

word work crossword puzzle
  1. hollow
  2. lawbreaker
  3. hole
  4. exact
  5. rock
  6. enjoyable
  7. result of igniting
  8. accuracy
  9. tenderness
  1. correct
  2. human race
  3. nice
  4. sportsperson
  5. sort
  6. wrong
  7. muscular
  8. correction
  9. classic
  10. I
  11. environment
  12. fire
  13. normal

22 Clues: Iniceholesortrockfirewrongexacthollownormalcorrectclassicmuscularaccuracyenjoyablehuman racelawbreakercorrectiontendernessenvironmentsportspersonresult of igniting

Thomas D. 2016-05-09

Thomas D. crossword puzzle
  1. bioscoop
  2. zon
  3. sms, bericht
  4. kruispunt
  5. weg
  6. mond
  7. varken
  8. die,dat
  9. sok
  10. reis
  1. natuur
  2. berg
  3. bloem
  4. platteland
  5. rotonde
  6. haan
  7. geneesmiddel
  8. fout
  9. bos
  10. reiskoffer
  11. knie
  12. arm

22 Clues: zonwegbossokarmberghaanfoutmondkniereisbloemnatuurvarkenrotondedie,datbioscoopkruispuntplattelandreiskoffersms, berichtgeneesmiddel

bricks voca 1500 unit 1 2023-02-09

bricks voca 1500 unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 공기
  2. 부모
  3. 습관
  4. 유익한, 도움이 되는
  5. 거대한, 거인
  6. 먹이다
  7. 여객선
  8. 괴물
  9. 환영하다
  10. 쫓다
  1. ~에 대하여, 대략
  2. 조각
  3. 절반
  4. 여행하다
  5. 자연
  6. 숨다
  7. 사람,개인
  8. 수업,교훈
  9. 잠든
  10. 아름다운

20 Clues: 공기조각부모습관절반자연숨다잠든괴물쫓다먹이다여객선여행하다아름다운환영하다사람,개인수업,교훈거대한, 거인~에 대하여, 대략유익한, 도움이 되는

Spanish vocab 2021-10-06

Spanish vocab crossword puzzle
  1. palace
  2. museum
  3. coffee
  4. lake
  5. bus
  6. hotel
  7. crafts
  8. theater
  9. festival
  10. park
  11. city
  12. kites
  13. flowers
  1. catedral
  2. sleep
  3. sports
  4. travel
  5. nature
  6. cinema
  7. take photos
  8. beach
  9. ruins
  10. stroll

23 Clues: buslakeparkcitysleepbeachhotelruinskitespalacesportsmuseumtravelnaturecoffeecinemacraftsstrolltheaterflowerscatedralfestivaltake photos

Sip & Solve 2024-09-28

Sip & Solve crossword puzzle
  1. four
  2. snack
  3. pack
  4. animal
  5. downtime
  6. plays
  7. honeymoon
  8. stay
  9. moved
  10. vacation
  11. met
  12. MOB
  13. color
  14. cooking
  1. Squirrels
  2. birth
  3. MOG
  4. activity
  5. cards
  6. Reside
  7. live
  8. outdoor
  9. together

23 Clues: MOGmetMOBfourpacklivestaysnackbirthcardsplaysmovedcoloranimalResideoutdoorcookingactivitydowntimetogethervacationSquirrelshoneymoon

Sustain ability 2018-07-31

Sustain ability crossword puzzle
  1. lots of countries form this
  2. make
  3. nature and living things
  4. experimental subject
  5. a type of nature
  1. who we are
  2. something that changes everyday
  3. the ground
  4. a living creature
  5. something our teacher gives us at the end of term
  6. an instrument that tells directions

11 Clues: makewho we arethe grounda type of naturea living creatureexperimental subjectnature and living thingslots of countries form thissomething that changes everydayan instrument that tells directionssomething our teacher gives us at the end of term

Cato 2016-05-09

Cato crossword puzzle
  1. konijn
  2. boom
  3. kind
  4. frieten
  5. mond
  6. paarden
  7. stoel
  8. vriendin
  1. peer
  2. ham
  3. natuur
  4. verkeerslicht
  5. eten
  6. geel
  7. hond
  8. bank

16 Clues: hampeerboomkindmondetengeelhondbankstoelkonijnnatuurfrietenpaardenvriendinverkeerslicht

TAOISM 2022-10-25

TAOISM crossword puzzle
  1. Perfectly equal
  2. From nature
  3. To live forever
  4. authenticity
  5. Universe
  6. The process of removing impurities
  1. The state of being aloof or empty
  2. Physical and Mental
  3. A marked change in form or nature
  4. A soul

10 Clues: A soulUniverseFrom natureauthenticityPerfectly equalTo live foreverPhysical and MentalThe state of being aloof or emptyA marked change in form or natureThe process of removing impurities

Juhoristikko 2021-09-15

Juhoristikko crossword puzzle
  1. öljyvuoto
  2. energia
  3. istuttaa
  4. pelastaa
  5. suojella
  6. ilmasto
  7. tulva
  1. nälänhätä
  2. jäte
  3. öljy
  4. roskat
  5. luonnonsuojelu
  6. kieltää
  7. tuholaismyrkky
  8. hyökyaalto
  9. muuttaa

16 Clues: jäteöljytulvaroskatenergiakieltäämuuttaailmastoistuttaapelastaasuojellanälänhätäöljyvuotohyökyaaltoluonnonsuojelutuholaismyrkky

Word Mix 2021-04-14

Word Mix crossword puzzle
  1. felaket
  2. olmak
  3. Doğa
  4. kuraklık
  5. anlamlı
  6. kaşif
  7. Orman
  8. Esmek
  1. Mesafe
  2. sığınak
  3. Kıta
  4. Deneyim
  5. Bölge
  6. eşarp
  7. sel
  8. Düzenli

16 Clues: selKıtaDoğaolmakBölgeeşarpkaşifOrmanEsmekMesafefelaketsığınakDeneyimanlamlıDüzenlikuraklık

School 2014-09-11

School crossword puzzle
  1. eraser
  2. teacher
  3. pencil
  4. pen
  5. writing
  6. english
  7. history
  8. reading
  1. nature
  2. geography
  3. book
  4. maths
  5. desk
  6. ruler
  7. pe
  8. drawing

16 Clues: pepenbookdeskmathsrulernatureeraserpencilteacherwritingenglishdrawinghistoryreadinggeography

WORD MAZE 2015-01-10

WORD MAZE crossword puzzle
  1. LOUSY
  2. JUMP
  3. WEARY
  4. WISH
  6. PAUSE
  2. FALSE
  5. JOY
  6. NICE
  8. ADMIT


baumschule crossword puzzle 2022-04-21

baumschule crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. global
  2. animal
  3. principal
  4. maskot
  5. auditorium
  6. mission
  7. growing
  8. languages
  1. diversity
  2. street
  3. color
  4. surrounding
  5. learning
  6. newspaper
  7. symbol
  8. activity

16 Clues: colorstreetglobalanimalsymbolmaskotmissiongrowinglearningactivitydiversitynewspaperprincipallanguagesauditoriumsurrounding

Geography Vocabulary 2024-11-15

Geography Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a tool that gives us relative locations
  2. Michigan's state capital
  3. Michigan's state tree
  4. Michigan's state bird
  5. things in nature that we use
  6. Michigan's state stone
  1. things made by humans
  2. things made by nature
  3. when we split a place into smaller parts
  4. Michigan's state flower
  5. a person who studies places
  6. the study of places

12 Clues: the study of placesthings made by humansthings made by natureMichigan's state treeMichigan's state birdMichigan's state stoneMichigan's state flowerMichigan's state capitala person who studies placesthings in nature that we usea tool that gives us relative locationswhen we split a place into smaller parts

Lëtzebuerg 2017-08-22

Lëtzebuerg crossword puzzle
  1. abeille
  2. cadre
  3. aujourd'hui
  4. impôt
  5. sucre
  6. important
  7. simple
  8. bouger
  9. couvrir
  10. humain
  11. miel
  12. fleur
  1. repas
  2. connaître
  3. maintenant
  4. plante
  5. s'occuper (de)
  6. aussi
  7. coiffeur
  8. au-dessus
  9. santé
  10. nature

22 Clues: mielrepascadreimpôtsucreaussisantéfleurplantesimplebougerhumainnatureabeillecouvrircoiffeurconnaîtreimportantau-dessusmaintenantaujourd'huis'occuper (de)

Scene1 text 10 2022-04-07

Scene1 text 10 crossword puzzle
  1. poimia
  2. kiivetä
  3. Lappi
  4. suosia
  5. pitäisi
  6. paistaa
  7. Norja
  8. maha
  9. ympäristö
  10. susi
  11. vaarallinen
  12. villi
  1. yleinen
  2. ottaa
  3. luonto
  4. marja
  5. metsä
  6. seisoa
  7. jalka
  8. näyttää
  9. Ruotsi
  10. välttää
  11. kasvaa

23 Clues: mahasusiottaaLappimarjametsäjalkaNorjavillipoimialuontosuosiaseisoaRuotsikasvaayleinenkiivetäpitäisipaistaanäyttäävälttääympäristövaarallinen

word work 2022-02-23

word work crossword puzzle
  1. hollow
  2. lawbreaker
  3. hole
  4. exact
  5. rock
  6. enjoyable
  7. result of igniting
  8. accuracy
  9. tenderness
  1. correct
  2. human race
  3. nice
  4. sportsperson
  5. sort
  6. wrong
  7. muscular
  8. correction
  9. classic
  10. I
  11. environment
  12. fire
  13. normal

22 Clues: Iniceholesortrockfirewrongexacthollownormalcorrectclassicmuscularaccuracyenjoyablehuman racelawbreakercorrectiontendernessenvironmentsportspersonresult of igniting

Earth Hour crossword 2022-02-25

Earth Hour crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 동정심
  2. 아끼다
  3. 에너지
  4. 소등
  5. 인간
  6. 자연
  7. 대륙
  8. 훌륭한
  1. 어둠
  2. care ~을 돌보다
  3. 유산
  4. 환영하다
  5. 시원한/서늘한
  6. 지구
  7. 시간/1시간
  8. 존경
  9. 고대의/아주 오래된
  10. 행성
  11. 그릇
  12. 재미

20 Clues: 어둠유산지구소등인간존경자연행성그릇재미대륙동정심아끼다에너지훌륭한환영하다시간/1시간시원한/서늘한고대의/아주 오래된care ~을 돌보다

Earth Hour crossword 2022-02-25

Earth Hour crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 에너지
  2. 환영하다
  3. 지구
  4. 대륙
  5. 자연
  6. 시간/1시간
  7. 유산
  8. 어둠
  9. 재미
  10. 그릇
  1. care ~을 돌보다
  2. 존경
  3. 동정심
  4. 행성
  5. 고대의/아주 오래된
  6. 아끼다
  7. 시원한/서늘한
  8. 소등
  9. 인간
  10. 훌륭한

20 Clues: 존경행성지구대륙자연소등유산인간어둠재미그릇에너지동정심아끼다훌륭한환영하다시간/1시간시원한/서늘한고대의/아주 오래된care ~을 돌보다

Spelling 2022-02-24

Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. enjoyable
  2. go over
  3. editing
  4. deposit
  5. violation
  6. life
  7. catch-fire
  8. muscular
  9. sort
  1. classic
  2. sportsperson
  3. villain
  4. chamber
  5. kind-heart
  6. not man-made
  7. quarry
  8. ask
  9. rocky opening
  10. humankind
  11. flaming

20 Clues: asklifesortquarryclassicvillainchambergo overeditingdepositflamingmuscularenjoyablehumankindviolationkind-heartcatch-firesportspersonnot man-maderocky opening

Science Roots 2022-10-04

Science Roots crossword puzzle
  1. water
  2. too much
  3. light
  4. study of
  5. nature
  6. stars
  7. land
  8. rock/earth
  9. on top/upon
  10. large
  1. mind
  2. straight
  3. sound
  4. power
  5. too little
  6. measure
  7. heat
  8. field/crops
  9. skin
  10. life

20 Clues: mindlandheatskinlifewatersoundpowerlightstarslargenaturemeasurestraighttoo muchstudy oftoo littlerock/earthfield/cropson top/upon

Latin I List 11 2022-10-17

Latin I List 11 crossword puzzle
  1. carry
  2. move
  3. small
  4. nature
  5. I walk
  6. wide
  7. doll
  8. there
  9. holy
  10. bath
  11. forest
  1. scare
  2. free
  3. seize
  4. remain
  5. pirate
  6. deep
  7. happy
  8. beautiful
  9. morning
  10. game
  11. family
  12. kill

23 Clues: freemovedeepwidedollgameholybathkillscarecarryseizesmallhappythereremainpiratenatureI walkfamilyforestmorningbeautiful

U2-part 1-vocabulary 2020-03-18

U2-part 1-vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. kemp
  2. kompas
  3. svítilna
  4. spacách
  5. taška
  6. dřevo
  7. životníprostředí
  8. mapa
  9. oheň
  10. připravit
  11. kmen
  1. zdolat
  2. vařit
  3. úkryt
  4. vesnice
  5. ryba/rybařit
  6. destinace
  7. skupina
  8. kapesnínůž
  9. příroda
  10. vedoucí
  11. řeka
  12. stan

23 Clues: kempmapaoheňřekakmenstanvařitúkryttaškadřevozdolatkompasvesnicespacáchskupinapřírodavedoucísvítilnadestinacepřipravitkapesnínůžryba/rybařitživotníprostředí

La Primavera (Spring) 2023-12-18

La Primavera (Spring) crossword puzzle
  1. bicycle
  2. seed
  3. nest
  4. nature
  5. puddle
  6. tree
  7. bird
  8. kite
  9. cool
  10. garden
  11. leaf
  12. rain
  1. raincoat
  2. plant
  3. wind
  4. flower
  5. insect
  6. butterfly
  7. bee
  8. green
  9. grass
  10. umbrella
  11. sun

23 Clues: beesunwindseednesttreebirdkitecoolleafrainplantgreengrassflowerinsectnaturepuddlegardenbicycleraincoatumbrellabutterfly

unit 2 espanol 2023-10-20

unit 2 espanol crossword puzzle
  1. to protect
  2. to hike
  3. trail
  4. rain
  5. environment
  6. earth
  7. mining
  8. cool
  1. sunset
  2. nature
  3. sunrise
  4. climate change
  5. to go fishing
  6. clouds
  7. to climb
  8. river
  9. to explore
  10. countryside
  11. wind
  12. caves

20 Clues: rainwindcoolrivertrailcavesearthsunsetnaturecloudsminingsunriseto hiketo climbto protectto exploreenvironmentcountrysideto go fishingclimate change

La Naturaleza 2024-03-01

La Naturaleza crossword puzzle
  1. tree
  2. river
  3. desert
  4. dog
  5. plant
  6. volcano
  7. cow
  8. moon
  9. star
  10. grass
  11. flower
  12. cat
  1. bird
  2. valley
  3. sun
  4. crater
  5. sky
  6. jungle
  7. nature
  8. stone
  9. cloud
  10. lake
  11. animal

23 Clues: sunskydogcowcatbirdtreemoonlakestarriverplantstonecloudgrassvalleycraterdesertjunglenatureanimalflowervolcano

Natural Resources Song 2023-02-09

Natural Resources Song crossword puzzle
  1. resources
  2. natural
  3. trees
  4. water
  1. fossil
  2. erasers
  3. paper
  4. nature

8 Clues: papertreeswaterfossilnatureerasersnaturalresources

ACTIVE2 U9 Crossword Puzzle! -B- 2015-12-14

ACTIVE2 U9 Crossword Puzzle! -B- crossword puzzle
  1. undergo
  2. stimulate
  3. distinctive
  4. moderation
  1. nature
  2. nutritional
  3. crave
  4. decay

8 Clues: cravedecaynatureundergostimulatemoderationnutritionaldistinctive

baumschule crossword puzzle 2022-04-18

baumschule crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. president
  2. surrounding
  3. diversity
  4. mission
  5. maskot
  6. languages
  7. growing
  1. street
  2. IB and ABI
  3. activity
  4. learn
  5. newspaper
  6. symbol
  7. animal
  8. global
  9. color
  10. auditorium

17 Clues: learncolorstreetsymbolanimalglobalmaskotmissiongrowingactivitypresidentnewspaperdiversitylanguagesIB and ABIauditoriumsurrounding

Arquitectos Excepcionales 2013-03-21

Arquitectos Excepcionales crossword puzzle
  1. Mosaico
  2. Naturaleza
  3. Vidrio
  4. Cripta
  5. Escultor
  6. Dibujo
  7. Elaborar
  8. Ingeniero
  9. Arrange- Organizar
  10. Hormigón
  11. Edificio
  1. Orgánico
  2. Arquitectura
  3. Patrón
  4. Tiles- Azulejos de Colores
  5. Movimiento
  6. Suelo
  7. Acero

18 Clues: SueloAceroVidrioCriptaPatrónDibujoMosaicoOrgánicoEscultorElaborarHormigónEdificioIngenieroNaturalezaMovimientoArquitecturaArrange- OrganizarTiles- Azulejos de Colores

Crossword 15 2023-04-17

Crossword 15 crossword puzzle
  1. recycling
  2. leftover
  3. useless
  4. different
  5. wasting
  6. written
  7. possible
  8. to breathe
  9. garbage can
  10. to distinguish
  1. educated
  2. following
  3. useful
  4. to use
  5. trash
  6. nature
  7. city
  8. to pollute

18 Clues: citytrashusefulto usenatureuselesswastingwritteneducatedleftoverpossiblefollowingrecyclingdifferentto polluteto breathegarbage canto distinguish

22ndSept 2023-09-29

22ndSept crossword puzzle
  1. - part
  2. - collect
  3. - north
  4. - surf (V)
  5. - thank God
  6. - special
  7. - of course
  8. - special (strange)
  9. - scooter
  1. - peninsula
  2. - nature
  3. - connection, relationship
  4. - gratitude
  5. - south
  6. - favourite
  7. - forest
  8. - east
  9. - similar

18 Clues: - part- east- north- south- nature- forest- collect- special- similar- scooter- surf (V)- peninsula- gratitude- thank God- favourite- of course- special (strange)- connection, relationship

U2-part 1-vocabulary 2020-03-18

U2-part 1-vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. kemp
  2. kompas
  3. svítilna
  4. spacách
  5. taška
  6. dřevo
  7. životníprostředí
  8. mapa
  9. oheň
  10. připravit
  11. kmen
  1. zdolat
  2. vařit
  3. úkryt
  4. vesnice
  5. ryba/rybařit
  6. destinace
  7. skupina
  8. kapesnínůž
  9. příroda
  10. vedoucí
  11. řeka
  12. stan

23 Clues: kempmapaoheňřekakmenstanvařitúkryttaškadřevozdolatkompasvesnicespacáchskupinapřírodavedoucísvítilnadestinacepřipravitkapesnínůžryba/rybařitživotníprostředí

word work 2022-02-23

word work crossword puzzle
  1. hollow
  2. lawbreaker
  3. hole
  4. exact
  5. rock
  6. enjoyable
  7. result of igniting
  8. accuracy
  9. tenderness
  1. correct
  2. human race
  3. nice
  4. sportsperson
  5. sort
  6. wrong
  7. muscular
  8. correction
  9. classic
  10. I
  11. environment
  12. fire
  13. normal

22 Clues: Iniceholesortrockfirewrongexacthollownormalcorrectclassicmuscularaccuracyenjoyablehuman racelawbreakercorrectiontendernessenvironmentsportspersonresult of igniting

Earth Hour crossword 2022-02-25

Earth Hour crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 존경
  2. 환영하다
  3. 소등
  4. 대륙
  5. 자연
  6. 훌륭한
  7. 고대의/아주 오래된
  8. 아끼다
  9. 재미
  1. 행성
  2. 에너지
  3. 유산
  4. 그릇
  5. 지구
  6. 시간/1시간
  7. ~을 돌보다
  8. 인간
  9. 시원한/서늘한
  10. 동정심
  11. 어둠

20 Clues: 행성유산그릇존경지구소등인간대륙자연어둠재미에너지훌륭한동정심아끼다환영하다시간/1시간~을 돌보다시원한/서늘한고대의/아주 오래된

mariage 2024-09-20

mariage crossword puzzle
  1. "Un coin de terre où le rêve et la nature s'entremêlent."
  2. "Je naît verte et vive, puis je virevolte dans le vent d'automne."
  3. "Ornement, symbole de gloire ou de nature épanouie."
  4. "Guide nocturne, je scintille au-dessus du monde endormi."
  5. "Armure naturelle, marquée par le temps et les saisons."
  6. "Invisible mais puissant, j'unis les âmes et scelle les serments."
  7. "Abri fragile, construit avec patience entre ciel et terre."
  8. "J'offre son arôme lorsqu'on me froisse entre les doigts."
  1. "Souvenir invisible, laissé par les fleurs et les échos du vent."
  2. "J'occupe l'esprit pendant la nuit, dissipée aux premières lueurs."
  3. "Née de la terre, je peins le jardin de mes couleurs éphémères."
  4. "Souffle léger, je caresse la peau."
  5. "J'élève et je m'étends, portant parfois des grappes."
  6. "Bijou du matin, j’embrasse les feuilles sans pluie ni vent."
  7. ""Voyageur du vent, j'emplis l'air de mélodies à l'aube."
  8. "Je crée et je détruis, je suis le maître silencieux de toutes les vies."
  9. "Gardien du jardin, je grouille de vie sous mon feuillage."
  10. "Je révèle les couleurs et chasse les ténèbres à chaque aube."
  11. "Astre doré, je fais danser les ombres."

19 Clues: "Souffle léger, je caresse la peau.""Astre doré, je fais danser les ombres.""Ornement, symbole de gloire ou de nature épanouie.""J'élève et je m'étends, portant parfois des grappes.""Armure naturelle, marquée par le temps et les saisons.""Un coin de terre où le rêve et la nature s'entremêlent."...

William Wordsworth 2020-04-10

William Wordsworth crossword puzzle
  1. a famous golden flower
  2. when he moved to Dorset to live with his sister
  3. man's source of pleasure
  4. the period in which man develops his moral character
  5. synonym of "imagination"
  6. the work produced in collaboration with Coleridge
  7. the year of his death
  8. the sense perception employed in "Daffodils"
  9. an important person for Wordsworth
  10. the emotion purified in poetic form
  1. Wordsworth's famous Preface
  2. Wordsworth's view of Nature
  3. all poetry takes its origin from...
  4. the place where he was born
  5. the major force used in the creation of a poem
  6. he was against this kind of artificial language
  7. a common man but with greater sensibility
  8. contrary to objective
  9. Wordsworth's second wife
  10. his autobiographical poem

20 Clues: contrary to objectivethe year of his deatha famous golden flowerman's source of pleasuresynonym of "imagination"Wordsworth's second wifehis autobiographical poemWordsworth's famous PrefaceWordsworth's view of Naturethe place where he was bornan important person for Wordsworthall poetry takes its origin from...the emotion purified in poetic form...

Summer 2023-06-06

Summer crossword puzzle
  1. Outdoor adventure with tents and nature
  2. Time off from school or work
  3. cream Delicious frozen treat
  4. Provides light and warmth in the sky
  5. Place to swim and cool off
  6. ball Inflatable toy for fun in the sand
  7. Refreshing fruit with juicy red flesh
  8. Shelled creature's protective covering
  9. Bioluminescent insect that glows at night
  10. Outdoor cooking method for grilling food
  11. Outdoor activity of walking in nature
  12. Colorful insect that flutters in the air
  13. Refreshing citrus drink
  1. Outdoor meal on a blanket
  2. Sculpture made from beach sand
  3. Frozen treat on a stick
  4. Protects your eyes from the sun
  5. Flying disc for outdoor games
  6. Casual footwear for summer
  7. Used to ride waves in the ocean

20 Clues: Frozen treat on a stickRefreshing citrus drinkOutdoor meal on a blanketPlace to swim and cool offCasual footwear for summerTime off from school or workcream Delicious frozen treatFlying disc for outdoor gamesSculpture made from beach sandProtects your eyes from the sunUsed to ride waves in the oceanProvides light and warmth in the sky...

Ecological Crossword 2024-11-09

Ecological Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Genetic information variety within species
  2. Diversity of species, habitats, and ecosystems
  3. Features of plant taxa composition
  4. International Union for Conservation of Nature
  5. Complex network of living organisms and environment
  6. Environmental protection activities stage
  7. Plant communities variety within given area
  8. Resulting from human influence on nature
  9. Quality of being the only one of its kind
  10. Natural environment where organism lives
  11. Variety of species within given area
  1. Spatial structures connecting natural cores
  2. Decisive for natural conditions analysis
  3. Areas for natural vegetation restoration
  4. Related to floristic criteria
  5. Transition area between different ecosystems
  6. European Union's network of protected areas
  7. Typical or characteristic of a group
  8. Living organisms diversity in ecosystem
  9. Transitional strips between natural and economic use

20 Clues: Related to floristic criteriaFeatures of plant taxa compositionTypical or characteristic of a groupVariety of species within given areaLiving organisms diversity in ecosystemDecisive for natural conditions analysisAreas for natural vegetation restorationResulting from human influence on natureNatural environment where organism lives...

Leilauni Guizar 2021-11-18

Leilauni Guizar crossword puzzle
  1. Poets who emphasized living a simple life, believed intuition can lead to knowledge, and believed in the inherent goodness of people.
  2. It is low contemptible or wretched.
  3. It is where in a book there are abstract ideas that are appealing and easier to understand.
  4. It is a story about how Henry David Thoreau lived in nature.
  5. It is when you briefly restate the ideas in a writer’s book.
  6. It is a poem about how nature will continue as it is even after we have died.
  7. It is where you carefully examine a writer’s ideas and make judgments.
  8. It is the writer’s attitude towards their subject.
  9. It is where a writer makes vivid impressions for the reader.
  10. He was the best-known member of the Fireside poets.
  11. It is a story about being true to yourself.
  12. It is a poem about death.
  13. It is when you violate a command or law.
  1. He was a Transcendentalist who only sold 2 books when he was alive.
  2. It is a story about how we should listen to our conscience and do something when there is something we don’t agree with.
  3. It was an intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated simple, mindful life.
  4. Poets who emphasized moral themes in work, were viewed as equals of British poets, and stressed individualism.
  5. It is someone who does not follow accepted beliefs, customs, or practices.
  6. It is when you act with sudden or rash energy.
  7. It is a short account of personal incidents.
  8. It is when you spread through every part of something.
  9. It is a feeling of doubt, mistrust, and uncertainty.
  10. It is a story about how everyone is equal in nature.
  11. He was known as the leader of the Transcendentalists.
  12. It is a disturbance of emotions such as agitation and uneasiness.
  13. It is a poem about living in the moment and enjoying life.
  14. It is where you are suited to someone's needs or nature such as being agreeable.
  15. The underlying message or the central idea of a work that can be stated in one sentence.
  16. It is when you are in an unhurried and thoughtful manner.
  17. He was known as the “author of america”.

30 Clues: It is a poem about death.It is low contemptible or wretched.He was known as the “author of america”.It is when you violate a command or law.It is a story about being true to yourself.It is a short account of personal incidents.It is when you act with sudden or rash energy.It is the writer’s attitude towards their subject....

Camping 2023-07-14

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. A bag worn on the back for carrying camping essentials.
  2. The natural world and its elements, including plants, animals, and landscapes.
  3. A portable light source used for illuminating the campsite at night.
  4. Bag A portable insulated bag for sleeping in during camping trips.
  5. Exciting and daring experiences, like those encountered during camping trips.
  6. A portable shelter made of fabric and poles.
  7. Preparing meals over a campfire using pots, pans, or skewers.
  8. Trying to catch fish using a fishing rod, line, and bait.
  9. Animals and plants living in their natural habitats.
  1. A designated area with facilities for camping, such as toilets and picnic tables.
  2. An outdoor fire used for cooking, warmth, and socializing.
  3. A soft, sweet treat often roasted over a campfire.
  4. Singing songs around the campfire for entertainment and to create a fun atmosphere.
  5. A marked path or route for hiking or walking in nature.
  6. A designated area where people can set up their tents and camp.
  7. Walking in nature for enjoyment and exploration.

16 Clues: A portable shelter made of fabric and poles.Walking in nature for enjoyment and exploration.A soft, sweet treat often roasted over a campfire.Animals and plants living in their natural habitats.A marked path or route for hiking or walking in nature.A bag worn on the back for carrying camping essentials....

Chapter 1 key terms (Albert Lansana) 2023-08-18

Chapter 1 key terms (Albert Lansana) crossword puzzle
  1. Using science to make or change things in living organisms to improve our lives and solve problems.
  2. Caring a lot about nature and wanting to protect the Earth by keeping it safe for all living things.
  3. An educated guess that tries to explain why something happens.
  4. Step-by-step guide used by scientists to figure out how things work.
  5. A persons perspective that shape their understanding of the world.
  6. The scientific study of living Organisms.
  7. Gathering data by asking people questions.
  1. Be fruitful and multiply.
  2. Taking care of nature and using resources wisely so that they do not run out or get harmed.
  3. A smart guess made by scientists before doing tests.
  4. Explaining something based on how you understand it.
  5. Watching something to gather information.
  6. Humans possess the same attributes that reflect the nature of God.
  7. A representation of an idea.
  8. Deciding what is right or wrong when it comes to things related to life and living things.
  9. A rule that explains how something always happens.

16 Clues: Be fruitful and multiply.A representation of an idea.Watching something to gather information.The scientific study of living Organisms.Gathering data by asking people questions.A rule that explains how something always happens.A smart guess made by scientists before doing tests.Explaining something based on how you understand it....

Social Studies 2018-03-21

Social Studies crossword puzzle
  1. / In the country side
  2. / Ways that are passed down from parents.
  3. / Where people live
  4. / Things made for people to use
  5. / Protection (of nature)
  6. / Dirty
  7. / Water with land around it
  8. / Work done for people
  9. / Grasslands
  10. / Having many cultures
  11. / Showing visitors around
  12. / The past
  13. / Animals living in the wild
  14. / Family that lived long ago
  15. / Places that make goods or food
  1. / What people believe, language, music and food.
  2. / A community in the city
  3. / Food for people and animals
  4. / What surrounds animals and people
  5. / Use materials from nature
  6. / Cutting trees down
  7. / A special celebration
  8. / Moving stuff
  9. / Where people live
  10. / How hot or cold
  11. / the rise and fall of the sea level
  12. / Long, narrow bay

27 Clues: / Dirty/ The past/ Grasslands/ Moving stuff/ How hot or cold/ Long, narrow bay/ Where people live/ Cutting trees down/ Where people live/ In the country side/ Having many cultures/ A special celebration/ Work done for people/ A community in the city/ Protection (of nature)/ Showing visitors around/ Water with land around it...

Nigel's Crappy Crosswords #2 (no pun intended) 2012-11-14

Nigel's Crappy Crosswords #2 (no pun intended) crossword puzzle
  1. A witty remark is also known as a?
  2. When love goes unmet.
  3. Largest of the Earth's many satellites.
  4. Comes after the main act.
  5. Not for and not against.
  6. Another term for forfeit.
  7. The theory that life on Earth was seeded by meteors/comets.
  8. Another word for boobies.
  9. The most prevalent language before english took hold.
  10. Without due cause.
  1. Someone who has mastered their craft is an?
  2. The act of something dispersing.
  3. Synonymous with 'often'.
  4. Comes before the main act.
  5. The most energy-efficient shape found in nature.
  6. The act of chewing.
  7. Speaking.
  8. Evolved from primates and most definitely was not 'created'.
  9. A form of humour famous for it's oxymoronic nature.
  10. How many planets are there?

20 Clues: Speaking.Without due cause.The act of chewing.When love goes unmet.Synonymous with 'often'.Not for and not against.Comes after the main act.Another term for forfeit.Another word for boobies.Comes before the main act.How many planets are there?The act of something dispersing.A witty remark is also known as a?Largest of the Earth's many satellites....

Grade 7 vocabulary test 2022-02-28

Grade 7 vocabulary test crossword puzzle
  1. symbol or design
  2. prayer using silence and listening
  3. praying with Scripture
  4. one of he writers of the Gospels
  5. fallen angel who hates God's followers
  6. manifestation of Jesus to the Gentiles
  7. city of Jesus' birth
  8. mixing one's physical nature with one's spirituality
  9. visions of saintly people with a message
  10. praying out loud
  11. service of work done for others
  12. the fullness of Christian life and love
  1. prayerfully focusing on God
  2. a divine communication
  3. union of all saved in Jesus, living and dead
  4. Jewish festival for boys
  5. having to do with one's sexual nature
  6. an attraction that can lead to sin
  7. to get rid of
  8. prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude
  9. eight guidelines for Christian living

21 Clues: to get rid ofsymbol or designpraying out loudcity of Jesus' birtha divine communicationpraying with ScriptureJewish festival for boysprayerfully focusing on Godservice of work done for othersone of he writers of the Gospelsprayer using silence and listeningan attraction that can lead to sinhaving to do with one's sexual nature...

Word of the Day 1-20 2024-02-22

Word of the Day 1-20 crossword puzzle
  1. To swing or hang loosely
  2. Extremely large
  3. Lives in nature, not tamed by humans
  4. The average weather over many years
  5. Something that is not easy
  6. A loud noise
  7. To chew something with a crushing noise
  1. Careful not to hurt someone or something
  2. A strong smell
  3. To allow something, give permission
  4. Not wild, domesticated
  5. Comfortable or snug
  6. Safe to eat
  7. To shake or tremble from being cold or scared
  8. Two mix two or more things together
  9. To move very quickly
  10. Everything in the world that isn't made by man
  11. To bite something gently or small bites
  12. The seed of an oak tree
  13. To concentrate or pay attention to something or someone

20 Clues: Safe to eatA loud noiseA strong smellExtremely largeComfortable or snugTo move very quicklyNot wild, domesticatedThe seed of an oak treeTo swing or hang looselySomething that is not easyTo allow something, give permissionTwo mix two or more things togetherThe average weather over many yearsLives in nature, not tamed by humans...

Clothes and seasons 2024-02-26

Clothes and seasons crossword puzzle
  1. koszula
  2. spodnie
  3. lato
  4. wiosna
  5. zima
  6. natura
  7. sweter
  1. drzewo
  2. spodenki
  3. kwiat
  4. jesień
  5. koszulka
  6. spódniczka
  7. buty
  8. pora roku
  9. płaszcz
  10. nosić

17 Clues: butylatozimakwiatnosićdrzewojesieńwiosnanaturasweterkoszulaspodniepłaszczspodenkikoszulkapora rokuspódniczka


WORD MAZE- SYNONYMS crossword puzzle
  1. PAUSE
  2. NICE
  3. FALSE
  5. ADMIT
  6. JUMP
  7. JOY
  3. WISH
  5. LOUSY
  8. WEARY