nature Crossword Puzzles

School 2014-09-11

School crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. teacher
  3. pe
  4. geography
  5. writing
  6. english
  7. reading
  8. drawing
  9. ruler
  10. eraser
  11. pen
  1. pencil
  2. desk
  3. history
  4. maths
  5. natuur

16 Clues: pepenbookdeskmathsrulerpencilnatuureraserteacherhistorywritingenglishreadingdrawinggeography

Cross Word 2023-11-07

Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. nrinugnn
  2. ekhi
  3. lsacs
  4. fnu
  5. dgo
  6. sojek
  7. icivetrtay
  8. aenkut
  1. unnyf
  2. yomjeenn
  3. sldedri
  4. gge
  5. pcangim
  6. rat
  7. scoohl
  8. eats

16 Clues: ggeratfnudgoekhieatsunnyflsacssojekscoohlaenkutsldedripcangimyomjeennnrinugnnicivetrtay

E3 U1 2024-01-04

E3 U1 crossword puzzle
  1. sustainable
  2. species
  3. crisis
  4. contaminate
  5. damage
  6. planet
  7. prohibit
  8. earth
  1. protect
  2. pollution
  3. destroy
  4. trash
  5. threaten
  6. develop
  7. renewable
  8. nature

16 Clues: trashearthcrisisdamagenatureplanetprotectdestroydevelopspeciesthreatenprohibitpollutionrenewablesustainablecontaminate

unit 9 stems 2024-11-07

unit 9 stems crossword puzzle
  1. know
  2. 6
  3. walk
  4. god
  5. place
  6. emotion/feeling
  7. end
  8. pull
  1. nature of
  2. write
  3. ous
  4. rock
  5. together
  6. side
  7. flat
  8. not
  9. break

17 Clues: 6ousgodnotendknowwalkrocksideflatpullwriteplacebreaktogethernature ofemotion/feeling


ACCOUNTS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. On which basis income and expenditure account is prepared
  2. token payment made to a person who has voluntarily undertaken a service which is normally rendered for a fee
  3. title of the account which shows surplus deficit of NPO
  4. charitable institution often receives
  5. excess of of income over expenditure
  1. Which entities is income and expenditure account prepared
  2. amount received as donation by a not for profit organisation under will of a deceased person
  3. amount paid by the members of the NPO on periodical basis so that their membership remain alive
  4. Subscription received in advance during the current year is
  5. Nature of income and expenditure account
  6. nature of receipts and payment account
  7. received for a specific purpose is a capital receipt and is shown in the balance sheet
  8. Excess of assets over liabilities of a NPO
  9. Excess of expenditure over income
  10. On which basis receipts and payments account is prepared
  11. nature of items of income and expenditure account

16 Clues: Excess of expenditure over incomeexcess of of income over expenditurecharitable institution often receivesnature of receipts and payment accountNature of income and expenditure accountExcess of assets over liabilities of a NPOnature of items of income and expenditure accounttitle of the account which shows surplus deficit of NPO...

ToK 2022-11-29

ToK crossword puzzle
  1. Recognises different views
  2. The logical basis of the Sciences
  3. The universal paradigm
  4. The third element in GJUK
  5. An Art form
  6. A task for the historian
  7. An element of a basis for analysing Art
  8. How we do NOT consume Art
  9. The philosophical basis of the Sciences
  10. The nature of an artistic experience
  1. A framework for ToK questions
  2. The goal sought be the Natural Sciences
  3. A characteristic of the historical record
  4. The nature of worldly knowledge
  5. A similarity between Art and History
  6. A euphemism for modernisation
  7. Ways of approaching the historical process
  8. An element of the Knowledge Framework
  9. A characteristic of knowledge
  10. A lens through which to view the world
  11. Often expressed in Art

21 Clues: An Art formThe universal paradigmOften expressed in ArtA task for the historianThe third element in GJUKHow we do NOT consume ArtRecognises different viewsA framework for ToK questionsA euphemism for modernisationA characteristic of knowledgeThe nature of worldly knowledgeThe logical basis of the SciencesA similarity between Art and History...

Vocabulary Acquisition 2013-04-10

Vocabulary Acquisition crossword puzzle
  1. a part of the essential nature of something ; intrinsic
  2. a frank ; without deception ; simple ; artless ; charmingly naive
  3. a uncompromising ; stubborn
  4. a uncontrollable ; stubborn ; disobedient
  5. n a command or order especially a court order
  6. a excessive ; unreasonable
  7. a like an island ; isolated
  8. a hard or impossible to satisfy ; greedy ; avaricious
  9. a treacherous ; sneaky
  10. v to conclude ; to deduce
  11. a essential
  12. a arrogant ; insulting
  1. n a rebel ; someone who revolts against a government
  2. v to hint; to creep in hind
  3. a very very very small ; infinitely small
  4. a part of the essential nature of something ; inherent
  5. a existing since birth ; inborn ; inherent
  6. a harmless ; banal
  7. v to provoke ; to stir up;exhort;egg
  8. a dull ; bland ; banal

20 Clues: a essentiala harmless ; banala treacherous ; sneakya dull ; bland ; banala arrogant ; insultingv to conclude ; to deducea excessive ; unreasonablev to hint; to creep in hinda uncompromising ; stubborna like an island ; isolatedv to provoke ; to stir up;exhort;egga very very very small ; infinitely smalla uncontrollable ; stubborn ; disobedient...

Pre-Darwinian 2024-03-13

Pre-Darwinian crossword puzzle
  1. Hutton and Lyle discovery
  2. Lamarck created this
  3. done by humans
  4. supported by a large number of observations
  5. Each species has a place in nature
  6. Organisms differ
  7. egg development
  8. Study of fossils
  9. organisms adapt and change in the environment(nature)
  1. inherited from a common ancestor
  2. classifying organisms
  3. creation each species has an "ideal" Structure and function
  4. Darwin's animal he studied
  5. Processes occurring at a uniform rate
  6. How many preconditions of natural selections are there
  7. the belief that catastrophic extinction occurred after Which repopulation of species occurred
  8. Who believed adaptations over time
  9. study of geographic disruption of life
  10. Darwin suggested this
  11. no purpose
  12. Adapting to the environment causes changes
  13. inherited from unique ancestors

22 Clues: no purposedone by humansegg developmentOrganisms differStudy of fossilsLamarck created thisclassifying organismsDarwin suggested thisHutton and Lyle discoveryDarwin's animal he studiedinherited from unique ancestorsinherited from a common ancestorWho believed adaptations over timeEach species has a place in nature...

Mesopotamia 2023-10-06

Mesopotamia crossword puzzle
  1. houses were made of bricks, reeds and ____
  2. serve between God and man
  3. pictures
  4. spears,axes, bow and arrows are military ____
  5. major cause of death
  6. 13 was a ______ number
  7. when the Tigris and Euphrates river flood is ______
  8. religious temple
  9. formed by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers along with the Mediterranean Sea
  1. period before the normally recognized dynasties, especially in ancient Egypt before about 3000 BC.
  2. wedged shaped writing
  3. own town budget but still part of something bigger
  4. sound
  5. musical instruments were made out of hollow ____
  6. "land between two rivers"
  7. temporary ruler
  8. husband of mother nature
  9. first city in Mesopotamia
  10. government run by religion
  11. mother nature equivalent
  12. action
  13. permanent ruler

22 Clues: soundactionpicturestemporary rulerpermanent rulerreligious templemajor cause of deathwedged shaped writing13 was a ______ numberhusband of mother naturemother nature equivalentserve between God and man"land between two rivers"first city in Mesopotamiagovernment run by religionhouses were made of bricks, reeds and ____...

Ninuschk's Crossword Minigame 2024-12-19

Ninuschk's Crossword Minigame crossword puzzle
  1. Shard
  2. Bonus damage
  3. Hide gathering
  4. Flash of Insight
  5. Abbey dungeon
  6. Demon Arrow
  7. Stronghold
  8. Power drain
  9. Fabled bow
  10. Base
  11. Mage footwear
  12. Fame conversion
  13. Nature spell
  14. Solo
  15. Hostile level
  16. Raging Storm
  17. Lucent Hawk
  18. Duel
  19. Swamp
  20. Sandy hub
  21. Risk reward
  22. Saving staff
  23. Titan
  24. Witch
  25. Reaper
  26. Smash
  27. Ice
  28. Bird
  1. Cleave
  2. Pierce
  3. Large mob
  4. Blade
  5. Fire user
  6. Hook profession
  7. Runner
  8. Magic Arrow
  9. Alpha
  10. Wizardry
  11. Forest
  12. CDR
  13. Precision
  14. Fame buff
  15. Danger
  16. Blood weapon
  17. Giant
  18. Stun smasher
  19. Demons
  20. Earth Crusher
  21. Sand
  22. Arcane spell
  23. Werewolf
  24. Nature
  25. Archer
  26. Light headgear
  27. Fog
  28. Stone

56 Clues: CDRFogIceBaseSoloSandDuelBirdShardBladeAlphaGiantSwampTitanWitchSmashStoneCleavePierceRunnerForestDangerDemonsNatureArcherReaperWizardryWerewolfLarge mobFire userPrecisionFame buffSandy hubStrongholdFabled bowMagic ArrowDemon ArrowPower drainLucent HawkRisk rewardBonus damageBlood weaponNature spellStun smasherRaging StormArcane spellSaving staff...

Summer Merrick 2018-03-15

Summer Merrick crossword puzzle
  1. Hop and swish.
  2. Outside on rocks with rope.
  3. No hand sport.
  4. Our... girls (...= our country.
  5. Ballons and music.
  6. Some people need glasses for it.
  1. The bed goes there and the desk goes over there.
  2. climbing big tall things in nature and they have branches
  3. Its a sport in the water.
  4. Hanging things up.
  5. Mix blue and green.
  6. Hogwarts (Hermione granger.
  7. They are all around nature and live of it.
  8. Just like family.

14 Clues: Hop and swish.No hand sport.Just like family.Hanging things up.Ballons and music.Mix blue and green.Its a sport in the water.Outside on rocks with rope.Hogwarts (Hermione granger.Our... girls (...= our country.Some people need glasses for it.They are all around nature and live of it.The bed goes there and the desk goes over there....

La naturaleza Senderos 3 Lec1 2021-04-17

La naturaleza Senderos 3 Lec1 crossword puzzle
  1. trail/ path
  2. cloud
  3. forest
  4. volcano
  5. stone
  6. grass
  7. plant
  8. tree
  9. lake
  10. valley
  11. sun
  1. flower
  2. sky
  3. desert
  4. crater
  5. moon
  6. land/soil
  7. jungla jungle
  8. star
  9. river
  10. nature

21 Clues: skysunmoonstartreelakecloudstonegrassplantriverflowerdesertforestcraternaturevalleyvolcanoland/soiltrail/ pathjungla jungle

word work 2022-02-23

word work crossword puzzle
  1. hollow
  2. lawbreaker
  3. hole
  4. exact
  5. rock
  6. enjoyable
  7. result of igniting
  8. accuracy
  9. tenderness
  1. correct
  2. human race
  3. nice
  4. sportsperson
  5. sort
  6. wrong
  7. muscular
  8. correction
  9. classic
  10. I
  11. environment
  12. fire
  13. normal

22 Clues: Iniceholesortrockfirewrongexacthollownormalcorrectclassicmuscularaccuracyenjoyablehuman racelawbreakercorrectiontendernessenvironmentsportspersonresult of igniting

word work 2022-02-23

word work crossword puzzle
  1. hollow
  2. lawbreaker
  3. hole
  4. exact
  5. rock
  6. enjoyable
  7. result of igniting
  8. accuracy
  9. tenderness
  1. correct
  2. human race
  3. nice
  4. sportsperson
  5. sort
  6. wrong
  7. muscular
  8. correction
  9. classic
  10. I
  11. environment
  12. fire
  13. normal

22 Clues: Iniceholesortrockfirewrongexacthollownormalcorrectclassicmuscularaccuracyenjoyablehuman racelawbreakercorrectiontendernessenvironmentsportspersonresult of igniting

Earth Hour crossword 2022-02-25

Earth Hour crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 존경
  2. 환영하다
  3. 소등
  4. 대륙
  5. 자연
  6. 훌륭한
  7. 고대의/아주 오래된
  8. 아끼다
  9. 재미
  1. 행성
  2. 에너지
  3. 유산
  4. 그릇
  5. 지구
  6. 시간/1시간
  7. ~을 돌보다
  8. 인간
  9. 시원한/서늘한
  10. 동정심
  11. 어둠

20 Clues: 행성유산그릇존경지구소등인간대륙자연어둠재미에너지훌륭한동정심아끼다환영하다시간/1시간~을 돌보다시원한/서늘한고대의/아주 오래된

Bienvenue 2018-10-13

Bienvenue crossword puzzle
  1. Of
  2. Bedankt
  3. Frankrijk
  4. Land
  5. Meneer
  6. Aankruisen
  7. Vraag
  8. Chocolade
  9. Gesprekspartner
  10. Altijd
  11. U of jullie
  1. Perron
  2. Zoals
  3. Cursus, les
  4. Taal
  5. Zonder
  6. Natuur
  7. Uitspraak
  8. Woord
  9. Zoeken
  10. Frans
  11. Foto

22 Clues: OfTaalLandFotoZoalsWoordVraagFransPerronZonderNatuurMeneerZoekenAltijdBedanktFrankrijkUitspraakChocoladeAankruisenCursus, lesU of jullieGesprekspartner

Spelling Words 2024-01-29

Spelling Words crossword puzzle
  1. element
  2. animal
  3. meat seller
  4. parliament
  5. meadow
  6. stress
  7. blend together
  8. bounty
  9. cot
  10. explorer
  1. wet
  2. blue
  3. discourse
  4. to determine the size of
  5. expected
  6. crack
  7. movement
  8. joy
  9. farmer
  10. being

20 Clues: wetjoycotbluecrackbeinganimalmeadowstressfarmerbountyelementexpectedmovementexplorerdiscourseparliamentmeat sellerblend togetherto determine the size of

Choice Board Vocab 2024-10-17

Choice Board Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. volcano
  2. cloud
  3. star
  4. nature
  5. grass
  6. sun
  7. valley
  8. lake
  9. desert
  1. plant
  2. tree
  3. stone
  4. crater
  5. trail; path
  6. flower
  7. land soil
  8. moon
  9. jungle
  10. sky
  11. river
  12. (tropical; rain) forest

21 Clues: skysuntreestarmoonlakeplantstonecloudrivergrasscraterflowerjunglenaturevalleydesertvolcanoland soiltrail; path(tropical; rain) forest

Page11 2023-04-17

Page11 crossword puzzle
  1. ออนซ์
  2. แหล่งกําเนิด
  3. เครื่องหมายบวก
  4. ผู้ที่มีตำแหน่งสูงสุด, อาจารย์ใหญ่, สำคัญ
  5. รอยปะ
  6. ภาพเหมือน
  7. สิทธิบัตร
  8. ธรรมชาติ
  9. เหยื่อ
  1. การเดินเรือ
  2. การมองโลกในแง่ร้าย
  3. ภาพถ่าย
  4. ความอุดมสมบูรณ์
  5. จุดสูงสุด
  6. ระเบิด
  7. การผ่าน, ทางเดิน
  8. เรือนจํา
  9. นักบวช
  10. งานอดิเรก, สิ่งบันเทิงที่ทำเพื่อฆ่าเวลา
  11. วัตถุ, สิ่งของ
  12. ผลลัพธ์

21 Clues: ออนซ์รอยปะระเบิดนักบวชเหยื่อภาพถ่ายผลลัพธ์เรือนจําธรรมชาติจุดสูงสุดภาพเหมือนสิทธิบัตรการเดินเรือแหล่งกําเนิดเครื่องหมายบวกวัตถุ, สิ่งของความอุดมสมบูรณ์การผ่าน, ทางเดินการมองโลกในแง่ร้ายงานอดิเรก, สิ่งบันเทิงที่ทำเพื่อฆ่าเวลาผู้ที่มีตำแหน่งสูงสุด, อาจารย์ใหญ่, สำคัญ

Root Word Puzzle 2024-11-02

Root Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. side
  2. carry
  3. cutdown/kill
  4. body
  5. pull
  6. water
  7. shape
  8. master
  1. throw
  2. war
  3. breathe
  4. call
  5. see
  6. art/skill
  7. around
  8. speak
  9. foot
  10. nature
  11. first
  12. earth/land

20 Clues: warseesidecallfootbodypullthrowcarryspeakfirstwatershapearoundnaturemasterbreatheart/skillearth/landcutdown/kill

Social Studies Ch. 1 Lesson 3-4 Grade 3 2023-09-12

Social Studies Ch. 1 Lesson 3-4 Grade 3 crossword puzzle
  1. kind of weather a place has most often year after year
  2. the height of the land above sea level
  3. water that falls to earth's surface as rain, sleet, hail or snow
  4. something that can be made again by nature or people
  5. surrounding in which people, plants or animals live
  6. the amount of moisture in the air
  1. something that cannot be made again by nature or people
  2. resource something found in nature, such as water, soil, or minerals that people can use to meet their needs
  3. the measurement of hot and cold
  4. water that sinks beneath Earth's surface when it rains or snows
  5. the protection and wise use of all natural resources
  6. the differences in elevation
  7. all the businesses that make one kind of product or provide one kind of service
  8. a natural substance found in rocks

14 Clues: the differences in elevationthe measurement of hot and coldthe amount of moisture in the aira natural substance found in rocksthe height of the land above sea levelsurrounding in which people, plants or animals livethe protection and wise use of all natural resourcessomething that can be made again by nature or people...

4.05 Vocab 2024-03-20

4.05 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Assets physical in nature
  2. Man made products
  3. Raw materials
  4. process system
  5. Making of products
  6. Completed product
  7. Asset not psychical in nature
  1. compensation for skill or knowledge
  2. A set of functions
  3. Another term for cash

10 Clues: Raw materialsprocess systemMan made productsCompleted productA set of functionsMaking of productsAnother term for cashAssets physical in natureAsset not psychical in naturecompensation for skill or knowledge

Senior C unit 9 2020-07-02

Senior C unit 9 crossword puzzle
  1. if you want to be close to nature you go ...
  2. lions, monkeys elephants are all part of the ....
  3. a place with many rides
  4. it has sans and pebbles
  5. the thing you need so that you can watch a movie, a concert, or if you want to take the bus etc
  6. what you do when you go sightseeing, you go on a ...
  7. you do this to get to the top of the mountain
  1. the opposite of stress
  2. an opportunity to get near animals and take their picture
  3. the person who explains what you see and shows you the way
  4. a place with many slides that have a liquid in them
  5. a combination of learning about nature and vacation
  6. you need it if you try the close to nature vacation
  7. destroyed buildings

14 Clues: destroyed buildingsthe opposite of stressa place with many ridesit has sans and pebblesif you want to be close to nature you go do this to get to the top of the mountainlions, monkeys elephants are all part of the ....a place with many slides that have a liquid in thema combination of learning about nature and vacation...

Human Impact Crossword Puzzle 2020-09-29

Human Impact Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. resources found in nature.
  2. to preserve and protect something.
  3. using a product a second time.
  4. processing used materials for use in creating new products.
  5. a process that results in a plan of how to best protect and improved the water quality and other natural resources.
  6. a mixture of decayed matter of once living things. It can be used for fertilizing and conditioning the land.
  7. to make like new
  8. resources found in nature formed from things that died a long time ago.
  1. resources that can replenish themselves.
  2. way of growing crops or pasture from year to year without disturbing the soil.
  3. the release of chemicals into the atmosphere.
  4. Resources that cannot be restored.
  5. the action of clearing a wide area of trees
  6. the breaking down of objects into small parts in nature.

14 Clues: to make like newresources found in nature.using a product a second time.Resources that cannot be preserve and protect something.resources that can replenish themselves.the action of clearing a wide area of treesthe release of chemicals into the atmosphere.the breaking down of objects into small parts in nature....

kpl 5A sanat 2014-03-04

kpl 5A sanat crossword puzzle
  1. kierrättää
  2. disturb
  3. suojella
  4. sunblock
  5. nature
  6. waste
  7. cover
  8. ground
  9. tent
  10. substance
  1. ratkaisu
  2. vähentää
  3. choice
  4. save
  5. harm
  6. käyttää uudelleen

16 Clues: saveharmtentwastecoverchoicenaturegrounddisturbratkaisuvähentääsuojellasunblocksubstancekierrättääkäyttää uudelleen

La Tierra 2022-10-17

La Tierra crossword puzzle
  1. hill
  2. electricity
  3. moon
  4. rainforest
  5. plant
  6. town
  7. valley
  8. air
  9. earth
  10. solar
  11. forest
  1. heat
  2. nature
  3. energy
  4. desert
  5. outer space

16 Clues: airhillheatmoontownplantearthsolarnatureenergydesertvalleyforestrainforestelectricityouter space

baumschule crossword puzzle 2022-04-22

baumschule crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. intercontinental
  2. animal
  3. principal
  4. maskot
  5. auditorium
  6. sustainable
  7. growing
  8. polyglot
  1. diversity
  2. street
  3. color
  4. surrounding
  5. ... is power
  6. newspaper
  7. symbol
  8. activity

16 Clues: colorstreetanimalsymbolmaskotgrowingactivitypolyglotdiversitynewspaperprincipalauditoriumsurroundingsustainable... is powerintercontinental

Reviewing for the Midterm: Conflict and Other Miscellaneous but Key Terms 2022-12-04

Reviewing for the Midterm: Conflict and Other Miscellaneous but Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. 12
  2. 6
  3. 4
  4. 14
  5. 1
  6. 8
  7. 15
  8. 10
  9. 13
  1. 7
  2. 18
  3. 16
  4. 5
  5. 3
  6. 17
  7. 11
  8. 9
  9. 2

18 Clues: 765431892181216141715101113

roman gods, and goddesses 2023-01-31

roman gods, and goddesses crossword puzzle
  1. cupid
  2. nature
  3. hearth
  4. wisdom
  5. harvest
  6. two faces
  7. wine
  8. sea
  9. messenger
  1. reason
  2. fire
  3. thunder
  4. hunting
  5. war
  6. Marriage
  7. death

16 Clues: warseafirewinecupiddeathreasonnaturehearthwisdomthunderhuntingharvestMarriagetwo facesmessenger

Vocabulaire de géométrie 2024-06-26

Vocabulaire de géométrie crossword puzzle
  1. j'ai quatre angles droits
  2. segment qui joint deux sommets opposés
  3. j'ai huit côtés
  4. figure qui a quatre côtés
  5. j'ai quatre côtés égaux
  6. le petit côté d'un rectangle
  1. figure qui a trois côtés
  2. j'ai six côtés
  3. axe de symétrie d'un segment
  4. figure à plusieurs côtés
  5. nature d'un triangle qui a trois angles égaux
  6. nature d'un triangle qui a deux côtés égaux
  7. mes diagonales sont égales et perpendiculaires

13 Clues: j'ai six côtésj'ai huit côtésj'ai quatre côtés égauxfigure qui a trois côtésfigure à plusieurs côtésj'ai quatre angles droitsfigure qui a quatre côtésaxe de symétrie d'un segmentle petit côté d'un rectanglesegment qui joint deux sommets opposésnature d'un triangle qui a deux côtés égauxnature d'un triangle qui a trois angles égaux...

Chapter 2 Vocabulary 2021-09-27

Chapter 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Factual information collected by scientists.
  2. Energy associated with motion, such as in flowing water, a speeding car or electricity.
  3. Anything that has mass and takes up space. Commonly exists as a solid, liquid, or gas.
  4. Energy stored and potentially available for use.
  5. Combination of two or more atoms of the same or different elements held together by chemical bonds.
  6. Capacity to do work.
  7. Numeric value that indicates the relative acidity or alkalinity of a substance on a scale of 0 to 14, with the neutral point at 7.
  8. Possible and testable answer to a scientific question or explanation of what scientists have observed in nature.
  1. Energy generated and measured by heat.
  2. The basic building block of matter.
  3. Broad field of study focused on discovering how nature works and using that knowledge to describe what is likely to happen in nature.
  4. One of two or more forms of a chemical element that have the same atomic number but different mass numbers because they have different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei.
  5. Type of matter with a unique set of properties that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.
  6. Physical or mathematical representation of a structure or system.
  7. Well tested and widely accepted description of observations that have been repeated many times in a variety of conditions.
  8. Atom or group of atoms with one or more positive (+) or negative (-) electrical charges.
  9. Set of components that function and interact in some regular way.
  10. Combination of two or more different elements held together in fixed proportions.
  11. Description of what scientist find happening in nature repeatedly in the same way without known exception.

19 Clues: Capacity to do work.The basic building block of matter.Energy generated and measured by heat.Factual information collected by scientists.Energy stored and potentially available for use.Physical or mathematical representation of a structure or system.Set of components that function and interact in some regular way....

William Wordsworth 2020-04-10

William Wordsworth crossword puzzle
  1. Wordsworth's view of Nature
  2. Wordsworth's second wife
  3. a common man but with greater sensibility
  4. he was against this kind of artificial language
  5. the work produced in collaboration with Coleridge
  6. the year of his death
  7. the period in which man develops his moral character
  8. man's source of pleasure
  9. the place where he was born
  10. the major force used in the creation of a poem
  11. synonym of "imagination"
  1. the emotion purified in poetic form
  2. when he moved to Dorset to live with his sister
  3. Wordsworth's famous Preface
  4. all poetry takes its origin from...
  5. his autobiographical poem
  6. an important person for Wordsworth
  7. the sense perception employed in "Daffodils"
  8. a famous golden flower
  9. contrary to objective

20 Clues: the year of his deathcontrary to objectivea famous golden flowerWordsworth's second wifeman's source of pleasuresynonym of "imagination"his autobiographical poemWordsworth's famous PrefaceWordsworth's view of Naturethe place where he was bornan important person for Wordsworththe emotion purified in poetic formall poetry takes its origin from......

Frankenstein Intro and Part 1 Questions 2021-12-16

Frankenstein Intro and Part 1 Questions crossword puzzle
  1. __________dangerous to acquire (theme)
  2. A philosopher Victor reads in College
  3. Number of approximate years to build creature
  4. Monster wants to be viewed like this Edenic fella
  5. Encouraged Mary to Make Idea a Novel
  6. Frankenstein Was the First of This Genre
  7. Victor's Friend
  8. Victor pursued this to her hiding places
  9. Hunchback Assistant of Pop Culture
  10. Mary Chilling with Friends
  11. __________ animation upon lifeless matter
  12. Mountainous Setting for Convo w/Monster
  1. Victor's Mom
  2. Benedict Cumberbatch Not Like the Original One
  3. Physical Secrets of the World
  4. Inaccurate identity with a poisonous sword
  5. Bloodthirsty character with inaccurate identity
  6. ____________ of Nature that Victor repined
  7. The deepest mysteries of ________________
  8. Perished on the Scaffold as a murderess
  9. Monster's first murdered victim

21 Clues: Victor's MomVictor's FriendMary Chilling with FriendsPhysical Secrets of the WorldMonster's first murdered victimHunchback Assistant of Pop CultureEncouraged Mary to Make Idea a NovelA philosopher Victor reads in College__________dangerous to acquire (theme)Perished on the Scaffold as a murderessMountainous Setting for Convo w/Monster...

Social Studies 2018-03-21

Social Studies crossword puzzle
  1. Long, narrow bay
  2. Work done for people
  3. In the country side
  4. Use materials from nature
  5. Places that make goods or food
  6. Cutting trees down
  7. What people believe, language, music and food.
  8. Grasslands
  9. Having many cultures
  10. What surrounds animals and people
  11. Ways that are passed down from parents.
  12. Where people live
  13. Things made for people to use
  14. The past
  1. Animals living in the wild
  2. A community in the city
  3. Water with land around it
  4. Protection (of nature)
  5. Moving stuff
  6. Showing visitors around
  7. A special celebration
  8. the rise and fall of the sea level
  9. How hot or cold
  10. Dirty
  11. Food for people and animals
  12. Where people live
  13. Family that lived long ago

27 Clues: DirtyThe pastGrasslandsMoving stuffHow hot or coldLong, narrow bayWhere people liveWhere people liveCutting trees downIn the country sideWork done for peopleHaving many culturesA special celebrationProtection (of nature)A community in the cityShowing visitors aroundWater with land around itUse materials from natureAnimals living in the wild...

Vocabulary Acquisition 2013-04-10

Vocabulary Acquisition crossword puzzle
  1. a like an island ; isolated
  2. a harmless ; banal
  3. a hard or impossible to satisfy ; greedy ; avaricious
  4. v to conclude ; to deduce
  5. a arrogant ; insulting
  6. a uncompromising ; stubborn
  7. a part of the essential nature of something ; inherent
  8. a treacherous ; sneaky
  9. n a rebel ; someone who revolts against a government
  10. v to provoke ; to stir up;exhort;egg
  11. a existing since birth ; inborn ; inherent
  12. a essential
  1. a dull ; bland ; banal
  2. a frank ; without deception ; simple ; artless ; charmingly naive
  3. v to hint; to creep in hind
  4. a excessive ; unreasonable
  5. a part of the essential nature of something ; intrinsic
  6. a uncontrollable ; stubborn ; disobedient
  7. a very very very small ; infinitely small
  8. n a command or order especially a court order

20 Clues: a essentiala harmless ; banala dull ; bland ; banala arrogant ; insultinga treacherous ; sneakyv to conclude ; to deducea excessive ; unreasonablea like an island ; isolatedv to hint; to creep in hinda uncompromising ; stubbornv to provoke ; to stir up;exhort;egga uncontrollable ; stubborn ; disobedienta very very very small ; infinitely small...

Conservation in New Zealand 2024-09-05

Conservation in New Zealand crossword puzzle
  1. All the living organisms found within a particular area
  2. A community of organisms with their physical environment
  3. New Zealand's native bird
  4. Naturally occurring in that area
  5. Preys on others for food
  6. Rediscovered in 1948 from 'extinction'
  7. Native blue bird with white tuft
  8. Manages the prevention of unwanted organisms from damaging
  9. Breeding animals in captivity
  10. The act of preserving
  1. The study of the environment
  2. Native, flightless parrot
  3. Guardianship (Māori word)
  4. Native and only found in that place
  5. Preservation and protection of nature
  6. The act of protecting
  7. Animal that is harmful to the environment
  8. Common pest
  9. Wild animals
  10. No living members of a species
  11. A nature reserve
  12. At risk of extinction

22 Clues: Common pestWild animalsA nature reserveThe act of protectingAt risk of extinctionThe act of preservingPreys on others for foodNative, flightless parrotGuardianship (Māori word)New Zealand's native birdThe study of the environmentBreeding animals in captivityNo living members of a speciesNaturally occurring in that area...

Sustainability Ethics 2022-03-22

Sustainability Ethics crossword puzzle
  1. The impacts of climate change are expected to last at least ___ thousand years
  2. Ethics that deal with common morality
  3. Keeping natural resources within nature.
  4. Do not obstruct __________ with regard to sustainability
  5. seek fair terms of _________ conducive to sustainability
  6. Ethics of diverse practices, institutions, and the special roles associated with them
  7. Ethics pertaining to the responsibilities of citizens and governments
  1. Living in a way that preserves natural capital, or does not reduce the capacity or accumulated products of the natural systems on which one relies.
  2. Do not diminish natural _______
  3. Do not subject individuals or collectivities to _________ reliance
  4. Allows for regulated extraction and exploitation from nature.
  5. Do not diminish satisfying oppor­tunities to _________ nature
  6. The Earth's capacity to generate useful materials and clear wastes
  7. City where the 1972 UN 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment took place

14 Clues: Do not diminish natural _______Ethics that deal with common moralityKeeping natural resources within nature.Do not obstruct __________ with regard to sustainabilityseek fair terms of _________ conducive to sustainabilityAllows for regulated extraction and exploitation from nature.Do not diminish satisfying oppor­tunities to _________ nature...

Nature and animals 2020-05-21

Nature and animals crossword puzzle
  1. Before the butterfly...
  2. It belongs to a queen and to a tree.
  3. During the winter they live in a community of 10-20 thousands.
  4. A white flower you can find in every garden.
  5. They have eight paws and from six to eight eyes.
  6. After the rain it's always a colourful surprise...thanks to the sun!
  1. Birds who lives next to the sea.
  2. It has just three leaves.
  3. It's full of good properties. Thank you bees!
  4. The ones of the rose can be red..
  5. The season which come after winter.

11 Clues: Before the butterfly...It has just three leaves.Birds who lives next to the sea.The ones of the rose can be red..The season which come after winter.It belongs to a queen and to a tree.A white flower you can find in every garden.It's full of good properties. Thank you bees!They have eight paws and from six to eight eyes....

Nature of Science 2020-10-04

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. information gathered during an investigation
  2. scale tool used to measure force
  3. measurement very close to the actual size
  4. the study of the natural world
  5. a person's thoughts or feelings
  6. any condition that can be changed in an
  1. a procedure carried out to learn more
  2. an investigation where all the variables are
  3. tool used to measure mass
  4. group the group where no variables were changed
  5. something

11 Clues: somethingtool used to measure massthe study of the natural worlda person's thoughts or feelingsscale tool used to measure forcea procedure carried out to learn moreany condition that can be changed in anmeasurement very close to the actual sizeinformation gathered during an investigationan investigation where all the variables are...

Nature Animals Crossword 2021-08-11

Nature Animals Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 8 legs
  2. Has a trunk
  3. Lives in cold weather and can't fly
  4. Large marsupial
  5. Long neck
  1. Has a long, slimy body
  2. Has black and white stripes
  3. Naughty and eats bananas
  4. Likes to chase mice
  5. Man's best friend
  6. Flying mammal

11 Clues: 8 legsLong neckHas a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceHas a long, slimy bodyNaughty and eats bananasHas black and white stripesLives in cold weather and can't fly

Nature of Science 2021-08-25

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. The group that receives the treatment.
  2. The variable on the y axis. The effect; its value Depends on changes in the independent variable.
  3. The variables that are kept the same in an experiment.
  4. Weighing right and wrong in order to make the best choice.
  5. Mnemonic to remember independent and dependent variable.
  6. Gathering data.
  1. The variable on the x axis. The cause; its value is independent of other variables in your study.
  2. Working with others that are knowledgeable about the subject area.
  3. Used to make logical conclusions about observations.
  4. ________ reviewed. The author's peers (other scientists) have evaluated the paper.
  5. The group that does not receive the treatment.

11 Clues: Gathering data.The group that receives the treatment.The group that does not receive the treatment.Used to make logical conclusions about observations.The variables that are kept the same in an experiment.Mnemonic to remember independent and dependent variable.Weighing right and wrong in order to make the best choice....

Nature of L_I_G_H_T ! 2012-12-03

Nature of L_I_G_H_T ! crossword puzzle
  1. light consists of corpuscles or tiny particles shooting out like tiny bullets from a source
  2. discovered that light is made up of seven colors
  3. according to him, light is propagated in space as EM waves
  1. phenomenon where electrons are emitted when light strikes a photosensitive metal surface
  2. proposed that every particle of matter is somehow endowed with a wave to guide as it travels
  3. supported and confirmed the EM wave theory of light
  4. had a study of the scattering of X - rays by electrons
  5. proposed the wave theory
  6. this assumes that light is radiated in discrete packets or bundles called photons
  7. performed double slit experiment which showed interference of light
  8. according to this theory light is a series of disturbances

11 Clues: proposed the wave theorydiscovered that light is made up of seven colorssupported and confirmed the EM wave theory of lighthad a study of the scattering of X - rays by electronsaccording to this theory light is a series of disturbancesaccording to him, light is propagated in space as EM waves...

Word Power Nature 2014-10-20

Word Power Nature crossword puzzle
  1. bright with sunlight
  2. a person who has been forced to leave his country
  3. extremely tall
  4. very strong wind
  1. a tropical storm at the Indian Oceans
  2. a slope
  3. to make a child an orphan
  4. feeling depressed
  5. having no home
  6. calm and quite
  7. not showing any sign of anger and any other emotion

11 Clues: a slopehaving no homecalm and quiteextremely tallvery strong windfeeling depressedbright with sunlightto make a child an orphana tropical storm at the Indian Oceansa person who has been forced to leave his countrynot showing any sign of anger and any other emotion

English 101 - Nature 2016-03-16

English 101 - Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Biene
  2. Pilz
  3. Blume
  4. Ast, Zweig
  5. Baum
  6. Kaktus
  1. Eichhörnchen
  2. Blatt
  3. Hase
  4. Berg
  5. Fuchs

11 Clues: PilzHaseBergBaumBlattBieneFuchsBlumeKaktusAst, ZweigEichhörnchen

RE Nature Crossword 2023-11-22

RE Nature Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the guy who created the land we live on
  2. to water my plants to make them live
  3. is what kill our environment
  4. were the animals live?
  5. what do plants grow from?
  6. where i put my rubbish
  1. takes a long time to die
  2. garden thats in the bible
  3. were i put my food scraps in
  4. what makes the grass long tall and proud
  5. give you oxygen?

11 Clues: give you oxygen?were the animals live?where i put my rubbishtakes a long time to diegarden thats in the biblewhat do plants grow from?were i put my food scraps inis what kill our environmentto water my plants to make them livethe guy who created the land we live onwhat makes the grass long tall and proud

Part of Nature 2024-01-16

Part of Nature crossword puzzle
  1. When animals are in the "Red List". The are called ________?
  2. People who work in any kind of job.
  3. At a special research center, workers keep some pandas in ________ for breeding.
  4. A specific territory.
  5. Animals that are not domestic.
  6. Workers wear special __________ of pandas.
  7. A place where the animals and plants are protected.
  1. There are many wildlife __________ projects to help endangered animals.
  2. Animals and plants that live in a natural environment.
  3. Pandas' favorite food, bamboo, ________ in the forests around the mountains.
  4. A very big area with a lot of trees.

11 Clues: A specific territory.Animals that are not domestic.People who work in any kind of job.A very big area with a lot of trees.Workers wear special __________ of pandas.A place where the animals and plants are protected.Animals and plants that live in a natural environment.When animals are in the "Red List". The are called ________?...

Nature vs Nurture 2023-03-20

Nature vs Nurture crossword puzzle
  1. Refers to the cause of behaviour due to our genetics (6)
  2. What is the reception of genetic qualities by transmission from parent to offspring? (11)
  3. What is another word for nature? (8)
  4. Certain qualities or traits are passed from parents to offspring as a result of changes in DNA sequence(8)
  5. The idea of being born as a 'blank slate' (10 - two words in one)
  6. What paper 3 psychology topic claims that our behaviour is a result of natural selection (nature)? (13)
  1. What is the most nurturist approach in Psychology? (12)
  2. What paper 3 psychology topic claims that this disorder is formed through family dysfunction (nurture)? (13)
  3. Refers to the cause of behaviour due the environment (7)
  4. What paper 3 psychology topic claims that the warrior gene (a nature approach) is an explanation? (9)
  5. What is the most nativist approach in Psychology (10)

11 Clues: What is another word for nature? (8)What is the most nativist approach in Psychology (10)What is the most nurturist approach in Psychology? (12)Refers to the cause of behaviour due to our genetics (6)Refers to the cause of behaviour due the environment (7)The idea of being born as a 'blank slate' (10 - two words in one)...

Close to Nature 2024-03-19

Close to Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense, especially concerning energy use.
  2. To protect from wasteful loss.
  3. The natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area.
  4. Maintain something in its original or existing state.
  1. Convert waste into reusable material.
  2. Meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations.
  3. Use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose.
  4. The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.
  5. To observe and check the progress or quality of something over a period of time.
  6. Describes practices that are friendly to the earth.
  7. Water escapes due to this fault in a tap.

11 Clues: To protect from wasteful loss.Convert waste into reusable material.Water escapes due to this fault in a tap.Describes practices that are friendly to the earth.Maintain something in its original or existing state.Use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose.The natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area....

Nature of Science 2024-08-28

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. the variables that are constant in an experiment
  2. a single experimenter repeating an experiment
  3. a different experimenter repeating an experiment
  4. dependent variable, the data point that depends upon the measured outcome of an experiment
  5. a pie chart
  1. used to display continuous data like time
  2. downwards motion
  3. a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact
  4. a statement that describes the outcome an experimenter is testing for in an experiment
  5. independent variable, the variables an experimenter changes in an experiment
  6. used to display data from different categories

11 Clues: a pie chartdownwards motionused to display continuous data like timea single experimenter repeating an experimentused to display data from different categoriesthe variables that are constant in an experimenta different experimenter repeating an experimentindependent variable, the variables an experimenter changes in an experiment...

Nature Adventure - Eng 2023-05-14

Nature Adventure - Eng crossword puzzle
  1. montaña
  2. campo
  3. río
  4. árboles
  5. bosque
  6. animales
  1. insectos
  2. bosque
  3. flores
  4. naturaleza
  5. sendero
  6. aves

12 Clues: ríoavescampobosquefloresbosquesenderomontañaárbolesinsectosanimalesnaturaleza

Nature of Matter 2023-09-12

Nature of Matter crossword puzzle
  1. a combination of two or more different substances in
  2. the process in which new substances are formed during a chemical change
  3. substance has a definite volume but no definite shape
  4. feel how hot or cold something is
  5. substance that has a definite shape and a definite volume
  1. anything that has mass and takes up space
  2. change change in one of more substances, caused by a reaction that forms new and different substances
  3. is the amount of space something takes up
  4. a mixture that has the same composition because all parts are mixed evenly
  5. Change change in which the form or shape of a substance still has the same chemical makeup
  6. state of matter in which a substance does not have a definite shape or volume

11 Clues: feel how hot or cold something isanything that has mass and takes up spaceis the amount of space something takes upa combination of two or more different substances insubstance has a definite volume but no definite shapesubstance that has a definite shape and a definite volumethe process in which new substances are formed during a chemical change...

Unit 2: American Romanticism 2021-11-19

Unit 2: American Romanticism crossword puzzle
  1. Makes abstract ideas more appealing and easier to grasp.
  2. Give a brief statement of the main points of (something).
  3. The underlying message or the central idea of a work.
  4. Low; contemptible; wretched.
  5. To violate a command or law.
  6. It’s an anecdote that describes how Thoreau moved to the middle of the forest to be connected only with himself and get rid of society.
  7. It talks about death, but gives us as an example a traveler and the sea.
  8. A philosophical and literary movement that emphasized living a simple life and celebrating the truth found in nature and in personal emotion and imagination.
  9. To spread through every part of.
  10. An intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated a simple, mindful life.
  11. He is known as the father of American nature writing.
  12. Examine the writer’s ideas carefully and then make judgments about their values.
  13. Creates vivid impressions for the reader.
  14. In an unhurried and thoughtful manner.
  15. Attitude towards his or her subject.
  16. A group of New England poets whose work was morally uplifting and romantically engaging.
  17. Short accounts of personal incidents.
  18. Suited to one’s needs or nature; agreeable.
  19. One who does not follow generally accepted beliefs, customs, or practices.
  1. This poem talks about life, how it is hard and good but also that one day we are going to leave it.
  2. Thoreau states in this poem that the good citizen is going to serve the state with his conscience.
  3. It talks about the importance of following our own beliefs and intuitions.
  4. Disturbance of the emotions; agitation; uneasiness.
  5. Acting with sudden or rash energy; hasty.
  6. Poem that helps everybody value and admire the beauty of nature and how we are composed of it.
  7. It talks about death and it explains that death is a normal process and it’s not that scary like people think, we shouldn’t feel alone because there will be a line of people who will be with us.
  8. A feeling of doubt, mistrust, or uncertainty.
  9. He was the creator of “Thanatopsis” Longfellow The last name of the best known member of the Fireside poets group. Author of “A Psalm of Life”
  10. Leader of the transcendentalist. Author of “Self-Reliance”

29 Clues: Low; contemptible; wretched.To violate a command or law.To spread through every part of.Attitude towards his or her subject.Short accounts of personal incidents.In an unhurried and thoughtful manner.Acting with sudden or rash energy; hasty.Creates vivid impressions for the reader.Suited to one’s needs or nature; agreeable....

ESS - Topic 1.1 Vocabulary 2023-11-30

ESS - Topic 1.1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A shift in the long term patterns of weather and temperature over time.
  2. The resources, opinions, etc. that come out of a system.
  3. The entire loss/death of a species.
  4. How an individual/society views the world and values its resources.
  5. The worth of a resource due to its own existence (not related to usefulness).
  6. The movement that involved a raised awareness of nature and human impact.
  7. Gaseous compounds that cause a deterioration of atmospheric ozone.
  8. The overharvesting of trees and other forest resources.
  9. An IGO that assesses drivers of climate change.
  10. The resources, opinions, etc. that go into a system.
  11. The significant loss/death of a species.
  12. An EVS focused on minimizing disturbances to natural processes and respecting biorights.
  13. A global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to halt climate change.
  14. An individual who believes strongly that nature should only be used for basic needs.
  1. An EVS focused on protecting natural processes to ensure available use for humans.
  2. An accumulation of species at risk and the relevant causes.
  3. An individual who believes strongly that nature should be used to its fullest extent.
  4. The overharvesting of fish and other aquatic resources.
  5. Energy resources that can be replenished (ie. wind, solar, hydro
  6. Energy resources that are extracted from the Earth and are derived from fossil organisms (ie. coal, oil and natural gas).
  7. Protecting nature for intrinsic value (maintaining pristine, untouched environments)
  8. Protecting nature for its goods and services (sustainable use of resources)
  9. The process by which coral expel their resident algae and become white, due to rising ocean temperatures.
  10. A global agreement banning the use of CFCs to help repair the ozone hole.
  11. A global agreement to prevent the trade and trafficking of endangered species products.
  12. An individual who believes that humans are responsible for regulating how and why natural resources are used.
  13. A simplified form of a complex set of parts and their interrelationships.
  14. A toxic pesticide known to become more concentrated as it passes up the food chain.
  15. An EVS focused on technological advancements that sustain the availability of natural resources.
  16. The ways in which resources, opinions, etc. are used within/by a system.

30 Clues: The entire loss/death of a species.The significant loss/death of a species.An IGO that assesses drivers of climate change.The resources, opinions, etc. that go into a system.The overharvesting of fish and other aquatic resources.The overharvesting of trees and other forest resources.The resources, opinions, etc. that come out of a system....

HIKING 2021-04-03

HIKING crossword puzzle
  1. אוהל
  2. ברכיים
  3. שיא
  4. שבילים
  5. מפורסם
  6. ציוד
  7. מטרה
  8. טבע
  9. לטייל לצעוד
  1. החליט
  2. הכי טוב
  3. הבין
  4. כאבים
  5. תמך עזר
  6. הכי
  7. לאט
  8. למרות

17 Clues: שיאהכילאטטבעאוהלהביןציודמטרההחליטכאביםלמרותברכייםשביליםמפורסםהכי טובתמך עזרלטייל לצעוד

Constantine 2024-02-22

Constantine crossword puzzle
  1. ταλέντο
  2. επαινώ
  3. ανεκτικός
  4. ωριμάζω
  5. απεχθάνομαι
  6. ξεκάθαρος
  7. επικρίνω
  8. κατακτώ
  1. έμφυτος
  2. διάνοια
  3. φύση
  4. μεροληψία
  5. διαμορφώνω
  6. μειώνω
  7. επιμονή
  8. ανατροφή
  9. γροθιά

17 Clues: φύσημειώνωεπαινώγροθιάέμφυτοςδιάνοιαταλέντοεπιμονήωριμάζωκατακτώανατροφήεπικρίνωμεροληψίαανεκτικόςξεκάθαροςδιαμορφώνωαπεχθάνομαι

native Americans 2024-10-18

native Americans crossword puzzle
  1. are used for meat and skin
  2. was used in the southwest
  3. are people who moved around a lot
  4. nature
  5. is inportant
  6. is used for food
  7. live in the pacific northwest
  1. was a big deal in native American cultures
  2. is something everybody needed
  3. are used for water and fish
  4. was something stationary groups did
  5. was inportant for plants
  6. are used to build houses
  7. is something a lot of native Americans hunted

14 Clues: natureis inportantis used for foodwas inportant for plantsare used to build houseswas used in the southwestare used for meat and skinare used for water and fishis something everybody neededlive in the pacific northwestare people who moved around a lotwas something stationary groups didwas a big deal in native American cultures...

LATIN VOCAB 2020-04-01

LATIN VOCAB crossword puzzle
  1. injustice
  2. reinforcements
  3. prepared
  4. longer
  5. arrive
  6. all the way
  7. guard
  8. lead
  9. learn
  1. memory
  2. nature
  3. useful
  4. more easily
  5. help
  6. to approach
  7. ravage
  8. messenger
  9. night

18 Clues: helpleadguardnightlearnmemorynatureusefullongerarriveravagepreparedinjusticemessengermore easilyto approachall the wayreinforcements

Spring 2024-04-17

Spring crossword puzzle
  1. toy
  2. poka dots
  3. nature
  4. keeps dry
  5. hop
  6. sunny flower
  7. fly
  8. pink flower
  1. flower
  2. Travel
  3. sweet
  4. swim
  5. wet
  6. cheep
  7. ribbit
  8. sting
  9. celebration
  10. quack

18 Clues: toywethopflyswimsweetcheepstingquackflowerTravelnatureribbitpoka dotskeeps drycelebrationpink flowersunny flower

sustainability 2019-08-11

sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. a man or woman
  2. to be careful
  3. someone invents stuff
  4. never to hot or to cold
  5. friends and communities
  6. a land full of grass
  1. somewere where their is a lot of plants
  2. to be active
  3. rain, sun and storm
  4. somewere with a lot of nature
  5. inventing and experimenting

11 Clues: to be activeto be carefula man or womanrain, sun and storma land full of grasssomeone invents stuffnever to hot or to coldfriends and communitiesinventing and experimentingsomewere with a lot of naturesomewere where their is a lot of plants

Brand Platform 2022-08-01

Brand Platform crossword puzzle
  1. of the heart
  2. our professionalism and dedication
  3. leave as a
  4. transparency as a behaviour
  5. come as a
  6. of people and nature
  1. a genuine passion for hospitality is our
  2. be the reference of human-scale luxury hospitality
  3. by nature
  4. a blend of innovation and creativity
  5. 'Bon Vivant' is our

11 Clues: by naturecome as aleave as aof the heart'Bon Vivant' is ourof people and naturetransparency as a behaviourour professionalism and dedicationa blend of innovation and creativitya genuine passion for hospitality is ourbe the reference of human-scale luxury hospitality

Nature Crossword Puzzle 2020-06-30

Nature Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. taller than anyone, but not as tall as an airplane
  2. I come from nature but am man made
  3. bright and scary
  4. I make noises to put you to sleep, but I am not graceful
  5. I am unlimited but you can see limited of me
  1. I grow and am different color
  2. In the ground
  3. imagine dragons
  4. millions of me in one, green or yellow
  5. I look sharp and am a weapon but hold much glory
  6. I look like food but am water

11 Clues: In the groundimagine dragonsbright and scaryI grow and am different colorI look like food but am waterI come from nature but am man mademillions of me in one, green or yellowI am unlimited but you can see limited of meI look sharp and am a weapon but hold much glorytaller than anyone, but not as tall as an airplane...

Nature and Weather 2018-06-19

Nature and Weather crossword puzzle
  1. An open area with no trees or buildings, often used for farming.
  2. This is the “arm” of a tree.
  3. A tree you can get syrup from. This syrup is usually put on pancakes.
  4. It was 90 degrees yesterday! The __________________ was very hot.
  1. The part of a plant from which a seed or fruit develops.
  2. In Japan, they use Celsius. In America, they use __________.
  3. An area with lots of trees.
  4. Weather that is hot with wetness in the air.
  5. These fall from trees in the fall.
  6. The adjective form of “sun.”
  7. A small lake.

11 Clues: A small lake.An area with lots of trees.This is the “arm” of a tree.The adjective form of “sun.”These fall from trees in the fall.Weather that is hot with wetness in the air.The part of a plant from which a seed or fruit develops.In Japan, they use Celsius. In America, they use __________....

Nature Crossword Puzzle 2021-06-15

Nature Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a place to go fishing
  2. the largest snake in Iowa
  3. vacation in the wilderness
  4. the rarest amphibian in Iowa
  5. the state bird
  1. a small stream
  2. a place with a lot of trees
  3. a recreational activity to travel on a lake or river
  4. a baby deer
  5. a common predatory bird
  6. an eight-legged bug that spins webs

11 Clues: a baby deera small streamthe state birda place to go fishinga common predatory birdthe largest snake in Iowavacation in the wildernessa place with a lot of treesthe rarest amphibian in Iowaan eight-legged bug that spins websa recreational activity to travel on a lake or river

TIME FOR NATURE 2022-05-24

TIME FOR NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. an animal that has large body, shaggy hair, paws with claws and a short tail
  2. an animal that looks like a large dog and howling
  3. a person who cuts down trees
  4. the surroundings that include plants, animals and landscape.
  5. an animal that loves hanging from tree to tree
  6. an animal that loves to jump and eat carrots. (lost the race with the tortoise)
  1. the name one of the tree on the story
  2. an animal that can fly
  3. an animal that always called as the king in the jungle.
  4. a large area covered with trees and undergrowth.
  5. a woody plant, have single stem

11 Clues: an animal that can flya person who cuts down treesa woody plant, have single stemthe name one of the tree on the storyan animal that loves hanging from tree to treea large area covered with trees and animal that looks like a large dog and howlingan animal that always called as the king in the jungle....

Nature Crossword Puzzle 2023-02-23

Nature Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. It changes colors when the surroundings change
  2. You can hear it trickling in the woods
  3. They have little wings and can move very fast
  4. Can you swim?
  5. If its near you, don't move
  6. Very salty
  1. Most popular in the summer time, it helps you cool down and its delicious
  2. Bundle up when you see this
  3. It offers shade if needed
  4. You can only see it for about 12 hours every day
  5. They start to show up in the spring

11 Clues: Very saltyCan you swim?It offers shade if neededBundle up when you see thisIf its near you, don't moveThey start to show up in the springYou can hear it trickling in the woodsThey have little wings and can move very fastIt changes colors when the surroundings changeYou can only see it for about 12 hours every day...

Caring for Nature 2023-11-10

Caring for Nature crossword puzzle
  1. We should do this to certain materials such as paper
  2. Something that harms the environment
  3. Something that harms the environment
  4. The production or discharge of something
  5. We are polluting the air in the ____
  6. The weather conditions
  1. Things that life in the wild
  2. The action of clearing a wide area of trees
  3. We must do this to the environment
  4. Something that surrounds us and we need to take care of
  5. A community of organisms
  6. Many species are going ___

12 Clues: The weather conditionsA community of organismsMany species are going ___Things that life in the wildWe must do this to the environmentSomething that harms the environmentSomething that harms the environmentWe are polluting the air in the ____The production or discharge of somethingThe action of clearing a wide area of trees...

Nature and Wildlife 2024-03-05

Nature and Wildlife crossword puzzle
  1. - A plant such as grains, fruits or vegetables that is grown in large amounts by farmers
  2. - All the people or animals living in a particular area
  3. - Chasing and killing animals for sport or food
  4. - The appearance of an area of land, especially in the countryside
  5. - A man, woman or child
  6. - The natural environment of an animal or plant
  1. - anything that lives but is not a plant
  2. - An area of land, usually in tropical countries where trees and plants grow close together
  3. - Animals that may soon not exist because there are very few alive
  4. - The air, land and water where people, animals and plants live
  5. - A forest with a lot of tall trees where it rains a lot

11 Clues: - A man, woman or child- anything that lives but is not a plant- Chasing and killing animals for sport or food- The natural environment of an animal or plant- All the people or animals living in a particular area- A forest with a lot of tall trees where it rains a lot- The air, land and water where people, animals and plants live...

Leilauni Guizar 2021-11-18

Leilauni Guizar crossword puzzle
  1. it is a poem about living in the moment and enjoying life.
  2. It is when you briefly restate the ideas in a writer’s book.
  3. It is the writer’s attitude towards their subject.
  4. It is when you violate a command or law.
  5. It is when you spread through every part of something.
  6. He was known as the “author of america”.
  7. It was an intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated simple, mindful life.
  8. It is when you act with sudden or rash energy.
  9. Poets who emphasized living a simple life, believed intuition can lead to knowledge, and believed in the inherent goodness of people.
  10. It is a story about being true to yourself.
  11. Poets who emphasized moral themes in work, were viewed as equals of British poets, and stressed individualism.
  12. It is a story about how everyone is equal in nature.
  13. It is short accounts of personal incidents.
  14. It is a story about how Henry David Thoreau lived in nature.
  15. He was a Transcendentalist who only sold 2 books when he was alive.
  16. He was known as the leader of the Transcendentalists.
  1. It is a story about how we should listen to our conscience and do something when there is something we don’t agree with.
  2. It is low contemptible or wretched.
  3. It is a poem about how nature will continue as it is even after we have died.
  4. It is where you are suited to someone's needs or nature such as being agreeable.
  5. The underlying message or the central idea of a work that can be stated in one sentence.
  6. It is where in a book there are abstract ideas that are appealing and easier to understand.
  7. It is someone who does not follow accepted beliefs, customs, or practices.
  8. It is where a writer makes vivid impressions for the reader.
  9. He was the best-known member of the Fireside poets.
  10. It is a poem about death.
  11. It is a feeling of doubt, mistrust, and uncertainty.
  12. It is a disturbance of emotions such as agitation and uneasiness.
  13. It is where you carefully examine a writer’s ideas and make judgments.
  14. It is when you are in an unhurried and thoughtful manner.

30 Clues: It is a poem about death.It is low contemptible or wretched.It is when you violate a command or law.He was known as the “author of america”.It is a story about being true to yourself.It is short accounts of personal incidents.It is when you act with sudden or rash energy.It is the writer’s attitude towards their subject....

Political Philosophy Review 2024-01-19

Political Philosophy Review crossword puzzle
  1. (Montesquieu) In a _____ republic, the people choose their representatives.
  2. Hobbes believed that even if the king was terrible, the people didn't have a right to _____.
  3. ______ is the idea that the government is bound to follow the laws just like everyone else.
  4. Hobbes described life in a state of nature as every man against __________.
  5. Hobbes believed a __________ is where every day was survival of the fittest.
  6. Locke believed the people had to continue to agree to follow their leader- this is called ____ of the governed.
  7. ________ government ensures that those in charge cannot take advantage of those who are not in charge (Montesquieu)
  8. What ensures that no branch has enough power to abuse the rights of the people? ___ of powers.
  9. A SOCIAL CONTRACT is where humans agree to give up some of their freedoms for _____ and order.
  1. Rousseau believed that if citizens decisions were NOT unanimous, the outcome would represent ____ rule.
  2. Who believed in two types of republics?
  3. Who believed that it was perfectly fine for a leader to strike fear into the people?
  4. Where all citizens vote on ALL decisions that affect the society.
  5. Locke believed that if a leader stopped protecting people they had a ____ and responsibility to overthrow bad leaders.
  6. (Locke believed) Humans have natural rights simply because they are _______.
  7. Machiavelli believed a ruler needed to get and keep power in order to rule _________ effectively.
  8. John ______'s state of nature was a peaceful place where everyone is equal.
  9. equality, life, liberty, property
  10. Who believed that the state of nature was peaceful and people could get everything they needed from nature?

19 Clues: equality, life, liberty, propertyWho believed in two types of republics?Where all citizens vote on ALL decisions that affect the society.(Montesquieu) In a _____ republic, the people choose their representatives.John ______'s state of nature was a peaceful place where everyone is equal....

sustainability 2018-07-31

sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. the land
  2. someone that is smart
  3. a big building
  4. apart of nature
  1. something that lives
  2. sunny or wet
  3. something that is helpful
  4. a place where an animal lives
  5. plants
  6. something you see every day

10 Clues: plantsthe landsunny or weta big buildingapart of naturesomething that livessomeone that is smartsomething that is helpfulsomething you see every daya place where an animal lives

Sustainability 2019-05-07

Sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. someone who does science
  2. a pattern
  3. a recipe is a text
  4. a type of writing
  5. where animals live
  1. experiments
  2. Nature
  3. Hot&cold
  4. some of these lives in the ocean and on the ground
  5. plants

10 Clues: NatureplantsHot&colda patternexperimentsa type of writingwhere animals livesomeone who does sciencea recipe is a textsome of these lives in the ocean and on the ground

Spring 2024-04-17

Spring crossword puzzle
  1. toy
  2. poka dots
  3. nature
  4. keeps dry
  5. hop
  6. sunny flower
  7. fly
  8. pink flower
  1. flower
  2. Travel
  3. sweet
  4. swim
  5. wet
  6. cheep
  7. ribbit
  8. sting
  9. celebration
  10. quack

18 Clues: toywethopflyswimsweetcheepstingquackflowerTravelnatureribbitpoka dotskeeps drycelebrationpink flowersunny flower

Unit 4: Sustainable Development 2024-10-20

Unit 4: Sustainable Development crossword puzzle
  1. Desierto
  2. Bosque tropical
  3. Bosque
  4. Isla
  5. Colinas
  6. Playa
  7. Cataratas
  8. Naturaleza
  9. Volcán
  10. Jungla
  11. Campo
  1. Campo
  2. Prado
  3. Costa
  4. Acantilado
  5. Ecosistema
  6. Nivel del mar
  7. Costa
  8. Tierra
  9. Ártico

20 Clues: IslaCampoPradoCostaCostaPlayaCampoBosqueTierraÁrticoVolcánJunglaColinasDesiertoCataratasAcantiladoEcosistemaNaturalezaNivel del marBosque tropical

Richmond Nature Park 2021-09-18

Richmond Nature Park crossword puzzle
  1. Bog
  2. Moth
  3. Nest
  4. Robin
  5. Salamander
  6. Turtle
  1. Coyote
  2. Squirrel
  3. Pond
  4. Owl
  5. Skunk

11 Clues: BogOwlMothNestPondRobinSkunkCoyoteTurtleSquirrelSalamander

Human in Nature 2020-12-29

Human in Nature crossword puzzle
  1. At or towards the back of a thing.
  2. At all times; on all occasions.
  3. Involves two people sharing information.
  4. A place filled with trees and wild animals.
  1. A piece of land in the middle of the ocean or sea.
  2. Have an effect on; make a difference to.
  3. An unusual and exciting or daring experience.
  4. A place covered in sand.
  5. At the middle of a night.
  6. A place by the sea.
  7. Physical harm.

11 Clues: Physical harm.A place by the sea.A place covered in sand.At the middle of a night.At all times; on all occasions.At or towards the back of a thing.Have an effect on; make a difference to.Involves two people sharing information.A place filled with trees and wild animals.An unusual and exciting or daring experience....

design from nature 2022-09-04

design from nature crossword puzzle
  1. A person or company that produces goods in large quantities
  2. The shop _(special) in hand-made chocolate
  3. Power comes from the forward -(move) of the entire body
  4. a small lizard (= a type of reptile) that lives in warm countries
  5. They arrived late _ the airport.
  6. A seed from a plant
  1. a tropical plant with white or pink flowers that grows on the surface of lakes in Africa and Asia
  2. She got _ her car and drove off.
  3. A flat body part like an arm without fingers that some sea animals such as seals and turtles use for swimming
  4. A person who has invented something or whose job is inventing things
  5. Could you run _ twenty copies of the agenda?

11 Clues: A seed from a plantShe got _ her car and drove off.They arrived late _ the airport.The shop _(special) in hand-made chocolateCould you run _ twenty copies of the agenda?Power comes from the forward -(move) of the entire bodyA person or company that produces goods in large quantitiesa small lizard (= a type of reptile) that lives in warm countries...

Nature of Science 2022-08-25

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. the act of taking a patient look
  2. a tentative insight that is not yet verified
  3. standard against which other things are compared
  4. a quantity that can assume any set of values
  5. words used to name things in a discipline
  1. means that establish or disprove an allegation
  2. an assertion that something is true or factual
  3. abstract separation of something into parts
  4. a position reached after consideration
  5. work together on a common project
  6. a statement about the future

11 Clues: a statement about the futurethe act of taking a patient lookwork together on a common projecta position reached after considerationwords used to name things in a disciplineabstract separation of something into partsa tentative insight that is not yet verifieda quantity that can assume any set of valuesmeans that establish or disprove an allegation...

Busy by nature 2021-06-23

Busy by nature crossword puzzle
  1. a person or animal that can give birth
  2. to make babies
  3. to create something
  4. to take care of
  5. a group of animals working together
  6. fight to protect
  1. the physical world, including plants and animals
  2. to give food
  3. a person or animal that can't give birth
  4. a job that is completed regularly
  5. to push out an egg

11 Clues: to give foodto make babiesto take care offight to protectto push out an eggto create somethinga job that is completed regularlya group of animals working togethera person or animal that can give birtha person or animal that can't give birththe physical world, including plants and animals

animals and nature 2019-08-06

animals and nature crossword puzzle
  1. a american wild dog
  2. largest land mammal
  3. largest cat
  4. a connection of water to the sea
  5. americas national bird
  1. slithering reptile
  2. cute australian animal mistaken as a bear
  3. largest animal
  4. fluffy farm animal
  5. a official riding animal and like donkeys
  6. a plant that people cut down

11 Clues: largest catlargest animalslithering reptilefluffy farm animala american wild doglargest land mammalamericas national birda plant that people cut downa connection of water to the seacute australian animal mistaken as a beara official riding animal and like donkeys

Nature of Language 2020-09-26

Nature of Language crossword puzzle
  1. the method of human communication
  2. no two language in the world have the same set of words phonetic symbols and grammatical patterns
  3. sharing the thoughts from one person to another is the main function of language
  4. of a language is words
  5. language reflects the _____ of the community to which the person belongs to
  1. language is a product of particular society and culture
  2. language is a living language which is constantly changing
  3. not essential to have any relationship between the word and the object for which it it spoken
  4. language exist only in spoken form, they do not have the written form
  5. language is a skill, a form of behavior
  6. an organized behavior

11 Clues: an organized behaviorof a language is wordsthe method of human communicationlanguage is a skill, a form of behaviorlanguage is a product of particular society and culturelanguage is a living language which is constantly changinglanguage exist only in spoken form, they do not have the written form...


NATURE OF SCIENCE crossword puzzle
  1. A series of steps followed to solve a problem
  2. A measure of the size of a surface
  3. A measure of how hot or cold something is
  1. The process of obtaining information by using the senses
  2. Emergency medical care of one who is ill or hurt
  3. Knowledge gained by observing the natural world
  4. An idea or explanation based on prior scientific research that can be tested
  5. A measure of size in three-dimensional space
  6. A measure of the amount of matter in an object
  7. Any pieces of information acquired through experimentation
  8. The basic SI unit of measurement

11 Clues: The basic SI unit of measurementA measure of the size of a surfaceA measure of how hot or cold something isA measure of size in three-dimensional spaceA series of steps followed to solve a problemA measure of the amount of matter in an objectKnowledge gained by observing the natural worldEmergency medical care of one who is ill or hurt...

Nature of Science 2024-08-21

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. Scientific information obtained through experimentation, usually in the form of graphs and charts.
  2. Any element of an experiment that remains consistent through all trials.
  3. Scientific explanation of what will happen. Scientific laws generally look like math.
  4. Occurs when the same person does the same action again.
  5. Occurs when one scientist does something that another scientist has already done.
  6. The ultimate take away from the completed experiment.
  7. A inference based prediction based on an observation.
  1. Element of an experiment that is directly manipulated by the scientist.
  2. Information gathered through the use of your 5 senses.
  3. Element of an experiment that is measured and directly effected by the independent variable.
  4. Scientific explanation of why with support to uphold it’s claim.

11 Clues: The ultimate take away from the completed experiment.A inference based prediction based on an observation.Information gathered through the use of your 5 senses.Occurs when the same person does the same action again.Scientific explanation of why with support to uphold it’s claim....

HUMAN NATURE - P1 2024-11-08

HUMAN NATURE - P1 crossword puzzle
  1. not able to make decisions quickly and effectively
  2. ​too willing to believe or accept what other people tell you and therefore easily tricked
  3. worried or frightened that something unpleasant may happen
  4. careful not to say or do anything that will annoy or upset other people
  5. expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence, so that people take notice
  1. not giving enough thought to other people’s feelings or needs
  2. very direct; saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite
  3. to consider or represent somebody/something as being perfect or better than they really are
  4. considered by other people to be strange or unusual
  5. thinking that you are better or more important than anyone else
  6. believing that people only do things to help themselves rather than for good or honest reasons

11 Clues: not able to make decisions quickly and effectivelyconsidered by other people to be strange or unusualworried or frightened that something unpleasant may happennot giving enough thought to other people’s feelings or needsthinking that you are better or more important than anyone else...

Nature and Environment 2019-02-19

Nature and Environment crossword puzzle
  1. make trash into reusable material
  2. the studied weather over a long period of time
  3. to use again
  4. another word for trash
  5. the surroundings where a person, animal, or plants live
  6. everybody and every animal needs this, for drinking, cooking, and washing
  1. not safe and harmful
  2. the number of people
  3. anything that is bad for the environment and nature
  4. the biggest polluter in the world
  5. it is everywhere, rivers, oceans, mountains, forests

11 Clues: to use againnot safe and harmfulthe number of peopleanother word for trashmake trash into reusable materialthe biggest polluter in the worldthe studied weather over a long period of timeanything that is bad for the environment and natureit is everywhere, rivers, oceans, mountains, foreststhe surroundings where a person, animal, or plants live...

nature and science 2019-01-19

nature and science crossword puzzle
  1. apple tree the tree where apples grow
  2. an animal that runs in the Meadow and gives wool
  3. a person who is still growing
  4. bulbs bulbs where the flowers come from
  5. a place where many trees stand
  6. plants that form a hat
  1. riding riding a four-legged friend
  2. a small animal that builds a web
  3. a place or something fun to do
  4. the place where they are used for cows
  5. a man who keeps up with agriculture

11 Clues: plants that form a hata person who is still growinga place or something fun to doa place where many trees standa small animal that builds a webriding riding a four-legged frienda man who keeps up with agriculturethe place where they are used for cowsapple tree the tree where apples growbulbs bulbs where the flowers come from...

Nature of Language 2020-09-26

Nature of Language crossword puzzle
  1. the method of human communication
  2. no two language in the world have the same set of words phonetic symbols and grammatical patterns
  3. sharing the thoughts from one person to another is the main function of language
  4. of a language is words
  5. language reflects the _____ of the community to which the person belongs to
  1. language is a product of particular society and culture
  2. language is a living language which is constantly changing
  3. not essential to have any relationship between the word and the object for which it it spoken
  4. language exist only in spoken form, they do not have the written form
  5. language is a skill, a form of behavior
  6. an organized behavior

11 Clues: an organized behaviorof a language is wordsthe method of human communicationlanguage is a skill, a form of behaviorlanguage is a product of particular society and culturelanguage is a living language which is constantly changinglanguage exist only in spoken form, they do not have the written form...

Nature or Nurture 2022-09-27

Nature or Nurture crossword puzzle
  1. make better
  2. not different
  3. make
  4. exactly the same
  5. argument
  6. believe in
  1. what you believe
  2. teacher
  3. separate
  4. the world around you
  5. behave

11 Clues: makebehaveteacherseparateargumentbelieve inmake betternot differentwhat you believeexactly the samethe world around you

Bad Nature Things 2022-12-09

Bad Nature Things crossword puzzle
  1. gases released into the air that are produced by numerous activities, including burning fossil fuels
  2. the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere
  3. is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising livestock.
  4. a measure of the warmth or coldness
  5. increase in the Earth’s average surface temperature
  6. The chemical is the primary greenhouse gas and driver of climate change
  1. non-renewable energy, formed from the remains of living organisms that were buried millions of years ago.
  2. the angular distance north or south from the equator of a point on the earth's surface, measured on the meridian of the point.
  3. generally prevailing weather conditions of a region averaged over a series of years
  4. the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
  5. The name for clearing up forested land

11 Clues: a measure of the warmth or coldnessThe name for clearing up forested landincrease in the Earth’s average surface temperaturethe trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphereThe chemical is the primary greenhouse gas and driver of climate changegenerally prevailing weather conditions of a region averaged over a series of years...

Places in nature 2020-12-21

Places in nature crossword puzzle
  1. a small body of still water formed naturally or by hollowing or embanking.
  2. a naturally raised area of land, not as high or craggy as a mountain.
  3. a large body of water surrounded by land.
  4. a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill.
  5. a dry, barren area of land, especially one covered with sand, that is characteristically desolate, waterless, and without vegetation.
  6. the expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its landmasses.
  1. an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture, typically bounded by hedges or fences.
  2. a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth's crust
  3. a piece of land surrounded by water.
  4. a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream.
  5. a luxuriant, dense forest rich in biodiversity, found typically in tropical areas with consistently heavy rainfall.

11 Clues: a piece of land surrounded by water.a large body of water surrounded by land.a naturally raised area of land, not as high or craggy as a mountain.a small body of still water formed naturally or by hollowing or embanking.the expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its landmasses....

Animals and Nature 2022-06-01

Animals and Nature crossword puzzle
  1. an animal with long neck.
  2. the fastest animal
  3. big park in Tanzania
  4. African country that starts with letter T
  5. place
  6. plants and animals
  1. second largest continent.
  2. an animal with long horns
  3. black and white striped animal
  4. doing and seeing things
  5. a strong animal

11 Clues: placea strong animalthe fastest animalplants and animalsbig park in Tanzaniadoing and seeing thingssecond largest animal with long hornsan animal with long and white striped animalAfrican country that starts with letter T

Nature Adventure - Sp 2023-05-14

Nature Adventure - Sp crossword puzzle
  1. woods
  2. nature
  3. flowers
  4. birds
  5. trees
  1. insects
  2. animals
  3. river
  4. mountain
  5. footpath
  6. forest
  7. countryside

12 Clues: riverwoodsbirdstreesforestnatureinsectsanimalsflowersmountainfootpathcountryside

RE Nature Crossword 2023-11-22

RE Nature Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the guy who created the land we live on
  2. to water my plants to make them live
  3. is what kill our environment
  4. were the animals live?
  5. what do plants grow from?
  6. where i put my rubbish
  1. takes a long time to die
  2. garden thats in the bible
  3. were i put my food scraps in
  4. what makes the grass long tall and proud
  5. give you oxygen?

11 Clues: give you oxygen?were the animals live?where i put my rubbishtakes a long time to diegarden thats in the biblewhat do plants grow from?were i put my food scraps inis what kill our environmentto water my plants to make them livethe guy who created the land we live onwhat makes the grass long tall and proud

Nature of Science 2023-08-24

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. The variable that changes as a result of what a scientist tests, the results
  2. Copying someone else's experiment for verification
  3. A simple statement that describes some pattern in nature that is always true without exception
  4. The steps scientists use to conduct an investigation
  5. The variable that is tested by a scientist
  1. Any variable that remains constant to ensure valid results
  2. Someone repeating their own experiment again
  3. An educated guess, or a possible answer to a question based on prior knowledge
  4. A guess or assumption based on information that you have gathered with your senses
  5. The gathering of information through the use of your senses, such as sight and sound
  6. A basis for describing the world and explaining why something occurs in nature, widely accepted as being true

11 Clues: The variable that is tested by a scientistSomeone repeating their own experiment againCopying someone else's experiment for verificationThe steps scientists use to conduct an investigationAny variable that remains constant to ensure valid resultsThe variable that changes as a result of what a scientist tests, the results...

Nature of Science 2023-10-05

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. scientific study of life
  2. variable that is observed and that changes in response to the independent variable; also called the responding variable
  3. a logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience
  4. possible explanation for a set of observations or possible answer to a scientific question
  5. experiment in which only one variable is changed
  1. group in an experiment that is exposed to the same conditions as the experimental group except for one independent variable
  2. varable in a controlled experiment that is deliberately changed; also called manipulated variable
  3. process of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful, orderly way
  4. preference that is personal rather than scientific
  5. well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations and hypotheses, and enables scientists to make accurate predications about new situations
  6. evidence; information gathered from observations

11 Clues: scientific study of lifeevidence; information gathered from observationsexperiment in which only one variable is changedpreference that is personal rather than scientifica logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experienceprocess of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful, orderly way...

Nature of Science 2023-10-18

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. Hypothesis
  2. Control
  3. Density
  4. graph
  5. horizontal
  6. vertical
  1. science
  2. Experiment
  3. Experiment
  4. Variable
  5. dependent
  6. Conclusion

12 Clues: graphscienceControlDensityVariableverticaldependentHypothesisExperimentExperimentConclusionhorizontal

Cycles in Nature 2024-10-24

Cycles in Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Phase that creates clouds
  2. The product of respiration
  3. The other part of the Carbon Cycle
  4. One of two parts of the Carbon Cycle
  5. Nitrogen must be converted into a useful form by this
  6. Plants use nitrogen to make this
  1. This cycle deals with the combustion of fossil fuels
  2. Something that plankton release in the ocean
  3. These put carbon back into the soil by breaking down dead animals or plants
  4. Step in the nitrogen cycle where bacteria convert nitrates back into nitrogen gas
  5. Most nutrients make their way into lakes, rivers, and streams during this phase of the water cycle

11 Clues: Phase that creates cloudsThe product of respirationPlants use nitrogen to make thisThe other part of the Carbon CycleOne of two parts of the Carbon CycleSomething that plankton release in the oceanThis cycle deals with the combustion of fossil fuelsNitrogen must be converted into a useful form by this...

Nature and Animals 2024-10-16

Nature and Animals crossword puzzle
  1. A tall plant with a trunk and branches.
  2. This weather is often wet, falls from clouds.
  3. The opposite of day, it’s dark outside.
  4. Tiny creatures that make honey.
  5. This animal is the king of the jungle
  1. A large, flowing body of water.
  2. A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth.
  3. This animal have a strong shell and can swim
  4. There's ice everywhere
  5. It shines brightly in the sky during the day.
  6. The part of the plant that is usually green and grows from the stem.

11 Clues: There's ice everywhereA large, flowing body of water.Tiny creatures that make honey.This animal is the king of the jungleA tall plant with a trunk and branches.The opposite of day, it’s dark outside.This animal have a strong shell and can swimThis weather is often wet, falls from clouds.It shines brightly in the sky during the day....

Nature cross word 2024-12-09

Nature cross word crossword puzzle
  1. Very small insects
  2. An insect with a hard shell
  3. A cute animal that hops
  4. A spikey animal that lives in hedges
  5. It is green and lives in the water, it can jump.
  6. An insect that moves very slowly and has a shell
  1. An 8 legged insect that lives on a web
  2. A reptile that is usually green
  3. A winged insect that is very pretty
  4. An insect that makes honey
  5. A bird that sleeps during the day and is awake at night

11 Clues: Very small insectsA cute animal that hopsAn insect that makes honeyAn insect with a hard shellA reptile that is usually greenA winged insect that is very prettyA spikey animal that lives in hedgesAn 8 legged insect that lives on a webIt is green and lives in the water, it can jump.An insect that moves very slowly and has a shell...

My Latin Stems 2014-03-18

My Latin Stems crossword puzzle
  1. Nature Of
  2. Fire
  3. Search
  4. Across
  5. Many
  6. Out
  7. Large
  8. Away
  1. Sound
  2. I
  3. Point
  4. Doctrine
  5. Solid
  6. Near
  7. Madness
  8. High

16 Clues: IOutFireNearManyHighAwaySoundPointSolidLargeSearchAcrossMadnessDoctrineNature Of

Test 2022-04-12

Test crossword puzzle
  1. looduslik
  2. ala
  3. tulistama
  4. pealkiri
  5. kask
  6. normaalne
  1. rõhk
  2. ilming
  3. saun
  4. kohalik
  5. loodus
  6. kogu
  7. asukoht, võõrustama
  8. süü
  9. käsitsema
  10. liiter

16 Clues: alasüürõhksaunkogukaskilmingloodusliiterkohalikpealkiriloodusliktulistamakäsitsemanormaalneasukoht, võõrustama