nature Crossword Puzzles

Nature and Animals 2024-10-16

Nature and Animals crossword puzzle
  1. A tall plant with a trunk and branches.
  2. This weather is often wet, falls from clouds.
  3. The opposite of day, it’s dark outside.
  4. Tiny creatures that make honey.
  5. This animal is the king of the jungle
  1. A large, flowing body of water.
  2. A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth.
  3. This animal have a strong shell and can swim
  4. There's ice everywhere
  5. It shines brightly in the sky during the day.
  6. The part of the plant that is usually green and grows from the stem.

11 Clues: There's ice everywhereA large, flowing body of water.Tiny creatures that make honey.This animal is the king of the jungleA tall plant with a trunk and branches.The opposite of day, it’s dark outside.This animal have a strong shell and can swimThis weather is often wet, falls from clouds.It shines brightly in the sky during the day....

Nature cross word 2024-12-09

Nature cross word crossword puzzle
  1. Very small insects
  2. An insect with a hard shell
  3. A cute animal that hops
  4. A spikey animal that lives in hedges
  5. It is green and lives in the water, it can jump.
  6. An insect that moves very slowly and has a shell
  1. An 8 legged insect that lives on a web
  2. A reptile that is usually green
  3. A winged insect that is very pretty
  4. An insect that makes honey
  5. A bird that sleeps during the day and is awake at night

11 Clues: Very small insectsA cute animal that hopsAn insect that makes honeyAn insect with a hard shellA reptile that is usually greenA winged insect that is very prettyA spikey animal that lives in hedgesAn 8 legged insect that lives on a webIt is green and lives in the water, it can jump.An insect that moves very slowly and has a shell...

My Latin Stems 2014-03-18

My Latin Stems crossword puzzle
  1. Nature Of
  2. Fire
  3. Search
  4. Across
  5. Many
  6. Out
  7. Large
  8. Away
  1. Sound
  2. I
  3. Point
  4. Doctrine
  5. Solid
  6. Near
  7. Madness
  8. High

16 Clues: IOutFireNearManyHighAwaySoundPointSolidLargeSearchAcrossMadnessDoctrineNature Of

Test 2022-04-12

Test crossword puzzle
  1. looduslik
  2. ala
  3. tulistama
  4. pealkiri
  5. kask
  6. normaalne
  1. rõhk
  2. ilming
  3. saun
  4. kohalik
  5. loodus
  6. kogu
  7. asukoht, võõrustama
  8. süü
  9. käsitsema
  10. liiter

16 Clues: alasüürõhksaunkogukaskilmingloodusliiterkohalikpealkiriloodusliktulistamakäsitsemanormaalneasukoht, võõrustama

New Insights: Text 12 B 2022-01-13

New Insights: Text 12 B crossword puzzle
  1. sopia
  2. vaikka
  3. erilainen
  4. tasapaino
  5. luonne, piirre
  6. tietty
  7. sisältää
  8. vaatia
  1. samankaltainen
  2. kansallinen
  3. vaivaton
  4. toiminta
  5. harjoitus
  6. paino
  7. urheilija
  8. nopeus

16 Clues: sopiapainovaikkatiettynopeusvaatiavaivatontoimintasisältääerilainenharjoitustasapainourheilijakansallinensamankaltainenluonne, piirre

Walden 2024-04-17

Walden crossword puzzle
  1. main setting?
  2. The pond is described as reflective which can be symbolized as?
  3. The effects of the season's passing allows Walden to reflect on?
  4. Thoreau uses metaphors by comparing nature to aspects within?
  5. emphasizes the beauty of nature?
  6. highlights that nature overlooks small objects?
  1. A form of imagery used within the text?
  2. The pond is a symbol of?
  3. takes on a tone of?
  4. An extended metaphor seen throughout Walden is?

10 Clues: main setting?takes on a tone of?The pond is a symbol of?emphasizes the beauty of nature?A form of imagery used within the text?An extended metaphor seen throughout Walden is?highlights that nature overlooks small objects?Thoreau uses metaphors by comparing nature to aspects within?The pond is described as reflective which can be symbolized as?...

Frans 2014-09-12

Frans crossword puzzle
  1. terugkeren
  2. reis
  3. grootmoeder
  4. zwemmen
  5. wensen
  6. verzorgen
  7. moeder
  1. natuur
  2. terugkeer
  3. grootouders
  4. valies
  5. lijken
  6. grootvader
  7. ongelukkig
  8. praten
  9. droevig
  10. einde

17 Clues: reiseindenatuurvalieslijkenpratenwensenmoederzwemmendroevigterugkeerverzorgenterugkerengrootvaderongelukkiggrootoudersgrootmoeder

Scene 1, text 9: Finland as I see it 2022-02-15

Scene 1, text 9: Finland as I see it crossword puzzle
  1. rehellinen
  2. metsä
  3. pääkaupunki
  4. kansallisuus
  5. poikkeuksellinen
  6. muisto
  7. varautunut
  8. muistuttaa
  9. yllättää
  1. hyväntuulinen
  2. luonto
  3. syrjäinen,eristäytynyt
  4. aivan,täysin
  5. kuvailla
  6. hellä
  7. rauhallinen
  8. eloisa,vilkas

17 Clues: metsähelläluontomuistokuvaillayllättäärehellinenvarautunutmuistuttaapääkaupunkirauhallinenaivan,täysinkansallisuushyväntuulineneloisa,vilkaspoikkeuksellinensyrjäinen,eristäytynyt

Review 12-14 2024-02-19

Review 12-14 crossword puzzle
  1. 그리다
  2. 달콤한
  3. 마시다
  4. 보라색
  5. 냄새나다
  6. 맛있는
  7. 자연
  8. 만들다
  1. 비트
  2. 딸기
  3. 풀, 잔디
  4. 블루베리
  5. 찾다, 발견하다
  6. 끓이다
  7. 맛이 나다
  8. 색칠하다

17 Clues: 비트딸기자연그리다달콤한마시다보라색맛있는끓이다만들다블루베리냄새나다색칠하다풀, 잔디맛이 나다찾다, 발견하다

Chapter 12: Shaping a Unique Worldview 2018-03-06

Chapter 12: Shaping a Unique Worldview crossword puzzle
  1. The ancient religion of Japan, based on harmony with nature
  2. Devastating tidal waves that affect Japan and other costal nations
  3. Land suitable for farming is considered this
  4. Because of its nature as an island country, Japan is ________ from its neighbours
  5. A three-line Japanese poem, following a specific format
  6. A long chain of many islands
  7. A "divine wind" that protected the Japanese from Mongol invaders
  8. A person who remains composed and patient throughout hardships
  1. A special ceremony observed with regularity
  2. The Japanese attempted to do this to their Indigenous people
  3. A ________ society is made up of people who share common values, beliefs, and natures
  4. Traditional festivals held throughout the year to please the gods of nature
  5. Chinese characters that were adopted by the Japanese, and later combined with Japanese characters
  6. Things such as fire, water, animals, and plants, regarded as gods by the Indigenous people of Japan
  7. The Indigenous people of Japan
  8. The emperors of Japan were considered the descendants of this sun goddess
  9. The Japanese word for deities or sacred beings

17 Clues: A long chain of many islandsThe Indigenous people of JapanA special ceremony observed with regularityLand suitable for farming is considered thisThe Japanese word for deities or sacred beingsA three-line Japanese poem, following a specific formatThe ancient religion of Japan, based on harmony with nature...

vocabulary 1 and 2 2018-09-11

vocabulary 1 and 2 crossword puzzle
  1. linger
  2. facts
  3. directions
  4. plain
  5. few
  6. friend
  7. calm down
  8. personality
  9. past
  1. tell
  2. regulate
  3. look after
  4. have
  5. paying close attention
  6. brave
  7. undamaged
  8. pull apart
  9. well behaved
  10. power

19 Clues: fewtellhavepastfactsplainbravepowerlingerfriendregulateundamagedcalm downlook afterdirectionspull apartpersonalitywell behavedpaying close attention

spanish 2022-11-28

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. tent
  2. nature
  3. finger
  4. jewelry
  5. a lot
  6. unlocks
  7. reel
  8. trip
  1. temporary home
  2. cowboy
  3. going up
  4. visitor
  5. hobbies
  6. necklace, rings
  7. neck
  8. gift from trip
  9. camera
  10. hostel
  11. desk
  12. trip

20 Clues: tentneckreeldesktriptripa lotcowboynaturefingercamerahostelvisitorhobbiesjewelryunlocksgoing uptemporary homegift from tripnecklace, rings

Struktur dan Fenomena Alam 2023-06-11

Struktur dan Fenomena Alam crossword puzzle
  1. Park
  2. City Park
  3. Mountain
  4. Mountain Ranges
  5. Nature
  6. Lake
  7. Climate
  1. Hill
  2. Valley
  3. Continent
  4. Weather
  5. Tea Plantation
  6. Sea
  7. Strawberry Garden
  8. Sky
  9. Cloud
  10. Crater
  11. River
  12. Garden

19 Clues: SeaSkyHillParkLakeCloudRiverValleyCraterNatureGardenWeatherClimateMountainContinentCity ParkTea PlantationMountain RangesStrawberry Garden

life 2017-10-17

life crossword puzzle
  1. like to chaise mice
  2. mans best friend
  3. not man made
  4. things you ware every day
  5. an animal that copy's you
  1. an animal no one wants in their house
  2. you ring people with them
  3. living nature
  4. they teach you
  5. they give birth to you
  6. you cant live without them

11 Clues: not man madeliving naturethey teach youmans best friendlike to chaise micethey give birth to youyou ring people with themthings you ware every dayan animal that copy's youyou cant live without theman animal no one wants in their house

Brand Platform 2022-08-19

Brand Platform crossword puzzle
  1. by nature
  2. come as a
  3. of people and nature
  4. a blend of innovation and creativity
  5. be the reference of human-scale luxury hospitality
  6. transparency as a behaviour
  1. Bon Vivant' is our
  2. our professionalism and dedication
  3. leave as a
  4. of the heart
  5. a genuine passion for hospitality is our

11 Clues: by naturecome as aleave as aof the heartBon Vivant' is ourof people and naturetransparency as a behaviourour professionalism and dedicationa blend of innovation and creativitya genuine passion for hospitality is ourbe the reference of human-scale luxury hospitality

Animals and Nature 2022-06-01

Animals and Nature crossword puzzle
  1. big park in Tanzania
  2. an animal with long horns
  3. an animal with long neck.
  4. African country that starts with letter T
  5. the fastest animal
  1. doing and seeing things
  2. black and white striped animal
  3. a strong animal
  4. plants and animals
  5. second largest continent.
  6. place

11 Clues: placea strong animalplants and animalsthe fastest animalbig park in Tanzaniadoing and seeing thingsan animal with long hornssecond largest animal with long and white striped animalAfrican country that starts with letter T

Crosswords in nature 2020-04-13

Crosswords in nature crossword puzzle
  1. an animal like a frog
  2. have a good time
  3. tiny drops of water
  4. a dog's nose
  5. birds that hoot
  6. a creature in a shell
  1. dirt to plant seeds in
  2. an insect that buzzes
  3. the shape of the sun
  4. lots of sounds
  5. grain made into bread

11 Clues: a dog's noselots of soundsbirds that hoothave a good timetiny drops of waterthe shape of the sunan animal like a frogan insect that buzzesgrain made into breada creature in a shelldirt to plant seeds in

Nature of Language 2020-09-26

Nature of Language crossword puzzle
  1. the method of human communication
  2. no two language in the world have the same set of words phonetic symbols and grammatical patterns
  3. sharing the thoughts from one person to another is the main function of language
  4. of a language is words
  5. language reflects the _____ of the community to which the person belongs to
  1. language is a product of particular society and culture
  2. language is a living language which is constantly changing
  3. not essential to have any relationship between the word and the object for which it it spoken
  4. language exist only in spoken form, they do not have the written form
  5. language is a skill, a form of behavior
  6. an organized behavior

11 Clues: an organized behaviorof a language is wordsthe method of human communicationlanguage is a skill, a form of behaviorlanguage is a product of particular society and culturelanguage is a living language which is constantly changinglanguage exist only in spoken form, they do not have the written form...

Autumn and Nature 2020-10-02

Autumn and Nature crossword puzzle
  1. we carve this fruit for Halloween
  2. animals start growing in this fur for winter
  3. mountain with all the different colors look
  4. three colors the leaves turn in fall
  1. bears eat a lot to get ready for this
  2. trees lose these in October
  3. animal eats a lot of acorns and store for winter
  4. In October the weather starts to get
  5. the earth gets like this with the cold weather
  6. people lose their hats because there it is very
  7. geese fly there to stay the winter

11 Clues: trees lose these in Octoberwe carve this fruit for Halloweengeese fly there to stay the winterIn October the weather starts to getthree colors the leaves turn in fallbears eat a lot to get ready for thismountain with all the different colors lookanimals start growing in this fur for winterthe earth gets like this with the cold weather...

Nature Vs. Nurture 2017-11-01

Nature Vs. Nurture crossword puzzle
  1. Person’s characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity
  2. Random error in gene replication that leads to change
  3. Variation among individuals due to genetics
  4. Study of molecular function and genes
  5. Giving priority to one’s own goals, define identity by personal attributes
  6. Every external influence on behavior
  1. Theory that favorable traits are passed down to new generations
  2. Biological unit of heredity
  3. Giving priority to one’s own group, defining one’s identity by the group
  4. Enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, values, and traditions shared by a group
  5. Understood rule for accepted and proper behavior

11 Clues: Biological unit of heredityEvery external influence on behaviorStudy of molecular function and genesVariation among individuals due to geneticsUnderstood rule for accepted and proper behaviorRandom error in gene replication that leads to changePerson’s characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity...

Unit 3 - Nature 2023-11-07

Unit 3 - Nature crossword puzzle
  1. most
  2. ścieżka
  3. wyspa
  4. drzewo
  5. kwiatek
  1. jezioro
  2. motyl
  3. ławka
  4. rzeka
  5. liść
  6. głaz

11 Clues: mostliśćgłazmotylławkarzekawyspadrzewojeziorościeżkakwiatek

Nature of God 2024-01-05

Nature of God crossword puzzle
  1. What word means God is all-powerful?
  2. Experiencing bad things could be a test of faith. For example, in the Holy Bible who is tested on many occasions but still keeps his faith in God and ultimately receives a reward?
  3. In Luke 1:37, it says 'Nothing is ____ with God' What is the missing word?
  4. What is the problem of evil in the face of God's goodness often known as? (two words 12,5)
  5. God is beyond human understanding, but God is fair so the good will be rewarded where?
  6. Who believed that evil and suffering has a purpose in God's universe and allows us to appreciate the good?
  7. What word means God is inside of time and space?
  1. What word means God is all-loving?
  2. What word means God is all-knowing?
  3. Who believed that evil was the absence of good and therefore not a 'thing' in God's perfect universe?
  4. What word means God is outside of time and space?

11 Clues: What word means God is all-loving?What word means God is all-knowing?What word means God is all-powerful?What word means God is inside of time and space?What word means God is outside of time and space?In Luke 1:37, it says 'Nothing is ____ with God' What is the missing word?...

Nature of Science 2024-06-06

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. A type of study in which individuals are observed or certain outcomes are measured.
  2. Research method that involves measuring and quantifying characteristics with numbers.
  3. A physical and/or mathematical and/or conceptual representation of a system of ideas, events or processes.
  4. The standard to which comparisons are made in an experiment.
  5. A process in which a "fair test" is designed and variables are actively manipulated, controlled, and measured in an effort to gather evidence to support or refute a causal relationship.
  6. Involves collecting data on different populations/organisms under different conditions, to make a contrast.
  1. A variable that stands alone, is changed by the experimenter, and isn't changed by the other variables being measured.
  2. The observation is based on the observer's subjective interpretation of what they see, hear, smell, taste, or feel.
  3. The dependent variables which are observed and measured by changing independent variables.
  4. A method of quantitative data collection that involves observing events, or behaviors, as they occur, and recording their observations.
  5. Capable of being tested scientifically, an idea is testable when it logically generates a set of expectations about what we should observe in a particular situation.

11 Clues: The standard to which comparisons are made in an experiment.A type of study in which individuals are observed or certain outcomes are measured.Research method that involves measuring and quantifying characteristics with numbers.The dependent variables which are observed and measured by changing independent variables....

Test 2022-04-12

Test crossword puzzle
  1. looduslik
  2. ala
  3. tulistama
  4. pealkiri
  5. kask
  6. normaalne
  1. rõhk
  2. ilming
  3. saun
  4. kohalik
  5. loodus
  6. kogu
  7. asukoht, võõrustama
  8. süü
  9. käsitsema
  10. liiter

16 Clues: alasüürõhksaunkogukaskilmingloodusliiterkohalikpealkiriloodusliktulistamakäsitsemanormaalneasukoht, võõrustama

Philip 2013-04-29

Philip crossword puzzle
  1. finish
  2. stop it
  3. beautiful
  4. thunderstorm
  5. bee
  6. not
  7. coffee
  8. rightaway
  9. good
  1. welcome
  2. boy
  3. weather
  4. tractor
  5. please
  6. nature
  7. rain

16 Clues: boybeenotraingoodfinishpleasenaturecoffeewelcomestop itweathertractorbeautifulrightawaythunderstorm

Henok 1 2015-04-29

Henok 1 crossword puzzle
  1. pied
  2. mois
  3. attendre
  4. village
  5. nature
  6. magasin
  7. vendredi
  8. genou
  1. bras
  2. parce que
  3. bouche
  4. quand
  5. poire
  6. banc
  7. semaine
  8. beaucoup

16 Clues: braspiedmoisbancquandpoiregenoubouchenaturevillagemagasinsemaineattendrevendredibeaucoupparce que

U3,F7 2018-10-29

U3,F7 crossword puzzle
  1. bioloogia
  2. märkima
  3. karistama
  4. õigekiri
  5. looduslik
  6. veetma
  7. päevakohane
  8. up aeg on läbi
  9. kodundus
  10. blond
  11. ümmargune
  1. kukkuma
  2. kujutlema
  3. harjutama
  4. raiskama
  5. kergesti
  6. ime
  7. kandiline
  8. otse

19 Clues: imeotseblondveetmakukkumamärkimaõigekiriraiskamakergestikodundusbioloogiakujutlemakaristamaharjutamalooduslikkandilineümmargunepäevakohaneup aeg on läbi

Choice Board Vocab 2024-10-17

Choice Board Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. sky
  2. valley
  3. star
  4. crater
  5. river
  6. lake
  7. nature
  8. desert
  1. la trail; path
  2. stone
  3. plant
  4. land; soil
  5. grass
  6. flower
  7. (tropical) (tropical; rain) forest
  8. cloud
  9. moon
  10. tree
  11. sun

19 Clues: skysunstarlakemoontreestoneplantgrassrivercloudvalleyflowercraternaturedesertland; soilla trail; path(tropical) (tropical; rain) forest

KEY9 KPL21, 2015-09-07

KEY9 KPL21, crossword puzzle
  1. eläimistö, luonto
  2. tölkki
  3. ihana
  4. kierrättää
  5. maantiede
  6. suojella
  7. päättää
  8. unohtaa
  9. karhu
  10. metsästys
  11. hirvi
  12. telttailija
  13. peura
  1. vaarallinen
  2. ympäristö
  3. selittää
  4. asunto
  5. unelias
  6. totta
  7. jäätyä
  8. luonto
  9. haistaa
  10. antaa, sallia

23 Clues: ihanatottakarhuhirvipeuratölkkiasuntojäätyäluontouneliaspäättääunohtaahaistaaselittääsuojellaympäristömaantiedemetsästyskierrättäävaarallinentelttailijaantaa, salliaeläimistö, luonto

KEY9 KPL21, 2015-09-07

KEY9 KPL21, crossword puzzle
  1. peura
  2. metsästys
  3. selittää
  4. unohtaa
  5. tölkki
  6. telttailija
  7. ympäristö
  8. hirvi
  9. kierrättää
  10. jäätyä
  11. ihana
  1. päättää
  2. eläimistö, luonto
  3. asunto
  4. luonto
  5. suojella
  6. vaarallinen
  7. totta
  8. maantiede
  9. haistaa
  10. unelias
  11. antaa, sallia
  12. karhu

23 Clues: peuratottahirvikarhuihanaasuntoluontotölkkijäätyäpäättääunohtaahaistaauneliasselittääsuojellametsästysmaantiedeympäristökierrättäävaarallinentelttailijaantaa, salliaeläimistö, luonto

Module 6, 6a F 7 2018-04-23

Module 6, 6a F 7 crossword puzzle
  1. vaba
  2. kohalik
  3. reis
  4. akvaarium
  5. nali
  6. loodus
  7. vaatamisväärsus
  8. osa võtma
  9. varemed
  10. takso
  11. muuseum
  1. sihtkoht
  2. majutus
  3. luksuslik
  4. hinnaline, kallis
  5. tseremoonia
  6. päevitama
  7. metroo
  8. loss, kindlus
  9. kuninganna
  10. ette kujutama
  11. rand

22 Clues: vabareisnalirandtaksometrooloodusmajutuskohalikvaremedmuuseumsihtkohtluksuslikpäevitamaakvaariumosa võtmakuningannatseremoonialoss, kindlusette kujutamavaatamisväärsushinnaline, kallis

El Bosque Lluvioso 2020-05-13

El Bosque Lluvioso crossword puzzle
  1. land/soil
  2. conservation
  3. biome
  4. countryside
  5. deforestation
  6. air
  7. landscape
  8. jungle
  9. coast
  10. mountain
  11. yunque
  12. ecology
  13. rain
  1. forest
  2. tree
  3. mountain range
  4. nature
  5. humid
  6. lluvioso
  7. layers
  8. forest floor
  9. tropical
  10. habitat

23 Clues: airtreerainhumidbiomecoastforestnaturelayersjungleyunquehabitatecologylluviosotropicalmountainland/soillandscapecountrysideconservationforest floordeforestationmountain range

Natur und die Umwelt 2017-10-10

Natur und die Umwelt crossword puzzle
  1. field
  2. tree
  3. to explore
  4. environment
  5. dry
  6. sunset
  7. island
  8. nature
  9. flat
  10. avalanche
  11. mountain range
  1. coast
  2. heat
  3. star
  4. dying of the forests
  5. compass points
  6. landscape
  7. wet
  8. mountain peak
  9. valley
  10. mountain

21 Clues: drywetheatstartreeflatcoastfieldsunsetislandnaturevalleymountainlandscapeavalancheto exploreenvironmentmountain peakcompass pointsmountain rangedying of the forests

romeo and juliet 2021-12-08

romeo and juliet crossword puzzle
  1. corpse
  2. ordinary
  3. fainted
  4. corpse is displayed
  5. thrusts
  6. punish someone
  7. opposite direction
  8. follow up
  9. full of hatred
  10. angry nature
  1. liars
  2. honoring
  3. unfamiliar
  4. considered
  5. know
  6. bankrupt
  7. exiled
  8. punish
  9. final decision
  10. escaped

20 Clues: knowliarscorpseexiledpunishfaintedthrustsescapedhonoringordinarybankruptfollow upunfamiliarconsideredangry naturepunish someonefinal decisionfull of hatredopposite directioncorpse is displayed

Pasvik crossword nr.1 2022-03-28

Pasvik crossword nr.1 crossword puzzle
  1. nordlys
  2. mygg
  3. skole
  4. røsslyng
  5. trekkfugler
  6. snøspurv
  7. ski
  8. omfattende skog
  9. lærer
  10. natur
  1. dårlige veier
  2. øyenstikker
  3. elv
  4. furutrær
  5. samfunn
  6. jakting
  7. geitrams
  8. kråke
  9. einetre
  10. sol

20 Clues: elvskisolmyggskolekråkelærernaturnordlyssamfunnjaktingeinetrefurutrærgeitramsrøsslyngsnøspurvøyenstikkertrekkfuglerdårlige veieromfattende skog

LAND 2024-05-21

LAND crossword puzzle
  1. - Colline
  2. - Forêt
  3. - Pâturage
  4. - Sol
  5. - Bois
  6. - Plateau
  7. - Prairie
  8. - Terres agricoles
  9. - Rivage
  10. - Plaine
  11. - Terrain
  12. - Jungle
  1. - Nature sauvage
  2. - Savane
  3. - Champ
  4. - Terre
  5. - Terrain
  6. - Terre
  7. - Montagne
  8. - Péninsule
  9. - Oasis
  10. - Côte
  11. - Désert
  12. - Toundra
  13. - Vallée

25 Clues: - Sol- Bois- Côte- Forêt- Champ- Terre- Terre- Oasis- Savane- Désert- Rivage- Plaine- Vallée- Jungle- Colline- Terrain- Plateau- Prairie- Toundra- Terrain- Pâturage- Montagne- Péninsule- Nature sauvage- Terres agricoles

What do you do for fun? 2023-11-21

What do you do for fun? crossword puzzle
  1. harrastus
  2. suosikki
  3. löytää
  4. oppia
  5. skeittaus
  6. hymyile
  7. lopettaa
  8. urheilu
  9. vihainen
  10. pyöräily
  11. vaikea
  12. ihmiset
  1. onnettomuus
  2. toivoa
  3. kysyä
  4. välissä
  5. vapaa-aika
  6. koripallo
  7. tehdä
  8. rummut
  9. harjoitukset
  10. luonto
  11. tärkeä
  12. hauska

24 Clues: kysyäoppiatehdätoivoalöytäärummutluontovaikeatärkeähauskavälissähymyileurheiluihmisetsuosikkilopettaavihainenpyöräilyharrastuskoripalloskeittausvapaa-aikaonnettomuusharjoitukset

7th Grade Word Stems 2024-09-10

7th Grade Word Stems crossword puzzle
  1. earth
  2. holy
  3. earth
  4. teach
  5. race
  6. hand
  7. god
  8. witness
  9. body
  10. nature
  11. heart
  12. feel
  1. star
  2. horn
  3. learn
  4. sing
  5. death
  6. strength
  7. look
  8. sea
  9. knowledge
  10. mind
  11. breathe
  12. sun
  13. ship

25 Clues: seagodsunstarhornholysinglookracehandbodymindshipfeelearthlearndeathearthteachheartnaturewitnessbreathestrengthknowledge

patent information 2024-11-24

patent information crossword puzzle
  1. criterion
  2. special
  3. style
  4. entertainment
  5. office-required
  6. frame
  7. find
  8. encourage
  9. man has long hand
  1. teachers work
  2. nature
  3. kinds
  4. money
  5. complete data
  6. published
  7. inspiration
  8. need engineer
  9. set-forth
  10. knowledge
  11. search interent

20 Clues: findkindsmoneystyleframenaturespecialcriterionpublishedset-forthknowledgeencourageinspirationteachers workcomplete dataentertainmentneed engineeroffice-requiredsearch interentman has long hand

Into the Wild 2024-04-18

Into the Wild crossword puzzle
  1. parvi (kaloja)
  2. koivu
  3. lights revontulet
  4. susi
  5. poimia
  6. ympäristö
  7. parvi (lintuja)
  8. hylje
  9. lauma (esim. lehmiä)
  1. kiivetä
  2. ulkoilma
  3. muuttaa, vaeltaa
  4. vaellusretki; patikoida
  5. mänty
  6. tunturi
  7. maha
  8. lauma
  9. luonto
  10. kuusi

19 Clues: susimahakoivumäntylaumakuusihyljepoimialuontokiivetätunturiulkoilmaympäristöparvi (kaloja)parvi (lintuja)muuttaa, vaeltaalights revontuletlauma (esim. lehmiä)vaellusretki; patikoida

Henok 7 2015-05-05

Henok 7 crossword puzzle
  1. chaussette
  2. coq
  3. nature
  4. vache
  5. flandre
  6. moins
  7. bois
  8. soleil
  1. neige
  2. poule
  3. cochon
  4. vent
  5. montagne
  6. valise
  7. fleur

15 Clues: coqventboisneigepoulevachemoinsfleurcochonnaturevalisesoleilflandremontagnechaussette

oujees 2021-09-15

oujees crossword puzzle
  1. maakaasu
  2. uusiutuva
  3. saastuttaa
  4. käyttääuudelleen
  5. irrottaapistorasiasta
  6. luonto
  7. luomu
  1. suojella
  2. säästää
  3. energia
  4. maa
  5. kieltää
  6. öljy
  7. säilyttää
  8. jäte

15 Clues: maaöljyjäteluomuluontosäästääenergiakieltääsuojellamaakaasuuusiutuvasäilyttääsaastuttaakäyttääuudelleenirrottaapistorasiasta

Fishing Trip 2023-06-09

Fishing Trip crossword puzzle
  1. avian
  2. rod
  3. climate
  4. captured
  5. tolerant
  6. transparent
  7. donning
  1. distinct
  2. innate
  3. intuition
  4. location
  5. boasting
  6. environment
  7. angle
  8. superior

15 Clues: rodavianangleinnateclimatedonningdistinctlocationboastingcapturedtolerantsuperiorintuitionenvironmenttransparent

Adjectives from Noun - Puzzle 2023-08-27

Adjectives from Noun - Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. peace
  2. Crazy
  3. kindness
  4. Danger
  5. Youth
  6. Violence
  7. Anger
  8. Romance
  9. Beauty
  1. Offence
  2. luck
  3. Happiness
  4. Nature
  5. Pain
  6. Guilt

15 Clues: luckPainpeaceCrazyYouthAngerGuiltDangerNatureBeautyOffenceRomancekindnessViolenceHappiness

Term 3 Recap 2018-02-16

Term 3 Recap crossword puzzle
  1. A social theory favouring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control
  2. Fill someone with the urge to do something
  3. The use of weather and nature to suit the mood/given a human emotion
  4. The playwright of the Tempest
  5. High respect; great esteem
  1. A movement in the late 18th Century focused on nature, desire, passion, love, and freedom
  2. A comparison using 'like' or 'as'
  3. Plants, animals, landscapes and products of the Earth.
  4. The development of industry through the use of machines and factory lines
  5. Separated into parts
  6. Break free from confinement and control

11 Clues: Separated into partsHigh respect; great esteemThe playwright of the TempestA comparison using 'like' or 'as'Break free from confinement and controlFill someone with the urge to do somethingPlants, animals, landscapes and products of the Earth.The use of weather and nature to suit the mood/given a human emotion...

The Hand of Nature 2018-04-02

The Hand of Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Consisting of fire or burning strongly and brightly.
  2. A cone-shaped mountain or hill created by molten material that rises from the interior of the Earth to the surface
  3. Run hurriedly or furtively with short quick steps.
  4. A storm with a violent wind
  5. A violent and destructive shattering or blowing apart of something
  6. Touch or push gently or gradually.
  7. A sudden outbreak of something, typically something unwelcome or noisy.
  1. A large undulating mass of something, typically cloud, smoke, or steam.
  2. An extended period of unusually low rainfall;
  3. The calm region at the center of a storm or hurricane.
  4. Able or likely to cause harm or injury.
  5. In a powerful and destructive manner.
  6. An imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening.
  7. A mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside.
  8. Fall suddenly, or clumsily
  9. Beat or sound with a strong, regular rhythm; pulsate steadily.

16 Clues: Fall suddenly, or clumsilyA storm with a violent windTouch or push gently or gradually.In a powerful and destructive manner.Able or likely to cause harm or injury.An extended period of unusually low rainfall;Run hurriedly or furtively with short quick steps.Consisting of fire or burning strongly and brightly....

The nature of business 2024-04-01

The nature of business crossword puzzle
  1. When a business runs out of money
  2. People who work for the company
  3. A person with interest or concern in a business
  4. Are people who take risks to make a profit
  5. People who buy the goods and services
  6. merchandise or possessions
  7. After all business expenses have been deducted from revenue
  1. Something that operates in one country
  2. made depends on how much product is sold
  3. A business that has very few employees
  4. People who have major voting rights
  5. Different sizes of companies
  6. A person owning a business
  7. Sell whatever they need to pay of debts
  8. The action of helping or doing work for someone
  9. Someone who owns the company

16 Clues: A person owning a businessmerchandise or possessionsDifferent sizes of companiesSomeone who owns the companyPeople who work for the companyWhen a business runs out of moneyPeople who have major voting rightsPeople who buy the goods and servicesSomething that operates in one countryA business that has very few employees...

Nature of Business Ethics 2023-08-15

Nature of Business Ethics crossword puzzle
  1. An issue in which you must decide whether something is right or wrong
  2. Reliable; deserving the confidence of others
  3. A person’s or business’s good name
  4. The result of an action
  5. A dishonest way of presenting a person or situation
  6. Fulfilling one’s obligations in a dependable, reliable manner
  7. Adhering to an established set of personal ethics and sound moral principles; acting with honesty in all situations
  8. The long-term value of your choices
  9. Complying with laws and regulations
  1. The ability to make judgments without favoritism or self-interest; engaging in fair competition and creating equal relationships
  2. The quality of being just as one seems; being open and truthful when communicating
  3. Truthfulness
  4. Standards that govern behavior; not dependent on circumstance
  5. The basic principles that govern your behavior
  6. Regard or esteem; honoring the rights, freedoms, views, and property of others
  7. The condition of having to answer for or be liable for your actions; accepting responsibility for your decisions.

16 Clues: TruthfulnessThe result of an actionA person’s or business’s good nameThe long-term value of your choicesComplying with laws and regulationsReliable; deserving the confidence of othersThe basic principles that govern your behaviorA dishonest way of presenting a person or situationStandards that govern behavior; not dependent on circumstance...

Transcendentalism 2013-10-18

Transcendentalism crossword puzzle
  1. An advanced state of culture, in a human society
  2. Book title, published by Thoreau in 1854
  3. Thoreau spent a night there after refusing to pay a tax
  4. The other version of Transcendentalism, Romanticism, originated there
  5. "____ thyself" Emerson taught
  6. form of Transcendentalism
  7. Emphasized reasons, opposite believes from Transcendentalism
  8. The unique importance of each individual
  9. Emerson and Thoreau didn't support this, because they believed that everyone was equal
  10. (2 words) Emerson challenged people to use this to guide their lives and improve society
  11. Romanticism placed greater value on nature, ______, and imagination
  12. Root word of Transcendentalism, means "go beyond"
  1. Emerson and Thoreau _____ that people must judge right or wrong for themselves
  2. (3words) Person who was the leading Transcendentalist
  3. The movement that sought to explore the relationship between humans and nature through emotions rather than through reason
  4. A small group of people from here created Transcendentalism
  5. (3 words) Person who took Transcendentalism seriously and accepted Emerson's challenge
  6. ______ Luther King Jr. was influenced by Thoreau's nonviolent protests
  7. (2 words) the idea that people should peacefully disobey unjust laws if their consciences demand it
  8. The body of written works in a language, culture, or period
  9. They believed in close links between _____ and people

21 Clues: form of Transcendentalism"____ thyself" Emerson taughtBook title, published by Thoreau in 1854The unique importance of each individualAn advanced state of culture, in a human societyRoot word of Transcendentalism, means "go beyond"(3words) Person who was the leading TranscendentalistThey believed in close links between _____ and people...

Transcendentalism 2013-10-18

Transcendentalism crossword puzzle
  1. European form of Transcendentalism
  2. A small group of people from here created Transcendentalism
  3. (2 words) the idea that people should peacefully disobey unjust laws if their consciences demand it
  4. "____ thyself" Emerson taught
  5. Romanticism placed greater value on nature, ______, and imagination
  6. Root word of Transcendentalism, means "go beyond"
  7. The unique importance of each individual
  8. (3words) Person who was the leading Transcendentalist
  9. The body of written works in a language, culture, or period
  10. (2 words) Emerson challenged people to use this to guide their lives and improve society
  11. An advanced state of culture, in a human society
  12. The other version of Transcendentalism, Romanticism, originated there
  1. Book title, published by Thoreau in 1854
  2. The movement that sought to explore the relationship between humans and nature through emotions rather than through reason
  3. Emphasized reasons, opposite believes from Transcendentalism
  4. Emerson and Thoreau didn't support this, because they believed that everyone was equal
  5. ______ Luther King Jr. was influenced by Thoreau's nonviolent protests
  6. Emerson and Thoreau _____ that people must judge right or wrong for themselves
  7. (3 words) Person who took Transcendentalism seriously and accepted Emerson's challenge
  8. They believed in close links between _____ and people
  9. Thoreau spent a night there after refusing to pay a tax

21 Clues: "____ thyself" Emerson taughtEuropean form of TranscendentalismBook title, published by Thoreau in 1854The unique importance of each individualAn advanced state of culture, in a human societyRoot word of Transcendentalism, means "go beyond"(3words) Person who was the leading TranscendentalistThey believed in close links between _____ and people...

Transcendentalism 2013-10-18

Transcendentalism crossword puzzle
  1. "____ thyself" Emerson taught
  2. (2 words) Emerson challenged people to use this to guide their lives and improve society
  3. (3 words) Person who took Transcendentalism seriously and accepted Emerson's challenge
  4. A small group of people from here created Transcendentalism
  5. (2 words) the idea that people should peacefully disobey unjust laws if their consciences demand it
  6. (3words) Person who was the leading Transcendentalist
  7. Romanticism placed greater value on nature, ______, and imagination
  8. Emphasized reasons, opposite believes from Transcendentalism
  9. The body of written works in a language, culture, or period
  10. The unique importance of each individual
  11. Emerson and Thoreau didn't support this, because they believed that everyone was equal
  1. An advanced state of culture, in a human society
  2. Emerson and Thoreau _____ that people must judge right or wrong for themselves
  3. ______ Luther King Jr. was influenced by Thoreau's nonviolent protests
  4. European form of Transcendentalism
  5. The other version of Transcendentalism, Romanticism, originated there
  6. The movement that sought to explore the relationship between humans and nature through emotions rather than through reason
  7. They believed in close links between _____ and people
  8. Book title, published by Thoreau in 1854
  9. Thoreau spent a night there after refusing to pay a tax
  10. Root word of Transcendentalism, means "go beyond"

21 Clues: "____ thyself" Emerson taughtEuropean form of TranscendentalismBook title, published by Thoreau in 1854The unique importance of each individualAn advanced state of culture, in a human societyRoot word of Transcendentalism, means "go beyond"They believed in close links between _____ and people(3words) Person who was the leading Transcendentalist...

Bible 2017-05-17

Bible crossword puzzle
  1. The bishop of Basil focused on the _________.
  2. Augustine liked to go hear ______ teach because he was a good speaker.
  3. Ambrose was a good speaker but also a ________ speaker.
  4. While Augustine was in the garden he heard a _________ singing.
  5. One of the famous books that Augustine wrote is __________.
  6. The spiritual nature leads to __________.
  7. The _______ nature focuses on spiritual needs.
  8. ________ struggled with the lax approach of christianity, like Augustine.
  9. _________ of Nyssa is a brother of the Bishop of Basil.
  10. Augustine is nowadays considered 1 of the best christian _________.
  11. 1 of the council meetings were about if mary was the mother of God.
  1. Usually bishops are _________.
  2. The human nature leads to _________.
  3. When Augustine was 32 he taught in the city of ________.
  4. Augustine thought that christianity was to __________.
  5. The council of nicaea was about if Jesus was really ______.
  6. Alexander and ________ never got along.
  7. One of Arius’ closest friends was ________ who was a pastor.
  8. Augustine’s father was a roman _________.
  9. Jesus is 100% ________ and 100% God.
  10. Augustine’s mother was 1 of the __________ that lead to his conversion.
  11. Pelagius believed that it is possible for us not to ________.
  12. Gregory of Nyssa’s focus was on 1 _______ in three people.
  13. When Augustine read the bible in the garden he turned to the book of _________.

24 Clues: Usually bishops are _________.The human nature leads to _________.Jesus is 100% ________ and 100% God.Alexander and ________ never got along.Augustine’s father was a roman _________.The spiritual nature leads to __________.The bishop of Basil focused on the _________.The _______ nature focuses on spiritual needs....

Aidan Gomez P.2 Unit 2 Crossword #2 2021-11-18

Aidan Gomez P.2 Unit 2 Crossword #2 crossword puzzle
  1. A philosophical and literary movement that emphasized living a simple life and celebrating the truth found in nature and in personal emotion and imagination
  2. Acting with sudden or rash energy; hasty
  3. Suited to one’s needs or nature; agreeable
  4. Short accounts of personal incidents
  5. Written by Henry David Thoreau
  6. A Psalm of Life
  7. To spread through every part of
  8. Written by William Cullen Bryant
  9. Attitude towards his or her subject
  10. Written by Ralph Walda Emerson
  11. Walden
  12. Examine something carefully and make statements or judgements against it
  13. Disturbance of the emotions; agitation; uneasiness
  14. Written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  15. Low; contemptible; wretched
  16. Written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  17. Restating the main idea in a sentence or two
  1. Leader of the transcendentalists
  2. Written by Henry David Thoreau
  3. Thanatopsis
  4. Written by Self-Reliance
  5. One who does not follow generally accepted beliefs, customs, or practices
  6. Group of New England poets
  7. A feeling of doubt, mistrust, or uncertainty
  8. In an unhurried and thoughtful manner
  9. An intellectual movement that emphasizes the dignity of the individual and advocate a simple, mindful life
  10. Makes up abstract ideas more appealing and easier to grasp
  11. Underlying message or central idea of a work
  12. To violate a command or law
  13. Creates vivid impressions for the reader

30 Clues: WaldenThanatopsisA Psalm of LifeWritten by Self-RelianceGroup of New England poetsTo violate a command or lawLow; contemptible; wretchedWritten by Henry David ThoreauWritten by Henry David ThoreauWritten by Ralph Walda EmersonTo spread through every part ofLeader of the transcendentalistsWritten by William Cullen Bryant...

CHAPTER 2:G 2014-01-30

CHAPTER 2:G crossword puzzle
  1. when rock fades away
  2. soil on top
  3. fertilization
  4. when soil oxidates
  5. dirt
  6. deepest spot under ground
  1. resource of nature
  2. soil below
  3. decomposed nature

9 Clues: dirtsoil belowsoil on topfertilizationdecomposed natureresource of naturewhen soil oxidateswhen rock fades awaydeepest spot under ground

Information Technology Environment 2017-09-15

Information Technology Environment crossword puzzle
  1. makes goods and services available to companies
  2. freedom from danger or loss
  3. tangible in nature
  4. use to send messages electronically
  5. Gates founder of Microsoft
  6. Technician repairs computers
  1. intangible in nature
  2. software Microsoft Word
  3. hire workers
  4. IT vendor

10 Clues: IT vendorhire workerstangible in natureintangible in naturesoftware Microsoft WordGates founder of Microsoftfreedom from danger or lossTechnician repairs computersuse to send messages electronicallymakes goods and services available to companies

Clara’s Environment 2021-09-09

Clara’s Environment crossword puzzle
  1. where some animals live
  2. Box material
  3. make something smaller in size
  4. linked to nature
  5. tin of can material
  1. a material you write on
  2. every day need
  3. harmful to the environment
  4. a very dry place
  5. to creat something

10 Clues: Box materialevery day needa very dry placelinked to natureto creat somethingtin of can materiala material you write onwhere some animals liveharmful to the environmentmake something smaller in size

"Thank You, Ma'am" vocabulary: lines 75-85 2020-04-19

"Thank You, Ma'am" vocabulary: lines 75-85 crossword puzzle
  1. a person, place or thing
  2. to be strong
  3. to go in nature to look for and capture animals
  4. to take something for your own
  5. to be the best
  6. a bird that Mongolian's use in hunting
  7. a fight for power
  1. to fight against others to win something, to win award
  2. a group of people
  3. where an eagle lives
  4. something you get when you're the winner of a competition
  5. help
  6. someone who looks for animals in nature
  7. not scared, not afraid
  8. something you want for yourself

15 Clues: helpto be strongto be the besta group of peoplea fight for powerwhere an eagle livesnot scared, not afraida person, place or thingto take something for your ownsomething you want for yourselfa bird that Mongolian's use in huntingsomeone who looks for animals in natureto go in nature to look for and capture animals...

Units and measurement 2020-07-23

Units and measurement crossword puzzle
  1. unit of solid angle
  2. SI unit of measure of degree of hotness
  3. equivalent to one joule per second
  4. unit of product of mass and acceleration
  5. base quantity whose unit is same in all systems
  6. independent of other physical quantities
  7. unit of rate of flow of charge
  8. gram per centimetre cube is unit of
  1. expressed in terms of other quantities
  2. can be measured directly or indirectly
  3. weakest force in nature
  4. strongest forces in nature
  5. ratio of arc length to radius
  6. unit of energy
  7. unit of pressure

15 Clues: unit of energyunit of pressureunit of solid angleweakest force in naturestrongest forces in natureratio of arc length to radiusunit of rate of flow of chargeequivalent to one joule per secondgram per centimetre cube is unit ofexpressed in terms of other quantitiescan be measured directly or indirectlySI unit of measure of degree of hotness...

Korea and Japan 2023-09-15

Korea and Japan crossword puzzle
  1. Code of honor that the samurai followed
  2. Japanese warriors in medeival Japan
  3. Japanese prince who wrote their first constitution
  4. Belief that everything in nature has a spirit
  5. a chain of islands
  6. ancestors of the Japanese
  7. commander of Japanese military
  1. Religion that teaches that all life is suffering
  2. Korean warship covered in a shell with spikes
  3. Japanese religion that means "the way of the spirits
  4. First emperor of Japan
  5. Nature spirits
  6. "Great Change" period in Japan
  7. Yi dynasties greatest ruler
  8. This person founded the first Korean Kingdom

15 Clues: Nature spiritsa chain of islandsFirst emperor of Japanancestors of the JapaneseYi dynasties greatest ruler"Great Change" period in Japancommander of Japanese militaryJapanese warriors in medeival JapanCode of honor that the samurai followedThis person founded the first Korean KingdomKorean warship covered in a shell with spikes...

science 2021-09-01

science crossword puzzle
  1. a simple, useful, workable representation of something in the world
  2. The knowledge and practices of observing the earth and its processes
  3. The over view perspective that is based on presuppositions
  4. God's command in Genesis 1:28 the earth wisely
  5. an initial explanation for a scientific problem
  6. an orderly way of investigating a question in science by using measurable
  7. the study of presently occurring scientific events
  8. a scientific principle that tells us that any observable result of a proccess
  9. data describing an observation using words
  1. a basic assumption about the world that a person assumes is true
  2. study of nature and the processes found in nature
  3. a scientific principle asserting that the same process will always produce the same results
  4. the investigation of events that happened in the unobservable past by observing evidence in the present
  5. A description of the relationship between two or more variables that is based on repeated observations
  6. a model that attempts to explain a set of observations
  7. any information scientists collect by observing nature
  8. data data that usually consists of numbers with units

17 Clues: data describing an observation using wordsGod's command in Genesis 1:28 the earth wiselyan initial explanation for a scientific problemstudy of nature and the processes found in naturethe study of presently occurring scientific eventsdata data that usually consists of numbers with unitsa model that attempts to explain a set of observations...

Chapitre H3 - 5e 2024-01-28

Chapitre H3 - 5e crossword puzzle
  1. travail forcé que les paysans doivent au seigneur.
  2. un domaine accordé par un seigneur à un vassal en échange de services.
  3. une taxe en argent due au seigneur en change d’une tenure (sorte de loyer)
  4. une taxe en nature due au seigneur en échange de l’utilisation de son four, de son moulin ou de son pressoir.
  5. lieu où vivent des moines ou des moniales
  6. terres cultivée par les paysans, mais où toutes les récoltes sont dédiées au seigneur (corvée)
  7. ils font parti de ceux qui travaillent
  1. mise en culture de terres autrefois inoccupées.
  2. lieu de pendaison dans une seigneurie
  3. ceux qui prient
  4. ceux qui se battent
  5. une personne liée à un seigneur par la cérémonie de l'hommage.
  6. l'organisation de la société fondée sur les relations entre les seigneurs et les vassaux.
  7. terre confiée par le seigneur aux paysans en échange d’un loyer en argent ou en nature versé.
  8. Impôt en nature prélevé par l'Église sur les récoltes (en général, 1/10e).
  9. on y fabrique de la farine
  10. l’ensemble des chrétiens

17 Clues: ceux qui prientceux qui se battentl’ensemble des chrétienson y fabrique de la farinelieu de pendaison dans une seigneurieils font parti de ceux qui travaillentlieu où vivent des moines ou des monialesmise en culture de terres autrefois inoccupées.travail forcé que les paysans doivent au seigneur....

Nature far and wide 2021-10-05

Nature far and wide crossword puzzle
  1. kallio
  2. saaristo
  3. niitty
  4. metsä
  5. sademetsä
  6. tulivuori
  7. järvi
  1. luola
  2. hedelmätarha
  3. aavikko
  4. valtameri
  5. lampi
  6. saari
  7. laakso
  8. joki
  9. rannikko

16 Clues: jokiluolametsälampisaarijärvikallioniittylaaksoaavikkosaaristorannikkovaltamerisademetsätulivuorihedelmätarha

Anouks Arabian Nature-Fest 2021-11-24

Anouks Arabian Nature-Fest crossword puzzle
  1. a figured woven fabric with a pattern visible on both sides, typically used for table linen and upholstery. wallpaper
  2. The first word of the tea shop uncle Iroh owns in avatar the last airbender.
  3. I'm endangered. Also I start with c. also you can find me very low.
  4. I come in bunches and I'm a berry. I am made with three letters.
  5. a large African mammal with a very long neck and forelegs, having a coat patterned with brown patches separated by lighter lines. It is the tallest living animal.
  6. oval citrus fruit with thick skin and fragrant, acidic juice. when life gives you _____ you make ________.
  7. I'm a purple plant
  8. a thorny shrub that bears yellow flowers and red or blue-black berries.
  1. I'm hard or soft. round or square. I'm a
  2. Place from space, look up to see me.
  3. a season in India and Southeast Asia.
  4. a type house cat.
  5. I sound like Alpaca and I'm a plant.
  6. The type of animal The teacher of the playgroup in Peppa pig was.
  7. is a first-magnitude star in the constellation of Cygnus, the swan. ... It is the brightest star in Cygnus and the 19th brightest star in the night sky, with an average apparent magnitude of +1.25. A blue-white supergiant,_____rivals Rigel as the most luminous first-magnitude star. I am on the wikki
  8. food made with sugar or other sweeteners, typically formed in small, shaped pieces and flavored with chocolate, fruit, or nuts.

16 Clues: a type house cat.I'm a purple plantPlace from space, look up to see me.I sound like Alpaca and I'm a plant.a season in India and Southeast Asia.I'm hard or soft. round or square. I'm aI come in bunches and I'm a berry. I am made with three letters.The type of animal The teacher of the playgroup in Peppa pig was....

Mangrove Mystery Nature Trail 2021-12-22

Mangrove Mystery Nature Trail crossword puzzle
  1. Skipping through the mud, waddling in the sand, this is the life!
  2. Fishy leaves, droopy fruits
  3. I make fishes more vibrant
  4. To be deduced
  5. Whether a seed or spore, It sure is a stick in the mud
  6. Hey brothers & sisters, let's go weave something
  7. Not everyone can climb while sidewalking
  8. Why aren't there any black and white bears where I flow
  9. I may not be as delicious as my cousin but I do build nice apartments
  1. Gunslinger from the sea, accurate and deadly
  2. To be deduced
  3. Dessert underneath nature's roof, anyone?
  4. Largest reptile in the world, no joke.
  5. Furry little nut eaters, so common you see them everywhere
  6. To be deduced
  7. A diligent white-collar hunting for fish every 9am to 5pm
  8. To be deduced
  9. No one dislikes us as much as cotton planters
  10. pointing those tippy toes as I fly

19 Clues: To be deducedTo be deducedTo be deducedTo be deducedI make fishes more vibrantFishy leaves, droopy fruitspointing those tippy toes as I flyLargest reptile in the world, no joke.Not everyone can climb while sidewalkingDessert underneath nature's roof, anyone?Gunslinger from the sea, accurate and deadlyNo one dislikes us as much as cotton planters...

REVISION - adverbs, garden, nature 2021-05-10

REVISION - adverbs, garden, nature crossword puzzle
  1. adverbs that means quickly and unexpectedly
  2. adverb of careful
  3. prilog koji znači "brzo"
  4. a paved outdoor area adjoining a house
  5. She speaks English very ________. She has great speaking skills.
  6. a meal or gathering at which meat, fish, or other food is cooked out of doors on a rack over an open fire or on a special appliance
  7. a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapour, and gas are or have been erupted from the earth's crust
  8. prilog (adverb) koji znači "glasno"
  9. adverb of patient
  10. a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill
  1. a simple roofed structure used for garden storage, to shelter animals, or as a workshop
  2. They are _________ in love!
  3. prilog koji znači "kasno"
  4. a glass building in which plants that need protection from cold weather are grown
  5. It was a clear night and the stars were shining ________.
  6. a large area covered chiefly with trees

16 Clues: adverb of carefuladverb of patientprilog koji znači "brzo"prilog koji znači "kasno"They are _________ in love!prilog (adverb) koji znači "glasno"a paved outdoor area adjoining a housea large area covered chiefly with treesadverbs that means quickly and unexpectedlyIt was a clear night and the stars were shining ________....

The Magazine in Review 2022-10-27

The Magazine in Review crossword puzzle
  1. Agent Orange
  2. setting of 'Come and See'
  3. variety in nature
  4. The Tethered
  1. agreement
  2. food
  3. crime against nature
  4. where art is shown and sold
  5. pioneer

9 Clues: foodpioneeragreementAgent OrangeThe Tetheredvariety in naturecrime against naturesetting of 'Come and See'where art is shown and sold

romeo and juliet 2021-12-08

romeo and juliet crossword puzzle
  1. escaped
  2. honoring
  3. final decision
  4. fainted
  5. opposite direction
  6. exiled
  7. full of hatred
  8. corpse
  9. follow up
  10. thrusts
  11. punish
  1. corpse is displayed
  2. considered
  3. liars
  4. know
  5. angry nature
  6. punish someone
  7. bankrupt
  8. ordinary
  9. unfamiliar

20 Clues: knowliarsexiledcorpsepunishescapedfaintedthrustshonoringbankruptordinaryfollow upconsideredunfamiliarangry naturefinal decisionpunish someonefull of hatredopposite directioncorpse is displayed

romeo and juliet 2021-12-08

romeo and juliet crossword puzzle
  1. escaped
  2. honoring
  3. final decision
  4. fainted
  5. opposite direction
  6. exiled
  7. full of hatred
  8. corpse
  9. follow up
  10. thrusts
  11. punish
  1. corpse is displayed
  2. considered
  3. liars
  4. know
  5. angry nature
  6. punish someone
  7. bankrupt
  8. ordinary
  9. unfamiliar

20 Clues: knowliarsexiledcorpsepunishescapedfaintedthrustshonoringbankruptordinaryfollow upconsideredunfamiliarangry naturefinal decisionpunish someonefull of hatredopposite directioncorpse is displayed

Vocab 1 2013-12-22

Vocab 1 crossword puzzle
  1. visitor
  2. excited
  3. smart
  4. packed
  5. a small copy
  6. go along
  7. a vat
  8. short
  9. lucky
  10. crush
  1. two times
  2. roam
  3. common
  4. animal
  5. confuse
  6. overlooked
  7. pledge
  8. outside world
  9. hard and tasteless
  10. disappear

20 Clues: roamsmarta vatshortluckycrushcommonpackedanimalpledgevisitorexcitedconfusego alongtwo timesdisappearoverlookeda small copyoutside worldhard and tasteless

Umwelt 2020-04-27

Umwelt crossword puzzle
  1. nature
  2. electricity
  3. earth
  4. plastic
  5. climate change
  6. pollution
  7. environment
  8. solar panel
  1. animals
  2. forest fire
  3. water
  4. global warming
  5. power plant
  6. people
  7. hole in ozone
  8. plants
  9. climate
  10. world
  11. green house effect
  12. forest

20 Clues: waterearthworldnaturepeopleplantsforestanimalsplasticclimatepollutionforest firepower plantelectricityenvironmentsolar panelhole in ozoneglobal warmingclimate changegreen house effect

Alam Sekitar 2022-11-14

Alam Sekitar crossword puzzle
  1. glass
  2. factory
  3. newspaper
  4. country
  5. future generation
  6. nature
  7. very important
  8. open burning
  9. to throw rubbish
  10. toxic waste
  1. irresponsible
  2. smoke
  3. society
  4. recycle
  5. religion
  6. global warming
  7. soil erosion
  8. tree planting
  9. race
  10. flood

20 Clues: raceglasssmokefloodnaturefactorysocietyrecyclecountryreligionnewspapertoxic wastesoil erosionopen burningirresponsibletree plantingglobal warmingvery importantto throw rubbishfuture generation

Med Terms Lesson 6 2019-09-18

Med Terms Lesson 6 crossword puzzle
  1. hair
  2. cheek
  3. eardrum
  4. eyelash
  5. development
  6. hollow
  7. brain
  8. heart
  9. nature
  10. hearing
  11. branching
  12. tissue
  13. kidney
  1. vein
  2. naval
  3. testes
  4. eyelid
  5. innerchamber
  6. tube
  7. voice
  8. smooth
  9. braid
  10. mouth
  11. wrinkle

24 Clues: veinhairtubecheeknavalvoicebrainheartbraidmouthtesteseyelidhollowsmoothnaturetissuekidneyeardrumeyelashhearingwrinklebranchingdevelopmentinnerchamber

spanish vocab 2024-01-03

spanish vocab crossword puzzle
  1. forest, jungle woods
  2. lake
  3. star
  4. desert
  5. of glass
  6. flower
  7. pure
  8. tree
  9. jungle
  10. plant
  1. stone, rock
  2. path, trail
  3. sky
  4. grass
  5. of plastic
  6. crater
  7. moon
  8. cloud
  9. nature
  10. river
  11. forest

21 Clues: skylakestarpuretreemoongrasscloudriverplantdesertcraterflowernaturejungleforestof glassof plasticstone, rockpath, trailforest, jungle woods

I Love English 5 Unit 14 Water 2024-03-08

I Love English 5 Unit 14  Water crossword puzzle
  1. sulavesi
  2. rõhk
  3. pealkiri
  4. pinnas
  5. kogu piirkond
  6. fenomen,nähtus
  7. süüdistama
  8. kask
  9. saunas käima
  10. kiiresti tõusma
  11. lörts
  1. niiskus
  2. matkarada
  3. rahe
  4. majanduslik, tasuv
  5. sademed
  6. loodus
  7. jääma
  8. millestki kasu saama
  9. atmosfäär
  10. käsitsema

21 Clues: rõhkrahekaskjäämalörtspinnasloodusniiskussademedsulavesipealkirimatkaradaatmosfäärkäsitsemasüüdistamasaunas käimakogu piirkondfenomen,nähtuskiiresti tõusmamajanduslik, tasuvmillestki kasu saama

Vocabulary #8 Maxene Grace Cadag Group 1 Period 3 2024-02-22

Vocabulary #8 Maxene Grace Cadag Group 1 Period 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Hurt
  2. Compliment
  3. Taking risks
  4. Nature
  5. Imbalance
  6. A main platform
  7. Mass hysteria
  8. High Standards
  9. Last offer
  10. Final
  1. Polite
  2. Support
  3. Talkative
  4. Introvert
  5. Offended
  6. Marks
  7. Calm and collected
  8. Strong
  9. Nuisance
  10. Tutoring

20 Clues: HurtMarksFinalPoliteNatureStrongSupportOffendedNuisanceTutoringTalkativeIntrovertImbalanceComplimentLast offerTaking risksMass hysteriaHigh StandardsA main platformCalm and collected

Vocabulary #8 Maxene Grace Cadag Group 1 (Period 3) 2024-02-22

Vocabulary #8 Maxene Grace Cadag Group 1 (Period 3) crossword puzzle
  1. Marks
  2. Strong
  3. Hurt
  4. Nuisance
  5. Compliment
  6. Offended
  7. A main platform
  8. Final
  9. Mass hysteria
  10. Nature
  11. Talkative
  1. Tutoring
  2. Imbalance
  3. Polite
  4. Taking risks
  5. Support
  6. High Standards
  7. Introvert
  8. Last offer
  9. Calm and collected

20 Clues: HurtMarksFinalPoliteStrongNatureSupportTutoringNuisanceOffendedImbalanceIntrovertTalkativeLast offerComplimentTaking risksMass hysteriaHigh StandardsA main platformCalm and collected

Sustainability 2020-04-27

Sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. It damages the river
  2. A group of spore making organisms
  3. Grassland with some trees
  4. air around the earth
  5. a group of native plants
  6. It is to advertise things
  1. Plants turn things into food
  2. Where nature lives
  3. like a forest but not as much land
  4. Keeping nature safe
  5. a group of native animals
  6. To get rid of the forest

12 Clues: Where nature livesKeeping nature safeIt damages the riverair around the earthTo get rid of the foresta group of native plantsa group of native animalsGrassland with some treesIt is to advertise thingsPlants turn things into foodA group of spore making organismslike a forest but not as much land

sustainability 2019-05-27

sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. a dog is one
  2. natural
  3. a word for animal
  4. they do experiments
  5. rainy, sunny, snowy and windy are example
  1. something that grows in dirt
  2. a home
  3. a name for nature
  4. it is a five latter word that starts with H and ends with N
  5. nearly extinct
  6. shows you east, west, south and north
  7. an experiment it one

12 Clues: a homenaturala dog is onenearly extincta name for naturea word for animalthey do experimentsan experiment it onesomething that grows in dirtshows you east, west, south and northrainy, sunny, snowy and windy are exampleit is a five latter word that starts with H and ends with N

shakira frans2 2014-03-28

shakira frans2 crossword puzzle
  1. varken
  2. frietjes
  3. bord
  4. ijsje
  5. bos
  6. saus
  7. natuur
  8. kip
  1. koe
  2. wind
  3. kassa
  4. sneeuw
  5. pizza
  6. zon
  7. haan

15 Clues: koeboszonkipwindbordsaushaankassapizzaijsjevarkensneeuwnatuurfrietjes

manasse2 2013-04-26

manasse2 crossword puzzle
  1. zomer
  2. paard
  3. zon
  4. lente
  5. winter
  6. reis
  7. herfst
  8. berg
  1. nartuur
  2. koe
  3. bloem
  4. sok
  5. wandelen
  6. kip
  7. wint

15 Clues: koesokzonkipwintreisbergbloemzomerpaardlentewinterherfstnartuurwandelen

Fête de l'amour 2022-09-16

Fête de l'amour crossword puzzle
  1. F
  2. B
  3. I
  4. L
  5. A
  6. C
  7. E
  8. G
  1. M
  2. N
  3. D
  4. p
  5. K
  6. J
  7. O


Tv programmes 2024-01-15

Tv programmes crossword puzzle
  1. nature
  2. sitcom
  3. conversation
  4. opera
  5. animals
  6. movie
  7. climate
  8. makeover
  1. cook
  2. crime
  3. reality
  4. game
  5. sports
  6. draw
  7. talent

15 Clues: cookgamedrawcrimeoperamoviesportsnaturesitcomtalentrealityanimalsclimatemakeoverconversation


SUSTAINABILTY crossword puzzle
  1. friends
  2. energy
  3. healthy
  4. repair
  5. local
  6. sky
  7. nature
  8. birth
  1. world
  2. animals
  3. eco
  4. refuse
  5. social
  6. sun
  7. species

15 Clues: ecosunskyworldlocalbirthenergyrepairrefusesocialnaturefriendsanimalshealthyspecies

Yearly Science 2024-05-21

Yearly Science crossword puzzle
  1. breathing
  2. discovery
  3. building
  4. rusty
  5. nature
  6. home
  7. stone
  8. space
  9. yearly
  1. galactic
  2. timely
  3. water
  4. center
  5. hazardous
  6. dangerous

15 Clues: homewaterrustystonespacetimelycenternatureyearlygalacticbuildingbreathingdiscoveryhazardousdangerous

Yearly Science 2024-05-21

Yearly Science crossword puzzle
  1. galactic
  2. dangerous
  3. space
  4. breathing
  5. yearly
  6. stone
  7. discovery
  8. home
  1. nature
  2. building
  3. timely
  4. center
  5. water
  6. rusty
  7. hazardous

15 Clues: homespacewaterrustystonenaturetimelycenteryearlybuildinggalacticdangerousbreathinghazardousdiscovery

Vocab Cap 1A Autentico 3 Pt 1 2024-09-26

Vocab Cap 1A Autentico 3 Pt 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Valley
  2. thunder
  3. lost
  4. Mountain
  5. Landscape
  6. shelter
  7. beautiful
  8. compass
  1. lantern
  2. Rock
  3. walk
  4. desert
  5. approach
  6. forest
  7. Nature

15 Clues: RockwalklostValleydesertforestNaturelanternthundersheltercompassapproachMountainLandscapebeautiful

Vocab Four 2024-10-16

Vocab Four crossword puzzle
  1. Releaseofemotion
  2. Distructive
  3. Praise
  4. Establishedtruth
  5. Laughable
  6. Twilight
  7. Questionable
  8. Respect
  1. Nature
  2. Effective
  3. Luxury
  4. Slave
  5. Alienate
  6. Foul
  7. Overwhelmed

15 Clues: FoulSlaveNatureLuxuryPraiseRespectAlienateTwilightEffectiveLaughableDistructiveOverwhelmedQuestionableReleaseofemotionEstablishedtruth

French Crossword 2017-01-09

French Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. croissant
  2. pizza
  3. coffee
  4. lemon soda
  5. iced tea
  6. grilled ham and cheese sandwich
  7. omelette
  8. plain
  1. dessert
  2. beverage
  3. sanwich
  4. salad
  5. mushrooms
  6. ice cream
  7. tea
  8. sausage
  9. soda
  10. yogurt
  11. mineral water
  12. cocoa

20 Clues: teasodasaladpizzacocoaplainyogurtcoffeedessertsanwichsausagebeverageiced teaomelettecroissantmushroomsice creamlemon sodamineral watergrilled ham and cheese sandwich

Crossword 6/7 Big Review 2 2022-04-07

Crossword 6/7 Big Review 2 crossword puzzle
  1. young
  2. place
  3. esteem
  4. strong
  5. enemy
  6. soldier
  7. know
  1. less, smaller
  2. sexually mature
  3. house
  4. moon
  5. bend
  6. stone
  7. body or nature
  8. smoke
  9. all, whole
  10. great, large
  11. idea, thought
  12. glowing, iridescent
  13. grand

20 Clues: moonbendknowyounghouseplacestonesmokeenemygrandesteemstrongsoldierall, wholegreat, largeless, smalleridea, thoughtbody or naturesexually matureglowing, iridescent

Earth Hour crossword 2022-02-25

Earth Hour crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 고대의/아주 오래된
  2. 지구
  3. 소등
  4. 인간
  5. care ~을 돌보다
  6. 자연
  7. 존경
  8. 행성
  9. 재미
  10. 아끼다
  11. 에너지
  12. 그릇
  1. 대륙
  2. 중요한
  3. 어둠
  4. 유산
  5. 환영하다
  6. 시원한/서늘한
  7. 시간/1시간
  8. 훌륭한
  9. 동정심

21 Clues: 대륙지구소등어둠인간유산자연존경행성재미그릇중요한훌륭한아끼다에너지동정심환영하다시간/1시간시원한/서늘한고대의/아주 오래된care ~을 돌보다

choice board 2022-11-09

choice board crossword puzzle
  1. unforgettable
  2. outside of
  3. inside
  4. abroad
  5. nature
  6. river
  7. flower
  8. in advance
  9. forest
  1. butterfly
  2. snake
  3. tree
  4. path
  5. exhausted
  6. jungle
  7. in front of
  8. together
  9. bird
  10. fresh water
  11. spider
  12. without
  13. fish

22 Clues: treepathbirdfishsnakeriverjungleinsideabroadnaturespiderflowerforestwithouttogetherbutterflyexhaustedoutside ofin advancein front offresh waterunforgettable

Gamelish Reading Right 4 2021-08-05

Gamelish Reading Right 4 crossword puzzle
  1. עבר
  2. כוכב
  3. סופי
  4. מלחמה
  5. כיתה
  6. כוויה
  7. חולצה
  8. חשוך
  9. מעיל
  10. תמונה
  11. עתיד
  12. חווה
  1. טבע
  2. מים
  3. לשטוף
  4. חיה
  5. נורמלי
  6. מכונית
  7. חצאית
  8. סל
  9. אחות
  10. הרפתקה
  11. ציפור
  12. בת

24 Clues: סלבתטבעמיםעברחיהכוכבסופיכיתהאחותחשוךמעילעתידחווהלשטוףמלחמהחצאיתכוויהחולצהציפורתמונהנורמלימכוניתהרפתקה

Vocabulary words: 342-362 2020-11-09

Vocabulary words: 342-362 crossword puzzle
  1. audience
  2. goal
  3. award
  4. powerful
  5. pilgrimage
  6. living thing
  7. respond
  8. income
  9. small piece
  10. working
  11. caregiving
  12. allowance
  1. ownership
  2. nature
  3. vote
  4. city
  5. update
  6. text of a play/show
  7. heir
  8. topography
  9. health

21 Clues: votecitygoalheirawardnatureupdatehealthincomerespondworkingaudiencepowerfulownershipallowancepilgrimagetopographycaregivingsmall pieceliving thingtext of a play/show

Scene 1, text 1 2022-09-27

Scene 1, text 1 crossword puzzle
  1. oppitunti
  2. vaimo
  3. rento
  4. vanhemmat
  5. työ
  6. ammattilais-, ammattilainen
  7. muistuttaa
  8. koripallo
  9. vapaa-aika
  1. samanlainen kuin
  2. huolehtia, olla huolissaan
  3. rauhallinen
  4. ulkomailla
  5. kouluaine
  6. joukkue
  7. turvallinen
  8. ikä
  9. luonto
  10. tiukka
  11. kiireinen

20 Clues: työikävaimorentoluontotiukkajoukkueoppituntivanhemmatkouluainekoripallokiireinenulkomaillamuistuttaavapaa-aikarauhallinenturvallinensamanlainen kuinhuolehtia, olla huolissaanammattilais-, ammattilainen

Cleanest, Greenest Cities! 2020-11-24

Cleanest, Greenest Cities! crossword puzzle
  1. город
  2. идти, ехать
  3. новый
  4. старый
  5. река
  6. море
  7. холодный
  8. горячий
  9. красивый
  10. деревня, село
  11. озеро
  12. хороший, милый
  13. природа
  14. большой
  1. загород, природа, сельская местность
  2. работать
  3. гора
  4. маленький
  5. поезд
  6. здание, строение
  7. пляж

21 Clues: рекаморегорапляжгородновыйпоездозеростарыйгорячийприродабольшойработатьхолодныйкрасивыймаленькийидти, ехатьдеревня, селохороший, милыйздание, строениезагород, природа, сельская местность

Medical Terminology 6 2023-03-08

Medical Terminology 6 crossword puzzle
  1. dendr
  2. plasia
  3. ren
  4. phleb
  5. orchi
  6. pilo
  7. rug
  8. cilia
  9. acoust
  10. gylco
  11. colp
  1. stoma
  2. plexus
  3. thalm
  4. core
  5. phon
  6. umbilic
  7. bucco
  8. histo
  9. tympan
  10. encephal
  11. physio
  12. leio
  13. palpebr

24 Clues: renrugcorephonpiloleiocolpstomathalmdendrphlebbuccoorchihistociliagylcoplexusplasiatympanphysioacoustumbilicpalpebrencephal

Love 2024-07-02

Love crossword puzzle
  4. NMIXX
  5. ARTMS
  6. TWICE
  8. STAYC
  9. ITZY
  11. FROMIS9
  13. DIA
  8. WOOAH
  9. CLC


Educational Media & Technology 2021 2021-11-03

Educational Media & Technology 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. the doctrine that the chief good in life is composed of personal pleasure only
  2. the study of the origin, nature, methods, and limits of knowledge
  3. that branch of philosophy concerned with correct moral behavior; a branch of axiology
  4. an attitude which asserts total independence from any concept of a supernatural God
  5. the denial that ultimate reality (God)is known or knowable
  6. the study of the origin, nature, structure, and overall function of the universe (cosmos); a branch of ontology
  1. that branch of philosophy which deals with beauty; a branch of axiology
  2. the study of God; a division of ontology
  3. the study of the origin, nature, history, and destiny of man
  4. our total man-made environment, consisting of the material and non-material products of human endeavor
  5. the study of the nature and types of values; concerned with what is good, what is beautiful, what is desired or preferred, etc.

11 Clues: the study of God; a division of ontologythe denial that ultimate reality (God)is known or knowablethe study of the origin, nature, history, and destiny of manthe study of the origin, nature, methods, and limits of knowledgethat branch of philosophy which deals with beauty; a branch of axiology...

The Magazine in Review 2022-10-27

The Magazine in Review crossword puzzle
  1. Agent Orange
  2. setting of 'Come and See'
  3. variety in nature
  4. The Tethered
  1. agreement
  2. food
  3. crime against nature
  4. where art is shown and sold
  5. pioneer

9 Clues: foodpioneeragreementAgent OrangeThe Tetheredvariety in naturecrime against naturesetting of 'Come and See'where art is shown and sold

vocabulary revision national park 2021-10-15

vocabulary revision national park crossword puzzle
  1. keep safe
  2. hot water that comes up out of the ground
  3. very old
  4. different fron others
  5. nature around you, a view
  6. travel in a small type of boat
  7. animals that don't live with people
  8. animals that live in the water
  1. a place where animals can live in nature
  2. a thing with water created by people; it is usually beautiful and interesting to watch
  3. animals in general
  4. there is usually such temperature in winter
  5. a meal outside
  6. amazing

14 Clues: amazingvery oldkeep safea meal outsideanimals in generaldifferent fron othersnature around you, a viewtravel in a small type of boatanimals that live in the wateranimals that don't live with peoplea place where animals can live in naturehot water that comes up out of the groundthere is usually such temperature in winter...