nature Crossword Puzzles

Nature 2024-01-24

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere, creating weather phenomena and patterns.
  2. Large inland body of water, often surrounded by land, providing habitat for various aquatic plants and animals.
  3. Precipitation in the form of water droplets falling from the atmosphere, essential for sustaining plant and animal life.
  4. Reproductive structure of a plant, often brightly colored, producing seeds and attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies.
  5. Warm-blooded, feathered vertebrate with wings, often capable of flight, contributing to biodiversity in nature.
  6. Expanse of the atmosphere above the Earth, often displaying various colors, clouds, and celestial bodies.
  7. Movement of air, often creating a natural force that influences weather patterns, erosion, and pollination.
  1. Natural satellite orbiting the Earth, reflecting sunlight and influencing tidal patterns on our planet.
  2. Elevated landform, smaller than a mountain, often featuring slopes and providing scenic viewpoints of the surrounding nature.
  3. Flattened, typically green structure attached to a plant stem, conducting photosynthesis and contributing to oxygen production.
  4. Tall woody plant with a trunk and branches, often bearing leaves or needles, playing a vital role in ecosystems.
  5. Small, still body of water, often formed naturally, supporting diverse ecosystems of plants, insects, and amphibians.
  6. Solid, naturally occurring substance composed of minerals, forming the Earth's crust and geological structures.
  7. Small insect or arthropod, often found in natural environments, playing roles in pollination, decomposition, and food chains.
  8. Star at the center of our solar system, providing light and heat to the Earth, essential for all living things.

15 Clues: Natural satellite orbiting the Earth, reflecting sunlight and influencing tidal patterns on our planet.Expanse of the atmosphere above the Earth, often displaying various colors, clouds, and celestial bodies.Movement of air, often creating a natural force that influences weather patterns, erosion, and pollination....

Nature 2024-01-24

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Large inland body of water, often surrounded by land, providing habitat for various aquatic plants and animals.
  2. Small insect or arthropod, often found in natural environments, playing roles in pollination, decomposition, and food chains.
  3. Reproductive structure of a plant, often brightly colored, producing seeds and attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies.
  4. Precipitation in the form of water droplets falling from the atmosphere, essential for sustaining plant and animal life.
  5. Expanse of the atmosphere above the Earth, often displaying various colors, clouds, and celestial bodies.
  6. Natural satellite orbiting the Earth, reflecting sunlight and influencing tidal patterns on our planet.
  7. Visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere, creating weather phenomena and patterns.
  1. Tall woody plant with a trunk and branches, often bearing leaves or needles, playing a vital role in ecosystems.
  2. Flattened, typically green structure attached to a plant stem, conducting photosynthesis and contributing to oxygen production.
  3. Warm-blooded, feathered vertebrate with wings, often capable of flight, contributing to biodiversity in nature.
  4. Movement of air, often creating a natural force that influences weather patterns, erosion, and pollination.
  5. Solid, naturally occurring substance composed of minerals, forming the Earth's crust and geological structures.
  6. Star at the center of our solar system, providing light and heat to the Earth, essential for all living things.
  7. Small, still body of water, often formed naturally, supporting diverse ecosystems of plants, insects, and amphibians.
  8. Elevated landform, smaller than a mountain, often featuring slopes and providing scenic viewpoints of the surrounding nature.

15 Clues: Natural satellite orbiting the Earth, reflecting sunlight and influencing tidal patterns on our planet.Expanse of the atmosphere above the Earth, often displaying various colors, clouds, and celestial bodies.Movement of air, often creating a natural force that influences weather patterns, erosion, and pollination....

Nature 2024-02-28

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Colorful, fragrant part of a plant that blooms and attracts insects for pollination. Flowers come in various shapes, sizes, and colors.
  2. Visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. Clouds come in various shapes and sizes and play a crucial role in the water cycle and climate.
  3. Precipitation in the form of water droplets that fall from clouds in the atmosphere. Rain is essential for plant growth, replenishing freshwater sources, and maintaining ecosystems.
  4. A tall, woody plant with a single main trunk and branches that bear leaves or fruits. Trees provide shade, oxygen, and habitat for animals.
  5. The atmosphere as seen from the Earth's surface, often characterized by its blue color during the day and stars at night. The sky changes with weather patterns and time of day.
  6. Vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface. Oceans regulate the climate, support diverse ecosystems, and are essential for life on Earth.
  7. The star at the center of our solar system, which provides light and heat to the Earth. It's essential for photosynthesis and regulates the planet's climate.
  8. Large natural flow of water that runs through channels in the Earth's surface. Rivers provide habitat for aquatic plants and animals and are important for irrigation and transportation.
  1. Large landform that rises steeply above its surroundings, typically with a peak or summit. Mountains are formed by tectonic forces and erosion.
  2. Dense area of trees, plants, and wildlife, covering a large area of land. Forests are important for biodiversity, carbon storage, and providing oxygen.
  3. Natural movement of air in the Earth's atmosphere, caused by differences in air pressure and temperature. Wind is harnessed for energy production and affects weather patterns.
  4. Large body of water surrounded by land, with no outlet to the sea. Lakes are formed by geological processes like glaciation or volcanic activity.
  5. Natural satellite of the Earth, which orbits around it. It's visible at night and goes through different phases, such as full moon, crescent moon, or new moon.
  6. Arid region characterized by low precipitation and high temperatures, with sparse vegetation and sandy or rocky landscapes. Deserts cover about one-third of the Earth's land surface.
  7. Coastal area where land meets the sea, typically characterized by sandy or rocky shorelines. Beaches are popular for recreation, relaxation, and habitat for marine life.

15 Clues: Colorful, fragrant part of a plant that blooms and attracts insects for pollination. Flowers come in various shapes, sizes, and colors.A tall, woody plant with a single main trunk and branches that bear leaves or fruits. Trees provide shade, oxygen, and habitat for animals....

Nature 2024-04-04

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large hill.
  2. A pebbly or sandy shore, especially by the sea between high- and low-water marks.
  3. A large body of water surrounded by land.
  4. A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream.
  5. A very large expanse of sea, in particular, each of the main areas into which the sea is divided.
  6. The movement of air caused by the uneven heating of the earth's surface by the sun.
  7. Vegetation consisting of typically short plants with narrow leaves, growing wild or cultivated on lawns.
  1. The reproductive structure found in flowering plants, typically colorful and fragrant.
  2. The star at the center of our solar system, which provides light and heat to Earth.
  3. A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.
  4. A tall plant with a wooden trunk and branches that grow leaves or needles.
  5. Water that falls in drops from clouds in the sky.
  6. A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the ground.
  7. A living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous systems.
  8. The atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth.

15 Clues: A large body of water surrounded by land.Water that falls in drops from clouds in the sky.The atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth.A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.A tall plant with a wooden trunk and branches that grow leaves or needles....

Nature 2024-05-06

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Small body of water
  2. Yellow thing in sky
  3. Something in the sky
  4. Green stuff that grows in the ground
  5. Narrow river
  6. The theme of the crossword
  7. Plant with petals
  8. What you eat after dinner
  9. Shrub synonym
  1. Grows on pine trees
  2. Water in the Desert
  3. Sandy place
  4. Big body of water
  5. Round food that makes chips
  6. A lot of trees

15 Clues: Sandy placeNarrow riverShrub synonymA lot of treesBig body of waterPlant with petalsSmall body of waterGrows on pine treesYellow thing in skyWater in the DesertSomething in the skyWhat you eat after dinnerThe theme of the crosswordRound food that makes chipsGreen stuff that grows in the ground

Nature 2020-07-16

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. a very large area of sea.
  2. a flat, brown or black insect sometimes found in the home.
  3. an area of low land between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it.
  4. a small, very intelligent African ape with black or brown fur.
  5. a sea mammal that is large, smooth, and grey, with a long, pointed mouth.
  6. an area, often covered with sand or rocks, where there is very little rain and not many plants.
  1. a large South American animal with a long neck and long hair.
  2. a raised part of the earth's surface, much larger than a hill.
  3. a natural wide flow of fresh water across the land.
  4. a very large grey mammal that has a trunk (= long nose) with which it can pick things up.
  5. a large reptile with a hard skin that lives in and near rivers and lakes in hot, wet parts of the world.
  6. a mountain with a large, circular hole at the top through which lava (= hot liquid rock) gases, steam, and dust are or have been forced out.
  7. a large area of land covered with trees and plants, usually larger than a wood, or the trees and plants themselves.
  8. a large African animal with a very long neck and long legs.

14 Clues: a very large area of sea.a natural wide flow of fresh water across the land.a flat, brown or black insect sometimes found in the home.a large African animal with a very long neck and long legs.a large South American animal with a long neck and long hair.a raised part of the earth's surface, much larger than a hill....

Nature 2022-01-09

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Infective particle (5)
  2. Shining object in the sky (4)
  3. Domestic pest (9)
  4. The closest star to Earth, Proxima _______ (8)
  5. Salad fruit (7)
  6. Mixture of snow and rain (5)
  7. Scottish emblem (7)
  1. Home to a small queen (4)
  2. Very tall plant (9)
  3. Sickness spread by mosquitos (7)
  4. Type of tree (3)
  5. Flowers, plants, and trees (8)
  6. Moist ground growing plant (4)
  7. Are inside your body and determine your traits (5)

14 Clues: Salad fruit (7)Type of tree (3)Domestic pest (9)Very tall plant (9)Scottish emblem (7)Infective particle (5)Home to a small queen (4)Mixture of snow and rain (5)Shining object in the sky (4)Flowers, plants, and trees (8)Moist ground growing plant (4)Sickness spread by mosquitos (7)The closest star to Earth, Proxima _______ (8)...

NATURE 2018-01-11

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. животные
  2. дикая природа
  3. травяной ковёр
  4. окружающая среда
  5. рассвет
  6. озеро
  7. джунгли
  1. на открытом воздухе
  2. тишина
  3. лес
  4. горы
  5. тропинка
  6. красота природы
  7. водопад

14 Clues: лесгорыозеротишинаводопадрассветджунглитропинкаживотныедикая природатравяной ковёркрасота природыокружающая средана открытом воздухе

Nature 2022-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. African animal with a very long neck and long legs.
  2. Large predatory marine fish.
  3. Small bird with gray-black plumage.
  4. Insect with rigid wings.
  5. Butterfly larva, usually worm-like with several pairs of legs.
  6. Large mammal with a long trunk and two tusks.
  7. Flying insect with a single pair of transparent wings. Flies are noted as vectors of disease.
  1. Australian marsupial mammal with long hind legs.
  2. Small long-winged bird with colorful feathers, living in Central and South America.
  3. Large omnivorous bird with glossy black plumage.
  4. Large mammal of the southern countries with one or two horns on the front of the muzzle.
  5. Marsupial bear that lives in the forests of Eastern Australia.
  6. Reptile that moves slowly on short limbs and is covered with a bony shell.
  7. Small domesticated mammal with soft fur, a short snout, and retractable claws. It is widely kept as a pet or for catching mice.

14 Clues: Insect with rigid wings.Large predatory marine fish.Small bird with gray-black plumage.Large mammal with a long trunk and two tusks.Australian marsupial mammal with long hind legs.Large omnivorous bird with glossy black plumage.African animal with a very long neck and long legs.Marsupial bear that lives in the forests of Eastern Australia....

Nature 2023-03-03

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. pochmurny
  2. wodospad
  3. wyspa
  4. prognoza pogody
  5. burzowy
  6. północny
  7. świecić
  1. zamglony
  2. mroźny
  3. dolina
  4. wybrzeże
  5. mokry
  6. pora roku
  7. pustynia

14 Clues: mokrywyspamroźnydolinaburzowyświecićzamglonywybrzeżewodospadpustyniapółnocnypochmurnypora rokuprognoza pogody

Nature! 2023-02-14

Nature! crossword puzzle
  1. They take over almost all of the world
  3. this is a color and a type of flower
  4. these make up pictures in the sky
  5. everybody has these associated with their birthday
  1. this is the time when the werewolves come out
  2. Bahamas,Maui,Miami,Hawaii
  3. Maui slows this down in his "You're Welcome" song
  4. we go to the beach and swim in this
  5. green,green _____
  6. large bush with a trunk
  7. they are very, very slow creatures
  8. big blue and green ball thing
  9. this can be blue, white, or many different colors

14 Clues: BOOM,BOOMgreen,green _____large bush with a trunkBahamas,Maui,Miami,Hawaiibig blue and green ball thingthese make up pictures in the skythey are very, very slow creatureswe go to the beach and swim in thisthis is a color and a type of flowerThey take over almost all of the worldthis is the time when the werewolves come out...

Nature 2023-03-11

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. à l'origine de toute plante
  2. Ressemble à une boule de petites feuilles
  3. Ensemble de nature visible, utilisé en peinture
  4. Pousse partout dans les champs
  5. Ressemble à une grenade
  6. Les bras des arbres
  7. Quand il y a de la mousse
  1. Elles sentent bon
  2. On le fait avec son nez
  3. Comestibles, peuvent être grillées au four
  4. synonyme de "toxic"
  5. Constitue les sommets montagneux
  6. Là où l'eau coule
  7. Arbre de Noël

14 Clues: Arbre de NoëlElles sentent bonLà où l'eau coulesynonyme de "toxic"Les bras des arbresOn le fait avec son nezRessemble à une grenadeQuand il y a de la mousseà l'origine de toute plantePousse partout dans les champsConstitue les sommets montagneuxRessemble à une boule de petites feuillesComestibles, peuvent être grillées au four...

Nature 2023-06-13

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. The Earth's natural satellite that shines at night.
  2. A colorful plant part that blooms and attracts insects or birds for pollination.
  3. A tall plant with a trunk and branches that provides shade and produces oxygen.
  4. Water droplets falling from the sky that nourish plants and fill rivers and lakes.
  5. A visible collection of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the atmosphere.
  6. A large area covered with many trees, plants, and animals.
  7. A vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
  1. Moving air that can be felt as a gentle breeze or a strong gust.
  2. A tall and steep landform that reaches high above the surrounding land.
  3. A large area covered with many trees, plants, and animals.
  4. A colorful arc in the sky that appears after rain, caused by the reflection, refraction, and dispersion.
  5. A sandy or pebbly area next to the ocean, sea, or lake.
  6. A large body of water surrounded by land, usually freshwater.
  7. A natural flowing watercourse that usually leads to a larger body of water, like a lake or ocean.
  8. The star that provides light and heat to the Earth.

15 Clues: The Earth's natural satellite that shines at night.The star that provides light and heat to the Earth.A sandy or pebbly area next to the ocean, sea, or lake.A large area covered with many trees, plants, and animals.A large area covered with many trees, plants, and animals.A large body of water surrounded by land, usually freshwater....

Nature 2023-06-08

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A steep descent of water from a height, often creating a cascade.
  2. A large flowing body of water that moves towards an ocean, lake, or another river.
  3. A warm-blooded vertebrate with feathers, beaks, and wings.
  4. A high landform with steep sides and a pointed or rounded top.
  5. A vast body of saltwater that covers most of Earth's surface.
  6. A large body of water surrounded by land.
  7. A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere.
  1. The reproductive structure of a plant that typically has colorful petals.
  2. A tall plant with a trunk and branches that grows in many varieties.
  3. A colorful arc that appears in the sky when sunlight is refracted by water droplets.
  4. An insect with colorful wings and a slender body.
  5. A large area covered with trees, plants, and wildlife.
  6. The star at the center of our solar system that provides light and heat to Earth.
  7. A sandy or pebbly area by the ocean, sea, or lake.

14 Clues: A large body of water surrounded by land.An insect with colorful wings and a slender body.A sandy or pebbly area by the ocean, sea, or lake.A large area covered with trees, plants, and wildlife.A warm-blooded vertebrate with feathers, beaks, and wings.A vast body of saltwater that covers most of Earth's surface....

NATURE 2021-12-14

NATURE crossword puzzle


nature 2023-06-19

nature crossword puzzle
  1. | The sandy or pebbly shore of a body of water, usually the ocean. It is a popular place for swimming and sunbathing.
  2. | a dry region with little rainfall and sparse vegetation. It often has dunes and extreme temperature variations.
  3. | A celestial object that orbits around the Earth. It appears in the sky at night and goes through different phases.
  4. | A cascade of water that flows over a cliff or rock. It creates a beautiful and soothing sound.
  5. | A naturally flowing body of water that usually moves in a specific direction. It is home to various aquatic plants and animals.
  6. | Water that falls from the clouds in the form of droplets. It helps plants grow and replenishes the Earth's water sources.
  1. | A large body of water surrounded by land. It is usually freshwater and provides a habitat for fish and other aquatic life.
  2. | A visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. It can take various shapes and colors.
  3. | A tall plant with a woody stem and branches. It has leaves, provides shade, and produces fruits or flowers.
  4. | A bright, shining star that provides light and heat to the Earth. It rises in the morning and sets in the evening.
  5. | A colorful arc that appears in the sky after rain. It is formed by the refraction and reflection of sunlight by water droplets.
  6. | A large landform that rises high above the surrounding area. It has steep slopes and often has snow-covered peaks.
  7. | A large area covered with trees and other vegetation. It is home to many different plant and animal species.
  8. | A large area covered with trees and other vegetation. It is home to many different plant and animal species.
  9. | A colorful and fragrant plant structure that blooms and attracts insects for pollination. It adds beauty to gardens and landscapes.

15 Clues: | A cascade of water that flows over a cliff or rock. It creates a beautiful and soothing sound.| A tall plant with a woody stem and branches. It has leaves, provides shade, and produces fruits or flowers.| A large area covered with trees and other vegetation. It is home to many different plant and animal species....

Nature 2023-07-02

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A cascading flow of water from a great height. It's like a natural wonder that mesmerizes with its beauty and power.
  2. A mountain that erupts with fiery lava and ash. It's like a reminder of the Earth's incredible and powerful forces.
  3. A field of grass and wildflowers, teeming with life. It's like a colorful carpet that invites you to run and play freely.
  4. A sandy shoreline where the ocean meets the land. It's like a playground for building sandcastles and enjoying the waves.
  5. The breathtaking moments when the sun rises or sets. It's like nature's way of painting the sky with a magical palette.
  6. A beautiful and colorful arc in the sky after the rain. It's like nature's way of saying, "Look, magic exists in the world!"
  1. A vast expanse of water that stretches as far as the eye can see. It's like a world of mysteries and fascinating creatures.
  2. A massive river of ice that moves ever so slowly. It's like a frozen wonderland where time seems to stand still.
  3. A majestic peak rising high above the earth. It's like nature's challenge for those seeking to conquer its heights.
  4. A vast and green land filled with tall trees and various creatures. It's like a magical realm where adventures await.
  5. A dark and mysterious hollow within the earth. It's like a hidden world waiting to be explored by brave adventurers.
  6. A dry and arid land with vast stretches of sand and dunes. It's like stepping into a scorching-hot adventure in the wild.
  7. A deep and steep valley carved by rivers over time. It's like a natural wonder that leaves you in awe of the Earth's power.
  8. A flowing body of water that meanders through the land. It's like a sparkling ribbon that brings life to the surroundings.

14 Clues: A massive river of ice that moves ever so slowly. It's like a frozen wonderland where time seems to stand still.A majestic peak rising high above the earth. It's like nature's challenge for those seeking to conquer its heights.A mountain that erupts with fiery lava and ash. It's like a reminder of the Earth's incredible and powerful forces....

nature 2023-06-20

nature crossword puzzle
  1. A sandy or pebbly shore of a body of water, typically by the ocean or a lake, where people can relax, swim, or engage in activities.
  2. A meteorological phenomenon characterized by a spectrum of light appearing in the sky after rainfall, creating a colorful arc.
  3. The time in the morning when the sun first appears above the horizon, illuminating the sky with warm and vibrant colors.
  4. A large body of water surrounded by land, often freshwater and fed by rivers or underground sources.
  5. A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel towards the sea, a lake, or another river.
  6. A large natural elevation of the earth's surface, usually with steep sides and a pointed or rounded top.
  7. A cascade of water falling from a height, often found in rivers or mountainous areas, creating a beautiful natural spectacle.
  8. A large area covered with trees and undergrowth, typically growing densely and home to various plant and animal species.
  1. A deep narrow valley with steep sides, often carved by a river or formed by geological processes over time.
  2. A piece of land surrounded by water, smaller than a continent, often with sandy beaches and diverse ecosystems.
  3. A barren and arid region with little or no vegetation, usually characterized by sand or rocky terrain and extreme temperatures.
  4. A luminous celestial body consisting of a mass of gas that generates heat and light, visible in the night sky as a point of light.
  5. A large area covered with trees and undergrowth, typically growing densely and home to various plant and animal species.
  6. An open expanse of land, often used for agricultural purposes, covered with grass or crops.
  7. A grassy area of land, often found in open countryside, characterized by a variety of plants and sometimes used for grazing.

15 Clues: An open expanse of land, often used for agricultural purposes, covered with grass or crops.A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel towards the sea, a lake, or another river.A large body of water surrounded by land, often freshwater and fed by rivers or underground sources....

Nature 2023-06-16

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. It is water that falls from the clouds in the form of droplets. It helps plants grow and fills rivers, lakes, and other water bodies.
  2. It is a colorful and fragrant part of a plant. It attracts bees and butterflies and comes in various shapes, sizes, and scents.
  3. It is a large body of freshwater surrounded by land. It offers opportunities for fishing, boating, and enjoying the serene nature.
  4. It is a flowing body of water that usually starts from a mountain or a spring. It provides water for plants, animals, and people.
  5. It is a collection of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the sky. They come in various shapes and can bring rain or shade.
  6. They are distant suns that appear as tiny points of light in the night sky. They form beautiful patterns called constellations.
  1. It is a tall and woody plant with branches, leaves, and roots. It provides shade, produces oxygen, and is home to many animals.
  2. They are living beings that can move, eat, and reproduce. They come in different sizes and shapes and live in various habitats.
  3. It is a large landform that rises steeply above the surrounding land. It offers breathtaking views and is often covered in snow.
  4. It is a large area covered with many trees and plants. It is home to a variety of wildlife and provides oxygen and shelter.
  5. It is a sandy or pebbly area along the shoreline. It is a popular destination for swimming, sunbathing, and building sandcastles.
  6. It is the movement of air. It can be gentle or strong and can be felt but not seen. It can help carry seeds and cool us down on a hot day.
  7. It is a natural satellite that orbits the Earth. It appears at night and goes through different phases, like full, half, and crescent.
  8. It is a bright and fiery celestial object that provides light and heat to the Earth. It gives us energy and helps plants grow.

14 Clues: It is a large area covered with many trees and plants. It is home to a variety of wildlife and provides oxygen and shelter.It is a collection of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the sky. They come in various shapes and can bring rain or shade....

Nature 2023-03-01

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. areas of lots of trees growing together. (6)
  2. These little white flowers are first to pop up in spring. (9)
  3. Were these flowers named after our future king? (5,8)
  4. Another necessity if you want plants to grow. (5)
  5. The season of new growth. (6)
  6. These grow on trees (6)
  1. Pretty yellow flowers. (9)
  2. Plants need this to grow. (8)
  3. A presentation gift of beautiful flowers (7)
  4. This will help the plants to grow. (7)
  5. an Easter animal (6)
  6. This animal loves climbing up trees (8)
  7. These flowers have the same name as a part of the eyes. (6)
  8. Give these flowers to show that you love someone (5)

14 Clues: an Easter animal (6)These grow on trees (6)Pretty yellow flowers. (9)Plants need this to grow. (8)The season of new growth. (6)This will help the plants to grow. (7)This animal loves climbing up trees (8)areas of lots of trees growing together. (6)A presentation gift of beautiful flowers (7)Another necessity if you want plants to grow. (5)...

Nature 2023-09-04

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. 12
  3. 11
  4. 6
  5. 8
  6. 13
  7. 4
  8. 14
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 1
  4. 5
  5. 10
  6. 7

14 Clues: 2931568471211101314

Nature 2023-09-19

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A field of grass or wildflowers, often a peaceful and open natural area.
  2. A large area covered with many trees and plants, often home to wildlife.
  3. A colorful, curved arc in the sky that appears after rain, with colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
  4. A tall and often steep landform that rises high above the surrounding land.
  5. A large body of freshwater surrounded by land, often used for swimming and boating.
  6. A colorful insect with wings that flutters and often lands on flowers.
  7. A long, flowing body of water that usually moves toward the sea.
  8. A dry and barren area with little or no vegetation, known for extreme heat.
  1. A sandy or pebbly shore along the edge of an ocean, sea, or lake.
  2. A natural cascade of water that flows over rocks, often found in rivers.
  3. The time in the morning when the sun first appears above the horizon.
  4. The time in the evening when the sun disappears below the horizon.
  5. A vast body of saltwater covering most of the Earth's surface.
  6. A weather event with thunder, lightning, heavy rain, and strong winds.

14 Clues: A vast body of saltwater covering most of the Earth's surface.A long, flowing body of water that usually moves toward the sea.A sandy or pebbly shore along the edge of an ocean, sea, or lake.The time in the evening when the sun disappears below the horizon.The time in the morning when the sun first appears above the horizon....

nature 2024-01-16

nature crossword puzzle
  1. a structure such as a house or school that has a roof and walls
  2. of a particular age
  3. a place where a stream or river falls from a high place, for example over a cliff or rock
  4. the mass of salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface
  5. a structure that is built over a road, railway, river, etc. so that people, vehicles, etc. can cross from one side to the other
  6. having a large distance from the top or surface to the bottom
  1. measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top
  2. large in size, degree, amount, etc.
  3. a very high hill, often with rocks near the top
  4. a large area of water that is surrounded by land
  5. an area of land that has or used to have its own government and laws
  6. measuring a large distance from one side to the other
  7. a natural flow of water that continues in a long line across land to the sea
  8. measuring or covering a great length or distance, or a greater length or distance than usual

14 Clues: of a particular agelarge in size, degree, amount, etc.a very high hill, often with rocks near the topa large area of water that is surrounded by landmeasuring a long distance from the bottom to the topmeasuring a large distance from one side to the otherhaving a large distance from the top or surface to the bottom...

Nature 2022-06-07

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A male version of a Doe
  2. sand + ocean =
  3. Big triangles with rocks and sometimes snow on them
  4. The big light in the sky at daytime
  5. A body of water known for falling
  6. The plants on tree branches
  7. A big stick with leaves on it
  1. Pretty shiny circles in the night sky
  2. A female Deer
  3. Pieces of the ground
  4. Flying caterpillars
  5. The big light in the sky at night
  6. The grainy pieces of dirt on beaches
  7. The brown part of the ground

14 Clues: A female Deersand + ocean =Flying caterpillarsPieces of the groundA male version of a DoeThe plants on tree branchesThe brown part of the groundA big stick with leaves on itThe big light in the sky at nightA body of water known for fallingThe big light in the sky at daytimeThe grainy pieces of dirt on beachesPretty shiny circles in the night sky...

NATURE 2021-06-11

NATURE crossword puzzle
  5. TIME


Nature! 2023-02-14

Nature! crossword puzzle
  1. They take over almost all of the world
  3. this is a color and a type of flower
  4. these make up pictures in the sky
  5. everybody has these associated with their birthday
  1. this is the time when the werewolves come out
  2. Bahamas,Maui,Miami,Hawaii
  3. Maui slows this down in his "You're Welcome" song
  4. we go to the beach and swim in this
  5. green,green _____
  6. large bush with a trunk
  7. they are very, very slow creatures
  8. big blue and green ball thing
  9. this can be blue, white, or many different colors

14 Clues: BOOM,BOOMgreen,green _____large bush with a trunkBahamas,Maui,Miami,Hawaiibig blue and green ball thingthese make up pictures in the skythey are very, very slow creatureswe go to the beach and swim in thisthis is a color and a type of flowerThey take over almost all of the worldthis is the time when the werewolves come out...

Nature 2023-06-13

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. It is water that falls from the clouds in the form of droplets. It is an essential part of the water cycle and helps plants grow.
  2. They are large areas with many trees, plants, and animals. They are important for maintaining biodiversity and providing oxygen.
  3. They are vast bodies of saltwater that cover most of the Earth's surface. They are home to a wide variety of marine life and have deep depths.
  4. They are tall and have a trunk, branches, and leaves. They provide shade, produce oxygen, and some of them bear fruits.
  5. It is a colorful arc of light that appears in the sky after rain when the sun shines through water droplets. It has seven colors.
  6. It is moving air. It can be gentle or strong and can make trees sway, kites fly, and waves form on the water.
  7. They are sandy or rocky areas along the shoreline. They are popular for swimming, sunbathing, and playing in the sand.
  1. It is a bright, hot ball of gas that gives us light and warmth. It rises in the morning and sets in the evening, creating day and night.
  2. They are large bodies of water surrounded by land. They are usually freshwater and provide a habitat for various plants and animals.
  3. They are tall landforms with steep sides and pointed peaks. They are often covered in snow and provide a scenic view from the top.
  4. They are beautiful and colorful plants that bloom in various shapes and sizes. They attract bees and butterflies and often have a pleasant fragrance.
  5. They are glowing balls of gas that are far away in space. They twinkle in the night sky and some of them form constellations.
  6. They are fluffy masses of water vapor that float in the sky. They come in different shapes and can bring rain or shade the sun.
  7. They are long, flowing bodies of water that usually start in the mountains and flow into lakes or oceans. They provide habitats for fish and other animals.

14 Clues: It is moving air. It can be gentle or strong and can make trees sway, kites fly, and waves form on the water.They are sandy or rocky areas along the shoreline. They are popular for swimming, sunbathing, and playing in the sand.They are tall and have a trunk, branches, and leaves. They provide shade, produce oxygen, and some of them bear fruits....

nature 2023-06-13

nature crossword puzzle
  1. A visible mass of water vapor suspended in the atmosphere. Clouds can be fluffy, wispy, or dark and bring rain, snow, or shade to different areas.
  2. A beautiful arc of colors that appears in the sky after rain. Rainbows are formed when sunlight is refracted and reflected by raindrops in the air.
  3. A large area covered with trees and undergrowth. Forests are important for biodiversity, provide habitats, and help regulate the climate.
  4. A natural formation where water flows over a vertical drop or a series of rocks. Waterfalls can be found in rivers and create breathtaking cascades of water.
  5. A vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface. Oceans are home to countless marine creatures and play a vital role in the water cycle.
  6. A natural flowing body of water that usually begins in the mountains and flows into lakes, seas, or oceans. Rivers provide habitats for aquatic life.
  7. A large body of water surrounded by land. Lakes can be freshwater or saltwater and are often home to a variety of plants and animals.
  1. The animals and plants that live and thrive in their natural habitats. Wildlife includes a variety of species, from mammals and birds to insects and fish.
  2. A sandy or pebbly area along the shore of a body of water, such as an ocean or a lake. Beaches are popular for sunbathing, swimming, and building sandcastles.
  3. A large natural elevation of the Earth's surface with steep sides and a peak. Mountains offer breathtaking views and are often popular for hiking or skiing.
  4. The reproductive structure of a plant that is usually colorful and fragrant. Flowers attract pollinators and brighten up gardens and natural landscapes.
  5. The star at the center of our solar system. The Sun provides light, warmth, and energy for plants to grow and supports life on Earth.
  6. A hollow space in the Earth's surface, often in rocks or mountains. Caves can be dark and mysterious, and some are home to unique animals and formations.
  7. A tall, woody plant with a trunk and branches that grows in nature. Trees provide shade, produce oxygen, and are home to many animals and birds.

14 Clues: The star at the center of our solar system. The Sun provides light, warmth, and energy for plants to grow and supports life on Earth.A large body of water surrounded by land. Lakes can be freshwater or saltwater and are often home to a variety of plants and animals....

Nature 2023-06-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A large mass of ice that moves slowly over land, often found in mountainous regions and shaping the landscape over time.
  2. An area of land that is saturated with water, such as marshes, swamps, and bogs, supporting unique plant and animal life.
  3. A barren and arid land characterized by minimal precipitation and sparse vegetation.
  4. A sandy or pebbly shoreline along the edge of a body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or lake.
  5. A deep, narrow valley with steep sides, often carved by a river or other erosive forces over time.
  6. A mountain or hill with a crater or vent through which lava, ash, and gases are erupted from the Earth's interior.
  7. A large area covered with trees, plants, and various wildlife.
  1. The daily phenomena when the sun appears above the horizon in the morning or disappears below the horizon in the evening.
  2. A cascade of water flowing down a steep incline or over a cliff, creating a picturesque natural feature.
  3. A large body of water surrounded by land, often freshwater and fed by rivers or underground sources.
  4. A landform that rises high above its surroundings, typically with steep sides and a pointed or rounded top.
  5. A grassy area of land, often found in a low-lying or open field, typically filled with wildflowers and grazing animals.
  6. A natural underground hollow or passage, often formed by the action of water on limestone or other rock types.
  7. A natural flowing watercourse, typically with a current that moves towards a larger body of water.

14 Clues: A large area covered with trees, plants, and various wildlife.A barren and arid land characterized by minimal precipitation and sparse vegetation.A sandy or pebbly shoreline along the edge of a body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or lake.A natural flowing watercourse, typically with a current that moves towards a larger body of water....

Nature 2023-07-06

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A large body of water surrounded by land.
  2. A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
  3. The star at the center of the solar system, providing light and heat to Earth.
  4. A tall perennial plant with a trunk, branches, and leaves, often providing shade and oxygen.
  5. A large landform that rises above the surrounding land in a limited area.
  6. A warm-blooded vertebrate with feathers, beak, and wings, typically able to fly.
  7. A cascade of water falling from a height, often in a natural setting.
  1. The reproductive structure of a flowering plant, typically colorful and fragrant.
  2. The expanse above the Earth where clouds, stars, and the sun are visible.
  3. A dry, barren area of land with little or no vegetation.
  4. A large area covered with trees, plants, and wildlife.
  5. An insect with colorful wings that undergoes metamorphosis from a caterpillar.
  6. A natural flowing watercourse, usually with fresh water.
  7. A landform along the shoreline of an ocean, sea, lake, or river, consisting of sand or pebbles.

14 Clues: A large body of water surrounded by land.A large area covered with trees, plants, and wildlife.A dry, barren area of land with little or no vegetation.A natural flowing watercourse, usually with fresh water.A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.A cascade of water falling from a height, often in a natural setting....

nature 2023-08-03

nature crossword puzzle
  1. it can be good and it can kill you
  2. the most consumed fish in the Czech Republic (Christmas)
  3. a plant with spikes, usually found in the desert
  4. colorfull, grows in a garden
  5. a birds house/home :)
  6. most common bird in the city centre
  7. a type of bear living in cold conditions
  8. an animal with an extremely long neck
  1. an unknown species of animal, mythical
  2. tiny animal who builds a big pile of material in the forest
  3. a place with a lot of sand and high heat
  4. an animal who builds barriers in the river
  5. a lot of water at one place
  6. water flowing through nature

14 Clues: a birds house/home :)a lot of water at one placecolorfull, grows in a gardenwater flowing through natureit can be good and it can kill youmost common bird in the city centrean animal with an extremely long neckan unknown species of animal, mythicala place with a lot of sand and high heata type of bear living in cold conditions...

Nature 2023-08-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. The sandy area along the edge of the ocean, sea, or lake.
  2. A vast body of saltwater covering much of the Earth's surface.
  3. A large body of water surrounded by land, often freshwater.
  4. A flowing body of water that usually leads to the sea or ocean.
  5. Oasis A small area in a desert with water, allowing plants and animals to thrive.
  6. A mountain that can erupt with lava, ash, and gases from within.
  7. A low area of land between hills or mountains, often with a river.
  8. A tall landform that rises high above the surrounding area.
  1. A slow-moving mass of ice formed from snow and ice buildup.
  2. A place where water flows over a steep drop, often creating a cascade.
  3. A dry, barren area with little or no vegetation, often very hot.
  4. A large area with many trees and various plants and animals.
  5. A deep, narrow valley with steep sides, often carved by a river.
  6. A natural underground space formed in rocks, often with tunnels.
  7. A piece of land surrounded by water, smaller than a continent.

15 Clues: The sandy area along the edge of the ocean, sea, or lake.A slow-moving mass of ice formed from snow and ice buildup.A large body of water surrounded by land, often freshwater.A tall landform that rises high above the surrounding area.A large area with many trees and various plants and animals....

Nature 2023-11-19

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. long orange vegetable
  2. dry land
  3. small animal with wings and six legs e.g. beetle, fly
  4. small black and yellow striped insect
  5. a very big rock
  6. water falling from the sky
  7. big grey animal that eats rabbits
  8. a loud sound during thunderstorm
  1. plant that grows in deserts; doesn't need much water
  2. many trees in one place
  3. small animal with long ears
  4. bright flash of light in the sky
  5. when a bee flies from one flower to the other
  6. cold hard water

14 Clues: dry landa very big rockcold hard waterlong orange vegetablemany trees in one placewater falling from the skysmall animal with long earsbright flash of light in the skya loud sound during thunderstormbig grey animal that eats rabbitssmall black and yellow striped insectwhen a bee flies from one flower to the other...

Nature 2023-12-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A beautiful arc of colors in the sky after rain. Created by the sunlight refracting through raindrops, bringing a sense of magic and wonder.
  2. A cascade of falling water from a height. Not only stunning to look at but also plays a role in shaping the landscape.
  3. A bright object that lights up the night sky. Goes through phases, from a full circle to a crescent, creating a celestial beauty.
  4. A sandy or pebbly area where the land meets the sea. Perfect for playing in the sand and swimming.
  5. A flowing body of water that moves gently or rapidly. Home to various fish and plants and is a source of water for many animals.
  6. A warm and glowing ball of light in the sky. Provides us with heat and light during the day, making everything bright and cheerful.
  7. A dry and sandy landscape with little rainfall. Can be hot or cold and is home to unique plants and animals adapted to the harsh conditions.
  8. A large area covered with trees and plants. Home to a variety of animals, insects, and birds, creating a diverse ecosystem.
  1. A massive and tall landform with rocky peaks. Breathtaking to look at, and some are covered in snow all year round.
  2. A large body of water surrounded by land. Often peaceful, providing a habitat for fish, birds, and other aquatic life.
  3. A vast and deep body of saltwater. Home to countless marine animals and plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate.
  4. Fluffy collections of water vapor in the sky. Come in various shapes and sizes, creating ever-changing patterns against the blue sky.
  5. A distant point of light in the night sky. Twinkle and form constellations, sparking curiosity and imagination in the vastness of space.
  6. The open space above us, where clouds, birds, and airplanes can be seen. Changes colors, from blue during the day to colorful hues at sunset.

14 Clues: A sandy or pebbly area where the land meets the sea. Perfect for playing in the sand and swimming.A massive and tall landform with rocky peaks. Breathtaking to look at, and some are covered in snow all year round.A large body of water surrounded by land. Often peaceful, providing a habitat for fish, birds, and other aquatic life....

Nature 2021-11-05

Nature crossword puzzle
  7. SUSZA


Nature 2015-06-04

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Hot, red,yellow,orange, cooking marshmallow
  2. Create oxygen
  3. Coming down from the sky at night
  4. Large with a high summint
  5. Grow fruits and vegetables
  6. 4 of them
  7. Severe weather, (strong winds, freezing rain, heavy rain, etc)
  1. Cold,create when water freeze
  2. Strikes during a storm
  3. Beautiful, Grows during spring
  4. falls from the sky, wet
  5. Plenty of different creatures that live in the wild
  6. Together create a forest
  7. Cold, Wet ,H2O

14 Clues: 4 of themCreate oxygenCold, Wet ,H2OStrikes during a stormfalls from the sky, wetTogether create a forestLarge with a high summintGrow fruits and vegetablesCold,create when water freezeBeautiful, Grows during springComing down from the sky at nightHot, red,yellow,orange, cooking marshmallowPlenty of different creatures that live in the wild...

Nature 2021-05-11

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. They pollinate and create honey
  2. The point in time when it's ready to go to the beach
  3. When you wake you usually hear their song
  4. Soon they bloom in the spring
  5. The stars make these that turn into images
  6. When the sky goes to sleep
  1. The season that's most white
  2. They stand tall and bring you shade in any weather
  3. They fall from trees while turning brown
  4. They are everywhere when the sun starts to shine
  5. You usually smell it coming
  6. cold rain
  7. You can catch them with a specific pole
  8. They're there when you look up, They are always different

14 Clues: cold rainWhen the sky goes to sleepYou usually smell it comingThe season that's most whiteSoon they bloom in the springThey pollinate and create honeyYou can catch them with a specific poleThey fall from trees while turning brownWhen you wake you usually hear their songThe stars make these that turn into images...

nature 2022-10-06

nature crossword puzzle
  1. frágil
  2. incendio
  3. terremoto
  4. deslizamiento de tierra
  5. de repente
  6. amenaza
  7. valiente
  1. huracán
  2. apagón
  3. pronóstico
  4. deslizamiento de lodo
  5. inundación
  6. refugio
  7. desastre

14 Clues: apagónfrágilhuracánrefugioamenazaincendiodesastrevalienteterremotopronósticoinundaciónde repentedeslizamiento de lododeslizamiento de tierra

Nature 2023-06-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Fluffy, white or gray things in the sky that look like cotton candy or cotton balls. They can take different shapes.
  2. A place where water flows down from a high place and makes a big splash. It's a wonderful sight and sounds soothing.
  3. A tall, living plant with a woody trunk and branches. It provides shade and produces oxygen for us to breathe.
  4. A colorful and pretty part of a plant that blooms and smells nice. Bees and butterflies love to visit flowers.
  5. A very tall and rocky landform that reaches high into the sky. Mountains are great for hiking and have beautiful views.
  6. A big ball of fire in the sky that gives us light and warmth during the day.
  7. A beautiful arc of colors that appears in the sky after rain. It happens when sunlight shines through raindrops.
  1. A dry and sandy place with very little rainfall. Deserts have extreme temperatures and unique plants and animals.
  2. A dark and hollow space in the ground or inside a mountain. Caves are formed over a long time and can be mysterious.
  3. A sandy area by the ocean or lake where you can play in the water, build sandcastles, and relax in the sun.
  4. A large area filled with many trees, plants, and animals. It's a great place to explore and enjoy nature's beauty.
  5. A big body of water that is surrounded by land. Lakes are great for swimming, fishing, and enjoying water activities.
  6. A beautiful arc of colors that appears in the sky after rain. It happens when sunlight shines through raindrops.
  7. A large area filled with many trees, plants, and animals. It's a great place to explore and enjoy nature's beauty.
  8. A long, flowing body of water that moves from high places to lower places. It provides a habitat for many animals.
  9. A round, shiny object that we see in the sky at night. It changes shape as the days go by.

16 Clues: A big ball of fire in the sky that gives us light and warmth during the day.A round, shiny object that we see in the sky at night. It changes shape as the days go by.A sandy area by the ocean or lake where you can play in the water, build sandcastles, and relax in the sun....

Nature 2023-06-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A mountain or hill with a crater or vent through which lava, ash, and gases are erupted from the Earth's interior.
  2. A barren and arid land characterized by minimal precipitation and sparse vegetation.
  3. A landform that rises high above its surroundings, typically with steep sides and a pointed or rounded top.
  4. A large mass of ice that moves slowly over land, often found in mountainous regions and shaping the landscape over time.
  5. A grassy area of land, often found in a low-lying or open field, typically filled with wildflowers and grazing animals.
  6. A cascade of water flowing down a steep incline or over a cliff, creating a picturesque natural feature.
  1. A deep, narrow valley with steep sides, often carved by a river or other erosive forces over time.
  2. A natural underground hollow or passage, often formed by the action of water on limestone or other rock types.
  3. The daily phenomena when the sun appears above the horizon in the morning or disappears below the horizon in the evening.
  4. A natural flowing watercourse, typically with a current that moves towards a larger body of water.
  5. A large area covered with trees, plants, and various wildlife.
  6. A large body of water surrounded by land, often freshwater and fed by rivers or underground sources.
  7. An area of land that is saturated with water, such as marshes, swamps, and bogs, supporting unique plant and animal life.
  8. A sandy or pebbly shoreline along the edge of a body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or lake.

14 Clues: A large area covered with trees, plants, and various wildlife.A barren and arid land characterized by minimal precipitation and sparse vegetation.A sandy or pebbly shoreline along the edge of a body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or lake.A deep, narrow valley with steep sides, often carved by a river or other erosive forces over time....

Nature 2023-07-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A grassy field with wildflowers, providing habitat for various animals.
  2. A tall landform rising significantly above its surroundings.
  3. A natural watercourse that flows towards the sea or another body of water.
  4. The natural satellite that orbits the Earth, visible at night.
  5. A large body of water surrounded by land, often with a calm surface.
  6. A dry and arid region with little or no rainfall, featuring sandy landscapes.
  7. A flow of water falling from a height, often with great force and beauty.
  8. The bright star that provides light and warmth to our planet.
  1. A massive ice formation that moves slowly over time.
  2. A mountain with a vent or crater through which lava and gases can erupt.
  3. A colorful arc formed by light reflecting and refracting in water droplets.
  4. A large area covered with trees, home to various plants and animals.
  5. A flow of water falling from a height, often with great force and beauty.
  6. A sandy or pebbly shore by the ocean, where waves meet the land.
  7. A deep and narrow valley with steep sides, typically formed by erosion.

15 Clues: A massive ice formation that moves slowly over time.A tall landform rising significantly above its surroundings.The bright star that provides light and warmth to our planet.The natural satellite that orbits the Earth, visible at night.A sandy or pebbly shore by the ocean, where waves meet the land....

Nature 2023-07-21

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A beautiful arch of colors in the sky.
  2. Sandy area by the ocean or lake.
  3. A large area covered with trees.
  4. A distant ball of light in the sky.
  5. White, fluffy masses in the sky.
  6. A long, flowing body of water.
  7. The time when the sun goes down.
  8. A large body of water surrounded by land.
  9. The natural satellite of the Earth.
  1. A colorful insect with delicate wings.
  2. A tall landform that rises high above.
  3. Water flowing rapidly over a cliff.
  4. A large area covered with trees.
  5. A colorful bloom found on plants.
  6. A deep, narrow valley with steep walls."

15 Clues: A long, flowing body of water.Sandy area by the ocean or lake.A large area covered with trees.A large area covered with trees.White, fluffy masses in the sky.The time when the sun goes down.A colorful bloom found on plants.Water flowing rapidly over a cliff.A distant ball of light in the sky.The natural satellite of the Earth....

Nature 2023-11-17

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Meadows Fields that gently sway with the breeze, sharing secrets of nature in soft rustles.
  2. Serenity Majestic peaks and serene mountain landscapes, a sanctuary for solitude and reflection.
  3. Symphony The rhythmic dance of waves along the shore, composing a calming seaside melody.
  4. Horizon The magical transformation of the sky, painting hues of warmth as the day bids farewell.
  5. Mirage Endless dunes and golden landscapes, where the sun paints the earth in warm tones.
  6. Haven Gardens adorned with vibrant blooms, a living canvas of nature's most colorful artwork.
  7. Mirage A world of icy wonders, where snow and frost create a breathtaking, frosty spectacle.
  1. Canopy The enchanting cover of towering trees, creating a mystical world beneath their branches.
  2. Oasis A haven under the night sky, where stars twinkle and the moon casts its silvery glow.
  3. Haven Abundant greenery and flourishing flora, a haven for diverse and thriving ecosystems.
  4. Tundra A vast expanse of frozen beauty, where the stillness of snow creates a surreal atmosphere.
  5. Cascade A cascade of pristine water, glistening like crystals, carving its way through the terrain.
  6. Retreat Quaint landscapes and charming nooks, inviting exploration and quiet contemplation.
  7. Wilderness Vast landscapes where tranquility and untamed beauty coexist in perfect harmony.
  8. Vista Clifftops overlooking the vast expanse of the sea, offering breathtaking panoramic views.

15 Clues: Symphony The rhythmic dance of waves along the shore, composing a calming seaside melody.Mirage Endless dunes and golden landscapes, where the sun paints the earth in warm tones.Oasis A haven under the night sky, where stars twinkle and the moon casts its silvery glow....

Nature 2024-01-26

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. sing their songs
  2. shining down on us
  3. different tastes
  4. comes in every shape and form
  5. everywhere at once
  6. forming over time
  7. water, covers most of earth
  1. find them
  2. green
  3. full of leaves, changes each season
  4. piles leaves on the floor surrounding everyone
  5. Zap!
  6. came from the clouds
  7. full of water ready to burst

14 Clues: Zap!greenfind themsing their songsdifferent tastesforming over timeshining down on useverywhere at oncecame from the cloudswater, covers most of earthfull of water ready to burstcomes in every shape and formfull of leaves, changes each seasonpiles leaves on the floor surrounding everyone

Nature 2023-10-08

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. The colourful parts of trees and other plants
  2. An area with many trees
  3. A flow of water that crosses land
  4. A small pool of liquid, especially of rainwater
  5. The salty water that cover most of the Earth
  6. The ‘blue’ space above us
  7. A piece of land that is surrounded by water on all sides
  1. The floor outdoors
  2. Water that drops from a higher to a lower point in a river
  3. The green plants that grow in a field
  4. A tall plant that has a thick, brown wooden stem
  5. The light and heat produced by burning
  6. A very high area of land
  7. A path or rough road that is made of soil; not paved

14 Clues: The floor outdoorsAn area with many treesA very high area of landThe ‘blue’ space above usA flow of water that crosses landThe green plants that grow in a fieldThe light and heat produced by burningThe salty water that cover most of the EarthThe colourful parts of trees and other plantsA small pool of liquid, especially of rainwater...

nature 2024-10-16

nature crossword puzzle
  1. a large amount of water covering an area
  2. shows the most usual characteristics
  3. the amount of water in the air
  4. a change that sb/sth causes in sb/sth else
  5. blood vessel attacks
  6. the condition of the atmosphere
  7. existing in a very high degree
  1. the way you are feeling
  2. infectious disease like a bad cold
  3. very bad snowstorm with strong winds
  4. a measure of how hot or cold it is
  5. the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth
  6. a pain in head
  7. illness

14 Clues: illnessa pain in headblood vessel attacksthe way you are feelingthe amount of water in the airexisting in a very high degreethe condition of the atmosphereinfectious disease like a bad colda measure of how hot or cold it isvery bad snowstorm with strong windsshows the most usual characteristicsa large amount of water covering an area...

nature 2022-11-07

nature crossword puzzle
  1. гора
  2. небо
  3. бабочка
  4. река
  5. облако
  6. трава
  1. луна
  2. солнце
  3. камень
  4. звезда
  5. птица
  6. дерево
  7. цветок
  8. куст

14 Clues: лунагоранеборекакустптицатравасолнцекаменьзвездадеревоцветокоблакобабочка

nature 2022-10-01

nature crossword puzzle
  1. Scientists have ..... the new planet 'Sedna'.
  2. Climate change is a ..... problem. Every country in the world is affected.
  3. The wildlife park is ..... 15 km outside the town.
  4. The weather is quite ..... here, even in the winter. It rarely snows.
  5. I wish you wouldn't drop your ..... on the ground. Put it in the bin!
  6. It's ..... cold in here! Let's put the heating on.
  7. If only we could go to the ..... to get some fresh air.
  1. If we all ..... our paper, fewer trees would be cut down.
  2. Zoos give us the opportunity to see ..... animals up close.
  3. Looking down at the Earth from space must be an ..... experience.
  4. Many plants and animals are in danger of becoming ..... . If they do, we'll never see them again.
  5. If you get lost in the desert, there will be no one around to ..... you!
  6. The castle is perfectly ....., so it's just like it was four hundred years ago.
  7. The ..... weather forecast is usually much more accurate than the national one.

14 Clues: Scientists have ..... the new planet 'Sedna'.The wildlife park is ..... 15 km outside the town.It's ..... cold in here! Let's put the heating on.If only we could go to the ..... to get some fresh air.If we all ..... our paper, fewer trees would be cut down.Zoos give us the opportunity to see ..... animals up close....

Nature 2020-06-25

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. a group of similar living organisms
  2. the preservation of an animal, plant or land area
  3. and jumping
  4. the natural environment for a species
  5. an animal without a back bone
  6. when a species is introduced to an area
  7. an area of muddy land exposed during low tide
  1. when an animal preys on another animal
  2. a range of different species with an environment
  3. a variety of methods that animals use to move such as
  4. an area of sea shore that is covered by water during high tide and exposed during low tide
  5. the rising and falling of the sea
  6. where fresh water meets salt water
  7. when an animal sheds its skin to make way for new growth

14 Clues: and jumpingan animal without a back bonethe rising and falling of the seawhere fresh water meets salt watera group of similar living organismsthe natural environment for a specieswhen an animal preys on another animalwhen a species is introduced to an areaan area of muddy land exposed during low tidea range of different species with an environment...

Nature 2023-07-17

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. The beautiful and colorful part of a plant that blooms and attracts insects for pollination. It comes in various shapes and sizes.
  2. A dry and barren area with little or no vegetation. It can be sandy or rocky and have extreme temperature variations.
  3. Our planet, the third from the sun, where we live. It has land, water, and an atmosphere, and is home to a wide variety of plants and animals.
  4. The flowing body of water that starts from a source and runs through the land, eventually reaching the ocean, sea, or another river.
  5. A tall and woody plant that grows upright and has branches. It provides shade, produces oxygen, and creates habitats for animals.
  6. The vast body of saltwater covering most of the Earth's surface. It is home to a variety of marine life and plays an important role in the Earth's ecosystem
  7. The expanse of space that appears above us, especially during the daytime when it is blue or at night when it is filled with stars.
  8. The large body of freshwater surrounded by land. It provides habitats for aquatic plants and animals and are often used for recreational activities like boating and fishing.
  1. A green plant with long, narrow leaves that covers the ground in many outdoor areas. It is often soft to touch and grows in fields or lawns.
  2. The natural feature where water flows rapidly down a steep incline or a series of rocks. It creates beautiful sights and produce a soothing sound.
  3. The towering landform that rises high above the surrounding areas. It provides breathtaking views and is often covered with snow.
  4. The dense area with many trees, plants, and wildlife. It provides habitats for animals, help maintain the air quality, and are important for biodiversity.
  5. A solid, natural substance that forms part of the Earth's surface. It can be small or large and come in different shapes, colors, and sizes.
  6. The sandy or pebbly shore area by the edge of a body of water, such as the ocean or a lake. It is popular for sunbathing, swimming, and playing in the sand.

14 Clues: A dry and barren area with little or no vegetation. It can be sandy or rocky and have extreme temperature variations.The towering landform that rises high above the surrounding areas. It provides breathtaking views and is often covered with snow....

Nature 2023-08-18

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A large, tall landform that rises steeply above its surroundings.(It's a very high hill)
  2. A vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
  3. Animals and plants that live and grow in their natural environment.
  4. The expanse of space above the Earth, where the sun, moon, and stars appear.
  5. A tall plant with a trunk and branches, often found in forests and parks.
  6. The star at the center of our solar system, providing light and heat to Earth.
  1. A visible mass of condensed water vapor in the atmosphere.
  2. A sandy or pebbly shore next to an ocean or lake.
  3. A large flowing body of water that usually empties into a sea or ocean.
  4. The natural satellite that orbits the Earth.(you can see it shining at night)
  5. A large area covered with trees and undergrowth.
  6. The colorful and often fragrant part of a plant that blooms.
  7. A large body of water surrounded by land.
  8. A type of plant with long, narrow leaves that covers the ground in many areas.

14 Clues: A large body of water surrounded by land.A large area covered with trees and undergrowth.A sandy or pebbly shore next to an ocean or lake.A visible mass of condensed water vapor in the atmosphere.The colorful and often fragrant part of a plant that blooms.A vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface....

Nature 2023-10-05

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. smaller than a mountain
  2. small grassy hill
  3. winter forest
  4. place with dense trees
  5. wide place surrounded with cliffs and rocks
  6. hot place with a lot of sand
  7. water flows through here
  1. large place with a lot of water
  2. surrounded by land
  3. sandwiched between cliffs or mountains
  4. very high ground
  5. place where the water meets with the ocean
  6. place with sparse trees
  7. small place with a lot of water

14 Clues: winter forestvery high groundsmall grassy hillsurrounded by landplace with dense treessmaller than a mountainplace with sparse treeswater flows through herehot place with a lot of sandlarge place with a lot of watersmall place with a lot of watersandwiched between cliffs or mountainsplace where the water meets with the ocean...

Nature 2023-09-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Dense clusters of trees and vegetation, home to diverse wildlife.
  2. A mountain with an opening, or vent, from which lava, ash, and gases can erupt.
  3. Cascading water from a height, often found in mountainous regions.
  4. Arid landscapes characterized by extreme heat, sand dunes, and minimal vegetation.
  5. Cold, treeless landscapes with a layer of permanently frozen soil, or permafrost.
  6. Land surrounded by water, ranging in size from small islets to large landmasses.
  1. Vast saltwater bodies that cover most of the Earth's surface and support a wide range of marine life.
  2. Sandy or rocky shores where the land meets the ocean or other bodies of water.
  3. Tall landforms with steep sides and often covered in snow at higher altitudes.
  4. Reef Underwater ecosystems formed by colonies of coral polyps, rich in marine biodiversity.
  5. Large masses of ice and snow that slowly move, shaping the landscape.
  6. Inland bodies of water, often freshwater, surrounded by land.
  7. Cascading water from a height, often found in mountainous regions.
  8. Flowing body of water that can vary in size from small streams to massive, meandering rivers.
  9. Deep, narrow valleys with steep sides, often carved by rivers or erosion.

15 Clues: Inland bodies of water, often freshwater, surrounded by land.Dense clusters of trees and vegetation, home to diverse wildlife.Cascading water from a height, often found in mountainous regions.Cascading water from a height, often found in mountainous regions.Large masses of ice and snow that slowly move, shaping the landscape....

Nature 2023-12-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A bright object that lights up the night sky. Goes through phases, from a full circle to a crescent, creating a celestial beauty.
  2. A flowing body of water that moves gently or rapidly. Home to various fish and plants and is a source of water for many animals.
  3. A distant point of light in the night sky. Twinkle and form constellations, sparking curiosity and imagination in the vastness of space.
  4. Fluffy collections of water vapor in the sky. Come in various shapes and sizes, creating ever-changing patterns against the blue sky.
  5. A warm and glowing ball of light in the sky. Provides us with heat and light during the day, making everything bright and cheerful.
  6. A cascade of falling water from a height. Not only stunning to look at but also plays a role in shaping the landscape.
  7. A dry and sandy landscape with little rainfall. Can be hot or cold and is home to unique plants and animals adapted to the harsh conditions.
  1. A large area covered with trees and plants. Home to a variety of animals, insects, and birds, creating a diverse ecosystem.
  2. The open space above us, where clouds, birds, and airplanes can be seen. Changes colors, from blue during the day to colorful hues at sunset.
  3. A beautiful arc of colors in the sky after rain. Created by the sunlight refracting through raindrops, bringing a sense of magic and wonder.
  4. A massive and tall landform with rocky peaks. Breathtaking to look at, and some are covered in snow all year round.
  5. A vast and deep body of saltwater. Home to countless marine animals and plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate.
  6. A large body of water surrounded by land. Often peaceful, providing a habitat for fish, birds, and other aquatic life.
  7. A sandy or pebbly area where the land meets the sea. Perfect for playing in the sand and swimming.

14 Clues: A sandy or pebbly area where the land meets the sea. Perfect for playing in the sand and swimming.A massive and tall landform with rocky peaks. Breathtaking to look at, and some are covered in snow all year round.A cascade of falling water from a height. Not only stunning to look at but also plays a role in shaping the landscape....

Nature Codes 2024-11-06

Nature Codes crossword puzzle


Nature 2021-02-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Flying mammal
  2. Man's best friend
  3. a planet we live on
  4. Likes to chase mice
  5. bright in the sky
  6. alive
  7. have leaves
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Has a trunk
  3. everywhere
  4. cute little cats
  5. cute little dogs
  6. all around us

13 Clues: aliveeverywhereHas a trunkhave leavesFlying mammalall around usLarge marsupialcute little catscute little dogsMan's best friendbright in the skya planet we live onLikes to chase mice

Nature 2022-04-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. tekojärvi
  2. levät
  3. haihtuminen
  4. vuorovesi
  5. uhanalainen
  6. laji,lajit
  7. lumivyöry
  8. sikupuuttoon kuoleminen
  9. häiritsevä
  1. ruohotasanko
  2. metsien hävittäminen
  3. kuivuus
  4. kastelujärjestelmä

13 Clues: levätkuivuustekojärvivuorovesilumivyörylaji,lajithäiritsevähaihtuminenuhanalainenruohotasankokastelujärjestelmämetsien hävittäminensikupuuttoon kuoleminen

Nature 2013-08-28

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. montagne
  2. soleil
  3. forret
  4. ile
  5. riviere
  6. plage
  7. mer
  1. lune
  2. cascade d'eau
  3. etoiles
  4. desert
  5. terre
  6. grotte

13 Clues: ilemerluneterreplagesoleilforretdesertgrotteetoilesrivieremontagnecascade d'eau

Nature 2013-08-28

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. montagne
  2. soleil
  3. forret
  4. ile
  5. riviere
  6. plage
  7. mer
  1. lune
  2. cascade d'eau
  3. etoiles
  4. desert
  5. terre
  6. grotte

13 Clues: ilemerluneterreplagesoleilforretdesertgrotteetoilesrivieremontagnecascade d'eau

Nature 2023-12-18

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. The plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
  2. The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period
  3. The variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat
  4. A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
  5. The animals of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
  6. An uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region
  7. The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
  1. All the visible features of an area of land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal
  2. The time in the morning when the sun appears or full daylight arrives
  3. The physical world and everything in it, including plants, animals, landscapes, and natural phenomena
  4. An uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region
  5. The time in the evening when the sun disappears or daylight fades
  6. The region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth
  7. The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism

14 Clues: An uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable regionAn uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable regionThe variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitatThe plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological periodThe region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth...

Nature 2024-05-17

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Children love to play with me, but not the parents.
  2. I am filled with water and fish.
  3. We are tall and have leaves.
  4. I am white or grey and I am found in the sky.
  5. I am liquid, clear, and I am necessary to life.
  6. I have petals.
  7. I am usually small, and I like to crawl.
  8. I am hard and can be found on the ground.
  1. I fall from the clouds.
  2. I indicate if it is cold or warm outside.
  3. I am round, yellow, and hot.
  4. You can find us on trees and plants.
  5. I am made of seven colors.

13 Clues: I have petals.I fall from the clouds.I am made of seven colors.We are tall and have leaves.I am round, yellow, and hot.I am filled with water and fish.You can find us on trees and plants.I am usually small, and I like to crawl.I indicate if it is cold or warm outside.I am hard and can be found on the ground....

nature 2022-12-12

nature crossword puzzle
  1. vesiputous
  2. villeläimet
  3. lampi
  4. tammi
  5. vuori
  6. kuusi
  7. ruoho
  1. kukkula
  2. järvi
  3. ympäristö
  4. koivu
  5. luonto
  6. sammal

13 Clues: järvikoivulampitammivuorikuusiruoholuontosammalkukkulaympäristövesiputousvilleläimet

Nature 2022-04-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. is cool to see
  2. is great exercise in the mountains
  3. is fun to do outdoors
  4. are fun to catch and good to eat
  5. is cool to live in
  6. are in nature
  7. live in nature
  8. maintain in its original state
  1. is exciting
  2. are destructive and deadly
  3. are fun to climb
  4. are in the deer family
  5. hybernate in the winter

13 Clues: is excitingare in natureis cool to seelive in natureare fun to climbis cool to live inis fun to do outdoorsare in the deer familyhybernate in the winterare destructive and deadlymaintain in its original stateare fun to catch and good to eatis great exercise in the mountains

nature 2013-10-10

nature crossword puzzle
  1. drops of water that fall from the sky
  2. the largest one in Indonesia is Toba in Sumatra
  3. very bad weather
  4. you have to hold your hat when it is strong
  5. big noise in the sky that may scares you
  6. very high hill
  7. apples grow on it
  8. stone
  1. cows eat it
  2. it gives you light and heat
  3. it smells good
  4. beautiful arch of bright colors in the sky
  5. big stream of water that flows to sea

13 Clues: stonecows eat itit smells goodvery high hillvery bad weatherapples grow on itit gives you light and heatdrops of water that fall from the skybig stream of water that flows to seabig noise in the sky that may scares youbeautiful arch of bright colors in the skyyou have to hold your hat when it is strong...

NATURE 2022-09-14

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. white
  2. bee
  3. many trees
  4. hot
  5. wet
  6. dark
  7. good
  8. high
  1. water down
  2. fish
  3. soft
  4. green
  5. night

13 Clues: beehotwetfishsoftdarkgoodhighwhitegreennightwater downmany trees

Nature 2022-02-01

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. shiny
  2. hard
  3. short
  4. beauty
  5. light
  6. bright
  7. bright
  8. fast
  1. short
  2. tall
  3. above
  4. flying
  5. heavy
  6. vapor
  7. deep blue

15 Clues: tallhardfastshortshinyaboveshortheavyvaporlightflyingbeautybrightbrightdeep blue

Nature 2023-01-24

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Tier
  2. Pflanze
  3. Sonne
  4. Berg
  5. Fluss
  6. Blume
  1. Wetter
  2. Regen
  3. Gras
  4. Wolke
  5. Teich
  6. Tal
  7. Wald

13 Clues: TalGrasTierBergWaldRegenWolkeTeichSonneFlussBlumeWetterPflanze

nature 2022-12-12

nature crossword puzzle
  1. a big green fruit
  2. helps plants grow
  3. christmas
  4. wild dogs
  5. tiny insects
  6. biggest land animal
  7. purple fruit
  1. hanging on a tree
  2. popular for jam
  3. monkeys eat
  4. depends on where you live
  5. has a lot of water
  6. best smelling flowers

13 Clues: christmaswild dogsmonkeys eattiny insectspurple fruitpopular for jamhanging on a treea big green fruithelps plants growhas a lot of waterbiggest land animalbest smelling flowersdepends on where you live

nature 2022-12-12

nature crossword puzzle
  1. vesiputous
  2. villeläimet
  3. lampi
  4. tammi
  5. vuori
  6. kuusi
  7. ruoho
  1. kukkula
  2. järvi
  3. ympäristö
  4. koivu
  5. luonto
  6. sammal

13 Clues: järvikoivulampitammivuorikuusiruoholuontosammalkukkulaympäristövesiputousvilleläimet

Nature 2022-06-11

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. trees
  2. ocean
  3. garden
  4. lake
  5. sand
  6. beach
  1. field
  2. grass
  3. forest
  4. horsepaddock
  5. mountains
  6. trail
  7. water

13 Clues: lakesandfieldgrasstreesoceantrailwaterbeachforestgardenmountainshorsepaddock

Nature 2023-06-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A wetland area with shallow water, trees, and plants, providing a unique habitat for diverse wildlife, such as alligators and frogs.
  2. A large area covered with trees, plants, and wildlife, providing a habitat for many living creatures.
  3. A flowing body of freshwater that moves from higher to lower ground, often starting in the mountains and flowing into the sea.
  4. A dry, barren area with very little rain or water, often characterized by sand, rocks, and extreme temperatures.
  5. A piece of land surrounded by water that is smaller than a continent, often supporting its own ecosystems and in some cases, unique species.
  6. A mountain with an opening that allows molten rock, ash, and gas from deep within the Earth to escape onto the surface.
  1. A large, slow-moving mass of ice formed from years of snowfall, found in high mountains or cold polar regions.
  2. A large landform that rises high above the surrounding terrain, often with steep sides and a pointed or rounded peak.
  3. A vast, open area of grassland, with few trees, often found in North America and home to grazing animals like buffalo.
  4. A large underground chamber in a hill or cliff, formed by natural processes, and potentially home to unique animals like bats or cave spiders.
  5. reef A delicate undersea ecosystem formed by the calcium carbonate skeletons of coral polyps, supporting a rich biodiversity of marine life.
  6. A vast body of saltwater that covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface and is home to a wide variety of aquatic life.
  7. A sandy or pebbly area by the edge of a sea or lake, where people often go to relax, sunbathe, or swim.

13 Clues: A large area covered with trees, plants, and wildlife, providing a habitat for many living creatures.A sandy or pebbly area by the edge of a sea or lake, where people often go to relax, sunbathe, or swim.A large, slow-moving mass of ice formed from years of snowfall, found in high mountains or cold polar regions....

Nature 2023-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A feathered animal that can fly. Birds have wings, beaks, and lay eggs. They come in various sizes, colors, and have beautiful songs.
  2. A large area covered with many trees, plants, and wildlife.
  3. A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
  4. A sandy or pebbly area along the shore of an ocean or lake.
  5. A large body of water surrounded by land. They are often peaceful and provide habitats for many water-loving plants and animals.
  6. A tall and rocky landform that rises high above the surrounding land.
  7. A flowing body of water that usually starts in mountains and flows to the sea.
  1. A tall plant with a thick trunk and many branches that grows in the ground.
  2. A colorful and fragrant part of a plant that blooms and attracts insects.
  3. The bright and shining star in our solar system that provides light and warmth to Earth. It gives us energy and helps plants grow.
  4. A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the sky.
  5. Drops of water that fall from the sky. Rain is important for plants, animals, and replenishing Earth's water sources.
  6. A shining point of light in the night sky.

13 Clues: A shining point of light in the night sky.A large area covered with many trees, plants, and wildlife.A sandy or pebbly area along the shore of an ocean or lake.A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the sky.A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface....

Nature 2023-06-15

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A large area dominated by trees and various vegetation. Forests are home to diverse plant and animal species and play a vital role in the ecosystem.
  2. A large landform that rises steeply above its surroundings. Mountains often have rocky peaks and can be home to diverse plant and animal species.
  3. A large inland body of water surrounded by land. Lakes are often home to fish and other aquatic creatures and provide recreational opportunities.
  4. A large natural flowing watercourse that moves towards an ocean, sea, lake, or another river. Rivers support aquatic life and provide water for various purposes.
  5. A vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface. Oceans are home to a wide variety of marine life and play a crucial role in regulating the climate.
  6. A visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air. Clouds come in various shapes and sizes and can indicate weather conditions.
  1. The reproductive part of a plant that blooms and is often colorful and fragrant. Flowers attract pollinators and add beauty to the environment.
  2. Precipitation in the form of water droplets falling from the atmosphere. Rain is essential for plants, animals, and replenishing water sources.
  3. A tall plant with a trunk and branches that grows in nature. Trees provide shade, produce oxygen, and support various ecosystems.
  4. The star at the center of our solar system. It provides light, heat, and energy for all living things on Earth.
  5. A solid, naturally occurring substance composed of minerals. Rocks can be found on the Earth's surface and beneath the soil.
  6. The land along the edge of a body of water, typically covered in sand or pebbles. Beaches are popular for recreational activities and relaxation.
  7. The natural movement of air caused by the uneven heating of the Earth's surface. Wind can be gentle or strong and is used as a source of energy.

13 Clues: The star at the center of our solar system. It provides light, heat, and energy for all living things on Earth.A solid, naturally occurring substance composed of minerals. Rocks can be found on the Earth's surface and beneath the soil....

Nature 2023-09-19

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A sandy or pebbly shore along the edge of an ocean, sea, or lake.
  2. The time in the evening when the sun disappears below the horizon.
  3. A vast body of saltwater covering most of the Earth's surface.
  4. A long, flowing body of water that usually moves toward the sea.
  5. The time in the morning when the sun first appears above the horizon.
  6. A natural cascade of water that flows over rocks, often found in rivers.
  1. A large body of freshwater surrounded by land, often used for swimming and boating.
  2. A colorful insect with wings that flutters and often lands on flowers.
  3. A large area covered with many trees and plants, often home to wildlife.
  4. A colorful, curved arc in the sky that appears after rain, with colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
  5. A tall and often steep landform that rises high above the surrounding land.
  6. A dry and barren area with little or no vegetation, known for extreme heat.
  7. A field of grass or wildflowers, often a peaceful and open natural area.

13 Clues: A vast body of saltwater covering most of the Earth's surface.A long, flowing body of water that usually moves toward the sea.A sandy or pebbly shore along the edge of an ocean, sea, or lake.The time in the evening when the sun disappears below the horizon.The time in the morning when the sun first appears above the horizon....

Nature 2023-11-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. a yellow flower popular during Easter/ spring season
  2. a very strong wind
  3. a white and black bird with a long black and shiny tail which like sparkly things
  4. a long period of hot weather
  5. comes with a storm and a lightning
  6. a snow and rain
  1. a common bird which lives at seashores and oceanshores, banks of the rivers, etc.
  2. a flower which asks you to remember
  3. a very strong wind which moves in a twisted way
  4. a weather in which you can hardly see what's ahead of you, like a cloud on the ground
  5. an elegant, big, white bird which lives by the water - lakes, ponds, sea, etc.
  6. Canada is famous for a syrop made of the juices of this tree, it's leaf is in Canada's flag
  7. a flower which is popular in Easter time, the Netherlands are famous for growing it

13 Clues: a snow and raina very strong winda long period of hot weathercomes with a storm and a lightninga flower which asks you to remembera very strong wind which moves in a twisted waya yellow flower popular during Easter/ spring seasonan elegant, big, white bird which lives by the water - lakes, ponds, sea, etc....

Nature 2023-11-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A solid material made by the Earth-M
  2. dry landscap not many plants grow here-D
  3. Layers of gases in the sky that encase the Earth-A
  4. in rock form that can be burned for fuel-C
  5. Without water-D
  1. A larger body of salt water, there are five: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Southern-O
  2. A small elevation in the Earth-H
  3. is there very much trees-F
  4. A plant that looks like long stalks of wood and grows in tropical-B
  5. A plant that grows widely it’s also common on household lawns-G
  6. When lava or magma go from the Earth at the top of a volcano-E
  7. no longer living-D
  8. A liquid found in the Earth that can be burned for fuel-O

13 Clues: Without water-Dno longer living-Dis there very much trees-FA small elevation in the Earth-HA solid material made by the Earth-Mdry landscap not many plants grow here-Din rock form that can be burned for fuel-CLayers of gases in the sky that encase the Earth-AA liquid found in the Earth that can be burned for fuel-O...

Nature 2024-12-21

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. eplontae
  2. ruvlte
  3. dilnsa
  4. lihl
  5. ekla
  6. tfrose
  1. tmuoian
  2. lenguj
  3. hcabe
  4. caone
  5. reriv
  6. srdeet
  7. repsa

13 Clues: lihleklahcabecaonererivrepsalengujruvltedilnsasrdeettfrosetmuoianeplontae

Nature 2022-04-25

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. נָמֵר
  2. פֶּרַח
  3. גֶשֶׁם
  4. חַיָה
  5. נהר
  6. עֵץ
  1. תוּכִּי
  2. ג'וּנגֶל
  3. דֶשֶׁא
  4. עלה
  5. טֶבַע
  6. טַל
  7. עָנָף

13 Clues: עלהטַלנהרעֵץנָמֵרטֶבַעחַיָהעָנָףדֶשֶׁאפֶּרַחגֶשֶׁםתוּכִּיג'וּנגֶל

Nature 2022-10-30

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. a sweet food that grow on other plants
  2. an object in the sky that is made of evaporated water
  3. green and grows on other plants
  4. a body of water that is small
  5. a long yellow fruit, but is actually an "herb." forget I said that and it will be easier to answer this question...
  6. a valuable object with a short name as gem
  7. made of wood and has leaves
  1. an object that grows on pine trees
  2. a gemstone that is mostly a pretty pinkish red color and starts with a"P"
  3. a shiny object that is heavy and shiny
  4. molten rock
  5. an orange animal that looks like a cat combined with a dog and is very sly
  6. a food with a shell

13 Clues: molten rocka food with a shellmade of wood and has leavesa body of water that is smallgreen and grows on other plantsan object that grows on pine treesa sweet food that grow on other plantsa shiny object that is heavy and shinya valuable object with a short name as geman object in the sky that is made of evaporated water...

Nature 2020-06-25

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. an animal without a back bone
  2. a group of similar living organisms
  3. the natural environment for a species
  4. when an animal preys on another animal
  5. the rising and falling of the sea
  6. a range of different species with an environment
  7. a variety of methods that animals use to move such as swimming and jumping
  1. when a species is introduced to an area
  2. an area of muddy land exposed during low tide
  3. when an animal sheds its skin to make way for new growth
  4. an area of sea shore that is covered by water during high tide and exposed during low tide
  5. where fresh water meets salt water
  6. the preservation of an animal, plant or land area

13 Clues: an animal without a back bonethe rising and falling of the seawhere fresh water meets salt watera group of similar living organismsthe natural environment for a specieswhen an animal preys on another animalwhen a species is introduced to an areaan area of muddy land exposed during low tidea range of different species with an environment...

Nature 2023-06-29

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. This word refers to a high and steep landform that rises above its surroundings, often with a peak.
  2. This word refers to a large area covered with trees, plants, and wildlife.
  3. This word refers to a large area covered with trees, plants, and wildlife.
  4. This word refers to a living organism that can move and react to its environment.
  5. This word refers to a visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals in the sky.
  6. This word refers to a large body of water surrounded by land.
  7. This word refers to a tall, woody plant with branches and leaves.
  1. This word refers to an insect with colorful wings that undergoes metamorphosis.
  2. This word refers to water falling in drops from the clouds.
  3. This word refers to a high and steep landform that rises above its surroundings, often with a peak.
  4. This word refers to a sandy or pebbly shore by the ocean, lake, or river.
  5. This word refers to a large body of water surrounded by land.
  6. This word refers to a warm-blooded vertebrate with feathers, wings, and beak.
  7. This word refers to a colorful and fragrant plant structure that attracts pollinators.
  8. This word refers to the bright, shining star that provides light and warmth to Earth.
  9. This word refers to a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater, that runs towards the sea.

16 Clues: This word refers to water falling in drops from the clouds.This word refers to a large body of water surrounded by land.This word refers to a large body of water surrounded by land.This word refers to a tall, woody plant with branches and leaves.This word refers to a sandy or pebbly shore by the ocean, lake, or river....

Nature 2023-06-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A wetland area with shallow water, trees, and plants, providing a unique habitat for diverse wildlife, such as alligators and frogs.
  2. A vast body of saltwater that covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface and is home to a wide variety of aquatic life.
  3. A large area covered with trees, plants, and wildlife, providing a habitat for many living creatures.
  4. A flowing body of freshwater that moves from higher to lower ground, often starting in the mountains and flowing into the sea.
  5. A vast, open area of grassland, with few trees, often found in North America and home to grazing animals like buffalo.
  6. A mountain with an opening that allows molten rock, ash, and gas from deep within the Earth to escape onto the surface.
  1. A piece of land surrounded by water that is smaller than a continent, often supporting its own ecosystems and in some cases, unique species.
  2. A large landform that rises high above the surrounding terrain, often with steep sides and a pointed or rounded peak.
  3. A dry, barren area with very little rain or water, often characterized by sand, rocks, and extreme temperatures.
  4. A large, slow-moving mass of ice formed from years of snowfall, found in high mountains or cold polar regions.
  5. reef A delicate undersea ecosystem formed by the calcium carbonate skeletons of coral polyps, supporting a rich biodiversity of marine life.
  6. A dense, tropical wood land with lots of rain and warm temperatures, supporting a great variety of plants and animals.
  7. A large underground chamber in a hill or cliff, formed by natural processes, and potentially home to unique animals like bats or cave spiders.

13 Clues: A large area covered with trees, plants, and wildlife, providing a habitat for many living creatures.A large, slow-moving mass of ice formed from years of snowfall, found in high mountains or cold polar regions.A dry, barren area with very little rain or water, often characterized by sand, rocks, and extreme temperatures....

Nature 2023-05-04

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. landscape found in between mountains
  2. an insect that makes sound at night
  3. a blue-colored bird
  4. a yellow and white flower
  5. a type of tree
  6. main habitat is wetlands and ponds
  7. brown animal that eats grass
  8. definition for when rain/snow falls
  1. artificial lake where water is stored
  2. small yellow bird
  3. small fruit found in a bush
  4. a bird that climbs down trees
  5. tall flower that comes in many colors

13 Clues: a type of treesmall yellow birda blue-colored birda yellow and white flowersmall fruit found in a bushbrown animal that eats grassa bird that climbs down treesmain habitat is wetlands and pondsan insect that makes sound at nightdefinition for when rain/snow fallslandscape found in between mountainsartificial lake where water is stored...

nature 2022-12-12

nature crossword puzzle
  1. vesiputous
  2. villeläimet
  3. lampi
  4. tammi
  5. vuori
  6. kuusi
  7. ruoho
  1. kukkula
  2. järvi
  3. ympäristö
  4. koivu
  5. luonto
  6. sammal

13 Clues: järvikoivulampitammivuorikuusiruoholuontosammalkukkulaympäristövesiputousvilleläimet

Nature 2024-04-09

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. It is the highest points or summits of mountains or hills. They often offer breathtaking views
  2. Regular rise and fall of sea levels caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun. They occur twice a day and affect coastal regions worldwide.
  3. Daily event when the sun appears above the horizon, signaling the beginning of the day. It is often accompanied by beautiful colors in the sky.
  4. Dense area of trees, typically larger than a forest and often less managed or cultivated.
  5. Natural underground chambers or passages formed by the erosion of rock over time. They often contain unique geological formations and may serve as habitats for various animals.
  6. Top layer of the Earth's surface, composed of minerals, organic matter, water, air, and living organisms.
  1. Movement on the surface of water. It can be big or small and is caused by the wind blowing across the water or by something moving through the water, like a boat.
  2. To turn a liquid into a solid state by lowering its temperature below the freezing point.
  3. It refers to the daily event when the sun disappears below the horizon, resulting in the sky's colorful display of oranges, pinks, and purples. It marks the end of the day.
  4. Smaller, woody extensions that grow from the trunk or main stems of trees and shrubs.
  5. The main stem of a tree, from which branches and leaves grow. It provides structural support and transports water and nutrients between the roots and leaves.
  6. Early part of the morning when the sky begins to lighten before sunrise. It marks the transition from night to day.
  7. To move earth, soil, or other materials using a shovel, spade, or similar tool.

13 Clues: To move earth, soil, or other materials using a shovel, spade, or similar tool.Smaller, woody extensions that grow from the trunk or main stems of trees and shrubs.To turn a liquid into a solid state by lowering its temperature below the freezing point.Dense area of trees, typically larger than a forest and often less managed or cultivated....

Nature 2017-03-26

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Not night.
  2. Found on the sea bed.
  3. A type of bird.
  4. USed for food and entertainment
  5. A season.
  6. It's very salty.
  1. Look up.
  2. Come in all shapes and colours.
  3. A type of tree.
  4. The topic.
  5. Controls the tides.
  6. Found on the beach.
  7. It's all around us.

13 Clues: Look up.A season.Not night.The topic.A type of tree.A type of bird.It's very salty.Controls the tides.Found on the beach.It's all around us.Found on the sea bed.Come in all shapes and colours.USed for food and entertainment

Nature 2020-06-25

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. an animal without a back bone
  2. a group of similar living organisms
  3. the natural environment for a species
  4. when an animal preys on another animal
  5. the rising and falling of the sea
  6. a range of different species with an environment
  7. a variety of methods that animals use to move such as swimming and jumping
  1. when a species is introduced to an area
  2. an area of muddy land exposed during low tide
  3. when an animal sheds its skin to make way for new growth
  4. an area of sea shore that is covered by water during high tide and exposed during low tide
  5. where fresh water meets salt water
  6. the preservation of an animal, plant or land area

13 Clues: an animal without a back bonethe rising and falling of the seawhere fresh water meets salt watera group of similar living organismsthe natural environment for a specieswhen an animal preys on another animalwhen a species is introduced to an areaan area of muddy land exposed during low tidea range of different species with an environment...

Nature 2020-04-30

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Screeching bright green bird
  2. Paddy might have one in her garden
  3. this bird loves nigella
  4. a garden in Windsor park is dedicated to this shrub
  5. ten thousand saw I at a glance
  6. Paddy's favourite bird
  1. this tree deals well with urban pollution
  2. this friendly bird wanted to come into Paddy's house
  3. Paddy's lawn is bedecked with these in spring
  4. Strong smelling leaves from tree in Paddy's garden
  5. Durdle Door is this geographical feature
  6. this pretty pink flower climbs up Paddy's tree
  7. Paddy had one run through her garden

13 Clues: Paddy's favourite birdthis bird loves nigellaScreeching bright green birdten thousand saw I at a glancePaddy might have one in her gardenPaddy had one run through her gardenDurdle Door is this geographical featurethis tree deals well with urban pollutionPaddy's lawn is bedecked with these in springthis pretty pink flower climbs up Paddy's tree...

Nature 2022-04-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. is cool to see
  2. is great exercise in the mountains
  3. is fun to do outdoors
  4. are fun to catch and good to eat
  5. is cool to live in
  6. are in nature
  7. live in nature
  8. maintain in its original state
  1. is exciting
  2. are destructive and deadly
  3. are fun to climb
  4. are in the deer family
  5. hybernate in the winter

13 Clues: is excitingare in natureis cool to seelive in natureare fun to climbis cool to live inis fun to do outdoorsare in the deer familyhybernate in the winterare destructive and deadlymaintain in its original stateare fun to catch and good to eatis great exercise in the mountains

Nature 2022-04-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. is cool to see
  2. is great exercise in the mountains
  3. is fun to do outdoors
  4. are fun to catch and good to eat
  5. is cool to live in
  6. are in nature
  7. live in nature
  8. maintain in its original state
  1. is exciting
  2. are destructive and deadly
  3. are fun to climb
  4. are in the deer family
  5. hybernate in the winter

13 Clues: is excitingare in natureis cool to seelive in natureare fun to climbis cool to live inis fun to do outdoorsare in the deer familyhybernate in the winterare destructive and deadlymaintain in its original stateare fun to catch and good to eatis great exercise in the mountains

Nature 2022-04-22

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. haihtuminen
  2. vuorovesi
  3. puutavara
  4. levät
  5. uhanalainen
  1. eroosio
  2. hakkuu
  3. aavikko
  4. laji,lajit
  5. savanni
  6. luonto
  7. viemärivesi
  8. tulva

13 Clues: tulvaleväthakkuuluontoeroosioaavikkosavannivuorovesipuutavaralaji,lajithaihtuminenviemärivesiuhanalainen

Nature 2023-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A feathered animal that can fly. Birds have wings, beaks, and lay eggs. They come in various sizes, colors, and have beautiful songs.
  2. A large area covered with many trees, plants, and wildlife.
  3. A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
  4. A sandy or pebbly area along the shore of an ocean or lake.
  5. A large body of water surrounded by land. They are often peaceful and provide habitats for many water-loving plants and animals.
  6. A tall and rocky landform that rises high above the surrounding land.
  7. A flowing body of water that usually starts in mountains and flows to the sea.
  1. A tall plant with a thick trunk and many branches that grows in the ground.
  2. A colorful and fragrant part of a plant that blooms and attracts insects.
  3. The bright and shining star in our solar system that provides light and warmth to Earth. It gives us energy and helps plants grow.
  4. A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the sky.
  5. Drops of water that fall from the sky. Rain is important for plants, animals, and replenishing Earth's water sources.
  6. A shining point of light in the night sky.

13 Clues: A shining point of light in the night sky.A large area covered with many trees, plants, and wildlife.A sandy or pebbly area along the shore of an ocean or lake.A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the sky.A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface....

Nature 2023-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A feathered animal that can fly. Birds have wings, beaks, and lay eggs. They come in various sizes, colors, and have beautiful songs.
  2. A large area covered with many trees, plants, and wildlife.
  3. A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
  4. A sandy or pebbly area along the shore of an ocean or lake.
  5. A large body of water surrounded by land. They are often peaceful and provide habitats for many water-loving plants and animals.
  6. A tall and rocky landform that rises high above the surrounding land.
  7. A flowing body of water that usually starts in mountains and flows to the sea.
  1. A tall plant with a thick trunk and many branches that grows in the ground.
  2. A colorful and fragrant part of a plant that blooms and attracts insects.
  3. The bright and shining star in our solar system that provides light and warmth to Earth. It gives us energy and helps plants grow.
  4. A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the sky.
  5. Drops of water that fall from the sky. Rain is important for plants, animals, and replenishing Earth's water sources.
  6. A shining point of light in the night sky.

13 Clues: A shining point of light in the night sky.A large area covered with many trees, plants, and wildlife.A sandy or pebbly area along the shore of an ocean or lake.A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the sky.A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface....

Nature 2023-06-14

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. To develop and increase in size, like how plants grow from seeds.
  2. To run fast with a bounding stride, like how a horse gallops across a field.
  3. To move smoothly and quietly, like how a snake slithers across the ground.
  4. To jump or spring suddenly to catch prey, like how a tiger pounces on its prey.
  5. To fly high in the air with little effort, like how an eagle soars through the sky.
  6. To produce flowers, like how a beautiful rose blooms in the garden.
  1. To descend rapidly and smoothly from a height, like how a bird swoops down to catch prey.
  2. To fly or move quickly and lightly, like how a butterfly flutters its wings.
  3. To move slowly on hands and knees or with the body close to the ground, like how a caterpillar crawls.
  4. To make a deep, hollow sound, like how an owl hoots in the night.
  5. To move about in a proud or confident manner, like how a deer prances through the forest.
  6. To make a deep, loud sound, like how a lion roars in the jungle.
  7. To make a buzzing sound, like how bees buzz around flowers.

13 Clues: To make a buzzing sound, like how bees buzz around flowers.To make a deep, loud sound, like how a lion roars in the jungle.To develop and increase in size, like how plants grow from seeds.To make a deep, hollow sound, like how an owl hoots in the night.To produce flowers, like how a beautiful rose blooms in the garden....

Nature 2023-07-05

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. It's a tall and elevated landform that rises high above the surrounding landscape and is often covered with rocks and vegetation.
  2. It's a landform along the edge of an ocean, sea, lake, or river, characterized by sand or pebbles and often visited for recreation.
  3. It's the moment when the sun disappears below the horizon in the evening, creating a beautiful display of colors in the sky.
  4. It's a hollow space or underground passage that is formed naturally in the earth's surface and often contains interesting formations or minerals.
  5. It's a large area of land covered with many trees, plants, and wildlife, creating a natural habitat for various organisms.
  6. It's a meteorological phenomenon that forms a colorful arc in the sky after rainfall, caused by the reflection and dispersion of light.
  7. It's a low area of land between hills or mountains, often with a river or stream running through it.
  1. It's a large area of land covered with many trees, plants, and wildlife, creating a natural habitat for various organisms.
  2. It's a piece of land that is surrounded by water on all sides and is smaller than a continent.
  3. It's a natural feature where water flows vertically or steeply down a cliff or a rock face, often creating a beautiful cascade.
  4. It's a barren and arid land characterized by a lack of vegetation and receives very little rainfall.
  5. It's a large body of water that is surrounded by land and is usually freshwater, formed by natural processes or human activity.
  6. It's a large flowing body of water that moves in a specific direction, usually from higher to lower ground.
  7. It's the moment when the sun appears above the horizon in the morning, marking the beginning of a new day.

14 Clues: It's a piece of land that is surrounded by water on all sides and is smaller than a continent.It's a barren and arid land characterized by a lack of vegetation and receives very little rainfall.It's a low area of land between hills or mountains, often with a river or stream running through it....

Nature 2023-11-05

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A towering landform with a peak, often covered in snow, offering breathtaking views and challenging hikes.
  2. A stunning natural feature where water tumbles from a height, creating a beautiful cascade of water.
  3. A mountain with an opening that can erupt, spewing lava, ash, and gases, shaping the land over time.
  4. The moment when the sun sets below the horizon, casting a warm and colorful glow across the landscape.
  5. A sunny, sandy shoreline where the land meets the sea, perfect for building sandcastles and swimming.
  6. A flowing body of freshwater that winds through the land, providing a habitat for aquatic plants and animals.
  7. The moment when the sun rises above the horizon, painting the sky with brilliant colors and bringing a new day.
  8. A barren and dry landscape with little rainfall, known for its extreme temperatures and unique plant life.
  1. A colorful arc that appears in the sky after rain, created by sunlight refracting through raindrops.
  2. A stunning natural feature where water tumbles from a height, creating a beautiful cascade of water.
  3. A lush and tropical forest that receives abundant rainfall, home to a wide variety of plants and animals.
  4. The vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface, teeming with diverse marine life.
  5. Sky The night sky adorned with countless twinkling stars, often seen far away from city lights.
  6. A dense and vast area with many trees, plants, and wildlife. It's a natural home for various creatures.
  7. A dense and vast area with many trees, plants, and wildlife. It's a natural home for various creatures.

15 Clues: Sky The night sky adorned with countless twinkling stars, often seen far away from city lights.A colorful arc that appears in the sky after rain, created by sunlight refracting through raindrops.A stunning natural feature where water tumbles from a height, creating a beautiful cascade of water....

Nature 2023-09-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. dżungla
  2. środowisko
  3. wschodni
  4. północ
  5. las
  6. wietrzny
  7. przewidywać
  1. zanieczyszczenie
  2. pogoda
  3. piorun
  4. wyspa
  5. zamglony
  6. przelotny deszcz

13 Clues: laswyspapogodapiorunpółnocdżunglawschodnizamglonywietrznyśrodowiskoprzewidywaćzanieczyszczenieprzelotny deszcz

Nature 2024-06-26

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. a very small insect that lives under the ground
  2. a small furry animal with a long tail which climbs trees
  3. the hard outer covering of a tree
  4. The animal species can fly
  5. the part of a plant that is often brightly coloured and has a pleasant smell
  1. a clear liquid, without colour or taste
  2. a grey or white mass in the sky
  3. The animal species can fly
  4. found on beaches and in deserts
  5. the area above the earth, in which clouds, the sun can be seen
  6. part of the earth's surface,It has many shapes, sizes and colors
  7. one of the flat, usually green parts of a plant
  8. the surface of the earth
  9. a tall plant

14 Clues: a tall plantthe surface of the earthThe animal species can flyThe animal species can flya grey or white mass in the skyfound on beaches and in desertsthe hard outer covering of a treea clear liquid, without colour or tastea very small insect that lives under the groundone of the flat, usually green parts of a plant...

Nature 2024-11-04

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A colorful part of a plant that smells good
  2. A liquid that fills rivers, lakes, and oceans
  3. The big star in the sky that gives us light
  4. Water that falls from clouds
  5. The big blue space you see above you
  6. Area with sand by the ocean or lake
  1. A high part of land that reaches the sky where there is snow
  2. A fluffy white shape in the sky
  3. Green plants that cover the ground in fields
  4. A large area filled with trees
  5. Invisible air that moves
  6. A tall plant with branches and leaves
  7. A hard piece of earth found on the ground

13 Clues: Invisible air that movesWater that falls from cloudsA large area filled with treesA fluffy white shape in the skyArea with sand by the ocean or lakeThe big blue space you see above youA tall plant with branches and leavesA hard piece of earth found on the groundA colorful part of a plant that smells goodThe big star in the sky that gives us light...

Nature 2022-10-30

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. green and grows on other plants
  2. an object in the sky that is made of evaporated water
  3. *BONUS* a gemstone that is mostly a pretty pinkish red color and starts with a"P"
  4. a food with a shell
  5. an object that grows on pine trees
  6. a shiny object that is heavy and shiny
  7. a long yellow fruit, but is actually an "herb." forget I said that and it will be easier to answer this question...
  1. a sweet food that grow on other plants
  2. a valuable object with a short name as gem
  3. an orange animal that looks like a cat combined with a dog and is very sly
  4. made of wood and has leaves
  5. a body of water that is small
  6. molten rock

13 Clues: molten rocka food with a shellmade of wood and has leavesa body of water that is smallgreen and grows on other plantsan object that grows on pine treesa sweet food that grow on other plantsa shiny object that is heavy and shinya valuable object with a short name as geman object in the sky that is made of evaporated water...