nouns Crossword Puzzles

Unit 2 2024-11-06

Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. 첫번째
  2. 2x2
  3. 도시들
  4. 수학
  5. 산들
  6. 지리학
  7. 예술
  8. 2÷2
  9. 그후에
  10. 공부하다
  11. 과학
  12. 고대그리스사람들
  1. 고대로마사람들
  2. 명사
  3. 마침내
  4. 2-2
  5. 페인트칠하다
  6. 그리다
  7. 화학
  8. 과목
  9. 2+2
  10. 생물학
  11. 강들
  12. 다음
  13. 작은도시
  14. 역사
  15. 동사

27 Clues: 명사화학수학과목산들예술강들다음역사과학동사첫번째마침내2-22x2그리다도시들지리학2+2생물학2÷2그후에공부하다작은도시페인트칠하다고대로마사람들고대그리스사람들

Mexico Vocabulary 2022-05-20

Mexico Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. I have
  2. but
  3. I
  4. nothing
  5. thank you
  6. when
  7. this (for singular masculine nouns)
  1. now
  2. everything
  3. us
  4. already
  5. something
  6. for, to
  7. that
  8. of, from

15 Clues: IusnowbutthatwhenI havealreadynothingfor, toof, fromsomethingthank youeverythingthis (for singular masculine nouns)

July Review 2021-07-27

July Review crossword puzzle
  1. possessive nouns show this
  2. No apostrophe when possessive
  3. nouns which always need apostrophes
  4. good, better, best “Best” is the ____
  5. Is, are, am, have been: ____ verbs
  1. avoid using double ______________
  2. follows action verb:_____ object
  3. a noun in the predicate; follows l.verb
  4. homonym of “rain”
  5. phrases that don't include direct objects

10 Clues: homonym of “rain”possessive nouns show thisNo apostrophe when possessivefollows action verb:_____ objectavoid using double ______________Is, are, am, have been: ____ verbsnouns which always need apostrophesgood, better, best “Best” is the ____a noun in the predicate; follows l.verbphrases that don't include direct objects

Parts of speech 2023-10-01

Parts of speech crossword puzzle
  1. beautiful is an ...
  2. Laugh is an ... verb
  3. In, at, on, to are ...
  4. Words that take the place of nouns
  1. Conjunctions are words that link words, ..., or clauses
  2. Stative verbs often relate to thoughts and ...
  3. A word that modifies a verb
  4. A word that shows an action
  5. A word or phrase used to express a feeling
  6. One, two, three etc. are ...
  7. Tree and leaf are ...

11 Clues: beautiful is an ...Laugh is an ... verbTree and leaf are ...In, at, on, to are ...A word that modifies a verbA word that shows an actionOne, two, three etc. are ...Words that take the place of nounsA word or phrase used to express a feelingStative verbs often relate to thoughts and ...Conjunctions are words that link words, ..., or clauses

parts of speach crossword 2021-12-16

parts of speach crossword crossword puzzle
  1. shows superiority in a list of nouns
  2. refers to the subject and is necessary to the basic meaning of the sentence
  3. the,an,a
  4. joins words phrases and clauses
  5. introduces a adjective clause
  6. a word that expresses strong emotion
  7. person,place,thing
  1. describes a nouns appearance
  2. for,and,nor,but,or,yet,so
  3. an adjective used to indicate a particular noun
  4. can be added to a verb to modify its meaning
  5. action word
  6. adjectives that can be rearranged and still make sense
  7. a word used in place of a noun
  8. a word placed before a noun to form a phrase that modifies another word

15 Clues: the,an,aaction wordperson,place,thingfor,and,nor,but,or,yet,sodescribes a nouns appearanceintroduces a adjective clausea word used in place of a nounjoins words phrases and clausesshows superiority in a list of nounsa word that expresses strong emotioncan be added to a verb to modify its meaningan adjective used to indicate a particular noun...

Chapter 1 Vocabulary & Terms 2024-08-17

Chapter 1 Vocabulary & Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Reveals the function of a noun in a sentence
  2. Dative singular form of "farmer"
  3. Genitive plural form of "girl"
  4. Dative or Ablative plural form of "wolf"
  5. Nouns in the first declension are primarily
  6. Accusative plural form of "land"
  1. The wolf loves and [this in Latin] of Romulus and Remus
  2. A family of nouns which follow a similar pattern
  3. Nominative singular form of "water"
  4. Accusative singular form of "poet"
  5. Nominative plural form of "sailor"
  6. He/she/it walks
  7. He/she/it loves

13 Clues: He/she/it walksHe/she/it lovesGenitive plural form of "girl"Dative singular form of "farmer"Accusative plural form of "land"Accusative singular form of "poet"Nominative plural form of "sailor"Nominative singular form of "water"Dative or Ablative plural form of "wolf"Nouns in the first declension are primarily...

Unit19-nouns 2014-12-25

Unit19-nouns crossword puzzle
  1. weather forecast
  2. Schnee
  3. Landkarte
  4. Vorhersage
  5. Regenschauer
  6. Temperatur
  7. Hauptwörter
  1. Wolke
  2. Regen/ Niederschlag
  3. Gewitter
  4. Wetteransager
  5. Nebel
  6. Wettervorhersage
  7. Skala/ Maßeinteilung

14 Clues: WolkeNebelSchneeGewitterLandkarteVorhersageTemperaturHauptwörterRegenschauerWetteransagerweather forecastWettervorhersageRegen/ NiederschlagSkala/ Maßeinteilung

Latin: Stage 3 noun grammar (practice quiz) 2022-01-18

Latin: Stage 3 noun grammar (practice quiz) crossword puzzle
  1. the accusative of Quintus
  2. the accusative of venalicius (slave-dealer)
  3. the accusative of mercator (merchant)
  4. the accusative of tonsor (barber)
  5. an abbreviation; how we describe nominative singular nouns in the 3rd declension
  6. the accusative of filia
  7. the accusative of mensa (table)
  8. the accusative of navis (ship)
  9. the accusative of Metella
  10. a group of nouns with common endings
  11. the accusative of Caecilius
  1. the noun that receives the action; direct object
  2. the accusative of coquus
  3. the accusative of Cerberus
  4. the accusative of pavo (peacock)
  5. the accusative of pater
  6. the accusative of Grumio
  7. the accusative of canis
  8. the noun that does the action; subject
  9. the accusative of via (street)
  10. the accusative of Clemens
  11. the accusative of mons (mountain)
  12. the accusative of mater
  13. the accusative of filius

24 Clues: the accusative of paterthe accusative of canisthe accusative of filiathe accusative of materthe accusative of coquusthe accusative of Grumiothe accusative of filiusthe accusative of Quintusthe accusative of Clemensthe accusative of Metellathe accusative of Cerberusthe accusative of Caeciliusthe accusative of via (street)...

Writing 2016-03-27

Writing crossword puzzle
  1. also
  2. describes or modifies a noun or pronouns
  3. ownership
  4. comma, period, question make, etc.
  5. ownership
  6. two words combined into one by adding an apostrophe and taking away some letters
  7. starts a prepositional phrase
  8. person, place, or thing
  9. concludes an essay
  10. describes a verb (how?, when?, where?)
  11. correct capitalization, use nouns and verbs properly, punctuation is correct, spelling is correct
  12. shows sequence
  13. attention words
  1. number
  2. place/position
  3. shows comparison
  4. supports the main idea of an essay
  5. action or being
  6. join things (and, but, so)
  7. contraction of they+are
  8. the main idea of an essay
  9. contraction of you+are
  10. stand for nouns
  11. place/position
  12. apostrophe + "s"
  13. adding, removing, substituting words or sentences
  14. shows ownership
  15. contraction
  16. attention grabber in your essay

29 Clues: alsonumberownershipownershipcontractionplace/positionplace/positionshows sequenceaction or beingstand for nounsshows ownershipattention wordsshows comparisonapostrophe + "s"concludes an essaycontraction of you+arecontraction of they+areperson, place, or thingthe main idea of an essayjoin things (and, but, so)starts a prepositional phrase...

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives 2023-04-26

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. The type of adjective that compares two nouns
  2. Superlative form of "happy"
  3. Comparative form of "tiny"
  4. Comparative form of "easy"
  5. The superlative form of "good"
  6. Superlative form of "tiny"
  7. Comparative form of "fast"
  8. Comparative form of "big"
  9. The superlative form of "bad"
  10. The comparative adjective used when you cannot add -er to the end of a word
  11. Comparative form of "small"
  12. Comparative form of "small"
  1. Superlative form of "red"
  2. The comparative form of "bad"
  3. Comparative form of "nice"
  4. The type of adjective that compares three or more nouns
  5. The superlative adjective used when you cannot add -est to the end of a word
  6. Superlative form of "fast"
  7. Superlative form of "nice"
  8. Superlative form of "easy"
  9. The comparative form of "good"
  10. Superlative form of "big"
  11. Comparative form of "red"
  12. Comparative form of "happy"

24 Clues: Superlative form of "red"Superlative form of "big"Comparative form of "big"Comparative form of "red"Comparative form of "nice"Superlative form of "fast"Superlative form of "nice"Comparative form of "tiny"Superlative form of "easy"Comparative form of "easy"Superlative form of "tiny"Comparative form of "fast"Superlative form of "happy"...

Noun and Verb Review 2018-02-21

Noun and Verb Review crossword puzzle
  1. nouns in this case are indirect objects
  2. number of conjugations
  3. I am
  4. sailor of the world
  5. tense marker for the pluperfect tense
  6. number of noun declensions
  7. lamb of God
  8. _____, person number tense voice mood
  9. shows relationship or connection “of”
  10. ya’ll are
  11. tense used for ongoing action in the past
  12. tense for past past translated “had VERBed”
  1. they had stood
  2. tense marker for the imperfect tense
  3. nouns in this case are direct objects
  4. tense marker for the future perfect tense
  5. subject case
  6. tense used for action happening now
  7. _____, gender number case
  8. I loved
  9. prepositional phrase case “in, by, with, from”
  10. tense for future past translated “will have VERBed”
  11. tense marker for the future tense
  12. tense used for simple, completed past action

24 Clues: I amI lovedya’ll arelamb of Godsubject casethey had stoodsailor of the worldnumber of conjugations_____, gender number casenumber of noun declensionstense marker for the future tensetense used for action happening nowtense marker for the imperfect tensenouns in this case are direct objectstense marker for the pluperfect tense...

Parts of Speech Crossword Puzzle 2024-02-13

Parts of Speech Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Modifies or describes verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
  2. Expresses emotions or sentiments.
  3. Words used to replace nouns.
  4. Words that name people, places, things, or ideas.
  1. Modifies or describes nouns or pronouns.
  2. Describes actions or states of being.
  3. Joins words, phrases, or clauses.
  4. Shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word.

8 Clues: Words used to replace nouns.Joins words, phrases, or clauses.Expresses emotions or sentiments.Describes actions or states of being.Modifies or describes nouns or pronouns.Words that name people, places, things, or ideas.Modifies or describes verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.Shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word.

ENL 1962 - Chapter 1 and 2 Review 2020-09-20

ENL 1962 - Chapter 1 and 2 Review crossword puzzle
  1. Words that describe nouns and pronouns
  2. Words that connect other words or groups of words are...
  3. The part of speech that answers the questions How? and When? is a/an...
  4. A comma splice can be corrected by changing the comma to a ___.
  5. The complete subject of a sentence includes a noun or pronoun and all its _____.
  6. I, us, they, and hers are examples of...
  7. A comma splice can be corrected by changing the comma to a ___.
  8. The verb phrase ‘must have been’ is considered to be a ___ verb
  1. that express an action, an occurrence, or a state of being are..
  2. A complement may be a noun, a pronoun, or an _______.
  3. ‘Wow,’’ well,’ and ‘oh’ are examples of...
  4. The subject of a command or imperative sentence is always ___
  5. Two complete sentences incorrectly joined by a comma create a comma ___
  6. Names for persons, places, things, qualities, concepts, and activities are...
  7. Beautiful, small, three, and lovely are examples of...
  8. Words that have the same functions as and often substitute for nouns are...
  9. Words such as by, in, and of that join noun or pronoun objects to other words in sentences are...

17 Clues: Words that describe nouns and pronounsI, us, they, and hers are examples of...‘Wow,’’ well,’ and ‘oh’ are examples of...A complement may be a noun, a pronoun, or an _______.Beautiful, small, three, and lovely are examples of...Words that connect other words or groups of words are...The subject of a command or imperative sentence is always ___...

Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, and Verbs 2023-08-22

Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, and Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Jump, yell, sleep, and sing are all examples of an ______ verb.
  2. A verb that does not show action but describes the subject instead.
  3. His, her, they, it, this, and them are all ________.
  4. ___________ nouns can be detected by the five senses.
  1. Adjectives describe _____ ______, how much, or which one. (Answer is two words, no space)
  2. What do you always do to proper nouns? You _________ them.
  3. A word that takes the place of a noun.
  4. ________ verbs always have two verbs.
  5. An __________ noun is one that you can't touch or prove is there.
  6. Adjectives use the 5 _________ to describe nouns

10 Clues: ________ verbs always have two verbs.A word that takes the place of a noun.Adjectives use the 5 _________ to describe nounsHis, her, they, it, this, and them are all ________.___________ nouns can be detected by the five senses.What do you always do to proper nouns? You _________ them.Jump, yell, sleep, and sing are all examples of an ______ verb....

Nouns 2021-06-02

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. A specific area or region of the world
  2. Someone who attends a school
  3. It consists of 24 hours
  4. The name given to something
  5. A place for teaching and learning
  6. A topic that is being talked about
  7. An extent or area available for or used up by some activity or thing
  8. The earth and all the people and things on it
  9. Road ...
  1. A president rules this place
  2. To train or influence
  3. The time at which an event occursspot
  4. Something that needs an answer
  5. A place where singers sing at a concert
  6. Organs that we use to see
  7. A daughter or a son
  8. Adult female

17 Clues: Road ...Adult femaleA daughter or a sonTo train or influenceIt consists of 24 hoursOrgans that we use to seeThe name given to somethingA president rules this placeSomeone who attends a schoolSomething that needs an answerA place for teaching and learningA topic that is being talked aboutThe time at which an event occursspot...

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. fruit and vegetables
  2. a small and warm place to eat
  3. amazing scenery
  4. a quiet area of green space
  5. an aircraft company
  6. a place that is listed as having special significance
  7. the outer ssurface of sth
  8. a deep loud sound
  1. an outdoor structure used for events
  2. a product which is extremely good in a restaurant or place
  3. a view of a wide area
  4. a large area by the coast where boats are kept
  5. a market with second-hand goods
  6. the inside of sth
  7. the weather of a region
  8. a small building in which tea is served
  9. a meauserement of an area of land

17 Clues: amazing scenerythe inside of stha deep loud soundan aircraft companyfruit and vegetablesa view of a wide areathe weather of a regionthe outer ssurface of stha quiet area of green spacea small and warm place to eata market with second-hand goodsa meauserement of an area of landan outdoor structure used for events...

NOUNS 2022-05-14

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a large hole in the ground
  2. a large stone structure where sb is buried
  3. to be the ruler of a country
  4. an intersting or characteristic part of sth
  5. the male ruler of a group of countries
  6. the place where sb is buried
  7. the look on sb face
  8. great beauty
  9. a two wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse, used in ancient times
  1. a hard solid, mineral substance
  2. property
  3. a strong building used for defence from attack
  4. reddish Brown clay
  5. a kind of hard rock used in building and sculpture
  6. the shape and size of sb body
  7. earth that becomes hard when baked
  8. a substance that is hard, i.e. iron,gold etc

17 Clues: propertygreat beautyreddish Brown claythe look on sb facea large hole in the groundto be the ruler of a countrythe place where sb is buriedthe shape and size of sb bodya hard solid, mineral substanceearth that becomes hard when bakedthe male ruler of a group of countriesa large stone structure where sb is buried...

Capitalization 2023-09-18

Capitalization crossword puzzle
  1. Set of letters that are capitalized. Example: U.S.A
  2. _________ that come from proper nouns get capitalized.
  3. 50 of these in the United States
  4. What part of the sentence should be capitalized?
  5. Where somebody lives
  6. A fun day that gets capitalized.
  7. _______ floating sphere in space that is capitalized.
  8. 195 in the world always get capitalized
  9. Large body of water that gets capitalized
  1. 'I' is a _______ that always gets capitalized.
  2. The first word in a _______ should be capitalized.
  3. Capitalize someone's ______ every time.
  4. Parts of a week that are capitalized.
  5. One of 7 places in the world
  6. Every _______ in a poem should be capitalized.
  7. The name of a business
  8. Times of the year that do not get capitalized.
  9. A part of the year that should be capitalized.
  10. _______ nouns should be capitalized.
  11. The ______ of something should always be capitalized.

20 Clues: Where somebody livesThe name of a businessOne of 7 places in the world50 of these in the United StatesA fun day that gets capitalized._______ nouns should be capitalized.Parts of a week that are capitalized.Capitalize someone's ______ every time.195 in the world always get capitalizedLarge body of water that gets capitalized...

Evaluate Grammar Knowledge 2024-01-17

Evaluate Grammar Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. A small word that “positions” one noun in relation to another noun in a sentence.
  2. The part of a sentence that states the action the subject of the sentence performed.
  3. A collection of words that communicate a complete thought in the form of a narrative or little story consisting of a subject (person, place or thing) performing an action (physical or mental).
  4. The action that a subject of a sentence performs.
  5. Small words that indicate nouns.
  6. Words that substitute for nouns.
  7. A person, place, or thing.
  8. A noun directly receiving the action of a sentence.
  9. A collection of words that contains a subject (a person or thing performing the action of a sentence) and an action (verb).
  1. A noun performing the action of a sentence.
  2. A group of words that form a part of a clause and act as a unit.
  3. Describes or modifies nouns, pronouns, etc.
  4. A noun indirectly receiving the action of a sentence.
  5. A word used to connect clauses (see definition of clause below) or words in a sentence.
  6. Words that describe or modify verbs.

15 Clues: A person, place, or thing.Small words that indicate nouns.Words that substitute for nouns.Words that describe or modify verbs.A noun performing the action of a sentence.Describes or modifies nouns, pronouns, etc.The action that a subject of a sentence performs.A noun directly receiving the action of a sentence....

Lesson 9 2021-10-26

Lesson 9 crossword puzzle
  1. The combining form from the Latin word gestus
  2. Take
  3. Front, in front
  4. Face, appearance, surface
  5. Above
  6. The combining form from the Latin word dūcere
  7. (Upper) arm
  8. Slide, slip
  9. safe, protected
  10. The combining form from the Latin word lābī
  11. (Begin to) grow
  12. Cut
  13. The combining form meaning ‘make’ that is found in many English verbs
  14. Make
  15. The genitive case ending dropped from Latin present participles to find the combining form
  16. Side
  1. Bring forth, give birth
  2. Fever
  3. Finger, toe
  4. The combining form from the Latin word crescere
  5. Carry, bear
  6. Suffix that forms nouns meaning agent or instrument
  7. Stable, fixed
  8. Lead, bring, conduct
  9. Bend
  10. Be swollen
  11. Below
  12. Suffix forms adjectives meaning in a state or condition of
  13. Suffix that forms nouns meaning the act of (being), the state of (being)
  14. Suffix that forms adjectives meaning capable of (being)

30 Clues: CutTakeBendMakeSideFeverAboveBelowBe swollenFinger, toeCarry, bear(Upper) armSlide, slipStable, fixedFront, in frontsafe, protected(Begin to) growLead, bring, conductBring forth, give birthFace, appearance, surfaceThe combining form from the Latin word lābīThe combining form from the Latin word gestusThe combining form from the Latin word dūcere...

Figurative Language Terms 2023-06-01

Figurative Language Terms crossword puzzle
  1. __________ adjectives such as "shrivelled," "brilliant," or "bombastic"
  2. "The barn was very large and very old. It smelled of hay. It smelled of the perspiration of tired horses."
  3. "pitter patter of raindrops"
  4. "Toss the glass, boss."
  5. a single row of words in a poem
  6. nouns with no physical existence
  7. pattern of syllables
  8. "very very carefully. I carefully crept"
  9. "Susie works in a shoeshine shop"
  10. "Laughter is the best medicine."
  1. "jumbo shrimp" or "loud silence"
  2. A line or set of lines repeated throughout a poem.
  3. a group of lines in a poem
  4. "Money is my only friend"
  5. two lines together that rhyme (a rhyming ____)
  6. a sentence or thought that takes up more than 1 line of poetry
  7. "I wandered as lonely as a cloud "
  8. nouns that do exist physically
  9. "this many summatives is killing us!"
  10. "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."

20 Clues: pattern of syllables"Toss the glass, boss.""Money is my only friend"a group of lines in a poem"pitter patter of raindrops"nouns that do exist physicallya single row of words in a poem"jumbo shrimp" or "loud silence"nouns with no physical existence"Laughter is the best medicine.""Susie works in a shoeshine shop""I wandered as lonely as a cloud "...

PCSD 290 Extra Credit 2022-10-27

PCSD 290 Extra Credit crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for limiting adjectives (determiners)
  2. The study of the form of words (morphology)
  3. Percent of words used that are adjectives in school aged children's language through adulthood (twenty)
  4. The study of the function of words (syntax)
  5. The three moods of a verb: Indicative, Imperative & ______ (subjunctive)
  6. Words that describe a person, place, thing or abstraction (noun)
  7. Percent of early childhood words that are nouns (sixty)
  8. Pronoun use begins in Brown's Stage ______ (one)
  9. A word that functions to link words, phrases and clauses together and keep speech fluid (conjunction)
  10. The first common conjunction used by two year olds (and)
  11. True adjectives that can be graded are called this (descriptive)
  12. ______ rules for counting number of words (templins)
  13. An action that describes what a subject is doing (verb)
  14. Adjectives are used in the first ______ words. (fifty)
  1. Verbals with the form "to + verb" (infinitives)
  2. ______ reversals are a common error in early childhood (pronoun)
  3. Descriptive modifiers that refer to nouns & pronouns & can be simple or compound (adjective)
  4. The earliest common subordinating conjunction (because)
  5. The type of morpheme that specifies a relationship between other morphemes, such as prepositions, articles and conjunctions (grammatical)
  6. Percent of adjectives used in early childhood (fifteen)
  7. Type of adverb that takes the longest to develop (conjunctive)
  8. Type of adjective that follows a copular verb (predicate)
  9. Modifiers are this percent of first 50 words (ten)
  10. A word that describes a verb (adverb)
  11. Earliest nouns used are common and ______ (concrete)

25 Clues: A word that describes a verb (adverb)The study of the form of words (morphology)The study of the function of words (syntax)Verbals with the form "to + verb" (infinitives)Pronoun use begins in Brown's Stage ______ (one)Another name for limiting adjectives (determiners)Modifiers are this percent of first 50 words (ten)...

Nouns 2021-03-22

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. A striped,of a car, Jimmy´s
  2. Two apples were hanging from a high branch.
  3. Books,Cats,Cars,Boxes,Watches
  4. is a word, phrase, or clause that modifies another word in the same sentence.
  5. is a noun that becomes plural by changing its spelling in other ways than adding an “s” or “es” to the end of the word
  1. Two indices were incomplete.
  2. those whose spelling do not change even when there is a change in number. They usually end with “s” if they are in plural form. Examples: Bat – Bats.
  3. men,people,mice,children,women,feet,teeth,lice
  4. a gold watch. a leather purse. a metal box.

9 Clues: A striped,of a car, Jimmy´sTwo indices were incomplete.Books,Cats,Cars,Boxes,Watchesa gold watch. a leather purse. a metal box.Two apples were hanging from a high,people,mice,children,women,feet,teeth,liceis a word, phrase, or clause that modifies another word in the same sentence....

NOUNS 2022-05-14

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. the early morning
  2. a person who watches sth
  3. the activity of working on a farm
  4. anything that is a living being
  5. a piece of
  6. severe hunger
  7. a piece of planned work whose aim is to protect natural areas
  1. a different choice
  2. gained knowledge or skill
  3. clothes that look ridiculous
  4. a short funny performance
  5. environment;natural home
  6. a woman
  7. the sound sb makes when they think sth is funny
  8. possibility
  9. the thick, soft hair that covers animals bodies
  10. kind of

17 Clues: a womankind ofa piece ofpossibilitysevere hungerthe early morninga different choicea person who watches sthenvironment;natural homegained knowledge or skilla short funny performanceclothes that look ridiculousanything that is a living beingthe activity of working on a farmthe sound sb makes when they think sth is funny...

NOUNS 2022-05-14

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a large hole in the ground
  2. a large stone structure where sb is buried
  3. to be the ruler of a country
  4. an intersting or characteristic part of sth
  5. the male ruler of a group of countries
  6. the place where sb is buried
  7. the look on sb face
  8. great beauty
  9. a two wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse, used in ancient times
  1. a hard solid, mineral substance
  2. property
  3. a strong building used for defence from attack
  4. reddish Brown clay
  5. a kind of hard rock used in building and sculpture
  6. the shape and size of sb body
  7. earth that becomes hard when baked
  8. a substance that is hard, i.e. iron,gold etc

17 Clues: propertygreat beautyreddish Brown claythe look on sb facea large hole in the groundto be the ruler of a countrythe place where sb is buriedthe shape and size of sb bodya hard solid, mineral substanceearth that becomes hard when bakedthe male ruler of a group of countriesa large stone structure where sb is buried...

NOUNS 2022-05-14

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a large hole in the ground
  2. a large stone structure where sb is buried
  3. to be the ruler of a country
  4. an intersting or characteristic part of sth
  5. the male ruler of a group of countries
  6. the place where sb is buried
  7. the look on sb face
  8. great beauty
  9. a two wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse, used in ancient times
  1. a hard solid, mineral substance
  2. property
  3. a strong building used for defence from attack
  4. reddish Brown clay
  5. a kind of hard rock used in building and sculpture
  6. the shape and size of sb body
  7. earth that becomes hard when baked
  8. a substance that is hard, i.e. iron,gold etc

17 Clues: propertygreat beautyreddish Brown claythe look on sb facea large hole in the groundto be the ruler of a countrythe place where sb is buriedthe shape and size of sb bodya hard solid, mineral substanceearth that becomes hard when bakedthe male ruler of a group of countriesa large stone structure where sb is buried...

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a long tin piece of sth
  2. a tiny red fruit
  3. a square or rectangular container in which people pack items
  4. a procession of people
  5. a model of a person or animal
  6. sth made in a factory and sold
  7. a round orange fruit which is juicy
  8. an object usu made of glass or plastic that contains liquid i.e. water, soft drink etc
  1. a passage between the lines of goods in a supermarket
  2. a container with handles used to carry things
  3. a round vegetable with a Brown skin which grows underground
  4. a shop where you can buy bread and cakes
  5. a vegetable that can be used in cooking and salads and when it id cut it makes the eyes sting and water
  6. a group of things that are fastened or held together
  7. 1.000 kilos
  8. topic
  9. a place many people go to for rest, sport etc

17 Clues: topic1.000 kilosa tiny red fruita procession of peoplea long tin piece of stha model of a person or animalsth made in a factory and solda round orange fruit which is juicya shop where you can buy bread and cakesa container with handles used to carry thingsa place many people go to for rest, sport etc...

Unit 1 Review 2013-09-08

Unit 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. the author's purpose that gives you information
  2. Missing subject, predicate, or complete idea.
  3. Prove the main idea
  4. textual evidence + background knowledge
  5. What pronouns refer to/replace.
  6. do not add an apostrophe for _________
  7. What the author wants you to know about the topic.
  1. Not related to the main idea.
  2. the line in an article that states the main idea
  3. add an _______ to make most nouns show ownership
  4. Pronouns that refer to unspecified things
  5. Wraps up the paragraph.
  6. The main idea in a few words.
  7. the author's purpose that is used for short stories
  8. the author's purpose that tells you how to do something
  9. titles of complete works should be underlined or in ___________
  10. Replace nouns.

17 Clues: Replace nouns.Prove the main ideaWraps up the paragraph.Not related to the main idea.The main idea in a few words.What pronouns refer to/ not add an apostrophe for _________textual evidence + background knowledgePronouns that refer to unspecified thingsMissing subject, predicate, or complete idea....

Determiners and Demonstratives 2022-08-16

Determiners and Demonstratives crossword puzzle
  1. a demonstrative used with plural nouns that are near the speaker and it rhymes with cheese
  2. the definite article.
  3. a demonstrative used with plural nouns that are far away from the speaker and it rhymes with hose
  4. The indefinite article that is used before a word starting with a vowel sound.
  5. a quantifier used to indicate almost all the parts of a group and it rhymes with host
  1. a quantifier used to indicate everything inside a group and it rhymes with battery
  2. a quantifier used to indicate that either this or that will continue the sentence and it rhymes with deeper
  3. a quantifier used to indicate two things are included,this and that and it also rhymes with growth
  4. a demonstrative used with singular nouns that are near the speaker and it rhymes with bliss
  5. a demonstrative used with singular nouns that are far away from the speaker and it rhymes with sat

10 Clues: the definite article.The indefinite article that is used before a word starting with a vowel sound.a quantifier used to indicate everything inside a group and it rhymes with batterya quantifier used to indicate almost all the parts of a group and it rhymes with host...

Q3 Spanish Interim Review Crucigrama 2023-03-16

Q3 Spanish Interim Review Crucigrama crossword puzzle
  1. This period of Picasso represented: tristeza
  2. capital city of Spain
  3. last name of most famous artist of 20th century
  4. "Fall in Spanish"
  5. 39+1 en español
  6. Yo/Tú are examples of nouns that code for nouns ex. Mr. Alexander (He)
  7. A word that looks just like the source and target language.
  1. Subject-verb agreement in Spanish.
  2. Means time and weather in Spanish.
  3. birthplace of Picasso and famous painting representing the destruction.
  4. "Sunday in Spanish"
  5. L and R are these types of letters in Spanish.
  6. The agreement of gender and number in Spanish
  7. Masculine plural word that means (some).
  8. Means "the" in Spanish

15 Clues: 39+1 en español"Fall in Spanish""Sunday in Spanish"capital city of SpainMeans "the" in SpanishSubject-verb agreement in Spanish.Means time and weather in Spanish.Masculine plural word that means (some).This period of Picasso represented: tristezaThe agreement of gender and number in SpanishL and R are these types of letters in Spanish....

Vocab & Grammar 6th grade 2022-09-16

Vocab & Grammar 6th grade crossword puzzle
  1. something that is repeated
  2. a person who moves around from place to place
  3. to use an animal/plant to produce food
  4. the first letter of a sentence must be this
  5. an action
  1. the force that holds us on Earth
  2. these nouns are specific nouns
  3. a sentence must end with this
  4. strength or energy
  5. a word that describes a noun
  6. a person, place, or thing

11 Clues: an actionstrength or energya person, place, or thingsomething that is repeateda word that describes a nouna sentence must end with thisthese nouns are specific nounsthe force that holds us on Earthto use an animal/plant to produce foodthe first letter of a sentence must be thisa person who moves around from place to place

ELA Terms 2024-03-21

ELA Terms crossword puzzle
  1. a conjunction: For, And,Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
  2. one independent clause, one dependent clause, and a subordinating conjunction
  3. person, place, thing, or idea
  4. two independent clauses and a FANBOYS
  5. has a subject or a verb
  6. nonspecific nouns
  7. has a subject and a verb
  8. a noun/object that receives the action or verb
  9. the action of the sentence
  1. describes a verb, usually ends in LY
  2. two independent clauses, a FANBOYS, a dependent clause, and a subordinating conjunction
  3. describes a noun or pronoun
  4. the person receiving the object from the action
  5. replaces a noun because the noun has been mentioned earlier in the sentence
  6. specific nouns, always capitalized
  7. one independent clause

16 Clues: nonspecific nounsone independent clausehas a subject or a verbhas a subject and a verbthe action of the sentencedescribes a noun or pronounperson, place, thing, or ideaspecific nouns, always capitalizeddescribes a verb, usually ends in LYtwo independent clauses and a FANBOYSa conjunction: For, And,Nor, But, Or, Yet, So...

Literacy 2024-09-05

Literacy crossword puzzle
  1. Describes a noun.
  2. or thing.
  3. A person place or thing ,Emotions.
  4. Name of a particular person or thing.
  5. thinking about being words.
  6. General word used for person, animal
  7. Replaces a noun.
  8. Describes how an action occurs.
  1. Word that sound the same but have different meaning.
  2. word or group used before a noun
  3. Something we cant see or touch.
  4. connects clauses or words together.
  5. Made of 2 nouns together.
  6. Name of group of people and things.
  7. Provides location ,time.
  8. Direct-speech quotes that repeat ea

16 Clues: or thing.Replaces a noun.Describes a noun.Provides location ,time.Made of 2 nouns together.thinking about being words.Something we cant see or touch.Describes how an action occurs.word or group used before a nounA person place or thing ,Emotions.connects clauses or words together.Name of group of people and things....

NOUNS 2022-05-14

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a tropical forest
  2. a veranda
  3. a difficult or demanding task
  4. a group of people who watch carefully the way sth happens
  5. sb who hunts animals illegally
  6. a danger to sth
  7. place
  8. chasing an animal for food or sport
  1. a study; a research
  2. the side of a hill or mountain which rises abruptly
  3. organisation
  4. a set of animals or plants that can breed with each other
  5. parts of an animal that people eat
  6. a bed consisting of a net tied between two supports
  7. an organised group of people
  8. a place made by a bird or insect for its eggs
  9. a material that is loosely wovwn so it allows small objects through and traps others

17 Clues: placea verandaorganisationa danger to stha tropical foresta study; a researchan organised group of peoplea difficult or demanding tasksb who hunts animals illegallyparts of an animal that people eatchasing an animal for food or sporta place made by a bird or insect for its eggsthe side of a hill or mountain which rises abruptly...

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a large house in a warm country
  2. sth boring that needs to be one
  3. a house which is not joined to another house
  4. and area of land belonging to a house and situated in front of it
  5. an electrical device used in the used
  6. a small house in the countryside
  7. a house which is joined to another house on one side
  8. a perfect place
  9. buildings for people tol ive in
  1. a large buiding with many flats
  2. the central part of a large town esp where most shops are
  3. a house which is joined to other houses on both sides
  4. a large area of land covered with trees
  5. floor
  6. sight
  7. a flat at the top of a building
  8. a house that has only one floor

17 Clues: floorsighta perfect placea large buiding with many flatsa large house in a warm countrysth boring that needs to be onea flat at the top of a buildinga house that has only one floorbuildings for people tol ive ina small house in the countrysidean electrical device used in the useda large area of land covered with trees...

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a long tin piece of sth
  2. an object usu made of glass or plastic that contains liquid i.e. water, soft drink etc
  3. a round vegetable with a Brown skin which grows underground
  4. a passage between the lines of goods in a supermarket
  5. a container with handles used to carry things
  6. a vegetable that can be used in cooking and salads and when it id cut it makes the eyes sting and water
  7. a square or rectangular container in which people pack items
  8. a shop where you can buy bread and cakes
  9. a procession of people
  10. a group of things that are fastened or held together
  1. topic
  2. a place many people go to for rest, sport etc
  3. a model of a person or animal
  4. a tiny red fruit
  5. 1.000 kilos
  6. a round orange fruit which is juicy
  7. sth made in a factory and sold

17 Clues: topic1.000 kilosa tiny red fruita procession of peoplea long tin piece of stha model of a person or animalsth made in a factory and solda round orange fruit which is juicya shop where you can buy bread and cakesa place many people go to for rest, sport etca container with handles used to carry things...

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a crop of grain cropa plant grow in large amounts
  2. a long journey by ship
  3. a large stone structure where sb is buried
  4. a journey in which you visit a place and come back again in one day
  5. a belief or custom that has existed for a long a time
  6. a person who travels to a olace which is important in their religion
  7. the crops that have been cut and collected
  8. a large boat
  9. the leader of a country
  1. a country
  2. a special, pleasurable, social event
  3. a shop where you buy presen tor souvenirs for people
  4. a building used for worshipping gods
  5. a soldiers
  6. a collection of valuable objects
  7. the person in control of a ship
  8. a celebration with food

17 Clues: a countrya soldiersa large boata long journey by shipa celebration with foodthe leader of a countrythe person in control of a shipa collection of valuable objectsa special, pleasurable, social eventa building used for worshipping godsa large stone structure where sb is buriedthe crops that have been cut and collected...

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. in the order that thry happened
  2. the town that one comes from
  3. a style of painting which is dreamlike and unreal
  4. the leader of a country
  5. sb who studies physics
  6. a substance used to cure an illness
  7. a public show of pictures etc
  8. material
  9. an author
  1. the relationship of being husband and wife
  2. a book about the life of a famous person
  3. a detailed piece of school work
  4. the order of the things happening
  5. land next to the sea
  6. an expert who works in the field of science
  7. a person whose job is to look after sick people
  8. a singer of modern music which is popular with young people

17 Clues: materialan authorland next to the seasb who studies physicsthe leader of a countrythe town that one comes froma public show of pictures etcin the order that thry happeneda detailed piece of school workthe order of the things happeninga substance used to cure an illnessa book about the life of a famous person...

Parts of speech 2021-12-16

Parts of speech crossword puzzle
  1. small words that take the place of a noun in a sentence
  2. words or phrases used to express emotion
  3. points out which one
  4. when joining two complete thoughts always use a comma before the coordinating conjunction
  5. are used to link an object
  6. people,place,thing,ideas
  1. conjuctions join item of unequal
  2. joins a preposition with an object
  3. a word in a sentence taht shows action
  4. a word in a sentence that shows action
  5. words that describes nouns
  6. a noun made up of two words
  7. words that modify verds
  8. words that show how many
  9. words that connect other words

15 Clues: points out which onewords that modify verdswords that show how manypeople,place,thing,ideaswords that describes nounsare used to link an objecta noun made up of two wordswords that connect other wordsconjuctions join item of unequaljoins a preposition with an objecta word in a sentence taht shows actiona word in a sentence that shows action...

Let's Learn Language 2016-07-13

Let's Learn Language crossword puzzle
  1. When the correct part of speech is used; nouns for nouns, verbs for verbs
  2. An expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings
  3. A verb used to express distinctions of tense, aspect, mood, etc.
  4. Verb _ tells you when something happens or happened
  5. A noun that ends in s is considered
  1. Word _ is important - formal for formal, informal for informal
  2. Definite _ generally precede specific nouns that are modified by adjectives
  3. When verbs are followed by to or ~ing it is called a verb
  4. Having one subject and one main verb is the basis for sentence
  5. Subject-verb _ means the subjects must agree with verbs in number

10 Clues: A noun that ends in s is consideredVerb _ tells you when something happens or happenedWhen verbs are followed by to or ~ing it is called a verbWord _ is important - formal for formal, informal for informalHaving one subject and one main verb is the basis for sentenceA verb used to express distinctions of tense, aspect, mood, etc....

Unit 4 - English Time (Sagrado Corazón de Jesús) 2021-09-30

Unit 4 - English Time (Sagrado Corazón de Jesús) crossword puzzle
  1. We use it for low quantity of uncountable nouns
  2. We use it for low quantity of countable nouns
  3. Used for a high quantity of uncountable nouns
  1. Used for a high quantity of both: countable and uncountable nouns
  2. We use it for a fair quantity of both: countable and uncountable nouns.
  3. Used for a high quantity of high quantity of countable nouns

6 Clues: We use it for low quantity of countable nounsUsed for a high quantity of uncountable nounsWe use it for low quantity of uncountable nounsUsed for a high quantity of high quantity of countable nounsUsed for a high quantity of both: countable and uncountable nounsWe use it for a fair quantity of both: countable and uncountable nouns.

The 9 parts of Speech 2021-12-09

The 9 parts of Speech crossword puzzle
  1. Signals a noun A, An, The
  2. Replaces a noun
  3. Ow! Mason yelled
  4. Joins words, FANBOYS
  1. Connects nouns and pronouns to words, shows position
  2. Describes verbs, adjectives
  3. Describes nouns, pronouns
  4. Expresses action or being
  5. Person, Place, Thing, or Idea

9 Clues: Replaces a nounOw! Mason yelledJoins words, FANBOYSDescribes nouns, pronounsExpresses action or beingSignals a noun A, An, TheDescribes verbs, adjectivesPerson, Place, Thing, or IdeaConnects nouns and pronouns to words, shows position

NOUNS 2013-07-02

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. it is an objet that can be use to carry some things
  2. it is like image
  3. it is a subjet
  4. it is an objet that can be use to sit
  5. is an objet use to sleep
  6. is animal, is reptile and is very dangerous
  7. is group of letters
  8. it is a thing to use to write
  9. is the group of paragraph }
  1. is the notice
  2. is group of word
  3. it´s an animal that the american people eat in the things given day.
  4. it is a subjet
  5. is a country in the world,and limit with the sea.
  6. is group of texts
  7. it is an objet to put on anything
  8. is a place to visit the animals
  9. bulb: is an invent to generate light
  10. it is a thing to use to write

19 Clues: is the noticeit is a subjetit is a subjetit is like imageis group of wordis group of textsis group of lettersis an objet use to sleepis the group of paragraph }it is a thing to use to writeit is a thing to use to writeis a place to visit the animalsit is an objet to put on anythingbulb: is an invent to generate light...

Nouns 2013-08-23

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. rossz
  2. tiszta
  3. koszos
  4. más
  5. törött
  6. száraz
  7. egészséges
  8. friss
  9. vicces
  1. kedvenc
  2. elfoglalt
  3. hideg
  4. veszélyes
  5. barátságos
  6. híres
  7. őrült
  8. kövér

17 Clues: másrosszhideghíresőrültfrisskövértisztakoszostöröttszárazvicceskedvencelfoglaltveszélyesbarátságosegészséges

Nouns 2022-02-09

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. Жизнь
  2. страна, сельская местность
  3. Земля (планета)
  4. город большой
  5. Школа
  6. Группа
  7. Деревья
  8. Растения
  9. Голова
  1. Еда
  2. История, рассказ
  3. Глаза
  4. Папа
  5. Дети
  6. Сторона
  7. Бумага
  8. Пример

17 Clues: ЕдаПапаДетиЖизньГлазаШколаГруппаБумагаПримерГоловаСторонаДеревьяРастениягород большойЗемля (планета)История, рассказстрана, сельская местность

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a crop of grain cropa plant grow in large amounts
  2. a long journey by ship
  3. a large stone structure where sb is buried
  4. a journey in which you visit a place and come back again in one day
  5. a belief or custom that has existed for a long a time
  6. a person who travels to a olace which is important in their religion
  7. the crops that have been cut and collected
  8. a large boat
  9. the leader of a country
  1. a country
  2. a special, pleasurable, social event
  3. a shop where you buy presen tor souvenirs for people
  4. a building used for worshipping gods
  5. a soldiers
  6. a collection of valuable objects
  7. the person in control of a ship
  8. a celebration with food

17 Clues: a countrya soldiersa large boata long journey by shipa celebration with foodthe leader of a countrythe person in control of a shipa collection of valuable objectsa special, pleasurable, social eventa building used for worshipping godsa large stone structure where sb is buriedthe crops that have been cut and collected...

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. an area of land which is covered in wet soil
  2. a short journey
  3. a poisonous creature
  4. a system of trains which travel under a city
  5. waste material
  6. a substance which keeps insects away
  1. a sudden violent movement of the earths surface
  2. a sound which is often loud
  3. the surface of the Earth
  4. a situation that causes you to feel stress
  5. a cold-blooded creature that lays eggs
  6. the part of a vehicle that uses fuel to make it move
  7. a ballof liquid which contains air org as
  8. a small insect that flies and feeds on blood
  9. a marsh
  10. an instruction about what you must or must not do
  11. a steep rocky surface next to the sea

17 Clues: a marshwaste materiala short journeya poisonous creaturethe surface of the Eartha sound which is often louda substance which keeps insects awaya steep rocky surface next to the seaa cold-blooded creature that lays eggsa ballof liquid which contains air org asa situation that causes you to feel stressan area of land which is covered in wet soil...

Nouns 2023-08-18

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. A musical instrument commonly used in Indian classical music
  2. President of India
  3. Tallest mountain ranges
  4. Capital of India
  5. Largest sea creature
  6. Largest state in India
  7. Animal that gives wool
  1. One of the seven wonders of the world located in Agra
  2. Largest planet in the solar system
  3. Oldest and continually inhabited city
  4. Most popular snack of Mumbai
  5. First woman Prime Minister
  6. Most popular sport of India
  7. Water body next to Mumbai
  8. Most populated city
  9. Everyone's favourite pet
  10. A popular beverage

17 Clues: Capital of IndiaPresident of IndiaA popular beverageMost populated cityLargest sea creatureLargest state in IndiaAnimal that gives woolTallest mountain rangesEveryone's favourite petWater body next to MumbaiFirst woman Prime MinisterMost popular sport of IndiaMost popular snack of MumbaiLargest planet in the solar system...

Escape the Grammar Nazis 2021-04-10

Escape the Grammar Nazis crossword puzzle
  1. A person, place or thing
  2. Placed in front of nouns for clarity
  3. An action word
  4. A word used to describe a noun
  5. This type of verb ends in -ed in the past tense
  6. Shows relation in terms of time and place
  7. Replaces nouns in a text
  1. Krongruens på engelsk
  2. Links words, phrases and clauses together
  3. A word used to describe a verb
  4. when there is only one
  5. when there are more than one

12 Clues: An action wordKrongruens på engelskwhen there is only oneA person, place or thingReplaces nouns in a textwhen there are more than oneA word used to describe a verbA word used to describe a nounPlaced in front of nouns for clarityLinks words, phrases and clauses togetherShows relation in terms of time and place...

Literacy 2024-09-05

Literacy crossword puzzle
  1. Describes a noun.
  2. or thing.
  3. A person place or thing ,Emotions.
  4. Name of a particular person or thing.
  5. thinking about being words.
  6. General word used for person, animal
  7. Replaces a noun.
  8. Describes how an action occurs.
  1. Word that sound the same but have different meaning.
  2. word or group used before a noun
  3. Something we cant see or touch.
  4. connects clauses or words together.
  5. Made of 2 nouns together.
  6. Name of group of people and things.
  7. Provides location ,time.
  8. Direct-speech quotes that repeat ea

16 Clues: or thing.Replaces a noun.Describes a noun.Provides location ,time.Made of 2 nouns together.thinking about being words.Something we cant see or touch.Describes how an action occurs.word or group used before a nounA person place or thing ,Emotions.connects clauses or words together.Name of group of people and things....

CLASS REVIEW 2023-10-17

CLASS REVIEW crossword puzzle
  1. They refer to people, things or places in general.
  2. It is another name given to coordinating conjunctions.
  3. are used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective. Some examples are: a,an,and the.
  4. They are words that express emotions.
  1. They replace nouns. Without them, language would be repetitious, lengthy, and awkward.
  2. They refer to actions and states of being
  3. Punctuation mark you need to put before a coordinating conjunction.
  4. It is considered as the best friend of men and is a common noun.
  5. They modify nouns.
  6. A word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place or location.
  7. They can modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

11 Clues: They modify nouns.They are words that express emotions.They refer to actions and states of beingThey refer to people, things or places in general.They can modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.It is another name given to coordinating conjunctions.It is considered as the best friend of men and is a common noun....

Nouns 2021-08-25

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. a story shown in a cinema
  2. a popular game is played with ball
  3. a drink that we have everyday
  4. a yellow round fruit
  5. a vegetable that chips are made by
  6. a place where you can see lots of books
  7. a thing we use to buy something with
  1. an instrument that has a large keyboard
  2. a building that has floors where we live in
  3. a transport that has 4 wheels
  4. a person who teaches us
  5. it rains in winter
  6. a small abd cute domestic animal
  7. an event we celebrate or short period that we spend away from home
  8. the earth
  9. a meat of cow
  10. the hottest season

17 Clues: the eartha meat of cowit rains in winterthe hottest seasona yellow round fruita person who teaches usa story shown in a cinemaa transport that has 4 wheelsa drink that we have everydaya small abd cute domestic animala popular game is played with balla vegetable that chips are made bya thing we use to buy something with...

Nouns 2021-08-25

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. a story shown in a cinema
  2. a popular game is played with ball
  3. a drink that we have everyday
  4. a yellow round fruit
  5. a vegetable that chips are made by
  6. a place where you can see lots of books
  7. a thing we use to buy something with
  1. an instrument that has a large keyboard
  2. a building that has floors where we live in
  3. a transport that has 4 wheels
  4. a person who teaches us
  5. it rains in winter
  6. a small and cute domestic animal
  7. an event we celebrate or short period that we spend away from home
  8. the earth
  9. a meat of cow
  10. the hottest season

17 Clues: the eartha meat of cowit rains in winterthe hottest seasona yellow round fruita person who teaches usa story shown in a cinemaa transport that has 4 wheelsa drink that we have everydaya small and cute domestic animala popular game is played with balla vegetable that chips are made bya thing we use to buy something with...

Nouns 2019-04-08

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. MovieTheatre
  2. Sailing
  3. club
  4. Market
  5. stamps
  6. cards
  7. Teenager
  1. Lawn
  2. hobby
  3. future
  4. coins
  5. movie
  6. entertainment
  7. chess
  8. talent
  9. world
  10. dishes

17 Clues: LawnclubhobbycoinsmoviechessworldcardsfutureMarketstampstalentdishesSailingTeenagerMovieTheatreentertainment

nouns 2022-08-28

nouns crossword puzzle
  1. скамейки
  2. мыши
  3. бегемоты
  4. жирафы
  5. зубы
  6. жены
  7. вишни
  8. рассказы
  9. волки
  1. ягоды
  2. персики
  3. девушки
  4. ключи
  5. овечки
  6. крыши
  7. видео
  8. олени

17 Clues: мышизубыженыягодыключивишникрышивидеоолениволкижирафыовечкиперсикидевушкискамейкибегемотырассказы

NOUNS 2022-05-14

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a kind of hard rock used in building and sculpture
  2. to be the ruler of a country
  3. property
  4. an intersting or characteristic part of sth
  5. a substance that is hard, i.e. iron,gold etc
  6. the shape and size of sb body
  7. a two wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse, used in ancient times
  8. a strong building used for defence from attack
  1. a large stone structure where sb is buried
  2. the place where sb is buried
  3. earth that becomes hard when baked
  4. reddish Brown clay
  5. a large hole in the ground
  6. the male ruler of a group of countries
  7. great beauty
  8. the look on sb face
  9. a hard solid, mineral substance

17 Clues: propertygreat beautyreddish Brown claythe look on sb facea large hole in the groundthe place where sb is buriedto be the ruler of a countrythe shape and size of sb bodya hard solid, mineral substanceearth that becomes hard when bakedthe male ruler of a group of countriesa large stone structure where sb is buried...

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. the person in control of a ship
  2. the leader of a country
  3. a belief or custom that has existed for a long a time
  4. a journey in which you visit a place and come back again in one day
  5. a celebration with food
  6. a collection of valuable objects
  7. a person who travels to a olace which is important in their religion
  8. a long journey by ship
  1. a crop of grain cropa plant grow in large amounts
  2. a building used for worshipping gods
  3. a soldiers
  4. the crops that have been cut and collected
  5. a large boat
  6. a country
  7. a special, pleasurable, social event
  8. a large stone structure where sb is buried
  9. a shop where you buy presen tor souvenirs for people

17 Clues: a countrya soldiersa large boata long journey by shipthe leader of a countrya celebration with foodthe person in control of a shipa collection of valuable objectsa building used for worshipping godsa special, pleasurable, social eventthe crops that have been cut and collecteda large stone structure where sb is buried...

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. the surface of the Earth
  2. a cold-blooded creature that lays eggs
  3. waste material
  4. a small insect that flies and feeds on blood
  5. a poisonous creature
  6. a situation that causes you to feel stress
  7. a steep rocky surface next to the sea
  8. a sound which is often loud
  9. a sudden violent movement of the earths surface
  1. a marsh
  2. an instruction about what you must or must not do
  3. a system of trains which travel under a city
  4. a short journey
  5. a substance which keeps insects away
  6. a ballof liquid which contains air org as
  7. an area of land which is covered in wet soil
  8. the part of a vehicle that uses fuel to make it move

17 Clues: a marshwaste materiala short journeya poisonous creaturethe surface of the Eartha sound which is often louda substance which keeps insects awaya steep rocky surface next to the seaa cold-blooded creature that lays eggsa ballof liquid which contains air org asa situation that causes you to feel stressa system of trains which travel under a city...

Derek's EFL Grammar Crossword 2 2023-06-04

Derek's EFL Grammar Crossword 2 crossword puzzle
  1. "I _ _ hungry."
  2. these kinds of words tell us something about nouns
  3. "be", "speak", and "run" are what kind of words?
  4. "you" is what kind of noun?
  5. a, an, _ _ _
  6. these words are people, places or things
  7. action words are these kinds of words
  8. "sea" is what kind of word?
  1. these kinds of words describe verbs
  2. "see" is what kind of word?
  3. "very" is this kind of word
  4. "I _ _ to school five days a week."
  5. "pen" is this kind of word

13 Clues: a, an, _ _ _"I _ _ hungry.""pen" is this kind of word"see" is what kind of word?"very" is this kind of word"you" is what kind of noun?"sea" is what kind of word?these kinds of words describe verbs"I _ _ to school five days a week."action words are these kinds of wordsthese words are people, places or things...

TERM 2 Reviewer 2021-11-24

TERM 2 Reviewer crossword puzzle
  1. prefix to add to the word cook
  2. describing a character's hair, facial features, body type, and others
  3. challenges/problems the character is experiencing
  4. an adjective degree comparing two nouns/pronouns
  5. superlative degree of cold
  6. comparative degree of bright
  7. prefix and suffix to add to the word place
  8. where, when the story happened
  9. superlative degree of little
  10. group of letters with special meaning appearing at the end of the word
  11. positive degree of laziest
  12. an adjective that compares more than two nouns/pronouns
  1. a root that means distance
  2. describes how a character relates with people around him/her
  3. prefix to add to the word arrange
  4. adjective degree with no comparison
  5. happily superlative degree of happily
  6. words from other languages
  7. suffix to add to the word kind
  8. suffix to add to the word flex
  9. group of letters that appears at the beginning of a word

21 Clues: a root that means distancesuperlative degree of coldwords from other languagespositive degree of laziestcomparative degree of brightsuperlative degree of littleprefix to add to the word cooksuffix to add to the word kindsuffix to add to the word flexwhere, when the story happenedprefix to add to the word arrangeadjective degree with no comparison...

Narrative Unit Crossword 2022-11-18

Narrative Unit Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This: ...
  2. Referencing the real world
  3. Short piece of writing about multiple moments
  4. A being, place, object, or idea
  5. Identifies the speaker (ex. "he said")
  6. A word that connects two full sentences
  7. A word like Yup! or Wow!
  8. Makes your writing more interesting
  9. Part of the plot where suspense is built
  10. Speaking to reader directly
  11. A word that describes nouns
  1. Using - to create a new adjective
  2. Shows the relationship between 2 nouns
  3. A sentence without proper punctuation
  4. The word that is at the core of a sentence
  5. The atmosphere created by the setting
  6. Hints about what will happen later
  7. Ending the story after a big reveal
  8. Descriptive language appealing to 5 senses
  9. The big takeaway from the story
  10. A word showing how or when things are done
  11. Can be comedic or serious

22 Clues: This: ...A word like Yup! or Wow!Can be comedic or seriousReferencing the real worldSpeaking to reader directlyA word that describes nounsA being, place, object, or ideaThe big takeaway from the storyUsing - to create a new adjectiveHints about what will happen laterMakes your writing more interestingEnding the story after a big reveal...

SER 2021-03-24

SER crossword puzzle
  1. You all in Spain
  2. We are
  3. You are- familiar
  4. Él/Ella/Usted
  5. Yo, tú, él, ella, and usted are all blank nouns
  1. Stands for date, occupation, characteristics, time, origin, relation
  2. Nosotros/as, vostros/as, ellos, ellas, and ustedes are all blank nouns
  3. They are- Everywhere else
  4. means To Be
  5. I am

10 Clues: I amWe aremeans To BeÉl/Ella/UstedYou all in SpainYou are- familiarThey are- Everywhere elseYo, tú, él, ella, and usted are all blank nounsStands for date, occupation, characteristics, time, origin, relationNosotros/as, vostros/as, ellos, ellas, and ustedes are all blank nouns

Determiners, Demonstratives and Quantifiers 2022-08-16

Determiners, Demonstratives and Quantifiers crossword puzzle
  1. One extra
  2. One or the other, refers to 2 people
  3. Positive quantifier
  4. All nouns in group, seen seperately
  5. Large number,usually in negative sentences
  1. Small quantity,used in question or negative sentence
  2. Used with plural nouns, near to speaker
  3. More than 2 but less than many
  4. 2 items
  5. Used for singular and plural,specific object

10 Clues: 2 itemsOne extraPositive quantifierMore than 2 but less than manyAll nouns in group, seen seperatelyOne or the other, refers to 2 peopleUsed with plural nouns, near to speakerLarge number,usually in negative sentencesUsed for singular and plural,specific objectSmall quantity,used in question or negative sentence

Determiners, Demonstratives and Quantifiers 2022-08-16

Determiners, Demonstratives and Quantifiers crossword puzzle
  1. One extra
  2. One or the other, refers to 2 people
  3. Negative quantifier, uncountable
  4. All nouns in group, seen seperately
  5. Large number,usually in negative sentences
  1. Small quantity,used in question or negative sentence
  2. Used with plural nouns, near to speaker
  3. More than 2 but less than many
  4. 2 items
  5. Used for singular and plural,specific object

10 Clues: 2 itemsOne extraMore than 2 but less than manyNegative quantifier, uncountableAll nouns in group, seen seperatelyOne or the other, refers to 2 peopleUsed with plural nouns, near to speakerLarge number,usually in negative sentencesUsed for singular and plural,specific objectSmall quantity,used in question or negative sentence

skfjgskbelskgw 2021-09-30

skfjgskbelskgw crossword puzzle
  1. - iuygtfdxs
  2. - kijuhygf
  3. - amazing
  4. - kijhgf
  5. - iuygfd
  6. - iuyhgfd
  1. - ijuhygfd
  2. - iukjyhg
  3. - jhugfcdx
  4. - gtghjkhugft
  5. - hot
  6. - iuhygfdxsz

12 Clues: - hot- kijhgf- iuygfd- iukjyhg- amazing- iuyhgfd- ijuhygfd- jhugfcdx- kijuhygf- iuygtfdxs- iuhygfdxsz- gtghjkhugft

Nouns 2018-11-22

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. A noun can be used for this.
  2. A collective noun to describe a group of cows.
  3. Can also be descirbed as a count noun.
  4. A example of an abstract noun that you can personally feel.
  5. Concrete nouns are names for things that can be felt by any of your 5 .......
  1. A word that can come before or after a noun to describe it.
  2. All proper nouns start with this.
  3. A noun can be used for this.
  4. A noun can be used for this.
  5. Noun class which are described as less specific nouns.
  6. The noun class in which your name falls under.

11 Clues: A noun can be used for this.A noun can be used for this.A noun can be used for this.All proper nouns start with this.Can also be descirbed as a count noun.A collective noun to describe a group of cows.The noun class in which your name falls under.Noun class which are described as less specific nouns....

Grammar Crossword Challenge 2021-12-14

Grammar Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. these describe verbs/actions
  2. you use these to connect two sentences into one
  3. you start every sentence with this kind of letter
  4. a specific person place or thing
  5. you use these when listing things
  6. your favorite English teacher
  1. these show the action of a sentence
  2. this is the main part of the sentence
  3. this shows WHEN an action happens
  4. a person place or thing
  5. these describe nouns
  6. when you combine two words into one shorter word

12 Clues: these describe nounsa person place or thingthese describe verbs/actionsyour favorite English teachera specific person place or thingthis shows WHEN an action happensyou use these when listing thingsthese show the action of a sentencethis is the main part of the sentenceyou use these to connect two sentences into one...

Grammar 2020-08-01

Grammar crossword puzzle
  1. questions in English that require more information in reply than simply yes or no
  2. words that modifiy or qualify an adjective or verb most of them end with -ly
  3. words used to identify people, places, or things
  4. also called auxiliary verbs,comes before the main verb in a sentence
  5. words that expresses denial, disagreement, or refusal
  1. special modifiers that appear before nouns or noun phrases,
  2. are used to show a relationship between the noun and pronoun in a sentence, they can be for location, time, etc
  3. words that are used to express ideas such as possibility, necessity, and permission
  4. words used to describe an action
  5. words that are used instead of a noun or noun phrase
  6. words that describe nouns

11 Clues: words that describe nounswords used to describe an actionwords used to identify people, places, or thingswords that are used instead of a noun or noun phrasewords that expresses denial, disagreement, or refusalspecial modifiers that appear before nouns or noun phrases,also called auxiliary verbs,comes before the main verb in a sentence...

Language Test #6 Review 2023-11-28

Language Test #6 Review crossword puzzle
  1. a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb
  2. a word that describes a noun
  3. a word that takes the place of a noun
  4. what must agree and be in the right form (possessive etc.)
  5. a modifying phrase consisting of a preposition and its object.
  6. words that describe a noun that can include adjectives, verbs and nouns themselves
  7. what must match nouns as plural/singular, and watch out for irregular verbs
  8. words we use before nouns or pronouns to show their relationship with other words in the sentence. Example: behind (the tree), across (Maple Street), down (the stairs)
  1. prepositional phrases as what asks does it describe a noun?
  2. action, state of being, or helping
  3. express strong emotions. Followed by an exclamation point or a comma depending on the strength of emotion. Examples: Wow!, Yuck!, Yes, Holy cow!
  4. connects words and phrases; always followed by a comma, remember FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
  5. a person, place, thing, or idea
  6. as adverbs ask does it describe an adjective, verb, or another adverb?

14 Clues: a word that describes a nouna person, place, thing, or ideaaction, state of being, or helpinga word that takes the place of a nounwhat must agree and be in the right form (possessive etc.)prepositional phrases as what asks does it describe a noun?a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb...

Stage 2 and 3 - Callan Method - Revision 2017-07-03

Stage 2 and 3 - Callan Method - Revision crossword puzzle
  1. It's a drink. It's white. People drink it in the morning.
  2. They are in the sky.They are white.
  3. The opposite of best.
  4. The superlative of cheap.
  5. The highest mountain in the world.
  6. The opposite of more for uncountable nouns.
  7. It's a fruit. It's also the name of a color.
  8. The season that we have flowers.
  9. After 10 p.m.
  1. We drink wine from it.
  2. the plural of child.
  3. We say "son" for boys, and " " for girls.
  4. The hottest season of the year.
  5. The coldest season of the year.
  6. The comparative form of near.
  7. The opposite of more for countable nouns.
  8. It's a strong drink, it's not for children.
  9. The leaves fall when this season arrives.
  10. The longest river in the world.
  11. It's a yellow fruit, popular in Brazil.
  12. It's a pink animal that lives on the farm.

21 Clues: After 10 p.m.the plural of child.The opposite of best.We drink wine from it.The superlative of cheap.The comparative form of near.The hottest season of the year.The coldest season of the year.The longest river in the world.The season that we have flowers.The highest mountain in the world.They are in the sky.They are white....

German 2 vocabman 9 2021-03-05

German 2 vocabman 9 crossword puzzle
  1. no idea/I have no clue
  2. (die) street light
  3. (infinitive) know/to know something as a fact
  4. you're welcome/my pleasure
  5. (die) street
  6. back/returning
  7. (der) market square
  8. again
  9. there is/are (literally "it gives")
  10. I am sorry (full phrase)
  11. (der) downtown/inner city
  12. left (direction/preposition)
  13. (das) city hall/city center
  14. I'm sorry/pardon me/excuse me
  1. full grain roll/whole grain
  2. (separated verb) to turn
  3. (die) the city
  4. go straight/straight on
  5. no/none (used to negate a noun)
  6. (infinitive) to know/to be familiar with something
  7. stop sign
  8. (infinitive) driving/to drive
  9. enough
  10. (die) church
  11. (der) square/street square
  12. to the/until (for masculine/neutral nouns)
  13. to the/until (for feminine nouns)
  14. right (direction/preposition)
  15. (der) trainstation
  16. (die) snack bar

30 Clues: againenoughstop sign(die) street(die) church(die) the cityback/returning(die) snack bar(die) street light(der) trainstation(der) market squareno idea/I have no cluego straight/straight on(separated verb) to turnI am sorry (full phrase)(der) downtown/inner cityyou're welcome/my pleasure(der) square/street squarefull grain roll/whole grain...

Grammar 2021-12-13

Grammar crossword puzzle
  1. - arrangement of words.
  2. - word for which a pronoun stands.
  3. - Replaces nouns
  4. - a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought.
  5. - Modify or affect the meaning of meaning of nouns and pronouns and tell us which, whose, what kind, and how many about the nouns or pronouns they modify.
  6. - a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence such as hear, become, happen.
  7. a word that unites other words, phrases, or sentences.
  8. - a group of words that contain a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought.
  1. - used with a main verb to help express the main verb's tense, mood, or voice.
  2. - a word or group of words to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or introduce an object.
  3. -a verb that describes the subject by connecting it to a predicate adjective or predicate noun.
  4. - a small group of words that adds meaning to a sentence.
  5. -a word that describe a verb, an adjective, or another adjective.
  6. - describes an action
  7. - a word or word group that shows feeling.
  8. - a part of the sentence that contains a verb.
  9. -a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.

17 Clues: - Replaces nouns- describes an action- arrangement of words.- word for which a pronoun stands.- a word or word group that shows feeling.- a part of the sentence that contains a verb.-a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.a word that unites other words, phrases, or sentences.- a small group of words that adds meaning to a sentence....

Speech Family 2022-10-04

Speech Family crossword puzzle
  1. I like painting word pictures
  2. more action than talk
  3. Helps with identity
  4. Oh so dramatic
  1. I join thoughts or ideas
  2. I show position of nouns to each other
  3. I like talking about verbs.
  4. Nouns know I have their back
  5. pick out words

9 Clues: pick out wordsOh so dramaticHelps with identitymore action than talkI join thoughts or ideasI like talking about verbs.Nouns know I have their backI like painting word picturesI show position of nouns to each other

Possessive apostrophes 2024-03-26

Possessive apostrophes crossword puzzle
  1. If a plural nouns shows possession, add an ____
  2. The most common use is with _______ nouns
  3. a sound word (onomatopoeia)
  4. an example of a possessive pronoun
  5. You are the apple of my ______ is an idiom
  6. To make a noun ________you just add an s
  1. is a contraction that also uses an apostrophe
  2. an exaggeration
  3. possessive apostrophes show_________
  4. He is as sneaky as a snake
  5. Julie is a real gem
  6. an example of a possessive pronoun

12 Clues: an exaggerationJulie is a real gemHe is as sneaky as a snakea sound word (onomatopoeia)an example of a possessive pronounan example of a possessive pronounpossessive apostrophes show_________To make a noun ________you just add an sThe most common use is with _______ nounsYou are the apple of my ______ is an idiom...

Bellwork Crossword 2018-05-21

Bellwork Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. modify verbs & adjectives
  2. can take place of nouns, groups of words acting as nouns
  3. describe physical or mental action
  4. person,place,or thing
  1. show relationship of nouns and pronouns, often indicate space or time
  2. "what's your function"
  3. modify nounsand pronouns

7 Clues: person,place,or thing"what's your function"modify nounsand pronounsmodify verbs & adjectivesdescribe physical or mental actioncan take place of nouns, groups of words acting as nounsshow relationship of nouns and pronouns, often indicate space or time

isaac's grammar crossword 2024-11-17

isaac's grammar crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a sentence that dosen't need another sentence to make sense (2 words)
  2. what this crossword is about
  3. somthing at the start of every sentence
  4. this sentence asks a question(2 words)
  5. this makes nouns more discriptive
  1. a sentence that states somthing (2 words)
  2. a person place or thing
  3. somthing that continues a sentence but gives you a time to breath
  4. words that give diffrent amounts of argency (2 words)
  5. giving a object a human characteristic
  6. a group of action words(2 words)
  7. an action
  8. adds to a verb

13 Clues: an actionadds to a verba person place or thingwhat this crossword is abouta group of action words(2 words)this makes nouns more discriptivegiving a object a human characteristicthis sentence asks a question(2 words)somthing at the start of every sentencea sentence that states somthing (2 words)words that give diffrent amounts of argency (2 words)...

Literacy 2023-09-19

Literacy crossword puzzle
  1. It describes verbs
  2. This is the same as literacy
  3. Two words joint to make another
  4. It describes nouns
  1. This is a completed piece of long text
  2. This is a key object to writing
  3. A bunch of words together
  4. It is a object or a person
  5. A bunch of letters together
  6. A action word used in sentences

10 Clues: It describes verbsIt describes nounsA bunch of words togetherIt is a object or a personA bunch of letters togetherThis is the same as literacyThis is a key object to writingTwo words joint to make anotherA action word used in sentencesThis is a completed piece of long text

Writing Well 2021-10-03

Writing Well crossword puzzle
  1. First Thing First
  2. Information that we are aware of already
  3. To show importance
  4. The value of your work will be assessed by them
  5. Developed by Richard Lanham to eliminate unnecessary words
  1. nouns that are created from verb
  2. a sentence that can stand by itself
  3. a series of words that function as nouns
  4. Save the Best For Last
  5. it is the reason why people read your work
  6. It expresses the action

11 Clues: First Thing FirstTo show importanceSave the Best For LastIt expresses the actionnouns that are created from verba sentence that can stand by itselfa series of words that function as nounsInformation that we are aware of alreadyit is the reason why people read your workThe value of your work will be assessed by them...

Vocabulary Crossword 2021-10-14

Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. someone of something
  2. a clear picture of something using words
  3. examine or break apart
  4. make clear or plain
  5. shorten a passage or story
  6. what is similar between 2 nouns
  1. what is different between 2 nouns
  2. the meaning of
  3. between the lines
  4. show how to do something

10 Clues: the meaning ofbetween the linesmake clear or plainsomeone of somethingexamine or break apartshow how to do somethingshorten a passage or storywhat is similar between 2 nounswhat is different between 2 nounsa clear picture of something using words

Grammar 2018-10-01

Grammar crossword puzzle
  1. Case used before a gerund
  2. Punctuation used to separate two main clauses
  3. Words that express emotion
  4. "Beside" is this part of speech
  5. Case required when pronouns are used as subjects
  1. Modifies a verb
  2. Notion that nouns should be balanced with nouns, verbs with verbs, etc.
  3. Clause that expresses a complete thought
  4. Phrase beginning with "to"
  5. Naming word

10 Clues: Naming wordModifies a verbCase used before a gerundWords that express emotionPhrase beginning with "to""Beside" is this part of speechClause that expresses a complete thoughtPunctuation used to separate two main clausesCase required when pronouns are used as subjectsNotion that nouns should be balanced with nouns, verbs with verbs, etc.

Determiners, Demonstratives and Quantifiers 2022-08-16

Determiners, Demonstratives and Quantifiers crossword puzzle
  1. One extra
  2. One or the other, refers to 2 people
  3. Positive quantifier
  4. All nouns in group, seen seperately
  5. Large number,usually in negative sentences
  1. Small quantity,used in question or negative sentence
  2. Used with plural nouns, near to speaker
  3. More than 2 but less than many
  4. 2 items
  5. Used for singular and plural,specific object

10 Clues: 2 itemsOne extraPositive quantifierMore than 2 but less than manyAll nouns in group, seen seperatelyOne or the other, refers to 2 peopleUsed with plural nouns, near to speakerLarge number,usually in negative sentencesUsed for singular and plural,specific objectSmall quantity,used in question or negative sentence

Determiners, Demonstratives and Quantifiers 2022-08-16

Determiners, Demonstratives and Quantifiers crossword puzzle
  1. Large number,usually in negative sentences
  2. One extra
  3. Used for singular and plural,specific object
  4. Used with plural nouns, near to speaker
  5. All nouns in group, seen seperately
  1. Small quantity,used in question or negative sentence
  2. Negative quantifier, uncountable
  3. 2 items
  4. One or the other, refers to 2 people
  5. More than 2 but less than many

10 Clues: 2 itemsOne extraMore than 2 but less than manyNegative quantifier, uncountableAll nouns in group, seen seperatelyOne or the other, refers to 2 peopleUsed with plural nouns, near to speakerLarge number,usually in negative sentencesUsed for singular and plural,specific objectSmall quantity,used in question or negative sentence

Descriptive Techniques 2022-12-05

Descriptive Techniques crossword puzzle
  1. Saying something is something else
  2. Words which describe how verbs are done
  3. Moving back in time to describe a memory
  4. Giving something human characteristics
  1. Using the weather to create emotion (2)
  2. Action words
  3. Words that describe nouns
  4. A comparison that uses like or as
  5. People, places, or objects
  6. Anything to do with the senses

10 Clues: Action wordsWords that describe nounsPeople, places, or objectsAnything to do with the sensesA comparison that uses like or asSaying something is something elseGiving something human characteristicsUsing the weather to create emotion (2)Words which describe how verbs are doneMoving back in time to describe a memory

English 2017-03-09

English crossword puzzle
  1. does not contain a subject and verb
  2. sentence that contains two or more independent clauses and no dependent clauses
  3. I modify nouns and pronouns
  4. contains a subject and verb
  5. I modify verbs
  1. naming words used to take the place of nouns
  2. completes the meaning of the subject
  3. formal punctuation mark
  4. one of three cases in English
  5. I always end in -ing

10 Clues: I modify verbsI always end in -ingformal punctuation markI modify nouns and pronounscontains a subject and verbone of three cases in Englishdoes not contain a subject and verbcompletes the meaning of the subjectnaming words used to take the place of nounssentence that contains two or more independent clauses and no dependent clauses

MED 147 Final/Kiana 2012-08-21

MED 147 Final/Kiana crossword puzzle
  1. / change in the pitch or loudness of the voice.
  2. / exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling.
  3. / technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a particular group or special activity.
  4. / join words or phrases (ex. and,but,nor)
  5. / an individual's social facade or front that reflects the role in life that the individual is playing.
  6. / ____ mission statement reflects deep-seated desire by expressing the reasons the practice exists.
  7. / ways or steps to fix an issue when equipment fails to function properly.
  8. / describe nouns (ex.usually,never,quite)
  9. / describes nouns and pronouns.
  10. / connecting words (ex. by,from,to)
  11. / the practice of subcontracting work to an outside company.
  12. / the amount of money available or required for a particular purpose.
  13. / the medical abbreviation for "at this moment"
  1. / person,places,or things.
  2. / shows strong feeling.(ex.'that really hurts)
  3. / replaces nouns and provides writer with shortcuts.
  4. / is a lacking of feeling, emotion, interest, or concern.
  5. / to utter articulate sounds or be distinct in speech.
  6. / defined as exhibiting a courteous,conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace.
  7. / is trained in a diagnosis and treatment of patients who have conditions related to genetically linked diseases.
  8. / is used when medical assistants are discussing private affairs about their patients.
  9. / stands for educational institutions used by colleges and universities.
  10. / action words
  11. / an individual or company that provides medical care and services to a patient or the public.
  12. / ____ slip is a list of items listed in a shipment.

25 Clues: / action words/ person,places,or things./ describes nouns and pronouns./ connecting words (ex. by,from,to)/ join words or phrases (ex. and,but,nor)/ describe nouns (ex.usually,never,quite)/ shows strong feeling.(ex.'that really hurts)/ change in the pitch or loudness of the voice./ the medical abbreviation for "at this moment"...

Nouns 2018-01-29

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. a person who steals
  2. a show with questions
  3. a big boat
  4. you drink it
  5. a catastrophe
  6. progress
  7. за
  1. you use it to change TV channels
  2. when you are sick
  3. перед
  4. a substance
  5. напроти
  6. між
  7. you keep milk in the ...
  8. a test at the end of year
  9. Good ....!

16 Clues: заміжпереднапротиprogressa big boatGood ....!a substanceyou drink ita catastrophewhen you are sicka person who stealsa show with questionsyou keep milk in the ...a test at the end of yearyou use it to change TV channels

Nouns 2021-05-27

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. trendy person
  2. one part of the word
  3. help, indice
  4. idea, point, reason
  5. big fruit plant
  6. short word
  1. typical slovak food
  2. logistic packaging
  3. ceramic bowl in the bathroom
  4. houses for animals
  5. little cow
  6. cooking user manual
  7. summary
  8. doctor´s action
  9. opposite of the health
  10. item to cook healthy food

16 Clues: summarylittle cowshort wordhelp, indicetrendy persondoctor´s actionbig fruit plantlogistic packaginghouses for animalstypical slovak foodcooking user manualidea, point, reasonone part of the wordopposite of the healthitem to cook healthy foodceramic bowl in the bathroom

Nouns 2021-08-25

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. a building that has floors where we live in
  2. a small and cute domestic animal
  3. a daughter of queen and king
  4. an animal lives under the water
  5. an instrument that has a large keyboard
  6. a transport that has 4 wheels
  7. a thing we use to buy something with
  8. the king of the forests
  1. a hot drink that we have everyday
  2. a person who teaches us
  3. a place where you can see lots of books
  4. a place we study at
  5. a person works at a hospital
  6. a popular game is played with ball
  7. the hottest season
  8. a thing that we read

16 Clues: the hottest seasona place we study ata thing that we reada person who teaches usthe king of the forestsa daughter of queen and kinga person works at a hospitala transport that has 4 wheelsan animal lives under the watera small and cute domestic animala hot drink that we have everydaya popular game is played with ball...

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a mountain with a hole at the top and which may erupt
  2. a statue of an object which is the same size as the real thing
  3. a person who makes statues out of wood,clay,etc
  4. an animal that lives in the sea
  5. contamination
  1. al the animals and plants living in the wild
  2. a large area of substance like rock which is in the sea
  3. an area of sea surrounded on three sides by land
  4. a wild animal which is a species of dog
  5. a figure made of stone ,wood,etc
  6. a person who visits a place of interest when on holiday
  7. water dropping from a higher to a lower point
  8. one of the two flat body parts of particular sea creatures which help them swim
  9. a mixture of substances that make concrete
  10. the part of a theatre where the audience sit
  11. a person who rides a bicycle

16 Clues: contaminationa person who rides a bicyclean animal that lives in the seaa figure made of stone ,wood,etca wild animal which is a species of doga mixture of substances that make concreteal the animals and plants living in the wildthe part of a theatre where the audience sitwater dropping from a higher to a lower point...

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a wild animal which is a species of dog
  2. a person who makes statues out of wood,clay,etc
  3. one of the two flat body parts of particular sea creatures which help them swim
  4. a figure made of stone ,wood,etc
  5. a statue of an object which is the same size as the real thing
  6. an area of sea surrounded on three sides by land
  7. water dropping from a higher to a lower point
  8. an animal that lives in the sea
  1. a person who visits a place of interest when on holiday
  2. al the animals and plants living in the wild
  3. contamination
  4. a person who rides a bicycle
  5. a mixture of substances that make concrete
  6. a large area of substance like rock which is in the sea
  7. a mountain with a hole at the top and which may erupt
  8. the part of a theatre where the audience sit

16 Clues: contaminationa person who rides a bicyclean animal that lives in the seaa figure made of stone ,wood,etca wild animal which is a species of doga mixture of substances that make concreteal the animals and plants living in the wildthe part of a theatre where the audience sitwater dropping from a higher to a lower point...

NOUNS 2022-05-11

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of paper to show that you have paid for a journey
  2. a wehicle with two wheels and an engine
  3. a motorcycle or a bicycle
  4. a vehicle with four wheels that carries a small number of passengers
  5. a vehicle that flies
  6. an area of sand next to the sea
  7. an animal that grows in its natural environment
  8. a long wehicle whichstravels along metal tracks
  1. sb who buys goods or services,from a shop,company,etc
  2. a very tall modern building
  3. a boath that takes people, goods and vehicles across an area of water
  4. a bus for long journeys
  5. an animal that looks like a horse with black and white lines
  6. a tourist attraction
  7. a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere
  8. a system of trains which travel under a city

16 Clues: a vehicle that fliesa tourist attractiona bus for long journeysa motorcycle or a bicyclea very tall modern buildingan area of sand next to the seaa wehicle with two wheels and an enginea system of trains which travel under a cityan animal that grows in its natural environmenta long wehicle whichstravels along metal tracks...

NOUNS 2022-05-14

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. a product made by a particular company
  2. a hotel which is very expensive
  3. an official document which has a persons information and photograph and allows them to travel to foreign countries
  4. very bad weather, with thunder,lightning and heavy rain
  5. the room in a hotel that you pay fort o stay in
  6. a set of principles about how to act
  7. a small town where the people fish for a living
  8. a journey in an aircraft
  1. a tropical forest
  2. sb who suffers death, injury or loss
  3. the beliefs,arts,philosphy etc that define a civilisation
  4. a larfe farm
  5. a company
  6. an illness caused by eating sth dangerous
  7. conditions such as rain, temperature, etc that ocur in a particular area
  8. baggage

16 Clues: baggagea companya larfe farma tropical foresta journey in an aircrafta hotel which is very expensivesb who suffers death, injury or lossa set of principles about how to acta product made by a particular companyan illness caused by eating sth dangerousthe room in a hotel that you pay fort o stay ina small town where the people fish for a living...

Nouns 2021-07-08

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. You open a lock with this
  2. Man's best friend
  3. A formal setting where people go to learn
  4. A form of public transportation
  5. An animal that has a trunk
  6. First day of the week
  7. Someone that teaches
  1. Sixth month of the year
  2. Worn on your feet
  3. People, places, animals, things
  4. Likes to chase mice
  5. An animal that roars
  6. Flying mammal
  7. A salt body of water
  8. A fast plane
  9. Something to sit on

16 Clues: A fast planeFlying mammalWorn on your feetMan's best friendLikes to chase miceSomething to sit onAn animal that roarsA salt body of waterSomeone that teachesFirst day of the weekSixth month of the yearYou open a lock with thisAn animal that has a trunkPeople, places, animals, thingsA form of public transportation...

nouns 2023-06-14

nouns crossword puzzle
  1. Something given to someone as a present or token of appreciation.
  2. An area of sand and water by the sea or lake.
  3. An object made of pages with writing or pictures, bound together.
  4. A place where students go to learn and receive education.
  5. A visual representation or image created by drawing, painting, or photography.
  6. A form of entertainment that tells a story through moving images.
  7. A person you like and enjoy spending time with.
  1. An animal kept for companionship or enjoyment.
  2. An activity or sport with rules and objectives for entertainment.
  3. A sweet baked dessert typically served on special occasions.
  4. A building where people live.
  5. Sounds and melodies created by voices or instruments.
  6. A round object used for playing various sports and games.
  7. An object designed for children to play with.
  8. A tall plant with a trunk and branches, typically growing in nature.
  9. A machine that can store, process, and retrieve data.

16 Clues: A building where people live.An area of sand and water by the sea or lake.An object designed for children to play with.An animal kept for companionship or enjoyment.A person you like and enjoy spending time with.Sounds and melodies created by voices or instruments.A machine that can store, process, and retrieve data....

NOUNS 2024-09-18

NOUNS crossword puzzle
  1. A room
  2. Home for bees
  3. Tales
  4. Home for birds
  5. What you use to think
  6. Small insect that lives underground
  7. The foot of an animal
  8. A dad
  1. A hard brown tree fruit
  2. Flying insect that collects nectar
  3. More than one kid
  4. Has five fingers
  5. Home for chickens
  6. Farm animal that grows wool
  7. One paper in a book
  8. Flying insect that has compound eyes

16 Clues: TalesA dadA roomHome for beesHome for birdsHas five fingersMore than one kidHome for chickensOne paper in a bookWhat you use to thinkThe foot of an animalA hard brown tree fruitFarm animal that grows woolFlying insect that collects nectarSmall insect that lives undergroundFlying insect that has compound eyes

W&G: Nouns 2022-08-17

W&G: Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. Words that name a person, place, thing, or idea.
  2. Type of noun that are general words for persons, places, or things
  3. Type of Noun that are always singular in form no matter how many
  4. Type of noun that indicate that there are two or more persons, places, things, or ideas
  5. The amount of forms that most nouns may have
  6. Type of nouns that name specific people, places, or things.
  1. Type of noun that indicates one person, place, thing, or idea being named
  2. Type of noun that has been formed by combining two words
  3. Type of noun that can be made plural to show how many.
  4. Type of noun that shows ownership or belonging

10 Clues: The amount of forms that most nouns may haveType of noun that shows ownership or belongingWords that name a person, place, thing, or idea.Type of noun that can be made plural to show how many.Type of noun that has been formed by combining two wordsType of nouns that name specific people, places, or things....

MID TERM Chapters 1-10 2017-04-16

MID TERM Chapters 1-10 crossword puzzle
  1. words that describe or limit
  2. words used in place of nouns
  3. describe or limit verbs, adjectives and other adverbs
  4. special group of adjectives
  5. shortened forms of subjects and verbs
  6. describe nouns and pronouns
  7. words that connect other words or groups
  8. gives an order or makes a direct request
  9. expresses an action or state of being
  10. group of related words including a subject and a verb
  1. introduced by words such as them or has
  2. group of related words without a subject and verb
  3. groups of words that express complete thoughts
  4. makes an assertion and ends with period
  5. word that expresses strong feelings but are usually unconnected grammatically to the sentence
  6. word combinations that are unique to that language
  7. refers to person place or thing
  8. noun pronoun or adjective that renames or describes the subject
  9. indicates a pause

19 Clues: indicates a pausespecial group of adjectivesdescribe nouns and pronounswords that describe or limitwords used in place of nounsrefers to person place or thingshortened forms of subjects and verbsexpresses an action or state of beingintroduced by words such as them or hasmakes an assertion and ends with periodwords that connect other words or groups...

VOCABULARY 2021-09-23

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. refers to more than one subject or predicate
  2. not true to life
  3. naming words
  4. action or state of being words
  5. used to describe all the words that modify the subject or predicate along with them
  6. used to describe the single word which is the subject or predicate
  7. an account of someone's life written by him
  8. not real
  1. that which can be proven to be true
  2. a words used instead of nouns
  3. writing that follows the natural patterns found in everyday speech
  4. true to life
  5. an account of someone's life written by someone else
  6. type of literature that conveys a thought in lyrical arrangement of words
  7. another name for play
  8. the time and place in which a story takes place
  9. the persoon or thing spoken about in a sentence
  10. a group of words put together to make a complete thought
  11. tells something about the subject in a word

19 Clues: not realtrue to lifenaming wordsnot true to lifeanother name for playa words used instead of nounsaction or state of being wordsthat which can be proven to be truean account of someone's life written by himtells something about the subject in a wordrefers to more than one subject or predicatethe time and place in which a story takes place...

parts of speech 2021-08-01

parts of speech crossword puzzle
  1. takes the place of noun
  2. describes nouns/pronouns
  3. connecting words
  1. links nouns to other words
  2. describes verb, adjective or adverb
  3. short exclamation
  4. action words
  5. it means names

8 Clues: action wordsit means namesconnecting wordsshort exclamationtakes the place of noundescribes nouns/pronounslinks nouns to other wordsdescribes verb, adjective or adverb

ELD Unit 4 Vocabulary 2023-11-13

ELD Unit 4 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. globo
  2. judicial
  3. legislativo
  4. derechos
  5. área
  6. lugares
  7. simbolos
  8. tierra
  9. o
  10. continente
  11. pero
  12. hemisferios
  13. leyes
  1. presidente
  2. sustantivos
  3. con cuidado
  4. cosas
  5. Áfrico
  6. fácilmente
  7. gente
  8. gobierno
  9. y
  10. despacio
  11. a través de
  12. región
  13. en
  14. individuos
  15. en silencio
  16. historia

29 Clues: yoenáreaperoglobocosasgenteleyesÁfricotierraregiónlugaresjudicialderechosgobiernosimbolosdespaciohistoriapresidentefácilmentecontinenteindividuossustantivoscon cuidadolegislativoa través deen silenciohemisferios