nouns Crossword Puzzles
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a large sea fish
- small grains that come from a plant which we boil before eating
- a type of river fish
- a vegetable that can be green, red or yellow in colour and is used in salads and cooking
- a food which we boil before eating, made from flour, water and eggs
- a drink made from a round orange fruit
- a thick liquid food made from milk
- birds, such as chickens and turkeys, bred for their meat
- a plant such as carrots, cabbage etc that we eat
- a hot drink made with dried leaves
- a small pink sea animal with a Shell and eaten as food
- a type of fish which lives in the sea but also swims up rivers
- a soft round red fruit which is used in salads and cooking
- a sweet juicy fruit which is wider at the bottom than the top
- a White liquid produced by female animals such as cows
15 Clues: a large sea fish • a type of river fish • a hot drink made with dried leaves • a thick liquid food made from milk • a drink made from a round orange fruit • a plant such as carrots, cabbage etc that we eat • a small pink sea animal with a Shell and eaten as food • a White liquid produced by female animals such as cows • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- parts of animals used as food
- a small bag used by women to hold money
- food that is prepared in a particular way
- a piece of food with sugar in it
- a separate part of a supermarket
- a large piece of bread that can be cut into slices
- a metal container in which food can be preserved for a çong period of time
- a mixture of flour and water used to cover food before frying
- meat from a cow which has been cut into tiny pieces
- a plastic container in which food is kept
- a style of cooking which is specific to a country
- a plant that we eat, such as carrots ,etc
- a round container in which food such as yogurt is kept
- a quick, simple meal
- a warm Brown sauce made from the juice that comes from cooked meat mixed with flour and water
15 Clues: a quick, simple meal • parts of animals used as food • a piece of food with sugar in it • a separate part of a supermarket • a small bag used by women to hold money • a plastic container in which food is kept • a plant that we eat, such as carrots ,etc • food that is prepared in a particular way • a style of cooking which is specific to a country • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a small square chocolate cake
- sb who buys goods or services, from a shop,company etc
- food which you eat along with the main meal at a restaurant
- food made with eggs mixed with milk and butter and usually eaten for breakfast
- a type of food covered in pastry
- a potato baked whole in its skin
- of art are shown for people to admire or buy
- a sour liquid made from wine and used in salads or cooking
- a piece of material which covers a window
- a written list showing how much you owe in return for a service
- food which is eaten in addition to the main meal
- a slice of bread that has been heated until it turns Brown
- food made with eggs mixed together and fried
- a place or a shop where
- a hot or cold liquid that you put on food
15 Clues: a place or a shop where • a small square chocolate cake • a type of food covered in pastry • a potato baked whole in its skin • a piece of material which covers a window • a hot or cold liquid that you put on food • of art are shown for people to admire or buy • food made with eggs mixed together and fried • food which is eaten in addition to the main meal • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- advantage
- extra money given to a waiter for their service
- the period of time between events which are evenly repeated
- a warm piece of clothing that you wear over your clothes when outside
- a type of fat which is harmful
- personnel
- a place where you buy and sell things from small boats
- a building or place easily recognised
- the most important part of a meal
- frozen water
- taste
- a request for food or drinks at a restaurant
- of the parts that a type of food is made from
- a person who takes your order at a restaurant
- a list of food and drinks at a restaurant
15 Clues: taste • advantage • personnel • frozen water • a type of fat which is harmful • the most important part of a meal • a building or place easily recognised • a list of food and drinks at a restaurant • a request for food or drinks at a restaurant • of the parts that a type of food is made from • a person who takes your order at a restaurant • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- sb who studies or writes about the meaning of life
- sb who travels to places that nobody has been to before
- a person in control of a group of people
- a famous person who lived in the past
- an organised and trained group of people that fights battles
- an umbrella – shaped piece of material which allows sb to drop to the ground safely after jumping out of an aircraft
- a long reptikle with no legs that produces a harmful substance that can kill s bor an animal if it bites them
- sb who makes pieces of art from wood,stone,etc
- a group of countries ruled by one person
- magic words which are intended to bring bad luck
- a male ruler of a country
- a country
- a woman from a royal family who rules a country
- a living thing with leaves and roots which grows in earth
- a quick drawing of sth
15 Clues: a country • a quick drawing of sth • a male ruler of a country • a famous person who lived in the past • a group of countries ruled by one person • a person in control of a group of people • sb who makes pieces of art from wood,stone,etc • a woman from a royal family who rules a country • magic words which are intended to bring bad luck • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a quick drawing of sth
- a country
- sb who makes pieces of art from wood,stone,etc
- a famous person who lived in the past
- a woman from a royal family who rules a country
- a long reptikle with no legs that produces a harmful substance that can kill s bor an animal if it bites them
- an organised and trained group of people that fights battles
- magic words which are intended to bring bad luck
- sb who studies or writes about the meaning of life
- sb who travels to places that nobody has been to before
- a person in control of a group of people
- a living thing with leaves and roots which grows in earth
- an umbrella – shaped piece of material which allows sb to drop to the ground safely after jumping out of an aircraft
- a group of countries ruled by one person
- a male ruler of a country
15 Clues: a country • a quick drawing of sth • a male ruler of a country • a famous person who lived in the past • a person in control of a group of people • a group of countries ruled by one person • sb who makes pieces of art from wood,stone,etc • a woman from a royal family who rules a country • magic words which are intended to bring bad luck • ...
Nouns 2023-06-24
- The star at the center of the solar system, providing light, heat, and energy to Earth.
- Sounds and melodies organized in a pleasing and rhythmic manner, often accompanied by singing or instruments.
- A building used as a dwelling place, providing shelter and living space for individuals or families.
- A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or bound together, containing stories or information.
- A wheeled vehicle used for transportation, usually with four wheels, an engine, and seats for passengers.
- The reproductive structure of a plant, typically colorful and fragrant, used for decoration or symbolism.
- A domesticated mammal commonly kept as a pet, known for its loyalty and playful nature.
- An electronic device used for processing and storing data, performing calculations, and accessing information.
- An institution where students receive education and instruction from teachers in various subjects.
- A sandy or pebbly area along the edge of a body of water, often visited for swimming and relaxation.
- A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts, often sharing common interests and experiences.
- A spherical object used in various sports and games, typically made of rubber, leather, or plastic.
- A tall plant with a single woody stem, branches, and leaves, often found in nature or used for shade.
- Any substance consumed to provide nourishment and energy for the body, typically obtained from plants or animals.
- An object or plaything designed for children's amusement and entertainment.
15 Clues: An object or plaything designed for children's amusement and entertainment. • The star at the center of the solar system, providing light, heat, and energy to Earth. • A domesticated mammal commonly kept as a pet, known for its loyalty and playful nature. • A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts, often sharing common interests and experiences. • ...
Nouns 2023-06-19
- A round object that is used in various sports and games, such as soccer, basketball, and baseball.
- A vehicle with wheels that is used for transportation and typically runs on gasoline or electricity.
- A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together, containing stories, information, or pictures.
- An object designed for play and enjoyment, typically used by children for entertainment and imagination.
- An electronic device capable of storing, processing, and retrieving information, and connecting to the internet.
- A tall, woody plant with branches and leaves that provide shade and produce oxygen.
- A sweet baked dessert made from flour, sugar, eggs, and flavorings, often decorated for special occasions.
- A colorful arc in the sky that appears after rain, consisting of seven distinct colors.
- A two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by pedals and used for transportation or recreation.
- A communication device used to make calls, send messages, and access various applications.
- The star at the center of our solar system that provides heat and light to the Earth.
- Sounds and melodies produced by voices or instruments that evoke emotions and create enjoyment.
- A natural flowing watercourse that usually leads to a larger body of water, such as a lake or ocean.
- A celestial object that appears as a bright point of light in the night sky, often used to symbolize beauty and success.
- A loyal and friendly animal that is often kept as a pet and known for its playful nature.
15 Clues: A tall, woody plant with branches and leaves that provide shade and produce oxygen. • The star at the center of our solar system that provides heat and light to the Earth. • A colorful arc in the sky that appears after rain, consisting of seven distinct colors. • A loyal and friendly animal that is often kept as a pet and known for its playful nature. • ...
Nouns 2023-08-16
- An institution for educating children or young adults.
- The natural satellite that orbits the Earth.
- A small carnivorous mammal often kept as a pet.
- A large natural elevation of the Earth's surface, usually with steep sides.
- A large and densely populated urban area.
- A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.
- A domesticated mammal often kept as a pet or working animal.
- A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together.
- The star that is the central body of the solar system.
- A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
- A group consisting of parents and their children.
- An object for children to play with, often designed for entertainment.
- A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation.
- A tall plant with a trunk and branches, typically growing in a forest.
- The reproductive structure of a flowering plant, usually colorful and fragrant.
15 Clues: A large and densely populated urban area. • The natural satellite that orbits the Earth. • A small carnivorous mammal often kept as a pet. • A group consisting of parents and their children. • A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation. • An institution for educating children or young adults. • The star that is the central body of the solar system. • ...
NOUNS 2023-11-15
Nouns 2024-02-08
- something needed or necessary
- the state of having no food for a long period, often causing death
- the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively
- someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business
- bad luck, or an unlucky event or accident
- health, energy, and good looks
- a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger
- food that you need to grow and stay healthy
- an unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of
- a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it
- a chemical that is used to destroy plants, especially weeds
- an amount that is more than is needed
- broken or torn pieces left from the destruction of something larger
- a short journey usually made for pleasure, often by a group of people
- something consisting of two or more different parts
15 Clues: something needed or necessary • health, energy, and good looks • an amount that is more than is needed • bad luck, or an unlucky event or accident • food that you need to grow and stay healthy • something consisting of two or more different parts • an unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of • a chemical that is used to destroy plants, especially weeds • ...
Nouns 2024-04-02
- a heavy fall of rain or snow
- something on sale at a lower price than its true value
- something or someone that annoys you or causes trouble for you
- the act of accepting the power or authority of someone else
- an important formal meeting between leaders of governments from two or more countries
- the act of saying or thinking that something is the result or work of a particular person or thing
- living for a long time
- the period in which two people have a romantic relationship that often leads to marriage
- a young person who is developing into an adult
- something that exists apart from other things, having its own independent existence
- a small piece or amount of something that is left from a larger original piece or amount
- the large size or importance of something
- an institution for the care of people who are mentally ill
- the original copy of a book or article before it is printed
- an illegal copy of a document, painting, etc. or the crime of making such illegal copies
15 Clues: living for a long time • a heavy fall of rain or snow • the large size or importance of something • a young person who is developing into an adult • something on sale at a lower price than its true value • an institution for the care of people who are mentally ill • the act of accepting the power or authority of someone else • ...
Nouns 2024-10-08
- a belief or idea that something may be true
- a different type of something
- a situation in which something no longer exists
- the act of making information or stories available to people in a printed or electronic form
- the amount of space between two places
- a great change, especially causing or involving much difficulty, activity, or trouble
- the process of changing to suit different conditions
- the intentional killing of all of the people of a nation, religion, or racial group
- a situation in which prices, levels or interest rates go up and down
- to attack someone violently
- (an area of) land, or sometimes sea, that is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person
- to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly
- a good knowledge of something, or the fact that you know it so well
- the use of drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of an illness or injury
- a change to a law that is not yet in operation and is still being discussed
15 Clues: to attack someone violently • a different type of something • the amount of space between two places • a belief or idea that something may be true • a situation in which something no longer exists • the process of changing to suit different conditions • to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly • ...
Nouns 2024-10-08
- (an area of) land, or sometimes sea, that is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person
- to attack someone violently
- to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly
- a situation in which something no longer exists
- the amount of space between two places
- the intentional killing of all of the people of a nation, religion, or racial group
- the act of making information or stories available to people in a printed or electronic form
- a different type of something
- the process of changing to suit different conditions
- a good knowledge of something, or the fact that you know it so well
- a situation in which prices, levels or interest rates go up and down
- a change to a law that is not yet in operation and is still being discussed
- a great change, especially causing or involving much difficulty, activity, or trouble
- the use of drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of an illness or injury
- a belief or idea that something may be true
15 Clues: to attack someone violently • a different type of something • the amount of space between two places • a belief or idea that something may be true • a situation in which something no longer exists • the process of changing to suit different conditions • to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly • ...
Nouns 2014-09-05
- something that makes things visible or affords illumination
- confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof.
- the act, business, or practice of constructing houses, office buildings, etc.
- a natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2000 feet.
- the ancient Greek goddess of victory.
- the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated.
- one of the small, feathery masses or flakes in which snow falls.
- having little or no intellectual weight; superficial or frivolous
- a braid of hair hanging down the back of the head.
- the light of the sun; sunshine.
- a usually rectangular piece of luggage especially for carrying clothes while traveling.
- a picture produced by photography.
- a town in NW Tennessee.
- the vast body of salt water that covers almost three fourths of the earth's surface.
- a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches.
15 Clues: a town in NW Tennessee. • the light of the sun; sunshine. • a picture produced by photography. • the ancient Greek goddess of victory. • a braid of hair hanging down the back of the head. • something that makes things visible or affords illumination • the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated. • ...
NOUNS 2021-05-31
- a large area of land covered with trees
- a beautiful flower
- a vegetable which makes us to cry
- an object that we use for writing
- a person who treats patients
- a fruit which is red in colour
- a bird which is black in colour
- a flying mammal
- a reading companion
- the largest animal
- a parent
- a precious metal used for making jewellery
- an animal that lives and breathes in water and swims
- a game that is played with a bat and a ball
- a furniture which we use to sit
15 Clues: a parent • a flying mammal • the largest animal • a reading companion • a beautiful flower • a person who treats patients • a fruit which is red in colour • a furniture which we use to sit • a bird which is black in colour • a vegetable which makes us to cry • an object that we use for writing • a large area of land covered with trees • a precious metal used for making jewellery • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-14
- team a group of people whose aim is to save sb who is lost or trapped
- a violent wind storm
- an overflowing of water onto land
- a very violent wind or storm
- piles of broken stone from a collapsed building
- the condition of naving no job
- water that comes from a tap
- a very large wave, usu caused by an earthquake under the sea, which can be very destructive
- a long period without rainfall
- a sudden violent movement of the earths surface
- a difficult or demanding task
- a fire in a wooded area
- a casastrophe that has occured trought natural processes rather than people
- damage tos b body caused by an accident
- the unfair treatment of people because they do not shaare the same culture and characteristics as oneself
15 Clues: a violent wind storm • a fire in a wooded area • water that comes from a tap • a very violent wind or storm • a difficult or demanding task • the condition of naving no job • a long period without rainfall • an overflowing of water onto land • damage tos b body caused by an accident • a sudden violent movement of the earths surface • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-14
- the unfair treatment of people because they do not shaare the same culture and characteristics as oneself
- a very large wave, usu caused by an earthquake under the sea, which can be very destructive
- a casastrophe that has occured trought natural processes rather than people
- a difficult or demanding task
- piles of broken stone from a collapsed building
- a very violent wind or storm
- water that comes from a tap
- a fire in a wooded area
- a violent wind storm
- damage tos b body caused by an accident
- a sudden violent movement of the earths surface
- team a group of people whose aim is to save sb who is lost or trapped
- the condition of naving no job
- an overflowing of water onto land
- a long period without rainfall
15 Clues: a violent wind storm • a fire in a wooded area • water that comes from a tap • a very violent wind or storm • a difficult or demanding task • the condition of naving no job • a long period without rainfall • an overflowing of water onto land • damage tos b body caused by an accident • a sudden violent movement of the earths surface • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a special reduction in the price of sth
- black and White lines on a road where people cross
- a place where you g oto exercise using equipment
- a person who takes it very seriously to by physically strong and healthy
- sb who watches TV
- the sound of sb speaking and describing what is happening
- the cost of entering a buiding or place
- a person who is doing an activity fort he first time
- choice
- a place where you can buy food
- a place where you play games on machines
- a place with exciting rides
- a place where you play a game trying to knock down object with a ball
- an area of ice which is prepared for people to skate on
- a film of an event
15 Clues: choice • sb who watches TV • a film of an event • a place with exciting rides • a place where you can buy food • a special reduction in the price of sth • the cost of entering a buiding or place • a place where you play games on machines • a place where you g oto exercise using equipment • black and White lines on a road where people cross • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- an area of sand next to the sea
- a baby seal
- a long journey using a personal vehicle
- a very beautiful,large house
- a shop that sells things in fashion
- a large area with many pools and slides
- a vehicle that hangs from thick wires and transports people up and down high areas
- a place where you can play different sports
- a very big type of seal
- autumn
- woman
- land next to the sea
- land which runs along the edge of the sea
- a time of year when animals produce young animals
- a steep rocky surface next to the sea
15 Clues: woman • autumn • a baby seal • land next to the sea • a very big type of seal • a very beautiful,large house • an area of sand next to the sea • a shop that sells things in fashion • a steep rocky surface next to the sea • a long journey using a personal vehicle • a large area with many pools and slides • land which runs along the edge of the sea • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a vehicle that hangs from thick wires and transports people up and down high areas
- a place where you can play different sports
- woman
- a long journey using a personal vehicle
- a shop that sells things in fashion
- an area of sand next to the sea
- autumn
- a very beautiful,large house
- land which runs along the edge of the sea
- a very big type of seal
- a large area with many pools and slides
- a baby seal
- a time of year when animals produce young animals
- a steep rocky surface next to the sea
- land next to the sea
15 Clues: woman • autumn • a baby seal • land next to the sea • a very big type of seal • a very beautiful,large house • an area of sand next to the sea • a shop that sells things in fashion • a steep rocky surface next to the sea • a large area with many pools and slides • a long journey using a personal vehicle • land which runs along the edge of the sea • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere
- a vehicle that flies
- a bus for long journeys
- a motorcycle or a bicycle
- a long wehicle whichstravels along metal tracks
- an animal that looks like a horse with black and white lines
- sb who buys goods or services,from a shop,company,etc
- a very tall modern building
- an animal that grows in its natural environment
- an area of sand next to the sea
- a wehicle with two wheels and an engine
- a piece of paper to show that you have paid for a journey
- a tourist attraction
- a boath that takes people, goods and vehicles across an area of water
- a vehicle with four wheels that carries a small number of passengers
15 Clues: a vehicle that flies • a tourist attraction • a bus for long journeys • a motorcycle or a bicycle • a very tall modern building • an area of sand next to the sea • a wehicle with two wheels and an engine • an animal that grows in its natural environment • a long wehicle whichstravels along metal tracks • a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a White liquid produced by female animals such as cows
- a vegetable that can be green, red or yellow in colour and is used in salads and cooking
- a type of river fish
- birds, such as chickens and turkeys, bred for their meat
- a type of fish which lives in the sea but also swims up rivers
- a drink made from a round orange fruit
- a food which we boil before eating, made from flour, water and eggs
- a small pink sea animal with a Shell and eaten as food
- small grains that come from a plant which we boil before eating
- a plant such as carrots, cabbage etc that we eat
- a sweet juicy fruit which is wider at the bottom than the top
- a large sea fish
- a soft round red fruit which is used in salads and cooking
- a hot drink made with dried leaves
- a thick liquid food made from milk
15 Clues: a large sea fish • a type of river fish • a hot drink made with dried leaves • a thick liquid food made from milk • a drink made from a round orange fruit • a plant such as carrots, cabbage etc that we eat • a White liquid produced by female animals such as cows • a small pink sea animal with a Shell and eaten as food • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a tourist attraction
- the activity of travelling over snow on a sled
- a valley with very steep rocky sides
- a very large species of bear
- a place where hot water flows from the ground
- an event full of excitement, action and danger
- a natural phenomenon which consists of areas of hot water
- an amazing sight
- a dish made with the meat of resindeer
- an expert who works in the field of science
- a special path through the countryside used for long walks
- a hole in the ground which spurts hot water and steam
- a mountain with a hole at the top and which may erupt
- a large wild animal which is similar to a cow
- a large hairy species of deer
15 Clues: an amazing sight • a tourist attraction • a very large species of bear • a large hairy species of deer • a valley with very steep rocky sides • a dish made with the meat of resindeer • an expert who works in the field of science • a large wild animal which is similar to a cow • a place where hot water flows from the ground • the activity of travelling over snow on a sled • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- the most important object in a public setting
- an enclosed set of steps
- a group of object of the same type
- valuable works of art
- a set of services for treating people who are ill
- the person whose job is to keep sth in good condition
- a person who is in charge of a museum
- a structure that goes around the edge of a picture
- a person who protecth sb or sth
- sth said that does not match other things that are said aboud the same thing
- a painter,a musicion or a sculptor etc
- the act of looking for sb or sth in many countries
- a person who steals
- an object on which you hang things
- the country you were born in
15 Clues: a person who steals • valuable works of art • an enclosed set of steps • the country you were born in • a person who protecth sb or sth • a group of object of the same type • an object on which you hang things • a person who is in charge of a museum • a painter,a musicion or a sculptor etc • the most important object in a public setting • ...
Nouns 2022-08-16
Nouns 2023-06-16
- A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together, often containing a story or information.
- A two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by pedals and used for transportation or exercise.
- A tall plant with a trunk and branches made of wood, typically growing in nature.
- A sandy or pebbly shore by the ocean, sea, or lake, often visited for relaxation and recreation.
- The art of combining sound and rhythm to create melodies and harmonies that are pleasing to the ear.
- The star at the center of the solar system, providing light and heat to the Earth.
- A meteorological phenomenon that appears as a multicolored arc in the sky after rainfall.
- The reproductive structure of a plant, often colorful and fragrant, used for decoration or symbolizing beauty.
- A domesticated animal that is often kept as a pet and known for its loyalty and companionship.
- An object or device designed for play, often used by children for amusement and entertainment.
- A round object used in various sports and games, usually kicked, thrown, or hit with a bat.
- A sweet baked dessert made from a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and other ingredients.
- A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, trust, and support.
- An electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data, often used for various tasks and entertainment.
- A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation, typically running on roads.
15 Clues: A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, trust, and support. • A tall plant with a trunk and branches made of wood, typically growing in nature. • A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation, typically running on roads. • The star at the center of the solar system, providing light and heat to the Earth. • ...
Nouns 2023-06-12
- A colorful plant that grows from the ground. It has petals and can smell very nice.
- A round object used for playing games. It can bounce, roll, or be thrown.
- The star that gives us light and heat during the day. It makes everything bright and warm.
- A container with a handle used for drinking. It can be made of glass, plastic, or ceramic.
- Water that falls from the sky. It makes everything wet and helps plants grow.
- A sweet treat made from cocoa beans. It comes in different flavors and can be eaten as a snack
- A friendly animal that is often kept as a pet. It has fur, four legs, and likes to play.
- A place where children go to learn. It has classrooms, teachers, and students.
- A person you like to spend time with and who supports and cares for you.
- A vehicle with two wheels that you pedal to move. It's used for transportation and recreation.
- Sounds that are organized in a pleasing way. It can be sung or played on instruments.
- A tall plant with branches, leaves, and sometimes fruits or flowers.
- An object that is played with for fun. It can be a doll, a stuffed animal, or a game.
- A place with grass, trees, and benches where people can play, relax, and have picnics.
- An object with pages that you can read. It tells a story or provides information.
15 Clues: A tall plant with branches, leaves, and sometimes fruits or flowers. • A person you like to spend time with and who supports and cares for you. • A round object used for playing games. It can bounce, roll, or be thrown. • Water that falls from the sky. It makes everything wet and helps plants grow. • ...
Nouns 2023-06-19
- A head covering that protects from the sun or cold weather. They come in different styles and can be worn as a fashion accessory.
- A white or gray mass in the sky made of tiny water droplets or ice crystals. They can take different shapes and indicate the weather.
- A vast body of salt water that covers most of the Earth's surface. They are home to various marine life and provide a habitat for fish.
- A vehicle with four wheels that is used for transportation. They can be driven on roads and can take people from one place to another.
- A place where children go to learn and study. They have classrooms, teachers, and students who come together to gain knowledge.
- A natural satellite that orbits around the Earth. It appears in the sky at night and goes through different phases.
- A tall plant with a woody trunk and branches that grow leaves. They provide shade, produce oxygen, and are home to animals.
- A round object that can be thrown, kicked, or rolled. They are used in various sports and games for fun and exercise.
- A piece of furniture with a seat and a backrest that is used for sitting. They can be made of wood, metal, or plastic.
- A furry animal that is often kept as a pet. They are loyal, and friendly, and can be trained to do tricks and follow commands.
- An object that is used for play and entertainment. They can be dolls, action figures, puzzles, or games that children enjoy.
- A round fruit with red or green skin. They are sweet and juicy and are often eaten as a healthy snack or used in recipes.
- An object made of paper with words and pictures that tells a story or provides information. They can be read for enjoyment or learning.
- A colorful plant that grows from the ground and has a pleasant smell. They are often given as gifts and used for decoration.
- The star that is closest to the Earth and provides light and warmth. It rises in the morning and sets in the evening.
15 Clues: A natural satellite that orbits around the Earth. It appears in the sky at night and goes through different phases. • A round object that can be thrown, kicked, or rolled. They are used in various sports and games for fun and exercise. • The star that is closest to the Earth and provides light and warmth. It rises in the morning and sets in the evening. • ...
Nouns 2023-08-18
- A tall plant with a trunk and branches, typically growing in a forest.
- The natural satellite that orbits the Earth.
- A domesticated mammal often kept as a pet or working animal.
- An institution for educating children or young adults.
- A large natural elevation of the Earth's surface, usually with steep sides.
- A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation.
- A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.
- An object for children to play with, often designed for entertainment.
- A group consisting of parents and their children.
- A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
- The reproductive structure of a flowering plant, usually colorful and fragrant.
- The star that is the central body of the solar system.
- A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together.
- A small carnivorous mammal often kept as a pet.
- A large and densely populated urban area.
15 Clues: A large and densely populated urban area. • The natural satellite that orbits the Earth. • A small carnivorous mammal often kept as a pet. • A group consisting of parents and their children. • A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation. • A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection. • An institution for educating children or young adults. • ...
Nouns 2024-01-24
- (of land) the quality of producing a large number of good quality crops
- continued effort to do or achieve something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time
- a remark that expresses approval, admiration, or respect
- a decision by a government that allows prisoners to go free
- the ability to behave without attracting too much attention, especially by keeping information secret
- preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience
- lack of knowledge, understanding, or information about something
- the amount that is produced by a person, machine, factory, country, etc.
- a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem
- the possibility that something good might happen in the future
- a light and pleasant wind
- a place where people come to live or the process of settling in such a place
- a substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold
- a situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered
- a feeling of doubt or worry about a future event
15 Clues: a light and pleasant wind • a feeling of doubt or worry about a future event • a remark that expresses approval, admiration, or respect • a substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold • a decision by a government that allows prisoners to go free • a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem • ...
Nouns 2025-02-20
Parts of speech crossword 2024-09-11
9 Clues: Is used before nouns • Replaces a name or a thing • Names an action or a state • Describes nouns or pronouns • Connects two parts of a sentence • Expresses strong emotions shortly • Shows a connection between two words • Names a thing, a person, a place or an idea • Describes verbs, adjectives or other adverbs
Framework Terminology :P 2013-12-09
- Take the place of nouns in a sentence, ie (I, you, he, she, it, we)
- Pairs or groups of words that are usually found alongside eachother
- Describes a verb
- The repetition of a letter at the beginning of a word
- Small talk, utterances
- An example of this would be "um" of "er"
- This type of sentence has only one clause or idea
- A way of grading nouns to make comparisons, ie "Best", "Better"
- A word that has the same meaning and can be substituted for another
- An example of this word would be "Innit"
- Defined by emotion attached to the word
- Emphatic, forceful statements
- The linguistic term for vocabulary
- The position of something in relation to another
- Underlying meaning
15 Clues: Describes a verb • Underlying meaning • Small talk, utterances • Emphatic, forceful statements • The linguistic term for vocabulary • Defined by emotion attached to the word • An example of this word would be "Innit" • An example of this would be "um" of "er" • The position of something in relation to another • This type of sentence has only one clause or idea • ...
Lesson 7 Grammar in Gobbets 2021-05-12
- …….. and all can be used as determiners and in combination with personal pronouns.
- Any means no matter which one when it is used with an ………. verb.
- Unlike another, …….. can be pluralised.
- Much can be used at the ………. of affirmative sentences.
- If we say “the young Albanian player did not expect to get this far,” the demonstrative this is acting as an ……..
- The quantifier …….. is only used with uncountable nouns.
- Most is used to form the …….. of polysyllabic adjectives such as legitimate.
- Native speakers of English often use less with nouns such as difficulties, even though the correct grammatical form would be ……..
- While none is a pronoun, no always has the function of a ………
- You can use some in a question when you …….. something (e.g. Would you like some cookies?)
- If we are speaking about three people, we will say none of them. If we speak about two, we would say …….. of them instead.
- The sentence “Josh can’t stand being …….. alone” includes an intensifier that means completely.
- Although each and every may be interchangeable sometimes, the former tends to express an …….. reference.
- The difference between I haven’t got any friends and I’ve got no friends is one of ……..
- Only …….. can be used with a great when referring to plural countable nouns.
15 Clues: Unlike another, …….. can be pluralised. • Much can be used at the ………. of affirmative sentences. • The quantifier …….. is only used with uncountable nouns. • While none is a pronoun, no always has the function of a ……… • Any means no matter which one when it is used with an ………. verb. • Only …….. can be used with a great when referring to plural countable nouns. • ...
Unit 1 Review 2013-09-08
- Not related to the main idea.
- Pronouns that refer to unspecified things
- how to make a noun that is plural and ends in s show ownership
- the rule for possessivepronouns
- to persuade, inform, entertain, explain, or describe
- the author's purpose that convinces you to do something
- Prove the main idea
- What pronouns refer to/replace.
- the author's purpose that tells you how to do something
- Replace nouns.
- What the article is mostly about.
- Missing subject, predicate, or complete idea.
- Wraps up the paragraph.
- a sentence has already been said in different words
- how to make most nouns show ownership
- show ownership
- the line in an article that states the main idea
- textual evidence + background knowledge
- the author's purpose that is used for short stories
- the author's purpose that gives you information
- The main idea in a few words.
- What the author wants you to know about the topic.
22 Clues: show ownership • Replace nouns. • Prove the main idea • Wraps up the paragraph. • Not related to the main idea. • The main idea in a few words. • the rule for possessivepronouns • What pronouns refer to/replace. • What the article is mostly about. • how to make most nouns show ownership • textual evidence + background knowledge • Pronouns that refer to unspecified things • ...
Grammar Refresh 2025-01-27
- Word that shows relationship between nouns
- Literary lens focused on point of view
- Type of pronoun that points out specific things/persons
- Punctuation mark used before a list
- Word or phrase that adds emphasis
- Verb plus "to"; don't confuse with preposition
- No longer a planet
- Word that is a person, place, thing, or idea
- Word that modifies a noun or pronoun
- Punctuation mark that shows possession or omission
- Noun or phrase that renames the noun that precedes it
- Punctuation mark that connects complete, related sentences
- Superbowl team
- Word that expresses an action or state of being
- Type of conjunction that links nouns, clauses, or phrases
- Type of pronoun used to ask questions
- Word that connects words, phrases, & clauses
- Word that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb
- Word that stands in the place of a specific noun
- Author of The Great Gatsby
- Capital of New York
- Punctuation mark used in place of parentheses; for special emphasis
22 Clues: Superbowl team • No longer a planet • Capital of New York • Author of The Great Gatsby • Word or phrase that adds emphasis • Punctuation mark used before a list • Word that modifies a noun or pronoun • Type of pronoun used to ask questions • Literary lens focused on point of view • Word that shows relationship between nouns • Word that connects words, phrases, & clauses • ...
English Exam 2016-06-11
- Fifth part of a five part essay
- Describes location
- proof Fourth part of a five part essay
- Joins sentences or clauses
- The repetition of the first consonant sound in words
- Describing a verb
- using like or as
- proof Second part of a five part essay
- Obvious and intentional exaggeration
- Words that replace nouns
- Words that describe a noun
- A direct comparison between two objects; does not include like or as
- In poetry, the repetition of the sound of a vowel
- Using words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to
- Action word, state of being
- Giving human traits to non-living things
- Person place or thing
- The first part of a five part essay
- There were 12 people at the party
- proof Third part of a five part essay
- Specifies nouns
- An exclamatory passage in a speech addressed to a person or thing
22 Clues: Specifies nouns • using like or as • Describing a verb • Describes location • Person place or thing • Words that replace nouns • Words that describe a noun • Joins sentences or clauses • Action word, state of being • Fifth part of a five part essay • There were 12 people at the party • The first part of a five part essay • Obvious and intentional exaggeration • ...
- Use this to help you elaborate/explain your idea
- Type or style of movie, music, book, etc.
- at, in, on, under, beside
- When you write email, you are encouraged to write in...
- A critical discussion, comment or opinion about something that you have experienced
- A place
- end your email with...
- The formula for guided essay
- You should check ... of your writing before submit
- You can start your GUIDED ESSAY with...
- A person, animal or things
- Words that describe the nouns
- Words that describe the verbs
- The second D in Review writing
- a word or phrase to link your writing together
- It is important to find ... before you search the answers
- Wow!Hmmph!Yeay!Alas!
- Avoid ... mistakes in your writing
- You have to write the name of writer in this writing
- formula for conjunction
- An action
- formula for review writing
- He,She,It,They,We,etc
23 Clues: A place • An action • Wow!Hmmph!Yeay!Alas! • He,She,It,They,We,etc • end your email with... • formula for conjunction • at, in, on, under, beside • formula for review writing • A person, animal or things • The formula for guided essay • Words that describe the nouns • Words that describe the verbs • The second D in Review writing • Avoid ... mistakes in your writing • ...
nouns 2021-03-22
- mark these nouns with plural forms:-ee-i-en
- distinguish subject vs. object pronouns
- indicate possession for people or things
- identify specific points that need review
- Nouns note some unexpected subject-predicate agreement
- mark these nouns with the plural form -s
- mark these nouns with plural forms: -ee, -i, -en, -a, -es, -ae
- recognize meanings of noun, verb, adjective and adverb forms
8 Clues: distinguish subject vs. object pronouns • mark these nouns with the plural form -s • indicate possession for people or things • identify specific points that need review • mark these nouns with plural forms:-ee-i-en • Nouns note some unexpected subject-predicate agreement • recognize meanings of noun, verb, adjective and adverb forms • ...
Nouns 2023-06-20
- A domesticated animal that is commonly kept as a pet. Dogs are known for their loyalty, companionship, and playful nature. They come in various breeds, sizes, and colors, and are often considered part of the family. They require care, including feeding, grooming, and exercise, and can provide comfort, love, and protection to their owners.
- A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together. Books can contain stories, information, or pictures, and are a valuable source of knowledge, entertainment, and imagination. They come in different genres, such as fiction, non-fiction, and picture books. Reading books stimulates the mind, enhances vocabulary, and opens up new worlds and ideas.
- The star at the center of the solar system that provides light, heat, and energy to the Earth. The sun is essential for life, influencing the weather, climate, and natural cycles. It appears as a bright, glowing ball in the sky during the day. The sun brings warmth, brightness, and a sense of awe, allowing plants to grow, creating shadows, and offering opportunities for outdoor activities.
- The art form of combining sounds, melodies, and rhythms to create expressive and harmonious compositions. Music can be performed using various instruments or through vocal techniques. It encompasses different genres, such as classical, pop, rock, and jazz, and is a source of entertainment, emotional expression, and cultural identity. Listening to music can evoke various emotions and enhance mood.
- A motor vehicle with four wheels that is used for transportation. Cars come in different sizes, models, and colors, and are powered by internal combustion engines or electric motors. They provide convenience and mobility, allowing people to travel comfortably and quickly from one place to another. Cars require fuel and regular maintenance for optimal performance.
- An object or device designed for play, enjoyment, and learning. Toys come in different forms, such as dolls, action figures, puzzles, and board games. They provide entertainment, stimulate creativity, and promote cognitive and motor skills development. Toys can be played with individually or with others, encouraging imagination, social interaction, and problem-solving abilities.
- An optical device used to capture and record images and videos. Cameras can be digital or film-based and come in various types, such as DSLR, point-and-shoot, or smartphone cameras. They allow individuals to capture and preserve special moments, explore photography as a hobby or profession, and express their creativity through visual storytelling.
- The reproductive structure of a plant, typically colorful and fragrant. Flowers come in various shapes, sizes, and colors and are often associated with beauty and symbolism. They are found in gardens, parks, and natural environments. Flowers attract pollinators and play a crucial role in plant reproduction, adding vibrancy and joy to the surroundings.
- An electronic device that processes data and performs various tasks using programmed instructions. Computers are used for communication, information retrieval, creativity, and problem-solving. They consist of hardware components such as the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and operate using software programs. Computers have revolutionized technology and play a vital role in modern society.
- A building or structure that serves as a dwelling for people. Houses provide shelter, privacy, and a sense of belonging. They come in different styles, sizes, and architectural designs, reflecting cultural and regional influences. Houses consist of rooms, furniture, and amenities for living, and create a comfortable and secure environment for individuals and families.
- A two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by pedals and used for transportation or recreational purposes. Bicycles are popular for exercise, commuting, and exploring the outdoors. They come in various styles, sizes, and colors, and can be adjusted to fit the rider's height. Riding a bicycle promotes physical fitness, coordination, and a sense of freedom and adventure.
- A small domesticated animal that is often kept as a pet. Cats are known for their independence, agility, and affectionate nature. They have a diverse range of breeds, sizes, and coat patterns. Cats are generally low-maintenance pets, requiring proper feeding, grooming, and a clean litter box. They provide companionship and can be playful and soothing to be around.
- A designated area of land set aside for public recreation and enjoyment. Parks offer open spaces, playgrounds, trails, and natural environments for relaxation, exercise, and social activities. They can have features like benches, picnic areas, and sports facilities. Parks provide opportunities for outdoor activities, connecting people with nature and fostering a sense of community.
- A spherical object used in various sports and games. Balls can be made of different materials such as rubber, leather, or plastic. They come in different sizes and are used for activities such as soccer, basketball, baseball, and tennis. Playing with balls promotes physical activity, coordination, and teamwork, providing hours of fun and enjoyment for individuals and groups.
- A large perennial plant with a woody stem, branches, and leaves. Trees provide shade, oxygen, and habitats for various animals. They come in different species and can be found in forests, parks, and urban areas. Trees play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance and are important for the environment and the overall well-being of the planet.
15 Clues: A domesticated animal that is commonly kept as a pet. Dogs are known for their loyalty, companionship, and playful nature. They come in various breeds, sizes, and colors, and are often considered part of the family. They require care, including feeding, grooming, and exercise, and can provide comfort, love, and protection to their owners. • ...
Nouns 2014-09-05
- a town in NW Tennessee.
- the light of the sun; sunshine.
- a picture produced by photography.
- a natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2000 feet.
- one of the small, feathery masses or flakes in which snow falls.
- the vast body of salt water that covers almost three fourths of the earth's surface.
- the act, business, or practice of constructing houses, office buildings, etc.
- having little or no intellectual weight; superficial or frivolous
- a braid of hair hanging down the back of the head.
- a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches.
- a usually rectangular piece of luggage especially for carrying clothes while traveling.
- the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated.
- the ancient Greek goddess of victory.
- something that makes things visible or affords illumination
- confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof.
15 Clues: a town in NW Tennessee. • the light of the sun; sunshine. • a picture produced by photography. • the ancient Greek goddess of victory. • a braid of hair hanging down the back of the head. • something that makes things visible or affords illumination • the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated. • ...
Nouns 2022-04-17
- A ______ of fish.
- A ______ of keys.
- The plural of the word dog.
- A noun that you can't see or touch, but feel.
- A noun that can't be counted.
- A noun that refers to a group.
- A general noun that is not capitalized.
- A noun that can be counted.
- A ______ of flowers.
- A _______ of wolves.
- The plural of the word sheep.
- A specific noun that is capitalized.
- A word that describes a person, place or thing.
- A noun that you can see and touch.
- The singular form of the word children.
15 Clues: A ______ of fish. • A ______ of keys. • A ______ of flowers. • A _______ of wolves. • A noun that can be counted. • The plural of the word dog. • The plural of the word sheep. • A noun that can't be counted. • A noun that refers to a group. • A noun that you can see and touch. • A specific noun that is capitalized. • A general noun that is not capitalized. • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a large boat which uses the wind to move
- a person who works on a sailing ship
- a person who makes cloth using machines
- the end of sth long and narrow
- significance
- food and equipment needed for an activity
- a very strong feeling that cannot be controlled;a strong interest
- a holiday with many exciting things to do
- an aromatic substance used in cooking
- very bad weather, with thunder , lightning and heavy rain
- the path a ship follows to buy and sell goods in different countries
- a precious metal which is yellow in colour
- an object used as a decoration
- a holiday where you explore an are carrying all your luggage on your back
- the path you follow to get to a place
15 Clues: significance • an object used as a decoration • the end of sth long and narrow • a person who works on a sailing ship • an aromatic substance used in cooking • the path you follow to get to a place • a person who makes cloth using machines • a large boat which uses the wind to move • a holiday with many exciting things to do • food and equipment needed for an activity • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a holiday where you explore an are carrying all your luggage on your back
- a precious metal which is yellow in colour
- an object used as a decoration
- a holiday with many exciting things to do
- food and equipment needed for an activity
- a person who works on a sailing ship
- very bad weather, with thunder , lightning and heavy rain
- the path you follow to get to a place
- a large boat which uses the wind to move
- significance
- a person who makes cloth using machines
- the end of sth long and narrow
- a very strong feeling that cannot be controlled;a strong interest
- the path a ship follows to buy and sell goods in different countries
- an aromatic substance used in cooking
15 Clues: significance • an object used as a decoration • the end of sth long and narrow • a person who works on a sailing ship • an aromatic substance used in cooking • the path you follow to get to a place • a person who makes cloth using machines • a large boat which uses the wind to move • a holiday with many exciting things to do • food and equipment needed for an activity • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- advantage
- extra money given to a waiter for their service
- the period of time between events which are evenly repeated
- a warm piece of clothing that you wear over your clothes when outside
- a type of fat which is harmful
- personnel
- a place where you buy and sell things from small boats
- a building or place easily recognised
- the most important part of a meal
- frozen water
- taste
- a request for food or drinks at a restaurant
- of the parts that a type of food is made from
- a person who takes your order at a restaurant
- a list of food and drinks at a restaurant
15 Clues: taste • advantage • personnel • frozen water • a type of fat which is harmful • the most important part of a meal • a building or place easily recognised • a list of food and drinks at a restaurant • a request for food or drinks at a restaurant • of the parts that a type of food is made from • a person who takes your order at a restaurant • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- the process of things you do to get sth ready
- a combination of ingredients
- the way sb acts,conduct
- the amount that fits into a large spoon
- a White substance which gives flavour to food
- the amount that fits into a small spoon
- slowly cooked meat and vegetables
- a vegetable with a very strong taste
- pan a metal container used to fry food
- a liquid with a sharp taste made from milk
- food that is prepared in a particular way
- a sweet Brown spice
- a plant used in cooking to add flavour to food
- a White powder used in baking cakes to help them rise
- fish and shellfish you can eat
15 Clues: a sweet Brown spice • the way sb acts,conduct • a combination of ingredients • fish and shellfish you can eat • slowly cooked meat and vegetables • a vegetable with a very strong taste • pan a metal container used to fry food • the amount that fits into a large spoon • the amount that fits into a small spoon • food that is prepared in a particular way • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- an electrical device that you use to do mathematical calculations
- a period of a hundred years
- a person whose job is to design or build machines or buildings
- a set of connected artificial rivers
- a person who creates sth which has never been made before
- a person who studies rocks and soil
- mass production of a type of goods
- a piece of equipment with moving parts
- a picture that shows where countries or roads are
- the period of sbs life
- a substance from which sth can be made
- the body of a living thing
- the body of a person
- a piece of polished glass which you use to look at yourself
- a structure that is build over a river, railway or road so that people or vehicles can cross
15 Clues: the body of a person • the period of sbs life • the body of a living thing • a period of a hundred years • mass production of a type of goods • a person who studies rocks and soil • a set of connected artificial rivers • a piece of equipment with moving parts • a substance from which sth can be made • a picture that shows where countries or roads are • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a person in control of a group of people
- sb who studies or writes about the meaning of life
- sb who makes pieces of art from wood,stone,etc
- magic words which are intended to bring bad luck
- a living thing with leaves and roots which grows in earth
- a famous person who lived in the past
- a woman from a royal family who rules a country
- sb who travels to places that nobody has been to before
- an organised and trained group of people that fights battles
- an umbrella – shaped piece of material which allows sb to drop to the ground safely after jumping out of an aircraft
- a quick drawing of sth
- a long reptikle with no legs that produces a harmful substance that can kill s bor an animal if it bites them
- a country
- a male ruler of a country
- a group of countries ruled by one person
15 Clues: a country • a quick drawing of sth • a male ruler of a country • a famous person who lived in the past • a person in control of a group of people • a group of countries ruled by one person • sb who makes pieces of art from wood,stone,etc • a woman from a royal family who rules a country • magic words which are intended to bring bad luck • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a person in control of a group of people
- an umbrella – shaped piece of material which allows sb to drop to the ground safely after jumping out of an aircraft
- a long reptikle with no legs that produces a harmful substance that can kill s bor an animal if it bites them
- an organised and trained group of people that fights battles
- a living thing with leaves and roots which grows in earth
- sb who makes pieces of art from wood,stone,etc
- a woman from a royal family who rules a country
- magic words which are intended to bring bad luck
- a country
- sb who travels to places that nobody has been to before
- a famous person who lived in the past
- a group of countries ruled by one person
- a male ruler of a country
- sb who studies or writes about the meaning of life
- a quick drawing of sth
15 Clues: a country • a quick drawing of sth • a male ruler of a country • a famous person who lived in the past • a person in control of a group of people • a group of countries ruled by one person • sb who makes pieces of art from wood,stone,etc • a woman from a royal family who rules a country • magic words which are intended to bring bad luck • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- the sound of sb speaking and describing what is happening
- a person who takes it very seriously to by physically strong and healthy
- choice
- a person who is doing an activity fort he first time
- a film of an event
- a place with exciting rides
- a special reduction in the price of sth
- a place where you can buy food
- a place where you play games on machines
- the cost of entering a buiding or place
- an area of ice which is prepared for people to skate on
- black and White lines on a road where people cross
- a place where you play a game trying to knock down object with a ball
- sb who watches TV
- a place where you g oto exercise using equipment
15 Clues: choice • sb who watches TV • a film of an event • a place with exciting rides • a place where you can buy food • the cost of entering a buiding or place • a special reduction in the price of sth • a place where you play games on machines • a place where you g oto exercise using equipment • black and White lines on a road where people cross • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a food which we boil before eating, made from flour, water and eggs
- a drink made from a round orange fruit
- a small pink sea animal with a Shell and eaten as food
- a thick liquid food made from milk
- small grains that come from a plant which we boil before eating
- a hot drink made with dried leaves
- a plant such as carrots, cabbage etc that we eat
- a soft round red fruit which is used in salads and cooking
- a vegetable that can be green, red or yellow in colour and is used in salads and cooking
- a type of fish which lives in the sea but also swims up rivers
- a White liquid produced by female animals such as cows
- a sweet juicy fruit which is wider at the bottom than the top
- birds, such as chickens and turkeys, bred for their meat
- a type of river fish
- a large sea fish
15 Clues: a large sea fish • a type of river fish • a thick liquid food made from milk • a hot drink made with dried leaves • a drink made from a round orange fruit • a plant such as carrots, cabbage etc that we eat • a White liquid produced by female animals such as cows • a small pink sea animal with a Shell and eaten as food • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a liquid which comes from fruit or vegetables
- an orange, lemon or similar fruit
- a yellow fruit with a sour taste
- objects that explode in the sky with bright colours and a loud noise
- a vegetable with long green stems that can be used in cooking and salads
- a green vegetable used in cooking
- a sweet dish eaten after a meal
- a long orange vegetable which grows underground
- a decorated vehicle which is used in celebrations
- a long, curved fruit with a yellow skin
- along green vegetable eaten in salads
- exhibition
- a vegetable that can be used in cooking and salads and when it id cut it makes the eyes sting and water
- an organised occasion
- a thing that as been made
15 Clues: exhibition • an organised occasion • a thing that as been made • a sweet dish eaten after a meal • a yellow fruit with a sour taste • an orange, lemon or similar fruit • a green vegetable used in cooking • along green vegetable eaten in salads • a long, curved fruit with a yellow skin • a liquid which comes from fruit or vegetables • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-14
- a general increase in World temperatures
- the destruction of forests by humans
- having a good opinion of sb
- who does sth officially for a group of people
- sth that is done by people in a particular society
- a building or a statue built to honour sb special
- the people who live in a particular place
- a visitor;sb we have invited
- a product sold in a particular area
- the condition of people having nowhere to live
- a place of archaelogical interest
- contamination
- a shape of the mouth wich shows friendliness
- the ability to keep and recall information,experiences,events,etc
- an animal in danger of extinction
15 Clues: contamination • having a good opinion of sb • a visitor;sb we have invited • a place of archaelogical interest • an animal in danger of extinction • a product sold in a particular area • the destruction of forests by humans • a general increase in World temperatures • the people who live in a particular place • a shape of the mouth wich shows friendliness • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-14
- a violent wind storm
- the condition of naving no job
- water that comes from a tap
- a fire in a wooded area
- a sudden violent movement of the earths surface
- team a group of people whose aim is to save sb who is lost or trapped
- damage tos b body caused by an accident
- an overflowing of water onto land
- a difficult or demanding task
- the unfair treatment of people because they do not shaare the same culture and characteristics as oneself
- a very large wave, usu caused by an earthquake under the sea, which can be very destructive
- a casastrophe that has occured trought natural processes rather than people
- piles of broken stone from a collapsed building
- a long period without rainfall
- a very violent wind or storm
15 Clues: a violent wind storm • a fire in a wooded area • water that comes from a tap • a very violent wind or storm • a difficult or demanding task • the condition of naving no job • a long period without rainfall • an overflowing of water onto land • damage tos b body caused by an accident • piles of broken stone from a collapsed building • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-14
- the amount of rain that falls
- the provision of water
- the act of catching too many fish
- water which visibly moves across the surface of the sea
- an object made to look like a person or an animal
- a conflict between groups of people usu armed
- a painting produced with oilbased paints
- a very large sea mammal
- existence
- the way the wind moves in a particular area
- a place where weapons are stored
- the area that is on the top or the outside of sth
- a movement of water in one direction and which is in the sea
- a large boat that uses the wind to move
- atype of fish that live in the sea
15 Clues: existence • the provision of water • a very large sea mammal • the amount of rain that falls • a place where weapons are stored • the act of catching too many fish • atype of fish that live in the sea • a large boat that uses the wind to move • a painting produced with oilbased paints • the way the wind moves in a particular area • a conflict between groups of people usu armed • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-14
- a large boat that uses the wind to move
- the provision of water
- a painting produced with oilbased paints
- an object made to look like a person or an animal
- a very large sea mammal
- the area that is on the top or the outside of sth
- the amount of rain that falls
- atype of fish that live in the sea
- a conflict between groups of people usu armed
- the way the wind moves in a particular area
- a movement of water in one direction and which is in the sea
- the act of catching too many fish
- existence
- a place where weapons are stored
- water which visibly moves across the surface of the sea
15 Clues: existence • the provision of water • a very large sea mammal • the amount of rain that falls • a place where weapons are stored • the act of catching too many fish • atype of fish that live in the sea • a large boat that uses the wind to move • a painting produced with oilbased paints • the way the wind moves in a particular area • a conflict between groups of people usu armed • ...
Nouns 2023-08-18
- A tall plant with a trunk and branches, typically growing in a forest.
- The natural satellite that orbits the Earth.
- A domesticated mammal often kept as a pet or working animal.
- An institution for educating children or young adults.
- A large natural elevation of the Earth's surface, usually with steep sides.
- A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation.
- A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.
- An object for children to play with, often designed for entertainment.
- A group consisting of parents and their children.
- A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
- The reproductive structure of a flowering plant, usually colorful and fragrant.
- The star that is the central body of the solar system.
- A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together.
- A small carnivorous mammal often kept as a pet.
- A large and densely populated urban area.
15 Clues: A large and densely populated urban area. • The natural satellite that orbits the Earth. • A small carnivorous mammal often kept as a pet. • A group consisting of parents and their children. • A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation. • A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection. • An institution for educating children or young adults. • ...
Nouns 2023-12-07
- A large fortified building or structure with thick walls, towers, and often a moat. Castles were historically used for defense and as residences for royalty. They are often associated with medieval architecture.
- A tall, woody plant with branches and leaves. Trees provide shade, oxygen, and habitats for various animals. They come in different types, such as oak, pine, and maple, each with unique characteristics.
- A vehicle designed to travel through space or the Earth's atmosphere. Rockets are used for space exploration, satellite launches, and scientific research. They are propelled by engines that expel thrust.
- A two-wheeled vehicle powered by pedaling. Bicycles are a popular mode of transportation, exercise, and recreation. They come in different styles, including mountain bikes, road bikes, and cruisers.
- A meteorological phenomenon that appears as a multicolored arc in the sky. Rainbows result from the refraction, dispersion, and reflection of sunlight in raindrops. They are often seen after rain showers.
- Cream A frozen dessert made from dairy or non-dairy ingredients, flavored with various sweeteners and often containing added toppings or mix-ins. Ice cream is a popular treat enjoyed in cones, cups, or as sundaes.
- An outdoor area with structures and equipment designed for children to play on. Playgrounds provide a space for physical activity, social interaction, and imaginative play, fostering children's development.
- An object consisting of pages with printed or written material, often bound together. Books are a source of knowledge, stories, and entertainment. They can be fiction or non-fiction and come in various genres.
- A large mammal with a long trunk, tusks, and large ears. Elephants are known for their intelligence, social behavior, and strength. They are herbivores and live in various habitats, including savannas and forests.
- The reproductive structure of a plant, usually colorful and fragrant. Flowers play a vital role in pollination and the production of seeds. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, adding beauty to gardens and nature.
- An optical instrument used to observe distant objects in the sky. Telescopes enhance the visibility of celestial bodies such as planets, stars, and galaxies. They come in different types, including refracting and reflecting.
- An electronic device that processes data and performs tasks according to programmed instructions. Computers are used for various purposes, including education, communication, entertainment, and work.
- A vast body of saltwater that covers a large part of the Earth's surface. Oceans are essential for life and play a crucial role in regulating the planet's climate. They are home to a diverse range of marine life.
- A dense, tropical forest characterized by high rainfall and a variety of plant and animal species. Rainforests are vital for biodiversity and contribute to the Earth's climate regulation and oxygen production.
- A domesticated mammal known for its loyalty and companionship. Dogs come in various breeds, sizes, and colors and are often kept as pets. They provide love, protection, and joy to families and individuals.
15 Clues: A two-wheeled vehicle powered by pedaling. Bicycles are a popular mode of transportation, exercise, and recreation. They come in different styles, including mountain bikes, road bikes, and cruisers. • ...
Nouns 2023-11-02
- the feeling that you have no connection with the people around you or that you are not part of a group
- the quality of being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans, or the future
- the work needed to keep a road, building, machine, etc. in good condition
- the situation in which people have the same opinion, or in which they approve of or accept something
- an occasion when two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other
- the length of time that something lasts
- a feeling of not being satisfied with your situation
- the fact of being involved with or connected to someone or something
- the act of digging a hole or channel in the ground, especially with a machine
- a plan or course of action taken to achieve a particular purpose
- a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help
- the quality of always behaving or performing in a similar way
- enjoyment, happiness, or satisfaction, or something that gives this
- a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger
- something that you want and plan to do
15 Clues: something that you want and plan to do • the length of time that something lasts • a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger • a feeling of not being satisfied with your situation • a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help • the quality of always behaving or performing in a similar way • ...
Nouns 2024-02-01
- when you look at two things to see what they have the same
- the part of the environment that makes up the sky, earth, weather, etc.
- to get different types of the same thing for keeping
- when someone has the ability to be very successful in the future
- how someone views or thinks of a situation
- a group of people that share similar traits and culture
- a small change made to something
- the positive gain from doing something good
- how well someone understands information
- the system that allows people to gain more knowledge in a society
- the focus on one person from a whole group
- someone's skill to complete a task
- a test to see how well someone knows the required information
- the form of communication within a culture and how the people use the words
- the different types of technology and news that exist in a society
15 Clues: a small change made to something • someone's skill to complete a task • how well someone understands information • the focus on one person from a whole group • how someone views or thinks of a situation • the positive gain from doing something good • to get different types of the same thing for keeping • a group of people that share similar traits and culture • ...
Nouns 2024-10-08
- the amount of space between two places
- to attack someone violently
- the act of making information or stories available to people in a printed or electronic form
- a situation in which prices, levels or interest rates go up and down
- a change to a law that is not yet in operation and is still being discussed
- a situation in which something no longer exists
- (an area of) land, or sometimes sea, that is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person
- a belief or idea that something may be true
- the use of drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of an illness or injury
- a great change, especially causing or involving much difficulty, activity, or trouble
- to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly
- the intentional killing of all of the people of a nation, religion, or racial group
- the process of changing to suit different conditions
- a different type of something
- a good knowledge of something, or the fact that you know it so well
15 Clues: to attack someone violently • a different type of something • the amount of space between two places • a belief or idea that something may be true • a situation in which something no longer exists • the process of changing to suit different conditions • to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly • ...
Persuasive Language Techniques Crossword Puzzle 2024-08-30
- link persuasive points together
- the feeling associated with a word
- words charged with strong connotations
- words that describe nouns and pronouns
- the presentation of only one side of an issue or point of view
- a statement formulated as a question but is not expected to be answered
- a short personal story
- words that replace nouns
- an appeal to logic and rational thought
- used to create imagery and express ideas non-literally
- repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses
- a means of convincing an audience by creating an emotional response
- an appeal to credibility and trustworthiness
- specialized language used by a specific group of people or profession
14 Clues: a short personal story • words that replace nouns • link persuasive points together • the feeling associated with a word • words charged with strong connotations • words that describe nouns and pronouns • an appeal to logic and rational thought • an appeal to credibility and trustworthiness • used to create imagery and express ideas non-literally • ...
Greek and Latin roots #2 2023-11-09
countable and uncountable nouns 2023-01-24
6 Clues: For uncountable nouns • Noun that we can count • Noun that we can't count • For plural and countable nouns • For negative sentences and questions • For plural countable nouns and positive question
Elementary 1 2014-04-24
- Set of items you wear
- i'll have a cup of ________
- i'm ________ a letter to my mom
- We're_____to the movies
- i _____ swimm i'm afraid to water
- it covers yur head against the sun
- you use them in your feet
- i _____ the guitar very well (2 words)
- the last meal of the day
- I'm ______ to my favorite song
- question for countable nouns (2 words
- he's_______ to slow he's going to lose the race
- shirt for women
- i love ice cream for _______
- i always eat a big _____ for my birthday
- meal during work or school activities
- the first meal of the day
- you ____ run very fast¡¡¡¡
- i love_____ and bacon to breakfast
- question for uncountable nouns (2 words)
- termination of the verb in continous
- i'm cold where is my ____
- it covers your neck from cold
- She is _______ in the school pool
- we use _____ in Mexico to make traditional pozole
25 Clues: shirt for women • Set of items you wear • We're_____to the movies • the last meal of the day • the first meal of the day • i'm cold where is my ____ • you use them in your feet • you ____ run very fast¡¡¡¡ • i'll have a cup of ________ • i love ice cream for _______ • it covers your neck from cold • I'm ______ to my favorite song • i'm ________ a letter to my mom • ...
English skills crossword puzzle 2013-02-06
- A thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else.
- The formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named.
- A set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time.
- Used to show relationships between nouns and the other words in a sentence.
- Used to introduce nouns or phrases (A, This, The).
- Words that are used to modify nouns.
- This signifies a place where something has been omitted, or
- The body of words used in a particular language.
- A phrase where adjacent or closely connected words begin with
- Used to connect phrases, clauses and sentences (and, but, until).
- is a pause or interruption (...).
- Used in place of a noun that is already known (She, Him)
- same phoneme (sound/letter) eg several silent, slithering
- Gives information about a verb, adjective or another adverb.
- A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind (As brave as a lion).
- Words which sound the same but have different meaning.
- Words that express the actions of a person or thing.
- The people adressed by a text.
- The level of understanding a text.
- The marks used in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning.
- The method of human communication, either spoken or written.
- Words with same spelling as another, but different meaning.
- The repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds in neighboring words.
- The person or thing a sentence is about.
- Words that identify a person, idea or thing.
- A small group of words that act as a meaningful unit within a clause but do not stand alone
26 Clues: The people adressed by a text. • is a pause or interruption (...). • The level of understanding a text. • Words that are used to modify nouns. • The person or thing a sentence is about. • Words that identify a person, idea or thing. • The body of words used in a particular language. • Used to introduce nouns or phrases (A, This, The). • ...
Chapter 7 Crossword 2015-12-10
16 Clues: my • busy • to go • he comes • she says • he leads • to return • he greets • they watch • she recalls • she hands over • a family of nouns • emperor (subject) • case used for subjects • messenger (direct object) • case used for direct objects
Quantifiers 2022-08-08
- Auntie Ester brought ... gifts for everyone.
- I think you have seen ... TV today son!
- Don't worry mom, we're having ... fun over here!
- Could you give me ... of extra cream?
- So far, do you guys have ... questions?
- words like: chickens, computers, dollars, and kids are known as ... nouns.
- words like: dirt, oil, space, and wood are known as ... nouns.
- You don't like her so ..., don't you?
- We have bought ... for today's dinner party.
- I'm having ... issues with the network.
- Jimmy has ... friends at school.
11 Clues: Jimmy has ... friends at school. • You don't like her so ..., don't you? • Could you give me ... of extra cream? • I'm having ... issues with the network. • I think you have seen ... TV today son! • So far, do you guys have ... questions? • We have bought ... for today's dinner party. • Auntie Ester brought ... gifts for everyone. • ...
Grammar and Vocabulary Upper 2024-10-07
- The internal framework of humans and animals made of bones
- Nouns that we can't count and don't have a plural form
- We send and receive this on our mobile gadgets
- A group of living organisms that share similar characteristics
- The most advanced stage of the human race, culture and way of life
- Used to type words on a smartphone, tablet or computer
- It's like a smartphone but bigger
- To__ something, is to let others see it, have it or use it
- Future form to express an action that we're sure is happening
- To find something new
- Future form to talk about probable actions
- To__ with someone or something is come together with it
- Something so amazing, we think it can't be true
- To look for something
- A person who we descend from
- Individual part of a board game
- many Expression used on countable questions
- Nouns that we can count and have a plural form
- Recommendation we give to other people
- much Expression used on uncountable questions
20 Clues: To look for something • To find something new • A person who we descend from • Individual part of a board game • It's like a smartphone but bigger • Recommendation we give to other people • Future form to talk about probable actions • many Expression used on countable questions • much Expression used on uncountable questions • We send and receive this on our mobile gadgets • ...
my final exam 2020-05-11
Nouns 2020-09-28
- flat land
- a person who cares for the sick
- a wild animal
- animal that can fly
- a female parent
- older persons
- a wide shallow bowl
- a female chicken
- a place where you can stroll around
- sense organ use in seeing
- Likes to chase mice
- a place to walk at the side of a street
- one that sings
- a small kind of horse
- Man's best friend
15 Clues: flat land • a wild animal • older persons • one that sings • a female parent • a female chicken • Man's best friend • a wide shallow bowl • Likes to chase mice • animal that can fly • a small kind of horse • sense organ use in seeing • a person who cares for the sick • a place where you can stroll around • a place to walk at the side of a street
Nouns 2019-06-24
15 Clues: god (nom.) • ally (nom.) • army (acc.) • gate (acc.) • slave (acc.) • earth (nom.) • peace (acc.) • river (nom.) • horse (nom.) • honour (nom.) • letter (nom.) • justice (acc.) • village (acc.) • stranger (nom.) • messenger (nom.)
Nouns 2014-09-05
- confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof.
- a town in NW Tennessee.
- a natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2000 feet.
- the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated.
- a braid of hair hanging down the back of the head.
- a usually rectangular piece of luggage especially for carrying clothes while traveling.
- a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches.
- the ancient Greek goddess of victory.
- the act, business, or practice of constructing houses, office buildings, etc.
- having little or no intellectual weight; superficial or frivolous
- the light of the sun; sunshine.
- a picture produced by photography.
- the vast body of salt water that covers almost three fourths of the earth's surface.
- one of the small, feathery masses or flakes in which snow falls.
- something that makes things visible or affords illumination
15 Clues: a town in NW Tennessee. • the light of the sun; sunshine. • a picture produced by photography. • the ancient Greek goddess of victory. • a braid of hair hanging down the back of the head. • something that makes things visible or affords illumination • one of the small, feathery masses or flakes in which snow falls. • ...
Nouns 2014-09-05
- the vast body of salt water that covers almost three fourths of the earth's surface.
- the act, business, or practice of constructing houses, office buildings, etc.
- the light of the sun; sunshine.
- a natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2000 feet.
- a usually rectangular piece of luggage especially for carrying clothes while traveling.
- having little or no intellectual weight; superficial or frivolous
- a picture produced by photography.
- confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof.
- a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches.
- a town in NW Tennessee.
- the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated.
- one of the small, feathery masses or flakes in which snow falls.
- the ancient Greek goddess of victory.
- a braid of hair hanging down the back of the head.
- something that makes things visible or affords illumination
15 Clues: a town in NW Tennessee. • the light of the sun; sunshine. • a picture produced by photography. • the ancient Greek goddess of victory. • a braid of hair hanging down the back of the head. • something that makes things visible or affords illumination • the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated. • ...
Nouns 2023-12-08
- to attack someone violently
- the amount of space between two places
- the use of drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of an illness or injury
- a change to a law that is not yet in operation and is still being discussed
- a situation in which prices, levels or interest rates go up and down
- the process of changing to suit different conditions
- a belief or idea that something may be true
- the intentional killing of all of the people of a nation, religion, or racial group
- a great change, especially causing or involving much difficulty, activity, or trouble
- the act of making information or stories available to people in a printed or electronic form
- a different type of something
- (an area of) land, or sometimes sea, that is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person
- a situation in which something no longer exists
- a good knowledge of something, or the fact that you know it so well
- to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly
15 Clues: to attack someone violently • a different type of something • the amount of space between two places • a belief or idea that something may be true • a situation in which something no longer exists • the process of changing to suit different conditions • to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly • ...
Nouns 2023-12-27
- physical and mental health and happiness, especially of a person
- something done for pleasure or to relax, or such activities generally
- a method or way of doing something
- something that you accept as true, although you have no proof
- an important event in the development or history of something or in someone's life
- the action of becoming intentionally involved in a difficult situation, in order to prevent it from getting worse
- the way you feel about something or someone, or a particular feeling or opinion
- the feeling that good things are going to happen in the future
- something that is not included, or the action of not including something
- an act of killing a lot of people
- a situation in which people do not understand what is happening, what they should do or who someone or something is
- the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people
- willingness to give your time and energy to a job, activity, or something that you believe in
- a very successful business person who is rich and powerful
- the condition of being extremely poor
15 Clues: an act of killing a lot of people • a method or way of doing something • the condition of being extremely poor • the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people • a very successful business person who is rich and powerful • something that you accept as true, although you have no proof • the feeling that good things are going to happen in the future • ...
Nouns 2023-12-27
- something done for pleasure or to relax, or such activities generally
- the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people
- something that is not included, or the action of not including something
- a situation in which people do not understand what is happening, what they should do or who someone or something is
- a very successful business person who is rich and powerful
- a method or way of doing something
- physical and mental health and happiness, especially of a person
- willingness to give your time and energy to a job, activity, or something that you believe in
- the action of becoming intentionally involved in a difficult situation, in order to prevent it from getting worse
- something that you accept as true, although you have no proof
- an act of killing a lot of people
- the condition of being extremely poor
- an important event in the development or history of something or in someone's life
- the way you feel about something or someone, or a particular feeling or opinion
- the feeling that good things are going to happen in the future
15 Clues: an act of killing a lot of people • a method or way of doing something • the condition of being extremely poor • the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people • a very successful business person who is rich and powerful • something that you accept as true, although you have no proof • the feeling that good things are going to happen in the future • ...
Nouns 2022-08-16
Nouns 2023-03-28
- The object you sleep on it.
- Likes to chase mice.
- you use this object to sit down
- Red fruit
- Animals that can fly.
- Where you live.
- Where you go to study
- Man's best friend.
- a place with a lot of stores
- teaches you many things when you are at the school
- you can use to watch movies or tv shows
- yellow fruit
- Use in classes to take notes
- The place you go to cook.
- Object you use to write.
15 Clues: Red fruit • yellow fruit • Where you live. • Man's best friend. • Likes to chase mice. • Animals that can fly. • Where you go to study • Object you use to write. • The place you go to cook. • The object you sleep on it. • Use in classes to take notes • a place with a lot of stores • you use this object to sit down • you can use to watch movies or tv shows • ...
Nouns 2023-02-22
Nouns 2024-06-05
- A male duck
- Acronym for Melbourne Cricket Ground
- A literary device used to make sounds
- A device used for entertainment
- A farm animal
- A feeling of agony
- A large fruit with a red interior and a green rind
- Organisms that drift through the sea
- A French dish disliked by many people
- An exotic car brand
- A country known for its hot weather and dry land
- A place for children to learn
- A mode of transport
- A deep and narrow valley between two steep sides
- A place in the desert where water is found
15 Clues: A male duck • A farm animal • A feeling of agony • An exotic car brand • A mode of transport • A place for children to learn • A device used for entertainment • Organisms that drift through the sea • Acronym for Melbourne Cricket Ground • A French dish disliked by many people • A literary device used to make sounds • A place in the desert where water is found • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a place where buses stop for people to get on or off
- a film or TV programme that shows real events and information about s bor sth
- a part of a town
- entertainment that happens in the evening
- a piece of equipment which is used for filming and small enough to be used with one or two hands
- a surface which is part of a road for buses to drive on
- a structure that is a built over a river
- a shape with four equal sides
- the name of a book or film which is easy to remember
- an interesting or charasteristic part of sth
- a surface which is part of a road for bicycles tor ide on
- an illegal action which is punished by law
- a surface for vehicles to drive on
- a large green space in a town
- a large town
15 Clues: a large town • a part of a town • a shape with four equal sides • a large green space in a town • a surface for vehicles to drive on • a structure that is a built over a river • entertainment that happens in the evening • an illegal action which is punished by law • an interesting or charasteristic part of sth • a place where buses stop for people to get on or off • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a place where buses stop for people to get on or off
- entertainment that happens in the evening
- a piece of equipment which is used for filming and small enough to be used with one or two hands
- a large town
- a surface which is part of a road for bicycles tor ide on
- a film or TV programme that shows real events and information about s bor sth
- a part of a town
- a shape with four equal sides
- a surface which is part of a road for buses to drive on
- a structure that is a built over a river
- an interesting or charasteristic part of sth
- the name of a book or film which is easy to remember
- an illegal action which is punished by law
- a large green space in a town
- a surface for vehicles to drive on
15 Clues: a large town • a part of a town • a shape with four equal sides • a large green space in a town • a surface for vehicles to drive on • a structure that is a built over a river • entertainment that happens in the evening • an illegal action which is punished by law • an interesting or charasteristic part of sth • a place where buses stop for people to get on or off • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-14
- team a group of people whose aim is to save sb who is lost or trapped
- a violent wind storm
- an overflowing of water onto land
- a very violent wind or storm
- piles of broken stone from a collapsed building
- the condition of naving no job
- water that comes from a tap
- a very large wave, usu caused by an earthquake under the sea, which can be very destructive
- a long period without rainfall
- a sudden violent movement of the earths surface
- a difficult or demanding task
- a fire in a wooded area
- a casastrophe that has occured trought natural processes rather than people
- damage tos b body caused by an accident
- the unfair treatment of people because they do not shaare the same culture and characteristics as oneself
15 Clues: a violent wind storm • a fire in a wooded area • water that comes from a tap • a very violent wind or storm • a difficult or demanding task • the condition of naving no job • a long period without rainfall • an overflowing of water onto land • damage tos b body caused by an accident • a sudden violent movement of the earths surface • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a holiday with many exciting things to do
- a holiday where you explore an are carrying all your luggage on your back
- the path a ship follows to buy and sell goods in different countries
- a person who works on a sailing ship
- a person who makes cloth using machines
- food and equipment needed for an activity
- a large boat which uses the wind to move
- a very strong feeling that cannot be controlled;a strong interest
- a precious metal which is yellow in colour
- an aromatic substance used in cooking
- the end of sth long and narrow
- very bad weather, with thunder , lightning and heavy rain
- an object used as a decoration
- significance
- the path you follow to get to a place
15 Clues: significance • the end of sth long and narrow • an object used as a decoration • a person who works on a sailing ship • an aromatic substance used in cooking • the path you follow to get to a place • a person who makes cloth using machines • a large boat which uses the wind to move • a holiday with many exciting things to do • food and equipment needed for an activity • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- fish and shellfish you can eat
- the process of things you do to get sth ready
- pan a metal container used to fry food
- the way sb acts,conduct
- a combination of ingredients
- a White powder used in baking cakes to help them rise
- a White substance which gives flavour to food
- the amount that fits into a small spoon
- a liquid with a sharp taste made from milk
- a sweet Brown spice
- a plant used in cooking to add flavour to food
- food that is prepared in a particular way
- the amount that fits into a large spoon
- a vegetable with a very strong taste
- slowly cooked meat and vegetables
15 Clues: a sweet Brown spice • the way sb acts,conduct • a combination of ingredients • fish and shellfish you can eat • slowly cooked meat and vegetables • a vegetable with a very strong taste • pan a metal container used to fry food • the amount that fits into a large spoon • the amount that fits into a small spoon • food that is prepared in a particular way • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- the body of a person
- a picture that shows where countries or roads are
- a substance from which sth can be made
- an electrical device that you use to do mathematical calculations
- a person who creates sth which has never been made before
- the body of a living thing
- mass production of a type of goods
- a period of a hundred years
- a structure that is build over a river, railway or road so that people or vehicles can cross
- a person who studies rocks and soil
- a set of connected artificial rivers
- a piece of polished glass which you use to look at yourself
- a piece of equipment with moving parts
- the period of sbs life
- a person whose job is to design or build machines or buildings
15 Clues: the body of a person • the period of sbs life • the body of a living thing • a period of a hundred years • mass production of a type of goods • a person who studies rocks and soil • a set of connected artificial rivers • a substance from which sth can be made • a piece of equipment with moving parts • a picture that shows where countries or roads are • ...
NOUNS 2022-05-11
- a steep rocky surface next to the sea
- the red liquid in our body
- clothes which were worn in the past
- a performance of an event that happened in the past
- a very old story that many people know and that may be true
- an imaginary creature with magical
- a small, simple house or shelter made of wood
- the top of a small area of raised land
- a part of the body between the head and the shoulders which is not short
- an opening in a surface
- a person
- a large imaginary evil animal that has wings and a long tail and breathes fire
- a hard pointed growth on the head of an animal
- flames that appear when burning sth
- an imaginary immense human being
15 Clues: a person • an opening in a surface • the red liquid in our body • an imaginary immense human being • an imaginary creature with magical • clothes which were worn in the past • flames that appear when burning sth • a steep rocky surface next to the sea • the top of a small area of raised land • a small, simple house or shelter made of wood • ...
Unit 5 Let's count and measure! 2018-11-01
- True or False: Non countable nouns cannot be countable.
- Nouns that can be counted
- Words that sound the same but have different spellings.
- People in ancient Egypt measure with their hands, arms and ____.
- You use this to measure big things.
- You use this to measure small things.
- The past simple of think
- People in ancient Rome used this to measure.
- Birbal was a wise man who lived in ______.
- The past simple of draw
10 Clues: The past simple of draw • The past simple of think • Nouns that can be counted • You use this to measure big things. • You use this to measure small things. • Birbal was a wise man who lived in ______. • People in ancient Rome used this to measure. • True or False: Non countable nouns cannot be countable. • Words that sound the same but have different spellings. • ...
Fun for Ben and Bob! 2015-11-22
- A group of sentences used to convey an idea in a composition
- An idea, or a person
- Marks that show the end of a sentence or a pause
- Action or state of being
- A word that connects ideas in a compound sentence
- The word in a sentence that is having the action done to it
- A group of words without a working subject and verb
- The verb of a sentence and its object
- Words used to replace nouns in subsequent sentences
- Words that add information to nouns
- A group of words with a working subject and predicate
- Words that can be followed by exclamation marks
- A word that shows relationship between a noun and its position
- Words that add information to verbs
- The word in a sentence that is doing the action
- marks Punctuation that indicates what someone said
- Means more than one
17 Clues: Means more than one • An idea, or a person • Action or state of being • Words that add information to nouns • Words that add information to verbs • The verb of a sentence and its object • Words that can be followed by exclamation marks • The word in a sentence that is doing the action • Marks that show the end of a sentence or a pause • ...
Apostrophe 2013-02-05
- Definition is When a letter is excluded from the rest
- Is there an apostrophe for a car door
- Truee or false? could've = could of
- Truee or false? We do not use apostrophes on pronouns
- Andrew's backpack, What belongs to Andrew
- Apostrophe is used for what kind of nouns
- Apostrophe s is used with plural nouns, singular nouns, and what kind of words.
7 Clues: Truee or false? could've = could of • Is there an apostrophe for a car door • Andrew's backpack, What belongs to Andrew • Apostrophe is used for what kind of nouns • Definition is When a letter is excluded from the rest • Truee or false? We do not use apostrophes on pronouns • Apostrophe s is used with plural nouns, singular nouns, and what kind of words.
1st Quimestre Test 2022-08-30
- The action of campaigning toward a social change.
- Type of language that is considered very informal.
- People, animal, things, places, concepts, etc.
- The lack of resources in the general public.
- Communication that uses slang and casual language.
- Word category that modifies verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
- Adjectives that compare two nouns.
- The quality of being logical and consistent.
- Word category that qualifies or modifies nouns.
- Words that show action, occurrence, or state of being.
- Communication that employs clear language and no idioms.
- Word category that modifies verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
12 Clues: Adjectives that compare two nouns. • The quality of being logical and consistent. • The lack of resources in the general public. • People, animal, things, places, concepts, etc. • Word category that qualifies or modifies nouns. • The action of campaigning toward a social change. • Type of language that is considered very informal. • ...
Unit 1 Optional Crossword Puzzle Wrap Up Activity 2016-02-05
- Particular person, place, or thing that should be capitalized
- Noun made up of two or more words
- Pronoun used to replace specific people or things
- Pronoun used to refer to nonspecific person or thing
- Pronoun used to point to something specific
- Pronoun that acts like an adjective showing ownership
- word or words to which a pronoun refers
- Noun that can be experienced through 5 senses
- Noun referring to a general person, place, thing, or idea
- Noun that refers to a group of several elements
- Word that takes the place of one or nouns
- Noun that can be counted and pluralized
- Pronoun that asks a question
- Pronoun used to add emphasis or to reflect back to subject
- Nouns that name an idea, event, quality, or concept
- Noun that cannot be counted or pluralized
16 Clues: Pronoun that asks a question • Noun made up of two or more words • Noun that can be counted and pluralized • word or words to which a pronoun refers • Word that takes the place of one or nouns • Noun that cannot be counted or pluralized • Pronoun used to point to something specific • Noun that can be experienced through 5 senses • ...
AlphaPlus ELA Vocabulary I 2023-03-20
- Words describing verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs, as in how, where, when, or how often
- People other than those close to the creator of the text
- Comparison of two different things using a familiar one
- Unseen nouns (e.g., ideas, emotions)
- Mark showing possession or contraction
- Examine carefully as in study it carefully
- Physical or mental activity
- Reason why an author writes about a specific topic
- Three or more words with the same beginning sound to direct attention
- True account of someone’s life written by that person
- Original noun that has a pronoun following it
- Words describing nouns as in size, shape, or color
- That which is correct
- Character in conflict with the main character
- Words that are opposite in meaning
- One or more letters attached before or after a root word to modify its meaning
16 Clues: That which is correct • Physical or mental activity • Words that are opposite in meaning • Unseen nouns (e.g., ideas, emotions) • Mark showing possession or contraction • Examine carefully as in study it carefully • Original noun that has a pronoun following it • Character in conflict with the main character • Words describing nouns as in size, shape, or color • ...
Parts of speech 2019-10-18
- Adverbs of __________ answer the question: where things happen?
- Type of word which is used to point a noun.
- Complete the order in which adjectives have to be placed.
- Type of words which are used to connect words.
- Verb which represent states rather tahn actions.
- Type of words which are used to replace nouns.
- Example of a preposition of movement.
- Example of a proper noun which is a german city.
- Type of words which are used to show a relationship between words.
- Adverbs of ________________ answer the question: how often?
- _____________ nouns are things we can actually touch.
- _________ verbs expresses ability or possibility.
- Example of an abstract noun, which is the opposite of goodwill.
- Type of words which are used to name people, things or places.
- Verbs often represent ______________.
15 Clues: Example of a preposition of movement. • Verbs often represent ______________. • Type of word which is used to point a noun. • Type of words which are used to connect words. • Type of words which are used to replace nouns. • Example of a proper noun which is a german city. • Verb which represent states rather tahn actions. • ...
Chapter 9 terms 2015-03-29
- impaired understanding of the meaning of stimuli although no sensory organs are impaired
- nonsense syllables are uttered or several words run together as one
- difficulty performing mathematical tasks
- loss of previously acquired reading skills
- persistent repetition of phrases and utterances
- verbal output often limited to nouns and verbs, with omissions of function words
- lack of awareness of their language impairment
- beating around the bush because of a lack of access to precise words
- parrot-like repetition of what is heard
- literal (substituting letter, syllables) and semantic (substitution of words)
- the use of words that only have meaning to the person using them
- alterations in inflection, stress, and rhythm
- slow rate of speech
- syllable or series of syllables the patient utters without variations
- inability to speak in a grammatically correct fashion
- initial speechlessness or delay in time to initiate speech
- loss of previously acquired writing skills
- excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness
- difficulty in naming mainly nouns, verbs and adverbs
19 Clues: slow rate of speech • parrot-like repetition of what is heard • difficulty performing mathematical tasks • loss of previously acquired reading skills • loss of previously acquired writing skills • alterations in inflection, stress, and rhythm • lack of awareness of their language impairment • persistent repetition of phrases and utterances • ...
count and uncount nouns 2023-08-21
- is only used with plural countable nouns.
- fruits that are considered vegetables by nutritionists. Botanically, a fruit is a ripened flower ovary and contains seeds.
- is a fruit of various citrus species in the family
- it is a quantifier used with plural countable nouns.
- elongated, edible fruit – botanically a berry – produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa.
- it is used with uncountable nouns.can also be used when we want to know the PRICE of something.
- is used when we want to know the QUANTITY of something.
- a type of cereal and food. In origin, it is a swamp grass. It is eaten as staple food in many parts of Asia.
- When we are thisrty we drink it.
- before nouns to refer to indefinite quantities. Although the quantity is not important or not defined, using some implies a limited quantity
- A group or cluster of something
11 Clues: A group or cluster of something • When we are thisrty we drink it. • is only used with plural countable nouns. • is a fruit of various citrus species in the family • it is a quantifier used with plural countable nouns. • is used when we want to know the QUANTITY of something. • ...