school Crossword Puzzles
School 2017-05-29
18 Clues: окно • дверь • сумка • ручка • книга • папка • ученик • линейка • кабинет • резинка • учебник • учитель • тетрадь • заходить • карандаш • смотреть • класс (дети) • книжный шкаф
School 2022-11-16
- An assignment that test your knowledge
- An article of clothing not allowed
- What you need to write with
- Something that goes in pouch or locker
- It is 1 of the 3 R's
- It is 1 of the 3 R's
- Someone to go to for advice
- A colorful place to go
- This person educates you
- A place you are allowed to throw stuff around
- To retain knowledge you so this
- A place to create sound
- A place to go when not feeling 100%
- Voice level when entering a classroom
- What you need to go to the restroom
- This person retains information
- A place to store your belongings
- A place to eat
- It is 1 of the 3 R's
- Transportation to and from school
20 Clues: A place to eat • It is 1 of the 3 R's • It is 1 of the 3 R's • It is 1 of the 3 R's • A colorful place to go • A place to create sound • This person educates you • What you need to write with • Someone to go to for advice • To retain knowledge you so this • This person retains information • A place to store your belongings • Transportation to and from school • ...
School 2024-02-28
- Teachers write on this.
- Holds all your stationary.
- Shows how many days you've been present at school.
- A learning space.
- What you should be doing at school.
- If you don't get your work done in class you get...
- Chemistry, biology and physics are all a type of this.
- Test your numeracy skills.
- Person who instructs your learning.
- Typing over writing.
- You go to school to get an...
- Years 1-6
- Complete your work in here.
- Check this to see what class you have next.
- Years 7-8
- Year 9-13
- You have to be in one of these until you are at least 16.
- You have this class once every two weeks.
18 Clues: Years 1-6 • Years 7-8 • Year 9-13 • A learning space. • Typing over writing. • Teachers write on this. • Test your numeracy skills. • Holds all your stationary. • Complete your work in here. • You go to school to get an... • Person who instructs your learning. • What you should be doing at school. • You have this class once every two weeks. • Check this to see what class you have next. • ...
School 2020-10-18
school 2022-02-02
- sing and sing us a group
- You speak it everyday
- this is where a teacher can explain everything
- This subject involves calculations
- stay fit and have fun
- Where you learn become a smarter kid
- we love them, Luke love his the most
- You read it
- you have fun or you don't
- Where you do many experiments
- stay healthy and fit
- You learn about your countries past
- Make creative pieces and paint
- learn to play instruments
- You get taught how to be smart
- The teacher gets money for it
- get to play and sit with your friends
17 Clues: You read it • stay healthy and fit • You speak it everyday • stay fit and have fun • sing and sing us a group • you have fun or you don't • learn to play instruments • Where you do many experiments • The teacher gets money for it • Make creative pieces and paint • You get taught how to be smart • This subject involves calculations • You learn about your countries past • ...
school 2022-01-03
- Christian leader chosen by Jesus to spread his message
- A rule that god wanted the Israelites to follow
- the second part of the Christian Bible, written originally in Greek and recording the life and teachings of Jesus and his earliest followers
- Groups of Jews living outside the Jewish homeland
- short story that teaches a moral lesson
- Messenger sent by God to share God’s message with the people
- a person who is willing to die for his or her beliefs
- The departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt
- Belief in one god
- student or follower
- the first part of the Christian Bible that tells about the Jews, their history, and God's words to them in the time before Jesus Christ was born.
- from sins and its consequences
- Agreement with God
- leader or savior
- Being forced to leave one’s home country
- Rising from the Dead
- A social group made up of families or clans
17 Clues: leader or savior • Belief in one god • Agreement with God • student or follower • Rising from the Dead • from sins and its consequences • short story that teaches a moral lesson • Being forced to leave one’s home country • A social group made up of families or clans • A rule that god wanted the Israelites to follow • Groups of Jews living outside the Jewish homeland • ...
school 2022-01-03
- Christian leader chosen by Jesus to spread his message
- A rule that god wanted the Israelites to follow
- the second part of the Christian Bible, written originally in Greek and recording the life and teachings of Jesus and his earliest followers
- Groups of Jews living outside the Jewish homeland
- short story that teaches a moral lesson
- Messenger sent by God to share God’s message with the people
- a person who is willing to die for his or her beliefs
- The departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt
- Belief in one god
- student or follower
- the first part of the Christian Bible that tells about the Jews, their history, and God's words to them in the time before Jesus Christ was born.
- from sins and its consequences
- Agreement with God
- leader or savior
- Being forced to leave one’s home country
- Rising from the Dead
- A social group made up of families or clans
17 Clues: leader or savior • Belief in one god • Agreement with God • student or follower • Rising from the Dead • from sins and its consequences • short story that teaches a moral lesson • Being forced to leave one’s home country • A social group made up of families or clans • A rule that god wanted the Israelites to follow • Groups of Jews living outside the Jewish homeland • ...
school 2015-06-23
- je doet het met een stift of kleurpotlood
- woorden die je moet kennen
- nieuwe dingen kenen
- allemaal sporten op het fort
- je moet er op zitten
- de kinderen van vroeger schreven er mee
- je steekt iets in elkaar
- het heeft een vulling en je kunt er mee schrijven
- kikker open toe
- vermenigvuldigingen die je uit je hoofd moet kennen
- elkaar tikken
- iets doen dat niet waar is
- allemaal leuke activiteiten
- je schrijft er op met een soort stift
- zaal waar alle kinderen op school eten
- doe je op de speelplaats
- werk dat je tuis maakt
17 Clues: elkaar tikken • kikker open toe • nieuwe dingen kenen • je moet er op zitten • werk dat je tuis maakt • doe je op de speelplaats • je steekt iets in elkaar • iets doen dat niet waar is • woorden die je moet kennen • allemaal leuke activiteiten • allemaal sporten op het fort • je schrijft er op met een soort stift • zaal waar alle kinderen op school eten • ...
SCHOOL 2023-11-07
- please store my stuff
- our saviors before a test..
- mistakes dissapear!
- is the one learning
- obsessing over it non stop
- what we write with in school
- makes you cry
- a space to learn in
- makes you a nerd
- stores your pens
- humans and nature
- sleepless nights
- helps you learn
- no gravity?!
- wide in the world
- express yourself
- stress,numbers and counting
17 Clues: no gravity?! • makes you cry • helps you learn • makes you a nerd • stores your pens • sleepless nights • express yourself • humans and nature • wide in the world • mistakes dissapear! • is the one learning • a space to learn in • please store my stuff • obsessing over it non stop • our saviors before a test.. • stress,numbers and counting • what we write with in school
School 2022-11-09
17 Clues: наука • карта • ластик • краски • музыка • ножницы • словарь • ноутбук • история • линейка • рисование • география • математика • калькулятор • информатика • английский язык • французский язык
School 2022-12-20
17 Clues: карта • класс • краски • ластик • словарь • ножницы • ноутбук • линейка • спортзал • столовая • география • кроссовки • математика • библиотека • калькулятор • окружающий мир • игровая площадка
SCHOOL 2013-05-13
- they go to school to study
- little test
- the room where students are
- a person that makes you learn
- you read to learn
- where the books are
- a table
- about numbers
- book with meaning of words
- they go to school
- school after 8th grade
- you do it to learn more
- the study to construct the sentences
- you keep for your own
- bus you take it to go to school
- it sounds to dismiss school
- give it to a question
17 Clues: a table • little test • about numbers • they go to school • you read to learn • where the books are • you keep for your own • give it to a question • school after 8th grade • you do it to learn more • they go to school to study • book with meaning of words • the room where students are • it sounds to dismiss school • a person that makes you learn • bus you take it to go to school • ...
school 2013-05-20
- plaats waar illegale goederen verkocht werden
- wapen van Finnick
- naam van Katniss haar strijdpak
- mentor van Katniss
- karaktertrek van match
- district met kernwapens
- psychiater van Katniss
- naam van de president
- soort 3D-plattegrond
- karaktertrek van Hatmitch
- plaats waar hongerspelen plaats vinden
- plaats waar Katniss woonde
- wapen van de president
- volledige naam zusje van Katniss
- afkorting propagandaspotjes
- slaaf zonder tong
- bijnaam v/d berg in district 2
17 Clues: wapen van Finnick • slaaf zonder tong • mentor van Katniss • soort 3D-plattegrond • naam van de president • wapen van de president • karaktertrek van match • psychiater van Katniss • district met kernwapens • karaktertrek van Hatmitch • plaats waar Katniss woonde • afkorting propagandaspotjes • bijnaam v/d berg in district 2 • naam van Katniss haar strijdpak • ...
School 2022-11-25
- a room for teachers
- a room for PE class
- you can borrow a book there
- you use a dictionary there
- you can play basketball there
- you learn about kings and queens there
- you can play Computer games there
- you count in class
- a room for lessons
- you have Computer studies there
- a place where you play different games. It is usually outside
- you can draw in class
- you need a map there
- you can play the guitar there
- a place where you have breaks
- you can do experiments
- you have lunch there
17 Clues: you count in class • a room for lessons • a room for teachers • a room for PE class • you need a map there • you have lunch there • you can draw in class • you can do experiments • you use a dictionary there • you can borrow a book there • you can play the guitar there • a place where you have breaks • you can play basketball there • you have Computer studies there • ...
School 2022-11-24
17 Clues: kunst • söökla • muusika • ajalugu • staadion • kirjandus • vene keel • spordisaal • eesti keel • tunniplaan • geograafia • matemaatika • mänguväljak • raamatukogu • inglise keel • arvutiõpetus • kehaline kasvatus
School 2018-02-26
- We do something called division in _________.
- We go to school so that we can _________
- I have a ________ on the end of my pencil, but it's really small
- We use this object to find information
- We see lots of ________ at school
- This year my ______________________ is Ms. York
- I have a new box of ___________ for school
- The place that we have been talking about. IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEN,the answer is ___________.
- I hate school because of all of the ______________________
- The ____________ of our school is a very important pearson
- In school we learn _______________
- How did you do on the Math ____________?
- Usually we make lots of ______________________ in school
- Our first language is _____________________.
- At recess we play on the big area called a _______________
- In this _____________ sometimes we do experiments
- For projects sometimes we need to do ____________ on electronic devises or in books
17 Clues: We see lots of ________ at school • In school we learn _______________ • We use this object to find information • How did you do on the Math ____________? • We go to school so that we can _________ • I have a new box of ___________ for school • Our first language is _____________________. • We do something called division in _________. • ...
SCHOOL 2023-06-23
School 2024-01-18
- what we use to cut paper
- what we tap on
- the person that teaches
- what we use to erase
- what we have the second lesson every Thursday
- what the teachers can be at times
- what we have our stuff in
- what we watch on the lunch break
- what we write in
- what we have three times a day
- the person that learns
- what we use to write with
- what we are supposed to become
- when we end the school day
- when we start the school day
- our English teacher
- the website we use everyday
17 Clues: what we tap on • what we write in • our English teacher • what we use to erase • the person that learns • the person that teaches • what we use to cut paper • what we use to write with • what we have our stuff in • when we end the school day • the website we use everyday • when we start the school day • what we have three times a day • what we are supposed to become • ...
School 2024-01-18
- what we watch on the lunch break
- our English teacher
- what we use to erase
- what we have three times a day
- when we start the school day
- the person that learns
- when we end the school day
- the website we use everyday
- what we write in
- the person that teaches
- what we tap on
- what the teachers can be at times
- what we have our stuff in
- what we are supposed to become
- what we have the second lesson every Thursday
- what we use to write with
- what we use to cut paper
17 Clues: what we tap on • what we write in • our English teacher • what we use to erase • the person that learns • the person that teaches • what we use to cut paper • what we have our stuff in • what we use to write with • when we end the school day • the website we use everyday • when we start the school day • what we are supposed to become • what we have three times a day • ...
School 2023-10-23
17 Clues: пенал • ручка • школа • ластик • музыка • рюкзак • история • линейка • учитель • карандаш • география • рисование • математика • информатика • физкультура • естествознание • английский язык
school 2016-04-26
School 2017-05-04
- A time when you and your year stand together in a room.
- Who runs the school?
- A person who teaches a lesson.
- A subject were you perform plays.
- A vehicle most students travel in for school.
- A time to rest and play with friends.
- A language all student in Wales learn.
- A room with lots of books.
- A subject were you might get out of breath.
- You use this to make your pencils sharper.
- A subject with lots of numbers.
- What do you get if you misbehave?
- The people you meet in school.
- A room where students learn.
- A subject were you might from a drum set.
- Clothing that all pupils wear.
- A subject were you read and write and learn about language.
17 Clues: Who runs the school? • A room with lots of books. • A room where students learn. • The people you meet in school. • A person who teaches a lesson. • Clothing that all pupils wear. • A subject with lots of numbers. • What do you get if you misbehave? • A subject were you perform plays. • A time to rest and play with friends. • A language all student in Wales learn. • ...
school 2014-09-22
- stop je spullen in
- daar zit de leraar op
- waar je op zit
- daar kan je op uitrekenen hoe lang iets is
- De vrouw die les geeft
- de kinderen die in de klas zitten
- leer je dingen in
- daar kan je dingen op uitrekenen
- informatie uit een lokaal
- waar je aan werkt
- hier leer je in
- daar kijk je progamma's op
- daar kijken de leerlingen op
- je kijkt naar een scherm aangesloten aan je computer
- daar kan je op schrijven
- daar kan iedereen in zitten
- als je dat open doet komt er lucht in
17 Clues: waar je op zit • hier leer je in • waar je aan werkt • leer je dingen in • stop je spullen in • daar zit de leraar op • De vrouw die les geeft • daar kan je op schrijven • informatie uit een lokaal • daar kijk je progamma's op • daar kan iedereen in zitten • daar kijken de leerlingen op • daar kan je dingen op uitrekenen • de kinderen die in de klas zitten • ...
school 2021-09-03
- if you want to be a good student, try to do your ____
- is what you should pay in class
- is also called a semester
- is what you get to prove you ended school or a course
- classes means to play truant. Don't try this!
- is an additional exam you sit when you failed the first one
- school is where you get education for free
- is the same as rubber
- = fail
- is what helps you keep all your handouts together
- is where you take notes
- is what you make when you get better and better at something
- is how many points you get
- exam is a sort of an exercise exam before getting the real one
- is how your performance is graded by a teacher
- = obligatory
- if you want to study, _____ to a university
17 Clues: = fail • = obligatory • is the same as rubber • is where you take notes • is also called a semester • is how many points you get • is what you should pay in class • school is where you get education for free • if you want to study, _____ to a university • classes means to play truant. Don't try this! • is how your performance is graded by a teacher • ...
School 2021-10-11
- a frame for supporting an artist's painting
- a liquid used to add color to something
- furniture used to store books
- a seat for one person
- an instrument used for writing or drawing
- a tool used for cutting food
- a tool for eating liquid foods
- a piece of plastic used for carrying things
- a long written work that can be read
- a small tool with two or more pointed parts
- thin sheets of material for writing things on
- a person who works in a library
- a picture that is painted
- a table for writing and reading
- a set of keys used for a computer
- a tool used for putting paint on a surface
- a device used for watching something
17 Clues: a seat for one person • a picture that is painted • a tool used for cutting food • furniture used to store books • a tool for eating liquid foods • a person who works in a library • a table for writing and reading • a set of keys used for a computer • a device used for watching something • a long written work that can be read • a liquid used to add color to something • ...
SCHOOL 2021-12-14
- you need this to go to a party or an event
- you can eat or buy food there
- a park where you can play and have fun
- hall where you can celebrate or attend an event
- when you don't feel well
- when you don't have to pay
- it is something that you eat during the day
- you can go on one
- when it is not good for your body
- this can be bad or good
- you send this
- the teacher who is responsible for your school
- you can exercise there
- you can play there
- when you are very happy
- you can read and borrow books there
- you can study chemistry and computer there
17 Clues: you send this • you can go on one • you can play there • you can exercise there • this can be bad or good • when you are very happy • when you don't feel well • when you don't have to pay • you can eat or buy food there • when it is not good for your body • you can read and borrow books there • a park where you can play and have fun • you need this to go to a party or an event • ...
School 2022-02-27
17 Clues: klasa • obecny • stołówka • prywatny • kreatywny • nieobecny • nieśmiały • publiczny • plan lekcji • mark (ocena) • przyjacielski • kolega z klasy • nosić mundurek • smart (bystry) • ... an exam (zdać) • ... an exam (oblać) • powtarzać materiał, uczyć się
school 2022-05-18
- the person who teaches us stuff we get on tests
- you sit at this during class
- you do this for a test about a week ahead.
- 1.22, 3.07, 0.32
- Ruud is our teacher for this subject
- mathteachers write formulas on this thing
- the place where you see your grades and schedule
- what you usualy spend most of your afternoon on
- bring your own...
- an assignment mostly grated with OVG
- where you keep you're eraser, pencil, pen
- 30 minutes free starting at 12:45
- the finish of a chapter
- the people who actually go to school
- other word for projector
- activity during lunchbreak with dutch vocabulary
- around 200 pages of pressed on information
17 Clues: 1.22, 3.07, 0.32 • bring your own... • the finish of a chapter • other word for projector • you sit at this during class • 30 minutes free starting at 12:45 • an assignment mostly grated with OVG • the people who actually go to school • Ruud is our teacher for this subject • where you keep you're eraser, pencil, pen • mathteachers write formulas on this thing • ...
School 2023-01-18
17 Clues: fizika • mūzika • ķīmija • sports • lineāls • plakāts • penālis • vēsture • bioloģija • ģeogrāfija • matemātika • sporta soma • kalkulators • angļu valoda • baltā tāfele • vizuālā māksla • mācību grāmata
School 2023-06-21
- It's a person who attends classes and learns in school.
- It's a container for carrying food to school or work.
- It's a person who teaches and guides students in school.
- It's a specific set of clothing worn by students in school.
- It's a bag that is worn on the back to carry belongings.
- It's a piece of furniture for sitting on.
- It's an area in a school where students play and have fun.
- It's a book with pages for writing notes or assignments.
- It's a large board, typically black, used for writing or drawing in the classroom.
- It's a room in a school where students have lessons.
- It's a book used for studying a particular subject in school.
- It's a place in a school where books are kept for reading and borrowing.
- It's a tool used for writing or drawing, usually made of wood.
- It's a vehicle used to transport students to and from school.
- It's a piece of furniture with a flat surface for writing or studying.
- It's a device that rings to indicate the start or end of classes.
- It's a break during school when students play or rest.
17 Clues: It's a piece of furniture for sitting on. • It's a room in a school where students have lessons. • It's a container for carrying food to school or work. • It's a break during school when students play or rest. • It's a person who attends classes and learns in school. • It's a person who teaches and guides students in school. • ...
School 2024-02-06
SCHOOL 2024-04-25
- to write notes
- person that cleans the school
- to highlight
- person that gives you medicine
- children in the classroom
- person that runs the school
- to find meaning of words
- to write on
- p.e.
- place where you eat
- person that teaches you in school
- food you eat in the morning
- time to play outside
- place to learn
- to pack books
- learning about numbers
- letters
17 Clues: p.e. • letters • to write on • to highlight • to pack books • to write notes • place to learn • place where you eat • time to play outside • learning about numbers • to find meaning of words • children in the classroom • food you eat in the morning • person that runs the school • person that cleans the school • person that gives you medicine • person that teaches you in school
School 2022-09-09
- you write on this with an expo marker
- you eat in this
- if you go to a private you where these
- the person who teaches the class
- stands for physical education
- where you learn
- you sit a this
- you play outside during this time
- you learn about what happened in the past
- you can run for President, vice president, and secretary during these
- you check out books from this
- who learns
- you take these and get grades
- you write with this
- you put your books and stuff in these and put it on your back
- where you get in line
- the person who dresses up and is at the sports games
17 Clues: who learns • you sit a this • you eat in this • where you learn • you write with this • where you get in line • you check out books from this • you take these and get grades • stands for physical education • the person who teaches the class • you play outside during this time • you write on this with an expo marker • if you go to a private you where these • ...
School 2023-03-30
- When this rings, your class is over
- You write with this
- When you get to go outside and play
- You have to finish this at home and turn in tomorrow
- This person is in charge of the whole school
- You go to school to ______
- All of your things must go inside this
- You color with these
- This is the person who is in charge of your classroom
- This room is full of books to check out
- The building where you go to learn
- This is sticky and makes papers stick together
- Sometimes the teacher surprises you with this to see what you know
- The score you get on a test or homework
- You carry your lunch in this
- The teacher writes on this in front of the class
- The room where you sit most of the day
17 Clues: You write with this • You color with these • You go to school to ______ • You carry your lunch in this • The building where you go to learn • When this rings, your class is over • When you get to go outside and play • All of your things must go inside this • The room where you sit most of the day • This room is full of books to check out • ...
school 2013-08-20
- inzamelingsactie met hardlopen
- onderzoeken/goed bekijken
- een uitstapje
- een opstel over 1 bepaald onderwerp
- hierin kun je veel dingen opzoeken
- iets wat je gebruikt om informatie ergens over te vinden
- spreekbeurt
- je bedoelt precies wat er staat
- de omslag van een boek
- je aandacht erbij houden
- ander woord voor een gezegde
- appel,peer,sinaasappel
- een rondje ergens omheen zetten
- een vraag waar je kunt kiezen uit meerdere antwoorden
- uitgebreid vertellen of uitleg geven over iets
- je leestoon
- afkijken
17 Clues: afkijken • spreekbeurt • je leestoon • een uitstapje • appel,peer,sinaasappel • de omslag van een boek • je aandacht erbij houden • onderzoeken/goed bekijken • ander woord voor een gezegde • inzamelingsactie met hardlopen • een rondje ergens omheen zetten • je bedoelt precies wat er staat • hierin kun je veel dingen opzoeken • een opstel over 1 bepaald onderwerp • ...
school 2016-04-26
SCHOOL 2016-05-09
- transportation
- favorite period of the day
- 7 of these a day
- slow machines in every class
- help you learn
- 8th graders stay here
- Mrs. Upton's favorite thing to do
- your peers
- study of the past
- where everybody has to go
- principal
- mascot
- where you make pretty pictures
- where food is served
- these classes really add up
- how long school lasts
- you want to avoid this
17 Clues: mascot • principal • your peers • transportation • help you learn • 7 of these a day • study of the past • where food is served • 8th graders stay here • how long school lasts • you want to avoid this • where everybody has to go • favorite period of the day • these classes really add up • slow machines in every class • where you make pretty pictures • Mrs. Upton's favorite thing to do
school 2022-02-02
- This is a subject where you do many experiments.
- This is a creative subject where you can express yourself.
- This is a break that is longer than others and and u get to eat and play when your done.
- This is an object where you get most of your knowledge from.
- This is an object you can use to do everything in school.
- This is an object that teachers and students use to get information and do things in school.
- This is the person that teaches you in school.
- This subject requires a lot of calculation.
- This is a subject where you learn about yours and many other countries past and all about it.
- This is were you learn and spend most of your time in school
- case This is an object that you can keep all your school stationery.
- This is what you wear to school.
- this is what you do all of your school work on
- This is the object the teacher writes on to teach you.
- This is all the different things you learn about in school.
- This is the shortest break where you get to eat a snack and play after.
- Bottle This is what you bring to school to keep yourself hydrated
17 Clues: This is what you wear to school. • This subject requires a lot of calculation. • this is what you do all of your school work on • This is the person that teaches you in school. • This is a subject where you do many experiments. • This is the object the teacher writes on to teach you. • This is an object you can use to do everything in school. • ...
school 2016-08-17
- If you make a mistake you can use a _____ to correct
- When your teacher speaks you should ___________
- When your classmates __________ you should listen
- Between lessons there is a ________
- A piece of paper is called a ________
- You keep your papers in your ring binder, or _______
- To ask a question you should raise your ________
- _____ new words in your glossary book
- You can make holes in your sheets with a ____ punch
- If you don't hear or understand you can ask the teacher to ___
- The teacher writes on the ______
- Students' tables are called ____
- The various things you can study in school are called ____
- when you concentrate and do your best you make your teacher ____
- You _______ a book
- The room you are sitting in
- A writing tool
17 Clues: A writing tool • You _______ a book • The room you are sitting in • The teacher writes on the ______ • Students' tables are called ____ • Between lessons there is a ________ • A piece of paper is called a ________ • _____ new words in your glossary book • When your teacher speaks you should ___________ • To ask a question you should raise your ________ • ...
school 2024-05-02
- it helps us see in the classroom
- its an artistic class
- we use to for work
- its an athletic subject
- its where we put our work to separate subjects
- its the time when you eat and go outside
- its what we use to do online work
- its what we write on
- its where you do your business
- its what we use to keep out things in
- its who runs the school
- it keeps your locker shut
- its what we have to do when we don't do work
- its who teaches us
- we use it to do work on
- its what teachers use to show us work
- its a subject with numbers
17 Clues: we use to for work • its who teaches us • its what we write on • its an artistic class • its who runs the school • its an athletic subject • we use it to do work on • it keeps your locker shut • its a subject with numbers • its where you do your business • it helps us see in the classroom • its what we use to do online work • its what teachers use to show us work • ...
school 2015-10-21
17 Clues: ocena • szafka • obiekty • slownik • szatnia • stołówa • mundurek • uczyć się • powtarzac • plac zabaw • uczęszczać • dostać wyniki • kolega z klasy • sprzet sportowy • szkola podstawowa • szkola z internatem • nieobowiazkowy/dodatkowe
School 2016-10-20
17 Clues: удача • ковер • ручка • бедный • ластик • легкий • еще не • трудный • считать • линейка • возраст • на улице • работать • sing-... • by the... • leave-... • присоединяться
school 2016-10-03
- je je school spullen in doet
- : een digitaal iets waar je dingen op kan maken
- een vak op school
- waar je iets leert
- waar je pennen in doet
- een digitaal bord
- waar je in schrijft
- een ding waar je mee schrijft
- waar je je persoonlijke dingen in kan doen
- een plek waar je eet
- waar je uit leert
- iemand die les geeft
- waar ze alles berekenen
- een taal op school
- waar wij altijd les hebben
- waar je persoonlijke dingen aan kan vertellen
- kas: een glazen huis waar de planten in staan
17 Clues: een vak op school • een digitaal bord • waar je uit leert • een taal op school • waar je iets leert • waar je in schrijft • iemand die les geeft • een plek waar je eet • waar je pennen in doet • waar ze alles berekenen • waar wij altijd les hebben • je je school spullen in doet • een ding waar je mee schrijft • waar je je persoonlijke dingen in kan doen • ...
School 2020-05-11
- Ms.________________
- The Spanish mission that held out for two weeks against the Mexican Army
- Mr. ______________
- Our nation's capital
- Once upon a ____________ dreary
- He raided the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry
- Volume of a sound wave
- ___________ de Lafayette
- Words like above, below, over, under, etc.
- "Glued" in Spanish
- Most populated US state
- The best class
- These contain a numerator and a denominator
- "I like" in Spanish
- Philosopher who invented the Pythagorean Theorem
- The main Confederate general in the Civil War
- A part of speech
17 Clues: The best class • A part of speech • "Glued" in Spanish • Mr. ______________ • Ms.________________ • "I like" in Spanish • Our nation's capital • Volume of a sound wave • Most populated US state • ___________ de Lafayette • Once upon a ____________ dreary • Words like above, below, over, under, etc. • These contain a numerator and a denominator • ...
School 2020-06-15
School 2022-04-01
- the class where you learn about physics, chemistry, and space
- the place where you go when you're misbehaving
- an acronym for the class in which you work out
- a screen activated by a projector
- the acronym for the class that teaches you proper english and grammar
- the class where you use numbers the most
- the place where everyone eats lunch
- a tool used to store papers with "pockets"
- the public vehicle for students that takes them home
- the average amount of time you spend at school
- where you sit during class
- the object that you put your papers and pencils on when learning
- a 3-ring tool used to store notes and worksheets
- a room in which a class learns in
- a language that originates from spain
- you can get dropped off/picked up from this vehicle that your guradians/parents use
- the most long and energy-using way to get to school
17 Clues: where you sit during class • a room in which a class learns in • a screen activated by a projector • the place where everyone eats lunch • a language that originates from spain • the class where you use numbers the most • a tool used to store papers with "pockets" • the average amount of time you spend at school • the place where you go when you're misbehaving • ...
School 2023-08-24
17 Clues: aula • libro • lapiz • papel • silla • pluma • tiempo • puerta • detenar • ventana • pizarron • escuchar • levantar • mediadia • escritorio • medianoche • computadora
School 2023-10-01
- is where we store books
- with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
- hang on the walls
- in this lesson we use only a computer
- on this lesson we create something
- you study with them
- with this we draw
- with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
- with this we write
- with the help of this person we gain knowledge
- in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
- education, we are using this to prepare for the army
- case we store pens in it
- we write on it
- there they collect documents related to the organization
- with the help of this item we write on the board
- we hang clothes on it
- with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
18 Clues: we write on it • hang on the walls • with this we draw • with this we write • you study with them • we hang clothes on it • is where we store books • case we store pens in it • on this lesson we create something • in this lesson we use only a computer • with the help of this person we gain knowledge • with the help of this subject we gain knowledge • ...
school 2023-11-09
17 Clues: наука • ученик • учиться • перемена • столовая • библиотека • опаздывать • носить форму • развлекаться • одноклассник • быть вовремя • эксперименты • девать жвачку • посещать уроки • футбольное поле • исполнять музыку • витать в облаках
School 2023-12-11
- A thing people sit on
- Something dreaded by students
- A concoction of graphite and wood
- This is what we come to school for
- This can leak ink
- A subject many students dislike
- Many people use this tool to cheat
- Something used to store stuff in
- A school can't exist without this
- This is compulsory
- The best day in the school week
- Every student must have on of these
- A time of fun
- The only time students get to relax
- Our school
- Learning about the past
- The best part of school
17 Clues: Our school • A time of fun • This can leak ink • This is compulsory • A thing people sit on • Learning about the past • The best part of school • Something dreaded by students • A subject many students dislike • The best day in the school week • Something used to store stuff in • A concoction of graphite and wood • A school can't exist without this • This is what we come to school for • ...
School 2021-03-10
- something obligatory
- study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination
- a long essay on a particular subject written for a university degree or diploma
- the use of electronic communication to harass a person
- successfully complete an academic degree
- the ability to do something well
- university teacher
- half of the academic year in universities
- a short piece of writing on a particular subject
- behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards
- available to be chosen but not obligatory
- a formal dance held for high school seniors especially
- a schedule showing your lessons by day
- attempt to persuade someone into doing something
- a grant or payment made to support a student's education
- the opposite of passing an exam
16 Clues: university teacher • something obligatory • the opposite of passing an exam • the ability to do something well • a schedule showing your lessons by day • successfully complete an academic degree • half of the academic year in universities • available to be chosen but not obligatory • a short piece of writing on a particular subject • ...
school 2021-10-13
- 교장 선생님
- the place where you eat lunch
- math, science, social study, P.E. music, art ...
- 이 수업은 지루해. = I’m ○○○○○ in this class.
- 시험을 치다(보다) = ○○○○ a test
- 담임선생님 = ○○○○○○○○ teacher
- 수업에 늦지 마세요 = Don’t be ○○○○ for class.
- 학교에서 개인 소지품을 보관해두는 보관함
- 주 중에 특정 과목을 배우는 시간을 보여주는 표
- 같은 반 또는 같은 교실에서 수업을 받는 친구
- 공책
- = paper ○○○○
- 교복 = school ○○○○○○○
- 난 숙제를 해야 해. = I have to do my ○○○○○○○○.
- 복사기=○○○○ machine
- a person who teaches you
16 Clues: 공책 • 교장 선생님 • = paper ○○○○ • 복사기=○○○○ machine • 교복 = school ○○○○○○○ • 학교에서 개인 소지품을 보관해두는 보관함 • a person who teaches you • 시험을 치다(보다) = ○○○○ a test • 담임선생님 = ○○○○○○○○ teacher • 같은 반 또는 같은 교실에서 수업을 받는 친구 • 주 중에 특정 과목을 배우는 시간을 보여주는 표 • the place where you eat lunch • 이 수업은 지루해. = I’m ○○○○○ in this class. • 수업에 늦지 마세요 = Don’t be ○○○○ for class. • 난 숙제를 해야 해. = I have to do my ○○○○○○○○. • ...
School 2021-11-29
- one of my classmates
- One of my favorite classes
- I don't like it
- I go to school on this
- rings when a class is done
- first class at my school
- he's always late
- I get messsy
- Another one of my favorites
- me
- my favorite part of the day
- least favorite class
- I don't know why I need this
- I only do this class on mondays
- one of my friends
- Pushing me to the extreme
16 Clues: me • I get messsy • I don't like it • he's always late • one of my friends • one of my classmates • least favorite class • I go to school on this • first class at my school • Pushing me to the extreme • One of my favorite classes • rings when a class is done • my favorite part of the day • Another one of my favorites • I don't know why I need this • I only do this class on mondays
School 2021-11-29
- one of my classmates
- One of my favorite classes
- I don't like it
- I go to school on this
- rings when a class is done
- first class at my school
- he's always late
- I get messsy
- Another one of my favorites
- me
- my favorite part of the day
- least favorite class
- I don't know why I need this
- I only do this class on mondays
- one of my friends
- Pushing me to the extreme
16 Clues: me • I get messsy • I don't like it • he's always late • one of my friends • one of my classmates • least favorite class • I go to school on this • first class at my school • Pushing me to the extreme • One of my favorite classes • rings when a class is done • my favorite part of the day • Another one of my favorites • I don't know why I need this • I only do this class on mondays
School 2015-03-14
- we get it for our answers at lessons
- we have them all summer
- the thing we can hear when the lesson ends
- the subject where we do experiments
- we do them at our maths lessons
- the place I go to every day, but not on Saturdays and Sundays
- we can read it
- a thing we write on at many lessons
- he or she explains us rules and gives us homework
- the subject about past
- we do it at home after school
- the lesson where we can jump, run and play sport games
- we have a lot of them at school every day
- in some schools pupils have to wear it
- the subject I have made this crossword for
- a child who goes to school
16 Clues: we can read it • the subject about past • we have them all summer • a child who goes to school • we do it at home after school • we do them at our maths lessons • a thing we write on at many lessons • the subject where we do experiments • we get it for our answers at lessons • in some schools pupils have to wear it • we have a lot of them at school every day • ...
School 2015-01-06
- Please walk; don’t run!
- Our classroom doesn’t have one of these. We use a whiteboard now!
- Make sure you bring one of these to class; make sure it’s sharp!
- This is where you will go for Physical Education; can we get a new one?
- Pssst! Did you study?
- Don’t know your math facts? Use this handy little device!
- Can you cut in a straight line?
- This is the stand that we set our paintings on.
- A book filled with synonyms and antonyms.
- Didn’t you know we have to be quiet in here?
- Use one of these great resources if you have trouble with spelling!
- Crayola makes these in every color of the rainbow.
- We better listen to the teacher or we may be sent to visit this guy!
- It’s time for a break. I have a sandwich and an apple!
- Carry this bag to and from school; don’t forget your homework!
- Keep your school supplies in here; but please check for stinky socks at the bottom!
16 Clues: Pssst! Did you study? • Please walk; don’t run! • Can you cut in a straight line? • A book filled with synonyms and antonyms. • Didn’t you know we have to be quiet in here? • This is the stand that we set our paintings on. • Crayola makes these in every color of the rainbow. • It’s time for a break. I have a sandwich and an apple! • ...
School 2014-09-11
School 2023-12-08
16 Clues: pinal • vihik • arvuti • tahvel • marker • käärid • raamat • joonlaud • vildikad • pastakas • teritaja • liimipulk • koolikott • koolivorm • rasvakriit • kustutuskumm
School 2022-06-07
- what phone Ms.bradley/Ms.Volta got iphone or andriod?
- What is a item that Ms.Bradley dont like people use?
- what color shoes do tazerick got on?
- who is the smarted student in 6th grade?
- what do we use everyday that has a mouse and you can type on?
- what color is ms.volta walls?
- Its a item that you can write on?
- A case that you can hold your pencils on.
- What is a item can you write with?
- what is the school name?
- Who is the skinniest person in 307?
- who is the teacher of 308?
- An item that you can draw on boards?
- what boy in 308 has glasses?
- who is the teacher of 307?
- what boy in 308 barely come to school?
16 Clues: what is the school name? • who is the teacher of 308? • who is the teacher of 307? • what boy in 308 has glasses? • what color is ms.volta walls? • Its a item that you can write on? • What is a item can you write with? • Who is the skinniest person in 307? • what color shoes do tazerick got on? • An item that you can draw on boards? • what boy in 308 barely come to school? • ...
School 2023-03-17
- it is long and has numbers
- inside the school
- the teacher uses this to write on
- to write with
- something in the schoolyard
- to remove things you have written
- a person who stand in front of the classroom
- something you can write in
- to put your pencils and rubber in
- it has food inside
- someone who goes to school
- outside the school
- you can sit on it
- a building
- in front of your chair
- you can read it
16 Clues: a building • to write with • you can read it • inside the school • you can sit on it • it has food inside • outside the school • in front of your chair • someone who goes to school • it is long and has numbers • something you can write in • something in the schoolyard • to put your pencils and rubber in • the teacher uses this to write on • to remove things you have written • ...
school 2024-06-18
- a fun activity
- a meal
- another subject
- a phase of school
- a food
- some stuff you play with
- the last day of school (usually)
- a subject, specifically using numbers
- a group of specific people
- part of a class
- what people will do at school
- reading tools
- what school must be
- vital to learning
- one who behaves meanly
- an adjective for a student who knows lots of stuff
16 Clues: a meal • a food • reading tools • a fun activity • part of a class • another subject • vital to learning • a phase of school • what school must be • one who behaves meanly • some stuff you play with • a group of specific people • what people will do at school • the last day of school (usually) • a subject, specifically using numbers • an adjective for a student who knows lots of stuff
School 2023-06-20
- A place that holds a collection of books and other reading materials.
- A room where students and teachers gather for learning and instruction.
- The person in charge of a school, responsible for its administration.
- A book with blank pages used for writing and taking notes.
- An outdoor area with equipment and structures for children to play.
- A person who instructs and guides students in a school.
- A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together.
- A piece of furniture used by students to study or write.
- A container used to carry packed meals and snacks to school.
- A bag worn on the back to carry books, supplies, and personal items.
- The study of the natural world through observation and experiments.
- A break period during the school day for students to play and relax.
- A writing instrument with a thin cylindrical graphite or lead core.
- Assignments given to students to complete outside of school hours.
- The expression of creativity and imagination through visual forms.
- A person who attends school to learn and acquire knowledge.
16 Clues: A person who instructs and guides students in a school. • A piece of furniture used by students to study or write. • A book with blank pages used for writing and taking notes. • A person who attends school to learn and acquire knowledge. • A container used to carry packed meals and snacks to school. • A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together. • ...
School 2023-06-27
- A straight measuring tool used to draw straight lines and measure lengths.
- A bag to carry books and school supplies.
- Learning about the natural world and doing experiments.
- Creating and expressing ideas through visual arts.
- Learning about the past and important events.
- Assignments given by teachers to be done outside of school.
- Learning and playing music and musical instruments.
- Learning about numbers, calculations, and problem-solving.
- A tool used to remove mistakes or incorrect markings made with a pencil.
- A tool for writing and drawing in school.
- A break during school to play and have fun.
- An outdoor area in school with equipment and space for students to play and have recreational activities.
- A place in school filled with books, where students can borrow and read.
- A room where students learn and study.
- Engaging in physical activities and sports for fitness and health.
- A person who teaches students in school.
16 Clues: A room where students learn and study. • A person who teaches students in school. • A bag to carry books and school supplies. • A tool for writing and drawing in school. • A break during school to play and have fun. • Learning about the past and important events. • Creating and expressing ideas through visual arts. • Learning and playing music and musical instruments. • ...
School 2022-06-03
- what you need to bring your work in
- You can ask for help if you need it
- you need to sit in a chair
- what you need to write with in class
- flocabulary so you can do you work
- you need this for school or you locker
- something you need to write with
- so you can see on the white bored
- You need to write on paper
- What you need for your so get don't faster
- you need to work on zearn
- You can eat in the lunch room with your
- you need your work to be on your desk
- what you need for class
- You can do work with you friends
- If yo need help ask your friends
16 Clues: what you need for class • you need to work on zearn • You need to write on paper • you need to sit in a chair • You can do work with you friends • If yo need help ask your friends • something you need to write with • so you can see on the white bored • what you need to bring your work in • You can ask for help if you need it • flocabulary so you can do you work • ...
School 2024-11-18
- Financial aid awarded for academic achievement
- Following rules and maintaining good behavior
- A subject about experiments and the natural world
- The head of the school
- A spherical model of Earth used in geography
- Activities outside the regular curriculum
- Punishment where a student must stay after school
- A formal talk or lesson given by a teacher
- A task or project given to students by a teacher
- A bag used to carry books and supplies
- A small object to remove pencil marks
- A small storage space for students’ belongings
- An outdoor area where students can "play"
- A schedule showing times for lessons
- A ceremony to mark the end of schooling
- A device used for solving math problems
16 Clues: The head of the school • A schedule showing times for lessons • A small object to remove pencil marks • A bag used to carry books and supplies • A ceremony to mark the end of schooling • A device used for solving math problems • An outdoor area where students can "play" • Activities outside the regular curriculum • A formal talk or lesson given by a teacher • ...
school 2013-08-12
- activiteit in het water, buiten de school
- taak om te schrijven
- boek met leerstof
- ruimte waar kinderen kunnen spelen op school
- eetplaats voor de kinderen op de middag
- doos om boterhammen mee te nemen naar school
- opbergzakje voor balpennen en stiften
- plaats waar kinderen in straf moeten staan
- om mee te meten
- vulling voor een pen
- vervoersmiddel om veel kindjes naar school te brengen
- baas van de school (man)
- zak voor turnkledij en sportschoenen
- schrift met behaalde punten op het einde van een semester
- ander woord voor boekentas
- staat aan het bord in de klas
16 Clues: om mee te meten • boek met leerstof • vulling voor een pen • taak om te schrijven • baas van de school (man) • ander woord voor boekentas • staat aan het bord in de klas • zak voor turnkledij en sportschoenen • opbergzakje voor balpennen en stiften • eetplaats voor de kinderen op de middag • activiteit in het water, buiten de school • plaats waar kinderen in straf moeten staan • ...
school 2014-01-15
- als je zelf iets gaat doen, bijv. een proefje of werken met een microscoop.
- leraar(es) die alle vragen beantwoord die mensen uit jou klas hebben en die je begeleid met uitjes
- hier zie je of er leraren afwezig zijn en of je een lokaal- of roosterwijziging heb
- extra lessen in bijv. dans, kunst of theater
- computerlokaal en bieb van de school
- dit heb je als je leraar niet aanwezig is
- tekst waarin je informatie geeft over een bepaald onderwerp
- 4e, 5e en 6e klas
- iedereen is welkom!
- werk dat je leraren soms opgeven en dat je thuis moet maken
- toets die 3x meetelt
- keuze die je in de 3e moet maken en die bepaalt welke richting je op gaat
- dit niveau lijkt op vwo maar je hebt er ook nog Grieks en Latijn bij
- 1e, 2e en 3e klas
- hier zie je al je cijfers
- hierin staat waar je les hebt, wanneer en van wie
16 Clues: 1e, 2e en 3e klas • 4e, 5e en 6e klas • iedereen is welkom! • toets die 3x meetelt • hier zie je al je cijfers • computerlokaal en bieb van de school • dit heb je als je leraar niet aanwezig is • extra lessen in bijv. dans, kunst of theater • hierin staat waar je les hebt, wanneer en van wie • werk dat je leraren soms opgeven en dat je thuis moet maken • ...
School 2014-02-22
- The teacher used this for 'The Simpsons' PowerPoint.
- To look up words.
- Device with numbers.
- In Dutch we sometimes call this a 'bic'.
- You use it to carry your pencils around.
- Something to hold your workbook.
- To cut materials such as paper and hair
- What you are sitting on right now.
- To make sure your pencil isn't blunt.
- Allows you to erase writing in pencil.
- To draw straight lines
- You use this to connect pieces of paper.
- The teacher writes on this.
- This makes holes in the paper.
- White piece of wall/paper/cloth/... for projections.
- Garbage (like paper, candy, gum...) goes in here.
16 Clues: To look up words. • Device with numbers. • To draw straight lines • The teacher writes on this. • This makes holes in the paper. • Something to hold your workbook. • What you are sitting on right now. • To make sure your pencil isn't blunt. • Allows you to erase writing in pencil. • To cut materials such as paper and hair • You use this to connect pieces of paper. • ...
School 2012-12-27
- staff/teachers
- work from school
- a device that projects the screen onto a wall or screen
- tests at the end of the semester
- classrooms where you perform science experiments
- a piece of writing with many paragraphs
- space where lessons take place
- not present for class
- subject concerning numbers and calculations
- a table for studying
- pencils, pens, rulers, erasers
- a place for relaxation
- a large room for assemblies
- late for class
- venue where you eat lunch
- children who attend school
16 Clues: staff/teachers • late for class • work from school • a table for studying • not present for class • a place for relaxation • venue where you eat lunch • children who attend school • a large room for assemblies • pencils, pens, rulers, erasers • space where lessons take place • tests at the end of the semester • a piece of writing with many paragraphs • ...
school 2015-06-02
16 Clues: apel • kara • surowy • szafka • ściąga • semestr • szatnia • dziennik • nożyczki • stołówka • cierpliwy • wymagający • obowiązkowy • plan lekcji • boisko do zabawy • szkoła z internatem
School 2015-05-02
- This is a person who is in charge of a school.
- it is a person who attends the same class as you.
- It takes place when students miss classes though they are not ill.
- It is an American word for primary school.
- it is a crime that is committed by some students. Instead of writing a test or exam on their own they copy from other students, textbooks, or the Internet in their mobiles.
- A school where both sexes attend is a ..... school.
- It is an American word for secondary school.
- ..... activities for students take place in a school but they are not part of the regular schedule of classes.
- If a student doesn’t manage to finish university, they ..... out.
- It is a list of all subjects and their hours for each day of the week for a given class.
- If a student is caught doing illegal things in school, they can be suspended or even ..... .
- A school year can be divided into two or three ..... .
- It is a school where students learn how to do a specific profession, for example how to be a baker or a hair-dresser.
- This is a special meeting in a school building, which marks a special occasion.
- A ..... teacher is a teacher who is in charge of a class, conducts educational lessons there etc.
- It is a crime that takes place in schools when stronger students try to intimidate weaker ones and demand some money or other things from them.
16 Clues: It is an American word for primary school. • It is an American word for secondary school. • This is a person who is in charge of a school. • it is a person who attends the same class as you. • A school where both sexes attend is a ..... school. • A school year can be divided into two or three ..... . • ...
school 2021-05-05
- you go thee when you get hurt or need to go home
- a place where you can play
- something you write with
- the young mind that is inspired
- paint
- singing
- a thing you can use to google info
- something you can get lost in
- lots of books can be found here
- inspires young minds
- kids do often(sorry)
- where you sweat a lot
- where you learn
- 1+1
- big piece of wood
- something you sit in
16 Clues: 1+1 • paint • singing • where you learn • big piece of wood • inspires young minds • kids do often(sorry) • something you sit in • where you sweat a lot • something you write with • a place where you can play • something you can get lost in • lots of books can be found here • the young mind that is inspired • a thing you can use to google info • ...
School 2021-05-09
- What colour are Physics Books?
- How many ginger people are in our year? (numbers in letters
- Which teacher is know for their "skirt and cardigan" style?
- Who left school last Friday?
- Which year 11 does "Leg day"?
- Who is the Monkey Man? (Full Name)
- Which pupil had Covid in November!?
- Which teacher just got a new dog called jasper?
- Who brought in a winter wonderland theme candy cane to Mufti day?
- Who used to make "Happy Birthday" Videos on Instagram?
- Which teacher hit under her desk hid from a teacher?
- How many toilets are in the science block?
- Which boy used to have 2 guinea pigs called Ralph and Edgar?
- What colour is a Chemistry Book?
- Which teacher is known as Gru / Dr Evil?
- What colour are Emily Selby's eyes?
16 Clues: Who left school last Friday? • Which year 11 does "Leg day"? • What colour are Physics Books? • What colour is a Chemistry Book? • Who is the Monkey Man? (Full Name) • What colour are Emily Selby's eyes? • Which pupil had Covid in November!? • Which teacher is known as Gru / Dr Evil? • How many toilets are in the science block? • ...
school 2022-05-12
- An object, in which you can note
- A person, who cleans a school
- An institution where instruction is given, especially to persons under college age
- One of science subjects
- A place at school, where you can eat lunch
- Opposite to the word "present"
- Someone, who ended a school
- A place, where you make chemical experiments
- An announcement
- A kind of punishment - you must stay at school after your lessons
- A spoken or written reply or response to a question
- Child, who goes to primary school
- A place at school, where you can lend a book
- To learn intensively
- To keep safe from harm or danger
- You can't do it on exam
16 Clues: An announcement • To learn intensively • You can't do it on exam • One of science subjects • Someone, who ended a school • A person, who cleans a school • Opposite to the word "present" • An object, in which you can note • To keep safe from harm or danger • Child, who goes to primary school • A place at school, where you can eat lunch • A place at school, where you can lend a book • ...
School 2022-05-13
School 2017-02-07
school 2019-09-24
- этим пишут
- тут хранят карандаши
- этим стирают написанное
- этим измеряют длину
- это то, что бывает, когда заканчивается учебный год
- тут изучаешь прошлое
- тут бегаешь
- тут рисуешь
- на этом уроке говоришь на английском
- на этом уроке делаешь опыты
- тут считаешь
- тут изучаешь карту
- тут поешь
- этим рисуют и чертят
- это обычно читают
- из этого состоит школьное расписание
16 Clues: тут поешь • этим пишут • тут бегаешь • тут рисуешь • тут считаешь • это обычно читают • тут изучаешь карту • этим измеряют длину • тут хранят карандаши • этим рисуют и чертят • тут изучаешь прошлое • этим стирают написанное • на этом уроке делаешь опыты • на этом уроке говоришь на английском • из этого состоит школьное расписание • это то, что бывает, когда заканчивается учебный год
school 2023-06-15
- The art form that uses sound and rhythm to create expressive and harmonious compositions. It involves singing, playing instruments, and listening.
- A break or period of free time during the school day for students to play, relax, or engage in recreational activities.
- A place in a school or other institution that houses a collection of books and other reading materials for borrowing or reference.
- A subject or activity that involves creating visual or performing works to express ideas, emotions, or aesthetics.
- A container used to carry food for lunch, typically with compartments to separate different items.
- A person who is enrolled in and attends a school or educational institution to learn and acquire knowledge.
- Physical activities or games that involve skill, competition, and physical exertion. They promote fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
- A person who educates and instructs students in a school or other educational institution. They provide knowledge and guidance.
- Assignments or tasks given by teachers to students to be completed outside of school hours.
- A bag worn on the back, usually with two straps over the shoulders, used to carry books and other school supplies.
- A vehicle used to transport students to and from school or other educational activities.
- The head or leader of a school who is responsible for its overall administration, organization, and educational policies.
- An outdoor area equipped with structures and equipment for children to play and engage in physical activities during school breaks.
- A room in a school where students and teachers gather for learning and instruction.
- A writing instrument with a thin cylindrical graphite core encased in wood or other material. It is used for writing and drawing.
- A subject or field of study that deals with the understanding of the natural world through observation, experiments, and analysis.
16 Clues: A room in a school where students and teachers gather for learning and instruction. • A vehicle used to transport students to and from school or other educational activities. • Assignments or tasks given by teachers to students to be completed outside of school hours. • ...
School 2023-06-29
- In the school, subjects are different areas of study such as math, science, and history.
- In the school, a desk is a piece of furniture where students sit and work.
- In the school, a classroom is a place where students learn.
- In the school, lunch is a mealtime where students eat their food.
- In the school, a pencil is a writing tool used by students to write and draw.
- In the school, homework is assigned by teachers for students to complete outside of class.
- In the school, a test is an assessment to evaluate students' knowledge and understanding.
- In the school, recess is a break time where students play and socialize.
- In the school, a backpack is a bag carried by students to hold their books and supplies.
- In the school, a playground is an outdoor area where students can play and have fun.
- In the school, books are used to gain knowledge and information.
- In the school, a teacher is a person who teaches the students.
- In the school, a student is a person who learns from teachers.
- In the school, a whiteboard is a surface where teachers write and explain lessons.
- In the school, a principal is the head of the school who oversees its operation.
- In the school, a library is a place where students can borrow books and do research.
16 Clues: In the school, a classroom is a place where students learn. • In the school, a teacher is a person who teaches the students. • In the school, a student is a person who learns from teachers. • In the school, books are used to gain knowledge and information. • In the school, lunch is a mealtime where students eat their food. • ...
school 2023-06-26
- A lunchbox is a container used to carry a packed lunch for school.
- A principal is the head of a school who is responsible for managing the staff and students.
- A bus is a large vehicle that transports students to and from school.
- A student is a person who attends school to acquire knowledge and skills.
- Recess is a break time during the school day when students can play and relax.
- A chalkboard is a flat, dark surface on which teachers write or draw with chalk.
- A notebook is a book with blank or lined pages for students to write notes or do exercises.
- A playground is an outdoor area with equipment and structures where students can play and have fun.
- Science is a subject that involves studying the natural world through observation and experiments.
- A library is a place where books and other materials are kept for reading, research, and study.
- A classroom is a room in a school where students have lessons and activities.
- A pencil is a writing instrument made of wood or plastic with a graphite core.
- A backpack is a bag worn on the back to carry books, supplies, and personal items.
- A teacher is a person who instructs and guides students in their learning.
- Math, short for mathematics, is a subject that deals with numbers, calculations, and solving problems.
- A desk is a piece of furniture with a flat surface and legs where students sit and work.
16 Clues: A lunchbox is a container used to carry a packed lunch for school. • A bus is a large vehicle that transports students to and from school. • A student is a person who attends school to acquire knowledge and skills. • A teacher is a person who instructs and guides students in their learning. • ...
School 2023-06-24
- Physical activities and games that promote fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
- Creative activities that involve drawing, painting, and crafting.
- A tool used to remove mistakes or incorrect markings made with a pencil.
- A place in school filled with books, where students can borrow and read.
- The study of the natural world, including experiments, observations, and understanding how things work. It explores the wonders of nature.
- The study of numbers, shapes, and patterns. It helps students develop problem-solving skills and logical thinking.
- Printed materials that contain information and stories. They are used for reading, learning, and exploring new ideas.
- Assignments given by teachers to reinforce learning outside the classroom.
- An educator who guides and teaches students in various subjects. They help students learn new things and provide support and guidance.
- A person who attends school to learn and gain knowledge. They actively participate in classroom activities and complete assignments.
- An outdoor area in school with equipment and space for students to play and have recreational activities.
- A writing instrument used to write and draw. They have a graphite or lead core and can be sharpened when needed.
- A straight measuring tool used to draw straight lines and measure lengths.
- A mealtime when students eat and socialize with their peers.
- A room where students gather to learn and study. It is filled with desks, chairs, a chalkboard, and other learning materials.
- The art of sound and rhythm.
16 Clues: The art of sound and rhythm. • A mealtime when students eat and socialize with their peers. • Creative activities that involve drawing, painting, and crafting. • A tool used to remove mistakes or incorrect markings made with a pencil. • A place in school filled with books, where students can borrow and read. • ...
School 2023-07-17
- Trip A special outing organized by the school to visit interesting places outside of the classroom. It offers new learning experiences.
- A writing tool made of wood and graphite. It is used to write, draw, and solve problems.
- A container for carrying a packed lunch to school. It keeps the food fresh and ready to eat during lunchtime.
- Printed materials that contain stories, information, and knowledge. They are important tools for learning.
- Lab A special room equipped with tools and equipment for conducting science experiments. It is where students can learn through hands-on activities.
- Class A class where students can express their creativity through drawing, painting, and other artistic activities.
- An outdoor area with structures and equipment for children to play on. It is a place for physical activity and socializing.
- A special room where students and teachers gather to learn. It is filled with desks, chairs, and educational materials.
- A piece of furniture with a flat surface and legs. It provides a place for students to sit and work on their assignments.
- A break time during the school day when students can play, run, and have fun outdoors. It allows them to relax and recharge.
- A room filled with books and other reading materials. It is a quiet place for students to explore and borrow books.
- A bag that students use to carry their books, notebooks, and other school supplies. It helps keep everything organized.
- Assignments given by teachers to be completed at home. It helps reinforce what students have learned in class.
- Children and young people who go to school to learn and grow. They make friends and have fun while learning.
- A person who helps you learn new things and guides your education. They are like a knowledgeable friend.
- Class A class where students can learn to play musical instruments, sing, and appreciate different types of music.
16 Clues: A writing tool made of wood and graphite. It is used to write, draw, and solve problems. • A person who helps you learn new things and guides your education. They are like a knowledgeable friend. • Printed materials that contain stories, information, and knowledge. They are important tools for learning. • ...
School 2023-07-11
- A subject that encourages creativity and self-expression through various mediums.
- A piece of furniture where students sit and do their work.
- A place with a collection of books that students can borrow and read.
- A break during school hours for students to play and relax.
- Assignments given by teachers to be completed at home.
- A booklet with blank pages for writing notes and assignments.
- A device used for research, writing, and other educational activities.
- A meal eaten during a break at school to provide energy.
- A bag worn on the back to carry books and supplies.
- A subject that deals with numbers, calculations, and problem-solving.
- A person who goes to school to learn and gain knowledge.
- A person who teaches and helps students learn new things.
- A subject that explores the world through experiments and observations.
- A room where students and teachers come together for learning.
- Resources containing information and stories for reading and learning.
- A writing tool used to write and draw on paper.
16 Clues: A writing tool used to write and draw on paper. • A bag worn on the back to carry books and supplies. • Assignments given by teachers to be completed at home. • A person who goes to school to learn and gain knowledge. • A meal eaten during a break at school to provide energy. • A person who teaches and helps students learn new things. • ...
School 2023-07-05
- It's a device that produces a ringing sound to signal the start or end of classes or breaks. Bells help students keep track of time.
- It's a large indoor space equipped for physical education and sports activities. Students use the gymnasium for exercise and games.
- It's a writing instrument with a graphite or lead core encased in wood or plastic. Students use pencils for writing and drawing.
- A teacher is a person who guides and instructs students in their learning. They help students acquire knowledge and skills.
- It's a bag carried on the back to hold books, school supplies, and personal items. Students use backpacks to transport their belongings.
- It's a book with blank or lined pages used for writing notes and assignments. Students use notebooks to organize their work.
- It's a place where books and other informational resources are stored and organized for people to borrow and read.
- It's a written or printed work consisting of pages bound together. Books contain information and are used for learning.
- It's an outdoor area where students can play and engage in physical activities during recess or break time.
- It's a large board usually mounted on a wall, coated with dark material, and used for writing or drawing with chalk.
- It's a specific set of clothing that students wear to school. Uniforms promote a sense of belonging and equality among students.
- It's a container used to carry packed meals or snacks to school. Students bring lunchboxes to eat during break time.
- A student is a person who attends school and engages in learning. They listen to teachers, study, and complete assignments.
- It's a piece of furniture where students sit and work in the classroom. Desks usually have a flat surface and storage space.
- It's a room where students gather to learn. It usually has desks, chairs, a chalkboard, and educational materials.
- It's a straight measuring tool used to draw straight lines and measure lengths. It's often made of plastic or wood.
16 Clues: It's an outdoor area where students can play and engage in physical activities during recess or break time. • It's a room where students gather to learn. It usually has desks, chairs, a chalkboard, and educational materials. • It's a place where books and other informational resources are stored and organized for people to borrow and read. • ...
School 2024-02-08
- You can see the world on this.
- You open this to get some fresh air.
- This person works at school.
- case You keep your pens and pencils in this.
- This is a synonym for jacket.
- You wear this on your back.
- The teacher writes on this in class.
- A type of book you use at school.
- You use this to draw straight lines.
- You draw with this.
- You use this to erase.
- You open this to enter a room.
- You use this to surf the internet.
- You step on this.
- You sit on this.
- You can find this on the wall.
- You write with this.
17 Clues: You sit on this. • You step on this. • You draw with this. • You write with this. • You use this to erase. • You wear this on your back. • This person works at school. • This is a synonym for jacket. • You can see the world on this. • You open this to enter a room. • You can find this on the wall. • A type of book you use at school. • You use this to surf the internet. • ...
School 2023-10-16
- Attend a school
- All schools usually have a sports .....
- Compulsory subject at all schools
- Popular learning game teachers use at Horizons
- number of lessons every friday at H.. College
- Software program for literacy and numeracy
- Student in YEar 9 - first name
- Head of the school
- Works at a School
- Subject that teachers you literacy skills
- First name of a very loud student in Year 9
- Teacher at Horizons
- Type of burger we eat every Wednesday
- Tutor at the school
- Student .......
- Starts every morning at Horizons College
16 Clues: Attend a school • Student ....... • Works at a School • Head of the school • Teacher at Horizons • Tutor at the school • Student in YEar 9 - first name • Compulsory subject at all schools • Type of burger we eat every Wednesday • All schools usually have a sports ..... • Starts every morning at Horizons College • Subject that teachers you literacy skills • ...
School 2023-10-04
16 Clues: les • abc • buro • boeken • middag • examen • krijten • jihiuguy • huiswerk • schrijven • verdieping • leerlingen • who teaches • speelplaats • woordenboek • rekenmachine
School 2023-10-27
- A piece of furniture for one person to sit on, often used in classrooms.
- A bound book used for taking notes and writing assignments.
- A person responsible for instructing and guiding students in their learning.
- A space where students eat meals and socialize during designated times.
- An outdoor area where students can play and engage in recreational activities.
- An electronic device used for various tasks, including research and typing.
- A writing implement with a graphite core encased in wood or plastic.
- A large room or building equipped for indoor sports and physical education.
- A piece of furniture with a flat or sloped top for writing and studying.
- A smooth, white surface used for writing and drawing with markers.
- A facility equipped for scientific research, experiments, and investigations.
- A storage compartment typically used by students to store personal belongings.
- A room where students receive instruction from teachers.
- A place where books and other materials are stored for reading and research.
- A large room for meetings, presentations, and school events.
- A book used as a standard source of information in a particular subject.
16 Clues: A room where students receive instruction from teachers. • A bound book used for taking notes and writing assignments. • A large room for meetings, presentations, and school events. • A smooth, white surface used for writing and drawing with markers. • A writing implement with a graphite core encased in wood or plastic. • ...
School 2018-03-08
- De leraar schrijft iets op het...?
- Hoe noemen we de digitale ruimte van school?
- Een onderneming streeft naar ...?
- Welke taal krijgen we van Jasper?
- Van elke les hebben we ook een les in lokaal 1.19, hoe heet deze les?
- Hoe noemen we een BV, NV, VOF en eenmanszaak?
- Tijdens de les zitten we op een ...?
- We maken onze opdrachten op een ...?
- Hoe heet onze mentor met haar achternaam?
- Ich, du, er/sie/es zijn woorden van?
- Welke les krijgen we van Inge?
- Welk mobiele apparaat mogen we niet gebruiken tijdens de les ...?
- Hoe heet de mevrouw waar we Nederlands van krijgen met haar voornaam?
- Hoe heet mevrouw van Asten met haar voornaam?
- Welk vak gaat over geld en de toestand van Nederland?
- Wat zijn we momenteel aan het organiseren bij project engels?
16 Clues: Welke les krijgen we van Inge? • Een onderneming streeft naar ...? • Welke taal krijgen we van Jasper? • De leraar schrijft iets op het...? • Ich, du, er/sie/es zijn woorden van? • Tijdens de les zitten we op een ...? • We maken onze opdrachten op een ...? • Hoe heet onze mentor met haar achternaam? • Hoe noemen we de digitale ruimte van school? • ...
school 2013-03-02
- we scrijven er mee
- die nemen we elke keer mee naar school
- we krijgen er les op
- over wat ging de spreekbeurt van jordy
- we steken er ons huiswerk in
- we meten er mee
- de naam van onze school
- de nummer van jordy in letters
- de voornaam van onze directeur
- de voornaam van onze meester
- we tekenen er mee
- in welke staat ligt onze school
- we doen er ons eten in
- we doen er potlood met weg
- met wat beginnen we de volgen de keer in w.o
- we hebben er een zak voor op school
16 Clues: we meten er mee • we tekenen er mee • we scrijven er mee • we krijgen er les op • we doen er ons eten in • de naam van onze school • we doen er potlood met weg • de voornaam van onze meester • we steken er ons huiswerk in • de nummer van jordy in letters • de voornaam van onze directeur • in welke staat ligt onze school • we hebben er een zak voor op school • ...
School 2015-01-19
- dik slijm
- micro-organisme
- lage hartslag
- ophoping van slijm
- longontsteking
- slang om slijm weg te halen
- te weinig aan zuurstof
- een manier om overtollig slijm kwijt te raken
- gevolgen van behandeling
- in de gaten houden
- spastische trek van de bronchiën
- uitleg over handelen
- ademhalingsstelsel
- vochtophoping
- schoon
- de client
16 Clues: schoon • dik slijm • de client • lage hartslag • vochtophoping • longontsteking • micro-organisme • in de gaten houden • ophoping van slijm • ademhalingsstelsel • uitleg over handelen • te weinig aan zuurstof • gevolgen van behandeling • slang om slijm weg te halen • spastische trek van de bronchiën • een manier om overtollig slijm kwijt te raken
School 2015-01-06
- Please walk; don’t run!
- This is where we set our paper when we paint.
- Carry this bag to and from school; don’t forget your homework!
- Our classroom doesn’t have one of these. We use a whiteboard now!
- Can you cut in a straight line?
- Use one of these great resources if you have trouble with spelling!
- Keep your school supplies in here; but please check for stinky socks at the bottom!
- Crayola makes these in every color of the rainbow.
- Didn’t you know we have to be quiet in here?
- A book filled with synonyms and antonyms.
- Make sure you bring one of these to class; make sure it’s sharp!
- Don’t know your math facts? Use this handy little device!
- This is where you will go for Physical Education; can we get a new one?
- We better listen to the teacher or we may be sent to visit this guy!
- Pssst! Did you study?
- It’s time for a break. I have a sandwich and an apple!
16 Clues: Pssst! Did you study? • Please walk; don’t run! • Can you cut in a straight line? • A book filled with synonyms and antonyms. • Didn’t you know we have to be quiet in here? • This is where we set our paper when we paint. • Crayola makes these in every color of the rainbow. • It’s time for a break. I have a sandwich and an apple! • ...
School 2022-04-14
- Leanring center Teacher!
- Short answer for our school side
- When you finish something!
- Square
- Circle
- My home room teacher!!
- The science Teacher
- The math teacher!
- Teacher appreciation day
- Mother's day date
- The english teacher!
- You go egg hunting
- when you get something correct!
- with ms corbett
- board You have 3 of these
- stem teacher!
16 Clues: Square • Circle • stem teacher! • with ms corbett • Mother's day date • The math teacher! • You go egg hunting • The science Teacher • The english teacher! • My home room teacher!! • Leanring center Teacher! • Teacher appreciation day • When you finish something! • board You have 3 of these • when you get something correct! • Short answer for our school side
School 2022-06-07
- what phone Ms.bradley/Ms.Volta got iphone or andriod?
- What is a item that Ms.Bradley dont like people use?
- what color shoes do tazerick got on?
- who is the smarted student in 6th grade?
- what do we use everyday that has a mouse and you can type on?
- what color is ms.volta walls?
- Its a item that you can write on?
- A case that you can hold your pencils on.
- What is a item can you write with?
- what is the school name?
- Who is the skinniest person in 307?
- who is the teacher of 308?
- An item that you can draw on boards?
- what boy in 308 has glasses?
- who is the teacher of 307?
- what boy in 308 barely come to school?
16 Clues: what is the school name? • who is the teacher of 308? • who is the teacher of 307? • what boy in 308 has glasses? • what color is ms.volta walls? • Its a item that you can write on? • What is a item can you write with? • Who is the skinniest person in 307? • what color shoes do tazerick got on? • An item that you can draw on boards? • what boy in 308 barely come to school? • ...
School 2022-01-20
- The study of numbers
- Third day of the week
- Holiday that celebrates love
- The number of months in a year
- What you write on
- Someone who teaches a class
- What you use to write with
- First day of the week
- What to read to learn about Jesus
- The number of hours in a day
- Second day of the week
- Number of days in a week
- What we pledge allegiance to
- Holiday that celebrates Christ birth
- What you put your books in to take to school
- What you put your lunch in
16 Clues: What you write on • The study of numbers • Third day of the week • First day of the week • Second day of the week • Number of days in a week • What you use to write with • What you put your lunch in • Someone who teaches a class • The number of hours in a day • What we pledge allegiance to • Holiday that celebrates love • The number of months in a year • ...
School 2022-01-10
16 Clues: (v) fix • (n) view • (n) weather • (n) example • (v) protect • (v) remember • (v) menemukan • (v) mengunduh • (n) memancing • (n) masa depan • (v) mengizinkan • (v) menciptakan • (n) musim dingin • (n)orang belanda • (n) teka-teki silang • (n) your english teacher
School! 2020-11-04
- what a phisicist studies
- you study maps, terrain, climate
- if you win a tournament, you win this
- you learn how to save money, pay house bills
- you study how to add, subtract
- a kind of fight (or martial art)
- you study your mother tongue
- you play sports, exercise, study sports rules
- What a chemist studies
- you study at Wizard
- subject created in Ancient Greece
- you enter this to compete against other teams. Usually related to sports
- you study books, stories, famous authors
- if you get 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, you get this
- you study facts that happened in the world today and in the past
- you study living beings, plants, animals, cells
16 Clues: you study at Wizard • What a chemist studies • what a phisicist studies • you study your mother tongue • you study how to add, subtract • you study maps, terrain, climate • a kind of fight (or martial art) • subject created in Ancient Greece • if you win a tournament, you win this • you study books, stories, famous authors • you learn how to save money, pay house bills • ...
school 2020-07-15
school 2020-07-15
School 2020-10-01
- A room where practical components of natural science subjects are done
- The period of European history from the fall of the Roman Empire in the West (5th century) to the fall of Constantinople (1453)
- After-school clubs
- First class in British schools: the period during which students' attendance is taken
- Information and computer technology classes are held here
- An antonym of public schools
- A place where people can go for dance classes
- You borrow books from here
- A type of school that offers accommodation and meals during the term year
- Cooking lessons in British schools
- The school subject that corresponds to Tehnička kultura at your school
- In some schools students must wear these
- An antonym of traditional schools, where students choose what and when they want to learn (Sudbury valley school is an example of such an establishment)
- A play for theatre, radio, or television
- One of Shakespeare's most famous plays
- A room or building equipped for gymnastics, games, and other physical exercise
16 Clues: After-school clubs • You borrow books from here • An antonym of public schools • Cooking lessons in British schools • One of Shakespeare's most famous plays • A play for theatre, radio, or television • In some schools students must wear these • A place where people can go for dance classes • Information and computer technology classes are held here • ...