school Crossword Puzzles

School 2017-05-29

School crossword puzzle
  1. ученик
  2. класс (дети)
  3. карандаш
  4. сумка
  5. учитель
  6. ручка
  7. книжный шкаф
  8. книга
  9. папка
  10. тетрадь
  1. линейка
  2. заходить
  3. кабинет
  4. резинка
  5. учебник
  6. окно
  7. дверь
  8. смотреть

18 Clues: окнодверьсумкаручкакнигапапкаучениклинейкакабинетрезинкаучебникучительтетрадьзаходитькарандашсмотретькласс (дети)книжный шкаф

School 2022-11-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. An assignment that test your knowledge
  2. An article of clothing not allowed
  3. What you need to write with
  4. Something that goes in pouch or locker
  5. It is 1 of the 3 R's
  6. It is 1 of the 3 R's
  7. Someone to go to for advice
  8. A colorful place to go
  1. This person educates you
  2. A place you are allowed to throw stuff around
  3. To retain knowledge you so this
  4. A place to create sound
  5. A place to go when not feeling 100%
  6. Voice level when entering a classroom
  7. What you need to go to the restroom
  8. This person retains information
  9. A place to store your belongings
  10. A place to eat
  11. It is 1 of the 3 R's
  12. Transportation to and from school

20 Clues: A place to eatIt is 1 of the 3 R'sIt is 1 of the 3 R'sIt is 1 of the 3 R'sA colorful place to goA place to create soundThis person educates youWhat you need to write withSomeone to go to for adviceTo retain knowledge you so thisThis person retains informationA place to store your belongingsTransportation to and from school...

School 2024-02-28

School crossword puzzle
  1. Teachers write on this.
  2. Holds all your stationary.
  3. Shows how many days you've been present at school.
  4. A learning space.
  5. What you should be doing at school.
  6. If you don't get your work done in class you get...
  1. Chemistry, biology and physics are all a type of this.
  2. Test your numeracy skills.
  3. Person who instructs your learning.
  4. Typing over writing.
  5. You go to school to get an...
  6. Years 1-6
  7. Complete your work in here.
  8. Check this to see what class you have next.
  9. Years 7-8
  10. Year 9-13
  11. You have to be in one of these until you are at least 16.
  12. You have this class once every two weeks.

18 Clues: Years 1-6Years 7-8Year 9-13A learning space.Typing over writing.Teachers write on this.Test your numeracy skills.Holds all your stationary.Complete your work in here.You go to school to get an...Person who instructs your learning.What you should be doing at school.You have this class once every two weeks.Check this to see what class you have next....

School 2020-10-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. 12
  2. 6
  3. 11
  4. 1
  5. 4
  6. 5
  7. 9
  8. 13
  9. 17
  1. 8
  2. 2
  3. 16
  4. 14
  5. 15
  6. 3
  7. 7
  8. 10

17 Clues: 8621459371211161415101317

school 2022-02-02

school crossword puzzle
  1. sing and sing us a group
  2. You speak it everyday
  3. this is where a teacher can explain everything
  4. This subject involves calculations
  5. stay fit and have fun
  6. Where you learn become a smarter kid
  7. we love them, Luke love his the most
  8. You read it
  1. you have fun or you don't
  2. Where you do many experiments
  3. stay healthy and fit
  4. You learn about your countries past
  5. Make creative pieces and paint
  6. learn to play instruments
  7. You get taught how to be smart
  8. The teacher gets money for it
  9. get to play and sit with your friends

17 Clues: You read itstay healthy and fitYou speak it everydaystay fit and have funsing and sing us a groupyou have fun or you don'tlearn to play instrumentsWhere you do many experimentsThe teacher gets money for itMake creative pieces and paintYou get taught how to be smartThis subject involves calculationsYou learn about your countries past...

school 2022-01-03

school crossword puzzle
  1. Christian leader chosen by Jesus to spread his message
  2. A rule that god wanted the Israelites to follow
  3. the second part of the Christian Bible, written originally in Greek and recording the life and teachings of Jesus and his earliest followers
  4. Groups of Jews living outside the Jewish homeland
  5. short story that teaches a moral lesson
  6. Messenger sent by God to share God’s message with the people
  7. a person who is willing to die for his or her beliefs
  8. The departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt
  9. Belief in one god
  10. student or follower
  1. the first part of the Christian Bible that tells about the Jews, their history, and God's words to them in the time before Jesus Christ was born.
  2. from sins and its consequences
  3. Agreement with God
  4. leader or savior
  5. Being forced to leave one’s home country
  6. Rising from the Dead
  7. A social group made up of families or clans

17 Clues: leader or saviorBelief in one godAgreement with Godstudent or followerRising from the Deadfrom sins and its consequencesshort story that teaches a moral lessonBeing forced to leave one’s home countryA social group made up of families or clansA rule that god wanted the Israelites to followGroups of Jews living outside the Jewish homeland...

school 2022-01-03

school crossword puzzle
  1. Christian leader chosen by Jesus to spread his message
  2. A rule that god wanted the Israelites to follow
  3. the second part of the Christian Bible, written originally in Greek and recording the life and teachings of Jesus and his earliest followers
  4. Groups of Jews living outside the Jewish homeland
  5. short story that teaches a moral lesson
  6. Messenger sent by God to share God’s message with the people
  7. a person who is willing to die for his or her beliefs
  8. The departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt
  9. Belief in one god
  10. student or follower
  1. the first part of the Christian Bible that tells about the Jews, their history, and God's words to them in the time before Jesus Christ was born.
  2. from sins and its consequences
  3. Agreement with God
  4. leader or savior
  5. Being forced to leave one’s home country
  6. Rising from the Dead
  7. A social group made up of families or clans

17 Clues: leader or saviorBelief in one godAgreement with Godstudent or followerRising from the Deadfrom sins and its consequencesshort story that teaches a moral lessonBeing forced to leave one’s home countryA social group made up of families or clansA rule that god wanted the Israelites to followGroups of Jews living outside the Jewish homeland...

school 2015-06-23

school crossword puzzle
  1. je doet het met een stift of kleurpotlood
  2. woorden die je moet kennen
  3. nieuwe dingen kenen
  4. allemaal sporten op het fort
  5. je moet er op zitten
  6. de kinderen van vroeger schreven er mee
  7. je steekt iets in elkaar
  8. het heeft een vulling en je kunt er mee schrijven
  9. kikker open toe
  1. vermenigvuldigingen die je uit je hoofd moet kennen
  2. elkaar tikken
  3. iets doen dat niet waar is
  4. allemaal leuke activiteiten
  5. je schrijft er op met een soort stift
  6. zaal waar alle kinderen op school eten
  7. doe je op de speelplaats
  8. werk dat je tuis maakt

17 Clues: elkaar tikkenkikker open toenieuwe dingen kenenje moet er op zittenwerk dat je tuis maaktdoe je op de speelplaatsje steekt iets in elkaariets doen dat niet waar iswoorden die je moet kennenallemaal leuke activiteitenallemaal sporten op het fortje schrijft er op met een soort stiftzaal waar alle kinderen op school eten...

SCHOOL 2023-11-07

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. please store my stuff
  2. our saviors before a test..
  3. mistakes dissapear!
  4. is the one learning
  5. obsessing over it non stop
  6. what we write with in school
  7. makes you cry
  8. a space to learn in
  1. makes you a nerd
  2. stores your pens
  3. humans and nature
  4. sleepless nights
  5. helps you learn
  6. no gravity?!
  7. wide in the world
  8. express yourself
  9. stress,numbers and counting

17 Clues: no gravity?!makes you cryhelps you learnmakes you a nerdstores your penssleepless nightsexpress yourselfhumans and naturewide in the worldmistakes dissapear!is the one learninga space to learn inplease store my stuffobsessing over it non stopour saviors before a test..stress,numbers and countingwhat we write with in school

School 2022-11-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. калькулятор
  2. информатика
  3. история
  4. карта
  5. линейка
  6. краски
  7. музыка
  1. ножницы
  2. словарь
  3. рисование
  4. наука
  5. ластик
  6. ноутбук
  7. английский язык
  8. география
  9. французский язык
  10. математика

17 Clues: наукакарталастиккраскимузыканожницысловарьноутбукисториялинейкарисованиегеографияматематикакалькуляторинформатикаанглийский языкфранцузский язык

School 2022-12-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. спортзал
  2. краски
  3. математика
  4. класс
  5. столовая
  6. ластик
  7. ноутбук
  8. библиотека
  9. кроссовки
  1. карта
  2. словарь
  3. география
  4. окружающий мир
  5. ножницы
  6. калькулятор
  7. игровая площадка
  8. линейка

17 Clues: картакласскраскиластиксловарьножницыноутбуклинейкаспортзалстоловаягеографиякроссовкиматематикабиблиотекакалькуляторокружающий миригровая площадка

SCHOOL 2013-05-13

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. they go to school to study
  2. little test
  3. the room where students are
  4. a person that makes you learn
  5. you read to learn
  6. where the books are
  7. a table
  1. about numbers
  2. book with meaning of words
  3. they go to school
  4. school after 8th grade
  5. you do it to learn more
  6. the study to construct the sentences
  7. you keep for your own
  8. bus you take it to go to school
  9. it sounds to dismiss school
  10. give it to a question

17 Clues: a tablelittle testabout numbersthey go to schoolyou read to learnwhere the books areyou keep for your owngive it to a questionschool after 8th gradeyou do it to learn morethey go to school to studybook with meaning of wordsthe room where students areit sounds to dismiss schoola person that makes you learnbus you take it to go to school...

school 2013-05-20

school crossword puzzle
  1. plaats waar illegale goederen verkocht werden
  2. wapen van Finnick
  3. naam van Katniss haar strijdpak
  4. mentor van Katniss
  5. karaktertrek van match
  6. district met kernwapens
  7. psychiater van Katniss
  8. naam van de president
  9. soort 3D-plattegrond
  1. karaktertrek van Hatmitch
  2. plaats waar hongerspelen plaats vinden
  3. plaats waar Katniss woonde
  4. wapen van de president
  5. volledige naam zusje van Katniss
  6. afkorting propagandaspotjes
  7. slaaf zonder tong
  8. bijnaam v/d berg in district 2

17 Clues: wapen van Finnickslaaf zonder tongmentor van Katnisssoort 3D-plattegrondnaam van de presidentwapen van de presidentkaraktertrek van matchpsychiater van Katnissdistrict met kernwapenskaraktertrek van Hatmitchplaats waar Katniss woondeafkorting propagandaspotjesbijnaam v/d berg in district 2naam van Katniss haar strijdpak...

School 2022-11-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. a room for teachers
  2. a room for PE class
  3. you can borrow a book there
  4. you use a dictionary there
  5. you can play basketball there
  6. you learn about kings and queens there
  7. you can play Computer games there
  1. you count in class
  2. a room for lessons
  3. you have Computer studies there
  4. a place where you play different games. It is usually outside
  5. you can draw in class
  6. you need a map there
  7. you can play the guitar there
  8. a place where you have breaks
  9. you can do experiments
  10. you have lunch there

17 Clues: you count in classa room for lessonsa room for teachersa room for PE classyou need a map thereyou have lunch thereyou can draw in classyou can do experimentsyou use a dictionary thereyou can borrow a book thereyou can play the guitar therea place where you have breaksyou can play basketball thereyou have Computer studies there...

School 2022-11-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. kunst
  2. inglise keel
  3. arvutiõpetus
  4. spordisaal
  5. tunniplaan
  6. söökla
  7. geograafia
  8. vene keel
  9. raamatukogu
  1. muusika
  2. matemaatika
  3. staadion
  4. mänguväljak
  5. kirjandus
  6. eesti keel
  7. kehaline kasvatus
  8. ajalugu

17 Clues: kunstsööklamuusikaajalugustaadionkirjandusvene keelspordisaaleesti keeltunniplaangeograafiamatemaatikamänguväljakraamatukoguinglise keelarvutiõpetuskehaline kasvatus

School 2018-02-26

School crossword puzzle
  1. We do something called division in _________.
  2. We go to school so that we can _________
  3. I have a ________ on the end of my pencil, but it's really small
  4. We use this object to find information
  5. We see lots of ________ at school
  6. This year my ______________________ is Ms. York
  7. I have a new box of ___________ for school
  8. The place that we have been talking about. IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEN,the answer is ___________.
  9. I hate school because of all of the ______________________
  10. The ____________ of our school is a very important pearson
  1. In school we learn _______________
  2. How did you do on the Math ____________?
  3. Usually we make lots of ______________________ in school
  4. Our first language is _____________________.
  5. At recess we play on the big area called a _______________
  6. In this _____________ sometimes we do experiments
  7. For projects sometimes we need to do ____________ on electronic devises or in books

17 Clues: We see lots of ________ at schoolIn school we learn _______________We use this object to find informationHow did you do on the Math ____________?We go to school so that we can _________I have a new box of ___________ for schoolOur first language is _____________________.We do something called division in _________....

SCHOOL 2023-06-23

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. 실습실 연습실
  2. 동창생 학교친구
  3. 교과서
  4. 대화 회화
  5. 선배 손위의 최고학년
  6. 사물함
  7. 게시판
  8. 동아리
  9. 교장
  1. 식당 구내식당
  2. 프로젝트
  3. 마커펜
  4. 과제 숙제
  5. 복도
  6. 과목 주제
  7. 강당
  8. 강당 부속회관 복도

17 Clues: 복도강당교장마커펜교과서사물함게시판동아리프로젝트과제 숙제대화 회화과목 주제식당 구내식당실습실 연습실동창생 학교친구강당 부속회관 복도선배 손위의 최고학년

School 2024-01-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. what we use to cut paper
  2. what we tap on
  3. the person that teaches
  4. what we use to erase
  5. what we have the second lesson every Thursday
  6. what the teachers can be at times
  7. what we have our stuff in
  8. what we watch on the lunch break
  9. what we write in
  1. what we have three times a day
  2. the person that learns
  3. what we use to write with
  4. what we are supposed to become
  5. when we end the school day
  6. when we start the school day
  7. our English teacher
  8. the website we use everyday

17 Clues: what we tap onwhat we write inour English teacherwhat we use to erasethe person that learnsthe person that teacheswhat we use to cut paperwhat we use to write withwhat we have our stuff inwhen we end the school daythe website we use everydaywhen we start the school daywhat we have three times a daywhat we are supposed to become...

School 2024-01-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. what we watch on the lunch break
  2. our English teacher
  3. what we use to erase
  4. what we have three times a day
  5. when we start the school day
  6. the person that learns
  7. when we end the school day
  8. the website we use everyday
  9. what we write in
  1. the person that teaches
  2. what we tap on
  3. what the teachers can be at times
  4. what we have our stuff in
  5. what we are supposed to become
  6. what we have the second lesson every Thursday
  7. what we use to write with
  8. what we use to cut paper

17 Clues: what we tap onwhat we write inour English teacherwhat we use to erasethe person that learnsthe person that teacheswhat we use to cut paperwhat we have our stuff inwhat we use to write withwhen we end the school daythe website we use everydaywhen we start the school daywhat we are supposed to becomewhat we have three times a day...

School 2023-10-23

School crossword puzzle
  1. линейка
  2. ручка
  3. естествознание
  4. музыка
  5. география
  6. школа
  7. физкультура
  8. английский язык
  9. учитель
  1. ластик
  2. пенал
  3. история
  4. карандаш
  5. информатика
  6. математика
  7. рюкзак
  8. рисование

17 Clues: пеналручкашколаластикмузыкарюкзакисториялинейкаучителькарандашгеографиярисованиематематикаинформатикафизкультураестествознаниеанглийский язык

school 2016-04-26

school crossword puzzle
  1. 음악실
  2. 출입문
  3. 과학실
  4. 강당
  5. 미술실
  6. 교실
  7. 운동장
  8. 도서실
  1. 행정실
  2. 학교버스
  3. 교직원실
  4. 보건실
  5. 매점
  6. 탈의실
  7. 주차장
  8. 수영장
  9. 체육관

17 Clues: 매점강당교실행정실음악실보건실출입문탈의실주차장과학실수영장체육관미술실운동장도서실학교버스교직원실

School 2017-05-04

School crossword puzzle
  1. A time when you and your year stand together in a room.
  2. Who runs the school?
  3. A person who teaches a lesson.
  4. A subject were you perform plays.
  5. A vehicle most students travel in for school.
  6. A time to rest and play with friends.
  7. A language all student in Wales learn.
  1. A room with lots of books.
  2. A subject were you might get out of breath.
  3. You use this to make your pencils sharper.
  4. A subject with lots of numbers.
  5. What do you get if you misbehave?
  6. The people you meet in school.
  7. A room where students learn.
  8. A subject were you might from a drum set.
  9. Clothing that all pupils wear.
  10. A subject were you read and write and learn about language.

17 Clues: Who runs the school?A room with lots of books.A room where students learn.The people you meet in school.A person who teaches a lesson.Clothing that all pupils wear.A subject with lots of numbers.What do you get if you misbehave?A subject were you perform plays.A time to rest and play with friends.A language all student in Wales learn....

school 2014-09-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. stop je spullen in
  2. daar zit de leraar op
  3. waar je op zit
  4. daar kan je op uitrekenen hoe lang iets is
  5. De vrouw die les geeft
  6. de kinderen die in de klas zitten
  7. leer je dingen in
  8. daar kan je dingen op uitrekenen
  1. informatie uit een lokaal
  2. waar je aan werkt
  3. hier leer je in
  4. daar kijk je progamma's op
  5. daar kijken de leerlingen op
  6. je kijkt naar een scherm aangesloten aan je computer
  7. daar kan je op schrijven
  8. daar kan iedereen in zitten
  9. als je dat open doet komt er lucht in

17 Clues: waar je op zithier leer je inwaar je aan werktleer je dingen instop je spullen indaar zit de leraar opDe vrouw die les geeftdaar kan je op schrijveninformatie uit een lokaaldaar kijk je progamma's opdaar kan iedereen in zittendaar kijken de leerlingen opdaar kan je dingen op uitrekenende kinderen die in de klas zitten...

school 2021-09-03

school crossword puzzle
  1. if you want to be a good student, try to do your ____
  2. is what you should pay in class
  3. is also called a semester
  4. is what you get to prove you ended school or a course
  5. classes means to play truant. Don't try this!
  6. is an additional exam you sit when you failed the first one
  7. school is where you get education for free
  8. is the same as rubber
  9. = fail
  1. is what helps you keep all your handouts together
  2. is where you take notes
  3. is what you make when you get better and better at something
  4. is how many points you get
  5. exam is a sort of an exercise exam before getting the real one
  6. is how your performance is graded by a teacher
  7. = obligatory
  8. if you want to study, _____ to a university

17 Clues: = fail= obligatoryis the same as rubberis where you take notesis also called a semesteris how many points you getis what you should pay in classschool is where you get education for freeif you want to study, _____ to a universityclasses means to play truant. Don't try this!is how your performance is graded by a teacher...

School 2021-10-11

School crossword puzzle
  1. a frame for supporting an artist's painting
  2. a liquid used to add color to something
  3. furniture used to store books
  4. a seat for one person
  5. an instrument used for writing or drawing
  6. a tool used for cutting food
  7. a tool for eating liquid foods
  8. a piece of plastic used for carrying things
  9. a long written work that can be read
  1. a small tool with two or more pointed parts
  2. thin sheets of material for writing things on
  3. a person who works in a library
  4. a picture that is painted
  5. a table for writing and reading
  6. a set of keys used for a computer
  7. a tool used for putting paint on a surface
  8. a device used for watching something

17 Clues: a seat for one persona picture that is painteda tool used for cutting foodfurniture used to store booksa tool for eating liquid foodsa person who works in a librarya table for writing and readinga set of keys used for a computera device used for watching somethinga long written work that can be reada liquid used to add color to something...

SCHOOL 2021-12-14

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. you need this to go to a party or an event
  2. you can eat or buy food there
  3. a park where you can play and have fun
  4. hall where you can celebrate or attend an event
  5. when you don't feel well
  6. when you don't have to pay
  7. it is something that you eat during the day
  1. you can go on one
  2. when it is not good for your body
  3. this can be bad or good
  4. you send this
  5. the teacher who is responsible for your school
  6. you can exercise there
  7. you can play there
  8. when you are very happy
  9. you can read and borrow books there
  10. you can study chemistry and computer there

17 Clues: you send thisyou can go on oneyou can play thereyou can exercise therethis can be bad or goodwhen you are very happywhen you don't feel wellwhen you don't have to payyou can eat or buy food therewhen it is not good for your bodyyou can read and borrow books therea park where you can play and have funyou need this to go to a party or an event...

School 2022-02-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. stołówka
  2. obecny
  3. kolega z klasy
  4. ... an exam (oblać)
  5. smart (bystry)
  6. mark (ocena)
  7. nieobecny
  8. prywatny
  9. powtarzać materiał, uczyć się
  10. publiczny
  1. plan lekcji
  2. kreatywny
  3. klasa
  4. nosić mundurek
  5. przyjacielski
  6. nieśmiały
  7. ... an exam (zdać)

17 Clues: klasaobecnystołówkaprywatnykreatywnynieobecnynieśmiałypublicznyplan lekcjimark (ocena)przyjacielskikolega z klasynosić mundureksmart (bystry)... an exam (zdać)... an exam (oblać)powtarzać materiał, uczyć się

school 2022-05-18

school crossword puzzle
  1. the person who teaches us stuff we get on tests
  2. you sit at this during class
  3. you do this for a test about a week ahead.
  4. 1.22, 3.07, 0.32
  5. Ruud is our teacher for this subject
  6. mathteachers write formulas on this thing
  7. the place where you see your grades and schedule
  8. what you usualy spend most of your afternoon on
  1. bring your own...
  2. an assignment mostly grated with OVG
  3. where you keep you're eraser, pencil, pen
  4. 30 minutes free starting at 12:45
  5. the finish of a chapter
  6. the people who actually go to school
  7. other word for projector
  8. activity during lunchbreak with dutch vocabulary
  9. around 200 pages of pressed on information

17 Clues: 1.22, 3.07, 0.32bring your own...the finish of a chapterother word for projectoryou sit at this during class30 minutes free starting at 12:45an assignment mostly grated with OVGthe people who actually go to schoolRuud is our teacher for this subjectwhere you keep you're eraser, pencil, penmathteachers write formulas on this thing...

School 2023-01-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. bioloģija
  2. sporta soma
  3. ķīmija
  4. penālis
  5. sports
  6. baltā tāfele
  7. kalkulators
  8. vēsture
  1. fizika
  2. lineāls
  3. mūzika
  4. vizuālā māksla
  5. plakāts
  6. ģeogrāfija
  7. matemātika
  8. mācību grāmata
  9. angļu valoda

17 Clues: fizikamūzikaķīmijasportslineālsplakātspenālisvēsturebioloģijaģeogrāfijamatemātikasporta somakalkulatorsangļu valodabaltā tāfelevizuālā mākslamācību grāmata

School 2023-06-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. It's a person who attends classes and learns in school.
  2. It's a container for carrying food to school or work.
  3. It's a person who teaches and guides students in school.
  4. It's a specific set of clothing worn by students in school.
  5. It's a bag that is worn on the back to carry belongings.
  6. It's a piece of furniture for sitting on.
  7. It's an area in a school where students play and have fun.
  8. It's a book with pages for writing notes or assignments.
  9. It's a large board, typically black, used for writing or drawing in the classroom.
  10. It's a room in a school where students have lessons.
  1. It's a book used for studying a particular subject in school.
  2. It's a place in a school where books are kept for reading and borrowing.
  3. It's a tool used for writing or drawing, usually made of wood.
  4. It's a vehicle used to transport students to and from school.
  5. It's a piece of furniture with a flat surface for writing or studying.
  6. It's a device that rings to indicate the start or end of classes.
  7. It's a break during school when students play or rest.

17 Clues: It's a piece of furniture for sitting on.It's a room in a school where students have lessons.It's a container for carrying food to school or work.It's a break during school when students play or rest.It's a person who attends classes and learns in school.It's a person who teaches and guides students in school....

School 2024-02-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. mochila
  2. morado
  3. rojo
  4. verde
  5. tijeras
  6. azul
  7. triangulo
  1. marcador
  2. amarillo
  3. papel
  4. círculo
  5. lapiz
  6. libro
  7. cuadrado
  8. pegamento
  9. el cuaderno
  10. pluma

17 Clues: rojoazulpapellapizverdelibroplumamoradomochilacírculotijerasmarcadoramarillocuadradopegamentotrianguloel cuaderno

SCHOOL 2024-04-25

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. to write notes
  2. person that cleans the school
  3. to highlight
  4. person that gives you medicine
  5. children in the classroom
  6. person that runs the school
  7. to find meaning of words
  8. to write on
  9. p.e.
  1. place where you eat
  2. person that teaches you in school
  3. food you eat in the morning
  4. time to play outside
  5. place to learn
  6. to pack books
  7. learning about numbers
  8. letters

17 Clues: p.e.lettersto write onto highlightto pack booksto write notesplace to learnplace where you eattime to play outsidelearning about numbersto find meaning of wordschildren in the classroomfood you eat in the morningperson that runs the schoolperson that cleans the schoolperson that gives you medicineperson that teaches you in school

School 2022-09-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. you write on this with an expo marker
  2. you eat in this
  3. if you go to a private you where these
  4. the person who teaches the class
  5. stands for physical education
  6. where you learn
  7. you sit a this
  8. you play outside during this time
  9. you learn about what happened in the past
  1. you can run for President, vice president, and secretary during these
  2. you check out books from this
  3. who learns
  4. you take these and get grades
  5. you write with this
  6. you put your books and stuff in these and put it on your back
  7. where you get in line
  8. the person who dresses up and is at the sports games

17 Clues: who learnsyou sit a thisyou eat in thiswhere you learnyou write with thiswhere you get in lineyou check out books from thisyou take these and get gradesstands for physical educationthe person who teaches the classyou play outside during this timeyou write on this with an expo markerif you go to a private you where these...

School 2023-03-30

School crossword puzzle
  1. When this rings, your class is over
  2. You write with this
  3. When you get to go outside and play
  4. You have to finish this at home and turn in tomorrow
  5. This person is in charge of the whole school
  6. You go to school to ______
  7. All of your things must go inside this
  1. You color with these
  2. This is the person who is in charge of your classroom
  3. This room is full of books to check out
  4. The building where you go to learn
  5. This is sticky and makes papers stick together
  6. Sometimes the teacher surprises you with this to see what you know
  7. The score you get on a test or homework
  8. You carry your lunch in this
  9. The teacher writes on this in front of the class
  10. The room where you sit most of the day

17 Clues: You write with thisYou color with theseYou go to school to ______You carry your lunch in thisThe building where you go to learnWhen this rings, your class is overWhen you get to go outside and playAll of your things must go inside thisThe room where you sit most of the dayThis room is full of books to check out...

school 2013-08-20

school crossword puzzle
  1. inzamelingsactie met hardlopen
  2. onderzoeken/goed bekijken
  3. een uitstapje
  4. een opstel over 1 bepaald onderwerp
  5. hierin kun je veel dingen opzoeken
  6. iets wat je gebruikt om informatie ergens over te vinden
  7. spreekbeurt
  8. je bedoelt precies wat er staat
  9. de omslag van een boek
  1. je aandacht erbij houden
  2. ander woord voor een gezegde
  3. appel,peer,sinaasappel
  4. een rondje ergens omheen zetten
  5. een vraag waar je kunt kiezen uit meerdere antwoorden
  6. uitgebreid vertellen of uitleg geven over iets
  7. je leestoon
  8. afkijken

17 Clues: afkijkenspreekbeurtje leestooneen uitstapjeappel,peer,sinaasappelde omslag van een boekje aandacht erbij houdenonderzoeken/goed bekijkenander woord voor een gezegdeinzamelingsactie met hardlopeneen rondje ergens omheen zettenje bedoelt precies wat er staathierin kun je veel dingen opzoekeneen opstel over 1 bepaald onderwerp...

school 2016-04-26

school crossword puzzle
  1. 교실
  2. 운동장
  3. 과학실
  4. 보건실
  5. 음악실
  6. 행정실
  7. 교직원실
  1. 미술실
  2. 도서실
  3. 주차장
  4. 탈의실
  5. 강당
  6. 매점
  7. 수영장
  8. 출입문
  9. 학교버스
  10. 체육관

17 Clues: 교실강당매점미술실도서실주차장탈의실운동장과학실수영장출입문보건실음악실체육관행정실학교버스교직원실

SCHOOL 2016-05-09

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. transportation
  2. favorite period of the day
  3. 7 of these a day
  4. slow machines in every class
  5. help you learn
  6. 8th graders stay here
  7. Mrs. Upton's favorite thing to do
  8. your peers
  9. study of the past
  1. where everybody has to go
  2. principal
  3. mascot
  4. where you make pretty pictures
  5. where food is served
  6. these classes really add up
  7. how long school lasts
  8. you want to avoid this

17 Clues: mascotprincipalyour peerstransportationhelp you learn7 of these a daystudy of the pastwhere food is served8th graders stay herehow long school lastsyou want to avoid thiswhere everybody has to gofavorite period of the daythese classes really add upslow machines in every classwhere you make pretty picturesMrs. Upton's favorite thing to do

school 2022-02-02

school crossword puzzle
  1. This is a subject where you do many experiments.
  2. This is a creative subject where you can express yourself.
  3. This is a break that is longer than others and and u get to eat and play when your done.
  4. This is an object where you get most of your knowledge from.
  5. This is an object you can use to do everything in school.
  6. This is an object that teachers and students use to get information and do things in school.
  7. This is the person that teaches you in school.
  8. This subject requires a lot of calculation.
  1. This is a subject where you learn about yours and many other countries past and all about it.
  2. This is were you learn and spend most of your time in school
  3. case This is an object that you can keep all your school stationery.
  4. This is what you wear to school.
  5. this is what you do all of your school work on
  6. This is the object the teacher writes on to teach you.
  7. This is all the different things you learn about in school.
  8. This is the shortest break where you get to eat a snack and play after.
  9. Bottle This is what you bring to school to keep yourself hydrated

17 Clues: This is what you wear to school.This subject requires a lot of calculation.this is what you do all of your school work onThis is the person that teaches you in school.This is a subject where you do many experiments.This is the object the teacher writes on to teach you.This is an object you can use to do everything in school....

school 2016-08-17

school crossword puzzle
  1. If you make a mistake you can use a _____ to correct
  2. When your teacher speaks you should ___________
  3. When your classmates __________ you should listen
  4. Between lessons there is a ________
  5. A piece of paper is called a ________
  6. You keep your papers in your ring binder, or _______
  7. To ask a question you should raise your ________
  8. _____ new words in your glossary book
  9. You can make holes in your sheets with a ____ punch
  1. If you don't hear or understand you can ask the teacher to ___
  2. The teacher writes on the ______
  3. Students' tables are called ____
  4. The various things you can study in school are called ____
  5. when you concentrate and do your best you make your teacher ____
  6. You _______ a book
  7. The room you are sitting in
  8. A writing tool

17 Clues: A writing toolYou _______ a bookThe room you are sitting inThe teacher writes on the ______Students' tables are called ____Between lessons there is a ________A piece of paper is called a _____________ new words in your glossary bookWhen your teacher speaks you should ___________To ask a question you should raise your ________...

school 2024-05-02

school crossword puzzle
  1. it helps us see in the classroom
  2. its an artistic class
  3. we use to for work
  4. its an athletic subject
  5. its where we put our work to separate subjects
  6. its the time when you eat and go outside
  7. its what we use to do online work
  8. its what we write on
  9. its where you do your business
  10. its what we use to keep out things in
  1. its who runs the school
  2. it keeps your locker shut
  3. its what we have to do when we don't do work
  4. its who teaches us
  5. we use it to do work on
  6. its what teachers use to show us work
  7. its a subject with numbers

17 Clues: we use to for workits who teaches usits what we write onits an artistic classits who runs the schoolits an athletic subjectwe use it to do work onit keeps your locker shutits a subject with numbersits where you do your businessit helps us see in the classroomits what we use to do online workits what teachers use to show us work...

school 2015-10-21

school crossword puzzle
  1. obiekty
  2. uczyć się
  3. powtarzac
  4. nieobowiazkowy/dodatkowe
  5. szkola z internatem
  6. ocena
  7. kolega z klasy
  1. szkola podstawowa
  2. mundurek
  3. plac zabaw
  4. sprzet sportowy
  5. slownik
  6. dostać wyniki
  7. szatnia
  8. szafka
  9. stołówa
  10. uczęszczać

17 Clues: ocenaszafkaobiektyslownikszatniastołówamundurekuczyć siępowtarzacplac zabawuczęszczaćdostać wynikikolega z klasysprzet sportowyszkola podstawowaszkola z internatemnieobowiazkowy/dodatkowe

School 2016-10-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. присоединяться
  2. на улице
  3. ковер
  4. легкий
  5. линейка
  6. возраст
  7. еще не
  1. трудный
  2. бедный
  3. считать
  4. удача
  5. ластик
  6. ручка
  7. by the...
  8. работать
  9. sing-...
  10. leave-...

17 Clues: удачаковерручкабедныйластиклегкийеще нетрудныйсчитатьлинейкавозрастна улицеработать the...leave-...присоединяться

school 2016-10-03

school crossword puzzle
  1. je je school spullen in doet
  2. : een digitaal iets waar je dingen op kan maken
  3. een vak op school
  4. waar je iets leert
  5. waar je pennen in doet
  6. een digitaal bord
  7. waar je in schrijft
  8. een ding waar je mee schrijft
  9. waar je je persoonlijke dingen in kan doen
  10. een plek waar je eet
  11. waar je uit leert
  1. iemand die les geeft
  2. waar ze alles berekenen
  3. een taal op school
  4. waar wij altijd les hebben
  5. waar je persoonlijke dingen aan kan vertellen
  6. kas: een glazen huis waar de planten in staan

17 Clues: een vak op schooleen digitaal bordwaar je uit leerteen taal op schoolwaar je iets leertwaar je in schrijftiemand die les geefteen plek waar je eetwaar je pennen in doetwaar ze alles berekenenwaar wij altijd les hebbenje je school spullen in doeteen ding waar je mee schrijftwaar je je persoonlijke dingen in kan doen...

School 2020-05-11

School crossword puzzle
  1. Ms.________________
  2. The Spanish mission that held out for two weeks against the Mexican Army
  3. Mr. ______________
  4. Our nation's capital
  5. Once upon a ____________ dreary
  6. He raided the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry
  7. Volume of a sound wave
  8. ___________ de Lafayette
  1. Words like above, below, over, under, etc.
  2. "Glued" in Spanish
  3. Most populated US state
  4. The best class
  5. These contain a numerator and a denominator
  6. "I like" in Spanish
  7. Philosopher who invented the Pythagorean Theorem
  8. The main Confederate general in the Civil War
  9. A part of speech

17 Clues: The best classA part of speech"Glued" in SpanishMr. ______________Ms.________________"I like" in SpanishOur nation's capitalVolume of a sound waveMost populated US state___________ de LafayetteOnce upon a ____________ drearyWords like above, below, over, under, etc.These contain a numerator and a denominator...

School 2020-06-15

School crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. pencil
  3. chair
  4. scissors
  5. student
  6. crayons
  7. window
  8. paper
  9. table
  10. whiteboard
  11. clock
  1. glue
  2. door
  3. classmate
  4. markers
  5. teacher
  6. Chromebook

17 Clues: gluedoorbookchairpapertableclockpencilwindowmarkersstudentteachercrayonsscissorsclassmateChromebookwhiteboard

School 2022-04-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. the class where you learn about physics, chemistry, and space
  2. the place where you go when you're misbehaving
  3. an acronym for the class in which you work out
  4. a screen activated by a projector
  5. the acronym for the class that teaches you proper english and grammar
  6. the class where you use numbers the most
  7. the place where everyone eats lunch
  8. a tool used to store papers with "pockets"
  1. the public vehicle for students that takes them home
  2. the average amount of time you spend at school
  3. where you sit during class
  4. the object that you put your papers and pencils on when learning
  5. a 3-ring tool used to store notes and worksheets
  6. a room in which a class learns in
  7. a language that originates from spain
  8. you can get dropped off/picked up from this vehicle that your guradians/parents use
  9. the most long and energy-using way to get to school

17 Clues: where you sit during classa room in which a class learns ina screen activated by a projectorthe place where everyone eats luncha language that originates from spainthe class where you use numbers the mosta tool used to store papers with "pockets"the average amount of time you spend at schoolthe place where you go when you're misbehaving...

School 2023-08-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. escritorio
  2. aula
  3. medianoche
  4. detenar
  5. lapiz
  6. silla
  7. levantar
  8. pluma
  9. ventana
  10. mediadia
  1. pizarron
  2. libro
  3. computadora
  4. tiempo
  5. papel
  6. escuchar
  7. puerta

17 Clues: aulalibrolapizpapelsillaplumatiempopuertadetenarventanapizarronescucharlevantarmediadiaescritoriomedianochecomputadora

School 2023-10-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. is where we store books
  2. with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
  3. hang on the walls
  4. in this lesson we use only a computer
  5. on this lesson we create something
  6. you study with them
  7. with this we draw
  8. with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
  9. with this we write
  10. with the help of this person we gain knowledge
  1. in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
  2. education, we are using this to prepare for the army
  3. case we store pens in it
  4. we write on it
  5. there they collect documents related to the organization
  6. with the help of this item we write on the board
  7. we hang clothes on it
  8. with the help of this subject we carry out calculations

18 Clues: we write on ithang on the wallswith this we drawwith this we writeyou study with themwe hang clothes on itis where we store bookscase we store pens in iton this lesson we create somethingin this lesson we use only a computerwith the help of this person we gain knowledgewith the help of this subject we gain knowledge...

school 2023-11-09

school crossword puzzle
  1. развлекаться
  2. исполнять музыку
  3. опаздывать
  4. витать в облаках
  5. быть вовремя
  6. посещать уроки
  7. наука
  8. футбольное поле
  1. носить форму
  2. девать жвачку
  3. учиться
  4. перемена
  5. ученик
  6. столовая
  7. библиотека
  8. одноклассник
  9. эксперименты

17 Clues: наукаученикучитьсяпеременастоловаябиблиотекаопаздыватьносить формуразвлекатьсяодноклассникбыть вовремяэкспериментыдевать жвачкупосещать урокифутбольное полеисполнять музыкувитать в облаках

School 2023-12-11

School crossword puzzle
  1. A thing people sit on
  2. Something dreaded by students
  3. A concoction of graphite and wood
  4. This is what we come to school for
  5. This can leak ink
  6. A subject many students dislike
  7. Many people use this tool to cheat
  8. Something used to store stuff in
  9. A school can't exist without this
  10. This is compulsory
  11. The best day in the school week
  1. Every student must have on of these
  2. A time of fun
  3. The only time students get to relax
  4. Our school
  5. Learning about the past
  6. The best part of school

17 Clues: Our schoolA time of funThis can leak inkThis is compulsoryA thing people sit onLearning about the pastThe best part of schoolSomething dreaded by studentsA subject many students dislikeThe best day in the school weekSomething used to store stuff inA concoction of graphite and woodA school can't exist without thisThis is what we come to school for...

School 2021-03-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. something obligatory
  2. study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination
  3. a long essay on a particular subject written for a university degree or diploma
  4. the use of electronic communication to harass a person
  5. successfully complete an academic degree
  6. the ability to do something well
  7. university teacher
  1. half of the academic year in universities
  2. a short piece of writing on a particular subject
  3. behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards
  4. available to be chosen but not obligatory
  5. a formal dance held for high school seniors especially
  6. a schedule showing your lessons by day
  7. attempt to persuade someone into doing something
  8. a grant or payment made to support a student's education
  9. the opposite of passing an exam

16 Clues: university teachersomething obligatorythe opposite of passing an examthe ability to do something wella schedule showing your lessons by daysuccessfully complete an academic degreehalf of the academic year in universitiesavailable to be chosen but not obligatorya short piece of writing on a particular subject...

school 2021-10-13

school crossword puzzle
  1. 교장 선생님
  2. the place where you eat lunch
  3. math, science, social study, P.E. music, art ...
  4. 이 수업은 지루해. = I’m ○○○○○ in this class.
  5. 시험을 치다(보다) = ○○○○ a test
  6. 담임선생님 = ○○○○○○○○ teacher
  7. 수업에 늦지 마세요 = Don’t be ○○○○ for class.
  8. 학교에서 개인 소지품을 보관해두는 보관함
  1. 주 중에 특정 과목을 배우는 시간을 보여주는 표
  2. 같은 반 또는 같은 교실에서 수업을 받는 친구
  3. 공책
  4. = paper ○○○○
  5. 교복 = school ○○○○○○○
  6. 난 숙제를 해야 해. = I have to do my ○○○○○○○○.
  7. 복사기=○○○○ machine
  8. a person who teaches you

16 Clues: 공책교장 선생님= paper ○○○○복사기=○○○○ machine교복 = school ○○○○○○○학교에서 개인 소지품을 보관해두는 보관함a person who teaches you시험을 치다(보다) = ○○○○ a test담임선생님 = ○○○○○○○○ teacher같은 반 또는 같은 교실에서 수업을 받는 친구주 중에 특정 과목을 배우는 시간을 보여주는 표the place where you eat lunch이 수업은 지루해. = I’m ○○○○○ in this class.수업에 늦지 마세요 = Don’t be ○○○○ for class.난 숙제를 해야 해. = I have to do my ○○○○○○○○....

School 2021-11-29

School crossword puzzle
  1. one of my classmates
  2. One of my favorite classes
  3. I don't like it
  4. I go to school on this
  5. rings when a class is done
  6. first class at my school
  7. he's always late
  8. I get messsy
  9. Another one of my favorites
  1. me
  2. my favorite part of the day
  3. least favorite class
  4. I don't know why I need this
  5. I only do this class on mondays
  6. one of my friends
  7. Pushing me to the extreme

16 Clues: meI get messsyI don't like ithe's always lateone of my friendsone of my classmatesleast favorite classI go to school on thisfirst class at my schoolPushing me to the extremeOne of my favorite classesrings when a class is donemy favorite part of the dayAnother one of my favoritesI don't know why I need thisI only do this class on mondays

School 2021-11-29

School crossword puzzle
  1. one of my classmates
  2. One of my favorite classes
  3. I don't like it
  4. I go to school on this
  5. rings when a class is done
  6. first class at my school
  7. he's always late
  8. I get messsy
  9. Another one of my favorites
  1. me
  2. my favorite part of the day
  3. least favorite class
  4. I don't know why I need this
  5. I only do this class on mondays
  6. one of my friends
  7. Pushing me to the extreme

16 Clues: meI get messsyI don't like ithe's always lateone of my friendsone of my classmatesleast favorite classI go to school on thisfirst class at my schoolPushing me to the extremeOne of my favorite classesrings when a class is donemy favorite part of the dayAnother one of my favoritesI don't know why I need thisI only do this class on mondays

School 2015-03-14

School crossword puzzle
  1. we get it for our answers at lessons
  2. we have them all summer
  3. the thing we can hear when the lesson ends
  4. the subject where we do experiments
  5. we do them at our maths lessons
  6. the place I go to every day, but not on Saturdays and Sundays
  1. we can read it
  2. a thing we write on at many lessons
  3. he or she explains us rules and gives us homework
  4. the subject about past
  5. we do it at home after school
  6. the lesson where we can jump, run and play sport games
  7. we have a lot of them at school every day
  8. in some schools pupils have to wear it
  9. the subject I have made this crossword for
  10. a child who goes to school

16 Clues: we can read itthe subject about pastwe have them all summera child who goes to schoolwe do it at home after schoolwe do them at our maths lessonsa thing we write on at many lessonsthe subject where we do experimentswe get it for our answers at lessonsin some schools pupils have to wear itwe have a lot of them at school every day...

School 2015-01-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. Please walk; don’t run!
  2. Our classroom doesn’t have one of these. We use a whiteboard now!
  3. Make sure you bring one of these to class; make sure it’s sharp!
  4. This is where you will go for Physical Education; can we get a new one?
  5. Pssst! Did you study?
  6. Don’t know your math facts? Use this handy little device!
  7. Can you cut in a straight line?
  8. This is the stand that we set our paintings on.
  1. A book filled with synonyms and antonyms.
  2. Didn’t you know we have to be quiet in here?
  3. Use one of these great resources if you have trouble with spelling!
  4. Crayola makes these in every color of the rainbow.
  5. We better listen to the teacher or we may be sent to visit this guy!
  6. It’s time for a break. I have a sandwich and an apple!
  7. Carry this bag to and from school; don’t forget your homework!
  8. Keep your school supplies in here; but please check for stinky socks at the bottom!

16 Clues: Pssst! Did you study?Please walk; don’t run!Can you cut in a straight line?A book filled with synonyms and antonyms.Didn’t you know we have to be quiet in here?This is the stand that we set our paintings on.Crayola makes these in every color of the rainbow.It’s time for a break. I have a sandwich and an apple!...

School 2014-09-11

School crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. teacher
  3. pe
  4. geography
  5. writing
  6. english
  7. reading
  8. drawing
  9. ruler
  10. eraser
  11. pen
  1. pencil
  2. desk
  3. history
  4. maths
  5. natuur

16 Clues: pepenbookdeskmathsrulerpencilnatuureraserteacherhistorywritingenglishreadingdrawinggeography

School 2023-12-08

School crossword puzzle
  1. tahvel
  2. vildikad
  3. teritaja
  4. marker
  5. rasvakriit
  6. kustutuskumm
  7. käärid
  8. raamat
  1. pinal
  2. liimipulk
  3. arvuti
  4. joonlaud
  5. koolikott
  6. pastakas
  7. vihik
  8. koolivorm

16 Clues: pinalvihikarvutitahvelmarkerkääridraamatjoonlaudvildikadpastakasteritajaliimipulkkoolikottkoolivormrasvakriitkustutuskumm

School 2022-06-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. what phone Ms.bradley/Ms.Volta got iphone or andriod?
  2. What is a item that Ms.Bradley dont like people use?
  3. what color shoes do tazerick got on?
  4. who is the smarted student in 6th grade?
  5. what do we use everyday that has a mouse and you can type on?
  6. what color is ms.volta walls?
  7. Its a item that you can write on?
  8. A case that you can hold your pencils on.
  1. What is a item can you write with?
  2. what is the school name?
  3. Who is the skinniest person in 307?
  4. who is the teacher of 308?
  5. An item that you can draw on boards?
  6. what boy in 308 has glasses?
  7. who is the teacher of 307?
  8. what boy in 308 barely come to school?

16 Clues: what is the school name?who is the teacher of 308?who is the teacher of 307?what boy in 308 has glasses?what color is ms.volta walls?Its a item that you can write on?What is a item can you write with?Who is the skinniest person in 307?what color shoes do tazerick got on?An item that you can draw on boards?what boy in 308 barely come to school?...

School 2023-03-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. it is long and has numbers
  2. inside the school
  3. the teacher uses this to write on
  4. to write with
  5. something in the schoolyard
  6. to remove things you have written
  7. a person who stand in front of the classroom
  8. something you can write in
  1. to put your pencils and rubber in
  2. it has food inside
  3. someone who goes to school
  4. outside the school
  5. you can sit on it
  6. a building
  7. in front of your chair
  8. you can read it

16 Clues: a buildingto write withyou can read itinside the schoolyou can sit on itit has food insideoutside the schoolin front of your chairsomeone who goes to schoolit is long and has numberssomething you can write insomething in the schoolyardto put your pencils and rubber inthe teacher uses this to write onto remove things you have written...

school 2024-06-18

school crossword puzzle
  1. a fun activity
  2. a meal
  3. another subject
  4. a phase of school
  5. a food
  6. some stuff you play with
  7. the last day of school (usually)
  8. a subject, specifically using numbers
  1. a group of specific people
  2. part of a class
  3. what people will do at school
  4. reading tools
  5. what school must be
  6. vital to learning
  7. one who behaves meanly
  8. an adjective for a student who knows lots of stuff

16 Clues: a meala foodreading toolsa fun activitypart of a classanother subjectvital to learninga phase of schoolwhat school must beone who behaves meanlysome stuff you play witha group of specific peoplewhat people will do at schoolthe last day of school (usually)a subject, specifically using numbersan adjective for a student who knows lots of stuff

School 2023-06-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. A place that holds a collection of books and other reading materials.
  2. A room where students and teachers gather for learning and instruction.
  3. The person in charge of a school, responsible for its administration.
  4. A book with blank pages used for writing and taking notes.
  5. An outdoor area with equipment and structures for children to play.
  6. A person who instructs and guides students in a school.
  7. A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together.
  8. A piece of furniture used by students to study or write.
  1. A container used to carry packed meals and snacks to school.
  2. A bag worn on the back to carry books, supplies, and personal items.
  3. The study of the natural world through observation and experiments.
  4. A break period during the school day for students to play and relax.
  5. A writing instrument with a thin cylindrical graphite or lead core.
  6. Assignments given to students to complete outside of school hours.
  7. The expression of creativity and imagination through visual forms.
  8. A person who attends school to learn and acquire knowledge.

16 Clues: A person who instructs and guides students in a school.A piece of furniture used by students to study or write.A book with blank pages used for writing and taking notes.A person who attends school to learn and acquire knowledge.A container used to carry packed meals and snacks to school.A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together....

School 2023-06-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. A straight measuring tool used to draw straight lines and measure lengths.
  2. A bag to carry books and school supplies.
  3. Learning about the natural world and doing experiments.
  4. Creating and expressing ideas through visual arts.
  5. Learning about the past and important events.
  6. Assignments given by teachers to be done outside of school.
  7. Learning and playing music and musical instruments.
  8. Learning about numbers, calculations, and problem-solving.
  9. A tool used to remove mistakes or incorrect markings made with a pencil.
  10. A tool for writing and drawing in school.
  1. A break during school to play and have fun.
  2. An outdoor area in school with equipment and space for students to play and have recreational activities.
  3. A place in school filled with books, where students can borrow and read.
  4. A room where students learn and study.
  5. Engaging in physical activities and sports for fitness and health.
  6. A person who teaches students in school.

16 Clues: A room where students learn and study.A person who teaches students in school.A bag to carry books and school supplies.A tool for writing and drawing in school.A break during school to play and have fun.Learning about the past and important events.Creating and expressing ideas through visual arts.Learning and playing music and musical instruments....

School 2022-06-03

School crossword puzzle
  1. what you need to bring your work in
  2. You can ask for help if you need it
  3. you need to sit in a chair
  4. what you need to write with in class
  5. flocabulary so you can do you work
  6. you need this for school or you locker
  7. something you need to write with
  8. so you can see on the white bored
  1. You need to write on paper
  2. What you need for your so get don't faster
  3. you need to work on zearn
  4. You can eat in the lunch room with your
  5. you need your work to be on your desk
  6. what you need for class
  7. You can do work with you friends
  8. If yo need help ask your friends

16 Clues: what you need for classyou need to work on zearnYou need to write on paperyou need to sit in a chairYou can do work with you friendsIf yo need help ask your friendssomething you need to write withso you can see on the white boredwhat you need to bring your work inYou can ask for help if you need itflocabulary so you can do you work...

School 2024-11-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. Financial aid awarded for academic achievement
  2. Following rules and maintaining good behavior
  3. A subject about experiments and the natural world
  4. The head of the school
  5. A spherical model of Earth used in geography
  6. Activities outside the regular curriculum
  7. Punishment where a student must stay after school
  8. A formal talk or lesson given by a teacher
  1. A task or project given to students by a teacher
  2. A bag used to carry books and supplies
  3. A small object to remove pencil marks
  4. A small storage space for students’ belongings
  5. An outdoor area where students can "play"
  6. A schedule showing times for lessons
  7. A ceremony to mark the end of schooling
  8. A device used for solving math problems

16 Clues: The head of the schoolA schedule showing times for lessonsA small object to remove pencil marksA bag used to carry books and suppliesA ceremony to mark the end of schoolingA device used for solving math problemsAn outdoor area where students can "play"Activities outside the regular curriculumA formal talk or lesson given by a teacher...

school 2013-08-12

school crossword puzzle
  1. activiteit in het water, buiten de school
  2. taak om te schrijven
  3. boek met leerstof
  4. ruimte waar kinderen kunnen spelen op school
  5. eetplaats voor de kinderen op de middag
  6. doos om boterhammen mee te nemen naar school
  7. opbergzakje voor balpennen en stiften
  8. plaats waar kinderen in straf moeten staan
  9. om mee te meten
  1. vulling voor een pen
  2. vervoersmiddel om veel kindjes naar school te brengen
  3. baas van de school (man)
  4. zak voor turnkledij en sportschoenen
  5. schrift met behaalde punten op het einde van een semester
  6. ander woord voor boekentas
  7. staat aan het bord in de klas

16 Clues: om mee te metenboek met leerstofvulling voor een pentaak om te schrijvenbaas van de school (man)ander woord voor boekentasstaat aan het bord in de klaszak voor turnkledij en sportschoenenopbergzakje voor balpennen en stifteneetplaats voor de kinderen op de middagactiviteit in het water, buiten de schoolplaats waar kinderen in straf moeten staan...

school 2014-01-15

school crossword puzzle
  1. als je zelf iets gaat doen, bijv. een proefje of werken met een microscoop.
  2. leraar(es) die alle vragen beantwoord die mensen uit jou klas hebben en die je begeleid met uitjes
  3. hier zie je of er leraren afwezig zijn en of je een lokaal- of roosterwijziging heb
  4. extra lessen in bijv. dans, kunst of theater
  5. computerlokaal en bieb van de school
  6. dit heb je als je leraar niet aanwezig is
  7. tekst waarin je informatie geeft over een bepaald onderwerp
  8. 4e, 5e en 6e klas
  1. iedereen is welkom!
  2. werk dat je leraren soms opgeven en dat je thuis moet maken
  3. toets die 3x meetelt
  4. keuze die je in de 3e moet maken en die bepaalt welke richting je op gaat
  5. dit niveau lijkt op vwo maar je hebt er ook nog Grieks en Latijn bij
  6. 1e, 2e en 3e klas
  7. hier zie je al je cijfers
  8. hierin staat waar je les hebt, wanneer en van wie

16 Clues: 1e, 2e en 3e klas4e, 5e en 6e klasiedereen is welkom!toets die 3x meetelthier zie je al je cijferscomputerlokaal en bieb van de schooldit heb je als je leraar niet aanwezig isextra lessen in bijv. dans, kunst of theaterhierin staat waar je les hebt, wanneer en van wiewerk dat je leraren soms opgeven en dat je thuis moet maken...

School 2014-02-22

School crossword puzzle
  1. The teacher used this for 'The Simpsons' PowerPoint.
  2. To look up words.
  3. Device with numbers.
  4. In Dutch we sometimes call this a 'bic'.
  5. You use it to carry your pencils around.
  6. Something to hold your workbook.
  7. To cut materials such as paper and hair
  1. What you are sitting on right now.
  2. To make sure your pencil isn't blunt.
  3. Allows you to erase writing in pencil.
  4. To draw straight lines
  5. You use this to connect pieces of paper.
  6. The teacher writes on this.
  7. This makes holes in the paper.
  8. White piece of wall/paper/cloth/... for projections.
  9. Garbage (like paper, candy, gum...) goes in here.

16 Clues: To look up words.Device with numbers.To draw straight linesThe teacher writes on this.This makes holes in the paper.Something to hold your workbook.What you are sitting on right now.To make sure your pencil isn't blunt.Allows you to erase writing in pencil.To cut materials such as paper and hairYou use this to connect pieces of paper....

School 2012-12-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. staff/teachers
  2. work from school
  3. a device that projects the screen onto a wall or screen
  4. tests at the end of the semester
  5. classrooms where you perform science experiments
  6. a piece of writing with many paragraphs
  7. space where lessons take place
  8. not present for class
  1. subject concerning numbers and calculations
  2. a table for studying
  3. pencils, pens, rulers, erasers
  4. a place for relaxation
  5. a large room for assemblies
  6. late for class
  7. venue where you eat lunch
  8. children who attend school

16 Clues: staff/teacherslate for classwork from schoola table for studyingnot present for classa place for relaxationvenue where you eat lunchchildren who attend schoola large room for assembliespencils, pens, rulers, erasersspace where lessons take placetests at the end of the semestera piece of writing with many paragraphs...

school 2015-06-02

school crossword puzzle
  1. apel
  2. boisko do zabawy
  3. nożyczki
  4. semestr
  5. plan lekcji
  6. szkoła z internatem
  7. ściąga
  1. dziennik
  2. kara
  3. cierpliwy
  4. obowiązkowy
  5. surowy
  6. stołówka
  7. wymagający
  8. szatnia
  9. szafka

16 Clues: apelkarasurowyszafkaściągasemestrszatniadzienniknożyczkistołówkacierpliwywymagającyobowiązkowyplan lekcjiboisko do zabawyszkoła z internatem

School 2015-05-02

School crossword puzzle
  1. This is a person who is in charge of a school.
  2. it is a person who attends the same class as you.
  3. It takes place when students miss classes though they are not ill.
  4. It is an American word for primary school.
  5. it is a crime that is committed by some students. Instead of writing a test or exam on their own they copy from other students, textbooks, or the Internet in their mobiles.
  6. A school where both sexes attend is a ..... school.
  7. It is an American word for secondary school.
  1. ..... activities for students take place in a school but they are not part of the regular schedule of classes.
  2. If a student doesn’t manage to finish university, they ..... out.
  3. It is a list of all subjects and their hours for each day of the week for a given class.
  4. If a student is caught doing illegal things in school, they can be suspended or even ..... .
  5. A school year can be divided into two or three ..... .
  6. It is a school where students learn how to do a specific profession, for example how to be a baker or a hair-dresser.
  7. This is a special meeting in a school building, which marks a special occasion.
  8. A ..... teacher is a teacher who is in charge of a class, conducts educational lessons there etc.
  9. It is a crime that takes place in schools when stronger students try to intimidate weaker ones and demand some money or other things from them.

16 Clues: It is an American word for primary school.It is an American word for secondary school.This is a person who is in charge of a is a person who attends the same class as you.A school where both sexes attend is a ..... school.A school year can be divided into two or three ..... ....

school 2021-05-05

school crossword puzzle
  1. you go thee when you get hurt or need to go home
  2. a place where you can play
  3. something you write with
  4. the young mind that is inspired
  5. paint
  6. singing
  7. a thing you can use to google info
  8. something you can get lost in
  1. lots of books can be found here
  2. inspires young minds
  3. kids do often(sorry)
  4. where you sweat a lot
  5. where you learn
  6. 1+1
  7. big piece of wood
  8. something you sit in

16 Clues: 1+1paintsingingwhere you learnbig piece of woodinspires young mindskids do often(sorry)something you sit inwhere you sweat a lotsomething you write witha place where you can playsomething you can get lost inlots of books can be found herethe young mind that is inspireda thing you can use to google info...

School 2021-05-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. What colour are Physics Books?
  2. How many ginger people are in our year? (numbers in letters
  3. Which teacher is know for their "skirt and cardigan" style?
  4. Who left school last Friday?
  5. Which year 11 does "Leg day"?
  6. Who is the Monkey Man? (Full Name)
  7. Which pupil had Covid in November!?
  8. Which teacher just got a new dog called jasper?
  1. Who brought in a winter wonderland theme candy cane to Mufti day?
  2. Who used to make "Happy Birthday" Videos on Instagram?
  3. Which teacher hit under her desk hid from a teacher?
  4. How many toilets are in the science block?
  5. Which boy used to have 2 guinea pigs called Ralph and Edgar?
  6. What colour is a Chemistry Book?
  7. Which teacher is known as Gru / Dr Evil?
  8. What colour are Emily Selby's eyes?

16 Clues: Who left school last Friday?Which year 11 does "Leg day"?What colour are Physics Books?What colour is a Chemistry Book?Who is the Monkey Man? (Full Name)What colour are Emily Selby's eyes?Which pupil had Covid in November!?Which teacher is known as Gru / Dr Evil?How many toilets are in the science block?...

school 2022-05-12

school crossword puzzle
  1. An object, in which you can note
  2. A person, who cleans a school
  3. An institution where instruction is given, especially to persons under college age
  4. One of science subjects
  5. A place at school, where you can eat lunch
  6. Opposite to the word "present"
  7. Someone, who ended a school
  8. A place, where you make chemical experiments
  9. An announcement
  1. A kind of punishment - you must stay at school after your lessons
  2. A spoken or written reply or response to a question
  3. Child, who goes to primary school
  4. A place at school, where you can lend a book
  5. To learn intensively
  6. To keep safe from harm or danger
  7. You can't do it on exam

16 Clues: An announcementTo learn intensivelyYou can't do it on examOne of science subjectsSomeone, who ended a schoolA person, who cleans a schoolOpposite to the word "present"An object, in which you can noteTo keep safe from harm or dangerChild, who goes to primary schoolA place at school, where you can eat lunchA place at school, where you can lend a book...

School 2022-05-13

School crossword puzzle
  3. CAMPO
  8. PÁTIO


School 2017-02-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. terane tark
  2. kustukumm
  3. kool
  4. töövihik
  5. oskama
  6. nemad
  7. õun
  8. tõepoolest
  1. joonlaud
  2. arvama
  3. pinal
  4. kirjutama
  5. kott
  6. päevik
  7. lugema
  8. pastapliiats

16 Clues: õunkoolkottpinalnemadarvamapäeviklugemaoskamajoonlaudtöövihikkustukummkirjutamatõepoolestterane tarkpastapliiats

school 2019-09-24

school crossword puzzle
  1. этим пишут
  2. тут хранят карандаши
  3. этим стирают написанное
  4. этим измеряют длину
  5. это то, что бывает, когда заканчивается учебный год
  6. тут изучаешь прошлое
  7. тут бегаешь
  8. тут рисуешь
  1. на этом уроке говоришь на английском
  2. на этом уроке делаешь опыты
  3. тут считаешь
  4. тут изучаешь карту
  5. тут поешь
  6. этим рисуют и чертят
  7. это обычно читают
  8. из этого состоит школьное расписание

16 Clues: тут поешьэтим пишуттут бегаешьтут рисуешьтут считаешьэто обычно читаюттут изучаешь картуэтим измеряют длинутут хранят карандашиэтим рисуют и чертяттут изучаешь прошлоеэтим стирают написанноена этом уроке делаешь опытына этом уроке говоришь на английскомиз этого состоит школьное расписаниеэто то, что бывает, когда заканчивается учебный год

school 2023-06-15

school crossword puzzle
  1. The art form that uses sound and rhythm to create expressive and harmonious compositions. It involves singing, playing instruments, and listening.
  2. A break or period of free time during the school day for students to play, relax, or engage in recreational activities.
  3. A place in a school or other institution that houses a collection of books and other reading materials for borrowing or reference.
  4. A subject or activity that involves creating visual or performing works to express ideas, emotions, or aesthetics.
  5. A container used to carry food for lunch, typically with compartments to separate different items.
  6. A person who is enrolled in and attends a school or educational institution to learn and acquire knowledge.
  7. Physical activities or games that involve skill, competition, and physical exertion. They promote fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
  1. A person who educates and instructs students in a school or other educational institution. They provide knowledge and guidance.
  2. Assignments or tasks given by teachers to students to be completed outside of school hours.
  3. A bag worn on the back, usually with two straps over the shoulders, used to carry books and other school supplies.
  4. A vehicle used to transport students to and from school or other educational activities.
  5. The head or leader of a school who is responsible for its overall administration, organization, and educational policies.
  6. An outdoor area equipped with structures and equipment for children to play and engage in physical activities during school breaks.
  7. A room in a school where students and teachers gather for learning and instruction.
  8. A writing instrument with a thin cylindrical graphite core encased in wood or other material. It is used for writing and drawing.
  9. A subject or field of study that deals with the understanding of the natural world through observation, experiments, and analysis.

16 Clues: A room in a school where students and teachers gather for learning and instruction.A vehicle used to transport students to and from school or other educational activities.Assignments or tasks given by teachers to students to be completed outside of school hours....

School 2023-06-29

School crossword puzzle
  1. In the school, subjects are different areas of study such as math, science, and history.
  2. In the school, a desk is a piece of furniture where students sit and work.
  3. In the school, a classroom is a place where students learn.
  4. In the school, lunch is a mealtime where students eat their food.
  5. In the school, a pencil is a writing tool used by students to write and draw.
  6. In the school, homework is assigned by teachers for students to complete outside of class.
  7. In the school, a test is an assessment to evaluate students' knowledge and understanding.
  8. In the school, recess is a break time where students play and socialize.
  9. In the school, a backpack is a bag carried by students to hold their books and supplies.
  1. In the school, a playground is an outdoor area where students can play and have fun.
  2. In the school, books are used to gain knowledge and information.
  3. In the school, a teacher is a person who teaches the students.
  4. In the school, a student is a person who learns from teachers.
  5. In the school, a whiteboard is a surface where teachers write and explain lessons.
  6. In the school, a principal is the head of the school who oversees its operation.
  7. In the school, a library is a place where students can borrow books and do research.

16 Clues: In the school, a classroom is a place where students learn.In the school, a teacher is a person who teaches the students.In the school, a student is a person who learns from teachers.In the school, books are used to gain knowledge and information.In the school, lunch is a mealtime where students eat their food....

school 2023-06-26

school crossword puzzle
  1. A lunchbox is a container used to carry a packed lunch for school.
  2. A principal is the head of a school who is responsible for managing the staff and students.
  3. A bus is a large vehicle that transports students to and from school.
  4. A student is a person who attends school to acquire knowledge and skills.
  5. Recess is a break time during the school day when students can play and relax.
  6. A chalkboard is a flat, dark surface on which teachers write or draw with chalk.
  7. A notebook is a book with blank or lined pages for students to write notes or do exercises.
  1. A playground is an outdoor area with equipment and structures where students can play and have fun.
  2. Science is a subject that involves studying the natural world through observation and experiments.
  3. A library is a place where books and other materials are kept for reading, research, and study.
  4. A classroom is a room in a school where students have lessons and activities.
  5. A pencil is a writing instrument made of wood or plastic with a graphite core.
  6. A backpack is a bag worn on the back to carry books, supplies, and personal items.
  7. A teacher is a person who instructs and guides students in their learning.
  8. Math, short for mathematics, is a subject that deals with numbers, calculations, and solving problems.
  9. A desk is a piece of furniture with a flat surface and legs where students sit and work.

16 Clues: A lunchbox is a container used to carry a packed lunch for school.A bus is a large vehicle that transports students to and from school.A student is a person who attends school to acquire knowledge and skills.A teacher is a person who instructs and guides students in their learning....

School 2023-06-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. Physical activities and games that promote fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
  2. Creative activities that involve drawing, painting, and crafting.
  3. A tool used to remove mistakes or incorrect markings made with a pencil.
  4. A place in school filled with books, where students can borrow and read.
  5. The study of the natural world, including experiments, observations, and understanding how things work. It explores the wonders of nature.
  6. The study of numbers, shapes, and patterns. It helps students develop problem-solving skills and logical thinking.
  7. Printed materials that contain information and stories. They are used for reading, learning, and exploring new ideas.
  1. Assignments given by teachers to reinforce learning outside the classroom.
  2. An educator who guides and teaches students in various subjects. They help students learn new things and provide support and guidance.
  3. A person who attends school to learn and gain knowledge. They actively participate in classroom activities and complete assignments.
  4. An outdoor area in school with equipment and space for students to play and have recreational activities.
  5. A writing instrument used to write and draw. They have a graphite or lead core and can be sharpened when needed.
  6. A straight measuring tool used to draw straight lines and measure lengths.
  7. A mealtime when students eat and socialize with their peers.
  8. A room where students gather to learn and study. It is filled with desks, chairs, a chalkboard, and other learning materials.
  9. The art of sound and rhythm.

16 Clues: The art of sound and rhythm.A mealtime when students eat and socialize with their peers.Creative activities that involve drawing, painting, and crafting.A tool used to remove mistakes or incorrect markings made with a pencil.A place in school filled with books, where students can borrow and read....

School 2023-07-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. Trip A special outing organized by the school to visit interesting places outside of the classroom. It offers new learning experiences.
  2. A writing tool made of wood and graphite. It is used to write, draw, and solve problems.
  3. A container for carrying a packed lunch to school. It keeps the food fresh and ready to eat during lunchtime.
  4. Printed materials that contain stories, information, and knowledge. They are important tools for learning.
  5. Lab A special room equipped with tools and equipment for conducting science experiments. It is where students can learn through hands-on activities.
  6. Class A class where students can express their creativity through drawing, painting, and other artistic activities.
  7. An outdoor area with structures and equipment for children to play on. It is a place for physical activity and socializing.
  8. A special room where students and teachers gather to learn. It is filled with desks, chairs, and educational materials.
  9. A piece of furniture with a flat surface and legs. It provides a place for students to sit and work on their assignments.
  1. A break time during the school day when students can play, run, and have fun outdoors. It allows them to relax and recharge.
  2. A room filled with books and other reading materials. It is a quiet place for students to explore and borrow books.
  3. A bag that students use to carry their books, notebooks, and other school supplies. It helps keep everything organized.
  4. Assignments given by teachers to be completed at home. It helps reinforce what students have learned in class.
  5. Children and young people who go to school to learn and grow. They make friends and have fun while learning.
  6. A person who helps you learn new things and guides your education. They are like a knowledgeable friend.
  7. Class A class where students can learn to play musical instruments, sing, and appreciate different types of music.

16 Clues: A writing tool made of wood and graphite. It is used to write, draw, and solve problems.A person who helps you learn new things and guides your education. They are like a knowledgeable friend.Printed materials that contain stories, information, and knowledge. They are important tools for learning....

School 2023-07-11

School crossword puzzle
  1. A subject that encourages creativity and self-expression through various mediums.
  2. A piece of furniture where students sit and do their work.
  3. A place with a collection of books that students can borrow and read.
  4. A break during school hours for students to play and relax.
  5. Assignments given by teachers to be completed at home.
  6. A booklet with blank pages for writing notes and assignments.
  7. A device used for research, writing, and other educational activities.
  8. A meal eaten during a break at school to provide energy.
  1. A bag worn on the back to carry books and supplies.
  2. A subject that deals with numbers, calculations, and problem-solving.
  3. A person who goes to school to learn and gain knowledge.
  4. A person who teaches and helps students learn new things.
  5. A subject that explores the world through experiments and observations.
  6. A room where students and teachers come together for learning.
  7. Resources containing information and stories for reading and learning.
  8. A writing tool used to write and draw on paper.

16 Clues: A writing tool used to write and draw on paper.A bag worn on the back to carry books and supplies.Assignments given by teachers to be completed at home.A person who goes to school to learn and gain knowledge.A meal eaten during a break at school to provide energy.A person who teaches and helps students learn new things....

School 2023-07-05

School crossword puzzle
  1. It's a device that produces a ringing sound to signal the start or end of classes or breaks. Bells help students keep track of time.
  2. It's a large indoor space equipped for physical education and sports activities. Students use the gymnasium for exercise and games.
  3. It's a writing instrument with a graphite or lead core encased in wood or plastic. Students use pencils for writing and drawing.
  4. A teacher is a person who guides and instructs students in their learning. They help students acquire knowledge and skills.
  5. It's a bag carried on the back to hold books, school supplies, and personal items. Students use backpacks to transport their belongings.
  6. It's a book with blank or lined pages used for writing notes and assignments. Students use notebooks to organize their work.
  7. It's a place where books and other informational resources are stored and organized for people to borrow and read.
  8. It's a written or printed work consisting of pages bound together. Books contain information and are used for learning.
  1. It's an outdoor area where students can play and engage in physical activities during recess or break time.
  2. It's a large board usually mounted on a wall, coated with dark material, and used for writing or drawing with chalk.
  3. It's a specific set of clothing that students wear to school. Uniforms promote a sense of belonging and equality among students.
  4. It's a container used to carry packed meals or snacks to school. Students bring lunchboxes to eat during break time.
  5. A student is a person who attends school and engages in learning. They listen to teachers, study, and complete assignments.
  6. It's a piece of furniture where students sit and work in the classroom. Desks usually have a flat surface and storage space.
  7. It's a room where students gather to learn. It usually has desks, chairs, a chalkboard, and educational materials.
  8. It's a straight measuring tool used to draw straight lines and measure lengths. It's often made of plastic or wood.

16 Clues: It's an outdoor area where students can play and engage in physical activities during recess or break time.It's a room where students gather to learn. It usually has desks, chairs, a chalkboard, and educational materials.It's a place where books and other informational resources are stored and organized for people to borrow and read....

School 2024-02-08

School crossword puzzle
  1. You can see the world on this.
  2. You open this to get some fresh air.
  3. This person works at school.
  4. case You keep your pens and pencils in this.
  5. This is a synonym for jacket.
  6. You wear this on your back.
  7. The teacher writes on this in class.
  8. A type of book you use at school.
  9. You use this to draw straight lines.
  1. You draw with this.
  2. You use this to erase.
  3. You open this to enter a room.
  4. You use this to surf the internet.
  5. You step on this.
  6. You sit on this.
  7. You can find this on the wall.
  8. You write with this.

17 Clues: You sit on this.You step on this.You draw with this.You write with this.You use this to erase.You wear this on your back.This person works at school.This is a synonym for jacket.You can see the world on this.You open this to enter a room.You can find this on the wall.A type of book you use at school.You use this to surf the internet....

School 2023-10-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. Attend a school
  2. All schools usually have a sports .....
  3. Compulsory subject at all schools
  4. Popular learning game teachers use at Horizons
  5. number of lessons every friday at H.. College
  6. Software program for literacy and numeracy
  7. Student in YEar 9 - first name
  1. Head of the school
  2. Works at a School
  3. Subject that teachers you literacy skills
  4. First name of a very loud student in Year 9
  5. Teacher at Horizons
  6. Type of burger we eat every Wednesday
  7. Tutor at the school
  8. Student .......
  9. Starts every morning at Horizons College

16 Clues: Attend a schoolStudent .......Works at a SchoolHead of the schoolTeacher at HorizonsTutor at the schoolStudent in YEar 9 - first nameCompulsory subject at all schoolsType of burger we eat every WednesdayAll schools usually have a sports .....Starts every morning at Horizons CollegeSubject that teachers you literacy skills...

School 2023-10-04

School crossword puzzle
  1. who teaches
  2. boeken
  3. verdieping
  4. middag
  5. abc
  6. speelplaats
  7. woordenboek
  1. les
  2. buro
  3. jihiuguy
  4. krijten
  5. huiswerk
  6. schrijven
  7. rekenmachine
  8. examen
  9. leerlingen

16 Clues: lesabcburoboekenmiddagexamenkrijtenjihiuguyhuiswerkschrijvenverdiepingleerlingenwho teachesspeelplaatswoordenboekrekenmachine

School 2023-10-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. A piece of furniture for one person to sit on, often used in classrooms.
  2. A bound book used for taking notes and writing assignments.
  3. A person responsible for instructing and guiding students in their learning.
  4. A space where students eat meals and socialize during designated times.
  5. An outdoor area where students can play and engage in recreational activities.
  6. An electronic device used for various tasks, including research and typing.
  7. A writing implement with a graphite core encased in wood or plastic.
  8. A large room or building equipped for indoor sports and physical education.
  9. A piece of furniture with a flat or sloped top for writing and studying.
  1. A smooth, white surface used for writing and drawing with markers.
  2. A facility equipped for scientific research, experiments, and investigations.
  3. A storage compartment typically used by students to store personal belongings.
  4. A room where students receive instruction from teachers.
  5. A place where books and other materials are stored for reading and research.
  6. A large room for meetings, presentations, and school events.
  7. A book used as a standard source of information in a particular subject.

16 Clues: A room where students receive instruction from teachers.A bound book used for taking notes and writing assignments.A large room for meetings, presentations, and school events.A smooth, white surface used for writing and drawing with markers.A writing implement with a graphite core encased in wood or plastic....

School 2018-03-08

School crossword puzzle
  1. De leraar schrijft iets op het...?
  2. Hoe noemen we de digitale ruimte van school?
  3. Een onderneming streeft naar ...?
  4. Welke taal krijgen we van Jasper?
  5. Van elke les hebben we ook een les in lokaal 1.19, hoe heet deze les?
  6. Hoe noemen we een BV, NV, VOF en eenmanszaak?
  7. Tijdens de les zitten we op een ...?
  8. We maken onze opdrachten op een ...?
  1. Hoe heet onze mentor met haar achternaam?
  2. Ich, du, er/sie/es zijn woorden van?
  3. Welke les krijgen we van Inge?
  4. Welk mobiele apparaat mogen we niet gebruiken tijdens de les ...?
  5. Hoe heet de mevrouw waar we Nederlands van krijgen met haar voornaam?
  6. Hoe heet mevrouw van Asten met haar voornaam?
  7. Welk vak gaat over geld en de toestand van Nederland?
  8. Wat zijn we momenteel aan het organiseren bij project engels?

16 Clues: Welke les krijgen we van Inge?Een onderneming streeft naar ...?Welke taal krijgen we van Jasper?De leraar schrijft iets op het...?Ich, du, er/sie/es zijn woorden van?Tijdens de les zitten we op een ...?We maken onze opdrachten op een ...?Hoe heet onze mentor met haar achternaam?Hoe noemen we de digitale ruimte van school?...

school 2013-03-02

school crossword puzzle
  1. we scrijven er mee
  2. die nemen we elke keer mee naar school
  3. we krijgen er les op
  4. over wat ging de spreekbeurt van jordy
  5. we steken er ons huiswerk in
  6. we meten er mee
  7. de naam van onze school
  8. de nummer van jordy in letters
  9. de voornaam van onze directeur
  1. de voornaam van onze meester
  2. we tekenen er mee
  3. in welke staat ligt onze school
  4. we doen er ons eten in
  5. we doen er potlood met weg
  6. met wat beginnen we de volgen de keer in w.o
  7. we hebben er een zak voor op school

16 Clues: we meten er meewe tekenen er meewe scrijven er meewe krijgen er les opwe doen er ons eten inde naam van onze schoolwe doen er potlood met wegde voornaam van onze meesterwe steken er ons huiswerk inde nummer van jordy in lettersde voornaam van onze directeurin welke staat ligt onze schoolwe hebben er een zak voor op school...

School 2015-01-19

School crossword puzzle
  1. dik slijm
  2. micro-organisme
  3. lage hartslag
  4. ophoping van slijm
  5. longontsteking
  6. slang om slijm weg te halen
  7. te weinig aan zuurstof
  1. een manier om overtollig slijm kwijt te raken
  2. gevolgen van behandeling
  3. in de gaten houden
  4. spastische trek van de bronchiën
  5. uitleg over handelen
  6. ademhalingsstelsel
  7. vochtophoping
  8. schoon
  9. de client

16 Clues: schoondik slijmde clientlage hartslagvochtophopinglongontstekingmicro-organismein de gaten houdenophoping van slijmademhalingsstelseluitleg over handelente weinig aan zuurstofgevolgen van behandelingslang om slijm weg te halenspastische trek van de bronchiëneen manier om overtollig slijm kwijt te raken

School 2015-01-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. Please walk; don’t run!
  2. This is where we set our paper when we paint.
  3. Carry this bag to and from school; don’t forget your homework!
  4. Our classroom doesn’t have one of these. We use a whiteboard now!
  5. Can you cut in a straight line?
  6. Use one of these great resources if you have trouble with spelling!
  7. Keep your school supplies in here; but please check for stinky socks at the bottom!
  8. Crayola makes these in every color of the rainbow.
  9. Didn’t you know we have to be quiet in here?
  1. A book filled with synonyms and antonyms.
  2. Make sure you bring one of these to class; make sure it’s sharp!
  3. Don’t know your math facts? Use this handy little device!
  4. This is where you will go for Physical Education; can we get a new one?
  5. We better listen to the teacher or we may be sent to visit this guy!
  6. Pssst! Did you study?
  7. It’s time for a break. I have a sandwich and an apple!

16 Clues: Pssst! Did you study?Please walk; don’t run!Can you cut in a straight line?A book filled with synonyms and antonyms.Didn’t you know we have to be quiet in here?This is where we set our paper when we paint.Crayola makes these in every color of the rainbow.It’s time for a break. I have a sandwich and an apple!...

School 2022-04-14

School crossword puzzle
  1. Leanring center Teacher!
  2. Short answer for our school side
  3. When you finish something!
  4. Square
  5. Circle
  6. My home room teacher!!
  7. The science Teacher
  8. The math teacher!
  9. Teacher appreciation day
  1. Mother's day date
  2. The english teacher!
  3. You go egg hunting
  4. when you get something correct!
  5. with ms corbett
  6. board You have 3 of these
  7. stem teacher!

16 Clues: SquareCirclestem teacher!with ms corbettMother's day dateThe math teacher!You go egg huntingThe science TeacherThe english teacher!My home room teacher!!Leanring center Teacher!Teacher appreciation dayWhen you finish something!board You have 3 of thesewhen you get something correct!Short answer for our school side

School 2022-06-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. what phone Ms.bradley/Ms.Volta got iphone or andriod?
  2. What is a item that Ms.Bradley dont like people use?
  3. what color shoes do tazerick got on?
  4. who is the smarted student in 6th grade?
  5. what do we use everyday that has a mouse and you can type on?
  6. what color is ms.volta walls?
  7. Its a item that you can write on?
  8. A case that you can hold your pencils on.
  1. What is a item can you write with?
  2. what is the school name?
  3. Who is the skinniest person in 307?
  4. who is the teacher of 308?
  5. An item that you can draw on boards?
  6. what boy in 308 has glasses?
  7. who is the teacher of 307?
  8. what boy in 308 barely come to school?

16 Clues: what is the school name?who is the teacher of 308?who is the teacher of 307?what boy in 308 has glasses?what color is ms.volta walls?Its a item that you can write on?What is a item can you write with?Who is the skinniest person in 307?what color shoes do tazerick got on?An item that you can draw on boards?what boy in 308 barely come to school?...

School 2022-01-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. The study of numbers
  2. Third day of the week
  3. Holiday that celebrates love
  4. The number of months in a year
  5. What you write on
  6. Someone who teaches a class
  7. What you use to write with
  8. First day of the week
  9. What to read to learn about Jesus
  1. The number of hours in a day
  2. Second day of the week
  3. Number of days in a week
  4. What we pledge allegiance to
  5. Holiday that celebrates Christ birth
  6. What you put your books in to take to school
  7. What you put your lunch in

16 Clues: What you write onThe study of numbersThird day of the weekFirst day of the weekSecond day of the weekNumber of days in a weekWhat you use to write withWhat you put your lunch inSomeone who teaches a classThe number of hours in a dayWhat we pledge allegiance toHoliday that celebrates loveThe number of months in a year...

School 2022-01-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. (v) fix
  2. (v) menemukan
  3. (n) masa depan
  4. (n) memancing
  5. (n) your english teacher
  6. (n) teka-teki silang
  7. (n) view
  1. (v) remember
  2. (n) musim dingin
  3. (n) weather
  4. (v) mengunduh
  5. (v) mengizinkan
  6. (v) menciptakan
  7. (n) example
  8. (v) protect
  9. (n)orang belanda

16 Clues: (v) fix(n) view(n) weather(n) example(v) protect(v) remember(v) menemukan(v) mengunduh(n) memancing(n) masa depan(v) mengizinkan(v) menciptakan(n) musim dingin(n)orang belanda(n) teka-teki silang(n) your english teacher

School! 2020-11-04

School! crossword puzzle
  1. what a phisicist studies
  2. you study maps, terrain, climate
  3. if you win a tournament, you win this
  4. you learn how to save money, pay house bills
  5. you study how to add, subtract
  6. a kind of fight (or martial art)
  7. you study your mother tongue
  1. you play sports, exercise, study sports rules
  2. What a chemist studies
  3. you study at Wizard
  4. subject created in Ancient Greece
  5. you enter this to compete against other teams. Usually related to sports
  6. you study books, stories, famous authors
  7. if you get 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, you get this
  8. you study facts that happened in the world today and in the past
  9. you study living beings, plants, animals, cells

16 Clues: you study at WizardWhat a chemist studieswhat a phisicist studiesyou study your mother tongueyou study how to add, subtractyou study maps, terrain, climatea kind of fight (or martial art)subject created in Ancient Greeceif you win a tournament, you win thisyou study books, stories, famous authorsyou learn how to save money, pay house bills...

school 2020-07-15

school crossword puzzle
  1. eleven
  2. ten
  3. nine
  4. five
  5. six
  6. thirteen
  7. fourteen
  8. sixteen
  9. two
  1. twelve
  2. one
  3. eight
  4. seven
  5. fifteen
  6. four
  7. three

16 Clues: onetensixtwoninefivefoureightseventhreetwelveelevenfifteensixteenthirteenfourteen

school 2020-07-15

school crossword puzzle
  1. eleven
  2. ten
  3. nine
  4. five
  5. six
  6. thirteen
  7. fourteen
  8. sixteen
  9. two
  1. twelve
  2. one
  3. eight
  4. seven
  5. fifteen
  6. four
  7. three

16 Clues: onetensixtwoninefivefoureightseventhreetwelveelevenfifteensixteenthirteenfourteen

School 2020-10-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. A room where practical components of natural science subjects are done
  2. The period of European history from the fall of the Roman Empire in the West (5th century) to the fall of Constantinople (1453)
  3. After-school clubs
  4. First class in British schools: the period during which students' attendance is taken
  5. Information and computer technology classes are held here
  6. An antonym of public schools
  7. A place where people can go for dance classes
  8. You borrow books from here
  1. A type of school that offers accommodation and meals during the term year
  2. Cooking lessons in British schools
  3. The school subject that corresponds to Tehnička kultura at your school
  4. In some schools students must wear these
  5. An antonym of traditional schools, where students choose what and when they want to learn (Sudbury valley school is an example of such an establishment)
  6. A play for theatre, radio, or television
  7. One of Shakespeare's most famous plays
  8. A room or building equipped for gymnastics, games, and other physical exercise

16 Clues: After-school clubsYou borrow books from hereAn antonym of public schoolsCooking lessons in British schoolsOne of Shakespeare's most famous playsA play for theatre, radio, or televisionIn some schools students must wear theseA place where people can go for dance classesInformation and computer technology classes are held here...