school Crossword Puzzles
school 2024-03-11
20 Clues: Hat • Bat • Hey • This • Cool • That • Rump • Lump • Nice • Same • Weird • Crazy • Great • Oh ok • Thanks • Things • Together • Moray eel • Of people • Made up of points
School 2024-04-18
22 Clues: uz • aiz • zem • pāri • pretī • iekšā • sports • māksla • blakus • vēsture • priekšā • bioloģija • literatūra • matemātika • ģeogrāfija • spāņu valoda • angļu valoda • dabaszinības • datorzinātnes • krievu valoda • latviešu valoda • reliģijas mācība
school 2024-04-22
- another word for social studies
- what you use to charge your school device
- extra curricular activities
- Read, learn, accomplish
- classwork
- where you keep all your work in
- someone who helps you learn
- where you run and play only from k-5 grade
- where to drink when you have no water
- the boss of the school
- a device to do your work on for school
- a certain time when school ends
- something you write with
- a band of kids who play string instruments
- how most kids get home from school
- time to eat!
- eCounselorourself with paint and pens
- where you go when you getlunchtimee
- make your mistakes disappear
- people to guide you through your problems
20 Clues: classwork • time to eat! • the boss of the school • Read, learn, accomplish • something you write with • extra curricular activities • someone who helps you learn • make your mistakes disappear • a certain time when school ends • another word for social studies • where you keep all your work in • how most kids get home from school • where you go when you getlunchtimee • ...
school 2024-09-05
- a different language to learn
- to write on
- senior year
- to put papers in
- about past events
- lots of exercise
- what do you use to write with
- something to write in
- a class with experiments
- a class with numbers
- best day of a school week
- to carry all of you supplies
- it has a screen
- first year of school
- school before college
- something to drink out of
- to cut with
- a class with lots of reading and writing
- a pencil with color
- to carry your items
20 Clues: to write on • senior year • to cut with • it has a screen • to put papers in • lots of exercise • about past events • a pencil with color • to carry your items • first year of school • a class with numbers • school before college • something to write in • a class with experiments • something to drink out of • best day of a school week • to carry all of you supplies • a different language to learn • ...
School 2024-10-17
- werk dat je doet naast school
- opdrachten die je thuis maakt
- Hier lees je in
- plek op school die op slot zit waar je spullen kan achter laten
- hier word je getest
- De school waar je heen gaat na groep 8
- hier kan je mee schrijven en tekenen
- Fruit in het rood of groen
- Veel kinderen gaan hiermee naar school
- Sport op school
- een ander woord voor leraar
- Een snee brood
- Vak over stenen, mensen en cultuur
- moment rust zonder les
- Rekenen maar dan moeilijker
- een ruimte waar lessen plaats vinden
- vak over vroeger
- Hierin zit de lunch
- wanneer je minimaal 1 week geen school hebt
- het examen goed doen
20 Clues: Een snee brood • Hier lees je in • Sport op school • vak over vroeger • hier word je getest • Hierin zit de lunch • het examen goed doen • moment rust zonder les • Fruit in het rood of groen • Rekenen maar dan moeilijker • een ander woord voor leraar • werk dat je doet naast school • opdrachten die je thuis maakt • Vak over stenen, mensen en cultuur • een ruimte waar lessen plaats vinden • ...
School 2024-10-24
- Weather reader.
- Long classes.
- K-8 principle.
- Garfield lover.
- 6th grade S.S.
- Spanish teacher.
- Bills fan.
- Wolf pack.
- Small and loud doors.
- 5th grade trip.
- School gathering.
- Grade that you read the Odyssey.
- Specials in the library.
- story time with.
- Elementary Art.
- has 2 axolotls.
- Coins.
- After school program.
- 8th grade ELA.
- Writing.
20 Clues: Coins. • Writing. • Bills fan. • Wolf pack. • Long classes. • K-8 principle. • 6th grade S.S. • 8th grade ELA. • Weather reader. • Elementary Art. • has 2 axolotls. • Garfield lover. • 5th grade trip. • story time with. • Spanish teacher. • School gathering. • After school program. • Small and loud doors. • Specials in the library. • Grade that you read the Odyssey.
School 2024-11-26
- what does water bottle
- what does teachersdesk mean?
- what does shelf mean?
- what does colerpencil mean?
- what does paper mean?
- what does teacher mean?
- what does canteen mean?
- What does class mean?
- what does book mean?
- what does library mean?
- what does printer mean?
- what does piano mean?
- What does pencil case mean?
- What does homework mean?
- what does children mean?
- What does backpack mean?
- what does chair mean?
- what does table mean?
- what does recess mean?
- what does lunch box mean?
- what does whiteboad mean?
- What does morning song mean?
- What does pencil mean?
- what does wardrobe mean?
24 Clues: what does book mean? • what does chair mean? • what does shelf mean? • what does table mean? • what does paper mean? • what does piano mean? • what does water bottle • what does recess mean? • What does class mean? • What does pencil mean? • what does teacher mean? • what does canteen mean? • what does library mean? • what does printer mean? • What does homework mean? • ...
School 2024-11-28
- What you use to remove pencil or chalk marks.
- A room in a school where a class of students is taught.
- A form of running at a slow or steady pace, often done as a form of exercise.
- A quiet place to read books and study.
- test or series of tests conducted to discover something unknown or to demonstrate a known fact.
- A state of calm and quiet without disturbance or conflict
- The meal you eat in the middle of the school day.
- Tasks assigned to students by teachers to be completed outside of school hours.
- The person who teaches you in class.
- A close and supportive relationship between two or more people, often based on mutual trust and liking.
- The branch of science concerned with the study of life and living organisms.
- A test to see how much you've learned.
- Where you play sports and stay fit.
- The branch of science that deals with the physical structure and substances of the Earth and the processes that shape and change it.
- The sound that tells you when to start or stop classes.
- A large, smooth, dark-colored surface used in classrooms for writing with chalk.
- What you use to read lessons and take notes.
- A fellow student in the same class.
- A writing instrument with a narrow, usually wooden shaft and a core of graphite or colored lead.
- A piece of furniture with a flat surface and drawers, used for writing and studying.
20 Clues: Where you play sports and stay fit. • A fellow student in the same class. • The person who teaches you in class. • A test to see how much you've learned. • A quiet place to read books and study. • What you use to read lessons and take notes. • What you use to remove pencil or chalk marks. • The meal you eat in the middle of the school day. • ...
SCHOOL 2024-12-09
23 Clues: koza • apel • pilny • surowy • szatnia • mundurek • poprawka • stołówka • uprzejmy • cierpliwy • zakreślacz • plan lekcji • zmotywowany • korepetytor • obcy (język) • zorganizowany • kolega z klasy • skupienie, uwaga • zajęcia teatralne • gabinet dyrektora • szkoła średnia (… school) • szkoła podstawowa (… school) • szkoła z internatem (… school)
School 2024-12-13
25 Clues: art • math • biology • the pen • history • English • physics • Spanish • the book • theology • the desk • the test • chemistry • the chair • the board • geography • the pencil • the marker • the student • the teacher • the notebook • the backpack • the homework • communications • physical education
SCHOOL 2024-12-18
- A subject focused on learning the English language.
- A surface where teachers write, usually with chalk or markers.
- A set of written pages bound together, often used for study.
- A thin material used for writing or drawing.
- A person who learns at school.
- The study of past events.
- A subject focused on learning and making music.
- A person who teaches students.
- An exam to check students’ knowledge or skills.
- A tool used for writing or drawing, made of wood and graphite.
- A place where students go to learn.
- A subject about drawing, painting, and creativity.
- The study of numbers, shapes, and patterns.
- A piece of furniture to sit on.
- Schoolwork done at home.
- A straight tool used to measure or draw lines.
- A field of study, like math or science.
- A container to carry books and school supplies.
- A place with books for reading or borrowing.
- A table used by students or teachers for work.
- A book with blank pages for writing notes.
- A meal eaten in the middle of the day.
- A period of teaching on a specific topic.
- A small tool to remove pencil marks.
- The study of the natural world.
- A tool used for writing with ink.
- A room where lessons take place.
- An outdoor area where students play.
- A sound signal to indicate the start or end of classes.
- An electronic device used for learning and work.
30 Clues: Schoolwork done at home. • The study of past events. • A person who learns at school. • A person who teaches students. • The study of the natural world. • A piece of furniture to sit on. • A room where lessons take place. • A tool used for writing with ink. • A place where students go to learn. • A small tool to remove pencil marks. • An outdoor area where students play. • ...
School/School Subjects 2024-08-01
School 2020-12-02
- The subject which involves many numbers
- the individual who is being taught
- digital device used to solve equations
- a piece of writing focusing on a specific topic
- Where you put your belongings
- Assignment to complete at home
- a tool which aids in measuring lengths of objects
- the place which you attend in order to learn
- a person who attends the same class as you
- the event of finishing school(final)
- the board in which a teacher writes
- what you write prior to getting a grade
- Where you put your notes
- The room in which you're being taught
- the plural form of the result of a course
- a set of lessons in a specific subject
- Tool used in order to write notes
- the head of the school
- the individual who carries out the lesson
19 Clues: the head of the school • Where you put your notes • Where you put your belongings • Assignment to complete at home • Tool used in order to write notes • the individual who is being taught • the board in which a teacher writes • the event of finishing school(final) • The room in which you're being taught • digital device used to solve equations • ...
SCHOOL 2013-03-02
school 2013-06-12
- is used to store pencils
- is used to find information
- is used to erase
- is the person who teaches
- is used to calculate numbers
- is used to carry items
- is used to sit
- is used to measure
- is used for students to write the subject
- is used to support the notebook
- used to throw garbage
- is used to stick objects
- are used to block sunlight
- board is used for
- field is used to pass
- are used to cut
- is used to write and teach students
- is used to display the time
- is used to write
19 Clues: is used to sit • are used to cut • is used to erase • is used to write • board is used for • is used to measure • used to throw garbage • field is used to pass • is used to carry items • is used to stick objects • is used to store pencils • is the person who teaches • are used to block sunlight • is used to find information • is used to display the time • is used to calculate numbers • ...
school 2013-06-17
- is used to write the materials and do work
- students utilazan chair to sit
- is used to write
- is used to calculate
- table is used for notebooks
- is used to stick things
- is used to display the time
- who teaches students
- is used to erase the blackboard
- are used to cut
- is used to throw garbage in the room
- is used to write and teach students
- are used to block sunlight
- is used to carry items
- is used to find information on the Internet
- is used to measure
- is used to clear the leaves
- in pupils use it to write the subject
- is used to store the pencils
19 Clues: are used to cut • is used to write • is used to measure • is used to calculate • who teaches students • is used to carry items • is used to stick things • are used to block sunlight • table is used for notebooks • is used to clear the leaves • is used to display the time • is used to store the pencils • students utilazan chair to sit • is used to erase the blackboard • ...
SCHOOL 2013-06-17
- is used to measure
- is used to carry items
- is used to find information on the Internet
- is used to write and teach students
- students utilazan chair to sit
- is used to store the pencils
- are used to cut
- is used to clear the leaves
- is used to write the materials and do work
- in pupils use it to write the subject
- is used to stick things
- is used to display the time
- is used to calculate
- who teaches students
- is used to erase the blackboard
- are used to block sunlight
- table is used for notebooks
- is used to throw garbage in the room
- is used to write
19 Clues: are used to cut • is used to write • is used to measure • is used to calculate • who teaches students • is used to carry items • is used to stick things • are used to block sunlight • is used to display the time • is used to clear the leaves • table is used for notebooks • is used to store the pencils • students utilazan chair to sit • is used to erase the blackboard • ...
school 2014-03-23
19 Clues: gym • rugzak • cijfer • rooster • liniaal • schrift • leerling • wiskunde • proefwerk • onderwijs • schoolvak • klaslokaal • scheikunde • schoolagenda • geschiedenis • schoolrapport • schoolspullen • sportschoenen • aardrijkskunde
school 2021-11-18
21 Clues: nice • fake • dunno • power • dirty • shinny • change • unsure • change • to beg • attack • little • careful • combine • potential • being rong • to run away • natury area • short story • large amount • easily controlled
school 2022-02-17
school 2015-12-13
20 Clues: jog • exam • szak • radír • paper • iskola • school • school • előadó • teacher • diploma • egyetemi • könyvmoly • diszlexia • fogalmazás • osztályzat • tehetséges • képessségek • szövegkiemelő • közgazdaságtan
School 2021-04-27
- a flat surface, usually supported by four legs, used for putting things on
- to protect people and building
- used after a number from one to twelve to say the time when it is exactly that hour
- an electronic device that can store large amounts of information and be given sets of instructions to organize and change it very quickly
- a small electronic device that is used for doing calculations
- a type of table that you can work at, often one with drawers
- a small piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a pencil
- a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting
- a device for showing films or images on a screen or other surface
- a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting
- one of a pair of coverings for your feet
- clothes that has to be worn by the members of the same group of people
- someone who teach the students
- where food and meals are sold
- a group of students who are taught together at school
- a written text that can be published in printed or electronic form
- a person who is learning at a college or university
- a printed table showing all the days, weeks, and months of the year
- a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject
- a long, thin object used for writing or drawing with ink
20 Clues: where food and meals are sold • to protect people and building • someone who teach the students • one of a pair of coverings for your feet • a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting • a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting • a person who is learning at a college or university • a group of students who are taught together at school • ...
School! 2021-10-20
- you go here to learn new things everyday!
- used to stick things together
- used to write on
- use a marker to write on it
- used to tell the time
- used to check the length of a object
- used by a person to talk to classrooms
- used to write on the white board
- different rooms for different classes
- used to write
- learns and takes tests
- you wear everyday on your face
- you can walk through it:D
- you sit on everyday
- used to tell the date
- used to store backpacks and such things
- teaches things to students
- everyone hates this subject
- you can read and learn
19 Clues: used to write • used to write on • you sit on everyday • used to tell the time • used to tell the date • learns and takes tests • you can read and learn • you can walk through it:D • teaches things to students • use a marker to write on it • everyone hates this subject • used to stick things together • you wear everyday on your face • used to write on the white board • ...
School 2022-06-11
- the making or study of paintings, drawings, etc or the objects created
- a dark surface on a wall or frame that a teacher writes on with chalk
- a long, thin wooden object with a black or coloured point that you write or draw with
- classes at school where children study the language that is spoken in the UK, the US, and in many other countries
- a type of table that you can work at
- a bag that is used for carrying books, etc. for school (backpack)
- a type of soft white rock
- classes at school where children do exercise and play sport
- a pen with a thick writing point for writing or drawing
- the study of all the countries of the world, and of the surface of the Earth such as the mountains and seas
- something that is used to remove the marks made by a pencil (eraser)
- a room in a school or college where groups of students are taught
- something that is used for measuring things and for drawing straight lines
- classes at school where children study pieces of art of different writers
- the study and knowledge of the structure and behaviour of natural things in an organized way
- the study of living things
- a seat for one person that has a back, usually four legs, and sometimes two arms
- a place where children and teachers eat food
- the study or science of numbers and shapes
19 Clues: a type of soft white rock • the study of living things • a type of table that you can work at • a place where children and teachers eat food • the study or science of numbers and shapes • a pen with a thick writing point for writing or drawing • classes at school where children do exercise and play sport • ...
School 2018-09-13
19 Clues: uus • vana • keel • homme • armas • reede • leidma • rääkima • naljakas • vene keel • kolmapäev • esmaspäev • saksa keel • rootsi keel • neljas klass • inglise keel • välja lülitama • prantsuse keel • klassikaaslane
school 2019-07-29
- where you sit during class
- use me to sharpen your pencils
- where you put all of your stuff
- teacher always has one in movies
- use to write in
- how some people get home
- help you measure a straight line
- i cut paper,cardboard etc;
- last food break
- use me to erase pencil
- where you copy your work from
- almost the most helpful person at school
- where you type into a computer
- first food break
- what everybody takes to school but aren't really allowed to
- use to write
- you must wear me at school
- where you get food at school
19 Clues: YOU • use to write • use to write in • last food break • first food break • use me to erase pencil • how some people get home • where you sit during class • you must wear me at school • i cut paper,cardboard etc; • where you get food at school • where you copy your work from • where you type into a computer • use me to sharpen your pencils • where you put all of your stuff • ...
school 2022-04-11
- something that is contemplated, devised, or planned
- a bound collection of maps.
- the trial of the quality of something
- a book giving information on particular subjects
- schoolwork assigned to be done outside the classroom
- used for drawing or coloring
- an article of furniture having a broad
- a table or register with the days of each month and week in a year
- an interactive display screen
- a list of terms in a special subject
- any standard of measurement or judgment
- the science dealing with the areal differentiation of the earth's surface
- a sheet of smooth used in schools
- to commit to memory
- systematized knowledge in general
- the systematic treatment
- a body of words and the systems for their use
- a planet or other celestial body
19 Clues: QUIZ YOURSELF • to commit to memory • the systematic treatment • a bound collection of maps. • used for drawing or coloring • an interactive display screen • a planet or other celestial body • a sheet of smooth used in schools • systematized knowledge in general • a list of terms in a special subject • the trial of the quality of something • an article of furniture having a broad • ...
School 2022-05-02
19 Clues: jegy • kémia • szerző • kisdiák • becenév • irodalom • nyelvtan • elrontani • bünetetés • hozzáállás • viselkedés • viselkedni • magániskola • testnevelés • informatika • megbünetetni • idegen nyelv • torna, verseny • bentlakásoso iskola
school 2021-04-07
19 Clues: zdać • oblać • woźny • oceny • uważać • poznać • korytarz • szanowany • słownictwo • wymagający • zgubić się • uzdolniony • bibliotekarz • znaleźć drogę • mieć zaległości • zaprzyjażnić się • świadectwo szkolne • grono pedagogiczne • przystępować do egzaminu
SCHOOL 2019-04-11
- a room with food sold to personnel at an institution
- a learner who is enrolled in an educational institution
- an object consisting of a number of pages bound together
- outside the regular academic course of studies
- a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality
- the act of scrutinizing something closely (as for mistakes)
- presiding officer of a school
- the science that studies living organisms
- a person whose occupation is instructing
- depository containing books and other materials for reading
- a science dealing with the logic of quantity and arrangement
- a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words
- profound learned knowledge
- the successful completion of a program of study
- a room in a school where lessons take place
- a formal event performed on a special occasion
- a machine for performing calculations automatically
- preparatory school work done outside school
- a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design
19 Clues: profound learned knowledge • presiding officer of a school • a person whose occupation is instructing • the science that studies living organisms • a room in a school where lessons take place • preparatory school work done outside school • outside the regular academic course of studies • a formal event performed on a special occasion • ...
SCHOOL 2019-12-01
- white rectangle that we use to write
- a person who explains a subject
- the students put books and notebooks in this
- is important to know
- in this subject we can draw
- is the language of Spain
- we use this for write
- is the language of Germany
- it can be of teory or only for read
- the students and the teacher sit on this
- we have to study for it
- mountains, rivers, hills…
- in this subject we add, multiply…
- an object usually made of wood
- it can be about Egypt, Italy, Greece…
- people in Catalonia speaks it
- we use this for write and it can be blue, green, red…
- with this thing we erase phrases, letters…
- the teachers write on this
19 Clues: is important to know • we use this for write • we have to study for it • is the language of Spain • mountains, rivers, hills… • is the language of Germany • the teachers write on this • in this subject we can draw • people in Catalonia speaks it • an object usually made of wood • a person who explains a subject • in this subject we add, multiply… • it can be of teory or only for read • ...
School 2023-03-13
19 Clues: мяч • стул • белый • книга • школа • доска • мелок • кукла • ластик • черный • желтый • зеленый • карандаш • наклейки • открытка • оранжевый • коричневый • фиолетовый • сказать по буквам
school 2023-03-30
- its a subject where u play on the piano and guitar enc.
- its a subject where u learn a language where are in the lesson right now
- its a subject where u learn about computers
- its a subject where u need to calculate much.
- u can buy food there
- u put ur phone in it when u walk in the class
- its a subject where u learn gramatica from the language we talk
- u bring it to school to learn in it for almost every subject
- u put your books and things in it when u arrive at school
- its a subject where u play sports or run on the field\
- u sit in it on class
- u come with it to school
- u bring it to put your books in it
- u go there when u need to pee
- u bring it to work on it when u dont have your books
- its a subject where u learn a language the country is next to belgium and spain.
- its a subject where u learn about what happend in the past
- u put your pens in it
- its not a subject but u can eat than and talk with your friends
19 Clues: u sit in it on class • u can buy food there • u put your pens in it • u come with it to school • u go there when u need to pee • u bring it to put your books in it • its a subject where u learn about computers • its a subject where u need to calculate much. • u put ur phone in it when u walk in the class • u bring it to work on it when u dont have your books • ...
School! 2024-04-23
- - The head of a school.
- - The act of forming words with the correct letters in the right order.
- - Container for carrying meals to school.
- Outdoor area for children to play during breaks.
- The person who instructs and guides students.
- Lab - A room equipped for scientific experiments and observations.
- - Device used for various tasks like research and typing.
- - A room or building equipped for indoor sports and physical education.
- Tool used for measuring and drawing straight lines.
- Assignments given to students to be completed outside of class.
- - A surface for writing or drawing with chalk.
- The study of numbers and operations.
- Writing tool used in school.
- A place where books are kept for reading and borrowing.
- Bag used to carry books and supplies.
- - Creative activities such as drawing, painting, and sculpting.
- The study of past events and civilizations.
- The study of the natural world.
- - The study of Earth's landscapes, environments, and cultures.
- - The art of sound in time.
20 Clues: - The head of a school. • - The art of sound in time. • Writing tool used in school. • The study of the natural world. • The study of numbers and operations. • Bag used to carry books and supplies. • - Container for carrying meals to school. • The study of past events and civilizations. • The person who instructs and guides students. • ...
school 2024-05-28
19 Clues: klasa • polski • muzyka • boisko • sklepik • stołówka • historia • biologia • korytarz • plastyka • geografia • angielski • matematyka • biblioteka • sekretariat • laboratorium • sala komputerowa • sala gimnastyczna • pokój nauczycielski
school 2024-11-22
19 Clues: изо • карта • пенал • ластик • краски • музыка • ножницы • линейка • история • словарь • ноутбук • кроссовки • география • английский • математика • французский • информатика • калькулятор • природоведение
School 2022-08-30
19 Clues: урок • пенал • класс • число • спорт • ручка • футбол • ученик • музыка • ластик • учитель • дневник • ленейка • карандаш • портфель • волейбол • баскетбол • одноклассник • рабочая тетрадь
School 2020-05-11
- The lesson which we study nature and knowledge
- What we use to write
- the work of the school that we make
- What make the pencil smaller
- Dining hall
- Who is responsible for the school
- Who comes to school to learn
- The lesson that we learn about historical events
- The place we take books
- Were we put our materials
- the weekday that we don't have school
- What we use to erase mistakes
- The lesson that we learn countries and cities
- the lesson that we make exercise
- What we use to study
- What we have after the lesson finish
- The lesson which we use numbers
- The thing we use to measure
- Who teach the students
19 Clues: Dining hall • What we use to write • What we use to study • Who teach the students • The place we take books • Were we put our materials • The thing we use to measure • What make the pencil smaller • Who comes to school to learn • What we use to erase mistakes • The lesson which we use numbers • the lesson that we make exercise • Who is responsible for the school • ...
school 2021-09-22
19 Clues: fast • long • redo • minor • boring • stream • suggest • payment • seedling • dangerous • depressed • connected • sneak peek • power full • to interrupt • stop fighting • about yourself • to ask question • to come down from the air
School 2017-03-22
- Where the students plant and water
- Mr Walker's job
- The green house
- Where the ill students go
- Mrs Lee's favourite lollies
- The red house
- Boys School Captain
- Where the Fridays assemblies are held
- Month of the Country Fair
- Where the students cook
- Ms Kemp teaches
- It's on Wednesday after recess
- Where the teachers eat their lunches
- Girls School Captain
- Mrs Blows favourite sport
- How some students travel to school
- It's on Friday after recess
- Mr Mac's football team
- Where you will find Mrs Mason
19 Clues: The red house • Ms Kemp teaches • Mr Walker's job • The green house • Boys School Captain • Girls School Captain • Mr Mac's football team • Where the students cook • Mrs Blows favourite sport • Where the ill students go • Month of the Country Fair • It's on Friday after recess • Mrs Lee's favourite lollies • Where you will find Mrs Mason • It's on Wednesday after recess • ...
School 2017-11-05
- You can have lunch here.
- This is the place where you can have some fresh air between lessons.
- This is the foreign language you study.
- Teachers spend time between lessons here.
- History, geography, Biology, Literature.
- You can buy sandwhiches and drinks here.
- You add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers.
- You write things in it during the lessons and do your homework here.
- This is a place where you go to study.
- The woman leader of a school.
- The man or woman who teaches you at school.
- The students attending the same class as you.
- Computer Technology.
- Physical Education.
- This is the room of your class.
- The book you study from at school.
- This is the place where you have some exercise 5 times a week.
- You can borrow books from here.
- This is where you enter the school building.
19 Clues: Physical Education. • Computer Technology. • You can have lunch here. • The woman leader of a school. • This is the room of your class. • You can borrow books from here. • The book you study from at school. • This is a place where you go to study. • This is the foreign language you study. • History, geography, Biology, Literature. • You can buy sandwhiches and drinks here. • ...
school 2022-02-03
19 Clues: nub • evic • ordian • quench • prudent • capsize • legible • pervade • remnant • abnormal • decrease • flourish • outstrip • incentive • onslaught • catastrophe • simultaneous • disputatious • insubordinate
School 2023-07-13
- School equipment used in class to write on the board
- teacher who teaches geography
- A place for students to read and borrow books at school
- School item that we use to display the computer screen to the front of class
- What month do students return to school after holidays
- Another name for the Fons Vitae school
- Number of students in class XI IPS 1
- School hall location
- On which floor is the school cafeteria located?
- How many fields are there in the school
- The place where students buy snacks at school
- Students wear batik uniforms on...
- Name of the bus stop in front of the school
- Fons Vitae 1 students wear every month on the first Friday
- Place located next to the school
- How many computer labs are there in the school
- Homeroom teacher for class XI IPS 1
- Teacher that teaches Economics
- The color of the shoes that the student wears on Wednesday and Thursday
- A room used by students when they are sick or injured
20 Clues: School hall location • teacher who teaches geography • Teacher that teaches Economics • Place located next to the school • Students wear batik uniforms on... • Homeroom teacher for class XI IPS 1 • Number of students in class XI IPS 1 • Another name for the Fons Vitae school • How many fields are there in the school • Name of the bus stop in front of the school • ...
School 2024-01-19
- A book you write in
- A thing that holds lose papers
- Something you write with
- A thing that is yellow that you can ride to school on
- Something you can type on
- Something you use dry erase markers on
- A thing that you write on
- Something you can color or right with
- Something you put pencils in
- A thing that makes mistakes disappear
- A thing you put your stuff in and on
- A device for sharpening a pencil
- A thing that helps you stick stuff together
- Something you use to measure things
- Something you can carry things in
- A device that uses Staples
- Something you read
- A thing you can sit in
- A thing you cut paper with
19 Clues: Something you read • A book you write in • A thing you can sit in • Something you write with • Something you can type on • A thing that you write on • A device that uses Staples • A thing you cut paper with • Something you put pencils in • A thing that holds lose papers • A device for sharpening a pencil • Something you can carry things in • Something you use to measure things • ...
School 2023-09-20
- meeting face to face
- shy or meek
- fair
- He was mean to John(Synonym)
- to copy
- someone in the same time
- The man was very strong and a enemy(Synonym) ______
- show
- hard to understand
- a nice place
- annoy or upset
- handle skillfully
- hold back
- The desert is very ___
- the claims were _______
- pretending
- to the highest extent
- endurance to keep going
- The wave _____
19 Clues: fair • show • to copy • hold back • pretending • shy or meek • a nice place • annoy or upset • The wave _____ • handle skillfully • hard to understand • meeting face to face • to the highest extent • The desert is very ___ • the claims were _______ • endurance to keep going • someone in the same time • He was mean to John(Synonym) • The man was very strong and a enemy(Synonym) ______
School 2024-04-22
- writing material
- time to eat
- used to keep papers together
- used to get rid of mistakes
- used to view things online
- the beginning of school
- end of school
- class with numbers
- where you sit
- foreign language
- 40% of your grade
- writing material
- people you like
- class where you learn about the earth
- online class website
- group transportation
- sport class
- person who shows you the information
- class about the past
- class about writing and reading
20 Clues: time to eat • sport class • end of school • where you sit • people you like • writing material • writing material • foreign language • 40% of your grade • class with numbers • online class website • group transportation • class about the past • the beginning of school • used to view things online • used to get rid of mistakes • used to keep papers together • class about writing and reading • ...
School 2024-05-16
- used to research
- keeps your thirst clenched
- you sit in this to do work
- bright colors
- hardsurface on the go
- used to cut paper
- brayden smith
- you color with these
- work hard for this
- write in large print in front of class
- represent your school at events
- history class
- adult supervisor
- used to combine papers
- drews dead cat
- dumb as a box of rocks
- carry your belongings
- you read these
- writing
19 Clues: writing • history class • bright colors • brayden smith • drews dead cat • you read these • used to research • adult supervisor • used to cut paper • work hard for this • you color with these • hardsurface on the go • carry your belongings • used to combine papers • dumb as a box of rocks • keeps your thirst clenched • you sit in this to do work • represent your school at events • ...
school 2014-10-30
- plek om te kunnen eten en drinken
- werkproces
- situatie nabootsen
- praktijklessen
- kleur van de school
- tijdschema van de lesuren
- plek waar je zit in de les
- om op te zitten
- beroepspresentatie
- individueel reflectie moment
- hulpmiddel voor uit bed te komen
- loopbaan orientatie begeleiding
- kleur van de school
- werk dat je maakt na school
- een hulpmiddel om de deken omhoog te houden
- stoel om je te kunnen verplaatsen
- kleine verhaaltje
- leren met cijfers
- openleercentrum
- mirian lagas
20 Clues: werkproces • mirian lagas • praktijklessen • openleercentrum • om op te zitten • kleine verhaaltje • leren met cijfers • situatie nabootsen • beroepspresentatie • kleur van de school • kleur van de school • tijdschema van de lesuren • plek waar je zit in de les • werk dat je maakt na school • individueel reflectie moment • loopbaan orientatie begeleiding • hulpmiddel voor uit bed te komen • ...
school 2013-08-27
- De taal van Frankrijk
- Waar je leert voor jezelf te zorgen
- Plek waar je pauze houdt
- Waar je allemaal proefjes doet
- Sportvak
- Wereldkennis
- Onze eigen taal
- Als je naar school gaat krijg je dat
- Waar je je pennen in bewaart
- Wereldtaal
- Een persoonlijke leraar
- Natuurkunde
- Waar je leert over geld
- Van vroeger
- Andere manier van rekenen
- Om huiswerk in te schrijven
- Een anders soort lokaal
- Waar je zit als je les krijgt
- Instrumentenleer
19 Clues: Sportvak • Wereldtaal • Natuurkunde • Van vroeger • Wereldkennis • Onze eigen taal • Instrumentenleer • De taal van Frankrijk • Een persoonlijke leraar • Waar je leert over geld • Een anders soort lokaal • Plek waar je pauze houdt • Andere manier van rekenen • Om huiswerk in te schrijven • Waar je je pennen in bewaart • Waar je zit als je les krijgt • Waar je allemaal proefjes doet • ...
school 2020-03-23
- hier doe je je groenafval in
- hier stoppen we alles in als de speeltijd om is
- voorlaatste jaar
- in deze les moet je veel uitrekenen
- deze persoon geeft je les
- dit krijg je bij een vakantie
- deze steek je op als je het antwoord weet
- hier steek je je kaften in
- dit doet het vijfde open en dicht
- leerkracht in alle klassen behalve het zesde
- deze luid als het speeltijd is
- hier doe je je pennen in
- hier bewaar je je huiswerk
- voor deze taak krijgen we een hele week
- hier mee meet je
- deze kinderen gaan naar school
- andere taal die je in het vijfde leert
- dit maak je thuis
- deze leerkracht hebben jullie volgend jaar
19 Clues: voorlaatste jaar • hier mee meet je • dit maak je thuis • hier doe je je pennen in • deze persoon geeft je les • hier bewaar je je huiswerk • hier steek je je kaften in • hier doe je je groenafval in • dit krijg je bij een vakantie • deze luid als het speeltijd is • deze kinderen gaan naar school • dit doet het vijfde open en dicht • in deze les moet je veel uitrekenen • ...
School 2020-12-22
- you learn to do the opposite of chicken fingers
- a break you take on summer ( no more school)
- a time of school you get to talk or eat
- something very stressful taking
- the title of the crossword puzzle
- you get to draw, paint, or craft in this time of day
- something you learn with numbers or symbols
- you learn stuff like energy or human body
- you use this app to talk during olineschool
- a sad thing created in 2020
- a time you learn to write or talk
- you learn this type of writing that rhymes and often short
- a break for you to celebrate christmas or just to enjoy the snow
- you get taught something new or just got taught
- different levels of learning
- helps you throughout almost 2 years
- a school you go to before college
- grades 6th, 7th, or 8th go to this school
- at the end of the day of school you feel an emotion
19 Clues: a sad thing created in 2020 • different levels of learning • something very stressful taking • the title of the crossword puzzle • a school you go to before college • a time you learn to write or talk • helps you throughout almost 2 years • a time of school you get to talk or eat • you learn stuff like energy or human body • grades 6th, 7th, or 8th go to this school • ...
School 2021-06-06
20 Clues: iPad • Chair • Rules • books • Paper • table • Eraser • people • Pencil • Sticky • marker • uniform • Students • students • computer • teachers • projector • principal • whiteboard • highlights
School 2023-10-01
- case we store pens in it
- in this lesson we use only a computer
- with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
- is where we store books
- is what we get at school
- education, we are using this to prepare for the army
- hang on the walls
- with this we write
- with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
- with this we draw
- with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
- there they collect documents related to the organization
- you study with them
- are what we get for working in class
- in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
- on this lesson we create something
- with the help of this person we gain knowledge
- we hang clothes on it
- we write on it
- with the help of this item we write on the board
20 Clues: we write on it • hang on the walls • with this we draw • with this we write • you study with them • we hang clothes on it • is where we store books • case we store pens in it • is what we get at school • on this lesson we create something • are what we get for working in class • in this lesson we use only a computer • with the help of this person we gain knowledge • ...
school 2021-05-03
- were you learn
- to call home
- you sit on it
- 1+1
- sing or dance
- slide
- a thing google uses
- learner
- something with paper you can get lost in
- to stop in mid conversation rudely
- something you read
- teachers can be found here
- educates young minds
- lots of books
- something you write with
- 4 legs and made of wood
- jump rope
- paint
18 Clues: 1+1 • slide • paint • learner • jump rope • to call home • you sit on it • lots of books • sing or dance • were you learn • something you read • a thing google uses • educates young minds • 4 legs and made of wood • something you write with • teachers can be found here • to stop in mid conversation rudely • something with paper you can get lost in
SCHOOL 2020-10-07
18 Clues: ura • stol • miza • okno • tabla • lepilo • šilček • škarje • zvezek • knjiga • ravnilo • barvica • pinkalo • radirka • svinčnik • flumaster • peresnica • šolska torba
School 2021-11-24
- blank starts at 7:15
- a class that students play sports in
- you read these
- you carry all of your stuff in it
- you have a chair and a ... in the class
- students sit in a ...
- class dealing with equations
- you write on this
- used to write and can't erase
- a class that involve lots of reading
- the work you're given to take home
- you wear it when you are cold
- used to write and can erase
- it has rings and holds papers
- students are always on this
- you sit in this in the classroom
- a lot of students play
- use this piece of tech every day
18 Clues: you read these • you write on this • blank starts at 7:15 • students sit in a ... • a lot of students play • used to write and can erase • students are always on this • class dealing with equations • you wear it when you are cold • it has rings and holds papers • used to write and can't erase • you sit in this in the classroom • use this piece of tech every day • ...
school 2018-02-26
- something you can use to type on and go online on.
- what a students sometimes wear to school.
- what you use to write on the blackboard.
- students sits in this.
- object that you sit in class.
- what american people call the break between two lessons.
- you use in maths.
- what you look in house when you didn´t go to school.
- what you should take during lessons.
- object that you use to disapear words.
- what students shouldn´t maker.
- a period away from school.
- what you write with.
- you read in them.
- where you find countries on.
- books are made of these.
- what you do at school.
- what ou have to see how well.
18 Clues: you read in them. • you use in maths. • what you write with. • students sits in this. • what you do at school. • books are made of these. • a period away from school. • where you find countries on. • object that you sit in class. • what ou have to see how well. • what students shouldn´t maker. • what you should take during lessons. • object that you use to disapear words. • ...
school 2017-11-10
18 Clues: koe • kumi • kynä • liitu • kemia • kirja • laskin • luokka • käytävä • musiikki • oppiaine • todistus • lukukausi • kuulokkeet • päästä läpi • näppäimistö • liikunta sali • jälki-istunto
school 2013-03-01
- we schrijven er mee
- we maken er sommen in
- we doen ons eten er in
- welk geslacht is de leraar van vierA
- die geeft ons les
- we nemen die elke dag mee naar school
- naar welk programma kijken wij elke maandag
- de voornaam van onze directeur
- voorwep om lijnen te meten
- we doen er spelling in
- we doen al onze post en zo er in
- daar doen we potlood met weg
- daar tekenen we mee
- de nummer van Jordy
- we leggen er onze boeken en mappen in
- de kleur van onze w-o map
- hoeveel jaren zijn er in de lagere school
- we doen er taal in
18 Clues: die geeft ons les • we doen er taal in • we schrijven er mee • daar tekenen we mee • de nummer van Jordy • we maken er sommen in • we doen er spelling in • we doen ons eten er in • de kleur van onze w-o map • voorwep om lijnen te meten • daar doen we potlood met weg • de voornaam van onze directeur • we doen al onze post en zo er in • welk geslacht is de leraar van vierA • ...
SCHOOL 2014-05-07
- are things that make your bag really heavy
- is the aggregate of course of study given in a school
- something really annoying you have to carry on your shoulder
- people who are teaching students
- is a part of day you hate
- is a room where you have to sit and study
- lesson that most of students hate, includes calculating
- is someone who leads the school life
- is a piece of furniture, where you want to spend your time after a long day
- something that 9th and 12th graders are anxious for
- is something that fills your stomach
- is a place on wall for teachers to write on
- is a place, where you want to be instead of being in school
- people you are studying with in the same class
- ,where you can work out after a long day in school
- is a place where you can borrow books
- is a place in school where you can eat
- are falling down your face when you get bad grades
18 Clues: is a part of day you hate • people who are teaching students • is something that fills your stomach • is someone who leads the school life • is a place where you can borrow books • is a place in school where you can eat • is a room where you have to sit and study • are things that make your bag really heavy • is a place on wall for teachers to write on • ...
School 2016-01-06
- Acting, Singing, Dancing
- #2 ______________
- Connects a packet of papers
- Used in math class
- Physical Education
- Another name for a book bag
- Where you play instrument
- School "Dance"
- Has inches and centimeters
- Used to fix ripped paper
- _________ Tournament
- Cut paper
- Where you write down your homework
- Spanish and French
- Holds a folder and hole punched papers
- On the top of a pencils
- Covers Protects your text book
- Wood, metal, cooking
18 Clues: Cut paper • School "Dance" • #2 ______________ • Spanish and French • Used in math class • Physical Education • _________ Tournament • Wood, metal, cooking • On the top of a pencils • Used to fix ripped paper • Acting, Singing, Dancing • Where you play instrument • Has inches and centimeters • Connects a packet of papers • Another name for a book bag • Covers Protects your text book • ...
School 2023-10-21
- A place to borrow books and study.
- An educator in a classroom.
- A bag for carrying books and supplies.
- Assignments to complete outside of class.
- The place students play between classes.
- A subject involving experiments and discoveries.
- A book used for learning in class.
- A midday meal at school.
- A writing tool used for notes and drawings.
- A place for physical education and sports.
- A subject involving numbers and equations.
- A surface for writing with chalk.
- Transportation to and from school.
- The head of a school.
- A person attending school.
- A place where students and teachers gather.
- A subject about the past and events.
- A signal for class changes or the end of the day.
18 Clues: The head of a school. • A midday meal at school. • A person attending school. • An educator in a classroom. • A surface for writing with chalk. • A place to borrow books and study. • Transportation to and from school. • A book used for learning in class. • A subject about the past and events. • A bag for carrying books and supplies. • The place students play between classes. • ...
School 2023-10-19
- A book that students use to learn about a subject
- A room in a school where students learn
- A place where students learn about science
- A person who supervises students at a school
- A person who teaches at a school
- A place where students eat lunch at school
- A person who drives a school bus
- A person who helps students with their schoolwork
- A person who cleans the school
- A sport that is played at school
- A break from school
- A type of clothing that students wear to school
- A long, narrow board that students write on
- A tool that students use to write with
- A place where students store their belongings at school
- A mark that a teacher gives a student for their work
- A piece of paper that students use to write on
- A test that students take to measure their knowledge
18 Clues: A break from school • A person who cleans the school • A sport that is played at school • A person who teaches at a school • A person who drives a school bus • A tool that students use to write with • A room in a school where students learn • A place where students learn about science • A place where students eat lunch at school • A long, narrow board that students write on • ...
SCHOOL 2024-02-04
- This is when students get to run around outside
- This is where students can borrow books
- This is Joel's favorite subject
- This is for carrying things to and from school
- These are used for cutting paper
- This the special class where students sing
- This is the time of the day to eat in the cafeteria
- This adult is in charge of a classroom of students
- Things we read for stories or information
- Use this if you make a mistake
- This is used to stick papers together
- This is the special class where you get to be creative
- These are used for coloring-sometimes on fingers
- This is the background for writing, drawing & coloring
- This is the language you ONLY speak at school
- This is used for writing
- This is where PE happens
- This is the language you speak at home (and at school)
18 Clues: This is used for writing • This is where PE happens • Use this if you make a mistake • This is Joel's favorite subject • These are used for cutting paper • This is used to stick papers together • This is where students can borrow books • Things we read for stories or information • This the special class where students sing • This is the language you ONLY speak at school • ...
school 2024-05-23
- where you do science experiments
- place where you eat
- electronic to study with
- something to write with
- area where you learn
- stick that measures
- yellow vehicle that transports
- adult who teaches a class
- work you do after school
- object you write in to take notes
- colors you write with
- board where teacher writes
- where you read
- object that helps in math
- assignment where you are tested
- time where you eat
- removes your mistakes on paper
- something to sit on and work
18 Clues: where you read • time where you eat • place where you eat • stick that measures • area where you learn • colors you write with • something to write with • electronic to study with • work you do after school • object that helps in math • adult who teaches a class • board where teacher writes • something to sit on and work • yellow vehicle that transports • removes your mistakes on paper • ...
school 2024-05-23
- where you do science experiments
- place where you eat
- electronic to study with
- something to write with
- area where you learn
- stick that measures
- yellow vehicle that transports
- adult who teaches a class
- work you do after school
- object you write in to take notes
- colors you write with
- board where teacher writes
- where you read
- object that helps in math
- assignment where you are tested
- time where you eat
- removes your mistakes on paper
- something to sit on and work
18 Clues: where you read • time where you eat • place where you eat • stick that measures • area where you learn • colors you write with • something to write with • electronic to study with • work you do after school • object that helps in math • adult who teaches a class • board where teacher writes • something to sit on and work • yellow vehicle that transports • removes your mistakes on paper • ...
school 2023-04-19
- Habegger this teacher teaches music
- a subject that Ms. Sagastegui teaches; we sometimes draw and paint
- this teacher teaches literature, writing, and grammar
- stands for Physical Education
- a subject that Ms. McKenna teaches; ex: Hola
- a subject that Mr. Ahn teaches; it’s also called typing class
- this coach is a P.E teacher for 4th-8th
- 2 subjects that Ms. Brown teaches one is about language structure and the other is about marking or texting words on paper/computer
- this teacher teaches art
- this teacher teaches math and science
- a subject that Ms. Brown teaches; we read lots of books like Pax
- a subject that Ms. Hemingway teaches; a vocab word is biology
- a subject that Ms. Hemingway teaches ex: 8x5-3+53
- this coach is a P.E teacher for K-3
- this teacher teaches Spanish
- a subject the Mr. Ahn teaches; it's about the past
- this teacher teaches history and computers
- a subject that Mr. Habegger teaches; we usually play the ukulele
18 Clues: this teacher teaches art • this teacher teaches Spanish • stands for Physical Education • this coach is a P.E teacher for K-3 • this teacher teaches math and science • this coach is a P.E teacher for 4th-8th • Habegger this teacher teaches music • this teacher teaches history and computers • a subject that Ms. McKenna teaches; ex: Hola • ...
School 2023-05-31
- what we do at 10:00 AM
- Ginger
- Pi
- personality
- what you read for 30 minutes everyday
- The month school starts
- to say you will do someone harm
- a student in the middle of our class
- chaos
- to have a strong love for your country
- what some kids ride home
- boring
- to do something with hesitation
- randomly happens
- what Ms Stanton hates the most
- a subject that uses numbers
- bald guy
- to go on and on in a unorganised fashion
18 Clues: Pi • chaos • boring • Ginger • bald guy • personality • randomly happens • what we do at 10:00 AM • The month school starts • what some kids ride home • a subject that uses numbers • what Ms Stanton hates the most • to do something with hesitation • to say you will do someone harm • a student in the middle of our class • what you read for 30 minutes everyday • ...
School 2022-05-09
- A 5 paragraph page based on assigned topic
- Is used to help students concentrate
- A class where you sing
- Something every student lacks
- Is sat on
- Challenges your knowledge
- Where you run out of breath
- Used to help you make straight lines
- You do it at home
- Used to be worked on
- Holds and carries your things
- When it's time to eat
- You use to write with
- A class where you workout
- Used to type
- Where you are taught and do work in
- You need a pass
- A grown up who feeds you information
18 Clues: Is sat on • Used to type • You need a pass • You do it at home • Used to be worked on • When it's time to eat • You use to write with • A class where you sing • A class where you workout • Challenges your knowledge • Where you run out of breath • Holds and carries your things • Something every student lacks • Where you are taught and do work in • Is used to help students concentrate • ...
School 2014-02-04
18 Clues: C004 • test • tekenen • verboden • dode taal • proefwerk • speeltijd • schrijver • leerkracht • naam school • boek nederlands • toneelspeelster • afkorting mevrouw • muzikale opvoeding • leerkracht Aardrijkskunde • meneer Remmerie 15 jaar... • leerkracht jurkjes en rokjes • leerkracht Natuurwetenschappen
school 2013-04-19
- sport tijdens de middag
- krant van de school
- het is om twaalf uur
- speciale richting op onze school
- gemaakt om potlood weg te gommen
- straat van de school
- gemaakt om te schrijven
- zakje voor pennen
- plaats om te eten
- een taal
- school in mechelen
- kunstvak op school
- vak op school met getallen
- iemand die lesgeeft
- plaats waar je tijd kan doorbrengen tijdens de pauze
- gebouw op school
- sport die je op de speelplaats kan doen
- waar de sportdag doorging
18 Clues: een taal • gebouw op school • zakje voor pennen • plaats om te eten • kunstvak op school • school in mechelen • krant van de school • iemand die lesgeeft • het is om twaalf uur • straat van de school • sport tijdens de middag • gemaakt om te schrijven • waar de sportdag doorging • vak op school met getallen • speciale richting op onze school • gemaakt om potlood weg te gommen • ...
school 2013-03-01
- we schrijven er mee
- we maken er sommen in
- we doen ons eten er in
- welk geslacht is de leraar van vierA
- die geeft ons les
- we nemen die elke dag mee naar school
- naar welk programma kijken wij elke maandag
- de voornaam van onze directeur
- voorwep om lijnen te meten
- we doen er spelling in
- we doen al onze post en zo er in
- daar doen we potlood met weg
- daar tekenen we mee
- de nummer van Jordy
- we leggen er onze boeken en mappen in
- de kleur van onze w-o map
- hoeveel jaren zijn er in de lagere school
- we doen er taal in
18 Clues: die geeft ons les • we doen er taal in • we schrijven er mee • daar tekenen we mee • de nummer van Jordy • we maken er sommen in • we doen er spelling in • we doen ons eten er in • de kleur van onze w-o map • voorwep om lijnen te meten • daar doen we potlood met weg • de voornaam van onze directeur • we doen al onze post en zo er in • welk geslacht is de leraar van vierA • ...
School 2022-04-22
- person that learns
- subject that involves reading and writing
- person who teaches
- writing utensil
- place you learn
- book for reminders
- writing utensil that uses ink
- the logic behind how the world functions
- sticks things together
- something that carries your school supplies
- work you do after school
- learning things about the past
- book used for reading and studying
- used for making things stand out
- subject where you exercise and are active
- subject that involves numbers and equations
- gets rid of mistakes
- book where you keep your notes
18 Clues: writing utensil • place you learn • person that learns • person who teaches • book for reminders • gets rid of mistakes • sticks things together • work you do after school • writing utensil that uses ink • learning things about the past • book where you keep your notes • used for making things stand out • book used for reading and studying • the logic behind how the world functions • ...
School 2022-05-12
18 Clues: wf • boisko • muzyka • przerwa • semestr • korytarz • biologia • historia • plastyka • mundurek • stołówka • geografia • matematyka • biblioteka • informatyka • sala lekcyjna • język angielski • sala gimnastyczna
SCHOOL 2022-10-06
- Thank You demonstrates appreciation and ______
- that a pupil is required to
- is the _____
- we look forward to meet at school
- area of knowledge that is studied in
- place to provide resources for education, information, and personal development (such as book)
- word for pupils
- formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill
- to or acting against bullying
- facial expression in which the eyes brighten and the corners of the mouth curve slightly upward
- at home
- in trouble, your teacher will send you to this person
- need to get good SPM grade to get into your dream _______
- short period of time during the school day that students can rest
- we do with our brain
- pass with flying: to be extremely successful, to achieve something that is difficult, to excel
- English is my favourite ______
- person who teaches at school
18 Clues: at home • is the _____ • word for pupils • we do with our brain • that a pupil is required to • person who teaches at school • to or acting against bullying • English is my favourite ______ • we look forward to meet at school • area of knowledge that is studied in • Thank You demonstrates appreciation and ______ • in trouble, your teacher will send you to this person • ...
School 2018-08-07
- You can put all things inside it
- You can ride it, It has 2 wheels
- Girls love playing with this toy
- You can read it
- You use it to make a line
- You can drive it, It has 4 wheels
- It's a game
- You use it to draw
- It's a toy but It looks like a bear
- You use it with ink to write
- It looks like a door but bigger
- You kick it when you play football
- You can fly it in the sky
- You open it to get inside your house
- It's white and you can write on it
- case You put pens, pencils and rubbers inside it
- You use it to delete when you draw
- You can open it, it's on the wall
- the vehicle which goes in a line
19 Clues: It's a game • You can read it • You use it to draw • You can fly it in the sky • You use it to make a line • You use it with ink to write • It looks like a door but bigger • You can put all things inside it • You can ride it, It has 2 wheels • Girls love playing with this toy • the vehicle which goes in a line • You can drive it, It has 4 wheels • You can open it, it's on the wall • ...
School 2023-05-05
18 Clues: art • bus • desk • math • trash • recess • lineup • teacher • student • reading • library • science • computer • classroom • lightonoff • boysbathroom • girlsbathroom • lunchinthecafeteria
School 2023-05-11
18 Clues: ehra • cumis • oelbl • dtrhi • zepluz • sresce • rhirac • lcohso • nwaamr • eslimp • rseotut • dbraarn • ecsceni • nwoatls • grnaeid • streeahc • mlouonrch • bsaplacae
School 2023-10-01
- we hang clothes on it
- with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
- case we store pens and pencils in it
- with this we write on a notebook
- stitches up students
- in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
- we create something there
- hang on the school walls
- you study with them
- there they collect documents related to the organization
- with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
- with the help of this item we write on the board
- science in this lesson we work only with computers
- we write on it
- education, we are using this to prepare for the army
- is where we save books
- with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
- with the help of this person we gain knowledge
18 Clues: we write on it • you study with them • stitches up students • we hang clothes on it • is where we save books • hang on the school walls • we create something there • with this we write on a notebook • case we store pens and pencils in it • with the help of this person we gain knowledge • with the help of this subject we gain knowledge • ...
school 2024-05-10
- continuing to do something or to try to do something even though it is difficult
- emotional reaction to something
- delay or prevent
- breaking of a law, rule, or agreement
- not harmful in effect
- to hate; dislike extremely
- having unlimited power; able to do anything
- agreeably suited to one's nature, tastes, or outlook
- public disagreement
- a right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual
- exercise that improves or is intended to improve the efficiency of the body's cardiovascular system
- having or showing intense often vicious ill will
- existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth
- strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage
- feelings and ideas that people may connect with that word
- capable of being touched
- a period of prolonged and intensive questioning or investigation.
- to understand or explain the sense or intention of usually in a particular way
18 Clues: delay or prevent • public disagreement • not harmful in effect • capable of being touched • to hate; dislike extremely • emotional reaction to something • breaking of a law, rule, or agreement • having unlimited power; able to do anything • having or showing intense often vicious ill will • agreeably suited to one's nature, tastes, or outlook • ...
school 2014-08-22
- Afgesloten deel van een slaapzaal
- Schoolmeubel
- Daguitstap met de klas
- stoof Kachel die in de klas stond
- Gezelle Wie schreef het gedicht die begon met O kinklende winklende waterding
- Wordt gebruikt om het drogen te bespoedigen van inkt en vegen en vlekken te voorkomen
- Vloog je soms in als je gestraft werd en je kon er helemaal zwart uitzien
- Misboek
- Glazen potje waar vloeistof in zit om mee te schrijven
- Vak op school met optellen en aftrekken
- Vak op school waar je de hoofdsteden leert
- Uitslag op het einde van het jaar
- Schrijfinstrument om op een lei te schrijven
- Krijg je als je teveel babbelt
- Waar men bleef slapen na school
- Schoeisel van vroeger
- Plaats waar men les kreeg
- Vrouwelijke leerkracht
18 Clues: Misboek • Schoolmeubel • Schoeisel van vroeger • Daguitstap met de klas • Vrouwelijke leerkracht • Plaats waar men les kreeg • Krijg je als je teveel babbelt • Waar men bleef slapen na school • Afgesloten deel van een slaapzaal • stoof Kachel die in de klas stond • Uitslag op het einde van het jaar • Vak op school met optellen en aftrekken • Vak op school waar je de hoofdsteden leert • ...
School 2015-05-02
- A ..... teacher is a teacher who is in charge of a class, conducts educational lessons there etc.
- If a student doesn’t pass an exam, they often have to ..... the whole semester or a year.
- If a student is caught doing illegal things in school, they can be suspended or even ..... .
- It is an American word for secondary school.
- It is a list of all subjects and their hours for each day of the week for a given class.
- It takes place when a student does not go to school even though they are not ill. Their parents think that they are at school when in fact they stay at home or hang out in some places.
- A school where both sexes attend is a ..... school.
- It is a crime that takes place in schools when stronger students try to intimidate weaker ones and demand some money or other things from them.
- This is a special meeting in a school building, which marks a special occasion.
- At the end of a school year students receive a ..... where there is a note on their progress, marks and behaviour in school.
- If a student doesn’t manage to finish university, they ..... out.
- This is a person who is in charge of a school.
- It is a school where students learn how to do a specific profession, for example how to be a baker or a hair-dresser.
- ..... activities for students take place in a school but they are not part of the regular schedule of classes.
- it is a crime that is committed by some students. Instead of writing a test or exam on their own they copy from other students, textbooks, or the Internet in their mobiles.
- It is an American word for primary school.
- it is a person who attends the same class as you.
- A school year can be divided into two or three ..... .
18 Clues: It is an American word for primary school. • It is an American word for secondary school. • This is a person who is in charge of a school. • it is a person who attends the same class as you. • A school where both sexes attend is a ..... school. • A school year can be divided into two or three ..... . • ...
School 2015-05-02
- At the end of a school year students receive a ..... where there is a note on their progress, marks and behaviour in school.
- it is a person who attends the same class as you.
- A school where both sexes attend is a ..... school.
- This is a person who is in charge of a school.
- It is an American word for secondary school.
- It is a list of all subjects and their hours for each day of the week for a given class.
- A school year can be divided into two or three ..... .
- It is a crime that takes place in schools when stronger students try to intimidate weaker ones and demand some money or other things from them.
- This is a special meeting in a school building, which marks a special occasion.
- It takes place when a student does not go to school even though they are not ill. Their parents think that they are at school when in fact they stay at home or hang out in some places.
- A ..... teacher is a teacher who is in charge of a class, conducts educational lessons there etc.
- ..... activities for students take place in a school but they are not part of the regular schedule of classes.
- It is an American word for primary school.
- It is a school where students learn how to do a specific profession, for example how to be a baker or a hair-dresser.
- If a student doesn’t manage to finish university, they ..... out.
- it is a crime that is committed by some students. Instead of writing a test or exam on their own they copy from other students, textbooks, or the Internet in their mobiles.
- If a student doesn’t pass an exam, they often have to ..... the whole semester or a year.
- If a student is caught doing illegal things in school, they can be suspended or even ..... .
18 Clues: It is an American word for primary school. • It is an American word for secondary school. • This is a person who is in charge of a school. • it is a person who attends the same class as you. • A school where both sexes attend is a ..... school. • A school year can be divided into two or three ..... . • ...
SCHOOL 2023-06-06
- - Piece of furniture where students sit and work.
- - Writing tool used to write and draw.
- - Set of letters used to form words.
- - Surface for writing with chalk in the classroom.
- - Measuring tool used in math and drawing.
- - Cutting tool with two blades.
- - Outdoor area for recess and play.
- - Assignments to be completed outside of school.
- - Container for carrying lunch to school.
- - Study of the natural world and experiments.
- - Bag used to carry books and supplies.
- - Subject that deals with numbers and calculations.
- - Source of knowledge and stories.
- - Educator who leads the class.
- - Colored wax stick used for drawing.
- - Person who attends school to learn.
- Bus - Vehicle that transports students to and from school.
- - Round model of the Earth.
18 Clues: - Round model of the Earth. • - Educator who leads the class. • - Cutting tool with two blades. • - Source of knowledge and stories. • - Outdoor area for recess and play. • - Set of letters used to form words. • - Colored wax stick used for drawing. • - Person who attends school to learn. • - Writing tool used to write and draw. • - Bag used to carry books and supplies. • ...
school 2023-09-23
- person who helps you learn
- something yo write on
- the place where you eat
- you put yourself here
- when you don't have school
- how much you get on a test
- when people talk over the loudspeaker
- you need a book for this
- music,art and gym
- where cars stop to let you go
- a person who directs the school
- a time when you go outside and play
- you multiply, add and divide
- when you have to take work home to do it
- how you do in school
- they help you when you are sick
- tells you when school starts/ends
- you put school supplies in this
18 Clues: music,art and gym • how you do in school • something yo write on • you put yourself here • the place where you eat • you need a book for this • person who helps you learn • when you don't have school • how much you get on a test • you multiply, add and divide • where cars stop to let you go • a person who directs the school • they help you when you are sick • ...
School 2024-02-07
- what you can write on when learning
- what happens in the middle of the day
- what you learn at school to use
- what teachers give to help students learn
- what students write with
- who takes care of behavioral needs
- who is in charge at school
- subject that teaches by using experiments
- where students sit
- what students get by coming to school
- subject that teaches numbers
- what happens in the morning right away
- subject that teaches about the past
- the person who teaches you
- what students write on
- what you see when you come to school
- subject that teaches words
- how teachers assess students learning
18 Clues: where students sit • what students write on • what students write with • the person who teaches you • subject that teaches words • who is in charge at school • subject that teaches numbers • what you learn at school to use • who takes care of behavioral needs • what you can write on when learning • subject that teaches about the past • what you see when you come to school • ...
School 2024-10-07
18 Clues: liim • kaart • klass • vihik • raamat • käärid • värvid • tahvel • pliiats • õpilane • pintsel • gloobus • õpetaja • pastakas • joonlaud • teritaja • koolikott • rasvakriidid
School 2024-11-28
- What tool is used to fasten papers together with metal clips?
- Sharpener: What tool is used to keep pencil points sharp?
- What do you use to remove pencil marks from paper?
- Box: What do students use to carry their lunch to school?
- What is the traditional writing surface used by teachers before whiteboards?
- What is a spherical model of Earth used in geography lessons?
- What electronic device is commonly used for typing documents and researching online?
- What do you use to keep track of days, weeks, and months?
- What is a bright-colored pen used to emphasize important text?
- Case: What do students use to store their pens, pencils, and other small supplies?
- Who is the head of a school?
- What do students use to carry their books and supplies to school?
- What modern writing surface is often found in classrooms for writing and drawing?
- What tool is used for cutting paper and other materials?
- What do teachers use to write on blackboards?
- What is a sticky substance used to stick papers together?
- Map: What flat representation of the Earth's surface is used to study geography?
- What tool do students use to draw straight lines and measure lengths?
- What writing instrument has a lead tip and is used for drawing and writing?
- What sticky substance do you use to attach paper, wood, or other materials together?
20 Clues: Who is the head of a school? • What do teachers use to write on blackboards? • What do you use to remove pencil marks from paper? • What tool is used for cutting paper and other materials? • Sharpener: What tool is used to keep pencil points sharp? • What is a sticky substance used to stick papers together? • Box: What do students use to carry their lunch to school? • ...
School 2022-08-04
School 2019-05-16
- We have to do this after school most nights
- A place to have fun and get some fresh air
- There are instruments included in this lesson
- Learn about poetry and how to write essays
- This person is in charge of the classroom
- We do these to check how much we have learnt
- What you go to school to gain
- These are given out each term and include Eco angel
- You could use one of these in maths lessons
- You will do this in PE
- This comes with a mouse!
- You learn column method in this lesson
- You will find many books here
- Supplies you will need for school
- This person is in charge of the whole school
- This makes us look smart when we go to school
- What we write our work in
- Where pupils gather to celebrate their achievements
18 Clues: You will do this in PE • This comes with a mouse! • What we write our work in • You will find many books here • What you go to school to gain • Supplies you will need for school • You learn column method in this lesson • This person is in charge of the classroom • A place to have fun and get some fresh air • Learn about poetry and how to write essays • ...
School 2013-01-30
- to not pass an exam
- the study of chemicals etc
- the clothes you must wear to school
- name of teacher in university
- another name for a mark that you receive for a test
- person who is the 'boss' of the school
- a school with priests and nuns as teachers
- the vern that describes what students do in school
- a school where students live
- name of school for children aged 4-11
- this gives you the times of your classes for school
- name of child that goes to a school
- name of person who has completed university and has a degree
- name of school for children aged 1-4
- the verb that describes what teachers do
- this controls children's behaviour and can be strict
- what you do the night before a test
- to be dishonest during an exam
18 Clues: to not pass an exam • the study of chemicals etc • a school where students live • name of teacher in university • to be dishonest during an exam • the clothes you must wear to school • name of child that goes to a school • what you do the night before a test • name of school for children aged 1-4 • name of school for children aged 4-11 • person who is the 'boss' of the school • ...
school 2013-03-01
- we schrijven er mee
- we maken er sommen in
- we doen ons eten er in
- welk geslacht is de leraar van vierA
- die geeft ons les
- we nemen die elke dag mee naar school
- naar welk programma kijken wij elke maandag
- de voornaam van onze directeur
- voorwep om lijnen te meten
- we doen er spelling in
- we doen al onze post en zo er in
- daar doen we potlood met weg
- daar tekenen we mee
- de nummer van Jordy
- we leggen er onze boeken en mappen in
- de kleur van onze w-o map
- hoeveel jaren zijn er in de lagere school
- we doen er taal in
18 Clues: die geeft ons les • we doen er taal in • we schrijven er mee • daar tekenen we mee • de nummer van Jordy • we maken er sommen in • we doen er spelling in • we doen ons eten er in • de kleur van onze w-o map • voorwep om lijnen te meten • daar doen we potlood met weg • de voornaam van onze directeur • we doen al onze post en zo er in • welk geslacht is de leraar van vierA • ...
school 2013-03-01
- we schrijven er mee
- we maken er sommen in
- we doen ons eten er in
- welk geslacht is de leraar van vierA
- die geeft ons les
- we nemen die elke dag mee naar school
- naar welk programma kijken wij elke maandag
- de voornaam van onze directeur
- voorwep om lijnen te meten
- we doen er spelling in
- we doen al onze post en zo er in
- daar doen we potlood met weg
- daar tekenen we mee
- de nummer van Jordy
- we leggen er onze boeken en mappen in
- de kleur van onze w-o map
- hoeveel jaren zijn er in de lagere school
- we doen er taal in
18 Clues: die geeft ons les • we doen er taal in • we schrijven er mee • daar tekenen we mee • de nummer van Jordy • we maken er sommen in • we doen er spelling in • we doen ons eten er in • de kleur van onze w-o map • voorwep om lijnen te meten • daar doen we potlood met weg • de voornaam van onze directeur • we doen al onze post en zo er in • welk geslacht is de leraar van vierA • ...
School 2015-05-02
- It is an American word for primary school.
- At the end of a school year students receive a ..... where there is a note on their progress, marks and behaviour in school.
- It is a school where students learn how to do a specific profession, for example how to be a baker or a hair-dresser.
- It is a crime that takes place in schools when stronger students try to intimidate weaker ones and demand some money or other things from them.
- it is a person who attends the same class as you.
- A school where both sexes attend is a ..... school.
- This is a person who is in charge of a school.
- A school year can be divided into two or three ..... .
- It is an American word for secondary school.
- ..... activities for students take place in a school but they are not part of the regular schedule of classes.
- If a student is caught doing illegal things in school, they can be suspended or even ..... .
- This is a special meeting in a school building, which marks a special occasion.
- If a student doesn’t pass an exam, they often have to ..... the whole semester or a year.
- It is a list of all subjects and their hours for each day of the week for a given class.
- It takes place when a student does not go to school even though they are not ill. Their parents think that they are at school when in fact they stay at home or hang out in some places.
- If a student doesn’t manage to finish university, they ..... out.
- A ..... teacher is a teacher who is in charge of a class, conducts educational lessons there etc.
- it is a crime that is committed by some students. Instead of writing a test or exam on their own they copy from other students, textbooks, or the Internet in their mobiles.
18 Clues: It is an American word for primary school. • It is an American word for secondary school. • This is a person who is in charge of a school. • it is a person who attends the same class as you. • A school where both sexes attend is a ..... school. • A school year can be divided into two or three ..... . • ...
School 2016-08-28
- students must follow these; teachers must enforce them
- the top employee at a school; the teachers' boss
- teachers write on this
- most private schools in Japan require students to wear this
- this helps you wake up in the morning
- the place students go first thing in the morning
- the study of the physical or material world
- a place you borrow books
- where sports are played indoors and big events are held
- many students go to this type of school after high school
- teachers always say you shouldn't run or play with these
- students usually use this during breaks between classes
- some Math teachers do not allow this item in the class
- you can show your creative side in this room
- students usually hate doing this
- used to attach multiple pieces of paper together
- the second language most commonly studied
- the person to see when you are not feeling well
18 Clues: teachers write on this • a place you borrow books • students usually hate doing this • this helps you wake up in the morning • the second language most commonly studied • the study of the physical or material world • you can show your creative side in this room • the person to see when you are not feeling well • the top employee at a school; the teachers' boss • ...
school 2024-05-10
- continuing to do something or to try to do something even though it is difficult
- emotional reaction to something
- delay or prevent
- breaking of a law, rule, or agreement
- not harmful in effect
- to hate; dislike extremely
- having unlimited power; able to do anything
- agreeably suited to one's nature, tastes, or outlook
- public disagreement
- a right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual
- exercise that improves or is intended to improve the efficiency of the body's cardiovascular system
- having or showing intense often vicious ill will
- existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth
- strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage
- feelings and ideas that people may connect with that word
- capable of being touched
- a period of prolonged and intensive questioning or investigation.
- to understand or explain the sense or intention of usually in a particular way
18 Clues: delay or prevent • public disagreement • not harmful in effect • capable of being touched • to hate; dislike extremely • emotional reaction to something • breaking of a law, rule, or agreement • having unlimited power; able to do anything • having or showing intense often vicious ill will • agreeably suited to one's nature, tastes, or outlook • ...
school 2024-05-23
- where you do science experiments
- place where you eat
- electronic to study with
- something to write with
- area where you learn
- stick that measures
- yellow vehicle that transports
- adult who teaches a class
- work you do after school
- object you write in to take notes
- colors you write with
- board where teacher writes
- where you read
- object that helps in math
- assignment where you are tested
- time where you eat
- removes your mistakes on paper
- something to sit on and work
18 Clues: where you read • time where you eat • place where you eat • stick that measures • area where you learn • colors you write with • something to write with • electronic to study with • work you do after school • object that helps in math • adult who teaches a class • board where teacher writes • something to sit on and work • yellow vehicle that transports • removes your mistakes on paper • ...
school 2013-05-15
School 2015-03-03
- This is where we get books
- Mr. Hill
- this is were the secretaries are
- Students ride this to school
- we write on this
- The name of our school
- we color with these
- we learn how to do number problems
- we pledge allegiance to this
- This is Mrs. Denigris
- A class for five year olds
- students eat lunch here
- Mrs. Buck teaches this
- we open this to get into the school
- this is how we get down the hallway
- We write with this
- Coach Tutt and Coach Barr
- Mrs. Dubash teaches this
18 Clues: Mr. Hill • we write on this • We write with this • we color with these • This is Mrs. Denigris • Mrs. Buck teaches this • The name of our school • students eat lunch here • Mrs. Dubash teaches this • Coach Tutt and Coach Barr • A class for five year olds • This is where we get books • Students ride this to school • we pledge allegiance to this • this is were the secretaries are • ...
School 2020-12-14
- брать книги в библиотеке
- футбольное поле
- обедать в столовой
- современные удобства
- средняя школа
- глухие дети
- играть разные игры
- хорошо оборудованный спортзал
- отличное образование
- огромная игровая площадка
- общаться с
- школьник
- шкафчики в коридорах
- одноклассник
- проводить эксперименты
- двуязычная школа
- сложный язык жестов
- безопасная окружающая среда
18 Clues: школьник • общаться с • глухие дети • одноклассник • средняя школа • футбольное поле • двуязычная школа • обедать в столовой • играть разные игры • сложный язык жестов • шкафчики в коридорах • современные удобства • отличное образование • проводить эксперименты • брать книги в библиотеке • огромная игровая площадка • безопасная окружающая среда • хорошо оборудованный спортзал