skeletal system Crossword Puzzles

Skeletal Gross/Microscopic Anatomy 2020-10-18

Skeletal Gross/Microscopic Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. What cell synthesizes the extracellular matrix of the bone tissue?
  2. How many bones does an adult have?
  3. Between what structure can the lacunae be found?
  4. How are the lamellae arranged?
  5. What makes a spongy bone lighter?
  6. What is the release of enzymes that digest mineral components of the bone matrix?
  7. What other terminology use to call the haversian system?
  8. Where are triglycerides stored?
  9. What is the anatomical term for red blood cell formation?
  10. Responsible for creating of red blood cells
  11. Cells that undergo cell division to be bone-building cells.
  1. The upper, lower limbs and pelvic gridle belongs to the ____ skeletal group.
  2. _____ regulates calcium levels.
  3. What cells builds the bone?
  4. The skeletal system can be divided into how many skeletal groups?
  5. The skull, vertebral column, throacic cage, and hyoid bone belongs to the ____ skeletal group.
  6. What cell exchanges nutrients/wastes with blood?
  7. The canaliculi is found ______ the lacunae.
  8. What type of bone lacks an haversian system?
  9. ____ bone is the strongest form of bone.

20 Clues: What cells builds the bone?How are the lamellae arranged?_____ regulates calcium levels.Where are triglycerides stored?What makes a spongy bone lighter?How many bones does an adult have?____ bone is the strongest form of bone.The canaliculi is found ______ the lacunae.Responsible for creating of red blood cells...

Organ System Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-31

Organ System Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. An function of the excretory system?
  2. An function of the muscular system?
  3. A organ of the nervous system?
  4. A function of the digestive system?
  5. A organ in the respiratory system?
  6. An organ in the digestive system?
  7. A function of the skeletal system?
  8. An function of the reproductive system?
  9. A organ in the muscular system?
  10. A organ in the excretory system?
  11. An organ in the circulatory system?
  12. An function of the nervous system?
  13. An function of the respiratory system?
  1. A function of the integumentary system?
  2. An organ in the lymphatic system?
  3. A function of the endocrine system?
  4. A function of the circulatory system?
  5. A function of the lymphatic system?
  6. An organ in the endocrine system?
  7. A organ of the reproductive system?
  8. An organ in the integumentary system?
  9. An organ in the skeletal system?

22 Clues: A organ of the nervous system?A organ in the muscular system?A organ in the excretory system?An organ in the skeletal system?An organ in the lymphatic system?An organ in the endocrine system?An organ in the digestive system?A organ in the respiratory system?A function of the skeletal system?An function of the nervous system?...

Organ Systems 2016-03-16

Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. main organ of the cardiovascular system
  2. organ of the lymphatic system
  3. organ of the urinary system
  4. responds to internal and external change
  5. keeps blood supplied with oxygen
  6. protects and supports body organs
  7. the main organ of the skeletal system
  8. antagonist of the tricep in muscular system
  9. responsible for chemical digestion
  10. returns fluids to blood vessels
  11. transports materials in your body via blood pumped by the heart
  12. main organs of the respiratory system
  13. eliminates nitrogenous wastes
  1. main organ of the nervous system
  2. breaks down food
  3. secretes regulatory hormones
  4. forms the external body covering
  5. production of offspring
  6. male organ of the reproductive system
  7. organ of the endocrine system
  8. allows locomotion and produces heat
  9. organ of the integumentary system

22 Clues: breaks down foodproduction of offspringorgan of the urinary systemsecretes regulatory hormonesorgan of the lymphatic systemorgan of the endocrine systemeliminates nitrogenous wastesreturns fluids to blood vesselsmain organ of the nervous systemforms the external body coveringkeeps blood supplied with oxygenprotects and supports body organs...

Body Systems 2021-03-16

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. This system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It is your body’s control system.
  2. These are areas within the body where two or more bones meet.
  3. This organ in the nervous system receives messages from and transmits messages to the nerves of the body.
  4. The smallest living unit.
  5. Blood vessels that carry oxygen-poor blood back to the heart.
  6. This connective tissue attaches skeletal muscle to bone.
  7. This system brings oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide.
  8. Tiny blood vessels that connect arteries to veins. These blood vessels carry oxygen/nutrients to individual cells.
  9. This organ within the digestive system breaks food down further mechanically and chemically.
  10. This system is made up of organs that break down food into nutrients which the body needs for energy, growth, and repair.
  11. Blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart.
  1. This is made up of tissues that work with the skeletal system to control movement of the body.
  2. This organ is the pump in the cardiovascular system that sends blood moving throughout the body.
  3. The largest organ in the body.
  4. This system is made up of bones, ligaments, and cartilage. It shapes your body and protects your organs.
  5. This system is made up of your skin, hair, and nails.
  6. This organ within the digestive system allows food to move from the mouth to the stomach.
  7. This system is made up of organs that transport blood throughout the body.
  8. This connective tissue holds the bones of the skeletal system together.
  9. Your body's skin does this to keep it cool when the body becomes too hot.
  10. These breathing organs in the respiratory system bring oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the blood.

21 Clues: The smallest living unit.The largest organ in the body.This system is made up of your skin, hair, and nails.This connective tissue attaches skeletal muscle to bone.These are areas within the body where two or more bones meet.Blood vessels that carry oxygen-poor blood back to the heart.Blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart....

Body System 2023-03-08

Body System crossword puzzle
  1. receive and send massafes to the brain to tell body what to do
  2. circulatory,digestive,endocrine,etc.
  3. get rid of waste from blood
  4. release waste from blood in excretetory system
  5. glands integumentary organ
  6. regulates body's growth in endocrine system
  7. cord cord in the nervous system
  8. kidneys and bladder
  9. brain,trachea,mouth,nose
  10. support and protect organs, create blood
  1. taking in oxygen and letting out carbon dioxide
  2. protects internal organs and maintains body temperature
  3. blood to transport nutrients/oxygen throughout body
  4. small and large intestines
  5. cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, tendons
  6. major organ in circulatory
  7. regulate body's growth
  8. marrow makes blood-skeletal
  9. break down food into usable nutrients
  10. in the throat, major organ in the respritory system

20 Clues: kidneys and bladderregulate body's growthbrain,trachea,mouth,nosesmall and large intestinesmajor organ in circulatoryget rid of waste from bloodglands integumentary organmarrow makes blood-skeletalcord cord in the nervous systemcirculatory,digestive,endocrine,etc.break down food into usable nutrientssupport and protect organs, create blood...

Organ Systems 2016-03-16

Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. Responds to changes in the body
  2. Apart of the Lymphatic system
  3. Protects body organs
  4. Supplies blood with oxygen
  5. Forms the external body covering
  6. Helps bring the oxygen into the body
  7. Integumentary system is made of this
  8. Transports materials in the body
  9. Regulates hormones
  10. Female part of the endocrine system
  11. Apart of the skeletal system
  1. Pumps the blood
  2. Controlled by the nervous system
  3. Produces heat
  4. Muscular system allows these to move
  5. Breaks down food
  6. Helps filter the urine
  7. Returns fluids to blood vessels
  8. The female part that is needed for reproduction
  9. Production of offspring
  10. Place where the food is digested
  11. Maintains acids

22 Clues: Produces heatPumps the bloodMaintains acidsBreaks down foodRegulates hormonesProtects body organsHelps filter the urineProduction of offspringSupplies blood with oxygenApart of the skeletal systemApart of the Lymphatic systemResponds to changes in the bodyReturns fluids to blood vesselsControlled by the nervous system...

Skeletal system 2018-03-01

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. bone paired with fibula
  2. bone pair with tibia with calf region of leg
  3. jaw bone
  4. small point of spine, tailbone
  5. bone covering visual centre of the brain
  6. anatomical term for hipbone
  7. smaller bones that make up the base of the hand
  8. posterior shoulder bone
  9. outer bone of forearm
  10. upper leg bone longest bone in body
  11. inner bone of forearm next to ulna
  1. center connecting bone of the rib cage
  2. small bone at bottom of sternum
  3. upper arm bone beneath biceps
  4. collarbone
  5. bone making up the knee joint
  6. small bones making up the spinal column
  7. heel bone

18 Clues: jaw boneheel bonecollarboneouter bone of forearmbone paired with fibulaposterior shoulder boneanatomical term for hipboneupper arm bone beneath bicepsbone making up the knee jointsmall point of spine, tailbonesmall bone at bottom of sternuminner bone of forearm next to ulnaupper leg bone longest bone in bodycenter connecting bone of the rib cage...

Skeletal System 2020-10-06

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Breast bone flat dagger-shaped bone
  2. BONES, Thin layer of compact bone encasing "core" of cancellous bone
  3. BONES, Layer of cancellous bone between two plates of compact bone
  4. STORAGE, Bones serve as storage depots for calcium
  5. Arranged in two rows at proximal end of hand
  6. Long bone of feet
  7. Small bone forming upper part of bridge of nose
  8. BONE, Makes the framework of the lower, posterior part of the skull.
  9. Bone of little finger side of forearm, longer than radius
  10. Forehead bone, also forms most of roof of orbits
  1. RIBS, A type of ribs that fasten to sternum by costal cartilages
  2. It supports the medial part of the anterior chest wall
  3. BONE, A single bone in the neck, a part of the axial skeleton
  4. RIBS, A type of ribs that do not attach to sternum directly
  5. BONE, It joins the maxilla, frontal bone, and ethmoid.
  6. , The main shaft like portion of a long bone
  7. BERTEBRAE, Distinguished by the spinous process, which is long and projects downward to overlap the next inferior vertebra.
  8. Smooth area between supraciliary ridges and above nose
  9. EXTREMITY, Consist of the bones of the shoulder girdle, upper arm, lower arm, wrist, and hand.

19 Clues: Long bone of feetBreast bone flat dagger-shaped bone, The main shaft like portion of a long boneArranged in two rows at proximal end of handSmall bone forming upper part of bridge of noseForehead bone, also forms most of roof of orbitsSTORAGE, Bones serve as storage depots for calciumIt supports the medial part of the anterior chest wall...

skeletal system :) 2021-09-15

skeletal system :) crossword puzzle
  1. fancy word for breaking down bone; performed by the osteoclast (start with letter R)
  2. ______ hormone (aka PTH); activates osteoclasts to RAISE Ca levels in the blood
  3. this hormone REDUCES Ca levels in the blood
  4. ________ ossification center; responsible for developing bone and medullary cavity in the diaphysis of a bone during endochondral ossification
  5. in a long bone, hyaline cartilage can be found in the epiphyseal plate AND as _________ cartilage on the ends of bones to prevent bone abrasion
  6. bone cell that builds up bone
  7. ___________ growth; this type of growth occurs on the surface of the bone and makes the bone wider
  8. _________ ossification; occurs for most of skeleton during fetal development and requires a cartilage skeleton base
  1. bone cell that breaks down bone
  2. these cells (located in the thyroid gland) secrete calcitonin
  3. found on the "stem" or middle part of a long bone; filled with compact bone and medullary cavity
  4. ___________ growth; this type of growth occurs to expand the epiphyseal plate and make the bone longer
  5. mature bone cell that detects for physical stress and strain
  6. ___________ ossification; occurs for only flat bones in skull and scapula during fetal develop and does not require a cartilage skeleton base
  7. mineral salts made of calcium phosphate crystals that makes up inorganic material of bone
  8. ______'s law; bone is remodeled in response to mechanical stress
  9. ____ bone; this type of bone is developed during intramembranous ossification. this type of bone matures into lamellar/compact bone
  10. classification of bones in vertebrae and hip

18 Clues: bone cell that builds up bonebone cell that breaks down bonethis hormone REDUCES Ca levels in the bloodclassification of bones in vertebrae and hipmature bone cell that detects for physical stress and strainthese cells (located in the thyroid gland) secrete calcitonin______'s law; bone is remodeled in response to mechanical stress...

Skeletal system 2023-02-22

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. a partial or complete break in the bone
  2. a hyaline cartilage plate in the metaphysis at each end of a long bone.
  3. The type of movable joint in animals in which the surfaces of bones are connected by ligaments or cartilage.
  4. the type of joint found between bones that move against each other
  5. responsible for aged bone resorption
  6. Contains stem cells that can become cartilage, fat, or bone cells
  7. a bone that has a shaft and 2 ends and is longer than it is wide
  8. The hard bony tissue that develops around the ends of a fractured bone during healing
  9. a procedure to set (reduce) a broken bone without cutting the skin open.
  10. The formation of blood cells
  1. a thin layer of connective tissue that covers the outer surface of a bone in all places except at joints
  2. the shaft of a long bone
  3. A thin layer of specialized connective tissue with unique viscoelastic properties
  4. A condition in which there is a decrease in the amount and thickness of bone tissue.
  5. A joint that can move freely in various planes
  6. responsible for new bone formation
  7. Living tissue that makes up the body's skeleton
  8. Vary in shape and structure and therefore do not fit into any other category. Ex: vertebrae

18 Clues: the shaft of a long boneThe formation of blood cellsresponsible for new bone formationresponsible for aged bone resorptiona partial or complete break in the boneA joint that can move freely in various planesLiving tissue that makes up the body's skeletona bone that has a shaft and 2 ends and is longer than it is wide...

Skeletal System 2022-05-26

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. biggest bone in the body
  2. bigger bone of the lower leg
  3. wrist bones
  4. upper arm bone
  5. breast bone
  6. between the tarsals and phalanges
  7. collarbone
  8. thumb side bone of the lower arm
  9. hips
  10. pinkie side bone of the lower arm
  1. ankle bones
  2. fingers or toes
  3. smaller bone of the lower leg
  4. back bones
  5. kneecap
  6. between the carpals and phalanges
  7. shoulder blade
  8. protects the internal organs of the chest

18 Clues: hipskneecapback bonescollarboneankle boneswrist bonesbreast boneupper arm boneshoulder bladefingers or toesbiggest bone in the bodybigger bone of the lower legsmaller bone of the lower legthumb side bone of the lower armbetween the carpals and phalangesbetween the tarsals and phalangespinkie side bone of the lower arm...

Skeletal System 2020-12-01

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Type of joint found at your elbow
  2. The outside part of the bone
  3. Type of joint found at in your vertebra
  4. Bone in your forearm under the radius
  5. The largest bone in your body
  6. The bone at the end of your knee
  7. Another name for your collar bone
  8. Type of joint found at your hip
  9. Where two bones come together
  10. The bone that helps protect your heart
  11. Bone that protects your skull
  1. Fibers that attach muscle to bone
  2. Part of the bone that makes red blood cells
  3. Your jawbone
  4. Fibers that attach bone to bone
  5. Bone disease in which bone density is reduced
  6. Connective tissue that covers, cushions and protects the end of bones
  7. The part of the bone that looks like a sponge

18 Clues: Your jawboneThe outside part of the boneThe largest bone in your bodyWhere two bones come togetherBone that protects your skullFibers that attach bone to boneType of joint found at your hipThe bone at the end of your kneeFibers that attach muscle to boneType of joint found at your elbowAnother name for your collar bone...

Skeletal System 2023-02-06

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. back of the shoulder
  2. Where hind limbs are attached
  3. Make up the ankle
  4. Inner bone of the lower leg
  5. holds together a joint
  6. what this thing is about
  7. inside bone of lower arm
  8. protects 3 of your vital organs
  9. a bone of the finger or toe
  1. funny funny bone in upper arm
  2. outer bone of the lower leg
  3. where two bones meet
  4. shoulder blade
  5. contains part of the nervous system
  6. a part of the spine
  7. outside bone of lower arm
  8. Technical term for the shoulder blade
  9. part of the rib cage
  10. protects the thing in your head

19 Clues: shoulder bladeMake up the anklea part of the spinewhere two bones meetback of the shoulderpart of the rib cageholds together a jointwhat this thing is aboutinside bone of lower armoutside bone of lower armouter bone of the lower legInner bone of the lower lega bone of the finger or toefunny funny bone in upper armWhere hind limbs are attached...

Skeletal System 2018-05-23

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Made up of separate small bones called vertebrae.
  2. The 2 pairs of ribs at the bottom of the ribcage which are not attached to the breastbone.
  3. Pairs of ribs.
  4. The longest bone in our body.
  5. They attach muscles to the bones
  6. Muscles which are not under our control.
  7. The joint which allows movement in only one direction.
  8. Strong tissues which hold the bones together at the joints.
  9. The smallest bone, found in the ear.
  1. This joint allows side to side movement.
  2. Helps in the formation of blood cells.
  3. Name of a system that gives our body shape.
  4. The joint which allows maximum movement.
  5. They allow the bones to glide past one another in any direction.
  6. The place where the bones meet.
  7. Muscles which are under our control.
  8. Muscles of the heart.
  9. An example of a pivot joint.

18 Clues: Pairs of ribs.Muscles of the heart.An example of a pivot joint.The longest bone in our body.The place where the bones meet.They attach muscles to the bonesMuscles which are under our control.The smallest bone, found in the ear.Helps in the formation of blood cells.This joint allows side to side movement.The joint which allows maximum movement....

Skeletal System 2018-06-11

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Recommended immediate treatment for bone, joint, and muscle injuries. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
  2. Injury to the joint caused by any sudden or unusual motion
  3. Movement of an extremity away from the midline
  4. A mature bone cell
  5. Most of the joints in our body are of this type
  6. Increasing the angle between two bones, which results in a straightening motion
  7. Bone of the palmar surface of the hand
  8. Simplest type of fracture in which the bone is partly bent, but never completely separates
  9. Immovable joints connected by tough, fibrous connective tissue
  1. Fracture in which the broken bone ends pierce and protrude through the skin
  2. A bone of the axial skeleton to which the tongue is attached
  3. Shaft of a typical long bone
  4. Kneecap, found in front of the knee joint
  5. The lower jaw, the only movable bone in the face
  6. The breastbone
  7. Bone cells that secrete enzymes that digest bony material
  8. Bone cells that deposit new bone
  9. A tough fibrous tissue that covers the outside of bone

18 Clues: The breastboneA mature bone cellShaft of a typical long boneBone cells that deposit new boneBone of the palmar surface of the handKneecap, found in front of the knee jointMovement of an extremity away from the midlineMost of the joints in our body are of this typeThe lower jaw, the only movable bone in the face...

Skeletal System 2022-01-10

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Bone ___ is a soft connective tissue that produces blood cells
  2. Tough, fibrous membrane that covers and protects the outer surfaces of bone
  3. Joints that allow no movement
  4. Regulate mineral homeostasis
  5. Joints that are also known as movable joints
  6. In the late teens or early twenties, a person reaches skeletal ___
  7. A place where 2 or more bones of the skeleton meet
  8. Dissolve minerals in bone matrix and release them back into the blood
  9. Movable joints that allow only very limited movement
  10. Soft cartilage gradually turns into hard bone through this process
  1. Breaks in the bone, usually caused by excessive stress on bone
  2. ___ bone makes up the dense outer layer of the bone
  3. Responsible for bone growth and uptake of minerals from the blood
  4. Joints that allow the most movement
  5. Provides smooth surface for the movement of bones and joints
  6. Maintaining mineral _____ is a very important function of the skeleton
  7. ___ bone is found inside bones and is lighter and less dense than compact bone
  8. Holds bones together and keeps them in place

18 Clues: Regulate mineral homeostasisJoints that allow no movementJoints that allow the most movementJoints that are also known as movable jointsHolds bones together and keeps them in placeA place where 2 or more bones of the skeleton meet___ bone makes up the dense outer layer of the boneMovable joints that allow only very limited movement...

Skeletal System 2022-04-25

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. knee cap
  2. dense/hard, appears smooth, longer than wide, long shaft with enlarged ends
  3. smallest bone in the body
  4. the cheekbones
  5. fibrous membranes connecting the cranial bones
  6. curved bone of the lower back
  7. allow for growth of long bone during childhood
  8. bone-destroying cells
  9. freely movable joints
  1. rings of hard calcified matrix surrounding haversion canals
  2. the longer of the two forearm bones
  3. forehead/upper part of the bony structure surrounding the eyes
  4. ends of the bone, composed mostly of spongy bone
  5. bones of the limbs and girdles that attach them to axial
  6. supplies bone cells with nutrients
  7. ragged break occurs when excessive twisting forces are applied to a bone.
  8. forms a cage to protect major organs
  9. bone irregularly shaped bone located between the eye orbits

18 Clues: knee capthe cheekbonesbone-destroying cellsfreely movable jointssmallest bone in the bodycurved bone of the lower backsupplies bone cells with nutrientsthe longer of the two forearm bonesforms a cage to protect major organsfibrous membranes connecting the cranial bonesallow for growth of long bone during childhood...

Skeletal System 2022-04-27

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. short bones found in the wrist
  2. base of the spine and the center of the pelvis
  3. vertebrae hold the rib cage and protect the heart and lung
  4. five long bones found in each foot
  5. triangle-shaped bone on the upper back
  6. parallel to the radius
  7. lateral side of the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist
  8. bone distal to the shoulder
  1. superior part of the sternum
  2. large bone forming the heel
  3. flat bone on knee
  4. large thick bone in the leg
  5. thigh bone
  6. thin bone next to tibia
  7. large bone in the ankle
  8. bone that forms your upper jaw
  9. solid bone that has a slight S-shape;connects the arm to the body
  10. protects the organs of your torso from injury

18 Clues: thigh boneflat bone on kneeparallel to the radiusthin bone next to tibialarge bone in the anklelarge bone forming the heellarge thick bone in the legbone distal to the shouldersuperior part of the sternumshort bones found in the wristbone that forms your upper jawfive long bones found in each foottriangle-shaped bone on the upper back...

Skeletal System 2023-10-23

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Outside covering
  2. Moving the body part backward
  3. Composed of 50 percent water and 50 percent solid
  4. Growing end
  5. Bones can be classified by
  6. Inner space containing bone marrow
  7. Lying face downward
  8. Shaft
  9. Means front
  1. Moving the body forward
  2. Turning inward
  3. Means back
  4. Lying face upward
  5. Lining of the medullary cavity
  6. Consists of 80 bones with include the skull and spine
  7. Consists of 126 bones including the legs
  8. A place where two or more bones connect
  9. Turning outward

18 Clues: ShaftMeans backGrowing endMeans frontTurning inwardTurning outwardOutside coveringLying face upwardLying face downwardMoving the body forwardBones can be classified byMoving the body part backwardLining of the medullary cavityInner space containing bone marrowA place where two or more bones connectConsists of 126 bones including the legs...

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis 2022-03-17

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. makes hormones
  2. when all body systems are stable
  3. exchange of carbon and oxygen in the body
  4. located in muscle, skin, and fat
  5. carry oxygenated blood to organs
  6. transport blood to the heart
  7. internal, physical, and chemical stability
  8. the process that gets ride of waste
  9. made of muscle fibers contracting
  10. made of actin and myosin
  11. examples are skeletal,smooth, and cardiac
  1. uses enzymes to break down food
  2. produces offspring
  3. mechanically breaks down food
  4. known as the ¨body messenger¨
  5. known as the ¨Central frame work¨
  6. known as the ¨chemical messenger¨
  7. carries blood too and from the heart
  8. network made of glands and organs
  9. the break down of food in stomach

20 Clues: makes hormonesproduces offspringmade of actin and myosintransport blood to the heartmechanically breaks down foodknown as the ¨body messenger¨uses enzymes to break down foodwhen all body systems are stablelocated in muscle, skin, and fatcarry oxygenated blood to organsknown as the ¨Central frame work¨known as the ¨chemical messenger¨...

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis 2022-03-18

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. makes hormones
  2. when all body systems are stable
  3. exchange of carbon and oxygen in the body
  4. located in muscle, skin, and fat
  5. carry oxygenated blood to organs
  6. transport blood to the heart
  7. internal, physical, and chemical stability
  8. the process that gets ride of waste
  9. made of muscle fibers contracting
  10. made of actin and myosin
  11. examples are skeletal,smooth, and cardiac
  1. uses enzymes to break down food
  2. produces offspring
  3. mechanically breaks down food
  4. known as the ¨body messenger¨
  5. known as the ¨Central frame work¨
  6. known as the ¨chemical messenger¨
  7. carries blood too and from the heart
  8. network made of glands and organs
  9. the break down of food in stomach

20 Clues: makes hormonesproduces offspringmade of actin and myosintransport blood to the heartmechanically breaks down foodknown as the ¨body messenger¨uses enzymes to break down foodwhen all body systems are stablelocated in muscle, skin, and fatcarry oxygenated blood to organsknown as the ¨Central frame work¨known as the ¨chemical messenger¨...

Skeletal system 2018-03-01

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. upper leg bone longest bone in body
  2. posterior shoulder bone
  3. center connecting bone of the rib cage
  4. small bone at bottom of sternum
  5. jaw bone
  6. inner bone of forearm next to ulna
  7. smaller bones that make up the base of the hand
  8. bone pair with tibia with calf region of leg
  9. upper arm bone beneath biceps
  1. small bones making up the spinal column
  2. anatomical term for hipbone
  3. bone covering visual centre of the brain
  4. bone making up the knee joint
  5. collarbone
  6. bone paired with fibula
  7. heel bone
  8. small point of spine, tailbone
  9. outer bone of forearm

18 Clues: jaw boneheel bonecollarboneouter bone of forearmposterior shoulder bonebone paired with fibulaanatomical term for hipbonebone making up the knee jointupper arm bone beneath bicepssmall point of spine, tailbonesmall bone at bottom of sternuminner bone of forearm next to ulnaupper leg bone longest bone in bodycenter connecting bone of the rib cage...

skeletal system 2021-10-19

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back
  2. upper limbs connected to digital area
  3. connected to your carpals
  4. a pair of bones that form at the side and enclose the middle and inner ear on the skull
  5. two bones between the knee and ankle
  6. made of fat, bone cells and cartilage
  7. part of the skull and upper part of eye sockets
  8. bones that have no particular shape and doesnt fit in any other categories
  1. a bone forming the central side and upper back of the skull
  2. a frame work of bone enclosing the brain of a vertebrae
  3. contains red bone marrow
  4. provides mobility and stability to the head
  5. bears the weight of the body
  6. the front surface of a persons body between the neck and abdomen
  7. ribs not attached the the breastbone
  8. wrist bones
  9. holds rib cage and protects heart and lungs
  10. a bone thats longer then its wide

18 Clues: wrist bonescontains red bone marrowconnected to your carpalsbears the weight of the bodya bone thats longer then its wideribs not attached the the breastbonetwo bones between the knee and ankleupper limbs connected to digital areamade of fat, bone cells and cartilageprovides mobility and stability to the head...

Skeletal System 2020-10-06

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. one fragment is driven into the other
  2. small and round
  3. a break in a bone
  4. occurs at an angle other than 90 degrees
  5. cube like shape
  6. fracture straight across bone horizontally
  7. partial fracture
  8. at least one end of bone tears through skin
  1. thin and curved
  2. several breaks in many small pieces
  3. as mineral salts are deposited in the collagen fiber framework, they crystallize and the tissue hardens
  4. bone segments are pulled apart from twisting motion
  5. complex shapes
  6. bone building cells
  7. skin remains in tact
  8. mature bone cells
  9. huge cells that release enzymes and acids
  10. cylindrical like shape

18 Clues: complex shapesthin and curvedsmall and roundcube like shapepartial fracturea break in a bonemature bone cellsbone building cellsskin remains in tactcylindrical like shapeseveral breaks in many small piecesone fragment is driven into the otheroccurs at an angle other than 90 degreeshuge cells that release enzymes and acids...

Skeletal System 2023-05-18

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Attaches muscle to bone
  2. Where two bones meet
  3. Bone building cells
  4. Part of Skeleton that includes the limbs and girdles
  5. Attaches bone to bone
  6. Skull bones are joined by
  7. The thigh bone
  8. Part of skeleton that includes the skull
  1. The number of lumbar vertebrae
  2. Bone breaking cells
  3. the heel of the foot
  4. Small bone in the neck
  5. What type of bone is the patella
  6. soft spots in the fetal skull
  7. Lower Jaw bone
  8. disc Found in between vertebrae in the spine
  9. Bone of the upper arm
  10. weight bearing bone of the lower leg

18 Clues: Lower Jaw boneThe thigh boneBone breaking cellsBone building cellsthe heel of the footWhere two bones meetBone of the upper armAttaches bone to boneSmall bone in the neckAttaches muscle to boneSkull bones are joined bysoft spots in the fetal skullThe number of lumbar vertebraeWhat type of bone is the patellaweight bearing bone of the lower leg...

Skeletal System 2017-03-10

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. This is the largest sesamoid bone.
  2. This is a syndrome that leads to increased pressure within a muscle compartment.
  3. This type of fracture leads to bone shattering into many pieces.
  4. This is a silent disease that results in low bone mass.
  5. This skeleton allows movement.
  6. This bone tissue lessens impact and contains bone marrow.
  7. This tissue type reduces friction at joints.
  8. This is a connective tissue that covers the outside of bones except at the surfaces of the joints.
  9. This type of fracture is the result of fatigued muscles transferring impact to bones.
  1. This type of fracture leads to bone breaking into separate pieces.
  2. This is where bone marrow resides.
  3. This bone tissue resists bending.
  4. This type of fracture does not have separation of bone.
  5. Body's core muscles originate from this skeleton and provide proper posture and alignment.
  6. This law states that human and animal bone will adapt to loads under which it is placed.
  7. This is the shaft of the long bone.
  8. This is a condition that results in pain of the lower leg because of overuse.
  9. This is the very end of the long bone.

18 Clues: This skeleton allows movement.This bone tissue resists bending.This is where bone marrow resides.This is the largest sesamoid bone.This is the shaft of the long bone.This is the very end of the long bone.This tissue type reduces friction at joints.This type of fracture does not have separation of bone....

Skeletal System 2018-04-28

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. acts as a shock absorber and reduces friction at the joint
  2. an example of this function would be that women have a wider pelvis
  3. an example of one of the minerals stored in the bone
  4. function of the skeleton that occurs in the bone marrow
  5. This joint allows for rotation
  6. type of joint found between the vertebrae and in the meta tarsals and meta carpals
  7. attaches bone to bone
  8. uni-axial joint only allowing for flexion and extension
  9. function of the skeleton that the ribcage and cranium are responsible for
  10. transmits the muscular force
  1. ribcage, vertebral column, cranium and sternum form this skeleton
  2. triaxial joint in the body found in the shoulder and hip
  3. this is secreted from the articular cartilage and lubricates the joint
  4. classification of joint that allows for small amounts of movement
  5. Name of the joint at the wrist
  6. tendons attach to the skeleton to cause this function
  7. classification of joint that is freely moveable
  8. classification of joint that is fixed allowing no movement to occur

18 Clues: attaches bone to bonetransmits the muscular forceName of the joint at the wristThis joint allows for rotationclassification of joint that is freely moveablean example of one of the minerals stored in the bonetendons attach to the skeleton to cause this functionfunction of the skeleton that occurs in the bone marrow...

Skeletal System 2018-05-23

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Muscles which are under our control.
  2. Muscles of the heart.
  3. Pairs of ribs.
  4. Made up of separate small bones called vertebrae.
  5. Muscles which are not under our control.
  6. Strong tissues which hold the bones together at the joints.
  7. This joint allows side to side movement.
  1. The smallest bone, found in the ear.
  2. The place where the bones meet.
  3. They attach muscles to the bones
  4. The joint which allows maximum movement.
  5. The joint which allows movement in only one direction.
  6. An example of a pivot joint.
  7. They allow the bones to glide past one another in any direction.
  8. Name of a system that gives our body shape.
  9. The 2 pairs of ribs at the bottom of the ribcage which are not attached to the breastbone.
  10. Helps in the formation of blood cells.
  11. The longest bone in our body.

18 Clues: Pairs of ribs.Muscles of the heart.An example of a pivot joint.The longest bone in our body.The place where the bones meet.They attach muscles to the bonesThe smallest bone, found in the ear.Muscles which are under our control.Helps in the formation of blood cells.The joint which allows maximum movement.Muscles which are not under our control....

Skeletal system 2023-02-06

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. Many short bones that make up the ankles
  2. Other name for skull
  3. A part a spine
  4. where two bones meet
  5. the inner bone of the lower leg
  6. The shoulder blade
  7. Bones of the wrists
  8. Several bones between the carpals and fore limb digits(fingers)
  9. The largest, strongest and heaviest bone
  1. a long bone that holds your body upright
  2. Any bone in the foot
  3. The outer bone of your lower arm
  4. The outer bone of the lower leg
  5. The collar bone
  6. The inside bone of your lower arm
  7. protects lungs, heart and liver
  8. The funny bone.
  9. Used to move when you sit down

18 Clues: A part a spineThe collar boneThe funny bone.The shoulder bladeBones of the wristsOther name for skullAny bone in the footwhere two bones meetUsed to move when you sit downThe outer bone of the lower legthe inner bone of the lower legprotects lungs, heart and liverThe outer bone of your lower armThe inside bone of your lower arm...

Skeletal System 2022-10-19

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. cylindrical-shaped units in compact bone
  2. Lighter and less dense bone than compact bone
  3. line What is left after cartilage growth has ended
  4. Cartilage
  5. Cylindrical shaft of the bone
  6. Small, cube-shaped bones
  7. Crescent-shaped fibrocartilaginous pads
  8. Study of the bones
  9. Fluid fills the joint cavity, decreases friction as the bones in the joint move
  10. Builds bone
  1. Where two or more bones come together or join
  2. Unite articulating bones, which strengthens the joint
  3. Blood cells are produced in the
  4. hard outer shell of bone
  5. Hollow space within the diaphysis
  6. Ends of a long bone
  7. Bone Round, usually small, bones embedded in tendons
  8. Bone-destroying cells

18 Clues: CartilageBuilds boneStudy of the bonesEnds of a long boneBone-destroying cellshard outer shell of boneSmall, cube-shaped bonesCylindrical shaft of the boneBlood cells are produced in theHollow space within the diaphysisCrescent-shaped fibrocartilaginous padscylindrical-shaped units in compact boneWhere two or more bones come together or join...

Skeletal System 2023-11-12

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Lower vertebrae
  2. It contributes to the posterior part of the roof the mouth
  3. A tail-like bone
  4. A long bone of lower extremities
  5. Deformity of vertebral column
  6. A key part of atlantoaxial joint
  7. Lower jawbone
  8. A broken bone
  9. Classification of facial fractures
  10. An example of a flat bone
  1. Cheek bone
  2. Outer shell of all bones and surrounds spongy bone.
  3. Kneecap
  4. Collar bone
  5. A long bone of upper extremities
  6. Protecting the thoracic organs and functioning for respiration.
  7. Chest bone
  8. An H-shaped bony, a junction of the frontal, sphenoid, parietal and the squamous part of temporal bone

18 Clues: KneecapCheek boneChest boneCollar boneLower jawboneA broken boneLower vertebraeA tail-like boneAn example of a flat boneDeformity of vertebral columnA long bone of lower extremitiesA long bone of upper extremitiesA key part of atlantoaxial jointClassification of facial fracturesOuter shell of all bones and surrounds spongy bone....

Skeletal System 2024-06-18

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. One of the functions of the skeletal system
  2. A depression or cavity in or on a bone; This is present in the mandible to assist with articulation
  3. Tough connective tissue that attaches bones to bones
  4. Type of ossification where dense connective tissue is replaced by calcium to form bones
  5. The process of bone formation
  6. These bones are thin and found where there is a need for extensive muscle attachment or protection of vital parts of the body.
  7. We have 206 of these
  8. Largest of the sesamoid bones; kneecap
  9. Attach muscle to bone
  10. Twenty-six irregular bones that make up the spinal column
  1. They are found in the lacunae; AKA bone cell
  2. Binds the cranial bones; looks like a butterfly
  3. Cavities in tissues where associated cells are found.
  4. Bone cell responsible for the reabsorption of bone.
  5. The upper seven (true) ribs are articulate with this bone; breastbone
  6. Ankle bones
  7. Type of ossification in which the bone cell develops inside the cartilage
  8. An opening in which blood vessels, nerves and ligaments pass; The magnum is part of the occipital bone

18 Clues: Ankle bonesWe have 206 of theseAttach muscle to boneThe process of bone formationLargest of the sesamoid bones; kneecapOne of the functions of the skeletal systemThey are found in the lacunae; AKA bone cellBinds the cranial bones; looks like a butterflyBone cell responsible for the reabsorption of bone....

Skeletal System 2024-09-30

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. the vertebra with a pivot joint
  2. a condition causing lateral curves in the spine
  3. connects bone to bone
  4. determines if you will grow any taller
  5. the vertebral foremen is an example of this
  6. intervertebral discs absorb _____
  7. the spinal column contains the spinal _____
  8. technically in the muscular system, the attach muscle to bone
  9. low back curve
  10. stored for later use
  11. prefix that means cartilage
  1. space in the column of bone of the diaphysis, contains other tissues in bone organs
  2. any joint that has articular cartilage
  3. prefix that means bone
  4. spongy bone is ____ compared to compact bone
  5. prefix that means joint
  6. sacral curve
  7. our red marrow is responsible for making this type of cell

18 Clues: sacral curvelow back curvestored for later useconnects bone to boneprefix that means boneprefix that means jointprefix that means cartilagethe vertebra with a pivot jointintervertebral discs absorb _____any joint that has articular cartilagedetermines if you will grow any tallerthe vertebral foremen is an example of this...

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis 2022-03-18

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. makes hormones
  2. when all body systems are stable
  3. exchange of carbon and oxygen in the body
  4. located in muscle, skin, and fat
  5. carry oxygenated blood to organs
  6. transport blood to the heart
  7. internal, physical, and chemical stability
  8. the process that gets ride of waste
  9. made of muscle fibers contracting
  10. made of actin and myosin
  11. examples are skeletal,smooth, and cardiac
  1. uses enzymes to break down food
  2. produces offspring
  3. mechanically breaks down food
  4. known as the ¨body messenger¨
  5. known as the ¨Central frame work¨
  6. known as the ¨chemical messenger¨
  7. carries blood too and from the heart
  8. network made of glands and organs
  9. the break down of food in stomach

20 Clues: makes hormonesproduces offspringmade of actin and myosintransport blood to the heartmechanically breaks down foodknown as the ¨body messenger¨uses enzymes to break down foodwhen all body systems are stablelocated in muscle, skin, and fatcarry oxygenated blood to organsknown as the ¨Central frame work¨known as the ¨chemical messenger¨...


  1. a group of inherited muscle-destroying disease that affect specific muscle groups.
  2. skeletal muscle size promotes increased
  3. can perform the gross movements like waving "bye-bye".
  4. disease involves a shortage of ________________ receptors at neuromuscular junctions.
  5. the respiratory became _____ when respiratory muscles no longer function
  6. what system influence skeletal muscle strength and mass?
  7. is the types of movements for the baby.
  8. development proceeds in a superior/inferior _________.
  9. what system that stimulates and regulates muscle activity?
  10. the connective will increases while the muscle tissues ?
  11. what system that protects muscles from disease?
  12. system's control of the skeletal muscles becomes more and more precise.
  13. skeletal muscle activity maintains bone health and _____ ?
  14. can be a factor for diseased muscle fibers called dystrophin.
  1. appear to enlarge because of fat and connective tissue deposits.
  2. what system that muscular exercise increases?
  3. what system that delivers oxygen and nutrients to muscles?
  4. muscular dystrophy is the most common and serious form.
  5. progresses from the extremities upward,affecting the head and chest muscles.
  6. muscle fibers not stimulated properly,they get progressively
  7. immune molecules that mark the receptors for destruction.
  8. what system that help skin helps dissipate?
  9. what system that skeletal muscle forms the voluntary?
  10. of the muscle can degenerate and atrophy.
  11. the muscles that decreases by about 50% by age 80
  12. muscular _________ proceeds in a proximal/distal direction.
  13. disease that can affect muscles during ___________ is myasthenia gravis.
  14. skeletal muscles is amazing __________ to infection throughout life.
  15. what system that provides nutrient needed for muscle health?
  16. muscles like __________ will atrophy,even with normal tone.

30 Clues: skeletal muscle size promotes increasedis the types of movements for the baby.of the muscle can degenerate and atrophy.what system that help skin helps dissipate?what system that muscular exercise increases?what system that protects muscles from disease?the muscles that decreases by about 50% by age 80...

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis 2022-03-18

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. the break down of food in stomach
  2. exchange of carbon and oxygen in the body
  3. produces offspring
  4. when all body systems are stable
  5. uses enzymes to break down food
  6. located in muscle, skin, and fat
  7. makes hormones
  8. carries blood too and from the heart
  9. made of actin and myosin
  1. carry oxygenated blood to organs
  2. made of muscle fibers contracting
  3. known as the ¨body messenger¨
  4. transport blood to the heart
  5. known as the ¨Central frame work¨
  6. known as the ¨chemical messenger¨
  7. mechanically breaks down food
  8. internal, physical, and chemical stability
  9. examples are skeletal,smooth, and cardiac
  10. network made of glands and organs
  11. the process that gets ride of waste

20 Clues: makes hormonesproduces offspringmade of actin and myosintransport blood to the heartknown as the ¨body messenger¨mechanically breaks down fooduses enzymes to break down foodcarry oxygenated blood to organswhen all body systems are stablelocated in muscle, skin, and fatmade of muscle fibers contractingthe break down of food in stomach...

BIO1040 Module 3 Crossword Puzzle (Ch. 5-6,8) 2023-05-28

BIO1040 Module 3 Crossword Puzzle (Ch. 5-6,8) crossword puzzle
  1. The region between two successive Z lines in a sarcomere
  2. These cells are responsible for bone formation
  3. The function of the muscular system besides maintaining posture and heat production
  4. This muscle type is non-striated and involuntary
  5. The basic unit of contraction in a skeletal muscle
  6. Gland responsible for cooling the body through perspiration
  7. This function of the integumentary system involves removing waste products from the body
  8. This bone type is typically found in the vertebrae and pelvis
  9. The point of contact between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle cell
  10. This theory describes the sliding of the thin filament over the thick filament during muscle contraction
  11. Long bones like the femur belong to this category
  12. The two main divisions of the skeletal system are the axial skeleton and the ______ skeleton
  13. The ______ muscle is striated and involuntary
  14. The outermost layer of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle
  1. The thick filament within a sarcomere is made up of this protein
  2. Outermost layer of skin
  3. This process involves blood cell production primarily in the marrow
  4. The largest organ of the body consisting of the skin, hair, nails, glands, and nerves
  5. Hard, outer layer of bone
  6. The muscular system is responsible for this process besides movement and maintaining posture
  7. This is the neurotransmitter that triggers muscle contraction
  8. The function of the skeletal system besides support, movement, and hematopoiesis
  9. Connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
  10. Muscle type that is striated and voluntary
  11. Short bones like the bones of the wrist and ankle belong to this category
  12. This bone type is typically found in the skull and sternum
  13. This layer of skin lies beneath the epidermis
  14. The human adult skeletal system consists of this many bones
  15. Most muscles are arranged in these to allow for movement
  16. The thin filament within a sarcomere is primarily composed of this protein

30 Clues: Outermost layer of skinHard, outer layer of boneMuscle type that is striated and voluntaryThis layer of skin lies beneath the epidermisThe ______ muscle is striated and involuntaryThese cells are responsible for bone formationConnective tissue that attaches muscle to boneThis muscle type is non-striated and involuntary...

Human Body Systems 2018-02-08

Human Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. The headquarters of the nervous system
  2. The windpipe
  3. Brings oxygen to cells
  4. System responsible for movement of the body
  5. Churns food and uses acid to change the properties of food
  6. System that secretes hormones into your bloodstream
  7. The main function of the Digestive System
  8. Removes blood from urine
  9. The system that digests food in your body
  10. Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins
  11. The place where two bones meet
  12. A group of fibers who transmit messages
  13. What makes red blood cells in bones
  14. The system that is made up of bones and supports the body
  15. Cells that carry information throughout the nervous system
  16. The main organs of the skeletal system
  17. Smooth, Skeletal and Cardiac are all…
  1. What holds urine waiting to be expelled from the body
  2. Raises blood sugar
  3. Some of the most important muscles in your arms
  4. The main function of the Excretory System
  5. What makes up the Endocrine System
  6. The system that brings chemicals to and from cells
  7. The System that expels waste from the body
  8. Lowers blood sugar
  9. The system responsible for breathing and removing Carbon Dioxide
  10. The Tube between your Mouth and Stomach
  11. The main function of the respiratory System
  12. Main function of the Muscular system
  13. The system that transmits signals through the body
  14. Largest Artery
  15. Air sacs in the lungs

32 Clues: The windpipeLargest ArteryRaises blood sugarLowers blood sugarAir sacs in the lungsBrings oxygen to cellsRemoves blood from urineThe place where two bones meetArteries, Capillaries, and VeinsWhat makes up the Endocrine SystemWhat makes red blood cells in bonesMain function of the Muscular systemSmooth, Skeletal and Cardiac are all…...

Body and Systems 2023-11-27

Body and Systems crossword puzzle
  1. breaks down food to get nutrients that the body is able to use
  2. provides framework/structure for the body
  3. a joint that does move
  4. a group of tissues joined together into a structure that performs a specific function
  5. brings oxygen into the body and takes waste from cells out of the body
  6. involuntary muscle that helps organs function
  7. a joint that does NOT move
  8. a group of organs that work together to perform a specific function
  1. what does the skeletal system produce
  2. involuntary muscle that helps the heart pump blood
  3. voluntary muscle that helps our bodies move
  4. a group of cells that perform a specific function
  5. hair, skin, nails; protects you from the external environment
  6. there are 206 of these in your body
  7. smallest unit of all living things
  8. gives shape to the body and helps with movement
  9. moves blood through the body
  10. any living thing
  11. The skeletal system has ______ parts
  12. the skeletal system gives shape to our

20 Clues: any living thinga joint that does movea joint that does NOT movemoves blood through the bodysmallest unit of all living thingsthere are 206 of these in your bodyThe skeletal system has ______ partswhat does the skeletal system producethe skeletal system gives shape to ourprovides framework/structure for the body...

Body systems crossword 2021-03-15

Body systems crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what is another name for your voice box?
  2. which system protects our organ?
  3. the _________ system allows us to breath
  4. the skeletal system allows our body to ________
  5. what are the organs that filter waste from our blood?
  6. this is the process of breaking down food that gives us energy?
  1. the __________ system consists of the heart blood vessels and blood
  2. what are the tubes that move blood through our body?
  3. our digestive system helps our bodies absorb _______ from our food
  4. our skeletal system consists of our ligaments and ______
  5. the muscle below the lungs?
  6. this system removes waste from our body?
  7. the digestive system breaks down the _______ we eat
  8. the esophagus connects the mouth to the _______

14 Clues: the muscle below the lungs?which system protects our organ?what is another name for your voice box?this system removes waste from our body?the _________ system allows us to breaththe skeletal system allows our body to ________the esophagus connects the mouth to the _______the digestive system breaks down the _______ we eat...

How Body Systems Interact 2020-12-08

How Body Systems Interact crossword puzzle
  1. The skeletal and muscular system work together to create ________
  2. The muscular system works with the circulatory system by ______ blood to the heart and then to other parts of the body.
  3. The skeletal system works with the circulatory system to help create _________
  4. The nervous system and the integumentary system works together to help you _____
  5. The endocrine system works with the digestive system because all the water that was pushed out by the _____ intestine goes to the endocrine system.
  6. The circulatory system and the respiratory system work together to help you ______
  1. The nervous and circulatory system work together by passing messages through _____
  2. The digestive system and circulatory system help pass _______ through the body
  3. The nervous and skeletal system works together because the skeletal system _______ your spinal cord
  4. The skeletal system and the circulatory system work together by maintaining homeostasis by creating new _____ cells
  5. The digestive system and the muscular system work together to create _______ waves

11 Clues: The skeletal and muscular system work together to create ________The digestive system and circulatory system help pass _______ through the bodyThe skeletal system works with the circulatory system to help create _________The nervous system and the integumentary system works together to help you _____...

Body Systems 2023-03-10

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. What regulates the body's growth
  2. Has skeletal muscle
  3. Respiratory system:taking in____
  4. Maintains body ______
  5. Major organ in the Endocrine system
  6. Most important in Excretory system
  7. What is the biggest organ on a human body
  8. What system breaks down food
  9. When you do it on instinct
  10. Cushion between bones
  11. Most important part of the digestive system
  1. Supports and protects the organs
  2. Send messages to the brain
  3. Protects internal organs
  4. taking in oxygen and letting out ______
  5. What connects muscles to the skeleton
  6. What system uses blood to transport
  7. What gets rid of waste from the blood
  8. How many systems in the human body
  9. Bone marrow makes _______

20 Clues: Has skeletal muscleMaintains body ______Cushion between bonesProtects internal organsBone marrow makes _______Send messages to the brainWhen you do it on instinctWhat system breaks down foodSupports and protects the organsWhat regulates the body's growthRespiratory system:taking in____Most important in Excretory system...

Body Systems 2022-01-07

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. bones, responsible for the body shape
  2. system that is the skin of your body
  3. smallest bone of forearm
  4. bone that ribs are connected to
  5. system responsible for movement
  6. system that breaks down food into nutrients
  7. system that contains brain and spinal cord
  8. system responsible for carrying oxygen to cells
  9. jaw bone
  10. lowest part of the vertebrae
  11. lower leg bone
  12. organs that help you breathe
  13. vertebrae section that is closest to skull
  1. system that allows reproduction of life
  2. bones of the fingers
  3. largest bone of the skeletal system
  4. system of cells that protect the body of germs
  5. middle section of vertebrae
  6. system that releases hormones into the body
  7. system that carries waste away from the body
  8. bones that protect the internal organs
  9. knee cap
  10. largest forearm bone

23 Clues: jaw boneknee caplower leg bonebones of the fingerslargest forearm bonesmallest bone of forearmmiddle section of vertebraelowest part of the vertebraeorgans that help you breathebone that ribs are connected tosystem responsible for movementlargest bone of the skeletal systemsystem that is the skin of your bodybones, responsible for the body shape...

Year 9 Biology Revision 2024-02-13

Year 9 Biology Revision crossword puzzle
  1. organ system that acquires oxygen and removes CO2
  2. respiratory organ
  3. circulatory organ that pumps blood
  4. organ system that transmits electrical impulses to control the body
  5. organ system that defends against pathogens
  6. a digestive organ
  7. muscles do this to generate heat
  8. group of cells with a common function
  9. organ system that allows movement of the body
  10. regulation of the body's internal environment
  11. nervous organ
  12. organ system that protects the body from the outside world
  13. organ system that releases hormones
  1. excretory organ that filters blood
  2. feedback loop that enhances the stimulus until it stops
  3. excretory organ
  4. organ system that allows the production of offspring
  5. organ system that breaks down food for nutrients
  6. organ system that transports nutrients and wastes to cells
  7. produced by the endocrine system
  8. skeletal component that protects soft-tissue organs
  9. detect stimuli from the outside environment
  10. organ system that removes wastes such as urine
  11. digestive organ that uses acid to break down food
  12. feedback loop that reduces the stimulus
  13. organ system that protects major organs and supports movement
  14. excreted by the integumentary system when the body is too hot
  15. large component of the skeletal system
  16. blood vessels ____ when the body becomes too cold
  17. blood vessels ____ when the body becomes too hot
  18. circulatory component that carries blood away from the heart

31 Clues: nervous organexcretory organrespiratory organa digestive organproduced by the endocrine systemmuscles do this to generate heatexcretory organ that filters bloodcirculatory organ that pumps bloodorgan system that releases hormonesgroup of cells with a common functionlarge component of the skeletal systemfeedback loop that reduces the stimulus...

Organ System Overview 2016-03-16

Organ System Overview crossword puzzle
  1. this system stores minerals and forms red blood cells
  2. this system releases hormones
  3. an organ of the lymphatic system
  4. this system oxygenates the blood and removes carbon dioxide
  5. an organ of the integumentary system
  6. this organ system protects deeper tissues and contains receptors
  7. this system returns leaked fluid back into the bloodstream
  8. the main organs of the muscular system
  9. an organ of the respiratory system
  10. a gland of the endocrine system
  11. hard organs of the skeletal system
  1. this system breaks down food and absorbs nutrients
  2. this system activates glands and muscles
  3. this system produces offspring
  4. this system maintains pH balance of blood
  5. an organ of the nervous system
  6. pumping organ of the cardiovascular system
  7. an organ of the digestive system
  8. this system transports oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and waste
  9. an organ found in both the endocrine and reproductive system
  10. this system's function is to produce movement
  11. an organ of the urinary system

22 Clues: this system releases hormonesthis system produces offspringan organ of the nervous systeman organ of the urinary systema gland of the endocrine systeman organ of the lymphatic systeman organ of the digestive systeman organ of the respiratory systemhard organs of the skeletal systeman organ of the integumentary system...

Body Systems 2022-01-07

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. bones, responsible for the body shape
  2. system that is the skin of your body
  3. smallest bone of forearm
  4. bone that ribs are connected to
  5. system responsible for movement
  6. system that breaks down food into nutrients
  7. system that contains brain and spinal cord
  8. system responsible for carrying oxygen to cells
  9. jaw bone
  10. lowest part of the vertebrae
  11. lower leg bone
  12. organs that help you breathe
  13. vertebrae section that is closest to skull
  1. system that allows reproduction of life
  2. bones of the fingers
  3. largest bone of the skeletal system
  4. system of cells that protect the body of germs
  5. middle section of vertebrae
  6. system that releases hormones into the body
  7. system that carries waste away from the body
  8. bones that protect the internal organs
  9. knee cap
  10. largest forearm bone

23 Clues: jaw boneknee caplower leg bonebones of the fingerslargest forearm bonesmallest bone of forearmmiddle section of vertebraelowest part of the vertebraeorgans that help you breathebone that ribs are connected tosystem responsible for movementlargest bone of the skeletal systemsystem that is the skin of your bodybones, responsible for the body shape...

Organ System Overview 2016-03-16

Organ System Overview crossword puzzle
  1. this system activates glands and muscles
  2. this system's function is to produce movement
  3. an organ found in both the endocrine and reproductive system
  4. a gland of the endocrine system
  5. this system oxygenates the blood and removes carbon dioxide
  6. pumping organ of the cardiovascular system
  7. this system transports oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and waste
  8. an organ of the respiratory system
  9. this organ system protects deeper tissues and contains receptors
  10. an organ of the integumentary system
  11. an organ of the lymphatic system
  1. an organ of the urinary system
  2. an organ of the digestive system
  3. hard organs of the skeletal system
  4. this system returns leaked fluid back into the bloodstream
  5. this system releases hormones
  6. this system breaks down food and absorbs nutrients
  7. the main organs of the muscular system
  8. this system produces offspring
  9. an organ of the nervous system
  10. this system stores minerals and forms red blood cells
  11. this system maintains pH balance of blood

22 Clues: this system releases hormonesan organ of the urinary systemthis system produces offspringan organ of the nervous systema gland of the endocrine systeman organ of the digestive systeman organ of the lymphatic systemhard organs of the skeletal systeman organ of the respiratory systeman organ of the integumentary system...

Organ System Overview 2016-03-16

Organ System Overview crossword puzzle
  1. an organ found in both the endocrine and reproductive system
  2. an organ of the integumentary system
  3. hard organs of the skeletal system
  4. this system's function is to produce movement
  5. pumping organ of the cardiovascular system
  6. an organ of the lymphatic system
  7. this organ system protects deeper tissues and contains receptors
  8. an organ of the digestive system
  9. an organ of the urinary system
  10. this system transports oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and waste
  11. this system breaks down food and absorbs nutrients
  12. this system maintains pH balance of blood
  1. this system produces offspring
  2. the main organs of the muscular system
  3. this system returns leaked fluid back into the bloodstream
  4. this system releases hormones
  5. an organ of the nervous system
  6. a gland of the endocrine system
  7. this system activates glands and muscles
  8. this system oxygenates the blood and removes carbon dioxide
  9. an organ of the respiratory system
  10. this system stores minerals and forms red blood cells

22 Clues: this system releases hormonesthis system produces offspringan organ of the nervous systeman organ of the urinary systema gland of the endocrine systeman organ of the lymphatic systeman organ of the digestive systemhard organs of the skeletal systeman organ of the respiratory systeman organ of the integumentary system...

Organ System Overview 2016-03-16

Organ System Overview crossword puzzle
  1. this system stores minerals and forms red blood cells
  2. this system activates glands and muscles
  3. pumping organ of the cardiovascular system
  4. this organ system protects deeper tissues and contains receptors
  5. this system transports oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and waste
  6. an organ of the respiratory system
  7. this system releases hormones
  8. an organ of the digestive system
  9. this system produces offspring
  10. a gland of the endocrine system
  11. an organ of the integumentary system
  1. an organ of the urinary system
  2. this system returns leaked fluid back into the bloodstream
  3. the main organs of the muscular system
  4. this system's function is to produce movement
  5. this system maintains pH balance of blood
  6. an organ of the lymphatic system
  7. hard organs of the skeletal system
  8. an organ found in both the endocrine and reproductive system
  9. this system oxygenates the blood and removes carbon dioxide
  10. this system breaks down food and absorbs nutrients
  11. an organ of the nervous system

22 Clues: this system releases hormonesan organ of the urinary systeman organ of the nervous systemthis system produces offspringa gland of the endocrine systeman organ of the lymphatic systeman organ of the digestive systemhard organs of the skeletal systeman organ of the respiratory systeman organ of the integumentary system...

Body System Crossword 2023-03-10

Body System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. one of the major organs in excretory system
  2. system that supports and protects organs
  3. of the major organs in nervous system
  4. is apart of the endocrine system
  5. ones of the major organs in skeletal system
  6. system that protects internal organs
  7. system that receives and sends messages to the brain
  8. one of the major organs in muscular system
  9. one of the major organs in circulatory system
  10. system that takes in oxygen and lets out carvin dioxide
  1. system that breaks down food
  2. system that gets rid of waste from blood
  3. system that helps with movement
  4. is apart of the excretory system
  5. one of the major organs in digestive system
  6. one of the major organs in integumentary system
  7. one of the major organs in respiratory system
  8. one of the major organs in endocrine system
  9. system that is used to regulate the body’s growth
  10. system that uses blood to transport

20 Clues: system that breaks down foodsystem that helps with movementis apart of the excretory systemis apart of the endocrine systemsystem that uses blood to transportsystem that protects internal organsof the major organs in nervous systemsystem that gets rid of waste from bloodsystem that supports and protects organs...

Organ System Overview 2023-02-18

Organ System Overview crossword puzzle
  1. this system stores minerals and forms red blood cells
  2. this system activates glands and muscles
  3. pumping organ of the cardiovascular system
  4. this organ system protects deeper tissues and contains receptors
  5. this system transports oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and waste
  6. an organ of the respiratory system
  7. this system releases hormones
  8. an organ of the digestive system
  9. this system produces offspring
  10. a gland of the endocrine system
  11. an organ of the integumentary system
  1. an organ of the urinary system
  2. this system returns leaked fluid back into the bloodstream
  3. the main organs of the muscular system
  4. this system's function is to produce movement
  5. this system maintains pH balance of blood
  6. an organ of the lymphatic system
  7. hard organs of the skeletal system
  8. an organ found in both the endocrine and reproductive system
  9. this system oxygenates the blood and removes carbon dioxide
  10. this system breaks down food and absorbs nutrients
  11. an organ of the nervous system

22 Clues: this system releases hormonesan organ of the urinary systeman organ of the nervous systemthis system produces offspringa gland of the endocrine systeman organ of the lymphatic systeman organ of the digestive systemhard organs of the skeletal systeman organ of the respiratory systeman organ of the integumentary system...

Body Systems 2022-10-19

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. exhaled from your body
  2. only found in plant cell
  3. control center of the nervous system
  4. hip joint
  5. control center of a cell
  6. elbow joint
  7. the purpose of a structure
  8. responsible for photosynthesis
  9. the system for structure
  10. hearts and veins make up this system
  11. pumps about 4000 gallons of blood a day
  1. skeletal, smooth, cardiac
  2. makes chloroplast green
  3. the second layer of skin
  4. oxygen and nutrients are carried by this
  5. semi-permeable
  6. system that deals with skin
  7. storage that is larger in a plant cell than an animal cell
  8. the system for storage and waste removal
  9. has acid and enzymes to break down food
  10. the system for movement

21 Clues: hip jointelbow jointsemi-permeableexhaled from your bodymakes chloroplast greenthe system for movementonly found in plant cellthe second layer of skincontrol center of a cellthe system for structureskeletal, smooth, cardiacthe purpose of a structuresystem that deals with skinresponsible for photosynthesiscontrol center of the nervous system...

Jericho p4a 2021-08-06

Jericho p4a crossword puzzle
  1. what skeletal system part protects brain
  2. what system transport blood around the body
  3. what system breaks down food
  4. what is a bone has 33 bones In skeletal system
  5. what system control all body function
  1. what system protects organ
  2. what system works with the bones
  3. what skeletal system protects heart
  4. what system allows exchange of gases
  5. what is the smallest unit of life

10 Clues: what system protects organwhat system breaks down foodwhat system works with the boneswhat is the smallest unit of lifewhat skeletal system protects heartwhat system allows exchange of gaseswhat system control all body functionwhat skeletal system part protects brainwhat system transport blood around the body...

Organ Systems Evan Rankin 2017-08-31

Organ Systems Evan Rankin crossword puzzle
  1. organ in cardiovascular system that pumps blood
  2. allows locomotion
  3. system that protects and supports body organs
  4. returns fluids to blood vessels
  5. eliminates nitrogenous wastes
  6. protects deeper tissue from injury
  7. main component in the skeletal system
  8. activates muscles and glands
  1. system that transports material in body through blood
  2. system in charge of production of offspring
  3. breaks down food
  4. keeps blood supplied with oxygen
  5. the main component of the integumentary system
  6. in charge of growth
  7. take in oxygen for respiratory system

15 Clues: breaks down foodallows locomotionin charge of growthactivates muscles and glandseliminates nitrogenous wastesreturns fluids to blood vesselskeeps blood supplied with oxygenprotects deeper tissue from injurymain component in the skeletal systemtake in oxygen for respiratory systemsystem in charge of production of offspring...

Organ Systems Nick Miceli 2017-08-31

Organ Systems Nick Miceli crossword puzzle
  1. System that secretes hormones
  2. System that activates muscle and glands
  3. System that breaks down food
  4. Protects the outside of the body
  5. System that maintains acid base balance
  6. Support other organs, part of skeletal system
  7. System that allows locomotion
  8. Site of blood cell formation
  1. System that disposes of debris
  2. Transports blood in the body
  3. System that keeps blood supplied with oxygen
  4. System that creates offspring
  5. System that transports materials in the body through blood
  6. Organs in respiratory system that allow breathing
  7. Produce heat

15 Clues: Produce heatTransports blood in the bodySystem that breaks down foodSite of blood cell formationSystem that secretes hormonesSystem that creates offspringSystem that allows locomotionSystem that disposes of debrisProtects the outside of the bodySystem that activates muscle and glandsSystem that maintains acid base balance...

Unit 1 and 2 Review 2022-10-24

Unit 1 and 2 Review crossword puzzle
  1. States that all living thing has one cell.
  2. This system breaks down food for nutrients.
  3. Converts solar energy to chemical energy.
  4. This systems function is structure and support.
  5. Main organ of the circulatory system.
  6. This systems function is exchange of gases.
  7. Main organ of the skeletal system.
  8. Converts chemical energy to usable energy.
  9. This system supplies the body with oxygen.
  10. Main organ of the urinary system.
  11. Gel-like material that the organelles float in.
  1. This organelles function is storage.
  2. This is the control center of the cell.
  3. This system uses hormones to control the body.
  4. This system controls our body.
  5. Structure and support in a plant cell
  6. Allows materials in and out of the cell.
  7. This system removes liquid waste from the body.
  8. This system is for creating offspring.
  9. Main organ of the respiratory system.
  10. This system is responsible for movement.

21 Clues: This system controls our body.Main organ of the urinary system.Main organ of the skeletal system.This organelles function is storage.Structure and support in a plant cellMain organ of the circulatory system.Main organ of the respiratory system.This system is for creating offspring.This is the control center of the cell....

Body Systems Crossword. 2020-10-14

Body Systems Crossword. crossword puzzle
  1. System / Responsible to taking oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide
  2. System / Responsible for controlling all parts of the body, by sending an receiving messages throughout the whole body.
  3. System / Allows the body to produce and secret hormones.
  4. System / Allows organisms to produce offspring
  5. / Part of the Skeletal System.
  6. / Part of the Respiratory System.
  7. / Part of the endocrine System.
  8. / Part of the Excretory System.
  9. / Part of the Reproductive System.
  10. / Part of the Circulatory System.
  1. / Part of the Integumentary System.
  2. System / Allows blood and nutrients to circulated throughout the body.
  3. System / Allows eliminates of waste.
  4. System / Allows the body to move
  5. System / Provides support and protects parts of the body.
  6. System / Acts as a barrier to protect the body, helps regulate body temperature and retain body fluids.
  7. / Part of the Digestive System.
  8. System / Responsible for breaking down food and adsorbing nutrients.
  9. / Part of the Nervous System.
  10. / Part of the Muscular System.

20 Clues: / Part of the Nervous System./ Part of the Skeletal System./ Part of the Muscular System./ Part of the Digestive System./ Part of the endocrine System./ Part of the Excretory System.System / Allows the body to move/ Part of the Respiratory System./ Part of the Circulatory System./ Part of the Reproductive System....

skeletal system 2021-01-15

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. the bones that protects your brain
  2. the bone in the center of the chest between the ribs
  3. the collection of bones that protects your lungs
  4. one of the lower leg bones
  5. blade the triangle shaped bone in you upper back
  6. one of the forearm bones
  7. one of the forearm bones
  8. one of the bones in your spine
  9. the place where two bones meet
  1. the bone in your shoulder
  2. the substance inside a bone that makes blood cells
  3. the upper arm bone a.k.a. your funny bone
  4. the largest of the lower leg bones
  5. the bone that holds your lower teeth
  6. the largest bone in the human body
  7. your backbone
  8. something that joins bone to bone
  9. something that joins muscle to bone

18 Clues: your backboneone of the forearm bonesone of the forearm bonesthe bone in your shoulderone of the lower leg bonesone of the bones in your spinethe place where two bones meetsomething that joins bone to bonethe bones that protects your brainthe largest of the lower leg bonesthe largest bone in the human bodysomething that joins muscle to bone...

Skeletal System 2021-10-14

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. These do not attach to the sternum or vertebrae
  2. Provide____for the body
  3. The hardening and development process for the bones
  4. These form the scapula and pelvis
  5. These form the ears and vertebrae
  6. There are 7 of these that form the the section of the vertebrae
  7. These form the arms and legs
  8. These 12 vertebrae connect to the ribs
  9. These bone forms the forehead
  1. This bone forms the sides of the skull
  2. These 5 vertebrae form the lower mid-back
  3. The only movable bone in the face
  4. The tailbone
  5. This bone forms the back and base of the skull
  6. These form the wrists, ankles and toes
  7. Number of sets that form the vertebrae
  8. Process This stops between the age of 18-25 years of age

17 Clues: The tailboneProvide____for the bodyThese form the arms and legsThese bone forms the foreheadThe only movable bone in the faceThese form the scapula and pelvisThese form the ears and vertebraeThis bone forms the sides of the skullThese form the wrists, ankles and toesNumber of sets that form the vertebraeThese 12 vertebrae connect to the ribs...

Skeletal system 2023-02-13

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. bones of your hands and feet
  2. joint that connects the leg with the foot
  3. connects the head with the body
  4. outer bone of your lower arm
  5. inner bone of your lower leg
  6. joint that connects your upper and lower arm
  7. outer bone of you lower leg
  1. part of your knee
  2. connection between the pelvis and the femur
  3. a group of vertebrates that protects the spinal cord
  4. connection of the scapula with the humerus
  5. joint that connects the femur with your lower leg
  6. protects the brain
  7. a group of ribs that protect important organs
  8. the strongest and longest bone of the body
  9. connects your arm and your hand
  10. inner bone of your lower arm

17 Clues: part of your kneeprotects the brainouter bone of you lower legbones of your hands and feetouter bone of your lower arminner bone of your lower leginner bone of your lower armconnects the head with the bodyconnects your arm and your handjoint that connects the leg with the footconnection of the scapula with the humerus...

Skeletal System 2023-02-23

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. the joints in which the bones are connected by fibrous tissue. They are called fixed or immovable joints as they do not allow any movement between the bones.
  2. an immovably fixed joint between bones connected by fibrous tissue
  3. contains synovial fluid, secreted by the synovial membrane (synovium), which lines the articular capsule
  4. Living tissue that makes up the body's skeleton
  5. Tissue that gives strength and structure to bones
  6. A firm, whitish, flexible connective tissue found in structures such as the external ear, and in the articulating surfaces of joints
  7. a bone that has a shaft and 2 ends and is longer than it is wide
  8. A type of joint found between bones that move against each other, such as the joints of the limbs
  1. the end part of a long bone, initially growing separately from the shaft
  2. A type of bone that varies in shape and structure and therefore does not fit into any other category
  3. a structure in the human or animal body at which two parts of the skeleton are fitted together
  4. the production of blood cells and platelets, which occurs in the bone marrow.
  5. a small bone that is commonly found embedded within a muscle or tendon near joint surfaces
  6. A joint that allows for the several directions of movement
  7. cells that form bone tissue
  8. a medical specialty focusing on injuries and diseases affecting your musculoskeletal system
  9. A bone made up of a layer of spongy bone between two thin layers of compact bone. They have a flat shape, not rounded

17 Clues: cells that form bone tissueLiving tissue that makes up the body's skeletonTissue that gives strength and structure to bonesA joint that allows for the several directions of movementa bone that has a shaft and 2 ends and is longer than it is widean immovably fixed joint between bones connected by fibrous tissue...

Skeletal System 2024-05-16

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Bone marrow which is at the center of your bones _____ new red and white blood cells
  2. bones with shapes that are not long, short, or flat
  3. system, the system attached to the bones in your body that help you move
  4. the bones in your body with a long, thin, shape
  5. trainer, the job that helps prevent injury and improves recovery
  6. bones embedded in tendons
  7. the disease that results in less strength of your bones and increased risk of fracture
  8. the bones in your body that are squat, and cubed shaped
  9. Your joints, connective tissues, and muscles work together for the ________ of your body
  1. The bones within your body _______ all of your organs
  2. the bones in your body with flattened, broad surfaces
  3. Therapists, the job that helps you make progress after a bad injury
  4. system, your bones create new blood cells and send them to what system
  5. the job that helps relieve pain in your body
  6. disease, the disease that makes your bones grow too fast resulting in them being big and soft
  7. Your bones help ______ your body's important minerals
  8. Your skeleton ________ the weight of your body

17 Clues: bones embedded in tendonsthe job that helps relieve pain in your bodyYour skeleton ________ the weight of your bodythe bones in your body with a long, thin, shapebones with shapes that are not long, short, or flatThe bones within your body _______ all of your organsthe bones in your body with flattened, broad surfaces...

Skeletal System 2022-10-31

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. tough connective tissue on outer layer of bone
  2. expanded head of each end of long bone
  3. layer of hyaline cartilage at end of long bones
  4. femur, humerus, phalanges are this type of bone
  5. bone marrow involved in production of blood cells
  6. shaft of long bone
  7. another name for bone
  8. law of bone which states the structure of bone is determined by mechanical stress placed on it
  9. cranial bones are this type of bone
  10. bones in wrist and ankle are this type of bone
  1. stem cells of bones
  2. bone forming cells
  3. most common bone disease
  4. ossification process in which bone replaces hyaline cartilage
  5. spongy bone made of this lattice
  6. vertebrae are this type of bone
  7. 99% of this element is found in the bones

17 Clues: bone forming cellsshaft of long bonestem cells of bonesanother name for bonemost common bone diseasevertebrae are this type of bonespongy bone made of this latticecranial bones are this type of boneexpanded head of each end of long bone99% of this element is found in the bonestough connective tissue on outer layer of bone...

Skeletal system 2020-10-23

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. its the only thigh bone
  2. dense appears homogeneous
  3. main keystone bones of face
  4. typical flat bone
  5. shaft bone
  6. bones humerus
  7. its a lateral bone
  8. limbs and griddles
  9. its on the little finger of the forearm
  10. cartliage covers the epiphyses
  1. connects the finger and carpels bones
  2. made of small needle-like pieces
  3. largest to strongest bone of face
  4. ends of the bone
  5. its stronger than 2 lower leg bones
  6. from the longitudinal axis of body
  7. long bone

17 Clues: long boneshaft bonebones humerusends of the bonetypical flat boneits a lateral bonelimbs and griddlesits the only thigh bonedense appears homogeneousmain keystone bones of facemade of small needle-like pieceslargest to strongest bone of facecartliage covers the epiphysesits stronger than 2 lower leg bonesfrom the longitudinal axis of body...

Skeletal System 2021-08-25

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. depressed, sunken area on the surface of a bone
  2. an example of an irregular bone
  3. growth plates are made mostly from this
  4. ends of long bones
  5. an example of a condyle
  6. light and spongy bone
  7. found at the proximal end of a long bone
  8. bone that the olecranon process is found on
  9. the obturator foramen is found in this bone
  10. first cervical vertebra
  1. what enters and exits the nutrient foramen(2 words)
  2. type/shape of bone found in the carpus
  3. heavy, dense bone
  4. hole in a bone
  5. surfaces that are covered with hyaline cartilage and are found in areas where joints are formed
  6. long part of the long bones
  7. this bone has a spine

17 Clues: hole in a boneheavy, dense boneends of long boneslight and spongy bonethis bone has a spinean example of a condylefirst cervical vertebralong part of the long bonesan example of an irregular bonetype/shape of bone found in the carpusgrowth plates are made mostly from thisfound at the proximal end of a long bone...

Skeletal System 2023-02-22

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. a joint that has limited mobility
  2. A membrane lining the inner surface of the bony wall
  3. cells residing within the bone matrix (maintains bone tissue) and comprising 90% to 95% of the all bone cells
  4. produces blood cells
  5. type of joint found between bones that move against each other
  6. tissue that give strength and structure to bones
  7. bone disease that decreases bone mass
  8. movement limited to a single axis
  1. joints in which the bones are connected by fibrous tissue
  2. produced by cells in the endosteum and is composed of a fibrocartilaginous matrix
  3. lattice-like network of matrix spikes
  4. immovable, fixed joint
  5. cells that degrade bone tissue
  6. a type of joint where the bones are entirely joined by cartilage
  7. freely movable joint
  8. A joint that allows for the several directions of movement in multiple planes
  9. cells that form bone tissue

17 Clues: freely movable jointproduces blood cellsimmovable, fixed jointcells that form bone tissuecells that degrade bone tissuea joint that has limited mobilitymovement limited to a single axislattice-like network of matrix spikesbone disease that decreases bone masstissue that give strength and structure to bones...

skeletal system 2022-02-03

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. provide structure and support
  2. immature bone cells
  3. cartilage found at joints(at the end of bones)
  4. cartilage that fuses bones together
  5. top of long bones
  6. inner layer of bone
  7. areas were muscle and bone join
  8. helps hold long bones together at joints
  9. end of long bones
  10. outer layer of bone
  1. production of red and white blood cells
  2. three types(hyaline, fibrous, and elastic)
  3. all ribs attach to the...
  4. mature bone cells
  5. structural unit of a compact bone
  6. the making of blood takes place
  7. areas where two or more bones join together

17 Clues: top of long bonesmature bone cellsend of long bonesimmature bone cellsinner layer of boneouter layer of boneall ribs attach to the...provide structure and supportthe making of blood takes placeareas were muscle and bone joinstructural unit of a compact bonecartilage that fuses bones togetherproduction of red and white blood cells...

Skeletal System 2015-04-30

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. A normal range for this joint ratio is 0.94 to 1.34.
  2. Patients must remove metal ojects prior to scanning to reduce this artifact.
  3. The technologist must release the tourniquet prior to injecting for a flow of the hands to prevent this phenomenon.
  4. This view is useful when imaging the feet, in particular, the metatarsals.
  5. This compound is complexed with 99mTc for bone imaging.
  6. No visualization of kidneys with increased axial skeleton uptake.
  7. Increased uptake on Flow and Pool images with normal delayed images.
  8. The patient typically lies in this position for a whole body bone scan.
  1. Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry.
  2. This view is useful when imaging the hands alone.
  3. Bone metastases are evident in 85% of patients with this type of cancer.
  4. Infection of the bone.
  5. This type of bone makes up 80% of bone mass.
  6. An abnormal finding on a bone densitometry scan.
  7. Typically, this type of imaging is performed on patients newly diagnosed with cancer.
  8. Bone scans are more sensitive than x-rays for diagnosing this bone ailment.
  9. Prior to a bone scan, the patient must do this to ensure good visualization of the pelvis.

17 Clues: Infection of the bone.Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry.This type of bone makes up 80% of bone mass.An abnormal finding on a bone densitometry scan.This view is useful when imaging the hands alone.A normal range for this joint ratio is 0.94 to 1.34.This compound is complexed with 99mTc for bone imaging....

Skeletal System 2022-06-09

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Another function of the skeletal system
  2. Rooney broke one of these before World Cup 2014
  3. 1 of the functions of the skeletal system
  4. Bone in the upper arm
  5. Main function is to protect the brain
  6. Type of bone
  7. Found in both the hands and feet
  8. Type of bone
  9. Another type of bone
  10. Shinbone
  11. Protects heart
  1. Longest bone in the body
  2. 'Floating' bone in the leg
  3. These protect the spinal cord
  4. Ankle bone
  5. Shoulder Blade
  6. Connective Tissue that connects bone to bone
  7. Collar Bone
  8. Another function of the skeletal system
  9. Vital for protection of the lungs

20 Clues: ShinboneAnkle boneCollar BoneType of boneType of boneShoulder BladeProtects heartAnother type of boneBone in the upper armLongest bone in the body'Floating' bone in the legThese protect the spinal cordFound in both the hands and feetVital for protection of the lungsMain function is to protect the brainAnother function of the skeletal system...

Skeletal System 2022-10-19

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. dried up
  2. Bone destroying cells
  3. are round, usually small, bones embedded in tendons
  4. constitutes approximately 20% of the total bone mass and is lighter and less dense than compact bone
  5. is bone development from membranes such as those found in the flat bones of the skull
  6. consists of bones of the shoulder and pelvic gridles and bones of the upper and lower extremities
  7. study of bones
  8. cartilage
  9. line of ossified bone indicating where previous bone growth occurred at the epiphyseal plate in long bones
  1. possess a broad, flat surface
  2. Bone-forming cells
  3. is a type of connective tissue
  4. is the process of bone destruction by osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts
  5. constitutes approximately 80% of the total adult bone mass and forms the hard outer shell of the bone
  6. is bone development from cartilage
  7. is the cylindrical shaft of the long bone
  8. to break

17 Clues: dried upto breakcartilagestudy of bonesBone-forming cellsBone destroying cellspossess a broad, flat surfaceis a type of connective tissueis bone development from cartilageis the cylindrical shaft of the long boneare round, usually small, bones embedded in tendonsis the process of bone destruction by osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts...

Skeletal System 2023-09-27

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. The largest bone in your body
  2. The ugly bone
  3. Another word for clavicle
  4. Another word for shoulder blade
  5. Your ankle bones
  6. Fingers or toes
  7. Flexible bones that protect your organs
  8. Your lower back
  1. Your balance bone
  2. Your big shin bone
  3. The funniest bone in your body
  4. Your neck vertebrae
  5. The bone in your forearm that rotates
  6. Your upper back
  7. Blank tunnel
  8. Your knee cap
  9. Bone in the center of your rib cage

17 Clues: Blank tunnelThe ugly boneYour knee capYour upper backFingers or toesYour lower backYour ankle bonesYour balance boneYour big shin boneYour neck vertebraeAnother word for clavicleThe largest bone in your bodyThe funniest bone in your bodyAnother word for shoulder bladeBone in the center of your rib cageThe bone in your forearm that rotates...

Skeletal system 2024-01-25

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. soft connective tissue that produces blood cells, found inside the pores of spongy bone (2 words)
  2. attach bones to bones
  3. External skeletal systems made up of chitin and calcium carbonate that provides protection to creatures
  4. The interior of the bone can store minerals (calcium, phosphorus)and chemical energy (fatty acids)
  5. attach bones to muscles
  6. makes up the dense outer layer of bone (2 words)
  7. ____ are born with 300 bones
  8. side to side curve in the spine, becomes evident during adolescence
  9. Holds the skeleton together and supports movement
  1. Appendicular – 126 bones of the appendages (____)and the girdles (shoulder and pelvic) that connect them with the axial skeleton and provide support and flexibility (3 words)
  2. _____ of Blood cells – Red bone marrow inside some larger bones produces blood cells as well as many other types of cells
  3. The skeleton works with the muscular system to allow for movement
  4. The primary function is to form a solid ____ of bones and connective tissues to support the body
  5. Supports the softer tissues, provides points of attachment for most skeletal muscles, and provides protection for many of the body’s internal organs (3 words)
  6. Internal skeleton of an animal
  7. Bones are able to absorb or release calcium into the blood to maintain a stable environment in the body
  8. 80 bones along the axis of the body, which protect the internal organs

17 Clues: attach bones to bonesattach bones to muscles____ are born with 300 bonesInternal skeleton of an animalmakes up the dense outer layer of bone (2 words)Holds the skeleton together and supports movementThe skeleton works with the muscular system to allow for movementside to side curve in the spine, becomes evident during adolescence...

Skeletal System 2024-02-26

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. disease that weakens your bones and makes your bones thinner and less dense
  2. a band of tissue that connects bones
  3. main form of structural support
  4. connective tissues between your muscles and bones inflame
  5. strong flexible tissue that acts like a shock absorber in joints
  6. 80 total bones; vertical axis
  7. tight, stretchy fiber, that give people strength to do movement better
  8. produces blood cells
  1. Soft fatty tissue, inside the bones of your body made of stem cells
  2. damage to joints; causes stiffness, joint pain, and inflammation
  3. painful swelling in a small fluid area around bones called the bursae
  4. any place where two or more bones meet
  5. 126 total bones; upper and lower sides of the body
  6. essential life-maintaining fluid that circulates throughout our entire body
  7. your bodys support structure
  8. cords that connect muscles to bones (looks like a rope)
  9. stores fat

17 Clues: stores fatproduces blood cellsyour bodys support structure80 total bones; vertical axismain form of structural supporta band of tissue that connects bonesany place where two or more bones meet126 total bones; upper and lower sides of the bodycords that connect muscles to bones (looks like a rope)...

Body Systems #3 2022-11-29

Body Systems #3 crossword puzzle
  1. system that is in charge of mood, development and reproduction
  2. main structure of muscular system
  3. main organ of the nervous system
  4. system that controls body functions and allows you to feel pain
  5. system that helps the body with movement
  6. system that produces offspring
  7. system that produces white blood cells and helps fight infection
  8. system that gives body support and protects internal organs
  9. main structure of skeletal system
  1. main organs of endocrine system
  2. system that protects the body from outside elements
  3. main organs of the respiratory system
  4. system that eliminates wastes
  5. system that exchanges gases, oxygen in and carbon dioxide out
  6. system that breaks down food and absorbs nutrients
  7. main organ of the integumentary system
  8. system that delivers oxygen, water and nutrients to the cells
  9. main organ of the circulatory system

18 Clues: system that eliminates wastessystem that produces offspringmain organs of endocrine systemmain organ of the nervous systemmain structure of muscular systemmain structure of skeletal systemmain organ of the circulatory systemmain organs of the respiratory systemmain organ of the integumentary systemsystem that helps the body with movement...

Body System Review 2022-10-10

Body System Review crossword puzzle
  1. the system that gathers, interprets, and responds to information
  2. system that controls all other systems
  3. carries blood away from the heart
  4. white blood cells abbreviation
  5. stores and carries WBCs that fight disease
  6. long muscle tube part of the digestive system
  7. female reproductive organ
  8. gland that produces oil
  9. another name for the skin
  10. organ of the excretory system
  11. male reproductive organ
  12. hormones enter into the body through the ____
  13. the immune system fights off _____ invaders
  14. what muscle controls breathing?
  15. muscles move by ________
  16. reproductive and endocrine systems control _____
  1. respiratory system takes in ______
  2. "master gland"
  3. gland triggers homeostasis by triggering appetite
  4. controls all other systems
  5. organ of the respiratory system
  6. respiratory system removes ______
  7. skeletal system works w/ to produce white blood cells
  8. the system of the skin
  9. removes waste from the body
  10. what 2 systems are lymph nodes part of
  11. what's the biggest organ part of the immune system
  12. this system protects organs

28 Clues: "master gland"the system of the skingland that produces oilmale reproductive organmuscles move by ________female reproductive organanother name for the skincontrols all other systemsremoves waste from the bodythis system protects organsorgan of the excretory systemwhite blood cells abbreviationorgan of the respiratory system...

Skeletal System 2016-01-07

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. bone disease resulting in weak or misshapen bones
  2. top of skull
  3. jaw bone
  4. top of legs
  5. fingers and toes
  6. hip bone
  7. knee cap
  8. strong connective tissue/holds muscle to bone
  9. outside of forearm
  1. shoulder blade
  2. center of chest
  3. collar bone
  4. strong connective tissue/holds bone together
  5. back bone
  6. top of arm
  7. all the bones in an organism, provide structure, support and protection
  8. area where two bones meet

17 Clues: jaw bonehip boneknee capback bonetop of armcollar bonetop of legstop of skullshoulder bladecenter of chestfingers and toesoutside of forearmarea where two bones meetstrong connective tissue/holds bone togetherstrong connective tissue/holds muscle to bonebone disease resulting in weak or misshapen bones...

Skeletal System 2022-12-03

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. located at the front of the knee joint
  2. shin bone
  3. the bone in the middle of the chest or bone connected to the ribs from the front
  4. the bone that connects the sternum to the shoulder
  5. upper jawbone
  6. second of the forearm bones on pinky side
  7. small triangular bone at the base of the spinal
  8. thighbone
  9. the lower part between the abdomen and the thighs
  1. shoulder blades
  2. Calf bone
  3. there are 12 pairs of these bones
  4. linking pelvis and lower spine
  5. long bone in the forearm
  6. forming joints at the shoulder and the elbow
  7. lower jawbone
  8. head

17 Clues: headCalf boneshin bonethighbonelower jawboneupper jawboneshoulder bladeslong bone in the forearmlinking pelvis and lower spinethere are 12 pairs of these boneslocated at the front of the knee jointsecond of the forearm bones on pinky sideforming joints at the shoulder and the elbowsmall triangular bone at the base of the spinal...

Skeletal System 2021-08-25

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. depressed, sunken area on the surface of a bone
  2. an example of an irregular bone
  3. growth plates are made mostly from this
  4. ends of long bones
  5. an example of a condyle
  6. light and spongy bone
  7. found at the proximal end of a long bone
  8. bone that the olecranon process is found on
  9. the obturator foramen is found in this bone
  10. first cervical vertebra
  1. what enters and exits the nutrient foramen(2 words)
  2. type/shape of bone found in the carpus
  3. heavy, dense bone
  4. hole in a bone
  5. surfaces that are covered with hyaline cartilage and are found in areas where joints are formed
  6. long part of the long bones
  7. this bone has a spine

17 Clues: hole in a boneheavy, dense boneends of long boneslight and spongy bonethis bone has a spinean example of a condylefirst cervical vertebralong part of the long bonesan example of an irregular bonetype/shape of bone found in the carpusgrowth plates are made mostly from thisfound at the proximal end of a long bone...

Skeletal System 2022-04-29

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. material inside the medullary canal
  2. area where cranial bones have joined together
  3. two bones that form the pelvic girdle
  4. process of turning cartilage into bone
  5. tough membrane on the outside of bone
  6. condition caused by a vitamin D deficiency
  7. immovable joint
  8. found in spongy bone, holds red marrow
  9. end of bone
  10. hole in bone
  1. cells that live in a compact bone
  2. membrane that lines the medullary canal
  3. bones that form the extremities
  4. largest bone in body
  5. point of bone from which growth occurs
  6. air spaces in the bones of the skull
  7. canal in bone, nerves and blood vessels pass through

17 Clues: end of bonehole in boneimmovable jointlargest bone in bodybones that form the extremitiescells that live in a compact bonematerial inside the medullary canalair spaces in the bones of the skulltwo bones that form the pelvic girdletough membrane on the outside of boneprocess of turning cartilage into bonepoint of bone from which growth occurs...

Body Systems 2022-01-07

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. bones, responsible for the body shape
  2. system that is the skin of your body
  3. smallest bone of forearm
  4. bone that ribs are connected to
  5. system responsible for movement
  6. system that breaks down food into nutrients
  7. system that contains brain and spinal cord
  8. responsible for carrying oxygen to cells
  9. jaw bone
  10. lowest part of the vertebrae
  11. lower leg bone
  12. organs that help you breathe
  13. vertebrae section that is closest to skull
  1. system that allows reproduction of life
  2. bones of the fingers
  3. largest bone of the skeletal system
  4. cells that protect the body of germs
  5. middle section of vertebrae
  6. system that releases hormones
  7. carries waste away from the body
  8. bones that protect the internal organs
  9. knee cap
  10. largest forearm bone

23 Clues: jaw boneknee caplower leg bonebones of the fingerslargest forearm bonesmallest bone of forearmmiddle section of vertebraelowest part of the vertebraeorgans that help you breathesystem that releases hormonesbone that ribs are connected tosystem responsible for movementcarries waste away from the bodylargest bone of the skeletal system...

skeletal system 2016-05-28

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. Most inferior section of the vertebral column
  2. Fluid in the membrane that surrounds freely moveable joints
  3. Most superior of the bones in the axial skeleton
  4. Exaggerated curve of the thoracic spine
  5. The longest bone in the body
  6. Action of the ankle
  7. flat protective bones attached to thoracic vertebrae
  8. Most dense of the bone tissues
  9. Towards the back of the body
  10. A function of the skeletal system
  1. Most inferior of the pelvic bones
  2. Type of joints found between cranial bones (for example)
  3. Containing 33 bones
  4. Part of the skeleton that includes limbs and girdles
  5. Can be found between semi moveable joints
  6. 'S' shaped curve
  7. The patella is this type of bone

17 Clues: 'S' shaped curveContaining 33 bonesAction of the ankleThe longest bone in the bodyTowards the back of the bodyMost dense of the bone tissuesThe patella is this type of boneA function of the skeletal systemMost inferior of the pelvic bonesExaggerated curve of the thoracic spineCan be found between semi moveable joints...

Skeletal System 2021-01-21

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. skeleton made up of 126 bones
  2. join does not allow movement
  3. joints between most vertebrae
  4. ___skeleton is made up of the skull, the spinal column, rib cage, and sternum
  5. growth plate
  6. layer under periosteum
  7. framework of bones that support muscle and organs and protects organs
  8. connects muscle to bones
  9. connects bone to bone
  1. soft tissue inside many bones, can either be red or yellow
  2. soft spots
  3. cells that form new bone continuously
  4. place where two or more bones meet
  5. join such as knee and elbow
  6. joints where the skill bones meet
  7. outside layer of the bone
  8. connective tissue that makes bone light and strong

17 Clues: soft spotsgrowth plateconnects bone to bonelayer under periosteumconnects muscle to bonesoutside layer of the bonejoin such as knee and elbowjoin does not allow movementskeleton made up of 126 bonesjoints between most vertebraejoints where the skill bones meetplace where two or more bones meetcells that form new bone continuously...

Skeletal System 2021-10-26

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. The hardening and development of the bones
  2. The tailbone
  3. This stops between the ages of 18-25
  4. This bone forms the side of the skull
  5. These do not attach to the sternum or vertebrae
  6. These form the wrists, ankles,and toes
  7. Number of sets that form the vertebrae
  1. There are 7 of these that form the section of the vertebrae
  2. These form the arms and legs
  3. These 12 connect the rib cage
  4. This bone forms the back and the back of the skull
  5. This bone forms the forehead
  6. These form the ears and vertebrae
  7. Provides____for the body
  8. These five vertebrae form the lower-mid back
  9. The only moveable bone in the face
  10. These form the scapula and pelvis

17 Clues: The tailboneProvides____for the bodyThese form the arms and legsThis bone forms the foreheadThese 12 connect the rib cageThese form the ears and vertebraeThese form the scapula and pelvisThe only moveable bone in the faceThis stops between the ages of 18-25This bone forms the side of the skullThese form the wrists, ankles,and toes...

Skeletal system 2023-09-21

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. made of connective tissue reinforced with calcium and specialized bone cells
  2. provides protection and strength to bones
  3. marrow spongy tissue in the bone that makes blood cells
  4. is the central part of a long bone
  5. partial or complete break in the bones
  6. where two or more bones meet
  7. produced by cells in the endosteum
  1. procedure to set a broken bone without surgery
  2. point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined
  3. bone shaped roughly as a cube and containing mostly spongy bone
  4. small bone commonly found embedded within a muscle
  5. surgical procedure for repairing fractured bone
  6. body's central framework
  7. freely mobile joint that allows movement in two anatomical planes
  8. hierarchical, spongy, and porous material
  9. bone made up of thick layers of spongy bones between two thin layers of compact bones
  10. is strong flexible connective tissue

17 Clues: body's central frameworkwhere two or more bones meetis the central part of a long boneproduced by cells in the endosteumis strong flexible connective tissuepartial or complete break in the bonesprovides protection and strength to boneshierarchical, spongy, and porous materialprocedure to set a broken bone without surgery...

Skeletal System 2023-02-23

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. spongy, honeycomb-like structure and is typically found at the end of long bones
  2. a cell that lies within the substance of fully formed bone
  3. a condition in which there is a decrease in the amount and thickness of bone tissue
  4. the expanded or rounded end portion of a long bone
  5. type of movable joint in which the surfaces of bones are connected by ligaments or cartilage
  6. a membrane lining the inner surface of the bony wall
  7. a joint between bones or cartilages in the skeleton of a vertebrate
  8. surgeons reposition your bone pieces during surgery, so they are back in their proper alignment
  9. the shaft or central part of a long bone
  1. bones that vary in shape and structure and therefore do not fit into any other category
  2. the formation of blood cellular components
  3. made mostly of fat and contains stem cells that can become cartilage, fat, or bone cells
  4. a small bone commonly found embedded within a muscle
  5. a thin layer of specialized connective tissue with unique viscoelastic properties
  6. a partial or complete break in the bone
  7. a joint that can move freely in various planes
  8. the area where two or more bones meet

17 Clues: the area where two or more bones meeta partial or complete break in the bonethe shaft or central part of a long bonethe formation of blood cellular componentsa joint that can move freely in various planesthe expanded or rounded end portion of a long bonea small bone commonly found embedded within a muscle...

body systems 2022-05-24

body systems crossword puzzle
  1. part of the nervous system that sends the message from your brain
  2. storage for the excretory system
  3. maintains fluid levels
  4. sends messages to the nervous system
  5. main part of the circulatory system
  6. what the muscular system is made out of
  7. regulates biological processes
  8. transmits signals through the brain and body
  9. what the skeletal system is made of
  10. gives body shape and assist movement
  11. transports of nutrients and waste to and from cells
  12. main female part of the reproductive system
  13. absorbs nutrients from what you consume
  14. responsible for reproduction
  1. gets rid of fluid waste
  2. first part of main digestion in the digestive system
  3. gland responsible for creating hormones
  4. things like skin, used for protection
  5. part of the respiratory system that gets the fresh air in the body
  6. part of the integumentary system and is the main protection
  7. responsible for movement
  8. moves fresh air throughout your body

22 Clues: maintains fluid levelsgets rid of fluid wasteresponsible for movementresponsible for reproductionregulates biological processesstorage for the excretory systemmain part of the circulatory systemwhat the skeletal system is made ofsends messages to the nervous systemmoves fresh air throughout your bodygives body shape and assist movement...

Human Body Systems CRW 2021-05-11

Human Body Systems CRW crossword puzzle
  1. red blood cells are made in the bone ______
  2. oxygen and carbon dioxide, for example
  3. intestine where water is removed
  4. tube that is part of digestive system
  5. where oxygen leaves lung and enters blood
  6. digestion starts here
  7. this system carries nutrients to cells respiratory brings in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
  8. only cardiac muscle in the body
  1. works with skeletal system to move the body
  2. some kinds are involuntary or voluntary
  3. the control center system
  4. system that protects the body's organs
  5. nervous system part protected by spine
  6. type of muscle inside some organs
  7. intestine where nutrients go into the blood
  8. carries nutrients to cells and removes waste
  9. tube that is part of respiratory system
  10. part of nervous system

18 Clues: digestion starts herepart of nervous systemthe control center systemonly cardiac muscle in the bodyintestine where water is removedtype of muscle inside some organstube that is part of digestive systemoxygen and carbon dioxide, for examplesystem that protects the body's organsnervous system part protected by spine...

Human Body 2023-03-13

Human Body crossword puzzle
  1. a major organ of the skeletal system
  2. the system that works most closely with the skeletal
  3. the system that breaks down food into usable nutrients
  4. a major organ of the respiratory system
  5. the system that is the body's first line of defense against germs
  6. the system that brings oxygen to all cells inside the body
  1. a major organ of the nervous system
  2. a major organ of the integumentary system
  3. the system responsible for controlling body movement
  4. the system that produces blood cells
  5. the system that brings oxygen into the body
  6. a major organ of the digestive system

12 Clues: a major organ of the nervous systema major organ of the skeletal systemthe system that produces blood cellsa major organ of the digestive systema major organ of the respiratory systema major organ of the integumentary systemthe system that brings oxygen into the bodythe system that works most closely with the skeletal...

living bosy systems 2023-03-10

living bosy systems crossword puzzle
  1. system recives and sends messeges
  2. protects internal organs
  3. one of the major endocrine sections
  4. how you smell
  5. cardiac muscle
  6. HUGE part ofcirculatory
  7. large part in skeletal
  8. oxygen
  9. regulate's growth
  1. another part of circulatory
  2. apart of excretory
  3. major organ of digestive
  4. as you grow up its in the endocrine system
  5. gets rid of waste blood
  6. creates blood
  7. how to taste
  8. breaks down
  9. helps digest
  10. functions using blood
  11. helps your back a line

20 Clues: oxygenbreaks downhow to tastehelps digestcreates bloodhow you smellcardiac muscleregulate's growthapart of excretoryfunctions using bloodlarge part in skeletalhelps your back a linegets rid of waste bloodHUGE part ofcirculatorymajor organ of digestiveprotects internal organsanother part of circulatorysystem recives and sends messeges...

Fun with Organ Systems 2024-02-13

Fun with Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. we have 3 types (smooth, skeletal & cardiac)
  2. this system give you nutrients and energy
  3. involved in making babies
  4. this system has the WHITE blood cells
  5. where you find cardiac muscle
  6. the fluid of the circulatory system
  7. major organ are kidneys, gets rid of waste
  8. the largest organ
  1. the major organ are the LUNGS
  2. the system that help with your immunity
  3. the system that includes the brain
  4. the type of muscle found in the digestive system
  5. moves blood around your body
  6. this system includes your bones
  7. the system that brings in Oxygen gets rid of CO2
  8. we have 11 of them
  9. the system that moves your skeleton
  10. the system that has the largest organ
  11. the system that releases adrenaline and testosterone

19 Clues: the largest organwe have 11 of theminvolved in making babiesmoves blood around your bodythe major organ are the LUNGSwhere you find cardiac musclethis system includes your bonesthe system that includes the brainthe system that moves your skeletonthe fluid of the circulatory systemthe system that has the largest organ...

Organ Systems 2022-11-28

Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. lymph vessels are filled with this fluid
  2. system of all the body’s defense systems
  3. a function of the skeletal system
  4. system's control is slow, long duration
  5. gas exchange occurs at these sacs
  6. the heart is this system's main structure
  7. male gonads
  8. trachea and lungs are part of this system
  9. lymph ___ act as small filters
  10. System with bones and joints
  11. name of the heart muscle
  12. system where the waste product is urine
  13. main structures of the endocrine system
  14. A group of organs
  1. secreted directly into the blood
  2. System functions by nerve _______.
  3. System with skin as its only organ
  4. function: continuous movement of o2 & co2
  5. teeth and salivary glands are ____ organs
  6. Lympatic functions: transportation & ____
  7. female gonads
  8. balance of body’s internal environment
  9. type of muscle we can control
  10. made up of the brain and spinal cord

24 Clues: male gonadsfemale gonadsA group of organsname of the heart muscleSystem with bones and jointstype of muscle we can controllymph ___ act as small filterssecreted directly into the blooda function of the skeletal systemgas exchange occurs at these sacsSystem functions by nerve _______.System with skin as its only organ...

Science crossword puzzle 2023-12-05

Science crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. works with the muscular system
  2. the hardest working organ in your body
  3. a website that helps you understand science
  4. part of the respiratory system and digestive system
  5. breaks down food chemically
  6. a harmful device
  7. in charge of your breathing
  8. what you breathe in
  9. blood with no oxygen travels through this passage
  10. what you breathe out
  1. gives oxygen to your blood
  2. what makes up a plant and other living things
  3. works with the skeletal system
  4. a tube where food comes down
  5. inside cells
  6. blood with oxygen travels through this passage
  7. helps digest food
  8. Google slides that ask questions about the topic we are working on
  9. a body system that includes the brain and spinal cord
  10. what makes up the skeletal system

20 Clues: inside cellsa harmful devicehelps digest foodwhat you breathe inwhat you breathe outgives oxygen to your bloodbreaks down food chemicallyin charge of your breathinga tube where food comes downworks with the skeletal systemworks with the muscular systemwhat makes up the skeletal systemthe hardest working organ in your body...

Organ Systems Ashley Golden 2017-08-31

Organ Systems Ashley Golden crossword puzzle
  1. an organ used in the respiratory system
  2. The system that secretes regulatory hormones
  3. the system that transports materials in body through blood pumped by the heart
  4. the system used to eliminate nitrogenous wastes
  5. eliminates indigestible material
  6. part of the integumentary system
  7. one of the functions of the lymphatic system
  1. Apart of the skeletal system
  2. apart of the lymphatic system
  3. an organ apart of the nervous system
  4. the system used for the production of offspring
  5. System system that stores minerals
  6. organ system that produces heat
  7. organ system that is fast-acting
  8. has acids that break down food (apart of the digestive system)

15 Clues: Apart of the skeletal systemapart of the lymphatic systemorgan system that produces heatorgan system that is fast-actingeliminates indigestible materialpart of the integumentary systemSystem system that stores mineralsan organ apart of the nervous systeman organ used in the respiratory systemThe system that secretes regulatory hormones...

Muscle Systems 2020-10-27

Muscle Systems crossword puzzle
  1. three types (visceral, cardiac, skeletal)
  2. body needs oxygen to sustain itself
  3. the bone that the muscle moves acts as a...
  4. part of the respiratory system allows oxygen to be taken in and carbon dioxide out
  5. also known as the circulatory system
  6. Collection of nerves and neurons
  7. lies at the center of the circulatory system
  8. (pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs) are parts of the respiratory system
  9. heat controlled by the muscular system
  10. nervous system (sensory neurons)
  1. makes up 30%-40% adults body mass
  2. nervous system (brain, spinal chord, nerves)
  3. the system responsible for carrying oxygen and blood through the body
  4. the system includes for all bones and joints
  5. system involved with breathing
  6. composed of 22 bones
  7. nerves that connect the brains to other parts of the head
  8. the system responsible for movement
  9. muscles responsible for posture have the greatest endurance
  10. (lungs, arteries, veins and portal vessels) are parts of the circulatory system

20 Clues: composed of 22 bonessystem involved with breathingCollection of nerves and neuronsnervous system (sensory neurons)makes up 30%-40% adults body massbody needs oxygen to sustain itselfthe system responsible for movementalso known as the circulatory systemheat controlled by the muscular systemthree types (visceral, cardiac, skeletal)...

The human body 2023-04-11

The human body crossword puzzle
  1. The ___________ is an organ that breaks down food after you swallow it.
  2. The__________ are this system's main organs. They take oxygen from the air
  3. The three types of muscles are skeletal, cardiac, and _____________.
  4. The skeleton gives the body its __________ and protects its organs.
  5. This system helps the circulatory system give the body ________.
  6. The __________is called the windpipe. It takes air to the lungs.
  7. The ________ has many nerves that connect to the rest of the body.
  8. The circulatory system is made up of the _________ and blood vessels.
  1. This system is made up of _________, which the body uses to move.
  2. Muscles are ________ that are made of fibers.
  3. The skeletal system is made up of ____________ that form a skeleton.
  4. __________gives oxygen to cells and takes carbon dioxide away from them.
  5. The digestive system helps the body get ________ from food.
  6. The mouth uses teeth and _______ to begin digestion.
  7. Nerves take information to and from the _______.
  8. Arteries take blood from the heart, and __________ return the blood to the heart.
  9. The skeletal system helps the ____________ system move the body.

17 Clues: Muscles are ________ that are made of fibers.Nerves take information to and from the _______.The mouth uses teeth and _______ to begin digestion.The digestive system helps the body get ________ from food.This system helps the circulatory system give the body ________.The skeletal system helps the ____________ system move the body....

Organ System Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-20

Organ System Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. this is the only organ in the circulatory system
  2. one organ of the excretory system
  3. this system moves fresh air into your body.
  4. this system delivers oxygen and nutrients to the cell.
  5. this organ is a part of the integumentary system
  6. this systme gives the body its shape.
  7. this system makes hormones for mood, development and growth.
  8. this system transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body.
  9. these make up the skeletal system
  10. one organ of the reproductive system
  11. One organ of the nervous system
  1. this organ is part of the muscular system
  2. this system produces egg and sperm cells.
  3. this organ is a part of the endocrine system
  4. this system maintains fluid levels in our body tissues.
  5. this system is responsible for movement
  6. this is a part of the lymphatic system
  7. breaks nutrients small enough for your body to absorb and use for energy.
  8. this system maintains the volume and composition of body fluids within normal limits.
  9. One organ in the respiratory system
  10. this system protects your body from infection and injuries.
  11. This organ is part of the digestive system

22 Clues: One organ of the nervous systemone organ of the excretory systemthese make up the skeletal systemOne organ in the respiratory systemone organ of the reproductive systemthis systme gives the body its shape.this is a part of the lymphatic systemthis system is responsible for movementthis organ is part of the muscular system...

Science Chapter 4 2023-05-23

Science Chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. a body part of different kinds of tissues
  2. thin blood vessel that connects artery and vein
  3. main part of the muscular system
  4. system that carries messages to control body
  5. organ that mixes food with digestive juices
  6. system that makes you breathe
  7. tube that connects mouth and stomach
  8. main organ in the nervous system
  9. system that breaks down food
  10. blood vessel that carries blood away from heart
  11. muscle that lets you inhale and exhale
  12. system that controls movement in the body
  1. main organ in the digestive system
  2. main part of the skeletal system
  3. main organ in the respiratory system
  4. system that supports the body
  5. organ made of bundles of fibers
  6. a group of cells of the same type
  7. connects your brain through your backbone
  8. blood vessel that carries blood to heart
  9. place where two bones meet
  10. main organ in the circulatory system
  11. hard organ with soft tissue inside
  12. system that carries nutrients through blood

24 Clues: place where two bones meetsystem that breaks down foodsystem that supports the bodysystem that makes you breatheorgan made of bundles of fibersmain part of the skeletal systemmain part of the muscular systemmain organ in the nervous systema group of cells of the same typemain organ in the digestive systemhard organ with soft tissue inside...

Organization & Musculoskeletal System Quiz Review 2021-12-15

Organization & Musculoskeletal System Quiz Review crossword puzzle
  1. One of the jobs of the Skeletal System is to protect internal _____.
  2. A _____ connects bones to other bones.
  3. This is a group of two or more organs that work together to perform a specific function.
  4. One of the jobs of the bones is to store _____.
  5. This type of tissue allows movement
  6. Skeletal muscle is considered ______ because you control it.
  7. This type of tissue carries messages
  8. This is where two or more bones meet.
  9. This type of muscle is found in your digestive system.
  10. The job of our muscles is to allow our body to ____.
  11. These are the basic units of structure and function in all living things
  12. Both Smooth and Cardiac Muscle are considered ______ because we do not have to think about moving them.
  13. This type of muscle is found in your heart.
  1. This type of muscle moves our bones.
  2. This is a group of specialized cells that work together to perform a specific function
  3. One of the jobs of the Skeletal System is to provide shape and _____ for the body.
  4. One of the jobs of the bones is to provide an _____ site for muscles.
  5. One of the jobs of the bones is to produce ____ cells.
  6. This type of tissue covers surfaces inside and out
  7. _____is found in the middle of bones and makes the blood cells.
  8. This type of tissue connects & supports
  9. This is a group of two or more different types of tissue that work together to perform a specific function.
  10. A _____ connects a skeletal muscle to a bone.

23 Clues: This type of tissue allows movementThis type of muscle moves our bones.This type of tissue carries messagesThis is where two or more bones meet.A _____ connects bones to other bones.This type of tissue connects & supportsThis type of muscle is found in your heart.A _____ connects a skeletal muscle to a bone....

skeletal system 2015-01-24

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. The middle ear is made up of many ________ bones.
  2. Soft bones that we can feel in our nose and ear lobes.
  3. The skeleton system is ————— bones that give shape and form to our body, and enables movement.
  4. When we grow, some bones _______ together.
  5. The framework of bones that is present in all humans.
  6. The cartilage bones are ______________
  7. __________ have around 300 bones.
  8. A fully grown ___ has 206 bones.
  9. This bone is hollow and made up of many discs, put one over the other.
  1. The protective cage of bones that houses our heart.
  2. This bone is most likely to get fractured in a fight.
  3. Some bones are straight and some are ______________.
  4. The round part of the skull that holds our brain.
  5. It is the unit of bone that makes the backbone.
  6. protects our knee joints.
  7. All joints except those in the __________ are movable.

16 Clues: protects our knee joints.A fully grown ___ has 206 bones.__________ have around 300 bones.The cartilage bones are ______________When we grow, some bones _______ together.It is the unit of bone that makes the backbone.The round part of the skull that holds our brain.The middle ear is made up of many ________ bones....

Skeletal System 2019-11-05

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Bone moves around a longitudinal axis
  2. Blade,/flat triangular bone
  3. three for each finger, and two for the thumb
  4. also known as shinbone or shankbone
  5. weaker and smaller than tibia
  6. Cage,/bony cage enclosing vital human organs
  7. part of human skeleton that forms the bony framework of the head
  1. a typical long bone present in the arm
  2. occurs between “two or more bones
  3. form of connective tissue but is not as tough and rigid as bone
  4. tough and rigid form of connective tissue
  5. bone consists of three parts: Ilium, ischium and pubis
  6. the longer bone and is placed medially
  7. shorter in size and lateral in position
  8. a flat bone that can be divided into three different parts
  9. the longest bone of human body

16 Clues: Blade,/flat triangular boneweaker and smaller than tibiathe longest bone of human bodyoccurs between “two or more bonesalso known as shinbone or shankboneBone moves around a longitudinal axisa typical long bone present in the armthe longer bone and is placed mediallyshorter in size and lateral in positiontough and rigid form of connective tissue...