spiderman Crossword Puzzles
Spiderman 2021-12-26
- influence, work on 영향을 미치다
- 바지 부분 위로 불룩 튀어나온 뱃살
- director, 처장, 장관
- 집계하다 gather, acquire, collect, accumulate
- very popular, prevail, 성행
- passenger, daily traveller, 통근자
- to be more than(something or something) in number
- slaughter 살육, 대량학살
- 침, 타액
- widespread, prevalent, pervasive, universial, 전국적인 유행병
- (공식적 통계)수치, 숫자, (얼굴)윤곽선
- modest(적당한), mild(가벼운), reasonable,
- very fat, very overweight n. obesity
- 득점하다
- 반복적인
- contagious, infectious 감염
- 만성적인 long-term, incurable, long-standing
- announce,issue 발표하다 (영화 등)개봉, (음반,서적)출시. 발매
- group of people who are chosen to make rules, law of decisions about
- (TV, computer)화면, 모니터, 추적 관찰하다
20 Clues: 득점하다 • 반복적인 • 침, 타액 • director, 처장, 장관 • slaughter 살육, 대량학살 • 바지 부분 위로 불룩 튀어나온 뱃살 • (공식적 통계)수치, 숫자, (얼굴)윤곽선 • very popular, prevail, 성행 • contagious, infectious 감염 • influence, work on 영향을 미치다 • (TV, computer)화면, 모니터, 추적 관찰하다 • passenger, daily traveller, 통근자 • modest(적당한), mild(가벼운), reasonable, • very fat, very overweight n. obesity • 만성적인 long-term, incurable, long-standing • ...
Spiderman 2023-08-27
- Name of Spiderman's first girlfriend
- group of superheroes the new Spiderman belongs to
- City where Spiderman lives
- Spiderman vows to protect the innocent
- The amazing Spiderman's girlfriend
- name of Spiderman's aunt
- Name of the Amazing Spiderman's second enemy
- With great ____ comes great responsibility
- Spiderman fights against them
- The protagonist of today's lesson
- The first enemy of Spiderman
- Name of Spiderman's uncle
- What Spiderman, Iron Man, Captain America all are
- District of the city Spiderman is from
- Ned and Peter are both called this by Flash
- Last name of all Spidermans
- Villain that kills Spiderman
- a spider _____ turns Peter into Spiderman
- Name of Spiderman's first enemy in "Homecoming"
- Comic company behind the Spiderman comics
- Continent Peter's class travels to in the movie "Far from Home"
- things that shoot out of Spiderman's wrists
- clothing Spiderman wears during his adventures
- Spiderman's best friend
24 Clues: Spiderman's best friend • name of Spiderman's aunt • Name of Spiderman's uncle • City where Spiderman lives • Last name of all Spidermans • Villain that kills Spiderman • The first enemy of Spiderman • Spiderman fights against them • The protagonist of today's lesson • The amazing Spiderman's girlfriend • Name of Spiderman's first girlfriend • ...
Spiderman 2021-12-08
- First issue of Spider-man
- Otto's weapons
- Otto Octavius
- Daily Bugle Owner
- Who owns the rights to Spider-Man
- Strange Spider-Man villain, what Spidey crawls on
- Co-Creator of Spider-Man
- Silver Sablinova
- Thomas Haden's last name
- Last name of JJJ actor
- With great ___ comes great ___!
- Flash Thompson
- Felicia Hardy
- Where Spider-Man lives
- Max Dillon
- Andrew's last name
- Spider-Man's Real Name
- Donna Diego
- Secretary for the Daily Bugle
- Wrestler in Spider-Man 1
- Number of movies(Andrew)
- Movie with Doctor Octopus
- Roderick Kingsley
- Number of movies (Tom)
- The Hunter
- Movie with Sandman/Venom
- Morris Bench
- You'll get your money when you fix this **** _____
- Jessica Drew
- Love Interest (Andrew)
- Alfred's last name
- What Lego set did Ned and Peter build?
- Spider-Man 2099's real name
- What gave Spider-Man his powers
- Primate name for Spider-Man's stealth suit
- Glasses gave to Peter by Tony Stark
- Into the Spider-Verse
- Blind lawyer
- Rhys' last name
- Director of TASM films.
- Norman's mode of transportation
- Flaming Pumpkin head
- It's _____ time
- Movie with Mysterio
- Peter's Best Friend (Tobey)
- Your rent is due!
- Movie with lizard
- Aaron Davis
- Quentin Beck
- Wilson Fisk
- What Spider-Man calls his A.I suit
- Doctor Connors
- William Baker
- What Nick Fury and Maria Hill really were in FFH
- Stan Lee's catchphrase
- Love Interest (Tom)
- Peter Parker, but black and white
- Peter's Best Friend (Tom)
- Peter Porker
- Dimitri Smerdyakov
- Newest Spider-Man Film
- Underoos
- Spider-Man's mother
- Creator of Spider-man
- What Venom is
- What Spider-Man (Tobey) stops
- Love Interest (Tobey)
- The element Otto was after in Spider-Man 2
- Vincent Stegron
- Number of movies (Tobey)
- Peter's photography job
- Business ran by Norman Osborne
- Lonnie Lincoln
- What Spider-Man shoots
- Tom's last name
- Devil
- Web shooting noise
- Gwen Stacy
- Eddie Brock
- Norman Osborne
- Bug that inspired Spider-Man
- Villain group fighting Spider-Man
- Spider-Man's father
- Happy to pay the _____
- Abbreviation for The Amazing Spider-Man
- Mac Gargan
- Into the Spider-Verse sequel
- What JJJ calls Spider-Man
- White Venom
- Aleksei Sytsevich
- Movie with electro
- Cletus Kasady
- Miles Warren
- Spider-Man's nickname for Green Goblin
- Jason Macendale Jr.
- Adrian Toomes
- You know, I'm something of a ___ myself
- What high school does Peter attend?
- Mother figure to Spider-Man
- Movie with Green Goblin
- Total number of live action Spider-Man movies
- Weapon Green Goblin uses
- Upgraded Spider-Man suit from Tony Stark
- See ya _____
- Phineas Mason
- Mark Raxton
- Martin Li
- Have you ever seen that really old movie?
- Sandman's weapon
- Jamie's last name
- Carlton Drake
- Frances Barrison
- Spider-Man's mask on the Fantastic Four
- New Father figure to Spider-Man
- Vampire
- Man who always dies
- What team SpiderMan was on in Civil War
- Movie with Vulture
- Patrick Mulligan
- Tobey's last name
- Abner Jenkins
- Director of the first films
- What Strange and Spidey break
- Eugene Patilio
- Here comes the _____
- Tom's last name (Venom)
- Director of MCU films
- Mouse used for testing by Dr. Connors in TASM
- Herman Schultz
- William's last name
130 Clues: Devil • Vampire • Underoos • Martin Li • Gwen Stacy • Mac Gargan • Max Dillon • The Hunter • Eddie Brock • White Venom • Donna Diego • Mark Raxton • Aaron Davis • Wilson Fisk • Miles Warren • Morris Bench • Jessica Drew • See ya _____ • Blind lawyer • Quentin Beck • Peter Porker • Otto Octavius • Felicia Hardy • Cletus Kasady • Adrian Toomes • Phineas Mason • Carlton Drake • Abner Jenkins • William Baker • What Venom is • Otto's weapons • ...
Spiderman 2022-03-14
- Name of Spiderman's first girlfriend
- group of superheroes the new Spiderman belongs to
- City where Spiderman lives
- Spiderman vows to protect the innocent
- The amazing Spiderman's girlfriend
- name of Spiderman's aunt
- Name of the Amazing Spiderman's second enemy
- With great ____ comes great responsibility
- Spiderman fights against them
- The protagonist of today's lesson
- The first enemy of Spiderman
- Name of Spiderman's uncle
- What Spiderman, Iron Man, Captain America all are
- District of the city Spiderman is from
- Ned and Peter are both called this by Flash
- Last name of all Spidermans
- Villain that kills Spiderman
- a spider _____ turns Peter into Spiderman
- Name of Spiderman's first enemy in "Homecoming"
- Comic company behind the Spiderman comics
- Continent Peter's class travels to in the movie "Far from Home"
- things that shoot out of Spiderman's wrists
- clothing Spiderman wears during his adventures
- Spiderman's best friend
24 Clues: Spiderman's best friend • name of Spiderman's aunt • Name of Spiderman's uncle • City where Spiderman lives • Last name of all Spidermans • Villain that kills Spiderman • The first enemy of Spiderman • Spiderman fights against them • The protagonist of today's lesson • The amazing Spiderman's girlfriend • Name of Spiderman's first girlfriend • ...
Spiderman 2022-01-21
- famous spiderman quote
- "My ________ is tingling, what is it?"
- worked at Oscorp
- wants to fight an alien
- this kind of spider creates Spiderman
- the one who introduces the new spiderman in the MCU
- has red hair
- can dance
- helps spiderman fight on the statue of liberty
- Spiderman, also known as this
- loud news reporter
- This spiderman plays the guitar
- harnesses an arc reactor at some point
- doubles as batman
- wants to find some corn!
- is part of the avengers
- doesn't know what the avengers is
- was a villain in 2002
- can only live off of tater-tots and chocolate for so long
- Maguire
20 Clues: Maguire • can dance • has red hair • worked at Oscorp • doubles as batman • loud news reporter • was a villain in 2002 • famous spiderman quote • wants to fight an alien • is part of the avengers • wants to find some corn! • Spiderman, also known as this • This spiderman plays the guitar • doesn't know what the avengers is • this kind of spider creates Spiderman • ...
Spiderman 2024-04-08
Spiderman 2021-11-23
19 Clues: the hunter • jamie foxx • new mentor • shoots webs • son of venom • black amoeba • flying terror • love interest • man of mystery • African mammal • four tentacles • killed by thief • original mentor • secret identity • mcu best friend • sony best friend • large bird of prey • takes care of spiderman • scientist turned reptile
Marvel 2022-04-20
- SHIELD agent
- thor's father
- god of mischief
- magic user
- bruce banner AKA
- third spiderman actor
- infinity stone collector
- second spiderman actor
- one of thanos's daughters
- dr strange villain
- bruce banner and hulk combined
- t'challa AKA
- stones with tons of power
- tony stark AKA
- one of thanos's daughters
- creator of marvel
- head of SHIELD
- telekenisis user
- trash panda
- first tom holland spiderman villain
- steve rogers AKA
- peter parker AKA
- peter quill AKA
- first spiderman actor
- a way to travel across realms
- weilder of mjolnir and stormbreaker
26 Clues: magic user • trash panda • SHIELD agent • t'challa AKA • thor's father • tony stark AKA • head of SHIELD • god of mischief • peter quill AKA • telekenisis user • bruce banner AKA • steve rogers AKA • peter parker AKA • creator of marvel • dr strange villain • third spiderman actor • first spiderman actor • second spiderman actor • infinity stone collector • one of thanos's daughters • ...
Spiderman 2014-05-24
11 Clues: Christian's sister • Peter Parker's uncle • What bit Peter Parker • What Spiderman shoots • Spiderman's real name • Spiderman's girlfriend • His birthday is July 1st • How old Christian will be • What city Spiderman lives in • Food found at birthday parties • Name of newspaper Peter Parker works for
Spiderman spelling 2022-01-21
- sing a
- spiderman _______ his web shooter
- do this with pen, pencil, or crayon
- opposite of smooth
- what animals sleep on
- spiderman ________ into his web
- spiderman used the phone
- rhymes with fought
- opposite shorter
- incredible hulk
- Spiderman is ________
- spiderman went here to shop
- opposite of large
- come ______ to see the new Spiderman movie
- something that is really bad
15 Clues: sing a • incredible hulk • opposite shorter • opposite of large • rhymes with fought • opposite of smooth • Spiderman is ________ • what animals sleep on • spiderman used the phone • spiderman went here to shop • something that is really bad • spiderman ________ into his web • spiderman _______ his web shooter • do this with pen, pencil, or crayon • ...
Pomoću imena njihovog filma pogodi glumca 2022-06-09
20 Clues: Dune • Thor • Titanic • Euphoria • Ladybird • Maleficent • La la land • Spiderman 3 • Black widow • Mary Poppins • Pretty woman • Hunger games • Little women • Harry Potter • Amazing Spiderman • Highschool musical • Pirates of caribbean • The princess diaries • Spiderman no way home • The devil wears prada
Corona Spiderman 2021-12-26
- very fat, very overweight n. obesity
- : 만성적인 long-term, incurable, long-standing
- widespread, prevalent, pervasive, universial,전국적인 유행병
- director, 처장, 장관
- score: 득점을 기록하다, 채점하다
- announced, issued 발표되다 (영화 등)개봉, (음반,서적)출시. 발매
- influence, work on 영향을 미치다
- group of people who are chosen to make rules, law of decisions about
- 반복적인
- (순식간에 )타오름, 도짐
- modest9적당한), mild(가벼운), reasonable,
- to be more than (something or something) in number
- passenger, daily traveller, 통근자
- very popular, prevail, 성행
- slaughter 살육, 대량학살
- top: 바지 부분 위로 불룩 튀어나온 뱃살
- gather, acquire, collect, accumulate
- epidemic: contagious, infectious
18 Clues: 반복적인 • (순식간에 )타오름, 도짐 • director, 처장, 장관 • slaughter 살육, 대량학살 • score: 득점을 기록하다, 채점하다 • top: 바지 부분 위로 불룩 튀어나온 뱃살 • very popular, prevail, 성행 • influence, work on 영향을 미치다 • passenger, daily traveller, 통근자 • epidemic: contagious, infectious • modest9적당한), mild(가벼운), reasonable, • very fat, very overweight n. obesity • gather, acquire, collect, accumulate • ...
spiderman 2023-06-11
spiderdads crosswords 2023-12-18
- The food Peter loves
- Peter's bed was a
- Bitten by
- The best daughter in the multiverse
- In Miguel's mouth
- Place where Miguel worked at
- NYC's friendly neighbor
- Spiderman 2099's last name
- A usb device
- A month and an aunt
- Spiderman 616's last name
- The fate of the
- What miguel loves to do
- Greasy and Italian
- Where does Spiderman operate?
- Best food from HQ's cafeteria
- A sense, a tingle
- An event that has to happen
- Miguel scratches with these
- Pink and soft
20 Clues: Bitten by • A usb device • Pink and soft • The fate of the • Peter's bed was a • In Miguel's mouth • A sense, a tingle • Greasy and Italian • A month and an aunt • The food Peter loves • What miguel loves to do • NYC's friendly neighbor • Spiderman 616's last name • Spiderman 2099's last name • An event that has to happen • Miguel scratches with these • Place where Miguel worked at • ...
Pomoću imena njihovog filma pogodi glumca 2022-06-09
20 Clues: Dune • Thor • Titanic • Euphoria • Ladybird • Maleficent • La la land • Spiderman 3 • Black widow • Mary Poppins • Pretty woman • Hunger games • Little women • Harry Potter • Amazing Spiderman • Highschool musical • Pirates of caribbean • The princess diaries • Spiderman no way home • The devil wears prada
Spiderman 2024-03-21
- MJ’s last name
- Shapeshifting villain The___
- 2002 Spider-Man actor
- Spider-Man’s best friend ___ Osborn
- “With great power comes great ____”
- Spider-Man’s alter ego
- The ___ says “you’re a fool Spider-Man”
- Spider-Man’s primary location
- 2017 Spider-Man actor
- Spider-Man’s alien symbiote archenemy
- The ____ is the first villain Spider-Man faces in “The amazing Spider-Man”
11 Clues: MJ’s last name • 2017 Spider-Man actor • 2002 Spider-Man actor • Spider-Man’s alter ego • Shapeshifting villain The___ • Spider-Man’s primary location • Spider-Man’s best friend ___ Osborn • “With great power comes great ____” • Spider-Man’s alien symbiote archenemy • The ___ says “you’re a fool Spider-Man” • ...
Pomoću imena njihovog filma pogodi glumca 2022-06-09
23 Clues: Thor • Dune • Joker • Titanic • Ladybird • Euphoria • Mamma mia • La la land • Maleficent • Twililight • Spiderman 3 • Black widow • Hunger games • Little women • Harry Potter • Pretty woman • Mary Poppins • Amazing Spiderman • Highschool musical • The princess diaries • Pirates of caribbean • Spiderman no way home • The devil wears prada
Spiderman 2024-06-28
10 Clues: Symbiotic foe • May Peter's aunt • Web-slinging hero • Ben Peter's uncle • Jane Love interest • York Spiderman's city • Spiderman's last name • Ock Tentacled villain • Bugle Peter's workplace • Goblin Nemesis with glider
Spiderman 2023-04-15
- He has the same powers as Spider-Man
- Octopus Originally a brilliant scientist
- First super-villain Spider-Man ever encountered
- Parker spiderman also known as
- He became a supervillain after his body merged with sand
- A master of illusion
- An inventor who created mechanical wings
- He is a radical trickster
- Originally a lineman for an electric company
- Peter Parker's uncle
10 Clues: A master of illusion • Peter Parker's uncle • He is a radical trickster • Parker spiderman also known as • He has the same powers as Spider-Man • An inventor who created mechanical wings • Octopus Originally a brilliant scientist • Originally a lineman for an electric company • First super-villain Spider-Man ever encountered • ...
Superheroes 2016-03-10
20 Clues: Thor • Wasp • Hulk • Flash • Joker • Robin • Antman • Batman • Falcon • Riddler • Ironman • Aquaman • Superman • Wolverine • Spiderman • Daredevil • Wonderwoman • GreenLantern • FantasticFour • CaptainAmerica
Crossword for Lit 2022-11-22
- died when he was young
- his ability that makes him fast
- what his fake mom's name
- What he does when he isn't spiderman
- what he wanted to be called at the start
- what spiderman swings on
- His girlfriend
- His superhero friend in an iron suit
- spiderman name
- Where he lives
- His man in the chair
- something heros where
- the group he joined
- that spiderman fights
- A crime-fighting insect
15 Clues: spiderman name • Where he lives • His girlfriend • the group he joined • His man in the chair • something heros where • that spiderman fights • died when he was young • A crime-fighting insect • what his fake mom's name • what spiderman swings on • his ability that makes him fast • What he does when he isn't spiderman • His superhero friend in an iron suit • ...
Marvel Movie Tag-Lines 2023-10-01
17 Clues: thor(4) • thor(2) • thor(3) • shang-chi • ant-man(2) • avengers(3) • avengers(4) • avengers(2) • spiderman(3) • spiderman(1) • spiderman(2) • blackpanther(2) • doctorstrange(2) • captainamerica(3) • captain america(2) • captain america(1) • ant-man and the wasp(3)
Spiderman 2024-06-28
10 Clues: Symbiotic foe • May Peter's aunt • Web-slinging hero • Ben Peter's uncle • Jane Love interest • York Spiderman's city • Spiderman's last name • Ock Tentacled villain • Bugle Peter's workplace • Goblin Nemesis with glider
Spiderman 2023-05-25
- Um welche Art von film handelt es sich bei Spiderman
- Verbündete von Spiderman mit Vornamen
- Bei wem kam der Film gut an?
- Wann segnete Peter Parker das Zeitliche?
- Was ist der Spiderman?
- Wer schrieb den Bericht mit Vornamen?
- Über was erstreckte sich die Handlung
- Was fanden sie musste geändert werden?
- Wie heißt der Nachfolger von Peter Parker mit Vorname?
- Wie viele Regisseure und Drehbuchautoren gibt es?
10 Clues: Was ist der Spiderman? • Bei wem kam der Film gut an? • Wer schrieb den Bericht mit Vornamen? • Über was erstreckte sich die Handlung • Verbündete von Spiderman mit Vornamen • Was fanden sie musste geändert werden? • Wann segnete Peter Parker das Zeitliche? • Wie viele Regisseure und Drehbuchautoren gibt es? • Um welche Art von film handelt es sich bei Spiderman • ...
Marvel Crossword 2022-12-24
Superheroes 2024-11-22
- From Wakanda
- The least favorite Avenger
- Rich Playboy
- Named after a venomous spider
- Friendly Neighborhood
- Weakness is kryptonite
- Mr. America
- Lawyer Hulk
- God of Lightning
- King of the Sea
- A teenager who was turned into a robot
- Weakness is anything yellow
- Uses a rope to get the truth out
- Detective’s sidekick.
- Always Angry
- Black Teenage Spiderman
- Pink Female Spiderman
- Iron man but USA
- Lives in Gotham
- Fastest superhero
20 Clues: Mr. America • Lawyer Hulk • From Wakanda • Rich Playboy • Always Angry • King of the Sea • Lives in Gotham • Iron man but USA • God of Lightning • Fastest superhero • Detective’s sidekick. • Pink Female Spiderman • Friendly Neighborhood • Weakness is kryptonite • Black Teenage Spiderman • The least favorite Avenger • Weakness is anything yellow • Named after a venomous spider • ...
super heroes 2013-06-17
- captain americas war
- spidermans real name
- supermans hometown
- feline women
- superman enemy
- i'm green & good
- my other name is bruce
- web shooter
- batmans sidekick
- comic brand
- stark industries
- thors weapon
- evil spiderman
- how many are fantastic?
- daily ?
- man of steel
- spiderman home
- i'm green & bad
- news reporter
- big smile villain
- superhero team
- turns to dust
- Professor?
- gotham madhouse
- M in MJ
25 Clues: daily ? • M in MJ • Professor? • web shooter • comic brand • man of steel • feline women • thors weapon • news reporter • turns to dust • spiderman home • superman enemy • superhero team • evil spiderman • i'm green & bad • gotham madhouse • i'm green & good • batmans sidekick • stark industries • big smile villain • supermans hometown • captain americas war • spidermans real name • my other name is bruce • ...
Spiderman 2022-02-14
9 Clues: Jamie Fox • Peters uncle • Son of Venom • flying green guy • peters love intrest • Spidermans real name • What spiderman shoots • What bit peter parker • City spiderman lives in
Marvel (mostly spiderman) 2023-04-28
- symbol on spiderman's chest
- The first marvel movie tom holland appeared in as spiderman
- harry ___ Hogan
- the first MJ's full name?
- with great __ comes great __
- who is the first spiderman?
- british actor who plays spiderman?
- the mj played by Zendaya, full name?
- wizard peter goes to in no way home
- aunt May is killed by __ in no way home
- who is the actor of green goblin?
- Actor of Mysterio in Spiderman far from home
- who is spiderman's girlfriend in No way home?
- "octopus" villain in spiderman 2 and spederman no way home?
- "proof that tony stark has a ____"
- spiderman's new suit that Tony Stark made him is made out of __
16 Clues: harry ___ Hogan • the first MJ's full name? • symbol on spiderman's chest • who is the first spiderman? • with great __ comes great __ • who is the actor of green goblin? • "proof that tony stark has a ____" • british actor who plays spiderman? • wizard peter goes to in no way home • the mj played by Zendaya, full name? • aunt May is killed by __ in no way home • ...
Spiderman characters :) 2024-05-16
- The Red Son of the symbiotes
- The greatest hunter
- The vision decieving illusion
- behind the webbed mask
- The green reptile of venom
- The symbiote of black
- Man's friendly neighbor
- the strongest forehead
- The shocking death
- The pinned king of crime
- A scientific reptile
- A terrible girlfriend
- electricity like a spark
- The gray armored moving wall
- The new shocking spider-man
15 Clues: The shocking death • The greatest hunter • A scientific reptile • A terrible girlfriend • The symbiote of black • the strongest forehead • behind the webbed mask • Man's friendly neighbor • The pinned king of crime • electricity like a spark • The green reptile of venom • The new shocking spider-man • The Red Son of the symbiotes • The gray armored moving wall • ...
Spidey Crossword Challenge 2024-11-23
- Spiderman protects this place
- The creature that gave Spiderman his powers
- Superhero who shoots webs
- Used by Spiderman to swing across buildings
- Spiderman fights against these bad guys
- Spiderman's ability to move up walls
- A person who saves the day, like Spiderman
- Spiderman does this between buildings
- He wears this to hide his identity
- Spiderman's real name
- The company that created Spiderman
11 Clues: Spiderman's real name • Superhero who shoots webs • Spiderman protects this place • He wears this to hide his identity • The company that created Spiderman • Spiderman's ability to move up walls • Spiderman does this between buildings • Spiderman fights against these bad guys • A person who saves the day, like Spiderman • The creature that gave Spiderman his powers • ...
Marvel charecters 2022-02-17
- The supersoldiers best friend
- Thor and lokis evil sister
- Very strong
- Thor _________ (Movie)
- Spiderman's initials
- A version of spiderman
- First spiderman
- fought hulk in the incredible hulk movie
- Red version of venom
- Uses a bow and arrow
- a wizard(hint was a paramedic)
- Has collected all infinity stones
- Leader of the guardians of the galaxy
- God of thunder
- Natasha also known as _________
- Swings around with webs
- Non hulk version
- Has a suit of armor
- God of mischife
- A supersoldier (first avenger)
20 Clues: Very strong • God of thunder • First spiderman • God of mischife • Non hulk version • Has a suit of armor • Spiderman's initials • Red version of venom • Uses a bow and arrow • Thor _________ (Movie) • A version of spiderman • Swings around with webs • Thor and lokis evil sister • The supersoldiers best friend • A supersoldier (first avenger) • a wizard(hint was a paramedic) • ...
spiderman 2022-03-22
9 Clues: mean and green • nerd aka spiderman • electric lightning • red dude shoots webs • most recent spiderman • shoots far,white and sticky • tenticles spiremans worst emeny • old, lame, webs are in his body • best spiderman yellow eyes he makes his own webs
Spiderman 2022-01-10
SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING (2017) 2023-04-06
15 Clues: MJ actor • Peter's BFF • Bird of prey • Peter's crush • Crash landing • Aunt May actor • Spiderman actor • Vulture & Batman • What Peter quits • Salvage contractor • Spiderman alter ego • Vulture cuts in half • Type of tech Toomes kept • Where students are trapped • Where Tony takes Spiderman
spiderman n' stuff 2023-10-20
- peter's friend
- sara
- an unrealated superhero named after an animal
- ethnic spiderman
- Peter's father figure
- what do spiders create?
- the amazing spiderman
- sheep with horns
- green goblin
- the newest spiderman actor
- spidermans girlfriend
- the color of spiderman's suit
- spiderman's name
- Clint marco
- spidermans town
15 Clues: sara • Clint marco • green goblin • peter's friend • spidermans town • ethnic spiderman • spiderman's name • sheep with horns • spidermans girlfriend • Peter's father figure • the amazing spiderman • what do spiders create? • the newest spiderman actor • the color of spiderman's suit • an unrealated superhero named after an animal
September 3, 2023 <3 2023-09-04
K + J 2024-11-11
28 Clues: one • blog • mets • dorm • flute • vball • paris • water • choir • pizza • mabel • sonic • croix • dolly • giants • tinder • subrau • disney • pumpkin • sally's • beatles • gilmore • barnard • gamecube • westconn • skoochie • spiderman • bluesbros
Spider-Man 2023-01-20
- The eight armed villain
- Who brought all spidermen into the same universe
- The lizard (Andrew Gairfield)
- Who is kingpin
- The first and most well known symbiote.
- The actor who played the spiderman who failed to save his girlfriend.
- Peter Parkers first enemy (Toby Maguire)
- Who is the first Green Goblin (Toby Maguire)
- Spiderman's Girlfriend (Andrew Garfield)
- Spiderman's Girlfriend (Tom Holland)
- What is the thing that turned someone into the Green goblin?(Toby Maguire)
- The big science corporation in almost everything to do with spiderman aka comics, series and almost every movie.
- A group of Spiderman's enemies who fight Spiderman collectively.
- Martin Li
- The new spiderman
- Herman Schultz
- Who did Peter Parkers actions end up killing
- Maxwell Dillon
- Peter Parkers best friend (Tom Holland)
- Spiderman's Girlfriend (Comics and Toby Maguire)
- Peter Parkers best friend (Toby Maguire)
21 Clues: Martin Li • Herman Schultz • Who is kingpin • Maxwell Dillon • The new spiderman • The eight armed villain • The lizard (Andrew Gairfield) • Spiderman's Girlfriend (Tom Holland) • The first and most well known symbiote. • Peter Parkers best friend (Tom Holland) • Peter Parkers first enemy (Toby Maguire) • Peter Parkers best friend (Toby Maguire) • ...
Emily 2020-12-05
30 Clues: SMU • goal • covid • maizy • muggle • soccer • kindle • cooper • frenzy • dragons • amongus • wilmeth • mckinney • macaroni • valverde • february • linguini • hogwarts • radcliff • minecraft • spiderman • california • dumbledore • foursquare • bahamabucks • mandalorian • pandaexpress • dallascowboys • deathlyhallows • thebigbangtheory
Superhero Crossword 2013-12-05
15 Clues: hulk • thor • flash • robin • cyborg • batman • ironman • superman • spiderman • wolverine • supersammy • blackwidow • wonderwoman • greenlantern • captainamerica
spiderman 2019-06-16
8 Clues: Name of Spiderman • Author of Spiderman • Spiderman's nickname • Italian word for "spider" • city where Spiderman lives • the colour of Peter Parker's hair • the colours of Spiderman's costume • Who bullied Spiderman in high school
Mario 2021-12-31
- Nome della bimba che non sopporti
- Cristiana, DC, Personaggio
- Secondo Spiderman
- Loki, Cubo
- Bambina, Strada mattoni gialla, Cinema
- Attuale Spiderman
- Aracnide, Red Room, Assassina
- Thanos, aggettivo, snap
- Insegnante, giapponese, maestro
- Fumetto infinito, tesoro, pirati
- The last of us, comprato per il lavoro
- Primo Spiderman
- Musica che mette su sempre la Cri in macchina
- Band virtuale, li ascolti grazie a Greta
- Vedova, Falco, Esplosione
- Lavoro
- Turno di notte, casa grande, Gardone
- Dinosauri, We Were on a Break
- lo hanno usato Thanos, Tony e Bruce
- Appena uscito, ti ha apparentemente deluso
- Serie tv che adori tantissimo
- Joel, Tommy e
22 Clues: Lavoro • Loki, Cubo • Joel, Tommy e • Primo Spiderman • Secondo Spiderman • Attuale Spiderman • Thanos, aggettivo, snap • Vedova, Falco, Esplosione • Cristiana, DC, Personaggio • Dinosauri, We Were on a Break • Serie tv che adori tantissimo • Aracnide, Red Room, Assassina • Insegnante, giapponese, maestro • Fumetto infinito, tesoro, pirati • Nome della bimba che non sopporti • ...
Villians 2013-06-18
13 Clues: ahhhh • tentacles • eddy brock • a symbiote • iron man 2 • spiderman 1 • cletus casady • ironman 3 enemy • a firey catastrophe • the incredible hulk • spiderman 2099s emnemy • atrocity for spiderman • another name for bank robber
spider man 2023-02-08
10 Clues: glavni lik • ime spidermana • njegov pomocnik • spidermanova cura • prvi spiderman glumac • zlikovac sa krakovima • drugi spiderman glumac • crni zlocesti spiderman • zadnji spiderman glumac • zlikovac na letecoj dasci
Lets know our colleagues - GCT India 2020-11-24
- New accounts manager
- White Tiger of spiderman team
- newly wedlock
- bring in quality in what we do
- Doctor of Battery systems
- Stars in medical eye
- Motive's ram
- Iron man of Spiderman team
- hardware ka baap
- colleague name starts with letter "L"
- scrum master
- Medical domain powered by him and his team
- The big boss
- Spiderman of software web
- Magnet to attract more customers
- keeps lab operational
16 Clues: scrum master • The big boss • Motive's ram • newly wedlock • hardware ka baap • New accounts manager • Stars in medical eye • keeps lab operational • Spiderman of software web • Doctor of Battery systems • Iron man of Spiderman team • White Tiger of spiderman team • bring in quality in what we do • Magnet to attract more customers • colleague name starts with letter "L" • ...
Villians 2021-12-03
- Princess and the Frog
- Thor brother
- Spiderman villin
- Cinderella
- Tangled
- snow white
- IT
- peter pan
- Beauty and the Beast
- Thor's "sister"
- Alice in Wonderland
- Superman
- endgame
- 101 dollmations
- Lion king
- Scarlet Witch dad
- monsters inc
- Aladin
- sleeping beauty
- Hercules
- Frozen
- Venom and Spiderman villin
- batman
- little mermaid
24 Clues: IT • Aladin • Frozen • batman • Tangled • endgame • Hercules • Superman • Lion king • peter pan • Cinderella • snow white • Thor brother • monsters inc • little mermaid • 101 dollmations • sleeping beauty • Thor's "sister" • Spiderman villin • Scarlet Witch dad • Alice in Wonderland • Beauty and the Beast • Princess and the Frog • Venom and Spiderman villin
- How was Peter feeling when he walked away after the man didn't give his the money?
- What did Aunt May and Uncle Ben give Peter after his mother and father die?
- There are fifteen of these and they are special.
- Something that you read to find out facts about people, places and things.
- To complete something from beginning to end.
- A place where lots of people live, work and play. There are many buildings, houses, businesses and cars.
- What city of America is the story of Spiderman set? (2)
- He doesn't care about the people of the city. (2)
- Peter Parker wears these to help him see clearly.
- To not get along, to hurt someone with words or physically.
- What is the name of the character with the white hair at the end of chapter 3? (2)
- To not be breathing anymore.
- How many thousands of dollars were offered for a fight for three minutes?
- The brother of your mother or father.
- How did Uncle Ben die?
- You get this when you mix blue with red.
- To not be the same.
- To capture what happened in an image, but not a drawing.
- Created to move around and to trap food to eat.
- Who is Harry's best friend?
20 Clues: To not be the same. • How did Uncle Ben die? • Who is Harry's best friend? • To not be breathing anymore. • The brother of your mother or father. • You get this when you mix blue with red. • To complete something from beginning to end. • Created to move around and to trap food to eat. • There are fifteen of these and they are special. • ...
Marvel 2022-01-25
- his death brings the avengers together
- first name of first spiderman
- reveled spidermans identity
- perfected his magic trick in wanda vision
- the new sorcerer supreme
- who kills jarvis.
- made pym particals
- destroys asgard
- first name of second spiderman
- last name of the villian in iron man
- katherine han plays this charater
- female loki
- kid dressed as iron man in iron man 2
- villain in ant man and the wasp
- michael b jorden
- first name of character in thor 1 and 2 and wandavision
- kills aunt may
- villian in thor 2
- enemy of the kree
- villian in spiderman 2
- adrian tooms alter ego
- evil spider man
- broke his hands
- goes with thor in endgame
- villian in the incredible hulk
- captian marvels kree name
- tony starks father
- played by sebastion stan
- villian in black widow
- head of hydra
- last name of usa agent
- thors girfriend
- wandas robot husband
- villain in civil war
- takes over asgard in engame
- peter quills dad
- blackwidows sister
- green goblin
- first name of kid in iron man 3
- head of the kree
- made the avengers
- the first to dust in infinity war
- thors mom
- first name of third spiderman
44 Clues: thors mom • female loki • green goblin • head of hydra • kills aunt may • destroys asgard • thors girfriend • evil spider man • broke his hands • peter quills dad • michael b jorden • head of the kree • who kills jarvis. • made the avengers • villian in thor 2 • enemy of the kree • tony starks father • made pym particals • blackwidows sister • wandas robot husband • villain in civil war • ...
Spider man quiz 2021-01-18
9 Clues: what name of spider man • who is owner of spiderman • spiderman symbiote villan • who is friend of spiderman • what's name of spiderman gf • what's name of spiderman aunt • who is 1st villan of spiderman • how many reboots in spiderman series • who is playing character of spiderman in the first series
Superhero Crossword 2013-12-05
cute actors 2024-01-11
17 Clues: ugly • thor • conrad • sharkboy • superman • deadpool • spiderman • cole effect • whistle meme • the notebook • captain america • green goblins son • dont worry darling • original spiderman • dean on supernatural • all too well short film • laurie from little women
Spider man quiz 2021-01-18
9 Clues: what name of spider man • who is owner of spiderman • spiderman symbiote villan • who is friend of spiderman • what's name of spiderman gf • what's name of spiderman aunt • who is 1st villan of spiderman • how many reboots in spiderman series • who is playing character of spiderman in the first series
spiderman 2022-09-08
- having the power to move heavy things
- the best superhero in marvel
- something fragile a spider makes
- to run up walls to hide from people
- to grab a wall with out falling to get away
- is Spiderman's friend he loves to build lego
- a banana to grab it so it does not hit him
- is Spiderman's girl friend she is alway safe
8 Clues: the best superhero in marvel • something fragile a spider makes • to run up walls to hide from people • having the power to move heavy things • a banana to grab it so it does not hit him • to grab a wall with out falling to get away • is Spiderman's friend he loves to build lego • is Spiderman's girl friend she is alway safe
Marvel 2023-02-19
- "I am Iron Man"
- He swings and climbs walls
- The name of the man playing Thor
- Thor's brother, also the God of mischief
- The God of Thunder
- The American Actor who plays The Amazing Spiderman, and appears in Spiderman: No Way Home
- The first American Spiderman actor who appears in Spiderman: No Way Home
- Thor's girlfriend who dies in Thor: Love and Thunder
- The name of the British actor playing Spiderman
- Sorcerer who has the Time Stone
- Big, strong, green one, also known as Bruce Banner
11 Clues: "I am Iron Man" • The God of Thunder • He swings and climbs walls • Sorcerer who has the Time Stone • The name of the man playing Thor • Thor's brother, also the God of mischief • The name of the British actor playing Spiderman • Big, strong, green one, also known as Bruce Banner • Thor's girlfriend who dies in Thor: Love and Thunder • ...
Supereroi 2022-05-03
- il robot della DC
- il supereroe verde
- ha 2 bracciali d'oro
- ha il martello di thor nell'endgame
- il più veloce della DC
- è un mago
- il film di spiderman del 2012
- il supereroe immortale della marvel
- il dio della DC
- un simbionte rosso (nemico di venom)
- il nemico di spiderman (tobey) in spiderman 3
- il nemico della justice league
- ha la gemma della mente in fronte
- è il nemico principale degli avengers
- è un "supereroe pianta" degli avengers
- è il dio degli avengers
- il nemico principale di captain america nella civil war
- è una pantera nera
18 Clues: è un mago • il dio della DC • il robot della DC • il supereroe verde • è una pantera nera • ha 2 bracciali d'oro • il più veloce della DC • è il dio degli avengers • il film di spiderman del 2012 • il nemico della justice league • ha la gemma della mente in fronte • il supereroe immortale della marvel • ha il martello di thor nell'endgame • un simbionte rosso (nemico di venom) • ...
Get to know Noelle Worksheet 2023-09-17
15 Clues: Age • Birth month • Middle name • Favorite pet • Favorite song • Favorite sport • Favorite color • Favorite drink • Favorite brand • Favorite animal • Favorite season • Favorite artist • Favorite Holiday • Favorite superhero • morales Favorite spiderman
Supereroi 2022-05-03
- è un mago
- ha il martello di thor nell'endgame
- il nemico della justice league
- il più veloce della DC
- un simbionte rosso (nemico di venom)
- ha 2 bracciali d'oro
- è il nemico principale degli avengers
- il nemico di spiderman (tobey) in spiderman 3
- è una pantera nera
- il film di spiderman del 2012
- ha la gemma della mente in fronte
- il supereroe verde
- è il dio degli avengers
- il nemico principale di captain america nella civil war
- il supereroe immortale della marvel
- il robot della DC
- il dio della DC
- è un "supereroe pianta" degli avengers
18 Clues: è un mago • il dio della DC • il robot della DC • è una pantera nera • il supereroe verde • ha 2 bracciali d'oro • il più veloce della DC • è il dio degli avengers • il film di spiderman del 2012 • il nemico della justice league • ha la gemma della mente in fronte • ha il martello di thor nell'endgame • il supereroe immortale della marvel • un simbionte rosso (nemico di venom) • ...
Spider-Man Characters 2024-09-04
- Previous photographer for the Daily Planet who is now trying to get revenge on Spiderman and Peter Parker with his newfound colleague.
- A clone of Peter Parker created by the Jackal.
- A robber who's molecular structure has been altered due to underwater radiation and untested underwater generators.
- A member of the maggia with the top of his head reconstructed with animantium.
- An indestructible thug that works for the maggia.
- A name that has been taken by multiple people. The uncle of a later superhero, or a normal old guy who needed some money, who in another universe is a rock n' roll webslinger.
- A scientist fused with machinery.
- Leader of the criminal underworld and enemy of Spiderman, Daredevil, and Punisher.
- A scientist looking to cure his disease contracted from bats but ends up reconstructing his DNA in the process.
- Brilliant scientist turned insane by an untested super syrum.
- A red haired girl who dates Spiderman.
- Peters former college friend turned brainwashed lunatic.
- Scientist turned monster after trying to use neogenetics to help himself.
- A crook hired by other villains to take down Spiderman with energy blasts.
- A freelance photographer working for the Daily Bugle to find out how Peter Parker gets the pictures of Spiderman, but is later turned into a monster to try and kill Spiderman.
- Peters girlfreind in one universe, but in the other, a crime fighting spider.
16 Clues: A scientist fused with machinery. • A red haired girl who dates Spiderman. • A clone of Peter Parker created by the Jackal. • An indestructible thug that works for the maggia. • Peters former college friend turned brainwashed lunatic. • Brilliant scientist turned insane by an untested super syrum. • ...
cute actors 2024-01-11
15 Clues: ugly • thor • conrad • deadpool • superman • spiderman • the notebook • whistle meme • not an actor • captain america • green goblins son • original spiderman • dean on supernatural • all too well short film • laurie from little women
Marvel DC 2024-01-19
- Virginia Potts' nickname (6)
- SHIELD agent, Maria ____ (4)
- The Allfather (4)
- Sorcerer Supreme and guardian of the mystical
- Friendly neighborhood wall-crawler
- Russian Hunter who killed spider man (
- Vision's source of consciousness
- Professor X's powerful psychic ability
- Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist (4,3)
- Gamma-powered scientist with a mean streak
- Devil of hells kitchen
- Agent of SHIELD that moved from the screen to the page (4,7)
- Android Avenger
- Mechanical-armed Spider-Man villain (6,7)
- Minuscule alter-ego of Hank Pym, Scott Lang and Eric O'Grady (6)
- Asgardian prince with a mighty hammer
- The Sub-Mariner (5)
- Skilled marksman and founding Avenger
- Spiderman Villian spin off movie success (5)
- Spiderman Villian spin off movie flop (7)
- Norse deity with a mischievous streak
21 Clues: Android Avenger • The Allfather (4) • The Sub-Mariner (5) • Devil of hells kitchen • Virginia Potts' nickname (6) • SHIELD agent, Maria ____ (4) • Vision's source of consciousness • Friendly neighborhood wall-crawler • Asgardian prince with a mighty hammer • Skilled marksman and founding Avenger • Norse deity with a mischievous streak • Russian Hunter who killed spider man ( • ...
Spider-Man 🕸💥 2022-09-04
- Who played the role of Peter Parker in the first Spiderman film?
- Who was Peter Parker’s girlfriend in the Amazing Spiderman?
- What was Peter Parker’s job in the the Spiderman trilogy?
- What was the first movie Spider-Man was seen in the MCU?
- Who created Spiderman?
- Who designed the first spiderman costume?
- Who was the founder of Oscorp?
- Who was the villian in Spiderman into the Spiderverse?
- Who played Spider-Man in the MCU?
- What special suit was made for Spider-Man by Tony Stark?
10 Clues: Who created Spiderman? • Who was the founder of Oscorp? • Who played Spider-Man in the MCU? • Who designed the first spiderman costume? • Who was the villian in Spiderman into the Spiderverse? • What special suit was made for Spider-Man by Tony Stark? • What was the first movie Spider-Man was seen in the MCU? • What was Peter Parker’s job in the the Spiderman trilogy? • ...
Marvel Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-28
16 Clues: Mjolnir • grape man • soul stone • I AM _____ • him and wanda • Wanda Maximoff • thor’s brother • him and gamora • her and starlord • Wakanda Forever! • Archery and Bows • Him and Spiderman • he destroys things • smash, smash, smash! • multiverse of madness • Tom Holland, Toby Maguire
Spider-Man Characters 2024-09-04
- A member of the maggia with the top of his head reconstructed with animantium.
- A scientist looking to cure his disease contracted from bats but ends up changing his DNA in the process giving him superpowers.
- Peters girlfreind in one universe, but in the other, a crime fighting spider.
- A freelance photographer working for the Daily Bugle to find out how Peter Parker gets the pictures of Spiderman, but is later turned into a monster to try and kill Spiderman.
- Scientist turned monster after trying to use neogenetics to help himself.
- Brilliant scientist turned insane by an untested super syrum.
- Previous photographer for the Daily Bugle who is now trying to get revenge on Spiderman and Peter Parker with his newfound colleague.
- A name that has been taken by multiple people. The uncle of a later superhero, or a normal guy who needed some money, who in another universe is a rock n' roll webslinger.
- Peters former college friend turned brainwashed lunatic.
- A red haired girl who dates Spiderman.
- An indestructible thug that works for the maggia.
- A thief who's molecular structure has been altered due to underwater radiation and untested underwater generators.
- A clone of Peter Parker created by the Jackal.
- A crook hired by other villains to take down Spiderman with energy blasts.
- A scientist fused with machinery.
- Leader of the criminal underworld and enemy of Spiderman, Daredevil, and Punisher.
16 Clues: A scientist fused with machinery. • A red haired girl who dates Spiderman. • A clone of Peter Parker created by the Jackal. • An indestructible thug that works for the maggia. • Peters former college friend turned brainwashed lunatic. • Brilliant scientist turned insane by an untested super syrum. • ...
Spiderman 2023-05-09
7 Clues: ¿Quién es spiderman? • ¿Quién fue el mentor de spiderman? • ¿Quién es el creador de spiderman? • ¿Quién es la novia de Peter Parker? • ¿Quién es el mejor amigo de Peter Parker? • ¿Quién es el villano más icónico de spiderman? • ¿Nombre del actor que hace a spiderman en la última película?
Spiderman 3 2022-11-20
Spiderman 2099 2024-06-01
- Este dispositivo es esencial para los viajes interdimensionales
- organizacion la cual spiderman 2099 es lider
- nombre de la inteligencia artificial creada por Miguel Ohara
- intento de crear superhumanos llevo a la alteracion de este aspecto genetico
- El spiderman original que es el modelo a seguir de spiderman 2099
- Miguel Ohara posee estos en sus dientes, usadas para atacar y defenderse
- Este miebro de su familia tiene una relacion complicada con Miguel
- esta ciudad es la misma que la de spiderman pero en el año 2099
- aspecto mexicano que contiene su traje
- este es el nombre con el que Miguel Ohara es conocido
- esta mujer fue su prometida y murio en manos de Venom
11 Clues: aspecto mexicano que contiene su traje • organizacion la cual spiderman 2099 es lider • este es el nombre con el que Miguel Ohara es conocido • esta mujer fue su prometida y murio en manos de Venom • nombre de la inteligencia artificial creada por Miguel Ohara • Este dispositivo es esencial para los viajes interdimensionales • ...
puzzle. 2022-01-21
- follow some laws
- first mayjor on land battel
- 385,000 born worldwide
- nothing in or out
- do not want slaves
- president
- also spiderman
- cold state
- Early version of battel ship
- invented paper
- red fruit
- frees slaves
- is spiderman
- best tv show that in an office
- have slaves remains with union
- sea turtle breed
- self-control
- wants slaves
- goes to the bathroom once every week
19 Clues: red fruit • president • cold state • frees slaves • is spiderman • self-control • wants slaves • also spiderman • invented paper • follow some laws • sea turtle breed • nothing in or out • do not want slaves • 385,000 born worldwide • first mayjor on land battel • Early version of battel ship • best tv show that in an office • have slaves remains with union • goes to the bathroom once every week
Aprender Con Spiderman 2022-02-23
17 Clues: turn • do it • to do • stupid • sweaty • drones • others • attack • welcome • give me • weakness • you lied • to listen • to believe • you kissed • you deceived • get close to
spiderman 2021-03-09
7 Clues: name spiderman auntie name • who is spiderman girlfriend • what is spiderman real name • what comic is spiderman from • name one of spiderman villans • who is spiderman best male friend call • what insect does spiderman get a bite from
Spider-Man 2023-04-13
10 Clues: Symbiote • Spiderman • Peter Parker • Felicia Hardy • Otto Octavius • Norman Osbourn • Uncle Bens Wife • Daily Bugle Boss • Where Spiderman Is From • Red Haired love interest
Peter Gilfedder's House of Games Crossword 2024-01-19
- Friendly neighborhood wall-crawler
- The Allfather (4)
- Sorcerer Supreme and guardian of the mystical
- Gamma-powered scientist with a mean streak
- Spiderman Villian spin off movie flop (7)
- Android Avenger
- Virginia Potts' nickname (6)
- Professor X's powerful psychic ability
- Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist (4,3)
- SHIELD agent, Maria ____ (4)
- Russian Hunter who killed spider man (
- Spiderman Villian spin off movie success (5)
- Skilled marksman and founding Avenger
- Norse deity with a mischievous streak
- Minuscule alter-ego of Hank Pym, Scott Lang and Eric O'Grady (6)
- Mechanical-armed Spider-Man villain (6,7)
- Agent of SHIELD that moved from the screen to the page (4,7)
- Knight Complex vigilante with dissociative identity disorder and ties to the Egyptian moon god
- Devil of hells kitchen
- Asgardian prince with a mighty hammer
- Vision's source of consciousness
- The Sub-Mariner (5)
22 Clues: Android Avenger • The Allfather (4) • The Sub-Mariner (5) • Devil of hells kitchen • Virginia Potts' nickname (6) • SHIELD agent, Maria ____ (4) • Vision's source of consciousness • Friendly neighborhood wall-crawler • Skilled marksman and founding Avenger • Norse deity with a mischievous streak • Asgardian prince with a mighty hammer • Professor X's powerful psychic ability • ...
Across The Spider-Verse 2024-02-23
- Miguel climbs using
- Aaron's secret identity
- SpiderPig
- Villain who wants to be taken seriously
- Spiderman lives in
- Made the first collider
- Miles threw this at a scientist
- Ability Miles has that other spiders don't
- Miguel is from
- Miles' mentor
- Gwen invites Miles to
- Newest spiderman
- Mile's best friend
- SpiderNoir's universe lacks
- This must happen
- Japanese robot suit
- This can stop the collider
- Gwen's dance style
- Hobie Brown
19 Clues: SpiderPig • Hobie Brown • Miles' mentor • Miguel is from • Newest spiderman • This must happen • Mile's best friend • Spiderman lives in • Gwen's dance style • Miguel climbs using • Japanese robot suit • Gwen invites Miles to • Aaron's secret identity • Made the first collider • This can stop the collider • SpiderNoir's universe lacks • Miles threw this at a scientist • ...
Spider-Man No Way Home Crossword Puzzle 2021-12-07
- plays the current role of spiderman
- biggest spiderman fan
- is a villian of spiderman who uses electricity
- universes with spidermen
- director of original spider-man film
- villian with 4 arms
- plays the role of mary jane in new spiderman movies.
- is the aunt of Peter Parker
- spiderman with highest rotten tomato rating
9 Clues: villian with 4 arms • biggest spiderman fan • universes with spidermen • is the aunt of Peter Parker • plays the current role of spiderman • director of original spider-man film • spiderman with highest rotten tomato rating • is a villian of spiderman who uses electricity • plays the role of mary jane in new spiderman movies.
super hiro 2024-06-05
- with retractable adamantium claws: WOLVERINE
- god of thunder: THOR
- princess with a lasso: WONDERWOMAN
- playboy with a secret identity: IRONMAN
- Marvel hero: HULK
- superhero with heat vision: SUPERMAN
- Avenger with mechanical wings: FALCON
- neighborhood superhero: SPIDERMAN
- trusted butler: ALFRED
- superhero with arachnid powers: SPIDERMAN
- hero from Queens: SPIDERMAN
- speedster of Central City: FLASH
12 Clues: Marvel hero: HULK • god of thunder: THOR • trusted butler: ALFRED • hero from Queens: SPIDERMAN • speedster of Central City: FLASH • neighborhood superhero: SPIDERMAN • princess with a lasso: WONDERWOMAN • superhero with heat vision: SUPERMAN • Avenger with mechanical wings: FALCON • playboy with a secret identity: IRONMAN • superhero with arachnid powers: SPIDERMAN • ...
Spiderman 2022-04-04
Spiderman 2099 2024-06-02
- Este es el nombre con el que Miguel Ohara es conocido
- Spiderman 2099 posee estos en sus dientes, usadas para atacar y defenderse
- Es el spiderman original que es el modelo a seguir de Miguel Ohara
- Este miembro de su familia tiene una relacion complicada con Miguel
- Intento de crear superhumanos llevo a la alteracion de un aspceto genetico
- Aspecto mexicano que contiene su traje
- Esta mujer fue su prometida y murio en manos de Venom
- Organizacion la cual spiderman 2099 es lider
- Nombre de la intelgencia artificial creada por Miguel Ohara
- Esta ciudad es la misma que la de spiderman pero en el añp 2099
- este dispositivo es esencial para los viajes interdimensionales
11 Clues: Aspecto mexicano que contiene su traje • Organizacion la cual spiderman 2099 es lider • Este es el nombre con el que Miguel Ohara es conocido • Esta mujer fue su prometida y murio en manos de Venom • Nombre de la intelgencia artificial creada por Miguel Ohara • Esta ciudad es la misma que la de spiderman pero en el añp 2099 • ...
Films R US 2020-01-28
- thor
- findingnemo
- themask
- backtothefuture
- italianjob
- americanpie
- oceans11
- groundhogday
- thegreenmile
- littlemermaid
- topgun
- starwars
- Lion
- sixthsence
- oneflewoverthecockoonest
- Spiderman
- chickenrun
- antz
- bridemaids
- fourweddingandafuneral
- jaws
- planestrainesandautomobiles
- braveheart
- junglebook
- monstersinc
- evanalmighty
- hungergames
- rainman
- bluesbrothers
- wizzardofoz
- danceswithwolves
- kingsspeech
- charlieandthechocolatefactory
- killbill
- Ratatouille
- edwardsissorhands
- kungfupanda
- bugslife
- neverendingstory
- silenceofthelambs
- signs
- pearlharbour
- sleepingbeauty
- hiddenfigures
- beemovie
- angelsanddemons
- meninblack
- davincicode
- up
- cars
50 Clues: up • thor • Lion • antz • jaws • cars • signs • topgun • rainman • themask • killbill • oceans11 • bugslife • starwars • beemovie • Spiderman • italianjob • sixthsence • chickenrun • bridemaids • meninblack • braveheart • junglebook • hungergames • findingnemo • wizzardofoz • kingsspeech • Ratatouille • americanpie • kungfupanda • davincicode • monstersinc • groundhogday • thegreenmile • pearlharbour • evanalmighty • bluesbrothers • littlemermaid • ...
Le vrai spiderman 2020-03-19
Movie Character 2022-01-06
Marvel Knowledge 2020-04-04
- Your best person eveeeeeeerr(me/maker of this)
- Iron man's name
- Director of S.H.I.E.L.D's full name
- Our dog's name
- Benedict Cumberbatch's character
- Gwyneth Paltrow's character
- Scarlet Witch's name
- Tom Hiddleston's character
- Iron man's daughter
- thousand I love you ____(written out in words)
- Hawkeye's name
- spiderman actor(my favorite Spiderman)
- creator of Marvel
- Natasha's super hero name
- Captain America's BFF
- The actor who plays Gale, his brother
- Hulk's real name
- Captain America's real name
- Falcon's real name
- tree guy(baby____)
20 Clues: Our dog's name • Hawkeye's name • Iron man's name • Hulk's real name • creator of Marvel • Falcon's real name • tree guy(baby____) • Iron man's daughter • Scarlet Witch's name • Captain America's BFF • Natasha's super hero name • Tom Hiddleston's character • Captain America's real name • Gwyneth Paltrow's character • Benedict Cumberbatch's character • Director of S.H.I.E.L.D's full name • ...
video games 2021-05-19
Meus super-heróis preferidos 2021-08-19
Meus super-heróis preferidos 2021-08-19
Marvel and DC villans 2023-06-08
- a blue villan who can change to anyone
- A spiderman villan who is a animal
- God of mischief
- He needs a charger
- A simbiote and his hosts name is cletus
- He leads oscorp.
- a villan who killed half of every living being in the universe
- Batmans most famous villan.
- A marvel villan who is very self-fish
- A spiderman villan who is made of a gooey material
- A batman villan who flip alot of coins
- A villan who uses fear as a weapon
- A villan who can control metal.
- an AI who was trying to kill the earth with a meteor
- A spiderman villan who is made of somthing unhuman
- Main supervillan in venom
16 Clues: God of mischief • He leads oscorp. • He needs a charger • Main supervillan in venom • Batmans most famous villan. • A villan who can control metal. • A villan who uses fear as a weapon • A spiderman villan who is a animal • A marvel villan who is very self-fish • A batman villan who flip alot of coins • a blue villan who can change to anyone • ...
Marvel 2021-11-16
- in quale spiderman compare venom per la prima volta
- quante sono le Le Gemme dell'Infinito?
- nome prima armatura iron man
- come si chiama il protagonista di hulk?
- il nome del gatto in captain marvel
- Come si chiama il martello di thor?
- da chi viene usato il martello di thor?
- come si chiama il protagonista di venom?
- Materiale scudo captain america
- nome migliore amico spiderman
- come si chiama il simbionte cattivo di venom2?
- Attore che interpreta spiderman
- chi era bruce banner prima di diventare hulk?
13 Clues: nome prima armatura iron man • nome migliore amico spiderman • Materiale scudo captain america • Attore che interpreta spiderman • il nome del gatto in captain marvel • Come si chiama il martello di thor? • quante sono le Le Gemme dell'Infinito? • da chi viene usato il martello di thor? • come si chiama il protagonista di hulk? • come si chiama il protagonista di venom? • ...
Spiderman spiderman 2022-01-24
5 Clues: Wishy washy weee • Where we eat and say I larb you • Where ned waits for you with his death star • Where you would watch mysterio project his lies • Where spidey would wash out the green goo from his suit
Superheroes crossword puzzle 2024-11-22
- fights the joker
- gave spiderman a new suite
- could turn as small as an ant
- he's green
- the fastest man alive
- has an invisible jet
- has a silver surfboard
- is a sorcerer and a doctor
- uses a bow and arrow
- breaks the fourth wall every time
- is super
- says “Wakanda Forever”
- has an American shield
- don't forget he's invincible
- has a green ring
- has claws in his fists
- can talk to fish
- has an electric hammer
- has a motorcycle that is on fire
- shoots webs
20 Clues: is super • he's green • shoots webs • fights the joker • has a green ring • can talk to fish • has an invisible jet • uses a bow and arrow • the fastest man alive • says “Wakanda Forever” • has an American shield • has claws in his fists • has an electric hammer • has a silver surfboard • gave spiderman a new suite • is a sorcerer and a doctor • don't forget he's invincible • ...
Personaje marvel si DC 2023-10-10
- Este o printesa extraterestra
- Antagonist de nisip
- Fiica lui Trigon
- Are un factor de regenerare foarte puternic
- Ajutorul lui Batman
- Prietena lui Jocker
- Clown malefic
- Un simbiot rosu
- Are un scut
- Inamicul numarul 1 al lui Spiderman
- Are o armura de metal
- Are un inel magic
- A ucis jumatate de univers
- Are un avion invizibil
- A fost muscat de un paianjen
- Locuieste intr o pestera
- Cel mai bun prieten al lui Batman
- Majordomul lui Bruce Wayne
- Pantera neagra
- Poate respira sub apa
- Este facut din vibranium
21 Clues: Are un scut • Clown malefic • Pantera neagra • Un simbiot rosu • Fiica lui Trigon • Are un inel magic • Antagonist de nisip • Ajutorul lui Batman • Prietena lui Jocker • Poate respira sub apa • Are o armura de metal • Are un avion invizibil • Locuieste intr o pestera • Este facut din vibranium • A ucis jumatate de univers • Majordomul lui Bruce Wayne • A fost muscat de un paianjen • ...
DYLAN 2022-01-01
Family Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-15
- Another name for talking to a nun
- Sounds like the word Mayan
- what some people call the priest at a church
- What Linda is to Bob from Bob's Burgers
- What the kid from Home Alone is to his parents
- What Ben is to Spiderman
- What Diego is to Dora from Go Diego Go and Dora the Explorer
- What Richard is to Nicole from The Amazing World of Gumball
- What Lady Tremaine is to Cinderella in Cinderella
- yo mama jokes
- What guys call each other if they are really good friends
- What Darwin is from The Amazing World of Gumball to his family
- Morty's age compared to Rick's age from Rick and Morty
- What you call a person who is older than you by
- What Spiderman is to Uncle Ben
- Who has the pumped up kicks in the song Pumped up Kicks
- Sounds like the word grim
- What May is to Spiderman
- the people your parents talk a lot with at parties
- What Batman doesn't have
20 Clues: yo mama jokes • What Ben is to Spiderman • What May is to Spiderman • What Batman doesn't have • Sounds like the word grim • Sounds like the word Mayan • What Spiderman is to Uncle Ben • Another name for talking to a nun • What Linda is to Bob from Bob's Burgers • what some people call the priest at a church • What the kid from Home Alone is to his parents • ...
Spiderman 2023-02-20
6 Clues: Another word for dot • Across the ___________ • A supernatural spiderman • The opposite of spiderman • Lookout here comes the _________ • Spidermans name in the real world
Monica 22 2022-08-07
13 Clues: Lola è un • Billy è un • Don Peppino • Polignano a • Cadono stasera • Celebrity crush • Spiderman preferito • Il tuo colore preferito • Can't help falling in love • Siamo stati nella loro casa • Se ti pungono pisciaci sopra • Personaggio della marvel che ami • Don Vita Lentini prende ispirazione da
Story Puzzle 2022-11-22
- Where protagonist writes his thoughts
- Rios Job
- Barbra's little cousin
- Name of protagonist
- Place where Jeff works
- Protagonists mom's name
- Animal protagonist was bit by
- Protagonists Girlfriend
- Name of first villian
- Nerdy friend of protagonist
- friend that has known spiderman since he was 3
- Protagonists Dad
- Location of story(borough)
- Uncle Aaron's secret identity
- Hero of story
15 Clues: Rios Job • Hero of story • Protagonists Dad • Name of protagonist • Name of first villian • Barbra's little cousin • Place where Jeff works • Protagonists mom's name • Protagonists Girlfriend • Location of story(borough) • Nerdy friend of protagonist • Uncle Aaron's secret identity • Animal protagonist was bit by • Where protagonist writes his thoughts • ...
spiderman 2022-05-04
6 Clues: il cognome di andrew • lo sono i nemici di spiderman • lo è la fidanzata di spiderman • è morta/o in spiderman no way home • il supercattivo di spiderman che in realtà è buono • diceva:" da grandi poteri derivano grandi responsabilità"
spiderman 2022-05-04
6 Clues: il cognome di andrew • lo sono i nemici di spiderman • lo è la fidanzata di spiderman • è morta/o in spiderman no way home • il supercattivo di spiderman che in realtà è buono • diceva:" da grandi poteri derivano grandi responsabilità"
spiderman 2024-01-30
Spiderman Crossword 2024-11-19
- Peter Parker's girlfriend
- One of the colors of the original Spiderman
- What kind of spider bit Peter Parker?
- where does Spiderman live
- Doctor who has eight robotic legs
- Works as a photographer for the Daily Bugle
- Spiderman's uncle
- How does Spiderman travel around the city so quickly?
- comic book company that released Spiderman in 1962
9 Clues: Spiderman's uncle • Peter Parker's girlfriend • where does Spiderman live • Doctor who has eight robotic legs • What kind of spider bit Peter Parker? • Works as a photographer for the Daily Bugle • One of the colors of the original Spiderman • comic book company that released Spiderman in 1962 • How does Spiderman travel around the city so quickly?
Spiderman Crossword 2024-02-15
- Newspaper Peter Parker works for
- Spiderman's first love interest
- Venom's offspring
- Main villain in "Spiderman: Homecoming"
- "With great power comes great. . ."
- Miles Morales' uncle
- "Get me pictures of . . ."
- Spiderman's hero lawyer
- first name of Peter Parker's high school bully
- Norman Osborn's company
10 Clues: Venom's offspring • Miles Morales' uncle • Spiderman's hero lawyer • Norman Osborn's company • "Get me pictures of . . ." • Spiderman's first love interest • Newspaper Peter Parker works for • "With great power comes great. . ." • Main villain in "Spiderman: Homecoming" • first name of Peter Parker's high school bully
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