spiderman Crossword Puzzles

made by the bbc in ur pants 2022-08-29

made by the bbc in ur pants crossword puzzle
  1. man Tony stark
  2. peterparker
  3. Steve Rogers
  4. clint barton
  5. widow Natasha romonoff
  1. peitro maximoff
  2. witch wanda maximoff
  3. bruce banner

8 Clues: peterparkerSteve Rogersclint bartonbruce bannerman Tony starkpeitro maximoffwitch wanda maximoffwidow Natasha romonoff

JIVE TALK SIX 2013-11-14

JIVE TALK SIX crossword puzzle
  1. In disbelief
  2. Crazy or out-there
  3. To come from
  4. To provide information for a purpose
  1. "It's a _______________ Life"
  2. To convince using good language
  3. beyound ordinary
  4. A sweet deal
  5. To try to win over
  6. "The _____________ Spiderman"
  7. To the limits

11 Clues: In disbeliefA sweet dealTo come fromTo the limitsbeyound ordinaryCrazy or out-thereTo try to win over"It's a _______________ Life""The _____________ Spiderman"To convince using good languageTo provide information for a purpose

Super hreos 2021-04-27

Super hreos crossword puzzle
  1. webslinger
  2. marvel strongest girl avenger
  3. bow and arrow
  4. take people out with one punch
  5. with shield
  1. found mindstone
  2. toke down thanos
  3. hero with metel wings
  4. sharp claws and suit made of viburnum
  5. very strong
  6. owner of the omnitrix

11 Clues: webslingervery strongwith shieldbow and arrowfound mindstonetoke down thanoshero with metel wingsowner of the omnitrixmarvel strongest girl avengertake people out with one punchsharp claws and suit made of viburnum

varbavahe 4.b 2022-04-20

varbavahe 4.b crossword puzzle
  1. lendab võrkudega
  2. siuuuuuuuuu
  3. kangelas filmide studio
  4. tiim mis võitis euroopa jalgpalli võistluse
  1. päeva lill inglise keeles
  2. toilet kuldne wc pott inglis keeles
  3. läheb katki
  4. käib lahti
  5. kõige tugevam telefon eales
  6. koht kus saad vastused igale asjale
  7. keerleb

11 Clues: keerlebkäib lahtiläheb katkisiuuuuuuuuulendab võrkudegakangelas filmide studiopäeva lill inglise keeleskõige tugevam telefon ealestoilet kuldne wc pott inglis keeleskoht kus saad vastused igale asjaletiim mis võitis euroopa jalgpalli võistluse

Trivia One (Skip all spaces) 2023-12-11

Trivia One (Skip all spaces) crossword puzzle
  1. Friendly-neighborhood ________
  2. Batman's greatest foe
  3. Odin's machine of annihilation
  4. Name given to Venom's alien race
  5. Gojo's space-time technique
  6. Thanos' planet
  7. Obito's alter ego
  1. Batman's contingency plan for himself
  2. Toji's innate binding
  3. Sasuke's black flames
  4. Infamous radioactive kaiju

11 Clues: Thanos' planetObito's alter egoToji's innate bindingBatman's greatest foeSasuke's black flamesInfamous radioactive kaijuGojo's space-time techniqueFriendly-neighborhood ________Odin's machine of annihilationName given to Venom's alien raceBatman's contingency plan for himself

PluIsBoL KrUiSwOorD RaAdSeL oF MySteRy!!! 2013-04-16

PluIsBoL KrUiSwOorD RaAdSeL oF MySteRy!!! crossword puzzle
  1. favo bestek
  2. Waar ik woon
  3. Rosse Kater
  4. Merk motor
  5. Kerstmarkt Leuven
  6. Beste jeugdbeweging
  7. Vast contract
  8. Spel(App)
  9. Resto leuven
  10. Mijn broer
  11. Mooiste vrouw van wereld
  12. 3,141592653
  13. Vakantiewerk
  14. mijn geboortejaar
  15. Zwembad
  16. Ziet u graag
  1. www.vunzigesuperheld.web
  2. Pokémon
  3. Laatste cinema film
  4. "ooh geitjes!"
  5. vrijdag frietdag
  6. 15/16/17-08
  7. Favo cinema snack
  8. Online kwaliteitsradio
  9. Alternatieve energie
  10. Stubru 22:00-00:00
  11. Magazine
  12. Dirk's dolle droomauto
  13. Koosnaam
  14. ?€ parkeerboete Leuven
  15. Zus
  16. Eerste ontmoeting

32 Clues: ZusPokémonZwembadMagazineKoosnaamSpel(App)Merk motorMijn broerfavo bestekRosse Kater15/16/17-083,141592653Waar ik woonResto leuvenVakantiewerkZiet u graagVast contract"ooh geitjes!"vrijdag frietdagKerstmarkt LeuvenFavo cinema snackEerste ontmoetingmijn geboortejaarStubru 22:00-00:00Laatste cinema filmBeste jeugdbewegingAlternatieve energie...

Marvel Crossword 2021-03-19

Marvel Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Marvel Creator
  2. God of Mischief
  3. Ant-Man and the...
  4. Avengers archer
  5. ...the Destroyer
  6. Sacrificed by Thanos for the Soul Stone
  7. SHEILD Director
  8. Son of Oden, God of Thunder
  9. Captain America's shield material
  10. Who does IronMan love?
  11. Hulk's alter-ego
  12. Raccoon
  13. Enemy organization of SHIELD
  14. ...ASSEMBLE!
  15. Thor's hammer
  1. Friendly, Neighborhood...
  2. Peter Quill
  3. Defender of Wakanda
  4. aka Natasha Romanoff
  5. Bridge to Asgard
  6. Artificial intelligence gone wrong
  7. The Winter Soldier
  8. I am...
  9. Who was the first Avenger?
  10. Hemsworth, Evans, or Pratt

25 Clues: I am...RaccoonPeter Quill...ASSEMBLE!Thor's hammerMarvel CreatorGod of MischiefAvengers archerSHEILD Director...the DestroyerBridge to AsgardHulk's alter-egoAnt-Man and the...The Winter SoldierDefender of Wakandaaka Natasha RomanoffWho does IronMan love?Friendly, Neighborhood...Who was the first Avenger?Hemsworth, Evans, or Pratt...

main characters with bad description...nerds 2022-02-23

main characters with bad description...nerds crossword puzzle
  1. gum that wants to be king
  2. Adult that hangs around an orphan
  4. TRASH bot
  5. yellow ball eat ghost
  6. talking car
  7. plastic cowboy
  8. fire guy
  9. psycho with a book
  10. Main character with red scar on his head
  11. sewer ninjas
  1. beaver with magical friends
  2. quick blue mammal
  3. old guy with shield
  4. Orphan that beats civilians
  5. plumber
  6. Indian guy with monkey
  7. young slave owners
  8. turns blond when mad
  9. metal dude with PTSD
  10. dude obsessed with VR

21 Clues: plumberfire guyTRASH bottalking carsewer ninjasplastic cowboyquick blue mammalyoung slave ownerspsycho with a bookold guy with shieldturns blond when madmetal dude with PTSDyellow ball eat ghostdude obsessed with VRTEEN WITH STICKY HANDSIndian guy with monkeygum that wants to be kingbeaver with magical friendsOrphan that beats civilians...

Marvel 2022-04-21

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. commander of SHIELD
  2. stones with tons of power
  3. god of mischief
  4. giant grape
  5. steve rogers
  6. tony stark
  7. big and green boi
  8. peter parker
  9. magic user
  10. t'challa
  11. telekinesis user
  12. bruce banner and hulk combined
  13. ruler of asgard
  14. implanted in visions head
  15. evil robot
  1. blackwidow's name
  2. protector of mind stone
  3. protector of time stone
  4. last avengers movie
  5. tony stark's father
  6. fast man
  7. eats planets for breakfast
  8. first avenger
  9. weilder of mjolnir and stormbreaker
  10. creator of marvel
  11. spiderman's guy in the chair

26 Clues: fast mant'challatony starkmagic userevil robotgiant grapesteve rogerspeter parkerfirst avengergod of mischiefruler of asgardtelekinesis userblackwidow's namebig and green boicreator of marvelcommander of SHIELDlast avengers movietony stark's fatherprotector of mind stoneprotector of time stonestones with tons of powerimplanted in visions head...

Marvel Characters 2022-09-07

Marvel Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Poser
  2. Walking Thesaurus
  3. Puny god
  4. Strucker's prized pupil
  5. The Giving Tree
  6. The Jolly Green Giant
  7. The Star Spangled Man with a plan
  8. Peace in our time
  9. Bleecker Street Magician
  10. Little One
  11. Man Who Has Lain With An A'askavariian
  12. White Wolf
  1. Genius billionaire, playboy, philanthropist
  2. The King
  3. The Good Looking Guy in the Sunglasses
  4. Perfect, synthetic, humanoid
  5. Underoos
  6. Jellybean
  7. Twinkle Fists
  8. The prince of Assguard
  9. Archer with the Mohawk
  10. Mad Titan
  11. Trash panda
  12. Tic Tac
  13. Honey Bear

25 Clues: PoserTic TacThe KingPuny godUnderoosJellybeanMad TitanLittle OneWhite WolfHoney BearTrash pandaTwinkle FistsThe Giving TreeWalking ThesaurusPeace in our timeThe Jolly Green GiantThe prince of AssguardArcher with the MohawkStrucker's prized pupilBleecker Street MagicianPerfect, synthetic, humanoidThe Star Spangled Man with a plan...

Marvel Characters 2022-09-07

Marvel Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Underoos
  2. The Good Looking Guy in the Sunglasses
  3. The Star Spangled Man with a plan
  4. Man Who Has Lain With An A'askavariian
  5. The Jolly Green Giant
  6. Walking Thesaurus
  7. White Wolf
  8. Tic Tac
  9. Honey Bear
  10. Poser
  11. The Giving Tree
  12. Archer with the Mohawk
  1. Bleecker Street Magician
  2. Perfect, synthetic, humanoid
  3. Peace in our time
  4. Puny god
  5. Twinkle Fists
  6. The prince of Assguard
  7. Trash panda
  8. Mad Titan
  9. The King
  10. Strucker's prized pupil
  11. Genius billionaire, playboy, philanthropist
  12. Little One

24 Clues: PoserTic TacUnderoosPuny godThe KingMad TitanWhite WolfHoney BearLittle OneTrash pandaTwinkle FistsThe Giving TreePeace in our timeWalking ThesaurusThe Jolly Green GiantThe prince of AssguardArcher with the MohawkStrucker's prized pupilBleecker Street MagicianPerfect, synthetic, humanoidThe Star Spangled Man with a plan...

Ab Reddy Crossword 2022-01-28

Ab Reddy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ragazza del burro
  2. kia kya?
  3. a whole town of restless people
  4. curry with obelixs obsession
  5. wavy hair
  6. deals with the doge i dont trust
  7. loves managers
  8. empire state of mind
  9. owl nation
  10. queen poster
  11. protection from covid is better than cure
  12. abhinaya yaaar
  1. jol khabo
  2. lets dance to diljit
  3. abhinaya muralidharan
  4. benjamins large watch
  5. Abrahams mom
  6. MIA
  7. maker of the scorpion and the shark
  8. of palaces and bungalows
  9. spiderman taxi driver cloverfield
  10. moon walker loud talker
  11. your fancy cars birthplace

23 Clues: MIAkia kya?jol khabowavy hairowl nationAbrahams momqueen posterloves managersabhinaya yaaarragazza del burrolets dance to diljitempire state of mindabhinaya muralidharanbenjamins large watchmoon walker loud talkerof palaces and bungalowsyour fancy cars birthplacecurry with obelixs obsessiona whole town of restless people...

Mobile phone quiz 2021-12-20

Mobile phone quiz crossword puzzle
  1. phone statement
  2. Scandinavian mobiles
  3. a holiday call
  4. camera quality
  5. call duration
  6. business side
  7. portal
  8. how much
  9. type of connection
  10. not stationary
  11. in a galaxy far far away
  12. send me a text
  13. not one sim
  1. mobile fingerprint
  2. USB device
  3. connection in space
  4. mobile manufacturer
  5. lets do lunch
  6. apple system
  7. universal card
  8. to play a video
  9. working extra hours
  10. spiderman had a look
  11. to send a text
  12. abreviation that picks up your voice
  13. leaving code

26 Clues: portalhow muchUSB devicenot one simapple systemleaving codelets do lunchcall durationbusiness sidea holiday callcamera qualityuniversal cardto send a textnot stationarysend me a textphone statementto play a videomobile fingerprinttype of connectionconnection in spacemobile manufacturerworking extra hoursScandinavian mobilesspiderman had a look...

my favorites isaaq.karhani 2019-04-29

my favorites  isaaq.karhani crossword puzzle
  1. my nickname
  2. what position i play in league
  3. my favorite subject
  4. my eye colour
  5. my class
  6. my most prized possesion
  7. my favorite toy
  8. my favorite game
  9. my favourite movie
  1. my best friend
  2. how many family members do i have
  3. my league team
  4. the bravest house elf in harry potter
  5. my favorite ice cream flavour
  6. my favorite villian
  7. my favorite league team
  8. my favorite movie series
  9. my teacher
  10. my favorite animal
  11. what is my pet
  12. my favorite avenger

21 Clues: my classmy teachermy nicknamemy eye colourmy best friendmy league teamwhat is my petmy favorite toymy favorite gamemy favorite animalmy favourite moviemy favorite villianmy favorite subjectmy favorite avengermy favorite league teammy favorite movie seriesmy most prized possesionmy favorite ice cream flavourwhat position i play in league...

General Nerdiness 2019-06-08

General Nerdiness crossword puzzle
  1. "____ is a free elf"
  2. Supersoldier
  3. Pizza delivery boy is frozen and wakes up in the year 3000
  4. Nananananananana ______
  5. God of Mischief
  6. "Does whatever a spider can"
  7. Great book, terrible movie
  8. God of Thunder
  9. "A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist"
  10. Movie musical starring Hugh Jackman
  1. HA HA HA
  2. "Pika Pika"
  3. Netflix show depicting dystopian future
  4. Puddin
  5. "Okay? Okay."
  6. "I volunteer as tribute!"
  7. Possibly best vampire movie ever
  8. "Awhh _____ sucks"
  9. Goose the "cat"
  10. Wizard with lightning bolt scar
  11. Musical about French Revolution

21 Clues: PuddinHA HA HA"Pika Pika"Supersoldier"Okay? Okay."God of ThunderGoose the "cat"God of Mischief"Awhh _____ sucks""____ is a free elf"Nananananananana ______"I volunteer as tribute!"Great book, terrible movie"Does whatever a spider can"Wizard with lightning bolt scarMusical about French RevolutionPossibly best vampire movie ever...

Yiseni Bretado-Epic saga 2023-02-24

Yiseni Bretado-Epic saga crossword puzzle
  1. The big and green man
  2. speediest man of all time
  3. Weakness is Kryptonite
  4. the first avenger
  5. elderly tortoise
  6. King of Wakanda
  7. god of thunder
  8. spiderman's aunt
  9. Who shoots webs out their hands
  1. the god of mischief
  2. Has the best aim
  3. King of the sea
  4. the dark night
  5. trainer of Po
  6. Half robot half human
  7. The villain in Kung Fu Panda.
  8. Who's the snake in Kung Fu Panda
  9. spidermans bestfriend
  10. He was the dragon warrior
  11. spiderman's love interest

20 Clues: trainer of Pothe dark nightgod of thunderKing of the seaKing of WakandaHas the best aimelderly tortoisespiderman's auntthe first avengerthe god of mischiefThe big and green manHalf robot half humanspidermans bestfriendWeakness is Kryptonitespeediest man of all timeHe was the dragon warriorspiderman's love interestThe villain in Kung Fu Panda....

RIDDLE 2023-05-03

RIDDLE crossword puzzle
  1. Indonesian National Monument?
  2. Indonesian currency name?
  3. movies with spider power?
  4. Indonesia capital city?
  5. Indonesian state symbol
  6. indian currency name?
  7. the biggest bridge in indonesia?
  8. thai currency?
  9. Japan capital city?
  10. largest Islamic country in the world?
  1. the biggest temple in the world?
  2. Philippines capital city?
  3. the king of the jungle?
  4. famous american smartphone brand?
  5. the 2nd largest bridge in Indonesia?
  6. Island with the largest population in Indonesia?
  7. Malaysian currency name?
  8. the planet closest to the sun?
  9. tool to check the time?
  10. Earth's natural satellite?

20 Clues: thai currency?Japan capital city?indian currency name?the king of the jungle?Indonesia capital city?Indonesian state symboltool to check the time?Malaysian currency name?Philippines capital city?Indonesian currency name?movies with spider power?Earth's natural satellite?Indonesian National Monument?the planet closest to the sun?...

Sip & Solve 2023-08-12

Sip & Solve crossword puzzle
  1. Where Olivia went to undergraduate
  2. Jerran's football position in college
  3. Olivia's first job
  4. Share a love of ___
  5. Location where Jerran proposed
  6. The first city they lived in together
  7. Their favorite food to eat together
  1. Where Jerran went to undergraduate
  2. Height difference in inches
  3. Jerran taught Olivia how to ___
  4. Their favorite TV show
  5. Jerran's favorite color
  6. Olivia's favorite color
  7. Honeymoon destination
  8. The person who introduced them
  9. Jerran's favorite videogame
  10. Their favorite outdoor sport to watch
  11. Bachelorette location
  12. Their dating anniversary
  13. Their dog's name

20 Clues: Their dog's nameOlivia's first jobShare a love of ___Honeymoon destinationBachelorette locationTheir favorite TV showJerran's favorite colorOlivia's favorite colorTheir dating anniversaryHeight difference in inchesJerran's favorite videogameThe person who introduced themLocation where Jerran proposedJerran taught Olivia how to ___...

Marck & Caitlin's Love Crossed Puzzle 2024-04-02

Marck & Caitlin's Love Crossed Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Color of the bridesmaid dress
  2. Couple's favorite NHL team
  3. Couple's college
  4. Bride's favorite way to exercise
  5. Groom's middle name
  6. Bride's favorite flower
  7. Bride's middle name
  8. Town the couple lives in
  9. Couple's favorite TV show
  10. Groom's favorite color
  1. Name of the couple's place of engagement
  2. Color of the bride's eyes
  3. Mother of the bride's name
  4. Couple's favorite superhero
  5. Couple's freshman year dorm name
  6. Location of the couple's honeymoon
  7. Bride's birth month
  8. Instrument the groom plays
  9. Name of the couple's dog
  10. Number of years together

20 Clues: Couple's collegeGroom's middle nameBride's birth monthBride's middle nameGroom's favorite colorBride's favorite flowerName of the couple's dogTown the couple lives inNumber of years togetherColor of the bride's eyesCouple's favorite TV showMother of the bride's nameCouple's favorite NHL teamInstrument the groom playsCouple's favorite superhero...

Abby's Puzzle 2024-10-04

Abby's Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. i love but you hate
  2. little cat legs
  3. papa's pills
  4. tobey or andrew or tom
  5. saved us from vape
  6. our scary twink
  7. gay blonde queen
  8. our baby
  9. in your pants
  10. whose meal?
  11. roommate farts
  12. comfort show
  13. philly birds
  14. first kiss
  15. anniversary
  1. lesbians like them too!!!
  2. land of the roaches
  3. your feet
  4. you're not irish??????
  5. broke with a hammer
  6. special game
  7. abby's special treat
  8. bestie first roommate
  9. you at your job
  10. from the archives
  11. jessie
  12. mi____

27 Clues: jessiemi____our babyyour feetfirst kisswhose meal?anniversaryspecial gamepapa's pillscomfort showphilly birdsin your pantsroommate fartslittle cat legsour scary twinkyou at your jobgay blonde queenfrom the archivessaved us from vapei love but you hateland of the roachesbroke with a hammerabby's special treatbestie first roommate...

Crossword 2020 2020-11-19

Crossword 2020 crossword puzzle
  1. Tea was originated in
  2. Capital of Manipur
  3. on top
  4. man of steel
  5. A house from Game of Thrones
  6. Father of Simba
  1. famous food of Italy
  2. Best friend of Harry Potter
  3. Queen of Spices
  4. Dr. Octopus
  5. longest river in the world
  6. Animal found only in Australia

12 Clues: on topDr. Octopusman of steelQueen of SpicesFather of SimbaCapital of Manipurfamous food of ItalyTea was originated inlongest river in the worldBest friend of Harry PotterA house from Game of ThronesAnimal found only in Australia

Wedding Crossword 2013-09-10

Wedding Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Game: Cut the..
  2. His special day
  3. Something you drive
  4. Peter Parker is..
  5. Sweet treat had at birthdays
  6. Something you wear on your finger
  1. Twinkle,twinkle,little
  2. Things which you eat
  3. Goldeylocks and the three..
  4. Helps the bride
  5. Her special day
  6. Something you drink out of

12 Clues: Helps the brideGame: Cut the..His special dayHer special dayPeter Parker is..Something you driveThings which you eatTwinkle,twinkle,littleSomething you drink out ofGoldeylocks and the three..Sweet treat had at birthdaysSomething you wear on your finger

About Us 2024-10-15

About Us crossword puzzle
  1. most fluent language, not English (Michelle)
  2. Eye color (Michelle)
  3. favorite football team (Kirk)
  4. Favorite color (Michelle)
  5. Favorite superhero (Arthur)
  6. Michelle and Kirk met here
  1. Study Abroad location (Michelle)
  2. Michelle grew up here
  3. Birth month Abbr. (Arthur)
  4. second last name (Michelle)
  5. least favorite food (Kirk)
  6. favorite sport (Kirk)

12 Clues: Eye color (Michelle)Michelle grew up herefavorite sport (Kirk)Favorite color (Michelle)Birth month Abbr. (Arthur)least favorite food (Kirk)Michelle and Kirk met heresecond last name (Michelle)Favorite superhero (Arthur)favorite football team (Kirk)Study Abroad location (Michelle)most fluent language, not English (Michelle)

Superheros 2021-12-08

Superheros crossword puzzle
  1. Scarlett Johansson
  2. Henry Cavill
  3. Simu Liu
  4. Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, Tom Holland
  5. Chris Evan, Anthony Mackie
  6. Robert Downey Jr.
  7. Ben Affleck, Christian Bale, Michael Keaton
  1. Brie Larson
  2. Gal Gadot
  3. Grant Gustin, Ezra Miller

10 Clues: Simu LiuGal GadotBrie LarsonHenry CavillRobert Downey Jr.Scarlett JohanssonGrant Gustin, Ezra MillerChris Evan, Anthony MackieAndrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, Tom HollandBen Affleck, Christian Bale, Michael Keaton

Shovon 2021-08-30

Shovon crossword puzzle
  1. My favorite Color?
  2. I am form?
  3. My favorite food?
  4. My favorite movie?
  5. really important to?
  1. I like to read?
  2. I like this instrument?
  3. My best friend?
  4. My favorite country?
  5. My favorite game?

10 Clues: I am form?I like to read?My best friend?My favorite food?My favorite game?My favorite Color?My favorite movie?My favorite country?really important to?I like this instrument?

Marvel 2023-05-29

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Widow
  2. Thanos Rings
  3. Man who created Marvel
  4. Black Widows real name
  1. Most Popular Marvel Comis
  2. Marvels Most Watched Movie
  3. Most Famous Marvel Character
  4. The Richest Avenger
  5. Peter Parker is from
  6. Marvel Cinematic Universe

10 Clues: WidowThanos RingsThe Richest AvengerPeter Parker is fromMan who created MarvelBlack Widows real nameMost Popular Marvel ComisMarvel Cinematic UniverseMarvels Most Watched MovieMost Famous Marvel Character

Let's go! 2024-06-10

Let's go! crossword puzzle
  1. - Ariana Grande's song.
  2. - Cristiano Ronaldo's nationality
  3. - Tom Holland's superhero
  4. - an Italian car
  5. - Sasuke's brother
  6. - The capital of the USA
  1. - a Japanese food
  2. - The Man of steel
  3. - Spongebob's best friend
  4. - a Brazilian food

10 Clues: - an Italian car- a Japanese food- The Man of steel- a Brazilian food- Sasuke's brother- Ariana Grande's song.- The capital of the USA- Tom Holland's superhero- Spongebob's best friend- Cristiano Ronaldo's nationality

Sandiago Gadget 2023-12-08

Sandiago Gadget crossword puzzle
  1. Santiago's martial art style
  2. Santiago's nemesis
  3. ________ baguette.
  4. Santiago's favorite color
  5. Santiago's Airplane
  1. The name of a hero bitten by a spider
  2. Santiago's sister
  3. Santiago's podcasting partner
  4. ___ venture podcast
  5. Santiago's favorite building blocks

10 Clues: Santiago's sisterSantiago's nemesis________ baguette.___ venture podcastSantiago's AirplaneSantiago's favorite colorSantiago's martial art styleSantiago's podcasting partnerSantiago's favorite building blocksThe name of a hero bitten by a spider

TTS PPKn kelas 1 SD 2024-01-28

TTS PPKn kelas 1 SD crossword puzzle
  1. bahasa inggris saudari
  2. satu perdua
  3. singkatan dari SD
  4. lambang sila ke 4
  5. hewan spiderman
  1. satu per empat
  2. yang melahirkan kita adalah
  3. bahasa inggris 9
  4. dongeng alam/hewan
  5. buah berwarna kuning kesukaan monyet

10 Clues: satu perduasatu per empathewan spidermanbahasa inggris 9singkatan dari SDlambang sila ke 4dongeng alam/hewanbahasa inggris saudariyang melahirkan kita adalahbuah berwarna kuning kesukaan monyet

Superheros 2021-12-08

Superheros crossword puzzle
  1. Scarlett Johansson
  2. Henry Cavill
  3. Simu Liu
  4. Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, Tom Holland
  5. Chris Evan, Anthony Mackie
  6. Robert Downey Jr.
  7. Ben Affleck, Christian Bale, Michael Keaton
  1. Brie Larson
  2. Gal Gadot
  3. Grant Gustin, Ezra Miller

10 Clues: Simu LiuGal GadotBrie LarsonHenry CavillRobert Downey Jr.Scarlett JohanssonGrant Gustin, Ezra MillerChris Evan, Anthony MackieAndrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, Tom HollandBen Affleck, Christian Bale, Michael Keaton

TTS PPKn kelas 2 SD 2024-01-28

TTS PPKn kelas 2 SD crossword puzzle
  1. bahasa inggris saudari
  2. satu perdua
  3. singkatan dari SD
  4. buah berwarna kuning kesukaan monyet
  5. satu per empat
  1. bahasa inggris 9
  2. lambang sila ke 4
  3. dongeng alam/hewan
  4. yang melahirkan kita adalah
  5. hewan spiderman

10 Clues: satu perduasatu per empathewan spidermanbahasa inggris 9lambang sila ke 4singkatan dari SDdongeng alam/hewanbahasa inggris saudariyang melahirkan kita adalahbuah berwarna kuning kesukaan monyet

Superheroes 2024-02-25

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. Armored Avenger
  2. Wall-crawler from Marvel
  3. Norse God of Thunder
  4. Gotham's Dark Knight
  5. Man of Steel
  6. King of Atlantis
  1. Speedster from DC
  2. Amazonian warrior princess
  3. Star-spangled hero
  4. Big green rage monster

10 Clues: Man of SteelArmored AvengerKing of AtlantisSpeedster from DCStar-spangled heroNorse God of ThunderGotham's Dark KnightBig green rage monsterWall-crawler from MarvelAmazonian warrior princess

marvel super heroes 2024-04-11

marvel super heroes crossword puzzle
  1. the leader
  2. only female avenger
  3. the guy with the metal arm
  4. great aim
  5. born a genius
  1. resembles a type of cat
  2. the most muscular
  3. the new captain amarica
  4. the norse god
  5. the nerdiest

10 Clues: great aimthe leaderthe nerdiestthe norse godborn a geniusthe most muscularonly female avengerresembles a type of catthe new captain amaricathe guy with the metal arm

crossword num.1 2024-08-28

crossword num.1 crossword puzzle
  1. something that is not a pen
  2. Man's best friend
  3. Large marsupial
  4. someone from dc
  5. Flying mammal
  6. striped animal
  1. red person in the marvel
  2. Has a trunk
  3. brown animal
  4. Likes to chase mice

10 Clues: Has a trunkbrown animalFlying mammalstriped animalLarge marsupialsomeone from dcMan's best friendLikes to chase micered person in the marvelsomething that is not a pen

heroes 2023-08-21

heroes crossword puzzle
  1. - God of thunder.
  2. - Man of steel.
  3. - Skilled spy and assassin.
  4. - First Avenger.
  5. - Speedster with lightning powers.
  1. - Genius inventor in an armored suit.
  2. - Friendly neighborhood hero.
  3. - Enormous green powerhouse.
  4. - Dark knight vigilante.
  5. - Amazonian warrior.

10 Clues: - Man of steel.- First Avenger.- God of thunder.- Amazonian warrior.- Dark knight vigilante.- Skilled spy and assassin.- Enormous green powerhouse.- Friendly neighborhood hero.- Speedster with lightning powers.- Genius inventor in an armored suit.

Marvel 2023-12-04

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Ironmans name
  2. Can fly with out powers
  3. what you call powers
  1. strong
  2. shelid
  3. leader of shelid
  4. bow
  5. spider

8 Clues: bowstrongshelidspiderIronmans nameleader of shelidwhat you call powersCan fly with out powers

Marvel 2023-12-04

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Ironmans name
  2. Can fly with out powers
  3. what you call powers
  1. strong
  2. shelid
  3. leader of shelid
  4. bow
  5. spider

8 Clues: bowstrongshelidspiderIronmans nameleader of shelidwhat you call powersCan fly with out powers

Verschiedene Tiere 2023-05-17

Verschiedene Tiere crossword puzzle
  1. Beste Freund des Menschen
  2. Essen am liebsten Hols
  3. Gibt Milch
  4. Steckt seinen Kopf in die Erde
  5. Kann weiß oder braun sein
  6. Grunzt die ganze Zeit
  7. Bringt Glück
  8. Ist grün und quackt
  9. Sie schwimmen im Meer
  10. Das größte Säugetier der Welt
  1. Nahrung für Tiere
  2. Ist auch ein Horoskopzeichen
  3. Spiderman war halb Mensch halb
  4. Trägt Haus am Rücken
  5. Gibt Honig
  6. Hat 5 Kraken und lebt im Meer
  7. Liebt Bananen zu essen
  8. Hat langen Hals

18 Clues: Gibt MilchGibt HonigBringt GlückHat langen HalsNahrung für TiereIst grün und quacktTrägt Haus am RückenGrunzt die ganze ZeitSie schwimmen im MeerEssen am liebsten HolsLiebt Bananen zu essenBeste Freund des MenschenKann weiß oder braun seinIst auch ein HoroskopzeichenHat 5 Kraken und lebt im MeerDas größte Säugetier der Welt...

Football 2023-05-17

Football crossword puzzle
  1. Dak's specialty
  2. Dont rip over the hieght, the answer is kyler
  3. 2022-23 superbowl
  4. owner of the bears
  5. 2023-24 superbowl champs
  6. Panthers motto
  7. best Cal QB in the NFL
  8. Griddy
  9. Number 26 for the chargers
  1. Nerf gun battle!!!
  2. Best NFC Quarterback
  3. Home of the giants and jets
  4. Panthers long snapper
  5. winner of the superbowl present
  6. Kuechly reason for retiring
  7. Fastest player in the league
  8. Brians burns
  9. will sam get this crossword

18 Clues: GriddyBrians burnsPanthers mottoDak's specialty2022-23 superbowlNerf gun battle!!!owner of the bearsBest NFC QuarterbackPanthers long snapperbest Cal QB in the NFL2023-24 superbowl champsNumber 26 for the chargersHome of the giants and jetsKuechly reason for retiringwill sam get this crosswordFastest player in the league...

I supereroi e supercattivi 2023-03-02

I supereroi e supercattivi crossword puzzle
  1. è un mostro verde
  2. il costume ha una stella
  3. ha a che fare con i fulmini
  4. spara raggi laser dagli occhi
  5. comunica con i pesci
  6. ha un anello
  7. fondatore degli Avengers
  8. si può arrampicare
  9. figlio di Odino
  1. assomiglia a una pantera
  2. haun nucleo
  3. è chiamato Cavaliere Oscuro
  4. sono nemici di CapitanMarvel
  5. aliena con poteri
  6. vuole la 6 gemme del potere
  7. può diventare grande o piccolo a piacimento
  8. ha una gemma del potere in fronte
  9. assiste Batman

18 Clues: haun nucleoha un anelloassiste Batmanfiglio di Odinoè un mostro verdealiena con poterisi può arrampicarecomunica con i pesciassomiglia a una panterail costume ha una stellafondatore degli Avengersè chiamato Cavaliere Oscuroha a che fare con i fulminivuole la 6 gemme del poteresono nemici di CapitanMarvelspara raggi laser dagli occhi...

Stuff About Me (Michael) 2023-03-11

Stuff About Me (Michael) crossword puzzle
  1. What I call my dad's dad
  2. The colour of my bike
  3. My sister's name
  4. Man of steel
  5. Marcia
  6. Ten subtract one
  7. The language I speak at Ecole
  8. The coin with a ship on it
  9. The month of my birthday
  10. My brother's name
  1. Web slinger
  2. The name of our town
  3. My dad's name
  4. The name of my street
  5. The coin with a Beaver on it
  6. The name of our province
  7. My Mom's name
  8. Our dog's name

18 Clues: MarciaWeb slingerMan of steelMy dad's nameMy Mom's nameOur dog's nameMy sister's nameTen subtract oneMy brother's nameThe name of our townThe colour of my bikeThe name of my streetWhat I call my dad's dadThe name of our provinceThe month of my birthdayThe coin with a ship on itThe coin with a Beaver on itThe language I speak at Ecole

Ryan 2023-08-23

Ryan crossword puzzle
  1. my hair type
  2. my favorite sport to play
  3. my favorite sea animal
  4. my zodiac sign
  5. my favorite sport to watch
  6. where i grew up
  7. my first pet's name
  8. my other favorite land animal
  1. my favorite artist
  2. my favorite color
  3. my favorite season
  4. my favorite superhero
  5. my high school mascot
  6. my favorite animated movie
  7. my dream car
  8. the love of my life
  9. one of my favorite land animals
  10. my eye color

18 Clues: my hair typemy dream carmy eye colormy zodiac signwhere i grew upmy favorite colormy favorite artistmy favorite seasonthe love of my lifemy first pet's namemy favorite superheromy high school mascotmy favorite sea animalmy favorite sport to playmy favorite animated moviemy favorite sport to watchmy other favorite land animal...

Sofi y Josh 2024-06-08

Sofi y Josh crossword puzzle
  1. Primer viaje juntos
  2. Lugar fav para vacacionar
  3. Mes de compromiso
  4. Segundo apellido de Josh
  5. Lugar donde encontrarlos sabado por la noche
  6. Si Josh fuera un superheroe
  7. Lugar donde viven
  8. Color de ojos de Josh
  9. Nombre de la mama de Sofi
  1. Lugar donde se comprometieron
  2. Si Sofi fuera un personaje de FRIENDS
  3. Total de hermanos
  4. Idea de luna de miel
  5. Bebida favorita de Josh
  6. Numero favorito de Sofi
  7. Comida favorita
  8. Color favorito de Josh
  9. Lugar de primera cita
  10. Nombre de su primer gato

19 Clues: Comida favoritaMes de compromisoTotal de hermanosLugar donde vivenPrimer viaje juntosIdea de luna de mielLugar de primera citaColor de ojos de JoshColor favorito de JoshBebida favorita de JoshNumero favorito de SofiSegundo apellido de JoshNombre de su primer gatoLugar fav para vacacionarNombre de la mama de SofiSi Josh fuera un superheroe...

Marvel Crossword 2020-10-18

Marvel Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Size Changing Scientist
  2. King of Wakanda
  3. Leader of the Fantastic Four
  4. Norse God of Thunder
  5. Blind Street Hero
  6. The Original Webslinger
  1. Murk With a Mouth
  2. American War Hero
  3. Almost Immortal X-Men Member
  4. Legendary Marksman
  5. Leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy
  6. Gamma-Ray Alter Ego of Bruce Banner
  7. Billionaire Playboy Turned Hero
  8. Extremely Powerful Telepath

14 Clues: King of WakandaMurk With a MouthAmerican War HeroBlind Street HeroLegendary MarksmanNorse God of ThunderSize Changing ScientistThe Original WebslingerExtremely Powerful TelepathAlmost Immortal X-Men MemberLeader of the Fantastic FourBillionaire Playboy Turned HeroGamma-Ray Alter Ego of Bruce BannerLeader of the Guardians of the Galaxy

Melissa 2023-03-23

Melissa crossword puzzle
  1. what is tattooed on Mummy’s foot
  2. Winnie the…
  3. Where does mummy and daddy work
  4. Whose favourite colour is orange and blue
  5. Boys favourite superhero
  6. Red character from Sonic
  7. Archie’s favourite colour
  1. what ball is tattooed on Daddy’s arm
  2. Chi’s middle name
  3. Klays favourite colour
  4. Our dogs name
  5. Mummy’s hair colour
  6. What seagulls say
  7. Run fast like

14 Clues: Winnie the…Our dogs nameRun fast likeChi’s middle nameWhat seagulls sayMummy’s hair colourKlays favourite colourBoys favourite superheroRed character from SonicArchie’s favourite colourWhere does mummy and daddy workwhat is tattooed on Mummy’s footwhat ball is tattooed on Daddy’s armWhose favourite colour is orange and blue

For Bella Ruby 2024-06-15

For Bella Ruby crossword puzzle
  1. what i am to you
  2. best fnaf character
  3. the best liquor :D
  4. your (other) sister's name
  5. what you are to me
  6. the other best superhero (ig)
  7. best dessert (2 wds.)
  8. our anniversary (month)
  1. your sister's name
  2. your drink (2 wds.)
  3. our first date (4 wds.)
  4. best superhero
  5. what i love about you
  6. your FAVORITE show :)

14 Clues: best superherowhat i am to youyour sister's namethe best liquor :Dwhat you are to meyour drink (2 wds.)best fnaf characterwhat i love about youyour FAVORITE show :)best dessert (2 wds.)our first date (4 wds.)our anniversary (month)your (other) sister's namethe other best superhero (ig)

MCU 2024-03-11

MCU crossword puzzle
  1. god of thunder
  2. "I'll do you one better, WHY is Gamora?!"
  3. creator of Marvel
  4. raccoon
  5. star spangled man with a plan
  6. "such a poser"
  1. Lost his eye to a cat
  2. Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist!
  3. I am inevitable
  4. With great power comes great responsibility.
  5. big green guy
  6. razor sharp claws
  7. arrow guy
  8. current Sorcerer Supreme
  9. God of stories

15 Clues: raccoonarrow guybig green guyGod of stories"such a poser"I am inevitablegod of thunderrazor sharp clawscreator of MarvelLost his eye to a catcurrent Sorcerer Supremestar spangled man with a plan"I'll do you one better, WHY is Gamora?!"With great power comes great responsibility.Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist!

miles morales the ultimate spiderman 2023-04-12

miles morales the ultimate spiderman crossword puzzle
  1. the opposite of low
  2. the opposite of white
  3. the opposite of me
  4. superhero who got bitten by a super spider
  5. something that shoots webs
  6. opposite of strong
  7. opposite of angry
  1. opposite of boy
  2. opposite of hot
  3. the day after yesterday
  4. is the opposite of he
  5. the opposite of yes
  6. a slower version of jogging
  7. the opposite of off
  8. opposite of goodbye

15 Clues: opposite of boyopposite of hotopposite of angrythe opposite of meopposite of strongthe opposite of lowthe opposite of yesthe opposite of offopposite of goodbyethe opposite of whiteis the opposite of hethe day after yesterdaysomething that shoots websa slower version of joggingsuperhero who got bitten by a super spider

Marvel Characters 2021-03-12

Marvel Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Has a twin brother
  2. Former Air Force pilot and intelligence agent
  3. originally a scientist
  4. owns the avengers mansion
  5. originally a neurosurgeon
  6. an undercover russian agent
  1. a group of space protectors
  2. survived world war 2
  3. was brainwashed by HYDRA
  4. owns the vibranium sources
  5. the youngest avenger
  6. an antihero

12 Clues: an antiheroHas a twin brothersurvived world war 2the youngest avengeroriginally a scientistwas brainwashed by HYDRAowns the avengers mansionoriginally a neurosurgeonowns the vibranium sourcesa group of space protectorsan undercover russian agentFormer Air Force pilot and intelligence agent

Friends 2022-03-18

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. good at hair
  2. the short amazing one
  3. genuine friends with elyse
  4. really good at everything
  5. really loud sometimes
  6. From mcdonalds
  1. the simp
  2. the overly aggressive but the one we accept
  3. overly aggressive and rude
  4. spiderman
  5. used to be jojo siwa
  6. super active about GLM

12 Clues: the simpspidermangood at hairFrom mcdonaldsused to be jojo siwathe short amazing onereally loud sometimessuper active about GLMreally good at everythingoverly aggressive and rudegenuine friends with elysethe overly aggressive but the one we accept

Maya’s Favorite Things 2024-05-18

Maya’s Favorite Things crossword puzzle
  1. Maya’s favorite Marvel character
  2. Maya’s favorite Spiderman character
  3. Maya’s favorite pasta shape
  4. Maya’s favorite movie
  5. Maya’s favorite handsome man
  6. Maya’s favorite anime
  1. Maya’s favorite video game
  2. Maya’s favorite Sanrio character
  3. Maya’s favorite stuffed animal
  4. Maya’s favorite food
  5. Maya’s favorite animal
  6. Maya’s favorite shade of green

12 Clues: Maya’s favorite foodMaya’s favorite movieMaya’s favorite animeMaya’s favorite animalMaya’s favorite video gameMaya’s favorite pasta shapeMaya’s favorite handsome manMaya’s favorite stuffed animalMaya’s favorite shade of greenMaya’s favorite Sanrio characterMaya’s favorite Marvel characterMaya’s favorite Spiderman character

Friends 2022-03-18

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. good at hair
  2. the short amazing one
  3. genuine friends with elyse
  4. really good at everything
  5. really loud sometimes
  6. From mcdonalds
  1. the simp
  2. the overly aggressive but the one we accept
  3. overly aggressive and rude
  4. spiderman
  5. used to be jojo siwa
  6. super active about GLM

12 Clues: the simpspidermangood at hairFrom mcdonaldsused to be jojo siwathe short amazing onereally loud sometimessuper active about GLMreally good at everythingoverly aggressive and rudegenuine friends with elysethe overly aggressive but the one we accept

Friends 2022-03-18

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. good at hair
  2. the short amazing one
  3. genuine friends with elyse
  4. really good at everything
  5. really loud sometimes
  6. From mcdonalds
  1. the simp
  2. the overly aggressive but the one we accept
  3. overly aggressive and rude
  4. spiderman
  5. used to be jojo siwa
  6. super active about GLM

12 Clues: the simpspidermangood at hairFrom mcdonaldsused to be jojo siwathe short amazing onereally loud sometimessuper active about GLMreally good at everythingoverly aggressive and rudegenuine friends with elysethe overly aggressive but the one we accept

najiya 1 2014-01-08

najiya 1 crossword puzzle
  1. favourite snack
  2. gets angry very quick
  3. online friend
  4. favourite teacher
  5. pillar of islam
  6. A prophet and your grandparent share this same name
  7. year in school
  8. naughty but cute
  9. O maa.... mataji....
  1. your brothers superhero
  2. place you want to visit in USA
  3. paradise her feet

12 Clues: online friendyear in schoolfavourite snackpillar of islamnaughty but cutefavourite teacherparadise her feetO maa.... mataji....gets angry very quickyour brothers superheroplace you want to visit in USAA prophet and your grandparent share this same name

Movie Crossword 2024-07-23

Movie Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Red or blue?
  2. __ Home phone
  3. Bilbo Baggins
  4. I'll be back
  5. Luke I am your father
  6. Bitten by a spider
  1. Dinosaurs are back?
  2. Haunted doll
  3. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get
  4. I'll never let go...
  5. You're a wizard
  6. Killer shark

12 Clues: Red or blue?Haunted dollI'll be backKiller shark__ Home phoneBilbo BagginsYou're a wizardBitten by a spiderDinosaurs are back?I'll never let go...Luke I am your fatherLife is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get

What Does Stanley Like? 2023-04-25

What Does Stanley Like? crossword puzzle
  1. Where to take me on the last day of school
  2. My favorite place to eat is Pepper _____.
  3. Best Friend
  4. Best brother
  5. Favorite game
  6. What is my fear
  7. Source of entertainment
  1. Favorite Superhero
  2. What is my ZODIAC,DAD?
  3. Birthday month
  4. My favorite sport
  5. Dream job

12 Clues: Dream jobBest FriendBest brotherFavorite gameBirthday monthWhat is my fearMy favorite sportFavorite SuperheroWhat is my ZODIAC,DAD?Source of entertainmentMy favorite place to eat is Pepper _____.Where to take me on the last day of school

Nosotros 2023-08-20

Nosotros crossword puzzle
  1. siempre decimos lo mismo
  2. Nos lo decimos todos los dias
  3. Nuestra comida favorita
  4. Primer Date Afuera
  5. mi bb
  6. tu deporte favorito del momento
  1. apodo para ti
  2. tu bb
  3. palabra mas repetida por vera
  4. Lo que vimos en nuestro Primer Date
  5. te volvi adicto
  6. nuestra playa get away

12 Clues: tu bbmi bbapodo para tite volvi adictoPrimer Date Afueranuestra playa get awayNuestra comida favoritasiempre decimos lo mismopalabra mas repetida por veraNos lo decimos todos los diastu deporte favorito del momentoLo que vimos en nuestro Primer Date

Vera y Alex 2023-08-20

Vera y Alex crossword puzzle
  1. siempre decimos lo mismo
  2. Nos lo decimos todos los dias
  3. Nuestra comida favorita
  4. Primer Date Afuera
  5. mi bb
  6. tu deporte favorito del momento
  1. apodo para ti
  2. tu bb
  3. palabra mas repetida por vera
  4. Lo que vimos en nuestro Primer Date
  5. te volvi adicto
  6. nuestra playa get away

12 Clues: tu bbmi bbapodo para tite volvi adictoPrimer Date Afueranuestra playa get awayNuestra comida favoritasiempre decimos lo mismopalabra mas repetida por veraNos lo decimos todos los diastu deporte favorito del momentoLo que vimos en nuestro Primer Date

Blind test 2022-11-17

Blind test crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 9
  3. 23
  4. 16
  5. 20
  6. 34
  7. 45
  8. 47
  9. 13
  10. 31
  11. test
  12. 30
  13. 50
  14. 3
  15. 37
  16. 19
  17. 27
  18. 21
  19. 7
  20. 2
  21. 48
  22. 33
  23. 11
  24. 42
  25. 41
  1. 40
  2. 35
  3. 36
  4. 12
  5. 32
  6. 24
  7. 38
  8. 17
  9. 49
  10. 14
  11. 4
  12. 26
  13. 44
  14. 8
  15. 39
  16. 6
  17. 28
  18. 10
  19. 29
  20. 46
  21. 15
  22. 25
  23. 43
  24. 18
  25. 22

50 Clues: 594863724035362312163224203817491426443934452847133110302946503719152527214318482233114241test

Smith Family Crossword 2020-03-26

Smith Family Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. mum with the giggles
  2. no gun just a torch
  3. disney 1992
  4. barefoot to teach ?
  5. white and flightless
  6. dont frighten the kids Dad
  7. flights to la manga
  8. we're all going in 2021
  1. first purchase in carolina
  2. out of the car i dont need these
  3. polynesian stay
  4. with a bible ?
  5. maddz spots a bear
  6. too hot for us and family reunion next door
  7. airport with a bishop
  8. touched by the hand
  9. rollercoaster torrets
  10. maddies golf
  11. the best room ever ?
  12. well then be sick

20 Clues: disney 1992maddies golfwith a bible ?polynesian staywell then be sickmaddz spots a bearno gun just a torchbarefoot to teach ?touched by the handflights to la mangamum with the giggleswhite and flightlessthe best room ever ?airport with a bishoprollercoaster torretswe're all going in 2021first purchase in carolinadont frighten the kids Dad...

jamwithsam 2023-02-03

jamwithsam crossword puzzle
  1. My favorite DJ
  2. My favorite flower
  3. Our favorite dog name
  4. My face wash brand
  5. Restaurant where we had food poisoning from
  6. My MBTI
  7. My favorite food
  8. My shio
  9. My zodiac
  10. My favorite superhero
  11. Where we first met
  1. Your Christmas Gift
  2. City where I had my worst working experience
  3. My favorite fruit
  4. My #1 love language
  5. My first celebrity crush
  6. My favorite color
  7. My favorite singer
  8. Our first bioskop movie
  9. My ultimate bucket list activity
  10. Our nighttime routine

21 Clues: My MBTIMy shioMy zodiacMy favorite DJMy favorite foodMy favorite fruitMy favorite colorMy favorite flowerMy face wash brandMy favorite singerWhere we first metYour Christmas GiftMy #1 love languageOur favorite dog nameMy favorite superheroOur nighttime routineOur first bioskop movieMy first celebrity crushMy ultimate bucket list activity...

Superhero Medieval Times Crossword 2023-04-20

Superhero Medieval Times Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. puzzling
  2. child at heart
  3. used to be a star athlete
  4. only has one weakness
  5. inevitable
  6. born on a monday
  7. amazonian princess
  8. adamantium claws
  9. tiny but packs a punch
  10. billionaire playboy philanthropist
  11. whips and quips
  12. patriotism
  13. batman's greatest regret
  1. alien parasite
  2. deadly spider
  3. billionaire orphan
  4. multiple personalities
  5. laughing lunatic
  6. one eye
  7. boy wonder
  8. arctic mobster
  9. norse
  10. vibranium
  11. multiverse
  12. archer
  13. controls the oceans
  14. speedster
  15. breaks the fourth wall

28 Clues: norsearcherone eyepuzzlingvibraniumspeedsterinevitableboy wondermultiversepatriotismdeadly spideralien parasitechild at heartarctic mobsterwhips and quipslaughing lunaticborn on a mondayadamantium clawsbillionaire orphanamazonian princesscontrols the oceansonly has one weaknessmultiple personalitiestiny but packs a punchbreaks the fourth wall...

PluIsBoL KrUiSwOorD RaAdSeL oF MySteRy!!! 2013-04-16

PluIsBoL KrUiSwOorD RaAdSeL oF MySteRy!!! crossword puzzle
  1. Eerste ontmoeting
  2. 3,141592653
  3. Online kwaliteitsradio
  4. 15/16/17-08
  5. Zwembad
  6. Pokémon
  7. Spel(App)
  8. Mijn broer
  9. Merk motor
  10. ?€ parkeerboete Leuven
  11. mijn geboortejaar
  12. Stubru 22:00-00:00
  13. Ziet u graag
  14. Waar ik woon
  15. vrijdag frietdag
  16. Kerstmarkt Leuven
  17. Favo cinema snack
  18. Rosse Kater
  19. Beste jeugdbeweging
  20. favo bestek
  1. Resto leuven
  2. Mooiste vrouw van wereld
  3. Laatste cinema film
  4. Dirk's dolle droomauto
  5. Vakantiewerk
  6. www.vunzigesuperheld.web
  7. Zus
  8. Magazine
  9. Alternatieve energie
  10. Koosnaam
  11. "ooh geitjes!"
  12. Vast contract

32 Clues: ZusZwembadPokémonMagazineKoosnaamSpel(App)Mijn broerMerk motor3,14159265315/16/17-08Rosse Katerfavo bestekResto leuvenVakantiewerkZiet u graagWaar ik woonVast contract"ooh geitjes!"vrijdag frietdagEerste ontmoetingmijn geboortejaarKerstmarkt LeuvenFavo cinema snackStubru 22:00-00:00Laatste cinema filmBeste jeugdbewegingAlternatieve energie...

PluIsBoL KrUiSwOorD RaAdSeL oF MySteRy!!! 2013-04-16

PluIsBoL KrUiSwOorD RaAdSeL oF MySteRy!!! crossword puzzle
  1. "ooh geitjes!"
  2. Vast contract
  3. Dirk's dolle droomauto
  4. Koosnaam
  5. Stubru 22:00-00:00
  6. Mijn broer
  7. favo bestek
  8. Laatste cinema film
  9. Mooiste vrouw van wereld
  10. 15/16/17-08
  11. ?€ parkeerboete Leuven
  12. 3,141592653
  13. Kerstmarkt Leuven
  14. Merk motor
  15. Resto leuven
  16. Spel(App)
  1. Vakantiewerk
  2. Ziet u graag
  3. mijn geboortejaar
  4. Pokémon
  5. Alternatieve energie
  6. vrijdag frietdag
  7. Zus
  8. Magazine
  9. Waar ik woon
  10. www.vunzigesuperheld.web
  11. Beste jeugdbeweging
  12. Rosse Kater
  13. Zwembad
  14. Eerste ontmoeting
  15. Online kwaliteitsradio
  16. Favo cinema snack

32 Clues: ZusPokémonZwembadKoosnaamMagazineSpel(App)Mijn broerMerk motorfavo bestek15/16/17-083,141592653Rosse KaterVakantiewerkZiet u graagWaar ik woonResto leuvenVast contract"ooh geitjes!"vrijdag frietdagmijn geboortejaarKerstmarkt LeuvenEerste ontmoetingFavo cinema snackStubru 22:00-00:00Laatste cinema filmBeste jeugdbewegingAlternatieve energie...

random stuff 2014-10-22

random stuff crossword puzzle
  1. place to keep criminals
  2. some kind of weather in the dessert
  3. thing the horse carries on its back
  4. electronic device
  5. "unlucky for some"
  6. something to ride waves on
  7. a labelled world
  8. next to earth
  9. something that flies in wind
  1. dinosaur that is still alive right now
  2. thing for rubbish
  3. where do people eat snails?
  4. what this is
  5. small car
  6. a super hero with webs
  7. orange and black striped animal
  8. something that hold scientists
  9. where people learn
  10. monkeys fruit
  11. the Simpsons local bar

20 Clues: small carwhat this ismonkeys fruitnext to eartha labelled worldthing for rubbishelectronic device"unlucky for some"where people learna super hero with websthe Simpsons local barplace to keep criminalssomething to ride waves onwhere do people eat snails?something that flies in windsomething that hold scientistsorange and black striped animal...

main characters with bad description...nerds 2022-02-17

main characters with bad description...nerds crossword puzzle
  1. TRASH bot
  2. Main character with red scar on his head
  3. turns blond when mad
  4. gum that wants to be king
  5. sewer ninjas
  6. plumber
  7. quick blue mammal
  8. beaver with magical friends
  9. Orphan that beats civilians
  11. yellow ball eat ghost
  1. metal dude with PTSD
  2. plastic cowboy
  3. psycho with a book
  4. talking car
  5. Indian guy with monkey
  6. Adult that hangs around an orphan
  7. old guy with shield
  8. young slave owners
  9. dude obsessed with VR
  10. fire guy

21 Clues: plumberfire guyTRASH bottalking carsewer ninjasplastic cowboyquick blue mammalpsycho with a bookyoung slave ownersold guy with shieldmetal dude with PTSDturns blond when maddude obsessed with VRyellow ball eat ghostIndian guy with monkeyTEEN WITH STICKY HANDSgum that wants to be kingbeaver with magical friendsOrphan that beats civilians...

EJ’s Birthday Crossword 2023-12-27

EJ’s Birthday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Huck it, Chuck it,________
  2. Best breakfast in LA
  3. To save on threads
  4. The British slang is “biscuit”
  5. Daddy Harper
  6. Movie starring Tom Hanks
  7. A very different show if the boy hadn’t seen the siblings
  8. Can’t think
  9. Popular courier
  10. Grand ballers
  11. “Ouch!”
  12. Head coach and medical caregiver
  1. Rapper, actor, camp counselor
  2. ____ World
  3. Day of the week for cheap eats
  4. Embrace, often in bed
  5. Babe abbreviated
  6. Bright clips
  7. Chilled roast
  8. Last name of animated Spiderman
  9. Birds of America

21 Clues: “Ouch!”____ WorldCan’t thinkDaddy HarperBright clipsChilled roastGrand ballersPopular courierBabe abbreviatedBirds of AmericaTo save on threadsBest breakfast in LAEmbrace, often in bedMovie starring Tom HanksHuck it, Chuck it,________Rapper, actor, camp counselorDay of the week for cheap eatsThe British slang is “biscuit”...

Superhéroes en Acción 2024-05-20

Superhéroes en Acción crossword puzzle
  1. Hechicero Supremo de Marvel.
  2. El Caballero de la Noche.
  3. Tony Stark en armadura.
  4. El Hombre de Acero.
  5. Rey de Wakanda.
  6. Amazona de DC.
  7. Espía y vengadora.
  8. Mercenario bocazas.
  1. Portador del escudo de vibranium.
  2. Portador del anillo de poder.
  3. Héroe con la capacidad de encogerse.
  4. El Hombre sin Miedo.
  5. Bruja con poderes de caos.
  6. Velocista escarlata.
  7. Rey de la Atlántida.
  8. Héroe mitad hombre mitad máquina.
  9. Gigante verde y fuerte.
  10. Trepamuros de Marvel.
  11. Dios del Trueno.
  12. X-Men con garras de adamantium.

20 Clues: Amazona de DC.Rey de Wakanda.Dios del Trueno.Espía y vengadora.El Hombre de Acero.Mercenario bocazas.El Hombre sin Miedo.Velocista escarlata.Rey de la Atlántida.Trepamuros de Marvel.Tony Stark en armadura.Gigante verde y fuerte.El Caballero de la Noche.Bruja con poderes de caos.Hechicero Supremo de Marvel.Portador del anillo de poder....

Wedding 2024-05-21

Wedding crossword puzzle
  1. Nom des chiens (1)
  2. Le mois où ils ont commencé à sortir ensemble
  3. Origine de Fab
  4. Nom des chiens (2)
  5. Premier voyage ensemble
  6. Marvel favori
  7. Origine de Lau 1
  8. Origine de Lau 2
  9. Combien d'années de relation
  10. Studio d'animation préféré de Lau
  1. L'addiction de Fab
  2. Lieu de rencontre
  3. Nom des chiens (3)
  4. L'addiction de Lau
  5. L'endroit de la lune de miel
  6. Nom des chiens (4)
  7. Défaut de Lau
  8. Défaut de fab
  9. Commune où ils habitent
  10. Initiales de leur animé favori

20 Clues: Défaut de LauDéfaut de fabMarvel favoriOrigine de FabOrigine de Lau 1Origine de Lau 2Lieu de rencontreL'addiction de FabNom des chiens (3)Nom des chiens (1)L'addiction de LauNom des chiens (2)Nom des chiens (4)Premier voyage ensembleCommune où ils habitentL'endroit de la lune de mielCombien d'années de relationInitiales de leur animé favori...

Crossword Wes 2020-03-20

Crossword Wes crossword puzzle
  1. denises's son
  2. round food with cheese
  3. climbs walls
  4. study using numbers
  5. grass is ____
  1. grandma's name
  2. sport dad plays
  3. bedroom location
  4. when you look for colored eggs

9 Clues: climbs wallsdenises's songrass is ____grandma's namesport dad playsbedroom locationstudy using numbersround food with cheesewhen you look for colored eggs

My Life 2023-01-12

My Life crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite food (pasta)
  2. Favorite Movie
  3. Favorite NBA team
  4. My favorite sport
  5. Favorite color
  1. Favorite show(sport-related 4 words)
  2. Favorite Ice-Cream
  3. My Age
  4. Favorite Holiday
  5. Favorite basketball player (The Beard)
  6. My dog's name(Based on a campfire food)

11 Clues: My AgeFavorite MovieFavorite colorFavorite HolidayFavorite NBA teamMy favorite sportFavorite Ice-CreamFavorite food (pasta)Favorite show(sport-related 4 words)Favorite basketball player (The Beard)My dog's name(Based on a campfire food)

for my love 2023-02-12

for my love crossword puzzle
  1. first stuffed animal you gave me
  2. forever and ever and ...
  3. favorite superhero
  4. luke Ross' bear
  5. symbol on bracelet and on your hoodie
  6. english for Te Amo
  7. fast and furious quote
  1. Mac and Ari
  2. hour, JVKE
  3. future kid
  4. 4 bouquets

11 Clues: hour, JVKEfuture kid4 bouquetsMac and Ariluke Ross' bearfavorite superheroenglish for Te Amofast and furious quoteforever and ever and ...first stuffed animal you gave mesymbol on bracelet and on your hoodie

Ferming Kolbrúnar Emmu 2023-03-05

Ferming Kolbrúnar Emmu crossword puzzle
  1. Liðið sem Emma æfði fótbolta með
  2. Kirkjan sem Emma fermdist í
  3. Skólinn hennar Emmu
  4. Uppáhalds litur Emmu
  5. Dansstíllinn sem Emma æfði
  1. Fæðingarstaður Emmu
  2. Uppáhalds ofurhetja Emmu
  3. Það sem Emma er hræddust við
  4. Afmælismánuður Emma
  5. Kötturinn hennar Emmu
  6. Stjörnumerki Emmu

11 Clues: Stjörnumerki EmmuFæðingarstaður EmmuAfmælismánuður EmmaSkólinn hennar EmmuUppáhalds litur EmmuKötturinn hennar EmmuUppáhalds ofurhetja EmmuDansstíllinn sem Emma æfðiKirkjan sem Emma fermdist íÞað sem Emma er hræddust viðLiðið sem Emma æfði fótbolta með

Crossword puzzle for teacher Sam 2024-05-21

Crossword puzzle for teacher Sam crossword puzzle
  1. No one likes this
  2. Average trend platform
  3. Its a song in a spiderman movie
  4. Im trapped inside this
  5. Independence month
  6. Toasted
  1. An extremely luminous active galactic nucleus
  2. Galileo Galilei´s son
  3. A popular site
  4. Pizza day
  5. What a nice bed

11 Clues: ToastedPizza dayA popular siteWhat a nice bedNo one likes thisIndependence monthGalileo Galilei´s sonAverage trend platformIm trapped inside thisIts a song in a spiderman movieAn extremely luminous active galactic nucleus

All our Firsts 2022-10-10

All our Firsts crossword puzzle
  1. Our first shower
  2. The present you gave
  3. I taught you to swim
  4. A Sport we played together
  5. Love at first sight
  6. Our first flight and trip
  7. Movie outing
  8. Our first date
  9. Outstation getaway
  1. I came to surprise you
  2. My favourite pass time activity date
  3. endless talking night and sleepover
  4. First kiss
  5. Our first interaction

14 Clues: First kissMovie outingOur first dateOur first showerOutstation getawayLove at first sightThe present you gaveI taught you to swimOur first interactionI came to surprise youOur first flight and tripA Sport we played togetherendless talking night and sleepoverMy favourite pass time activity date

Principal Miller Trivia 2023-01-17

Principal Miller Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite TV show
  2. Favorite football team
  3. College
  4. Favorite musician
  1. Position played on his football team
  2. Favorite color
  3. Worst superhero
  4. Favorite superhero
  5. Go-to restaurant

9 Clues: CollegeFavorite colorWorst superheroFavorite TV showGo-to restaurantFavorite musicianFavorite superheroFavorite football teamPosition played on his football team

All our Firsts 2022-10-10

All our Firsts crossword puzzle
  1. Our first shower
  2. The present you gave
  3. I taught you to swim
  4. A Sport we played together
  5. Love at first sight
  6. Our first flight and trip
  7. Movie outing
  8. Our first date
  9. Outstation getaway
  1. I came to surprise you
  2. My favourite pass time activity date
  3. endless talking night and sleepover
  4. First kiss
  5. Our first interaction

14 Clues: First kissMovie outingOur first dateOur first showerOutstation getawayLove at first sightThe present you gaveI taught you to swimOur first interactionI came to surprise youOur first flight and tripA Sport we played togetherendless talking night and sleepoverMy favourite pass time activity date

Celebrities Mellemrum: "-" 2023-04-25

Celebrities Mellemrum: "-" crossword puzzle
  1. Umbrella
  2. Spiderman
  3. Jack Sparrow
  4. Maverick
  5. Poker face by....
  6. "SHes a baddie, she knows shes a 10"
  7. "Oops I did it again"
  8. Hannah Montana
  9. "Just the way you are"
  1. Highest paid model
  2. Gin and juice
  3. fix this: abrd tpti clue : fight club
  4. Hermione Granger
  5. first black president
  6. Died in helicopter
  7. "I kissed a girl"
  8. Jack in Titanic
  9. youngest billionaire

18 Clues: UmbrellaMaverickSpidermanJack SparrowGin and juiceHannah MontanaJack in TitanicHermione Granger"I kissed a girl"Poker face by....Highest paid modelDied in helicopteryoungest billionairefirst black president"Oops I did it again""Just the way you are""SHes a baddie, she knows shes a 10"fix this: abrd tpti clue : fight club

Happy birthday Freddie 2023-07-21

Happy birthday Freddie crossword puzzle
  1. Our go to meal
  2. amount of days together
  3. The month we got together
  4. Our First Born
  5. Your favourite album
  6. Instrument played when we got together
  7. First artist we bonded over
  8. Our second born name
  9. First present I got you
  10. our Beatles song
  1. Music Box
  2. My favourite album
  3. The month did we first meet
  4. How many cinema trips
  5. First movie as a couple
  6. Country we want to visit
  7. Where we met
  8. The first movie we seen together

18 Clues: Music BoxWhere we metOur go to mealOur First Bornour Beatles songMy favourite albumYour favourite albumOur second born nameHow many cinema tripsamount of days togetherFirst movie as a coupleFirst present I got youCountry we want to visitThe month we got togetherThe month did we first meetFirst artist we bonded overThe first movie we seen together...

Super Hero Codes 2014-05-06

Super Hero Codes crossword puzzle
  1. Lantern: Green ring
  2. Spins a web
  3. Clark Kent
  4. Woman: Lasso of truth
  1. Pet of a super hero
  2. Slash hands
  3. A red blur
  4. :, white, and blue
  5. Mean, green, destroying machine
  6. Dark as night

10 Clues: A red blurClark KentSlash handsSpins a webDark as night:, white, and bluePet of a super heroLantern: Green ringWoman: Lasso of truthMean, green, destroying machine

TTS PPKn kelas 1 SD 2024-01-28

TTS PPKn kelas 1 SD crossword puzzle
  1. bahasa inggris saudari
  2. satu perdua
  3. singkatan dari SD
  4. lambang sila ke 4
  5. hewan spiderman
  1. satu per empat
  2. yang melahirkan kita adalah
  3. bahasa inggris 9
  4. dongeng alam/hewan
  5. buah berwarna kuning kesukaan monyet

10 Clues: satu perduasatu per empathewan spidermanbahasa inggris 9singkatan dari SDlambang sila ke 4dongeng alam/hewanbahasa inggris saudariyang melahirkan kita adalahbuah berwarna kuning kesukaan monyet

Marvel Heroes/Villains 2020-08-09

Marvel Heroes/Villains crossword puzzle
  1. aw snap!
  2. secret agent
  3. green guy
  4. radioactive injury
  5. another day, another doug
  6. came from space
  7. shrinkable
  8. marksman
  9. I am...
  10. too many sorcerers
  11. attacked by cat
  1. you're ruining my childhood!
  2. watch out here comes my arrow!
  3. rocket's gonna get that arm!
  4. am I really dead???
  5. sorcerer
  6. a spice's first name
  7. his first name is agent
  8. animorph
  9. rich genius
  10. I've come to bargain
  11. tasty infinity stone
  12. god of thunder
  13. trash panda
  14. quantum quantum quantum quantum!

25 Clues: I am...sorcereraw snap!animorphmarksmangreen guyshrinkablerich geniustrash pandasecret agentgod of thundercame from spaceattacked by catradioactive injurytoo many sorcerersam I really dead???a spice's first nameI've come to bargaintasty infinity stonehis first name is agentanother day, another dougyou're ruining my childhood!...

Marvel Characters 2022-09-07

Marvel Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Jellybean
  2. The Jolly Green Giant
  3. Perfect, synthetic, humanoid
  4. Puny god
  5. Honey Bear
  6. Underoos
  7. Peace in our time
  8. Bleecker Street Magician
  9. Archer with the Mohawk
  10. Mad Titan
  11. Tic Tac
  12. Trash panda
  13. The King
  1. Poser
  2. The Good Looking Guy in the Sunglasses
  3. Strucker's prized pupil
  4. Genius billionaire, playboy, philanthropist
  5. White Wolf
  6. Twinkle Fists
  7. The Star Spangled Man with a plan
  8. The prince of Assguard
  9. The Giving Tree
  10. Walking Thesaurus
  11. Little One
  12. Man Who Has Lain With An A'askavariian

25 Clues: PoserTic TacPuny godUnderoosThe KingJellybeanMad TitanWhite WolfHoney BearLittle OneTrash pandaTwinkle FistsThe Giving TreePeace in our timeWalking ThesaurusThe Jolly Green GiantThe prince of AssguardArcher with the MohawkStrucker's prized pupilBleecker Street MagicianPerfect, synthetic, humanoidThe Star Spangled Man with a plan...

quiz abt me 2022-11-30

quiz abt me crossword puzzle
  1. favorite mascara
  2. step moms name
  3. where do I work?
  4. best class
  5. favorite video game
  6. most favorite teacher ever
  7. favorite cat
  8. second favorite food
  9. birth date
  10. worst class
  11. birth month
  12. first favorite food
  1. middle name
  2. where was I born?
  3. place I really want to go
  4. the name of the big dog at my dads house
  5. favorite marvel super hero
  6. favorite movie
  7. what's my favorite animal
  8. moms name
  9. favorite store
  10. what's my favorite color?
  11. dads name
  12. favorite christmas song

24 Clues: moms namedads namebest classbirth datemiddle nameworst classbirth monthfavorite catstep moms namefavorite moviefavorite storefavorite mascarawhere do I work?where was I born?favorite video gamefirst favorite foodsecond favorite foodfavorite christmas songplace I really want to gowhat's my favorite animalwhat's my favorite color?...

All About Eli 2023-03-10

All About Eli crossword puzzle
  1. Adjective for JT
  2. Always giving this in the car
  3. Favorite color
  4. According to Addie he is a ____ boy
  5. Cover daddy with ___!
  6. Favorite show
  7. Favorite fast food
  8. stuffed lovey
  9. Birthstate
  10. favorite fancy food and Breckenridge staple
  11. Second favorite color
  12. Best friend
  1. Favorite animal
  2. First paid job was killing these
  3. Favorite superhero
  4. Favorite type of shirt
  5. Loves building these
  6. Always practicing this
  7. Always picking
  8. First restaurant
  9. Is that a ___?
  10. Favorite thing to give
  11. Birth month

23 Clues: BirthstateBirth monthBest friendFavorite showstuffed loveyAlways pickingFavorite colorIs that a ___?Favorite animalAdjective for JTFirst restaurantFavorite superheroFavorite fast foodLoves building theseCover daddy with ___!Second favorite colorFavorite type of shirtAlways practicing thisFavorite thing to giveAlways giving this in the car...

Rilyn Paumi 2023-03-01

Rilyn Paumi crossword puzzle
  1. last TV show I binge watched
  2. What Is my zodiac sign
  3. What sport do I play in the Spring
  4. Favorite snack
  5. Dream collage
  6. Favorite animal
  7. Favorite Superhero
  8. the dumbest way you have broken a bone
  9. A place I want to go
  10. Favorite Holiday
  1. How many siblings do I have
  2. Worst song
  3. Favorite subject
  4. Favorite color
  5. What sport do I play in the Fall
  6. How many dogs do I have
  7. Favorite thing
  8. Favorite season
  9. What am I allergic to
  10. My age
  11. Biggest Fear of an animal
  12. Biggest Pet Pieve

22 Clues: My ageWorst songDream collageFavorite colorFavorite thingFavorite snackFavorite seasonFavorite animalFavorite subjectFavorite HolidayBiggest Pet PieveFavorite SuperheroA place I want to goWhat am I allergic toWhat Is my zodiac signHow many dogs do I haveBiggest Fear of an animalHow many siblings do I havelast TV show I binge watched...

Popular movies 2023-09-30

Popular movies crossword puzzle
  1. The other mother
  2. Hero in Gotham
  3. Couple fights off demons
  4. Pandora
  5. Friendly neighborhood hero
  6. Pink dreamhouse
  7. Acapella battle
  8. wilson imposters
  9. Talking snowman
  10. Are you coming to the tree
  11. #1 rule is never talk about
  12. Papoi?(little yellow helpers)
  13. The lost world
  14. Big iceberg
  1. skeleton santa clause
  2. Christmas train
  3. singing chipmucks
  4. Who stole christmas
  5. Rat chef
  6. KA-CHOW
  7. Remember me
  8. Wizard boy
  9. Huge killer shark
  10. Lightsaber
  11. Green ogre
  12. Superhero group
  13. White masked killer
  14. Demon possessed doll

28 Clues: KA-CHOWPandoraRat chefWizard boyLightsaberGreen ogreRemember meBig icebergHero in GothamThe lost worldChristmas trainPink dreamhouseAcapella battleSuperhero groupTalking snowmanThe other motherwilson imposterssinging chipmucksHuge killer sharkWho stole christmasWhite masked killerDemon possessed dollskeleton santa clauseCouple fights off demons...

Fest 2023-12-26

Fest crossword puzzle
  1. Kajsas djur
  2. Bild
  3. Vlads hemstad
  4. Vem är hjälten som ska besegra Sandman?
  5. - Vad huter denn här växten?
  6. - Aviciis efternamnn?
  7. - Spelserie
  8. Katter Vlad & Kajsa
  9. Instrumentala versionen av faded
  10. Fågel på bilden
  11. Kajsas åk
  1. Vad heter den här formen?
  2. Despacito på svenska
  3. Vilken råvara funkar ist för Jam och håller
  4. Sarek NNational Park
  5. Justin timberlakes band
  6. Kygos födelsedagsland
  7. Vad kan man annnars kalla sill?
  8. - Banndet som gjort albatraoz?
  9. En av de 5 största religionerna
  10. Eminems alterego

21 Clues: BildKajsas åkKajsas djur- SpelserieVlads hemstadFågel på bildenEminems alteregoKatter Vlad & KajsaDespacito på svenskaSarek NNational ParkKygos födelsedagsland- Aviciis efternamnn?Justin timberlakes bandVad heter den här formen?- Vad huter denn här växten?- Banndet som gjort albatraoz?Vad kan man annnars kalla sill?En av de 5 största religionerna...

Avengers superheros 2024-03-02

Avengers superheros crossword puzzle
  1. carol danvers
  2. red, white, and blue
  3. god of mischief
  4. daughter of ego
  5. just a kid from queens
  6. green stone
  7. yellow stone
  8. red stone
  9. archery
  10. "______ smash"
  11. doctor Stephan
  12. god of thunder
  1. natalie rushman
  2. "he could be as small as a ant and as tall as a building
  3. a king
  4. genius playboy billionaire philanthropist
  5. purple stone
  6. metal arm
  7. "i am _____"
  8. orange stone
  9. blue stone
  10. son of ego
  11. "on your left"
  12. 1 half of 2
  13. a "rodent"

25 Clues: a kingarcherymetal armred stoneblue stoneson of egoa "rodent"green stone1 half of 2purple stone"i am _____"orange stoneyellow stonecarol danvers"on your left""______ smash"doctor Stephangod of thundernatalie rushmangod of mischiefdaughter of egored, white, and bluejust a kid from queensgenius playboy billionaire philanthropist...

jogos 2023-09-05

jogos crossword puzzle
  1. tryhard
  2. esparta
  3. futebol
  4. hypixel
  1. filme
  2. blox fruits
  3. 100%atualizado

7 Clues: filmetryhardespartafutebolhypixelblox fruits100%atualizado

MARVEL 2021-02-27

MARVEL crossword puzzle
  5. ORGANIZATION LED BY Baron Wolfgang von Strucker


Marvel Crossword 2021-03-19

Marvel Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Defender of Wakanda
  2. Son of Oden, God of Thunder
  3. Sacrificed by Thanos for the Soul Stone
  4. Friendly, Neighborhood...
  5. Who does IronMan love?
  6. Enemy organization of SHIELD
  7. Artificial intelligence gone wrong
  8. aka Natasha Romanoff
  9. Peter Quill
  10. Hulk's alter-ego
  11. Avengers archer
  12. ...ASSEMBLE!
  13. Ant-Man and the...
  1. Thor's hammer
  2. ...the Destroyer
  3. Captain America's shield material
  4. God of Mischief
  5. Raccoon
  6. Bridge to Asgard
  7. Who was the first Avenger?
  8. I am...
  9. Hemsworth, Evans, or Pratt
  10. Marvel Creator
  11. SHEILD Director
  12. The Winter Soldier

25 Clues: RaccoonI am...Peter Quill...ASSEMBLE!Thor's hammerMarvel CreatorGod of MischiefSHEILD DirectorAvengers archer...the DestroyerBridge to AsgardHulk's alter-egoThe Winter SoldierAnt-Man and the...Defender of Wakandaaka Natasha RomanoffWho does IronMan love?Friendly, Neighborhood...Who was the first Avenger?Hemsworth, Evans, or Pratt...

křýšovka 2021-10-03

křýšovka crossword puzzle
  1. oblíbené místo Trevora
  2. *ukázka na klávesy*
  3. 6.10.1963, 10.6.1970
  4. nakopávač
  5. kotě v botě
  6. původ starého hrnku
  7. živý budík
  8. začíná na spider
  9. pomůcka na sraní
  10. kluziště
  11. ten stroj pro tátu
  12. oblíbený šipkař
  1. nově zasnoubena
  2. figurky od kamaráda
  3. oblíbený sport
  4. učitelka
  5. ta firma na kovy
  6. černý přítel
  7. dárce krve
  8. slovo pro vyhnání čerta
  9. operní zpěvák
  10. důležitá tekutina
  11. Trevorův krunýř
  12. Ádova povinnost
  13. papír a kamarád
  14. místo setkání
  15. nic neví
  16. mamčino vysněné povolání
  17. *poznávačka*
  18. doktor z Brna

30 Clues: učitelkanic nevíkluzištěnakopávačdárce krveživý budíkkotě v botěčerný přítel*poznávačka*operní zpěvákmísto setkánídoktor z Brnaoblíbený sportnově zasnoubenaTrevorův krunýřÁdova povinnostpapír a kamarádoblíbený šipkařta firma na kovyzačíná na spiderpomůcka na sranídůležitá tekutinaten stroj pro tátufigurky od kamaráda*ukázka na klávesy*...

Avengers 2021-11-22

Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. burdened with glorious purpose
  2. orange slices
  3. birdy
  4. stars and stripes
  5. tree
  6. one sandwich away from fat
  7. web head
  8. total poser
  9. "what are those?!?!"
  10. doesn't like hair
  11. "what's up regular size man?"
  12. anger issues
  13. likes cats
  14. "you're a total poser"
  15. varient
  16. invisible to the eye
  1. swords
  2. mind stone
  3. fast
  4. genius, billionaire, playboy
  5. loves guns
  6. ugly
  7. photon blast
  8. witch
  9. half robot
  10. pegasus
  11. metal arm
  12. orange slices's friend
  13. good eye
  14. eye patch
  15. hammer

31 Clues: fastuglytreewitchbirdyswordshammerpegasusvarientweb headgood eyemetal armeye patchmind stoneloves gunshalf robotlikes catstotal poserphoton blastanger issuesorange slicesstars and stripesdoesn't like hair"what are those?!?!"invisible to the eyeorange slices's friend"you're a total poser"one sandwich away from fatgenius, billionaire, playboy...

Happy Birthday! 2022-01-26

Happy Birthday! crossword puzzle
  1. The paper I read!
  2. I wanna eat them... so cute!
  3. Jodhpur's Favorite
  4. You think I am...
  5. The girl for Ani!
  6. The brand you use!
  7. The University!
  8. The Marvel Character
  9. Your fav!
  10. I love your...
  11. The our class!
  1. The foremost thing I keep in mind before for somebody...
  2. I hate!
  3. The name of our combo!
  4. My Jigri!
  5. The brand of my cell!
  6. Want your kiss there!
  7. My best friend1
  8. The food we discussed on first call
  9. It suits me!

20 Clues: I hate!My Jigri!Your fav!It suits me!I love your...The our class!The University!My best friend1The paper I read!You think I am...The girl for Ani!Jodhpur's FavoriteThe brand you use!The Marvel CharacterThe brand of my cell!Want your kiss there!The name of our combo!I wanna eat them... so cute!The food we discussed on first call...

Avengers 2022-03-01

Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. hammer
  2. wanda maxinoff
  3. wakanda
  4. She's green, not mean, and can talk to plants
  5. step sister to gamora
  6. neurosurgeon
  7. sidekick to dr. Strange
  8. tony stark
  9. natasha romanoff
  10. android
  11. woke up from ice
  1. Raccoon
  2. web maker
  3. of the meta-human regulation organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D.
  4. thors brother
  5. bow and arrow
  6. shrinks down to size
  7. smash
  8. leader of the guardians of the galaxy
  9. James Rupert "Rhodey" Rhodes
  10. the Destroyer
  11. bucky barnes
  12. adopted daughter of Thanos
  13. Samuel Thomas "Sam" Wilson

24 Clues: smashhammerRaccoonwakandaandroidweb makertony starkneurosurgeonbucky barnesthors brotherbow and arrowthe Destroyerwanda maxinoffnatasha romanoffwoke up from iceshrinks down to sizestep sister to gamorasidekick to dr. Strangeadopted daughter of ThanosSamuel Thomas "Sam" WilsonJames Rupert "Rhodey" Rhodesleader of the guardians of the galaxy...

Wings Of Fire Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-06

Wings Of Fire Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Rhymes with glue.
  2. Where bees live.
  3. Has three vowels.
  4. Why you wear sunscreen.
  5. If a tree was a dragon.
  6. Bears like to eat it.
  7. Plant with pouch.
  8. It breathes fire.
  9. Stings and keeps its stinger.
  10. Deadly nightshade.
  1. A female ruler.
  2. Sometimes they are weeping.
  3. Like a venus fly trap.
  4. A dangerous plant.
  5. Something jedi can do.
  6. Another name for the moon.
  7. Shoo shoo don't bother me.
  8. Made by spiders.
  9. If spiderman shot fire.
  10. A card game.

20 Clues: A card game.A female ruler.Where bees live.Made by spiders.Rhymes with glue.Has three vowels.Plant with pouch.It breathes fire.A dangerous plant.Deadly nightshade.Bears like to eat it.Like a venus fly trap.Something jedi can do.Why you wear sunscreen.If a tree was a dragon.If spiderman shot fire.Another name for the moon.Shoo shoo don't bother me....

Famous People 2021-12-21

Famous People crossword puzzle
  1. Cofounder ACLU
  2. Space X
  3. Minister Human Rights
  4. Change
  5. I Have A Dream
  6. Loves McDonalds
  7. London Bombing
  8. Star-lord
  9. Sister Venus
  10. HarryPotter
  11. Taken
  12. Miami DUI
  13. Speak
  14. Hundred Years War
  15. Horror Writer
  16. Light Bulb
  17. Physicist
  1. Wooden Teeth
  2. Queen
  3. The Matrix
  4. 007
  5. Lost to Trump
  6. Book Club
  7. Star Wars
  8. Epic Concert Fail
  9. Swimming
  10. Composer
  11. Romeo and Juliet
  12. Spiderman
  13. Free Shipping
  14. Failed Bar Exam
  15. Apple Founder
  16. Mona Lisa
  17. Diary
  18. Ford Theatre

35 Clues: 007QueenTakenSpeakDiaryChangeSpace XSwimmingComposerBook ClubStar WarsStar-lordSpidermanMiami DUIMona LisaPhysicistThe MatrixLight BulbHarryPotterWooden TeethSister VenusFord TheatreLost to TrumpFree ShippingApple FounderHorror WriterCofounder ACLUI Have A DreamLondon BombingLoves McDonaldsFailed Bar ExamRomeo and JulietEpic Concert Fail...

MCU 2021-08-27

MCU crossword puzzle
  1. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry
  2. Our families not in the MCU yet
  3. Captain America enemy
  4. (What if..)Captain _____
  5. Dr Strange’s friend
  6. Wanda_____
  7. First Avenger ____ Rogers
  8. Black Panther is king of ____
  9. Number of Infinity Stones
  10. No Way ____
  1. All I do is look
  2. Guardians of the ______
  3. Peter Quill alias
  4. Natasha Romanoff alias
  5. He snaps his fingers
  6. Peter Parker alias
  7. We’re not in the MCU yet, either
  8. Tony _____
  9. The next MCU movie
  10. Antman and the ____
  11. Smallest and biggest hero

21 Clues: Wanda_____Tony _____No Way ____All I do is lookPeter Quill aliasPeter Parker aliasThe next MCU movieDr Strange’s friendAntman and the ____He snaps his fingersCaptain America enemyNatasha Romanoff aliasGuardians of the ______(What if..)Captain _____First Avenger ____ RogersSmallest and biggest heroNumber of Infinity Stones...

Superheroes and Villains 2022-04-20

Superheroes and Villains crossword puzzle
  1. - He's still worthy
  2. - hahaha
  3. - Doc Oc's last name
  4. - I froze my wife
  5. - he shrink
  6. - dark knight
  7. - S means hope
  8. - puny god
  9. - stars and stripes
  10. - merc with a mouth
  11. - rock man
  12. - iron man but this time he's gray
  13. - sonic but human guy
  1. - amazon
  2. - teen with a sixth sense
  3. - plant girl
  4. - alter ego's first name is bruce
  5. - ten rings
  6. - I'm a bird
  7. - character from xmen with blue skin
  8. - monkey see, monkey do
  9. - hot rod red
  10. - coin flip

23 Clues: - amazon- hahaha- puny god- rock man- ten rings- he shrink- coin flip- plant girl- I'm a bird- dark knight- hot rod red- S means hope- I froze my wife- He's still worthy- stars and stripes- merc with a mouth- Doc Oc's last name- sonic but human guy- monkey see, monkey do- teen with a sixth sense- alter ego's first name is bruce...