spiderman Crossword Puzzles

Spiderman 2022-05-12

Spiderman crossword puzzle
  1. Flying mammal
  2. Has a trunk
  3. Man's best friend
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

marvel characters 2020-07-04

marvel characters crossword puzzle
  1. smash
  2. arc reacter
  3. metalarm
  4. wakanda
  5. web
  6. infinity gauntlet
  1. armor with more guns
  2. shield
  3. Mjölnir
  4. ants
  5. eye of agamotto
  6. scepter
  7. wingsuit
  8. raccon
  9. mind stones
  10. tree man
  11. bow and arrow

17 Clues: webantssmashshieldracconMjölnirscepterwakandametalarmwingsuittree manarc reactermind stonesbow and arroweye of agamottoinfinity gauntletarmor with more guns

Duerrito Crossword Vol. 3 2021-11-17

Duerrito Crossword Vol. 3 crossword puzzle
  1. One card left
  2. No Shave ________.
  3. Biggest state
  4. Vampires vs. werewolves w/teen drama
  5. Mario Kart on the GameCube
  6. Jedi part-timer
  7. DC's version of Thanos
  8. Honey nut cereal
  9. Heroes in a half shell
  10. Russel's team
  11. He is always watching (1984)
  12. Tom Holland
  1. Elway's team
  2. Online classes
  3. Plays concerts at the Gorge EVERY Labor Day
  4. Capital of Italy
  5. Spray painting, young Spiderman
  6. Dark Side of the Moon
  7. Book source
  8. Smallest state
  9. Mario's taller brother
  10. Originated at Pike Place Market
  11. World's most popular sport
  12. Washington grows these the best
  13. Phil Knight's empire
  14. Edward & Jacob's home town
  15. What the rest of the world calls soccer
  16. Neighbor to the North
  17. "I am Gotham's reckoning"
  18. Parker Bros. classic board game

30 Clues: Book sourceTom HollandElway's teamOne card leftBiggest stateRussel's teamOnline classesSmallest stateJedi part-timerCapital of ItalyHoney nut cerealNo Shave ________.Phil Knight's empireDark Side of the MoonNeighbor to the NorthMario's taller brotherDC's version of ThanosHeroes in a half shell"I am Gotham's reckoning"Mario Kart on the GameCube...

Puzzle 2022-01-17

Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. spdn
  2. bt
  3. mo
  4. bg
  5. cr
  6. nj
  7. bnc
  1. f
  2. srws
  3. ht
  4. an
  5. in
  6. nwk

13 Clues: fbthtmoanbgincrnjnwkbncspdnsrws

marvel characters 2020-07-04

marvel characters crossword puzzle
  1. eye of agamotto
  2. shield
  3. smash
  4. scepter
  5. mind stones
  6. metalarm
  7. wingsuit
  8. bow and arrow
  9. tree man
  1. web
  2. arc reacter
  3. armor with more guns
  4. wakanda
  5. infinity gauntlet
  6. ants
  7. raccon
  8. Mjölnir

17 Clues: webantssmashshieldracconwakandascepterMjölnirmetalarmwingsuittree manarc reactermind stonesbow and arroweye of agamottoinfinity gauntletarmor with more guns


  1. parade
  2. thanksgiving
  3. squarepants
  4. helium
  5. book
  6. cartoon
  7. city
  8. Star Wars
  1. show
  2. Ronald
  3. web
  4. day
  5. dog

13 Clues: webdaydogshowbookcityparadeRonaldheliumcartoonStar Warssquarepantsthanksgiving

Marvel Heroes 2020-06-24

Marvel Heroes crossword puzzle
  1. Drax
  2. Gamora
  3. Thor
  4. Black Panther
  5. Rocket
  6. Wolverine
  7. Captain America
  8. Iron Man
  9. Hawkeye
  1. Captain Marvel
  2. Ant Man
  3. Groot
  4. Black Widow
  5. Hulk
  6. Star Lord
  7. Spider Man

16 Clues: DraxThorHulkGrootGamoraRocketAnt ManHawkeyeIron ManStar LordWolverineSpider ManBlack WidowBlack PantherCaptain MarvelCaptain America

marvel characters 2020-07-04

marvel characters crossword puzzle
  1. web
  2. smash
  3. wingsuit
  4. arc reacter
  5. Mjölnir
  6. shield
  7. tree man
  8. bow and arrow
  1. infinity gauntlet
  2. eye of agamotto
  3. mind stones
  4. wakanda
  5. scepter
  6. metalarm
  7. raccon
  8. ants
  9. armor with more guns

17 Clues: webantssmashracconshieldwakandascepterMjölnirwingsuitmetalarmtree manmind stonesarc reacterbow and arroweye of agamottoinfinity gauntletarmor with more guns

marvel characters 2020-07-04

marvel characters crossword puzzle
  1. smash
  2. arc reacter
  3. metalarm
  4. wakanda
  5. web
  6. infinity gauntlet
  1. armor with more guns
  2. shield
  3. Mjölnir
  4. ants
  5. eye of agamotto
  6. scepter
  7. wingsuit
  8. raccon
  9. mind stones
  10. tree man
  11. bow and arrow

17 Clues: webantssmashshieldracconMjölnirscepterwakandametalarmwingsuittree manarc reactermind stonesbow and arroweye of agamottoinfinity gauntletarmor with more guns

Know Your Celebrity Last Names! 2021-11-02

Know Your Celebrity Last Names! crossword puzzle
  1. JB
  2. RR
  3. Timothee
  4. TS
  5. NIKI 88 rising
  6. RG
  7. TL
  1. AB from GG
  2. OR
  3. Florence
  4. Andrew
  5. HS
  6. Spiderman
  7. ChrisE

14 Clues: JBORRRHSTSRGTLAndrewChrisEFlorenceTimotheeSpidermanAB from GGNIKI 88 rising

Marvel Superheroes - Villian They've Fought 2024-10-13

Marvel Superheroes - Villian They've Fought crossword puzzle
  1. Red Skull
  2. Rhino
  3. Iron Maiden
  4. Dormammu
  5. Ravage
  6. Killmonger
  7. Loki
  1. Doctor Doom
  2. Sabretooth
  3. Hydra
  4. Proxima Midnight
  5. Kingpin
  6. Darren Cross
  7. Mister Sinister
  8. Ajax

15 Clues: AjaxLokiHydraRhinoRavageKingpinDormammuRed SkullSabretoothKillmongerDoctor DoomIron MaidenDarren CrossMister SinisterProxima Midnight

Marvel Comics: Avengers Mission Impossible 2021-01-31

Marvel Comics: Avengers Mission Impossible crossword puzzle
  1. Timestone
  2. Steve Rogers
  3. Assemble
  4. purple
  5. spider
  6. Age
  1. 3000
  2. forever
  3. Spiderman
  4. Stone
  5. iam
  6. Lightning
  7. patch

13 Clues: iamAge3000StonepatchpurplespiderforeverAssembleTimestoneSpidermanLightningSteve Rogers

Spiderman, page 37 2024-10-22

Spiderman, page 37 crossword puzzle
  1. ... TV, see
  2. can take big, heavy objects
  3. laboratory
  4. not kind
  5. men, women, children are...
  6. sister of a mother, not uncle
  7. not active
  1. child from 11 to 18 years old
  2. amazing, very good, excellent
  3. animal with 6 legs, makes a web
  4. very much like

11 Clues: not kindlaboratorynot active... TV, seevery much likecan take big, heavy objectsmen, women, children are...child from 11 to 18 years oldamazing, very good, excellentsister of a mother, not uncleanimal with 6 legs, makes a web

Disney 2021-11-30

Disney crossword puzzle
  1. america
  2. disney
  3. ironman
  4. hulk
  1. spiderman
  2. superhero
  3. panther

7 Clues: hulkdisneyamericapantherironmanspidermansuperhero

Ace it! 2024-03-06

Ace it! crossword puzzle
  1. The father of the Simpson family
  2. An American sport
  3. Garfield's favorite food
  4. The actress who plays MJ in Spiderman
  1. Peter... Spiderman
  2. Cristiano... Portuguese soccer player
  3. The God of War
  4. Shrek's wife
  5. A Brazilian soccer player

9 Clues: Shrek's wifeThe God of WarAn American sportPeter... SpidermanGarfield's favorite foodA Brazilian soccer playerThe father of the Simpson familyCristiano... Portuguese soccer playerThe actress who plays MJ in Spiderman

Comic Puzzle 2024-11-24

Comic Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Creator of Comics
  2. What Does The Word Comic Come From
  3. Another Comic Company (Other Than Marvel and DC)
  4. First Superhero Character
  5. Supermans Comic Run
  6. Creator of Spiderman
  7. Most Popular Marvel Character
  1. Batmans Comic Run
  2. Next to Superman, The Most Popular Character in the Golden Age
  3. First Marvel Character

10 Clues: Creator of ComicsBatmans Comic RunSupermans Comic RunCreator of SpidermanFirst Marvel CharacterFirst Superhero CharacterMost Popular Marvel CharacterWhat Does The Word Comic Come FromAnother Comic Company (Other Than Marvel and DC)Next to Superman, The Most Popular Character in the Golden Age

Alllll About You 2018-10-26

Alllll About You crossword puzzle
  1. Dog's Name
  2. Fav. Franchise
  3. Fav. Season
  4. Live Anywhere...
  5. Fav. Food
  6. Sport
  7. Fav. Drink
  8. Dream Job
  9. Fav. Superhero
  10. High School
  11. Dream Vacation
  12. Fav. Video Game
  1. Fav. Animal
  2. Fav. Food
  3. Fav. Vacay
  4. Fav. Color
  5. College
  6. Middle Name
  7. Anniversary Month
  8. Eye Color
  9. Fav. Number

21 Clues: SportCollegeFav. FoodFav. FoodDream JobEye ColorDog's NameFav. VacayFav. ColorFav. DrinkFav. AnimalFav. SeasonMiddle NameFav. NumberHigh SchoolFav. FranchiseFav. SuperheroDream VacationFav. Video GameLive Anywhere...Anniversary Month

Superhero Crossword Puzzle 2024-03-30

Superhero Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Diana Prince
  2. Wanda Maximoff
  3. Natasha Romanoff
  4. Peter Quill
  5. Bruce Wayne
  6. Peter Parker
  7. T'Challa
  8. Bucky Barnes
  9. Barry Allen
  1. Scott Lang
  2. Clint Barton
  3. Thor Odinson
  4. Stephen Strange
  5. Steve Rogers
  6. Clark Kent
  7. Miles Morales
  8. Tony Stark
  9. Carol Danvers
  10. James Rhodes
  11. Sam Wilson
  12. Bruce Banner

21 Clues: T'ChallaScott LangClark KentTony StarkSam WilsonPeter QuillBruce WayneBarry AllenClint BartonDiana PrinceThor OdinsonSteve RogersPeter ParkerJames RhodesBucky BarnesBruce BannerMiles MoralesCarol DanversWanda MaximoffStephen StrangeNatasha Romanoff

Celebrity 2022-05-14

Celebrity crossword puzzle
  1. Her name is a colour
  2. Selena Gomez's bff
  3. Has two sisters and one brother
  4. He sung Savage Love
  5. Ends in 'once'
  1. The actor of MJ in spiderman
  2. The last letter is B
  3. Yuh
  4. The actor of spiderman

9 Clues: YuhEnds in 'once'Selena Gomez's bffHe sung Savage LoveThe last letter is BHer name is a colourThe actor of spidermanThe actor of MJ in spidermanHas two sisters and one brother

Marvel 2022-04-02

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Il miglior cacciatore di tutte le prede
  2. Fratello di Thor
  3. La squadra di eroi Marvel.
  4. L'animale che ha morso l'eroe più famoso
  1. Celestiale Marvel
  2. gigante verde di un esperimento finito male
  3. woman. La versione femminile di spiderman
  4. Simbionte alieno di spiderman
  5. Luogo di nascita di Thor
  6. Stark. Il migliardario Marvel

10 Clues: Fratello di ThorCelestiale MarvelLuogo di nascita di ThorLa squadra di eroi Marvel.Simbionte alieno di spidermanStark. Il migliardario MarvelIl miglior cacciatore di tutte le predeL'animale che ha morso l'eroe più famosowoman. La versione femminile di spidermangigante verde di un esperimento finito male

Avengers 2021-07-08

Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. Bird
  2. Buzz
  3. Green and mean
  4. Robot
  5. big purlple grape
  6. Speed
  7. Creepy crawly
  8. Tiny
  9. He likes dinosaurs
  1. Cat
  2. America Flag
  3. Ant jr
  4. Clone
  5. Strange Wizzard
  6. he sees
  7. Lightning

16 Clues: CatBirdBuzzTinyRobotCloneSpeedAnt jrhe seesLightningAmerica FlagCreepy crawlyGreen and meanStrange Wizzardbig purlple grapeHe likes dinosaurs

wedding 2023-04-18

wedding crossword puzzle
  3. SONG
  2. ANIME
  6. MAJOR
  12. ZODIAC


Feet Pics 2024-01-27

Feet Pics crossword puzzle
  1. Something I need pictures of is SPIDERMAN
  2. the process by which cells derive energy from glucose
  3. The Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor from the second Harry Potter book
  4. Something I NEED pictures of
  5. EliteSwordsmin's real name
  1. Something someone with four-eyes has
  2. El Gobierno
  3. You Can't see him
  4. What I use to type capital letters
  5. Something I want pictures of
  6. Definition - Joel Guirdy

11 Clues: El GobiernoYou Can't see himDefinition - Joel GuirdyEliteSwordsmin's real nameSomething I want pictures ofSomething I NEED pictures ofWhat I use to type capital lettersSomething someone with four-eyes hasSomething I need pictures of is SPIDERMANthe process by which cells derive energy from glucose...

ahmedul şik şak şok 2024-02-09

ahmedul şik şak şok crossword puzzle
  1. spiderman no way home kaç yılında çıktı?
  2. tanos parmak şıklattığında kim aklını kaybeder? (guardians of galaxy)
  3. kim osmanlıyı kurmuştur?
  4. star lordun dinlediği şarkı?
  5. marvelda hangi taş zamanı kontrol eder?
  1. guadians of galaxydeki rakunun labratuar adı?
  2. spiderman no way home kaç saattir
  3. en sevdiğim renk?
  4. xxxtentacion öldümü?
  5. hangi hayvan bal üretir?

10 Clues: en sevdiğim renk?xxxtentacion öldümü?kim osmanlıyı kurmuştur?hangi hayvan bal üretir?star lordun dinlediği şarkı?spiderman no way home kaç saattirmarvelda hangi taş zamanı kontrol eder?spiderman no way home kaç yılında çıktı?guadians of galaxydeki rakunun labratuar adı?tanos parmak şıklattığında kim aklını kaybeder? (guardians of galaxy)

Avengers 2021-07-08

Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. Bird
  2. Buzz
  3. Green and mean
  4. Robot
  5. big purlple grape
  6. Speed
  7. Creepy crawly
  8. Tiny
  9. He likes dinosaurs
  1. Cat
  2. America Flag
  3. Ant jr
  4. Clone
  5. Strange Wizzard
  6. She sees
  7. Lightning

16 Clues: CatBirdBuzzTinyRobotCloneSpeedAnt jrShe seesLightningAmerica FlagCreepy crawlyGreen and meanStrange Wizzardbig purlple grapeHe likes dinosaurs

Sandy 2022-07-07

Sandy crossword puzzle
  1. j
  2. r
  3. k
  4. p
  5. e
  6. c
  7. l
  8. s
  9. a
  10. g
  11. y
  12. w
  13. f
  14. o
  15. x
  1. aa
  2. q
  3. b
  4. v
  5. z
  6. u
  7. bb
  8. d
  9. m
  10. h
  11. I
  12. t
  13. n

28 Clues: jqbrvkzpeucdmhlsagIytwfnoxaabb

spiderman 2022-05-01

spiderman crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

spiderman 2024-10-31

spiderman crossword puzzle
  1. ο φίλος του spiderman
  2. octapous δάσκαλος του spiderman
  3. το κορίτσι του spiderman
  4. ο μεγάλος εχθρός του spiderman
  1. ποια είναι η κρυφή του ταυτότητα

5 Clues: ο φίλος του spidermanτο κορίτσι του spidermanο μεγάλος εχθρός του spidermanoctapous δάσκαλος του spidermanποια είναι η κρυφή του ταυτότητα

Deadpool 2024-08-04

Deadpool crossword puzzle
  1. Who was jealous deadpool was dating Death?
  2. Who is deadpools friend that also has healing factors?
  3. Who is deadpools idol?
  4. Which spiderman villain did deadpool drive insane?
  5. What DC superhero is Deadpool related to?
  1. Where is deadpool from?
  2. What is deadpools name?
  3. Who is the hydra agent deadpool is friends with?
  4. How many daughters does deadpool have?
  5. What is the actors name who plays deadpool?
  6. Whos suit/costume did deadpool put on one time and ran around the city pretending to be?
  7. What is deadpools biggest fear?
  8. What illness does deadpool have?
  9. Who was deadpools first wife?
  10. Who is Deadpools best friend?

15 Clues: Who is deadpools idol?Where is deadpool from?What is deadpools name?Who was deadpools first wife?Who is Deadpools best friend?What is deadpools biggest fear?What illness does deadpool have?How many daughters does deadpool have?What DC superhero is Deadpool related to?Who was jealous deadpool was dating Death?...

movie characters 2021-04-16

movie characters crossword puzzle
  1. big ape guy
  2. the smartest velociraptor
  3. who is the king of the monsters
  4. who flies on Godzilla's team
  5. evil spiderman
  1. he got bit by a radioactive bug
  2. who is the three headed dragon in Godzilla
  3. he is not the slowest superhero
  4. which superhero does mommy love?
  5. who is the fire demon in Godzilla

10 Clues: big ape guyevil spidermanthe smartest velociraptorwho flies on Godzilla's teamhe got bit by a radioactive bughe is not the slowest superherowho is the king of the monsterswhich superhero does mommy love?who is the fire demon in Godzillawho is the three headed dragon in Godzilla

Marvel 2022-04-02

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Il miglior cacciatore di tutte le prede
  2. Fratello di Thor
  3. La squadra di eroi Marvel.
  4. L'animale che ha morso l'eroe più famoso
  1. Celestiale Marvel
  2. gigante verde di un esperimento finito male
  3. woman. La versione femminile di spiderman
  4. Simbionte alieno di spiderman
  5. Luogo di nascita di Thor
  6. Stark. Il migliardario Marvel

10 Clues: Fratello di ThorCelestiale MarvelLuogo di nascita di ThorLa squadra di eroi Marvel.Simbionte alieno di spidermanStark. Il migliardario MarvelIl miglior cacciatore di tutte le predeL'animale che ha morso l'eroe più famosowoman. La versione femminile di spidermangigante verde di un esperimento finito male

Deadpool 2022-08-25

Deadpool crossword puzzle
  1. Who was jealous deadpool was dating Death?
  2. Who is deadpools friend that also has healing factors?
  3. Who is deadpools idol?
  4. Which spiderman villain did deadpool drive insane?
  5. What DC superhero is Deadpool related to?
  1. Where is deadpool from?
  2. What is deadpools name?
  3. Who is the hydra agent deadpool is friends with?
  4. How many daughters does deadpool have?
  5. What is the actors name who plays deadpool?
  6. Whos suit/costume did deadpool put on one time and ran around the city pretending to be?
  7. What is deadpools biggest fear?
  8. What illness does deadpool have?
  9. Who was deadpools first wife?
  10. Who is Deadpools best friend?

15 Clues: Who is deadpools idol?Where is deadpool from?What is deadpools name?Who was deadpools first wife?Who is Deadpools best friend?What is deadpools biggest fear?What illness does deadpool have?How many daughters does deadpool have?What DC superhero is Deadpool related to?Who was jealous deadpool was dating Death?...

movie characters 2021-04-16

movie characters crossword puzzle
  1. big ape guy
  2. the smartest velociraptor
  3. who is the king of the monsters
  4. who flies on Godzilla's team
  5. evil spiderman
  1. he got bit by a radioactive bug
  2. who is the three headed dragon in Godzilla
  3. he is not the slowest superhero
  4. which superhero does mommy love?
  5. who is the fire demon in Godzilla

10 Clues: big ape guyevil spidermanthe smartest velociraptorwho flies on Godzilla's teamhe got bit by a radioactive bughe is not the slowest superherowho is the king of the monsterswhich superhero does mommy love?who is the fire demon in Godzillawho is the three headed dragon in Godzilla

Marvel 2022-04-18

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Wields the Mjolnir
  2. Shapeshifting alien
  3. Living tree that only knows how to say one phrase and is part of the Guardians of the Galaxy
  4. Bitten by a radioactive spider
  5. Born in the fictional country Wakanda
  6. Wade Wilson
  7. Green Alien who is part of the Guardian of the Galaxy
  8. Protects the world from mystical threats
  9. Shrinks or grows to the size he wants
  1. Tony Stark also known as -------
  2. part of the Guardians of the Galaxy
  3. Holds the vibranium shield
  4. The main robot in Wandavision
  5. The main antagonist of Spiderman Far From Home
  6. Bruce Banner also known as ----
  7. Man in a wheelchair in the movie X-Men
  8. The main antagonist of end game
  9. Talking Racoon and a part of the guardian of the galaxy

18 Clues: Wade WilsonWields the MjolnirShapeshifting alienHolds the vibranium shieldThe main robot in WandavisionBitten by a radioactive spiderBruce Banner also known as ----The main antagonist of end gameTony Stark also known as -------part of the Guardians of the GalaxyBorn in the fictional country WakandaShrinks or grows to the size he wants...

Celebrity 2022-05-14

Celebrity crossword puzzle
  1. Her name is a colour
  2. Selena Gomez's bff
  3. Has two sisters and one brother
  4. He sung Savage Love
  5. Ends in 'once'
  1. The actor of MJ in spiderman
  2. The last letter is B
  3. Yuh
  4. The actor of spiderman

9 Clues: YuhEnds in 'once'Selena Gomez's bffHe sung Savage LoveThe last letter is BHer name is a colourThe actor of spidermanThe actor of MJ in spidermanHas two sisters and one brother

Spiderman Trivia Crossword 2023-03-29

Spiderman Trivia Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What does Spiderman shoot his webs from ?
  2. Peter witnesses a weapons deal being held and is subsequently attacked by Toomes. Tony Stark swoops in to save him, but Tony is actually where at the time?
  3. What does Spiderman describe his spider-sense as ?
  4. Following the revelation of Spiderman's identity, Peter Parker receives legal counsel from whom ?
  5. What is the acronym attributed to Tony Stark's high-tech glasses?
  1. In "Spider-Man2", what did Doc Oc need from Harry to manufacture his device that made a sun-like object?
  2. In the caged fighting match in the movie "Spider-Man", who was the man Peter Parker fought?
  3. Peter discovers that Toomes is whose father?
  4. What name does Peter give to the AI in his Spider-suit?
  5. When Thanos wiped out half of all life in the universe, the event was called 'The Snap'. What phrase was used for the eventual return of said half of the universe?
  6. To which destination do Peter ( Tom Holland )and his class travel first?

11 Clues: What does Spiderman shoot his webs from ?Peter discovers that Toomes is whose father?What does Spiderman describe his spider-sense as ?What name does Peter give to the AI in his Spider-suit?What is the acronym attributed to Tony Stark's high-tech glasses?To which destination do Peter ( Tom Holland )and his class travel first?...

Marvel Mayhem 2014-07-14

Marvel Mayhem crossword puzzle
  1. Bobby Drake is _______man
  2. Codename of father and daughter duo Alpha Flight
  3. Mr. Fantastic could really stretch his ________
  4. Fantastic 4 foe Victor von ________
  5. Beast is covered in it (blue)
  6. The _________ Symbiote from Spiderman
  7. The _______ Torch
  8. Wolverine's first name
  9. Scott Summers with optic blast
  10. Johnny Storm is ______ to the touch
  11. Curtis Doyle is Freedom ________
  12. Jean Grey became the Dark ________
  13. Norman Osborne is the ________ Goblin
  14. Devil or Matt Murdock
  15. Dr. Hank McCoy
  1. _______ Brooks is Blade
  2. He can control fire, John Allerdyce AKA ________
  3. Wolverine's arch enemy ________ Red
  4. Bullseye and Daredevil are _______enemies
  5. Ororo ________ (Storm)
  6. What Spiderman calls Dr. Otto Octavius, ________ Ock
  7. Irish mutant with sonic scream
  8. The leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants
  9. Peter Parker is ______man
  10. Tony Stark is ________ Man
  11. Part of the brotherhood, superhuman leaping and a wicked tongue

26 Clues: Dr. Hank McCoyThe _______ TorchDevil or Matt MurdockOroro ________ (Storm)Wolverine's first name_______ Brooks is BladeBobby Drake is _______manPeter Parker is ______manTony Stark is ________ ManBeast is covered in it (blue)Irish mutant with sonic screamScott Summers with optic blastCurtis Doyle is Freedom ________Jean Grey became the Dark ________...

Superhero Crossword 2024-10-11

Superhero Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This superhero runs super fast
  2. One of spiderman's friends that is red
  3. A superhero that was bitten by a radio-active spider
  4. the female counterpart to Batman
  5. The media franchise that makes superhero movies and comics
  6. Batman's son
  7. One of spiderman's enemies that has lots of tentacles
  8. One of spidermans friends that is a type of cat
  9. One of spidermans enemies that shoots sand
  1. A animal that has 8 legs
  2. This superhero has a green ring that turns him into his superhero self
  3. A superhero that flies
  4. this hero lived in Gotham City
  5. One of spiderman's friends that is green
  6. A superhero whose real identity is a kid
  7. What spiderman makes
  8. This acronym stands for detective comics

17 Clues: Batman's sonWhat spiderman makesA superhero that fliesA animal that has 8 legsThis superhero runs super fastthis hero lived in Gotham Citythe female counterpart to BatmanOne of spiderman's friends that is redOne of spiderman's friends that is greenA superhero whose real identity is a kidThis acronym stands for detective comics...

Spider-Verse 2023-06-19

Spider-Verse crossword puzzle
  1. Miles likes to spray ______ art
  2. The pig is named Spider-___.
  3. _____, I know that's our time, but stay on, stay on with me...
  4. Miles' last name
  5. Uncle Aaron's villain name
  6. Peni Parker is helped by her pet ____.
  7. Scientist turned evil with 8 limbs (2 words).
  8. "I'm in my own world, give me space"
  9. Pavitr Prabhakar, a Spiderman with great hair, lives in _____.
  10. Burrough where Miles lives
  11. You'll be left in the dust, unless I stuck by ya, You're the ____.
  12. The spider that bit miles comes from Earth #__-Two.
  13. Miles has the rare power to turn _____.
  14. ____ O'Hara, Spider-Man 2099, leader of Spider Society.
  1. This villain builds the collider in Into...
  2. Who raised Peter Parker (2 words)?
  3. What state does Miles live in (2 words)?
  4. Peter Parker's wife is named ___ ___ (2 words), or MJ for short
  5. When Miles meets Gwen, his hand gets stuck in her ____.
  6. Who in here, tryin' to start a?
  7. Villain who transports into Gwen's Universe
  8. Peter B Parker has a baby named _____.
  9. I'm not scared, of the ____, I'm not runnin', runnin'...
  10. Villain from Across the Spider-Verse, The ____
  11. Jess Drew recruits Gwen into the Society while riding a ______.
  12. All-black superhero who carries a gun, Spiderman ____.
  13. Miles' and Gwen's dads share this job
  14. What's up,______?
  15. Gwen's last name
  16. ____ Brown, British Spiderman who makes Gwen a secret watch

30 Clues: Miles' last nameGwen's last nameWhat's up,______?Uncle Aaron's villain nameBurrough where Miles livesThe pig is named Spider-___.Miles likes to spray ______ artWho in here, tryin' to start a?Who raised Peter Parker (2 words)?"I'm in my own world, give me space"Miles' and Gwen's dads share this jobPeter B Parker has a baby named _____....

Superheroezz 2022-03-31

Superheroezz crossword puzzle
  1. released in 2018; main character passed away in 2020
  2. Iron Man, Spiderman, Thor, Dr. Strange
  3. helps people expand their imagination
  4. usually has a tragic/ sad backstory
  5. having the same rights as someone
  1. inspires many kids
  2. changed the comic book game
  3. "with great power comes great responsibility"
  4. anger; destruction
  5. super-strength

10 Clues: super-strengthinspires many kidsanger; destructionchanged the comic book gamehaving the same rights as someoneusually has a tragic/ sad backstoryhelps people expand their imaginationIron Man, Spiderman, Thor, Dr. Strange"with great power comes great responsibility"released in 2018; main character passed away in 2020

Avengers Characters 11/08/2022 2022-11-09

Avengers Characters 11/08/2022 crossword puzzle
  1. Female Spider
  2. Raised Tony after his parents murder
  3. Ant-man's Partner
  4. Tony's Best Friend Hero Name
  5. Bow and Arrows
  6. Even dead im the hero
  7. Sam Wilson called him tictac
  8. Carries a Shield
  9. Lost his hammer
  10. Tony and Peppers daughter in Avengers Endgame
  11. Was believed to be killed in the first Avengers Movie
  12. He snapped first
  13. He started the avengers
  1. Visons wife
  2. Spidermans girlfriend in the movies
  3. Had a cameo in almost all Marvels Movies he will be missed
  4. Raised Peter Parker after the death of his parents
  5. He's From Queens Hero Name
  6. Tony Starks second AI
  7. Matt Murdock
  8. Scarlet Witch First name
  9. Falcons First Name
  10. Married to Tony Stark
  11. Mentor to Spiderman Hero Name
  12. Captain Marvels First Name
  13. Winter Soldiers nickname
  14. Big, Mean and Green

27 Clues: Visons wifeMatt MurdockFemale SpiderBow and ArrowsLost his hammerCarries a ShieldHe snapped firstAnt-man's PartnerFalcons First NameBig, Mean and GreenTony Starks second AIEven dead im the heroMarried to Tony StarkHe started the avengersScarlet Witch First nameWinter Soldiers nicknameHe's From Queens Hero NameCaptain Marvels First Name...

𝐹𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎 𝒞𝓇𝑜𝓈𝓈𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 2022-02-14

𝐹𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎 𝒞𝓇𝑜𝓈𝓈𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 crossword puzzle
  1. mamu and daddy are _____ years apart in age
  2. Aayush's Zodiac sign
  3. Daddy just got his licence to be a __
  4. we went to this place with bimens family to eat momo
  5. mamu was born in
  6. we moved to Canada in
  7. Aayusha's favourite spiderman
  8. Mamu and daddy got married in _______
  9. Our go-to fast food restaurant
  10. the one thing aayusha forbids aayush from even thinking about
  11. daddy's "heaven"
  1. aayush's favourite colour
  2. daddy was ______ years old when aayusha was born
  3. The number of daycares aayusha has gone to
  4. Most played game on the switch
  5. ___amount of people work in the medical field
  6. Aayush's favourite spiderman
  7. The hospital Aayush was born in
  8. aayush was born in june _________
  9. we went to this cottage for two days
  10. ___ Caused aayusha and aayush's obsession and strange attachment to superheroes

21 Clues: mamu was born indaddy's "heaven"Aayush's Zodiac signwe moved to Canada inaayush's favourite colourAayush's favourite spidermanAayusha's favourite spidermanMost played game on the switchOur go-to fast food restaurantThe hospital Aayush was born inaayush was born in june _________we went to this cottage for two days...

Themes and heros 2023-02-24

Themes and heros crossword puzzle
  1. Friends with a squid and a seastar
  2. uses webs to get around the city
  3. A Man who trains dragons
  4. The opposite of the protagonist
  5. Looks like spiderman without the webs
  6. a person who does good for others
  7. comparing one thing to another
  8. something that cannot happen in our reality
  9. An antihero who uses kites
  1. friends with a donkey and a cat in boots
  2. Someone has____ powers
  3. A cat named pero after Perrault televised in the 1980s
  4. The most exciting point in a film
  5. A blue animal in a show about summer fun
  6. Not a hero but also not a villain
  7. What you call someone who does almost impossible deeds
  8. Stabbed by his son Kylo Ren
  9. evil person
  10. fell down a well as a kid and became a hero afterward
  11. The hero or main character

20 Clues: evil personSomeone has____ powersA Man who trains dragonsThe hero or main characterAn antihero who uses kitesStabbed by his son Kylo Rencomparing one thing to anotherThe opposite of the protagonistuses webs to get around the cityThe most exciting point in a filmNot a hero but also not a villaina person who does good for others...

Super Heroes 2021-09-01

Super Heroes crossword puzzle
  1. saveandimprovelivesdaily
  2. akatonystark
  3. hangsoutinacave
  4. givethegiftoflife
  5. youwouldntlikehimwhenhesangry
  6. webslinger
  1. wakandaforever
  2. carriesabighammer
  3. fearskryptonite
  4. carriesalassooftruth
  5. akasteverogers
  6. shesanavenger

12 Clues: webslingerakatonystarkshesanavengerwakandaforeverakasteverogersfearskryptonitehangsoutinacavecarriesabighammergivethegiftoflifecarriesalassooftruthsaveandimprovelivesdailyyouwouldntlikehimwhenhesangry

The Gas Laws Superheroes 2023-05-22

The Gas Laws Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. #12
  2. #2
  3. #11
  4. #3
  5. #6
  6. First answer to #13
  7. Second answer to #13
  8. #9
  9. #5
  1. #1
  2. #8
  3. #4
  4. #7
  5. #10

14 Clues: #1#8#4#2#7#3#6#9#5#12#11#10First answer to #13Second answer to #13

𝐹𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎 𝒞𝓇𝑜𝓈𝓈𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 2022-02-14

𝐹𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎 𝒞𝓇𝑜𝓈𝓈𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 crossword puzzle
  1. mamu and daddy are _____ years apart in age
  2. Aayush's Zodiac sign
  3. Daddy just got his licence to be a __
  4. we went to this place with bimens family to eat momo
  5. mamu was born in
  6. we moved to Canada in
  7. Aayusha's favourite spiderman
  8. Mamu and daddy got married in _______
  9. Our go-to fast food restaurant
  10. the one thing aayusha forbids aayush from even thinking about
  11. daddy's "heaven"
  1. aayush's favourite colour
  2. daddy was ______ years old when aayusha was born
  3. The number of daycares aayusha has gone to
  4. Most played game on the switch
  5. ___amount of people work in the medical field
  6. Aayush's favourite spiderman
  7. The hospital Aayush was born in
  8. aayush was born in june _________
  9. we went to this cottage for two days
  10. ___ Caused aayusha and aayush's obsession and strange attachment to superheroes

21 Clues: mamu was born indaddy's "heaven"Aayush's Zodiac signwe moved to Canada inaayush's favourite colourAayush's favourite spidermanAayusha's favourite spidermanMost played game on the switchOur go-to fast food restaurantThe hospital Aayush was born inaayush was born in june _________we went to this cottage for two days...

Marvel Crossword 2021-10-06

Marvel Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. fast
  2. Mind in the mind
  3. Jonathan?
  4. half robot
  5. mischievous
  6. A Shield
  7. GREEN!
  8. The big grape
  9. lightning
  1. raccoon
  2. Squidward
  3. sticky
  4. Wakanda
  5. Heavy Gender
  6. “OOO Child things are gonna get easier”
  7. Plant
  8. Good eyesight

17 Clues: fastPlantstickyGREEN!raccoonWakandaA ShieldSquidwardJonathan?lightninghalf robotmischievousHeavy GenderGood eyesightThe big grapeMind in the mind“OOO Child things are gonna get easier”

Rätsel 2022-04-05

Rätsel crossword puzzle
  1. dawdawd
  2. adwas
  3. daw
  4. adw
  5. dawwd
  6. daw
  7. dwa
  1. awdd
  2. adaw
  3. dawdaw
  4. dawd
  5. dwada
  6. dawd
  7. Micky Hund

14 Clues: dawadwdawdwaawddadawdawddawddwadaadwasdawwddawdawdawdawdMicky Hund

Edvin's crossword 2024-09-04

Edvin's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the best football club in the world.
  2. the most watched sport in the world.
  3. a superhero with spider powers.
  4. someone who is a cool dude like edvin.
  1. a brown big nut
  2. a finnish game starting with the letter b.
  3. my favorite snack (it's salty)
  4. a disney character
  5. an app that is very addictive.
  6. the evil spiderman

10 Clues: a brown big nuta disney characterthe evil spidermanmy favorite snack (it's salty)an app that is very addictive.a superhero with spider powers.the best football club in the world.the most watched sport in the world.someone who is a cool dude like edvin.a finnish game starting with the letter b.

What's on T.V.? 2013-08-26

What's on T.V.? crossword puzzle
  1. Jonas
  2. Victorious
  3. The Anubis Mistery
  1. Jessie
  2. Big Time Rush
  3. The Avengers
  4. Spiderman

7 Clues: JonasJessieSpidermanVictoriousThe AvengersBig Time RushThe Anubis Mistery

Marvel Characters 2014-09-17

Marvel Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Romanov
  2. The First Avenger
  3. Photographer day job
  4. Mark III
  5. To court death
  6. Mjolnir
  7. blind
  8. smash
  9. Hank Pym
  10. Daywalker
  1. Richest avenger
  2. Latverian
  3. Cap's winged ally
  4. Holocaust survivor
  5. torch "flame on"
  6. "I am _____"
  7. Ex-officer Castle
  8. Eats planets
  9. symbiote
  10. Principal
  11. Trickster

21 Clues: blindsmashRomanovMjolnirMark IIIsymbioteHank PymLatverianPrincipalDaywalkerTrickster"I am _____"Eats planetsTo court deathRichest avengertorch "flame on"Cap's winged allyThe First AvengerEx-officer CastleHolocaust survivorPhotographer day job

Marvel 2021-07-17

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Peter Parker
  2. Sam Wilson
  3. Odin's Son
  4. Hayley Atwell
  5. Paul Bettany
  6. Steve Rogers
  7. Peter Quill
  8. Clark Gregg
  9. Bruce Banner
  10. Mr. Stark
  11. Wanda Maximoff
  1. Sebastian Stan
  2. Sherlock
  3. Clint Barton
  4. Scott Lang
  5. Carol Danvers
  6. Hope van Dyne
  7. T'Challa
  8. Terrence Howard first
  9. Natasha Romanoff

20 Clues: SherlockT'ChallaMr. StarkSam WilsonScott LangOdin's SonPeter QuillClark GreggPeter ParkerClint BartonPaul BettanySteve RogersBruce BannerCarol DanversHayley AtwellHope van DyneSebastian StanWanda MaximoffNatasha RomanoffTerrence Howard first

Marvel Avengers and Some Known Heroes 2023-11-24

Marvel Avengers and Some Known Heroes crossword puzzle
  1. Cat
  2. Green
  3. Rodent
  4. Web
  5. Mom died of cancer
  6. Villain turned hero died
  7. Cyborg lady
  8. Time stone
  9. Red hair
  10. Tiny
  1. Silver man
  2. Wings
  3. Big green
  4. Tree
  5. Second Avenger in timeline
  6. Wanda
  7. Mind stone
  8. First Avenger
  9. Dual knives
  10. Hammer
  11. Suit
  12. Bee
  13. Bow

23 Clues: CatWebBeeBowTreeSuitTinyWingsGreenWandaRodentHammerRed hairBig greenSilver manMind stoneTime stoneCyborg ladyDual knivesFirst AvengerMom died of cancerVillain turned hero diedSecond Avenger in timeline

Liam's Crossword 2024-10-29

Liam's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Who I catch for
  2. My best friend
  3. Only Lefty
  4. Siege
  5. Soccer
  6. Catcher
  7. Dad who has a buisness
  8. Pierceing
  9. Running Back
  1. money
  2. Brawl Stars
  3. center
  4. Who loves Spiderman
  5. Dating Myalee
  6. Fastest in the class
  7. Number 23
  8. Lookie Lookie Lookie
  9. Center Fielder
  10. Kicker
  11. Short

20 Clues: moneySiegeShortcenterSoccerKickerCatcherNumber 23PierceingOnly LeftyBrawl StarsRunning BackDating MyaleeMy best friendCenter FielderWho I catch forWho loves SpidermanFastest in the classLookie Lookie LookieDad who has a buisness

Marvel Cinematic Universe 2022-08-02

Marvel Cinematic Universe crossword puzzle
  1. he's a talking tree
  2. he looks like spiderman but his suit is black
  3. he got into a car accident and learned magic
  4. protector of Wakanda
  5. lost her children and love so she became a villain; battled with Doctor Strange
  6. fought Red Skull in World War II; became frozen and woke up in present time
  7. hero that uses a bow and arrow
  8. leader of Guardians of the Galaxy
  9. smallest Avenger
  10. the god of mischief; Thor's brother
  11. Robot villain
  1. Tony Stark's superhero name
  2. wanted to find Infinity Stones to kill 1/2 of population
  3. he was made from JARVIS AI; powered by the mind stone
  4. Russian female Avenger
  5. he was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained superpowers
  6. Thanos' favorite daughter
  7. green hero that gets angry
  8. the Allfather; Thor's and Loki's father
  9. the god of thunder
  10. leader of SHIELD; wears an eyepatch

21 Clues: Robot villainsmallest Avengerthe god of thunderhe's a talking treeprotector of WakandaRussian female AvengerThanos' favorite daughtergreen hero that gets angryTony Stark's superhero namehero that uses a bow and arrowleader of Guardians of the Galaxyleader of SHIELD; wears an eyepatchthe god of mischief; Thor's brother...

Spiderman Into the Spiderverse 2024-06-19

Spiderman Into the Spiderverse crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the main character?
  2. What is Spiderman's aunts name?
  3. Where does the movie take place?
  4. What radioactive creature bites Spiderman?
  5. Who shoves Miles into the collider?
  6. What is Miles' uncles name?
  7. What does Miles' dad do for a living?
  1. Who is the original spiderman?
  2. Who is the antagonist
  3. What is Spiderman's wifes name?
  4. What is Miles painting when he is bitten?

11 Clues: Who is the antagonistWho is the main character?What is Miles' uncles name?Who is the original spiderman?What is Spiderman's aunts name?What is Spiderman's wifes name?Where does the movie take place?Who shoves Miles into the collider?What does Miles' dad do for a living?What is Miles painting when he is bitten?...

Marvel alias 2019-04-02

Marvel alias crossword puzzle
  1. Clint Barton
  2. Peter Parker
  3. Ben Grimm
  4. Steve Rodgers
  5. Pietro Maximoff
  6. Norman Osborn
  7. Natasha Romanoff
  8. Eddie Brock
  9. Emil Blonsky
  10. Johnny Storm
  1. Tony Stark
  2. Wade Wilson
  3. Bruce Banner
  4. Reed Richards
  5. Otto Octavious
  6. Sue Storm
  7. Wanda Maximoff
  8. Kleatus Cassidy
  9. Victor Von Doom

19 Clues: Sue StormBen GrimmTony StarkWade WilsonEddie BrockClint BartonBruce BannerPeter ParkerEmil BlonskyJohnny StormReed RichardsSteve RodgersNorman OsbornOtto OctaviousWanda MaximoffKleatus CassidyPietro MaximoffVictor Von DoomNatasha Romanoff

Superheroes! 2014-01-01

Superheroes! crossword puzzle
  1. Wolverine has these coming out of his hands.
  2. This superhero wears a black suit.
  3. Hawkeye shoots these.
  4. This superhero wears a suit with stars on it.
  5. This superhero wears a blue and yellow suit.
  6. Captain America carries this.
  1. Spiderman shoots these out of his hands.
  2. This superhero has sticky webs that come out of his hands.
  3. This super wears blue pants.
  4. This superhero wears a metal suit.
  5. This superhero shoots sharp arrows.
  6. This superhero wears a red and blue suit.

12 Clues: Hawkeye shoots these.This super wears blue pants.Captain America carries this.This superhero wears a black suit.This superhero wears a metal suit.This superhero shoots sharp arrows.Spiderman shoots these out of his hands.This superhero wears a red and blue suit.Wolverine has these coming out of his hands.This superhero wears a blue and yellow suit....

Leas Kreuzworträtsel 2014-01-24

Leas Kreuzworträtsel crossword puzzle
  1. Besteck
  2. höchster Schulabschluss
  3. Lebenswichtiger Stoff in der Luft
  4. Asiatische Spezialität
  5. Küchengerät
  6. Planet
  7. Menschenahnliches Tier
  8. Weißer Regen
  1. Ansammlung im Weltall
  2. Getränkeladen
  3. Flüssigkeit
  4. Fernseher
  5. Roter Planet
  6. Weltall
  7. Superheld
  8. Berühmter Popstar
  9. Bewegungen auf den Meer
  10. Wärmste Jahreszeit
  11. Ein guter Freund

19 Clues: PlanetBesteckWeltallFernseherSuperheldFlüssigkeitKüchengerätRoter PlanetWeißer RegenGetränkeladenEin guter FreundBerühmter PopstarWärmste JahreszeitAnsammlung im WeltallAsiatische SpezialitätMenschenahnliches Tierhöchster SchulabschlussBewegungen auf den MeerLebenswichtiger Stoff in der Luft

Marvel 2021-07-17

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. T'Challa
  2. Natasha Romanoff
  3. Steve Rogers
  4. Peter Parker
  5. Odin's Son
  6. Wanda Maximoff
  7. Bruce Banner
  8. Sam Wilson
  9. Hayley Atwell
  1. Carol Danvers
  2. Sherlock
  3. Clark Gregg
  4. Peter Quill
  5. Mr. Stark
  6. Sebastian Stan
  7. Terrence Howard first
  8. Paul Bettany
  9. Clint Barton
  10. Scott Lang
  11. Hope van Dyne

20 Clues: SherlockT'ChallaMr. StarkOdin's SonSam WilsonScott LangClark GreggPeter QuillSteve RogersPaul BettanyPeter ParkerClint BartonBruce BannerCarol DanversHope van DyneHayley AtwellSebastian StanWanda MaximoffNatasha RomanoffTerrence Howard first

Marvel 2021-07-17

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Odin's Son
  2. Peter Quill
  3. Sebastian Stan
  4. Terrence Howard first
  5. Wanda Maximoff
  6. Bruce Banner
  7. Scott Lang
  8. Mr. Stark
  9. Steve Rogers
  10. Carol Danvers
  1. Clark Gregg
  2. Sherlock
  3. Sam Wilson
  4. Natasha Romanoff
  5. T'Challa
  6. Hayley Atwell
  7. Hope van Dyne
  8. Peter Parker
  9. Clint Barton
  10. Paul Bettany

20 Clues: SherlockT'ChallaMr. StarkOdin's SonSam WilsonScott LangClark GreggPeter QuillBruce BannerPeter ParkerClint BartonSteve RogersPaul BettanyHayley AtwellHope van DyneCarol DanversSebastian StanWanda MaximoffNatasha RomanoffTerrence Howard first

Marvel 2021-07-17

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Odin's Son
  2. Hayley Atwell
  3. Sam Wilson
  4. Natasha Romanoff
  5. Wanda Maximoff
  6. Carol Danvers
  7. Peter Parker
  8. Peter Quill
  9. Bruce Banner
  10. Sebastian Stan
  11. Scott Lang
  1. Sherlock
  2. Terrence Howard first
  3. Clint Barton
  4. T'Challa
  5. Paul Bettany
  6. Hope van Dyne
  7. Clark Gregg
  8. Mr. Stark
  9. Steve Rogers

20 Clues: SherlockT'ChallaMr. StarkOdin's SonSam WilsonScott LangClark GreggPeter QuillClint BartonPaul BettanySteve RogersPeter ParkerBruce BannerHayley AtwellHope van DyneCarol DanversWanda MaximoffSebastian StanNatasha RomanoffTerrence Howard first

Edvin's crossword 2024-09-04

Edvin's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the most watched sport in the world.
  2. a disney character
  3. a brown big nut
  4. a superhero with spider powers.
  5. a finnish game starting with the letter b.
  1. the best football club in the world.
  2. an app that is very addictive.
  3. the evil spiderman
  4. my favorite snack (it's salty)
  5. someone who is a cool dude like edvin.

10 Clues: a brown big nuta disney characterthe evil spidermanan app that is very addictive.my favorite snack (it's salty)a superhero with spider powers.the most watched sport in the world.the best football club in the world.someone who is a cool dude like edvin.a finnish game starting with the letter b.

Superhero 2022-06-13

Superhero crossword puzzle
  1. man iron
  2. Lightning
  3. super
  4. rich
  5. strange
  6. Panther
  7. mad
  1. spider
  2. shield
  3. ant
  4. girl mad
  5. raccoon

12 Clues: antmadrichsuperspidershieldstrangePantherraccoonman irongirl madLightning

Marvel Characters 2014-09-17

Marvel Characters crossword puzzle
  1. torch "flame on"
  2. Holocaust survivor
  3. Mark III
  4. Daywalker
  5. The First Avenger
  6. Trickster
  7. Mjolnir
  8. blind
  9. symbiote
  1. To court death
  2. Richest avenger
  3. Principal
  4. smash
  5. "I am _____"
  6. Latverian
  7. Photographer day job
  8. Romanov
  9. Eats planets
  10. Ex-officer Castle
  11. Cap's winged ally
  12. Hank Pym

21 Clues: smashblindRomanovMjolnirMark IIIHank PymsymbiotePrincipalDaywalkerLatverianTrickster"I am _____"Eats planetsTo court deathRichest avengertorch "flame on"The First AvengerEx-officer CastleCap's winged allyHolocaust survivorPhotographer day job

the ImPoSsIbLe MaRvEl PuZzLe 2022-05-09

the ImPoSsIbLe MaRvEl PuZzLe crossword puzzle
  1. 30 but 70
  2. snap
  3. quill
  4. storm breaker, worthy
  5. russian spy
  6. forgotten
  7. roadkill
  8. a team
  9. green and angry
  10. kind of strange, sorcerer supreme
  11. mischief
  12. I never miss
  1. director, almost pirate-like
  2. agency or a weapon
  3. brainwashed
  4. the cube
  5. billionaire, philanthropist
  6. sokovian
  7. t'challa
  8. we are _____

20 Clues: snapquilla teamthe cubesokoviant'challaroadkillmischief30 but 70forgottenbrainwashedrussian spywe are _____I never missgreen and angryagency or a weaponstorm breaker, worthybillionaire, philanthropistdirector, almost pirate-likekind of strange, sorcerer supreme

spiderman crossword 2019-04-23

spiderman crossword crossword puzzle
  1. villains
  2. character
  3. Beck
  1. man
  2. spider
  3. York
  4. =responsibility

7 Clues: manYorkBeckspidervillainscharacter=responsibility

Marvel Characters 2014-09-17

Marvel Characters crossword puzzle
  1. To court death
  2. Cap's winged ally
  3. Richest avenger
  4. Mark III
  5. Photographer day job
  6. Daywalker
  7. Mjolnir
  8. symbiote
  9. Eats planets
  10. torch "flame on"
  11. Trickster
  12. Principal
  1. Ex-officer Castle
  2. Holocaust survivor
  3. The First Avenger
  4. Latverian
  5. Romanov
  6. blind
  7. Hank Pym
  8. smash
  9. "I am _____"

21 Clues: blindsmashRomanovMjolnirMark IIIsymbioteHank PymLatverianDaywalkerTricksterPrincipalEats planets"I am _____"To court deathRichest avengertorch "flame on"Ex-officer CastleCap's winged allyThe First AvengerHolocaust survivorPhotographer day job

superhelden 2018-01-14

superhelden crossword puzzle
  1. mega snel
  2. hamer
  3. schild
  4. stenen Hulk
  5. Tony Stark
  6. Logan X-men
  7. Sam Wilson
  1. spin
  2. tovenaar
  3. laserogen sterk
  4. vleermuis
  5. avenger
  6. Guardians Of The Galaxy
  7. pijl en boog
  8. baas Shield
  9. Bruce Benner

16 Clues: spinhamerschildavengertovenaarmega snelvleermuisTony StarkSam Wilsonstenen Hulkbaas ShieldLogan X-menpijl en boogBruce Bennerlaserogen sterkGuardians Of The Galaxy

Marvel 2019-06-19

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. What is the name of the purple infinity stone?
  2. What is Tony Stark’s super hero name?
  3. What comic does Dr Doom become a god?
  4. Who is the strongest Avenger?
  5. What sort of alien is Thanos?
  6. what enemy doesn’t trigger Spiderman’s spider sense?
  1. What is the name of the glove that is used with the power of the stones?
  2. What is the name of Thor’s hammer?
  3. Which Avenger is from Asgard?
  4. America Who is the first Avenger?
  5. What comic does Spiderman first get his black suit?
  6. Who only says “I am Groot”?
  7. What time does Spiderman2099 come from?
  8. Which hero first appears in the comic Amazing Fantasy?
  9. How many infinity stones are there?

15 Clues: Who only says “I am Groot”?Which Avenger is from Asgard?Who is the strongest Avenger?What sort of alien is Thanos?America Who is the first Avenger?What is the name of Thor’s hammer?How many infinity stones are there?What is Tony Stark’s super hero name?What comic does Dr Doom become a god?What time does Spiderman2099 come from?...

video games 2023-02-23

video games crossword puzzle
  1. spiderman game
  2. gun police and bad game
  3. game based on film
  4. populare gridi game
  5. online and offline game
  1. football and car game
  2. free on ps5
  3. everything is cubes

8 Clues: free on ps5spiderman gamegame based on filmeverything is cubespopulare gridi gamefootball and car gamegun police and bad gameonline and offline game

6 2015-04-04

6 crossword puzzle
  1. Franskur túristi
  2. Farartæki
  3. Jól og lindýr
  4. Ónafn
  5. Hemmi kemur undir
  6. Eftir leiksýningu
  7. Rigning og raunir
  8. Málabraut
  1. Upp úr vellur
  2. Áramótaskaup
  3. Gæludýr
  4. Námsleiði
  5. Vefarinn mikli frá NY
  6. Götubarinn
  7. Ásláttarhljóðfæri

15 Clues: ÓnafnGæludýrNámsleiðiFarartækiMálabrautGötubarinnÁramótaskaupUpp úr vellurJól og lindýrFranskur túristiHemmi kemur undirÁsláttarhljóðfæriEftir leiksýninguRigning og raunirVefarinn mikli frá NY

Marvel 2021-07-17

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Hayley Atwell
  2. Sebastian Stan
  3. Sherlock
  4. Steve Rogers
  5. Bruce Banner
  6. Odin's Son
  7. Peter Parker
  8. Paul Bettany
  9. Natasha Romanoff
  10. Terrence Howard first
  1. Carol Danvers
  2. Sam Wilson
  3. T'Challa
  4. Scott Lang
  5. Peter Quill
  6. Hope van Dyne
  7. Wanda Maximoff
  8. Clint Barton
  9. Clark Gregg
  10. Mr. Stark

20 Clues: T'ChallaSherlockMr. StarkSam WilsonScott LangOdin's SonPeter QuillClark GreggClint BartonSteve RogersBruce BannerPeter ParkerPaul BettanyHayley AtwellCarol DanversHope van DyneSebastian StanWanda MaximoffNatasha RomanoffTerrence Howard first

Marvel 2021-07-17

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Hayley Atwell
  2. Sebastian Stan
  3. Sherlock
  4. Steve Rogers
  5. Bruce Banner
  6. Odin's Son
  7. Peter Parker
  8. Paul Bettany
  9. Natasha Romanoff
  10. Terrence Howard first
  1. Carol Danvers
  2. Sam Wilson
  3. T'Challa
  4. Scott Lang
  5. Peter Quill
  6. Hope van Dyne
  7. Wanda Maximoff
  8. Clint Barton
  9. Clark Gregg
  10. Mr. Stark

20 Clues: T'ChallaSherlockMr. StarkSam WilsonScott LangOdin's SonPeter QuillClark GreggClint BartonSteve RogersBruce BannerPeter ParkerPaul BettanyHayley AtwellCarol DanversHope van DyneSebastian StanWanda MaximoffNatasha RomanoffTerrence Howard first

Marvel 2021-07-17

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Carol Danvers
  2. Sherlock
  3. Wanda Maximoff
  4. Hayley Atwell
  5. Bruce Banner
  6. T'Challa
  7. Peter Quill
  8. Terrence Howard first
  9. Clark Gregg
  1. Steve Rogers
  2. Scott Lang
  3. Mr. Stark
  4. Sebastian Stan
  5. Peter Parker
  6. Clint Barton
  7. Odin's Son
  8. Sam Wilson
  9. Natasha Romanoff
  10. Paul Bettany
  11. Hope van Dyne

20 Clues: SherlockT'ChallaMr. StarkScott LangOdin's SonSam WilsonPeter QuillClark GreggSteve RogersPeter ParkerClint BartonBruce BannerPaul BettanyCarol DanversHayley AtwellHope van DyneWanda MaximoffSebastian StanNatasha RomanoffTerrence Howard first

Julie still loves spiderman 2024-05-16

Julie still loves spiderman crossword puzzle
  1. last planet in the solar system, second ice giant
  2. planet we live on
  3. a ginormous star bigger than the sun
  4. emits typically from a kettle or hot water that sticks to surface
  5. a huge fiery star that heats up the planets
  6. second planet from the sun, orange
  7. a huge hole in space that absorbs nearby entities/items
  8. a collection of stars that form an image visible to the human eye
  9. a sometimes big or small fireball that floats around space and visible during night
  1. water droplets that collect on a cold surface
  2. one of two ice giants and seventh planet in our solar system
  3. Earth's companion and comes out during the night
  4. the explosion of a giant star
  5. floating rocks in space
  6. an ex-planet which was determined to be a dwarf planet

15 Clues: planet we live onfloating rocks in spacethe explosion of a giant starsecond planet from the sun, orangea ginormous star bigger than the suna huge fiery star that heats up the planetswater droplets that collect on a cold surfaceEarth's companion and comes out during the nightlast planet in the solar system, second ice giant...

Just the Beginning 2022-07-14

Just the Beginning crossword puzzle
  1. first trip
  2. 7/11
  3. makes my day swag
  4. and me.
  5. bucks
  6. lost car
  7. clam chowder
  8. first movie
  9. personal companion robot
  10. the bins
  1. 6-months
  2. chin
  3. nobody like u
  4. and you?
  5. deez
  6. country concert
  7. sandbag

17 Clues: 7/11chindeezbucksand me.sandbag6-monthsand you?lost carthe binsfirst tripfirst movieclam chowdernobody like ucountry concertmakes my day swagpersonal companion robot

Marvel personer 2020-01-24

Marvel personer crossword puzzle
  1. God musik smag
  2. Witch
  3. Low key
  4. Hitler hater
  5. Frø med temperament
  6. Hugh Jackman
  7. Baby hånd
  8. Har ikke sin egen film
  9. Dansende gren
  1. Lækker tante
  2. Hjerteløs
  3. Hulk lover
  4. Grøn lampe
  5. Sort prins
  6. Ms. America
  7. Mærkelig
  8. Mjølner
  9. Insekt

18 Clues: WitchInsektLow keyMjølnerMærkeligHjerteløsBaby håndHulk loverGrøn lampeSort prinsMs. AmericaLækker tanteHitler haterHugh JackmanDansende grenGod musik smagFrø med temperamentHar ikke sin egen film

Spiderman- No way home 2022-04-20

Spiderman- No way home crossword puzzle
  1. Main character's aunt
  2. How the aunt died in the movie
  3. Lizzard villan
  4. At the end of the movie everyone
  5. Controls electricity
  6. Main Character's ex
  7. Strange Guy with magic
  1. Where the last fight took place
  2. Something Peter Parker was at the end of the movie
  3. In charge of the sand
  4. Parker Main Character
  5. who they were and who their friends and family were
  6. Goblin Guy who flies on surface
  7. older Spiderman from other demension
  8. Main Character's best friend

15 Clues: Lizzard villanMain Character's exControls electricityMain character's auntIn charge of the sandStrange Guy with magicParker Main CharacterMain Character's best friendHow the aunt died in the movieWhere the last fight took placeAt the end of the movie everyoneGoblin Guy who flies on surfaceolder Spiderman from other demension...

Superheros 2012-11-02

Superheros crossword puzzle
  1. the supervillain of batman
  2. who got bit by a spider
  3. costume is all metal and has a circle in the middle
  4. a girl superhero
  5. superhero who has to deal with water
  1. the person who has a S on their costume
  2. superhero who is a captain
  3. supervillain of spiderman
  4. superhero who is a cat
  5. superhero who is a bat

10 Clues: a girl superherosuperhero who is a catsuperhero who is a batwho got bit by a spidersupervillain of spidermanthe supervillain of batmansuperhero who is a captainsuperhero who has to deal with waterthe person who has a S on their costumecostume is all metal and has a circle in the middle

Friends 2023-08-09

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Rumble
  2. King A
  3. Kay-Kay
  4. Spiderman
  5. El
  6. Miley Cyrus
  1. Myer
  2. Aloe Vira
  3. Em-Dog
  4. Soph
  6. Boydie Floydie
  7. Noble Gas

13 Clues: ElMyerSophRumbleEm-DogKing AKay-KayCRAKERZZAloe ViraSpidermanNoble GasMiley CyrusBoydie Floydie

Marvel Superheroes & Actors 2024-05-22

Marvel Superheroes & Actors crossword puzzle
  1. Wesley Snipes
  2. Karen Gillan
  3. Simu Lui
  4. Chris Hemsworth
  5. Elizabeth Olsen
  6. Chris Evans
  7. Hugh Jackman
  8. Halle Berry
  9. Brie Larson
  1. Chadwick Boseman
  2. Benedict Cumberbatch
  3. Robert Downey Jr
  4. Scarlett Johansson
  5. Krysten Ritter
  6. Famke Janssen
  7. Ioan Gruffudd
  8. Edward Norton
  9. Tobey Maguire

18 Clues: Simu LuiChris EvansHalle BerryBrie LarsonKaren GillanHugh JackmanWesley SnipesFamke JanssenIoan GruffuddEdward NortonTobey MaguireKrysten RitterChris HemsworthElizabeth OlsenChadwick BosemanRobert Downey JrScarlett JohanssonBenedict Cumberbatch

Hussein crossword 2022-03-30

Hussein crossword crossword puzzle
  1. animal
  2. vegetable
  3. colour
  4. superhero
  5. video game
  6. fruit
  1. subject
  2. movie
  3. water
  4. sport
  5. dog

11 Clues: dogmoviewatersportfruitanimalcoloursubjectvegetablesuperherovideo game


DINOSAUR SUPERHERO crossword puzzle
  1. I was the first to fight Spiderman
  2. As Captain America I was their leader
  3. Middle of the Mesozoic Era (also a park)
  4. One of Captain America's favorite sayings
  5. My name means "3-horned Face"
  6. It can be a weapon for Captain America
  7. I'm also known as Peter Parker
  8. remains or traces of ancient life preserved by natural processes
  1. Steve Rogers' alter ego
  2. It has Red Skull, Hydra, Dr. Octopus, Green Goblin as members.
  3. I'm a "quick plunderer"
  4. Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate (acronym)
  5. I'm often called a "roofed lizard"
  6. Peter Parker's ability to sense and react to danger before it happens.
  7. "I ate the goat."

15 Clues: "I ate the goat."Steve Rogers' alter egoI'm a "quick plunderer"My name means "3-horned Face"I'm also known as Peter ParkerI was the first to fight SpidermanI'm often called a "roofed lizard"As Captain America I was their leaderIt can be a weapon for Captain AmericaMiddle of the Mesozoic Era (also a park)One of Captain America's favorite sayings...

Eggjaleit 2015 2015-04-04

Eggjaleit 2015 crossword puzzle
  1. Götubarinn
  2. Hemmi kemur undir
  3. franskur túristi
  4. jól og lindýr
  5. eftir leiksýningu
  6. upp úr vellur
  7. málabraut
  1. Námsleiði
  2. farartæki
  3. Rigning og raunir
  4. vefarinn mikli frá NY
  5. gæludýr
  6. ónafn
  7. ásláttarhljóðfæri
  8. áramótaskaup

15 Clues: ónafngæludýrNámsleiðifarartækimálabrautGötubarinnáramótaskaupjól og lindýrupp úr vellurfranskur túristiRigning og raunirHemmi kemur undirásláttarhljóðfærieftir leiksýninguvefarinn mikli frá NY

Year 1 2024-11-15

Year 1 crossword puzzle
  1. school
  2. type of poem
  3. Bainbridge teacher
  4. class
  5. movie
  6. statonary
  7. friend
  1. dressing up
  2. picnic at school
  3. huntsman
  4. performing
  5. Milo and Mia
  6. picnic

13 Clues: classmovieschoolpicnicfriendhuntsmanstatonaryperformingdressing uptype of poemMilo and Miapicnic at schoolBainbridge teacher

Year 1 2024-11-15

Year 1 crossword puzzle
  1. school
  2. type of poem
  3. Bainbridge teacher
  4. class
  5. movie
  6. statonary
  7. friend
  1. dressing up
  2. picnic at school
  3. huntsman
  4. performing
  5. Milo and Mia
  6. picnic

13 Clues: classmovieschoolpicnicfriendhuntsmanstatonaryperformingdressing uptype of poemMilo and Miapicnic at schoolBainbridge teacher

Superhero 2019-11-10

Superhero crossword puzzle
  1. Janet Van Dyne
  2. Peter Parker
  3. Nicholas Fury
  4. Benjamin Grimm
  5. Matthew Murdock
  6. Tony Stark
  7. Jonathan Spencer
  1. Scott Lang
  2. Katherine Power
  3. James Howlett
  4. Charles Xavier
  5. Ororo
  6. Wade Wilson
  7. Odinson
  8. Bruce Banner

15 Clues: OroroOdinsonScott LangTony StarkWade WilsonPeter ParkerBruce BannerNicholas FuryJames HowlettJanet Van DyneBenjamin GrimmCharles XavierKatherine PowerMatthew MurdockJonathan Spencer

Celebrity Crosswords 2022-06-10

Celebrity Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. Spiderman
  2. M.J.
  3. Black Widow
  4. redhed
  5. ponytail
  1. Lip Kits
  2. Friends
  3. Harry Potter
  4. Beavers
  5. Belle
  6. Liv and Maddie
  7. reputation

12 Clues: M.J.BelleredhedFriendsBeaversLip KitsponytailSpidermanreputationBlack WidowHarry PotterLiv and Maddie

Superhero Alter Egos - Marvel 2022-10-15

Superhero Alter Egos - Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Steve Rogers
  2. Hank Pym
  3. Danny Rand
  4. Matt Murdock
  5. Bruce Banner
  6. Tony Stark
  7. Stephen Strange
  8. Clint Barton
  1. T'Challa
  2. Donald Blake
  3. Natasha Romanoff
  4. Peter Quill
  5. James Howlett
  6. Peter Parker
  7. Janet van Dyne

15 Clues: T'ChallaHank PymDanny RandTony StarkPeter QuillDonald BlakeSteve RogersPeter ParkerMatt MurdockBruce BannerClint BartonJames HowlettJanet van DyneStephen StrangeNatasha Romanoff

pronouns 2015-06-30

pronouns crossword puzzle
  1. iphone
  2. midfielder
  3. v
  4. breathless monster
  5. the last cullen
  6. warewolf
  7. small ghost
  8. longest river
  9. creepy doll
  10. candy bar
  11. half blood prince
  1. arsenal's keeper
  2. arsenal's manager
  3. and if we burn u burn with us
  4. peter pan
  5. blue moon
  6. peter parker
  7. substance lab
  8. tallest mountain
  9. harry potter's uncle

20 Clues: viphonewarewolfpeter panblue mooncandy barmidfieldersmall ghostcreepy dollpeter parkersubstance lablongest riverthe last cullenarsenal's keepertallest mountainarsenal's managerhalf blood princebreathless monsterharry potter's uncleand if we burn u burn with us

Superheroes and their Traits 2016-04-08

Superheroes and their Traits crossword puzzle
  1. lknb
  2. ;ljkf
  3. l.k n
  4. lilfd
  5. /lkn
  6. .ln
  7. luhf
  8. ;oihywfgr
  9. ;ojd
  10. zcvkl
  11. /lxnjk
  12. ;/ljf
  13. .lishvfd
  14. ;/jo
  15. .lvh
  1. .lkn
  2. l;xhi
  3. .kjbx
  4. /lknjv
  5. ;ivjh
  6. ljk n
  7. /lkjv
  8. /llkjv
  9. livh
  10. .ljn
  11. /lknv
  12. .kjbv
  13. .ljvh
  14. lknv
  15. .lj n

30 Clues: .lnlknb.lkn/lknlivhluhf.ljn;ojdlknv;/jo.lvhl;xhi.kjbx;ivjhljk n;ljkf/lkjvl.k nlilfd/lknv.kjbvzcvkl.ljvh;/ljf.lj n/lknjv/llkjv/lxnjk.lishvfd;oihywfgr

Kendall and Nick CrosswordFed 2023-12-08

Kendall and Nick CrosswordFed crossword puzzle
  1. First home
  2. First outfit
  3. Granat Tief
  4. Beer
  5. My biggest enemy
  6. Hotel of shame
  7. and bread
  8. Three failed attempts
  9. Sweet breakfast
  1. Risky Show
  2. Showman
  3. Mob of children
  4. Son
  5. Food break
  6. Wednesdays
  7. Spiderman Shirts
  8. bar of choice
  9. Beating tool
  10. Badly Named
  11. First Kill
  12. Fedora Uncle

21 Clues: SonBeerShowmanand breadRisky ShowFirst homeFood breakWednesdaysFirst KillGranat TiefBadly NamedFirst outfitBeating toolFedora Unclebar of choiceHotel of shameMob of childrenSweet breakfastSpiderman ShirtsMy biggest enemyThree failed attempts

Kendall and Nick CrosswordFed 2023-12-08

Kendall and Nick CrosswordFed crossword puzzle
  1. First home
  2. First outfit
  3. Granat Tief
  4. Beer
  5. My biggest enemy
  6. Hotel of shame
  7. and bread
  8. Three failed attempts
  9. Sweet breakfast
  1. Risky Show
  2. Showman
  3. Mob of children
  4. Son
  5. Food break
  6. Wednesdays
  7. Spiderman Shirts
  8. bar of choice
  9. Beating tool
  10. Badly Named
  11. First Kill
  12. Fedora Uncle

21 Clues: SonBeerShowmanand breadRisky ShowFirst homeFood breakWednesdaysFirst KillGranat TiefBadly NamedFirst outfitBeating toolFedora Unclebar of choiceHotel of shameMob of childrenSweet breakfastSpiderman ShirtsMy biggest enemyThree failed attempts

jorre 2012-12-09

jorre crossword puzzle
  3. KLEUR
  4. SPORT
  7. DIER
  1. HELD
  4. KLEUR


Atelier B 2019-03-15

Atelier B crossword puzzle
  1. Wann
  2. Wie
  3. welche?
  4. vorziehen, lieber tun
  5. aussehen
  6. Ersatzbank
  7. wenn falls
  8. gestern
  9. Superman, Spiderman, Batman
  10. Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel
  1. Warum
  2. neben
  3. besser
  4. Was für eine Null!
  5. zu jmd hin / auf etw zu
  6. Unterhaltung, Gespräch
  7. Was? Hä?

17 Clues: WieWannWarumnebenbesserwelche?gesternaussehenWas? Hä?Ersatzbankwenn fallsWas für eine Null!vorziehen, lieber tunUnterhaltung, Gesprächzu jmd hin / auf etw zuSuperman, Spiderman, BatmanWonder Woman, Captain Marvel

Music-LisaRaye-BHM-5/10/19 2019-05-10

Music-LisaRaye-BHM-5/10/19 crossword puzzle
  1. i want it I got it
  2. spiderman
  3. "youani't gotta perfect"
  4. Ava max
  5. aloeBlacc
  6. horses
  7. sounds like baking eggs
  1. cardib Bruno Mars
  2. migos
  3. khaild and Halsey
  4. cardiB
  5. migos/cardib
  6. duh
  7. xxxtentacion
  8. krisskross
  9. khaild

16 Clues: duhmigoscardiBhorseskhaildAva maxspidermanaloeBlacckrisskrossmigos/cardibxxxtentacioncardib Bruno Marskhaild and Halseyi want it I got itsounds like baking eggs"youani't gotta perfect"

Marvel Heroes 2022-03-03

Marvel Heroes crossword puzzle
  1. purple lightsaber
  2. metal skeleton
  3. soldier
  4. mjolnir
  5. trash panda
  6. symbiote
  7. chill out
  1. mr. weird
  2. Billionare
  3. immortal
  4. web
  5. tree
  6. metal arm

13 Clues: webtreesoldiermjolnirimmortalsymbiotemr. weirdmetal armchill outBillionaretrash pandametal skeletonpurple lightsaber

Associated Words 2024-01-09

Associated Words crossword puzzle
  1. cat
  2. Tom Holland
  3. ice skating
  4. arctic
  5. tony stark
  6. baseball
  1. odd
  2. police
  3. Game of Thrones (ask steven)
  4. ice pack
  5. government
  6. hot dog
  7. elephant

13 Clues: catoddpolicearctichot dogice packelephantbaseballgovernmenttony starkTom Hollandice skatingGame of Thrones (ask steven)

super 2024-07-23

super crossword puzzle
  1. who is spiderman villain
  2. who is spiderman best friend
  3. who is superman villain
  1. what is batman real name
  2. what is ironman name
  3. who made mcu
  4. who is batman sidekick
  5. who is batman villain

8 Clues: who made mcuwhat is ironman namewho is batman villainwho is batman sidekickwho is superman villainwhat is batman real namewho is spiderman villainwho is spiderman best friend