spiderman Crossword Puzzles

!Zendaya Crossword! (No Spaces!) 2023-02-22

!Zendaya Crossword! (No Spaces!) crossword puzzle
  1. How old is Zendaya?
  2. How old was Zendaya on Shake It Up?
  3. What show did she become a part time producer on
  4. Who does Zendaya play on the Spiderman series?
  5. Where did she go to school?
  6. What is her dads name?
  1. What was Zendayas first show?
  2. Where did Zendaya grow up?
  3. What most popular role does her boyfriend play in films?
  4. Who did Zendaya play in The Greatest Showman
  5. What is her moms name?

11 Clues: How old is Zendaya?What is her moms name?What is her dads name?Where did Zendaya grow up?Where did she go to school?What was Zendayas first show?How old was Zendaya on Shake It Up?Who did Zendaya play in The Greatest ShowmanWho does Zendaya play on the Spiderman series?What show did she become a part time producer on...

Teka Teki Hewan 2024-03-15

Teka Teki Hewan crossword puzzle
  1. Berbulu disukai banyak orang
  2. Berkulit licin
  3. Tinggi
  4. Indah sayapnya
  5. Bulan purnama
  6. Punuk air
  7. Raja hutan
  8. Hama terbang
  9. Aktif malam hari
  1. Spiderman
  2. Hidup berkelompok
  3. Komedian
  4. Berada di got
  5. Berubah warna
  6. Bulu gatal
  7. Bertubuh lunak hidup di laut
  8. Berlidah panjang
  9. Pari anak durhaka
  10. Pencuri sendal

19 Clues: TinggiKomedianSpidermanPunuk airBulu gatalRaja hutanHama terbangBerada di gotBerubah warnaBulan purnamaBerkulit licinIndah sayapnyaPencuri sendalBerlidah panjangAktif malam hariHidup berkelompokPari anak durhakaBerbulu disukai banyak orangBertubuh lunak hidup di laut

Avengers 2021-09-04

Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. Hope Pym
  2. T'Challa
  3. Stephen Strange
  4. Peter Quill
  5. Thor Odinson
  6. Bruce Banner
  7. Tony Stark
  1. Clint Barton
  2. Wanda Maximoff
  3. Carol Danvers
  4. Scott Lang
  5. Peter Parker
  6. Natasha Romanoff
  7. Bucky Barnes
  8. Steve Rogers

15 Clues: Hope PymT'ChallaScott LangTony StarkPeter QuillClint BartonPeter ParkerBucky BarnesSteve RogersThor OdinsonBruce BannerCarol DanversWanda MaximoffStephen StrangeNatasha Romanoff

Super Heros 2022-06-21

Super Heros crossword puzzle
  1. voler
  2. pantalon
  3. grimper
  4. l'homme araignée
  5. courir
  1. cape
  2. très
  3. vite
  4. araignée
  5. nager
  6. pouvoir

11 Clues: capetrèsvitevolernagercourirgrimperpouvoirpantalonaraignéel'homme araignée

advisory 2024-02-07

advisory crossword puzzle
  1. basketball
  2. diplomat
  3. lighthouse
  4. crosswords
  5. climbing
  1. soccer
  2. clouds
  3. art
  4. coffee
  5. spiderman
  6. computer science

11 Clues: artsoccercloudscoffeediplomatclimbingspidermanbasketballlighthousecrosswordscomputer science

The Ultimate Spider-Verse Crossword Challenge 2024-03-08

The Ultimate Spider-Verse Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. - Antagonist Spider-Man
  2. - Spiderman from wrong universe
  3. - Indian Spider-Man-
  1. - OG Spiderman- ​
  2. - Spider-Girl-
  3. - Spider Punk
  4. - ​Spider-Woman-

7 Clues: - Spider Punk- Spider-Girl-- ​Spider-Woman-- OG Spiderman- ​- Indian Spider-Man-- Antagonist Spider-Man- Spiderman from wrong universe

Marvel 2022-12-23

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Kate ....
  2. Kaie lemmik tegelane
  3. Üks esimestest avengeridest
  4. Earth mightiest heroes
  5. Thori isa
  6. Black ...
  7. Thanose tütar
  8. Wanda vend
  9. roheline tüdruk
  10. Avengers boss
  11. ... man tony stark
  1. Mad titan
  2. Dr. Strange eesnimi
  3. Kapten ... Esimene avenger
  4. World greatest grandma
  5. Tony Starki kutsutud Avenger
  6. Quicksilveri nimi
  7. Thori õde
  8. Roheline
  9. Thori vend

20 Clues: RohelineMad titanKate ....Thori isaBlack ...Thori õdeWanda vendThori vendThanose tütarAvengers bossroheline tüdrukQuicksilveri nimi... man tony starkDr. Strange eesnimiKaie lemmik tegelaneEarth mightiest heroesWorld greatest grandmaKapten ... Esimene avengerÜks esimestest avengeridestTony Starki kutsutud Avenger

pop3 2024-06-16

pop3 crossword puzzle
  1. Birmingham gang
  2. Breaking fourth wall
  3. Are you not entertained?
  4. War hero
  5. Clown prince
  6. Serial killers
  7. Kazakh journalist
  8. Replicants
  9. Boston bar
  10. Green ogre
  11. Eye of the Tiger
  12. Parallel worlds
  1. Peter Parker
  2. British royalty
  3. True crime
  4. Time traveler
  5. Yellow henchmen
  6. Scottish freedom
  7. Ripley fights
  8. Medical comedy

20 Clues: War heroTrue crimeReplicantsBoston barGreen ogrePeter ParkerClown princeTime travelerRipley fightsSerial killersMedical comedyBirmingham gangBritish royaltyYellow henchmenParallel worldsScottish freedomEye of the TigerKazakh journalistBreaking fourth wallAre you not entertained?

Kendall and Nick CrosswordFed 2023-12-08

Kendall and Nick CrosswordFed crossword puzzle
  1. First home
  2. First outfit
  3. Granat Tief
  4. Beer
  5. My biggest enemy
  6. Hotel of shame
  7. and bread
  8. Three failed attempts
  9. Sweet breakfast
  1. Risky Show
  2. Showman
  3. Mob of children
  4. Son
  5. Food break
  6. Wednesdays
  7. Spiderman Shirts
  8. bar of choice
  9. Beating tool
  10. Badly Named
  11. First Kill
  12. Fedora Uncle

21 Clues: SonBeerShowmanand breadRisky ShowFirst homeFood breakWednesdaysFirst KillGranat TiefBadly NamedFirst outfitBeating toolFedora Unclebar of choiceHotel of shameMob of childrenSweet breakfastSpiderman ShirtsMy biggest enemyThree failed attempts

random words 2023-03-30

random words crossword puzzle
  1. WOLK
  2. HAAI
  4. KIND
  7. VROUW
  9. PAARD
  10. RUIMTE
  11. LEES
  12. BOOM
  14. pressentatie
  15. CLAUS kerstman
  17. REGEN
  18. EI
  2. HOND
  5. BIJ
  10. KAT
  11. PAARS
  12. BRIL


Marvel Comics 2021-08-27

Marvel Comics crossword puzzle
  1. God of Thunder
  2. Raccoon
  3. Mr. Stark
  4. Peter Parker
  5. Assassin
  6. God of Mischief
  7. Evil Robot
  1. Wanda Maximoff
  2. Bruce Banner
  3. Steve Rogers
  4. Tree
  5. Carol Danvers
  6. Thor's Dad
  7. Forehead Stone

14 Clues: TreeRaccoonAssassinMr. StarkThor's DadEvil RobotBruce BannerSteve RogersPeter ParkerCarol DanversWanda MaximoffGod of ThunderForehead StoneGod of Mischief

Ruben fantasy 2016-06-01

Ruben fantasy crossword puzzle
  1. Computer gaming
  2. Alien
  3. World
  4. Gun skins
  5. guns
  6. Gaming
  7. horse
  1. fire
  2. pistol
  3. hero
  4. Hokuspokus

11 Clues: fireherogunsAlienWorldhorsepistolGamingGun skinsHokuspokusComputer gaming

Marvel Characters Crossword 2024-03-20

Marvel Characters Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Winter Soldier
  2. God of Thunder
  3. Super soldier
  4. Clint Barton
  5. Wanda Maximoff
  6. Director of S.H.E.I.L.D
  7. Peter Parker
  8. God of Mischief
  1. Captain America's girlfriend
  2. Billionare Avenger
  3. T'Challa
  4. Carol Danvers
  5. Hulk
  6. Natasha Romanoff
  7. Scott Lang
  8. Thor's Dad

16 Clues: HulkT'ChallaScott LangThor's DadClint BartonPeter ParkerCarol DanversSuper soldierWinter SoldierGod of ThunderWanda MaximoffGod of MischiefNatasha RomanoffBillionare AvengerDirector of S.H.E.I.L.DCaptain America's girlfriend

Les Superhêros 2013-10-01

Les Superhêros crossword puzzle
  1. Blossom _____ beaucoup de rose. (porter)
  2. Batman ____ un Joke et quelquefois victoire. (battre)
  3. Superman ____ à travers les murs. (voir)
  4. Thor __ un éclair marteau. (avoir)
  5. Le Hulk est furieux et _______ très fort. (devenir)
  6. Captain Amérique ______ en Amérique. (habiter)
  7. Captain Amérique _____ un bouclier à le personne malfaisant. (lancer)
  8. Une araignée ____ Spiderman et lui donne force. (mordre)
  9. Spiderman _____ les murs et il est forte. (monter)
  1. Les gens _____________ Wonder Woman aprés qu'elle batt le malfaisant personne. (applaudir)
  2. Le père haine Loki parce que Loki ____ être malfaisant. (veulent)
  3. Superman ______ avec son chien. (marcher)
  4. Superman et Wonder Woman ______ à la maison. (voler)
  5. Les Powerpuff Filles ___ sucres et épices et tout agrèables. (être)
  6. Le Hulk _____, "HULK CASSER!" et casse la terre. (parler)
  7. Buttercup ___ le mechant personne dans la groupe. (être)
  8. Wonder Woman ____ Superman parce qu'il est fort. (aimer)

17 Clues: Thor __ un éclair marteau. (avoir)Blossom _____ beaucoup de rose. (porter)Superman ____ à travers les murs. (voir)Superman ______ avec son chien. (marcher)Captain Amérique ______ en Amérique. (habiter)Le Hulk est furieux et _______ très fort. (devenir)Superman et Wonder Woman ______ à la maison. (voler)...


CĂLINUTZ MARVEL crossword puzzle
  1. pumnul de fier în engleză
  2. nu.ele mătușii lui Spiderman
  3. Inventatorul Spiderman
  1. numele lui Spiderman negru/colorat
  2. fratele lui Thor
  3. Iron Man în realitate

6 Clues: fratele lui ThorIron Man în realitateInventatorul Spidermanpumnul de fier în englezănu.ele mătușii lui Spidermannumele lui Spiderman negru/colorat

Marvel 2024-06-20

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Carol Danvers
  2. Daughter of Thanos
  3. Bucky Barnes
  4. Peter Parker
  5. Steve Rogers
  6. James Rhodes
  7. Bruce Banner
  8. Gamora’s sister
  1. Peter Quil
  2. Scott Lang
  3. Tony Stark
  4. Stephen Strange
  5. God of Thunder
  6. Wanda Maximoff
  7. Clint Barton

15 Clues: Peter QuilScott LangTony StarkBucky BarnesPeter ParkerSteve RogersClint BartonJames RhodesBruce BannerCarol DanversGod of ThunderWanda MaximoffStephen StrangeGamora’s sisterDaughter of Thanos

Superheroes 2017-10-13

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. a book whith images and speech bubbles
  2. Something you read that gives you information
  3. What Spiderman can make
  4. What Hulk and Superman have
  1. synonym for a superhero's power
  2. What superheroes do to people
  3. A very high building
  4. What the spider did to Peter Parker
  5. What Spiderman can do on a wall

9 Clues: A very high buildingWhat Spiderman can makeWhat Hulk and Superman haveWhat superheroes do to peoplesynonym for a superhero's powerWhat Spiderman can do on a wallWhat the spider did to Peter Parkera book whith images and speech bubblesSomething you read that gives you information

marvel 2022-02-04

marvel crossword puzzle
  1. sebastian stan
  2. chris hemsworth
  3. bruce banner
  4. steve rogers
  5. Jeremy Renner
  6. rdj
  7. peterquill
  8. peter parker
  9. natasha romanoff
  10. Paul Bettany
  11. elizabeth olsen
  12. tom holland
  13. paul rudd
  1. tony stark
  2. Clint Barton
  3. mark ruffalo
  4. Scarlett Johansson
  5. bucky barnes
  6. chris evans
  7. scarletwitch
  8. scott lang
  9. chris pratt
  10. Tom Hiddleston

23 Clues: rdjpaul ruddtony starkpeterquillscott langchris evanschris pratttom hollandClint Bartonmark ruffalobruce bannerbucky barnessteve rogerspeter parkerscarletwitchPaul BettanyJeremy Rennersebastian stanTom Hiddlestonchris hemsworthelizabeth olsennatasha romanoffScarlett Johansson

pronouns 2015-06-30

pronouns crossword puzzle
  1. arsenal's keeper
  2. tallest mountain
  3. small ghost
  4. the last cullen
  5. and if we burn u burn with us
  6. half blood prince
  7. midfielder
  8. creepy doll
  9. breathless monster
  10. iphone
  11. v
  1. harry potter's uncle
  2. candy bar
  3. peter parker
  4. substance lab
  5. arsenal's manager
  6. peter pan
  7. longest river
  8. warewolf
  9. blue moon

20 Clues: viphonewarewolfcandy barpeter panblue moonmidfieldersmall ghostcreepy dollpeter parkersubstance lablongest riverthe last cullenarsenal's keepertallest mountainarsenal's managerhalf blood princebreathless monsterharry potter's uncleand if we burn u burn with us

Superheroes and their Traits! 2016-04-08

Superheroes and their Traits! crossword puzzle
  1. ./LJKZVBF
  5. ?:KXF
  6. ./M,XVC
  7. /;KISFDVB
  10. .LJSHBFD
  11. .KJZDFG
  12. 'kjfdg
  13. .KJB\SF
  14. 'fjdba
  15. ;OJVFD
  1. /';KL\SVFDJ
  4. .KJBG
  5. ojfg
  6. /;poajsfgv
  9. /LKS\FNBV
  10. .L;JSNHFB
  11. ;OJSHFV
  12. .KXZVJB
  13. .KBJGSDV
  14. ;klsfjvbs
  15. /L\SFDG


Vandskade 2022-08-02

Vandskade crossword puzzle
  1. Rolig
  2. Modsat sene
  3. Lyd
  4. Låne hos Garagen
  5. Måned
  6. Hastig
  7. Komposition
  8. Land
  9. Sightseeing hos
  10. Telefonfunktion
  11. Rar
  12. Afmontere
  13. Maskine
  14. Opsigtsvækkende
  15. Uventet besøg
  16. Bo Gundtoft
  1. Tal i rækkefølge
  2. Superhelt
  3. Klæber til balder
  4. Lyssyn
  5. Udskiftet element
  6. Lås tilbehør
  7. Strømlinede
  8. Der vandskade sås
  9. Afkast
  10. H2O

26 Clues: LydRarH2OLandRoligMånedLyssynHastigAfkastMaskineSuperheltAfmontereModsat seneKompositionStrømlinedeBo GundtoftLås tilbehørUventet besøgSightseeing hosTelefonfunktionOpsigtsvækkendeTal i rækkefølgeLåne hos GaragenKlæber til balderUdskiftet elementDer vandskade sås

Spiderman- No way home 2022-04-20

Spiderman- No way home crossword puzzle
  1. Main character's aunt
  2. How the aunt died in the movie
  3. Lizzard villan
  4. At the end of the movie everyone
  5. Controls electricity
  6. Main Character's ex
  7. Strange Guy with magic
  1. Where the last fight took place
  2. Something Peter Parker was at the end of the movie
  3. In charge of the sand
  4. Parker Main Character
  5. who they were and who their friends and family were
  6. Goblin Guy who flies on surface
  7. older Spiderman from other demension
  8. Main Character's best friend

15 Clues: Lizzard villanMain Character's exControls electricityMain character's auntIn charge of the sandStrange Guy with magicParker Main CharacterMain Character's best friendHow the aunt died in the movieWhere the last fight took placeAt the end of the movie everyoneGoblin Guy who flies on surfaceolder Spiderman from other demension...

Class 7's Own Crossword 2022-04-04

Class 7's Own Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Here, there, and.....
  2. Where you get unlimited information for free
  3. She casts spells and has warts
  4. South American country
  5. Mona Lisa painter
  6. I'm ..... because I'm by myself
  7. A movie where a big ship sinks
  8. Nickname for William
  9. The queen's name
  10. Not a dog person
  11. more exhausting than walking
  12. Capital of Peru
  13. A sweet bun with a hole in it
  14. grey and heavy
  15. Fluffy candy
  1. Stephen's hair colour
  2. An animal that produces milk
  3. Opposite of king
  4. Closest planet to the sun
  5. One thing wrong with Denmark
  6. Actor who plays Spiderman
  7. We use it for communication
  8. D. Trump's skin colour
  9. His IQ was 200
  10. Cold on a stick
  11. Age of queen
  12. Funny person by profession
  13. Actor's surname who played Spiderman
  14. An orange moviestar cat
  15. Green outside and red inside
  16. Denmark's national bird
  17. Man's best friend
  18. someone you pay to look in your mouth
  19. Japanese food
  20. Egyptian god of death

35 Clues: Age of queenFluffy candyJapanese foodHis IQ was 200grey and heavyCold on a stickCapital of PeruOpposite of kingThe queen's nameNot a dog personMona Lisa painterMan's best friendNickname for WilliamStephen's hair colourHere, there, and.....Egyptian god of deathSouth American countryD. Trump's skin colourAn orange moviestar catDenmark's national bird...

summergreiber12345 2023-04-20

summergreiber12345 crossword puzzle
  1. ugly zombie murderer
  2. josies favorite spiderman
  3. summers boyfriend NOT CLICKBAIT😱🤫😈🔥
  4. josies fav soda
  5. summers favorite song
  6. wonk***
  7. summers fav food (hint: Italian)
  8. hot zombie murderer😍
  9. lame bozo loser girl
  10. josies girlfriend
  11. what is josie
  12. your a wizard "?"
  13. hottest mf in the hunger games😋
  14. ugly bozo in tvd
  15. summers brat hand puppet thing
  16. he was just misunderstood😥 (hint: harry potter)
  17. pick me of the century
  18. 2nd coolest 8th grade girl
  19. josie likes "?"
  20. coolest 8th grade girl ever
  1. summers fav superhero
  2. wet a** "?"
  3. superhot shmexy man
  4. summers fav soda
  5. uglist mf in the hunger games
  6. that was really out of the "?"
  7. who is josies boo boo bear
  8. sleepy "?" (hint: Minecraft president videos)
  9. softball position we both play
  10. summers nickname
  11. what does Savannah love to tickle
  12. dead zombie murderer
  13. this years sexiest man alive winner

33 Clues: wonk***wet a** "?"what is josiejosies fav sodajosie likes "?"summers fav sodasummers nicknameugly bozo in tvdjosies girlfriendyour a wizard "?"superhot shmexy manugly zombie murdererhot zombie murderer😍lame bozo loser girldead zombie murderersummers fav superherosummers favorite songpick me of the centuryjosies favorite spiderman...

Heroes or Zeros 2022-04-15

Heroes or Zeros crossword puzzle
  1. Chimichanga
  2. Assassin
  3. Green
  4. Lasso
  5. Star Shield
  6. Heart of Blue
  1. Sticky Web
  2. Magic Man
  3. Speeding Bullet
  4. Claws
  5. Caveman
  6. Tiny Insect

12 Clues: ClawsGreenLassoCavemanAssassinMagic ManSticky WebChimichangaStar ShieldTiny InsectHeart of BlueSpeeding Bullet

Marvel Snap 2024-10-23

Marvel Snap crossword puzzle
  1. "The Power of the Sun, in the Palm of My Hand"
  2. Judul Lagu dari Band Black Sabbath
  3. Flint Marko
  4. Pencuri yang terampil
  5. Member Sinister Six
  1. Peter Parker
  2. Salah satu pacar Spiderman
  3. Ingin menjadi pemburu yang hebat

8 Clues: Flint MarkoPeter ParkerMember Sinister SixPencuri yang terampilSalah satu pacar SpidermanIngin menjadi pemburu yang hebatJudul Lagu dari Band Black Sabbath"The Power of the Sun, in the Palm of My Hand"

MHA 2021-12-07

MHA crossword puzzle
  1. Emo
  2. Tail Boi
  3. Loud Blonde
  4. Sonic Ripoff
  5. Butterfly
  6. Round Face
  7. Spiderman
  1. Angry Pomeranian
  2. Dyslexic bean
  3. broccoli boi
  4. Pebble
  5. Zero Sleep Gang
  6. faze through my soul
  7. Girl needs confidence

14 Clues: EmoPebbleTail BoiButterflySpidermanRound FaceLoud Blondebroccoli boiSonic RipoffDyslexic beanZero Sleep GangAngry Pomeranianfaze through my soulGirl needs confidence

Superheroes 2022-03-31

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. afrofuturism
  2. hardluck
  3. equal
  4. torture
  5. inspiration
  1. an escape
  2. Team
  3. marvel
  4. role model
  5. inequality
  6. bring justice

11 Clues: Teamequalmarveltorturehardluckan escaperole modelinequalityinspirationafrofuturismbring justice

jackson 2024-05-13

jackson crossword puzzle
  1. lot of donuts
  2. get away
  3. me
  4. boom boom
  5. spiderman and the avenger
  6. Going on a adventure
  1. so close
  2. even more donuts
  3. loud
  4. USA
  5. not king kong
  6. sleepy
  7. oh no
  8. rattlesnake
  9. soil has

15 Clues: meUSAloudoh nosleepyso closeget awaysoil hasboom boomrattlesnakelot of donutsnot king kongeven more donutsGoing on a adventurespiderman and the avenger

Endgame Characters 2019-05-03

Endgame Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Sebastian Stan
  2. Paul Rudd
  3. Karen Gillan
  4. Tom Holland
  5. Benedict Cumberbatch
  6. Tom Hiddleston
  7. Bradley Cooper
  8. Michelle Pfeiffer
  1. Chris Evans
  2. Scarlett Johansson
  3. Robert Downy Jr.
  4. Jeremy Renner
  5. Chris Pratt
  6. Josh Brolin
  7. Chris Hemsworth

15 Clues: Paul RuddChris EvansTom HollandChris PrattJosh BrolinKaren GillanJeremy RennerSebastian StanTom HiddlestonBradley CooperChris HemsworthRobert Downy Jr.Michelle PfeifferScarlett JohanssonBenedict Cumberbatch

eco house 2024-10-16

eco house crossword puzzle
  1. bulk incoming
  2. furry
  3. master of puzzles
  4. fresh roadkill
  5. cancerous
  6. halloween master
  7. jack's biggest hater
  1. talkalot
  2. the witcher
  3. spiderman type name
  4. diversity hire
  5. dungeon master
  6. almost jamacian
  7. vinyl freak

14 Clues: furrytalkalotcancerousthe witchervinyl freakbulk incomingdiversity hirefresh roadkilldungeon masteralmost jamacianhalloween mastermaster of puzzlesspiderman type namejack's biggest hater

Celebrities 2021-06-04

Celebrities crossword puzzle
  1. she plays in the movie "Titanic"
  2. the first batman in movies and enemy from spiderman homecoming
  3. the composer for the "star wars", "harry potter" and "E.T" theme
  4. he plays in the movie "Karate kid 2010", a singer and son of a famous actor
  5. she is an american singer that wrote "Ocean eyes"
  6. he plays a pirate and go to jail
  7. he plays a detective, superhero and person who can talk with animals
  1. the first Joker that won a Oscar
  2. the director of "the lord of the rings"
  3. actress that plays Harley Quinn
  4. she plays in the movie "Avatar"
  5. he plays captain america
  6. actress that plays Lavagirl
  7. he plays Spiderman
  8. he plays a vampire and he appears in Harry Potter

15 Clues: he plays Spidermanhe plays captain americaactress that plays Lavagirlactress that plays Harley Quinnshe plays in the movie "Avatar"the first Joker that won a Oscarshe plays in the movie "Titanic"he plays a pirate and go to jailthe director of "the lord of the rings"she is an american singer that wrote "Ocean eyes"...

Entertainment 2023-06-07

Entertainment crossword puzzle
  1. Often regarded as the queen of rock
  2. the song that was subject of the review article
  3. Where you go to watch new movies
  4. The first movie in the spiderman franchise with a black spiderman
  5. Genre involving love
  6. The first form of wireless communication
  7. The band that wrote the song under review
  8. The television network that made spongebob
  1. Famous singer known as "king of pop"
  2. A genre that's only definition is happening in current times.
  3. Disney princess with the most recent live action adaptation
  4. Famous country singer from tennessee
  5. A musician whose instrument is their voice
  6. a form of art that involves someone playing a different character
  7. Classical dance style often done in point shoes and tutus

15 Clues: Genre involving loveWhere you go to watch new moviesOften regarded as the queen of rockFamous singer known as "king of pop"Famous country singer from tennesseeThe first form of wireless communicationThe band that wrote the song under reviewA musician whose instrument is their voiceThe television network that made spongebob...

Jeff Cross words 1 2022-02-12

Jeff Cross words 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Gordon Bombay or Anaheim hockey club
  2. Diana Prince daughter of Zeus.
  3. John McClain
  4. The most frozen story with Dennis Quaid
  5. Paul Walker, Vince Diesel ___ and ___.
  6. Lenny Fedler and Friends
  7. Frank Martin
  8. Colin Firth was Galahad
  9. Oakkand Athletics
  10. Axel Foley
  11. Billy Baston
  12. Patrizia Reggiani
  13. Starkiller ok Skywalker Soap Story
  14. Barney Ross and Lee Chrismas
  15. Shea Leboeuf
  16. Connerey, Moore, Dalton, Bronsman, Craig
  17. Professor X and Magneto
  1. William Wallace
  2. Ennemy of Lex Luthor
  3. Captain Harris and Proctor
  4. Maguire, Garfield & Holland
  5. The life depands of the action, Larry Joseph Burrows
  6. Mel Gibson & Danny Glover
  7. Keanu Reeves
  8. Ally & Jackson Maine
  9. The Great Gene Hackman & Keanu Reeves
  10. Jim Phelps, Ethan Hunt, Stickwell
  11. Kirk, Picard, Janeway
  12. Samuel Jackson & Basketball 2005
  13. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black widow, Hawkeye, Spiderman, Ant-man, Dr. Strange
  14. Street, Hondo, Gamble
  15. Mel Gibson
  16. Michael Keaton is the Real Bruce Wayne.
  17. Matt Damon

34 Clues: Axel FoleyMel GibsonMatt DamonKeanu ReevesJohn McClainFrank MartinBilly BastonShea LeboeufWilliam WallaceOakkand AthleticsPatrizia ReggianiEnnemy of Lex LuthorAlly & Jackson MaineKirk, Picard, JanewayStreet, Hondo, GambleColin Firth was GalahadProfessor X and MagnetoLenny Fedler and FriendsMel Gibson & Danny GloverCaptain Harris and Proctor...

About Us 2022-12-02

About Us crossword puzzle
  1. Age when they first met
  2. Megan's future occupation
  3. Dane and Megan's high school jobs
  4. Proposal location (two words)
  5. Megan's current occupation
  6. Megan's favorite dessert
  7. The Couple's alma mater (two words)
  8. Street couple lives on
  9. Month of the proposal
  10. Dane's hometown (big city)
  11. Dane's drink of choice
  12. According to Dane this does NOT belong on pizza
  13. Dane's favorite transportation
  1. Megan's favorite spiderman (first & last)
  2. The best man
  3. Dorm couple met at
  4. Megan's favorite superhero (The OG)
  5. Restaurant couple had their first date at
  6. Megan's favorite singer (first & last)
  7. Dating anniversary month
  8. Software Dane is a consultant for (two words?)
  9. Dane's favorite NFL team
  10. The matron of honor
  11. Instrument Megan used to play (strings)
  12. Farthest the couple has traveled
  13. Dane's favorite thing to cook
  14. Dane's favorite spiderman (first & last)
  15. Instrument Dane used to play (woodwind)
  16. Megan's soon-to-be maiden name

29 Clues: The best manDorm couple met atThe matron of honorMonth of the proposalStreet couple lives onDane's drink of choiceAge when they first metDating anniversary monthDane's favorite NFL teamMegan's favorite dessertMegan's future occupationMegan's current occupationDane's hometown (big city)Dane's favorite thing to cookProposal location (two words)...

Avengers 2021-11-14

Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. 8
  2. 6
  3. 5
  4. 10
  1. 1
  2. 9
  3. 4
  4. 2
  5. 7
  6. 3

10 Clues: 19482675310

Destinys 2023-09-05

Destinys crossword puzzle
  1. instrument
  2. animal
  3. hero
  4. weather
  1. level
  2. jewelry
  3. piercing
  4. music
  5. hobbie
  6. color

10 Clues: herolevelmusiccoloranimalhobbiejewelryweatherpiercinginstrument

Super hero 🦸 2024-03-06

Super hero 🦸 crossword puzzle
  1. Time
  2. flight
  3. Rich
  4. webs
  5. Laserseyes
  1. Engineer
  2. Fast
  3. 🛡️
  4. Claws
  5. Strong

10 Clues: 🛡️TimeFastRichwebsClawsflightStrongEngineerLaserseyes

Types of Films 2021-12-22

Types of Films crossword puzzle
  1. exorcist
  2. spiderman
  3. show amici
  4. mission impossible
  5. troy
  6. mammamia
  1. titanic
  2. colpa delle stelle
  3. dune
  4. bird box
  5. lo hobbit
  6. ariel

12 Clues: dunetroyarieltitanicexorcistbird boxmammamiaspidermanlo hobbitshow amicicolpa delle stellemission impossible

Marvel Superheroes - Actor/Actress 2024-10-13

Marvel Superheroes - Actor/Actress crossword puzzle
  1. Paul Rudd
  2. Chris Pratt
  3. Chris Hemsworth
  4. Andrew Garfield
  5. Brie Larson
  6. Robert Downey Jr.
  7. Scarlet Johansson
  8. Chadwick Boseman
  9. Chris Evans
  1. Wanda Maximoff
  2. Hugh Jackman
  3. Ryan Reynolds
  4. Samuel L Jackson
  5. Jeremy Renner
  6. Mark Ruffalo

15 Clues: Paul RuddChris PrattBrie LarsonChris EvansHugh JackmanMark RuffaloRyan ReynoldsJeremy RennerWanda MaximoffChris HemsworthAndrew GarfieldSamuel L JacksonChadwick BosemanRobert Downey Jr.Scarlet Johansson

Comic book characters 2022-11-30

Comic book characters crossword puzzle
  1. supervillain
  2. man of steel
  3. blank America
  4. Tiny insect superhero
  5. team of superheroes
  6. blind hero
  7. Lee comic book writer
  8. king of wakanda
  9. Batmans sidekick
  1. Billionaire superhero
  2. Thor’s brother
  3. Tony Starks alter ego
  4. Peter Parker
  5. joker’s main squeeze
  6. underwater hero
  7. green superhero
  8. opposite of hero
  9. Superman’s cousin
  10. god of thunder

19 Clues: blind herosupervillainman of steelPeter Parkerblank AmericaThor’s brothergod of thunderunderwater herogreen superheroking of wakandaopposite of heroBatmans sidekickSuperman’s cousinteam of superheroesjoker’s main squeezeBillionaire superheroTony Starks alter egoTiny insect superheroLee comic book writer

Avengers Real Names 2021-03-24

Avengers Real Names crossword puzzle
  1. Captain America
  2. Captain Marvel
  3. God of Thunder
  4. Black Panther
  5. Iron Man
  6. Falcon
  7. The Winter Soldier
  1. Dr Strange
  2. Black Widow
  3. Hawkeye
  4. Hulk
  5. Spiderman
  6. The Scarlet Witch

13 Clues: HulkFalconHawkeyeIron ManSpidermanDr StrangeBlack WidowBlack PantherCaptain MarvelGod of ThunderCaptain AmericaThe Scarlet WitchThe Winter Soldier

Marvel 2022-02-17

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. had a tv show v and w
  2. mad titan
  3. wheelchair
  4. i am
  5. claws
  6. metal arm
  7. point break
  8. red wings
  9. died in real life
  1. Yolanda's sister
  2. magic
  3. has marvel in her name
  4. vibraniam something
  5. teenager
  6. gamma radiation
  7. the first movie
  8. arrows

17 Clues: i ammagicclawsarrowsteenagermad titanmetal armred wingswheelchairpoint breakgamma radiationthe first movieYolanda's sisterdied in real lifevibraniam somethinghad a tv show v and whas marvel in her name

video game characters puzzle 2022-06-14

video game characters puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Funny skeleton
  2. Green knight
  3. green lizard
  4. space ranger
  5. green italian plumber
  6. Bear-bird
  7. Fast hegehog
  8. pellet eating circle
  1. Squid people
  2. pink ball
  3. Big gorila
  4. spider guy
  5. iron boy
  6. Electric mouse
  7. Italian plumber
  8. Blocky man

16 Clues: iron boypink ballBear-birdBig gorilaspider guyBlocky manSquid peopleGreen knightgreen lizardspace rangerFast hegehogFunny skeletonElectric mouseItalian plumberpellet eating circlegreen italian plumber

video game characters puzzle 2022-06-14

video game characters puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Funny skeleton
  2. Green knight
  3. green lizard
  4. space ranger
  5. green italian plumber
  6. Bear-bird
  7. Fast hegehog
  8. pellet eating circle
  1. Squid people
  2. pink ball
  3. Big gorila
  4. spider guy
  5. iron boy
  6. Electric mouse
  7. Italian plumber
  8. Blocky man

16 Clues: iron boypink ballBear-birdBig gorilaspider guyBlocky manSquid peopleGreen knightgreen lizardspace rangerFast hegehogFunny skeletonElectric mouseItalian plumberpellet eating circlegreen italian plumber

Tim's Favorite Things 2017-11-26

Tim's Favorite Things crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite Anime
  2. Favorite Game
  3. Favorite Place To Visit Someday
  4. Favorite Cartoon
  5. Favorite Genre
  6. Favorite Superhero
  7. Favorite Fast Food Place
  8. Favorite Desert
  9. Favorite Pie
  10. Favorite Time of Day
  11. Favorite Food
  1. Favorite Subject
  2. Favorite Weather
  3. Favorite Animal
  4. Favorite Movie
  5. Favorite Ice Cream
  6. Favorite Sport
  7. Favorite TV Series
  8. Favorite Color
  9. Favorite Device

20 Clues: Favorite PieFavorite GameFavorite FoodFavorite AnimeFavorite MovieFavorite GenreFavorite SportFavorite ColorFavorite AnimalFavorite DesertFavorite DeviceFavorite SubjectFavorite WeatherFavorite CartoonFavorite Ice CreamFavorite SuperheroFavorite TV SeriesFavorite Time of DayFavorite Fast Food PlaceFavorite Place To Visit Someday

>:( RJ 2024-05-27

>:( RJ crossword puzzle
  1. loves unicorns
  2. loves drawing
  3. loves rocks
  4. first date
  5. Bu’s favourite
  6. first picnic
  1. cake roll
  2. :<
  3. On your wall
  4. microwave
  5. Greg
  6. Libby’s boyfriend

12 Clues: :<Gregcake rollmicrowavefirst dateloves rocksOn your wallfirst picnicloves drawingloves unicornsBu’s favouriteLibby’s boyfriend

evelyn the most important person on earth 2022-04-27

evelyn the most important person on earth crossword puzzle
  1. fav app
  2. were i wish i was from
  3. 6th peorid
  4. highschool
  5. fav fast food
  6. birthdy month
  7. type of food
  8. the person i hate the most
  1. show
  2. fav movie
  3. go favorite game
  4. my type
  5. my bestie
  6. age
  7. were i love going
  8. parents are from
  9. crush
  10. fav teacher
  11. favorite color

19 Clues: ageshowcrushfav appmy typefav moviemy bestie6th peoridhighschoolfav teachertype of foodfav fast foodbirthdy monthfavorite colorgo favorite gameparents are fromwere i love goingwere i wish i was fromthe person i hate the most

comic book superheroes 2013-04-26

comic book superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. namownowred
  2. aimcaretancaip
  3. renusmap
  4. hamzas
  1. nabmat
  2. thor
  3. nrgrleneetan
  4. revloweni
  5. hulk
  6. spiderman

10 Clues: thorhulknabmathamzasrenusmaprevlowenispidermannamownowrednrgrleneetanaimcaretancaip

Super hero 🦸 2024-03-06

Super hero 🦸 crossword puzzle
  1. Flight
  2. Rich
  3. webs
  4. Cloak
  5. Fast
  6. Claws
  1. Engineer
  2. Time
  3. Strong
  4. Shiela

10 Clues: TimeRichwebsFastCloakClawsFlightStrongShielaEngineer

Guess thy characters 2018-06-14

Guess thy characters crossword puzzle
  1. It's a killer
  2. Yellow rat with red cheeks
  3. Got bit by spiders
  4. Blueberrys that wear hats
  5. Deletes all character files
  6. And the ink machine
  7. Throws barrels and kidnaps
  8. "It's Me!"
  9. Mexican Immigrant with a monkey
  10. Pickle Rick
  11. Giant strong green thing
  12. Lives in a pineapple
  13. Bald 4 yr old kid
  14. "Get outta me swamp"
  1. Super fast
  2. Cups thats are siblings
  3. Not really a superhero and looks like spiderman
  4. Gets chased by ghosts and eats balls
  5. Has rope of truth
  6. Congratulations! You found all 7 notebooks, now all you need to do is GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN!11!!1
  7. The pine twins
  8. Man of steel
  9. Saves thy princess
  10. Haunts a pizzeria
  11. You must have Ebola to know da wae
  12. In a forest while collects 8 pages
  13. "Get over here!"
  14. pink ball thats eats everything
  15. His sidekick is R0bin
  16. "I hate mondays"
  17. Kidnaps princess
  18. British time traveler
  19. "Gotta go fast!"

33 Clues: Super fast"It's Me!"Pickle RickMan of steelIt's a killerThe pine twins"Get over here!""I hate mondays"Kidnaps princess"Gotta go fast!"Has rope of truthHaunts a pizzeriaBald 4 yr old kidGot bit by spidersSaves thy princessAnd the ink machineLives in a pineapple"Get outta me swamp"His sidekick is R0binBritish time travelerCups thats are siblings...

Superhelden 2014-03-24

Superhelden crossword puzzle
  1. hamer van Thor
  2. de echte voornaam van Captain America
  3. aantal leden van de Avengers
  4. broer van de man met de hamer
  5. batman's sidekick
  6. deze man heeft zeker géén last van arachnofobie
  7. naam van het gekkenhuis in Gotham; ____ Asylum
  8. beste vriend van mr. Incredible
  9. kan metaal beïnvloeden
  10. een van de Avengers is vernoemd naar dit dier
  11. naam die bovenop de toren van zijn eigen bedrijf staat
  12. voornaam van de bedenker van alle Marvel karakters
  1. zijn voornaam is gelijk aan de naam van een van de haaien van Finding Nemo
  2. De echte voornaam van Spiderman
  3. kleur die past bij dr. Banner
  4. is het een vogel, is het een vliegtuig?
  5. vijand van mr. Incredible
  6. naam van het jongste lid van de Incredibles
  7. stad waar batman woont
  8. kleur van het hoofd van de vijand van Captain America
  9. Why so serious?
  10. alter ego van dr. Banner
  11. deze man heeft dezelfde voornaam als de ober in Lady & de Vagebond

23 Clues: hamer van ThorWhy so serious?batman's sidekickstad waar batman woontkan metaal beïnvloedenalter ego van dr. Bannervijand van mr. Incredibleaantal leden van de Avengerskleur die past bij dr. Bannerbroer van de man met de hamerDe echte voornaam van Spidermanbeste vriend van mr. Incrediblede echte voornaam van Captain America...

comic book superheroes 2013-04-26

comic book superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. mapredsin
  2. nrgrleneetan
  3. hamzas
  4. namownowred
  1. roth
  2. aimcaretancaip
  3. nabmat
  4. klhu
  5. renusmap
  6. revloweni

10 Clues: rothklhunabmathamzasrenusmapmapredsinrevloweninamownowrednrgrleneetanaimcaretancaip

Marvel 2021-11-05

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. tech
  2. panther
  3. shield
  4. bow
  5. bug
  1. fire
  2. time
  3. small
  4. batons
  5. green

10 Clues: bowbugfiretechtimesmallgreenbatonsshieldpanther

A SUPER-CITY 2023-10-09

A SUPER-CITY crossword puzzle
  1. Towers that were destroyed in a terrorist attack.
  2. Movie classic from 1933.
  3. Spiderman´s girlfriend.
  4. The most elegant skyscraper.
  5. Spiderman´s nemesis
  1. The name of the Marvel writer.
  2. One of the most recognizable sights in NYC.
  3. Most famous park in NYC

8 Clues: Spiderman´s nemesisMost famous park in NYCSpiderman´s girlfriend.Movie classic from 1933.The most elegant skyscraper.The name of the Marvel writer.One of the most recognizable sights in NYC.Towers that were destroyed in a terrorist attack.

MHA 2021-12-07

MHA crossword puzzle
  1. Emo
  2. Tail Boi
  3. Loud Blonde
  4. Sonic Ripoff
  5. Butterfly
  6. Round Face
  7. Spiderman
  1. Angry Pomeranian
  2. Dyslexic bean
  3. broccoli boi
  4. Pebble
  5. Zero Sleep Gang
  6. faze through my soul
  7. Girl needs confidence

14 Clues: EmoPebbleTail BoiButterflySpidermanRound FaceLoud Blondebroccoli boiSonic RipoffDyslexic beanZero Sleep GangAngry Pomeranianfaze through my soulGirl needs confidence

Guess The Marvel Superhero by their Secret Identity 2024-11-26

Guess The Marvel Superhero by their Secret Identity crossword puzzle
  1. Bruce Banner
  2. Steve Rogers
  3. T’Challa
  4. Janet van Dyne
  5. Susan Richards
  6. Tony Stark
  7. Reed Richards
  8. Clint Barton
  1. Johnny Storm
  2. Natalia Ramanova
  3. Ben Grimm
  4. Scott Lang
  5. Peter Parker
  6. Carol Danvers

14 Clues: T’ChallaBen GrimmScott LangTony StarkJohnny StormBruce BannerSteve RogersPeter ParkerClint BartonCarol DanversReed RichardsJanet van DyneSusan RichardsNatalia Ramanova

Famous People 2022-01-24

Famous People crossword puzzle
  1. Heisthebestsoccerplayer
  2. hehasfiveballond'or
  3. heisthebestbasketballplayer
  4. hisnameisBenito
  5. heinterprets spiderman
  1. isaSpanishracingdriver
  2. heinterpretsironman
  3. belongedtothebandonedirection
  4. sheisthebestplayersoccer
  5. shesangthesongofthe2010worldcup

10 Clues: hisnameisBenitoheinterpretsironmanhehasfiveballond'orisaSpanishracingdriverheinterprets spidermanHeisthebestsoccerplayersheisthebestplayersoccerheisthebestbasketballplayerbelongedtothebandonedirectionshesangthesongofthe2010worldcup

About Me 2023-01-15

About Me crossword puzzle
  1. Drink
  2. Drake
  3. soccer
  4. Math
  1. Youtuber
  2. nets
  3. Favorite food
  4. Videogame
  5. Superhero
  6. Club

10 Clues: netsClubMathDrinkDrakesoccerYoutuberVideogameSuperheroFavorite food

Toilet-bound Hanako-kun 2021-11-30

Toilet-bound Hanako-kun crossword puzzle
  1. mokke queen
  2. evil rat
  3. goat man of death
  4. old man with clock
  5. little miss perfect
  6. toilet ghost man
  7. udon
  8. glasses simp
  1. spiderman
  2. "ha, ha stupid heads"
  3. tea lady
  4. scary exorcist
  5. daikon
  6. photography
  7. cat simp
  8. theft and candy
  9. space is cool
  10. Traffic safety

18 Clues: udondaikontea ladycat simpevil ratspidermanmokke queenphotographyglasses simpspace is coolscary exorcistTraffic safetytheft and candytoilet ghost mangoat man of deathold man with clocklittle miss perfect"ha, ha stupid heads"

Video games 2022-06-17

Video games crossword puzzle
  1. Harry Potter
  2. marvel
  3. tame andvsurvie
  4. fast little guy
  5. cart
  6. another pixel game
  7. heavy
  8. hide or due
  9. wacka wacka ghost
  1. webs
  2. building battle royale
  3. down break stuff
  4. block game
  5. im man
  6. make people fight
  7. survive and tame

16 Clues: webscartheavymarvelim manblock gamehide or dueHarry Pottertame andvsurviefast little guysurvive and tamedown break stuffmake people fightwacka wacka ghostanother pixel gamebuilding battle royale

All About Violet 2019-07-17

All About Violet crossword puzzle
  1. Sport I would do besides tennis
  2. Favorite drink
  3. Favorite color
  4. Least favorite animal/bug
  5. Favorite princess
  6. Favorite show
  8. Favorite food
  9. Favorite candy
  10. Middle name
  1. Favorite subject
  2. Dream pet
  3. Favorite place to shop
  4. Favorite superhero
  5. Least favorite sport
  6. Favorite pet
  7. Favorite nickname
  8. Favorite animal
  9. CARRY Favorite actor
  10. Favorite band

20 Clues: Dream petBEST FRIENDMiddle nameFavorite petFavorite showFavorite foodFavorite bandFavorite drinkFavorite colorFavorite candyFavorite animalFavorite subjectFavorite princessFavorite nicknameFavorite superheroLeast favorite sportCARRY Favorite actorFavorite place to shopLeast favorite animal/bugSport I would do besides tennis

Marvel Characters 2014-09-17

Marvel Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Widow Romanov
  2. To court death
  3. Cap's winged ally
  4. The First Avenger
  5. Adamantium bones
  6. Photographer day job
  7. "Daywalker"
  8. Ex-officer Castle
  9. Thing Clobberin' Time
  10. "I am _____"
  1. Hank Pym
  2. Man Mark III
  3. Stark Tony's Dad
  4. Principal
  5. Richest avenger
  6. Latverian
  7. Erik
  8. Judge, Jury, Executioner
  9. Trickster
  10. Skull "Hail Hydra!"
  11. Eats planets
  12. Mjolnir

22 Clues: ErikMjolnirHank PymPrincipalLatverianTrickster"Daywalker"Man Mark III"I am _____"Eats planetsWidow RomanovTo court deathRichest avengerStark Tony's DadAdamantium bonesCap's winged allyThe First AvengerEx-officer CastleSkull "Hail Hydra!"Photographer day jobThing Clobberin' TimeJudge, Jury, Executioner

iheziz 2014-12-23

iheziz crossword puzzle
  1. kaartspel
  2. huisdier
  3. ovenschotel
  4. word meestal opengehouden door immigranten
  5. superheld
  6. cacaoproduct
  7. niet zwarte rapper
  8. boom
  9. vervoersmiddel
  1. fruit
  2. dessert
  3. saus
  4. bijnaam op de hei
  5. bijnaam bij brent enz
  6. doe je in een glas
  7. kleur
  8. filmgenre
  9. vriend van mij
  10. staat in tuin maar word ook gebruikt in keuken
  11. zit je in

20 Clues: sausboomfruitkleurdesserthuisdierkaartspelsuperheldfilmgenrezit je inovenschotelcacaoproductvriend van mijvervoersmiddelbijnaam op de heidoe je in een glasniet zwarte rapperbijnaam bij brent enzword meestal opengehouden door immigrantenstaat in tuin maar word ook gebruikt in keuken

Lazarin 2021-07-19

Lazarin crossword puzzle
  1. favorite holiday
  2. grade level
  3. birth month
  4. nickname
  5. favorite color
  6. favorite comic series
  1. favorite hero
  2. number child
  3. favorite snack
  4. favorite movie
  5. gender
  6. favorite subject
  7. middle name

13 Clues: gendernicknamegrade levelbirth monthmiddle namenumber childfavorite herofavorite snackfavorite moviefavorite colorfavorite holidayfavorite subjectfavorite comic series

5th Period Students 2024-05-23

5th Period Students crossword puzzle
  1. And you are?
  2. Send me the addy
  3. Dare wreck
  4. white wings in Heaven
  5. braces
  6. nairda
  7. bull
  8. Two L's
  9. Uncle ____ from spiderman
  10. Lee & See
  1. eusoj
  2. E Miggy E
  3. "K"
  4. inayeda
  5. aka Denisse's lil bro
  6. Abian Fay
  7. There is a beach in San ______
  8. Yo-Yo
  9. Miggy
  10. Air Icka

20 Clues: "K"bulleusojYo-YoMiggybracesnairdainayedaTwo L'sAir IckaE Miggy EAbian FayLee & SeeDare wreckAnd you are?Send me the addyaka Denisse's lil browhite wings in HeavenUncle ____ from spidermanThere is a beach in San ______

john porks basement (Jaces crossword) 2024-10-29

john porks basement (Jaces crossword) crossword puzzle
  1. college and career
  2. write with
  3. food holiday
  4. the goat (the title no space)
  5. spooky holiday
  6. best holiday
  7. stars brawl
  8. cash
  9. person who made this
  1. best game
  2. best rapper
  3. money
  4. movie about space
  5. dads name (its nic)
  6. write with
  7. spiderman
  8. suspicious
  9. moms name (it's Casey)
  10. bunny holiday
  11. best cross word player

20 Clues: cashmoneybest gamespidermanwrite withwrite withsuspiciousbest rapperstars brawlfood holidaybest holidaybunny holidayspooky holidaymovie about spacecollege and careerdads name (its nic)person who made thismoms name (it's Casey)best cross word playerthe goat (the title no space)

cartoons 2015-05-04

cartoons crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 6
  3. 8
  4. 7
  5. 9
  1. 2
  2. 1
  3. 5
  4. 4
  5. 3

10 Clues: 21564873910

Superheroes and Supervilains pt. I 2019-08-02

Superheroes and Supervilains pt. I crossword puzzle
  1. kgvuyt
  2. luigkuy
  3. çiubuy
  4. lhvku
  5. lhvkuv
  1. kuvjygtv
  2. hyuy
  3. luycjytc
  4. kuyuyt
  5. lhkuh

10 Clues: hyuylhkuhlhvkukgvuytkuyuytçiubuylhvkuvluigkuykuvjygtvluycjytc

***INFAMOUS*** 2024-09-13

***INFAMOUS*** crossword puzzle
  1. friend
  2. dead
  3. died
  4. pet
  5. ouch
  1. annoying
  2. nirl
  3. me
  4. gigachad
  5. rock

10 Clues: mepetnirldeaddiedrockouchfriendannoyinggigachad

super heroes 2024-01-14

super heroes crossword puzzle
  1. - Scarlet Speedster
  2. - Amazonian
  3. - Web-slinger
  4. - Green giant
  5. - Cosmic hero
  6. - Star-spangled Avenger
  7. - Dark Knight
  8. - God of Thunder
  1. - Sorcerer Supreme
  2. - Russian spy
  3. - Power ring bearer
  4. - Man of Steel
  5. - Genius billionaire
  6. - Wakandan king
  7. - King of Atlantis

15 Clues: - Amazonian- Russian spy- Web-slinger- Green giant- Cosmic hero- Dark Knight- Man of Steel- Wakandan king- God of Thunder- Sorcerer Supreme- King of Atlantis- Power ring bearer- Scarlet Speedster- Genius billionaire- Star-spangled Avenger

Tibo Hillaert 2014-09-20

Tibo Hillaert crossword puzzle
  1. Favoriete sport
  2. Lievelingseten 1
  3. Vrije tijd
  4. Lievelingssmaak ijsjes
  5. Schoolvriend
  6. Favoriete voetbalclub FC ...
  7. Favoriete computerspel
  8. Voornaam nicht
  9. Favoriete spinnenfilm
  10. Mijn broer
  11. Voornaam nicht
  12. Naam zwemclub
  13. Mijn lievelingskleur
  1. Gemeentelijke Basisschool ....
  2. Voornaam papa
  3. Mijn voornaam
  4. Lievelingssnack
  5. Ik ga naar de chiro in ....
  6. Familienaam mama
  7. Schoolvriend
  8. Lievelingseten 2
  9. Favoriete Xbox spel
  10. Mijn familienaam
  11. Schoolvriend
  12. .... Bross

25 Clues: Vrije tijdMijn broer.... BrossSchoolvriendSchoolvriendSchoolvriendVoornaam papaMijn voornaamNaam zwemclubVoornaam nichtVoornaam nichtFavoriete sportLievelingssnackLievelingseten 1Familienaam mamaLievelingseten 2Mijn familienaamFavoriete Xbox spelMijn lievelingskleurFavoriete spinnenfilmLievelingssmaak ijsjesFavoriete computerspel...

Team Get Togather 2020-10-25

Team Get Togather crossword puzzle
  1. 👨🏻🔨⚡
  2. 🍔🤴🏻
  3. 🚢
  4. 🧒🏻📚
  5. Upcoming Birthday
  6. New CEO
  7. 🌙🚀1️⃣3️⃣
  8. 🕷️🧔🏻
  9. 🎯
  10. 👰🏻‍♀️🙎🏻‍♀️🙍🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️
  11. 🚫🔑🅰️
  12. 🌊1️⃣1️⃣
  1. 👑📴💍
  2. 🐼🥋👊🏻
  3. 🌗👩‍❤️‍👨🦊
  4. 💉💎
  5. 👁️☎️
  6. 👳🚤🐯
  7. 🔎🐠
  8. Recent Birthday
  9. 🐆

21 Clues: 🚢🐆🎯💉💎🔎🐠👑📴💍🍔🤴🏻🧒🏻📚👳🚤🐯👨🏻🔨⚡🐼🥋👊🏻👁️☎️🕷️🧔🏻🚫🔑🅰️New CEO🌊1️⃣1️⃣🌗👩‍❤️‍👨🦊🌙🚀1️⃣3️⃣Recent BirthdayUpcoming Birthday👰🏻‍♀️🙎🏻‍♀️🙍🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️

Avengers 2018-05-28

Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. ドクター・ストレンジ
  2. ドラックス・ザ・デストロイヤー
  3. ヴィジョン
  4. ブラック・ウィドウ
  5. スカーレット・ウィッチ
  6. ピーター・パーカー
  7. ブラックパンサー
  8. ウィンター・ソルジャー
  9. ウォーマシン
  10. ガモーラ
  11. サノス
  1. グルート
  2. キャプテン・アメリカ
  3. ロキ
  4. トニー・スターク
  5. ロケット・ラクーン
  6. スティーブ・ロジャース
  7. ホークアイ
  8. ソー
  9. スパイダーマン
  10. ファルコン
  11. アベンジャーズ
  12. ピーター・クイル
  13. オーディン
  14. アイアンマン
  15. ニック・フューリー
  16. ハルク
  17. シュリ

28 Clues: ロキソーサノスハルクシュリグルートガモーラヴィジョンホークアイファルコンオーディンアイアンマンウォーマシンスパイダーマンアベンジャーズトニー・スタークブラックパンサーピーター・クイルロケット・ラクーンブラック・ウィドウピーター・パーカーニック・フューリーキャプテン・アメリカドクター・ストレンジスティーブ・ロジャーススカーレット・ウィッチウィンター・ソルジャードラックス・ザ・デストロイヤー

Marvel 2022-01-11

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Wanda Maximoff
  2. Clint Barton
  3. Carol Danvers
  4. Dead
  5. Loki
  6. Bucky
  7. Peter Parker
  8. Maria Hill
  9. Thor Odinson
  10. Lewis
  11. Tony Stark
  12. Nick Fury
  1. Steve Rogers
  2. Rhodey
  3. Scott Lang
  4. Natasha Romanoff
  5. Bruce Banner
  6. T'Challa
  7. Pietro Maximoff
  8. Stephen Strange
  9. Kate Bishop
  10. Robot
  11. Hope
  12. Sam Wilson
  13. Warrior
  14. Purple Grape

26 Clues: DeadLokiHopeRobotBuckyLewisRhodeyWarriorT'ChallaNick FuryScott LangSam WilsonMaria HillTony StarkKate BishopSteve RogersClint BartonBruce BannerPeter ParkerPurple GrapeThor OdinsonCarol DanversWanda MaximoffPietro MaximoffStephen StrangeNatasha Romanoff

E 2023-02-03

E crossword puzzle
  1. Hobbie?
  2. Novel I'm writing?
  3. Favorite band?
  4. Favorite chromebook game?
  5. Favorite food?
  6. Dream Pet?
  7. Favorite animal
  8. Favorite superhero?
  9. Favorite color?
  10. Fear?
  1. Favorite manga?
  2. Bsf?
  3. Favorite monster flavor?
  4. Favorite cousin?
  5. favorite movie?
  6. Favorite book(one not series)?
  7. Favorite wii game?
  8. Favorite anime?
  9. Favorite book series?
  10. Favorite Mha character?
  11. Favorite sibling?

21 Clues: Bsf?Fear?Hobbie?Dream Pet?Favorite band?Favorite food?Favorite manga?favorite movie?Favorite anime?Favorite animalFavorite color?Favorite cousin?Favorite sibling?Novel I'm writing?Favorite wii game?Favorite superhero?Favorite book series?Favorite Mha character?Favorite monster flavor?Favorite chromebook game?Favorite book(one not series)?

Hui hui hui 2023-12-03

Hui hui hui crossword puzzle
  1. Super soldier
  2. Skilled assassin
  3. Synthetic android Avenger
  4. Mystic sorcerer
  5. Reality-altering witch
  6. Wakandan king
  7. Cosmic-powered hero
  8. Green powerhouse
  9. God of thunder
  1. Friendly superhero
  2. Tree-like Guardian
  3. Size-shifting hero
  4. Adamantium-clawed mutant
  5. Size-changing Avenger
  6. Brainwashed assassin
  7. Billionaire inventor
  8. Avian-powered hero
  9. Master spy
  10. Leader of Guardians
  11. Master archer

20 Clues: Master spySuper soldierWakandan kingMaster archerGod of thunderMystic sorcererSkilled assassinGreen powerhouseFriendly superheroTree-like GuardianSize-shifting heroAvian-powered heroLeader of GuardiansCosmic-powered heroBrainwashed assassinBillionaire inventorSize-changing AvengerReality-altering witchAdamantium-clawed mutant...

All About Balpreet 2024-11-12

All About Balpreet crossword puzzle
  1. hometown
  2. first born child
  3. favorite chocolate
  4. favorite snoh song
  5. first favorite basketball team
  6. dream car
  7. basketball position
  8. basketball number
  9. zodiac sign
  10. favorite Jordan 4s
  1. favorite gatorade
  2. favorite chips
  3. favorite basketball movie
  4. favorite superhero
  5. favorite artist
  6. favorite color
  7. favorite uzi song
  8. favorite ice-cream
  9. favorite lollipop
  10. middle name

20 Clues: hometowndream carmiddle namezodiac signfavorite chipsfavorite colorfavorite artistfirst born childfavorite gatoradefavorite uzi songfavorite lollipopbasketball numberfavorite superherofavorite chocolatefavorite snoh songfavorite ice-creamfavorite Jordan 4sbasketball positionfavorite basketball moviefirst favorite basketball team

Super Heros 2022-01-28

Super Heros crossword puzzle
  1. Batman's side kick
  2. Chimichangas
  3. Uses webs
  4. Water
  5. Tiny
  6. Weapon is a bow and arrow
  7. Lasso of Truth
  8. Member of Guardians of the Galaxy
  9. America
  1. A super hero that likes hamburgers
  2. Works in Gotham City
  3. fast
  4. Wizard
  5. Green
  6. Lantern
  7. Thor's brother
  8. Daring
  9. Has claws
  10. God of Thunder
  11. Has red hair

20 Clues: fastTinyGreenWaterWizardDaringLanternAmericaUses websHas clawsChimichangasHas red hairThor's brotherLasso of TruthGod of ThunderBatman's side kickWorks in Gotham CityWeapon is a bow and arrowMember of Guardians of the GalaxyA super hero that likes hamburgers

good-n-badguys 2024-09-02

good-n-badguys crossword puzzle
  1. what Guardians guard
  2. Thor’s home
  3. what’s way above us
  4. Wonder Woman’s rope
  5. he smashes
  6. Superman’s weakness
  7. think’s he’s brainy
  8. underwater man
  9. Connor’s missing appendage
  10. Two Face
  1. how Iron Man moves
  2. how Catwoman drinks
  3. hammer down!
  4. tingling senses
  5. Bruce’s butler
  6. Capt America’s weapon
  7. Bruce’s city
  8. big umbrella
  9. Joker’s besty
  10. Batman’s swing

20 Clues: Two Facehe smashesThor’s homehammer down!Bruce’s citybig umbrellaJoker’s bestyBruce’s butlerunderwater manBatman’s swingtingling senseshow Iron Man moveshow Catwoman drinkswhat’s way above usWonder Woman’s ropeSuperman’s weaknessthink’s he’s brainywhat Guardians guardCapt America’s weaponConnor’s missing appendage

Klassen vår 2024-06-05

Klassen vår crossword puzzle
  1. Svømming
  2. liker ost
  3. Hunden heter pia
  4. volleyball
  5. Kanin
  6. Thomas
  7. Mina
  8. Tau
  9. Usken
  10. Thedor
  11. Kan eg gå å snyte meg
  12. Alex
  1. Naboen til Anne Brit
  2. Katten heter raya
  3. Heia
  4. er ett egg
  5. 3 Hunder
  6. er spiderman
  7. iskaffe 4 Life
  8. Blonde
  9. Naboen til Johanne
  10. fjelde
  11. Halloween fest
  12. Mange allergier

24 Clues: TauHeiaMinaAlexKaninUskenBlondeThomasfjeldeThedorSvømming3 Hunderliker oster ett eggvolleyballer spidermaniskaffe 4 LifeHalloween festMange allergierHunden heter piaKatten heter rayaNaboen til JohanneNaboen til Anne BritKan eg gå å snyte meg

Terry’s TimeOut 2022-06-23

Terry’s TimeOut crossword puzzle
  1. lab rats
  2. green light/ jazz
  3. Mississippi River
  4. District x2
  5. prolonged and comics are better
  6. Team Jacob
  7. Turkey with sunglasses
  8. Society chooses life
  1. the boo looks good
  2. bee sting
  3. True American
  4. interstellar society
  5. Checkmate + green pill
  6. Faction
  7. fake agency
  8. ‘Obliviate’
  9. Plastic Surgery
  10. Z is Queen High
  11. Princess -> Queen
  12. DND
  13. abbv

21 Clues: DNDabbvFactionlab ratsbee stingTeam Jacobfake agency‘Obliviate’District x2True AmericanPlastic SurgeryZ is Queen Highgreen light/ jazzMississippi RiverPrincess -> Queenthe boo looks goodinterstellar societySociety chooses lifeCheckmate + green pillTurkey with sunglassesprolonged and comics are better

Miranda's 30th Birthday! 2023-12-02

Miranda's 30th Birthday! crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite snack
  2. Dog
  3. Movie
  4. City born in
  5. TV Show
  6. First job
  7. Coffee place
  8. Hobby
  1. Instrument played
  2. Disney character
  3. Name of first pet Miranda picked out
  4. Favorite animal
  5. Favorite artist
  6. Disney princess
  7. Chocolate
  8. Favorite DND class
  9. President the year Miranda was born

17 Clues: DogMovieHobbyTV ShowChocolateFirst jobCity born inCoffee placeFavorite snackFavorite animalFavorite artistDisney princessDisney characterInstrument playedFavorite DND classPresident the year Miranda was bornName of first pet Miranda picked out

Spiderman crossword-Alizée Donély 3emeF 2022-12-01

Spiderman crossword-Alizée Donély 3emeF crossword puzzle
  1. the string that spiders make
  2. whats the spider did when she got on spiderman at the beggining
  3. spiderman's aunt whose name is the same as a plant
  4. the people who spider man fights against
  5. Spiderman's friend
  6. the symbol which is on spiderman's costume
  1. spiderman's name
  2. one of the 3 actors who play spiderman
  3. where spider man lives
  4. the reason why spider man fights

10 Clues: spiderman's nameSpiderman's friendwhere spider man livesthe string that spiders makethe reason why spider man fightsone of the 3 actors who play spidermanthe people who spider man fights againstthe symbol which is on spiderman's costumespiderman's aunt whose name is the same as a plantwhats the spider did when she got on spiderman at the beggining

Cade's Crossword 2024-11-26

Cade's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Soccer Number
  2. Favorite Singer
  3. Favorite color
  4. My Birthday
  5. favorite brand
  6. Favorite drink
  7. Mr. Ricci's nickname
  1. Dream Car
  2. Favorite sport
  3. Favorite NFL team
  4. Favorite animal
  5. Favorite Superhero
  6. Favorite food
  7. Favorite Disney movie

14 Clues: Dream CarMy BirthdaySoccer NumberFavorite foodFavorite sportFavorite colorfavorite brandFavorite drinkFavorite animalFavorite SingerFavorite NFL teamFavorite SuperheroMr. Ricci's nicknameFavorite Disney movie

Birthday crossword 2023-10-22

Birthday crossword crossword puzzle
  1. your name
  2. Our daughter
  3. I****you
  4. Africa
  5. my gift to you part2
  6. Trailer park boys
  7. “I love you”
  8. Show
  9. You’re my
  1. And I’m your Gwen Stacy
  2. Our son
  3. My vape
  4. my name
  5. My gift to u
  6. Date to remember
  7. Our cat
  8. Windy date
  9. Halloween

18 Clues: ShowAfricaOur sonMy vapemy nameOur catI****youyour nameHalloweenYou’re myWindy dateOur daughterMy gift to u“I love you”Date to rememberTrailer park boysmy gift to you part2And I’m your Gwen Stacy

video game characters puzzle 2022-06-14

video game characters puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Funny skeleton
  2. Green knight
  3. green lizard
  4. space ranger
  5. green italian plumber
  6. Bear-bird
  7. Fast hegehog
  8. pellet eating circle
  1. Squid people
  2. pink ball
  3. Big gorila
  4. spider guy
  5. iron boy
  6. Electric mouse
  7. Italian plumber
  8. Blocky man

16 Clues: iron boypink ballBear-birdBig gorilaspider guyBlocky manSquid peopleGreen knightgreen lizardspace rangerFast hegehogFunny skeletonElectric mouseItalian plumberpellet eating circlegreen italian plumber

video game characters puzzle 2022-06-14

video game characters puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Blocky man
  2. Green knight
  3. Funny skeleton
  4. Squid people
  5. Italian plumber
  6. pink ball
  7. pellet eating circle
  8. green lizard
  1. iron boy
  2. Big gorila
  3. green italian plumber
  4. spider guy
  5. space ranger
  6. Electric mouse
  7. Bear-bird
  8. Fast hegehog

16 Clues: iron boypink ballBear-birdBlocky manBig gorilaspider guyGreen knightSquid peoplespace rangerFast hegehoggreen lizardFunny skeletonElectric mouseItalian plumberpellet eating circlegreen italian plumber

About Me 2023-01-15

About Me crossword puzzle
  1. Drink
  2. Drake
  3. soccer
  4. Math
  1. Youtuber
  2. nets
  3. Favorite food
  4. Videogame
  5. Superhero
  6. Club

10 Clues: netsClubMathDrinkDrakesoccerYoutuberVideogameSuperheroFavorite food

superhelden 2018-01-13

superhelden crossword puzzle
  1. avenger
  2. vleermuizen
  3. Tony Stark
  4. laserogen sterk
  5. stenen hulk
  6. surft in de lucht
  7. spin
  8. hamer
  1. Bruce Benner
  2. schild
  3. transformers
  4. pijl en boog
  5. guardians of the galaxy

13 Clues: spinhamerschildavengerTony Starkvleermuizenstenen hulkBruce Bennertransformerspijl en booglaserogen sterksurft in de luchtguardians of the galaxy

MinuEsimene 2021-10-10

MinuEsimene crossword puzzle
  1. spiderman
  2. NaguMaasikas
  3. muusik
  4. naine
  5. Mitte juust
  1. MagusMari
  2. MustMari
  3. mees
  4. 11.nov
  5. vend

10 Clues: meesvendnaine11.novmuusikMustMarispidermanMagusMariMitte juustNaguMaasikas

The Boo Crew 2023-10-13

The Boo Crew crossword puzzle
  1. , spiderman
  2. , red head
  3. , roblox
  4. Wednesday
  5. , the oldest here
  6. , Sonic
  7. , dancer
  1. , Captain America
  2. , think of christmas
  3. , the hype man/my party
  4. , rimes with bella
  5. , "jeff"
  6. , the newest member
  7. the oldest kid here

14 Clues: , Sonic, roblox, "jeff", dancerWednesday, red head, spiderman, Captain America, the oldest here, rimes with bella, the newest memberthe oldest kid here, think of christmas, the hype man/my party

marvel 2022-02-04

marvel crossword puzzle
  1. peter parker
  2. tom holland
  3. elizabeth olsen
  4. sebastian stan
  5. Scarlett Johansson
  6. tony stark
  1. steve rogers
  2. chris evans
  3. bucky barnes
  4. scarletwitch
  5. natasha romanoff
  6. rdj

12 Clues: rdjtony starkchris evanstom hollandsteve rogerspeter parkerbucky barnesscarletwitchsebastian stanelizabeth olsennatasha romanoffScarlett Johansson

Crossword number 1 2018-03-03

Crossword number 1 crossword puzzle
  1. postman
  2. fireman
  3. policeman
  4. batman
  1. spiderman
  2. pizzaman

6 Clues: batmanpostmanfiremanpizzamanspidermanpoliceman

Avengers Superhero Alias' 2022-11-03

Avengers Superhero Alias' crossword puzzle
  1. Wanda Maximoff
  2. Tony Stark
  3. King T'Challa
  4. Matt Murdock
  5. Sam Wilson
  6. Natasha Romanoff
  7. Clint Barton
  1. Peter Quill
  2. Peter Parker
  3. Steve Rodgers
  4. Scott Lang
  5. Bucky Barnes
  6. Bruce Banner

13 Clues: Scott LangTony StarkSam WilsonPeter QuillPeter ParkerBucky BarnesBruce BannerMatt MurdockClint BartonSteve RodgersKing T'ChallaWanda MaximoffNatasha Romanoff

21 years of Shaun Antoine 2024-11-16

21 years of Shaun Antoine crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite Artist
  2. Superhero Fav
  3. Always wearing
  4. He hates!!!
  5. Dad's name
  6. He collects..
  7. favorite color
  1. Cat #2
  2. He lives in
  3. Star sign
  4. cologne brand
  5. Highschool
  6. Cat#1

13 Clues: Cat#1Cat #2Star signHighschoolDad's nameHe lives inHe hates!!!Superhero Favcologne brandHe collects..Always wearingfavorite colorFavorite Artist

Movies + Actors 2021-12-14

Movies + Actors crossword puzzle
  1. EmmaWatson
  2. HannahMontana
  3. Harry Potter
  4. Last Name Williams
  5. Spiderman
  6. Dated Taylor Swift
  7. StraightOuttaCompton
  8. Last Name Washington
  9. Men in Black
  10. Iron Man
  11. Lara Croft
  12. Ted Bundy
  13. Harley Quinn
  1. Batman
  2. Lohan Mean Girls
  3. Frank
  4. Django
  5. Classic Voice
  6. Forrest Gump
  7. Fight Club
  8. Stormtrooper Deserter
  9. Hunger Games
  10. Titanic
  11. DwayneJohnson

24 Clues: FrankBatmanDjangoTitanicIron ManSpidermanTed BundyEmmaWatsonFight ClubLara CroftForrest GumpHarry PotterHunger GamesMen in BlackHarley QuinnHannahMontanaClassic VoiceDwayneJohnsonLohan Mean GirlsLast Name WilliamsDated Taylor SwiftStraightOuttaComptonLast Name WashingtonStormtrooper Deserter

Video game Creators 2013-03-09

Video game Creators crossword puzzle
  1. megaman
  2. Halo
  3. Diablo
  4. Bejeweled
  5. Elder Scrolls
  6. Grand theft auto
  7. Sims
  8. Spiderman
  9. Saints row
  10. Crysis
  11. Farcry
  12. Half life
  13. Supermario
  1. Notch
  2. Metal gear
  3. Borderlands
  4. Command and conquer
  5. The force unleashed
  6. Fable
  7. Dance Central
  8. Fifa
  9. Pokemon
  10. Space invaders
  11. Doom
  12. Spyro
  13. Tony hawks
  14. Arma
  15. Battlefield

28 Clues: HaloFifaSimsDoomArmaNotchFableSpyroDiabloCrysisFarcrymegamanPokemonBejeweledSpidermanHalf lifeMetal gearTony hawksSaints rowSupermarioBorderlandsBattlefieldDance CentralElder ScrollsSpace invadersGrand theft autoCommand and conquerThe force unleashed

Marvel Characters 2022-05-18

Marvel Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Big Dude
  2. Mind Stone
  3. Dancer
  4. Old Man
  5. Tree
  6. King of Asgard
  7. The Kid
  8. Moves Objects
  9. A Robot
  10. Doctor
  11. Guy with Claws
  1. Quick Dude
  2. Guy in red suit
  3. Purple Dude
  4. King of Wakanda
  5. Purple Dude’s Daughter
  6. Billionaire Philanthropist
  7. Trickster God
  8. Tall
  9. Old Man’s Wife
  10. raccoon
  11. Tony’s Wife

22 Clues: TallTreeDancerDoctorOld ManThe KidA RobotraccoonBig DudeQuick DudeMind StonePurple DudeTony’s WifeTrickster GodMoves ObjectsKing of AsgardOld Man’s WifeGuy with ClawsGuy in red suitKing of WakandaPurple Dude’s DaughterBillionaire Philanthropist

All About Violet 2019-07-17

All About Violet crossword puzzle
  2. Favorite nickname
  3. Favorite show
  4. Favorite pet
  5. Favorite place to shop
  6. Favorite superhero
  7. CARRY Favorite actor
  8. Sport I would do besides tennis
  9. Favorite animal
  1. Favorite drink
  2. Favorite subject
  3. Least favorite sport
  4. Favorite candy
  5. Favorite color
  6. Favorite princess
  7. Favorite band
  8. Middle name
  9. Least favorite animal/bug
  10. Dream pet
  11. Favorite food

20 Clues: Dream petBEST FRIENDMiddle nameFavorite petFavorite showFavorite bandFavorite foodFavorite drinkFavorite candyFavorite colorFavorite animalFavorite subjectFavorite nicknameFavorite princessFavorite superheroLeast favorite sportCARRY Favorite actorFavorite place to shopLeast favorite animal/bugSport I would do besides tennis