spiderman Crossword Puzzles

Pri Valentines 💚 2024-02-09

Pri Valentines 💚 crossword puzzle
  1. Nickname
  2. Run?
  3. Biggest op
  4. Usual spot
  5. Unloved
  6. First date
  7. Rarely on display
  8. Growth
  9. Shnack
  1. Favourite club
  2. Other new love
  3. New love
  4. Liquid gold
  5. First I Love You
  6. Fav cocktail
  7. Pre-Girlfriend
  8. Where to find KS
  9. Unliked nickname
  10. Three painful letters
  11. Pri
  12. Coffee
  13. 🐐
  14. Unwanted gift

23 Clues: 🐐PriRun?CoffeeGrowthShnackUnlovedNicknameNew loveBiggest opUsual spotFirst dateLiquid goldFav cocktailUnwanted giftFavourite clubOther new lovePre-GirlfriendFirst I Love YouWhere to find KSUnliked nicknameRarely on displayThree painful letters


CARNIVAL COSTUMES crossword puzzle
  1. Indiano
  2. Vigile del fuoco
  3. Pirata
  4. Uomo del far west a cavallo
  5. Uomo pipistrello
  6. Fantasma
  1. Pagliaccio
  2. Tigre
  3. Principessa
  4. Uomo ragno
  5. Fatina
  6. Strega

12 Clues: TigreFatinaPirataStregaIndianoFantasmaPagliaccioUomo ragnoPrincipessaVigile del fuocoUomo pipistrelloUomo del far west a cavallo

About Me 2023-01-15

About Me crossword puzzle
  1. Chess
  2. shake Drink
  3. Favorite food
  4. SpiderMan
  5. drake
  1. Math
  2. nets
  3. soccer
  4. mango
  5. MrBeast

10 Clues: MathnetsChessmangodrakesoccerMrBeastSpiderManshake DrinkFavorite food

Avengers ENDGAME 2021-05-26

Avengers ENDGAME crossword puzzle
  1. web shooter
  2. boy with wings
  3. super sodier
  4. strongest avenger
  5. ant boy
  6. tree boy
  7. god of thunder
  8. insane sniper
  9. wizard
  1. smartest avenger
  2. king
  3. grape

12 Clues: kinggrapewizardant boytree boyweb shootersuper sodierinsane sniperboy with wingsgod of thundersmartest avengerstrongest avenger

Name that Hero 2022-05-07

Name that Hero crossword puzzle
  1. Carol Danvers
  2. James Barnes
  3. Kurt Wagner
  4. T'Challa
  5. Richard Rider
  6. Matthew Murdock
  7. James Howlett
  1. Frank Castle
  2. Sam Wilson
  3. Susan Storm
  4. Ororo Munroe
  5. Peter Parker

12 Clues: T'ChallaSam WilsonSusan StormKurt WagnerFrank CastleJames BarnesOroro MunroePeter ParkerCarol DanversRichard RiderJames HowlettMatthew Murdock

Who is hiding behind...? 2017-04-04

Who is hiding behind...? crossword puzzle
  1. Clark Kent
  2. Peter Parker
  3. James Logan Hawlett
  4. Magnus Eisenhardt
  5. Doctor Harleen Frances Quinzel
  6. Professor Banner
  7. Kathy Kane
  8. Tony Stark
  1. Matt Murdoch
  2. Princess Diana
  3. Bruce Wayne
  4. Steven Rogers
  5. Hal Jordan
  6. Bart Allen
  7. Selina Kyle

15 Clues: Clark KentHal JordanBart AllenKathy KaneTony StarkBruce WayneSelina KyleMatt MurdochPeter ParkerSteven RogersPrincess DianaProfessor BannerMagnus EisenhardtJames Logan HawlettDoctor Harleen Frances Quinzel

Superheroes!/Super-villains!/Super-objects! 2021-02-13

Superheroes!/Super-villains!/Super-objects! crossword puzzle
  1. Super-villain: The god- from norse mythology-who has a million tricky-tricks up his sleeve...
  2. Wonder Woman's real name is:_____.
  3. Superhero: Poisonous, black.(female). Avenger.
  4. Superhero: Black, echolocation.
  5. Superhero: Web-spinner "Courtesy of you-know-who: Your friendly-neighborhood:_________!"
  6. Super-villain: Owns the company of: LexCorp.
  7. iron man's identity.
  8. Superhero: Black, sharp claws, Avenger.
  9. An imp. Every 90 years, this imp goes to Superman's dimension and tries to humiliate Superman.(Put the short name).
  10. "Kryptonite, gaah! Groan-".
  1. Person: Superman/Clark Kent's secret love.
  2. Superhero: Spiderman's assistant, not original Spiderman.
  3. Super-object: Batman does not always use wings, some times he uses SOMETHING to swing through the sky. It is a ________.
  4. Super-villain: shape-shifter, color-changing, based on the famous camouflager animal:_________.
  5. Strong, speedy, amazon princess.
  6. Super-object: Green,(sometimes red or blue), a kryptonian’s threat.
  7. Superhero: Intelligent, armor. Avenger.

17 Clues: iron man's identity."Kryptonite, gaah! Groan-".Superhero: Black, echolocation.Strong, speedy, amazon princess.Wonder Woman's real name is:_____.Superhero: Intelligent, armor. Avenger.Superhero: Black, sharp claws, Avenger.Person: Superman/Clark Kent's secret love.Super-villain: Owns the company of: LexCorp....

About Me 2023-01-15

About Me crossword puzzle
  1. Club
  2. Drink
  3. Favorite food
  4. Youtuber
  5. Superhero
  6. Videogame
  1. Basketball Team
  2. Math
  3. sport
  4. Drake

10 Clues: ClubMathDrinksportDrakeYoutuberSuperheroVideogameFavorite foodBasketball Team

Marvel Crossword 2024-05-15

Marvel Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Who should be the next marvel superhero
  2. What Captain America movie did Ironman and Captain America fight
  3. This marvel character is a brother of a famous lightning god
  4. This was the marvel villian who tricked the world spiderman was bad
  5. Black panthers home
  6. This marvel character saved half the population
  7. This marvel character was the main villain in the last avengers movie
  8. This is a teenage marvel character
  9. Big green superhero
  1. What animal is Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy
  2. This marvel characters actor died in 2020
  3. What marvel villain was in the first guardians of the galaxy
  4. Who says the famous line "I am Groot"
  5. What weapon did Captain America pick up in Avengers Endgame
  6. What planet did Thor find hulk in movie Thor Ragnarok

15 Clues: Black panthers homeBig green superheroThis is a teenage marvel characterWho says the famous line "I am Groot"Who should be the next marvel superheroThis marvel characters actor died in 2020This marvel character saved half the populationWhat animal is Rocket from Guardians of the GalaxyWhat planet did Thor find hulk in movie Thor Ragnarok...

Sami's Crossword Game 2024-03-20

Sami's Crossword Game crossword puzzle
  1. Spiderman
  2. Mommy
  3. Princess
  4. Teteh
  5. Jedo
  6. Fu
  1. Lives in Jeddah
  2. Daddy
  3. Lives in Jeddah with Ghi
  4. Gugu Gaga
  5. Gha

11 Clues: FuGhaJedoDaddyMommyTetehPrincessSpidermanGugu GagaLives in JeddahLives in Jeddah with Ghi

The best crossword of superheros 2022-03-22

The best crossword of superheros crossword puzzle
  1. Captain America has a sheild on his _____
  2. Superman and Wonder Woman have a ______ relationship
  3. Batman can be _____ if he wants to achieve his purpose
  4. Catwoman's house is always ____
  1. Peter Parker gave his _____ to Mary Jane
  2. Spiderman could leave _____ the house with his spiderweb
  3. Hulk can easily break ______ with his strenght
  4. The superheroes are______ when they defeat the villain
  5. Spiderman was bitten by a spider on his _____
  6. Superman has a cape on his _____

10 Clues: Catwoman's house is always ____Superman has a cape on his _____Peter Parker gave his _____ to Mary JaneCaptain America has a sheild on his _____Spiderman was bitten by a spider on his _____Hulk can easily break ______ with his strenghtSuperman and Wonder Woman have a ______ relationshipThe superheroes are______ when they defeat the villain...

The best crossword of superheros 2022-03-22

The best crossword of superheros crossword puzzle
  1. Captain America has a sheild on his _____
  2. Superman and Wonder Woman have a ______ relationship
  3. Batman can be _____ if he wants to achieve his purpose
  4. Catwoman's house is always ____
  1. Peter Parker gave his _____ to Mary Jane
  2. Spiderman could leave _____ the house with his spiderweb
  3. Hulk can easily break ______ with his strenght
  4. The superheroes are______ when they defeat the villain
  5. Spiderman was bitten by a spider on his _____
  6. Superman has a cape on his _____

10 Clues: Catwoman's house is always ____Superman has a cape on his _____Peter Parker gave his _____ to Mary JaneCaptain America has a sheild on his _____Spiderman was bitten by a spider on his _____Hulk can easily break ______ with his strenghtSuperman and Wonder Woman have a ______ relationshipThe superheroes are______ when they defeat the villain...


ACTORS AND SINGERS crossword puzzle


Σουπερήρωες 2023-10-20

Σουπερήρωες crossword puzzle
  1. Πράσινος γίγαντας
  2. Άνθρωπος νυχτερίδα
  3. Μάτια λέιζερ
  4. Αμαζόνας
  5. Γρήγορος
  6. Σιδεροάνθρωπος
  7. Άνθρωπος αράχνη
  1. Ουακάντα
  2. Νεράνθρωπος
  3. Έχει σφυρί
  4. Δώκτορ περίεργος
  5. Ο αρχηγός τον AVENGERS
  6. Ο αδελφός του thor

13 Clues: ΟυακάνταΑμαζόναςΓρήγοροςΈχει σφυρίΝεράνθρωποςΜάτια λέιζερΣιδεροάνθρωποςΆνθρωπος αράχνηΔώκτορ περίεργοςΠράσινος γίγανταςΆνθρωπος νυχτερίδαΟ αδελφός του thorΟ αρχηγός τον AVENGERS

Game characters 2023-05-01

Game characters crossword puzzle
  1. Mr marsten
  2. not mario
  3. Spooderman
  4. crafty
  6. he is the holy one
  7. he solid
  1. undertale protagonist
  2. The Father
  3. funny bone man
  4. just monika
  5. Black Lung
  6. Van der linde

13 Clues: craftyHEYAAAhe solidnot marioMr marstenThe FatherBlack LungSpoodermanjust monikaVan der lindefunny bone manhe is the holy oneundertale protagonist

Marvel Crossword 2022-01-27

Marvel Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Reads feelings
  2. purple alien
  4. Blind Batman
  5. Future Spiderman
  6. AquaMan copycat
  7. Strongest at full moon
  8. radioactive big buff guy
  9. Swamp thing copy cat
  10. 'I am..."
  1. Thanos and Deadpool Fight over her
  2. Russian guy in robot
  3. lord of lighting
  4. burnt alive
  5. Mindstone
  6. Black goo alien
  7. Rock Hulk

17 Clues: SPEEEEEEDMindstoneRock Hulk'I am..."burnt alivepurple alienBlind BatmanReads feelingsBlack goo alienAquaMan copycatlord of lightingFuture SpidermanRussian guy in robotSwamp thing copy catStrongest at full moonradioactive big buff guyThanos and Deadpool Fight over her

Superheros 2022-12-18

Superheros crossword puzzle
  1. woman Can't tell a lie
  2. Walking tree man
  3. Speeeeeeed
  4. batman's sidekick
  5. Clark Kent
  6. magic portals
  7. man An ant to a giant
  8. archer
  1. a walking spider
  2. All mighty hammer
  3. American shield
  4. claws
  5. Tony stark
  6. giant green boy
  7. both parents are dead
  8. man of the sea
  9. magical ring

17 Clues: clawsarcherTony starkSpeeeeeeedClark Kentmagical ringmagic portalsman of the seaAmerican shieldgiant green boya walking spiderWalking tree manAll mighty hammerbatman's sidekickboth parents are deadman An ant to a giantwoman Can't tell a lie

Avengers ENDGAME 2021-05-26

Avengers ENDGAME crossword puzzle
  1. web shooter
  2. boy with wings
  3. super sodier
  4. strongest avenger
  5. ant boy
  6. tree boy
  7. god of thunder
  8. insane sniper
  9. wizard
  1. smartest avenger
  2. king
  3. grape

12 Clues: kinggrapewizardant boytree boyweb shootersuper sodierinsane sniperboy with wingsgod of thundersmartest avengerstrongest avenger

avengers/marvel 2022-12-05

avengers/marvel crossword puzzle
  1. special cape
  2. star lord
  3. the first marvel movie
  4. russian avenger
  5. i am
  6. immortal
  7. natashas sister
  1. wanda maximoff
  2. son of odin
  3. green guy
  4. daughter of thanos
  5. the first avenger
  6. bow and arrow
  7. other soon of odin
  8. other daughter of thanos
  9. always away from home

16 Clues: i amimmortalgreen guystar lordson of odinspecial capebow and arrowwanda maximoffrussian avengernatashas sisterthe first avengerdaughter of thanosother soon of odinalways away from homethe first marvel movieother daughter of thanos

made by the bbc in ur pants <3 2022-08-29

made by the bbc in ur pants <3 crossword puzzle
  1. bruce banner
  2. peterparker
  3. sam wilson
  4. logan
  5. witch wanda maximoff
  6. Steve Rogers
  7. widow Natasha romonoff
  8. carol danvers
  1. peitro maximoff
  2. clint barton
  3. man Tony stark
  4. t,thalla
  5. steven strange

13 Clues: logant,thallasam wilsonpeterparkerbruce bannerclint bartonSteve Rogerscarol danversman Tony starksteven strangepeitro maximoffwitch wanda maximoffwidow Natasha romonoff

The Monthly Horn no 2 2018-08-26

The Monthly Horn no 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Benign uterine tumour
  2. Flightless Bird
  3. Chinese gooseberry
  4. Scrambled eggs
  5. Fulham F C Nickname
  6. Capital of Argentina
  7. Trap
  8. Peter Parker
  9. London Borough
  10. Tropical tree lizard
  1. Hobbit Author
  2. Type of Hat
  3. Using more words than are needed
  4. Queen of Soul
  5. One of the 6
  6. Outdoor meal
  7. Spoken
  8. Kismet

18 Clues: TrapSpokenKismetType of HatOne of the 6Outdoor mealPeter ParkerHobbit AuthorQueen of SoulScrambled eggsLondon BoroughFlightless BirdChinese gooseberryFulham F C NicknameCapital of ArgentinaTropical tree lizardBenign uterine tumourUsing more words than are needed

Unsere Superhelden 2015-05-27

Unsere Superhelden crossword puzzle
  1. Er sieht aus wie eine Fledermaus
  2. Er fliegt mit Spinnennetze durch die Stadt
  3. Parker So heißt Spiderman im echten Leben
  1. Er kann fliegen
  2. Diese Farbe hat Hulk
  3. Spiderman wurde von einer ... gebissen und bekam Superkräfte

6 Clues: Er kann fliegenDiese Farbe hat HulkEr sieht aus wie eine FledermausParker So heißt Spiderman im echten LebenEr fliegt mit Spinnennetze durch die StadtSpiderman wurde von einer ... gebissen und bekam Superkräfte

About Me 2023-01-15

About Me crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite Basketball Team
  2. sport
  3. Drake
  4. Drink
  5. Math
  1. Youtuber
  2. Videogame
  3. Club
  4. Superhero
  5. Favorite food

10 Clues: ClubMathsportDrakeDrinkYoutuberVideogameSuperheroFavorite foodFavorite Basketball Team

¿Qué cartones veías de niño? 2016-10-26

¿Qué cartones veías de niño? crossword puzzle
  1. Ghostbusters
  2. Batman
  3. The Pink Panther
  4. Fairly Odd Parents
  5. The Powerpuff girls
  6. Sponge Bob
  7. Cow and Chicken
  8. The Flintstones
  9. Wonderwoman
  10. Yogi Bear
  1. Pinky and the Brain
  2. Spiderman
  3. Coyote and Roadrummer
  4. The Ninja Turtles
  5. Dexter's Laboratory
  6. The Smurfs
  7. Top Cat and His Gang
  8. Captain Caveman
  9. The Care Bears
  10. Captain Planet
  11. Donald Duck
  12. Woody Woodpecker

22 Clues: BatmanSpidermanYogi BearThe SmurfsSponge BobDonald DuckWonderwomanGhostbustersThe Care BearsCaptain PlanetCaptain CavemanCow and ChickenThe FlintstonesThe Pink PantherWoody WoodpeckerThe Ninja TurtlesFairly Odd ParentsPinky and the BrainDexter's LaboratoryThe Powerpuff girlsTop Cat and His GangCoyote and Roadrummer

Famous People 2021-12-21

Famous People crossword puzzle
  1. Light Bulb
  2. StarWars
  3. Lost to Trump
  4. Speak
  5. Romeo and Juliet
  6. Ford Theatre
  7. Diary
  8. HarryPotter
  9. Swimming
  10. I Have A Dream
  11. Free Shipping
  12. Minister Human Rights
  1. Cofounder ACLU
  2. Physicist
  3. Wooden Teeth
  4. Hundred Years War
  5. Change
  6. Loves McDonalds
  7. Composer
  8. Horror Writer
  9. Book Club
  10. Apple Founder
  11. Space X
  12. Queen
  13. Mona Lisa
  14. Spiderman

26 Clues: SpeakDiaryQueenChangeSpace XStarWarsComposerSwimmingPhysicistBook ClubMona LisaSpidermanLight BulbHarryPotterWooden TeethFord TheatreLost to TrumpHorror WriterApple FounderFree ShippingCofounder ACLUI Have A DreamLoves McDonaldsRomeo and JulietHundred Years WarMinister Human Rights

Happy Birthday Ben 2022-01-31

Happy Birthday Ben crossword puzzle
  1. TWS
  2. Watch me…
  3. Coding…
  4. Bird/Bear
  5. And mysterious
  6. No ordinary
  7. …as it gets
  8. And a rebel
  9. What a lovely…
  10. …love
  11. Piratical trouser hue
  12. Always leave a…
  13. Dishonourable…
  14. Sweep the…
  1. World Wide Hero
  2. Daddy’s pants
  3. Sandwich specialty
  4. Unspoken
  5. “tower”
  6. Don’t think twice to…
  7. Sneaka
  8. The Handsome…
  9. Do a roll
  10. This…

24 Clues: TWS…loveThis…SneakaCoding…“tower”UnspokenWatch me…Bird/BearDo a rollSweep the…No ordinary…as it getsAnd a rebelDaddy’s pantsThe Handsome…And mysteriousWhat a lovely…Dishonourable…World Wide HeroAlways leave a…Sandwich specialtyDon’t think twice to…Piratical trouser hue

Cross Word 2023-08-09

Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. Pink city.
  2. King of lions
  3. Biggest ocean.
  4. Silicon city.
  5. Captain cool.
  6. Gate of col.
  7. Used to type.
  8. Man swings on cobweb.
  9. Biggest award.
  10. Your continent.
  1. Brain of computer.
  2. Young peacock.
  3. Who lives in beehive.
  4. GB
  5. Opposite of encode.
  6. Popular search engine.
  7. Income-expenses
  8. World Health Organization.
  9. Fox with fire.
  10. Universal Serial Bus.

20 Clues: GBPink city.Gate of col.King of lionsSilicon city.Captain cool.Used to type.Young peacock.Biggest ocean.Fox with fire.Biggest award.Income-expensesYour continent.Brain of computer.Opposite of encode.Who lives in beehive.Universal Serial Bus.Man swings on cobweb.Popular search engine.World Health Organization.

remake21b 2024-06-13

remake21b crossword puzzle
  1. Wacky superhero.
  2. Misadventures of beavers.
  3. Goofy and son.
  4. Crazy dog and cat.
  5. Jungle pilot bear.
  6. School bus adventures.
  7. Odd sibling pair.
  8. Handsome and dimwitted.
  1. Jack’s adventures.
  2. Lovable purple feline.
  3. Superpowered girls.
  4. Elephant king.
  5. Web-slinging hero.
  6. Tasmanian Devil's show.
  7. Mutant superheroes.
  8. Clues dog detective.
  9. Brain's partner.
  10. Street hockey team.
  11. Alien invader.
  12. Projects’ animated life.

20 Clues: Elephant king.Goofy and son.Alien invader.Wacky superhero.Brain's partner.Odd sibling pair.Jack’s adventures.Web-slinging hero.Crazy dog and cat.Jungle pilot bear.Superpowered girls.Mutant superheroes.Street hockey team.Clues dog detective.Lovable purple feline.School bus adventures.Tasmanian Devil's show.Handsome and dimwitted....


ACTORS AND SINGERS crossword puzzle


Unsere Superhelden 2015-05-27

Unsere Superhelden crossword puzzle
  1. Er sieht aus wie eine Fledermaus
  2. Er fliegt mit Spinnennetze durch die Stadt
  3. Parker So heißt Spiderman im echten Leben
  1. Er kann fliegen
  2. Diese Farbe hat Hulk
  3. Spiderman wurde von einer ... gebissen und bekam Superkräfte

6 Clues: Er kann fliegenDiese Farbe hat HulkEr sieht aus wie eine FledermausParker So heißt Spiderman im echten LebenEr fliegt mit Spinnennetze durch die StadtSpiderman wurde von einer ... gebissen und bekam Superkräfte

VALORISTEAM 2020-04-12

VALORISTEAM crossword puzzle
  1. 007
  4. OHH,JACK...
  5. VFOR...


Superhero's 2024-11-22

Superhero's crossword puzzle
  1. Kryptonian
  2. Oliver Queen
  3. Atlantis King
  4. Natasha
  5. Dark Night
  6. Project X
  7. Green Ring
  8. Boy Wonder
  9. Prince of Asgard
  10. Galatic Hero
  1. Wakanda King
  2. Greek Warrior
  3. Second Iron-man
  4. America’s Hero
  5. Bruce banner
  6. Fastest Man Alive
  7. Spidy
  8. Tony Stark

18 Clues: SpidyNatashaProject XKryptonianTony StarkDark NightGreen RingBoy WonderWakanda KingOliver QueenBruce bannerGalatic HeroGreek WarriorAtlantis KingAmerica’s HeroSecond Iron-manPrince of AsgardFastest Man Alive

Superheroes/Villians 2024-05-02

Superheroes/Villians crossword puzzle
  1. dune/Iceman
  2. gah/White Rabbit
  3. ts’eke/Catwoman
  4. dune/Spiderman
  5. kwun/Sunfire
  6. hoolhtas na/Hawkeye
  7. dot’en k’aza/Green Arrow
  8. tsin tsun/Red Skull
  1. cho/Bumblebee
  2. cho/Big Boss
  3. datsancho/Blood Raven
  4. kwun/Starfire
  5. dune/Batman
  6. dune/Sandman
  7. us̲ki ts’eke/Squirrel girl
  8. yus/Nightwolf
  9. nanguz̲/Grey Fox

17 Clues: dune/Icemandune/Batmancho/Big Bossdune/Sandmankwun/Sunfirecho/Bumblebeekwun/Starfireyus/Nightwolfdune/Spidermants’eke/Catwomangah/White Rabbitnanguz̲/Grey Foxhoolhtas na/Hawkeyetsin tsun/Red Skulldatsancho/Blood Ravendot’en k’aza/Green Arrowus̲ki ts’eke/Squirrel girl

Marvel Heroes 2022-07-18

Marvel Heroes crossword puzzle
  1. Franklin Richards
  2. __The Pizza Dog
  3. Natasha Romanoff
  4. Susan Storm
  5. Scott Summers
  6. Billy Maximoff
  7. Bobby Drake
  8. Ororo Munroe
  9. Johnny Storm
  10. __Bishop
  11. Ben Grimm
  12. Peter Parker
  1. Tommy Maximoff
  2. Jean Grey
  3. Bruce Banner
  4. Wanda Maximoff
  5. Steve Rogers
  6. Tony Stark
  7. Wanda's Lover
  8. Scott Lang
  9. Reed Richards
  10. Valeria Richards
  11. King Dorrek VIII
  12. Clint Barton

24 Clues: __BishopJean GreyBen GrimmTony StarkScott LangSusan StormBobby DrakeBruce BannerSteve RogersOroro MunroeJohnny StormClint BartonPeter ParkerScott SummersWanda's LoverReed RichardsTommy MaximoffWanda MaximoffBilly Maximoff__The Pizza DogNatasha RomanoffValeria RichardsKing Dorrek VIIIFranklin Richards

Marvel 2021-12-20

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Bow and Arrow
  2. Peter parker
  3. telekinesis
  4. lang ant man
  5. dog of kate
  6. i am
  7. Bruce Banner
  8. quicksilver
  9. surname of yelena
  10. sister of natasha
  11. wanda......
  12. female captain america
  13. Kate
  1. first avenger
  2. captain marvel
  3. evil grape
  4. brainwashed by hydra
  5. Wanda and Pietro are from
  6. steve's best friend
  7. evil robot
  8. infinity stone
  9. dies at vormir

22 Clues: i amKateevil grapeevil robottelekinesisdog of katequicksilverwanda......Peter parkerlang ant manBruce Bannerfirst avengerBow and Arrowcaptain marvelinfinity stonedies at vormirsurname of yelenasister of natashasteve's best friendbrainwashed by hydrafemale captain americaWanda and Pietro are from

marvel 2023-11-03

marvel crossword puzzle
  1. war machine
  2. vision
  3. black widow
  4. star lord
  5. the falcon
  6. iron man
  7. agent coulson
  8. captain marvel
  9. wasp
  10. loki
  1. captain America
  2. black panther
  3. scarlet
  4. miss marvel
  5. spiderman
  6. winter soldier
  7. ant man
  8. doctor strange
  9. hawk eye
  10. hulk

20 Clues: hulkwasplokivisionscarletant manhawk eyeiron manspidermanstar lordthe falconwar machinemiss marvelblack widowblack pantheragent coulsonwinter soldierdoctor strangecaptain marvelcaptain America

super heroes 2023-11-02

super heroes crossword puzzle
  1. uses aarows
  2. claws
  3. has a stone on his forhead
  4. regenerates
  5. has no powers
  6. sidekick of batman
  7. green skin
  8. does what ever a spider can
  1. uses a lasoe
  2. wears a black suit
  3. a side kick
  4. flys
  5. smashes
  6. uses vibranium
  7. super speed
  8. has a cool suit
  9. talks to fish
  10. punishes
  11. x-ray vision
  12. hammer

20 Clues: flysclawshammersmashespunishesgreen skinuses aarowsa side kickregeneratessuper speeduses a lasoex-ray visionhas no powerstalks to fishuses vibraniumhas a cool suitwears a black suitsidekick of batmanhas a stone on his forheaddoes what ever a spider can

Movie Characters 2024-12-12

Movie Characters crossword puzzle
  1. - Magical nanny.
  2. - Adventurer Jones.
  3. - Wizard friend.
  4. - Rebel princess
  5. - Jedi master.
  6. - Lion king.
  7. - Clown villain.
  8. - Gotham hero.
  9. - Secret agent.
  10. - Grey wizard.
  11. - Ogre hero.
  12. - Cannibal lector.
  13. - Detective Holmes.
  1. - Dark father.
  2. - Web-slinger.
  3. - Vampire count.
  4. - Lost fish.
  5. - Frozen queen.
  6. - Boxer Balboa.
  7. - Hunger Games.
  8. - Free elf.
  9. - O'Hara heroine.
  10. - Ring seeker.
  11. - Kansas traveler.

24 Clues: - Free elf.- Lost fish.- Lion king.- Ogre hero.- Dark father.- Web-slinger.- Jedi master.- Gotham hero.- Grey wizard.- Ring seeker.- Frozen queen.- Boxer Balboa.- Hunger Games.- Secret agent.- Magical nanny.- Vampire count.- Wizard friend.- Rebel princess- Clown villain.- O'Hara heroine.- Kansas traveler.- Cannibal lector.- Adventurer Jones....

The Monthly Horn no 2 2018-08-26

The Monthly Horn no 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Benign uterine tumour
  2. Flightless Bird
  3. Chinese gooseberry
  4. Scrambled eggs
  5. Fulham F C Nickname
  6. Capital of Argentina
  7. Trap
  8. Peter Parker
  9. London Borough
  10. Tropical tree lizard
  1. Hobbit Author
  2. Type of Hat
  3. Using more words than are needed
  4. Queen of Soul
  5. One of the 6
  6. Outdoor meal
  7. Spoken
  8. Kismet

18 Clues: TrapSpokenKismetType of HatOne of the 6Outdoor mealPeter ParkerHobbit AuthorQueen of SoulScrambled eggsLondon BoroughFlightless BirdChinese gooseberryFulham F C NicknameCapital of ArgentinaTropical tree lizardBenign uterine tumourUsing more words than are needed

Video Games - CSHS 2022-05-25

Video Games - CSHS crossword puzzle
  1. racing with daisy
  2. Car Soccer
  3. Blocks in three-dimensional world
  4. Crewmates in Space
  5. Grand_____Auto
  6. You can build
  7. Miles Morales
  8. apex_____
  1. ______of Legends
  2. I eat four ghost
  3. Kitana Wins
  4. I am pink and big
  5. Kratos
  6. Language spoken simlish
  7. Fit the correct shape
  8. the legend of ____
  9. Call of ____

17 Clues: Kratosapex_____Car SoccerKitana WinsCall of ____You can buildMiles MoralesGrand_____Auto______of LegendsI eat four ghostracing with daisyI am pink and bigCrewmates in Spacethe legend of ____Fit the correct shapeLanguage spoken simlishBlocks in three-dimensional world

Avengers (Kids Version) 2022-09-27

Avengers (Kids Version) crossword puzzle
  1. Thor
  2. Iron man
  3. Black Panther
  4. Hulk
  5. Groot
  6. Hawkeye
  1. Spider man
  2. Doctor Strange
  3. Blackwidow
  4. Thanos

10 Clues: ThorHulkGrootThanosHawkeyeIron manSpider manBlackwidowBlack PantherDoctor Strange

Super-heros 2023-05-13

Super-heros crossword puzzle
  1. marteau
  2. l'equipe
  3. le s
  4. Marvel Cinematic Universe
  1. araignee
  2. alien noir
  3. iron
  4. harley
  5. rapide
  6. snap

10 Clues: ironsnaple sharleyrapidemarteauaraigneel'equipealien noirMarvel Cinematic Universe

Test 2024-09-17

Test crossword puzzle
  1. kid 1
  2. Somewhere nice
  3. what I’m about to have
  4. greeting
  5. Te Tari…
  6. What I skipped
  1. who I love
  2. SSXJ40
  3. floof
  4. first dog
  5. where I am
  6. kid 2
  7. Who I was

13 Clues: kid 1floofkid 2SSXJ40greetingTe Tari…first dogWho I waswho I lovewhere I amSomewhere niceWhat I skippedwhat I’m about to have

jdn 2018-01-26

jdn crossword puzzle
  1. What your wearing
  2. Ragnar
  3. Massive and scary
  4. Rudolph got a red one
  5. Handshake
  6. Hips
  7. a v cool sea animal
  8. Lucas
  9. My God
  10. with an e
  1. The best shoe
  2. You have three
  3. Nicki
  4. You hate but I love
  5. tells time
  6. Angelina Jolie
  7. Yours don't match
  8. v interesting and history related
  9. Carbs

19 Clues: HipsNickiLucasCarbsRagnarMy GodHandshakewith an etells timeThe best shoeYou have threeAngelina JolieWhat your wearingMassive and scaryYours don't matchYou hate but I lovea v cool sea animalRudolph got a red onev interesting and history related

marvel 2022-04-08

marvel crossword puzzle
  1. pool
  2. star
  3. iron
  4. smash
  5. spider
  1. america
  2. portal
  3. widow spider
  4. whitee widow spider
  5. energymanipulation

10 Clues: poolstarironsmashportalspideramericawidow spiderenergymanipulationwhitee widow spider

Famous Summer Movies 2014-04-25

Famous Summer Movies crossword puzzle
  1. Sharks
  2. Jack Sparrow
  3. May the Force Be With You
  4. Dinosaurs
  5. Nolan's Batman (2nd Movie)
  6. Superhero Supergroup
  7. I'll Be Back
  8. Peter Parker
  1. Optimus Prime
  2. Wolfback
  3. DeLorean
  4. Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?
  5. The Boy Who Lived
  6. Who You Gonna Call?
  7. Simba
  8. Famous Ogre

16 Clues: SimbaSharksWolfbackDeLoreanDinosaursFamous OgreJack SparrowI'll Be BackPeter ParkerOptimus PrimeThe Boy Who LivedWho You Gonna Call?Superhero SupergroupMay the Force Be With YouNolan's Batman (2nd Movie)Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?

¿Qué cartones veías de niño? 2016-10-26

¿Qué cartones veías de niño? crossword puzzle
  1. Woody Woodpecker
  2. Donald Duck
  3. Ghostbusters
  4. Cow and Chicken
  5. Coyote and Roadrummer
  6. Top Cat and His Gang
  7. The Care Bears
  8. Batman
  9. The Pink Panther
  10. Yogi Bear
  1. Fairly Odd Parents
  2. The Powerpuff girls
  3. The Flintstones
  4. Captain Caveman
  5. Wonderwoman
  6. Spiderman
  7. Dexter's Laboratory
  8. Pinky and the Brain
  9. The Ninja Turtles
  10. Captain Planet
  11. Sponge Bob
  12. The Smurfs

22 Clues: BatmanSpidermanYogi BearSponge BobThe SmurfsDonald DuckWonderwomanGhostbustersThe Care BearsCaptain PlanetThe FlintstonesCaptain CavemanCow and ChickenWoody WoodpeckerThe Pink PantherThe Ninja TurtlesFairly Odd ParentsThe Powerpuff girlsDexter's LaboratoryPinky and the BrainTop Cat and His GangCoyote and Roadrummer

Luca 2018-03-02

Luca crossword puzzle
  1. 27
  2. 20
  3. 12
  4. 8
  5. 28
  6. 31
  7. 17
  8. 16
  9. 25
  10. 33
  11. 34
  12. 24
  13. 21
  14. 3
  15. 26
  16. 35
  17. 6
  18. 1
  19. 23
  1. 15
  2. 30
  3. 22
  4. 2
  5. 11
  6. 32
  7. 9
  8. 4
  9. 14
  10. 10
  11. 29
  12. 13
  13. 18
  14. 5
  15. 7
  16. 36
  17. 19

36 Clues: 289453761271530222012112831321716253314102913341824213626351923

Avengers 2021-09-04

Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. Don Cheadle
  2. Brie Larson
  3. Paul Rudd
  4. Scarlett Johansson
  5. Josh Brolin
  6. Zoe Saldana
  7. Chris Hemsworth
  8. Paul Bettany
  9. Robert Downey Jr.
  10. Sebastian Stan
  11. Tom Holland
  12. Mark Ruffalo
  1. Bradley Cooper
  2. Chris Evans
  3. Chadwick Boseman
  4. Elizabeth Olsen
  5. Anthony Mackie
  6. Tessa Thompson
  7. Karen Gillan
  8. Benedict Cumberbatch
  9. Tom Hiddleston
  10. Chris Pratt
  11. Jeremy Renner
  12. Dave Bautista

24 Clues: Paul RuddDon CheadleChris EvansBrie LarsonChris PrattJosh BrolinZoe SaldanaTom HollandKaren GillanPaul BettanyMark RuffaloJeremy RennerDave BautistaBradley CooperAnthony MackieTessa ThompsonTom HiddlestonSebastian StanElizabeth OlsenChris HemsworthChadwick BosemanRobert Downey Jr.Scarlett JohanssonBenedict Cumberbatch

The Boys Crossword 2022-02-14

The Boys Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What JT is
  2. SUS
  3. What Ryan is
  4. chamber-man
  5. 🥱
  6. Better than the MK7
  7. Nicks dog
  8. Sister from Phineas and Ferb
  9. Better than the Swiss
  10. iShow_____
  1. Sussy bussy
  2. Boring
  3. Better than BO2
  4. Better than the Kar98
  5. _____ NWH
  6. Jose's word
  7. Nick's word
  8. Matthew Serrano left us for this place
  9. "Officer Vanessa,..."
  10. Better than XBox

20 Clues: 🥱SUSBoring_____ NWHNicks dogWhat JT isiShow_____Sussy bussyJose's wordchamber-manNick's wordWhat Ryan isBetter than BO2Better than XBoxBetter than the MK7Better than the Kar98"Officer Vanessa,..."Better than the SwissSister from Phineas and FerbMatthew Serrano left us for this place

Kennedy's Big 2022-04-18

Kennedy's Big crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite Holiday
  2. Favorite genre of music
  3. Favorite Season
  4. Favorite Candy
  5. Real Fear
  6. Favorite Superhero
  7. What Part of STEM am I
  8. Favorite Color
  9. Favorite City
  10. Favorite HIMYM character
  1. Favorite Animal
  2. Favorite Energy Drink
  3. Celebrity Crush
  4. Superficial Fear
  5. Favorite Movie
  6. Celebrity Crush #2
  7. Favorite Fruit
  8. Addiction
  9. Favorite Soda
  10. Favorite Tv Show
  11. Favorite kind of food

21 Clues: Real FearAddictionFavorite SodaFavorite CityFavorite MovieFavorite CandyFavorite FruitFavorite ColorFavorite AnimalCelebrity CrushFavorite SeasonFavorite HolidaySuperficial FearFavorite Tv ShowCelebrity Crush #2Favorite SuperheroFavorite Energy DrinkFavorite kind of foodWhat Part of STEM am IFavorite genre of musicFavorite HIMYM character

Terry’s TimeOut 2022-06-23

Terry’s TimeOut crossword puzzle
  1. Z is Queen High
  2. DND
  3. lab rats x2
  4. Checkmate + green pill x2
  5. the boo looks good
  6. fake agency
  7. Princess -> Queen
  8. Plastic Surgery
  9. Team Jacob
  10. Mississippi River
  1. bee sting
  2. green light/ jazz x3
  3. ‘Obliviate’x2
  4. abbv
  5. Society chooses life
  6. Turkey with sunglasses
  7. District x2
  8. Alabama
  9. prolonged and comics are better
  10. Faction
  11. True American x2

21 Clues: DNDabbvAlabamaFactionbee stingTeam Jacoblab rats x2District x2fake agency‘Obliviate’x2Z is Queen HighPlastic SurgeryTrue American x2Princess -> QueenMississippi Riverthe boo looks goodgreen light/ jazz x3Society chooses lifeTurkey with sunglassesCheckmate + green pill x2prolonged and comics are better

Actors 2022-02-18

Actors crossword puzzle
  1. : played the main person in harry potter
  2. : played Iron man
  3. : played in the oldest spiderman
  4. : Played a boy professor in harry potter
  5. : played a girl professor in harry potter
  1. : A boy who played in harry potter
  2. : A girl who played in spider man (newest ones)
  3. : Played in the newest spiderman
  4. : A british girl actor who played in harry potter

9 Clues: : played Iron man: played in the oldest spiderman: Played in the newest spiderman: A boy who played in harry potter: played the main person in harry potter: Played a boy professor in harry potter: played a girl professor in harry potter: A girl who played in spider man (newest ones): A british girl actor who played in harry potter

Marvel 2022-02-03

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. "I don't like redwing"
  2. Katniss Everdeen
  3. yellow pebble
  4. "on your left"
  5. humans suck
  6. jolly green giant
  7. fury's side fling
  8. splat
  9. guy in the chair
  10. zippy zappy
  11. Ig she has powers
  1. old
  2. wizard
  3. depressed
  4. dead
  5. cuz I am an international super spy
  6. she flies
  7. always manages to die
  8. teeny tiny
  9. forgotten
  10. also dead

21 Clues: olddeadsplatwizarddepressedshe fliesforgottenalso deadteeny tinyhumans suckzippy zappyyellow pebble"on your left"Katniss Everdeenguy in the chairjolly green giantfury's side flingIg she has powersalways manages to die"I don't like redwing"cuz I am an international super spy

LCMS Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-18

LCMS Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. TV Game Show
  2. Super Hero
  3. School Counselor
  4. Assistant Principal
  5. Sneaker Brand Name
  6. Christmas Song
  7. Principal
  8. Cartoon Character
  9. PE Teachers
  10. Social Workers
  11. Game Show Host
  1. Your TA
  2. Another Assistant Principal
  3. Media Specialist
  4. Next Door Teacher's TA
  5. Teacher Next Door
  6. NFL Football Team in North Carolina
  7. Another Christmas Song
  8. Your Teacher
  9. Name of Classroom Bike

20 Clues: Your TAPrincipalSuper HeroPE TeachersTV Game ShowYour TeacherChristmas SongSocial WorkersGame Show HostMedia SpecialistSchool CounselorTeacher Next DoorCartoon CharacterSneaker Brand NameAssistant PrincipalNext Door Teacher's TAAnother Christmas SongName of Classroom BikeAnother Assistant PrincipalNFL Football Team in North Carolina

Oscar Awards Crossword 2019-03-01

Oscar Awards Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of Oscar awards that Black Panther was nominated for.
  2. The comic book character that travels into another dimension in "Spiderverse"
  3. This is the name of the award given to the best movie of the year "Best __________"
  4. This is the name of the award given to the movie with the best camera angles: best ______________.
  5. The name of the movie that is about an African American piano player being driven around by a white man from Brooklyn.
  6. Alfonso Curaon won best director for this movie this year.
  7. This is the name of the award given to the best script written that is not based on a book "best _________ screenplay"
  8. The number of academy award episodes that have aired as of 2019.
  9. The amount of Oscar awards that A Star is Born was nominated for.
  10. This is the name of the marvel movie nominated for best picture.
  11. The name of the award given to the best movies of the year.
  1. The day of the week the Oscar awards originally aired in 2019.
  2. The award Black Panther won for the best original music. Best ________.
  3. The name of the movie that won the best animated feature film: "Spiderman: into the _________"
  4. The name of the animated Pixar movie that was nominated to win best animated feature this year but didn't win.
  5. The amount of Oscar awards both Roma and the Favourite were nominated for.
  6. This is the name of the short animated movie that won best animated short at the oscars.
  7. Spiderman: into the spiderverse was made in this comic book universe.
  8. This is the name of the award given to the best animated movie that is longer than 89 minutes. "Best animated ________"

19 Clues: Alfonso Curaon won best director for this movie this year.The name of the award given to the best movies of the year.The day of the week the Oscar awards originally aired in 2019.The amount of Oscar awards that Black Panther was nominated for.The number of academy award episodes that have aired as of 2019....

Oscar Awards - Please use computer to complete. Worth a grade! 2019-03-01

Oscar Awards - Please use computer to complete. Worth a grade! crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of Oscar awards that Black Panther was nominated for.
  2. This is the name of the award given to the best script written that is not based on a book "best _________ screenplay"
  3. The award Black Panther won for the best original music. Best ________.
  4. The name of the animated Pixar movie that was nominated to win best animated feature this year but didn't win.
  5. The comic book character that travels into another dimension in "Spiderverse"
  6. This is the name of the award given to the best movie of the year "Best __________"
  7. Alfonso Curaon won best director for this movie this year.
  1. Spiderman: into the spiderverse was made in this comic book universe.
  2. This is the name of the short animated movie that won best animated short at the oscars.
  3. The day of the week the Oscar awards originally aired in 2019.
  4. This is the name of the award given to the movie with the best camera angles: best ______________.
  5. The name of the movie that is about an African American piano player being driven around by a white man from Brooklyn.
  6. The name of the movie that won the best animated feature film: "Spiderman: into the _________"
  7. This is the name of the marvel movie nominated for best picture.
  8. The number of academy award episodes that have aired as of 2019.
  9. This is the name of the award given to the best animated movie that is longer than 89 minutes. "Best animated ________"
  10. The name of the award given to the best movies of the year.
  11. The amount of Oscar awards that A Star is Born was nominated for.
  12. The amount of Oscar awards both Roma and the Favourite were nominated for.

19 Clues: Alfonso Curaon won best director for this movie this year.The name of the award given to the best movies of the year.The day of the week the Oscar awards originally aired in 2019.The amount of Oscar awards that Black Panther was nominated for.This is the name of the marvel movie nominated for best picture....

Marvel 2021-05-26

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. thor
  2. spiderman
  3. black panther
  4. captain america
  1. Dr'strange
  2. ironman
  3. wolverine
  4. captain marvel
  5. deadpool
  6. ant-man

10 Clues: thorironmanant-mandeadpoolwolverinespidermanDr'strangeblack panthercaptain marvelcaptain america

Nalu Birthday 2024-04-24

Nalu Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. paixão ❤️
  2. amigo da vizinhança
  3. signo
  4. franquia
  5. série
  6. copas e chá
  7. porco assado é só no natal
  8. profissão
  9. deusa e moda
  10. loiro sem camisa
  1. a mais mais 👸🏻
  2. girl group
  3. marca
  4. morreu e nao volta mais
  5. boy group

15 Clues: marcasignosériefranquiapaixão ❤️boy groupprofissãogirl groupcopas e chádeusa e modaa mais mais 👸🏻loiro sem camisaamigo da vizinhançamorreu e nao volta maisporco assado é só no natal

Movie Titles 2022-09-15

Movie Titles crossword puzzle
  1. food war
  2. webs
  3. assemble
  4. Will Farrell
  5. vroom vroom
  6. roar
  7. let down your long hair
  8. jack sparrow
  1. run
  2. spoon full of sugar
  3. is the word
  4. clock strikes at midnight
  5. life is a highway
  6. nobody puts baby in the corner
  7. building bricks
  8. space
  9. mickey mouse

17 Clues: runwebsroarspacefood warassembleis the wordvroom vroomWill Farrellmickey mousejack sparrowbuilding brickslife is a highwayspoon full of sugarlet down your long hairclock strikes at midnightnobody puts baby in the corner

Movies! 2021-11-15

Movies! crossword puzzle
  1. Big shark
  2. Nightmare before
  3. Who you gonna call?
  4. Nooo Spiderman
  5. First word of our favorite
  6. Blue lady
  7. Spooky bug lady
  8. Bezos
  9. Nightmare On
  10. A metaphor for capitalism
  1. The business cards
  2. And the beast
  3. Fast cars
  4. Jamie Lee Curtis
  5. Mausoleum
  6. A virgin lit the candle!
  7. Luke, Leia, Hans
  8. Ripley!
  9. street Sarah Fier!

19 Clues: BezosRipley!Big sharkFast carsMausoleumBlue ladyNightmare OnAnd the beastNooo SpidermanSpooky bug ladyNightmare beforeJamie Lee CurtisLuke, Leia, HansThe business cardsstreet Sarah Fier!Who you gonna call?A virgin lit the candle!A metaphor for capitalismFirst word of our favorite

halloween 2022-10-29

halloween crossword puzzle
  1. afajfk
  2. adfna
  3. afa
  4. afda
  1. adfa
  2. awsf
  3. ijasfo
  4. arf
  5. weaf

9 Clues: arfafaadfaawsfweafafdaadfnaafajfkijasfo

Oscar Awards Crossword 2019-03-01

Oscar Awards Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This is the name of the award given to the best script written that is not based on a book "best _________ screenplay"
  2. The award Black Panther won for the best original music. Best ________.
  3. The amount of Oscar awards that A Star is Born was nominated for.
  4. This is the name of the award given to the best animated movie that is longer than 89 minutes. "Best animated ________"
  5. This is the name of the award given to the movie with the best camera angles: best ______________.
  6. The name of the movie that won the best animated feature film: "Spiderman: into the _________"
  7. Spiderman: into the spiderverse was made in this comic book universe.
  8. The number of academy award episodes that have aired as of 2019.
  9. This is the name of the short animated movie that won best animated short at the oscars.
  10. The name of the award given to the best movies of the year.
  11. The amount of Oscar awards that Black Panther was nominated for.
  1. The comic book character that travels into another dimension in "Spiderverse"
  2. This is the name of the marvel movie nominated for best picture.
  3. This is the name of the award given to the best movie of the year "Best __________"
  4. The name of the animated Pixar movie that was nominated to win best animated feature this year but didn't win.
  5. Alfonso Curaon won best director for this movie this year.
  6. The name of the movie that is about an African American piano player being driven around by a white man from Brooklyn.
  7. The day of the week the Oscar awards originally aired in 2019.
  8. The amount of Oscar awards both Roma and the Favourite were nominated for.

19 Clues: Alfonso Curaon won best director for this movie this year.The name of the award given to the best movies of the year.The day of the week the Oscar awards originally aired in 2019.This is the name of the marvel movie nominated for best picture.The number of academy award episodes that have aired as of 2019....

Describing me 2022-09-07

Describing me crossword puzzle
  1. video game
  2. college team
  3. superhero
  4. sport
  5. favorite subject
  1. anime
  2. instrument
  3. favorite candy
  4. youtube
  5. favorite artist

10 Clues: animesportyoutubesuperheroinstrumentvideo gamecollege teamfavorite candyfavorite artistfavorite subject

Describing me 2022-09-07

Describing me crossword puzzle
  1. video game
  2. college team
  3. superhero
  4. sport
  5. favorite subject
  1. anime
  2. instrument
  3. favorite candy
  4. youtube
  5. favorite artist

10 Clues: animesportyoutubesuperheroinstrumentvideo gamecollege teamfavorite candyfavorite artistfavorite subject

Marvel 2021-03-23

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. red and webs
  2. time
  3. dancing and music
  4. loss of sight
  5. wrinkly and purple
  6. hammer
  1. king
  2. God bless America
  3. holds stones
  4. dark magic
  5. limitless energy
  6. deceptive

12 Clues: kingtimehammerdeceptivedark magicholds stonesred and websloss of sightlimitless energyGod bless Americadancing and musicwrinkly and purple

Luca 2018-03-02

Luca crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 9
  3. 15
  4. 27
  5. 24
  6. 29
  7. 34
  8. 25
  9. 36
  10. 13
  11. 22
  12. 11
  13. 6
  14. 35
  15. 30
  16. 18
  17. 1
  18. 20
  1. 23
  2. 12
  3. 2
  4. 26
  5. 21
  6. 14
  7. 7
  8. 4
  9. 8
  10. 33
  11. 28
  12. 3
  13. 16
  14. 32
  15. 17
  16. 10
  17. 31
  18. 19

36 Clues: 529748361231226211415273328242934162536133222111710353031181920

Avengers ENDGAME 2021-05-26

Avengers ENDGAME crossword puzzle
  1. web shooter
  2. man with wings
  3. super sodier
  4. strongest avenger
  5. ant boy
  6. tree boy
  7. god of thunder
  8. insane sniper
  9. wizard
  1. smartest avenger
  2. king of WAKANDA
  3. grape man

12 Clues: wizardant boytree boygrape manweb shootersuper sodierinsane sniperman with wingsgod of thunderking of WAKANDAsmartest avengerstrongest avenger

joujou 2024-10-03

joujou crossword puzzle
  1. Les héros
  2. photo
  3. Nom de notre école
  4. caméra
  5. journal
  1. dmn
  2. vidéo
  3. le super héros arraignée
  4. Le thème
  5. produit interieur brut
  6. marvel

11 Clues: dmnvidéophotocaméramarveljournalLe thèmeLes hérosNom de notre écoleproduit interieur brutle super héros arraignée

Kreuzwortraetsel zu Spiderman 2022-01-26

Kreuzwortraetsel zu Spiderman crossword puzzle
  1. Welchen Charakter hat Stan Lee noch erfunden [tipp er ist grün]
  2. goblin Wie heisst norman osborn als boesewicht?
  3. Wer hat die meisten Marvel Charaktere erfunden?
  4. Wie heisst Peters feste Freundin?
  1. Wo war der Drohnenangriff?
  2. Gegen wie vielen Boesewichten muss spiderman antreten?
  3. arfield Wer hat 2016 Spiderman gespielt?
  4. Wer stirbt im Film?

8 Clues: Wer stirbt im Film?Wo war der Drohnenangriff?Wie heisst Peters feste Freundin?arfield Wer hat 2016 Spiderman gespielt?goblin Wie heisst norman osborn als boesewicht?Wer hat die meisten Marvel Charaktere erfunden?Gegen wie vielen Boesewichten muss spiderman antreten?Welchen Charakter hat Stan Lee noch erfunden [tipp er ist grün]

Nalu Birthday 2024-04-24

Nalu Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. paixão ❤️
  2. amigo da vizinhança
  3. signo
  4. franquia
  5. série
  6. copas e chá
  7. porco assado é só no natal
  8. profissão
  9. deusa e moda
  10. loiro sem camisa
  1. a mais mais 👸🏻
  2. girl group
  3. marca
  4. morreu e nao volta mais
  5. boy group

15 Clues: marcasignosériefranquiapaixão ❤️boy groupprofissãogirl groupcopas e chádeusa e modaa mais mais 👸🏻loiro sem camisaamigo da vizinhançamorreu e nao volta maisporco assado é só no natal

how well do you know megan? 2022-10-10

how well do you know megan? crossword puzzle
  1. fave song
  2. birthday
  3. fave color
  4. fave pixar movie
  5. fave movie
  6. fave soda
  7. fave disney princess
  8. fave shrek charater
  1. fave actor
  2. fave actress
  3. favesuperhero
  4. fave disney movie
  5. where i was born
  6. pink fish from shark tale

14 Clues: birthdayfave songfave sodafave actorfave colorfave moviefave actressfavesuperherofave pixar moviewhere i was bornfave disney moviefave shrek charaterfave disney princesspink fish from shark tale

Cartoon Characters 2023-10-25

Cartoon Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Beagle in a doghouse
  2. Iconic mouse
  3. Robotic cat
  4. Wascally wabbit
  5. Spinach-loving sailor
  6. Springfield family
  7. Web-slinging hero
  1. Electric Pokémon
  2. Bikini Bottom resident
  3. Lazy cat
  4. Cat chasing mouse
  5. Mystery-solving dog
  6. Snoopy's bird friend
  7. Duck with a temper
  8. Eldest Simpson

15 Clues: Lazy catRobotic catIconic mouseEldest SimpsonWascally wabbitElectric PokémonCat chasing mouseWeb-slinging heroSpringfield familyDuck with a temperMystery-solving dogBeagle in a doghouseSnoopy's bird friendSpinach-loving sailorBikini Bottom resident

Describing me 2022-09-07

Describing me crossword puzzle
  1. video game
  2. college team
  3. superhero
  4. sport
  5. favorite subject
  1. anime
  2. instrument
  3. favorite candy
  4. youtube
  5. favorite artist

10 Clues: animesportyoutubesuperheroinstrumentvideo gamecollege teamfavorite candyfavorite artistfavorite subject

Marvel Heros 2015-05-05

Marvel Heros crossword puzzle
  1. Clint Barton
  2. Friendly Neighborhood
  3. I'm *****
  4. Logan James Howlett
  5. Bruce Banner
  6. Tony Stark
  7. Mighty Avenger
  1. Super Soldier
  2. I'm No Raccoon
  3. 80’s Lover
  4. Wade Wilson
  5. Sam Alexander

12 Clues: I'm *****80’s LoverTony StarkWade WilsonClint BartonBruce BannerSuper SoldierSam AlexanderI'm No RaccoonMighty AvengerLogan James HowlettFriendly Neighborhood


  1. What's Tom the Spiderman last name?
  2. This actor plays Owen Grady in Jurassic World and what superhero does he play in Guardians of the Galaxy?
  3. Which Avenger can shrink himself to the size of an atom?
  4. Every time he gets mad, he turns green
  5. What DC superhero is Robert Pattinson playing now?
  6. What DC superhero does Gal Gadot play in the Justice League movie?
  1. Captain America's weapon
  2. Who's Tom's female co-star in both Spiderman movies?
  3. Who is Superman's most famous archenemy?
  4. What's the Scarlet Witch first name?
  5. What Marvel superhero has Robert Downey Jr played in all Marvel movies?
  6. Aquaman's kingdom name
  7. Avenger with wings
  8. What kind of animal is Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy?
  9. Who is Mac's favorite Avenger? He's so handsome and carries a magic hammer
  10. Newest Marvel movie premiering on July 9th

16 Clues: Avenger with wingsAquaman's kingdom nameCaptain America's weaponWhat's Tom the Spiderman last name?What's the Scarlet Witch first name?Every time he gets mad, he turns greenWho is Superman's most famous archenemy?Newest Marvel movie premiering on July 9thWhat DC superhero is Robert Pattinson playing now?...

Superheroes 2022-06-01

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. He's big, green and angry
  2. He's an X-man, he had cancer. He's not a hero, he's neutral.
  3. The word "Ant" is in his name.
  4. Best superhero ever, he can shoot web.
  5. He is a symbiote sent from space, Spiderman has fought him.
  6. He isn't one person, but 6. He is batmans sidekick
  7. He runs super fast, and wears a red suit
  8. big claws come out from his knuckles
  1. Worst superhero ever, he has the most basic powers ever.
  2. He's the first Avenger, he has a shield that was made by Howard Stark.
  3. He is Thors brother, he is an anti-hero.
  4. His suit resembles a bat.
  5. He owns Stark Industries after inheriting it from his father.
  6. He has a hammer, he's Lokes brother
  7. he's green, and can turn onto anything he wants to.

15 Clues: He's big, green and angryHis suit resembles a bat.The word "Ant" is in his name.He has a hammer, he's Lokes brotherbig claws come out from his knucklesBest superhero ever, he can shoot web.He is Thors brother, he is an anti-hero.He runs super fast, and wears a red suitHe isn't one person, but 6. He is batmans sidekick...

halloween 2022-10-29

halloween crossword puzzle
  1. awsf
  2. adfna
  3. ijasfo
  4. adfa
  5. afa
  1. weaf
  2. afajfk
  3. afda
  4. arf

9 Clues: arfafaweafawsfafdaadfaadfnaafajfkijasfo

halloween 2022-10-29

halloween crossword puzzle
  1. afa
  2. weaf
  3. ijasfo
  4. adfa
  5. arf
  1. afajfk
  2. awsf
  3. adfna
  4. afda

9 Clues: afaarfweafawsfadfaafdaadfnaafajfkijasfo

Marvel Trivia 2023-09-30

Marvel Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Thanos’ home planet.
  2. What food is Pepper Potts allergic to?
  3. Object swallowed by Goose in Captain Marvel.
  4. An experiment turned him into a villain.
  5. Material that Captain America’s shield is made of.
  6. The stone that Black Widow sacrificed herself for.
  7. Actor that plays Spiderman in the MCU.
  8. Thor’s brother.
  9. The name of the AI in Spiderman's suit.
  10. Kamala Khan’s superhero name.
  11. Video game Thor is addicted to in Avengers: End Game.
  12. Spiderman’s best friend.
  13. What is the name of Tony Stark's daughter?
  14. Creator of Marvel.
  15. Black Widow's real name.
  1. Black Panther’s little sister.
  2. Main Villain in Thor: Dark World.
  3. Bucky’s nickname when he visits Wakanda.
  4. Love interest of StarLord.
  5. Thanos’ adopted daughter.
  6. What kind of doctor is Dr. Strange?
  7. The other superhero who can lift Thor’s hammer.
  8. Speaks with only one repeated phrase.
  9. He is a multi-millionaire.
  10. Country that Black Panther is from.
  11. Goose in Captain Marvel’s species.
  12. Two in one hero.
  13. Friendly neighborhood hero.

28 Clues: Thor’s brother.Two in one hero.Creator of Marvel.Thanos’ home planet.Spiderman’s best friend.Black Widow's real name.Thanos’ adopted daughter.Love interest of StarLord.He is a multi-millionaire.Friendly neighborhood hero.Kamala Khan’s superhero name.Black Panther’s little sister.Main Villain in Thor: Dark World.Goose in Captain Marvel’s species....

Kreuzwortraetsel zu Spiderman 2022-01-26

Kreuzwortraetsel zu Spiderman crossword puzzle
  1. Gegen wie vielen Boesewichten muss spiderman antreten?
  2. Wer stirbt im Film?
  3. Wie heisst Peters feste Freundin?
  4. Wie heisst norman osborn als boesewicht?
  1. Wer hat die meisten Marvel Charaktere erfunden?
  2. Welchen Charakter hat Stan Lee noch erfunden [tipp er ist grün]
  3. Wer hat 2016 Spiderman gespielt?
  4. Wo war der Drohnenangriff?

8 Clues: Wer stirbt im Film?Wo war der Drohnenangriff?Wer hat 2016 Spiderman gespielt?Wie heisst Peters feste Freundin?Wie heisst norman osborn als boesewicht?Wer hat die meisten Marvel Charaktere erfunden?Gegen wie vielen Boesewichten muss spiderman antreten?Welchen Charakter hat Stan Lee noch erfunden [tipp er ist grün]

We Can Be Heroes - Engagement Circle 2021-08-25

We Can Be Heroes - Engagement Circle crossword puzzle
  1. bente pesos, siyudad
  2. Silang,Tandang Sora
  3. Magellan
  4. Calamba, Laguna
  5. Iron man, et al
  6. Gotham City
  7. Balintawak
  1. Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup
  2. Lois Lane
  3. Spoliarium, Juan
  4. Kryptonite
  5. Ding, ang bato
  6. Chua, Nino, RTS legend
  7. Sublime paralytic
  8. The Filipino is worth dying for

15 Clues: MagellanLois LaneKryptoniteBalintawakGotham CityDing, ang batoCalamba, LagunaIron man, et alSpoliarium, JuanSublime paralyticSilang,Tandang Sorabente pesos, siyudadChua, Nino, RTS legendBlossom, Bubbles, ButtercupThe Filipino is worth dying for

Marvel 2022-04-01

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. god of mischief
  2. "wizard"
  3. purple villain
  4. scarlett johansson
  5. god of thunder
  6. I could do this all day
  7. i love you 3000
  8. bow and arrow
  1. metal arm
  2. giant tree man
  3. raccoon
  4. swings in the air
  5. smash
  6. scarlet witch
  7. I am ...

15 Clues: smashraccoon"wizard"I am ...metal armscarlet witchbow and arrowgiant tree manpurple villaingod of thundergod of mischiefi love you 3000swings in the airscarlett johanssonI could do this all day

ME 2023-09-26

ME crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite animal
  2. dream job
  3. Jewelry
  4. Favorite singer
  5. favorite color
  6. favorite song
  7. favorite game
  1. favorite class
  2. favorite show
  3. favorite superhero
  4. favorite flower

11 Clues: Jewelrydream jobfavorite showfavorite songfavorite gamefavorite classfavorite colorFavorite animalfavorite flowerFavorite singerfavorite superhero

Rifka 2021-03-07

Rifka crossword puzzle
  1. medsos
  2. spiderman
  3. ketawa
  4. gampanglah 3huruf tuh
  5. aktivitas favorite
  1. bucin siapa
  2. hobi
  3. panggilan
  4. tanggal ulang tahun
  5. maniak

10 Clues: hobimedsosketawamaniakspidermanpanggilanbucin siapaaktivitas favoritetanggal ulang tahungampanglah 3huruf tuh

Superheroes 2016-06-06

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. Controls the Weather
  2. A human with wings
  3. Can turn into any animal or even an adult
  4. Kuekuatsu
  5. Fast
  6. One of the seven original members of the Justice League of America
  7. Secretive, Photographer
  8. Member of Teen Titans, Half Robot
  9. Red Mind Hand Girl
  10. A Powerful God
  11. An adorable tree thing that dances to Michael Jackson's ABC song
  12. He can create anything purely with his imagination and will power
  13. Stark Industries
  14. Ninja, smart, spider-like agility
  15. An angry, green, two-faced doctor
  1. A machine with a very literal synthetic heart
  2. Gotham's Knight In Shinning Armor
  3. Invisible Plane
  4. Bow and Arrow Guy
  5. Superman's pet puppy on Krypton
  6. American's Frontman
  7. Man of steel
  8. Mercenary, Funny, Spiderman Kiss
  9. In love with Batman
  10. Immature and fast
  11. A Prince overtaken by Revenge for the death of his father
  12. Little bat, sidekick
  13. Daughter of the Demon named Trigon
  14. Female counterparts to a popular bat hero
  15. "Tiny dude is big now" (Rhodey From Avengers)

30 Clues: FastKuekuatsuInvisible PlaneAmerican's FrontmanImmature and fastMan of steelRed Mind Hand GirlSecretive, PhotographerStark IndustriesControls the WeatherBow and Arrow GuySuperman's pet puppy on KryptonIn love with BatmanLittle bat, sidekick...

Finn 2022-05-01

Finn crossword puzzle
  1. How many partners have I had?
  2. How many brothers do I have?
  3. Favorite time of day?
  4. Favorite berry?
  5. What month did I get my permit?
  6. Sexuality?
  7. Favorite drink?
  8. Favorite thing?
  9. Favorite food?
  10. Favorite word?
  11. Cats or dogs?
  12. Favorite minecraft mob?
  13. Favorite childhood movie?
  14. Favorite season?
  15. First sport I played in school?
  16. Favorite holiday?
  17. What did I want to be as a child?
  18. Favorite planet?
  19. Favorite cloud formation?
  20. Birthday?
  21. Favorite spiderman?
  22. Favorite color?
  23. Favorite song?
  24. Favorite plushie?
  1. What type of phone do you have?
  2. Favorite architectural style?
  3. Gender??
  4. Favorite book genre?
  5. Mother's name?
  6. Preferred eye color?
  7. Favorite superhero?
  8. Favorite animal?
  9. Favorite Greek god/goddess?
  10. Favorite dream smp member?
  11. Favorite game?
  12. Favorite color rose?
  13. Favorite moon phase?
  14. Favorite number?
  15. Favorite plant?
  16. Favorite genshin character?
  17. Favorite school subject?
  18. Middle name?
  19. Place I really want to travel to?
  20. Favorite type of weather?
  21. How many kids do I want?
  22. My best friend since elementary school?

46 Clues: Gender??Birthday?Sexuality?Middle name?Cats or dogs?Mother's name?Favorite game?Favorite food?Favorite word?Favorite song?Favorite berry?Favorite drink?Favorite plant?Favorite thing?Favorite color?Favorite animal?Favorite number?Favorite season?Favorite planet?Favorite holiday?Favorite plushie?Favorite superhero?Favorite spiderman?...

Spiderman 2023-04-15

Spiderman crossword puzzle
  1. First super-villain Spider-Man ever encountered
  2. Peter Parker's uncle
  1. Goblin a super-villain who kidnapped and murdered Peter Parker's girlfriend Gwen Stacy
  2. Parker spiderman also known as

4 Clues: Peter Parker's uncleParker spiderman also known asFirst super-villain Spider-Man ever encounteredGoblin a super-villain who kidnapped and murdered Peter Parker's girlfriend Gwen Stacy

Captain Crossword 2017-08-30

Captain Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Raz Al Ghoul trained this hero
  2. What is the first name of Wolverine
  3. Jean Grey becomes who?
  4. who appears in every Marvel Movie
  5. Earlier this year, this hero had his final film
  6. Which hero battles Obadiah Stane
  7. The actor who played Batman first on the big screen also appears as this Marvel Villian
  8. The actor who played Deadpool also played this superhero
  9. Name the purple TMNT
  10. Superman lives in this city
  11. Aside from Spiderman, which other hero made their debut in Captain America: Civil War
  12. Batman and Superman's mum's name
  1. Speedy superhero
  2. This X Men baddie is known as Erik
  3. The first Robin became this hero
  4. The actor who would 'Flame On' in the original Fantastic Four also appears as this hero
  5. The sequel to AntMan will feature who
  6. Which is the best Superhero?
  7. This hero has a cool shield!
  8. Black Spiderman
  9. Who will Thor be battling in the nest Thor movie?
  10. Deardevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and....
  11. Who is Batman's butler

23 Clues: Black SpidermanSpeedy superheroName the purple TMNTJean Grey becomes who?Who is Batman's butlerSuperman lives in this cityWhich is the best Superhero?This hero has a cool shield!Raz Al Ghoul trained this heroThe first Robin became this heroWhich hero battles Obadiah StaneBatman and Superman's mum's namewho appears in every Marvel Movie...

Brossword Buzzle 2023-11-22

Brossword Buzzle crossword puzzle
  1. quarter pounder in france
  2. mall cop
  3. a flamboyant john
  4. day of coordinated attire
  5. the babayaga
  6. movie with iconic turkey baster scene
  7. car soccer
  8. tank man
  9. best spiderman
  10. fighter of the day man
  11. ____ nuts
  12. killer of killers
  13. _____? I was _____ once.
  14. common enemy of dart monkeys
  15. steve from family feud
  16. evil german at maxim
  17. it puts the lotion in it
  18. brofist youtube star
  19. Legendary Paul
  20. married to G.I. Jane
  1. THIS IS ______!
  2. epic game, relates to french quarter pounder
  3. the dude loves maps
  4. worst spiderman
  5. movie theater owner in Drake and Josh
  6. common enemy of pea shooters
  7. tool for digging out gunk from toes
  8. playing catch: tossing the ol' _______
  9. saint francis of
  10. champion of the sun
  11. coolest character from the bible
  12. family guy parapalegic
  13. they defeated the devil via rocknroll
  14. internet famous finger biter
  15. Willam _____
  16. controversial rapper of the west
  17. least cool character from the bible
  18. (9+10)*(20) in slang
  19. playing the piano: tickling the _______
  20. the horse's name in a riddle

40 Clues: mall coptank man____ nutscar soccerthe babayagaWillam _____best spidermanLegendary PaulTHIS IS ______!worst spidermansaint francis ofa flamboyant johnkiller of killersthe dude loves mapschampion of the sun(9+10)*(20) in slangevil german at maximbrofist youtube starmarried to G.I. Janefamily guy parapalegicfighter of the day man...

just go with it 2024-11-22

just go with it crossword puzzle
  1. who is the best person ever?
  2. charlie says this a lot. two words
  3. "that's a ___!" -maggie
  4. the celebrity middle-aged moms love
  5. worst summit teacher
  6. full name of the indian boy in diary of a wimpy kid (DONT LOOK IT UP THATS CHEATING!)
  7. "where ma hug at?"
  8. my birthday is on march ____?
  9. he has 2.5 kids
  10. one of dailins professions
  11. shane's worst slogan ever
  12. rodrick being chivalrous (quote)
  13. he sounded...
  14. the guy no one likes (get back in the kitchen)
  15. "___," -taryn (last year)
  1. "i'm ____ _______, y'all"
  2. "i'm cold." "_____" -maggie
  3. he ruins stuff
  4. best spiderman
  5. ozymandias
  6. "i'm ____ _ ____ after all" -maggie
  7. "who always pays his taxes?"
  8. "'oh boy i hope this is evil burger' i say. i stood there in shock as my burger start busting a move. it was _____"
  9. "sorry, got a little... ____" -maggie
  10. "what are you doing? stop being silly! get in my ______"
  11. you saucy boy
  12. try-hard (and hot)
  13. "have you ever had a __ where you- um- where you could-"
  14. second-best spiderman

29 Clues: ozymandiasyou saucy boyhe sounded...he ruins stuffbest spidermanhe has 2.5 kids"where ma hug at?"try-hard (and hot)worst summit teachersecond-best spiderman"that's a ___!" -maggie"i'm ____ _______, y'all"shane's worst slogan ever"___," -taryn (last year)one of dailins professions"i'm cold." "_____" -maggiewho is the best person ever?...

super hero and villains 2020-05-15

super hero and villains crossword puzzle
  1. weakness kryptinite
  2. green ring
  3. has a shield
  4. female died in endgame
  5. wakanda
  6. golden laso
  1. fastes man alive
  2. shoots webs
  3. parents got killed
  4. king of asgod
  5. king of gauntlet
  6. male died in endgame
  7. shoots arrow
  8. captin americas friend
  9. big green guy

15 Clues: wakandagreen ringshoots websgolden lasoshoots arrowhas a shieldking of asgodbig green guyfastes man aliveking of gauntletparents got killedweakness kryptinitemale died in endgamecaptin americas friendfemale died in endgame

actors&actress 2021-11-03

actors&actress crossword puzzle
  1. plays in dune, the most famous movie this days
  2. plays black widow
  3. plays in "teen wolf" as stiles, and "the maze runner"
  4. playd in star wars and thor, and she won the award of the best actress in the world in 2011
  5. the most famous superhero of all time, spiderman
  6. playd in friends, murder mystery, the millers and alot more
  1. playd in "mib"(men in black)and alot of nostalgic movies and tv shows
  2. he plays captain america
  3. her last name is stone and she plays in lalaland
  4. playd in a movie about a boat/ship
  5. plays in "free guy" and alot of famous movies
  6. plays the "paleontologist" character friends
  7. plays in spiderman as the villain,and in "zodiac"
  8. playd in suiside squad as harley quinn and "i tonya"

14 Clues: plays black widowhe plays captain americaplayd in a movie about a boat/shipplays the "paleontologist" character friendsplays in "free guy" and alot of famous moviesplays in dune, the most famous movie this daysher last name is stone and she plays in lalalandthe most famous superhero of all time, spiderman...

superhero movies 2021-02-19

superhero movies crossword puzzle
  1. Blade
  2. Spider-Man
  3. Iron Man
  4. Avengers Assemble
  1. Dark Knight
  2. Superman
  3. Incredibles
  4. X-Men
  5. Batman
  6. The Crow

10 Clues: BladeX-MenBatmanSupermanIron ManThe CrowSpider-ManDark KnightIncrediblesAvengers Assemble

Superheroes 2022-11-09

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. Tony Stark
  2. Clark Kent
  3. Johnny Blaze
  4. Bruce Banner
  5. Matt Murdock
  6. Stephen Strange
  7. Peter Parker
  8. Steve Rogers
  9. Scott Lang
  10. Janet Van Dyne
  11. Groot
  12. Carol Danvers
  13. Clint Barton
  14. Natasha Romanoff
  1. Teth-Adam
  2. Oliver Queen
  3. Dr. Harleen Quinzel
  4. Barry Allen
  5. Peter Quill
  6. Hal Jordan
  7. T'Challa
  8. Selina Kyle
  9. Kara Zor-El
  10. Wanda Maximoff
  11. Arthur Curry
  12. Bruce Wayne

26 Clues: GrootT'ChallaTeth-AdamTony StarkClark KentHal JordanScott LangBarry AllenPeter QuillSelina KyleKara Zor-ElBruce WayneOliver QueenJohnny BlazeBruce BannerMatt MurdockPeter ParkerArthur CurrySteve RogersClint BartonCarol DanversWanda MaximoffJanet Van DyneStephen StrangeNatasha RomanoffDr. Harleen Quinzel

Cross Work 2022-12-29

Cross Work crossword puzzle
  1. Tests in school can be _______. (11 letters)
  2. Warms your hands
  3. Popular block game
  4. Instrument
  5. Shows cardinal directions
  6. Jupiter famous moon
  7. Planet
  8. solstice
  9. Party time!
  10. Large marsupial
  11. Likes to chase mice
  12. A man's best friend
  1. Monarchy (14 letters)
  2. The place to do your business
  3. Red and blue suit
  4. Italian food
  5. Candy time!
  6. Has a trunk
  7. New year _______.
  8. Flying mammal

20 Clues: PlanetsolsticeInstrumentCandy time!Has a trunkParty time!Italian foodFlying mammalLarge marsupialWarms your handsRed and blue suitNew year _______.Popular block gameJupiter famous moonLikes to chase miceA man's best friendMonarchy (14 letters)Shows cardinal directionsThe place to do your businessTests in school can be _______. (11 letters)


COMIC BOOK HEROES crossword puzzle
  1. - Sorcerer Supreme.
  2. - Spy assassin.
  3. - Man of Steel.
  4. - Speedster hero.
  5. - Teleporting hero.
  6. - King of Atlantis.
  7. - X-Men member.
  8. - Master archer.
  9. - Weather manipulator.
  10. - Blue fur.
  11. - Super soldier.
  12. - Norse god.
  13. - Ring bearer.
  14. - Size-shifting hero.
  1. - Laser eyes.
  2. - Amazonian warrior.
  3. - Armored Avenger.
  4. - Telepathic mutant.
  5. - Wakanda king.
  6. - Green giant.
  7. - Merc with a mouth.
  8. - Dark Knight.
  9. - Web-slinger.
  10. - Blind vigilante.

24 Clues: - Blue fur.- Norse god.- Laser eyes.- Green giant.- Dark Knight.- Web-slinger.- Ring bearer.- Spy assassin.- Man of Steel.- Wakanda king.- X-Men member.- Master archer.- Super soldier.- Speedster hero.- Armored Avenger.- Blind vigilante.- Sorcerer Supreme.- Teleporting hero.- King of Atlantis.- Amazonian warrior.- Telepathic mutant....

Classified: Truth's Word Multiverse 2023-12-01

Classified: Truth's Word Multiverse crossword puzzle
  1. The avengers defeated the bad guys who tried to rob the ____
  2. Ant-man can ______ his size with the Pym Particle
  3. Peter parker has a disguise so he doesn't blow his ____
  4. Thor gets mad if he doesn't have _____ poptarts
  5. Spiderman ____ the spider verse
  1. the hero with the American flag
  2. ____ he became spiderman, he got bit by a radioactive spider
  3. Food that is as yellow as Thors hair
  4. If Doctor stange wanted to change timelines he could check his___
  5. Truth tags ____ with miles morales in their missions

10 Clues: the hero with the American flagSpiderman ____ the spider verseFood that is as yellow as Thors hairThor gets mad if he doesn't have _____ poptartsAnt-man can ______ his size with the Pym ParticleTruth tags ____ with miles morales in their missionsPeter parker has a disguise so he doesn't blow his ____...

Superheroes!/Super-villains!/Super-objects! 2021-02-13

Superheroes!/Super-villains!/Super-objects! crossword puzzle
  1. Superhero: Speedy, strong, Amazon princess.
  2. Superhero: Web-spinner "Courtesy of you-know-who: Your friendly-neighborhood:_________!"
  3. Person: Superman/Clark Kent's secret love.
  4. Superhero: Poisonous, black.(female). Avenger.
  5. "Kryptonite, gaah! Groan-".
  6. An imp. Every 90 years, this imp goes to Superman's dimension and tries to humiliate Superman.(Put the short name).
  7. Superhero: Intelligent, armor. Avenger.
  8. Superhero: Black, sharp claws, Avenger.
  9. Super-object: Batman does not always use wings, some times he uses SOMETHING to swing through the sky. It is a ________.
  1. Super-villain: shape-shifter, color-changing, based on the famous camouflager animal:_________.
  2. Super-villain: Owns the company of: LexCorp.
  3. Super-villain: The god- from norse mythology-who has a million tricky-tricks up his sleeve...
  4. Superhero: Spiderman's assistant, not original Spiderman.
  5. Superhero: Black, echolocation.
  6. Wonder Woman's real name is:_____.
  7. Super-object: Green,(sometimes red or blue), a kryptonian’s threat.

16 Clues: "Kryptonite, gaah! Groan-".Superhero: Black, echolocation.Wonder Woman's real name is:_____.Superhero: Intelligent, armor. Avenger.Superhero: Black, sharp claws, Avenger.Person: Superman/Clark Kent's secret love.Superhero: Speedy, strong, Amazon princess.Super-villain: Owns the company of: LexCorp.Superhero: Poisonous, black.(female). Avenger....

Year in Review crossword 2023-11-27

Year in Review crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The director of the movie we watched.
  2. The bad guy name of uncle Aaron.
  3. A kind of descriptive English language device that compares two things.
  4. The name given to an exaggerated phrase.
  5. A word that describes a person, place, thing, or idea.
  6. A technique that is most frequently used in poetry.
  7. The name of Mile's uncle.
  8. A scene in a plot that shows past events.
  9. The bad guy in the movie we watched.
  10. The last name of the main character in the movie we watched.
  11. A way of using language to paint a picture for the reader.
  1. When words are repeated in a phrase or sentence.
  2. Also compares two things but it creates more of a direct and literal effect.
  3. A language device where objects are given human characteristics.
  4. The movie we watched and wrote an essay about.
  5. The female spiderman.
  6. Words describing a sound.
  7. Visual images that do not move.
  8. A word used to describe an action.
  9. The last name of our eng teacher.

20 Clues: The female spiderman.Words describing a sound.The name of Mile's uncle.Visual images that do not move.The bad guy name of uncle Aaron.The last name of our eng teacher.A word used to describe an action.The bad guy in the movie we watched.The director of the movie we watched.The name given to an exaggerated phrase....