spiderman Crossword Puzzles

Avengers Endgame 2022-08-29

Avengers Endgame crossword puzzle
  1. snaped away thanos army
  2. saved tony stark from space
  3. what they use to bring people back
  4. in visions head
  5. green giant
  6. god of thunder
  7. thanos daughter
  8. where thor is from
  9. webslinger
  10. thors axe
  11. RACOON
  1. doctor strange holds this
  2. man with da sheild
  3. iron suit
  4. from wakanda
  5. purple giant
  6. thors hammer
  7. bow and arrow
  8. god of michief

19 Clues: RACOONiron suitthors axewebslingergreen giantfrom wakandapurple giantthors hammerbow and arrowgod of thundergod of michiefin visions headthanos daughterman with da sheildwhere thor is fromsnaped away thanos armydoctor strange holds thissaved tony stark from spacewhat they use to bring people back

Owen 2023-07-19

Owen crossword puzzle
  1. Mario's job
  2. Daddy's boy cat
  3. GiGI's house
  4. Jumping game
  5. Luigi's brother
  1. Daddy's name
  2. Spiderman first name
  3. Owen's school
  4. Owen's sister
  5. Owen's age
  6. Board on wheels
  7. Owen's grade

12 Clues: Owen's ageMario's jobDaddy's nameGiGI's houseOwen's gradeJumping gameOwen's schoolOwen's sisterDaddy's boy catBoard on wheelsLuigi's brotherSpiderman first name

i love you 2023-02-16

i love you crossword puzzle
  1. planet
  2. brontosaurus
  3. the boy with the _ soul
  4. and beyond
  5. first date
  1. tall yellow
  2. under the same
  3. first meet
  4. laffy taffy
  5. shared favorite color
  6. my time's number
  7. month

12 Clues: monthplanetfirst meetand beyondfirst datetall yellowlaffy taffybrontosaurusunder the samemy time's numbershared favorite colorthe boy with the _ soul

All About ME 2024-12-09

All About ME crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite Movie
  2. Me
  3. Favorite Podcast
  4. Favorite Song
  5. GOAT
  1. Specific Favorite Color
  2. Ice Cream
  3. ___ ___ __ I'm not ready
  4. Favorite Food
  5. Favorite Animal
  6. Initials for my bf
  7. Wild Cherry _____

12 Clues: MeGOATIce CreamFavorite FoodFavorite SongFavorite MovieFavorite AnimalFavorite PodcastWild Cherry _____Initials for my bfSpecific Favorite Color___ ___ __ I'm not ready

spiders web 2023-09-08

spiders web crossword puzzle
  1. sentence - the kids in english class are learning how to hook readers with their topic sentences
  2. - he has a very rhetoric writing style when convincing others
  3. - It was not intentional because I would never try to hurt you.
  4. - the hormones in his body spiked as the adrenaline had started to pump in the middle of the battle with bane
  5. - he evaluates all of his past fights in order to learn the differences he can make
  6. directed - the way that spiderman is so self directed in his training then how he trains with others
  7. - he is very intellectual with tricking batman but wouldn't say mentally stable
  8. stress - the toxic stress that raises in between classes for the students tends to harm their learning skills and moods causing them to not have interest in school
  9. - spiderman stresses out when there is always more chaos being cause by the joker putting others lives at steak
  10. - the students in class are using their citation skills when quoting something in their writing
  11. - at the end of each essay is a conclusions which helps the reader understand the reasoning for the essay
  1. - the evidence that was left at the scene is what led spiderman to find the goblin
  2. - on the very occasion of the event it will be spectacular
  3. - it was in a different perspective where they had seen the game
  4. - they all have different types of learning skills but they all try and integrate each others learning style into other classes hoping it helps
  5. - he was sitting in the crowd also known as the audience
  6. - they like different genres of movies but they all manage to have a stable
  7. - they all had to summarize the text to make sure they all had read the same thing
  8. - they had to reviser the game plan as soon as they were being mimicked by the others essentially changing their whole play style
  9. - the way that batman can examine clues and really inspect the items left behind by the joker is incredible
  10. (writer’s) - the potter is very talented the way he crafts his pots better then the others still learning
  11. - the cortisol levels in batman's body had rose when fighting bane causing him to get a boost of energy as his stress levels rise
  12. - spiderman is always being mindful of others how he sees and acknowledges everyones
  13. - he always does something with a purpose true meaning

24 Clues: - he always does something with a purpose true meaning- he was sitting in the crowd also known as the audience- on the very occasion of the event it will be spectacular- he has a very rhetoric writing style when convincing others- It was not intentional because I would never try to hurt you....

Superheroes 2022-09-02

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. she's the boss
  2. king of the seas
  3. dark night
  4. king of asgard
  5. man of steel
  6. Tony
  1. batman sidekick
  2. you're friendly neighbor
  3. Wakanda
  4. green power
  5. tiny but very strong
  6. fisrt avenger
  7. precisly accurate

13 Clues: TonyWakandadark nightgreen powerman of steelfisrt avengershe's the bossking of asgardbatman sidekickking of the seasprecisly accuratetiny but very strongyou're friendly neighbor

crossword puzzle title 2022-01-26

crossword puzzle title crossword puzzle
  1. you
  2. superhero
  3. hair-colour
  4. fruit
  1. white,sticky,creamy
  2. tutor
  3. bestfairyclub
  4. the-best-student
  5. rosa-is-a
  6. badbunny

10 Clues: yoututorfruitbadbunnysuperherorosa-is-ahair-colourbestfairyclubthe-best-studentwhite,sticky,creamy

Marvelous (Marvel themed) 2023-02-04

Marvelous (Marvel themed) crossword puzzle
  1. green machine
  2. Peter Parker’s alias
  3. cptn USA
  4. a tiny dude
  5. guy with no wrinkles
  6. a weird medic
  7. puts the hammer down
  1. bad brother
  2. Forever!
  3. Walkman man
  4. she had a vision
  5. likes to snap
  6. trash panda
  7. I am _____

14 Clues: Forever!cptn USAI am _____bad brotherWalkman mana tiny dudetrash pandagreen machinelikes to snapa weird medicshe had a visionPeter Parker’s aliasguy with no wrinklesputs the hammer down

Superheroes 2021-12-02

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. Bat man's girlfriend
  2. Big, green and mean
  3. From Russia
  4. Not waterman but...
  5. 1984
  6. Batman's sidekick
  7. From Gotham city
  8. Has metal claws
  9. Clark Kent (S)
  10. Uses a hammer
  1. From Wakanda
  2. Peter Parker
  3. Uses a bow and arrow
  4. Can shrink to be very small
  5. Uses a shield
  6. Tony Stark

16 Clues: 1984Tony StarkFrom RussiaFrom WakandaPeter ParkerUses a shieldUses a hammerClark Kent (S)Has metal clawsFrom Gotham cityBatman's sidekickBig, green and meanNot waterman but...Bat man's girlfriendUses a bow and arrowCan shrink to be very small

Cute Guys 2023-12-05

Cute Guys crossword puzzle
  1. Seventeen Member
  2. Enhypen Member
  3. TikToker
  4. Canadian Singer
  5. Amy's Celeb Crush
  6. Dating Brooke Monk
  7. RB1
  8. Preppiest Person Ever
  9. StrayKids Member
  1. Acts For Spiderman
  2. Got Famous From His Song 'Baby'
  3. From Enhypen
  4. The Only BTS Member That Vicky Thinks Is Cute
  5. From Riize
  6. Seventeen Member
  7. The Rizzler
  8. Quirky

17 Clues: RB1QuirkyTikTokerFrom RiizeThe RizzlerFrom EnhypenEnhypen MemberCanadian SingerSeventeen MemberSeventeen MemberStrayKids MemberAmy's Celeb CrushActs For SpidermanDating Brooke MonkPreppiest Person EverGot Famous From His Song 'Baby'The Only BTS Member That Vicky Thinks Is Cute

Crosswords 11 2020-11-22

Crosswords 11 crossword puzzle
  1. name of city in America
  2. berkaitan dengan
  3. pembelokan
  4. masyarakat
  5. mudah dipindahkan
  6. sangat, luar biasa
  7. kecil sekali
  8. besar sekali
  9. menciptakan, menemukan
  10. besarnya
  11. berkenaan dengan kota
  1. a city in German
  2. ramai, penuh, sesak
  3. pembasahan, pelembaban
  4. sangat kecil
  5. apartemen
  6. kekurangan
  7. kita hidup di era...
  8. ahli bangunan
  9. a superhero from America
  10. jaringan
  11. upacara
  12. mengangkat
  13. penopang penyangga

24 Clues: upacarajaringanbesarnyaapartemenkekuranganpembelokanmasyarakatmengangkatsangat kecilkecil sekalibesar sekaliahli bangunana city in Germanberkaitan denganmudah dipindahkansangat, luar biasapenopang penyanggaramai, penuh, sesakkita hidup di era...berkenaan dengan kotapembasahan, pelembabanmenciptakan, menemukanname of city in America...

Marvel 2022-01-25

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. God of Mischief
  2. Masked Assassin
  3. Superspeed
  4. Goddess of death
  5. The big man
  6. half spider
  7. 10 rings
  8. King of Wakanda
  9. the phoenix
  10. sand abilities
  11. vibranium sheild
  1. Brainwashed assassin
  2. Telepathic control over his mechanical arms
  3. Chaos magic
  4. controls the weather
  5. cat burglar
  6. Created by Tony stark
  7. Crime boss
  8. Russian spy
  9. God of thunder
  10. uses a glider to fly

21 Clues: 10 ringsSuperspeedCrime bossChaos magiccat burglarThe big manhalf spiderRussian spythe phoenixGod of thundersand abilitiesGod of MischiefMasked AssassinKing of WakandaGoddess of deathvibranium sheildBrainwashed assassincontrols the weatheruses a glider to flyCreated by Tony starkTelepathic control over his mechanical arms

2010 Crossword 2023-12-05

2010 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Wear around your neck
  2. The ______ Show ends
  3. Block survival game
  4. Lil Nas X
  5. Kanye West
  6. "Hello, it's me"
  7. Wore a meat dress
  8. Apple released the
  9. Popular Fortnite Dance
  10. Colors Bright Colors
  11. The amazing
  12. _________ Pregnancy announcement
  1. Rubber Band Bracelet Maker
  2. Fruit cutting game
  3. When royals get married
  4. Spinning Toy
  5. Hair tie
  6. _____ Bowling, ______ Fit
  7. Peanut Butter Cup
  8. Round, Dangly earrings

20 Clues: Hair tieLil Nas XKanye WestThe amazingSpinning Toy"Hello, it's me"Wore a meat dressPeanut Butter CupFruit cutting gameApple released theBlock survival gameThe ______ Show endsWear around your neckColors Bright ColorsPopular Fortnite DanceRound, Dangly earringsWhen royals get married_____ Bowling, ______ FitRubber Band Bracelet Maker...

Spin 2023-02-05

Spin crossword puzzle
  1. Spinsel
  2. Singer Songwriter NL
  3. Doornroosje
  4. Zoet
  5. Serie over een burgemeester
  1. Tennisterm
  2. Bladgroente
  3. Textieldraad
  4. Politiek Adviseur
  5. Superheld

10 Clues: ZoetSpinselSuperheldTennistermBladgroenteDoornroosjeTextieldraadPolitiek AdviseurSinger Songwriter NLSerie over een burgemeester

Movies 2020-05-10

Movies crossword puzzle
  1. joker
  2. parasite
  3. war
  4. annabelle
  5. we-are-marshall
  6. i-am-legend
  1. spiderman
  2. blood-diamond
  3. jumangi
  4. wall-e

10 Clues: warjokerwall-ejumangiparasitespidermanannabellei-am-legendblood-diamondwe-are-marshall

ΤΑΙΝΊΕΣ 2024-01-19

ΤΑΙΝΊΕΣ crossword puzzle
  1. ΙΣΤΟΣ


Marvel Quiz 2024-09-30

Marvel Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Thanos's henchmen
  2. Tony's best friend
  3. Black Widow's sister
  4. Thor's Brother
  5. I am_______
  6. Scott Lang's alter ego
  7. Director of S.H.E.I.L.D
  8. With great power comes...
  1. Lightning God
  2. wiped half the universe
  3. Uses a bow
  4. Iron Man's bride
  5. Smash
  6. Red haired heroine
  7. Steve Rogers

15 Clues: SmashUses a bowI am_______Steve RogersLightning GodThor's BrotherIron Man's brideThanos's henchmenTony's best friendRed haired heroineBlack Widow's sisterScott Lang's alter egowiped half the universeDirector of S.H.E.I.L.DWith great power comes...

Best Bear’s Birthday! 2023-03-25

Best Bear’s Birthday! crossword puzzle
  1. astrological sign
  2. favorite animal
  3. favorite food
  4. career goal
  5. favorite mascot
  6. the only true 12 down
  7. what he misses
  1. embarrassed he can’t do
  2. birthday month
  3. favorite color
  4. extrovert or introvert
  5. favorite season
  6. he loves to support these
  7. favorite movie
  8. best superhero
  9. black & white & tearing it up
  10. he's the only one
  11. never find him there

18 Clues: career goalfavorite foodbirthday monthfavorite colorfavorite moviebest superherowhat he missesfavorite animalfavorite seasonfavorite mascotastrological signhe's the only onenever find him therethe only true 12 downextrovert or introvertembarrassed he can’t dohe loves to support theseblack & white & tearing it up

Superman 2022-06-13

Superman crossword puzzle
  1. long sharp object used for fighting
  2. movie genre
  3. ant
  4. Spider
  5. men with X in front
  6. type of book where most superheroes appear
  7. Green big man
  8. used to fight
  9. used to protect yourself
  1. Superman but girl
  2. iron boy
  3. bat boy
  4. bat girl
  5. ghost
  6. wearable protection
  7. cat girl
  8. wolf boy

17 Clues: antghostSpiderbat boyiron boybat girlcat girlwolf boymovie genreGreen big manused to fightSuperman but girlwearable protectionmen with X in frontused to protect yourselflong sharp object used for fightingtype of book where most superheroes appear

Frankie's Crossword puzzle 2023-05-19

Frankie's Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. fourth favorite color
  2. favorite planet
  3. third favorite color
  4. my best friend
  5. favorite flower
  6. outdoor activity
  7. favorite activity
  8. favorite bird
  1. favorite subject
  2. favorite superhero
  3. second favorite flower
  4. third favorite activity
  5. second favorite color
  6. when I want to meet my family members
  7. second favorite activity
  8. favorite color
  9. second favorite subject

17 Clues: favorite birdmy best friendfavorite colorfavorite planetfavorite flowerfavorite subjectoutdoor activityfavorite activityfavorite superherothird favorite colorfourth favorite colorsecond favorite colorsecond favorite flowerthird favorite activitysecond favorite subjectsecond favorite activitywhen I want to meet my family members

Celebrities 2022-04-20

Celebrities crossword puzzle
  1. candian singer
  2. under my umbrella
  3. certified loverboy
  4. bbl
  5. actress in spiderman
  6. pirate
  1. i'll never let go
  2. we dont talk about _____
  3. on the floor
  4. its about power
  5. *slap*
  6. zont zo it
  7. no one no one

13 Clues: bbl*slap*piratezont zo iton the floorno one no onecandian singerits about poweri'll never let gounder my umbrellacertified loverboyactress in spidermanwe dont talk about _____

How well do you know me? 2023-05-30

How well do you know me? crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite Flower
  2. Pool or Ocean?
  3. Sister's Name
  4. A sport I did
  5. My name
  6. Dad's Name
  1. Mom's Name
  2. Favorite Color
  3. Where was I born
  4. Cat's Name
  5. Favorite Superhero
  6. Someone I hate
  7. Favorite Horror Movie

13 Clues: My nameMom's NameCat's NameDad's NameSister's NameA sport I didFavorite ColorPool or Ocean?Someone I hateFavorite FlowerWhere was I bornFavorite SuperheroFavorite Horror Movie

Avengers Mia PHILAU Solenn HAIGRON 2024-03-18

Avengers Mia PHILAU Solenn HAIGRON crossword puzzle
  1. It's the villain who kills a lot of super heroes.
  2. It's the man who was bitten by a spider.
  3. It's the weapon that Thanos has.
  4. It's the object that Thor uses.
  5. It's the city where Iron-man works.
  6. It's the name of the actor who plays Spiderman.
  1. It's the reason why the super heroes fight the villains.
  2. It's the animal which bit Peter Parker.
  3. It's the name of the actor who plays the HULK.
  4. It's the man whose muscles are big and he is green.

10 Clues: It's the object that Thor uses.It's the weapon that Thanos has.It's the city where Iron-man works.It's the animal which bit Peter Parker.It's the man who was bitten by a spider.It's the name of the actor who plays the HULK.It's the name of the actor who plays Spiderman.It's the villain who kills a lot of super heroes....

FORTNITE 2022-03-15

FORTNITE crossword puzzle


Magazine Crossword 2022-01-13

Magazine Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Yaa Gyasi
  2. Fear of injections
  3. Command + shift + 4
  4. Danny Cardoza, for example
  5. Above...At...Below
  6. Spiderman
  7. "Beyond your _____"
  8. Nicki Minaj stans
  9. Urban Legend
  10. The Gas Giant
  11. Hates society
  12. Mascot
  1. Urban alumni
  2. Navigation device
  3. Advanced iMovie
  4. Invasive in Australia
  5. Country to Pop Singer
  6. Intimidating
  7. Largest fast-food restaurant chain
  8. Worse than Newspaper
  9. The Great Gatsby
  10. Ice cream

22 Clues: MascotYaa GyasiIce creamSpidermanUrban alumniIntimidatingUrban LegendThe Gas GiantHates societyAdvanced iMovieThe Great GatsbyNavigation deviceNicki Minaj stansFear of injectionsAbove...At...BelowCommand + shift + 4"Beyond your _____"Worse than NewspaperInvasive in AustraliaCountry to Pop SingerDanny Cardoza, for example...

Magazine Crossword 2022-01-13

Magazine Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Yaa Gyasi
  2. Fear of injections
  3. Command + shift + 4
  4. Danny Cardoza, for example
  5. Above...At...Below
  6. Spiderman
  7. "Beyond your _____"
  8. Nicki Minaj stans
  9. Urban Legend
  10. The Gas Giant
  11. Hates society
  12. Mascot
  1. Urban alumni
  2. Navigation device
  3. Advanced iMovie
  4. Invasive in Australia
  5. Country to Pop Singer
  6. Intimidating
  7. Largest fast-food restaurant chain
  8. Worse than Newspaper
  9. The Great Gatsby
  10. Ice cream

22 Clues: MascotYaa GyasiIce creamSpidermanUrban alumniIntimidatingUrban LegendThe Gas GiantHates societyAdvanced iMovieThe Great GatsbyNavigation deviceNicki Minaj stansFear of injectionsAbove...At...BelowCommand + shift + 4"Beyond your _____"Worse than NewspaperInvasive in AustraliaCountry to Pop SingerDanny Cardoza, for example...

Marvel 2022-01-25

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. God of Mischief
  2. Masked Assassin
  3. Superspeed
  4. Goddess of death
  5. The big man
  6. half spider
  7. 10 rings
  8. King of Wakanda
  9. the phoenix
  10. sand abilities
  11. vibranium sheild
  1. Brainwashed assassin
  2. Telepathic control over his mechanical arms
  3. Chaos magic
  4. controls the weather
  5. cat burglar
  6. Created by Tony stark
  7. Crime boss
  8. Russian spy
  9. God of thunder
  10. uses a glider to fly

21 Clues: 10 ringsSuperspeedCrime bossChaos magiccat burglarThe big manhalf spiderRussian spythe phoenixGod of thundersand abilitiesGod of MischiefMasked AssassinKing of WakandaGoddess of deathvibranium sheildBrainwashed assassincontrols the weatheruses a glider to flyCreated by Tony starkTelepathic control over his mechanical arms

Cartoons 2024-10-01

Cartoons crossword puzzle
  1. my little pony
  2. transformers
  3. mickey mouse clubhouse
  4. chip n dale
  5. g i joe
  6. tom and jerry
  7. she ra
  8. Powerpuff
  9. spider man
  10. yogi
  11. smurfs
  12. captain planet
  13. straw shortcake
  1. alvin
  2. josie
  3. duck tales
  4. animaniacs
  5. oddparents
  6. jetsons
  7. care bears
  8. The Flintstones
  9. veggietales
  10. scooby
  11. heman
  12. paw patrol
  13. muppets
  14. betty boop
  15. garfield
  16. rugrats

29 Clues: yogialvinjosiehemanshe rascoobysmurfsjetsonsg i joemuppetsrugratsgarfieldPowerpuffduck talesanimaniacsoddparentscare bearsspider manpaw patrolbetty boopchip n daleveggietalestransformerstom and jerrymy little ponycaptain planetThe Flintstonesstraw shortcakemickey mouse clubhouse

Comic and Movie Superheroes 2024-11-22

Comic and Movie Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. God of Thunder
  2. Wakanda's king
  3. Friendly neighborhood __
  4. Precise arrows
  5. lasso of truth
  6. The incredible green
  7. Fastest man alive
  8. I am ____
  9. Green Power ring
  1. Stark Industries
  2. Fast Healing, 6 blades
  3. Weakness is Kryptonite
  4. The blind lawyer
  5. Breaks the 4th wall
  6. Gotham's dark knight
  7. King of Atlantis
  8. Groots best friend
  9. Strongest sorcerer
  10. Sha___!
  11. widow master of hand to hand combat

20 Clues: Sha___!I am ____God of ThunderWakanda's kingPrecise arrowslasso of truthStark IndustriesThe blind lawyerKing of AtlantisGreen Power ringFastest man aliveGroots best friendStrongest sorcererBreaks the 4th wallGotham's dark knightThe incredible greenFast Healing, 6 bladesWeakness is KryptoniteFriendly neighborhood __...


  1. Captain America is
  2. Superwoman is
  3. Flash is
  4. This woman is
  5. Superman is
  6. Spiderman is
  1. They are purple
  2. It's black
  3. Hulk is
  4. It's blue
  5. Batman is
  6. It's red

12 Clues: Hulk isFlash isIt's redIt's blueBatman isIt's blackSuperman isSpiderman isSuperwoman isThis woman isThey are purpleCaptain America is

BE vs AE 2021-06-09

BE vs AE crossword puzzle
  1. Square Park
  2. tourists
  3. played by old guy
  4. Square
  5. AE for Tube
  6. Be for truck
  7. pushed from storage through streets
  8. Bridge
  1. like Naked Comboy in Times Square
  2. BE for street performer
  3. payment for buskers
  4. BE for freeway
  5. not English
  6. mile
  7. plays down in the Tube
  8. kilometres

16 Clues: mileSquareBridgetouristskilometresSquare ParkAE for Tubenot EnglishBe for truckBE for freewayplayed by old guypayment for buskersplays down in the TubeBE for street performerlike Naked Comboy in Times Squarepushed from storage through streets

animales 2019-11-25

animales crossword puzzle
  1. big body
  2. he has a high neck 1
  3. many legs
  4. bite in summer
  5. it's from the drone family
  6. long trunk
  7. jump nonstop
  8. spiderman
  9. slow
  1. with a lot of wool
  2. he eats everything
  3. many teeth
  4. big ears
  5. he likes mice
  6. with a suit
  7. man's best Friends
  8. the great of the jungle
  9. competition runner
  10. striped suit
  11. small but annoying

20 Clues: slowbig bodybig earsmany legsspidermanmany teethlong trunkwith a suitjump nonstopstriped suithe likes micebite in summerwith a lot of woolhe eats everythingman's best Friendscompetition runnersmall but annoyinghe has a high neck 1the great of the jungleit's from the drone family

Marvel Characters 2023-03-23

Marvel Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Rider Comic Book Character
  2. hyperaggressive
  3. superhuman
  4. Son of Gods
  5. X Mutant
  6. America wants to see good in others
  7. always thinks hes right
  8. First comic book superhero
  9. predictable
  1. Razor Sharp Claws
  2. Immortality
  3. Controls moisture
  4. Archer
  5. Anti Matter
  6. Power of flight
  7. In use of weaponry
  8. always wants to be the spotlight
  9. Breaks into anything
  10. Eyepatch
  11. Fear of Her Own Power

20 Clues: ArcherX MutantEyepatchsuperhumanImmortalityAnti MatterSon of GodspredictablehyperaggressivePower of flightRazor Sharp ClawsControls moistureIn use of weaponryBreaks into anythingFear of Her Own Poweralways thinks hes rightRider Comic Book CharacterFirst comic book superheroalways wants to be the spotlightAmerica wants to see good in others

Hero Worship (15 word Extra puzzle) 2015-02-21

Hero Worship                 (15 word Extra puzzle) crossword puzzle
  1. Harvey Dent *6
  2. Susan Storm *13
  3. Shield *11
  4. Loki *4
  5. Gwen Stacy *9
  6. Charles Xavier *4
  7. Kal El *8
  8. Bruce Banner *4
  1. Barry Allen *8
  2. Peggy Carter *14
  3. Logan *9
  4. Diana Prince *11
  5. Optimus Prime *12
  6. Howard Stark *7
  7. Stan Lee *6

15 Clues: Loki *4Logan *9Kal El *8Shield *11Stan Lee *6Gwen Stacy *9Barry Allen *8Harvey Dent *6Susan Storm *13Howard Stark *7Bruce Banner *4Peggy Carter *14Diana Prince *11Optimus Prime *12Charles Xavier *4

Marvel characters 2022-04-20

Marvel characters crossword puzzle
  1. Adopted
  2. Buff and became fat
  3. Super-soldier
  4. Don't make me angry
  5. Magical spider
  6. Alive tree
  7. Be any size he wishes :)
  8. Archery skills
  9. Wakanda Forever
  1. Flying cape
  2. Russian agent
  3. Manipulate environment around her
  4. I love you 3000
  5. Has two little brothers
  6. Purple alien destroys humanity

15 Clues: AdoptedAlive treeFlying capeRussian agentSuper-soldierMagical spiderArchery skillsI love you 3000Wakanda ForeverBuff and became fatDon't make me angryHas two little brothersBe any size he wishes :)Purple alien destroys humanityManipulate environment around her

Comic books and superheroes 2024-08-05

Comic books and superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. Speedster hero
  2. Amazonian warrior
  3. Blind superhero lawyer
  4. Green-skinned giant
  5. Dark Knight detective
  6. Shazam-powered hero
  1. Superman's cousin
  2. Futuristic law enforcer
  3. Ring-powered hero
  4. X-Men's clawed mutant
  5. Web-slinging superhero
  6. Western antihero
  7. Armored tech genius
  8. Espionage superhero
  9. Norse god superhero

15 Clues: Speedster heroWestern antiheroSuperman's cousinRing-powered heroAmazonian warriorGreen-skinned giantArmored tech geniusEspionage superheroShazam-powered heroNorse god superheroX-Men's clawed mutantDark Knight detectiveWeb-slinging superheroBlind superhero lawyerFuturistic law enforcer

Superheroes 2023-11-02

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. Clint Barton
  2. Steve Rogers
  3. Loki
  4. Wanda Maximoff
  1. Thor
  2. Peter Parker
  3. Bruce Banner
  4. Natasha Romanoff
  5. Red Robot
  6. Tony Stark

10 Clues: ThorLokiRed RobotTony StarkPeter ParkerBruce BannerClint BartonSteve RogersWanda MaximoffNatasha Romanoff

Films 2024-05-15

Films crossword puzzle
  1. Pahupidi
  2. Nahkhiiremees
  3. Tipptund
  4. Madagaskar
  5. Harry Potter ja tarkade kivi
  1. Lemmikloomade salajane elu
  2. Saabastega Kass
  3. Kollide ülikool
  4. Kivine
  5. Ämblikmees

10 Clues: KivinePahupidiTipptundÄmblikmeesMadagaskarNahkhiiremeesSaabastega KassKollide ülikoolLemmikloomade salajane eluHarry Potter ja tarkade kivi

Nichi 2024-10-07

Nichi crossword puzzle
  1. What you just read
  2. Baby #3
  3. Some 15 yr old kid
  4. What you always are pt 2
  5. Baby #2
  6. Daddy
  7. Your Everything
  1. Jihyo
  2. Always<3
  3. Baddie frfr
  4. Baby #1
  5. Peter
  6. Nini's everything
  7. What you always are

14 Clues: JihyoPeterDaddyBaby #3Baby #1Baby #2Always<3Baddie frfrYour EverythingNini's everythingWhat you just readSome 15 yr old kidWhat you always areWhat you always are pt 2

Fefi's Crossword 2018-04-07

Fefi's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. verso asino
  2. piatto preferito
  3. cosa fai come sport
  4. supereroe americano
  5. rotondità bella
  6. programma molto interessante
  7. accipicchia che parola strana
  1. programma preferito all tv
  2. verso leone
  3. cosa fai tutto il giorno
  4. nazionalità della tua mamma
  5. verso gatto
  6. come ti senti oggi?
  7. risposta tipica
  8. cosa sei nella vita
  9. verso cane
  10. verso uccellino

17 Clues: verso caneverso leoneverso asinoverso gattorisposta tipicarotondità bellaverso uccellinopiatto preferitocome ti senti oggi?cosa fai come sportsupereroe americanocosa sei nella vitacosa fai tutto il giornoprogramma preferito all tvnazionalità della tua mammaprogramma molto interessanteaccipicchia che parola strana

Nana Banana's Personal CrossWord 2012-12-24

Nana Banana's Personal CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. Clarinets, oboes, flutes, saxophone
  2. Grandson's age
  3. Popular feathered Game App
  4. Manfred's friend
  5. 3.12
  6. Product of truffula tuft
  1. High tide island
  2. Webslinging hero
  3. Ellie's other identity
  4. I just can't wait to be...
  5. Third planet from the Sun
  6. Mechanical dance move
  7. Frosty
  8. Josh's eye colour
  9. Grandaughter's initials
  10. Josh's favourite colour
  11. Christmas flower

17 Clues: 3.12FrostyGrandson's ageHigh tide islandWebslinging heroManfred's friendChristmas flowerJosh's eye colourEllie's other identityMechanical dance moveGrandaughter's initialsJosh's favourite colourProduct of truffula tuftThird planet from the SunI just can't wait to be...Popular feathered Game AppClarinets, oboes, flutes, saxophone

Jaylin 2021-05-28

Jaylin crossword puzzle
  1. Spiderman and Star Lord
  2. Cutest avenger
  3. Hawk-eye's best friend
  4. Avengers...
  5. "We have a..."
  6. "I'm Mary Poppins y'all"
  7. Tiniest avenger
  8. "and I am..."
  1. Earth's mightiest heroes
  2. Vibranium is found in
  3. Marvel creator
  4. Thor's hammer
  5. Mindstone+Jarvis+Ultron
  6. "Bring me..."

14 Clues: Avengers...Thor's hammer"Bring me...""and I am..."Cutest avenger"We have a..."Marvel creatorTiniest avengerVibranium is found inHawk-eye's best friendSpiderman and Star LordMindstone+Jarvis+UltronEarth's mightiest heroes"I'm Mary Poppins y'all"

Marvel 2022-01-25

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Super speed
  2. panther King of Wakanda
  3. half spider
  4. uses a glider to fly
  5. Russian spy
  6. Masked Assassin
  1. Crime boss
  2. cat burglar
  3. Chaos magic
  4. sand abilities
  5. the phoenix
  6. Telepathic control over his mechanical arms
  7. The big man
  8. controls the weather

14 Clues: Crime bosscat burglarSuper speedChaos magicthe phoenixhalf spiderThe big manRussian spysand abilitiesMasked Assassinuses a glider to flycontrols the weatherpanther King of WakandaTelepathic control over his mechanical arms

Disney movies the best one 2024-10-14

Disney movies the best one crossword puzzle
  1. poisen apple
  2. guardians of something
  3. last dragon
  4. fairies and captain hook
  5. emotions
  6. yoda
  7. world of talking and living animals
  8. elephant
  9. red panda
  10. awaken with a kiss
  1. im a puppet but a boy
  2. glass slippers
  3. ohana
  4. rabbit hole
  5. girl of the ocean
  6. spider combined with a guy
  7. my mom is a bear
  8. long hair
  9. I am

19 Clues: yodaI amohanaemotionselephantlong hairred pandalast dragonrabbit holepoisen appleglass slippersmy mom is a beargirl of the oceanawaken with a kissim a puppet but a boyguardians of somethingfairies and captain hookspider combined with a guyworld of talking and living animals

Marvel 2021-06-16

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. / Bite by spider
  2. / time to make the chimy fucking changas
  3. / Blades in his hands
  4. /Hammer time
  5. / Doctor ______
  6. / Doctor ______
  7. / Small little bug man
  8. / Hooked on a feeling
  1. / Black Cat
  2. / Green
  3. / Type of spider
  4. / ______Sufer
  5. / Tony Stark
  6. / Has all of the infinity stone
  7. / ______ America
  8. / Tree

16 Clues: / Tree/ Green/ Black Cat/ Tony Stark/Hammer time/ ______Sufer/ Doctor ______/ Doctor ______/ Bite by spider/ Type of spider/ ______ America/ Blades in his hands/ Hooked on a feeling/ Small little bug man/ Has all of the infinity stone/ time to make the chimy fucking changas

Groot Group Crossword 2021-08-29

Groot Group Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Blue daughter of thanos
  2. Saved groot
  3. twig
  4. Can travel through the multiverse
  5. Home Coming
  6. Mind stone
  7. Awesome mixtape
  8. Hates dancing
  1. Metal arm
  2. Contest of champions
  3. Green daughter of thanos
  4. Kidnapped by terrorists
  5. Snapped away half of everything
  6. Pretended to be Oden
  7. Mighty hammer

15 Clues: twigMetal armMind stoneSaved grootHome ComingMighty hammerHates dancingAwesome mixtapeContest of championsPretended to be OdenBlue daughter of thanosKidnapped by terroristsGreen daughter of thanosSnapped away half of everythingCan travel through the multiverse

Merrill and Julie's Family 2012-12-27

Merrill and Julie's Family crossword puzzle
  1. likes fishing
  2. works at allina clinic fbo
  3. frogs
  4. likes dolls
  5. likes to dance
  6. works at Shattuck
  1. wants to meet Taylor Swift
  2. likes tractors
  3. married to Kate
  4. married to Adam
  5. has glasses
  6. has four kids
  7. landscaping
  8. loves spiderman and john deere
  9. married to cassie

15 Clues: frogshas glasseslandscapinglikes dollslikes fishinghas four kidslikes tractorslikes to dancemarried to Katemarried to Adamworks at Shattuckmarried to cassiewants to meet Taylor Swiftworks at allina clinic fboloves spiderman and john deere

italian il nome 2023-06-29

italian il nome crossword puzzle
  1. are you tired
  2. holy
  3. reading
  4. morning after pill
  5. dance monkey
  6. where to get money
  7. weeds
  1. cold cream shop
  2. house in a farm
  3. hit balls with rackets
  4. are you thirsty
  5. where tall buildings are
  6. father-_ _ _ bonding time
  7. big church

15 Clues: holyweedsreadingbig churchdance monkeyare you tiredcold cream shophouse in a farmare you thirstymorning after pillwhere to get moneyhit balls with racketswhere tall buildings arefather-_ _ _ bonding timeSPIDERMAN INTO THE SIPDERVERSE

crossword puzzle title 2022-01-26

crossword puzzle title crossword puzzle
  1. you
  2. superhero
  3. hair-colour
  4. fruit
  1. white,sticky,creamy
  2. tutor
  3. bestfairyclub
  4. the-best-student
  5. rosa-is-a
  6. badbunny

10 Clues: yoututorfruitbadbunnysuperherorosa-is-ahair-colourbestfairyclubthe-best-studentwhite,sticky,creamy

Spiderman 2022-06-30

Spiderman crossword puzzle
  1. Goblin spiderweb
  2. spider Auntmay
  1. don't give up
  2. save the day

4 Clues: save the daydon't give upGoblin spiderwebspider Auntmay

How well do you know me? 2023-05-30

How well do you know me? crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite Flower
  2. Pool or Ocean?
  3. Sister's Name
  4. A sport I did
  5. My name
  6. Dad's Name
  1. Mom's Name
  2. Favorite Color
  3. Where was I born
  4. Cat's Name
  5. Favorite Superhero
  6. Someone I hate
  7. Favorite Horror Movie

13 Clues: My nameMom's NameCat's NameDad's NameSister's NameA sport I didFavorite ColorPool or Ocean?Someone I hateFavorite FlowerWhere was I bornFavorite SuperheroFavorite Horror Movie

avengers 2021-09-13

avengers crossword puzzle
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. the first avenger
  3. Man's best friend
  4. part of familly
  5. has a red iron suit
  6. may
  1. Has a trunk
  2. the hawk
  3. Large marsupial
  4. the snapper
  5. part of day
  6. webby
  7. Flying mammal

13 Clues: maywebbythe hawkHas a trunkthe snapperpart of dayFlying mammalLarge marsupialpart of famillythe first avengerMan's best friendLikes to chase micehas a red iron suit

guillaume5 2017-05-29

guillaume5 crossword puzzle
  1. geeft melk
  2. drinken kabouters
  3. ...melk
  4. jonge kaas van
  5. are friendly neighborhood...
  6. pizza restaurant
  7. zegt tok tok
  8. we hebben het nodig
  1. onze schoolnaam zonder de
  2. een normaal mens heeft ... botten
  3. zegt boeeeeee!!!
  4. luid geluid
  5. ...maakt niet gelukkig
  6. barbie en...
  7. maandag op school duurt ...uur
  8. eten kabouters

16 Clues: ...melkgeeft melkluid geluidbarbie en...zegt tok tokjonge kaas vaneten kabouterszegt boeeeeee!!!pizza restaurantdrinken kabouterswe hebben het nodig...maakt niet gelukkigonze schoolnaam zonder deare friendly neighborhood...maandag op school duurt ...uureen normaal mens heeft ... botten

Marvel 2022-01-25

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. chi 10 rings
  2. The big man
  3. Goddess of death
  4. God of thunder
  5. Russian spy
  6. cat burglar
  7. half spider
  8. panther King of Wakanda
  9. Masked Assassin
  10. Superspeed
  11. God of Mischief
  12. the phoenix
  13. Telepathic control over his mechanical arms
  1. Brainwashed assassin
  2. uses a glider to fly
  3. Created by Tony stark
  4. sand abilities
  5. vibranium sheild
  6. Chaos magic
  7. Crime boss
  8. controls the weather

21 Clues: Crime bossSuperspeedThe big manRussian spycat burglarhalf spiderChaos magicthe phoenixsand abilitiesGod of thunderMasked AssassinGod of Mischiefchi 10 ringsGoddess of deathvibranium sheildBrainwashed assassinuses a glider to flycontrols the weatherCreated by Tony starkpanther King of WakandaTelepathic control over his mechanical arms

Find your present 2022-12-03

Find your present crossword puzzle
  1. the animals went in
  2. after four
  3. Jena's first pet
  4. friendly neighbourhood
  5. cousins mum
  6. the king
  7. leaving
  8. day jena was born
  9. yellow teletubbie
  10. all waiting
  11. big brother
  12. dont ---- down
  1. on your chips
  2. top of the
  3. elton
  4. get it right
  5. every little helps
  6. the snow man
  7. yellow and blue
  8. ---- crashers
  9. under my
  10. blow me up
  11. say never

23 Clues: eltonleavingunder mythe kingsay nevertop of theafter fourblow me upcousins mumall waitingbig brotherget it rightthe snow manon your chips---- crashersdont ---- downyellow and blueJena's first petday jena was bornyellow teletubbieevery little helpsthe animals went infriendly neighbourhood

Alter egos 2021-05-24

Alter egos crossword puzzle
  1. Bruce Wayne
  2. Matt Murdock
  3. Ororo Munroe
  4. I am …
  5. Bruce Banner
  6. Tony Stark
  7. Kamala Khan
  8. Miles Morales
  9. Amazon Princess Diana
  10. James "Logan" Howlett
  11. Scott Summers
  1. Peter Parker
  2. Natasha Romanoff
  3. Steve Rogers
  4. Francis Castiglione or Frank Castle?
  5. Carol Danvers
  6. Clark Kent
  7. Selina Kyle
  8. Wanda Maximoff
  9. is Thursday named after him?
  10. Dr. Charles Xavier
  11. Miss Virginia “Pepper” Potts

22 Clues: I am …Clark KentTony StarkBruce WayneSelina KyleKamala KhanPeter ParkerSteve RogersMatt MurdockOroro MunroeBruce BannerCarol DanversMiles MoralesScott SummersWanda MaximoffNatasha RomanoffDr. Charles XavierAmazon Princess DianaJames "Logan" Howlettis Thursday named after him?Miss Virginia “Pepper” PottsFrancis Castiglione or Frank Castle?

Random Crossword Puzzle 2022-10-27

Random Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. S.H.E.I.L.D
  2. Zues,Apollo,Hades,hercules
  3. "clock noise"
  4. The UK
  5. Location
  6. the season of giving
  7. cuh
  8. king of the jungle
  9. button eyes
  10. web shooter
  11. Dogers,Lakers,Angels
  12. under the sea
  1. Cheetos
  2. The era of Knights
  3. Tuesdays and Thursdays
  4. Midnight
  5. Cupid
  6. inevitable
  7. The golden gate bridge
  8. The Queen Bee
  9. two faced
  10. Mans bestfriend
  11. The king of rock

23 Clues: cuhCupidThe UKCheetosMidnightLocationtwo facedinevitableS.H.E.I.L.Dbutton eyesweb shooter"clock noise"The Queen Beeunder the seaMans bestfriendThe king of rockThe era of Knightsking of the junglethe season of givingDogers,Lakers,AngelsTuesdays and ThursdaysThe golden gate bridgeZues,Apollo,Hades,hercules

Christopher Lau 2024-10-02

Christopher Lau crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite device
  2. I don't like
  3. Favorite videogame
  4. Favorite superhero
  5. My favourite food is
  6. Favorite musical band
  7. Favorite animal
  8. I am
  1. Biggest fear
  2. I am from
  3. My favorite color
  4. Favorite soccer team
  5. My mother is from
  6. Age
  7. My father is from
  8. Favorite movie
  9. Favorite month of the year
  10. Favorite music genre
  11. Favorite holiday
  12. My favourite sport is

20 Clues: AgeI amI am fromBiggest fearI don't likeFavorite movieFavorite deviceFavorite animalFavorite holidayMy favorite colorMy mother is fromMy father is fromFavorite videogameFavorite superheroFavorite soccer teamMy favourite food isFavorite music genreFavorite musical bandMy favourite sport isFavorite month of the year

randuam 2021-04-22

randuam crossword puzzle
  1. web
  2. lighting
  3. web
  4. op
  5. food
  6. Man's best friend
  1. trunk
  2. chase mice
  3. flying
  4. fly

10 Clues: opwebwebflyfoodtrunkflyinglightingchase miceMan's best friend

Superhéros 1 2019-06-26

Superhéros 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Bruce Banner
  2. Arrow Oliver Queen
  3. Ray Palmer
  4. Alan Scott
  5. Henry Pym
  1. Clint Barton
  2. Peter Parker
  3. Scott Summers
  4. Princesse Diana
  5. Selina Kyle
  6. Arthur Curry
  7. Barry Allen

12 Clues: Henry PymRay PalmerAlan ScottSelina KyleBarry AllenClint BartonPeter ParkerBruce BannerArthur CurryScott SummersPrincesse DianaArrow Oliver Queen

Superhero aliases 2022-08-04

Superhero aliases crossword puzzle
  1. Sam Wilson
  2. Bruce Wayne
  3. Clarke kent
  4. peter parker
  5. Mateo maximoff
  1. Valkyrie
  2. Clint Barton
  3. Bruce Banner
  4. Matt Murdoch
  5. Scott Lang

10 Clues: ValkyrieSam WilsonScott LangBruce WayneClarke kentClint BartonBruce BannerMatt Murdochpeter parkerMateo maximoff

Set 7 Prefixes and Roots 2013-05-16

Set 7 Prefixes and Roots crossword puzzle
  1. beyond this world
  2. cartoon characters
  3. ready to fight
  4. device that records temperature changes
  5. temperature regulator
  6. to suffer extreme pain
  7. prediction of the weather
  8. spiderman
  1. an omen
  2. leading character
  3. an argument
  4. resistance
  5. house of worship
  6. study of religion
  7. authoritative permission or approval

15 Clues: an omenspidermanresistancean argumentready to fighthouse of worshipbeyond this worldleading characterstudy of religioncartoon characterstemperature regulatorto suffer extreme painprediction of the weatherauthoritative permission or approvaldevice that records temperature changes

Avengers 2021-03-18

Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. Wing man
  2. Pricilla
  3. Frisbee man
  4. Multiple different realities
  5. Strong Man
  6. Speed is key
  7. Rich vs Wealthy
  1. RIP
  2. Small large man
  3. ANOTHER!!
  4. I'm honestly irrelevant
  5. Carole Baskin
  6. Long short red curly and white
  7. Daily Bugle
  8. Wow you blew my mind into stones

15 Clues: RIPWing manPricillaANOTHER!!Strong ManFrisbee manDaily BugleSpeed is keyCarole BaskinSmall large manRich vs WealthyI'm honestly irrelevantMultiple different realitiesLong short red curly and whiteWow you blew my mind into stones

Marvel Characters 2021-08-13

Marvel Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Rabbit
  2. the friendly neighbourhood...
  3. God of mischief
  4. Not a very smooth criminal
  5. Russian, Budapest
  6. God of Thunder
  1. Angry Girl
  2. I'm always angry
  3. Fe + male
  4. Tree
  5. Has Invisibility
  6. Target,Legolas
  7. A very "normal" man

13 Clues: TreeRabbitFe + maleAngry GirlTarget,LegolasGod of ThunderGod of mischiefI'm always angryHas InvisibilityRussian, BudapestA very "normal" manNot a very smooth criminalthe friendly neighbourhood...

Marval 2021-10-26

Marval crossword puzzle
  1. has a ship
  2. bow expert
  3. creator
  4. rich
  5. leader of the Avengers
  6. spidermans best friend
  1. hammer
  2. normen osborn
  3. rushen spy
  4. strongest Avenger
  5. red and blue

11 Clues: richhammercreatorhas a shiprushen spybow expertred and bluenormen osbornstrongest Avengerleader of the Avengersspidermans best friend

Hansel Almendarez-Avengers 2024-05-15

Hansel Almendarez-Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. - When he gets angry he turns big and green.
  2. - The person who grouped of the avenger to defeat loki.
  3. - What thanos needed to help him wipe out half the planet.
  4. - The main villain in infinity war and endgame.
  5. - Uses a hammer and is a god of thunder.
  6. -Uses suit made of vibranium.
  7. - The richest and smartest avenger known for his awesome suits.
  1. - A teenager who has spider like abilities and is named peter parker.
  2. - Was frozen for 70 years and has incredible abilities.
  3. - One of the avengers uses a bow to defeat his enemies.
  4. - A spiderman that is animated
  5. Holds the time stone and has wizard magic.
  6. - Can turn really small and also really big.
  7. - One of the first avenger who is a secret agent that works for nick fury.
  8. - Big villian who was first made to keep global peace.

15 Clues: -Uses suit made of vibranium.- A spiderman that is animated- Uses a hammer and is a god of thunder.Holds the time stone and has wizard magic.- When he gets angry he turns big and green.- Can turn really small and also really big.- The main villain in infinity war and endgame.- Big villian who was first made to keep global peace....

Avengers characters 2022-02-18

Avengers characters crossword puzzle
  1. เป็นสายเลือดผสมมนุษย์กับspartoiและมีความเชี่ยวชาญในการใช้อาวุธปืน
  2. เป็นมนุษย์ มีโล่ไวเบรเนียมเป็นอาวุธ
  3. เทพเจ้าสายฟ้า มีค้อนเป็นอาวุธ
  4. นักธุรกิจที่ประสบความสำเร็จ นักรบชุดเกราะ
  5. สามารถพัฒนาร่างกายและพลังได้ด้วยความโกรธ
  1. เป็นมนุษย์ มีพลังเวทมนตร์ บินได้ด้วยผ้าคลุม
  2. เป็นกษัตริย์ประเทศวาคานด้า
  3. มีความว่องไวและใช้เครื่องยิงใยออกจากข้อมือ
  4. สามารถขยายร่างกายได้ด้วยอนุภาคพิม สื่อสารกับแมลงได้
  5. เป็นเลือดเนื้อเชื้อไขของเผ่าพันธุ์ยักน้ำแข็ง ลูกบุญธรรมโอดิน

10 Clues: เป็นกษัตริย์ประเทศวาคานด้าเทพเจ้าสายฟ้า มีค้อนเป็นอาวุธเป็นมนุษย์ มีโล่ไวเบรเนียมเป็นอาวุธสามารถพัฒนาร่างกายและพลังได้ด้วยความโกรธนักธุรกิจที่ประสบความสำเร็จ นักรบชุดเกราะมีความว่องไวและใช้เครื่องยิงใยออกจากข้อมือเป็นมนุษย์ มีพลังเวทมนตร์ บินได้ด้วยผ้าคลุมสามารถขยายร่างกายได้ด้วยอนุภาคพิม สื่อสารกับแมลงได้...

MOM 2020-12-24

MOM crossword puzzle
  1. Brandon's Favorite Game
  2. Tyler's Favorite Show
  3. Dad's Hobby
  4. Tyler's Hobby
  5. Brandon's Hobby
  6. Dad's Favorite Word
  7. Brandon's Favorite Movie
  1. Dad's Favorite Movie
  2. Dad's Favorite Show
  3. Tyler's Favorite Game
  4. Brandon's Favorite Show
  5. Dad's Favorite Book
  6. Tyler's Favorite Movie

13 Clues: Dad's HobbyTyler's HobbyBrandon's HobbyDad's Favorite ShowDad's Favorite BookDad's Favorite WordDad's Favorite MovieTyler's Favorite GameTyler's Favorite ShowTyler's Favorite MovieBrandon's Favorite GameBrandon's Favorite ShowBrandon's Favorite Movie

The Amazing Spiderman 2022-12-11

The Amazing Spiderman crossword puzzle
  1. Kalmak
  2. Fikir
  3. Bela
  4. Ceza
  5. Kertenkele
  1. Tartışma
  2. Halk
  3. Vinç
  4. Bilim adamı

9 Clues: HalkVinçBelaCezaFikirKalmakTartışmaKertenkeleBilim adamı

Marvel Names 2024-07-17

Marvel Names crossword puzzle
  1. Carol Danvers
  2. Clint Barton
  3. Loki’s brother
  4. T’Challa
  5. Peter Parker
  1. Steve Rogers
  2. Bruce Banner
  3. Scott Lang
  4. Natasha Romanoff
  5. Tony Stark

10 Clues: T’ChallaScott LangTony StarkSteve RogersClint BartonBruce BannerPeter ParkerCarol DanversLoki’s brotherNatasha Romanoff

Spiderman 2022-05-12

Spiderman crossword puzzle
  1. Half-Human, Half-Horse Greek mythical creature (7)
  2. Roman king of the gods (7)
  1. Greek goddess of love and beauty
  2. Mythical Greek hero, defeated the gorgon Medusa (7)

4 Clues: Roman king of the gods (7)Greek goddess of love and beautyHalf-Human, Half-Horse Greek mythical creature (7)Mythical Greek hero, defeated the gorgon Medusa (7)

Avengers 2021-07-30

Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. Peter Quill
  2. Wanda ......
  3. Steve Rogers
  4. I am .....
  1. Tony Stark
  2. The Wizard
  3. Scott Lang
  4. Peter Parker
  5. Natasha Romanoff
  6. Bruce Banner

10 Clues: Tony StarkThe WizardScott LangI am .....Peter QuillWanda ......Peter ParkerBruce BannerSteve RogersNatasha Romanoff

about Nathan hernandez:) 2022-01-12

about Nathan hernandez:) crossword puzzle
  1. small motorcycles
  2. fastfood
  3. best season
  4. sports
  5. collage
  1. fav superhero
  2. middle school
  3. movies with superheros
  4. trash panda
  5. i got what sickness

10 Clues: sportscollagefastfoodtrash pandabest seasonfav superheromiddle schoolsmall motorcyclesi got what sicknessmovies with superheros

Marvel cinematic universe 2023-03-29

Marvel cinematic universe crossword puzzle
  1. Natasha
  2. Sorcerer
  3. God of mischief
  4. Avengers 4
  5. God of thunder
  1. Kamala khan
  2. Beautiful lady
  3. Peter Parker
  4. I am...
  5. First movie

10 Clues: NatashaI am...SorcererAvengers 4Kamala khanFirst moviePeter ParkerBeautiful ladyGod of thunderGod of mischief

Super Heroes 2024-08-21

Super Heroes crossword puzzle
  1. Sherwood forest
  2. Oliver Queen
  3. Made of iron
  4. Dark knight
  5. Agent 007
  1. Fantasyland
  2. Thunder speed
  3. Halle Berry as a kitty
  4. Red mask web flyer
  5. A female warrior
  6. GalGadot
  7. Man with steel

12 Clues: GalGadotAgent 007FantasylandDark knightOliver QueenMade of ironThunder speedMan with steelSherwood forestA female warriorRed mask web flyerHalle Berry as a kitty

Movies 2022-06-17

Movies crossword puzzle
  1. Mermaid with red hair
  2. Hakuna Matata
  3. Blue people[not smirf]
  4. A mighty hammer
  5. Rabbit Cops and Fox Thief
  6. Shoots Webs
  7. We wear pink on Wednesday
  1. An American fighting shield
  2. A Flying Suit
  3. Wakanda
  4. Jedi
  5. Bananas and Bello!!
  6. Dinosaurs
  7. Let it go

14 Clues: JediWakandaDinosaursLet it goShoots WebsA Flying SuitHakuna MatataA mighty hammerBananas and Bello!!Mermaid with red hairBlue people[not smirf]Rabbit Cops and Fox ThiefWe wear pink on WednesdayAn American fighting shield

Iskra 2018-09-12

Iskra crossword puzzle
  1. Ime hrvatskog premijera
  2. Slatkovodna riba
  3. Vrsta rime abba
  4. Najmanji kontinent
  5. Najduža rijeka na svijetu
  6. 3,14
  7. Očni liječnik
  8. Hrvatsko brodogradilište
  9. Marka mobitela
  10. Akcijski junak
  11. Detektiv Hercule
  1. Marka automobila
  2. Boccaccieva zbirka novela
  3. Kvadrat broja deset
  4. Nedavno preminuli splitski pjevač
  5. Vođa sjeverne Koreje
  6. Peti padež
  7. Najbolji hrvatski nogometaš
  8. Hrvatski lanac trgovina
  9. Ime ravnatelja IOŠ
  10. Pješčana plaža na obali Save
  11. Najbolji čovjekov prijatelj

22 Clues: 3,14Peti padežOčni liječnikMarka mobitelaAkcijski junakVrsta rime abbaMarka automobilaSlatkovodna ribaDetektiv HerculeNajmanji kontinentIme ravnatelja IOŠKvadrat broja desetVođa sjeverne KorejeIme hrvatskog premijeraHrvatski lanac trgovinaHrvatsko brodogradilišteBoccaccieva zbirka novelaNajduža rijeka na svijetuNajbolji hrvatski nogometaš...

Who am I? Marvel Heroes Addition 2021-02-07

Who am I?    Marvel Heroes Addition crossword puzzle
  1. Scott Summers
  2. Natasha Romanoff
  3. Ororo Monroe
  4. Jubilation Lee
  5. Carol Denvers
  6. Bobby Drake
  7. Wanda Maximoff
  8. Elizabeth Braddock
  9. Kitty Pryde
  10. Kurt Wagner
  11. Warren Worthington III
  12. Peter Parker
  13. Jean Grey
  1. Hank McCoy
  2. Peter Rasputin
  3. Logan
  4. Nathan Summers
  5. Remy LeBeau
  6. Reed Richards
  7. Charles Xavier
  8. Tony Stark
  9. Pietro Maximoff
  10. Stephen Strange
  11. Johnny Blaze
  12. T'Challa
  13. Lorna Dane
  14. Alex Summers
  15. Sean Cassidy

28 Clues: LoganT'ChallaJean GreyHank McCoyTony StarkLorna DaneRemy LeBeauBobby DrakeKitty PrydeKurt WagnerOroro MonroeJohnny BlazeAlex SummersSean CassidyPeter ParkerScott SummersReed RichardsCarol DenversPeter RasputinNathan SummersJubilation LeeCharles XavierWanda MaximoffPietro MaximoffStephen StrangeNatasha RomanoffElizabeth Braddock...

MHAAAAA 2024-02-07

MHAAAAA crossword puzzle
  1. froppy
  2. shy boi
  4. tape x spiderman
  5. pikachu
  6. Stab stab stab!
  7. breaks bones daily
  8. bad dad
  9. 18+ teacher
  10. shark boi
  11. Pomeranian
  12. headphones
  13. clone
  1. floaty girl
  2. invisible girl
  3. icy hot
  4. dust man
  6. dancing QUEEN
  7. animal boy
  9. THE SUN
  10. Mr bird man
  12. burnt chicken nugget
  13. tail boy

26 Clues: clonefroppyshy boiicy hotpikachubad dadTHE SUNdust mantail boyshark boianimal boyPomeranianheadphonesfloaty girl18+ teacherMr bird manMAGIC VILLAINdancing QUEENinvisible girl"DARK SHADOW!"Stab stab stab!tape x spidermanDISGUSTING GRAPEbreaks bones dailyI CANT STOP SHININGburnt chicken nugget

MHAAAAA 2024-02-07

MHAAAAA crossword puzzle
  1. froppy
  2. shy boi
  4. tape x spiderman
  5. pikachu
  6. Stab stab stab!
  7. breaks bones daily
  8. bad dad
  9. 18+ teacher
  10. shark boi
  11. Pomeranian
  12. headphones
  13. clone
  1. floaty girl
  2. invisible girl
  3. icy hot
  4. dust man
  6. dancing QUEEN
  7. animal boy
  9. THE SUN
  10. Mr bird man
  12. burnt chicken nugget
  13. tail boy

26 Clues: clonefroppyshy boiicy hotpikachubad dadTHE SUNdust mantail boyshark boianimal boyPomeranianheadphonesfloaty girl18+ teacherMr bird manMAGIC VILLAINdancing QUEENinvisible girl"DARK SHADOW!"Stab stab stab!tape x spidermanDISGUSTING GRAPEbreaks bones dailyI CANT STOP SHININGburnt chicken nugget

MHA (Test Puzzle Not finished) 2024-08-26

MHA (Test Puzzle Not finished) crossword puzzle
  1. Class 1Bs Kirishima
  2. IcyHot
  3. Knock off spiderman
  4. Pink skin cutie pie
  5. Monomas Babysitter basically
  6. Pervert
  7. Electric dumb dumb
  8. The most uptight student at UA
  9. Purple haired mini aizawa
  10. Manly
  11. Speedy old man
  12. Zero Gravity
  1. Shitty fire dad
  2. ”Good morning listeners!”
  3. Hates class 1A
  4. Frog
  5. Blasty Mc blast face (He got angy issues)
  6. Sleep Deprived teacher
  7. “I AM HERE”
  8. Sweet broccoli head

20 Clues: FrogManlyIcyHotPervert“I AM HERE”Zero GravityHates class 1ASpeedy old manShitty fire dadElectric dumb dumbClass 1Bs KirishimaKnock off spidermanPink skin cutie pieSweet broccoli headSleep Deprived teacher”Good morning listeners!”Purple haired mini aizawaMonomas Babysitter basicallyThe most uptight student at UA...

marvel 2024-05-23

marvel crossword puzzle
  1. widow
  2. green,strong
  3. type of cat
  4. tony
  5. girl captain
  1. captain
  2. lightning
  3. spider
  4. ant

9 Clues: anttonywidowspidercaptainlightningtype of catgreen,stronggirl captain

Do you know who this celebrity? 2021-03-03

Do you know who this celebrity? crossword puzzle
  1. A singer who used to be in One Direction.
  2. The actress who stars in Spiderman as MJ.
  3. The actor who plays Spiderman in Marvel’s Avengers.
  4. The star of High School Musical.
  5. A painter most famous for his beautiful landscapes.
  6. The singer who is famous for his moonwalks.
  7. A singer who is currently dating Camila Cabello.
  1. A singer known as Queen Bey or Queen Bee.
  2. A rapper who has a 2-year-old daughter named Kulture.
  3. A celebrity who founded her own makeup company.
  4. A singer who stars in Wizards of Waverly Place.
  5. A singer who is known for writing songs about her ex-boyfriends.

12 Clues: The star of High School Musical.A singer known as Queen Bey or Queen Bee.A singer who used to be in One Direction.The actress who stars in Spiderman as MJ.The singer who is famous for his moonwalks.A celebrity who founded her own makeup company.A singer who stars in Wizards of Waverly Place.A singer who is currently dating Camila Cabello....

Avengers 2024-05-15

Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. - One of the first avenger who is a secret agent that works for nick fury.
  2. - A spiderman that is animated
  3. - Big villian who was first made to keep global peace.
  4. - When he gets angry he turns big and green.
  5. - Uses a hammer and is a god of thunder.
  6. - The richest and smartest avenger known for his awesome suits.
  7. - A teenager who has spider like abilities and is named peter parker.
  8. - One of the avengers uses a bow to defeat his enemies.
  9. - The person who grouped of the avenger to defeat loki.
  1. - What thanos needed to help him wipe out half the planet.
  2. -Uses suit made of vibranium.
  3. - The main villain in infinity war and endgame.
  4. - Was frozen for 70 years and has incredible abilities.
  5. - Can turn really small and also really big.
  6. - Holds the time stone and has wizard magic.

15 Clues: -Uses suit made of vibranium.- A spiderman that is animated- Uses a hammer and is a god of thunder.- When he gets angry he turns big and green.- Can turn really small and also really big.- The main villain in infinity war and endgame.- Holds the time stone and has wizard magic.- Big villian who was first made to keep global peace....

MOVIES 2023-10-18

MOVIES crossword puzzle
  1. star wars
  2. how to train your dragon
  3. howl's moving castle
  1. lord of the rings
  2. everything everywhere all at once
  3. spiderman

6 Clues: star warsspidermanlord of the ringshowl's moving castlehow to train your dragoneverything everywhere all at once

Mario 2023-10-04

Mario crossword puzzle
  1. years in talons
  2. Car Committee
  3. Part 1 of Password
  4. Part 3 of Password
  5. my class
  6. Favorite Sport
  1. Your Name
  2. Best Event
  3. best org
  4. Our Mascot
  5. My Favorite Hero
  6. Part 4 of Password
  7. Part 2 of Password

13 Clues: best orgmy classYour NameBest EventOur MascotCar CommitteeFavorite Sportyears in talonsMy Favorite HeroPart 1 of PasswordPart 3 of PasswordPart 4 of PasswordPart 2 of Password

sam's crossword 2024-12-16

sam's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. your favorite color
  2. best dhall
  3. your halloween costume
  4. our first party as a couple
  5. grown baby
  6. worst professor ever
  1. our show
  2. your favorite surgery
  3. spring break
  4. our favorite game
  5. my stomping grounds
  6. my favorite season
  7. where we go
  8. cat
  9. movie you keep trying to get me to watch
  10. my lake
  11. spring semester prime rot
  12. my favorite beer

18 Clues: catmy lakeour showbest dhallgrown babywhere we gospring breakmy favorite beerour favorite gamemy favorite seasonmy stomping groundsyour favorite colorworst professor everyour favorite surgeryyour halloween costumespring semester prime rotour first party as a couplemovie you keep trying to get me to watch

Super Hero Alter Egos 2023-04-23

Super Hero Alter Egos crossword puzzle
  1. Peter Quill
  2. Miles Morales
  3. Wanda Maximoff
  4. Clark Kent
  5. Selina Kyle
  1. Barry Allen
  2. Eric Brooks
  3. Wade Wilson
  4. Diana Prince
  5. Frank Castle

10 Clues: Clark KentBarry AllenEric BrooksWade WilsonPeter QuillSelina KyleDiana PrinceFrank CastleMiles MoralesWanda Maximoff

Where is the Stone? 2024-10-29

Where is the Stone? crossword puzzle
  1. Peter Parker
  2. Natasha Romanoff
  3. Bruce Banner
  4. Tony Stark
  5. Stephen Strange
  1. Steve Rodgers
  2. Bucky Barnes
  3. Wanda Maximoff
  4. T'Challa
  5. Clint Barton

10 Clues: T'ChallaTony StarkBucky BarnesClint BartonPeter ParkerBruce BannerSteve RodgersWanda MaximoffStephen StrangeNatasha Romanoff

Puzzle 2023-04-10

Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Tree-like alien
  2. Russian spy-turned-Avenger
  3. Super soldier
  4. Android Avenger
  5. God of thunder
  6. Mutant with adamantium claws
  7. Little red guy
  8. boring shield
  1. Reality-warping Avenger
  2. Master of mystic arts
  3. big green guy
  4. Merc with a mouth
  5. Raccoon-like creature
  6. Genius billionaire
  7. Friendly neighborhood hero
  8. Symbiote villain-turned-antihero
  9. King of Wakanda
  10. Just some cool equipment

18 Clues: big green guySuper soldierboring shieldGod of thunderLittle red guyTree-like alienAndroid AvengerKing of WakandaMerc with a mouthGenius billionaireMaster of mystic artsRaccoon-like creatureReality-warping AvengerJust some cool equipmentRussian spy-turned-AvengerFriendly neighborhood heroMutant with adamantium clawsSymbiote villain-turned-antihero

Things that might be real!!!!!!!! 2016-01-22

Things that might be real!!!!!!!! crossword puzzle


Movies 2022-06-17

Movies crossword puzzle
  1. Mermaid with red hair
  2. Hakuna Matata
  3. Blue people[not smirf]
  4. A mighty hammer
  5. Rabbit Cops and Fox Thief
  6. Shoots Webs
  7. We wear pink on Wednesday
  1. An American fighting shield
  2. A Flying Suit
  3. Wakanda
  4. Jedi
  5. Bananas and Bello!!
  6. Dinosaurs
  7. Let it go

14 Clues: JediWakandaDinosaursLet it goShoots WebsA Flying SuitHakuna MatataA mighty hammerBananas and Bello!!Mermaid with red hairBlue people[not smirf]Rabbit Cops and Fox ThiefWe wear pink on WednesdayAn American fighting shield

All About Eli 2023-03-10

All About Eli crossword puzzle
  1. Is that a ____?
  2. Cover daddy with ____!
  3. Loves building these
  4. Always practicing this
  5. Favorite type of shirt
  6. Always picking
  7. Best Friend
  8. Favorite fast food
  9. Favorite color
  10. Favorite show
  1. Birth state
  2. First restaurant
  3. Favorite superhero
  4. According to Addie he is this kind of boy
  5. Favorite animal
  6. Always gives this in the car
  7. Lovey
  8. Adjective for JT
  9. First paid job was killing these
  10. Second favorite color

20 Clues: LoveyBirth stateBest FriendFavorite showAlways pickingFavorite colorIs that a ____?Favorite animalFirst restaurantAdjective for JTFavorite superheroFavorite fast foodLoves building theseSecond favorite colorCover daddy with ____!Always practicing thisFavorite type of shirtAlways gives this in the carFirst paid job was killing these...

All About Eli 2023-03-10

All About Eli crossword puzzle
  1. First restaurant
  2. First paid job
  3. Second favorite color
  4. Always giving
  5. Favorite Superhero
  6. favorite fancy food and Breckenridge staple
  7. Favorite Animal
  8. Birthstate
  9. Cover daddy with ___!
  10. Is that a ___?
  11. Favorite thing to give
  1. Favorite color
  2. Favorite Shirts
  3. According to Addie he is a ____ boy
  4. Always practicing
  5. Birth month
  6. Best friend
  7. stuffed lovey
  8. Favorite fast food
  9. Favorite Show
  10. Adjective for JT
  11. Loves building

22 Clues: BirthstateBirth monthBest friendAlways givingstuffed loveyFavorite ShowFavorite colorFirst paid jobLoves buildingIs that a ___?Favorite ShirtsFavorite AnimalFirst restaurantAdjective for JTAlways practicingFavorite SuperheroFavorite fast foodSecond favorite colorCover daddy with ___!Favorite thing to giveAccording to Addie he is a ____ boy...

Rabeeshana Is... 2013-06-09

Rabeeshana Is... crossword puzzle
  1. like your parents
  2. like an artist
  3. like redbull
  4. like a little girl
  5. like a doctor
  6. like a mother to her child
  7. like no one else
  8. like a musician
  9. like in heaven
  1. like Wonderland
  2. like an athlete
  3. like a library
  4. like a bank
  5. like Albert Einstein
  6. like Spiderman
  7. like a cheerleader
  8. like a carebear
  9. like Facebook or Twitter
  10. like a puppy
  11. like a comedian

20 Clues: like a banklike redbulllike a puppylike a doctorlike a librarylike an artistlike Spidermanlike in heavenlike Wonderlandlike an athletelike a carebearlike a comedianlike a musicianlike no one elselike your parentslike a cheerleaderlike a little girllike Albert Einsteinlike Facebook or Twitterlike a mother to her child

Super Heros 2022-01-30

Super Heros crossword puzzle
  1. God Of Thunder
  2. A member of the Guardians of the Galaxy
  3. Lasso of Truth
  4. A super hero that likes hamburgers
  5. Fast
  6. Works in Gotham City
  7. Batman's Lover
  8. Lantern
  9. Uses Webs
  10. Has claws
  11. Has soul stone in head
  1. Green
  2. Has wings and is friends with Captain America
  3. Wakanda
  4. Was born on Krypton
  5. Wizard
  6. Has red hair
  7. Daring
  8. Chimichangas
  9. Batman's Side Kick

20 Clues: FastGreenWizardDaringWakandaLanternUses WebsHas clawsHas red hairChimichangasGod Of ThunderLasso of TruthBatman's LoverBatman's Side KickWas born on KryptonWorks in Gotham CityHas soul stone in headA super hero that likes hamburgersA member of the Guardians of the GalaxyHas wings and is friends with Captain America

OVs 2022-03-23

OVs crossword puzzle
  1. Culture/background
  2. Favourite Colour
  3. Favourite superhero
  4. afraid of?
  5. Favourite fruit
  1. Hobby
  2. Favourite sport
  3. Favourite animal
  4. language that I speak at home
  5. Favourite Music
  6. Favourite book series

11 Clues: Hobbyafraid of?Favourite sportFavourite MusicFavourite fruitFavourite animalFavourite ColourCulture/backgroundFavourite superheroFavourite book serieslanguage that I speak at home

family 2023-12-25

family crossword puzzle
  1. loves pokemon
  2. plays ps5 too much
  3. loves spiderman
  4. loves cowboys
  5. has too many shoes
  6. white truck owner
  1. rat owner
  2. leeroy obsession
  3. hello kitty obsessed
  4. girl pet
  5. boy pet
  6. obsessed w landon

12 Clues: boy petgirl petrat ownerloves pokemonloves cowboysloves spidermanleeroy obsessionobsessed w landonwhite truck ownerplays ps5 too muchhas too many shoeshello kitty obsessed

do you know your games :) 2022-06-03

do you know your games :) crossword puzzle
  1. grand theft
  2. kratos
  3. sus
  4. crafting
  1. web swinging
  2. black ops
  3. basketball
  4. battle royal
  5. master cheif

9 Clues: suskratoscraftingblack opsbasketballgrand theftweb swingingbattle royalmaster cheif

do you know your games :) 2022-06-03

do you know your games :) crossword puzzle
  1. grand theft
  2. kratos
  3. sus
  4. crafting
  1. web swinging
  2. black ops
  3. basketball
  4. battle royal
  5. master cheif

9 Clues: suskratoscraftingblack opsbasketballgrand theftweb swingingbattle royalmaster cheif