tik tok Crossword Puzzles
Itt van az ősz itt van újra 2020-10-20
21 Clues: tény • tartó • évszak • vulkán • létige • hangszer • nem régi • idegesítő • gumitömlő • nem ittas • madárgyomor • kerti virág • katonsi tömb • ízesítőanyag • gyermekjáték • amely helyen • régi űrmérték • ehhez hasonló • ritka férfi név • föld alatti rész • utolsó előtti hónap
tik 2022-04-08
- dengan apa pelayan kepada pasien dapat dilakukan dengan cepat?
- sistem yang berusaha mengadopsi pengetahuan mansuia ke komputer adalah sistem?
- mesin pemindai berbentuk lingkaran yg besar dinamakan?
- radiografi ialah pengguna untuk?
- selain E-Learning materi bisa dikirimkan kepada siswa melalui?
- aplikasi yang keempat ialah?
- E-learning gunanya untuk?
- semakin canggih sehingga dunia dikatakan?
- aplikasi yang ketiga ialah?
- ada 5 aplikasi untuk penarapan cloud computing yang pertama adalah?
- pada pertengahan 2014 nadiem dapat tawaran ... dana
- pusat pengelola internet dan juga aplikasi pengguna yaitu?
- aplikasi yang terakhir ialah?
- aplikasi yang kedua ialah?
14 Clues: E-learning gunanya untuk? • aplikasi yang kedua ialah? • aplikasi yang ketiga ialah? • aplikasi yang keempat ialah? • aplikasi yang terakhir ialah? • radiografi ialah pengguna untuk? • semakin canggih sehingga dunia dikatakan? • pada pertengahan 2014 nadiem dapat tawaran ... dana • mesin pemindai berbentuk lingkaran yg besar dinamakan? • ...
Traffic - Vocabulary 2019-12-25
kruiswoordraadsel 2014-04-30
15 Clues: Melk • Fijn • Keer • Duel • Vlam • Damp • Alleen • Reisweg • Bromfiets • Punctueel • Niet krom • Denkbeeld • Speelkaart • Munt van Hongarije • Veiligheidshelm paardrijden
Chapter 6 (The Elephant Man) 2020-04-21
23 Clues: tog • ven • hud • brev • redd • bekk • ingen • ta på • vakker • blomar • teater • drosje • stille • fengsel • spanande • skodespel • vanskeleg • sjukepleiar • tok med seg • høg (om lyd) • huske (verb) • gjester, besøkande • landsbygda, på landet
Srce, krv, krvne žile 2020-03-18
- krv bogata ugljikovim dioksidom
- najtanje krvne žile
- krvne pločice sudjeluju u zgrušavanju krvi
- krvne stanice koje sudjeluju u obrani organizma
- tok krvi između srca i pluća
- krv bogata kisikom
- pulsiranje arterije osjetimo kao _________
- krvne žile koje vode krv od srca prema tijelu
- bolest pri kojoj krv ne može prenijeti dovoljnu količinu kisika do stanica
- pritisak krvi na stijenke krvnih žila
- krvne žile koje vode krv od tijela prema srcu
- tok krvi između srca i svih organa u organizmu
- krvne stanice koje prenose kisik
- bolest koja zahvaća leukocite
- unošenje krvi davatelja u krv primatelja
- tekući dio krvi
16 Clues: tekući dio krvi • krv bogata kisikom • najtanje krvne žile • tok krvi između srca i pluća • bolest koja zahvaća leukocite • krv bogata ugljikovim dioksidom • krvne stanice koje prenose kisik • pritisak krvi na stijenke krvnih žila • unošenje krvi davatelja u krv primatelja • krvne pločice sudjeluju u zgrušavanju krvi • pulsiranje arterije osjetimo kao _________ • ...
Ponovitev geografije (S in Z Evropa) 7. razred 2022-03-15
- Kaj je posledica ledeniškega delovanja?
- Kako se imenuje ljudstvo, ki živi na severu S Evrope?
- Katera je najbolj nižinska država v Z Evropi?
- Kakšna je povprečna razlika med plimo in oseko v Z Evropi?
- Med kakšne tokove spada Severnoatlantski tok?
- Iz kje prihaja Severnoatlantski tok?
- Kje ležijo države Z Evrope?
- Kje se nahaja največje pristanišče v Evropi?
- Katero je največje mesto Z Evrope?
- Kaj je klif?
- Kje se je najprej razvila industrija?
- Kako se imenujejo območja pod morsko gladino?
- Kako sipina nastane?
- Kako izkoriščajo razliko med plimo in oseko?
- Kakšno je skupno ime Belgije, Nizozemske in Luksemburga?
- Kateri deli S Evrope so bolj poseljeni?
- Kje se nahaja največja sipina v Evropi?
- Nizozemsko govoreči prebivalci Belgije na SZ?
- Kaj je težava fjordov?
- Katera država S Evrope velja za "deželo tisočih jezer"?
- Francosko govoreči prebivalci Belgije na JV?
- Katera vera prevladuje v S Evropi?
- Katero je največje pristanišče v Evropi?
- Kaj je pomen fjordov?
- Kako se imenuje največja sipina v Evropi?
- Kakšno podnebje je v Z Evropi?
- Zakaj morje v Botnijskem zalivu pozimi zamrzne pri Nordkapu pa ne?
- Kakšna je težava za obmorske države Z Evrope?
- Katera država je znana po gejzirjih?
- V kateri državi se nahaja najsevernejša točka evropske celine?
- Kako nastane klif?
- Katero je najbolj deževno mesto v Evropi?
- Kakšna je povprečna nadmorska višina nizozemske?
33 Clues: Kaj je klif? • Kako nastane klif? • Kako sipina nastane? • Kaj je pomen fjordov? • Kaj je težava fjordov? • Kje ležijo države Z Evrope? • Kakšno podnebje je v Z Evropi? • Katera vera prevladuje v S Evropi? • Katero je največje mesto Z Evrope? • Iz kje prihaja Severnoatlantski tok? • Katera država je znana po gejzirjih? • Kje se je najprej razvila industrija? • ...
TOKrossword 2017-04-24
- Includes paintings and music
- Associated with instinct
- Believed by everyone
- Associated with different cultures
- Supported by evidence
- Necessary for creativity
- Associated with morals
- Center of TOK Internal Assessment
- Includes mathematics, ethics, and history
- Includes biology and chemistry
- Used to speak
- Sees other perspectives
- Includes psychology
- Involves calculations and solving equations
- Essential for TOK analysis
- Often used in religion
- Includes memory, emotion, and intuition
- Way of doing activities
- Involves sight, smell, and touch
- Includes Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism
- Involves looking back on knowledge
- Not afraid to be wrong
- Derives from group work
- A feeling
- Comes from individual work
- Associated with using thoughts
- Involves studying the past
- Used to make valid conclusions
- Used to remember the past
- Associated with sympathy
30 Clues: A feeling • Used to speak • Includes psychology • Believed by everyone • Supported by evidence • Often used in religion • Not afraid to be wrong • Associated with morals • Way of doing activities • Derives from group work • Sees other perspectives • Associated with instinct • Necessary for creativity • Associated with sympathy • Used to remember the past • Comes from individual work • ...
TOK Crossword Puzzle 2017-04-25
- procedural knowledge and recollections
- belief in others and belief in yourself
- yearn for knowledge
- ex. beliefs of democracy, communism
- innate knowledge
- explore issues that have both local and global significance
- need creativity, problem solving and originality
- ex. sadness, happiness; often thought as faulty way of knowing
- uses numbers and theorems
- life is like a tight rope; you need to be____
- minded receptive and non-judgemental
- ex. study of the French Revolution
- closely linked to logic
- ex. balance in law
- look back on their experiences
- perception use senses like hearing and seeing
- able to relay information to others
- act with integrity and honesty
- apply thinking skills to make decisions
- used for communication
- make selfless actions to help others
- arts ex. sculpting, painting, and dancing
- explore the unknown with courage and creativity
- sciences ex. biology and chemistry
- sciences ex. psychology, anthropology
25 Clues: innate knowledge • ex. balance in law • yearn for knowledge • used for communication • closely linked to logic • uses numbers and theorems • look back on their experiences • act with integrity and honesty • sciences ex. biology and chemistry • ex. study of the French Revolution • ex. beliefs of democracy, communism • able to relay information to others • ...
Križanka 2023-10-16
- gorski potok z zelo velikim padcem
- peč za pridobivanje surovega železa
- gradbeni stroj
- oblika padavine
- eden temeljnih materialov v gradbeništvu, občutljiv na upogib
- ____ tok je tok snovi, pri katerem so tokovnice urejene in gladke
- del vodovodnega omrežja
- pojav prehoda tekoče vode s površine tal in rastlin v atmosfero
- pvc
- poznamo jeklene, lesene, armiranobetonske in zidane
- priprava za merjenje količine padavin
- dejavnost, ki se ukvarja z izdelovanjem zemljevidov, kart določenega območja
- lastnost snovi, da težko teče
- uporablja se za sterilizacijo pitne vode
- jama, kjer se koplje gramoz
- po njem se imenuje preizkus namenjen določitvi optimalne vlažnosti zemljine za vgradnjo v nasipe
- razdiralni napad na kovino
- po njih določimo starost lesa
- poglobljeni del rečne struge
- naprava za opazovanje najmanjših premikov in deformacij
- razjedanje zemeljske površine
21 Clues: pvc • gradbeni stroj • oblika padavine • del vodovodnega omrežja • razdiralni napad na kovino • jama, kjer se koplje gramoz • poglobljeni del rečne struge • lastnost snovi, da težko teče • po njih določimo starost lesa • razjedanje zemeljske površine • gorski potok z zelo velikim padcem • peč za pridobivanje surovega železa • priprava za merjenje količine padavin • ...
Pavasarį žydintys miško augalai 2013-03-25
- Itin dažna lapuočių miškų gėlė, kuri gali būti arba balta, arba geltona
- Pavasarį pražystantis orchidėjinių šeimos augalas
- Labai retas, į baltąją plukę panašus augalas
- Vienas iš labiausiai apdainuotų pavasarį žydinčių miško augalų
- Miško gėlė, kuri žydėdama vis keičia spalvą
- Dekoratyvus miško augalas, kurio kvapas nuodingas
- Šiuo pavasarį žydinčiu krūmo vardu anksčiau vadintas Balandžio mėnuo
- Augalas, kuris turi tik vieną uogą ir tik 4 lapus
- Rūgštaus skonio augalas
- Kažką bendro su apavu turintis augalas
- Vienas iš ankstyviausių žydinčių augalų, mažais blizgančiais lapeliais
- Puošni balų gėlė, yra to paties pavadinimo tortas
- Vienas iš penkių nuodingiausių Lietuvos augalų
- Ant lazdyno šaknų parazituojantis, bechlorofilis augalas
- Moliuskų apdulkinamas augalas
- Labai anksti žydintis, bet lapai, naudojami vaistams, užauga tik po nužydėjimo
- Kažką su raktais turintis bendro augalas
- Poetas A.Bernotas viename eilėraštyje rašė: "O Lakaja, tau kaklą apkabino rankogaliai, rankogaliai balti". Koks tai augalas?
- "Vištų pienė"
- Kuklūs žiedeliai, skanios uogelės
- Raudonosios knygos puošni gėlė
21 Clues: "Vištų pienė" • Rūgštaus skonio augalas • Moliuskų apdulkinamas augalas • Raudonosios knygos puošni gėlė • Kuklūs žiedeliai, skanios uogelės • Kažką bendro su apavu turintis augalas • Kažką su raktais turintis bendro augalas • Miško gėlė, kuri žydėdama vis keičia spalvą • Labai retas, į baltąją plukę panašus augalas • Vienas iš penkių nuodingiausių Lietuvos augalų • ...
Irregular verbs 2023-03-23
5-mustaqil ish 2024-11-02
- Chakka suyagining asab tizimiga ta'sir ko‘rsatadigan joy
- Os parietale ning o‘rtasidagi tik chiziq
- Os temporale ichida joylashgan quloq nervi
- Os parietale ni old tomonidan o‘rta qismiga qadar bo‘ylab joylashgan tik chiziq
- Os temporale ichida joylashgan eshitish organi
- Os parietale yuqoridan pastga qarab joylashgan suyak
- Os temporale ichidagi ichki quloq va muvozanat organi
- Chakka suyagining yuqori yassi qismi
- Os temporale ning tomoni bo‘ylab joylashgan va quloq canalini hosil qiluvchi qism
- Os parietale ning eng yuqori nuqtasi
- Chakka suyagining orqa qismidagi jarayon, mastoid jarayoni
- Os temporale ni bog‘laydigan suyak
- Os parietale ning old qismidagi tik chiziq
- Chakka suyagining ikki qismi o‘rtasidagi bog‘lanish joyi
- Os temporale ning ichki qismida joylashgan o‘rta quloq uchun muhim joy
15 Clues: Os temporale ni bog‘laydigan suyak • Os parietale ning eng yuqori nuqtasi • Chakka suyagining yuqori yassi qismi • Os parietale ning o‘rtasidagi tik chiziq • Os temporale ichida joylashgan quloq nervi • Os parietale ning old qismidagi tik chiziq • Os temporale ichida joylashgan eshitish organi • Os parietale yuqoridan pastga qarab joylashgan suyak • ...
TOK Study Guide 2021-10-25
- Knowledge that has been established beyond a reasonable doubt
- Mostly refers to how we can use knowledge by individuals in a society
- To examine facts in a particular case and then figure out what they mean to draw conclusions
- A type of explanation that attempts to persuade the reader
- Any fact/claim that someone offers in support of another claim
- Being in a position to accurately explain reality
- easy to explain, immediate (personal knowledge)
- The knowledge that has a broad scope (how do we know)
- The knowledge that has a narrow scope (what do we know)
- The ethical commitment between an individual and the world around them
- The criteria we use when we can't trust our senses
- The process by which 2 or more people work together towards a common goal
- Something that is true if it's useful
- Corresponds with something we can observe
- A logical and rational assessment of information
- Questions about how knowledge is produced, acquired, shared and used
- The process of transferring thoughts and ideas from one person to another
- The process for developing and expressing ideas
- When more than 1 person agrees with your claim
- The importance we give to different ways of seeing the world
- That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, etc.
- abstract, incomplete knowledge (shared throughout a knowledge community)
- Beau Lotto's famous quote
- Claims made by someone when they say they "know something"
- The study of origins, methods, and validity of the ways of knowing and how they relate to each other
- A description of a thing/system/phenomenon
- The particular pov of an individual to determine what is important
- The ability to observe/analyze such that we have not shaped our processes
- A limited perspective of the truth, but it's not always the truth
- Aligns with what we know
- A compelling situation drawn from the real world
31 Clues: Aligns with what we know • Beau Lotto's famous quote • Something that is true if it's useful • Corresponds with something we can observe • A description of a thing/system/phenomenon • When more than 1 person agrees with your claim • The process for developing and expressing ideas • easy to explain, immediate (personal knowledge) • ...
zıt anlamlı kelimeler 2021-10-29
TOK Recap Crossword 2024-09-03
- History written in a story-based form
- Characteristic of an indigenous knowledge system, encompassing the whole of a thing
- The creator of the modern art “Fountain”
- A prediction in physics that was made by Einstein
- People whose judgement are usually weighted more in their field due to experience
- Technique in the natural sciences that removes ambiguity, e.g. SI Units
- Scientific _______, an explanation based on evidence but has not yet been proven or disproven
- Ethical __________, a moral duty or responsibility
- A form of expression, knowledge that can only be understood in a certain language
- The individual perspective and identity of a person
- The extent of the area of knowledge which is relevant
- A sense of community that is felt in cultural spaces
- A type of knowledge involving and being shared by all people
- An irrational fear or hostility towards people from other countries
- Check the accuracy of
- A mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols
- A person who dislikes, despises or is strongly prejudiced against women
- A human science, the study of moral decisions
- Outcomes determine the morality of an action
- A creator of literary art
- Specialised language used by professions or groups
- One of the most important numbers
- The drawn interpretation of history with only one course of time
- An example of a natural science, deals with space and the universe
- An aspect of aesthetics or appearance that is standardised, which can help evaluate art
- Showing inclination against something based on personal experience
26 Clues: Check the accuracy of • A creator of literary art • One of the most important numbers • History written in a story-based form • The creator of the modern art “Fountain” • Outcomes determine the morality of an action • A human science, the study of moral decisions • A prediction in physics that was made by Einstein • Specialised language used by professions or groups • ...
Jonelio Mokyklos Projektas 2024-03-21
- Geriausias vyro draugas
- Didžiausią valstybę
- Prie Ispanijos šalis
- Jono geriausias draugas (Pirma raidė A)
- Juodoji jūra sudaro koks mineralas ?
- Jono vardas
- raudonas kaip....
- Jono kaimas
- Sako šį valstybė yra apačioje žemės
- Panemunėlio rajonas
- šis gyvūnas visa dieną tik miega
- Kokia jo klasė jei jam vienuolika
- Tik Lietuva turi šitą raidė
- mūsų Išganytojas
- Europa ir Azija=?
15 Clues: Jono kaimas • Jono vardas • mūsų Išganytojas • Europa ir Azija=? • raudonas kaip.... • Panemunėlio rajonas • Didžiausią valstybę • Prie Ispanijos šalis • Geriausias vyro draugas • Tik Lietuva turi šitą raidė • šis gyvūnas visa dieną tik miega • Kokia jo klasė jei jam vienuolika • Sako šį valstybė yra apačioje žemės • Juodoji jūra sudaro koks mineralas ? • ...
30 Clues: kötü • - çok • - tok • - sol • savaş • - acı • - zor • - üst • - dolu • - kısa • - genç • - kuru • - yeni • çirkin • - fakir • - hafif • - yakın • - bayat • - üzgün • - sabah • - soğuk • - yavaş • - yavaş • - büyük • - kirli • - yanlış • - yüksek • - yukarı • - gündüz • - çalışkan
TOK Crossword Puzzle 2017-04-25
- ex. sculpting, painting, and dancing
- look back on their experiences
- belief in the unseen
- uses numbers and theorems
- closely linked to logic
- ex. hearing and seeing
- used for communication
- explore issues of significance
- ex. beliefs of democracy, communism
- innate knowledge
- yearn for knowledge
- ex. study of French Revolution
- you need a ____ diet
- explore the unknown with courage
- ex. balance in law
- sciences ex. psychology, anthropology
- procedural knowledge and recollections
- through talking and texting
- need creativity, and problem solving
- helping others with selfless actions
- act with integrity and honesty
- minded receptive and non-judgemental
- make decisions with thinking skills
- ex. sadness, happiness
- sciences ex. biology and chemistry
25 Clues: innate knowledge • ex. balance in law • yearn for knowledge • you need a ____ diet • belief in the unseen • ex. hearing and seeing • used for communication • ex. sadness, happiness • closely linked to logic • uses numbers and theorems • through talking and texting • look back on their experiences • act with integrity and honesty • explore issues of significance • ...
song artists 2020-11-12
- Ricky Montgomery sings this song about his insecurities about his girlfriend being out of his league
- olly murs and flo rida sing about a girl who love making trouble around town
- Robbie Williams sings about a girl that's real but not real at the same time, and it includes sweets
- Neon Trees wrote this song and he's singing about wanting to be more than friends
- Alan Walkers most famous song
- blackbear and FRND sing this song, it's about a mental illness that makes you stress more than you should
- a band called McFly sings this and it's their most popular song
- a band called '5 seconds of summer' sang this song it's about loosing your memories
- Maroon 5 the band is singing about having to leave in the morning after spending the night with his love/girlfriend
- Bruno Mars sings this song and it's about treasure
- Studio Killers made this song and it's really popular song on tik tok
11 Clues: Alan Walkers most famous song • Bruno Mars sings this song and it's about treasure • a band called McFly sings this and it's their most popular song • Studio Killers made this song and it's really popular song on tik tok • olly murs and flo rida sing about a girl who love making trouble around town • ...
Deep Fakes 2022-06-30
- A computer programme that has been designed to think
- a video of a person in which their face or body has been digitally altered so that they appear to be someone else, typically used maliciously or to spread false information
- These AI systems mimic the way that neurons in the human brain connect, which allows computers to “learn” like humans
- Alexa’s senior
- a machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions automatically
- a women that was in a deep fake video on tik tok
- news articles that are intentionally and verifiably false
- a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
- Speaker of the US House of Representatives, which is one of the two chambers in Congress
- A virtual assistant technology system used by more than 100 million people.
- the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry
11 Clues: Alexa’s senior • a women that was in a deep fake video on tik tok • A computer programme that has been designed to think • news articles that are intentionally and verifiably false • A virtual assistant technology system used by more than 100 million people. • the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry • ...
tik 2024-11-20
- kipas apa yang mengeluarkan udara panas dari kotak sasis
- perangkat lunak yang berfungsi untuk pengolah kata
- kipas apa yang menyedot udara dingin dari luar
- perangkat lunak apa yang berfungsi untuk menjalankan perangkat keras melalui aplikasi yang berjalan
- langkah pertama yang dilakukan sebelum membersihkan monitor yaitu di
- fitur pembaruan pada aplikasi Audacity ada pada menu
- tujuan pembaruan perangkat lunak yaitu untuk ...... komputer
- sebelum membersihkan mouse kita mencabut colokan
- kain apa yang di pakai untuk membersihkan perangkat keras
- singkatan dari central processing unit adalah
- pemeliharaan komputer selain perangkat keras adalah
- komponen utama ditempatkan pada kotak
- cara meminimalisir terjadinya kerusakan
- perangkat lunak sistem berguna untuk mengatur
- cara pemeliharaan perangkat lunak
15 Clues: cara pemeliharaan perangkat lunak • komponen utama ditempatkan pada kotak • cara meminimalisir terjadinya kerusakan • singkatan dari central processing unit adalah • perangkat lunak sistem berguna untuk mengatur • kipas apa yang menyedot udara dingin dari luar • sebelum membersihkan mouse kita mencabut colokan • perangkat lunak yang berfungsi untuk pengolah kata • ...
5-mustaqil ish 2024-11-02
- Chakka suyagining asab tizimiga ta'sir ko‘rsatadigan joy
- Os temporale ning ichki qismida joylashgan o‘rta quloq uchun muhim joy
- Os temporale ichida joylashgan quloq nervi
- Chakka suyagining ikki qismi o‘rtasidagi bog‘lanish joyi
- Chakka suyagining yuqori yassi qismi
- Os temporale ni bog‘laydigan suyak
- Os parietale yuqoridan pastga qarab joylashgan suyak
- Chakka suyagining orqa qismidagi jarayon, mastoid jarayoni
- Os parietale ning eng yuqori nuqtasi
- Os parietale ni old tomonidan o‘rta qismiga qadar bo‘ylab joylashgan tik chiziq
- Os parietale ning o‘rtasidagi tik chiziq
- Os temporale ichida joylashgan eshitish organi
- Os parietale ning old qismidagi tik chiziq
- Os temporale ichidagi ichki quloq va muvozanat organi
- Os temporale ning tomoni bo‘ylab joylashgan va quloq canalini hosil qiluvchi qism
15 Clues: Os temporale ni bog‘laydigan suyak • Os parietale ning eng yuqori nuqtasi • Chakka suyagining yuqori yassi qismi • Os parietale ning o‘rtasidagi tik chiziq • Os temporale ichida joylashgan quloq nervi • Os parietale ning old qismidagi tik chiziq • Os temporale ichida joylashgan eshitish organi • Os parietale yuqoridan pastga qarab joylashgan suyak • ...
Zıt Anlamlar Bulmacası Kerim Köker 2021-01-14
30 Clues: Üst • Çok • Tok • Üst • Kara • Taze • Dolu • Eksi • Uslu • Savaş • Hafif • Tatlı • Sabah • Pasif • Akıllı • Çarpma • Gülmek • Yukarı • Farklı • Satıcı • Korkak • Sonuncu • Kibirli • Kapatmak • Bitirmek • Darılmak • Çoğalmak • Karanlık • Kaybetmek • Korkaklık
Pavasarį žydintys miško augalai 2013-03-25
- Poetas A.Bernotas viename eilėraštyje rašė: "O Lakaja, tau kaklą apkabino rankogaliai, rankogaliai balti". Koks tai augalas?
- Raudonosios knygos puošni gėlė
- Puošni balų gėlė, yra to paties pavadinimo tortas
- Pavasarį pražystantis orchidėjinių šeimos augalas
- Šiuo pavasarį žydinčiu krūmo vardu anksčiau vadintas Balandžio mėnuo
- Rūgštaus skonio augalas
- "Vištų pienė"
- Augalas, kuris turi tik vieną uogą ir tik 4 lapus
- Kažką bendro su apavu turintis augalas
- Kažką su raktais turintis bendro augalas
- Vienas iš labiausiai apdainuotų pavasarį žydinčių miško augalų
- Labai anksti žydintis, bet lapai, naudojami vaistams, užauga tik po nužydėjimo
- Itin dažna lapuočių miškų gėlė, kuri gali būti arba balta, arba geltona
- Vienas iš penkių nuodingiausių Lietuvos augalų
- Labai retas, į baltąją plukę panašus augalas
- Vienas iš ankstyviausių žydinčių augalų, mažais blizgančiais lapeliais
- Moliuskų apdulkinamas augalas
- Ant lazdyno šaknų parazituojantis, bechlorofilis augalas
- Dekoratyvus miško augalas, kurio kvapas nuodingas
- Miško gėlė, kuri žydėdama vis keičia spalvą
- Kuklūs žiedeliai, skanios uogelės
21 Clues: "Vištų pienė" • Rūgštaus skonio augalas • Moliuskų apdulkinamas augalas • Raudonosios knygos puošni gėlė • Kuklūs žiedeliai, skanios uogelės • Kažką bendro su apavu turintis augalas • Kažką su raktais turintis bendro augalas • Miško gėlė, kuri žydėdama vis keičia spalvą • Labai retas, į baltąją plukę panašus augalas • Vienas iš penkių nuodingiausių Lietuvos augalų • ...
- primjer troglobionta je pećinski
- uz vode tekućice najčešće raste vrba, joha i
- uz troglobionte i troglokseni u podzemnim vodama žive i
- uz obalu su organizmi koji su loši
- mehanizam koji pomaže u održavanju homeostaze je
- primjer životinje zakržljalih očiju jest ribica
- jedna od karakteristika podzemnih voda jest nedostatak
- zbog površinske napetosti neki organizmi mogu hodati po vodi, primjer je
- dijelovi rijeke su: gornji tok, donji tok i
- u podzemnim vodama nema primarnih proizvođača, odnosno
- kopnene vode dijelimo na: vode stajaćice, podzemne vode i vode
- ekosustav naziva se i
- slatkovodne vode su u odnosu na hipertonične organizme
- podzemne vode teku uz pomoć
- u gornjem toku je visoka koncentracija
- ekosustav je zajednica biocenoze i
- puči s gornje strane ima
17 Clues: ekosustav naziva se i • puči s gornje strane ima • podzemne vode teku uz pomoć • primjer troglobionta je pećinski • uz obalu su organizmi koji su loši • ekosustav je zajednica biocenoze i • u gornjem toku je visoka koncentracija • dijelovi rijeke su: gornji tok, donji tok i • uz vode tekućice najčešće raste vrba, joha i • mehanizam koji pomaže u održavanju homeostaze je • ...
TOK Crossword 2022-06-27
- - If you're accountable for something, then you have...?
- - an available body of facts.
- - The customs, beliefs, and ideas of a society.
- - An impartial approach to a situation
- - A statement or accountment makes something clear.
- - Two different opinions are two different...?
- - The way I see it, the way you see it.
- - A person's morals, ethics, and code.
- - "_____! Unlimited ____!" The ability to control someone or something
- - The indisputably correct fact.
- - I'm sure of it.
- - showing something to be right or reasonable.
12 Clues: - I'm sure of it. • - an available body of facts. • - The indisputably correct fact. • - A person's morals, ethics, and code. • - An impartial approach to a situation • - The way I see it, the way you see it. • - Two different opinions are two different...? • - showing something to be right or reasonable. • - The customs, beliefs, and ideas of a society. • ...
TOK Concepts 2024-04-29
- The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
- the art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other.
- the quality or state of being true.
- the action of showing something to be right or reasonable.
- the fact of being based on facts and not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings
- principles or standards of behaviour; one's judgement of what is important in life.
- the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
- The ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way.
- the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
- firm conviction that something is the case.
- the action of explaining the meaning of something.
- a statement or account that makes something clear.
12 Clues: the quality or state of being true. • firm conviction that something is the case. • the action of explaining the meaning of something. • a statement or account that makes something clear. • the action of showing something to be right or reasonable. • The ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way. • ...
zıt anlam 2020-07-18
Bab 7-Putri Dania 3E 2021-10-27
- Tempat Tok Janggut rancang untuk menyerang
- Nama panggilam bagi pembesar Temerloh setelah kematian Orang Kaya Indera Segara
- Kutipan cukai berdasarkan jumlah ___
- Sasaran serangan Mat Salleh pada November 1897
- Mat Sator juga dikenali sebagai ____
- Dikenali sebagai Penghulu Naning Seri Merah
- Gelaran Tok Gajah
- Jenis senapang dalam angkatan Dol Said
- Kubu yang dimiliki oleh Mat Sator
- Haji Abdul Rahman Limbong memohon _____ untuk menjadi wakil tertuduh
- Diperkenalkan oleh british untuk memberi peluang kepada Sultan menyuarakan pandangan
- Maksud MCS
- Menentang British di Pahang kerana hilang hak mengutip cukai
- Individu yang menewaskan Rentap dalam serangan ketiga (1861)
- British kerugian 7000 Pound Sterling dalam ____
- Haji Abdul Rahman dibicarakan dan dibuang negeri ke ______
16 Clues: Maksud MCS • Gelaran Tok Gajah • Kubu yang dimiliki oleh Mat Sator • Kutipan cukai berdasarkan jumlah ___ • Mat Sator juga dikenali sebagai ____ • Jenis senapang dalam angkatan Dol Said • Tempat Tok Janggut rancang untuk menyerang • Dikenali sebagai Penghulu Naning Seri Merah • Sasaran serangan Mat Salleh pada November 1897 • British kerugian 7000 Pound Sterling dalam ____ • ...
INŠTALACIJE 2024-02-04
- Kako imenujemo material z oznako "Cu"
- Za kaj uporabimo vodnik rumeno zelene barve?
- Zapiši kratico inštituta za telekomunikacijo.
- Kako imenujemo del tehnične risbe s podatki?
- Pri katerem predmetu smo obravnavali varstvo pri delu?
- Kako označimo ozemljitveno nevtralni vodnik?
- Enota za električni tok je...
- Sestavlja ga ena izolirana žica.
- Kaj pomeni črka "T" pri inštalacijskih sistemih?
- Veličina, ki je definirana z močjo in časom v urah. Električna...
- Za nevtralni ali ničelni vodnik se uporablja _____ barva vodnika.
- Kdo potrdi tehnični predpis? Pristojni...
- Dokument, ki je osnova standardizacije
- Enota za električno napetost je...
- Katero veličino imajo skupno zaporedno vezani porabniki?
15 Clues: Enota za električni tok je... • Sestavlja ga ena izolirana žica. • Enota za električno napetost je... • Kako imenujemo material z oznako "Cu" • Dokument, ki je osnova standardizacije • Kdo potrdi tehnični predpis? Pristojni... • Za kaj uporabimo vodnik rumeno zelene barve? • Kako imenujemo del tehnične risbe s podatki? • Kako označimo ozemljitveno nevtralni vodnik? • ...
Mozgás 2017-03-15
- a fej váza
- a törzs váza
- a csontok így kapcsolódnak
- az ízületi tok és szalagok megnyúlnak, a csontvég mozdul
- a csontok elhagyják helyüket,ízületi tok és szalagok elszakad
- csontokból álló rendszer
- ebben az üregben megy a gerincvelő
- ebből áll a gerincoszlop
- a vér sejtes elemeit állítja elő
- az izmok ezekkel kapcsolódnak a csontokhoz
10 Clues: a fej váza • a törzs váza • csontokból álló rendszer • ebből áll a gerincoszlop • a csontok így kapcsolódnak • a vér sejtes elemeit állítja elő • ebben az üregben megy a gerincvelő • az izmok ezekkel kapcsolódnak a csontokhoz • az ízületi tok és szalagok megnyúlnak, a csontvég mozdul • a csontok elhagyják helyüket,ízületi tok és szalagok elszakad
- Tokoh yang menentang bayaran cukai yang dikenankan oleh British di Naning.
- Siapakah tokoh penentangan di Sarawak?
- British menggunakan stategi…….kepada Tok Janggut dengan mendesak Sultan Muhammad IV mengistiharkan perjuangan Tok Janggut sebagai penderhaka kepada Sultan.
- Brooke menggunakan meriam tembaga dan angkatan tentera yang besar untuk menyerang kubu Rentap di Bukit Sadok menyebabkan Rentap Berundur ke ……..
- Apakah kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh Yamtuan Antah, Rentap dan Mat Sator?
- Pada tahun 1894, Dato Bahaman dan pengikutnya berjaya menanam Kuala Tembeling dan………
- Perluasan kuasa British di …. telah mengugat kedudukan Yamtuan Antah.Dimanakah kubu pertahanan yang dibina oleh Yamtuan Antah?
- Yamtuan Antah dan Tok Jangggut menentang penguasaan British melalui pennentangan ………….
- SBUB membenarkan Mat Salleh mentadbir……… tetapi akhirnya mungkir janji dan mengambil alih pentadbiran tersebut.
- Siapakah yang mengetuai penentangan di Pahang.
- Kubu pertahanan Rentap terletak di kawasan curam dan perbukitan tinggi. Dimanakah kubu tersebut terletk.
- Larangan mengutip cukai oleh… menyebabkan Sultan Abdullah dan pembesar lain terjejas pendapatan.
- Penetangan Mat Salleh telah berakhir pada tahun 1900, kerana beliautelah gugur dalam pertempuran di ....
- Kedatangan British ke Naning telah mengugat kedaulatan Naning. Kerana Dol Said mendakwa Naning sebuah negeri yang …..
- meriam kecil .... digunakan Dol Said dalam pertempuran kerana mudah dibawa.
- Dato Maharaja Lela berjaya membunuh JWW BIRCH di ...
16 Clues: Siapakah tokoh penentangan di Sarawak? • Siapakah yang mengetuai penentangan di Pahang. • Dato Maharaja Lela berjaya membunuh JWW BIRCH di ... • Apakah kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh Yamtuan Antah, Rentap dan Mat Sator? • Tokoh yang menentang bayaran cukai yang dikenankan oleh British di Naning. • ...
IB Diploma Programme Crossword Puzzle 2024-01-23
- Essay of 4000 words
- The S in CAS
- The A in CAS
- __ Assessment (“IA”) - a project for each course
- ___ Level courses take 2 years to complete
- ___ & Progress form to complete during essay writing processes
- Knowledge & the ___: TOK unit on exploring ourselves as knowers
- College ___ we hope to receive from high scores on exams :)
- TOK assessment with objects
- Learner profile trait of achieving well-being
- The C in CAS
- IA for language courses: Internal ___
12 Clues: The S in CAS • The C in CAS • The A in CAS • Essay of 4000 words • TOK assessment with objects • IA for language courses: Internal ___ • ___ Level courses take 2 years to complete • Learner profile trait of achieving well-being • __ Assessment (“IA”) - a project for each course • College ___ we hope to receive from high scores on exams :) • ...
2. razred Biljna tkiva 2020-05-28
- Sekundarno kožno tkivo, kod kore drveća.
- Koja vrsta provodnog tkiva omogućuje uzlazni tok vode/minerala?
- Sinonim za adventivno korijenje
- Učvršćuje izdanak.
- Njima biljka upija vodu i minerale (← korjenove...)
- Vrsta vanjskih tkiva za lučenje i izlučivanje.
- Uloge su mu fotosinteza, transpiracija i gutacija.
- Tkiva koja imaju trajnu sposobnost mitotske diobe su?
- Nosi listove, pupove, generativne organe.
- Živo potporno ili mehaničko tkivo.
- Provodno živo tkivo koje omogućuje silazni tok asimilata.
- Zove se osnovno tkivo ili?
12 Clues: Učvršćuje izdanak. • Zove se osnovno tkivo ili? • Sinonim za adventivno korijenje • Živo potporno ili mehaničko tkivo. • Sekundarno kožno tkivo, kod kore drveća. • Nosi listove, pupove, generativne organe. • Vrsta vanjskih tkiva za lučenje i izlučivanje. • Uloge su mu fotosinteza, transpiracija i gutacija. • Njima biljka upija vodu i minerale (← korjenove...) • ...
Biljna tkiva- 2. razred 2020-06-07
- Sekundarno kožno tkivo, kod kore drveća.
- Koja vrsta provodnog tkiva omogućuje uzlazni tok vode/minerala?
- Sinonim za adventivno korijenje
- Učvršćuje izdanak.
- Njima biljka upija vodu i minerale (← korjenove...)
- Vrsta vanjskih tkiva za lučenje i izlučivanje.
- Uloge su mu fotosinteza, transpiracija i gutacija.
- Tkiva koja imaju trajnu sposobnost mitotske diobe su?
- Nosi listove, pupove, generativne organe.
- Živo potporno ili mehaničko tkivo.
- Provodno živo tkivo koje omogućuje silazni tok asimilata.
- Zove se osnovno tkivo ili?
12 Clues: Učvršćuje izdanak. • Zove se osnovno tkivo ili? • Sinonim za adventivno korijenje • Živo potporno ili mehaničko tkivo. • Sekundarno kožno tkivo, kod kore drveća. • Nosi listove, pupove, generativne organe. • Vrsta vanjskih tkiva za lučenje i izlučivanje. • Uloge su mu fotosinteza, transpiracija i gutacija. • Njima biljka upija vodu i minerale (← korjenove...) • ...
Corona No-Rona 2021-03-04
- Not US Post Office but is US Navy and delivered to us cute K3.
- Papa’s favorite food?
- Learning to play the drums.
- All of us are...
- Aunt Ida & Aunt Valerie lives in which state?
- Aunt Valerie’s first born child, cousin #1.
- Love, love, loves Elsa and Anna.
- Jessica & Ida where born in this state.
- Teaches Elementary Science.
- Will become a lawyer with a beautiful smile.
- Not Amazon Prime but delivered us an Angel baby 😇
- Supervisor of transplant team.
- What street does Nana & Papa live on?
- Learning to play tho e guitar?
- Fan of The Redskins Team.
- Makes the best deserts on planet earth!
- Favorite food all the grandkids love to eat.
- Entrepreneur and runs non-profit to aid others.
- First grandson of Nana & Papa.
- Cutest baby boy in the world.
- Newest & prettiest family member.
- How many grandkids do Nana & Papa have?
- Will make aprons one day.
- Top player of Fortnite.
- Nana’s favorite food?
- Name of city Papa grew up and also name of famous “Stone Cold” Steve?
- Last name of Lil Wayne and a common street you driven on.
- Can Tik-Tok with the best of America!
- Valerie was born in this city in Arizona.
- Would love for everyone to read Unlimited Memory.
- Number of great grandkids Nana & Papa have?
- Youngest cousin who loves to play Fortnite?
32 Clues: All of us are... • Papa’s favorite food? • Nana’s favorite food? • Top player of Fortnite. • Will make aprons one day. • Fan of The Redskins Team. • Learning to play the drums. • Teaches Elementary Science. • Cutest baby boy in the world. • First grandson of Nana & Papa. • Supervisor of transplant team. • Learning to play tho e guitar? • Love, love, loves Elsa and Anna. • ...
Our 7th Period Human Growth & Development Class 2021-10-28
- My middle name is Bradley
- Number of tin buckets on the tables
- Sixteenth word on Bob Marley pic in room
- This individual's ancestry puts them as the third
- This dance enthusiast was born on August 12th
- Just followed Cristian Ortiz on Instagram & Tik Tok...& wears a helmet
- Rearrange the letters of my middle name and you have "Amy"
- Best tasting pickle and Abbie's second period teacher
- I'm an Aquarius and born in the year of the rooster according to the Chinese Zodiac
- Marisa gets a paycheck from this place
- Initials are EGG, I'm the better softball player
- Name means "blooming" in Greek
- Animated movie that Julianna has never seen
- Jadyn Wing's obsession
- I was born on the exact day that "Jeopardy" host ALex Trebek survived a heart attack
- Scared of spiders and has a sister on the RRHS basketball team
- Person most likely to drink pre-workout while bench pressing a chicken wing
- First name of Kiersten Henningfeld's first period teacher
- This is the reason for the season if u know Jaidyn
- Has a sister that took Human Growth & Dev. in 2020
- Competitive cheerleader
- This is Nick's dream college
- Maddy might avoid the Dairy Queen to go to the Burger...
- The score Daniel once gave to Emma R.
- Bella despises these
- Levi's rockin' hair style
- Brooke's 3rd period teacher who went to school with Mr. Vachon
- Number of Yoga balls in our classroom
28 Clues: Bella despises these • Jadyn Wing's obsession • Competitive cheerleader • My middle name is Bradley • Levi's rockin' hair style • This is Nick's dream college • Name means "blooming" in Greek • Number of tin buckets on the tables • The score Daniel once gave to Emma R. • Number of Yoga balls in our classroom • Marisa gets a paycheck from this place • ...
Team 19's crossword 2020-10-26
- - Most likely to invent a new iphone
- Most likely to be a multi millionaire and give it to charity
- Most likely to travel the world
- Most likely to be the next Jacinda Ardern
- Most likely to complain about school
- - Most likely to own a collection of hoodies
- Most likely to be late
- Most likely to win the lottery but lose the ticket
- Most likely to travel around the world
- Most likely to have different accents
- Most likely to roast someone
- - Most likely to be an artist
- Most likely to be a famous tik tok queen
- Most likely to become a bestselling author
- Most likely to be mistaken as a smurf
- - Most likely to win an award for archery
- . S - Most likely to become the first person to fly
- - Most likely to be a world famous women football player
- Most likely to roll her eyes
- Most likely to get the teacher off topic
- Most likely to get straight A’s in math
- - Most likely to become master of master
- Most likely to invent something useful
- - Most likely to win a nobel prize
- Most likely to win a talking competition
- Most likely to stay up late to play Among us
- Most likely to outsmart Donald Trump
- Most likely to laugh at everything
- Most likely to be teachers pet
- Most likely to win a olympic medal
30 Clues: Most likely to be late • Most likely to roll her eyes • Most likely to roast someone • - Most likely to be an artist • Most likely to be teachers pet • Most likely to travel the world • - Most likely to win a nobel prize • Most likely to laugh at everything • Most likely to win a olympic medal • - Most likely to invent a new iphone • Most likely to complain about school • ...
JAHVÈ TI (quizzi)AMO 2023-09-29
- Lo è il papà della Jasmine
- Chi sembra il Tias con i capelli biondi?
- Soprannome della Joly per noi ragazze
- Per l’Alessio è superflua
- Cosa c’è tra Franch e Chiara?
- Il conduttore TV preferito dell’Anna
- La nostra spezia preferita
- Il Franch la ha sempre in bocca
- Chi sta registrando?
- Il gioco dei Boyz
- La più grande sanguisuga del Trentino
- Lo è il disegno del Goldoni
- Jasmine definisce così il Franch in terza
- Androsh è un uomo…
- Lo yogurt e il taglio del Paolo
- Il Fabione ne da tante
- Nome del primo uccellino della Miry
- Al Callovi non piace
- Nome Tik Tok della Vivi
- I like …? Mmm…
- Lo è la mamma del Bizza
- Dove è stato il primo appuntamento dell’Ale e la Miry?
- La Chiara è un…
- La galleria della Joly è piena di…
- Chi ha limonato il Tommaso in seconda?
- La capacità da 10 del Paolo
- Al Tom piace dell’Anna S.
- L’indirizzo del Panky
- Potete prende un taxi o un…
- Martin le usa nei meme
- Il colore della tuta del Tom
- La pizza preferita del Franch
- Che lavoro fanno due mamme del gruppo?
- Jasmine come coidore marocchino
- Chi ha messo il nome del gruppo?
- Serve all’Irene nei bigliettini dell’avvento
- Soprannome dell’Ale dato dai prof
- Lo è il petto del Thias
- Appuntamento settimanale dell’Ale
- Il BFF dell’Alessio
40 Clues: I like …? Mmm… • La Chiara è un… • Il gioco dei Boyz • Androsh è un uomo… • Il BFF dell’Alessio • Al Callovi non piace • Chi sta registrando? • L’indirizzo del Panky • Martin le usa nei meme • Il Fabione ne da tante • Nome Tik Tok della Vivi • Lo è la mamma del Bizza • Lo è il petto del Thias • Per l’Alessio è superflua • Al Tom piace dell’Anna S. • Lo è il papà della Jasmine • ...
- The ugly sibling of Chuckie Cheese
- Rick
- The morality of an action is judged solely by the consequences
- A nobody in the U.S but famous in South Africa
- Humans are ________ _________ animals
- Movie setting was in Morocco
- A thousand ________________
- In the trolley scneario, we had to decide between doing nothing and killing 5 people or _____________ and killing one
- How do we ______ what we _____?
- This WOK incorporates the use of logic and justifications
- Is courage the same as ________?
- Victor
- The greatest good for the greatest number
- The Arts, Mathematics, Ethics, and History are all examples of what?
- We meet on...
- Worst TOK teacher ever!!! (jk)
- Reoccurring shape in nature that has a mathematical algorithm
- What type of question is needed for TOK presentations?
- A statement is true if there's a repetitive confirmation of it, what type of truth is this?
- Who's the adult? Nick or Murray?
20 Clues: Rick • Victor • We meet on... • A thousand ________________ • Movie setting was in Morocco • Worst TOK teacher ever!!! (jk) • How do we ______ what we _____? • Is courage the same as ________? • Who's the adult? Nick or Murray? • The ugly sibling of Chuckie Cheese • Humans are ________ _________ animals • The greatest good for the greatest number • ...
Fizikadan krossvord 2023-01-29
- vaqtning XBS dagi asosiy birligi
- Tezlik so'zining inglizchasi
- ilk akkumulyator ixtirochisi familiyasi
- Elektr kuchlanishni aniqlovchi asbob
- J.Shorom tomonidan ixtiro qilingan, doimiy tovush hosil qilish uchun qo'llaniluvchi ikki shoxli qurilma
- birligi m^2 (metr kvadrat) bo'lgan kattalik
- Atomning 90%og'irligini o'zida mujassam etgan qismi
- Yo'l kattaligini belgilashda olingan so'z
- Magnit maydon induksiyasi birligi
- Yunoncha so'z bo'lib, "bo'linmas" degan ma'noni bildiyadi
- Rus tilidagi поток so'zidan olingan
- gitaraning korpusi qanday vazifani bajaradi?
- Atom tarkibiga kiruvchi musbat zaryadli zarracha
- Tabiat haqidagi fan
- XBS dagi asosiy massa o'lchov birligi
- massani aniqlovchi asbob
- Atom tarkibiga kiruvchi neytral zaryadli zarracha
- Atom tarkibidagi proton va neytronlarning umumiy nomi
- Magnit oqimi birligi
- vaqt soz'ining inglizchasi
- XBS dagi uzunlikning asosiy o'lchov birligi
- Kuchni aniqlovchi asbob
- Tok kuchini aniqlovchi asbob
- Atom tarkibiga kiruvchi manfiy zaryadli zarracha
- Atomning planetar modeli muallifi
25 Clues: Tabiat haqidagi fan • Magnit oqimi birligi • Kuchni aniqlovchi asbob • massani aniqlovchi asbob • vaqt soz'ining inglizchasi • Tezlik so'zining inglizchasi • Tok kuchini aniqlovchi asbob • vaqtning XBS dagi asosiy birligi • Magnit maydon induksiyasi birligi • Atomning planetar modeli muallifi • Rus tilidagi поток so'zidan olingan • Elektr kuchlanishni aniqlovchi asbob • ...
Greetings in Pacific Languages 2024-02-29
- 'Goodbye' in Solomon Islands Pijin (Solomon Islands)
- 'Goodbye' in Bislama (Vanuatu)
- 'Goodbye' in Tok Pisin (Papua New Guinea)
- 'Goodbye' in Fino' Chamoru (Mariana Islands)
- 'Goodbye' in Te taetae ni Kiribati (Kiribati)
- 'Hello' in Te taetae ni Kiribati (Kiribati)
- 'Hello' in Solomon Islands Pijin (Solomon Islands)
- 'Goodbye' in Reo Tahiti (Tahiti)
- 'Goodbye' in Te reo Māori (New Zealand)
- 'Hello' in Fino' Chamoru (Mariana Islands)
- 'Hello' in Bislama (Vanuatu)
- 'Hello' in Tok Pisin (Papua New Guinea)
- 'Goodbye' in Gagana Sāmoa (Samoa)
- 'Hello' in Na Vosa Vakaviti (Fiji)
- 'Hello' in Na Vosa Vakaviti (Fiji)
- 'Goodbye' in Kajin Majel (Marshall Islands)
- 'Hello' in Reo Tahiti (Tahiti)
- 'Hello' in Kajin Majel (Marshall Islands)
- 'Hello' in Gagana Sāmoa (Samoa)
- 'Goodbye' in Hawaiian (Hawaii)
- 'Hello' in Lea Faka-Tonga (Tonga)
- 'Goodbye' in Lea Faka-Tonga (Tonga)
- 'Hello' in Te Reo Māori (New Zealand)
- 'Hello' in Hawaiian (Hawaii)
24 Clues: 'Hello' in Hawaiian (Hawaii) • 'Hello' in Bislama (Vanuatu) • 'Goodbye' in Bislama (Vanuatu) • 'Hello' in Reo Tahiti (Tahiti) • 'Goodbye' in Hawaiian (Hawaii) • 'Hello' in Gagana Sāmoa (Samoa) • 'Goodbye' in Reo Tahiti (Tahiti) • 'Hello' in Lea Faka-Tonga (Tonga) • 'Goodbye' in Gagana Sāmoa (Samoa) • 'Hello' in Na Vosa Vakaviti (Fiji) • 'Hello' in Na Vosa Vakaviti (Fiji) • ...
TOK CONCEPTS 2023-08-07
- the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society
- a point of view
- in accordance with fact or reality
- the action of showing something to be right or reasonable
- not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts
- principles or standards of behaviour
- the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
- the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way
- the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.
- firm conviction that something is the case
- the action of explaining the meaning of something
- a statement or account that makes something clear
12 Clues: a point of view • in accordance with fact or reality • principles or standards of behaviour • firm conviction that something is the case • the action of explaining the meaning of something • a statement or account that makes something clear • the action of showing something to be right or reasonable • the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something. • ...
TOK review 2024-06-20
- the student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle
- a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.
- a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
- a typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or model.
- the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion.
- mental shortcuts for solving problems in a quick way that delivers a result that is sufficient enough to be useful given time constraints
- the action of falsifying information or a theory
- the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.
- author of the concept of paradigm shift
- a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view.
- the inference of particular instances by reference to a general law or principle.
- inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair.
12 Clues: author of the concept of paradigm shift • the action of falsifying information or a theory • the student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle • a typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or model. • the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist. • a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view. • ...
Biljna tkiva- 2. razred 2020-06-07
- Provodno živo tkivo koje omogućuje silazni tok asimilata.
- Sinonim za adventivno korijenje
- Učvršćuje izdanak.
- Sekundarno kožno tkivo, kod kore drveća.
- Nosi listove, pupove, generativne organe.
- Koja vrsta provodnog tkiva omogućuje uzlazni tok vode/minerala?
- Zove se osnovno tkivo ili?
- Njima biljka upija vodu i minerale (← korjenove...)
- Tkiva koja imaju trajnu sposobnost mitotske diobe su?
- Vrsta vanjskih tkiva za lučenje i izlučivanje.
- Uloge su mu fotosinteza, transpiracija i gutacija.
- Živo potporno ili mehaničko tkivo.
12 Clues: Učvršćuje izdanak. • Zove se osnovno tkivo ili? • Sinonim za adventivno korijenje • Živo potporno ili mehaničko tkivo. • Sekundarno kožno tkivo, kod kore drveća. • Nosi listove, pupove, generativne organe. • Vrsta vanjskih tkiva za lučenje i izlučivanje. • Uloge su mu fotosinteza, transpiracija i gutacija. • Njima biljka upija vodu i minerale (← korjenove...) • ...
Biológia 2020-05-04
- legnagyobb részét teszi ki a csontoknak
- csontok nem képesek nem képesek eredeti helyükre visszaterni
- milyen szervek a csontok
- ezek az anyagok teszik erőssé a csontokat
- gyakran deformálódik, duzzad, fáj
- csontok eltávolodtak egymástól
- két csigolya milyen mértékben tud elmozdulni egymáshoz képest
- erős kötőszöveti rostokat tartalmaz
- az ízületi... veszi körül az izesülő csontokat
- melyik csontunk az amelyik 3csontból nőtt össze
- ez találhato a szövet sejtjei között..... Ből álló Rostgötegek
- öt csigolya alkotja
- ez az összekötés enged némi mozgást
- a csontok legnagyobb mozgasat teszik lehetővé
- Varratok kapcsolat milyen mértékű mozgást tesz lehetővé
- nem tudnak egymáshoz képest elmozdulni
- ilyen izesülő........ Termelnek a ízületi tok felszine
- a csontok véget fedik be
- mivel kell kapcsolódni a csont ak hogy anyagot adjon le és vegyen fel
- koponya csontjait kacskaringós....... Kötik össze
- ez az a hely mely legnagyobb mértékben van kitéve a fizikai terhelésnek
21 Clues: öt csigolya alkotja • milyen szervek a csontok • a csontok véget fedik be • csontok eltávolodtak egymástól • gyakran deformálódik, duzzad, fáj • ez az összekötés enged némi mozgást • erős kötőszöveti rostokat tartalmaz • nem tudnak egymáshoz képest elmozdulni • legnagyobb részét teszi ki a csontoknak • ezek az anyagok teszik erőssé a csontokat • ...
Technology 2023-07-13
- forms of electronic communication such as instagram, facebook, tik tok, twitter...
- someone who affects or changes the way that other people behave on social media. he can be used to promote products
- on the internet. ex : instead of saying "I bought this on the internet" you say "I boughth this ..."
- a technology capable of doing human tasks. This type of technology is used by chatgpt
- an electronic machine that can store and arrange large amounts of information. Such as a PC or a MAC.
- information, especially facts or numbers, collected to be examined
- computer images and sounds that make you feel an imagined situation is real. Example : the metaverse
- someone who illegally gets into someone else's computer system
- step-by-step set of instructions or procedures designed to solve a problem or accomplish a specific task
- spreading or becoming popular very quickly through communication on social media
- a set of pages of information on the internet about a particular subject, published by a single person or organization
- a secret word or combination of letters or numbers used to proove who you are
12 Clues: someone who illegally gets into someone else's computer system • information, especially facts or numbers, collected to be examined • a secret word or combination of letters or numbers used to proove who you are • spreading or becoming popular very quickly through communication on social media • ...
- cartoni animati di colore giallo
- divisione sportiva della Polizia di Stato
- telecronista del 6 nazioni su Dmax
- prossimo allenatore della nazionale u.20
- tecnico di una squadra che collabora con gli allenatori
- è il giocatore piu veloce del C.D.F.P. di Treviso
- colore del padova rugby
- allenatore del Padova rugby
- cognome allenatore San donà
- squadra scelta da Jhon Wells per il campioanto top12 2020-2021
- giocatore a cui piace fare i tik tok
- mediano d'apertura di calvisano
- gioca allo stadio Zaffanella
- mese di inizio campionato top 12 2019-2020
- squadra toscana che milita in top 12
- è rito farlo dopo la partita
- numero totale della commissione arbitrale nel top12
- simbolo della lazio rugby
- strumento di lavoro usato da Simonluca Pistore
- allenatore di un C.D.F.P. e di una Nazionale u.18
- di solito si beve dopo la partita
- arbitro conosciuto nel campionato del top12
- squadra italiana con la divisa bianco-nera
- allenatore fiamme oro stagione 2019-2020
- sponsor ufficiale delle fiamme oro rugby
- nome della squadra dell'ultima partita di Cavalieri
- di solito si mangia dopo la partita
- numero totale di giocatori che scende in campo
- cognome dell'ex giocatore di benetton, coach di un accademy, si sigla SZ13
- numero delle squadre venete del top12
- squadra di top12 che ha sulla maglia il cognome sulla schiena
- si usa quando si calcia ai pali
- ex giocatore che ha dedicato del tempo per fare video sugli skills
- logo del mogliano rugby
34 Clues: colore del padova rugby • logo del mogliano rugby • simbolo della lazio rugby • allenatore del Padova rugby • cognome allenatore San donà • gioca allo stadio Zaffanella • è rito farlo dopo la partita • si usa quando si calcia ai pali • mediano d'apertura di calvisano • cartoni animati di colore giallo • di solito si beve dopo la partita • telecronista del 6 nazioni su Dmax • ...
Kenneth Zeiner 1st 2021-09-16
- large farms of estates who grew one major crop for profit.
- A big city in Northwest Louisiana.
- Aperson bound to a life of service.
- When the stock became useless in Mississippi the company couldn't pay back their investors.
- A four legged animal that barks.
- A social media platform that sounds like Tik-Tak.
- The biggest port in Louisiana.
- The council that helps to govern the colony.
- Another word for land of Louis.
- A set of laws governing the conduct and treatment of slaves.
- A 5 letter way to say hi.
- The place where Fort St. Jean Baptiste was built.
- Sections of land set aside to be colonies.
- The country that colonized Mexico.
- Works with a charter to operate a colony as a business.
- A fort in Mississippi to honor the French Government.
- The fort built 54 miles North of the Mississippi Delta.
- The young women who brought house hold goods in caskets.
- Another way to say Registered Nurse.
- A four legged animal that meows.
- A fort built to keep the English out of Mobile Bay.
- The country who sold The Louisiana Territory to the U.S.
- A group of people who settle in a distant land but who still keep their ties to their native land.
- The founder of Modern Jazz.
- The 8th grade history teacher at Herndon.
25 Clues: A 5 letter way to say hi. • The founder of Modern Jazz. • The biggest port in Louisiana. • Another word for land of Louis. • A four legged animal that barks. • A four legged animal that meows. • The country that colonized Mexico. • A big city in Northwest Louisiana. • Aperson bound to a life of service. • Another way to say Registered Nurse. • ...
ToK - Human Sciences 2021-10-06
- unbiased, impartial
- questions which are asked in a way that implies a certain answer
- where a particular concept or idea is mentioned before a question is asked
- the belief that the main aim of the human sciences is to understand the meaning of various social practices as they are understood by the agents themselves
- study of the structure and function of society
- failing to notice change due to finite attention
- study of development of culture and society
- measuring the quality instead of the quantity of something
- information recieved by the brain, including sight, hearing, sound, taste, and touch
- when bias affects the process of acquiring knowledge and understanding
- adopting the attitudes and behavior of a foreign group with whom one has lived for an extended period of time
- changing an answer to please the interviewer
- tendency of people to react against advice, rules, and regulations perceived to be a threat to their freedom
- the belief that the best way to understand some things is by looking at them as a whole rather than by splitting them into separate parts
- the belief that some subjects can be explained in terms of more fundamental ones
- statistical variable which states that random variables cancel themselves out in a large enough population
- when a person finds, discovers, or learns something
- measuring the quality rather than the quantity
- scientific study of the state, governments, power, and political activity
- scientific study of human mind and behavior
- the fallacy of saying just because A is composed of B, it follows that A is nothing but B
- the fallacy of confusing correlation with causation
- analysis of data to establish trends based on various different studies
- a bias where recent or easily remembered examples affect our judgement
- technology at the centre of AI which uses big rdata to predict or decide
- study of human behavior in a systematic way
26 Clues: unbiased, impartial • scientific study of human mind and behavior • study of development of culture and society • study of human behavior in a systematic way • changing an answer to please the interviewer • measuring the quality rather than the quantity • study of the structure and function of society • failing to notice change due to finite attention • ...
TOK A-Z 2022-08-29
- a disproven conception of Earth's shape as a plane or disk. Interesting in terms of TOK because it questions whether credibility in the natural sciences is determined by the number of people who agree or support a notion.
- science A sector within a major area of knowledge that consists of subjective opinions and more qualitative data.
- knowledge and _______ societies
- the quality of being open to more than one interpretation, this is especially relevant to TOK because it can impede knowledge or contribute to its acquisition.
- a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities. This is relevant in TOK because although communities of knowers have fundamental differences, more often than not, there are similarities between them.
- Our beliefs of what is better, according to individuals and communities.
- Interdisciplinary ornaments have multiple meanings depending on the perspective of each culture. Mathematics also plays a role in the formation of this ornament and the beauty of this isn't confined to what an artist might consider ‘art’.
- often used in mathematics but can also be used in other areas of knowledge and some cultures don't even have these.
- The place where wild animals around the world are kept in a city.
- Most TOK discussions start or end with these.
- Every individual has a ________ for their own actions
- the concept of truth being individual and dividing one's own belief from the truth.
- the structure of DNA was ________ by James Watson and Francis Crick according to the popular controversy was actually thanks to Franklin, who did not receive any credit.
- tribe a community in Papua new guinea where ‘baby talk’ is non-existent.
- We base our knowledge on what we want to know, and the knowledge becomes our X. On the other hand, there is some information that contradicts our beliefs, perspectives, assumptions, and preconceptions.
- a fruit with spiral patterns that could be used as evidence that math is inherent in nature and contradicts the fact that math is created by humans. Are humans only discovering what already exists?
- something used to make decisions and can be developed when you acquire knowledge.
- A musical instrument, which is used by primary students to learn basic notes.
- Comprehending the situation that other people are in.
- Cantor a German mathematician who played a pivotal role in the creation of set theory, which has become a fundamental theory in mathematics. Do theories reduce the accuracy of math?
- In TOK a ____ can be used to help aid the knowledge being received and can be multifunctional. This can be a physical item but isn't limited.
- a phrase by René Descartes as a first step in demonstrating the attainability of certain knowledge. It is the only statement to survive the test of his methodic doubt.
- The word used to address someone in the second person.
- Duchamp An artist that led to a lot of controversy in the world of what defines art and what is and isn't acceptable by society.
- Their roles in society vary, between cultures.
- to Haali the name of the person who was known as “Tom Torlino” after joining Carlisle. Relevant to the integration of indigenous populations into an urban lifestyle and the ethics of forcefully changing their identities. Is knowledge lost by doing this?
26 Clues: knowledge and _______ societies • Most TOK discussions start or end with these. • Their roles in society vary, between cultures. • Comprehending the situation that other people are in. • Every individual has a ________ for their own actions • The word used to address someone in the second person. • The place where wild animals around the world are kept in a city. • ...
TOK Comprehensive Crossword 2023-03-17
- A benefit for one person, means a loss for another person
- The tendency for an impression created in one area to influence one's opinion in another area
- A 3 part argument in which a conclusion is drawn from 2 premises
- The gap between people with and without access to technology
- A belief that a decision should be made based on what will make the most people happy
- When you explain something in synonyms
- Noam Chomsky's claim that language is natural and instinctive
- A statement that is vague or generalized but seems specific and personalized
- Asks questions about the nature and the scope of knowledge
- According to Plato's tripartite theory, these three aspects are necessary for knowledge
- Moves from specific cases to a general conclusion
- The mystery we solved on the first day of class
- An action is right if it pursues your own self-interest
- Tendency to believe false info after repeated exposure
- Famously said "if a lion could speak, we could not understand him"
- You can have justification, truth, and belief and still not know something
- The mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase
- The tendency to search for information that confirms what we already believe
- Problem-solving principle saying that you should not make more assumptions than necessary
- A notion of evil that has no roots in evil motives
- "Blank slate" said by John Locke
- This person famously said "Cogito ergo sum" or "I think therefore I am"
22 Clues: "Blank slate" said by John Locke • When you explain something in synonyms • The mystery we solved on the first day of class • The mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase • Moves from specific cases to a general conclusion • A notion of evil that has no roots in evil motives • Tendency to believe false info after repeated exposure • ...
Zıt anlamlı kelimeler Crossword labs 2024-08-15
Iva Pašalić 2024-04-07
- mjesto gdje se rijeka ili potok ulijevaju u more ili jezero
- vodena stihija
- riječno ušće u obliku lijevka
- mjesto na kojem voda izlazi na površinu
- tlo natopljeno stajaćom vodom
- udubina na kopnu ispunjena vodom
- prirodni vodeni tok
- velike morske površine između kontinenata
- mali prirodni vodeni tok
- prirodna pojava, mjesto slobodnog padanja vode
10 Clues: vodena stihija • prirodni vodeni tok • mali prirodni vodeni tok • riječno ušće u obliku lijevka • tlo natopljeno stajaćom vodom • udubina na kopnu ispunjena vodom • mjesto na kojem voda izlazi na površinu • velike morske površine između kontinenata • prirodna pojava, mjesto slobodnog padanja vode • mjesto gdje se rijeka ili potok ulijevaju u more ili jezero
Bab 7- Teka Silang Kata 2021-10-27
- Tempat Tok Janggut rancang untuk menyerang
- Nama panggilam bagi pembesar Temerloh setelah kematian Orang Kaya Indera Segara
- Kutipan cukai berdasarkan jumlah ___
- Sasaran serangan Mat Salleh pada November 1897
- Mat Sator juga dikenali sebagai ____
- Dikenali sebagai Penghulu Naning Seri Merah
- Gelaran Tok Gajah
- Jenis senapang dalam angkatan Dol Said
- Kubu yang dimiliki oleh Mat Sator
- Haji Abdul Rahman Limbong memohon _____ untuk menjadi wakil tertuduh
- Diperkenalkan oleh british untuk memberi peluang kepada Sultan menyuarakan pandangan
- Maksud MCS
- Menentang British di Pahang kerana hilang hak mengutip cukai
- Individu yang menewaskan Rentap dalam serangan ketiga (1861)
- British kerugian 7000 Pound Sterling dalam ____
- Haji Abdul Rahman dibicarakan dan dibuang negeri ke ______
16 Clues: Maksud MCS • Gelaran Tok Gajah • Kubu yang dimiliki oleh Mat Sator • Kutipan cukai berdasarkan jumlah ___ • Mat Sator juga dikenali sebagai ____ • Jenis senapang dalam angkatan Dol Said • Tempat Tok Janggut rancang untuk menyerang • Dikenali sebagai Penghulu Naning Seri Merah • Sasaran serangan Mat Salleh pada November 1897 • British kerugian 7000 Pound Sterling dalam ____ • ...
TOK Term Refresher 2024-09-01
- This concept concerns being accountable for the consequences of both the pursuit and possession of knowledge
- is power
- In human Sciences a theory usually consists of a set of explanations, while a -------------is a single testable statement.
- is what you think about a topic; one set of thoughts among others possible.
- refers to a set of foundational beliefs, concepts, methods, and practices that define how knowledge is understood and approached within a particular field or discipline.
- bias (favoring information that confirms pre-existing beliefs)
- A belief might be true, but without proper --------------, it may not be classified as knowledge within the framework of TOK
- are individuals within society who control the flow of knowledge
- beliefs, values, norms, practices, behaviors, language, symbols, and material objects that characterize a group of people or society
- ---------logic is a type of reasoning that draws specific conclusions based on broad premises and axioms.
- plays a critical role in helping to evaluate the reliability, validity, and strength of knowledge claims across different Areas of Knowledge (AOKs)
- In natural science is often seen as essential, with scientific methods designed to minimize personal bias through replication, peer review, and controlled experiments
- in mathematics and logic, ---------- is often achievable through proofs, but in the human sciences or ethics, ----------- may be more elusive due to the complexity of human behavior and moral questions.
- In history, interpreting past events with perspectives of the present implying risks is referred to as --------------
- Mathematics is based on a series of ------------- or (self-evident truths) – for example, the truth that the angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees is consistent with the -------------of Euclidean geometry.
- an opinion based on incomplete information.
- On the one hand, it is the ability to do something in the way that you decide is best and not being banned from doing so by external forces. On the other hand, it could be related to the capacity to influence others in their actions in order to accomplish your own goals, which could be positive or negative for the community.
- In history, --------- plays a significant role because historical knowledge is not just about collecting facts, dates, or events but also about how historians make sense of those facts.
- refers to the importance or worth that is assigned to knowledge, beliefs, or practices.
19 Clues: is power • an opinion based on incomplete information. • bias (favoring information that confirms pre-existing beliefs) • are individuals within society who control the flow of knowledge • is what you think about a topic; one set of thoughts among others possible. • refers to the importance or worth that is assigned to knowledge, beliefs, or practices. • ...
brohan 2022-09-04
- Its a "Stranger things" Tik tok but you'll often catch me saying it to your d*ck.
- You can bend me, you can break me but you have to promise you always got me.
- I can grow teen feet tall, no I'm not your d*ck but in your relationship, I'm highly symbolic.
- We could sit in the back seat of your car and do this all day ;)
- The reason I uttered the words "F I think I just had an org*sm"
- The way things fell into place so naturally, I guess you can say we are meant to ______.
- If you break the word into 2, I'll give you both but the original word itself makes me furious.
- The real reason behind my I Love You
- What did Adam get from Eve, that you didnt from me?
- You can put me on pizza or in a subway and even without water i promise to stay.
- Bring me to bed and Khushi will marry you. I dont easily open up to people.
- Cold breeze, shut the windoes please, kiss kiss go the bees
12 Clues: The real reason behind my I Love You • What did Adam get from Eve, that you didnt from me? • Cold breeze, shut the windoes please, kiss kiss go the bees • The reason I uttered the words "F I think I just had an org*sm" • We could sit in the back seat of your car and do this all day ;) • Bring me to bed and Khushi will marry you. I dont easily open up to people. • ...
TIK 2023-05-13
- menutup file dokumen aktif
- menghapus sebelah kanan kursor
- membuat bingkai ms word
- menempel tulisan yang sudah disalin
- membatalkan perintah terakhir
- mengubah ukuran kertas
- alat untuk mencetak dokumen
- melihat dokumen sebelum dicetak
- menyimpan dokumen dengan nama baru
- memiringkan tulisan
- mengatur batas kertas di ms word
- menutup jendela ms word
13 Clues: CTRL+C • memiringkan tulisan • mengubah ukuran kertas • menutup jendela ms word • membuat bingkai ms word • menutup file dokumen aktif • alat untuk mencetak dokumen • membatalkan perintah terakhir • menghapus sebelah kanan kursor • melihat dokumen sebelum dicetak • mengatur batas kertas di ms word • menyimpan dokumen dengan nama baru • menempel tulisan yang sudah disalin
Lietuvių kalba 2024-02-25
- Kas pašalino W raidę iš abėcėlės? Parašyti tik pavardę.
- Iš kurios kalbos pasiskolinome raides č,š ir ž?
- Koks manoma yra seniausias žodis lietuvių kalboje?
- Kokiai kalbai artima lietuvių kalba?
- Kas išleido pirmąjį lietuvių kalbos žodyną? Parašyti tik pavardę.
- Kas parašė pirmąją lietuvių kalbos gramatiką?
- Kaip vadinasi žodžių junginys sudarytas iš dviejų nesuderinamų žodžių, pvz. Sūrus saldainis, Kojos apyrankė?
- Koks žmogus yra daugiausiai nusipelnęs lietuvių kultūrai? Parašyti tik pavardę.
- Kas pirmasis pateikė dabartinę lietuvių abėcėlę? Parašyti tik pavardę.
- Kiek maždaug milijonų žmonių kalba lietuviškai?
10 Clues: Kokiai kalbai artima lietuvių kalba? • Kas parašė pirmąją lietuvių kalbos gramatiką? • Iš kurios kalbos pasiskolinome raides č,š ir ž? • Kiek maždaug milijonų žmonių kalba lietuviškai? • Koks manoma yra seniausias žodis lietuvių kalboje? • Kas pašalino W raidę iš abėcėlės? Parašyti tik pavardę. • Kas išleido pirmąjį lietuvių kalbos žodyną? Parašyti tik pavardę. • ...
Orange City Library Summer 2023 Crossword 2023-05-26
- A nonfiction narrative writing based on the writer's personal experiences during a specific period of time
- The name of Volusia County Public Library's digital catlogue
- First book in the Patterson Women's Murders Club series
- A listing of all the materials a library owns
- VCPL's summer 2023 theme; All ___ Now.
- Author of "The 6:20 Man" and Simply Lies
- This author moved to Key West, has a home named after them, and wrote "To Have and Have Not" there.
- Iconic Floridian author who grew up in Eatonville, Florida; Their Eyes Were Watching God
- A genre of fiction where two characters fall in love
- Popular author on Tik Tok; Colleen _____.
- A collection of stories, plays, or poems
- A Hitchhiker's Guide to this.
- a genre of fiction that is usually about the future or includes advanced technology
- Invented story
- Author of Jack Reacher novels
- Author and illustrator of "The Snowy Day"
- A genre of fiction that may include magic, wizards, dragons, etc.
- Books about true events, facts, and things that really existed or happened
- a style of writing that is told in comic book panels and pictures with word bubbles
- A genre of fiction that includes pictures and reads from right to left and back to front; originates in Japan
- Author of "The Martian" and "Project Hail Mary"
- true books about a real person's life
- Author of both adult and children's books and was a journalist for the Miami Herald in the 1970s
23 Clues: Invented story • Author of Jack Reacher novels • A Hitchhiker's Guide to this. • true books about a real person's life • VCPL's summer 2023 theme; All ___ Now. • Author of "The 6:20 Man" and Simply Lies • A collection of stories, plays, or poems • Author and illustrator of "The Snowy Day" • Popular author on Tik Tok; Colleen _____. • ...
Šalys 2024-05-06
- Didžiausia Pietryčių Azijos ir daugiausiai salų turinti šalis
- Didžiausia šalis Šiaurės Amerikoje
- Mažiausia Šiaurės Amerikos žemyninė šalis
- Didžiausia šalis, esanti vien tik Azijos žemyne
- Didžiausia pasaulio sala
- Didžiausia šalis Karibų jūroje
- Tarpžemyninė šalis esanti Azijoje ir Europoje
- Didžiausia šalis, esanti vien tik Europos žemyne
- Mažiausia Europos Sąjungos šalis
- Didžiausia šalis Afrikoje
- Didžiausia Baltijos šalis
- Didžiausia salų šalis Rytų Azijoje
- Didžiausia šalis pasaulyje
- Mažiausia Afrikos žemyninė šalis
- Didžiausia šalis Europos sąjungoje
- Didžiausia šalis Kaukaze
- Didžiausia priėjimo prie jūros neturinti šalis
- Didžiausia šalis Vidurio Europoje
- Mažiausia šalis pasaulyje
- Mažiausia Pietų Amerikos šalis
20 Clues: Didžiausia šalis Kaukaze • Didžiausia pasaulio sala • Mažiausia šalis pasaulyje • Didžiausia šalis Afrikoje • Didžiausia Baltijos šalis • Didžiausia šalis pasaulyje • Didžiausia šalis Karibų jūroje • Mažiausia Pietų Amerikos šalis • Mažiausia Europos Sąjungos šalis • Mažiausia Afrikos žemyninė šalis • Didžiausia šalis Vidurio Europoje • Didžiausia šalis Europos sąjungoje • ...
Pemerintahan Kesultanan Melayu Kelantan Terengganu dan Johor 2022-11-09
- Jemaah Menteri merupakan pembesar yang membantu Sultan di Kelantan
- Kesultanan Terengganu ialah Sultan Zainal Abidin I
- pembesar yang membantu Sultan Zainal Abidin III
- membantu Sultan di Kelantan
- antara Kelantan dan Terengganu serta pengaruh Siam menyebabkan perubahan berlaku
- Yunus meyatukan Kelantan pada tahun 1776-1794
- Yang Dipertuan duberikan kepada LONG YUNUS kerana berjaya menyatukan Kelantan
- Bagi Diri Kerajaan Terengganu digunakan
- atau pengisytiharaan diputuskan oleh Ahli Mesyurat di Terengganu
- diuruskan oleh Tengku Musa sebagai Ketua Jabatan Mahkamah di Terengganu
- Mata -Mata merupakan penyambut pelawat atau orang kenamaan di Terengganu
- Bendahara mengambil alih sistem pemerintahan di Johor selepas jurai Keturunan Sultan Melaka berakhir
- mahkamah mestilah daripada mereka yang berkebolehan dan berpengetahuan agama yang luas.
- pemodenan Johor diperintah oleh Maharaja Abu Bakar
- jajahan di Kelantan iaitu Selatan Batu Mekebang, Pasir Putih dan Pasir Mas
- keadilan Islam dilaksanakan di Terengganu
- Daeng Ibrahim menjadi pemerintah di Johor selepas konflik politik berlaku
- merupakan nama lain bagi Tok Kweng
- merupakan negara luar selain Eropah yang menjalinkan hubungan luar dengan Johor bagi luar kawasan Tanah Melayu
- dilakukan antara Sultan Muhammad I dengan Siam bagi mengelakkan ancaman Terengganu
- merupakan undang-undang yang digunakana di Kelantan semasa pemerintahan Sultan Muhammad II
- merupakan negeri terakhir menerima penasihat British
- merupkan pembahagian negeri Kelantan
- membantu Tok Kweng
- merupakan sistem yang diperkemas oleh pemerintahan Sultan Omar di Terengganu
- Besar dan Setiausaha Kerajaan diwujudkan bagi melicinkan pentadbiran Johor
- Kweng mejalankan pentadbiran yang paling bawah
- jemaah Diraja Johor, Jemaah Menteri dan Jabatan-jabatan Kerajaan diperkenalkan oleh Maharaja Abu Bakar
28 Clues: membantu Tok Kweng • membantu Sultan di Kelantan • merupakan nama lain bagi Tok Kweng • merupkan pembahagian negeri Kelantan • Bagi Diri Kerajaan Terengganu digunakan • keadilan Islam dilaksanakan di Terengganu • Yunus meyatukan Kelantan pada tahun 1776-1794 • Kweng mejalankan pentadbiran yang paling bawah • pembesar yang membantu Sultan Zainal Abidin III • ...
- sponsor ufficiale delle fiamme oro rugby
- logo del mogliano rugby
- tecnico di una squadra che collabora con gli allenatori
- numero totale della commissione arbitrale nel top12
- nome della squadra dell'ultima partita di Cavalieri
- prossimo allenatore della nazionale u.20
- di solito si mangia dopo la partita
- giocatore a cui piace fare i tik tok
- cartoni animati di colore giallo
- si usa quando si calcia ai pali
- è rito farlo dopo la partita
- mese di inizio campionato top 12 2019-2020
- di solito si beve dopo la partita
- strumento di lavoro usato da Simonluca Pistore
- allenatore fiamme oro stagione 2019-2020
- cognome allenatore San donà
- divisione sportiva della Polizia di Stato
- mediano d'apertura di calvisano
- ex giocatore che ha dedicato del tempo per fare video sugli skills
- numero totale di giocatori che scende in campo
- simbolo della lazio rugby
- allenatore del Padova rugby
- è il giocatore piu veloce del C.D.F.P. di Treviso
- gioca allo stadio Zaffanella
- allenatore di un C.D.F.P. e di una Nazionale u.18
- arbitro conosciuto nel campionato del top12
- numero delle squadre venete del top12
- squadra scelta da Jhon Wells per il campioanto top12 2020-2021
- cognome dell'ex giocatore di benetton, coach di un accademy, si sigla SZ13
- squadra toscana che milita in top 12
- squadra di top12 che ha sulla maglia il cognome sulla schiena
- telecronista del 6 nazioni su Dmax
- squadra italiana con la divisa bianco-nera
- colore del padova rugby
34 Clues: logo del mogliano rugby • colore del padova rugby • simbolo della lazio rugby • allenatore del Padova rugby • cognome allenatore San donà • gioca allo stadio Zaffanella • è rito farlo dopo la partita • mediano d'apertura di calvisano • si usa quando si calcia ai pali • cartoni animati di colore giallo • di solito si beve dopo la partita • telecronista del 6 nazioni su Dmax • ...
Team 19's crossword 2020-10-26
- - Most likely to invent a new iphone
- Most likely to be a multi millionaire and give it to charity
- Most likely to travel the world
- Most likely to be the next Jacinda Ardern
- Most likely to complain about school
- - Most likely to own a collection of hoodies
- Most likely to be late
- Most likely to win the lottery but lose the ticket
- Most likely to travel around the world
- Most likely to have different accents
- Most likely to roast someone
- - Most likely to be an artist
- Most likely to be a famous tik tok queen
- Most likely to become a bestselling author
- Most likely to be mistaken as a smurf
- - Most likely to win an award for archery
- . S - Most likely to become the first person to fly
- - Most likely to be a world famous women football player
- Most likely to roll her eyes
- Most likely to get the teacher off topic
- Most likely to get straight A’s in math
- - Most likely to become master of master
- Most likely to invent something useful
- - Most likely to win a nobel prize
- Most likely to win a talking competition
- Most likely to stay up late to play Among us
- Most likely to outsmart Donald Trump
- Most likely to laugh at everything
- Most likely to be teachers pet
- Most likely to win a olympic medal
30 Clues: Most likely to be late • Most likely to roll her eyes • Most likely to roast someone • - Most likely to be an artist • Most likely to be teachers pet • Most likely to travel the world • - Most likely to win a nobel prize • Most likely to laugh at everything • Most likely to win a olympic medal • - Most likely to invent a new iphone • Most likely to complain about school • ...
Team 19's crossword 2020-10-26
- - Most likely to invent a new iphone
- Most likely to be a multi millionaire and give it to charity
- Most likely to travel the world
- Most likely to be the next Jacinda Ardern
- Most likely to complain about school
- - Most likely to own a collection of hoodies
- Most likely to be late
- Most likely to win the lottery but lose the ticket
- Most likely to travel around the world
- Most likely to have different accents
- Most likely to roast someone
- - Most likely to be an artist
- Most likely to be a famous tik tok queen
- Most likely to become a bestselling author
- Most likely to be mistaken as a smurf
- - Most likely to win an award for archery
- . S - Most likely to become the first person to fly
- - Most likely to be a world famous women football player
- Most likely to roll her eyes
- Most likely to get the teacher off topic
- Most likely to get straight A’s in math
- - Most likely to become master of master
- Most likely to invent something useful
- - Most likely to win a nobel prize
- Most likely to win a talking competition
- Most likely to stay up late to play Among us
- Most likely to outsmart Donald Trump
- Most likely to laugh at everything
- Most likely to be teachers pet
- Most likely to win a olympic medal
30 Clues: Most likely to be late • Most likely to roll her eyes • Most likely to roast someone • - Most likely to be an artist • Most likely to be teachers pet • Most likely to travel the world • - Most likely to win a nobel prize • Most likely to laugh at everything • Most likely to win a olympic medal • - Most likely to invent a new iphone • Most likely to complain about school • ...
IAPP CHAPTER 5 2021-02-13
- It's a great idea to ___ your mask! Make it reflect YOU!
- Wearing a __ can be a pain, but it's been proven to reduce risk. So do it.
- Back in 1938, there was a fake radio show about __ landing on Earth. Really! And it made people panic.
- Like the fake Martians, this ___ is a totally new situation.
- These are what you could lose, if you're not careful.
- It's probably not a good idea to do your slip and slide all slathered with ___. For one thing, you're definitely not a piece of toast, which is often spread with ___.
- An __ is handy if you need to go up or down floors in a big building, but it's also a closed space and poor ventilation - so it's riskier.
- These are the good things what you can gain, if you try.
- Back in 1938, there was no TV, no Tik Tok, no Minecraft - just ___ for people to listen to.
9 Clues: These are what you could lose, if you're not careful. • These are the good things what you can gain, if you try. • It's a great idea to ___ your mask! Make it reflect YOU! • Like the fake Martians, this ___ is a totally new situation. • Wearing a __ can be a pain, but it's been proven to reduce risk. So do it. • ...
žaislai 2020-04-08
- mažų kaladėlių žaidimas
- reikia pasukti galvą kad sudėtum
- žaislas apvalus žaisti lauke
- tokį, tik tikrą turi policininkai
- smagu žaisti su juo kieme ant smėlio
- - važiuoja bėgiais ir sako tu tu
- žaislai pagaminti iš natūralios gamtinės medžiagos
- turi tik suaugę, bet patinka vaikams
- su jomis galima pastatyti bokštą
- vaikai žaidžia
- ją visi vadina skudurine...
- su juo vaikai dažniausiai miega
- labiausiai patinka mergaitėms
- lėlytes ten migdo mergaitės
- labiausiai patinka berniukams turi 4 ratus
- laikas, kada daugiausia vaikai gauna žaislų
- dažniausiai tvarko žaislus
- nauja ir graži mergaičių draugė
18 Clues: vaikai žaidžia • mažų kaladėlių žaidimas • dažniausiai tvarko žaislus • ją visi vadina skudurine... • lėlytes ten migdo mergaitės • žaislas apvalus žaisti lauke • labiausiai patinka mergaitėms • su juo vaikai dažniausiai miega • nauja ir graži mergaičių draugė • su jomis galima pastatyti bokštą • reikia pasukti galvą kad sudėtum • - važiuoja bėgiais ir sako tu tu • ...
Zıt anlamlı kelimeler-1 2021-11-07
30 Clues: tok • yaş • üst • ilk • geç • evet • kötü • eksi • ceza • taze • dolu • katı • ince • kısa • hafif • acemi • alıcı • cevap • soğuk • gider • fakir • kabul • kapalı • sağlam • neşeli • gündüz • tembel • yüksek • korkak • üretici
zıt anlamlı kelimeler 2023-10-15
31 Clues: az • iyi • zor • tok • üst • ödül • taze • ağır • dolu • esir • kaba • kısa • genç • geniş • soğuk • tatlı • zarar • beyaz • yavaş • çıkış • savaş • yakın • sabah • hayır • küçük • şişman • yanlış • korkak • çirkin • yukarı • çalışkan
Sarah's dieren kruiswoordraadsel 2018-10-04
- een dier dat niet de beste vriend is met een hond
- een lang glibberig gevaarlijk dier
- een dier met een lange nek
- een heel slim dier
- een dier dat je na zegt
- een dier dat alleen maar mieren eet
- een klein dier met scherpe tandjes
- een dier dat s'nachts niet slaapt alleen maar overdag
- een dier met manen
- een dier dat heel graag wortels eet
- een sluw dier
- een dier dat 'blub' zegt
- een dier dat bamboe eet
- een dier die heel lui is
- een dier dat 'koekoek' zegt
- een dier dat slingert in de bomen
- een dier dat een hoorn heeft aan zijn neus
- een dier dat brult
- een dier dat 'woef' zegt
- een dier dat graag in de modder speelt
- een dier dat zaad eet en 'tok-tok' zegt
21 Clues: een sluw dier • een heel slim dier • een dier dat brult • een dier met manen • een dier dat bamboe eet • een dier dat je na zegt • een dier dat 'blub' zegt • een dier die heel lui is • een dier dat 'woef' zegt • een dier met een lange nek • een dier dat 'koekoek' zegt • een dier dat slingert in de bomen • een lang glibberig gevaarlijk dier • een klein dier met scherpe tandjes • ...
Erobringen av Spania 2016-12-05
- "Å skrive vakkert"
- Etterfølgerne til profeten dro på ...
- Hvilket området kom perserne fra?
- Et fruktbart område som ble hovedområdet til araberne
- Navn på folk som erobret Spania
- Lærelystne fra hele Europa kom for å gå på ...
- Et kongepalass i Granada
- Arabisk utsmykking av et bygg
- Araberne tok med seg et effektivt ... (jordbruk)
- Navn på en person som stod i nær kontakt med Gud
- Et spill som persere og arabere tok med seg til Europa
- En slags hovedstad
12 Clues: "Å skrive vakkert" • En slags hovedstad • Et kongepalass i Granada • Arabisk utsmykking av et bygg • Navn på folk som erobret Spania • Hvilket området kom perserne fra? • Etterfølgerne til profeten dro på ... • Lærelystne fra hele Europa kom for å gå på ... • Araberne tok med seg et effektivt ... (jordbruk) • Navn på en person som stod i nær kontakt med Gud • ...
skaisti un mīļi dzivnieki 2019-05-03
- orandž ar melnām strīpām
- maina savu ādas krāsu ik pa gadalaiku
- peld gan lido
- mīļš un bailīgs bet nav zaķis
- ziemā balts bet bailīgs
- garš kakls
- apkārt sejai pūkains bet orandž
- apaļīgs un pelēks
- brūns kā šokolāde
- tik orandža un tik viltīga
- čakla un maza
- viltīgs kā lapsa bet pelēks
- svītrains bet nav tīģeris
- cilvēka labākais draugs
14 Clues: garš kakls • čakla un maza • peld gan lido • apaļīgs un pelēks • brūns kā šokolāde • ziemā balts bet bailīgs • cilvēka labākais draugs • orandž ar melnām strīpām • svītrains bet nav tīģeris • tik orandža un tik viltīga • viltīgs kā lapsa bet pelēks • mīļš un bailīgs bet nav zaķis • apkārt sejai pūkains bet orandž • maina savu ādas krāsu ik pa gadalaiku
30 Clues: tok • kış • iyi • çok • ince • ufak • ağır • taze • uzun • eski • ucuz • tatlı • nazik • hızlı • savaş • yavaş • sabah • inmek • güzel • büyük • açmak • sıcak • siyah • almak • yukarı • gitmek • şişman • gündüz • zengin • oturmak
Jj 2021-07-14
- il primo posto in cui abbiamo bevuto qualcosa da soli
- come ti ho salvato sul cellulare
- il primo film che abbiamo "visto" insieme
- cosa mi dici quando vado fuori a fumare
- dove ci siamo dati il nostro primo bacio
- cosa desidero in grande quantità
- il mese della nostra prima uscita
- chi sarei io se avessi le orecchie e la coda
- dove andremo noi a vivere
- cosa sei tu
- cosa ti chiedo quanto torni a casa da lavoro
- il cane di cui mi sono innamorata in grecia
- la canzone che cantiamo mentre bolle l'acqua
- com'era il tuo pene al nostro primo bacio
- dove non voglio ricevere bacini
- cosa io non sono
- la canzone del nostro primo tik tok
- come si pronuncia il tuo soprannome nella mia lungua
- quanto è durato il nostro primo pompino
- il nostro primo viaggio all'estero
- cosa ci piace mettere sulla pizza
- cosa non so fare bene ma continuo a fare imperterrita
- gli animali che ho visto insieme a te per la prima volta
- dove ci siamo incontrati la prima volta
- il mio segno zodiacale
- la mia bevanda preferita
- il tuo soprannome
- quello che ti chiedo più spesso
- due cose che ami particolarmente di me
- dove mi piace darti i bacini
- mentre lo fai sei davvero sexy
- cosa ci piace fare instantly
- Quello che ti chiedo di fare più spesso
- Come voglio che sia un bacino
34 Clues: cosa sei tu • cosa io non sono • il tuo soprannome • il mio segno zodiacale • la mia bevanda preferita • dove andremo noi a vivere • dove mi piace darti i bacini • cosa ci piace fare instantly • Come voglio che sia un bacino • mentre lo fai sei davvero sexy • dove non voglio ricevere bacini • quello che ti chiedo più spesso • come ti ho salvato sul cellulare • ...
Anna's Valentines day Crossword <3 2023-02-14
- Frost / Oh, Ill get the cheese curds please.
- / My Zucs!
- / Acai Refresher
- / I love you, you love me
- / Sports, Jake, Math.
- / Where's Blake?
- / If I win 20 second kiss
- / Life is about hurdles and Turtles
- Trip / They make them good out here.
- / Oh Blake can you grab me my _______
- / Superliked ;)
- Joes / Best food trips MY DUMPLINS!
- / Blue Blood, Security, Lover, Cuddles, good boy.
- / Cruel Summer
- / Best Personal Purchase you've made in the last year.
- Sarah Marshall / I will Equalize You!
- / First Ave <3
- Bear Lake / Home, Kowalski's, Bigwood.
- / Large Iced coffee with Cream/Sugar with a shot of Almond
- / Bryan, Steve, Tina.
- n Cone / Cherry and ButterScotch Cones
- / MMMM Corn beef and hash.
- / Javamoose, Fairgrounds, Rise.
- Loop / Always going to be a special spot <3
- / I Gotta get in there!
- / Spring Rolls, Chairs, Farmers Market
- / Shia LeBeouf
- / 21 can you do something for me!
- / "Oh they have the best bones" - Franklin
- Season / Tik tok got you right with this
- / Beach time.
- / Wanna know what you're playing for?
- / Sax player walking around
- / Just making a quick stop
- / Small Town with the Bluffs, Franklin Coffee.
- / Well I'd hold that baby if it wasn't crying all the time.
- / MY GUTS!
- / Vibes and Bones
- / The Espresso Martini's are great here.
- / Jesse Palmer!
- Swift / An Icon Really.
41 Clues: / My Zucs! • / MY GUTS! • / Beach time. • / Shia LeBeouf • / Superliked ;) • / Cruel Summer • / First Ave <3 • / Acai Refresher • / Where's Blake? • / Jesse Palmer! • / Vibes and Bones • / Bryan, Steve, Tina. • / Sports, Jake, Math. • / I Gotta get in there! • / I love you, you love me • / If I win 20 second kiss • / Just making a quick stop • / MMMM Corn beef and hash. • ...
一年生の単語練習 2022-05-19
- My left _____ is dirty//くつ
- Masuda-sensei is a _________//男性
- I want new shoes, ____ I have no money//でも
- The station is _______ here//~の近くに[で]
- Please dry your hands with a _________//タオル
- Let's eat in this ________//区域
- My friends want me to ______ to Tokyo//来る
- I want to go to a Radwimp's __________//コンサート
- Are ______ books from the library?//あれらの
- Do we have English class this __________?//週
- It will be Summer next __________//月
- ______ went to Karaoke together//彼ら
- Tik tok is ______ with young people//人気
- Please _______ your book to class//~を持ってくる
- I study English ______ day//毎
- I will go to Tokyo _____ for one day//ただ
- I want to ____ the soccer game//勝つ
- I want vegetables from this ______//市場
- I forgot to bring my ________ of water//ボトル
- Let's meet ________ school//~の前に
- I _____ like sushi//~もまた
- What is today's __________?//日
- What class do we have _____?//次の
- The restroom is ________ here//の近くに
- Uno-sensei is the basketball _________//コーチ
- I ____ my mother "mama"//呼ぶ
- Uno-sensei is a ___________//女性
- Do you have club _______ after school?//活動
- The concert is at the Midori ______//ホール
- I am ________ for the school trip//ワクワクした
30 Clues: I _____ like sushi//~もまた • My left _____ is dirty//くつ • I ____ my mother "mama"//呼ぶ • I study English ______ day//毎 • What is today's __________?//日 • Let's eat in this ________//区域 • Uno-sensei is a ___________//女性 • Masuda-sensei is a _________//男性 • Let's meet ________ school//~の前に • What class do we have _____?//次の • I want to ____ the soccer game//勝つ • ...
JAHVÈ TI (quizzi)AMO 2023-09-29
- Lo è il papà della Jasmine
- Chi sembra il Tias con i capelli biondi?
- Soprannome della Joly per noi ragazze
- Per l’Alessio è superflua
- Cosa c’è tra Franch e Chiara?
- Il conduttore TV preferito dell’Anna
- La nostra spezia preferita
- Il Franch la ha sempre in bocca
- Chi sta registrando?
- Il gioco dei Boyz
- La più grande sanguisuga del Trentino
- Lo è il disegno del Goldoni
- Jasmine definisce così il Franch in terza
- Androsh è un uomo…
- Lo yogurt e il taglio del Paolo
- Il Fabione ne da tante
- Nome del primo uccellino della Miry
- Al Callovi non piace
- Nome Tik Tok della Vivi
- I like …? Mmm…
- Lo è la mamma del Bizza
- Dove è stato il primo appuntamento dell’Ale e la Miry?
- La Chiara è un…
- La galleria della Joly è piena di…
- Chi ha limonato il Tommaso in seconda?
- La capacità da 10 del Paolo
- Al Tom piace dell’Anna S.
- L’indirizzo del Panky
- Potete prendere un taxi o un…
- Martin le usa nei meme
- Il colore della tuta del Tom
- La pizza preferita del Franch
- Che lavoro fanno due mamme del gruppo?
- Jasmine come coidore marocchino
- Chi ha messo il nome del gruppo?
- Serve all’Irene nei bigliettini dell’avvento
- Soprannome dell’Ale dato dai prof
- Lo è il petto del Thias
- Appuntamento settimanale dell’Ale
- Il BFF dell’Alessio
40 Clues: I like …? Mmm… • La Chiara è un… • Il gioco dei Boyz • Androsh è un uomo… • Il BFF dell’Alessio • Al Callovi non piace • Chi sta registrando? • L’indirizzo del Panky • Martin le usa nei meme • Il Fabione ne da tante • Nome Tik Tok della Vivi • Lo è la mamma del Bizza • Lo è il petto del Thias • Per l’Alessio è superflua • Al Tom piace dell’Anna S. • Lo è il papà della Jasmine • ...
TEHNIKA 7 - utrjevanje 2024-05-09
- Mesto, kjer se nahaja jedrska elektrarna.
- Obdelovalni postopek, pri katerem uporabimo sveder.
- Umetna snov, ki se pod vplivom temperature ne zmehča.
- Vrsta umetnih snovi, ki se po deformaciji vračajo v začetno pozicijo.
- Iz njega izdelujejo stikala, ročaje loncev, jamske čelade ...
- Vrsta elektrarne v Šoštanju.
- Se uporablja za izolacijo hiš.
- Umetna snov, ki se pod vplivom temperature zmehča.
- Postopek, pri katerem poskrbimo, da robovi niso ostri.
- Sodi med osnovne surovine za proizvodnjo umetnih snovi.
- Z njimi sklenemo ali prekinemo el. tok.
- Sodi med razstavljive zveze.
- Po njih teče električni tok.
13 Clues: Sodi med razstavljive zveze. • Po njih teče električni tok. • Vrsta elektrarne v Šoštanju. • Se uporablja za izolacijo hiš. • Z njimi sklenemo ali prekinemo el. tok. • Mesto, kjer se nahaja jedrska elektrarna. • Umetna snov, ki se pod vplivom temperature zmehča. • Obdelovalni postopek, pri katerem uporabimo sveder. • Umetna snov, ki se pod vplivom temperature ne zmehča. • ...
UH TTS Dampak Sosial Informatika 2024-06-11
- dapat menjual produknya kepada lebih banyak orang, perusahaan tidak perlu membuka cabang adalah keuntungan dari
- penyebaran, pembelian, penjualan, pemasaran barang dan jasa melalui sistem elektronik seperti internet atau televisi, www, atau jaringan komputer lainnya adalah pengertian dari
- nasabah diberikan kartu ATM dan kode rahasia pribadi yang disebut
- pembobolan rekening suatu lembaga atau perorangan yang mengakibatkan kerugian financial yang besar adalah dampak .... TIK dalam bidang ekonomi
- memungkinkan nasabah melakukan transaksi via internet
- kejahatan yang di lakukan seseorang dengan sarana internet di dunia maya
- komputer dari generasi ke tiga adalah sirkuit
- komputer dari generasi kedua adalah
- saluran yang memungkinkan nasabah untuk bertransaksi via HP dengan perintah SMS
- usaha memasuki secara illegal sebuah jaringan dengan maksud mencuri, mengubah atau menghancurkan file yang di simpan pada jaringan
- saluran yang memungkinkan nasabah untuk melakukan transaksi dengan bank via telepon
- otak perangkat keras komputer adalah
- komputer dari generasi pertama adalah tabung
- sebagai penghantaran otomatis jasa dan produk bank secara langsung kepada nasabah
- usaha memasuki sebuah jaringan dengan maksud mengeksplorasi atupun mencari kelemahan system jaringan
- banyak cabang distribusi, biaya yang dikeluarkan perusahaan dapat dikurangi adalah dampak TIK di bidangekonomi semakin maraknya penggunaan TIK akan semakin membuka lapangan pekerjaan adalah dampak positif TIK dalam bidang
16 Clues: komputer dari generasi kedua adalah • otak perangkat keras komputer adalah • komputer dari generasi pertama adalah tabung • komputer dari generasi ke tiga adalah sirkuit • memungkinkan nasabah melakukan transaksi via internet • nasabah diberikan kartu ATM dan kode rahasia pribadi yang disebut • ...
animals 2023-03-29
- it says tweet tweet an it can fly
- if you shave it you will get wool
- it has a long neck
- it is big and grey en has a really big trunk
- he loves bananas and can swing around trees
- it says moe
- it is pink and fat
- it runs really fast
- it says woef woef
- you can ride it
- it is pink and stand on 1 feet
- it lays eggs en it says tok tok
12 Clues: it says moe • you can ride it • it says woef woef • it is pink and fat • it has a long neck • it runs really fast • it is pink and stand on 1 feet • it lays eggs en it says tok tok • it says tweet tweet an it can fly • if you shave it you will get wool • he loves bananas and can swing around trees • it is big and grey en has a really big trunk
Karlo Glasnovic 2024-04-08
- Voda iz mineralnih izvora
- Jezera koja su nastala djelovanjem ledenjaka
- Riječno usće poput lijevka
- Veci tok slatke vode
- Okruglo udubljene nastalo otapanjem vapnenca
- Najduža rijeka u Africi
- Termalni izvor na površini
- Najprostranije jezero na Svijetu
- Svaki vodotok koji se ulijeva u glavni riječni tok
9 Clues: Veci tok slatke vode • Najduža rijeka u Africi • Voda iz mineralnih izvora • Termalni izvor na površini • Riječno usće poput lijevka • Najprostranije jezero na Svijetu • Okruglo udubljene nastalo otapanjem vapnenca • Jezera koja su nastala djelovanjem ledenjaka • Svaki vodotok koji se ulijeva u glavni riječni tok
srce 2023-12-20
- srčana vreća
- razdoblje mišićne kontrakcije srčanih klijetki tijekom kojega dolazi do izbacivanja krvi
- poremećaj srčanog ritma
- srčani udar
- bolest koronarnih arterija, glavni uzrok infarkta miokarda
- sprečavaju vraćanje krvi iz klijetki u pretklijetke nakon isoumpavanja
- šuplji mišić
- pumpa krv u krvne žile pod većim tlakom
- obavlja se kada se sumnja na bolesti srca (upala srčanog mišića)
- tok krvi između srca i svih organa i tkiva u organizmju
- stanje u kojem srce ne može ispumpati dostatnu količinu krvi da bi zadovoljilo potrebe svih dijelova tijela za kisikom i hranjivim tvarima
- pumpa krv u plućnu arteriju
- sastoji se od dijastole i sistole
- tok krvi između srca i pluća
- dio srčanog ciklusa tijekom kojega se miokard opušta, a srce se puni krvlju
- normalna je 60-100/min
- srce
17 Clues: srce • srčani udar • srčana vreća • šuplji mišić • normalna je 60-100/min • poremećaj srčanog ritma • pumpa krv u plućnu arteriju • tok krvi između srca i pluća • sastoji se od dijastole i sistole • pumpa krv u krvne žile pod većim tlakom • tok krvi između srca i svih organa i tkiva u organizmju • bolest koronarnih arterija, glavni uzrok infarkta miokarda • ...
- Skirtingo ilgumo garsų kaita muzikos kūrinyje
- Dirigento lazdelė
- Nata, išlaikanti daugiausiai judesių arba žingsnių.
- Labai aukštas moters balsas
- Nata, kuri išlaiko vieną judesį arba žingsnį
- Nata, kuri išlaiko du judesius arba žingsnius.
- ...chore dainuoja tik moterys
- ....tai šokis, kuris rašomas 2/4 metre.
- ...raktas, rašomas muzikinio kūrinio pradžioje.
- Muzikoje labai greitas tempas
- ...tai šokis, kuris rašomas 3/4 metre.
- ...chore dainuoja tik vaikai
- Muzikoje garsiai
- Žmogus, kuris vadovauja muzikantų grupei
- Viena iš trijų muzikos išraiškos priemonių.
- Žemiausias vyrų balsas
- Žmonių grupė, kuri dainuoja, vadinamas vokalinis...
- Muzikoje tyliai
- Muzikoje labai lėtas tempas
- Muzikos tėkmė laike, matuojama žingsniais
20 Clues: Muzikoje tyliai • Muzikoje garsiai • Dirigento lazdelė • Žemiausias vyrų balsas • Labai aukštas moters balsas • Muzikoje labai lėtas tempas • ...chore dainuoja tik vaikai • ...chore dainuoja tik moterys • Muzikoje labai greitas tempas • ...tai šokis, kuris rašomas 3/4 metre. • ....tai šokis, kuris rašomas 2/4 metre. • Žmogus, kuris vadovauja muzikantų grupei • ...
Stamba tingting blong Trenem Tingting Kos 2021-06-28
- Yumi mas skelemgud ol toktok we yumi ridim blong meksua se ol man i no _________ yumi.
- From we Tok blong God hem stret toktok blong God nomo, yumi mas ting ________ long hem.
- Ol kwestin we yumi askem long wan Baebol stadi oli mas go from _________ blong pasej we yumi stap ridim.
- Sipos yumi no kasem stret mining blong Tok Blong God yumi ________ nem blong God.
- Long wan stori i gat fulap smolsmol ________ i stap long hem.
- Taem yumi wokemaot mining blong wan samting i gud sipos yumi askem plante ____________.
- Taem yumi ridim Tok Blong God yumi wantem savegud ________ blong hem
- Blong kasemgud mining blong wan toktok yumi mas tingbaot, _______ mo wokemaot mining blong hem.
- God i putum _________ blong hem mo nem blong hem. Tufala i hae we i hae i winim ol narafala samting.
9 Clues: Long wan stori i gat fulap smolsmol ________ i stap long hem. • Taem yumi ridim Tok Blong God yumi wantem savegud ________ blong hem • Sipos yumi no kasem stret mining blong Tok Blong God yumi ________ nem blong God. • Yumi mas skelemgud ol toktok we yumi ridim blong meksua se ol man i no _________ yumi. • ...
dieren 2018-02-16
Peran TIK Dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari 2023-05-10
- Mendorong inovasi dan penyerapan teknologi, meningkatkan efisiensi alokasi sumber daya, dan mengurangi biaya produksi adalah dampak positif dari penggunaan TIK dalam bidang..
- Layanan pemerintah kepada masyarakat lewat TIK adalah..
- Hubungan pemerintah dengan pemerintah lewat TIK adalah..
- apa singkatan dari Automatic teller machine atau Automated teller machine?
- penggunaan kartu kredit, ATM, Internek banking, SMS banking adalah penggunaan dalam bidang..
- Government to Business (G2B) adalah penggunaan dalam bidang..
- aktivitas perbankan yang dilakukan dari rumah, kantor atau tempat-tempat lain dengan memanfaatkan media internet adalah..
- Memudahkan para pengrajin produk-produk kebudayan lokal bisa membantu untuk mempromosikannya ke luar negeri adalah contoh penggunaan TIK dalam bidang..
- Proses pembelajaran dari jarak jauh atau dikenal dengan istilah..
- penerapan TIK sangat penting dan sangat membantu dalam proses menjalankan demokrasi di Indonesia adalah penggunaan dalam bidang..kebudayaan Memudahkan para pengrajin produk-produk kebudayan lokal bisa membantu untuk mempromosikannya ke luar negeri adalah contoh penggunaan TIK dalam bidang..
10 Clues: Layanan pemerintah kepada masyarakat lewat TIK adalah.. • Hubungan pemerintah dengan pemerintah lewat TIK adalah.. • Government to Business (G2B) adalah penggunaan dalam bidang.. • Proses pembelajaran dari jarak jauh atau dikenal dengan istilah.. • apa singkatan dari Automatic teller machine atau Automated teller machine? • ...
19 Clues: x SOL • x TOK • x SON • x EKSİ • x ESKİ • x CEVAP • x HAYIR • x GENİŞ • x SONRA • x SİYAH • x KÜÇÜK • x AŞAĞI • x YAŞLI • x BARIŞ • x AKŞAM • x SOĞUK • x SEVİNÇ • x YANLIŞ • x ÇALIŞKAN
test ceara 2021-01-04
Leon Krznar 2024-04-08
- karakteristični oblik ušća rijeke
- zaljev nastao potapanjem riječnog ušća
- voda iz mineralnih izvora
- mjesto gdje izvire voda
- najveće jezero na svijetu
- veći tok slatke vode
- područje s kojeg sve vode otječu prema moru
- svaki vodotok koji se uljeva u glavni riječni tok
- jezero u središnjoj Aziji između Kazakhstana i Uzbekistana
- najdulja rijeka na svijetu
10 Clues: veći tok slatke vode • mjesto gdje izvire voda • voda iz mineralnih izvora • najveće jezero na svijetu • najdulja rijeka na svijetu • karakteristični oblik ušća rijeke • zaljev nastao potapanjem riječnog ušća • područje s kojeg sve vode otječu prema moru • svaki vodotok koji se uljeva u glavni riječni tok • jezero u središnjoj Aziji između Kazakhstana i Uzbekistana
Giulia 2021-10-20
- pur di non andare a lezione, del google meet cliccavi il link, facevi la presentazione e speravi che fosse il giorno buono della Pink.
- a Los Angeles si fa con il piatto nel sacchetto
- se ti invitassero a questo viaggio, partiresti subito in coppia con curiosità e tanto coraggio.
- la scambiasti per purè di patate la prima volta che la mangiasti e i veneti a tavola impallidirono:
- altro modo per descrivere il tuo uomo ideale: anziano pieno di soldi che in cambio di sesso ti mantiene a vita
- è il Duce del tuo cuore?
- dove ti perdi ore a guardare video divertenti.
- tua grande crush del passato, da quando è famoso in tutto il mondo non l'hai più calcolato
- il colore dell’unico vestito che hai messo in lavatrice.
- hai tanta ‘sintonia’ con questo paese.
- la vita è più bella con le … di mozzarelline.
- dove si trova idealmente l'uomo perfetto per te?
- il tuo continente preferito, del quale guardi i drama anche nelle lingue che non sai parlare, e tutti i suoi paesi vuoi visitare
- Il tuo uomo ideale in un personaggio televisivo (... on my block)
- mai'na…?
- ristorante nel Bronx di Mestre in cui hai lavorato, che hai amato e odiato
- te lo ripeti ogni volta che fai una figura di merda: sono una ……
- che cosa non hai a lavoro?
- il tuo daddy russo preferito cavalcatore di orsi.
19 Clues: mai'na…? • è il Duce del tuo cuore? • che cosa non hai a lavoro? • hai tanta ‘sintonia’ con questo paese. • la vita è più bella con le … di mozzarelline. • dove ti perdi ore a guardare video divertenti. • a Los Angeles si fa con il piatto nel sacchetto • dove si trova idealmente l'uomo perfetto per te? • il tuo daddy russo preferito cavalcatore di orsi. • ...
Zıt Anlamlı Kelimeler 2024-05-13
30 Clues: Öz • Son • Geç • Kar • Ölü • Tam • Boy • Tok • Ceza • İniş • Eksi • Batı • Sıvı • Taze • Kabul • Barış • Çürük • Zayıf • İtici • Olgun • Üzgün • Doğru • Sabah • Cesur • Satıcı • Geçici • Alacak • Cömert • Seyyar • Tüketici
Indigenous Activism 2022-06-10
3 Clues: Dakota access ________ • What did many indigeoness people do when the dakota access pipeline was being built • what many indigenous activists use to promote indigenous rights and environmentalism
tik 2022-04-08
- ada 5 aplikasi untuk penarapan cloud computing yang pertama adalah?
- semakin canggih sehingga dunia dikatakan?
- E-learning gunanya untuk?
- pusat pengelola internet dan juga aplikasi pengguna yaitu?
- aplikasi yang ketiga ialah?
- pada pertengahan 2014 nadiem dapat tawaran ... dana
- dengan apa pelayan kepada pasien dapat dilakukan dengan cepat?
- aplikasi yang keempat ialah?
- aplikasi yang terakhir ialah?
- sistem yang berusaha mengadopsi pengetahuan mansuia ke komputer adalah sistem?
- radiografi ialah pengguna untuk?
- aplikasi yang kedua ialah?
- selain E-Learning materi bisa dikirimkan kepada siswa melalui?
13 Clues: E-learning gunanya untuk? • aplikasi yang kedua ialah? • aplikasi yang ketiga ialah? • aplikasi yang keempat ialah? • aplikasi yang terakhir ialah? • radiografi ialah pengguna untuk? • semakin canggih sehingga dunia dikatakan? • pada pertengahan 2014 nadiem dapat tawaran ... dana • pusat pengelola internet dan juga aplikasi pengguna yaitu? • ...
Irregular verbs 2022-04-19
Kryssord om krigen i Norge 2021-05-07
9 Clues: Koder i avisene • Tysk krysser som sank • Et symbol på motstand • Han som tok over Norge • Et annet symbol på motstand • Festningen som tok ned Blucher • Kongen og dronningen regjerte i... • Det folk måtte ha om de skulle ha mat • Forbokstavene til det norske nazipartiet