twilight Crossword Puzzles

Books 2015-04-07

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Magic School Bus teacher
  2. District 12
  3. Jane
  4. Scout's scary neighbor
  5. Utopian Society
  6. Cat in the _____
  7. Shia Labeouf stars
  1. Tale of Two _____
  2. Red Room
  3. Sorcerer
  4. An offer you can't refuse
  5. Team Edward or Jacob

12 Clues: JaneRed RoomSorcererDistrict 12Utopian SocietyCat in the _____Tale of Two _____Shia Labeouf starsTeam Edward or JacobScout's scary neighborMagic School Bus teacherAn offer you can't refuse

Veronica’s ~first~ clue <3 2022-11-07

Veronica’s ~first~ clue <3 crossword puzzle
  1. go to dunkin order
  2. fav fruit
  3. my major
  4. # tattoos I have
  5. # pets I have
  6. number of siblings I have
  1. current fav show
  2. the only valid twilight team
  3. residential hall
  4. my fav snack
  5. fav color
  6. countries I’ve visited
  7. hometown

13 Clues: my majorhometownfav fruitfav colormy fav snack# pets I havecurrent fav showresidential hall# tattoos I havego to dunkin ordercountries I’ve visitednumber of siblings I havethe only valid twilight team

MAHALIA QUIZ 2024-07-05

MAHALIA QUIZ crossword puzzle
  1. - fave film
  2. - name of my future daughter
  3. - fave country
  4. - fave country i’ve visited
  5. - where was i born
  1. - last county i’ve visited
  2. - star sign
  3. - fave superhero
  4. - Fave colour
  5. - Fave number
  6. - family nickname
  7. - body count

12 Clues: - fave film- star sign- body count- Fave colour- Fave number- fave country- fave superhero- family nickname- where was i born- last county i’ve visited- fave country i’ve visited- name of my future daughter

Twilight 3 2024-05-16

Twilight 3 crossword puzzle
  1. How much does Bella weigh
  2. What Homework might Edward need help with?
  3. Where are Bella and friends going at the weekend
  1. Bella decides that Edward is(9) but not bad?
  2. what drink did Bella buy?
  3. what is the name of the chapter?
  4. What number chapter is it?
  5. What lesson did Bella go to first?

8 Clues: what drink did Bella buy?How much does Bella weighWhat number chapter is it?what is the name of the chapter?What lesson did Bella go to first?What Homework might Edward need help with?Bella decides that Edward is(9) but not bad?Where are Bella and friends going at the weekend

MovieBasedonBooks 2023-12-12

MovieBasedonBooks crossword puzzle
  1. mzimrz
  2. oliwlugsvirmth
  3. Sziibklggvi
  1. draziwlula
  2. sfmtvitznvh
  3. gdrortsg
  4. nzibklkkrmh
  5. kvixbqzxphlm

8 Clues: mzimrzgdrortsgdraziwlulasfmtvitznvhnzibklkkrmhSziibklggvikvixbqzxphlmoliwlugsvirmth

Jules totally amazing race dude. 2012-12-15

Jules totally amazing race dude. crossword puzzle
  1. route
  2. holiday
  3. 11
  1. Gomez
  2. vampire
  3. chip
  4. desert
  5. incredible

8 Clues: 11chipGomezroutedesertvampireholidayincredible

Für Laura :p 2013-03-25

Für Laura :p crossword puzzle
  2. Entenkuscheltier
  3. Laurabeleidigung
  4. Schiff
  1. Zwielicht
  2. Fabianhasstes
  3. dummeskuscheltier
  4. Handymarke

8 Clues: Schiff...filmZwielichtHandymarkeFabianhasstesEntenkuscheltierLaurabeleidigungdummeskuscheltier

Famous Authors and Their Books 2013-07-04

Famous Authors and Their Books crossword puzzle
  1. James Bond
  2. Miss Marple
  3. The Cronicles of Narnia
  4. The Famous Five
  5. The Da Vinci Code
  1. Goosebumps
  2. James and the Giant Peach
  3. Romeo and Juliet
  4. Harry Potter
  5. On the Road
  6. Peter Rabbit
  7. Oliver Twist
  8. meyer The Twilight Saga
  9. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  10. The Lord of the Rings
  11. War and Peace
  12. The Cat in the Hat

17 Clues: GoosebumpsJames BondOn the RoadMiss MarpleHarry PotterPeter RabbitOliver TwistWar and PeaceThe Famous FiveRomeo and JulietThe Da Vinci CodeThe Cat in the HatThe Lord of the Ringsmeyer The Twilight SagaThe Cronicles of NarniaJames and the Giant PeachAlice's Adventures in Wonderland


  1. bel, noya & helena's commonality
  2. sus
  3. guy who wears ladysocks
  4. best meme page
  5. abood
  6. negin's words upon entering the gc
  7. jean theme song
  8. driver
  1. vietnam
  2. Morbius Indo
  3. demonic desi couple
  4. youngest member
  5. this fast food resto run by a 19 yr old
  6. when developing pedo-stache
  7. fila that no one rly liked
  8. DM exposé
  9. sowwy

17 Clues: susaboodsowwydrivervietnamDM exposéMorbius Indobest meme pageyoungest memberjean theme songdemonic desi coupleguy who wears ladysocksfila that no one rly likedwhen developing pedo-stachebel, noya & helena's commonalitynegin's words upon entering the gcthis fast food resto run by a 19 yr old

Emilies 30->30 V 2023-11-28

Emilies 30->30 V crossword puzzle
  1. Emilies Wordle III
  2. Twilight-forfatter
  3. Travle I (ny)
  4. Møbelhandleren på Jessheim
  5. Travle III (ny)
  6. Dagens Wordle
  7. Travle II (ny)
  8. Emilies Wordle II
  9. Dagens Ordle
  1. Emilies Wordle IV
  2. Hvilken kake skal jeg bake til bdag?
  3. Dagens Worldle (ny)
  4. Emilies Wordle VI
  5. Emilies Wordle I
  6. Dagens Flagle
  7. Statsministerkandidat mot Gro
  8. Emilies Wordle V

17 Clues: Dagens OrdleTravle I (ny)Dagens FlagleDagens WordleTravle II (ny)Travle III (ny)Emilies Wordle IEmilies Wordle VEmilies Wordle IVEmilies Wordle VIEmilies Wordle IIEmilies Wordle IIITwilight-forfatterDagens Worldle (ny)Møbelhandleren på JessheimStatsministerkandidat mot GroHvilken kake skal jeg bake til bdag?

BT's Board Game Puzzle 2022-03-06

BT's Board Game Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Portugese tile abbr.
  2. Fortress
  3. Drunken outburst?
  4. Rustic soda?
  5. Imperium struggle?
  6. Associated with apples or figs
  7. Fiefdom
  8. High-ranking officer
  9. Skin condition
  10. "A Christmas Carol", etc.
  11. Occasional pirate need?
  1. Big
  2. Transparently tragic
  3. Not Constantinople
  4. Jahan's burial city
  5. Color for castles?
  6. At the source
  7. Classic renamed in 2015
  8. Requirement for raising a child
  9. Grim companion?
  10. Pie variety
  11. Mysterious man in many boxes

22 Clues: BigFiefdomFortressPie varietyRustic soda?At the sourceSkin conditionGrim companion?Drunken outburst?Not ConstantinopleColor for castles?Imperium struggle?Jahan's burial cityPortugese tile abbr.Transparently tragicHigh-ranking officerClassic renamed in 2015Occasional pirate need?"A Christmas Carol", etc.Mysterious man in many boxes...

Week 2 2024-05-05

Week 2 crossword puzzle
  1. group of singers
  2. legs of a bridge
  3. not allowed
  4. between afternoon and night
  5. to make larger
  6. to look up to someone
  7. what one needs to do
  8. symbol of punctuation
  9. land surrounded by water
  10. needs
  1. study of human mind and behaviour
  2. repeated based on sound
  3. expressing joy
  4. addition of groups
  5. wanting
  6. extremely bad dream
  7. what someone faces
  8. large wind storm
  9. whinge
  10. constantly moving

20 Clues: needswhingewantingnot allowedexpressing joyto make largergroup of singerslegs of a bridgelarge wind stormconstantly movingaddition of groupswhat someone facesextremely bad dreamwhat one needs to doto look up to someonesymbol of punctuationrepeated based on soundland surrounded by waterbetween afternoon and nightstudy of human mind and behaviour

Hobbit Vocabulary Ch 15-19 2017-03-24

Hobbit Vocabulary Ch 15-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Traditional beliefs
  2. To linger or delay
  3. A home or dwelling
  4. to talk and resolve differences
  5. A position of control
  6. Curved swords
  7. Twilight
  8. Providing comfort
  9. The upper edge
  10. Surround a position when attacking
  1. Three times
  2. Being awake
  3. The only one
  4. To get revenge
  5. To make an assumption
  6. Dead bodies
  7. The leading position
  8. Watchers
  9. To gather together as a group
  10. To desire something

20 Clues: WatchersTwilightThree timesBeing awakeDead bodiesThe only oneCurved swordsTo get revengeThe upper edgeProviding comfortTo linger or delayA home or dwellingTraditional beliefsTo desire somethingThe leading positionTo make an assumptionA position of controlTo gather together as a groupto talk and resolve differencesSurround a position when attacking

my life (baley) 2022-12-05

my life (baley) crossword puzzle
  1. fav race
  2. fav holiday
  3. fav food
  4. fav veggie
  5. fav show
  6. my guinea pig
  7. my cat
  8. malachis step dad
  9. fav family guy quote
  1. my least fav thing ever
  2. fynns fav food
  3. fav store
  4. cookie
  5. what fynn like to nibble
  6. my fav color
  7. my idol
  8. fav book
  9. current obsession
  10. where i wanna live
  11. my brother
  12. color of undies i pooed in

21 Clues: cookiemy catmy idolfav racefav foodfav bookfav showfav storefav veggiemy brotherfav holidaymy fav colormy guinea pigfynns fav foodcurrent obsessionmalachis step dadwhere i wanna livefav family guy quotemy least fav thing everwhat fynn like to nibblecolor of undies i pooed in

A Shady Plot 2024-08-03

A Shady Plot crossword puzzle
  1. out of agitation
  2. quickly
  3. a person one knows slightly
  4. overconfident
  5. best
  6. a small thorn
  7. stupidity
  8. inducing sadness
  9. expressing excessive zeal
  10. move into a sloping position
  1. uncontrolled behaviour of crying
  2. emotionless
  3. unstoppable
  4. strange or mysterious
  5. in a very unhappy state
  6. looked unpleasantly
  7. evening
  8. appropriate to a devil in evil or cruelty
  9. break up into small parts
  10. a person who conquers any place

20 Clues: bestquicklyeveningstupidityemotionlessunstoppableoverconfidenta small thornout of agitationinducing sadnesslooked unpleasantlystrange or mysteriousin a very unhappy statebreak up into small partsexpressing excessive zeala person one knows slightlymove into a sloping positiona person who conquers any placeuncontrolled behaviour of crying...

Does Carter Know Brianna 2024-06-19

Does Carter Know Brianna crossword puzzle
  1. Female Celeb Crush
  2. Favourite Movie
  3. What I say when I can’t take a compliment
  4. Favourite Singer
  5. Best Friend
  6. The Love of my Life
  7. Male Celeb Crush
  1. Oldest Niece
  2. Favourite Food
  3. Where We Met
  4. Favourite Colour
  5. Youngest Niece
  6. Favourite Date of Ours
  7. My Hobby

14 Clues: My HobbyBest FriendOldest NieceWhere We MetFavourite FoodYoungest NieceFavourite MovieFavourite ColourFavourite SingerMale Celeb CrushFemale Celeb CrushThe Love of my LifeFavourite Date of OursWhat I say when I can’t take a compliment

Halloween - Chloe Peters 2015-10-05

Halloween - Chloe Peters crossword puzzle
  1. Members of the undead - corpses that have come alive.
  2. A famous reanimated corpse - a mad scientist created him.
  3. An alternate name for the holiday Halloween (Hint: All _____s Eve)
  4. A costume that is common among girls on Halloween (one step lower than queen)
  5. An outfit worn; usually to pretend to be something you're not.
  6. A bird that can rotate its head 270 degrees.
  7. All the bones in the human body.
  8. An apparition; a spirit; a soul of the dead living among us.
  1. A bloodsucking monster who turns to dust in sunlight (Think Edward from Twilight)
  2. People with arachnophobia hate these web-spinning bugs.
  3. A house that is haunted.
  4. Something children receive on Halloween night.
  5. Children going door-to-door on halloween night.
  6. Can be made into pie and jack'o'lanterns.
  7. A human-like object used to scare crows away from crops.
  8. A cat who is believed to be bad luck.
  9. A half human half wolf hybrid that comes out on nights when the moon is full (think Jacob from Twilight)
  10. The bones inside your head (Starts with s)
  11. The season which Halloween takes place in.
  12. A woman who has magical powers (Hint: usually has a wart)

20 Clues: A house that is haunted.All the bones in the human body.A cat who is believed to be bad luck.Can be made into pie and jack'o'lanterns.The bones inside your head (Starts with s)The season which Halloween takes place in.A bird that can rotate its head 270 degrees.Something children receive on Halloween night....

my little pony 2017-01-05

my little pony crossword puzzle
  1. έχει έναν ... η Applejack την Winona
  2. έχει μία ... η Twilight τον Ulisseus
  1. έχει ένα ... η Fluttershy τον Angel
  2. έχει μία ... η Rainbow Dash τον Tank
  3. έχει ένα ... η Pinkie Pie τον Gummy
  4. Spike ο καλύτερος ... της Twilight
  5. έχει μία ... η Rarity την Opal

7 Clues: έχει μία ... η Rarity την OpalSpike ο καλύτερος ... της Twilightέχει ένα ... η Fluttershy τον Angelέχει ένα ... η Pinkie Pie τον Gummyέχει μία ... η Rainbow Dash τον Tankέχει έναν ... η Applejack την Winonaέχει μία ... η Twilight τον Ulisseus

Vocab 4 2024-10-04

Vocab 4 crossword puzzle
  1. release of emotional tension
  2. to praise
  3. marked by luxury
  4. smelly, or rotten
  5. effective or producing the desired outcome
  6. mutually destructive
  7. submissive
  1. questionable authenticity
  2. to overwhelm
  3. relating to a basic nature
  4. established principal
  5. to regard with respect
  6. relating to laughter
  7. pertaining to twilight

14 Clues: to praisesubmissiveto overwhelmmarked by luxurysmelly, or rottenmutually destructiverelating to laughterestablished principalto regard with respectpertaining to twilightquestionable authenticityrelating to a basic naturerelease of emotional tensioneffective or producing the desired outcome

Tigers at twilight 2024-10-10

Tigers at twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Jack and Annie were swinging across this
  2. Jack and Annie got hugged by this
  3. Poachers trapped tigers out of
  4. Jack and Annie rode this
  5. Teddy is a
  1. This started to come up the tree
  2. The forest is in
  3. This was making Annie sink
  4. Teddy was put under this
  5. One of the monkey names
  6. Jack's sister
  7. The dog's name

12 Clues: Teddy is aJack's sisterThe dog's nameThe forest is inOne of the monkey namesTeddy was put under thisJack and Annie rode thisThis was making Annie sinkPoachers trapped tigers out ofThis started to come up the treeJack and Annie got hugged by thisJack and Annie were swinging across this

Your Puzzle 2023-06-03

Your Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the first scool in Calgary
  2. What was the martial art we practiced in Calgary?
  3. You liked to watch this show when you were little (a lot)
  4. What book series did you know eerything about?
  5. Who wrote the Twilight series?
  6. Where was the farm you lived on?
  7. Team Edward or Team Jacob?
  8. What hogwarts house are you really?
  9. One of your good friends names when you were younger
  10. what you called your great grandfather Ken
  11. The name of the dog that slept in front of your door in Pine Lake
  1. (Easy one) Whats your middle name?
  2. Your favorite school lunch in Calgary
  3. What was your rabbits name?
  4. Who sings Hail To The King?
  5. The first horse you rode was named?
  6. What was the pigeon's name in Pine Lake?
  7. The color of the old house in Olds with a trampoline?
  8. Who's your friend in Olds that had their Dad let them get a side shave?
  9. What song was (your parents old band) recorded that had you laughing on the couch?
  10. What was your black kitty's name?
  11. The area in Calgary you lived in was called ________

22 Clues: Team Edward or Team Jacob?What was your rabbits name?Who sings Hail To The King?Who wrote the Twilight series?Where was the farm you lived on?What was your black kitty's name?(Easy one) Whats your middle name?The first horse you rode was named?What hogwarts house are you really?Your favorite school lunch in Calgary...

The Legend of Zelda: People and creatures of Hyrule 2024-05-20

The Legend of Zelda: People and creatures of Hyrule crossword puzzle
  1. they can eat rocks
  2. the artificial miners in skyward sword
  3. they are only in the tingle games
  4. the alternate name for the Minish
  5. the main population of hyrule
  6. from phantom hourglass, they guard their kingdom
  7. a common suffix for the piglike enemies
  8. the trivia asking yellow fox
  9. rounded ear hylians
  10. the companions of the kokiri
  11. there's 900 of them in BoTW, and more in ToTK
  12. a male is born every 100 years in this tribe
  13. builders of the mazes in BoTW
  14. they only appear in majora's mask, and save everyone
  15. they all have tea names in skyward sword
  16. the eternal children of the forest
  17. they crafted ganondorf's sword
  18. batreaux used to be one
  19. they are the "evil" faction of their tribe
  20. spies in majora's mask
  1. they only appear in the OOT manga
  2. they wear hoods, and the hottest has a bow
  3. kill the twilight princess egg ancients
  4. the early inhabitants of hyrule
  5. the flying birdfolk
  6. the eldin diggers of skyward sword
  7. they cook a great soup in twilight princess
  8. they live on crescent Island in the oracle games
  9. she lost all her babies in link between world
  10. they are seven from phantom hourglass
  11. jellyfish-like servants in skyward sword
  12. there is only one in wind waker
  13. ghosts of the graveyards
  14. yeti folk from phantom hourglass
  15. they are the "good" faction of their tribe
  16. the spirits of hylians in the lost woods
  17. they are so cold in spirit tracks!
  18. they are all dead in BoTW
  19. yes, the princess can fit in a bottle
  20. the guardians in spirit tracks
  21. tribe a varient of the minish
  22. the freshwater people
  23. the inhabitants of the twilight realm

43 Clues: they can eat rocksthe flying birdfolkrounded ear hyliansthe freshwater peoplespies in majora's maskbatreaux used to be oneghosts of the graveyardsthey are all dead in BoTWthe trivia asking yellow foxthe companions of the kokirithe main population of hyrulebuilders of the mazes in BoTWtribe a varient of the minishthe guardians in spirit tracks...

my little pony 2017-01-05

my little pony crossword puzzle
  1. έχει έναν ... η Applejack την Winona
  2. Spike ο καλύτερος ... της Twilight
  3. έχει μία ... η Twilight τον Ulisseus
  4. έχει μία ... η Rainbow Dash τον Tank
  1. έχει ένα ... η Pinkie Pie τον Gummy
  2. έχει ένα ... η Fluttershy τον Angel
  3. έχει μία ... η Rarity την Opal

7 Clues: έχει μία ... η Rarity την OpalSpike ο καλύτερος ... της Twilightέχει ένα ... η Pinkie Pie τον Gummyέχει ένα ... η Fluttershy τον Angelέχει έναν ... η Applejack την Winonaέχει μία ... η Twilight τον Ulisseusέχει μία ... η Rainbow Dash τον Tank

31 2024-06-22

31 crossword puzzle
  1. - Large bag
  2. - Small mythical being
  3. - Prison cell
  4. - Bed covering
  5. - Evening twilight
  6. - Sand hill
  1. - Electric generator
  2. - Bird of prey
  3. - Shelter
  4. - Cleaning tool

10 Clues: - Shelter- Large bag- Sand hill- Prison cell- Bird of prey- Bed covering- Cleaning tool- Evening twilight- Electric generator- Small mythical being

Synonyms 2016-05-04

Synonyms crossword puzzle
  1. pilfer or purloin
  2. insinuation or plant
  3. step or walk
  4. brave or valiant
  5. malice
  6. tamp or march
  7. teacher or instructor
  8. unsightly
  1. still or stagnant
  2. comprehend or know
  3. strength or power
  4. triumphant or victorious
  5. final or last
  6. period of reduced light after sunset or dusk
  7. muscular, sinewy or robust

15 Clues: maliceunsightlystep or walkfinal or lasttamp or marchbrave or valiantpilfer or purloinstill or stagnantstrength or powercomprehend or knowinsinuation or plantteacher or instructortriumphant or victoriousmuscular, sinewy or robustperiod of reduced light after sunset or dusk

Me! 2024-09-21

Me! crossword puzzle
  1. Favourite childhood character? (2 wrds.)
  2. Favourite restaurant food? (2 wrds.)
  3. Great ice cream flavour? (2 wrds.)
  4. Middle name?
  5. Zodiac sign?
  6. Favourite movie?
  7. Other great ice cream flavour?
  1. Favourite show?
  2. Favourite breakfast? (2 wrds.)
  3. Favourite bird?
  4. Best drink?
  5. Boat name?
  6. Old fish name?
  7. Best snack?
  8. Second favourite colour?

15 Clues: Boat name?Best drink?Best snack?Middle name?Zodiac sign?Old fish name?Favourite show?Favourite bird?Favourite movie?Second favourite colour?Favourite breakfast? (2 wrds.)Other great ice cream flavour?Great ice cream flavour? (2 wrds.)Favourite restaurant food? (2 wrds.)Favourite childhood character? (2 wrds.)

Synonyms 2016-05-04

Synonyms crossword puzzle
  1. pilfer or purloin
  2. insinuation or plant
  3. step or walk
  4. brave or valiant
  5. malice
  6. tamp or march
  7. teacher or instructor
  8. unsightly
  1. still or stagnant
  2. comprehend or know
  3. strength or power
  4. triumphant or victorious
  5. final or last
  6. period of reduced light after sunset or dusk
  7. muscular, sinewy or robust

15 Clues: maliceunsightlystep or walkfinal or lasttamp or marchbrave or valiantpilfer or purloinstill or stagnantstrength or powercomprehend or knowinsinuation or plantteacher or instructortriumphant or victoriousmuscular, sinewy or robustperiod of reduced light after sunset or dusk

Classic TV Shows of the Era 2023-12-23

Classic TV Shows of the Era crossword puzzle
  1. Five-O crime drama
  2. Caped crusader's TV show
  3. I Dream of... magical sitcom
  4. Lucy sitcom
  5. Bunch family sitcom
  6. Griffith Show
  7. Another spooky sitcom
  1. Zone anthology series
  2. Impossible spy series
  3. Acres rural comedy
  4. Island castaways
  5. Mason legal drama
  6. Family spooky sitcom
  7. Magical sitcom
  8. Trek sci-fi series

15 Clues: Lucy sitcomGriffith ShowMagical sitcomIsland castawaysMason legal dramaFive-O crime dramaAcres rural comedyTrek sci-fi seriesBunch family sitcomFamily spooky sitcomZone anthology seriesImpossible spy seriesAnother spooky sitcomCaped crusader's TV showI Dream of... magical sitcom

选修一Unit 1词汇检测 2024-05-07

选修一Unit 1词汇检测 crossword puzzle
  1. 仅仅
  2. 形成物;编队
  3. 裂缝
  4. 俘获
  5. 茁壮成长
  6. 令人受启发的
  7. 人行道
  1. 液体;流动的
  2. 稀少的
  3. 暮色
  4. 将发生;等候
  5. 探测器
  6. 进化

15 Clues: 仅仅暮色裂缝俘获进化稀少的探测器人行道茁壮成长液体;流动的形成物;编队将发生;等候令人受启发的

Crossword Puzzle #8 2024-10-02

Crossword Puzzle #8 crossword puzzle
  1. Sign of future trouble.
  2. Wolf's eerie sound.
  3. Hidden burial chamber.
  4. Unavoidable fate.
  5. Hides a ghost’s face.
  6. Between day and night.
  7. Carried for light.
  8. Total absence of light.
  1. Darkened moon.
  2. Cold, creepy feeling.
  3. Hiding, ready to scare.
  4. Eats the dead.
  5. Ghostly figure.
  6. Spun by a spider.
  7. Scary scream.

15 Clues: Scary scream.Darkened moon.Eats the dead.Ghostly figure.Unavoidable fate.Spun by a spider.Carried for light.Wolf's eerie sound.Cold, creepy feeling.Hides a ghost’s face.Hidden burial chamber.Between day and night.Sign of future trouble.Hiding, ready to scare.Total absence of light.

Halloween Crossword 2022-10-10

Halloween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. or treat
  2. Fruit Heads (candy)
  3. Yellow, Orange, White
  4. Jack Skellington, Sally, Santa
  5. pieces
  1. Taste the Rainbow
  2. Bella, Edward, Jacob
  3. Trick or Treating with Cars
  4. Movie
  5. The Sanderson Sisters
  6. O'Lantern
  7. Fruit Heads (cryptids)

12 Clues: Moviepiecesor treatO'LanternTaste the RainbowFruit Heads (candy)Bella, Edward, JacobThe Sanderson SistersYellow, Orange, WhiteFruit Heads (cryptids)Trick or Treating with CarsJack Skellington, Sally, Santa

Trouble With Chickens 2013-04-26

Trouble With Chickens crossword puzzle
  1. carried
  2. death
  3. nessasary
  4. wariness
  1. alusion
  2. fake
  3. evening
  4. gathering-place

8 Clues: fakedeathalusioneveningcarriedwarinessnessasarygathering-place

Trouble With Chickens 2013-04-26

Trouble With Chickens crossword puzzle
  1. carried
  2. death
  3. nessasary
  4. wariness
  1. alusion
  2. fake
  3. evening
  4. gathering-place

8 Clues: fakedeathalusioneveningcarriedwarinessnessasarygathering-place

Trouble With Chickens 2013-04-26

Trouble With Chickens crossword puzzle
  1. carried
  2. death
  3. nessasary
  4. wariness
  1. alusion
  2. fake
  3. evening
  4. gathering-place

8 Clues: fakedeathalusioneveningcarriedwarinessnessasarygathering-place

Book challenge #2 2017-12-13

Book challenge #2 crossword puzzle
  1. wolf person
  2. name of the book
  3. Edward's mother
  4. vampire person
  5. Edward's father
  6. Bella's father
  7. the town Bella is in
  1. Jacob's father
  2. the author
  3. Jacob's mother
  4. main character

11 Clues: the authorwolf personJacob's fathervampire personJacob's mothermain characterBella's fatherEdward's motherEdward's fathername of the bookthe town Bella is in

Movie Trivia 2022-03-09

Movie Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. I'll be there for you
  2. ghostface
  3. Vampire Wolves
  4. sinking ship
  5. Let it go
  1. Homer Bart
  2. Divided by factions
  3. Jungle game
  4. Dark night
  5. Walt
  6. any one can cook

11 Clues: WaltghostfaceLet it goHomer BartDark nightJungle gamesinking shipVampire Wolvesany one can cookDivided by factionsI'll be there for you

A Leopard Attack 2013-09-04

A Leopard Attack crossword puzzle
  1. / very loud
  2. / a sound like a wild pig
  3. / energetic; forceful
  4. / desperate; wild with fear
  5. / a great quantity
  6. / to fall suddenly
  1. / cannot be predicted
  2. / twilight
  3. / to conquer by force
  4. / animals used for farming
  5. / violently cruel
  6. / weaponless

12 Clues: / twilight/ very loud/ weaponless/ violently cruel/ a great quantity/ to fall suddenly/ cannot be predicted/ energetic; forceful/ to conquer by force/ a sound like a wild pig/ animals used for farming/ desperate; wild with fear

A Leopard Attack 2013-09-04

A Leopard Attack crossword puzzle
  1. / to fall suddenly
  2. / energetic; forceful
  3. / desperate; wild with fear
  4. / animals used for farming
  5. / violently cruel
  6. / very loud
  7. / weaponless
  1. / a great quantity
  2. / cannot be predicted
  3. / to conquer by force
  4. / a sound like a wild pig
  5. / twilight

12 Clues: / twilight/ very loud/ weaponless/ violently cruel/ a great quantity/ to fall suddenly/ energetic; forceful/ cannot be predicted/ to conquer by force/ a sound like a wild pig/ animals used for farming/ desperate; wild with fear

emilia 2022-02-23

emilia crossword puzzle
  1. amount of siblings
  2. my faivroute book
  3. my birthday
  4. faivroute animal
  5. my culture
  6. faivroute colour
  1. faivroute game
  2. my name
  3. faivroute movie
  4. tea faivroute drink

10 Clues: my namemy culturemy birthdayfaivroute gamefaivroute moviefaivroute animalfaivroute colourmy faivroute bookamount of siblingstea faivroute drink

#Sarafjachebari 2021-12-23

#Sarafjachebari crossword puzzle
  1. magic words!
  2. Stephanie Meyers' vampires
  3. hashtag কি ছিল?
  4. আরত্ত, Go buzzlightyear!
  5. Starwars er বাপ
  1. My Hero Academia (anime)
  2. একসাথে
  3. বউয়ের অন্য নাম
  4. বউয়ের নাম
  5. জামাই রাজার নাম
  6. ধৈর্য (wait for it...)
  7. খুশিতে আর কি করি?

12 Clues: একসাথেবউয়ের নামmagic words!বউয়ের অন্য নামজামাই রাজার নামhashtag কি ছিল?Starwars er বাপখুশিতে আর কি করি?ধৈর্য (wait for it...)My Hero Academia (anime)আরত্ত, Go buzzlightyear!Stephanie Meyers' vampires

To a Lost One 2023-05-09

To a Lost One crossword puzzle
  1. the persona of the poem
  2. Figurative language used in the line, "I shall haunt you as the twilight Haunts a grieving bamboo trail"
  3. the first name of the poet of the poem, "To a Lost One"
  4. Figurative language used in the line, "Dusk will peer into your Window, tragic-eyed and still,"
  5. the birthplace of Manalang-Gloria
  1. it symbolizes tears, crying, or grief
  2. the dominant emotion in the first stanza
  3. the time of the day that can be associated with darkness, gloom, or death
  4. a poem with four lines
  5. the flower that symbolizes the departed one
  6. Complete the line, "You shall not _________, for I am past forgetting."

11 Clues: a poem with four linesthe persona of the poemthe birthplace of Manalang-Gloriait symbolizes tears, crying, or griefthe dominant emotion in the first stanzathe flower that symbolizes the departed onethe first name of the poet of the poem, "To a Lost One"Complete the line, "You shall not _________, for I am past forgetting."...

Iinalle ❤️ 2024-01-20

Iinalle ❤️ crossword puzzle
  1. Goodmanilla oli ja tämä
  2. Ilmeikäs lehti
  3. Puhdas passikin
  4. Amerikassa kierros loppui 2018
  5. Twilight Perri + Suvi
  6. Täällä päällä paras villapaita
  7. 1.11.1905
  8. Ei siinä vaan
  1. ”Kukaan ei lue”
  2. Tiskiin
  3. Silmätulehduskeikka, esikoinen 10.
  4. Niin minä neitonen laulan

12 Clues: Tiskiin1.11.1905Ei siinä vaanIlmeikäs lehti”Kukaan ei lue”Puhdas passikinTwilight Perri + SuviGoodmanilla oli ja tämäNiin minä neitonen laulanAmerikassa kierros loppui 2018Täällä päällä paras villapaitaSilmätulehduskeikka, esikoinen 10.

SPYxFAMILY 2023-07-08

SPYxFAMILY crossword puzzle
  1. 超能力者
  2. 小麦粉
  3. かつら
  4. 事故
  5. 爆弾
  6. 任務
  1. 精神科医
  2. 爆発
  3. 職業
  4. 大使館
  5. 黄昏

11 Clues: 爆発職業事故黄昏爆弾任務小麦粉かつら大使館精神科医超能力者

Für Laura :p 2013-03-25

Für Laura :p crossword puzzle
  1. dummeskuscheltier
  2. Laurabeleidigung
  3. Zwielicht
  1. Entenkuscheltier
  2. Schiff
  3. Fabianhasstes
  4. Handymarke

8 Clues: Schiff...filmZwielichtHandymarkeFabianhasstesEntenkuscheltierLaurabeleidigungdummeskuscheltier

25th Year 2023-04-21

25th Year crossword puzzle
  1. A State of Mind
  2. 24 Brews
  3. Stored Best in a Royal Box
  4. Feeling Right Now
  5. Podcast Topic
  6. Saturday Night Kind of Pink
  1. Good Eavesdropping Spot
  2. High Art
  3. Beloved Film
  4. Spot for picking up action figures
  5. Today
  6. Rainy Night
  7. Californiaaaaa

13 Clues: TodayHigh Art24 BrewsRainy NightBeloved FilmPodcast TopicCaliforniaaaaaA State of MindFeeling Right NowGood Eavesdropping SpotStored Best in a Royal BoxSaturday Night Kind of PinkSpot for picking up action figures

Easy Crossword 2022-01-31

Easy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Abominable Snowman
  2. Sigourney Weaver movie
  3. Not Dead
  4. Creatures wiped out by a meteor
  5. Chicken's produce
  6. Playground Feature
  7. Country with capital Paris
  8. Eleventh Doctor; __ Smith
  9. Bugs Bunny's show; __ Tunes
  1. Wicked Witch of the West
  2. John Lennon song
  3. Dostoevsky novel; __ and Punishment
  4. Achieve First Place
  5. American Horror Story Season Two
  6. Neither for nor against
  7. Twilight star; __ Pattinson
  8. Inside of a house
  9. Score in football
  10. Honey Maker

19 Clues: Not DeadHoney MakerJohn Lennon songInside of a houseChicken's produceScore in footballAbominable SnowmanPlayground FeatureAchieve First PlaceSigourney Weaver movieNeither for nor againstWicked Witch of the WestEleventh Doctor; __ SmithCountry with capital ParisTwilight star; __ PattinsonBugs Bunny's show; __ TunesCreatures wiped out by a meteor...

Crossword Spelling Words Week 1 2021-09-30

Crossword Spelling Words Week 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Keep those clothes clean
  2. Give the singer a round of...
  3. in the middle
  4. a time of day
  5. a quick look
  6. robber or theif
  7. Shh, don't tell
  8. a crossing
  9. like a moth to a flame
  10. worms, snails, and slugs
  1. problem
  2. can be solar or lunar
  3. no ___ is the same
  4. detail
  5. what you have at recess
  6. holds you down
  7. starving
  8. trade

18 Clues: tradedetailproblemstarvinga crossinga quick lookin the middlea time of dayholds you downrobber or theifShh, don't tellno ___ is the samecan be solar or lunarlike a moth to a flamewhat you have at recessKeep those clothes cleanworms, snails, and slugsGive the singer a round of...

Big clues :) 2022-04-18

Big clues :) crossword puzzle
  1. Zodiac Sign
  2. Favorite show
  3. Favorite drink
  4. Favorite movie saga
  5. Favorite Genre of music
  1. Dream job
  2. favorite book series
  3. Favorite color
  4. Favorite place
  5. Number of pets I have
  6. Favorite food

11 Clues: Dream jobZodiac SignFavorite showFavorite foodFavorite colorFavorite placeFavorite drinkFavorite movie sagafavorite book seriesNumber of pets I haveFavorite Genre of music

Förstaplats 2024-07-20

Förstaplats crossword puzzle
  1. - Frukt
  2. - Från vilken film
  3. - Andra ordet i bandets namn
  4. - Artistens efternamn
  5. - Plagg
  1. - Djur
  2. - Bandets namn
  3. - Vad har sångaren hittat (låtnamn)
  4. - Första ordet i bandets namn
  5. - Färg (artistnamn)
  6. - Sångerskans förnamn

11 Clues: - Djur- Frukt- Plagg- Bandets namn- Från vilken film- Färg (artistnamn)- Artistens efternamn- Sångerskans förnamn- Andra ordet i bandets namn- Första ordet i bandets namn- Vad har sångaren hittat (låtnamn)

Halloween 2023-09-15

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. Boo!
  2. Americans eat it
  3. Dress up
  4. Big nose
  5. American halloween candy
  6. Twilight
  1. You do it on pumkins
  2. Creepy house
  3. Kids go around knocking on doors
  4. You walk into it
  5. Month

11 Clues: Boo!MonthDress upBig noseTwilightCreepy houseAmericans eat itYou walk into itYou do it on pumkinsAmerican halloween candyKids go around knocking on doors

Mango Mania 2015-05-23

Mango Mania crossword puzzle
  1. extremely self-centered one
  2. delusional fantasies of power and relevance
  3. food snob
  4. book, play, movie: Steel ______
  5. twilight
  6. part of NGO
  7. wood commonly used for furniture
  8. Willie Wonka says you need this
  9. coastline plant
  10. in the midst of
  1. Arthurian sorceress
  2. shrimp-eating bird
  3. scary night creature
  4. color
  5. the end of the world
  6. to add to, enhance
  7. ________ Myrtle
  8. conflict creator

18 Clues: colortwilightfood snobpart of NGO________ Myrtlecoastline plantin the midst ofconflict creatorshrimp-eating birdto add to, enhanceArthurian sorceressscary night creaturethe end of the worldextremely self-centered onebook, play, movie: Steel ______Willie Wonka says you need thiswood commonly used for furniture...

Trivia 2020-07-22

Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Who did he date after the afore mentioned individual?
  2. What is his full name?
  3. Who did he play in the Harry Potter francise?
  4. What is Robert Pattinson's birthday?
  1. What is the weird nickname he has?
  2. Who did his ex (first one mentioned) date after him?
  3. Who had Rpattz dated around the twilight filming timeframe?
  4. Who did he play in the twilight movies?

8 Clues: What is his full name?What is the weird nickname he has?What is Robert Pattinson's birthday?Who did he play in the twilight movies?Who did he play in the Harry Potter francise?Who did his ex (first one mentioned) date after him?Who did he date after the afore mentioned individual?Who had Rpattz dated around the twilight filming timeframe?

Golf Guys 2024-08-12

Golf Guys crossword puzzle
  1. Maggie Mae waiter
  2. DTE's score at TC9
  3. Owns a pool init.
  4. CH unit
  5. #5 AG hazard
  6. Par on #5 at A.G.
  7. Recently retired init.
  1. Just ______
  2. Lego car builder
  3. Late pm golf offering
  4. DTE saying
  5. Has his own vodka line
  6. Ball spin meas.
  7. "caddy" color

14 Clues: CH unitDTE sayingJust ______#5 AG hazard"caddy" colorBall spin meas.Lego car builderMaggie Mae waiterOwns a pool init.Par on #5 at A.G.DTE's score at TC9Late pm golf offeringHas his own vodka lineRecently retired init.

Halloween - Chloe Peters 2015-10-05

Halloween - Chloe Peters crossword puzzle
  1. An outfit worn; usually to pretend to be something you're not.
  2. A human-like object used to scare crows away from crops.
  3. An apparition; a spirit; a soul of the dead living among us.
  4. An alternate name for the holiday Halloween (Hint: All _____s Eve)
  5. Can be made into pie and jack'o'lanterns.
  6. A famous reanimated corpse - a mad scientist created him.
  7. A bird that can rotate its head 270 degrees.
  8. A half human half wolf hybrid that comes out on nights when the moon is full (think Jacob from Twilight)
  9. Something children receive on Halloween night.
  10. All the bones in the human body.
  11. A costume that is common among girls on Halloween (one step lower than queen)
  12. A bloodsucking monster who turns to dust in sunlight (Think Edward from Twilight)
  1. Children going door-to-door on halloween night.
  2. Members of the undead - corpses that have come alive.
  3. The season which Halloween takes place in.
  4. A house that is haunted.
  5. The bones inside your head (Starts with s)
  6. A woman who has magical powers (Hint: usually has a wart)
  7. A cat who is believed to be bad luck.
  8. People with arachnophobia hate these web-spinning bugs.

20 Clues: A house that is haunted.All the bones in the human body.A cat who is believed to be bad luck.Can be made into pie and jack'o'lanterns.The season which Halloween takes place in.The bones inside your head (Starts with s)A bird that can rotate its head 270 degrees.Something children receive on Halloween night....

Sammy's Crossword by Mary 2019-12-17

Sammy's Crossword by Mary crossword puzzle
  1. ship name
  2. rhymes with cl1t
  3. salty appetizer, two words
  4. Morning word
  5. beach body
  6. Twilight?
  7. Mary's favorite food
  8. Ok Google, play
  9. A rose from
  10. not hanging up until you say it
  11. crunchy?
  12. sunburn helper
  1. World's best cat
  2. Sammy's favorite toy
  3. second date
  4. Wednesday night date spot
  5. Swipe swipe swipe
  6. "The blue one or the gray one?" asks Sam
  7. not a sphere
  8. What ___ ___?
  9. A place for first dates

21 Clues: crunchy?ship nameTwilight?beach bodysecond dateA rose fromMorning wordnot a sphereWhat ___ ___?sunburn helperOk Google, playWorld's best catrhymes with cl1tSwipe swipe swipeSammy's favorite toyMary's favorite foodA place for first datesWednesday night date spotsalty appetizer, two wordsnot hanging up until you say it...

LM Crossword Puzzle #1 2024-02-12

LM Crossword Puzzle #1 crossword puzzle
  1. clear, you can see through it
  2. angry, intense
  3. a small thing
  4. cannot be measured
  5. deep sadness
  6. doesn't care
  7. huge, enormous
  8. grab strongly
  1. the time in the late afternoon just before night
  2. individual, unique
  3. do well, thrive
  4. decorate
  5. a lovely or sweet scent/smell
  6. quickly
  7. something that goes on forever
  8. bendable, flexible
  9. willing, glad to do something
  10. suddenly surprised or jolted
  11. stop
  12. move smoothly and effortlessly

20 Clues: stopquicklydecoratedeep sadnessdoesn't carea small thinggrab stronglyangry, intensehuge, enormousdo well, thriveindividual, uniquebendable, flexiblecannot be measuredsuddenly surprised or joltedclear, you can see through ita lovely or sweet scent/smellwilling, glad to do somethingsomething that goes on forevermove smoothly and effortlessly...

Sandra’s crossword 2024-06-25

Sandra’s crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Giant half-brother
  2. Robbie’s sea-side domicile
  3. Stephenie who wrote twilight
  4. Green Italian plumber
  5. Sport with boundaries, 6’s and 4’s
  6. SA mother city
  7. Liverpudlian keeper
  8. ACOTAR question answerer
  1. Golden province
  2. Prythian’s evil queen
  3. Marauder with stag animagus
  4. Phoebes green card husband
  5. Nintendo console
  6. Maternal
  7. Scarcely seen skeletal horse
  8. Robin hood’s animal alter ego
  9. Leonard’s girlfriend

17 Clues: MaternalSA mother cityGolden provinceNintendo consoleGiant half-brotherLiverpudlian keeperLeonard’s girlfriendPrythian’s evil queenGreen Italian plumberACOTAR question answererRobbie’s sea-side domicilePhoebes green card husbandMarauder with stag animagusStephenie who wrote twilightScarcely seen skeletal horseRobin hood’s animal alter ego...

Twilight 2024-08-21

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Πως λένε το αγόρι της Allis
  2. Πωs λένε την αδερφή του Entouart
  3. Πως λένε την κόρη του Entouart και της Bella
  1. Πως λένε τον πατέρα της Bella’s
  2. Πως λένε το αγόρι της Rose

5 Clues: Πως λένε το αγόρι της RoseΠως λένε το αγόρι της AllisΠως λένε τον πατέρα της Bella’sΠωs λένε την αδερφή του EntouartΠως λένε την κόρη του Entouart και της Bella

jj 2014-10-21

jj crossword puzzle
  1. shape
  2. nesasary
  3. matiral
  4. safe
  1. small wing
  2. meeting
  3. sunset
  4. soft glow

8 Clues: safeshapesunsetmeetingmatiralnesasarysoft glowsmall wing

Halloween Crossword 2022-10-10

Halloween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. or treat
  2. Movie
  3. Fruit Heads
  4. Taste the Rainbow
  1. Yellow, Orange, White
  2. The Sanderson Sisters
  3. Trick or Treating with Cars
  4. pieces
  5. O'Lantern
  6. Bella, Edward, Jacob

10 Clues: Moviepiecesor treatO'LanternFruit HeadsTaste the RainbowBella, Edward, JacobYellow, Orange, WhiteThe Sanderson SistersTrick or Treating with Cars


  1. weed
  2. white powder
  3. tasty
  4. kate's pet rock
  5. best person
  1. i love___
  2. best series
  3. keira's child
  4. martinelli's

9 Clues: weedtastyi love___best seriesbest personwhite powdermartinelli'skeira's childkate's pet rock

Halloween Crossword 2022-10-10

Halloween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. or treat
  2. Movie
  3. Fruit Heads
  4. Taste the Rainbow
  1. Yellow, Orange, White
  2. The Sanderson Sisters
  3. Trick or Treating with Cars
  4. pieces
  5. O'Lantern
  6. Bella, Edward, Jacob

10 Clues: Moviepiecesor treatO'LanternFruit HeadsTaste the RainbowBella, Edward, JacobYellow, Orange, WhiteThe Sanderson SistersTrick or Treating with Cars

TWILIGHT 2021-11-15

TWILIGHT crossword puzzle
  1. the emotional one
  2. lover boy that will never get love
  3. the strong one
  1. lover boy
  2. i like people that can kill me

5 Clues: lover boythe strong onethe emotional onei like people that can kill melover boy that will never get love

Trouble With Chickens 2013-04-26

Trouble With Chickens crossword puzzle
  1. carried
  2. death
  3. nessasary
  4. wariness
  1. alusion
  2. fake
  3. evening
  4. gathering-place

8 Clues: fakedeathalusioneveningcarriedwarinessnessasarygathering-place

xCP Crosswords Hollywood Artis (Female/Male) 2020-03-09

xCP Crosswords Hollywood Artis (Female/Male) crossword puzzle
  1. Mission Impossible
  2. a Black Widow
  3. An Ironman
  4. The harley quin
  5. Angelina Jolie's ex
  6. Pirate in pirates of the caribbean
  7. the wonder woman
  1. The Wolverine
  2. Princess Jasmine
  3. The girl in the twilight movie
  4. CaptainAmerica
  5. The female cast in La La Land
  6. Spiderman Homecoming
  7. Beauty and the Beast
  8. the 1st girl in the transformer

15 Clues: An IronmanThe Wolverinea Black WidowCaptainAmericaThe harley quinPrincess Jasminethe wonder womanMission ImpossibleAngelina Jolie's exSpiderman HomecomingBeauty and the BeastThe female cast in La La LandThe girl in the twilight moviethe 1st girl in the transformerPirate in pirates of the caribbean

memes 2021-10-05

memes crossword puzzle
  1. Your so______
  2. only wear__________ underwear
  3. Best movie
  4. Rickybobby
  5. Curt is so
  6. Hold on tight
  1. Twilight saying number 1
  2. Twighlightsaying numer2
  3. we tell her bye
  4. Shes so sweet
  5. All time favorite at arbys
  6. I'm all jacked up on
  7. Keep chokin on my______
  8. I named her after charlie daniels
  9. hand straight out this one

15 Clues: Best movieRickybobbyCurt is soYour so______Shes so sweetHold on tightwe tell her byeI'm all jacked up onTwighlightsaying numer2Keep chokin on my______Twilight saying number 1All time favorite at arbyshand straight out this oneonly wear__________ underwearI named her after charlie daniels

Star Spangled Banner Words 2014-12-02

Star Spangled Banner Words crossword puzzle
  1. poetic abbreviation for “watched”
  2. shining
  3. poetic abbreviation for “over”
  4. dangerous
  5. poetic abbreviation for “through”
  6. constantly moving
  7. feeling very good about something
  8. cheered; poetic abbreviation for “Hailed”
  1. beginning of day
  2. a strong, bright light
  3. bravely
  4. evidence
  5. the time between sunset and dark
  6. piles of earth around a fort to help provide defense
  7. bombs

15 Clues: bombsbravelyshiningevidencedangerousbeginning of dayconstantly movinga strong, bright lightpoetic abbreviation for “over”the time between sunset and darkpoetic abbreviation for “watched”poetic abbreviation for “through”feeling very good about somethingcheered; poetic abbreviation for “Hailed”piles of earth around a fort to help provide defense

1990s Books and Literature 2024-08-05

1990s Books and Literature crossword puzzle
  1. - "My Sister's Keeper" author
  2. - Meyer's vampire saga
  3. - "High Fidelity" author
  4. - "Green Mile" author
  5. - "Harry Potter" author
  6. - "Absolute Power" author
  7. - "The Notebook" author
  8. - "Catcher in the Rye" author
  9. - "Scarpetta" series author
  10. - "Lecter" sequel by Harris
  1. - "Harry" boy wizard
  2. - "Jurassic Park" author
  3. - Legal thriller author
  4. - "One Hundred Years" author
  5. - "This Boy's Life" author

15 Clues: - "Harry" boy wizard- "Green Mile" author- Meyer's vampire saga- Legal thriller author- "Harry Potter" author- "The Notebook" author- "Jurassic Park" author- "High Fidelity" author- "Absolute Power" author- "This Boy's Life" author- "Scarpetta" series author- "Lecter" sequel by Harris- "One Hundred Years" author- "My Sister's Keeper" author...

Vocab Project 4 2021-04-19

Vocab Project 4 crossword puzzle
  1. acclaim or praise
  2. a truth or type of conduct
  3. pertaining to twilight
  4. to regard with respect
  5. of questionable authenticity
  6. submissive
  7. marked by luxury or pleasure
  8. effective
  9. to overwhelm
  1. to alienate
  2. mutually destructive
  3. a release of emotional tension
  4. relating to a things basic nature
  5. rotten and foul smelling
  6. relating to laughter

15 Clues: effectivesubmissiveto alienateto overwhelmacclaim or praisemutually destructiverelating to laughterpertaining to twilightto regard with respectrotten and foul smellinga truth or type of conductof questionable authenticitymarked by luxury or pleasurea release of emotional tensionrelating to a things basic nature

LATIN WORDS 2022-05-05

LATIN WORDS crossword puzzle
  1. goodbye
  2. rain shower
  3. courage in the face of danger
  4. twilight
  5. to do is to dare
  6. light winter
  7. Taking control with military
  1. He called him self dictator for life.
  2. conqure all
  3. to flash lighting
  4. siez the day
  5. sun set
  6. always faithful
  7. A royal family line
  8. A great emperor whose name starts with A.

15 Clues: goodbyesun settwilightconqure allrain showersiez the daylight winteralways faithfulto do is to dareto flash lightingA royal family lineTaking control with militarycourage in the face of dangerHe called him self dictator for life.A great emperor whose name starts with A.

Jane's a Pain 2022-07-31

Jane's a Pain crossword puzzle
  1. D&D club
  2. bed buddy
  3. bloody obsession
  4. kk reboot
  5. first film
  1. growing vegetable
  2. sport
  3. cardboard creation
  4. OMITB network
  5. she cool with a pool

10 Clues: sportD&D clubbed buddykk rebootfirst filmOMITB networkbloody obsessiongrowing vegetablecardboard creationshe cool with a pool

Test Your Spy Skills 2023-04-08

Test Your Spy Skills crossword puzzle
  1. a spy’s namesake
  2. opposite of day rise
  3. amalgamation creature
  4. lightning ________
  5. a good profession to support your little brother
  6. arctic bird secret agent
  1. manufacturer of fakes
  2. dusk
  3. twinkle twinkle
  4. Shrek’s lover
  5. Secret ______
  6. the ultimate snack
  7. job to secure world peace

13 Clues: duskShrek’s loverSecret ______twinkle twinklea spy’s namesakethe ultimate snacklightning ________opposite of day risemanufacturer of fakesamalgamation creaturearctic bird secret agentjob to secure world peacea good profession to support your little brother

2000s Culture 2024-07-29

2000s Culture crossword puzzle
  1. vampire romance series
  2. financial crisis
  3. streaming services
  4. tv genre boom
  5. music sharing service
  6. high definition disc
  7. early social network
  1. popular wizard series
  2. wireless internet connection
  3. online journal
  4. catastrophic storm
  5. video sharing platform
  6. portable music player

13 Clues: tv genre boomonline journalfinancial crisiscatastrophic stormstreaming serviceshigh definition discearly social networkpopular wizard seriesmusic sharing serviceportable music playervampire romance seriesvideo sharing platformwireless internet connection

Vocab Unit 8Rela 2023-12-11

Vocab Unit 8Rela crossword puzzle
  1. Half a Sphere
  2. Zenith's Inverse
  3. Constellation Diagram
  4. Peak
  5. A group of stars
  6. Relating to Twilight
  7. A thing originating in space
  1. Sun's Crossing of the Equator
  2. Awake at Night
  3. Hibernates
  4. Longest/Shortest day of a season
  5. Light Show

12 Clues: PeakHibernatesLight ShowHalf a SphereAwake at NightZenith's InverseA group of starsRelating to TwilightConstellation DiagramA thing originating in spaceSun's Crossing of the EquatorLongest/Shortest day of a season

Teen Books 2024-07-05

Teen Books crossword puzzle
  1. The Maze Runner
  2. The Hunger Games
  3. Divergent
  4. Alex Rider: Stormbreaker
  5. The Book Thief
  6. The Fault in Our Stars
  7. Shatter Me
  1. Eleanor and Park
  2. Twilight
  3. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  4. Percy Jackson and the Olympians
  5. Northern Lights

12 Clues: TwilightDivergentShatter MeThe Book ThiefThe Maze RunnerNorthern LightsEleanor and ParkThe Hunger GamesThe Fault in Our StarsAlex Rider: StormbreakerThe Perks of Being a WallflowerPercy Jackson and the Olympians

Katelyn's Biggie Big Crossword 2021-11-11

Katelyn's Biggie Big Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Childhood pet
  2. Chapter's Favorite Song
  3. Favorite thing to drink
  4. Favorite Movie Saga
  5. Favorite Fruit
  1. Celebrity Crush
  2. Favorite Show (On Netflix rn)
  3. Favorite Candy
  4. Favorite Food
  5. Favorite KPop Group
  6. Favorite Color

11 Clues: Childhood petFavorite FoodFavorite CandyFavorite FruitFavorite ColorCelebrity CrushFavorite KPop GroupFavorite Movie SagaChapter's Favorite SongFavorite thing to drinkFavorite Show (On Netflix rn)

Twilight Hunter questions 2024-08-07

Twilight Hunter questions crossword puzzle
  1. needs food
  2. place to hide
  3. not moving
  4. The story tells about things that could really happen. event in a story
  5. search for food
  6. The events in a story
  1. flies slowly
  2. has gone away
  3. to jump
  4. Early morning
  5. quiet

11 Clues: quietto jumpneeds foodnot movingflies slowlyhas gone awayEarly morningplace to hidesearch for foodThe events in a storyThe story tells about things that could really happen. event in a story

Nathan Nwamoh 2021-01-27

Nathan Nwamoh crossword puzzle
  1. Zone and Abyss
  2. Stage
  3. fatfish
  4. Oppourtunist Phase
  5. break down bone,creating sulphr
  6. up to two years Crustacenans crabs,mollusks,and,worms
  1. Scavenger Phase
  2. Zone
  3. bacteria which grows in mats mats
  4. oceans of the world
  5. Southern
  6. Zone
  7. snails ,muscles and worms
  8. last 50 years or more
  9. up to two years

15 Clues: ZoneZoneStagefatfishSouthernZone and AbyssScavenger Phaseup to two yearsOppourtunist Phaseoceans of the worldlast 50 years or moresnails ,muscles and wormsbreak down bone,creating sulphrbacteria which grows in mats matsup to two years Crustacenans crabs,mollusks,and,worms

Of mice and men - chapter 1 2024-04-08

Of mice and men - chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. alarmed
  2. carress, stroke
  3. fallen lassen
  4. unschuld
  5. strained
  6. to nip
  7. toplayer of a mass of water
  8. trash
  9. a water channel
  10. in a row
  11. filthy
  12. do as you are told
  13. zugeben
  14. bewildered
  1. 3.8 litres
  2. stay
  3. a handful
  4. happily
  5. to appear
  6. a rabbit cage
  7. twilight, when it gets dark at night
  8. facial expressions
  9. pfeiffen
  10. think about/of
  11. flow of a river
  12. to come closer

26 Clues: staytrashto nipfilthyalarmedhappilyzugebenunschuldstrainedpfeiffenin a rowa handfulto appear3.8 litresbewilderedfallen lassena rabbit cagethink about/ofto come closercarress, strokea water channelflow of a riverfacial expressionsdo as you are toldtoplayer of a mass of watertwilight, when it gets dark at night

For 7th Class 2021-06-14

For 7th Class crossword puzzle
  1. Something that is reflecting
  2. Pozuoti
  3. Something that is not unique
  4. Muzikinis instrumentas kuris prasideda iš V
  5. Inspiring
  6. A metal that is heavy
  7. Tiksli kopija
  8. Gali sverti kažką
  9. Luitas
  10. A team
  11. Lauke vieta kur gali atsisėsti prasideda iš t
  1. Užšalęs
  2. Metal
  3. A construction where all the packages come and go
  4. Do it completly
  5. Surengti
  6. Tikslumas
  7. Its getting dark it starts from t
  8. Ribotis
  9. Rūmai
  10. Something with constructions

21 Clues: MetalRūmaiLuitasA teamUžšalęsPozuotiRibotisSurengtiInspiringTikslumasTiksli kopijaDo it completlyGali sverti kažkąA metal that is heavySomething that is reflectingSomething that is not uniqueSomething with constructionsIts getting dark it starts from tMuzikinis instrumentas kuris prasideda iš VLauke vieta kur gali atsisėsti prasideda iš t...

Std 10, set 1 2019-12-18

Std 10, set 1 crossword puzzle
  1. divine food, sent by the Heavens
  2. a common name for a big ship
  3. walked laboriously, slowly
  4. stately
  5. tied, bound
  6. mixture, blend
  7. allegation
  8. undersize, puny
  9. floating piece of wood
  10. forging
  11. area where the mouth of the river splits into several channels
  1. risk
  2. miscreants,
  3. sunset
  4. a high stand
  5. Diana’s lover on earth
  6. a resident of Nazareth
  7. not attracting attention, discreetly
  8. accustomed
  9. lonely
  10. fever with shivering

21 Clues: risksunsetlonelystatelyforgingallegationaccustomedmiscreants,tied, bounda high standmixture, blendundersize, punyfever with shiveringDiana’s lover on eartha resident of Nazarethfloating piece of woodwalked laboriously, slowlya common name for a big shipdivine food, sent by the Heavensnot attracting attention, discreetly...

20 2024-08-27

20 crossword puzzle
  1. One-winged angel
  2. Masked man
  3. Vampiric anti-hero
  4. Chuunin traitor
  5. Fallen angel
  6. Cold-blooded killer
  7. Immortal alchemist
  8. Death Note user
  9. Spider yokai
  10. Dragon of gold
  11. Demon king
  1. King of Heroes
  2. Spirit world fighter
  3. Cannibal villain
  4. Witch leader
  5. Cruel leader
  6. Snake master
  7. Dark overlord
  8. Mad clown
  9. Twilight usurper
  10. Demon of the Mist
  11. Demon prince
  12. Hero killer
  13. Burned warrior
  14. Possessed warrior

25 Clues: Mad clownMasked manDemon kingHero killerWitch leaderCruel leaderSnake masterFallen angelDemon princeSpider yokaiDark overlordKing of HeroesBurned warriorDragon of goldChuunin traitorDeath Note userOne-winged angelCannibal villainTwilight usurperDemon of the MistPossessed warriorVampiric anti-heroImmortal alchemistCold-blooded killer...

life:) 2021-11-01

life:) crossword puzzle
  1. softball number
  2. favorite movie(s)
  3. fav animal
  4. pink shirt, orange pants, yellow socks
  5. started in 7th grade
  1. favorite holiday
  2. my nickname
  3. started in kindergarten
  4. fav color
  5. my age
  6. how many siblings

11 Clues: my agefav colorfav animalmy nicknamesoftball numberfavorite holidayfavorite movie(s)how many siblingsstarted in 7th gradestarted in kindergartenpink shirt, orange pants, yellow socks

How well do you know your movies? 2021-08-04

How well do you know your movies? crossword puzzle
  1. Conjuring horror
  2. Mia Musical
  3. blue people
  4. Dream inside a dream
  5. Funny guy
  6. Oscar-winning movie for best picture
  1. supernatural
  2. space and time
  3. superhero
  4. girls Regina

10 Clues: superheroFunny guyMia Musicalblue peoplesupernaturalgirls Reginaspace and timeConjuring horrorDream inside a dreamOscar-winning movie for best picture

Students at Mohawk 2023-10-10

Students at Mohawk crossword puzzle
  1. Tall mechanic
  2. Loves Twilight
  3. Plays hockey and anemic
  4. Plays soccer
  5. Long, luscious hair
  6. Plays Apex
  7. Thinks she's going to be famous.
  1. Works at Sonic
  2. Birthday in June
  3. Slime video queen
  4. Emo with cute braces
  5. Looks like Sid from Toy Story
  6. Punky Brewster
  7. Drinks too much tea

14 Clues: Plays ApexPlays soccerTall mechanicWorks at SonicLoves TwilightPunky BrewsterBirthday in JuneSlime video queenLong, luscious hairDrinks too much teaEmo with cute bracesPlays hockey and anemicLooks like Sid from Toy StoryThinks she's going to be famous.

WoW 2 2021-09-04

WoW 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Rogue spec, formerly
  2. Enemy
  3. Fel green and Iron red
  4. Number of bosses in Highmaul
  5. ___ of Twilight dungeon
  6. Picking rocks
  7. Orange cats
  1. Nyalotha statue
  2. Something old hunters use
  3. Melee spell
  4. Used to travel to Darnassus
  5. Green dragon
  6. Boss who said “Your heart will explode”
  7. Fire spreader
  8. Multi-purpose class
  9. Dog with 3 heads

16 Clues: EnemyMelee spellOrange catsGreen dragonFire spreaderPicking rocksNyalotha statueDog with 3 headsMulti-purpose classRogue spec, formerlyFel green and Iron red___ of Twilight dungeonSomething old hunters useUsed to travel to DarnassusNumber of bosses in HighmaulBoss who said “Your heart will explode”

Who sculpted...? 2024-10-31

Who sculpted...? crossword puzzle
  1. Misty's Twilight, Friesian
  2. Sport-Pony Fjord
  3. Troubadour, Vanner Mare and Foal
  4. Idocus, Smart Chic, Roxy
  5. Dundee, Lonesome Glory
  6. Ethereal, Big Ben, Esprit
  7. Welsh Mare and Foal
  1. Desatado, Forever Saige
  2. Alborozo, Totilas, Weather Girl
  3. Duende, Fairfax
  4. Trakehner, Clydesdale family, Arabian family
  5. Strapless, Latigo
  6. Wyatt, Bobby Jo
  7. The Mesteno Series

14 Clues: Duende, FairfaxWyatt, Bobby JoSport-Pony FjordStrapless, LatigoThe Mesteno SeriesWelsh Mare and FoalDundee, Lonesome GloryDesatado, Forever SaigeIdocus, Smart Chic, RoxyEthereal, Big Ben, EspritMisty's Twilight, FriesianAlborozo, Totilas, Weather GirlTroubadour, Vanner Mare and FoalTrakehner, Clydesdale family, Arabian family

Rebecca's Crossword #1 2022-09-14

Rebecca's Crossword #1 crossword puzzle
  1. but first,
  2. the period between sunset and dusk
  3. oldest team sport in North America
  4. short and simple
  5. to confuse or fluster
  6. a winter squash
  7. promotes coziness
  1. a gemstone
  2. pretending
  3. fire tool
  4. scary
  5. goes from z to a instead of a to z
  6. a mischievous activity
  7. beat cleverly

14 Clues: scaryfire toola gemstonepretendingbut first,beat cleverlya winter squashshort and simplepromotes cozinessto confuse or flustera mischievous activitythe period between sunset and duskgoes from z to a instead of a to zoldest team sport in North America

amberham! 2024-04-16

amberham! crossword puzzle
  1. cat's name
  2. fav show
  3. most listened to artist on spotify
  4. chick fil a order (hint: sandwich!)
  5. favorite coffee flavor :D!
  6. fav activity
  7. favorite color
  8. fav book series
  1. my middle name ?
  2. MY favorite rise and fall of a midwest princess song
  3. future wife
  4. fav animal
  5. place of birth
  6. rising sign?

14 Clues: fav showcat's namefav animalfuture wifefav activityrising sign?favorite colorplace of birthfav book seriesmy middle name ?favorite coffee flavor :D!most listened to artist on spotifychick fil a order (hint: sandwich!)MY favorite rise and fall of a midwest princess song

About me 2024-01-17

About me crossword puzzle
  1. favorite movie
  2. favorite color
  3. favorite sport
  4. favorite flower
  5. like to do my
  1. favorite show
  2. my middle name
  3. 4s favorite shoes
  4. favorite animal
  5. favorite food

10 Clues: favorite showfavorite foodlike to do mymy middle namefavorite moviefavorite colorfavorite sportfavorite animalfavorite flower4s favorite shoes

The ocean 2023-12-24

The ocean crossword puzzle
  1. In the midnight and abyssal zones, the water is very ________.
  2. Many of the animals in midnight and abyssal zone have gotten used to the heavy __________.
  3. There are many __________ that lives in all part of the oceans.
  4. ________ is the second layer.
  5. ______ % of the animals in the ocean lives in sunlight zone.
  1. ________ covers a huge part of the earth.
  2. The animals in the bottom zone make their own _________.
  3. The _________ zone is the top layer that receives more sun than any other layer.
  4. The twilight zone is cold and a bit _________.
  5. The bottom most zones are midnight and ____________.

10 Clues: ________ is the second layer.________ covers a huge part of the earth.The twilight zone is cold and a bit _________.The bottom most zones are midnight and ____________.The animals in the bottom zone make their own _________.______ % of the animals in the ocean lives in sunlight zone.In the midnight and abyssal zones, the water is very ________....


ENGLISH 4 VOCAB LESSON 4 crossword puzzle
  1. relating to laughter
  2. effective
  3. A claim or praise
  4. to alienate
  5. of questionable authenticity
  6. mutually destructive
  7. A truth or rule of conduct
  8. pertaining to twilight
  1. Marked by luxury
  2. To regard with respect or awe
  3. to overwhelm
  4. Submissive; slavish
  5. Of relating to a things basic nature
  6. release of emotion
  7. Rotten and foul smelling

15 Clues: effectiveto alienateto overwhelmMarked by luxuryA claim or praiserelease of emotionSubmissive; slavishrelating to laughtermutually destructivepertaining to twilightRotten and foul smellingA truth or rule of conductof questionable authenticityTo regard with respect or aweOf relating to a things basic nature

teste 2023-05-19

teste crossword puzzle
  1. (Marvel's armored hero)
  2. (Boy wizard's adventures)
  3. (Animated fish quest)
  4. (Disaster romance with DiCaprio)
  5. (Russell Crowe's Roman warrior)
  6. (Batman sequel with Ledger)
  7. (James Cameron's sci-fi epic)
  1. (Marvel superhero franchise)
  2. (Disney's swashbuckling series)
  3. (Epic fantasy trilogy)
  4. (Ogre animated film)
  5. (Vampire love story)
  6. (Cyberpunk action film)
  7. (Dark knight vigilante)
  8. (Dream heist thriller)

15 Clues: (Ogre animated film)(Vampire love story)(Animated fish quest)(Epic fantasy trilogy)(Dream heist thriller)(Marvel's armored hero)(Cyberpunk action film)(Dark knight vigilante)(Boy wizard's adventures)(Batman sequel with Ledger)(Marvel superhero franchise)(James Cameron's sci-fi epic)(Disney's swashbuckling series)(Russell Crowe's Roman warrior)...

stone fox vocb words 1-4 2015-03-02

stone fox vocb words 1-4 crossword puzzle
  1. the border of
  2. a type of horse
  3. to present
  4. a leafy plant
  5. to assist crops
  6. about where
  7. an instrument
  8. to assume form as an impending event
  9. coop a coop for chickens
  10. to notice or realize
  1. a type of gun
  2. to make effort
  3. to talk sharply
  4. the state of gloom
  5. the act to explain
  6. in the state of being happy
  7. fully aged
  8. to bounce off
  9. a type of horse
  10. to make better

20 Clues: to presentfully agedabout wherea type of gunthe border ofa leafy plantto bounce offan instrumentto make effortto make betterto talk sharplya type of horseto assist cropsa type of horsethe state of gloomthe act to explainto notice or realizecoop a coop for chickensin the state of being happyto assume form as an impending event

Crossword Puzzle:-A dog named Duke 2024-07-12

Crossword Puzzle:-A dog named Duke crossword puzzle
  1. Stamina
  2. Smile
  3. Movement
  4. Evening
  1. Suprised
  2. Next target
  3. Dog's house
  4. Bent down

8 Clues: SmileStaminaEveningSuprisedMovementBent downNext targetDog's house

Crossword Puzzle:-A dog named Duke 2024-07-12

Crossword Puzzle:-A dog named Duke crossword puzzle
  1. Stamina
  2. Smile
  3. Movement
  4. Evening
  1. Suprised
  2. Next target
  3. Dog's house
  4. Bent down

8 Clues: SmileStaminaEveningSuprisedMovementBent downNext targetDog's house

Quick Crossword 2020-04-03

Quick Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Heavenly gift
  2. Take no notice
  3. Be disloyal
  4. Facial feature
  5. Without value
  6. Absurd situation
  7. Man's best friend
  8. Leafy green vegetable
  9. String instrument
  10. Likes to chase mice
  11. Scared
  12. Surgical dressing
  13. Dusk
  14. Dog lineage
  15. Flying mammal
  16. Post
  17. Largest Channel Island
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Hogwarts Headmaster
  3. Wind instrument
  4. Maze
  5. Water storage lake
  6. Has a trunk
  7. Social advantage
  8. Root vegetable
  9. Country with longest coastline
  10. Urgent
  11. Second-in-command
  12. Self-satisfied

29 Clues: MazeDuskPostUrgentScaredBe disloyalHas a trunkDog lineageHeavenly giftWithout valueFlying mammalTake no noticeFacial featureRoot vegetableSelf-satisfiedLarge marsupialWind instrumentAbsurd situationSocial advantageMan's best friendString instrumentSecond-in-commandSurgical dressingWater storage lakeHogwarts HeadmasterLikes to chase mice...

The Enemy Parts 3, 4, & 5 2017-04-16

The Enemy Parts 3, 4, & 5 crossword puzzle
  1. agree
  2. lessen or calm
  3. failure to fulfill one's oligations
  4. very thin from hunger or age
  5. proven guilty
  6. obligated
  7. to strenghten
  8. great enthusiasm
  9. twilight or sunset
  10. a place that lends money at high interest in exchange for personal property.
  1. has the upper hand
  2. concerened
  3. abruptly
  4. a branch
  5. direspectfully
  6. two weeks
  7. untidy , sloppy or unkempt
  8. very shy
  9. the color red
  10. intense hate
  11. carry out an order or death sentence
  12. sharp intake of air

22 Clues: agreeabruptlya branchvery shytwo weeksobligatedconcerenedintense hatethe color redproven guiltyto strenghtendirespectfullylessen or calmgreat enthusiasmhas the upper handtwilight or sunsetsharp intake of airuntidy , sloppy or unkemptvery thin from hunger or agefailure to fulfill one's oligationscarry out an order or death sentence...


FAMOUS AUTHORS crossword puzzle
  1. The Last Song
  2. The Hunger Games
  3. My Sisters Keeper
  4. Hush Hush Saga
  5. Vampire Academy
  6. The Lord of the Rings
  7. Mortal Instruments and the Infernal Devices
  8. Tomorrow When the War Began
  9. Gallagher Girls Series
  10. Inkheart
  1. Vampire Diaries and the Secret Circle
  2. The Inheritance Cycle
  3. To Kill A Mockingbird
  4. Fallen Series
  5. I Am Number 4
  6. The Host and Twilight Series
  7. Percy Jackson saga
  8. Harry Potter
  9. Romeo and Juliet
  10. Divergent
  11. The Chronicles of Narnia

21 Clues: InkheartDivergentHarry PotterThe Last SongFallen SeriesI Am Number 4Hush Hush SagaVampire AcademyThe Hunger GamesRomeo and JulietMy Sisters KeeperPercy Jackson sagaThe Inheritance CycleTo Kill A MockingbirdThe Lord of the RingsGallagher Girls SeriesThe Chronicles of NarniaTomorrow When the War BeganThe Host and Twilight Series...

bijnazomerpuzzel 2013-04-04

bijnazomerpuzzel crossword puzzle
  1. cocktail
  2. schaaldier
  3. australische zanger
  4. zomerse verwennerij
  5. zuiderse vakantiebestemming
  6. zuiderse vakantiebestemming
  7. bruinen
  8. zomerschoenen
  9. sprookjesfiguur
  10. snel vaartuig
  11. korrels a. d. zee
  12. behoefte aan drinken
  13. sneetje geroosterd brood
  14. reiskoffers
  15. zeehond
  16. ezelsgeluid
  1. dessert
  2. hulpmiddel om beter te zien
  3. hoofddeksel
  4. strandkledij
  5. bril tegen de zon
  6. panty
  7. werpsport
  8. reiskoffer
  9. café
  10. hoodfrol in twilight
  11. geen school
  12. warmtegevend ruimtefiguur
  13. gek
  14. deel v. d. week
  15. frisdrank
  16. grappige gebeurtenis
  17. kampeergerei
  18. vervoermiddel

34 Clues: gekcafépantydessertbruinenzeehondcocktailwerpsportfrisdrankschaaldierreiskofferhoofddekselgeen schoolreiskoffersezelsgeluidstrandkledijkampeergereizomerschoenensnel vaartuigvervoermiddelsprookjesfiguurdeel v. d. weekbril tegen de zonkorrels a. d. zeeaustralische zangerzomerse verwennerijhoodfrol in twilightgrappige gebeurtenisbehoefte aan drinken...